open-deep-research / scripts /
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Start agent
from typing import Optional
from smolagents import Tool
from smolagents.models import MessageRole, Model
from .mdconvert import MarkdownConverter
class TextInspectorTool(Tool):
name = "inspect_file_as_text"
description = """
You cannot load files yourself: instead call this tool to read a file as markdown text and ask questions about it.
This tool handles the following file extensions: [".html", ".htm", ".xlsx", ".pptx", ".wav", ".mp3", ".flac", ".pdf", ".docx"], and all other types of text files. IT DOES NOT HANDLE IMAGES."""
inputs = {
"file_path": {
"description": "The path to the file you want to read as text. Must be a '.something' file, like '.pdf'. If it is an image, use the visualizer tool instead! DO NOT use this tool for an HTML webpage: use the web_search tool instead!",
"type": "string",
"question": {
"description": "[Optional]: Your question, as a natural language sentence. Provide as much context as possible. Do not pass this parameter if you just want to directly return the content of the file.",
"type": "string",
"nullable": True,
output_type = "string"
md_converter = MarkdownConverter()
def __init__(self, model: Model, text_limit: int):
self.model = model
self.text_limit = text_limit
def forward_initial_exam_mode(self, file_path, question):
result = self.md_converter.convert(file_path)
if file_path[-4:] in [".png", ".jpg"]:
raise Exception("Cannot use inspect_file_as_text tool with images: use visualizer instead!")
if ".zip" in file_path:
return result.text_content
if not question:
return result.text_content
if len(result.text_content) < 4000:
return "Document content: " + result.text_content
messages = [
"role": MessageRole.SYSTEM,
"content": [
"type": "text",
"text": "Here is a file:\n### "
+ str(result.title)
+ "\n\n"
+ result.text_content[: self.text_limit],
"role": MessageRole.USER,
"content": [
"type": "text",
"text": "Now please write a short, 5 sentence caption for this document, that could help someone asking this question: "
+ question
+ "\n\nDon't answer the question yourself! Just provide useful notes on the document",
return self.model(messages).content
def forward(self, file_path, question: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
result = self.md_converter.convert(file_path)
if file_path[-4:] in [".png", ".jpg"]:
raise Exception("Cannot use inspect_file_as_text tool with images: use visualizer instead!")
if ".zip" in file_path:
return result.text_content
if not question:
return result.text_content
messages = [
"role": MessageRole.SYSTEM,
"content": [
"type": "text",
"text": "You will have to write a short caption for this file, then answer this question:"
+ question,
"role": MessageRole.USER,
"content": [
"type": "text",
"text": "Here is the complete file:\n### "
+ str(result.title)
+ "\n\n"
+ result.text_content[: self.text_limit],
"role": MessageRole.USER,
"content": [
"type": "text",
"text": "Now answer the question below. Use these three headings: '1. Short answer', '2. Extremely detailed answer', '3. Additional Context on the document and question asked'."
+ question,
return self.model(messages).content