license: cc-by-nc-nd-4.0
## Credits

This dataset was collected and curated by:  

- **Kuniaki Uto** (Institute of Science Tokyo)  
- **Mohamad Jouni** (Grenoble Institute of Technology)  
- **Daniele Picone** (Grenoble Institute of Technology)  
- **Mauro Dalla Mura** (Grenoble Institute of Technology)  

The data was collected over the rice and soybean fields of the **Yamagata University - Faculty of Agriculture, Tsuruoka, Japan**.  

If you use this dataset in your research or projects, please credit the authors.

> *This dataset was created by Mohamad Jouni, Daniele Picone, Mauro Dalla Mura, and Kuniaki Uto and is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.*  

If you have any questions, feel free to open an issue in this repository or reach out via either one or all of the following emails:
* [uto@wise-sss.titech.ac.jp]
* [mohamad.jouni@grenoble-inp.fr]
* [daniele.picone@grenoble-inp.fr]
* [mauro.dalla-mura@grenoble-inp.fr]