from smolagents import Tool from typing import Optional class SimpleTool(Tool): name = "get_travel_duration" description = "Gets the travel time in car between two places." inputs = {"start_location":{"type":"string","description":"the place from which you start your ride"},"destination_location":{"type":"string","description":"the place of arrival"},"departure_time":{"type":"integer","nullable":True,"description":"the departure time, provide only a `datetime.datetime` if you want to specify this"}} output_type = "string" def forward(self, start_location: str, destination_location: str, departure_time: Optional[int] = None) -> str: """Gets the travel time in car between two places. Args: start_location: the place from which you start your ride destination_location: the place of arrival departure_time: the departure time, provide only a `datetime.datetime` if you want to specify this """ import googlemaps # All imports are placed within the function, to allow for sharing to Hub. from google.colab import userdata import os gmaps = googlemaps.Client(userdata.get("GMAPS_API_KEY")) if departure_time is None: from datetime import datetime departure_time = datetime(2025, 1, 6, 11, 0) directions_result = gmaps.directions( start_location, destination_location, mode="transit", departure_time=departure_time ) return directions_result[0]["legs"][0]["duration"]["text"]