REN0430 commited on
verified ·
1 Parent(s): a157fa3

为助手回答添加 <think>\n> 标签,确保一致性

Browse files

添加 <think>\n> 标签到 assistant 回答的开始,确保符合thinke格式
- 在生成的 assistant 回答中增加了 <think>\n> 标签,确保在非工具调用的普通回答中正确应用。
- 经过测试,确保修改不会影响 tool_calls 逻辑和其他功能的正常运行。

Files changed (1) hide show
  1. tokenizer_config.json +2 -2
tokenizer_config.json CHANGED
@@ -31,5 +31,5 @@
  "sp_model_kwargs": {},
  "unk_token": null,
  "tokenizer_class": "LlamaTokenizerFast",
- "chat_template": "{% if not add_generation_prompt is defined %}{% set add_generation_prompt = false %}{% endif %}{% set ns = namespace(is_first=false, is_tool=false, is_output_first=true, system_prompt='', is_first_sp=true) %}{%- for message in messages %}{%- if message['role'] == 'system' %}{%- if ns.is_first_sp %}{% set ns.system_prompt = ns.system_prompt + message['content'] %}{% set ns.is_first_sp = false %}{%- else %}{% set ns.system_prompt = ns.system_prompt + '\\n\\n' + message['content'] %}{%- endif %}{%- endif %}{%- endfor %}{{ bos_token }}{{ ns.system_prompt }}{%- for message in messages %}{%- if message['role'] == 'user' %}{%- set ns.is_tool = false -%}{{'<|User|>' + message['content']}}{%- endif %}{%- if message['role'] == 'assistant' and 'tool_calls' in message %}{%- set ns.is_tool = false -%}{%- for tool in message['tool_calls'] %}{%- if not ns.is_first %}{%- if message['content'] is none %}{{'<|Assistant|><|tool▁calls▁begin|><|tool▁call▁begin|>' + tool['type'] + '<|tool▁sep|>' + tool['function']['name'] + '\\n' + '```json' + '\\n' + tool['function']['arguments'] + '\\n' + '```' + '<|tool▁call▁end|>'}}{%- else %}{{'<|Assistant|>' + message['content'] + '<|tool▁calls▁begin|><|tool▁call▁begin|>' + tool['type'] + '<|tool▁sep|>' + tool['function']['name'] + '\\n' + '```json' + '\\n' + tool['function']['arguments'] + '\\n' + '```' + '<|tool▁call▁end|>'}}{%- endif %}{%- set ns.is_first = true -%}{%- else %}{{'\\n' + '<|tool▁call▁begin|>' + tool['type'] + '<|tool▁sep|>' + tool['function']['name'] + '\\n' + '```json' + '\\n' + tool['function']['arguments'] + '\\n' + '```' + '<|tool▁call▁end|>'}}{%- endif %}{%- endfor %}{{'<|tool▁calls▁end|><|end▁of▁sentence|>'}}{%- endif %}{%- if message['role'] == 'assistant' and 'tool_calls' not in message %}{%- if ns.is_tool %}{{'<|tool▁outputs▁end|>' + message['content'] + '<|end▁of▁sentence|>'}}{%- set ns.is_tool = false -%}{%- else %}{% set content = message['content'] %}{% if '</think>' in content %}{% set content = content.split('</think>')[-1] %}{% endif %}{{'<|Assistant|>' + content + '<|end▁of▁sentence|>'}}{%- endif %}{%- endif %}{%- if message['role'] == 'tool' %}{%- set ns.is_tool = true -%}{%- if ns.is_output_first %}{{'<|tool▁outputs▁begin|><|tool▁output▁begin|>' + message['content'] + '<|tool▁output▁end|>'}}{%- set ns.is_output_first = false %}{%- else %}{{'<|tool▁output▁begin|>' + message['content'] + '<|tool▁output▁end|>'}}{%- endif %}{%- endif %}{%- endfor -%}{% if ns.is_tool %}{{'<|tool▁outputs▁end|>'}}{% endif %}{% if add_generation_prompt and not ns.is_tool %}{{'<|Assistant|><think>\\n'}}{% endif %}"
- }
  "sp_model_kwargs": {},
  "unk_token": null,
  "tokenizer_class": "LlamaTokenizerFast",
+ "chat_template": "{% if not add_generation_prompt is defined %}{% set add_generation_prompt = false %}{% endif %}{% set ns = namespace(is_first=false, is_tool=false, is_output_first=true, system_prompt='', is_first_sp=true) %}{%- for message in messages %}{%- if message['role'] == 'system' %}{%- if ns.is_first_sp %}{% set ns.system_prompt = ns.system_prompt + message['content'] %}{% set ns.is_first_sp = false %}{%- else %}{% set ns.system_prompt = ns.system_prompt + '\\n\\n' + message['content'] %}{%- endif %}{%- endif %}{%- endfor %}{{ bos_token }}{{ ns.system_prompt }}{%- for message in messages %}{%- if message['role'] == 'user' %}{%- set ns.is_tool = false -%}{{'<|User|>' + message['content']}}{%- endif %}{%- if message['role'] == 'assistant' and 'tool_calls' in message %}{%- set ns.is_tool = false -%}{%- for tool in message['tool_calls'] %}{%- if not ns.is_first %}{%- if message['content'] is none %}{{'<|Assistant|><|tool▁calls▁begin|><|tool▁call▁begin|>' + tool['type'] + '<|tool▁sep|>' + tool['function']['name'] + '\\n' + '```json' + '\\n' + tool['function']['arguments'] + '\\n' + '```' + '<|tool▁call▁end|>'}}{%- else %}{{'<|Assistant|>' + message['content'] + '<|tool▁calls▁begin|><|tool▁call▁begin|>' + tool['type'] + '<|tool▁sep|>' + tool['function']['name'] + '\\n' + '```json' + '\\n' + tool['function']['arguments'] + '\\n' + '```' + '<|tool▁call▁end|>'}}{%- endif %}{%- set ns.is_first = true -%}{%- else %}{{'\\n' + '<|tool▁call▁begin|>' + tool['type'] + '<|tool▁sep|>' + tool['function']['name'] + '\\n' + '```json' + '\\n' + tool['function']['arguments'] + '\\n' + '```' + '<|tool▁call▁end|>'}}{%- endif %}{%- endfor %}{{'<|tool▁calls▁end|><|end▁of▁sentence|>'}}{%- endif %}{%- if message['role'] == 'assistant' and 'tool_calls' not in message %}{%- if ns.is_tool %}{{'<|tool▁outputs▁end|>' + message['content'] + '<|end▁of▁sentence|>'}}{%- set ns.is_tool = false -%}{%- else %}{% set content = message['content'] %}{% if '</think>' in content %}{% set content = content.split('</think>')[-1] %}{% endif %}{{'<|Assistant|><think>\\n' + content + '<|end▁of▁sentence|>'}}{%- endif %}{%- endif %}{%- if message['role'] == 'tool' %}{%- set ns.is_tool = true -%}{%- if ns.is_output_first %}{{'<|tool▁outputs▁begin|><|tool▁output▁begin|>' + message['content'] + '<|tool▁output▁end|>'}}{%- set ns.is_output_first = false %}{%- else %}{{'<|tool▁output▁begin|>' + message['content'] + '<|tool▁output▁end|>'}}{%- endif %}{%- endif %}{%- endfor -%}{% if ns.is_tool %}{{'<|tool▁outputs▁end|>'}}{% endif %}{% if add_generation_prompt and not ns.is_tool %}{{'<|Assistant|><think>\\n'}}{% endif %}"
+ }