csm-1b-tts-demo / Dockerfile

Commit History

Update Dockerfile to set non-interactive environment and timezone for streamlined package installation.

Константин commited on

Refactor FastAPI application to enhance audio synthesis functionality and improve logging. Introduced model loading with error handling, updated endpoint to '/synthesize', and implemented thread-safe audio generation. Modified Dockerfile to streamline dependency installation and updated requirements.txt to include additional packages.

Константин commited on

Update Dockerfile to install specific dependencies for FastAPI and PyTorch, replacing requirements.txt with individual package installations for torch, torchaudio, transformers, tokenizers, huggingface_hub, fastapi, and uvicorn.

Константин commited on

Implement FastAPI application for CSM-1B TTS, including Dockerfile and requirements. The app features an endpoint for audio generation from text, utilizing a pre-trained model. Dependencies for FastAPI, PyTorch, and audio processing are specified in requirements.txt.

Константин commited on