Initial commit.
Browse files- LICENSE.txt +427 -0
- +141 -0
- data/sample/ar_AE.jsonl +70 -0
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- data/sample/es_ES.jsonl +72 -0
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- data/sample/it_IT.jsonl +73 -0
- data/sample/ja_JP.jsonl +73 -0
- data/sample/ko_KR.jsonl +73 -0
- data/sample/th_TH.jsonl +73 -0
- data/sample/tr_TR.jsonl +75 -0
- data/sample/zh_TW.jsonl +73 -0
- data/test/ar_AE.jsonl +0 -0
- data/test/de_DE.jsonl +0 -0
- data/test/es_ES.jsonl +0 -0
- data/test/fr_FR.jsonl +0 -0
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- data/test/th_TH.jsonl +0 -0
- data/test/tr_TR.jsonl +0 -0
- data/test/zh_TW.jsonl +0 -0
- data/validation/ar_AE.jsonl +0 -0
- data/validation/de_DE.jsonl +0 -0
- data/validation/es_ES.jsonl +0 -0
- data/validation/fr_FR.jsonl +0 -0
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- data/validation/th_TH.jsonl +0 -0
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Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
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Creative Commons Corporation ("Creative Commons") is not a law firm and
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does not provide legal services or legal advice. Distribution of
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9 |
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11 |
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Using Creative Commons Public Licenses
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17 |
Creative Commons public licenses provide a standard set of terms and
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original works of authorship and other material subject to copyright
20 |
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following considerations are for informational purposes only, are not
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exhaustive, and do not form part of our licenses.
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Considerations for licensors: Our public licenses are
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intended for use by those authorized to give the public
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permission to use material in ways otherwise restricted by
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copyright and certain other rights. Our licenses are
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irrevocable. Licensors should read and understand the terms
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and conditions of the license they choose before applying it.
30 |
Licensors should also secure all rights necessary before
31 |
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32 |
material as expected. Licensors should clearly mark any
33 |
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limitation to copyright. More considerations for licensors:
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Considerations for the public: By using one of our public
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licenses, a licensor grants the public permission to use the
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41 |
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42 |
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for the public:
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Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public
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By exercising the Licensed Rights (defined below), You accept and agree
61 |
to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Creative Commons
62 |
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63 |
License"). To the extent this Public License may be interpreted as a
64 |
contract, You are granted the Licensed Rights in consideration of Your
65 |
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66 |
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67 |
making the Licensed Material available under these terms and
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Section 1 -- Definitions.
72 |
73 |
a. Adapted Material means material subject to Copyright and Similar
74 |
Rights that is derived from or based upon the Licensed Material
75 |
and in which the Licensed Material is translated, altered,
76 |
arranged, transformed, or otherwise modified in a manner requiring
77 |
permission under the Copyright and Similar Rights held by the
78 |
Licensor. For purposes of this Public License, where the Licensed
79 |
Material is a musical work, performance, or sound recording,
80 |
Adapted Material is always produced where the Licensed Material is
81 |
synched in timed relation with a moving image.
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83 |
b. Adapter's License means the license You apply to Your Copyright
84 |
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85 |
accordance with the terms and conditions of this Public License.
86 |
87 |
c. BY-SA Compatible License means a license listed at
88 |
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89 |
Commons as essentially the equivalent of this Public License.
90 |
91 |
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92 |
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93 |
performance, broadcast, sound recording, and Sui Generis Database
94 |
Rights, without regard to how the rights are labeled or
95 |
categorized. For purposes of this Public License, the rights
96 |
specified in Section 2(b)(1)-(2) are not Copyright and Similar
97 |
98 |
99 |
e. Effective Technological Measures means those measures that, in the
100 |
absence of proper authority, may not be circumvented under laws
101 |
fulfilling obligations under Article 11 of the WIPO Copyright
102 |
Treaty adopted on December 20, 1996, and/or similar international
103 |
104 |
105 |
f. Exceptions and Limitations means fair use, fair dealing, and/or
106 |
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107 |
that applies to Your use of the Licensed Material.
108 |
109 |
g. License Elements means the license attributes listed in the name
110 |
of a Creative Commons Public License. The License Elements of this
111 |
Public License are Attribution and ShareAlike.
112 |
113 |
h. Licensed Material means the artistic or literary work, database,
114 |
or other material to which the Licensor applied this Public
115 |
116 |
117 |
i. Licensed Rights means the rights granted to You subject to the
118 |
terms and conditions of this Public License, which are limited to
119 |
all Copyright and Similar Rights that apply to Your use of the
120 |
Licensed Material and that the Licensor has authority to license.
121 |
122 |
j. Licensor means the individual(s) or entity(ies) granting rights
123 |
under this Public License.
124 |
125 |
k. Share means to provide material to the public by any means or
126 |
process that requires permission under the Licensed Rights, such
127 |
as reproduction, public display, public performance, distribution,
128 |
dissemination, communication, or importation, and to make material
129 |
available to the public including in ways that members of the
130 |
public may access the material from a place and at a time
131 |
individually chosen by them.
132 |
133 |
l. Sui Generis Database Rights means rights other than copyright
134 |
resulting from Directive 96/9/EC of the European Parliament and of
135 |
the Council of 11 March 1996 on the legal protection of databases,
136 |
as amended and/or succeeded, as well as other essentially
137 |
equivalent rights anywhere in the world.
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139 |
m. You means the individual or entity exercising the Licensed Rights
140 |
under this Public License. Your has a corresponding meaning.
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Section 2 -- Scope.
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145 |
a. License grant.
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147 |
1. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Public License,
148 |
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149 |
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150 |
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151 |
152 |
a. reproduce and Share the Licensed Material, in whole or
153 |
in part; and
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b. produce, reproduce, and Share Adapted Material.
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2. Exceptions and Limitations. For the avoidance of doubt, where
158 |
Exceptions and Limitations apply to Your use, this Public
159 |
License does not apply, and You do not need to comply with
160 |
its terms and conditions.
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162 |
3. Term. The term of this Public License is specified in Section
163 |
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4. Media and formats; technical modifications allowed. The
166 |
Licensor authorizes You to exercise the Licensed Rights in
167 |
all media and formats whether now known or hereafter created,
168 |
and to make technical modifications necessary to do so. The
169 |
Licensor waives and/or agrees not to assert any right or
170 |
authority to forbid You from making technical modifications
171 |
necessary to exercise the Licensed Rights, including
172 |
technical modifications necessary to circumvent Effective
173 |
Technological Measures. For purposes of this Public License,
174 |
simply making modifications authorized by this Section 2(a)
175 |
(4) never produces Adapted Material.
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5. Downstream recipients.
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179 |
a. Offer from the Licensor -- Licensed Material. Every
180 |
recipient of the Licensed Material automatically
181 |
receives an offer from the Licensor to exercise the
182 |
Licensed Rights under the terms and conditions of this
183 |
Public License.
184 |
185 |
b. Additional offer from the Licensor -- Adapted Material.
186 |
Every recipient of Adapted Material from You
187 |
automatically receives an offer from the Licensor to
188 |
exercise the Licensed Rights in the Adapted Material
189 |
under the conditions of the Adapter's License You apply.
190 |
191 |
c. No downstream restrictions. You may not offer or impose
192 |
any additional or different terms or conditions on, or
193 |
apply any Effective Technological Measures to, the
194 |
Licensed Material if doing so restricts exercise of the
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Licensed Rights by any recipient of the Licensed
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6. No endorsement. Nothing in this Public License constitutes or
199 |
may be construed as permission to assert or imply that You
200 |
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201 |
with, or sponsored, endorsed, or granted official status by,
202 |
the Licensor or others designated to receive attribution as
203 |
provided in Section 3(a)(1)(A)(i).
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b. Other rights.
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1. Moral rights, such as the right of integrity, are not
208 |
licensed under this Public License, nor are publicity,
209 |
privacy, and/or other similar personality rights; however, to
210 |
the extent possible, the Licensor waives and/or agrees not to
211 |
assert any such rights held by the Licensor to the limited
212 |
extent necessary to allow You to exercise the Licensed
213 |
Rights, but not otherwise.
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215 |
2. Patent and trademark rights are not licensed under this
216 |
Public License.
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218 |
3. To the extent possible, the Licensor waives any right to
219 |
collect royalties from You for the exercise of the Licensed
220 |
Rights, whether directly or through a collecting society
221 |
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222 |
licensing scheme. In all other cases the Licensor expressly
223 |
reserves any right to collect such royalties.
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Section 3 -- License Conditions.
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228 |
Your exercise of the Licensed Rights is expressly made subject to the
229 |
following conditions.
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231 |
a. Attribution.
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233 |
1. If You Share the Licensed Material (including in modified
234 |
form), You must:
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236 |
a. retain the following if it is supplied by the Licensor
237 |
with the Licensed Material:
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239 |
i. identification of the creator(s) of the Licensed
240 |
Material and any others designated to receive
241 |
attribution, in any reasonable manner requested by
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the Licensor (including by pseudonym if
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245 |
ii. a copyright notice;
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247 |
iii. a notice that refers to this Public License;
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iv. a notice that refers to the disclaimer of
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v. a URI or hyperlink to the Licensed Material to the
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extent reasonably practicable;
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b. indicate if You modified the Licensed Material and
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retain an indication of any previous modifications; and
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258 |
c. indicate the Licensed Material is licensed under this
259 |
Public License, and include the text of, or the URI or
260 |
hyperlink to, this Public License.
261 |
262 |
2. You may satisfy the conditions in Section 3(a)(1) in any
263 |
reasonable manner based on the medium, means, and context in
264 |
which You Share the Licensed Material. For example, it may be
265 |
reasonable to satisfy the conditions by providing a URI or
266 |
hyperlink to a resource that includes the required
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269 |
3. If requested by the Licensor, You must remove any of the
270 |
information required by Section 3(a)(1)(A) to the extent
271 |
reasonably practicable.
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273 |
b. ShareAlike.
274 |
275 |
In addition to the conditions in Section 3(a), if You Share
276 |
Adapted Material You produce, the following conditions also apply.
277 |
278 |
1. The Adapter's License You apply must be a Creative Commons
279 |
license with the same License Elements, this version or
280 |
later, or a BY-SA Compatible License.
281 |
282 |
2. You must include the text of, or the URI or hyperlink to, the
283 |
Adapter's License You apply. You may satisfy this condition
284 |
in any reasonable manner based on the medium, means, and
285 |
context in which You Share Adapted Material.
286 |
287 |
3. You may not offer or impose any additional or different terms
288 |
or conditions on, or apply any Effective Technological
289 |
Measures to, Adapted Material that restrict exercise of the
290 |
rights granted under the Adapter's License You apply.
291 |
292 |
293 |
Section 4 -- Sui Generis Database Rights.
294 |
295 |
Where the Licensed Rights include Sui Generis Database Rights that
296 |
apply to Your use of the Licensed Material:
297 |
298 |
a. for the avoidance of doubt, Section 2(a)(1) grants You the right
299 |
to extract, reuse, reproduce, and Share all or a substantial
300 |
portion of the contents of the database;
301 |
302 |
b. if You include all or a substantial portion of the database
303 |
contents in a database in which You have Sui Generis Database
304 |
Rights, then the database in which You have Sui Generis Database
305 |
Rights (but not its individual contents) is Adapted Material,
306 |
including for purposes of Section 3(b); and
307 |
308 |
c. You must comply with the conditions in Section 3(a) if You Share
309 |
all or a substantial portion of the contents of the database.
310 |
311 |
For the avoidance of doubt, this Section 4 supplements and does not
312 |
replace Your obligations under this Public License where the Licensed
313 |
Rights include other Copyright and Similar Rights.
314 |
315 |
316 |
Section 5 -- Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability.
317 |
318 |
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c. The disclaimer of warranties and limitation of liability provided
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above shall be interpreted in a manner that, to the extent
341 |
possible, most closely approximates an absolute disclaimer and
342 |
waiver of all liability.
343 |
344 |
345 |
Section 6 -- Term and Termination.
346 |
347 |
a. This Public License applies for the term of the Copyright and
348 |
Similar Rights licensed here. However, if You fail to comply with
349 |
this Public License, then Your rights under this Public License
350 |
terminate automatically.
351 |
352 |
b. Where Your right to use the Licensed Material has terminated under
353 |
Section 6(a), it reinstates:
354 |
355 |
1. automatically as of the date the violation is cured, provided
356 |
it is cured within 30 days of Your discovery of the
357 |
violation; or
358 |
359 |
2. upon express reinstatement by the Licensor.
360 |
361 |
For the avoidance of doubt, this Section 6(b) does not affect any
362 |
right the Licensor may have to seek remedies for Your violations
363 |
of this Public License.
364 |
365 |
c. For the avoidance of doubt, the Licensor may also offer the
366 |
Licensed Material under separate terms or conditions or stop
367 |
distributing the Licensed Material at any time; however, doing so
368 |
will not terminate this Public License.
369 |
370 |
d. Sections 1, 5, 6, 7, and 8 survive termination of this Public
371 |
372 |
373 |
374 |
Section 7 -- Other Terms and Conditions.
375 |
376 |
a. The Licensor shall not be bound by any additional or different
377 |
terms or conditions communicated by You unless expressly agreed.
378 |
379 |
b. Any arrangements, understandings, or agreements regarding the
380 |
Licensed Material not stated herein are separate from and
381 |
independent of the terms and conditions of this Public License.
382 |
383 |
384 |
Section 8 -- Interpretation.
385 |
386 |
a. For the avoidance of doubt, this Public License does not, and
387 |
shall not be interpreted to, reduce, limit, restrict, or impose
388 |
conditions on any use of the Licensed Material that could lawfully
389 |
be made without permission under this Public License.
390 |
391 |
b. To the extent possible, if any provision of this Public License is
392 |
deemed unenforceable, it shall be automatically reformed to the
393 |
minimum extent necessary to make it enforceable. If the provision
394 |
cannot be reformed, it shall be severed from this Public License
395 |
without affecting the enforceability of the remaining terms and
396 |
397 |
398 |
c. No term or condition of this Public License will be waived and no
399 |
failure to comply consented to unless expressly agreed to by the
400 |
401 |
402 |
d. Nothing in this Public License constitutes or may be interpreted
403 |
as a limitation upon, or waiver of, any privileges and immunities
404 |
that apply to the Licensor or You, including from the legal
405 |
processes of any jurisdiction or authority.
406 |
407 |
408 |
409 |
410 |
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411 |
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412 |
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413 |
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414 |
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415 |
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416 |
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417 |
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418 |
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419 |
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420 |
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421 |
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422 |
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423 |
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424 |
the avoidance of doubt, this paragraph does not form part of the
425 |
public licenses.
426 |
427 |
Creative Commons may be contacted at
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license: cc-by-sa-4.0
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- text-generation
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- en
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- ar
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- de
8 |
- es
9 |
- fr
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- it
11 |
- ja
12 |
- ko
13 |
- th
14 |
- tr
15 |
- zh
16 |
17 |
- 10K<n<100K
18 |
19 |
- config_name: en-it
20 |
21 |
- split: sample
22 |
path: data/sample/it_IT.jsonl
23 |
- split: validation
24 |
path: data/validation/it_IT.jsonl
25 |
- split: test
26 |
path: data/test/it_IT.jsonl
27 |
- config_name: en-ar
28 |
29 |
- split: sample
30 |
path: data/sample/ar_AE.jsonl
31 |
- split: validation
32 |
path: data/validation/ar_AE.jsonl
33 |
- split: test
34 |
path: data/test/ar_AE.jsonl
35 |
- config_name: en-de
36 |
37 |
- split: sample
38 |
path: data/sample/de_DE.jsonl
39 |
- split: validation
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path: data/validation/de_DE.jsonl
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- split: test
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path: data/test/de_DE.jsonl
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- config_name: en-es
44 |
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- split: sample
46 |
path: data/sample/es_ES.jsonl
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- split: validation
48 |
path: data/validation/es_ES.jsonl
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- split: test
50 |
path: data/test/es_ES.jsonl
51 |
- config_name: en-fr
52 |
53 |
- split: sample
54 |
path: data/sample/fr_FR.jsonl
55 |
- split: validation
56 |
path: data/validation/fr_FR.jsonl
57 |
- split: test
58 |
path: data/test/fr_FR.jsonl
59 |
- config_name: en-ja
60 |
61 |
- split: sample
62 |
path: data/sample/ja_JP.jsonl
63 |
- split: validation
64 |
path: data/validation/ja_JP.jsonl
65 |
- split: test
66 |
path: data/test/ja_JP.jsonl
67 |
- config_name: en-ko
68 |
69 |
- split: sample
70 |
path: data/sample/ko_KR.jsonl
71 |
- split: validation
72 |
path: data/validation/ko_KR.jsonl
73 |
- split: test
74 |
path: data/test/ko_KR.jsonl
75 |
- config_name: en-th
76 |
77 |
- split: sample
78 |
path: data/sample/th_TH.jsonl
79 |
- split: validation
80 |
path: data/validation/th_TH.jsonl
81 |
- split: test
82 |
path: data/test/th_TH.jsonl
83 |
- config_name: en-tr
84 |
85 |
- split: sample
86 |
path: data/sample/tr_TR.jsonl
87 |
- split: validation
88 |
path: data/validation/tr_TR.jsonl
89 |
- split: test
90 |
path: data/test/tr_TR.jsonl
91 |
- config_name: en-zh
92 |
93 |
- split: sample
94 |
path: data/sample/zh_TW.jsonl
95 |
- split: validation
96 |
path: data/validation/zh_TW.jsonl
97 |
- split: test
98 |
path: data/test/zh_TW.jsonl
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100 |
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# Dataset Card for EA-MT
102 |
103 |
EA-MT (Entity-Aware Machine Translation) is a multilingual benchmark for evaluating the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Machine Translation (MT) models in translating simple sentences with potentially challenging entity mentions, e.g., entities for which a word-for-word translation may not be accurate.
104 |
105 |
Here is an example of a simple sentence with a challenging entity mention:
106 |
* English: "What is the plot of **The Catcher in the Rye**?"
107 |
* Italian:
108 |
* Word-for-word translation (incorrect): "Qual è la trama del **Cacciatore nella segale**?"
109 |
* Correct translation: "Qual è la trama de **Il giovane Holden**?"
110 |
111 |
> Note: In the example above, the correct translation of "The Catcher in the Rye" is "Il giovane Holden" in Italian, which roughly translates to "The Young Holden."
112 |
113 |
## Languages
114 |
115 |
The dataset is available in the following languages pairs:
116 |
- English - Arabic
117 |
- English - Chinese
118 |
- English - French
119 |
- English - German
120 |
- English - Italian
121 |
- English - Japanese
122 |
- English - Korean
123 |
- English - Spanish
124 |
- English - Thai
125 |
- English - Turkish
126 |
- English - Chinese (Traditional)
127 |
128 |
## How To Use This Benchmark in Hugging Face Datasets
129 |
130 |
You can use this benchmark in Hugging Face Datasets by specifying the language pair you want to use. For example, to load the English-Italian dataset, you can use the following configuration:
131 |
132 |
133 |
from datasets import load_dataset
134 |
135 |
dataset = load_dataset("ea_mt", "en-it")
136 |
137 |
for example in dataset["sample"]:
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139 |
140 |
141 |
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
1 |
{"id": "Q1165964_0", "wikidata_id": "Q1165964", "entity_types": ["Book"], "source": "What is the purpose of Intermediate System to Intermediate System in networking?", "targets": [{"translation": "ما هو الغرض من بروتوكول الربط بين الأنظمة الوسيطية في الشبكات؟", "mention": "بروتوكول الربط بين الأنظمة الوسيطية"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
2 |
{"id": "Q119395_0", "wikidata_id": "Q119395", "entity_types": ["Book"], "source": "In which fields of study is International Atomic Time particularly important?", "targets": [{"translation": "في أي من مجالات الدراسة يعد التوقيت الذري العالمي مهم بشكل خاص؟", "mention": "التوقيت الذري العالمي"}, {"translation": "في أي مجالات الدراسة يكون التوقيت الذري العالمي مهم بشكل خاص؟", "mention": "التوقيت الذري العالمي"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
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{"id": "Q119395_1", "wikidata_id": "Q119395", "entity_types": ["Book"], "source": "Can International Atomic Time be used as a standard in various timekeeping devices?", "targets": [{"translation": "هل يمكن استخدام التوقيت الذري العالمي كمعيار في مختلف أجهزة ضبط الوقت؟", "mention": "التوقيت الذري العالمي"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
4 |
{"id": "Q119395_2", "wikidata_id": "Q119395", "entity_types": ["Book"], "source": "What is the accuracy of International Atomic Time compared to other time scales?", "targets": [{"translation": "ما هي دقة التوقيت الذري العالمي مقارنة بالجداول الزمنية الأخرى؟", "mention": "التوقيت الذري العالمي"}, {"translation": "ما هي دقة التوقيت الذري العالمي مقارنة بالمقاييس الزمنية الأخرى؟", "mention": "التوقيت الذري العالمي"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
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{"id": "Q15729024_0", "wikidata_id": "Q15729024", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "Who stars in the 2014 film In Order of Disappearance?", "targets": [{"translation": "من يلعب دور البطولة في فيلم حسب ترتيب الاختفاء لعام 2014؟", "mention": "حسب ترتيب الاختفاء"}, {"translation": "من يلعب دور البطولة في فيلم حسب ترتيب الاختفاء حسب ترتيب الاختفاء لعام 2014؟", "mention": "حسب ترتيب الاختفاء"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
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{"id": "Q15729024_1", "wikidata_id": "Q15729024", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "What is the genre of the film In Order of Disappearance?", "targets": [{"translation": "ما هو نوع فيلم حسب ترتيب الاختفاء؟", "mention": "حسب ترتيب الاختفاء"}, {"translation": "ما هو نوع فيلم حسب ترتيب الاختفاء ؟", "mention": "حسب ترتيب الاختفاء"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
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{"id": "Q15729024_2", "wikidata_id": "Q15729024", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "When was the movie In Order of Disappearance released?", "targets": [{"translation": "متى تم إصدار فيلم حسب ترتيب الاختفاء؟", "mention": "حسب ترتيب الاختفاء"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
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{"id": "Q16013139_0", "wikidata_id": "Q16013139", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "What is Haji Aliyev known for in his sport?", "targets": [{"translation": "ما الذي يعرف به حجي علييف في رياضته؟", "mention": "حجي علييف"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
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{"id": "Q16013139_1", "wikidata_id": "Q16013139", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "What country is Haji Aliyev from?", "targets": [{"translation": "من أي بلد هو حجي علييف؟", "mention": "حجي علييف"}, {"translation": "من أي بلد حجي علييف؟", "mention": "حجي علييف"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
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{"id": "Q16013139_2", "wikidata_id": "Q16013139", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "In which sport does Haji Aliyev excel?", "targets": [{"translation": "في أي رياضة يتفوق حجي علييف؟", "mention": "حجي علييف"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
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{"id": "Q2095705_0", "wikidata_id": "Q2095705", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "What genre does the artwork Traveling Scholarships by Jules Verne fall under?", "targets": [{"translation": "ما النوع الذي يندرج تحته العمل الفني منحة السفر لجول فيرن؟", "mention": "منحة السفر"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
12 |
{"id": "Q2095705_1", "wikidata_id": "Q2095705", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "Can you provide a brief description of the novel Traveling Scholarships by Jules Verne?", "targets": [{"translation": "هل يمكنك تقديم وصف موجز لرواية منحة السفر لجول فيرن؟", "mention": "منحة السفر"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
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{"id": "Q212201_0", "wikidata_id": "Q212201", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "Is the Priory of Sion a real organization?", "targets": [{"translation": "هل أخوية سيون منظمة حقيقية؟", "mention": "أخوية سيون"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
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{"id": "Q212201_1", "wikidata_id": "Q212201", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "Where is the Priory of Sion located?", "targets": [{"translation": "أين تقع أخوية سيون؟", "mention": "أخوية سيون"}, {"translation": "أين موقع أخوية سيون؟", "mention": "أخوية سيون"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
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{"id": "Q212201_2", "wikidata_id": "Q212201", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "Who founded the Priory of Sion?", "targets": [{"translation": "من أسس أخوية سيون؟", "mention": "أخوية سيون"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
16 |
{"id": "Q2155501_0", "wikidata_id": "Q2155501", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "What is the concept of the chosen people in relation to God in Judaism?", "targets": [{"translation": "ما هو مفهوم الشعب المختار بالنسبة الله في اليهودية؟", "mention": "الله في اليهودية"}, {"translation": "ما هو مفهوم الشعب المختار عند الله في اليهودية؟", "mention": "الله في اليهودية"}, {"translation": "ما هو مفهوم الشعب المختار فيما يتعلق بالله في اليهودية؟", "mention": "الله في اليهودية"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
17 |
{"id": "Q289147_0", "wikidata_id": "Q289147", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "What kind of television show is Yogi's Treasure Hunt?", "targets": [{"translation": "أي نوع من البرامج التلفزيونية هو يوغي والبحث عن كنز؟", "mention": "يوغي والبحث عن كنز"}, {"translation": "ما هو نوع البرنامج التلفزيوني يوغي والبحث عن كنز ؟", "mention": "يوغي والبحث عن كنز"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
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{"id": "Q289147_1", "wikidata_id": "Q289147", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "Which genre does Yogi's Treasure Hunt fall under?", "targets": [{"translation": "ما النوع الذي تندرج تحته يوغي والبحث عن كنز؟", "mention": "يوغي والبحث عن كنز"}, {"translation": "ما النوع الذي تندرج تحته يوغي والبحث عن كنز ؟", "mention": "يوغي والبحث عن كنز"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
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{"id": "Q289147_2", "wikidata_id": "Q289147", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "Is Yogi's Treasure Hunt an animated series?", "targets": [{"translation": "هل يوغي والبحث عن كنز سلسلة رسوم متحركة؟", "mention": "يوغي والبحث عن كنز"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
20 |
{"id": "Q309003_0", "wikidata_id": "Q309003", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "What genre does Conan the Barbarian belong to?", "targets": [{"translation": "ما النوع الفني الذي ينتمي إليه كونان البربري؟", "mention": "كونان البربري"}, {"translation": "ما النوع الذي ينتمي إليه كونان البربري؟", "mention": "كونان البربري"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
21 |
{"id": "Q309003_1", "wikidata_id": "Q309003", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "What year was Conan the Barbarian released?", "targets": [{"translation": "في أي عام تم إصدار كونان البربري؟", "mention": "كونان البربري"}, {"translation": "في أي عام تم إطلاق سراح كونان البربري؟", "mention": "كونان البربري"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
22 |
{"id": "Q309003_2", "wikidata_id": "Q309003", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "Who is the main character in the movie Conan the Barbarian?", "targets": [{"translation": "من هي الشخصية الرئيسية في فيلم كونان البربري؟", "mention": "كونان البربري"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
23 |
{"id": "Q3119445_0", "wikidata_id": "Q3119445", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "Is the Saint Bartholomew Monastery still an active place of worship?", "targets": [{"translation": "هل لا يزال دير القديس برثولماوس مكانا نشطا للعبادة؟", "mention": "دير القديس برثولماوس"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
24 |
{"id": "Q3119445_1", "wikidata_id": "Q3119445", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "What is the historical significance of the Saint Bartholomew Monastery?", "targets": [{"translation": "ما هي الأهمية التاريخية لدير القديس برثولماوس؟", "mention": "د��ر القديس برثولماوس"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
25 |
{"id": "Q3119445_2", "wikidata_id": "Q3119445", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "How old is the Saint Bartholomew Monastery?", "targets": [{"translation": "كم عمر دير القديس برثولماوس؟", "mention": "دير القديس برثولماوس"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
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{"id": "Q3238732_0", "wikidata_id": "Q3238732", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "What are some potential theories or controversies surrounding the authenticity of Reformed Egyptian?", "targets": [{"translation": "ما هي بعض النظريات أو الخلافات المحتملة المحيطة بأصالة الكتابة المصرية المعدلة؟", "mention": "الكتابة المصرية المعدلة"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
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{"id": "Q3238732_1", "wikidata_id": "Q3238732", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "How is Reformed Egyptian different from other ancient languages or writing systems?", "targets": [{"translation": "كيف تختلف الكتابة المصرية المعدلة عن اللغات القديمة الأخرى أو أنظمة الكتابة؟", "mention": "الكتابة المصرية المعدلة"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
28 |
{"id": "Q3238732_2", "wikidata_id": "Q3238732", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "Are there any surviving examples of Reformed Egyptian that have been discovered or studied?", "targets": [{"translation": "هل هناك أي أمثلة باقية على الكتابة المصرية المعدلة التي تم اكتشافها أو دراستها؟", "mention": "الكتابة المصرية المعدلة"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
29 |
{"id": "Q4022208_0", "wikidata_id": "Q4022208", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "How long has Al-Rashid Mosque been serving as a place of worship?", "targets": [{"translation": "منذ متى يعمل مسجد الرشيد كمكان للعبادة؟", "mention": "مسجد الرشيد"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
30 |
{"id": "Q4022208_1", "wikidata_id": "Q4022208", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "What is the purpose of Al-Rashid Mosque?", "targets": [{"translation": "ما هو الغرض من مسجد الرشيد؟", "mention": "مسجد الرشيد"}, {"translation": "ما هو الغرض من مسجد الرشيد ؟", "mention": "مسجد الرشيد"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
31 |
{"id": "Q4022208_2", "wikidata_id": "Q4022208", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "Can anyone visit Al-Rashid Mosque?", "targets": [{"translation": "هل يمكن لأي شخص زيارة مسجد الرشيد؟", "mention": "مسجد الرشيد"}, {"translation": "هل يمكن لأي شخص زيارة مسجد الرشيد ؟", "mention": "مسجد الرشيد"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
32 |
{"id": "Q4080260_0", "wikidata_id": "Q4080260", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "Describe The Tower of the Swallow in one word.", "targets": [{"translation": ".صف برج السنونو في كلمة واحدة", "mention": "برج السنونو"}, {"translation": "صف رواية برج السنونو في كلمة واحدة.", "mention": "برج السنونو"}, {"translation": "صف برج السنونو في كلمة واحدة.", "mention": "برج السنونو"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
33 |
{"id": "Q4080260_1", "wikidata_id": "Q4080260", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "Who is the author of the novel The Tower of the Swallow?", "targets": [{"translation": "من هو مؤلف رواية برج السنونو؟", "mention": "برج السنونو"}, {"translation": "من هو مؤلف رواية برج السنونو ؟", "mention": "برج السنونو"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
34 |
{"id": "Q4080260_2", "wikidata_id": "Q4080260", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "Is The Tower of the Swallow a book or artwork?", "targets": [{"translation": "هل برج السنونو كتاب أم عمل فني؟", "mention": "برج السنونو"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
35 |
{"id": "Q501663_0", "wikidata_id": "Q501663", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "When was the first episode of Thomas & Friends aired?", "targets": [{"translation": "متى تم بث الحلقة الأولى من توماس والأصدقاء؟", "mention": "توماس والأصدقاء"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
36 |
{"id": "Q501663_1", "wikidata_id": "Q501663", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "How many seasons does the British children's television series Thomas & Friends have?", "targets": [{"translation": "كم عدد المواسم التي يحتوي عليها المسلسل التلفزيوني البريطاني للأطفال توماس والأصدقاء؟", "mention": "توماس والأصدقاء"}, {"translation": "ك�� عدد مواسم المسلسل التلفزيوني البريطاني للأطفال توماس والأصدقاء؟", "mention": "توماس والأصدقاء"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
37 |
{"id": "Q501663_2", "wikidata_id": "Q501663", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "Who is the main character in the TV series Thomas & Friends?", "targets": [{"translation": "من هي الشخصية الرئيسية في المسلسل التلفزيوني توماس والأصدقاء؟", "mention": "توماس والأصدقاء"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
38 |
{"id": "Q5425849_0", "wikidata_id": "Q5425849", "entity_types": ["Book"], "source": "Are there any exceptions or variations in the FIPS county code system?", "targets": [{"translation": "هل هناك أي استثناءات أو اختلافات في نظام رمز ولاية اف اي بي اس ؟", "mention": "رمز ولاية اف اي بي اس"}, {"translation": "هل هناك أي استثناءات أو اختلافات في نظام رمز ولاية اف اي بي اس؟", "mention": "رمز ولاية اف اي بي اس"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
39 |
{"id": "Q5425849_1", "wikidata_id": "Q5425849", "entity_types": ["Book"], "source": "How many digits does a FIPS county code consist of?", "targets": [{"translation": "كم عدد الأرقام التي يتكون منها رمز ولاية اف اي بي اس ؟", "mention": "رمز ولاية اف اي بي اس"}, {"translation": "كم عدد الأرقام التي يتكون منها رمز ولاية اف اي بي اس؟", "mention": "رمز ولاية اف اي بي اس"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
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{"id": "Q5425849_2", "wikidata_id": "Q5425849", "entity_types": ["Book"], "source": "What does each digit in a FIPS county code represent?", "targets": [{"translation": "ماذا يمثل كل رقم في رمز ولاية اف اي بي اس ؟", "mention": "رمز ولاية اف اي بي اس"}, {"translation": "ماذا يمثل كل رقم في رمز ولاية اف اي بي اس؟", "mention": "رمز ولاية اف اي بي اس"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
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{"id": "Q5692040_0", "wikidata_id": "Q5692040", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "Who initially owned Tom Riddle's diary in the Harry Potter universe?", "targets": [{"translation": "من كان يمتلك في البداية مفكرة توم ريدل في عالم هاري بوتر؟", "mention": "مفكرة توم ريدل"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
42 |
{"id": "Q5692040_1", "wikidata_id": "Q5692040", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "How does Tom Riddle's diary affect people in the Harry Potter series?", "targets": [{"translation": "كيف تؤثر مفكرة توم ريدل على الأشخاص في سلسلة هاري بوتر؟", "mention": "مفكرة توم ريدل"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
43 |
{"id": "Q5692040_2", "wikidata_id": "Q5692040", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "Where was Tom Riddle's diary initially discovered in the Harry Potter books?", "targets": [{"translation": "أين تم اكتشاف مفكرة توم ريدل في البداية في كتب هاري بوتر؟", "mention": "مفكرة توم ريدل"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
44 |
{"id": "Q573656_0", "wikidata_id": "Q573656", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "How would you describe the architecture of Schwerin Castle?", "targets": [{"translation": "كيف تصف النمط المعماري لقلعة شفيرين؟", "mention": "قلعة شفيرين"}, {"translation": "كيف تصف بنية كيف تصف بنية قلعة شفيرين؟", "mention": "قلعة شفيرين"}, {"translation": "كيف تصف الهندسة المعمارية لقلعة شفيرين؟", "mention": "قلعة شفيرين"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
45 |
{"id": "Q573656_1", "wikidata_id": "Q573656", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "What is the main feature of Schwerin Castle?", "targets": [{"translation": "ما هي السمة الرئيسية لقلعة شفيرين؟", "mention": "قلعة شفيرين"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
46 |
{"id": "Q573656_2", "wikidata_id": "Q573656", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "What is the significance of Schwerin Castle in German history?", "targets": [{"translation": "ما هي أهمية قلعة شفيرين في التاريخ الألماني؟", "mention": "قلعة شفيرين"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
47 |
{"id": "Q641378_0", "wikidata_id": "Q641378", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "Is The Master Builder a book or a play?", "targets": [{"translation": "هل سيد البنائين كتاب أم مسرحية؟", "mention": "سيد البنائين"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
48 |
{"id": "Q641378_1", "wikidata_id": "Q641378", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "What type of artwork is The Master Builder?", "targets": [{"translation": "ما نوع العمل الفني هو سيد البنائين؟", "mention": "سيد البنائين"}, {"translation": "ما نوع العمل الفني سيد البنائين؟", "mention": "سيد البنائين"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
49 |
{"id": "Q641378_2", "wikidata_id": "Q641378", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "What is the subject of the play The Master Builder?", "targets": [{"translation": "ما هو موضوع مسرحية سيد البنائين؟", "mention": "سيد البنائين"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
50 |
{"id": "Q6917504_0", "wikidata_id": "Q6917504", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "Are there any notable awards or nominations for the movie Mother of the Bride?", "targets": [{"translation": "هل هناك أي جوائز أو ترشيحات بارزة لفيلم أم العروسة ؟", "mention": "أم العروسة"}, {"translation": "هل هناك أي جوائز أو ترشيحات بارزة لفيلم ام العروسة ؟", "mention": "أم العروسه"}, {"translation": "هل هناك أي جوائز أو ترشيحات بارزة لفيلم أم العروسة؟", "mention": "أم العروسة"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
51 |
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{"id": "Q707356_1", "wikidata_id": "Q707356", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "When was Scarlet Heart first aired on television?", "targets": [{"translation": "متى تم بث القلب القرمزي؟", "mention": "القلب القرمزي"}, {"translation": "متى تم بث القلب القرمزي لأول مرة على شاشة التلفزيون؟", "mention": "القلب القرمزي"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
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{"id": "Q707356_2", "wikidata_id": "Q707356", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "Who are the main characters in the TV series Scarlet Heart?", "targets": [{"translation": "من هم الشخصيات الرئيسية في المسلسل التلفزيوني القلب القرمزي؟", "mention": "القلب القرمزي"}, {"translation": "من هم الشخصيات الرئيسية في المسلسل التلفزيوني القلب القرمزي ؟", "mention": "القلب القرمزي"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
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{"id": "Q723887_1", "wikidata_id": "Q723887", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "Where can the Arch of Titus be found?", "targets": [{"translation": "أين يمكن العثور على قوس تيتوس؟", "mention": "قوس تيتوس"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
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{"id": "Q723887_2", "wikidata_id": "Q723887", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "When was the Arch of Titus built?", "targets": [{"translation": "متى تم بناء قوس تيتوس؟", "mention": "قوس تيتوس"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
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{"id": "Q767453_1", "wikidata_id": "Q767453", "entity_types": ["Person", "Fictional entity"], "source": "What are Black Bolt's powers?", "targets": [{"translation": "ما هي صلاحيات بلاك بولت؟", "mention": "بلاك بولت"}, {"translation": "ما هي صلاحياتبلاك بولت؟", "mention": "بلاك بولت"}, {"translation": "ما هي قوى بلاك بولت؟", "mention": "بلاك بولت"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
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{"id": "Q767453_2", "wikidata_id": "Q767453", "entity_types": ["Person", "Fictional entity"], "source": "Is Black Bolt a hero or a villain?", "targets": [{"translation": "هل بلاك بولت بطل أم شرير؟", "mention": "بلاك بولت"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
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{"id": "Q80541_0", "wikidata_id": "Q80541", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "What type of place is the Sultan Ahmed Mosque?", "targets": [{"translation": "ما نوع المكان الذي يوجد فيه جامع السلطان أحمد؟", "mention": "جامع السلطان أحمد"}, {"translation": "ما نوع المكان جامع السلطان أحمد؟", "mention": "جامع السلطان أحمد"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
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{"id": "Q80541_1", "wikidata_id": "Q80541", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "What is another name for the Sultan Ahmed Mosque?", "targets": [{"translation": "ما هو الاسم الآخر لجامع السلطان أحمد؟", "mention": "جامع السلطان أحمد"}, {"translation": "هل هناك اسم آخر لجامع السلطان أحمد؟", "mention": "جامع السلطان أحمد"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
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{"id": "Q80541_2", "wikidata_id": "Q80541", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "Which city is home to the historic Sultan Ahmed Mosque?", "targets": [{"translation": "ما هي المدينة التي تضم جامع السلطان أحمد التاريخي؟", "mention": "جامع السلطان أحمد"}, {"translation": "ما المدينة التي يوجد بها جامع السلطان أحمد التاريخي؟", "mention": "جامع السلطان أحمد"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
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{"id": "Q8588_0", "wikidata_id": "Q8588", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "Can Schrödinger's cat exist in both live and dead states simultaneously?", "targets": [{"translation": "هل يمكن أن توجد قطة شرودنغر في كل من الحالات الحية والميتة في وقت واحد؟", "mention": "قطة شرودنغر"}, {"translation": "هل يمكن أن توجد قطة شرودنغر في كل من الحالات الحية الميتة في وقت واحد؟", "mention": "قطة شرودنغر"}, {"translation": "هل يمكن أن توجد قطة شرودنغر في حالة الحياة والموت في وقت واحد؟", "mention": "قطة شرودنغر"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
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{"id": "Q8588_1", "wikidata_id": "Q8588", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "Who devised the thought experiment about Schrödinger's cat?", "targets": [{"translation": "من ابتكر التجربة الفكرية حول قطة شرودنغر؟", "mention": "قطة شرودنغر"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
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{"id": "Q8588_2", "wikidata_id": "Q8588", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "What does the concept of quantum superposition involve in relation to Schrödinger's cat?", "targets": [{"translation": "ماذا يتضمن مفهوم التراكب الكمي بالنسبة إلى قطة شرودنغر؟", "mention": "قطة شرودنغر"}, {"translation": "ماذا يتضمن مفهوم التراكب الكمومي فيما يتعلق بقطة شرودنغر؟", "mention": "قطة شرودنغر"}, {"translation": "ماذا يتضمن مفهوم التراكب الكمي فيما يتعلق بقطة شرودنغر؟", "mention": "قطة شرودنغر"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
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{"id": "Q887639_0", "wikidata_id": "Q887639", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "What is the genre of The Genie Family TV series?", "targets": [{"translation": "ما هو النوع الفني للمسلسل التلفزيوني الفتى برهان؟", "mention": "الفتى برهان"}, {"translation": "ما هو نوع المسلسل التلفزيوني الفتى برهان؟", "mention": "الفتى برهان"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
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{"id": "Q887639_1", "wikidata_id": "Q887639", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "What year did The Genie Family TV series first air?", "targets": [{"translation": "في أي عام تم بث المسلسل التلفزيوني الفتى برهان لأول مرة؟", "mention": "الفتى برهان"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
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{"id": "Q887639_2", "wikidata_id": "Q887639", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "How many episodes are there in The Genie Family TV series?", "targets": [{"translation": "كم عدد حلقات المسلسل التلفزيوني الفتى برهان؟", "mention": "الفتى برهان"}, {"translation": "كم عدد الحلقات الموجودة في المسلسل التلفزيوني الفتى برهان؟", "mention": "الفتى برهان"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ar"}
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{"id": "Q1112746_0", "wikidata_id": "Q1112746", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "How long did it take to build the Stockholm Court House?", "targets": [{"translation": "Wie lange hat es gedauert, das Gerichtshaus von Stockholm zu bauen?", "mention": "Gerichtshaus von Stockholm"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q1112746_1", "wikidata_id": "Q1112746", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "What is the architectural style of the Stockholm Court House?", "targets": [{"translation": "Was ist der architektonische Stil des Gerichtshaus von Stockholm?", "mention": "Gerichtshaus von Stockholm"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q1112746_2", "wikidata_id": "Q1112746", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "In what country is the Stockholm Court House located?", "targets": [{"translation": "In welchem Land befindet sich das Gerichtshaus von Stockholm?", "mention": "Gerichtshaus von Stockholm"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q131095_0", "wikidata_id": "Q131095", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "What type of work is the Epistle to the Colossians?", "targets": [{"translation": "Welche Art von Werk ist der Brief des Paulus an die Kolosser?", "mention": "Brief des Paulus an die Kolosser"}, {"translation": "Welche Art von Arbeit ist der Brief des Paulus an die Kolosser?", "mention": "Brief des Paulus an die Kolosser"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q131095_1", "wikidata_id": "Q131095", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "Is the Epistle to the Colossians considered a book or an artwork?", "targets": [{"translation": "Wird der Brief des Paulus an die Kolosser als Buch oder Kunstwerk betrachtet?", "mention": "Brief des Paulus an die Kolosser"}, {"translation": "Gilt der Kolosserbrief als Buch oder als Kunstwerk?", "mention": "Kolosserbrief"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q1422745_0", "wikidata_id": "Q1422745", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "When was the 1983 novel The Witches published?", "targets": [{"translation": "Wann wurde der Roman Hexen hexen veröffentlicht?", "mention": "Hexen hexen"}, {"translation": "Wann wurde der Roman Hexen hexen aus dem Jahr 1983 veröffentlicht?", "mention": "Hexen hexen"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q1422745_1", "wikidata_id": "Q1422745", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "What is the genre of the artwork The Witches?", "targets": [{"translation": "Zu welchem Genre gehört Hexen hexen?", "mention": "Hexen hexen"}, {"translation": "Was ist das Genre des Kunstwerks Hexen hexen?", "mention": "Hexen hexen"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q1422745_2", "wikidata_id": "Q1422745", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "What year did Roald Dahl release the novel The Witches?", "targets": [{"translation": "In welchem Jahr veröffentlichte Roald Dahl den Roman Hexen hexen?", "mention": "Hexen hexen"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q178688_0", "wikidata_id": "Q178688", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "Can you provide a brief description of Mio, My Son?", "targets": [{"translation": "Können sie eine knappe Beschreibung von Mio, mein Mio geben?", "mention": "Mio, mein Mio"}, {"translation": "Können Sie eine kurze Beschreibung von Mio, mein Mio geben?", "mention": "Mio, mein Mio"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q178688_1", "wikidata_id": "Q178688", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "Who is the author of the book Mio, My Son?", "targets": [{"translation": "Wer ist der Autor des Buches Mio, mein Mio?", "mention": "Mio, mein Mio"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
11 |
{"id": "Q178688_2", "wikidata_id": "Q178688", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "What is the genre of Mio, My Son?", "targets": [{"translation": "Was ist das Genre von Mio, mein Mio?", "mention": "Mio, mein Mio"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q193584_0", "wikidata_id": "Q193584", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "What are some departments within the Ministry of Magic in the Harry Potter series?", "targets": [{"translation": "Welche Abteilungen gibt es im Zaubereiministerium in der Harry-Potter-Reihe?", "mention": "Zaubereiministerium"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q193584_1", "wikidata_id": "Q193584", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "Who is the head of the Ministry of Magic in the Harry Potter series?", "targets": [{"translation": "Wer ist der Leiter des Zaubereiministeriums in der Harry-Potter-Reihe?", "mention": "Zaubereiministerium"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q193584_2", "wikidata_id": "Q193584", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "How is the Ministry of Magic structured in the Harry Potter series?", "targets": [{"translation": "Wie ist das Zaubereiministerium in der Harry-Potter-Reihe aufgebaut?", "mention": "Zaubereiministerium"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
15 |
{"id": "Q1964607_0", "wikidata_id": "Q1964607", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "When was the Saviour Church on Nereditsa built in Russia?", "targets": [{"translation": "Wann wurde die Christi-Verklärungs-Kirche auf Nereditsa in Russland gebaut?", "mention": "Christi-Verklärungs-Kirche auf Nereditsa"}, {"translation": "Wann wurde die Erlöserkirche in Russland gebaut?", "mention": "Erlöserkirche"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q1964607_1", "wikidata_id": "Q1964607", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "What is the architectural style of the Saviour Church on Nereditsa in Russia?", "targets": [{"translation": "Was ist der architektonische Stil der Christi-Verklärungs-Kirche auf Nereditsa in Russland?", "mention": "Christi-Verklärungs-Kirche auf Nereditsa"}, {"translation": "Was ist der architektonische Stil der Erlöserkirche in Russland?", "mention": "Erlöserkirche"}, {"translation": "Welchen architektonischen Stil hat die Christi-Verklärungs-Kirche auf Nereditsa in Russland?", "mention": "Christi-Verklärungs-Kirche auf Nereditsa"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q1964607_2", "wikidata_id": "Q1964607", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "Is the Saviour Church on Nereditsa a popular tourist attraction in Russia?", "targets": [{"translation": "Ist die Christi-Verklärungs-Kirche auf Nereditsa eine beliebte Touristenattraktion in Russland?", "mention": "Christi-Verklärungs-Kirche auf Nereditsa"}, {"translation": "Ist die Erlöserkirche eine beliebte Touristenattraktion in Russland?", "mention": "Erlöserkirche"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q236429_0", "wikidata_id": "Q236429", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "What was the fate of the Stymphalian birds?", "targets": [{"translation": "Was war das Schicksal der Stymphalische Vögel?", "mention": "Stymphalische Vögel"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
19 |
{"id": "Q236429_1", "wikidata_id": "Q236429", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "What type of creatures were the Stymphalian birds?", "targets": [{"translation": "Welche Art von Kreaturen waren die Stymphalische Vögel?", "mention": "Stymphalische Vögel"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q236429_2", "wikidata_id": "Q236429", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "How are the Stymphalian birds described in Greek mythology?", "targets": [{"translation": "Wie werden die Stymphalische Vögel in der griechischen Mythologie beschrieben?", "mention": "Stymphalische Vögel"}, {"translation": "Wie werden die Stymphalische Vögelin der griechischen Mythologie beschrieben?", "mention": "Stymphalische Vögel"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
21 |
{"id": "Q246533_0", "wikidata_id": "Q246533", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "When was Symphony No. 6 composed?", "targets": [{"translation": "Wann wurde die 6. Sinfonie komponiert?", "mention": "6. Sinfonie"}, {"translation": "Wann wurde 6. Sinfonie komponiert?", "mention": "6. Sinfonie"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
22 |
{"id": "Q246533_1", "wikidata_id": "Q246533", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "Who composed Symphony No. 6?", "targets": [{"translation": "Wer hat die 6. Sinfonie komponiert?", "mention": "6. Sinfonie"}, {"translation": "Wer hat 6. Sinfonie komponiert?", "mention": "6. Sinfonie"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
23 |
{"id": "Q246533_2", "wikidata_id": "Q246533", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "How many movements are in Symphony No. 6?", "targets": [{"translation": "Wie viele Sätze gibt es in der 6. Sinfonie?", "mention": "6. Sinfonie"}, {"translation": "Wie viele Sätze gibt es in 6. Sinfonie?", "mention": "6. Sinfonie"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
24 |
{"id": "Q264519_0", "wikidata_id": "Q264519", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "Can you give a brief description of the novel All the Pretty Horses?", "targets": [{"translation": "Können Sie eine kurze Beschreibung des Romans All die schönen Pferde geben?", "mention": "All die schönen Pferde"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
25 |
{"id": "Q264519_1", "wikidata_id": "Q264519", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "Who is the author of All the Pretty Horses?", "targets": [{"translation": "Wer ist der Autor von all die schönen Pferde?", "mention": "All die schönen Pferde"}, {"translation": "Wer ist der Autor von All die schönen Pferde?", "mention": "All die schönen Pferde"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
26 |
{"id": "Q264519_2", "wikidata_id": "Q264519", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "What type of artwork is All the Pretty Horses?", "targets": [{"translation": "Welche Art von Kunstwerk ist All die schönen Pferde?", "mention": "All die schönen Pferde"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
27 |
{"id": "Q381756_0", "wikidata_id": "Q381756", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "What is the setting of Agatha Christie's Death on the Nile?", "targets": [{"translation": "Was ist der Schauplatz von Agatha Christies Der Tod auf dem Nil?", "mention": "Der Tod auf dem Nil"}, {"translation": "Was ist der Schauplatz von Agatha Christies Tod auf dem Nil?", "mention": "Tod auf dem Nil"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
28 |
{"id": "Q381756_1", "wikidata_id": "Q381756", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "What is the genre of Agatha Christie's Death on the Nile?", "targets": [{"translation": "Was ist das Genre von Agatha Christies Der Tod auf dem Nil?", "mention": "Der Tod auf dem Nil"}, {"translation": "Was ist das Genre von Agatha Christies Tod auf dem Nil?", "mention": "Tod auf dem Nil"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
29 |
{"id": "Q381756_2", "wikidata_id": "Q381756", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "When was Death on the Nile first published?", "targets": [{"translation": "Wann wurde Der Tod auf dem Nil zum ersten Mal veröffentlicht?", "mention": "Der Tod auf dem Nil"}, {"translation": "Wann wurde Der Tod auf dem Nil erstmals veröffentlicht?", "mention": "Der Tod auf dem Nil"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q430565_0", "wikidata_id": "Q430565", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "Who was Francesco I Gonzaga, Marquess of Mantua?", "targets": [{"translation": "Wer war Gianfrancesco I. Gonzaga?", "mention": "Gianfrancesco I. Gonzaga"}, {"translation": "Wer war Francesco I. Gonzaga, Marquess von Mantua?", "mention": "Francesco I. Gonzaga, Marquess von Mantua"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
31 |
{"id": "Q4376908_0", "wikidata_id": "Q4376908", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "How would you describe the style of the Prelude and Fugue in C major, BWV 846?", "targets": [{"translation": "Wie würden Sie den Stil des Präludium und Fuge C-Dur BWV 846 beschreiben?", "mention": "Präludium und Fuge C-Dur BWV 846"}, {"translation": "Wie würden Sie den Stil des Präludium und Fuge C-Dur, BWV 846 beschreiben?", "mention": "Präludium und Fuge C-Dur, BWV 846"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
32 |
{"id": "Q4376908_1", "wikidata_id": "Q4376908", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "What is the genre of the musical work Prelude and Fugue in C major, BWV 846?", "targets": [{"translation": "Was ist das Genre des musikalischen Werkes Präludium und Fuge C-Dur BWV 846?", "mention": "Präludium und Fuge C-Dur BWV 846"}, {"translation": "Was ist das Genre des musikalischen Werkes Präludium und Fuge C-Dur, BWV 846?", "mention": "Präludium und Fuge C-Dur, BWV 846"}, {"translation": "Zu welcher Gattung gehört das Musikwerk Präludium und Fuge C-Dur BWV 846?", "mention": "Präludium und Fuge C-Dur BWV 846"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
33 |
{"id": "Q4376908_2", "wikidata_id": "Q4376908", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "In which key is the Prelude and Fugue in C major, BWV 846 written?", "targets": [{"translation": "In welcher Tonart ist das Präludium und Fuge C-Dur BWV 846 geschrieben?", "mention": "Präludium und Fuge C-Dur BWV 846"}, {"translation": "In welcher Tonart ist das Präludium und Fuge C-Dur, BWV 846 geschrieben?", "mention": "Präludium und Fuge C-Dur, BWV 846"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q470329_0", "wikidata_id": "Q470329", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "Where was The Great Train Robbery filmed?", "targets": [{"translation": "Wo wurde Der große Eisenbahnraub gedreht?", "mention": "Der große Eisenbahnraub"}, {"translation": "Wo wurde der große Eisenbahnraub gedreht?", "mention": "Der große Eisenbahnraub"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
35 |
{"id": "Q470329_1", "wikidata_id": "Q470329", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "What year was The Great Train Robbery released?", "targets": [{"translation": "In welchem Jahr wurde Der große Eisenbahnraub veräffentlicht?", "mention": "Der große Eisenbahnraub"}, {"translation": "In welchem Jahr wurde der große Eisenbahnraub veröffentlicht?", "mention": "Der große Eisenbahnraub"}, {"translation": "In welchem Jahr wurde Der große Eisenbahnraub veröffentlicht?", "mention": "Der große Eisenbahnraub"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
36 |
{"id": "Q470329_2", "wikidata_id": "Q470329", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "What genre does The Great Train Robbery belong to?", "targets": [{"translation": "Zu welchem Genre gehört Der große Eisenbahnraub?", "mention": "Der große Eisenbahnraub"}, {"translation": "Zu welchem Genre gehört der große Eisenbahnraub?", "mention": "Der große Eisenbahnraub"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q5188058_0", "wikidata_id": "Q5188058", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "Are there any known allergic reactions or side effects associated with croscarmellose sodium?", "targets": [{"translation": "Gibt es bekannte allergische Reaktionen oder Nebenwirkungen im Zusammenhang mit Vernetzte Natriumcarboxymethylcellulose?", "mention": "Vernetzte Natriumcarboxymethylcellulose"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q5188058_1", "wikidata_id": "Q5188058", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "Is croscarmellose sodium safe for consumption and approved by food regulatory agencies?", "targets": [{"translation": "Ist Vernetzte Natriumcarboxymethylcellulose für den Verzehr sicher und von den Lebensmittel Aufsichtsbehörden zugelassen?", "mention": "Vernetzte Natriumcarboxymethylcellulose"}, {"translation": "Ist Vernetzte Natriumcarboxymethylcellulose für den Verzehr sicher und von den Lebensmittelaufsichtsbehörden zugelassen?", "mention": "Vernetzte Natriumcarboxymethylcellulose"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q5188058_2", "wikidata_id": "Q5188058", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of using croscarmellose sodium in food products?", "targets": [{"translation": "Was sind die potenziellen Vor- und Nachteile der Verwendung von Vernetzte Natriumcarboxymethylcellulose in Lebensmitteln?", "mention": "Vernetzte Natriumcarboxymethylcellulose"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q60514_0", "wikidata_id": "Q60514", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "Who was Philip William, Elector Palatine?", "targets": [{"translation": "Wer war Philipp Wilhelm, Kurfürst von der Pfalz?", "mention": "Philipp Wilhelm, Kurfürst von der Pfalz"}, {"translation": "Wer war Philipp Wilhelm Kurfürst von der Pfalz?", "mention": "Philipp Wilhelm Kurfürst von der Pfalz"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
41 |
{"id": "Q621880_0", "wikidata_id": "Q621880", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "Does apricot oil have any health benefits?", "targets": [{"translation": "Hat Aprikosenkernöl gesundheitliche Vorteile?", "mention": "Aprikosenkernöl"}, {"translation": "Hat Aprikosenkernöl eine positive Wirkung auf die Gesundheit?", "mention": "Aprikosenkernöl"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q621880_1", "wikidata_id": "Q621880", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "How is apricot oil made?", "targets": [{"translation": "Wie wird Aprikosenkernöl hergestellt?", "mention": "Aprikosenkernöl"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
43 |
{"id": "Q621880_2", "wikidata_id": "Q621880", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "What are the culinary uses of apricot oil?", "targets": [{"translation": "Welche kulinarischen Verwendungsmöglichkeiten bietet Aprikosenkernöl?", "mention": "Aprikosenkernöl"}, {"translation": "Was sind die kulinarischen Verwendungen von Aprikosenkernöl?", "mention": "Aprikosenkernöl"}, {"translation": "Welche kulinarischen Verwendungsmöglichkeiten gibt es für Aprikosenkernöl?", "mention": "Aprikosenkernöl"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q627784_0", "wikidata_id": "Q627784", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "How is Yu the Great remembered and honored in Chinese history and culture today?", "targets": [{"translation": "Wie wird Yu der Große heute in der chinesischen Geschichte und Kultur in Erinnerung bleiben und geehrt?", "mention": "Yu der Große"}, {"translation": "Wie wird Yu der Große in der chinesischen Geschichte und Kultur heute erinnert und geehrt?", "mention": "Yu der Große"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q627784_1", "wikidata_id": "Q627784", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "When did Yu the Great rule as king and founder of the Xia Dynasty?", "targets": [{"translation": "Wann regierte Yu der Große als König und Gründer der Xia-Dynastie?", "mention": "Yu der Große"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q627784_2", "wikidata_id": "Q627784", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "What are some notable achievements or contributions of Yu the Great during his reign?", "targets": [{"translation": "Was sind einige bemerkenswerte Errungenschaften oder Beiträge von Yu der Große während seiner Herrschaft?", "mention": "Yu der Große"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q694769_0", "wikidata_id": "Q694769", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "How many levels are there in the Order of Maria Theresa I?", "targets": [{"translation": "Wie viele Ebenen gibt es im Militär-Maria-Theresien-Orden?", "mention": "Militär-Maria-Theresien-Orden"}, {"translation": "Wie viele Ebenen hat der Militär-Maria-Theresien-Orden?", "mention": "Militär-Maria-Theresien-Orden"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q694769_1", "wikidata_id": "Q694769", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "Who created the Order of Maria Theresa I?", "targets": [{"translation": "Wer hat den Militär-Maria-Theresien-Orden geschaffen?", "mention": "Militär-Maria-Theresien-Orden"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q694769_2", "wikidata_id": "Q694769", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "Which country does the Order of Maria Theresa I originate from?", "targets": [{"translation": "Aus welchem Land stammt der Militär-Maria-Theresien-Orden?", "mention": "Militär-Maria-Theresien-Orden"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q73549950_0", "wikidata_id": "Q73549950", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "Is Yam Fortress open to the public for visits and exploration?", "targets": [{"translation": "Ist Festung Jam für die Öffentlichkeit für Besuche und Erkundungen zugänglich?", "mention": "Festung Jam"}, {"translation": "Ist die Festung Jam für Besichtigungen und Erkundungen für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich?", "mention": "Festung Jam"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q73549950_1", "wikidata_id": "Q73549950", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "How old is the Yam Fortress in Kingisepp, Russia?", "targets": [{"translation": "Wie alt ist die Festung Jam in Kingisepp, Russland?", "mention": "Festung Jam"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q73549950_2", "wikidata_id": "Q73549950", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "What makes Yam Fortress a notable landmark in the region?", "targets": [{"translation": "Was macht die Festung Jam zu einem bemerkenswerten Wahrzeichen in der Region?", "mention": "Festung Jam"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q771061_0", "wikidata_id": "Q771061", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "Where can the Ossiach Abbey be found?", "targets": [{"translation": "Wo kann man die Stift Ossiach finden?", "mention": "Stift Ossiach"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q771061_1", "wikidata_id": "Q771061", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "How would you describe Ossiach Abbey?", "targets": [{"translation": "Wie würden Sie Stift Ossiach beschreiben?", "mention": "Stift Ossiach"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q771061_2", "wikidata_id": "Q771061", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "What was the former purpose of Ossiach Abbey?", "targets": [{"translation": "Was war der frühere Zweck von Stift Ossiach?", "mention": "Stift Ossiach"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
56 |
{"id": "Q784624_0", "wikidata_id": "Q784624", "entity_types": ["Place of worship", "Landmark"], "source": "What is the significance of the Pechenga Monastery?", "targets": [{"translation": "Was ist die Bedeutung des Kloster Petschenga?", "mention": "Kloster Petschenga"}, {"translation": "Was ist die Bedeutung des Kloster Petschengas?", "mention": "Kloster Petschenga"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q784624_1", "wikidata_id": "Q784624", "entity_types": ["Place of worship", "Landmark"], "source": "Where is the Pechenga Monastery located?", "targets": [{"translation": "Wo befindet sich das Kloster Petschenga?", "mention": "Kloster Petschenga"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q784624_2", "wikidata_id": "Q784624", "entity_types": ["Place of worship", "Landmark"], "source": "How old is the Pechenga Monastery?", "targets": [{"translation": "Wie alt ist das Kloster Petschenga?", "mention": "Kloster Petschenga"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q9024484_0", "wikidata_id": "Q9024484", "entity_types": ["Movie", "TV series"], "source": "Who is the main character in Love's Long Journey?", "targets": [{"translation": "Wer ist die Hauptfigur in Liebe findet ein Zuhause?", "mention": "Liebe findet ein Zuhause"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q9024484_1", "wikidata_id": "Q9024484", "entity_types": ["Movie", "TV series"], "source": "What year was Love's Long Journey released?", "targets": [{"translation": "In welchem Jahr wurde Liebe findet ein Zuhause veröffentlicht?", "mention": "Liebe findet ein Zuhause"}, {"translation": "In welchem Jahr war die Erstaufführung von Liebe findet ein Zuhause?", "mention": "Liebe findet ein Zuhause"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q9024484_2", "wikidata_id": "Q9024484", "entity_types": ["Movie", "TV series"], "source": "Is Love's Long Journey a movie or a TV series?", "targets": [{"translation": "Ist Liebe findet ein Zuhause ein Film oder eine TV-Serie?", "mention": "Liebe findet ein Zuhause"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q905782_0", "wikidata_id": "Q905782", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "Are there any health concerns associated with consuming disodium 5'-inosinate?", "targets": [{"translation": "Gibt es gesundheitliche Bedenken im Zusammenhang mit dem Verzehr von Dinatriuminosinat?", "mention": "Dinatriuminosinat"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
63 |
{"id": "Q905782_1", "wikidata_id": "Q905782", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "How is disodium 5'-inosinate used in food?", "targets": [{"translation": "Wie wird Dinatriuminosinat in Lebensmitteln verwendet?", "mention": "Dinatriuminosinat"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q905782_2", "wikidata_id": "Q905782", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "Is disodium 5'-inosinate a natural or artificial compound?", "targets": [{"translation": "Ist Dinatriuminosinat eine natürliche oder künstliche Verbindung?", "mention": "Dinatriuminosinat"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
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{"id": "Q921522_0", "wikidata_id": "Q921522", "entity_types": ["Book"], "source": "Who is the author of The Secret of the Unicorn book?", "targets": [{"translation": "Wer ist der Autor des Buches Das Geheimnis der Einhorn?", "mention": "Das Geheimnis der Einhorn"}, {"translation": "Wer ist der Autor vom Buch Das Geheimnis der Einhorn?", "mention": "Das Geheimnis der Einhorn"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
66 |
{"id": "Q921522_1", "wikidata_id": "Q921522", "entity_types": ["Book"], "source": "In how many volumes is The Secret of the Unicorn series divided?", "targets": [{"translation": "In wie vielen Bänden ist die Serie Das Geheimnis der Einhorn aufgeteilt?", "mention": "Das Geheimnis der Einhorn"}, {"translation": "In wie viele Bände ist die Serie Das Geheimnis der Einhorn aufgeteilt?", "mention": "Das Geheimnis der Einhorn"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
67 |
{"id": "Q921522_2", "wikidata_id": "Q921522", "entity_types": ["Book"], "source": "What is the genre of The Secret of the Unicorn book?", "targets": [{"translation": "Was ist das Genre des Buches Das Geheimnis der Einhorn?", "mention": "Das Geheimnis der Einhorn"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
68 |
{"id": "Q972938_0", "wikidata_id": "Q972938", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "Who can attend Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy?", "targets": [{"translation": "Kann man die Päpstliche Diplomatenakademie besuchen?", "mention": "Päpstliche Diplomatenakademie"}, {"translation": "Wer kann die Päpstliche Diplomatenakademie besuchen?", "mention": "Päpstliche Diplomatenakademie"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
69 |
{"id": "Q972938_1", "wikidata_id": "Q972938", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "Where is Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy located?", "targets": [{"translation": "Wo befindet sich die Päpstliche Diplomatenakademie?", "mention": "Päpstliche Diplomatenakademie"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
70 |
{"id": "Q972938_2", "wikidata_id": "Q972938", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "What is the historical significance of Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy?", "targets": [{"translation": "Was ist die historische Bedeutung der Päpstliche Diplomatenakademie?", "mention": "Päpstliche Diplomatenakademie"}, {"translation": "Welche historische Bedeutung hat die Päpstliche Diplomatenakademie?", "mention": "Päpstliche Diplomatenakademie"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "de"}
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
1 |
{"id": "Q1050105_0", "wikidata_id": "Q1050105", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "Who played the lead role in the movie Torrente, the dumb arm of the law?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Quién interpretó el papel principal en la película Torrente, el brazo tonto de la ley?", "mention": "Torrente, el brazo tonto de la ley"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
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{"id": "Q1050105_1", "wikidata_id": "Q1050105", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "What year was the movie Torrente, the dumb arm of the law released?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿En qué año se estrenó la película Torrente, el brazo tonto de la ley?", "mention": "Torrente, el brazo tonto de la ley"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
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{"id": "Q1050105_2", "wikidata_id": "Q1050105", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "What is the genre of the movie Torrente, the dumb arm of the law?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Cuál es el género de la película Torrente, el brazo tonto de la ley?", "mention": "Torrente, el brazo tonto de la ley"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
4 |
{"id": "Q1063425_0", "wikidata_id": "Q1063425", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "What is the significance of the Porcelain Tower of Nanjing in relation to the Great Bao'en Temple?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Cuál es el significado de la Torre de porcelana en relación con el Gran Templo de Bao'en?", "mention": "Torre de porcelana"}, {"translation": "¿Cuál es el significado de la Torre de porcelana de Nanjing en relación con el Gran Templo de Bao'en?", "mention": "Torre de porcelana"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
5 |
{"id": "Q1063425_1", "wikidata_id": "Q1063425", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "When was the Porcelain Tower of Nanjing constructed?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Cuándo se construyó la Torre de porcelana?", "mention": "Torre de porcelana"}, {"translation": "¿Cuándo se construyó la Torre de porcelana de Nanjing?", "mention": "Torre de porcelana"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
6 |
{"id": "Q1063425_2", "wikidata_id": "Q1063425", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "In which dynasty was the Porcelain Tower of Nanjing built?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿En qué dinastía se construyó la Torre de porcelana?", "mention": "Torre de porcelana"}, {"translation": "¿En qué dinastía se construyó la Torre de porcelana de Nanjing?", "mention": "Torre de porcelana"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
7 |
{"id": "Q1069956_0", "wikidata_id": "Q1069956", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "When was The Bluest Eye first published?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Cuándo se publicó por primera vez Ojos azules?", "mention": "Ojos azules"}, {"translation": "¿Cuándo se publicó por primera vez Ojos Azules?", "mention": "Ojos Azules"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
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{"id": "Q1069956_1", "wikidata_id": "Q1069956", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "Who is the author of the novel The Bluest Eye?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Quién es la autora de la novela Ojos azules?", "mention": "Ojos azules"}, {"translation": "¿Quién es el autor de la novela Ojos Azules?", "mention": "Ojos Azules?"}, {"translation": "¿Quién es el autor de la novela Ojos azules?", "mention": "Ojos azules"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
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{"id": "Q1069956_2", "wikidata_id": "Q1069956", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "What is the main theme explored in The Bluest Eye?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Qué tema principal se explora en Ojos azules?", "mention": "Ojos azules"}, {"translation": "¿Cuál es el tema principal explorado en Ojos Azules?", "mention": "Ojos Azules"}, {"translation": "¿Cuál es el tema principal explorado en Ojos azules?", "mention": "Ojos azules"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
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{"id": "Q1215450_0", "wikidata_id": "Q1215450", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "What is the main theme of The Doors of Perception?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Cuál es el tema principal de Las puertas de la percepción?", "mention": "Las puertas de la percepción"}, {"translation": "¿Cuál es el tema principal de Las Puertas de la Percepción?", "mention": "Las Puertas de la Percepción"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
11 |
{"id": "Q1215450_1", "wikidata_id": "Q1215450", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "Who is the author of the book The Doors of Perception?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Quién es el autor del libro Las puertas de la percepción?", "mention": "Las puertas de la percepción"}, {"translation": "¿Quién es el autor del libro Las Puertas de la Percepción?", "mention": "Las Puertas de la Percepción"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
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{"id": "Q1215450_2", "wikidata_id": "Q1215450", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "Is The Doors of Perception considered a work of art?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Se considera Las puertas de la percepción una obra de arte?", "mention": "Las puertas de la percepción"}, {"translation": "¿Se considera Las Puertas de la Percepción una obra de arte?", "mention": "Las Puertas de la Percepción"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
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{"id": "Q12810220_0", "wikidata_id": "Q12810220", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "What is the plot of Kapıcılar Kralı?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Cuál es la trama de King of the Doormen?", "mention": "King of the Doormen"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
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{"id": "Q12810220_1", "wikidata_id": "Q12810220", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "What is the genre of the movie Kapıcılar Kralı?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Cuál es el género de la película King of the Doormen?", "mention": "King of the Doormen"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
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{"id": "Q12810220_2", "wikidata_id": "Q12810220", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "When was the movie Kapıcılar Kralı released?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Cuándo se estrenó la película King of the Doormen?", "mention": "King of the Doormen"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
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{"id": "Q1377929_0", "wikidata_id": "Q1377929", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "When was Tico of the Seven Seas first aired?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Cuándo se emitió por primera vez Tico de los siete mares?", "mention": "Tico de los siete mares"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
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{"id": "Q1377929_1", "wikidata_id": "Q1377929", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "Who are the main characters in Tico of the Seven Seas?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Quiénes son los personajes principales de Tico de los siete mares?", "mention": "Tico de los siete mares"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
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{"id": "Q1377929_2", "wikidata_id": "Q1377929", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "How many episodes are there in Tico of the Seven Seas?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Cuántos episodios tiene Tico de los siete mares?", "mention": "Tico de los siete mares"}, {"translation": "¿Cuántos episodios hay en Tico de los siete mares?", "mention": "Tico de los siete mares"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
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{"id": "Q1574587_0", "wikidata_id": "Q1574587", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "Are there any specific rules or dress code to be followed when visiting King Abdullah I Mosque?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Hay alguna regla específica o código de vestimenta que se deba seguir al visitar la Mezquita del Rey Abdalá I?", "mention": "Mezquita del Rey Abdalá I"}, {"translation": "¿Hay alguna regla específica o código de vestimenta que se pueda seguir al visitar la Mezquita del Rey Abdalá I?", "mention": "Mezquita del Rey Abdalá I"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
20 |
{"id": "Q1574587_1", "wikidata_id": "Q1574587", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "How would you describe the architectural style of King Abdullah I Mosque?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Cómo describirías el estilo arquitectónico de la Mezquita del Rey Abdalá I?", "mention": "Mezquita del Rey Abdalá I"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
21 |
{"id": "Q1574587_2", "wikidata_id": "Q1574587", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "Can visitors of all religious backgrounds enter King Abdullah I Mosque?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Pueden los visitantes de todos los orígenes religiosos entrar en la Mezquita del Rey Abdalá I?", "mention": "Mezquita del Rey Abdalá I"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
22 |
{"id": "Q157491_0", "wikidata_id": "Q157491", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "What was Marie Louise I, Duchess of Parma's title before she became Empress of France?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Cuál era el título de María Luisa de Austria antes de convertirse en emperatriz de Francia?", "mention": "María Luisa de Austria"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
23 |
{"id": "Q157491_1", "wikidata_id": "Q157491", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "What was Marie Louise I, Duchess of Parma's role as Empress of France?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Cuál fue el papel de María Luisa de Austria como emperatriz de Francia?", "mention": "María Luisa de Austria"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
24 |
{"id": "Q157491_2", "wikidata_id": "Q157491", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "When did Marie Louise I, Duchess of Parma reign as Empress of France?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Cuándo reinó María Luisa de Austria como emperatriz de Francia?", "mention": "María Luisa de Austria"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
25 |
{"id": "Q1625975_0", "wikidata_id": "Q1625975", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "How would you describe the plot of The World in His Arms?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Cómo describirías la trama de El mundo en sus manos?", "mention": "El mundo en sus manos"}, {"translation": "¿Cómo describirías el argumento de El mundo en sus manos?", "mention": "El mundo en sus manos"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
26 |
{"id": "Q1625975_1", "wikidata_id": "Q1625975", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "What year was The World in His Arms released?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿En qué año se estrenó El mundo en sus manos?", "mention": "El mundo en sus manos"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
27 |
{"id": "Q1625975_2", "wikidata_id": "Q1625975", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "What type of film is The World in His Arms?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Qué tipo de película es El mundo en sus manos?", "mention": "El mundo en sus manos"}, {"translation": "¿Cuál es el género cinematográfico de El mundo en sus manos?", "mention": "El mundo en sus manos"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
28 |
{"id": "Q1823920_0", "wikidata_id": "Q1823920", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "How would you describe The Rape of the Lock in one word?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Cómo describirías El rizo robado en una palabra?", "mention": "El rizo robado"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
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{"id": "Q1823920_1", "wikidata_id": "Q1823920", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "Who is the author of The Rape of the Lock?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Quién es el autor de El rizo robado?", "mention": "El rizo robado"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
30 |
{"id": "Q1823920_2", "wikidata_id": "Q1823920", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "What type of artwork is The Rape of the Lock?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Qué tipo de obra artística es El rizo robado?", "mention": "El rizo robado"}, {"translation": "¿Qué tipo de obra es El rizo robado?", "mention": "El rizo robado"}, {"translation": "¿Qué tipo de obra de arte es El rizo robado?", "mention": "El rizo robado"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
31 |
{"id": "Q1973935_0", "wikidata_id": "Q1973935", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "How would you describe Serrabone Priory?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Cómo describirías la Abadía de Santa María de Serrabona?", "mention": "Abadía de Santa María de Serrabona"}, {"translation": "¿Cómo describirías el Abadía de Santa María de Serrabona?", "mention": "Abadía de Santa María de Serrabona"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
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{"id": "Q1973935_1", "wikidata_id": "Q1973935", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "What type of place is Serrabone Priory?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Qué tipo de lugar es la Abadía de Santa María de Serrabona?", "mention": "Abadía de Santa María de Serrabona"}, {"translation": "¿Qué tipo de lugar es el Abadía de Santa María de Serrabona?", "mention": "Abadía de Santa María de Serrabona"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
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{"id": "Q220951_0", "wikidata_id": "Q220951", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "What architectural style is Church of the Ascension, Kolomenskoye built in?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿En qué estilo arquitectónico está construida la Iglesia de la Ascensión?", "mention": "Iglesia de la Ascensión"}, {"translation": "¿Cuál es el estilo arquitectónico de la Iglesia de la Ascensión de Kolómenskoye?", "mention": "Iglesia de la Ascensión de Kolómenskoye"}, {"translation": "¿En qué estilo arquitectónico está construida la Iglesia de la Ascensión, Kolómenskoye?", "mention": "Iglesia de la Ascensión, Kolómenskoye"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
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{"id": "Q220951_1", "wikidata_id": "Q220951", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "How old is Church of the Ascension, Kolomenskoye?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Cuántos años tiene la Iglesia de la Ascensión?", "mention": "Iglesia de la Ascensión"}, {"translation": "¿Cuántos años tiene la Iglesia de la Ascensión de Kolómenskoye?", "mention": "Iglesia de la Ascensión de Kolómenskoye"}, {"translation": "¿Cuántos años tiene la Iglesia de la Ascensión, Kolómenskoye?", "mention": "Iglesia de la Ascensión, Kolómenskoye"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
35 |
{"id": "Q220951_2", "wikidata_id": "Q220951", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "Can visitors go inside Church of the Ascension, Kolomenskoye?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Pueden los visitantes entrar a la Iglesia de la Ascensión?", "mention": "Iglesia de la Ascensión"}, {"translation": "¿Los visitantes pueden entrar en la Iglesia de la Ascensión de Kolómenskoye?", "mention": "Iglesia de la Ascensión de Kolómenskoye"}, {"translation": "¿Pueden los visitantes entrar en la Iglesia de la Ascensión, Kolómenskoye?", "mention": "Iglesia de la Ascensión, Kolómenskoye"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
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{"id": "Q2289037_0", "wikidata_id": "Q2289037", "entity_types": ["Person", "Fictional entity"], "source": "What is Android 18's relationship with Krillin in Dragon Ball?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Cuál es la relación de Androide 18 con Krillin en Dragon Ball?", "mention": "Androide 18"}, {"translation": "¿Cuál es la relación del Androide 18 con Krillin en Dragon Ball?", "mention": "Androide 18"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
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{"id": "Q2289037_1", "wikidata_id": "Q2289037", "entity_types": ["Person", "Fictional entity"], "source": "What are Android 18's special abilities and powers?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Cuáles son las habilidades y poderes especiales de Androide 18?", "mention": "Androide 18"}, {"translation": "¿Cuáles son las habilidades y poderes especiales del Androide 18?", "mention": "Androide 18"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
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{"id": "Q2289037_2", "wikidata_id": "Q2289037", "entity_types": ["Person", "Fictional entity"], "source": "Who did Android 18 initially serve in Dragon Ball?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿A quién sirvió inicialmente Androide 18en Dragon Ball?", "mention": "Androide 18"}, {"translation": "¿A quién sirvió inicialmente el Androide 18 en Dragon Ball?", "mention": "Androide 18"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
39 |
{"id": "Q2663347_0", "wikidata_id": "Q2663347", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "Describe the song White Army, Black Baron in one sentence.", "targets": [{"translation": "Describe la canción El Ejército Rojo es el más fuerte en una frase.", "mention": "El Ejército Rojo es el más fuerte"}, {"translation": "Describe la canción El Ejército Rojo es el más fuerteen una frase.", "mention": "El Ejército Rojo es el más fuerte"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
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{"id": "Q2663347_1", "wikidata_id": "Q2663347", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "What is the subject and type of the musical work White Army, Black Baron?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Cuál es el tema y el tipo de la obra musical El Ejército Rojo es el más fuerte?", "mention": "El Ejército Rojo es el más fuerte"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
41 |
{"id": "Q2663347_2", "wikidata_id": "Q2663347", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "Which ensemble performs the song White Army, Black Baron?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Qué conjunto interpreta la canción El Ejército Rojo es el más fuerte?", "mention": "El Ejército Rojo es el más fuerte"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
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{"id": "Q3387436_0", "wikidata_id": "Q3387436", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "In which navies did Prince Pierre, Duke of Penthièvre serve as an officer?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿En qué armadas sirvió Pedro de Orleans y Braganza como oficial?", "mention": "Pedro de Orleans y Braganza"}, {"translation": "¿En qué navíos sirvió como oficial Pedro de Orleans, Duque de Penthièvre?", "mention": "Pedro de Orleans, Duque de Penthièvre"}, {"translation": "¿En qué armadas sirvió Pedro de Orléans como oficial?", "mention": "Pedro de Orléans"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
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{"id": "Q3387436_1", "wikidata_id": "Q3387436", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "What was the primary occupation of Prince Pierre, Duke of Penthièvre?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Cuál fue la principal ocupación de Pedro de Orleans y Braganza?", "mention": "Pedro de Orleans y Braganza"}, {"translation": "¿Cuál fue ocupación principal de Pedro de Orleans, Duque de Penthièvre?", "mention": "Pedro de Orleans, Duque de Penthièvre"}, {"translation": "¿Cuál fue la ocupación principal del Pedro de Orléans?", "mention": "Pedro de Orléans"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
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{"id": "Q3387436_2", "wikidata_id": "Q3387436", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "Was Prince Pierre, Duke of Penthièvre known for his travels around the world?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Fue conocido Pedro de Orleans y Braganza por sus viajes alrededor del mundo?", "mention": "Pedro de Orleans y Braganza"}, {"translation": "¿Se conoció a Pedro de Orleans, Duque de Penthièvre por sus viajes alrededor del mundo?", "mention": "Pedro de Orleans, Duque de Penthièvre"}, {"translation": "¿Fue conocido el Duque de Penthièvre, Pedro de Orléans, por sus viajes alrededor del mundo?", "mention": "Duque de Penthièvre, Pedro de Orléans"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
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{"id": "Q3886309_0", "wikidata_id": "Q3886309", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity", "Person"], "source": "In which Dr. Seuss stories does Horton the Elephant appear?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿En qué historias del Dr. Seuss aparece Horton el Elefante?", "mention": "Horton el Elefante"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
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{"id": "Q4926545_0", "wikidata_id": "Q4926545", "entity_types": ["Movie", "TV series"], "source": "Can you provide a brief description of Blind Faith?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Puedes proporcionar una breve descripción de Fe ciega?", "mention": "Fe ciega"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
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{"id": "Q4926545_1", "wikidata_id": "Q4926545", "entity_types": ["Movie", "TV series"], "source": "What type of media is Blind Faith?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Qué tipo de medio es Fe ciega?", "mention": "Fe ciega"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
48 |
{"id": "Q4926545_2", "wikidata_id": "Q4926545", "entity_types": ["Movie", "TV series"], "source": "When was Blind Faith released?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Cuándo se lanzó Fe ciega?", "mention": "Fe ciega"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
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{"id": "Q502651_0", "wikidata_id": "Q502651", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "Which country was Andrey Myagkov from?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿De qué país era Andréi Miagkov?", "mention": "Andréi Miagkov"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
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{"id": "Q502651_1", "wikidata_id": "Q502651", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "What is Andrey Myagkov known for?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Por qué es conocido Andréi Miagkov?", "mention": "Andréi Miagkov"}, {"translation": "¿Por qué fue conocido Andréi Miagkov?", "mention": "Andréi Miagkov"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
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{"id": "Q502651_2", "wikidata_id": "Q502651", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "What were the years of Andrey Myagkov's acting career?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Cuáles fueron los años de actor de Andréi Miagkov?", "mention": "Andréi Miagkov"}, {"translation": "¿Cuáles fueron los años de la carrera como actor de Andréi Miagkov?", "mention": "Andréi Miagkov"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
52 |
{"id": "Q571544_0", "wikidata_id": "Q571544", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "In what ways does the oak leaf cluster contribute to the visual aesthetics of artwork, particularly in the field of heraldry?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿De qué manera contribuyen las Hojas de roble a la estética visual de las obras artísticas, particularmente en el campo de la heráldica?", "mention": "Hojas de roble"}, {"translation": "¿De qué manera contribuyen las hojas de roble a la estética visual de las obras de arte, particularmente en el campo de la heráldica?", "mention": "hojas de roble"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
53 |
{"id": "Q571544_1", "wikidata_id": "Q571544", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "How does an oak leaf cluster play a role in heraldry and represent certain achievements or honors?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿De qué manera las Hojas de roble tienen un papel en la heráldica y representan ciertos logros u honores?", "mention": "Hojas de roble"}, {"translation": "¿Cómo juegan las hojas de roble un papel en la heráldica y representan ciertos logros u honores?", "mention": "hojas de roble"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
54 |
{"id": "Q571544_2", "wikidata_id": "Q571544", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "Can you explain the significance of the oak leaf cluster as a figure in military awards and decorations?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Qué significa el símbolo de las Hojas de roble en los premios y condecoraciones militares?", "mention": "Hojas de roble"}, {"translation": "¿Puedes explicar la importancia de las hojas de roble como figura en los premios y condecoraciones militares?", "mention": "hojas de roble"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
55 |
{"id": "Q623417_0", "wikidata_id": "Q623417", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "Which river does the Rostokino Aqueduct cross?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Qué río cruza el Acueducto de Rostokino?", "mention": "Acueducto de Rostokino"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
56 |
{"id": "Q623417_1", "wikidata_id": "Q623417", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "Where is the Rostokino Aqueduct located?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Dónde se ubica el Acueducto de Rostokino?", "mention": "Acueducto de Rostokino"}, {"translation": "¿Dónde se encuentra el Acueducto de Rostokino?", "mention": "Acueducto de Rostokino"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
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{"id": "Q623417_2", "wikidata_id": "Q623417", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "What is the Rostokino Aqueduct made of?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿De qué está hecho el Acueducto de Rostokino?", "mention": "Acueducto de Rostokino"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
58 |
{"id": "Q6518146_0", "wikidata_id": "Q6518146", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "Where is the headquarters of the Legion of Monsters located?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Dónde se encuentra la sede de la Legión de Monstruos?", "mention": "Legión de Monstruos"}, {"translation": "Dónde se encuentra la sede de la Legión de Monstruos?", "mention": "Legión de Monstruos"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
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{"id": "Q6518146_1", "wikidata_id": "Q6518146", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "What powers do the Legion of Monsters possess?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Que poderes poseen la Legión de Monstruos?", "mention": "Legión de Monstruos"}, {"translation": "¿Qué poderes posee la Legión de Monstruos?", "mention": "Legión de Monstruos"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
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{"id": "Q6518146_2", "wikidata_id": "Q6518146", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "When was the Legion of Monsters first introduced in comic books?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Cuándo fueron introducidos por primera vez la Legión de Monstruos en los cómics?", "mention": "Legión de Monstruos"}, {"translation": "¿Cuándo se introdujo por primera vez la Legión de Monstruos en los cómics?", "mention": "Legión de Monstruos"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
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{"id": "Q725361_0", "wikidata_id": "Q725361", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "What are the benefits of incorporating green chemistry practices in industries?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Cuáles son los beneficios de incorporar prácticas de Química sostenible en las industrias?", "mention": "Química sostenible"}, {"translation": "¿Cuáles son los beneficios de incorporar prácticas de química sostenible en las industrias?", "mention": "química sostenible"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
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{"id": "Q725361_1", "wikidata_id": "Q725361", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "How does green chemistry minimize the use of hazardous substances?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Cómo minimiza la Química sostenible el uso de sustancias peligrosas?", "mention": "Química sostenible"}, {"translation": "¿Cómo minimiza la química sostenible el uso de sustancias peligrosas?", "mention": "química sostenible"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
63 |
{"id": "Q725361_2", "wikidata_id": "Q725361", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "Can you give an example of a green chemistry innovation?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Puedes dar un ejemplo de una innovación de la Química sostenible?", "mention": "Química sostenible"}, {"translation": "¿Puedes dar un ejemplo de una innovación de química sostenible?", "mention": "química sostenible"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
64 |
{"id": "Q862538_0", "wikidata_id": "Q862538", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "How many musketeers are featured in the 1978 TV series D'Artagnan and Three Musketeers?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Cuántos mosqueteros aparecen en la serie de televisión de 1978 D'Artagnan y los tres mosqueteros?", "mention": "D'Artagnan y los tres mosqueteros"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
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{"id": "Q862538_1", "wikidata_id": "Q862538", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "When was the 1978 TV series D'Artagnan and Three Musketeers released?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Cuándo se estrenó la serie de televisión de 1978 D'Artagnan y los tres mosqueteros?", "mention": "D'Artagnan y los tres mosqueteros"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
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{"id": "Q862538_2", "wikidata_id": "Q862538", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "Can you name a director of the 1978 TV series D'Artagnan and Three Musketeers?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Puedes nombrar a un director de la serie de televisión de 1978 D'Artagnan y los tres mosqueteros?", "mention": "D'Artagnan y los tres mosqueteros"}, {"translation": "¿Puede nombrar al director de la serie de televisión de 1978 D'Artagnan y los tres mosqueteros?", "mention": "D'Artagnan y los tres mosqueteros"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
67 |
{"id": "Q898971_0", "wikidata_id": "Q898971", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "Where can I watch episodes of You Are the One online?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Dónde puedo ver episodios de Sos mi vida en línea?", "mention": "Sos mi vida"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
68 |
{"id": "Q898971_1", "wikidata_id": "Q898971", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "What is the storyline of the Argentine telenovela You Are the One?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Cuál es la historia de la telenovela argentina Sos mi vida?", "mention": "Sos mi vida"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
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{"id": "Q898971_2", "wikidata_id": "Q898971", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "When did the TV series You Are the One first air in Argentina?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Cuándo se emitió por primera vez la serie de televisión Sos mi vida en Argentina?", "mention": "Sos mi vida"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
70 |
{"id": "Q969482_0", "wikidata_id": "Q969482", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "What is the purpose of the Strahov Monastery?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Cuál es el propósito del Monasterio de Strahov?", "mention": "Monasterio de Strahov"}, {"translation": "¿Cuál es el propósito del Monasterio de Strahov", "mention": "Monasterio de Strahov"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
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{"id": "Q969482_1", "wikidata_id": "Q969482", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "Where is the Strahov Monastery located?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Dónde se encuentra el Monasterio de Strahov?", "mention": "Monasterio de Strahov"}, {"translation": "¿Dónde se encuentra elMonasterio de StrahovComplejo de la iglesia de Praga)", "mention": "Monasterio de Strahov"}, {"translation": "¿Dónde se localiza el Monasterio de Strahov?", "mention": "Monasterio de Strahov"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
72 |
{"id": "Q969482_2", "wikidata_id": "Q969482", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "What type of place is the Strahov Monastery?", "targets": [{"translation": "¿Qué tipo de lugar es el Monasterio de Strahov?", "mention": "Monasterio de Strahov"}, {"translation": "Qué tipo de lugar es elMonasterio de StrahovSitio de adoración en Praga)", "mention": "Monasterio de Strahov"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "es"}
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
1 |
{"id": "Q1075548_0", "wikidata_id": "Q1075548", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "How many seasons of The Tiger Brigades have been released?", "targets": [{"translation": "Combien de saisons de Les Brigades du Tigre ont été publiées?", "mention": "Les Brigades du Tigre"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
2 |
{"id": "Q1075548_1", "wikidata_id": "Q1075548", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "Who are the main characters in The Tiger Brigades?", "targets": [{"translation": "Qui sont les personnages principaux dans Les Brigades du Tigre?", "mention": "Les Brigades du Tigre"}, {"translation": "Qui sont les personnages principaux de Les Brigades du Tigre?", "mention": "Les Brigades du Tigre"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
3 |
{"id": "Q1075548_2", "wikidata_id": "Q1075548", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "Where is The Tiger Brigades TV series set?", "targets": [{"translation": "Où se déroule la série télévisée Les Brigades du Tigre?", "mention": "Les Brigades du Tigre"}, {"translation": "Où se déroule la série télévisée les Brigades du Tigre?", "mention": "Les Brigades du Tigre"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
4 |
{"id": "Q1076906_0", "wikidata_id": "Q1076906", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "How long does it take for a sunflower seed to grow into a mature sunflower?", "targets": [{"translation": "Combien de temps faut-il pour qu'une graine de tournesol devienne un tournesol mature?", "mention": "graine de tournesol"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
5 |
{"id": "Q1076906_1", "wikidata_id": "Q1076906", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "What nutrients are found in sunflower seeds?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quels nutriments se trouvent dans les graines de tournesol?", "mention": "graines de tournesol"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
6 |
{"id": "Q1076906_2", "wikidata_id": "Q1076906", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "Do sunflower seeds have any health benefits?", "targets": [{"translation": "Les graines de tournesol ont-elles des avantages pour la santé?", "mention": "graines de tournesol"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
7 |
{"id": "Q1140429_0", "wikidata_id": "Q1140429", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "Can you find national history exhibits at the State Historical Museum?", "targets": [{"translation": "Pouvez-vous trouver des expositions d'histoire nationale au Musée historique d'État de Moscou?", "mention": "Musée historique d'État de Moscou"}, {"translation": "Pouvez-vous trouver des expositions d'histoire nationale au musée historique d'État de Moscou?", "mention": "musée historique d'État de Moscou"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
8 |
{"id": "Q1140429_1", "wikidata_id": "Q1140429", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "Is the State Historical Museum located in Russia?", "targets": [{"translation": "Le Musée historique d'État de Moscou est-il situé en Russie?", "mention": "Musée historique d'État de Moscou."}, {"translation": "Le musée historique d'État de Moscou est-il situé en Russie?", "mention": "musée historique d'État de Moscou"}, {"translation": "Est-ce que le musée historique d'État de Moscou est situé en Russie?", "mention": "musée historique d'État de Moscou"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
9 |
{"id": "Q1140429_2", "wikidata_id": "Q1140429", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "What type of museum is the State Historical Museum?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quel type de musée est le Musée historique d'État de Moscou?", "mention": "Musée historique d'État de Moscou"}, {"translation": "Quel type de musée est le musée historique d'État de Moscou", "mention": "musée historique d'État de Moscou"}, {"translation": "Quel type de musée est le musée historique d'État de Moscou?", "mention": "musée historique d'État de Moscou"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
10 |
{"id": "Q1361789_0", "wikidata_id": "Q1361789", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "Who are the main characters in The Emperor and the Assassin?", "targets": [{"translation": "Qui sont les personnages principaux de L'Empereur et l'Assassin?", "mention": "L'Empereur et l'Assassin"}, {"translation": "Quels sont les personnages principaux de L'Empereur et l'Assassin?", "mention": "L'Empereur et l'Assassin"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
11 |
{"id": "Q1361789_1", "wikidata_id": "Q1361789", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "When was The Emperor and the Assassin released?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quand L'Empereur et l'Assassin est-il sorti?", "mention": "L'Empereur et l'Assassin"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
12 |
{"id": "Q1361789_2", "wikidata_id": "Q1361789", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "What is the genre of the movie The Emperor and the Assassin?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quel est le genre du film L'Empereur et l'Assassin?", "mention": "L'Empereur et l'Assassin"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
13 |
{"id": "Q1432832_0", "wikidata_id": "Q1432832", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "What is the architectural style of the Grand Mosque?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quel est le style architectural de la Grande Mosquée de Koweït?", "mention": "Grande Mosquée de Koweït"}, {"translation": "Quel est le style architectural de la Grande Mosquée de Koweit?", "mention": "Grande Mosquée de Koweit"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
14 |
{"id": "Q1432832_1", "wikidata_id": "Q1432832", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "What is the Grand Mosque known for in terms of religious significance?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quelle est la signification religieuse de la Grande Mosquée de Koweït?", "mention": "Grande Mosquée de Koweït"}, {"translation": "Quelle est la signification religieuse de la Grande Mosquée de Koweit en termes de signification religieuse?", "mention": "Grande Mosquée de Koweit"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
15 |
{"id": "Q1432832_2", "wikidata_id": "Q1432832", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "How old is the Grand Mosque in Kuwait City?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quel âge a la Grande Mosquée à Koweït?", "mention": "Grande Mosquée"}, {"translation": "Quel âge à la Grande Mosquée à Koweït?", "mention": "Grande Mosquée"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
16 |
{"id": "Q1721876_0", "wikidata_id": "Q1721876", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "Is chocolate liquor the same as chocolate syrup?", "targets": [{"translation": "Est-ce que la liqueur de chocolat est la même chose que le sirop de chocolat?", "mention": "liqueur de chocolat"}, {"translation": "La liqueur de chocolat est-elle la même chose que le sirop de chocolat?", "mention": "liqueur de chocolat"}, {"translation": "La liqueur de chocolat est-elle différente du sirop de chocolat?", "mention": "liqueur de chocolat"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
17 |
{"id": "Q1721876_1", "wikidata_id": "Q1721876", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "How is chocolate liquor typically used in cooking and baking?", "targets": [{"translation": "Comment la liqueur de chocolat est-elle généralement utilisée en cuisine et en pâtisserie?", "mention": "liqueur de chocolat"}, {"translation": "Comment la liqueur de chocolat est généralement utilisée dans les cuisines et la pâtisserie?", "mention": "liqueur de chocolat"}, {"translation": "Comment la liqueur de chocolat est-elle généralement utilisée dans la cuisine et la pâtisserie?", "mention": "liqueur de chocolat"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
18 |
{"id": "Q1721876_2", "wikidata_id": "Q1721876", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "Can chocolate liquor be consumed as is, without any further processing?", "targets": [{"translation": "La liqueur de chocolat peut-elle être consommée telle quelle, sans autre transformation?", "mention": "liqueur de chocolat"}, {"translation": "La liqueur de chocolat peut-elle être consommé telle quelle, sans autre transformation?", "mention": "liqueur de chocolat"}, {"translation": "La liqueur de chocolat peut-elle être consommée en l'état, sans autre transformation?", "mention": "liqueur de chocolat"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
19 |
{"id": "Q1778905_0", "wikidata_id": "Q1778905", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity", "Person"], "source": "Is Conner Kent a fictional character?", "targets": [{"translation": "Conner Kent est-il un personnage fictif?", "mention": "Conner Kent"}, {"translation": "Superboy est-il un personnage fictif?", "mention": "Superboy"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
20 |
{"id": "Q1778905_1", "wikidata_id": "Q1778905", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity", "Person"], "source": "What is Conner Kent's role in the DC Comics universe?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quel est le rôle de Superboy dans l'univers DC Comics?", "mention": "Superboy"}, {"translation": "Quel est le rôle de Superboy dans l'univers de DC Comics?", "mention": "Superboy"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
21 |
{"id": "Q1778905_2", "wikidata_id": "Q1778905", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity", "Person"], "source": "Is Conner Kent a superhero?", "targets": [{"translation": "Superboy est-il un super-héros?", "mention": "Superboy"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
22 |
{"id": "Q201178_0", "wikidata_id": "Q201178", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "When was the current coat of arms of North Macedonia adopted?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quand le Emblème de la Macédoine du Nord a-t-il été adopté?", "mention": "Emblème de la Macédoine du Nord"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
23 |
{"id": "Q201178_1", "wikidata_id": "Q201178", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "What symbols are depicted on the coat of arms of North Macedonia?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quels symboles sont représentés sur l'Emblème de la Macédoine du Nord?", "mention": "Emblème de la Macédoine du Nord"}, {"translation": "Quels symboles sont représentés sur le Emblème de la Macédoine du Nord?", "mention": "Emblème de la Macédoine du Nord"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
24 |
{"id": "Q201178_2", "wikidata_id": "Q201178", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "Who designed the coat of arms of North Macedonia?", "targets": [{"translation": "Qui a conçu l'Emblème de la Macédoine du Nord?", "mention": "Emblème de la Macédoine du Nord"}, {"translation": "Qui a conçu le Emblème de la Macédoine du Nord?", "mention": "Emblème de la Macédoine du Nord"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
25 |
{"id": "Q2282646_0", "wikidata_id": "Q2282646", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "How many movements are there in the Violin Concerto?", "targets": [{"translation": "Combien de mouvements y a-t-il dans le Concerto pour violon de Khatchatourian?", "mention": "Concerto pour violon de Khatchatourian"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
26 |
{"id": "Q2282646_1", "wikidata_id": "Q2282646", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "How would you describe the musical genre of the Violin Concerto?", "targets": [{"translation": "Comment décririez-vous le genre musical du Concerto pour violon de Khatchatourian?", "mention": "Concerto pour violon de Khatchatourian"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
27 |
{"id": "Q2282646_2", "wikidata_id": "Q2282646", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "Who is the intended soloist in the Violin Concerto?", "targets": [{"translation": "Qui est le soliste prévu dans le Concerto pour violon de Khatchatourian?", "mention": "Concerto pour violon de Khatchatourian"}, {"translation": "Qui était le soliste prévu pour le Concerto pour violon de Khatchatourian?", "mention": "Concerto pour violon de Khatchatourian"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
28 |
{"id": "Q2304758_0", "wikidata_id": "Q2304758", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "What is the musical style of the Lyric Pieces?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quel est le style musical des Pièces lyriques?", "mention": "Pièces lyriques"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
29 |
{"id": "Q2304758_1", "wikidata_id": "Q2304758", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "What instrument is the Lyric Pieces composed for?", "targets": [{"translation": "Pour quel instrument les Pièces lyriques sont-elles composées?", "mention": "Pièces lyriques"}, {"translation": "Pour quel instrument les Pièces lyriques sont-ils composés?", "mention": "Pièces lyriques"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
30 |
{"id": "Q2304758_2", "wikidata_id": "Q2304758", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "Can you name one famous piece from the Lyric Pieces collection?", "targets": [{"translation": "Pouvez-vous citer une pièce célèbre de la collection des Pièces lyriques?", "mention": "Pièces lyriques"}, {"translation": "Pouvez-vous nommer une pièce célèbre de la collection les Pièces lyriques?", "mention": "Pièces lyriques"}, {"translation": "Pouvez-vous nommer une pièce célèbre de la collection des Pièces lyriques?", "mention": "Pièces lyriques"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
31 |
{"id": "Q2332113_0", "wikidata_id": "Q2332113", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "How many seasons of The Adventures of Paddington Bear are there?", "targets": [{"translation": "Combien de saisons de Les aventures de l'ours Paddington y a-t-il?", "mention": "Les aventures de l'ours Paddington"}, {"translation": "Combien de saisons des Aventures de l'ours Paddington y a-t-il?", "mention": "Aventures de l'ours Paddington"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
32 |
{"id": "Q2332113_1", "wikidata_id": "Q2332113", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "How would you describe the animation style of The Adventures of Paddington Bear?", "targets": [{"translation": "Comment décririez-vous le style d'animation de Les aventures de l'ours Paddington?", "mention": "Les aventures de l'ours Paddington"}, {"translation": "Comment décririez-vous le style d'animation des Aventures de l'ours Paddington?", "mention": "Aventures de l'ours Paddington"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
33 |
{"id": "Q2332113_2", "wikidata_id": "Q2332113", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "What is the genre of the The Adventures of Paddington Bear TV series?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quel est le genre de la série télévisée Les aventures de l'ours Paddington?", "mention": "Les aventures de l'ours Paddington"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
34 |
{"id": "Q2410173_0", "wikidata_id": "Q2410173", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "Can you provide details about the 2004 movie Losing is a matter of method?", "targets": [{"translation": "Pouvez-vous fournir des détails sur le film de 2004 Perdre est une question de méthode?", "mention": "Perdre est une question de méthode"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
35 |
{"id": "Q2410173_1", "wikidata_id": "Q2410173", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "Who directed the 2004 movie Losing is a matter of method?", "targets": [{"translation": "Qui a réalisé le film de 2004 Perdre est une question de méthode?", "mention": "Perdre est une question de méthode"}, {"translation": "Qui a réalité le film de 2004 Perdre est une question de méthode?", "mention": "Perdre est une question de méthode"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
36 |
{"id": "Q2410173_2", "wikidata_id": "Q2410173", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "What genre does the 2004 film Losing is a matter of method belong to?", "targets": [{"translation": "À quel genre appartient le film de 2004 Perdre est une question de méthode?", "mention": "Perdre est une question de méthode"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
37 |
{"id": "Q261074_0", "wikidata_id": "Q261074", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "When was Symphony No. 7 composed?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quand la Symphonie nº 7 a-t-elle été composée?", "mention": "Symphonie nº 7"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
38 |
{"id": "Q261074_1", "wikidata_id": "Q261074", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "Who composed Symphony No. 7?", "targets": [{"translation": "Qui a composé la Symphonie nº 7?", "mention": "Symphonie nº 7"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
39 |
{"id": "Q261074_2", "wikidata_id": "Q261074", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "How many movements are there in Symphony No. 7?", "targets": [{"translation": "Combien de mouvements y a-t-il dans la Symphonie nº 7?", "mention": "Symphonie nº 7"}, {"translation": "Combien y a-t-il de mouvements dans la Symphonie nº 7?", "mention": "Symphonie nº 7"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
40 |
{"id": "Q271764_0", "wikidata_id": "Q271764", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "What is the genre of Lord of the Flies?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quel est le genre de Sa Majesté des mouches?", "mention": "Sa Majesté des mouches"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
41 |
{"id": "Q271764_1", "wikidata_id": "Q271764", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "Who is the author of Lord of the Flies?", "targets": [{"translation": "Qui est l'auteur de Sa Majesté des mouches?", "mention": "Sa Majesté des mouches"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
42 |
{"id": "Q271764_2", "wikidata_id": "Q271764", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "When was Lord of the Flies published?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quand Sa Majesté des mouches a-t-il été publié?", "mention": "Sa Majesté des mouches"}, {"translation": "Quand Sa Majesté des mouches a t-il été publié?", "mention": "Sa Majesté des mouches"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
43 |
{"id": "Q2914909_0", "wikidata_id": "Q2914909", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "Who can visit the Sinaia Monastery and what can they expect to see?", "targets": [{"translation": "Qui peut visiter le Monastère de Sinaia et que peuvent-ils s'attendre à voir?", "mention": "Monastère de Sinaia"}, {"translation": "Qui peut visiter le monastère de Sinaia et que peut-on y voir?", "mention": "monastère de Sinaia"}, {"translation": "Qui peut visiter le monastère de Sinaia et que peuvent-ils s'attendre à voir?", "mention": "monastère de Sinaia"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
44 |
{"id": "Q2914909_1", "wikidata_id": "Q2914909", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "How would you describe the Sinaia Monastery in Prahova County?", "targets": [{"translation": "Comment décririez-vous le Monastère de Sinaiadans le departement de Prahova?", "mention": "Monastère de Sinaia"}, {"translation": "Comment décririez-vous le monastère de Sinaia dans le comté de Prahova?", "mention": "monastère de Sinaia"}, {"translation": "Comment décrire le monastère de Sinaia dans le comté de Prahova?", "mention": "monastère de Sinaia"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
45 |
{"id": "Q2914909_2", "wikidata_id": "Q2914909", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "When was the Sinaia Monastery built and why is it considered a heritage site?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quand le Monastère de Sinaia a-t-il été construit et pourquoi est-il considéré comme un site patrimonial?", "mention": "Monastère de Sinaia"}, {"translation": "Quand le monastère de Sinaia a-t-il été construit et pourquoi est-il considéré comme un site patrimonial?", "mention": "monastère de Sinaia"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
46 |
{"id": "Q320609_0", "wikidata_id": "Q320609", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "When was Yevgeny Mravinsky born and when did he pass away?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quand Evgueni Mravinski est-il né et quand est-il décédé?", "mention": "Evgueni Mravinski"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
47 |
{"id": "Q320609_1", "wikidata_id": "Q320609", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "What were Yevgeny Mravinsky's professions?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quelles étaient les professions d'Evgueni Mravinski?", "mention": "Evgueni Mravinski"}, {"translation": "Quelles étaient les professions de Evgueni Mravinski?", "mention": "Evgueni Mravinski"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
48 |
{"id": "Q320609_2", "wikidata_id": "Q320609", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "What was Yevgeny Mravinsky known for?", "targets": [{"translation": "Pour quelle raison Evgueni Mravinski était-il connu?", "mention": "Evgueni Mravinski"}, {"translation": "Pourquoi Evgueni Mravinski était-il connu?", "mention": "Evgueni Mravinski"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
49 |
{"id": "Q3237799_0", "wikidata_id": "Q3237799", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "Can you give a brief summary of Maigret on the Riviera?", "targets": [{"translation": "Pouvez-vous donner un bref résumé de Maigret sur la riviera?", "mention": "Maigret sur la riviera"}, {"translation": "Pouvez-vous donner un bref résumé de Liberty Bar?", "mention": "Liberty Bar"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
50 |
{"id": "Q3237799_1", "wikidata_id": "Q3237799", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "Who is the author of the novel Maigret on the Riviera?", "targets": [{"translation": "Qui est l'auteur du roman Maigret sur la riviera?", "mention": "Maigret sur la riviera"}, {"translation": "Qui est l'auteur du roman Maigret sur la Riviera?", "mention": "Maigret sur la Riviera"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
51 |
{"id": "Q3237799_2", "wikidata_id": "Q3237799", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "What is the setting of the novel Maigret on the Riviera?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quel est le cadre du roman Maigret sur la riviera?", "mention": "Maigret sur la riviera"}, {"translation": "Quel est le décor du roman Maigret sur la Riviera?", "mention": "Maigret sur la Riviera"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
52 |
{"id": "Q3278343_0", "wikidata_id": "Q3278343", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "What is the genre of the film Maine-Ocean Express?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quel est le genre du film Maine Océan?", "mention": "Maine Océan"}, {"translation": "Quel est le genre du film Maine océan?", "mention": "Maine océan"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
53 |
{"id": "Q3278343_1", "wikidata_id": "Q3278343", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "When was the movie Maine-Ocean Express released?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quand le film Maine Océan est-il sorti?", "mention": "Maine Océan"}, {"translation": "Quand le film Maine océan est-il sorti?", "mention": "Maine océan"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
54 |
{"id": "Q3278343_2", "wikidata_id": "Q3278343", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "Can you provide a brief description of the 1986 movie Maine-Ocean Express?", "targets": [{"translation": "Pouvez-vous fournir une brève description du film Maine Océan de 1986?", "mention": "Maine Océan"}, {"translation": "Pouvez-vous fournir une brève description du film de 1986 Maine océan?", "mention": "Maine océan"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
55 |
{"id": "Q4353681_0", "wikidata_id": "Q4353681", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "Who is the director of the 1989 movie featuring the title Listen to Me?", "targets": [{"translation": "Who is the director of the 1989 movie featuring the title Une chance pour tous?", "mention": "Une chance pour tous"}, {"translation": "Qui est le réalisateur du film de 1989 intitulé Une chance pour tous?", "mention": "Une chance pour tous"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
56 |
{"id": "Q4353681_1", "wikidata_id": "Q4353681", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "When was the film Listen to Me released?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quand le film Une chance pour tous est-il sorti?", "mention": "Une chance pour tous"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
57 |
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{"id": "Q472208_0", "wikidata_id": "Q472208", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "What genre does The Subtle Knife belong to?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quel est le genre de La Tour des anges?", "mention": "La Tour des anges"}, {"translation": "À quel genre appartient La Tour des anges?", "mention": "La Tour des anges"}, {"translation": "À quel genre appartient le livre La tour des anges?", "mention": "La tour des anges"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
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{"id": "Q472208_1", "wikidata_id": "Q472208", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "Who is the author of The Subtle Knife?", "targets": [{"translation": "Qui est l'auteur de La Tour des anges?", "mention": "La Tour des anges"}, {"translation": "Qui est l'auteur de La tour des anges?", "mention": "La tour des anges"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
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{"id": "Q472208_2", "wikidata_id": "Q472208", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "When was The Subtle Knife released?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quand La Tour des anges est-il sorti?", "mention": "La Tour des anges"}, {"translation": "Quand le livre La tour des anges est-il sorti?", "mention": "La tour des anges"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
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{"id": "Q4986218_0", "wikidata_id": "Q4986218", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "Can you summarize the plot of Bugles in the Afternoon?", "targets": [{"translation": "Pouvez-vous résumer l'intrigue de Les clairons sonnent la charge?", "mention": "Les clairons sonnent la charge"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
62 |
{"id": "Q4986218_1", "wikidata_id": "Q4986218", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "What year was Bugles in the Afternoon released?", "targets": [{"translation": "En quelle année Les clairons sonnent la charge est-il sorti?", "mention": "Les clairons sonnent la charge"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
63 |
{"id": "Q4986218_2", "wikidata_id": "Q4986218", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "How would you describe the genre of Bugles in the Afternoon?", "targets": [{"translation": "Comment décririez-vous le genre de Les clairons sonnent la charge?", "mention": "Les clairons sonnent la charge"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
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{"id": "Q54802256_0", "wikidata_id": "Q54802256", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "Are mud cookies a common food in Haiti?", "targets": [{"translation": "Les galette de boue sont-ils un aliment courant en Haïti?", "mention": "galette de boue"}, {"translation": "Les Bonbons tè sont-ils un aliment courant à Haïti?", "mention": "Bonbons tè"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
65 |
{"id": "Q54802256_1", "wikidata_id": "Q54802256", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "How are mud cookies traditionally dried?", "targets": [{"translation": "Comment les galettes de boue sont-ils traditionnellement séchés?", "mention": "galettes de boue"}, {"translation": "Comment les Bonbons tè sont-ils traditionnellement séchés?", "mention": "Bonbons tè"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
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{"id": "Q54802256_2", "wikidata_id": "Q54802256", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "What is the purpose of mixing dirt with salt and fat in a mud cookie?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quel est le but de mélanger la saleté avec le sel et la graisse dans un Bonbon tè?", "mention": "Bonbon tè"}, {"translation": "Quel est le but de mélanger la saleté avec le sel et la graisse dans un bonbon tè?", "mention": "bonbon tè"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
67 |
{"id": "Q895983_0", "wikidata_id": "Q895983", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "When was Zinna Abbey founded?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quand labbaye de Zinna a-t-elle été fondée?", "mention": "Abbaye de Zinna"}, {"translation": "Quand Abbaye de Zinna a-t-elle été fondée?", "mention": "Abbaye de Zinna"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
68 |
{"id": "Q895983_1", "wikidata_id": "Q895983", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "Where is Zinna Abbey located?", "targets": [{"translation": "Où est située Abbaye de Zinna?", "mention": "Abbaye de Zinna"}, {"translation": "Où se trouve Abbaye de Zinna?", "mention": "Abbaye de Zinna"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
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{"id": "Q895983_2", "wikidata_id": "Q895983", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "Is Zinna Abbey still an active place of worship?", "targets": [{"translation": "Labbaye de Zinna est-elle toujours un lieu de culte actif?", "mention": "Abbaye de Zinna"}, {"translation": "Abbaye de Zinna est-elle toujours un lieu de culte actif?", "mention": "Abbaye de Zinna"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
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{"id": "Q930376_0", "wikidata_id": "Q930376", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "When was the Kremlin Senate built?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quand le palais du Sénat a-t-il été construit?", "mention": "palais du Sénat"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
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{"id": "Q930376_1", "wikidata_id": "Q930376", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "Where is the Kremlin Senate located?", "targets": [{"translation": "Où se trouve le palais du Sénat?", "mention": "palais du Sénat"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
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{"id": "Q930376_2", "wikidata_id": "Q930376", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "How would you describe the architecture of the Kremlin Senate?", "targets": [{"translation": "Comment décririez-vous l'architecture du palais du Sénat?", "mention": "palais du Sénat"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
73 |
{"id": "Q98928738_0", "wikidata_id": "Q98928738", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "When was the TV series Young Wallander released?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quand la série télévisée Le Jeune Wallander est-elle sortie?", "mention": "Le Jeune Wallander"}, {"translation": "Quand est-ce que la série télévisée Le Jeune Wallander est-elle sortie?", "mention": "Le Jeune Wallander"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
74 |
{"id": "Q98928738_1", "wikidata_id": "Q98928738", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "What is the genre of the TV series Young Wallander?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quel est le genre de la série télévisée Le Jeune Wallander?", "mention": "Le Jeune Wallander"}, {"translation": "Quel est le genre cinématographique de la série télévisée Le Jeune Wallander?", "mention": "Le Jeune Wallander"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
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{"id": "Q98928738_2", "wikidata_id": "Q98928738", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "Where is the TV series Young Wallander set?", "targets": [{"translation": "Où se déroule la série télévisée Le Jeune Wallander?", "mention": "Le Jeune Wallander"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "fr"}
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
1 |
{"id": "Q105998710_0", "wikidata_id": "Q105998710", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "Is The Three Musketeers: D'Artagnan part of a duology or a trilogy?", "targets": [{"translation": "I tre moschettieri - D'Artagnan fa parte di una dilogia o di una trilogia?", "mention": "I tre moschettieri - D'Artagnan"}, {"translation": "I tre moschettieri - D'Artagnan fa parte di una duologia o di una trilogia?", "mention": "I tre moschettieri - D'Artagnan"}, {"translation": "I tre moschettieri: D'Artagnan fa parte di una duologia o di una trilogia?", "mention": "I tre moschettieri - D'Artagnan"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
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{"id": "Q105998710_1", "wikidata_id": "Q105998710", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "What is the genre of the movie The Three Musketeers: D'Artagnan?", "targets": [{"translation": "Qual è il genere del film I tre moschettieri - D'Artagnan?", "mention": "I tre moschettieri - D'Artagnan"}, {"translation": "Qual è il genere del film I tre moschettieri: D'Artagnan?", "mention": "I tre moschettieri - D'Artagnan"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
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{"id": "Q105998710_2", "wikidata_id": "Q105998710", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "Which famous novel is the movie The Three Musketeers: D'Artagnan based on?", "targets": [{"translation": "Da quale famoso romanzo è tratto il film I tre moschettieri - D'Artagnan?", "mention": "I tre moschettieri - D'Artagnan"}, {"translation": "Su quale famoso romanzo è basato il film I tre moschettieri - D'Artagnan?", "mention": "I tre moschettieri - D'Artagnan"}, {"translation": "Da quale famoso romanzo è basato il film I tre moschettieri: D'Artagnan?", "mention": "I tre moschettieri - D'Artagnan"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
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{"id": "Q1190902_0", "wikidata_id": "Q1190902", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "What is the significance of Okhotny Ryad?", "targets": [{"translation": "Qual è il significato di Ochotnyj Rjad?", "mention": "Ochotnyj Rjad"}, {"translation": "Qual è il significato della Ochotnyj Rjad?", "mention": "Ochotnyj Rjad"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
5 |
{"id": "Q1190902_1", "wikidata_id": "Q1190902", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "Where is the Okhotny Ryad located?", "targets": [{"translation": "Dove si trova l'Ochotnyj Rjad?", "mention": "Ochotnyj Rjad"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
6 |
{"id": "Q1190902_2", "wikidata_id": "Q1190902", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "What type of landmark is Okhotny Ryad?", "targets": [{"translation": "Che tipo di punto di riferimento è Ochotnyj Rjad?", "mention": "Ochotnyj Rjad"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
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{"id": "Q1232349_1", "wikidata_id": "Q1232349", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "Who are the key characters in Henry IV, Part 2, and how do they contribute to the overall storyline?", "targets": [{"translation": "Chi sono i personaggi principali di Enrico IV, parte II e come contribuiscono alla trama generale?", "mention": "Enrico IV, parte II"}, {"translation": "Chi sono i personaggi chiave di Enrico IV, parte II e come contribuiscono alla trama generale?", "mention": "Enrico IV, parte II"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
8 |
{"id": "Q1304121_0", "wikidata_id": "Q1304121", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "How can visitors access the Kremlin Armoury?", "targets": [{"translation": "Come possono i visitatori accedere al Palazzo dell'Armeria?", "mention": "Palazzo dell'Armeria"}, {"translation": "Come possono accedere i visitatori al Palazzo dell'Armeria?", "mention": "Palazzo dell'Armeria"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
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{"id": "Q1304121_1", "wikidata_id": "Q1304121", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "What is the significance of the Kremlin Armoury in Russian culture?", "targets": [{"translation": "Qual è il significato del Palazzo dell'Armeria nella cultura russa?", "mention": "Palazzo dell'Armeria"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
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{"id": "Q1304121_2", "wikidata_id": "Q1304121", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "What are some of the historical artifacts housed in the Kremlin Armoury?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quali sono alcuni dei manufatti storici alloggiati nel Palazzo dell'Armeria?", "mention": "Palazzo dell'Armeria"}, {"translation": "Quali sono alcuni dei manufatti storici che si trovano nel Palazzo dell'Armeria?", "mention": "Palazzo dell'Armeria"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
11 |
{"id": "Q1422318_0", "wikidata_id": "Q1422318", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "What is the main focus of the artwork in The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger?", "targets": [{"translation": "Qual è l'obiettivo principale dell'opera d'arte L'ultimo cavaliere?", "mention": "L'ultimo cavaliere"}, {"translation": "Qual è l'obiettivo principale dell'opera L'ultimo cavaliere?", "mention": "L'ultimo cavaliere"}, {"translation": "Qual è il focus centrale dell'opera L'ultimo cavaliere?", "mention": "L'ultimo cavaliere"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
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{"id": "Q1422318_1", "wikidata_id": "Q1422318", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "Who is the author of the novel The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger?", "targets": [{"translation": "Chi è l'autore del romanzo L'ultimo cavaliere?", "mention": "L'ultimo cavaliere"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
13 |
{"id": "Q1422318_2", "wikidata_id": "Q1422318", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "How would you describe The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger in one word?", "targets": [{"translation": "Come descriveresti L'ultimo cavaliere in una parola?", "mention": "L'ultimo cavaliere"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
14 |
{"id": "Q1493270_0", "wikidata_id": "Q1493270", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "Is The Dharma Bums a well-known artwork?", "targets": [{"translation": "I vagabondi del Dharma è un'opera d'arte ben nota?", "mention": "I vagabondi del Dharma"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
15 |
{"id": "Q1493270_1", "wikidata_id": "Q1493270", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "Who is the author of the novel The Dharma Bums?", "targets": [{"translation": "Chi è l'autore del romanzo I vagabondi del Dharma?", "mention": "I vagabondi del Dharma"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
16 |
{"id": "Q1493270_2", "wikidata_id": "Q1493270", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "What is the genre of The Dharma Bums?", "targets": [{"translation": "Qual è il genere de I vagabondi del Dharma?", "mention": "I vagabondi del Dharma"}, {"translation": "Qual è il genere di I vagabondi del Dharma?", "mention": "I vagabondi del Dharma"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
17 |
{"id": "Q1504526_0", "wikidata_id": "Q1504526", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity", "Person"], "source": "Where is the Comic Book Guy commonly found?", "targets": [{"translation": "Dove si trova comunemente l'uomo dei fumetti?", "mention": "l'uomo dei fumetti"}, {"translation": "Dove si trova solitamente L'uomo dei fumetti?", "mention": "L'uomo dei fumetti"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
18 |
{"id": "Q1504526_1", "wikidata_id": "Q1504526", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity", "Person"], "source": "What franchise does the Comic Book Guy belong to?", "targets": [{"translation": "A quale franchise appartiene l'uomo dei fumetti?", "mention": "l'uomo dei fumetti"}, {"translation": "A quale franchise appartiene L'uomo dei fumetti?", "mention": "L'uomo dei fumetti"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
19 |
{"id": "Q1504526_2", "wikidata_id": "Q1504526", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity", "Person"], "source": "Is the Comic Book Guy a fictional character?", "targets": [{"translation": "L'Uomo dei fumetti è un personaggio immaginario?", "mention": "Uomo dei fumetti"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
20 |
{"id": "Q18703885_0", "wikidata_id": "Q18703885", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "Who starred in The Scorpion King 4: Quest for Power?", "targets": [{"translation": "Chi ha recitato ne Il Re Scorpione 4 - La conquista del potere?", "mention": "Il Re Scorpione 4 - La conquista del potere"}, {"translation": "Chi ha recitato in Il Re Scorpione 4 - La conquista del potere?", "mention": "Il Re Scorpione 4 - La conquista del potere"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
21 |
{"id": "Q18703885_1", "wikidata_id": "Q18703885", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "What year was The Scorpion King 4: Quest for Power released?", "targets": [{"translation": "In che anno è uscito Il Re Scorpione 4 - La conquista del potere?", "mention": "Il Re Scorpione 4 - La conquista del potere"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
22 |
{"id": "Q18703885_2", "wikidata_id": "Q18703885", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "What is the genre of The Scorpion King 4: Quest for Power?", "targets": [{"translation": "Qual è il genere de Il Re Scorpione 4 - La conquista del potere?", "mention": "Il Re Scorpione 4 - La conquista del potere"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
23 |
{"id": "Q2163826_0", "wikidata_id": "Q2163826", "entity_types": ["Person", "Fictional entity"], "source": "Is Taylor Forrester a hero or a villain?", "targets": [{"translation": "Taylor Hayes è un eroe o un cattivo?", "mention": "Taylor Hayes"}, {"translation": "Taylor Hayes è un'eroina o una cattiva?", "mention": "Taylor Hayes"}, {"translation": "Taylor Hayes fa parte dei buoni o dei cattivi?", "mention": "Taylor Hayes"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
24 |
{"id": "Q2163826_1", "wikidata_id": "Q2163826", "entity_types": ["Person", "Fictional entity"], "source": "What is the background story of Taylor Forrester?", "targets": [{"translation": "Qual è la storia di fondo di Taylor Hayes?", "mention": "Taylor Hayes"}, {"translation": "Qual è il passato di Taylor Hayes?", "mention": "Taylor Hayes"}, {"translation": "Qual è la storia che fa da sfondo a Taylor Hayes?", "mention": "Taylor Hayes"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
25 |
{"id": "Q2163826_2", "wikidata_id": "Q2163826", "entity_types": ["Person", "Fictional entity"], "source": "Where does Taylor Forrester live?", "targets": [{"translation": "Dove vive Taylor Hayes?", "mention": "Taylor Hayes"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
26 |
{"id": "Q2288175_0", "wikidata_id": "Q2288175", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "What is the central theme of The Farthest Shore?", "targets": [{"translation": "Qual è il tema centrale de La spiaggia più lontana?", "mention": "La spiaggia più lontana"}, {"translation": "Qual è il tema centrale di La spiaggia più lontana?", "mention": "La spiaggia più lontana"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
27 |
{"id": "Q2288175_1", "wikidata_id": "Q2288175", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "When was The Farthest Shore first published?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quando è stato pubblicato per la prima volta La spiaggia più lontana?", "mention": "La spiaggia più lontana"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
28 |
{"id": "Q2288175_2", "wikidata_id": "Q2288175", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "What genre does The Farthest Shore belong to?", "targets": [{"translation": "A quale genere appartiene La spiaggia più lontana?", "mention": "La spiaggia più lontana"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
29 |
{"id": "Q2361244_0", "wikidata_id": "Q2361244", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "Where is the Krymsky Bridge located in Moscow?", "targets": [{"translation": "Dov'è il Ponte Krymsky a Mosca?", "mention": "Ponte Krymsky"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
30 |
{"id": "Q2361244_1", "wikidata_id": "Q2361244", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "When was the Krymsky Bridge constructed?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quando è stato costruito il Ponte Krymsky?", "mention": "Ponte Krymsky"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
31 |
{"id": "Q2361244_2", "wikidata_id": "Q2361244", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "What type of bridge is the Krymsky Bridge?", "targets": [{"translation": "Che tipo di ponte è il Ponte Krymsky?", "mention": "Ponte Krymsky"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
32 |
{"id": "Q247777_0", "wikidata_id": "Q247777", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "What is the significance of the Order of Saint Louis in French military history?", "targets": [{"translation": "Qual è il significato dell'Ordine di San Luigi nella storia militare francese?", "mention": "Ordine di San Luigi"}, {"translation": "Qual è l'importanza dell'Ordine di San Luigi nella storia militare francese?", "mention": "Ordine di San Luigi"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
33 |
{"id": "Q247777_1", "wikidata_id": "Q247777", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "Who established the Order of Saint Louis?", "targets": [{"translation": "Chi ha istituito l'Ordine di San Luigi?", "mention": "Ordine di San Luigi"}, {"translation": "Chi ha fondato l'Ordine di San Luigi?", "mention": "Ordine di San Luigi"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
34 |
{"id": "Q247777_2", "wikidata_id": "Q247777", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "When was the Order of Saint Louis founded?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quando è stato fondato l'Ordine di San Luigi?", "mention": "Ordine di San Luigi"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
35 |
{"id": "Q2707472_0", "wikidata_id": "Q2707472", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "In which country was the Super Friends TV series produced?", "targets": [{"translation": "In quale Paese è stata prodotta la serie TV I Superamici?", "mention": "I Superamici"}, {"translation": "In quale paese è stata prodotta la serie TV I Superamici?", "mention": "I Superamici"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
36 |
{"id": "Q2707472_1", "wikidata_id": "Q2707472", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "How many seasons did the Super Friends TV series run for?", "targets": [{"translation": "Per quante stagioni è andata in onda la serie TV I Superamici?", "mention": "I Superamici"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
37 |
{"id": "Q2707472_2", "wikidata_id": "Q2707472", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "When did the Super Friends TV series first premiere?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quando è stata mostrata in anteprima la serie TV I Superamici?", "mention": "I Superamici"}, {"translation": "Quando è stata presentata in anteprima la serie TV I Superamici?", "mention": "I Superamici"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
38 |
{"id": "Q279402_0", "wikidata_id": "Q279402", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "Is Brunswick Cathedral still an active place of worship today?", "targets": [{"translation": "La Cattedrale di Braunschweig è ancora oggi un luogo di culto attivo?", "mention": "Cattedrale di Braunschweig"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
39 |
{"id": "Q279402_1", "wikidata_id": "Q279402", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "What is the architectural style of Brunswick Cathedral?", "targets": [{"translation": "Qual è lo stile architettonico della Cattedrale di Braunschweig?", "mention": "Cattedrale di Braunschweig"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
40 |
{"id": "Q279402_2", "wikidata_id": "Q279402", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "How old is Brunswick Cathedral?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quanti anni ha la Cattedrale di Braunschweig?", "mention": "Cattedrale di Braunschweig"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
41 |
{"id": "Q2849572_0", "wikidata_id": "Q2849572", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "Is Broken Angels a standalone novel or part of a series?", "targets": [{"translation": "Angeli spezzati è un romanzo a sé stante o parte di una serie?", "mention": "Angeli spezzati"}, {"translation": "Angeli spezzati è un romanzo autoconclusivo o è parte di una serie?", "mention": "Angeli spezzati"}, {"translation": "Angeli spezzati è un romanzo autonomo o parte di una serie?", "mention": "Angeli spezzati"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
42 |
{"id": "Q2849572_1", "wikidata_id": "Q2849572", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "Who is the author of the science fiction novel Broken Angels?", "targets": [{"translation": "Chi è l'autore del romanzo di fantascienza Angeli spezzati?", "mention": "Angeli spezzati"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
43 |
{"id": "Q2849572_2", "wikidata_id": "Q2849572", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "What is the title of the book that Richard K. Morgan wrote after Broken Angels?", "targets": [{"translation": "Qual è il titolo del libro che Richard K. Morgan ha scritto dopo Angeli spezzati?", "mention": "Angeli spezzati"}, {"translation": "Come si chiama il libro che Richard K. Morgan ha scritto dopo Angeli spezzati?", "mention": "Angeli spezzati"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
44 |
{"id": "Q346741_0", "wikidata_id": "Q346741", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Musical work"], "source": "Where can the Adagio in G minor be heard?", "targets": [{"translation": "Dove si può ascoltare l'Adagio in Sol minore?", "mention": "Adagio in Sol minore"}, {"translation": "Dove si può sentire l'Adagio in Sol minore?", "mention": "Adagio in Sol minore"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
45 |
{"id": "Q346741_1", "wikidata_id": "Q346741", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Musical work"], "source": "What is the subject of the Adagio in G minor?", "targets": [{"translation": "Qual è il soggetto dell'Adagio in Sol minore?", "mention": "Adagio in Sol minore"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
46 |
{"id": "Q346741_2", "wikidata_id": "Q346741", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Musical work"], "source": "When was the Adagio in G minor first performed?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quando è stato eseguito per la prima volta l'Adagio in Sol minore?", "mention": "Adagio in Sol minore"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
47 |
{"id": "Q4356607_0", "wikidata_id": "Q4356607", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity", "Person"], "source": "Which other characters in the GI Joe universe often oppose Cobra Commander and his plans?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quali altri personaggi dell'universo GI Joe si oppongono spesso a Comandante Cobra e ai suoi piani?", "mention": "Comandante Cobra"}, {"translation": "uali altri personaggi dell'universo GI Joe si oppongono spesso a Comandante Cobra e ai suoi piani?", "mention": "Comandante Cobra"}, {"translation": "Quali altri personaggi dell'universo GI Joe si oppongono spesso al Comandante Cobra e ai suoi piani?", "mention": "Comandante Cobra"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
48 |
{"id": "Q4356607_1", "wikidata_id": "Q4356607", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity", "Person"], "source": "What are some of the main characteristics and traits associated with Cobra Commander?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quali sono alcune delle principali caratteristiche e tratti associati a Comandante Cobra?", "mention": "Comandante Cobra"}, {"translation": "Quali sono alcune delle principali caratteristiche e tratti associati al Comandante Cobra?", "mention": "Comandante Cobra"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
49 |
{"id": "Q4356607_2", "wikidata_id": "Q4356607", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity", "Person"], "source": "Can you give an example of a significant storyline or plot involving Cobra Commander in the GI Joe universe?", "targets": [{"translation": "Puoi fare un esempio di una storia o di una trama significativa che coinvolge Comandante Cobra nell'universo di GI Joe?", "mention": "Comandante Cobra"}, {"translation": "Puoi fare un esempio di una trama o di una trama significativa che coinvolge Comandante Cobra nell'universo di GI Joe?", "mention": "Comandante Cobra"}, {"translation": "Puoi fare un esempio di una trama o di una trama significativa che coinvolge il Comandante Cobra nell'universo di GI Joe?", "mention": "Comandante Cobra"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
50 |
{"id": "Q519572_0", "wikidata_id": "Q519572", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "What is the main purpose of Murbach Abbey?", "targets": [{"translation": "Qual è lo scopo principale dell'abbazia di Murbach?", "mention": "abbazia di Murbach"}, {"translation": "Qual è lo scopo principale dell'Abbazia di Murbach?", "mention": "Abbazia di Murbach"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
51 |
{"id": "Q519572_1", "wikidata_id": "Q519572", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "What type of place is Murbach Abbey?", "targets": [{"translation": "Che tipo di luogo è l'abbazia di Murbach?", "mention": "abbazia di Murbach"}, {"translation": "Che tipo di posto è l'abbazia di Murbach?", "mention": "abbazia di Murbach"}, {"translation": "Che tipo di luogo è l'Abbazia di Murbach?", "mention": "Abbazia di Murbach"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
52 |
{"id": "Q519572_2", "wikidata_id": "Q519572", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "In which country is Murbach Abbey situated?", "targets": [{"translation": "In quale paese si trova l'abbazia di Murbach?", "mention": "abbazia di Murbach"}, {"translation": "In quale paese si trova l'Abbazia di Murbach?", "mention": "Abbazia di Murbach"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
53 |
{"id": "Q5707718_0", "wikidata_id": "Q5707718", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "What is the significance of Castilian asado in Castilian cuisine?", "targets": [{"translation": "Qual è il significato dell'Asado castigliano nella cucina castigliana?", "mention": "Asado castigliano"}, {"translation": "Qual è il significato dell'asado castigliano nella cucina castigliana?", "mention": "asado castigliano"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
54 |
{"id": "Q5707718_1", "wikidata_id": "Q5707718", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "How is Castilian asado prepared?", "targets": [{"translation": "Come viene preparato l'Asado castigliano?", "mention": "Asado castigliano"}, {"translation": "Come viene preparato l'asado castigliano?", "mention": "asado castigliano"}, {"translation": "Come si prepara l'Asado castigliano?", "mention": "Asado castigliano"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
55 |
{"id": "Q5707718_2", "wikidata_id": "Q5707718", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "What are the main ingredients of Castilian asado?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quali sono gli ingredienti principali dell'Asado castigliano?", "mention": "Asado castigliano"}, {"translation": "Quali sono gli ingredienti principali dell'asado castigliano?", "mention": "asado castigliano"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
56 |
{"id": "Q675299_0", "wikidata_id": "Q675299", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "What are the potential health benefits of consuming sandalwood oil?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quali sono i potenziali benefici per la salute del consumo di olio di sandalo?", "mention": "olio di sandalo"}, {"translation": "Che proprietà ha l'olio di sandalo?", "mention": "Olio di sandalo"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
57 |
{"id": "Q675299_1", "wikidata_id": "Q675299", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "What is the plant species from which sandalwood oil is derived?", "targets": [{"translation": "Qual è la specie vegetale da cui deriva l'olio di sandalo?", "mention": "olio di sandalo"}, {"translation": "Da quale pianta deriva l'olio di sandalo?", "mention": "Olio di sandalo"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
58 |
{"id": "Q675299_2", "wikidata_id": "Q675299", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "How can sandalwood oil be incorporated into food?", "targets": [{"translation": "Come si può incorporare l'olio di sandalo negli alimenti?", "mention": "olio di sandalo"}, {"translation": "Come si può consumare l'olio di sandalo?", "mention": "Olio di sandalo"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
59 |
{"id": "Q751426_0", "wikidata_id": "Q751426", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "Are the French Suites part of Bach's larger body of work?", "targets": [{"translation": "Le Suite francesi fanno parte del più grande corpus di opere di Bach?", "mention": "Suite francesi"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
60 |
{"id": "Q751426_1", "wikidata_id": "Q751426", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "How many French Suites did J. S. Bach compose?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quante Suite francesi ha composto J. S. Bach?", "mention": "Suite francesi"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
61 |
{"id": "Q751426_2", "wikidata_id": "Q751426", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "What instrument are the French Suites composed for?", "targets": [{"translation": "Per quale strumento sono composte le Suite francesi?", "mention": "Suite francesi"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
62 |
{"id": "Q7994952_0", "wikidata_id": "Q7994952", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "What are some notable characteristics of the White Knight?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quali sono alcuni dei tratti caratteristici del Cavaliere bianco?", "mention": "Cavaliere bianco"}, {"translation": "Quali sono alcune caratteristiche notevoli del Cavaliere bianco?", "mention": "Cavaliere bianco"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
63 |
{"id": "Q7994952_1", "wikidata_id": "Q7994952", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "What is the role of the White Knight in Lewis Carroll's book?", "targets": [{"translation": "Qual è il ruolo del Cavaliere bianco nel libro di Lewis Carroll?", "mention": "Cavaliere bianco"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
64 |
{"id": "Q7994952_2", "wikidata_id": "Q7994952", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "How does the White Knight differ from other characters in Through the Looking-Glass?", "targets": [{"translation": "In che modo il Cavaliere bianco differisce dagli altri personaggi di Through the Looking-Glass?", "mention": "Cavaliere bianco"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
65 |
{"id": "Q819544_0", "wikidata_id": "Q819544", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "What are some of the special abilities possessed by Illidan Stormrage?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quali sono alcune delle abilità speciali possedute da Illidan Grantempesta?", "mention": "Illidan Grantempesta"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
66 |
{"id": "Q819544_1", "wikidata_id": "Q819544", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "What role does Illidan Stormrage play in the Warcraft storyline?", "targets": [{"translation": "Che ruolo ha Illidan Grantempesta nella trama di Warcraft?", "mention": "Illidan Grantempesta"}, {"translation": "Che ruolo gioca Illidan Grantempesta nella trama di Warcraft?", "mention": "Illidan Grantempesta"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
67 |
{"id": "Q819544_2", "wikidata_id": "Q819544", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "Can Illidan Stormrage shape-shift into different forms?", "targets": [{"translation": "Può Illidan Grantempesta mutare in forme diverse?", "mention": "Illidan Grantempesta"}, {"translation": "Illidan Grantempesta può mutare in forme diverse?", "mention": "Illidan Grantempesta"}, {"translation": "Illidan Grantempesta può mutare aspetto in forme diverse?", "mention": "Illidan Grantempesta"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
68 |
{"id": "Q842511_0", "wikidata_id": "Q842511", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "What are some defining characteristics of Flintheart Glomgold?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quali sono alcune caratteristiche distintive di Cuordipietra Famedoro?", "mention": "Cuordipietra Famedoro"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
69 |
{"id": "Q842511_1", "wikidata_id": "Q842511", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "What fictional universe is Flintheart Glomgold from?", "targets": [{"translation": "Da quale universo immaginario proviene Cuordipietra Famedoro?", "mention": "Cuordipietra Famedoro"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
70 |
{"id": "Q842511_2", "wikidata_id": "Q842511", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "Is Flintheart Glomgold a hero or a villain?", "targets": [{"translation": "Cuordipietra Famedoro è un eroe o un cattivo?", "mention": "Cuordipietra Famedoro"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
71 |
{"id": "Q900847_0", "wikidata_id": "Q900847", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "Can you provide the length of the Nocturnes, Op. 32?", "targets": [{"translation": "Puoi fornire la durata di Due Notturni op. 32?", "mention": "Due Notturni op. 32"}, {"translation": "Quanto durano i Due notturni, op. 32?", "mention": "Due notturni, op. 32"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
72 |
{"id": "Q900847_1", "wikidata_id": "Q900847", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "How many nocturnes are included in Chopin's Nocturnes, Op. 32?", "targets": [{"translation": "Quanti notturni sono inclusi in Due Notturni op. 32 di Chopin?", "mention": "Due Notturni op. 32"}, {"translation": "Quanti notturni sono inclusi nei Due notturni, op. 32 di Chopin?", "mention": "Due notturni, op. 32"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
73 |
{"id": "Q900847_2", "wikidata_id": "Q900847", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "Are the Nocturnes, Op. 32 considered a significant musical work?", "targets": [{"translation": "I Due Notturni op. 32 sono considerati un'opera musicale significativa?", "mention": "Due Notturni op. 32"}, {"translation": "I Due notturni, op. 32 sono considerati un'opera musicale rilevante?", "mention": "Due notturni, op. 32"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "it"}
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
1 |
{"id": "Q1442100_0", "wikidata_id": "Q1442100", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "What is the significance of the Wudang Sect in the overall storyline of wuxia fiction?", "targets": [{"translation": "武侠小説の全体的なストーリーラインにおける武当派の重要性は何ですか?", "mention": "武当派"}, {"translation": "武侠小説の全体的なストーリー展開における武当派の重要性は何ですか?", "mention": "武当派"}, {"translation": "武侠小説の全体的なストーリーの中で、武当派はどのような意義を持つのか?", "mention": "武当派"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
2 |
{"id": "Q1442100_1", "wikidata_id": "Q1442100", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "How does the Wudang Sect's martial arts style differ from other sects?", "targets": [{"translation": "武当派の武術スタイルは他の宗派とどう違うのですか?", "mention": "武当派"}, {"translation": "武当派の武道のスタイルは他の宗派とどう違うのですか?", "mention": "武当派"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
3 |
{"id": "Q1442100_2", "wikidata_id": "Q1442100", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "Which works of wuxia fiction mention the Wudang Sect?", "targets": [{"translation": "武当派について言及している武侠小説の作品はどれですか?", "mention": "武当派"}, {"translation": "武当派について言及している武侠小説の作品はどれですか?", "mention": "武当派"}, {"translation": "武侠小説の中でどの作品が武当派に言及していますか?", "mention": "武当派"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
4 |
{"id": "Q165068_0", "wikidata_id": "Q165068", "entity_types": ["Book"], "source": "Is The Tales of Beedle the Bard set in the Harry Potter universe?", "targets": [{"translation": "吟遊詩人ビードルの物語はハリー・ポッターの宇宙を舞台にしていますか?", "mention": "吟遊詩人ビードルの物語"}, {"translation": "吟遊詩人ビードルの物語はハリー・ポッターの世界を舞台にしていますか?", "mention": "吟遊詩人ビードルの物語"}, {"translation": "吟遊詩人ビードルの物語", "mention": "吟遊詩人ビードルの物語"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
5 |
{"id": "Q165068_1", "wikidata_id": "Q165068", "entity_types": ["Book"], "source": "What type of book is The Tales of Beedle the Bard?", "targets": [{"translation": "吟遊詩人ビードルの物語はどんな種類の本ですか?", "mention": "吟遊詩人ビードルの物語"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
6 |
{"id": "Q165068_2", "wikidata_id": "Q165068", "entity_types": ["Book"], "source": "How many tales are included in The Tales of Beedle the Bard?", "targets": [{"translation": "吟遊詩人ビードルの物語にはいくつの物語が含まれていますか?", "mention": "吟遊詩人ビードルの物語"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
7 |
{"id": "Q1793036_0", "wikidata_id": "Q1793036", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "What kind of place is the Pühtitsa Convent and what activities take place there?", "targets": [{"translation": "Pühtitsa修道院はどのような場所で、そこではどのような活動が行われていますか?", "mention": "Pühtitsa修道院"}, {"translation": "Pühtitsa修道院はどのような場所で、どんな活動が行われているのですか?", "mention": "Pühtitsa修道院"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
8 |
{"id": "Q1793036_1", "wikidata_id": "Q1793036", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "Can you briefly describe the Pühtitsa Convent and its significance?", "targets": [{"translation": "Pühtitsa修道院とその重要性を簡単に説明していただけますか?", "mention": "Pühtitsa修道院"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
9 |
{"id": "Q1793036_2", "wikidata_id": "Q1793036", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "How long has the Pühtitsa Convent been standing in Estonia?", "targets": [{"translation": "Pühtitsa修道院はエストニアにどのくらい存在していますか?", "mention": "Pühtitsa修道院"}, {"translation": "Pühtitsa修道院はエストニアに建ってどれくらいになりますか?", "mention": "Pühtitsa修道院"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
10 |
{"id": "Q181488_0", "wikidata_id": "Q181488", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "What is the genre of Gulliver's Travels?", "targets": [{"translation": "ガリヴァー旅行記のジャンルは何ですか?", "mention": "ガリヴァー旅行記"}, {"translation": "ガリヴァー旅行記のジャンルは何ですか?", "mention": "ガリヴァー旅行記"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
11 |
{"id": "Q181488_1", "wikidata_id": "Q181488", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "In what year was Gulliver's Travels published?", "targets": [{"translation": "ガリヴァー旅行記は何年に出版されましたか?", "mention": "ガリヴァー旅行記"}, {"translation": "ガリヴァー旅行記は何年に出版されましたか?", "mention": "ガリヴァー旅行記"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
12 |
{"id": "Q181488_2", "wikidata_id": "Q181488", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "What type of artistic work is Gulliver's Travels?", "targets": [{"translation": "ガリヴァー旅行記はどのような作品ですか?", "mention": "ガリヴァー旅行記"}, {"translation": "ガリヴァー旅行記とはどのような芸術作品ですか?", "mention": "ガリヴァー旅行記"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
13 |
{"id": "Q182502_0", "wikidata_id": "Q182502", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "Is Angels & Demons a novel or an artwork?", "targets": [{"translation": "天使と悪魔は小説ですか、それとも芸術作品ですか?", "mention": "天使と悪魔"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
14 |
{"id": "Q182502_1", "wikidata_id": "Q182502", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "Who is the author of Angels & Demons?", "targets": [{"translation": "天使と悪魔の著者は誰ですか?", "mention": "天使と悪魔"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
15 |
{"id": "Q182502_2", "wikidata_id": "Q182502", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "When was Angels & Demons published?", "targets": [{"translation": "天使と悪魔はいつ出版されましたか?", "mention": "天使と悪魔"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
16 |
{"id": "Q19273430_0", "wikidata_id": "Q19273430", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "What is the name of the neighborhood where Heydar Mosque is situated?", "targets": [{"translation": "ヘイダル モスクがある地域の名前は何ですか?", "mention": "ヘイダル モスク"}, {"translation": "ヘイダル・モスクがある地域の名前は何ですか?", "mention": "ヘイダル・モスク"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
17 |
{"id": "Q19273430_1", "wikidata_id": "Q19273430", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "What type of place is Heydar Mosque?", "targets": [{"translation": "ヘイダル モスクはどんなところですか?", "mention": "ヘイダル モスク"}, {"translation": "ヘイダル・モスクはどんな場所ですか?", "mention": "ヘイダル・モスク"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
18 |
{"id": "Q19273430_2", "wikidata_id": "Q19273430", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "In which city is the Heydar Mosque located?", "targets": [{"translation": "ヘイダル モスクはどの都市にありますか?", "mention": "ヘイダル モスク"}, {"translation": "ヘイダル・モスクはどの都市にありますか?", "mention": "ヘイダル・モスク"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
19 |
{"id": "Q209730_0", "wikidata_id": "Q209730", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "When was the Cello Concerto No. 2 composed?", "targets": [{"translation": "チェロ協奏曲第2番はいつ作曲されましたか?", "mention": "チェロ協奏曲第2番"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
20 |
{"id": "Q209730_1", "wikidata_id": "Q209730", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "Who composed the Cello Concerto No. 2?", "targets": [{"translation": "チェロ協奏曲第2番を作曲したのは誰ですか?", "mention": "チェロ協奏曲第2番"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
21 |
{"id": "Q209730_2", "wikidata_id": "Q209730", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "What instrument is featured prominently in the Cello Concerto No. 2?", "targets": [{"translation": "チェロ協奏曲第2番で主に演奏される楽器は何ですか?", "mention": "チェロ協奏曲第2番"}, {"translation": "チェロ協奏曲第2番で目立つのはどの楽器ですか?", "mention": "チェロ協奏曲第2番"}, {"translation": "チェロ協奏曲第2番で特に目立つのはどの楽器ですか?", "mention": "チェロ協奏曲第2番"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
22 |
{"id": "Q245929_0", "wikidata_id": "Q245929", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "When was the TV series War and Remembrance first aired?", "targets": [{"translation": "テレビシリーズ戦争の黙示録が最初に放映されたのはいつですか?", "mention": "戦争の黙示録"}, {"translation": "戦争の黙示録テレビシリーズ___が最初に放映されたのはいつですか?", "mention": "戦争の黙示録"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
23 |
{"id": "Q245929_1", "wikidata_id": "Q245929", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "Who are the main characters in the TV series War and Remembrance?", "targets": [{"translation": "テレビシリーズ戦争の黙示録の主人公は誰ですか?", "mention": "戦争の黙示録"}, {"translation": "戦争の黙示録テレビシリーズ___の主人公は誰ですか?", "mention": "戦争の黙示録"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
24 |
{"id": "Q245929_2", "wikidata_id": "Q245929", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "How many seasons are there in the television series War and Remembrance?", "targets": [{"translation": "テレビシリーズ戦争の黙示録には何シーズンありますか?", "mention": "戦争の黙示録"}, {"translation": "戦争の黙示録テレビシリーズ___には何シーズンありますか?", "mention": "戦争の黙示録"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
25 |
{"id": "Q2548788_0", "wikidata_id": "Q2548788", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "What is the significance of Terem Palace in Russian history?", "targets": [{"translation": "ロシアの歴史におけるテレムノイ宮殿の意義は何ですか?", "mention": "テレムノイ宮殿"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
26 |
{"id": "Q2548788_1", "wikidata_id": "Q2548788", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "How old is Terem Palace?", "targets": [{"translation": "テレムノイ宮殿は築何年ですか?", "mention": "テレムノイ宮殿"}, {"translation": "テレムノイ宮殿は築何年ですか?", "mention": "テレムノイ宮殿"}, {"translation": "テレムノイ宮殿は何歳ですか?", "mention": "テレムノイ宮殿"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
27 |
{"id": "Q2548788_2", "wikidata_id": "Q2548788", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "Who commissioned the construction of Terem Palace?", "targets": [{"translation": "テレムノイ宮殿の建設を依頼したのは誰ですか?", "mention": "テレムノイ宮殿"}, {"translation": "テレムノイ宮殿の建設を命じたのは誰ですか?", "mention": "テレムノイ宮殿"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
28 |
{"id": "Q2690825_0", "wikidata_id": "Q2690825", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "Which storyline first introduced the concept of the Horsemen of Apocalypse in Marvel Comics?", "targets": [{"translation": "マーベルコミックスのホースメン・オブ・アポカリプスの概念を最初に導入したストーリーはどれですか。", "mention": "ホースメン・オブ・アポカリプス"}, {"translation": "マーベルコミックスでホースメン・オブ・アポカリプスの構想を最初に導入したストーリーは何ですか?", "mention": "ホースメン・オブ・アポカリプス"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
29 |
{"id": "Q2690825_1", "wikidata_id": "Q2690825", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "What are the powers and abilities of the Horsemen of Apocalypse?", "targets": [{"translation": "ホースメン・オブ・アポカリプスの力と能力は何ですか。", "mention": "ホースメン・オブ・アポカリプス"}, {"translation": "ホースメン・オブ・アポカリプス の力と能力は何ですか?", "mention": "ホースメン・オブ・アポカリプス"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
30 |
{"id": "Q2690825_2", "wikidata_id": "Q2690825", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "Have there been different versions of the Horsemen of Apocalypse in alternate Marvel universes?", "targets": [{"translation": "代替マーベルユニバースにホースメン・オブ・アポカリプスの異なるバージョンがありましたか。", "mention": "ホースメン・オブ・アポカリプス"}, {"translation": "異なるマーベルユニバースにおいてホースメン・オブ・アポカリプスの異なるバージョンがありましたか?", "mention": "ホースメン・オブ・アポカリプス"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
31 |
{"id": "Q2919312_0", "wikidata_id": "Q2919312", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "What is the Unknown Soldier Memorial in Egypt?", "targets": [{"translation": "エジプト無名戦士記念碑とは何ですか?", "mention": "エジプト無名戦士記念碑"}, {"translation": "エジプトのエジプト無名戦士記念碑とは何ですか?", "mention": "エジプト無名戦士記念碑"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
32 |
{"id": "Q3051430_0", "wikidata_id": "Q3051430", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "When was the Symphony in D minor first performed?", "targets": [{"translation": "交響曲 ニ短調が初めて演奏されたのはいつですか?", "mention": "交響曲 ニ短調"}, {"translation": "交響曲ニ短調が最初に演奏されたのはいつですか?", "mention": "交響曲ニ短調"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
33 |
{"id": "Q3051430_1", "wikidata_id": "Q3051430", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "What is the key signature of the Symphony in D minor?", "targets": [{"translation": "交響曲 ニ短調の重要なテーマは何ですか?", "mention": "交響曲 ニ短調"}, {"translation": "交響曲ニ短調の調号は何ですか?", "mention": "交響曲ニ短調"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
34 |
{"id": "Q3051430_2", "wikidata_id": "Q3051430", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "How many movements are there in the Symphony in D minor?", "targets": [{"translation": "交響曲 ニ短調にはいくつの楽章がありますか?", "mention": "交響曲 ニ短調"}, {"translation": "交響曲ニ短調には何楽章ありますか?", "mention": "交響曲ニ短調"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
35 |
{"id": "Q3209496_0", "wikidata_id": "Q3209496", "entity_types": ["Book"], "source": "What is the subject of Mao's Great Famine?", "targets": [{"translation": "毛沢東の大飢饉の主題は何ですか?", "mention": "毛沢東の大飢饉"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
36 |
{"id": "Q3209496_1", "wikidata_id": "Q3209496", "entity_types": ["Book"], "source": "Who is the author of the book Mao's Great Famine?", "targets": [{"translation": "毛沢東の大飢饉という本の著者は誰ですか?", "mention": "毛沢東の大飢饉"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
37 |
{"id": "Q3209496_2", "wikidata_id": "Q3209496", "entity_types": ["Book"], "source": "When was the book Mao's Great Famine published?", "targets": [{"translation": "毛沢東の大飢饉が出版されたのはいつですか?", "mention": "毛沢東の大飢饉"}, {"translation": "毛沢東の大飢饉という本はいつ出版されましたか?", "mention": "毛沢東の大飢饉"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
38 |
{"id": "Q3828486_0", "wikidata_id": "Q3828486", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "How many seasons of the television series The Adventures of Champion were produced?", "targets": [{"translation": "走れ!名馬チャンピオンは何シーズンまでありますか?", "mention": "走れ!名馬チャンピオン"}, {"translation": "テレビシリーズ走れ!名馬チャンピオン」は何シーズン制作されましたか?", "mention": "走れ!名馬チャンピオン"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
39 |
{"id": "Q3828486_1", "wikidata_id": "Q3828486", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "Who is the main character in the television series The Adventures of Champion?", "targets": [{"translation": "走れ!名馬チャンピオンの主人公は誰ですか?", "mention": "走れ!名馬チャンピオン"}, {"translation": "テレビシリーズ走れ!名馬チャンピオン」の主人公は誰ですか?", "mention": "走れ!名馬チャンピオン"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
40 |
{"id": "Q3828486_2", "wikidata_id": "Q3828486", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "In which year did The Adventures of Champion first premiere?", "targets": [{"translation": "走れ!名馬チャンピオンは何年に始まりましたか?", "mention": "走れ!名馬チャンピオン"}, {"translation": "走れ!名馬チャンピオン」が初めて初公開されたのは何年ですか?", "mention": "走れ!名馬チャンピオン"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
41 |
{"id": "Q4411198_0", "wikidata_id": "Q4411198", "entity_types": ["Book"], "source": "When was The Digest of Laws of the Russian Empire published?", "targets": [{"translation": "ロシア帝国基本法はいつ出版されましたか?", "mention": "ロシア帝国基本法"}, {"translation": "ロシア皇帝基本立法はいつ公布されましたか?", "mention": "ロシア皇帝基本立法"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
42 |
{"id": "Q4411198_1", "wikidata_id": "Q4411198", "entity_types": ["Book"], "source": "How would you describe the content of The Digest of Laws of the Russian Empire?", "targets": [{"translation": "ロシア帝国基本法の内容をどのように説明しますか?", "mention": "ロシア帝国基本法"}, {"translation": "ロシア皇帝基本立法の内容をどのように説明しますか?", "mention": "ロシア皇帝基本立法"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
43 |
{"id": "Q4411198_2", "wikidata_id": "Q4411198", "entity_types": ["Book"], "source": "Who compiled The Digest of Laws of the Russian Empire?", "targets": [{"translation": "ロシア帝国基本法を編纂したのは誰ですか?", "mention": "ロシア帝国基本法"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
44 |
{"id": "Q502384_0", "wikidata_id": "Q502384", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "Which director helmed the 2000 film Gone in 60 Seconds?", "targets": [{"translation": "2000年の映画60セカンズを監督したのはどの監督ですか?", "mention": "60セカンズ"}, {"translation": "2000年の映画60セカンズを監督したのは誰ですか?", "mention": "60セカンズ"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
45 |
{"id": "Q502384_1", "wikidata_id": "Q502384", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "What year was the movie Gone in 60 Seconds released?", "targets": [{"translation": "映画60セカンズが公開されたのは何年ですか?", "mention": "60セカンズ"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
46 |
{"id": "Q502384_2", "wikidata_id": "Q502384", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "How long does it take for something to vanish in the movie Gone in 60 Seconds?", "targets": [{"translation": "映画60セカンズで何かが消えるのにどれくらい時間がかかりますか?", "mention": "60セカンズ"}, {"translation": "映画60セカンズ で何かが消えるのにどれくらい時間がかかりますか?", "mention": "60セカンズ"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
47 |
{"id": "Q598824_0", "wikidata_id": "Q598824", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "Can you provide an example of a major event or storyline within the Marvel multiverse?", "targets": [{"translation": "マーベルのマルチバース内の主要なイベントやストーリーラインの例を挙げていただけますか?", "mention": "マーベルのマルチバース"}, {"translation": "マーベルのマルチバースにおける主要なイベントやストーリーの例を挙げていただけますか?", "mention": "マーベルのマルチバース"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
48 |
{"id": "Q598824_1", "wikidata_id": "Q598824", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "Are there different versions of popular Marvel characters within the Marvel multiverse?", "targets": [{"translation": "マーベルのマルチバースの中に人気のあるマーベルキャラクターの異なるバージョンはありますか?", "mention": "マーベルのマルチバース"}, {"translation": "マーベルのマルチバースの中に人気のあるマーベルキャラクターの異なるバージョンはありますか?", "mention": "マーベルのマルチバース"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
49 |
{"id": "Q598824_2", "wikidata_id": "Q598824", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "How does the concept of the Marvel multiverse impact storytelling and character development in Marvel Comics?", "targets": [{"translation": "マーベルのマルチバースの概念は、マーベルコミックスのストーリーテリングとキャラクター開発にどのように影響しますか?", "mention": "マーベルのマルチバース"}, {"translation": "マーベルのマルチバースの概念は、マーベルコミックのストーリーテリングやキャラクター開発にどのような影響を与えますか?", "mention": "マーベルのマルチバース"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
50 |
{"id": "Q60063045_0", "wikidata_id": "Q60063045", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "How many episodes are there in The Light in Your Eyes TV series?", "targets": [{"translation": "まぶしくて―私たちの輝く時間―のテレビシリーズにはいくつのエピソードがありますか?", "mention": "まぶしくて―私たちの輝く時間―"}, {"translation": "まぶしくて―私たちの輝く時間―』のテレビシリーズにはいくつのエピソードがありますか?", "mention": "まぶしくて―私たちの輝く時間―"}, {"translation": "まぶしくて ―私たちの輝く時間―のテレビシリーズにはいくつのエピソードがありますか?", "mention": "まぶしくて ―私たちの輝く時間―"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
51 |
{"id": "Q60063045_1", "wikidata_id": "Q60063045", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "Who are the main actors in The Light in Your Eyes?", "targets": [{"translation": "まぶしくて―私たちの輝く時間―の主演俳優は誰ですか?", "mention": "まぶしくて―私たちの輝く時間―"}, {"translation": "まぶしくて―私たちの輝く時間―』の主演俳優は誰ですか?", "mention": "まぶしくて―私たちの輝く時間―"}, {"translation": "まぶしくて ―私たちの輝く時間―の主演俳優は誰ですか?", "mention": "まぶしくて ―私たちの輝く時間―"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
52 |
{"id": "Q60063045_2", "wikidata_id": "Q60063045", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "When was The Light in Your Eyes first aired in South Korea?", "targets": [{"translation": "まぶしくて―私たちの輝く時間―』が韓国で最初に放映されたのはいつですか?", "mention": "まぶしくて―私たちの輝く時間―"}, {"translation": "まぶしくて ―私たちの輝く時間―が韓国で最初に放映されたのはいつですか?", "mention": "まぶしくて ―私たちの輝く時間―"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
53 |
{"id": "Q6316985_0", "wikidata_id": "Q6316985", "entity_types": ["Person", "Fictional entity"], "source": "How is the Justice League International different from the original Justice League?", "targets": [{"translation": "ジャスティスリーグ・インターナショナルはオリジナルのジャスティス・リーグとどう違うのですか?", "mention": "ジャスティスリーグ・インターナショナル"}, {"translation": "ジャスティス・リーグ・インターナショナルはオリジナルのジャスティス・リーグとどう違うのですか?", "mention": "ジャステ���ス・リーグ・インターナショナル"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
54 |
{"id": "Q6316985_1", "wikidata_id": "Q6316985", "entity_types": ["Person", "Fictional entity"], "source": "What is the mission of the Justice League International?", "targets": [{"translation": "ジャスティス・リーグ・インターナショナルの使命は何ですか?", "mention": "ジャスティス・リーグ・インターナショナル"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
55 |
{"id": "Q6316985_2", "wikidata_id": "Q6316985", "entity_types": ["Person", "Fictional entity"], "source": "Which DC Comics series features the Justice League International?", "targets": [{"translation": "ジャスティスリーグ・インターナショナルを特集しているDCコミックスシリーズは何ですか?", "mention": "ジャスティスリーグ・インターナショナル"}, {"translation": "ジャスティス・リーグ・インターナショナルを特集しているDCコミックスシリーズは何ですか?", "mention": "ジャスティス・リーグ・インターナショナル"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
56 |
{"id": "Q634864_0", "wikidata_id": "Q634864", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "What kind of stories are set in the Hyborian Age?", "targets": [{"translation": "ハイボリア時代を舞台にどのような物語が繰り広げられていますか?", "mention": "ハイボリア時代"}, {"translation": "ハイボリア時代にはどんな物語が組み込まれていますか?", "mention": "ハイボリア時代"}, {"translation": "ハイボリア時代はどんな物語の舞台にされていますか?", "mention": "ハイボリア時代"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
57 |
{"id": "Q634864_1", "wikidata_id": "Q634864", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "Who created the concept of the Hyborian Age?", "targets": [{"translation": "誰がハイボリア時代という架空の時代を作ったのですか?", "mention": "ハイボリア時代"}, {"translation": "ハイボリア時代の概念を作ったのは誰ですか?", "mention": "ハイボリア時代"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
58 |
{"id": "Q634864_2", "wikidata_id": "Q634864", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "Is the Hyborian Age based on real historical events?", "targets": [{"translation": "ハイボリア時代は史実に基づいていますか?", "mention": "ハイボリア時代"}, {"translation": "ハイボリア時代は実際の歴史的出来事に基づいていますか?", "mention": "ハイボリア時代"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
59 |
{"id": "Q672811_0", "wikidata_id": "Q672811", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "When was the Sonata for Violin and Cello first performed?", "targets": [{"translation": "ヴァイオリンとチェロのためのソナタが初めて演奏されたのはいつですか?", "mention": "ヴァイオリンとチェロのためのソナタ"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
60 |
{"id": "Q672811_1", "wikidata_id": "Q672811", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "What instruments are featured in the Sonata for Violin and Cello?", "targets": [{"translation": "ヴァイオリンとチェロのためのソナタはどんな楽器がフィーチャーされていますか?", "mention": "ヴァイオリンとチェロのためのソナタ"}, {"translation": "ヴァイオリンとチェロのためのソナタにはどんな楽器が登場しますか?", "mention": "ヴァイオリンとチェロのためのソナタ"}, {"translation": "ヴァイオリンとチェロのためのソナタにはどんな楽器がフィーチャーされていますか?", "mention": "ヴァイオリンとチェロのためのソナタ"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
61 |
{"id": "Q672811_2", "wikidata_id": "Q672811", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "How would you describe the style of the Sonata for Violin and Cello?", "targets": [{"translation": "ヴァイオリンとチェロのためのソナタのスタイルをどのように説明しますか?", "mention": "ヴァイオリンとチェロのためのソナタ"}, {"translation": "ヴァイオリンとチェロのためのソナタのスタイルはどのようなものですか?", "mention": "ヴァイオリンとチェロのためのソナタ"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
62 |
{"id": "Q703780_0", "wikidata_id": "Q703780", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "Where was Infante Jaime, Duke of Segovia from?", "targets": [{"translation": "ハイメ・デ・ボルボンはどこから来たのですか?", "mention": "ハイメ・デ・ボルボン"}, {"translation": "ハイメ・デ・ボルボンはどの国の出身ですか。", "mention": "ハイメ・デ・ボルボン"}, {"translation": "ハイメ・デ・ボルボンは、どこの方ですか?", "mention": "ハイメ・デ・ボルボン"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
63 |
{"id": "Q703780_1", "wikidata_id": "Q703780", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "What title did Infante Jaime, Duke of Segovia hold?", "targets": [{"translation": "ハイメ・デ・ボルボンはどんな肩書きを持っていましたか?", "mention": "ハイメ・デ・ボルボン"}, {"translation": "ハイメ・デ・ボルボンは何の称号を有していますたか。", "mention": "ハイメ・デ・ボルボン"}, {"translation": "ハイメ・デ・ボルボンはどのような肩書きを持っていましたか?", "mention": "ハイメ・デ・ボルボン"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
64 |
{"id": "Q703780_2", "wikidata_id": "Q703780", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "When was Infante Jaime, Duke of Segovia born?", "targets": [{"translation": "ハイメ・デ・ボルボンが生まれたのはいつですか?", "mention": "ハイメ・デ・ボルボン"}, {"translation": "ハイメ・デ・ボルボンはいつ生まれましたか。", "mention": "ハイメ・デ・ボルボン"}, {"translation": "セゴビア公 ハイメ・デ・ボルボンが生まれたのはいつですか?", "mention": "ハイメ・デ・ボルボン"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
65 |
{"id": "Q724778_0", "wikidata_id": "Q724778", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "What instruments are featured in St. Mary's Trumpet Call?", "targets": [{"translation": "ヘイナウ・マリャツキはどんな楽器で演奏されていますか?", "mention": "ヘイナウ・マリャツキ"}, {"translation": "ヘイナウ・マリャツキにはどんな楽器が使われていますか?", "mention": "ヘイナウ・マリャツキ"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
66 |
{"id": "Q724778_1", "wikidata_id": "Q724778", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "Who is the composer of St. Mary's Trumpet Call?", "targets": [{"translation": "ヘイナウ・マリャツキの作曲家は誰ですか?", "mention": "ヘイナウ・マリャツキ"}, {"translation": "ヘイナウ・マリャツキの作曲家は誰ですか?", "mention": "ヘイナウ・マリャツキ"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
67 |
{"id": "Q724778_2", "wikidata_id": "Q724778", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "How long is the duration of St. Mary's Trumpet Call?", "targets": [{"translation": "ヘイナウ・マリャツキの演奏時間はどのくらいですか?", "mention": "ヘイナウ・マリャツキ"}, {"translation": "ヘイナウ・マリャツキはどれぐらい長いですか?", "mention": "ヘイナウ・マリャツキ"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
68 |
{"id": "Q744658_0", "wikidata_id": "Q744658", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "Who starred in the 1972 movie The Visitors?", "targets": [{"translation": "1972年の映画突然の訪問者に主演したのは誰ですか?", "mention": "突然の訪問者"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
69 |
{"id": "Q744658_1", "wikidata_id": "Q744658", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "What year was The Visitors released?", "targets": [{"translation": "突然の訪問者は何年にリリースされましたか?", "mention": "突然の訪問者"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
70 |
{"id": "Q744658_2", "wikidata_id": "Q744658", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "What is the nationality of the film The Visitors?", "targets": [{"translation": "映画突然の訪問者の国籍は何ですか?", "mention": "突然の訪問者"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
71 |
{"id": "Q959816_0", "wikidata_id": "Q959816", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "When was The Man Who Was Thursday first published?", "targets": [{"translation": "木曜日の男が最初に出版されたのはいつですか?", "mention": "木曜日の男"}, {"translation": "木曜日の男」が最初に出版されたのはいつですか?", "mention": "木曜日の男"}, {"translation": "木曜日の男が最初に出版されたのはいつ?", "mention": "木曜日の男"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
72 |
{"id": "Q959816_1", "wikidata_id": "Q959816", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "What is the genre of the artwork The Man Who Was Thursday?", "targets": [{"translation": "木曜日の男のアートワークのジャンルは何ですか?", "mention": "木曜日の男"}, {"translation": "アートワーク木曜日の男」のジャンルは何ですか?", "mention": "木曜日の男"}, {"translation": "木曜日の男のジャンルは何?", "mention": "木曜日の男"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
73 |
{"id": "Q959816_2", "wikidata_id": "Q959816", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "Can you provide a brief summary of the storyline in the artwork The Man Who Was Thursday?", "targets": [{"translation": "木曜日の男のアートワークのストーリーを簡単に要約してもらえますか?", "mention": "木曜日の男"}, {"translation": "アートワーク木曜日の男」のストーリーを簡単に要約してもらえますか?", "mention": "木曜日の男"}, {"translation": "木曜日の男の話を簡単にまとめてもらえますか?", "mention": "木曜日の男"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ja"}
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
1 |
{"id": "Q1137511_0", "wikidata_id": "Q1137511", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "Can visitors enter the Rüstem Pasha Mosque to explore its interior?", "targets": [{"translation": "방문객들은 뤼스템 파샤 모스크 내부를 둘러볼 수 있나요?", "mention": "뤼스템 파샤 모스크"}, {"translation": "방문객들이 내부를 탐험하기 위해 뤼스템 파샤 모스크에 들어갈 수 있나요?", "mention": "뤼스템 파샤 모스크"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
2 |
{"id": "Q1137511_1", "wikidata_id": "Q1137511", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "How would you describe the architectural style of the Rüstem Pasha Mosque?", "targets": [{"translation": "뤼스템 파샤 모스크의 건축 양식을 어떻게 설명하시겠습니까?", "mention": "뤼스템 파샤 모스크"}, {"translation": "뤼스템 파샤 모스크 의 건축 양식을 어떻게 설명하시겠습니까?", "mention": "뤼스템 파샤 모스크"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
3 |
{"id": "Q1137511_2", "wikidata_id": "Q1137511", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "What is the significance of the Rüstem Pasha Mosque within the local community?", "targets": [{"translation": "지역 사회 내에서 뤼스템 파샤 모스크의 중요성은 무엇인가요?", "mention": "뤼스템 파샤 모스크"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
4 |
{"id": "Q126553_0", "wikidata_id": "Q126553", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "What was the purpose of Noah's Ark?", "targets": [{"translation": "노아의 방주 목적은 무엇이었나요?", "mention": "노아의 방주"}, {"translation": "노아의 방주의 목적은 무엇이었나요?", "mention": "노아의 방주"}, {"translation": "노아의 방주 의 목적은 무엇이었나요?", "mention": "노아의 방주"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
5 |
{"id": "Q126553_1", "wikidata_id": "Q126553", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "How many of each animal were on Noah's Ark?", "targets": [{"translation": "노아의 방주에 각 동물 중 몇 마리가 있었나요?", "mention": "노아의 방주"}, {"translation": "각 동물 중 몇 마리가 노아의 방주에 있었나요?", "mention": "노아의 방주"}, {"translation": "노아의 방주에는 각각 몇 마리의 동물이 있었나요?", "mention": "노아의 방주"}, {"translation": "각 동물 중 몇 마리가 노아의 방주 에 있었나요?", "mention": "노아의 방주"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
6 |
{"id": "Q126553_2", "wikidata_id": "Q126553", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "Did Noah's Ark come to rest on Mount Ararat?", "targets": [{"translation": "노아의 방주가 아라랏 산에 쉬러 왔나요?", "mention": "노아의 방주"}, {"translation": "노아의 방주 가 아라랏 산에 쉬러 왔나요?", "mention": "노아의 방주"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
7 |
{"id": "Q160948_0", "wikidata_id": "Q160948", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "Who was Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich of Russia?", "targets": [{"translation": "키릴 블라디미로비치 대공은 누구였나요?", "mention": "키릴 블라디미로비치 대공"}, {"translation": "키릴 블라디미로비치 로마노프 은 누구였나요?", "mention": "키릴 블라디미로비치 로마노프"}, {"translation": "러시아 키릴 블라디미로비치 대공은 누구였나요?", "mention": "러시아 키릴 블라디미로비치 대공"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
8 |
{"id": "Q17000309_0", "wikidata_id": "Q17000309", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "Can you provide a brief plot summary of the movie A Wolf at the Door?", "targets": [{"translation": "영화 울프 앳 더 도어의 줄거리를 간략히 요약해줄래?", "mention": "울프 앳 더 도어"}, {"translation": "영화 울프 앳 더 도어에 대한 간략한 줄거리 요약을 제공해 주시겠어요?", "mention": "울프 앳 더 도어"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
9 |
{"id": "Q17000309_1", "wikidata_id": "Q17000309", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "What year was the movie A Wolf at the Door released?", "targets": [{"translation": "영화 울프 앳 더 도어는 몇 년도에 개봉되었나요?", "mention": "울프 앳 더 도어"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
10 |
{"id": "Q17000309_2", "wikidata_id": "Q17000309", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "What is the genre of the movie A Wolf at the Door?", "targets": [{"translation": "영화 울프 앳 더 도어의 장르는 무엇인가요?", "mention": "울프 앳 더 도어"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
11 |
{"id": "Q1754462_0", "wikidata_id": "Q1754462", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "In which sport does Luiz Guilherme da Conceição Silva excel?", "targets": [{"translation": "무리키는 어떤 스포츠에서 뛰어난가요?", "mention": "무리키"}, {"translation": "무리키 는 어떤 스포츠에서 뛰어난가요?", "mention": "무리키"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
12 |
{"id": "Q1754462_1", "wikidata_id": "Q1754462", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "What is Luiz Guilherme da Conceição Silva's nationality?", "targets": [{"translation": "무리키의 국적은 무엇인가요?", "mention": "무리키"}, {"translation": "무리키 의 국적은 무엇인가요?", "mention": "무리키"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
13 |
{"id": "Q1754462_2", "wikidata_id": "Q1754462", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "What is Luiz Guilherme da Conceição Silva known for?", "targets": [{"translation": "무리키는 무엇으로 유명한가요?", "mention": "무리키"}, {"translation": "무리키 는 무엇으로 유명한가요?", "mention": "무리키"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
14 |
{"id": "Q18110046_0", "wikidata_id": "Q18110046", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "How would you describe The Legend of Mi Yue TV series in one sentence?", "targets": [{"translation": "미월전 TV 시리즈를 한 문장으로 어떻게 설명하시겠습니까?", "mention": "미월전"}, {"translation": "미월전 TV 시리즈를 한 문장으로 설명한다면 뭐라고 할까요?", "mention": "미월전"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
15 |
{"id": "Q18110046_1", "wikidata_id": "Q18110046", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "Where is The Legend of Mi Yue TV series from?", "targets": [{"translation": "미월전 TV 시리즈는 어디에서 왔나요?", "mention": "미월전"}, {"translation": "미월전은 어느 나라의 TV 시리즈인가요?", "mention": "미월전"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
16 |
{"id": "Q18110046_2", "wikidata_id": "Q18110046", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "What is The Legend of Mi Yue TV series about?", "targets": [{"translation": "미월전 TV 시리즈는 무엇에 관한 것인가요?", "mention": "미월전"}, {"translation": "미월전 TV 시리즈는 어떤 내용인가요?", "mention": "미월전"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
17 |
{"id": "Q18763_0", "wikidata_id": "Q18763", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "Where is Senusret I buried?", "targets": [{"translation": "세누스레트 1세은 어디에 묻혀 있나요?", "mention": "세누스레트 1세"}, {"translation": "세누스레트 1세 은 어디에 묻혀 있나요", "mention": "세누스레트 1세"}, {"translation": "세누스레트 1세", "mention": "세누스레트 1세"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
18 |
{"id": "Q18763_1", "wikidata_id": "Q18763", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "When did Senusret I rule as pharaoh?", "targets": [{"translation": "세누스레트 1세은 언제 파라오로 통치했나요?", "mention": "세누스레트 1세"}, {"translation": "세누스레트 1세 은 언제 파라오로 통치했나요", "mention": "세누스레트 1세"}, {"translation": "세누스레트 1세", "mention": "세누스레트 1세"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
19 |
{"id": "Q18763_2", "wikidata_id": "Q18763", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "What were some of Senusret I's achievements as pharaoh?", "targets": [{"translation": "파라오로서 세누스레트 1세의 업적은 무엇이었나요?", "mention": "세누스레트 1세"}, {"translation": "파라오로서 세누스레트 1세 의 업적은 무엇이었나요", "mention": "세누스레트 1세"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
20 |
{"id": "Q19598901_0", "wikidata_id": "Q19598901", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "Can you recommend any other South Korean television series similar to Falling for Innocence?", "targets": [{"translation": "순정에 반하다와 비슷한 다른 한국 TV 시리즈를 추천해줄래?", "mention": "순정에 반하다"}, {"translation": "순정에 반하다 와 비슷한 다른 한국 TV 시리즈를 추천해줄래?", "mention": "순정에 반하다"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
21 |
{"id": "Q19598901_1", "wikidata_id": "Q19598901", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "Who are some of the main cast members in Falling for Innocence?", "targets": [{"translation": "순정에 반하다의 주요 출연진은 누구인가요?", "mention": "순정에 반하다"}, {"translation": "순정에 반하다 의 주요 출연진은 누구인가요?", "mention": "순정에 반하다"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
22 |
{"id": "Q19598901_2", "wikidata_id": "Q19598901", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "How many seasons of Falling for Innocence are there?", "targets": [{"translation": "순정에 반하다의 시즌이 몇 개나 있나요?", "mention": "순정에 반하다"}, {"translation": "순정에 반하다 의 시즌이 몇 개나 있나요?", "mention": "순정에 반하다"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
23 |
{"id": "Q2249305_0", "wikidata_id": "Q2249305", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "Is wheat flour suitable for people with gluten intolerance or celiac disease?", "targets": [{"translation": "밀가루는 글루텐 불내증이나 체강 질병�� 있는 사람에게 적합합니까?", "mention": "밀가루"}, {"translation": "밀가루는 글루텐 불내증이나 소아지방변증이 있는 사람들에게 적합한가요?", "mention": "밀가루"}, {"translation": "밀가루는 는 글루텐 불내증이나 소아지방변증이 있는 사람들에게 적합한가요?", "mention": "밀가루"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
24 |
{"id": "Q2249305_1", "wikidata_id": "Q2249305", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "What are the common uses of wheat flour in cooking and baking?", "targets": [{"translation": "요리와 베이킹에서 밀가루의 일반적인 용도는 무엇입니까?", "mention": "밀가루"}, {"translation": "요리와 베이킹에서 밀가루의 일반적인 용도는 무엇인가요?", "mention": "밀가루"}, {"translation": "요리와 베이킹에서 밀가루의 일반적인 용도는 무엇인가요", "mention": "밀가루"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
25 |
{"id": "Q2249305_2", "wikidata_id": "Q2249305", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "Can wheat flour be used as a substitute for other types of flour?", "targets": [{"translation": "밀가루를 다른 종류의 밀가루 대신 사용할 수 있습니까?", "mention": "밀가루"}, {"translation": "밀가루를 다른 종류의 밀가루 대신 사용할 수 있나요?", "mention": "밀가루"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
26 |
{"id": "Q2304758_0", "wikidata_id": "Q2304758", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "What is the musical style of the Lyric Pieces?", "targets": [{"translation": "서정 소곡집의 음악 스타일은 무엇인가요?", "mention": "서정 소곡집"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
27 |
{"id": "Q2304758_1", "wikidata_id": "Q2304758", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "What instrument is the Lyric Pieces composed for?", "targets": [{"translation": "서정 소곡집는 어떤 악기를 위해 작곡되었나요?", "mention": "서정 소곡집"}, {"translation": "서정 소곡집은 어떤 악기를 위해 작곡되었나요?", "mention": "서정 소곡집"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
28 |
{"id": "Q2304758_2", "wikidata_id": "Q2304758", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "Can you name one famous piece from the Lyric Pieces collection?", "targets": [{"translation": "서정 소곡집컬렉션에서 유명한 작품의 이름을 말해줄래?", "mention": "서정 소곡집"}, {"translation": "서정 소곡집 컬렉션에서 유명한 곡을 하나 꼽아줄래?", "mention": "서정 소곡집"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
29 |
{"id": "Q2461698_0", "wikidata_id": "Q2461698", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "Who are the main antagonistic forces in the World of Ice and Fire?", "targets": [{"translation": "얼음과 불의 세계에서 주요 적대 세력은 누구입니까?", "mention": "얼음과 불의 세계"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
30 |
{"id": "Q2461698_1", "wikidata_id": "Q2461698", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "How did the Targaryens come to power in the World of Ice and Fire?", "targets": [{"translation": "Targaryens는 어떻게 얼음과 불의 세계에서 권력을 잡았습니까?", "mention": "얼음과 불의 세계"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
31 |
{"id": "Q2461698_2", "wikidata_id": "Q2461698", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "What are some prominent locations in the World of Ice and Fire?", "targets": [{"translation": "얼음과 불의 세계에서 눈에 띄는 장소는 어디인가요?", "mention": "얼음과 불의 세계"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
32 |
{"id": "Q2480049_0", "wikidata_id": "Q2480049", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "What flavors can be expected from satay sauce?", "targets": [{"translation": "사테 소스에서 어떤 맛을 기대할 수 있나요?", "mention": "사테 소스"}, {"translation": "사테소스에서 어떤 맛을 기대할 수 있나요?", "mention": "사테소스"}, {"translation": "사테 소스에서 어떤 맛을 기대할 수 있습니까?", "mention": "사테 소스"}, {"translation": "사테 소스 에서 어떤 맛을 기대할 수 있나요?", "mention": "사테 소스"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
33 |
{"id": "Q2480049_1", "wikidata_id": "Q2480049", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "How is satay sauce traditionally used in Indonesian cuisine?", "targets": [{"translation": "인도네시아 요리에서 전통적으로 사테 소스는 어떻게 사용되나요?", "mention": "사테 소스"}, {"translation": "인도네시아 요리에서 사테소스는 전통적으로 어떻게 쓰이나요?", "mention": "사테소스"}, {"translation": "사테 소스는 전통적으로 인도네시아 요리에 어떻게 사용됩니까?", "mention": "사테 소스"}, {"translation": "인도네시아 요리에서 전통적으로 사테 소스 는 어떻게 사용되나요?", "mention": "사테 소스"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
34 |
{"id": "Q2480049_2", "wikidata_id": "Q2480049", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "Where did satay sauce originate from?", "targets": [{"translation": "사테 소스는 어디에서 유래되었나요?", "mention": "사테 소스"}, {"translation": "사테소스는 어디에서 유래되었나요?", "mention": "사테소스"}, {"translation": "사테 소스는 어디에서 왔습니까?", "mention": "사테 소스"}, {"translation": "사테 소스 는 어디에서 유래되었나요?", "mention": "사테 소스"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
35 |
{"id": "Q270892_0", "wikidata_id": "Q270892", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "What is the overall mood of Symphony No. 8?", "targets": [{"translation": "교향곡 8번의 전체적인 분위기는 어떤가요?", "mention": "교향곡 8번"}, {"translation": "교향곡 8번의 전반적인 분위기는 어떤가요?", "mention": "교향곡 8번"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
36 |
{"id": "Q270892_1", "wikidata_id": "Q270892", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "How many movements are there in Symphony No. 8?", "targets": [{"translation": "교향곡 8번에는 몇 개의 악장이 있습니까?", "mention": "교향곡 8번"}, {"translation": "교향곡 8번에는 몇 개의 악장이 있나요?", "mention": "교향곡 8번"}, {"translation": "교향곡 8번 에는 몇 개의 움직임이 있나요?", "mention": "교향곡 8번"}, {"translation": "교향곡 8번에는 몇 개의 움직임이 있나요?", "mention": "교향곡 8번"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
37 |
{"id": "Q270892_2", "wikidata_id": "Q270892", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "When was Symphony No. 8 first performed?", "targets": [{"translation": "교향곡 8번은 언제 처음으로 연주되었습니까?", "mention": "교향곡 8번"}, {"translation": "교향곡 8번은 언제 처음 연주되었나요?", "mention": "교향곡 8번"}, {"translation": "교향곡 8번 은 언제 처음 공연되었나요?", "mention": "교향곡 8번"}, {"translation": "교향곡 8번은 언제 처음 공연되었나요?", "mention": "교향곡 8번"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
38 |
{"id": "Q28804247_0", "wikidata_id": "Q28804247", "entity_types": ["Movie", "TV series"], "source": "What is the main premise of Tangled: Before Ever After?", "targets": [{"translation": "라푼젤 끝나지 않은 이야기 의 주요 전제는 무엇인가요?", "mention": "라푼젤 끝나지 않은 이야기"}, {"translation": "라푼젤 끝나지 않은 이야기의 주요 전제는 무엇인가요?", "mention": "라푼젤 끝나지 않은 이야기"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
39 |
{"id": "Q28804247_1", "wikidata_id": "Q28804247", "entity_types": ["Movie", "TV series"], "source": "Is Tangled: Before Ever After a movie or a TV series?", "targets": [{"translation": "라푼젤 끝나지 않은 이야기 는 영화인가요 아니면 TV 시리즈인가요?", "mention": "라푼젤 끝나지 않은 이야기"}, {"translation": "라푼젤 끝나지 않은 이야기는 영화인가요 아니면 TV 시리즈인가요?", "mention": "라푼젤 끝나지 않은 이야기"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
40 |
{"id": "Q28804247_2", "wikidata_id": "Q28804247", "entity_types": ["Movie", "TV series"], "source": "How would you describe Tangled: Before Ever After in one sentence?", "targets": [{"translation": "라푼젤 끝나지 않은 이야기 를 한 문장으로 어떻게 설명하시겠습니까?", "mention": "라푼젤 끝나지 않은 이야기"}, {"translation": "라푼젤 끝나지 않은 이야기를 한 문장으로 어떻게 설명하시겠습니까?", "mention": "라푼젤 끝나지 않은 이야기"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
41 |
{"id": "Q2913871_0", "wikidata_id": "Q2913871", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity", "Person"], "source": "How does the White Dragon Horse help the main characters in Journey to the West?", "targets": [{"translation": "백룡마는 Journey to the West의 주인공들에게 어떻게 도움이 되나요?", "mention": "백룡마"}, {"translation": "백룡마는 서유기의 주인공들을 어떻게 돕나요?", "mention": "백룡마"}, {"translation": "백룡 말 는 Journey to the West의 주인공들에게 어떻게 도움이 되나요?", "mention": "백룡 말"}, {"translation": "백룡 말는 Journey to the West의 주인공들에게 어떻게 도움이 되나요?", "mention": "백룡 말"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
42 |
{"id": "Q2913871_1", "wikidata_id": "Q2913871", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity", "Person"], "source": "What role does the White Dragon Horse play in the Chinese novel?", "targets": [{"translation": "중국 소설에서 백룡마는 어떤 역할을 하나요?", "mention": "백룡마"}, {"translation": "백룡마는 중국 소설에서 어떤 역할을 하나요?", "mention": "백룡마"}, {"translation": "중국 소설에서 백룡 말는 어떤 역할을 하나요?", "mention": "백룡 말"}, {"translation": "중국 소설에서백룡 말는 어떤 역할을 하나요?", "mention": "백룡 말"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
43 |
{"id": "Q2913871_2", "wikidata_id": "Q2913871", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity", "Person"], "source": "Is the White Dragon Horse a mythical creature?", "targets": [{"translation": "백룡마는 신화적인 생물인가요?", "mention": "백룡마"}, {"translation": "백룡마는 신화 속 동물인가요?", "mention": "백룡마"}, {"translation": "백룡 말는 신화적인 생물인가요?", "mention": "백룡 말"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
44 |
{"id": "Q2916401_0", "wikidata_id": "Q2916401", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "What is the nutritional value of Nigerian rice and beans jollof compared to plain rice and plain beans?", "targets": [{"translation": "일반 쌀과 일반 콩에 비해 나이지리아 쌀밥과 콩 졸로프의 영양가는 얼마입니까?", "mention": "쌀밥과 콩"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
45 |
{"id": "Q2916401_1", "wikidata_id": "Q2916401", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "What is the main ingredient in Nigerian rice and beans jollof?", "targets": [{"translation": "나이지리아 쌀밥과 콩 졸로프의 주요 성분은 무엇인가요?", "mention": "쌀밥과 콩"}, {"translation": "나이지리아 쌀밥과 콩졸로프의 주요 성분은 무엇인가요?", "mention": "쌀밥과 콩"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
46 |
{"id": "Q2916401_2", "wikidata_id": "Q2916401", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "How is the rice and beans cooked in Nigerian jollof?", "targets": [{"translation": "나이지리아 졸로프에서 쌀밥과 콩은 어떻게 요리되나요?", "mention": "쌀밥과 콩"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
47 |
{"id": "Q392302_0", "wikidata_id": "Q392302", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "Which teachings of Jesus are highlighted in the Gospel of Matthew?", "targets": [{"translation": "마태복음에서 강조된 예수님의 가르침은 무엇인가요?", "mention": "마태복음"}, {"translation": "마태 복음서에서 예수님의 어떤 가르침이 강조되었나요?", "mention": "마태 복음서"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
48 |
{"id": "Q392302_1", "wikidata_id": "Q392302", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "How many chapters are there in the Gospel of Matthew?", "targets": [{"translation": "마태복음에는 몇개의 장이 있나요?", "mention": "마태복음"}, {"translation": "마태 복음서에는 몇 개의 장이 있나요?", "mention": "마태 복음서"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
49 |
{"id": "Q392302_2", "wikidata_id": "Q392302", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "Who is traditionally believed to be the author of the Gospel of Matthew?", "targets": [{"translation": "전통적으로 마태복음의 저자로 여겨진 사람은 누구인가요?", "mention": "마태복음"}, {"translation": "전통적으로 마태 복음서의 저자로 여겨지는 사람은 누구입니까?", "mention": "마태 복음서"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
50 |
{"id": "Q594537_0", "wikidata_id": "Q594537", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "Who were the co-directors of The Magic Roundabout?", "targets": [{"translation": "두갈: 마법의 회전목마 의 공동 감독은 누구였나요?", "mention": "두갈: 마법의 회전목마 의 공동 감독은 누구였나요?"}, {"translation": "두갈: 마법의 회전목마의 공동 감독은 누구였나요?", "mention": "두갈: 마법의 회전목마"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
51 |
{"id": "Q594537_1", "wikidata_id": "Q594537", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "When was The Magic Roundabout released?", "targets": [{"translation": "두갈: 마법의 회전목마 는 언제 출시되었나요?", "mention": "두갈: 마법의 회전목마 는 언제 출시되었나요?"}, {"translation": "두갈: 마법의 회전목마는 언제 개봉되었나요?", "mention": "두갈: 마법의 회전목마"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
52 |
{"id": "Q594537_2", "wikidata_id": "Q594537", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "What type of movie is The Magic Roundabout?", "targets": [{"translation": "두갈: 마법의 회전목마 는 어떤 종류의 영화인가요?", "mention": "두갈: 마법의 회전목마 는 어떤 종류의 영화인가요?"}, {"translation": "두갈: 마법의 회전목마는 어떤 종류의 영화인가요?", "mention": "두갈: 마법의 회전목마"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
53 |
{"id": "Q6063_0", "wikidata_id": "Q6063", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "How often are general elections held for the Government of the United Kingdom?", "targets": [{"translation": "영국 정부의 총선은 얼마나 자주 열리나요?", "mention": "영국 정부"}, {"translation": "영국 정부를 위한 총선은 얼마나 자주 치러지나요?", "mention": "영국 정부"}, {"translation": "영국 정부의 총선은 얼마나 자주 실시된나요?", "mention": "영국 정부"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
54 |
{"id": "Q6063_1", "wikidata_id": "Q6063", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "Who is the Prime Minister of the Government of the United Kingdom?", "targets": [{"translation": "영국 정부의 총리는 누구인가요?", "mention": "영국 정부"}, {"translation": "영국 정부의 수상은 누구입니까?", "mention": "영국 정부"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
55 |
{"id": "Q6063_2", "wikidata_id": "Q6063", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "What is the main legislative body of the Government of the United Kingdom called?", "targets": [{"translation": "영국 정부의 주요 입법 기관은 무엇이라고 불리나요?", "mention": "영국 정부"}, {"translation": "영국 정부의 주요 입법 기관을 무엇이라고 합니까?", "mention": "영국 정부"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
56 |
{"id": "Q624044_0", "wikidata_id": "Q624044", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "Who are some famous Arabic musicians?", "targets": [{"translation": "유명한 아랍 음악가들은 누구야?", "mention": "아랍 음악"}, {"translation": "유명한 아랍 음악 연주가들은 누구야?", "mention": "아랍 음악"}, {"translation": "유명한 아랍 음악 연주가들은 누구야", "mention": "아랍 음악"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
57 |
{"id": "Q624044_1", "wikidata_id": "Q624044", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "How does Arabic music differ from Western music?", "targets": [{"translation": "아랍 음악은 서양 음악과 어떻게 다른가요?", "mention": "아랍 음악"}, {"translation": "아랍 음악 은 서양 음악과 어떻게 다른가요?", "mention": "아랍 음악"}, {"translation": "아랍 음악 은 서양 음악과 어떻게 다른가요", "mention": "아랍 음악"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
58 |
{"id": "Q624044_2", "wikidata_id": "Q624044", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "What are the main characteristics of Arabic music?", "targets": [{"translation": "아랍 음악의 주요 특징은 무엇인가요?", "mention": "아랍 음악"}, {"translation": "아랍 음악 의 주요 특징은 무엇인가요?", "mention": "아랍 음악"}, {"translation": "아랍 음악 의 주요 특징은 무엇인가요", "mention": "아랍 음악"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
59 |
{"id": "Q7755107_0", "wikidata_id": "Q7755107", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "How long is The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas?", "targets": [{"translation": "오멜라스를 떠나는 사람들의 분량은 얼마나 되나요?", "mention": "오멜라스를 떠나는 사람들"}, {"translation": "오멜라스를 떠나는 사람들은 얼마나 걸리나요?", "mention": "오멜라스를 떠나는 사람들"}, {"translation": "오멜라스를 떠나는 사람들 은 얼마나 걸리나요", "mention": "오멜라스를 떠나는 사람들"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
60 |
{"id": "Q7755107_1", "wikidata_id": "Q7755107", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "Who is the author of The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas?", "targets": [{"translation": "오멜라스를 떠나는 사람들의 저자는 누구인가요?", "mention": "오멜라스를 떠나는 사람들"}, {"translation": "오멜라스를 떠나는 사람들 의 저자는 누구인가요", "mention": "오멜라스를 떠나는 사람들"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
61 |
{"id": "Q7755107_2", "wikidata_id": "Q7755107", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "What type of artwork is The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas considered to be?", "targets": [{"translation": "오멜라스를 떠나는 사람들은 어떤 종류의 작품으로 간주되나요?", "mention": "오멜라스를 떠나는 사람들"}, {"translation": "오멜라스를 떠나는 사람들 은 어떤 종류의 작품으로 간주되나요", "mention": "오멜라스를 떠나는 사람들"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
62 |
{"id": "Q82705495_0", "wikidata_id": "Q82705495", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "Is Thieves of the Wood based on a true story?", "targets": [{"translation": "의적 얀 더리흐터 은 실화를 기반으로 하나요?", "mention": "의적 얀 더리흐터"}, {"translation": "의적 얀 더리흐터는 실화를 바탕으로 하나요?", "mention": "의적 얀 더리흐터"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
63 |
{"id": "Q82705495_1", "wikidata_id": "Q82705495", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "Where is Thieves of the Wood set?", "targets": [{"translation": "의적 얀 더리흐터 은 어디에 있나요?", "mention": "의적 얀 더리흐터"}, {"translation": "의적 얀 더리흐터의 촬영지는 어디인가요?", "mention": "의적 얀 더리흐터"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
64 |
{"id": "Q82705495_2", "wikidata_id": "Q82705495", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "How many seasons of Thieves of the Wood have been released?", "targets": [{"translation": "의적 얀 더리흐터 의 몇 시즌이 출시되었나요?", "mention": "의적 얀 더리흐터"}, {"translation": "의적 얀 더리흐터은 몇 시즌까지 나왔나요?", "mention": "의적 얀 더리흐터"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
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{"id": "Q834590_0", "wikidata_id": "Q834590", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "What are some key characteristics or physical traits of the Bull Demon King?", "targets": [{"translation": "우마왕 의 주요 특성이나 신체적 특성은 무엇인가요?", "mention": "우마왕"}, {"translation": "우마왕의 주요 특성이나 신체적 특성은 무엇인가요?", "mention": "우마왕"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
66 |
{"id": "Q834590_1", "wikidata_id": "Q834590", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "What role does the Bull Demon King play in the novel?", "targets": [{"translation": "소설에서 우마왕 은 어떤 역할을 하나요?", "mention": "우마왕"}, {"translation": "소설에서 우마왕은 어떤 역할을 하나요?", "mention": "우마왕"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
67 |
{"id": "Q834590_2", "wikidata_id": "Q834590", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "How would you describe the personality of the Bull Demon King?", "targets": [{"translation": "우마왕 의 성격을 어떻게 묘사하시겠습니까?", "mention": "우마왕"}, {"translation": "우마왕의 성격을 어떻게 묘사하시겠습니까?", "mention": "우마왕"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
68 |
{"id": "Q898086_0", "wikidata_id": "Q898086", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "What is the Red Ghost's real name in the Marvel Comics universe?", "targets": [{"translation": "마블 코믹스 세계관에서 레드 고스트의 진짜 이름은 무엇인가요?", "mention": "레드 고스트"}, {"translation": "마블 코믹스 우주에서 레드 고스트 의 진짜 이름은 무엇인가요?", "mention": "레드 고스트"}, {"translation": "마블 코믹스 우주에서 레드 고스트의 진짜 이름은 무엇인가요?", "mention": "레드 고스트"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
69 |
{"id": "Q898086_1", "wikidata_id": "Q898086", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "What are the superpowers of the Red Ghost in Marvel Comics?", "targets": [{"translation": "마블 코믹스에 나오는 레드 고스트의 초능력은 무엇인가요?", "mention": "레드 고스트"}, {"translation": "마블 코믹스의 레드 고스트 의 초능력은 무엇인가요?", "mention": "레드 고스트"}, {"translation": "마블 코믹스의 레드 고스트의 초능력은 무엇인가요?", "mention": "레드 고스트"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
70 |
{"id": "Q898086_2", "wikidata_id": "Q898086", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "Has the Red Ghost made any appearances outside of Marvel Comics?", "targets": [{"translation": "레드 고스트가 마블 코믹스 외의 작품에 등장한 적이 있나요?", "mention": "레드 고스트"}, {"translation": "레드 고스트 가 마블 코믹스 밖에서 출연했나요?", "mention": "레드 고스트"}, {"translation": "레드 고스트가 마블 코믹스 밖에서 출연했나요?", "mention": "레드 고스트"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
71 |
{"id": "Q969482_0", "wikidata_id": "Q969482", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "What is the purpose of the Strahov Monastery?", "targets": [{"translation": "스트라호프 수도원의 목적은 무엇입니까?", "mention": "스트라호프 수도원"}, {"translation": "스트라호프 수도원의 목적은 무엇인가요?", "mention": "스트라호프 수도원"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
72 |
{"id": "Q969482_1", "wikidata_id": "Q969482", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "Where is the Strahov Monastery located?", "targets": [{"translation": "스트라호프 수도원은 어디에 있습니까?", "mention": "스트라호프 수도원"}, {"translation": "스트라호프 수도원은 어디에 있나요?", "mention": "스트라호프 수도원"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
73 |
{"id": "Q969482_2", "wikidata_id": "Q969482", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "What type of place is the Strahov Monastery?", "targets": [{"translation": "스트라호프 수도원은 어떤 곳인가요?", "mention": "스트라호프 수도원"}, {"translation": "스트라호프 수도원은 어떤 종류의 장소인가요?", "mention": "스트라호프 수도원"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "ko"}
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
1 |
{"id": "Q117697_0", "wikidata_id": "Q117697", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "What is the architectural style of the Pagoda of Fogong Temple?", "targets": [{"translation": "รูปแบบสถาปัตยกรรมของเจดีย์วัดฝอกงคืออะไร?", "mention": "เจดีย์วัดฝอกง"}, {"translation": "เจดีย์วัดฝอกงมีรูปแบบสถาปัตยกรรมแบบใด", "mention": "เจดีย์วัดฝอกง"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
2 |
{"id": "Q117697_1", "wikidata_id": "Q117697", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "How tall is the Pagoda of Fogong Temple?", "targets": [{"translation": "เจดีย์วัดฝอกงสูงแค่ไหน?", "mention": "เจดีย์วัดฝอกง"}, {"translation": "เจดีย์วัดฝอกงมีความสูงเท่าไหร่", "mention": "เจดีย์วัดฝอกง"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
3 |
{"id": "Q117697_2", "wikidata_id": "Q117697", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "In which city is the Pagoda of Fogong Temple located?", "targets": [{"translation": "เจดีย์วัดฝอกงตั้งอยู่ในเมืองใด", "mention": "เจดีย์วัดฝอกง"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
4 |
{"id": "Q1194818_0", "wikidata_id": "Q1194818", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "What is the significance of the Small Wild Goose Pagoda?", "targets": [{"translation": "เจดีย์ห่านป่าเล็กมีความสำคัญอย่างไร", "mention": "เจดีย์ห่านป่าเล็ก"}, {"translation": "ความสําคัญของ เจดีย์ห่านป่าเล็ก คืออะไร", "mention": "เจดีย์ห่านป่าเล็ก"}, {"translation": "ความสําคัญของเจดีย์ห่านป่าเล็กคืออะไร?", "mention": "เจดีย์ห่านป่าเล็ก"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
5 |
{"id": "Q1194818_1", "wikidata_id": "Q1194818", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "Where can you find the Small Wild Goose Pagoda?", "targets": [{"translation": "คุณสามารถหาเจดีย์ห่านป่าเล็กได้ที่ไหน", "mention": "เจดีย์ห่านป่าเล็ก"}, {"translation": "คุณจะหา เจดีย์ห่านป่าเล็ก ได้ที่ไหน", "mention": "เจดีย์ห่านป่าเล็ก"}, {"translation": "คุณจะหาเจดีย์ห่านป่าเล็กได้ที่ไหน?", "mention": "เจดีย์ห่านป่าเล็ก"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
6 |
{"id": "Q1194818_2", "wikidata_id": "Q1194818", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "How old is the Small Wild Goose Pagoda?", "targets": [{"translation": "เจดีย์ห่านป่าเล็กมีอายุเท่าไร", "mention": "เจดีย์ห่านป่าเล็ก"}, {"translation": "เจดีย์ห่านป่าเล็ก อายุเท่าไหร่", "mention": "เจดีย์ห่านป่าเล็ก"}, {"translation": "เจดีย์ห่านป่าเล็กมีอายุเท่าไหร่?", "mention": "เจดีย์ห่านป่าเล็ก"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
7 |
{"id": "Q1305092_0", "wikidata_id": "Q1305092", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "Who is the main character in the movie Ballad of a Soldier?", "targets": [{"translation": "ใครคือตัวละครหลักในภาพยนตร์เรื่องบัลลาดาโอซอลดาเต?", "mention": "บัลลาดาโอซอลดาเต"}, {"translation": "ใครคือตัวละครหลักในภาพยนตร์เรื่อง บัลลาดาโอซอลดาเต", "mention": "บัลลาดาโอซอลดาเต"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
8 |
{"id": "Q1305092_1", "wikidata_id": "Q1305092", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "What year was the movie Ballad of a Soldier released?", "targets": [{"translation": "ภาพยนตร์เรื่องบัลลาดาโอซอลดาเตออกฉายในปีไหน?", "mention": "บัลลาดาโอซอลดาเต"}, {"translation": "ภาพยนตร์เรื่องบัลลาดาโอซอลดาเตออกฉายปีไหน?", "mention": "บัลลาดาโอซอลดาเต"}, {"translation": "ภาพยนตร์เรื่���งบัลลาดาโอซอลดาเต ออกฉายปีไหน", "mention": "บัลลาดาโอซอลดาเต"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
9 |
{"id": "Q1305092_2", "wikidata_id": "Q1305092", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "What is the genre of the film Ballad of a Soldier?", "targets": [{"translation": "เรื่องบัลลาดาโอซอลดาเตคือภาพยนตร์ประเภทอะไร?", "mention": "บัลลาดาโอซอลดาเต"}, {"translation": "ประเภทของภาพยนตร์เรื่องบัลลาดาโอซอลดาเตคืออะไร?", "mention": "บัลลาดาโอซอลดาเต"}, {"translation": "เรื่องบัลลาดาโอซอลดาเต เป็นภาพยนตร์ประเภทใด", "mention": "บัลลาดาโอซอลดาเต"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
10 |
{"id": "Q159888_0", "wikidata_id": "Q159888", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "What is the Queen of Sheba known for bringing as gifts to King Solomon?", "targets": [{"translation": "พระราชินีแห่งชีบา ขึ้นชื่อเรื่องการนําของขวัญอะไรมาถวายกษัตริย์โซโลมอน?", "mention": "พระราชินีแห่งชีบา"}, {"translation": "พระราชินีแห่งชีบาขึ้นชื่อเรื่องการนําของขวัญมาถวายกษัตริย์โซโลมอนคืออะไร?", "mention": "พระราชินีแห่งชีบา"}, {"translation": "พระราชินีแห่งชีบา มีชื่อเสียงในการนำของขวัญมาถวายกษัตริย์โซโลมอนอย่างไร?", "mention": "พระราชินีแห่งชีบา"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
11 |
{"id": "Q159888_1", "wikidata_id": "Q159888", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "What is the significance of the Queen of Sheba in the story of King Solomon?", "targets": [{"translation": "อะไรคือความสําคัญของ พระราชินีแห่งชีบา ในเรื่องของกษัตริย์โซโลมอน?", "mention": "พระราชินีแห่งชีบา"}, {"translation": "อะไรคือความสําคัญของ พระราชินีแห่งชีบาในเรื่องของกษัตริย์โซโลมอน?", "mention": "พระราชินีแห่งชีบา"}, {"translation": "พระราชินีแห่งชีบา มีความสำคัญอย่างไรในเรื่องราวของกษัตริย์โซโลมอน?", "mention": "พระราชินีแห่งชีบา"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
12 |
{"id": "Q159888_2", "wikidata_id": "Q159888", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "Are there any historical records or evidence of the existence of the Queen of Sheba?", "targets": [{"translation": "มีบันทึกทางประวัติศาสตร์หรือหลักฐานการมีอยู่ของ พระราชินีแห่งชีบา หรือไม่?", "mention": "พระราชินีแห่งชีบา"}, {"translation": "มีบันทึกทางประวัติศาสตร์หรือหลักฐานการดำรงอยู่ของพระราชินีแห่งชีบาหรือไม่?", "mention": "พระราชินีแห่งชีบา"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
13 |
{"id": "Q166876_0", "wikidata_id": "Q166876", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "In which country did Isidore of Seville live and work?", "targets": [{"translation": "อิซิโดโรแห่งเซบิยาอาศัยและทํางานในประเทศใด", "mention": "อิซิโดโรแห่งเซบิยา"}, {"translation": "อิซิโดโรแห่งเซบิยา อาศัยและทํางานในประเทศใด", "mention": "อิซิโดโรแห่งเซบิยา"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
14 |
{"id": "Q166876_1", "wikidata_id": "Q166876", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "When was Isidore of Seville born and when did he die?", "targets": [{"translation": "อิซิโดโรแห่งเซบิยาเกิดและเสียชีวิตเมื่อใด", "mention": "อิซิโดโรแห่งเซบิยา"}, {"translation": "อิซิโดโรแห���งเซบิยาเกิดและตายเมื่อไหร่?", "mention": "อิซิโดโรแห่งเซบิยา"}, {"translation": "อิซิโดโรแห่งเซบิยา เกิดเมื่อไหร่และเขาตายเมื่อไหร่?", "mention": "อิซิโดโรแห่งเซบิยา"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
15 |
{"id": "Q166876_2", "wikidata_id": "Q166876", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "What is Isidore of Seville known for?", "targets": [{"translation": "อิซิโดโรแห่งเซบิยาเป็นที่รู้จักในฐานะใด", "mention": "อิซิโดโรแห่งเซบิยา"}, {"translation": "อิซิโดโรแห่งเซบิยาขึ้นชื่อเรื่องอะไร?", "mention": "อิซิโดโรแห่งเซบิยา"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
16 |
{"id": "Q191288_0", "wikidata_id": "Q191288", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "Can you provide a brief summary of The Satanic Verses?", "targets": [{"translation": "คุณสามารถให้ข้อมูลสรุปโดยย่อของโองการปีศาจ ได้หรือไม่?", "mention": "โองการปีศาจ"}, {"translation": "คุณสามารถให้ข้อมูลสรุปโดยย่อของโองการปีศาจได้หรือไม่?", "mention": "โองการปีศาจ"}, {"translation": "คุณสามารถสรุปเนื้อหาโดยย่อของ โองการปีศาจ ได้หรือไม่?", "mention": "โองการปีศาจ"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
17 |
{"id": "Q191288_1", "wikidata_id": "Q191288", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "Who is the author of The Satanic Verses?", "targets": [{"translation": "ใครคือผู้เขียนโองการปีศาจ?", "mention": "โองการปีศาจ"}, {"translation": "ใครคือผู้เขียน โองการปีศาจ?", "mention": "โองการปีศาจ"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
18 |
{"id": "Q191288_2", "wikidata_id": "Q191288", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "What is the art form of The Satanic Verses?", "targets": [{"translation": "รูปแบบศิลปะของโองการปีศาจ คืออะไร?", "mention": "โองการปีศาจ"}, {"translation": "โองการปีศาจเป็นงานเขียนประเภทไหน?", "mention": "โองการปีศาจ"}, {"translation": "รูปแบบศิลปะของ โองการปีศาจ คืออะไร?", "mention": "โองการปีศาจ"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
19 |
{"id": "Q210549_0", "wikidata_id": "Q210549", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "What is the genre of Symphony No. 2?", "targets": [{"translation": "ซิมโฟนีหมายเลข 2 เป็นบทประพันธ์ประเภทใด", "mention": "ซิมโฟนีหมายเลข 2"}, {"translation": "ประเภทของ ซิมโฟนีหมายเลข 2 คืออะไร?", "mention": "ซิมโฟนีหมายเลข 2"}, {"translation": "ประเภทดนตรีของซิมโฟนีหมายเลข 2 คืออะไร?", "mention": "ซิมโฟนีหมายเลข 2"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
20 |
{"id": "Q210549_1", "wikidata_id": "Q210549", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "How many movements are there in Symphony No. 2?", "targets": [{"translation": "ซิมโฟนีหมายเลข 2 มีกี่ท่อน", "mention": "ซิมโฟนีหมายเลข 2"}, {"translation": "ซิมโฟนีหมายเลข 2 มีการเคลื่อนไหวกี่ท่า?", "mention": "ซิมโฟนีหมายเลข 2"}, {"translation": "ซิมโฟนีหมายเลข 2 มีกี่มูฟเมนต์?", "mention": "ซิมโฟนีหมายเลข 2"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
21 |
{"id": "Q210549_2", "wikidata_id": "Q210549", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "When was Symphony No. 2 first performed?", "targets": [{"translation": "ซิมโฟนีหมายเลข 2 แสดงครั้งแรกเมื่อใด", "mention": "ซิมโฟนีหมายเลข 2"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
22 |
{"id": "Q213031_0", "wikidata_id": "Q213031", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "What symbols are present in the coat of arms of Ghana?", "targets": [{"translation": "มีสัญลักษณ์อ���ไรบ้างในตราแผ่นดินของกานา?", "mention": "ตราแผ่นดินของกานา"}, {"translation": "มีสัญลักษณ์อะไรในตราแผ่นดินของกานาบ้าง?", "mention": "ตราแผ่นดินของกานา"}, {"translation": "มีสัญลักษณ์อะไรบ้างในตราแผ่นดินของกานา", "mention": "ตราแผ่นดินของกานา"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
23 |
{"id": "Q213031_1", "wikidata_id": "Q213031", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "How does the coat of arms of Ghana represent the country's values and history?", "targets": [{"translation": "ตราแผ่นดินของกานาแสดงถึงคุณค่าและประวัติศาสตร์ของประเทศอย่างไร", "mention": "ตราแผ่นดินของกานา"}, {"translation": "ตราแผ่นดินของกานาสื่อถึงค่านิยมและประวัติศาสตร์ของประเทศอย่างไร?", "mention": "ตราแผ่นดินของกานา"}, {"translation": "ตราแผ่นดินของกานาแสดงถึงค่านิยมและประวัติศาสตร์ของประเทศอย่างไร?", "mention": "ตราแผ่นดินของกานา"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
24 |
{"id": "Q213031_2", "wikidata_id": "Q213031", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "What colors are used in the coat of arms of Ghana?", "targets": [{"translation": "ตราแผ่นดินของกานามีสีอะไรบ้าง?", "mention": "ตราแผ่นดินของกานา"}, {"translation": "สีที่ใช้ในตราแผ่นดินของกานาคือสีอะไร?", "mention": "ตราแผ่นดินของกานา"}, {"translation": "สีอะไรที่ใช้ในตราแผ่นดินของกานา", "mention": "ตราแผ่นดินของกานา"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
25 |
{"id": "Q217452_0", "wikidata_id": "Q217452", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "Where is the Abbey of la Madaleine situated in France?", "targets": [{"translation": "มหาวิหารเวเซอแลตั้งอยู่ที่ไหนในฝรั่งเศส", "mention": "มหาวิหารเวเซอแล"}, {"translation": "มหาวิหารเวเซอแลตั้งอยู่แห่งใดในฝรั่งเศส?", "mention": "มหาวิหารเวเซอแล"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
26 |
{"id": "Q217452_1", "wikidata_id": "Q217452", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "What is the religious affiliation of the Abbey of la Madaleine?", "targets": [{"translation": "ความเกี่ยวข้องทางศาสนาของมหาวิหารเวเซอแลคืออะไร?", "mention": "มหาวิหารเวเซอแล"}, {"translation": "มหาวิหารเวเซอแลมีความเกี่ยวข้องอย่างไรทางศาสนา", "mention": "มหาวิหารเวเซอแล"}, {"translation": "ความเกี่ยวข้องทางศาสนาของมหาวิหารเวเซอแล คืออะไร?", "mention": "มหาวิหารเวเซอแล"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
27 |
{"id": "Q217452_2", "wikidata_id": "Q217452", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "What type of monastery is the Abbey of la Madaleine?", "targets": [{"translation": "มหาวิหารเวเซอแล เป็นอารามประเภทใด?", "mention": "มหาวิหารเวเซอแล"}, {"translation": "มหาวิหารเวเซอแลเป็นอารามประเภทใด?", "mention": "มหาวิหารเวเซอแล"}, {"translation": "มหาวิหารเวเซอแลเป็นวัดประเภทใด?", "mention": "มหาวิหารเวเซอแล"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
28 |
{"id": "Q361163_0", "wikidata_id": "Q361163", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "Where was Yevgeny Khaldei from?", "targets": [{"translation": "เยฟเกนี คาลเดย์มาจากไหน?", "mention": "เยฟเกนี คาลเดย์"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
29 |
{"id": "Q361163_1", "wikidata_id": "Q361163", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "What is Yevgeny Khaldei famous for?", "targets": [{"translation": "เ���ฟเกนี คาลเดย์มีชื่อเสียงในเรื่องอะไร?", "mention": "เยฟเกนี คาลเดย์"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
30 |
{"id": "Q361163_2", "wikidata_id": "Q361163", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "When was Yevgeny Khaldei born?", "targets": [{"translation": "เยฟเกนี คาลเดย์เกิดเมื่อไหร่?", "mention": "เยฟเกนี คาลเดย์"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
31 |
{"id": "Q39571_0", "wikidata_id": "Q39571", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "Can you give a brief description of the movie My Neighbor Totoro?", "targets": [{"translation": "คุณช่วยอธิบายสั้น ๆ เกี่ยวกับภาพยนตร์เรื่อง โทโทโร่เพื่อนรัก", "mention": "โทโทโร่เพื่อนรัก"}, {"translation": "คุณช่วยอธิบายสั้น ๆ เกี่ยวกับภาพยนตร์เรื่องโทโทโร่เพื่อนรักได้ไหม", "mention": "โทโทโร่เพื่อนรัก"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
32 |
{"id": "Q39571_1", "wikidata_id": "Q39571", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "When was the movie My Neighbor Totoro released?", "targets": [{"translation": "ภาพยนตร์ โทโทโร่เพื่อนรัก ออกฉายเมื่อใด", "mention": "โทโทโร่เพื่อนรัก"}, {"translation": "ภาพยนตร์เรื่องโทโทโร่เพื่อนรักออกฉายเมื่อไหร่?", "mention": "โทโทโร่เพื่อนรัก"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
33 |
{"id": "Q39571_2", "wikidata_id": "Q39571", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "What is the subject of the film My Neighbor Totoro?", "targets": [{"translation": "หัวข้อของภาพยนตร์เรื่อง โทโทโร่เพื่อนรัก คืออะไร?", "mention": "โทโทโร่เพื่อนรัก"}, {"translation": "หัวข้อของภาพยนตร์เรื่องโทโทโร่เพื่อนรักคืออะไร?", "mention": "โทโทโร่เพื่อนรัก"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
34 |
{"id": "Q497935_0", "wikidata_id": "Q497935", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "What kind of show was What? Where? When??", "targets": [{"translation": "ชโต? กเด? คอกดา? คือรายการอะไร?", "mention": "ชโต? กเด? คอกดา?"}, {"translation": "การแสดงแบบไหนคือชโต? กเด? คอกดา?", "mention": "ชโต? กเด? คอกดา?"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
35 |
{"id": "Q497935_1", "wikidata_id": "Q497935", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "Where was the TV series What? Where? When? first aired?", "targets": [{"translation": "ชโต? กเด? คอกดา? มาจากประเทศอะไร?", "mention": "ชโต? กเด? คอกดา?"}, {"translation": "ละครโทรทัศน์เรื่องชโต? กเด? คอกดา? ออกอากาศครั้งแรกอยู่ที่ไหน?", "mention": "ชโต? กเด? คอกดา?"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
36 |
{"id": "Q497935_2", "wikidata_id": "Q497935", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "When did the TV series What? Where? When? start airing?", "targets": [{"translation": "ชโต? กเด? คอกดา? เริ่มเมื่อไร?", "mention": "ชโต? กเด? คอกดา?"}, {"translation": "ละครโทรทัศน์เรื่องชโต? กเด? คอกดา? เริ่มออกอากาศเมื่อไหร่?", "mention": "ชโต? กเด? คอกดา?"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
37 |
{"id": "Q519614_0", "wikidata_id": "Q519614", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "Which town is home to Wells Cathedral?", "targets": [{"translation": "เมืองไหนเป็นที่ตั้งของอาสนวิหารเว็ลส์?", "mention": "อาสนวิหารเว็ลส์"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
38 |
{"id": "Q519614_1", "wikidata_id": "Q519614", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "What type of place is Wells Cathedral?", "targets": [{"translation": "อาสนวิหารเว็ลส์เป็นสถานที่ประเภทใด?", "mention": "อาสนวิหารเว็ลส์"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
39 |
{"id": "Q519614_2", "wikidata_id": "Q519614", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "What is the denomination of Wells Cathedral?", "targets": [{"translation": "นิกายของอาสนวิหารเว็ลส์คืออะไร?", "mention": "อาสนวิหารเว็ลส์"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
40 |
{"id": "Q579928_0", "wikidata_id": "Q579928", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "Who is the main character in The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie?", "targets": [{"translation": "ใครคือตัวละครหลักในสพันจ์บ็อบ สแควร์แพ้นท์ เดอะมูฟวี่?", "mention": "สพันจ์บ็อบ สแควร์แพ้นท์ เดอะมูฟวี่"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
41 |
{"id": "Q579928_1", "wikidata_id": "Q579928", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "When was The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie released?", "targets": [{"translation": "สพันจ์บ็อบ สแควร์แพ้นท์ เดอะมูฟวี่ ออกฉายเมื่อไหร่?", "mention": "สพันจ์บ็อบ สแควร์แพ้นท์ เดอะมูฟวี่"}, {"translation": "สพันจ์บ็อบ สแควร์แพ้นท์ เดอะมูฟวี่ออกฉายเมื่อไหร่?", "mention": "สพันจ์บ็อบ สแควร์แพ้นท์ เดอะมูฟวี่"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
42 |
{"id": "Q579928_2", "wikidata_id": "Q579928", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "What genre does The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie belong to?", "targets": [{"translation": "สพันจ์บ็อบ สแควร์แพ้นท์ เดอะมูฟวี่ เป็นประเภทไหน?", "mention": "สพันจ์บ็อบ สแควร์แพ้นท์ เดอะมูฟวี่"}, {"translation": "สพันจ์บ็อบ สแควร์แพ้นท์ เดอะมูฟวี่ เป็นภาพยนตร์ประเภทอะไร?", "mention": "สพันจ์บ็อบ สแควร์แพ้นท์ เดอะมูฟวี่"}, {"translation": "สพันจ์บ็อบ สแควร์แพ้นท์ เดอะมูฟวี่เป็นประเภทไหน?", "mention": "สพันจ์บ็อบ สแควร์แพ้นท์ เดอะมูฟวี่"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
43 |
{"id": "Q591762_0", "wikidata_id": "Q591762", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "When was the Isenheim Altarpiece created?", "targets": [{"translation": "ฉากแท่นบูชาอิเซนไฮม์ถูกสร้างขึ้นเมื่อใด", "mention": "ฉากแท่นบูชาอิเซนไฮม์"}, {"translation": "ฉากแท่นบูชาอิเซนไฮม์ ถูกสร้างขึ้นเมื่อใด?", "mention": "ฉากแท่นบูชาอิเซนไฮม์"}, {"translation": "ฉากแท่นบูชาอิเซนไฮม์ ถูกสร้างขึ้นเมื่อใด", "mention": "ฉากแท่นบูชาอิเซนไฮม์"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
44 |
{"id": "Q591762_1", "wikidata_id": "Q591762", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "What is the Isenheim Altarpiece?", "targets": [{"translation": "ฉากแท่นบูชาอิเซนไฮม์คืออะไร?", "mention": "ฉากแท่นบูชาอิเซนไฮม์"}, {"translation": "ฉากแท่นบูชาอิเซนไฮม์ คืออะไร?", "mention": "ฉากแท่นบูชาอิเซนไฮม์"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
45 |
{"id": "Q591762_2", "wikidata_id": "Q591762", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "Where is the Isenheim Altarpiece currently located?", "targets": [{"translation": "ปัจจุบันฉากแท่นบูชาอิเซนไฮม์ตั้งแสดงอยู่ที่ไหน", "mention": "ฉากแท่นบูชาอิเซนไฮม์"}, {"translation": "ปัจจุบันฉากแท่นบูชาอิเซนไฮม์ ตั้งอยู่ที่ไหน?", "mention": "ฉากแท่นบูชาอิเซนไฮม์"}, {"translation": "ปัจจุบันฉากแท่นบูชาอิเซนไฮม์อยู่ที่ไหน", "mention": "ฉากแท่นบูชาอิเซนไฮม์"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
46 |
{"id": "Q62066735_0", "wikidata_id": "Q62066735", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "What country is Al Noor Mosque located in?", "targets": [{"translation": "มัสยิดอันนูร ตั้งอยู่ในประเทศใด", "mention": "มัสยิ��อันนูร"}, {"translation": "มัสยิดอันนูรตั้งอยู่ในประเทศใด", "mention": "มัสยิดอันนูร"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
47 |
{"id": "Q62066735_1", "wikidata_id": "Q62066735", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "What type of place is Al Noor Mosque?", "targets": [{"translation": "มัสยิดอันนูร คือสถานที่ประเภทใด", "mention": "มัสยิดอันนูร"}, {"translation": "มัสยิดอันนูรคือสถานที่ประเภทใด", "mention": "มัสยิดอันนูร"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
48 |
{"id": "Q62066735_2", "wikidata_id": "Q62066735", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "What city is Al Noor Mosque in?", "targets": [{"translation": "มัสยิดอันนูร อยู่ในเมืองอะไร", "mention": "มัสยิดอันนูร"}, {"translation": "มัสยิดอันนูรตั้งอยู่ในเมืองใด", "mention": "มัสยิดอันนูร"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
49 |
{"id": "Q6316745_0", "wikidata_id": "Q6316745", "entity_types": ["Person", "Fictional entity"], "source": "Is the Fairy Godmother a good or bad character in the Shrek franchise?", "targets": [{"translation": "นางฟ้าแม่ทูนหัว ในแฟรนไชส์เชร็ค เป็นตัวดีหรือร้าย?", "mention": "นางฟ้าแม่ทูนหัว"}, {"translation": "นางฟ้าแม่ทูนหัวเป็นตัวละครที่ดีหรือไม่ดีในเชร็คแฟรนไชส์?", "mention": "นางฟ้าแม่ทูนหัว"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
50 |
{"id": "Q6316745_1", "wikidata_id": "Q6316745", "entity_types": ["Person", "Fictional entity"], "source": "How does the Fairy Godmother help Shrek and Princess Fiona in the movie?", "targets": [{"translation": "นางฟ้าแม่ทูนหัว ช่วยเหลือเชร็คและเจ้าหญิงฟิโอน่าอย่างไร?", "mention": "นางฟ้าแม่ทูนหัว"}, {"translation": "ในภาพยนตร์ นางฟ้าแม่ทูนหัวช่วยเชร็คและเจ้าหญิงฟิโอน่าอย่างไร?", "mention": "นางฟ้าแม่ทูนหัว"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
51 |
{"id": "Q6316745_2", "wikidata_id": "Q6316745", "entity_types": ["Person", "Fictional entity"], "source": "What does the Fairy Godmother look like in Shrek?", "targets": [{"translation": "นางฟ้าแม่ทูนหัวจากแฟรนไชส์เชร็ค มีลักษณะอย่างไร", "mention": "นางฟ้าแม่ทูนหัว"}, {"translation": "นางฟ้าแม่ทูนหัวมีลักษณะอย่างไรในเชร็ค?", "mention": "นางฟ้าแม่ทูนหัว"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
52 |
{"id": "Q635716_0", "wikidata_id": "Q635716", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "Who is Prince Baudouin of Belgium?", "targets": [{"translation": "เจ้าชายโบดวงแห่งเบลเยียมคือใคร?", "mention": "เจ้าชายโบดวงแห่งเบลเยียม"}, {"translation": "เจ้าชายโบดวงแห่งเบลเยียม คือใคร?", "mention": "เจ้าชายโบดวงแห่งเบลเยียม"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
53 |
{"id": "Q689343_0", "wikidata_id": "Q689343", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "Are there any specific materials or techniques used in the creation of the West Wall Medal?", "targets": [{"translation": "เหรียญกำแพงตะวันตก มีวัสดุพิเศษหรือเทคนิคเฉพาะอะไรที่ใช้ในการสร้างหรือไม่", "mention": "เหรียญกำแพงตะวันตก"}, {"translation": "มีวัสดุหรือเทคนิคเฉพาะใด ๆ ที่ใช้ในการสร้างเหรียญกำแพงตะวันตกหรือไม่?", "mention": "เหรียญกำแพงตะวันตก"}, {"translation": "มีวัสดุหรือเทคนิคเฉพาะใดที่ใช้ในการสร้างเหรียญกำแพงตะวันตกหรือไม่?", "mention": "เหรียญกำแพงตะวันตก"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
54 |
{"id": "Q689343_1", "wikidata_id": "Q689343", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "Who designed the West Wall Medal, and when was it created?", "targets": [{"translation": "ใครเป็นผู้ออกแบบเหรียญกำแพงตะวันตก และถูกจัดทำขึ้นเมื่อใด", "mention": "เหรียญกำแพงตะวันตก"}, {"translation": "ใครเป็นผู้ออกแบบเหรียญกำแพงตะวันตกและมันถูกสร้างขึ้นเมื่อใด", "mention": "เหรียญกำแพงตะวันตก"}, {"translation": "ใครเป็นผู้ออกแบบเหรียญกำแพงตะวันตก และถูกสร้างขึ้นเมื่อใด", "mention": "เหรียญกำแพงตะวันตก"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
55 |
{"id": "Q689343_2", "wikidata_id": "Q689343", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "How is the West Wall Medal awarded, and what criteria must be met?", "targets": [{"translation": "ใครคือผู้ที่จะได้รับเหรียญกำแพงตะวันตก และต้องมีคุณสมบัติตรงตามเกณฑ์อะไรบ้าง", "mention": "เหรียญกำแพงตะวันตก"}, {"translation": "เหรียญกำแพงตะวันตกได้รับรางวัลอย่างไร และต้องมีคุณสมบัติตรงตามเกณฑ์อะไรบ้าง?", "mention": "เหรียญกำแพงตะวันตก"}, {"translation": "เหรียญกำแพงตะวันตก ได้รับรางวัลอย่างไร และต้องเป็นไปตามเกณฑ์ใดบ้าง", "mention": "เหรียญกำแพงตะวันตก"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
56 |
{"id": "Q7224757_0", "wikidata_id": "Q7224757", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "Can white radish be eaten raw or is it best cooked?", "targets": [{"translation": "หัวไชเท้าสามารถรับประทานดิบหรือปรุงสุกได้ดีที่สุด", "mention": "หัวไชเท้า"}, {"translation": "หัวไชเท้าสามารถรับประทานดิบได้หรือไม่ หรือปรุงสุกได้ดีที่สุด?", "mention": "หัวไชเท้า"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
57 |
{"id": "Q7224757_1", "wikidata_id": "Q7224757", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "How can white radish be prepared in a delicious dish?", "targets": [{"translation": "หัวไชเท้าสามารถปรุงเป็นอาหารจานเด็ดได้อย่างไร", "mention": "หัวไชเท้า"}, {"translation": "หัวไชเท้าสามารถปรุงเป็นอาหารจานเด็ดได้อย่างไร?", "mention": "หัวไชเท้า"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
58 |
{"id": "Q7224757_2", "wikidata_id": "Q7224757", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "Which cuisines commonly use white radish as an ingredient?", "targets": [{"translation": "อาหารประเภทไหนที่นิยมใช้หัวไชเท้าเป็นส่วนประกอบ", "mention": "หัวไชเท้า"}, {"translation": "อาหารประเภทใดที่มักใช้หัวไชเท้าเป็นส่วนผสม?", "mention": "หัวไชเท้า"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
59 |
{"id": "Q777739_0", "wikidata_id": "Q777739", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "Is Ivan Vasilievich: Back to the Future a comedy or a drama?", "targets": [{"translation": "อีวานวาซีเลียวิชเมนยาเอตโปรเฟสซียู เป็นภาพยนตร์ตลก หรือ ละคร?", "mention": "อีวานวาซีเลียวิชเมนยาเอตโปรเฟสซียู"}, {"translation": "อีวานวาซีเลียวิชเมนยาเอตโปรเฟสซียู เป็นหนังตลกหรือละคร?", "mention": "อีวานวาซีเลียวิชเมนยาเอตโปรเฟสซียู"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
60 |
{"id": "Q777739_1", "wikidata_id": "Q777739", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "When was the movie Ivan Vasilievich: Back to the Future released?", "targets": [{"translation": "ภาพยนตร์เรื่อง อีวานวาซีเลียวิชเมนยาเอตโปรเฟสซียู ออกฉายเมื่อไหร่?", "mention": "อ���วานวาซีเลียวิชเมนยาเอตโปรเฟสซียู"}, {"translation": "ภาพยนตร์เรื่องอีวานวาซีเลียวิชเมนยาเอตโปรเฟสซียูออกฉายเมื่อไหร่?", "mention": "อีวานวาซีเลียวิชเมนยาเอตโปรเฟสซียู"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
61 |
{"id": "Q777739_2", "wikidata_id": "Q777739", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "What is the genre of the movie Ivan Vasilievich: Back to the Future?", "targets": [{"translation": "อีวานวาซีเลียวิชเมนยาเอตโปรเฟสซียู เป็นภาพยนตร์ประเภทอะไร?", "mention": "อีวานวาซีเลียวิชเมนยาเอตโปรเฟสซียู"}, {"translation": "ประเภทของภาพยนตร์เรื่อง อีวานวาซีเลียวิชเมนยาเอตโปรเฟสซียู คืออะไร?", "mention": "อีวานวาซีเลียวิชเมนยาเอตโปรเฟสซียู"}, {"translation": "ประเภทของภาพยนตร์เรื่องอีวานวาซีเลียวิชเมนยาเอตโปรเฟสซียูคืออะไร?", "mention": "อีวานวาซีเลียวิชเมนยาเอตโปรเฟสซียู"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
62 |
{"id": "Q822472_0", "wikidata_id": "Q822472", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "What is the significance of the Akō Incident in samurai history?", "targets": [{"translation": "อะไรคือความสําคัญของสี่สิบเจ็ดโรนินในประวัติศาสตร์ซามูไร?", "mention": "สี่สิบเจ็ดโรนิน"}, {"translation": "สี่สิบเจ็ดโรนินมีความสำคัญอย่างไรในประวัติศาสตร์ซามูไร", "mention": "สี่สิบเจ็ดโรนิน"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
63 |
{"id": "Q822472_1", "wikidata_id": "Q822472", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "When did the Akō Incident take place?", "targets": [{"translation": "สี่สิบเจ็ดโรนินเกิดขึ้นเมื่อใด", "mention": "สี่สิบเจ็ดโรนิน"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
64 |
{"id": "Q822472_2", "wikidata_id": "Q822472", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "Who were involved in the Akō Incident?", "targets": [{"translation": "ใครมีส่วนร่วมในสี่สิบเจ็ดโรนิน?", "mention": "สี่สิบเจ็ดโรนิน"}, {"translation": "ผู้มีส่วนเกี่ยวข้องกับสี่สิบเจ็ดโรนินมีใครบ้าง", "mention": "สี่สิบเจ็ดโรนิน"}, {"translation": "ใครมีส่วนร่วมใน สี่สิบเจ็ดโรนิน", "mention": "สี่สิบเจ็ดโรนิน"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
65 |
{"id": "Q919649_0", "wikidata_id": "Q919649", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "How many armies are involved in the battle in The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies?", "targets": [{"translation": "มีกี่กองทัพที่เกี่ยวข้องกับการต่อสู้ในเดอะ ฮอบบิท: สงคราม 5 ทัพ", "mention": "เดอะ ฮอบบิท: สงคราม 5 ทัพ"}, {"translation": "มีกี่กองทัพที่เกี่ยวข้องกับการต่อสู้ในเดอะ ฮอบบิท: สงคราม 5 ทัพ?", "mention": "เดอะ ฮอบบิท: สงคราม 5 ทัพ"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
66 |
{"id": "Q919649_1", "wikidata_id": "Q919649", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "When was The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies released?", "targets": [{"translation": "เดอะ ฮอบบิท: สงคราม 5 ทัพออกฉายเมื่อไหร่?", "mention": "เดอะ ฮอบบิท: สงคราม 5 ทัพ"}, {"translation": "เดอะ ฮอบบิท: สงคราม 5 ทัพ ออกอากาศเมื่อใด", "mention": "เดอะ ฮอบบิท: สงคราม 5 ทัพ"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
67 |
{"id": "Q919649_2", "wikidata_id": "Q919649", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "What genre does The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies belong to?", "targets": [{"translation": "เดอะ ฮอบบิท: สงค��าม 5 ทัพเป็นภาพยนตร์ประเภทไหน?", "mention": "เดอะ ฮอบบิท: สงคราม 5 ทัพ"}, {"translation": "เดอะ ฮอบบิท: สงคราม 5 ทัพ เป็นประเภทไหน?", "mention": "เดอะ ฮอบบิท: สงคราม 5 ทัพ"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
68 |
{"id": "Q926377_0", "wikidata_id": "Q926377", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "How did the Galactic Civil War impact the Star Wars galaxy?", "targets": [{"translation": "สงครามกลางเมืองกาแลกติก ส่งผลกระทบต่อกาแล็กซี Star Wars อย่างไร", "mention": "สงครามกลางเมืองกาแลกติก"}, {"translation": "สงครามกลางเมืองกาแลกติกส่งผลกระทบต่อดาราจักรสตาร์วอร์สอย่างไร?", "mention": "สงครามกลางเมืองกาแลกติก"}, {"translation": "สงครามกลางเมืองกาแลกติก ส่งผลกระทบต่อดาราจักรสตาร์วอร์สอย่างไร", "mention": "สงครามกลางเมืองกาแลกติก"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
69 |
{"id": "Q926377_1", "wikidata_id": "Q926377", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "Who were the main leaders on both sides of the Galactic Civil War?", "targets": [{"translation": "ใครคือผู้นำหลักของทั้งสองฝ่ายในสงครามกลางเมืองกาแลกติก", "mention": "สงครามกลางเมืองกาแลกติก"}, {"translation": "ใครคือผู้นําหลักของทั้งสองฝ่ายของสงครามกลางเมืองกาแลกติก?", "mention": "สงครามกลางเมืองกาแลกติก"}, {"translation": "สงครามกลางเมืองกาแลกติก ใครคือผู้นําหลักของทั้งสองฝ่ายของ", "mention": "สงครามกลางเมืองกาแลกติก"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
70 |
{"id": "Q926377_2", "wikidata_id": "Q926377", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "What were the key battles that took place during the Galactic Civil War?", "targets": [{"translation": "การต่อสู้หลักที่เกิดขึ้นในช่วงสงครามกลางเมืองกาแลกติกคืออะไร?", "mention": "สงครามกลางเมืองกาแลกติก"}, {"translation": "อะไรคือการต่อสู้ที่สําคัญที่เกิดขึ้นระหว่างสงครามกลางเมืองกาแลกติก?", "mention": "สงครามกลางเมืองกาแลกติก"}, {"translation": "อะไรคือการต่อสู้ที่สําคัญที่เกิดขึ้นระหว่าง สงครามกลางเมืองกาแลกติก", "mention": "สงครามกลางเมืองกาแลกติก"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
71 |
{"id": "Q999104_0", "wikidata_id": "Q999104", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "Who is the author of the Piano Concerto?", "targets": [{"translation": "ใครคือผู้ประพันธ์เปียโนคอนแชร์โต?", "mention": "เปียโนคอนแชร์โต"}, {"translation": "ใครคือผู้เขียนเปียโนคอนแชร์โต?", "mention": "เปียโนคอนแชร์โต"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
72 |
{"id": "Q999104_1", "wikidata_id": "Q999104", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "How would you describe the genre of the Piano Concerto?", "targets": [{"translation": "คุณจะอธิบายประเภทของเปียโนคอนแชร์โตอย่างไร?", "mention": "เปียโนคอนแชร์โต"}, {"translation": "คุณจะอธิบายแนวเพลงของเปียโนคอนแชร์โต อย่างไร?", "mention": "เปียโนคอนแชร์โต"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
73 |
{"id": "Q999104_2", "wikidata_id": "Q999104", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "Is the Piano Concerto known for its romantic style?", "targets": [{"translation": "เปียโนคอนแชร์โตขึ้นชื่อเรื่องสไตล์โรแมนติกหรือไม่?", "mention": "เปียโนคอนแชร์โต"}, {"translation": "เปียโนคอนแชร์โต ขึ้นชื่อเรื่องสไตล์โรแมนติกหรือไม่?", "mention": "เปียโนคอนแชร์โต"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "th"}
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
1 |
{"id": "Q10455260_0", "wikidata_id": "Q10455260", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "Is Clockwork Prince a standalone novel or part of a series?", "targets": [{"translation": "Mekanik Prens bir roman mı yoksa bir serinin parçası mı?", "mention": "Mekanik Prens"}, {"translation": "Mekanik Prens bağımsız bir roman mı yoksa bir serinin parçası mı?", "mention": "Mekanik Prens"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
2 |
{"id": "Q10455260_1", "wikidata_id": "Q10455260", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "What year was Clockwork Prince published?", "targets": [{"translation": "Mekanik Prens hangi yıl yayınlandı?", "mention": "Mekanik Prens"}, {"translation": "Mekanik Prens hangi yılda yayınlandı?", "mention": "Mekanik Prens"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
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{"id": "Q10455260_2", "wikidata_id": "Q10455260", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "What is the genre of Clockwork Prince?", "targets": [{"translation": "Mekanik Prens kitabının türü nedir?", "mention": "Mekanik Prens"}, {"translation": "Mekanik Prens'in türü nedir?", "mention": "Mekanik Prens"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
4 |
{"id": "Q1150791_0", "wikidata_id": "Q1150791", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "How many episodes are there in the Sherlock Hound TV series?", "targets": [{"translation": "Sherlock Holmes dizisinde kaç sezon vardır?", "mention": "Sherlock Holmes"}, {"translation": "Sherlock Holmes dizisinde kaç bölüm var?", "mention": "Sherlock Holmes"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
5 |
{"id": "Q1150791_1", "wikidata_id": "Q1150791", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "When was the Sherlock Hound TV series released?", "targets": [{"translation": "Sherlock Holmes dizisi ne zaman yayınlandı?", "mention": "Sherlock Holmes"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
6 |
{"id": "Q1150791_2", "wikidata_id": "Q1150791", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "What is the genre of the Sherlock Hound TV series?", "targets": [{"translation": "Sherlock Holmes dizisinin türü nedir?", "mention": "Sherlock Holmes"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
7 |
{"id": "Q1421396_0", "wikidata_id": "Q1421396", "entity_types": ["Place of worship", "Landmark"], "source": "What is the architecture style of Valaam Monastery?", "targets": [{"translation": "Valaam Manastırı'nın mimari tarzı nedir?", "mention": "Valaam Manastırı"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
8 |
{"id": "Q1421396_1", "wikidata_id": "Q1421396", "entity_types": ["Place of worship", "Landmark"], "source": "Where is Valaam Monastery located?", "targets": [{"translation": "Valaam Manastırı nerededir?", "mention": "Valaam Manastırı"}, {"translation": "Valaam Manastırı nerede konumlanmaktadır?", "mention": "Valaam Manastırı"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
9 |
{"id": "Q1421396_2", "wikidata_id": "Q1421396", "entity_types": ["Place of worship", "Landmark"], "source": "How old is Valaam Monastery?", "targets": [{"translation": "Valaam Manastırı kaç yıllık?", "mention": "Valaam Manastırı"}, {"translation": "Valaam Manastırı kaç yaşında?", "mention": "Valaam Manastırı"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
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{"id": "Q17450386_0", "wikidata_id": "Q17450386", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "When did Son Tung M-TP start his music career?", "targets": [{"translation": "Sơn Tùng M-TP müzik kariyerine ne zaman başladı?", "mention": "Sơn Tùng M-TP"}, {"translation": "Son Tung M-TP müzik kariyerine ne zaman başladı?", "mention": "Son Tung M-TP"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
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{"id": "Q17450386_1", "wikidata_id": "Q17450386", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "What is Son Tung M-TP known for?", "targets": [{"translation": "Sơn Tùng M-TP neyle tanınır?", "mention": "Sơn Tùng M-TP"}, {"translation": "Son Tung M-TP'nin bilinen özelliği nedir?", "mention": "Son Tung M-TP"}, {"translation": "Son Tung M-TP neyle tanınır?", "mention": "Son Tung M-TP"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
12 |
{"id": "Q17450386_2", "wikidata_id": "Q17450386", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "How popular is Son Tung M-TP in Vietnam?", "targets": [{"translation": "Sơn Tùng M-TP Vietnam'da ne kadar popüler?", "mention": "Sơn Tùng M-TP"}, {"translation": "Son Tung M-TP Vietnam'da ne kadar popüler?", "mention": "Son Tung M-TP"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
13 |
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{"id": "Q2325483_0", "wikidata_id": "Q2325483", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "Can you provide the lyrics to Angels We Have Heard on High?", "targets": [{"translation": "Angels We Have Heard on High şarkısının sözlerini yazar mısınız?", "mention": "Angels We Have Heard on High"}, {"translation": "Angels We Have Heard on High şarkısının sözlerini verebilir misiniz?", "mention": "Angels We Have Heard on High"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
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{"id": "Q380354_2", "wikidata_id": "Q380354", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "When was the coat of arms of Tonga officially adopted?", "targets": [{"translation": "Tonga arması resmi olarak ne zaman kabul edildi?", "mention": "Tonga arması"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
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{"id": "Q390150_0", "wikidata_id": "Q390150", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "Which country is Salisbury Cathedral in?", "targets": [{"translation": "Salisbury Katedrali hangi ülkededir?", "mention": "Salisbury Katedrali"}, {"translation": "Salisbury Katedrali hangi ülkede?", "mention": "Salisbury Katedrali"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
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{"id": "Q39054_0", "wikidata_id": "Q39054", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "What is the Leaning Tower of Pisa famously known for?", "targets": [{"translation": "Ünlü Pisa Kulesi neyle tanınır?", "mention": "Pisa Kulesi"}, {"translation": "Pisa Kulesi nesiyle ünlüdür?", "mention": "Pisa Kulesi"}, {"translation": "Ünlü Pisa Kulesi ne ile bilinir?", "mention": "Pisa Kulesi"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
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{"id": "Q39054_2", "wikidata_id": "Q39054", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "Where is the Leaning Tower of Pisa situated in Italy?", "targets": [{"translation": "İtalya'da Pisa Kulesi nerede bulunur?", "mention": "Pisa Kulesi"}, {"translation": "Pisa Kulesi İtalya'da nerededir?", "mention": "Pisa Kulesi"}, {"translation": "İtalya'da Pisa Kulesi nerede?", "mention": "Pisa Kulesi"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
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{"id": "Q45192_0", "wikidata_id": "Q45192", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "What type of artwork is associated with The Hound of the Baskervilles?", "targets": [{"translation": "Baskervillerin Köpeği ile ne tür sanat eserleri ilişkilendirilir?", "mention": "Baskervillerin Köpeği"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
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{"id": "Q45192_1", "wikidata_id": "Q45192", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "Who is the author of the crime novel The Hound of the Baskervilles?", "targets": [{"translation": "Baskervillerin Köpeği adlı polisiye romanının yazarı kimdir?", "mention": "Baskervillerin Köpeği"}, {"translation": "Polisiye romanı Baskervillerin Köpeği'nin yazarı kimdir?", "mention": "Baskervillerin Köpeği"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
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{"id": "Q45192_2", "wikidata_id": "Q45192", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "Can you provide a brief description of The Hound of the Baskervilles by Arthur Conan Doyle?", "targets": [{"translation": "Arthur Conan Doyle'un Baskervillerin Köpeğinın kısa bir açıklamasını verebilir misiniz?", "mention": "Baskervillerin Köpeği"}, {"translation": "Arthur Conan Doyle'a ait Baskervillerin Köpeği'ni kısa bir şekilde anlatabilir misiniz?", "mention": "Baskervillerin Köpeği"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
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{"id": "Q469654_0", "wikidata_id": "Q469654", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "What is the genre of the movie Battle for the Planet of the Apes?", "targets": [{"translation": "Maymunlar Cehenneminde Savaş filminin türü nedir?", "mention": "Maymunlar Cehenneminde Savaş"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
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{"id": "Q469654_1", "wikidata_id": "Q469654", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "When was the movie Battle for the Planet of the Apes released?", "targets": [{"translation": "Maymunlar Cehenneminde Savaş filmi ne zaman yayınlandı?", "mention": "Maymunlar Cehenneminde Savaş"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
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{"id": "Q469654_2", "wikidata_id": "Q469654", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "Who is the main character in Battle for the Planet of the Apes?", "targets": [{"translation": "Maymunlar Cehenneminde Savaş'ta ana karakter kim?", "mention": "Maymunlar Cehenneminde Savaş"}, {"translation": "Maymunlar Cehenneminde Savaş'taki ana karakter kim?", "mention": "Maymunlar Cehenneminde Savaş"}, {"translation": "Maymunlar Cehenneminde Savaş filminde ana karakter kim?", "mention": "Maymunlar Cehenneminde Savaş"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
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{"id": "Q4872_0", "wikidata_id": "Q4872", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "How long has the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts been open?", "targets": [{"translation": "Puşkin Müzesi ne kadar süredir açık?", "mention": "Puşkin Müzesi"}, {"translation": "Puşkin Müzesi ne zamandır açık?", "mention": "Puşkin Müzesi"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
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{"id": "Q4872_2", "wikidata_id": "Q4872", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "What type of art can be found at the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts?", "targets": [{"translation": "Puşkin Müzesi'nde ne tür sanat eserleri bulunabilir?", "mention": "Puşkin Müzesi"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
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{"id": "Q5764175_0", "wikidata_id": "Q5764175", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "Can you describe the role of the Office of the President of Ukraine within the government structure?", "targets": [{"translation": "Ukrayna Cumhurbaşkanı Ofisi'nin hükümet yapısı içindeki rolünü anlatabilir misiniz?", "mention": "Ukrayna Cumhurbaşkanı Ofisi"}, {"translation": "Ukrayna Cumhurbaşkanı Ofisinin hükümet yapısı içindeki rolünü anlatabilir misiniz?", "mention": "Ukrayna Cumhurbaşkanı Ofisi"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
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{"id": "Q5764175_1", "wikidata_id": "Q5764175", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "Who forms and leads the Office of the President of Ukraine?", "targets": [{"translation": "Ukrayna Cumhurbaşkanı Ofisi'ni kim kurar ve yönetir?", "mention": "Ukrayna Cumhurbaşkanı Ofisi"}, {"translation": "Ukrayna Cumhurbaşkanı Ofisini kim kurar ve yönetir?", "mention": "Ukrayna Cumhurbaşkanı Ofisi"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
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{"id": "Q5764175_2", "wikidata_id": "Q5764175", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "What type of powers does the Office of the President of Ukraine have?", "targets": [{"translation": "Ukrayna Cumhurbaşkanı Ofisi'nin ne tür yetkileri var?", "mention": "Ukrayna Cumhurbaşkanı Ofisi"}, {"translation": "Ukrayna Cumhurbaşkanı Ofisinin ne tür yetkileri var?", "mention": "Ukrayna Cumhurbaşkanı Ofisi"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
49 |
{"id": "Q592902_0", "wikidata_id": "Q592902", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "How many women are featured in the film All These Women?", "targets": [{"translation": "Bütün O Kadınlardan Söz Etmeden filminde kaç kadın yer alıyor?", "mention": "Bütün O Kadınlardan Söz Etmeden"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
50 |
{"id": "Q592902_1", "wikidata_id": "Q592902", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "What is the genre of Ingmar Bergman's movie All These Women?", "targets": [{"translation": "Ingmar Bergman'ın Bütün O Kadınlardan Söz Etmeden filminin türü nedir?", "mention": "Bütün O Kadınlardan Söz Etmeden"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
51 |
{"id": "Q592902_2", "wikidata_id": "Q592902", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "When was the movie All These Women released?", "targets": [{"translation": "Bütün O Kadınlardan Söz Etmeden filmi ne zaman vizyona girdi?", "mention": "Bütün O Kadınlardan Söz Etmeden"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
52 |
{"id": "Q652046_0", "wikidata_id": "Q652046", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "How old is the Muhammad Ali Mosque?", "targets": [{"translation": "Mehmed Ali Paşa Camii kaç yaşında?", "mention": "Mehmed Ali Paşa Camii"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
53 |
{"id": "Q652046_1", "wikidata_id": "Q652046", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "What type of place is the Muhammad Ali Mosque?", "targets": [{"translation": "Mehmed Ali Paşa Camii nasıl bir yer?", "mention": "Mehmed Ali Paşa Camii"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
54 |
{"id": "Q652046_2", "wikidata_id": "Q652046", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "What is the significance of the Muhammad Ali Mosque?", "targets": [{"translation": "Mehmed Ali Paşa Camii'nin önemi nedir?", "mention": "Mehmed Ali Paşa Camii"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
55 |
{"id": "Q679218_0", "wikidata_id": "Q679218", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "Who commissioned the construction of the Bibi-Khanym Mosque?", "targets": [{"translation": "Bibi-Hanım Camii'nin inşaatını kim yaptırdı?", "mention": "Bibi Hanım Camii"}, {"translation": "Bibi Hanım Camii'nin inşaatını kim yaptırdı?", "mention": "Bibi Hanım Camii"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
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{"id": "Q679218_1", "wikidata_id": "Q679218", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "Where is the Bibi-Khanym Mosque located?", "targets": [{"translation": "Bibi Hanım Camii nerede konumlanmaktadır?", "mention": "Bibi Hanım Camii"}, {"translation": "Bibi Hanım Camii nerededir?", "mention": "Bibi Hanım Camii"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
57 |
{"id": "Q679218_2", "wikidata_id": "Q679218", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "When was the Bibi-Khanym Mosque built?", "targets": [{"translation": "Bibi Hanım Camii ne zaman yapıldı?", "mention": "Bibi Hanım Camii"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
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{"id": "Q740382_0", "wikidata_id": "Q740382", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "How does the Gospel of Basilides fit into the broader context of ancient religious texts?", "targets": [{"translation": "Basilides İncili eski dini metinlerin daha geniş bağlamına nasıl uyuyor?", "mention": "Basilides İncili"}, {"translation": "Basilides İncili, eski dini metinlerin daha geniş bağlamına nasıl uymaktadır?", "mention": "Basilides İncili"}, {"translation": "Basilides İncili'nin eski dini metinlerle geniş bağlamda uyumu nedir?", "mention": "Basilides İncili"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
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{"id": "Q740382_1", "wikidata_id": "Q740382", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "Are there any known excerpts or references to the Gospel of Basilides in other texts?", "targets": [{"translation": "Diğer metinlerde Basilides İncili ile ilgili bilinen herhangi bir alıntı veya referans var mı?", "mention": "Basilides İncili"}, {"translation": "Başka metinlerde Basilides İncili'nden bilinen alıntılar ya da referanslar var mı?", "mention": "Basilides İncili"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
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{"id": "Q740382_2", "wikidata_id": "Q740382", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "What attempts have been made to reconstruct or interpret the content of the Gospel of Basilides?", "targets": [{"translation": "Basilides İncili'nin içeriğini yeniden yapılandırmak ya da yorumlamak için ne gibi girişimlerde bulunulmuştur?", "mention": "Basilides İncili"}, {"translation": "Basilides İncili'nin içeriğini yeniden oluşturma veya yorumlamak için ne gibi girişimlerde bulunuldu?", "mention": "Basilides İncili"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
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{"id": "Q769963_0", "wikidata_id": "Q769963", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "Is the Terzijski Bridge a cultural heritage monument?", "targets": [{"translation": "Terzi Köprüsü kültürel bir miras anıtı mıdır?", "mention": "Terzi Köprüsü"}, {"translation": "Terzi Köprüsü kültürel bir miras anıtı mı?", "mention": "Terzi Köprüsü"}, {"translation": "Terzi Köprüsü bir kültür mirası anıtı mıdır?", "mention": "Terzi Köprüsü"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
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{"id": "Q769963_1", "wikidata_id": "Q769963", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "Where is the Terzijski Bridge located?", "targets": [{"translation": "Terzi Köprüsü nerede yer alıyor?", "mention": "Terzi Köprüsü"}, {"translation": "Terzi Köprüsü nerede bulunur?", "mention": "Terzi Köprüsü"}, {"translation": "Terzi Köprüsü nerededir?", "mention": "Terzi Köprüsü"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
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{"id": "Q769963_2", "wikidata_id": "Q769963", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "How would you describe the Terzijski Bridge?", "targets": [{"translation": "Terzi Köprüsü'nü nasıl tanımlarsınız?", "mention": "Terzi Köprüsü"}, {"translation": "Terzi Köprüsünü nasıl tanımlarsınız?", "mention": "Terzi Köprüsü"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
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{"id": "Q856775_0", "wikidata_id": "Q856775", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "What can corn oil be used for?", "targets": [{"translation": "Mısır yağı ne için kullanılabilir?", "mention": "Mısır yağı"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
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{"id": "Q856775_1", "wikidata_id": "Q856775", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "How is corn oil made?", "targets": [{"translation": "Mısır yağı nasıl yapılır?", "mention": "Mısır yağı"}, {"translation": "Mısır yağı sağlıklı mı?", "mention": "Mısır yağı"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
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{"id": "Q856775_2", "wikidata_id": "Q856775", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "Is corn oil healthy?", "targets": [{"translation": "Mısır yağı sağlıklı mı?", "mention": "Mısır yağı"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
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{"id": "Q939440_0", "wikidata_id": "Q939440", "entity_types": ["Person", "Fictional entity"], "source": "How is the Dragon King depicted in art and literature?", "targets": [{"translation": "Ejderha Kralı sanat ve edebiyatta nasıl tasvir edilir?", "mention": "Ejderha Kralı"}, {"translation": "Ejderha Kralı sanatta ve edebiyatta nasıl tasvir ediliyor?", "mention": "Ejderha Kralı"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
68 |
{"id": "Q939440_1", "wikidata_id": "Q939440", "entity_types": ["Person", "Fictional entity"], "source": "What is the Dragon King's role in mythology?", "targets": [{"translation": "Ejderha Kralı'nın mitolojideki rolü nedir?", "mention": "Ejderha Kralı"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
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{"id": "Q939440_2", "wikidata_id": "Q939440", "entity_types": ["Person", "Fictional entity"], "source": "Where is the Dragon King typically found?", "targets": [{"translation": "Ejderha Kralı genellikle nerede bulunur?", "mention": "Ejderha Kralı"}, {"translation": "Ejderha Kralı tipik olarak nerede bulunur?", "mention": "Ejderha Kralı"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
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{"id": "Q951587_0", "wikidata_id": "Q951587", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "How would you describe the plot of Never Let Me Go?", "targets": [{"translation": "Beni Asla Bırakma'nın konusunu nasıl tanımlarsınız?", "mention": "Beni Asla Bırakma"}, {"translation": "Beni Asla Bırakma adlı eserin konusunu nasıl açıklarsınız?", "mention": "Beni Asla Bırakma"}, {"translation": "Beni Asla Bırakma'nın olay örgüsünü nasıl tanımlarsınız?", "mention": "Beni Asla Bırakma"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
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{"id": "Q951587_1", "wikidata_id": "Q951587", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "When was the book Never Let Me Go published?", "targets": [{"translation": "Beni Asla Bırakma kitabı ne zaman yayımlandı?", "mention": "Beni Asla Bırakma"}, {"translation": "Beni Asla Bırakma kitabı ne zaman yayınlandı?", "mention": "Beni Asla Bırakma"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
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{"id": "Q951587_2", "wikidata_id": "Q951587", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "What is the genre of the book Never Let Me Go?", "targets": [{"translation": "Beni Asla Bırakma kitabının türü nedir?", "mention": "Beni Asla Bırakma"}, {"translation": "Beni Asla Bırakma adlı kitabın türü nedir?", "mention": "Beni Asla Bırakma"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
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74 |
{"id": "Q979015_1", "wikidata_id": "Q979015", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "What year was The Way of All Flesh released?", "targets": [{"translation": "The Way of All Flesh hangi yıl yayınlandı?", "mention": "The Way of All Flesh"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "tr"}
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@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
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{"id": "Q10357223_1", "wikidata_id": "Q10357223", "entity_types": ["Person", "Fictional entity"], "source": "What is the role of the White Queen in Lewis Carroll's novel?", "targets": [{"translation": "劉易斯·卡羅爾的小說中白王后的角色是什麼?", "mention": "白王后"}, {"translation": "劉易斯·卡羅爾的小說中白皇后的角色是什麼?", "mention": "白皇后"}, {"translation": "路易斯·卡羅的小說中白王后的角色是什麼?", "mention": "白王后"}, {"translation": "白皇后在劉易斯·卡羅爾的小說中扮演什麼角色?", "mention": "白皇后"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
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{"id": "Q10357223_2", "wikidata_id": "Q10357223", "entity_types": ["Person", "Fictional entity"], "source": "How does the White Queen appear in Alice's adventures?", "targets": [{"translation": "白王后在愛麗絲的冒險中是如何出現的?", "mention": "白王后"}, {"translation": "白皇后在愛麗絲的冒險中是如何出現的?", "mention": "白皇后"}, {"translation": "白皇后在愛麗絲的歷險中是如何出現的?", "mention": "白皇后"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
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{"id": "Q1140026_0", "wikidata_id": "Q1140026", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "Can visitors go inside the Azadi Tower and are there any notable attractions or exhibits?", "targets": [{"translation": "遊客可以進入阿扎迪塔嗎?有什麼值得注意的景點或展品嗎?", "mention": "阿扎迪塔"}, {"translation": "遊客可以進入阿扎迪塔 嗎?有什麼值得注意的景點或展品嗎?", "mention": "阿扎迪塔"}, {"translation": "遊客可以進入阿扎迪塔嗎?有什麼值得參觀的景點或展示嗎?", "mention": "阿扎迪塔"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
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{"id": "Q1140026_1", "wikidata_id": "Q1140026", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "When was the Azadi Tower built and what is its architectural style?", "targets": [{"translation": "阿扎迪塔是什麼時候建成的,它的建築風格是什麼?", "mention": "阿扎迪塔"}, {"translation": "阿扎迪塔 是什麼時候建成的,它的建築風格是什麼?", "mention": "阿扎迪塔"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
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{"id": "Q1140026_2", "wikidata_id": "Q1140026", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "What is the height of the Azadi Tower and what materials were used in its construction?", "targets": [{"translation": "阿扎迪塔的高度是多少,建造時使用了什麼材料?", "mention": "阿扎迪塔"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
7 |
{"id": "Q1152159_0", "wikidata_id": "Q1152159", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "Which kingdom emerged victorious in the Battle of Hulao Pass?", "targets": [{"translation": "哪個王國在虎牢關之戰中獲勝?", "mention": "虎牢關之戰"}, {"translation": "虎牢關之戰哪個國家取得了勝利?", "mention": "虎牢關之戰"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
8 |
{"id": "Q1152159_1", "wikidata_id": "Q1152159", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "In which chapter of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms does the Battle of Hulao Pass take place?", "targets": [{"translation": "虎牢關之戰在三國演義中的哪一章節被描述?", "mention": "虎牢關之戰"}, {"translation": "虎牢關之戰發生在三國演義》的哪一章?", "mention": "虎牢關之戰"}, {"translation": "虎牢關之戰發生在三國演義》哪一章?", "mention": "虎牢關之戰"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
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{"id": "Q1152159_2", "wikidata_id": "Q1152159", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "What were the major strategies employed during the Battle of Hulao Pass?", "targets": [{"translation": "虎牢關之戰期間採用的主要策略是什麼?", "mention": "虎牢關之戰"}, {"translation": "虎牢關之戰採用的主要策略是什麼?", "mention": "虎牢關之戰"}, {"translation": "虎牢關之戰的主要策略是什麼?", "mention": "虎牢關之戰"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
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{"id": "Q1204959_0", "wikidata_id": "Q1204959", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "How does the Ministry of Truth control the dissemination of information in Oceania?", "targets": [{"translation": "真理部如何控制大洋洲的資訊傳播?", "mention": "真理部"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
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{"id": "Q1204959_1", "wikidata_id": "Q1204959", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "Who is responsible for overseeing the activities of the Ministry of Truth?", "targets": [{"translation": "誰負責監督真理部的活動?", "mention": "真理部"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
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{"id": "Q1204959_2", "wikidata_id": "Q1204959", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "In what ways does the Ministry of Truth manipulate historical records in the novel?", "targets": [{"translation": "小說中真理部通過什麼方式操縱歷史記錄?", "mention": "真理部"}, {"translation": "小說中的真理部以何種方式操縱歷史記錄?", "mention": "真理部"}, {"translation": "小說中真理部以何種方式操縱歷史記錄?", "mention": "真理部"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
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{"id": "Q1254983_0", "wikidata_id": "Q1254983", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "Is Dragon Ball Z: The Return of Cooler a movie or a TV show?", "targets": [{"translation": "龍珠Z劇場版6:激突!100億能量的戰士們是電影還是電視節目?", "mention": "龍珠Z劇場版6:激突!100億能量的戰士們"}, {"translation": "龍珠Z劇場版6:激突! 100億能量的戰士們是電影還是電視節目?", "mention": "龍珠Z劇場版6:激突! 100億能量的戰士們"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
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{"id": "Q1254983_1", "wikidata_id": "Q1254983", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "When was Dragon Ball Z: The Return of Cooler released?", "targets": [{"translation": "龍珠Z劇場版6:激突!100億能量的戰士們是什麼時候上映的?", "mention": "龍珠Z劇場版6:激突!100億能量的戰士們"}, {"translation": "龍珠Z劇場版6:激突! 100億能量的戰士們是什麼時候上映的?", "mention": "龍珠Z劇場版6:激突! 100億能量的戰士們"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
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{"id": "Q1254983_2", "wikidata_id": "Q1254983", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "What is the subject of Dragon Ball Z: The Return of Cooler?", "targets": [{"translation": "龍珠Z劇場版6:激突!100億能量的戰士們的主題是什麼?", "mention": "龍珠Z劇場版6:激突!100億能量的戰士們"}, {"translation": "龍珠Z劇場版6:激突! 100億能量的戰士們的主題是什麼?", "mention": "龍珠Z劇場版6:激突! 100億能量的戰士們"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
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{"id": "Q1322423_0", "wikidata_id": "Q1322423", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "Is Chelyabinsk Airport served by international airlines?", "targets": [{"translation": "車里雅賓斯克機場由國際航空公司提供服務嗎?", "mention": "車里雅賓斯克機場"}, {"translation": "車里雅賓斯克機場提供國際航空公司服務嗎", "mention": "車里雅賓斯克機場"}, {"translation": "車里雅賓斯克機場有服務國際航線嗎?", "mention": "車里雅賓斯克機場"}, {"translation": "[車里雅賓斯克機場] 有國際航空公司提供服務嗎?", "mention": "車里雅賓斯克機場"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
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{"id": "Q1322423_1", "wikidata_id": "Q1322423", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "Where is Chelyabinsk Airport located?", "targets": [{"translation": "車里雅賓斯克機場位於哪裡?", "mention": "車里雅賓斯克機場"}, {"translation": "車里雅賓斯克機場位於哪裡?", "mention": "車里雅賓斯克機場"}, {"translation": "[車里雅賓斯克機場]位於哪裡?", "mention": "車里雅賓斯克機場"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
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{"id": "Q1322423_2", "wikidata_id": "Q1322423", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "How many runways does Chelyabinsk Airport have?", "targets": [{"translation": "車里雅賓斯克機場 有多少條跑道?", "mention": "車里雅賓斯克機場"}, {"translation": "車里雅賓斯克機場有多少條跑道?", "mention": "車里雅賓斯克機場"}, {"translation": "車里雅賓斯克機場有多少條跑道?", "mention": "車里雅賓斯克機場"}, {"translation": "【車里雅賓斯克機場】有多少條跑道?", "mention": "車里雅賓斯克機場"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
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{"id": "Q1478754_0", "wikidata_id": "Q1478754", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "What is the genre of The Tales of Ensign Stål?", "targets": [{"translation": "旗手斯托爾傳奇的型別是什麼?", "mention": "旗手斯托爾傳奇"}, {"translation": "旗手斯托爾傳奇》的體裁是什麼?", "mention": "旗手斯托爾傳奇"}, {"translation": "旗手斯托爾傳奇屬於什麼類型?", "mention": "旗手斯托爾傳奇"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
20 |
{"id": "Q1478754_1", "wikidata_id": "Q1478754", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "What type of artwork is The Tales of Ensign Stål?", "targets": [{"translation": "旗手斯托爾傳奇是什麼型別的藝術品?", "mention": "旗手斯托爾傳奇"}, {"translation": "旗手斯托爾傳奇》是什麼類型的藝術品?", "mention": "旗手斯托爾傳奇"}, {"translation": "旗手斯托爾傳奇是什麼類型的藝術品���", "mention": "旗手斯托爾傳奇"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
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{"id": "Q1478754_2", "wikidata_id": "Q1478754", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "How would you describe The Tales of Ensign Stål in one word?", "targets": [{"translation": "你如何用一個詞來描述旗手斯托爾傳奇?", "mention": "旗手斯托爾傳奇"}, {"translation": "你如何用一個詞來形容旗手斯托爾傳奇》?", "mention": "旗手斯托爾傳奇"}, {"translation": "你如何用一個詞彙來描述旗手斯托爾傳奇?", "mention": "旗手斯托爾傳奇"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
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{"id": "Q15063275_0", "wikidata_id": "Q15063275", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "Is Tiémougué Bakayokuko a French association football player?", "targets": [{"translation": "蒂莫埃·巴卡約科是法國足球運動員嗎?", "mention": "蒂莫埃·巴卡約科"}, {"translation": "蒂莫埃·巴卡約科是法國足球協會運動員嗎?", "mention": "蒂莫埃·巴卡約科"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
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{"id": "Q15063275_1", "wikidata_id": "Q15063275", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "In which sport does Tiémougué Bakayokuko participate?", "targets": [{"translation": "蒂莫埃·巴卡約科參加哪項運動?", "mention": "蒂莫埃·巴卡約科"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
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{"id": "Q15063275_2", "wikidata_id": "Q15063275", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "What is Tiémougué Bakayokuko's profession?", "targets": [{"translation": "蒂莫埃·巴卡約科的職業是什麼?", "mention": "蒂莫埃·巴卡約科"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
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{"id": "Q15142320_0", "wikidata_id": "Q15142320", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "Is The House of Magic a live-action or animated film?", "targets": [{"translation": "魔法之家是真人電影還是動畫電影?", "mention": "魔法之家"}, {"translation": "魔法之家》是真人電影還是動畫電影?", "mention": "魔法之家"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
26 |
{"id": "Q15142320_1", "wikidata_id": "Q15142320", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "What is The House of Magic about?", "targets": [{"translation": "魔法之家是關於什麼的?", "mention": "魔法之家"}, {"translation": "魔法之家》是關於什麼的?", "mention": "魔法之家"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
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{"id": "Q15142320_2", "wikidata_id": "Q15142320", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "When was the movie The House of Magic released?", "targets": [{"translation": "電影魔法之家是什麼時候上映的?", "mention": "魔法之家"}, {"translation": "電影魔法之家是何時上映的?", "mention": "魔法之家"}, {"translation": "電影魔法之家》何時上映?", "mention": "魔法之家"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
28 |
{"id": "Q1713972_0", "wikidata_id": "Q1713972", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "In what field does Yuriy Kryvoruchko excel?", "targets": [{"translation": "尤里·克里沃洛奇科在哪個領域出類拔萃?", "mention": "尤里·克里沃洛奇科"}, {"translation": "尤里·克里沃洛奇科擅長哪些領域??", "mention": "尤里·克里沃洛奇科"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
29 |
{"id": "Q1713972_1", "wikidata_id": "Q1713972", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "What is Yuriy Kryvoruchko's nationality?", "targets": [{"translation": "尤里·克里沃洛奇科的國籍是什麼?", "mention": "尤里·克里沃洛奇科"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
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{"id": "Q1713972_2", "wikidata_id": "Q1713972", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "What is Yuriy Kryvoruchko known for?", "targets": [{"translation": "尤里·克里沃洛奇科以什麼而聞名?", "mention": "尤里·克里沃洛奇科"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
31 |
{"id": "Q19786_0", "wikidata_id": "Q19786", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "What is the significance of the Old Testament in Christian Bibles?", "targets": [{"translation": "舊約聖經在基督教聖經中的意義是什麼?", "mention": "舊約聖經"}, {"translation": "舊約聖經在基督教聖經中有什麼重要意義?", "mention": "舊約聖經"}, {"translation": "舊約聖經在基督教聖經中有什麼特殊意義?", "mention": "舊約聖經"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
32 |
{"id": "Q19786_1", "wikidata_id": "Q19786", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "How is the Old Testament divided?", "targets": [{"translation": "舊約聖經是如何劃分的?", "mention": "舊約聖經"}, {"translation": "舊約聖經是如何被劃分的?", "mention": "舊約聖經"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
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{"id": "Q19786_2", "wikidata_id": "Q19786", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "Who considered the Old Testament as their holy scripture?", "targets": [{"translation": "誰認為舊約聖經是他們的聖經?", "mention": "舊約聖經"}, {"translation": "哪個族群視舊約聖經為宗教經典?", "mention": "舊約聖經"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
34 |
{"id": "Q20354790_0", "wikidata_id": "Q20354790", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "When was the South Korean drama series Late Night Restaurant first aired?", "targets": [{"translation": "韓國電視劇深夜食堂是什麼時候首次播出的?", "mention": "深夜食堂"}, {"translation": "韓國電視劇深夜食堂在何時首次播出?", "mention": "深夜食堂"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
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{"id": "Q20354790_1", "wikidata_id": "Q20354790", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "How many seasons does the South Korean drama series Late Night Restaurant have?", "targets": [{"translation": "韓國電視劇深夜食堂有多少季?", "mention": "深夜食堂"}, {"translation": "韓國電視劇深夜食堂一共有多少季?", "mention": "深夜食堂"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
36 |
{"id": "Q20354790_2", "wikidata_id": "Q20354790", "entity_types": ["TV series"], "source": "What is the premise of the TV series Late Night Restaurant?", "targets": [{"translation": "電視劇深夜食堂的前提是什麼?", "mention": "深夜食堂"}, {"translation": "電視劇深夜食堂的故事背景是什麼?", "mention": "深夜食堂"}, {"translation": "電視劇深夜食堂的前情提要為何?", "mention": "深夜食堂"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
37 |
{"id": "Q254925_0", "wikidata_id": "Q254925", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "What is the significance of the Grand Mosque of Conakry in Guinea?", "targets": [{"translation": "幾內亞的科奈克里大清真寺的意義是什麼?", "mention": "科奈克里大清真寺"}, {"translation": "幾內亞的科奈克里大清真寺的用途是什麼?", "mention": "科奈克里大清真寺"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
38 |
{"id": "Q254925_1", "wikidata_id": "Q254925", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "What is the architectural style of the Grand Mosque of Conakry?", "targets": [{"translation": "科奈克里大清真寺的建築風格是什麼?", "mention": "科奈克里大清真寺"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
39 |
{"id": "Q254925_2", "wikidata_id": "Q254925", "entity_types": ["Place of worship"], "source": "How many worshippers can the Grand Mosque of Conakry accommodate?", "targets": [{"translation": "科奈克里大清真寺 可以容納多少禮拜者?", "mention": "科奈克里大清真寺"}, {"translation": "科奈克里大清真寺可以容納多少禮拜者?", "mention": "科奈克里大清真寺"}, {"translation": "科奈克里大清真寺可以容納多少名禮拜者?", "mention": "科奈克里大清真寺"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
40 |
{"id": "Q26545_0", "wikidata_id": "Q26545", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "Are there any health benefits associated with consuming the horseradish plant?", "targets": [{"translation": "食用辣根對健康有什麼好處嗎?", "mention": "辣根"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
41 |
{"id": "Q26545_1", "wikidata_id": "Q26545", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "How tall can the horseradish plant grow to be?", "targets": [{"translation": "辣根能長多高?", "mention": "辣根"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
42 |
{"id": "Q26545_2", "wikidata_id": "Q26545", "entity_types": ["Food"], "source": "When and where was the horseradish plant first cultivated?", "targets": [{"translation": "辣根首次種植的時間和地點?", "mention": "辣根"}, {"translation": "辣根是何時何地首次種植?", "mention": "辣根"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
43 |
{"id": "Q2870125_0", "wikidata_id": "Q2870125", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "Which ancient civilization did Attius Tullius belong to?", "targets": [{"translation": "阿提烏斯·圖利烏斯屬於哪個古代文明?", "mention": "阿提烏斯·圖利烏斯"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
44 |
{"id": "Q2870125_1", "wikidata_id": "Q2870125", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "What century did Attius Tullius live in and what were some of his notable achievements?", "targets": [{"translation": "阿提烏斯·圖利烏斯生活在哪個世紀,他有哪些顯著成就?", "mention": "阿提烏斯·圖利烏斯"}, {"translation": "阿提烏斯·圖利烏斯生活在哪個世紀,他的一些顯著成就是什麼?", "mention": "阿提烏斯·圖利烏斯"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
45 |
{"id": "Q2870125_2", "wikidata_id": "Q2870125", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "Was Attius Tullius primarily known as a politician or a military leader?", "targets": [{"translation": "阿提烏斯·圖利烏斯主要以政治家或軍事主管人而聞名嗎?", "mention": "阿提烏斯·圖利烏斯"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
46 |
{"id": "Q3051430_0", "wikidata_id": "Q3051430", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "When was the Symphony in D minor first performed?", "targets": [{"translation": "D小調交響曲是什麼時候首演的?", "mention": "D小調交響曲"}, {"translation": "D小調交響曲第一次演出是什麼時候?", "mention": "D小調交響曲"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
47 |
{"id": "Q3051430_1", "wikidata_id": "Q3051430", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "What is the key signature of the Symphony in D minor?", "targets": [{"translation": "D小調交響曲的關鍵特徵是什麼?", "mention": "D小調交響曲"}, {"translation": "D小調交響曲的調號是什麼?", "mention": "D小調交響曲"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
48 |
{"id": "Q3051430_2", "wikidata_id": "Q3051430", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "How many movements are there in the Symphony in D minor?", "targets": [{"translation": "D小調交響曲中有多少個樂章?", "mention": "D小調交響曲"}, {"translation": "D小調交響曲一共有多少個樂章?", "mention": "D小調交響曲"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
49 |
{"id": "Q3507592_0", "wikidata_id": "Q3507592", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "Is the Jena Symphony a well-known musical work?", "targets": [{"translation": "耶拿交響曲是一首著名的音樂作品嗎?", "mention": "耶拿交響曲"}, {"translation": "耶拿交響曲是一部著名的音樂作品嗎?", "mention": "耶拿交響曲"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
50 |
{"id": "Q3507592_1", "wikidata_id": "Q3507592", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "How would you describe the style of the Jena Symphony?", "targets": [{"translation": "你會如何描述耶拿交響曲的風格?", "mention": "耶拿交響曲"}, {"translation": "您如何形容【耶拿交響曲】的風格?", "mention": "耶拿交響曲"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
51 |
{"id": "Q3507592_2", "wikidata_id": "Q3507592", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "When was the Jena Symphony composed?", "targets": [{"translation": "耶拿交響曲是什麼時候創作的?", "mention": "耶拿交響曲"}, {"translation": "[耶拿交響曲]是什麼時候創作的?", "mention": "[耶拿交響曲"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
52 |
{"id": "Q449622_0", "wikidata_id": "Q449622", "entity_types": ["Person"], "source": "Who is Princess Henriette of Belgium?", "targets": [{"translation": "誰是亨麗埃特公主?", "mention": "亨麗埃特公主"}, {"translation": "亨麗埃特公主是誰?", "mention": "亨麗埃特公主"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
53 |
{"id": "Q486606_0", "wikidata_id": "Q486606", "entity_types": ["Food", "Plant"], "source": "How is Aleppo pepper traditionally used in cooking?", "targets": [{"translation": "傳統上阿勒頗辣椒在烹飪中是如何使用的?", "mention": "阿勒頗辣椒"}, {"translation": "阿勒頗辣椒傳統上如何用於烹飪?", "mention": "阿勒頗辣椒"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
54 |
{"id": "Q486606_1", "wikidata_id": "Q486606", "entity_types": ["Food", "Plant"], "source": "How is the Aleppo pepper different from other types of peppers?", "targets": [{"translation": "阿勒頗辣椒與其他辣椒有什麼不同?", "mention": "阿勒頗辣椒"}, {"translation": "阿勒頗辣椒與其他種類的辣椒有什麼不同?", "mention": "阿勒頗辣椒"}, {"translation": "阿勒頗辣椒與其他型別的辣椒有什麼不同?", "mention": "阿勒頗辣椒"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
55 |
{"id": "Q486606_2", "wikidata_id": "Q486606", "entity_types": ["Food", "Plant"], "source": "What is the flavor profile of the Aleppo pepper?", "targets": [{"translation": "阿勒頗辣椒的味道是什麼?", "mention": "阿勒頗辣椒"}, {"translation": "阿勒頗辣椒的味道是怎樣?", "mention": "阿勒頗辣椒"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
56 |
{"id": "Q6012286_0", "wikidata_id": "Q6012286", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "How many pages does the artwork In the Heart of the Sea have?", "targets": [{"translation": "航向長夜的捕鯨船:白鯨記》背後的真實故事的藝術品有多少頁?", "mention": "航向長夜的捕鯨船:白鯨記》背後的真實故事"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
57 |
{"id": "Q6012286_1", "wikidata_id": "Q6012286", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "Who is the author of the book In the Heart of the Sea?", "targets": [{"translation": "航向長夜的捕鯨船:白鯨記》背後的真實故事一書的作者是誰?", "mention": "航向長夜的捕鯨船:白鯨記》背後的真實故事"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
58 |
{"id": "Q6012286_2", "wikidata_id": "Q6012286", "entity_types": ["Artwork"], "source": "When was In the Heart of the Sea published?", "targets": [{"translation": "航向長夜的捕鯨船:白鯨記》背後的真實故事是什麼時候出版的?", "mention": "航向長夜的捕鯨船:白鯨記》背後的真實故事"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
59 |
{"id": "Q664500_0", "wikidata_id": "Q664500", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "Can you name another famous work by Arnold Schoenberg besides A Survivor from Warsaw?", "targets": [{"translation": "除了華沙倖存者,你能說出阿諾德·勳伯格的其他著名作品嗎?", "mention": "華沙倖存者"}, {"translation": "除了華沙倖存者,你能說出亞諾·荀白克的另一部著名作品嗎?", "mention": "華沙倖存者"}, {"translation": "除了華沙倖存者,你能說出阿諾德·勳伯格的另一部著名作品嗎?", "mention": "華沙倖存者"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
60 |
{"id": "Q664500_1", "wikidata_id": "Q664500", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "What is the musical genre of Arnold Schoenberg's A Survivor from Warsaw?", "targets": [{"translation": "阿諾德·勳伯格的華沙倖存者屬於哪種音樂流派?", "mention": "華沙倖存者"}, {"translation": "亞諾·荀白克的華沙倖存者的音樂流派是什麼?", "mention": "華沙倖存者"}, {"translation": "阿諾德·勳伯格的華沙倖存者的音樂流派是什麼?", "mention": "華沙倖存者"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
61 |
{"id": "Q664500_2", "wikidata_id": "Q664500", "entity_types": ["Musical work"], "source": "How would you describe the mood of the cantata A Survivor from Warsaw?", "targets": [{"translation": "你會如何描述清唱劇華沙倖存者的情感?", "mention": "華沙倖存者"}, {"translation": "你會如何描述清唱劇華沙倖存者》的調性?", "mention": "華沙倖存者"}, {"translation": "你會如何描述康塔塔華沙倖存者的情緒?", "mention": "華沙倖存者"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
62 |
{"id": "Q685338_0", "wikidata_id": "Q685338", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "How long has the Armenian Cemetery been in existence?", "targets": [{"translation": "莫斯科亞美尼亞公墓存在多久了?", "mention": "莫斯科亞美尼亞公墓"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
63 |
{"id": "Q685338_1", "wikidata_id": "Q685338", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "Where is the Armenian Cemetery located?", "targets": [{"translation": "莫斯科亞美尼亞公墓在哪裡?", "mention": "莫斯科亞美尼亞公墓"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
64 |
{"id": "Q685338_2", "wikidata_id": "Q685338", "entity_types": ["Landmark"], "source": "Is the Armenian Cemetery a famous landmark in Moscow?", "targets": [{"translation": "莫斯科亞美尼亞公墓是莫斯科著名的地標嗎?", "mention": "莫斯科亞美尼亞公墓"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
65 |
{"id": "Q7617111_0", "wikidata_id": "Q7617111", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "How would you describe the genre of Still Not Quite Human?", "targets": [{"translation": "你會如何描述機械小子之勇鬥機動戰士的類型?", "mention": "機械小子之勇鬥機動戰士"}, {"translation": "你會如何描述機械小子之勇鬥機動戰士的型別?", "mention": "機械小子之勇鬥機動戰士"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
66 |
{"id": "Q7617111_1", "wikidata_id": "Q7617111", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "Who directed the 1992 television film Still Not Quite Human?", "targets": [{"translation": "1992年電視電影機械小子之勇鬥機動戰士是誰導演的?", "mention": "機械小子之勇鬥機動戰士"}, {"translation": "誰是1992年電視電影機械小子之勇鬥機動戰士的導演?", "mention": "機械小子之勇鬥機動戰士"}, {"translation": "992年電視電影機械小子之勇鬥機動戰士是誰導演的?", "mention": "機械小子之勇鬥機動戰士"}, {"translation": "1992年電視電影機械小子之勇鬥機動戰士是誰執導的?", "mention": "機械小子之勇鬥機動戰士"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
67 |
{"id": "Q7617111_2", "wikidata_id": "Q7617111", "entity_types": ["Movie"], "source": "When was Still Not Quite Human released?", "targets": [{"translation": "機械小子之勇鬥機動戰士是什麼時候發行的?", "mention": "機械小子之勇鬥機動戰士"}, {"translation": "機械小子之勇鬥機動戰士是什麼時候上映的?", "mention": "機械小子之勇鬥機動戰士"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
68 |
{"id": "Q768605_0", "wikidata_id": "Q768605", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "What type of artwork is The Castle From Carpathians?", "targets": [{"translation": "喀爾巴阡古堡是什麼型別的藝術品?", "mention": "喀爾巴阡古堡"}, {"translation": "喀爾巴阡古堡是什麼類型的藝術品?", "mention": "喀爾巴阡古堡"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
69 |
{"id": "Q768605_1", "wikidata_id": "Q768605", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "In what year was The Castle From Carpathians published?", "targets": [{"translation": "喀爾巴阡古堡是哪一年出版的?", "mention": "喀爾巴阡古堡"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
70 |
{"id": "Q768605_2", "wikidata_id": "Q768605", "entity_types": ["Artwork", "Book"], "source": "Can you provide a brief description of Jules Verne's novel The Castle From Carpathians?", "targets": [{"translation": "你能簡要描述一下儒勒·凡爾納的小說喀爾巴阡古堡嗎?", "mention": "喀爾巴阡古堡"}, {"translation": "你可以簡要描述一下儒勒·凡爾納的小說喀爾巴阡古堡嗎?", "mention": "喀爾巴阡古堡"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
71 |
{"id": "Q8204552_0", "wikidata_id": "Q8204552", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "Does Iron Man's armor have any built-in weapons or offensive capabilities?", "targets": [{"translation": "鋼鐵人動力服是否有任何內建武器或進攻能力?", "mention": "鋼鐵人動力服"}, {"translation": "鋼鐵人動力服是否有任何內建武器或攻擊能力?", "mention": "鋼鐵人動力服"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
72 |
{"id": "Q8204552_1", "wikidata_id": "Q8204552", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "What materials are used to create Iron Man's armor?", "targets": [{"translation": "鋼鐵人動力服是用什麼材料來製作?", "mention": "鋼鐵人動力服"}, {"translation": "鋼鐵人動力服是用什麼材料來製作的?", "mention": "鋼鐵人動力服"}, {"translation": "用什麼材料來製作鋼鐵人動力服?", "mention": "鋼鐵人動力服"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
73 |
{"id": "Q8204552_2", "wikidata_id": "Q8204552", "entity_types": ["Fictional entity"], "source": "Can Iron Man's armor withstand high-impact attacks?", "targets": [{"translation": "鋼鐵人動力服能承受高衝擊力攻擊嗎?", "mention": "鋼鐵人動力服"}], "source_locale": "en", "target_locale": "zh"}
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The diff for this file is too large to render.
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