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cff-version: 1.2.0
title: Hotshot-XL
message: Personalized GIF Generation with Diffusion Models
type: software
  - given-names: John
    family-names: Mullan
    email: john@codename.app
    affiliation: 'Natural Synthetics, Inc.'
  - given-names: Duncan
    family-names: Crawbuck
    email: duncan@codename.app
    affiliation: 'Natural Synthetics, Inc.'
  - given-names: Aakash
    family-names: Sastry
    email: aakash@codename.app
    affiliation: 'Natural Synthetics, Inc.'
  - type: url
    value: 'https://hotshot.co'
    description: Hotshot Website
repository-code: 'https://github.com/hotshotco/hotshot-xl'
url: 'https://hotshot.co'
repository-artifact: 'https://huggingface.co/hotshotco/Hotshot-XL'
abstract: >-
  Hotshot-XL is an AI text-to-GIF model trained to work
  alongside Stable Diffusion XL. Hotshot-XL can generate
  GIFs with any fine-tuned SDXL model. 

  Hotshot-XL is able to make GIFs with any existing or newly
  fine-tuned SDXL model you may want to use. If you'd like
  to make GIFs of personalized subjects, you can load your
  own SDXL based LORAs, and not have to worry about
  fine-tuning Hotshot-XL. This is awesome because it’s
  usually much easier to find suitable images for training
  data than it is to find videos.

  Hotshot-XL is compatible with SDXL ControlNet to make GIFs
  in the composition/layout you’d like.

  Hotshot-XL was trained to generate 1 second GIFs at 8 FPS.

  Hotshot-XL was trained on various aspect ratios. To
  achieve more efficient training + inference, we fine tuned
  SDXL at/around 512 resolution prior to training
  Hotshot-XL. We also publish our fine tuned SDXL spatial
  model for use among the research community.
  - ai
  - text-to-video
  - sdxl
  - text-to-video-generation
  - text-to-gif
  - hotshot-xl
  - hotshot
license: Apache-2.0
commit: 16f99c4e8cbf8cebd038a282173767d609836889
version: 1.0.0
date-released: '2023-10-03'