{"image_path": "images/images_geogasm/6Xv9zhYR8q517DJU/1/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 1, "lat": 24.57125380284082, "lng": -81.74811626933098, "continent": "North America", "country": "United States"}, "split_transcript": "through the whole United States [Music] welcome to geoghasm today we're going to play Geo detective I personally like to take some time and look around and gather the clues and think about it and then guess something rather than very fast paced games so this might be just something for me and possibly for you you can play along by clicking on this link down in the description the way I recommend this to be played is that you play one round when you have clicked on the location do not click guess yet but go back to my video and watch that particular round to the end and only then just click on the guest that keeps the maximum tension because then you don't know what the location is when you're watching my video then go back to your game and do the same for the next round but if that sounds complicated or annoying to you you can also just play through the whole thing and then watch my video or you can just watch my video if that's the only thing you want you do you right this map is ended for non-moving games difficulty is mixed so some locations are meant to be hard we are going to have no time limit moving is not allowed and off we go [Music] okay so this the sun is right there in the East so that's not very helpful yield drive on the right College Road US1 so we are in the United States United States yes indeed we are in the United States for some reason there is a person riding a bike in the United States hmm that's very surprising this looks very Southern with the palm trees and everything there are no front plates in some of the cars that tells something to someone for sure us one that is probably something that we could find there must be a road number one somewhere it could very well be in California I think the numbering starts from here if I'm not mistaken there's 101 that's a famous road but where is us one but we got one here um but that's a local Road I can't quite see what these things are unfortunately but if this is the one we're talking about where is there a college I'm thinking this would make more sense right US1 would be San Francisco perhaps the 101 is going West and East and College Road is to the north this doesn't seem right a well-named Corona Road here wonder if they would want to change the name get education tribe that's pretty close to a college Road isn't it there is a college library here but no College Road it seems so close though so close Okay so I couldn't find it south of San Francisco so I guess I'll go back to San Francisco and look up north from there getting kind of tired with this one I could not find it so I wonder what should I do at this point okay so a new tactic I didn't find anything and I spent way too much time on that then I thought maybe this is not the right number one maybe there are more number ones and then I thought I'll go to Washington because I thought maybe row number one starts from Washington I don't know well I did find row number one and it's uh Highway one U.S Highway one so I was like all right Yes actually it's this one in the east coast so I decided to follow it all the way through New York and Boston and so on and I I spent quite a lot of time quite a lot of time but because I'm I'm completely sure this is the road and I will just find it I will find it I went down all the way to the southernmost point of Road one I just checked where it is and Key West the number one Highway goes all the way here to the southernmost point of the Continental USA and then I decided that let's start from this end and see if we can actually get to something like a college Road oh so I'm not very much looking forward to this but but anyway here is mile marker zero that's what I found zero mile art this is a thing apparently in the United States [Applause] foreign [Music] holy [\u00a0__\u00a0] College Road going north and then turning to the left oh it doesn't it looks like it turns more to the left but makes sense there's some building there there is a bridge here that tracks and most importantly there is water on the south side that explains these boats here oh for [\u00a0__\u00a0] sake so all this time it was in the very beginning of row number one I guess that makes sense if you think about how you're supposed to find this place without being as crazy as I am and go through the whole United States the College of the Florida Keys never heard of it so it's not like very important we're actually on the road a little bit so here yes yes oh I'm sure you know it's not better detectives or whatever could have found this quicker but I literally had to ", "points": "5000", "distance": 0.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "6Xv9zhYR8q517DJU", "mapSlug": "5d374dc141d2a43c1cd4527b", 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looks like it has some Arabic colors to it but at least right now I don't recognize it hmm the sun is quite high up but in the South I would say uh saluba has them cookie plus Nora okay I don't approve of this put it somewhere where it's not as historical as this so what is that flag could it be hmm you can see the city there in the South and it has minarets so this is not Morocco what is the current flag of uh Libya um all cheers hmm could there be something like this here or is that the Egyptian flag what about Alexandria alburgefort [Music] where is the actual Port it doesn't look very 40. and if it were this one there wouldn't be any land there it's Adele 15th century Fortress and Naval Museum outer side is round and faces pretty much South north we could be here if we were here the Citadel side would be visible I think straight to the West not really but Southwest you could see City maybe maybe that's I don't think so and also this ramping this doesn't quite match up with that one but the the compass could be wrong but what I'm thinking here is that according to this picture we should definitely be like here and it doesn't quite fit but this is certainly the best best I've got if I don't find anything else [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] just checking the the coastline for cities and castles not gonna do this forever but I'm not completely satisfied with the castle that I found [Music] there is a minaret just a little bit South West from here quite far so we should be kind of looking at like like somewhere here there is a mosque really far there large architecturally notable mosque that could be this one uh I don't think this is right but I'm going to guess this one laughs wow um wow I just I I still don't believe that this is this is correct but I take it uh it was the only one that that fit so it was the Egyptian flag and uh I am very happy with this one good job good job me thank you me oh these are really tough but I like it that way so let's just uh ", "points": "5000", "distance": 0.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "6Xv9zhYR8q517DJU", "mapSlug": "5d374dc141d2a43c1cd4527b", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 26, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5d374dc141d2a43c1cd4527b", "name": "GeoDetective", "slug": "5d374dc141d2a43c1cd4527b", "description": "This map is intended for non-moving games, difficulty is mixed so some locations are meant to be hard. 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either the famous one or a look-alike and you're supposed to find on the map at first which one it is and where it is let's make round time for 10 minutes and uh no moving and I'll make it a challenge so there is the invite link I'm gonna copy it and it will be down below and you can play along for free you don't need the Geo guesser subscription to play this the way I suggest you do this is that you have two tabs open one you click open with the link you start the game and one is my video you and for every round you make a guess and before the time Runs Out you switch to the top of my video and you watch my guess on that ground and then after I have guessed and you have seen the result then you can go back to your game and do the same for the next round so you don't spoil the surprise and um if that sounds too complicated for you you can just play through all of it and then come back to watch the video that's perfectly fine as well let's go so I have unfortunately had this one well okay uh because last time I Got 5 000 points on this one as well so it doesn't really matter this is uh very easy so I'm just gonna run through this one that is the type by Taipei 101 this is the original and we are in this corner it will only take a little bit of time here to take a look that okay this is the street with that the towers to the Northwest so here's the tower Northwest here is a park here's a car park you can look at there's the car park I had this last time I played this I only played this once but since I got full points back then as well with ease because I know where this is I don't think it necessitates uh starting a new one one ", "points": "5000", "distance": 0.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "6NZgsRo4bUUiycKb", "mapSlug": "5ffc44266c5b4e000143eb08", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 600, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 29, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": 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we're looking from this corner to know that Southwest how are we looking towards it from to the well I mean to the east south east that's really weird east Southeast so obviously the the compass has to be wrong because you can't look at it from towards the east and see its face so either it's you know Jesus my man so in any case we are on Jesus's right side and we are here um there is around thing here I'm guessing orista actually is [Music] is Jesus wrong way around here I wonder he's looking into the city right he's definitely looking in the city anyway uh we can't be too far off I would say right here that's gonna be good enough for me and yeah is is this a replica uh could this be a replica I haven't actually seen the statue myself the reason why it probably isn't the replica I would say is that this is a huge City in the valley that looks that this could be real the Genero people here look like they could be Brazilians [Music] [Laughter] wow okay you really got me there it really got me there something was off with the statue for sure but the rest of it fit is he looking the wrong direction healed up Jesus yeah there was something was not fitting with the surroundings there and the statue that's true but but everything else fit except except I'm a I didn't look if there's a c wow wow but that was fun they totally got me they totally got me did they get you as well did they get you Jesus Christ if you stop and think about it a little bit none of it really fits because yeah he's ", "points": "757", "distance": 2818.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "6NZgsRo4bUUiycKb", "mapSlug": "5ffc44266c5b4e000143eb08", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 600, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 29, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5ffc44266c5b4e000143eb08", "name": "Dumb Test for Smart People", "slug": "5ffc44266c5b4e000143eb08", 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Each famous place has the original location, plus one lookalike location. Let's see if you can recognise the original landmark, or if you can pinpoint where it's lookalike is! 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little skill and effort a 25k score is always possible but some rounds are harder than others meta knowledge is not required and the compass is never wrong that's important last time I was screwed by the compass so I like that um yeah so I'm going to take on this challenge you can also take on this challenge the rules for this challenge are the same as in the last challenge you can take a look at the previous video to see the instructions how to do this I'm not going to repeat them every time so let's just head right into it there is no time limit and there is no move let's play okay so we are in Europe we have EU plates we have a Dutch text here but we have a Belgian uh web address address and this points to Flanders okay Royal North Sea Yacht Club OST Ender so I'm thinking we are in uh Northern Belgium uh where they speak Dutch this is oh there is OST and so we're probably here and um we have Royal North Sea Yacht Club where is that Royal North Sea Yacht Club that seems pretty easy then this is straight to the east we have the beach turning right here so we are right here looking at the yacht club here in basically in the south east so we are probably right here at the end of this road and there is a pier that starts moving uh to that direction I'm going to go right here let's see what Mr Geo wizard has to say about this now already here without even panic are we seeing a sort of pink cue to these registration plates putting us in Belgium I'm actually used to seeing much more red here but maybe there's something wrong with my eyes but he definitely sees that they are pink maybe I am becoming color blind and can't see that they're pink but interesting because I basically knew that they are Belgian but I still couldn't quite see the mass Belgium so there's something wrong with my eyes I think oh there we go there's the be welcome five loot so this could be like who stand I'll have to look on the map actually I can't remember Avon Master usted yeah this one isn't too hard I mean I'm wondering whether this map is easier than the usual one but we can definitely get this instead yeah so we should be around here no we thought we're up by the beach so we're further up okay let's go in uh yeah I'm happy with that cool five yards amazing easy peasy ", "points": "5000", "distance": 0.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "rOl0yftdT4XQR3YZ", "mapSlug": "607860d406f2740001042c2a", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 17346, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "607860d406f2740001042c2a", "name": "Perfect Detective Map", "slug": "607860d406f2740001042c2a", "description": "Meant to be played in NO MOVING mode. 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If you need to report a bad location: bit.ly/3f6RUX9", "url": "/maps/607860d406f2740001042c2a", "playUrl": "/607860d406f2740001042c2a/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.81138338237332, "lng": -177.3787247676899}, "max": {"lat": 78.2231189912079, "lng": 176.9058221530074}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-04-15T15:50:44.2830000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-08-27T16:15:30.0990000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "sunset", "decoration": "japanese", "ground": "water", "landscape": "volcano"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 14797860, "likes": 1053, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "Tom Davies", 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how do I find out where this is considerably more difficult because it doesn't seem to have the name of the city here my first guess is that this is uh yet the bar I think yet the body has um maybe this kind of building um could also be malamur but I'm not sure I don't think this is a Stockholm actually I'm thinking maybe I should check malmir first turning torso there it is Iconic twisted and sculptured Tower block so I did remember where this was after all there is the the parking um aha then uh turning torso Gallery is actually the name of of the building yes and we have the the park here North West we are right here in this in this corner yep I'm satisfied with this I think this is uh uh the correct Corner since um the roads line up and the compass is not wrong so this is Northwest so this is correct let's see what uh Geo wizard things of this so ah straight away I think I'm nowhere that building is I think it's in Malmo the Turning torso it's called that's very helpful if you recognize the the tower then that's an easy PC oh that's definitely the right building that I was thinking of anyway so we're in Malmo June and this shouldn't be too hard for me to find it should be able to see the writing um the the label for it so he might see a pink color better than I do but he totally just panned over this this building it was in the almost in the middle of his map so at least I see better with my glasses but I need to check my color site I decided ah there is it is an NC turning towards so so we should be there um but yeah that is us four yards this time easy peasy um I can already see that this uh flag is in the wrong place so no zero meters this time because uh I can totally say that we are in the middle of the street and sometimes these things are wrong because if I saw correctly the flag was outside of the street yes this is definitely wrong but I was still better when it's 5 000 points then all the ", "points": "5000", "distance": 0.0, "challenge_info": 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If you need to report a bad location: bit.ly/3f6RUX9", "url": "/maps/607860d406f2740001042c2a", "playUrl": "/607860d406f2740001042c2a/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.81138338237332, "lng": -177.3787247676899}, "max": {"lat": 78.2231189912079, "lng": 176.9058221530074}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-04-15T15:50:44.2830000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-08-27T16:15:30.0990000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "sunset", "decoration": "japanese", "ground": "water", "landscape": "volcano"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 14797860, "likes": 1053, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "Tom Davies", 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compass is never wrong but look at this um so this is the flag of Kazakhstan I'm absolutely certain of this that was the beginning of this so this is Kazakhstan and we are in Astana what was my guess uh then I started looking around and I uh I saw that the river is going here to the south on the south side and west side so I looked at this and I was looking for stuff here because the river would be on the south and the west side it's only after I looked at the Sun and I realized that the sun is in the North the sun is in the north that means that we would be in the southern hemisphere deep in the southern hemisphere so I got really confused about this until I realized that this simply cannot be the compass has to be wrong it has to be in fact as backwards again the compass is exactly wrong it is Kazakhstan flag and also there are other tips here as well there is acrylic there is no place in southern hemisphere that has kerylic after I realized that the sun is in the absolute wrong direction I realize that we are exactly on the opposite side of the river so I finally found uh my place here so we have um lovers Park here big Park uh on the side of it there is a round building like this these were the easiest ones to find then you have something here called the circle the road goes through the circle so you see it here we are on that road right here it's going up and right next to us is uh this building here uh called I guess the Triumph of Astana or something like this so we are right here there is a football field here and some buildings here so these lines up perfectly if I look down I can see that we are pretty much on top of or in the in the corner of this road that is coming from uh from this building right here and it lines up with the fourth building on the other side there are four buildings here so it lines up with this one we are in the middle of of this one my guess is is this one it was a bit more difficult maybe than the previous ones but knowing Kazakhstan flag uh this wasn't too hard it's just the fact that that the compass was actually wrong uh after they promised that it isn't so it took me a while but I will edit that out so you don't have to worry about it I'm just telling you I probably looked around for about 10 minutes so thank you for that whoever made this map I would like to have my 10 minutes back if you could send it to me in on a private message or something like this that would be really nice thank you very much let's see what Mr Geo guesser has to say about this oh my goodness we're up on a building this reminds me of the other map I used to play bird's eye bird's eye view this could be harder this look at the colors of these houses insane buildings that one over there I've got an idea but it's nothing more than an absolute punch in McDonald's down there at first I thought they look and they do look quite Norwegian um or Icelandic or even sort of somewhat Slovakian no Eastern European but I don't think it's eastern Europe just look at these and I think look how spread out they are is that something you would find in Eastern Europe looking at this from an architectural point of view very typical of these former Soviet Asian countries is that they build very bombastic uh capitals like golden buildings there and and so on they might not be very representative of the architecture of the country generally I don't know much about Kazakhstan but I doubt that it looks like this all over the place that might be the reason why there's all sorts of fields about the architecture here and there is the giveaway guys there's a bloody flag it's um it's found it well what is the capital these days is it Astana I think it is Astana but they changed the name to uh I did I think they changed the name to something like not so Sultan but oh there it is actually Nur Sultan yeah Nur Sultan is the is the name of the of the capital nowadays I think we've got water over there to the east doesn't and now he's running the same problem as I did the compass is wrong yeah who knows how long he's spending time here also uh looking in all the wrong places it's the idea that your compass is wrong there's the McDonald's there's the McDonald's well so I would say that uh let's try it two yards oh that's so good you're all three okay so let's take a look two yards that's pretty impressive 400 meter I'm even closer wow this is this is tight now we're fighting over singular ", "points": "5000", "distance": 0.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "rOl0yftdT4XQR3YZ", "mapSlug": "607860d406f2740001042c2a", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 17346, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "607860d406f2740001042c2a", "name": "Perfect Detective Map", "slug": "607860d406f2740001042c2a", "description": "Meant to be played in NO MOVING mode. 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okay that's good so I don't have to know what this flag is I oh I think it's Taiwan isn't it yeah maybe that's Taiwan okay so we are in San Francisco in Chinatown in San Francisco do we have a street name here uh specifically I think we we saw something well there is this one here for instance Louis plays Saint sorry not Louis Place Saint Louis Place could we find Saint Louis Place um it's actually Sacramento Street so could this be Sacramento Street bus stop yeah there's the Sacramento Street uh somewhere and that is going that's on the South Side from us so we are on one of these these streets [Music] oh very Stockton it's right here yeah there's the tunnel yeah I should have checked the tunnel as well but that's fine the second building on the left and one two pretty much in the middle of the third building here Chinese Central High School that's it exactly and on this side of the street very close to the bus stop like this try to get the meters right I'm pretty sure uh Geo wizard will get this one easily as well so I'm still on a perfect score at the moment so that I believe is the Taiwan flag that is some bloke from Taiwan I think we might be in San Francisco well I mean that is a clue so I just saw Sacramento so that would be the Street won't it and they're about to head into a tunnel and it's heading south that's a tunnel isn't it yes Stockton tunnel Central Chinese High School Chinese Central High School I mean we're in the middle of that I I I'd be happy with that guess let's see if we can get one meter oh it's six oh that's wrong it's wrong the flag is wrong obviously this is we are not in front of this thing but can we take a second to Marvel at this park really one playground I like that okay let's guess seven meters this time you got me but only only because the the flag was wrong it was in the wrong place this one doesn't count because I lost okay final ", "points": "5000", "distance": 0.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "rOl0yftdT4XQR3YZ", 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All 1115 handpicked locations have clues, with a little skill and effort a 25k is always possible. Street signs are boring, so there aren't many. Meta is not required and compass should be right. 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seems a bit ridiculous doesn't it compared to what we've had before this car is on the right but this car is on the left this car I can't say um they seem to have yellow plate so I'm thinking we are in a Great Britain a very C there possibly yeah I think this there's something uh terribly unfair about this one I I don't know why why is this here uh probably chill wizard can tell me this must be somehow a famous thing or is this is a joke or or what I mean I'm leaning towards this joke There is almost no information to be seen here no Flags box tail Castle down and Saint Marks so I get the feeling that this map has been made by by someone who lives here or something what am I supposed to see here that tells me where I am the dwarf in the garden so assuming that it's somehow possible to know this then maybe this is something like an like Isle of Man or something could this be Castle Town said Marx foxtail [Music] Castle town [Music] [Applause] Foxdale Saint Marks is this the slack or if Castle town is to the South [Music] that's right ah so the assumption that this is doable allows me to figure out where this is I mean yeah if you know Isle of Man it's something else but I don't this is just based on the idea that this is doable so this can't be somewhere generally this has to be some special place uh Foxdale the North sorry here in Saint Marks is the east this one would go right like this can this be there might be a road there balamura straight that is very straight indeed could this be another place oh ape man Adventure Park nice next to laser main sounds like like the place to be so that has to be it that has to be it so basically to me the only way I got this place was making the assumption that this is doable so this is not some random place in uh Great Britain so it has to be a special place the first idea of a special place I got was Isle of Man and that worked I hope this is totally up um chill Wizards alley and by Ali I mean he's Ali like his literal or or maybe metaphorical alley I don't know but right up his alley like you know like up up his alley so let's see what he has to say about this this is my guess right that feels like Island I don't know oh let's look at the sign Castle Town Foxdale Saint Marks so this is this is probably Northern Ireland or is this Scotland and I don't think I don't know I honestly don't know Castle Town Foxdale Saint Marks this might be tricky you know okay at least he doesn't immediately know so I wasn't just like stupid and I'm not disappointed that he doesn't immediately say oh I know this place it's actually might take a while [Music] sweet box style is up there so yeah we're there probably around there it is two yards never got the one yard view summary there it is that was good the Kazakhstan one definitely tested me uh maybe the old detective map is better Mega guess so yeah that is five thousand points ", "points": "5000", "distance": 0.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": 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losing anything except maybe your time and possibly your sanity I'm going to play one round get the result then jump back to Geo Wizards video before the time runs out so I don't see my result and then I'm going to watch his video and see his result and then compare with my result last time I tried to do this with all this video making equipment and everything I failed most of the time but that's life you know failing most of the time is how I would describe life and what you should be doing if if you want to play along is the same thing but first play the round or the time runs out you should jump to my video watching me play Jump the jail Wizards video it's crazy it's just it's just insane it's a in uh in a good way possibly could be in a bad way as well um you can also play The Challenge from beginning to the end to make it more easy for you you know like logistically more easy if there is a text here so that we should probably be red of course you know where these are but do you each famous place has the original location plus one look-alike location let's see if you can recognize the original landmark and if you can pinpoint where its look-alike is 30 famous local locations 30 look-alikes that actually sounds like I'm gonna do terribly on this if you remember my fake Taj Mahal video I also did not take very kindly to people making things that look like Taj Mahal so let's head right into it hi hello everyone why am I grinning I don't know it's been a while how not to travel America gracing your screens very soon not before the trailer which will be out in a week or so now though guys it's Geo guesser time it's geoghasm time that's what he wanted to say uh I'm gonna let you guys play along with this one no moving and no time limit as he said no time limit but also no moving okay well that seems fair enough did you make those does she look guilty did she make these statues like okay so if the idea is to know whether these are real or not I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that there is no chance in hell that these are not real or they are quite small though aren't they supposed to be big oh this one is quite big so yeah so my point is that there's quite a lot of them and they look like they have been there a while so I would be very surprised if these were somebody's idea of of a fun Pastime to to build these things and then pass them off as as real ones on top of that this is definitely on the sea which is where these should be so these are the famous uh I wanted to say Talking Heads but I don't think they talk but they are in the uh Easter Islands now this is indeed a good question do I know where Easter Islands are I'm not completely sure I think they are somewhere here but where are they actually called Easter Islands or not or are they called Bora Bora that sounds somehow familiar to me Bora Bora or is it just because it's so like uh very Dancy Place Bora Bora Bora Bora um so yeah I don't know I think I do know where Easter Islands are not there but I do not know exactly where Easter Islands are that's the problem so this might actually take a while there are all sorts of little Islands here which one of these is the Easter are you the Easter Island no it doesn't even look like the Easter Bunny you know this is not so easy as I thought it would be Mommy foreign that sounds very much to me like that uh Easter Island [Music] yeah why aren't they my statues or something like that so I think I found the island finally uh it actually says kapanui and didn't I see something like this here I I totally saw that Rapa Nui yes so I think this is the right place this person has clothed from the right place so now the question is if if we are in the right place we are looking uh straight to the South so this would make sense here this we have um Hills behind us and we have a rock coming out from the south west there is a hill here I'm thinking this seems like the right place let's see the roads there are some roads here uh do this make any sense one road is going there one would maybe go somewhere here it could be this one but then we would have a road going down that would be I don't know does this go somewhere tough to say So based on the the depth map here I'm thinking rather that this would be this rock then there is another one coming out like this which I don't quite see but that could be very close we could for instance be rather here where we would have this Punta Baya not really not seeing that either okay after after looking around for a while uh I don't really know I can't really interpret the landscape so well I think this um this here is uh this one here but I can't understand the distance from this picture I don't know what this one is here um but it could simply be something like this land coming coming up there at some point very difficult to say um there is a mountain or a hill uh behind us that makes a lot of sense um to see like if there's a hill here that let's see would that it will turn and disappear somewhere uh there so we wouldn't see anything uh but it's very difficult to say there is a house here in the distance that I cannot see so Southwest there is nothing on the map that points to any house uh but anyway I think we are on the right Island these are real I hope so because I spent some time looking around and I'm going to uh guess this place but before that I'm gonna see what Mr chill wizard has to say about this those are the heads on Easter Island surely surely they are the originals that looks like some sort of Maori thing Kappa Nui or something sun is in the north so that would support the idea that we're at Easter Island so where is Easter Island that's also nice to see that he also doesn't know where Easter Island is so I thought that was the the Geo guesser here that doesn't know but he also doesn't know it's not something that you look up from the map very often this might take me a little while to find I think it would say Easter Island unless it's one of those things where they've changed its name he did say Easter Island just not in English I think it is this and that they've changed the name of it on the map to hang a rower right we just got to look now at the coastline it's it's going to be interesting because my other guess would be this hunger those were the two guesses I had but I decided to go with the other one which I might end up regretting I think he's gonna go with this one there is the museum there that would correspond possibly with the building there but I think the building wasn't quite on the on the coast and here on the map it shows it's really on the coast so I'm thinking it's it's not that place but I I don't know it's very difficult to assess distances on on this picture wherever we are we're in line with flip so if we drew a line from the cliff Edge is quite cool actually to that so that would put us ah that would put us more like there and that could be it now we've got to be here we've got to be here I'm just going to click that's too far away anyway so I think I think we are there let's have a go Wit oh I was right or 980 I was wrong okay let's let's just check mine uh my guess here um was uh closer it was a little bit more to the west but yeah that area was the correct area indeed it's that uh vocal length or whatever it's it's very it's caused the picture to be very flattened everything looks to be very close in fact the clips back in the distance have to be very far away ", "points": "4900", "distance": 30.2, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "c8nuClX0FzBfXOC5", "mapSlug": "5ffc44266c5b4e000143eb08", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 16101, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5ffc44266c5b4e000143eb08", "name": "Dumb Test for Smart People", "slug": "5ffc44266c5b4e000143eb08", "description": "Of course you 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Each famous place has the original location, plus one lookalike location. Let's see if you can recognise the original landmark, or if you can pinpoint where it's lookalike is! 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little bit better now so next round okay so this is how it's going to work I suppose so we got the uh first the real ones and this is a pretty obvious one that this is not the real one the question is where are these this looks like um Chinese script or it could be Japanese they look Japanese text is Japanese um so we are somewhere in Japan where they are showcasing these uh these statues or uh replicas of them at least that's pretty easy to see that they are replicas but where are we we are in the east coast of Japan um nothing else to be seen here this could be an island oh hi I love this age when kids like they know how to walk but the walking is always somehow awkward that's really funny to to watch them do that and clearly this this kid has just learned to walk because that is walking behind to to to catch the kid Okay so we could be in one of the islands here what if one of these islands has like there is a zoo for instance a village of the sea uh there is some kind of a monument here so this looks like a very good option for being an island where they would have put these things I'm thinking we are in some kind of some kind of Island I'm not gonna spend forever here don't worry I'm just gonna check if I happen to actually come across uh this thing uh there is a toilet I saw a toilet so maybe it's this one I'm obviously joking but it could be that one I'm not gonna go through all the islands and all the possible areas in Japan that would be Insanity I'm going to go with the first one that makes some sense and that would be this Oshima Island that has a zoo park why well we have butterflies here that pizza zoo park doesn't it we got some other stuff here not sure what that is but there is something more than just these things this is not just an ordinary park there is a building there up in the hills so this could totally be a zoo park for instance though it doesn't have that sort of a cliff to the east what about this area here yeah I would really want it to be that zoo park but I don't think it is I don't know what that is but I'm gonna go here and because there is like an area like this straight to the like Southeast so it's gonna be like this maybe I'm just gonna go there and see what happens let's see if Geo wizard knows where this is oh my God so this is the so maybe this map is programmed to give you the original and then somehow they give you the alternative the the copy or the other way around so this is the copy you'd have to be pretty dumb to think that this was the original because I agree you've got Asian writing as well haven't you yeah you've got like Japanese writing there oh look at this little toddler toddling over yeah that's that's the most interesting part about this picture that looks Japanese that I'm not sure Greek almost it's really confusing what is that there is something odd about that script I have to uh admit I wonder if we can be on one of these you know ah is that a map of the island it looks a bit squared isn't it it looks a bit like runescaping I thought that was the map of the the park whatever that is but yeah I guess it could be a map of the island that's not too dissimilar no look at that isn't it the upside down it's like it should be the upside down but I still wonder why would they have a map of the whole island there why wouldn't like if you are in a some sort of a zoo or a museum area or something like a park or whatever you generally have a map of that Park and not the whole uh Island unless it's a very small island almost identical to that but flipped flipped around yeah to Japanese people around you can see the boxy bit there apologies if I'm wrong about this I think I am wrong actually it comes too far down here it's pretty close screw it I'm gonna go back to the upside down math screw it will go here how wrong could this be um what look at that we were actually on Japan yeah so I'm just gonna make my guess as well so clearly the idea that this would be an island was simply wrong and that probably made it pretty much impossible to find it because no sane person is going to go through the east coast of Japan trying to find this place unless they're in insane sane person I was a little bit closer probably but a very mediocre result I think it's much more important to be able to find the actual Easter Island and these Maui statues it's uh San Mesa oh there it is different models of Easter Island statues it is possible to find but nobody would zoom in that close and go through the whole of Eastern Seashore of Japan I think it's impossible to get if you do not know around ", "points": "2675", "distance": 933.7, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "c8nuClX0FzBfXOC5", "mapSlug": "5ffc44266c5b4e000143eb08", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 16101, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": 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could be like could it be a rapid it could be Arabic I don't like to do that but I know that Geo wizard will do that that the picture was taken by Abdullah al-mam probably an Arabic person these are very well camouflaged these could be Indians but I don't think they are I'm thinking we are in an Arabic country somewhere in the South that's gonna be my my guess Muslim countries in the South really only leave us with uh Indonesia oh we do have something like Maldives for instance it looks quite dark she not so much hmm many minutes later okay so this is gonna be an insane guess but um at least it's more interesting than a less insane guest I've been thinking about this and looking around so I'm going with my intuition that this is not a Latin script this is also not Hindi or something like this because there's always this line on top so there is no such line here on the top this is probably not Sri Lankan text because that is very round this is not but I cannot read the text and I'm not sure and that might be my downfall I will believe the the sun although I'm inclined not to the sun is in the north so we are in the southern hemisphere Arabic script in southern hemisphere uh there's really only a couple of options that come to mind one is The Melodies I'm not gonna go through all the Melodies I checked like the main island and and stuff like this and I didn't find anything of the sort but there are so many islands so many things to look Maldives would make sense to me Indonesia is Muslim but they would have Latin script so that leaves me with with uh Somalia which is not exactly in the southern hemisphere but it's pretty close so I went to Mogadishu didn't find anything particular but I did find some sort of a Hindi restaurant thing so I decided that this is an omen so I am going to go ahead and click in the center of Mogadishu here's an interesting choice isn't it and it makes some sense so we'll see I'm quite interested to see let's see what uh it's your wizard does I reckon that is the fake Taj Mahal that's I think that's Muslim headgear which would exist in India Abdullah Al mamun also sounds but definitely Muslim the sun is in the north the sun is in the North very confusing isn't it no the compass must be wrong dude the compass might be wrong but I'm not going to play something like this with so little information with the assumption that the compass is wrong because pretty much that's all I got that's gotta be wrong so I'm thinking Pakistan or at least near nearby are mad about Abdullah Ahmed similar names by the palace and dig in Asana Temple it's just gonna be a church isn't it oh screw it I'm not gonna be anywhere near it anyway oh it was Bangladesh oh okay yeah a bit sad because it it tells me that the compass was definitely wrong so my guess was uh absolutely horrible um but at least it was on the right side of the of the earth I guess banglar Tash Mahal Taj Mahal replica it was in the South that's the thing it was as backwards the compass was just completely wrong Geo wizard was right in in doubting that uh I was wrong in ", "points": "79", "distance": 6191.3, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "c8nuClX0FzBfXOC5", "mapSlug": "5ffc44266c5b4e000143eb08", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 16101, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5ffc44266c5b4e000143eb08", "name": "Dumb Test for Smart People", "slug": "5ffc44266c5b4e000143eb08", "description": "Of course you know where these are...but do you? 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Amphitheater looks like this could be just a Amphitheater this doesn't have those sides so I'm not sure but I'm going to first put here I'm thinking we're thinking of some other Amphitheater that right now I can remember which one you would maybe see some mountains but where is the city you can't see any of the city itself which Amphitheater is this so it's it's not this one I don't think it's this one on the left you would have buildings there's quite a lot of amphitheaters here we also have um Amphitheater so if we were here we were looking West there would be mostly the city but possibly also just not visible and then to the left you would have a hill but to the right well there could be just trees in front okay I'm I'm giving up yeah I can't crack this one I don't think it's the one in Athens but maybe it's this one here there's quite a few places where it could be I looked at all The Usual Suspects and I couldn't find it maybe I'm supposed to think of something specific like yeah but I I nothing comes to mind right now so um let's see how he does this is quite hard because you either know it or you don't and you certainly ain't gonna if you know where the the replica is you're just a nerd really but anyway I'm having fun so this guy is called Mehmet Abbasi so I'm guessing this is the fake Coliseum that's uh interesting idea that this would be a Coliseum fake call assume I mean I guess it could be well I mean it's just a ruin it could somebody's idea of a fake Coliseum but this is this I don't think this is a fake this is a this is an Amphitheater just a normal Amphitheater uh but I guess it could also be like a fake Coliseum sure they call the same or at least a Coliseum so uh he hasn't really said anything I just decided that uh I'm not going to go with the guest that I did because I don't think this is this makes any sense um this is rather maybe somewhere in an island it could be something like Cyprus I'm just gonna go because I I don't think I don't know where am I supposed to like guess but uh this is just somewhere in the boonies I think with some mountains so let's go into Cyprus and hope for the best instead uh I think it's more interesting than going like 100 kilometers off of Athens just because you don't think it's Athens so let's see what happens it could be a number of countries those trees do look Italian to me but could be turkey oh look at this yeah I saw that text but it didn't tell me anything and I'm pretty sure it's just the name of the companies I mean if anything that kind of sounds Serbian noise or something although they would have the Cyrillic ah what about Croatian are there any are there any colosseums in Croatia the Roman Empire in Croatia what stamp what Mark did they make that's what I want to know you know what I'm not doing very well I'm I'm kind of going with my heart today I'm going to keep with that yeah hi um you might have noticed that I got frozen in a very pensive position so you might think that I died or something you might have watched with anxiety oh I ran out of battery on my iPhone that I use for camera I didn't know this so unfortunately the last couple of minutes is gonna be without the camera I don't think you're losing that much you can still watch still wizard he's very handsome it's all good I I like that we both have done pretty poorly in fact so um I think it's nice to just try something different that's part of the reason why I went to Cyprus instead of just a little bit left of of Evans uh if you don't know then make some interesting guess my my guess of Mogadishu was certainly interesting but you could also try not to be really stupid I've never heard of a an episode theater did I say Coliseum earlier yeah sorry I didn't mean Colosseum policy it went all the way around didn't it any of the trees up at the top sorry for frustrating you um with my choices of words as usual I no longer know what this is a copy of but it's a Roman thing I'm gonna go somewhere around split as I say I don't know of any Roman amphitheaters in Croatia but why not It's gotta be one and I'm gonna go Solano I'm so sorry if this is in Italy oh that's interesting um it was in Turkey he did mention that the person who made the the picture was ", "points": "2391", "distance": 1101.2, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "c8nuClX0FzBfXOC5", "mapSlug": "5ffc44266c5b4e000143eb08", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 16101, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5ffc44266c5b4e000143eb08", "name": "Dumb Test for Smart People", "slug": "5ffc44266c5b4e000143eb08", "description": "Of course you know where these are...but do you? 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results let me know how you did let's start the game that's wow that's nice this is this is something new this is this is something very interesting that I am not used to um we do have a compass but I'm not sure if that is correct I do not immediately recognize this City from up here there's plenty to unpack here first of all do they fly their flag somewhere here on the coast see anything at least no flag so what do we have otherwise we have some other churches or mosques [Music] don't really know where to start this looks maybe [Music] a middle eastern or maybe southern Europe BM perhaps [Music] I would say this is very historical in any case um this be something like a Tunis let's look at um foreign has two openings of the north east that does not crack what about laughs foreign [Music] we're looking at the capital city on the coast [Music] what about Malta yes that's looking good that is looking good we have a central island like this [Music] then on the right we have this fort yes this is making a lot of sense then we have this yeah that's it yeah that makes a lot of sense that's that's how it kind of looks like it's just a bit difficult I'm not used to seeing this so high up um so we're looking at it from Saints Elmo the Heritage building we are pretty much here I'm not even sure how this works is this the the picture that we are actually looking at here so anyway this is this is my guess I think I cracked it this is Valletta Malta baby 5 000 points um yeah at first I was a bit confused by this but um just calmly thinking about how it looks like from um from the architecture point of view we know it's a capital city so there's actually not so many options at the end and so multimix perfect sense that's easy to recognize let's continue ", "points": "5000", "distance": 0.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "BYXOKBGQyfwz1Kwy", "mapSlug": "61978423a0ec860001070210", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 600, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, 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anything in this picture um that doesn't honestly make it so much fun um looking for Clues and such the vegetation does track when I think of Europe the signs kind of look like it don't quite see like you played here though but could that mean that we are in um no if that's a if that's a new plate and there should be plates but uh EU flag that's not the new played probably well if it is 1000 let's assume that there's one thousand then it has to be Europe it doesn't have EU plates so it would have to be um for instance Switzerland burn for instance [Music] [Applause] [Applause] if it is not burn what could it be of course it could be something even smaller like bad news I didn't I think of that [Music] Liechtenstein is that's a country too right right um oh real Tony that's me well that's a sign isn't it about a sign of what they don't seem to really have any churches in this place that doesn't really seem like it what about uh Dora [Music] [Applause] no I didn't see it I do see Hills right did I see Hills foreign yeah I guess a good piecing Hills that's San Marino as well [Music] you fit the layout of the city or the cigarette I'm stumped I am quite interested to see what place this is maybe it's just the blurriness of the picture maybe these are you cars no idea I guess we're going for burn they wear you cars that was Ljubljana okay well whatever I did not enjoy that round in the slightest it feels annoying to be surrounded by so much information and not being able to see it uh Slovenia is part of European Union so they should have EU plates and I didn't see that the only thing I could see was that it has the flag and that was the only thing I couldn't trust so nothing much to be done there I was right about it being somewhere in Central Europe so it could have been worse for sure I guess I've already reached the average score in two rounds without moving so I guess I should be happy with myself so let's see if I can get luckier with the next round ", "points": 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[Music] oh it goes to Banana bills hanging from the side I'm not impressed but honestly I don't think I'm the target audience that he's going for there are mountains is that a really a mountain is that that mountain is area in the back City chick kissy chicks kissy chicks and that's just next to QC Cathedral I mean actually surprised that there is no immediate no immediate uh giveaway here um that I can see not that I can see um there are no Shadows so I can't tell where the sun is industry is that supposed to be German there hmm so this play doesn't tell me anything they are driving on the left so I am thinking of New Zealand here or possibly Australia but some mountains in the distance maybe do you have a willy Street in the center they do have a willy Street they do have a willy Street do they actually have numbers on this map wow that's crazy really Street 80. wow yep that's it nailed it right here I'm not your map you're wrong you're wrong about that but whatever five thousand points nice I'm joking on my coffee that's so nice how did he get that well predominantly English language there were some names there that could have been construed as some kind of Aboriginal or local name some Kuka or whatever um driving on the left and mountains in the distance that really doesn't live much live much uh options actually when you think about it was not in Europe it was not in England driving on the left so not in the in the states or or America generally so I guess it could have been some obscure Island somewhere but it wasn't it was just a a very famous island wow five thousand points I ", "points": "5000", "distance": 0.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "BYXOKBGQyfwz1Kwy", "mapSlug": "61978423a0ec860001070210", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 600, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 40, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": 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of a local language perhaps this guy looks like he's really touching cars here uh good luck mister really need it this guy is coming coming for you and this guy too everybody's coming for you driving on the right [Music] man [Music] hey could that be eping um yeah we totally could be look look at this these signs here this is the top security heart artist districts in are these numbers are these Arabic numbers are no is that a wrap what is this something to Google again yes I think those are numbers well that doesn't that doesn't tell me that we are in Tehran after all but I thought I saw here chambran and something this could be decent yeah I'm just dreaming foreign [Music] that's really funny with this um with this picture here like this guy [Music] is this just like triplets laughs strange picture card [Music] that reminds me of something is that a city somewhere [Music] I feel like I should should know what that is I mean it's not a capital but it could be a city or in that country I just need to jump in here to say that yeah buzzer got a that's like the ancient capital of the of the Persian Empire under the Cyrus the Great so I know it from playing civilization so that's pretty cool huh bye is there a there's a woman there walking without too much of a headdressing thing the pharmacy there's some English here but not really very much your instructions on how to use uh lights it's clearly this guy hasn't read Because this is clearly red and everybody's going and the police is just looking at the situation not giving a [\u00a0__\u00a0] but honestly what do I expect [Music] Tehran is by far my best guess by far there's nothing that tells me that this isn't Tehran so I don't really know why I should move from there yeah that's it that's that's my guess [Applause] that's it that was the correct guess that was really my only idea I don't know if the if the sign said anything like their run I don't know but that at least made me think of that round there are some things like there are Museum of Contemporary Art of University of Tehran that it could have referred to there are districts that are numbered that would explain some of the numbers in designs or possibly diverse simply numbers in the science I don't know but in any case as soon as I thought about it that made a lot of sense it looked like it should it looked at the same time quite um modern like there were guys walking with fairly modern clothes the women the women the women not so many of them but they didn't seem completely oppressed like in Kabul for ", "points": "966", "distance": 2454.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "BYXOKBGQyfwz1Kwy", "mapSlug": "61978423a0ec860001070210", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 600, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 40, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "61978423a0ec860001070210", "name": "Capitals of the 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really an insult to to civilization and to humanity that I'm like yeah that's a rabbit script whatever yeah yeah it happens yeah try to distinguish between Finnish and Estonian but but it's really quite interesting because because the upside down heart was actually the key to all of it like like like a heart is sometimes a key like like or you know sometimes something is a key to someone's heart in this case the heart was the key to to to to some thing um yeah that that there was an analogy there but it kind of kind of ran away from me anyway the upside down heart is indeed a number but not in a rapid script that's why I hadn't seen it before it's a number in Persian script and that's why it is indeed specific to Tehran so the fact that I would find an upside down heart on the picture was actually a dead giveaway that this is the run and I was right of course all of that my friend is pure luck because I didn't know any of it but in any case when in doubt follow your upside down heart that you see on the map yeah got that kids at home if you don't know nothing just look at something that looks weird and similar and just run with it unless it's someone who looks really weird like a guy it looks kind of like your dad in that it is a guy then don't run with that guy foreign yeah so don't do that kids but otherwise I think that's Sound Advice this channel gives you as it is you get the geoghasm you get the lingo gasm you get the data you get the information you get the explanation you get the sweet sweet salivation The salivation Good Vibration and excitation whatever I I've I've lost all my words I would give all my words to you but I have lost them so if you see my words let me know I need to go bye bye yes it's the final round ah we get one of these things is that the Gibraltar by any chance surely not never been there but um so this guy this guy looks like tuko from uh Breaking Bad from from behind I I'm pretty sure it's too cold so let's stay away from that these look like the the things that that are used for for airports some sort of um they help with uh with the navigation or whatever a lot of building going on here quite a lot of building building building um otherwise this looks very like not very big to be honest but I guess the the city has to be somewhere behind that Hills more or less the Sun is in the North very clearly so don't keep router what are you guys building in there Islands hmm this one is very difficult southern hemisphere there is uh some sort of a peninsula going to the west and then possibly as a sea going in I'm thinking of um outskirts somehow of Rio De Janeiro or something like this and the Mongoose remind me of that so let's that's not the capital of course silly me capital of Brazil is not Rio Janeiro so there goes that idea also the sea is very comfortably to the West Northwest Southwest but this guy doesn't look particularly black so I don't think we are in in this area we would rather than be here could be theoretically be Lima [Music] um if we were here there would be some big island there like this and smaller one [Music] to the South you know that's too far Maybe that could theoretically track if this is that area and then another but not really not really this one comes out quite a lot so there's no way if we look well if you look straight to the South from here you could see this island so if we were here but there's like an Beach here on the South Side could this be a beach uh not really it doesn't look like anybody's there but let's keep that in mind [Music] um let's keep Lima in mind three minutes later tuko where are you [Laughter] cool the Sun is indeed in the North [Music] you have to use something Crown Plaza could be one of them Islands somewhere [Music] part Morris B [Music] and that could be to the West this sort of thing with the road going around it South uh East an island [Music] like this straight to the east where's East now is this the is this um thread to the West I mean is another Island could be this one well this is this is a huge Gamble oh yeah I am not screaming because my daughter is asleep Jesus Christ what right next to the place called lucky lucky lucky lucky wow wow Jesus Christ that was probably the most Geographic geographm of all time immediately as I saw this I thought that that fits with this little island here with this island stare but Jesus who who could have fought Bert Morris B had you even heard of Port modus had you even heard of Bart Morris B before this sometimes people say oh it can't be true it must be cheating I thought the same thing sometimes but you know when you play this a lot yeah you know sometimes you just wave them but sometimes you get lucky so let me explain at least a little bit here um so I did get kind of like okay so we are in southern hemisphere so we we have a limit here we're southern hemisphere although I was looking a bit up of that as well because the sun wasn't so so clear we have not like a black person um we had a capital city that all is already there's less than 200 of them facing western and southern sea so it has to look so that the sea is to the west and to the South it turns out there's not so many of them I mean ", "points": "5000", "distance": 0.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "BYXOKBGQyfwz1Kwy", "mapSlug": "61978423a0ec860001070210", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 600, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 40, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "61978423a0ec860001070210", "name": "Capitals of the World", "slug": "61978423a0ec860001070210", "description": "The map contains coverage of 195 capitals of the world (UN member states and observer states). 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link for everybody to enjoy uh I have played the same map as him so I recommend that you go back to the previous video and get the link and play the same map yourself if you're not into that at least watch the video of me playing that map first and then you can come back here so there are gonna be spoilers obviously in this video about what our did in the previous video so let's go this is my first uh uh geogaster reacts video luckily Geo wizard is is a great uh great YouTuber on his own so even if I just get quiet this is going to be quality content hey Timbers shiver my Timber um I'd be happy how we doing everyone I'm a little agitated I'm a little stressed why is that well in three hours time I'm going to London to fly to Boston for how not to travel America I want to make two geoguessive videos because I don't want to leave you guys with nothing I want you to have something to watch while I'm away the issue is um I haven't got long to do it so what it's going to be is to play along videos that I'm Gonna Leave You similar maps to what we're used to um so to play along videos that means we are going to have a second one of this so please do click some buttons and tell me how you like this one if you want to see me do the second one whatever that may be let me know why don't we just do three minutes per round because that way there's a definite ceiling to the time I can spend searching and it's the same for you because you're going to play along right yeah that's a good idea sorry I've got let's do it to his nose here we go I don't know how this is so here uh for all of you who are also equally confused as I was in the beginning um this is not going to be the first round this is not the first round in the link that he he actually gives down below he will soon go back and and change the settings this might be [\u00a0__\u00a0] this might be really unenjoyable for you first one oh have I just gotten no moving panning or zooming I have I can't do that I can't do that man copy that boom here we are here's our first capital city and well there we go I was just about to say I wonder if I can get this without moving um without even having it was faster to notice it but I was for sure I think that's almost entirely possible because I look to the left and there I saw Andorra the tiny country that will easily give away this um this answer I mean I think we can get this spot on because small country small capital uh it's Andorra lavella isn't it yeah so we'll be I mean I will move shall I move I'm tempted not to I'm tempted just to be stubborn and not showing off Alba I'll Bear yeah we let's have a look here let's see if he gets a bit luckier with finding that I mean we've still got two minutes I'm trying I'm just gonna try and literally not have to edit this video whatsoever so it might seem a bit weird are we there oh see yeah Hotel best Andorra Center so and you can see the shape of that building there is perfectly yeah Cal cat cell bear we've got it cool cat Sal bear is what I would call it but that's just me um there we go we can guess that with a minute to spare wow Heathrow here I come 5 000 points what a cracking way to start didn't even need the full three minutes didn't you need to move beat me in that one easily God I'm good uh by seven points ", "points": "5000", "distance": 0.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "XJ0i7sVFDw1tgUPI", "mapSlug": "60de2a8a81b92c00015f29e1", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 180, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 16827, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "60de2a8a81b92c00015f29e1", "name": "The 198 Capitals Of The World", "slug": "60de2a8a81b92c00015f29e1", "description": "Welcome to \"The 198 Capitals of the World\" Geoguessr Map! 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there line it up with the compass so Argentina but we're in a capital remember so could it be Uruguay this is capitals of the world in case you didn't know so I'm now looking for a flag or something these I mean that that will be a big giveaway for many of you don't think we can be in hang on a minute but we can't be in Peru yeah that would be the colors surely oh my God is that a mountain I thought so too as well but I realize it's too high oh I'm so confused is that a mountain or is that a cloud I've got a minute left now I cannot see me pulling this one out the back definitely not a perfect score that is out of the question I that is a Peruvian flat uh kit isn't it right okay hang on a minute so we would be in a nice area of Lima then [Music] really where's the nice area of I'm sure there's many but doesn't seem um I personally also thought that uh this could be um Gila first but because of the colors and the in the bus and and and things like that uh I also thought of the Peruvian Flag because I also saw some Peruvian color colors um but both of these I ruled out because of um the mountainous Terrain um uh his guest of Argentina and and Uruguay was was was really impressive just based on uh I guess the latitude and and how it looked like yeah I think it's simply the lack of information and when you play this game that's what you try to do you you you often you get used to it in a way that you will if you look long enough you will find some sort of a detail that will tell you what this place is the problem is this detail might be wrong it might be a flag in a distance that that tells you ah this is the place but it it might even be a flag of it of an empty he's he's letting his um his his search for Clues getting the best of him I don't know yet if he's gonna go with this he might just decide against it and go to Uruguay after all but just kind of to explain from my point of view to give some content of my own here why after mentioning even Argentina Uruguay which should be very close he's now in in Peru him like Peru no we can't be no now I'm going to Buenos Aires good job I'm going to Buenos Aires I just isn't that a River Plate shirt what am I on about good job people did I don't know where I'm going in good job not really near the center oh oh Tom it was Uruguay you were way better than I was uh you're uh intuition was right on the money so good to see you follow that oh my God video I tell you what that's not a bad switch that is not a bad switch why I was ", "points": "4145", "distance": 279.9, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "XJ0i7sVFDw1tgUPI", "mapSlug": "60de2a8a81b92c00015f29e1", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 180, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 16827, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "60de2a8a81b92c00015f29e1", "name": "The 198 Capitals Of The World", "slug": 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that just a Dutch person roaming the land roaming Europe willy-nilly I didn't notice the uh the plate uh I'm actually interested in hearing how he's going to rule out Norway in in my case um it's just the language uh I've actually I'm I'm quite impressed with his pronunciation of Swedish um it's not easy to tell apart Norwegian and and Swedish and to some extent Danish but since I am from Finland and I'm quite uh familiar with these languages I can usually do it not always it depends on on the words so I'm actually interested in hearing how does he uh figure that this is Sweden rather than Norway because I don't honestly have to do that I look at the language and I usually know if not then as you might have seen some of these jokes before I look around and if I don't see a flag then it's Sweden and if I see a flag then well it's Norway they they're always flying their flag somewhere I thought um definitely we're definitely in Scandinavia there aren't we let me just ah look at that that's like that is that a DK starting to think now that we could be in Denmark [Music] oh God all right well again they border each other so if I'm wrong I can't be too wrong but I am gonna go Copenhagen let's have a look in here okay I'm surprised to my mind the the name of the road uh is unequivocally uh Swedish I thought he would know that actually but um I guess not and um I didn't see that there would be a internet address on the car but the internet address of Sweden is SE DK would require two letters that are high and it didn't have high it was two low letters so the reason why I thought it wasn't so useful was because no for Norway and SE for Sweden uh look the same from this blurry distance but I'm very surprised he went for DK around here maybe I might as well change my guess you no bed you absolutely why did I think it was Denmark I thought I saw a BK it is in Denmark uh are slightly different this is all guys you those of you who are good at geoguessr you're going to have to just bear in mind ", "points": "3207", "distance": 662.9, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "XJ0i7sVFDw1tgUPI", "mapSlug": "60de2a8a81b92c00015f29e1", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 180, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 16827, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "60de2a8a81b92c00015f29e1", "name": "The 198 Capitals Of The World", "slug": "60de2a8a81b92c00015f29e1", "description": "Welcome to \"The 198 Capitals of the World\" Geoguessr Map! In this map you will be randomly put in one of the 198 (Including Somaliland which is an unrecognized country, and the capital is Hargeisa) Country Capitals. There is only 1 location in each capital, so the map stays as diverse as possible. If you have any suggestions or complaints about the map, contact 1OfThoseDoves@gmail.com. Hope you all enjoy the map! 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for some Clues and those Clues uh threw him off uh from the immediate right uh uh answer and that's that's a pretty big hit uh for him you can see in his reaction as well it's it's 1800 points lost even though they are neighboring countries the distance is quite big anyway fifth round the score isn't bad I okay this is Bangladesh anyway for the last one so Dakar uh It's gotta be hasn't it Hotel wool sit so he's thinking of Bangladesh immediately I think because um this is very typical for geoguessers um Bangladesh is in the street view Indies and sometimes one forgets what one is playing uh he's not playing the street view version he's playing the capitalist version so he probably has at this point forgotten that India is is here as well so the reason why he sees Indian text and goes Bangladesh immediately that's probably the the reason see let me just confirm I think it's someone called Annette has taken this here's a net confuse that play oh that's helpful how are your nails looking Annette focusing on the uh that you do in India you do get this same language but I don't think that would be in New Delhi so without any further ado as we approach the Midway point I'm gonna try and restore some I'm not going to find it in you uh I don't know why he doesn't think it could be in New Delhi um honestly don't uh so but again I don't know what's going to happen maybe he'll explain this maybe he'll retract this maybe he'll get to New Delhi at in the end he has still one and a half minutes I'm gonna click here just for now it's this is similar thing as last time wall City farm gate We're Not Gonna no 20 seconds left I'm really interested to hear what you're being Dakar but will be the other side of town I just why does he think it's takka I just know it I'm getting my hopes way down here we go this is it I haven't moved my my pin I'm leaving it you know I know the feeling man and I believe that man I don't ", "points": "1485", "distance": 1812.2, "challenge_info": 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(Sorry for any bad locations a lot of countries don't have much of street view.)", "url": "/maps/60de2a8a81b92c00015f29e1", "playUrl": "/60de2a8a81b92c00015f29e1/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -41.28221867224121, "lng": -175.1989169637342}, "max": {"lat": 64.14641368711791, "lng": 179.1947754}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-07-01T20:50:18.2010000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-08-06T16:51:14.1610000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "sunset", "decoration": "palmtrees", "ground": "water", "landscape": "grassmountains"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 11733491, "likes": 10253, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "Tom Davies", "created": "2015-05-16T09:00:45.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/070788b46518a096b04dbe32e5d127d5.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/c19dfd5682b4651f760d8c0e4d8b3cfd.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/5557073d2bfa31229cf60150", "id": "5557073d2bfa31229cf60150", "countryCode": "gb", "br": {"level": 45, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 53656, "level": 45, "levelXp": 50750, "nextLevel": 46, "nextLevelXp": 53680, "title": {"id": 140, "tierId": 50}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 0, "silver": 0, "gold": 1, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 251, "rating": 752, "lastRatingChange": -133, "division": {"type": 30, "startRating": 675, "endRating": 850}, "onLeaderboard": false}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/c19dfd5682b4651f760d8c0e4d8b3cfd.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 2, "isCreator": false, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/tAIkloycdqKrh00s/1/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 1, "lat": 53.971409075688015, "lng": 50.73486532353989, "continent": "Europe", "country": "Russia"}, "challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "playong video and today I'm excited to try out a map called a varied World which I tried in one of my recent twitch streams and I believe hogman has suggested this map in YouTube comments as well so let's do some play along Games The playalong Links will be as always in the description you can play along with a free account as well no moving minute and 30 uh seconds press that like button and let's get going what do we have here we have some a church I guess with a bright blue dome which looks very unique is that the Orthodox cross will this be Russia what do we have yeah we have Russian Russian flag here so it would be Russia where in Russia Russia is a pretty big country as you probably know I interesting bards here interesting yellow sign with a yellow reflector steering wheels are on the left side of the cars well at least that car I don't see any of the other cars sometimes in Far East Russia you can see the steering wheel on the opposite side which could be a clue if you see that but not this time not this time unfortunately with these kind of Vibes I'm getting kind of vibe wise I'm thinking maybe near the border of kazakstan maybe somewhere here is this or more East let's go near Mele maybe let's see okay I was kind of kind of right about the area it was not far from the from ", "points": 3928, "distance": 360.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "tAIkloycdqKrh00s", "mapSlug": "64ce812adc7614680516ff8c", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 310, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "64ce812adc7614680516ff8c", "name": "A Varied World", "slug": "64ce812adc7614680516ff8c", "description": "This map offers over 105,000 hand-picked locations from around the world. 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Only official coverage is included. The difficulty varies, you can encounter both places with signs and rounds with minimal information. A bit more info about the map and locations distribution list here (XXXX). 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description so let's begin with the official one let us do so okay what's the hint here okay so the hint for this round Peter is the record high temperature in this town is 39.9 De despite it frequently falling below minus 30 it also receives about a sixth of reger's annual rainfall okay interesting so clearly very dry well we're clearly in Mongolia um very dry and yeah very high variation in temperature as like in here that's doesn't sound like a pleasant place to live in that's for sure um so where in Mongolia might we be and there even is a flag here oh there's some interesting script on that house it doesn't look like the the usual Mongol script and I'll be honest I'm not entirely sure what would that imply um probably somewhere closer to some border maybe uh possibly or some some local local language possibly um I don't see anything on like that on the map though so I don't think that's too helpful since I don't know what it means okay so we have some mountains to South West uh Coca-Cola of course it's everywhere every wants the Road orientation like kind of like like that North Northwest a little bit well it's not Anan B I can tell that much so what are some smaller towns that show up this [Music] one I don't think it aligns perfectly let's I'll just zoom in on a few but I don't want to spend too much time here just and the mountains to were to South South Southwest where is there some mountains somewhere here that might align there are some mountains down here so maybe what are the buildings here there is like uh some some gas station here to our East where is is the I bet it's on the wrong side but uh I think I might as well guess here I think it sort of aligns okay nice great start okay I I feel like a get bit lucky but the mountains definitely helped there that's why such a big like ", "points": 4998, "distance": 0.355, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "CyRJ5aNwapwJoaa7", "mapSlug": "6688e3dd3908e91b58a3a670", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, 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1795 it has a population of 51,000 and it receives frequent frosts and fog frequent frosts and fog so maybe okay we have some uh palm trees oh which are was it founded again 1795 with a population of 51,000 51,000 okay interesting interesting so we have some white pretty big plates palm trees would make me think Coastal um what's the language is it Spanish or Portuguese I think they seem more it seems more Spanish from the words that I I can see I don't think it would be Argentina with all of these plates so Uruguay would I think would make the most sense here yeah so I don't know which town would it be 50,000 people so something Coastal would it be Mont Vio is it 50,000 at the time when it was founded or 50,000 now 50,000 now it 50,000 51,000 in 2011 which is the last census so it wouldn't be wouldn't be mono that's for sure and also the uh frosts and fog clue is kind of in comparison to other parts of the country I believe mhm Frost where would you get frosts and fog in Uruguay what's which part is different than others anything with higher altitude or something ugu is pretty flat in general I'm not sure if there are any where is the peak if that's the case here not sure which direction the water is I think we might be somewhere near a coast maybe not Coastal exactly maybe somewhere here oh more North not too bad so what do you know why they they get so much Frost and fog in that part or is it just so I imagine there there's a bit more elevation in that part of in that part of U like the East is kind of a bit more elevated so okay probably just in like a small ", "points": 4685, "distance": 97.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "CyRJ5aNwapwJoaa7", "mapSlug": "6688e3dd3908e91b58a3a670", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 349, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "6688e3dd3908e91b58a3a670", 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think with this pole especially get these poles mostly in in baltics in lvia and Estonia uh this doesn't really feel entirely lvan so I think I'm leaning towards Estonia here where in Estonia though I have no clue and we don't any any signs just just by The Vibes quite flat but then again most of eston is pretty flat that doesn't help too much maybe something on an island would would I feel like it's kind of a risky guess but I feel like on the islands there might be some some different communities which might be uh un might be on the UNESCO Heritage list kind of kind of a risky guess but Estonia isn't too big so even if it is wrong then then it wouldn't wouldn't be too big of an issue let's let's go somewhere oh wow nice guess enu interesting I I to be honest I didn't even know that Island existed I was going to give you the name of it but then I I was worried that you might just know might be famous in the btics or something no this this island I know cuz estonians even though it's closer to laia estonians have stolen it so it's Estonian Island I know about that one but yeah interesting Peter wakes up ", "points": 4654, "distance": 107.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "CyRJ5aNwapwJoaa7", "mapSlug": "6688e3dd3908e91b58a3a670", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 349, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "6688e3dd3908e91b58a3a670", "name": "GeoPeter 2024 Challenge", "slug": "6688e3dd3908e91b58a3a670", "description": null, "url": "/maps/6688e3dd3908e91b58a3a670", "playUrl": "/6688e3dd3908e91b58a3a670/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -32.36953478322625, "lng": -101.87633323279707}, "max": {"lat": 63.4179604638303, "lng": 104.4173983970036}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": 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can definitely tell when you find it you tell okay so the road is going kind of like like slightly Northwest so I don't think any of these roads would align could it be somewhere here welcome to Alberta sign but there isn't any town there so that wouldn't be it quite a lot of roads but but nothing that grabs my tension here on the saskatch one Alberta border onion onion lake is a great name but it doesn't fit the bit the hint unfortunately nothing interesting there okay I don't think it is the Alberta Saskatchewan border let's have a quick look here on Manitoba saskatch one if anything grabs my attention another thing that concerns me maybe it's a fictional character I don't know that's another thing is I don't think I know too many fictional characters but I imagine if the name sounds like a like a character maybe um maybe I'll still recognize it so what do we okay there are some cities here fenlon and criton flon would a flylon be a character I don't know maybe in some some cartoon Flint fla I've never heard of flint flon in my life would the road align turn slightly to the West there and slightly to the east in the north doesn't work there would it be somewhere here do we have do we have houses along the road I don't see them but there there is a road here like a small one there isn't a road here so do we have an so is that is that a like a petrol station or okay I'll do a Qui quick quick additional scan I mean blin flon sound sounds like maybe maybe is some sort of a character but I've never heard of Flint flon before might be a Canadian thing Canada I don't think Canadians and and and latians get the same cartoons maybe not probably not I think that Flint fla might be my best guess here I don't see anything else that that really would work so maybe that road does fit maybe that small Road just isn't on the map oh it was a okay okay so it is Flyn flan the character yes indeed ah did you know that before or is that a I I just thought it was a funny name so I 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research it ah okay okay interesting but yeah no wonder I haven't heard it before I thought maybe it's a known character that I'm just not educated in cartoons right yeah I don't know I don't even know where it's from to be honest just some Canadian maybe Canadians in the chat can tell us about it in 1991 the US Journal Islands magazine counted the beach in this town as one of the as one of the 10 most beautiful beaches on earth oh wow it is it is also the largest settlement within 70 km radius oh wow okay largest largest settlement with within 70 kilm somewhere Coastal since we have a beautiful Beach and we have Icelandic Ballard so we're in Iceland definitely looks like Iceland as well so we have a 12 12 I think that might be how you pronounce it oh nice um N1 station like a fueling station Bali I don't know what that means so I this might be might be the place name El so so is that I I think that is the beach to our South CU in the all the other directions we have like mountains there's a church beautiful Church on the Hill so Coast to the South largest settlement within 70 kilom so I imagine it might be on the on the map visible if it's the largest in the area so would it be somewhere up here or would it be and Iceland has such a like a rugged is that the word Coastline that it uh if the water is south it still could be could be say the word yes um but okay we have quite a lot of mountains around us would that help there are lots of mountains up here lots of mountains up here mountains down here as well so I don't think it's too helpful it still could be could be all those places and also some some mountains here yeah I I don't see it I don't want to spend too much time here um okay I think I'll go go with this maybe see if that's right or not oh it was down here okay Vic oh I think I had plunked in vic for a second but I didn't see Vick anywhere on any signs so it didn't guess there there lots of things that said Vi at the start of the word ", "points": 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think that big sign said yeah Vic with something else so yeah okay not sure why but I I thought you know it's a little bit little bit okay yeah I mean I I could have noticed but I didn't yeah but but that's that that was a good one so 235,000 though I'm I'm very happy with this score feel like you I feel like you had a good effort I was particularly impressed how quickly you got the Estonia but I tried to be a bit ambitious including a Baltic location I guess the pole gave it away for me and just The Vibes the Baltic Vibes I don't know I just I knew you had the Vib I'm from here so I get the Vibes time for The Unofficial map let's see what unofficial locations you have prepared oh interesting Kier Mir okay so what's what's happening here you are looking down at a diamond mine it is one of the largest excavated holes in the world mining has now ceased but the name of the mine written on the hill does give a clue to the name of this Northern Town interesting this is such an interesting location I think ker Mir well ker like ker like like I don't know the exact definition but in carer you like like you mine for things usually uh and me is like me was the world I think in r in Russian um diamond mine you say so I know you like the biggest diamond manufacturer I think is Botswana I think the second largest might be Russia if I remember correctly so with cilic I think what from what I can see I could see this being Russia um I don't see why not kind of the houses definitely feel like they could be in Russia and with cilic with the diamonds diamond mining hint I think Russia is definitely my best option here so he said the name gives the clue um about the the town doesn't look like a too big of a town pretty flat it seems I would probably go in the Asian part of Russia somewhere uh not not too close to the mountains though I did mention in the clue that the it is a Northern Town oh Northern okay so I should look more Northern thank you so anything starting with me or something that shows up m m maybe and Russia has so many towns that it's inevitable that some will have similar names so I wouldn't be surprised this this part I feel like is too mountainous I don't think it could be there would it be anywhere here another M another mney so I'm not I I I don't have my Russian Vibes on point I'm not sure which Vibes fit better both of the towns would be kind of Northern my first thought was the the Asian Russia so should I go with my G I think I'll use my lucky coin got got my lucky coin so heads heads Heads is Asian Russia City tails is European Russia okay it's heads I'm going European Russia then got to trust my lucky coin on this one wait but I I I guess I can align wait why am I using my coin when I can have a look maybe the the thing is on the map I Pro probably should have done that first um before before the coin yeah I don't know why why that didn't OCC occur to me so where where was the other Mir it was somewhere here meu oh meu miruga is also an option no but that's too small that is too small there's nothing literally when you zoom in um where was M it was somewhere around here no how did I find it like so quickly first time and now I don't see it zoom out zoom out even more you can see it oh oh it's that that visible yeah it's a big town airport is there okay there is di Metro Russia Mina Mina would be a mine uh almasi ker Almas I think was like a some sort of a gem I'm not sure if it meant diamond or not but it definitely says like a ker here Kier Mir so I think okay I think this is the one I don't think the other one fits I'm I'm glad I didn't trust my lucky coin and I decided to to investigate this further okay nice was a good idea not ", "points": 4998, "distance": 0.5640000000000001, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "IyCaen8Wp007fOVF", "mapSlug": "6688edf0dd3af951fb7e42e6", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 219, 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or is exact okay okay this would be an African country this is the main Highway you say yeah okay not the fanciest Main Highway maybe but not not the fanciest I've seen I'll be honest yeah I I'm not sure which country uses orange license plit to be honest so that's that's an issue here there isn't much else to go by so which side okay I don't see the steering wheel on this side for this car at least so that would make me think we're driving on the right side cuz I'm not sure probably some car is is has been bro has bro is broken so people are helping out looks quite Green from what I can see lots of greenery grass so nothing too dry so wouldn't be mly or anything like that I don't think Nigeria ever or Benin maybe Benin seems like a Green Country I have no idea about the license PL colors though but it feels to me like it would be somewhere in kind of this this kind of western western Africa region maybe maybe like Central African Republic as well Cameroon one of the Congos maybe I I have no idea I'm just naming countries at this point I was I was hoping you would know the orange license plate um thing but I will give you a clue in the absence of that you have mentioned the correct country so far I have okay I have mentioned it so which countries did I mention I mentioned Mali which I don't think it is I mentioned Benin I mentioned Cameroon Central African Republic and Congos and Nigeria I didn't mention Nigeria okay let's have a maybe a quick look maybe I notice a town similar to zigzag so this is the main highway so let's look along some highways do I see anything similar to zigzag I don't see anything like that in Benin in Nigeria I feel like the highways look better I don't think it's Nigeria uh Cameroon anything zigzag like which one would be the main Highway wait oh camon goes all the way here but I imagine it might be too dry up there Central African Republic not too many places starting with the letter Z let's go maybe Central African Republic near Cameroon somewhere there ar oh there is a z Place starting with z at least I think that's the first one I've seen so I don't think it is there but let's just let see go go there oh it is up here I said it wouldn't be oh my god zigu oh wow damn oh that's a great name oh but it's so small it really shows up when you really zoom in very closely okay that's why I didn't see it interesting that's a that's a cool name for sad when he said no it won't be there well yeah I kind of dismissed I thought it would be drier up there but I guess not orang license plates are uh pretty much exclusive to camaron very nice tip ", "points": 3013, "distance": 756.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "IyCaen8Wp007fOVF", "mapSlug": "6688edf0dd3af951fb7e42e6", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 219, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": 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Island would this be the kangaro Island where was The Kangaroo Island it was somewhere here the southern coast it could be maybe seal Bay okay this is a town there is a river here so is there a river somewhere no okay there's like some sort of uh God I don't remember how you call those pinula of some there something like that so maybe that could be of help there is something like that here is this the river Elenor River that's the only River I've seen here so maybe it is it doesn't look like a massive River so maybe it is that one there there is like some there are some roads there is some sort of town here so the houses are on this side of the river but I think this is my best guess I don't see any other rivers on on Kangaroo Island ah wait was it flick flipped maybe I don't I didn't quite understand I I I think you're right I think the river's just missing somehow yeah there you are mouth of the Harriet River oh okay that so that wasn't that River oh okay oh that that explains a lot of things actually yeah the river just isn't there fair enough I thought it was this River that is really interesting indeed I didn't realize that it wasn't well at ", "points": 4990, "distance": 2.7, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "IyCaen8Wp007fOVF", "mapSlug": "6688edf0dd3af951fb7e42e6", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 219, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "6688edf0dd3af951fb7e42e6", "name": "GeoPeter 2024 Challenge Unofficial", "slug": "6688edf0dd3af951fb7e42e6", "description": null, "url": "/maps/6688edf0dd3af951fb7e42e6", "playUrl": "/6688edf0dd3af951fb7e42e6/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -35.9814836, "lng": 14.6435617}, "max": {"lat": 62.530165100000005, "lng": 137.1834596}}, "customCoordinates": null, 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little little tape this this K anx that you see in like in the Stan countries I think was it in Kazakhstan that you saw them I think yeah here here is like an example on the map so maybe Kazakhstan maybe some other Stan but I would think somewhere in that area so this is the largest airport so I imagine Kuan might be in that country possibly now I don't see any Flags anywhere I was thinking maybe something here is a flag but it's really hard to tell and we have cilic so kujan I I'll I'll do a quick scan maybe I notice KU jand in Kazakhstan I feel like I would have seen Kuan who bistan did bistan use cilic they don't use cilic at least on the map oh kujan is here hello uh and I do have some cilic it is Tajikistan part of Tajikistan so that's the closest flight so would it would it be from Tashkent maybe or would it be from Tajikistan itself from Duan I don't think they use cilic in um usbekistan do they I can't remember now but at least when I don't remember I usually guide Myself by Google Maps what what languages they show but surely for for Bish Al mati surely would be the closest flight I can't imagine there not being a flight between the two cities and if it's the largest largest uh airport surely it's in the capital I think the shanbe makes the most sense here the shanbe International Airport let's maybe see if we can spot something what do we have here we have some chocolate drink store we have not sure what this is is there a chocolate drink store somewhere here Center Bar is it enter par uh I don't think it is don't see parvis anywhere is this the chocolate Choy this some sort of a Choy I think it's a tea tea house or something would this be a tea house oh parvos oh it says parvos here parvos oh so this this Parvo parvos is there I think the par parvos seals the deal it has to be here oh oh here is the chocolate house okay yeah that makes more sense yeah you ", "points": 4999, "distance": 0.125, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "IyCaen8Wp007fOVF", 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or something final round of the video okay this one um you're looking out onto the Indian Ocean you can see a national park on a far Island which is called s s an Marine National Park and the 5K is in a place called zigzag Ward oh wow okay but they have top virtual tours okay not not helpful so we have very somewhere very green so we're looking onto Indian Ocean this is definitely giving me Island Vibes right off the bat and we have some islands islands in the distance as well that's the national park St Anne National Park and some smaller Islands here as well looks pretty nice actually bunch of wind wind generators and and and very tropical very green seems like a nice place okay well I guess let's just zoom in on a few few Islands this seems a little bit like mountainous so it wouldn't be malds or anything like that so we can eliminate I think British is yeah British Indian oan Territory was also super flat so would would be there ever Cocos Cocos Islands or Christmas Islands here I think they're also cus islands are very flat I think Christmas Islands mostly also pretty flat some little Hills it seems but there aren't any islands around that we would be looking towards okay what else do we have we have say shells there are a bunch of islands around so that already grabs my attention cuz there do seem to be a lot of islands do we get any oh St an St anarine National Park okay we are looking towards it so and the compass is about right I imagine yeah okay so we're in zigzag lots of zigzaggy roads but I don't see it's saying zigzag anywhere we see these islands here to our very North I think that the shape looks kind of similar to this uh I feel like I might as well guess somewhere here it has to be somewhere but I just don't see the five oh so just as I say it I notice zigzag W right where I've bloned it I probably was looking all around it all the time okay let's I I think this is probably it so was right on it so okay nice nice very good locations I ", "points": 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interesting thing about this map is that it contains locations from all over the world so we could end up anywhere as you can see the average score is only 4,800 so it's going to be a tricky map so good luck to ass Soul the play along links as always will be in the description if you want to play along you can play along with the free account as well good luck good luck to us all let's see what do we have okay so what is the writing the writing looks Chinese uh what else definitely some Chinese symbols I'm thinking could this be maybe Tibet or something like that maybe I'm kind of getting that those types of Vibes I'm not too confident but I'm kind of liking that guess I think I don't see anything else particularly useful just just the some some language and the general architecture and Vibes alassa I believe is the capital of Tibet if I remember correctly and uh yeah I think let's go there okay it was not Tibet it was China so that wasn't too hard to guess but but yeah I thought the BET might be it but no it was Kun ", "points": 2129, "distance": 1274.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "0vlwfOEw2MKR9iao", "mapSlug": "643b19d4490671c1730be963", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 287, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "643b19d4490671c1730be963", "name": "Geoguessr in 2069", "slug": "643b19d4490671c1730be963", "description": "[NMPZ For Best Experience]\nHave you ever wondered what it would be like if every country in the world had street view and car meta didn't exist? 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Due to the nature of photospheres, it's advised to play NMPZ to avoid seeing bad stitching.\nTo report a broken location, message me on Discord: jigencs (27/03/24)", "url": "/maps/643b19d4490671c1730be963", "playUrl": "/643b19d4490671c1730be963/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -45.8640681, "lng": -172.78850269999998}, "max": {"lat": 78.653695, "lng": 179.18941859999998}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2023-04-15T21:56:22.8320000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-03-27T21:16:29.7250000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "morning", "decoration": "palmtrees", "ground": "green", "landscape": "mountaintrees"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 13856115, "likes": 1440, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/0vlwfOEw2MKR9iao/2/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 2, "lat": -14.4171637, "lng": 28.4117897, "continent": "Africa", "country": "Zambia"}, "challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "Ming okay fair enough fair enough enough but still I'm pretty happy with that guess my goal is to beat the average score which was 4,800 so I'm almost halfway there and of course if you play along let me know your scores in the comments and press that like button if you like this playong videos so I know to make more of them it really helps and supports the channel so what is this here so some some brick buildings some dark skinned people here we have very Sandy very light sand here very kind of dry looking as well some Greenery but very dry um so with all this into consideration I would maybe go I wish we know knew the the driving side that would be helpful so I don't know should I go like Botswana or something or should I go like Sagal or or somewhere in that area Angola we go Angola CU I imagine it might get like this area would be much Greener maybe something like Mali or or ner but I think I'll go Angola I'm not happy with this guess okay wasn't too bad actually I'm glad I didn't switch last second I was considering switching to Molly but okay it was Zombia zombie it was Africa I was thinking it's probably not that Coastal which is why I considered the switch but okay I was not thinking zombie I would have thought it it's Greener there but I ", "points": 1676, "distance": 1631.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "0vlwfOEw2MKR9iao", "mapSlug": "643b19d4490671c1730be963", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 287, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "643b19d4490671c1730be963", "name": "Geoguessr in 2069", "slug": "643b19d4490671c1730be963", "description": "[NMPZ For Best Experience]\nHave you ever wondered what it would be like if every country in the world had street view and car meta didn't exist? 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Due to the nature of photospheres, it's advised to play NMPZ to avoid seeing bad stitching.\nTo report a broken location, message me on Discord: jigencs (27/03/24)", "url": "/maps/643b19d4490671c1730be963", "playUrl": "/643b19d4490671c1730be963/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -45.8640681, "lng": -172.78850269999998}, "max": {"lat": 78.653695, "lng": 179.18941859999998}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2023-04-15T21:56:22.8320000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-03-27T21:16:29.7250000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "morning", "decoration": "palmtrees", "ground": "green", "landscape": "mountaintrees"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 13856115, "likes": 1440, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/0vlwfOEw2MKR9iao/3/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 3, "lat": 32.603166, "lng": 131.6639243, "continent": "Asia", "country": "Japan"}, "challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "guess this is a bit of a more of a drier area there no what is this these stripes yellow and black immediately make me think Japan here so I think this would be Japan yeah feels very very Japanese um where in Japan I know I should study the pole tops and these uh little metal plates I do intend to study them just haven't gotten to it yet but yeah you can use those to identify where in Japan you are but uh without that knowledge where do I think this might be I'm kind of feeling more towards South for some reason feeling more south southern Japan let's go somewhere here okay yeah it was even more south ", "points": 4119, "distance": 289.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "0vlwfOEw2MKR9iao", "mapSlug": "643b19d4490671c1730be963", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 287, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "643b19d4490671c1730be963", "name": "Geoguessr in 2069", "slug": "643b19d4490671c1730be963", "description": "[NMPZ For Best Experience]\nHave you ever wondered what it would be like if every country in the world had street view and car meta didn't exist? 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Well look no further! This map includes 1000 photosphere locations in 186 countries and 15 territories around the world - all photospheres are taken on a road to resemble official street view feeling. Due to the nature of photospheres, it's advised to play NMPZ to avoid seeing bad stitching.\nTo report a broken location, message me on Discord: jigencs (27/03/24)", "url": "/maps/643b19d4490671c1730be963", "playUrl": "/643b19d4490671c1730be963/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -45.8640681, "lng": -172.78850269999998}, "max": {"lat": 78.653695, "lng": 179.18941859999998}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2023-04-15T21:56:22.8320000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-03-27T21:16:29.7250000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "morning", "decoration": "palmtrees", "ground": "green", "landscape": "mountaintrees"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 13856115, "likes": 1440, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/0vlwfOEw2MKR9iao/5/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 5, "lat": 10.3076651, "lng": 1.3746805, "continent": "Africa", "country": "Benin"}, "challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "one what is the city Leu yeah I I did not know that it was there but still a good score for this map at least we have this pole this waffle pole driving on the right side judging by the sign I'm thinking senal maybe I know Sagal has some waffle poles Hotel tatas the quality is not very good I can't read much po sounds French so I'm thinking a French speaking African country that drives on the right side and has waffle poles I mean Sagal would fit probably like cir sier Leon do they speak French there I'm not sure um but I know for a fact that Sagal has waffle poles I wish we saw some cars cuz in Sagal they have blue license plates I'm thinking maybe let's go cot deoir just to spice things up let's go senagal let's go Sagal after all I was considering switching to codir oh it was Benin okay okay yeah maybe I should have switched to codir would have had a more ", "points": 1354, "distance": 1949.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "0vlwfOEw2MKR9iao", "mapSlug": "643b19d4490671c1730be963", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 287, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "643b19d4490671c1730be963", "name": "Geoguessr in 2069", "slug": "643b19d4490671c1730be963", "description": "[NMPZ For Best Experience]\nHave you ever wondered what it would be like if every country in the world had street view and car meta didn't exist? Well look no further! This map includes 1000 photosphere locations in 186 countries and 15 territories around the world - all photospheres are taken on a road to resemble official street view feeling. Due to the nature of photospheres, it's advised to play NMPZ to avoid seeing bad stitching.\nTo report a broken location, message me on Discord: jigencs (27/03/24)", "url": "/maps/643b19d4490671c1730be963", "playUrl": "/643b19d4490671c1730be963/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -45.8640681, "lng": -172.78850269999998}, "max": {"lat": 78.653695, "lng": 179.18941859999998}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2023-04-15T21:56:22.8320000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-03-27T21:16:29.7250000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "morning", "decoration": "palmtrees", "ground": "green", "landscape": "mountaintrees"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 13856115, "likes": 1440, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/I5NrDJKFxRFXVVXC/1/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 1, "lat": 35.83609, "lng": 128.7079574, "continent": "Asia", "country": "South Korea"}, "challenge_index": 1, "split_transcript": "points it was Benin I see well overall 13,000 points could have been way worse I I'll take that but let's play another one let's play another game uh again Link in the description of course let's see oh takes a while to load we have Korean language right off the bat with these vertical lines and circles we are in Korea not North Korea no this wouldn't be North Korea this is definitely Ely South Korea uh phone number 05 05 phone code uh was I don't remember the exact City but Soul was like 01 maybe 02 05 was something like deu or or Deon or something like that I think so maybe let's go deu does this this feel like a mountainous Place can't really tell but I think Deo is a good shout if it isn't Deo it should be somewhere in in the area yeah ", "points": 4940, "distance": 18.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "I5NrDJKFxRFXVVXC", "mapSlug": "643b19d4490671c1730be963", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 223, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "643b19d4490671c1730be963", "name": "Geoguessr in 2069", "slug": "643b19d4490671c1730be963", "description": "[NMPZ For Best Experience]\nHave you ever wondered what it would be like if every country in the world had street view and car meta didn't exist? Well look no further! This map includes 1000 photosphere locations in 186 countries and 15 territories around the world - all photospheres are taken on a road to resemble official street view feeling. Due to the nature of photospheres, it's advised to play NMPZ to avoid seeing bad stitching.\nTo report a broken location, message me on Discord: jigencs (27/03/24)", "url": "/maps/643b19d4490671c1730be963", "playUrl": "/643b19d4490671c1730be963/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -45.8640681, "lng": -172.78850269999998}, "max": {"lat": 78.653695, "lng": 179.18941859999998}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2023-04-15T21:56:22.8320000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-03-27T21:16:29.7250000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "morning", "decoration": "palmtrees", "ground": "green", "landscape": "mountaintrees"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 13856115, "likes": 1440, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/I5NrDJKFxRFXVVXC/2/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 2, "lat": 39.9057795, "lng": 33.2462538, "continent": "Asia", "country": "Turkey"}, "challenge_index": 1, "split_transcript": "it was it was Deo right right outskirts of Deo very nice good start for this game my first thought is was Turkey then I noticed the yellow lines and now I'm not so sure anymore I mean in Turkey you could get yellow lines sometimes the sign looks yeah the sign is Turkish and then this pole looked very Turkish to me as well uh and these are Turkish bards too most of the city names are not readable unfortunately edig hurat I imagine those are very small places cuz they are very nearby I would say that this is somewhere maybe here is yeah let's let's guess there oh it's ", "points": 3946, "distance": 353.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "I5NrDJKFxRFXVVXC", "mapSlug": "643b19d4490671c1730be963", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 223, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "643b19d4490671c1730be963", "name": "Geoguessr in 2069", "slug": "643b19d4490671c1730be963", "description": "[NMPZ For Best Experience]\nHave you ever wondered what it would be like if every country in the world had street view and car meta didn't exist? Well look no further! This map includes 1000 photosphere locations in 186 countries and 15 territories around the world - all photospheres are taken on a road to resemble official street view feeling. 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Well look no further! This map includes 1000 photosphere locations in 186 countries and 15 territories around the world - all photospheres are taken on a road to resemble official street view feeling. Due to the nature of photospheres, it's advised to play NMPZ to avoid seeing bad stitching.\nTo report a broken location, message me on Discord: jigencs (27/03/24)", "url": "/maps/643b19d4490671c1730be963", "playUrl": "/643b19d4490671c1730be963/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -45.8640681, "lng": -172.78850269999998}, "max": {"lat": 78.653695, "lng": 179.18941859999998}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2023-04-15T21:56:22.8320000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-03-27T21:16:29.7250000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "morning", "decoration": "palmtrees", "ground": "green", "landscape": "mountaintrees"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 13856115, "likes": 1440, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/I5NrDJKFxRFXVVXC/4/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 4, "lat": -8.9551658, "lng": 13.2089878, "continent": "Africa", "country": "Angola"}, "challenge_index": 1, "split_transcript": "was it was Portugal yeah okay nice that was a good good round now we have a black plate here is the first thing that I notice driving on the right side would this be something like two IA maybe I know Tunisia has black plates the architecture the the sandiness is giving me kind of either African or middle eastern Vibes with the black plates I'm not sure about the other countries but I know for a fact that Tunisia has black plates we don't see any language we don't see much really yeah I think I think let's go Tunisia on this one not super sure but but I think that's my best guess oh boy wait Angola drives on the left side no let's have a look oh no Angola oh my gosh I hadn't mixed up Angola does drive on the right side you can tell by the arrows I thought Angola still drives on the left but no ", "points": 177, "distance": 4980.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "I5NrDJKFxRFXVVXC", "mapSlug": "643b19d4490671c1730be963", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 223, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "643b19d4490671c1730be963", "name": "Geoguessr in 2069", "slug": "643b19d4490671c1730be963", "description": "[NMPZ For Best Experience]\nHave you ever wondered what it would be like if every country in the world had street view and car meta didn't exist? Well look no further! This map includes 1000 photosphere locations in 186 countries and 15 territories around the world - all photospheres are taken on a road to resemble official street view feeling. Due to the nature of photospheres, it's advised to play NMPZ to avoid seeing bad stitching.\nTo report a broken location, message me on Discord: jigencs (27/03/24)", "url": "/maps/643b19d4490671c1730be963", "playUrl": "/643b19d4490671c1730be963/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -45.8640681, "lng": -172.78850269999998}, "max": {"lat": 78.653695, "lng": 179.18941859999998}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2023-04-15T21:56:22.8320000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-03-27T21:16:29.7250000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "morning", "decoration": "palmtrees", "ground": "green", "landscape": "mountaintrees"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 13856115, "likes": 1440, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/I5NrDJKFxRFXVVXC/5/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 5, "lat": 31.402737799999997, "lng": 74.2589929, "continent": "Asia", "country": "Pakistan"}, "challenge_index": 1, "split_transcript": "Namibia was the last one to drive on the left here on this side okay that was a big mistake but uh mistakes happen I already have a better score than the first game White Rose the professional dry cleaners okay we have some people hanging around Punjab Punjab I'm driving on the left side well Punjab was it not yeah it was like like a region in India we have some is that AR rabic new fancy hairstyle and massage scent massage is a bit misspelled we have a lot of Arabic here a lot of Arabic which makes me think maybe it's not the the region of Punjab would this ever be Pakistan he Valencia clean Valencia I I'll I'll still keep it here if it is Pakistan we're still not too far okay it was Pakistan it was yeah oh there is Valencia it said ", "points": 4598, "distance": 125.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "I5NrDJKFxRFXVVXC", "mapSlug": "643b19d4490671c1730be963", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 223, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "643b19d4490671c1730be963", "name": "Geoguessr in 2069", "slug": "643b19d4490671c1730be963", "description": "[NMPZ For Best Experience]\nHave you ever wondered what it would be like if every country in the world had street view and car meta didn't exist? Well look no further! This map includes 1000 photosphere locations in 186 countries and 15 territories around the world - all photospheres are taken on a road to resemble official street view feeling. Due to the nature of photospheres, it's advised to play NMPZ to avoid seeing bad stitching.\nTo report a broken location, message me on Discord: jigencs (27/03/24)", "url": "/maps/643b19d4490671c1730be963", "playUrl": "/643b19d4490671c1730be963/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -45.8640681, "lng": -172.78850269999998}, "max": {"lat": 78.653695, "lng": 179.18941859999998}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2023-04-15T21:56:22.8320000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-03-27T21:16:29.7250000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "morning", "decoration": "palmtrees", "ground": "green", "landscape": "mountaintrees"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 13856115, "likes": 1440, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/lL9thDdvbmZDismN/1/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 1, "lat": 49.834123299999995, "lng": 14.5479444, "continent": "Europe", "country": "Czechia"}, "challenge_index": 2, "split_transcript": "Valencia but but okay interesting that we had multiple Punjab plates I wonder why maybe like lower taxes if you register it in India or something okay let's go for one more game cuz I really like this map let me know in the comments if you if you like this map or or what other Maps do you prefer to play or what other Maps should I try uh to do a playalong video in I am all ears all ears this feels more European for sure looking at these houses this one feels kind of Nordic here in the back the other ones not so much I'm thinking maybe something like Germany somewhere somewhere here is maybe a bit towards north with more Nordic influence I think that might be my best guess here this house feels kind of German as well maybe let's see okay it was checky okay well fair ", "points": 3845, "distance": 392.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "lL9thDdvbmZDismN", "mapSlug": "643b19d4490671c1730be963", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 195, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "643b19d4490671c1730be963", "name": "Geoguessr in 2069", "slug": "643b19d4490671c1730be963", "description": "[NMPZ For Best Experience]\nHave you ever wondered what it would be like if every country in the world had street view and car meta didn't exist? Well look no further! This map includes 1000 photosphere locations in 186 countries and 15 territories around the world - all photospheres are taken on a road to resemble official street view feeling. 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Well look no further! This map includes 1000 photosphere locations in 186 countries and 15 territories around the world - all photospheres are taken on a road to resemble official street view feeling. 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Due to the nature of photospheres, it's advised to play NMPZ to avoid seeing bad stitching.\nTo report a broken location, message me on Discord: jigencs (27/03/24)", "url": "/maps/643b19d4490671c1730be963", "playUrl": "/643b19d4490671c1730be963/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -45.8640681, "lng": -172.78850269999998}, "max": {"lat": 78.653695, "lng": 179.18941859999998}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2023-04-15T21:56:22.8320000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-03-27T21:16:29.7250000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "morning", "decoration": "palmtrees", "ground": "green", "landscape": "mountaintrees"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, 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description as usual and you can play along with a free account as well so in this video I'm going to try to keep editing as little as possible and uh yeah we're GNA play some popular Maps starting with the community world so let's go with that and let's keep the settings as usual minute and a half and no moving so good luck to us we have a long antenna starting with that these stickers feel kind of I'm getting maybe Nordic Vibes in a way but with mountains like these not sure not sure at all starting off with a pretty tricky one the houses feel Nordic I would probably go Norway I'm not sure if Norway has an antenna like this though I yeah not sure about that but just by The Vibes maybe Norway I'm not sure but let's let's go somewhere somewhere there it was Norway ", "points": 4525, "distance": 149.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "PfswpHe3DvKcJU7Z", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, 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there oh was it actually Tennessee oh no it was not Tennessee it ", "points": 4005, "distance": 331.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "PfswpHe3DvKcJU7Z", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 195, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "name": "A Community World", "slug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "description": "A world map with 100k+ handpicked locations put together by over a hundred experienced players and map makers from the GeoGuessr community || More about ACW: XXXX || ACW discord: XXXX || The map contains only official Google Street View locations, meaning there should be no blurry images, photospheres or black screens in game", "url": "/maps/62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "playUrl": "/62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914/play", "published": true, "banned": 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Black Blade isn't it and it looks like it might have three white sections which would correspond to this being Indonesia so I think I'm going to go Indonesia here despite not knowing the poles we have some hills some flatness a little bit I'm really not sure where in Indonesia this would be lombok let's go lombok oh no it was just Java it was ", "points": 2258, "distance": 1186.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "PfswpHe3DvKcJU7Z", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 195, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "name": "A Community World", "slug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "description": "A world map with 100k+ handpicked locations put together by over a hundred experienced players and map makers from the GeoGuessr community || More about ACW: XXXX 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something here I don't think so so I think we'll have to go with the vibe I don't think the houses are helping much here so we have a lake to our kind of Southwest so not there can I find a leg that maybe could align [Music] wellwhere here there is a lake here I don't think this is it though but uh might as well keep it there oh oh it was this Lake ", "points": 3863, "distance": 385.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "PfswpHe3DvKcJU7Z", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 195, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "name": "A Community World", "slug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "description": "A world map with 100k+ handpicked locations put together by over a hundred experienced players and map makers from the GeoGuessr community || More about ACW: 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believe and I I don't think this would be Brazil anyways even without the language with Generation 4 where is the sun the sun is Sun is very high in the sky slightly to the north slight l h do I see any cars any plates not really I'm very much torn here I don't think this would be Mexico ", "points": 704, "distance": 2926.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "PfswpHe3DvKcJU7Z", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 195, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "name": "A Community World", "slug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "description": "A world map with 100k+ handpicked locations put together by over a hundred experienced players and map makers from the GeoGuessr community || More about ACW: XXXX || ACW discord: XXXX || The map contains only official 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that like button as well if you are enjoying this video um okay let's do which map shall we do next let's do I Saw the Sign maybe two I saw the sign to again same settings minute and oh not single player though let's do it as a challenge so you can play along okay we do have a sign here indeed and we have some Italian ballards and Italian Italian signs CIA CIA mhm not sure what this sign is Casia this feels like more Northern Italy I would say Casia is there a chance that I can find it Casia I don't think I've heard of Casia before but I mean I could give it a try well at least I know it's definitely Italy with those narrow front plates and the ballards I do not see CIA anywhere though maybe it isn't as North as I thought or maybe it's small or maybe I'm just not noticing it C and we are running out of time well me and a half isn't too much time to find these place names if you don't know where it is yeah it it was more south there is ", "points": 4265, "distance": 237.0, 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haven't played it too that often that even if I do get any repeats then I don't think I will remember them this is unofficial coverage right off the bat spasen brunen be well that's certainly a McDonald's cappuccino Burger yeah the quality definitely could be better sovi we do have some German I was thinking that I'm seeing some Lind does it say Lind are we in Lind maybe let's see I mean that's as good of a guess as any Lind any McDonald in the city center that we spot um not noticing any this feels like oh wait McDonald's Lind andar yo oh my God I actually found ", "points": 4999, "distance": 0.009000000000000001, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "xn74DgVcFFTOFJnn", "mapSlug": "5754651a00a27f6f482a2a3d", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 123, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5754651a00a27f6f482a2a3d", 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super Central Warren Street like there is a McDonald's here but that's not a Warren Street no any other clothes I mean London is already a decent decent guess but would have been nicer to find the exact spot but I don't think it will be a possibility Druid Street that's a cool name Warren Street yeah that's like looking in a for a needle in a Hast stack so many streets in [Music] London there it is y Warren Street wait there isn't even a street called Warren Street oh that tiny one is okay there's zero shot I would have found it I thought like we were looking for a beak street but no okay apparently ", "points": 4988, "distance": 3.5, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "xn74DgVcFFTOFJnn", "mapSlug": "5754651a00a27f6f482a2a3d", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 123, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": 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it could work with with this being Moscow just general Vibes I feel Moscow would be a good fit here so I don't know if we can trust the compass cu the coverage is unofficial but I think I know that the financial district is kind of here I think it was somewhere here on the western side of Moscow for some reason I have that in my mind so we would be um I don't know somewhere I was considering switching to like here but okay not too bad all right ", "points": 4994, "distance": 1.5, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "xn74DgVcFFTOFJnn", "mapSlug": "5754651a00a27f6f482a2a3d", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 123, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5754651a00a27f6f482a2a3d", "name": "Where's that Mcdonald's?", "slug": "5754651a00a27f6f482a2a3d", "description": "Update", "url": "/maps/5754651a00a27f6f482a2a3d", 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best branding here it's really easy to miss uh anyways I'm guessing this would be Athens next to some big building and a big Square to our East and McDonald's is to our West um the road direction is like that no not there I don't think we'll find it but still this should be in Athens I think oh it was down here oh yep yep yep yeah ", "points": 4994, "distance": 1.6, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "xn74DgVcFFTOFJnn", "mapSlug": "5754651a00a27f6f482a2a3d", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 123, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5754651a00a27f6f482a2a3d", "name": "Where's that Mcdonald's?", "slug": "5754651a00a27f6f482a2a3d", "description": "Update", "url": "/maps/5754651a00a27f6f482a2a3d", "playUrl": "/5754651a00a27f6f482a2a3d/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, 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road so maybe here looks like a pretty big road that you Ed to get into the city what do we have on the other side we have some big house big buildings some we here like nitka maybe Melita do we have Melita somewhere Melita Melita don't see any melitus here no melitus it could be could it be maybe all the way here somewhere I don't know oh no never mind it was more in inside the city yeah no milit ", "points": 4984, "distance": 4.7, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "q0PTVQJZLowmGXgT", "mapSlug": "5bbb74ce2c01735208560cf6", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 122, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5bbb74ce2c01735208560cf6", "name": "World Cities", "slug": "5bbb74ce2c01735208560cf6", "description": "How well do you know the world's cities? 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if you're looking for some good training locations practicing metas getting better geaser that's the map to go let's do AI generated world that's the next one let's go for this one a wise mix of computer generated and handpicked locations [Music] at20 okay all officially covered countries well let's go let's go what do we have here this this this Pole looks kind of Polish I think with these holes not going all the way to the ground or are they or are they going all the way to the ground this feels like PA very much I think and Southern Poland maybe cuz I feel like Hungarian Hungarian um polls look a bit different I I would definitely go Poland here so let's ", "points": 4373, "distance": 200.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "SU9tygCRP6vP0DhJ", "mapSlug": "5dbaf08ed0d2a478444d2e8e", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 97, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": 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Please send broken (unpinpointable locations) to geosverre on discord. 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Please send broken (unpinpointable locations) to geosverre on discord. 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Please send broken (unpinpointable locations) to geosverre on discord. Updated 29.12.23 - thanks for playing my map!", "url": "/maps/6029991c5048850001d572a9", "playUrl": "/6029991c5048850001d572a9/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.83810373424246, "lng": -157.8487457275504}, "max": {"lat": 78.2214066884509, "lng": 178.02040576260222}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-02-14T21:41:48.7890000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-01-04T22:13:43.7060000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "night", "decoration": "none", "ground": "blue", "landscape": "skyline"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 14885717, "likes": 6836, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/60Ud5ORQK4XGfSRI/1/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 1, "lat": 51.53876109999999, "lng": -0.01592690000006769, "continent": "Europe", "country": "United Kingdom"}, "challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "European championships going on I'm thought let's play some European football stadiums map because I think it's very fitting for the occasion so yeah I'll be upfront I'm not the biggest football expert I just like to watch from time to time but I think it still could be fun to play this map and see how we do and of course if you want to play along the links will be in the description you can play with a free account as well and and yeah don't forget to press that like button if you enjoy these play along videos so let's go so what is this okay well we are certainly in a football stadium and this is all should be in Europe team talk bet way bet way I'm looking for okay I mean I was looking for some Clues and I think a pretty good clue is a text saying this is London Stadium can't get any any more direct than that this this is London Stadium okay welcome to West Ham United uh well we would be in London I imagine West Ham United where would be West Ham well somewhere in the west maybe I am not sure Holland no Holland Park is an actual Park in English it's confusing sometimes you call stadiums Parks which I can never tell which one is an actual Park and which one is a stadium London is a massive City but uh let's go Wembley well this isn't Wembley but uh all right it was the other side of ", "points": 4940, "distance": 18.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "60Ud5ORQK4XGfSRI", "mapSlug": "5e29cb1b6ea510a7e4e32430", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 359, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5e29cb1b6ea510a7e4e32430", "name": "European football stadiums", "slug": "5e29cb1b6ea510a7e4e32430", "description": "European football stadiums from 42 countries. 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video and today we are going to play a map called longest road of every country made by aie golfer and his community so I'm sure it's going to be a great map go and check out Aussie golfer if you don't know him already and yeah this map has mostly labeled roads all around the world so let's get to it let's play some games and see how we do let's have the time limit to minute 30 and and good luck good luck if you do play along let me know how you do in the comments and don't forget to press that like button if you enjoy these play along videos so the longest road we have the white car here which would indicate and we're drawing on the left side which would indicate somewhere southern Africa Delta Farm Medical Center I think this is Botswana we have these black and yellow stripes and in general looks very flat very Botswana likee can we see what these we can't see what these signs say huh so we are on an intersection T way intersection road goes like that so somewhere near gabaron maybe where are there any T way intersections here would this be the longest road could it be somewhere here fron Town Road could this be it Delta Farm Medical Center is that somewhere no this is like a t way intersection but this might not be the right road I don't know well let's see we don't have much time anyways it was definitely not the right Road it was the other side of the country it was kzi A1 well yeah A1 is the longest road was I on the A1 as well or no that's what what is that what is the one that I was on ", "points": 3472, "distance": 544.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "yJZgzEb8eOk02dnI", "mapSlug": "6646031fd4341f057412efcc", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 140, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "6646031fd4341f057412efcc", "name": "Longest Road of Every Country", "slug": 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Check out my other Maps on Cemeteries, Waterfalls & Places of Worship!\nPS: Please excuse any locations where the spot has disappeared - I try to keep up with the ever changing Google Maps updated views. 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Check out my other Maps on Cemeteries, Waterfalls & Places of Worship!\nPS: Please excuse any locations where the spot has disappeared - I try to keep up with the ever changing Google Maps updated views. 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Check out my other Maps on Cemeteries, Waterfalls & Places of Worship!\nPS: Please excuse any locations where the spot has disappeared - I try to keep up with the ever changing Google Maps updated views. 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Check out my other Maps on Cemeteries, Waterfalls & Places of Worship!\nPS: Please excuse any locations where the spot has disappeared - I try to keep up with the ever changing Google Maps updated views. 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Check out my other Maps on Cemeteries, Waterfalls & Places of Worship!\nPS: Please excuse any locations where the spot has disappeared - I try to keep up with the ever changing Google Maps updated views. 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Check out my other Maps on Cemeteries, Waterfalls & Places of Worship!\nPS: Please excuse any locations where the spot has disappeared - I try to keep up with the ever changing Google Maps updated views. 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Check out my other Maps on Cemeteries, Waterfalls & Places of Worship!\nPS: Please excuse any locations where the spot has disappeared - I try to keep up with the ever changing Google Maps updated views. 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Check out my other Maps on Cemeteries, Waterfalls & Places of Worship!\nPS: Please excuse any locations where the spot has disappeared - I try to keep up with the ever changing Google Maps updated views. 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Check out my other Maps on Cemeteries, Waterfalls & Places of Worship!\nPS: Please excuse any locations where the spot has disappeared - I try to keep up with the ever changing Google Maps updated views. 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Check out my other Maps on Cemeteries, Waterfalls & Places of Worship!\nPS: Please excuse any locations where the spot has disappeared - I try to keep up with the ever changing Google Maps updated views. 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Check out my other Maps on Cemeteries, Waterfalls & Places of Worship!\nPS: Please excuse any locations where the spot has disappeared - I try to keep up with the ever changing Google Maps updated views. 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comments or on Discord we have a channel for that but all right let's get going tennis court and stadium so the maps that will be here are very various some are local some are Global uh but yeah let's let's uh test them out spots to play tennis all over the world includes official coverage and photos spheres okay good to know I'll make it of course a playalong challenge let's make it no moving and to keep things fast okay let's let's have it minute 30 uh if if you want to spend a bit more time but I'll try to be a bit faster here so this is the tennis court Stockholm open well I imagine we might be near Stockholm just just something tells me it might be the case I haven't been here though I've been in Stockholm quite a few times haven't been here but uh tell we have the faery is that a fair sign E20 where is E20 let's see it might be near the um Port possibly where is E20 E20 is here E4 also there 277 well E20 is to our East it's in that direction so maybe it's somewhere here is so where is a tennis uh field here tennis court is this a tennis court doesn't look like no that doesn't look like that road what's the direction we are running out of time I mean it kind of the direction kind of aligns so maybe no it doesn't work ah okay we were here okay oh and yeah here it says ", "points": 4990, "distance": 2.7, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "KPauyktglhEbbSFQ", "mapSlug": "65a0a1948f73a86bff5b5955", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 155, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "65a0a1948f73a86bff5b5955", "name": "Tennis Courts and Stadiums", "slug": "65a0a1948f73a86bff5b5955", "description": "Spots to play tennis all over the world, includes official coverage and photo spheres.", "url": "/maps/65a0a1948f73a86bff5b5955", "playUrl": "/65a0a1948f73a86bff5b5955/play", "published": true, "banned": 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can already know no official coverage countries and yeah let's let's use that to our advantage when we play this uh let's go again links in the description if you enjoy these playong videos press that like button and let me know in the comments how what are your scores did you manage to beat me or not what were your scores what is this is that can't tell I was thinking maybe a bit Arabic there but maybe not oh I think it's just this logo okay not not Arabic oh the quality is not good enough just to see what what that sign says but okay we have a blue sign design well it it looks like we're driving on the right side at least by the way the sign is positioned so okay that's that's something there lots of trucks people with dark skin uh I don't see any language besides that the one on the sign we can't really trust these containers because I mean they are travel all over the place I would over running out of time I would go where would I go where would I go so can't be Tunisia because it 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York instead let's go somewhere here um yeah let's see okay it was in New York indeed okay ", "points": 4420, "distance": 184.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "Z8GGGyVtvy9Hztxv", "mapSlug": "61d90dff11f4f700011692c4", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 129, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "61d90dff11f4f700011692c4", "name": "Road trip", "slug": "61d90dff11f4f700011692c4", "description": "", "url": "/maps/61d90dff11f4f700011692c4", "playUrl": "/61d90dff11f4f700011692c4/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -27.51043956366966, "lng": -118.1674790304365}, "max": {"lat": 55.91734983086408, "lng": 153.0394252773425}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": 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but doesn't help too much where's the sun the sun is right in the middle thank you son I was thinking maybe something like Mexico or or I don't know just getting those kind of Vibes was thinking maybe the U uh not us maybe but I don't think it's us I was thinking maybe Brazil but I think Mexico might be my best shot any Coastal Mexico cities with a million people I don't think so okay let's go Brazil then Rio let's go Rio I I don't think it's RI but but I don't have a better better guess oh oh to Japan the car the car that I saw looked kind of maybe Japanese but other Vibes there was this one car uh on on the other side of the water but yeah the ", "points": 0, "distance": 18667.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "L1rw3Y2yXsHHdFts", "mapSlug": "6620d183525efc2e26cc44bf", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 134, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", 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Here's one with the lowest points (countries where the ocean is the lowest point are not included, as well countries with no coverage in the lowest point). The map is best suited to no Move/NMPZ games. I tried keeping the coverage as high quality and beautiful as possible. 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Here's one with the lowest points (countries where the ocean is the lowest point are not included, as well countries with no coverage in the lowest point). The map is best suited to no Move/NMPZ games. I tried keeping the coverage as high quality and beautiful as possible. 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description we will be playing with no moving around cuz some of the locations will will be photospheres so you couldn't anyways and let's set the time limit to minute and a half I think that's a good time limit and let's get going let's see uh I am excited I'll try not to pay attention to the author's name cuz cuz I feel like it maybe gives a bit of an unfair hint maybe I don't know depends how you look at it but what do we have here we have some I think that's might be Arabic I can never tell Arabic and Persian apart like Grand post and it could be one of the countries that has official coverage as well except it it would be unofficial in this case so it could still be Tunisia for example but in Tunisia they wouldn't have yellow license plates though right oh that's the thing you usually learn about all these countries that have official coverage like I know Tunisia has black license plates but I have no idea which countries have yellow ones so I think this this map is really going to be super challenging for me we have Port Theater it looks kind of French um we have Arabic and French but it's not tun eia what else could it be where else would they speak French here would they speak French French in Algeria I imagine they might might speak some French there it was Algeria yes okay so good good good good good Oran it was Oran okay uh very nice I went with a capital here but it was Oran okay now we know Algeria has yellow license plates I ", "points": 3944, "distance": 354.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "wdoRQlPhVxWG50YL", "mapSlug": "63bcfc4c4a5af98d6f87ff4a", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 225, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "63bcfc4c4a5af98d6f87ff4a", "name": "An Unofficial Street World", "slug": "63bcfc4c4a5af98d6f87ff4a", "description": "- 5,600+ carefully hand-picked 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there very nice oh all right what is this writing this looks very interesting what would this be H okay well we have uh like a like a gra Gravel Road small Road Sandy Road little bit Healy oh gosh I'm no no cars to look at the license plates at or or see the driving side I imagine that might be be helpful this writing I don't think it's Ethiopia I think in Ethiopia they had some very interesting and unique writing but I guess we can zoom in have a closer look maybe it is maybe it is after all I mean I I definitely can see some resemblance there some of these letters are quite similar so maybe we do go Ethiopia after all cuz cuz I don't know where else would they use a writing like this well if it's not Ethiopia we're going to find out in in a couple of seconds but I think Ethiopia would be my best guess here I think the average of this map was 11,000 points so I that that's my goal to try to beat the 11,000 points I don't think it's the capital okay oh Capital would been would have been a closer guess but it was Ethiopia the writing did help it was the uh the writing let me let me quickly check what is the name of that writing it is the GES script my apologies if I mispronounce pronounce it and it is a script used in Ethiopia and Eritrea apparently okay cool I didn't know erra ", "points": 4245, "distance": 244.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "wdoRQlPhVxWG50YL", "mapSlug": "63bcfc4c4a5af98d6f87ff4a", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 225, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "63bcfc4c4a5af98d6f87ff4a", "name": "An Unofficial Street World", "slug": "63bcfc4c4a5af98d6f87ff4a", "description": "- 5,600+ carefully hand-picked locations in 192 countries\n- All photospheres and good 3rd party coverage (no official coverage)\n- All locations on a street, road, or highway \n- All correct 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uh Rolling Hills definitely remind me of British Isles spring flower spring flower that's a lovely name um maybe not as lovely of a boat but the name is cool oh so what where in UK would I think this is would that I'm thinking maybe Scotland maybe Northern Ireland somewhere in this area maybe those would be my main first guesses we have some house a house visible up there white with a dark roof which you can see in that area for sure uh I think that's my best guess I don't think we're going to be able to find anything else so yeah let's go somewhere there ah it was the other coast it and it was England after all it was it not Scotland northlanding there is the Bol house burger and krill indeed so we were right at the North Landing why is it it's not very North is it called North Landing probably some historic Landing happened ", "points": 4019, "distance": 326.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "wdoRQlPhVxWG50YL", "mapSlug": "63bcfc4c4a5af98d6f87ff4a", "roundCount": 5, 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H I am not sure my best guess I think would be Greenland here but uh it could be I don't know I don't think it's Iceland I don't think it's Iceland I feel like we would see some bards at least in Iceland or something I'm getting more of a Greenland Vibe here we are running out of time okay so let's go somewhere in Greenland where is nuke nuke let's go near nuke near the capital ah it was swart okay swabber crossed my mind I don't know uh ah it crossed my mind but I thought it's probably not swall bir for some reason I thought would look a little bit different okay fair enough swal bir you have some official coverage in swo as well I think in this city two okay now I wonder does Greenland use those speed limit signs or no so if they don't then ", "points": 853, "distance": 2639.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "wdoRQlPhVxWG50YL", "mapSlug": "63bcfc4c4a5af98d6f87ff4a", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, 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it's not readable I don't think soza churas scaria Pia oh gosh what is this I'm getting um I'm getting Latin American Vibes I feel but would this be this wouldn't be Brazil would it very red uh Road I noted this I don't feel I see enough Lang I I can't tell by this if it's Spanish or BR or or Portuguese um I'm thinking Central America Panama no like Nicaragua maybe I I don't know that's just Vibe guessing I didn't see any like OB it was Brazil after all okay I guess it said Brazil on I mean the plates the plates were wide I know in Brazil you do get wide plates and um the soil was red you can get red soil in Brazil but I didn't see any Brazilian polls the language felt maybe a little bit more Spanish but I wasn't sure so that was my ", "points": 549, "distance": 3296.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "wdoRQlPhVxWG50YL", "mapSlug": "63bcfc4c4a5af98d6f87ff4a", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, 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coverage we cannot trust the Sun by the way by the way we cannot trust the Sun so that's something to keep in mind I'm turn between Oceania and Caribbean Islands I it's like a coin coin flip it might be in somewhere else of course as well but those would be my two main guesses I'm not sure new calonia can be a little bit Healy I mean there are some heels here it seems so maybe let's go somewhere there maybe Solomon Islands let's see oh it was okay it was Indonesia fair enough interesting that we saw English in such rural Indonesia was that some sort of a tourist camp or something maybe like like a guest house because yeah very unusual for me I think ", "points": 75, "distance": 6256.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "ADM0tn0tdLAUbSfY", "mapSlug": "63bcfc4c4a5af98d6f87ff4a", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 205, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": 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rides could be somewhere around here laand safaris Lappy shop well yeah this is with yellow signs this language also looks finish to me so I don't know if we are exactly here in Santa Claus office do we see anywhere The Lappy shop or or laand safaris I don't so okay may not be in this uh place but I don't think it should be too far okay never mind it was all the way CA I didn't see it saying CA anywhere and even if it did I wasn't aware that's a city okay it was a bit more North but okay fair enough there are some ski skis ", "points": 4531, "distance": 147.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "ADM0tn0tdLAUbSfY", "mapSlug": "63bcfc4c4a5af98d6f87ff4a", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 205, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "63bcfc4c4a5af98d6f87ff4a", "name": "An Unofficial Street World", "slug": 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"split_transcript": "uh tracks nearby ski resort still 4500 I'm happy with that getting uh close to that average score this location would be nice if it loaded oh here we go okay well with these okay the license plate is completely blacked out this one isn't we do have the blue strip I was about to say that with these um post boxes it's giving me Nordic Vibes and I believe we have that's a Norwegian flag okay so this would be Norway then uh well should be with a flag so okay well good thing is we know the country not so good thing is that Norway is a pretty stretched out country and I find it really tough to region guess it I often struggle with with figuring out how far north in Norway I guess should be this one doesn't feel super north um so either middle or South would be my guess so maybe let's guess kind of in between kind of middle towards the South hedging the bets if there is anything useful on the bins we cannot read it unfortunately with official coverage the quality will often times will often times will not be up to par it okay it was very south ", "points": 3753, "distance": 428.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "ADM0tn0tdLAUbSfY", "mapSlug": "63bcfc4c4a5af98d6f87ff4a", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 205, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "63bcfc4c4a5af98d6f87ff4a", "name": "An Unofficial Street World", "slug": "63bcfc4c4a5af98d6f87ff4a", "description": "- 5,600+ carefully hand-picked locations in 192 countries\n- All photospheres and good 3rd party coverage (no official coverage)\n- All locations on a street, road, or highway \n- All correct compasses and findable roads than line up on the Google Map\n- All countries balanced by region and type of location (urban, suburban, rural) when possible\n- Make sure to play No Moving and with author names turned off!\n- Complete 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use the that script down there as well or at least a very similar one let's have a look somewhere or it's just Sri Lanka I think I think I'm more inclined to maybe go Sri Lanka I don't know about these roadside markers but I know in Sri Lanka you can often see black and white stripy signposts and Sri Lanka is Healy so I think Sri Lanka makes more sense but I yeah I wouldn't be surprised not surprised that it is India CU makes a lot of sense as well so I guess you can also see black and white stripy for S ", "points": 3322, "distance": 610.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "ADM0tn0tdLAUbSfY", "mapSlug": "63bcfc4c4a5af98d6f87ff4a", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 205, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "63bcfc4c4a5af98d6f87ff4a", "name": "An Unofficial Street World", "slug": "63bcfc4c4a5af98d6f87ff4a", 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stripy for S Post in India good to know good to know 16,000 points that's better we are definitely getting up there uh all right all right all right let's go for one more one more let's go uh another challenge of course link as always in the description feel free to play along for free you don't need to have a pro account to play play along with these challenges as okay okay DK that's one thing good about unofficial coverage is that often times some things that would be blurred in official coverage are not blurred in unofficial so Denmark this is Denmark well with this uh o letter it would be Norway or Denmark and this is a Danish Danish uh license plate with this blue and yellow so good to know through so where in Denmark H maybe feeling a bit Southern not super sure I don't think it says the city anywhere dball league dball league I don't think that's a city name BW does BW stand for any thing BW maybe an area or a city name BW do they do they use W in Danish alphabet I don't think so so it probably doesn't stand for any anything mightbe just random two two letters I want to go here I thinking it might be more a bit Southern but let's see okay it was kind ", "points": 4619, "distance": 118.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "7KuhqbqfpX1yaQjn", "mapSlug": "63bcfc4c4a5af98d6f87ff4a", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 195, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "63bcfc4c4a5af98d6f87ff4a", "name": "An Unofficial Street World", "slug": "63bcfc4c4a5af98d6f87ff4a", "description": "- 5,600+ carefully hand-picked locations in 192 countries\n- All photospheres and good 3rd party coverage (no official coverage)\n- All locations on a street, road, or highway \n- All correct compasses and findable roads than line up on the Google Map\n- All countries balanced by region and type of location (urban, 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the Netherlands but I feel like um these signs feel more luxemburgish I think that's the word luxemburgish luxur I think it's luxemburgish I think so I would go Luxembourg here restaurant d I don't see anything else that would help me much but the the plates were I feel like are the biggest help I don't know the Luxembourg pedestrian crossing signs that well but this feels like some some small town near a bigger city maybe so let's go W waler dong okay more North it ", "points": 4926, "distance": 22.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "7KuhqbqfpX1yaQjn", "mapSlug": "63bcfc4c4a5af98d6f87ff4a", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 195, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "63bcfc4c4a5af98d6f87ff4a", "name": "An Unofficial Street World", "slug": "63bcfc4c4a5af98d6f87ff4a", "description": "- 5,600+ carefully hand-picked 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is a small City so uh small well both small City and small country um and and uh it's it's good score if you get it right so we have started this game very well another European country we have the blue strips once again now unfortunately I cannot read that sign cuz it's inverse and very well on the we're seeing it from the wrong side h a little well kind of Healy quite Healy actually I am thinking I am thinking something like czechia Slovakia maybe southern Poland something along those lines is my thought but I wait is that a holy pole kind of not super confident but maybe it is maybe it isn't yeah I'm not so not so sure if it is but uh well if it is then it I would go Poland but I'm thinking it is not it might be just a sh shadow that that makes it look like they're just of some sort of a wire I would go Slovakia Northern Slovakia it's quite hilly there that's my guess uh it was Slovenia well Slovenia makes perfect sense as well if you had seen the language it could have made a more educated guess but ", "points": 3840, "distance": 394.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "7KuhqbqfpX1yaQjn", "mapSlug": "63bcfc4c4a5af98d6f87ff4a", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 195, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "63bcfc4c4a5af98d6f87ff4a", "name": "An Unofficial Street World", "slug": "63bcfc4c4a5af98d6f87ff4a", "description": "- 5,600+ carefully hand-picked locations in 192 countries\n- All photospheres and good 3rd party coverage (no official coverage)\n- All locations on a street, road, or highway \n- All correct compasses and findable roads than line up on the Google Map\n- All countries balanced by region and type of location (urban, suburban, rural) when possible\n- Make sure to play No Moving and with author names turned off!\n- Complete country list: XXXX\n- Report broken locations: discord - 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might be a Mexican electricity counter potentially hard to hard to see though but I'm very happy with going Mexico here well this this is a big clue for me red white and green colors for these football stands or or some sort of sports stands and I would go southern Mexico somewhere Tabasco somewhere maybe even Yucatan or or somewhere here let's um maybe a bit more West okaka is that how you say it maybe let's go somewhere there okay well Ecuador can use the same electricity counters as Mexico but what's with the red white and green stands that one threw me off maybe whoever painted it really likes Mexican flag colors okay I I get very very much deated because I was quite happy with ", "points": 721, "distance": 2889.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "7KuhqbqfpX1yaQjn", "mapSlug": "63bcfc4c4a5af98d6f87ff4a", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 195, "gameMode": "standard", 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maybe more North let's see no maybe not as North I'm so all over the place okay it was near the Kazakhstan border so my my other plon was close sir so okay at least I didn't go at the very border of baltics cuz I feel the architecture felt off for that area so Kazakhstan border makes sense makes sense how did we do in ", "points": 2607, "distance": 972.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "7KuhqbqfpX1yaQjn", "mapSlug": "63bcfc4c4a5af98d6f87ff4a", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 195, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "63bcfc4c4a5af98d6f87ff4a", "name": "An Unofficial Street World", "slug": "63bcfc4c4a5af98d6f87ff4a", "description": "- 5,600+ carefully hand-picked locations in 192 countries\n- All photospheres and good 3rd party coverage (no official coverage)\n- All locations on a street, road, or highway \n- 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links of course will be in the description you can play along for free and uh yeah let's get going just make sure to play the games before watching this video so so you're not spoiled uh so let's do challenge no moving and 1 minute and 30 per round how about that um let me know in the comments if you think it's too little too much I think that's that's what they usually go by but but I'm open to feedback um so wait get to mute everything okay here we go oh this looks very European feels my first thought was Finland but um let's look around can we see any language maybe is that a flag is that a Norwegian flag could we be in Oslo Maybe maybe it looks like a Norwegian flag like blue white and red looks like there might be a cross so I'm currently thinking Oslo I've been to Oslo once I believe in a very long time ago so but I would love to visit Norway is such a beautiful country I I always say that looks very very nice and and modern and clean um is there any point trying to 5K does nor I have tra M does that fit I'm not sure if they do oh manhole cover is maybe they can they sometimes have some useful information not this time uh let's see let's see well we are almost out of time somewhere here maybe and it was Oslo it was Oslo um went with the wrong um street but overall oh are is that oh that's a tra line on the map ah I didn't think they would be there on the map to be honest um cuz I don't think Lan trem lines are on the map but okay uh well then then you can ", "points": 4997, "distance": 0.845, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "BWlPev9U6e266KJc", "mapSlug": "5bbb74ce2c01735208560cf6", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 557, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5bbb74ce2c01735208560cf6", "name": "World Cities", "slug": "5bbb74ce2c01735208560cf6", "description": "How well do you know the 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let's set it to no moving and minute and 30 how about that so let's go good luck good luck to everyone so what do we have uh first of all yeah that's this is France I was about to say this looks French and then I noticed these um Road numbers these d yellow d Road numbers are French and we should have our French uh license plates as well so do I know any of these places was tours a city name or no tours tours tours tours yeah here it is tours I wonder if that's that tours I hope it is so tours would be towards kind of uh like Southeast Southeast so I wonder how far so what other cities do we have uh Simon fondet and luin my apologies for the pronoun ations uh do I see any of those um here son no son no we didn't have son um okay d48 you usually cannot use the road numbers in France cuz for each subdivision they are different but since it should shouldn't be too far from tours I imagine maybe we can use them maybe let's see if we I see any of oh we're okay we're in out of time um we are 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guess I know kind of Northern Area is is more Healy so it wouldn't won't be shouldn't be at least here because it's flat there uh let's go hm I wonder I wonder let's go somewhere some where here okay not bad not ", "points": 4871, "distance": 39.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "rYzsvijkV0YoG4gr", "mapSlug": "65a6ca7227634bb879b844de", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 547, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "65a6ca7227634bb879b844de", "name": "An Official Intersection", "slug": "65a6ca7227634bb879b844de", "description": "Official only :) Europe and North America so far", "url": "/maps/65a6ca7227634bb879b844de", "playUrl": "/65a6ca7227634bb879b844de/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": 16.129868957445225, "lng": 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vitami wait vitami wait was vitami a city vitami vitami or am I tripping I've heard of I feel like I've heard of vitami but maybe in a different context vami oh no is that a city or am I tripping I guess we'll find out soon enough in the meantime I'll try to find it somewhere if I've heard about it it shouldn't be too small I do not see it anything else Ria yeah not finding it um if you if you do speak Polish okay first of all let's check is is it a place no it isn't let me know what what does vami oh was it just welcome vami maybe it's just ", "points": 4119, "distance": 289.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "1N8epyiFPBCMug4J", "mapSlug": "65a6ca7227634bb879b844de", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 417, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "65a6ca7227634bb879b844de", "name": "An Official Intersection", "slug": 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think in Bulgaria the RO numbers were pretty nicely oh 37 oh hello uh what does it say grud something grud I'm sort of a SE grud is like um grud was grud like a is it like a city or Palace or something it meant grad let me know let me know if you speak uh Bulgarian or or I think probably same in Russian grad was it a city was it a palace or something um I my my knowledge isn't that good well 37 is here I so do we see any grud grud I don't see any grud though whoops don't see any grud but I'll take it good guys oh okay Norway again uh e45 okay e45 feels quite Northern doesn't it ah it's a bit too far let's see is it 90 e45 do we have e45 E6 e45 is here is there E90 uh is it like Road 90 somewhere here e45 what's the road Direction e45 goes like this and then turns and then turns and it's on an intersection got to keep 92 could it be here is it 92 oh it could be it could be 92 actually oh I actually like this guess let's see let's go let's go how did we do not ", "points": 4999, 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always the links will be in the description play it before watching this video so I don't spoil anything so here we go ooh what is this my first thought is like Northern Russia maybe maybe let's let's look around um there isn't too much to see do we see the the plate is wide with no blue strip like just just the name Fe the vibe these uh concrete block roads I was thinking somewhere here is near morans or something that was my vibe yeah I I think let's go somewhere there it's it's not like I'm going to find any more clues here cuz there really isn't much okay not too bad not too bad um it was Northern musan not exactly where I guessed but I I'm kind of happy ", "points": 2548, "distance": 1006.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "36Z3WqAGoy6yRe9Y", "mapSlug": "657a10cd6e0bdc291aa208b3", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 386, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": 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as well so let's see let's see um let's set the time limit to like 1 minute per round uh and yeah the playong links will be in the description and with no moving yes okay weekly before we start this video is brought to you by Lauren who is one of my patreon members thank you very much for your support let's go what do we see okay this car is Dominican Republic with the white front these bars with black um uh Stripes black bars um I never know how to tell the two cities apart there is coverage in Santo Domingo and Santiago de los caberos uh but but but but but let's go let's go Santo Domingo cuz why not all right what is this car just a ", "points": 4576, "distance": 132.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "mT985kEjARAV6syH", "mapSlug": "653fc0423a1c0af098b324fc", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 244, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", 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like South Africa ludu eswatini uh and these these houses are giving me I feel like you see them in uh ludu but I'm sure you can see them in other South African countries as well but I would go luru here ", "points": 4887, "distance": 34.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "mT985kEjARAV6syH", "mapSlug": "653fc0423a1c0af098b324fc", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 244, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "653fc0423a1c0af098b324fc", "name": "Google car practice", "slug": "653fc0423a1c0af098b324fc", "description": "training google car meta in south america, africa, europe and asia ", "url": "/maps/653fc0423a1c0af098b324fc", "playUrl": "/653fc0423a1c0af098b324fc/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -38.60161229848774, "lng": 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sometimes um like yeah like shap shape like this I've seen them in Argentina before but I'm sure they are in other countries too I don't really see any the plate okay this plate some of these plates do appear Argentinian with this kind of dark dot in the middle so yeah I'm pretty sure this should be Argentina uh I would go somewhere Coastal is okay it wasn't Coastal is but it was Argentina so I'm not sure if that car indicates any particular region or ", "points": 2471, "distance": 1052.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "UkJe2w5EmQOBE1Pm", "mapSlug": "653fc0423a1c0af098b324fc", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 186, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "653fc0423a1c0af098b324fc", "name": "Google car practice", "slug": "653fc0423a1c0af098b324fc", "description": "training google car meta in south america, africa, 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of in the western Southwestern side of kyrgistan but since it doesn't touch um the bottom corner um you're not in that part so you could be basically everywhere else where there is official coverage so maybe near Bishkek I don't know let's just go somewhere near there yeah it was just near Bishkek in ", "points": 4956, "distance": 13.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "UkJe2w5EmQOBE1Pm", "mapSlug": "653fc0423a1c0af098b324fc", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 186, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "653fc0423a1c0af098b324fc", "name": "Google car practice", "slug": "653fc0423a1c0af098b324fc", "description": "training google car meta in south america, africa, europe and asia ", "url": "/maps/653fc0423a1c0af098b324fc", "playUrl": "/653fc0423a1c0af098b324fc/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": 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um I mean this might be South Africa I don't think this is a stini um but I would I think I would go luru still with the white car and then Road lines it was luru yes nice um again same ", "points": 4691, "distance": 95.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "GGmsJaB5FK1ByOfq", "mapSlug": "653fc0423a1c0af098b324fc", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 151, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "653fc0423a1c0af098b324fc", "name": "Google car practice", "slug": "653fc0423a1c0af098b324fc", "description": "training google car meta in south america, africa, europe and asia ", "url": "/maps/653fc0423a1c0af098b324fc", "playUrl": "/653fc0423a1c0af098b324fc/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -38.60161229848774, "lng": -91.03352984202166}, 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there let's let's maybe go there oh it was Bermuda well ", "points": 1687, "distance": 1621.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "Xekbt7O1pxzdehhS", "mapSlug": "653fc0423a1c0af098b324fc", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 141, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "653fc0423a1c0af098b324fc", "name": "Google car practice", "slug": "653fc0423a1c0af098b324fc", "description": "training google car meta in south america, africa, europe and asia ", "url": "/maps/653fc0423a1c0af098b324fc", "playUrl": "/653fc0423a1c0af098b324fc/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -38.60161229848774, "lng": -91.03352984202166}, "max": {"lat": 64.18194171652199, "lng": 107.19413833950676}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": 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know could this ever be like canaries or aor maybe maybe let's go canaries um I don't know which island this one maybe I think this is kind of with reddish soil maybe I'm very wrong uh water is to the east to the small island there no this is not a city we're not definitely not there that's a long shot but let's see what it is California Channel Islands National Park in in the US wow yeah this insane well I was very far ", "points": 8, "distance": 9550.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "dr2LypyjU30bt0hU", "mapSlug": "65280255cd6b58e6038e904d", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 120, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 466, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "65280255cd6b58e6038e904d", "name": "A Strange World", "slug": "65280255cd6b58e6038e904d", "description": "4,500 crazy locations\nofficial only, no gen1", "url": "/maps/65280255cd6b58e6038e904d", 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bit Healy is it Healy up here there are some heals up here as well right would it ever be there it's such a risky guess but then again it is a strange world map so maybe let's go somewhere there maybe even more North I think there are more Mountains North let's go there okay it was Russia I was right about the country I was very wrong about where in the country these locations are ", "points": 299, "distance": 4200.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "dr2LypyjU30bt0hU", "mapSlug": "65280255cd6b58e6038e904d", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 120, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 466, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "65280255cd6b58e6038e904d", "name": "A Strange World", "slug": "65280255cd6b58e6038e904d", "description": "4,500 crazy locations\nofficial only, no gen1", "url": "/maps/65280255cd6b58e6038e904d", "playUrl": 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wait yeah Tunisia makes more sense yeah yeah yeah with black plates Tunisia makes way makes way more sense than Jordan um Tunis and I think this I've seen a stop sign like this in Tunisia as well I think this has to be Tunisia then some some Christmas trees and sheep bow Christmas tree Christmas trees and sheep um I would I'm not sure like somewhere a little bit heilly here some hills um which parts are more hilly here in Tunisia as you probably know in Tunisia oh there are some mountains here so maybe somewhere there is the most coverage is along the east coast basically no coverage towards West so let's go somewhere there maybe there seem to be some mountains in that area oh there is oh interesting there is some coverage West more West at least I wonder if it's a new one or or just ", "points": 4669, "distance": 102.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "dr2LypyjU30bt0hU", "mapSlug": "65280255cd6b58e6038e904d", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 120, "forbidMoving": true, 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somewhere in Greenland isn't it no sternan uh oh is this Greenland I know in Greenland you can sometimes get these this kind of bat coverages maybe I mean I was thinking Canada maybe but uh Nord Stern doesn't sound very English or French so anything else useful here Marine vest as I think this might be green and I think that's my best guess I got to say that this map does have some very difficult and interesting locations for sure locations that you don't usually see in the regular geoguesser games so let's go I don't know East West let's go West Somewhere In The Water maybe bit more North here is there coverage there I don't well I think there is some coverage up there let's see I was valard ahuh huh interesting I guess sard makes sense as well H I'm learning about all this new coverage I didn't know that swalo had that type of ", "points": 1299, "distance": 2011.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "dr2LypyjU30bt0hU", "mapSlug": "65280255cd6b58e6038e904d", "roundCount": 5, 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makes makes perfect sense too I just wasn't aware that that's a possibility with with Bo coverage like that all right oh no what are these locations they're so difficult oh no what is that thing but I don't think it helps this is where you just got a purely Vibe guess cuz uh there is nothing well I'm not going to recognize this tree species where they grow the leaves appear to be very green and juicy leaves leaves green and juicy leaves I'm thinking maybe Asia maybe Africa maybe leaning more towards Asia just by The Vibes cuz that's the only thing that I have to go on here so let's go I think maybe like Malaysia Thailand Indonesia that's that's what I'm thinking so let's go maybe Malaysia gosh Japan oh okay well yeah I fine ", "points": 278, "distance": 4310.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "dr2LypyjU30bt0hU", "mapSlug": "65280255cd6b58e6038e904d", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 120, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, 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way as you might have noticed I have this wonderful content creat badge which means that you can support me if you do buy anything in the asset store you can use code geop Peter and it supports my channel so yeah in case you do uh do that then then enter code geeter thank you but yeah let's move on to Strange World number game number two let's do that so same controls hopefully a better score um oh gosh okay we have some guide or someone showing us the way I guess but uh my first thought was feels quite Asian like Indonesia Vibes I'm getting here Indonesia Vibes the sun is kind of there somewhere appears to be more northish which would check out would work with Indonesia if this is Indonesia um I don't know which island it would would or could be because we're in the middle of a forest basically so let's go let's go with Sumatra maybe oh it was not Indonesia it was Cambodia o okay I was wrong about the country can the general area was right ", "points": 1262, "distance": 2054.0, 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"but well at least 12,00 points so that's something at least better start than the the first game now this was very North there no again but um where would this be salard again that's the thing I I haven't seen a coverage like this in salard before so I that wouldn't be my my my my main guess but I don't know that that b coverage made me question myself the houses could this be Canada like Northern Canada cuz the PO feel maybe more narrow than the European ones and like the just the the the architecture like I'm not super familiar with swart architecture by any means but just these houses feel kind of North American houses but more North if that makes sense if it makes sense so I'm thinking maybe Canada somewhere or or Alaska would have yellow plates so I don't think it's Alaska I think this would be Northern Canada somewhere that's my thinking but where I'm not entirely sure which which parts have coverage we have some water here as as as you can see any mountains where are the hilly Parts well I know BC is hilly so maybe we should go there but uh I think there were some Hill mountains heels here I don't know let's go BC I guess but or Northern ter let's go Northern ter Yukon sorry let's go Yukon maybe could it be Northwest Territories let's go Yukon cuz this I feel like it's more north than BC well well um it was very south not very north um that's painful well it was Americas but not the correct Americas all right it was very very Southern was it Chile it is Chile yeah oh some reason it felt like it's it's ", "points": 0, "distance": 14409.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "sTbQfFXi7LJfZ79U", "mapSlug": "65280255cd6b58e6038e904d", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 120, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 360, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "65280255cd6b58e6038e904d", "name": "A Strange World", "slug": 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blue strips wait what uh wait I'm confused I am confused where would they have blue strips humra something humra where do we have blue strips what that's a red plate okay I am very lost where are are we why do we have blue strips it's not turkey it's um Dr mtas venny vzy Dental Surgeon I'm I'm I don't know where to guess genuinely like what is this could this be UAE ever I I don't know those blue blue blue strips are throwing me off so hard like this wouldn't be tun easy surely but I don't know I'm going to just guess UAE but I'm I'm very not confident Lebanon I forgot Lebanon exists I forgot Lebanon exists oh my God that's embarrassing makes sense and I knew that ", "points": 1187, "distance": 2146.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "sTbQfFXi7LJfZ79U", "mapSlug": "65280255cd6b58e6038e904d", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 120, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 360, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, 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north northwest the road very small Road um so American Samoa would be here which island would it be I think it might be the this this bigger one maybe um I'm not 100% sure about the car though might be something else I don't remember how did the Colombian car look like I think these one of these islands had some car as well but I don't remember how that one looked but I think this is my best bet to go American Samoa let's see okay it was a different Island but it was American ", "points": 4635, "distance": 113.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "sTbQfFXi7LJfZ79U", "mapSlug": "65280255cd6b58e6038e904d", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 120, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 360, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "65280255cd6b58e6038e904d", "name": "A Strange World", "slug": "65280255cd6b58e6038e904d", "description": "4,500 crazy 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said it's mostly official coverage might be some photospheres all right okay what is that some sort of a flag that I do not know what language do we have Tas Tasman Island cruises are we in Tasmania we are driving on the left side here which would fit Tasmania yeah for sure is this like Hobart or something maybe could be we so we have water water kind of to the South it seems oh Hobart does have water kind of to the South somewhere here uh anything else anything else the road goes like that so feel like we might be on this bridge does the road I'm not super sure I'm not very sure although the road wait here I think we're on this this one yes now I'm now I'm more happy yes I think this should be it I forgot to pay ", "points": 4999, "distance": 0.004, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "uFo36LnucXwgRttL", "mapSlug": "653c1c38771ea59a8a2d6a39", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 172, 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that's a lot of birds in up in here damn and is that all bird poop imagine huh well yep um I don't think there is a way for us to know exactly um is that some sort of a checkpoint border checkpoint or some sort of like um the place you pay for roads not sure it's to our kind of Northwest Northwest um I don't think border I don't think it's the Border let's go somewhere okay yeah it was about to say it's not here cuz there's a beach right here but uh it makes sense didn't feel like we were that that much into the city but okay was close enough pretty good guys what was what what was our my total 19.5 th000 the Colombian guess wasn't the best but but overall not not not the not the worst result let's do another one let's do another game don't forget to press that like button if you enjoy these play along along videos so I know to make more of them thank you very much for your support and let's see what do we get this time we see an Italian um license plate Italian front plate the narrow one with blue on both sides the bards are certainly interesting but I think they are with the black top they are Italian as well um very interesting looking Italy I got to say lots of water feels like we have water and mountains the nature almost feels Korean to me but but it's definitely Italy but where then where does Italy look like this I'm not sure actually would it be more south somewhere somewhere here where's the bird first of all I didn't even I forgot to check I don't see a bird how did we start oh wait we don't have the start cuz we play no move are those supposed to be the birds um I don't see any other birds here oh these hello oh flamingos okay I didn't know it has flamingos to be honest ah Sardinia makes sense ah okay it was Coastal ah interesting oh makes sense where we had so much water we have these roads going basically through the water there I hadn't seen ", "points": 3381, "distance": 584.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "pcLlNaIobs94WsrE", "mapSlug": 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Official Street View only. No Moving. Trekkers are rare. Thanks so much for everyone who has submitted locations from my server, birdcord and privately. This is the early stages of the birds of the world, and will continue to have more locations as time goes on. If you are unable to see a bird on a location, feel free to contact me on my Discord. If you want to submit some bird locations, feel free to join my discord server here: XXXX. 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city is it long side I don't know maybe one of these words is a city name but I don't know which one then I know the area of France we should be in the park itself we can have a quick look at this looks this looks fun I've been to Disneyland in France but my favorite ride is in Finland actually I don't remember the name of the theme park but there is this ride where you kind of get strapped on you and your legs are hanging loose and then you get swished around I think the ride was called Tornado or something that was a fun one uh but but yeah I haven't been to the theme park in a while uh anyways would be fun to go actually at some point maybe I could make a video out of it who knows cause Okay cough cause that helps right Caucasus is that how you say it in English I don't know I'm probably butchering it we have a Russian flag and we have some other local Flags here probably like the region Flags I don't know those but uh it should be somewhere here in kafka's does it say The city or apartment me something something of this Supermarket well again I feel like I know the area but more than that I don't see any Moria Mora is C isn't it so maybe in somewhere near the sea Novo Rosie or something maybe I don't know more it doesn't feel super Coastal though man maybe that's it doesn't feel really Coastal to me though I don't know I don't know maybe it's just like krasnodar maybe not not exactly on the sea but close enough to to advertise C maybe it was on the sea okay I guess it ", "points": 4561, "distance": 137.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "hLoJ4XqzCekDdkdW", "mapSlug": "634266c98f0f00a7e457f4e9", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 120, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 170, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "634266c98f0f00a7e457f4e9", "name": "A Thrilling World: Roller Coasters/Amusement Parks", "slug": 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Breeze plates I don't know what that is take out yeah we have American flags I'm not sure what those flags are maybe State ones but maybe not how do we figure out where in the US we are oh we have a one yellow plate yellow front plate and judging by the color of it and the general Vibes of it we might be crossing under north um West Northeastern America those because those are New York plates these kind of dark yellow ones and there's another one I saw um where did I see it I saw another yellow one here was this the one I saw that I guess that is kind of yellow I guess so that that was the one I thought I saw so we have two yellow plates the other ones are white so I don't think we are in the New York state in like exactly but there seems to be water to the north water to the north New York plates all around well maybe not all around but nearby so I'm thinking we might be kind of like here ish like in what is this Ohio wait Ohio did have front plates and all the other states around it didn't I think something like that oh God I should really refresh my knowledge oh it was just New York State huh or it was just New York state only only two New York plates that I saw though huh well fair enough we did have water to the north that checks out just I guessed more kinda away from there because because of the plates yeah I really remember correctly Ohio requires front and back plate so that ", "points": 4065, "distance": 309.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "UylsPBLJE2FbgXhV", "mapSlug": "634266c98f0f00a7e457f4e9", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 120, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 132, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "634266c98f0f00a7e457f4e9", "name": "A Thrilling World: Roller Coasters/Amusement Parks", "slug": "634266c98f0f00a7e457f4e9", "description": "A Thrilling World is the most comprehensive map of Amusement Parks, 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rough let me tell you um at first I was thinking Europe but the more I look at it the more I'm getting kind of Asian Vibes so I'm starting to think maybe Korea how does Korea sound to you huh like South Korea of course not not the north one North Korea doesn't have official coverage fun fact uh I don't know I'm getting kind of South Korea Vibes I might be super wrong could this be Japan this this doesn't feel like a low cam to me so let's go let's go South Korea maybe let's see I'll take it it was DeJean I should have probably gone for a city not just plunk ", "points": 4822, "distance": 54.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "w1QxWmDphAHZwjit", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": true, "forbidRotating": true, "numberOfParticipants": 327, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "name": "A Community World", 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you know I'm just just going by The Vibes at this point we have bollards here we have bollards these bollards with the little sidey side thing to the side and this style of bollards with black reflector in general those are Austrian bollards so it would be in Austria I believe and um yeah let's there are some hills I don't see it's a huge mountain so let's just guess kind of maybe Central Area somewhere here okay not bad not bad ", "points": 4754, "distance": 75.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "w1QxWmDphAHZwjit", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": true, "forbidRotating": true, "numberOfParticipants": 327, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "name": "A Community World", "slug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "description": "A world map with 100k+ handpicked locations put together by over a hundred 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mean us again sometimes have dark soil like this in some areas could this be ever us like Oklahoma or something I think Oklahoma had some red soil I like Oklahoma better than Brazil with these trees because because they do not look Brazilian I might be super wrong of course I always can be super wrong but um because I'm not super confident about the direction of the Sun and let's let's go us maybe okay nice okay it wasn't Dr Hallman it ", "points": 3099, "distance": 714.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "w1QxWmDphAHZwjit", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": true, "forbidRotating": true, "numberOfParticipants": 327, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "name": "A Community World", "slug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "description": "A world map with 100k+ handpicked locations put together by over a 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yeah you can see it um what that doesn't help we have your heels Gen 4 um I was thinking France because this feels like a typical French landscape it could be like Austria or something as well I'm not sure the Germany had the new coverage recently um you might have heard Germany got uh coverage everywhere almost well the whole country instead of just the biggest cities Now and Google good quality coverage as well I'm not sure if small roads like this are covered in Germany but if they are maybe this could be the new Germany coverage who knows but I would my main guess would be France but since I'm considering maybe Austria then let's go kind of Eastern France somewhere here ah it was was it Austria ", "points": 2797, "distance": 867.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "w1QxWmDphAHZwjit", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": true, "forbidRotating": true, "numberOfParticipants": 327, "gameMode": 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luckily it's not too big of a country so okay now would wait do we have is there water there towards our uh uh wet Northwest one thing that I noticed is that I think this pole might have those black and dark yellow or orange stripes going all the way to the ground it seems which would make me think Taiwan because of that because that one Taiwanese poles often have those stripes on them we have mountains we have water so I mean Taiwan sounds like a good option to me it wasn't for the pole I would maybe think the Philippines but um I think I'm gonna go with the pole here I think I'm gonna go with the pole so let's go yeah kind of kinda and we have water to the north west huh the worst Western were here maybe maybe somewhere let's see ", "points": 682, "distance": 2972.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "tuxgZKh6inHrbPxZ", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": true, "forbidRotating": true, 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Italy or somewhere here in the Alps that would be my guess I think let's see it was okay it was Italy after all I guess it was Italian flag but super ", "points": 4669, "distance": 102.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "tuxgZKh6inHrbPxZ", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": true, "forbidRotating": true, "numberOfParticipants": 269, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "name": "A Community World", "slug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "description": "A world map with 100k+ handpicked locations put together by over a hundred experienced players and map makers from the GeoGuessr community || More about ACW: XXXX || ACW discord: XXXX || The map contains only official Google Street View locations, meaning there should be no blurry images, photospheres or black screens in game", "url": 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some mountains here very dry very very dry I think Chile and area here isn't that easy I don't think Sheila gets more mountainous when it comes like going more south so maybe kind of Peru you get some mountains here maybe but let's let's try Peru I think let's see ah it was Bull Levy okay it was more East than I thought ", "points": 3429, "distance": 563.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "tuxgZKh6inHrbPxZ", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": true, "forbidRotating": true, "numberOfParticipants": 269, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "name": "A Community World", "slug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "description": "A world map with 100k+ handpicked locations put together by over a hundred experienced players and map makers from the GeoGuessr community || More about ACW: XXXX || ACW discord: XXXX || The 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one oh no no not single player challenge so you can play along Link in the description of course bad start bad start we have uh basketball hoop but uh the big thing here is that I think this is us or Canada definitely not Europe we have um this green street sign we have small plates we have these like Transformers or whatever you call them I always forget on the polls this is us or Canada uh we have a boat that doesn't help too much there is water nearby well in a lot of places I am thinking maybe it is like near the Great Lakes maybe maybe not maybe not um for some reason and I was thinking maybe more Canada but I don't know no no idea let's go maybe somewhere like here I can't say this see the stop sign if it says array or stop and I cannot read the stop sign at all so let's go somewhere here I'm thinking maybe it could be like Nova Scotia even or maybe some kind of got a hedging between the great lakes and a Nova sculptures there not a great start of the game it was the opposite said I don't know the mountains didn't really feel like BC to me that much if ", "points": 474, "distance": 3516.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "PawPPOYNs7IJ3Z14", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": true, "forbidRotating": true, "numberOfParticipants": 245, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "name": "A Community World", "slug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "description": "A world map with 100k+ handpicked locations put together by over a hundred experienced players and map makers from the GeoGuessr community || More about ACW: XXXX || ACW discord: XXXX || The map contains only official Google Street View locations, meaning there should be no blurry images, photospheres or black screens in game", "url": "/maps/62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "playUrl": "/62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914/play", "published": true, 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Northeast Brazil and Northern Colombia can get kind of dry and I don't know where that fits though but I don't think I have a better guess if we're driving on the right side if we were drawing left I would have gone like with Botswana South Africa maybe but I'm not super happy with my guess at all but let's see Pentagon hmm wasn't getting Senegal I was again ", "points": 561, "distance": 3265.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "PawPPOYNs7IJ3Z14", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": true, "forbidRotating": true, "numberOfParticipants": 245, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "name": "A Community World", "slug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "description": "A world map with 100k+ handpicked locations put together by over a hundred experienced players and map makers from the GeoGuessr community || More about 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yeah I think I think Norway would be my best guess here judging by the a landscape by the trees oh I I often misjudge things in Norway though but let's get somewhere here maybe getting a bit too north but let's let's see I was guessing a bit too North yeah oh ", "points": 3426, "distance": 564.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "PawPPOYNs7IJ3Z14", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": true, "forbidRotating": true, "numberOfParticipants": 245, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "name": "A Community World", "slug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "description": "A world map with 100k+ handpicked locations put together by over a hundred experienced players and map makers from the GeoGuessr community || More about ACW: XXXX || ACW discord: XXXX || The map contains only official Google Street View locations, 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side now let's go not sure not sure at all let's go could this be near ish Cape Town with mountains like this well let's risk it and see okay that's a great guess what the hell I'll take that I needed that hmm okay ", "points": 4864, "distance": 41.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "PawPPOYNs7IJ3Z14", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": true, "forbidRotating": true, "numberOfParticipants": 245, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "name": "A Community World", "slug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "description": "A world map with 100k+ handpicked locations put together by over a hundred experienced players and map makers from the GeoGuessr community || More about ACW: XXXX || ACW discord: XXXX || The map contains only official Google Street View locations, meaning there should be no blurry images, 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yeah all of this is official coverage as as the name of the map States okay so where's the sun first of all the sun is to the South well yeah my first thought was like holstery or something but I'm thinking could this be us potentially us or or maybe Canada I don't know but uh I don't know if this is Europe or America somewhere any clues that we can notice maybe the house the architecture I don't know I could see like in in I could imagine seeing it in either uh continent to be honest no text visible everything's been blurred we have an ax the more I'm thinking about it the more I think this probably would be America I think but I don't know really uh yeah yeah yeah where would this be mountains like these let's go like would this be like Montana Washington still it might be somewhere here this area with mountains and and lakes and everything let's go okay not bad it was Canada after all but I'm very happy that uh I went there I don't know the mountains felt more American ", "points": 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I guess that was the uh the ship ", "points": 0, "distance": 13091.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "w0McH43qlx2OnVlS", "mapSlug": "63736bac071c43a970b47794", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 120, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 492, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "63736bac071c43a970b47794", "name": "Strangest official coverage", "slug": "63736bac071c43a970b47794", "description": "Places you would have never guessed are covered by Google. 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No moving what's the time limit to like I don't know two minutes let's say plenty of time and challenge of course the links in the description played before watching this video so I don't spoil anything so let's get going okay here we go so the first of all when I sing this my first thought was Peru just feeling like South America with Peru but let's look around is it actually Peru is it something else we have a white Google car which you could can get in per room and in a few other countries but but definitely in Peru as well um what else what else do we have I'm looking for electricity counters which can be helpful in um South America but I can't really notice any with this talk talks though I'm oh wait here are some are they Peruvian actually not entirely sure it's hard to see in Peru the electricity counters have these like show like um narrow rectangle rectangular holes this one looks big like a big hole which would make me think what would that make me think um could this ever be Bolivia or no I would still go Peru this one this one looks good the left one looks kind of Peruvian I hope we have a flag oh my god of course we have a flag of course we have a flag yeah it's a Peruvian Flag so that kind of confirms my suspicions um with um the tuk-tuks tuk-tuks um as far as and there are more Flags here uh two are more common in Northern bar of Peru as far as I'm aware you can see the model everywhere but uh and a more so towards the north so let's go okay yeah I'm happy with that it was more kind of in the jungle ", "points": 4086, "distance": 301.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "6pMPS6rZHeglodLJ", "mapSlug": "5ffb6664ce04930001f8528b", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 120, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 387, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5ffb6664ce04930001f8528b", "name": "Town Squares of the World", "slug": 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white and red on it I don't think that's a country flag is it ah yeah yeah yeah what else do we have can we find what's Christmasy here could this be Jerusalem the buildings kinda I think would fit with that area since this is a Christmas famous Christmas Place map um yeah my guess would probably be here in Jerusalem now where uh Monastery of the Cross could centuries all the Eastern Orthodox Monastery I mean maybe this is this looks like an old building might be centuries-old Monastery for all I know um it's right in the middle of Jerusalem so I think that's a pretty good guess even if it isn't there shouldn't be too far I imagine okay uh it was oh Bethlehem of course it was better church of ", "points": 4974, "distance": 7.6, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "Taeg3V8UnukxnP5J", "mapSlug": "639f154a8e4353b49751c368", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 120, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 308, "gameMode": "standard", 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for sure we have water to our North so we can see the island more to the to the West so Christmas Islands you can find here we would be somewhere all the way up here right so I think here we can see this thing and then further in the distance we can see all of this suck on the coast there we have like like an intersection here by almost um going to be somewhere here all the way it does look like the road ends and there might be a kind of kind of turn to the right so maybe we are somewhere uh like like here on this a Rocky Point Chris what is Chris yeah let's go there we were close pretty ", "points": 4999, "distance": 0.25, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "Taeg3V8UnukxnP5J", "mapSlug": "639f154a8e4353b49751c368", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 120, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 308, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": 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they're probably multiples it is a Santa Park so I think it should be this one and it also looks very much like Finland doesn't it the language I think would fit right I haven't been there myself though but but could be a an interesting destination this is unofficial so we can't really trust the compass as always wait is that a um a gas station there do we have ghosts we have parking here Arctic house I don't see any gas stations here let's get somewhere here okay it was all the way here okay oh there there was that that the gas station and so well um Santa's house of snowmobile ", "points": 4992, "distance": 2.1, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "Taeg3V8UnukxnP5J", "mapSlug": "639f154a8e4353b49751c368", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 120, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 308, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "639f154a8e4353b49751c368", 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cause the Basilica the San ped Pietro is like like this cross-shaped so it looks like this this church would be cross-shaped and then this one would fit so yeah let's go ", "points": 4999, "distance": 0.034, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "Taeg3V8UnukxnP5J", "mapSlug": "639f154a8e4353b49751c368", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 120, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 308, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "639f154a8e4353b49751c368", "name": "Famous Christmas places", "slug": "639f154a8e4353b49751c368", "description": null, "url": "/maps/639f154a8e4353b49751c368", "playUrl": "/639f154a8e4353b49751c368/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -10.4169659174383, "lng": -87.73375013886913}, "max": {"lat": 66.5436643, "lng": 105.6743107385605}}, "customCoordinates": 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but I would go maybe somewhere McMurdo Station I don't know if that's the one or not but but that's the one that I know let's see ", "points": 4997, "distance": 0.612, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "CwyhUUyxJeG9IP3b", "mapSlug": "638be975330622afc0816b22", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 120, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 257, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "638be975330622afc0816b22", "name": "A Christmas World", "slug": "638be975330622afc0816b22", "description": "Attractions, Sites, Stores and More! \nChristmas is celebrated on 24/25 December. 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FR yeah we have dot fr so this is definitely France then with all these clues that we've seen I don't think there's a way to tell which city this is all right this might be just Paris Hotel that says it says phase isn't a city is it hotel that says let's just leave a plonk in Paris for now and let's just glance over maybe maybe we can see says which probably isn't a city even just just in case just in case yeah no says no says here so ", "points": 3581, "distance": 498.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "M527DFpvwAVnPfRu", "mapSlug": "5fb020876f23e60001618d47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 120, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 232, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5fb020876f23e60001618d47", "name": "Christmas Markets\ud83c\udf84", "slug": "5fb020876f23e60001618d47", "description": "\ud83c\udf84 Explore 165 christmas markets in over 40 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a little longer than usual so if anyone wants they can kind of spend a little bit extra time looking around oh gosh okay here we go looks like some sort of a National Park from the first glance I was thinking somewhere in Africa potentially but we have some signs maybe we can read something Rock something a rock it's not helping too much is it where's the sun the sun would be to our North okay so could this maybe be Australia actually these trees do feel quite Australian don't they these um these I think these are eucalyptus trees right oh wait but this this tree looks like a ball Bob you can get some eucalyptus trees in South Africa and I imagine in Madagascar as well bandagascar has like if I remember correctly six out of nine types of baobabs you can find in Madagascar Madagascar does some some weird tracker coverage like this so I think Madagascar is a really good shot with the Sun to the north as well let's go I don't know where um let's maybe go somewhere like western coast here 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have a lot of corn oh no oh no um the sun the sun is to the South so strictly South this time will this be Europe or will this be North America huh at first I was thinking feels kinda kinda American but I'm not so sure anymore this kind of feels with trees in the middle feel more European the houses are a bit too far to see did we have any antenna we don't have an antenna oh no we we do have an antenna which uh should be Europe then right because you don't usually see an antenna in um in North America I was thinking maybe something like um could this ever be like Slovenia a weird kind of odd Slovenia because we got to keep in mind that these locations are supposed to be kind of odd for the country that we're in I think it would be kind of an interesting Slovenia but I think Slovenia would still be possible so let's go Slovenia maybe if it's not Slovenia I think it would be in that area maybe Croatia or or something like that so let's see okay interesting I was not thinking rush I was 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Google coverages. 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like Denmark but let's look around um these walls do not feel Danish though these These Walls feel more kind of Welsh maybe wait what is that sign the this this yield sign is on the left side which would indicate we're driving on the left side right it looks like it might be the British yield sign potentially so whales this looks like a very typical Welsh location to me though what would be an anomaly here could this be like New Zealand now in New Zealand that the giveaway text would be red and this definitely doesn't feel like Australia to me so so it has to be UK right this will be Ireland not sure if Ireland has these yield signs with giveaway text a bunch of sheep I mean there are sheep in Wales right so yeah let's go wait is that a Scottish flag oh I almost went with whales I mean they do have sheep in Scotland as well so I guess we go Scotland because of that flag because that is a Scottish flag but an anomaly here could it be somewhere up here by any chance that would be an anomaly look like a very interesting location would it be I mean maybe should we risk it for the biscuit I mean might as well right because my score is just terrible so might as well guess somewhere here and see oh no it was just very Northern uh like Mainland Scotland what what was the ", "points": 4100, "distance": 296.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "YNcKw0wwOZgtCWN3", "mapSlug": "62c4463e3c33f3da776484e8", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 385, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62c4463e3c33f3da776484e8", "name": "Anomalies of countries [ALL OFFICIAL COVERAGE]", "slug": "62c4463e3c33f3da776484e8", "description": "This map contains locations with features that are not usually associated with their corresponding countries in a stereotypical way [e.g. Rural Singapore, Hilly Netherlands, Foresty Iceland, 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The criteria that these locations are chosen include at least one of the followings-- 1: Far from the capitals or geometric/cultural/climate/terrain center of their corresponding countries to avoid hedging success. 2: In obscure regions and territories to add diversity to the game. 3: one location for almost every country/territory that has official coverage, some big countries may have multiple locations.", "url": "/maps/62c4463e3c33f3da776484e8", "playUrl": "/62c4463e3c33f3da776484e8/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -77.84768567340431, "lng": -177.3858947177252}, "max": {"lat": 74.74402950453593, "lng": 178.80909040661726}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2022-07-05T14:10:06.6050000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-06-09T11:54:49.1970000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "day", "decoration": "none", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "forest"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 16969114, "likes": 31, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/YNcKw0wwOZgtCWN3/5/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 5, "lat": 42.95116550680515, "lng": 9.41709700059388, "continent": "Europe", "country": "France"}, "challenge_index": 1, "split_transcript": "Recreation Forest okay okay okay so it makes sense and I'm glad I got Korea right I've almost beaten the average score all depends on this last round we have a long antenna here oh no this looks super tough this looks super tough oh no I'm not even sure this is Europe or if this is Asia um I was thinking maybe this is uh something like Taiwan or maybe this is something like Croatia or Montenegro uh I'm porn I'm torn now I I think I would go to Europe I think I would go Europe it'd be Russia maybe this could be Russia Romania let's go Romania to hedge our bets a little closer to Russia I'll still lose a lot of points if it actually is Russia though but let's go Romania oh okay Montenegro would have been a better guest there it was France oh oh ", "points": 2274, "distance": 1176.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "YNcKw0wwOZgtCWN3", "mapSlug": "62c4463e3c33f3da776484e8", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 385, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62c4463e3c33f3da776484e8", "name": "Anomalies of countries [ALL OFFICIAL COVERAGE]", "slug": "62c4463e3c33f3da776484e8", "description": "This map contains locations with features that are not usually associated with their corresponding countries in a stereotypical way [e.g. Rural Singapore, Hilly Netherlands, Foresty Iceland, Deserty Indonesia, Mountainous Bangladesh, Flat Slovenia, Swiss Palm Trees...] [Refrain from using non-real-world clues including vehicle meta, camera generation, sky rifts, following car] All locations are official Google coverages. The criteria that these locations are chosen include at least one of the followings-- 1: Far from the capitals or geometric/cultural/climate/terrain center of their corresponding countries to avoid hedging success. 2: In obscure regions and territories to add diversity to the game. 3: one location for almost every country/territory that has official coverage, some big countries may have multiple locations.", "url": "/maps/62c4463e3c33f3da776484e8", "playUrl": "/62c4463e3c33f3da776484e8/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -77.84768567340431, "lng": -177.3858947177252}, "max": {"lat": 74.74402950453593, "lng": 178.80909040661726}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2022-07-05T14:10:06.6050000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-06-09T11:54:49.1970000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "day", "decoration": "none", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "forest"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 16969114, "likes": 31, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/kUcN2QsoI1czDEiw/1/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 1, "lat": 59.09184359221162, "lng": 15.72031006956856, "continent": "Europe", "country": "Sweden"}, "challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "Along video and today we're going to play a map called a divisional World which contains locations on the divisions of different states districts uh Etc so that's the map we'll be playing they'll play along links as always will be in the description if you want to play along so let's set the time limit to minute and a half and no moving so good luck good luck everyone let's see what locations do we get so first thing I notice here we have short Dash is something it may be Sweden let's look around we have the long antenna the the houses yeah the houses are this this dark red color does feel quite Nordic to me so in combination with that I would go Sweden I could yeah I was about to say I could see this being Estonia but not with these male boxes you don't really see mailboxes like that in Estonia so I would go Sweden here um doesn't feel too Northern to me um so yeah so so these locations are somewhere on these these like dashed lines the divisions so there are a lot of a lot of kind of Divisions in Swede and it seems so let's go somewhere down here um I don't think there's a point of trying to pinpoint this location ", "points": 4586, "distance": 129.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "kUcN2QsoI1czDEiw", "mapSlug": "61121b1e88f8fa0001407821", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 429, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "61121b1e88f8fa0001407821", "name": "A Divisional World", "slug": "61121b1e88f8fa0001407821", "description": "20k+ handpicked locations on regional borders (states, districts, regions, prefectures, departments, voivodeships, etc.) | All locations are placed as close to a dotted line as possible, which, on google maps, mark where administrative divisions intersect. 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Note: many of the locations are photospheres as observatories are often in remote locations without official Streetview coverage.", "url": "/maps/6131605bfb08ca00012297f7", "playUrl": "/6131605bfb08ca00012297f7/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -43.98575, "lng": -156.2585882}, "max": {"lat": 60.41527402847802, "lng": 174.6673168091808}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-09-02T23:38:03.4640000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-06-21T01:33:49.9320000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "sunset", "decoration": "smalltrees", "ground": "darkbrown", "landscape": "mountains"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 11905169, "likes": 6, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/NO4WUWDKU5tFBWsU/3/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 3, "lat": 34.2249169, "lng": -118.057142, "continent": "North America", "country": "United States"}, "challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "okay Mount Fuji would have been closer it was Mount Yoko Mount Yoko but okay not not too far either Scott Kennedy is the author of this one we have a a hat a coconut like a cowboy style hat would this be the us or would this be oh gosh the quality is too bad for us to read what it says it could be any language I I I can't read a single symbol there and we can't just a compass because it's unofficial it's a it's a photo sphere is this us is this Australia maybe what is this 18 seconds remaining oh no for some reason I wanted to go like Australia in New Zealand but but oh God nine seconds ah let's go let's go uh let's go us let's go US ah I'm switching back to U.S Colorado okay it was us I'm glad I switched it back oh very close to Los Angeles actually okay ", "points": 2003, "distance": 1365.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "NO4WUWDKU5tFBWsU", "mapSlug": "6131605bfb08ca00012297f7", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 652, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "6131605bfb08ca00012297f7", "name": "Observatories of the World", "slug": "6131605bfb08ca00012297f7", "description": "Astronomical observatories across the world. 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"split_transcript": "really really outside the city let's view the summary pretty good all in all pretty good the second round unfortunately was broken For Me Maybe it's not broken for you if you play along sometimes for some people it is broken from for others it isn't but okay let's do one more uh one more game public toilets of the world now this sounds like a good map I've even played it before so let's get going let's go public toilets of the world oh oh this is such a funny funny place is this like an art exhibition or something toilet the old toilets with flour is growing out of them now this would be U.S probably right a North 56 11. oh we have some yellow um license plates this yellow color it feels very New York to me 56 11 56 11 in New York 11. or is 56 can I find 56 I don't see 56 51 I was all the way up there oh there there there there yeah there is 11 56 ", "points": 4323, "distance": 217.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "GqoQcF5sfnOSiTAE", "mapSlug": 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looks spooky I'm not sure if these locations have some sort of backstory or they just look kinda kinda Pokey uh and by the way of course press that like button if you enjoy these play along videos it really helps out the channel when you do so we do have front plates and of course this is North America I would think that this is us with these brick houses I would think uh kind of Northeast U.S because I feel like you usually get those in a Northeast area I don't know the plates maybe plates could help but but I don't know them there's so many plates to study that it's it's such a daunting task that I have never gotten to it I'm thinking maybe something like Massachusetts I don't know main maybe yeah I think it would be somewhere in that area let's hope it actually is U.S because there is an off chance this might be Canada but I would I would say somewhere here okay not bad actually was it main it was actually Maine okay so it was even more ", "points": 4257, "distance": 240.0, 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"split_transcript": "Northeast but I'm very happy with my guess I did consider Maine so I'm happy about that oh interesting oh I probably should have looked at what that location was I'll have a look uh after the after the uh all five locations what is this some sort of a bunker Bonkers are always very interesting to visit I've been in like maybe two bunkers in my life now where would this be though I can't really read the language at all the nature and everything feels quite European I was thinking maybe even Lithuania or pole and somewhere there I don't think this would be Latvia I I I've never seen or heard this place in Latvia so but but it feels similar so yeah I'm thinking maybe maybe a neighboring country somewhere here um yeah I wish I could read those signs but but okay let's go let's go Lithuania I think oh gosh I hope it's not like us or something because I could I could maybe see this being no no it feels much more European to me than the North American uh let's go let's go somewhere kind of Southern Southern uh Lithuania Maybe it actually was us I thought that house that we had looked super European I guess it was George what was that place Earth Lodge Mounds what is that according to Google these Okmulgee mounts were considered sacred and people that pilgrimages here ", "points": 22, "distance": 8091.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "trsWyiuccO4Uto7r", "mapSlug": "5f8e4a21c5356100019df66e", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 452, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5f8e4a21c5356100019df66e", "name": "Spooky And Scary Locations Across The World", "slug": "5f8e4a21c5356100019df66e", "description": "Halloween 2020.", "url": "/maps/5f8e4a21c5356100019df66e", "playUrl": "/5f8e4a21c5356100019df66e/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, 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thought that there was a real person there but these are for shorts characters you can see that they have no faces wow this is such a cool very realistic scarecrows I didn't didn't understand what's creepy at first surely that's a real person at that table right can you imagine they were also scarecrows everyone's scarecrow here oh okay we're running out of time where in Japan would we be um I I don't know this doesn't feel too Northern but it doesn't feel very Southern either so I guess I'll just go middle that's that's my reasoning uh well let's see okay it was more Southern than I ", "points": 3693, "distance": 452.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "trsWyiuccO4Uto7r", "mapSlug": "5f8e4a21c5356100019df66e", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 452, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5f8e4a21c5356100019df66e", 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be just just uh just anywhere else really this feels European this feels European for sure is there anything there might be a flag on that uniform no way that's a lot is that a Latvian flag I think it might be a Latvian flag this looks like kind of like it might be a Latvian uniform I don't know where though would like that we have this longer antenna oh gosh I'm this isn't the last video is it no it isn't no the uniform looks Latvian though with the the flag I'm so conflicted here fine I'll go Latvia I have no idea where in Latvia would this be but fine just because of that uniform it was Chernobyl damn it it actually was ", "points": 3168, "distance": 681.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "trsWyiuccO4Uto7r", "mapSlug": "5f8e4a21c5356100019df66e", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 452, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, 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orange pole you can get these Sands in Belgium as well except usually they have orange poles and this this poll also feels very Belgium this kind of um square square pole with holes what What's creepy here what's spooky here I guess I guess this abandoned house is spooky I guess all abandoned houses are a bit spooky maybe this one has some some additional history behind not sure about that uh this might be kind of near Coast based on these um Hills because I know around Hills at least in the Netherlands they have these kind of bigger walls built maybe just just a random Hill as well of course um let's go let's go Belgium let's go Belgium kind of near Coast kind of risky but but let's let's risk it for the biscuit so to speak let's see is it Coastal oh a new badge ghosts and stuff congrats you are spooky uh why did I get this badge I'm not sure what because of playing this map or I'm not sure okay it was Antwerp it was so yeah it was Belgium it was Coastal ", "points": 4720, "distance": 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explore these abandoned buildings but they must be um dangerous yeah no trespassing they're always off limits but still would be really cool um yeah I I think I'll go British Columbia I wish we could see some plates to to kind of help us with with um deciding but but it looks like this road might not be paved which would make me lean more towards Canada as well let's go somewhere yeah like like this area not too far it was Alaska ah after all it was Alaska ", "points": 1319, "distance": 1989.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "SAP9NAc4fqcRNTw3", "mapSlug": "5f8e4a21c5356100019df66e", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 365, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5f8e4a21c5356100019df66e", "name": "Spooky And Scary Locations Across The World", "slug": "5f8e4a21c5356100019df66e", "description": "Halloween 2020.", 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another abandoned building so it doesn't look like a factory this time maybe an old school old schools are creepy abandoned schools I think I I think I would go more Northern Philippines Maybe that's too North though somewhere here maybe not not I'm not very sure though but okay let's let's see ", "points": 4682, "distance": 98.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "SAP9NAc4fqcRNTw3", "mapSlug": "5f8e4a21c5356100019df66e", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 365, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5f8e4a21c5356100019df66e", "name": "Spooky And Scary Locations Across The World", "slug": "5f8e4a21c5356100019df66e", "description": "Halloween 2020.", "url": "/maps/5f8e4a21c5356100019df66e", "playUrl": "/5f8e4a21c5356100019df66e/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": 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Guangzhou xiamen I don't know I don't know exactly which cities might have coverage or not I just know there is some yeah let's go let's go kind of South here Singapore ha English it didn't look like Singapore to me I'll be honest didn't look like Singapore to me I mean it makes sense but so this was harpar Villa Park artfully depicting Chinese history because I told you it looks Chinese so you can't blame me for going China here it's a park supposed to look like China so um yeah that the palm tree threw me off the the palm tree doesn't make more sense in Singapore I'll give you that for sure ", "points": 843, "distance": 2657.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "SAP9NAc4fqcRNTw3", "mapSlug": "5f8e4a21c5356100019df66e", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 365, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": 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would we be somewhere here then we have uh no we have like a roundabout to our South any roundabouts here no I guess this might not be the place after all somewhere here no I think I'll just remain somewhere here hope for the best it was up there huh I I thought it didn't align because we didn't see like much of but there are some islands but it felt like like a more prominent land across the water and we do have some ", "points": 4987, "distance": 3.6, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "SAP9NAc4fqcRNTw3", "mapSlug": "5f8e4a21c5356100019df66e", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 365, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5f8e4a21c5356100019df66e", "name": "Spooky And Scary Locations Across The World", "slug": "5f8e4a21c5356100019df66e", "description": "Halloween 2020.", "url": "/maps/5f8e4a21c5356100019df66e", 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I like it the maps for the maps to be and we have some doggos as well apparently which which is always a nice a nice bonus these polls these these polls uh look very much like Chilean poles to me with these kind of triangular poles with no horizontal dividing sections all white Road lines white Google car mountains all good signs this might be Chile by the way if you enjoy these play along videos press that like button as well it really supports the channel and I do appreciate it so in Chile so where would this be this looks kind of greenish actually might even be south of Santiago maybe not too much maybe something like taika I don't know my guess would be maybe ", "points": 4119, "distance": 289.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "ooMKIj3egkqqqd4g", "mapSlug": "62d566c7da0d37ae3a44c6c7", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 259, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, 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Cornt believe it grows in other corntries? Never cornsidered it might show up in Cornbodia, North Maizedonia or the Dominicorn Republic? This map corntains a cornfolio of over 1800 icornic hand-picked locations to cornvince you maize can be found in (almost) every corner of the world and cornfirm that \"if it's corn it must be Iowa\" is a load of crop. Official cornverage only, with all locations corntributed by Cinnamonique's amaizeing cornmunity. NM(PZ) friendly. 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Cornt believe it grows in other corntries? Never cornsidered it might show up in Cornbodia, North Maizedonia or the Dominicorn Republic? This map corntains a cornfolio of over 1800 icornic hand-picked locations to cornvince you maize can be found in (almost) every corner of the world and cornfirm that \"if it's corn it must be Iowa\" is a load of crop. Official cornverage only, with all locations corntributed by Cinnamonique's amaizeing cornmunity. NM(PZ) friendly. 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a tiny island in the middle of nowhere airstrip well this is unofficial coverage of course as suggested by the author's name so this could be pretty much any Island um I was thinking maybe something like American Samoa maybe something like uh I don't know somewhere here a US Virgin British British Virgin Islands maybe let's go British Virgin Islands because why not but genuinely could be could be anywhere could be Hawaii maybe or or somewhere in Guam or something let's see Guyana okay wasn't nearly as close as a coastal as I thought kalitude Falls and there is an airstrip ", "points": 1738, "distance": 1577.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "8ePgJaaLjJudKj58", "mapSlug": "629ab2faa26f251c88e68219", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 241, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "629ab2faa26f251c88e68219", "name": 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there is one of the correct item the real big Ben and there is one look-alike in this map so always gotta be gotta pay attention is this the real one or is this the look alike but I'm pretty sure this is the real one we see these London buses here and and and I see I think and we have the the I think that's the Westminster Abbey I think and behind the Big Ben so let's go to London uh Westminster Big Ben and it is to our South East so I think we are like on this road here oh this is that little ", "points": 4999, "distance": 0.007, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "nbTCU9pZUSg5Tz1L", "mapSlug": "5ffc44266c5b4e000143eb08", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 770, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5ffc44266c5b4e000143eb08", "name": "Dumb Test for Smart People", "slug": "5ffc44266c5b4e000143eb08", "description": "Of 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Best played NM with panning and zooming, with no (or long) time limit! Also, three African countries and one Oceanian country only have one working (and/or quality) photosphere each, so those countries unfortunately only have one location. 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like where you like lean it does it indicate which side we are driving on or no any bike owners in the in the comments maybe you know it would this indicate anything or no or is it the same for all the bikes uh looking at this uh definitely feels like Europe with a yellow back plate I'm thinking maybe something like Luxembourg the Netherlands maybe it feels kind of flat I could definitely see this being maybe the Netherlands yeah with a yellow back plate could this ever be UK maybe I don't know since this motorbike is parked on the right side of the road I'm thinking probably we're drawing the right side maybe not sure but but that's that's my thinking that we would be driving the right side the houses uh I don't know but maybe maybe I I could see them maybe being Dutch um where in the Netherlands very very flat I mean most of the Netherlands is very very flat so let's just guess somewhere kind of in the middle Denmark makes sense I I actually I consider Denmark for a second because of all of the uh wind turbines but I know you can get wind turn runs a lot in the Netherlands as well so do Danish ", "points": 3847, "distance": 391.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "xyajYw0yOaWqE70r", "mapSlug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 730, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "name": "Perfect 10", "slug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "description": "10 carefully-chosen locations in each of the world's 199 countries (see the Wikipedia 'List of Sovereign States' for those included, plus Taiwan, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland) which may include their sovereign territories, focusing on a mix of photospheres and street view with (usually) enough clues and information to be engaging, challenging, and characteristic of different parts of each country, without being too obvious. Best played NM with panning and zooming, with no (or long) time limit! Also, three African countries and one Oceanian country only have one working (and/or quality) photosphere each, so those countries unfortunately only have one location. A fourth African country only has 2 working and/or quality photospheres, a fifth African country only has 6 ones, a seventh African only has five, and a second Oceanian country only has 3 quality/varying locations.", "url": "/maps/62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "playUrl": "/62bf058919731b2418c882ec/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.8684607, "lng": -175.3504078}, "max": {"lat": 78.1218514, "lng": 179.7768563}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2022-07-01T14:32:41.0490000Z", "updatedAt": "2022-10-20T15:06:44.5500000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "morning", "decoration": "none", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "forest"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 14791577, "likes": 61, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/xyajYw0yOaWqE70r/3/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 3, "lat": -12.1576225, "lng": 44.4100628, "continent": "Africa", "country": "Comoros"}, "challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "motorbikes have yellow plates because I know you in Denmark you sometimes can have yellow plates but usually I see it for like some company vehicles or something maybe there was a company bike I don't know but yeah I have so many questions so little answers so we have tuta chati is the author here very tropical looking Place very beautiful looking place I have to see I have to say but where ah you already know I don't like guessing these Beach locations cause I never know where to guess too toxic I have I have absolutely zero idea this is this is some sort of an island some sort of an island I'm thinking maybe Caribbean maybe not an island maybe uh maybe Coastal Africa very tropical very very tropical so maybe like Liberia uh again we can't trust the compass so the water might be to our North West might not be let's go Liberia maybe something like let's let's switch to liquid or let's see let's switch to Gabon I don't know okay oh it was uh was it is it comoros okay so it was an island the compass was actually right this time yeah I don't know how I ", "points": 320, "distance": 4102.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "xyajYw0yOaWqE70r", "mapSlug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 730, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "name": "Perfect 10", "slug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "description": "10 carefully-chosen locations in each of the world's 199 countries (see the Wikipedia 'List of Sovereign States' for those included, plus Taiwan, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland) which may include their sovereign territories, focusing on a mix of photospheres and street view with (usually) enough clues and information to be engaging, challenging, and characteristic of different parts of each country, without being too obvious. Best played NM with panning and zooming, with no (or long) time limit! Also, three African countries and one Oceanian country only have one working (and/or quality) photosphere each, so those countries unfortunately only have one location. A fourth African country only has 2 working and/or quality photospheres, a fifth African country only has 6 ones, a seventh African only has five, and a second Oceanian country only has 3 quality/varying locations.", "url": "/maps/62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "playUrl": "/62bf058919731b2418c882ec/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.8684607, "lng": -175.3504078}, "max": {"lat": 78.1218514, "lng": 179.7768563}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2022-07-01T14:32:41.0490000Z", "updatedAt": "2022-10-20T15:06:44.5500000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "morning", "decoration": "none", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "forest"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 14791577, "likes": 61, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/xyajYw0yOaWqE70r/4/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 4, "lat": 53.8759498, "lng": -9.8863827, "continent": "Europe", "country": "Ireland"}, "challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "could have gotten that one to be honest because I did go Africa but Africa is so huge very tricky rounds I have to say we're not getting any official coverage these Beach locations oh my God and another one another Coastal one okay looking at these houses these these houses look very very Irish to me or Northern UK like kind of Northern Ireland maybe definitely feeling that area because these are white light houses with gray roofs feels very much like that area the author is Frank Charlie Frank Charlie maybe somewhere like here one one of these places because we can see some land in the distance some islands other Islands um so yeah I think it might be somewhere here-ish maybe maybe a bit more North but yeah let's let's see I would go Ireland here it was more North it was more North yeah but I'm very happy with this guess actually it was quite close 53 kilometers one actually really good guys ", "points": 4825, "distance": 53.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "xyajYw0yOaWqE70r", "mapSlug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 730, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "name": "Perfect 10", "slug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "description": "10 carefully-chosen locations in each of the world's 199 countries (see the Wikipedia 'List of Sovereign States' for those included, plus Taiwan, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland) which may include their sovereign territories, focusing on a mix of photospheres and street view with (usually) enough clues and information to be engaging, challenging, and characteristic of different parts of each country, without being too obvious. Best played NM with panning and zooming, with no (or long) time limit! Also, three African countries and one Oceanian country only have one working (and/or quality) photosphere each, so those countries unfortunately only have one location. A fourth African country only has 2 working and/or quality photospheres, a fifth African country only has 6 ones, a seventh African only has five, and a second Oceanian country only has 3 quality/varying locations.", "url": "/maps/62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "playUrl": "/62bf058919731b2418c882ec/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.8684607, "lng": -175.3504078}, "max": {"lat": 78.1218514, "lng": 179.7768563}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2022-07-01T14:32:41.0490000Z", "updatedAt": "2022-10-20T15:06:44.5500000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "morning", "decoration": "none", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "forest"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 14791577, "likes": 61, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/fGmubBEs57P4hlzv/1/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 1, "lat": 44.4381159, "lng": 26.1164428, "continent": "Europe", "country": "Romania"}, "challenge_index": 1, "split_transcript": "let's let's hope the author of this map removes that broken location let's play again let's play it again hopefully this time we don't get any broken locations that game I get like 10 000 points not the greatest but I was very happy with it Irish round there so let's get going what do we have oh some sort of a general or something some sort of a statue this is a cool one the author is Dan brotea or I thought there was a car crash but no they're just very closely parked to each other these pedestrian crossing signs giving me kind of Romanian Vibes could this be Romania maybe is that a flag that kind of looks like it might be a Romanian flag there maybe um I am thinking Romania currently can't really read any language or does it say primaria resecto I can't really read it very well can't really read it we have some reddish plate what huh it looks like oh could this could this be Moldova Clinica could this ever be Moldova or is this just Romania Moldova would use some Cyrillic though no because I don't see Cyrillic here and this also doesn't look like like Cyrillic so I would still go Romania does it remain oh gosh ah the ", "points": 4897, "distance": 31.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "fGmubBEs57P4hlzv", "mapSlug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 551, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "name": "Perfect 10", "slug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "description": "10 carefully-chosen locations in each of the world's 199 countries (see the Wikipedia 'List of Sovereign States' for those included, plus Taiwan, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland) which may include their sovereign territories, focusing on a mix of photospheres and street view with (usually) enough clues and information to be engaging, challenging, and characteristic of different parts of each country, without being too obvious. Best played NM with panning and zooming, with no (or long) time limit! Also, three African countries and one Oceanian country only have one working (and/or quality) photosphere each, so those countries unfortunately only have one location. A fourth African country only has 2 working and/or quality photospheres, a fifth African country only has 6 ones, a seventh African only has five, and a second Oceanian country only has 3 quality/varying locations.", "url": "/maps/62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "playUrl": "/62bf058919731b2418c882ec/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.8684607, "lng": -175.3504078}, "max": {"lat": 78.1218514, "lng": 179.7768563}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2022-07-01T14:32:41.0490000Z", "updatedAt": "2022-10-20T15:06:44.5500000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "morning", "decoration": "none", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "forest"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 14791577, "likes": 61, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/fGmubBEs57P4hlzv/2/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 2, "lat": 52.077316896676, "lng": 5.14502068273, "continent": "Europe", "country": "Netherlands"}, "challenge_index": 1, "split_transcript": "time okay I didn't have time to guess in Bucharest I was going in a tangent about Romanian and moldovan flags because they are very similar but okay it was just the capital just Bucharest but I'm glad at least I managed to guess in time because I almost was too late there peter.claw twitter.com some sort of a gym or something the author is Roy Roy Mohan yeah Roy Mohan sportcentrum galgen VOD is that kind of German sounds kind of German to me I don't know what garlic gulgenvod hoganvard might be like a place name the golgenward sports center garlic so this may be Germany might be Austria maybe garlic and VOD I don't see any other language we should kind of confirm or or deny physio people yeah I I could definitely see this being Germany wait what does it say de hexen Ketel that doesn't sound German what is there could this be some what could this be I don't know ah Belgium I don't know I don't know I don't know uh I don't know I'm going Belgium I don't know look it was the Netherlands garlic and VOD oh is it with double A I didn't notice there was there was double a double A does sound more Dutch because of the golgen vods I thought it sounded kind of more German so I went with Eastern Belgium because of that but yeah ", "points": 4582, "distance": 130.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "fGmubBEs57P4hlzv", "mapSlug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 551, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "name": "Perfect 10", "slug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "description": "10 carefully-chosen locations in each of the world's 199 countries (see the Wikipedia 'List of Sovereign States' for those included, plus Taiwan, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland) which may include their sovereign territories, focusing on a mix of photospheres and street view with (usually) enough clues and information to be engaging, challenging, and characteristic of different parts of each country, without being too obvious. Best played NM with panning and zooming, with no (or long) time limit! Also, three African countries and one Oceanian country only have one working (and/or quality) photosphere each, so those countries unfortunately only have one location. A fourth African country only has 2 working and/or quality photospheres, a fifth African country only has 6 ones, a seventh African only has five, and a second Oceanian country only has 3 quality/varying locations.", "url": "/maps/62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "playUrl": "/62bf058919731b2418c882ec/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.8684607, "lng": -175.3504078}, "max": {"lat": 78.1218514, "lng": 179.7768563}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2022-07-01T14:32:41.0490000Z", "updatedAt": "2022-10-20T15:06:44.5500000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "morning", "decoration": "none", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "forest"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 14791577, "likes": 61, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/fGmubBEs57P4hlzv/3/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 3, "lat": 48.5611154, "lng": 57.1684514, "continent": "Asia", "country": "Kazakhstan"}, "challenge_index": 1, "split_transcript": "still pretty good score I would say maybe I could have figured out it was uh the Netherlands maybe but I'll take I'll take whatever I can get I'm happy with that the author is so Cyrillic we have oh no that's just the wind wind sock I think is the the term just a wind sock some yellow plates why do we have yellow plates here what those yellow plates are causing some questions we have a completely white plate here as well that looks like a Russian plate to me completely wet with what appears to maybe be a Russian flag on the right side maybe I'm not sure what's up with those yellow plates there though um looking like this very Sandy kind of I know you can get some Sandy areas near surbut so maybe this is somewhere nearby kind of that area I don't really know I'm sure you can get some sand in other areas as well I just know playing regular Geo guesser if you ever get Russia that looks like so let's go somewhere there maybe oh it was Kazakhstan huh makes sense makes sense um yeah maybe it was a Russian plate maybe it wasn't I mean I'm sure you can ", "points": 1452, "distance": 1845.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "fGmubBEs57P4hlzv", "mapSlug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 551, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "name": "Perfect 10", "slug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "description": "10 carefully-chosen locations in each of the world's 199 countries (see the Wikipedia 'List of Sovereign States' for those included, plus Taiwan, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland) which may include their sovereign territories, focusing on a mix of photospheres and street view with (usually) enough clues and information to be engaging, challenging, and characteristic of different parts of each country, without being too obvious. Best played NM with panning and zooming, with no (or long) time limit! Also, three African countries and one Oceanian country only have one working (and/or quality) photosphere each, so those countries unfortunately only have one location. A fourth African country only has 2 working and/or quality photospheres, a fifth African country only has 6 ones, a seventh African only has five, and a second Oceanian country only has 3 quality/varying locations.", "url": "/maps/62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "playUrl": "/62bf058919731b2418c882ec/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.8684607, "lng": -175.3504078}, "max": {"lat": 78.1218514, "lng": 179.7768563}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2022-07-01T14:32:41.0490000Z", "updatedAt": "2022-10-20T15:06:44.5500000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "morning", "decoration": "none", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "forest"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 14791577, "likes": 61, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/fGmubBEs57P4hlzv/4/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 4, "lat": -18.1448347, "lng": 178.4258558, "continent": "Oceania", "country": "Fiji"}, "challenge_index": 1, "split_transcript": "find some Russian plates in Kazakhstan as well okay Kazakhstan makes makes a lot of sense there okay could have could have wished for a bit of a closer score there but uh but it's fine okay this looks very tropical again feels like an island immediately maybe what is that ah oh gosh is that an Australian flag or oh no it looks like we have that uh Union Jack with some white stars would this be Australia though or could this be like like Fiji or something what does it say does it say Fiji on that plate in mind it's mine say Fiji it looks like there are like four letters possibly there I can't can't tell if for sure if it's Fiji or not but I would go Fiji at this point we said I'll be driving on here we are driving on the opposite side on the left side of the road we have a yellow plate there but it looks like a taxi um so Fiji Fiji does drive on the left side right let's quickly verify it yes they do drive on the left side as indicated by this roundabout um oh wait we have another flag here and it does look like a Fiji flag I think Fiji does have kind of a like a light blue like that let's go Suva let's go Suva uh I think I'm pretty happy with my guess here i i p i v h k I don't think that indicates the area nice let's go ", "points": 4997, "distance": 0.858, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "fGmubBEs57P4hlzv", "mapSlug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 551, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "name": "Perfect 10", "slug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "description": "10 carefully-chosen locations in each of the world's 199 countries (see the Wikipedia 'List of Sovereign States' for those included, plus Taiwan, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland) which may include their sovereign territories, focusing on a mix of photospheres and street view with (usually) enough clues and information to be engaging, challenging, and characteristic of different parts of each country, without being too obvious. Best played NM with panning and zooming, with no (or long) time limit! Also, three African countries and one Oceanian country only have one working (and/or quality) photosphere each, so those countries unfortunately only have one location. A fourth African country only has 2 working and/or quality photospheres, a fifth African country only has 6 ones, a seventh African only has five, and a second Oceanian country only has 3 quality/varying locations.", "url": "/maps/62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "playUrl": "/62bf058919731b2418c882ec/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.8684607, "lng": -175.3504078}, "max": {"lat": 78.1218514, "lng": 179.7768563}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2022-07-01T14:32:41.0490000Z", "updatedAt": "2022-10-20T15:06:44.5500000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "morning", "decoration": "none", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "forest"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 14791577, "likes": 61, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/fGmubBEs57P4hlzv/5/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 5, "lat": 52.4981807, "lng": 30.9925242, "continent": "Europe", "country": "Belarus"}, "challenge_index": 1, "split_transcript": "very close guess there very happy with this one I'm glad I noticed that Fiji flag as well so that kind of verified the suspicions what is this a yantarney so we have a is that a Belarusian plate I think it says b-y this would be Belarus maybe then empty I don't know if that empty helps me can we maybe find the Antoni in um Belarus I'm thinking this would be Belarus yeah I do not see any yantarnis here so it's either it's too small all or it's not in Belarus I think it's probably just too small let's let's see let's keep it somewhere in the middle and it was all very kind of young tan oh my it ", "points": 4423, "distance": 183.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "fGmubBEs57P4hlzv", "mapSlug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 551, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "name": "Perfect 10", "slug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "description": "10 carefully-chosen locations in each of the world's 199 countries (see the Wikipedia 'List of Sovereign States' for those included, plus Taiwan, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland) which may include their sovereign territories, focusing on a mix of photospheres and street view with (usually) enough clues and information to be engaging, challenging, and characteristic of different parts of each country, without being too obvious. Best played NM with panning and zooming, with no (or long) time limit! Also, three African countries and one Oceanian country only have one working (and/or quality) photosphere each, so those countries unfortunately only have one location. A fourth African country only has 2 working and/or quality photospheres, a fifth African country only has 6 ones, a seventh African only has five, and a second Oceanian country only has 3 quality/varying locations.", "url": "/maps/62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "playUrl": "/62bf058919731b2418c882ec/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.8684607, "lng": -175.3504078}, "max": {"lat": 78.1218514, "lng": 179.7768563}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2022-07-01T14:32:41.0490000Z", "updatedAt": "2022-10-20T15:06:44.5500000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "morning", "decoration": "none", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "forest"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", 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have yellow plate the first thing that I noticed what are they though yellow back plates some English there Beast building that's nice peace building driving the right side yellow back plate White Front plates now where would this be prime insurance company looks quite hilly driving the right side in Africa with yellow back plates and white front plates I am not sure which one this would be well since we're driving the right side we would be more towards the northern part of Africa Northwestern part because because those countries drive on the right side but which one I have absolutely no idea it's not going to be Nigeria Congo Congo DRC let's go somewhere here maybe it's one of these these cities Kinshasa or and uh it was over one wait the one that drives on the right side I was sure they drive on the left oh interesting interesting one makes sense because the plates looked very much like Uganda and Kenya with yellow on the back white on the front I was just sure that Rwanda drives on the left side as well huh learning something new here after a brief investigation I found out that yarawanda Burundi drive both on the right side so yeah Uganda Kenya Tanzania ", "points": 1639, "distance": 1664.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "tE5zCth2L9yzrhhK", "mapSlug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 470, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "name": "Perfect 10", "slug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "description": "10 carefully-chosen locations in each of the world's 199 countries (see the Wikipedia 'List of Sovereign States' for those included, plus Taiwan, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland) which may include their sovereign territories, focusing on a mix of photospheres and street view with (usually) enough clues and information to be engaging, challenging, and characteristic of different parts of each country, without being too obvious. Best played NM with panning and zooming, with no (or long) time limit! Also, three African countries and one Oceanian country only have one working (and/or quality) photosphere each, so those countries unfortunately only have one location. A fourth African country only has 2 working and/or quality photospheres, a fifth African country only has 6 ones, a seventh African only has five, and a second Oceanian country only has 3 quality/varying locations.", "url": "/maps/62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "playUrl": "/62bf058919731b2418c882ec/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.8684607, "lng": -175.3504078}, "max": {"lat": 78.1218514, "lng": 179.7768563}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2022-07-01T14:32:41.0490000Z", "updatedAt": "2022-10-20T15:06:44.5500000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "morning", "decoration": "none", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "forest"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 14791577, "likes": 61, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/tE5zCth2L9yzrhhK/2/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 2, "lat": 12.1725826, "lng": 6.6792523, "continent": "Africa", "country": "Nigeria"}, "challenge_index": 2, "split_transcript": "they are kind of the most northern African countries that drive on the left so but let's move on finding something new learning every day that's why I like geogrister there's always something to learn which is nice uh next what do we have we have a very Sandy Sandy location again it's some kind of rectangular poles with some holes um some palm trees the license plates white license plates we said are we driving on I'm not entirely sure there's a chicken where would they have chicken hmm we have some tuk-tuks some palm trees some tuk-tuks they're kind of getting in a way um Nigerian Vibe so I'm thinking maybe Nigeria because I know they have their tuk-tuks they have some light license plates maybe it's just a country near Nigeria next to it or like Benin for example maybe this you can also get polls like these in Nigeria kind of these kind of ladder poles Brazilian style very similar to Brazilian pulse so I could see this maybe being Nigeria maybe something um next to it maybe let's go Benin let's go Benin Porto Novo let's say let's see I was just Nigeria damn it it was just Nigeria just Northern Nigeria the city of gusau I consider just going Nigeria but uh with those palm trees I didn't think it ", "points": 2978, "distance": 773.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "tE5zCth2L9yzrhhK", "mapSlug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 470, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "name": "Perfect 10", "slug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "description": "10 carefully-chosen locations in each of the world's 199 countries (see the Wikipedia 'List of Sovereign States' for those included, plus Taiwan, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland) which may include their sovereign territories, focusing on a mix of photospheres and street view with (usually) enough clues and information to be engaging, challenging, and characteristic of different parts of each country, without being too obvious. Best played NM with panning and zooming, with no (or long) time limit! Also, three African countries and one Oceanian country only have one working (and/or quality) photosphere each, so those countries unfortunately only have one location. A fourth African country only has 2 working and/or quality photospheres, a fifth African country only has 6 ones, a seventh African only has five, and a second Oceanian country only has 3 quality/varying locations.", "url": "/maps/62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "playUrl": "/62bf058919731b2418c882ec/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.8684607, "lng": -175.3504078}, "max": {"lat": 78.1218514, "lng": 179.7768563}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2022-07-01T14:32:41.0490000Z", "updatedAt": "2022-10-20T15:06:44.5500000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "morning", "decoration": "none", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "forest"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 14791577, "likes": 61, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/tE5zCth2L9yzrhhK/3/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 3, "lat": 42.54985819692082, "lng": 45.07881345263554, "continent": "Asia", "country": "Georgia"}, "challenge_index": 2, "split_transcript": "would be that Inland but I guess I was wrong I I usually associate palm trees with a bit more coastal areas than that but okay we move on oh this is pretty I'm getting big Georgian vibes from the first glance big Georgian Vibes with these these kind of towers as well the author is Michael bohor shivili the name is also very Georgian in my mind so I would 100 go Georgia here the country of Georgia not the state the country of Georgia very beautiful country I've been there once I loved it beautiful landscapes wonderful very welcoming people amazing food if you ever ever are in that area I'd highly suggest visiting Georgia um let's go I don't know where because we are just in some mountains here ish maybe there are a bunch of bunch of mountains here and it was okay it was more North quite North near the border with Russia so it is quite mountainous there near the ", "points": 4558, "distance": 138.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "tE5zCth2L9yzrhhK", "mapSlug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 470, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "name": "Perfect 10", "slug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "description": "10 carefully-chosen locations in each of the world's 199 countries (see the Wikipedia 'List of Sovereign States' for those included, plus Taiwan, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland) which may include their sovereign territories, focusing on a mix of photospheres and street view with (usually) enough clues and information to be engaging, challenging, and characteristic of different parts of each country, without being too obvious. Best played NM with panning and zooming, with no (or long) time limit! Also, three African countries and one Oceanian country only have one working (and/or quality) photosphere each, so those countries unfortunately only have one location. A fourth African country only has 2 working and/or quality photospheres, a fifth African country only has 6 ones, a seventh African only has five, and a second Oceanian country only has 3 quality/varying locations.", "url": "/maps/62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "playUrl": "/62bf058919731b2418c882ec/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.8684607, "lng": -175.3504078}, "max": {"lat": 78.1218514, "lng": 179.7768563}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2022-07-01T14:32:41.0490000Z", "updatedAt": "2022-10-20T15:06:44.5500000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "morning", "decoration": "none", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "forest"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 14791577, "likes": 61, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/tE5zCth2L9yzrhhK/4/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 4, "lat": 36.8386789, "lng": 30.4154249, "continent": "Asia", "country": "Turkey"}, "challenge_index": 2, "split_transcript": "national park okay very yeah very nice country I I would love to visit it again one day okay what do we have now uh Rick recipe is the author some photos being taken or something tick tocks maybe I think we have a mosque in the background there some license plates with blue down here uh which said are we driving on I think we're driving a little right side yeah we are doing the right side could this be with these balls kind of Turkish feeling poles could this be Cyprus I think they were drawing the left side because could this be just turkey then let's go turkey then because I think I think they did drive on the left side in Cyprus same with Malta it was just turkey yeah makes sense because we did see the Turkish poles there um I went a bit too East yeah it's really interesting how Malta and Cyprus are both islands and both are driving on the left side even though everyone else ", "points": 3726, "distance": 439.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "tE5zCth2L9yzrhhK", "mapSlug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 470, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "name": "Perfect 10", "slug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "description": "10 carefully-chosen locations in each of the world's 199 countries (see the Wikipedia 'List of Sovereign States' for those included, plus Taiwan, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland) which may include their sovereign territories, focusing on a mix of photospheres and street view with (usually) enough clues and information to be engaging, challenging, and characteristic of different parts of each country, without being too obvious. Best played NM with panning and zooming, with no (or long) time limit! Also, three African countries and one Oceanian country only have one working (and/or quality) photosphere each, so those countries unfortunately only have one location. A fourth African country only has 2 working and/or quality photospheres, a fifth African country only has 6 ones, a seventh African only has five, and a second Oceanian country only has 3 quality/varying locations.", "url": "/maps/62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "playUrl": "/62bf058919731b2418c882ec/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.8684607, "lng": -175.3504078}, "max": {"lat": 78.1218514, "lng": 179.7768563}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2022-07-01T14:32:41.0490000Z", "updatedAt": "2022-10-20T15:06:44.5500000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "morning", "decoration": "none", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "forest"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 14791577, "likes": 61, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/tE5zCth2L9yzrhhK/5/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 5, "lat": 48.22549619999999, "lng": 25.174651, "continent": "Europe", "country": "Ukraine"}, "challenge_index": 2, "split_transcript": "around them are driving the right side I made a short interesting video on my other channel about the driving sides I'll leave it in the info card if you wanna find out more about why why we're driving on the side that we are driving could a country switch its driving side what do we have here we have uh is that Cyrillic it looks like we have some Cyrillic yes I can't really read it but it looks like we have some non-russian letters some some eyes so maybe this be um Ukraine or Belarus again or or um not sure but plates can't really tell it's kind of glitched out a little bit it looks it might be Ukrainian maybe but with these Hills if it is Ukraine it would be kind of Southwestern Ukraine I think I could see these these Hills and these um this Flora being uh Southern Ukrainian maybe somewhere here because this part is quite quite hilly in Ukraine other other parts not so much so yeah I guess we go there let's see oh ", "points": 4796, "distance": 62.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "tE5zCth2L9yzrhhK", "mapSlug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 470, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "name": "Perfect 10", "slug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "description": "10 carefully-chosen locations in each of the world's 199 countries (see the Wikipedia 'List of Sovereign States' for those included, plus Taiwan, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland) which may include their sovereign territories, focusing on a mix of photospheres and street view with (usually) enough clues and information to be engaging, challenging, and characteristic of different parts of each country, without being too obvious. Best played NM with panning and zooming, with no (or long) time limit! Also, three African countries and one Oceanian country only have one working (and/or quality) photosphere each, so those countries unfortunately only have one location. A fourth African country only has 2 working and/or quality photospheres, a fifth African country only has 6 ones, a seventh African only has five, and a second Oceanian country only has 3 quality/varying locations.", "url": "/maps/62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "playUrl": "/62bf058919731b2418c882ec/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.8684607, "lng": -175.3504078}, "max": {"lat": 78.1218514, "lng": 179.7768563}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2022-07-01T14:32:41.0490000Z", "updatedAt": "2022-10-20T15:06:44.5500000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "morning", "decoration": "none", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "forest"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 14791577, "likes": 61, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/13flYBX8PvCVIlJp/1/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 1, "lat": 26.86127472612686, "lng": 89.38333776136463, "continent": "Asia", "country": "Bhutan"}, "challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "and in this one we are gonna play some maps that you my dear viewers have made if you have made a map you want me to try out leave it in the comments or join the Discord and post it there I'll soon make another video playing some more viewer Maps so I'll try to get through as many as I can the first map we're gonna try is called deceiving places so I guess it contains some deceiving places I would assume so the play along links will be as always in the description let's have one minute per run instead of a minute and a half just so it moves a bit quicker what do we have okay we have Bhutan we have you get a red license plates driving on the left side in Bhutan um what's deceiving here I'm not sure the language uh it even says Bhutan here Jung along I can't really see read the city name there's something muri something can't really see let's I guess glance and Bhutan maybe there is a city that stands out that could work yeah can't really sell maybe P maybe p uh yeah let's let's just leave it somewhere here in the middle oh it was all the way down here the I guess that's why it was deceiving huh because it was very close to the Border I thought it would be more flat there I know this area kind of here near gallip who is quite flat if you ever get a flat Bhutan it is basically either down here or I think there is ", "points": 4576, "distance": 132.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "13flYBX8PvCVIlJp", "mapSlug": "5ff9a44cefdd5d0001e261b2", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 378, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5ff9a44cefdd5d0001e261b2", "name": "Deceiving places", "slug": "5ff9a44cefdd5d0001e261b2", "description": "Were are you??? Are we in Spain? it looks like Spain? let me tell you, its never the country you think it is :). 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The map is most fun if you play it without moving or with a time limit!", "url": "/maps/5ff9a44cefdd5d0001e261b2", "playUrl": "/5ff9a44cefdd5d0001e261b2/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.84430234686202, "lng": -119.5723803039613}, "max": {"lat": 64.12726915699558, "lng": 174.6325384311169}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-01-09T12:40:44.8890000Z", "updatedAt": "2022-12-21T12:13:55.1060000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "evening", "decoration": "palmtrees", "ground": "green", "landscape": "grassmountains"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 14371250, "likes": 6, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/13flYBX8PvCVIlJp/3/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 3, "lat": 32.9031255, "lng": -5.3425359, "continent": "Africa", "country": "Morocco"}, "challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "tricky tricky locations yeah I wouldn't say they are the most difficult ones but uh the the there definitely are some um interesting ones okay this is unofficial the author is Abdel Hadi bobekri okay which side are we driving on it looks like we are driving on the right side of the road can't see the license plate there you already know I'm not the best at landscape so uh but uh but but but my first thought was maybe somewhere like um India like around that area Bangladesh maybe but we're driving on the right side though um what could this be I I don't know I genuinely don't know um let's go this ever be it's not gonna be theirs like Coastal Syria with some Greenery there I don't know oh my rock oh Morocco okay yeah this was this was the definitely the most difficult round we've had thus far I was ", "points": 377, "distance": 3855.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "13flYBX8PvCVIlJp", "mapSlug": "5ff9a44cefdd5d0001e261b2", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 378, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5ff9a44cefdd5d0001e261b2", "name": "Deceiving places", "slug": "5ff9a44cefdd5d0001e261b2", "description": "Were are you??? Are we in Spain? it looks like Spain? let me tell you, its never the country you think it is :). The map is most fun if you play it without moving or with a time limit!", "url": "/maps/5ff9a44cefdd5d0001e261b2", "playUrl": "/5ff9a44cefdd5d0001e261b2/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.84430234686202, "lng": -119.5723803039613}, "max": {"lat": 64.12726915699558, "lng": 174.6325384311169}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-01-09T12:40:44.8890000Z", "updatedAt": "2022-12-21T12:13:55.1060000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "evening", "decoration": "palmtrees", "ground": "green", "landscape": "grassmountains"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 14371250, "likes": 6, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/13flYBX8PvCVIlJp/4/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 4, "lat": -54.84430234686202, "lng": -68.57526432583968, "continent": "South America", "country": "Argentina"}, "challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "not thinking Morocco I was thinking like this area somewhere ah yeah yeah okay another official coverage I prefer official coverages because um because the quality is better and I know what to look for so we have some Spanish um do we have we have yellow reflectors yet yellow reflectors well in Spain first of all and in Chile but in Chile you wouldn't get a black Google car so I'm thinking maybe this is Argentina near Chile and looking at the landscape this definitely feels Southern to me with mountains big Big Snowy Mountains to kind of north and west uh somewhere here down here uh where are the roads here somewhere here ish maybe uh I feel it feels somewhere like in Southern Southern um South America for sure or even more south than that yeah and it was Argentinian site very close to Chile as I suspected just um even more South I noticed I was getting a bit bright there for a second I hope hope the camera ", "points": 3718, "distance": 442.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "13flYBX8PvCVIlJp", "mapSlug": "5ff9a44cefdd5d0001e261b2", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 378, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5ff9a44cefdd5d0001e261b2", "name": "Deceiving places", "slug": "5ff9a44cefdd5d0001e261b2", "description": "Were are you??? 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The map is most fun if you play it without moving or with a time limit!", "url": "/maps/5ff9a44cefdd5d0001e261b2", "playUrl": "/5ff9a44cefdd5d0001e261b2/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.84430234686202, "lng": -119.5723803039613}, "max": {"lat": 64.12726915699558, "lng": 174.6325384311169}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-01-09T12:40:44.8890000Z", "updatedAt": "2022-12-21T12:13:55.1060000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "evening", "decoration": "palmtrees", "ground": "green", "landscape": "grassmountains"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 14371250, "likes": 6, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": 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good luck if you are playing along uh so yeah we are definitely in airports so knowing the place names might be helpful Capitan Carlos Martinez de pinilos uh well Spanish a Spanish-speaking country with a tuk-tuk um could this be Peru I know peruvians like their tuk-tuks any country names or city names that Del Peru the separu here yeah um so it seemed to be right on this being Peru but did it say The city which which name here is the city pinilos is pinilosa City or oh it says Peru there as well Del Peru here we go uh where is the airport um where is the airport oh gosh here is the airport pop carlosia and we are oh the time ran out I couldn't align it no one point I lost one point there damn it uh but okay I'm happy I'm happy that ", "points": 4999, "distance": 0.224, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "a5XQZGuV3wFSZnFZ", "mapSlug": "6284dc911a66eea9ea0224e6", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, 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is there an airport here is it is there an airport in oh here is fluke half and Dusseldorf um no but it looks like it's the US not DSW what is DSW do you spoag Dortmund apparently we were in Dortmund wasn't ", "points": 4790, "distance": 64.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "a5XQZGuV3wFSZnFZ", "mapSlug": "6284dc911a66eea9ea0224e6", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 338, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "6284dc911a66eea9ea0224e6", "name": "Airports of the world", "slug": "6284dc911a66eea9ea0224e6", "description": "Airports from all around the world!", "url": "/maps/6284dc911a66eea9ea0224e6", "playUrl": "/6284dc911a66eea9ea0224e6/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.8422373, "lng": -176.198889}, "max": {"lat": 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a red tone uh we have some French oh we have some city names below Roy um where do we have these places um I don't see them oh no kuvin r99 where is r99 oh if I wish I had a bit more time is here 15 kilometers to the north wait what oh there we were she may yeah we were in chimei oh there was Charlotte ", "points": 4953, "distance": 14.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "rIe7sViYOFkNeAsn", "mapSlug": "62489d9a0e2586bb5e03db68", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 291, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62489d9a0e2586bb5e03db68", "name": "Scuptures and statues around the world", "slug": "62489d9a0e2586bb5e03db68", "description": "", "url": "/maps/62489d9a0e2586bb5e03db68", "playUrl": "/62489d9a0e2586bb5e03db68/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, 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common and I gotta figure out what it is so let's get going let's get going we will have the answer afterwards as well if I'm not sure but let's get let's see let's see if I can figure it out without looking what do we have the first location is by Kyle geese brecht Kyle geese sounds German the name um so could this be Germany I can't see any language but I could see this maybe being Germany the houses maybe could be German uh maybe and I wish I could see them like a bit closer some of them almost feel kind of Nordic so I was thinking maybe southern Sweden or Denmark let's go somewhere there um could be maybe Germany near Denmark somewhere in that area big water that means Sweden has a lot of lakes and Waters Denmark as well heal let's go let's go Northern Germany but but I wouldn't be surprised it was like a bit more north than that let's see oh my God I was way off I was way off I guess those houses were not European huh I mean I thought some of them looked kind of North American but they definitely saw some that looked very European as well so okay what do we have here the the place Jubilee Park campground on Wizard Lake okay we have a Wizard Lake they use a Wizard Lake okay and a location in Canada a campground and ", "points": 45, "distance": 7006.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "AliuhmAlkLrKIZyR", "mapSlug": "62b10eb0aa236d2bf9761cad", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 267, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62b10eb0aa236d2bf9761cad", "name": "GeoPeter crack the code", "slug": "62b10eb0aa236d2bf9761cad", "description": "This map was specifically created for the YouTuber GeoPeter. \nanswers: XXXX", "url": "/maps/62b10eb0aa236d2bf9761cad", "playUrl": "/62b10eb0aa236d2bf9761cad/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": 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thing that stood out for me on in this location so yeah maybe the first one had a wizard ", "points": 4774, "distance": 69.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "AliuhmAlkLrKIZyR", "mapSlug": "62b10eb0aa236d2bf9761cad", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 267, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62b10eb0aa236d2bf9761cad", "name": "GeoPeter crack the code", "slug": "62b10eb0aa236d2bf9761cad", "description": "This map was specifically created for the YouTuber GeoPeter. \nanswers: XXXX", "url": "/maps/62b10eb0aa236d2bf9761cad", "playUrl": "/62b10eb0aa236d2bf9761cad/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -27.41422407474382, "lng": -113.83640800154}, "max": {"lat": 53.112421110928, "lng": 153.031912566936}}, "customCoordinates": null, 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some well-known city names or something but they are not what you think they will be somewhere else so let's go let's go the challenge links will be in the description if you want to play along you can play along without the pro account with the free one free one will do but make sure to play before watching this video I delayed so we are driving here on the left side bit this is not Adelaide not not the one not the one uh you would think is here we are driving the left side though but the outer lines are yellow which would make me say that this is South Africa I don't know where there is Adelaide in South Africa to be honest Adelaide contact Point what contact Point contact point with what this is a border Road 63 begins here Road 63 Adelaide looking like this porn up River Road 63 oh I don't know where that is 66 is here 65. wait we had 63 right 63. oh gosh I wish I had more time I wish I had more time I think it might be somewhere oh gosh there was Adelaide sometimes these Road 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the cog something something this luffy slufter five kilometers so many the information overload oh god so we have the coast too well yeah as expected to the northwest which doesn't help too much any any any de corg the cog is the the place name maybe the cog or does the cog mean just like a pole i don't know the cork the cog the cog let's see if there is a decog somewhere decor not well not at least not a big place not that i can find so oh the cog they called the the cog here right it kind of splits into this path the cog why is there is oh one o but notice there is the cork with two o's i don't know i hope it is it kind of works right it splits in two there's a small pathway there with a cute doggo by the way oh my god how did i miss that cutie oh my gosh such an adorable doggo oh and it is a 5k oh this is such a good round such a perfect round with a doggo and a 5k and everything you might might wish for what do we have here now this is italy with these um short front plates we are next to water as you might notice water this is official coverage water is to our north east um water to the north east the city's cocktail lounge restaurant doesn't help at all las armento diaz armando di as well i don't know where he was from unfortunately armando diaz i don't see any city clues which is unfortunate well okay let's let's just align it and hope for the best then because looks very very um warm so the water is to our north east looking very warm body maybe we have something there no it's not there mmm brindisi no could it be remini no um i don't think it aligns uh palermo palermo maybe is it the the doesn't the line know i don't know let's leave it in palermo maybe but i don't think it aligns it was it was body what oh my god that's just annoying i thought i thought i didn't see those those little thingies on on on the map so i kind of dismissed it so close yet ", "points": 3701, "distance": 449.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "4UTFXmYT0XCBnSAy", 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Please report any unofficial/broken/unfair locations to username: @why_s on Discord.", "url": "/maps/6165f7176c26ac00016bca3d", "playUrl": "/6165f7176c26ac00016bca3d/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -77.84453910395482, "lng": -177.3888141253121}, "max": {"lat": 78.2359564086716, "lng": 178.4808364672652}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-10-12T20:59:03.9980000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-09-17T17:21:38.4440000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "sunrise", "decoration": "cactus", "ground": "darkbrown", "landscape": "desserthills"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 17357111, "likes": 2376, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/CJWncoB6ifMeWBjL/2/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 2, "lat": 52.4824103056286, "lng": 34.7115023863104, "continent": "Europe", "country": "Russia"}, "challenge_index": 3, "split_transcript": "kind of here on northern ireland fair enough fair enough but not too far not a bad guess oh we have some birch trees we have some brushes that we see i'm thinking could this be baltics i could see this being baltics for sure maybe even latvia should i maybe i should go latvia because otherwise people always find it funny that i don't recognize latvia so i sometimes just get lucky enough to be wrong so i think i might do it this time because i could easily see this being latvia yeah let's let's go lightly i don't see anything else that uh that would give it or give anything away ", "points": 2971, "distance": 777.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "CJWncoB6ifMeWBjL", "mapSlug": "6165f7176c26ac00016bca3d", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": true, "forbidRotating": true, "numberOfParticipants": 199, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "6165f7176c26ac00016bca3d", "name": "A Skewed World", "slug": "6165f7176c26ac00016bca3d", "description": "This map is designed to be played using the no moving, panning, or zooming (NMPZ) game mode. 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Please report any unofficial/broken/unfair locations to username: @why_s on Discord.", "url": "/maps/6165f7176c26ac00016bca3d", "playUrl": "/6165f7176c26ac00016bca3d/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -77.84453910395482, "lng": -177.3888141253121}, "max": {"lat": 78.2359564086716, "lng": 178.4808364672652}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-10-12T20:59:03.9980000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-09-17T17:21:38.4440000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "sunrise", "decoration": "cactus", "ground": "darkbrown", "landscape": "desserthills"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 17357111, "likes": 2376, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/CJWncoB6ifMeWBjL/3/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 3, "lat": 25.242464, "lng": -101.17208, "continent": "North America", "country": "Mexico"}, "challenge_index": 3, "split_transcript": "this of course could be something like russia finland i don't know well let's see it was russia fair enough next round next round we have we have some interesting uh curbs uh getting very american vibes the sun is to the south huh so i'm thinking either us or mexico we have dashed lines though what what's with the dashed lines here i'm confused now we do have some yellow i think on the road there which would confirm america's ah what's in the polls i don't recognize these poles i don't recognize these lines i'm so confused here i wanna i'm gonna go mexico but i might be very wrong on this one let's see it was mexico ", "points": 4070, "distance": 307.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "CJWncoB6ifMeWBjL", "mapSlug": "6165f7176c26ac00016bca3d", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": true, "forbidRotating": true, "numberOfParticipants": 199, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "6165f7176c26ac00016bca3d", "name": "A Skewed World", "slug": "6165f7176c26ac00016bca3d", "description": "This map is designed to be played using the no moving, panning, or zooming (NMPZ) game mode. 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Please report any unofficial/broken/unfair locations to username: @why_s on Discord.", "url": "/maps/6165f7176c26ac00016bca3d", "playUrl": "/6165f7176c26ac00016bca3d/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -77.84453910395482, "lng": -177.3888141253121}, "max": {"lat": 78.2359564086716, "lng": 178.4808364672652}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-10-12T20:59:03.9980000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-09-17T17:21:38.4440000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "sunrise", "decoration": "cactus", "ground": "darkbrown", "landscape": "desserthills"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 17357111, "likes": 2376, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/CJWncoB6ifMeWBjL/4/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 4, "lat": 15.8324662823647, "lng": 103.765033378341, "continent": "Asia", "country": "Thailand"}, "challenge_index": 3, "split_transcript": "that was a very interesting mexico because with those dashed lines and the poles i couldn't tell are they uh octagonal or not okay sun is to the south we get some uh houses on wood like poles this tree this tree here ah stilted houses with a tree like this i'm confused if it wasn't for the tree i would have gone something like cambodia maybe some palm trees i think i might still go something like malaysia maybe this looks like generation 4 camera so malaysia i'm not sure about this tree though it feels weird to me but i don't really have a better guess in my mind so let's go somewhere there and thailand huh okay ", "points": 2015, "distance": 1356.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "CJWncoB6ifMeWBjL", "mapSlug": "6165f7176c26ac00016bca3d", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": true, "forbidRotating": true, "numberOfParticipants": 199, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "6165f7176c26ac00016bca3d", "name": "A Skewed World", "slug": "6165f7176c26ac00016bca3d", "description": "This map is designed to be played using the no moving, panning, or zooming (NMPZ) game mode. 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This map only contains OFFICIAL google coverage (no photospheres, no Aris) and the animal should always be in the middle of your screen when you spawn (you might need to zoom in sometimes). If you find animal locations that you think might fit in this map feel free to contact me! UPDATE: I have added new locations using a trick and something might have gone wrong. if you have a round that does not load or a misplaced location please let me know @ananasso_ on discord!", "url": "/maps/5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "playUrl": "/5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -77.55408415707934, "lng": -177.3821317381854}, "max": {"lat": 70.72021693803296, "lng": 178.8094431396377}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-01-08T21:22:34.3240000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-09-09T10:00:14.5000000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "evening", "decoration": "oaktrees", "ground": "green", "landscape": "hills"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 16489254, "likes": 351, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/iyIEuilHfUYp1CjB/2/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 2, "lat": -38.31870966900943, "lng": 142.3641783564434, "continent": "Oceania", "country": "Australia"}, "challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "okay not bad actually really good guess well hong kong isn't too big either way so either way it would have been pretty good guess okay oh we have some oh are those ostriches or emus i never know the difference so would this be australia i think this might be it looks like we we might be driving on the left side here exit yes sign is on the left side now where in australia would this be i don't see any good clues looking at the landscape uh i kinda wanna go like victoria maybe i don't know just just going by the vibes but my australian vibes aren't aren't the best i usually rely on some polls or road signs or something in australia but we don't have any of those here so let's go victoria and it was victoria okay my ", "points": 3965, "distance": 346.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "iyIEuilHfUYp1CjB", "mapSlug": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 491, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "name": "Wild Animals", "slug": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "description": "From the tropical islands of the Pacific Ocean to the Deserts of the Arabian Peninsula, Google captured many more wild animals on camera than one might think, with locations from more than 40 different countries and territories, this map is guaranteed to surprise you with animals you would have never expected to see on Geoguessr! This map only contains OFFICIAL google coverage (no photospheres, no Aris) and the animal should always be in the middle of your screen when you spawn (you might need to zoom in sometimes). If you find animal locations that you think might fit in this map feel free to contact me! 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This map only contains OFFICIAL google coverage (no photospheres, no Aris) and the animal should always be in the middle of your screen when you spawn (you might need to zoom in sometimes). If you find animal locations that you think might fit in this map feel free to contact me! 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This map only contains OFFICIAL google coverage (no photospheres, no Aris) and the animal should always be in the middle of your screen when you spawn (you might need to zoom in sometimes). If you find animal locations that you think might fit in this map feel free to contact me! 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This map only contains OFFICIAL google coverage (no photospheres, no Aris) and the animal should always be in the middle of your screen when you spawn (you might need to zoom in sometimes). If you find animal locations that you think might fit in this map feel free to contact me! 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This map only contains OFFICIAL google coverage (no photospheres, no Aris) and the animal should always be in the middle of your screen when you spawn (you might need to zoom in sometimes). If you find animal locations that you think might fit in this map feel free to contact me! 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This map only contains OFFICIAL google coverage (no photospheres, no Aris) and the animal should always be in the middle of your screen when you spawn (you might need to zoom in sometimes). If you find animal locations that you think might fit in this map feel free to contact me! 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This map only contains OFFICIAL google coverage (no photospheres, no Aris) and the animal should always be in the middle of your screen when you spawn (you might need to zoom in sometimes). If you find animal locations that you think might fit in this map feel free to contact me! 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This map only contains OFFICIAL google coverage (no photospheres, no Aris) and the animal should always be in the middle of your screen when you spawn (you might need to zoom in sometimes). If you find animal locations that you think might fit in this map feel free to contact me! UPDATE: I have added new locations using a trick and something might have gone wrong. if you have a round that does not load or a misplaced location please let me know @ananasso_ on discord!", "url": "/maps/5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "playUrl": "/5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -77.55408415707934, "lng": -177.3821317381854}, "max": {"lat": 70.72021693803296, "lng": 178.8094431396377}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-01-08T21:22:34.3240000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-09-09T10:00:14.5000000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "evening", "decoration": "oaktrees", "ground": "green", "landscape": "hills"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 16489254, "likes": 351, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/KR5LWfmpryFvWthA/5/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 5, "lat": 28.19956822308504, "lng": -177.3821317381854, "continent": "North America", "country": "United States"}, "challenge_index": 1, "split_transcript": "the middle of an ocean oh no this is how that triangle island looks like it does look a bit different doesn't it but still the same kind of same feeling let's keep going then what do we have next we have a lot of birds so i'm thinking midway at all also with like an airfield because you get some airfields in midway at all i'm i'm happy with with going midway at all here so it's quite quite close to the triangle island that we just saw except it's a bit larger and easier to find the the the runway goes i think it's this runway looking at the angle we are on the road next to the runway is that the second runway that we see i think that's the second runway that we see there to our north so i think we might be somewhere here ish i think ", "points": 4999, "distance": 0.067, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "KR5LWfmpryFvWthA", "mapSlug": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 396, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "name": "Wild Animals", "slug": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "description": "From the tropical islands of the Pacific Ocean to the Deserts of the Arabian Peninsula, Google captured many more wild animals on camera than one might think, with locations from more than 40 different countries and territories, this map is guaranteed to surprise you with animals you would have never expected to see on Geoguessr! This map only contains OFFICIAL google coverage (no photospheres, no Aris) and the animal should always be in the middle of your screen when you spawn (you might need to zoom in sometimes). If you find animal locations that you think might fit in this map feel free to contact me! UPDATE: I have added new locations using a trick and something might have gone wrong. if you have a round that does not load or a misplaced location please let me know @ananasso_ on discord!", "url": "/maps/5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "playUrl": "/5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -77.55408415707934, "lng": -177.3821317381854}, "max": {"lat": 70.72021693803296, "lng": 178.8094431396377}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-01-08T21:22:34.3240000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-09-09T10:00:14.5000000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "evening", "decoration": "oaktrees", "ground": "green", "landscape": "hills"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 16489254, "likes": 351, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/UzFv6Ep9rNcAuidX/1/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 1, "lat": -22.15176522837899, "lng": -65.39719037375514, "continent": "South America", "country": "Argentina"}, "challenge_index": 2, "split_transcript": "let's go perfect score hey oh i'm so happy about that after that previous round okay 16 793 points i'm very happy with that score and let's try the third game again link in the description of course we have official coverage we have some animals there are those i'm not sure those are not cows but i'm not sure what they are hard really hard to see we have cacti which i notice and the sun is to our north so where are we oh gosh i was thinking mexico at first but the sun is to the north so that doesn't really fit what else would it could this ever be kind of weird in northern colombia because it can look quite dry but i think it doesn't i think it looks a bit different argentina let's go argentina actually i like argentina um but where i never i never know where to guess in argentina i'm quite certain this would be argentina with these small bushes let's go more south maybe uh oh no it was north i never know where to guess in argentina god dammit i figured out it was argentina eventually but i guessed completely the wrong area ", "points": 1269, "distance": 2046.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "UzFv6Ep9rNcAuidX", "mapSlug": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 344, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "name": "Wild Animals", "slug": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "description": "From the tropical islands of the Pacific Ocean to the Deserts of the Arabian Peninsula, Google captured many more wild animals on camera than one might think, with locations from more than 40 different countries and territories, this map is guaranteed to surprise you with animals you would have never expected to see on Geoguessr! This map only contains OFFICIAL google coverage (no photospheres, no Aris) and the animal should always be in the middle of your screen when you spawn (you might need to zoom in sometimes). If you find animal locations that you think might fit in this map feel free to contact me! UPDATE: I have added new locations using a trick and something might have gone wrong. if you have a round that does not load or a misplaced location please let me know @ananasso_ on discord!", "url": "/maps/5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "playUrl": "/5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -77.55408415707934, "lng": -177.3821317381854}, "max": {"lat": 70.72021693803296, "lng": 178.8094431396377}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-01-08T21:22:34.3240000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-09-09T10:00:14.5000000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "evening", "decoration": "oaktrees", "ground": "green", "landscape": "hills"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 16489254, "likes": 351, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/UzFv6Ep9rNcAuidX/2/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 2, "lat": 3.237606833397041, "lng": 101.6839351910963, "continent": "Asia", "country": "Malaysia"}, "challenge_index": 2, "split_transcript": "because northern argentina can't look dry southern argentina can look dried oh it's a mess it's a mess okay round number two at least i got the country i'm happy about that that that's always gonna look for that silver lining even if you make a bad guess we we are on some oh these huge stairs oh wait i've seen these i know there are like huge stairs in malaysia we had them in the geo detective which side are we driving on can we tell i think yeah we're driving on the left side here okay okay yeah yeah i remember this big guy that's 100 malaysia i'll try to find the video and leave it in the info card for those of you don't know geodetective is where i try to find the viewer locations from the pictures they send in so go and check out those videos if that sounds interesting i do not remember where in malaysia that temple was there was a very beautiful beautiful large stairs with this statue in front okay it was nearby kuala lumpur batu caves apparently okay so i wasn't too ", "points": 4877, "distance": 37.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "UzFv6Ep9rNcAuidX", "mapSlug": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 344, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "name": "Wild Animals", "slug": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "description": "From the tropical islands of the Pacific Ocean to the Deserts of the Arabian Peninsula, Google captured many more wild animals on camera than one might think, with locations from more than 40 different countries and territories, this map is guaranteed to surprise you with animals you would have never expected to see on Geoguessr! This map only contains OFFICIAL google coverage (no photospheres, no Aris) and the animal should always be in the middle of your screen when you spawn (you might need to zoom in sometimes). If you find animal locations that you think might fit in this map feel free to contact me! 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This map only contains OFFICIAL google coverage (no photospheres, no Aris) and the animal should always be in the middle of your screen when you spawn (you might need to zoom in sometimes). If you find animal locations that you think might fit in this map feel free to contact me! UPDATE: I have added new locations using a trick and something might have gone wrong. if you have a round that does not load or a misplaced location please let me know @ananasso_ on discord!", "url": "/maps/5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "playUrl": "/5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -77.55408415707934, "lng": -177.3821317381854}, "max": {"lat": 70.72021693803296, "lng": 178.8094431396377}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-01-08T21:22:34.3240000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-09-09T10:00:14.5000000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "evening", "decoration": "oaktrees", "ground": "green", "landscape": "hills"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 16489254, "likes": 351, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/UzFv6Ep9rNcAuidX/4/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 4, "lat": 51.41162202350169, "lng": 157.0450098443649, "continent": "Europe", "country": "Russia"}, "challenge_index": 2, "split_transcript": "island the very very corner of it these are some difficult oh this is even more difficult what is this now oh we have some bears that's adorable bear in the little cob cub i think is the name oh even more bears oh this is cute but bears are bears are cute but dangerous looks like we are in some national park again with some big snowy mountains the sun is to the south my first thought was canada and i think the mountains would fit with something like british columbia i'm not sure about the plants but i'm assuming it might be there so okay i guess let's go some national park again provincial park let's go up provincial park no well it was not canada it was russia kamchatka strikes again huh well okay right next to the kuril lake ", "points": 135, "distance": 5387.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "UzFv6Ep9rNcAuidX", "mapSlug": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 344, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "name": "Wild Animals", "slug": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "description": "From the tropical islands of the Pacific Ocean to the Deserts of the Arabian Peninsula, Google captured many more wild animals on camera than one might think, with locations from more than 40 different countries and territories, this map is guaranteed to surprise you with animals you would have never expected to see on Geoguessr! This map only contains OFFICIAL google coverage (no photospheres, no Aris) and the animal should always be in the middle of your screen when you spawn (you might need to zoom in sometimes). If you find animal locations that you think might fit in this map feel free to contact me! UPDATE: I have added new locations using a trick and something might have gone wrong. if you have a round that does not load or a misplaced location please let me know @ananasso_ on discord!", "url": "/maps/5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "playUrl": "/5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -77.55408415707934, "lng": -177.3821317381854}, "max": {"lat": 70.72021693803296, "lng": 178.8094431396377}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-01-08T21:22:34.3240000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-09-09T10:00:14.5000000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "evening", "decoration": "oaktrees", "ground": "green", "landscape": "hills"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 16489254, "likes": 351, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/UzFv6Ep9rNcAuidX/5/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 5, "lat": 60.18632833542928, "lng": 24.88462943605316, "continent": "Europe", "country": "Finland"}, "challenge_index": 2, "split_transcript": "that's a rough guess that's a rough guess ouch we have some swans we have some are those ducks i think um some sort of a bridge pedestrian bridge the houses kind of feel nordic but the bridge is kind of weird-ish i'm thinking something like finland or maybe sweden i feel like it feels very nordic you know in terms of the trees the general landscape the animals i think i'm more inclined to go finland but i wouldn't be surprised about it being sweden as well we have a lot of water here so let's go in a place where there is a lot of water around us which is most of finland let's go somewhere there in the middle-ish okay it was when oh it was surprisingly close to helsinki wow i wasn't thinking there ", "points": 4314, "distance": 220.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "UzFv6Ep9rNcAuidX", "mapSlug": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 344, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "name": "Wild Animals", "slug": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "description": "From the tropical islands of the Pacific Ocean to the Deserts of the Arabian Peninsula, Google captured many more wild animals on camera than one might think, with locations from more than 40 different countries and territories, this map is guaranteed to surprise you with animals you would have never expected to see on Geoguessr! This map only contains OFFICIAL google coverage (no photospheres, no Aris) and the animal should always be in the middle of your screen when you spawn (you might need to zoom in sometimes). If you find animal locations that you think might fit in this map feel free to contact me! UPDATE: I have added new locations using a trick and something might have gone wrong. if you have a round that does not load or a misplaced location please let me know @ananasso_ on discord!", "url": "/maps/5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "playUrl": "/5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -77.55408415707934, "lng": -177.3821317381854}, "max": {"lat": 70.72021693803296, "lng": 178.8094431396377}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-01-08T21:22:34.3240000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-09-09T10:00:14.5000000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "evening", "decoration": "oaktrees", "ground": "green", "landscape": "hills"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 16489254, "likes": 351, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/PKbdMDEZAxjdBAyU/1/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 1, "lat": 34.73304748535156, "lng": -86.58795928955078, "continent": "North America", "country": "United States"}, "challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "because we are gonna play usa versus canada map as you probably already know north america is definitely not one of my strengths so i thought let's try this map maybe do some practicing maybe i'll learn something new maybe you learn something new i will add the play along links in the description if you want to practice as well but this this video is more kind of kind of like yeah like for practicing not for competing with each other at least in my my mind so let's have a look what do we have around if i remember correctly in canada that these one-way sands do not say one way so there would be blank arrows in canada so looking at the sun i would think that this should be the us another thing is that a green road signs i i know you can get them in canada but uh from what i've seen they are a bit more common in the us so take that with a pinch of salt of course we have a flag here so us i don't know the other flag but i'm thinking that's one of the state flags that all look the same dark blue with something in the middle we do not have a front plate in the u.s most of the southern states don't have front plates and then there is this um kind of kind of strip of states going north that also don't have it i'll add the image in the edit so so you know what i mean looks quite wintry it doesn't feel very southern to me so i would guess maybe pennsylvania maybe let's go somewhere there okay never mind ", "points": 2780, "distance": 876.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "PKbdMDEZAxjdBAyU", "mapSlug": "6020a841d5650300014538b5", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 475, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "6020a841d5650300014538b5", "name": "USA vs Canada [vsmap]", "slug": "6020a841d5650300014538b5", "description": ".. it's either USA or Canada. Pick one!This is a good training map to get better at distinguishing between the different parts. Have fun. Also check out the other [vsmap]'s if you are interested.", "url": "/maps/6020a841d5650300014538b5", "playUrl": "/6020a841d5650300014538b5/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": 18.175657921071412, "lng": -161.09755153426633}, "max": {"lat": 70.7025845581433, "lng": -48.199461833489345}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-02-08T02:56:01.2420000Z", "updatedAt": "2021-04-06T05:06:51.6550000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "day", "decoration": "oaktrees", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "hills"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 8904721, "likes": 38, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/PKbdMDEZAxjdBAyU/2/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 2, "lat": 41.57331466674805, "lng": -93.44794464111328, "continent": "North America", "country": "United States"}, "challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "it was more southern it was alabama sweet home alabama fair enough next round i know that you can get these wide double yellow lines in some states in the us but i don't remember which ones uh mid does it say mid america something america i noticed that we have wm on this trash bin and i don't know if this is state specific spoiler alert for the previous video if you haven't watched it i thought the wm would be for for wisconsin or michigan it turned out to be tennessee so i don't know maybe this wm is tennessee specific so i think i'm gonna go tennessee because of the wm if anyone in the comments knows about these kind of wider yellow lines in the middle do let me know and about any other tips that i might be missing because i do want to improve my um north ", "points": 2892, "distance": 817.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "PKbdMDEZAxjdBAyU", "mapSlug": "6020a841d5650300014538b5", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 475, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "6020a841d5650300014538b5", "name": "USA vs Canada [vsmap]", "slug": "6020a841d5650300014538b5", "description": ".. it's either USA or Canada. Pick one!This is a good training map to get better at distinguishing between the different parts. Have fun. Also check out the other [vsmap]'s if you are interested.", "url": "/maps/6020a841d5650300014538b5", "playUrl": "/6020a841d5650300014538b5/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": 18.175657921071412, "lng": -161.09755153426633}, "max": {"lat": 70.7025845581433, "lng": -48.199461833489345}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-02-08T02:56:01.2420000Z", "updatedAt": "2021-04-06T05:06:51.6550000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "day", "decoration": "oaktrees", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "hills"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 8904721, "likes": 38, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/PKbdMDEZAxjdBAyU/3/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 3, "lat": 35.309112548828125, "lng": -120.65999603271484, "continent": "North America", "country": "United States"}, "challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "america skills it was not tennessee specific apparently it was iowa so we have uh something neon circle parking structure now would this be u.s or canada the plates look i don't know i know that license plates is something that can be very helpful and useful but there are so many of them and each state has like some vanity plates and it's insane how many plates there are in the us i would probably go us here again although the fauna doesn't really feel canadian to me i was thinking maybe do we have we do have front plates i was thinking maybe california because i know california can be very diverse in terms of nature and i could see this maybe being somewhere in california so i don't know if the plates match or not but let's maybe go go go california it was california let's go ", "points": 3881, "distance": 378.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "PKbdMDEZAxjdBAyU", "mapSlug": "6020a841d5650300014538b5", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 475, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "6020a841d5650300014538b5", "name": "USA vs Canada [vsmap]", "slug": "6020a841d5650300014538b5", "description": ".. it's either USA or Canada. Pick one!This is a good training map to get better at distinguishing between the different parts. Have fun. Also check out the other [vsmap]'s if you are interested.", "url": "/maps/6020a841d5650300014538b5", "playUrl": "/6020a841d5650300014538b5/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": 18.175657921071412, "lng": -161.09755153426633}, "max": {"lat": 70.7025845581433, "lng": -48.199461833489345}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-02-08T02:56:01.2420000Z", "updatedAt": "2021-04-06T05:06:51.6550000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "day", "decoration": "oaktrees", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "hills"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 8904721, "likes": 38, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/PKbdMDEZAxjdBAyU/4/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 4, "lat": 41.20498275756836, "lng": -73.87924194335938, "continent": "North America", "country": "United States"}, "challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "let's go i am happy about this round next stop are we gonna get some canadian runs i feel this might be u.s again we have a yellow plate here which looks in terms of color quite similar to the new york we have some white plates as well so this might be not in new york this might be in a neighboring state maybe another kind of obscure and definitely not guaranteed clue but but if you can't decide which country to go maybe it helps from what i've heard in the us it is more common to have windows kind of divided into two like this you can see more windows kind of divided into two in canada you can sometimes see it but supposedly in canada it is more common to see just just one big window instead of windows divided in half that's what i've heard and after some small testing it seemed to be right so yeah that's that's that's something that i sometimes use as well looking at those windows and the plate as well i would say us somewhere near new york state maybe something like massachusetts ", "points": 4461, "distance": 170.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "PKbdMDEZAxjdBAyU", "mapSlug": "6020a841d5650300014538b5", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 475, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "6020a841d5650300014538b5", "name": "USA vs Canada [vsmap]", "slug": "6020a841d5650300014538b5", "description": ".. it's either USA or Canada. 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Also check out the other [vsmap]'s if you are interested.", "url": "/maps/6020a841d5650300014538b5", "playUrl": "/6020a841d5650300014538b5/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": 18.175657921071412, "lng": -161.09755153426633}, "max": {"lat": 70.7025845581433, "lng": -48.199461833489345}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-02-08T02:56:01.2420000Z", "updatedAt": "2021-04-06T05:06:51.6550000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "day", "decoration": "oaktrees", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "hills"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 8904721, "likes": 38, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/PKbdMDEZAxjdBAyU/5/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 5, "lat": 19.021333694458008, "lng": -155.6631622314453, "continent": "North America", "country": "United States"}, "challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "it was still the new york state yeah okay so we were in new york we had two white plates so i thought maybe not but okay oh this is an interesting one this is like hawaii because this definitely doesn't feel like your typical um us or canada it looks like we have this big yellow reflector on that pole which is a thing in hawaii we see a big yellow reflector here on this pole as well in conjunction with the flora and the nature around us i would go hawaii here those poles and then the landscapes it was hawaii just just a different ", "points": 4346, "distance": 209.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "PKbdMDEZAxjdBAyU", "mapSlug": "6020a841d5650300014538b5", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 475, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "6020a841d5650300014538b5", "name": "USA vs Canada [vsmap]", "slug": "6020a841d5650300014538b5", "description": ".. it's either USA or Canada. 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Also check out the other [vsmap]'s if you are interested.", "url": "/maps/6020a841d5650300014538b5", "playUrl": "/6020a841d5650300014538b5/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": 18.175657921071412, "lng": -161.09755153426633}, "max": {"lat": 70.7025845581433, "lng": -48.199461833489345}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-02-08T02:56:01.2420000Z", "updatedAt": "2021-04-06T05:06:51.6550000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "day", "decoration": "oaktrees", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "hills"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 8904721, "likes": 38, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/hsw0n60eti2478ms/1/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 1, "lat": 42.08876037597656, "lng": -88.29576110839844, "continent": "North America", "country": "United States"}, "challenge_index": 1, "split_transcript": "island but but the point still stands so let's keep going again the link in the description if you want to practice yourself i like to put these play along links in the description because not everyone has the pro account and you can play along even if you don't have the pro account i have a whole playlist with these play long videos so if you even if you don't have the the pro version there are so many links in my videos that you can keep playing for weeks but where would this be no parking with this border these signs can be helpful this border around the sign was it american i might be wrong but i think that sign oh how do i always miss flags i don't know i genuinely don't know how do i like i just somehow ignore flags because i was looking at this before and i just didn't register that that's a flag i was looking for more clues like some obscure signs and stuff but okay this is america again these divided windows as you can see i hope we get a canadian location as well because thus far it's all been america so we can see some canadian windows as well to compare but i genuinely don't know where in the us this would be do we have front plates i don't see if we have front plates i want to go something like i don't know north carolina somewhere there it was ", "points": 2600, "distance": 976.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "hsw0n60eti2478ms", "mapSlug": "6020a841d5650300014538b5", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 371, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "6020a841d5650300014538b5", "name": "USA vs Canada [vsmap]", "slug": "6020a841d5650300014538b5", "description": ".. it's either USA or Canada. 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Also check out the other [vsmap]'s if you are interested.", "url": "/maps/6020a841d5650300014538b5", "playUrl": "/6020a841d5650300014538b5/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": 18.175657921071412, "lng": -161.09755153426633}, "max": {"lat": 70.7025845581433, "lng": -48.199461833489345}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-02-08T02:56:01.2420000Z", "updatedAt": "2021-04-06T05:06:51.6550000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "day", "decoration": "oaktrees", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "hills"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 8904721, "likes": 38, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/hsw0n60eti2478ms/3/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 3, "lat": 45.09566879272461, "lng": -64.6960220336914, "continent": "North America", "country": "Canada"}, "challenge_index": 1, "split_transcript": "that northern okay but at least i got the country and the state oh we have canada these are canadian signs with maximum on them maximum is if you see maximum it is canada in the us it would say speed limit we do have a divided window here in canada too so it's again definitely not a guaranteed tip but i feel like every little bit helps when you have absolutely no idea then even the smallest clues can help we have cambridge blackrock waterville and blackrock road i don't know where any of those places are a little bit hilly i kind of want to go something like um new bronze we do we have front plates i don't see if we have front plates let's go new bronze weeks let's see okay ", "points": 4429, "distance": 181.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "hsw0n60eti2478ms", "mapSlug": "6020a841d5650300014538b5", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 371, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "6020a841d5650300014538b5", "name": "USA vs Canada [vsmap]", "slug": "6020a841d5650300014538b5", "description": ".. it's either USA or Canada. 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Also check out the other [vsmap]'s if you are interested.", "url": "/maps/6020a841d5650300014538b5", "playUrl": "/6020a841d5650300014538b5/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": 18.175657921071412, "lng": -161.09755153426633}, "max": {"lat": 70.7025845581433, "lng": -48.199461833489345}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-02-08T02:56:01.2420000Z", "updatedAt": "2021-04-06T05:06:51.6550000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "day", "decoration": "oaktrees", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "hills"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 8904721, "likes": 38, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/hsw0n60eti2478ms/4/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 4, "lat": 29.56301498413086, "lng": -98.48233032226562, "continent": "North America", "country": "United States"}, "challenge_index": 1, "split_transcript": "not bad it was nova scotia nearby here we have dollar tree fedex this feels very american to me it feels too dry for canada if it makes sense it feels something like nevada arizona somewhere this area oh and again we have this one way sign in canada there would be no text it wouldn't say one way we have palm trees also not the thing you usually see in canada and we do have front plates we do have front plates from what i notice so it's not gonna be arizona or new mexico it still could be nevada i think i think nevada uses front plates now we have us flag maybe texas i don't know let's go texas maybe but i could easily see it being something like nevada it was texas oh san antonio ", "points": 3456, "distance": 551.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "hsw0n60eti2478ms", "mapSlug": "6020a841d5650300014538b5", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 371, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "6020a841d5650300014538b5", "name": "USA vs Canada [vsmap]", "slug": "6020a841d5650300014538b5", "description": ".. it's either USA or Canada. 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Also check out the other [vsmap]'s if you are interested.", "url": "/maps/6020a841d5650300014538b5", "playUrl": "/6020a841d5650300014538b5/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": 18.175657921071412, "lng": -161.09755153426633}, "max": {"lat": 70.7025845581433, "lng": -48.199461833489345}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-02-08T02:56:01.2420000Z", "updatedAt": "2021-04-06T05:06:51.6550000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "day", "decoration": "oaktrees", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "hills"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 8904721, "likes": 38, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/hsw0n60eti2478ms/5/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 5, "lat": 37.16471862792969, "lng": -84.11641693115234, "continent": "North America", "country": "United States"}, "challenge_index": 1, "split_transcript": "marathon this feels quite cold do we see houses with windows the windows are divided here so is it gonna be us or is it gonna be canada again [Music] can we can we trust the divided window metta this sign would feel more u.s as well with that red border but don't don't quote me on that i don't know if that's an actual thing oh yeah this triangle these triangle signs are unique to the us you don't see them in canada this time the divided window meta works do we have front plates i don't think we do it's hard to see in the distance but i don't think we do so let's go feeling this northern with no front plates maybe something like michigan indiana let's see okay not as northern ", "points": 3278, "distance": 630.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "hsw0n60eti2478ms", "mapSlug": "6020a841d5650300014538b5", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 371, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "6020a841d5650300014538b5", "name": "USA vs Canada [vsmap]", "slug": "6020a841d5650300014538b5", "description": ".. it's either USA or Canada. 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Also check out the other [vsmap]'s if you are interested.", "url": "/maps/6020a841d5650300014538b5", "playUrl": "/6020a841d5650300014538b5/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": 18.175657921071412, "lng": -161.09755153426633}, "max": {"lat": 70.7025845581433, "lng": -48.199461833489345}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-02-08T02:56:01.2420000Z", "updatedAt": "2021-04-06T05:06:51.6550000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "day", "decoration": "oaktrees", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "hills"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 8904721, "likes": 38, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/i3hcNiaevU9wbnH3/1/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 1, "lat": 29.254812240600586, "lng": -98.73136901855469, "continent": "North America", "country": "United States"}, "challenge_index": 2, "split_transcript": "kentucky wasn't as northern as i thought even though the score isn't the greatest i think i did break okay let's go for another one let's go for another one now this feels quite southern broken wash by broken washers but are they buying broken washers or they want me to buy broken washers that's a confusing sign we have these kind of kind of southern looking plants we have a doggo adorable we have front plates the windows the windows are divided i don't know where which state to be honest i i want to go something like missouri maybe let's see again texas we're getting so ", "points": 2246, "distance": 1194.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "i3hcNiaevU9wbnH3", "mapSlug": "6020a841d5650300014538b5", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 282, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "6020a841d5650300014538b5", "name": "USA vs Canada [vsmap]", "slug": "6020a841d5650300014538b5", "description": ".. it's either USA or Canada. 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Also check out the other [vsmap]'s if you are interested.", "url": "/maps/6020a841d5650300014538b5", "playUrl": "/6020a841d5650300014538b5/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": 18.175657921071412, "lng": -161.09755153426633}, "max": {"lat": 70.7025845581433, "lng": -48.199461833489345}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-02-08T02:56:01.2420000Z", "updatedAt": "2021-04-06T05:06:51.6550000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "day", "decoration": "oaktrees", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "hills"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 8904721, "likes": 38, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/NE5MMt9qpzXX1Wsm/1/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 1, "lat": 37.179718017578125, "lng": -77.31216430664062, "continent": "North America", "country": "United States"}, "challenge_index": 3, "split_transcript": "practicing but i feel like i feel like i'm getting better at recognizing the countries at least when it comes to where in the country not so much so we have one and a half mile written on this sign so if you have miles then it's going to be the u.s of course the windows again divided horizontally divided we have front plates here more divided windows i'm telling you there's something to the divided windows that's that's a good meta i'm assuming that this sign is probably state specific but i just don't know which state sign designs can can often help with the state because many states do have unique designs for their signs their their highway shields are different and stuff like that but let's just i just don't know that those differences we do have front plates so let's go i don't know maybe ohio again or maybe even more northeast ", "points": 3673, "distance": 460.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "NE5MMt9qpzXX1Wsm", "mapSlug": "6020a841d5650300014538b5", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 241, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "6020a841d5650300014538b5", "name": "USA vs Canada [vsmap]", "slug": "6020a841d5650300014538b5", "description": ".. it's either USA or Canada. 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Also check out the other [vsmap]'s if you are interested.", "url": "/maps/6020a841d5650300014538b5", "playUrl": "/6020a841d5650300014538b5/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": 18.175657921071412, "lng": -161.09755153426633}, "max": {"lat": 70.7025845581433, "lng": -48.199461833489345}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-02-08T02:56:01.2420000Z", "updatedAt": "2021-04-06T05:06:51.6550000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "day", "decoration": "oaktrees", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "hills"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 8904721, "likes": 38, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/3NmxaE7BBygpROCI/1/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 1, "lat": 35.15695445421441, "lng": 129.04827731034925, "continent": "Asia", "country": "South Korea"}, "challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "play a map containing every single country in the world i'm pretty sure we've played this map before but i wanna play it again cause i always love how you never know what to expect with this map because it can have countries from everywhere in the world as always if you want to play along the links will be in the description make sure to play them before watching this video and you can play along also with a free account in case you didn't know just just log in and then follow the link what do we have we have a hyundai oil bank we have some korean language so okay oh and this is official coverage do we have any phone numbers phone numbers can be helpful in korean zero five in in south korea if i remember correctly kind of seoul area was zero two and then it goes kind of to the to lower i think zero five was kind of dagu maybe or jeonju dong c university is there a place called dongxi don't see university i'm sorry if i'm mispronouncing the names very unlikely for me to find it but i'm thinking because of the phone number i'm thinking daegu maybe jionju okay it was buzan okay it was a bit more south than i thought but okay not too bad though ", "points": 4713, "distance": 88.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "3NmxaE7BBygpROCI", "mapSlug": "5cabd6f4e92b0c36e0d5e84f", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1020, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5cabd6f4e92b0c36e0d5e84f", "name": "A Complete World", "slug": "5cabd6f4e92b0c36e0d5e84f", "description": "This map includes every single country in the world. 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which would make me think pakistan possibly oh wow this is going to wobble a wobbly coverage i didn't realize that that's so interesting okay we have king something medical university looking at the clothes and the coverage in general since this is official coverage i would say oh yeah we see some what appears to be urdu here so yeah my guess would be pakistan pakistan doesn't have too much coverage this is true so i am thinking something like uh maybe islamabad i think lahore had some coverage i mean i can maybe kind of kind of scan over maybe a notice king something university if it's big enough islamabad's a very organized city it is yeah it's also surprisingly green a lot very very good irrigation system there so so it's very very green a lot of parks lahore maybe i'm not sure which other cities have coverage in pakistan but i know that these two have some for sure i think lahore seems to have more different universities so maybe i'll um more inclined to go there then i think this will be my guess let's have a look okay nice let's go well done well done very good start oh indeed yeah king edward medical university but it isn't even marked as university in the map which is interesting it's the same color but it's yes ", "points": 4969, "distance": 9.1, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "dVEaLVvP2BlHk76U", "mapSlug": "62eb59b64b61392bc066a73f", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 185, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62eb59b64b61392bc066a73f", "name": "GeoPeter Prediction Challenge 1", "slug": "62eb59b64b61392bc066a73f", "description": "", "url": "/maps/62eb59b64b61392bc066a73f", "playUrl": "/62eb59b64b61392bc066a73f/play", "published": false, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -28.7789014253523, "lng": -113.9058349517402}, 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forget which is unfortunate square feet wait they use square feet in canada as well right i know they use kilometers per hour for for like speed i think i think even in australia we sometimes talk about apartments in square feet just because that's what's traditionally done you know even though we don't use feet for most things interesting yeah i never never thought about it before it's looking relatively flat from what i can see um so so maybe something like i'm not sure i want to go ontario and then hope for the best hopefully they didn't have front plates oh gosh it was alberta no unlucky oh no ontario sadly is one of the ones that uses front plates oh no i'm watching it unfortunately i should study my front plates for in canada uh on a ", "points": 966, "distance": 2453.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "dVEaLVvP2BlHk76U", "mapSlug": "62eb59b64b61392bc066a73f", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, 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don't think in london then hold on has to be hyde park yeah we have an interesting water hydrant here which i don't know if that means anything blue with yellow i'd probably be more inclined to go us here but do we have front plates can we see it looks like some have front plates some don't which is very helpful you're welcome well maybe it is helpful maybe it is helpful you never know maybe maybe yeah you've picked some some tricky locations for me i wonder how how well you predict predict my scores in these tricky locations it's going to be interesting i think well i'm not going to say anything until the seed's over but you're going to be interested to see what i predicted since at least one car has no front plates i would maybe go our arkansas i don't know do the trees the trees feel maybe a bit north more northern than arkansas maybe something like cedar rapids i don't know let's see ah okay where was it north carolina huh so yeah right now right on the border with front plate using virginia tricky tricky no i didn't have to think about that when i was picking locations i guess i guess it was actually kind of ", "points": 2090, "distance": 1302.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "dVEaLVvP2BlHk76U", "mapSlug": "62eb59b64b61392bc066a73f", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 185, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62eb59b64b61392bc066a73f", "name": "GeoPeter Prediction Challenge 1", "slug": "62eb59b64b61392bc066a73f", "description": "", "url": "/maps/62eb59b64b61392bc066a73f", "playUrl": "/62eb59b64b61392bc066a73f/play", "published": false, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -28.7789014253523, "lng": -113.9058349517402}, "max": {"lat": 57.44820752739072, "lng": 74.31359583659278}}, "customCoordinates": null, 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plates like these then hmm i feel like i should know this how are you feeling architecture wise of all those buildings that are over to you west there it feels kind of western europe i would say in terms of architecture most of the plates not having the blue strip is really throwing me off here i don't know i i gotta guess something could this be something like belgium i could see this these houses maybe being in belgium i don't like this guess but but i just don't don't have a better one it's definitely not there for northern france maybe somewhere here this town okay let's let's see how wrong am i oh denmark okay that was definitely a tough round well benjamin denmark to me at least looks quite similar in terms of architecture yeah yeah architecturally they're very similar that's true yeah definitely just a tough one now at the plates because i've never seen that in belgium before those are some really tricky ones i was like looking for like kind of like because i was trying to make this one bit the easier one but then i found that location i was like well i'm going to put it in anyway i was like i knew it kind of looked like iceland with the car and with the oh it really did yeah i really did but the too ", "points": 2647, "distance": 949.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "dVEaLVvP2BlHk76U", "mapSlug": "62eb59b64b61392bc066a73f", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 185, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62eb59b64b61392bc066a73f", "name": "GeoPeter Prediction Challenge 1", "slug": "62eb59b64b61392bc066a73f", "description": "", "url": "/maps/62eb59b64b61392bc066a73f", "playUrl": "/62eb59b64b61392bc066a73f/play", "published": false, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -28.7789014253523, "lng": -113.9058349517402}, "max": {"lat": 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the mountains yeah these are definitely drier than lsuji mountains that's for sure oh where do they have mountains like that huh well well well well well do they have mountains near namibia up here it's quite green i don't think it will be would be there these mountains maybe somewhere here natural reserve i don't know you don't really get the kind of this area of south africa quite often so so i could see maybe you'd be picking here to kind of be trying to be more tricky well the psychological games yeah yeah exactly exactly and also quite risky to guess that far west because you can lose a lot of points and it looks like it is somewhat hilly in this area and i think i've seen some generation four there as well so ", "points": 4488, "distance": 161.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "dVEaLVvP2BlHk76U", "mapSlug": "62eb59b64b61392bc066a73f", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 185, 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like that in south africa so so that would explain like a border so how did i do in total 15 800 in total which or for a map like this i'm i'm i'm okay with that so what okay let me pull up my prediction it was i actually if i was really trying to game the system i shouldn't have picked canada because canada is like the type of country where you just like either get a lot of points so get very few points true so i i had banked on that you would get closer on the canada and i put you at twenty thousand six hundred and eighty three so you would you were within five thousand points of it so you know say you had a nailed to canada it would have been pretty close but yeah yeah the canada that was quite far let's do well played we'll play it especially in the south africa and uh very nice guesses okay so this one's made to be a bit harder this one's this one's harder level oh no i thought the first one was already tricky in some rounds this one's made to be harder okay so here we have at least lower points okay fair enough yeah so we have sun to the south the first on the first glance i was thinking north america looking quite american and looking around my suspicions seem to be confirmed gonna halloween decorations they really love their halloween in in north america oh yes they do ravens is halloween celebrating in australia as well as us fiercely it really came in in like the last 15 years i would say and still still it's not that popular but yeah yeah okay he's probably similar in europe to be honest yeah it has some traction but it isn't nearly nearly as popular as it's in the u.s oh the architecture was really interesting on this round it's like boxy houses it is yeah it is and i think i noticed a um where was it well we were talking a canadian flag here in the distance michi kamau michi kamau sounds like like maybe some some native native language maybe but yeah that doesn't really help me much i suppose you could probably find that thing all over that type of thing all over canada i assume probably uh again we we don't have front blades [Laughter] which tells you what peter it's not ontario okay it's not ontario okay good um this time with with kind of weird architecture i was thinking a little bit hilly i was thinking maybe kind of eastern canada could it be like newfoundland maybe not very happy with that guess maybe something like like or here and more north you don't really get coverage there do you i could see you picking like cape breton islands like the very edge of it or something like that i don't know let's guess here because i'm thinking maybe it's in this area so let's see it then okay not too bad oh i wasn't thinking up there because i don't ever see coverage from from from that providence it's new oh it's a new coverage interesting i think i don't i don't think um labrador really had any before and they got this road covered in gen 4 so oh interesting yeah i was not aware of that churchill falls well at least i wasn't too far 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random city and hope for the best that here um okay let's go estancia la lucia i don't know how no that's that's there's no there's nothing there okay there's maybe nothing okay tres lagos let's go there there at least some roads there listen okay let's see okay not too bad okay so maybe it was water that we saw possibly yeah i don't think it was any like i think it was just the haze looking like mountains no probably yeah yeah okay but still kind of right area ", "points": 4332, "distance": 214.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "EEOsHaPxRaDnZcfR", "mapSlug": "62eb61a06908e150d7b9d52b", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 170, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62eb61a06908e150d7b9d52b", "name": "GeoPeter Prediction Challenge 2", "slug": "62eb61a06908e150d7b9d52b", "description": "", "url": 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they're more patriotic in estonia that you see them there no i don't think it's about patriotic it's this just type of style i think i think estonia just wants to be like like considered nordic country very much so so they do things that that other nordic countries do so other nordic countries use these small triangular flags so so they do it as well i'm assuming that's why we have yeah i mean i would say this is estonia that was my first thought and with this flag that would kind of confirm it looks very baltic we have these wooden poles with kind of flat top which you see in estonia and in latvia so we have a lake or maybe could this be a river maybe kind of to our north northeast theoretically it could be like one of these islands or maybe could could it be here maybe it's like this straight could it be here i feel like the street would be bigger than this though let's get somewhere here ish if it is one of those islands then then i won't be too far i feel like it might be somewhere in this area so let's see okay completely other side of estonia i took a risk putting a baltic on on on the uh this quote unquote harder map that was definitely pretty easy for you yeah i mean you knew the country here quite quite quickly here ", "points": 4251, "distance": 242.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "EEOsHaPxRaDnZcfR", "mapSlug": "62eb61a06908e150d7b9d52b", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 170, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62eb61a06908e150d7b9d52b", "name": "GeoPeter Prediction Challenge 2", "slug": "62eb61a06908e150d7b9d52b", "description": "", "url": "/maps/62eb61a06908e150d7b9d52b", "playUrl": "/62eb61a06908e150d7b9d52b/play", "published": false, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -50.02205448935457, "lng": 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would be south australia but no we don't have gaps i don't know i'm thinking maybe queensland i'm very much not sure about that unfortunate wait is that banana i have to go banana what the hell there's the town called legendary i have to go there let's have a look ", "points": 496, "distance": 3448.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "EEOsHaPxRaDnZcfR", "mapSlug": "62eb61a06908e150d7b9d52b", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 170, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62eb61a06908e150d7b9d52b", "name": "GeoPeter Prediction Challenge 2", "slug": "62eb61a06908e150d7b9d52b", "description": "", "url": "/maps/62eb61a06908e150d7b9d52b", "playUrl": "/62eb61a06908e150d7b9d52b/play", "published": false, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -50.02205448935457, 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the first two yeah this one's this one's meant to be the hardest oh no oh no so 1038 okay oh yeah it is canada okay maximum i don't remember if this this particular looking sign was state specific or not but um it's definitely canada it feels like it is mountains we don't really see the mountains but but i don't know from the vibes i'm getting it it feels like it is like like a healey region we don't have even have the the plates here which which i could blame [Laughter] um rip lights to say no place to tease you yeah exactly i didn't realize that she was a candidate for each for each seed but yeah a lot of canada here could this bbc could this ever be bc or alberta bc alberta maybe like near calgary i don't know maybe somewhere there there isn't too too much to see here so i guess i'll just go there and then hope for the best oh that was an interesting one i had around there the other day and it completely fooled me so i thought it might fool you as well oh wow yeah where did you go uh i was playing chat sisters in the chattanooga sir oh okay okay but that was that was an ontario sign the one with the black oh it is ontario yeah yeah ", "points": 927, "distance": 2514.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "A6wclivChkh1aD5X", "mapSlug": "62eb6f624b61392bc066ab69", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 153, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62eb6f624b61392bc066ab69", "name": "GeoPeter Prediction Challenge 3", "slug": "62eb6f624b61392bc066ab69", "description": "", "url": "/maps/62eb6f624b61392bc066ab69", "playUrl": "/62eb6f624b61392bc066ab69/play", "published": false, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -15.44152412950817, "lng": -81.56352227228578}, "max": {"lat": 64.2984214241516, "lng": 128.1154437519664}}, "customCoordinates": 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south australia looked very similar to this i have to say oh yeah but i think you were thinking it would be somewhere alice springs but a i had generated it in south australia if i remember correctly yeah that sounds about right yeah so i don't know i i think i'll go alice springs because in the video you guessed alice springs deferring it this is deferring the uh the blame exactly yeah yeah yeah if it's the springs you're at fault but okay let's let's get him there oh okay even more north than that okay well what's about there five rivers look out interesting one for sure the grass is very long that wouldn't be so long right in the middle of the outbacks oh okay yeah and also also also ", "points": 2402, "distance": 1094.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "A6wclivChkh1aD5X", "mapSlug": "62eb6f624b61392bc066ab69", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 153, "gameMode": "standard", 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the sun to the south no google car at all looking at the sand it feels quite coastal ah i think i'll ask for the continent on this one this is really tricky is this in europe this is in europe okay i was thinking could you have found like a cheeky latvia could this possibly be latvia i'm not really feeling latvian vibes here then again half of the time i can't recognize latvia so it feels kind of similar but but something feels off for a lot of you so i'm thinking maybe kind of something nearby some poland maybe or or one of the nordic countries coastal i'm inclined to maybe go poland if it isn't then then this area i'm thinking of baltic sea area let's see oh wow okay wrong sea yeah that was a really tricky when i wasn't thinking romania at all that was a really hard round that i was i was just so blown away when i saw her i was like wow yeah yeah well it was coastal it was coastal it felt very coastal but but i ", "points": 1995, "distance": 1371.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": 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sure to play them before watching this video so don't spoil anything of course so this is the this is the hard hat i think it was called in english right the construction workers and is this a policeman so we have these arrows these these overhead arrows that are actually quite helpful whenever you see these overhead arrows that's a really really good sign that you would be in a hokkaido island in japan also if you pay attention to meta we have this what we call low camera so the google car is a bit lower you get that in japan and switzerland and and sometimes taiwan and sri lanka and yeah driving the left side of course the language we had some language here some japanese don't have much time though but let's get somewhere um oh not bad actually not a bad guess very ", "points": 4933, "distance": 20.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "bs4y1DNacVMucNjY", "mapSlug": "60d11595a6585100012a76c9", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, 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Made by twitch.tv/lawnlaw and all of his lovely map people (Mostly PV, LyttleOne, MapLichen and DJ).", "url": "/maps/60d11595a6585100012a76c9", "playUrl": "/60d11595a6585100012a76c9/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.937244609161, "lng": -169.8963799}, "max": {"lat": 78.65555185733015, "lng": 177.3693035}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-06-21T22:41:25.2370000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-05-16T15:12:33.3370000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "sunrise", "decoration": "cactus", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "volcano"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 14879336, "likes": 137, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/N32zcXoSjFDlLhKC/5/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 5, "lat": 51.75331843173122, "lng": 19.45992679441805, "continent": "Europe", "country": "Poland"}, "challenge_index": 2, "split_transcript": "not really it was very eastern very eastern oh i didn't check the hats again oh this hat i like this hat this is a cool hat i like these big hats i don't really see men wearing these huge hats but but i really like how they look and let's go for the fifth round here we have a gentleman with a cap we have the polish science centrum centrum centrum i'm thinking this might be warsaw centrum what is centrum area is is this warsaw ah zero forty two was warsaw i think right what is the ulitza ulitza pon ponzevska something looks like a pretty big street going like that paul polzenska olazinska no no no no no i'm running out of time is this police with this this car no it's not it's not but the schnitzel no this is at least starting with the p but i don't know i was watch gosh darn it i thought 042 was warsaw though i guess i need to refresh my polish phone codes huh oh well well it was vodge but um ", "points": 4613, "distance": 120.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "N32zcXoSjFDlLhKC", "mapSlug": "60d11595a6585100012a76c9", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 174, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "60d11595a6585100012a76c9", "name": "A World of Hats", "slug": "60d11595a6585100012a76c9", "description": "SORRY IF THERE IS NOT A HAT VISIBLE AUSSIEGOLFER DAN GOOGLE KEEPS UPDATING ALL OF THE COVERAGE. A map containing people and things wearing hats and other head accessories. The map contains both official and non-official coverage and photospheres. 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Best played NM with panning and zooming, with no (or long) time limit! Also, three African countries and one Oceanian country only have one working (and/or quality) photosphere each, so those countries unfortunately only have one location. A fourth African country only has 2 working and/or quality photospheres, a fifth African country only has 6 ones, a seventh African only has five, and a second Oceanian country only has 3 quality/varying locations.", "url": "/maps/62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "playUrl": "/62bf058919731b2418c882ec/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.8684607, "lng": -175.3504078}, "max": {"lat": 78.1218514, "lng": 179.7768563}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2022-07-01T14:32:41.0490000Z", "updatedAt": "2022-10-20T15:06:44.5500000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "morning", "decoration": "none", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "forest"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 14791577, "likes": 61, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/roTkRD3tvWW2Wn5E/2/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 2, "lat": 41.9029678, "lng": 12.4545227, "continent": "Europe", "country": "Vatican City"}, "challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "I think oh it was Antigua and Barbuda okay it didn't show up at first next round oh this is inside this is okay some sort of a church wow oh is this oh oh is this the famous famous uh Chapel in uh Vatican City the one that Michelangelo painted I I think I can't show the top there because because it's not not safe for work let's look let's look at this guy this guy is safe for work but where where where was that which one was it capella sistina I think that was the one capella sistina somewhere there okay good let's go I ", "points": 4999, "distance": 0.007, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "roTkRD3tvWW2Wn5E", "mapSlug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 2027, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "name": "Perfect 10", "slug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "description": "10 carefully-chosen locations in each of the world's 199 countries (see the Wikipedia 'List of Sovereign States' for those included, plus Taiwan, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland) which may include their sovereign territories, focusing on a mix of photospheres and street view with (usually) enough clues and information to be engaging, challenging, and characteristic of different parts of each country, without being too obvious. Best played NM with panning and zooming, with no (or long) time limit! Also, three African countries and one Oceanian country only have one working (and/or quality) photosphere each, so those countries unfortunately only have one location. A fourth African country only has 2 working and/or quality photospheres, a fifth African country only has 6 ones, a seventh African only has five, and a second Oceanian country only has 3 quality/varying locations.", "url": "/maps/62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "playUrl": "/62bf058919731b2418c882ec/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.8684607, "lng": -175.3504078}, "max": {"lat": 78.1218514, "lng": 179.7768563}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2022-07-01T14:32:41.0490000Z", "updatedAt": "2022-10-20T15:06:44.5500000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "morning", "decoration": "none", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "forest"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 14791577, "likes": 61, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/roTkRD3tvWW2Wn5E/3/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 3, "lat": 9.588031899999999, "lng": -83.79945099999999, "continent": "North America", "country": "Costa Rica"}, "challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "recognize the famous place I can't believe it Johan Chavez is the author of this one this is the next one what do we have we have um some Outlook emails electricity counter like this with some Spanish and these electricity counters would make me think I'm a Central America maybe we don't have any domain names here really Miriam's quetzales doesn't help me does it I'm sure it says the country here but I can't read it what what could it say there PanAm could it say Panama there acute doggo oh that's a flag what is that flag is that like Costa Rica flag no with some red white blue oh okay the timer it was Costa Rica flag oh I didn't realize we're running out of time if I noticed that I might have switched to ", "points": 3994, "distance": 335.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "roTkRD3tvWW2Wn5E", "mapSlug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 2027, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "name": "Perfect 10", "slug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "description": "10 carefully-chosen locations in each of the world's 199 countries (see the Wikipedia 'List of Sovereign States' for those included, plus Taiwan, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland) which may include their sovereign territories, focusing on a mix of photospheres and street view with (usually) enough clues and information to be engaging, challenging, and characteristic of different parts of each country, without being too obvious. Best played NM with panning and zooming, with no (or long) time limit! Also, three African countries and one Oceanian country only have one working (and/or quality) photosphere each, so those countries unfortunately only have one location. A fourth African country only has 2 working and/or quality photospheres, a fifth African country only has 6 ones, a seventh African only has five, and a second Oceanian country only has 3 quality/varying locations.", "url": "/maps/62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "playUrl": "/62bf058919731b2418c882ec/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.8684607, "lng": -175.3504078}, "max": {"lat": 78.1218514, "lng": 179.7768563}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2022-07-01T14:32:41.0490000Z", "updatedAt": "2022-10-20T15:06:44.5500000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "morning", "decoration": "none", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "forest"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 14791577, "likes": 61, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/roTkRD3tvWW2Wn5E/4/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 4, "lat": -8.4716182, "lng": 179.1894186, "continent": "Oceania", "country": "Tuvalu"}, "challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "Costa Rica actually but still Panama Costa Rica at least it was pretty close pretty close at least so almost 4 000 points there another Beach location can we stop with the beach locations please I do not enjoy them wait oh with this type of looking road with Beach very close on both um sides this makes me think that this is one of these uh oceani atolls like to follow maybe and no tuvalo look like has it would make sense right so I'm thinking we met might be somewhere in tuvalo or any other at all really but I think we might as well guess to wallow cause there isn't gonna be any other clues that we can see so I think we just go with to Value here ", "points": 4975, "distance": 7.2, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "roTkRD3tvWW2Wn5E", "mapSlug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 2027, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "name": "Perfect 10", "slug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "description": "10 carefully-chosen locations in each of the world's 199 countries (see the Wikipedia 'List of Sovereign States' for those included, plus Taiwan, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland) which may include their sovereign territories, focusing on a mix of photospheres and street view with (usually) enough clues and information to be engaging, challenging, and characteristic of different parts of each country, without being too obvious. Best played NM with panning and zooming, with no (or long) time limit! Also, three African countries and one Oceanian country only have one working (and/or quality) photosphere each, so those countries unfortunately only have one location. A fourth African country only has 2 working and/or quality photospheres, a fifth African country only has 6 ones, a seventh African only has five, and a second Oceanian country only has 3 quality/varying locations.", "url": "/maps/62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "playUrl": "/62bf058919731b2418c882ec/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.8684607, "lng": -175.3504078}, "max": {"lat": 78.1218514, "lng": 179.7768563}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2022-07-01T14:32:41.0490000Z", "updatedAt": "2022-10-20T15:06:44.5500000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "morning", "decoration": "none", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "forest"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 14791577, "likes": 61, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/roTkRD3tvWW2Wn5E/5/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 5, "lat": 6.392748903676504, "lng": 4.193938698013625, "continent": "Africa", "country": "Nigeria"}, "challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "oh my Lord it actually was to follow hey okay okay I'm on fire let's go I'm very happy with the challenge thus far the King of Kings new estate Baptist Church follow follow where is follow what is this country this is Nigeria right yeah this is Nigerian Google car like I guess let's try to find follow I'm thinking it might be somewhere this definitely feels near the water what kind of beach beachy location so let's try to find follow somewhere near Lagos maybe or somewhere here Paulo folu so weird have the timer up here I think they changed it recently it used to be on the right side but I guess it makes sense for it to be in the center I can't find it but I think it's it would be maybe somewhere in Lagos maybe let's see uh it was Coastal not in Lagos I ah we ", "points": 4704, "distance": 91.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "roTkRD3tvWW2Wn5E", "mapSlug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 2027, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "name": "Perfect 10", "slug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "description": "10 carefully-chosen locations in each of the world's 199 countries (see the Wikipedia 'List of Sovereign States' for those included, plus Taiwan, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland) which may include their sovereign territories, focusing on a mix of photospheres and street view with (usually) enough clues and information to be engaging, challenging, and characteristic of different parts of each country, without being too obvious. Best played NM with panning and zooming, with no (or long) time limit! Also, three African countries and one Oceanian country only have one working (and/or quality) photosphere each, so those countries unfortunately only have one location. A fourth African country only has 2 working and/or quality photospheres, a fifth African country only has 6 ones, a seventh African only has five, and a second Oceanian country only has 3 quality/varying locations.", "url": "/maps/62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "playUrl": "/62bf058919731b2418c882ec/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.8684607, "lng": -175.3504078}, "max": {"lat": 78.1218514, "lng": 179.7768563}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2022-07-01T14:32:41.0490000Z", "updatedAt": "2022-10-20T15:06:44.5500000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "morning", "decoration": "none", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "forest"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 14791577, "likes": 61, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/ZkkKOWrRGeq5ameW/1/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 1, "lat": -5.5207583, "lng": 143.0946404, "continent": "Oceania", "country": "Papua New Guinea"}, "challenge_index": 1, "split_transcript": "needed to zoom in more I was looking here but I guess I hadn't zoomed in enough to see follow unfortunate how did we do 23 000 points for the first game I think it was really really good if you're playing along let me know in the comments how you are doing but let's play another one let's play another game again challenge in the description the link Nixon piazzo is the author here oh Lord this looks like something that I will butcher I never know where to guess in these types of locations this just looks like it could be anywhere my first thought was kind of somewhere in Latin America something like Colombia Ecuador or one of the Central American countries maybe yeah besides the plants and mountains there really isn't anything to go by here so I guess just gotta go with the gut feeling you know that's that's gotta rely on the gut feeling that has developed many years playing geoguessr so let's go something like La Costa Rica to kind of cover this this whole area because I'm thinking it might be somewhere here ", "points": 0, "distance": 14842.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "ZkkKOWrRGeq5ameW", "mapSlug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1482, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "name": "Perfect 10", "slug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "description": "10 carefully-chosen locations in each of the world's 199 countries (see the Wikipedia 'List of Sovereign States' for those included, plus Taiwan, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland) which may include their sovereign territories, focusing on a mix of photospheres and street view with (usually) enough clues and information to be engaging, challenging, and characteristic of different parts of each country, without being too obvious. Best played NM with panning and zooming, with no (or long) time limit! Also, three African countries and one Oceanian country only have one working (and/or quality) photosphere each, so those countries unfortunately only have one location. A fourth African country only has 2 working and/or quality photospheres, a fifth African country only has 6 ones, a seventh African only has five, and a second Oceanian country only has 3 quality/varying locations.", "url": "/maps/62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "playUrl": "/62bf058919731b2418c882ec/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.8684607, "lng": -175.3504078}, "max": {"lat": 78.1218514, "lng": 179.7768563}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2022-07-01T14:32:41.0490000Z", "updatedAt": "2022-10-20T15:06:44.5500000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "morning", "decoration": "none", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "forest"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 14791577, "likes": 61, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/ZkkKOWrRGeq5ameW/2/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 2, "lat": 46.9994965, "lng": 8.2896957, "continent": "Europe", "country": "Switzerland"}, "challenge_index": 1, "split_transcript": "well not the greatest start of this game let's let's hope the other rounds are better huh uh we are coastal we are coastal here okay um why is this sign facing the other way though because I don't think we would be driving in the left side here um I don't recognize these signs these types of mountains and Waters really makes me think kind of Norway could this be Norway maybe but I'm not sure about this sign though that's like a confusing one another thing that came to my mind was Switzerland maybe these these mountains feel more Norwegian though so again not too many Clues I was hoping for maybe finding some language but that's just the text is too far away and too blurry to read I wouldn't go too far north though somewhere here ish maybe it was Switzerland no no I was ", "points": 1825, "distance": 1504.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "ZkkKOWrRGeq5ameW", "mapSlug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1482, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "name": "Perfect 10", "slug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "description": "10 carefully-chosen locations in each of the world's 199 countries (see the Wikipedia 'List of Sovereign States' for those included, plus Taiwan, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland) which may include their sovereign territories, focusing on a mix of photospheres and street view with (usually) enough clues and information to be engaging, challenging, and characteristic of different parts of each country, without being too obvious. Best played NM with panning and zooming, with no (or long) time limit! Also, three African countries and one Oceanian country only have one working (and/or quality) photosphere each, so those countries unfortunately only have one location. A fourth African country only has 2 working and/or quality photospheres, a fifth African country only has 6 ones, a seventh African only has five, and a second Oceanian country only has 3 quality/varying locations.", "url": "/maps/62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "playUrl": "/62bf058919731b2418c882ec/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.8684607, "lng": -175.3504078}, "max": {"lat": 78.1218514, "lng": 179.7768563}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2022-07-01T14:32:41.0490000Z", "updatedAt": "2022-10-20T15:06:44.5500000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "morning", "decoration": "none", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "forest"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 14791577, "likes": 61, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/ZkkKOWrRGeq5ameW/3/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 3, "lat": 35.4644772, "lng": 44.3835804, "continent": "Asia", "country": "Iraq"}, "challenge_index": 1, "split_transcript": "considering it I was considering it but I thought Norway was more likely Ah that's annoying at least I got some points better than my first round in this this game oh this is a really cool statue it looks like it might be like Dove the author's name isn't really readable it's looks like it might be Arabic oh we have a flag oh what is that flag oh is this like a Iraqi flag it looks like an Iraqi flag to me I'm not the greatest with flags I hope I'm not mixing my flags up but when we have green flags here I'm not sure we have one red plate some white plates I think this is an Iraqi flag right I think I guess we'll find out in 15 seconds but I would I would guess Iraq I would guess Iraq let's go back Dodd just because it's Capital the capital and hopefully okay it was a rock it was and not the capital though but I don't think I could have known it wasn't the capital ", "points": 4257, "distance": 240.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "ZkkKOWrRGeq5ameW", "mapSlug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1482, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "name": "Perfect 10", "slug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "description": "10 carefully-chosen locations in each of the world's 199 countries (see the Wikipedia 'List of Sovereign States' for those included, plus Taiwan, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland) which may include their sovereign territories, focusing on a mix of photospheres and street view with (usually) enough clues and information to be engaging, challenging, and characteristic of different parts of each country, without being too obvious. Best played NM with panning and zooming, with no (or long) time limit! Also, three African countries and one Oceanian country only have one working (and/or quality) photosphere each, so those countries unfortunately only have one location. A fourth African country only has 2 working and/or quality photospheres, a fifth African country only has 6 ones, a seventh African only has five, and a second Oceanian country only has 3 quality/varying locations.", "url": "/maps/62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "playUrl": "/62bf058919731b2418c882ec/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.8684607, "lng": -175.3504078}, "max": {"lat": 78.1218514, "lng": 179.7768563}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2022-07-01T14:32:41.0490000Z", "updatedAt": "2022-10-20T15:06:44.5500000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "morning", "decoration": "none", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "forest"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 14791577, "likes": 61, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/ZkkKOWrRGeq5ameW/4/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 4, "lat": -9.4315872, "lng": 159.9545746, "continent": "Oceania", "country": "Solomon Islands"}, "challenge_index": 1, "split_transcript": "in case I missed something some obvious Clues let me know in the comments but I don't think I could have known it was that particular City there okay another difficult round here I would say we have a yellow plate which um we said I was driving on I think the steering wheel is on the opposite side should mean that we're driving the left side and the general Vibes my first thought was kind of Oceania possibly so driving the left side could could work because a lot of a lot of those countries do drive on the left side but we have we have youth something so English speaking apparently I don't know which countries have yellow plates or any other ones let's go I don't know Samoa should we go Samoa Samoa which said is Samoa driving on I'll be honest I'm not even sure okay it was Oceania not not Samoa it was Solomon Islands apparently well The Vibes were right again I'm not sure how I could have known when it was here exactly ", "points": 641, "distance": 3065.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "ZkkKOWrRGeq5ameW", "mapSlug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1482, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "name": "Perfect 10", "slug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "description": "10 carefully-chosen locations in each of the world's 199 countries (see the Wikipedia 'List of Sovereign States' for those included, plus Taiwan, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland) which may include their sovereign territories, focusing on a mix of photospheres and street view with (usually) enough clues and information to be engaging, challenging, and characteristic of different parts of each country, without being too obvious. Best played NM with panning and zooming, with no (or long) time limit! Also, three African countries and one Oceanian country only have one working (and/or quality) photosphere each, so those countries unfortunately only have one location. A fourth African country only has 2 working and/or quality photospheres, a fifth African country only has 6 ones, a seventh African only has five, and a second Oceanian country only has 3 quality/varying locations.", "url": "/maps/62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "playUrl": "/62bf058919731b2418c882ec/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.8684607, "lng": -175.3504078}, "max": {"lat": 78.1218514, "lng": 179.7768563}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2022-07-01T14:32:41.0490000Z", "updatedAt": "2022-10-20T15:06:44.5500000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "morning", "decoration": "none", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "forest"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 14791577, "likes": 61, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/ZkkKOWrRGeq5ameW/5/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 5, "lat": -40.89859052554852, "lng": -71.49154461519576, "continent": "South America", "country": "Argentina"}, "challenge_index": 1, "split_transcript": "besides getting lucky here we have okay Something official coverage for a change that's nice can I recognize what country this is though we have when seeing this car my first thought was Peru but looking like this though not not your typical Peru so I'm thinking maybe Argentina where is the sun the sun is to the north I think behind the mountain looks very nice but but oh yeah this is Argentinian yeah this is Argentinian sign yeah yeah this is Argentinian sign for sure so this would be Argentina looking at the nature I would say this is quite Southern right we have what what the water is to our West the road is going like that uh no it's not gonna be there somewhere no that's that's Chile ah I don't have time to like pinpoint it somewhere he here oh ", "points": 2514, "distance": 1026.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "ZkkKOWrRGeq5ameW", "mapSlug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1482, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "name": "Perfect 10", "slug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "description": "10 carefully-chosen locations in each of the world's 199 countries (see the Wikipedia 'List of Sovereign States' for those included, plus Taiwan, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland) which may include their sovereign territories, focusing on a mix of photospheres and street view with (usually) enough clues and information to be engaging, challenging, and characteristic of different parts of each country, without being too obvious. Best played NM with panning and zooming, with no (or long) time limit! Also, three African countries and one Oceanian country only have one working (and/or quality) photosphere each, so those countries unfortunately only have one location. A fourth African country only has 2 working and/or quality photospheres, a fifth African country only has 6 ones, a seventh African only has five, and a second Oceanian country only has 3 quality/varying locations.", "url": "/maps/62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "playUrl": "/62bf058919731b2418c882ec/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.8684607, "lng": -175.3504078}, "max": {"lat": 78.1218514, "lng": 179.7768563}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2022-07-01T14:32:41.0490000Z", "updatedAt": "2022-10-20T15:06:44.5500000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "morning", "decoration": "none", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "forest"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 14791577, "likes": 61, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/kZwz6mKbriILNYKs/1/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 1, "lat": -8.5160594, "lng": 179.1989754, "continent": "Oceania", "country": "Tuvalu"}, "challenge_index": 2, "split_transcript": "okay it wasn't as South as I thought huh Whoopsie Daisy I mean the mountains make perfect sense here but yeah just felt more Southern how did we do in total much worse than the first game only 9 000 points so if you play along you have a great opportunity to beat my score on that one but let's play another one one more game and hopefully I do better than 9000 on this one what do we have we have unofficial coverage here the author is James Hong these stuff of houses are very American to me with these kind of doors to some like Outdoors about balconies in a way like these type of houses you don't really see them in Europe that much so I'm thinking maybe some somewhere in Caribbean because of that now the primary school well if I knew where nounty is I would be golden right now but well I don't North and South oh so we can trust the compass here it works so if it is north then the sun is to the north huh we might be in Oceania then again one of these I don't know Wallis and Fortuna no probably not there oh we don't have time I was trying to maybe thinking maybe to try and find Nauti but let's just get Samoa again it was to Valu oh very close to to the previous game we had I don't even see Nauti here anymore I'm not sure whether it's a naughty school it's not even on ", "points": 2311, "distance": 1152.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "kZwz6mKbriILNYKs", "mapSlug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1214, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "name": "Perfect 10", "slug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "description": "10 carefully-chosen locations in each of the world's 199 countries (see the Wikipedia 'List of Sovereign States' for those included, plus Taiwan, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland) which may include their sovereign territories, focusing on a mix of photospheres and street view with (usually) enough clues and information to be engaging, challenging, and characteristic of different parts of each country, without being too obvious. Best played NM with panning and zooming, with no (or long) time limit! Also, three African countries and one Oceanian country only have one working (and/or quality) photosphere each, so those countries unfortunately only have one location. A fourth African country only has 2 working and/or quality photospheres, a fifth African country only has 6 ones, a seventh African only has five, and a second Oceanian country only has 3 quality/varying locations.", "url": "/maps/62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "playUrl": "/62bf058919731b2418c882ec/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.8684607, "lng": -175.3504078}, "max": {"lat": 78.1218514, "lng": 179.7768563}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2022-07-01T14:32:41.0490000Z", "updatedAt": "2022-10-20T15:06:44.5500000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "morning", "decoration": "none", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "forest"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 14791577, "likes": 61, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/kZwz6mKbriILNYKs/2/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 2, "lat": -26.291596536193, "lng": 31.99612011856848, "continent": "Africa", "country": "Eswatini"}, "challenge_index": 2, "split_transcript": "the map was it misplaced by any chance I'm not sure weird weird oh another official one with a white Google card this time the sun is to the north well this feels like Southern Africa but uh would this be something like what would this be I guess I could see this being es withini there are quite a lot of lot of greenery on the mountains this doesn't really feel like Lesotho to me at all so I'm thinking probably eswatini or South Africa a very small road so let's just guess somewhere I think and hope for the best but again I hope it is this within your South Africa it was ", "points": 4742, "distance": 79.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "kZwz6mKbriILNYKs", "mapSlug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1214, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "name": "Perfect 10", "slug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "description": "10 carefully-chosen locations in each of the world's 199 countries (see the Wikipedia 'List of Sovereign States' for those included, plus Taiwan, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland) which may include their sovereign territories, focusing on a mix of photospheres and street view with (usually) enough clues and information to be engaging, challenging, and characteristic of different parts of each country, without being too obvious. Best played NM with panning and zooming, with no (or long) time limit! Also, three African countries and one Oceanian country only have one working (and/or quality) photosphere each, so those countries unfortunately only have one location. A fourth African country only has 2 working and/or quality photospheres, a fifth African country only has 6 ones, a seventh African only has five, and a second Oceanian country only has 3 quality/varying locations.", "url": "/maps/62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "playUrl": "/62bf058919731b2418c882ec/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.8684607, "lng": -175.3504078}, "max": {"lat": 78.1218514, "lng": 179.7768563}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2022-07-01T14:32:41.0490000Z", "updatedAt": "2022-10-20T15:06:44.5500000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "morning", "decoration": "none", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "forest"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 14791577, "likes": 61, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/kZwz6mKbriILNYKs/3/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 3, "lat": 41.90341189999999, "lng": 12.4551687, "continent": "Europe", "country": "Vatican City"}, "challenge_index": 2, "split_transcript": "eswatini nice well very close to the eastern border huh okay I'm happy you recognized it oh okay some some church again I I should not zoom in on the artwork too much because there seemed to be a lot of naked people there I don't want to get demonetized but yeah there is a lot of artwork here with some uh is that Latin I think the author's name is Xavier Goldberg Amy so either it's some sort of a museum or a church one of the two it reminds me of that uh Vatican round we had recently the style is very similar to that Vatican round we had so I think I'm gonna go with that with Vatican again I'm not sure I'm thinking it might be like again Saint Peter's Basilica like a different room maybe and let's let's hope for the best it was not the Basilica it was a different building ", "points": 4999, "distance": 0.165, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "kZwz6mKbriILNYKs", "mapSlug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1214, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "name": "Perfect 10", "slug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "description": "10 carefully-chosen locations in each of the world's 199 countries (see the Wikipedia 'List of Sovereign States' for those included, plus Taiwan, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland) which may include their sovereign territories, focusing on a mix of photospheres and street view with (usually) enough clues and information to be engaging, challenging, and characteristic of different parts of each country, without being too obvious. Best played NM with panning and zooming, with no (or long) time limit! Also, three African countries and one Oceanian country only have one working (and/or quality) photosphere each, so those countries unfortunately only have one location. A fourth African country only has 2 working and/or quality photospheres, a fifth African country only has 6 ones, a seventh African only has five, and a second Oceanian country only has 3 quality/varying locations.", "url": "/maps/62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "playUrl": "/62bf058919731b2418c882ec/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.8684607, "lng": -175.3504078}, "max": {"lat": 78.1218514, "lng": 179.7768563}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2022-07-01T14:32:41.0490000Z", "updatedAt": "2022-10-20T15:06:44.5500000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "morning", "decoration": "none", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "forest"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 14791577, "likes": 61, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/kZwz6mKbriILNYKs/4/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 4, "lat": -11.9326982, "lng": 40.1053472, "continent": "Africa", "country": "Mozambique"}, "challenge_index": 2, "split_transcript": "but it was still the Vatican City so I'll I'll take that any day of the week round number four Hugo uster camp Oh is the author here so this this might be Hugo we have a wide plate we have some murals here interesting ones hmm well this is somewhere in Africa but but where I can't tell which side we're driving on I think we just make an educated guess it looks quite hilly very green so green and hilly in Africa Zambia I don't know Angola looks like it's quite hilly here-ish maybe maybe Tanzania Tanzania is quite hilly let's go Tanzania actually let's go there and hope for the best oh not bad ", "points": 3187, "distance": 672.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "kZwz6mKbriILNYKs", "mapSlug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1214, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "name": "Perfect 10", "slug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "description": "10 carefully-chosen locations in each of the world's 199 countries (see the Wikipedia 'List of Sovereign States' for those included, plus Taiwan, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland) which may include their sovereign territories, focusing on a mix of photospheres and street view with (usually) enough clues and information to be engaging, challenging, and characteristic of different parts of each country, without being too obvious. Best played NM with panning and zooming, with no (or long) time limit! Also, three African countries and one Oceanian country only have one working (and/or quality) photosphere each, so those countries unfortunately only have one location. A fourth African country only has 2 working and/or quality photospheres, a fifth African country only has 6 ones, a seventh African only has five, and a second Oceanian country only has 3 quality/varying locations.", "url": "/maps/62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "playUrl": "/62bf058919731b2418c882ec/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.8684607, "lng": -175.3504078}, "max": {"lat": 78.1218514, "lng": 179.7768563}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2022-07-01T14:32:41.0490000Z", "updatedAt": "2022-10-20T15:06:44.5500000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "morning", "decoration": "none", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "forest"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 14791577, "likes": 61, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/kZwz6mKbriILNYKs/5/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 5, "lat": 25.0887987, "lng": 55.1726948, "continent": "Asia", "country": "United Arab Emirates"}, "challenge_index": 2, "split_transcript": "not bad at all it wasn't Tanzania it was Mozambique I'm pretty happy with that score because it was a very difficult round in my opinion oh what is this here Muhammad D is the author very nice building here looks like a hotel probably no no Hotel name or anything some sort of a shop this is giving me Middle East Vibes like some some sort of a rich core expensive cool art can't see the language oh can't really read it I'm thinking one of the one of the Middle Eastern countries like maybe Qatar somewhere in Doha or Bahrain somewhere here I would say let's go Doha let's go Doha I think oh oh it was just UAE so so it was UAE Dubai similar Vibes it was ", "points": 3907, "distance": 368.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "kZwz6mKbriILNYKs", "mapSlug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1214, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "name": "Perfect 10", "slug": "62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "description": "10 carefully-chosen locations in each of the world's 199 countries (see the Wikipedia 'List of Sovereign States' for those included, plus Taiwan, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland) which may include their sovereign territories, focusing on a mix of photospheres and street view with (usually) enough clues and information to be engaging, challenging, and characteristic of different parts of each country, without being too obvious. Best played NM with panning and zooming, with no (or long) time limit! Also, three African countries and one Oceanian country only have one working (and/or quality) photosphere each, so those countries unfortunately only have one location. A fourth African country only has 2 working and/or quality photospheres, a fifth African country only has 6 ones, a seventh African only has five, and a second Oceanian country only has 3 quality/varying locations.", "url": "/maps/62bf058919731b2418c882ec", "playUrl": "/62bf058919731b2418c882ec/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.8684607, "lng": -175.3504078}, "max": {"lat": 78.1218514, "lng": 179.7768563}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2022-07-01T14:32:41.0490000Z", "updatedAt": "2022-10-20T15:06:44.5500000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "morning", "decoration": "none", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "forest"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 14791577, "likes": 61, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/Qt207wkNBPsE4qGG/1/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 1, "lat": 46.81459484566697, "lng": -71.20876129399242, "continent": "North America", "country": "Canada"}, "challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "around the world but they will be in the wrong country don't forget to press that like button and here we go the play along links as always will be in the description just make sure to play the game before watching this video so don't spoil anything so let's go let's go where's the flag that's an irish bob irish flag at the irish pub but this is not ireland so we are driving on the right side we have english no no we don't have english it looks like french why do we have yellow pedestrian crossings that's kind of weird no front plates oh is this like quebec with french no front plates yellow lines in the middle it's certainly not france so yeah something like quebec monreal somewhere somewhere in that area monsieur john john i think i kind of want to go monreal i don't know why let's let's see it was quebec city okay ", "points": 4280, "distance": 232.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "Qt207wkNBPsE4qGG", "mapSlug": "61afb1bd5af8c10001518553", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 2792, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "61afb1bd5af8c10001518553", "name": "Flags of the World! (\u2026but in the wrong country) \ud83c\udf0f", "slug": "61afb1bd5af8c10001518553", "description": "You may know your flags, but these flags are in the WRONG country! At least ONE flag at your starting location will always be in the incorrect country. So\u2026 if you see a USA flag then you MAY NOT be in the USA. 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Can you identify the flags exact location?", "url": "/maps/61afb1bd5af8c10001518553", "playUrl": "/61afb1bd5af8c10001518553/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -45.86157795763144, "lng": -156.43748573157}, "max": {"lat": 64.92945415061186, "lng": 174.7642936756985}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-12-07T19:10:53.5700000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-07-26T10:16:04.8690000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "darknight", "decoration": "japanese", "ground": "beige", "landscape": "volcano"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 12570047, "likes": 217, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/jzshPfXjjC27QwN6/3/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 3, "lat": 44.46951793619618, "lng": 26.09140428610949, "continent": "Europe", "country": "Romania"}, "challenge_index": 2, "split_transcript": "not sure how i could have gotten that maybe swedish viewers if you know let me know in the comments how i could have known it was goltenberg now what would this be where's the flag first of all doesn't seem that we have flag here again might be a new coverage this looks like it might be an embassy of some sorts so so maybe there used to be a flag here i can't really read any language either here which is not good i have no idea where we are impressed i'm confused i'm just confused in this location i'll be honest i don't know what this is i can't really read the language this is generation four i'm leaning hungary but i really don't know oh wait we have oh sdr strada then strada that would be romania because in the hungary street meet is uttsah but in a romania it is strada so let's use bucharest because i thought yeah because it looked like we had the embassy lebanese okay it was lebanese ", "points": 4985, "distance": 4.3, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "jzshPfXjjC27QwN6", "mapSlug": "61afb1bd5af8c10001518553", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1630, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "61afb1bd5af8c10001518553", "name": "Flags of the World! 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Everyone is welcome to join our discord server at: XXXX", "url": "/maps/60dea26bb477320001fafcbe", "playUrl": "/60dea26bb477320001fafcbe/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.80609865735725, "lng": -157.8658816747977}, "max": {"lat": 78.06401294118643, "lng": 178.02605786223225}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-07-02T05:21:47.1480000Z", "updatedAt": "2023-08-14T07:36:31.8560000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "evening", "decoration": "none", "ground": "green", "landscape": "skyline"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 14865467, "likes": 298, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/ZAookpjr7lozfWTG/5/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 5, "lat": 50.2278153, "lng": 5.3455316, "continent": "Europe", "country": "Belgium"}, "challenge_index": 2, "split_transcript": "it's just the center of sao paulo and the last round what do we have oh this is a cool mural this is a very cool doors to another world we have some reddish plates as you can see it definitely feels like like that area where like around belgium this is a french plate as well which makes sense that you would see a french plate in belgium for example i am leaning belgium here oh my tahoma see we have some french language here as well wait we have a french flag here wait a minute maybe this is france near belgium then maybe this is a belgian belgium car in france oh i'm i'm being bamboozled here which one is it the plates i see more belgian plates i see more belgian plates but i think this is close to france because i don't see any dutch i only see french so let's go mon mon is that how you say that city name let's go somewhere there it wasn't as close to the border as i thought but it ", "points": 4669, "distance": 102.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "ZAookpjr7lozfWTG", "mapSlug": "60dea26bb477320001fafcbe", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 355, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "60dea26bb477320001fafcbe", "name": "A Mural World", "slug": "60dea26bb477320001fafcbe", "description": "Beautiful and interesting murals all around the world. 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can't really read it but i'm getting nordic vibes yeah these are these nordic looking houses with these white corners very nordic uh yeah white central lines so it wouldn't be norway right oh we have we have i totally missed this yellow sign somehow yeah we have this yellow sign and this yellow kind of directional sign as well i'm thinking this feels kind of swedish to me could be finland i guess but this sign i think in finland these red borders are a little bit thicker usually and this yellow sign also feels a bit more swedish than finnish this doesn't feel very northern so i would go maybe somewhere here ish and then hope for the best okay it was definitely wasn't northern ", "points": 3952, "distance": 351.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "4HsHkEayEoS7cUWR", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 2052, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 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suspected but it was more southern than i suspected okay near goltenberg i think that's a pretty good start pretty good start for the first guest what do we have now we have these white and black bollards you can find them in usually in indonesia and thailand so i would suspect this being one of those countries we have white central line that i notice oh when we have some language yeah it doesn't look like thai i was about to say that in thailand you quite often see yellow central line so since we have a white central line i was also kind of leaning more towards indonesia because of that i don't know tolango and balloon tio bulontiyo are those cities by any chance kalapai maybe that's a river this looks like some sort of a river maybe maybe that's the name of the river that we are over crossing over we have mountains to our south big mountains this doesn't really feel like java island to me i don't think we are on java which is this one this island i'm thinking maybe we could be sulawesi sumatra maybe those islands are so far away if i choose wrong well yeah no no points for me okay let's keep it there and hope for the best oh yes yes let's go still the other side of the island but i'm very happy i chose the right one ", "points": 3426, "distance": 564.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "4HsHkEayEoS7cUWR", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 2052, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "name": "A Community World", "slug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "description": "A world map with 100k+ handpicked locations put together by over a hundred experienced players and map makers from the GeoGuessr community || More about ACW: XXXX || ACW discord: XXXX || The map contains only official Google Street View locations, meaning there 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be south australia by the antenna we can also tell that we are driving the left side which would fit with australia what's what's the road direction and a little bit little bit diagonal almost almost straight up so maybe somewhere um i don't know here-ish probably not there um somewhere here maybe that that would be my main guess let's have a look and let's go this this is a good guess this ", "points": 4809, "distance": 58.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "4HsHkEayEoS7cUWR", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 2052, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "name": "A Community World", "slug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "description": "A world map with 100k+ handpicked locations put together by over a hundred experienced players and map makers from 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don't know what this is uh these types of house numbers usually like associated with like slovakia maybe or something but slovakia wouldn't have generation 2 now would it do we have the blue strip we do have the blue strip on the car plates i feel this must be a country that doesn't usually get generation for a generation 2 camera i feel so slow uh i i have to guess i have to guess oh i they feel slow slovakia and i'm going slow check yeah well check it was okay so they were checky and i i sometimes mix slovakia and checky i'm sorry they are so similar okay but also chicken doesn't usually get generation 2 coverage which also is confusing all things considered not too bad since that ", "points": 4027, "distance": 323.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "4HsHkEayEoS7cUWR", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 2052, "gameMode": "standard", 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think they used front plates in british columbia right british columbia would have been my main guess here with mountains like this i mean maybe that's just the just one car with no front plate as well i mean cars travel and these are some interesting arrows as well kind of interesting design wherever this is this is an interesting place i think i will still go british columbia or or somewhere here-ish maybe let's go was it alberta i was considering going western alberta no it ", "points": 4754, "distance": 75.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "NJKM8w4U810DW3vK", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1535, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "name": "A Community World", "slug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "description": "A world map with 100k+ 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i'm not good at north american locations we have some front plates this feels yeah we have some palm trees this definitely is not canada this time no parking heliport speed limit sign uh i was no this wouldn't be hawaii right that's kahului sounds um hawaiian i'm really leaning towards hawaii because we have very dark kind of brown soil i don't know kahului it kind of sounds like hawaii kahului right oh my god oh my god where was it airport yes where's kahului airport are you kidding me oh heliport heliport not airport oh i'm guessing heliport might be near an airport i have no idea oh my dear lord okay oh i'm so happy okay it was okay helicopter is here okay ", "points": 4959, "distance": 12.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "NJKM8w4U810DW3vK", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1535, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": 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that's crazy oh i'm starting off very strong but i can't sustain this tempo no chance so we have this google car oh we have a goto but yeah we have this google car which would indicate that we are in bangladesh even if we were not looking at the google cars i know some people really don't like them so if you don't look at them you can tell it apart by this text this language they use in some parts of india and bangladesh but in india the coverage just isn't there that much if you get the language like this generally it will be bangladesh as well driving on the left side a tuk-tuk as well quite common there i'm not sure where in bangladesh we might be though a little bit hilly but generally flat let's go maybe somewhere here-ish it looks like it might be a little bit hilly towards here to our east oh okay it was way more south ", "points": 4999, "distance": 0.001, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "NJKM8w4U810DW3vK", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, 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mountains to our north north east which would fit for naples we do have mountains there to the northeast yeah i think i'm pretty happy with my naples guests there oh okay it wasn't as southern it was coastal which explains the palm trees very small town yeah i wouldn't have would not have guessed ", "points": 4251, "distance": 242.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "NJKM8w4U810DW3vK", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1535, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "name": "A Community World", "slug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "description": "A world map with 100k+ handpicked locations put together by over a hundred experienced players and map makers from the GeoGuessr community || More about ACW: XXXX || ACW discord: XXXX || The map contains only 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suspected this felt kind of south korean to me from the first glance in south korea you often get this type of kind of like a fall or winter coverage like this you in south korea you will often get kind of green plate some of them now where in south korea quite often good clue are the phone numbers but well we don't have phone numbers here we have mountains around seoul it would not be this mountainous i i believe so i would go maybe somewhere closer to to to daegu or daejeon let's go daegu maybe because i know this area gets kind of more mountainous okay not bad not bad ", "points": 4790, "distance": 64.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "7QJXPvnAftggILb2", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1337, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "name": "A 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um the us the u.s they use freedom units there so we have cr cr i think it means like something like country road or something so it's not very helpful gardner methodist church well yeah yeah gardner chuck wagon what's happening here is this place called gardner or something school wait is this the school where's the school this might be a small school i'm not sure i guess we have a playground outside this feels like a very small town in the us do we have front plates we do have front plates and we are running out of time we have a post box as well we have mountains we have mountains oh my dear lord where could we be uh color could this be colorado wyoming i'm kind of i'm gonna go my wyoming i don't know okay let's guess it was colorado oh no my first guess was closer but still ", "points": 3021, "distance": 752.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "7QJXPvnAftggILb2", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": 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satellite dishes are pointing kind of very high up i think we are very close to equatorial line so we might be somewhere northern brazil another clue about it being brazil is this phone booth you see them in brazil a lot as well let's see if i am right i might be wrong ", "points": 4770, "distance": 70.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "7QJXPvnAftggILb2", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1337, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "name": "A Community World", "slug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "description": "A world map with 100k+ handpicked locations put together by over a hundred experienced players and map makers from the GeoGuessr community || More about ACW: XXXX || ACW discord: XXXX || The map contains only official Google Street View 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surreally i'm thinking could this ever be russia this this type of church with this golden dome you see them a lot in in russia or orthodox church i think i don't know religions i'm taking long antennae very tropical looking i heal could it be somewhere like here like like southern russia somewhere like krasnodar [Music] we're out of time let's see oh not bad oh my god i'm on fire today ", "points": 4579, "distance": 131.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "7QJXPvnAftggILb2", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1337, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "name": "A Community World", "slug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "description": "A world map with 100k+ handpicked locations put together by over a hundred experienced players and map makers from the 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don't forget to check out zigzag's video where he plays my maps so here we go the first challenge that zigzag has created no time limit no moving but we can pan and zoom and this is all official that's right so what's the what's the hint here so this location is is within 150 kilometers of four capital cities oh wow 150 kilometers from four capital cities wow that's interesting we have some black chevrons and that many capital cities this is a weird what are these bollards i don't recognize these bollards the ballard king himself but does he know i don't recognize these are some weird ones you have found these black and white black and white chevrons um i know a couple of countries where you can get them like um italy greece albania spain sometimes i'm so i'm thinking in that area but you always have your uh you always have your hints as well yeah i have i have the three power-ups i'm thinking maybe should i use it on the first location already wait can i see the plate the car is a bit too far the car is a bit too far to see the plate the palm trees are throwing me i was thinking like maybe something like albania but but would albany have palm trees like this okay i'm gonna ask is this greece by any chance this is not greece look albania oh god maybe kind of southern albania but this mountain is there it isn't that hilly here i mean we do have some hills around but yeah we do and we do i've only had compass yeah compass would help that's for sure oh no okay i think i'll go with albania uh but but where is kind of flatter in albania maybe somewhere here but i'm afraid my guess will be so wrong but okay i'll i'll i'll go there let's see oh okay i see israel interesting yeah oh that was a hard round i was so surprised when i saw that plantation there palm trees makes sense makes more sense for israel than albania that's for sure but that is an interesting one i didn't know israel also has those chevrons yeah and and so we're like right between those four capital cities of the four countries around it and also there were yellow outside lines but they were very hard to make out like this where you could yeah the sun was shining in a way that made them look white they looked all white to me yeah but okay at least some points at least i get ", "points": 1606, "distance": 1695.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "NCCX29kFI7ZiAfbi", "mapSlug": "62986f516462a2287ef96b9e", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 542, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62986f516462a2287ef96b9e", "name": "GeoPeter Challenge - Streetview", "slug": "62986f516462a2287ef96b9e", "description": "", "url": "/maps/62986f516462a2287ef96b9e", "playUrl": "/62986f516462a2287ef96b9e/play", "published": false, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": 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this this one is in the northern hemisphere northern okay okay so it's not gonna be south africa i'm gonna switch up the time time to switch my thinking what could it be i wasn't thinking it looks particularly european but what else could it be generation two could this ever be asia what are those things are those houses in the distance or i'm not sure either to be honest but i'm i'm curious to know as well i don't even know this continent well at least i know the hemisphere now mexico could this will be mexico when mexico can't have gen 2 that actually kind of makes sense i think i might go yeah kind of kind of eastern mexico look around this area i think that that's my best shot here let's oh that one oh no wow cheeky gen 2 taiwan i did consider taiwan in my mind but but i thought just did you think it was like look at the latitude though at least something was right yeah yeah oh no not the great greatest that was a very ", "points": 0, "distance": 14229.0, "challenge_info": 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makes sense makes sense for australia yeah a lot of like double double town names it's quite common over here yeah like ", "points": 143, "distance": 5297.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "NCCX29kFI7ZiAfbi", "mapSlug": "62986f516462a2287ef96b9e", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 542, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62986f516462a2287ef96b9e", "name": "GeoPeter Challenge - Streetview", "slug": "62986f516462a2287ef96b9e", "description": "", "url": "/maps/62986f516462a2287ef96b9e", "playUrl": "/62986f516462a2287ef96b9e/play", "published": false, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -16.72979418242144, "lng": 11.53564762493674}, "max": {"lat": 56.71858448179355, "lng": 145.561256971437}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, 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it doesn't look like a bollard it looks like some sort of uh look at like a hydrant but why here would make no sense i'm not starting to think could this be something like azores maybe because they do have some some different trees from from europe from mainland and it they do have gen gen 2 maybe maybe i should just go azores because i don't think continent would help much because i'm not i don't even know where zazor is part of africa or europe there might be i think i think canaries are europe and azores i mean canary africa and azores might be europe but i could be wrong possibly but i wouldn't know i remember so if i asked for continent and you said no it's not europe it wouldn't really help me here if i'm considering azores if it isn't the source i'm far away from everything so that's true it's not good that's generally my best guess so i think i'll go around there oh wow what it's a danish island wow peter the reason these are in this map is because i saw them i was like what is 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have been hard rounds these have been yeah you you ha you haven't uh haven't held back pulled no punches pulled no punches yeah yeah okay the last round here okay so this is a town of about 10 000 people and it has a record high temperature of 35 degrees okay so so relatively small town we have some stickers here taxi oh what's the language the quality is just bad enough so i can't really tell what the language is turkish by any chance does turkey have gin 2 maybe some spares i don't know i've been known to find some regen 2s for you know which continent well i guess most of turkey is considered asia right though so so i'm gonna ask is this asia this is not asia this is not asia oh no oh no i guess wait what is that another red and white flag there could this be poland i mean the houses this could be maybe northern polish poland with gen again you don't usually get gen 2 in poland but maybe you could get some some rare ones oh we have a cyrillic letter here on this one this boat and like oh all the texts are just far enough so i can't properly read pop rappers that's right i'm i'm thinking maybe you should go somewhere like north of poland near kaliningrad or something do we see any land we do you see some land in the distance there so maybe it could be could be somewhere like here-ish let's let's hope for the best let's see it oh let's go let's go oh my god i'm so happy about this through at the end at least at least one one good guys this game so i guess it was polish flag that cyrillic was tricky but in a way it helped ", "points": 4815, "distance": 56.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "NCCX29kFI7ZiAfbi", "mapSlug": "62986f516462a2287ef96b9e", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 542, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62986f516462a2287ef96b9e", "name": "GeoPeter Challenge - Streetview", 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an interesting one that's an interesting one i usually hate beach locations like like with passion because all the beaches look the same to me ng i guess sir yes indeed there's at least at least some nicer clues on this the clue is good i like the clue yeah so same latitude as peru but belongs to someone uh in a country of in northern hemisphere so i'm thinking maybe uk france they they they own a ton of countries i was thinking british indian ocean territory possibly that was my first thought there the latitude kind of would fit and it does belong to the uk and then what else could it be well wouldn't be these islands you could also turn on your uh compass as well by the way oh right right right okay i i think that i really don't have any other good good guesses or other than somewhere here so we have water wait do we see we do see some some land in the distance so i'm thinking maybe we could be then on this side yeah i think i'll go go here and hope for the best oh no yeah oh wow wait what even what what the hell there isn't even anything there it's part of american samoa but yeah oh my god yeah sorry about that one what the hell ", "points": 0, "distance": 12903.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "HXhEY0x3Igx9KPln", "mapSlug": "6298710fb46aca4bc0c1d7a3", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 410, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "6298710fb46aca4bc0c1d7a3", "name": "GeoPeter Challenge - Trekker", "slug": "6298710fb46aca4bc0c1d7a3", "description": "", "url": "/maps/6298710fb46aca4bc0c1d7a3", "playUrl": "/6298710fb46aca4bc0c1d7a3/play", "published": false, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -33.86289706192571, "lng": -168.1453670221603}, "max": {"lat": 25.9356550651543, "lng": 151.241533982111}}, "customCoordinates": null, 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this is like could this ever be hong kong hmm and it does have a bunch of very large populations nearby that's true and i know hong kong is mountainous and and and and you can get a bunch of coverage there but we have some water to our north east northeast there is like an island i don't know i don't think it aligns perfectly maybe this one somewhere here this feels quite rural i'm not sure if there is coverage there but i i hope so so let's go let's go there let's go oh let's go baby let's go oh no that was that was crazy good that was crazy oh thank you thank you you got the right national park i love cal you just kept on getting closer and closer you had the right thought process that was great yeah the ", "points": 4796, "distance": 62.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "HXhEY0x3Igx9KPln", "mapSlug": "6298710fb46aca4bc0c1d7a3", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 410, "gameMode": 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practically untouched by human presence okay in other words very remote very remote very remote okay so still two hints with the last three rounds to go so the sun is to the north so so we should be in the southern hemisphere here a lot of ocean in the southern hemisphere so so not excited about that what could i think i was thinking maybe it could be somewhere like like in oceania or or if it's white remote then then i imagine um it would be hard for me to find if i saw some birds i would think maybe it's a dorito island as well no no classic midway at all birds no no birds this time yeah for me it's just basically choose choose a remote island and hope for the best at this point and i think prince edward islands had some coverage so so it isn't at all it's one of the few atolls in the world whose ecology has been practically untouched few atolls what's the definition of atoll or a ring-shaped coral reef island okay that's what atoll is okay all the atolls i knew were in the northern hemisphere so that kind of screws it up for me i'll i'll i'll be nice this one is marked on the map it isn't you can click somewhere it does have at least a pui or something like that uh-huh this one looks like an atoll would that have covered official coverage i have zero idea but it looks like an atoll it is in the southern hemisphere so i think that might be my best shot i think i'll go there not even oh it was bitcoin islands okay i didn't know bitcoin islands are considered at all yeah it didn't well this is just what google told me so i could be wrong but um but uh yeah i also thought it didn't look particularly at all like with the with the hill in the background so sorry if that was yeah it kind of threw me off a little bit but but uh yeah at least that wasn't too far definitely could have been way more for like if you zoom ", "points": 2362, "distance": 1119.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "HXhEY0x3Igx9KPln", "mapSlug": "6298710fb46aca4bc0c1d7a3", "roundCount": 5, 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the continent because well oh you wouldn't really pick an island with south america would you yeah not really that's for sure yeah yeah okay clear for this one clue for this one this island is an uplifted coral atoll it is believed to have been discovered first by the spanish but was also occupied by the united states at one point however it neither lies in north america nor europe neither north america nor europe yeah that's an interesting fact that it was discovered by europeans and then held by north americans no so we have santa the south so it should be northern hemisphere and if it's neither north america nor europe i would go asia because i know spanish explorers did explore bunch of asia and u.s explores everything and owns everything so but that wouldn't surprise me either ever another very heliotol apparently at all yeah oh i don't know which atolls are hilly and which ones aren't unfortunately me neither but i'm just surprised i'm just also surprised it's according to both of them but yeah there you go so so it might not look like an at all so i have country and i have continent right so i might as well use one of them on this one so we have all white road lines which is interesting so if the hint was it used to be owned by us right it isn't anymore right it was occupied by that occupied okay it was occupied by u.s maybe this is like japan [Music] i think this might be japan i guess i might as well ask uh uh i might as well ask the country is this japan it is japan peter let's go let's go let's go so okay we have big water to the west with absolutely no land in sight okay and definitely worth keeping in mind that the spanish were the like they're thought to be the first ones to ever find this even [Music] maybe those are one of these islands i don't remember if those were these islands or something or was it this island but i remember i was watching like a video where um tokyo owns like one of those like a super remote island and counts like like a part of tokyo this is quite weird oh japan has so many islands i managed to we'll just guess somewhere and then hope for the best but there is nothing to our south as well nothing to the south nothing to the west i think i might go somewhere here and hope for the best i see it now let's go let's go another oh my god let's go we're interesting that i didn't see this island yeah that is interesting actually ", "points": 4956, "distance": 13.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "HXhEY0x3Igx9KPln", "mapSlug": "6298710fb46aca4bc0c1d7a3", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 410, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "6298710fb46aca4bc0c1d7a3", "name": "GeoPeter Challenge - Trekker", "slug": "6298710fb46aca4bc0c1d7a3", "description": "", "url": "/maps/6298710fb46aca4bc0c1d7a3", "playUrl": "/6298710fb46aca4bc0c1d7a3/play", 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that's right yeah continents so at the sun the sun where is the sun the sun oh the sun is to the north huh okay so probably not europe then could this ever be australia the houses didn't feel particularly australian to me south america maybe okay i think i'm gonna ask is this south america this is not in south america oof i mean australia new zealand make the only sense then i guess maybe maybe it's like there are a couple of islands near auckland so i don't know if it counts as part of auckland but it's pretty close so it isn't really a line does it we have city to our in the southeast don't forget the landing fee so to set foot on the place it's about five dollars yeah i'm looking for for like an airport or something but i don't see one oh would this ever be something like sydney when i when i say landing it i don't doesn't necessarily have to be from an airplane oh okay okay yeah but thank you anyway you can get there okay it doesn't look like a very large city to our at least east and there are some houses but but i think the the cit this sydney part would look different ford we don't have a fort here do we um okay clark island maybe i don't know this might not even be sydney i'm just just looking around at the islands at this point okay let's i don't know i think i'll go what i think i'll keep it there maybe it's a different australian city or maybe it's it's something completely else see oh my god oh my god that's insane ", "points": 4999, "distance": 0.043000000000000003, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "HXhEY0x3Igx9KPln", "mapSlug": "6298710fb46aca4bc0c1d7a3", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 410, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "6298710fb46aca4bc0c1d7a3", "name": "GeoPeter Challenge - Trekker", "slug": "6298710fb46aca4bc0c1d7a3", "description": "", "url": 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latvian signs this is a european union border right i think it's a border with lithuania i think this is latvian and lithuanian border i don't know where sudata is look guys let's quickly scan the border these are latvian signs oh is it b oh that might be a b not a d sub here we go does the does the road align the road aligns yeah and do we have a road going out i think we should be here oh no okay we were the other side of the border okay but it's still a perfect ", "points": 4999, "distance": 0.14400000000000002, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "R8odycGSxiDG2MtR", "mapSlug": "628a0adc86224535a5953479", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 636, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "628a0adc86224535a5953479", "name": "Country Borders (World)", "slug": "628a0adc86224535a5953479", "description": "I tried to put all 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Still I hope you enjoy it.", "url": "/maps/628a0adc86224535a5953479", "playUrl": "/628a0adc86224535a5953479/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.8783712, "lng": -141.0003738230616}, "max": {"lat": 69.72102388069273, "lng": 141.0213339}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2022-05-22T10:05:16.6410000Z", "updatedAt": "2022-06-06T08:49:27.9140000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "day", "decoration": "smalltrees", "ground": "green", "landscape": "forest"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 15181147, "likes": 102, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/R8odycGSxiDG2MtR/4/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 4, "lat": 49.0044391, "lng": -103.6993119, "continent": "North America", "country": "Canada"}, "challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "even on on the exact board or just nearby so still good guess not a bad one oh no okay this is unofficial coverage there is absolutely nothing around us oh this is gonna be bad this is gonna be a terrible round y'all we have the author's name is ken oh can can see 64 doesn't help at all these houses in the distance these feel kind of maybe american in a way so i'm thinking could this be maybe u.s and canadian border just because of these these houses feel kind of maybe american a little bit but i'm i might be very wrong about that there really isn't anything at all other other than that just some fields some some some lakes okay let's go it's it's a little bit hilly but not quite flat in general i don't know maybe somewhere here minnesota ontario border there are some some small lakes possibly here oh but there's a river oh no here lost river state we're not in the forest okay let's go here okay it actually was u.s canadian border okay just more west i'm i feel like i'm doing pretty well ", "points": 3498, "distance": 533.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "R8odycGSxiDG2MtR", "mapSlug": "628a0adc86224535a5953479", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 636, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "628a0adc86224535a5953479", "name": "Country Borders (World)", "slug": "628a0adc86224535a5953479", "description": "I tried to put all the borders of countries, but there are some that resisted me. Therefore, there are some countries where there are none and others where I have only been able to post static photos. Still I hope you enjoy it.", "url": "/maps/628a0adc86224535a5953479", "playUrl": "/628a0adc86224535a5953479/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.8783712, "lng": -141.0003738230616}, "max": {"lat": 69.72102388069273, "lng": 141.0213339}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2022-05-22T10:05:16.6410000Z", "updatedAt": "2022-06-06T08:49:27.9140000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "day", "decoration": "smalltrees", "ground": "green", "landscape": "forest"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 15181147, "likes": 102, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/R8odycGSxiDG2MtR/5/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 5, "lat": 11.2166332, "lng": -85.6129922, "continent": "North America", "country": "Nicaragua"}, "challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "especially in such a such a difficult round where there was nothing available let's go let me know in the comments how you are all doing if you are beating me or not i always enjoy reading your comments and i respond to all of the comments as well um we have a deer i can't read what that truck says turismo the language looks quite spanish what's the author's name gabriel pay this is unofficial coverage so it could be any country not necessarily the ones who have coverage official one uh this flag kind of feels like it might be like paraguay right we're gonna red white and um blue maybe so this might be like a paraguayan border with something we have 30 seconds remaining i'm not sure about the plates that we see can't really read what they say i would go paraguay maybe like like but there is a river there i mean we might be on one side of a river why not somewhere here maybe but that city is too big no idea let's get somewhere paraguay isn't too big so if it is paraguay then we shawn it wasn't paraguay well up until this point i was doing pretty good and we ended in nicaragua nicaragua and costa rica border the bus threw me off without a bus would i have guessed there honestly i don't know but yeah well the bus didn't help us i don't know maybe i ", "points": 168, "distance": 5058.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "R8odycGSxiDG2MtR", "mapSlug": "628a0adc86224535a5953479", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 636, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "628a0adc86224535a5953479", "name": "Country Borders (World)", "slug": "628a0adc86224535a5953479", "description": "I tried to put all the borders of countries, but there are some that resisted me. 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This map includes some countries that doesn't have official street view coverage. 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This map includes some countries that doesn't have official street view coverage. Newest Update:added more island nations and fixed some locations", "url": "/maps/6298f070d207fe3c772c0229", "playUrl": "/6298f070d207fe3c772c0229/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -51.3073, "lng": -175.1032557345467}, "max": {"lat": 70.60282859069817, "lng": 174.482964656354}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2022-06-02T17:16:32.1190000Z", "updatedAt": "2022-08-22T16:36:05.8790000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "darknight", "decoration": "oaktrees", "ground": "darkbrown", "landscape": "mountains"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 13581487, "likes": 1, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/KI5WTAaWrnlYWe0U/1/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 1, "lat": 51.9244341172795, "lng": 4.477111463201023, "continent": "Europe", "country": "Netherlands"}, "challenge_index": 2, "split_transcript": "it is pavlo grad in in cyrillic so let's do the summary how did it go it was a hard map that's for four but but the first round no not the first round the second round the third round and the fifth round i'm happy about the other two not so much and the third round is called cities of the world good luck geopeter thank you for the good luck wishes so again the challenge link in the description oh good luck me and good luck you as well who is playing along so we have these um stripes these black and white stripes you can see a lot of in the netherlands also we have yellow plates which you can see in the netherlands so we should be in the netherlands rotterdam rotterdam it says on the sign so uh i would assume it i hope it is rotterdam uh what is what else does it say holland brengan i don't know what that is allen brengan but we are like a huge roundabout a huge roadblock on the hilton hotel can we find a huge roundabout and a hilton hole there is a big round about here holiday inn there's a big roundabout but i don't see oh hilton rotterdam hey it is wait hilton is to our south west the hilton uh we should be somewhere here no yes no i think so i think we are here okay i hope all these locations are like this ", "points": 4999, "distance": 0.024, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "KI5WTAaWrnlYWe0U", "mapSlug": "62682f378e169802b1eb4a61", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 520, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62682f378e169802b1eb4a61", "name": "Cities of the World", "slug": "62682f378e169802b1eb4a61", "description": "This map contains hand-picked locations from cities all over the world. 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(Updated with a lot of locations - 12.6.23)", "url": "/maps/620f81cb3da8bf0001ba3946", "playUrl": "/620f81cb3da8bf0001ba3946/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -64.5324, "lng": -159.7559667}, "max": {"lat": 69.7197616, "lng": 174.78095871198}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2022-02-18T11:23:55.6600000Z", "updatedAt": "2023-06-12T19:39:43.0790000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "night", "decoration": "tractor", "ground": "green", "landscape": "volcano"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 15058235, "likes": 29, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/KDziHVuhRbtirNUA/4/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 4, "lat": 61.457703, "lng": 130.6193073, "continent": "Europe", "country": "Russia"}, "challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "interesting so very interesting locations in uh in hong kong apparently okay this is unofficial again a bunch of ladies standing around the camera and dancing i guess um since this is unofficial we cannot trust the sun this is a very beautiful meadow with these these flowers i don't think it gives us anything away we have a car there in the distance which i don't know would be nice if we could see which side the steering wheel is on but the quality is just too too low well all of the ladies in this photosphere are asian so i'm thinking we might be somewhere in asia possibly but where maybe maybe japan i could see maybe this meadow being in japan somewhere because it does does appear to be a little bit hilly landscape around so so i could definitely see this being japan in my opinion oh wow oh it was russia interesting interesting wow okay ", "points": 721, "distance": 2890.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "KDziHVuhRbtirNUA", "mapSlug": "620f81cb3da8bf0001ba3946", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 751, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "620f81cb3da8bf0001ba3946", "name": "A Bingo World", "slug": "620f81cb3da8bf0001ba3946", "description": "Can you guess where we are? 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(Updated with a lot of locations - 12.6.23)", "url": "/maps/620f81cb3da8bf0001ba3946", "playUrl": "/620f81cb3da8bf0001ba3946/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -64.5324, "lng": -159.7559667}, "max": {"lat": 69.7197616, "lng": 174.78095871198}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2022-02-18T11:23:55.6600000Z", "updatedAt": "2023-06-12T19:39:43.0790000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "night", "decoration": "tractor", "ground": "green", "landscape": "volcano"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 15058235, "likes": 29, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/KDziHVuhRbtirNUA/5/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 5, "lat": 48.86712433019326, "lng": 2.77708989921003, "continent": "Europe", "country": "France"}, "challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "russia makes sense as well with like a meadow like that very north toy soldiers parachute drop okay some sort of a theme park and this is official again port mary paratroopers so this this seems very american to me but the fort mary might be somewhere else besides the like the mainland u.s maybe woody and and i don't know what was her name this isn't disneyland is it another is a disneyland in florida right i i guess i might as well go there because i don't have a better guess but the trees don't the trees feel more northern the trees don't don't feel like it's florida no okay i'm not gonna go ", "points": 52, "distance": 6788.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "KDziHVuhRbtirNUA", "mapSlug": "620f81cb3da8bf0001ba3946", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 751, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "620f81cb3da8bf0001ba3946", "name": "A Bingo World", "slug": "620f81cb3da8bf0001ba3946", "description": "Can you guess where we are? 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(Updated with a lot of locations - 12.6.23)", "url": "/maps/620f81cb3da8bf0001ba3946", "playUrl": "/620f81cb3da8bf0001ba3946/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -64.5324, "lng": -159.7559667}, "max": {"lat": 69.7197616, "lng": 174.78095871198}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2022-02-18T11:23:55.6600000Z", "updatedAt": "2023-06-12T19:39:43.0790000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "night", "decoration": "tractor", "ground": "green", "landscape": "volcano"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 15058235, "likes": 29, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/y5egT7aVrxY9IWim/1/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 1, "lat": 59.90252511940351, "lng": 10.76707574206755, "continent": "Europe", "country": "Norway"}, "challenge_index": 1, "split_transcript": "florida i'm gonna go something like um chicago detroit let's go maybe minneapolis oh it was french disneyland oh my god it was all in english it was disneyland but it wasn't in the us it was france oh my god i've even been there i've even been in that disneyland but i i i did not remember that part not the greatest score only eleven thousand points that last round and the russian rounds did the most damage to me let's go for another game hopefully i do better in this one oh okay i know there is such a gnome in in a rotterdam but this is a second one and i think this one was in uh near in norway near oslo i think let's have a look if this is norway uh norge i'm pretty sure this is norway maybe somewhere drop maybe it was drama possibly do we have do we have a round about like like this in near drama maybe this one yeah i think i'll go here but uh oh it was just oslo okay for some reason i ", "points": 4877, "distance": 37.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "y5egT7aVrxY9IWim", "mapSlug": "620f81cb3da8bf0001ba3946", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 528, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "620f81cb3da8bf0001ba3946", "name": "A Bingo World", "slug": "620f81cb3da8bf0001ba3946", "description": "Can you guess where we are? 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(Updated with a lot of locations - 12.6.23)", "url": "/maps/620f81cb3da8bf0001ba3946", "playUrl": "/620f81cb3da8bf0001ba3946/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -64.5324, "lng": -159.7559667}, "max": {"lat": 69.7197616, "lng": 174.78095871198}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2022-02-18T11:23:55.6600000Z", "updatedAt": "2023-06-12T19:39:43.0790000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "night", "decoration": "tractor", "ground": "green", "landscape": "volcano"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 15058235, "likes": 29, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/BwRC0D6e8iKdAyOI/1/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 1, "lat": -0.5966238790391077, "lng": 30.98954914988522, "continent": "Africa", "country": "Uganda"}, "challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "contains a bunch of different tips from all around the world and i'll be explaining them as we go quickly before we start don't forget to press that like button it really supports the channel and lets me know that you enjoy these videos thank you very much and here we go if you want to play along the links will be in the description just make sure to play it before watching this video so i don't spoil anything and you can play it for free you don't need to have a geographer pro account or anything here we go what do we have here we have this kind of small car visible this is a meta tip not all of these tips will be met related i know some people really don't like meta tips but this one is a meta one so we have these kind of google car almost all is blurred with the circular blur but a little bit of google car is coming out there these corners you get this google car in uganda uganda in national parks uganda national parks are difficult to tell apart i think this might be one of these ones on the left side here let's maybe go around this area okay it ", "points": 4343, "distance": 210.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "BwRC0D6e8iKdAyOI", "mapSlug": "6078c830e945e900015f4a64", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 8127, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "6078c830e945e900015f4a64", "name": "A Learning World", "slug": "6078c830e945e900015f4a64", "description": "A map for those trying to get better at the game. 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Only includes official street view and trekkers. 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Only includes official street view and trekkers. 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Only includes official street view and trekkers. 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Only includes official street view and trekkers. 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Only includes official street view and trekkers. 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Only includes official street view and trekkers. 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If you're a Peter who's also a geography expert, you might want to try No Moving!", "url": "/maps/6102c3826962f50001a82b96", "playUrl": "/6102c3826962f50001a82b96/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.80324318094229, "lng": -157.8391805105377}, "max": {"lat": 63.43125952019883, "lng": 168.3474246102841}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-07-29T15:04:34.0740000Z", "updatedAt": "2021-11-08T15:44:38.6810000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "morning", "decoration": "smalltrees", "ground": "green", "landscape": "skyline"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 13466851, "likes": 4, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/o5x29Xyp4ei59FNJ/1/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 1, "lat": 18.48604764283328, "lng": -69.9313020280159, "continent": "North America", "country": "Dominican Republic"}, "challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "called city centers this is the map that will be playing city centers with at least 1 million population as always the play along links will be in the description if you want to play along make sure to play do it before watching this video so i don't spoil anything good luck everyone unfortunately i don't think there will be any baltic countries because i don't think nothing and any of them has uh a city with 1 million living in them a b gadgets is the author here maybe gadgets.net website doesn't help it looks kind of spanish maybe doesn't look english i don't recognize any of the words so service world centro the you know it looks looks like it is spanish i don't really see any oh what the okay i hope everyone is fine in this car um yeah i was thinking something like like like like haiti maybe porto prince i am kind of getting like like uh dominican republic puerto rico vibes but i think in those countries probably there would be official coverage right in this map okay never mind they did choose unofficial for dominican republic as ", "points": 4226, "distance": 251.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "o5x29Xyp4ei59FNJ", "mapSlug": "60b02f31104e6d0001ee53d4", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1035, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "60b02f31104e6d0001ee53d4", "name": "City Centers (1M+)", "slug": "60b02f31104e6d0001ee53d4", "description": "Designed for no moving (or NMPZ if you want a bit more of a challenge). 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Population data courtesy of: XXXX (Wikipedia metro areas also used for Europe and USA)", "url": "/maps/60b02f31104e6d0001ee53d4", "playUrl": "/60b02f31104e6d0001ee53d4/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -37.813652090609615, "lng": -123.12065781361903}, "max": {"lat": 60.16980946255861, "lng": 174.76442711489133}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-05-27T23:45:53.0110000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-06-01T17:34:09.1430000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "evening", "decoration": "none", "ground": "darkbrown", "landscape": "skyline"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 12272493, "likes": 118, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/o5x29Xyp4ei59FNJ/2/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 2, "lat": 32.5148981368846, "lng": -117.0381516344832, "continent": "North America", "country": "Mexico"}, "challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "well at least the vibes were correct for me i'm happy with that i guess i should have gone with dr in hindsight hindsight 20 20. i'm still still 4000 points pretty good pretty good and now this we have sun to the south sun to the south uh in case anyone's wondering how do i know that sun is to the south we have compass right here on the bottom left corner the red points to the north since the southern direction is more to the sun the sun is to the south um we have a stop sign which we cannot read lovely the car doesn't help much do we have any electricity counters this looks like a difficult one i'm thinking mexico or something maybe maybe mexico if we could read the stop sign that would be super helpful because in mexico it should say alto but it's unreadable unfortunately the plates look like they might be from mexico i think i don't see any electricity counters which is concerning though in mexico you have those circular ones oh i need to guess the time is running out uh let's go somewhere here ah it was it was mexico actually it was mexico just literally the completely opposite side of mexico oh no i thought it looked quite southern ", "points": 787, "distance": 2759.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "o5x29Xyp4ei59FNJ", "mapSlug": "60b02f31104e6d0001ee53d4", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1035, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "60b02f31104e6d0001ee53d4", "name": "City Centers (1M+)", "slug": "60b02f31104e6d0001ee53d4", "description": "Designed for no moving (or NMPZ if you want a bit more of a challenge). Every city center of every city in the world with over 1 million urban population, placed exactly where the name shows up on Google Maps. One location per city, as long as it has some form of usable coverage and is accurately placed. Compasses should be reasonably accurate, maybe a few degrees off for low-coverage cities but never completely unusable. 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It is recommended to play one of the numerous alternatives maps. 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Make sure to follow us on youtube: youtube.com/channel/UC7PY07Zh9yC2yY0LZRbkhEQ", "url": "/maps/6144fb9fa915be000101a891", "playUrl": "/6144fb9fa915be000101a891/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": 4.598104999999999, "lng": -122.474346}, "max": {"lat": 53.4229531, "lng": 22.5262037}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-09-17T20:33:35.8510000Z", "updatedAt": "2022-07-28T09:39:11.9110000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "sunrise", "decoration": "palmtrees", "ground": "yellow", "landscape": "skyline"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 12784404, "likes": 274, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/NvYzOQ8GNojAjwto/2/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 2, "lat": 39.3229029, "lng": -119.5396193, "continent": "North America", "country": "United States"}, "challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "far i'm very happy with 415 points that's a good start let's see yeah i have i have tried to avoid this map before i have seen some locations and i thought they were super funny so i didn't play it didn't watch it to keep my reactions genuine so we have uh the guy of course again looking right at the camera there's some blue plates i'm not sure where they are from republic of molossia elevation what are nortons okay i'm so confused population 35 so we have english republic of molossi i've never heard of it molossia what are nortons what what what kind of measurement is more norton souvenirs curious supplies is this la paz la paz it says la paz there but there are many different languages would this really be la paz oh god it was u.s i just saw la paz i went with la paz didn't think much of it i mean i thought maybe it's a touristy place that's why all the signs are in in english what the hell was that place molossian government office maybe you know someone in the comments can explain what the hell is molossia is that like some ", "points": 20, "distance": 8175.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "NvYzOQ8GNojAjwto", "mapSlug": "6144fb9fa915be000101a891", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 385, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "6144fb9fa915be000101a891", "name": "The guy with the white hat", "slug": "6144fb9fa915be000101a891", "description": "LAST UPDATED: 28-7-2022 Look for the guy with the white hat before guessing! 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side with plates like these this feels like a lot of these yellow plates feels like this is new york yeah nyc buildings so this is new york some sort of like uh like a chinese district i i guess so yeah kind of kind of a tricky tricky location i i can see that but i do believe that this should be new york believe yeah like some some apple tv advertisements as well fedex definitely definitely new york can we can we funny like street names moth street canal street i don't know where in new york there is chinatown i don't know where there are mott and canal streets is this the canal no that's a river river maybe canal street isn't like near some canal but but that's just a guess i don't know let's guess somewhere here-ish not too bad not too bad actually five kilometers away without knowing anything about other than being in new york oh it says oh my god it literally says chinatown on map i didn't know ", "points": 4983, "distance": 4.9, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": 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or portuguese would help a lot here i think i'm torn i'm torn i don't even know if this is spanish or portuguese for sure because of this word with our ending feels more portuguese i might be wrong brasilia maybe let's go brasilia it's kind of for hedging purposes sort of in the middle in brazil okay it was san paolo so it was portuguese i was right on that i don't know how i could have known it ", "points": 2799, "distance": 866.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "4eDNuMN1ZxkDwLL1", "mapSlug": "5ef2b95f1a82df2014367be3", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 897, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5ef2b95f1a82df2014367be3", "name": "Out of Place", "slug": "5ef2b95f1a82df2014367be3", "description": "It's part tricky, part misleading...", "url": "/maps/5ef2b95f1a82df2014367be3", "playUrl": 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english or maybe the architecture is out of place and this is somewhere completely different i'll i'll still guess myanmark as that was my first thought but this i have a feeling this might be like an island somewhere somewhere in the middle of the ocean okay i wasn't thinking los angeles what the hell ", "points": 0, "distance": 12986.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "4eDNuMN1ZxkDwLL1", "mapSlug": "5ef2b95f1a82df2014367be3", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 897, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5ef2b95f1a82df2014367be3", "name": "Out of Place", "slug": "5ef2b95f1a82df2014367be3", "description": "It's part tricky, part misleading...", "url": "/maps/5ef2b95f1a82df2014367be3", "playUrl": "/5ef2b95f1a82df2014367be3/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": 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but but i'm thinking could this be like vietnam because i know in vietnam they like to drive around on motorcycles a lot that's very very popular there are some high buildings nearby so this could be a very big city like hanoi or something also an english cafe leisure cafe is likely to to be in a large city so hanoi maybe that would be my main guess ah so okay it was chinese the author's name i guess so okay it was what is the city shanghai outskirts of shanghai um maybe i should have guessed china in the hindsight because of the author's name ", "points": 1408, "distance": 1891.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "VjgmRD0eT6we6bsS", "mapSlug": "5ef2b95f1a82df2014367be3", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 671, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5ef2b95f1a82df2014367be3", "name": "Out of Place", "slug": 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well so i'm very confused i'm thinking indonesia maybe based on this what's the author's name barry casey lee getting very mixed feelings here i don't think this would be europe i don't think this would be europe looking like this so asia or asia or latin america [Music] um malaysia maybe or jakarta maybe jakarta for not i wanted to switch to malaysia oh my god it was macau i guess that makes sense with like ", "points": 571, "distance": 3237.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "VjgmRD0eT6we6bsS", "mapSlug": "5ef2b95f1a82df2014367be3", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 671, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5ef2b95f1a82df2014367be3", "name": "Out of Place", "slug": "5ef2b95f1a82df2014367be3", "description": "It's part tricky, part misleading...", "url": "/maps/5ef2b95f1a82df2014367be3", "playUrl": 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orchard is that the word i don't know where to guess honestly i'm thinking maybe new zealand it's such a risky guess to go new zealand because there's nothing really around if it is new zealand you get a lot of points if it isn't you get zero basically uh let's all switch to europe did i switch it in time oh god did i switch in time i don't know i'll be either in new zealand or europe okay even better this was san paolo i guess new zealand would have been a little bit closer ", "points": 5, "distance": 10149.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "VjgmRD0eT6we6bsS", "mapSlug": "5ef2b95f1a82df2014367be3", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 671, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5ef2b95f1a82df2014367be3", "name": "Out of Place", "slug": "5ef2b95f1a82df2014367be3", "description": "It's part tricky, part 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locations okay let's let's play one more let's play one more what is this now that looks like an italian flag i don't know what is the other one could this be italy could this be somewhere in italy we see a lot of uh asian ethnicity people a lot of asians around so i don't think this will be italy what is this maybe it's just an italian shoe store or something why is there italian flag twice i'm so confused what is this is this china or is this italy it looks like like this does might have some chinese let's guess like near beijing i don't know it it looks like this might be chinese and in italy they would would have italian that's the only reason because okay it was china it wasn't even that far from beijing it was closer to tanjin tanjin what was that place okay i can't read what it is because it's in in mandarin but some shopping italian shopping mall or something so weird i'm very happy with the score ", "points": 4777, "distance": 68.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": 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american flag and a fake statue of liberty [Laughter] okay um where do they have a fake statue of liberty what the hell because this is not the real one i know that much but what is this we have yellow yellow line in the middle we have huge trucks that you don't really see in europe that much so this i think this is north america this house does feel kind of european but maybe it's just like european influence in north america what why would they have a fake statue of liberty though why and where yellow lines this feels like north america and this probably is usa just where and why my two biggest questions of the video where and why i'm guessing maybe like north east but why would they have another statue of liberty that close maybe it's like on the opposite side of the country so they don't have to travel all all across but it was alabama birmingham liberty park ", "points": 1588, "distance": 1712.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "BnaHvY3miaUsOK35", "mapSlug": 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about right some some interesting and weird weird locations so i think let's go shanghai nice that's that's why it's important it is important to pay attention to authors names because with the location itself i would not have guessed shanghai but since i remembered author from that previous previous round he had ", "points": 4953, "distance": 14.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "BnaHvY3miaUsOK35", "mapSlug": "5ef2b95f1a82df2014367be3", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 556, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5ef2b95f1a82df2014367be3", "name": "Out of Place", "slug": "5ef2b95f1a82df2014367be3", "description": "It's part tricky, part misleading...", "url": "/maps/5ef2b95f1a82df2014367be3", "playUrl": "/5ef2b95f1a82df2014367be3/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, 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angeles again what the hell i i didn't think that was an actual possibility the light temple wow okay interesting yeah it felt like we are definitely in asia ", "points": 3, "distance": 10936.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "BnaHvY3miaUsOK35", "mapSlug": "5ef2b95f1a82df2014367be3", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 556, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5ef2b95f1a82df2014367be3", "name": "Out of Place", "slug": "5ef2b95f1a82df2014367be3", "description": "It's part tricky, part misleading...", "url": "/maps/5ef2b95f1a82df2014367be3", "playUrl": "/5ef2b95f1a82df2014367be3/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -53.10823329999999, "lng": -157.8328081}, "max": {"lat": 61.21516207431886, "lng": 175.4660133}}, 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have a city name somewhere right del este i don't see del este might be a smaller city shouldn't be a tool too small of a city though if 30 seconds remaining adj the license plates cch hbo i don't think they help 11 is that is that a city maybe 11 no i don't see it um we pogo no idea which is the city or which isn't i guess we'll just keep it in the capital because i i don't know it was oh my god it was all the way eastern paraguay what's the name of the city ciudad del este ", "points": 4097, "distance": 297.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "k4zh3swYugEl32f5", "mapSlug": "61c1d9be6f87f70001eb6055", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1558, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "61c1d9be6f87f70001eb6055", "name": "GeoDetective World \ud83c\udf0d", "slug": "61c1d9be6f87f70001eb6055", "description": "DO NOT MOVE. 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the language looks portuguese yeah the license plates are also portuguese [Music] if only i could speak portuguese well i could speak portuguese uh uh i don't know which one of these names is the city name al buffeira maybe albufeira although it's okay it says albufeira in a bunch of places albufeira here we go here we go albufeira i mean it says that there's i think that said like we have like a so some sort of a like a point or something soon hotel sol emma hotel solema there's a big city to our north hotel solema hotel hotel bunch of hotels here hotel solema oh hotel ah no more time okay we have ten more seconds hotels lamar a little bit to like here we are i think this should be 5k guys i think it should be 5k yes three meters let's go let's go let's go okay welcome to margherita peak highest point in uganda oh it literally it literally says which country we are in uruguay and wildlife association wow this is i mean very foggy but i imagine it looks amazing when it isn't foggy or cloudy maybe these are clouds anyways margherita margherita margherita i don't know where in uganda they have this high margherita mountain now let's see uh maybe it says margherita somewhere oh yeah there is like some mountain there are some mountains here quite risky though because it's very very western there are some mountains here but i don't think these mountains are as high margherita peak like it seems that these mountains should be the highest from what i'm seeing on the map gotcha volcano there could be some very high peaks there as well margherita mount baker i haven't seen margarita anywhere and let's risk it and guess it this this part maybe it's somewhere in this these these mountains it was oh oh it's like literally on the on the other side of the border even in drc mount stanley i don't know it doesn't say margarita peak anywhere ", "points": 4983, "distance": 5.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "imahIIx3fLz02mwS", "mapSlug": "61c1d9be6f87f70001eb6055", 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weather station that looked similar to this i don't know this is that same one but it like had like ufo-shaped parts so it might be it i didn't i was looked from it uh from afar i wasn't next to it so so i don't know how it looks from from up close really but it looks very similar um it was like southern poland i don't remember where exactly was it like what's going on no no it wasn't quad score um [Music] can i can i find in my memories what was the name of that place if it even is that place i'm not sure ah almost almost i i didn't go with quan quadsco it was sneshka yeah it was all super close to the border indeed okay i i thought it looked familiar ", "points": 4764, "distance": 72.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "9tL8FzgoBdZoyGNk", "mapSlug": "60c931d533004c0001059f6e", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 748, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": 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"continent": "Europe", "country": "Czechia"}, "challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "that's a good first round to start with i might have some pictures from it i don't know [Music] from from when i was in poland okay i have no idea where this is oh wait maybe this is like could this be like a god dracula or something in romania maybe maybe i don't know [Music] you're gonna like a weird dungeon or something like the yeah the quality is isn't good enough to read it this looks like cyrillic i mean although maybe this is like these look like some some graffitis and then unofficial writings so so from tourists possibly you cannot trust that interesting definitely interesting and this is official coverage by the way this should be all official coverage as is described in the map description yeah my best my best guess would be like like romania i don't know where there is like the the count dracula castle exactly that it was based on uh but but i don't know let's guess what was it was it buzau no oh i don't remember what was the name of the city where it was located in okay never mind it wasn't even romania it was some completely different rad hosca so castle castle ", "points": 2415, "distance": 1086.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "9tL8FzgoBdZoyGNk", "mapSlug": "60c931d533004c0001059f6e", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 748, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "60c931d533004c0001059f6e", "name": "A Ridiculous World", "slug": "60c931d533004c0001059f6e", "description": "\ud835\uddd4\ud835\udde5\ud835\udddc\ud835\uddea - \ud835\ude01\ud835\uddf5\ud835\uddf2 \ud835\uddfc\ud835\uddff\ud835\uddf6\ud835\uddf4\ud835\uddf6\ud835\uddfb\ud835\uddee\ud835\uddf9. \ud835\uddd4\ud835\uddf9\ud835\uddf9 \ud835\ude04\ud835\uddf2\ud835\uddf6\ud835\uddff\ud835\uddf1, 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characters as well so that would match with belgium also these signs orange sandbags are common in belgium as well so we are in belgium we know that much what's ridiculous uh here i'm not sure what's what's what's ridiculous i'm not sure what's ridiculous in this location uh maybe maybe the coverage got updated and the ridiculousness disappeared maybe this house is ridiculous there's something blurred out here not sure the time is ticking let's go i don't know brussels this looks like dutch so wherever this is in belgium it should be either brussels or like north northwest of brussels i think i think let's guess let's use brussels oh it was north west of brussels it was bruges i don't know how you said rouge i'm that's my guess bruges oh god you guys know i hate beach locations because i never know where to guess uh okay they have a okay they have electricity going over the um c i guess and this guy is fishing standing like like oh my god what what's happening here this is a weird one okay i guess it's common to fish like this here well yeah it does look quite uh not not very deep so i guess you do need to go quite deep in in the water to be able to fish where could this be my first thought was like maybe asia because this feels doesn't feel european i can tell you that much doesn't feel european with with all of what's happening here so i was thinking maybe like indonesia or or or malaysia this is official so so it shouldn't be like like demoralized timor-leste or anything like that maybe this is philippines actually maybe let's go philippines i like philippines there are lots of like islands small islands maybe some of them are connected with like electricity wires so let's just plonk it somewhere it was indonesia ah should have trusted my first first the first guess would have been much better okay so so apparently we were somewhere here ", "points": 1023, "distance": 2368.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "9tL8FzgoBdZoyGNk", "mapSlug": 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we see but where it is i'm guessing it was toita yeah many people don't know i didn't know before i started playing geography that this is also part of spain like uh at the top of morocco there is like this spanish city and there is another one here somewhere this one right melia yeah a bunch a bunch of ships going ", "points": 2748, "distance": 893.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "9tL8FzgoBdZoyGNk", "mapSlug": "60c931d533004c0001059f6e", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 748, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "60c931d533004c0001059f6e", "name": "A Ridiculous World", "slug": "60c931d533004c0001059f6e", "description": "\ud835\uddd4\ud835\udde5\ud835\udddc\ud835\uddea - \ud835\ude01\ud835\uddf5\ud835\uddf2 \ud835\uddfc\ud835\uddff\ud835\uddf6\ud835\uddf4\ud835\uddf6\ud835\uddfb\ud835\uddee\ud835\uddf9. 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fourth guess because if only i stayed in indonesia i would have had way more points there but what can you do let's do another one oh so challenge one and a half minutes let's go oh horsies cute horsies up these hats and like horse riding horseback riding um reminds me of like i don't know latin america mexico from movies maybe bolivia or something we have yellow reflectors which would make me think maybe chile i know in chile and spain they use yellow reflectors on these guardrails maybe they use yellow in other other places but i don't know about that then so i'm thinking could this be chile maybe um what is this are we is our horse pulling something i'm not sure i i would i would go chile i would go maybe somewhere like near here i think this might be a little bit north of santiago if the season is chile i'm just going by by the i don't know general feel and the yellow reflectors so let's see if i'm right ", "points": 4314, "distance": 220.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": 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the one in in finland a lot of different ice sculptures here i think i think i have to go with finland i i don't really have any other guesses this is like a big cave where it isn't um honestly could be could be could be norway could be canada could be so many other places but i will go finland i will go let's go kind of in the middle for for hedging purposes okay i would have never guessed there to be honest i would have never guessed there yakutsk i mean russia makes sense but but it's just so remote ", "points": 200, "distance": 4800.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "lWVZERo7FKMqbrGX", "mapSlug": "60c931d533004c0001059f6e", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 559, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "60c931d533004c0001059f6e", "name": "A Ridiculous World", "slug": "60c931d533004c0001059f6e", "description": 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there was such such coverage there of such i don't know i'm guessing that was a museum um so okay okay that's why this is a ridiculous location i have had this location before but i don't remember where it was though i definitely remember this this name okay we do have uh the canadian flag here um we do have the canadian flag i don't know the other i probably should finally like uh muster up is that the expression and learn the canadian province flags because you see them a lot and they seem to be really helpful so so i probably should do that uh we do get kind of nordic looking houses here and and that that that and also i don't know the general feel would make me think like i don't know nova scotia new brunswick maybe maybe newfoundland um where is the water water is kind of to our south that doesn't really help the islands go all over the place it could be still anywhere can we can i maybe find this place um i remember seeing it was it where was it i was here it was here i i couldn't remember where where this place was okay maybe now i will maybe now i will ", "points": 2708, "distance": 915.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "lWVZERo7FKMqbrGX", "mapSlug": "60c931d533004c0001059f6e", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 559, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "60c931d533004c0001059f6e", "name": "A Ridiculous World", "slug": "60c931d533004c0001059f6e", "description": "\ud835\uddd4\ud835\udde5\ud835\udddc\ud835\uddea - \ud835\ude01\ud835\uddf5\ud835\uddf2 \ud835\uddfc\ud835\uddff\ud835\uddf6\ud835\uddf4\ud835\uddf6\ud835\uddfb\ud835\uddee\ud835\uddf9. \ud835\uddd4\ud835\uddf9\ud835\uddf9 \ud835\ude04\ud835\uddf2\ud835\uddf6\ud835\uddff\ud835\uddf1, \ud835\uddf6\ud835\uddfb\ud835\ude01\ud835\uddf2\ud835\uddff\ud835\uddf2\ud835\ude00\ud835\ude01\ud835\uddf6\ud835\uddfb\ud835\uddf4, 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could this be like western slovenia somewhere here maybe oh wait i said western slovenia and i click on italy um could this be italy maybe actually this might be italy as well um since we have water right to our west i'm thinking like somewhere in this area maybe slovenia maybe italy so so let's guess somewhere here oh ah it was wait was this germany or no it was oh it was austria okay i mean austria makes perfect sense austria makes perfect sense too i was considering austria but but the water to our west made me go slovenia ", "points": 3891, "distance": 374.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "lWVZERo7FKMqbrGX", "mapSlug": "60c931d533004c0001059f6e", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 559, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "60c931d533004c0001059f6e", "name": "A Ridiculous World", "slug": 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okay we are in the desert is this the camel i know there is some camel camel coverage but i don't think it is i think this guy is just walking but i know there's in some parts of the world there is like a camel coverage you can see the google car google guys on a camel but but not this time where could it be architecture isn't helping me much the desert well of course obviously when i think of desert first thing that comes to mind is sahara who's black tunisia somewhere since tunisia has official coverage maybe there's the trekker as well that looks like this could be a different desert could not be might not be sahara or or could be egypt maybe egypt does have some tracker coverage as well i'm torn between tunisia and egypt here or this could be something completely different let's go egypt okay i'm switching to egypt maybe i shouldn't where is it let's see oh oh what japan what no way i would have guessed japan there okay it wasn't there it was those were sand dunes apparently i thought it's like a desert with like an oasis but no apparently it's tottori sand dunes oh well i was way over there no chance i would have guessed there ", "points": 10, "distance": 9212.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "lWVZERo7FKMqbrGX", "mapSlug": "60c931d533004c0001059f6e", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 559, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "60c931d533004c0001059f6e", "name": "A Ridiculous World", "slug": "60c931d533004c0001059f6e", "description": "\ud835\uddd4\ud835\udde5\ud835\udddc\ud835\uddea - \ud835\ude01\ud835\uddf5\ud835\uddf2 \ud835\uddfc\ud835\uddff\ud835\uddf6\ud835\uddf4\ud835\uddf6\ud835\uddfb\ud835\uddee\ud835\uddf9. \ud835\uddd4\ud835\uddf9\ud835\uddf9 \ud835\ude04\ud835\uddf2\ud835\uddf6\ud835\uddff\ud835\uddf1, 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from from the first view hello uh this is definitely france where do they have this city in france though i wonder huh the road number isn't really helping because in france the road numbers are just for for g i guess their purpose road numbers in france are useless completely um yeah and for unfortunately it's not gonna help us in any way and this this place is definitely too small for me to find it so there might be a phone number there but i cannot read it in france the phone numbers can be very helpful to to tell apart which region of france you are in um can you go by by the landscape let's maybe guess somewhere like eastern france maybe no it was southern france instead oh well so yeah here it is here it is oh geographic south pole oh this is an interesting one well we know that we are in south pole nice this is this is really cool this is really cool so there are a bunch of like research stations there and geographic south pole so where do they have geographic south pole oh god how do i find it um i know there are a bunch of research stations here like mcmurdo station but it wouldn't it's just a station it's not south pole like south pole oh wait we have like a map here maybe you can use this map we have this thing it's quite close to this thing huh i mean it should be like theoretically it should be right at the bottom here right right right if i understand how maps work uh let's try yes no 100 kilometers okay maybe no close close enough though for antarctica actually 4600 points is pretty good because it's enormous ", "points": 4592, "distance": 127.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "lWVZERo7FKMqbrGX", "mapSlug": "60c931d533004c0001059f6e", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 559, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "60c931d533004c0001059f6e", "name": "A Ridiculous World", "slug": 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let's go for the next round oh okay we have an antenna oh this is interesting is this russia this be russia we have a bunch of mountains we have white sand or like gravel or or i don't know um some greenery in the distance as well and some very dry look look trees no with no leaves maybe it's winter maybe that's why this is a tricky one huh um okay let's but my first thought was russia i by no means i'm confident about it i'm definitely not confident about it um but i'm thinking maybe it could be somewhere in eastern russia there are some mountains here i don't know let's go suck colleen maybe yeah italy didn't even cross my mind wow this is nice this is nice and this is official again i have seen official um mountain climbing locations in california and in alps could this be either one we trust i mean compass doesn't really help us either way california or alps or or maybe this is a different different mountain climbing location that i'm not aware of that's also a possibility i just have seen some in in um california and in in like was it i think it was somewhere here mont blanc somewhere there nearby i think is it could it be there let let's try it was california ah chose the wrong one god damn it yosemite yeah yosemite national park was ", "points": 9, "distance": 9290.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "IleAR9RTKSoj6AQq", "mapSlug": "60c931d533004c0001059f6e", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 480, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "60c931d533004c0001059f6e", "name": "A Ridiculous World", "slug": "60c931d533004c0001059f6e", "description": "\ud835\uddd4\ud835\udde5\ud835\udddc\ud835\uddea - \ud835\ude01\ud835\uddf5\ud835\uddf2 \ud835\uddfc\ud835\uddff\ud835\uddf6\ud835\uddf4\ud835\uddf6\ud835\uddfb\ud835\uddee\ud835\uddf9. \ud835\uddd4\ud835\uddf9\ud835\uddf9 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means just a doctor right od does isn't like a state or anything it's just me like something doctor i think um what do we have here what else do we have alpine lodge well we're not near alps i can tell you that much not this time uh we don't have front plates which is interesting i don't know too many places that don't have front plates and a bunch of southern southern states don't have front plates but this doesn't feel southern to me um i think bunch of southern states didn't have i think some of these central states also didn't have them so could this be like illinois maybe or something no idea yeah like that that's okay michigan it is even more north that's another thing i want to learn study in 2022 is u.s license plates one thing is canadian province flags the other thing is u.s license plates that's that's another resolution of mine ", "points": 3115, "distance": 706.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "IleAR9RTKSoj6AQq", "mapSlug": "60c931d533004c0001059f6e", 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was this madeira okay okay [Laughter] guys having a good time nice uh e bluff street so is this u.s or canada [Music] these triangular signs i think they were american or can you see them in canada too i'm not sure but i think they were american and the cars definitely look american these huge huge trucks in canada generally you see some more moderate cars more from from what i've noticed like something more like this but but but i would go like could this be i don't know like montana washington idaho somewhere here i'm thinking helena let's go helena oh no it was this time it was illinois okay this time it was illinois uh so what what's ridiculous here uh i don't see anything really ridiculous in this location so oh we have rifts so maybe maybe the location where we are itself like on the map maybe that's ridiculous so since we have some rifts only on one side nor it's on the other one uh and we have an antenna i am thinking uh montenegro or albania those countries usually have rifts if this is like a super weird location um could we be like on one of these islands maybe i don't know what's a weird place that we could be in does this island have coverage no no chance we are on that island and that that's that's greece already so let's go montenegro somewhere like here maybe i don't know how ridiculous it would be but but let's guess there um very close to the border in albania i don't know what's really what's really ridiculous there [Music] maybe that we are that close to the ", "points": 4228, "distance": 250.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "IleAR9RTKSoj6AQq", "mapSlug": "60c931d533004c0001059f6e", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 480, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "60c931d533004c0001059f6e", "name": "A Ridiculous World", "slug": "60c931d533004c0001059f6e", "description": 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these flying animals oh god uh so google again another mountain climbing one another mountain climbing one but this doesn't feel like neither alps nor california so i think this might be something completely different i don't know like from the vibes my first thoughts for some reason was south africa like cape town so could we be near cape town i know there are a bunch of mountains here um so i was thinking maybe we are somewhere there not sure if we can trust this compass i mean it is official coverage so the compass should be right and if we can't trust it then we have water to our like south east signal hill so could it be like somewhere here kind of here we have kind of like a bay here sort of i'm not sure if this oh maybe could we be like no but there is no mountain here yeah i don't really know if this fits but okay it wasn't cape town ", "points": 86, "distance": 6060.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "IleAR9RTKSoj6AQq", "mapSlug": "60c931d533004c0001059f6e", 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colombia and brazil so i don't know let's trust my first instinct i will go colombia i don't know where though like somewhere in like a mountainous part probably let's go i mean colombia is very mountainous in general but let's just kind of there in the middle mountainous and for hedging kind of there let's see if it is ah it was mexico it was mexico i was debating between colombia and brazil in the end but yeah mexico is definitely a possibility too okay and note to myself that mexico can also have yellow reflectors on the guardrails good to know good to know i'll try to remember that yeah i think this was my worst game of ", "points": 739, "distance": 2852.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "IleAR9RTKSoj6AQq", "mapSlug": "60c931d533004c0001059f6e", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 480, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, 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christmas house why is it in english only seriously oh my god if you really really really pay attention it does say nl oh my god but everything is in english what that really took me by surprise this is in english this is in english it looked to me that this is in english wow okay that that definitely debated me that that surprised me for four christmas fair also in english like everything's in english oh my god okay okay ", "points": 4059, "distance": 311.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "hYwatlJ0rUpdgUU5", "mapSlug": "5fb020876f23e60001618d47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 428, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5fb020876f23e60001618d47", "name": "Christmas Markets\ud83c\udf84", "slug": "5fb020876f23e60001618d47", "description": "\ud83c\udf84 Explore 165 christmas markets in over 40 countries 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factories planes churches and anything else that the author could find uh i have played this map before it is quite fun it has more than thousand locations so probably we won't get any repeats so uh let's begin let's begin so we'll do one minute per round and not just no moving so we can look around you can play along without geogaser pro just make sure to play before watching this video so i don't spoil at the locations oh we're starting off with official cut with an official coverage here uh this poll um feels turkish and we also see a mosque which also made me think that maybe turkey um so yeah my main guess would be turkey here although you can sometimes see these polls in other countries generally i usually associate with them with turkey because i feel like they are the most common there um where in turkey could we be turkey is a pretty big country so so it's a tough tough choice where to guess but i think i will guess somewhere looking none of this area although it might as well 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Check out my other Maps on Cemeteries, Waterfalls & Places of Worship!\nPS: Please excuse any locations where the spot has disappeared - I try to keep up with the ever changing Google Maps updated views. 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Check out my other Maps on Cemeteries, Waterfalls & Places of Worship!\nPS: Please excuse any locations where the spot has disappeared - I try to keep up with the ever changing Google Maps updated views. 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Check out my other Maps on Cemeteries, Waterfalls & Places of Worship!\nPS: Please excuse any locations where the spot has disappeared - I try to keep up with the ever changing Google Maps updated views. 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Check out my other Maps on Cemeteries, Waterfalls & Places of Worship!\nPS: Please excuse any locations where the spot has disappeared - I try to keep up with the ever changing Google Maps updated views. 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Check out my other Maps on Cemeteries, Waterfalls & Places of Worship!\nPS: Please excuse any locations where the spot has disappeared - I try to keep up with the ever changing Google Maps updated views. 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Check out my other Maps on Cemeteries, Waterfalls & Places of Worship!\nPS: Please excuse any locations where the spot has disappeared - I try to keep up with the ever changing Google Maps updated views. 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Check out my other Maps on Cemeteries, Waterfalls & Places of Worship!\nPS: Please excuse any locations where the spot has disappeared - I try to keep up with the ever changing Google Maps updated views. 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Check out my other Maps on Cemeteries, Waterfalls & Places of Worship!\nPS: Please excuse any locations where the spot has disappeared - I try to keep up with the ever changing Google Maps updated views. 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Check out my other Maps on Cemeteries, Waterfalls & Places of Worship!\nPS: Please excuse any locations where the spot has disappeared - I try to keep up with the ever changing Google Maps updated views. 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this is official coverage okay i have no idea what those little guys are some sort of public service announcement this feels like maybe brazil because we have a pretty red soil as you can see we have a generation four camera the sun is to the north so this is oh these are capitals i totally forgot that these are all capitals um so either buenos aires or brazil right no other options we're driving in the right side this isn't like africa or anything um should be should be should be brasilia i don't think buenos aires would have such red soil or would it i mean these are not argentinian plates are they no no so let's go brasilia yeah it was brasilia noise only lost 12 points well i probably shouldn't have guessed ", "points": 4910, "distance": 27.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "iehTxY83w2M2ecem", "mapSlug": "5a64c31d7a437a09c0a3222c", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1523, 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these these challenges but yeah let's go for another one again link in the description let's go oh here we go another unofficial coverage this time yeah all of those previous ones were official which is interesting get a very very lucky scene okay we have some is this arabic might be arabic the author's name is marwan al tavane okay doesn't help much [Music] i don't know the plates the plates if you if you know the plates these the plates might be super helpful because they look quite unique like blue at the top white at the bottom yeah this is arabic i don't know which arabic country this might be arabic speaking or damask could this be syria iraq iraq let's go syria or iraq okay oh it was egypt wow okay okay okay fair enough at least i didn't switch to iraq i guess because syria damascus is ", "points": 3304, "distance": 618.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "0NSTxic3vLOM9wU2", "mapSlug": "5a64c31d7a437a09c0a3222c", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, 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sometimes it just literally says honduras it gives away the author in like the country immediately in these unofficial coverages so it's a this is the capital right oh yeah yeah here is the the dark dot so um i mean yeah like we have spanish so that fits with honduras [Music] so the road goes like this i had another game like in the mcdonald's where he was trying to look for mcdonald's i think it was honduras well when the author's name helped a lot as well i'll leave the the game in the info card okay almost the right street almost got ", "points": 4996, "distance": 0.934, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "0NSTxic3vLOM9wU2", "mapSlug": "5a64c31d7a437a09c0a3222c", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1212, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5a64c31d7a437a09c0a3222c", "name": "All Capitals", "slug": 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helps i don't see the license plates but with these rifts it should be either montenegro or albania and this feels more montenegrine to me these roofs i might be wrong i might be completely wrong though but i am going with podgorica here i feel like in albania the roofs in general are more flat than that you usually ", "points": 4998, "distance": 0.35000000000000003, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "LclcCjlaOHaMuacl", "mapSlug": "5a64c31d7a437a09c0a3222c", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 963, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5a64c31d7a437a09c0a3222c", "name": "All Capitals", "slug": "5a64c31d7a437a09c0a3222c", "description": "One place each capital", "url": "/maps/5a64c31d7a437a09c0a3222c", "playUrl": "/5a64c31d7a437a09c0a3222c/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, 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no greek those plates were all over the place like one plate was small yellow one was with a blue strip other ones i couldn't see blue strip here i guess there is a blue strip that one has a blue strip this one is completely white small this one was a small white one yeah this one this side looked spanish to me i was so confused on this round i i mean crease makes sense with these random plates greece can have like these small white plates sometimes just didn't cross my mind i was more like thinking like israel or something okay oh well um next round next round what do we have sk on the plate no no blue strip i'm not sure if there's any blue strip there could this be croatia kind of like a fall coverage as well could this be croatia would this be zagreb maybe like outskirts of zagreb maybe because in croatia you don't have those blue strips and this doesn't look like cyrillic well these are not definitely not russian plates uh definitely not ukrainian plates so sk well sk probably stands for like the city or region right i don't know sk which city could be asking skopje ah damn it ah i forgot the north macedonia exists i ", "points": 3320, "distance": 611.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "LclcCjlaOHaMuacl", "mapSlug": "5a64c31d7a437a09c0a3222c", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 963, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5a64c31d7a437a09c0a3222c", "name": "All Capitals", "slug": "5a64c31d7a437a09c0a3222c", "description": "One place each capital", "url": "/maps/5a64c31d7a437a09c0a3222c", "playUrl": "/5a64c31d7a437a09c0a3222c/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -41.29272485658009, "lng": -175.2057493410017}, "max": {"lat": 64.15314669918965, "lng": 179.1947754}}, "customCoordinates": null, 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malaysia or i would probably say malaysia this is a cool looking house like a blob i don't know if this this like symbol represents something or uh but but i i don't know it doesn't feel like kuala lumpur to me what else could it be maybe it's like brunei maybe let's go let's go brunei actually oh let's go let's go let's go yeah because it felt very similar to malaysia but it just didn't feel like kuala lumpur kuala lumpur has a lot of like high buildings very like super modern everything right so ", "points": 4993, "distance": 2.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "QmZkjSDh4VTYhSEW", "mapSlug": "5a64c31d7a437a09c0a3222c", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 848, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5a64c31d7a437a09c0a3222c", "name": "All Capitals", "slug": "5a64c31d7a437a09c0a3222c", "description": "One place each 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something but yeah i am inclined to go new delhi here just because of this script that we see on the bus and the fact that we're drawing on the left oh kathmandu [Music] makes sense makes sense they also use the same writing ", "points": 2919, "distance": 803.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "QmZkjSDh4VTYhSEW", "mapSlug": "5a64c31d7a437a09c0a3222c", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 848, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5a64c31d7a437a09c0a3222c", "name": "All Capitals", "slug": "5a64c31d7a437a09c0a3222c", "description": "One place each capital", "url": "/maps/5a64c31d7a437a09c0a3222c", "playUrl": "/5a64c31d7a437a09c0a3222c/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -41.29272485658009, "lng": -175.2057493410017}, "max": 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"challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "called wild animals which contains different animals from all around the world all official coverage so we'll see what kind of animals google has captured you can play along as well the links will be in the description you can play it without the pro account just make sure to play it before watching this video so i don't spoil the locations so we will have 1 minute and 30 seconds and we'll be playing with no moving that's the plan uh so let's go what do we have here oh are these like stinking like geese but these are not keys i don't know what what what kind of birds these are um this is interesting as you guys know i'm very bad at islands i am very bad at islands uh of looks a little bit similar to penguins but those are not penguins i don't know what kind of birds these are i know there is like a like a island with a lot of birds on like midway at all i no this is not midway at all there's this bird island in the middle of an ocean called midway at all but this is not it i'm pretty sure um i i don't know where else to guess though i don't know where else to guess this is like an island in the middle of of nowhere is this midway at all where was midway at all i don't even know where midway at all was i can never wake island no but let's let's guess somewhere like oh here is midway at all but it's not midway at all it's way too this is way too mountainous what i guessed was guam i but it turns out it was just new zealand okay i was not thinking new zealand at all i probably should have checked the sun i ", "points": 56, "distance": 6701.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "5rvCs7Vx0lv6In9C", "mapSlug": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 596, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "name": "Wild 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This map only contains OFFICIAL google coverage (no photospheres, no Aris) and the animal should always be in the middle of your screen when you spawn (you might need to zoom in sometimes). If you find animal locations that you think might fit in this map feel free to contact me! 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This map only contains OFFICIAL google coverage (no photospheres, no Aris) and the animal should always be in the middle of your screen when you spawn (you might need to zoom in sometimes). If you find animal locations that you think might fit in this map feel free to contact me! 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This map only contains OFFICIAL google coverage (no photospheres, no Aris) and the animal should always be in the middle of your screen when you spawn (you might need to zoom in sometimes). If you find animal locations that you think might fit in this map feel free to contact me! UPDATE: I have added new locations using a trick and something might have gone wrong. if you have a round that does not load or a misplaced location please let me know @ananasso_ on discord!", "url": "/maps/5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "playUrl": "/5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -77.55408415707934, "lng": -177.3821317381854}, "max": {"lat": 70.72021693803296, "lng": 178.8094431396377}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-01-08T21:22:34.3240000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-09-09T10:00:14.5000000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "evening", "decoration": "oaktrees", "ground": "green", "landscape": "hills"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 16489254, "likes": 351, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/5rvCs7Vx0lv6In9C/4/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 4, "lat": 22.39632179132449, "lng": 114.1524261169802, "continent": "Asia", "country": "China"}, "challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "okay fair enough bad round for me again not doing very well in this video please keep country parks clean please do so you have a cute monkey cute monkey we have some chinese symbols uh chinese texts on the trash bins also the house looks quite like with an asian influence asian style architecture so i am thinking hong kong what could this be japan hong kong or japan or taiwan maybe maybe it's taiwan hmm [Music] my first thought was hong kong so i think i'll go with hong kong here but let's let's go hong kong and see oh okay ", "points": 4923, "distance": 23.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "5rvCs7Vx0lv6In9C", "mapSlug": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 596, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "name": "Wild Animals", "slug": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "description": "From the tropical islands of the Pacific Ocean to the Deserts of the Arabian Peninsula, Google captured many more wild animals on camera than one might think, with locations from more than 40 different countries and territories, this map is guaranteed to surprise you with animals you would have never expected to see on Geoguessr! This map only contains OFFICIAL google coverage (no photospheres, no Aris) and the animal should always be in the middle of your screen when you spawn (you might need to zoom in sometimes). If you find animal locations that you think might fit in this map feel free to contact me! UPDATE: I have added new locations using a trick and something might have gone wrong. if you have a round that does not load or a misplaced location please let me know @ananasso_ on discord!", "url": "/maps/5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "playUrl": "/5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -77.55408415707934, "lng": -177.3821317381854}, "max": {"lat": 70.72021693803296, "lng": 178.8094431396377}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-01-08T21:22:34.3240000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-09-09T10:00:14.5000000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "evening", "decoration": "oaktrees", "ground": "green", "landscape": "hills"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 16489254, "likes": 351, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/5rvCs7Vx0lv6In9C/5/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 5, "lat": 23.87122384745572, "lng": -166.2806861875508, "continent": "North America", "country": "United States"}, "challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "it was hong kong nice pretty pretty close guess as well 2.3 kilometers away let's go let's go is this midway at all there are so many birds here oh there's a turtle as well or tortoise two two of them oh that's cute i think there's a third one in the distance too um could this be now this could be midway at all in my opinion because it is flat there are so many birds and there is like like a larger island i think well if this is midway at all there should be larger island towards our west let's have a look at the midway at all on the map again if we are like i don't think it works i don't think it aligns i don't have a le i'll just guess where's the sun sun is to the north oh god i don't know let's block in the middle of south atlantic ocean okay i guess i ended up guessing midway at all but where the hell was it huh french freak frigate schwalls airport what very near hawaii well i'm glad my guests didn't go through guessing in south atlantic ocean see but sun can lie the sun was to our north this time this time i'm glad if the guests didn't go through so at least i get some points what the hell i i never even knew this island existed ", "points": 2225, "distance": 1208.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "5rvCs7Vx0lv6In9C", "mapSlug": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 596, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "name": "Wild Animals", "slug": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "description": "From the tropical islands of the Pacific Ocean to the Deserts of the Arabian Peninsula, Google captured many more wild animals on camera than one might think, with locations from more than 40 different countries and territories, this map is guaranteed to surprise you with animals you would have never expected to see on Geoguessr! This map only contains OFFICIAL google coverage (no photospheres, no Aris) and the animal should always be in the middle of your screen when you spawn (you might need to zoom in sometimes). If you find animal locations that you think might fit in this map feel free to contact me! 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This map only contains OFFICIAL google coverage (no photospheres, no Aris) and the animal should always be in the middle of your screen when you spawn (you might need to zoom in sometimes). If you find animal locations that you think might fit in this map feel free to contact me! UPDATE: I have added new locations using a trick and something might have gone wrong. if you have a round that does not load or a misplaced location please let me know @ananasso_ on discord!", "url": "/maps/5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "playUrl": "/5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -77.55408415707934, "lng": -177.3821317381854}, "max": {"lat": 70.72021693803296, "lng": 178.8094431396377}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-01-08T21:22:34.3240000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-09-09T10:00:14.5000000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "evening", "decoration": "oaktrees", "ground": "green", "landscape": "hills"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 16489254, "likes": 351, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/D0Ur0kLPtxpaM3FJ/2/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 2, "lat": 51.5031960819649, "lng": -0.129679750685718, "continent": "Europe", "country": "United Kingdom"}, "challenge_index": 1, "split_transcript": "i was thinking maybe like here somewhere yeah okay it was it was wyoming fair enough okay bunch of birdies ducks cute ducks is this uk we don't see the plate i think this is uk yeah a very central london i don't recognize what this house is i might have been is this like this is like hyde park or something i i was thinking i might have been here even this feels feels familiar i'm pretty sure this should be london i'm not i don't know if this is hyde park or something else we have some water to our kind of north west the long water that's that's an original name the long water the house no i don't think this is hyde park i don't think this is hyde park which bar could it be maybe here i think this works dock island cottage yes uh we have we have the bridge we have dock island we have a big house nice okay okay okay [Music] so and there are docks obviously so we're right right right next to the bridge here right ah a little bit okay but we still get 5k points yes yes yes okay i thought it would be closer to this oh but i guess this maybe was the bridge that we saw this this green thing okay ", "points": 4999, "distance": 0.023, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "D0Ur0kLPtxpaM3FJ", "mapSlug": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 437, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "name": "Wild Animals", "slug": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "description": "From the tropical islands of the Pacific Ocean to the Deserts of the Arabian Peninsula, Google captured many more wild animals on camera than one might think, with locations from more than 40 different countries and territories, this map is guaranteed to surprise you with animals you would have never expected to see on Geoguessr! This map only contains OFFICIAL google coverage (no photospheres, no Aris) and the animal should always be in the middle of your screen when you spawn (you might need to zoom in sometimes). If you find animal locations that you think might fit in this map feel free to contact me! 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This map only contains OFFICIAL google coverage (no photospheres, no Aris) and the animal should always be in the middle of your screen when you spawn (you might need to zoom in sometimes). If you find animal locations that you think might fit in this map feel free to contact me! UPDATE: I have added new locations using a trick and something might have gone wrong. if you have a round that does not load or a misplaced location please let me know @ananasso_ on discord!", "url": "/maps/5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "playUrl": "/5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -77.55408415707934, "lng": -177.3821317381854}, "max": {"lat": 70.72021693803296, "lng": 178.8094431396377}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-01-08T21:22:34.3240000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-09-09T10:00:14.5000000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "evening", "decoration": "oaktrees", "ground": "green", "landscape": "hills"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 16489254, "likes": 351, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/D0Ur0kLPtxpaM3FJ/4/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 4, "lat": 36.7973011503262, "lng": 10.1709428834038, "continent": "Africa", "country": "Tunisia"}, "challenge_index": 1, "split_transcript": "seriously that island will be in my nightmares from now on okay what is this looks like say look at some sort of a religious building is this like a i don't want to guess wrong so i better not guess but where is this a lot of pigeons a lot of pigeons i was thinking could it could this be turkey maybe thinking could this be turkey i see no language just just the architecture the people like with headscarves getting like like either turkish or like me the middle eastern vibes but since since this is official coverage then turkey is more likely yeah i think i'll go turkey do i go ankara do i go istanbul let's go ankara tunisia okay it was tunis ", "points": 1305, "distance": 2004.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "D0Ur0kLPtxpaM3FJ", "mapSlug": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 437, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "name": "Wild Animals", "slug": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "description": "From the tropical islands of the Pacific Ocean to the Deserts of the Arabian Peninsula, Google captured many more wild animals on camera than one might think, with locations from more than 40 different countries and territories, this map is guaranteed to surprise you with animals you would have never expected to see on Geoguessr! This map only contains OFFICIAL google coverage (no photospheres, no Aris) and the animal should always be in the middle of your screen when you spawn (you might need to zoom in sometimes). If you find animal locations that you think might fit in this map feel free to contact me! UPDATE: I have added new locations using a trick and something might have gone wrong. if you have a round that does not load or a misplaced location please let me know @ananasso_ on discord!", "url": "/maps/5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "playUrl": "/5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -77.55408415707934, "lng": -177.3821317381854}, "max": {"lat": 70.72021693803296, "lng": 178.8094431396377}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-01-08T21:22:34.3240000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-09-09T10:00:14.5000000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "evening", "decoration": "oaktrees", "ground": "green", "landscape": "hills"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 16489254, "likes": 351, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/D0Ur0kLPtxpaM3FJ/5/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 5, "lat": -10.47407949844292, "lng": 105.558834575113, "continent": "Oceania", "country": "Australia"}, "challenge_index": 1, "split_transcript": "what was that a saituna mosque it was very nice looking mosque oh what wha what where are the animals oh the crabs uh a lot of crabs i've never seen so many crabs in my life oh my god oh my god there are a lot of them i totally didn't see them at first on these glyphs what the hell um is this like a crab island or something i have no clue um i've never seen this coverage in my life looks like a cool place but uh no clue i think i will go in british indian ocean territory nah it's definitely not there definitely not there hmm let's go not hawaii not with midway at all i don't know let's go guam i have no clue what what was this this was the last round so let's see how close we got oh it is christmas island what okay i ", "points": 164, "distance": 5095.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "D0Ur0kLPtxpaM3FJ", "mapSlug": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 437, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "name": "Wild Animals", "slug": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "description": "From the tropical islands of the Pacific Ocean to the Deserts of the Arabian Peninsula, Google captured many more wild animals on camera than one might think, with locations from more than 40 different countries and territories, this map is guaranteed to surprise you with animals you would have never expected to see on Geoguessr! This map only contains OFFICIAL google coverage (no photospheres, no Aris) and the animal should always be in the middle of your screen when you spawn (you might need to zoom in sometimes). If you find animal locations that you think might fit in this map feel free to contact me! UPDATE: I have added new locations using a trick and something might have gone wrong. if you have a round that does not load or a misplaced location please let me know @ananasso_ on discord!", "url": "/maps/5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "playUrl": "/5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -77.55408415707934, "lng": -177.3821317381854}, "max": {"lat": 70.72021693803296, "lng": 178.8094431396377}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-01-08T21:22:34.3240000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-09-09T10:00:14.5000000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "evening", "decoration": "oaktrees", "ground": "green", "landscape": "hills"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 16489254, "likes": 351, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/SEsPwxReXFWCAxw1/1/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 1, "lat": -34.32436827050469, "lng": 18.46487757185577, "continent": "Africa", "country": "South Africa"}, "challenge_index": 2, "split_transcript": "was not thinking christmas island here damn very nice very nice place with so many crabs there crazy at the end we got 9 500 points which is a slight slight improvement from the first game but still not the best score but some of these zones are so difficult so difficult i'm still very happy with that one 5k that i got okay let's let's do one last game maybe i can get more than 9 000 points on this one maybe maybe not there's some ostriches as the most which is sun is to the north okay um generation two so generation two center the north and ostriches um i don't know in which countries ostriches live um but uh i am are there ostriches in new zealand we have some some land in the distance to our east it could be like somewhere here i i don't know somewhere around here i have no idea if there are all stitches there no i no clue the other option was africa but i don't think so i don't think so i'd rather go new zealand it was africa god damn it god damn it so apparently there are ostriches in africa i still don't know if there are ostriches in new zealand let me know in the comments if there are if you know oh it was cape of good hope lovely new cape point lighthouse could we see ", "points": 2, "distance": 11262.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "SEsPwxReXFWCAxw1", "mapSlug": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 404, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "name": "Wild Animals", "slug": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "description": "From the tropical islands of the Pacific Ocean to the Deserts of the Arabian Peninsula, Google captured many more wild animals on camera than one might think, with locations from more than 40 different countries and territories, this map is guaranteed to surprise you with animals you would have never expected to see on Geoguessr! This map only contains OFFICIAL google coverage (no photospheres, no Aris) and the animal should always be in the middle of your screen when you spawn (you might need to zoom in sometimes). If you find animal locations that you think might fit in this map feel free to contact me! 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This map only contains OFFICIAL google coverage (no photospheres, no Aris) and the animal should always be in the middle of your screen when you spawn (you might need to zoom in sometimes). If you find animal locations that you think might fit in this map feel free to contact me! UPDATE: I have added new locations using a trick and something might have gone wrong. if you have a round that does not load or a misplaced location please let me know @ananasso_ on discord!", "url": "/maps/5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "playUrl": "/5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -77.55408415707934, "lng": -177.3821317381854}, "max": {"lat": 70.72021693803296, "lng": 178.8094431396377}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-01-08T21:22:34.3240000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-09-09T10:00:14.5000000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "evening", "decoration": "oaktrees", "ground": "green", "landscape": "hills"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 16489254, "likes": 351, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/SEsPwxReXFWCAxw1/3/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 3, "lat": -3.860170224274525, "lng": -33.81625057667731, "continent": "South America", "country": "Brazil"}, "challenge_index": 2, "split_transcript": "499 i will gladly take it though oh the same oh oh we had this oh god my memory oh no my memory where was this some tiny island in the middle of nowhere oh no oh no where where was this god damn it i literally just had it it wasn't that french one it was a different one oh freaking hell um was this the the new zealand one was this the new zealand one where in new zealand there's water to our south wait what was this not the new zealand one i remember we had one location in new zealand i don't remember where that when i was really surprised that it was new zealand i think i'll go there because i don't have a better guess okay let's i won't remember oh it was that one right ah yeah another proof that my memory could could use some improvements ", "points": 0, "distance": 14559.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "SEsPwxReXFWCAxw1", "mapSlug": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 404, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "name": "Wild Animals", "slug": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "description": "From the tropical islands of the Pacific Ocean to the Deserts of the Arabian Peninsula, Google captured many more wild animals on camera than one might think, with locations from more than 40 different countries and territories, this map is guaranteed to surprise you with animals you would have never expected to see on Geoguessr! This map only contains OFFICIAL google coverage (no photospheres, no Aris) and the animal should always be in the middle of your screen when you spawn (you might need to zoom in sometimes). If you find animal locations that you think might fit in this map feel free to contact me! UPDATE: I have added new locations using a trick and something might have gone wrong. if you have a round that does not load or a misplaced location please let me know @ananasso_ on discord!", "url": "/maps/5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "playUrl": "/5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -77.55408415707934, "lng": -177.3821317381854}, "max": {"lat": 70.72021693803296, "lng": 178.8094431396377}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-01-08T21:22:34.3240000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-09-09T10:00:14.5000000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "evening", "decoration": "oaktrees", "ground": "green", "landscape": "hills"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 16489254, "likes": 351, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/SEsPwxReXFWCAxw1/4/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 4, "lat": 12.24667907476773, "lng": 79.39774306115709, "continent": "Asia", "country": "India"}, "challenge_index": 2, "split_transcript": "that one god damn it oh no oh no okay and okay what is this around number four we have some cute monkeys very cute monkeys and bunch of rocks when i see these these monkeys i usually think like asia i always associate these monkeys with asia like thailand or or indonesia or something yeah not we could read that sign that would be pretty pretty cool but we can't you can't read anything on the trash either sometimes you can get some hints from trash sad to see so much trash around unfortunately but yeah um okay let's go thailand let's go thailand we have like like a river is that a river kind of to the north i don't know uh let's just like kind of here india makes sense makes sense i've never seen that coverage in india before india has very limited coverage gingy fort it was i guess ", "points": 1048, "distance": 2332.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "SEsPwxReXFWCAxw1", "mapSlug": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 404, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "name": "Wild Animals", "slug": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "description": "From the tropical islands of the Pacific Ocean to the Deserts of the Arabian Peninsula, Google captured many more wild animals on camera than one might think, with locations from more than 40 different countries and territories, this map is guaranteed to surprise you with animals you would have never expected to see on Geoguessr! This map only contains OFFICIAL google coverage (no photospheres, no Aris) and the animal should always be in the middle of your screen when you spawn (you might need to zoom in sometimes). If you find animal locations that you think might fit in this map feel free to contact me! UPDATE: I have added new locations using a trick and something might have gone wrong. if you have a round that does not load or a misplaced location please let me know @ananasso_ on discord!", "url": "/maps/5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "playUrl": "/5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -77.55408415707934, "lng": -177.3821317381854}, "max": {"lat": 70.72021693803296, "lng": 178.8094431396377}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-01-08T21:22:34.3240000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-09-09T10:00:14.5000000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "evening", "decoration": "oaktrees", "ground": "green", "landscape": "hills"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 16489254, "likes": 351, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/SEsPwxReXFWCAxw1/5/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 5, "lat": -16.92031211047134, "lng": 145.774583754939, "continent": "Oceania", "country": "Australia"}, "challenge_index": 2, "split_transcript": "okay and the last round what are the oh there are a bunch of birds or are those bats no those are bats oh damn so many bats okay just just chilling what because why not public toy let's keep left public toilets keep left um [Music] is this australia or new zealand koala lake street casino some mountains some palm trees oh i think this is australia but i don't know where i don't know where um brisbane maybe let's go brisbane let's go brisbane is this brisbane is this even australia i hope it is in new zealand it might have been okay it was australia oh it was very north it was cairns cairns i don't know how you say it it is all the way northern australia ", "points": 1975, "distance": 1386.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "SEsPwxReXFWCAxw1", "mapSlug": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 404, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "name": "Wild Animals", "slug": "5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "description": "From the tropical islands of the Pacific Ocean to the Deserts of the Arabian Peninsula, Google captured many more wild animals on camera than one might think, with locations from more than 40 different countries and territories, this map is guaranteed to surprise you with animals you would have never expected to see on Geoguessr! This map only contains OFFICIAL google coverage (no photospheres, no Aris) and the animal should always be in the middle of your screen when you spawn (you might need to zoom in sometimes). If you find animal locations that you think might fit in this map feel free to contact me! UPDATE: I have added new locations using a trick and something might have gone wrong. if you have a round that does not load or a misplaced location please let me know @ananasso_ on discord!", "url": "/maps/5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0", "playUrl": "/5ff8cd1ace04930001f743e0/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -77.55408415707934, "lng": -177.3821317381854}, "max": {"lat": 70.72021693803296, "lng": 178.8094431396377}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-01-08T21:22:34.3240000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-09-09T10:00:14.5000000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "evening", "decoration": "oaktrees", "ground": "green", "landscape": "hills"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 16489254, "likes": 351, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/D2tAl06R7AmkzuJw/1/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 1, "lat": 43.33591039319288, "lng": -1.797678874559671, "continent": "Europe", "country": "Spain"}, "challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "linguistic world in geogaser which is a map focusing on different languages and you can play along as well the links will be in the description you can play along even if you don't have geographer pro just go click on the link and and you should be uh ready to go just make sure to play it before watching this video let's set the time limit one minute and 30. no moving and yes the link will be in the description so let's go let's go yeah this map focuses on different languages uh well more well-known languages some some smaller languages too so we'll see dot s i've never seen this domain name before what the hell is that eus so the language centro integrado this looks like interesting with an x these are like are these two different languages or is this the same language i i don't know i'm confused let's have a look at some other other clues maybe that i can see san miguel we have european i was i was thinking spain but this is not a spanish pedestrian crossing i know there is an x in french is doesn't feel like french maybe i don't know doesn't look like french at all but this isn't spain i mean this plate kinda does look like it might be french okay let's go france just because of that x it doesn't look like french to me but i i don't know guys wow um yeah it's i i don't recognize many languages okay it was it was it was spain it was spain on the very border of france what language was it i'm guessing one of those languages was probably spanish god i saw san miguel why did i go with france if i saw san miguel in the hindsight i should have gone with spain on the spanish side of the border oh well but still 3 600 points ", "points": 3634, "distance": 476.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "D2tAl06R7AmkzuJw", "mapSlug": "607c22f8132f83000123938e", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1032, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "607c22f8132f83000123938e", "name": "A Linguistic World", "slug": "607c22f8132f83000123938e", "description": "Made for No Move contains both official and unofficial coverage. 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Made by ttv/nuujaka and all of his informants.(currently WIP with a majority of the locations being for european languages)", "url": "/maps/607c22f8132f83000123938e", "playUrl": "/607c22f8132f83000123938e/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -53.78587121096577, "lng": -173.9819854849257}, "max": {"lat": 78.22324262165883, "lng": 178.4592171900266}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-04-18T12:15:52.7410000Z", "updatedAt": "2023-01-31T20:38:09.6980000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "evening", "decoration": "oaktrees", "ground": "green", "landscape": "hills"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 14687733, "likes": 2616, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/D2tAl06R7AmkzuJw/2/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 2, "lat": 43.24983845418564, "lng": -2.550712917914644, "continent": "Europe", "country": "Spain"}, "challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "oh god i totally forgot that i read son miguel read it and forgot it esk was escaraz bisigara um okay one more language zirzako monastegria that looks like greek in the distance this this is french this this little yellow sign on the top of usually is french i'm so confused where the hell is this i am so confused i'm getting italian vibes i'm getting this looks like a spanish sign this looks like greek text and this looks like a french sign i'm all over the place i have no idea which which which one of them all this is the language looks kinda italian to me so i think i will go italy maybe near french border because this this kind of looks like a french sign maybe this is the french side of the border the this this place is very mountainous so that would fit this area so i'm guessing somewhere here it was spain again again like almost the same area i was thinking that that spain looked spanish but the language felt more italian to me ah god damn it this is a tricky map this is a tricky for me at least since i don't speak the ", "points": 2931, "distance": 797.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "D2tAl06R7AmkzuJw", "mapSlug": "607c22f8132f83000123938e", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1032, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "607c22f8132f83000123938e", "name": "A Linguistic World", "slug": "607c22f8132f83000123938e", "description": "Made for No Move contains both official and unofficial coverage. 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three lifelines i can use i can ask what continent it is i can ask which hemisphere it is or i can verify if that's the country that i am thinking of so let's go okay so let's begin let's begin oh my god okay oh no i'm so bad at islands this looks like an island i uh the clue for this round is that uh this um in the subdivision of this country this is the most southern point of that specific subdivision state or problems oh okay most southern right okay oh this number on the house i don't know reminds me of north america i'm not sure um i'm thinking maybe canada but i can't read what it says ah this is a tricky one i picked them to be tricky yeah that's the whole point mine will be tricky as well so you you will see also what the hell is this thingy well i don't want to waste my my power-ups just just yet so i am thinking maybe canada so the southern point of the subdivision so i i think the subdivisions maybe provinces possibly uh which province though yeah that's what i'm referring to provinces or states well this looks pretty flat i don't know if this is official or not this looks official looking at the blur it looks like it could be like generation two camera so we have water to our south west it seems south west southern point of the province ontario's southern point would be like probably belly island could this be like pele island but i see no land in the distance though so this is not pele island could it be somewhere here like a mufon land maybe southern point of newfoundland somewhere here there are no roads though down here this is frustrating i don't know which i have no idea which one but okay let's go let's go with this one let's go allen's island for example i don't but that's not this is southern fine let's go back shore oh my god okay what the hell i should have checked the sun i didn't check the sun god damn it wow [Music] ", "points": 1, "distance": 11912.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "KzKHAUkK2ZQJttef", "mapSlug": 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so the prompt for this one is that uh you're on an island that is smaller than newfoundland that's actually kind of a coincidence that you guessed newfoundland last time but yeah you're on an island somewhere in the world that's smaller than newfoundland oh yeah well that's the islands yeah okay hmm oh yeah this i mean this is is official um we have white lines all white lines so where is the sun you gotta check the sun sun is kinda to the south sun is to the south hmm kind of hilly looking sun to the south smaller than newfoundland i am thinking could this be like one of the canary islands can we see i can't tell if those like reflectors are yellow or not they might be yellow and if they are yellow [Music] okay i think i will use one of my lifelines and i will ask you is is this wait which one should i use um so you've got the hemisphere you've got the uh continent and you've got the um the uh oscar for if the country is correct [Music] okay i will ask if this is spain uh this is not in spain oh okay so these are not canary islands it's not canary islands i i totally uh agreed with your like reasoning and everything but no it's not canary islands damn that was my best guess what the hell is this then i was thinking that this might be chile maybe all white lions chile can look quite similar to spain and if you have designed for this to be tricky i guess this this counts as an island right it does it does and is this is kind of similar to size i think it is smaller yeah the newfoundland so maybe i mean but the sun is to the south i mean sun is kind of in the middle though it's with these clouds is very tricky to know i i think the sun i have to trust the sun now it's not chill i have to trust the sun here what the hell is it then okay all white lines no car visible no antenna if it's not spain could it be portugal azores where was the water water was to our west okay i think i'll go azores because i mean they are pretty like also hilly as well let's go somewhere up here maybe i i don't have a better guess so let's go ah sardinia okay well i'm glad i'm glad i trusted the sun at least yeah true true that was a good play much better points than had you gone chilly that's true that one was really interesting because i was surprised when i found such red soil over in sardinia yeah definitely there itself made me think that it might be like uh one of these these islands ", "points": 618, "distance": 3119.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "KzKHAUkK2ZQJttef", "mapSlug": "6173a60f95295800015b3dc2", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 725, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "6173a60f95295800015b3dc2", "name": "GeoPeter Challenge Map (Official Coverage)", "slug": "6173a60f95295800015b3dc2", "description": "", "url": "/maps/6173a60f95295800015b3dc2", "playUrl": 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like eastern european countries as well um blue roofs and if the year-long temperature average temperature is negative well it must be pretty pretty northern more monsk could it be somewhere here like the thing with russia is that like this part doesn't have much coverage at all yeah that's true so if we are very northern it is more likely to be somewhere here in the western part so i'll give you a further clue which is basically what i've already said but um this is i believe uh the coldest city in the world oh oh interesting i think as far as i know if only i knew which what was the which was the call the city of the world that would be very helpful right now why is this person rocking around with a t-shirt what the hell the coldest city in the world i think it still gets up to 15 degrees night of summer so they're probably i guess during the summer i guess so yeah well well there is no snow i don't know but the coldest city of the world i was thinking like svalbard probably is colder than this but i mean this is rush i think uh sombra doesn't have any cities though uh like i think it's it's not talking about towns it's talking about proper cities doesn't isn't this like longier i don't know i don't know i guess with the definition of steady being more than like 30 000 people or something like that because even even newark doesn't have uh more than like 20 000 i don't think so yeah well this definitely isn't more mansk itself it looks smaller but i'm thinking maybe it's somewhere nearby this is kind of like risking it a lot but i feel like i have to risk it yeah okay so i will ask about the continent then is this this is in asia is in asia okay okay that's very useful knowledge then mm-hmm and then it's oh god i don't know which of these cities have even coverage here oh i will just give you a final hint i'll give you a final hit this uh this i believe this uh city has more than a hundred thousand people in it a hundred thousand people i believe so hmm so usually pretty big city as well any big cities up here well from the coverage it certainly doesn't look like a city with hundred thousand people i would have never thought it's that big yeah um so yeah it has it has almost three hundred thousand people yeah wow okay let's go i don't know let's go yaku it's kind of kind of for hedging purposes as well if it's more to the east or to the west i'm kind of kind of here kind of kind of central yeah let's go wow it was yakuza wow i mean i couldn't have done it without your hands to be honest no no no i think i think that's a good one because it's so interesting that that is actually the coldest city in the world ", "points": 4981, "distance": 5.4, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "KzKHAUkK2ZQJttef", "mapSlug": "6173a60f95295800015b3dc2", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 725, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": 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typical of the country hmm so let's have a look where the sun is the sun is to the north so that could be helpful sun is to the north and generation 2 which also helps because in southern hemisphere there really aren't too many countries with generation two camera southern hemisphere well i don't think this is south africa doesn't feel like south africa at all what else do we have we have some brazil australia some new zealand as well i think with the gen 2 and that's it i was thinking could this be like australia or new zealand i was thinking somewhere around there maybe i'm thinking possibly new zealand because i know new zealand can sort of look similar to baltics in a way and this feels a little bit similar it does have a boat with this road yeah yeah i have had some locations where new zealand feels eerily similar to baltics um except that sun is to the north so with gen 2 and potentially it could be australia but i mean i i have to guess one of one or the other there's no point guessing in the middle in the sea i have i have seen some people guess in the middle to get point a little bit more points i feel like it's worth risking because if you guess in the sea you lose a lot of points either way yeah they're deceptively far apart it is pretty hilly i don't see any like high mountains though so i will still go with northern ireland i think i go with i'll go with southern part of northern new zealand let's see ah it was australia ah chose the wrong one in my state of south australia that is an infamous uh an infamous region in my community just because of how strange it looks there's lots of pine plantations over there near my gambia yeah it definitely doesn't look like your typical australia yeah at least i'm glad i got the like correct region of the world ", "points": 667, "distance": 3006.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "KzKHAUkK2ZQJttef", "mapSlug": "6173a60f95295800015b3dc2", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, 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hemisphere and also to the prompt for the round is that to the south you can see the pacific ocean oh okay we can see pacific ocean to the south well my first thought when i saw this was uh like south america so and if we can see pacific ocean so it's not brazil good to know because i was considering brazil but with these little houses could it be indonesia with the yellow line though oh god which set are we driving on oh no oh no the first thought was does it count i think it counts as indian ocean though yeah okay so it's not it shouldn't be indonesia since it's an indian ocean there okay so let's return our thought process to south america then these houses felt very asian to me but yeah the pacific ocean wouldn't work with asia then would it be peru i don't think it would be chiller with the yellow lines so central yellow lines if you have no antenna ecuador these these uh arrows were reminding me of ecuador but could it be one of the ecuadorian islands though oh are you tricky and take going with some islands would it be here maybe could it be does it align i don't know if there is even kind of coverage here to be honest i'm just looking at the roads and trying to align them or is this just the mainland ecuador or is this not even an ecuador what is this i don't even know if this place is it has coverage but i think this would be a place that you might choose just to be tricky just to be tricky there are comments field in their comments no comments yeah yeah this is such a risky guess though oh my god such a risky guess but i mean there is a pacific ocean to our south as well so i think i'll have to i i will risk it i have to risk it i feel let's let's go all right oh no oh no oh no it was mainland ecuador ah god damn it you weren't as tricky as that sweating i was absolutely talking because uh when i realized that this was the last round and uh you're gonna ask for which uh hemisphere it's in uh actually forgot because it's right on the equator oh it is right on the equator ", "points": 270, "distance": 4355.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "KzKHAUkK2ZQJttef", "mapSlug": "6173a60f95295800015b3dc2", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 725, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "6173a60f95295800015b3dc2", "name": "GeoPeter Challenge Map (Official Coverage)", "slug": "6173a60f95295800015b3dc2", "description": "", "url": "/maps/6173a60f95295800015b3dc2", "playUrl": "/6173a60f95295800015b3dc2/play", "published": false, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -37.63985272990961, "lng": -80.03597361462397}, "max": {"lat": 62.01532566529571, "lng": 140.5270638417842}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-10-23T06:05:03.6160000Z", "updatedAt": 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Sandwich Islands"}, "challenge_index": 1, "split_transcript": "wow oh my god i thought you would be trickier than that ah yeah what was my final score though six thousand eight hundred points yeah yeah that's that's not a bad score especially the best score you could guess was good so your uh your three hints uh will will be back again okay uh power-ups okay perfect perfect let's get it let's go so unofficial no moving the clue is that this island has a population of 32 in the summer and 16 in the winter 32 in the summer and 16 in the winter wow approximately of course [Music] this is tricky i was watching like a documentary a while ago about some some canadian fishing town that also has like super small population but this is probably not it we have some pretty high mountains here yeah that's going to help for sure yeah well it definitely helps a little bit helps to eliminate a few places but because i imagine many of those canadian fishing towns wouldn't have such big mountains in the background if they're in the hudson bay or something um that is true i mean i'm not even sure if this is actually canada though this might be it might be like greenland norway of course you have your three power-ups as well so yeah noise oh this might be the type of ram where you want to go for one looking for there's absolutely no text no nothing you've chosen a good location architecture architectural geography i'm not very good with architecture though that that's that's my my downfall okay i am i don't think these houses look very very nordic i think like in norway the houses would look different i am leaning canada with this mountain remember this is an island well this is an island oh i mean yeah there are some there's 32 in this oh okay yeah thank you i miss missed that part yeah um i am thinking that i'm i am thinking that this might be one of these islands like on the western part of british columbia maybe oh no idea which one with such a small population maybe it's like finn island there are absolutely no no towns though marked there i think a lot of these bc islands are uninhabited yeah it looks like that looks like they are not i mean maybe it's like us as well maybe it's like one of these towns doesn't have to be canada could be us alaska somewhere in this area that's my best guess somewhere in this area so let's let's see wow wow what the hell oh my god two points nice wow amazing start very similar to the previous map i was hoping you'd use the um the uh maybe the hemisphere clue or something this hemisphere i was considering yeah i was considering it i decided to save it for later maybe i should show ", "points": 0, "distance": 15035.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "FAHj5kx0kPgGU5aM", "mapSlug": "617409c89da6120001198e50", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 509, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", 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uh gianni sounds italian i don't know which country is it italy colonized this is an interesting looking language i have no idea where they s right right like this oh no um which okay we're drawing the right side some red redness is that an israeli flag that person is carrying this language is like throwing me off it's a super easy looking alphabet huh i am thinking could this be like don or somewhere there but no their their script looks different sudanese script ethiopian script is super interesting i guess it is ethiopian actually i think one of these letters matches this one this weird one i see it here oh yeah okay nice so i guess i knew ethiopian language looks weird but yeah i didn't realize that i thought it looked different oh i guess let's go out this abba maybe let's go oh it was eritrea um i mean pretty close though i i'm still happy with my guess to be honest i didn't know why you used that alphabet as well yeah they have a difference they have a different alphabet on them at some point yeah i was i was wondering yeah about the the colonial history because i think ethiopia wasn't colonized right ", "points": 3119, "distance": 704.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "FAHj5kx0kPgGU5aM", "mapSlug": "617409c89da6120001198e50", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 509, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "617409c89da6120001198e50", "name": "GeoPeter Challenge Map (Unofficial Coverage)", "slug": "617409c89da6120001198e50", "description": "", "url": "/maps/617409c89da6120001198e50", "playUrl": "/617409c89da6120001198e50/play", "published": false, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.2799598, "lng": -36.5074393}, "max": {"lat": 57.553093, "lng": 134.6247315}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, 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21.8550797, "continent": "Europe", "country": "Latvia"}, "challenge_index": 1, "split_transcript": "yeah yeah i think it's one of the few countries yeah yeah that's uh that's why i was wondering like what what's the connection there yeah but okay this is interesting the cliff this one is that this radio telescope was constructed in 1974 by the ukrainian navy but this location is not in ukraine interesting this is hmm absolutely massive this is massive i think we have a big big like dish like this in latvia as well but i've never been there i don't know how it looks i'm wondering could this actually be latvia or maybe not it's definitely like looking at the the uh flora looking at the surroundings this might be some well since it's constructed by europeans it um probably is in europe constructed by ukrainians um well by the way you still have three power-ups left so you can actually three power-ups use yeah you can actually use um one of them that's around guaranteed yeah so well the hemisphere i'm pretty sure i know the hemisphere uh continent i'm pretty sure i know the continent i am wondering wait i think i see this uh bollard this is a latvian bollard it is a latvian pollard um so yeah this is like i don't know where that telescope like the radio satellite is though lpg i was thinking uh that it means like latvia's propanagas or something so um i don't know where it is though that's the thing this looks kind of coastal probably with these like like dunes sure yeah yeah maybe it's all the way here on this coast i feel like if it was closer to riga i would have probably visited at some point since i'm from riga myself maybe it's like close to leopard that's a relatively big city artillery battery number one there are some some army things here maybe it's somewhere around here can i tell you something sure you have you have indeed figured out the country and i was literally going to choose a uh location at artillery battery number one and then chose not to chose not to use it that's an insane coincidence actually damn that's crazy yeah i i i don't know where this unfolds i i have heard of this place just just for hedging let's go somewhere maybe more like here closer to riga okay let's go kind of here let's do it okay it was okay i don't know ah here we go okay yeah you really need to zoom in for it to show up ", "points": 4803, "distance": 60.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "FAHj5kx0kPgGU5aM", "mapSlug": "617409c89da6120001198e50", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 509, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "617409c89da6120001198e50", "name": "GeoPeter Challenge Map (Unofficial Coverage)", "slug": "617409c89da6120001198e50", "description": "", "url": "/maps/617409c89da6120001198e50", "playUrl": "/617409c89da6120001198e50/play", "published": false, "banned": false, 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them on this round i'll let you i'll let you use uh two on a single round if you if you so desire because you've been frugal with them so far um okay i think i will ask the continent this one is in africa africa okay yeah i wasn't sure i was thinking these houses feel a little bit asian so i was wasn't sure if it's africa or not yeah okay so we are in africa yay okay and i will ask also which hemisphere this is this is in the northern hemisphere northern hemisphere okay so that kind of kind of helps a lot knowing that we're in northern africa like the equatorial line divides it very neatly in half orange plates i don't know about that and i don't know which side we are driving either unfortunately yeah it's just obscured by the sun [Music] that's unfortunate the steering wheel yeah i don't know if the windshield wipers are the other direction if you're driving if the steer is on the right side yeah i've no idea i've never thought about that i'm just thinking though the only the only um countries in africa in the northern hemisphere that drive left are kenya and uganda anyway and neither of them is also a good point yeah also a good point yeah yeah i guess like it would make sense that windshield wipers would be the other direction if the steering wheel is on the other side uh i don't know i'm feeling cameroon is calling my name i don't know why i'm not sure if cameroon has orange plates or not but i feel like cameroon is calling my name let's go with cameroon let's go oh my god wow even though it's out of town let's go that's crazy oh my god one kill ", "points": 4956, "distance": 13.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "FAHj5kx0kPgGU5aM", "mapSlug": "617409c89da6120001198e50", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 509, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "617409c89da6120001198e50", "name": "GeoPeter 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seen it before that's annoying fortunately you get to guess the country and find out yeah you're right or wrong before you guess [Music] i feel like this might be somewhere in the caribbean i have a feeling it might have been in caribbean okay let's ask okay i'll ask is it guadalupe it is not guadalupe not quite alone i'll be honest i don't know which which can't which of these countries drive on which side so that that doesn't help me we could just look for um for uh like uh english names to find out the british ones i guess but there's also american ones in there as well so it doesn't really help me yeah exactly uh okay i'll give a further i'll give a quick uh this parliament house is like somewhat of a replica of the white house actually it does look similar definitely the the like the top it's the top side modeled after my house and this country has a significant american um would you say influence bahamas maybe the bahamas possibly i think i'll go with bahamas i don't have a better guess than that and bahamas definitely have american influence so do we have like parliament house somewhere well anyways i i'm not even sure if it is bahamas let's just plonk it in nassau the torch takes so long you wouldn't have guessed there yeah i only gained independence from the us ", "points": 0, "distance": 15007.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "FAHj5kx0kPgGU5aM", "mapSlug": "617409c89da6120001198e50", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 509, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "617409c89da6120001198e50", "name": "GeoPeter Challenge Map (Unofficial Coverage)", "slug": "617409c89da6120001198e50", "description": "", "url": "/maps/617409c89da6120001198e50", "playUrl": "/617409c89da6120001198e50/play", "published": false, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, 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video i will be playing a few water related maps and you guys can play along the links will be in the description just make sure to uh play these maps before watching this video so i don't spoil the locations okay so the first one this is an official coverage uh the map is called islands of the world so could be greenland as well britain is an island looking at this i'm thinking could this be greenland um not sure really the sun the sun isn't usually helpful in these like uh very north or very south locations um hmm i'm thinking currently i'm thinking greenland or maybe canada northern canada as well maybe possibly let's go somewhere here maybe kind of both close green and then coast close to the rest of canada somewhere okay it was it was even more northern canada so it was northern canada what is even with quit park national park okay ", "points": 1576, "distance": 1723.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "clx1GYS6OybsBBXJ", "mapSlug": "601887e8c1ba12000134947c", 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remember where it was yeah agro oh it was gross aisle it was gross isle and this is oh also gross aisle okay not sure what it means but there are i guess this is the second gross aisle this time in the us though okay i was thinking maybe somewhere near the great lakes but i didn't see any like islands in the u.s that would match ", "points": 3162, "distance": 684.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "clx1GYS6OybsBBXJ", "mapSlug": "601887e8c1ba12000134947c", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 387, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "601887e8c1ba12000134947c", "name": "Islands Of The World (Always facing the water)", "slug": "601887e8c1ba12000134947c", "description": "Every location is facing the water | 4100+ handpicked locations | Any island the size of Greenland or smaller | 100% official coverage | No Gen1 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and let's go oh god this is official coverage but oh god this is literally in the middle of a river at least we don't see any trash in the river that's always nice to see trash free rivers um [Music] i don't even know which part of the world this could be well since this is official we can trust the sun the sun is to the south sun is to the south so this probably isn't brazil i was considering brazil could this be like the us or canada somewhere okay it's not there it's not that mountainous but i don't know where else maybe somewhere near again the great lakes somewhere near the great lakes maybe that i have no clue that's my best guess okay not not too bad i was expecting worse i was expecting worse it was in the us the random river was what is that it's mississippi okay ", "points": 2240, "distance": 1198.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "KkzXws9zevaKDJoZ", "mapSlug": "603988f72f545500011e4d69", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": 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i'll take it again this feels like like i'm getting kind of grand canyon rhymes but i don't think there are like water like river is like this in grand canyon though like like the rocks remind me of like kind of like grand canyon vibes uh so again official coverage good the sun to the north this time wow okay that that's confusing why is the sun to the north if the sun is to the north it indicates that we should be in the southern hemisphere most likely um which makes me really confused i wanted to guess like us or something but um see no flags i i honestly no clue where to guess let's guess i don't know bolivia it was the u.s oh my god seriously the sun tricked me sometimes it happens sometimes the sun does trick us uh god damn it it was actually where i was initially thinking ", "points": 34, "distance": 7431.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "KkzXws9zevaKDJoZ", "mapSlug": "603988f72f545500011e4d69", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": 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a big river the flags are too far can't see the flags anything useful on the on the shirt no yeah this again sun whereas the sun the sun is a little bit south but it's it's very high up in the sky so it could be could be either hemisphere they get is this the us again god oh the time is very rapidly ticking okay let's go to the u.s again maybe the map maker only included the us locations here i have no idea let's go mississippi uh river again ah poland okay i was not thinking paul like i was getting a little european vibes from the cars the cars looked kind of european on the on the coast like the river i had everything else felt american to me okay so this was what is this river vistula river okay ", "points": 4329, "distance": 215.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "KkzXws9zevaKDJoZ", "mapSlug": "603988f72f545500011e4d69", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 295, "gameMode": 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close in the first map at least you could like tell some some clues from the roads and and and other other like signs and stuff but here literally you're in the middle of a river i'm guessing this is the river or maybe a huge lake from the sun and to the south which continent are we we could be anywhere let's go to europe i'm kind of feeling europe here a big lake in europe or a big river let's go big river let's go danumba mir brought this lava maybe let's see okay again got the wrong continent ", "points": 28, "distance": 7738.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "KkzXws9zevaKDJoZ", "mapSlug": "603988f72f545500011e4d69", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 295, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "603988f72f545500011e4d69", "name": "Water World", "slug": "603988f72f545500011e4d69", "description": "Hand-selected 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third one which will probably be even worse and the third map will be an underwater world and as you can see the average score here is 2 900 points which will be rough this map all the locations in this map are underwater as the title suggests so um wish me luck the locations are very beautiful as you can see amazing like fishies but i have no idea in like which part of the world these fishes live no clue no clue at all i am thinking maybe like near caribbean maybe but that's just a pure guess uh i'm just basically admiring the view admiring how beautiful this location looks trash free so let's keep the oceans oceans trash free guys and let's support team c's i think i'll go near guadalupe just just a random guess in caribbean hoping for the best uh it was australian coast it was the great barrier barrier reef i guess riff riff rip but i i have seen some other reefs near there like here near brazil ", "points": 0, "distance": 17102.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": 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In this map you will be randomly put in one of the 198 (Including Somaliland which is an unrecognized country, and the capital is Hargeisa) Country Capitals. There is only 1 location in each capital, so the map stays as diverse as possible. If you have any suggestions or complaints about the map, contact 1OfThoseDoves@gmail.com. Hope you all enjoy the map! (Sorry for any bad locations a lot of countries don't have much of street view.)", "url": "/maps/60de2a8a81b92c00015f29e1", "playUrl": "/60de2a8a81b92c00015f29e1/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -41.28221867224121, "lng": -175.1989169637342}, "max": {"lat": 64.14641368711791, "lng": 179.1947754}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-07-01T20:50:18.2010000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-08-06T16:51:14.1610000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "sunset", "decoration": "palmtrees", "ground": "water", "landscape": "grassmountains"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 11733491, "likes": 10253, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/oZojyaeY4kPgzOov/4/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 4, "lat": 42.70131529262116, "lng": 23.32231967616672, "continent": "Europe", "country": "Bulgaria"}, "challenge_index": 1, "split_transcript": "holy nice one three three seven uh points um i guess it paid off if i had a little bit more time then i would have had a little bit more points but uh at least there weren't zero points i totally forgot that these are capitals so this looks like the bulgarian flag right and we also have some cyrillic and and i think these uh signs with the green at the top are bulgarian as well so this is sofia swedish barber shop swedish barbershop in sofia sofia well it's not like we're gonna find a swedish barbershop the road is going kind of like that so it might be one of these streets mall of sofia swedish barber shop swedish barbershop now i don't see any swedish barbershops but like uh from the from the road direction it might might be one of these i mean could could be anywhere else as well could be here could be here oh it was all the way up here okay the road was a little bit bigger than i thought and i swedish okay swedish barbershop ", "points": 4993, "distance": 1.8, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "oZojyaeY4kPgzOov", "mapSlug": "60de2a8a81b92c00015f29e1", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 2749, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "60de2a8a81b92c00015f29e1", "name": "The 198 Capitals Of The World", "slug": "60de2a8a81b92c00015f29e1", "description": "Welcome to \"The 198 Capitals of the World\" Geoguessr Map! 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(Sorry for any bad locations a lot of countries don't have much of street view.)", "url": "/maps/60de2a8a81b92c00015f29e1", "playUrl": "/60de2a8a81b92c00015f29e1/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -41.28221867224121, "lng": -175.1989169637342}, "max": {"lat": 64.14641368711791, "lng": 179.1947754}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-07-01T20:50:18.2010000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-08-06T16:51:14.1610000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "sunset", "decoration": "palmtrees", "ground": "water", "landscape": "grassmountains"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 11733491, "likes": 10253, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/oZojyaeY4kPgzOov/5/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXXtMWgQHav&index=127", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 5, "lat": 42.50657852848964, "lng": 1.521647331586752, "continent": "Europe", "country": "Andorra"}, "challenge_index": 1, "split_transcript": "but you really need to zoom in to find it no chance we would have found it uh and round five okay this looks like andorra andorra yeah andorra it says here even um we are next to a roundabout um enemy 5k it's probably not well there's like a round about here the first round but i saw the road goes very curvy it could be i it could be actually it was literally the first roundabout that i saw but i i i guess they don't have too many roundabouts i mean it's definitely not that not that not that i think we are on the right roundabout guys i think we we 5k this yeah it's not there yeah i think we are on the right roundabout let's just guess it let's go five meters away five meters away it was the right roundabout so let's see ", "points": 4999, "distance": 0.005, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "oZojyaeY4kPgzOov", "mapSlug": "60de2a8a81b92c00015f29e1", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 2749, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "60de2a8a81b92c00015f29e1", "name": "The 198 Capitals Of The World", "slug": "60de2a8a81b92c00015f29e1", "description": "Welcome to \"The 198 Capitals of the World\" Geoguessr Map! 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(Sorry for any bad locations a lot of countries don't have much of street view.)", "url": "/maps/60de2a8a81b92c00015f29e1", "playUrl": "/60de2a8a81b92c00015f29e1/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -41.28221867224121, "lng": -175.1989169637342}, "max": {"lat": 64.14641368711791, "lng": 179.1947754}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-07-01T20:50:18.2010000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-08-06T16:51:14.1610000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "sunset", "decoration": "palmtrees", "ground": "water", "landscape": "grassmountains"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 11733491, "likes": 10253, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, 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they just appear to be holy maybe they just appear to be holy poles or are they holy poles there might be holy poles oh well with these signs and i think we have holy poles this should be new zealand then right are these kiwi bollards i cannot really tell but they might be so this should be new zealand then okay well i'm glad it's not like the us right new zealand is way smaller than the us so uh oh and also oh we have an antenna and we okay yeah okay that settles it this is new zealand then harriet i don't think i've heard of harry yet before which isn't good which isn't good oh no oh no okay let's let's let's uh start glancing over slowly maybe maybe we find carry out from from afar if not then we will need to zoom in closer than this and we find harriet okay i did not find harry yet just by glancing over well this looks like well to me this looks like either like in the northern ireland or like the southern part of south southern ireland so let's i guess let's start with southern part of southern island maybe so here yet here yet it was harriet yes harriet okay so okay i do not see harriet in this zoom either which isn't good which isn't good oh god do we really need to zoom in even more okay i do not see it on the on the northern island let's let's glance over the southern one so so so do we see harriet anywhere well it shouldn't be in like the very mountainous area here right so i will focus mostly on like the southern part but i'll probably glance over the northern part too just just in case just in case oh my god i found it oh my god i found it oh my god okay it was near the other one that sounded similar i already lost the other one it was a teriyaki or whatever uh okay but we found harriet we found harriet it's a small place who would have thought so harriet community center shouldn't be difficult to find right so what what direction is this road it is okay almost almost south to north with a turn to the right in the distance imagine this isn't the only harriet in new zealand that would be like a slap in the face i see no community centers nearby though so well that that sucks no community center at least not on the map i'm not looking for another harriet in new zealand let me tell you that much um i cannot read the road names so no no chance of using that as as our help this this sun is completely blurred out so this is literally the only thing that we can can base our guests on community center and the could it be this road does it line up well i guess it does line up right to the little angle and the turn right i think it lines up i think it lines up just there is no community center here so there is like a street here there is a street here there is is this count as a street there is like a like a neath street and almost the opposite not exactly opposite but almost the opposite there is yeah not really a street some sort of a road with a house there i think this is where we are i think this is where we are there's no community center here though but i don't know this this is my best guess that we are on roxburgh street let's let's guess there five meters away ", "points": 4999, "distance": 0.005, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "mf1MBSLYbz21ZeTo", "mapSlug": "5cfda2c9bc79e16dd866104d", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1216, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5cfda2c9bc79e16dd866104d", "name": "I Saw The Sign 2.0", "slug": "5cfda2c9bc79e16dd866104d", "description": "Locations with the name of the place visible in front of you at the starting point (e.g. on a sign, on a building, on an advertisement). Anywhere in the world - from tiny villages to large cities.\n2024 update: fixed outdated views & adding many new locations.", "url": "/maps/5cfda2c9bc79e16dd866104d", "playUrl": "/5cfda2c9bc79e16dd866104d/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.808092910104676, "lng": -177.37469302172644}, "max": {"lat": 78.21738342385964, "lng": 176.9927839320269}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2019-06-10T00:22:33.3940000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-02-28T13:39:41.2890000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "darknight", "decoration": "japanese", "ground": "water", "landscape": "skyline"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 14796711, 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"2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/mf1MBSLYbz21ZeTo/2/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 2, "lat": -22.22812139175913, "lng": -54.81428135630716, "continent": "South America", "country": "Brazil"}, "challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "yes okay okay 5k 5k good start okay what's with the car we look is this brazil very red soil nothing nothing with on the car that really helps us says that this is generation four but the the super red soil wouldn't make me think that we are in brazil so where were we focusing on oi what's this oh this yeah this is portuguese so this is definitely brazil then where is the city name oy oy no way oi is the the city name i guess attend is the city name right like oy inattend i'm thinking that's what oyatenda means oi office in a tender so a tender is the city name i think it should be it so attend so very red soil usually you get a very red soil in kind of like southern part of brazil are there any like phone phone codes maybe phone numbers phone numbers can be helpful in brazil there's a phone number but there is no like that that prefix 99 something something a phone number would be super helpful here if we can find like a phone number with those those numbers in brackets in front that would be very helpful this is literally like looking like for for a needle in a haystack looking for a small small town in freaking brazil also this doesn't look like like a super small village this looks like a like an actual city a small city so shouldn't be too tiny i think i hope i hope the attendant is actually the name of this place but that would be dumb if it isn't there are a lot of a lot of places beginning beginning with an a but i haven't seen atenda yet i wonder if attend is even the main place uh the name of the place maybe the actual clue is somewhere in this i don't speak portuguese though so i i think this must be it right i think it must be it i just i just cannot find a tender anywhere i i feel like i will just have to plonk it somewhere and move on and take the loss here and unless unless i find it in the next few minutes yeah i cannot find it guys i cannot find it i think i need to take a loss on this one which is unfortunate but brazil is such a huge country and without any additional clues like like area codes and stuff like that yeah i think it might be somewhere here maybe but but let's let's have a look okay where was it ", "points": 3827, "distance": 399.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "mf1MBSLYbz21ZeTo", "mapSlug": "5cfda2c9bc79e16dd866104d", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": 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been a faulty location in my book that's a faulty location i i would say but still like i was at least i was correct that it is like southern part of brazil so we still got a decent chunk of points but i definitely did not like that location uh parker castell bran castelol or bran might be might be the location named braun another brand so i'm guessing we are in braun let's look around we have an antenna we have blue strips on both sides is this we have yellow plates as well we have holy poles this is romania yeah yeah but dot ro as well yo what the i'm guessing there are a lot of tourists with different plates because this plate has double blue this plate is yellow there are some completely white plates as well so in some places so yeah okay a lot of tourists in romania so if there are a lot of tourists i'm hoping this might be a big city or at least a findable city bran i'm assuming puran is the city here because it is in uh two different we see bran in two different places run okay we don't see bran from this zoom far away so maybe let's let's try to zoom in a little bit more no brown oh i found it i found it okay it's very small but it was visible from pretty far away okay good good good so this is bran good so castello well this does look like some sort of a castle right castello yeah i did say castell here castell bran uh okay so this road is in the north ish parking is to our west where is the parking here do we see parking ground castle parking here and yeah the road the road fits good uh this is like the hotel i'm guessing any any signs with the name lost something i mean it must be villa bran it does look like a pretty big villa there's another house though which isn't there oh it must be here i believe right the road goes to the to the yeah the road goes there there is another road i think we must be here yeah so uh i think we're like here i think we're like kind of like here ", "points": 4999, "distance": 0.002, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": 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it must be like the city so oh okay it's a big city okay found it immediately good uh i mean it must be at least quite central right if it's like like a bus bus terminal [Music] i don't know how it will be displayed on the map um oh that's a hospital but oh no that's or is this is this a could this be train station this this looks like a bus terminal [Music] could this be a train station behind this this maybe there are trains behind there i don't know what do we have what do we have we have a starbucks we have starbucks nearby well we have the the the toilet thing to our south there is starbucks here so i guess we are in like train train station because yeah we have starbucks the station is to our south or southwest which would fit where is the the street there's like a roundabout here do we have a roundabout we don't we don't have a roundabout here huh well that sucks um mexican mexican huh i mean there are even these things i mean it must be here there are even these like boss thingies on the map visible maybe the roundabout was built recently i don't know maybe it's not on the map because of that hm it must be here right we have starbucks we have the the station we don't have roundabout we don't have mexi cam those are what is this a and b armbro we do have a and b ambro ambro as well we are 100 here the road is a little bit wild there kind of here right kind of in in the middle of all of these thingies so yeah it should be yeah we should be here ", "points": 4999, "distance": 0.006, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "mf1MBSLYbz21ZeTo", "mapSlug": "5cfda2c9bc79e16dd866104d", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1216, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5cfda2c9bc79e16dd866104d", "name": "I Saw The Sign 2.0", "slug": "5cfda2c9bc79e16dd866104d", "description": "Locations with the name of 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colina i think will be the city name we have generation four i think this is brazil again isn't it yeah we have brazilian poles and also in this map we have brazil in the center so lovely and of course we don't have any phone numbers again because why would we why would we get any phone numbers that would help us even if there are phone numbers i cannot read them oh lovely just lovely oh okay there are some phone numbers here but those are not the the area codes are they colina what if egregia is the city name not colinas wait oh my god holiness oh my god i so hope this is the one i was just about to start looking for both igraya and colinas i so hope this is it um so what do we have we have some christina something this looks like a very small uh small road ebon mick eben mike the road is kind of like that and this is was this like oh this is not a dead end where is this a dead end no there there is another street going there right but this is like the last street there is no more roads to our north uh what the street ends to our north west so that's a clue and this is a very small road even though this isn't a very big city this is a very small road and we have no idea what's the name of this road we only have like ebon mick which is like a baptist national mission we have we have walt in here and we have christina cabell they might not even be on the map so well something a batista no but this bit it's a pizzeria pizzeria pizzeria i need to look for like like where this like a street ends our like east or west northwest as the street ends there and the road goes like diagonally from from southwest uh southeast to northwest restaurant i think oh without knowing it says that that that i wouldn't know it but where was it here okay perfect whiskey rock something something well i don't know about that there might be a new vault in here we have vault and near here yes okay good i guess that this must be a new bar somewhere here i guess of course the baptist mission isn't on the map as i suspected or maybe the bar is in place of the baptist mission now well we are definitely somewhere here so this is the last house one one house over is this second house a very narrow house though i don't know which one of these are the this narrow house well there's like like a gap between houses now there is like a gap here yeah we are right right next to the gap so so i'm guessing this this narrow one might be the missionary mission or this one so we are kind of here i think ", "points": 4999, "distance": 0.001, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "mf1MBSLYbz21ZeTo", "mapSlug": "5cfda2c9bc79e16dd866104d", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1216, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5cfda2c9bc79e16dd866104d", "name": "I Saw The Sign 2.0", "slug": "5cfda2c9bc79e16dd866104d", "description": 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places to sit outside this is i'm guessing france looking at the flag uh we have some palm trees we have some palm trees so and we have a tram um i don't know which cities in france have a tram but usually if you see a tram then usually it indicates like a larger city usually small cities do not have trams june fest i cannot read like any city names i don't think i have a fedex andre this is like a south big supposedly big southern french city um like marseille maybe i don't know if marseille has uh uh trams or not um so blurred out i cannot read it i'm looking maybe maybe something says marseille or or something else but um not really not really this is like a city center city center with these like uh fountains and and this beautiful building rue de la luch no chance we find it but uh we can look for a mcdonald's we have a burger king in the city center sepia oh my god so many restaurants starbucks starbucks i haven't seen a single mcdonald's yet what the hell what the hell oh mcdonald's stakeouts oh you don't know sticker i don't think this is it i don't think this is it i'm pretty sure it isn't but uh i haven't seen any other mcdonald's here might be a different city might not be marseille montepelier maybe maybe are these trump tracks mcdonald's takeout it also isn't it but are these [\u00a0__\u00a0] tracks i think these actually might be are they i think they might be [\u00a0__\u00a0] tracks so okay let's let's let's maybe try to find some different mcdonald's in in this city i don't see any other mcdonald's i think we might need to go with that one which doesn't really line up with our location but at least it's it is in mcdonald's right burger king kfc oh mcdonald's hello does that work i don't think that works we are like on like a corner here do like a big uh square like a historical building but this one doesn't work either where was our one oh yeah our one is this one is more central um i mean what was the name of the street rule de la luge or something like that yeah doesn't work doesn't work but okay uh let's let's just let's just guess it here and see it actually was the city it actually was the city we found the right city oh yeah here is mcdonald's it's it's so you really need to zoom in like as you can see there is nothing here you really need to zoom in even more to find that mcdonald's there no chance we would have found it crazy uh rue de la lodge actually yeah ", "points": 4998, "distance": 0.403, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "5r3ki2wXDZO6xoHG", "mapSlug": "5f2084e6ac988f00018adc78", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1025, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5f2084e6ac988f00018adc78", "name": "Where's that McDonalds (but more McDonalds)", "slug": "5f2084e6ac988f00018adc78", "description": "A lot of McDonalds", "url": 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that complicates thing um it doesn't look like we are very central okay let's let's scan over let's see if we can find like mac cafe somewhere mcdonald's or mac cafe or something oh hello mcdonald's mccafe i literally just zoomed in somewhere is could this be it i mean there are lots of like roads around like some some um what do you call them like overpasses i guess was that the word like some some uh burns and then and curves and could i think this is it i think this actually is it what literally zoomed in somewhere is this actually it i don't know is there a k i have i don't see any signs towards the kfc could this maybe maybe a kfc sign supposedly there's like a kfc there in the same building but like looking at the roads i think they line up though we have like this road coming out here but let me pin this we have this road we have this road like going there like road straight ahead we have like an overpass here i think this is it i think we are like here nice oh my god how lucky did i get that's insane i literally zoomed in somewhere in the city and instantly saw mcdonald's and and my cafe ", "points": 4999, "distance": 0.005, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "5r3ki2wXDZO6xoHG", "mapSlug": "5f2084e6ac988f00018adc78", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1025, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5f2084e6ac988f00018adc78", "name": "Where's that McDonalds (but more McDonalds)", "slug": "5f2084e6ac988f00018adc78", "description": "A lot of McDonalds", "url": "/maps/5f2084e6ac988f00018adc78", "playUrl": "/5f2084e6ac988f00018adc78/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -46.40557773580126, "lng": -149.9509081190027}, "max": {"lat": 68.97043991230775, "lng": 176.1912666496615}}, "customCoordinates": null, 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need in life everything you might need right here on this corner um okay so church and mcdonald's basically like a megalodon avenue should be i i would imagine it isn't like very small i would imagine it's like a decently sized street so we could maybe look for that as well julio san paolo um hmm this might take a while but i am committed to finding this i haven't seen a single mcdonald's yet but i mean this is most certainly porto we have a burger king i guess yeah we don't need to be zoomed in okay we have mcdonald's here of the new no wrong street names that's not the one was also an explorer so maybe maybe magellan is somewhere nearby pizza hut burger king mcdonald's no way oh my god no way i found a mcdonald's which is although but it says that this is the like street not avenue on the map here it says avenue here it says like uh like or whatever i think in portuguese it was rua right but i mean it it has to be it right it has to be it but okay let's look around does it kind of line up so i guess this is not the road this is like the the not the right road we need avenue what is tv we have uh like road we have tv you need avenue yeah the the roads do not line up like the road directions at all do not line up we would need to be go go like we're like almost almost from south to north [Music] oh my freaking god i found it i found the avenue not the mcdonald's yet but okay i finally found it i was looking for streets relatively large streets that align in this direction i guess i should have should have done it earlier on should have but oh well at least i finally okay mcdonald's church oh my god i think i finally found it um okay so we have mcdonald's here we're basically on the very corner here um i think it works out yeah there's like a repsol petrol station as well yeah we are 100 here five meters away ", "points": 4999, "distance": 0.005, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "5r3ki2wXDZO6xoHG", "mapSlug": "5f2084e6ac988f00018adc78", "roundCount": 5, 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no clues beyond italy oh god i've had such such a sitting such an amazing run up until now and then absolutely no clues here absolutely no clues just that it's italy stronger we have like a pretty big like a road like well i don't know how big it is but we have like a highway going north to south here that's that's our clue espec doesn't help doesn't help oh some random this isn't even a city it's just like a random mcdonald's next to a highway this isn't even a city i feel like this made like kind of like central italy uh we have like a highway going north to south yeah okay i have no clue let's plonk it somewhere near rome let's block it somewhere near rome any any mcdonald's here at least i want to plant it on a mcdonald's here we have a mcdonald's definitely not the one but at least it's some mcdonald's all the way up here oh my god you really need to zoom in so much for this one i would have never found it i would have ", "points": 4555, "distance": 139.0, "challenge_info": 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still i mean lost only 500 points definitely could be worse okay what is this the author is priyank m unofficial coverage clearly a marquette marketplace marketplace so an english-speaking country mcdonald's 24 hour is working looks like an uh a cold place well american style um license plates well not not being europe this isn't europe um pretty high mountains i'm thinking maybe like british columbia or something look this quality is so bad you can't read anything the royal plate the royal something well it being royal would confirm maybe it'd possibly be in canada in canada you see a lot of like royal places um [Music] yeah uh let's let's guess somewhere in uh british columbia since there really isn't much to to base our gas on quality is very bad i don't know the plates again my my lack of plate knowledge bites me but um i don't know these mountains when i see mountains so high with an english-speaking country i am thinking of uh um british columbia let's try to find like a mcdonald's somewhere here in one of these towns i don't know how easy it might be to find a mcdonald's somewhere here maybe maybe you need to like look for a little a little bit of a bigger town a little wet in no mcdonald's no mcdonald's okay we're here no mcdonald's boston flats no mcdonald's oh i don't this isn't funko whistler mcdonald's hello um well this isn't it i highly doubt it but um yeah let's just leave it there and and hope for the best no way actually what no way i get i guess this side fits more but i i just plonked it thinking no chance it is it this might have been the luckiest game of my life honestly so many lucky plonks ", "points": 4999, "distance": 0.048, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "5r3ki2wXDZO6xoHG", "mapSlug": "5f2084e6ac988f00018adc78", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1025, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", 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city we will play this map a few times see how i do see how you do leave it in the comments below later did you beat me did you not beat me uh so let's go so challenge let's do 90 seconds so minute 30 no moving so uh let's go let's go let's see so again city centers with one million population i think there are both official and unofficial coverages here this one is official um so main street los angeles police department okay that's a good clue that's a good clue main street los angeles can we find a main street in los angeles what not mexico no no not mexico main street in los angeles you would think main street is pretty big right you would think that it should be easy to find a main street in los angeles but uh i somehow doubt it oh no let's plug it somewhere main street main street so many streets no main street east east first street mean this is literally the very city center right i don't see the main street though once we find the main street we can start looking for the police department but okay i don't think i'll be able to find the main street guys 14 seconds remaining wait south main street whoa whoa military academy is is it the same is it south main street a part of the main street or no no north oh no it was north it was north main street where is public restroom lapd headquarters yeah well we found north street but uh we went with south north street not the north north street uh north main street sorry yeah ", "points": 4983, "distance": 5.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "qXXhkBZ0CT2xNnQA", "mapSlug": "60b02f31104e6d0001ee53d4", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1098, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "60b02f31104e6d0001ee53d4", "name": "City Centers (1M+)", "slug": "60b02f31104e6d0001ee53d4", "description": "Designed for no moving (or NMPZ if you want a bit more of a challenge). Every city center of every city in the world with over 1 million urban population, placed exactly where the name shows up on Google Maps. One location per city, as long as it has some form of usable coverage and is accurately placed. Compasses should be reasonably accurate, maybe a few degrees off for low-coverage cities but never completely unusable. 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Population data courtesy of: XXXX (Wikipedia metro areas also used for Europe and USA)", "url": "/maps/60b02f31104e6d0001ee53d4", "playUrl": "/60b02f31104e6d0001ee53d4/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -37.813652090609615, "lng": -123.12065781361903}, "max": {"lat": 60.16980946255861, "lng": 174.76442711489133}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-05-27T23:45:53.0110000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-06-01T17:34:09.1430000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "evening", "decoration": "none", "ground": "darkbrown", "landscape": "skyline"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 12272493, "likes": 118, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/RRa1BBHMOPknADge/5/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 5, "lat": -30.03467338188846, "lng": -51.21768544117322, "continent": "South America", "country": "Brazil"}, "challenge_index": 2, "split_transcript": "well it was brazil it was coastal just just the wrong city just the wrong city unfortunately and another official coverage here okay with palm trees lots and lots of palm trees and party so this is south america generation four black sun backs again so this is uh brazil this is brazil again again lots of palm trees um there are some some mountains as well as we can see um well it can be the same city it can't be a salvador again since there's only one location per city i believe so maybe let's go to your designer again and hope for the best um hope it isn't one of the the even more north cities like receive or whatever you say it uh yeah there isn't really anything else to to look at here there's like a roundabout i mean we can try to find a roundabout in in rio this doesn't feel very central whichever city this is doesn't feel very central so i don't know any roundabouts here don't see any roundabouts this here too late anyways uh ah porto alegre of course of course uh rip i mean ", "points": 2356, "distance": 1123.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "RRa1BBHMOPknADge", "mapSlug": "60b02f31104e6d0001ee53d4", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 90, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 696, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "60b02f31104e6d0001ee53d4", "name": "City Centers (1M+)", "slug": "60b02f31104e6d0001ee53d4", "description": "Designed for no moving (or NMPZ if you want a bit more of a challenge). 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Population data courtesy of: XXXX (Wikipedia metro areas also used for Europe and USA)", "url": "/maps/60b02f31104e6d0001ee53d4", "playUrl": "/60b02f31104e6d0001ee53d4/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -37.813652090609615, "lng": -123.12065781361903}, "max": {"lat": 60.16980946255861, "lng": 174.76442711489133}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-05-27T23:45:53.0110000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-06-01T17:34:09.1430000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "evening", "decoration": "none", "ground": "darkbrown", "landscape": "skyline"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 12272493, "likes": 118, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "GeoPeter (YT)", "created": "2015-10-28T19:12:06.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/01906c6b6753795552ce5f8b0e75ee7a.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "id": "56311e06acdaa11d50d8d141", "countryCode": "lv", "br": {"level": 122, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 726092, "level": 122, "levelXp": 716230, "nextLevel": 123, "nextLevelXp": 732170, "title": {"id": 330, "tierId": 130}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 32, "silver": 42, "gold": 110, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 629, "rating": 1130, "lastRatingChange": 18, "division": {"type": 50, "startRating": 1100, "endRating": 1500}, "onLeaderboard": true}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/bfc89ffb8e70f148bd13295eeeaaa0fe.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 6, "isCreator": true, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geopeter/LCBHgQmpNPDHKc7d/1/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 1, "lat": 55.69722, "lng": -121.61741, "continent": "North America", "country": "Canada"}, "challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "super weird like red this doesn't feel like like scandinavia let's play some nmps at games again the link as always will be in the description for all of the games just make sure you play before watching the video so don't spoil any of the locations so let's have a look well this is north america right this is north america definitely feels more canadian to me uh we have a single yellow line in the middle of the roads which is i feel more common in canada does it say stop or array it says stop yeah it definitely says stop um feels quite mountainous maybe not not necessarily bc mountains like not necessarily british colombia um hmm could this be like no these mountains are too high are there many any mountains in manitoba i'm not sure like more like hills like hills mountains winnipeg somewhere here maybe maybe somewhere here like saskatchewan let's go saskatchewan okay okay was it actually british colombia it actually was british ", "points": 2019, "distance": 1353.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "LCBHgQmpNPDHKc7d", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": true, "forbidRotating": true, "numberOfParticipants": 818, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "name": "A Diverse World (Unmaintained)", "slug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "description": "This map is not maintained anymore. It is recommended to play one of the numerous alternatives maps. 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It is recommended to play one of the numerous alternatives maps. 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It is recommended to play one of the numerous alternatives maps. 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It is recommended to play one of the numerous alternatives maps. 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It is recommended to play one of the numerous alternatives maps. 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It is recommended to play one of the numerous alternatives maps. 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I'm not going to be able to learn anything around 23 because I also do well so Thunder LOL or they mess up I mean you can't pick that like what is this Corsica this has to be Corsica if this of course your feet yeah okay uh all right let's bring my candy guessing this has to be like North oh this is Ontario uh traffic cones the black and orange so it's like North right or somewhere over here right no way it's near Thunderbird Bay surely it's important actually probably is wait what were we looking for here Gardner Lane I was going to say Gardner lake or something do I go east here or do I go yeah I'll go over here if it's met I'm going west I need some rest ", "points": 4996, "distance": 1.112, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "Bhk2JeECxZVnz3PB", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 4300, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "name": "A Diverse World (Unmaintained)", "slug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "description": "This map is not maintained anymore. 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is nice and I expected the comments to only be nice I had to delete like over 400 comments of people not comedy nice you guys aren't committed to the bit what's wrong with you guys come on was this your first radio anyone that didn't comment nice and actually comment on the last video weird we have a Philippines driving right here with English uh we'll be the Philly beans Infinity Premiere Lounge not reading that uh I'm gonna go somewhat Central let's go Cebu because if it's devout I get good points which I think it might be and if it's Manila I get decent points which I don't think it is but sure ", "points": 4164, "distance": 273.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "b03DtzNqEVOhUmwT", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 3867, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": 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Marvel really yeah they play together get some extra Twitter they're aiming that radio because we're against cringe I'm back I'm feeling a lot better like 95 I'd say so we'll take that um yesterday I did pretty well even though I was very sick so we'll see I haven't played to yoga sir like and like sat down and played in so long so I'm hoping I continue kind of like it's like riding a bike right you never forget anything we're playing aw again because of uh when I'm trash I want to play some things to make myself look better than I actually am cope Um this can be Mexico we have the octagonal polls here we have a short plates colorful plates very uh Mexico you can see where it looks like a like the octagonal pole you have the antenna stubby antenna which is Ecuador Mexico Colombia and Brazil this feels I know we said we always go seating backs together I actually think this is gonna be somewhat either Yucatan or um like somewhere South down here what compete or something somewhere over here I think it might just be Yucatan though it's a little too hilly for Yucatan what should be it should be somewhere over here though I think um I think if it's this region or up here you don't go see the max if anything anywhere from like right here to right here you go see the mix but we'll go like somewhere like right here ", "points": 4651, "distance": 108.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "dFRjOrr3cPInPgRv", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 3821, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "name": "A Diverse World (Unmaintained)", "slug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "description": "This map is not maintained anymore. 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have a Jordan flu type game and get like 24K around dude I'm so sorry I told myself I have to record this round one we have Sri Lanka with the black and white stripe poles um the uh the Chevron usually you get Sri Lanka card but that's not visible here also you can see we're driving left um countries that have these I mean you have these in Malay as well but should be Sri Lanka here with the red light Chevron as well driving the left um it's ACW so commonly you get these type of locations where the car is invisible to make it more difficult usually when it gets up north it's like super dry so I'm gonna go somewhere southish down here ", "points": 4666, "distance": 103.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "tkMmKaqa30Y2w472", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 4291, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", 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um so really the only places that this it could be is Austria with German because uh Luxembourg has yellow plates with a yellow front and back um and the Switzerland has low cam in Belgium has red blade so you're gonna be an Austria here with German um I want to go Vienna I mean this is some other big city I'm pretty mountainous Michael Cross I mean Vienna would have the street signs with like the you would have the signs on the side here so this is a sign all right I'm gonna go Lumbers maybe across could be at the end of though oh it was ", "points": 4549, "distance": 141.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "tkMmKaqa30Y2w472", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 4291, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "name": "A Community World", "slug": 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life I mean that looks like a lot of the inside but you guys have to know that the green blur is real and true you can if this is Lobby that's just no like I don't even care to look at signs or anything this is the most obvious Scrambler with this uh you can see like there's like a green tent where I feel like this there's not really green tent green tent usually in Latvia you get a thicker border and that looks kind of thickens to me but I don't think I do a lot of you here because of the green blur is so strong and it's never a fish true it's not ever a fake Meadow anyways have a Cambodia uh you get this car in Cambodia with um the yellow like the racing stripes on the back I guess I'm not sure you also get Triple antenna or triple stub and tan the triple wire um this looks pretty Eastern or Western to me this looks pretty far east or pretty far west to me um I think they go pretty West here though just because why not yeah sure I don't really care I'm gonna get a good score regardless you're like over here that was just North I got 23k with 100 with 102 degree fever tell me I'm not the goat um I didn't do I didn't do better than my friends kind of easy seed but pretty standard day as some would say let's look at my homies and see how we did um all right everyone going north there I guess we might I think we saw on this towards South which is probably maybe a good reason to go north there no there is better um what is bro doing it's gonna beat me as a green blur guys it's the most Real and True meta ever um going south in Japan there I wish I went more South I want a bomber for the meme so we'll take it um getting canva that's good good North call but those two um pretty standard day very very 24 cable day to be honest so um we'll take that I forgot top 100. at least a product too uh I'm gonna get top 100. uh well actually I probably did get top 100 but most of those people are probably cheating so I probably got like 50th um I'm gonna auditing everything I know my audience you think I can't be bothered to try and fix it um shout out to shout out some boy Oscar down here with me that's that's that's a real recognized reel right there man all right pre-standard day you Central hedge and get a pretty good score here to be honest um I'm gonna play one more game and see if it's a fluke or if I'm just coded this is like outside Rio why is there black in the back of that sign Pro Valley ", "points": 4936, "distance": 19.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "tkMmKaqa30Y2w472", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 4291, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "name": "A Community World", "slug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "description": "A world map with 100k+ handpicked locations put together by over a hundred 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that as I'm gonna get probably everything wrong here but um I'm jet lagged I'm tired I definitely do yesterday in a week and I'm trying here so we're doing ADW uh actually just Genty Macau but um I was gonna say I've been following myself for like one to eight pm I didn't think jet lag was a thing right so I was like okay um I woke up at the same time like oh welcome 8am I'm not jet lagged in that faucet but 2 p.m so it's like something's wrong but no this is just Gentoo when you have like this wide blur in the bottom plus uh uh that like that like the Gen 2 it can be like Hong Kong or Taiwan anything like that you're going to be in a just a Macau which is a west of Hong Kong here and you get like 4900 points ", "points": 4992, "distance": 2.3, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "RbniKlFH0ivYxhFy", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 4075, 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Northland if there are islands there's a lot uh but there yeah something like that yeah around there I mean I'm not exactly yeah something like that this kind of lines up ah not ", "points": 4125, "distance": 287.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "jotSccnWFfx1EDYa", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 3841, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "name": "A Community World", "slug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "description": "A world map with 100k+ handpicked locations put together by over a hundred experienced players and map makers from the GeoGuessr community || More about ACW: XXXX || ACW discord: XXXX || The map contains only official Google Street View locations, meaning there should be no blurry images, photospheres or black screens in game", 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um driving left I mean we have buses so probably some other bigger city not sure what bus that is um I mean it looks like we have some uh different language here so I assume it would be like Wells uh makes sense right pin Norms arms yeah we're about somewhere else let's just go somewhere like uh it was summer Central here hope the best ", "points": 4635, "distance": 113.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "zLMrC5L6Bz1FfJfU", "mapSlug": "5d73f83d82777cb5781464f2", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 4943, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5d73f83d82777cb5781464f2", "name": "A Balanced World", "slug": "5d73f83d82777cb5781464f2", "description": "The most diverse world map! \u2014 Featuring an unparalleled variety of locations w/ a broad range of difficulty, along with plenty of cool architecture, unusual vegetation 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over here this is an awk I've ever seen one kind of difficult in NPC for sure but um should you be good with the back of the car here this is a Cambodian car where you can see like the stripes and things like that so um that's helpful it was very Southeast but I'm picking ", "points": 4697, "distance": 93.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "zLMrC5L6Bz1FfJfU", "mapSlug": "5d73f83d82777cb5781464f2", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 4943, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5d73f83d82777cb5781464f2", "name": "A Balanced World", "slug": "5d73f83d82777cb5781464f2", "description": "The most diverse world map! \u2014 Featuring an unparalleled variety of locations w/ a broad range of difficulty, along with plenty of cool architecture, unusual vegetation & strange rocks / No gen 1, unofficial or off-road trekker 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plates at all we are going to be in the U.S somewhere Southern because uh you can see like the lines in the middle are wide kind of thick meta when I think of the meta I think of Mississippi usually um or like Louisiana Maybe so maybe I just go with Louisiana and hedge Mexico or oh my God hedge Texas um I think that's a good bet I think it's a good bet yeah I think I'm gonna do that so we'll go Louisiana here it could be it's really any of these like Texas Arkansas Mississippi Louisiana it's one of these for sure so um hopefully I this hatch case has pocket points it was just Texas my first instincts but ", "points": 4013, "distance": 328.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "zLMrC5L6Bz1FfJfU", "mapSlug": "5d73f83d82777cb5781464f2", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 4943, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": 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ones I think a good way to tell the difference is and if you can't tell by the looking at the length of it look at the the width between the two if the width between the two is shorter that means the lines are longer that's usually maybe a good way to tell um I don't think it's gonna be too North here I'm going like North to Trondheim I think somewhere up here um there's lots of trees so probably even more south now I think about it so we'll go like right around here somewhere and um we have water there so South go somewhere like right here for the best downtown Bergen we'll take it and Final Round Here we just have a Peru uh we have the white concretes on the bottoms here um what else we got what else we got what else we got black might start pulls super dry um it's definitely been the coast with how dry it is it's not like it gets like green the more Inland you go I think it's gonna be someone North too to be honest I think a North guest is my is a good guess here so I'm gonna go somewhere up out here with a road going east to west something like that hope for the best it was even way more North ", "points": 3753, "distance": 428.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "UkM4lzU8Ijth4y7R", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 4876, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "name": "A Community World", "slug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "description": "A world map with 100k+ handpicked locations put together by over a hundred experienced players and map makers from the GeoGuessr community || More about ACW: XXXX || ACW discord: XXXX || The map contains only official Google Street View locations, meaning there should be no blurry images, photospheres or black screens in game", "url": "/maps/62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "playUrl": 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hour or two ago so um round one here should just be Spain we have the also we're playing on a balanced World which is like an insanely more bait and difficult round or uh uh way more difficult um map so do not compare your scores and think you're you're getting worse because your scores are worse this is a much harder map I'm tired of playing ADW I won't have to think on countries and I want to have to like I don't know I just want to challenge myself more I know maybe that's not the best for you guys but I think through me challenge myself I'll talk through my thought process more and hopefully get a better score and Miss countries and it just makes it more fun you know so if I'd like I'll miss a lot of countries when I'm changing the map up a bit because it's just a lot more difficult and missing countries is okay um I have eight seconds left I'm gonna go Northern Spain here because it feels like somewhere over here uh with Spanish ", "points": 4277, "distance": 233.0, 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there ", "points": 4644, "distance": 110.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "Z0LK9KYBMceGoN9K", "mapSlug": "5d73f83d82777cb5781464f2", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 4907, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5d73f83d82777cb5781464f2", "name": "A Balanced World", "slug": "5d73f83d82777cb5781464f2", "description": "The most diverse world map! \u2014 Featuring an unparalleled variety of locations w/ a broad range of difficulty, along with plenty of cool architecture, unusual vegetation & strange rocks / No gen 1, unofficial or off-road trekker coverage / [v2.2.2 | 21,600 locations] Distribution: XXXX", "url": "/maps/5d73f83d82777cb5781464f2", "playUrl": "/5d73f83d82777cb5781464f2/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": 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to the east is this mountain range I'll go like down here um I I think it might be up here to be honest do I switch I think I switch no I don't switch I'm gonna commit okay I'm glad I didn't switch I'd never go that down that South though wait what oh it's that okay ", "points": 4122, "distance": 288.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "Z0LK9KYBMceGoN9K", "mapSlug": "5d73f83d82777cb5781464f2", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 4907, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5d73f83d82777cb5781464f2", "name": "A Balanced World", "slug": "5d73f83d82777cb5781464f2", "description": "The most diverse world map! \u2014 Featuring an unparalleled variety of locations w/ a broad range of difficulty, along with plenty of cool architecture, unusual vegetation & strange rocks / No gen 1, unofficial or off-road trekker coverage / 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It is recommended to play one of the numerous alternatives maps. 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It is recommended to play one of the numerous alternatives maps. 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It is recommended to play one of the numerous alternatives maps. 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little profile picture I think you're not cheating Liam um the top 200 is it Blinky not play today brother Blinky Blinky man Blinky there's Ziggy feels bad man I see how there's Ziggy and jhk did I got what like 17. in reality that's probably I think that's first I think this is our second I think Jan probably got first maybe someone up here got a good C2 as well so I don't disagree you guys um I probably got top five though I'm not major people are probably cheating though um next to CL um this guy I'm gonna call this guy this guy right here absolute herb I don't like giving cheaters to recognition because it's kind of cringe but this guy posed his daily challenges on YouTube and cheats in them and acts like they're real like dude weirdo Behavior bro weirdo behavior and he's like trying to be nice to me dude like weirdo I don't like you you're weird okay uh let's see how uh I have a soft spot which I I don't have I have this like thing for cheers where like I absolutely despise anyone that tries to cheat on Google Maps game because Integrity of this game is so important because it's so easy to cheat and the one that tries to to bypass that is so weird in my opinion and I think deserves um no happiness okay so we do have um everyone gonna feel it here I'm at North there kind of getting the win there being South Philly I'm assuming we all went Ontario that's good more West though so I really did win here on the Western Ontario guests there so we'll take it I'll show you guys what I meant by the green light triangles um overall I think these like rocks inside the road here this is maybe weird too but I think these are common in Ontario's I think wise well I said that but this green and um white diagonal um like a sign here is distinct to Ontario um that's very very helpful clue I think these guardrails where it's like wasn't like that might be like an anterior clue as well but not too sure but um it felt like Western Thunder Bay version to me so that's why I went there um all in all like a very good day we'll take it um let me see if I can play is anyone in matchmaking I'm gonna I'm just gonna enter a ranked game real quick and play one more ranked game um so if you guys don't know I um there's a Discord now where you can play for incompetitive games um so uh I'm gonna try and play one real quick let me see if I can install um well I'm waiting actually I'll just cut to what I'm I'm cutting it I'll just cut until I'm in the game so I'll see you then okay so we just found the point that we have we're facing we're wondering Anna I don't think I'd be Anna here so oh we got South Korea beautiful location and if you're watching this amazing location um 15 seconds on the clock like the Party Don't Stop is this Hungarian what what is this bro I go hungry here I'm not too sure what this is though it was hungry okay decent score so far um new Canyon coverage I don't know where in Canada this could be though what does that say I have to guess I'm going outside my Nairobi private I don't know where that would be boarding school sure I just assumed boarding school maybe more uh maybe the South Sweden three spots up with red I don't know what that means I'm gonna accept the it was this Brazil uh no this is Chile with water to the West obviously or northish you gotta say Santiago ", "points": 4576, "distance": 132.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "Qeo22c5tBQ4wcQQQ", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 5679, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "name": "A Diverse World (Unmaintained)", "slug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "description": "This map is not maintained anymore. 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high time i did another one and it's called interesting photo spheres in obscure countries yeah one round in particular springs to mind i was sure we were in a spanish city so i was scouring the coast of spain turns out we were in a huge algerian city that i'd never heard of so let's hope that there's more surprising intriguing and interesting photo spheres like that today let's play it no moving no time limit let's do it where are we going to pop out today okay here we go it okay is that okay it was taken by a dude called jean-pierre garcia and i can't really escape the names in the bottom right i mean my eyes will just be drawn to it i'm wondering if this is palmyra i don't know but palmyra springs to mind i remember it on top gear when jeremy james and hamster drove i can't quite remember that they drove they made their own race track or something or they drove around here but of course since then palmyra was destroyed by those buggers isis so i don't know whether this whether this is palmyra but this photo sphere predates that which is i think unlikely because that probably got destroyed in about 2014 or this isn't palmyra in which case i don't really know where it would be if truth be told but it could easily be a roman structure in anywhere palestine israel turkey but the people we're seeing i think i'm muslim yeah yeah i think so it's hard to say i mean that's a headscarf a muslim attire i think but that doesn't mean we're not in palestine jordan even so let's i'm going to go into palmyra if i can find it which i think is in syria again i i do have to point out that i am well not only did i have a few beers on the weekend so my head's a bit cloudy anyway but i'm not playing a lot of geoguesser i'm only editing so it's a total i'm using it as a get out of jail card if i do anything embarrassing geography wise um anyway so where's palmyra basically i bet i won't find it will i there's damascus i mean where is it i don't know where it is might have to speed this up got it okay it's in the middle of nowhere there it is there is a town around here you know there's there's normal buildings which we do have let's have a look at this then so according to this the town is slightly to the north of the of whatever you would call this and there's mountains in the north as well do we have mountains yes we do uh but of course as we've learned the compass can be wrong compass definitely can be wrong palmyra airport can't see that but basically there's a lot of temples down here i would say it's all of this one thing i will say is how badly did they destroy this i mean how badly can you destroy it i mean i guess you could blow it up with sticks of dynamite and bombs and really destroy it couldn't you i guess but you'd need a lot of heavy i mean is this post ex you know post destruction or pre i don't know maybe they did a bit of a [\u00a0__\u00a0] job of it who knows but i am i've got to go for this now i've got to go for it is it anything else here i can use at all it does look like we're in a temple of sorts i'll go i'll go there no i'm going to go back where i was oh my god we're nowhere near we are nowhere near okay so what's probably happened is palmyra did get destroyed and there are probably no photo spheres remaining of it or if there are i'd like to see them no we are in algeria again so we finally get to see what that city was called in my last video iran there it is iran i thought it i was convinced it was in spain but we are in the same country and we are in a place called tim gad tim gad not steve gad no tim gad and there it is it's a roman amphitheater so it's not babylonian i don't know what palmyra actually is but it's a roman one and it kind of did look quite roman but i never would have found that not in a million years well done if you got that who the hell got that let me know honestly in the ", "points": 1003, "distance": 2397.9, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "xMpA33NUkZ8IRgWE", "mapSlug": 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signs are european as well but i hope i'm right about that god this is interesting maybe okay yeah she's she looks like a tourist possibly a british tourist very pink skinned compared to this woman for example zhao gallego buffarera okay where's the sun because we could be on an island somewhere that's what i'm thinking at the moment sun isn't really making itself known black guy as well and another pretty dark-skinned guy would point more to brazil i i don't know and then the registration plates ah tui tui they are two evans so i would say this is portugal but kind of quite remote because it's a tui kind of safari not safari but you know excursion and there's another one there as well so this i'm thinking this could be a touristy kind of village a bit inland in the algarve right so i'm going to search near the sea in southern portugal then i will go from there okay wish me luck [Music] okay that's interesting i think i think i've ruled out portugal because this is just obviously so hot here yeah that will do me for now so i'm going over to which i'm not completely hopeful about but i'm going over to these um and i'll try this out again i'll speed it up because i'm conscious of the time that this all could take so speeding this up i am in funchal right no funchal is here here we go [Music] hmm yeah it's not looking good not least because it's very flat very very flat the more i look at this the more it looks like brazil but i just don't know at the moment um but yeah that's a very mountainous island is madeira not funchal that's the capital uh so i'm heading over to these now which i think at least in part are also owned by portugal yeah sao miguel right so i'll have a little search here bear with me [Music] okay that is all of the azures done even these ones out here uh so so we've got to be in brazil that's my thought process i don't where am i gonna search here man where am i gonna search god damn okay it still feels like we're on an island somehow okay i'm gonna just skim the coast of brazil quite loosely and see if i find anything that i think i've seen because there's a lot on these signs there's a lot [Music] okay i can go back to that i think there's an island i think there is an island off the coast somewhere please be an island how about this one no can't be here can it cabo verde i guess it could be i'm starting to think it could be [Music] okay we're not on that island there are other ones there's quite a few i'm gonna go on the top one first i've got something gat ass there it's promising but it ain't it's good but it's not quite right at the moment [Music] [Applause] oh oh have we got it i'm sure i saw that sal rai sal rai come on this has to be a rabil come on yes i knew i was onto something here this is why it looked in my defense across between portugal and brazil right but what was really playing on my mind was these vehicles you know the black registrations and the fact that they're there's just a convoy of like four by fours told me that we weren't we're somewhere weird but somewhere that you might go on holiday nonetheless anyway let's try and find it now finally he's too wet we should be able to do this i just need some of my geo guessing ability to come back a bit found this cabeco dos tarafes jiao gallego i found that finally so zhao gallego is that way oh my god man either things aren't very well mapped on here or i've got monumentally confused i think part of the reason i'm getting confused is the compass is probably wrong to be fair thunder i think we might be here you know all in all i just think the i think the compass is wrong but we probably are here i think we're about there yes oh my god that was so confusing so obviously i would have sped that up a bit for you because that took me ages to figure out uh firstly to figure out that we're in cabo verde um but then secondly actually where the hell we were on that particular island in cabo verde because ", "points": 5000, "distance": 0.0, 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minute we are in pakistan allama iqbal faculty of arts kabul university wait a minute um so we're not in pakistan we're in kabul but i'm still confused as to why it's snowing what do i know um yeah there's an afghanistan flag right let's get to work with this let's try and make this a bit quicker this particular round kabul to be fair is quite yeah i mean you're not a million miles from well the himalayas quite frankly it's probably quite high above sea level and near places like tajikistan which is very mountainous so kabul you hear it a lot in the news and you presume it's hot and maybe it is in the summer but sure as that ain't hot at the moment so let's see if we can find this very distinctive looking building there this is a good one so we're looking for a university and in particular a llama iqbal faculty of arts kabul university okay search for a minute and then i'll speed it up if i haven't found it so i'm looking for yeah some of these official looking places um [Music] universities what do they look like on the map yes we've got a few here kardan university salam university are we recording we are embassy of pakistan let's also look at the layout of the road here it's running north to south there's one running north to south zowell but it ain't that we don't think okay i'm gonna keep searching in this manner and i'll speed it up for you [Music] okay right i found kabul university so i think we're probably around here somewhere um seeing as i've found nothing else anywhere else faculty of arts so we've got science journalism physics so it's only a matter of time i mean that that looks a lot like it look at that faculty of arts but look at the building social science are you sure i think that could be it you know the road it's going directly north but slightly northwest which is also true of that for me that's the building so i'm going for it 18 yards come on get in excellent stuff yep pretty obvious um thought process the whole way through there just a matter of finding it and finding that distinctive building shape i said that at the start um well done if you got that let's move on to the penultimate round right okay now straight away iran wow iran i'm not sure i've ever had iran before this is a complete first afghanistan i don't know if i had that before either if i'm perfectly honest but anyway we're in iran this might be pretty tricky but presumably we are in the capital tiran right maybe not maybe not it's a pretty developed country this could be somewhere else for all i know i can't quite read that street name all i've got is mama mercy as a shop name that is all i've got and that bosh it's a boss shot there's a drill up there okay so bosh mama mercy mercy mama and that which alludes to some scales so it could be a that could be a prison look at the fence or it could be a court of law yeah look so we've got some stuff but yeah i don't know let's go to iran here what what cities do we like we could easily be in shiraz isfahan mashhad but i'm going into tehran i'll go into tehran and because look i'm not going to find this realistically and i haven't got time to search for hours and hours if i search for that hours and hours i could find it but i just haven't got the time unfortunately and i just don't see me finding this unless i just happen to chance upon i mean the roads are adding up but unless i chance upon a law court or a boss shop in the next few seconds really i wonder if that thing there alludes to tehran do you know what i think it does i'm talking about this let's get them lined up not quite but if we go to another city uh isfahan has got the same at the start for some reason i guess it's oh i guess that's the an because it's backwards isn't it i think um i wonder if we can get it from that gorgon look it's making sense are there any other ands that one no it's not making any more sense than the original one tehran so yeah i'm gonna stick to that you never know i'm gonna give myself a couple of minutes here to yeah to just see if i can stumble across this prison [Music] okay i'm gonna go here because there's something there i don't know what it is and i can't find anything better um it's a very big city so yeah i can't find anything better and that's about as much time as i'm willing to spend as i search even more yeah no well done if you got this guys but i couldn't i couldn't go on much longer here we go here's my guess we might not even be in tehran we were in tehran and we were up here oh my god well that's not the direction i thought the road was going at all there's a government office there there's a tool store i'll give you that tool store ", "points": 4990, "distance": 3.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "xMpA33NUkZ8IRgWE", "mapSlug": "5fa381d0e27b4900014e0732", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 13331, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": 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are we are we in canada no i was going to say alaska canada because of the frontier but as i've moved around i don't think that is the case at all gee whiz um bryce genovia bryce mate bryce bryce where's the sun sun is just oh look at that bryce genevoir photographer bryce jennifer so as i looked at this as i looked around and absorbed it all i was thinking maybe namibia i don't know why i arrived at namibia but i i don't know i don't know there's no point me rambling on about it but and namibia popped into my mind now is bryce genevoir the kind of name that you would get in namibia or south africa we've got a black dude and two white dudes so yeah i just think it's quite warm here what is that is that almost like a human figure there but i think that's a coincidence so bryce genevoir an old god i guess it could be australia south africa i think this is going to have to be a wild guess though ultimately that looks quite old though that building this looks really old this is an absolute stumper but that this is what this map is is for this is what it's all about i wonder could we be somewhere like this you know i might just go for it desert explorer's adventure center you know um he's the compass right if he's worth his weight insult trusted street view photographer then you would think the compass is correct so let's bear that in mind you know what i'm gonna go with my hunch because i've got [\u00a0__\u00a0] all else and i'm gonna go namibia and i'll go there goodness wait a minute okay at least i got the right continent um that would you believe is bloody caboverd the same country we had earlier but looking well not looking very similar at all there it is so it's an ancient hangar this is it old industry old industry but that's amazing we were literally one island up we could have got a we probably could have got a ferry from this island to that island in ", "points": 145, "distance": 5284.8, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "xMpA33NUkZ8IRgWE", "mapSlug": 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"lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/c19dfd5682b4651f760d8c0e4d8b3cfd.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 2, "isCreator": false, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geowizard/attHVlv2SukKQLPW/1/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 1, "lat": -11.376458, "lng": 43.3717084, "continent": "Africa", "country": "Comoros"}, "split_transcript": "doing well i'm very good looking forward to christmas and looking forward to releasing the latest mission across wales last time we did weather spoons so this time we're heading back to the good stuff we're heading back to the juicy stuff interesting photo spheres in obscure countries yet to get a perfect score on this as you can see 19785 is the best i've done so far but i've only played it twice this is good though because it means i've got a real challenge i love a good challenge let's do this if you are new around here um and you want to play along i recommend you do it's really fun follow the instructions in the description uh oh we're going i've clicked start here we go yes first one there's no way i'm going to get a perfect score today this this is a really hard map it's really tough okay here we go i'm gonna need luck i'm gonna need favorable rounds right what have we got here looks like we might be in africa judging by these dudes who look pretty damn african this guy has got i think that's a horrible psg shirt aren't there that almost looks like an african badge there but i think it's just light coming through the van yeah ignore that um yeah just scanning these guys for any clues that they might have this guy's got an interesting hat on a muslim hat i would say right but then over here we have tourists and i think they're chinese tourists not judging by how they look but rather the name down here of the person who took the photo looks pretty chinese to me right oh god and as usual we've got some writing that is just tantalizingly illegible i can't tell what what what language it is all i want to know is what language it is at the very least um right some of the rocks we've got on the floor here look like they might be quite volcanic we've got a [\u00a0__\u00a0] the remnants of a fire probably not too sensible got a woman here chinese or japanese taking a selfie i mean yeah it doesn't take a genius to work out that this is a volcano caldera the sun we can't really use and that's it guys that is about it apart from this okay so this let's see where the c is this is semi useful to see i'm still getting used to this compass ah yes lots of you commented didn't you classic compass on resume game yes come on get in right that's north that is north interesting i wouldn't have said north let's get in and and see if we can have a look would it be madagascar perhaps i don't know it could be any of these things couldn't it comoros what we're looking for is a pretty defined a crater a volcanic crater near a coast so yeah i guess we just scan a few coastlines until we find one this is extremely unlikely that i find this guys um wait a minute look at that that can't be it can it just as i said extremely unlikely that i find this and let me just explain why it's extremely unlikely well we could be anywhere in africa however north coast these guys it's it's the muslim looking hat and i think these are these guys also look more eastern african i don't know that's just what i'm vibing but it's this northern shoreline i'll come back to this obviously it can't be that many places you know i guess it could be there for example the north coast of that island but on the whole it can't be any of the northern coast of africa because it's too deserty can't be the south of africa because of the compass same for these bits here that's what i'm trying to say um it could only be these sorts of places around here reunion mauritius anyway i've explained myself uh to the people who will accuse and we're back here and i think this is matching up pretty well i won't lie we've got you can clearly see there's beaches down there uh and you can see the coast goes around there the road does it bend probably and we've got this container there should be a building the other side of the road which i can't see so i'm only i'm only 50 50 or less gonna have a quick look again and speed it up just to see if i find anything better yeah i've checked all the places that i i conceivably think that this could be guys so i am going to go in this place that i found so very early on this would be incredible if this is right it's right 78 yards that's incredible i'm so happy with that one i can't believe i found that so quickly ", "points": 5000, "distance": 0.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "attHVlv2SukKQLPW", "mapSlug": 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somewhere like the pharaoh islands or svalbard yeah faroe islands i'm thinking but it's it's been a while greenland is is another possibility it's been a while ah yeah there we go there's the greenland flag great um uh so we'll get this one this this shouldn't be too hard inu cluby nap i'm guessing nappy fiat is the place just gonna see if the audio levels are correct no just kidding um yeah napafia is gonna be the place i'd love to go to greenland looks so cool let's get in there let's have a look at the compass the sea could be i would have thought it's probably in that direction rather than that one no no it i guess it's more likely to be in that direction okay nappy fiat yeah i am hoping that it i'm right in saying that napi fiat is where we are because if it's not this is going to be a little bit harder and take it a little bit longer time oh dear right okay i'm so sorry if i've uh scrolled over it inus i'm hoping that that's where we are now right i'm gonna have a little search for innus toot wish me luck no dang right we're going to have to scour the map and and find somewhere that that links up with this um so lining this up then i'm looking for a fjord that's that kind of yeah that correlates with this basically with a peninsula in the middle over there right here we go wish me luck this is probably the best thing i've found but it doesn't really make sense i've searched far and wide i've done a lot of searching um yeah i i don't think that's right but i've done enough searching now so uh i am going to make a guess this is wrong yeah right what the hell is going on here then i don't believe it wow that is this coast here is so much further away damn you we were in quaker tatsuwack if that's remotely close see i sir i literally searched this place and decided that it didn't add up that's definitely one area that i'm not great at sometimes is when there's like a bay and i mean it can be confusing the shape of the coastline and the distance and the compass all of those three ", "points": 2734, "distance": 901.1, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "attHVlv2SukKQLPW", "mapSlug": "5fa381d0e27b4900014e0732", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 15470, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5fa381d0e27b4900014e0732", "name": "Interesting Photospheres in Obscure Countries", "slug": "5fa381d0e27b4900014e0732", "description": "A selection of hand-picked photospheres in obscure countries - anywhere without official StreetView! 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know palestine yemen um morocco maybe don't know i've never seen anything like this that's ah there's a there is a flag there is a flag but it's pretty damn hard to make it out i won't lie um blue red and green definitely with possibly i'm really speculating but possibly a white crescent and star but that might just be me cooking that up in my head because i think it's a muslim country right let's see where the sun is let's well let's fully look around first nicholas zelizek is the bloke who took it yeah fertile sort of land down there pretty fertile ah okay i think i might have got it fertile land that looks too north to be yemen for example certainly is that flag azerbaijan i think it might be i know the azerbaijan flag but i was i'd ruled it out i just thought we are too far south for that uh so azerbaijan is over here yeah more arid probably more dry and barren than the mediterranean because it's over towards these deserty reaches anyway got a lot of work to do got to find this place oh christ maybe we're down there maybe we're up here i want to say further down here actually and i've just seen this mountain range it yeah more close to iran would make sense for me so but where the okay right we've got a lake we've got a city is that a city i think so and we've got right okay this is this is adding up now this is starting to starting to get somewhere i think big body of water over there that's north yeah that doesn't make sense unless the compass is wrong which it easily could be so if that was north well where's the sun christ no the sun is in yeah that that looks like it's right that way around with the compass judging by the sun oh this is a roller coaster okay there's that that's a big lake which we have in the distance big reservoir but would we be able to see that i guess so from over here we're obviously looking for some sort of ancient monument as well monument uh yeah whatever you would call it castle couldn't gut could we be there remember we're looking out closer to this ah i was going to say the closer to this the more realistic it is we've also got that remember which could be either of those two things that one or that one oh i just don't know that just isn't particularly adding up to me the lake is too near it seems but again perspectives can be wrong in my case oh man okay uh i'm already off the perfect score remember so it's not quite as desperate if you know i mean i'm just starting to doubt this whole area now to be honest i'm going to go for it i'm just going to click on this i don't think it can be right but uh let's try it where's that what country is that guys first of all let's have a look here that's where we were there's the town to our east there's the rest of it there's the little lake and i believe we were looking at that the aras dam lake and it is azerbaijan i'm a bit confused as to how the borders are working there guys a sealed off enclave or is that because armenia took that over recently i did know i did notice in the news that um armenia were attacking azerbaijan's land i don't know who started it so don't call me out on that so maybe i don't think the maps would have would have recognized that if it was uh untoward but yeah i never would have thought to look in that little enclave in a million years i didn't even know that existed ", "points": 4316, "distance": 219.6, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "attHVlv2SukKQLPW", "mapSlug": "5fa381d0e27b4900014e0732", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 15470, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5fa381d0e27b4900014e0732", "name": "Interesting Photospheres in Obscure Countries", "slug": "5fa381d0e27b4900014e0732", "description": "A selection of hand-picked photospheres in obscure countries - anywhere without official StreetView! 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here taco village olympics harvest well it's in english um rankin production took the imagery the sun is right up in the sky well would you look at that uh over here we've got a um it's a beer but can't read it that that just looks like a great sign but we can't read it because the imagery is very grainy here these guys right okay i'm starting to think now these kind of look like islanders by islanders i mean jonah from tonga you know that sort of thing um yeah so maybe yeah maybe something like tonga or samoa and we're driving on the left so i think that would back that up i presume um yeah so and that's about all we've got but we do know that taco is the name of the village that we're in let's just see if there's anything that gives away you know what what country is what island it is um something parts after lane oh i don't think yeah i don't think we're gonna get it and this could be quite tricky it's definitely gonna be quite tricky unless i happen to chance upon it like i did in the first round so we're looking at these sorts of place this is just uh caught my eye takalao oh wow that is literally just nothing isn't it skeleton of an island um right so taco parrier main road these are probably what we need to look at actually salibia lighthouse matalot i think we want to be looking for mata loss i'm going to call it mate lot uh mate a lot so i've just realized mate a lot sounds like shag a lot doesn't it i didn't mean didn't mean that earlier um sadly that's not true i meant i say mate a lot don't i mate mate mate um right yes i'm looking for mate a lot which is now i can't call it anything else what's that damn letters in the wrong order uh yeah okay i'm gonna keep looking american samoa and very soon if i don't have much luck as usual i will speed things up for you but i'm searching [Music] the islands the pacific islands uh yeah i can't find this place for love nor money i really can't i'm convinced it's somewhere near australia i don't know why the people are driving on the left the signs to the names but uh i've honestly i think i've searched everywhere yeah i give up regrettably she's going to try something else before i entirely give up um and search over in the caribbean because there are similarities uh mainly the english you know the the the british influence if you like no the names are too british i think might as well be in britain really with some of these names cooper's town blackwood village marsh harbour um yeah i don't know where to go from here cayman islands last one port of spain trinidad come on taco i don't believe it that's crazy man that is the last place i was going to look in fact i started zooming out and then i thought oh i don't think i've searched there why not that's amazing and it makes sense because i think it's a x british but it's very close to venezuela so it's got that spanish blend and as i zoomed in i thought yeah maybe that there's something there and there it is taco i saw it and mate a lot is down there oh my goodness me wow i was just about to go back to american samoa which would have been the worst score imaginable right where are we are we there let's find out taco [Music] can i get this right i think we could be there yeah i'd like to get a perfect score now if we can taco main road oh 3.5 3.5 right that makes sense yeah that makes sense i'm doing it nine yards come on oh i'm so glad i got that one because it was getting a bit desperate i didn't ", "points": 5000, "distance": 0.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "attHVlv2SukKQLPW", "mapSlug": "5fa381d0e27b4900014e0732", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 15470, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5fa381d0e27b4900014e0732", "name": "Interesting Photospheres in Obscure Countries", "slug": "5fa381d0e27b4900014e0732", "description": "A selection of 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glo gloya me jesus what a hard name to say what are you playing at gloria mahigissi okay we've got a shadow and the sun is kind of in the north which puts us maybe in the south southern hemisphere right yeah so god this could this could be an obscure country well it it is going to be um but it could be hard to work it out is what i'm trying to say right what language do we have that doesn't seem like english ojay is not really a combo of letters that's usually seen in the english language this guy i thought he was swearing at someone and his mates trying to discourage him don't swear to him don't don't don't you you'll aggravate him anyway christian country we're in africa aren't we we are in africa archveche archeveche right and that's pretty much it are there any flags i've got to just completely search for flags would the maker of this map include eswatini or lesotho well i doubt it's those anyway because it would yeah there's there's google street view in those countries so i think we're looking at potentially zimbabwe mozambique maybe we're a bit further north than that zambia angola tanzania that would be difficult but we're either high up altitude wise or we're quite far south because the the trees aren't super super tropical but they're getting there um and we also have the colorful it's very it's yeah it's a christian african country uh which doesn't really really help me a lot um archae vacher veche is that a town i don't see how i'm going i don't see where i go with this archer vetcher namibia botswana i just it doesn't look like botswana we know that i'm looking for countries that have places with e on the end this kind of does kalu kwembe namibe okay oh dear mozambique let's have a little look at this ah okay and gotcha and gotcha i like that i like that i like the che at the end that's the best thing we've found yet and it is sure as hell an obscure country i am of course just trying to find archer veche even though it might not be a place because what else can i do as a result of that i think it's kind of that's it for me really um podja pot oja oja but again like that might not be the town probably isn't no i'm gonna go back to mozambique guys and reluctantly put a marker down um somewhere it's fairly a big city where it's fairly mountainous how's tete okay now i feel christmassy um right uh mountainous place liching how about that let's go there this is a wild guess this is definitely not right but can you imagine if i got the right i'll be very very pleased with the right country here we go ah right not a million miles away 865 miles away let's see here okay oh that is the democratic republic of congo didn't mention that at all and we're in a city called bukhavu we're not far from a huge lake like kivu which i didn't see any water at all there um but there it is the arche veche so arche veche probably means church in some language could be french i don't know i can't i haven't got the brain power to come contemplate that at the moment we were a few countries away one two ", "points": 2305, "distance": 1155.9, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "attHVlv2SukKQLPW", "mapSlug": "5fa381d0e27b4900014e0732", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 15470, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5fa381d0e27b4900014e0732", "name": "Interesting Photospheres in Obscure Countries", "slug": "5fa381d0e27b4900014e0732", "description": "A selection of hand-picked photospheres in obscure countries - anywhere without official StreetView! 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ancient civilization built this i'm gonna i'm gonna stick my neck out and say and this is gonna be nion impossible isn't it we know that um well we don't know a lot here we're obviously going to be in the northern hemisphere there's only a few countries this could be um you know around the realm of the roman empire or the middle east the babylonian kind of regions but even better than that we've got an arabic name that has taken this muad bu mood muadbu mood and it's it's not just arabic it's and again i'm not an expert at this kind of thing but that sounds to me to be kind of iranian iraqi kind of name might be wrong you know and even the fact that it's taken by an arabic named person doesn't categorically mean we're you know we could be in sicily it might be a tourist but it's just odds we're working with odds here that's what you've got to work with so uh i might be i might be wrong about that iraq thing i think i'm going off mahmoud muad bhumud i think i'm going off like president's names here mahmoud abbad what was his name the iranian president i ain't gonna say that anyway this is incredible by the way like can you imagine what this was like as a city i mean absolutely amazing for this still to be here in some way i'm not going to get this there is no there's not much point in researching this could be in turkey it could be in syria it's quite green isn't it and we've got mountains in the distance big mountains over there but it is quite green i don't think and look at the grass as well you know we've got like little weeds and thistles and stuff i don't think we would be last time we were in tunisia weren't we which is always an option oh we've got we've got an o u n which we haven't got in the name but i know you is good so we could we could be in tunisia very easily and this could be like a roman structure so what i'm gonna do guys is i'm gonna have a little bit of a look on the map and this will be hugely sped up um right now i'm searching in tunisia just to see if any roman sites jump out of me on the map then i'll line it up to any surrounding mountains and the shape of the if if we if we zoom in on the correct roman site i'll probably get it that's the good news and that's why i'm searching wish me luck the last one was actually in this country wasn't it algeria which the romans also you know all the coast they had so i will i will look in the northern reaches of algeria actually and just see if i can find any big ones hey i like this guys um in one screenshot there's two bou's bou boumoued so this sounds algerian these names so that makes me feel a bit better about this i'll keep searching just after i've stopped sneezing oh it's huge algeria is so big and you've got to zoom in so far to find these things i'll i'm finding one roman as soon as i find one that says roman i'm done i think i'm done i think i'm done i haven't seen anything better than this seems to be a lot around here lollius urbicus sounds pretty damn roman quintus lollius urbicus um let's just go for it i'm dreading a terrible score here there you go that's not terrible that is not terrible we were directly south of there and we were here oh tim gad roman ruins i wonder if that's where we were before it definitely wasn't the same photo sphere but it could have been a different part of tim gad don't think it was no i think it was you know i think we had a different photo sphere in that same place because i remember saying tim gad as opposed to steve gad wow points wise this is okay we knew you know we know we're not gonna get a perfect score here so it's just about keeping those points up ", "points": 4694, "distance": 94.3, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "ZXlFiGQCg0V3hB7g", "mapSlug": "5fa381d0e27b4900014e0732", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 12564, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", 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regis it's english isn't it could be could be a few languages could be latin again some regis so that's a hotel right so this is the sunregis hotel maybe um can't read where we are it was taken by ben look ben look without the c uh let's hope he brings us some luck here got blue number plates is that is this hong kong we got blue blue and black another place i just can't remember a lot of this stuff got mountains in the background um i'm i think i'm fairly happy with hong kong at the moment can't be taiwan because the number plates can't be china i don't think they'd have sent regis in china i guess in shanghai or something like that they could mountains in the background yeah i think i i can't read anything else so i'm going to make this one a fairly snappy one guys partly because i don't want to have to change my mind halfway through i'm just going to go it can't be japan it can't be south korea because we don't have the it's not the right script so i'm going hong kong it could be macau but if it's macau that's all right it's only over the way so i'll go hong kong and i'm gonna painstakingly look for this hotel no not really i'm not gonna do that saint regis i could have a quick look i mean you know well we're not going to be there i'm not going to be there i'm going to go here without looking anymore [\u00a0__\u00a0] it [\u00a0__\u00a0] it right off look at that we are in china what wow this is quite fascinating so this lassa is that like the capital of tibet so to speak i think it might be it looks like it's the biggest city potentially in tibet but there we go are we really there really doesn't look like there's some regis hotel there was it even a hotel i don't know wait a minute we're not playing that absolutely awful map are we can't see a regis hotel it's a bit annoying that is a little bit annoying well that was frustrating on both sides of the uh of the reveal and it's a frustrating point so one two four five we've dropped big points there can we beat 19 785 ", "points": 1245, "distance": 2075.3, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "ZXlFiGQCg0V3hB7g", "mapSlug": "5fa381d0e27b4900014e0732", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 12564, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5fa381d0e27b4900014e0732", "name": "Interesting Photospheres in Obscure Countries", "slug": "5fa381d0e27b4900014e0732", "description": "A selection of hand-picked photospheres in obscure countries - anywhere without official StreetView! 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those flags that could be a few flags i i'm thinking jordan at this point but we'll keep looking is that a flag there that huge that actually looks more like afghanistan if that's a flag let's keep looking round because we've already got two flags we might have more um it does look pretty poor [Music] i don't know and afghanistan as well uh here we go select photography come on give us a domain that is an afghanistan flag black red green where was i seeing white on that one i think that's the sky there that bit there it's the same color as this so we're in afghanistan afghanistan can be deceivingly kind of northern looking and if you look on the map that's because it is it does it is it borders tajikistan and uzbekistan even are we in kabul well we've got mountains over there so i'm going to look on the map select photography we've got mountains to the south as well so we know we're in afghanistan we know we're probably not down here in the deserty bits helmand province in kabul we do have mountains to the east and we do have mines to the south so that could correlate does correlate it there's quite a lot of different ranges in and around kabul are they big mines with snow on in the distance or am i just am i seeing things there i'm not sure they look like big mountains to the north east that could be those couldn't it they look bigger so actually i i would if anything i'd be looking in this area because we've got mountains to the south but not that big and then we've got big ones over there doesn't mean we're necessarily here but the road would correlate it is going at that kind of it is going at that direction that's good i mean imagine if we found imagine if we got this guys imagine sally photography i'm gonna have a little look because you never know you just never know please be on the map you've gone you've really gone to town with the shop front photography questionable but you've gone to town with the sign could do with an update actually but you've made an effort at some point a few years ago so please just put it on the internet put it on google so if if we are here i don't think his shop is on here just to get things into perspective it's so likely not to be it's it's it might not be kabul kabul is it's only 50 50 that it's kabul even we could be there you know i don't know we'll see i think it's fairly likely to be kabul but we'll see how close i get here goes oh [\u00a0__\u00a0] me okay oh we've lost i i don't even know if we're still in it here we were 51 miles away good job i went to the eastern ends of kabul that's where we apparently were the road was even more of an extreme angle he's not on google so i was right about that yes get in but it's a hollow victory the mountains to the south were quite far and the mountains to the northeast were very big indeed you can see how tall they look i mean that is proper osama bin laden territory that is ", "points": 4771, "distance": 70.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": 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something like that i won't work it out exactly right this says it qui buca 25 and um of course i'm wondering how many of you are beating me here and will beat me as always let me know in the comments at the end there's the flag so we have a flag i mean this is what we need but whether that's a country or an overseas territory of another country i'm not sure it could be either because as i said earlier i'm not 100 on all those little tiny nations i'm struggling to think what that that is we've got yellow number plates but they're kind of like european shaped but definitely not european we're in a tropical sort of place those cars are is that a toyota corolla and that might even be a toyota mr2 or some or mazda maybe so potentially um asian cars we've got a fairly big city up there that's interesting pretty big city and so this cui buca qui buca it sounds to me like a sort of australasian oceanic name like out here somewhere could would be on vanuatu something like that whatever it is it's gotta be it's gonna have a fairly big capital to it as you can see up there i mean those are some pretty big buildings the main question i've got is is qui buca the name of this city if it is then great we'll find it fairly quickly i would have thought but i don't think it is because i think i would have heard of it if it's this big and built up this is just my first hunch i'm looking at places like this you know um places that i don't know much about qui buca so i can look at languages so this sounds this looks french vanuatu is a rue cornwall rue edinburgh i think there's been some real serious mixing trading of uh land there i just don't think i think these islands that i'm looking at are too small what we've got over there is so built up see that could just be the name of the street it could be a really fancy apartment that you stay in what what does the 25 stand for you know number 25 qabuka quibuca road don't know i don't think we're in samoa i don't think it's this built up so where does that leave me um ah now this this is gonna be tough but i'm so determined to get this so we've got the caribbean but qui buca for a start doesn't really remind me of the caribbean where's the sun it's kind of in the south if anything but it's pretty damn westerly we can't really use that um let me have a look through some of these caribbean places lucia barbados some vincent let me have a little look martinique is just all going to be french there's no point dominica looks pretty english as well guadalupe monsieur is small anguir u.s virgin islands right that is one big place willemstad look at that kabuto boss kabuto boss kaya there's definitely like an old language that's still got an influence here seru it's a lot of apartments here mahay i'm liking the language it does seem to fit this might be totally wrong guys we you know i don't know all right let me search this place because it's big it's built up it takes a few boxes it's built up it's obviously the right um tropicalness it's in the southern hemis it's in the northern hemisphere just the flag i can't remember it's obviously owned by the netherlands so that would make sense that i wouldn't know the flag um and also what i thought was to see out here isn't it's kind of hilly so leave it with me let me let me check i'm just looking for qui buca i'm just looking for that word because it's got to be if this if my trailer thought is right it's got to be either a road or an apartment name look at these names though nikki bocco why nappa harry [\u00a0__\u00a0] i'm gonna go for it man i'm gonna just really gamble here because while lots of things add up i really could be on the other side of the earth genuinely i don't know the flag for curacao i don't know the the license plates i don't remember guys i don't remember um there's certain things that add up which i've explained the only other thing is are we could we be somewhere in africa but i just don't think there'd be that much wealth up there look at that no way unfortunately for africa i don't think that's right so i'm just gonna go for it i literally just thought about rwanda you are kidding ", "points": 9, "distance": 9433.8, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "ZXlFiGQCg0V3hB7g", "mapSlug": "5fa381d0e27b4900014e0732", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 12564, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5fa381d0e27b4900014e0732", "name": "Interesting Photospheres in Obscure Countries", "slug": "5fa381d0e27b4900014e0732", "description": "A selection of hand-picked photospheres in obscure countries - anywhere without official StreetView! So no countries where GeoGuessr would normally take you. Countries included mapped here: XXXX Report bad locations using this form: XXXX Some rounds have obvious clues, others are much more challenging...", "url": "/maps/5fa381d0e27b4900014e0732", "playUrl": "/5fa381d0e27b4900014e0732/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -85.00218245065568, "lng": -175.3065796}, "max": {"lat": 72.23341839999999, "lng": 179.8434522}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2020-11-05T04:38:40.1690000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-03-22T16:37:26.7680000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "sunrise", "decoration": "smalltrees", "ground": "darkbrown", "landscape": "mountaintrees"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, 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wrong right we're going to play it with panning and zooming of course but no moving because that's how these maps are intended to play just before we start though folks I now have Instagram I didn't really want to get Instagram for quite some time but the reason I've ended up getting it is um purely to make links to find fellow adventurers content creators uh you know filmmakers musicians and sponsorship people uh businesses just so that I can Elevate the channel to the next level in terms of my Adventures so there'll be lots of snaps of classic moments from my Adventures on there it's mainly revolves around my real life stuff there's not going to be much Geo guesser stuff but I thought I'd let you guys know anyway just in case you wanted to follow me so the link will be in the description along with the instructions to play along with this video Let's see what this map is all about and let's see if I can get a perfect score that is what I'm aiming for here very much so now already here without even panning are we seeing a sort of pink Hue to these registration plates putting us in Belgium I don't know we've got a Tesla a Fiat a Mercedes a Volkswagen and a Volkswagen a Volkswagen Volkswagen Citron and a mini so I'd say pretty Belgian let's have a look over here liftgasoned something West Stark at Stell West yeah that sounds pretty oh there we go there's the be welcome loot sounds pretty Belgian so this could be like usted or I'll have to look on the map actually I can't remember Haven Master usted yeah usten so it's zebruga is the one I was trying to think of zebruga and usted the ports that lead into Belgium with these massive wide canals um so this one isn't too hard I mean I'm wondering whether this map is easier than the usual one but we can definitely get this used end yeah in the New Port because I I know these places because when I did cycle down the up the coast uh I should say I went through a lot of these places Japan Dune was it and I remember getting to some big rivers that I couldn't cross but usten is much further up here it is so we should be around here no we thought we're up by the beach so we're further up so we should be there I would have thought what's this baldy doing see the Lifeguard oh no he's the toilet uh attendant very different jobs okay let's go in uh ", "points": 5000, "distance": 0.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "rOl0yftdT4XQR3YZ", "mapSlug": "607860d406f2740001042c2a", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 17346, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "607860d406f2740001042c2a", "name": "Perfect Detective Map", "slug": "607860d406f2740001042c2a", "description": "Meant to be played in NO MOVING mode. 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If you need to report a bad location: bit.ly/3f6RUX9", "url": "/maps/607860d406f2740001042c2a", "playUrl": "/607860d406f2740001042c2a/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -54.81138338237332, "lng": -177.3787247676899}, "max": {"lat": 78.2231189912079, "lng": 176.9058221530074}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-04-15T15:50:44.2830000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-08-27T16:15:30.0990000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "sunset", "decoration": "japanese", "ground": "water", "landscape": "volcano"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 14797860, "likes": 1053, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "Tom Davies", "created": "2015-05-16T09:00:45.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/070788b46518a096b04dbe32e5d127d5.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/c19dfd5682b4651f760d8c0e4d8b3cfd.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/5557073d2bfa31229cf60150", "id": "5557073d2bfa31229cf60150", "countryCode": "gb", "br": {"level": 45, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 53656, "level": 45, "levelXp": 50750, "nextLevel": 46, "nextLevelXp": 53680, "title": {"id": 140, "tierId": 50}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 0, "silver": 0, "gold": 1, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 251, "rating": 752, "lastRatingChange": -133, "division": {"type": 30, "startRating": 675, "endRating": 850}, "onLeaderboard": false}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/c19dfd5682b4651f760d8c0e4d8b3cfd.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 2, "isCreator": false, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geowizard/rOl0yftdT4XQR3YZ/2/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 2, "lat": 55.61311345810386, "lng": 12.97700816033053, "continent": "Europe", "country": "Sweden"}, "split_transcript": "yeah I'm happy with that cool five yards amazing so ah straight away I think I know where that building is I think it's in Malmo the Turning torso it's called oh there you go look so it's definitely the right building that I was thinking of the Turning torso I mean it's a pretty cool design but it it's one of those buildings it seems that they clad it in white and it kind of gets a bit grubby after a while there's a couple in Birmingham that aren't that old they're only like 10 15 years old and they already look quite tired looking but maybe it's kind of the the maybe it just needs a bit of a clean or maybe it's the imagery anyway so we're in Malmo I presume so this is another one that won't be hard for me I'm just trying to figure out if there's any other giveaway clues that say Malmo because that really would no I don't think there is that's good that means it's not like a totally easy map um and this shouldn't be too hard for me to find within Malmo because we should be able to see like the the shadow of it I think it's near the sea but it either way it should if it's not the the shape of it we should be able to see the writing um the the label for it see if we can actually see the C because I thought it was by the sea but it might not be it's very flat is it way over here no I had this idea ah there it is it is near the sea turning torso iconic twisted and sculptured Tower block so we should be there if I line the compass up yeah that is where we are that Road is closed why is that one closed I think they've made it into cycle paths have they who knows um but yeah that is us ", "points": 5000, "distance": 0.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "rOl0yftdT4XQR3YZ", "mapSlug": "607860d406f2740001042c2a", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 17346, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "607860d406f2740001042c2a", "name": "Perfect Detective Map", "slug": "607860d406f2740001042c2a", "description": "Meant to be played in NO MOVING mode. 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idea but it's nothing more than an absolute Punt and McDonald's down there so these buildings first of all at first I thought they look and they do look quite Norwegian or Icelandic or even sort of somewhat Slovakian you know Eastern European but this obviously isn't um I mean if you look at these buildings just don't think it's I don't think it's Eastern Europe just look at these and I think look how spread out they are is that something you would find in Eastern Europe like Warsaw or you know Kiev or something I don't think so and certainly not I mean this is obviously not somewhere like I might be wrong but I don't think this is somewhere like Kiev because it just goes out into this Barren land for me this looks like somewhere more like sugar bat is probably my is an option this is a fascinating building ah there is there is Cyrillic so that is Russian or Cyrillic language script and there is the giveaway guys there's a bloody flag it's um it's in Kazakhstan so I wasn't a million miles away but it will be well what is the capital these days is it Astana gotta be hasn't it they've changed the capital a few times but we've got water over there to the east doesn't really add up we should have a river the ishim river there's a river the water to the sorry we should have water to the West sorry if I said East which I can't really see but we should be able to get this there should be a sort of Valley in the Middle with not much on it that would be that bridge and then there'd be one big main road hmm unless that was the bridge Presidential Park just trying to size it all up guys and see if this actually is the place because at the moment I'm not sure I'm thinking not but I'd say we would be there is there is there a McDonald's here can't see one we're not on a building by the way I think we're just you know it's Drone footage and then that huge Palace there Sultan mosque but that just leads right out of town without bending around so look around a little bit a little bit more [Music] opening my ideas up to the idea that the compass is wrong now as well so like for example if we were in our starter us being on this side wait a minute yeah that's right the compass is completely wrong ah damn you um okay so yeah we're there that I think anyway yeah that will be the Triumph astani so we're probably about there there's the McDonald's well I should have I that I to be fair I should have um realize that as a possibility a lot earlier but part of that is on the map maker he did say that it was all a hundred percent of the compasses were correct and I've just noticed oh no I thought that said Astana on it so it is acetone of course we're in line with the edge of that building so I would say we're more like there um but this might not be totally accurate we're also in line with sort of that so I would say there uh let's try it two yards Ah that's so good and that isn't three yeah of course that is stupid of me not to explore that ", "points": 5000, 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All 1115 handpicked locations have clues, with a little skill and effort a 25k is always possible. Street signs are boring, so there aren't many. Meta is not required and compass should be right. 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that is some bloke from Taiwan um Chinatown branch office ah just realized where we might be I think we might be in San Francisco well I mean that is a clue um doctor's son yats sin Memorial Hall of San Francisco so I did think it didn't have a very Taiwanese look to it um or Chinese for that matter so yeah we're in we're in Chinatown San Francisco which I've had on another map before but on this occasion yeah they've definitely put us here on purpose to throw the cat amongst the pigeons Taiwan flag is is in support of Taiwan who are imminently gonna be invaded by the ruthless evil China and it's accompanied by American flags um heartfelt things I mean yeah we don't need to look around too much I mean we could do a bit of old school you know Geo guess so let's take the piss out of people within reason within reason I used to go a bit too hard didn't I because I was a small Channel I can't really do that anymore but this guy's haircut is standing out at that point you just you just shave it off don't you that's the general consensus um International dragon and lion dance what is that because funnily enough when I was in San Francisco um when kovid was just actually in its early days February 2020 we did see a lion a Dragon Dance coming down the street as part of some Festival so maybe that's where they store the the thing um yeah we're ready I think I'll wait anyone else [Music] you got lucky so I just saw Sacramento so that will be the street won't it and they're about to head into a tunnel and it's heading south although as we've learned we can't fully rely on the compass clay Sacramento let's get in there it's up here somewhere Japan Town Civic Center it's up here here we go Chinatown Sacramento is there clay there's clay and there's Sacramento but we don't know which which street we're heading up north to south wise but if we find this tunnel then that should be it so we should be that's a tunnel isn't it yes Stockton tunnel can't see any other tunnels particularly so I would say that's right we can also try and find some establishments Central Chinese High School and the Memorial Hall there it is Central Chinese Chinese Central High School and can't see the Memorial Hall but that's good enough for me and we're right by this bus stop I mean we're in the middle of that I'd I'd be happy with that guess let's see if we can get one meter oh it's six it's bloody six and it's wrong ", "points": 5000, "distance": 0.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "rOl0yftdT4XQR3YZ", "mapSlug": "607860d406f2740001042c2a", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 17346, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "607860d406f2740001042c2a", "name": "Perfect Detective Map", "slug": "607860d406f2740001042c2a", "description": "Meant to be played in NO MOVING mode. 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Northern Ireland we got there um look at that old Renault Laguna kind of half half-heartedly souped up or is this Scotland and I don't think I don't know I honestly don't know Castle Town Foxdale Saint Mark's this might be tricky you know this actually might take a while and be quite tricky to to get I think we start in Northern Ireland because that was just what it felt like I thought I had it then Cookstown if we're in Northern Ireland it shouldn't take us too long because we're bi some pretty high ground as you can see over there trouble is it's quite yeah we can kind of see some High Ground here but these places castletown Saint Mark's foxtail could all be quite small an insignificant and hard to find on the map Castle town sounds like the biggest but I don't know okay I haven't found anything yet but I swear I do recognize castletown so I'm just gonna have a quick skip over to Scotland I'm gonna look sort of Castle downtown I mean just looking at the buildings here I mean we I'm not ruling out the north of England to be honest I mean they're not exactly Scottish or Irish I mean castletown is quite Northern Irish but yeah I'm not ruling anything out I mean it could literally be that we're appear somewhere or maybe even further south Yorkshire even Lincolnshire Kent no definitely not Kent um God but in that case we really have got a ridiculously potentially drawn out search on our hands something that I'll have to speed up hugely uh and possibly even just have a stab up just have a guess up um right wish me luck there is no point talking over any of this now I'm just gonna be searching on the map for hopefully a reasonable time because I've got lots of editing to do here we go [Music] can't be up here it's not Welsh enough there's no Welsh anywhere oh my God I think I've got it Castle town could it be that we are in the Isle of Man I'm not sure you know if we see a Saint Marks then yeah but it would make sense so castletown is that way so we would be up here Saint Mark's foxtail sweet some of you will have will have known from the word go where we were then and fair play to you um I only really know Douglas and peel and Ramsay but yeah many of you will know castletown I mean culturally it probably isn't that different to there's probably crossovers with with Ireland and they do have an ancient language on this island the Isle of Man called manx which I don't think is spoken very much but um is still spoken I think by some old fogies um a long way to continue so we're looking at Foxdale is down there some Marx's North doesn't really make sense no yes Marx is straight up there it's a bit odd could we be no awkward positionings they are I've got to say we're on a main road so some marks don't say the compass is wrong on this wait that's that's confused me no they're not in the they're not pointing in the directions I thought they were Castle town is down this main road foxtail is up there so yeah we're there probably I thought it was the other way around with some marks and foxtel uh yeah I think so is there some sort of Junction up there yeah possibly that bends around yeah um I'm fairly sure that that will be it just don't want to get this wrong no it's got to be isn't it it's got to be so marks is just over the way there and the road slightly at an angle yeah I'm doing it we actually on the junction yeah final round there it is two yards never ", "points": 5000, "distance": 0.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "rOl0yftdT4XQR3YZ", "mapSlug": "607860d406f2740001042c2a", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 17346, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "607860d406f2740001042c2a", "name": "Perfect Detective Map", "slug": "607860d406f2740001042c2a", "description": "Meant to be played in NO MOVING mode. 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architecture website should include most of the best examples of brutalist architecture 893 in 66 countries now if any of you guys have not yet played along to one of these play-along videos it's really good fun and it's really easy check the instructions in the description below it's pretty damn simple and that is pretty much all there is to say perfect score is possible but very unlikely I would say on a map like this but who knows let's give it a go and find out no time limit no moving let's go wow look at that for a starter that is that is something isn't it I love it when they've been uh renovated you can tell that that one's been sort of scrubbed up and they've added new windows looks like it's in a prime position so they've possibly made it into Apartments let's look around and see where we actually might be I love the cut those it's star wars-esque isn't it and it's Swagger let's just build a huge block of concrete I guess I mean it was the Space Age wasn't it the 60s oh my God it's Chicago look at these is it the Sears Sears Tower or the Willis building or let me know is it the John Hancock building I get confused with them all uh more concrete over here less polished and yeah we're on the river it's just kind of dawned on me we're on the river we're on one of the waterways in Chicago um let's get in the map and see where this is according to the compass and the sun would correlate we are South of the center or where's the other really tall building the other the other black one the kind of looks similar maybe it's being obscured um yeah let's get into Chicago not Chicago as I sometimes call it um right so it's I would say judging by the layout of this that we're kind of down here somewhere see if we can find the outline of that concrete Beauty is it that one I don't think so there actually aren't a whole lot of bridges down here which is kind of odd so that would put us more like here yeah oh wow I think this is it but look at the shape of it and let me just check so it's that snakes run it's like a big S so those are the very abrupt ends the end of the the snake and then it'll be the same on the other side there look that is I don't think I could have asked for a better brutalist piece of architecture to start things off um I'm guessing I'll be absolutely fine with that yet 10 yards I think the threshold is going to be 100 yards at least maybe even 150. so perfect score we're still on four well done if you started off with a perfect score ", "points": 5000, "distance": 0.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "u1N5EBqt2aTZC1qW", "mapSlug": "6053fba78ddd1c00018a80a9", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 14786, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "6053fba78ddd1c00018a80a9", "name": "Brutalist Architecture", "slug": "6053fba78ddd1c00018a80a9", "description": "This map is about brutalist architecture. There are 844 points in 68 countries - including a very small amount of photospheres. Every point should have been reviewed manually so hopefully you'll be able to see the building/location immediately. It is made using data kindly provided by Damien Gosset from his website XXXX // ", "url": "/maps/6053fba78ddd1c00018a80a9", "playUrl": "/6053fba78ddd1c00018a80a9/play", "published": false, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -41.43651614620008, "lng": -157.8508695103957}, "max": {"lat": 68.97071585589832, "lng": 175.0513150914027}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-03-19T01:17:27.4930000Z", "updatedAt": "2023-03-29T07:41:27.3980000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "sunrise", "decoration": "none", "ground": "darkbrown", "landscape": "houses"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 12478686, "likes": 707, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, 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"2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/c19dfd5682b4651f760d8c0e4d8b3cfd.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 2, "isCreator": false, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geowizard/u1N5EBqt2aTZC1qW/2/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 2, "lat": 48.81175717272569, "lng": 2.385139480504772, "continent": "Europe", "country": "France"}, "split_transcript": "um don't know if I'll keep that up because that was quite an easy round but let's move on oh my God look at this one seems like we're in Paris Bank popular Reeve De Paris so this could be quite hard to find but at least we know we're in the right City but that really is now that is a monstrosity that I love it though I absolutely love it like I know it looks ugly but it doesn't help really that all these trees are growing on it is that intentional I presume that's intentional because those will be people's balconies and I'm all for you know the growing of trees on buildings but that to me just looks like it's been engulfed by time and mother nature and there's a fine line isn't it between you know nice Greenery and weeds but this is I'm really in my element here I don't think I realized how much I that this kind of thing fascinated me but there you go let's try and get to the task so just trying to look for some Clues on here silly uh okay just scanning for Clues not gonna try and pronounce too much because my French pronunciation is not a great Rue something Perry now that's that could be useful rude Perry because I am going to try and get a perfect score but I won't completely break my back trying to do so Bank popular Reeve De Paris now I think that sag best clue don't think that's good so Reeve De Paris I mean Paris is technically wrong uh We're not gonna be able to read any of those okay this could take me a little while but we're just gonna get into Paris on the map and just have a little search because Reeve De Paris Reeve to Paris I'm just going to call it Paris okay because I'm English um it's it's entirely possible that we can we could stumble across this now I don't think we're gonna be in within that Central Ring Road partly because we haven't got like a 17th ah ah whatever it means a double r but I am going to search for a Reeve to Paris don't know what that would mean [Music] okay not finding a Reeve to Paddy and I'm also now starting to think that that might not be a place I mean it's entirely possible when you think about it Bank popular however thinking about it more I think that this I don't think that they'd build this too far outside of Paris it's the kind of thing you build relatively close to the city um but I'm not going to spend any more time searching for a place that may not exist uh so yeah I am going to just put the man down put the marker down we're not on Google Street View okay I am going to go about here but not before I check once more for a couple of Clues just I well any clue would be grand because you never know I might have missed something [Music] the only thing I can see that I didn't see before is this it looks like it's an ivry is that an area because if so that would be the best way to to fight it probably isn't it probably isn't but if it is so give me one minute while I look for that okay I give up that's my guess I is every so sane if I'd have just looked a bit longer but I thought I was going insane so I didn't bother looking any longer for that but E3 was the place I thought it might be because it looked kind of more of a local initiative rather than a private business so we're just outside the Ring Road we're obviously on the other side of the city to where I picked um and I don't think how this building looks massive it looks like it carries on all around here look which is incredible but I don't think Bank popular rhyth De Paris is probably a chain so that was I was probably barking up the wrong tree there but you know what 4908 ain't too bad some of you guys however will be on a perfect score because some of you will have heard of every or found ", "points": 4908, "distance": 27.7, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "u1N5EBqt2aTZC1qW", "mapSlug": "6053fba78ddd1c00018a80a9", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 14786, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "6053fba78ddd1c00018a80a9", "name": "Brutalist Architecture", "slug": "6053fba78ddd1c00018a80a9", "description": "This map is about brutalist architecture. 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is absolutely You've Gotta Laugh at that what the is that actually part of a residential building is that that's offices or or a hospital or something but what's that that is one of the wow that is one of the most brutal shocking pieces of architecture I've ever seen it really is and I live in Birmingham so that really is something Epworth street is going to help us but not that much because this monstrosity is such a big Landmark on the map right witness let's let's get in the map here because I thought that was near Liverpool and I might be right ah so could we be in runcorn probably not because runcorn is in a city at least I hope it's not doesn't deserve to be uh five six one down here look so we're gonna be in Liverpool but this could be pretty hard to find airport as well where's where's the John Lennon airport there it is so we we could be we could be quite far in here so Northwest cancer research that's going to be fairly useful accelerator but this is the thing and I I'm fairly sure that's a hospital just just based on ah Liverpool City London Road Branch well that is that is one of the most useful bits of information you're ever likely to see on a British sign that is not something you often see on a fast food joint so we don't need to try and decipher that rubbish we can see it here London Road so usually it's just a phone number at best London Road so here we go we're going to be we're going to be around here somewhere that's Park Road does it say more Street [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm really struggling to find this so I can't lie I can't find London Road [Music] London Road okay so it's way up here that's gotta be it surely is it it's and it's it is the Royal Liverpool University Hospital we're not actually on London Road Mr Liang Ji uh we're on Prescott Street so probably update that at some point uh because we're right by Lula flower shop that was Moss Street not Moore Street um and that tops the lot in terms of outrageously concrete shabby looking buildings okay let's put our final marker down ", "points": 5000, "distance": 0.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "u1N5EBqt2aTZC1qW", "mapSlug": "6053fba78ddd1c00018a80a9", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 14786, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "6053fba78ddd1c00018a80a9", "name": "Brutalist Architecture", "slug": "6053fba78ddd1c00018a80a9", "description": "This map is about brutalist architecture. 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events of any sorts it's time for you to take a dive into the areas with tragic or disturbing backstories almost all of which happened within the 20th and 21st century created by Phil ravenholm this could be a great map let's just Dive Right In I'm going no moving to give myself some sort of you know structure and restriction if you watching have never played along before now's your chance check how to do it in the description the instructions will be there it's very fun and it's easy to do I think we are recording so we can begin where are we gonna get here I can't panel Zoom I've done it wrong I could that be Chernobyl let's just have a look this this can be a warm-up Chernobyl Chernobyl where is it God this isn't going well I can't even find pripya pripyat ah I found chinob Chernobyl so where's pripya there it is I think I will just go prepare and oh there's the Chernobyl nuclear power plant yeah we'll go in here and I'll go this this isn't in the game this doesn't count and it's wrong anyway it's Moscow I have no idea what happened there maybe we can Google I'll Google them after the game or after each round yeah after each round this is your link let's go first one okay where could we be we've got a yellow number plate white number plate West Gate oh hang on a minute is this Nairobi the shopping mall God if it is then that really is uh doesn't get much more disturbing than that are we in Nairobi I figure it out we don't we don't have the usual Google car Westgate Shopping Center see I'm just Gathering Clues to see if we can get the country here there's a k there Kenyan no that's probably I mean Westgate Cinema you'll have to forgive me I know I've said this so many times but I haven't played geoguessr in well over a month um golden homes but yeah the registration plates I just can't remember whether my uh Kenya has yellow ones I don't remember it having it's really bad um but yeah we're in Africa it's you know English English language ah that is okay isn't it why aren't I going into the map and just going to Nairobi and trying to fight I'm sure it was the Westgate Mall I haven't actually explained what this potential tragic or disturbing moment in history was it was the shooting at the mall with the terrorists and that was in the description so I'm hoping terrible terrible event the scariest thing you can imagine there's a really good documentary on it but watch it at your own sort of risk because it is you'll never go to a mall uh again and not think about it um can't find it and I'm looking mainly in the West lavington Mall The Junction Mall Prestige Plaza Mall ington Shopping Center timore I mean bloody hell where is this thing got it Westgate Shopping Mall oh my God oh wow this really is heavy West Coast Shopping Center I'm happy to go there I can't see how that can be wrong really looking at it and it's right ", "points": 5000, "distance": 0.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "xHC2zHFnVeepP2hG", "mapSlug": 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Almost all of the events happened within the 20th and 21st century.\n\nFeatured on GeoWizard's YT channel... 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to the right let me see let me look let me just have a little scan for these Bridges [Music] I can't really find uh a bridge that looks the same and I don't I don't know of a disturbing or tragic incident that happened um I can't think of one that happened on a bridge unless maybe did this collapse or are we near New Orleans where you know maybe a hurricane happened and some cars were blown off I mean it's possible but feel like I would have heard of that we are also looking for something that juts out here but that's not right that's not right I'm quite determined to find this and then we will have to Google what happened here [Music] unless it's Fort Myers or somewhere around this area that got decimated by uh the last hurricane Ian how could I forget its name we could be around here very easily that looks yeah I mean it's Gotta Be It's gotta be so we should be heading slightly Northwest which we are the fishing thing the pier you can see there and it does look like it bends around towards us a little bit it gets bigger so yeah we are here definitely so that didn't take me too long to find I'm guessing well I'll Google it in a sec but the Sunshine Skyway Bridge I'm guessing something happened here during Hurricane Ian let's see if we can keep this perfect score going oh this is going to be hard because this is a long way talking big distances but I reckon about there should be good ah we've lost out on two points I should have carried on a bit further up um but I'm going to take a moment to Google this oh I'm wrong about hurricane Ian 1980 collapse oh my goodness the southbound span opened in 1971 was destroyed when the freighter 185 meter freighter what a freighter it's a it's a boat there it is collided with a support column during a sudden Squall what's a Squall increase in Wind yeah I know all about those causing the catastrophic failure of the whole Bridge six cars a truck and a Greyhound bus oh that's unlucky if you're on that plummeted 150 feet 46 meters into Tampa Bay resulting in 35 deaths the only survivor of the fall this is less tragic but just as interesting was Wesley McIntyre whose Ford Courier pickup truck bounced off the hull of the summit Venture and into the water McIntyre managed to escape his vehicle before it sank and he was pulled to safety oh my God how did he survive that I'm just trying to picture that car going and then falling a great height ", "points": 4998, "distance": 0.6, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "xHC2zHFnVeepP2hG", "mapSlug": "5ef538288f01a05300023d48", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 10999, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5ef538288f01a05300023d48", "name": "Areas with Tragic or Disturbing Backstories", "slug": "5ef538288f01a05300023d48", "description": "Terrorist Bombings, Murders, Industrial, Environmental and Natural Catastrophes, Mysterious events of any sorts, It's time for you to take a dive into areas with tragic or disturbing backstories. Almost all of the events happened within the 20th and 21st century.\n\nFeatured on GeoWizard's YT channel... Thank you again Tom ;)", "url": "/maps/5ef538288f01a05300023d48", "playUrl": "/5ef538288f01a05300023d48/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -43.52886208029496, "lng": -157.7439006641067}, "max": {"lat": 66.03083105352921, "lng": 175.7223467121121}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2020-06-25T23:50:00.2510000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-06-28T19:09:39.0040000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "night", "decoration": "none", "ground": "darkbrown", "landscape": "desserthills"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 12393516, "likes": 1221, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "Tom Davies", "created": "2015-05-16T09:00:45.0000000Z", "isProUser": true, "type": "Pro", "consumedTrial": true, "isVerified": true, "pin": {"url": "pin/070788b46518a096b04dbe32e5d127d5.png", "anchor": "center-center", "isDefault": false}, "fullBodyPin": "pin/c19dfd5682b4651f760d8c0e4d8b3cfd.png", "color": 0, "url": "/user/5557073d2bfa31229cf60150", "id": "5557073d2bfa31229cf60150", "countryCode": "gb", "br": {"level": 45, "division": 50}, "streakProgress": null, "explorerProgress": null, "dailyChallengeProgress": 0, "progress": {"xp": 53656, "level": 45, "levelXp": 50750, "nextLevel": 46, "nextLevelXp": 53680, "title": {"id": 140, "tierId": 50}, "competitionMedals": {"bronze": 0, "silver": 0, "gold": 1, "platinum": 0}}, "competitive": {"elo": 251, "rating": 752, "lastRatingChange": -133, "division": {"type": 30, "startRating": 675, "endRating": 850}, "onLeaderboard": false}, "lastNameChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "lastNickOrCountryChange": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000000Z", "isBanned": false, "chatBan": false, "nameChangeAvailableAt": null, "avatar": {"fullBodyPath": "pin/c19dfd5682b4651f760d8c0e4d8b3cfd.png"}, "isBotUser": false, "suspendedUntil": null, "wallet": null, "flair": 2, "isCreator": false, "isAppAnonymous": false}}} {"image_path": "images/images_geowizard/xHC2zHFnVeepP2hG/3/combined.jpg", "youtube_url": "XXXX", "challenge_url": "XXXX", "location": {"round": 3, "lat": 0.3255711799321162, "lng": 32.6064841498352, "continent": "Africa", "country": "Uganda"}, "split_transcript": "well we've got to move on but that is [\u00a0__\u00a0] fascinating this is a good map number three when we're not on for the Perfect Score but I don't really care this is really cool yeah okay lugogo Cricket oval lakhani Motors it's all quite blurry can't really read that we've got yellow number plates the Google car I can't I don't know okay I'm I need to get out of geoguessimo trying to figure out where I am just based on what I see and think about what could have happened here could this be Uganda I'm thinking the Google car looks quite Ugandan and then I'm thinking the Ugandan genocide no that was the Rwandan Genocide Tom Jesus mate I'm sure bad things have happened in Uganda I mean maybe we are in Rwanda uh in a mad twist lugogo let's try and come on lugogo is there a lugogo no Kigali because I'm sure Rwanda has been added uh uh but if not where else could lugogo be assuming that lugogo is the town or the city maybe we are in Kenya they have some yellow number plates we've learned so maybe we are I do recognize lugogo maybe we are in Kenya something else terrible that happened in Kenya Maybe it is Nairobi again and you know there was another terrible incident suffered by the local people at the hands of al-shabab but the lugogo cricket oval wherever that may be you know I wouldn't be surprised lightning does often strike twice um is a famous phrase I think so yeah without spending massive amounts of time I am gonna just go Nairobi and I will just go here and it is Uganda why didn't I stick with that it's the Google car Tom the goddamn Google car lugogo more Kampala and talking of ", "points": 3469, "distance": 545.7, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "xHC2zHFnVeepP2hG", "mapSlug": "5ef538288f01a05300023d48", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 10999, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5ef538288f01a05300023d48", "name": "Areas with Tragic or Disturbing Backstories", "slug": "5ef538288f01a05300023d48", "description": "Terrorist Bombings, Murders, Industrial, Environmental and Natural Catastrophes, Mysterious events of any sorts, It's time for you to take a dive into areas with tragic or disturbing backstories. Almost all of the events happened within the 20th and 21st century.\n\nFeatured on GeoWizard's YT channel... Thank you again Tom ;)", "url": "/maps/5ef538288f01a05300023d48", "playUrl": "/5ef538288f01a05300023d48/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -43.52886208029496, "lng": -157.7439006641067}, "max": {"lat": 66.03083105352921, "lng": 175.7223467121121}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2020-06-25T23:50:00.2510000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-06-28T19:09:39.0040000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "night", "decoration": "none", "ground": "darkbrown", "landscape": "desserthills"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 12393516, "likes": 1221, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "Tom Davies", "created": 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final in there uh right what do we have here we are in Europe here I believe or definitely Eastern Europe could this be then I'm already thinking let's have a look at the cars skoda opal Volkswagen Audi opal opal Ford very German cars but it's not Germany very German cars though maybe we could be in Poland this could very easily be ah this is a memorial for something this could easily be World War II stuff trying to gauge the language there can't quite do it the Zeds there's a few Zeds kind of looks Romanian but surely not some dogs lying down here bloody up I find any dazius is that adatsia because that it could be or it could be a seat is that a datsia because if we've got datsias then yeah I think we are in Romania but what's that what flag is that we've got massive mountains over there huge ones that is a datsia I mean all you need is one or two datsis and you're basically in Romania so biggest mountains they look like they're up um no they could be down here but I think maybe we're up here I wonder if I can get this sarnetti zarnetti is it looks like the ozoneesti maybe could be the town judging by that really not sure though which way are the mountains they're in the south big mountains down here foreign [Music] it's almost impossible to find a town that you're not sure which word it is um based on maybe a few mountains nearby I think I could do it if I had hours um I'm just gonna go there guys oh man I was really looking down there as well zarnesty are you knob please don't tell me I went over that I will have done oh that's so annoying I was thinking it that was a good option down there I believe that's quite a Hungarian place ethnically so maybe it was some sort of let's find out I'm thinking it could be some sort of um genocide maybe amongst the hungarians ", "points": 4260, "distance": 239.1, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "xHC2zHFnVeepP2hG", "mapSlug": "5ef538288f01a05300023d48", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, 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Almost all of the events happened within the 20th and 21st century.\n\nFeatured on GeoWizard's YT channel... 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in peace the chlorine crew uh last round this has been interesting and it looks like we're in the USA here are we let's find out looks like a Chinatown nap street street cleaning could be in Canada sweet Kingdom dessert we're in a Chinatown I just said that already let's have a look this isn't this is pretty historic City I think I think it's eastern did you buy these buildings but could be wrong here we go building restoration something the past building the Future Okay preserving the past or some [\u00a0__\u00a0] East Ocean City okay I like this this is testing me we don't have a major clue apart from we can rule out New York we can rule out Philadelphia why I hear you ask because of the number plates this is uh Vietnamese got a mixture of number plates I think Chicago can also be ruled out Washington Street uh yeah something something I haven't got it but something bad happened here I keep forgetting that something terrible happened in this street why why am I not looking at this Skyline that's ridiculous um what Skyline is that it's not you well we know we're not in New York I don't think that's Chicago but it could be what's LLC and what's jwg what do they both stand for that could be a clue it's not Seattle because you'd have the Space Needle it's not Toronto because you'd have the CN Tower okay we're deducing things here that is the most 60s font how Austin Powers is that Mass medical office yeah no wonder there uh giving that some renovation um keep that though keep that sign that's sick I've just realized where this could very very likely be a place I completely forgot about Boston come on give me nap give me Washington now come on now North Washington I know we're here now we've got to be we just gots to be oh no this isn't where the bomb went off it's not Boston I don't believe that I don't quite believe that man really I don't believe this where haven't I friggin looked Cincinnati cannot believe how much this is the most pathetic round I've done In My Memory um but it's okay I've wound up back at Seattle I really don't think we're in Seattle because of uh a couple of things no space needle there is just you know all sorts of wrong I found uh South Washington Street in a sort of Asian area the compass directions are wrong there's no nap I feel like having a nap quite frankly um so I'm just gonna click here and it is Boston you are joking me South Washington Street which is up here a friggin News Boston it stops and I couldn't see where it you know it just ended no sign of it but it must carry on here and down here and crucially that's where we were we're not even on knap street oh nap streets down there oh my God ", "points": 262, "distance": 4401.7, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "xHC2zHFnVeepP2hG", "mapSlug": "5ef538288f01a05300023d48", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 10999, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, 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Almost all of the events happened within the 20th and 21st century.\n\nFeatured on GeoWizard's YT channel... 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one I saw was pretty obvious but some of them may not be I don't know it might be a mixture I've got a bit of a cold by the way I'm sure you can tell but yeah let's have a good old play along shall we um it's been a little while if you haven't done it before instructions will be in the description give it a go it's great fun thank you to the guy who messaged me recommending this map and thank you to Century who created it in fact no I'll thank you at the end because it might be right here we go no moving for a bit of challenge bit of restriction and there we go there's a link and here's our first round and we've got a temple seems to be Indian looking but then there's a fair few white people this guy's got a Utah t-shirt on this guy's got a a maple leaf Canadian maple leaf it seems but we're definitely definitely not in the the U.S we're definitely not in Utah or Canada think it's safe to say zooming in here these look more Indian so presumably this is quite a touristy site in India Japanese women you could just tell you can just tell by the hats can you not am I right or wrong let me know in the comments we'll never know I suppose um Asian tourists although if we're in India then we are in Asia now this could be useful disco where does he look he looks like a local guide but he doesn't look Indian he looks possibly um well I'm now thinking based on his appearance that we're we're more likely in Cambodia or Thailand which would correlate with the trees these tall palm trees and yeah I've never been to either country I've never been to any of those temples so um yeah I don't know the difference basically so this I'm now thinking is probably a temple in Cambodia hmm I wonder if we can find out from this I can't read the I can't tell the difference between the the script of Thailand and Cambodia at the best of times even when it's clear as day on a sign that's Latin script so I don't know what I'm talking about I'm just trying to look for a flag or something on on his person he's a policeman isn't he somewhere between a policeman and a Boy Scout um the Hat does have the colors of both countries flags in terms of the record this could be the biggest temple in the world couldn't it I mean it's it's big and square um so if they're counting this structure even that structure I mean even that is huge so if I was to yeah put money on it I'd say biggest temple in the world or biggest Buddhist temple in the world but I will make a guess and we'll find out afterwards and I'm going into Cambodia and call what I think is a very famous one we're looking West there so that would put us you're gonna let me put the marker down that might come in useful that would put us there but then that carries on straight so that rules out and call what but we've got this one here as well Terrace of the elephants Bayonne Temple so that we could be there um and I can it's lagging it's lagging that's annoying I can look at the shape of these buildings on there look because we are going for a perfect score here and that to me adds up oh I don't know actually I don't see this one here that is that looks huge so that looks like a really impressive Temple I just don't see this or this coming out so I'll have a quick look for another Temple and get back to you oh wait a minute I think I've got confused here I hadn't zoomed in enough I actually think we are here although I don't see that path there we've got that one there and we're actually still inside this whole area and then there's a moat so I was looking there we're actually here if we are here and that would make more sense I think um one two three yeah um yeah I think that one and that one will be those that one that one and that one will be that that and that and then we've got the two at the back yeah I think we are there um I think that would be very me to disregard this and move on but I've luckily I've noticed okay I'm guessing boom five thousand points 19 yards a ", "points": 5000, "distance": 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Than this is the map for you!\nVisit world record holding places and not only try to guess where you are but also try to figure out what record this place holds with the explanation included! \nFor more information about the map and solutions see: XXXX\nHope you enjoy!", "url": "/maps/64f6119ca318b4d1a5285c7f", "playUrl": "/64f6119ca318b4d1a5285c7f/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -55.083360309961144, "lng": -155.48134233342958}, "max": {"lat": 64.14828214319263, "lng": 176.586965544307}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2023-09-26T15:57:32.5400000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-09-04T18:58:05.9680000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "sunset", "decoration": "japanese", "ground": "yellow", "landscape": "mountaintrees"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, 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this one looks interesting we're in the Rockies I would say Canadian Rockies or oh no no maybe not we've actually got registration plates here that haven't been blurred for some reason is that the Idaho plate I I've forgotten it all Idaho I can I could believe it's quite a yellow Sandy Dusty color down there uh indicating planes hmm I think I might struggle here to get the well to get both the location and what the hell this is some really weird structures here look at that it's like a roof that opens up that's like Thunderbird that is could this be some sort of like space Observatory or something is it Idaho I think it is let's get in there you know it ticks the boxes for huge mountains some of the biggest mountains uh in in America I would say are we up towards Canada not necessarily not necessarily we could be we could be down here but my guess is that we are in in a really remote spot and this is some sort of Observatory I need to think outside of the box here with these records it's not just going to be biggest Observatory or highest altitude Observatory it could be the site where something happened maybe someone performed the longest paper airplane throw you know over there so I don't know what are these tubes what the hell are they fake snow machine would not buy a ski slope it's trying to deduce a few things yeah I need to consider that it was something that happened here but I just there's no point trying to guess that is the I'll have a little scan I'll have a little scan through the through the mountains here buffalo hump [Music] so I've been scanning Idaho now the mountains of Idaho looking for somewhere where there's a bit of a plane to the South mountains to the North and then but then more Mountains to the South beyond the plain I don't know I've been looking for too long probably but I'm just living in hopes of you know Young's Mountain Observatory basically or something something ah moral Mountain Lookout Museum maybe maybe yeah highest altitude Museum in the world let's try it no there's no way there's no way we were that far south that was an Arizona plate I don't believe we were that fast that is okay well I think we found out what the um it wasn't Observatory large binocular telescope Observatory so we'll say that it's the largest binocular telescope Observatory but the fact that that was in Arizona Southern Arizona we may have been looking at Mexico in the far in the far far distance is quite shocking and a little bit embarrassing because I said it ", "points": 1579, "distance": 1720.6, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "zPl2B6LR0OQ5b0Cd", "mapSlug": "64f6119ca318b4d1a5285c7f", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 5419, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "64f6119ca318b4d1a5285c7f", "name": "Guinness World Records", "slug": "64f6119ca318b4d1a5285c7f", 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Than this is the map for you!\nVisit world record holding places and not only try to guess where you are but also try to figure out what record this place holds with the explanation included! \nFor more information about the map and solutions see: XXXX\nHope you enjoy!", "url": "/maps/64f6119ca318b4d1a5285c7f", "playUrl": "/64f6119ca318b4d1a5285c7f/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -55.083360309961144, "lng": -155.48134233342958}, "max": {"lat": 64.14828214319263, "lng": 176.586965544307}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2023-09-26T15:57:32.5400000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-09-04T18:58:05.9680000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "sunset", "decoration": "japanese", "ground": "yellow", "landscape": "mountaintrees"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, 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building oh and that mountain yet that could easily be Mount Fuji this building as well reminded me of Japan let's just have a little look around oh oh yeah food Stadium good Stadium dude Stadium of the dudes are we recording we are but yeah there's the Japanese script information they've just got it in English as well that's cool yeah this is that this is our spectacle isn't it I'm just looking at the rest of the roller coaster looks like quite a new one just in case there could be anything else about it like most twists and turns it's not the longest it's not the tallest the newest isn't going to be a record so I think I think we're looking at this yeah most inverted drop on a roller coaster I would say look how it goes out at a 45 degree angle and then just so you'd basically it would look like you're going off a cliff you're not going to see any of the track and then it comes in yeah you'd have like G-Force lurching you forward out of the oh and then down you go very relieved so if that's about Fuji let's let's set to work that's South so that's kind of Southwest a bit let's get to work trying to find this place there's Mount Fuji Forest Adventure Fuji yeah yeah we could be here but Forest Adventure doesn't sound particularly suitable Subaru land no it's it's too far away anyway is it no maybe not no I'm gonna go a bit further north though yeah and then the other way do we have mountains can't see we've got a ferris wheel there oh are they mountains yeah I think they're mountains just through that one little window so is this it Fuji oh Highland Thomas land oh my God it's like Drayton Manor yeah this is a good theme park here so mini Mount Fuji Peak oh my God so they're making a big thing out of Mount Fuji that's not the mini one is it food Stadium it was the food Stadium great so we will be there weren't we we're looking South it's on our left yeah that's where we are and this is the takabisha is that what it's called let's find out yeah four yards this time 5 000 points we got a terrible score on the last round and did I actually declare what I didn't did I but I never would have got binocular Observatory so it doesn't really matter I said Observatory so I can be proud of that but I was never going to be correct yeah in that case then I should make my guess for the record before I make my guess geographically in case it gives it away so for this one it hasn't given it away ", "points": 5000, "distance": 0.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "zPl2B6LR0OQ5b0Cd", "mapSlug": "64f6119ca318b4d1a5285c7f", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 5419, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "64f6119ca318b4d1a5285c7f", "name": "Guinness World Records", "slug": "64f6119ca318b4d1a5285c7f", "description": "Ever thought about what is the tallest, longest, largest,...? Than this is the map for you!\nVisit world record holding places and not only try to guess where you are but also try to figure out what record this place holds with the explanation included! \nFor more information about the map and solutions see: XXXX\nHope you enjoy!", "url": "/maps/64f6119ca318b4d1a5285c7f", "playUrl": "/64f6119ca318b4d1a5285c7f/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -55.083360309961144, "lng": -155.48134233342958}, "max": {"lat": 64.14828214319263, "lng": 176.586965544307}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2023-09-26T15:57:32.5400000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-09-04T18:58:05.9680000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "sunset", "decoration": "japanese", "ground": "yellow", "landscape": "mountaintrees"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, 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Italian let's have a look pretty sure that's Italian yes Yen say fusika so this feels like Italy Northern Italy and in the po valley I would say because it's really flat the po valley being I don't know if that's the correct term the PO the poe planes somewhere near Milan maybe um not a Million Miles Away so what's this biggest Hospital di Pharmacy I've just considered oh we've got some snow there that's strange I've just considered again sorry I'm not thinking this through properly but in the last round it may not be just the physical structure of the roller coaster it might be that some nutcase went on that roller coaster a hundred times and broke a record could be that so but I've made my I've made my guess is it the only cycle path in Italy that's not really a world record roundest bush might be in the world no I think it's round it's good but it's I think I've seen better most hilarious car longest standing mound of snow been there since 1994. no I'm clutching at straws I think so in all seriousness it's probably the hospital plesso de Pharmacy what kind of Accolade could could a hospital have apart from being the biggest or most lives saved in a day yeah let's go for that and we'll try and find it and we'll say that we are pretty far north I think it's fair to say it could be Turin or Milan that's a big building over there as well I think we buy a quite a major river by the way because we've got that so I'm gonna yeah maybe it is Turin no it's too mountainous up there in Turin maybe we're at Pier Senza it's not necessarily the PO that that bridge spans of course but I think it's quite likely to be cremona looking we're looking East North East so we're on the south side of the river so piercenzo would match up but I can't find a huge university there there's a Burger King there so I'll go there this isn't right but uh as good a guess as any oh Palmer not too far away that's a good it's a good score four seven nine nine now let's have a look at this is that the bridge it doesn't matter this is the University degli studi de Parma Parco area could that be the biggest University campus no I don't think so because oh that is big actually carries on down here I just think there'll be a bigger one in America gotta be so I said I'd make my guess I did didn't I most lived saved but it's not it's not a hospital it's a university so I'm going to change I'm going to change my answer because it hasn't hasn't given it away flattest University that's ridiculous oh screw it I've got nothing better no ", "points": 4799, "distance": 61.2, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "zPl2B6LR0OQ5b0Cd", "mapSlug": "64f6119ca318b4d1a5285c7f", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 5419, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "64f6119ca318b4d1a5285c7f", "name": "Guinness World Records", "slug": 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Than this is the map for you!\nVisit world record holding places and not only try to guess where you are but also try to figure out what record this place holds with the explanation included! \nFor more information about the map and solutions see: XXXX\nHope you enjoy!", "url": "/maps/64f6119ca318b4d1a5285c7f", "playUrl": "/64f6119ca318b4d1a5285c7f/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -55.083360309961144, "lng": -155.48134233342958}, "max": {"lat": 64.14828214319263, "lng": 176.586965544307}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2023-09-26T15:57:32.5400000Z", "updatedAt": "2024-09-04T18:58:05.9680000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "sunset", "decoration": "japanese", "ground": "yellow", "landscape": "mountaintrees"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, 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but it will be a good one something a bit different but here we are I thought I'd give this country borders map a try which we tried three or four weeks ago and had great fun with um but we were playing the satellite view today we're going to play it as a normal game and you can play along the reason I'm not doing satellite view today is because I couldn't get that to work so simple as that really I did manage to achieve kind of a perfect score I was two points off the Perfect Score because of a bug but I imagine that today that ain't going to happen it's it's going to be much harder to get a a perfect score when we're just playing it on the ground um depending on where we are we might get lucky uh but without any further Ado I'm going to make this into a challenge so that you can play along and it's going to be no moving no time limit the best way to play on this sort of map so do follow the destructions down in the inscription below it's not too late to do that fine your loss and let's play I like the look of this one I like the look of this one to begin with this is the point at which two countries converge and we're on a path this is a proper Photosphere we've got tourists we can maybe try and gauge where these people are from I think I know him nah he looks like someone who used to work in the kitchen at at Toby carv well we've got to look at this writing for a for a start maybe this gives away the the name of the water fall would be good as long as I know it it looks like the Victoria Falls it can't be Niagara Falls obviously there is another one ah wait a minute I can't remember what they're called but it begins with I Isuzu it's not Isuzu that's a car brand I'll come back to that but looking down here here we also have some spanishyo language perigo perigo the waterfall that I'm thinking of oh man I used to have an atlas with the biggest waterfalls in and this is like one of the most famous is it on the border of Argentina and Paraguay something like that it's going to be tricky to find it that there'll definitely be some speed UPS in this video where I'm trying to find things but Isuzu Falls no that's the car make again igua IGA IGA it looks like igu uaso or something um is it on the edge of Venezuela or or am I just thinking of um the angel Force well if it is the let's call them the Isuzu Falls the ones that I'm thinking of that are very famous then it should come up on the map you know with little zooming but I think I'm looking in the right area here that's Paraguay there Iguazu surely this is what I'm thinking of the igua and that would correlate with the tropical Ness of the place The Iguazu Falls where is it where is it maybe it's not that I'm doubting myself now I will'll Follow The Iguazu River however we're into Brazil there that's that's not a border this is my worry and then it's into the piran river that's not good that is not good have I made this thing up ah Las karatas Del Iguazu surely it's here surely Iguazu Falls yes oh I was looking at that and it just didn't look like a waterfall where's the waterfall I don't know what they've done with this map I don't think that's quite right I mean we've got a path here that's heading down I don't see any water down there but right we got to figure this out now I am using the old the new rather Compass system which I'm I'm just going to have to get used to so that my face can be more in the corner so that's West we're looking West although the compass might not be correct I'm glad I found the um the Falls but I really want to get this spot on cuz the perfect score is on of course okay we can do this we can do this we're looking out to the west and we've got this a very distinct path shape with what looks to be an island in the middle which you can walk over to that looks like the island but there's no path leading into it unfortunately it's making me think that the compass is wrong because also the water the way that the water's flowing seems to be flowing South no it's flowing North it's flowing North so that's correct yeah ah does that lead to that I don't think that does lead to that um Island actually when you zoom in it's nowhere near it I would say so that is that got it's got to be it's got to be which would put us kind of here so we've got this path coming down it's not really the right shape it should be more Jagged and angular than that but I would say that that's that's got to be it isn't it am I missing something no cuz we're looking to the east there Tom nothing's really adding up here to be honest I would actually put us there but there's no there's no path but looking at the shape of things I think that's where I'd put us so it's not going to be right but you know I doubt we're going to get a perfect score on here anyway but that's the best I've got that is the best I've got unfortunately and that is where my guess will be damn that is quite frustrating I didn't think that the the land protruded out that far either and that was actually just the other side that wasn't an island looked like an island because of all of ", "points": 4999, "distance": 0.3, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "yvrSCVWwlycTEGX2", "mapSlug": "5cf2fe43b741f874901ce570", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 6965, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5cf2fe43b741f874901ce570", "name": "Papers Please \ud83d\udccb [Country Borders]", "slug": "5cf2fe43b741f874901ce570", "description": "All locations are near country borders. 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we've got a signpost saying welcome to whatever country we're coming into and then you can clearly see this is the Border it's making me want to do a border mission you know to travel a country's border from from start to finish anyway let's not get carried away let's take a look at Scandinavia and think about which two countries this could be where they feel the need to have this cutout there's no fence but much like with USA and Canada there doesn't need to be a fence it could just be surveillance you know and Laser white you know what you call them motion senses that's what they have isn't it so it could be Sweden and Norway somewhere up here but what I was thinking it could be is Finland and Russia because I don't think they have offense but I think they have the odd Watchtower the odd sort of manned you know Outpost with the odd Soldier even more so in 2023 I imagine but yeah I'm just wondering if this could be Russia Finland although we are on a road so presume ably there would be a checkpoint here if it were that so I'm leaning back towards Norway Sweden the reason I'm not considering um Finland Sweden is because it's all a river until you get very very far north at which point it wouldn't look like this look it's still going the river this River oh all the way up so yeah no argument there so I think we're looking at this well first of all we've got to see how far south this looks judging by the trees I don't think it's too far north maybe this kind of area maybe around here somewhere yeah let's try and find a road around here it's not going to be the e14 let's have a look at the compass as well that's North yeah that's North so that does Bend round does Bend round and then that one bends to the left but we've got a river there as well I don't think it the river apparently stops at the border that's slightly odd I don't think it's that one it can't be that one I think we can deduce this and I think we're also getting too far north here are we No Maybe not maybe not it's not that one ah how about that do we think there's a lake that way I'm going to just look for a few minutes to see if I can find a better one guys uh bear with [Music] me okay I've gone far north enough now I'm actually at the point but which I started my straight line mission that is right there pretty much and West is the gigantic stor rers vat net where I nearly sank marius's kayak okay I'm I'm going to go back down try South no but I do think we're further south rather than North H that could bit you know border slightly at that angle Road slightly South this one bit of a Bend yeah I think that's it I'm not sure but it's got the right Bend I'm going for that bang get in that feels good because I thought I'd gone too far south there look how far south it is when we started to get up towards Mo irana I knew that was way too far north because I've been up there and it's it's it looks completely different as as many of you saw that height of pine is something you get much further south so I knew we couldn't have been up there but I have to admit when I got past these areas I thought oh no we're getting near the sea now this is too far ", "points": 5000, "distance": 0.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "yvrSCVWwlycTEGX2", "mapSlug": "5cf2fe43b741f874901ce570", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 6965, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5cf2fe43b741f874901ce570", "name": "Papers Please \ud83d\udccb [Country Borders]", "slug": "5cf2fe43b741f874901ce570", "description": "All locations are near country borders. 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one or the Slovenian one it's the crest from one of those country's Flags I think it's Slovakia isn't it ah we'll see we'll see so not sure I'm going to get much else here and I'm already looking at the bend of the roads to see if I'm going to be able to scour the map for this place cuz I'm not sure I'm going to get much more info I think we're looking at Slovakia Poland it's fairly odd for it to have snow but it makes sense that the Border would be high altitude at the top of a mountain range you know or just high up yeah I don't know if I'm going to find this because Slovakia has a lot of miles of borders it could even be going into Hungary wait a minute which way is North that's North so it's like we've headed into Slovakia this way coming from Hungary Could That Be Right North is there we're going to be helped by this little road here and the shape of the houses and things I think this is getable we've got to try and read this haven't we I don't think any of those words are countries to be honest just because the Slovakian building is North I'm going to search this border the Slovakian Hungarian border and just see if I can find a spot that lines up wish me luck and that's all the river danbe then for the rest of it so the best one I found was the first one that I zoomed into this is the one that most adds up that would be the building this would be that little road even though it's blocked off but I'm not mad on it the other option is is that that is on the Slovakian side and we're at the North by Poland so I'll have a quick look for something up [Music] here and that's all flat uh yeah that's the best thing I've got to be honest I'm not totally happy with it not happy but it's going to have to do I think this is an opportunity for you guys some of you to really catch up here let's give it a go an area I just looked over what I've got that all wrong in my head I got the ", "points": 4528, "distance": 148.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": 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there's a joke there somewhere but I must refrain from embarrassing myself and yeah the border is a river we've got the Thailand flag doesn't look like there's a massive connection over there there's no bridge and it doesn't look like there's a much of a boat that goes across it's very mountainous let's say that we're on the Thailand side and let's not overthink it because that would make sense and the flag does look very tie it's just similar to the LA one isn't it I think anyway Compass don't fail me again that's North so actually this could be over towards Myanmar or Burma it looks quite mountainous but there's a river quite a quite a meaty River I don't suppose we're going to see which way that's flowing is there any way to tell that no maybe not but if that's North then I do think we're on the west the west side of Thailand that would make sense wouldn't it we could be somewhere like this yeah we could be somewhere like this look although that's the meong so we're not there but you get my point there could be a section of the Border um which faces West but I can't see any others to be fair it's diagonal it's running Northeast so that would be perfect if the if the meong wasn't there but ah look at this we also have this little river and that would be flowing that way wish I could tell which way the river was flowing just just looking for some Clues on the other side can't see much but yeah I think this this is a good little spot the Hang River need little village on the other side the other side being La maybe there maybe there it why not that's the perfect angle I mean we can have a look at the shape of this Road it's very long and straight actually and running Southeast no that's running more East I'll have another little [Music] look nothing better so far so that's where I'm provisionally going just going to have a quick Gander elsewhere just very quickly skim we can see where there's no River and no civilization could be down here so I'll have a quick look down [Music] here and that's the end it's all mountains so yeah that is the best spot I've found in all of Thailand it's not right though that's the only problem but I'm going to go there anyway bugger ", "points": 2917, "distance": 804.4, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "yvrSCVWwlycTEGX2", "mapSlug": "5cf2fe43b741f874901ce570", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 6965, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "5cf2fe43b741f874901ce570", "name": "Papers Please \ud83d\udccb [Country Borders]", "slug": "5cf2fe43b741f874901ce570", "description": "All locations are near country borders. 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potentially because we might just be on a boat let's make that challenge link no moving of course um and please play along if you haven't already or even if you have already you could easily beat me here that this is going to be more to do with luck than skill I think but hopefully there will be some good chances for detective work let's go we have music listen to that can you hear that might as well check if we're recording while we're at it yes we are yeah that should be quite nice and quiet for you that's hilarious that's actually really tasteful music Well Done geoguesser Right Here we are on our first Lake anyway and it's huge um it's quite Brown that is actually distracting me quite a lot we've got islands and as predicted we're on a boat um this guy is quite angrily filming it or taking photos M if you if your heart's not in it mate don't do it and yes as you often do with these photos spheres they're taken by a person and you get their name Hector Navaro and that can give us a clue fortunately in some ways that can give us a clue to where we are not always though cuz they could travel now the other glaring clue we have here is a flag green yellow and red H I'm a bit Rusty now with my Flags but Bolivia okay let's let's keep a look at the it doesn't really look like Bolivia it's oh no no Bolivia does have jungle I'll get into the map in a sec let's just look at all these Clues because you can see the flag behind this guy's head but he doesn't really look Bolivian there aren't that many black people in Bolivia Colombia yes Ecuador yes and then this dude is much darker than these guys as well so maybe we're not in South America it's going to come down to the flag the flag is going to be very helpful here I think I just hope if I can get the flag okay which way is North that way is North so we've got an island there we've got an island there to the Northwest but really we can't see a lot else that seems to go on into Oblivion over there that's kind of to the east so let's get into the map then because I just want to check Bolivia the biggest lake in Bolivia ah it depends if they are counting lakes that that straddle two countries like would that be the biggest lake for Peru and Bolivia or would they judge it on whichever area of water is predominantly in the one country either way guys I think that these are quite deserty areas and not this kind of jungly stuff that we've got going all around around the lakes here the lake you can tell it's trees I don't think that that's what you have there I think it's quite arid there is jungle in Bolivia but it's uh yeah it's not where the big lakes are right Excuse me while I try and remember the flags here so Venezuela no that's got blue in it Columbia's got blue in it and Ecuador's got blue in it it's none of the others it could be some of these Surinam that's a big lake that is a big lake okay that would make sense because they're you know they have a South American name but I just want to look at Africa because there's so many flags that that could be Ghana it can't be because it's um vertical instead of horizontal which we have senagal see because I haven't done any flag tests in a while I'm getting confused between Sagal which it can't be by the way there's one Lake one big lake in Sagal and it's in the desert Cameroon it could be this one got an island there what other man I need to think about Flags bear with me yeah Ethiopia Ethiopia Lake Tanner looks quite looks quite jungly there that's all kind of jungle isn't it kind of like Tanner let's have Let's Line these islands up this is hard we're judging it as I kind of predicted a lot of the clues are on the boat San San sellan I wonder if there's a town called San that would be good wouldn't it B here ooh nah that's North that's North the reason I'm focusing on Ethiopia is is pretty much purely because of the the facial structure of this guy and the fact that we seem to have this weird language you know this weird it's a very unique you know script can't really see it that well but also the flag obviously does have a star in the in the middle of it doesn't it or something but we can't see that he could be Ethiopian as well just don't know if you How likely are you to get two Latin Americans on holiday in Ethiopia I'm just going to check back in this Surinam one San San Browns it's like Dutch isn't it there's plenty of ISS here but I don't know about the flag of Surinam I think it's a bit different let me let me size sorry I'm taking ages on this this might be quite a difficult video right that's North I don't like the way that all the lands in the background are the position like that that Oblivion over there where's that is it down here doesn't really add up maybe the compass is wrong yeah maybe the compass is wrong okay let's imagine the compass is wrong [Music] so where's Oblivion oblivion's over there that's Oblivion so we'd be like there that's the bigger island of the two and that's the other Island yeah that makes that makes a lot more sense very often the compass is wrong on these photos spheres oh what's that yeah that's a building and right in line if we were to look this way you've got bah da which is quite a Big Town to in Ethiopia not the capital but a bloody Big Town on this lake so I'm pretty confident with this now I'm pretty confident this is right yeah it's that Oblivion up there that and then that that there is that anyway I've spent so much time on this now I'm pretty happy this will be a great one for detective work if this is right yes 4999 brilliant could have done with that extra point we might really need that extra point cheers Hector what don't you ", "points": 4999, "distance": 0.3, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "GeIAnjP62cwyR5LV", "mapSlug": "60a10d5de6024c00016a24b8", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 6895, "gameMode": "standard", 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(a lot of countries not included because the lake isn't on streetview)", "url": "/maps/60a10d5de6024c00016a24b8", "playUrl": "/60a10d5de6024c00016a24b8/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -41.0385854, "lng": -155.8822229}, "max": {"lat": 64.17843494753792, "lng": 176.0344185}}, "customCoordinates": null, "coordinateCount": null, "regions": null, "creator": null, "createdAt": "2021-05-16T12:17:33.4490000Z", "updatedAt": "2021-05-22T17:43:32.0550000Z", "numFinishedGames": 0, "likedByUser": null, "averageScore": 0, "avatar": {"background": "day", "decoration": "smalltrees", "ground": "blue", "landscape": "hills"}, "difficulty": null, "difficultyLevel": 3, "highscore": null, "isUserMap": true, "highlighted": false, "free": false, "panoramaProvider": "StreetView", "inExplorerMode": false, "maxErrorDistance": 11956465, "likes": 105, "locationSelectionMode": 0}, "creator": {"nick": "Tom Davies", 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it's not like gigantic it's not as big as the last one but it's mighty big it's a reservoir because you can see the dam there but also you can always tell a reservoir because you get these these shapes the layers where the water has been rising and falling so let's get to work at trying to figure out what country this might be it's pretty arid it could be this could be Spain Mexico let's have a look right not sure what that is I'm trying to figure out what side of the road they're driving on but it's so far down ah you know you can see from these Road markings they're driving on the right which which actually hardly narrows it down at all I'd be surprised if it was left if it was left that would mean it's Australia wouldn't it um so Mexico don't know do not know those Road markings could they be they couldn't really be European could they with that yellow in the middle am I right and it was taken by DJ veg which really I like that because it doesn't give anything away got some boats there lots of vehicles mainly Camper vans a few boats um but yeah I think I'm ready to have a little search on the map now to be honest it's not going to be America is it I mean oh but it's every US state I'm sorry I'm sure you forgive me but I I forgot I forgot that it's every US state this could well be a us US state it is a one in three chance that we'll get a US state we've also got some pretty good some pretty impressive like infrastructure here as well right so I think we yeah I think we're looking at like Nevada New Mexico Arizona wow this could this could take a little while like me we have here I'll get it but it'll take a bit of searching I think the one thing we've got going for us the main thing is the dam on the south so that's North so it's kind of like a a y shape or a v a V shape with the dam at the bottom so let's bear that in mind as we search Hoover Dam wow Hoover Dam well hang on a minute how far does that go no I don't think we're looking at that no we're not looking at Hoover Dam California no no I'm not going to search there for now Colorado what about this one here the naaj dam don't think that's right either remember the compass could be wrong Compass could be wrong that's quite a distinctive that that arm but then it raises the question what was the water level that that could be an island on an ordinary summer's day so bear it in mind I don't think it's that Lake though where are we now Colorado yeah where's the where's the biggest one in Colorado is it that one I wonder if things can get skewed by the you know the lens of this thing I don't think we're there really this this looks like New Mexico Arizona sort of Direction that's got to be it that's got to be it you could tell it a mile off it's actually not so much of a v that is the lens thing that I'm talking about uh skewing that it's actually quite straight from that side to that side but this is definitely it you can see every little feature you can see that bit there jutting out not an island you can see that bit of Lake there which is there so interestingly that's the biggest lake in Arizona so it's not counting that one then which is clearly bigger it's obviously it's given that to Nevada I presume anyway it's the Theodore Roosevelt Lake and Dam let's just try and make sure we don't lose any more points we can always give ourselves a moral perfect score so got to just put ourselves in the middle of the screen here so about there and it's a full score on round two 8 7 yards I think many of you would have got that one if you didn't get the first one but yeah well done if you found that one that was a bit easier that Lake ", "points": 5000, "distance": 0.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "GeIAnjP62cwyR5LV", "mapSlug": "60a10d5de6024c00016a24b8", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 6895, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": 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or you know Mongolia maybe no Mongolia they don't have they don't have the Chinese symbols do they so maybe this is is China I mean look how big this lake is I don't know anything about lakes in China but this lake is absolutely gigantic because well it's it's very very big it's very big you can't see the other side pretty much any given point you can see this enormous arm of Coastline wrapping around here so it's not exactly a hazy day but either way you can see that this is a gigantic Lake the guy or girl who was or in between who has taken this may have traveled just as they did in the first round this guy over here looks dark skinned but it could be the poor image quality this woman as well yeah it could just be that cuz look how black the the walkway looks that's very dark for some reason so it could be that the light is Playing Tricks on us or it could be that we're actually just in Africa let's have a look at China that looks like a huge Lake but again I'm not I'm still not sure whether they would count that as China's biggest lake you've got that one but we won't be there CU that's that's a very builtup area I think that one's pretty damn big bloody hell and that one there's quite a lot of similarly sized lakes here but I actually think that is not only the biggest king high but it's also it would match up for me with this sort of uh terrain kind of looks like more towards Mongolia that sort of thing I mean there is a big lake in Mongolia here OES like there's a lot of options here here this isn't going to be easy right okay let's presume that this is the King High Lake and let's presume that the compass is correct that's North the sun is in the South so that would that would add up so would we be here Bird Island Warf ticket office because then this Inlet here would be that and then the mountains you can see in the background but that might be I don't know about that that looks too small to be that gap for me although it is hard to tell how big this lake is exactly so that's one Theory we could be here something something Scenic area that would that make sense because this does look like like a bit of a spit of land that makes more sense to me cuz you've got the spit of land you've got absolutely vast expanses of water all the way around oh are they mountains over there well that's all right that's feasible and then you've got less of a gap look less of a gap but you still got Mountain so I'm I like that I like that I might I might just go for that and just be done with it to be honest it's annoying about that perfect score isn't it Hector you got this one but I don't think that adds up youve got like Lake by Cal the thing is you culturally you've got this I don't think you'd have that in Russia or less likely ah but then you've got the the dark skin now I'm going to go for it I'm going to go for where I've clicked and go for China because also if you have a look here the the mountains get bigger as they as they go further further down that Coast Eastward and I think they do here I think they do there so if this is Africa I'm sorry but I'm I'm I'm 80% sure 85% sure about this let's do it oh yes come on and uh ", "points": 4999, "distance": 0.3, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "GeIAnjP62cwyR5LV", "mapSlug": "60a10d5de6024c00016a24b8", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 6895, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "60a10d5de6024c00016a24b8", "name": "biggest lake of every country and us state.", "slug": "60a10d5de6024c00016a24b8", "description": "guess the country by the lake. 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really help us we can't be in Canada can we um because their Lakes are gigantic this looks to me quite East Coast quite New England or maybe a bit further south it's going to it's going to have to be a case of looking at the map and finding something shapewise that fits we're lucky here to have this road that cuts through because I imagine there's a bridge further on or maybe this is a dead end maybe it just Services you know these these marinas and boat houses and properties but this feature will will help us and the compass is going to work so that's North so we're looking up on this Eastern part what I thought was the eastern part is North and then that's South so I've got a bit of a map of it in my head let's just go into a state that we think is likely what about Pennsylvania Pennsylvania what's hard is to to actually hang on a minute don't tell tell me I found it no no I was going to no no no no I haven't I haven't I was going to say though what's what's going to be hard is finding the biggest lake in each one because as you saw in China it can be quite hard to actually decide which one's biggest and that's not even taking into account the ones that straddle two states like New York for example oh number plate not yellow so that rolles out New York not entirely but but yeah it it does Massachusetts there's a big lake that's obviously the biggest lake in Massachusetts Quabbin Reservoir fishing area that doesn't look to me like our Lake Vermont I presume it would be this absolutely gigantic Lake I think it would be more Piney up there I really really do I don't think we're up there Maine I'm going to leave alone for now New Jersey would have slightly yellow plates so I'll leave that for now Maryland I like the sound of Maryland because it's a little bit further south here's a lake that's North remember I don't think that quite adds up Delaware it's got hardly any lakes in it that's to see right we're going to have to speed things up in a bit because I'm struggling to find this lake or even the correct state for that matter what about Virginia that's the biggest one in Virginia I don't know about that are we further south than I thought here are we just yeah are we just you know you know North [Music] Carolina that's got to be it if this ain't it no this has got to be it I've been searching for ages guys um in probably at least 10 or 12 States I've arrived at this one Lake North man which me and Greg actually drove past funnily enough on our way uh to yeah down to Columbia but anyway big lake in North Carolina so a bit further south than I initially thought but I I will admit I've been searching also in Alabama and Georgia and South Carolina but for a while I was searching for this sort of thing but they're mostly Bridges they're going to have a gap for a boat and then then I started thinking well maybe this is like a spit you know that is a dead end basically and and that's I think well let's just make sure yeah you got this little creek Here There and we've got the space to the north and to the South I'm I've searched that much that I'm almost certain that this is correct so yeah good I knew it had to be cuz genuinely ", "points": 5000, "distance": 0.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "GeIAnjP62cwyR5LV", "mapSlug": "60a10d5de6024c00016a24b8", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 6895, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "60a10d5de6024c00016a24b8", "name": "biggest lake of every country and us state.", "slug": "60a10d5de6024c00016a24b8", "description": "guess the country by the lake. 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better at the game then you should be following that every day it's really really beneficial I would say but okay let's get into the first one today so the link for this game will be in the description you can check that out hit the link and play it before you watch me here so that when you watch this you can uh compare it to your own guesses and see where I was able to gain some extra Insight over you okay first one here is interesting so let's break it down uh we'll have advanced tips and beginner tips in this video what I like to say first is look at the roadland so we've got white outer lines here with the yellow single Inner Line obviously we have polls here to help us out but first off this yellow single inner line is not found in too many places and especially because we have this this Asian language here we can really break it down so yellow single in a line you can see in Thailand in Southeast Asia you could see it in Japan and South Korea as well normally Taiwan would be using a double yellow line and then many of these other countries like like Indonesia could also have it as well so that's basically covering most of it I think Cambodia as well but yeah it's fairly common in Asia but then in Sri Lanka and in Bangladesh and in Malaysia you would not see it so you can immediately rule out some countries like that when you see this um we also have concrete poles with kind of dots all the way down them and this kind of big spike at the top and that is definitely something that you'd see this big spike at the top you definitely see that in Japan and Korea most commonly so basically narrowed it down to those two already and then we have this black and yellow guard on it um which does not go all the way down to down to the ground that should be somewhere in Korea because the Japanese one would have vertical stripes whereas these ones are horizontal um or not horizontal but diagonal um let's have some Farmland here which makes me think more of the South um are they black rock walls there I'm just trying to think this could be Jay Drew because in Jeju you have black rock walls but I think this is just something that's been burned let's check it out do we have any black broccols here to be honest it doesn't really feel like Jeju I think these mountains in the background are too far distant um so yeah I wouldn't go Jeju here instead I would probably go somewhere in the south of the country like this ends ", "points": 4858, "distance": 43.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "5aWqmIYsTFkDn6xA", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 5917, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "name": "A Diverse World (Unmaintained)", "slug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "description": "This map is not maintained anymore. 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thing I would say is like if you see a road without any markings and it seems like quite a wealthy or a wealthier country um then it's less likely to be like North America more likely to be um Europe so especially because it's quite thin as well if if if you couldn't go two cars abreast if it's only enough room for one car to really travel it's more of a European thing I would say definitely let's take a look here at some of these houses so we've got like some like kind of red tiled roofs here some of the houses are kind of black and made of wood which is interesting um as for poles they seem to be made of wood or is that concrete it's actually kind of hard for me to say here this again is actually kind of hard to say we have hooks on either side like that um this kind of hooked pole is most famously found in Latvia but with this amount of healiness we know we're not in lavier like you'd never see a hill that tall in Latvia um in fact the whole baltics are quite flat so moving down towards maybe the more Balkan side of things you do see this kind of hooked pole like that quite commonly in Bulgaria not really sure if this is Bulgaria but it could be found there also I feel like Slovenia and Croatia quite often haven't maybe even Montenegro as well so that's kind of that's kind of some thoughts here we have kind of like a reddish soil which I'm not really sure how to interpret either but okay let's check out the sky here because we have some mini Rifts so I do wonder if that could maybe indicate that we were in a Montenegro because obviously Montenegro and Albania are the countries where you do have bigger Rifts often in the sky but we don't really see those so I don't know um taking a look at the rest of the architecture and everything I do think it could fit for Montenegro obviously we don't have that kind of typical like Rocky uh Mountain face that you would often see there um so I don't want to get baited here um so let's just take a look this house almost feels like a bit Austrian in the way that I would expect to like see in Slovenia or maybe in Croatia but the rest of it is kind of generic so yeah this one's actually kind of a difficult round I I may end up going the wrong country here I think my instinct is one of these three countries I would be surprised if it's not one of the Eastern countries that I've mentioned here um and I think I may just go from Montenegro because of these mini Rifts in the sky although as I said they can be found in other countries and I would not be surprised to be wrong here um but okay if it was Montenegro I would say maybe maybe further in the south of the country like somewhere like this and not too confident maybe I should go Slovenia or even I don't know yeah architecture it's all it's all a bit ambiguous I can even see possibly Serbia yeah Serbia is not impossible um especially because we can't see the car whereas so we would normally have no idea but we can't see that of course okay so I could hedge it in Serbia that's not actually a bad idea I think maybe I should have you in Serbia here well I've talked a lot and I think I'm just gonna make my guess here I'm gonna hedge it in Serbia and it was actually ", "points": 4654, "distance": 107.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "5aWqmIYsTFkDn6xA", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 5917, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "name": "A Diverse World (Unmaintained)", "slug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "description": "This map is not maintained anymore. 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long white number plates which don't have a blue strip we have this red and white um kind of uh thing on the pole which is actually quite a Russian thing to do um houses off uh feel quite Russian here green roof quite a Russian thing to do um not super common but if you see it you can definitely consider Russia uh round speed signs here obviously and The Ballad spam at the intersection this is a big one so Russia at Russia a big kind of Highway in sections which you'll see quite a lot in this coverage you often have these ballards with the black top and uh not necessarily with a black top but you often see like a whole bunch of them lining the whole um in section so um obviously then we also have this Russian language here and so now we've got to think about where this is so I'm looking at these trees they are really tall oftentimes really tall trees are somewhere around Moscow or a bit north of Moscow however I'm not so sure about this round whether that actually fits let's have a really dense bunch of like Birch trees here when you see a really dense birch trees that can that can often indicate like kind of like an obviously be as crass noise kind of area so I actually think I'll put my marker there for now as I look at the rest of the round because obviously Russia it's a hard country and so I could not I could not guarantee that I'll get close here at all um we do have some hilliness because that could fit for that kind of area of the country um harmatta would definitely help here but obviously we're going with that car um yeah it's just these trees that feel a bit more Moscow area but but yeah actually looking at these ones I I do kind of like further out now it could just be kind of two men um kind of Euros kind of area as well and kind of worried that it might be more so there um but I do yeah I do get the feeling that somewhere between here and here that's really my guess with these kind of really clumped tall trees um like this this this particularly looks quite Siberian and kind of middle Siberian okay so I have to make up my mind here again it's not an easy round so I'm just I just want to take my whole thought process in here as for me I think I may actually go Truman here instead of going further east but I guess we'll find out here I'll let us guess in human itself and it ", "points": 1561, "distance": 1737.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "5aWqmIYsTFkDn6xA", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 5917, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "name": "A Diverse World (Unmaintained)", "slug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "description": "This map is not maintained anymore. 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clues for the country so let's run through it so first off we're noticing we've got um blue strips on all the plates that's definitely useful um we have another number plate meta over there but let's take a look over this Direction first okay signage and language obviously do help as well um we do have these uh pedestrian crossing signs with only four dashes a characters that only use four dashes so Sweden and Norway two that only use four dashes I'm trying to think of on my feet one of the country is actually only used four because most countries in Europe use five or three um with some exceptions but they're the only ones that come to mind at the moment tell me in the comments if you can think of any others once you have all these long dashes on the outside of the road here this time it's actually quite useful so these would be like half the length in Sweden but you get this length in Norway also we know it's Norway because of this green normal plate over here on the service fan I can't really think of anywhere else that you'd see that on a van or that you may see that these days in Eastern Europe a lot of times green number plates indicate um like electronic Vehicles so that's also uh worthwhile to know I don't know where this place is um but I do get the feeling this could be kind of like Central uh in Norway or maybe southern um although I don't see I don't see Northern as absolutely impossible either I'm just not really sure so I think I might click Center here because I'm yeah I just don't really know uh there was something else I wanted to mention here obviously architecture would help out it looks like we're on some kind of a skiing like town or something like that I don't know where skiing actually happens but I suppose like where some of these toilet Peaks I might might be it but I guess my my real thought was to click over here just as a bit of a hedge as well because I don't really know where this is um but yeah definitely definitely going to be annoying that's something else I wanted to mention I think I forgot so let me know if you in the comments if you uh see anything else in this round ", "points": 3394, "distance": 578.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "5aWqmIYsTFkDn6xA", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 5917, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "name": "A Diverse World (Unmaintained)", "slug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "description": "This map is not maintained anymore. 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take a look at the number plates so this looks like a shorter number blade here which is very useful when you have this kind of Latin American Vibe because some countries use longer number plates and some shorter so this one also kind of feels like it's going to be a short number plate rather than a longer one now this one is really hard to tell but I think the number plate actually ends like that from what we've seen on the other cars it would make sense if the normal plate was also shorter here I think um we have wooden poles as well which is definitely interesting I I could not say uh this is a particularly easy round because I think the country we're in does normally use uh does normally use concrete poles instead of wooden ones so a little bit of bait here potentially um we do have quite a few Palms here um like the whole the whole Bible around is a bit Greener um than maybe what I would have expected um do we have like a number plate there almost feels a bit black but I don't think we're actually using black normal plates here this church architecture is certainly interesting as well although I don't know if I could really say anything specific about it okay moving on here um the sun here is to the South which I think is probably the biggest clue if you if you weren't really clued in with the number plates here the Sunbeam to the South is huge here because that really cuts off you know Argentina and Brazil almost to Brazil uh where you might be tempted to guessing around like this with quite reddish soil it's about the same but yeah with these wooden poles with this predominance of wooden poles it shouldn't be Brazil with the sun there it shouldn't be Argentina so we should be looking at Mexico here with short number plates and with the with the with the these poles um as I said Mexico would normally use like octagonal concrete poles but it is possible to see so many wooden ones and I almost get the feeling we might be very close to the United States here especially because on this bus it says stop instead of Alto which it normally would say Alto on stop signs in in uh in Mexico um also we have like three American trucks in a row here I think to see three like Chevrolets or Ford pickup trucks in a row inside um like South America would be quite unlikely whereas in Mexico it's quite common and then finally we also have like a Coca-Cola dispenser here and they love Coca-Cola in Mexico so that's also something to note okay with this many Palms we shouldn't be too far from water um I'm thinking like kind of this region over here um it could even just be like like near Tijuana like Mexicali kind of area but yeah I do I do not want to guess too far from the US border here just because the amount of wooden poles but yeah I think I'll go somewhere over here um maybe like this kind of this kind of region here I mean we can always check the angle of the road and it seems like it actually might be on a grid here so that could actually work um but yeah it's gonna be somewhere in northern Mexico let's just give this a ", "points": 4907, "distance": 28.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "5aWqmIYsTFkDn6xA", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 5917, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "name": "A Diverse World (Unmaintained)", "slug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "description": "This map is not maintained anymore. 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in the description so go ahead and play that and our first one here is a pretty obvious country for me um so let's run through why exactly that is okay so we've got reddish dirt here we've got a lot of corrugated iron roofs and we also have have a taxi here with yellow panels on it so uh with yellow novel plates and taxis with yellow panels this should mean we're going to be somewhere in Ghana pretty straightforward round especially because you guys will be playing with the Google car which um is pretty obvious for Ghana so we have kind of biggest mountains here uh mountains in Ghana kind of like along this section here and then South and around Kumasi um I think I may have had this round before the town feels familiar to me um but regardless we have wooden poles here um generally speaking uh Nigeria and Senegal would both use more concrete poles whereas Ghana is more of a wooden pole country which is definitely useful if you're playing no car no Compass or nmpz or something like that and we have these big ditches which also definitely fits for Ghana as well any other the other normal place is the big one here because yellow France and Rears should really just be Ghana here also a bit of English as well I can only assume uh the the crossbars are also kind of like thin metal here so well which fits and then also we have like big bulbs here which can fit for like Ghana or Nigeria quite often so I think this is someone new Kumasi is as far as I remember I think I've had this round before maybe a year ago or something but I think I remember so let's see if I'm right about that and ", "points": 4953, "distance": 14.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "XkqWWkplmZNH0PGZ", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 4486, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": 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for left-hand drive as well so if you couldn't tell us low camera should be left hand drive and that would pretty much exclude um South Korea because the sun is on the left hand side of the road here um this is an interesting one I honestly thought that this would be somewhere in southern Japan just based on this kind of long grass now I'm starting to doubt myself I think this actually could be quite a bit further north than I initially anticipated um so I don't really know I'm not I'm not a Japan expert so that's really worth bearing in mind here we have this uh black and yellow kind of guy wire here and I'm pretty sure black and yellow guy wires are mosh koku and then more Northern Japan and the thing that makes me actually think this is maybe Northern Japan here is these um like red and white poles here which I definitely think can be found around the place but are common in Northern Japan like in this kind of area here so that's where I think we are I'm kind of worried that this is all the way wrong and that we could be Southern here but it doesn't look like the solid guy why and those tend to be pretty consistent I also don't really know about the plates that I found on the poles here which are also useful um I yeah I'm just not too sure um it's not too Madness and you do kind of get quite a few flat regions around this part of the country especially near the coast so I could see it I might just hedge kind of here I'm hoping it's not on shikoku or something like that but um I'm kind of using these poles as my as my evidence here because this grass almost feels a bit more Southern um but it almost feels a bit like Coastal as well Vibes wise so we'll see here I'm just gonna go for the S and ", "points": 3733, "distance": 436.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "XkqWWkplmZNH0PGZ", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 4486, 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the road is actually quite useful here obviously double yellows um and uh meaning more often the you know the United States uh or South America or something like that um definitely in countries that prefer to use double yellows you can see it all around as well as I've said earlier in the video type one you can even see in Japan in New Zealand and all around the spot but yeah you know run around like this kind of flat concrete pole um kind of uh this American looking style a styles of like green and white text sign should be somewhere in like North or South America here now um I would actually say Vibes wise this is this is really quite an Argentinian Uruguayan looking Round And even still it looks much more Argentinian than it looks Uruguayan but that could just be confirmation bias because this can't be Uruguayan because in Uruguay instead of using double yellows they would have a double yellow with a white Dash in the center of it which we just do not have at all here and so that should mean we're in Argentina also this round poll with this particular pole top which is kind of like a bar almost looks like a bow or something like that that's Argentinian uh maybe you can find it in like Peru as well um but yeah yeah it should be just Argentinian here with this landscape uh yeah and also we don't see any mountains and obviously in the vast majority Peru you would see mountains so that's also helping okay so I think this is kind of like somewhere around here between Cordoba and nequan somewhere I'm not exactly sure where my hedge closer to Cordoba here um and uh yeah that's about all I have to say on this one it's fairly simple with the uh with the poles and the road markings so let's just go there and uh ", "points": 3115, "distance": 706.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "XkqWWkplmZNH0PGZ", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, 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the uh with the um triangle we have like some fruit trees here so I feel like a warmer climate we have some like potentially holy poles here I would say these are probably holy poles so that definitely helps out um concrete pods with holes in them and we already know Romania Hungary and Poland are the three countries that love to do those these ones definitely seem thicker so Poland better to be cut out so it should be a Romania or hungry and this landscape kind of rolling uh with some more wooden poles as well I don't know it can be either it can still be either here and one thing that makes me think this is actually still possibly hungry is that this looks like another sign and it looks like it's really tall and small and so that would be a Hungarian type of thing to do but I must say that the rest of the round does feel quite romantic and so I'm thinking of getting somewhere on the border here because this really looks like a Hungarian type of sound where it's like small and high but the rest of the round I probably would have gone Romania so that's kind of my thought process here um it almost feels like a Romanian sign as well so I think I really do click right on the border here maybe maybe even just in Romania because I just feel like the landscape fits better anything else to say here a lot of crops feels quite sunny as well they both fit for Romania I would say um White Road lands obviously European thing and then we're lacking any architecture or anything like that so you can kind of distinguish the two countries from architecture quite often but uh yeah on this occasion maybe not do I trust this sign I feel like I maybe should just trust the sign but no I'm gonna go with my heart here my heart says like Romania on the border so let's ", "points": 3978, "distance": 341.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "XkqWWkplmZNH0PGZ", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, 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white uh post here as well which you would not see in Australia so that's at least something also we've got blue street signs here if you have like a Pure Color street sign like a blue one like a yellow one like something like that maybe even green um well I'd say blue and yellow definitely much much more common in New Zealand than Australia um Australia normally uses white ones with some kind of colored text normally just black text so it's really normally that simple um we also do appear to have wooden policy which is interesting and some taller mountains in the north there so this all helps um at this stage in time New Zealand is a country that tends to have more Generation 3 in less populated areas so that's just a good little rule of thumb um or less Generation 4 at least okay we've got Tom popular kind of trees here um yeah I mean there's not really too much else to say I mean this kind of uh style of Chevron is more New Zealand than Australia but it's kind of hard to describe why it's kind of a bit thicker a bit taller um and then uh yeah we got these like long rows of trees which are obviously also fits kind of kind of like Christchurch area so I could see us being kind of like in the outskirts of like Christchurch area even further south anywhere to like I'll say anywhere to Dunedin kind of works here although the mountains in the north feel quite distant so dunedin's obviously quite close to the mountains whereas uh Christchurch it's not that it's not that difficult to like find yourself relatively far from the mountains like in this kind of area I might even go over here to be honest that's kind of my thought here um I definitely think South Island just because of these like huge rows of trees um and wooden poles are often more common in South Island as well so I'll go there see if we're correct about that ", "points": 4825, "distance": 53.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "XkqWWkplmZNH0PGZ", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", 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Center Line here as well it's hilly we've got some like corn growing there which also is something you often see in that area of the world without an antenna this is actually a relatively difficult round and countries that come to mind with this kind of dry climate like Romania Ukraine maybe in Serbia maybe even Hungary or Bulgaria that kind of region is really feeling most likely to me here with the healiness about it definitely isolates it to certain areas we with that kind of healiness we probably wouldn't be in eastern Ukraine playing Western Ukraine and Romania kind of vibe here I would say single white line is interesting as well I feel like some of these countries would use this double double white so I'm wondering maybe maybe Serbia is actually quite possible here maybe this is Serbia I don't know about this sign I think roasted rusted signposts are definitely more common in some countries than others but it's definitely a hard hard to put your finger on it but okay if it is sober it's going to be Southern Serbia because Northern Serbia is quiet flat whereas as soon as you get south of Belgrade you start getting those mountains so I would say I would say I would say Serbia is a good a good channel here actually I'm not really sure about the country it could even be further north like uh Croatia Slovenia I just saw I have covered all my bases here in case I'm wrong but I think that's really the possible countries there Slovenia Croatia Hungary Bulgaria yeah without without Google car is difficult but I think I will hit it in Serbia here will be correct we won't ", "points": 4858, "distance": 43.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "L0GbqFECFaZEhHCj", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 3562, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": 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this is interesting yeah we have one of these like bulb things now do we do we have oh unfortunately we don't have any pole close to us because that could actually really have helped us out getting a close guess but as for that yeah yeah this kind of bulb can help you get a close guess if you can see it clearly but unfortunately we can't count the number of ribs on it so we cannot get that kind of uh perfectly closed guess that we'd like to uh yeah these fences are quite Thai particularly with this kind of like Motif going on inside here um and apart from that the main thing to get here is the language really um I don't think I would have gone Philippines though I just think something about it is more tired with these fences this kind of architecture of these kind of stilts houses we got going on here like this particularly like with the stairs going up to the family room like that um so for this one I could see kind of anything from north to south this is very generic it is Hillier so maybe I don't really know I'll probably just click somewhere like that because I can see South here still is a lack of there isn't like a Palms I would say that we don't see a single Palm so to speak we do see a banana plants everywhere but no no actual palm trees from what I can see uh yeah so maybe I will click further north here not really sure lumpung seems possible so I think I'll just go over it but uh yes we'll find out where this actually is should be Thailand indeed but whereabouts and it is another nice ", "points": 4828, "distance": 52.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "L0GbqFECFaZEhHCj", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 3562, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "name": "A Diverse World (Unmaintained)", "slug": 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for the description inside today's videos you play the rounds before i play them and then hopefully i will be able to if you're a weaker player than i am i'll be able to show you where you went wrong and that kind of thing also in today's episode we're going to be playing without the car um so yeah without the google car and that will actually um yeah make things a little bit more difficult but it's also a better way to learn because then you don't get reliant on the um you know the google car meta so this is challenge link one go ahead and hit that one and uh let's see how we go in the first round here okay so this one is going to be in generation 2 camera it's a little bit of an older camera um work here and it feels very tropical look at these banana plants over here um so let's take a look at everything we can see um we have some trucks over here is this the same truck three times in a row is this a camo glitch i think it literally is just three of the same truck parked in a row but yeah definitely an interesting one um so for me there's only really two options here it's either gotta be south africa or mexico because of the generation two um and and the fact that it's quite tropical so either way all the way up here or i think what's more likely is that we're gonna be somewhere in mexico but the the houses here don't strike me as particularly mexican to be honest um so maybe it will have to be south africa um yeah i think it actually is going to be south africa here now that i'm looking at it kind of almost looks a bit australian which is not really something you don't really see too many mexican rounds that look australian still a a weird round to be sure um but yeah i think we should go somewhere over here and pretty far north um but also quite green so maybe richards bay i wouldn't mind that we'll see ", "points": 4629, "distance": 115.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "ZkwtiS7vPsL3eMuu", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, 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that's what i'm thinking off the bat um there's probably others that do as well i just can't remember this car is lacking a blue strip which is curious that could uh be a hint for later on as well um do we have just looking around at what the architecture is like here so we also have a like kind of a peak over the sea and a um and a dash over this sea and i see suffix i do definitely associate with croatia i have a bunch of croatian viewers said no doubt they'll be in the comment section but um yeah i think that i see ending especially on like a last name or something it's very croatian at least to me uh also we don't have any holy poles so that kind of uh excludes uh hungary as well but this language wasn't hungarian so it wasn't really an option to begin with um and also the lack of a blue strip i know is something is a bit more common in croatia so yeah the architecture fits for me as well i wouldn't be surprised if we were somewhere around zagreb here um it almost looks a bit serbian as well but we don't have the google car but we'd probably also have some cyrillic in serbia so that's probably why i won't go there also actually i'm i'm actually quite confident that this is uh croatia because a lot of the time they have the blue fire extinguishers so or fire hydrants so there you go i think that is going to be the clue that tips me over here and yeah it kind of has a bit of a hungry vibe so i'm thinking of going actually even closer to hungary here maybe in this town here let's see ", "points": 4910, "distance": 27.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "ZkwtiS7vPsL3eMuu", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 2409, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "name": "A Diverse World (Unmaintained)", "slug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", 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there are parts of south america for example that would look similar to this but we can pretty much count out argentina and and well chile is also using white lines but this is not a particularly clean looking um outback and maybe uh by the fact that i've said it out back here you can guess that i i do think this is australia we've got some australian bullards here um with a red reflector and a silver reflector on the right hand side of the road uh we have these double um white lines this is a a thing that indicates how likely a fire is um so that's curious but this is i assume is actually the name of the town um i actually don't know where it is but um but it is the cradle of bulk handling maybe maybe this town is that um i think this is in western australia and the big reason for that is that we have this very kind of ready orangey brownie dirt like i would i would describe it as more brown but a bit orange and that's super typical of western australia also we know it's not south australia because we don't have stoby poles that are concrete here this is a wooden pole um what else is there to say um these ballads are you can't you can't really see it too well but these bollards in the distance have a black base and that's also more common uh in western australia so yeah feeling fairly confident so we could and i imagine some of you who are playing the challenge will actually go and find this but i think we're gonna be somewhere around here so i will give a quick scan um just in case um but i i don't think i want to um waste you guys time too much here um but i can see some similar looking names out of this direction so i wouldn't be surprised if we were somewhere out here so i think that is probably what we'll go for and this landscape is quite green so maybe even closer to perth um let's just go here and see how close we are ", "points": 4809, "distance": 58.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "ZkwtiS7vPsL3eMuu", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", 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let's get into the second link here also if you want this script i'll probably remember to put that in the description if i don't just uh comment but here is number two and uh yeah let's head straight into the game here okay so this one is looking rather japanese um well let's explain that because it's not entirely obvious off the bat here so this square car is probably the main one that's making me think japan off the bat um they just love square cars in japan and so if you haven't picked that up yet it's very common over there also it's like a short and thick plate that's also quite japanese oh this is like a i guess it's a japanese stop sign i've actually never considered but i think because it's red it must be a stop sign obviously quite different to a normal one in europe or elsewhere um this car is also driving on the left-hand side of the road which japan drives on and here again we have a square car and not to mention this one is square as well so it's funny japan like sends out all these different looking cars all around the world but back home they love the square ones and yeah we've got some yellow uh front plates here that is also consistent with japan um and so what else do we need to say here it's fairly flat it is fairly flat and i'm i'm i'm not actually sure if i think this is going to be north or south um i do see a pine here often the pines might be an indication of more northern but um yeah i don't think that's any guarantee at this stage um i think i'll just have to pick someone flat a little bit north so i'm thinking maybe somewhere over here um i'm really not sure let's go in this small town here but yeah not really too confident here we'll just have to see how close we are and uh yeah that's not a bad guess 170 ", "points": 4461, "distance": 170.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "Abr5mv3GeNaoYr6d", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, 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have a snow pole here as well now i remember the getting a bit screwed up by my snow poles last time but i think this might be a finished snow pole um and and it goes orange all the way up and then a little white band and then orange again so i think that's also the case also this is a generation three camera um so it's not generation four and obviously in um or maybe not obviously if you're new but a lot of norwegian rounds is generation four so yeah um there's also yellowstone here which is furious i hope this isn't um sweden or anything but with this bollard i think the spotlight might be the uh finnish one so yeah i'm not all that confident but it should be fairly far north here i would not be surprised if we're about halfway up finland here and obviously we see some lakes as well so yeah i think that is pretty consistent with that area of the country and yeah it's a little further south but uh 4500 again very good effort i would say next one okay this one is a nice little one here plenty of clues to get it but uh if you don't know them obviously it's going to be a difficult one so let's take a look around i just figured out you can do this on the keyboard check it out oh you can't do it yeah there we go look look you can use a and d too look around anyhow so we have plenty of clues here let's observe it so we have an arrow here saying that we're driving left hand side of the road so already we are exiting out a lot of europe all continental europe is out of the picture here apart from malta the uk and ireland okay so you we also have this yellow line in the center though which is quite uncommon uh for left-hand drive countries i have to say most left-hand drive countries using all white road lines this one apparently not okay we also have an english sign here so that's very good clue as well we have white poles and a bollard with a red reflector even on the right hand side of the road using a red reflector so that is what we're working with here um and uh yeah here are some of the more of the upper odds there like split down the middle um and so what are we thinking guys well this one is going to be new zealand so we can already tell that by the bullets they're similar to the polish ones that we had earlier except thinner what's more we have these white poles that is very common in new zealand as opposed to australia they almost never paint the poles white in australia so that's a really good clue um it's hilly so obviously that is definitely consistent with new zealand and yeah sometimes in new zealand they do this white yellow line with the whites uh dotted next to it and you'll also see that in argentina in uruguay and in philippines sometimes and maybe some others as well but that's the main countries you'll see and uh that's basically all that all she wrote so i think somewhere in north island here although this could be easily be the north of the south island as well and uh yeah i don't know where that is so let's just go here ", 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and uh go in i'm enjoying this i hope you guys are too these ones tend to be like nice slow burners they uh they get a lot of views as as the time passes so yeah i hope maybe you're watching this a bit after it comes out and i hope you are enjoying so this one says motel um and we appear to be in russia that is cyrillic of course this is the l in cyrillic um so yeah russia is feeling most likely to me right here because we don't have to google card i suppose this could be um ukraine um but uh one sad thing or maybe depending on what you look at it as um is that ukraine tends to have very poor road quality like i mean really poor like i would say like 70 of the runs you have in ukraine they have just cracked roads everywhere this one is nice quality so thinking more of russia here um taking a look at these poles i have seen these these are black and white stripes sometimes around belarus in russia so i'm wondering about that right now uh we have these very long white plates with no strips so yeah that is definitely russian looking i can pretty much exclude every other country apart from russia and ukraine here and definitely reminding me more of russia out of the two in fact i think when you have these this letter instead of an eye um that is going to be in russia more likely and uh yeah the signs and everything like that definitely appear to be russian to me so yeah it could be ukraine seems unlikely to me uh so that is pretty much all we have to go off here we have like kind of this white dirt it's very flat so very very generic rush around i would say here and i just kind of want to test out this theory of going near belarus um because i think i have seen that kind of thing before um the the as i said these these little markings here but i could be wrong let's see about that theory ", "points": 3827, "distance": 399.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "Abr5mv3GeNaoYr6d", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, 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rural yeah i would say um this sign at the very bottom has a bit of black and uh that's something you definitely see a lot of the time in russia um let's check out this one so this car has a steering wheel on the right hand side of the car and that is obviously strange because we're driving right hand side of the road so the steering wheel should be on the left so this is actually an illegally imported car from japan presumably from a left-hand side drive country um because to avoid fees or import fees or something like that um and so we have a cafe in busco so i have a feeling that we're going to be somewhere near japan here and a lot of the time that will be in succulent and so i want to see if there's any place called oscar um because it's possible and then we could get a really crazy score here the coverage covers about half the island i think and i just want to see if there is any oscar uh it doesn't seem like there is but it was worth a little check here so it doesn't seem to be any oscar so let's take a look around for any other clues um the the disrepair of the road could certainly uh line up with um suckling here um as for the rest over here i do actually just want to see if there's any oscars because you know could that would actually make for a crazy crazy guess but i don't think we're going to be able to find it and of course you do actually get some of those um illegally imported cars over this side as well on um um kamchat kamchatsuki um peninsula over here but the the uh soil tends to be a bit darker over there in my experience so i'm thinking just of suckling here and maybe about halfway up the island um that's the petrol station it's very interesting these blue buildings so so interesting but yeah that's going to be the main clue here i think so yeah i'm just going to go somewhere over here i actually wouldn't mind finding a petrol station at least to go off of here um that one doesn't seem to be it just i just want any petrol station you know um because you don't want to waste you don't want to waste the opportunity for a good guess here so let's go right here um i don't think we're going to be right there but it's possible ", "points": 2725, "distance": 906.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "gGHZdUHydT4soKZJ", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1657, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "name": "A Diverse World (Unmaintained)", "slug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "description": "This map is not maintained anymore. 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are pointing so that the car will drive up this way and they'll wait here so that appears to be a right-hand drive so that would definitely check out with what it looks like so far these crossings are interesting the fact that they're using um a yellow and blue kind of like swedish colors but i don't think sweden you would get this mountainous so at the moment what are you guys thinking i think because of this little accent over the year and just because of the general lack of trees that this is most likely to be somewhere in iceland so let's zoom in on some of these number plates and see if they have a blue strip because in iceland you're lacking the blue strip so this one appears to be missing it this one the sun has kind of washed it out so we couldn't really draw any good clues from it um and this one's a bit too far away as well also the single story houses whatever reason i do think they are more common in iceland also we have an a and an e stuck together here so we know it's not um sweden because they would use the umlaut instead and there's a church over there as well it's interesting not really a massive clue but it's just nice placement and look at those mountains so beautiful um so this will be another time to use the compass we can see that we've got a big bay to our south um and so i'm definitely thinking of this kind of area here although we have to be close to the mountains so what is this i think this might actually have a good shot of working so to our north we can see big mountains um so maybe even someone over here um i actually think this is not quite uh working out as a proper location unless we were like yeah hmm not entirely convinced not entirely convinced that we're right there so maybe somewhere over here instead i don't know you can really take a long time um iceland is a great country because you can really get those 5ks using the geography um but yeah essentially we've got like a fjord going along here and it kind of runs along a decent way so i don't know it's so doable but i also can't really be bothered so we're just going to go somewhere in here i think um this one doesn't really work we're just looking for something with the mountains to the north oh this one could work i don't want this um no it really doesn't unfortunately we have to have like a fjord um to our south so i don't know i don't know i just want something that vaguely works let's go for this one here this one at least somewhat has a chance of being correct and let's see okay so it was actually over the other side of the country and unfortunately if we could see a little bit further out here we would have gone a much better ", "points": 3863, "distance": 385.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "gGHZdUHydT4soKZJ", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1657, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": 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when it came to street view um anyhow we have a straight edged o on the 30 zone here so that is definitely going to be interesting and definitely definitely a clue um pill knits is one of the towns here with this yellow sign are the plates do they have blue strips on them this one does certainly this one appears to as well so i have some thoughts here just i want to see here this says kunst um so that would be german for art potentially we could be in a german speaking country here this one says swiss collection or something like that so that is also curious so we've got a number of clues here we can probably just do this um based on the um language i think photo studio so i think i think or start dutch um yeah i'm actually not entirely sure it says stutton fart or something i don't know it's gonna be some tour bus and they appear to be speaking german here so these straight sided o's i think you often see them in austria i just can't remember at the moment whether we'd have this kind of sign in austria or not so let's get into the map here um can we find pill nits uh which is the name of this town apparently um i would like to be able to find that before i guess here um so pierna it could also be in switzerland now that i think of it in the german speaking side of it so i'm just trying to think this one is actually giving me a little bit of trouble i have to say the blue strips on the plates really mean that we're in austria but yeah not sure why are we speaking german could it be in belgium too now we'd see a bit of red on the normal place then obviously is a bit hilly so i think this is in austria i just don't think austria has that much gen too so yeah i just don't no it's not lints well uh my patience is starting to run thin so i think i will just go for i guess here somewhere over in lintz and uh we'll find out if we are incorrect or not and this one was in germany so i don't know why that gave me such a austria vibe um but yeah it was generation two i don't think they have any in uh in austria so that might have been a bit of a walking mistake there i don't know anyhow uh this was i guess it just like the the language part of it sounded a bit austrian i don't know why i just went for austria ", "points": 4067, "distance": 308.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "gGHZdUHydT4soKZJ", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1657, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "name": "A Diverse World (Unmaintained)", "slug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "description": "This map is not maintained anymore. 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curious um it's kind of a little bit more tropical looking even though this should be european architecture so that's definitely something to take into consideration we have an a-frame poll here um but i'm not sure if this is a country that would normally use them to be honest so my my feelings at this stage is that this could be like either albania or greece the fact that it's so green makes me think of albania here quite honestly albania is like quite a poor and mountainous country and uh yeah i can definitely see like this kind of big mountain over here um being the kind of thing you'd see around maybe even tirana um tirana so maybe we could be up here on this hill or in in this hill over here looking down i mean the city would be to the north then um and we'd have a big mountain to the north so yeah that big mountain is direct north we can probably readjust i guess because of that um maybe in this part of town here then we could be over here looking at this mountain over here that's certainly possible um so i think that's probably what we'll go for here albania doesn't have a whole lot of coverage but we're gonna use the geography here um to get this guess also just the fact that it looks quite poor like this house kind of looks unfinished or abandoned or something like that and even though the architecture is really nice um yeah that is my thought at this stage it could still be like a portugal or something with how hilly it is and with the red roofs it could be spain could be greece um off chance of italy as well but i'm happy most with albania here and this was italy so yeah i was not um expecting it to be italy that but yeah ", "points": 3125, "distance": 871.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "D4yhqlvhQRUfINzb", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1452, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": 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nice and full explanation of everything that goes into uh each of these guesses that i'm making so here's the first link hit that up in the description and let's head into the first round here i'm also going to be playing without the google car so hopefully that um provides some more sustainable hints for you than just relying on the car meta the first round here one thing that i'm noticing is we have a little bit of english here so that would probably lean me towards some countries and not others you wouldn't see so much english in latin america i would say so another thing to notice here is that we're driving right hand side of the road and most importantly perhaps is that this road is made of all concrete so normally you'd have bitumen but concrete roads are quite common for example in ecuador colombia philippines um sometimes thailand and sometimes chile as well so several countries using concrete birds like this but now if we zoom in over here we can also see that we've got a yellow line with white dashed between and next to it and so if we add all those clues together as well as all these palms in the quiet tropical climate this has to be on philippines so philippines one of the only countries i think it's the only country in asia that would do these road markings also the only country in asia that would have wide highways made of concrete as well in thailand you'll normally see thinner roads made of concrete so yep all adds up plus we're driving right hand side of the road so so many clues on this first round to be able to get there and to me this feels southern although i'm i'm always wrong so let's go on bohol here not really sure where it's going to be ", "points": 4175, "distance": 269.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "Pa4VzJtr1buUctLf", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 9844, "gameMode": "standard", 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sometimes they'll be a bit darker sometimes they'll be lighter like this one and then at the top you'll have like a kind of metal bar like that so countries where you can see that baltics ukraine russia kyrgyzstan um that's about all the ones i can think of where you'd have such poles like this uh so now we when now we continue to look at this so this one it feels like a decently full climate but also um quite foresty so i was thinking like russia near the baltics or maybe latvia or lithuania for this one um so i'm just trying to think so the houses kind of seem more western european like these ones don't really look typical russia that's probably the thing that makes me like baltics the most here um unfortunately so in a run like this what i'd really be trying to see if is if there are any blue strips on the plates this this plate here doesn't appear to have any blue strips um so that may indicate that we're actually in russia um that's a really good one if you don't have any car meta presumably for you guys you probably saw a long antenna or a short antenna um but because i can't rely on that then it makes it a little bit more difficult but um as for this speed sign i feel like with the um kind of lollipop design with the smaller text that's might be a russian thing but that's kind of something you have to learn by vibes so um basically in conclusion i do think we're probably going to be near the baltics in russia here so maybe this kind of direction it could always be out here as well and who knows it could be in asia as well i i'm not really sure but um yeah it feels a little bit too cold and like too like green um if you if you know what i mean like it's kind of this like colder climate i'm looking vegetation it feels too cold to be somewhere in ukraine i think um so yeah let's go for this and see how close we ", "points": 4081, "distance": 303.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "Pa4VzJtr1buUctLf", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 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countries so let me tell you all the countries where you can see that so argentina doesn't sometimes uruguay does it sometimes um as we said philippines new zealand i'm just trying to think of any other country that does that i think you may be able to see it occasionally in south africa possibly although i can't quite remember i know i think they'd have another yellow on the outside so um or next to the white dashes so i think that is pretty much the four countries where you can see it at a good like frequency um if we look at this car here it's definitely parked as if it was driving on the left-hand side of the road um because like obviously if he's pulling out here um it's easier for him to get on the left now he could have done a u-turn like that so it's always possible but yeah just something to keep in mind hopefully he wasn't behind the webcam there but that's the one i was talking about um okay and then uh yeah so we've got the bollards um we've also got english writing on the road and crucially if you don't near bollards this this uh this uh sign post is painted white and there is nowhere in australia i think you might see where i'm going with this there's nowhere in australia that paints them white so we have to be in new zealand here and also these are the new zealand bollards they'll have the thick red on one side and then the red strip that's a better example here uh the red the white strip on the right hand side um or on the left hand side sorry okay so uh we're gonna be somewhere in new zealand here i think maybe north of the south island or somewhere in the north island i kind of like this kind of area here just because it is quite hilly and quite cold looking but yeah it could easily be north island i could even see it being quite far north but yeah new zealand not really my strong point in all honesty so i'm just ", "points": 3881, "distance": 378.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "Pa4VzJtr1buUctLf", "mapSlug": 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buildings so let's zoom in on this sign here we have some arabic here that's for sure and then it's kind of hard to read this language i think it looks like some kind of romance language of course i think i do know what language it is but i'm just trying to like uh say say i didn't know i think i would have trouble reading that okay so taking a look around here um there's definitely a combination of like blue and white in the architecture very typical of this country also the center line in the road is white and also the outside lines are white as well which is super useful because a lot of the countries look similar similar to this we'll use some form of yellow lines and then zooming in over here and we have a follow car with the red on the on the registration plate um which is a government vehicle inside tunisia this is the tunisian follow car and this is also very tunisian architecture there's nowhere else where you'll really see anything quite like this i think um so then we get to picking a town here um when it comes to tunisia i like to this one's a little bit more difficult i would say because i think we're right near the ocean so um i could see us being here or something like that i'm not really sure if that town has coverage but it's probably going to be somewhere near the beach which is making it harder for me to judge the climate regardless it's definitely tunisia driving my hands out of the road all my road lines got the follow car got the houses so let's ", "points": 4119, "distance": 289.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "Pa4VzJtr1buUctLf", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 9844, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "name": "A Diverse World (Unmaintained)", "slug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "description": "This 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that's a great thing to consider um let's check out these signs so this sign is set up for right hand drive you can tell that because as someone pulls up here they're going to be you know more so to the right because they're driving on the right side of the road going to left let people in driving right here and we know that because this sign is here on the right hand side so yeah just just a good thing to always keep in mind when you aren't quite sure you can't see any cars like this guy's a bit too far in the distance this guy yeah you could get fooled so it's it's good to rely on signs because they're almost always telling the truth okay so we got what white road lines here fairly flat which is interesting and we do have some hills in the distance um one of the big ones for this round particularly is that we're using a lot of metal um power lines here um we do we see some non-metal ones in the background but definitely a predominance of metal one metal one all the way through into the background over here and that's definitely a distinctive feature of this country another distinctive feature of this country is that we have like a pepperish road salt and pepper kind of road is what people like to call it and there are certain places in the world where you ha where you see this more for whatever reason um one of them we're not in texas right now but you do see it in kind of texas and oklahoma i think quite a bit for whatever reason seems to be a bit of a help for over there but clearly with these red roofs and everything we should be somewhere in asia and uh we got white soil as well and so uh let me let me get to uh telling you what it is so i do believe that this one is going to be turkey the all-white road lines this kind of texture in the road as well as these metal power lines which are very common in turkey you see them often decently off decently often enough in like serbia and bulgaria i want to say um and then also in some of the middle eastern countries as well but yeah israel definitely uses them a lot as well but i do think this one is going to be turkey because of all the all white road lines as well which you can only barely see really but yeah you can see that these are white on the outside uh whereas that would not be in israel for example so we've got to pick a flat part of turkey here so let's zoom in and find a part that kind of fits i can imagine this being somewhere over here it's fairly green so if we zoom out we can see how green the area we've picked is and uh not particularly green there so maybe we are actually just really close we could even be in european turkey here i think in fact i think that's what i like just because it's so flat and green and it kind of reminds me of bulgaria especially this house over here kind of gives me a bit of a bulgarian vibe but i could be totally wrong here ", "points": 4128, "distance": 286.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "Pa4VzJtr1buUctLf", "mapSlug": 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effort but uh of course i i can only assume that some of you guys did better than me all right let's head into the next challenge here and uh hopefully uh we go well i like to make these ones a bit longer just so that you can chill out even if you're not playing along and just have a good time watching uh so here's the next one uh this one again has a number of clues so let's get straight into it so looking at this play over here unfortunately the sun is a bit too is a bit exposed on here but looking a lot of these plates they don't seem to have blue strips this one doesn't this one does okay so we've got kind of a combination of blue strips and no blue strips which uh you know there are some countries in which blue strips which which currently in 2022 use blue strips uh but which previously didn't and so it kind of seeps into the older google coverage because i can imagine this looks like gen 3 coverage so it was probably taken somewhere around 2015 around that kind of time so maybe they weren't fully transitioned at that point or something like that okay you got me uh so fairly hilly here so that that is definitely something to take into consideration as for the architecture kind of an interesting uh mix of signage here and and brick buildings as well as like kind of concreted buildings as well looking over here we have a a giveaway sign that's filled in yellow i think that is going to be a quite a a useful hint when we think about that later on because most countries use white give way signs okay climate feeling fairly cold one one thing that's a little concerning to me is that we have almost no language here and a lot of times for a round like this we would want some language we have a lot of birch trees though so that kind of gives it a colder vibe as well okay so let me let me tell you what my thoughts are here with a yellow fielding giveaway sign i think our our two real options here for this kind of round are poland and finland obviously they're quite far from one another but i'm still not entirely sure which country i want to go with just yet i think i was i was leaning finland as soon as i saw it um because we got like a volvo over here um and it just feels more finnish i would say but could easily be poland as well um so yeah i was thinking over here um so yeah they're two countries that use these yellow field in science as for countries that do that finland sweden poland sometimes north macedonia and greece that's the ones for europe um you've also got like uh i think south korea um iceland sometimes do it does it as well i mean we could be in iceland here but you don't see blue strips so shouldn't be iceland also too many trees so yeah it was never really going to be iceland actually so then i'm just trying to figure out which one i actually prefer here um obviously um neither finland nor poland are particularly mountainous but you can get hills in both finland's more flat than poland for example poland gets a lot of mountains in the south and then kind of just hilly in in different areas other than that but as for me i do think this is finland i could be wrong um if we were closer to this giveaway sign i'm sure we could work it out better but finland's another one of these countries as i said at the start of the round we sometimes don't have blue strips on some of the cars so that's why i'm going to go for it let's see if i'm right ends up being correct ", "points": 4500, "distance": 157.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "JO9uoCPkRjAzYvLo", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 7297, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "name": "A Diverse World (Unmaintained)", "slug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "description": "This map is not maintained anymore. 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quite helpful for determining the country often now this one um i feel like i've had this round before and i thought it was either mexican well so let let's take it more slowly here so the sun appears to be to the south so we should be somewhere in the northern hemisphere um so that pretty much well a lot of the countries in the southern hemisphere have no generation 2 coverage anyway so we can rule out south africa and australia but not that they were particularly strong options anyway so these cars appear to be approaching us on the right hand side of the road so that um means we're somewhere up driving on the right here we have this yellow painted um bridge here which is really interesting and i remember last time i had this round that kind of fooled me a little bit so but let's let's continue looking here white in a line so the white inner lines should suggest that we're not in the americas chile uses white center lines but that's southern hemisphere and the sun doesn't fit that but the rest of these countries all through the americas tend to use yellow center lines um so that is probably going to rule those out now in basically every latin american country you can find exceptions um but in north america tends to be almost no exceptions at all um and looking here we have quite decent hills it feels like a mediterranean climate or at least a um somewhat of a temperate climate here fairly dry and these hills are quite distinctive i would say uh and so um i actually i'm pretty sure i had this round like a few weeks ago and i'm pretty sure it was greece and i was really annoyed at myself for guessing mexico but the reason i guess mexico is because of this painted bright painted bridge but i'm pretty sure that was just like a kind of out of place thing that they had in greece and you should trust the white center line don't be like me um so but i don't think i was concentrating particularly hard and it's not recalling i think this is fairly far north um of course repeat rounds can be a curse um but i'm pretty sure i'm right about that and so here you can see this sign this is another example of signs set up for right hand drive and another thing that people told me about uh greece is that the poles are often really tall and you can see that this pole is actually quite remarkably tall uh compared to your average pole i would say at least so i think that would also fit here so i'm pretty sure we are correct and so it's almost time to guess generation two um obviously uh greece being one of the only southern european countries to have gen two greece italy spain portugal they're the only ones really so let's ", "points": 3984, "distance": 339.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "JO9uoCPkRjAzYvLo", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 7297, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": 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has blue strips on their plates as well not the direct not they get that ngo guessing but um you can see it on the other maps as well um and uh so bearing that in mind so we're not in an eu country here's is kind of what i was trying to say um and we have we have a flag here so let's continue the round as if we hadn't seen that flag and we don't know what it is um so we've got concrete poles here which is interesting i i do think we would typically see more um more uh like as i said earlier in the video we would see more metal poles in turkey than concrete ones but looking around here we have ac with a hook on the bottom so the only countries i can think of that do that are turkey and romania i believe romania and romania has it with the s i think romania might has it would have it with the sea as well if they don't have it with a c then i think um i think uh portuguese does yes i'm pretty sure portuguese has it with the c maybe it's just with the s in romanian uh but regardless um you do see that in turkish as well obviously because we are in turkey here but good to remember that c um as for this kind of uh pavement quite common to see this kind of like brick pavement um in towns almost like a yeah yeah just kind of like a what you've got tiled road um and uh we have lots of like apartment buildings and definitely some countries do apartment buildings more than others and it just tends to be the way in turkey that most people live in apartment buildings and so you tend to see these big kind of three-story buildings at every corner really throughout the country so this is definitely useful what else is there to say here driving right hand side of the road um yeah i don't think there's really too much else to say here we have hills in the background but it feels fairly flat otherwise so it's kind of typical typical turkey i kind of want to guess somewhere like kanye or something like that kind of feels something to me but really not too sure here let's go in esparta uh ends up being a decent gas here we're ", "points": 4228, "distance": 250.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "JO9uoCPkRjAzYvLo", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 7297, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "name": "A Diverse World (Unmaintained)", "slug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "description": "This map is not maintained anymore. 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many bollards in the u.s or canada they just tend to be two countries that don't use botlars nearly as much now you will see kind of similar looking bullards in the us but one two three four five in a row i don't really think you'd ever see that in us or at least it's quite rare to see it whereas in europe and australia and countries like that you see it all the time okay so these bollards have like a white reflector with black on it so these are unique to the country i believe or at least uh only unique to a few countries i'm pretty sure these ones are unique to this country turning around here we can see a car with a green registration plate that's a government vehicle it's got the blue strip and then the green plate if you can make that out over youtube we have hills here it feels fairly cold you have to say it's a fairly cold climate um we've got like kind of a lake here of some kind i think we can see that peeking through the trees and some kind of lakeside houses here okay and then yeah just a really good condition road that there's definitely something to be said about learning where the poor conditioned roads are like if you if you see a really poor condition road there's a really good chance you're in ukraine you know ukraine it's a country with a troubled past and not to mention the present and uh you know that that for that reason a lot of the infrastructure is quite poor so you often see poor quality roads in ukraine especially if we're talking about europe obviously africa has a lot of poor quality roads as well but when you see really high quality roads you might be thinking of a country like norway very very uh very very strong public you know um services and roads i don't think i've ever seen a bad quality road in in norway maybe once or twice but suffice to say it should be annoying here this is the only country in europe that uses any green plates for service vehicles like that they're normally going to be like bigger kind of mercedes or something like that bigger bigger truck kind of vehicles like this but not that kind of size if you know what i'm saying um and yeah so it's hilly fairly green i kind of like this area of the country could be all the way north as well i could easily imagine that but yeah i'm going to think like maybe we're near a lake but i don't feel like it's massive like i'm going to go somewhere like this it doesn't feel too far from oslo for my money so let's give that a go here and see but the yellow ", "points": 4543, "distance": 143.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "JO9uoCPkRjAzYvLo", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 7297, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "name": "A Diverse World (Unmaintained)", "slug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "description": 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philippines so that's one i forgot to mention okay so here we go we have um this is this is an interesting one we've got a concrete pole here um generation two coverage we can see that from the wide blur again a bit of language here but we can ignore that for the moment because i'm i'm sure a lot of you guys have decent language grasp already this one is hilly uh so at this stage i would love to see some kind of a car number plate because that would really help me out um regardless it doesn't seem like we're gonna be able to get that this house is made of bricks so when you see exposed bricks in europe you could say like northern france luxembourg belgium netherlands and the uk are really where you're gonna see a lot of express bricks sometimes germany as well and denmark okay so that's kind of like the belt uh like kind of this v shape of where you're gonna find a lot of brick houses elsewhere in europe not all too common you do see them but not all too common okay so we have a concrete pole here this one's got like a lot of metal bands around it i feel like you see that a lot in like france belgium luxembourg area i don't really consider that the other european countries use these kind of metal bounds around around a concrete pole too much but that could be wrong not only too sure so this language kind of appears french however i do have some reservations looking down at these houses over here well they certainly could be french the kind of black slate roofs definitely also reminds me of luxembourg and we can see we've got rolling hills here so the fact that we see both of those may indicate that luxembourg is also a strong possibility here it's not to mention that it feels like a fairly affluent area and the north of france as far as i know here is not the richest area which is where i'd place it for france whereas luxembourg is a wealthy country so not really sure if that's actually a good line of logic but it's something i'm thinking about at the moment luxembourg tends to get uh helium in the north and and flatter in the south so i'm thinking north luxembourg here of course this could be like france near strasbourg or something like that or even just over here well possible okay so that's pretty much what we're working with here um i don't think there's any specific country hint here so we may actually lose that streak it's well possible um but uh that's kind of what i'm thinking here is here's a good example of that black slate roof that i was talking about which is common in luxembourg so i think we'll just go for the guess here it's going to be one of the two i assume uh but that's pretty much it there's not actually not too much going on here so let's see if i'm right ends up being 66 kilometers over the border in belgium not entirely surprised there to be honest um but at least we kind of picked up the vibe now that that house so this one would be like very typical of south belgium but not of the north in the north of belgium and basically the rest of the country kind of cutting off from the hilly part down here you would see much more red brick whereas in this one we saw a little white brick so i'm not ", "points": 4783, "distance": 66.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "JO9uoCPkRjAzYvLo", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 7297, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "name": "A Diverse World (Unmaintained)", "slug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "description": "This map is not maintained anymore. 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tough on this on this uh map and this mode okay so here is a good little round i like this one should be an interesting get see if we can get see if we can win a bit of a 50 50 yeah okay so here now we've got a bit more bollard guess so if you know your bars this round does become significantly easier but actually there's a number of things that i can tell you guys about this round okay so first off we've got a chevron here uh red and white red on white is the most common chevron type in europe there are so many countries especially in eastern europe that use this for example um like croatia romania turkey i believe hungary slovakia czechia um and then a lot of the kind of um ex-soviet countries in in kind of the more russian sphere of influence use a white on red as opposed to red and white um so you can distinguish them that way i'll flash up a map if not um someone remind me and i'll put it inside the description but yeah that is that's definitely worth learning these chevrons for example um there's there's also like you can also get yellow on black which is in portugal ireland uh norway and uh luxembourg i can't remember which the other one is that uses those but you know it's where it's supposed to say very useful to learn those but here we have the bollard with the two orange reflectors this is only in two countries and those are slovakia and czechia so we've already narrowed down mostly using this bollard but say we didn't have the blood we could also narrow it down to some kind of eastern european country most likely with this one here okay but now let's uh let's look at this guard rail which also had which also has like a flat edge and a wide gap between and i'm pretty sure this one if not exclusive is most commonly found in czechia and slovakia so czechoslovakia are cheeky because they they tend to use all the same things and it makes it very very difficult to uh tell the difference okay this is generation three coverage by the way uh which you would which you would see in both countries whereas generation four would only really be seen in czechia um by borrowing a few tiny examples so yeah we should be somewhere in either of the countries as we've established okay so then uh we um i guess we i guess we look a bit further around and see if there's anything else here this one is definitely hilly but not in a way that kind of tells me one or the other i guess as a rule like slovakia is more mountainous but you do get tons of hills in czechia as well i think at this point i do actually prefer slovakia but it's not it's just a vibe thing at this at this stage there's not anything that would really tell me one way or the other and i'm very prepared to say that it could easily be checkier also we've got a skoda here and scrotas are quite common in both countries made around there and also we have all white road lines obviously typical for europe if you if you didn't know that yet and blue strip on the plate so it'll it all checks out that's for sure um just trying to think of where i actually want to put this one but yeah as for me i think i think just somewhere well i might just click near the border as a bit of a hedge sometimes you've got sometimes you've just got a hedge in geoguessing i feel like that's that's kind of right now um road quality is very good here i don't really know if i could use that to swing my decision one way or the other might feel a bit more western european but you could certainly see it in either country there's no doubt about that i might actually go check you here i might um but yeah i'm still going to click near the border here just because i'm i'm pretty i'm pretty pretty hopeless when it comes to this 50 50. so let's find out shall we uh ends up being 32 kilometers away so a good switch a good switch there really nice score um ", "points": 4893, "distance": 32.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "vtCmSCRtiFC8ZkvE", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, 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well also also decently typical for the area of the world as well we've got hills in the background here definitely worth paying attention to um so we can pretty much rule out a country like uruguay where you would not have any hills that size um so that's good now let's check the sun so sun it seems to be more so to the south however it is almost midday so it is quite hard to tell whether the sun is to the north or to the south i would say it's more so south uh looking just ahead of us here we have what what i would call an octagonal pole um you can see one two three sides here but i assume this one would actually be either hexagonal or octagonal probably octagonal it's also got some writing on the side of it as well and so countries that use octagonal poles mexico is the big one mexico you will see octagonal poles very uh very commonly um colombia also you occasionally see octagonal poles and i feel like i've seen them in ecuador too if not similar ones now this round could have been difficult by the by the fact that we have clear satellite dishes which are much more common in brazil however i'm thinking this one's mexico and i do think that you would kind of see that kind of thing in rural mexico as well so satellite dishes that are clear common in brazil i think you also get them quite a lot in indonesia and malaysia maybe thailand too i think that they're some of the other countries where you'll see such satellite dishes but the big one here is the the octagonal pole and the architecture as well i would say these kind of white buildings more common for mexico so it has to be fairly dry here but also i don't really feel like it is too far north either because of the kind of whitishness of the soil i feel like it would be a little more red up here so then i'm just kind of thinking like somewhere in the dryer zones out here would kind of make sense to me otherwise we could be a little bit further over this direction and that's kind of the two things i'm really thinking here um but yeah i think i think i think this would be a chill guess regardless we're going to be decently close sarakin we're 40 kilometers away so this has been an actual actual nut start to the seed very very very happy with these guesses um ", "points": 4867, "distance": 40.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "vtCmSCRtiFC8ZkvE", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 5495, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "name": "A Diverse World (Unmaintained)", "slug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "description": "This map is not maintained anymore. 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slovakia and serbia um yeah definitely those three countries would come to mind when when i see uh around like this also we have these round poles round concrete poles are also very common in all three countries maybe particularly check your own slovakia they love to use them over there so no holy poles or anything anything in those three countries at all okay so then uh let's check out the kind of um what i want to say next i think this sign is quite common in eastern europe this one you also see a lot in turkey and south africa and the south african countries um okay so uh the houses are also going right to the um footpath here so like like these four houses in a row here that's something that is typical for all three countries as well very common in serbia but obviously with the sk domain name we are in slovakia this time so i may have been tempted to go serbia um had we not had that indeed i probably would have to be honest um so let's see if we see any hills that looks like it's probably just trees so we have to be in in a rather flat part of slovakia here i would say we're going to be far south i would say we're going to be far south in a town like that maybe um we might even have the town name here not that i'll try and find it but yeah don't don't really see it not to worry not to worry okay so yeah definitely feeling slovakia um there's not really too much else to say here just just a very like european breakdown of cars all the cars are european very it's just very eastern european vibes you kind of have to know it um a lot of single-story houses but then also apartments in the background i would say that this is just super typical um slovakia and so i think like a southern guest the only thing atypical about this round is the flatness but we can just guess in a flat region like near bratislava and we're going to be 98 kilometers away so ", "points": 4682, "distance": 98.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "vtCmSCRtiFC8ZkvE", "mapSlug": 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interestingly we have some like eucalyptus trees here um which is not yeah and this one true this one too not not entirely typical of this country but certainly something you can see here um okay as for um what else can we say here we got like a lot of american cars here this is a very good way to tell this country apart from others so look pick up american pickup truck here here here um [Music] yeah we see three at least so yeah and that's pretty typical that one might be asian but yeah it is very typical to see these kind of american pickup trucks in mexico of course we are in mexico this time um and we got generation four coverage as well which you can see in mexico colombia argentina and brazil at time of recording uh we also have hills in the background and mexico is kind of it's very it's one it's a certain kind of country where it grows flat and then heals and then flat and then hills and that's kind of so so you you'll normally be in a flat area but be able to see hills in the background or something like that okay we're also near plucks flux carla which i have heard the name of i was thinking it's further over this direction but um maybe i'm wrong about that well because run such a good score i do actually want to find this of course um so flux color um that's probably what i was thinking of tukstla um but yeah this one should should not be too hot i've definitely heard of this place we're given that sohili we shouldn't be anywhere in yucatan yucatan and kampachi are pretty uh pretty flat areas so over this direction here then okay so let's see what number they were seems like it might say 130. so we're in 170s over here 125. so wouldn't be surprised if we were nearby here i don't see it okay so so here here's tox um here's here's the state we're in it's a very small state so we're guaranteed a good score for that reason okay we're on an overpass with a road underneath it that basically goes directly north to south so this one's certainly gettable oh it doesn't bend at all from what i saw no so we got a hill to the north as well so this is certainly certainly findable and that's why kind of why i just want to give it a quick look at least um yeah that's too built up we when we're kind of outside of a town here um and would that be a yellow road it's probably just a white road that's going to make things harder to see whereas this one would appear to be a yellow road on the map i imagine so yeah it might be a little too hard to find i don't really know if we're going to be able to but i mean regardless we're going to get good school i would not be surprised if we're just outside um down here maybe we can use the other the other town name to help us out puebla so where's puebla oh there it is so so we're probably between the two towns in fact there so so puebla is kind of kind of east of us and so maybe southeast and then so we're probably like somewhere between the two towns so play something like over here so do we see any road that runs north i don't know because it's a longer video i'm kind of comfortable with trying to get the 5k that almost looks similar but it has to be north to south you see i have to be running this direction i don't really see any good candidates to be honest also our road kind of is running more east to west than the one i clicked on so i don't know if we are actually going to find the one here okay well that's it for searching for me let's go right there and we end up being 14 kilometers away this was the one ", "points": 4953, "distance": 14.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "vtCmSCRtiFC8ZkvE", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 5495, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "name": "A Diverse World (Unmaintained)", "slug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", 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uae okay so we're looking down in this region here it's very green with a lot of hills so botswana is immediately out the only hilly region is around gabarone you see hills here but yeah it would be too dry there anyway so south africa lesotho s martini um lesotho would never have this many trees i'm quite confident in saying when you see proper forests like this like this one here never lusudu i want to say that at least very very rarely if so okay so then we're down to south africa and this martini um and well with these big pine forests you see these big pine plantations and these big hills when you see that combination it pretty much has to be on the s martini south africa border and uh as for this one because this kind of long yellowish grass i really like swatini better and so i think we're going to be somewhere on the mr19 somewhere around the border here near embabani so i think that's pretty much what we're what we're dealing with here now again because i'm on such a high school i could probably find like like a way that it you know that that fits this road i mean to be honest where i've clicked right now doesn't even seem too bad um if we're going there then it's going to bend away too yeah not not not correct but i i do strongly believe that yeah we're going to be one near one of these kind of green sections here in the west of s martini uh she also might be wearing traditional dress which would be more common in swatini um and uh these kind of straight wooden poles i i think also more common there i'm i'm quite confident also with this red soil that we are on there teens out of the border rather than south africa but regardless we're gonna be close uh and so guys i think i think we're gonna go for it here also the kind of vast hills this is also a very hilly area so you can just see the rolling hills way into the distance there to the north um which yeah would check out we can we see a lot of hills rolling over to the north there so let's go for this guess and we ", "points": 4796, "distance": 62.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "vtCmSCRtiFC8ZkvE", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 5495, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "name": "A Diverse World (Unmaintained)", "slug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "description": "This map is not maintained anymore. 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location i'll be able to teach you at least two or three so let's get straight into this first link which is found in the description hopefully you've played it by now and uh let's see what we got going on i've also blurred out the car so that we are not using that to decide where we're going to go because a lot of people like to learn the actual tips rather than just the car meta here is the first one this architecture strikes me as quite southeast asian off the bat also we have a whole bunch of motorbikes motorbikes are fairly common in latin america as well but certainly the part of the world where you see them the most is southeast asia particularly you could say like indonesia malaysia thailand that kind of area there okay so we see plenty of those scooters and bikes right now so let's take a look around here we've got a mix of like what appears to be arabic and also what appears to be some kind of latin script language as well here which is interesting interesting indeed oh this girl is wearing a head scarf as well so that would definitely factor into our guess later down the track okay so just looking for anything let's have a flag here so that will probably help as well at some point okay so we're fairly built up here which is interesting um again we have the flag painted on um the pulse here so this will be indonesia and indonesia is a very patriotic country so you'll often see that around the spot here okay so let's take one more look okay here's here's a very uh important thing to know for indonesia is that oftentimes they'll have cigarette ads all around the place and the price is normally around 15 000 i think it's root rupees over there so i'm pretty sure that's what they use in uh it starts with an i i think it starts with an r anyway um and and it's normally going to be about 15 000 somewhere in that ballpark 16 000 is also pretty common for the price of cigarettes so you can often use that as a pretty good way to tell indonesia because that's the only country using that um uh currency so yeah um we also have this kind of very very indo slash malay looking language here so yeah obviously that is going to be pretty nice um the question is where it kind of reminded me of borneo a little bit it also kind of reminded me of sulawesi so i'm kind of tossing up between those two seeing if there's any i've learned i know the phone codes for indonesia but i don't think we're actually going to get any or offer here so yeah uh and then polls are also quite useful but i don't think we see any as well so then actually the longer i look at it the more i kind of like just going java here um i could easily see sulawesi or any any any uh island here but i think i will just go java so let's find out where it actually is and it ends up ", "points": 1848, "distance": 1485.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "KcXq56yma60C8m75", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": 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of the sign the cars for their headlights facing us here we'll drive down the road and they'll be able to see this sign facing towards them okay so that's pretty useful um vegetation wise we also have a whole bunch of oil palms here oil palms very common in indonesia particularly borneo and likewise maybe even more common in malaysia um also common in southern thailand as well i'm pretty sure that's the extent of where they're very commonly found so good to keep that in mind okay and then we also have a black number plate which is divided in two here we have one set of text here one set of text here wide black number plate if this were in indonesia which it's not then we would have three sets of text as it stands we only have two and so that would that would indicate that we are in malaysia okay so yeah all white road lines as well very malaysian and oftentimes you'll have a double white line um in the center double white line but we don't have that here if you do have that and you're in asia i'm pretty sure malaysia's the only country in asia that uses double whites at least the only country that commonly does it so um yeah we should be on borneo here and the reason i say that is because we're in generation three camera which is more common in borneo and we also have all these oil palms which are also more common in borneo and it's very flat as well whereas peninsula malaysia tends to be quite hilly all the way through so i would say we're somewhere around here maybe i'm just trying to think actually how far up i want to go here maybe it could be somewhere around here it's probably going to be somewhere between here and over here and so i'm just going to go for that and it ends up being 200 ", "points": 4373, "distance": 200.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "KcXq56yma60C8m75", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 5727, 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"challenge_index": 0, "split_transcript": "kilometers away other side of bintulu so not a bad effort there although no doubt as well some of you guys got better scores okay on to the next round here let's check out what we've got going on uh okay so we have some language here we'll return to that at some point soon okay so we have holy poles over here that's definitely going to factor into our decision later on you'd call this one a wide holy pole um and there are three countries in europe that tend to use holy poles very often and there's a hungry romania and poland you can also find holy polls of some description in france and belgium and then also occasionally in portugal although portuguese one's a bit different and then elsewhere in eastern europe as well okay so that's kind of what we're working with here okay we are fairly hilly but not all too hilly um one also one also thing to mention about this holy pool here is that it's painted white at the bottom which will also factor into our decision later on as well okay so we have some bollards here these are in the australian style this is an australian style bowl a little bit shorter so you'd find this kind of a board in in the netherlands as well although of course we're not there because with mountains like this these would easily exceed the highest point in the netherlands okay and then uh we also have some architecture here which will come in useful architecture kind of the thing you need to get like your own feel for by playing a lot but i would definitely say that that's useful here and also the white center lines should guarantee that we're in europe as opposed to elsewhere okay so i'm coming to my decision here given the fact that a lot of the trees are painted right at the bottom as well as this wide holy pole here i think this should be in romania so let's uh take a look at this sign here to confirm that we're speaking some kind of romance language and we are we can see the de uh kind of word here that would that would definitely remind me of a romance language such as like italian or french or something like that but of course we're in eastern europe so this one will be romania this architecture here kind of reminded me more of like hungary or slovakia or serbia so i was thinking of guessing this side of the country uh who knows if that's going to be correct or not that's kind of my own thinking on the round though and uh yeah that's about it i mean these bars these are not typical for romania although you can find them there so i think that's about all we need to mention here let's guess ", "points": 4506, "distance": 155.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "KcXq56yma60C8m75", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 5727, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": 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okay next one here uh seems that we are continuing on with the theme of the first two rounds from this video so here we are using a concrete road this is probably the biggest clue on around like this concrete roads around the world fairly common in philippines in thailand um you can find concrete roads fairly often in like peru ecuador and colombia as well uh bolivia i believe every now and again uses some concrete roads as well i'm just trying to think of other countries where where concrete reds are fairly prevalent but yeah these ones in southeast asia are particularly where you'll see a lot of them and now in thailand you wouldn't see so many concrete roads that are indonesia i forgot to mention as well uh thailand you wouldn't see so many concrete roads that are double land uh whereas in philippines you would see them quite often so philippines immediately coming to mind here okay so we have some like banana plants here very common all over southeast asia that's for sure we also have these red and white chevrons here now i can't claim to know my chevrons of asia that well i know them pretty much all in europe but as for these chevrons you can definitely see red and white in philippines and it's quite useful i think you'll also see red and white in sri lanka um and probably some others as well although i think all the ones in all the other like proper possibilities would not be a factor with red and white i believe also clearly we're driving right hand side of the road and so that cuts out uh thailand cambodia japan malaysia indonesia i'm not cambridge sir but you know um and so yeah plenty of countries that drive left-hand side of the road okay so all that having been said we seem to be quite high up here and so the tallest mountains in malaysia i mean in philippines i would say somewhere up here so that's really what i'm thinking of guessing although it could just be a really wet day and that's why it looks so elevated and so is there anything else to say here um we also have a bit of english which is very typical to see in the philippines and uh we do probably have the location of where we are here but i can't be bothered actually pinpointing on a teaching video well all white road lines is interesting as well um because sometimes you would ", "points": 2277, "distance": 1174.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "KcXq56yma60C8m75", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 5727, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "name": "A Community World", "slug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "description": "A world map with 100k+ handpicked locations put together by over a hundred experienced players and map makers from the GeoGuessr community || More about ACW: XXXX || ACW discord: XXXX || The map contains only official 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immediately going to look at the road lines obviously i'm always harping on about road lines in this series but i really do think it's so important that you learn where we'll have yellow in the center and when we'll have white in the center and so we appear to have double yellow lines in the center here which would mean somewhere in the americas is immediately much much more likely so the only country that where you would never see like double yellow lines like this is like chile where you'd have double white lines and then some of these countries like peru ecuador colombia mexico are more likely to use a single yellow line in the center but still most you'll be able to find double yellows as well okay let's take a look at the poles next these poles are sectioned they have three sections in them they have dots towards the top and they're completely made of concrete so perhaps that rings a bell for you if it does then um then you should know the country if it doesn't then keep keep the image of this pole in your mind because it is one of the more useful polls to know in the whole geography i would say and so we have red roofs on a lot of the buildings as well this would probably indicate some european influence i think it's fair to say we also have a lot of motorbikes as i said motorbikes can be found quite often in south america this one does not really feel like southeast asia in fact the only countries you'd see double yellows in southeast asia would be like taiwan just trying to think i think maybe in some times in cambodia you'd see or maybe sometimes in thailand as well but yeah not particularly common thing to see in southeast asia okay so i am thinking with these uh concrete section poles that we should be somewhere in brazil now brazil uses these poles all around the country you can see fairly similar ones with shorter sections in them in ecuador and then brazil is a pretty good good uh a good call when you see a pole like this in south america also to mention we have these clear satellite dishes very common for roofs of brazilian houses and so the question is where and um with these hills i am kind of liking north a lot of red roofs and kind of dis-shaped hills in the north of the country um i could as easily see it being somewhere like much further out here i could also see it being you know somewhere in goyas or tokantins as well but yeah i mean um i uh i think we should be correct here and so i'm just trying to see if there's anything else that's particularly useful a lot of motorbikes and i think that may indicate that we're in a poorer area and this is kind of a poor area as opposed to the deep south which is quite more or quite a bit more wealthy in brazil um but i think that's about all i can see the double yellows in the center those concrete poles here and kind of this just general landscape and feel is quite brazilian indeed so let's see if i'm right about where it is it ends up being a nice guess in uh ", "points": 4326, 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ago 12 13 years ago and uh yeah yeah about that long ago almost and uh we should be in somewhere in western europe for that reason eastern europe did not get much generation two coverage there's not too much generation 2 in the united states interestingly although mexico and canada have quite a bit of it south america is largely devoid of generation 2 apart from a little bit in brazil and maybe colombia as well i think and yeah and then australia new zealand have it but this is a european start sign here and uh yeah i mean actually you may be able to see a single sign in new zealand but regardless i'm pretty sure with this climate we shouldn't be there okay and then south africa also has gen 2 as well so um yeah let's check out what we've got going on here seems like some oak trees or something like that a lot of fruit bushes as well this is the first video round of the video where i'm not entirely sure of the country although i'm pretty sure we're gonna be able to get there um i hope anyway okay so we do have a a mountain or a volcano over there which is really interesting we have another red tiled roof we also have an olive tree here or something regardless it might not be an olive tree but it's very mediterranean looking so i'd immediately start thinking about those types of countries but anyway portugal all the way through to greece here greece is another country that has a lot of generation two camera um these poles here do appear to have the color of being concrete especially this one here i would say and uh greece tends to use wooden balls so we can probably cut grease out here at least tentatively um so we're on a fairly it feels like a warm climber i would say um it definitely it definitely does not feel too cold and with this and this this uh concrete pole does feel round to me and um so i'm thinking italy and now let me let let you know of the thing that most makes me think of italy which is this kind of dark back to this sign and now dark backs to science can be found in many countries in europe but it's especially prevalent in italy albania and romania they're the three countries we can reliably have it now north macedonia i mean i've seen fairly grey looking ones in poland just today and in many other places but uh generally speaking when you have a darker back of the sun like this italy is a good shout and of the countries that we mentioned romania has extremely rare gen 2 and north pacific has no generation two so italy is the go right okay so fairly mountainous over this direction i don't have the compass enabled because that's what the uh cast group gets rid of i think it's actually k we can bring back the compass okay so like the uh kind of mountain or volcano to our south and then over to our east we also have some mountain range as well so um i'm just going to guess kind of somewhere over here but i dare say that we are going to be somewhere in like central southern ", "points": 4411, "distance": 187.0, 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that you often see a single yellow line in bolivia um peru actually i'm not sure how common it is in bolivia made brew ecuador uh colombia guatemala mexico okay and i am thinking um that this truck here this pickup truck kind of looks more like one that will be made in the united states and when you see a truck like that then mexico and guatemala have got to come to mind you often see quite a lot in ecuador a lot as well in my opinion in my experience but uh um i i definitely think that when you see a truck like that mexico and what have got to come to mind for you also this might be an american car as well come to think of it um as for architecture here there's not too much going on uh it's very lush it's very green so a lot of mexico is surprisingly dry and so we can we can definitely chop off maybe the first half of mexico here and so that's probably not a possibility also the sun here is to the south so that would indicate northern hemisphere most likely i mean it's not directly to the south but it's definitely more so to the south so i would feel fairly confident using that hint here okay so because we can't see the google car generally speaking when you can see the google car you can see the the silver car with the with the rear view mirrors which um would probably be visible here if we are in guatemala which i have a feeling we might be um if not if you're not using the uh google car meta and it can be quite difficult to distinguish the two countries but essentially we've got a fairly mountainous landscape here and we are fairly tropical and we have this single yellow line as i said both countries use i would be leaning towards what here but i i could certainly see a southern mexico even something along the coasts here either side where it's a bit greener is also certainly possible we have a political poster here i feel like both countries you do see them and but i'm i'm relatively confident that it is north america here so we may lose our six country streak here it's possible but i will go for guatemala uh let's see if we correct about that and so it was ", "points": 4251, "distance": 242.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "H4BIrGZxgc311Rbt", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 4192, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "name": "A Community World", "slug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "description": "A world map with 100k+ handpicked locations put together by over a hundred experienced players and map makers from the GeoGuessr community || More about ACW: XXXX || ACW discord: XXXX || The map contains only official Google Street View locations, meaning there should be no blurry images, photospheres or black screens in game", "url": "/maps/62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "playUrl": 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factors in our guess here we're driving right hand side of the road so assuming that we are you know in europe which i mean the architecture looks very european indeed i think it's fair to say then uh we should not be in united kingdom ireland malta and cyprus as well although there's no uh coverage there okay so that is uh they're the places that drive left so we've got a blue strip on the plate as well so probably not russia probably not ukraine generally speaking two countries that don't use blue strips on plate um and so then we are kind of thinking about you know mainland continental standard europe here okay so let's break down some of the things that we could use to get the country here and i'll reveal to you that the country is poland okay so why is it poland we have this concrete pole here with the with the uh kind of um oval holes in it here and these ones are are the polish variants where they don't go all the way to the ground whereas in um in for example hungary and romania normally the holes would go all the way out into the ground whereas on this one they cut off before the end and before the top so that is quite a polish pole indeed um we also have double whites in the center of the road here and for whatever reason on a on many roads around europe you'll find up whites don't get me wrong but on a thinner road like this where it's kind of like it's quite suburban like why would you really have a double line here generally speaking which means no overtaking um well you have one here and and and you have those quite often on thinner roads in poland i think denmark is another country that has a very uh has a ponchon for these uh double white lions where else do i often see them um greece often has them and they're often faded in greece as well so that's three countries where you often see them where you might not expect to see them in other countries okay of course you do see them in other countries but in in zones where you might not see them in other countries okay i can also think of two other things for poland here here's a pedestrian crossing and here you don't have any straps on it in poland you won't have any straps on the pedestrian crossing signs so that's quite useful indeed as well and then looking over at this house here very typical polish house bright red roof but what's more important is the dormer here inside the roof which is kind of like an extra room in like the attic or whatever you want to say um and so that is quite a common feature in polish architecture uh what else can we say here it's quite flat as well poland is a relatively flat country at least in the in this in the interior of it and uh yeah okay and these these trees also quite fairly northern feeling as well okay so i'm not exactly sure where i'm going to go here i probably just click in the center of the country for this for around like this so uh i think that's what i'll do maybe a little bit further south let's go let's go there okay and so we should be close here ends ", "points": 4291, "distance": 228.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "H4BIrGZxgc311Rbt", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 4192, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "name": "A Community World", "slug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "description": "A world map with 100k+ handpicked locations put together by over a hundred experienced players and map makers from the GeoGuessr community || More about ACW: XXXX || ACW discord: XXXX || The map contains only official Google Street View locations, meaning there should be no blurry images, photospheres or black screens in game", "url": "/maps/62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "playUrl": "/62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": 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confines it in its own borders obviously you can find some in kenya and uganda they're two countries that are quite known for having red soil as well australia cambodia thailand um they're all countries that have red soil as well maybe sometimes south africa has reddish soil kind of orangish soil um sometimes in the us where of as well like alabama mississippi area can have some red soil so that's where i'd say even even part of canada as well maybe um but yeah red soil like this i'm thinking of i'm thinking of uh brazil so other things that make me think of south america here are these kind of wooden fences with like a woodwood wood like that um fairly typical of brazil and obviously we are not using any script here so a lot of time people confuse cambodia for brazil but of course if you have any like latin script then uh brazil should be fairly safe to send as opposed to uh cambodia which normally uses the khmer script or whatever it's called okay so this one's a kind of a rolling landscape i've just been practicing my brazil recently but i'm still not entirely sure i kind of like talk on teens here but i could also see something like like in the really dry part of akra or rondonia maybe rondonio or mata grosso maybe so somewhere along this band here i kind of expect it to be um what i said to say dirt road coverage not too common in brazil but certainly seeable and um yeah yeah it's kind of like a brazil's kind of a country that has like hills all around the spot and then mountains along the coast so let's uh let's go for token teens here ends up being goyas so not the greatest guess ever but only one state over to be fair so 3 thousand ", "points": 2692, "distance": 924.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "H4BIrGZxgc311Rbt", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 4192, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": 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one this is a fun one so where are you guys thinking here um this one i imagine many people will have gotten but at the same time it could trip you up if you're not used to seeing this country because it is relatively rare to see in geoguessa but okay so we appear to be driving left hand side of the road here you can particularly see that from this guy although um he is kind of driving more so in the center of the road so if you didn't pick that up i could certainly forgive you for that was i have a black and white curb here and for whatever reason i have no idea what the reason is but like black and white curbs painted like that seems to be much more common in second and third world countries um only first world countries i can think of where you could really see a black and white curb often would be like israel israel you see it quite a bit but yeah most most times when you see something like that you're going to be in a poorer country obviously you can see that from the uh from the kind of infrastructure here anyway but you know it's worth bearing in mind i think especially if you're playing an mpz or something like that okay so we have like a lot of pine trees here or something like that which is which is certainly interesting and the big one here is actually going to be the architecture so let's take a look at these houses we have like intricate patterns on this one it's very very cool looking house and then and these ones here i would say are the kind of typical ones very asian looking roofs here i think it's fair to say kind of flat and wide um and then you know you know and they they also have like kind of wooden panels and then also these white panels as well i think that's the that's the really uh that's really uh unique thing about this country's um houses and so i do believe we are going to be somewhere in bhutan here now i just don't think you can really see um any kind of houses that look like this outside of bhutan like it really is just the the bhutanese maybe maybe if you're in nepal or something but nepal has very limited trekker coverage whereas bhutan actually has some street view now if you see these then uh and these these types of houses lots of windows as well then it should be bhutan and obviously the landscape fits here as well now i'm not sure where this one's going to be the mountains are not the tallest so i was thinking of like some valley like that something like this it also feels a little dryer but i'm actually not too sure regardless left hand drive also uh british influence inside bhutan and uh yeah i feel i'm feeling pretty good here i'll send in this one will be ", "points": 4537, "distance": 145.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "H4BIrGZxgc311Rbt", "mapSlug": "62a44b22040f04bd36e8a914", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 4192, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", 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goodness what is going on guys it's zigzag here welcome back to another geography video today we are back on the teaching series where i go on diverse world and i break down my entire thought process for each round on no moving try and give you guys the best tips to improve your own games and hopefully make it quite enjoyable too what's more this is a play along so every time i go into a match i'm going to hit the challenge section and uh yeah we're gonna go no time limit on uh no moving just so i can explain everything and uh yeah i'm gonna uh post this uh link right here and it'll be at the top of the description for you guys to play so let's get straight into the first game here might play three or four today uh depending on time and yeah we're just gonna see um if we can get rather close here so this one is um almost well let's let's break things down slowly so we got um solid white lines on the outside here um so obviously it's filling fairly northern with these like pines uh so we can pretty much exclude um that it would be norway or sweden here um well you could be sweden but normally you'd have the short dashes on the outside of the road and a lot of the time in norway you'd have long dashes uh so yeah couldn't a hundred percent count out any of those ones but uh yeah definitely feeling more like finland i guess i've been kind of alluding to the fact that i do think this is finland also this snow pong wood that's orange the whole way and then has a tiny bit of wide at the top is quite a good clue for finland as well so it's a little hilly and as people tell me the uh the healier it is in finland the more likely it is to be north so definitely thinking of somewhere around there for this one um anything else that we can use here this looks like a finished sign you can't quite see it there but i assume it's probably going to be white on that side more snow poles so yeah just definitely feeling like northern finland here might even go uh more often than i had it so maybe over there let's see ", "points": 4790, "distance": 64.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "OOgZe3lEvwyzaK7U", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 4042, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "name": "A Diverse World (Unmaintained)", "slug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "description": "This map is not maintained anymore. 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i guess sometimes you're just going to get those 50 50s wrong and i'm not really sure if there was anything that i could have uh used to get it right anyhow the next one we have a single yellow line in the center of the road and obviously that one is a clue that would make you lean much more canadian than american um obviously the uh surroundings pretty uh canadian looking as well let's look at here we we have a speed sign and uh i guess like in in um in the us it would say speed limit and then it would have the number but this one you can't make it out but it says maximum and that's what all canadian speed signs say so just the fact that it's one word will definitely help us out here also the fact that at 70 on a dirt road here you can kind of use some common sense it's like well it this road clearly would not be 70 miles per hour um which would be like well like a 130 or 125 or something i don't know exactly how it converts but you know it will be a very very fast speed limit for um a road like that so you can use some common sense and work out that okay it has to be in kilometers per hour which would mean it's canada um what's more we have a sign over here not really sure to be honest um it's fairly hilly so um i am kind of tossing up between both ends of the country here um the hilliness obviously could indicate that we're in bc but more mountains over there so i am thinking of maybe i don't know where it gets a bit hilly in like quebec or something like that but that would kind of be my my biggest thought at this point um so i might go there uh feels like it could be a fairly cold climate this could really be like anywhere in this area i think so all the way from newfee around to here so or even maybe a bit further south so let's find out ", "points": 4739, "distance": 80.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "OOgZe3lEvwyzaK7U", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, 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could still be thailand or cambodia or something like that or lao so we have no google car at all so this uh this leaves us with a bit of a predictive predicament obviously both countries drive left-hand side of the road um it's fairly flat which is interesting a lot of palms as well i'm not really sure what that means to be honest this one uh could be another fail i'm not really sure so sri lanka is pretty mountainous but you do get the flat areas as well so if we were up here that would make perfect sense uh say likewise down here it's just the middle of the country that gets quite mountainous however i think i might be leaning um more towards thailand here just looking at this pole the thing at the top is interesting for sure awesome just looking at the google car a lot of the time in thailand you won't have any but that's actually kind of the same for sri lanka's uh sometimes you'll see like the french flag kind of blur um but we don't see it either here so that that that is a consistent with both countries i would say so just kind of got to go with my gut here i think it does look more like sri lanka i think i will have to go for sri lanka here maybe all the way down south here is there anywhere flat enough yeah i'd say like somewhere over here would be flat enough so i think that's where i have to go here could easily uh be uh thailand but let's just rip it in and see if we're right or not and okay yeah walls just really far south thailand so about the right ", "points": 1250, "distance": 2069.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "OOgZe3lEvwyzaK7U", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 4042, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "name": "A Diverse World (Unmaintained)", "slug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "description": 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we had there uh so it seems like well doesn't matter because i didn't actually make this a challenge so it doesn't matter that that location was broken so let's add this one to the notepad and get straight into the second round here so hopefully this will be an easier one for me uh what's interesting here is that we have the yellow lines on the outside so that tends to indicate south africa or middle east they're the two uh regions that uh use the uh yellows on the outside we got white on the center so that's all consistent and what do you know we have flags here so um let's talk about what we could have uh used even if the flags were not here so obviously it's uh it's pretty flat here and pretty dry so obviously uh botswana would be dry but this is a bit more built up than botswana looks more middle eastern off the bat we're driving right hand side of the road so that would exclude south africa you can see this is set up to stop on the right hand side of the road also yellow plates um that is uh that is israel for the yellow plates and we have hebrew here and uh also we have the black car with a long antenna so plenty of stuff that could tell us that this one is israel beyond flags and uh yeah it's it's very dry here so i'm thinking maybe more to the south um but i'm not really sure yeah it with israel tends to be more green to the north more dry to the south uh so i'm just going to guess a bit south of tel aviv here let's go in ashdod here and see how close we're ", "points": 4739, "distance": 80.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "sSTA02QYOBNfFFdd", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 3096, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "name": "A Diverse World (Unmaintained)", "slug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "description": "This map 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most people will agree that was a tough ukraine round regardless we get 21.7 which is much better uh and most guesses were good there apart from the second ukraine uh but yeah let's let's head straight back in for a third one here hopefully uh this one will be an improvement on the last two because you know i i have it in me to play well and um well yeah hopefully you guys are learning a little bit anyway do smash like if you're enjoying please uh helps out the channel helps youtube know that it's a video that people like and here we are back with these polls again a fairly similar looking around to the last ones fortunately this one's uh a fair bit easier because i'm going to teach you guys something that you may not have known so this uh this light pole here with the extremely it's kind of like a saluting almost and it's got the extremely long light bulb here and this one is is only in thailand so if we zoom in here we should see some thai language definitely looks like it's a bit blurred but yeah we have another one of those light lamp posts over here um we got the standard tie poles this one's even got some sections in it which is kind of rare but this one's more than normal one i would say um yeah just the dots all the way up square um a little bit less square like i feel like these sri lankan ones are often like harsher edges whereas this one kind of has the edges sanded but yeah i don't know that that's just my conjecture also this house is on stilts so fairly fairly common to see in thailand as well so this one is green and fairly red dirt so i'm thinking somewhere near bangkok here maybe in this area of the country here could always be over here as well if it was a bit hillier i would definitely be tempted to go there but um as it stands i can't see any big hills in the background so yeah i guess i'll just go where i've said uh we have a phone number here unfortunately it doesn't really help me out um so yeah that's that's what we're gonna see again no 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uh that would that would be a good clue um but yeah check it out this is really interesting so before i look at i'll make a guess before i look at these signs which probably tell us what city we're in um the fact that we've got these big mountains to the south is very interesting over to the north less so um so obviously we're kind of like thinking between darwin or the northern end of the northern territory when we're seeing around this green um i think um with these yellow dashes on the outside of the road that seems to be more of a thing that they do in um cairns or or in queensland rather but i do think this is going to be cairns also what's what i've noticed that there are big mountains here and the northern territory does not really get mountainous like that uh in a city this big so um well alice springs is but that is the house springs has big hills but they are much it's much more dry there kind of looks like a similar climate to adelaide but a little bit uh but even drier um so it kind of has a similar look over there whereas darwin is this green but no big mountains interesting red number plate here um but that doesn't really tell me anything uh so yeah yeah it says cans on the table tennis stadium there so if anyone's ever been to comment if you've ever been to cairns table tennis stadium but yeah we're gonna guess somewhere in cairns here obviously mountains to the south we're going to be fairly uh we're going to be fairly central here mandurah or or in the city center i would say the city center is probably probably about where we are um and we could 5k this but for the sake of time i'm just going to go there and yeah we were 300 meters away so very close indeed right near the central business district and 499 so good that i was able to get a good score in my own country okay so we are back in here and we have some number plates clues for this time so let's break it down slowly we have some old architecture we have double yellows in the center so we 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yellow over there um so that's pretty much or maybe new mexico or arizona or something also has like a slightly yellow plate but yeah in this terms this dark yellow orange plate we we know we're going to be in new york state or or thereabouts um and uh yeah that's pretty much what we got a lot of brick buildings are over there in new york as well um and uh yes i'm also fairly elevated which is interesting but um yeah this is this is definitely going to be new york with these plates which is a very nice uh giveaway look at them all these yellow plates uh and uh yeah we're just gonna be somewhere that's fairly built up in a city is it gonna be new york city is another question i i'm not entirely sure but it could easily be like albany or um syracuse or something like that um maybe albany i don't mind albany here i'm not exactly sure if this would actually be in new york city so um it's also a little bit elevated around there which i like so i'm just gonna get albany today and oh five thousand points are you kidding me oh my goodness wow wow what a guess guys a hundred meters away a perfect guess literally a street down and uh you can't lie that was a bit of luck but we've basically gotten two 5ks in a row and that one's even more impressive because i had nothing really to tell me that that wasn't gonna be in new york city just didn't quite feel like the big apple to me and uh yeah there we go 5 000 points what a beautiful round there can we follow it up i think we're going to be beating people here i do think we're going to be beating some some of you guys who are playing along you gotta comment if you're able to get me but uh this one is uh quite nice we have we have a lack of trees here big mountains with a lack of trees and some snow um so yeah what does that tell you well ", "points": 4999, "distance": 0.1, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "XqP39ym4PwKelLN6", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, 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would definitely make sense and uh look we have the name of the capital city of north macedonia so uh that was not too hard we would have we wouldn't have needed any google car meter to get this here um so here's the serial link here's the english and uh it's saying that it's over to the south what was that that would be the south kind of yeah it's just directly south from us i guess so i guess we could be like somewhere over here uh do we see any mountains we should see mountains and we also have the name of this town here taban so do we see that we could still be over the border um in turkey uh in us in um serbia it's still possible but no i don't see it so yeah this is uh the other direction so i guess we should be between scorpio and there probably closer to here because it's a smaller town so um yeah what about like that we're honest we're in a roundabout right next to a highway here so could be that could it be no it's a proper roundabout so we need to prop around about here um it's got to be close to this place it's got to be close to this place i must say because otherwise they wouldn't include such a thing so i think we could be here um we're kind of on this side of it so let's let's hope we are it's no guarantee but it could be and uh yeah five minutes away so there you go i knew it fitted and uh what an insane see there 24 029 is a super good score uh so i've really really improved over the course of this one so let's check the game breakdown here just because i want to admire myself here so it started off with a decent guess in thailand if only i tried a bit harder there maybe could have gotten closer well around two was cairns that was simple enough we had the name of it round three an insane guess and round five as well around four was ", "points": 5000, "distance": 0.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "XqP39ym4PwKelLN6", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, 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improve and you gotta you gotta you gotta stick around to the end for for the magic to happen right so here we have a typical russian intersection guys you gotta know this when you have bollards on all sides like this this is russia for sure um and uh yeah double white lines in the center so as i said as i've told you guys russia often has the long antenna what's interesting here is this uh sign often you will have the uh yellow border on the russian crossing signs this one is strange for russia i will say okay that's what the normal ones look like so normally they have blue not red that's why it was throwing me off so these are the normal ones in the in the distance here this is a dry climate for russia so i guess we could be thinking somewhere around kazakhstan or further south here where it gets a bit deserty almost feels like an australian climate you'd have to say oh we've got a kilometer mark here so 28 kilometers till the next big town or something like that if we can see that sign we could probably get a good score here uh but we're kind of we're kind of relegated to just guessing based on the um road angle and whatnot so the roads kind of going up this direction here could even be could be this road here i mean we need an intersection so it could be something like that i don't see why not the road kind of goes both directions there so it's good to look on the map to see if you can find a a location that actually fits here but yeah it's gone fairly northern it could certainly be something like this um yeah i mean i i i like this road just because the angle is quite good um could also be down here uh we don't do we have a railway traveling along the using this uh gray dotted line can often be a good idea because uh if you can find that you do have a um a railway running alongside your road then you can just exclude all roads that don't have that um i'm i'm still in the mood for good schools i must say i'm still in the mood for good score so i'm looking for anything any road that fits a bit better here um but asset stands doesn't really seem like we're gonna find one so i'm just gonna go there ", "points": 3736, "distance": 435.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "w9baNZFmmfEKz1zi", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 2247, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "name": "A Diverse World (Unmaintained)", "slug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "description": "This map is not maintained anymore. 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tractors so i don't know about you guys but that that often makes me think of eastern europe um we also have some brick houses which is interesting um kind of straight roofs but yeah um some poles as well okay this uh this sign is very washed out it's actually very difficult to read uh but we are we're clearly in europe this is a european style of you know when you're exiting a town to tell you that you're exiting it um but yeah the avenue of trees is interesting well what i want to saw notice at the start of the round is that we have this little an antenna with the flag on it this little black thing here and that is like in a bunch of countries such as bulgaria um it's also in slovakia and hungary i think um a lot of the countries with winter coverage tend to have it i think you can even find it in italy and czechia probably as well so romania as well so yeah it's a bunch of different countries but does help you narrow it narrow it down somewhat the road quality is poor here and also with the with the heavy winter coverage i am thinking of bulgaria that's my main port here these kind of like wagons as well i don't really know like these kind of trailers are very common in like i want to say uh bulgaria and romania they have a lot of those it's just like a kind of meme about them that they that you often have them but uh i i find that to be quite helpful and it does seem like it could be cyrillic here so that's why i like bulgaria the best also the uh the poles could be bulgarian so i think i'll just go here kind of central oh let's find out if we're close and 200 kilometers it is uh right near um romania like i alluded to those trailers being quite ", "points": 4303, "distance": 224.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "w9baNZFmmfEKz1zi", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 2247, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, 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kind of like a maroon brown color here we also have uh roof racks so where are we gonna be where are we gonna be here um we've got red houses white houses kind of a mix here we're traveling over a river and we have a ball out here a yellow and uh red bullet with a little white reflector there do we see any ones that are closer no these are the closest over here so what is that bollard guys it's a quite an obscure one but this one is actually the faraways bollard over here we're in the faroe islands we're gonna be somewhere crossing a river so surely that's pretty distinctive we could be like here uh the road doesn't quite line up we would have a uh we would have a roundabout so we have to be on some fairly sizable bridge between towns here um this one is not quite right either so not going to be there um this river this river is too long it could be something like this okay are we going east to west uh we we aren't really so yeah we're just gonna have to find the right one here i'm still in the mood for 5k things today i'm not always in that mood but today i really am so i'm just looking for anyone that fits nicely um kind of feels like it could be in one of these bigger towns here uh but yeah we're definitely crossing a sizable body of water so it can't be it can't be exactly there um starting to lose a bit of patience here not really sure um but yeah this this google car is only in the faroe islands you'll see similar ones elsewhere but with this color a car uh it's gonna be there so hmm can't find it i'm gonna give myself 10 more seconds here just to look uh it's not going to be that not going to be that one we already established that it's not there so i guess 10 9 8 seven six five four three two one okay we're just going to go over here not really sure could be close uh but uh yeah 18 ", "points": 4940, "distance": 18.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "w9baNZFmmfEKz1zi", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, 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just the way the dirt is as well quite very dry um and let's take a look around this way so uh we do have a just trying to think now could this also be this one could also be argentina i just thought this could also be argentina so we have to eat um sun actually to the north so yeah this will be argentina um when i saw the mountain because argentina is quite a flight country i i didn't consider it but now looking around a little further the the thing that alerted me here was that the uh the license plate has a little bit of black in the center um and that is because well that's just the way it gets blurred but uh argentinian plates are black with the white white writing on them so the double yellows in the center here that's also pretty self-explanatory uh can be all over the americas just thought it looked more like us or or mexico but then these uh double poles in the in the distance also feeling argentinian so yeah relatively confident that we are going to be in that part of the world now it's a nice road as well argentina being one of the one of the wealthiest south american countries and so we are looking for something with uh mountains on both sides but we're closer to the mountains on the east so [Music] um looking for something like that closer to the ones on the east yes we could be um that's a little bit too close i think when we could be that close hmm and then yeah we have mountains to the north as well they kind of end off and then yeah i like this actually the mountains over there are very distant indeed so we need a kind of uh we need we need a part where the road goes away uh this road is definitely just gotta kind of try and find the the road kind of angles a little bit the other direction so yeah we could be like over here um and now we just need to find a road going off to our east here which which doesn't appear to um that doesn't appear to be any that's kind of unfortunate um but yeah this is the wrong this is the wrong structure and i'm pretty sure the the road you can see it bends off that direction like that so obviously that that's not what this road does at all um i'm fortunate to be honest but we're going pretty north to south so this one's definitely gettable i'll just go over here somewhere um yeah it could be something like this let's go for that it's going to be somewhere in large though and uh oh we were pretty close so we ", "points": 4183, "distance": 266.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "w9baNZFmmfEKz1zi", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 2247, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "name": "A Diverse World (Unmaintained)", "slug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "description": "This map is not maintained anymore. 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got in the first round here also i'll be playing no car so hopefully that also makes the guessing a little bit more difficult for me and makes me say well i'm thinking a little bit more clearly so first one here we do have a interesting round well first thing i love to do is always look at the color of the road lines we are using all white road lines here and so we can pretty much rule out the entire americas apart from chile and actually some other countries in south america do occasionally use whites as well and then we can actually uh say okay it's likely to be somewhere in oceania or europe or maybe some countries in asia like indonesia that occasionally use or whites or malaysia that use all whites um but as for this one we're looking at what appears to be a fairly cold climate we can see like very green grass here and so i would say that rules out a lot and it's not tropical at all as well i think i think like once you gain a little bit of experience you can definitely see we don't see any palm trees we don't see any banana plants sea pines that's for sure um and so yeah that's definitely that's definitely uh gonna influence our gas here okay so let's take a look at some more specifics here we have some bollards and they appear to have some yellow reflectors on them so not too many countries using yellow reflectors like this on plane bollards um you can see here's a better view maybe so there's no black section on these ones and so that's definitely a good tip and then also uh we're driving right hand side of the road so we can immediately get rid of ireland uh uk malta cyprus even though it's not in the game but those ones so i'm kind of leading you guys towards the fact that this will be somewhere in europe and also this uh red and white warning sign coming up would be yellow in australia or new zealand so there we go we've made sure it's europe now and now the question is where so as for landscape it's fairly rolling and agricultural quite a nice looking place um we are looking at some language here and we do see it seems to be some kind of a germanic language now if you didn't know uh this veg is specific to the country where we're in or at least very rare in other countries in fact i don't think i've ever seen it in another country so it's a it's a highly um it's a highly useful tip if you can remember the va the ej and then looking over here yeah fairly generic so so rolling landscape green nice looking high quality road and all that bit and the bars here are the other thing that seals it for me as well as the bay and they would both suggest denmark so this is this is danish language here uh blue street sounds very typical for denmark as well then we have a white number plate with these orange reflector bullets which are a bit thicker and sometimes they have this orange tab on them at the top and then also maybe a bit more of an advanced tint is that you often see this like very finely dashed outside line in denmark it's quite a dangerous thing to do i think you may see it in other countries but definitely most common in denmark i would say so i'm gonna say we are somewhere in the north here but yeah i'm not really sure um could be could be anywhere in the country for my money um but uh let's go there and ends up being ", "points": 4564, "distance": 136.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "fHm1jzq5mi5wxmOK", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1970, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "name": "A Diverse World (Unmaintained)", "slug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "description": "This map is not maintained anymore. 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number plates as opposed to the long ones that you see in europe so but clearly we're not in europe anyway looking over this direction appears that because both of these cars are parked on the right hand side of the road we're probably driving right hand side of the road and so let's see where the sun is the sun is definitely more so to our north although on a round like this it doesn't appear to be too useful and that's because it's like nearly midday and so when it's nearly midday i wouldn't trust the sun too much here we have some script over here but as i said we'll kind of come to that later on um and so yeah definitely right hand drive double yellow lines there aren't too many countries in asia that use double yellow lines i'm just trying to think so so i think uh i think hong kong doesn't there might be they might be white w um doubles in hong kong um taiwan uses double yellow lands we are in taiwan right now i'm sure i think of any other countries in the whole of asia that use them i think occasionally you will see in in thailand and cambodia but yeah overall it's quite rare to see the double yellow lines you normally see single yellow lines in a country like uh like indonesia or cambodia or south korea for example and so these uh warning rails as you probably know if you've watched my channel much go all the way down to the ground they're painted yellow and black and these ones are the taiwanese ones you'll very occasionally see ones looking similar in south korea but yeah and so this one's very flat and so uh taiwan has like a flat section along the coast here this one gives me a bit of a southern vibe i feel like the south is a little poorer and this round although it doesn't it's not it's not very poor it just feels a little bit poorer than normal for taiwan i would say and so i'm thinking of going somewhere near tainan city where we have a lot of these like canal looking things around here um i wouldn't be surprised if it's a good guess um we could always use the angle of the road which is kind of east to west here so so maybe uh maybe this one here could could be possible but yeah not really banking on a 5000 point around here just just more so kind of getting the vibe of the round and yeah taiwan is easy to recognize because you almost always see these ones so let's guess it here ends up being a really ", "points": 4946, "distance": 16.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "fHm1jzq5mi5wxmOK", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1970, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "name": "A Diverse World (Unmaintained)", "slug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "description": "This map is not maintained anymore. 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here as well we have some language but we'll come back to that in a minute uh okay so um we actually have some french and mont blanc here so mont blanc if you have some geography knowledge it's something something that's on the uh border here right so mont blanc is between france and italy so maybe uh we are you know in this region here we can just put our marker there um as for the signs a lot of them are really big and have like a metal metallic outline and i feel like you do see that quite a lot in switzerland so switzerland is one of the things going through my mind at the moment and when you see such a a massive amount of mountains that are on all sides switzerland is obviously always a possibility now in switzerland you always have low camera and i think the camera is low here but i kind of cannot actually quite tell because of the no car so the script is doing its work so i'm actually not quite sure um but yeah with the with the uh french presumably we're in france or or switzerland here so now we can actually use a bit of 5k king abilities here so we look down and try and get the road angle so we're going more or less east to west here which is which is really interesting because this road goes north to south so we've got to find a section of it that kind of does go east to west maybe something like this would fit although we've got like kind of like a bend in the road like this um which um yeah it seems like we're more on like a freeway maybe something like this would fit more so um although even still i think we see all these side roads going off and i'm not really sure if this is really what we're after to be honest or that's a tunnel okay so it could fit it could fit um although i'm kind of not so optimistic about it to be honest but somewhere around here should fit and then we can also check the french side where we're not going east to west either so unless we're over here like kind of makes sense but i do think we are yeah maybe maybe this kind of region over here makes makes more sense if we're going east to west um so yeah that's about all i'd say about this one um these kind of bigger face signs i do think that is a good switzerland clue i'm pretty sure we are in switzerland here although the n205 i guess we can easily find that maybe the n24205 is actually french yeah it's actually french okay so so i feel like these still might be swiss signs you know i still think these might be swiss signs just in france um but yeah n205 presumably if we are right here then then some something around here would would definitely make sense uh maybe it is this bend here in fact i kind of like that not sure if that's actually a roundabout but uh the bend in the road kind of fits so let's ", "points": 4992, "distance": 2.3, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "fHm1jzq5mi5wxmOK", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, 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around we we have a bit of writing on the road which we which will be useful later on here we're using these yellow diamonds which i was telling you about you don't have in europe the the yellow diamonds would be replaced with um or with white and red triangles which have the warning signs in them we also have bullets here with a bit of red on them they're a little far away okay here's another one the red bull odds obviously bullards are just an instant win if you know them but if you don't know them i'll try and i'll try and um help you remember and so uh this one is either going to be australia or new zealand i don't know which country it is but i'm going to try and help you guys get it so obviously if you know your body's difference then you can use that but here we have a a signpost which is painted white and is thick and that one is is not going to be ever in australia or at least exceptionally rarely and and it's all over new zealand so we are going to be in new zealand this time even though the round you know plausibly could have been australian so here is a concrete pole that's kind of like hollow through the center of it and these kind of star ones you obviously see like similar ones in many countries such as brazil but this particular style seems to be common in chile and new zealand and these are two countries that can look quite similar in new zealand though you'll almost always have like a metal band around it and i'm pretty sure that's to prevent possums from running up but it's also to keep the wires in as well and i'm pretty sure that is most common on new zealand ones and uh concrete poles are more common on the north island where about 80 of the poles are concrete whereas on the south island is only about 20 i think so um yeah definitely feeling north island here it's very green uh and it's kind of rolling hill landscape so kind of feeling maybe this direction here or maybe just near the center of the island could certainly make sense i mean we even have the name here so um wimbledon is interesting i feel like i have heard of that i mean it's not wellington um i'm not really sure where wimbledon is but i'm sure within a little extra time we can find that regardless um this one is a pretty clear new zealand so the bollards in new zealand are interesting because they don't have just like plain red reflectors they have like a white reflector on a red band and we have red bands on all the on all the bollards here so that's about it to say here um yeah new zealand's pretty recognizable as soon as you know the bullards and the polls um but even still i think a lot of you guys with that much to your guests or experience could easily have gotten this one uh and so let's send it in and ", "points": 4355, "distance": 206.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "fHm1jzq5mi5wxmOK", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, 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see like the orange leaves on the trees kind of deciduous trees so um yeah definitely definitely um going to be playing part of our decision making here so road lines once again we have a yellow center line here single and unbroken and we have white outer lines so that that definitely precludes certain countries and makes certain countries more likely like the ones i mentioned that have this before we also have this one which does not all go all the way to the ground which is similar to the taiwanese one but because it's not all the way to the ground we know it's not taiwan uh what else can we say here um we have a bollard here and this is just a metal wallad with a orange reflector and it'll be white on the other side here and those ones are very common in japan but also in south korea and maybe occasionally in taiwan as well okay so the asian style one and we have a lot of concrete um thin ish poles here um and some like very asian looking buildings here a lot of things painted blue which is very common in japan and korea as well um and um [Music] what else does that say here the the autumn coverage is what's going to make me lean massively towards korea here korea almost always uses the single yellow line as well and uh that is kind of more rare in japan although you do see it and also we're not in low camera uh the camera is definitely like a normal height here and so that would also uh help our decision making as well so korea is very hilly and that will also uh point us towards korea as well and then yeah what more is there to say i'm not sure where to go here i'm kind of just thinking like a northern hedge here to hope we can get that 24k um but uh yeah it's definitely just a normal looking korean round here kind of like these fields in between the mountains like like this field here is very typical as well and so uh i'm feeling pretty good about this one uh let's see if we're gonna get ", "points": 4576, "distance": 132.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": 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round here we are using all white road lines again so remember that is a very important flute you must remember all white road lines it's the first thing you've got to look at if you're a new player next thing we have a green sign here and we are speaking a certain kind of language which is very recognizable but i'm going to assume that you don't know what it is okay so looking around here uh the roadblock is pretty good here uh it's definitely uh like these houses definitely give you kind of like an eastern european vibe i i think i think that's quite a reasonable thing to say here and so seeing a good road quality can help you somewhat decide between countries although of course it is a rather unreliable clue and we have a few a-frame polls here a-frame poles is when they just put two um together and they they supporting each other like that and uh those are certainly more common in some countries than others i would say like particularly when you see a lot of a-frames baltics poland um occasionally sometimes in the post-soviet countries such as russia and ukraine and all that you do see a-frames as well but yeah definitely uh definitely poland and the baltics are the main ones where you see a lot of the time you can see another one in the distance here and so we've got boards again these ones are kind of thick and they have red a red band all the way around so you can see that here and here and here and uh it's pretty hard to miss this one and sometimes then you have a white reflector on the red band on the left hand on the left hand side of the road i guess yeah and uh what was that to say here not too much the poles are made of wood often in this country you'll see uh concrete poles but only wooden poles on this case which is interesting okay so it's hilly as well that's the last thing i'll mention here and so this one is poland these are polish bollards and this is a typical polish town sign so town police town signs are green with white text and it's it's a particular font which hopefully if you pay attention to a few times you'll start to see there is a different font to other countries so um yeah feeling pretty good about that um good road quality is is pretty typical for poland it's one of the wealthier eastern european countries for sure and they just tend to have nicer roads than for example neighboring ukraine where the roads are often very shoddy um and yeah um what more is there to say they often have like double white lines in uh poland you can see that over there kind of in the distance but yeah the the dashes are also typical but if you see double white lions you may want to consider poland because it is quite um likely to be poland when you see that in europe okay so i'm thinking southern here because it's more hilly but you can get hills all over poland anyway so i'm gonna go there and ends up being 155 ", "points": 4506, "distance": 155.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "OzlVKGVJ687fh0To", "mapSlug": 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blue text on the number plate here which is really interesting i've got we're in trekker because this street is probably too tight for a car well i know where we are so i'm pretty sure this would be tracker even though i can't see it um and we've got thin streets here we've got an ambulance which is interesting um so like a very white sandy soil and we've got we got a telstra uh phone box here this is this is an australian style of phone book so if you ever see this logo that's the australian the main telecommunications um provider in australia but uh looking around here we also see uh land to our east so where can we be so we've got land to our east we're either on a in a bay or on an island and i'll tell you guys this one is actually on rottnest island which is an island with a fascinating history in australia so there we go we are looking presumably over here over to our east we have like a small jetty here so i think we can use that to maybe 5k here um although okay here's the small jetty so i think we might be on like cusack street or something like that um do we yeah this would make sense this would make sense honestly um although maybe this one makes more sense looking at the right angles yeah i think we found the actual one here uh because that road kind of looks like it lines up and this one kind of makes the right little angle like that can you see this little this little acute angle here is kind of if there's kind of this kind of angle here that we see on the screen so yeah that is that is what the rottnest island coverage looks like you can often see on this island a lighthouse where is the lighthouse actually oh there's a big lighthouse up on a hill which i guess is this one here yeah so a lot of time you'll be like somewhere else on the island and you'll be able to see that one in the open fields but we're right in the middle of town here and uh what's crazy is that we've actually just found the location that easily so i think this is a really really cool little round and uh i don't blame you you couldn't work this out but oh yeah because there's not really any eucalyptus trees here either kind of just some like some pine needle kind of like a looking tree spindly trees but yeah an interesting round um and we're gonna get 5k here so there you go seven meters away hopefully some of you guys worked that out definitely a difficult round without moving if you don't know what that looks like but of course we could see perth in the background and it's only trekker on rottnest island and uh yeah not many cars either okay so next one uh and uh we are looking at some more white road lines again once again baby you already know we have not had many yellows so far just the korea so far actually uh we have these bullards with a black top on them uh we have some language over here which ", "points": 5000, "distance": 0.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "OzlVKGVJ687fh0To", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, 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those classic toss-ups between slovenia and austria for me and they're both very hilly countries both use these similar bullards with the red reflectors and uh the black tops they also both grow a little corn we can see corn here corn very common i would say in romania serbia slovenia austria um well i said grow a lot of corn maybe maybe maybe sometimes in ukraine as well so i think those five countries italy and maybe sometimes france as well so they're the countries that mainly grow corn i would say and so uh definitely keep an eye out for that if you if you see corn in a round in europe likely to be one of those countries and hopefully you can use some other context clues to maybe pick one of them although of course it can be grown in any country naturally um all the time in uh in in austria on these black bloods you'd have a little like hat at the top or a little side piece but here we just have to play in black cats so that's more common in slovenia and i think the main thing that's mainly mainly making me think slovenia here is this ge suffix which i don't think you'd really see in much in german i mean actually i can think of words that you would see that in but you know it it run linger and this feels feels more eastern european more slavic and so uh that's about it it's just the reflectors and the language here for us um also on on austrian um numbers you can often see a bit of red peeking through uh which we don't see here but obviously these are kind of far away as well yeah i would not be surprised if we were kind of near the border here um so i'm going to go around maribor here which is you know fairly hilly and also probably more likely to grow some corn out this side of the country as well uh so let's see how correct i am 31 kilometers away yeah right on the border ", "points": 4897, "distance": 31.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "OzlVKGVJ687fh0To", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, 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escarpments or i don't know if that's the right one but um these red these red cliffs are kind of you know red so some iron in the soil or however that comes about um we also have like a curb on the side of this like rural road which is fairly typical of this country actually so kind of like a more meta or kind of like cheeky hint but quite often the case and so um we're also using the american style of warning science rather than the european style and we have double yellow lines always remember your landscapes double yellow lines okay so combining all these factors also so hilly quite nice hills um very green um with a bit of trees but not heavily forested this one is going to be brazil it's going to be southern as well i would say uh the hills the double yellow lines and particularly the black back of the sun the black back of the sign is a big one here brazilian black cracker science there's no other country in south america that does it quite as much argentina you will occasionally see i think maybe peru as well and and maybe some other countries um but brazil almost always does it and that's why it's known as the brazilian black back of the sign also red tiled roofs are quite common in brazil because of their portuguese heritage which is something you want to see in portugal as well and here's another example of that curb on the side of the road so high rainfall tall grass um we don't see any brazilian poles here which you'd normally see in brazil obviously but yeah we don't see any of those on this occasion but with these like grass covered rolling hills i would say somewhere around sao paulo is always a is always a safe shop because that's what you get a lot of between rio and porto alegre um and so that's what i'm gonna go for actually and so it ends up being yeah more so near below maybe if i ", "points": 2619, "distance": 965.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "OzlVKGVJ687fh0To", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, 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the play along links in the description so that you can play first and then watch my explanations and so hopefully if i'm a stronger player than you then i can help you uh to determine where you may have gone wrong and apart from that um i hope it's just a fun little way to play along as well anyone can play the challenge link so they're free to play in the description we're going to be playing no time limit with no moving the best way to play geoguess in my opinion i'm going to put this inside my uh untitled notepad here and i'll put that inside the description so without further ado let's head into the first link and play here so pause the video if you wish and come back once you've done the seed here we are in the first round here and we have a bit of language so we are in generation three car here we have a short antenna on the back we have a really thin um outside line on the giveaway sign here which is interesting let's have an interesting uh book on this u to be honest i'm actually not sure where that's going to put us in but i do have my theories about this round so far um so let's check it out yeah interesting language here an interesting architecture too i can't say this is a particularly easy round the way that this sign ends in a s um is definitely curious and we also have a hook over the zed here so i'm thinking that this one is probably going to be lithuania and the reason for that is that um inside latvia you have a bit of a thicker border on side on the um outside of the give way signs whereas it's a really thin border uh inside lithuania and estonia also the end of this word is a s which is something i do associate with um lithuania one thing you can do is just come in here and look for the hook on the bottom of a u so we're gonna look for a town with the u and just confirm that they actually do have that insight in lithuania i think i will go for lithuania even though we haven't found it and it kind of has capital city vibes so we'll go for vilnius here see if we're correct ", "points": 4704, "distance": 91.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "b6HdglDJ6p5YufbZ", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 2689, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "name": "A Diverse World (Unmaintained)", "slug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "description": "This map is not maintained anymore. 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for the ride that's fine as well and uh yeah let's get straight into it here so here we go on the first round here we immediately have faded yellow double lines in the center we also have these yellow and black turning arrows the yellow and black turning arrows would be indicative of being in the types of countries that use yellow warning signs as opposed to white ones so that would be the americas and that would be yeah both north and south america that would be some places in australia new zealand and asia and uh yeah that would be quite rare to see in europe normally europe has their own colour schemes for the turning chevron arrows uh additionally we have a sign over here with a cross on the back and uh perhaps if you've been playing geoguessa a while now you've heard of the colombian cross which is just um terminology for the fact that in columbia they often have a cross on the back of their signs so yeah this should be in columbia obviously the yellow uh center lines fit that and also we have a black car with an antenna which is a car that you can get in colombia so it's all making sense we're going over a river here it feels very green very like almost amazonian but you know definitely somewhere inside the jungle here and i'm thinking just somewhere in the heart of the mountains here would make sense for colombia so let's just go there and uh yeah this was actually right out in a similar place to the last one i didn't think it had a similar vibe to the last one uh the last one was ", "points": 4309, "distance": 222.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "bKAao0Q5YnR0QkzQ", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 2208, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "name": "A Diverse World (Unmaintained)", "slug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", 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houses are particularly common um in southeast asia all these different countries used a lot of stills houses are particularly associated with cambodia and thailand and actually uh just as on another side if you see stiltz houses in australia you're likely to be in in the nt or queensland that's where they use most of them in australia but uh yeah i am thinking of thailand and cambodia here especially uh because of these stilts houses like this one this one and this one also we have red soil so the red soil is going to be a big clue as well you definitely have a lot of red soil in thailand out in this kind of region crossing over into cambodia as well so that is going to be part of our consideration furthermore in terms of in terms of southeast asia we got motorbike motorbike motorbike um so definitely thinking that southeast asia makes sense here as well on account of that another motor back here they love them in southeast asia so yeah feeling confident about that we also have no google car but this is generation three coverage and let's take a look at this motorbike driver over here she's actually driving or he is actually driving on well actually i think it's a bit too far away it's actually more in the center of the road so we can't really make that out just yet we have a concrete pole here and a concrete pole here so in terms of this concrete pole we can see if we make it out that we've got dot dot dot it's kind of got dots going all the way up and it's a square pole so i think that is definitely more typical of thailand than cambodia so i am thinking that thailand is going to be a good shot here it's fairly green so maybe a bit further well south it gets a bit dry over here so maybe a bit further south here could also be on this side over here as well i i do consider um we can't see any mountains although that kind of looks like a mountain in the background so uh maybe this still makes sense because there are a few mountains over this side could be over here as well um but i think i'm pretty confident here the red soil the stilts houses are going to be the big clues here let's see if we're ", "points": 3771, "distance": 421.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "bKAao0Q5YnR0QkzQ", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 2208, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "name": "A Diverse World (Unmaintained)", "slug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "description": "This map is not maintained anymore. 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generation two so the sun is to the south here so we should be in the northern hemisphere so we can dispel any uh notion that we could be in like south africa here or something like that always has a bit of a south african move to it but nowhere not there also as i was talking about in the previous round we do have a white warning sign as opposed to a yellow one as i said like the americas normally using yellow ones so we're not going to be in the americas here that's also a big clue let's check it out we have a black and white turning arrow as i saying yeah the turning arrows they're going to be different in different countries this is a black and white one um and so you have to kind of memorize all the different ones of europe there are plenty of different combinations um i will say though that i think that this one is feeling like spain because this black and white one you can also get them in italy as well in and plenty of other countries too but spain feeling kind of likely here because it's so dry um obviously you can see like this is not even grass at all it's just kind of well it looks almost like australia or south africa in the fact that it's so dry so i am thinking spain is probably our best shot here another thing to mention is that this sun on the red border has no white border outside the red border and that's also quite common in spain you can also see it in like belgium and netherlands i think it really depends on the sign but uh i think that probably does mean we're going to be in spain here we've got some mountains to the south um so we're going to guess somewhere in the south here i think uh maybe somewhere a bit south south of madrid i think that's going to be a good guess so let's see here and actually this was in the desert in spain if you zoom out you can actually see that we are yeah we're right on the edge ", "points": 4000, "distance": 333.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "bKAao0Q5YnR0QkzQ", "mapSlug": 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was um that was very good and i think we'll just move straight on to the next one we're just going to keep on going keep on chilling i can record for quite a bit longer so we may as well uh here is the third challenge link uh so i'm gonna post that inside the description so go ahead and hit it up right now and let's head into here and see how we go alright so here we are in the first round of the third seed we do have white road lines here white white white so that is going to be a big clue of course we have a board here which is either missing its reflector or it has no reflector so that is interesting we're going to turn around here and take a look so the google car is obscured here we have a green road sign that is interesting we have these bollards where they're missing the reflectors or i'm not exactly sure what the deal is here but that is very interesting so we have some mountains here that is also good to know it says polaris interesting and look at this this uh the inside of this sign is built in yellow so i'm starting to think about which country it is here my initial uh thought is north macedonia and the reason for that is one these bollards i'm not so familiar with like i always struggle with north macedonia but i feel like they kind of use these standard european ones and two let me actually take a bit of a better look around here before i make a fool of myself the second reason i was thinking of it was that we have the yellow field in on the kind of giveaway sign here and you find that a bit in north macedonia in greece in poland so i think poland's probably the only other option here these are not polish bollards though so that is interesting this architecture not sure what i think to be honest do we have any rifts in the sky we don't have any rifts in the sky you would see rifts in albania and montenegro but again the bullards don't fit so i think we are going to be in north macedonia here i'm not terribly confident when it comes to north macedonian architecture to be honest and you can find quite a bit of cyrillic there as well um and i don't see any here that is my other concern so could it be hungry i think the mountains are too big for hungry um so i do think we're right here i just want to find some cyrillic or something like that okay there's some i think i'm pretty sure that is cyrillic unless it's just wishful thinking but i think i'm right uh in which case i think i will go for north macedonia here let's see if i correct and it was that is a really good guess um and i hope you guys learned a little bit there even though i wasn't so ", "points": 4770, "distance": 70.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "UeJxD8xYXSoHSCd7", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1932, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": 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yellow outside lines that is going to be a massive clue because the only countries that use that are the middle eastern ones and the south african ones or at least the ones in geogasa we have a white car so that is going to be consistent with all the south african nations and we can zoom in here and actually see that we have uh town names as well so kane i'm not actually sure if i've heard of it i'm definitely thinking if we are in south africa we're going to be somewhere up here um just thinking is what is martini here also possible i think it's going to be a bit too flat for s martini generally speaking if we were in s14 we'd be able to see the backdrop of these mountains here or these mountains here so unless we were literally in the flattest part of the country i think we would be able to see that um so yeah feeling fairly confident that we are going to be actually in south africa here or botswana so as we move over here we can actually see kane so that's actually going to be a big help here because i was actually kind of thinking of south africa over botswana but sometimes you need a bit of luck and sure enough we definitely have it here um yeah so in botswana you only ever find the white car in south africa you will find the white car and the generation 2 camera as well so as for the rest of the round it's definitely quite desolate so that would make sense and we can probably get a good score here here if we go between kang and what was the other place then the other place was i'm just looking for it i don't want to try pronounce it so i'm just trying to look for it on the map instead uh i'm assuming that it's gonna probably be down this way um but yeah i actually can't find it so hopefully this is not a double up hopefully this is not in um south africa but yeah i'm just going to guess on kang and if it's not it's not let's see where we are and yeah we were oh there it is so yeah ", "points": 4306, "distance": 223.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": 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left-hand side of the road these guys are just overtaking the google car so be careful not to get tricked because often times there's funny business happening around the google car on account of it taking up too much room on the road or whatever we have a white car here we have a red flag flying which is interesting but you can see we are definitely driving on the left hand side of the road here we have a black number plate with three sections of text so it's going to be like numbers let us numbers or something like that and that is typical of indonesia rather than malaysia malaysia would have two sets uh and then we have a yellow number plate over here which is something you'll often see on bigger vehicles in indonesia you can also find red number plates the same in indonesia um they're quite rare but you can see them every now and again these black and white curbs that would also be i'm consistent and perhaps the biggest no it's just the language here because we know we're not speaking entire there's no thai script and so with these bars we can feel fairly confident about um about indonesia here now actually remember the indonesia phone codes this one's o7 so i'm pretty sure 07 puts us on i think it puts us on southern sumatra unless my memory serves me incorrectly i think it's 08 no wait let me think now i think it's i think oh wait it's out here i think it's 07.0203.0405.08 so i think we are going to be somewhere on sumatra here if my memory just serves me correctly but i can't find the name of any town um so i'm just going to go here let's see if we're correct and yeah it actually was a really good guess this is really good for indonesia i haven't memorized the codes for many countries but if you can that 07 at the start of the phone number really helped us out there and yeah we were over on this island in a town called mentok so ", "points": 4644, "distance": 110.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "UeJxD8xYXSoHSCd7", "mapSlug": 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a really good clue for us here so let's continue to think about it a bit longer so we have a generation four camera here you can see it's like the colors really pop it's really like modern looking coverage we also have brick as well which we've been talking about earlier in the video um but this yellow number plate is very interesting i think it's going to put us in france and the reason for that is the old plates in france were yellow and also you can also find these yellow these blue like a slight blue patch on the other side of plates um inside of france's where you can see it better on this number plate here where it's got like a little region code on it um so i do think france is most likely here and the great thing about france is they produce a lot of their own cars so often you can find french cars when you have french round and actually i think this is a terrible example because we have italian cars we have spanish cars we actually have only have like one two three french cars and the whole i think it's something we've got only two french cars in the whole scene but crucially we have some ladder poles here so that is going to be pretty much put us in france fortunately there they are there to confirm my suspicions so so so given that we have this exposed brick over here that i was talking about in this kind of like red brick um i would say that we might be somewhere north of paris here um i think we're going to be north of paris but we could be all the way from brest over to strasbourg here i'm not really sure whereabouts is going to be um but it could even be in paris to be on the summit just go in paris here orleans um i might go there actually let's see and actually yeah this was way up in um the post near calais so kind of a tough round there um definitely kind of looked a bit more belgium in terms of the architecture but also kind of had like a british look to it off the bat that's what i thought at least um so maybe i ", "points": 4306, "distance": 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checking out we've got these black and uh yellow uh turning arrows which i was talking about for the americas definitely a good clue okay so we're very flat or at least relatively flat it's quite wintry it's quite desolate we've got these rumble strips i'm thinking maybe somewhere in oklahoma or northern texas for that reason could be all the way up to the dakotas though kind of has a great plains feel to it about it it's the only thing on the pole not really sure about that to be honest um but yeah it also seems to be winter coverage like the trees don't have any leaves on them i've heard that you often get some winter coverage up here um but what's the name of the highway again so we can see some numbers here from the 287 do we see any 287 in the panhandle there's a 283 so maybe we're out maybe we are close there's a 287 here oh okay so let's take a look for the other side the other side is the east to west 19 so the 287 kind of runs up like this and okay so i don't know if we're actually on the right one here i'm pretty sure this is like a state shield um so we we could certainly um yeah it could certainly be on a different 287 or something like that east west 19 arthur can we see that i'm actually not sure so the 27 does seem to run up like this so i kind of think we are on the right on the right track here but given that it's very flat seems more likely to be in in this region of the country so let's see kind of took a bit too long here anyway and oh what a gas that's sick that's ", "points": 4916, "distance": 25.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "UeJxD8xYXSoHSCd7", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1932, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "name": "A Diverse World (Unmaintained)", "slug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", 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that could have been easily a twenty four thousand no i think of it well we could have really gotten twenty four thousand there unfortunately uh anyhow that was a really good seed and uh yeah really pleased with how that one went let's keep playing let's click play again and keep going shall we so we're going to open up challenge no moving this is for the fourth seed here copy that let's get it okay so can we beat 23 300 certainly we can but we're gonna need some more luck this one's generation two remember generation two big clue for different countries um certain countries have a lot more often than others and even some countries like luxembourg and germany pretty much only have generation two um here we have an interesting house it's not got bricks on it's got a black roof hmm just looking for any signage at this point in the round i'm looking for any signage that tells us what side of the road we're driving on because i think we should be driving left hand side it looks more like a britain or ireland round than anything to me but i want to make sure we're not in france so just looking for any sign that would tell us that we're not in france here um unfortunately there's no sign set up for this like no giveaway sign right here um and it doesn't appear that there's any signs at all we have a back yellow plate here on the tractor that might mean britain that might be our savior here but that might mean britain we've got big bands in the background as well interestingly uh also a sound like this i feel like in france it would have a blue thing normally and this one's got a yellow one so i'm not sure the meaning of that but certainly could be more british i don't know we've got hedges here as well certainly a bit of an ambiguous round here it's gonna this is gonna be a tough one so i think we're on a 15 country street right now unless i've forgotten one that we missed um and for that reason it's very curious indeed so yeah this tractor the tractor literally might be the difference between my different options here ireland france and um the uk are pretty much the only options here for my money and i'm leaning i'm leaning uk because of that yellow plate i am i hope that's not an old french plate that's what i really hope but i think wales is good a good possibility here could be mid ones as well um some of these brick buildings look a little more french to me though well we're gonna have to see where everyone went in these ones it should be interesting to see how it goes i'll i'll definitely check up and see um if anyone's able to beat me who's playing along um but uh let's see here this one is probably gonna be britain i have to say it's probably gonna be britain um and i'm just gonna go for it now ", "points": 4111, "distance": 292.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "Y2Xhp3JSraZPO6Ne", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, 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hand side of the road so that's interesting we have blue number plates here like blue text on the number plate so let's turn around before i before i blab and and say what i think it says the church in campbelltown okay so we're in a place called campbelltown certainly could be australia or new zealand and we have some australian bullets here which is really interesting i was actually thinking new zealand off the bat here um but for the reason that i was thinking new zealand and for the reason we have a lot of these possum guards i'm thinking it's going to be tasmania and the curious thing about that is that in tasmania there's not much generation four in fact most of the generation four in tasmania pretty much follows the number one which runs all the way down to hobart from launceston oh and actually it goes all the way up to devonport as well i guess and and all the way over here so um let us see if i'm right about that over here we have a possum guard which is a little bit olive green and those ones are exclusive to tasmania so i'm thinking i'm feeling pretty confident here uh this also just looks like a tasmanian number plate to me so um and also this looks like a tasmanian street light and that sounds a bit silly but i'm pretty sure it actually is so yeah i'm thinking we're probably going to be somewhere a bit more northern also these small houses when you see a lot of small houses for whatever reason test media it's i guess it's a little bit poorer it you're just more likely to find small houses so can we find a campbelltown quickly i'm looking along the number one here i don't think i see any cable towns um so maybe out north of hobart here we have a cambridge but no campbell down there i see so yeah we're just going to get somewhere along the number one here should be somewhere between these two cities and yeah oh ", "points": 4877, "distance": 37.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "Y2Xhp3JSraZPO6Ne", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", 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and subscribe if you made it this far you gotta like and subscribe that is how that's how we're rolling guys um but yeah i hope it's really helping you out play geoguessa it's a good fun game and the more things you know the more rewarding it is really so here we are this is the final seed for the video five seeds in one video you know you guys are luck uh so here is the first one and this one is good plenty of clues to get the country right off the bat and we're we're still maintaining a country street right we're on a we're on a 20 country street right now i think so that's good unless i've forgotten something so we are driving my hands out of the road see that by this guy here um and uh yeah this car also this is the back of the google car by the way so if you ever need to realize this is not the front this is indeed the back you can see the brake light there and so that means we're driving right inside of the road it only makes sense and check it out we've got yellow number plate yellow number plate actually not sure about this one but this is the yellow number plate you see another one over here and on the big truck has a white level plate so that is a clue normal daily drive cars have yellow number plates in colombia whereas big trucks and taxis and stuff often have white ones this one even has a green one apparently which is interesting um it also says columbia here so hopefully you guys picked that up also this sign has a white pole and that is quite common in colombia we'd probably see the colombian cross on the back of these ones unfortunately we can't make it out but this is quite quite typical columbia looking big mountains as well so as we said on a number of occasions looking at that topography is quite useful and uh yeah that's pretty much all we have to know for this one definitely typical columbia looking around right here so it's a little bit drier i'm maybe thinking a little bit north maybe somewhere out here for this one um could certainly be anywhere around here i think um but yeah it could even be further north up here as well i am considering that i think we're kind of at high altitude though so maybe somewhere here yeah actually kind of like where we've put it um but uh not really in the forest and we just have a bit of red soil so it's interesting i'm not a hundred percent sold on my guess i'm i kind of suck at guessing where in colombia luckily there are plenty of foods to get that it is ", "points": 3099, "distance": 714.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "p5BWNIf570G2cE8l", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1530, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "name": "A Diverse World (Unmaintained)", "slug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "description": "This map is not maintained anymore. 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in it's actually quite a common occurrence in this in this country uh this one is quite an ambiguous round so for you guys uh who would be struggling with around like this we're going to check up here we have the sun to the south so we're going to be in the northern hemisphere obviously if we point the compass this way we can't see the sun the cl the sun is clear to the south mean northern hemisphere this car over here it's a big clue it has a blue strip on the plate and now this country is not an eu member i think they've applied to be um but this is going to be turkey and so don't get confused you can't have blue plates in countries that are not in the eu for example israel as well um and let's check out this uh this these buildings like these tall apartment blocks definitely very common in turkey but this is the big one the snow pole this one looks like a little turkish ball out at the bottom and that's kind of multi-colored stacked turkish bollards up to the top right so it's interesting this almost looks like we've got bullet holes in it which is super interesting uh but yeah the dirt road you know this is looking very very turkish indeed and i'm thinking because it looks i don't know i'm thinking somewhere out here i feel like because it's kind of underdeveloped it's going to be somewhere out to the east i could be wrong um but also kind of looks like the usa or like canada if you look out here um so i'm gonna go out here let's see if i correct about that i know yeah this is ", "points": 4491, "distance": 160.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "p5BWNIf570G2cE8l", "mapSlug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 1530, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", "name": "A Diverse World (Unmaintained)", "slug": "59a1514f17631e74145b6f47", 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It is recommended to play one of the numerous alternatives maps. 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gonna say we're gonna do two minute challenges links are in the description if you want to play along otherwise just play along with me as you watch the video right two minutes per round let's get straight into the first one here which looks probably somewhere indian i would say judging by the language here could be elsewhere as well let's take a look around at what clues we have going on here so it's hilly so that definitely eliminates some parts of india but not others we have banana plants so a little more tropical or at least a little bit more of a wet climate here um the language i'm trying to make sure it's not burmese because if i look at this language over here it does kind of look like the language you see in myanmar so i'm getting in here yeah it's definitely similar if it's not the same language it's definitely similar over the border in india here they use like uh i think they do use a script over here but a lot of latin script and over here sanskrit so i actually think we are going to be somewhere in myanmar here maybe over this section where it probably gets a little greener so taking one more look at round at the round i think the number plates are black here which i'm not actually sure what they use over in myanmar but the architecture does fit from what i understand and we're driving right hand side of the road as well so we can't be in india so actually i'm pretty i'm feeling pretty good about this gas ", "points": 4799, "distance": 61.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "7K2KeHdLST0bRKCU", "mapSlug": "616025874e70260001dcb0d4", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 120, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 662, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "616025874e70260001dcb0d4", "name": "Unexplored World", "slug": "616025874e70260001dcb0d4", "description": "Here you'll find 111 COUNTRIES that dont have google coverage (Laos being exception), or just trekker coverage (example Madagascar, Costa rica etc.). 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we should be in the ivory coast it's like the uh irish flag but reversed and yeah so irish i mean so in ivory coaster what country would we be crossing into here it's actually kind of hard to tell yeah this sign doesn't have another flag either so i'm wondering where we're crossing into obviously right hand drive that's the entirety of west africa we do have french here on this side of the border um so what does it say we're entering or exiting i wonder you know i actually think that doesn't necessarily mean this is a country border what i actually think is that this is like probably a provincial border or something like that it's very green uh relatively flat and there's not too much to say about it it's fairly generic i do wonder if we could see the town name on one of these ones though um doesn't necessarily seem like we will be able to although i'm sure if you knew what you were looking for you would find one okay so getting into the map here ivory coast right here this one might feel more coastal to me it feels fairly built up and ivory coast is not too densely populated although a lot of these um villages don't show up um as having big populations even though they probably do uh so i'm kind of just buying my time here because i don't really know where to get so i'm just going to go kind of near the coast here because it feels quite green to me and it ends up being ", "points": 4682, "distance": 98.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "7K2KeHdLST0bRKCU", "mapSlug": "616025874e70260001dcb0d4", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 120, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 662, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "616025874e70260001dcb0d4", "name": "Unexplored World", "slug": "616025874e70260001dcb0d4", "description": "Here you'll find 111 COUNTRIES that dont have google coverage (Laos being exception), or just trekker coverage 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like that i'm never quite sure what to say with these ones and yellow and yellow and white curb is interesting as well so i'm hoping that we can see a flag here that would be ideal oh the mosque like i did like pakistan until i realized we are driving right hand side of the road here so probably not pakistan indeed i thought maybe with that green flag was possible um but okay we have a flag there maybe syrian or it's red it's a red white and black so it's definitely useful um can we see another one down there it seems like it might have some green on it as well sudan could it be sudan i don't think the people look sudanese but to be fair yeah these signs don't look very sudanese okay so i'm just i'm just trying to base off the flag where would we be with green on the flag as well i don't think iraq fits um where is this actually yeah definitely definitely right hand drive definitely and double yellow line as well it's a lot there's a lot about this round that's kind of confusing me but it is really nice looking around as well could it be afghanistan with the black white is there a bit of green where did i see the green on the flag it was down here wasn't it yeah this was this is the one i was looking for it's kind of hard to say i'm actually not too sure where to guess here i think iraq but uh i don't think the flag fits so i'm just gonna kind of have to hope that uh it's nearby there and i'm missing something otherwise yeah i don't i don't think of a single country that makes sense possibly apart from sudan so could i guess there wouldn't be entirely unreasonable but i feel like the double yellow line would make more sense for for iraq than sudan i guess we'll find out oh man it was baghdad i did not ", "points": 4946, "distance": 16.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "7K2KeHdLST0bRKCU", "mapSlug": "616025874e70260001dcb0d4", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 120, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 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the plates here we've got a bit of english as for the people probably feeling more so actually hard to say more so middle east and maybe than north african but they could be either for sure it's kind of pixelated anyway lots of walls around the houses here man i really want to get a good score here i'm going to use all my time to make sure i get the best score i possibly can yeah the yellow plate there that's the confusing bit anyone here going to give us any clues about themselves not really okay so it's it's coming the time to really start getting into the map and thinking here but nothing's coming there could it be syria could be i don't hate syria here um but i feel like i feel like there's also is definitely something about the round that gives me quite a north african feeling as well this tree almost feels like one you'd see in tunisia or something like that very similar to the kind of retries you get in australia as well so i am kind of thinking blue and white curve is very interesting not something i'm familiar with so could it be like a northern libya it could be it could be or northern i don't think it's algeria i don't think it's algeria and the short plates aren't european style so that also makes me think more so middle east and north africa where they they're more european influenced i guess so maybe i do kind of like syria instead here still doesn't feel filled with confidence it could even just be iraq again you know why don't i like iraq maybe that is a better shot ten seconds to go here gotta make my decision in a second you know what i'm gonna switch i'm gonna switch last second here this might be silly but i kind of feel better about it oh man it ", "points": 1064, "distance": 2309.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "7K2KeHdLST0bRKCU", "mapSlug": "616025874e70260001dcb0d4", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 120, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 662, "gameMode": "standard", 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with that result and let us see what we can what we can make of the next attempt here guys so uh do go ahead click this link inside the description and play it before you watch me and let's see let's see what ends up happening on an unexplored world this time so we had some interesting countries that there some africa some asia uh this one we're driving left that is interesting so i'm immediately thinking of cyprus here when you see like a very dry country are driving left it is often cyprus because uh because they're british influence over there um and then everything i think fits here i'm looking for maybe some greek language or something like that which you often see in cyprus i don't necessarily see any of that just yet so but it's not gonna be malted because on the standard map we already have um and i can't really think of anywhere else it could be also like it's very type cypriot or whatever you say um whatever the exonym or whatever it is is this uh is this black and white curve that's very very very cyprus like i would say so yeah i'm pretty sure we're just going to be there and uh nicosia um if that is the capital um yeah necosia seems like a good a good kind of round here although it is it is relatively flat and the round itself is flat as well and the rest of the country is quite mountainous so i actually think necrosia is a really good shot here let's find out ends up ", "points": 4796, "distance": 62.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "897d1f5GgDlQPMXj", "mapSlug": "616025874e70260001dcb0d4", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 120, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 634, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "616025874e70260001dcb0d4", "name": "Unexplored World", "slug": "616025874e70260001dcb0d4", "description": "Here you'll find 111 COUNTRIES that dont have google coverage (Laos being exception), or just trekker 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kanto should be the actual name of the city here and we even have these street name so let's let's get in here and find kanto i'm pretty sure that's a bigger city um yeah there it is kanto and so let's try and find the street as well so durong we're on durong street um which should be fairly major i mean taking a look around here we we are on like a double lane road and we have like another double lane road coming over to our south here so we're kind of going east west we have a big one to our south um and so the name was once again uh so what's the name of that one there that's when um [Music] it's not it's not immediately coming to me this uh this uh drawn street um okay not to worry though not to worry it could be this one here oh won't tell us what it's called though oh yeah durong nguyen well i haven't pronounced it so um yeah and so then nin clown i don't know i'm pretty sure it is it's somewhere along this road and so number 30 um what what number would we have here is the question we can actually 5k this okay we we know it's like intersecting like a major one here and that's okay what do we have here what's this business called it's kind of a complicated name i'm looking for something simple i can use to pinpoint this um nothing's nothing's really easy i guess yen vietnam [Music] and it could be that one but it's another like separated double main road so it has to be one of the two i'm ", "points": 4993, "distance": 1.9, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "897d1f5GgDlQPMXj", "mapSlug": "616025874e70260001dcb0d4", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 120, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 634, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "616025874e70260001dcb0d4", "name": "Unexplored World", "slug": "616025874e70260001dcb0d4", "description": "Here you'll find 111 COUNTRIES that dont have google coverage (Laos being exception), or 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be really nice of you also we're having a little league amongst us in our own discord server all the channel members so if you want to be part of that it has not started yet subscribe today and i'll get you in the discord and we can play together so guys today five maps uh the first one here is zigzag challenge map by poker so i say well let's get straight into things here and see how we do okay so first one uh we are in official google coverage here with a a biodiesel truck in front of us and it appears well it's actually kind of hard to see if we're driving right or left-hand side of the road here actually um and so kind of feels like we're probably it kind of feels like north america to me we're on a lake here of some kind and we have this kind of older architecture so that might that might actually um indicate that we're in europe so i wish we could see a number plate here but it is kind of hard to see that one that rear one kind of seems yellow ish and these green signs look more north american so does this pedestrian crossing sign so with it with a somewhat yellow plate i'm thinking of like um i'm thinking of new jersey here i'm just trying to think where it would be maybe philadelphia maybe we could be on the river of philadelphia here and well it doesn't fit but you know somewhere around there um let me just go near philadelphia actually over here uh we would be correct about that number plate okay ends up being just a new york ", "points": 4512, "distance": 153.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "6GcJEwXXeeqI0G0J", "mapSlug": "62604776934ef10dfaa682e2", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 467, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62604776934ef10dfaa682e2", "name": "zi8gzag challenge map :)", "slug": "62604776934ef10dfaa682e2", "description": "intentionally misleading + very mean. sorry 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whole lot of resorts around phuket so i guess that's probably possible but you know it really could be anywhere for me um yeah i don't really know where to go go elsewhere um there's no tie on this uh on this sign but i can easily imagine that they just do it in english because everyone coming to a result place like this probably speaks english so let's go for it uh ends up being in dar salaam so there you go that was uh that was gonna be a ", "points": 53, "distance": 6754.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "6GcJEwXXeeqI0G0J", "mapSlug": "62604776934ef10dfaa682e2", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 467, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "62604776934ef10dfaa682e2", "name": "zi8gzag challenge map :)", "slug": "62604776934ef10dfaa682e2", "description": "intentionally misleading + very mean. sorry (not sorry) :)", 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we're looking south here so it could be something like green point and then looking at you know looking at this like thin land border here that yeah i mean like i'm not entirely convinced here but it's possible i do think we're gonna be in kind of an area like this so i might just leave it there but okay that's that's actually a pump drink bottle i can show you one this is this is what they look like actually um i'm pretty sure that is an australian company let me see actually this is external hints but uh yeah i mean i think they're they're australian so i'm using that drink bottle clue to to decide that i am in australia here and probably somewhere around here let's see ", "points": 4417, "distance": 185.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "6GcJEwXXeeqI0G0J", "mapSlug": "62604776934ef10dfaa682e2", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 467, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, 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being russia as well you know i think this building kind of feels russian it says hyundai here which is interesting uh it's a obviously korean company but i don't think we're in korea it could be could be in korea i mean the landscape would not be entirely unfitting but it feels more russian to me i must say well i'm going to eat my words if this is green maybe china no i still think i prefer somewhere in the middle of nowhere in russia and so whereabouts will i go maybe like up here i could see it like being up here maybe near norilsk i'm gonna go near the royals clear this one and okay so it was just in the same spot in russia so a bit cheeky there i did that crossed my mind that it could be up there but yeah we end up with 12 000 ", "points": 497, "distance": 3446.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "6GcJEwXXeeqI0G0J", "mapSlug": "62604776934ef10dfaa682e2", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 0, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, 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know what those are either this is kind of a hard round i must say i must say could it be australia it doesn't really strike me as australia i feel like it could just be asia again middle of nowhere and china maybe in chai maybe maybe just afghanistan or iran or maybe it is australia or south africa i don't really know but yeah i was thinking like rural china could could certainly make sense here in kind of the flatter regions out here so i guess i'll just go for that ", "points": 4786, "distance": 65.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "7adlkdeH70WkT85E", "mapSlug": "6251b29d3f4c020e33c37973", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 380, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "6251b29d3f4c020e33c37973", "name": "Zi8zag Impossible Challenge", "slug": "6251b29d3f4c020e33c37973", "description": "", "url": 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it in english like that could it be in britain i mean it could be so stop to think for a second here eagle rock resort i mean the brick building could certainly fit our um our kind of theory about britain here but it doesn't really strike me as particularly british with all these kind of like houses spread out and kind of in the woods so it'll also be quite hilly so maybe uh norway or it could be scotland i don't think you'd see so many trees that's my that's my reservation so maybe like germany or czechia or switzerland well we ran out of time and it was ", "points": 102, "distance": 5799.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "7adlkdeH70WkT85E", "mapSlug": "6251b29d3f4c020e33c37973", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 380, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "6251b29d3f4c020e33c37973", "name": "Zi8zag Impossible 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should be somewhat like a distinguished distinguishable i would say um and so if the compass is correct then we've got the ocean to the south here as well um as for the people can't really tell what's going on with them so i think in caribbean for this one was thinking caribbean it's an interesting round that's for sure um minimal i think i know panama has a big uh has a big city skyline like this but panama city is not i don't mind it i must say i don't mind it so we wouldn't have like kind of like outcroppy things we don't have that that is the big concern we don't have like a big jetty thing we do we do have ", "points": 141, "distance": 5322.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "0pDZF3jWydQFGQwD", "mapSlug": "61bfd72d5a3e200001584ddb", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 302, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": 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it more i like new zealand i think but let's continue to look here so definitely quite hilly these houses you know i can't actually fully make up my mind where these houses look like they're from could still be either country the fact that they're built into the uh into the like into like the side of the hill here it's very interesting without like a proper road either so that might remind me more of chile because i think you'd probably have like a proper road to these kind of places that's not dirt in new zealand so then sun to the south so northern hemisphere according to the sun but i don't know not much time here what do i actually prefer i still prefer new zealand surprisingly enough maybe i've convinced myself wrongly here but i'm gonna go and have a lock and uh hopefully it's not like over near puerto mont or that kind of region here and of course it is it's right near puerto rico ", "points": 15, "distance": 8593.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "0pDZF3jWydQFGQwD", 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pick it well but it doesn't really help for much does it okay next one here um i kind of on some kind of a beach here short front plates interestingly so maybe i don't know what that means actually um and so some people here could be australia this time could certainly be australia but this kind of industrial zone in the background doesn't really feel too australian though so it well it's kind of a longer play i can't actually quite make out what kind of play this doesn't seem like there's a blue strip on it is what i'm trying to say and so then where to go and these people seem caucasian definitely so nobly strip maybe it is in britain uh that's that's the thing that's come to mind here don't really like have any particularly good reason for going there but um at the moment i have it in workington maybe we can let's go isle of isle of man just for fun here i have no idea ", "points": 4, "distance": 10612.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "0pDZF3jWydQFGQwD", "mapSlug": 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the z gate zaggy weird challenge map by crispy crunch cat i like that it's got like a real ring to it actually it's kind of uh it's kind of like a like a little bit of alliteration or something like that but anywho let's get into this one and hope we don't score zero i'm sure i'm gonna get some points on the first round here at least i hope so wow this looks like a face it looks like some lips in the nose and eyes um regardless in a very interesting location here beautiful stars and kind of some desert it's very low quality but you know it has like a definite you know distinctiveness about it with these rocks so just about the sun's just about to go down here and so where abouts or yeah not really sure where where i think this one would be maybe like maybe maybe just like in uh oman or yemen again i always like to guess here when i when i see these kind of rock formations but yeah i mean i have no idea let's let's go for yemen i was one thing that crossed my mind okay we we're still on 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england somewhere um okay so we have the ocean to the south so that'll probably make sense uh so kind of a jaggedy uh coastline as you expect as you would expect down here so what's this this seems like a national park i kind of like this the dancing ledge probably not the dancing ledge it doesn't seem like as much of a cliff here although somewhat but yeah i'd probably be happy for that isle of wight area of outstanding beauty i'm just trying to look is this actually beautiful no this area is not particularly beautiful uh so maybe also more likely over here well there's a lot of areas of outstanding natural beauty that's for sure but yeah i'm gonna keep it where i had it and wow what's ", "points": 2243, "distance": 1196.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "UXMmErSUIcEBKoe5", "mapSlug": "61c0ef748da5ba00015c93b6", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 243, "gameMode": "standard", 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looks quite west african okay we got the orange number plates that means we should be in cameroon so let me know if you guys knew that in the comments but yeah that is a that is a nice tip for cameron one of the only countries in the world that i can think of that uses any orange number plates and they use quite a lot of them so that's what they look like there and so could we have worked this out otherwise orange money even they like orange money the company um trying to work out if there was actually any french here or anything that could have helped us out but yeah i don't know um so lots of palms feels maybe a bit more coastal this time i'm thinking of going in doala or maybe somewhere near the coast that kind of feels right to me high rainfall area perhaps so maybe some hills nearby yeah that would make sense um maybe even this one might go for that one no no i'm gonna go for this one instead actually um but do we see any elevation actually before i make that guess we don't see any but i still kind of like that i don't think we're gonna be on this half of the country so let's see ", "points": 4710, "distance": 89.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "Gu4RsCUul7eR4eAT", "mapSlug": "616025874e70260001dcb0d4", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 120, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 678, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "616025874e70260001dcb0d4", "name": "Unexplored World", "slug": "616025874e70260001dcb0d4", "description": "Here you'll find 111 COUNTRIES that dont have google coverage (Laos being exception), or just trekker coverage (example Madagascar, Costa rica etc.). 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landscape like this you know it reminded me of i must say it reminded me of romania so i was wondering if moldova might actually be a good shot here well that was fairly hilly whatever is fairly healing but you do get flat sections as well so you know maybe like a northern bulldog but here could work well like a solid actually maybe feels fairly like dry it almost reminds me of australia but look at these houses here not going to be moored over driving right it's a very good quality road for africa but these these houses here kind of do feel african so maybe a north african country of some kind i can see that i don't think it's egypt but where would it be [Music] because i must say it felt like it does feel rather european even still as i look at it yeah we've got wind turbines over here so maybe maybe some of the traditional housing over here could just be i don't know this runs not making a lot of sense to me in in in totality i i don't know it almost feels australian as well which is the strange thing um but yeah i don't know okay with 47 seconds to go we can still consider this nicely definitely driving right huh it's just properly confusing i mean i can't really tell the only houses i can see are really throwing me off um which is just yeah it's just it's just a strange round so i feel like maybe even something out here but why would we have these yurt looking houses moldova or algeria could it be algeria i kind of prefer algeria just for those houses man i really don't want to make a bad switch though um you know what i'm gonna go for algeria here this might be a bad guess but i feel like it's just a little more likely so we'll see and it was in ethiopia that was like ", "points": 203, "distance": 4776.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "Gu4RsCUul7eR4eAT", "mapSlug": "616025874e70260001dcb0d4", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 120, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 678, "gameMode": 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so yeah an interesting round um but at least we got the right continent in the end okay this one tk 468 tk huh nanton's building uh what do we got here dickies okay some american brands uh we appear to be driving left that's very useful um supermarket better bargains okay i would say i'm really thinking this is caribbean but i suppose i mean these people look of african descent i would say i would i suppose that it is still possible um that we are somewhere over in um polynesia or micronesia or something but this guy's got a rastafarian hat i i know for a fact that's not only jamaica where you get rastafarians in um in the caribbean in fact a lot of the countries around the caribbean have significant rastafarian populations so um i would say we're somewhere like there really it could be it could be um jamaica i think jamaica youth does use black number plates but i feel like they'll probably have more than five digits or numerals so that is my thought here so i was maybe thinking trinidad um bridgetown i like bridgetown barbados here honestly i do like that i do like that um the hills that we have over to our north so yeah bridge town could make sense for that honestly i do not hate that well maybe it's a little flat we do have hills but i think it's a little flat okay maybe um maybe maybe port of spain actually makes more sense then we do have proper hills to the north uh in that city so i might go for that instead but uh maybe maybe kingston is just to play instead as well like that you also have hills to the north there so last 19 seconds here seems like to the south we have coast i don't know i feel better about trinidad and tobago here despite a lot of american influence so i'm gonna try it let's see and it was actually instant vincent and the grenadines in kingston but not the ", "points": 4150, "distance": 278.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "Gu4RsCUul7eR4eAT", "mapSlug": "616025874e70260001dcb0d4", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 120, 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it be timor east timor the thing that makes me think east timor is this pole over here which looks like the southern indonesian poles all of a sudden despite the fact that this is a blurry image i am feeling okay about that but look like look at this it feels like it's uh sergio sergio that's like a south american name maybe or something sergio where would a person be called sergio yeah probably like italy or something like that i don't know so i don't think east timor has italian heritage of any kind though or italian colonial history so clear satellite dish that would be similar to southeast asia hill in the background as well i like it bro i have to say i'm going straight off the poles here this is kodiak knowledge coming in clutch we'll see if i'm right there and so where does it get a bit drier maybe up here um villa interesting why is it called that maybe there is some italian something something going on there oh with the sea on that hook at the end was it um maybe sergio is a uh is it like a portuguese heritage with the hook to see i don't know i don't know we'll find out i guess or i'll find out in the comments presumably when someone knows but yeah okay so also these deep ditches do make me think of indonesia as well so i'm kind of feeling good let's see it nice 49 kilometers away pole knowledge is is really is really the best pro it ", "points": 4838, "distance": 49.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "FncHT4IBgOW2y4jP", "mapSlug": "616025874e70260001dcb0d4", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 120, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 568, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "616025874e70260001dcb0d4", "name": "Unexplored World", "slug": "616025874e70260001dcb0d4", "description": "Here you'll find 111 COUNTRIES that dont have google coverage (Laos being exception), or just trekker coverage (example Madagascar, Costa rica 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where that came from and thongs okay um as we call them in australia i guess some foreign viewers would not and so uh granada is looking out of here here it is okay granada i thought was further up here but granada is actually down here and so where do we want to go here we have uh beach beach cabana so can we actually get the 5k here i guess this was kind of a boring round because we actually had the name of the place so let's see if we can get the 5k uh and so that should be 12 well it seems like the ocean we see over here to our north okay beach cabana i think we could probably find this for the last round okay pathway beach blah blah blah the uh the uh beach is actually quite nicely labeled here so i don't doubt that if we search a little longer here we could get okay there's like a bunch of resorts there so i might leave my guests there for the moment and yeah it's not coming to me actually so it looks like we might have to be satisfied with that it's only over here there's more beaches it's a very small country granada population must be well below a million i have a cricket ground as well you know the west indies the west indies used to be like so west indies have their own team in qriket with all the uh west indian countries here and they used to be the best team in the world back in the 80s and into the 90s as well so it's kind of interesting they're not so good anymore but um yeah i guess like it's a similar kind of effect where you know usain bolt usain bolt just like really good sporting genetics over there anyway we uh i guess the compass was wrong or i misread it but it doesn't seem like it was properly uh ", "points": 4943, "distance": 17.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "FncHT4IBgOW2y4jP", "mapSlug": "616025874e70260001dcb0d4", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 120, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 568, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", 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play along by the way so check out the links in the description um so let's put this one in here should be right here and get straight into the first match here so zigzag map that's what you should call it called something like zigzag challenge map make five locations so will the first location load yes it will okay we have some kind of fjord or something like that big mountains um snowy and here is our main clue this village down here so canadian or southern hemisphere somewhere is my main thought it does not really feel too greenlandic or something like that i could be wrong um but it's kind of a distinctive shape so i was thinking canada something like this could be uh could be grease fjord or something like that i mean it doesn't quite fit because it's kind of a two-pronged town although i actually could yeah actually i don't even mind that if that was the first one i zoomed into that would be insane but um something like that i could definitely because it's hilly and in some kind of a fjord what about these ones down here could also fit for sure um but i kind of like where i put it i must say now yeah unfortunately it doesn't quite fit because there'll be more land down here but i hope somewhere near here okay ends up being over here yeah classic classic location ", "points": 332, "distance": 4048.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "SnNLMcF26r6VtHny", "mapSlug": "61b569260f39050001a0c141", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 232, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "61b569260f39050001a0c141", "name": "Zi8gzag Map", "slug": "61b569260f39050001a0c141", "description": "Tricky/Misleading Locations\n\n(Update: Two locations will have a black screen, due to being removed from Google Maps)", "url": "/maps/61b569260f39050001a0c141", "playUrl": "/61b569260f39050001a0c141/play", "published": true, 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pitching island so not not too high score so far this one i'm gonna check down see if we got any clues here so nothing um i was thinking um i've seen coverage like this in easter island i can see easter island being a possibility here we've got white center lines we're driving right hand side of the road ballard's kind of unclear but the the um the climate seems right so where's easter island again i think it's this one here right oh yeah so i can see this one being it and then we kind of got the ocean to our south there so something like that maybe ", "points": 4985, "distance": 4.2, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "SnNLMcF26r6VtHny", "mapSlug": "61b569260f39050001a0c141", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 232, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "61b569260f39050001a0c141", "name": "Zi8gzag Map", "slug": 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now i've accidentally gone at the wrong tab okay let's go for it uh so how many points can we get on this 5000 seems to be benchmark this one seems more gettable immediately somewhere in russia looks like we have like a some kind of a comica colorful fence house could certainly be somewhere in russia this this reminds me of the koreal islands over here um so that's my main thought here though is bit mountainous though so would we get any mountains like that i could we do so yeah i just want to find one that has at least some population on it here seems like a lot of them don't even have any but maybe that one is possible seems like a long island as well um so let's take a look more at these cars there's plenty of people here so maybe we should be further up i could see it being this one though yeah okay so something like this is what i want to say uh really seems like there are quite a few people here um but this is my this is my um opinion especially with this kind of like darker soil 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hard as some of the other ones have been so let's invite people here go over here all right let's see how hard it actually is first one in the middle of the arctic again or no maybe not because this is looking to be asian architecture so then i was thinking somewhere remote in mongolia or china mongolia or china i i kind of thought somewhere over here would make sense you know um not really sure because this house almost feels a bit mongolian to me um i'm i might not be right about that i couldn't say i understand that part of the world too well that's my thought and uh yeah just kind of dryness of it as well would fit for this part of the world like uh what's the it's the gobi desert yeah so i can somewhere around that would make ", "points": 1224, "distance": 2100.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "lj8JusrsrV8JsrvJ", "mapSlug": "61b262731aadc90001eb1466", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, 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well look how small this island is this is extremely random okay so let's find midway tall is here and then there's this it's like there's like some random islands could be this one okay it could be that one because i know there's just some random islands out here that have coverage so i mean would make sense i guess um yeah i'm gonna go for that one i have no idea whether like how i could even work out if it was right or not what about this one actually maybe this is a bit of shape this one's a better shape let's go for that career hotel toll ", "points": 4062, "distance": 310.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "lj8JusrsrV8JsrvJ", "mapSlug": "61b262731aadc90001eb1466", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 157, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "61b262731aadc90001eb1466", "name": "hard zi8gzag", "slug": 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bit of french maybe it seems french to me so maybe i'm just trying to think in terms of uh in terms of you know challenge maps we've got to be something random here french guinea french guiana i mean um could be reunion or any any number of things i i might go with french guiana here just because french past day right unless it's just in france and that would be so that would be such a next level move but yeah as for me i'll go on cayenne see surely not it was just in france on ", "points": 39, "distance": 7230.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "lj8JusrsrV8JsrvJ", "mapSlug": "61b262731aadc90001eb1466", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 157, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "61b262731aadc90001eb1466", "name": "hard zi8gzag", "slug": "61b262731aadc90001eb1466", "description": "fun", "url": 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as southeast asia or africa i guess the lanterns look more southeast asian right so maybe vietnam vietnam is something i was thinking about here seems he looks like he's driving left he looks like he's driving right yeah i could definitely see vietnam so i can't remember which is like the richer part of the country but i'm going to go out in this town here ", "points": 2690, "distance": 925.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "zVXb6KeX4Vn8Zlnv", "mapSlug": "61aff0dd4ec1f10001cfbe29", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 135, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "61aff0dd4ec1f10001cfbe29", "name": "challenge map zi8gzag", "slug": "61aff0dd4ec1f10001cfbe29", "description": "", "url": "/maps/61aff0dd4ec1f10001cfbe29", "playUrl": "/61aff0dd4ec1f10001cfbe29/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": 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looking for anywhere where the cliffs go right to the go right to the water because i'm sure there are places like that here okay so yeah it's actually kind of a tough shower let's see ends up being angola south of lwanda wow i mean yeah i can see it but uh it's ", "points": 2761, "distance": 886.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "zVXb6KeX4Vn8Zlnv", "mapSlug": "61aff0dd4ec1f10001cfbe29", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 135, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, "streakType": "countrystreak", "accessLevel": 0}, "map": {"id": "61aff0dd4ec1f10001cfbe29", "name": "challenge map zi8gzag", "slug": "61aff0dd4ec1f10001cfbe29", "description": "", "url": "/maps/61aff0dd4ec1f10001cfbe29", "playUrl": "/61aff0dd4ec1f10001cfbe29/play", "published": true, "banned": false, "images": {"backgroundLarge": null, "incomplete": true}, "bounds": {"min": {"lat": -9.6774998, "lng": 13.1983337}, 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other places um [Music] north america or europe or just elsewhere kind of feels european this building in the background to me could be like uh slovakia or poland i remember having some interesting ski resorts around there kind of reminds me of those french even okay kind of like france i don't really have too much to go off of here though this guy what does he look like i don't know it could be like german or something i really have no idea i'm gonna go for france here though uh do we have any like good ski resorts that i can actually guess on in case in case of an insane guess um [Music] too much in the way mont blanc is here let's go here all right let's go there ", "points": 120, "distance": 5559.0, "challenge_info": {"challenge": {"token": "PUzngrcSCEczfgDC", "mapSlug": "61ab13a900057e0001e6bd02", "roundCount": 5, "timeLimit": 60, "forbidMoving": true, "forbidZooming": false, "forbidRotating": false, "numberOfParticipants": 140, "gameMode": "standard", "challengeType": 0, 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