This model doesn't work because I tried to convert from safetensors to gguf because, I don't know. If you can magically or scientifically fix the script, Please, do it.

The Script Used for BF16 Model

%%writefile import os import subprocess from pathlib import Path import json import torch import numpy as np

def create_instella_conversion_script(): """Create a conversion script for Instella models using bfloat16 mixed-precision.""" script_content = """ import sys import json import struct import numpy as np import torch from pathlib import Path import os import re from typing import Dict, Any, List from safetensors.torch import load_file as load_safetensors

GGUF_MAGIC = 0x46554747 GGUF_VERSION = 3

GGUF metadata types


def write_gguf_header(f, num_tensors, num_kv): f.write(struct.pack("<I", GGUF_MAGIC)) f.write(struct.pack("<I", GGUF_VERSION)) f.write(struct.pack("<Q", num_kv)) f.write(struct.pack("<Q", num_tensors))

def write_metadata_kv(f, key: str, val_type: int, val): key_bytes = key.encode('utf-8') f.write(struct.pack("<Q", len(key_bytes))) f.write(key_bytes) f.write(struct.pack("<I", val_type))

if val_type == GGUF_TYPE_STRING:
    val_bytes = val.encode('utf-8')
    f.write(struct.pack("<Q", len(val_bytes)))
elif val_type == GGUF_TYPE_INT32:
    f.write(struct.pack("<i", val))
elif val_type == GGUF_TYPE_UINT32:
    f.write(struct.pack("<I", val))
elif val_type == GGUF_TYPE_FLOAT32:
    f.write(struct.pack("<f", val))
elif val_type == GGUF_TYPE_BOOL:
    f.write(struct.pack("<?", val))
elif val_type == GGUF_TYPE_ARRAY:
    f.write(struct.pack("<Q", len(val)))
    if len(val) > 0:
        if isinstance(val[0], int):
            f.write(struct.pack("<I", GGUF_TYPE_INT32))
            for item in val:
                f.write(struct.pack("<i", item))
        elif isinstance(val[0], str):
            f.write(struct.pack("<I", GGUF_TYPE_STRING))
            for item in val:
                item_bytes = item.encode('utf-8')
                f.write(struct.pack("<Q", len(item_bytes)))

def write_tensor_info(f, name: str, tensor: torch.Tensor): name_bytes = name.encode('utf-8') f.write(struct.pack("<Q", len(name_bytes))) f.write(name_bytes)

dims = list(tensor.shape)
f.write(struct.pack("<I", len(dims)))
for dim in dims:
    f.write(struct.pack("<Q", dim))

# Use F16 type identifier (llama.cpp doesn't directly support BF16)
dtype_str = "F16"
dtype_bytes = dtype_str.encode('utf-8')
f.write(struct.pack("<I", len(dtype_bytes)))

def write_tensor_data(f, tensor: torch.Tensor): # Convert bfloat16 to float32 then to float16 for compatibility tensor_f32 = tensor.float() tensor_f16 = tensor_f32.half() # Convert to float16

# Now we can safely convert to numpy and write

def map_tensor_name(name: str) -> str: name_map = { "model.embed_tokens.weight": "token_embd.weight", "model.norm.weight": "output_norm.weight", "lm_head.weight": "output.weight", }

if name in name_map:
    return name_map[name]

if "model.layers." in name:
    layer_match ="model\.layers\.(\d+)\.", name)
    if layer_match:
        layer_num =

        # Attention mappings
        if "self_attn.q_proj.weight" in name:
            return f"blk.{layer_num}.attn_q.weight"
        elif "self_attn.k_proj.weight" in name:
            return f"blk.{layer_num}.attn_k.weight"
        elif "self_attn.v_proj.weight" in name:
            return f"blk.{layer_num}.attn_v.weight"
        elif "self_attn.o_proj.weight" in name:
            return f"blk.{layer_num}.attn_output.weight"

        # FFN mappings
        elif "mlp.gate_proj.weight" in name:
            return f"blk.{layer_num}.ffn_gate.weight"
        elif "mlp.up_proj.weight" in name:
            return f"blk.{layer_num}.ffn_up.weight"
        elif "mlp.down_proj.weight" in name:
            return f"blk.{layer_num}.ffn_down.weight"

        # Norm mappings - handle different naming conventions
        elif "input_layernorm.weight" in name:
            return f"blk.{layer_num}.attn_norm.weight"
        elif "post_attention_layernorm.weight" in name:
            return f"blk.{layer_num}.ffn_norm.weight"
        elif "self_attn.q_norm.weight" in name:
            return f"blk.{layer_num}.attn_q_norm.weight"
        elif "self_attn.k_norm.weight" in name:
            return f"blk.{layer_num}.attn_k_norm.weight"

# If no mapping found, use a default mapping pattern
if "model.layers." in name:
    layer_match ="model\.layers\.(\d+)\.(.+)", name)
    if layer_match:
        layer_num =
        remainder =
        return f"blk.{layer_num}.{remainder}"

return name

def get_model_metadata(config_path=None) -> Dict[str, Any]: # Default metadata for Instella based on Instella2Config defaults metadata = { "general.architecture": "llama", "": "instella", "llama.context_length": 2048, # from max_position_embeddings default "llama.embedding_length": 4096, # from hidden_size default "llama.block_count": 32, # from num_hidden_layers default "llama.feed_forward_length": 11008, # from intermediate_size default "llama.attention.head_count": 32, # from num_attention_heads default "llama.attention.head_count_kv": 32, # from num_key_value_heads default "llama.attention.layer_norm_rms_epsilon": 1e-5, # from rms_norm_eps default "llama.rope.dimension_count": 128, # hidden_size / num_attention_heads "llama.vocab_size": 50304, # from vocab_size default "tokenizer.ggml.model": "llama", "tokenizer.ggml.tokens": 50304, "llama.rope.theta": 10000.0, # from rope_theta default }

# Try to load from config file if provided
if config_path and os.path.exists(config_path):
        with open(config_path, 'r') as f:
            config = json.load(f)

        # Update metadata with values from config
        if "hidden_size" in config:
            metadata["llama.embedding_length"] = config["hidden_size"]
            # Update rope dimensions based on hidden size and attention heads
            if "num_attention_heads" in config:
                metadata["llama.rope.dimension_count"] = config["hidden_size"] // config["num_attention_heads"]
                metadata["llama.rope.dimension_count"] = config["hidden_size"] // metadata["llama.attention.head_count"]
        if "num_hidden_layers" in config:
            metadata["llama.block_count"] = config["num_hidden_layers"]
        if "num_attention_heads" in config:
            metadata["llama.attention.head_count"] = config["num_attention_heads"]
            if "num_key_value_heads" in config and config["num_key_value_heads"] is not None:
                metadata["llama.attention.head_count_kv"] = config["num_key_value_heads"]
                metadata["llama.attention.head_count_kv"] = config["num_attention_heads"]
        if "intermediate_size" in config:
            metadata["llama.feed_forward_length"] = config["intermediate_size"]
        if "vocab_size" in config:
            metadata["llama.vocab_size"] = config["vocab_size"]
            metadata["tokenizer.ggml.tokens"] = config["vocab_size"]
        if "max_position_embeddings" in config:
            metadata["llama.context_length"] = config["max_position_embeddings"]
        if "rope_theta" in config:
            metadata["llama.rope.theta"] = config["rope_theta"]
        if "rms_norm_eps" in config:
            metadata["llama.attention.layer_norm_rms_epsilon"] = config["rms_norm_eps"]
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Warning: Failed to load config file: {e}")

return metadata

def convert_model(model_dir: str, output_path: str): model_dir = Path(model_dir)

# Find config file
config_path = model_dir / "config.json"

# Find model file
model_path = model_dir / "model.safetensors"
if not model_path.exists():
    safetensors_files = list(model_dir.glob("*.safetensors"))
    if not safetensors_files:
        raise FileNotFoundError(f"No safetensors files found in {model_dir}")
    model_path = safetensors_files[0]

print(f"Loading model from {model_path}")
tensors = load_safetensors(model_path)

# Get metadata
metadata = get_model_metadata(config_path if config_path.exists() else None)

# Prepare metadata key-value pairs
metadata_kvs = [
    (key, GGUF_TYPE_STRING if isinstance(value, str) else
     GGUF_TYPE_BOOL if isinstance(value, bool) else
     GGUF_TYPE_FLOAT32 if isinstance(value, float) else
     GGUF_TYPE_INT32 if isinstance(value, int) else
     GGUF_TYPE_ARRAY if isinstance(value, list) else None,
    for key, value in metadata.items()

print(f"Writing GGUF file to {output_path}")
with open(output_path, 'wb') as f:
    # Write header
    write_gguf_header(f, len(tensors), len(metadata_kvs))

    # Write metadata
    for key, val_type, val in metadata_kvs:
        write_metadata_kv(f, key, val_type, val)

    # Write tensor information
    for i, (name, tensor) in enumerate(tensors.items()):
        print(f"Processing tensor {i+1}/{len(tensors)}: {name} {tensor.shape}")
        gguf_name = map_tensor_name(name)
        write_tensor_info(f, gguf_name, tensor)

    # Write tensor data
    print("Writing tensor data in F16 format...")
    for name, tensor in tensors.items():
        gguf_name = map_tensor_name(name)
        write_tensor_data(f, tensor)

print(f"Model converted and saved to {output_path}")
print(f"File size: {os.path.getsize(output_path) / (1024*1024):.2f} MB")

if name == "main": import argparse

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Convert Instella model to GGUF format with F16 precision")
parser.add_argument("model_dir", help="Directory containing the model files")
parser.add_argument("output_path", help="Path to save the GGUF model")

args = parser.parse_args()

convert_model(args.model_dir, args.output_path)


with open("", "w") as f:
return ""

def convert_instella_model(): """Convert the Instella model to GGUF format using F16 precision.""" # Install required dependencies["pip", "install", "safetensors", "torch", "numpy"], check=True)

# Create conversion script
script_path = create_instella_conversion_script()

# Set paths
model_dir = "huggintuned"
output_path = os.path.join(model_dir, "model.gguf")

# Run conversion
    print("Starting Instella model conversion with F16 precision...")[
        "python", script_path,
    ], check=True)

    # Verify the output file
    if os.path.exists(output_path):
        size_mb = os.path.getsize(output_path) / (1024 * 1024)
        print(f"Conversion successful! Output file size: {size_mb:.2f} MB")
        raise FileNotFoundError("Output file was not created")

except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
    print(f"Error during conversion: {e}")
except Exception as e:
    print(f"Unexpected error: {e}")

if name == "main": convert_instella_model()

# Documentation

# Instella Model Conversion to GGUF Format Documentation


This script converts Instella models from the Hugging Face format (safetensors) to GGUF format with float16 precision for use with llama.cpp and other compatible inference engines. The conversion preserves the model architecture while ensuring compatibility with GGUF-based inference systems.

Script Structure

The script consists of two main parts:

  1. The main script that orchestrates the conversion process
  2. The generated conversion script that performs the actual conversion


  • Python 3.8+
  • PyTorch
  • NumPy
  • safetensors



This will:

  1. Install required dependencies
  2. Generate the conversion script
  3. Convert the model in the "huggintuned" directory
  4. Save the output as "huggintuned/model.gguf"

For custom paths, modify the model_dir and output_path variables in the convert_instella_model() function.

Detailed Function Documentation


Generates the conversion script file with all necessary functions for GGUF conversion.


  • str: Path to the generated script file


Main function that orchestrates the conversion process.

  1. Installs required dependencies
  2. Generates the conversion script
  3. Sets input and output paths
  4. Runs the conversion
  5. Verifies the output file (Generated Script)

write_gguf_header(f, num_tensors, num_kv)

Writes the GGUF header to the output file.


  • f: File object for writing
  • num_tensors: Number of tensors in the model
  • num_kv: Number of metadata key-value pairs

write_metadata_kv(f, key, val_type, val)

Writes a metadata key-value pair to the output file.


  • f: File object for writing
  • key: Metadata key name
  • val_type: GGUF type identifier
  • val: Value to write

write_tensor_info(f, name, tensor)

Writes tensor information (name, shape, type) to the output file.


  • f: File object for writing
  • name: Tensor name
  • tensor: PyTorch tensor

write_tensor_data(f, tensor)

Writes tensor data to the output file, converting to float16 format.


  • f: File object for writing
  • tensor: PyTorch tensor


Maps Hugging Face tensor names to GGUF tensor names.


  • name: Original tensor name


  • Mapped tensor name for GGUF format


Builds metadata for the GGUF model based on the Instella configuration.


  • config_path: Path to the model's config.json file


  • Dictionary of metadata key-value pairs

convert_model(model_dir, output_path)

Main conversion function that processes the model and writes the GGUF file.


  • model_dir: Directory containing the model files
  • output_path: Path to save the GGUF model

Model Architecture Parameters

The script handles the following Instella model parameters:

Parameter Default Value Description
vocab_size 50304 Vocabulary size
hidden_size 4096 Dimension of hidden representations
intermediate_size 11008 Dimension of MLP representations
num_hidden_layers 32 Number of transformer layers
num_attention_heads 32 Number of attention heads
num_key_value_heads 32 Number of key/value heads for GQA
max_position_embeddings 2048 Maximum sequence length
rope_theta 10000.0 Base period of RoPE embeddings
rms_norm_eps 1e-5 Epsilon for RMS normalization

Tensor Mapping

The script maps tensor names from Hugging Face format to GGUF format:

Hugging Face Name GGUF Name
model.embed_tokens.weight token_embd.weight
model.norm.weight output_norm.weight
lm_head.weight output.weight
model.layers.{n}.self_attn.q_proj.weight blk.{n}.attn_q.weight
model.layers.{n}.self_attn.k_proj.weight blk.{n}.attn_k.weight
model.layers.{n}.self_attn.v_proj.weight blk.{n}.attn_v.weight
model.layers.{n}.self_attn.o_proj.weight blk.{n}.attn_output.weight
model.layers.{n}.mlp.gate_proj.weight blk.{n}.ffn_gate.weight
model.layers.{n}.mlp.up_proj.weight blk.{n}.ffn_up.weight
model.layers.{n}.mlp.down_proj.weight blk.{n}.ffn_down.weight
model.layers.{n}.input_layernorm.weight blk.{n}.attn_norm.weight
model.layers.{n}.post_attention_layernorm.weight blk.{n}.ffn_norm.weight

Precision Handling

The script handles bfloat16 precision models by:

  1. Loading the original tensors (which may be in bfloat16)
  2. Converting to float32 for processing
  3. Converting to float16 for GGUF compatibility
  4. Writing the data in binary format

Error Handling

The script includes error handling for:

  • Missing model files
  • Config file parsing errors
  • Conversion process errors
  • Output file verification


  • The script is specifically designed for Instella models but may work with similar architectures
  • The default parameters are based on the Instella2Config defaults
  • The script automatically detects and uses the model's configuration when available


  • Only supports safetensors format (not PyTorch .bin files)
  • Does not support quantization (outputs float16 precision only)
  • May require adjustments for significantly different model architectures
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Inference Providers NEW
This model is not currently available via any of the supported Inference Providers.
The model cannot be deployed to the HF Inference API: The model has no library tag.

Model tree for Elvisaro/instellagguf

this model