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# Topics and trigger questions
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## Background
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The texts with ids b001-b064 and k001-k031 have been collected in a controlled
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text generation experiment from 23 subjects discussing various controversial
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issues. Below is a list of the topics and the corresponding trigger question in the experiment.
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Note that the subjects in the experiment chose from the German trigger questions and wrote German text, that was only later professionally translated to English. For more information about the experiment and the translation, see ECA Paper.
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## Data format
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The xml representation of the arguments includes a reference to the topic id and the authors stance towards the topic, for example:
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<arggraph id="micro_b003" topic_id="health_insurance_cover_complementary_medicine" stance="con">
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## List of the topics
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* `introduce_capital_punishment`
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de: Sollte Deutschland die Todesstrafe einführen?
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en: Should Germany introduce the death penalty?
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* `stricter_regulation_of_intelligence_services`
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de: Sollten Geheimdienste stärker vom Parlament kontrolliert werden?
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en: Should intelligence services be regulated more tightly by parliament?
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* `higher_dog_poo_fines`
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de: Sollte es höhere Geldstrafen für auf Gehwegen hinterlassene Hundehaufen geben?
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en: Should the fine for leaving dog excrements on sideways be increased?
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* `public_broadcasting_fees_on_demand`
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de: Sollte der Rundfunkbeitrag nur von denen eingefordert werden, die das Angebot der Öffentlich Rechtlichen Sender auch nutzen wollen?
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en: Should only those viewers pay a TV licence fee who actually want to watch programs offered by public broadcasters?
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* `over_the_counter_morning_after_pill`
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de: Sollte die „Pille danach“ rezeptfrei in Apotheken erhältlich sein?
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en: Should the morning-after pill be sold over the counter at the pharmacy?
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* `charge_tuition_fees`
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de: Sollten alle Universitäten in Deutschland Studiengebühren verlangen?
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en: Should all universities in Germany charge tuition fees?
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* `partial_housing_development_at_Tempelhofer_Feld`
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de: Sollten Teile des Tempelhofer Felds für den Wohnungsbau zur Verfügung stehen?
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en: Should parts of the Tempelhofer Feld be made available for residential construction?
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* `increase_weight_of_BA_thesis_in_final_grade`
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de: Sollte die Bachelorarbeit einen größeren Anteil an der Studien-Gesamtnote haben?
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en: Should the weight of the BA thesis in the final grade be increased?
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* `cap_rent_increases`
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de: Sollte es eine Begrenzung für Mietpreiserhöhungen beim Wechsel des Mieters geben?
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en: Should there be a cap on rent increases for a change of tenant?
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* `health_insurance_cover_complementary_medicine`
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de: Sollten die gesetzlichen Krankenkassen Behandlungen beim Natur- oder Heilpraktiker zahlen?
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en: Should public health insurance cover treatments in complementary and alternative medicine?
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* `allow_shops_to_open_on_holidays_and_sundays`
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de: Sollte es Supermärkten und Einkaufszentren erlaubt werden an beliebigen Sonn- und Feiertagen zu öffnen?
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en: Should shopping malls generally be allowed to open on holidays and Sundays?
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* `EU_influence_on_political_events_in_Ukraine`
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de: Sollte die EU auf politische Geschehen in der Ukraine Einfluss nehmen?
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en: Should the EU exert influence on the political events in Ukraine?
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* `keep_retirement_at_63`
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de: Sollte das Renteneintrittsalter auch in Zukunft bei 63 Jahren liegen?
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en: Should the statutory retirement age remain at 63 years in the future?
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* `buy_tax_evader_data_from_dubious_sources`
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de: Sollte Deutschland CDs mit Daten von Steuersündern aus dubiosen Quellen ankaufen?
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en: Should Germany buy CDs with tax evader data from dubious sources?
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* `TXL_airport_remain_operational_after_BER_opening`
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de: Sollte der Flughafen Berlin Tegel auch nach Eröffnung vom Flughafen BER weiter in Betrieb bleiben?
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en: Should the Berlin Tegel airport remain operational after the opening of the Berlin Brandenburg airport?
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* `make_video_games_olympic`
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de: Sollten Videospiele in den Reigen der Olympischen Disziplinen aufgenommen werden?
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en: Should video games be made olympic?
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* `school_uniforms`
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de: Sollten an unseren Schulen wieder Schul-Uniformen getragen werden?
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en: Should school uniforms be worn again in our schools?
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* `waste_separation`
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de: Sollte wir unseren Müll weiterhin für das Recycling trennen?
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en: Should we continue to separate our waste for recycling?