- Learning the greatest common divisor: explaining transformer predictions The predictions of small transformers, trained to calculate the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two positive integers, can be fully characterized by looking at model inputs and outputs. As training proceeds, the model learns a list mathcal D of integers, products of divisors of the base used to represent integers and small primes, and predicts the largest element of mathcal D that divides both inputs. Training distributions impact performance. Models trained from uniform operands only learn a handful of GCD (up to 38 GCD leq100). Log-uniform operands boost performance to 73 GCD leq 100, and a log-uniform distribution of outcomes (i.e. GCD) to 91. However, training from uniform (balanced) GCD breaks explainability. 1 authors · Aug 29, 2023
- Fixed point conditions for non-coprime actions In the setting of finite groups, suppose J acts on N via automorphisms so that the induced semidirect product Nrtimes J acts on some non-empty set Omega, with N acting transitively. Glauberman proved that if the orders of J and N are coprime, then J fixes a point in Omega. We consider the non-coprime case and show that if N is abelian and a Sylow p-subgroup of J fixes a point in Omega for each prime p, then J fixes a point in Omega. We also show that if N is nilpotent, Nrtimes J is supersoluble, and a Sylow p-subgroup of J fixes a point in Omega for each prime p, then J fixes a point in Omega. 1 authors · Aug 23, 2023
- On affine spaces of alternating matrices with constant rank Let F be a field, and n geq r>0 be integers, with r even. Denote by A_n(F) the space of all n-by-n alternating matrices with entries in F. We consider the problem of determining the greatest possible dimension for an affine subspace of A_n(F) in which every matrix has rank equal to r (or rank at least r). Recently Rubei has solved this problem over the field of real numbers. We extend her result to all fields with large enough cardinality. Provided that n geq r+3 and |F|geq minbigl(r-1,r{2}+2bigr), we also determine the affine subspaces of rank r matrices in A_n(F) that have the greatest possible dimension, and we point to difficulties for the corresponding problem in the case nleq r+2. 1 authors · Jul 19, 2023
- The Pseudoinverse of A=CR is A^+=R^+C^+ (?) This paper gives three formulas for the pseudoinverse of a matrix product A = CR. The first is sometimes correct, the second is always correct, and the third is almost never correct. But that third randomized pseudoinverse A^+_r may be very useful when A is a very large matrix. 1. A^+ = R^+C^+ when A = CR and C has independent columns and R has independent rows. 2. A^+ = (C^+CR)^+(CRR^+)^+ is always correct. 3. A^+_r = (P^TCR)^+P^TCRQ(CRQ)^+ = A^+ only when rank(P^TA) = rank(AQ) = rank(A) with A = CR. 2 authors · May 2, 2023