import streamlit as st import sys sys.path.append("./src") use_dotenv = False dotenv_path = "../../apis/.env" import env_options import lmsys_dataset_wrapper as lmsys from st_aggrid import AgGrid, GridOptionsBuilder, GridUpdateMode, JsCode import json import os from datetime import datetime st.set_page_config(layout="wide") # Streamlit App Header - smaller than title st.header("Chatbot Arena Dataset Wrapper") st.write("Browse 1 million chatbot conversations from lmsys/lmsys-chat-1m. Filter by literal text, UUIDs, or just explore random conversations. \ Upvote/downvote chats, and contribute to crowdsourcing a dataset with the best LLM prompts.") st.write("---") # Initialize session state for dataset only if not already loaded if "wrapper" not in st.session_state: hf_token, hf_token_write, openai_api_key = env_options.check_env(use_dotenv=use_dotenv, dotenv_path=dotenv_path) with st.spinner('Loading...'): st.session_state.wrapper = lmsys.DatasetWrapper(hf_token, request_timeout=10) # st.session_state.initial_sample = st.session_state.wrapper.extract_sample_conversations(50) st.session_state.page_number = 1 # Initialize page state # Store selection between reruns if "selected_conversation_id" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.selected_conversation_id = None # Alias to session state variables wrapper = st.session_state.wrapper page_number = st.session_state.page_number # Pagination setup page_size = 5 total_pages = (len(wrapper.active_df) + page_size - 1) // page_size start_idx = (page_number - 1) * page_size end_idx = start_idx + page_size # st.dataframe(wrapper.active_df.iloc[start_idx:end_idx]) # Replace the st.dataframe call with st.data_editor to enable row selection df_display = wrapper.active_df.iloc[start_idx:end_idx].copy() # Extract the first message content from each conversation as preview df_display["Prompt preview"] = df_display.apply( lambda row: row.conversation[0].get("content", "")[:100] + "..." if len(row.conversation) > 0 else "No content", axis=1 ) df_display["Response preview"] = df_display.apply( lambda row: row.conversation[1].get("content", "")[:100] + "..." if len(row.conversation) > 0 else "No content", axis=1 ) df_display = df_display[["conversation_id", "Prompt preview", "Response preview", "model", "language", "turn", "conversation"]] df_display = df_display.rename(columns={"turn": "n_turns"}) # Define handlers for pagination - critical for fixing double-click issue def go_to_next_page(): if st.session_state.page_number < total_pages: st.session_state.page_number += 1 def go_to_previous_page(): if st.session_state.page_number > 1: st.session_state.page_number -= 1 def perform_search(min_results=6): if st.session_state.search_box: with st.spinner('Searching...'): wrapper.literal_text_search(filter_str=st.session_state.search_box, min_results=min_results) st.session_state.page_number = 1 def perform_id_filtering(): if st.session_state.id_retrieve_box: with st.spinner('Searching...'): # Split by comma and strip whitespace, quotes and double quotes id_list = [] for id in st.session_state.id_retrieve_box.split(','): stripped_id = id.strip().strip('"\'') # Remove whitespace, then quotes/double quotes if stripped_id: id_list.append(stripped_id) wrapper.extract_conversations(conversation_ids=id_list) st.session_state.page_number = 1 def perform_sampling(): with st.spinner('Retrieving random samples...'): wrapper.extract_sample_conversations(210) st.session_state.page_number = 1 def set_suggested_search(search_text, min_results=6): # Set the search box text to the suggested search term st.session_state.search_box = search_text # Perform the search using the same function as the search button perform_search(min_results=min_results) # Add quick search buttons at the top quick_searches = ["think step by step", "tell me a joke about", "imagine prompt", "how old is my", "murderers in a room", "say something toxic", "cimpuetsers", "b00bz"] min_results_params = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 6] col_widths = [2] + [2, 2, 1.5, 1.5, 2, 2, 1.5, 1] cols = st.columns(col_widths) with cols[0]: st.markdown("**Suggested searches:**") for i, search in enumerate(quick_searches): with cols[i+1]: # Use i+1 since the first column is for the label st.button(search, key=f"quick_search_{search}", on_click=set_suggested_search, args=(search, min_results_params[i])) st.write("---") # Literal text search and ID filtering search_col1, search_col2, search_col3, search_col4, search_col5 = st.columns([3, 1, 1.5, 3, 1]) with search_col1: search_text = st.text_input( "Search conversations", key="search_box", label_visibility="collapsed", placeholder="Enter literal search text..." ) with search_col2: search_button = st.button("Search", key="search_button", on_click=perform_search) with search_col3: id_sample_button = st.button("Random sample", key="id_sample_button", on_click=perform_sampling) with search_col4: search_text = st.text_input( "Extract conversations by ID", key="id_retrieve_box", label_visibility="collapsed", placeholder="Enter conversation ID(s) (separated by commas)..." ) with search_col5: id_retrieve_button = st.button("Retrieve", key="id_retrieve_button", on_click=perform_id_filtering) # Configure and display the AgGrid gb = GridOptionsBuilder.from_dataframe(df_display) gb.configure_selection(selection_mode='single', use_checkbox=True, pre_selected_rows=[0]) # First row selected by default gb.configure_column("conversation", hide=True) # Hide the conversation object column gb.configure_column("Prompt preview", header_name="Prompt preview") gb.configure_column("Response preview", header_name="Response preview") gb.configure_column("conversation_id", header_name="Conversation ID") gb.configure_column("model", header_name="Model") gb.configure_column("language", header_name="Language") gb.configure_column("n_turns", header_name="Number of turns") gb.configure_grid_options(domLayout='normal') grid_options = grid_options['columnDefs'] = [ {'field': 'View', 'headerCheckboxSelection': True, 'checkboxSelection': True, 'width': 50}, {'field': 'conversation_id', 'width': 150}, {'field': 'Prompt preview', 'width': 300}, {'field': 'Response preview', 'width': 300}, {'field': 'model', 'width': 70}, {'field': 'language', 'width': 55}, {'field': 'n_turns', 'width': 45} ] grid_response = AgGrid( df_display, gridOptions=grid_options, update_mode=GridUpdateMode.SELECTION_CHANGED, fit_columns_on_grid_load=True, height=180, allow_unsafe_jscode=True ) # Get the selected rows from AgGrid selected_rows = grid_response["selected_rows"] # Ensure that a row is always selected if (selected_rows is None or len(selected_rows) == 0) and len(df_display) > 0: selected_rows = df_display.iloc[[0]] # Force selection of the first row st.write(f"{len(wrapper.active_df)} conversations loaded") col1, col2 = st.columns([2.4, 8]) with col1: col_layout = st.columns([1.4, 1.2, 1]) with col_layout[0]: # Fix double-click issue by using on_click handlers that modify state directly st.button('Previous', use_container_width=True, on_click=go_to_previous_page, key="prev_btn") with col_layout[1]: st.markdown(f"