commited on
Processed data from AutoTrain data processor ([2023-03-11 21:19 ]
Browse files- +59 -0
- processed/dataset_dict.json +1 -0
- processed/train/dataset.arrow +3 -0
- processed/train/dataset_info.json +134 -0
- processed/train/state.json +19 -0
- processed/valid/dataset.arrow +3 -0
- processed/valid/dataset_info.json +134 -0
- processed/valid/state.json +19 -0
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
- image-classification
4 |
5 |
6 |
# AutoTrain Dataset for project: vision-tcg
7 |
8 |
## Dataset Description
9 |
10 |
This dataset has been automatically processed by AutoTrain for project vision-tcg.
11 |
12 |
### Languages
13 |
14 |
The BCP-47 code for the dataset's language is unk.
15 |
16 |
## Dataset Structure
17 |
18 |
### Data Instances
19 |
20 |
A sample from this dataset looks as follows:
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
"image": "<600x825 RGB PIL image>",
26 |
"target": 0,
27 |
"feat_Unnamed: 2": null,
28 |
"feat_Unnamed: 3": null
29 |
30 |
31 |
"image": "<600x825 RGB PIL image>",
32 |
"target": 14,
33 |
"feat_Unnamed: 2": null,
34 |
"feat_Unnamed: 3": null
35 |
36 |
37 |
38 |
39 |
### Dataset Fields
40 |
41 |
The dataset has the following fields (also called "features"):
42 |
43 |
44 |
45 |
"image": "Image(decode=True, id=None)",
46 |
"target": "ClassLabel(names=['base1-1 Alakazam Pok\u00e9mon Psychic Rare Holo', 'base1-10 Mewtwo Pok\u00e9mon Psychic Rare Holo', 'base1-100 Lightning Energy Energy', 'base1-101 Psychic Energy Energy', 'base1-102 Water Energy Energy', 'base1-11 Nidoking Pok\u00e9mon Grass Rare Holo', 'base1-12 Ninetales Pok\u00e9mon Fire Rare Holo', 'base1-13 Poliwrath Pok\u00e9mon Water Rare Holo', 'base1-14 Raichu Pok\u00e9mon Lightning Rare Holo', 'base1-15 Venusaur Pok\u00e9mon Grass Rare Holo', 'base1-16 Zapdos Pok\u00e9mon Lightning Rare Holo', 'base1-17 Beedrill Pok\u00e9mon Grass Rare', 'base1-18 Dragonair Pok\u00e9mon Colorless Rare', 'base1-19 Dugtrio Pok\u00e9mon Fighting Rare', 'base1-2 Blastoise Pok\u00e9mon Water Rare Holo', 'base1-20 Electabuzz Pok\u00e9mon Lightning Rare', 'base1-21 Electrode Pok\u00e9mon Lightning Rare', 'base1-22 Pidgeotto Pok\u00e9mon Colorless Rare', 'base1-23 Arcanine Pok\u00e9mon Fire Uncommon', 'base1-24 Charmeleon Pok\u00e9mon Fire Uncommon', 'base1-25 Dewgong Pok\u00e9mon Water Uncommon', 'base1-26 Dratini Pok\u00e9mon Colorless Uncommon', \"base1-27 Farfetch'd Pok\u00e9mon Colorless Uncommon\", 'base1-28 Growlithe Pok\u00e9mon Fire Uncommon', 'base1-29 Haunter Pok\u00e9mon Psychic Uncommon', 'base1-3 Chansey Pok\u00e9mon Colorless Rare Holo', 'base1-30 Ivysaur Pok\u00e9mon Grass Uncommon', 'base1-31 Jynx Pok\u00e9mon Psychic Uncommon', 'base1-32 Kadabra Pok\u00e9mon Psychic Uncommon', 'base1-33 Kakuna Pok\u00e9mon Grass Uncommon', 'base1-34 Machoke Pok\u00e9mon Fighting Uncommon', 'base1-35 Magikarp Pok\u00e9mon Water Uncommon', 'base1-36 Magmar Pok\u00e9mon Fire Uncommon', 'base1-37 Nidorino Pok\u00e9mon Grass Uncommon', 'base1-38 Poliwhirl Pok\u00e9mon Water Uncommon', 'base1-39 Porygon Pok\u00e9mon Colorless Uncommon', 'base1-4 Charizard Pok\u00e9mon Fire Rare Holo', 'base1-40 Raticate Pok\u00e9mon Colorless Uncommon', 'base1-41 Seel Pok\u00e9mon Water Uncommon', 'base1-42 Wartortle Pok\u00e9mon Water Uncommon', 'base1-43 Abra Pok\u00e9mon Psychic Common', 'base1-44 Bulbasaur Pok\u00e9mon Grass Common', 'base1-45 Caterpie Pok\u00e9mon Grass Common', 'base1-46 Charmander Pok\u00e9mon Fire Common', 'base1-47 Diglett Pok\u00e9mon Fighting Common', 'base1-48 Doduo Pok\u00e9mon Colorless Common', 'base1-49 Drowzee Pok\u00e9mon Psychic Common', 'base1-5 Clefairy Pok\u00e9mon Colorless Rare Holo', 'base1-50 Gastly Pok\u00e9mon Psychic Common', 'base1-51 Koffing Pok\u00e9mon Grass Common', 'base1-52 Machop Pok\u00e9mon Fighting Common', 'base1-53 Magnemite Pok\u00e9mon Lightning Common', 'base1-54 Metapod Pok\u00e9mon Grass Common', 'base1-55 Nidoran \u2642 Pok\u00e9mon Grass Common', 'base1-56 Onix Pok\u00e9mon Fighting Common', 'base1-57 Pidgey Pok\u00e9mon Colorless Common', 'base1-58 Pikachu Pok\u00e9mon Lightning Common', 'base1-59 Poliwag Pok\u00e9mon Water Common', 'base1-6 Gyarados Pok\u00e9mon Water Rare Holo', 'base1-60 Ponyta Pok\u00e9mon Fire Common', 'base1-61 Rattata Pok\u00e9mon Colorless Common', 'base1-62 Sandshrew Pok\u00e9mon Fighting Common', 'base1-63 Squirtle Pok\u00e9mon Water Common', 'base1-64 Starmie Pok\u00e9mon Water Common', 'base1-65 Staryu Pok\u00e9mon Water Common', 'base1-66 Tangela Pok\u00e9mon Grass Common', 'base1-67 Voltorb Pok\u00e9mon Lightning Common', 'base1-68 Vulpix Pok\u00e9mon Fire Common', 'base1-69 Weedle Pok\u00e9mon Grass Common', 'base1-7 Hitmonchan Pok\u00e9mon Fighting Rare Holo', 'base1-70 Clefairy Doll Trainer Rare', 'base1-71 Computer Search Trainer Rare', 'base1-72 Devolution Spray Trainer Rare', 'base1-73 Impostor Professor Oak Trainer Rare', 'base1-74 Item Finder Trainer Rare', 'base1-75 Lass Trainer Rare', 'base1-76 Pok\u00e9mon Breeder Trainer Rare', 'base1-77 Pok\u00e9mon Trader Trainer Rare', 'base1-78 Scoop Up Trainer Rare', 'base1-79 Super Energy Removal Trainer Rare', 'base1-8 Machamp Pok\u00e9mon Fighting Rare Holo', 'base1-80 Defender Trainer Uncommon', 'base1-81 Energy Retrieval Trainer Uncommon', 'base1-82 Full Heal Trainer Uncommon', 'base1-83 Maintenance Trainer Uncommon', 'base1-84 PlusPower Trainer Uncommon', 'base1-85 Pok\u00e9mon Center Trainer Uncommon', 'base1-86 Pok\u00e9mon Flute Trainer Uncommon', 'base1-87 Pok\u00e9dex Trainer Uncommon', 'base1-88 Professor Oak Trainer Uncommon', 'base1-89 Revive Trainer Uncommon', 'base1-9 Magneton Pok\u00e9mon Lightning Rare Holo', 'base1-90 Super Potion Trainer Uncommon', 'base1-91 Bill Trainer Common', 'base1-92 Energy Removal Trainer Common', 'base1-93 Gust of Wind Trainer Common', 'base1-94 Potion Trainer Common', 'base1-95 Switch Trainer Common', 'base1-96 Double Colorless Energy Energy Uncommon', 'base1-97 Fighting Energy Energy', 'base1-98 Fire Energy Energy', 'base1-99 Grass Energy Energy'], id=None)",
47 |
"feat_Unnamed: 2": "Value(dtype='float64', id=None)",
48 |
"feat_Unnamed: 3": "Value(dtype='float64', id=None)"
49 |
50 |
51 |
52 |
### Dataset Splits
53 |
54 |
This dataset is split into a train and validation split. The split sizes are as follow:
55 |
56 |
| Split name | Num samples |
57 |
| ------------ | ------------------- |
58 |
| train | 102 |
59 |
| valid | 102 |
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 |
{"splits": ["train", "valid"]}
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
2 |
oid sha256:b8a1f50a14ab559dc6345cdbff0993b771ef720a33cd4ddaed7127d95f216de3
3 |
size 84952944
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
1 |
2 |
"citation": "",
3 |
"description": "AutoTrain generated dataset",
4 |
"features": {
5 |
"image": {
6 |
"_type": "Image"
7 |
8 |
"target": {
9 |
"names": [
10 |
"base1-1 Alakazam Pok\u00e9mon Psychic Rare Holo",
11 |
"base1-10 Mewtwo Pok\u00e9mon Psychic Rare Holo",
12 |
"base1-100 Lightning Energy Energy",
13 |
"base1-101 Psychic Energy Energy",
14 |
"base1-102 Water Energy Energy",
15 |
"base1-11 Nidoking Pok\u00e9mon Grass Rare Holo",
16 |
"base1-12 Ninetales Pok\u00e9mon Fire Rare Holo",
17 |
"base1-13 Poliwrath Pok\u00e9mon Water Rare Holo",
18 |
"base1-14 Raichu Pok\u00e9mon Lightning Rare Holo",
19 |
"base1-15 Venusaur Pok\u00e9mon Grass Rare Holo",
20 |
"base1-16 Zapdos Pok\u00e9mon Lightning Rare Holo",
21 |
"base1-17 Beedrill Pok\u00e9mon Grass Rare",
22 |
"base1-18 Dragonair Pok\u00e9mon Colorless Rare",
23 |
"base1-19 Dugtrio Pok\u00e9mon Fighting Rare",
24 |
"base1-2 Blastoise Pok\u00e9mon Water Rare Holo",
25 |
"base1-20 Electabuzz Pok\u00e9mon Lightning Rare",
26 |
"base1-21 Electrode Pok\u00e9mon Lightning Rare",
27 |
"base1-22 Pidgeotto Pok\u00e9mon Colorless Rare",
28 |
"base1-23 Arcanine Pok\u00e9mon Fire Uncommon",
29 |
"base1-24 Charmeleon Pok\u00e9mon Fire Uncommon",
30 |
"base1-25 Dewgong Pok\u00e9mon Water Uncommon",
31 |
"base1-26 Dratini Pok\u00e9mon Colorless Uncommon",
32 |
"base1-27 Farfetch'd Pok\u00e9mon Colorless Uncommon",
33 |
"base1-28 Growlithe Pok\u00e9mon Fire Uncommon",
34 |
"base1-29 Haunter Pok\u00e9mon Psychic Uncommon",
35 |
"base1-3 Chansey Pok\u00e9mon Colorless Rare Holo",
36 |
"base1-30 Ivysaur Pok\u00e9mon Grass Uncommon",
37 |
"base1-31 Jynx Pok\u00e9mon Psychic Uncommon",
38 |
"base1-32 Kadabra Pok\u00e9mon Psychic Uncommon",
39 |
"base1-33 Kakuna Pok\u00e9mon Grass Uncommon",
40 |
"base1-34 Machoke Pok\u00e9mon Fighting Uncommon",
41 |
"base1-35 Magikarp Pok\u00e9mon Water Uncommon",
42 |
"base1-36 Magmar Pok\u00e9mon Fire Uncommon",
43 |
"base1-37 Nidorino Pok\u00e9mon Grass Uncommon",
44 |
"base1-38 Poliwhirl Pok\u00e9mon Water Uncommon",
45 |
"base1-39 Porygon Pok\u00e9mon Colorless Uncommon",
46 |
"base1-4 Charizard Pok\u00e9mon Fire Rare Holo",
47 |
"base1-40 Raticate Pok\u00e9mon Colorless Uncommon",
48 |
"base1-41 Seel Pok\u00e9mon Water Uncommon",
49 |
"base1-42 Wartortle Pok\u00e9mon Water Uncommon",
50 |
"base1-43 Abra Pok\u00e9mon Psychic Common",
51 |
"base1-44 Bulbasaur Pok\u00e9mon Grass Common",
52 |
"base1-45 Caterpie Pok\u00e9mon Grass Common",
53 |
"base1-46 Charmander Pok\u00e9mon Fire Common",
54 |
"base1-47 Diglett Pok\u00e9mon Fighting Common",
55 |
"base1-48 Doduo Pok\u00e9mon Colorless Common",
56 |
"base1-49 Drowzee Pok\u00e9mon Psychic Common",
57 |
"base1-5 Clefairy Pok\u00e9mon Colorless Rare Holo",
58 |
"base1-50 Gastly Pok\u00e9mon Psychic Common",
59 |
"base1-51 Koffing Pok\u00e9mon Grass Common",
60 |
"base1-52 Machop Pok\u00e9mon Fighting Common",
61 |
"base1-53 Magnemite Pok\u00e9mon Lightning Common",
62 |
"base1-54 Metapod Pok\u00e9mon Grass Common",
63 |
"base1-55 Nidoran \u2642 Pok\u00e9mon Grass Common",
64 |
"base1-56 Onix Pok\u00e9mon Fighting Common",
65 |
"base1-57 Pidgey Pok\u00e9mon Colorless Common",
66 |
"base1-58 Pikachu Pok\u00e9mon Lightning Common",
67 |
"base1-59 Poliwag Pok\u00e9mon Water Common",
68 |
"base1-6 Gyarados Pok\u00e9mon Water Rare Holo",
69 |
"base1-60 Ponyta Pok\u00e9mon Fire Common",
70 |
"base1-61 Rattata Pok\u00e9mon Colorless Common",
71 |
"base1-62 Sandshrew Pok\u00e9mon Fighting Common",
72 |
"base1-63 Squirtle Pok\u00e9mon Water Common",
73 |
"base1-64 Starmie Pok\u00e9mon Water Common",
74 |
"base1-65 Staryu Pok\u00e9mon Water Common",
75 |
"base1-66 Tangela Pok\u00e9mon Grass Common",
76 |
"base1-67 Voltorb Pok\u00e9mon Lightning Common",
77 |
"base1-68 Vulpix Pok\u00e9mon Fire Common",
78 |
"base1-69 Weedle Pok\u00e9mon Grass Common",
79 |
"base1-7 Hitmonchan Pok\u00e9mon Fighting Rare Holo",
80 |
"base1-70 Clefairy Doll Trainer Rare",
81 |
"base1-71 Computer Search Trainer Rare",
82 |
"base1-72 Devolution Spray Trainer Rare",
83 |
"base1-73 Impostor Professor Oak Trainer Rare",
84 |
"base1-74 Item Finder Trainer Rare",
85 |
"base1-75 Lass Trainer Rare",
86 |
"base1-76 Pok\u00e9mon Breeder Trainer Rare",
87 |
"base1-77 Pok\u00e9mon Trader Trainer Rare",
88 |
"base1-78 Scoop Up Trainer Rare",
89 |
"base1-79 Super Energy Removal Trainer Rare",
90 |
"base1-8 Machamp Pok\u00e9mon Fighting Rare Holo",
91 |
"base1-80 Defender Trainer Uncommon",
92 |
"base1-81 Energy Retrieval Trainer Uncommon",
93 |
"base1-82 Full Heal Trainer Uncommon",
94 |
"base1-83 Maintenance Trainer Uncommon",
95 |
"base1-84 PlusPower Trainer Uncommon",
96 |
"base1-85 Pok\u00e9mon Center Trainer Uncommon",
97 |
"base1-86 Pok\u00e9mon Flute Trainer Uncommon",
98 |
"base1-87 Pok\u00e9dex Trainer Uncommon",
99 |
"base1-88 Professor Oak Trainer Uncommon",
100 |
"base1-89 Revive Trainer Uncommon",
101 |
"base1-9 Magneton Pok\u00e9mon Lightning Rare Holo",
102 |
"base1-90 Super Potion Trainer Uncommon",
103 |
"base1-91 Bill Trainer Common",
104 |
"base1-92 Energy Removal Trainer Common",
105 |
"base1-93 Gust of Wind Trainer Common",
106 |
"base1-94 Potion Trainer Common",
107 |
"base1-95 Switch Trainer Common",
108 |
"base1-96 Double Colorless Energy Energy Uncommon",
109 |
"base1-97 Fighting Energy Energy",
110 |
"base1-98 Fire Energy Energy",
111 |
"base1-99 Grass Energy Energy"
112 |
113 |
"_type": "ClassLabel"
114 |
115 |
"feat_Unnamed: 2": {
116 |
"dtype": "float64",
117 |
"_type": "Value"
118 |
119 |
"feat_Unnamed: 3": {
120 |
"dtype": "float64",
121 |
"_type": "Value"
122 |
123 |
124 |
"homepage": "",
125 |
"license": "",
126 |
"splits": {
127 |
"train": {
128 |
"name": "train",
129 |
"num_bytes": 84947148,
130 |
"num_examples": 102,
131 |
"dataset_name": null
132 |
133 |
134 |
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
1 |
2 |
"_data_files": [
3 |
4 |
"filename": "dataset.arrow"
5 |
6 |
7 |
"_fingerprint": "3fb2edb151f5a438",
8 |
"_format_columns": [
9 |
"feat_Unnamed: 2",
10 |
"feat_Unnamed: 3",
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
"_format_kwargs": {},
15 |
"_format_type": null,
16 |
"_indexes": {},
17 |
"_output_all_columns": false,
18 |
"_split": null
19 |
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
2 |
oid sha256:b8a1f50a14ab559dc6345cdbff0993b771ef720a33cd4ddaed7127d95f216de3
3 |
size 84952944
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
1 |
2 |
"citation": "",
3 |
"description": "AutoTrain generated dataset",
4 |
"features": {
5 |
"image": {
6 |
"_type": "Image"
7 |
8 |
"target": {
9 |
"names": [
10 |
"base1-1 Alakazam Pok\u00e9mon Psychic Rare Holo",
11 |
"base1-10 Mewtwo Pok\u00e9mon Psychic Rare Holo",
12 |
"base1-100 Lightning Energy Energy",
13 |
"base1-101 Psychic Energy Energy",
14 |
"base1-102 Water Energy Energy",
15 |
"base1-11 Nidoking Pok\u00e9mon Grass Rare Holo",
16 |
"base1-12 Ninetales Pok\u00e9mon Fire Rare Holo",
17 |
"base1-13 Poliwrath Pok\u00e9mon Water Rare Holo",
18 |
"base1-14 Raichu Pok\u00e9mon Lightning Rare Holo",
19 |
"base1-15 Venusaur Pok\u00e9mon Grass Rare Holo",
20 |
"base1-16 Zapdos Pok\u00e9mon Lightning Rare Holo",
21 |
"base1-17 Beedrill Pok\u00e9mon Grass Rare",
22 |
"base1-18 Dragonair Pok\u00e9mon Colorless Rare",
23 |
"base1-19 Dugtrio Pok\u00e9mon Fighting Rare",
24 |
"base1-2 Blastoise Pok\u00e9mon Water Rare Holo",
25 |
"base1-20 Electabuzz Pok\u00e9mon Lightning Rare",
26 |
"base1-21 Electrode Pok\u00e9mon Lightning Rare",
27 |
"base1-22 Pidgeotto Pok\u00e9mon Colorless Rare",
28 |
"base1-23 Arcanine Pok\u00e9mon Fire Uncommon",
29 |
"base1-24 Charmeleon Pok\u00e9mon Fire Uncommon",
30 |
"base1-25 Dewgong Pok\u00e9mon Water Uncommon",
31 |
"base1-26 Dratini Pok\u00e9mon Colorless Uncommon",
32 |
"base1-27 Farfetch'd Pok\u00e9mon Colorless Uncommon",
33 |
"base1-28 Growlithe Pok\u00e9mon Fire Uncommon",
34 |
"base1-29 Haunter Pok\u00e9mon Psychic Uncommon",
35 |
"base1-3 Chansey Pok\u00e9mon Colorless Rare Holo",
36 |
"base1-30 Ivysaur Pok\u00e9mon Grass Uncommon",
37 |
"base1-31 Jynx Pok\u00e9mon Psychic Uncommon",
38 |
"base1-32 Kadabra Pok\u00e9mon Psychic Uncommon",
39 |
"base1-33 Kakuna Pok\u00e9mon Grass Uncommon",
40 |
"base1-34 Machoke Pok\u00e9mon Fighting Uncommon",
41 |
"base1-35 Magikarp Pok\u00e9mon Water Uncommon",
42 |
"base1-36 Magmar Pok\u00e9mon Fire Uncommon",
43 |
"base1-37 Nidorino Pok\u00e9mon Grass Uncommon",
44 |
"base1-38 Poliwhirl Pok\u00e9mon Water Uncommon",
45 |
"base1-39 Porygon Pok\u00e9mon Colorless Uncommon",
46 |
"base1-4 Charizard Pok\u00e9mon Fire Rare Holo",
47 |
"base1-40 Raticate Pok\u00e9mon Colorless Uncommon",
48 |
"base1-41 Seel Pok\u00e9mon Water Uncommon",
49 |
"base1-42 Wartortle Pok\u00e9mon Water Uncommon",
50 |
"base1-43 Abra Pok\u00e9mon Psychic Common",
51 |
"base1-44 Bulbasaur Pok\u00e9mon Grass Common",
52 |
"base1-45 Caterpie Pok\u00e9mon Grass Common",
53 |
"base1-46 Charmander Pok\u00e9mon Fire Common",
54 |
"base1-47 Diglett Pok\u00e9mon Fighting Common",
55 |
"base1-48 Doduo Pok\u00e9mon Colorless Common",
56 |
"base1-49 Drowzee Pok\u00e9mon Psychic Common",
57 |
"base1-5 Clefairy Pok\u00e9mon Colorless Rare Holo",
58 |
"base1-50 Gastly Pok\u00e9mon Psychic Common",
59 |
"base1-51 Koffing Pok\u00e9mon Grass Common",
60 |
"base1-52 Machop Pok\u00e9mon Fighting Common",
61 |
"base1-53 Magnemite Pok\u00e9mon Lightning Common",
62 |
"base1-54 Metapod Pok\u00e9mon Grass Common",
63 |
"base1-55 Nidoran \u2642 Pok\u00e9mon Grass Common",
64 |
"base1-56 Onix Pok\u00e9mon Fighting Common",
65 |
"base1-57 Pidgey Pok\u00e9mon Colorless Common",
66 |
"base1-58 Pikachu Pok\u00e9mon Lightning Common",
67 |
"base1-59 Poliwag Pok\u00e9mon Water Common",
68 |
"base1-6 Gyarados Pok\u00e9mon Water Rare Holo",
69 |
"base1-60 Ponyta Pok\u00e9mon Fire Common",
70 |
"base1-61 Rattata Pok\u00e9mon Colorless Common",
71 |
"base1-62 Sandshrew Pok\u00e9mon Fighting Common",
72 |
"base1-63 Squirtle Pok\u00e9mon Water Common",
73 |
"base1-64 Starmie Pok\u00e9mon Water Common",
74 |
"base1-65 Staryu Pok\u00e9mon Water Common",
75 |
"base1-66 Tangela Pok\u00e9mon Grass Common",
76 |
"base1-67 Voltorb Pok\u00e9mon Lightning Common",
77 |
"base1-68 Vulpix Pok\u00e9mon Fire Common",
78 |
"base1-69 Weedle Pok\u00e9mon Grass Common",
79 |
"base1-7 Hitmonchan Pok\u00e9mon Fighting Rare Holo",
80 |
"base1-70 Clefairy Doll Trainer Rare",
81 |
"base1-71 Computer Search Trainer Rare",
82 |
"base1-72 Devolution Spray Trainer Rare",
83 |
"base1-73 Impostor Professor Oak Trainer Rare",
84 |
"base1-74 Item Finder Trainer Rare",
85 |
"base1-75 Lass Trainer Rare",
86 |
"base1-76 Pok\u00e9mon Breeder Trainer Rare",
87 |
"base1-77 Pok\u00e9mon Trader Trainer Rare",
88 |
"base1-78 Scoop Up Trainer Rare",
89 |
"base1-79 Super Energy Removal Trainer Rare",
90 |
"base1-8 Machamp Pok\u00e9mon Fighting Rare Holo",
91 |
"base1-80 Defender Trainer Uncommon",
92 |
"base1-81 Energy Retrieval Trainer Uncommon",
93 |
"base1-82 Full Heal Trainer Uncommon",
94 |
"base1-83 Maintenance Trainer Uncommon",
95 |
"base1-84 PlusPower Trainer Uncommon",
96 |
"base1-85 Pok\u00e9mon Center Trainer Uncommon",
97 |
"base1-86 Pok\u00e9mon Flute Trainer Uncommon",
98 |
"base1-87 Pok\u00e9dex Trainer Uncommon",
99 |
"base1-88 Professor Oak Trainer Uncommon",
100 |
"base1-89 Revive Trainer Uncommon",
101 |
"base1-9 Magneton Pok\u00e9mon Lightning Rare Holo",
102 |
"base1-90 Super Potion Trainer Uncommon",
103 |
"base1-91 Bill Trainer Common",
104 |
"base1-92 Energy Removal Trainer Common",
105 |
"base1-93 Gust of Wind Trainer Common",
106 |
"base1-94 Potion Trainer Common",
107 |
"base1-95 Switch Trainer Common",
108 |
"base1-96 Double Colorless Energy Energy Uncommon",
109 |
"base1-97 Fighting Energy Energy",
110 |
"base1-98 Fire Energy Energy",
111 |
"base1-99 Grass Energy Energy"
112 |
113 |
"_type": "ClassLabel"
114 |
115 |
"feat_Unnamed: 2": {
116 |
"dtype": "float64",
117 |
"_type": "Value"
118 |
119 |
"feat_Unnamed: 3": {
120 |
"dtype": "float64",
121 |
"_type": "Value"
122 |
123 |
124 |
"homepage": "",
125 |
"license": "",
126 |
"splits": {
127 |
"valid": {
128 |
"name": "valid",
129 |
"num_bytes": 84947148,
130 |
"num_examples": 102,
131 |
"dataset_name": null
132 |
133 |
134 |
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
1 |
2 |
"_data_files": [
3 |
4 |
"filename": "dataset.arrow"
5 |
6 |
7 |
"_fingerprint": "79e300858c8337b2",
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19 |