- Phase sensitivity at the Heisenberg limit in an SU(1,1) interferometer via parity detection We theoretically investigate the phase sensitivity with parity detection on an SU(1,1) interferometer with a coherent state combined with a squeezed vacuum state. This interferometer is formed with two parametric amplifiers for beam splitting and recombination instead of beam splitters. We show that the sensitivity of estimation phase approaches Heisenberg limit and give the corresponding optimal condition. Moreover, we derive the quantum Cram\'er-Rao bound of the SU(1,1) interferometer. 7 authors · Mar 29, 2016
- Single-shot Quantum Signal Processing Interferometry Quantum systems of infinite dimension, such as bosonic oscillators, provide vast resources for quantum sensing. Yet, a general theory on how to manipulate such bosonic modes for sensing beyond parameter estimation is unknown. We present a general algorithmic framework, quantum signal processing interferometry (QSPI), for quantum sensing at the fundamental limits of quantum mechanics by generalizing Ramsey-type interferometry. Our QSPI sensing protocol relies on performing nonlinear polynomial transformations on the oscillator's quadrature operators by generalizing quantum signal processing (QSP) from qubits to hybrid qubit-oscillator systems. We use our QSPI sensing framework to make efficient binary decisions on a displacement channel in the single-shot limit. Theoretical analysis suggests the sensing accuracy, given a single-shot qubit measurement, scales inversely with the sensing time or circuit depth of the algorithm. We further concatenate a series of such binary decisions to perform parameter estimation in a bit-by-bit fashion. Numerical simulations are performed to support these statements. Our QSPI protocol offers a unified framework for quantum sensing using continuous-variable bosonic systems beyond parameter estimation and establishes a promising avenue toward efficient and scalable quantum control and quantum sensing schemes beyond the NISQ era. 4 authors · Nov 22, 2023
- Quantum mechanics with real numbers: entanglement, superselection rules and gauges We show how imaginary numbers in quantum physics can be eliminated by enlarging the Hilbert Space followed by an imposition of - what effectively amounts to - a superselection rule. We illustrate this procedure with a qubit and apply it to the Mach-Zehnder interferometer. The procedure is somewhat reminiscent of the constrained quantization of the electromagnetic field, where, in order to manifestly comply with relativity, one enlargers the Hilbert Space by quantizing the longitudinal and scalar modes, only to subsequently introduce a constraint to make sure that they are actually not directly observable. 1 authors · Aug 10, 2023
- A comparison between higher-order nonclassicalities of superposition engineered coherent and thermal states We consider an experimentally obtainable SUP operator, defined by using a generalized superposition of products of field annihilation (a) and creation (a^dagger) operators of the type, A = saa^dagger+t{a^dagger}a with s^2+t^2=1. We apply this SUP operator on coherent and thermal quantum states, the states thus produced are referred as SUP-operated coherent state (SOCS) and SUP-operated thermal state (SOTS), respectively. In the present work, we report a comparative study between the higher-order nonclassical properties of SOCS and SOTS. The comparison is performed by using a set of nonclassicality witnesses (e.g., higher-order antiubunching, higher-order sub-Poissonian photon statistics, higher-order squeezing, Agarwal-Tara parameter, Klyshko's condition). The existence of higher-order nonclassicalities in SOCS and SOTS have been investigated for the first time. In view of possible experimental verification of the proposed scheme, we present exact calculations to reveal the effect of non-unit quantum efficiency of quantum detector on higher-order nonclassicalities. 2 authors · Apr 13, 2022
- A mechanism to generate varying speed of light via Higgs-dilaton coupling: Theory and cosmological applications We allow the Higgs field Phi to interact with a dilaton field chi of the background spacetime via the coupling chi^2,Phi^daggerPhi. Upon spontaneous gauge symmetry breaking, the Higgs VEV becomes proportional to chi. While traditionally this linkage is employed to make the Planck mass and particle masses dependent on chi, we present an textit alternative mechanism: the Higgs VEV will be used to construct Planck's constant hbar and speed of light c. Specifically, each open set vicinity of a given point x^* on the spacetime manifold is equipped with a replica of the Glashow-Weinberg-Salam action operating with its own effective values of hbar_* and c_* per hbar_*proptochi^{-1/2}(x^*) and c_*proptochi^{1/2}(x^*), causing these ``fundamental constants'' to vary alongside the dynamical field chi. Moreover, in each open set around x^*, the prevailing value chi(x^*) determines the length and time scales for physical processes occurring in this region as lproptochi^{-1}(x^*) and tauproptochi^{-3/2}(x^*). This leads to an textit anisotropic relation tau^{-1}propto l^{-3/2} between the rate of clocks and the length of rods, resulting in a distinct set of novel physical phenomena. For late-time cosmology, the variation of c along the trajectory of light waves from distant supernovae towards the Earth-based observer necessitates modifications to the Lema\^itre redshift relation and the Hubble law. These modifications are capable of: (1) Accounting for the Pantheon Catalog of SNeIa through a declining speed of light in an expanding Einstein--de Sitter universe, thus avoiding the need for dark energy; (2) Revitalizing Blanchard-Douspis-Rowan-Robinson-Sarkar's CMB power spectrum analysis that bypassed dark energy [A&A 412, 35 (2003)]; and (3) Resolving the H_0 tension without requiring a dynamical dark energy component. 1 authors · Aug 5, 2024
- Probing the axion-photon coupling with space-based gravitational waves detectors We propose a simple modification of space-based gravitational wave (GW) detector optical benches which would enable the measurement of vacuum birefringence of light induced by axion dark matterthrough its coupling to electromagnetism. Specifically, we propose to change a half-wave plate by a circular polarizer. While marginally affecting the sensitivity to GW by a factor 2, we show that such an adjustment would make future detectors such as LISA, TianQin, Taiji and Big-Bang Observer the most sensitive experiments at low axion masses 3 authors · Oct 23, 2024
1 All you need is spin: SU(2) equivariant variational quantum circuits based on spin networks Variational algorithms require architectures that naturally constrain the optimisation space to run efficiently. In geometric quantum machine learning, one achieves this by encoding group structure into parameterised quantum circuits to include the symmetries of a problem as an inductive bias. However, constructing such circuits is challenging as a concrete guiding principle has yet to emerge. In this paper, we propose the use of spin networks, a form of directed tensor network invariant under a group transformation, to devise SU(2) equivariant quantum circuit ans\"atze -- circuits possessing spin rotation symmetry. By changing to the basis that block diagonalises SU(2) group action, these networks provide a natural building block for constructing parameterised equivariant quantum circuits. We prove that our construction is mathematically equivalent to other known constructions, such as those based on twirling and generalised permutations, but more direct to implement on quantum hardware. The efficacy of our constructed circuits is tested by solving the ground state problem of SU(2) symmetric Heisenberg models on the one-dimensional triangular lattice and on the Kagome lattice. Our results highlight that our equivariant circuits boost the performance of quantum variational algorithms, indicating broader applicability to other real-world problems. 3 authors · Sep 13, 2023
- Gauge Invariant and Anyonic Symmetric Transformer and RNN Quantum States for Quantum Lattice Models Symmetries such as gauge invariance and anyonic symmetry play a crucial role in quantum many-body physics. We develop a general approach to constructing gauge invariant or anyonic symmetric autoregressive neural network quantum states, including a wide range of architectures such as Transformer and recurrent neural network (RNN), for quantum lattice models. These networks can be efficiently sampled and explicitly obey gauge symmetries or anyonic constraint. We prove that our methods can provide exact representation for the ground and excited states of the 2D and 3D toric codes, and the X-cube fracton model. We variationally optimize our symmetry incorporated autoregressive neural networks for ground states as well as real-time dynamics for a variety of models. We simulate the dynamics and the ground states of the quantum link model of U(1) lattice gauge theory, obtain the phase diagram for the 2D Z_2 gauge theory, determine the phase transition and the central charge of the SU(2)_3 anyonic chain, and also compute the ground state energy of the SU(2) invariant Heisenberg spin chain. Our approach provides powerful tools for exploring condensed matter physics, high energy physics and quantum information science. 6 authors · Jan 18, 2021
- Quantum coherence and distribution of N-partite bosonic fields in noninertial frame We study the quantum coherence and its distribution of N-partite GHZ and W states of bosonic fields in the noninertial frames with arbitrary number of acceleration observers. We find that the coherence of both GHZ and W state reduces with accelerations and freezes in the limit of infinite accelerations. The freezing value of coherence depends on the number of accelerated observers. The coherence of N-partite GHZ state is genuinely global and no coherence exists in any subsystems. For the N-partite W state, however, the coherence is essentially bipartite types, and the total coherence is equal to the sum of coherence of all the bipartite subsystems. 3 authors · Jan 4, 2022
- Assembly and coherent control of a register of nuclear spin qubits We introduce an optical tweezer platform for assembling and individually manipulating a two-dimensional register of nuclear spin qubits. Each nuclear spin qubit is encoded in the ground ^{1}S_{0} manifold of ^{87}Sr and is individually manipulated by site-selective addressing beams. We observe that spin relaxation is negligible after 5 seconds, indicating that T_1gg5 s. Furthermore, utilizing simultaneous manipulation of subsets of qubits, we demonstrate significant phase coherence over the entire register, estimating T_2^star = left(21pm7right) s and measuring T_2^echo=left(42pm6right) s. 21 authors · Aug 10, 2021
- e^+ e^- to μ^+ μ^- in the Asymptotically Safe Standard Model We study the electron-positron to muon--anti-muon cross-section in the asymptotically safe Standard Model. In particular, we include the graviton contributions to the scattering amplitude, which is computed from momentum-dependent time-like one-particle-irreducible correlation functions. Specifically, we employ reconstruction techniques for the graviton spectral functions. We find that the full asymptotically safe quantum cross section decreases in the ultraviolet with the centre-of-mass energy, and is compatible with unitarity bounds. Importantly, our findings provide non-trivial evidence for the unitarity of the asymptotically safe Standard Model. 4 authors · Dec 18, 2024
- The Virtual Quantum Optics Laboratory We present a web-based software tool, the Virtual Quantum Optics Laboratory (VQOL), that may be used for designing and executing realistic simulations of quantum optics experiments. A graphical user interface allows one to rapidly build and configure a variety of different optical experiments, while the runtime environment provides unique capabilities for visualization and analysis. All standard linear optical components are available as well as sources of thermal, coherent, and entangled Gaussian states. A unique aspect of VQOL is the introduction of non-Gaussian measurements using detectors modeled as deterministic devices that "click" when the amplitude of the light falls above a given threshold. We describe the underlying theoretical models and provide several illustrative examples. We find that VQOL provides a a faithful representation of many experimental quantum optics phenomena and may serve as both a useful instructional tool for students as well as a valuable research tool for practitioners. 5 authors · May 15, 2021
- Searching for a Leptophilic Z' and a 3-3-1 symmetry at CLIC We derive the discovery potential of a leptophilic Z', and a Z' rising from a SU(3) times SU(3)_L times U(1)_N symmetry at the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC), which is planned to host e^+e^- collisions with 3 TeV center-of-mass energy. We perform an optimized selection cut strategy on the transverse momentum, pseudorapidity, and invariant mass of the dileptons in order to enhance the collider sensitivity. We find that CLIC can potentially reach a 5sigma signal of a 1-3~TeV leptophilic Z' with less than 1fb^{-1} of integrated luminosity. As for the Z' belonging to a 3-3-1 symmetry, CLIC will offer a complementary probe with the potential to impose M_{Z^prime} > 3~TeV with L=2fb^{-1}. 6 authors · Sep 1, 2023
- Indirect measurement of atomic magneto-optical rotation via Hilbert transform The Kramers-Kronig relations are a pivotal foundation of linear optics and atomic physics, embedding a physical connection between the real and imaginary components of any causal response function. A mathematically equivalent, but simpler, approach instead utilises the Hilbert transform. In a previous study, the Hilbert transform was applied to absorption spectra in order to infer the sole refractive index of an atomic medium in the absence of an external magnetic field. The presence of a magnetic field causes the medium to become birefringent and dichroic, and therefore it is instead characterised by two refractive indices. In this study, we apply the same Hilbert transform technique to independently measure both refractive indices of a birefringent atomic medium, leading to an indirect measurement of atomic magneto-optical rotation. Key to this measurement is the insight that inputting specific light polarisations into an atomic medium induces absorption associated with only one of the refractive indices. We show this is true in two configurations, commonly referred to in literature as the Faraday and Voigt geometries, which differ by the magnetic field orientation with respect to the light wavevector. For both cases, we measure the two refractive indices independently for a Rb thermal vapour in a 0.6 T magnetic field, finding excellent agreement with theory. This study further emphasises the application of the Hilbert transform to the field of quantum and atomic optics in the linear regime. 4 authors · Mar 1, 2024
- The nature of an imaginary quasi-periodic oscillation in the soft-to-hard transition of MAXI J1820+070 A recent study shows that if the power spectra (PS) of accreting compact objects consist of a combination of Lorentzian functions that are coherent in different energy bands but incoherent with each other, the same is true for the Real and Imaginary parts of the cross spectrum (CS). Using this idea, we discovered imaginary quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) in NICER observations of the black hole candidate MAXI J1820+070. The imaginary QPOs appear as narrow features with a small Real and large Imaginary part in the CS but are not significantly detected in the PS when they overlap in frequency with other variability components. The coherence function drops and the phase lags increase abruptly at the frequency of the imaginary QPO. We show that the multi-Lorentzian model that fits the PS and CS of the source in two energy bands correctly reproduces the lags and the coherence, and that the narrow drop of the coherence is caused by the interaction of the imaginary QPO with other variability components. The imaginary QPO appears only in the decay of the outburst, during the transition from the high-soft to the low-hard state of MAXI J1820+070, and its frequency decreases from approximately 5 Hz to around 1 Hz as the source spectrum hardens. We also analysed the earlier observations of the transition, where no narrow features were seen, and we identified a QPO in the PS that appears to evolve into the imaginary QPO as the source hardens. As for the type-B and C QPOs in this source, the rms spectrum of the imaginary QPO increases with energy. The lags of the imaginary QPO are similar to those of the type-B and C QPOs above 2 keV but differ from the lags of those other QPOs below that energy. While the properties of this imaginary QPO resemble those of type-C QPOs, we cannot rule out that it is a new type of QPO. 5 authors · Feb 17
- Investigating Lorentz Invariance Violation Effects on CP Violation and Mass Hierarchy sensitivity at DUNE One of the current goals of neutrino experiments is to precisely determine standard unknown oscillation parameters such as the leptonic CP phase and mass hierarchy. Lorentz invariance violation represents a potential physics factor that could influence the experiment's ability to achieve these precise determinations. This study investigates the influence of Lorentz invariance violation (LIV) on oscillation dynamics, particularly through non-isotropic CPT-violating (a^{X}_{emu}, a^{X}_{etau}, a^{X}_{mutau}) and CPT-conserving (c^{XY}_{emu}, c^{XY}_{e tau}, c^{XY}_{mu tau}) parameters within the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE). We analyze the impact of these parameters on the mass hierarchy (MH) and Dirac CP phase sensitivity measurements. Our findings indicate that while MH sensitivity remains relatively unaffected, only the presence of c^{XY}_{mu tau} significantly deteriorates MH sensitivity, albeit remaining above the 5 sigma threshold. Additionally, we observe a substantial compromise in CP sensitivity due to the c^{XY}_{e mu} and c^{XY}_{e tau} parameters. 4 authors · Aug 2, 2024
- The SWAP test and the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect are equivalent We show that the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect from quantum optics is equivalent to the SWAP test, a quantum information primitive which compares two arbitrary states. We first derive a destructive SWAP test that doesn't need the ancillary qubit that appears in the usual quantum circuit. Then, we study the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect for two photons meeting at a beam splitter and prove it is, in fact, an optical implementation of the destructive SWAP test. This result offers both an interesting simple realization of a powerful quantum information primitive and an alternative way to understand and analyse the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect. 2 authors · Mar 27, 2013
- Anti-Hong-Ou-Mandel effect with entangled photons In the classical Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM) effect pairs of photons with bosonic (fermionic) spatial wavefunction coalesce (anti-coalesce) when mixed on a lossless beamsplitter. Here we report that the presence of dissipation in the beamsplitter allows the observation of the anti-HOM effect, where bosons anti-coalesce and fermions show coalescent-like behavior. We provide an experimental demonstration of the anti-HOM effect for both bosonic and fermionic two-photon entangled states. Beyond its fundamental significance, the anti-HOM effect offers applications in quantum information and metrology where states of entangled photons are dynamically converted. 4 authors · May 12, 2021
- Proposal for room-temperature quantum repeaters with nitrogen-vacancy centers and optomechanics We propose a quantum repeater architecture that can operate under ambient conditions. Our proposal builds on recent progress towards non-cryogenic spin-photon interfaces based on nitrogen-vacancy centers, which have excellent spin coherence times even at room temperature, and optomechanics, which allows to avoid phonon-related decoherence and also allows the emitted photons to be in the telecom band. We apply the photon number decomposition method to quantify the fidelity and the efficiency of entanglement established between two remote electron spins. We describe how the entanglement can be stored in nuclear spins and extended to long distances via quasi-deterministic entanglement swapping operations involving the electron and nuclear spins. We furthermore propose schemes to achieve high-fidelity readout of the spin states at room temperature using the spin-optomechanics interface. Our work shows that long-distance quantum networks made of solid-state components that operate at room temperature are within reach of current technological capabilities. 6 authors · Dec 11, 2020
- Five open problems in quantum information We identify five selected open problems in the theory of quantum information, which are rather simple to formulate, were well-studied in the literature, but are technically not easy. As these problems enjoy diverse mathematical connections, they offer a huge breakthrough potential. The first four concern existence of certain objects relevant for quantum information, namely a family of symmetric informationally complete generalized measurements in an infinite sequence of dimensions, mutually unbiased bases in dimension six, absolutely maximally entangled states for four subsystems with six levels each and bound entangled states with negative partial transpose. The fifth problem requires checking whether a certain state of a two-ququart system is 2-copy distillable. An award for solving each of them is announced. 3 authors · Feb 8, 2020
- Higgs-Induced Gravitational Waves: the Interplay of Non-Minimal Couplings, Kination and Top Quark Mass We explore a minimal scenario where the sole Standard-Model Higgs is responsible for reheating the Universe after inflation, produces a significant background of gravitational waves and maintains the full classical stability of the electroweak vacuum. As the Higgs self-coupling runs toward negative values at high energy scales, a non-minimal interaction with curvature during a stiff background expansion era drives the Higgs fluctuations closer to the instability scale. This curvature-induced tachyonic instability leads to an intense production of Higgs particles, accompanied by a stochastic gravitational-wave background. The characteristic features of such signal can be directly correlated to the inflationary scale, the non-minimal coupling parameter and the top quark Yukawa coupling. We distinguish between three possible scenarios: absolute stability with low top quark masses, potential vacuum instability, and absolute stability with new physics above the instability scale. Our findings suggest that the detection of a peaked background of gravitational waves together with its inflationary tail has the potential to unveil the features of the Higgs effective potential at very high energy scales while providing a minimal explanation for the reheating phase and the emergence of the Standard-Model plasma in the early Universe. Unlike other studies in the literature, the generation of gravitational waves in our scenario does not depend on the quantum instability of the Standard Model vacuum. 2 authors · Feb 6
- Principal Landau Determinants We reformulate the Landau analysis of Feynman integrals with the aim of advancing the state of the art in modern particle-physics computations. We contribute new algorithms for computing Landau singularities, using tools from polyhedral geometry and symbolic/numerical elimination. Inspired by the work of Gelfand, Kapranov, and Zelevinsky (GKZ) on generalized Euler integrals, we define the principal Landau determinant of a Feynman diagram. We illustrate with a number of examples that this algebraic formalism allows to compute many components of the Landau singular locus. We adapt the GKZ framework by carefully specializing Euler integrals to Feynman integrals. For instance, ultraviolet and infrared singularities are detected as irreducible components of an incidence variety, which project dominantly to the kinematic space. We compute principal Landau determinants for the infinite families of one-loop and banana diagrams with different mass configurations, and for a range of cutting-edge Standard Model processes. Our algorithms build on the Julia package Landau.jl and are implemented in the new open-source package PLD.jl available at https://mathrepo.mis.mpg.de/PLD/. 3 authors · Nov 27, 2023
- The Simons Observatory: Cryogenic Half Wave Plate Rotation Mechanism for the Small Aperture Telescopes We present the requirements, design and evaluation of the cryogenic continuously rotating half-wave plate (CHWP) for the Simons Observatory (SO). SO is a cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization experiment at Parque Astron\'{o}mico Atacama in northern Chile that covers a wide range of angular scales using both small (0.42 m) and large (6 m) aperture telescopes. In particular, the small aperture telescopes (SATs) focus on large angular scales for primordial B-mode polarization. To this end, the SATs employ a CHWP to modulate the polarization of the incident light at 8 Hz, suppressing atmospheric 1/f noise and mitigating systematic uncertainties that would otherwise arise due to the differential response of detectors sensitive to orthogonal polarizations. The CHWP consists of a 505 mm diameter achromatic sapphire HWP and a cryogenic rotation mechanism, both of which are cooled down to sim50 K to reduce detector thermal loading. Under normal operation the HWP is suspended by a superconducting magnetic bearing and rotates with a constant 2 Hz frequency, controlled by an electromagnetic synchronous motor. We find that the number of superconductors and magnets that make up the superconducting magnetic bearing are important design parameters, especially for the rotation mechanism's vibration performance. The rotation angle is detected through an angular encoder with a noise level of 0.07 muradmathrm{s}. During a cooldown, the rotor is held in place by a grip-and-release mechanism that serves as both an alignment device and a thermal path. In this paper we provide an overview of the SO SAT CHWP: its requirements, hardware design, and laboratory performance. 27 authors · Sep 26, 2023
- BPS and near-BPS black holes in AdS_5 and their spectrum in N=4 SYM We study quantum corrections in the gravitational path integral around nearly 1/16-BPS black holes in asymptotically AdS_5 times S^5 space, dual to heavy states in 4D N=4 super Yang-Mills. The analysis provides a gravitational explanation of why 1/16-BPS black holes exhibit an exact degeneracy at large N and why all such states have the same charges, confirming the belief that the superconformal index precisely counts the entropy of extremal black holes. We show the presence of a gap of order N^{-2} between the 1/16-BPS black holes and the lightest near-BPS black holes within the same charge sector. This is the first example of such a gap for black holes states within the context of AdS_5 holography. We also derive the spectrum of near-BPS states that lie above this gap. Our computation relies on finding the correct version of the N=2 super-Schwarzian theory which captures the breaking of the SU(1, 1|1) symmetry when the black hole has finite temperature and non-zero chemical potential. Finally, we comment on possible stringy and non-perturbative corrections that can affect the black hole spectrum. 4 authors · Mar 2, 2022
- Interference in Fuzzy Dark Matter Filaments: Idealised Models and Statistics Fuzzy (wave) dark matter (FDM), the dynamical model underlying an ultralight bosonic dark matter species, produces a rich set of non-gravitational signatures that distinguishes it markedly from the phenomenologically related warm (particle) dark matter (WDM) scenario. The emergence of extended interference fringes hosted by cosmic filaments is one such phenomenon reported by cosmological simulations, and a detailed understanding of such may strengthen existing limits on the boson mass but also break the degeneracy with WDM, and provide a unique fingerprint of interference in cosmology. In this paper, we provide initial steps towards this goal. In particular, we show in a bottom-up approach, how the presence of interference in an idealised filament population can lead to a non-suppressive feature in the matter power spectrum -- an observation supported by fully-cosmological FDM simulations. To this end, we build on a theoretically motivated and numerically observed steady-state approximation for filaments and express the equilibrium dynamics of such in an expansion of FDM eigenstates. We optimise the size of the expansion by incorporating classical phase-space information. Ellipsoidal collapse considerations are used to construct a fuzzy filament mass function which, together with the reconstructed FDM wave function, allow us to efficiently compute the one-filament power spectrum. We showcase our non-perturbative interference model for a selection of boson masses and confirm our approach is able to produce the matter power boost observed in fully-cosmological FDM simulations. More precisely, we find an excess in correlation between the spatial scale associated with the FDM ground state and the quantum pressure scale. We speculate about applications of this effect in data analysis. 5 authors · Dec 14, 2024
- Generating arbitrary polarization states by manipulating the thicknesses of a pair of uniaxial birefringent plates We report an optical method of generating arbitrary polarization states by manipulating the thicknesses of a pair of uniaxial birefringent plates, the optical axes of which are set at a crossing angle of {\pi}/4. The method has the remarkable feature of being able to generate a distribution of arbitrary polarization states in a group of highly discrete spectra without spatially separating the individual spectral components. The target polarization-state distribution is obtained as an optimal solution through an exploration. Within a realistic exploration range, a sufficient number of near-optimal solutions are found. This property is also reproduced well by a concise model based on a distribution of exploration points on a Poincar\'e sphere, showing that the number of near-optimal solutions behaves according to a power law with respect to the number of spectral components of concern. As a typical example of an application, by applying this method to a set of phase-locked highly discrete spectra, we numerically demonstrate the continuous generation of a vector-like optical electric field waveform, the helicity of which is alternated within a single optical cycle in the time domain. 4 authors · Aug 1, 2023
- Discovering heavy neutrino-antineutrino oscillations at the Z-pole Collider-testable type I seesaw extensions of the Standard Model are generally protected by an approximate lepton number (LN) symmetry. Consequently, they predict pseudo-Dirac heavy neutral leptons (HNLs) composed of two nearly degenerate Majorana fields. The interference between the two mass eigenstates can induce heavy neutrino-antineutrino oscillations (NNOs) leading to observable lepton number violation (LNV), even though the LN symmetry is approximately conserved. These NNOs could be resolved in long-lived HNL searches at collider experiments, such as the proposed Future Circular e^+e^- Collider (FCC-ee) or Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC). However, during their Z-pole runs, the LN carried away by the light (anti)neutrinos produced alongside the HNLs prevents LNV from being observed directly. Nevertheless, NNOs materialise as oscillating signatures in final state distributions. We discuss and compare a selection of such oscillating observables, and perform a Monte Carlo simulation to assess the parameter space in which NNOs could be resolved. 3 authors · Aug 2, 2024
- Inhomogeneous confinement and chiral symmetry breaking induced by imaginary angular velocity We investigate detailed properties of imaginary rotating matter with gluons and quarks at high temperature. Previously, we showed that imaginary rotation induces perturbative confinement of gluons at the rotation center. We perturbatively calculate the Polyakov loop potential and find inhomogeneous confinement above a certain threshold of imaginary angular velocity. We also evaluate the quark contribution to the Polyakov loop potential and confirm that spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking occurs in the perturbatively confined phase. 3 authors · Apr 1, 2024
- Aharonov-Bohm effects on the GUP framework Modifying the fundamental commutation relation of quantum mechanics to reflect the influence of gravity is an important approach to reconcile the contradiction between quantum field theory and general relativity. In the past two decades, researchers have conducted extensive research on geometric phase problems in non-commutative spaces, but few have mentioned the correction of geometric phase problems using the Generalized Uncertainty Principle (GUP). This paper is the first to study the phase correction of Aharonov-Bohm (AB) effect by GUP. 1 authors · Oct 12, 2024
- Gravitational wave signatures from reheating in Chern-Simons running-vacuum cosmology Within the context of a Chern-Simons running-vacuum-model (RVM) cosmology, one expects an early-matter dominated (eMD) reheating period after RVM inflation driven by the axion field. Treating thus in this work Chern-Simons RVM cosmology as an effective f(R) gravity theory characterized by logarithmic corrections of the spacetime curvature, we study the gravitational-wave (GW) signal induced by the nearly-scale invariant inflationary adiabatic curvature perturbations during the transition from the eMD era driven by the axion to the late radiation-dominated era. Remarkably, by accounting for the extra GW scalaron polarization present within f(R) gravity theories, we find regions in the parameter space of the theory where one is met with a distinctive induced GW signal with a universal f^6 high-frequency scaling compared to the f^7 scaling present in general relativity (GR). Interestingly enough, for axion masses m_a higher than 1 GeV and axion gauge couplings f_a above 10^{-3} Planck mass, one can produce induced GW spectra within the sensitivity bands of future GW observatories such as the Einstein Telescope (ET), the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA), the Big Bang Observer (BBO) and the Square Kilometer Arrays (SKA). 5 authors · Nov 21, 2024
- Beyond Symmetries : Anomalies in Transverse Ward--Takahashi Identities Anomalies in transverse Ward--Takahashi identities are studied, allowing discussion of the feasibility of anomalies arising in general non-symmetry Ward--Takahashi identities. We adopt the popular Fujikawa's method and rigorous dimensional renormalization to verify the existence of transverse anomalies to one-loop order and any loop order, respectively. The arbitrariness of coefficients of transverse anomalies is revealed, and a way out is also proposed after relating transverse anomalies to Schwinger terms and comparing symmetry and non-symmetry anomalies. Papers that claim the non-existence of transverse anomalies are reviewed to find anomalies hidden in their approaches. The role played by transverse anomalies is discussed. 2 authors · Dec 31, 2019
- Simulating 2+1D Lattice Quantum Electrodynamics at Finite Density with Neural Flow Wavefunctions We present a neural flow wavefunction, Gauge-Fermion FlowNet, and use it to simulate 2+1D lattice compact quantum electrodynamics with finite density dynamical fermions. The gauge field is represented by a neural network which parameterizes a discretized flow-based transformation of the amplitude while the fermionic sign structure is represented by a neural net backflow. This approach directly represents the U(1) degree of freedom without any truncation, obeys Guass's law by construction, samples autoregressively avoiding any equilibration time, and variationally simulates Gauge-Fermion systems with sign problems accurately. In this model, we investigate confinement and string breaking phenomena in different fermion density and hopping regimes. We study the phase transition from the charge crystal phase to the vacuum phase at zero density, and observe the phase seperation and the net charge penetration blocking effect under magnetic interaction at finite density. In addition, we investigate a magnetic phase transition due to the competition effect between the kinetic energy of fermions and the magnetic energy of the gauge field. With our method, we further note potential differences on the order of the phase transitions between a continuous U(1) system and one with finite truncation. Our state-of-the-art neural network approach opens up new possibilities to study different gauge theories coupled to dynamical matter in higher dimensions. 4 authors · Dec 14, 2022
- A photonic cluster state machine gun We present a method to convert certain single photon sources into devices capable of emitting large strings of photonic cluster state in a controlled and pulsed "on demand" manner. Such sources would greatly reduce the resources required to achieve linear optical quantum computation. Standard spin errors, such as dephasing, are shown to affect only 1 or 2 of the emitted photons at a time. This allows for the use of standard fault tolerance techniques, and shows that the photonic machine gun can be fired for arbitrarily long times. Using realistic parameters for current quantum dot sources, we conclude high entangled-photon emission rates are achievable, with Pauli-error rates per photon of less than 0.2%. For quantum dot sources the method has the added advantage of alleviating the problematic issues of obtaining identical photons from independent, non-identical quantum dots, and of exciton dephasing. 2 authors · Oct 14, 2008
- Resolving Pleiades binary stars with Gaia and speckle interferometric observations The Pleiades is the most prominent open star cluster visible from Earth and an important benchmark for simple stellar populations, unified by common origin, age, and distance. Binary stars are its essential ingredient, yet their contribution remains uncertain due to heavy observational biases. A resolved multiplicity survey was conducted for a magnitude-limited G < 15mag sample of 423 potential cluster members, including sources with poorly fitted astrometric solutions in Gaia DR3. Speckle interferometric observations at the 2.5 meter telescope of SAI MSU observatory were combined with Gaia data, enabling the identification of 61 resolved binary or multiple systems within the 0.04 - 10 arcsec (5 - 1350 au) separation range. With speckle observations, we discovered 21 components in 20 systems. The existence of a Merope (23 Tau) companion is confirmed after several previous unsuccessful attempts. We show that the Gaia multipeak fraction is a strong predictor of subarcsecond multiplicity, as all sources with ipd_frac_multi_peak > 4% are successfully resolved. We found that 10% of Pleiades stars have a companion with a mass ratio q > 0.5 within projected separation of 27 < s < 1350 au, and confirm a deficit of wide binaries with s > 300 au. An observed dearth of wide pairs with large mass ratio (q > 0.55) may imprint the transition from hard to soft binaries regime at the early stages of cluster evolution. The total binary fraction for q > 0.5 systems is extrapolated to be around 25%. 3 authors · Dec 30, 2024
- Comparing coherent and incoherent models for quantum homogenization Here we investigate the role of quantum interference in the quantum homogenizer, whose convergence properties model a thermalization process. In the original quantum homogenizer protocol, a system qubit converges to the state of identical reservoir qubits through partial-swap interactions, that allow interference between reservoir qubits. We design an alternative, incoherent quantum homogenizer, where each system-reservoir interaction is moderated by a control qubit using a controlled-swap interaction. We show that our incoherent homogenizer satisfies the essential conditions for homogenization, being able to transform a qubit from any state to any other state to arbitrary accuracy, with negligible impact on the reservoir qubits' states. Our results show that the convergence properties of homogenization machines that are important for modelling thermalization are not dependent on coherence between qubits in the homogenization protocol. We then derive bounds on the resources required to re-use the homogenizers for performing state transformations. This demonstrates that both homogenizers are universal for any number of homogenizations, for an increased resource cost. 4 authors · Sep 27, 2023
- Gravitational waves in massive gravity: Waveforms generated by a particle plunging into a black hole and the excitation of quasinormal modes and quasibound states With the aim of testing massive gravity in the context of black hole physics, we investigate the gravitational radiation emitted by a massive particle plunging into a Schwarzschild black hole from slightly below the innermost stable circular orbit. To do so, we first construct the quasinormal and quasibound resonance spectra of the spin-2 massive field for odd and even parity. Then, we compute the waveforms produced by the plunging particle and study their spectral content. This allows us to highlight and interpret important phenomena in the plunge regime, including (i) the excitation of quasibound states, with particular emphasis on the amplification and slow decay of the post-ringdown phase of the even-parity dipolar mode due to harmonic resonance; (ii) during the adiabatic phase, the waveform emitted by the plunging particle is very well described by the waveform emitted by the particle living on the innermost stable circular orbit, and (iii) the regularized waveforms and their unregularized counterparts constructed from the quasinormal mode spectrum are in excellent agreement. Finally, we construct, for arbitrary directions of observation and, in particular, outside the orbital plane of the plunging particle, the regularized multipolar waveforms, i.e., the waveforms constructed by summing over partial waveforms. 1 authors · Nov 25, 2024
1 Testing the Cosmological Principle: Astrometric Limits on Systemic Motion of Quasars at Different Cosmological Epochs A sample of 60,410 bona fide optical quasars with astrometric proper motions in Gaia EDR3 and spectroscopic redshifts above 0.5 in an oval 8400 square degree area of the sky is constructed. Using orthogonal Zernike functions of polar coordinates, the proper motion fields are fitted in a weighted least-squares adjustment of the entire sample and of six equal bins of sorted redshifts. The overall fit with 37 Zernike functions reveals a statistically significant pattern, which is likely to be of instrumental origin. The main feature of this pattern is a chain of peaks and dips mostly in the R.A. component with an amplitude of 25~muas yr^{-1}. This field is subtracted from each of the six analogous fits for quasars grouped by redshifts covering the range 0.5 through 7.03, with median values 0.72, 1.00, 1.25, 1.52, 1.83, 2.34. The resulting residual patterns are noisier, with formal uncertainties up to 8~muas yr^{-1} in the central part of the area. We detect a single high-confidence Zernike term for R.A. proper motion components of quasars with redshifts around 1.52 representing a general gradient of 30 muas yr^{-1} over 150degr on the sky. We do not find any small- or medium-scale systemic variations of the residual proper motion field as functions of redshift above the 2.5,sigma significance level. 2 authors · Feb 15, 2022
- Radiating Love: adiabatic tidal fluxes and modes up to next-to-next-to-leading post-Newtonian order We present the analytic evaluation of the gravitational energy and of the angular momentum flux with tidal effects for inspiraling compact binaries, at next-to-next-to-leading post-Newtoian (2PN) order, within the effective field theory diagrammatic approach. We first compute the stress-energy tensor for a binary system, that requires the evaluation of two-point Feynman integrals, up to two loops. Then, we extract the multipole moments of the system, which we present for generic orbits in center-of-mass coordinates, and which are needed for the evaluation of the total gravitational energy and the angular momentum flux, for generic orbits. Finally, we provide the expression of gauge invariant quantities such as the fluxes, and the mode amplitudes and phase of the emitted gravitational wave, for circular orbits. Our findings are useful to update earlier theoretical studies as well as related phenomenological analyses, and waveform models 4 authors · Dec 2, 2024
- Quantum limit for two-dimensional resolution of two incoherent optical point sources We obtain the multiple-parameter quantum Cram\'er-Rao bound for estimating the transverse Cartesian components of the centroid and separation of two incoherent optical point sources using an imaging system with finite spatial bandwidth. Under quite general and realistic assumptions on the point-spread function of the imaging system, and for weak source strengths, we show that the Cram\'er-Rao bounds for the x and y components of the separation are independent of the values of those components, which may be well below the conventional Rayleigh resolution limit. We also propose two linear optics-based measurement methods that approach the quantum bound for the estimation of the Cartesian components of the separation once the centroid has been located. One of the methods is an interferometric scheme that approaches the quantum bound for sub-Rayleigh separations. The other method using fiber coupling can in principle attain the bound regardless of the distance between the two sources. 3 authors · Jun 2, 2016
- Probing small-scale power spectrum with gravitational-wave diffractive lensing We develop a novel way to probe subgalactic-scale matter distribution with diffractive lensing on gravitational waves. Five-year observations from Einstein Telescope and DECIGO are expected to probe k= 10^5sim 10^8 ,{rm Mpc}^{-1} down to P(k) = 10^{-16} sim 10^{-14} ,{rm Mpc}^3 level. These results can be interpreted in terms of primordial black holes in the range M_{rm PBH} gtrsim 10^{-3}M_odot down to f_{rm PBH} = 10^{-6} level, or QCD axion minihalos in the range m_a = 10^{-3} sim 10^{-12} ,{rm eV}. A key result of the paper is the approximate relation between the scale k and the gravitational wave frequency f, derived in an ensemble of `multi-lensing' events. This relation enables direct measurement of the power spectrum at specific scales, with sensitivities characterized by model-independent kernels delta P(k). Additionally, we delineate the statistical properties of `multi-lensing' based on the `Fresnel number' N_F. When N_F cal O(1), the statistical significance can be approximately calculated by Variance of lensing effects, which is directly related to the power spectrum among other moments of matter distribution. 3 authors · Jan 24
- Surface codes: Towards practical large-scale quantum computation This article provides an introduction to surface code quantum computing. We first estimate the size and speed of a surface code quantum computer. We then introduce the concept of the stabilizer, using two qubits, and extend this concept to stabilizers acting on a two-dimensional array of physical qubits, on which we implement the surface code. We next describe how logical qubits are formed in the surface code array and give numerical estimates of their fault-tolerance. We outline how logical qubits are physically moved on the array, how qubit braid transformations are constructed, and how a braid between two logical qubits is equivalent to a controlled-NOT. We then describe the single-qubit Hadamard, S and T operators, completing the set of required gates for a universal quantum computer. We conclude by briefly discussing physical implementations of the surface code. We include a number of appendices in which we provide supplementary information to the main text. 4 authors · Aug 4, 2012
- Quantum Monte Carlo simulations in the restricted Hilbert space of Rydberg atom arrays Rydberg atom arrays have emerged as a powerful platform to simulate a number of exotic quantum ground states and phase transitions. To verify these capabilities numerically, we develop a versatile quantum Monte Carlo sampling technique which operates in the reduced Hilbert space generated by enforcing the constraint of a Rydberg blockade. We use the framework of stochastic series expansion and show that in the restricted space, the configuration space of operator strings can be understood as a hard rod gas in d+1 dimensions. We use this mapping to develop cluster algorithms which can be visualized as various non-local movements of rods. We study the efficiency of each of our updates individually and collectively. To elucidate the utility of the algorithm, we show that it can efficiently generate the phase diagram of a Rydberg atom array, to temperatures much smaller than all energy scales involved, on a Kagom\'e link lattice. This is of broad interest as the presence of a Z_2 spin liquid has been hypothesized recently. 1 authors · Sep 1, 2023
- Stability of Superconducting Strings We investigate the stability of superconducting strings as bound states of strings and fermion zero modes at both the classical and quantum levels. The dynamics of these superconducting strings can result in a stable configuration, known as a vorton. We mainly focus on global strings, but the majority of the discussion can be applied to local strings. Using lattice simulations, we study the classical dynamics of superconducting strings and confirm that they relax to the vorton configuration through Nambu-Goldstone boson radiation, with no evidence of over-shooting that would destabilize the vorton. We explore the tunneling of fermion zero modes out of the strings. Both our classical analysis and quantum calculations yield consistent results: the maximum energy of the zero mode significantly exceeds the fermion mass, in contrast to previous literature. Additionally, we introduce a world-sheet formalism to evaluate the decay rate of zero modes into other particles, which constitute the dominant decay channel. We also identify additional processes that trigger zero-mode decay due to non-adiabatic changes of the string configuration. In these decay processes, the rates are suppressed by the curvature of string loops, with exponential suppression for large masses of the final states. We further study the scattering with light charged particles surrounding the string core produced by the zero-mode current and find that a wide zero-mode wavefunction can enhance vorton stability. 4 authors · Dec 16, 2024
- Optimizing quantum phase estimation for the simulation of Hamiltonian eigenstates We revisit quantum phase estimation algorithms for the purpose of obtaining the energy levels of many-body Hamiltonians and pay particular attention to the statistical analysis of their outputs. We introduce the mean phase direction of the parent distribution associated with eigenstate inputs as a new post-processing tool. By connecting it with the unknown phase, we find that if used as its direct estimator, it exceeds the accuracy of the standard majority rule using one less bit of resolution, making evident that it can also be inverted to provide unbiased estimation. Moreover, we show how to directly use this quantity to accurately find the energy levels when the initialized state is an eigenstate of the simulated propagator during the whole time evolution, which allows for shallower algorithms. We then use IBM Q hardware to carry out the digital quantum simulation of three toy models: a two-level system, a two-spin Ising model and a two-site Hubbard model at half-filling. Methodologies are provided to implement Trotterization and reduce the variability of results in noisy intermediate scale quantum computers. 4 authors · Oct 14, 2019
- Observation of the open-charm tetraquark state T_{cs 0}^{*}(2870)^0 in the B^- rightarrow D^- D^0 K_S^0 decay An amplitude analysis of B^-rightarrow D^- D^0 K_S^0 decays is performed using proton-proton collision data, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 9,fb^{-1}, collected with the LHCb detector at center-of-mass energies of 7, 8, and 13,Tekern -0.1em V. A resonant structure of spin-parity 0^+ is observed in the D^0 K_S^0 invariant-mass spectrum with a significance of 5.3,sigma. The mass and width of the state, modeled with a Breit-Wigner lineshape, are determined to be 2883pm11pm6,Mekern -0.1em V!/c^2 and 87_{-47}^{+22}pm6,Mekern -0.1em V respectively, where the first uncertainties are statistical and the second systematic. These properties and the quark content are consistent with those of the open-charm tetraquark state T_{cs 0}^{*}(2870)^0 observed previously in the D^+ K^- final state of the B^-rightarrow D^- D^+ K^- decay. This result confirms the existence of the T_{cs 0}^{*}(2870)^0 state in a new decay mode. The T_{cs1}^{*}(2900)^0 state, reported in the B^-rightarrow D^- D^+ K^- decay, is also searched for in the D^0 K_S^0 invariant-mass spectrum of the B^- rightarrow D^- D^0 K_S^0 decay, without finding evidence for it. 1153 authors · Nov 29, 2024
- Single replica spin-glass phase detection using field variation and machine learning The Sherrington-Kirkpatrick spin-glass model used the replica symmetry method to find the phase transition of the system. In 1979-1980, Parisi proposed a solution based on replica symmetry breaking (RSB), which allowed him to identify the underlying phases of complex systems such as spin-glasses. Regardless of the method used for detection, the intrinsic phase of a system exists whether or not replicas are considered. We introduce a single replica method of spin-glass phase detection using the field's variation experienced by each spin in a system configuration. This method focuses on a single replica with quenched random couplings. Each spin inevitably observes a different field from the others. Our results show that the mean and variance of fields named "Spontaneous Configurational Field" experienced by spins are suitable indicators to explore different ferromagnetic, paramagnetic, and mixed phases. To classify different phases of the system with defined indicators we have developed an algorithm based on machine learning to analyze the desired samples. 4 authors · Nov 7, 2024
- Interferometer response characterization algorithm for multi-aperture Fabry-Perot imaging spectrometers In recent years, the demand for hyperspectral imaging devices has grown significantly, driven by their ability of capturing high-resolution spectral information. Among the several possible optical designs for acquiring hyperspectral images, there is a growing interest in interferometric spectral imaging systems based on division of aperture. These systems have the advantage of capturing snapshot acquisitions while maintaining a compact design. However, they require a careful calibration to operate properly. In this work, we present the interferometer response characterization algorithm (IRCA), a robust three-step procedure designed to characterize the transmittance response of multi-aperture imaging spectrometers based on the interferometry of Fabry-Perot. Additionally, we propose a formulation of the image formation model for such devices suitable to estimate the parameters of interest by considering the model under various regimes of finesse. The proposed algorithm processes the image output obtained from a set of monochromatic light sources and refines the results using nonlinear regression after an ad-hoc initialization. Through experimental analysis conducted on four different prototypes from the Image SPectrometer On Chip (ImSPOC) family, we validate the performance of our approach for characterization. The associated source code for this paper is available at https://github.com/danaroth83/irca. 5 authors · Mar 24, 2023
- High spin axion insulator Axion insulators possess a quantized axion field theta=pi protected by combined lattice and time-reversal symmetry, holding great potential for device applications in layertronics and quantum computing. Here, we propose a high-spin axion insulator (HSAI) defined in large spin-s representation, which maintains the same inherent symmetry but possesses a notable axion field theta=(s+1/2)^2pi. Such distinct axion field is confirmed independently by the direct calculation of the axion term using hybrid Wannier functions, layer-resolved Chern numbers, as well as the topological magneto-electric effect. We show that the guaranteed gapless quasi-particle excitation is absent at the boundary of the HSAI despite its integer surface Chern number, hinting an unusual quantum anomaly violating the conventional bulk-boundary correspondence. Furthermore, we ascertain that the axion field theta can be precisely tuned through an external magnetic field, enabling the manipulation of bonded transport properties. The HSAI proposed here can be experimentally verified in ultra-cold atoms by the quantized non-reciprocal conductance or topological magnetoelectric response. Our work enriches the understanding of axion insulators in condensed matter physics, paving the way for future device applications. 5 authors · Apr 18, 2024
- Two-photon interference: the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect Nearly 30 years ago, two-photon interference was observed, marking the beginning of a new quantum era. Indeed, two-photon interference has no classical analogue, giving it a distinct advantage for a range of applications. The peculiarities of quantum physics may now be used to our advantage to outperform classical computations, securely communicate information, simulate highly complex physical systems and increase the sensitivity of precise measurements. This separation from classical to quantum physics has motivated physicists to study two-particle interference for both fermionic and bosonic quantum objects. So far, two-particle interference has been observed with massive particles, among others, such as electrons and atoms, in addition to plasmons, demonstrating the extent of this effect to larger and more complex quantum systems. A wide array of novel applications to this quantum effect is to be expected in the future. This review will thus cover the progress and applications of two-photon (two-particle) interference over the last three decades. 8 authors · Jun 16, 2020
- Cosmic Multipoles in Galaxy Surveys Part I: How Inferences Depend on Source Counts and Masks We present a new approach to constructing and fitting dipoles and higher-order multipoles in synthetic galaxy samples over the sky. Within our Bayesian paradigm, we illustrate that this technique is robust to masked skies, allowing us to make credible inferences about the relative contributions of each multipole. We also show that dipoles can be recovered in surveys with small footprints, determining the requisite source counts required for concrete estimation of the dipole parameters. This work is motivated by recent probes of the cosmic dipole in galaxy catalogues. Namely, the kinematic dipole of the Cosmic Microwave Background, as arising from the motion of our heliocentric frame at approx 370 km,s^{-1}, implies that an analogous dipole should be observed in the number counts of galaxies in flux-density-limited samples. Recent studies have reported a dipole aligning with the kinematic dipole but with an anomalously large amplitude. Accordingly, our new technique will be important as forthcoming galaxy surveys are made available and for revisiting previous data. 3 authors · Dec 17, 2024
- Symmetries and Asymptotically Flat Space The construction of a theory of quantum gravity is an outstanding problem that can benefit from better understanding the laws of nature that are expected to hold in regimes currently inaccessible to experiment. Such fundamental laws can be found by considering the classical counterparts of a quantum theory. For example, conservation laws in a quantum theory often stem from conservation laws of the corresponding classical theory. In order to construct such laws, this thesis is concerned with the interplay between symmetries and conservation laws of classical field theories and their application to asymptotically flat spacetimes. This work begins with an explanation of symmetries in field theories with a focus on variational symmetries and their associated conservation laws. Boundary conditions for general relativity are then formulated on three-dimensional asymptotically flat spacetimes at null infinity using the method of conformal completion. Conserved quantities related to asymptotic symmetry transformations are derived and their properties are studied. This is done in a manifestly coordinate independent manner. In a separate step a coordinate system is introduced, such that the results can be compared to existing literature. Next, asymptotically flat spacetimes which contain both future as well as past null infinity are considered. Asymptotic symmetries occurring at these disjoint regions of three-dimensional asymptotically flat spacetimes are linked and the corresponding conserved quantities are matched. Finally, it is shown how asymptotic symmetries lead to the notion of distinct Minkowski spaces that can be differentiated by conserved quantities. 1 authors · Mar 16, 2020
- Separating source-intrinsic and Lorentz invariance violation induced delays in the very high energy emission of blazar flares Aims: The aim of the present study is to explore how to disentangle energy-dependent time delays due to a possible Lorentz invariance violation (LIV) at Planck scale from intrinsic delays expected in standard blazar flares. Methods: We first characterise intrinsic time delays in BL Lacs and Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars in standard one-zone time-dependent synchrotron self-Compton or external Compton models, during flares produced by particle acceleration and cooling processes. We simulate families of flares with both intrinsic and external LIV-induced energy-dependent delays. Discrimination between intrinsic and LIV delays is then investigated in two different ways. A technique based on Euclidean distance calculation between delays obtained in the synchrotron and in the inverse-Compton spectral bumps is used to assess their degree of correlation. A complementary study is performed using spectral hardness versus intensity diagrams in both energy ranges. Results: We show that the presence of non-negligible LIV effects, which essentially act only at very high energies (VHE), can drastically reduce the strong correlation expected between the X-ray and the VHE gamma-ray emission in leptonic scenarios. The LIV phenomenon can then be hinted at measuring the Euclidean distance d_{E} from simultaneous X-ray and gamma-ray flare monitoring. Large values of minimal distance d_{E,min} would directly indicate the influence of non-intrinsic time delays possibly due to LIV in SSC flares. LIV effects can also significantly modify the VHE hysteresis patterns in hardness-intensity diagrams and even change their direction of rotation as compared to the X-ray behaviour. Both observables could be used to discriminate between LIV and intrinsic delays, provided high quality flare observations are available. 3 authors · Jun 3, 2024
- The Four-Point Correlator of Planar sYM at Twelve Loops We determine the 4-point correlation function and amplitude in planar, maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory to 12 loops. We find that the recently-introduced 'double-triangle' rule in fact implies the previously described square and pentagon rules; and when applied to 12 loops, it fully determines the 11-loop correlator and fixes all but 3 of the (22,024,902) 12-loop coefficients; these remaining coefficients can be subsequently fixed using the '(single-)triangle' rule. Not only do we confirm the Catalan conjecture for anti-prism graphs, but we discover evidence for a greatly generalized Catalan conjecture for the coefficients of all polygon-framed fishnet graphs. We provide all contributions through 12 loops as ancillary files to this work. 4 authors · Mar 19
- Lectures in Quantum Gravity Formulating a quantum theory of gravity lies at the heart of fundamental theoretical physics. This collection of lecture notes encompasses a selection of topics that were covered in six mini-courses at the Nordita PhD school "Towards Quantum Gravity". The scope was to provide a coherent picture, from its foundation to forefront research, emphasizing connections between different areas. The lectures begin with perturbative quantum gravity and effective field theory. Subsequently, two ultraviolet-complete approaches are presented: asymptotically safe gravity and string theory. Finally, elements of quantum effects in black hole spacetimes are discussed. 6 authors · Dec 11, 2024
- Lake- and Surface-Based Detectors for Forward Neutrino Physics We propose two medium-baseline, kiloton-scale neutrino experiments to study neutrinos from LHC proton-proton collisions: SINE, a surface-based scintillator panel detector observing muon neutrinos from the CMS interaction point, and UNDINE, a water Cherenkov detector submerged in lake Geneva observing all-flavor neutrinos from LHCb. Using a Monte Carlo simulation, we estimate millions of neutrino interactions during the high-luminosity LHC era. We show that these datasets can constrain neutrino cross sections, charm production in pp collisions, and strangeness enhancement as a solution to the cosmic-ray muon puzzle. SINE and UNDINE thus offer a cost-effective medium-baseline complement to the proposed short-baseline forward physics facility. 5 authors · Jan 14
- Planck 2018 results. V. CMB power spectra and likelihoods This paper describes the 2018 Planck CMB likelihoods, following a hybrid approach similar to the 2015 one, with different approximations at low and high multipoles, and implementing several methodological and analysis refinements. With more realistic simulations, and better correction and modelling of systematics, we can now make full use of the High Frequency Instrument polarization data. The low-multipole 100x143 GHz EE cross-spectrum constrains the reionization optical-depth parameter tau to better than 15% (in combination with with the other low- and high-ell likelihoods). We also update the 2015 baseline low-ell joint TEB likelihood based on the Low Frequency Instrument data, which provides a weaker tau constraint. At high multipoles, a better model of the temperature-to-polarization leakage and corrections for the effective calibrations of the polarization channels (polarization efficiency or PE) allow us to fully use the polarization spectra, improving the constraints on the LambdaCDM parameters by 20 to 30% compared to TT-only constraints. Tests on the modelling of the polarization demonstrate good consistency, with some residual modelling uncertainties, the accuracy of the PE modelling being the main limitation. Using our various tests, simulations, and comparison between different high-ell implementations, we estimate the consistency of the results to be better than the 0.5sigma level. Minor curiosities already present before (differences between ell<800 and ell>800 parameters or the preference for more smoothing of the C_ell peaks) are shown to be driven by the TT power spectrum and are not significantly modified by the inclusion of polarization. Overall, the legacy Planck CMB likelihoods provide a robust tool for constraining the cosmological model and represent a reference for future CMB observations. (Abridged) 168 authors · Jul 30, 2019
- Does provable absence of barren plateaus imply classical simulability? Or, why we need to rethink variational quantum computing A large amount of effort has recently been put into understanding the barren plateau phenomenon. In this perspective article, we face the increasingly loud elephant in the room and ask a question that has been hinted at by many but not explicitly addressed: Can the structure that allows one to avoid barren plateaus also be leveraged to efficiently simulate the loss classically? We present strong evidence that commonly used models with provable absence of barren plateaus are also classically simulable, provided that one can collect some classical data from quantum devices during an initial data acquisition phase. This follows from the observation that barren plateaus result from a curse of dimensionality, and that current approaches for solving them end up encoding the problem into some small, classically simulable, subspaces. Thus, while stressing quantum computers can be essential for collecting data, our analysis sheds serious doubt on the non-classicality of the information processing capabilities of parametrized quantum circuits for barren plateau-free landscapes. We end by discussing caveats in our arguments, the role of smart initializations and the possibility of provably superpolynomial, or simply practical, advantages from running parametrized quantum circuits. 12 authors · Dec 14, 2023
- Post-processing subtraction of tilt-to-length noise in LISA in the presence of gravitational wave signals The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) will be the first space-based gravitational wave (GW) observatory. It will measure gravitational wave signals in the frequency regime from 0.1 mHz to 1 Hz. The success of these measurements will depend on the suppression of the various instrument noises. One important noise source in LISA will be tilt-to-length (TTL) coupling. Here, it is understood as the coupling of angular jitter, predominantly from the spacecraft, into the interferometric length readout. The current plan is to subtract this noise in-flight in post-processing as part of a noise minimization strategy. It is crucial to distinguish TTL coupling well from the GW signals in the same readout to ensure that the noise will be properly modeled. Furthermore, it is important that the subtraction of TTL noise will not degrade the GW signals. In the present manuscript, we show on simulated LISA data and for four different GW signal types that the GW responses have little effect on the quality of the TTL coupling fit and subtraction. Also, the GW signal characteristics were not altered by the TTL coupling subtraction. 5 authors · Nov 21, 2024
- Observable Statistical Mechanics Understanding equilibration and thermalization in isolated many-body quantum systems is a central challenge in quantum physics. The traditional approach focuses on the study of the full state of the quantum system which, at equilibrium, is best described by the Diagonal Ensemble. Here, we present Observable Statistical Mechanics, a novel paradigm that shifts attention from the full quantum state to the statistics of measurement outcomes. This approach is grounded in the Maximum Observable Entropy Principle, positing that equilibrium measurement statistics tend to maximize observable entropy under conserved average energy. By focusing on accessible measurements, the theory accurately predicts equilibrium probability distributions without needing detailed microscopic information like the energy eigenstates. Extensive numerical experiments on 7 spin-1/2 Hamiltonians demonstrate the broad applicability and robustness of this framework. 4 authors · Sep 26, 2023
1 A new type of Neutrino Detector for Sterile Neutrino Search at Nuclear Reactors and Nuclear Nonproliferation Applications We describe a new detector, called NuLat, to study electron anti-neutrinos a few meters from a nuclear reactor, and search for anomalous neutrino oscillations. Such oscillations could be caused by sterile neutrinos, and might explain the "Reactor Antineutrino Anomaly". NuLat, is made possible by a natural synergy between the miniTimeCube and mini-LENS programs described in this paper. It features a "Raghavan Optical Lattice" (ROL) consisting of 3375 boron or ^6Li loaded plastic scintillator cubical cells 6.3\,cm (2.500") on a side. Cell boundaries have a 0.127\,mm (0.005") air gap, resulting in total internal reflection guiding most of the light down the 3 cardinal directions. The ROL detector technology for NuLat gives excellent spatial and energy resolution and allows for in-depth event topology studies. These features allow us to discern inverse beta decay (IBD) signals and the putative oscillation pattern, even in the presence of other backgrounds. We discuss here test venues, efficiency, sensitivity and project status. 24 authors · Jan 27, 2015
- Multi-state quantum simulations via model-space quantum imaginary time evolution We introduce the framework of model space into quantum imaginary time evolution (QITE) to enable stable estimation of ground and excited states using a quantum computer. Model-space QITE (MSQITE) propagates a model space to the exact one by retaining its orthogonality, and hence is able to describe multiple states simultaneously. The quantum Lanczos (QLanczos) algorithm is extended to MSQITE to accelerate the convergence. The present scheme is found to outperform both the standard QLanczos and the recently proposed folded-spectrum QITE in simulating excited states. Moreover, we demonstrate that spin contamination can be effectively removed by shifting the imaginary time propagator, and thus excited states with a particular spin quantum number are efficiently captured without falling into the different spin states that have lower energies. We also investigate how different levels of the unitary approximation employed in MSQITE can affect the results. The effectiveness of the algorithm over QITE is demonstrated by noise simulations for the H4 model system. 4 authors · Jun 9, 2022
- Expanding covariant cosmography of the local Universe: incorporating the snap and axial symmetry Studies show that the model-independent, fully non-perturbative covariant cosmographic approach is suitable for analyzing the local Universe (zlesssim 0.1). However, accurately characterizing large and inhomogeneous mass distributions requires the fourth-order term in the redshift expansion of the covariant luminosity distance d_L(z,n). We calculate the covariant snap parameter S and its spherical harmonic multipole moments using the matter expansion tensor and the evolution equations for lightray bundles. The fourth-order term adds 36 degrees of freedom, since the highest independent multipole of the snap is the 32-pole (dotriacontapole) (ell=5). Including this term helps to de-bias estimations of the covariant deceleration parameter. Given that observations suggest axially symmetric anisotropies in the Hubble diagram for z lesssim 0.1 and theory shows that only a subset of multipoles contributes to the signal, we demonstrate that only 12 degrees of freedom are needed for a model-independent description of the local universe. We use an analytical axisymmetric model of the local Universe, with data that matches the Zwicky Transient Facility survey, in order to provide a numerical example of the amplitude of the snap multipoles and to forecast precision. 6 authors · Aug 8, 2024
- Strong pairing and symmetric pseudogap metal in double Kondo lattice model: from nickelate superconductor to tetralayer optical lattice In this work, we propose and study a double Kondo lattice model which hosts robust superconductivity. The system consists of two identical Kondo lattice model, each with Kondo coupling J_K within each layer, while the localized spin moments are coupled together via an inter-layer on-site antiferromagnetic spin coupling J_perp. We consider the strong J_perp limit, wherein the local moments tend to form rung singlets and are thus gapped. However, the Kondo coupling J_K transmits the inter-layer entanglement between the local moments to the itinerant electrons. Consequently, the itinerant electrons experience a strong inter-layer antiferromangetic spin coupling and form strong inter-layer pairing, which is confirmed through numerical simulation in one dimensional system. Experimentally, the J_K rightarrow -infty limits of the model describes the recently found bilayer nickelate La_3Ni_2O_7, while the J_K>0 side can be realized in tetralayer optical lattice of cold atoms. Two extreme limits, J_K rightarrow -infty and J_K rightarrow +infty limit are shown to be simplified to a bilayer type II t-J model and a bilayer one-orbital t-J model, respectively. Thus, our double Kondo lattice model offers a unified framework for nickelate superconductor and tetralayer optical lattice quantum simulator upon changing the sign of J_K. We highlight both the qualitative similarity and the quantitative difference in the two sides of J_K. Finally, we discuss the possibility of a symmetric Kondo breakdown transition in the model with a symmetric pseudogap metal corresponding to the usual heavy Fermi liquid. 3 authors · Aug 2, 2024
1 Positive Geometries and Canonical Forms Recent years have seen a surprising connection between the physics of scattering amplitudes and a class of mathematical objects--the positive Grassmannian, positive loop Grassmannians, tree and loop Amplituhedra--which have been loosely referred to as "positive geometries". The connection between the geometry and physics is provided by a unique differential form canonically determined by the property of having logarithmic singularities (only) on all the boundaries of the space, with residues on each boundary given by the canonical form on that boundary. In this paper we initiate an exploration of "positive geometries" and "canonical forms" as objects of study in their own right in a more general mathematical setting. We give a precise definition of positive geometries and canonical forms, introduce general methods for finding forms for more complicated positive geometries from simpler ones, and present numerous examples of positive geometries in projective spaces, Grassmannians, and toric, cluster and flag varieties. We also illustrate a number of strategies for computing canonical forms which yield interesting representations for the forms associated with wide classes of positive geometries, ranging from the simplest Amplituhedra to new expressions for the volume of arbitrary convex polytopes. 3 authors · Mar 13, 2017
- Error Correction of Quantum Algorithms: Arbitrarily Accurate Recovery Of Noisy Quantum Signal Processing The intrinsic probabilistic nature of quantum systems makes error correction or mitigation indispensable for quantum computation. While current error-correcting strategies focus on correcting errors in quantum states or quantum gates, these fine-grained error-correction methods can incur significant overhead for quantum algorithms of increasing complexity. We present a first step in achieving error correction at the level of quantum algorithms by combining a unified perspective on modern quantum algorithms via quantum signal processing (QSP). An error model of under- or over-rotation of the signal processing operator parameterized by epsilon < 1 is introduced. It is shown that while Pauli Z-errors are not recoverable without additional resources, Pauli X and Y errors can be arbitrarily suppressed by coherently appending a noisy `recovery QSP.' Furthermore, it is found that a recovery QSP of length O(2^k c^{k^2} d) is sufficient to correct any length-d QSP with c unique phases to k^{th}-order in error epsilon. Allowing an additional assumption, a lower bound of Omega(cd) is shown, which is tight for k = 1, on the length of the recovery sequence. Our algorithmic-level error correction method is applied to Grover's fixed-point search algorithm as a demonstration. 4 authors · Jan 20, 2023
- Driving Enhanced Exciton Transfer by Automatic Differentiation We model and study the processes of excitation, absorption, and transfer in various networks. The model consists of a harmonic oscillator representing a single-mode radiation field, a qubit acting as an antenna, a network through which the excitation propagates, and a qubit at the end serving as a sink. We investigate how off-resonant excitations can be optimally absorbed and transmitted through the network. Three strategies are considered: optimising network energies, adjusting the couplings between the radiation field, the antenna, and the network, or introducing and optimising driving fields at the start and end of the network. These strategies are tested on three different types of network with increasing complexity: nearest-neighbour and star configurations, and one associated with the Fenna-Matthews-Olson complex. The results show that, among the various strategies, the introduction of driving fields is the most effective, leading to a significant increase in the probability of reaching the sink in a given time. This result remains stable across networks of varying dimensionalities and types, and the driving process requires only a few parameters to be effective. 6 authors · Nov 26, 2024
- Coherent shuttle of electron-spin states We demonstrate a coherent spin shuttle through a GaAs/AlGaAs quadruple-quantum-dot array. Starting with two electrons in a spin-singlet state in the first dot, we shuttle one electron over to either the second, third or fourth dot. We observe that the separated spin-singlet evolves periodically into the m=0 spin-triplet and back before it dephases due to nuclear spin noise. We attribute the time evolution to differences in the local Zeeman splitting between the respective dots. With the help of numerical simulations, we analyse and discuss the visibility of the singlet-triplet oscillations and connect it to the requirements for coherent spin shuttling in terms of the inter-dot tunnel coupling strength and rise time of the pulses. The distribution of entangled spin pairs through tunnel coupled structures may be of great utility for connecting distant qubit registers on a chip. 5 authors · Jan 3, 2017
- Subsystem codes with high thresholds by gauge fixing and reduced qubit overhead We introduce a technique that uses gauge fixing to significantly improve the quantum error correcting performance of subsystem codes. By changing the order in which check operators are measured, valuable additional information can be gained, and we introduce a new method for decoding which uses this information to improve performance. Applied to the subsystem toric code with three-qubit check operators, we increase the threshold under circuit-level depolarising noise from 0.67% to 0.81%. The threshold increases further under a circuit-level noise model with small finite bias, up to 2.22% for infinite bias. Furthermore, we construct families of finite-rate subsystem LDPC codes with three-qubit check operators and optimal-depth parity-check measurement schedules. To the best of our knowledge, these finite-rate subsystem codes outperform all known codes at circuit-level depolarising error rates as high as 0.2%, where they have a qubit overhead that is 4.3times lower than the most efficient version of the surface code and 5.1times lower than the subsystem toric code. Their threshold and pseudo-threshold exceeds 0.42% for circuit-level depolarising noise, increasing to 2.4% under infinite bias using gauge fixing. 2 authors · Oct 19, 2020