imagewidth (px)
imagewidth (px)
18 values
18 values
18 values
4 values
17 values
5 values
3 values
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 36, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000565_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_008"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [2, 17, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000509_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_008"}]
Squat Knee Raise side view
squat without weights, then knee raise on left side
[{"0": [1], "1": [1], "10": null, "2": [8], "3": [29], "4": [14, 17, 20], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [1], "1": [1], "10": null, "2": [4], "3": [9], "4": [4, 7, 10], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground", "name": "deeper squat", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground"}, "3": {"description": "the knees are higher at the knee raise, measured by the angle of the thigh", "name": "higher knee raise", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the knees are higher at the knee raise, measured by the angle of the thigh"}, "4": {"description": "the speed of the whole motion is faster", "name": "faster speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of the whole motion is faster"}, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "a", "1": "b", "10": null, "2": "b", "3": null, "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000481_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_008"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 20, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000441_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_008"}]
Squat Knee Raise side view
squat without weights, then knee raise on left side
[{"0": [2], "1": [2], "10": null, "2": [8], "3": [15], "4": [7, 10, 13], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [2], "1": [2], "10": null, "2": [9], "3": [14], "4": [7, 10, 13], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground", "name": "deeper squat", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground"}, "3": {"description": "the knees are higher at the knee raise, measured by the angle of the thigh", "name": "higher knee raise", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the knees are higher at the knee raise, measured by the angle of the thigh"}, "4": {"description": "the speed of the whole motion is faster", "name": "faster speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of the whole motion is faster"}, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "c", "1": "a", "10": null, "2": "c", "3": null, "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [5, 24, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000570_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_008"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [2, 17, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000509_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_008"}]
Squat Knee Raise side view
squat without weights, then knee raise on left side
[{"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [5], "3": [14], "4": [5, 8, 11], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [1], "1": [1], "10": null, "2": [4], "3": [9], "4": [4, 7, 10], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground", "name": "deeper squat", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground"}, "3": {"description": "the knees are higher at the knee raise, measured by the angle of the thigh", "name": "higher knee raise", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the knees are higher at the knee raise, measured by the angle of the thigh"}, "4": {"description": "the speed of the whole motion is faster", "name": "faster speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of the whole motion is faster"}, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "a", "1": "b", "10": null, "2": "b", "3": null, "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 20, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000441_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_008"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 36, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000565_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_008"}]
Squat Knee Raise side view
squat without weights, then knee raise on left side
[{"0": [2], "1": [2], "10": null, "2": [9], "3": [14], "4": [7, 10, 13], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [1], "1": [1], "10": null, "2": [8], "3": [29], "4": [14, 17, 20], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground", "name": "deeper squat", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground"}, "3": {"description": "the knees are higher at the knee raise, measured by the angle of the thigh", "name": "higher knee raise", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the knees are higher at the knee raise, measured by the angle of the thigh"}, "4": {"description": "the speed of the whole motion is faster", "name": "faster speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of the whole motion is faster"}, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "c", "1": "c", "10": null, "2": "a", "3": null, "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 36, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000565_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_008"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000481_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_008"}]
Squat Knee Raise side view
squat without weights, then knee raise on left side
[{"0": [1], "1": [1], "10": null, "2": [8], "3": [29], "4": [14, 17, 20], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [2], "1": [2], "10": null, "2": [8], "3": [15], "4": [7, 10, 13], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground", "name": "deeper squat", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground"}, "3": {"description": "the knees are higher at the knee raise, measured by the angle of the thigh", "name": "higher knee raise", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the knees are higher at the knee raise, measured by the angle of the thigh"}, "4": {"description": "the speed of the whole motion is faster", "name": "faster speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of the whole motion is faster"}, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "b", "1": "b", "10": null, "2": "b", "3": null, "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000481_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_008"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 36, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000565_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_008"}]
Squat Knee Raise side view
squat without weights, then knee raise on left side
[{"0": [2], "1": [2], "10": null, "2": [8], "3": [15], "4": [7, 10, 13], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [1], "1": [1], "10": null, "2": [8], "3": [29], "4": [14, 17, 20], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground", "name": "deeper squat", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground"}, "3": {"description": "the knees are higher at the knee raise, measured by the angle of the thigh", "name": "higher knee raise", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the knees are higher at the knee raise, measured by the angle of the thigh"}, "4": {"description": "the speed of the whole motion is faster", "name": "faster speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of the whole motion is faster"}, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "a", "1": "a", "10": null, "2": "a", "3": null, "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [5, 24, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000570_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_008"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [2, 17, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000509_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_008"}]
Squat Knee Raise side view
squat without weights, then knee raise on left side
[{"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [5], "3": [14], "4": [5, 8, 11], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [1], "1": [1], "10": null, "2": [4], "3": [9], "4": [4, 7, 10], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground", "name": "deeper squat", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground"}, "3": {"description": "the knees are higher at the knee raise, measured by the angle of the thigh", "name": "higher knee raise", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the knees are higher at the knee raise, measured by the angle of the thigh"}, "4": {"description": "the speed of the whole motion is faster", "name": "faster speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of the whole motion is faster"}, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "a", "1": "b", "10": null, "2": "b", "3": null, "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [2, 17, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000509_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_008"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [5, 24, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000570_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_008"}]
Squat Knee Raise side view
squat without weights, then knee raise on left side
[{"0": [1], "1": [1], "10": null, "2": [4], "3": [9], "4": [4, 7, 10], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [5], "3": [14], "4": [5, 8, 11], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground", "name": "deeper squat", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground"}, "3": {"description": "the knees are higher at the knee raise, measured by the angle of the thigh", "name": "higher knee raise", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the knees are higher at the knee raise, measured by the angle of the thigh"}, "4": {"description": "the speed of the whole motion is faster", "name": "faster speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of the whole motion is faster"}, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "b", "1": "a", "10": null, "2": "a", "3": null, "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 20, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000441_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_008"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000481_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_008"}]
Squat Knee Raise side view
squat without weights, then knee raise on left side
[{"0": [2], "1": [2], "10": null, "2": [9], "3": [14], "4": [7, 10, 13], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [2], "1": [2], "10": null, "2": [8], "3": [15], "4": [7, 10, 13], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground", "name": "deeper squat", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground"}, "3": {"description": "the knees are higher at the knee raise, measured by the angle of the thigh", "name": "higher knee raise", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the knees are higher at the knee raise, measured by the angle of the thigh"}, "4": {"description": "the speed of the whole motion is faster", "name": "faster speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of the whole motion is faster"}, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "b", "1": "b", "10": null, "2": "a", "3": null, "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000481_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_008"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [2, 17, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000509_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_008"}]
Squat Knee Raise side view
squat without weights, then knee raise on left side
[{"0": [2], "1": [2], "10": null, "2": [8], "3": [15], "4": [7, 10, 13], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [1], "1": [1], "10": null, "2": [4], "3": [9], "4": [4, 7, 10], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground", "name": "deeper squat", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground"}, "3": {"description": "the knees are higher at the knee raise, measured by the angle of the thigh", "name": "higher knee raise", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the knees are higher at the knee raise, measured by the angle of the thigh"}, "4": {"description": "the speed of the whole motion is faster", "name": "faster speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of the whole motion is faster"}, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "a", "1": "c", "10": null, "2": "b", "3": null, "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [5, 24, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000570_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_008"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 36, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000565_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_008"}]
Squat Knee Raise side view
squat without weights, then knee raise on left side
[{"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [5], "3": [14], "4": [5, 8, 11], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [1], "1": [1], "10": null, "2": [8], "3": [29], "4": [14, 17, 20], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground", "name": "deeper squat", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground"}, "3": {"description": "the knees are higher at the knee raise, measured by the angle of the thigh", "name": "higher knee raise", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the knees are higher at the knee raise, measured by the angle of the thigh"}, "4": {"description": "the speed of the whole motion is faster", "name": "faster speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of the whole motion is faster"}, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "a", "1": "b", "10": null, "2": "a", "3": null, "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [2, 17, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000509_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_008"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000481_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_008"}]
Squat Knee Raise side view
squat without weights, then knee raise on left side
[{"0": [1], "1": [1], "10": null, "2": [4], "3": [9], "4": [4, 7, 10], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [2], "1": [2], "10": null, "2": [8], "3": [15], "4": [7, 10, 13], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground", "name": "deeper squat", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground"}, "3": {"description": "the knees are higher at the knee raise, measured by the angle of the thigh", "name": "higher knee raise", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the knees are higher at the knee raise, measured by the angle of the thigh"}, "4": {"description": "the speed of the whole motion is faster", "name": "faster speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of the whole motion is faster"}, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "b", "1": "c", "10": null, "2": "a", "3": null, "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 20, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000441_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_008"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000481_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_008"}]
Squat Knee Raise side view
squat without weights, then knee raise on left side
[{"0": [2], "1": [2], "10": null, "2": [9], "3": [14], "4": [7, 10, 13], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [2], "1": [2], "10": null, "2": [8], "3": [15], "4": [7, 10, 13], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground", "name": "deeper squat", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground"}, "3": {"description": "the knees are higher at the knee raise, measured by the angle of the thigh", "name": "higher knee raise", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the knees are higher at the knee raise, measured by the angle of the thigh"}, "4": {"description": "the speed of the whole motion is faster", "name": "faster speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of the whole motion is faster"}, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "b", "1": "b", "10": null, "2": "a", "3": null, "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000481_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_008"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 36, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000565_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_008"}]
Squat Knee Raise side view
squat without weights, then knee raise on left side
[{"0": [2], "1": [2], "10": null, "2": [8], "3": [15], "4": [7, 10, 13], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [1], "1": [1], "10": null, "2": [8], "3": [29], "4": [14, 17, 20], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground", "name": "deeper squat", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground"}, "3": {"description": "the knees are higher at the knee raise, measured by the angle of the thigh", "name": "higher knee raise", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the knees are higher at the knee raise, measured by the angle of the thigh"}, "4": {"description": "the speed of the whole motion is faster", "name": "faster speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of the whole motion is faster"}, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "a", "1": "a", "10": null, "2": "a", "3": null, "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [5, 24, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000570_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_008"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 36, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000565_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_008"}]
Squat Knee Raise side view
squat without weights, then knee raise on left side
[{"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [5], "3": [14], "4": [5, 8, 11], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [1], "1": [1], "10": null, "2": [8], "3": [29], "4": [14, 17, 20], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground", "name": "deeper squat", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground"}, "3": {"description": "the knees are higher at the knee raise, measured by the angle of the thigh", "name": "higher knee raise", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the knees are higher at the knee raise, measured by the angle of the thigh"}, "4": {"description": "the speed of the whole motion is faster", "name": "faster speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of the whole motion is faster"}, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "a", "1": "b", "10": null, "2": "a", "3": null, "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [2, 17, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000509_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_008"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 20, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000441_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_008"}]
Squat Knee Raise side view
squat without weights, then knee raise on left side
[{"0": [1], "1": [1], "10": null, "2": [4], "3": [9], "4": [4, 7, 10], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [2], "1": [2], "10": null, "2": [9], "3": [14], "4": [7, 10, 13], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground", "name": "deeper squat", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground"}, "3": {"description": "the knees are higher at the knee raise, measured by the angle of the thigh", "name": "higher knee raise", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the knees are higher at the knee raise, measured by the angle of the thigh"}, "4": {"description": "the speed of the whole motion is faster", "name": "faster speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of the whole motion is faster"}, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "b", "1": "a", "10": null, "2": "a", "3": null, "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 20, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000441_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_008"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 36, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000565_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_008"}]
Squat Knee Raise side view
squat without weights, then knee raise on left side
[{"0": [2], "1": [2], "10": null, "2": [9], "3": [14], "4": [7, 10, 13], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [1], "1": [1], "10": null, "2": [8], "3": [29], "4": [14, 17, 20], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground", "name": "deeper squat", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground"}, "3": {"description": "the knees are higher at the knee raise, measured by the angle of the thigh", "name": "higher knee raise", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the knees are higher at the knee raise, measured by the angle of the thigh"}, "4": {"description": "the speed of the whole motion is faster", "name": "faster speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of the whole motion is faster"}, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "c", "1": "c", "10": null, "2": "a", "3": null, "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 36, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000565_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000481_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Squat Knee Raise diagonal view
a squat then a knee raise on left side
[{"0": [2], "1": [2], "10": null, "2": [8], "3": [14, 17, 20], "4": [29], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [3], "1": [3], "10": null, "2": [9], "3": [8, 11, 14], "4": [15], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "during the squat descent, the knees cave inwards, instead of tracking over the feet", "name": "knees caving in on descent", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "during the squat descent, the knees cave inwards, instead of tracking over the feet"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground", "name": "depth", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground"}, "3": {"description": "the speed of the whole motion is faster", "name": "faster speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of the whole motion is faster"}, "4": {"description": "they raise the left knee instead of the right knee", "name": "left side instead of right", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "they raise the left knee instead of the right knee"}, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "a", "1": "b", "10": null, "2": "b", "3": "c", "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [4, 25, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000570_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000481_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Squat Knee Raise diagonal view
a squat then a knee raise on left side
[{"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [7], "3": [6, 9, 12], "4": [15], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [3], "1": [3], "10": null, "2": [9], "3": [8, 11, 14], "4": [15], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "during the squat descent, the knees cave inwards, instead of tracking over the feet", "name": "knees caving in on descent", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "during the squat descent, the knees cave inwards, instead of tracking over the feet"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground", "name": "depth", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground"}, "3": {"description": "the speed of the whole motion is faster", "name": "faster speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of the whole motion is faster"}, "4": {"description": "they raise the left knee instead of the right knee", "name": "left side instead of right", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "they raise the left knee instead of the right knee"}, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "a", "1": "c", "10": null, "2": "c", "3": "c", "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 20, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000441_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000481_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Squat Knee Raise diagonal view
a squat then a knee raise on left side
[{"0": [3], "1": [3], "10": null, "2": [9], "3": [7, 10, 13], "4": [14], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [3], "1": [3], "10": null, "2": [9], "3": [8, 11, 14], "4": [15], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "during the squat descent, the knees cave inwards, instead of tracking over the feet", "name": "knees caving in on descent", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "during the squat descent, the knees cave inwards, instead of tracking over the feet"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground", "name": "depth", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground"}, "3": {"description": "the speed of the whole motion is faster", "name": "faster speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of the whole motion is faster"}, "4": {"description": "they raise the left knee instead of the right knee", "name": "left side instead of right", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "they raise the left knee instead of the right knee"}, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "c", "1": "b", "10": null, "2": "a", "3": "b", "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000481_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [3, 17, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000509_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Squat Knee Raise diagonal view
a squat then a knee raise on left side
[{"0": [3], "1": [3], "10": null, "2": [9], "3": [8, 11, 14], "4": [15], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [3], "3": [3, 6, 9], "4": [9], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "during the squat descent, the knees cave inwards, instead of tracking over the feet", "name": "knees caving in on descent", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "during the squat descent, the knees cave inwards, instead of tracking over the feet"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground", "name": "depth", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground"}, "3": {"description": "the speed of the whole motion is faster", "name": "faster speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of the whole motion is faster"}, "4": {"description": "they raise the left knee instead of the right knee", "name": "left side instead of right", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "they raise the left knee instead of the right knee"}, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "c", "1": "a", "10": null, "2": "b", "3": "a", "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [3, 17, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000509_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 36, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000565_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Squat Knee Raise diagonal view
a squat then a knee raise on left side
[{"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [3], "3": [3, 6, 9], "4": [9], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [2], "1": [2], "10": null, "2": [8], "3": [14, 17, 20], "4": [29], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "during the squat descent, the knees cave inwards, instead of tracking over the feet", "name": "knees caving in on descent", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "during the squat descent, the knees cave inwards, instead of tracking over the feet"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground", "name": "depth", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground"}, "3": {"description": "the speed of the whole motion is faster", "name": "faster speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of the whole motion is faster"}, "4": {"description": "they raise the left knee instead of the right knee", "name": "left side instead of right", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "they raise the left knee instead of the right knee"}, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "b", "1": "b", "10": null, "2": "a", "3": "b", "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000549_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [3, 17, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000509_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Squat Knee Raise diagonal view
a squat then a knee raise on left side
[{"0": [2], "1": [2], "10": null, "2": [8], "3": [7, 10, 13], "4": [15], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [3], "3": [3, 6, 9], "4": [9], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "during the squat descent, the knees cave inwards, instead of tracking over the feet", "name": "knees caving in on descent", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "during the squat descent, the knees cave inwards, instead of tracking over the feet"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground", "name": "depth", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground"}, "3": {"description": "the speed of the whole motion is faster", "name": "faster speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of the whole motion is faster"}, "4": {"description": "they raise the left knee instead of the right knee", "name": "left side instead of right", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "they raise the left knee instead of the right knee"}, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "a", "1": "a", "10": null, "2": "b", "3": "a", "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 36, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000565_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [3, 17, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000509_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Squat Knee Raise diagonal view
a squat then a knee raise on left side
[{"0": [2], "1": [2], "10": null, "2": [8], "3": [14, 17, 20], "4": [29], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [3], "3": [3, 6, 9], "4": [9], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "during the squat descent, the knees cave inwards, instead of tracking over the feet", "name": "knees caving in on descent", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "during the squat descent, the knees cave inwards, instead of tracking over the feet"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground", "name": "depth", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground"}, "3": {"description": "the speed of the whole motion is faster", "name": "faster speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of the whole motion is faster"}, "4": {"description": "they raise the left knee instead of the right knee", "name": "left side instead of right", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "they raise the left knee instead of the right knee"}, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "a", "1": "a", "10": null, "2": "b", "3": "a", "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [4, 25, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000570_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 36, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000565_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Squat Knee Raise diagonal view
a squat then a knee raise on left side
[{"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [7], "3": [6, 9, 12], "4": [15], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [2], "1": [2], "10": null, "2": [8], "3": [14, 17, 20], "4": [29], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "during the squat descent, the knees cave inwards, instead of tracking over the feet", "name": "knees caving in on descent", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "during the squat descent, the knees cave inwards, instead of tracking over the feet"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground", "name": "depth", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground"}, "3": {"description": "the speed of the whole motion is faster", "name": "faster speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of the whole motion is faster"}, "4": {"description": "they raise the left knee instead of the right knee", "name": "left side instead of right", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "they raise the left knee instead of the right knee"}, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "c", "1": "c", "10": null, "2": "a", "3": "c", "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 20, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000441_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000549_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Squat Knee Raise diagonal view
a squat then a knee raise on left side
[{"0": [3], "1": [3], "10": null, "2": [9], "3": [7, 10, 13], "4": [14], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [2], "1": [2], "10": null, "2": [8], "3": [7, 10, 13], "4": [15], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "during the squat descent, the knees cave inwards, instead of tracking over the feet", "name": "knees caving in on descent", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "during the squat descent, the knees cave inwards, instead of tracking over the feet"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground", "name": "depth", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground"}, "3": {"description": "the speed of the whole motion is faster", "name": "faster speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of the whole motion is faster"}, "4": {"description": "they raise the left knee instead of the right knee", "name": "left side instead of right", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "they raise the left knee instead of the right knee"}, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "b", "1": "b", "10": null, "2": "c", "3": "b", "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000481_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [3, 17, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000509_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Squat Knee Raise diagonal view
a squat then a knee raise on left side
[{"0": [3], "1": [3], "10": null, "2": [9], "3": [8, 11, 14], "4": [15], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [3], "3": [3, 6, 9], "4": [9], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "during the squat descent, the knees cave inwards, instead of tracking over the feet", "name": "knees caving in on descent", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "during the squat descent, the knees cave inwards, instead of tracking over the feet"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground", "name": "depth", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground"}, "3": {"description": "the speed of the whole motion is faster", "name": "faster speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of the whole motion is faster"}, "4": {"description": "they raise the left knee instead of the right knee", "name": "left side instead of right", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "they raise the left knee instead of the right knee"}, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "c", "1": "a", "10": null, "2": "b", "3": "a", "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [3, 17, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000509_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 20, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000441_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Squat Knee Raise diagonal view
a squat then a knee raise on left side
[{"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [3], "3": [3, 6, 9], "4": [9], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [3], "1": [3], "10": null, "2": [9], "3": [7, 10, 13], "4": [14], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "during the squat descent, the knees cave inwards, instead of tracking over the feet", "name": "knees caving in on descent", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "during the squat descent, the knees cave inwards, instead of tracking over the feet"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground", "name": "depth", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground"}, "3": {"description": "the speed of the whole motion is faster", "name": "faster speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of the whole motion is faster"}, "4": {"description": "they raise the left knee instead of the right knee", "name": "left side instead of right", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "they raise the left knee instead of the right knee"}, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "c", "1": "b", "10": null, "2": "a", "3": "c", "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000549_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 20, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000441_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Squat Knee Raise diagonal view
a squat then a knee raise on left side
[{"0": [2], "1": [2], "10": null, "2": [8], "3": [7, 10, 13], "4": [15], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [3], "1": [3], "10": null, "2": [9], "3": [7, 10, 13], "4": [14], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "during the squat descent, the knees cave inwards, instead of tracking over the feet", "name": "knees caving in on descent", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "during the squat descent, the knees cave inwards, instead of tracking over the feet"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground", "name": "depth", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground"}, "3": {"description": "the speed of the whole motion is faster", "name": "faster speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of the whole motion is faster"}, "4": {"description": "they raise the left knee instead of the right knee", "name": "left side instead of right", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "they raise the left knee instead of the right knee"}, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "a", "1": "a", "10": null, "2": "c", "3": "a", "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 36, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000565_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [4, 25, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000570_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Squat Knee Raise diagonal view
a squat then a knee raise on left side
[{"0": [2], "1": [2], "10": null, "2": [8], "3": [14, 17, 20], "4": [29], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [7], "3": [6, 9, 12], "4": [15], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "during the squat descent, the knees cave inwards, instead of tracking over the feet", "name": "knees caving in on descent", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "during the squat descent, the knees cave inwards, instead of tracking over the feet"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground", "name": "depth", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground"}, "3": {"description": "the speed of the whole motion is faster", "name": "faster speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of the whole motion is faster"}, "4": {"description": "they raise the left knee instead of the right knee", "name": "left side instead of right", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "they raise the left knee instead of the right knee"}, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "c", "1": "c", "10": null, "2": "b", "3": "c", "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [4, 25, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000570_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 20, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000441_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Squat Knee Raise diagonal view
a squat then a knee raise on left side
[{"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [7], "3": [6, 9, 12], "4": [15], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [3], "1": [3], "10": null, "2": [9], "3": [7, 10, 13], "4": [14], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "during the squat descent, the knees cave inwards, instead of tracking over the feet", "name": "knees caving in on descent", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "during the squat descent, the knees cave inwards, instead of tracking over the feet"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground", "name": "depth", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground"}, "3": {"description": "the speed of the whole motion is faster", "name": "faster speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of the whole motion is faster"}, "4": {"description": "they raise the left knee instead of the right knee", "name": "left side instead of right", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "they raise the left knee instead of the right knee"}, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "a", "1": "a", "10": null, "2": "c", "3": "a", "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 20, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000441_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [4, 25, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000570_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Squat Knee Raise diagonal view
a squat then a knee raise on left side
[{"0": [3], "1": [3], "10": null, "2": [9], "3": [7, 10, 13], "4": [14], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [7], "3": [6, 9, 12], "4": [15], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
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{"0": "b", "1": "b", "10": null, "2": "c", "3": "b", "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000481_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 20, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000441_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Squat Knee Raise diagonal view
a squat then a knee raise on left side
[{"0": [3], "1": [3], "10": null, "2": [9], "3": [8, 11, 14], "4": [15], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [3], "1": [3], "10": null, "2": [9], "3": [7, 10, 13], "4": [14], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
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{"0": "c", "1": "a", "10": null, "2": "b", "3": "a", "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [3, 17, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000509_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 36, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000565_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Squat Knee Raise diagonal view
a squat then a knee raise on left side
[{"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [3], "3": [3, 6, 9], "4": [9], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [2], "1": [2], "10": null, "2": [8], "3": [14, 17, 20], "4": [29], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
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{"0": "b", "1": "b", "10": null, "2": "a", "3": "b", "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000549_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [3, 17, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000509_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Squat Knee Raise diagonal view
a squat then a knee raise on left side
[{"0": [2], "1": [2], "10": null, "2": [8], "3": [7, 10, 13], "4": [15], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [3], "3": [3, 6, 9], "4": [9], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
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{"0": "a", "1": "a", "10": null, "2": "b", "3": "a", "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 36, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000565_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000549_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Squat Knee Raise diagonal view
a squat then a knee raise on left side
[{"0": [2], "1": [2], "10": null, "2": [8], "3": [14, 17, 20], "4": [29], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [2], "1": [2], "10": null, "2": [8], "3": [7, 10, 13], "4": [15], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "during the squat descent, the knees cave inwards, instead of tracking over the feet", "name": "knees caving in on descent", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "during the squat descent, the knees cave inwards, instead of tracking over the feet"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground", "name": "depth", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground"}, "3": {"description": "the speed of the whole motion is faster", "name": "faster speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of the whole motion is faster"}, "4": {"description": "they raise the left knee instead of the right knee", "name": "left side instead of right", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "they raise the left knee instead of the right knee"}, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "c", "1": "c", "10": null, "2": "b", "3": "c", "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [4, 25, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000570_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 20, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000441_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Squat Knee Raise diagonal view
a squat then a knee raise on left side
[{"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [7], "3": [6, 9, 12], "4": [15], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [3], "1": [3], "10": null, "2": [9], "3": [7, 10, 13], "4": [14], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
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{"0": "a", "1": "a", "10": null, "2": "c", "3": "a", "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 20, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000441_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [4, 25, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000570_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Squat Knee Raise diagonal view
a squat then a knee raise on left side
[{"0": [3], "1": [3], "10": null, "2": [9], "3": [7, 10, 13], "4": [14], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [7], "3": [6, 9, 12], "4": [15], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "during the squat descent, the knees cave inwards, instead of tracking over the feet", "name": "knees caving in on descent", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "during the squat descent, the knees cave inwards, instead of tracking over the feet"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground", "name": "depth", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground"}, "3": {"description": "the speed of the whole motion is faster", "name": "faster speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of the whole motion is faster"}, "4": {"description": "they raise the left knee instead of the right knee", "name": "left side instead of right", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "they raise the left knee instead of the right knee"}, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "b", "1": "b", "10": null, "2": "c", "3": "b", "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000481_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000549_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Squat Knee Raise diagonal view
a squat then a knee raise on left side
[{"0": [3], "1": [3], "10": null, "2": [9], "3": [8, 11, 14], "4": [15], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [2], "1": [2], "10": null, "2": [8], "3": [7, 10, 13], "4": [15], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "during the squat descent, the knees cave inwards, instead of tracking over the feet", "name": "knees caving in on descent", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "during the squat descent, the knees cave inwards, instead of tracking over the feet"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground", "name": "depth", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground"}, "3": {"description": "the speed of the whole motion is faster", "name": "faster speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of the whole motion is faster"}, "4": {"description": "they raise the left knee instead of the right knee", "name": "left side instead of right", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "they raise the left knee instead of the right knee"}, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "b", "1": "a", "10": null, "2": "b", "3": "c", "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [3, 17, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000509_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [4, 25, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000570_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Squat Knee Raise diagonal view
a squat then a knee raise on left side
[{"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [3], "3": [3, 6, 9], "4": [9], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [7], "3": [6, 9, 12], "4": [15], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "during the squat descent, the knees cave inwards, instead of tracking over the feet", "name": "knees caving in on descent", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "during the squat descent, the knees cave inwards, instead of tracking over the feet"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground", "name": "depth", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground"}, "3": {"description": "the speed of the whole motion is faster", "name": "faster speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of the whole motion is faster"}, "4": {"description": "they raise the left knee instead of the right knee", "name": "left side instead of right", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "they raise the left knee instead of the right knee"}, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "b", "1": "b", "10": null, "2": "a", "3": "b", "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000549_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [3, 17, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000509_a000207/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Squat Knee Raise diagonal view
a squat then a knee raise on left side
[{"0": [2], "1": [2], "10": null, "2": [8], "3": [7, 10, 13], "4": [15], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [3], "3": [3, 6, 9], "4": [9], "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "during the squat descent, the knees cave inwards, instead of tracking over the feet", "name": "knees caving in on descent", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "during the squat descent, the knees cave inwards, instead of tracking over the feet"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground", "name": "depth", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the squat is deeper, measured by angle of the thigh to the ground"}, "3": {"description": "the speed of the whole motion is faster", "name": "faster speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of the whole motion is faster"}, "4": {"description": "they raise the left knee instead of the right knee", "name": "left side instead of right", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "they raise the left knee instead of the right knee"}, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "a", "1": "a", "10": null, "2": "b", "3": "a", "4": null, "5": null, "6": null, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [6, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000564_a005730/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 10, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000443_a005731/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Hip circle clockwise
fitness exercise called standing hip circle with hands on hips, one rotation clockwise
[{"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [0, 3, 6], "3": [0, 3, 6], "4": [0, 3, 6], "5": [0], "6": [0, 3, 6], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [-2, 1, 4], "3": [-2, 1, 4], "4": [-2, 1, 4], "5": [0], "6": [-2, 1, 4], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the speed of hip rotation is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of hip rotation is faster"}, "3": {"description": "the range of motion in the hips is larger", "name": "range of motion", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the range of motion in the hips is larger"}, "4": {"description": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation", "name": "vertical head", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation"}, "5": {"description": "the hand position is higher on the body", "name": "high hand position", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the hand position is higher on the body"}, "6": {"description": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way", "name": "rocking upper body", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way"}, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "b", "1": "b", "10": null, "2": "b", "3": "b", "4": "c", "5": "a", "6": "c", "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 20, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000548_a005730/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [7, 22, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p100046_a005731/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Hip circle clockwise
fitness exercise called standing hip circle with hands on hips, one rotation clockwise
[{"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [2, 5, 8], "3": [2, 5, 8], "4": [2, 5, 8], "5": [0], "6": [2, 5, 8], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [1], "1": [1], "10": null, "2": [-1, 2, 5], "3": [-1, 2, 5], "4": [-1, 2, 5], "5": [1], "6": [-1, 2, 5], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the speed of hip rotation is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of hip rotation is faster"}, "3": {"description": "the range of motion in the hips is larger", "name": "range of motion", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the range of motion in the hips is larger"}, "4": {"description": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation", "name": "vertical head", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation"}, "5": {"description": "the hand position is higher on the body", "name": "high hand position", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the hand position is higher on the body"}, "6": {"description": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way", "name": "rocking upper body", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way"}, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "c", "1": "b", "10": null, "2": "b", "3": "a", "4": "c", "5": "a", "6": "a", "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 13, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000463_a005730/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [3, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000534_a005731/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Hip circle clockwise
fitness exercise called standing hip circle with hands on hips, one rotation clockwise
[{"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [0, 3, 6], "3": [0, 3, 6], "4": [0, 3, 6], "5": [0], "6": [0, 3, 6], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [3], "1": [3], "10": null, "2": [3, 6, 9], "3": [3, 6, 9], "4": [3, 6, 9], "5": [3], "6": [3, 6, 9], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the speed of hip rotation is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of hip rotation is faster"}, "3": {"description": "the range of motion in the hips is larger", "name": "range of motion", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the range of motion in the hips is larger"}, "4": {"description": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation", "name": "vertical head", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation"}, "5": {"description": "the hand position is higher on the body", "name": "high hand position", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the hand position is higher on the body"}, "6": {"description": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way", "name": "rocking upper body", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way"}, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "b", "1": "c", "10": null, "2": "a", "3": "b", "4": "a", "5": "c", "6": "b", "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [7, 22, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p100046_a005731/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 8, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000521_a005730/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Hip circle clockwise
fitness exercise called standing hip circle with hands on hips, one rotation clockwise
[{"0": [1], "1": [1], "10": null, "2": [-1, 2, 5], "3": [-1, 2, 5], "4": [-1, 2, 5], "5": [1], "6": [-1, 2, 5], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [-2, 1, 4], "3": [-2, 1, 4], "4": [-2, 1, 4], "5": [0], "6": [-2, 1, 4], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the speed of hip rotation is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of hip rotation is faster"}, "3": {"description": "the range of motion in the hips is larger", "name": "range of motion", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the range of motion in the hips is larger"}, "4": {"description": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation", "name": "vertical head", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation"}, "5": {"description": "the hand position is higher on the body", "name": "high hand position", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the hand position is higher on the body"}, "6": {"description": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way", "name": "rocking upper body", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way"}, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "a", "1": "a", "10": null, "2": "b", "3": "c", "4": "c", "5": "b", "6": "c", "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 8, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000521_a005730/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [3, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000534_a005731/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Hip circle clockwise
fitness exercise called standing hip circle with hands on hips, one rotation clockwise
[{"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [-2, 1, 4], "3": [-2, 1, 4], "4": [-2, 1, 4], "5": [0], "6": [-2, 1, 4], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [3], "1": [3], "10": null, "2": [3, 6, 9], "3": [3, 6, 9], "4": [3, 6, 9], "5": [3], "6": [3, 6, 9], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the speed of hip rotation is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of hip rotation is faster"}, "3": {"description": "the range of motion in the hips is larger", "name": "range of motion", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the range of motion in the hips is larger"}, "4": {"description": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation", "name": "vertical head", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation"}, "5": {"description": "the hand position is higher on the body", "name": "high hand position", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the hand position is higher on the body"}, "6": {"description": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way", "name": "rocking upper body", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way"}, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "b", "1": "c", "10": null, "2": "a", "3": "b", "4": "c", "5": "c", "6": "b", "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [3, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000534_a005731/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 10, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000443_a005731/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Hip circle clockwise
fitness exercise called standing hip circle with hands on hips, one rotation clockwise
[{"0": [3], "1": [3], "10": null, "2": [3, 6, 9], "3": [3, 6, 9], "4": [3, 6, 9], "5": [3], "6": [3, 6, 9], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [-2, 1, 4], "3": [-2, 1, 4], "4": [-2, 1, 4], "5": [0], "6": [-2, 1, 4], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the speed of hip rotation is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of hip rotation is faster"}, "3": {"description": "the range of motion in the hips is larger", "name": "range of motion", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the range of motion in the hips is larger"}, "4": {"description": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation", "name": "vertical head", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation"}, "5": {"description": "the hand position is higher on the body", "name": "high hand position", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the hand position is higher on the body"}, "6": {"description": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way", "name": "rocking upper body", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way"}, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "c", "1": "b", "10": null, "2": "b", "3": "c", "4": "c", "5": "b", "6": "c", "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 10, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000443_a005731/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 8, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000521_a005730/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Hip circle clockwise
fitness exercise called standing hip circle with hands on hips, one rotation clockwise
[{"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [-2, 1, 4], "3": [-2, 1, 4], "4": [-2, 1, 4], "5": [0], "6": [-2, 1, 4], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [-2, 1, 4], "3": [-2, 1, 4], "4": [-2, 1, 4], "5": [0], "6": [-2, 1, 4], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the speed of hip rotation is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of hip rotation is faster"}, "3": {"description": "the range of motion in the hips is larger", "name": "range of motion", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the range of motion in the hips is larger"}, "4": {"description": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation", "name": "vertical head", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation"}, "5": {"description": "the hand position is higher on the body", "name": "high hand position", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the hand position is higher on the body"}, "6": {"description": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way", "name": "rocking upper body", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way"}, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "a", "1": "a", "10": null, "2": "b", "3": "a", "4": "c", "5": "c", "6": "c", "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [6, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000564_a005730/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 8, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000521_a005730/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Hip circle clockwise
fitness exercise called standing hip circle with hands on hips, one rotation clockwise
[{"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [0, 3, 6], "3": [0, 3, 6], "4": [0, 3, 6], "5": [0], "6": [0, 3, 6], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [-2, 1, 4], "3": [-2, 1, 4], "4": [-2, 1, 4], "5": [0], "6": [-2, 1, 4], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the speed of hip rotation is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of hip rotation is faster"}, "3": {"description": "the range of motion in the hips is larger", "name": "range of motion", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the range of motion in the hips is larger"}, "4": {"description": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation", "name": "vertical head", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation"}, "5": {"description": "the hand position is higher on the body", "name": "high hand position", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the hand position is higher on the body"}, "6": {"description": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way", "name": "rocking upper body", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way"}, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "b", "1": "b", "10": null, "2": "b", "3": "a", "4": "c", "5": "a", "6": "a", "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 20, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000548_a005730/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [6, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000564_a005730/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Hip circle clockwise
fitness exercise called standing hip circle with hands on hips, one rotation clockwise
[{"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [2, 5, 8], "3": [2, 5, 8], "4": [2, 5, 8], "5": [0], "6": [2, 5, 8], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [0, 3, 6], "3": [0, 3, 6], "4": [0, 3, 6], "5": [0], "6": [0, 3, 6], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the speed of hip rotation is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of hip rotation is faster"}, "3": {"description": "the range of motion in the hips is larger", "name": "range of motion", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the range of motion in the hips is larger"}, "4": {"description": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation", "name": "vertical head", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation"}, "5": {"description": "the hand position is higher on the body", "name": "high hand position", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the hand position is higher on the body"}, "6": {"description": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way", "name": "rocking upper body", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way"}, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "a", "1": "c", "10": null, "2": "b", "3": "a", "4": "a", "5": "b", "6": "c", "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 13, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000463_a005730/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 10, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000443_a005731/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Hip circle clockwise
fitness exercise called standing hip circle with hands on hips, one rotation clockwise
[{"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [0, 3, 6], "3": [0, 3, 6], "4": [0, 3, 6], "5": [0], "6": [0, 3, 6], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [-2, 1, 4], "3": [-2, 1, 4], "4": [-2, 1, 4], "5": [0], "6": [-2, 1, 4], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the speed of hip rotation is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of hip rotation is faster"}, "3": {"description": "the range of motion in the hips is larger", "name": "range of motion", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the range of motion in the hips is larger"}, "4": {"description": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation", "name": "vertical head", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation"}, "5": {"description": "the hand position is higher on the body", "name": "high hand position", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the hand position is higher on the body"}, "6": {"description": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way", "name": "rocking upper body", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way"}, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "b", "1": "c", "10": null, "2": "b", "3": "b", "4": "a", "5": "c", "6": "b", "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [7, 22, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p100046_a005731/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 13, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000463_a005730/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Hip circle clockwise
fitness exercise called standing hip circle with hands on hips, one rotation clockwise
[{"0": [1], "1": [1], "10": null, "2": [-1, 2, 5], "3": [-1, 2, 5], "4": [-1, 2, 5], "5": [1], "6": [-1, 2, 5], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [0, 3, 6], "3": [0, 3, 6], "4": [0, 3, 6], "5": [0], "6": [0, 3, 6], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the speed of hip rotation is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of hip rotation is faster"}, "3": {"description": "the range of motion in the hips is larger", "name": "range of motion", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the range of motion in the hips is larger"}, "4": {"description": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation", "name": "vertical head", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation"}, "5": {"description": "the hand position is higher on the body", "name": "high hand position", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the hand position is higher on the body"}, "6": {"description": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way", "name": "rocking upper body", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way"}, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "b", "1": "c", "10": null, "2": "c", "3": "a", "4": "b", "5": "b", "6": "c", "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 8, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000521_a005730/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [3, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000534_a005731/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Hip circle clockwise
fitness exercise called standing hip circle with hands on hips, one rotation clockwise
[{"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [-2, 1, 4], "3": [-2, 1, 4], "4": [-2, 1, 4], "5": [0], "6": [-2, 1, 4], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [3], "1": [3], "10": null, "2": [3, 6, 9], "3": [3, 6, 9], "4": [3, 6, 9], "5": [3], "6": [3, 6, 9], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the speed of hip rotation is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of hip rotation is faster"}, "3": {"description": "the range of motion in the hips is larger", "name": "range of motion", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the range of motion in the hips is larger"}, "4": {"description": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation", "name": "vertical head", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation"}, "5": {"description": "the hand position is higher on the body", "name": "high hand position", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the hand position is higher on the body"}, "6": {"description": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way", "name": "rocking upper body", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way"}, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "b", "1": "c", "10": null, "2": "a", "3": "b", "4": "a", "5": "c", "6": "b", "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [3, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000534_a005731/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [6, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000564_a005730/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Hip circle clockwise
fitness exercise called standing hip circle with hands on hips, one rotation clockwise
[{"0": [3], "1": [3], "10": null, "2": [3, 6, 9], "3": [3, 6, 9], "4": [3, 6, 9], "5": [3], "6": [3, 6, 9], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [0, 3, 6], "3": [0, 3, 6], "4": [0, 3, 6], "5": [0], "6": [0, 3, 6], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the speed of hip rotation is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of hip rotation is faster"}, "3": {"description": "the range of motion in the hips is larger", "name": "range of motion", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the range of motion in the hips is larger"}, "4": {"description": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation", "name": "vertical head", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation"}, "5": {"description": "the hand position is higher on the body", "name": "high hand position", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the hand position is higher on the body"}, "6": {"description": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way", "name": "rocking upper body", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way"}, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "a", "1": "c", "10": null, "2": "b", "3": "a", "4": "c", "5": "b", "6": "c", "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 10, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000443_a005731/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 20, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000548_a005730/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Hip circle clockwise
fitness exercise called standing hip circle with hands on hips, one rotation clockwise
[{"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [-2, 1, 4], "3": [-2, 1, 4], "4": [-2, 1, 4], "5": [0], "6": [-2, 1, 4], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [2, 5, 8], "3": [2, 5, 8], "4": [2, 5, 8], "5": [0], "6": [2, 5, 8], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the speed of hip rotation is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of hip rotation is faster"}, "3": {"description": "the range of motion in the hips is larger", "name": "range of motion", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the range of motion in the hips is larger"}, "4": {"description": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation", "name": "vertical head", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation"}, "5": {"description": "the hand position is higher on the body", "name": "high hand position", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the hand position is higher on the body"}, "6": {"description": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way", "name": "rocking upper body", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way"}, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "a", "1": "a", "10": null, "2": "a", "3": "b", "4": "b", "5": "c", "6": "c", "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [6, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000564_a005730/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 10, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000443_a005731/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Hip circle clockwise
fitness exercise called standing hip circle with hands on hips, one rotation clockwise
[{"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [0, 3, 6], "3": [0, 3, 6], "4": [0, 3, 6], "5": [0], "6": [0, 3, 6], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [-2, 1, 4], "3": [-2, 1, 4], "4": [-2, 1, 4], "5": [0], "6": [-2, 1, 4], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the speed of hip rotation is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of hip rotation is faster"}, "3": {"description": "the range of motion in the hips is larger", "name": "range of motion", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the range of motion in the hips is larger"}, "4": {"description": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation", "name": "vertical head", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation"}, "5": {"description": "the hand position is higher on the body", "name": "high hand position", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the hand position is higher on the body"}, "6": {"description": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way", "name": "rocking upper body", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way"}, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "b", "1": "b", "10": null, "2": "b", "3": "b", "4": "c", "5": "a", "6": "c", "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 20, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000548_a005730/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 8, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000521_a005730/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Hip circle clockwise
fitness exercise called standing hip circle with hands on hips, one rotation clockwise
[{"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [2, 5, 8], "3": [2, 5, 8], "4": [2, 5, 8], "5": [0], "6": [2, 5, 8], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [-2, 1, 4], "3": [-2, 1, 4], "4": [-2, 1, 4], "5": [0], "6": [-2, 1, 4], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the speed of hip rotation is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of hip rotation is faster"}, "3": {"description": "the range of motion in the hips is larger", "name": "range of motion", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the range of motion in the hips is larger"}, "4": {"description": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation", "name": "vertical head", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation"}, "5": {"description": "the hand position is higher on the body", "name": "high hand position", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the hand position is higher on the body"}, "6": {"description": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way", "name": "rocking upper body", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way"}, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "a", "1": "b", "10": null, "2": "b", "3": "a", "4": "c", "5": "c", "6": "c", "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 13, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000463_a005730/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [6, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000564_a005730/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Hip circle clockwise
fitness exercise called standing hip circle with hands on hips, one rotation clockwise
[{"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [0, 3, 6], "3": [0, 3, 6], "4": [0, 3, 6], "5": [0], "6": [0, 3, 6], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [0, 3, 6], "3": [0, 3, 6], "4": [0, 3, 6], "5": [0], "6": [0, 3, 6], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the speed of hip rotation is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of hip rotation is faster"}, "3": {"description": "the range of motion in the hips is larger", "name": "range of motion", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the range of motion in the hips is larger"}, "4": {"description": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation", "name": "vertical head", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation"}, "5": {"description": "the hand position is higher on the body", "name": "high hand position", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the hand position is higher on the body"}, "6": {"description": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way", "name": "rocking upper body", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way"}, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "a", "1": "a", "10": null, "2": "a", "3": "b", "4": "a", "5": "c", "6": "c", "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [7, 22, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p100046_a005731/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 13, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000463_a005730/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Hip circle clockwise
fitness exercise called standing hip circle with hands on hips, one rotation clockwise
[{"0": [1], "1": [1], "10": null, "2": [-1, 2, 5], "3": [-1, 2, 5], "4": [-1, 2, 5], "5": [1], "6": [-1, 2, 5], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [0, 3, 6], "3": [0, 3, 6], "4": [0, 3, 6], "5": [0], "6": [0, 3, 6], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the speed of hip rotation is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of hip rotation is faster"}, "3": {"description": "the range of motion in the hips is larger", "name": "range of motion", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the range of motion in the hips is larger"}, "4": {"description": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation", "name": "vertical head", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation"}, "5": {"description": "the hand position is higher on the body", "name": "high hand position", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the hand position is higher on the body"}, "6": {"description": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way", "name": "rocking upper body", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way"}, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "b", "1": "c", "10": null, "2": "c", "3": "a", "4": "b", "5": "b", "6": "c", "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 8, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000521_a005730/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 10, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000443_a005731/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Hip circle clockwise
fitness exercise called standing hip circle with hands on hips, one rotation clockwise
[{"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [-2, 1, 4], "3": [-2, 1, 4], "4": [-2, 1, 4], "5": [0], "6": [-2, 1, 4], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [-2, 1, 4], "3": [-2, 1, 4], "4": [-2, 1, 4], "5": [0], "6": [-2, 1, 4], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the speed of hip rotation is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of hip rotation is faster"}, "3": {"description": "the range of motion in the hips is larger", "name": "range of motion", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the range of motion in the hips is larger"}, "4": {"description": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation", "name": "vertical head", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation"}, "5": {"description": "the hand position is higher on the body", "name": "high hand position", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the hand position is higher on the body"}, "6": {"description": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way", "name": "rocking upper body", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way"}, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "b", "1": "b", "10": null, "2": "a", "3": "b", "4": "c", "5": "c", "6": "c", "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [3, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000534_a005731/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 20, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000548_a005730/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Hip circle clockwise
fitness exercise called standing hip circle with hands on hips, one rotation clockwise
[{"0": [3], "1": [3], "10": null, "2": [3, 6, 9], "3": [3, 6, 9], "4": [3, 6, 9], "5": [3], "6": [3, 6, 9], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [2, 5, 8], "3": [2, 5, 8], "4": [2, 5, 8], "5": [0], "6": [2, 5, 8], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the speed of hip rotation is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of hip rotation is faster"}, "3": {"description": "the range of motion in the hips is larger", "name": "range of motion", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the range of motion in the hips is larger"}, "4": {"description": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation", "name": "vertical head", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation"}, "5": {"description": "the hand position is higher on the body", "name": "high hand position", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the hand position is higher on the body"}, "6": {"description": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way", "name": "rocking upper body", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way"}, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "c", "1": "c", "10": null, "2": "a", "3": "c", "4": "b", "5": "b", "6": "c", "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 10, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000443_a005731/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 20, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000548_a005730/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Hip circle clockwise
fitness exercise called standing hip circle with hands on hips, one rotation clockwise
[{"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [-2, 1, 4], "3": [-2, 1, 4], "4": [-2, 1, 4], "5": [0], "6": [-2, 1, 4], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [2, 5, 8], "3": [2, 5, 8], "4": [2, 5, 8], "5": [0], "6": [2, 5, 8], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the speed of hip rotation is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of hip rotation is faster"}, "3": {"description": "the range of motion in the hips is larger", "name": "range of motion", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the range of motion in the hips is larger"}, "4": {"description": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation", "name": "vertical head", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation"}, "5": {"description": "the hand position is higher on the body", "name": "high hand position", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the hand position is higher on the body"}, "6": {"description": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way", "name": "rocking upper body", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way"}, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "a", "1": "a", "10": null, "2": "a", "3": "b", "4": "b", "5": "c", "6": "c", "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [6, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000564_a005730/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 10, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000443_a005731/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Hip circle clockwise
fitness exercise called standing hip circle with hands on hips, one rotation clockwise
[{"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [0, 3, 6], "3": [0, 3, 6], "4": [0, 3, 6], "5": [0], "6": [0, 3, 6], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [-2, 1, 4], "3": [-2, 1, 4], "4": [-2, 1, 4], "5": [0], "6": [-2, 1, 4], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the speed of hip rotation is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of hip rotation is faster"}, "3": {"description": "the range of motion in the hips is larger", "name": "range of motion", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the range of motion in the hips is larger"}, "4": {"description": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation", "name": "vertical head", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation"}, "5": {"description": "the hand position is higher on the body", "name": "high hand position", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the hand position is higher on the body"}, "6": {"description": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way", "name": "rocking upper body", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way"}, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "b", "1": "b", "10": null, "2": "b", "3": "b", "4": "c", "5": "a", "6": "c", "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 20, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000548_a005730/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 13, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000463_a005730/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Hip circle clockwise
fitness exercise called standing hip circle with hands on hips, one rotation clockwise
[{"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [2, 5, 8], "3": [2, 5, 8], "4": [2, 5, 8], "5": [0], "6": [2, 5, 8], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [0, 3, 6], "3": [0, 3, 6], "4": [0, 3, 6], "5": [0], "6": [0, 3, 6], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the speed of hip rotation is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of hip rotation is faster"}, "3": {"description": "the range of motion in the hips is larger", "name": "range of motion", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the range of motion in the hips is larger"}, "4": {"description": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation", "name": "vertical head", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation"}, "5": {"description": "the hand position is higher on the body", "name": "high hand position", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the hand position is higher on the body"}, "6": {"description": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way", "name": "rocking upper body", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way"}, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "b", "1": "b", "10": null, "2": "b", "3": "a", "4": "c", "5": "c", "6": "a", "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 13, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000463_a005730/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 10, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000443_a005731/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Hip circle clockwise
fitness exercise called standing hip circle with hands on hips, one rotation clockwise
[{"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [0, 3, 6], "3": [0, 3, 6], "4": [0, 3, 6], "5": [0], "6": [0, 3, 6], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [-2, 1, 4], "3": [-2, 1, 4], "4": [-2, 1, 4], "5": [0], "6": [-2, 1, 4], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the speed of hip rotation is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of hip rotation is faster"}, "3": {"description": "the range of motion in the hips is larger", "name": "range of motion", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the range of motion in the hips is larger"}, "4": {"description": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation", "name": "vertical head", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation"}, "5": {"description": "the hand position is higher on the body", "name": "high hand position", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the hand position is higher on the body"}, "6": {"description": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way", "name": "rocking upper body", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way"}, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "b", "1": "c", "10": null, "2": "b", "3": "b", "4": "a", "5": "c", "6": "b", "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 8, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000521_a005730/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 10, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000443_a005731/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Hip circle clockwise
fitness exercise called standing hip circle with hands on hips, one rotation clockwise
[{"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [-2, 1, 4], "3": [-2, 1, 4], "4": [-2, 1, 4], "5": [0], "6": [-2, 1, 4], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [-2, 1, 4], "3": [-2, 1, 4], "4": [-2, 1, 4], "5": [0], "6": [-2, 1, 4], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the speed of hip rotation is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of hip rotation is faster"}, "3": {"description": "the range of motion in the hips is larger", "name": "range of motion", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the range of motion in the hips is larger"}, "4": {"description": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation", "name": "vertical head", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation"}, "5": {"description": "the hand position is higher on the body", "name": "high hand position", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the hand position is higher on the body"}, "6": {"description": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way", "name": "rocking upper body", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way"}, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "b", "1": "b", "10": null, "2": "a", "3": "b", "4": "c", "5": "c", "6": "c", "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [3, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000534_a005731/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 8, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000521_a005730/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Hip circle clockwise
fitness exercise called standing hip circle with hands on hips, one rotation clockwise
[{"0": [3], "1": [3], "10": null, "2": [3, 6, 9], "3": [3, 6, 9], "4": [3, 6, 9], "5": [3], "6": [3, 6, 9], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [-2, 1, 4], "3": [-2, 1, 4], "4": [-2, 1, 4], "5": [0], "6": [-2, 1, 4], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the speed of hip rotation is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of hip rotation is faster"}, "3": {"description": "the range of motion in the hips is larger", "name": "range of motion", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the range of motion in the hips is larger"}, "4": {"description": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation", "name": "vertical head", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation"}, "5": {"description": "the hand position is higher on the body", "name": "high hand position", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the hand position is higher on the body"}, "6": {"description": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way", "name": "rocking upper body", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way"}, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "a", "1": "c", "10": null, "2": "b", "3": "a", "4": "b", "5": "c", "6": "a", "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 10, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000443_a005731/kinect_color/kinect_001"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 20, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000548_a005730/kinect_color/kinect_001"}]
Hip circle clockwise
fitness exercise called standing hip circle with hands on hips, one rotation clockwise
[{"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [-2, 1, 4], "3": [-2, 1, 4], "4": [-2, 1, 4], "5": [0], "6": [-2, 1, 4], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}, {"0": [0], "1": [0], "10": null, "2": [2, 5, 8], "3": [2, 5, 8], "4": [2, 5, 8], "5": [0], "6": [2, 5, 8], "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}]
{"0": {"description": "the feet stance is wider", "name": "feet stance wider", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the feet stance is wider"}, "1": {"description": "the toes are more pointed out", "name": "toes pointed out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed out"}, "10": null, "2": {"description": "the speed of hip rotation is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the speed of hip rotation is faster"}, "3": {"description": "the range of motion in the hips is larger", "name": "range of motion", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the range of motion in the hips is larger"}, "4": {"description": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation", "name": "vertical head", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the head remains more vertical during the rotation"}, "5": {"description": "the hand position is higher on the body", "name": "high hand position", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the hand position is higher on the body"}, "6": {"description": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way", "name": "rocking upper body", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "The upper body rocks more in a forward-backward way"}, "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
{"0": "a", "1": "a", "10": null, "2": "a", "3": "b", "4": "b", "5": "c", "6": "c", "7": null, "8": null, "9": null}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [2, 25, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000509_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 29, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000512_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}]
Opening and closing step right side first
fitness exercise called opening and closing step on right side and then opening and closing step on left side
[{"0": [17], "1": [7], "10": [7], "2": [17], "3": [7], "4": [17], "5": [7], "6": [17], "7": [7], "8": [8, 11, 14], "9": [17]}, {"0": [21], "1": [9], "10": [9], "2": [21], "3": [9], "4": [21], "5": [9], "6": [21], "7": [9], "8": [12, 15, 18], "9": [21]}]
{"0": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the first step", "name": "arms higher on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "1": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the second step", "name": "arms higher on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "10": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the second step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot"}, "2": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the first step", "name": "arms uneven height on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "3": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the second step", "name": "arms uneven height on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "4": {"description": "the first step out is wider", "name": "wider 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "5": {"description": "the second step out is wider", "name": "wider 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "6": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out", "name": "toes pointed at 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out"}, "7": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out", "name": "toes pointed at 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out"}, "8": {"description": "the motion is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the motion is faster"}, "9": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the first step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during"}}
{"0": "a", "1": "a", "10": "c", "2": "a", "3": "a", "4": "c", "5": "b", "6": "c", "7": "c", "8": "c", "9": "b"}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [2, 24, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000579_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000466_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}]
Opening and closing step right side first
fitness exercise called opening and closing step on right side and then opening and closing step on left side
[{"0": [15], "1": [6], "10": [6], "2": [15], "3": [6], "4": [15], "5": [6], "6": [15], "7": [6], "8": [6, 9, 12], "9": [15]}, {"0": [16], "1": [7], "10": [7], "2": [16], "3": [7], "4": [16], "5": [7], "6": [16], "7": [7], "8": [8, 11, 14], "9": [16]}]
{"0": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the first step", "name": "arms higher on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "1": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the second step", "name": "arms higher on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "10": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the second step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot"}, "2": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the first step", "name": "arms uneven height on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "3": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the second step", "name": "arms uneven height on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "4": {"description": "the first step out is wider", "name": "wider 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "5": {"description": "the second step out is wider", "name": "wider 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "6": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out", "name": "toes pointed at 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out"}, "7": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out", "name": "toes pointed at 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out"}, "8": {"description": "the motion is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the motion is faster"}, "9": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the first step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during"}}
{"0": "c", "1": "a", "10": "c", "2": "b", "3": "a", "4": "b", "5": "b", "6": "c", "7": "c", "8": "c", "9": "b"}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 28, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000584_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 27, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p100074_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}]
Opening and closing step right side first
fitness exercise called opening and closing step on right side and then opening and closing step on left side
[{"0": [22], "1": [10], "10": [10], "2": [22], "3": [10], "4": [22], "5": [10], "6": [22], "7": [10], "8": [11, 14, 17], "9": [22]}, {"0": [22], "1": [10], "10": [10], "2": [22], "3": [10], "4": [22], "5": [10], "6": [22], "7": [10], "8": [12, 15, 18], "9": [22]}]
{"0": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the first step", "name": "arms higher on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "1": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the second step", "name": "arms higher on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "10": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the second step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot"}, "2": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the first step", "name": "arms uneven height on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "3": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the second step", "name": "arms uneven height on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "4": {"description": "the first step out is wider", "name": "wider 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "5": {"description": "the second step out is wider", "name": "wider 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "6": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out", "name": "toes pointed at 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out"}, "7": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out", "name": "toes pointed at 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out"}, "8": {"description": "the motion is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the motion is faster"}, "9": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the first step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during"}}
{"0": "a", "1": "a", "10": "a", "2": "a", "3": "a", "4": "c", "5": "c", "6": "c", "7": "c", "8": "c", "9": "b"}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000466_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [5, 25, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000542_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}]
Opening and closing step right side first
fitness exercise called opening and closing step on right side and then opening and closing step on left side
[{"0": [16], "1": [7], "10": [7], "2": [16], "3": [7], "4": [16], "5": [7], "6": [16], "7": [7], "8": [8, 11, 14], "9": [16]}, {"0": [14], "1": [5], "10": [5], "2": [14], "3": [5], "4": [14], "5": [5], "6": [14], "7": [5], "8": [6, 9, 12], "9": [14]}]
{"0": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the first step", "name": "arms higher on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "1": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the second step", "name": "arms higher on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "10": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the second step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot"}, "2": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the first step", "name": "arms uneven height on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "3": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the second step", "name": "arms uneven height on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "4": {"description": "the first step out is wider", "name": "wider 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "5": {"description": "the second step out is wider", "name": "wider 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "6": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out", "name": "toes pointed at 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out"}, "7": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out", "name": "toes pointed at 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out"}, "8": {"description": "the motion is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the motion is faster"}, "9": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the first step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during"}}
{"0": "a", "1": "a", "10": "a", "2": "c", "3": "b", "4": "a", "5": "a", "6": "c", "7": "a", "8": "c", "9": "b"}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [5, 25, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000542_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 27, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p100074_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}]
Opening and closing step right side first
fitness exercise called opening and closing step on right side and then opening and closing step on left side
[{"0": [14], "1": [5], "10": [5], "2": [14], "3": [5], "4": [14], "5": [5], "6": [14], "7": [5], "8": [6, 9, 12], "9": [14]}, {"0": [22], "1": [10], "10": [10], "2": [22], "3": [10], "4": [22], "5": [10], "6": [22], "7": [10], "8": [12, 15, 18], "9": [22]}]
{"0": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the first step", "name": "arms higher on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "1": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the second step", "name": "arms higher on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "10": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the second step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot"}, "2": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the first step", "name": "arms uneven height on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "3": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the second step", "name": "arms uneven height on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "4": {"description": "the first step out is wider", "name": "wider 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "5": {"description": "the second step out is wider", "name": "wider 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "6": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out", "name": "toes pointed at 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out"}, "7": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out", "name": "toes pointed at 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out"}, "8": {"description": "the motion is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the motion is faster"}, "9": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the first step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during"}}
{"0": "c", "1": "c", "10": "b", "2": "a", "3": "a", "4": "a", "5": "c", "6": "a", "7": "c", "8": "c", "9": "c"}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 27, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p100074_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 29, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000512_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}]
Opening and closing step right side first
fitness exercise called opening and closing step on right side and then opening and closing step on left side
[{"0": [22], "1": [10], "10": [10], "2": [22], "3": [10], "4": [22], "5": [10], "6": [22], "7": [10], "8": [12, 15, 18], "9": [22]}, {"0": [21], "1": [9], "10": [9], "2": [21], "3": [9], "4": [21], "5": [9], "6": [21], "7": [9], "8": [12, 15, 18], "9": [21]}]
{"0": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the first step", "name": "arms higher on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "1": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the second step", "name": "arms higher on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "10": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the second step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot"}, "2": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the first step", "name": "arms uneven height on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "3": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the second step", "name": "arms uneven height on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "4": {"description": "the first step out is wider", "name": "wider 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "5": {"description": "the second step out is wider", "name": "wider 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "6": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out", "name": "toes pointed at 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out"}, "7": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out", "name": "toes pointed at 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out"}, "8": {"description": "the motion is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the motion is faster"}, "9": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the first step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during"}}
{"0": "a", "1": "c", "10": "c", "2": "b", "3": "c", "4": "b", "5": "a", "6": "b", "7": "b", "8": "c", "9": "a"}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 29, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000512_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [5, 25, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000542_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}]
Opening and closing step right side first
fitness exercise called opening and closing step on right side and then opening and closing step on left side
[{"0": [21], "1": [9], "10": [9], "2": [21], "3": [9], "4": [21], "5": [9], "6": [21], "7": [9], "8": [12, 15, 18], "9": [21]}, {"0": [14], "1": [5], "10": [5], "2": [14], "3": [5], "4": [14], "5": [5], "6": [14], "7": [5], "8": [6, 9, 12], "9": [14]}]
{"0": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the first step", "name": "arms higher on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "1": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the second step", "name": "arms higher on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "10": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the second step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot"}, "2": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the first step", "name": "arms uneven height on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "3": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the second step", "name": "arms uneven height on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "4": {"description": "the first step out is wider", "name": "wider 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "5": {"description": "the second step out is wider", "name": "wider 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "6": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out", "name": "toes pointed at 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out"}, "7": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out", "name": "toes pointed at 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out"}, "8": {"description": "the motion is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the motion is faster"}, "9": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the first step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during"}}
{"0": "c", "1": "c", "10": "c", "2": "b", "3": "b", "4": "a", "5": "c", "6": "c", "7": "c", "8": "b", "9": "b"}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [2, 25, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000509_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [5, 25, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000542_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}]
Opening and closing step right side first
fitness exercise called opening and closing step on right side and then opening and closing step on left side
[{"0": [17], "1": [7], "10": [7], "2": [17], "3": [7], "4": [17], "5": [7], "6": [17], "7": [7], "8": [8, 11, 14], "9": [17]}, {"0": [14], "1": [5], "10": [5], "2": [14], "3": [5], "4": [14], "5": [5], "6": [14], "7": [5], "8": [6, 9, 12], "9": [14]}]
{"0": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the first step", "name": "arms higher on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "1": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the second step", "name": "arms higher on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "10": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the second step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot"}, "2": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the first step", "name": "arms uneven height on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "3": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the second step", "name": "arms uneven height on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "4": {"description": "the first step out is wider", "name": "wider 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "5": {"description": "the second step out is wider", "name": "wider 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "6": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out", "name": "toes pointed at 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out"}, "7": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out", "name": "toes pointed at 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out"}, "8": {"description": "the motion is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the motion is faster"}, "9": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the first step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during"}}
{"0": "a", "1": "a", "10": "b", "2": "c", "3": "c", "4": "a", "5": "a", "6": "c", "7": "a", "8": "b", "9": "b"}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [2, 24, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000579_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [2, 25, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000509_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}]
Opening and closing step right side first
fitness exercise called opening and closing step on right side and then opening and closing step on left side
[{"0": [15], "1": [6], "10": [6], "2": [15], "3": [6], "4": [15], "5": [6], "6": [15], "7": [6], "8": [6, 9, 12], "9": [15]}, {"0": [17], "1": [7], "10": [7], "2": [17], "3": [7], "4": [17], "5": [7], "6": [17], "7": [7], "8": [8, 11, 14], "9": [17]}]
{"0": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the first step", "name": "arms higher on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "1": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the second step", "name": "arms higher on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "10": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the second step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot"}, "2": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the first step", "name": "arms uneven height on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "3": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the second step", "name": "arms uneven height on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "4": {"description": "the first step out is wider", "name": "wider 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "5": {"description": "the second step out is wider", "name": "wider 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "6": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out", "name": "toes pointed at 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out"}, "7": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out", "name": "toes pointed at 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out"}, "8": {"description": "the motion is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the motion is faster"}, "9": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the first step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during"}}
{"0": "a", "1": "a", "10": "a", "2": "c", "3": "c", "4": "b", "5": "c", "6": "c", "7": "b", "8": "c", "9": "a"}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000466_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 28, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000584_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}]
Opening and closing step right side first
fitness exercise called opening and closing step on right side and then opening and closing step on left side
[{"0": [16], "1": [7], "10": [7], "2": [16], "3": [7], "4": [16], "5": [7], "6": [16], "7": [7], "8": [8, 11, 14], "9": [16]}, {"0": [22], "1": [10], "10": [10], "2": [22], "3": [10], "4": [22], "5": [10], "6": [22], "7": [10], "8": [11, 14, 17], "9": [22]}]
{"0": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the first step", "name": "arms higher on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "1": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the second step", "name": "arms higher on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "10": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the second step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot"}, "2": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the first step", "name": "arms uneven height on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "3": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the second step", "name": "arms uneven height on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "4": {"description": "the first step out is wider", "name": "wider 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "5": {"description": "the second step out is wider", "name": "wider 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "6": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out", "name": "toes pointed at 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out"}, "7": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out", "name": "toes pointed at 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out"}, "8": {"description": "the motion is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the motion is faster"}, "9": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the first step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during"}}
{"0": "a", "1": "c", "10": "b", "2": "a", "3": "c", "4": "a", "5": "a", "6": "a", "7": "a", "8": "a", "9": "c"}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [5, 25, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000542_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 27, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p100074_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}]
Opening and closing step right side first
fitness exercise called opening and closing step on right side and then opening and closing step on left side
[{"0": [14], "1": [5], "10": [5], "2": [14], "3": [5], "4": [14], "5": [5], "6": [14], "7": [5], "8": [6, 9, 12], "9": [14]}, {"0": [22], "1": [10], "10": [10], "2": [22], "3": [10], "4": [22], "5": [10], "6": [22], "7": [10], "8": [12, 15, 18], "9": [22]}]
{"0": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the first step", "name": "arms higher on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "1": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the second step", "name": "arms higher on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "10": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the second step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot"}, "2": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the first step", "name": "arms uneven height on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "3": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the second step", "name": "arms uneven height on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "4": {"description": "the first step out is wider", "name": "wider 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "5": {"description": "the second step out is wider", "name": "wider 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "6": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out", "name": "toes pointed at 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out"}, "7": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out", "name": "toes pointed at 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out"}, "8": {"description": "the motion is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the motion is faster"}, "9": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the first step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during"}}
{"0": "c", "1": "c", "10": "c", "2": "a", "3": "c", "4": "c", "5": "c", "6": "c", "7": "c", "8": "a", "9": "c"}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 27, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p100074_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [2, 25, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000509_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}]
Opening and closing step right side first
fitness exercise called opening and closing step on right side and then opening and closing step on left side
[{"0": [22], "1": [10], "10": [10], "2": [22], "3": [10], "4": [22], "5": [10], "6": [22], "7": [10], "8": [12, 15, 18], "9": [22]}, {"0": [17], "1": [7], "10": [7], "2": [17], "3": [7], "4": [17], "5": [7], "6": [17], "7": [7], "8": [8, 11, 14], "9": [17]}]
{"0": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the first step", "name": "arms higher on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "1": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the second step", "name": "arms higher on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "10": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the second step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot"}, "2": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the first step", "name": "arms uneven height on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "3": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the second step", "name": "arms uneven height on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "4": {"description": "the first step out is wider", "name": "wider 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "5": {"description": "the second step out is wider", "name": "wider 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "6": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out", "name": "toes pointed at 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out"}, "7": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out", "name": "toes pointed at 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out"}, "8": {"description": "the motion is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the motion is faster"}, "9": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the first step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during"}}
{"0": "b", "1": "b", "10": "c", "2": "b", "3": "b", "4": "b", "5": "b", "6": "c", "7": "b", "8": "b", "9": "a"}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 29, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000512_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [2, 24, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000579_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}]
Opening and closing step right side first
fitness exercise called opening and closing step on right side and then opening and closing step on left side
[{"0": [21], "1": [9], "10": [9], "2": [21], "3": [9], "4": [21], "5": [9], "6": [21], "7": [9], "8": [12, 15, 18], "9": [21]}, {"0": [15], "1": [6], "10": [6], "2": [15], "3": [6], "4": [15], "5": [6], "6": [15], "7": [6], "8": [6, 9, 12], "9": [15]}]
{"0": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the first step", "name": "arms higher on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "1": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the second step", "name": "arms higher on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "10": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the second step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot"}, "2": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the first step", "name": "arms uneven height on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "3": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the second step", "name": "arms uneven height on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "4": {"description": "the first step out is wider", "name": "wider 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "5": {"description": "the second step out is wider", "name": "wider 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "6": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out", "name": "toes pointed at 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out"}, "7": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out", "name": "toes pointed at 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out"}, "8": {"description": "the motion is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the motion is faster"}, "9": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the first step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during"}}
{"0": "b", "1": "b", "10": "c", "2": "c", "3": "b", "4": "c", "5": "c", "6": "c", "7": "c", "8": "b", "9": "b"}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [2, 25, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000509_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 29, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000512_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}]
Opening and closing step right side first
fitness exercise called opening and closing step on right side and then opening and closing step on left side
[{"0": [17], "1": [7], "10": [7], "2": [17], "3": [7], "4": [17], "5": [7], "6": [17], "7": [7], "8": [8, 11, 14], "9": [17]}, {"0": [21], "1": [9], "10": [9], "2": [21], "3": [9], "4": [21], "5": [9], "6": [21], "7": [9], "8": [12, 15, 18], "9": [21]}]
{"0": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the first step", "name": "arms higher on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "1": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the second step", "name": "arms higher on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "10": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the second step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot"}, "2": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the first step", "name": "arms uneven height on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "3": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the second step", "name": "arms uneven height on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "4": {"description": "the first step out is wider", "name": "wider 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "5": {"description": "the second step out is wider", "name": "wider 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "6": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out", "name": "toes pointed at 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out"}, "7": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out", "name": "toes pointed at 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out"}, "8": {"description": "the motion is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the motion is faster"}, "9": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the first step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during"}}
{"0": "a", "1": "a", "10": "c", "2": "a", "3": "a", "4": "c", "5": "b", "6": "c", "7": "c", "8": "c", "9": "b"}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [2, 24, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000579_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [5, 25, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000542_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}]
Opening and closing step right side first
fitness exercise called opening and closing step on right side and then opening and closing step on left side
[{"0": [15], "1": [6], "10": [6], "2": [15], "3": [6], "4": [15], "5": [6], "6": [15], "7": [6], "8": [6, 9, 12], "9": [15]}, {"0": [14], "1": [5], "10": [5], "2": [14], "3": [5], "4": [14], "5": [5], "6": [14], "7": [5], "8": [6, 9, 12], "9": [14]}]
{"0": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the first step", "name": "arms higher on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "1": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the second step", "name": "arms higher on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "10": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the second step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot"}, "2": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the first step", "name": "arms uneven height on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "3": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the second step", "name": "arms uneven height on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "4": {"description": "the first step out is wider", "name": "wider 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "5": {"description": "the second step out is wider", "name": "wider 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "6": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out", "name": "toes pointed at 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out"}, "7": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out", "name": "toes pointed at 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out"}, "8": {"description": "the motion is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the motion is faster"}, "9": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the first step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during"}}
{"0": "a", "1": "a", "10": "c", "2": "c", "3": "a", "4": "c", "5": "b", "6": "c", "7": "c", "8": "c", "9": "c"}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 28, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000584_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [2, 25, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000509_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}]
Opening and closing step right side first
fitness exercise called opening and closing step on right side and then opening and closing step on left side
[{"0": [22], "1": [10], "10": [10], "2": [22], "3": [10], "4": [22], "5": [10], "6": [22], "7": [10], "8": [11, 14, 17], "9": [22]}, {"0": [17], "1": [7], "10": [7], "2": [17], "3": [7], "4": [17], "5": [7], "6": [17], "7": [7], "8": [8, 11, 14], "9": [17]}]
{"0": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the first step", "name": "arms higher on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "1": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the second step", "name": "arms higher on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "10": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the second step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot"}, "2": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the first step", "name": "arms uneven height on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "3": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the second step", "name": "arms uneven height on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "4": {"description": "the first step out is wider", "name": "wider 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "5": {"description": "the second step out is wider", "name": "wider 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "6": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out", "name": "toes pointed at 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out"}, "7": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out", "name": "toes pointed at 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out"}, "8": {"description": "the motion is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the motion is faster"}, "9": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the first step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during"}}
{"0": "c", "1": "c", "10": "c", "2": "b", "3": "b", "4": "b", "5": "c", "6": "c", "7": "b", "8": "b", "9": "a"}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000466_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 28, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000584_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}]
Opening and closing step right side first
fitness exercise called opening and closing step on right side and then opening and closing step on left side
[{"0": [16], "1": [7], "10": [7], "2": [16], "3": [7], "4": [16], "5": [7], "6": [16], "7": [7], "8": [8, 11, 14], "9": [16]}, {"0": [22], "1": [10], "10": [10], "2": [22], "3": [10], "4": [22], "5": [10], "6": [22], "7": [10], "8": [11, 14, 17], "9": [22]}]
{"0": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the first step", "name": "arms higher on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "1": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the second step", "name": "arms higher on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "10": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the second step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot"}, "2": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the first step", "name": "arms uneven height on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "3": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the second step", "name": "arms uneven height on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "4": {"description": "the first step out is wider", "name": "wider 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "5": {"description": "the second step out is wider", "name": "wider 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "6": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out", "name": "toes pointed at 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out"}, "7": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out", "name": "toes pointed at 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out"}, "8": {"description": "the motion is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the motion is faster"}, "9": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the first step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during"}}
{"0": "a", "1": "c", "10": "b", "2": "a", "3": "c", "4": "a", "5": "a", "6": "a", "7": "a", "8": "a", "9": "c"}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [5, 25, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000542_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 29, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000512_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}]
Opening and closing step right side first
fitness exercise called opening and closing step on right side and then opening and closing step on left side
[{"0": [14], "1": [5], "10": [5], "2": [14], "3": [5], "4": [14], "5": [5], "6": [14], "7": [5], "8": [6, 9, 12], "9": [14]}, {"0": [21], "1": [9], "10": [9], "2": [21], "3": [9], "4": [21], "5": [9], "6": [21], "7": [9], "8": [12, 15, 18], "9": [21]}]
{"0": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the first step", "name": "arms higher on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "1": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the second step", "name": "arms higher on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "10": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the second step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot"}, "2": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the first step", "name": "arms uneven height on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "3": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the second step", "name": "arms uneven height on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "4": {"description": "the first step out is wider", "name": "wider 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "5": {"description": "the second step out is wider", "name": "wider 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "6": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out", "name": "toes pointed at 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out"}, "7": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out", "name": "toes pointed at 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out"}, "8": {"description": "the motion is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the motion is faster"}, "9": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the first step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during"}}
{"0": "c", "1": "c", "10": "c", "2": "a", "3": "a", "4": "b", "5": "c", "6": "c", "7": "c", "8": "a", "9": "a"}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 27, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p100074_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [2, 24, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000579_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}]
Opening and closing step right side first
fitness exercise called opening and closing step on right side and then opening and closing step on left side
[{"0": [22], "1": [10], "10": [10], "2": [22], "3": [10], "4": [22], "5": [10], "6": [22], "7": [10], "8": [12, 15, 18], "9": [22]}, {"0": [15], "1": [6], "10": [6], "2": [15], "3": [6], "4": [15], "5": [6], "6": [15], "7": [6], "8": [6, 9, 12], "9": [15]}]
{"0": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the first step", "name": "arms higher on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "1": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the second step", "name": "arms higher on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "10": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the second step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot"}, "2": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the first step", "name": "arms uneven height on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "3": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the second step", "name": "arms uneven height on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "4": {"description": "the first step out is wider", "name": "wider 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "5": {"description": "the second step out is wider", "name": "wider 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "6": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out", "name": "toes pointed at 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out"}, "7": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out", "name": "toes pointed at 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out"}, "8": {"description": "the motion is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the motion is faster"}, "9": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the first step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during"}}
{"0": "b", "1": "b", "10": "a", "2": "b", "3": "b", "4": "b", "5": "c", "6": "b", "7": "c", "8": "b", "9": "c"}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [2, 25, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000509_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 29, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000512_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}]
Opening and closing step right side first
fitness exercise called opening and closing step on right side and then opening and closing step on left side
[{"0": [17], "1": [7], "10": [7], "2": [17], "3": [7], "4": [17], "5": [7], "6": [17], "7": [7], "8": [8, 11, 14], "9": [17]}, {"0": [21], "1": [9], "10": [9], "2": [21], "3": [9], "4": [21], "5": [9], "6": [21], "7": [9], "8": [12, 15, 18], "9": [21]}]
{"0": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the first step", "name": "arms higher on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "1": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the second step", "name": "arms higher on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "10": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the second step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot"}, "2": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the first step", "name": "arms uneven height on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "3": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the second step", "name": "arms uneven height on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "4": {"description": "the first step out is wider", "name": "wider 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "5": {"description": "the second step out is wider", "name": "wider 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "6": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out", "name": "toes pointed at 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out"}, "7": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out", "name": "toes pointed at 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out"}, "8": {"description": "the motion is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the motion is faster"}, "9": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the first step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during"}}
{"0": "a", "1": "a", "10": "c", "2": "a", "3": "a", "4": "c", "5": "b", "6": "c", "7": "c", "8": "c", "9": "b"}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [2, 24, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000579_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 28, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000584_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}]
Opening and closing step right side first
fitness exercise called opening and closing step on right side and then opening and closing step on left side
[{"0": [15], "1": [6], "10": [6], "2": [15], "3": [6], "4": [15], "5": [6], "6": [15], "7": [6], "8": [6, 9, 12], "9": [15]}, {"0": [22], "1": [10], "10": [10], "2": [22], "3": [10], "4": [22], "5": [10], "6": [22], "7": [10], "8": [11, 14, 17], "9": [22]}]
{"0": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the first step", "name": "arms higher on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "1": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the second step", "name": "arms higher on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "10": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the second step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot"}, "2": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the first step", "name": "arms uneven height on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "3": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the second step", "name": "arms uneven height on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "4": {"description": "the first step out is wider", "name": "wider 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "5": {"description": "the second step out is wider", "name": "wider 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "6": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out", "name": "toes pointed at 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out"}, "7": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out", "name": "toes pointed at 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out"}, "8": {"description": "the motion is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the motion is faster"}, "9": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the first step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during"}}
{"0": "a", "1": "a", "10": "c", "2": "a", "3": "a", "4": "b", "5": "c", "6": "a", "7": "c", "8": "a", "9": "b"}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 28, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000584_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 29, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000512_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}]
Opening and closing step right side first
fitness exercise called opening and closing step on right side and then opening and closing step on left side
[{"0": [22], "1": [10], "10": [10], "2": [22], "3": [10], "4": [22], "5": [10], "6": [22], "7": [10], "8": [11, 14, 17], "9": [22]}, {"0": [21], "1": [9], "10": [9], "2": [21], "3": [9], "4": [21], "5": [9], "6": [21], "7": [9], "8": [12, 15, 18], "9": [21]}]
{"0": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the first step", "name": "arms higher on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "1": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the second step", "name": "arms higher on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "10": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the second step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot"}, "2": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the first step", "name": "arms uneven height on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "3": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the second step", "name": "arms uneven height on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "4": {"description": "the first step out is wider", "name": "wider 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "5": {"description": "the second step out is wider", "name": "wider 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "6": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out", "name": "toes pointed at 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out"}, "7": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out", "name": "toes pointed at 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out"}, "8": {"description": "the motion is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the motion is faster"}, "9": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the first step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during"}}
{"0": "a", "1": "c", "10": "c", "2": "b", "3": "c", "4": "b", "5": "b", "6": "b", "7": "b", "8": "b", "9": "a"}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 21, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000466_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 27, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p100074_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}]
Opening and closing step right side first
fitness exercise called opening and closing step on right side and then opening and closing step on left side
[{"0": [16], "1": [7], "10": [7], "2": [16], "3": [7], "4": [16], "5": [7], "6": [16], "7": [7], "8": [8, 11, 14], "9": [16]}, {"0": [22], "1": [10], "10": [10], "2": [22], "3": [10], "4": [22], "5": [10], "6": [22], "7": [10], "8": [12, 15, 18], "9": [22]}]
{"0": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the first step", "name": "arms higher on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "1": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the second step", "name": "arms higher on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "10": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the second step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot"}, "2": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the first step", "name": "arms uneven height on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "3": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the second step", "name": "arms uneven height on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "4": {"description": "the first step out is wider", "name": "wider 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "5": {"description": "the second step out is wider", "name": "wider 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "6": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out", "name": "toes pointed at 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out"}, "7": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out", "name": "toes pointed at 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out"}, "8": {"description": "the motion is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the motion is faster"}, "9": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the first step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during"}}
{"0": "a", "1": "a", "10": "b", "2": "a", "3": "c", "4": "a", "5": "a", "6": "a", "7": "c", "8": "c", "9": "b"}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [5, 25, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000542_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 29, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000512_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}]
Opening and closing step right side first
fitness exercise called opening and closing step on right side and then opening and closing step on left side
[{"0": [14], "1": [5], "10": [5], "2": [14], "3": [5], "4": [14], "5": [5], "6": [14], "7": [5], "8": [6, 9, 12], "9": [14]}, {"0": [21], "1": [9], "10": [9], "2": [21], "3": [9], "4": [21], "5": [9], "6": [21], "7": [9], "8": [12, 15, 18], "9": [21]}]
{"0": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the first step", "name": "arms higher on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "1": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the second step", "name": "arms higher on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "10": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the second step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot"}, "2": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the first step", "name": "arms uneven height on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "3": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the second step", "name": "arms uneven height on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "4": {"description": "the first step out is wider", "name": "wider 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "5": {"description": "the second step out is wider", "name": "wider 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "6": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out", "name": "toes pointed at 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out"}, "7": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out", "name": "toes pointed at 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out"}, "8": {"description": "the motion is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the motion is faster"}, "9": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the first step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during"}}
{"0": "c", "1": "c", "10": "c", "2": "a", "3": "a", "4": "b", "5": "c", "6": "c", "7": "c", "8": "a", "9": "a"}
[{"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [0, 27, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p100074_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}, {"fps_original": 8.0, "frames_trim": [5, 25, null], "path": "data/src_humman/p000542_a000048/kinect_color/kinect_000"}]
Opening and closing step right side first
fitness exercise called opening and closing step on right side and then opening and closing step on left side
[{"0": [22], "1": [10], "10": [10], "2": [22], "3": [10], "4": [22], "5": [10], "6": [22], "7": [10], "8": [12, 15, 18], "9": [22]}, {"0": [14], "1": [5], "10": [5], "2": [14], "3": [5], "4": [14], "5": [5], "6": [14], "7": [5], "8": [6, 9, 12], "9": [14]}]
{"0": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the first step", "name": "arms higher on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "1": {"description": "the arms reach higher on the second step", "name": "arms higher on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "arms at a higher angle"}, "10": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the second step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot"}, "2": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the first step", "name": "arms uneven height on 1st step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "3": {"description": "the arms are elevated in an uneven way on the second step", "name": "arms uneven height on 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the arms are elevated in a more uneven way"}, "4": {"description": "the first step out is wider", "name": "wider 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "5": {"description": "the second step out is wider", "name": "wider 2nd step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "foot stance is wider"}, "6": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out", "name": "toes pointed at 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the first step out"}, "7": {"description": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out", "name": "toes pointed at 2nd step", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the toes are more pointed outwards on the second step out"}, "8": {"description": "the motion is faster", "name": "speed", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "the motion is faster"}, "9": {"description": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during the first step out", "name": "upper body moves out more on 1st step out", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "the torso moves out further closer to the foot during"}}
{"0": "c", "1": "c", "10": "c", "2": "b", "3": "c", "4": "c", "5": "c", "6": "c", "7": "c", "8": "b", "9": "c"}
[{"fps_original": 12.0, "frames_trim": [16, 95, null], "path": "data/src_FineDiving/FINADivingWorldCup2021_Women10m_semifinal_r3/17"}, {"fps_original": 12.0, "frames_trim": [32, 95, null], "path": "data/src_FineDiving/FINADivingWorldCup2021_Men10m_semifinal_r2/17"}]
competitive diving from 10m
[{"0": [46], "1": [78], "2": [21, 25, 29], "3": [18, 22, 26], "4": [2], "5": [17], "6": [46]}, {"0": [44], "1": [62], "2": [20, 24, 28], "3": [12, 16, 20], "4": [2], "5": [12], "6": [44]}]
{"0": {"description": "Diver enters the water at an angle closer to 90 degrees", "name": "Entry Angle", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "more perpendicular to water"}, "1": {"description": "The size and volume of the splash created upon entry is larger", "name": "Splash Size", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "larger splash"}, "2": {"description": "Duration from jump off the board to water entry is longer", "name": "Time in Air", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "longer time in the air"}, "3": {"description": "Speed at which divers rotate during the dive is faster", "name": "Speed of Rotation", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "faster rotation"}, "4": {"description": "Diver faces the water at jump off", "name": "Diver Faces Water", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "water facing"}, "5": {"description": "Diver rotates forward relative to themselves", "name": "Rotation Direction", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "forward rotation"}, "6": {"description": "Diver's body is more straight", "name": "Straight Body", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "straighter body"}}
{"0": "a", "1": "b", "2": "b", "3": "c", "4": "c", "5": "c", "6": "c"}
[{"fps_original": 12.0, "frames_trim": [30, 99, null], "path": "data/src_FineDiving/FINADivingWorldCup2021_Women10m_semifinal_r4/16"}, {"fps_original": 12.0, "frames_trim": [26, 91, null], "path": "data/src_FineDiving/FINADivingWorldCup2021_Women10m_semifinal_r2/3"}]
competitive diving from 10m
[{"0": [42], "1": [68], "2": [18, 22, 26], "3": [16, 20, 24], "4": [1], "5": [17], "6": [42]}, {"0": [44], "1": [64], "2": [20, 24, 28], "3": [16, 20, 24], "4": [2], "5": [16], "6": [44]}]
{"0": {"description": "Diver enters the water at an angle closer to 90 degrees", "name": "Entry Angle", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "more perpendicular to water"}, "1": {"description": "The size and volume of the splash created upon entry is larger", "name": "Splash Size", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "larger splash"}, "2": {"description": "Duration from jump off the board to water entry is longer", "name": "Time in Air", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "longer time in the air"}, "3": {"description": "Speed at which divers rotate during the dive is faster", "name": "Speed of Rotation", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "faster rotation"}, "4": {"description": "Diver faces the water at jump off", "name": "Diver Faces Water", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "water facing"}, "5": {"description": "Diver rotates forward relative to themselves", "name": "Rotation Direction", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "forward rotation"}, "6": {"description": "Diver's body is more straight", "name": "Straight Body", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "straighter body"}}
{"0": "c", "1": "a", "2": "b", "3": "c", "4": "c", "5": "c", "6": "b"}
[{"fps_original": 12.0, "frames_trim": [51, 100, null], "path": "data/src_FineDiving/FINAWorldChampionships2019_Women10m_final_r1/2"}, {"fps_original": 12.0, "frames_trim": [39, 97, null], "path": "data/src_FineDiving/FINAWorldChampionships2019_Men10m_final_r4/5"}]
competitive diving from 10m
[{"0": [42], "1": [48], "2": [20, 24, 28], "3": [11, 15, 19], "4": [3], "5": [9], "6": [42]}, {"0": [43], "1": [57], "2": [19, 23, 27], "3": [12, 16, 20], "4": [1], "5": [13], "6": [43]}]
{"0": {"description": "Diver enters the water at an angle closer to 90 degrees", "name": "Entry Angle", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "more perpendicular to water"}, "1": {"description": "The size and volume of the splash created upon entry is larger", "name": "Splash Size", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "larger splash"}, "2": {"description": "Duration from jump off the board to water entry is longer", "name": "Time in Air", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "longer time in the air"}, "3": {"description": "Speed at which divers rotate during the dive is faster", "name": "Speed of Rotation", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "faster rotation"}, "4": {"description": "Diver faces the water at jump off", "name": "Diver Faces Water", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "water facing"}, "5": {"description": "Diver rotates forward relative to themselves", "name": "Rotation Direction", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "forward rotation"}, "6": {"description": "Diver's body is more straight", "name": "Straight Body", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "straighter body"}}
{"0": "c", "1": "a", "2": "b", "3": "b", "4": "c", "5": "c", "6": "a"}
[{"fps_original": 12.0, "frames_trim": [32, 95, null], "path": "data/src_FineDiving/FINADivingWorldCup2021_Men10m_semifinal_r2/17"}, {"fps_original": 12.0, "frames_trim": [22, 87, null], "path": "data/src_FineDiving/FINADivingWorldCup2021_Men10m_semifinal_r1/0"}]
competitive diving from 10m
[{"0": [44], "1": [62], "2": [20, 24, 28], "3": [12, 16, 20], "4": [2], "5": [12], "6": [44]}, {"0": [44], "1": [64], "2": [20, 24, 28], "3": [14, 18, 22], "4": [2], "5": [13], "6": [44]}]
{"0": {"description": "Diver enters the water at an angle closer to 90 degrees", "name": "Entry Angle", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "more perpendicular to water"}, "1": {"description": "The size and volume of the splash created upon entry is larger", "name": "Splash Size", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "larger splash"}, "2": {"description": "Duration from jump off the board to water entry is longer", "name": "Time in Air", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "longer time in the air"}, "3": {"description": "Speed at which divers rotate during the dive is faster", "name": "Speed of Rotation", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "faster rotation"}, "4": {"description": "Diver faces the water at jump off", "name": "Diver Faces Water", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "water facing"}, "5": {"description": "Diver rotates forward relative to themselves", "name": "Rotation Direction", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "forward rotation"}, "6": {"description": "Diver's body is more straight", "name": "Straight Body", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "straighter body"}}
{"0": "b", "1": "c", "2": "c", "3": "a", "4": "c", "5": "c", "6": "a"}
[{"fps_original": 12.0, "frames_trim": [1, 87, null], "path": "data/src_FineDiving/FINADivingWorldCup2021_Women10m_semifinal_r2/7"}, {"fps_original": 12.0, "frames_trim": [19, 94, null], "path": "data/src_FineDiving/FINAWorldChampionships2019_Women10m_final_r5/4"}]
competitive diving from 10m
[{"0": [60], "1": [85], "2": [34, 38, 42], "3": [29, 33, 37], "4": [8], "5": [16], "6": [60]}, {"0": [45], "1": [74], "2": [21, 25, 29], "3": [15, 19, 23], "4": [2], "5": [14], "6": [45]}]
{"0": {"description": "Diver enters the water at an angle closer to 90 degrees", "name": "Entry Angle", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "more perpendicular to water"}, "1": {"description": "The size and volume of the splash created upon entry is larger", "name": "Splash Size", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "larger splash"}, "2": {"description": "Duration from jump off the board to water entry is longer", "name": "Time in Air", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "longer time in the air"}, "3": {"description": "Speed at which divers rotate during the dive is faster", "name": "Speed of Rotation", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "faster rotation"}, "4": {"description": "Diver faces the water at jump off", "name": "Diver Faces Water", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "water facing"}, "5": {"description": "Diver rotates forward relative to themselves", "name": "Rotation Direction", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "forward rotation"}, "6": {"description": "Diver's body is more straight", "name": "Straight Body", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "straighter body"}}
{"0": "c", "1": "c", "2": "c", "3": "c", "4": "c", "5": "b", "6": "b"}
[{"fps_original": 12.0, "frames_trim": [1, 86, null], "path": "data/src_FineDiving/FINADivingWorldCup2021_Women10m_semifinal_r2/14"}, {"fps_original": 12.0, "frames_trim": [1, 94, null], "path": "data/src_FineDiving/Budapest2021Diving10mPlatformWomenFinal_2/9"}]
competitive diving from 10m
[{"0": [61], "1": [84], "2": [36, 40, 44], "3": [28, 32, 36], "4": [10], "5": [12], "6": [61]}, {"0": [66], "1": [92], "2": [45, 49, 53], "3": [42, 46, 50], "4": [16], "5": [14], "6": [66]}]
{"0": {"description": "Diver enters the water at an angle closer to 90 degrees", "name": "Entry Angle", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "more perpendicular to water"}, "1": {"description": "The size and volume of the splash created upon entry is larger", "name": "Splash Size", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "larger splash"}, "2": {"description": "Duration from jump off the board to water entry is longer", "name": "Time in Air", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "longer time in the air"}, "3": {"description": "Speed at which divers rotate during the dive is faster", "name": "Speed of Rotation", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "faster rotation"}, "4": {"description": "Diver faces the water at jump off", "name": "Diver Faces Water", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "water facing"}, "5": {"description": "Diver rotates forward relative to themselves", "name": "Rotation Direction", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "forward rotation"}, "6": {"description": "Diver's body is more straight", "name": "Straight Body", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "straighter body"}}
{"0": "a", "1": "c", "2": "a", "3": "a", "4": "b", "5": "c", "6": "b"}
[{"fps_original": 12.0, "frames_trim": [1, 94, null], "path": "data/src_FineDiving/Budapest2021Diving10mPlatformWomenFinal_2/9"}, {"fps_original": 12.0, "frames_trim": [32, 92, null], "path": "data/src_FineDiving/FINAWorldChampionships2019_Women10m_final_r2/11"}]
competitive diving from 10m
[{"0": [66], "1": [92], "2": [45, 49, 53], "3": [42, 46, 50], "4": [16], "5": [14], "6": [66]}, {"0": [44], "1": [59], "2": [20, 24, 28], "3": [16, 20, 24], "4": [2], "5": [16], "6": [44]}]
{"0": {"description": "Diver enters the water at an angle closer to 90 degrees", "name": "Entry Angle", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "more perpendicular to water"}, "1": {"description": "The size and volume of the splash created upon entry is larger", "name": "Splash Size", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "larger splash"}, "2": {"description": "Duration from jump off the board to water entry is longer", "name": "Time in Air", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "longer time in the air"}, "3": {"description": "Speed at which divers rotate during the dive is faster", "name": "Speed of Rotation", "num_frames": "gt_1", "query_string": "faster rotation"}, "4": {"description": "Diver faces the water at jump off", "name": "Diver Faces Water", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "water facing"}, "5": {"description": "Diver rotates forward relative to themselves", "name": "Rotation Direction", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "forward rotation"}, "6": {"description": "Diver's body is more straight", "name": "Straight Body", "num_frames": "1", "query_string": "straighter body"}}
{"0": "b", "1": "c", "2": "b", "3": "b", "4": "a", "5": "b", "6": "a"}