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How to Create Disguises As a Kid Spy | Spying is difficult and potentially risky. If you've got a big mission coming up, you'll need to know how to disguise yourself. Select a new identity and change the way you talk and walk to match the person you are pretending to be. Choose the right clothes for the occasion so that you blend in. You can also wear your regular clothes underneath your disguise in case you need to quickly change back and avoid suspicion. Add accessories like dark sunglasses, a wig, or a hat to keep people from recognizing you.
1. **Choose an identity based on what you want to investigate.** Your disguise will depend on who or what you plan to spy on. You’ll want to blend in, so if you plan to spy during a school football game, wear the school colors so you’ll seem like just another member of the audience. If you want to learn town secrets at the local pool, wear your swimsuit and bring suitable props, like a towel and pool toys.
2. **Make up a backstory.** It will help you get into character if you spend some time thinking about who you wish to become. Maybe you will pretend to be a foreign exchange student, the cousin of a person who lives in your neighborhood, or even your own brother or sister. Think about where the person comes from as well as how they dress, talk, and act.
3. **Change your voice.** Practice speaking in different tones or accents. You can also use different words than you normally would. Changing your voice is a great way to keep people from recognizing you. This is especially helpful if you are talking on the phone.
4. **Adjust the way you walk.** You may want to add a bit of swagger to your walk, change your posture so you seem like a royal, or hunch over like a beggar. You could lengthen or shorten your stride, or fake a limp. Your body language will help others to recognize you, so changing it is a great way to avoid detection.
5. **Choose your ordinary clothes.** Sometimes the best disguise is no disguise at all! People won’t suspect you of spying if you just look like another kid at the park or mall. This way you can follow someone or eavesdrop without any suspicion.
6. **Use what you already have.** You’ll want to blend in with your surroundings, so wear clothes that other people are wearing. Most people aren’t in costume, so you’ll stand out if you are dressed up as a cat in a room full of people wearing jeans.
7. **Wear dark clothes to blend in.** You can wear all black or dark colored clothing to go unnoticed. This is especially true if you are spying at night, as you will look like simply another shadow.
Wearing all dark clothing can be dangerous at night if you are near roadways. Be sure to look out for cars and stay out of the street.
8. **Choose reversible clothing.** If you wear something that can be turned inside out, you will be able to easily change your clothes to shake off a spy that’s following you. Quickly changing the color of your outfit will confuse enemy spies, as they will be looking for your original outfit.
You can also bring extra outer layers to quickly change your look. Grab a hoodie, a long-sleeve button up, or a jacket to throw on over your clothes.
9. **Change your size.** You can make yourself look bigger by wrapping towels or scarves around your arms and legs, and adding a cushion to your chest and belly area. Use tape or strings to hold the items in place. Then put your clothes on over the padding. This will throw people off your scent because they will be looking for someone smaller than you!
Wearing multiple layers of thick clothing is another way to add some bulk to your disguise, and it make look more natural than adding towels or cushions under your clothes.
10. **Wear camouflage.** Camo is a great way to blend in if you are outdoors. Pick a style that matches your surroundings as best as you can. Use the white and gray camo in winter, and green and brown for other seasons.
11. **Dress up as your enemy.** You’ll be sure to throw your enemies off track if you look just like them! Wear the same colors or type of clothing that they normally wear. Be sure to match your accessories too. For example, wear jeans and a black t-shirt with a baseball hat if that’s what your enemies are usually wearing.
12. **Put on dark sunglasses.** Sunglasses will hide your eyes so no one knows which way you are looking. The darker the better. Oversize sunglasses can also work to hide your face even more. Be sure to ask before borrowing a pair from your parents or siblings.
13. **Wear a wig.** Changing your hair is bound to make you unrecognizable! Add a wig you have from Halloween, or make one from paper or cloth. Cut the paper or cloth into strips to make it look more like hair. Put it under a hat if you are having difficulty attaching it to your head.
You could also color your hair, if you have your parents permission. Use a temporary dye to change the color of your hair. Be careful not to get dye on anything other than your hair.
14. **Cover your face with a scarf or bandana.** Using a scarf or bandana will hide your features from the people around you. Wrap the cloth around your head or neck, but be sure it isn’t too tight.
15. **Put on a mask.** Wearing a mask will hide your face from those you wish to spy one. Choose one that makes sense for the occasion - a clown mask will not blend in at a neighborhood pool party, but it might work at the county fair.
16. **Make an eye patch.** Use pipe cleaners to make an eye patch. Bend the pipe cleaner into a circle a little bigger than your eye. Cover the circle with dark cloth or felt. You may need to glue it on to be sure it holds tight. Add a pipe cleaner on either side to attach the eye patch to your head.
You can bend the side pipe cleaners around your ears (like glasses) or wrap them around your entire head.
17. **Add a mustache.** A mustache is an excellent part of a disguise! Make one by bending a brown or black pipe cleaner into a mustache shape. You can also get fake mustaches at many costume or party supply stores.
18. **Wear a hat.** Add a hat to your disguise to ensure no one recognizes you. Choose one you already have or make a paper hat.
19. **Put on makeup.** You can use makeup to make you look older, like by adding wrinkles. You can also use it to create a fake black eye to change your appearance. Be sure to ask the owner of the makeup if you can use it first.
Be careful not to get makeup in your eyes or mouth. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Know if You Like Your Friend Romantically | Figuring out whether you have romantic feelings for a friend is a tough, confusing situation. Try to sort out your emotions and reflect on why you’re attracted to them. Your close friends and family can help you figure things out, too. Look for tell-tale signs, like feeling jealous, thinking about them constantly, and finding their annoying habits adorable. Imagine asking them out, being physically intimate, and dating them. These thought experiments can help you gauge your feelings and decide if pursuing a relationship would be worth risking your friendship.
1. **Ask yourself if you just want a relationship.** Try to be honest with yourself and reflect on whether you just want the attention and affection that comes with a relationship. It’s easy to get confused about true romantic feelings, and it’s completely normal to feel lonely or want validation.
Ask yourself if your feelings are really focused on this specific person. Can picture yourself together as a couple, and do you only see yourself being with them?
2. **Think about what kind of attraction you feel.** You choose to be friends with someone because you're attracted to them. However, being attracted to someone as a friend is different than romantic or physical attraction.
Ask yourself if you just enjoy their company or want a deeper emotional connection. If you want a deeper connection, is that feeling constant or does it come and go?
If you find them physically attractive, figure out if it’s subjective or objective. Do you think that they’re good looking? Do you actually want to be physically intimate with them? Or is it more general, like “I can see why someone would think they’re hot.”
3. **Talk to someone you trust.** Ask your close friends about their experiences with having romantic feelings. Try to use their perspectives on love and romance to sort out your own situation. See if your feelings have anything in common with how they describe falling for someone.
You could also reach out to a parent or sibling for advice.
4. **Pay attention to how your mood changes when you’re with them.** If your world suddenly becomes technicolor and you want to burst with joy when they walk in the room, you probably have romantic feelings. Having a tangled ball of feelings is a sign of romantic interest, too. Just thinking about them might make you feel excitement, anticipation, butterflies, longing, and nervousness all at the same time.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, try to clear your mind and reflect on your emotions. Imagine that your feelings are like a pie. As you slice into it, think of each slice as a distinct emotion and identify it.
When in doubt, trust your gut. If one person dramatically affects your mood and emotions more than your other close friends, there’s a good chance you have romantic feelings for them.
View the attraction in the context of your life. Are you going through a rough patch or separation with a current partner? This makes you more vulnerable to emotional swings and changing feelings than normal.
5. **Look out for feelings of jealousy.** Jealousy is a sure sign that you want to be more than just friends. Do you feel possessive, sad, or angry when you see your friend acting flirty with someone else? If they have a significant other, do you resent them, if even on a subconscious level?
6. **Keep track of how much time you spend together.** Spending as much time together as possible is a pretty good indicator of romantic feelings. Preferring to be alone with them instead of in a group is an even stronger sign.
When you’re at a party or group gathering together, do you try to ditch the others so you can be alone with your friend?
7. **Notice how often you think about them.** If every little thing reminds you of them, you probably have it bad. Keep track of your thoughts, and take note when you wonder what they’re doing right now, think about their hair or other little detail, or get the urge to text or call them.
8. **Take note if you overlook their flaws.** Positive illusions, or having a heightened opinion of someone, is a natural part of romantic attraction. For instance, your mutual friends might tease your potential crush about being goofy or always running late, but you think it’s the most adorable thing in the world.
9. **Try to relax and clear your mind.** Sit in a quiet place free of distractions so you can focus on your feelings. When you imagine each scenario, be honest with yourself and listen to your instincts.
10. **Imagine what it would be like to confess your feelings.** Think about how you would you go about telling your friend that you have deeper feelings. Picture what you’d say, how nervous you’d feel, and what their reaction might be.
If you get really nervous just thinking about it, you probably have deeper feelings.
Think about how telling them would affect your friendship. Even if you do have romantic feelings for them, ask yourself if your friendship is more important than getting those feelings off of your chest.
Examine if you have any indication that the other person feels the way you do. If not, consider how their knowing you do will change the friendship.
11. **Imagine going on dates together.** How would your dates be different than when you hang out as friends? Do you ever imagine or wish that you’re on a date instead of just hanging out as friends? If you do, you can be sure that you have deeper feelings for your friend.
Weigh the pros and cons, and try to decide if dating them would justify risking your friendship. Even if you have romantic feelings for them, you might want to move on if you think dating them wouldn’t be as fulfilling as your connection as friends.
On the other hand, if you visualize dating them and it blows your connection as friends out of the water, a deep, long-term romantic relationship might be worth the risk.
12. **Visualize being physically intimate with them.** If you haven’t already, think about kissing them, holding them, and other forms of physical intimacy. Are you sexually attracted to them? Do you feel emotionally connected to them, too? Does it feel right, or is it just too weird?
It’s normal to feel physically attracted to someone without having romantic feelings for them. When imagining physical intimacy, try to decide whether you just think your friend is hot or if a physical act would involve a deeper emotional connection.
13. **Imagine them breaking up with you.** Nobody likes getting dumped, but think about how it would make you feel. Do you think you could go back to just being friends? If you do have deeper feelings for your friend, do you think they’d still be a part of your life after a potential breakup?
You can’t predict the future, but try to be honest with yourself and your emotions. If you don’t think you could handle being friends with someone after a breakup, ask yourself if it’s more important to act on your feelings or to preserve an important friendship. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Play a Bamboo Flute | The bamboo flute is a beautiful instrument made out of a single piece of bamboo, and it’s most widely known as an instrument of Chinese music. The music played on bamboo flutes is often called ethereal, calming, and peaceful. With practice, you can learn how to hold yourself and the flute properly and how to produce beautiful sounds. Set aside some time to practice every day, and before you know it you will be able to mete out your breath and play scales proficiently.
1. **Hold the flute so it is parallel to the ground.** Bamboo flutes are played horizontally rather than vertically, in a very similar style to the Western concert flute. Keep your elbows out to your sides rather than pinching them close to your body, and try to not hunch your shoulders. A loose, relaxed form is going to help you produce the best sound.
It sometimes helps to do this in front of a mirror so you can see what your body looks like, rather than just relying on feel.
2. **Position the flute so that the finger holes extend out to your right.** The blowing hole will be the left-most hole. Bamboo flutes have either 7 or 8 holes: 1 is the blowing hole, and 6 of them are finger holes, which are used to create different sounds. If there is the 8th hole, it will be positioned between the blowing hole and the finger holes, and you’ll never cover it up while playing. There will be a flexible membrane covering this hole that helps create dynamic, unique sounds specific to the bamboo flute.
If you ever hear a strange buzzing sound coming from your flute, chances are the membrane covering this hole has come loose and needs to be tightened.
3. **Place your left hand on the outside so your fingers curl inward.** Position your left hand so that its palm is pointing toward your face. You’ll use your index finger, middle finger, and ring finger to respectively cover the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, finger holes.
In general, the pinky fingers are not used to play the flute. If you’re missing one of your other fingers, though, you can substitute your pinky in its place.
4. **Put your right hand on the inside so your fingers extend outward.** Your right palm should face away from your body. You’ll use your index finger, middle finger, and ring finger to cover the 4th, 5th, and 6th holes, respectively. Take note that the 5th and 6th holes are sometimes a bit further apart and you may need to practice stretching your middle and ring fingers away from each other.
Use your thumbs to support the weight of the flute and keep it in the correct position.
5. **Stand straight with your shoulders held back to allow the best airflow.** Practice good posture to breathe deeply from your stomach, which will help produce the best sound from your flute. If you are sitting, keep your feet flat against the ground and your thighs parallel to the floor. If you’re standing, keep your legs about shoulder-width apart, and bend your knees very slightly so that you don’t cut off the blood flow to your legs.
Your head will tilt toward the blowing hole slightly, but aim to keep your neck, shoulders, and spine as straight as possible.
6. **Position the blowing hole below your bottom lip so that it’s centered.** Avoid putting the hole up to your lips. Instead, place the flute so that the hole is perpendicular to your bottom lip. When you blow, you’ll blow downward rather than straight out in front of you.
You’ll be blowing a lot of air while practicing the flute—make sure to give your lips some extra TLC with an exfoliating lip scrub and moisturizing chapstick application after you finish each session.
7. **Make a small opening and blow air down toward the hole.** At this stage, keep all of the finger holes uncovered: the main goal is to produce a clear, ringing sound. Start by directing the air toward the top edge of the hole and slightly adjust the power of the airstream and where you’re directing it until you accomplish playing a note.
Keep in mind that you don’t need to blow very forcefully to produce sound.
Have you ever blown air into a glass bottle to make a ringing sound? If so, what you’re doing to the flute is very similar to what you did when you “played” the bottle.
8. **Breathe in deeply** Think of your lungs like a jar, and you have to fill that jar starting at the bottom. So take a deep breath from your stomach, and let it expand outwards with air. Once your belly is full, fill your chest and ribcage with air, and then move to your shoulders.
Practice breathing in deeply for 5 seconds, following the belly-chest-ribcage-shoulders method. Be mindful as you breathe and pay attention to how your body feels in these moments. This is what you’ll try to recreate every time you refill your lungs with air while you play.
9. **Control the exhale of your breath and mete it out to multiple notes.** You don’t need a new breath of air for each note you play (you might at the beginning as you’re learning the feel of things, but once you can play notes, one breath should last you for an entire stanza or phrase of music). It doesn’t take a ton of force to produce a sound, so only use the minimum amount of breath needed for each note so each breath powers more music.
Practice exhaling very slowly with your lips pursed to mimic the shape they make when you’re playing the flute. Breathing exercises are great ways you can “practice” playing the flute, even when you don’t have your flute with you.
10. **Practice covering one finger hole at a time to play new notes.** This can take some time to master, so don’t be worried or upset if it takes you several sessions to master creating sound from each successive finger hole. After you’ve attained make a note with none of the finger holes covered, go ahead and cover the very 1st hole with the index finger on your left hand. Master making a sound on that hole, and then add the middle finger on your left hand to the 2nd hole, and continue on until all 6 holes are covered.
Each hole may require a slightly different force of air or adjustment to where you blowing into the hole. Make small, incremental changes to figure out what you need to do.
11. **Cover each hole with the pad of your finger, not just the tip.** A key part of playing the bamboo flute correctly is making sure the finger holes are completely covered. If any air leaks out, it can really affect the sound of the flute and can make your music sound, well, not very musical. When you place a finger on any given finger hole, use the entire pad of your finger and place it down directly on top of the hole. Avoid sliding your finger into place or trying to just use the tip of your finger. It may take a lot of practice to make this a habit, but you’ll be a better musician for it.
On the 6th hole, it’s common for your finger to slip off of the 5th hole, causing an air leak. Take care when playing the 6th hole to keep your other fingers firmly in place.
If you have very small fingers, you may want to look into getting a smaller bamboo flute—there are ones made specifically for people with smaller hands that might make the process easier and more enjoyable for you.
12. **Rehearse every day until you’re able to play scales without pausing.** Gaining finger mobility and learning how to maintain a continuous stream of air are integral to becoming a proficient flute player. Make time to practice every single day, even if it’s only for 15 minutes at a time.
If you’re interested in or able to, consider taking private lessons. They’re definitely not required and you can self-teach yourself to play the bamboo flute, but a professional instructor might be able to give you some great info about overcoming any hurdles you face.
13. **Learn how to read music to play specific notes and songs.** Once you’ve become more comfortable with producing sound from your bamboo flute, it’s time to take that knowledge and start making music. There are lots of fingering charts online that you can memorize and practice to become proficient at reading and playing music. You could also look up videos and memorize the finger placements and pacing for specific songs you want to play.
Check out for a visual of bamboo flute fingering charts to help you get started on learning your notes. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
11 Ways to Tell if a Girl Wants to Hold Hands | Holding hands with a girl is a great way to show that you like her and you’re having a good time. Making the move to grab her hand for the first time can be a little nerve wracking, especially if you aren’t quite sure she wants to hold your hand. We’ve compiled a list of signs you can look out for to tell whether or not the girl you’re with wants to hold hands so you know exactly what to do the next time you two hang out.
1. **Maybe you two are sitting down and she rests her hand near yours.** If it’s almost touching (but not quite), that’s a pretty good sign that she wants you to grab her hand. You can test the waters by gently nudging or touching her hand with yours—if she doesn’t move her hand away, she probably wants you to hold it.
She might also place her hand next to yours if you two are sitting at a table or on a bench.
2. **If you feel her hand brush yours, she probably wants you to grab it.** Maybe you two are walking around and she keeps stepping in closer so she touches your hand. If that’s the case, you can reach out and grasp her hand in yours to see how she feels. If she truly wants to hold your hand, then she’ll be happy you made the first move.
If you aren’t quite sure, try brushing your hand against hers. If she doesn’t pull away, she probably wants to hold hands.
3. **Breaking the touch barrier is a very good sign.** If you two are chatting and she keeps patting you on the shoulder or touching your arm, it means she’s okay with physical affection. Later on, you can try taking her hand or patting her on the arm to reciprocate the physical touch.
Breaking the touch barrier is also a big sign that she’s flirting with you, so it’s good news all around!
4. **A girl might grab your arm to hold onto while you’re walking.** Since this is pretty close to holding your hand already, she’s probably okay with grabbing hands in just a bit. If you’d like to hold her hand, simply slide her hand down into yours and grasp it as you keep walking.
This is another way of breaking the touch barrier, but it’s a little more of a bold move.
5. **Even if it was an accident, she probably won’t take her hand away.** If you two are walking around and you accidentally touch hands, she’ll probably step in even closer. Or, if you two are sitting and chatting and you accidentally rest your hand on hers, she’ll probably smile or even blush.
If she quickly moves her hand away after you touch it, it might mean she’s not ready to hold hands yet, which is fine. Just give her some time.
6. **She might be testing the waters to see if you want to hold hands.** If you two are celebrating something and you go in for a high-five, she might hang onto your hand for a few more seconds than is necessary. After that, you know that she might want to hold hands at some point.
If she’s really bold, she might even just hang onto your hand after a high-five so you two are holding hands now.
7. **This is an indirect way of holding your hand.** If a girl grabs you and pulls you along to show you something really cool, it means she wants to hold hands with you. Whenever you get to your destination, simply keep holding her hand to show her that you like her.
She might say something like, “Whoa, did you see that? Let me show you!” before she grabs your hand.
8. **Flirting is a good sign that she’s okay with holding hands later.** When a girl flirts with you, she might give you compliments, laugh a little too hard at your jokes, or make a lot of eye contact with you. She’ll probably also lean in close or step in a little further than is usually comfortable for most people.
Flirting isn’t a surefire sign that someone wants to hold hands yet, but it’s definitely a step in the right direction.
9. **She might make eye contact and hold your gaze, too.** When a girl smiles at you, it means she’s having fun hanging out with you. While it’s not a surefire sign that she wants to hold your hand, it’s definitely a sign that she likes you or she’s developing feelings for you.
She might even catch your gaze from across the room or give you a sideways glance and a smile.
10. **A wavering voice usually means someone is into you.** While she might not even realize she’s doing it, women who are interested in you will often talk in a more sing-song nature. If you notice her voice going up and down during the conversation, she’s probably open to holding hands with you.
The opposite is true for men: if a man is interested in you, his voice will drop down lower.
11. **If you lean in, she might lean in, too.** If you cross your legs, she’ll probably cross hers, too. People do this unconsciously when they’re interested in someone, because our brains tell us it will make them like us more. If you notice that every move you make is being repeated by her, there’s a good chance she wants to hold your hand later.
She might also mirror your posture or try to walk in time with your steps. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Kill Black Mold | Black mold is a type of fungus that can grow indoors. Like all molds, black mold loves moist environments, so areas that are often damp, such as wet basements, showers, bathrooms, and areas where there's a leak, are prone to mold growth. Because some kinds of black mold can cause allergic reactions, asthma attacks, and respiratory issues, it’s important to remove it when you do find it in your house. The trick to killing black mold is penetrating the mold and killing the roots as well as the surface mold, and taking steps to ensure it doesn’t return.
1. **Identify black mold.** Black mold often grows in damp areas, places that are often wet, or places where there has been a leak or water damage. Common places to find black mold include basements, crawl spaces, bathrooms, and laundry rooms. Here are a few of the identifying characteristics of black mold:
It appears black in color
It grows in a circular pattern
Patches of black mold look like they're made up of dots
It looks slimy on a wet surface
On a dry surface, it will look like soot
2. **Seal the area.** To prevent mold spores from becoming airborne and spreading, you can seal the room. Put up sheets of plastic to cover doors and vents that lead to other areas of the house. Use painter’s or construction tape to tape the plastic in place and seal the room.
Vents you may want to cover include return vents, and heating and air conditioning vents. Leave exhaust vents open.
Sealing the area will help prevent spores from spreading from one area of the house to another.
Sealing won’t necessarily stop mold from growing elsewhere in the house. Mold spores are always present in the air, and mold can grow anywhere that there's moisture.
3. **Open windows.** Mold itself and the cleaning products you use to kill it can irritate eyes, skin, and lungs, so you must provide yourself with as much fresh air as possible. In the area where you're going to be attacking the mold, open as many windows as possible
In winter when it’s cold out, open at least one or two windows to let in some fresh air.
4. **Turn on vents and fans.** To help draw mold spores out of the room and out of the house, turn on any exhaust fans in the room you're working in. You can also position a fan in front of an open window and aim it outside. This will similarly draw mold spores out of the room and push them outside.
To prevent blowing mold spores around the room, avoid using fans if they're not right in front of a window and blowing air outside.
5. **Wear personal protective equipment.** Mold exposure can cause upper respiratory illness, and the cleaners you use to kill the mold may also be damaging and corrosive. To protect yourself while you're cleaning, consider wearing protective gear, including:
Safety goggles
Non-porous gloves
Mask or respirator
6. **Don’t mix cleaning solutions.** You will have to choose a cleaning solution to kill the mold, and it’s important that you stick to that one cleaner. Mixing different cleaners can be very dangerous, and you can create unexpected chemical reactions.
Never mix ammonia or bleach together or with any other household cleaners.
7. **Consider replacing absorbent materials.** Removing mold from absorbent materials can be extremely difficult. Instead, most professionals will recommend that you remove and replace such items, since it probably won’t be possible to remove the mold without damaging the material or causing further problems.
Absorbent materials that may need to be replaced include drywall, ceiling tiles, furniture and carpeting.
8. **Scrub the affected area with soapy water.** Fill a bucket with warm water, and add 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of liquid dish soap. Swish the soap around in the water to make suds. Dip a stiff-bristled brush into the soapy water and scrub the moldy surface with the brush. Re-dip the brush regularly and scrub until the area is saturated with suds. Rinse the area with water.
Pre-scrubbing the mold will help break up the surface so that you can penetrate to the roots with your cleaner and kill the mold.
9. **Mix your cleaning solution.** There are a number of cleaning solutions and products you can use to clean mold. The most effective will be a commercial biocide or antimicrobial cleaner, which is specifically designed to kill mold. There are other cleaning solutions you can try that have proven effective, including:
Equal parts ammonia and water
1 cup (235 ml) of bleach mixed with 1 gallon (3.8 L) of water
Pure distilled vinegar
1 teaspoon (5 ml) of tea tree oil and 1 cup (235 ml) of water
Equal parts baking soda and water, mixed into a paste in a bowl
One part hydrogen peroxide mixed with two parts water
1 cup (409 g) of borax dissolved in 1 gallon (3.8 L) of water
¼ cup (102 g) of borax dissolved in ½ cup (118 ml) of vinegar and 4 cups (940 ml) of warm water
10. **Apply cleaner and let it soak.** For liquid solutions, spray generous amounts of cleaner on the moldy surface that you pre-scrubbed. For pastes, apply the paste to the affected area with a knife, brush, or old tooth brush.
Let the cleaner stand for about 15 minutes. This will give it time to penetrate the mold and kill it all the way to the roots, which will prevent it from growing back.
11. **Scrub porous materials.** When the cleaner has had time to soak in, scrub the surface with a stiff-bristled brush. This will help dislodge the mold and work the cleaner in even farther.
You can use an non-abrasive scrubbing pad to scrub the area as well.
12. **Rinse and dry the area.** To remove any leftover mold and cleaner, rinse the area with clean water. When the mold and cleaner are gone, wipe the area dry with a towel or a squeegee. This will remove excess moisture and prevent the mold from growing back.
Mold can start growing on a damp surface within 24 hours, which is why it’s important to keep the area dry after cleaning.
13. **Know when to call a professional.** Mold can be notoriously difficult to clean, especially in hard to reach places and on certain materials, such as dry wall and other porous materials. There are times when it’s best to call a mold removal professional, including if:
Your cleaning effort wasn’t effective
The affected area is larger than 10 square feet (3 square meters)
You suspect there's mold in your heating, cooling, or ventilation system
You have any health concerns about the mold
The mold problem was caused by contaminated water or sewage
14. **Remove the source of moisture.** As long as there's a moisture source, there's the potential for mold. After cleaning your mold problem, it’s essential that you remove the source of the moisture that caused the mold to grow in the first place. Depending on where in the house the mold was, possible moisture problems could include:
Dampness from cooking or bathing
Lack of moisture barrier in the basement
15. **Lower the humidity.** Mold thrives in humid environments where the moisture levels are above 50 percent. To prevent mold, install a hygrometer and keep and eye on the humidity levels. When it gets too high, ways to reduce humidity include:
Running a dehumidifier
Running the air conditioner
Opening windows
Increasing ventilation
Opening windows and using vents when cooking
16. **Dry your shower after bathing.** Showers and tubs are common places for mold to grow because they stay wet all the time. To prevent this, keep a squeegee in the bathroom and ask that all family members and guests wipe down the walls after bathing.
You should also open a window or turn on the bathroom fan anytime somebody uses the bathroom to bathe or shower.
17. **Fix leaks immediately.** Leaks are a huge source of moisture problems in homes, and the extra moisture creates a prime environment for mold to grow. You can still prevent mold even if a leak occurs, but you do have to act quickly to fix the leak and dry the area. Leaks to look out for include:
Burst pipes
Leaking pipes
Roof leaks
Basement and foundation leaks
18. **Clean up after a flood right away.** Floods can often lead to mold because there's a lot of water that comes in at once, and it’s not always possible to clean it all right away. After a flood, the steps you should take as soon as possible to clean include:
Removing all the excess water
Using a wet vacuum to get rid of dampness
Replacing damaged carpeting, flooring, and drywall
Using mold-inhibiting cleaners | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Paint Galvanized Steel | Because of its smooth, slick, zinc-coated finish, galvanized steel can be tricky to paint. Before you jump right into it, it’s critical to prep the nonstick surface so it can hold paint. Start by cleaning the steel thoroughly with a chemical degreaser. Once this is done, wipe down the exterior with white vinegar to lightly etch the surface and promote adhesion, and be sure to scour older steel with a high-grit sandpaper to remove any traces of oxidized zinc (or “white rust”). Finally, prime the steel with a multi-purpose outdoor latex primer, then finish with two even coats of quality exterior latex paint.
1. **Clean the steel with a chemical degreaser.** Spray the surface with the solution, then scrub it with a clean, lint-free cloth. A powerful degreaser will cut through dirt, grime, mold, and other problematic residue without affecting the temperamental zinc coating. Proceed in small sections until you’ve cleaned the entire surface.
Common household products like Comet, mineral spirits, and chlorine bleach can all be used to prepare galvanized steel for painting.
If you’re attempting to paint siding panels, roof flashing, or other materials that have seen exposure to the elements, a thorough cleaning is necessary to eliminate any organic contaminants from the outer surface.
2. **Allow the surface to dry.** Once you’ve finished cleaning the steel, let it rest until all traces of the degreaser have evaporated. That way, you won’t have to worry about the solution interfering with the action of the vinegar, which you’ll be using to rough up the smooth steel.
If possible, do your prepping and painting indoors, or on a clear day when there’s little moisture in the environment.
3. **Scour older galvanized steel lightly to remove white rust, dust, and oil.** When working with an item that’s seen some wear, you may noticed a chalky or powdery film on parts of the surface. This can easily be buffed out with a high-grit sandpaper (120-grit or finer is preferable) and a little patience. Sand the steel using gentle circular motions until the exterior takes on a uniform appearance.
Afterwards, wipe the surface with a cloth dampened with warm water to remove any lingering dust.<
This chalky substance is commonly known as “white rust.” It forms when the thin layer of zinc coating the steel begins to break down as a result of age or exposure to the elements.
4. **Wipe down the steel with vinegar.** Go over the galvanized steel thoroughly, applying more vinegar as needed. To ensure an even paint job, it’s important that it come into contact with every part of the exterior.
The acid in the vinegar will gently etch the slick zinc-coated finish, giving it a rougher texture that will allow paint to stick better.
If you happen to miss a spot, you may end up with splotchy, peeling paint.
5. **Leave the vinegar to act for 1-2 hours.** This will give it plenty of time to eat away at the galvanized surface. The longer it sits, the more pronounced the etching effect will be, and the better your paint will adhere. You might even let it work overnight if the timeframe for your project allows.
If you’re short on time, wait until the surface is dry to the touch before moving on to priming and painting.
6. **Apply a latex-based primer.** Brush or spray the primer onto the prepped steel surface. Work in small sections, aiming for even coverage. Make sure there are no gaps or thin spots that might cause an issue later on when it comes time to paint.
For maximum hold and durability, choose a multipurpose latex primer that’s designed for exterior use.
If the steel is destined for rough industrial or outdoor conditions, consider upgrading to a high-performance epoxy primer. Epoxy primers offer a semi-permanent hold, and are resistant to scratching, chipping, and peeling.
7. **Let the primer dry completely.** This may take anywhere from 2-6 hours, depending on the product used. To test whether the primer is ready to accept paint, run the pad of your finger over the surface. If it feels tacky, it needs to dry a little longer.
Applying paint to wet primer will hinder its ability to stick.
8. **Choose the right paint.** In most cases, a standard latex paint formulated for exterior use will get the job done. These are readily available at most home improvement centers and hardware stores. Avoid using alkyd-based paints (such as spray paint) on galvanized steel.
For the most dependable results, look for paints that are formulated specifically to bond to galvanized steel.
The enamels in alkyd paints can react with the slick zinc finish on a galvanized steel surface, leading to poor adhesion and peeling.
9. **Brush on the first coat of paint.** Spread the paint across the surface with long, linear strokes. Use the tip of your brush to dab the paint into grooves, creases, and textured areas. Check to make sure there are no gaps or missed spots before moving on.
A roller may come in handy for applying paint to broad surfaces like siding and roof panels.
10. **Allow the base coat to dry to the touch.** It will typically take 3-4 hours before the surface is ready to accept another coat. In the meantime, avoid handling the fresh paint. Doing so may leave behind smudges or creases in the completed finish.
Expect drying times to be longer in warm, humid conditions.
11. **Follow up with a second and final coat.** Two coats will usually be enough for the majority of projects. Apply the topcoat the same way you did the first. Take your time to ensure that there are no inconsistencies in the topcoat—any imperfections may be visible once the paint has dried.
Indirect airflow from a box fan or air conditioning unit may help the topcoat set up faster.
Once the topcoat is dry, you can go ahead and install the piece or put it to its intended use.
12. **Limit the paint’s exposure as it cures.** Though most latex-based paints dry in a matter of hours, it can take them a few weeks (or as long as a month, in some cases) to fully harden. If possible, avoid subjecting the steel to stress and wear like pressure, heavy precipitation, or drastic fluctuations in temperature until then. At that point, it will be ready to take whatever you can throw at it.
When properly applied, the paint job on your galvanized steel will enjoy a long lifespan and be more resilient to extreme conditions. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Visit the National Baseball Hall of Fame | If you love baseball and want to learn more about its history, you should visit the National Baseball Hall of Fame, located in Cooperstown, New York. Opened to the pubic on June 12, 1939, the Museum is dedicated to Preserving History, Honoring Excellence and Connecting Generations.
1. **Visit the Museum during a special event.** Throughout the year the Museum will hold special events that include the annual Induction Ceremony and Hall of Fame Classic legends game. Visit the official schedule for special events at Consider visiting the Museum on one of these days for a special experience.
2. **Visit during the official Induction Ceremony.** Held most years on the fourth Sunday in July, the Induction Ceremony features the most Hall of Famers in one place at any event during the year. This two to three-hour ceremony recognizes excellence in baseball and is the . The induction ceremony typically brings the highlight of Induction Weekend, which features the Awards Presentation and Parade of Legends on the day before the induction.
3. **Take a look at baseball artifacts.** The first, second, and third floor of the Museum contain important baseball artifacts. Exhibits include Babe Ruth: His Life and Legend, Autumn Glory, Picturing America's Pastime and Whole New Ballgame. Go through the entire Museum to read and learn more about the history of baseball.
4. **Visit the Sandlot Kids' Clubhouse if you have children.** If you have children that are 12 years old or under, the Sandlot Kids' Clubhouse has hands-on activities that will maintain their interest.
5. **Sign up for a VIP Experience.** If you'd like to learn more about the preservation process of baseball artifacts and want to see a behind-the-scenes look at the Museum, you should consider the VIP Experience. This two-day experience is offered by the Museum and is only available in the spring and the fall. Visit the Museum's website to see the dates for the VIP tour.
6. **Learn how to preserve your own baseball items with a workshop.** The Museum puts on an annual collection, care, and conservation workshop that teaches you how to preserve your own baseball artifacts. If you collect signed mitts, cards, baseballs, or photos, the workshop will explain the best ways to preserve and store your items. Consider partaking in the workshop if you're a collector.
7. **Travel to Cooperstown, New York.** If you live in the Northeast United States, driving to the National Baseball Hall of Fame shouldn't be too hard. Visit to find driving directions. If you're traveling from out of state, you may opt to take a plane or a bus. Buses travel to Cooperstown from all major cities, airports, and train stations in New York.
Cooperstown is located near three major highways, Interstates 81, 88 and 90.
If you are traveling from out of the country, you'll need plane tickets to New York and the proper visitor's visa.
The red, blue, and yellow trolleys in Cooperstown take visitors from parking lots at the edge of the village to the Museum. Parking in the village is limited to street parking and parking at the Doubleday Field lot.
8. **Choose a day to visit the Museum.** The Museum is open seven days a week. From the day before Memorial Day through the day before Labor Day, the Museum is open from 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. For the rest of the year, the Museum is open 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. The Museum is closed for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Day. Choose a day that's good for you to visit the museum and make sure that you have plenty of time so that you can see all the exhibits available.
9. **Purchase tickets.** Before you gain access to the Museum, you'll have to purchase tickets. Tickets for an adult are $28. Tickets for children between the ages of 7-12 and veterans tickets are discounted to $17. If you're a senior (65-and-over), tickets cost $22. Active military personnel and children under 6 years old get in for free. Go to the official website at to purchase tickets online.
You can also purchase tickets at the Museum's Ticket Booth.
Memberships to the Museum are also available. Members are admitted for free every day of the year.
Discounted group rates are also available for groups of 20 or more people.
10. **Reserve lodging if visiting from out of state.** If you are visiting the Museum from another state or country, you'll need somewhere to stay after you visit the Museum. Look online and find a hotel or motel that fits your budget. The busiest times to visit are during the summer, so make sure that you reserve a room before you decide to visit.
11. **Enjoy everything that Cooperstown has to offer.** Cooperstown has a rich history and a variety of eateries, galleries and events that you can attend outside of visiting the Baseball Hall of Fame. You can enjoy delicious food at waterside restaurants or take advantage of their local farmer's markets. There are also a variety of musical and theater performances like the Catskill Symphony Orchestra and Cooperstown Summer Music Festival. Visit the official Cooperstown website to get a full list of events, restaurants, and galleries in the area.
Throughout the months of July and August, the Glimmerglass Festival puts on opera performances. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Keep Bees | Raising honeybees can be a fun and rewarding pastime that provides you with all the fresh honey you can eat. Maintaining just one hive can even provide you with a side source of income, but many people are intimidated by the prospect of keeping a few thousand bees in their yard. However, honeybees are surprisingly docile, and modern beekeeping methods make the process extremely non-invasive and bee-friendly.
1. **Buy a home for your bees.** While honey bees can create hives in all sorts of spaces, most naturally occurring hives don’t respond well to having honey harvested from them. Store-bought hives are designed to allow you to collect the honey with minimal effect on the honey bees.
Langstroth Hives are the most commonly used in the beekeeping industry because they provide movable frames that won’t interfere with the bees inside when removed.
Langstroth Hives will not stick together because they were designed to provide passage for the bees in the gaps between the movable pieces.
Top Bar Hives are designed to be more shallow and sit higher for people who have trouble bending over and may be a good choice for people with back issues.
Ware Hives are shaped a bit like a house and can be difficult to manage large colonies in, but are great for small hives.
2. **Find a place for the hive.** You can keep one colony in most typical sized housing lots. While many people think that means their backyard may be big enough to house a hive of honey bees, there are some other things you will need to consider before placing your hive.
Find out if there are any zoning requirements for keeping a bee colony in your local area.
Make sure no one in your family has a bee allergy.
Let your neighbors know about your hive to see what concerns they may have about their families or health.
3. **Make or purchase a hive stand.** You will want to keep your honey bee hive off of the ground to make it easier to access and prevent the wood from rotting. A good hive stand will stand about eighteen inches off the ground to protect the hives from wild animals as well.
A typical hive stand is made of treated 2x4 pieces of lumber laid across stacked cement or concrete blocks.
Consider putting down mulch, gravel, or stones under your hive stands to limit the mud you will have to deal with.
Keep the legs of the hive stand in a container of water to prevent ants from getting inside and attacking your bees.
4. **Purchase protective gear.** Honey bees are not the most aggressive species of bee, but their sting can still be quite painful. You will need to purchase honey beekeeping protective equipment to prevent them from stinging you as you check on them and harvest the honey.
A simple hat and veil is often enough protection for most beekeeping activities.
A light jacket offers additional protection and is often enough for regular beekeeping needs.
A full suit with gloves is advised for times when the weather is rather windy or the bees seem aggressive.
You can also make your own beekeeping suit out of ripstop nylon.
5. **Get a smoker.** A smoker is a cylinder with bellows attached that houses a slow burning fire. As the fire burns, you squeeze the bellows so smoke comes out the nozzle. This smoke is an excellent way to calm bees down as you work around their hive.
Burning pine needles, old burlap, wood or purchased smoker fuel are all effective methods of calming bees down.
Smoke tricks bees into thinking they need to escape a fire and interferes with the pheromones they use to communicate within the hive.
6. **Catch a wild spring swarm.** A wild spring swarm is a cluster of bees that have left their hive. You can usually find them temporarily hanging from a tree or bush during the springtime. During that time of year, the swarms will be relatively docile while they prepare to establish a new hive. This is the least expensive, but most dangerous method.
With beekeeping gear on, you can gather the bees and their queen into an empty hive.
Place a box below the branch of a tree or bush the bees are currently swarming on. You may be able to shake the branch, causing the majority of the bees to fall in the box but this could anger the bees. Instead, simply cut the branch they are swarming on off the tree and place it in the box for transport.
This method is not recommended without support from an experienced beekeeper.
7. **Purchase an established hive locally.** You may be able to purchase an established hive from a local beekeeper. This can be the easiest way to get started as well as a great way to provide you with a contact that has beekeeping experience.
These hives usually only cost between $50 and $100.
Make sure the hive you purchase has been formally inspected by an apiarist or the state department of agriculture. Either test is free to have conducted and can prevent you from having to destroy colonies with communicable diseases.
8. **Order bees by mail.** The easiest and most common way to make sure you can establish a hive of healthy honey bees is to order your bees through the mail. The U.S. Postal Service will actually deliver your bees right to your door. A beginner order would usually cost about $30 and entail the following:
A 3-pound box with 10,000 worker honey bees
One mated queen that is ready to start laying eggs
Sugar water to feed the colony during shipment
9. **Place the bees in their new home.** It’s surprisingly easy and safe to transfer your bees from the package they came into their new hive that you purchased for them. This process is detailed in instructions that often come with the bees as well.
Simply place the separately caged queen into the empty hive
Pour the bees out of the box onto the queen
The bees do not currently have a hive to defend and will be disoriented so there is very little risk of being stung during this process.
These colonies will take the first year to build up the number of bees inside and will not yield honey until the second year you have the hive.
10. **Start with a friend that has experience.** It’s important that you learn the proper way to behave around a beehive from someone with experience. An experienced beekeeper can provide you with wisdom and guidance that may be difficult to find online.
A seasoned beekeeper’s poise will show you how to remain calm if you get nervous around the hive.
Having support can make the situation less frightening until you are accustomed to working with bees.
11. **Check on your bees at least every 10 days.** You will need to check on the status of your hives more often than you will be harvesting honey. When checking on your hive, simply wearing a hat with a veil is often considered enough protection, but you may also choose to wear a jacket.
Visit the bees on a sunny day when flowers are in bloom so the majority of the bees will be out and working.
Wash any clothing bees may have stung previously when visiting, the residual pheromones could incite another attack.
Use a smoker to fill the hive with smoke and keep the bees docile when opening it to inspect.
12. **Inspect their honey-making progress.** Once you have approached the hive, you’ll need to open it and remove some of the interior frames to check on your bees' progress in developing the hive and making honey. Remember to liberally use your smoker throughout this process to pacify the remaining bees.
Use your hive tool (a small crowbar) to pry up the corner of one of the interior frame walls, then slide it up slowly.
In different frames you slide out you will find honey or even frames filled with the queen’s larvae.
Frames that are capped in beeswax are full of honey and ready to be harvested.
13. **Harvest your honey.** It’s finally time to reap the reward of beekeeping, a harvest of fresh honey! You may choose to wear your full beekeeping suit to protect yourself during this process, though if you’re careful, it may not be necessary.
You can purchase a “bee escape” which is a bee trap that allows the bees to enter a container but not leave. As you smoke the hive, most bees will enter the bee escape, allowing you to harvest the honey safely with most bees temporarily displaced.
Use a pocket knife or small blade to cut the honeycombs out of the frames. The beeswax honey making up the hexagons is also edible.
A centrifuge specially designed to separate the honey from the honeycombs can also be purchased at specialty stores if you would prefer only the pure honey.
14. **Treat bee stings.** It’s inevitable that you will get stung at some point while working with bees. Most experienced beekeepers have been stung many times, but eventually learn to avoid most situations that may result in getting stung. If you are stung, treating a bee sting is fairly easy:
Remove the stinger as quickly as you can and wash the area with soap and water.
Apply a cold compress and keep an eye out for signs of an allergic reaction.
If signs of a moderate allergic reaction arise, take an antihistamine and apply a cortisone cream to the site of the sting.
If a more severe reaction seems evident, use an epinephrine pen if available and seek medical treatment immediately. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Use Tea Tree Oil for Acne | Tea tree oil can be used as a natural solution for getting rid of pimples. It contains natural antibacterial properties, which makes it an excellent alternative to harsh synthetic chemicals and it will not strip your skin of its natural oils. Tea tree oil can be applied directly to acne or it can be used as an ingredient in a variety of skin treatments. Once you learn how to use tea tree oil, it can become an effective tool in your battle against pimples.
1. **Purchase pure tea tree oil.** Getting pure oil will ensure that you don't end up applying unknown chemicals or ingredients on your skin. Look at that label and make sure it say 100% pure tea tree oil, as products and their concentrations can vary.
Even if you plan on diluting the tea tree oil, purchase 100% tea tree oil. This will allow you to control what you use to dilute or mix into your oil.
2. **Wash your skin.** Use a mild soap or cleanser to clean the area that has acne. Then dry the skin, as the tea tree oil should be applied to a dry surface. It's important to apply tea tree oil to clean skin, as it's easier for the tea tree oil to clean pimples and acne when the skin on top is already clean.
Tea-tree oil is usually considered safe for topical use.
To get better results and use it safely, it is better to wash your face with a cleanser.
Then dry it gently with a towel before applying the oil.
3. **Test the tea tree oil on your skin.** Before applying tea tree oil to your acne, you should test it on a healthy spot of skin. Dab a drop of the oil on your hand or other easily accessible spot of skin and let it sit there for a few minutes. If it does not irritate your skin at all, then it is appropriate to use on your acne.
If the tea tree oil does irritate your skin, you can either decide not to use it at all or dilute it down enough so it doesn't irritate your skin.
Common side effects of tea tree oil include irritation, redness, or dried skin.
4. **Make a homemade spot treatment, if necessary.** If you find that pure, undiluted tea tree oil is a little too harsh, irritating, or drying on your skin, try using it in a homemade spot treatment. Simply mix a couple of drops of tea tree oil into 2 teaspoons of aloe vera gel, water, or a neutral oil, such as coconut or olive oil.
Tea tree oil can be very helpful for treating acne even when it is only 5% of the spot treatment solution.
You can also try mixing tea tree oil with raw, organic honey. Honey also contains antibacterial properties and promotes skin healing. Tea tree oil combined with honey can make a nice mask or paste.
Store your spot treatment in a small glass container so it is available for easy application.
5. **Apply the tea tree oil onto your pimples.** Pour a few drops the tea tree oil or solution onto a cotton bud, cotton pad, tissue, or your fingertip. Then gently dab it directly to your pimples.
Just a small amount of oil will penetrate the skin to unblock the sebaceous glands, disinfect pores, and dry out whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples.
6. **Leave the tea tree oil on the acne for a few hours, or overnight.** Leaving it on will give it time to absorb into the acne and do its job. The redness and swelling should decrease and the pores will be cleaned out. Then rinse your face with warm water and gently dry it after the tea tree oil has done its job.
You can rinse the tea tree oil off with plain warm water or you can use a gentle cleanser, if necessary.
7. **Repeat this treatment daily.** Using tea tree oil to eliminate bacteria and clean out your pores will be most effective if done on a regular basis. However, you can apply the tea tree oil whenever you like, either in the morning or evening.
This treatment should help reduce active pimples and any redness that remains due to continuing infection under the surface of the skin.
8. **Use tea tree oil in a homemade face mask.** A few drops of tea tree oil can be added to homemade face masks to kill bacteria and dry out pimples. Make a face mask using natural ingredients.
Mix 3-4 drops of tea tree oil with 2 tablespoons (29.6 ml) of green clay powder, which can be found at most health food stores. Stir in enough water to turn your clay into a spreadable paste. Apply the mask evenly, leave the mask on for at least 20 minutes, and then rinse off with warm water and pat dry.
Blend together 3 drops of tea tree oil, 1 teaspoon of jojoba oil, and half of a very finely chopped tomato. Apply this face mask directly to clean skin and leave on for 10 minutes, before rinsing off with warm water and patting dry.
Add 5 drops of tea tree oil to 1/4 cup of plain yogurt (either traditional or Greek style) and apply as a mask. Rinse off with warm water after 15-20 minutes.
9. **Add tea tree oil to a homemade face scrub.** For an effective, acne-fighting face scrub, try mixing tea tree oil with some other natural ingredients from your kitchen cupboard. In a small bowl, combine 1/2 cup of sugar, 1/4 cup of sesame or olive oil, 1 tablespoon of honey, and approximately 10 drops of tea tree oil. Gently massage the mixture onto your damp face, using circular motions, for 2-5 minutes. Wash off with warm water and then pat your face dry.
This scrub may be a little rough for people suffering from cystic acne but is perfect for mild to medium breakouts.
As both tea tree oil and honey are natural preservatives, you can make this scrub in bulk and store in a jar in your medicine cabinet.
10. **Add tea tree oil to your cleanser or moisturizer.** A few drops of tea tree oil can be added to your daily moisturizer and cleanser to help combat stubborn pimples. Apply 2 - 6 drops, depending on how strong you want it.
Be careful not to get it in your eyes. It could cause stinging or burning if the tea tree oil comes into contact with your eyes.
11. **Put tea tree oil in your bath.** Add a couple of drops of tea tree oil to your bath to help clear acne on your chest, back, and other parts of your body. Additionally, the oil will add a fragrant scent to your bath.
Breathing in the tea tree-infused steam can also help to alleviate congestion, so you should also try this when you have a cold or allergies.
12. **Purchase tea tree skincare products.** Many brands have started using tea tree oil in their skin products because of its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. If you feel that the pure, essential oil is a little too strong for your tastes or you don't have time to make your own tea tree skin products, buying a tea tree based product may be a good option.
Tea tree cleansers, moisturizers, and spot gels are particularly popular. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Do a Dip Powder Manicure | Dip manicures are like a hybrid between a manicure and fake nails, and can last three to four weeks. Compared to typical gel or acrylic nails, dip manicures are thinner, and require less filing and special tools. They have a more natural look, are less likely to lift, and are easier to apply. Furthermore, no odorous liquid monomer or UV light is needed. You can seal up broken or split nails with this lightweight overlay of powder and resin.
1. **Use polish remover as well as a cuticle pusher.** If you have polish on your nails, remove it with non-acetone nail polish remover on a lint-free pad. Use a cuticle pusher to gently nudge your cuticles slightly back. Gently remove any excess cuticle sticking up with a cuticle trimmer or scraper.
This will allow new nail growth to show so that your manicure will last longer before needing a fill.
2. **Buff the top surfaces of the nails.** Whether natural, acrylic or gel, smooth the surfaces of your nail manually with a nail file. Use a 180 grit file or block, or a natural nail stone. Brush away the grit from filing with a nail brush or makeup powder brush.
Pay extra attention to buffing the grooves and the cuticle area.
3. **File away any problematic areas.** Examine the sides of your nails for any loose or damaged edges. Also look for any lifting if you have a previous dip manicure you’re filling. Use a coarse nail file (100 or 180 grit) on any such areas.
If you don’t already have tips on and you want to add them to lengthen your nails, trim your natural nails down to short length. Use the nail file to smooth the edges.
4. **Sanitize your nails with alcohol.** Dampen a paper towel or lint-free pad with alcohol or nail sanitizer. You can use an antiseptic spray, or a sanitizer in a pourable container. Rub the moistened towel over your nails, and your fingers – from the closest knuckle to your cuticles, down towards your nails.
This cleans and dehydrates the surface of your nails to prepare them for a dip manicure. You don’t want to seal in any bacteria or grime.
5. **Find the right-sized tips.** If you want to extend the length of your nails, find a tip for each nail that covers no greater than a third of your nail bed. Each tip should reach across the whole width of your nail, from nail groove to nail groove, without overlapping onto your skin. Coat the wells of the tips with tip resin. Hold each one gently but firmly to the tip of the nail at a 45 degree angle for twenty seconds.
If you can’t find a nail tip that is the right size, you can use a nail file to make slight adjustments so that it will fit securely.
Pinch the sides of the tips for a few seconds to adhere the tips to curvature of your nail edges. Try not to get resin on your fingers.
6. **Trim and file the tips.** File the edges of the tips all the way across. Buff the top surfaces of the tips to remove their shine. Then buff the nails all over.
7. **Paint on the bonder.** Follow the steps in this method for each nail, one at a time. Apply it in small strokes, starting about 1/16” away from your cuticles. Spread it out so that it doesn’t well up near the cuticle area. Let it sit for one minute.
8. **Brush resin onto your nails.** Move slowly, and apply it evenly. Resin should be dotted on with the belly of the brush applicator, rather than applied in strokes like nail polish.
Try to apply the resin as evenly and neatly as possible. Focus on creating a clean edge just above the cuticle, since this will be what your powder adheres to.
If you’re only doing a fill, and it has been two weeks since your last dip manicure, apply resin to your desired thickness – for instance, three to four coats. No follow-up with powder is necessary.
If you’re doing a manicure to your natural nails or it has been three or more weeks since your last dip manicure, apply one coat of resin only at this point.
9. **Dip your finger into the container of clear nail powder.** Shake the closed container of powder well first. Open the container, then use a nail stick or pusher to mix the powder. Push your finger forward within the container and roll your finger gently. Keep your finger in the powder for five seconds. Remove your finger and tap the edge of the pot. Then, with your other hand, tap the finger you just dipped, to shake excess powder off your finger and back into the container.
Once the nail is dry, use a nail brush to remove the rest of the extra powder over a paper towel.
Do not use a colored powder at this point. If you want to add a color, that will come after applying more resin.
10. **Apply more resin and powder.** Apply a layer of resin over the full nail, including the tips. Paint it on slowly and evenly. If you want to use colored powder, now’s the time to do it! Dip your finger into nail powder again, then remove any excess powder. Add a third and final application of resin.
You can repeat this step once more to achieve a slightly thicker and stronger manicure.
11. **Brush on activator.** Apply it in strokes as you would regular nail polish. Allow it to sit for five seconds on the nails. Apply a second coat, and allow that to sit for five seconds as well.
12. **File the nail edges to dull and shape them.** Use a soft-grid file on the exposed edges and sides of the nails.
13. **Finish with a top coat.** Make sure it is a top coat meant for acrylic nails. Keep your fingers sedentary and allow your nails to air-dry for two minutes. Gently rub cuticle oil into the skin surrounding your fingernails.
Apply the top coat as you would normal nail polish.
14. **Wash your hands.** Make sure that your nails are completely dry first. Use warm water, hand soap and a nail brush. Make sure to get around and underneath the tips of your nails. Pat your nails dry with a towel.
15. **Maintain your manicure.** Follow tips to prolong the life of your manicure. Your manicure can last three to four weeks before needing a fill. However, you may notice new nail growth near the cuticle area and wish to do the fill as early as two weeks after your dip manicure.
If you apply colored polish on top of your manicure, don’t get it on your cuticles. This can cause chipping and lifting of the polish. Also, mix the polish by rolling it between your hands instead of shaking it, so that air bubbles don’t promote chipping.
If you use a fan to dry your nails, opt for cool air instead of warm air. Use a blow dryer on the cool setting.
Reapply a clear top coat every few days to deter chipping. Massage cuticle oil onto your nails every day, if possible.
Use mild soap to wash your hands instead of applying hand sanitizer. Hand sanitizer is strong and dehydrating, and can eat away at your protective top coat. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Deal With an Abusive Teacher | A teacher is supposed to be someone you can trust and look up to, so dealing with an abusive teacher can be especially hurtful or confusing. Although it may be difficult, you can get help! If you think your teacher is being abusive, it’s important to tell your parents or another trusted adult right away. If you’re a parent, document what’s happening and be ready to take the problem up with the school administration.
1. **Watch for your teacher yelling or calling you names.** When you think of abuse, you might imagine someone hitting you or pushing you around. But people can also abuse others with their words. If your teacher yells or screams at you, calls you names, or says mean things to you, these are also forms of abuse. Think about whether your teacher says things that are hurtful or uses their voice to frighten or upset you.
There’s a difference between a teacher being firm or raising their voice to be heard and being abusive. For example, when the class is being noisy, your teacher might loudly say “Quiet, please!” to get everyone’s attention, and that’s okay. On the other hand, it would be abusive if they were to scream “Shut up!” in an angry voice.
Sometimes abusive people will say mean things and then say that they were “just joking” when you get upset. They might also tell you that you misunderstood or that they didn’t say what you thought they said.
Verbal abuse can be just as harmful as physical abuse, and it’s never okay for someone to treat you this way. If your teacher says mean or abusive things to you, it’s not your fault.
2. **Look out for hitting, grabbing, poking, or shoving.** If your teacher uses physical touch to hurt or frighten you, that’s abuse. They should never push, poke, pinch, hit, or grab you. Even if it doesn’t hurt, your teacher shouldn’t touch you in ways that scare you or make you uncomfortable.
If your teacher hits your desk, throws things, punches or kicks wall or objects, or raises their hand like they’re about to hit you, those are also abusive behaviors. Even if they aren’t actually hurting you, your teacher should never make you feel afraid or unsafe!
3. **Ask yourself if your teacher ever makes you feel scared or embarrassed.** Sometimes someone can hurt you without yelling or using their hands. Think about whether your teacher has ever done something to intentionally make you feel bad, frighten you, or shame you in front of your classmates.
For example, if your teacher were to shove your books and pencils off your desk and then order you to pick them up, that would be an abusive action.
You deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. It’s never okay for a teacher to embarrass you or shame you on purpose.
4. **Get help right away if your teacher touches you inappropriately.** An adult should never touch any private parts of your body or ask you to touch their private parts. Your teacher also shouldn’t ask you to keep secrets about the way they touch or talk to you. If they ever touch you in a way that makes you uncomfortable, tell someone right away.
If this happens, don’t wait. Get away from your teacher as soon as possible and call for help immediately.
Your teacher should never touch any part of your body that would be covered by a bathing suit or your underwear.
It’s also abusive if a teacher speaks inappropriately about your body. For instance, it would be okay if they said, “You look so nice today!” or “That’s a pretty dress.” But it would be inappropriate if they said something like, “I love the way your legs look in those tights.”
5. **Note whether your teacher ignores your needs.** Sometimes abuse is about the things someone doesn’t do. Your teacher is supposed to look out for you and take care of you, and it’s their job to listen if you need help or something is wrong. If your teacher puts you at risk by not caring for your needs, this is a type of abuse called “neglect.” For example, your teacher should never:
Ignore you if you say you’re hurt or feeling sick
Refuse to let you go to the bathroom or see the school nurse
Keep you from drinking water if you’re thirsty or prevent you from leaving the classroom for lunch
Refuse to help you or believe you if someone else is hurting or bullying you
Constantly pass over you or ignore you when you try to ask questions or speak up in class
6. **Tell your parents or another teacher right away.** If your teacher is abusing you or other kids in your class, don’t wait—tell someone immediately! This can be really hard to do, but it’s the best way to protect yourself and your classmates. Talk to someone you trust, like your parents or another relative, another teacher, the principal, your coach, or the school counselor. If your teacher has seriously hurt you or someone else, call 911 or your local emergency number as soon as it’s safe to do so.
Try saying something like, “Mom, I have to talk to you about something important. My teacher has been yelling at me and the other kids almost every day. Sometimes she gets in our faces and acts like she’s going to hurt us.”
Keep telling people if the first person doesn’t listen to you. The more people you talk to, the more likely it is that someone will be willing to help.
Even if your teacher threatens you or asks you not to tell anyone, it’s very important to let other adults know what’s going on. Remember, telling someone might help not only you, but other kids who are getting hurt.
7. **Keep a record of the things your teacher does.** Any time your teacher does something abusive, write it down. Make sure you write down the details of what happened as well as the time and place. If anyone else was there and saw it happen, write that down, too.
For example, you might write something like, “Mrs. Johnson called me ‘fat’ in front of Lily and Olivia when I asked for a snack break during second period on Tuesday.”
Keeping a record will help you keep track of what your teacher has been doing, and will also make it easier for you to get help. You can use your notes to show other adults that there’s a pattern of bad behavior.
If you’ve written down the names of other people who saw the behavior, then other adults can ask them about what happened. They might be more likely to listen if other people can back you up.
8. **Explain clearly what your teacher has been doing.** Sometimes, adults might not understand that what you are talking about is really abuse. Make sure you give lots of specific details about what’s been happening so that they will have a clear picture of what your teacher is doing.
For example, don’t just say to your parents, “My teacher is mean.” They might assume that your teacher is just strict or expects you to do a lot of work. Instead, say specific things, like, “Sometimes Mr. Walsh throws things and calls the kids ‘stupid.’”
It can be really frustrating to feel like someone doesn’t believe you or isn’t taking you seriously, but don’t give up. Give as many examples as you can. You can even show the adult your notes, if you’ve been keeping a record.
9. **Get other kids in your class to back you up if you can.** If your teacher is abusive to you, there’s a good chance they’re picking on other kids, too. Most students in a school are aware of which teachers are the bullies. Ask around among your classmates and see if any of them are willing to go with you to report the problem to an adult who can help.
For example, you and some of the other kids could go see the principal or the school counselor as a group, or you could write a letter with some examples of your teacher’s behavior and have your classmates sign it.
Getting help or reporting your teacher’s behavior can feel less scary if you’re not doing it alone! Adults at your school might also be more willing to listen if lots of students speak up instead of just one.
10. **Call a help hotline if nobody will listen to you.** If you can’t get help from any of the adults around you, or if you’re too scared to talk about what’s happening, there are other ways to get help. Try calling a helpline, such as the Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline (1-800-422-4453).
You can also text HOME to the crisis text line at 741741 if you’re in the U.S. or Canada. You can reach them at 85258 if you’re in the U.K. or 086 1800 280 in Ireland.
A counselor at a helpline can give you advice about how to get help or help you deal with your feelings about the abuse.
11. **Document any incidents your child tells you about.** If you know or suspect that your child is being abused in school, it’s crucial to create a paper trail. Write down as many details as you can about what’s been happening, including the date, time, and the names of any people involved.
It can be immensely frustrating to and scary to see your child being bullied by a teacher over a long period of time, but you may need to document the behavior for a while (e.g., a couple of months) in order to demonstrate a pattern of abuse.
Schools that ignore or deny documented incidents of abuse put themselves at greater risk of legal liability. Keeping records may cause the administration to take you more seriously—and will also help you build a better case against the school, if it comes to that.
12. **Research local laws on abuse and bullying so you know what violates the law.** Different countries, states, and jurisdictions have varying laws and policies about how teachers can treat students in the classroom. If a teacher has been abusing your child, look up local laws as well as your district’s policies on teacher behavior. This will help you point to specific laws or rules that the teacher is breaking if you have to go to the school administration.
You can explore laws and regulations about bullying by state on the U.S. government’s Stop Bullying website:
13. **Look for other parents and kids at the school who can back you up.** If a teacher is abusing your child, there’s a chance that other kids in the class have witnessed it or experienced the abuse themselves. Check in with other parents and students in your child’s class to find out what’s going on. This is a good way to gather more evidence and build a support network of other witnesses in case you need to make a formal complaint.
For example, you might call up another classroom parent and say, “Hey, has Jordan had any complaints about how Mr. Stone acts in class?”
If your child has a playdate with a classmate or you participate in the class carpool, take the opportunity to chat with the other kids about what’s going on. You could casually say, “So, how are you guys liking fourth grade?” or “What’s Mrs. Simmons like?”
14. **Try talking to the teacher if their behavior doesn’t seem too extreme.** If you think that there’s a chance that you can reason with your child’s teacher or have a productive discussion about their behavior, try that first. Call or email them and let them know that you have some concerns and would like to have a meeting.
Although you might be really angry, avoid being threatening or too confrontational. Explain clearly and calmly what’s your child has been saying—using your child’s words, if possible—and ask for clarification about what’s happening.
For example, you might say something like, “Ethan’s been coming home upset from school most days for the past few weeks, and I’m just trying to understand what’s going on. Yesterday, he said that the two of you had a confrontation and that you yelled at him and called him a bad name. I’m hoping we can talk about this and figure out a solution.”
Keep in mind that an abusive teacher might deny or minimize your child’s complaints, or twist the truth to make themselves look better. It’s important to take what your child says seriously, especially if it’s been an ongoing pattern.
15. **Approach the school administration with your concerns if necessary.** If talking to your child’s teacher doesn’t get you anywhere, or if the abuse is severe, go up the chain of command. For example, try talking to the principal, the school social worker, or the head of your school’s PTA. If that doesn’t work, you can try going to a district-level administrator.
Prepare ahead of time before you talk to anyone high up on the chain of command. You’ll have a better case if you can tell them that you tried talking to the teacher first and if you have good documentation of the teacher’s behavior.
You can also try getting other parents with similar complaints to go with you. School administrators might be more likely to listen to a group of concerned parents than an individual.
16. **Contact the local press if the school doesn’t take you seriously.** When other approaches don’t work, bad press can sometimes force a school to take action. Let the school administration know that you will call a local newspaper or TV station and tell them what’s been happening.
You can also take to social media with your story. Make a public post on Facebook or Twitter about what happened, and ask your friends to share it.
17. **Remove your child from the class if the administration won’t take action.** In some cases, you might have to have your child transferred to another classroom, or even to a new school. Explain clearly to the principal that you are prepared to withdraw your child if they won’t transfer them to another class.
Transferring your child to a new school or classroom can be hard, especially if they have friends in their current classes. However, sometimes it’s the best solution if your child is suffering and the school refuses to take action.
18. **Let your child know that you are there for them.** Dealing with an abusive teacher can leave a child feeling powerless, scared, betrayed, or sad. While you’re working on resolving the situation, give them as much emotional support as possible. If they need to talk about it, be there to listen with kindness and compassion.
Don’t say things like, “It’s not so bad,” or “Just be positive.” Instead, let your child know that you recognize how difficult their situation is. You could say, “I know this is hard, honey, but we’ll get through it. I’m here for you whenever you need to talk.”
It’s always important for children to have a positive and loving home environment, and even more so if they don’t feel safe and supported at school. Spend quality time with your child, do fun and enriching activities with them, and encourage them to spend time with friends and do activities they enjoy.
Some kids may feel ashamed or blame themselves for what’s happening. Assure your child that abuse is never okay, and that their teacher’s behavior is not their fault. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Use Cinnamon Sticks | Cinnamon sticks are a delicious and aromatic form of cinnamon that can be used in a wide variety of ways. You can use cinnamon sticks to create various useful and one-of-a-kind crafts, or to add a subtle spice flavor to various dishes. When steeped in liquid, cinnamon sticks can also be used to make delicious, uniquely spiced beverages.
1. **Use cinnamon sticks and leather cord to make scented ornaments.** String a piece of leather cord, about 12 inches (30 cm) long, through the hollow center of 3 cinnamon sticks. Fold the cinnamon sticks into a triangle shape, then pull the cord tight to secure the shape. Tie the loose ends together at the top. To hang the ornament, cut another piece of leather cord about 4 inches (10 cm). Loop it around the top of the triangle and tie it in a knot to secure.
You can also use a piece of twine or hemp instead of a leather cord.
For more of a holiday vibe, use craft glue to glue a 1 inch (2.5 cm) piece of tree garland onto the bottom corner of the triangle cinnamon ornament.
2. **Make a fall-ready cinnamon stick candle.** Coarsely chop 4 cinnamon sticks and set aside. Set out your candle holder (you can use a jar, small bowl, or any small container you’d like) on a flat surface. Lay one end of a candle wick in the center of the bowl then wrap the other end around a pencil to hold the wick straight up and in place. Melt candle wax in a nonstick pan on low heat. Once melted, mix the chopped cinnamon sticks into the wax and quickly pour the hot wax into the candle holder to fill it about ¾ of the way up.
Let the wax cool and harden for at least 15 minutes before removing the pencil and trimming the wick as needed.
To make your candle’s cinnamon scent stronger, add a few drops of cinnamon extract to the wax as its melting.
3. **Craft your own homemade spice potpourri.** Preheat your oven to 250 °F (121 °C). Thinly slice an apple and an orange and lay the slices flat on a baking sheet. Bake the fruit slices for an hour and a half, then remove them from the oven to cool. Once cool, mix the slices in a large jar with about 2 tablespoons (28.3 grams) of cloves, 3 to 5 cinnamon sticks, and about 2 tablespoons (28.3 grams) of star anise..
Put the lid on the jar and let the mixture settle for 1 day before pouring out and displaying it in a bowl or decorative jar.
4. **Secure cinnamon sticks together for easy scented drink coasters.** Set out about 5 or 6 cinnamon sticks. Add a dab of craft glue to the center of one of the cinnamon sticks, and press another stick to it firmly to secure the two together. Repeat this process until all 5 or 6 cinnamon sticks are glued together.
To add a bit more visual interest to your coasters, weave a piece of colorful string or twine along the ends of the cinnamon sticks (like a log raft). This will make your coasters look a bit more finished.
5. **Tie cinnamon sticks onto gifts for an added personal touch.** For an easy way to elevate your fall or holiday gifts, use ribbon, twine, or holiday-colored string to tie a few cinnamon sticks onto your wrapped gifts. The recipient will surely appreciate your added effort and the pleasant scent.
In addition to wrapped gifts, you can tie a few cinnamon sticks onto soaps, jam jars, or cider mix for an easy yet thoughtful gift for your friends, neighbors, or family members.
6. **Make a moth-repelling pouch for your closet.** Fill a small mesh baggie or sachet with a cinnamon stick, 1 tablespoon (14.3 grams) of black peppercorns, and 1 tablespoon (14.3 grams) of whole cloves. Hang the pouch on a hanger in your closet, or place it in a dresser drawer to keep moths off of your clothing.
7. **Make an easy homemade cinnamon syrup.** Add 4 cinnamon sticks to 2 cups (470 mL) of water in a pot. Turn the stove on high to bring the water to a boil, then reduce the heat to a simmer. Let the cinnamon sticks simmer for about 25 minutes, then turn off the stovetop and let the pot cool for 15 minutes. Remove the cinnamon sticks from the water, then add 1.5 cups (192 grams) of white sugar. Turn the stovetop back on low and reheat the water for 7 minutes, stirring frequently. Once the sugar is dissolved, let the syrup cool before using or storing in a jar.
You may need to run the syrup through a strainer if any cinnamon stick particles came off while they were boiling.
Use your homemade cinnamon syrup on ice cream, in cocktails or other drinks, or on waffles or pancakes.
8. **Put a cinnamon stick in your rice cooker for a unique flavor.** To give your rice a hint of a rich spice flavor, place a cinnamon stick on top of the rice after you add it to the rice cooker. Then, cook the rice according to the instructions.
If you don’t have a rice cooker, you can also add a cinnamon stick to a pot of rice and water and cook according to the instructions on the stovetop.
Cinnamon stick rice works particularly well in or with Asian, Middle Eastern, and North African dishes.
9. **Simmer a cinnamon stick in oatmeal for a comforting breakfast.** When cooking oatmeal on the stove or in a slow cooker, add 1 or 2 cinnamon sticks, depending on your taste preference. This will give your oats an extra comforting spice flavor.
Cinnamon sticks are a great addition to oatmeal made with apples, peaches, raisins, or pumpkin puree.
10. **Use a cinnamon stick to flavor slow cooker meats, stews, and curries.** When you’re slow cooking beef, chicken, pork, or lamb, or when making a stew or curry dish, add a cinnamon stick right before you turn the slow cooker on. The cinnamon stick won’t make the meat or stew taste strongly of cinnamon, but will add a subtle rich spice flavor.
Adding a cinnamon stick to slow cooker chili will also add a great subtle flavor.
11. **Soak cinnamon sticks in rum for a homemade cinnamon essence.** Pour 3 ounces (85 g) of light or dark rum into a container with a lid. Add 2 cinnamon sticks to the container before replacing the lid on the container. Store the rum and cinnamon mixture in a cool, dark place for about 2 weeks, shaking it daily to ensure that the flavors are infused.
You can then use your homemade cinnamon essence in almost any recipe that calls for cinnamon extract. Note, however, that the cinnamon essence will be a bit sweeter than cinnamon extract because of the sweetness in the rum.
12. **Use cinnamon sticks to add spice to homemade mulled wine.** Add 4 cups (950 mL) of apple cider, 1 bottle of red wine, ⁄4 cup (59 mL) of honey, 2 cinnamon sticks, 1 orange zested and juiced, 4 cloves, and 3 star anise pods to a large saucepan. Turn the stovetop on high to bring the liquid to a boil, then reduce the heat to a simmer. Let the mixture simmer for 10 minutes, then turn the stovetop off and let it cool before serving.
Add an orange peel or cinnamon stick stirrer for an extra garnish.
13. **Add flavor to tea or cider by using a cinnamon stick to stir.** Make your tea or apple cider as directed. Once your drink is finished, use a cinnamon stick to stir while it’s still hot. You can stir with the cinnamon briefly to add just a bit of flavor, or leave the stick in to seep while you drink.
To add a bit of a kick to your cinnamon stick tea, add 1 ounce (28 g) of whiskey, 2 teaspoons (9.9 mL) of honey, and a squeeze of lemon juice to make a cinnamon tea hot toddie.
You can use a cinnamon stick as a stirrer several times before it’ll lose its flavor. Just rinse it with hot water and let it dry before using it again.
14. **Boil a cinnamon stick with hot chocolate.** To make a traditional New Mexico hot chocolate, pour milk, cocoa powder, and white sugar into a saucepan. Add a cinnamon stick, then turn the stovetop on low. Bring the liquid to a simmer while stirring consistently to combine. Once it reaches a low boil, turn the stovetop off and let it cool before pouring it into a mug to enjoy.
You can either leave the cinnamon stick in the hot chocolate when you pour it into a mug, or remove it with a spoon if you prefer.
You can use a pre-packaged hot chocolate mix instead on cocoa and sugar.
15. **Put cinnamon sticks in your coffee maker for uniquely flavored coffee.** Pour your desired amount of coffee grounds into the coffee maker as you usually do. Then, lay a cinnamon stick on top of the coffee grounds. Turn the coffee maker on and brew as usual.
This will only add a subtle cinnamon flavor. If you want the cinnamon to be stronger, use another cinnamon stick to stir your coffee while it’s still hot.
16. **Make simple cinnamon tisane for a comforting hot drink.** Heat up a mug of water in a kettle or in the microwave. Once heated to your desired temperature, steep a cinnamon stick in hot water for about 10 minutes.
While quite simple, cinnamon tisane can be very effective in helping to soothe an upset stomach.
Because of its antimicrobial prosperities, you can also use cinnamon tisane to treat athlete’s foot by making a larger batch and soaking your feet in the mixture for about 20 minutes as needed. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Recognize Pica | Pica is an eating disorder that causes people to compulsively eat items not designated for eating. A person with pica might eat relatively harmless items such as ice cubes or may potentially eat dangerous things like dried paint flakes that can result in poisoning. An underlying cause of pica can be a nutritional deficiency or developmental disability, which makes people crave nonfood things. Pica can develop in any person, but it is most common in children, pregnant women, and individuals with intellectual disabilities. It can also develop as a coping mechanism. Although pica is usually temporary, it can have potentially serious consequences. You can recognize pica by identifying physical symptoms and observing emotional signs.
1. **Watch eating patterns.** A person with pica usually maintains a regular diet of food along with eating non-food items. Pica is present when a person eats non-food items consistently for at least a month. If you suspect that you or another person has pica, keep a mental note or journal of eating habits. This can help identify patterns in consumption that may indicate pica. Some common items a person with pica eats include:
Soap or laundry starch
Clay, dirt, or sand
Cigarette butts or ashes and/or burnt matches
Paint, glue, plaster or chalk
Talcum powder, cornstarch, or baking soda
Coffee grounds
2. **Look for physical manifestations of pica.** People who have pica eat items that are not appropriate for their age or cultural practices. Eating these non nutritive things can have various symptomatic manifestations from mild to severe. Manifestations may include:
Constipation or intestinal obstruction
Intestinal hemorrhage
Severe tooth abrasion
Tooth loss
3. **Consider prior medical conditions.** If you suspect you may have pica, think about prior visits to your doctor or medical conditions you’ve had. A person with pica may be more susceptible to certain conditions than others who don’t consume non-nutritive food items. You may have pica if you eat non-food items and have had one of the following health issues:
Lead poisoning or complications thereof
Infections from parasites from animals, especially dogs and cats
Round worm infections
Intestinal ulcerations or perforations
Iron or zinc deficiency syndromes
GI-tract complications
4. **Check feces for nonfood items.** Many small children eat non-food items. If you suspect your child or another person for whom you care has pica, consider checking diapers or in the toilet. You may be able to discern non-food items such as glass, stones, hair, matches, or coffee grounds. Recognize that it may be difficult to difficult to find objects that dissolve in the stomach such as ice, ashes, or soap.
5. **Detect red flags for pica.** Like other eating disorders, pica can present with not only physical symptoms, but also behavioral or emotional ones. You may notice certain behaviors that can indicate pica, especially when they’re in conjunction with physical symptoms. These include:
Skipping meals
Making excuses for not eating
Withdrawing from normal social activities
Leaving during meals to use the bathroom
Expressing disgust, shame, or guilt about eating habits
Eating in secret
6. **Acknowledge negative feelings.** Individuals with eating disorders often have negative feelings associated with their condition. Acknowledging that you or another person have these types of feelings can help you recognize pica. Negative feelings individuals with pica may have include:
Protective of your habit
7. **Put the behavior in context.** In some cultures, pica may be a part of everyday life. For example, certain religions and ethnic groups eat clay as a way to treat intestinal issues. However, if eating nonfood items is not a part of your culture or is an inappropriate for the person’s age or developmental stage, it may indicate pica.
Be aware that pica is common in individuals with intellectual disabilities, autism, other developmental disabilities, or differences in the brain. If a person with any of these conditions is showing signs of pica, talk to them about what they’ve been eating. You may get the answer simply by asking. Seek medical attention to help you deal with potential pica in a person with developmental disabilities.
8. **Be aware of risk factors.** Pica can affect persons of any age and gender. However, some people may be more susceptible to it. Recognizing your risk factors may help minimize your risk of developing pica. Risk factors include:
Trichotillomania, or hair pulling disorder
Excoriation, or skin picking disorder
Nutritional deficiencies
Parental neglect such as food deprivation or lack of supervision
Mental health conditions such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and schizophrenia
Intellectual and developmental disabilities, including autism
9. **Recognize complications of pica.** Many people with pica may eat seemingly harmless substances such as ice. But in other cases, eating non-food items constantly can result in severe medical conditions and even death. Some of the complications of pica include:
Depression and anxiety
Problems with growth and development
Social and relationship problems
Substance use disorders
Problems at work or school
Lead poisoning
Parasitic infections
Tooth and mouth injuries
Complications from lead poisoning
Intestinal poisoning
Intestinal blockages and/or perforation
10. **Seek medical attention.** If your child consumed a harmful substance, seek medical care immediately. If you or another person are at risk for pica and suspect or recognize that you have the disorder, it’s important to see your doctor as soon as possible. Your healthcare provider can check for anemia or other nutritional deficiencies as well as screen for lead poisoning and parasites. Children 2 years old or younger who live in locations where at least one third of the houses were built before 1950 are especially vulnerable and therefore should be screened for lead. Getting medical treatment for pica can help prevent serious further medical conditions.
Be aware that an eating disorder like pica can be difficult to manage on your own. Medical attention is the best way to get your pica under control.
Tell your doctor about your problem honestly, even if it is embarrassing. This can help your doctor develop an accurate diagnosis and treatment program for you. Remember, a doctor is not there to judge, but help you.
Recognize that your doctor may suggest treatment that includes therapies to remove toxic substances from your body or correct nutritional deficiencies. Your doctor may also suggest meeting with a psychologist, psychiatrist, social worker, or dentist to treat underlying causes. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Be Zen About Getting Bad Grades in College | Although it may have been easy to shrug off the occasional mediocre or terrible grade in high school, getting one or several bad grades in college can influence your career path for the future. Whether you’ve received less than perfect scores or totally bombed on your last test or report card, don't panic. Instead, go on a mental retreat to accept your fate, find peace, and prepare to move on. Becoming Zen is not just about tranquility, however. It’s about finding a commitment to improve in the future. You will have to understand what caused your bad grade, what you can do to improve, and how to move on so that you don’t continue getting bad grades.
1. **Take responsibility for the grade.** While it can be a blow to your pride, you should understand that you are responsible for the grade you have received. Conflicts with professors can happen, and external factors can affect your grade, but in most situations, you have to realize that if you want to improve, you have to act.
2. **Put the situation into perspective.** Realize that bad things unfortunately happen in life. While getting a bad grade may put you in full panic mode, you have to put the situation into perspective in order to get to that Zen place. Do you have your health? Do you have a family who loves you and friends who rally around you? Count your blessings. Remember that while grades are important, they aren’t the only thing that should matter in your life.
3. **Speak to a trusted confidante.** When you are upset, it is all right to discuss it with a friend or family member. Do not feel as though you have to keep it to yourself. It is understandable if you are concerned about disappointing your parents, ruining your GPA, or making a bad impression on your professors. Know that you can pull through this and that you can find support.
You can even book an appointment with your college's mental health counselors (often known as the Campus and Psychological Services or CAPS). These are trusted professionals who are trained to help stressed out and upset college students.
Do not go on the internet and write your complaints online. These can be seen by other students, college officials, or possibly your professors. There can be many consequences from this. Talk in private to a friend or counselor.
4. **Give yourself a break.** While you may be stressed out, now is not the time to neglect your well-being. Get ice cream with a friend, watch a movie, or take a bubble bath. Do an activity that relaxes you. The goal is not to run away from the bad grade but to put yourself in a mental state where you can deal with it. Once you are relaxed, look back over your grade.
5. **Remind yourself that grades do not determine your self-worth.** You are more than your grades. Good grades can give you great validation, but you should not let bad grades make you feel worthless. A bad grade does not mean you are stupid or that you are incapable of graduating college. Everybody has other great talents, qualities, and characteristics that can't be measured by a grade in school.
6. **Meditate.** When alone in your room, take a few minutes to close your eyes. Breathe in and out deeply, making sure to focus on your breath. Allow your thoughts to drift away. Think about nothing, and whenever your grade anxieties surface, push them away. You can try using soft music to help calm you. Try meditating for fifteen to thirty minutes.
If it is hard for you to meditate for a long time, try using a meditation app, like The Mindfulness App or Headspace. These offer guided meditations to help you keep your focus.
Yoga is another great way to keep calm and achieve zen. Many campuses offer yoga classes. Check with your campus gym to see if you can sign up for a class.
7. **Calm down during panic attacks using relaxation techniques.** Sometimes you don't have time to meditate when you feel anxious or panicked. You can use short relaxation techniques to soothe your mood. Stop what you are doing. Close your eyes, and count to ten. Visualize a calm and happy place, such as the ocean or a babbling brook. These techniques will help your body relax, and they will release any anxiety you have.
You can tense your muscles and slowly release them during your count. Or you can squeeze a stress ball and slowly relax your grip.
While visualizing your happy place, try to invoke all of your senses. If you are on the ocean, imagine the wind, the salty taste of the air, and the sand between your toes. This will make visualization more effective.
Remember to breathe deeply. Breathe in and out for every count up to ten.
8. **Avoid drugs and alcohol.** Some people are so distressed about their grades that they start partying harder to forget about it, starting a vicious cycle. When you are stressed out about a bad grade, try to avoid drinking until you have calmed down.
9. **Calculate how much you studied.** Before you go into full panic mode, reflect on what you think led to poor grade(s). Did you study and put in your full effort? Did you slack off and skip tests? Understanding your study habits can help you understand where you need to improve.
Perhaps you gave it your all. While there may be nothing more frustrating than studying your brains out only to receive a bad grade, you have to remember that you did everything in your power to be successful. Next time, perhaps try changing up your study habits or getting help from a tutoring center.
Perhaps you slacked off and didn’t try. What you may have learned is that the days of "winging it" on talent alone are well and truly over. Learn from it, and do better next time through practice and hard work.
10. **Consider what materials you studied.** Look back over your notes, readings, and exercises. What sections or assignments did you not understand? What did the syllabus say about certain tests or units? Try to see if there was a misunderstanding in what you were supposed to know or do.
Perhaps you only studied things that interested you. If anything was too hard or uninteresting, you might have turned back to the more interesting parts of the homework and ignored the harder or dull parts. Try to power through these parts next time.
Perhaps you only read the bare minimum for the class. Try adding extra readings to your homework. If you don’t understand a reading, go to the library, ask a tutor, or search on the internet for an explanation.
11. **Factor in your class attendance.** Some professors take off points for missing too many classes. Other times, missing class could have made you miss key information. Look over your attendance record. Try to add up how many classes you missed.
Were these excused absences? Did you have a doctor’s note when you were sick? If family member died, did you get a letter from the Dean’s Office? Answering no to any of these questions might be the reason why even justified absences were not excused.
12. **Identify outside influences.** If you are unwell or unable to afford basic necessities, you may struggle in college. In this case, talk to your doctor and guidance counselor to see what you need to do to tackle these issues successfully, including whether you need to take a break to improve your personal situation first. Unless it's too close to the end of semester, dropping one or more classes to make it more manageable may be a good decision. Common external factors include:
A death in the family
Working a part-time or full-time job
Raising young children
Mental health problems
Some colleges may let you negotiate the grade to an Incomplete if you have mitigating life circumstances, or you may be able to retake the class.
13. **Consider how much you socialize.** When major life events become all-consuming, sometimes you can't keep up. Perhaps you have a new boyfriend or girlfriend who takes up all of your time. Maybe you are part of a sorority or fraternity that hosts frequent parties. It’s important to have a healthy social life, but if you're spending too much time partying and not enough time hitting the books, you could be ruining your GPA. Commit to buckling down and working or socializing less; use social events as treats at the end of study rounds rather than a nightly activity.
14. **Meet with your professors.** Even in college, showing that you care can go a long way with college professors. They may realize you had certain difficulties, and they will appreciate your commitment to improve. Reaching out to your teachers may help you develop a deeper understanding about the class, how you understood the material, and how you could improve your performance in the future.
Visit them during their office hours, or write them an email to set up an appointment. It is almost always better to discuss this in person.
Although it can be hard, you can approach the subject in a calm, sincere way. You can say, “I was really disappointed with my grade on this last assignment. I was wondering what I could have done to do better. In the future, how should I approach an assignment like this?”
If you wait until the end of the semester to talk to your professor, it may be too late to change or improve your grade.
15. **Evaluate the total impact.** In order to reach a sense of peace about your grades, determine how big of an impact the bad grade will have overall on your college career. In some cases, a bad quiz grade won't do much to destroy your average. If you failed one or more classes, you may have dropped your GPA. Instead of getting upset, take a few deep breaths and look at the big picture, making concrete plans to fix what you can.
If you’re in your first year of college, you may be able to recover easily from a bad semester.
You can calculate what grades you will need from this point on to achieve your ideal GPA. This can give you a sense of what can be done in the future.
16. **Identify areas of improvement.** Perhaps you’ve determined that you have poor study skills. Maybe you realize that your notes are disorganized or that you keep forgetting due dates. Once you have identified these issues, you can take steps to fix them. Make a commitment to change.
If you are forgetful, you can buy a calendar, mark down important dates, and set reminders on your phones.
If you have time management problems, you can make a schedule and reward yourself with treats when you finish tasks.
17. **Create new goals.** Identify where you want to be when you graduate? Is there a career you want? Do you want to be making a certain amount of money? Do you want to apply to graduate school? Create a list of manageable goals. After you decide on a few, list some practical steps towards attaining those goals.
For example, if you want to apply to medical school, you should keep a list of what courses you need to take, what GPA you need when you graduate, and what extracurriculars look good on a medical school application. Your list of practical steps should also include things like “Study for the MCAT” or “Research good medical schools.”
18. **Realize that you can improve.** Part of the process is understanding that while you can’t change the past, you can change the future. Reassure yourself that you can fix your problems. Once you know what you have done wrong, you can start taking steps to improving.
19. **Make an appointment with your guidance counselor.** If you're concerned about how the grade(s) will impact your college future, consult with your guidance counselor to create a plan. Perhaps you took courses that were too difficult, or maybe you should explore other majors. With the assistance of your counselor (and perhaps your parents, guardians, or other mentors), create a plan that will get you back on track.
20. **Develop a plan to improve your performance.** Formulate a specific, step-by-step plan that will help you do better next time. Feeling as if you have power over the situation will help you find peace and give you goals to work toward for next time.
This plan should include how many hours a week you will study, what grades you want in each of your classes, how you will manage any medical conditions, and how many hours a week you will socialize, work, etc.
21. **Examine your entire schedule.** If you packed last semester’s schedule with high-level, difficult courses you may have the answer to why your grades tanked. Even the most highly intelligent individual should give him or herself a break. Try mixing difficult courses with some of your easier or lighter courses for a balanced schedule.
22. **Stay on top of your studies.** The key to staying zen is to now keep up with your studies at a pace that matches what you need to be learning. Staying organized, committed, and persistent will help you to stay zen in your college studies. However, if the studies are not improving after you've made changes, then it's probable that you need to seriously consider changes to the career path you've mapped out for yourself. Spending energy on something that isn't working out for you will only worsen your situation.
23. **Study smarter, not harder.** You do not want to spend sixteen hours a day studying if you are not learning anything. You will only burn yourself out. Find study methods that work for you in the future. There are a few tactics you can do to help improve memory and comprehension:
Rewrite your notes every night after class. This will help you recall details. It will also help keep your notes legible.
Do ten flash cards a day. Memorize these ten before adding another ten the next day. Memorizing in small batches will help you remember.
Take notes as you read. After you’re done reading a passage, write down a summary of what you just read. This will help you understand what you read better.
When taking notes by hand, use block letters rather than cursive writing. The results are more likely to be legible and it becomes a habit fast. Half of the benefit of note taking is that writing it down tells your brain to put it in long term memory.
Test yourself after each passage. Do math exercises that test the principles you just learned. Quiz yourself on historical dates. These recall exercises will prepare you for the real test. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Feed Sea Monkeys | Sea Monkeys are actually a brand name for a breed of brine shrimp, whose eggs are sold through the mail along with the materials necessary to hatch them. Since using the wrong amount of food can kill the entire tank relatively quickly, it's important to learn the correct feeding schedule, along with the signs of underfed or overfed brine shrimp.
1. **Don't feed a new tank until 5 days after hatching.** Sea monkeys begin life by feeding off the nutrients in their egg sac. Check on the eggs daily to see if they've begun to hatch. Once they have, wait five days before you start to feed them.
Newly hatched sea monkeys can be extremely small. Move your tank to a well-lit area and examine the water closely for tiny, pale, moving dots. Use a magnifying glass if necessary.
If the sea monkey eggs do not hatch within 48 hours, move the tank to an area with stronger light. Keep the tank away from direct sunlight, however, as this can cause it to overheat
2. **Feed the sea monkeys a tiny amount of Growth Food.** Use the smaller end of the feeding spoon to pick up the food, and move one of these small spoonfuls into the tank. If you do not have a feeding spoon, try using a clean plastic straw as a scoop. It's better to give them too little food than too much.
3. **Repeat the feeding once every five to seven days.** Different handbooks vary in their instructions, but most sea monkey tanks will thrive when fed at intervals of five to seven days. Only increase the feeding rate or amount if your sea monkey population grows much larger than the initial packet's population, and if there is no sediment on the base of the tank.
4. **Skip feedings if the water gets cloudy.** If the water becomes cloudy or dirty-looking, stop feeding the shrimp. Wait until the water becomes clear again before adding food. This cloudy appearance is usually the result of too much algae, bacteria, or other organisms that can suffocate the sea monkeys if they continue to grow.
5. **Watch for a dark streak on the sea monkeys as a sign of health.** Adult brine shrimp digestive tracks become dark when full. If you see this dark line running across a sea monkey's body, it is probably eating well. If you do not, consider feeding them more often, but only as described below.
6. **Increase feedings cautiously.** If you acquire more sea monkeys, or if the population grows, you may need to increase the amount of food or the frequency of feeding. Adjust slowly to avoid killing the tank's population through overfeeding. Reduce the interval between feeding sessions by one day at a time, returning to the old feeding schedule if the water becomes cloudy or the sea monkeys start acting sluggish or uninterested in food. Alternatively, keep the same feeding schedule but switch to the large end of the feeding spoon.
7. **To encourage growth, replace Growth Food with Super Food occasionally.** Optionally, you may use Super Food instead of Growth food, but only once every few feeding sessions. This is supposed to cause your sea monkeys to grow larger and more quickly.
8. **For more extreme growth, also feed Gro-Kwickly once a week.** Gro-Kwickly is meant to be added with the small scoop no more than once per week, in addition to the ordinary food. This may result in more rapid growth, although the company that makes these products does not explain the difference between this and Super Food.
9. **Use Red Magic instead of normal food, to turn your sea monkeys red.** This packet claims to contain vitamins that make your sea monkeys healthier or more energetic. The most noticeable effect, however, may be the pink or red color that the sea monkeys develop. You may need to feed them Red Magic for several feeding sessions before this becomes visible.
10. **Use Banana Treat food instead of normal food occasionally (optional).** The back of the Banana Treat packet claims that this food has extra nutrients, so it may not be as unhealthy as some human "treats." However, it appears that this product is only intended as an occasional treat to excite your sea monkeys, instead of regular food. If your sea monkeys are not excited by this food, there is probably no point in using it.
11. **Use Sea Medic if bacteria start growing in your tank.** The Sea Medic packet is not a replacement for food. If you see white balls floating in your tank, fight this bacterial infection by adding Sea Medic daily with the small end of the feeding spoon, until the balls are gone. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Invest in Stocks | It is no coincidence that most wealthy people invest in the stock market. While fortunes can be both made and lost, investing in stocks is one of the best ways to create financial security, independence, and generational wealth. Whether you are just beginning to save or already have a nest egg for retirement, your money should be working as efficiently and diligently for you as you did to earn it. To succeed in this, however, it is important to start with a solid understanding of how stock market investment works. This article will guide you through the process of making investment decisions and put you on the right path to becoming a successful investor.
This article discusses investing in stocks specifically. For stock trading, see How to Trade Stocks. For mutual funds, see How to Decide Whether to Buy Stocks or Mutual Funds.
1. **Make a list of things you want.** To set your goals, you’ll need to have an idea of what things or experiences you want to have in your life that require money. For example, what lifestyle do you want to have once you retire? Do you enjoy traveling, nice cars, or fine dining? Do you have only modest needs? Use this list to help you set your goals in the next step.
Making a list will also help if you are saving for your children’s future. For example, do you want to send your children to a private school or college? Do you want to buy them cars? Would you prefer public schools and using the extra money for something else? Having a clear idea of what you value will help you establish goals for savings and investment.
2. **Set your financial goals.** In order to structure an investment plan, you must first understand why you are investing. In other words, where would you like to be financially, and how much do you have to invest to get there? Your goals should be as specific as possible, so that you have the best idea of what you’ll need to do to achieve them.
Popular financial goals include buying a home, paying for your child’s college, amassing a “rainy day” emergency fund, and saving for retirement. Rather than having a general goal such as “own a home,” set a specific goal: “Save $63,000 for a down-payment on a $311,000 house.” (Most home loans require a down payment of between 20% and 25% of the purchase price in order to attract the most affordable interest rate.)
Most investment advisers recommend that you save at least ten times your peak salary for retirement. This will allow you to retire on about 40% of your peak pre-retirement annual income, using the 4% safe withdrawal rule. For example, if you retire at a salary of $80,000, you should strive for at least $800,000 saved by retirement, which will provide you with $32,000 annual income at retirement, then adjusted annually for inflation.
Use a college cost calculator to determine how much you will need to save for your children’s college, how much parents are expected to contribute and the various types of financial aid your children may qualify for, based on your income and net worth. Remember that costs vary widely depending on the location and type of school (public, private, etc.). Also remember that college expenses include not only tuition, but also fees, room and board, transportation, books and supplies.
Remember to factor time into your goals. This is especially true for long-term projects such as retirement funds. For example: John begins saving at age 20 using an IRA (Individual Retirement Account) earning an 8% return. He saves $3,000 a year for the next ten years, then stops adding to the account but keeps the IRA invested in the market. By the time John is 65, he will have $642,000 built up.
Many websites have “savings calculators” that can show you how much an investment will grow over a given length of time at a specified interest rate. While they’re not a substitute for professional financial advice, these calculators can give you a good place to start.
Once you determine your goals, you can use the difference between where you are today and where you want to be to determine the rate of return needed to get there.
Make sure you consider both your short-term and long-term goals.
3. **Determine your risk tolerance.** Acting against your need for returns is the risk required to earn them. Your risk tolerance is a function of two variables: your ability to take risks and your willingness to do so. There are several important questions you should ask yourself during this step, such as:
What stage of life are you in? In other words, are you near the low end or closer to the peak of your income-earning potential?
Are you willing to accept more risk to earn greater returns?
What are the time horizons of your investment goals?
How much liquidity (i.e. resources that can easily be converted to cash) do you need for your shorter-term goals and to maintain a proper cash reserve? Don't invest in stocks until you have at least six to twelve months of living expenses in a savings account as an emergency fund in case you lose your job. If you have to liquidate stocks after holding them less than a year, you're merely speculating, not investing.
If the risk profile of a potential investment does not conform to your tolerance level, it's not a suitable option. Discard it.
Your asset allocation should vary based on your stage of life. For example, you might have a much higher percentage of your investment portfolio in stocks when you are younger. Also, if you have a stable, well-paying career, your job is like a bond: you can depend on it for steady, long-term income. This allows you to allocate more of your portfolio to stocks. Conversely, if you have a "stock-like" job with unpredictable income such as investment broker or stock trader, you should allocate less to stocks and more to the stability of bonds. While stocks allow your portfolio to grow faster, they also pose more risks. As you get older, you can transition into more stable investments, such as bonds.
4. **Learn about the market.** Spend as much time as you can reading about the stock market and the larger economy. Listen to the insights and predictions of experts to develop a sense of the state of the economy and what types of stocks are performing well. There are several classic investment books that will give you a good start:
The Intelligent Investor and Security Analysis by Benjamin Graham are excellent starter texts on investing.
The Interpretation of Financial Statements by Benjamin Graham and Spencer B. Meredith. This is a short and concise treatise on reading financial statements.
Expectations Investing, by Alfred Rappaport, Michael J. Mauboussin. This highly readable book provides a new perspective on security analysis and is a good complement to Graham's books.
Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits (and other writings) by Philip Fisher. Warren Buffett once said he was 85 percent Graham and 15 percent Fisher, and that is probably understating the influence of Fisher on shaping his investment style.
"The Essays of Warren Buffett," a collection of Buffett's annual letters to shareholders. Buffett made his entire fortune investing, and has lots of very useful advice for people who'd like to follow in his footsteps. Buffett has provided these to read online free:
The Theory of Investment Value, by John Burr Williams is one of the finest books on stock valuation.
One Up on Wall Street and Beating the Street, both by Peter Lynch, a highly successful money manager. These are easy to read, informative and entertaining.
Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds by Charles Mackay and Reminiscences of a Stock Operator by William Lefevre use real-life examples to illustrate the dangers of emotional overreaction and greed in the stock market.
You can also enroll in basic or beginner investment courses offered online. Sometimes these are offered free by financial companies such as Morningstar and T.D. Ameritrade. Several universities, including Stanford and MIT, offer online investment courses.
Community centers and adult education centers may also offer financial courses. These are often low-cost or free and can provide you with a solid overview of investment. Look online to see if there are any in your area.
Practice by “paper trading.” Pretend to purchase and sell stocks, using the closing prices each day. You can literally do this on paper, or you can sign up for a free practice account online at places such as How the Market Works. Practicing will help you hone your strategy and knowledge without risking real money.
5. **Formulate your expectations for the stock market.** Whether you are a professional or a novice, this step is difficult, because it is both art and science. It requires that you develop the ability to assemble a tremendous amount of financial data about market performance. You also must develop “a feel” for what these data do and do not signify.
This is why many investors buy the stock of products that they know and use. Consider the products you own in your home. From what’s in the living room to what’s inside the refrigerator, you have first-hand knowledge of these products and can quickly and intuitively assess their performance compared with that of competitors.
For such household products, try to envision economic conditions that might lead you to stop purchasing them, to upgrade, or to downgrade.
If economic conditions are such that people are likely to buy a product you are very familiar with, this might be a good bet for an investment.
6. **Focus your thinking.** While trying to develop general expectations about the market and the types of companies that might be successful given present or expected economic conditions, it's important to establish predictions in some specific areas including:
The direction of interest rates and inflation, and how these may affect any fixed-income or equity purchases. When interest rates are low, more consumers and businesses have access to money. Consumers have more money to make purchases, so they usually buy more. This leads to higher company revenues, which allows companies to invest in expansion. Thus, lower interest rates lead to higher stock prices. In contrast, higher interest rates can decrease stock prices. High interest rates make it more difficult or expensive to borrow money. Consumers spend less, and companies have less money to invest. Growth may stall or decline.
The business cycle of an economy, along with a broad macroeconomic view. Inflation is an overall rise in prices over a period of time. Moderate or “controlled” inflation is usually considered good for the economy and the stock market. Low interest rates combined with moderate inflation usually have a positive effect on the market. High interest rates and deflation usually cause the stock market to fall.
Favorable conditions within specific sectors of an economy, along with a targeted microeconomic view. Certain industries are usually considered to do well in periods of economic growth, such as automobiles, construction, and airlines. In strong economies, consumers are likely to feel confident about their futures, so they spend more money and make more purchases. These industries and companies are known as “cyclical.”
Other industries perform well in poor or falling economies. These industries and companies are usually not as affected by the economy. For example, utilities and insurance companies are usually less affected by consumer confidence, because people still have to pay for electricity and health insurance. These industries and companies are known as “defensive” or “counter-cyclical.”
7. **Determine your asset allocations.** In other words, determine how much of your money you will put in which types of investments.
Decide how much money will be invested in stocks, how much in bonds, how much in more aggressive alternatives and how much you will hold as cash and cash equivalents (certificates of deposit, Treasury bills, etc.).
The goal here is to determine a starting point based on your market expectations and risk tolerance.
8. **Select your investments.** Your "risk and return" objectives will eliminate some of the vast number of options. As an investor, you can choose to purchase stock from individual companies, such as Apple or McDonalds. This is the most basic type of investing. A bottom-up approach occurs when you buy and sell each stock independently based on your projections of their future prices and dividends. Investing directly in stocks avoids fees charged by mutual funds but requires more effort to ensure adequate diversification.
Select stocks that best meet your investment needs. If you are in a high income tax bracket, have minimal short- or intermediate-term income needs, and have high risk tolerance, select mostly growth stocks that pay little or no dividends but have above-average expected growth rates.
Low-cost index funds usually charge less in fees than actively-managed funds. They offer more security because they model their investments on established, well respected indexes. For example, an index fund might select a performance benchmark consisting of the stocks inside the S&P 500 index. The fund would purchase most or all of the same assets, allowing it to equal the performance of the index, less fees. This would be considered a relatively safe but not terribly exciting investment. Advocates of active stock picking turn their noses up at such investments. Index funds can actually be very good “starters” for new investors. Buying and holding "no-load," low-expense index funds and using a dollar-cost-averaging strategy has been shown to outperform many more-active mutual funds over the long term. Choose index funds with the lowest expense ratio and annual turnover. For investors with less than $100,000 to invest, index funds are hard to beat when viewed within a long time period. See Decide Whether to Buy Stocks or Mutual Funds for more information whether individual stocks or mutual funds are better for you.
An exchange-traded fund (ETF) is a type of index fund that trades like a stock. ETFs are unmanaged portfolios (where stocks are not continuously bought and sold as with actively managed funds) and can often be traded without commission. You can buy ETFs that are based on a specific index, or based on a specific industry or commodity, such as gold. ETFs are another good choice for beginners.
You can also invest in actively managed mutual funds. These funds pool money from many investors and put it primarily into stocks and bonds. Individual investors buy shares of the portfolio. Fund managers usually create portfolios with particular goals in mind, such as long-term growth. However, because these funds are actively managed (meaning managers are constantly buying and selling stocks to achieve the fund’s goal), their fees can be higher. Mutual fund expense ratios can end up hurting your rate of return and impeding your financial progress.
Some companies offer specialized portfolios for retirement investors. These are “asset allocation" or "target date" funds that automatically adjust their holdings based on your age. For example, your portfolio might be more heavily weighted towards equities when you are younger and automatically transfer more of your investments into fixed-income securities as you get older. In other words, they do for you what you might be expected to do yourself as you get older. Be aware that these funds typically incur greater expenses than simple index funds and ETFs, but they perform a service the latter investments do not.
It’s important to consider transaction costs and fees when choosing your investments. Costs and fees can eat into your returns and reduce your gains. It is vital to know what costs you will be liable for when you purchase, hold, or sell stock. Common transaction costs for stocks include commissions, bid-ask spread, slippage, SEC Section 31 fees , and capital gains tax. For funds, costs may include management fees, sales loads, redemption fees, exchange fees, account fees, 12b-1 fees, and operating expenses.
9. **Determine the intrinsic value and the right price to pay for each stock you are interested in.** Intrinsic value is how much a stock is worth, which can be different from the current stock price. The right price to pay is generally a fraction of the intrinsic value, to allow a margin of safety (MOS). MOS may range from 20% to 60% depending on the degree of uncertainty in your intrinsic value estimate. There are many techniques used to value stocks:
: the value of a stock is the present value of all its future dividends. Thus, the value of a stock = dividend per share divided by the difference between the discount rate and the dividend growth rate. For example, suppose Company A pays an annual dividend of $1 per share, which is expected to grow at 7% per year. If your personal cost of capital (discount rate) is 12%, Company A stock is worth $1/(.12-.07) = $20 per share.
: the value of a stock is the present value of all its future cash flows. Thus, DCF = CF1/(1+r)^1 + CF2/(1+r)^2 + ... + CFn/(1+r)^n, where CFn = cash flow for a given time period n, r = discount rate. A typical DCF calculation projects a growth rate for annual free cash flow (operating cash flow less capital expenditures) for the next 10 years to calculate a growth value and estimate a terminal growth rate thereafter to calculate a terminal value, then sum up the two to arrive at the DCF value of the stock. For example, if Company A's current FCF is $2/share, estimated FCF growth is 7% for the next 10 years and 4% thereafter, using a discount rate of 12%, the stock has a growth value of $15.69 and a terminal value of $16.46 and is worth $32.15 a share.
: These methods value a stock based on its price relative to earnings (P/E), book value (P/B), sales (P/S), or cash flow (P/CF). It compares the stock's current price ratios with an appropriate benchmark and the stock's historic average ratios to determine the price at which the stock should sell.
10. **Purchase your stock.** Once you've decided which stocks to buy, it is time to purchase your stocks. Find a brokerage firm that meets your needs and place your orders.
You can select a discount broker, who will simply order the stocks you want to purchase. You can also choose a full-service brokerage firm, which will cost more but will also provide information and guidance. Do your own due diligence by checking out their websites and looking at reviews online to find the best broker for you. The most important factor to consider here is how much commission is charged and what other fees are involved. Some brokers offer free stock trades if your portfolio meets a certain minimum value (e.g. Merrill Edge Preferred Rewards), or if you invest within a select list of stocks whose companies pay the transaction costs (e.g. loyal3).
Some companies offer direct stock purchase plans (DSPPs) that allow you to purchase their stock without a broker. If you are planning on buying and holding or dollar cost averaging, this may be your best option. Search online or call or write the company whose stock you wish to buy to inquire whether they offer such a plan. Pay attention to the fee schedule and select the plans that charge no or minimal fees.
11. **Build a portfolio containing between five and 20 different stocks for diversification.** Diversify across different sectors, industries, countries, company size, and style ("growth" vs. "value").
12. **Hold for the long term, five to ten years or preferably longer.** Avoid the temptation to sell when the market has a bad day, month or year. The long-range direction of the stock market is always up. On the other hand, avoid the temptation to take profit (sell) even if your stocks have gone up 50 percent or more. As long as the fundamental conditions of the company are still sound, do not sell (unless you desperately need the money. It does make sense to sell, however, if the stock price appreciates well above its value (see Step 3 of this Section), or if the fundamentals have drastically changed since you bought the stock so that the company is unlikely to be profitable anymore.
13. **Invest regularly and systematically.** Dollar cost averaging forces you to buy low and sell high and is a simple, sound strategy. Set aside a percentage of each paycheck to buy stocks.
Remember that bear markets are for buying. If the stock market drops by at least 20%, move more cash into stocks. Should the market drop by 50%, move all available discretionary cash and bonds into stocks. That may sound scary, but the market has always bounced back, even from the crash that occurred between 1929 and 1932. The most successful investors have bought stocks when they were "on sale."
14. **Establish benchmarks.** It is important to establish appropriate benchmarks in order to measure the performance of your stocks, as compared to your expectations. Develop standards for how much growth you require of each specific investment in order to consider it worth keeping.
Typically these benchmarks are based on the performance of various market indexes. These allow you to determine whether your investments are performing at least as well as the market overall.
It may be counter-intuitive, but just because a stock is going up does not mean it is a good investment, especially if it is going up more slowly than similar stocks. Conversely, not all shrinking investments are losers (when similar investments are doing even worse).
15. **Compare performance to expectations.** You must compare the performance of each investment to the expectations you established for it in order to determine its worth. This goes for assessing your other asset allocation decisions as well.
Investments that do not meet expectations should be sold so your money can be invested elsewhere, unless you have good reason to believe your expectations will soon be met.
Give your investments time to work out. One-year or even three-year performance is meaningless to the long-term investor. The stock market is a voting machine in the short term and a weighing machine in the long term.
16. **Be vigilant and update your expectations.** Once you have purchased stock, you must periodically monitor the performance of your investments.
Circumstances and opinions change. This is a part of investing. The key is to properly process and assess all new information and implement any changes according to the guidelines set in the previous steps.
Consider whether your market expectations were correct. If not, why not? Use these insights to update your expectations and investment portfolio.
Consider whether your portfolio is performing within your risk parameters. It may be that your stocks have done well, but the investments are more volatile and risky than you had anticipated. If you aren't comfortable with these risks, it's probably time to change investments.
Consider whether you are able to achieve the objectives you set. It may be that your investments are growing within acceptable risk parameters but are growing too slowly to meet your goals. If this is the case, it's time to consider new investments.
17. **Guard against the temptation to trade excessively.** After all, you are an investor, not a speculator. In addition, every time you take a profit, you incur capital-gains taxes. Besides, every trade comes with a broker's fee.
Avoid stock tips. Do your own research and do not seek or pay attention to any stock tips, even from insiders. Warren Buffett says that he throws away all letters that are mailed to him recommending one stock or another. He says that these salesmen are being paid to say good things about a stock so that the company can raise money.
Don't pay too much attention to media coverage of the stock market. Focus on investing for the long term (at least 20 years), and don't be distracted by short-term price gyrations.
18. **Consult a reputable broker, banker, or investment adviser if you need to.** Never stop learning, and continue to read as many books and articles as possible written by experts who have successfully invested in the types of markets in which you have an interest. You will also want to read articles helping you with the emotional and psychological aspects of investing, to help you deal with the ups and downs of participating in the stock market. It is important for you to know how to make the smartest choices possible when investing in stocks, and even when you do make wise decisions you should be prepared to deal with losses in the event that they occur. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Buy Commodities | Commodity investing is a useful skill for any investor to know. Commodities can provide opportunities for both diversification and profit, but also come with significant risk. Before investing, it is very important to understand both the basics of commodities markets and the key risks involved.
1. **Familiarize yourself with the concept of commodities.** A commodity is simply a good that is interchangeable with other commodities of the same type, and that is usually produced and sold by many different companies. For example, a barrel of oil of one particular type, such as Brent crude, is the same product regardless of who makes it.
This is opposed to a consumer product like a computer or automobile, for example. These products differ dramatically between producers and cannot be easily exchanged for one another.
Note that while the quality and characteristics may vary somewhat between types of a particular commodity (for example, Brent crude oil is typically higher quality than West Texas Intermediate crude), producers would be generally willing to exchange products of the same type with one another.
There are many different types of commodities. They include, but aren't limited to: gold, oil, natural gas, coal, copper, zinc, potash, nitrogen, phosphate, live cattle, hogs, orange juice, cotton, sugar, and even coffee.
2. **Learn the reasons for buying commodities.** Commodities offer an opportunity for both diversification and profit. Commodities are an asset class, like stocks, bonds, cash equivalents, or real estate. Each asset class has different properties, and owning commodities can be a useful way to diversify your portfolio.
Commodities don't always move in the same directions as other asset classes. For example, when the stock market falls 30%, it is possible that a commodity like gold could stay flat, or even rise. The fact that commodities are not strongly correlated to other asset classes makes them a great way to diversify your portfolio.
Commodities are also a useful way to protect against inflation. Inflation essentially refers to the cost of goods increasing over time (due to money losing value), and as inflation increases, so do commodity prices. It is for this reason that people who are worried about inflation often buy commodities.
Commodities can also be traded to make a short-term profit. They are extremely volatile (meaning that their prices move around a lot), and as a result people looking to make a short-term profit look to capitalize on these swings. This volatility is due to the fact that commodities are heavily traded and speculated on, which leads to more movement in the prices.
Commodity investment can also be used as a method of hedging. Hedging requires taking a position in a futures contract opposite your position in the real commodity. For example, a farmer may buy wheat futures when he plants his crop to make delivery of wheat when it is harvested. As a consequence, he is protected against price changes while the wheat is in the ground.
3. **Understand the risks of owning commodities.** Commodities as an asset class are considered high risk due to their price volatility and leverage compared to other investments. Over a very short period of time, commodities can gain, or lose dramatic amounts of value.
For example, between the beginning of June and the beginning of September 2015, the price of crude oil lost 26%. At the start of September 2015, crude oil then shot up 4.5% in one day.
It is because of this risk that commodity investing or trading is typically for more sophisticated investors.
One popular way in which commodities are purchased is through what is called a futures contract, and futures investing involves a high amount of leverage (which basically means that the majority of the investment is made with borrowed money). Essentially, using leverage on a futures contracts magnifies your potential gains or losses and therefore is even riskier than non-leveraged commodity investments.
4. **Learn the definition of Mutual Funds and ETFs.** An ETF stands for an exchange-traded fund, and these, along with mutual funds, are both "baskets" of investments. When you buy a mutual fund or ETF you are purchasing a collection of different types of investments, which could include commodity stocks, non-commodity stocks, bonds, or direct commodities..
With a mutual fund, the basket of investments is managed by a professional investor who actively monitors and changes the investments, and you purchase units in the fund. The value of your units then goes up or down depending on whether or not the basket of investments goes up or down.
An ETF is similar to a mutual fund, except many ETFs often do not have a manager actively buying and selling depending on their goals. Instead, ETFs often track something known as an index.
An index (like the Dow Jones or S&P 500 index) simply indicates how a group of investments are doing. For example, the S & P 500 index contains the prices of the largest 500 companies in the U.S. When you hear "the S & P is up 10 points", it simply means combined price of all those businesses is up $10.
There are also commodity indexes that do the exact same thing. A complete commodity index, for example, would simply indicate what the combined prices of all commodities are doing. A complete commodity ETF would simply go up and down with that index, since it owns the same commodities that the index tracks.
5. **Review the risks and benefits of commodity ETFs and mutual funds before buying.** The main benefit to purchasing commodities through ETFs or mutual funds is simplicity. Mutual funds and ETFs are bought and sold just like stocks, and they do not require you to own the commodity itself. .
ETFs and mutual funds also allow you to own one, many, or all commodities in one basket, due to the huge range of products available. For example, there are ETFs that contain all commodities, and some that just contain oil, or gold for example.
Purchasing an ETF or mutual fund that owns multiple commodities can also be much less risky than simply owning one commodity, since commodities do not all go up and down together. This is because each commodity has different supply and demand forces determining the price, which means on one day gold may be up, and potash may be down, for example.
The main risk of ETFs and mutual funds lies in the fact that at the end of the day, these funds still hold commodities, which can be volatile and risky. While owning an ETF or mutual that holds a basket of different commodities can reduce risk, the risk of losing some or most of your investment is always there.
6. **Open an online trading account.** The first step in buying commodity ETFs or mutual funds is to open an online trading account. There are multiple brokers available, and commonly used brokers are TD Ameritrade, Capital One Investing, E*Trade, Charles Schwab, and Tradeking.
When choosing an broker to open a trading account with, always be mindful of fees. Fees are typically charged per trade, and can range from $4.95 to $10.00. is an excellent resource to compare brokers, and their fees.
There is a minimum balance requirement you must meet in order to trade commodities on most platforms. At some brokerage firms this can be as much as ten-thousand dollars. Check with your broker to find out how much you will need to deposit. Many brokers require a confirmation of an investor's experience before opening an account to trade commodity futures and options.
Most brokers have completely online registration that simply involve filling out information, and then funding the account with money from your bank account.
You can also download the forms, complete the information, and then mail it back to the brokerage firm.
Wait for approval from the brokerage firm.
7. **Select a mutual fund or ETF to purchase.** There are thousands of available products to accomplish this. To determine which is right for you, you need to ask yourself what your goals are. For example, do you want exposure to all commodities as a way to diversify your portfolio? or are you looking to profit from a specific commodity gaining in value?
If you are looking for broad exposure to many commodities, consider ETFs that contain a small sample of every commodity. One example would be the iShares S&P GSCI Commodity-Indexed Trust ETF or the PowerShares DB Commodity Index Tracking Fund. These funds each contain many commodities,and are good ways to gain access to the entire commodity market.
If you want exposure to only one commodity, such as oil for example, can be a very useful resource to find complete lists of all the ETFs that give you exposure to just one commodity. Alternatively, doing a google search for the name of the commodity you want to invest in, followed by the word ETF can yield many examples of ETFs to consider.
8. **Purchase your ETF or Mutual Fund.** Once your brokerage account is opened, and you have selected a product you want, you can proceed to purchase. While the exact procedure varies between brokers, the basic process remains similar.
Start by opening a new order. Once an order is open, enter the ticker symbol for the investment you want to buy. Google the name of the ETF to locate the ticker symbol.
Once you enter the symbol, you will need to enter the amount of units you want to buy. To determine this, you need to know how much money you want to invest. If you want to invest $1,000, and the units are trading for $100 each, you can purchase 10 units.
At this point, click "buy", and you will own units of the ETF.
9. **Learn about futures contracts.** Futures contracts are the main way commodities are directly traded, and this is a highly risky and sophisticated means of owning commodities. Therefore, this is only recommended for advanced investors and traders.
A futures contract refers to an agreement to to make or take delivery of a predetermined amount of a defined commodity at a specific point in the future for an agreed-upon price.
Contracts are generally in standardized units. For example, a standard contract for Brent Crude Oil is for 1000 barrels. There are also "mini" contracts available for 500 barrels.
For example, you may enter into a contract to to purchase a 1000 barrels of oil at $40 per barrel on December 1st, 2015. This contract would then be worth $40,000 (1000 times 40). If the price of oil rises to $45 per barrel before December, your contract is now more valuable because it allows you to purchase the product at $40 a barrel. You could then sell the more valuable contract before the due day to earn a profit. In this case, you would sell it for $45,000 ($45 per barrel times 1000 barrels), making a $5,000 profit.
10. **Realize the risks before purchasing futures contracts.** Futures contracts are very risky, which is why amateur traders should not use them without extensive research.
Futures involve something called buying on margin. This means you only pay a small portion of the value of the contract, with the rest being borrowed. In the previous example, you would only pay 25% of the $40,000 value of the oil contract for example. This means if you sold it for $45,000 like in the example, you would make a 50% profit (because you would make $5,000 on an $10,000 investment).
This also means you can quickly lose 50%, or much more, if the price moves against you. If the price dropped $5 per barrel, you would lose half of your investment. Your original equity was $10,000 and you borrowed $30,000 to buy the initial contract at $40 per barrel. If you sell the contract at $35 per barrel, the proceeds would be $35,000. After paying off the loan of $30,000 plus interest, your equity would be worth less than $5,000.
Keep in mind that in some cases you may be required to put up more than 25% for investments bought on margin. This depends on your broker and the investments made.
Futures also have very high commissions (relative to required investment for contract, not total value of contract), and require advanced strategies and knowledge to trade well.
11. **Purchase futures contracts.** If you have the knowledge, you can use futures to trade a commodity you are interested in. To do this, you will need to find a broker that offers futures trading.
Many brokers that offer ETFs and mutual funds often offer futures trading. Popular brokers include TD Ameritrade, E*Trade, and Tradestation.
When you are ready, purchasing a futures contract involves a few simple steps. You will need to select the type of commodity you wish to purchase, and then you will need to select the month in which the contract expires, as well as the number of contracts you wish to purchase.
For example, you may want to purchase 3 December 2015 crude oil contracts at the available price of $38 per barrel.
Most brokers have drop down menu's with the various dates, contract amounts, and commodities available. You simply need to select the options you want, and then click buy.
12. **Learn about futures options.** Futures options are another type of investment that adds another level of complexity to futures contracts. Whereas futures allows an investor to simply buy or sell a contract to make or take delivery of a commodity, options trading gives an investor an option to buy or sell a specific futures contract to make or take delivery of a identified commodity at a set price in the future. These options allow traders to respond to market changes.
Specifically, a call option gives an investor the right (but not the obligation) to buy a futures contract, called the strike price. A put option gives them the right (but not the obligation) to sell a future contract. The price paid for the option is the strike price and is independent of the futures contract price.
If this seems confusing, that's because it is. Many financial professional advise that individual investors, especially inexperienced ones, stay away from options investing entirely.
13. **Understand the risk and benefits of futures options.** Futures options are primarily used for two purposes: speculation and hedging. Both come with unique sets of benefits and potential risks.
Speculation with futures options is essentially the same as speculating on any other security, with one big difference. With a normal speculative investment, you are simply betting that the price of a security will rise. With a futures option, you are projecting that the price of a commodity will rise or fall in excess of the option strike price within a specific time period. This makes this type of speculation incredibly difficult.
Unlike other investments, options have a limited life and most expire without being exercised. Investors do not own anything but a right to buy or sell for a limited period of time.
Hedging, the other use for futures options, is considerably less risky. Essentially, hedging through futures options is an insurance policy for your current investments. You could, for example, purchase a put option such that you could sell off your investment and minimize your losses in the event of an unexpected drop in that asset's price.
14. **Purchase futures options.** If you've decided to purchase futures options, you can likely do so with your current broker. Many online brokerages offer futures options trading. Be sure to check with your broker to be sure that you stay in line with any specific requirements for options trading.
Even though put options require that you sell a commodity contract, you don't necessarily have to own this contract to buy the option. Most options — calls or puts — are not exercised by the original purchaser who simply sells the option on or before its expiration date to close out the position with a profit or loss. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Play Tien Len | Tien Len is a really popular Vietnamese card game that can be played with just a deck of cards and 4 people. It’s also known by several other names, like “13” and “VC,” which is short for “Vietnamese Cards.” The object of the game is to be the first player to get rid of all the cards in your hand. Learn about legal combinations for basic gameplay, as well as bombs and chops that can be played to trump some of the higher ranking cards. Once you get the hang of the different combinations, you’ll be able to play this game quickly!
1. **Use a 52-card deck and learn the values of the cards and suits.** Deuces are the highest ranking cards of all, and the value of the rest of the cards runs in numerical order from lowest to highest: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, jack, queen, king, ace, 2. The suit rankings from lowest to highest: spades, clubs, diamonds, and hearts.
Remove any jokers from the deck before you start the game.
In Tien Len, the 2 of hearts will always outrank the 2 of any other suit.
The numerical value always comes before the suit value, so an 8 of spades will always be higher than a 7 of hearts.
The suit value is only used to determine the highest card if the same numerical-value cards are played. For example, if two 7s are played, the 7 with the highest suit value trumps the other 7.
2. **Play the game with 4 people.** Sit around a table so the cards can be placed in the center, easily visible to all the players. If someone is new to playing Tien Len, it will be helpful to have the rules and a list of legal combinations printed out for them to reference during the game.
The legal combinations are the types of groupings of cards that you’re allowed to play during any given hand.
3. **Decide who deals by cutting the deck to see who gets the highest card.** Cut the deck by setting it on the table, face down. Separate the deck by hand wherever it naturally breaks and look at the number on the bottom card. Have each player do this to see who will shuffle and deal.
You could also decide who deals in many other ways. The person who either lost or won the previous game could be the dealer, it could be the person who has a birthday coming up next, or the person who has the smallest shoe size.
4. **Have the dealer shuffle and deal 13 cards face down for each player.** Thoroughly shuffle the cards so that any combinations from previous games are no longer in order. Deal one card at a time, going around the table counterclockwise, until each player has 13 cards (the entire deck for a 4-player game).
5. **Start the first hand with a legal combination if you have the 3 of spades.** The 3 of spades always starts the game, as it is the lowest ranking card in the entire deck. To begin the game, use one of these legal combinations in conjunction with the 3 of spades:
Solo: 1 card. For example, you could simply play the 3 of spades on its own. In other subsequent hands, you can play a solo card of any value.
Doubles: 2 cards of the same value, like 2 3s.
Triples: 3 cards of the same value, like 3 3s.
Quads: 4 cards of the same value, like 4 3s.
Runs: this is also called a straight; it consists of 3 or more cards that run in sequence. These cards don’t have to match suit. Runs cannot contain 2s. For example, you could play the 3 of spades, 4 of hearts, and 5 of spades.
Double runs: 2 sets of 3 or more cards that have the same straight-number sequence. The cards don’t have to match in suit and the runs cannot contain 2s. For example, 3 of spades, 3 of hearts, 4 of clubs, 4 of spades, 5 of hearts, and 5 of diamonds would be a double run.
6. **Take turns counterclockwise trying to beat the previous combination.** To beat a combination, a player must lay down the same number of cards and the same type of combination. For example, if there is a double-card combination of 4s laid down, you can beat this combination by laying down a double-card combination with face values that are higher than 4.
In another example, let’s say there is a 4-card run of a 5, 6, 7, and 8. You can beat this run by laying down another 4-card run as long as the highest number will be greater than the 8 that was laid down, either in numerical value or in suit value.
7. **Pass if you can’t beat the combination or if you don’t want to play.** If you can’t match the combination or if your cards aren’t high enough to beat what is on the table, you have to pass your turn. If you simply want to save your cards to use at a later time, you can also pass.
Once you pass, you cannot resume playing until a new combination has been laid down by someone else.
8. **Continue playing until no one can beat the combination on the table.** Keep taking turns counterclockwise until 3 people have passed their turn, signaling that no one can beat what’s on the table. Remove the cards from the center of the table and put them off to the side in a discard pile.
You won’t actually use those cards from the discard pile again during the game.
9. **Play a “bomb” or “chop” to beat a combination in an unconventional way.** These strategies are mainly used to beat combinations that include 2s since those are the highest valued cards. Once a bomb or chop has been played, that new combination is what will be played off of moving forward in the hand.
A quad combination used to beat deuces is generally called a “bomb.”
A sequence used to beat deuces is usually called a “chop.”
10. **Beat a solo 2 with a quad combination or a 3-card double run.** For example, a solo 2 could be beaten by 4 queens or even by 4 3s. A solo 2 could also be beaten by 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, and 7, or some other similar combination. The values of the cards played don’t matter in this case—just the actual combination matters.
Whatever is used to beat the solo 2 is the new combination that the next player will need to trump. For example, if a solo 2 is beaten by 4 5s, the next player will need to play a quad combination with a card value that is higher than 5.
11. **Lay down a 4-card double run to beat a pair of 2s.** A 4-card double run will consist of 8 cards in total. For example, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, and 9 would be a 4-card double run.
Remember, the suits do not have to match when you play runs.
A 4-card double run can also beat any quad combination or 3-card double run.
12. **Play a 5-card double run to beat 3 2s.** The only way to beat 3 2s is to use 10 cards to play 2 5-card runs, like 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, and 7. The suits do not matter, but the numbers have to match up from one run to another.
There is no way to beat 4 2s. Having 4 2s automatically wins the game for the player they belong to.
13. **Trump a 3-card double run with a quad combination.** For example, if someone plays a double run consisting of any arrangement of cards, you could play 4 3s and beat their combination. Your quad combination can hold any value and still beat the 3-card double run.
The quad combination will then be what the next player has to beat on their turn to keep the hand going.
14. **Begin the next hand if you played the last laid highest combination.** The person who laid the combination that trumped everyone else’s cards gets to lead the next round. That person leads by laying down another legal combination, and thus the game continues.
15. **Lay down your final legal combination to “win” the game.** The first person to completely empty their hand of all their cards is the official winner. If you want, though, the remaining players can continue to play to determine who comes in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th places.
Part of the fun of Tien Len is that no scoring is required, so literally all you need to play the game is a deck of cards and some friends.
In some variations of the game, the winner of a hand of Tien Len will lead the next game, rather than the person who has the 3 of spades.
16. **Win immediately if your hand contains an “auto win” sequence.** These are optional variations to the game, so decide with your friends beforehand if you want to honor any of them. If you decide you want to do so, check your hand when it’s first dealt to see if you are an automatic winner:
4 deuces
6 sets of doubles
Dragon series, meaning you have 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, jack, queen, king, ace, 2. The suits don’t have to match.
13 red or black cards.
17. **Play for money to turn Tien Len into a betting game.** In many variations of Tien Len, it’s common for the players to bet real money on whether or not they will be the ultimate loser of the game. Instead of the winnings going to the first person who lays down all their cards, the last person holding cards has to pay out a specified amount of money to the other 3 players. Or, you could also play a variation where the 3rd and 4th place players pay money to the 1st and 2nd place players, making sure that the 1st place player always wins the most money.
For example, if the agreed-upon bet is $25, at the end of the game the loser will pay each individual player $25, for a total of $75 lost.
You could get creative with the betting and do something like the loser has to buy everyone a round of drinks or has to pay for pizza to be delivered. Make it fun and feel free to think outside the box!
In some variations, the 3rd and 4th place players have to give their 2 highest-ranking cards to the 1st and 2nd place players in the next game. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
10 Flirty Ways to Ask Someone to Hold Hands | Whether you’re out on a date or just hanging with a cool friend, the thought of holding hands might be enough to get butterflies going in your stomach. Actually asking someone to hold hands can be nerve-wracking, especially if you haven’t done it before. Thankfully, there are a few ways you can ask directly or subtly to start holding hands with the person that you like.
1. **Some people aren’t comfortable holding hands until they’re alone.** If you’ve never held hands with this person before, don’t try it in a public place. Instead, wait until you’re by yourselves or in a more secluded area.
For instance, if you were in a coffee shop, wait until you’re taking a stroll through the park to make the hand-holding move.
2. **Let them know that you’re okay having your hand touched.** If the person you’re with celebrates an accomplishment or says something cool, offer them a high-five. Afterwards, let your hand linger for just a few seconds to give them a subtle message.
This is a good way to test the waters and get a read on their body language. If they also let their hand linger and didn’t pull away immediately, it’s a good sign!
3. **It might encourage them to reach out and grab your hand.** Get your hand as close to theirs as you can without actually touching. If you’re sitting at a table, place your hand on top of the table next to theirs. If you’re sitting side by side, place your hand down by your lap so it almost touches theirs. If they’re feeling bold, they might even reach out and grab your hand first.
This is a super subtle way to ask someone to hold hands. If your date isn’t picking up on it, don’t worry! They probably just missed your clue.
If you're worried about having sweaty palms, just wipe your hand on your pants before you put your hand near theirs.
4. **You can do this while you walk and talk.** Swing your arms back and forth and “accidentally” brush your hand against theirs. Or, if you’re sitting down, place your hand on the table but brush your hand against theirs first.
If they “accidentally” brush your hand with theirs, try not to flinch! They might be trying to send a signal right back at you.
5. **It’s the best way to make sure your date wants to hold hands.** If you can’t quite read their body language or you’re worried that you’re overstepping your boundaries, just ask! If they say yes, you can confidently take their hand and hold it for as long as you’d like.
You might say, “Is it okay if I hold your hand?”
Or, “Will you hold my hand?”
Or, “Would you like to hold hands?”
If they say no, that’s fine, too. They might not be comfortable with physical touch, or they might want to get to know you a little more before holding hands.
6. **Then, ask them to feel it for you.** This is a cute and flirty way to get someone to hold your hand. If they feel your hand and say that it does feel cold, ask them to warm it up for you by hanging onto it.
This is a great hack to use during the chilly winter months.
You could say something like, “Brr, my hands are super cold! Here, feel.”
Or, “My hands are super chilly. Could you warm them up for me?”
7. **Get up close and personal with their hand as you wrestle.** A thumb wrestling match is another great way to break the touch-barrier—plus, adding a little competition into your time together can enhance the flirty fun you’re having.
After you’re done thumb wrestling, just keep your hand nestled in theirs. If they don’t pull away, you can keep holding hands.
8. **Palm reading is a flirty and fun way to touch hands.** Grab their hand and check out the lines in their palm. If you know how to read palms, tell them what’s going to happen in their future! If you don’t know how to read palms, you can just make something up.
You could even turn this into an opportunity to ask about holding hands. As you trace a line down their palm, say something like, “In your future, I see you holding hands with your cute date.”
9. **Get your date to hold their hands against yours.** Depending on the size difference, you could say “Wow, my hands are so much smaller/bigger than yours! Let me see.” Then, grab their hand and put it over your own.
You can smoothly turn this into hand holding by saying something like, “They still fit together pretty good, though” as you slide your fingers into theirs.
10. **Tell them you’ve got to show them something right now!** If they’re hesitant or a little slow, grab their hand and lead them along behind you. When you get to your destination (a cool plant, a fun store window, a cute dog), just keep your hands together.
You could make a joke out of it by saying, “Well, I guess we have to keep holding hands now.” | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Start Sailing | Sailing is a popular sport in coastal towns and areas that are located on large bodies of water. It’s an excellent sport that allows you to harness the wind to power your vessel. Learn the basics with some handy sailing tips and instructions for beginners. Both novice and experienced boaters alike can benefit from a quick review of these beginner sailing basics!
1. **Learn the parts of a boat.** Before you venture out on your first trip, be sure to acquaint yourself with important sailing terms. When sailing with a group as part of the crew, the skipper (person steering the boat) may call out directions using these terms. You will need to know them to be an effective crew member and act quickly, as there are often situations that arise when sailing that will require you to act fast.
Stern refers to the back of the ship.
Bow refers to the front of the ship.
Port is the left-hand side of the boat when you are facing the bow (front).
Starboard is the right-hand side of the boat when you are facing the bow.
2. **Acquaint yourself with basic maneuvers.** Before you sail, learn what it means to tack and jibe. Also, familiarize yourself with the direction of the wind—a sailboat can't sail directly into the wind, so you'll have to adjust the sails to maintain a certain angle to the wind if you want to move forward.
You can also use a product called Windex that will show you where the wind is coming from, but with time, you'll learn to tell the direction of the wind just by feeling it on your face.
Tacking refers to a sailing maneuver in which the sailor(s) turn the bow of the boat through the wind. The wind will change from one side of the vessel to the other side.
Jibing refers to a sailing maneuver in which you turn the boat so the bow faces away from the wind. Jibing is not as common as tacking since it can be much harder to do correctly.
3. **Practice avoiding the boom.** The boom is the horizontal pole which extends from the mast (the tall pole-like object) and is part of the mainsail. Some of the most common sailing injuries are a result of not being aware when the boom is about to swing. This usually happens during a tack or jibe. To avoid a bump to the head, or even worse, being knocked overboard, one of the most important beginner sailing tips to always remember for both passengers and crew is to be conscious and respectful of the boom at all times, especially when the skipper yells out for the crew to execute a tack or jibe.
4. **Wear the proper clothes.** When sailing, it can be much cooler on the water than it is on shore, due to the wind exposure. It can be helpful to combat this by dressing in layers. Comfortable casual clothes and non-slip shoes are usually suitable for sailing. If you know are going to get wet, wear a swimsuit underneath your layers and leave the nice clothing at home. Tie back long hair and avoid excessive jewelry, which could pose a safety risk if it got caught in the ropes or elsewhere. Bring a raincoat or jacket to protect yourself from rain or wet weather.
It’s best to wear closed-toe shoes for your own safety.
You can buy shirts with sun protection built into them. These are often sold at sportswear stores or can be found online.
If you are crewing a boat or sailing your own small vessel, wear clothes that can get wet, such as spandex or Lycra. These are usually materials used in swimwear. There are also websites that specialize in selling sailing gear, such as
5. **Wear a lifejacket at all times.** When sailing, there is always a possibility that your boat capsizes (overturns into the water) and you become separated from it, carried away in a current, or are too exhausted to swim to shore. Avoid a dangerous situation and wear a proper-fitting lifejacket at all times. These can be purchased at boating stores.
6. **Wear gloves.** Whenever you are sailing, you will be handling ropes. Sailing gloves provide protection, grip, and warmth. In order to handle these ropes without getting rope burn or being unable to adequately grasp the ropes, you will need to purchase a pair of sailing gloves. Sailing gloves look like gloves that are used for weightlifting and will usually be fingerless. They can be purchased online at sailing apparel websites or in boat stores such as West Marine.
7. **Apply sunscreen and wear protective gear.** It is difficult to shield yourself from the sun on a sailboat, unless you are onboard a large boat with a living area(s) below decks. Pack plenty of sunscreen, wear sunglasses, and be sure to wear a hat. Pack an extra hat or two just in case one of your hats goes flying off your head in the wind.
8. **Pack supplies.** Pack a small drawstring bag or backpack with a few bottles of water, snacks, a towel, and some first aid items. For longer trips, you should also include extra changes of clothes, something nice to wear in the evening if you head to a coastal town for dinner, toiletries, non-slip shoes for walking around the sailboat and a suitable pair of shoes for wearing off the boat, your prescription medication, and a small flashlight.
9. **Take a sailing course.** Invest in a good sailing course through a community sailing club or center near you. In-depth, formal, and in-person instruction is the best way to learn how to sail. You can start at any age!
It is usually not possible to begin sailing without a course, as most sailing centers won’t allow you to take out their vessels without either taking a course from them or demonstrating your sailing knowledge.
The best way to get confident at sailing is to commit a lot of time to it. It's a lifelong process, because no matter how long you've been on the water, there's always something new to learn.
10. **Tell someone before going out on the water.** One of the most important parts of sailing is to notify the sailing club or another person of your whereabouts. Let them know the area you plan to sail in and when you plan to be back. This will give you and others peace of mind before you head out to the open water.
Even if you are going to meet your sailing instructor, notify a third party of your plans.
Always have a float plan before you leave the dock. Know where you're going to sail, and about how long you plan to be gone, and give that information to your contact on shore. Also, be sure to include the names of everyone who will be on board.
11. **Choose calm, uncrowded waters.** If you’re just starting to learn sailing basics, one of the most important beginner sailing tips to remember is to practice in ideal conditions of light winds and low traffic. This will give you ample space and agreeable weather to practice and gain confidence in your skills.
12. **Start in a small boat.** It’s easier to learn how to sail with fewer lines and sails. A small dinghy will be more responsive and easier to maneuver, and is also perfect for practicing capsizing (tipping the boat underwater and then correcting it).
13. **Begin on a boat rigged with one sail.** Choose a boat with a single sail or perhaps just the mainsail and a jib (the small sail located in front the main sail). Starting on a boat that’s rigged with only one sail will make learning sailing basics easier and less complicated.
14. **Practice capsizing your vessel.** Capsizing is inevitable in sailing, moreso with small vessels less than 20 feet long than the larger yachts. This may seem odd, but it’s better to practice how to handle a capsized sailboat in a controlled environment, as opposed to an uncontrolled one. New sailors learn best from experience, and the valuable sailing basics you’ll pick up from going through a test-capsize in a small dinghy will serve you well in the event of a real-life one.
15. **Become familiar with controlling the sails.** The best sailors are the ones who are able to adjust sail settings to take advantage of different wind and water conditions. In general, sails should be relatively flat when the wind is either very light or very strong, and full when there is a moderate wind. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Act Serious | There are situations in life where it may benefit you to act serious. At a business negotiation, for example, you may want to maintain the appearance of seriousness. Cultivating a serious mentality at work can also help you seem more professional. In moments when you need to act serious, watch your body language, maintain a serious expression and interact with others in a serious fashion. During day-to-day work, take efforts to look focused and driven; however, keep in mind seriousness has its limitations. Make sure you lighten up from time to time, so people do not mistake you for rude.
1. **Wear a serious facial expression.** Lower your eyebrows slightly, but do not allow them to slant inward. This can make you look angry. You should also wrinkle your brow, giving you the appearance of being deep in thought, and squint your eyes slightly. It also may benefit you to keep a straight face.
It can take some practice to get a perfect serious expression. Practice in front of the mirror.
You can also ask for honest feedback. Take a picture of your serious face and send it to a friend. Have him guess what emotion you're trying to convey.
2. **Avoid giggling or smiling in conversation.** Giggling can make you look nervous. It can also make it seem like you're not taking what the other party is saying seriously. Maintain a straight face during conversation.
If you have a natural tendency to giggle when nervous, work against it. Focus extra hard on the conversation if you feel the need to giggle creeping in.
Keep in mind it's rude not to smile or giggle ever. If a co-worker makes a joke, offer a smile and a brief giggle; however, keep it under control. Uproarious laughter is unlikely to make you look serious.
Practicing deep breathing can help you calm yourself and it gives you something to pay attention to if you’re trying to avoid nervous giggling.
3. **Look serious when you think.** Serious people are often quiet and contemplative. It can benefit you to adopt a serious pose when lost in thought.
Avoid making eye contact with people around you. Fold your arms and cross your legs.
Stay quiet and maintain a serious expression.
You do not stay in this pose permanently. You only need to hold it until you work through your thoughts. Holding it too long may look awkward.
4. **Maintain neutrality in conversation.** During a serious discussion, try not to react to what you hear. Be aware of your face. Try to hold your serious expression, even if someone says something frustrating or upsetting.
This can be particularly helpful in a business negotiation. You will look unfazed by the other party's offers, leading them to believe you're not easily intimidated.
Keep in mind this technique is not appropriate for every situation. A business meeting, or a school function, may warrant a neutral expression, but it may not be appropriate in in casual conversation. You may come off as rude.
5. **Lower your pitch.** This can make you sound more authoritative, which can be read as serious. A high-pitched tone can make others read you as nervous and less powerful. Try lowering the pitch of your voice slightly, especially in situations that call for you to behave in a serious fashion.
Just before you have to act serious, put your lips together and say, "Um huh, um huh" several times. This helps relax your vocal cords, helping you better control your pitch.
6. **Stick to formal language.** This can make others read you as more serious and driven. At work especially, watch your language to make sure you're speaking in a more formal tone.
Make sure you use standard English and follow grammatical rules. For example, do not say, "Where are y'all going for drinks after work?" Instead, say, "Where are we going tonight after work?"
Avoid slang words and profanity. These will not only make you sound less serious, they can get you in trouble at work.
Be polite. Following traditional rules of courtesy can help your professional appearance. In a meeting, for example, say something like, "Excuse me, Mr. Wilson, I'd like to share my thoughts on that matter, if possible."
7. **Concentrate on one thing at a time.** Serious people tend to avoid multitasking, as it interferes with their productivity. Give your full attention to a single task before moving on to the next one.
It can help to make a schedule for yourself. For example, from 11 to noon, you return emails. From noon to one, you work on a report.
Multitasking encourages your brain to divide its attention. It can actually make you less productive, as you'll have trouble focusing enough to complete tasks efficiently.
8. **Learn to control inappropriate reactions.** Often people react to uncomfortable or tense situations by laughing, not because it's funny, but because they don't know how to deal with the tension. If you need to remain serious in an uncomfortable situation, from giving a presentation to going to a funeral service, use thought techniques to keep yourself in check. For instance, try thinking of something serious (like how important this presentation is to your grade or your upcoming promotion), or try thinking about a difficult math equation and try to solve it. This may help distract you from your impulse to giggle and help "sober" you up.
You can also try pinching yourself or biting the inside of your cheek, or taking a long, deep breath to regain your composure.
9. **Establish gadget-free areas.** Your boss or teacher will be impressed if you avoid the distraction of your cell phone, iPad, or other electronic devices. Make a point of abandoning such technologies in areas where you need to act serious.
Turn your phone off when you're at your desk or at a meeting.
Do not take out your cell phone during work or school. You can catch up on calls or texts after you finish work for the day.
10. **Follow through on tasks.** This can make you look reliable, which is a trait associated with serious people. Never miss a deadline or let an obligation fall to the wayside.
Take steps to make sure you know your obligations. A calendar, with reminders for certain deadlines, can help.
It can be very beneficial to you to look dependable. Dependable people may be more likely to be chosen for certain opportunities.
11. **Stay organized** This will make you look focused and driven, traits associated with the very serious. Keep your workspace clean and always be on top of daily tasks.
Take this as an opportunity to do a major overhaul of your workspace. Stop by a local print shop and pick up a variety of folders and files. Organize your work by categories, due dates, and so on.
To-do lists and reminders can help. Leave reminders around your home, office, and workspace regarding deadlines. Keep a to-do list every day and check off tasks as you complete them.
12. **Check your body language in conversation.** Being serious can be a great advantage in some situations. Socially, however, you may come off as too intense. If people feel uncomfortable around you, this could affect your success.
If you act serious during conversations, people may misread this as aloof. Eventually, people may realize you're simply very focused on the conversation, but an initial impression can be hard to shake.
Balance out the serious act with cues that show you're listening. Do not cross your arms, or put a bag on your lap. This looks like you're shutting someone out. Make eye contact on occasion, and try to look comfortable. Do not fidget or squirm during conversation.
13. **Lighten up during social gatherings.** No one should maintain a serious act all the time. Socially, it's not appropriate to maintain a strictly serious demeanor. Try to loosen up at events where you are meant to relax.
Let people into your personal space. Allow for casual touching, like a pat on the shoulder or back.
Show people you're listening a little bit more. Respond with comments like, "Hmmm," or, "I see." Nod as a person talks.
Soften your facial muscles a bit, abandoning the serious expression. Smile and laugh when appropriate.
14. **Spend time in nature.** People who are highly focused frequently enjoy the outdoors. The tranquility can help you momentarily relax. When you re-enter school or the office, you'll feel recharged enough to get back to acting serious.
Go for a walk outside during break time. If you're near a park or woods, walk around there.
If you work in the city, take hikes during the weekend. You may have to drive, or take a train, to get out of town.
15. **Allow yourself breaks.** No one can act serious 24 hours a day. Incorporating breaks into your daily schedule is important to keep you focused when you need to be.
Set a reminder on your phone that goes off every 50 minutes, letting you know you need to take a break.
Breaks do not have to be long. You can simply get up and stretch for a few minutes, or go get a cup of coffee or tea. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Convert a Doc File to a Docx File | This wikiHow teaches you how to create a Docx version of an old Microsoft Word document in Doc format, and save a separate copy to your computer in in Docx.
1. **Open your Doc file in Microsoft Word.** Find and double-click your document to open it in Word.
2. **Click the File tab on the top-left.** This will open your file options on a drop-down menu.
On Windows, this button is next to in the upper-left corner of Word.
On Mac, it's on your menu bar in the upper-left corner of your screen.
3. **Click Save As on the File menu.** This option will open a new dialogue box. You can save your document in a different, compatible file format here.
If this doesn't automatically open a new dialogue box, click on the Save As page.
4. **Click the format drop-down at the bottom of the Save As window.** This will open a list of all the available file formats you can use.
On Windows, this menu is labeled as below the File name field.
On Mac, it's labeled as at the bottom.
5. **Select Word Document (*.docx) as your file type.** This will allow you to save a separate copy of the same document in Docx format.
6. **Select a saving location for your document.** Find the folder where you want to save your Docx document, and click on the folder name to select it.
7. **Click Save on the bottom-right.** This will save a copy of your document to the selected location. Your new document will be saved in Docx format.
8. **Open Google Docs in an internet browser.** Type into the address bar, and hit ↵ Enter or ⏎ Return on your keyboard.
9. **Click the Blank option on the top-left.** You can find this option below the "Start a new document" heading in the upper-left corner of your screen. It will open a new, blank document.
10. **Click the File tab on the top-left.** You can find it below the "Untitled document" heading in the upper-left corner of the page. It will open your file options on a drop-down menu.
11. **Click Open on the drop-down menu.** This will open a new pop-up window titled "Open a file."
12. **Click the Upload tab in the "Open a file" window.** You can find it at the top of the pop-up window.
13. **Click the blue Select a file from your computer button.** This will allow you to select and upload the file you want to convert.
14. **Upload the document you want to convert.** Click the Doc file you want to upload, and click the button in the lower-right corner. This will upload your document, and open it in Google Docs.
Alternatively, you can drag and drop your file here to upload it.
15. **Click the File tab.** It's located below the document name in the upper-left corner of the page.
16. **Hover over Download as on the File menu.** A sub-menu will pop up with your file format options.
17. **Select Microsoft Word (.docx) on the "Download as" menu.** This will download a Docx version of your document to your browser's default folder for downloads.
If you don't have a default folder for browser downloads, you'll be prompted to select a saving location. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Melt Silver | Silver is the most common of the precious metals. It’s used in jewelry, electronics, medical supplies, and a number of industrial uses. Until the end of the nineteenth century, silver was also a major medium of currency throughout the world. As a result, silver is abundant in our world. As an abundant precious metal, people today like to work with it for a number of reasons. However, while silver is attractive and is a good metal for beginners to start with, melting any metal is a relatively complicated thing to do if you have no experience. Fortunately, with some knowledge, work, and the proper supplies, it’s possible for someone with no experience to begin melting and casting silver at home.
1. **Secure items to melt.** You need to find some items to melt down. Luckily, although silver is considered a rare metal, it is fairly common in our day-to-day activities. Some of the most common uses for silver are jewelry, although we can still find a substantial amount of silver coins, as well as silver in industrial applications.
Traditional uses for silver include creating coins, jewelry, decorative items and cutlery. These items are most commonly used when melting silver.
Industrial uses of silver include batteries, ball bearings, soldering or brazing other metal items, as an industrial catalyst to create chemicals, and in electronics such as circuit boards, membrane switches, and television screens. Be careful when melting anything that might contain hazardous materials.
Emerging technologies which utilize silver include medical, solar energy, and water purification. Silver minimizes bacterial growth by interrupting the ability of the bacteria to form chemical bonds and is used to prevent the spread of bacteria and to promote healing.
2. **Get a foundry crucible.** A foundry crucible is a container that is used for metal production. Crucibles are made of clay, aluminum, graphite, and silicon carbide. They are extremely heat resistant and will not melt under the same circumstances as the metal you are trying to melt down.
Make sure you get a crucible that is an appropriate size for your project and is in good shape. Avoid old crucibles with cracks or excessive wear.
You will use your crucible to store your silver as it melts and turns into its molten form.
You will then poor the molten silver out of the crucible into a cast or mold.
You can purchase a foundry crucible at a local casting supply store or at many online retailers.
3. **Find some good heavy-duty crucible tongs.** Crucible tongs will be used to move your crucible if you need to. These are an important element, because your crucible will be way too hot for you to touch it with your hands or even with gloves. Make sure:
Your tongs are rated to be used with a crucible.
Your tongs are in good working order.
Your tongs are large enough to move your crucible.
Purchase your crucible tongs at local hardware or metal casting stores or online.
4. **Buy a graphite stir rod.** You should get yourself a good graphite stir rod. You’ll use the stir rod to stir your molten silver and to make sure that it is completely melted before you cast it in a mold.
Make sure you get one that is rated properly.
Make sure you buy one that is long enough for whatever level of melting you’ll be doing.
Purchase your graphite stir rod at a local casting supply shop or online.
5. **Secure a furnace or a blow torch.** The furnace or torch is what you’ll be using to heat your silver to its melting point. As such, the furnace or blow torch are critical items in melting silver. Depending on the amount of melting you’ll be doing, you can choose between a furnace or torch. Consider:
A furnace might be prohibitively expensive if you are only doing small-scale melting like several ounces every couple of weeks. However, if you're doing projects every weekend or more often, you should consider a furnace.
A blow torch might be inefficient if you are melting substantial amounts of silver.
If you are starting out, you might want to start with a blow torch and then move up to a furnace once you are committed to melting silver.
These items may be purchased from a metal casting supplier, specialty hardware stores, or online.
6. **Make or create a mold or cast.** Molds and casts will be the way you shape your molten silver to create a final product. As a result, they are critical for your silver melting operation. Consider:
Molds and casts can be made from wood, certain alloys, ceramic, or clay.
Molds and casts may be one of the most inexpensive of your supplies.
You can make your own molds or casts or buy them from specialty casting stores in your community or from online retailers.
To make your mold: pick a material and like wood or clay. Carve or shape your material to the size and using the detail desire. If you're using ceramic or clay, you'll need to fire them at temps over 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit or 537 degrees Celsius.
7. **Purchase safety equipment to protect yourself.** Melting silver, or any other metal for that fact, is potentially very dangerous. You need to get yourself some good safety equipment to protect yourself. Remember to take lots of care when you melt silver, and do not do so unless you are properly protected. Make sure to get:
Industrial-grade goggles that are rated to protect against molten metal.
Industrial-grade gloves rated to protect against molten metal.
Industrial-grade apron rated to protect against molten metal.
Industrial-grade face shield rated to protect against molten metal.
You can purchase safety equipment from metal casting supply shops or from online retailers.
8. **Put on your safety gear and secure the area.** Before you even start the process of melting and molding your silver, you need to take out and put on all of your safety gear. Melting any type of metal is a very dangerous activity, so there is no reason to take any chances.
Put on your goggles, your gloves, your apron, and your face shield.
Take out your skimming rod and any other materials you'll need during the process.
Inform family or roommates about what you're doing and lock up any dogs or other pets in an area far from your smelting workshop.
9. **Place the crucible with the silver object on or in your furnace.** The first thing you need to do is to put your silver in the crucible and place it on or in your furnace. This will vary depending on the type of furnace you have. You don’t want to heat up your furnace and then place your crucible inside, as this will increase the chance of you hurting yourself.
10. **Heat the furnace to a temperature which exceeds the melting point of silver.** The first thing you need to do is heat your furnace to the appropriate temperature. Depending on what type of furnace you have, this might take a little or a lot of time. Consider:
The melting point of silver is 1763 degrees Fahrenheit or 961.8 degrees Celsius.
Monitor the temperature inside your furnace as it heats. Most furnaces include a temperature gauge to help you monitor it. If not, have one installed.
Don’t remove the silver until it is completely melted.
Only use your furnace outside or in an extremely well-ventilated area designed for foundry work.
11. **Apply your blow torch to the silver, if you’ve chosen to use a blow torch.** If you’re using a smaller crucible and are melting on a smaller scale, you might have chosen to use a blow torch to melt your silver. If this is the case, take your blow torch and apply it to the silver. Keep your torch on the silver and it will slowly heat the silver up.
Make sure you know how to use your blow torch before you start to melt your silver.
Direct the flame directly at the silver item.
Temperature will be difficult to monitor with a blow torch. However, many blow torches come with a temp. gauge attached. If you don't have one, just wait for the silver to melt completely.
The amount of time it takes to melt the silver will depend, based on the alloy composition, as well as the size of the object.
Break large silver objects into smaller pieces and melt them in small batches to allow a more even distribution of heat which results in a quicker melting process.
For more on melting silver with a blow torch, see:
12. **Remove the crucible once the silver has melted.** Once your silver is melted, you’re going to need to remove your crucible from the furnace (if that’s what you’ve used), and get ready to cast your molten silver. Be careful doing this, as it is potentially dangerous. Make sure to:
Put on your gloves.
Take your heat resistant tongs and grip the crucible.
Place the crucible next to your cast or mold.
Make sure you wear shoes and your other safety equipment.
If you’re using a blow torch, take your tongs and move the crucible next to the mold you’ll be using.
13. **Skim the slag off of your sliver.** Using your graphite stir rod or another tool, skim the slag off the top of your molten silver. Slag is impurities and other materials that have separated from the silver during the melting process. Slag might be a result of non-silver items being melted with silver, or it may be the result of the silver having impurities in it. Regardless of the reason, always skim and remove your slag before you pour and cast your silver.
Take your rod and gently and evening slide it over the top of the molten silver.
Then slide the flat side of your rod underneath the slag and lift it out of the silver.
Place your slag someone safe, as you might want to melt it again to remove excess silver.
14. **Pour the silver into the mold, quickly.** Once you’ve removed the crucible from the furnace, and sat it next to your mold, you should quickly pour the molten silver into the mold. You need to do this quickly while the silver is still liquid. Don’t move too quickly, as you don’t want to spill the silver or hurt yourself. If the silver does begin to firm up into solid state, just put it back into the furnace to heat it back up.
Melted silver can be poured directly into molds, or casts, to create a number of items including jewelry, decorative items, cutlery, tableware, and containers.
Pour very carefully and slowly so that you get all of the silver into the cast or mold and that you get the proper shape and angles that you want.
Depending on the size of your silver casting project, you may need to utilize centrifugal force to allow the silver to reach all areas of the cast.
Wait for your silver to cool and harden.
15. **Dump your silver out of the mold.** Wait a few minutes for your silver to cool. This could take from 2 minutes to 20 minutes depending on the size and depth of your silver. Ultimately, judging when to dump your silver is an art and depends on a number of factors including the type of mold. In the end, you'll learn by trial and error, but consider:
Depending on your mold, it might be better to wait longer and having to break your mold instead of recasting the silver.
Once the silver appears dry, give it another minute for the interior to cool off a little more.
When dumping your silver, make sure you are wearing hand safety mitts, your apron, and even head gear. This will protect you from splash back if you do empty the mold too early.
Pick up your mold and bang it on a hard surface. It should come right out.
16. **Quench your silver.** After you've dumped your silver out of the mold, you'll need to quench your silver. Quenching is the process in which silver is cooled and hardened by being submerged in water. This is the final stage of smelting silver.
Take your tongs and pick up the silver bar or item.
Slowly submerge the silver in clean/distilled water.
As you submerge it, the water around the silver will boil and will produce steam.
Leave the silver submerged for several moments -- until the boiling and steam have subsided.
Remove your silver from the water and enjoy! | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Cope With Negative Feelings During Pregnancy | Whether your pregnancy is a surprise or a planned event, you will feel a variety of extreme emotions while pregnant. Negative feelings can stem from not feeling ready or not knowing what to expect, among other things. However, it is possible to take back some control over your emotions by purposefully bonding with your baby in the womb. You can also boost your mindset by treating your body well. Reaching out to other people will create a support network that can lift you up and support you in your darker moments. If you are feeling seriously depressed or anxious, you may have prenatal depression: see your doctor, especially if you have a history of depression, anxiety, or a previous poor response to birth control pills.
1. **Bond with your baby.** It is possible to forge a deep connection with your baby before they are even born. Gently pat or rub your belly, making soothing sounds for your baby. Listen to classical music and watch to see if your belly moves in response. Study your ultrasound photos and imagine what your baby will look like. Try to feel connected instead of isolated from your growing baby.
Talk or sing to your baby as you go about your day. Describe to them what you are seeing and your thoughts and feelings. You might say, “I just went to the store and looked at some toys to buy for you. I wonder what you’ll like. I can't wait to meet you!” And, If you feel lonely, this will provide some comfort for both of you.
2. **Schedule regular pick-me-up moments.** Plan pampering activities that you enjoyed prior to being pregnant. Go see a movie, hit the mall, or get a prenatal massage. Make yourself the focus for a few hours at a time. This will also help to break the monotony that comes from a stream of never-ending baby-related medical appointments.
If the idea of making yet another appointment is just too much, find activities that do not require pre-planning, such as wandering the bookstore.
3. **Keep a pregnancy diary.** Write down your everyday thoughts and emotions in a journal for your eyes only. You may keep another journal that discusses the baby’s movements, etc., but this diary is intended to be an honest outlet for all of your feelings, be they positive or negative.
Try to keep balance in your diary by keeping a one-to-one ratio of positive and negative observations. For example, if you write about your sore feet, balance that out with a line or two about how you’ve discovered that your hair is fuller than ever.
Don't feel bad about your negative feelings, as they are typical. Some women enjoy pregnancy more than others, and there's nothing wrong with feeling differently.
4. **Educate yourself about having and caring for a baby.** Look online for pregnancy blogs, buy or borrow pregnancy and baby books, subscribe to related magazines, etc. You’ve been given a nine-month window to gather as much information as you can about this major change in your life. Knowledge is power and it will combat the fear of the unknown, which can be a real problem in pregnancy.
Doing your research will also show that you do not have to, and will not be, the exact same as your parents. No matter how you feel about how you were raised, you are experiencing pregnancy in a way that is unique solely to you. You will also parent in a way that is unique to you, and that's okay.
5. **Identify what factors you can and cannot control.** When faced with negative feelings, ask yourself if your feelings are focused on something that is actually within your control. If it is within your control, then try to figure out how to address the main problem. If it is not within your control, then you have to push it to the back of your mind and leave it alone.
This is an especially important process for women who are pregnant with complicated medical histories, such as suffering from miscarriages. Fear for the ultimate safety of your baby can be crippling if you do not address it. Focus on what you can do to improve your baby’s health, such as taking prenatal vitamins and following your doctor's advice.
Feelings of fear and anxiety when pregnant are not always a bad thing either. In fact, they help to activate a woman’s protective impulse toward her baby, leading to a good standard of care in the long term.
6. **Go outside and get some fresh air.** Find a park bench and sit on it for a while. Lay a blanket on the grass and take a quick, sunny nap. Lounge on a tree-shaded chair. You may feel compelled to stay inside due to your nesting instinct, etc., but push yourself to head outdoors for at least 30 minutes every day.
7. **Eat a balanced and pregnancy-appropriate diet.** Make sure that you consume consistent meals and healthy snacks throughout the day. For example, eat at least four servings of veggies every day and between two to four servings of fruit as well. Try to include a protein, dairy, and grain product in every major meal as well. Limit your consumption of processed foods and sugars. Eating well will make you more able to cope with the physical and emotional challenges you’ll face during pregnancy.
Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water will also help to alleviate pregnancy headaches, which will provide a boost to your spirits as well.
If you struggle to eat properly while pregnant, you may want to see a nutritionist. They can provide you with easy-to-follow meal plans and also give you positive support during and after your pregnancy.
8. **Exercise and stay active.** Do at least three 30-minute sessions of some sort of exercise each week. This could mean walking or even taking a prenatal yoga class. The point is not to prove that you can run a marathon, this is about you recognizing the strength and beauty of your body. Do activities that make you feel exhilarated, not exhausted.
Watching how well your body continues to respond to exercise, even late in pregnancy, will also help to diminish some of the concerns that you might have about the birth process itself. Trusting your body is something that takes time to develop.
Make sure to consult with your doctor regarding your exercise patterns. You may need to avoid certain activities, such as horseback riding, or tailor other activities to accommodate the changing health needs of you and your baby.
9. **Get enough rest.** Aim to get at least eight solid hours of uninterrupted sleep a night. And, try to fit in at least one 30-minute nap each day, add additional and longer naps if you can. Getting enough rest is important because lack of sleep can increase negative emotions and aggravate other physical symptoms that you may be experiencing, such as nausea.
Exhaustion is the most common complaint made by women in the first trimester of pregnancy. Just know that your quality of sleep should improve as you head out of this initial period. The second trimester is generally a much more tranquil period.
10. **Take quick action to resolve any pain that you are experiencing.** Pregnancy can be an uncomfortable time for many women, however, you should not suffer through pain needlessly. Listen to your body and seek out medical help if you feel as if something is “just not right.” Be persistent until you have the answers that you require.
Don’t be ashamed or feel weak about talking with someone about the pain that you are experiencing. Pain in pregnancy is often a sign of serious medical concerns. For example, it is normal to have some abdomen twinges during the first trimester, however, serious cramping could indicate a host of life-threatening conditions, including an ectopic pregnancy.
Be very careful about the pain medications that you use during pregnancy. Before you take anything, call your doctor or your doctor’s nurse to get the okay.
11. **Dress to flatter your changing body.** Shop at maternity stores for the latest fashions, or browse re-sale shops for similar clothes at a substantial discount. Pick clothes out that flatter your changing shape and do not be afraid to wear clothes that are fitted. Spending a bit of time on your appearance will boost your self-confidence, leading to more positive emotions.
Don’t believe the stereotype that maternity clothes must be baggy and unflattering. Now you can purchase items that will make you look great at every stage of your pregnancy. You can still buy the type of clothes that you enjoy with a few modifications for comfort.
12. **Join a support group.** Your doctor may be able to suggest groups that meet via the hospital or you can search online for gatherings in your area. Look for groups composed of pregnant women who may be experiencing similar emotions as you. If you don’t feel comfortable meeting in person, you can always find online support and chat groups as well.
When you attend, listen actively but also jump in with questions and share your thoughts. Talking with others will show that your struggles with negative emotions are important, but not necessarily unusual.
To find support groups online, you might search for "prenatal support" "pregnancy support group" or "prenatal depression discussion (or support) group." The PANDAS Foundation of the UK offers both online and telephone support for pregnant women and new mothers. The BabyCenter community pages are another good option as well.
Prenatal depression is also called "antenatal" depression, so look for resources using that term as well.
Check out the Antenatal Depression Forum at Netmums.
13. **Enroll in pregnancy and childbirth classes.** Your hospital or another health agency in your area will likely offer a wide variety of classes designed for new parents. These classes will teach you practical matters, such as how to change a diaper, which will make you feel even more competent moving forward. They also give you the chance to spend time with a group of people who are working through the stages of pregnancy.
14. **Strengthen your bond with your partner.** If you have a partner, spend time doing something that you both enjoy, such as going to a movie. This may help to counter any loneliness that you might feel. It also reinforces the fact that you should approach pregnancy as a team.
Ask your partner for help and tell them that you appreciate what they do. They will likely reciprocate in kind, leading to positive, open communication patterns. You might say, “Thank you for hanging those pictures in the nursery, they look really great.”
If you do not have a partner, you can find a great support network in other single mothers. Reach out to them via online networks and use your pregnancy to develop strong friendships.
15. **Look for the symptoms of prenatal depression.** If your negative feelings intensify and begin to alter your everyday choices and activities, you may have prenatal depression. Watch for drastic changes to your eating patterns (beyond what you might consider ‘standard’ pregnancy cravings or nausea). Poor memory retention, feelings of worthlessness, continual crying, lack of interest in previous hobbies, pulling away from family/friends, and feelings of deep sadness or anxiety are all possible signs of depression during pregnancy.
If you have prenatal depression, know that you are not alone. Between 13-30% of pregnant women and new moms are diagnosed each year.
Your prenatal depression is not caused by anything that you have done or have not done. And it offers no indication as to the type of parent you will be in the future. The key is to recognize the degree of your feelings and to take action.
16. **Understand the role of hormones.** When you are pregnant there are real physical reasons behind some of your negative emotions. Almost immediately after you become pregnant your hormone levels begin to change, especially progesterone and estrogen. These hormonal fluctuations can also escalate your negative feelings into the category of prenatal depression.
Take some control back by watching for your emotional triggers and avoiding them. For example, if sad movies turn you in a sobbing mess, watch comedies instead. However, if you find yourself crying all the time for no reason, seek out professional assistance.
Your hormonal fluctuations will be the most aggressive in the first and third trimesters. The impact can be seen via spontaneous emotional highs and lows.
If you suffered from PMS then you are more likely to experience negative feelings during pregnancy. If you’ve taken medications for mood disorders or for any hormonal causes (including birth control), you are also at a heightened risk for developing negative emotions and possibly prenatal depression.
17. **Talk to your doctor or OBGYN.** You should feel comfortable talking to your doctor about anything and everything related to your pregnancy. Tell your doctor, as specifically as possible, about your negative feelings and your concerns about prenatal depression. Ask for suggestions and advice that you can implement immediately.
This may be a difficult topic to discuss, but your doctor is a professional and has worked through these issues before with other patients. It is important to be as blunt and candid as you can be when describing your symptoms. For example, you might say, “I cry for an average of 6 hours every day.”
Don’t be shocked if they request a blood test. A blood draw can give a doctor a better picture regarding the levels of your hormones. For example, a thyroid imbalance can lead to intense negative feelings during pregnancy.
18. **See a therapist.** If the negative feelings persist or if they escalate, you may want to consider making an appointment with a therapist. They will talk over your concerns with you, providing an outlet for some of your negative energy. They will also help to identify whether or not you are suffering from prenatal depression. With proper treatment, most people with prenatal depression see significant improvements in their life.
Your therapy will likely consist of a combination of talk therapy (expressing your feelings in a safe space) and medication.
If you don’t think that you can afford a therapist, you may want to investigate what your health insurance will cover. You can also contact the therapist directly, discuss your financial concerns, and ask about other options, often including discounted rates or payment plans. If at all possible, don’t let money prevent you from getting the help that you may need for you and your child.
19. **Take antidepressants in a safe way.** Taking any medication during pregnancy is a matter of balancing out risk versus reward. If your doctor or therapist prescribes you antidepressant medication then they have weighed the various options and decided that this is the best course of action for you. Some antidepressants currently considered for use during pregnancy include Celexa, Prozac, and Zoloft, among others.
Do your own research as well, as lasting complications can occur with some medications. Work with your doctor to keep both you and your baby healthy.
20. **Act quickly to protect both you and your baby.** One of the keys to treating depression while pregnant is to seek out help as soon as you become concerned. Untreated and unchecked depression poses a variety of risks to both you and your baby. If you stop taking the best care of yourself (using vitamins, eating right, sleeping well, etc.), then your baby can be born early or have a low weight or struggle with other potential health problems.
Open up to someone you trust and also confide in your healthcare professional. Keeping difficult feelings inside will only make things worse.
Untreated depression is also a risk factor for you long-term as it can carry over into your postpartum period, making it even more difficult to cope with the challenges of being a new mother. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Meal Plan | Meal planning saves money, time, and makes eating healthy easier. With a well-thought out meal plan, you can make accurate grocery lists and waste less food, as you'll know exactly what you're using each ingredient for instead of just buying things and figuring out their use later.
1. **Count out how many meals, and what type of meal, you need to plan for.** A good way to do this is to simply look back on the last week of meals. What days did you go out to eat? What days did you have left-overs? What days did you have plenty of time to make a great, huge meal? It is a generally a good idea to plan your meals for no longer than a week in advance, since plans can change and food might go bad. Jot down all the meals you ate last week and see how many meals, and what type, you need to plan for:
Do you make a unique breakfast sometimes, or do you generally eat the same thing each morning?
Do you eat out while at work, or do you pack lunches?
What days do you cook? What days do you eat out or eat leftovers?
How quickly do you go through snack foods? Do you need these foods, or do you just eat them because you were around.
2. **Draft up a basic calendar of the week with slots for every meal.** Get a pen and paper and sketch out each day, putting three slots under each for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You can even print out and use the template found at the bottom of the article, or get a free food planning app online.
3. **Make a "master list" of your favorite recipes and meals.** Collect your favorite recipes online and out of cookbooks, helping you quickly fill in your schedule with new meals. If you don't collect recipes or don't know where to begin, head online and search for recipes with some of your favorite ingredients, your schedule (ie. "1-hour dinners"), or simply peruse food blogs or websites. A quick internet search for "best recipes" will pull up far more food than you could ever conceivably try.
Sites and apps like FoodGawker let you search recipes by style, time, ingredients (including ingredients you want to avoid) and popularity.
Remember to look up sides too, like salads or vegetable dishes, and not just the main course.
4. **Fill in simple or easily customized meals, like breakfast, first.** In general, most people eat 2-3 things every day for breakfast and lunch, and don't often use recipes to determine cereal and milk choices. Note these meals on your calendar, then make a simple list of the various ingredients you might mix and match -- granola, cereal, fruit, yogurt, cold cuts, etc. There is no need to plan out exactly what you're getting now ("12 slices of turkey") before going to the store. Just write out ("12 slices of cold cuts"), then see what looks good at the store.
5. **Understand the basics of a well-balanced meal** Planning dinners may look daunting, as they are usually made up of 2-3 separate parts. However, the basics of a well-balanced meal are actually pretty simple. You want a main dish, usually a grain (pasta, rice, couscous, etc.), a protein like chicken, beans, or fish, and at least 1-2 vegetables or fruits.
Think of each dinner as three separate parts -- a grain, a vegetable, and a protein. Pick three simple recipes instead of trying to make one all inclusive dish each night.
6. **Combine all of your recipes into your week's grocery list.** Once you have all of your recipes compiled, simply mix and match the recipes together to create a shopping list. You know you'll use everything you buy since it all has a purpose in your week. You may add loose snacks here and there, but, in general, you should cut down on the time and money spent in the store considerably with proper planning.
Be sure to check your fridge and pantry before going to see what ingredients you already have.
Some people find planning all meals daunting at first. If so, just start with dinners, then buy the rest of your groceries like normal.
7. **Be flexible every now and then.** No one can plan for everything, and that's fine. Sometimes you may want some spontaneity, and some days you'll get home and just won't feel like cooking. A meal plan is there to make life easier, not bind you to some sort of eating contract.
Try having a "cook's choice" night, which you leave open to figure out later that day. This is often a good choice for your shopping day, as you can easily buy the right ingredients for that night's meal on the fly.
While meal plans are a good way to limit costly eating out, you should still free to head out every once and a while.
8. **Find recipes that use similar ingredients to save money and time.** Once you get the hang of meal planning, you'll realize it is a fantastic tool to spend your time and money more effectively. For example, find multiple recipes for the Brussels sprouts used on Monday and then buy them in bulk instead of buying a smaller, and more expensive, amount of sprouts. Choose recipes like stir-fries or fried rice that are easily customized at the end of the week, allowing you to throw in all your leftover onions, peppers, and other vegetables.
For example, you might do a chicken salad one night and chicken tacos the next. You can cook all the chicken the first night, then reheat it in taco sauce or seasoning the next.
9. **Engage your family when planning meals.** There is no reason you have to do this all by yourself. Moreover, getting the whole family to send in recipes ensures that everyone gets to eat something they want. This is also a great way to help kids expand their palettes and make sure that they eat each night.
10. **Choose healthy options now to eat healthy throughout the week.** When meal planning healthy recipes, you ensure that you eat healthy food. If you only plan healthy meals, you can can avoid a last-minute box of Mac and Cheese on days you're unsure what to eat. Planning around your schedule takes the stress off of you later in the week to find something healthy each night.
11. **Buy produce that is in season or on sale to save money and eat fresher foods.** Determining what is in season, and how to use it, is difficult at the store, but you can easily plan for seasonal fruits and vegetables at home and pick 2-3 recipes that make use of them. Check out what is on sale online when meal planning, then plan your recipes accordingly.
12. **Make a "theme night" once a week, such as Taco Tuesdays or Pasta Wednesdays.** This takes a whole day off of your calendar, making planning that much easier. It also lets you perfect that one option every week. When you're at the store, you can easily start mixing and matching the recipes depending on what is on sale, since you know generally what you'll need for Hot Salad Saturdays.
13. **Check the weather to determine what nights you might want hot or cold foods.** It is no secret that our food preferences change depending on the weather. So, if there is a cold rainy night coming up, prepare for grilled cheese and soups. If a heat wave is coming, look for meals that don't require tons of time over a hot oven or stove, like fresh salads or sandwiches.
14. **Save your receipts and keep notes on your meal planning, adjusting accordingly.** The first few weeks will be a little odd as you get used to your new system and make changes. Keep all of your receipts to track how much money you're spending, and write down what you think of each recipe. As you keep planning, you'll be able to adjust your schedule depending on changing finances, recipes you love, and currently available produce. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Wash a MyPillow | As a My Pillow user, you may be wondering how to properly care for your fluffy, foam-filled pillow. For best results, follow the care instructions you received with the product’s packaging. The manufacturer recommends machine-washing your MyPillow on a regular cycle with cold or warm water and mild detergent before tumble-drying it on high heat. Follow a few tricks for a hassle-free experience, like balancing out the load and running an extra spin cycle. After laundering your MyPillow properly, you’ll be able to sink your head into your form-fitting pillow for a good night’s sleep.
1. **Pour in a mild liquid laundry detergent.** When washing your MyPillow, use a mild, high-efficiency (HE) liquid laundry detergent for lower sudsing. If you’re using a laundry detergent bottle’s cap as a measuring cup, fill up the cup to just below the “1 load” line. Otherwise, add about ⁄4 c (59 mL) of detergent. Pour it into the machine before inserting your MyPillow.
Refrain from using powder detergent as it might leave some residue on your pillow.
Don’t use fabric softener when laundering your MyPillow.
2. **Add the pillow to a full load of laundry if you’re using a front-loading machine.** A front-loading machine is preferred, since it’ll prevent your pillow from floating on top of the water. If you use this type of machine, toss your pillow in with a medium-sized load of white or light-colored clothes.
If you don’t have any clothes to launder, try washing your pillow with a load of towels of varying sizes.
3. **Balance out a top-loading machine with another pillow or a few towels.** For a top-loading machine, place each pillow on opposite sides of the machine. If you don’t have another pillow to wash, set your MyPillow on 1 side of the agitator and drop 2 or 3 large towels onto the other side. Aim to provide an equal amount of material on either side of the agitator to avoid an unbalanced load.
If you notice that the MyPillow starts floating on top of the water once the load starts, push the pillow down until it absorbs the water, then layer a towel on top of it to weigh the pillow down.
4. **Set the washing machine to a regular cycle.** While some pillows are designed to be washed on the “delicate” or “gentle” setting, launder your MyPillow on the “regular,” “normal,” or “cotton” setting.
A “delicate” or “gentle” cycle uses slow spin cycles and limited agitation, which won’t clean your MyPillow as effectively as the faster regular cycle.
5. **Wash your MyPillow in cold to warm water.** Depending on the type of machine you’re using, try either a “warm/warm,” “warm/cold,” or “cold/cold” setting. Choose a “cold” setting if you prefer a more energy-efficient approach, or select a “warm” setting if you’d like to sanitize your pillow more thoroughly or eliminate stains.
Hot water is not recommended for washing My Pillows.
6. **Add extra spin cycles to remove more of the moisture.** Add 1 or 2 additional spin cycles to help spin out as much water as possible from your MyPillow. Depending on the type of machine you’re using, you can add an extra spin to the initial wash cycle, or run a separate spin cycle after the initial wash is done.
Since more of the moisture will be drawn out of the foam, you’ll be able to use a shorter tumble-drying cycle.
7. **Set your dryer to a high heat setting.** As opposed to low heat, high heat will more quickly and completely dry your MyPillow, inside and out. The manufacturers recommend selecting a high heat setting and running the dryer at a “normal” cycle.
8. **Tumble-dry your MyPillow without any dryer balls.** While most pillows will benefit from the fluffing agitation that dryer balls or tennis balls provide, these aren’t recommended when drying a MyPillow. Simply place your MyPillow, along with any other pillows, towels, or clothing items from the previous load, into the dryer.
Refrain from adding any fabric softener or dryer sheets to the load.
9. **Keep your MyPillow in the dryer until it’s completely dry.** After the drying cycle finishes, pull out your pillow and squeeze it to check for damp patches. Even if there are just a few small spots that contain some moisture, toss the pillow back into the dryer for 10 to 15 more minutes. Keep checking and drying the pillow until it’s free of moisture.
Additional tumble-drying won’t damage or melt your MyPillow.
10. **Toss a brand new MyPillow in the dryer with a damp washcloth.** After you unpackage your new MyPillow, place it in a dryer along with a damp, but not dripping, washcloth. Run the machine at a high heat setting for about 15 minutes before using your pillow.
The heat and moisture will agitate the inner foam filling so it’s ready to sleep on.
11. **Use a cotton pillowcase to keep your pillow clean.** Cover your MyPillow with a well-fitting pillowcase to prevent sweat, oils, and cosmetic products from transferring over to the pillow itself. The manufacturers recommend using a 100% cotton pillowcase with your MyPillow.
Launder your pillowcase at least once a week.
12. **Fluff your MyPillow** Grab the ends or corners of your pillow. Rapidly push your fists toward each other to pump some air into the foam. Squeeze and punch the pillow to fluff it up even more and reshape it into your preferred form.
Once you set your head down, tuck the bottom part of the pillow under your neck to get the best support.
13. **Wash your MyPillow once every 4 months.** If you sleep on your MyPillow every night, keep it fresh by laundering it once every 4 months, or about 3 times a year. If you experience allergies, wash it more frequently, or once every 2 months.
The 10-year MyPillow warranty covers laundering, so you shouldn’t worry about your pillow going flat with regular washing and drying. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Preserve Limes | Preserving limes is an impressive yet easy way to up your cooking game. Avoid food waste and ensure that your recipes are packed with flavor with this simple culinary technique. Pickle limes by preparing a jar and filling it with limes and salt. Then let time work its magic!
1. **Select a glass canning jar.** Choose a jar with a wide opening so that it'll be easy to insert the limes and squash them down. You don't want to get your hand stuck! Find a canning jar that has a matching lid and band so that it can seal properly.
2. **Wash the jar, lid, and band.** Use hot water and soap when cleaning, then rinse everything thoroughly.
3. **Submerge the jar, band, and lid in hot water on the stove.** Choose a pot with a lid then place a rack (a canning rack is best) inside. Rest the glass jar on the rack, replace the pot lid, and let the water boil for 10 minutes before lowering to a simmer. In a different saucepan, simmer the lid and band for the jar.
Do not allow the lid and band to reach a boil.
4. **Remove the jar, lid, and band from the water.** Using kitchen tongs or—if you have them on hand—canning tongs, lift the jar, lid, and band out. Put them on a piece of clean paper towel so that they are ready for use.
5. **Wash the limes.** Since you are preserving the rind and pith, it is important that the outside of the lime is clean and free of chemicals. Buy organic limes or use a fruit and vegetable wash to remove any residue.
To fill a one-quart jar, you will need roughly 8 limes.
6. **Cut the limes** To keep the fruit steady, it can help to slice the tips off each end of the lime first. Place the trimmed lime on one end, then make two cuts, in the shape of an X. Stop cutting before the lime is fully quartered.
7. **Spread salt over the segments until the inside of the fruit is covered.** Then, use your hands to reshape the lime back into its original form. Repeat this process until all the limes are packed with salt.
8. **Sprinkle a tablespoon of kosher salt into the bottom of the jar.** The salt is important because it draws out the juice.
9. **Create a layer of limes dusted with a thin covering of salt.** If you want to add other seasonings, do so now. Extra herbs and spices add a signature touch to your limes and it's fun to play around with flavor combinations. Repeat your alternating layers of lime and salt until the jar is almost full.
Seasonings that pair well with preserved limes include peppercorns, chili, and coriander.
Alternatively, try enhancing the flavor with cumin or caraway seeds.
Bear in mind that the more you customize your limes, the less versatile the end result will be.
10. **Cover the limes with lime juice.** Using a wooden spoon, press down on the limes to squeeze out the juice. Don't worry about damaging the limes because the whole point is to extract the juice. If your limes are not completely covered, you can always add extra fresh lime juice until they're fully immersed. Afterwards, close the jar.
11. **Shake the jar of limes every 12 hours, over the course of 2 to 3 days.** Alternatively, you can reopen the jar, press down hard on the limes, and then reseal the jar. Keep the jar in a dry location, at room temperature and out of direct sunlight.
12. **Store the jar in a dry, dark location for 4 weeks.** You don't need to do anything except wait. Pickling takes time.
13. **Open the jar and marvel at your perfectly-preserved limes!** They are now ready to eat. After opening, keep the jar in the refrigerator. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Fix a Jammed Garbage Disposal | Garbage disposals are usually an easy fix, but always remember to unplug the unit before attempting to clear a jam; there may be water under your sink making it dangerous to be under the sink while the power is on. Pressing the overload button underneath the disposal may fix the issue right away. If the blades are still stuck, rotate them with an Allen wrench or a specialty garbage disposal wrench. If the garbage disposal still doesn't work, it's time to call a plumber or replace the unit.
1. **Unplug the garbage disposal unit.** Pull the plug out of the outlet to ensure that the disposal unit can’t activate while you work on it. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
2. **Press the reset button on the disposal’s underside.** The reset button or thermal overload button is on the bottom of the garbage disposal. Crawl under it and look for a red button. If it looks like it's sticking out, push it back into the unit. This may fix the jam right away.
If the reset button isn't sticking out, move on to other methods that involve manually rotating the grinders to clear the blockage. Keep the unit unplugged.
3. **Wait 15 minutes if the button pops out again.** The red button pops out when the garbage disposal overheats. Give it time to cool down, then press the button again. Repeat this until the button stays in place.
If the button still doesn’t stay in place, switch to a different method.
4. **Run cold water in the sink.** Turn on the faucet. Check to make sure the water is cold, then let it run into the drain and through the disposal for a minute or 2.
5. **Test the garbage disposal.** Plug the unit back in and make sure that it's turned on. The reset button should stay in place as the disposal blades begin spinning again. If they're still stuck, listen for the motor humming to indicate that the device is functional other than the jammed grinders.
If the unit isn't humming and you know the power is on in your house, it is probably broken and needed to be replaced.
6. **Insert an Allen wrench into the hole underneath the disposal.** Unplug the unit, then climb underneath the sink and find the hole on the disposal’s underside. It will be hexagonal-shaped and in the center. Get the hexagonal wrench that came with the disposal unit and place its head in the hole.
If you don’t have the wrench that came with the unit, purchase a ⁄4 in (6.4 mm) hex-head Allen wrench from a hardware store.
7. **Crank the wrench to turn the disposal’s motor shaft.** First, turn the wrench counterclockwise as far as you can. Then turn it clockwise until it won’t go any further. Continue cranking the wrench back and forth until you are able to rotate it completely in a circle.
It’s okay to apply force while doing this. The wrench is designed to bend a little and won’t damage the disposal unit.
8. **Run cold water into the sink and test the disposal unit.** Remove the wrench, then turn on the water faucet. The water helps rinse away any debris still stuck on the blades. Plug in the unit and turn on the disposal. If you were able to rotate the wrench, the unit should work normally again.
If the unit doesn’t work or you were unable to rotate it, unplug the unit, drain the water, and try a different method.
9. **Turn off the room’s electrical supply.** To turn off the electricity, go to the fuse box in your home. It is usually on the bottom floor or in the basement. Find the switch that corresponds to the room with the disposal unit and flip the switch to off.
The switches should be labeled, but you can test the room for an electrical current by plugging something into a wall outlet and attempting to turn it on.
Another way to do this is to flip the light switch near the disposal unit. This only works if the switch controls the electrical outlet the unit is plugged into. Check by listening to the unit for humming.
10. **Look down through the sink drain for any blockages.** Get a flashlight and shine it into the sink drain and garbage disposal. Shine the light over the unit’s outer edge, since this is where blockages typically happen. Find the small teeth of the disposal’s blades on the outer edge and look for anything obstructing them.
11. **Remove blockages with tongs or pliers.** For safety, avoid sticking your hand into the disposal unit. Instead, get a pair of kitchen tongs or pliers from your toolbox. Stick them down through the sink and into the disposal unit. Use them to break away any blockages you notice.
12. **Spin the blades with a special garbage disposal wrench if they are still stuck.** Instead of using the Allen wrench, get a garbage disposal wrench. It looks like a claw with 2 prongs on 1 end. Stick the prongs down the drain until they’re around the unit’s blades. Spin the blades counterclockwise, then clockwise, until they rotate freely.
Spinning the blades this way requires a lot of force. Keep turning the wrench back and forth until the blades loosen.
13. **Remove the wrench and turn on the disposal.** Pull the wrench out of the drain. Plug the unit into the outlet, then restore the electrical current to the room. Turn on the disposal to give it a test run.
If the garbage disposal still doesn’t work after all these treatments, the motor might need to be replaced. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
What Does Teeth Falling Out in a Dream Mean? | Had a weird dream about losing your teeth and not sure what it means? You’re not alone—oddly enough, dreaming about your teeth falling out is among the most common dreams in the world. While you sleep, your brain is doing a lot of work processing your emotions and experiences during your daily life, and it sometimes can produce strange images. If you’re trying to figure out what a dream about losing your teeth means, we’ve got you covered. Read on to learn all the major interpretations of what teeth falling out in a dream means.
1. **Losing teeth can stand in for losing control of your life direction.** In our dreams, our bodies often represent ourselves, our goals, and our desires. When your teeth begin to fall out against your will, this can indicate that you don’t feel like you have any power in your relationships, career, or life goals generally.
A study indicated that people who have a recurring dream about their teeth falling out tend to have higher rates of anxiety, depression, and feelings of helplessness.
If you’re feeling helpless or sad, you might want to consider talking to a therapist or a life coach.
2. **A dream about losing your teeth may signal dental irritation.** If you grind your teeth while sleeping, your subconscious might be processing this in your dreams as an image of your teeth falling out. Studies have linked teeth grinding with an increased likelihood of dreaming about losing teeth.
Grinding your teeth, also called bruxism, is a common issue that can lead to several health problems. You may end up damaging your teeth or having tooth or jaw pain.
Breaking this habit can protect your jaw and maybe even lead to more pleasant dreams.
3. **A dream of losing teeth indicates a feeling of self-consciousness.** Our teeth are an important part of our appearance when we look at and talk to others. Losing your teeth in a dream might indicate that you’ve been experiencing a lack of self-confidence, and are worried about the possibility of embarrassing yourself or not being taken seriously.
This dream might demonstrate that you have shortcomings that you’re embarrassed about. Learning how to accept yourself can help you overcome these dreams.
4. **Teeth falling out have an association with memories of childhood.** If you’ve been dreaming about losing your teeth, you may be thinking back to times you lost your baby teeth as a child. This can suggest that something about your childhood has become relevant to your daily life again.
For example, if you’ve recently been in closer touch with your parents, you might be subconsciously reentering the space of being a young child.
5. **Dreams about teeth reveal feelings about sustaining yourself.** Teeth are a crucial part of how we ingest sustenance and nourishment, so dreaming about losing them might indicate that you’re feeling anxiety about your material needs. You might be worried about money, shelter, or other things you need to survive.
Many people believe that dreams are messages from spiritual guides. This dream may be a sign to look for spiritual fulfillment and nourishment, not just material ones.
6. **You may be associating losing teeth with getting older.** This is pretty natural: many people will lose teeth in old age, just as they did when they were children. This dream may be role-playing premature aging, as your subconscious stresses over the idea that your body is getting older.
Getting older happens to all of us, and it’s important to accept this process. As you get older, you’ll realize that many of your insecurities about aging fall by the wayside.
7. **Dreams about your mouth are often about your words.** We produce language through our mouths, so a dream where you’ve lost your teeth may be demonstrating anxiety over something you’ve said in the past. Your teeth are falling out of you just like your words, and you may be feeling uncomfortable about the whole process.
Learning how to be more careful about what you say is a really useful skill, and one that you’re never too old to learn.
8. **Fearing losing your teeth signifies you fear losing other things too.** Your teeth are precious to you, and if you dream about losing them, this can indicate that you’re experiencing an underlying fear of loss. You might be worried about losing a relationship, power, money, or something else of value to you.
Think about what things in your life you’re grateful for. Are you concerned about your ability to hold onto these things? If the answer is yes, it’s a good idea to try to work out why so that you can feel more secure.
9. **Your mind associates losing teeth with new steps in life.** This makes sense: after all, losing baby teeth is a really crucial symbol of growing up. If you’re dreaming of losing your teeth, this can mean that your subconscious is preparing itself for a new chapter in your life.
This dream is not a bad sign. If you’re in the middle of a transitional period in your life—whether that means changing jobs or schools, moving on from a relationship, or moving to a different place—remember that you can handle this.
10. **Some Jewish scholars see losing teeth as signaling easy days ahead.** The 17th-century Jewish mystic Yoel Baal Shem, for example, thought of teeth as representing labor—after all, we have to use them to grind our food together in order to sustain ourselves. Losing your teeth in a dream indicates that you are in a position where things like money and success come to you easily and without effort.
11. **In Chinese traditions, teeth can be stand-ins for family.** Losing your tooth in a dream is a sign that you don’t feel like your relationships with your family are totally secure. The loss of an upper tooth indicates that your relationship with an elder member of your family is undergoing strain, and a lower tooth means that you’re experiencing difficulties with a younger family member.
Chinese dream interpretation is heavily dependent on who the dreamer is. For example, an investor who dreams of losing her teeth may be experiencing money trouble.
12. **In psychoanalysis, dreams about losing teeth can be sexual metaphors.** For the Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, men who dreamed about losing their teeth may be experiencing a fear of castration, that they would lose their sexual capacity. For Freud’s fellow psychoanalyst Carl Jung, women with this dream may be experiencing anxiety over the possibility of being a mother, with teeth representing a future child.
When Freud came up with this idea, he was arguing against what was then the most common interpretation of this dream, that it represented death. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Tell if Someone Is Bipolar | Bipolar Disorder, formerly known as manic depression, is a disorder of the brain that results in shifts in mood, activity, energy, and day-to-day functionality. Although nearly 6 million American adults have bipolar disorder, like many mental illnesses, it is often misunderstood. In popular culture, people may say someone is “bipolar” if they demonstrate any sort of mood swings, but the diagnostic criteria for bipolar disorder is far more rigorous. There are actually several types of bipolar disorder. While each type of bipolar disorder is serious, they’re also treatable, usually through a combination of prescription medication and psychotherapy. If you think that someone you know has bipolar disorder, read on to find out how to support your loved one.
1. **Look for unusually intense “mood episodes.”** A mood episode represents a significant, even drastic, change from a person’s typical mood. In popular language, these may be called “mood swings.” People who suffer from bipolar disorder may switch rapidly between mood episodes, or their moods may persist for weeks or months.
There are two basic types of mood episode: extremely elevated, or manic episodes, and extremely depressed, or depressive episodes. The person may also experience mixed episodes, in which symptoms of mania and depression occur at the same time.
A person with bipolar disorder may experience periods of “normal” or relatively calm moods in between intense mood episodes.
2. **Educate yourself about the multiple types of bipolar disorder.** There are four basic types of bipolar disorder that are regularly diagnosed: Bipolar I, Bipolar II, Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, and Cyclothymia. The type of bipolar disorder a person is diagnosed with is determined by its severity and duration, as well as how quickly the mood episodes cycle. A trained mental health professional must diagnose bipolar disorder; you cannot do it yourself and should not attempt to do so.
Bipolar I Disorder involves manic or mixed episodes that last for at least seven days. The person may also have severe manic episodes that put them in enough danger to require immediate medical attention. Depressive episodes also occur, usually lasting at least two weeks.
Bipolar II Disorder involves episodes of 'hypomania', which rarely escalates to full-blown mania, and more lasting episodes of depression. Hypomania is a milder manic state, in which the person feels very “on,” is extremely active, and appears to require little to no sleep; other symptoms of mania such as racing thoughts, rapid speech, and flights of ideas might also be present, but unlike those in manic states, people experiencing hypomania do not generally lose touch with reality or the ability to function. Untreated, this type of manic state may develop into severe mania.
The depressive episodes in Bipolar II are generally assumed to be more severe and lasting than the depressive episodes in Bipolar I. It is important to note that a wide range of symptoms might be associated with both types I and II, and the experiences of every individual sufferer are different, so while conventional wisdom dictates as much, this is often, but not always the case.
Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (BP-NOS) is a diagnosis made when symptoms of bipolar disorder are present but don’t meet the rigid diagnostic criteria of the DSM-5 (the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). These symptoms are still not typical for the person’s “normal” or baseline range.
Cyclothymic disorder or cyclothymia is a mild form of bipolar disorder. Periods of hypomania alternate with shorter, milder episodes of depression. This must persist for at least two years to meet diagnostic criteria.
A person with bipolar disorder may also experience “rapid cycling,” in which they experience four or more mood episodes within a 12-month period. Rapid cycling appears to affect slightly more women than men, and it can come and go.
3. **Know how to recognize a manic episode.** How a manic episode manifests may vary from person to person. However, it will represent a dramatically more elevated or “revved up” mood from the person’s “normal” or baseline emotional state. Some symptoms of mania include:
Feelings of extreme joy, happiness, or excitement. A person having a manic episode may feel so “buzzed” or happy that even bad news cannot damage their mood. This feeling of extreme happiness persists even without apparent causes.
Overconfidence, feelings of invulnerability, delusions of grandeur. A person having a manic episode may have an overinflated ego or higher sense of self-esteem than is typical for them. Thy may believe they can accomplish more than is feasible, as though absolutely nothing can get in their way. They may imagine that they have special connections to figures of importance or supernatural phenomena.
Increased, sudden irritability and anger. A person having a manic episode may snap at others, even without provocation. They are likely to be more “touchy” or easily angered than is usual in their “typical” mood.
Hyperactivity. The person may take on multiple projects at once, or schedule more things to do in a day than reasonably can be accomplished. They may choose to do activities, even seemingly purposeless ones, instead of sleeping or eating.
Increased talkativeness, scattered speech, racing thoughts. The person having a manic episode will often have difficulty collecting their thoughts, even though they are extremely talkative. They may jump very quickly from one thought or activity to another.
Feeling jittery or agitated. The person may feel agitated or restless. They may be easily distracted.
Sudden increase in risky behavior. The person may do things that are unusual for their normal baseline and pose a risk, such as having unsafe sex, going on shopping sprees, or gambling. Risky physical activities such as speeding or undertaking extreme sports or athletic feats -- especially ones the person is not adequately prepared for -- may also occur.
Decreased sleeping habits. The person may sleep very little, yet claim to feel rested. They may experience insomnia or simply feel like they don’t need to sleep.
4. **Know how to recognize a depressive episode.** If a manic episode makes a person with bipolar disorder feel like they’re “on top of the world,” a depressive episode is the feeling of being crushed at the bottom of it. The symptoms may vary between people, but there are some common symptoms to look out for:
Intense feelings of sadness or despair. Like the feelings of happiness or excitement in the manic episodes, these feelings may not appear to have a cause. The person may feel hopeless or worthless, even if you make attempts to cheer them up.
Anhedonia. This is a fancy way of saying that the person no longer shows interest or enjoyment in things thy used to enjoy doing. Sex drive may also be lower.
Fatigue. It’s common for people suffering from major depression to feel tired all the time. They may also complain of feeling sore or achy.
Disrupted sleep pattern. With depression, a person’s “normal” sleep habits are disrupted in some way. Some people sleep too much while others may sleep too little. Either way, their sleep habits are markedly different from what is “normal” for them.
Appetite changes. People with depression may experience weight loss or weight gain. They may overeat or not eat enough. This varies depending on the person and represents a change from what is “normal” for them.
Trouble concentrating. Depression can make it difficult to focus or make even small decisions. A person may feel nearly paralyzed when they’re experiencing a depressive episode.
Suicidal thoughts or actions. Don’t assume that any expressions of suicidal thoughts or intentions are “just for attention.” Suicide is a very real risk for people with bipolar disorder. Call 911 or emergency services immediately if your loved one expresses suicidal thoughts or intents.
5. **Read all you can about the disorder.** You’ve taken an excellent first step by looking up this article. The more you know about bipolar disorder, the better you’ll be able to support your loved one. If you’re a friend or family member of someone with bipolar disorder, your support can help them manage their symptoms. Below are a few resources you may consider:
The National Institute of Mental Health is an excellent place to start for information on bipolar disorder, its symptoms and possible causes, treatment options, and how to live with the illness.
The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance offers resources for individuals suffering from bipolar disorder and their loved ones.
Marya Hornbacher’s memoir Madness: A Bipolar Life talks about the author’s lifelong struggle with bipolar disorder. Dr. Kay Redfield Jamison’s memoir An Unquiet Mind talks about the author’s life as a scientist who also has bipolar disorder. While each person’s experience is unique to them, these books may help you to understand what your loved one is going through.
Bipolar Disorder: A Guide for Patients and Families, by Dr. Frank Mondimore, can be a good resource for how to care for your loved one (and yourself).
The Bipolar Disorder Survival Guide, by Dr. David J.Miklowitz, is geared toward helping people with bipolar disorder, and their loved ones manage the illness.
The Depression Workbook: A Guide for Living with Depression and Manic Depression, by Mary Ellen Copeland and Matthew McKay, is geared toward helping people diagnosed with bipolar disorder maintain mood stability with various self-help exercises.
6. **Reject some common myths about mental illness.** Mental illness is commonly stigmatized as something “wrong” with the person. It may be viewed as something they could just “snap out of” if they “tried hard enough” or “thought more positively.” The fact is, these ideas are simply not true. Bipolar disorder is the result of complex interacting factors including genetics, brain structure, chemical imbalances in the body, and sociocultural pressures. A person with bipolar disorder can’t just “stop” having the disorder. However, bipolar disorder is also treatable.
Consider how you would speak to someone who had a different sort of illness, such as cancer. Would you ask that person, “Have you ever tried just not having cancer?” Telling someone with bipolar disorder to just “try harder” is equally incorrect. Medication and therapy can help manage the symptoms of bipolar disorder, but the disorder can last a lifetime.
There’s a common misconception that bipolar is rare. In fact, about 6 million American adults suffer from some type of bipolar disorder. Even famous individuals such as Stephen Fry, Carrie Fisher, and Jean-Claude Van Damme have been open about being diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
Another common myth is that manic or depressive mood episodes are “normal” or even a good thing. While it’s true that everyone has their good days and bad days, bipolar disorder causes shifts in mood that are far more extreme and damaging than the typical “mood swings” or “off days.” They cause significant dysfunction in the person’s daily life.
A common mistake is to confuse schizophrenia with bipolar disorder. They are not at all the same illness, although they have a few symptoms (such as depression) in common. Bipolar disorder is characterized principally by the shift between intense mood episodes. Schizophrenia generally causes symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized speech, which do not often appear in bipolar disorder. It is possible for someone with schizoaffective disorder, to have the symptoms of both though.
Many people believe that people with bipolar disorder or depression are dangerous to others. The news media is particularly bad about promoting this idea. In reality, research shows that people with bipolar disorder don’t commit any more violent acts than people without the disorder. People with bipolar disorder may be more likely to consider or attempt suicide, however.
7. **Avoid hurtful language.** Some people may jokingly say they’re “a little bipolar” or “schizo” when describing themselves, even if they have not been diagnosed with a mental illness. In addition to being inaccurate, this type of language trivializes the experience of people who have bipolar disorder. Be respectful when discussing mental illness.
It’s important to remember that people are more than the sum of their illness. Don’t use totalizing phrases such as “I think you’re bipolar.” Instead, say something like, “I think you may have bipolar disorder.”
Referring to someone “as” their illness reduces them to one element about them. This promotes the stigma that all too often still surrounds mental illness, even if you don’t mean it that way.
Trying to comfort the other person by saying “I’m a little bipolar too” or “I know how you feel” can do more damage than good. These things may make the other person feel as though you aren’t taking their illness seriously.
8. **Talk about your concerns with your loved one.** You might be worried about talking to your loved one for fear of upsetting them. It’s actually very helpful and important for you to talk with your loved one about your concerns. Not talking about mental illness promotes the unfair stigma around it and may encourage people with a disorder to wrongly believe that they are “bad” or “worthless” or should feel ashamed of their illness. When approaching your loved one, be open and honest, and show compassion. Supporting someone who suffers from bipolar disorder can help them recover and manage their illness.
Reassure the person that they aren’t alone. Bipolar disorder can make a person feel very isolated. Tell your loved one that you are here for them and want to support them in any way you can.
Acknowledge that your loved one’s illness is real. Trying to minimize your loved one’s symptoms won’t make them feel better. Instead of trying to tell the person that the illness is “no big deal,” acknowledge that the condition is serious but treatable. For example: “I know that you have a real illness and that it causes you to feel and do things that aren’t like you. We can find help together.”
Convey your love and acceptance to the person. Particularly while in a depressive episode, the person may believe that they are worthless or ruined. Counter these negative beliefs by expressing your love and acceptance of the person. For example: “I love you, and you are important to me. I care about you, and that’s why I want to help you.”
9. **Use “I” statements to convey your feelings.** When talking with another person, it’s crucial that you not seem as though you’re attacking or judging your loved one. People with mental illness may feel as though the world is against them. It’s important to show that you’re on your loved one’s side and that you’re there to support them and help them recover.
For example, say things such as “I care about you and am worried about some things I’ve seen.”
There are some statements that come across as defensive. You should avoid these. For example, avoid saying things like “I’m just trying to help” or “You just need to listen to me.”
10. **Avoid threats and blame.** You may be concerned about your loved one’s health, and feel willing to make sure they get help “by any means necessary.” However, you should never use exaggerations, threats, “guilt trips,” or accusations to convince the other person to seek help. These will only encourage the other person to believe that you see something “wrong” with them and that you’re not there to help or support them.
Avoid statements such as “You’re worrying me” or “Your behavior is odd.” These sound accusative and may shut the other person down.
Statements that attempt to play on the other person’s sense of guilt are also not helpful. For example, don’t try to use your relationship as leverage to get the other person to seek help by saying something like, “If you really loved me you would get help” or “Think about what you’re doing to our family.” People with bipolar disorder often struggle with feelings of shame and worthlessness, and statements like these will only make that worse.
Avoid threats. You cannot force the other person to do what you want. Saying things like “If you don’t get help I’m leaving you” or “I won’t pay for your car anymore if you don’t get help” will only stress the other person out, and the stress may trigger a severe mood episode.
11. **Frame the discussion as a concern about health.** Some people may be reluctant to acknowledge that they have an issue. When a bipolar person is experiencing a manic episode, they are often feeling so “high” that it’s hard to admit that there’s any problem. When a person is experiencing a depressive episode, they may feel like they have a problem but not be able to see any hope for treatment. You can frame your concerns as medical concerns, such as the high risk of self-harm and suicide that bipolar disorder can cause, which may help.
For example, you can reiterate the idea that bipolar disorder is an illness just like diabetes or cancer. Just as you would encourage the other person to seek treatment for cancer, you want them to seek treatment for this disorder.
If the other person is still reluctant to acknowledge there’s an issue, you can consider suggesting they visit a doctor for a symptom that you’ve noticed, rather than for a “disorder.” For example, you may find that suggesting the other person see a doctor for insomnia or fatigue may be helpful in getting them to seek help.
12. **Encourage the other person to share their feelings and experiences with you.** It’s easy for a conversation to express your concern to turn into you preaching at your loved one. To avoid this, invite your loved one to tell you about what they are thinking and feeling in their own words to allow for a genuine conversation about their illness. Remember: while you may be affected by this person’s disorder, it isn’t about you.
For example, once you’ve shared your concerns with the person, say something like, “Would you like to share what you’re thinking right now?” or “Now that you’ve heard what I wanted to say, what do you think?”
Don’t assume you know how the other person feels. It can be easy to say something like “I know how you feel” as reassurance, but in reality, this can sound dismissive. Instead, say something that acknowledges the other person’s feelings without claiming them as your own: “I can see why that would make you feel sad.”
If your loved one is resistant to the idea of acknowledging that they have a problem, don’t argue about it. You can encourage your loved one to seek treatment, but you can’t make it happen.
13. **Don’t dismiss your loved one’s thoughts and feelings as “not real” or not worth considering.** Even if a feeling of worthlessness is caused by a depressive episode, it feels very real to the person experiencing it. Outright dismissing a person’s feelings will encourage them not to tell you about them in the future. Instead, validate the person’s feelings and challenge negative ideas at the same time. Everyone who suffers from bipolar disorder has a different experience and recovery and management can be helped by avoiding negative influences.
For example, if your loved one expresses the idea that nobody loves them and they’re a “bad” person, you could say something like this: “I know you feel that way, and I’m so sorry that you’re experiencing those feelings. I want you to know that I love you, and I think you are a kind, caring person.”
14. **Encourage your loved one to take a screening test.** Mania and depression are both hallmarks of bipolar disorder. The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance’s website offers free, confidential online screening tests for mania and depression.
Taking a confidential test in the privacy of one’s own home may be a lower-stress way for the person to understand the need for treatment.
15. **Emphasize the need for professional help.** Bipolar disorder is a very serious illness. Untreated, even mild forms of the disorder can get worse. On the other hand, treatment can be very helpful and can contribute to better relationships and quality of life. Encourage your loved one to seek treatment immediately.
Visiting a general practitioner is often the first step. A physician can determine whether the person should be referred to a psychiatrist or other mental health professional.
A mental health professional will usually offer psychotherapy as part of a treatment plan. There is a wide range of mental health professionals who offer therapy, including psychiatrists, psychologists, psychiatric nurses, licensed clinical social workers, and licensed professional counselors. Ask your doctor or hospital to recommend some in your area.
Treatment often consists of therapy to practice emotional regulation coupled with psychiatry to help the brain maintain a balance.
If it’s determined that medication is necessary, your loved one may see a physician, a psychiatrist, a psychologist who’s licensed to prescribe medicine or a psychiatric nurse to receive prescriptions. LCSWs and LPCs can offer therapy but cannot prescribe medicine.
16. **Understand that bipolar disorder is a lifelong illness.** A combination of medication and therapy can greatly benefit your loved one. With treatment, many people with bipolar disorder experience significant improvement in their function and mood. However, there is no “cure” for bipolar disorder, and symptoms can recur throughout one’s life. Stay patient with your loved one.
17. **Ask how you can help.** Particularly during depressive episodes, the world may feel overwhelming to a person with bipolar disorder. Ask the other person what would be helpful to them. You can even offer specific suggestions if you have a sense of what is most affecting your loved one. If they feel supported, they may be better able to manage their mental illness.
For example, you could say something like, “It seems like you’ve been feeling very stressed lately. Would it be helpful if I babysat your kids and gave you an evening of ‘me time’?”
If the person has been experiencing major depression, offer a pleasant distraction. Don’t treat the person as fragile and unapproachable just because they have an illness. If you notice that your loved one has been struggling with depressive symptoms (mentioned elsewhere in this article), don’t make a big deal of it. Just say something like, “I noticed you seem to be feeling down this week. Would you like to go to the movies with me?”
18. **Keep track of symptoms.** Keeping track of your loved one’s symptoms can help in several ways. First, it can help you and your loved one learn warning signs of a mood episode. It can provide helpful information for a physician or mental health professional. It can also help you learn potential triggers for manic or depressive episodes.
Warning signs of mania include: sleeping less, feeling “high” or excitable, increased irritability, restlessness, and an increase in the person’s activity level.
Warning signs of depression include: fatigue, disturbed sleeping patterns (sleeping more or less), difficulty focusing or concentration, lack of interest in things the person usually enjoys, social withdrawal, and changes in appetite.
The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance has a personal calendar for tracking symptoms. It may be helpful to you and your loved one.
Common triggers for mood episodes include stress, substance abuse, and sleep deprivation.
19. **Ask whether your loved one has taken their medication.** Some people may benefit from a gentle reminder, particularly if they are experiencing a manic episode in which they may become fitful or forgetful. The person may also believe they are feeling better and so stop taking the medication. Help your loved one stay on track, but don’t sound accusative.
For example, a gentle statement such as “Have you taken your medication today?” is fine.
If your loved one says they’re feeling better, you may find it helpful to remind them about the benefits of medication: “I’m glad to hear you’re feeling better. I think part of that is that your medication is working. It’s not a good idea to stop taking it if it’s working for you, right?”
It can take several weeks for medications to begin working, so have patience if your loved one’s symptoms don’t seem to be improving.
20. **Encourage the other person to stay healthy.** In addition to regularly taking prescribed medication and seeing a therapist, staying physically healthy can help reduce symptoms of bipolar disorder. People with bipolar disorder are at a higher risk of obesity. Encourage your loved one to eat well, get regular, moderate exercise, and keep a good sleep schedule.
People with bipolar disorder often report unhealthy eating habits, including not eating regular meals or eating unhealthy food, possibly because of being on low income after the onset of the illness. Encourage your loved one to eat a balanced diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, complex carbohydrates such as beans and whole grains, and lean meats and fish.
Consuming omega-3 fatty acids may help protect against bipolar symptoms. Some studies suggest that omega-3s, especially those found in coldwater fish, help decrease depression. Fish such as salmon and tuna, and vegetarian foods such as walnuts and flaxseed, are good sources of omega-3s.
Encourage your loved one to avoid too much caffeine. Caffeine may trigger unwanted symptoms in people with bipolar disorder.
Encourage your loved one to avoid alcohol. People with bipolar disorder are five times more likely to abuse alcohol and other substances than those without a disorder. Alcohol is a depressant and can trigger a major depressive episode. It can also interfere with the effects of some prescription medications.
Regular moderate exercise, especially aerobic exercise, may help improve mood and overall functioning in people with bipolar disorder. It’s important to encourage your loved one to exercise regularly; people with bipolar disorder often report poor exercise habits.
21. **Care for yourself, too.** Friends and families of people with bipolar disorder need to make sure that they take care of themselves, too. You can’t support your loved one if you’re exhausted or stressed out.
Studies have even shown that if a loved one is stressed out, the person with bipolar disorder may have more difficulty sticking to the treatment plan. Caring for yourself directly helps your loved one, too.
A support group may help you learn to cope with your loved one’s illness. The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance offers an online support group and local peer support groups. The National Alliance on Mental Illness also has a variety of programs.
Make sure that you get enough sleep, eat well, and get regular exercise. Keeping these healthy habits may also encourage your loved ones to stay healthy too.
Take actions to reduce your stress. Know your limits, and ask others for help when you need it. You may find that activities such as meditation or yoga are helpful in reducing feelings of anxiety.
22. **Watch for suicidal thoughts or actions.** Suicide is a very real risk for people with bipolar disorder. People with bipolar disorder are more likely to consider or attempt suicide than people with major depression. If your loved one makes references to suicide, even casually, seek immediate help. Don’t promise to keep these thoughts or actions secret.
If the person is in immediate danger of harm, call 911 or emergency services.
Suggest that your loved one call a suicide hotline such as the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline (988). You can also suggest your local suicide hotline number for those outside the US.
Reassure your loved one that you love him/her and that you believe their life has meaning, even if it may not seem that way to the person right now.
Don’t tell your loved one not to feel a certain way. The feelings are real, and they can’t change them. Instead, focus on actions that the person can control. For example: “I can tell this is hard for you, and I’m glad you’re talking to me about it. Keep talking. I’m here for you.” | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Do Your Makeup if You Wear Glasses | Ever wondered how to apply makeup so it complements your glasses? Wearing glasses can mean that your eyes get lost behind the glass, so when you put on makeup, you want to focus on making your eyes pop. Applying eye liner, mascara and a lipstick color that draws attention to your mouth can enhance your appearance when you're wearing glasses.
1. **Work with a makeup mirror.** If you are farsighted enough that you have trouble seeing the mirror with your glasses on, find a makeup mirror with a magnified side to help you out. Many rotating makeup mirrors have two sides, one an ordinary mirror and one a "zoomed-in" lens.
2. **Apply some concealer under your eyes with a brush.** This will help hide dark circles and brighten up your eyes. Lightly dab it into the area under your eyes using a brush or your ring finger. Blend it downwards in a V shape.
Go for a yellow-tinted concealer under the eyes. This will work against the bluish, grayish colors, and help hide them further.
3. **Apply liquid foundation using a foundation brush or sponge.** You can apply the foundation all over your face, or just on the trouble spots, such as your nose and cheeks. Be sure to blend in well.
4. **Set your foundation and concealer with some powder.** Focus on the areas beneath your eyes and in the T-zone (the nose, forehead, chin, and cheekbones). This will help set the makeup, and keep it from smudging throughout the day. Put extra powder on the bridge of your nose where your glasses rest, as sweat tends to gather here.
If the extra powder doesn't do the trick, reduce the amount of makeup in that area to make smudging less obvious.
5. **Consider using some bronzer for a sun-kissed look.** Using a large, fluffy brush, dust on some bronzer across your nose and forehead, chin, and the tops of your cheeks.
6. **Keep blush to a minimum.** A light dust of blush is fine, but it's easy to go over the top when glasses already make your face stand out. If you do use blush, apply it on the apple of your cheeks. Blend it back towards the top of your ear, and down towards your jaw line.
If your glasses are made from wire or colored plastic, try a matte blush.
If your glasses have a tortoise shell pattern, try a blush with a slight shimmer. Apply on top of your cheekbones instead for a more angled look.
7. **Choose your lipstick.** The general rule for makeup is that you either pair bold eyeshadow with neutral lips, or bold lipstick with neutral eyeshadow. Since glasses accentuate your eyes, the right choice is usually a clear gloss, nude lipstick, or another subtle shade. If your glasses have thin frames and you'd like to minimize the attention on your eyes, you can try a bolder lipstick, but this is more difficult to pull off.
If you're feeling extra bold, you can pair cat-eye glasses with a deep berry or wine lip color for a "sexy secretary" look.
Consider lipstick that matches or complements the color of your glasses frames.
8. **Consider applying an eyeshadow primer all over your lid first.** The eyeshadow primer will help the eyeshadow stick on better. It will also help make the colors stand out better, a must for those who'd like a bolder look.
9. **Choose a light color to make your eyes look larger.** This counteracts the effect of nearsighted glasses, especially at the corner of your eye. If you'd like a neutral look, choose a creamy color that is a few shades lighter than your skin tone. If you'd like something bolder and more colorful, choose a color that matches the lightest tone on your face. In general, people with glasses should avoid vibrant eyeshadow colors.
Most makeup artists agree that the thinner and more delicate frames you have, the softer and more natural your eyeshadow should be.
Use a fluffy eyeshadow brush to apply this all over your eye, from lash line to eyebrow. Keep it to a light touch, since your glasses will already draw attention to your eyes. This is especially important if you are far-sighted, as reading glasses magnify the eyes.
10. **Enhance with a slightly darker color for thick frames.** If you have thick, chunky frames, such as tortoise shell frames, consider going darker and bolder. One approach is to use a light color as your base over the entire lid, then a darker color just on your upper lids. If you'd like a more natural look, choose a brown that is a few shades darker than your skin tone. If you are going bold and colorful, choose a color that is a few shades darker than the base color.
Apply the darker color from the lash line to the crease using an angled brush. Blend it in upwards, just past the crease, towards your brow bone.
11. **Choose a darker color for thicker frames, and a lighter color for thinner frames.** Your eyes can get easily lost behind thick glasses, so a darker eyeliner, ideally black, will help them stand out better. If you have thin, delicate frames, consider using a lighter color, such as dark brown or espresso.
12. **Consider tightlining your upper eyelid** Glasses draw attention to your eyes already, and make it easy to overdo your makeup. "Tightlining" outlines your eyes in a thin, nearly invisible band of eyeliner, and is one of the few looks that works with any frames. If you're interested in other styles, keep reading for alternatives.
Tightlining may not be the right choice if you are far-sighted and trying to counteract the "shrinking" effect reading glasses have on your eyes.
13. **Taper your eyeliner if you have wire frames.** Start at the inner corner of your eye, and end at the outer corner. Make the line thicker as you get towards the outer corner of your eye. Consider finishing off with a slight flick.
Exaggerate this effect with a cat eye for a bold look that pairs well with square glasses.
14. **Use thicker eyeliner for thicker frames.** The general rule is that the thicker your glasses are, the thicker your eyeliner should be. Start on the inner corner of your eye, and finish on the outer. Black will offer the most contrast, and really make your eyes pop. This will also help if you are near-sighted and unhappy with how your glasses make your eyes look smaller
If you have really chunky frames, consider applying some dark brown/espresso eyeshadow on your lower lashes. Apply it with an eyeliner brush, and make it meet the top line with a slight V shape.
Even with thick eyeliner, avoid a smoky look, which can look sloppy through your glasses lens. Keep everything neat and well-defined.
15. **Curl your eyelashes** If you plan to put on mascara, it's best to curl your eyelashes first. Without curling, your eyelashes may brush up against your lenses, smearing them with mascara.
If you skip this step, use little to no mascara.
16. **Apply one to two coats of mascara.** The thicker your frames are, the heavier your lashes should be. Lower your lids, and bring the mascara wand as close to the base of your lashes as possible. Slowly bring the wand upward. Most people find that it is easiest to start in the center of your lash line, and then to do the sides.
Use smooth, upward strokes for thin frames. This also works for tortoise shell frames.
Use a zigzag or side-to-side motion for chunky frames.
17. **Make sure your eyebrows are neatly groomed.** You don't have to go out and wax them, but you want to make sure that they look nice. Eyeglasses draw attention to your eyes, after all. Tweeze out any stray hairs, then comb your brows upward towards the arch using a brow brush.
18. **Fill any sparse areas using an angled brush and eyebrow powder or an eyebrow pencil.** Try to match your natural eyebrow color as best you can. Define your brows with short strokes of the eyebrow pencil. Brush straight up to blend the color into your eyebrows.
If you have really light-colored eyebrows, consider going one or two shades darker.
If you have black eyebrows, use a very dark brown or charcoal color, never black.
Tone down the eyebrow makeup if you have really thick or chunky frames.
19. **Wait for your makeup to dry before putting on your glasses.** Make sure your makeup is dry to the touch so your glasses don't smear it. This is particularly important with mascara. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
16 Proven Strategies for Approaching Women | Do you want the confidence to approach any woman? In this article, we’ll help you identify women who are interested in chatting with you and provide expert-backed tips on making the smoothest approach possible. We’ll also share the best ways to strike up a good conversation and how to ask her out on a date. Read on for our complete guide!
1. **Go over if she’s smiling, making eye contact, and playing with her hair.** These are signs she might be interested in you. On the other hand, you might switch your attention to someone else if she’s got her arms folded across her chest or seems to be avoiding your eyes. In that case, she might not be in the mood to talk right now.
People-watching can help you learn to read body language. Watch how people move and interact with each other to get a feel for how body language works.
2. **Make yourself seen so you don't accidentally sneak up on her.** Move into her eye line, even if you’re just in her periphery. Give her time to notice you there before you go over to talk to her.
3. **Open body language also makes you appear attractive to other people.** You’ll seem casual and confident, which are desirable qualities. Take a deep breath and release all the tension from your body. Additionally, keep your arms at your side and smile so you seem welcoming.
In addition to smiling, pick out an outfit that fits into the place where you’re going. Colors like earth tones, blue, and yellow make people feel comfortable talking to you, so they’re great options. As you move about the room, angle your body toward people you’re interested in talking to and mirror their gestures.
4. **Coming up beside her feels more casual and friendly.** She’ll probably feel more relaxed, which will make it easier for you to talk to her. Walk a little away from her and come back if necessary to get into a good position. Then, slowly walk over.
Never approach a woman from behind because it’ll make her uncomfortable. She may even be startled.
5. **Smile, tell her your name, and ask how she’s doing.** Say, “How’s your night going?” or “Having a good time?” Really listen to her response so she knows you’re interested. She’s probably going to ask how you are in response, so say something positive like:
“I’m doing great.”
“My night’s amazing.”
“I’m having a terrific time, especially since I met you.”
6. **Start a conversation by mentioning something from your environment.** It’s so hard to know what to say in these situations, but you can use your surroundings for inspiration. Things like the menu, music that’s playing, or why you’re there make excellent topics. You could also comment on the weather or the people around you.
“I love this song. What about you?”
“Your drink looks tasty. What did you order?”
“What would you recommend off the menu?”
“Can you believe this rain we’ve been having?”
“It feels like everyone else here knows each other. Maybe we should get acquainted.”
7. **Make her laugh** Laughter actually relieves stress, so it can put you both at ease. Learn a few jokes in advance so you can dazzle her with your sense of humor. You might try:
“Jokes about steak are medium, rarely well done.”
“What kind of tea is hard to swallow? Reality.”
"Why do seagulls fly over the sea? Because if they flew over the bay they’d be bagels, and bagels can’t fly."
“Why do mushrooms always get invited to parties? Because they’re such fungi!”
8. **People enjoy talking about themselves.** Plus, she’ll like that you’re interested in getting to know her. Ask her an open-ended question to keep the conversation going. She’ll give long answers or ask you a question if she’s interested in talking. If she gives you short answers, she’s probably not in the mood to talk, so it’s best to move onto someone else.
“What’s your favorite band?”
“What do you do in your spare time?”
“What was the last book you read?”
“What was the last movie you watched?”
“What’s your favorite item to order off the menu?”
“How often do you come here?”
9. **Give her an unexpected compliment so you’ll stand out.** Women typically get a lot of attention for their looks, so compliment her on her style or mannerisms. On the other hand, steer clear of comments about her body because they might make her uncomfortable.
“This color looks great on you.”
“Those earrings are so unique.”
“Your eyes caught my attention from across the room.”
“Your laugh is so melodic.”
“Your confidence is magnetic.”
10. **Tell her you’re interested.** It’s scary to put yourself out there, but it might be the best way to get a date. If you’re up to it, just be honest about how you feel. Hopefully, she’ll be intrigued and want to get to know you more.
"You're probably used to this but I'm new to it, so here it goes: I don't know you, but I'd like to. I think you're beautiful...and who doesn't want more of that in their life?"
“I saw you from across the room and knew I had to meet you. Would you be interested in getting to know each other?”
“I just wanted to tell you that you’re lovely tonight. Can I buy you a drink?”
11. **Eye contact, smiling, and leaning toward you are signs she likes you.** Keep talking to her as long as she seems okay with it. If you notice her eyes darting away or she folds her arms across her chest, it might be time to end the conversation and move on. In that case, thank her for her time and move on to someone new.
“Thanks for your advice. I’ll let you get back to your drink.”
“I appreciate your time. Have a good night.”
12. **Ask for her number or offer her yours.** Giving her your number puts the ball in her court so she can decide if she wants to talk to you again. She’ll text or call if she’s into you. If you don’t hear from her, she might not be interested, she’s not dating right now, or she’s already taken. In that case, focus on someone else who caught your eye.
“Can I get your number?”
“Do you wanna exchange digits?”
“Here’s my number.”
“Text me sometime.”
13. **Tell her you’re interested in getting to know her.** Then, invite her out on a specific day to a place you’ve chosen in advance. Keep it simple by going on a traditional first date to a place like a coffeehouse.
“You seem really cool. Do you want to meet for coffee this Saturday?”
“I’d really like to get to know you more. Wanna get drinks on Friday night?”
“I’d like to continue this conversation over lunch one day this week. Want to meet at Cozy Coffee House?”
14. **While it hurts, rejection isn’t personal.** There are tons of reasons why a woman might turn you down that have nothing to do with you. She might be in a relationship, or perhaps she’s just not dating right now. It’s also possible she had a bad day and just isn’t in the mood to meet anyone. If she’s not interested, kindly make your exit and focus on someone else.
“I totally understand. Have a great night.”
“Enjoy your evening.”
“I appreciate your reply. Have a nice day.” | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Do Goddess Locs | Goddess locs are a type of protective style worn by African women, including those of African descent. They look a little like dreadlocks, except that they end in delicate tendrils of silky, curly hair. The traditional method requires you to wrap Marley hair around a braided base, but if you are pressed for time, you can use a faux loc instead. Whichever method you choose, you are bound to have a style that will be the envy of any goddess.
1. **Get your crocheting hair and Marley hair.** You will need a pack of crochet braiding hair in a water wave texture. You will also need three or four packs of Marley hair. If you want ombre goddess locs, consider the following:
1 pack of dark Marley hair (matched to your natural color)
1 pack of medium Marley hair
1 pack of light Marley hair
1 pack of light crochet braiding hair (matched to light Marley hair)
2. **Section off and braid your hair.** Divide your hair into 1-inch (2.54-centimeter) squares; use the handle of a rat-tail comb to create clean parts. Apply your usual braiding cream through your hair, then braid each section halfway down.
Keep the braids loose at the root. This will help with tension.
You can install the crochet hair using rope braids instead. In this case, split the hair into two sections.
3. **Join a strand of crochet hair to the braid.** Pull out a strand of your crochet braiding hair. Find the center, and place it behind the middle strand of your braid. Add the left side of the hair to the left strand, and the right side to the right strand.
If you are doing a rope braid: add the left side of the crochet strand to the left section, and the right side to the right section.
4. **Braid just past your natural braid.** Cross the left strand over the middle one, then cross the right strand over the ne middle strand. Continue braiding until you are about an inch (2.54 centimeters) or so past your natural hair.
If you are doing a rope braid: twist each section clockwise, then twist them together counterclockwise.
5. **Use a crochet latch hook to insert the Marley hair through the top of the braid.** Open up a crochet latch hook. Push it through the top of the braid, close to the roots. Hook it onto a strand of Marley hair, close the latch, and pull a few inches/centimeters of the Marley hair through.
If you are doing ombre goddess locks, it's better to pull the Marley hair halfway through instead.
6. **Wrap the Marley hair tightly around the braid.** Hold the shorter end of the Marley hair against the braid. Wrap the longer end of the Marley hair around the braid, including the shorter strand. Keep wrapping tightly until you have a few inches/centimeters left.
If you are doing ombre goddess locks, start with your darkest color.
7. **Add another strand of Marley hair, and continue braiding.** Pull out another strand of Marley hair. Hold the first few inches/centimeters against the braid. Join the rest to the end of the first strand of Marley hair. Continue wrapping, keeping the first Marley strand under the second one.
If you are doing ombre goddess locks, move on to your medium color.
8. **Keep wrapping strands of Marley hair until you get the length you want.** If you need to add another strand of Marley hair, do so using the technique in the previous step. How far down you wrap your hair is up to you; most people go about halfway down the crochet braiding strand.
If you are doing ombre goddess locks, move on to your lightest color. You may need to cut the medium shade shorter to keep the ombre consistent.
9. **Trim off the excess hair and glue it down.** Use a pair of scissors to trim down the Marley hair to about 1 inch (2.54 centimeters). Place a drop of glue onto the braiding hair, then wrap the Marley hair around it. Add more glue on top of the Marley hair to smooth it down, if needed.
10. **Touch up the faux loc, then complete the rest.** Use a pair of scissors to trim off any stray or unruly hairs. Finish the rest of the goddess locs, then apply some mousse to them to help add shine and smoothness.
11. **Get your crocheting hair and faux locs.** You will need a pack of crochet braiding hair in a water wave texture. You will also need about four packs of faux locs. Faux goddess locs look similar to traditional goddess locs, except that they use pre-shaped locs. This makes them quicker to install and lighter to wear.
12. **Section off and braid your hair.** Use the handle of a rat-tail comb to divide your hair into 1-inch (2.54-centimeter) squares. Apply your usual braiding cream, then braid each section about halfway. Keep the braids loose at the root to aid with tension.
You can also add the crochet hair to the root of your braid. Find the center of the crochet strand place it behind the braid. Braid the three together, treating the braid as a single strand.
13. **Add a strand of crochet braiding hair to your braid.** Pull out a strand of crochet hair. Find the center, and place it behind the middle strand of your braid. Add the left side of the crochet hair to the left strand of the braid, and the right side to the right strand.
14. **Braid until you are a little bit past your natural hair.** Treating your natural hair and the crochet hair a one, cross the left strand over the middle one, then repeat for the right strand. Continue braiding until you are about 1 inch (2.54 centimeters) past your natural hair.
15. **Insert a crochet latch hook through your braid, right at root.** Open up a crochet latch hook, and push it though your braid, close to the root. Try to push it between two strands on the braid.
16. **Catch the faux loc and pull it partway through the braid.** Find the top, folded part of the faux loc. Slip it onto the crochet latch hook and close the clasp. Pull the faux loc through the braid by 1 to 2 inches (2.54 to 5.08 centimeters) to create a small loop.
17. **Pull the rest of the faux loc and your natural braid through the loop.** Open the latch hook and slip the loop off. Push it through the loop and catch the rest of the faux loc and your natural braid. Close the latch and pull it back through the loop. Make sure that you pull the entire faux loc and braid (including the crochet hair) through the loop.
18. **Tighten the faux loc and braid.** Remove the crochet latch hook and set it aside. Grab the faux loc in one hand and the braid in the other. Gently tug them apart to tighten the knot.
19. **Wrap the faux loc twice around the braid.** Unravel the top of the loc by a small amount. Wrap it around the root of the braid twice. This will help blend the loc better into your hair as well as make it more secure.
20. **Insert the crochet latch hook up through the faux loc.** Open up the hook first. Find the bottom of your faux loc and insert the hook through the opening. Scrunch the loc down onto the hook until it comes out the top, right where you finished wrapping.
You will need to really scrunch the faux loc to get it to fit on the hook. Hold it down with your thumb as you work.
If this is too difficult for you, find the middle of the faux loc, and inert the hook through there instead. This ay, you will have less to scrunch.
21. **Catch your natural braid and pull it down through the loc.** Open up the latch hook and catch your braid. Close the latch, and pull the hook down through the faux loc, bringing the braid with it. Continue pulling until the crochet hair comes out of the loc too.
If you started from the middle of the faux loc, you'll need to inert the hook through the bottom, catch the braid again, and pull it through the rest of the way.
22. **Touch up the loc, then do the rest.** If some of the crochet hair is peaking out of the faux loc, scrunch the loc upwards and gently tug down on the crochet hair to smooth it back out. Release the faux loc and let it fall over the crochet hair. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Make Graduation Leis | One of the most popular traditions for graduation is presenting the graduate with a lei. Real leis can be expensive, nor do they last very long. Luckily, homemade leis cost much less to make. Best of all, you can make them more special by using the school's colors. This wikiHow will teach you how to make the two most common leis: money and candy.
1. **Fold a dollar bill into a fan.** Starting from one of the narrow ends, fold your bill like a fan or accordion using ½-inch (1.27-centimeter) folds. Do this for all of the bills that you have. You will need about 30 to 35 bills.
2. **Make some more fans using colored paper, if desired.** Cut some colored paper down to the same size as your bills, about 2½ by 6 inches (6.35 by 15.24 centimeters) first. Then, fold them into fans starting from the narrow edge. You will need about 30 to 35 pieces as well.
Add school spirit by using one or both of your school's colors.
Cardstock or colored printer paper will give you a nicer look, but you can use construction paper if you have nothing else.
3. **Tape the edges of your fan together.** Fold your fan in half, widthwise. Tape the two side edges together. When you are done, you should have a half-circle, fan shape.
Do this for all of the folded bills and colored pieces of paper. Set them aside when you are done.
4. **Cut a 4-foot (1.2-meter) long piece of ribbon.** This will make the base of the lei. The ribbon can be any color you want, but something that matches one of the school's colors would be ideal.
Seal the ends of the ribbon with a flame. This will keep it from fraying.
5. **Start taping the folded fans to the ribbon.** Place the flat side of your first fan against the ribbon. Fold the two ends together over the ribbon, sandwiching it in between. You should now have something that looks like a disk. Tape the two ends of the paper together to secure the disk.
Start from the center of the ribbon and work your way outward.
6. **Continue taping the folded fans to the ribbon.** Alternate between money and paper. You can do money-paper-money, or money-money-paper. Stop when you have about 6 inches (15.24 centimeters) of ribbon left on each side.
7. **Tie the ends of the ribbon together.** If you have enough ribbon left over, you can tie the ends into a bow. This is not completely necessary, but it will give the lei a nicer touch.
8. **Cut some cellophane about 6 inches (15.24 centimeters) wide.** You can use any color you want, even clear. You could also use one of the school's colors to get into the school spirit.
9. **Place a small candy bar on top of the cellophane.** Set the cellophane down on a flat surface. Place a small candy bar on top of it, about 3 inches (7.62 centimeters) from one of the narrow ends. Make sure that both are oriented horizontally.
It's best if you use wrapped candies so that they don't melt.
If the candies are very small, you could fit 3 to 4.
10. **Wrap the cellophane around the candy bar.** Starting from the long, top edge, roll the cellophane around the candy, forming a tube. If you need to, secure the cellophane with a piece of tape first.
11. **Tie a piece of curling ribbon to either side of the candy.** Cut two 6 to 8-inch (15.24 to 20.32-centimeter) long pieces of curling ribbon in one of the school's colors. Tie each ribbon to either side of the candy bar. You can tie the ribbon into a bow or a simple double-knot. If you use a double-knot, consider curing the ribbon with scissors.
Use one of the school's colors for the ribbon, if possible.
12. **Tuck another candy bar into the tube.** You will need to tuck, wrap, and adjust the cellophane around the candy bar. Tie another piece of ribbon right above the candy bar.
13. **Continue adding candies until you are close to the end of the cellophane.** Tie a piece of curling ribbon around the cellophane around each candy that you add.
Consider alternating the ribbon colors for a more interesting lei. Be sure to match them to the school's colors!
14. **Make the lei longer, if necessary.** The standard 3-foot (0.91-yard) long piece of cellophane may not be long enough to make a lei. If yours is too short, cut another strip of cellophane, and tape it to the end of your lei. Continue adding candies and ribbons until the cellophane is filled.
Something around 4 feet (1.2 meters) would be ideal, so trim off any excess.
15. **Tie the ends together.** When you are close to the end of the lei, tie a piece of ribbon around the cellophane, just above the last candy bar. Bring both ends of the lei together, and tie them into a secure, double-knot.
For an added touch, tie a piece of ribbon around the knot in a bow. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Train Grape Vines | Grapevines grow by climbing and spreading across trellises, walls, and other surfaces. Growers “train” vines by controlling which way they grow, leading to healthier plants that produce better grapes. The most common way to do this is through spur training, where you grow new shoots from a pair of canes every year. Cane pruning is an alternative for cold climates where you remove as much old growth as possible each year. Set up your trellis to train your vines properly using either strategy. Then, get ready to pick the fresh grapes that bloom from branches after a year of growth.
1. **Grow a vine next to a vertical post on a trellis for a year.** Grapevines are climbing plants, so the vertical post serves as a base for your vine as it grows and expands across the trellis. Choose a healthy cutting, which is a cane from an existing plant that has a uniform reddish brown color. Any green spots are parts that haven't matured yet and are going to be difficult to raise. To keep the vine close to the post, tie it as soon as possible with binder twine or a similar type of weather-resistant string.
If you don't already have a grapevine or cutting to plant, check local gardening centers or place an order online. These places also tend to carry twine, pruning shears, and other tools you need to train vines.
Give the vine enough water to keep the soil moist about 1 in (2.5 cm) deep. Grapevines don't need a ton of water, and wet soil can damage them.
Spur pruning is easier to do than cane training. It works best in warmer climates or areas that experience drought.
2. **Pinch off the stem when it reaches the top of the trellis.** The vine reaches the top of the trellis within 1 to 2 years. To prevent it from continuing to expand vertically, grasp the top of the shoot between your index finger and thumb. Pinch it off when it reaches the height you want to keep it at. Doing this forces the vine to branch off onto the horizontal wires on the trellis.
Remove any secondary branches while the stem grows to the height you desire. These extra branches take resources away from the main one and aren't needed for training.
3. **Grow the horizontal branches and tie them to the trellis.** The vine spreads across the trellis, forming new branches to produce good fruit. Early in the year, usually around the beginning of April, tie the base of each branch to the wire to ensure it continues growing out along the trellis. These horizontal branches are called cordons. As you notice flowers forming, cut them off close to the cordons to avoid wasting any of the plant's resources.
Flowers take a lot of resources to grow, and your vine isn't ready to produce fruit yet. When you cut off the flowers, your vine grows faster and stronger.
4. **Pinch off the ends of the cordons when they reach the proper size.** The size the shoots need to be depends on the space you have available. You could let the branches grow to the end of the trellis wire if you have room. Most of the time, the branches need to be cut short to avoid growing off the trellis or overlapping neighboring plants.
For example, if you have several grapevines 8 ft (2.4 m) apart, grow the horizontal branches to 4 ft (1.2 m) in length. That way, both plants have plenty of room to spread out across the trellis.
5. **Select the strongest branches on the cordons to grow for the third year.** Side shoots come out of the cordons as they expand. Between January and April of the third year, when the branches soften enough for pruning, start removing some of the shoots. Try to save the ones that look strong, are undamaged, and have a uniform brown coloring. Keep them spaced out about 6 to 12 in (15 to 30 cm) along the cordons so they have plenty of room to grow.
Cut each side shoot down to leave about 4 buds on it. Buds look like small, round balls where a branch splits off into new growth. They almost look like grapes and are pretty easy to spot as you examine each cordon.
6. **Leave a renewal spur between each of the branches you saved.** Renewal spurs give your grapevines the ability to generate new shoots during the next growing season. Keep the spurs an equal distance between the growing branches. Prune them down to 2 buds, enough to keep them alive with the ability to produce new growth.
Always leave fresh renewal spurs on your vine. Without the spurs, the vine can't produce new growth.
7. **Prune off the old spurs next year to repeat the process.** During the third year, the side shoots you saved grow and begin producing grapes. When spring rolls around again, trim the vine thoroughly to prepare it for new growth. Remove older shoots that flowered the previous year, since they won't make more grapes. Let the renewal spurs grow out for the next season, but trim the fresh shoots to set up new renewal spurs between them.
Grapes only grow on wood that has had a year of growth. Most people hesitate to prune their vines because they don't like getting rid of all that old growth. The old growth is unnecessary, so heavy pruning is safe as long as you leave renewal spurs.
Sometimes the cordons need to be replaced due to damage or disease. When this happens, select a new branch at the base of the cordon, grow it for a year, then remove the old cordon.
8. **Plant a vine next to a vertical post to grow for a year.** The vine needs a vertical surface on a trellis to climb as it grows. Make sure you're using a healthy cutting from an established grapevine. Plant it directly in the dirt, dampening the soil so it stays moist about 1 in (2.5 cm) deep.
As the stem grows, tie it to the trellis to prevent it from falling over. The best time to tie new growth is in early spring, around March and April.
Cane pruning starts out like spur pruning but is somewhat more difficult. It is often used in relatively colder regions like Burgundy, Sonoma, and Oregon. Frequent pruning means the branches suffer less frost damage.
9. **Pinch off the top of the stem when it reaches the height you desire.** Grow the stem all the way up to the top of your trellis, usually about 6 ft (1.8 m) off the ground. When it reaches that point, pinch the top between your thumb and index fingers. Snap it off to prevent the vine from growing further.
Pinching off the vine forces it to expand horizontally instead of vertically.
10. **Grow horizontal guyots along the length of the trellis.** During the spring before the second growing season, decide how long you want your vine to extend. The shoots at the top of the trellis that grow along the wire are called guyots. Tie them to the wires to train them to extend horizontally. Remove any flowers that form during this year to ensure the guyots grow nice and strong.
The guyots are similar to cordons, so if you have experience growing one, you know how to grow the other.
Space out your vines so they have plenty of room to spread along the trellis. Pinch the ends off the guyots as needed to prevent them from overgrowing.
11. **Wait for shoots to grow off the guyots during the third year.** Remove any cracked or damaged shoots in early spring. The remaining branches grow vertically and produce grapes for you to harvest. Also, look for new branches sprouting from the original stem. Note which branches are new growth and which are old.
Choose new shoots every year to serve as replacement spurs. Let them grow out during the season so they produce fruit the next year.
12. **Select some healthy canes to grow on either side of the stem.** Locate some canes near the top of the original stem. They have to be 2 to 4 in (5.1 to 10.2 cm) below the trellis wire so you can train them to grow horizontally. Pick young shoots that have grown for a year, look undamaged and have a smooth, reddish-brown bark. Good canes are very thin, about as thick as your thumb.
These canes are replacement guyots. You need a single cane for each side of the trellis. The canes produce new growth and grapes during the next growing season.
13. **Pick another pair of shoots to cut back and use as replacement spurs.** Find another pair of healthy shoots close to the top of your trellis. Using a pair of pruning shears, cut the shoots down until 1 or 2 buds are left. The buds are like green marbles where new branches split off of old ones, so they are pretty easy to spot.
You grow these replacement spurs to become replacement guyots next season. They sprout plenty of branches, giving you the ability to choose the strongest ones to become your next guyots.
14. **Remove all of the canes that produced grapes during the last season.** The guyots and their branches overgrow after 2 years. Cutting them may seem like excessive pruning, but it's important for successful cane training. The older branches tend to be somewhat gray instead of a strong red-brown color. They also look a little ragged and have newer shoots coming out from their buds.
Cane pruning is about removing the old branches every year to make room for new growth. This includes the original guyots, so remember to cut them away too. Leave behind the new canes, including the replacement spurs, to keep your vines healthy.
15. **Use a high cordon for strong vines that droop as they grow.** A high cordon is one of the most common ways to grow vines. To create a high cordon, you set up a trellis with a single horizontal wire, usually about 6 ft (1.8 m) off the ground. You train the vines to grow across the wire, forming cordons or guyots, then you let the new growth hang down.
Some common grapes that grow well on a high cordon include Chambourcin, Chardonel, and Seyval Blanc.
16. **Build a low cordon to help weaker vines grow upward.** In a low cordon, you place a series of wires close to the ground so the vines climb up them. First, set up your trellis as you normally would, but set up a series of horizontal wires 3 to 6 ft (0.91 to 1.83 m) off the ground. Grow your vines until they reach the lower wire and form cordons across them. Then, maintain the cordons with regular pruning so the new shoots grow up toward the higher wires.
Some varieties that grow well on low cordons include Chelois, St. Vincent, and Vignoles.
To create a low cordon, try stringing another wire horizontally every 1 ft (0.30 m) between the top and bottom wires.
Tie the new shoots to the wires as they grow upward. This prevents them from drooping or breaking.
17. **Use a bilateral cordon or guyot to space out your vines evenly.** A bilateral system basically means your trellis has 2 arms. This is what most people use to grow vines since it is such a straightforward system to manage. In a bilateral system, you first grow the vine up the trellis, then train it by forcing it to grow horizontally to the left and right.
Bilateral systems are a great way to spread out multiple vines on a trellis. Decide how far you want each vine to grow, then pinch off the end of it to prevent it from growing past that point.
An alternative is to grow the vine unilaterally, or in a single direction. This can be useful if your vine is at the end of a trellis or you don't have space to let it spread. Raise the vine as you normally would, but keep only a single cordon or guyot.
18. **Make a fan system to help vines climb fences or walls.** The fan system creates a vine with a short trunk and several upright canes. To train the vine, grow it up to a low trellis wire about 3 ft (0.91 m) off the ground. Then, choose 2 to 4 of the healthiest canes to save as you prune off the others. Tie them to the trellis so they continue growing up toward the top of it.
Repeat selecting and pruning canes every year. Try to choose 3 to 4 fresh branches from the renewal spurs each year and remove the rest. After a few years, you may be able to grow 6 to 8 branches at a time.
Fan training gets its name because the few branches you grow each year spread out into a fan-like shape. It's a great way to protect damaged vines or varieties that naturally grow upright. It is similar to creating a low cordon, except you don't grow cordons at all and have to prune all the shoots each year.
19. **Build an arbor** An arbor is meant to be a yard decoration for people to walk through, but it is also a perfect place to grow vines. Space out the vines around the arbor, letting them grow until they reach the top. Then, select the healthiest canes positioned about 2 to 3 ft (0.61 to 0.91 m) apart from one another, growing them to fill in the remaining space. Keep up with regular pruning, preserving renewal spurs so the vines continue growing and flowering every year.
An arbor is like a trellis, but it's a little harder to maintain. If you don't prune the vines heavily every year, they overgrow, tangle up, and produce lower-quality grapes. Unlike with a regular trellis, you can't let the vines grow very far horizontally or else they get tangled.
Another option is to build a pergola. It is similar to an arbor, except it is meant to be a structure for people to sit under. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Card Wool | Wool carding involves separating and straightening sheep’s wool with two brushes so that it can be used to make fiber art or yarn for knitting. These brushes closely resemble pet hair brushes but are made specifically for preparing wool fibers. Carding can also be used to create various fiber blends or combine different colors. Once you are familiar with the process, you can begin hand processing wool at home.
1. **Shake off any superficial dirt or vegetation.** You will want to card only clean wool, as any dirt particles could hamper your ability to use the wool carders. Freshly shorn sheep’s wool will also have dirt deep in the fibers, so you will need to be sure you wash it thoroughly.
2. **Fill a basin with warm water.** Grab a bucket or clean out a sink to use as a washing basin. The basin should be large enough to comfortably contain the amount of wool you would like to clean. The temperature should be at approximately 180 degrees Fahrenheit (82 Celsius). Water that is too hot will strip the wool of natural oils.
3. **Pour in several squirts of dishwashing detergent.** To protect the woolen fibers, avoid soap or detergents that contain bleach or similar whitening additives. Stir the detergent into the water until the water is soapy.
For best results, use a soap or detergent with a pH between 7 and 9.
Most mild dish soaps are neutral (a pH of 7) and should be safe to use for cleaning wool.
Mild dish soaps can be purchased at any drug or grocery store near you.
4. **Submerge your wool.** Let the wool soak for about ten minutes in the basin of warm water. This should loosen the dirt particles, making it easier for the dirt to separate from the wool or for you to remove it with some light scrubbing. Rub the wool with your hands to wash it thoroughly.
Repeat the process as necessary. You may need to soak the wool 2-3 times before it is completely clean.
5. **Drain your sink.** Remove the wool and pull the stopper to allow your sink to drain or dump the water out of your bucket. Rinse out any remaining dirt in your sink or bucket.
6. **Rinse the wool of all soap.** You will know it has been thoroughly rinsed when you notice that the bubbles from the detergent are gone. You may need to rinse the wool three or more times.
7. **Place the wet wool on top of a thick towel.** This will absorb the excess water in the wool, allowing it to dry a bit faster. Wrap it in the towel and gently squeeze to pull out as much excess moisture as possible.
8. **Lay the wool flat to dry.** You can do this by clearing a space on a desk or countertop and laying the wool on another clean and dry towel. You could also lay it flat on a drying rack. Allow the wool to dry overnight. Do not attempt to card the wool until it is completely dry.
9. **Purchase hand carders from a spinning or hobby store.** Carders are wooden paddles covered in pin board and they often closely resemble cat or dog hair brushes. Be sure to avoid purchasing carders made for cotton and purchase ones specifically made for wool.
Wool carders come in small and large sizes. Larger sizes can be harder to manage if you have little upper body strength.
Some wool carders have teeth that are very close together. They are harder to drag apart but align the wool into finer wool.
Hand carders have different types of teeth as well, which are used for different purposes. Carders with coarse teeth are used for carding coarse fibers, such as wool and mohair. Hand carders with fine teeth are generally used for carding softer fibers like cotton and angora.
10. **Cover one carder with a thin layer of wool.** The wool should be touching the side of the carder with the pin board. You will want to cover it the surface of the carder until almost all the teeth are covered but not so there is an excess of wool hanging off the side of the carder. Do not cover other carder with wool.
11. **Sit down with an empty lap.** Place the full carder on the on your left knee with the wool facing up. Hold the handle of this carder with your left hand. Switch hands and knee if your left hand is your dominant hand.
12. **Hold the empty carder by the handle in your right (or dominant) hand.** The carder should be oriented so that the pin paper is facing down and toward the wool on the other carder.
13. **Brush the empty carder over the top of the other carder.** Begin at the top end of the full carder (opposite the handle). Work your way gently from the top to the bottom in full strokes moving in one direction. There is no need to press very hard. The pin paper should grab a few fibers at a time, straightening it onto the second carder.
14. **Repeat the process until all of the wool is transferred onto the right carder.** If you see any knots, continue brushing until they are removed and transferred onto the surface of the other carder. This could take up to five minutes to complete, depending on how fast or slow you prefer to go.
15. **Repeat the hand carding process to further refine the wool.** Transfer the now-full carder to the left knee. Take the empty carder into your right hand. Gently brush the empty carder over top the full one, as you did previously.
16. **Continue to switch carders.** You will continue to switch your carders until no dirt appears and the wool is very uniform. Look closely at the brushed fibers. If they are falling in parallel lines, then it is ready.
17. **Lift the refined carded wool from the carder.** Start at the top of the carder and slowly move to the handle, lifting the wool the whole way. You can use the other carder to help lift the top of the fibers up and back. As you lift, you can gently and loosely roll the wool until it resembles a burrito. Once the fiber is rolled, it is referred to as a rolag. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Get an Industrial Piercing | Getting a piercing is a big decision, especially if it’s your first one. To prevent complications and infections, it’s best to do some research before getting any piercing, especially one that’s more complicated, like an industrial. An industrial typically describes two separate piercings in the upper cartilage of the ear that are connected with a bar. Most piercing studios offer industrials, but to ensure the most enjoyable experience, choose a clean studio and a piercer you’re comfortable with, and follow all aftercare instructions.
1. **Research piercing studios in your area.** Check online or in the phonebook to find studios nearby. Make sure to include tattoo shops, since they usually offer piercing services as well. Ask friends and family for recommendations, referrals, and places to avoid. Make a list of all the studios you want to contact, including their phone numbers and addresses.
2. **Create a checklist.** Before choosing a studio and a piercer, make sure they meet all the criteria for cleanliness, hygiene, and sterility, as well as safety, competence, and experience. Some of this you’ll be able to figure out from their websites, but most of it you’ll have to find out by asking and visiting the studio. Make a chart or graph so that you can easily record information about each studio. Write down questions like:
How do you ensure a sterile environment?
Do you use an autoclave (a pressure chamber) to sterilize reusable equipment?
Do you spore test regularly to ensure the autoclave is working properly?
Do all your piercers have the necessary certifications and qualifications? These will vary depending on the area, but be aware that many places don’t have any sort of certification for piercers.
Has your studio passed all necessary inspections and does it have all the necessary permits and licences? Again, this will vary depending on the location. You can call your local health department to find out about regulations specific to your area.
Do you provide consultations?
How much experience do your piercers have with industrials?
How much do you charge for an industrial?
3. **Call potential studios and make a shortlist.** Have your list ready to ask questions, along with a way to take notes. Pay attention to the feeling you get from the people you talk to, and how comfortable they make you feel about the process. Cross off studios from your list if they avoided your questions, tried to rush you through, gave you an uneasy feeling, or provided answers that weren’t up to par. A good studio will take the time to answer your questions and walk you through the process. Keep only the top studios on the list based on the answers they gave and how they treated you.
4. **Visit your top studios.** Meet the staff, talk to the piercers, and make sure you feel comfortable with the people and the environment. Ask to see portfolios as well, and see if you can watch the piercers work. Make sure each studio is clean and that they do not allow smoking or drinking inside.
Check that the studios use sterilized and individually wrapped needles, and that used needles are placed in a sharps container, which is a container for biohazardous materials.
Be wary if a studio uses a piercing gun, since these cannot be sterilized and could indicate an unsanitary studio.
Check to see if the piercers and tattooists use clean, reusable gloves with every client.
5. **Select a studio.** Using all the information you gathered and the studio visits, choose the studio you felt offered the best service, the most sterile environment, the friendliest staff, and the most talented artists. If you have the option to pick a specific piercer, consider who:
Provided the best answers.
Made you the most comfortable.
Had the best portfolio and the most experience.
Talked clients through the piercing process as it happened.
6. **Book an appointment.** Some studios require an appointment, but if they don’t it’s still a good idea to make one if you can, because good studios can get overrun with walk-ins. Discuss any allergies you might have and your jewelry options. Take notes about any instructions they provide for the day of your appointment.
Consult with your physician before getting any piercing if you have any medical issues or concerns, or take regular medication.
7. **Prepare for your appointment.** Follow any instructions the studio gave you when you booked your appointment. Eat at least four hours prior. Shower or bathe the day of your appointment. Tie your hair back and away from your ear if you have long hair, and bring some extra bobby pins or barrettes with you. Choose clothing that is loose and comfortable.
Take photo identification to the studio.
Arrive sober. Reputable studios will not pierce or tattoo anybody who’s under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Even alcohol in your system from the night before could cause excessive bleeding because it thins the blood.
Avoid taking aspirin or other blood thinners before your appointment.
Some tattoo and piercing studios are cash-only, so make sure you have enough cash on you to cover the cost of the piercing if they don’t take debit or credit.
8. **Arrive a few minutes early for your appointment.** This is just standard practice for any appointment. This will also give you time to ask any last-minute questions or prepare. When you arrive, tell them your name and that you have an appointment, or that you are there for an industrial piercing if you don’t have an appointment.
9. **Watch the piercer prepare.** The first thing the piercer should do is wash his or her hands, and then put on a new pair of single-use surgical gloves. All the equipment should be in sealed, individual packages, should be opened in front of you, and should then be placed on a tray. At this time, the piercer will also select the right jewelry to fit your ear and choose a needle with the proper gauge.
Good piercers will walk you through every step of the process as they work. Ask questions if you have any.
Ensure the piercer is using a bar that’s long enough to allow for swelling.
Using a single bar is preferable because it guarantees the holes line up properly.
10. **Let the piercer disinfect the piercing area.** This will clean the area, decrease the risk of infection, and make it easier to pierce your ear.
11. **Check the proposed location and angle of the industrial.** Once your ear is disinfected, the piercer will mark the two piercing points with a marker and show you how they’ll line up. Don’t be afraid to ask the piercer to change the location or angle, because you can’t fix it afterward!
12. **Relax as the piercer creates the first hole.** The piercer will push a hollow, single-use needle through the skin to create the first hole. Once the needle is through, jewelry will be put in place immediately, and lined up to connect with the second hole. It’s important that you sit still and remain calm during the process, so try relaxation techniques like:
Deep breathing.
Visualization to distract you from the pain.
Talking to the piercer or someone nearby.
13. **Remain calm and prepare for the second hole.** Continue breathing deeply and practicing your relaxation techniques. The needle will go in first to create the second hole, and then the jewelry will be put in place.
14. **Let the piercer clean and disinfect the area again.** Once everything is over, expect some level of pain and a burning sensation. You’ve just had two piercings, so it’s completely normal to feel pain and burning at this time.
If you haven’t already, discuss aftercare with your piercer before you leave.
15. **Pay for your piercing.** As with any service industry, most piercers will be more than happy to receive a tip, with 15 to 20 percent being standard.
Make sure you pick up any forms or sheets they might have that outline the aftercare procedure.
16. **Be prepared for a long healing process.** Industrials can be quite painful, and they often take longer to heal than other piercings. Generally, an industrial can take anywhere from three to four weeks, or upwards of six months to heal.
Most over-the-counter pain medications will be sufficient to manage the pain you’ll feel in the first couple weeks. Avoid hot compresses. Instead, apply a cold cloth to the area to help relieve pain if necessary.
17. **Clean your piercing regularly.** The best way to clean your industrial is with a warm salt solution. The ratio is one-quarter teaspoon of sea or non-iodized salt to eight ounces of warm water. Soak the piercing by submerging it in the solution for seven to 10 minutes. Repeat this two to four times a day.
Don’t clean your industrial with soap more than once or twice daily, and if you use soap, use something mild, liquid, and vegetable-based, such as castile soap.
18. **Avoid rigorous activity.** This includes sports and exercise, especially anything that involves physical contact. Do not change the jewelry until your industrial has healed, and don’t twist or rotate the jewelry. Avoid saunas, hot tubs, and pools.
Industrials are very sensitive piercings, and can heal improperly if they are jostled, rubbed, or chafed.
Keep long hair away from the industrial so that it doesn’t get tangled up with the piercing.
Avoid sleeping on the piercing until it’s healed.
19. **Avoid substances that could aggravate the piercing.** Certain products can cause irritation, dryness, cell damage, and clogged pores. Don’t clean your piercing with: hydrogen peroxide, scented soaps, rubbing alcohol, antibacterial ointments, and petroleum-based creams or gels. Also avoid using premade ear-care solutions that contain any of those products.
Make sure that items that come in contact with your piercing are clean as well, including your hair, fingers, clothes, and even your phone.
Try to prevent your piercing from coming in contact with cosmetics and haircare products like shampoo, conditioner, hairspray, and makeup.
20. **Address infections immediately.** There’s about a 30 percent chance of infection with a cartilage piercing, and infections that aren’t addressed immediately can cause permanent damage. If you suspect an infection, seek medical attention immediately. Leave the jewelry in until you are told otherwise by a medical professional. Signs of infection include:
Pus around the site of the piercing.
Loss of feeling, a tingling sensation, or the surrounding skin turns pale.
Excessive bleeding.
Swelling, redness, pain, and throbbing.
21. **Watch for signs of an allergic reaction.** Nickel allergies are quite common, and since body jewelry often contains nickel, watch for the symptoms. If you begin to exhibit signs of an allergy, go back to the piercer as soon as you can. Your piercing will not heal properly if you are allergic to the jewelry. Symptoms will generally appear within 12 to 48 hours after exposure, and can include:
Itching and swelling.
Redness, a rash, or dry patches of skin.
Crusty or scaly blisters. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Read out Loud Without Tiring Your Voice | Reading aloud for long periods of time can be difficult, but not impossible. It is easy to overwork your vocal chords, leading to vocal fatigue or even losing your voice. There are many instances in which reading out loud for a long period is necessary – like giving a speech or a presentation, or even reading a bedtime story to a child. With a little research and caution, it is possible to read out loud without overworking your vocal chords or tiring your voice.
1. **Take short breaks while reading.** Try to remind yourself frequently to take pauses after one or two sentences, and short breaks at paragraphs or dialogue. Each time you see a punctuation mark, such as a comma, give the listener a moment to mull over what has been read thus far.
When you read something in your head, you can skim and rush over words and your mind gives it no second thought. However, speaking something out loud at the same pace you would read it in your head doesn't work well. Your sentences might get faster and faster until you have to stop and heave for breath. Don't let your hastiness to continue hinder your ability to speak clearly.
2. **Speak more slowly than normal.** Give the listener time to comprehend what has been said and give yourself proper intervals to keep your head from getting muddled. You may think you are speaking too slowly when really you appear to be thoughtful and intent.
Try to pace yourself. If you are reading a short poem it's fine to move along at a slightly quicker pace. On the other hand, if you are reading a novel out loud, reading too quickly can easily misconstrue the action and confuse the listener.
Don't overdo it or you will risk boring your audience. Speak with firmness, but with a light tone.
3. **Take small sips of water while reading out loud.** Reading aloud can dry out and fatigue your vocal chords. An easy way to help this is by taking small sips of water periodically while you are reading. Any time you start to feel like your throat is dry or you feel the need to clear your throat, take a tiny break from reading out loud just long enough to take a sip of water. Then resume your reading.
4. **Relax your chest.** Sometimes if you're concentrating too much on speaking nicely, you may suddenly find that your breathing is uneven, or your throat is sore. If you are sitting or standing with poor posture or holding your chest high, those kinds of issues may arise.
Relaxing your ribcage doesn't mean you can slump your shoulders. Instead, pull them back.
5. **Watch your breathing.** Your inhalations should expand both your chest and diaphragm. This means that you should be breathing from the chest and not just from the stomach. Take care not to over-think your breathing, however, because you might breathe too much.
6. **Practicing is always helpful.** If you want to practice beforehand, try starting with a sonnet. These can cause difficulties because of the even rhythm and the rhyming. But it is a good starting point because sonnets are, as a rule, very short. So you can practice reading a sonnet out loud and begin to check the pace of your voice, the pauses you take, whether you are stiff, etc.
As you get more comfortable reading something short (like a sonnet) out loud, you can gradually increase your time reading aloud by choosing longer pieces and reading out loud for longer periods. This step-up method will help you get better at reading out loud by practicing over time.
7. **Don’t drink caffeine.** Caffeine may dehydrate your throat which makes it harder for your vocal chords to perform properly. Too much caffeine intake may also contribute to losing your voice if you overuse your vocal chords.
Try drinking water instead. Hydrating your throat will have a much more beneficial effect than dehydrating it with caffeine.
8. **Avoid citric acid.** Any kind of citrusy drink may annoy your throat if you are sensitive to them and make it harder for your vocal chords to perform well.
This includes lemonade and orange juice.
Instead, try drinking pineapple juice. It doesn’t have the citrus content that orange juice does, but it still contains the vitamin C boost you’re looking for. Pineapple juice can also be very soothing for your throat.
9. **Don’t whisper.** The act of whispering constricts your vocal chords and forces air past these constricted muscles. This causes your vocal chords to work harder and feel the extra stress of this added work, leading to more frequent vocal fatigue.
10. **Save your voice for when you need it.** Vocal rest is an important part of being able to read aloud without tiring your voice. If you have to speak or read out loud for long periods of time, you’ll also need to allow your voice to rest for long periods of time.
Avoid talking unnecessarily. Don’t call your mom for a long chat right before you need to read out loud for a long period of time. Let your voice rest until you need to use it.
11. **Do a voice relaxation exercise.** Having relaxed vocal cords will help your voice sound more pleasant to your audience and it will keep your voice from tiring for longer. This means that you will be able to speak/read out loud for a longer period of time. Try the following steps to help relax your voice:
When you are in a standing position, place your hands on your throat and speak normally so that you can notice any tenseness that occurs during your regular speech. Also pay attention to any tightness in your jaw.
Open your mouth wide and yawn. As you finish yawning, say out loud “ho-hum,” drawing out the last syllable of the phrase for a few seconds. Let your jaw hang as loose as it can with your mouth still closed and move your jaw from side to side while you continue humming with your lips closed.
Repeat the yawning and humming. Pay attention to how your throat muscles feel. They should be more relaxed and feel less strained.
Hold on to this feeling of looseness and move on with the vocal exercise by repeating the following words: “hang, harm, lane, main, lone, loom.” Exaggerate your mouth and jaw movements as you say the words. Open your mouth wide and drop your jaw as loosely as possible.
If your throat feels tired, stop the exercise and yawn again.
Knead the muscles in your throat with your fingers to help get rid of any residual tightness.
Drop your jaw and relax your throat as you repeat the following sounds: “nah, nay, nee, no, noo.” Exaggerate the length of the sounds.
12. **Do a vocal warmup exercise.** Vocal warmup exercises are important because they help your voice and throat muscles prepare for the work they are about to do – kind of like how you would warmup your body through stretching or exercise before starting some kind of long distance marathon. Practice the following steps to help your vocal chords warm up:
Take a few minutes to hum a tune. It can be a silly one like “The Wheels on the Bus” or any song of your choosing.
Run your voice through some scales – like “do re mi fa so la ti do.”
Imagine you are chewing gum and take your mouth and jaw through the motions. Chew slowly and softly to help loosen up your jaw muscles.
Swish your tongue around inside your mouth. This can help loosen your tongue and relieve some of the tension that often builds up in the back of your tongue.
13. **Do a breathing exercise.** Breathing exercises are important for speaking because they help you strengthen the foundation of your voice – your breath. Perform the following steps to help practice better breathing:
Exhale all of the air from your lungs and continue pushing the air out even after you feel like it’s totally gone. When you can’t exhale anymore, your body will automatically inhale. Breathe in deeply and notice how the air rushes in. Repeat this step three more times.
Exhale normally and take a typical inhale breath, but one that does not fill up your lungs completely. Hold the air in for fifteen seconds and then exhale slowly. Repeat this exercise several times.
As you continue with this exercise over a period of weeks, gradually increase your holding time from fifteen seconds to twenty, then to thirty seconds. You can even go up to 45 seconds if it is not too uncomfortable for you.
While standing upright, inhale five times with short gasps through your open mouth. This will force you to use your diaphragm. Exhale in five quick puffs of air. Repeat this process, but inhale and exhale the gasps of air through your nose. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Have a Great Sense of Style | Fashion is the perfect way to show your unique traits to the world. People with good style pay attention to the color, cut, and fabric of their clothes. The options are endless! Experiment to find out what clothes flatter your figure and express your unique personality. After all, great style is style that is truly your own!
1. **Research styles.** You don't need to flip through fashion magazines to become inspired. You can find styles everywhere you look. Re-watch your favorite movie and notice what types of clothes they're wearing. There must be someone in your life whose style inspires you. Reach out to that person for advice.
Set some parameters to help guide your style. Don't be afraid to aim for a blend a few styles, for example punk and valley girl.
2. **Plan your style.** After setting some guidelines for yourself, think of some clothes you could use to help this idea. Start small and consider easy items to find like a jean jacket or a pair of Uggs.
Go window shopping. This will give you an idea of what's in style right now, and will give you a chance to see what items you like and dislike.
3. **Dress to express.** Style doesn't have a rule book. You know yourself and your body. Style comes from within; it comes from your personality and aspirations. It's okay to like a clothing trend, just be sure to think twice before you hop on. Take aspects from trends, but ultimately hold your own personality.
4. **Keep a fashion scrapbook.** In a plain notebook, paste pictures of styles that you like and jot down notes about outfits you see. When you have a fashion dilemma or need to go shopping, flip through the book and find the outfits you like.
5. **Purge part of your wardrobe.** Go through your clothes and make three different piles: keep, maybe, and give-away. Have a creative eye and think how you could adapt your current clothes into the style you're imagining. Offer your old clothes to friends, or try to sell them at a secondhand clothing store.
6. **Be aware of brand name clothes.** You don't need to exclusively shop by brand. The most important rule of having style is to not be defined by labels. You don't need to wear Gucci or American Eagle to be a stylish person. It's not what you wear, but how you wear it.
7. **Imagine your own personal style.** Use the current trends to guide your fashion not dictate it. Wear what you want. Think about what it is you want people to gain from your style. What does your outfit say to a stranger on the corner? Keep these in mind as you map out some ideas about your style.
8. **Know your season.** Don't go out and buy a tank top for the next heatwave if it's November in Chicago. Sometimes buying out of season is smart if the clearance for that item is low enough. For a general rule, buy pragmatically and buy clothes that you could wear tomorrow.
Since you're improving your style, you'll feel better buying clothes you can easily show off.
9. **Consider your budget.** Upgrading your wardrobe can be an expensive endeavor. If you have a smaller budget, consider buying in small increments and don't feel obliged to update everything you own. Create a budget of how much you'll allow yourself to spend before going shopping.
Create a list of the essentials you need before shopping.
Don't get stuck shopping to feel good if you can't afford it.
10. **Shop with a friend.** Pick someone to come along with you who either dresses well or plays devil's advocate to your style. Having a pal around can help you sift through clothes faster and more efficiently. It helps to have someone whose opinion you trust about certain clothes you aren't sure about.
11. **Consider your colors.** Everyone has their colors that they feel comfortable in. If you find something that falls outside of your color palette, think hard about it. Especially try on the clothes that fit outside your color comfort. There's no reason not to buy something if it looks good, or fits into the style you're going for. Just think about it and save the receipt.
12. **Know when clothes fit you.** A large part of pulling off an outfit is having the proper fit. Finding clothes that do fit you can sometimes be difficult. For tops check the shoulder and chest dimensions. The shoulder's seam should reach the edge of your shoulder and the chest shouldn't be too tight. Pants should fit comfortably around your waist and not sag.
Use changing rooms to evaluate the fit.
If the buttons are gaping, you'll probably need one size larger.
Don't feel ashamed to get a larger size. Buying too small can be uncomfortable and unflattering.
13. **Feel the materials.** Don't succumb to uncomfortable clothes for fashion. Feel the material at the store and ask yourself, "would I enjoy being wrapped in this?" You can also pay attention to the fabrics and percentages used on the tags. Limit the amount of these fabrics in your clothes:
14. **Experiment in the dressing room.** Take the clothes that you're imagining in an outfit and bring them to the dressing room. You don't even have to purchase all the items. This will lower the risks of buying something you're hesitant about.
15. **Know how to put outfits together.** You can have a lot of nice single pieces of clothing, but it's not going to dazzle anyone unless you know how to put them together. Learn what colors work well together. Take a look at a color wheel and study what colors complement each other. Know when to rock heels and when to go for sneakers.
Try a monochromatic look, which means all your clothes are the same color. It's a basic technique, but can look modern and chic.
16. **Take risks and create your own clothes.** Need a new skirt? Don't go and buy one; make one! Rip the sleeves of a long sleeved top or cut some shorts to make them into a skirt. You can create a lot of clothes, from thrift stores, that fit your style by modifying them at home.
Personalize your clothes. Make your own bag. It would be best to use a sewing machine to make the stitches are neat.
Customize your stale jeans. You can splatter paint on them or wash them with bleach.
17. **Use accessories.** Jewels and other accessories can change an outfit from being okay to being in style. Know how much jewelry is too much. Take everything in moderation when first trying out new techniques for your outfit. Consider wearing a hat and figure what type of hat best suits your outfit. Baseball caps or a beanie can go a long way.
18. **Break the rules.** Never settle on a style if you want more out of your appearance. Try wearing the wrong shoes with an outfit. Try for example, Doc Martins with a tennis outfit or a shorter skirt. The juxtaposition will create a fashionable look. Wear something big with something small. Try wearing a small crock top with an oversize coat.
Wear a t-shirt that's clearly too big for you with tight pants or cut-off shorts. Tall t-shirts are becoming quite a trend.
19. **Be confident** Wear your clothes; don't let your clothes wear you! Style is meant to empower you. It's not suppose to make you self-conscious. Don't feel obligated to stay in your comfort-zone. Also know that one bad day of fashion won't taint you for life. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
8 Things to Say to Your Son's Girlfriend When They Break Up | A breakup is a painful experience, and not just for the couple that is parting ways. Family members can be affected by the separation, too. If you got to know your son’s ex-girlfriend, it may feel like you're losing a family member when the relationship ends. It’s perfectly normal to want to reach out to her and express how you feel, but it's important to handle the situation with care. This article can help you keep both your son and his ex-girlfriend’s perspective in mind when reaching out to your son's ex-girlfriend. Consider talking to your son first, writing a letter, and keeping your message kind and brief to express your feelings while remaining neutral.
1. **Tell him that you cared about his ex-girlfriend and want to reach out.** Give your son time to think about your request, and respect his wishes (even if it means he doesn’t want you to reach out). It’s possible the split was amicable, and your son is perfectly fine with it. Keep in mind, though, that the breakup may have been painful for both of them. Your son may request that you not contact her, and that is perfectly reasonable.
Avoid pushing your son into letting you talk to his ex-girlfriend. You may not know all the details of their breakup, and it’s possible that hearing from his family may be difficult for his ex-girlfriend.
If your son doesn't want you to talk to her, he may change his mind. Wait at least a few months and gently ask again after he has taken time to cool off. Many need a period of no contact (from anyone in the family) to recover from a breakup.
2. **A brief best wishes card is a great option.** Write out your message of kindness and support, and stick to one simple letter. This will allow your son's ex-girlfriend to receive your message while also giving her the opportunity to respond in her own time.
To avoid any potential awkwardness, mail the card to your son's ex-girlfriend instead of delivering it yourself.
3. **This is a good alternative if you’d rather have a conversation.** Pick a time when you are both off work or out of school and call to express your feelings. Though it may be difficult, avoid getting too emotional. Don’t call to wish that the two would get back together and avoid talking about the details of their relationship. Instead, simply wish her well and tell her how grateful you are to have met her.
If you call a few times and she doesn’t pick up, understand that she may not want to talk. Everyone handles breakups differently, and your son’s ex-girlfriend may need space.
4. **She'll be flattered to know she made a positive impact on you.** This is a great way to express your feelings from a positive perspective. Especially soon after the breakup, it may be hard for your son's ex-girlfriend to talk about the relationship. Remain as cheerful as possible and thank her for anything she ever did for your family.
To express gratitude, try something like, "I wanted to let you know that I am so grateful to have gotten to know you. You always made family trips so much fun. Thank you for everything these past few years!"
Thank her specifically for any gifts she gave you. For example, you could say, "Thank you for that amazing candle you got me for my birthday! I've used it so much that I'll have to get a new one soon."
5. **Let her know that you wish her well and hope that she is doing okay.** Regardless of her feelings about the breakup, your son’s ex-girlfriend will more than likely appreciate your concern. Be careful about discussing any details about the breakup in your message, though. You can wish her happiness without going into the specifics of the breakup.
Relay a kind message, such as, "I hope you have been doing well. Know that I wish you only the best!"
Though you may find it kind to tell your son’s ex-girlfriend that he made a mistake ending the relationship, this may open up fresh wounds or make the breakup messier.
6. **You may have formed a close bond with your son's ex-girlfriend.** It's okay to be sad that you won't see her anymore, and you're welcome to tell her that. Just make sure you keep this message brief, as you don't want to make her uncomfortable. She is likely pretty sad right now, too.
Try something like, “I hope you know how much your smile and sense of humor will be missed at the next family dinner!"
7. **It's best to avoid reaching out repeatedly.** Remaining in contact with your son's ex-girlfriend may make the two of them uncomfortable. It may also cause you to get too involved in their breakup. As much as you may miss her, keep your communication to a single message of support and kindness.
If you want your son and his ex-girlfriend to get back together, remaining in contact with her is not what is going to bring them back into each other’s lives. They ultimately need space to decide what they want to do.
8. **Your son’s ex-girlfriend may be heartbroken.** The loss of a relationship can be very hard to deal with, and often space and a period of no contact are what are needed to move on. If you send a letter and don’t get a response or your calls aren’t being picked up, respect her wishes and stop contacting her.
You never know, after some space, she may return your call and wish you well! | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to File a Petition for Child Custody | Although child custody normally is determined during the course of a divorce proceeding, there are other circumstances in which you would need to file a separate petition to establish custody of your child. Typically a petition for child custody would be used when there was no divorce proceeding because you were never married to the child's other parent. While specific procedures differ from state to state and even among courts within a state, the basic steps to file a petition for child custody are similar throughout the United States.
1. **Find the right court.** Since each court has its own rules regarding custody petitions, it's important to first identify the court where you'll be filing your petition.
Typically you need to file in the county where the child lives. Keep in mind that in some counties you would use the county court of general jurisdiction, while others have a specific family court for divorce and child custody issues.
If a court has already established paternity of the child pursuant to an order, or if you have another order granting child support, you typically must file your petition for child custody in that court.
2. **Gather documentation.** Depending on the context in which you're filing for custody, you may have to supply different types of documentation to the court along with your petition.
You typically must have evidence that paternity for the child has been established. This would consist of either an affidavit acknowledging paternity that was signed by both parents when the child was born, a declaration of paternity filed by the father, or a court order declaring the man the legal father of the child.
You also will need the child's birth certificate, and copies of any other court orders such as a child support order that pertain to the child.
If you have not yet had paternity of your child established, you may first need to file a complaint to establish paternity. You typically can have the judge decide custody of the child in the same order that establishes paternity.
3. **Search for appropriate forms.** Many courts have fill-in-the-blank forms you can use to file a petition for child custody.
To find the forms you need, look on the court's website or go to the clerk's office of the court where you plan to file your petition. Legal aid offices or family law clinics also may have court-approved forms you can use.
If there's no website for the particular court you're using, you may be able to find a self-help website for the entire state that has forms available. If you plan to use these forms, read the instructions carefully.
Keep in mind that state forms sometimes can't be used in certain counties. Additionally, some counties may have additional forms that must be included with your petition. The form's instructions typically will list any such differences or exceptions.
Legal information websites such as FindLaw have links to forms related to child custody, child support, and parenting agreements available for each state.
4. **Draft your petition.** If you're using a prepared form, make sure you fill in all areas honestly and completely.
If you were unable to find a form, you will have to format the petition yourself. Ask the clerk for copies of petitions filed in the same court in other cases that you can use as guides. Make sure you only copy the format of these sample petitions – you will have to adapt the language within the petition to fit your own case.
5. **Fill out any other required forms.** Different courts have different forms that must accompany a petition for child custody.
In some courts, the clerk will complete the summons that tells the other parent to appear in court; in others, you must fill out at least part of the summons and present it with your petition.
If the court has not already ordered child support, you may be required to fill out additional forms to calculate child support. There also may be parental responsibilities worksheets that are required when you file a petition for custody.
If you've downloaded a packet of forms from the court, typically all required forms will be included in the packet along with instructions on how and when to fill out and file each document.
In some jurisdictions, you must fill out and file a notice of appearance if you plan to represent yourself in your custody proceedings. If you've hired an attorney, he or she will fill out and file an appearance.
6. **Sign your petition.** In some jurisdictions, you may be required to sign your petition in the presence of a notary public.
A petition or complaint requiring a notary's seal and signature typically is called a "verified" complaint. The notary verifies your identity by reviewing identification documents from you before you sign your court documents.
Before you sign your petition, double-check the information you've included to make sure everything is true and correct to the best of your knowledge. You also should make sure you've included any other documents that are required to file the petition.
Typically any affidavits you've included would have to be signed in front of a notary as well, since affidavits are signed under oath.
7. **Take your paperwork to the clerk's office.** The clerk of the court that will hear your case must file your petition and assign it a file number.
You will need the originals and two copies of the documents. The first copy will be for your own records and the second will be for the other parent. The clerk will keep the originals for the court files.
The clerk will stamp your originals and copies "filed" and assign the case number. You must pay a filing fee to have these documents filed. This fee varies greatly among courts, so you may want to call the clerk's office before you file to find out how much you'll have to pay.
Generally you can expect to pay between $100 and $300 to file your petition for child custody. If you cannot afford this fee, you can apply to have the fees waived. The clerk will have an application you must fill out and disclose details about your income and assets. If you qualify as low-income, the court will waive court costs for you.
8. **Have the other parent served.** Once you've filed your petition, the other parent must have notice that you've requested a custody determination from the court.
The clerk will issue a summons for the other parent to appear in court. Typically you must pay a sheriff's deputy or court officer to hand-deliver the summons and petition to the other parent, although you may be able to use certified mail with returned receipt requested.
If the other parent is difficult to locate or seems to be avoiding service, the court may appoint a special process server to locate him or her and serve the papers.
9. **File your proof of service.** When your petition has been delivered to the other parent, you typically must file a document showing that he or she has notice of the case.
If you've served the documents using certified mail, the return receipt can serve as your proof of service. This form typically must be attached to a court form in which you describe how the other parent was served and when service was completed.
Keep in mind that it may take several months to get a final custody order, depending on the time of year and how busy the courts are.
The service forms required by your court may include an affidavit or other form that must be signed by the person who completed service.
10. **Wait for an answer from the other parent.** After the other parent is served, he or she typically has a period of time to file an answer to your petition.
Most courts give the other parent between 20 and 30 days after he or she is served with your petition to file an answer to it.
If that deadline passes and the other parent hasn't responded, you typically will be entitled to a default judgment, which means the judge will approve whatever custody arrangements or parenting plan you've described in your petition.
In some courts, an initial hearing is scheduled rather than requiring a written response from the other parent. The clerk will let you know what your next step is. If an initial hearing is scheduled, you must attend or your petition will be dismissed.
11. **Consider consulting an attorney.** Although uncontested custody proceedings are generally simple enough to handle on your own, you may want to get legal representation if the other parent is contesting your petition, and especially if the other parent has hired an attorney.
Most states view shared custody as in the best interests of the child. If you are seeking sole custody of your child, you will have the burden of convincing the court that this arrangement is actually in the best interests of your child. In such a situation, hiring an attorney may be the best way to accomplish your goal, particularly if the other parent has a history of violence or abuse.
If you're worried about being able to afford an attorney, consider checking with your nearest legal aid office to see if you qualify for services there. Many communities also have family law clinics or law school clinics where you may be able to receive free or reduced-fee assistance.
If the other parent has a history of violence or abuse, you may be able to find additional resources at your nearest domestic violence shelter.
12. **Attend any required parenting classes.** Some jurisdictions require parents filing for custody to successfully complete parenting classes dealing with aspects of legal custody and the best interests of the child.
The clerk will have information about any required parental orientation classes or programs, and will provide you with a description of the requirements along with schedules and locations where you can take the classes when you file your petition.
These classes typically teach parents the ways children deal with divorced or separated parents, and how to avoid harming the children. You also will learn about your court's procedures in a custody case and how judges evaluate custody using the "best interests of the child" standard.
13. **Participate in mediation.** Many courts require parents in custody proceedings to attempt to arrive at an agreement regarding parenting time before a court hearing will be scheduled.
If the other parent files an answer or appears at the initial hearing, the court may order mediation to discuss and agree on a parenting plan.
Keep in mind that generally it's in the best interests of both parents and your child to come to an agreement on a parenting plan rather than have one ordered by a judge. If you're able to come to an agreement through mediation, you have more control over the outcome and can devise a custody plan that works best for everyone involved.
In most cases, you still will have to go to court even if you come to an agreement through mediation, because a judge must approve the parenting plan that you and the other parent have proposed.
14. **Organize your evidence and information.** If you and the other parent don't come to an agreement on custody arrangements, you must prepare for a court hearing on the matter.
Keep in mind that the judge will decide custody based on the best interests of the child. Thus, you should prepare evidence that tends to show that the custody arrangement you've requested is in the best interests of your child.
Generally, you must be able to show that the child has a stable living environment with you, and that you are able to meet your child's basic needs. You also must demonstrate that you have a good relationship with your child and are able to provide your child with adequate emotional support and supervision.
In addition to any documentary evidence, you might consider calling witnesses, such as a religious leader or your child's teacher or coach, to testify on your behalf.
You also must be prepared to testify on your own behalf. The judge will ask you questions related to your child, the other parent, and your petition for custody. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Turn Jeans into a Long Skirt (With Pictures) | If you're looking for a fun way to repurpose your old jeans, design a long skirt using the fabric. If you have a sewing machine, you can easily stitch them into a skirt that's as long as you like. Keep in mind that to sew a skirt that falls near your ankles, you'll need 2 pairs of matching jeans so you have enough fabric to work with. You'll look great in your custom-made skirt while saving fabric from the landfill.
1. **Choose 2 pairs of matching denim jeans for your long skirt.** One pair needs to fit you well around the waist since you'll use it as the top of the skirt. It doesn't matter how the second pair of jeans fits, as long as the color of the denim matches the other pair.
If you'd like to make a lighter, flowing skirt, choose jeans that also contain synthetic material, such as elastic, or a polyester blend. The cotton and synthetic material create a stretchier fabric that will make a lightweight skirt.
2. **Lay the main pair of jeans flat and cut along the entire inner leg seam.** Spread the pair of jeans that you're going to use for the main body of the skirt flat on your work surface. Take a pair of fabric scissors and cut near the bottom hem of the pant leg at the inner seam. Cut all the way up the inner leg across the crotch and down the opposite pant leg.
Do not cut into the seam since this makes the stitches unravel and you'll be using the seam when you assemble the jean skirt.
3. **Cut about 2 inches (5.1 cm) along the vertical seams of the crotch.** Start cutting at the middle of the crotch where the vertical and horizontal seams meet. Cut up along the side of the vertical seam by about 2 inches (5.1 cm). Then, flip the jeans over and repeat this for the back crotch. This helps the fabric lay flat instead of puckering up.
Remember not to cut into the seam itself so the denim doesn't fray.
It's fine to cut even higher along the crotch so the fabric lays flat. If you accidentally cut too high on the crotch, you can just sew the fabric in place later.
4. **Overlap the crotch fabric and pin it in place.** Once you've cut along the front and back crotch seams, overlap the fabric so the denim lays flat instead of puckers. If it still puckers a little, cut another ⁄2 inch (1.3 cm) along the seam. Then, insert a sewing pin through both layers of fabric on each side.
Position each sewing pin so it's parallel to the top crotch seam.
5. **Use scissors to cut the legs off of the second pair of jeans.** To give you fabric for the panels of the skirt, spread the other pair of jeans flat on your work surface. Cut from the top of the crotch seams to the side of the jeans without cutting into the back pockets. Try to cut as close to the pockets as you can though, to give you the most fabric to work with.
Repeat this for the other leg so you have 2 pieces of fabric. You won't need the leftover waist piece from this pair of jeans.
6. **Cut straight along the inner seam for each leg piece.** Take 1 of the pant legs, which looks like a tube, and cut from the bottom hem to the top of the leg. Cut close to the inner leg seam without cutting into the stitches themselves.
Repeat this for the other leg piece. Now, you'll have 2 wide panel pieces of fabric to use for the center of your jean skirt.
7. **Arrange the panel pieces in the center between the main pair of pants.** Slip 1 of the panels into the center of the first pair of jeans so the right side of the fabric faces up. Move the panel so the bottom edge lines up with the bottom of the original pants and line up the seam so it's in the center. Repeat this for the other panel.
8. **Pin the edges of the panel pieces in place.** Take sewing pins and insert them through both layers of denim. Insert pins about every 4 inches (10 cm) from the bottom hemline up and around the panel to the opposite hemline. Then, repeat this for the back panel.
Insert the pins so they're parallel with the seam line.
9. **Set up your sewing machine with polyester thread and a denim needle.** A polyester thread is stronger than cotton thread, so it won't snap or break as you sew through the thick denim. You'll also need to install a heavy-duty sewing needle that's designed for denim. Most of these needles are labeled "heavy duty" or "denim." If you use a thinner needle, it may break.
You can choose a thread color that matches the fabric or pick a thread that matches the color of the thread on the jeans, such as gold.
10. **Adjust the stitch length between 3.5 and 4 mm (0.35 and 0.40 cm).** Set the machine to make long straight stitches so the needle is less likely to get stuck in the thick denim. You'll be following the straight stitch line that's already on the inner pant legs.
If your machine is struggling to stitch through the denim, take it even slower or turn the hand wheel to make stitches.
11. **Straight stitch along the seam where the panel meets the inner pant leg.** Start at the bottom hemline and sew up along the inner leg seam. Sew directly over the existing seams so it goes through the panel underneath. When you reach the crotch, turn the fabric to sew the crotch slit closed. Then, straight stitch down the other inner leg seam.
Repeat this for the back panel of the skirt.
Remove the sewing pins as you stitch so you don't accidentally sew over them.
12. **Turn the skirt inside out and cut off the excess fabric.** Flip the skirt so the wrong side of the fabric faces out and you can see the excess fabric of the center panels. Use your scissors to carefully cut the excess panel right along the seam you just sewed. Try to leave about ⁄4 inch (0.64 cm) of fabric next to the seam.
Ensure that you don't cut into your seam or you'll get a hole in the middle of the skirt. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Use Amazon Locker | Do you have nosy neighbors who pay a bit too much attention to your packages? Or maybe you own a bark-happy dog who hates hearing the delivery guy at the door? Whatever your reasoning, sometimes it's comforting to know that your Amazon shipment is at a secure location, instead of just hanging out on your front stoop. That's where Amazon Locker comes in! Read on to figure out how to use this free service.
1. **Add the item you'd like to purchase to your cart.** To do this, navigate to the item's Amazon page and click the yellow "Add to Cart" button the right side of the screen.
If you aren't already signed in to Amazon, you will be prompted to enter your username and password after choosing to proceed to your cart.
2. **If the Amazon Locker option is available in your area, you'll see a link under your shipping address.** Click the link to pick a locker location.
3. **Either pick a locker location from the listed options or search for another location by address, zip code, landmark, or locker name.** Most Amazon Lockers are located within 7-Eleven stores.
4. **After choosing your locker location, you'll be directed to a page that lets you pick your shipping speed.** The most common options are standard locker delivery (free), two-day locker delivery (free with Amazon Prime), and one-day locker delivery.
5. **Once you've chosen from the different shipping options, press continue.**
6. **Choose your payment method and press "Continue."** You can pick from the payment types already associated with your account, or you can add a new credit, debit, or gift card.
7. **Review and place your order.**
8. **Check your email.** You'll get a delivery notice when your package arrives at your locker location. This notice will have the code you need to access your package at the locker.
9. **Go to the pick-up location.** The lockers are usually fairly close to the entrance, but if you can't find them, ask a store employee.
10. **Follow the instructions on the screen and enter your pick-up code.** Your locker will open, and you'll be able to retrieve your package. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Treat a Cat's Broken Tail | Cats frequently get into mischief, whether they live inside, outside, or go back and forth. It's not surprising then that cats can end up with a variety of injuries, including damage to the tail. If your cat comes home and will not lift his tail or it seems bent or broken, your cat may have a tail injury or even a broken tail. You may even see an open wound, blood or bone. Cats most commonly damage their tails from crushing (an item falling on it or door closing on it), pulling (getting stuck then the cat tries to run away, young children, abusers), or both. Once you've determined whether the cat's tail is broken, learn to care for the cat during the healing period.
1. **Watch your cat's behavior.** Your cat's changed behavior might be one of the first signs you notice that alerts you to a tail injury. Your cat may begin dragging his tail or keeping it low to the ground all the time, dribbling urine randomly, or having diarrhea. Your cat may begin walking unevenly or losing coordination in his back legs.
Dribbling urine and having diarrhea are not symptoms of a broken tail on their own. If the tail injury was severe enough to cause these signs, the cat will definitely be dragging the tail.
2. **Examine the cat's tail for injury.** Gently feel along the length of the tail. Signs of injury or break include tender, swollen or bent areas. If you notice redness, tenderness, and swelling with fluid underneath, there may be an abscess, or pocket of pus, forming on your cat’s tail. If there is exposed bone or if the skin has been stripped from the tail leaving only bone this is called a ‘degloving’ injury.
If you happen to notice a hard, non-painful kink in your cat’s tail, it’s probably because he was born with the kink in the tail or it's an old, already healed injury.
pull or try to remove a severed portion of tail since there are tough tendons and sensitive nerves. If you pull or stretch the tendons, you'll damage the use of the tail, hind limbs, bladder and bowel functions. It may also cause arterial bleeding, which is difficult to control and potentially life-threatening for your cat.
3. **Take your cat to the vet if you suspect a tail injury.** The vet can address the injury without additional damage to the tail. Your cat may need a partial or full amputation of his tail if he has a degloving injury, deep cut, or if his tail is deeply or mostly severed. Your vet can also prescribe antibiotics to prevent infection which is highly likely with any open wound. Even if there are no external wounds, the vet can check your cat for other injuries. The vet may find neurologic damage from the tail being pulled during the accident.
The vet will examine the tail for signs of physical or neurological damage. If the vet suspects nerve damage, your cat may have an electromyogram test. Anal sphincter and tail muscles are tested for nerve input. This lets the vet know if the tail will be able to recover.
Your cat may still be in pain when you bring him to the vet's office. Stay close to him and speak in gentle comforting tones. You may want to loosely wrap your cat in a towel and place him in his carrier when you bring him to the vet's. This will calm him.
4. **Understand treatments.** Depending on where and how the tail is injured, your veterinarian will determine surgery or another treatment. If the tail is paralyzed, but your cat can still walk, the vet will probably amputate the tail. If the end of the tail has a break that's not causing problems for your cat, the vet may tell you to let it heal on its own.
Your cat may need to stay at the veterinarian's for a few days to either rest and heal, or to determine the extent of the damage to the tail.
If your cat's tail must be amputated, don't worry. It may take him a while to adjust to the lack of nerve sensation and change in balance. But, your cat will adapt to the change and his mobility won't suffer in the long run.
5. **Allow your cat to rest in a quiet space.** Keep the cat inside to let him rest and prevent further trauma to his injuries. Try putting your cat in a small room (like a bedroom, bathroom, or laundry room). This way, you can easily find him, check on the injury, and administer medications.
Cats that are sick or injured often prefer to be away from children, other pets and a lot of noise or activity.
6. **Monitor your cat's habits.** You'll need to pay attention to your cat’s appetite, water intake and litter box habits. Tail injuries can sometimes affect bladder or bowel functions. If your cat is leaking urine or feces or not urinating or defecating at all, he could have nerve damage affecting these functions.
If you notice these problems continuing, talk to your vet. The vet may need to test your cat's urine for infection and adjust any medications.
7. **Give your cat medication.** It's easiest to remember if you give medications on a schedule. You'll probably need to give antibiotics to prevent infections for any open wounds. Only give pain medication if your vet instructs you and gives a prescription. give over-the-counter pain medications.
Many of these, like aspirin, or tylenol, are to give to cats. They can have severe, even fatal, side effects in cats.
8. **Keep any wounds or incisions clean.** Check the wound at least once a day. Your cat may soil himself with urine or feces since it may be too painful to lift his tail or if there's nerve damage. Sometimes wounds will have crusted blood, discharge, hair, litter, or other debris stuck to or around them. You may need to clean the wounds gently with lukewarm water or very diluted betadine or chlorhexidine solutions, and some gauze or a washcloth. Tail wounds usually don't need to be bandaged.
Don't use soap and peroxide since they're irritating and damaging to tissues. If you see dry scabs, remember that they're good and don't scrub or pull them off.
9. **Watch for infection.** Whether or not you take your cat to the vet you will want to monitor the injury (or surgery) site very carefully. Don't let your cat lick any wounds. While there are some compounds in saliva that can help heal wounds, excessive licking can irritate the skin and bacteria from the mouth can cause serious infections. Signs of infected wounds are redness, warmth, swelling, and discharge that is white, green or yellow in color.
You may want to keep an Elizabethan type collar on your cat to keep him from licking the injury. It could take up to 2-3 weeks for a tail fracture to heal, depending on the severity of the injury. Note that it may not heal perfectly, leaving a kink in the tail, but there should be no pain. All open wounds should also close up. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Apply Varathane Wood Stain | There are many different staining products you can choose when coloring wood, but most of them take a long time to dry. Varathane is a special oil-based wood stainer created by Rust-Oleum. It can be applied to any piece of wood furniture to give it a deep, long-lasting finish. Before treating the wood, sand and clean it first. It will help the stain soak more evenly into the wood. Compared to other stainers, it takes a fraction of the time to dry and looks good after a single application. Seal the coloring in afterward for a long-lasting finish that emphasizes the natural beauty of wood furniture.
1. **Take any removable parts off the wood you’re staining.** Staining a piece of furniture is far easier when you’re able to do it in parts. Make sure you remove anything that could get your way as well. Arrange the furniture so it’s accessible on all sides. That way, you will be able to cover it without leaving any inconsistencies in the finish.
For example, pull out drawers and detach table legs. Broad, flat surfaces, such as tabletops, are easier to stain. Set the removed parts aside to stain separately.
If you can’t remove a part, leave it there and work around it. You can protect most surfaces by covering them with painter’s tape if necessary.
2. **Cover the floor and other nearby surfaces with plastic.** If you are able to, stain furniture outdoors to eliminate the possibility of discoloring your home’s floors. If that isn’t an option, spread a drop cloth or tarp over the floor and set the wood on top of it. Then, add protective plastic over any nearby walls or upholstery that could get dirty as well.
To deal with a cushioned chair, for instance, place a plastic sheet over the upholstery. Use painter’s tape to hold the sheet in place.
You can get supplies online or from most hardware stores. These places also have Varathane and anything else you might need.
3. **Put on a dust mask and rubber gloves before staining wood.** Use the dust mask for protection against wood dust while you’re sanding. The rubber gloves will be necessary right away if you're removing an old finish. Otherwise, you can wait until you're ready to apply the stainer before putting them on.
4. **Ventilate the room as much as you are able to.** If possible, do the sanding and staining outdoors. It will help keep your home clean while also eliminating wood dust and other irritants. If you’re working inside, open up nearby doors and windows instead. Also, turn on any ventilation fans you have installed.
Keep other people and pets out of the area while you’re working.
5. **Apply a leave-on paint stripper to the wood if it has an old finish on it.** Select a paint stripper that you don’t have to rinse off afterward. Also, choose a product that matches the type of finish on the wood you’re staining. Then, apply it with a disposable paint brush. Make sure the entire surface is well-covered.
For example, your finish could be varnish, lacquer, or something else. Each one requires a specific product. Get a varnish remover if you have a varnish finish, for instance.
If you’re unsure what kind of finish you’re dealing with, apply a few drops of a solvent like denatured alcohol, which softens shellac. Lacquer thinner works on lacquer, while xylene works on water-based finishes.
6. **Wait about 20 minutes for the stripper to activate.** It will soak into the finish and soften it. If you’re removing paint, you may see the paint bubble and crack. For other types of finishes, watch for the finish to turn cloudy or otherwise become soft and sticky.
Note that you may need to let the product soak in for longer in order to fully soften the finish. Check the manufacturer’s instructions to determine the recommended wait.
7. **Remove the old finish with a paint scraper.** Gently scrape the old finish from one end of the wood to the other. Press down with a light amount of pressure to avoid scratching the wood. The softened finish will peel off without difficulty. Make sure it is completely removed.
You could also use fine steel wool to remove stubborn residue. Be careful and scrub only along the wood’s grain to avoid scratches.
8. **Sand the wood lightly along its grain with 120-grit sandpaper.** If you look closely at the wood, you will be able to see some small, dark lines running from one end to the other. The grain is the pattern of the fibers inside the wood, and following them is very important. Starting at one end of the wood, begin scrubbing with circular motions along the grain. When you reach the end, go back to start on an untreated portion of the wood, repeating until the entire piece has been sanded evenly.
Going across the grain is a sure way to cause scratches that show up through the finish. They can often be removed by sanding the wood along its grain.
The sandpaper is somewhat rough, so don’t scrub too hard. It could scratch the wood if you’re not careful.
9. **Rub the wood a second time with 150-grit sandpaper.** Sanding wood multiple times leads to a much smoother finish that absorbs plenty of Varathane stain. Always use a sandpaper grit a little higher than the one before it. Take your time to sand the entire piece of wood on all sides, making sure you don’t miss any spots.
If you’re planning on only sanding the wood once, use 150-grit sandpaper. It is perfect for opening the wood’s pores without leaving the surface too rough.
10. **Smooth the wood by sanding it with 180-grit sandpaper.** Both types of sandpaper are considered very fine, so they are useful for wearing down any rough spots left on the wood. Rub it gently along the grain to make it consistent. Touch the wood afterward and, if you notice any spots that still feel rough, be sure to wear them down before staining.
Any rough patches, swirls, or sanding marks could prevent the Varathane from soaking in evenly. Make sure you sand every area with the same, consistent amount of pressure.
Always finish with the highest grit you have available. Using a lower grit will affect the stain and leave visible scratches.
11. **Clean wood dust and other debris off with a tack cloth.** Any debris left on the table could ruin the finish, so give the wood a thorough wipedown a couple of times to make sure you eliminate all of it. Look for any spots you missed that may require a little more attention. Once the entire surface looks smooth and consistent, it can be stained.
You could also use a shop vacuum to suck up all the dust from the table. Most regular vacuums won’t work, but shop vacuums are able to trap even fine dust particles.
If you don’t have a tack cloth or vacuum, dampen a lint-free cloth in a little bit of lukewarm water and wipe down the wood. Dry off the moisture with a second cloth.
12. **Stir the Varathane thoroughly before applying it to the wood.** Open the canister of Varathane and set it near your table. Varathane has a sediment in it that has to be mixed in so it doesn’t settle at the bottom. Use a wood stirring stick to swirl it around for 15 to 30 seconds. Make sure the Varathane is a uniform color with no solid sediment floating in it.
The sediment is responsible for the stain’s coloring. If it isn’t well-mixed, it could cause the stain to appear uneven later.
13. **Load the Varathane onto a foam brush.** Try using a 2 in (5.1 cm) foam brush for a consistent, controlled application. Dip the brush into the container to scoop out a small amount of the Varathane. Get as much as you will need to apply a thin but consistent coating to the wood. Make sure it isn’t dripping when you move toward the wood.
You could also apply the stainer with a synthetic-bristle paint brush or a clean, lint-free cloth. Many experienced woodworkers find using a cloth to be easier and claim that it leads to a better finish.
14. **Drag the brush along the wood’s grain to apply the stainer.** Start at one end of the wood and follow the grain toward the opposite end. Apply the Varathane in a strip along one part of the wood. When you reach one end, start again at the beginning. Take time to smooth out the stain to ensure that the finish is consistent.
Go back over treated sections once or twice, especially if you notice excess stainer pooling anywhere. Spread out the excess before applying additional product.
If you notice puddles forming, apply less of the Varathane. Keep the coating thin to avoid making the finish too dark.
15. **Treat 2.15 sq ft (0.200 m) sections at a time to prevent the stain from drying out.** Since Varathane dries pretty quickly compared to other products, you’re better off applying it in limited amounts. Cover small areas with each application. Make sure each part is saturated with a consistent coating of the stain before moving on to the next one.
To get a consistent finish, let the Varathane sit for a couple of minutes, then wipe up the excess before beginning on the next section.
You may not be able to finish a project in a single coat. With a tabletop, for instance, let the top dry completely, then flip it over to finish the underside.
16. **Wait 2 to 3 minutes for the stain to settle into the wood.** If you’re thinking that a couple of minutes seems like too short of a time for the stain to dry, you’re right. The Varathane will settle into the wood during this time, but it won’t begin drying. This will give you a chance to check the finish one last time before allowing it to dry.
Expect Varathane to begin drying after 5 minutes. Make any adjustments to the finish before then. Don’t wait too long!
17. **Scrub off any excess Varathane with a cloth before it dries.** Go back over the coated portion of the wood with a clean cloth. Press the cloth down lightly while rubbing it along the grain. It will absorb any excess still on the wood so that the finish is more uniform. Spots with excess Varathane will turn darker than the rest of the wood, so be aware of any areas that look wet or inconsistent.
You don’t have to remove the stainer, but it’s worth doing to ensure that the final coloring isn’t overly dark or spotty. If you think that the coating looks even and is the color you want, you can leave it alone.
If you’re concerned about the stain looking too dark, you are better off removing as much of it as you can now. You can always follow up with another coating if you need to darken it later.
18. **Wait about 1 hour for the stain to dry.** Leave the wood out in an open area with good air circulation so it dries out at a faster rate. Let everyone else in your home know not to touch it. Note that the drying time may vary a little bit depending on the weather. It dries out fastest during warm days with low humidity.
Other staining products take up to a day to dry. The main advantage of Varathane is that it’s so much quicker, so you can get to finishing the project right away.
19. **Apply Varathane to any surfaces you were unable to reach originally.** Sometimes you aren’t able to finish a piece as a consistent whole. Once the wood is dry to the touch, you can flip it over and begin addressing any sides you missed earlier. Coat these sides by spreading the Varathane in a thin layer along the grain. Remember to tackle small sections at a time so the Varathane doesn’t dry out before you are able to clean up any excess.
These surfaces will all need time to dry, too. Let them dry for an hour or else the finish will get ruined when you flip the wood back over.
You might need to do this with a tabletop, for example. If you detached it from its legs and laid it on top of a drop cloth, you wouldn’t be able to reach its underside without flipping it.
20. **Recoat the wood with additional layers of Varathane to darken the finish.** One coating of Varathane is often enough to give wood a new, bright finish. Take a step back and examine the wood from a few different angles. If it looks too light or inconsistent, it could benefit from another coating. Spread more Varathane in small sections along the grain with a brush or rag.
Most projects will look great after a single coating, or with 2 at most. Apply the stainer sparingly, since each layer darkens the finish.
Remember to let each application dry for an hour. Also, flip the wood to recoat any surfaces you couldn’t reach. Make sure they all receive the same amount of Varathane.
21. **Finish the wood with a clear top coat to protect it from damage.** After the new stain has finished drying, seal it in. Polyurethane and lacquer are both water-resistant and good for finishing unsealed wood surfaces. Stir the clear coat in its container, then spread it along the wood’s grain with a fresh brush or rag. Drag your brush along the grain again afterward to smooth out the coating and fill in any gaps.
For the best result, apply 2 to 3 thin layers of clear coat. It will result in a smooth, shiny finish that lets the wood’s new stain shine.
To help clear coat layers adhere to one another, you could scrub them gently with a piece of 320-grit sandpaper.
22. **Let the clear coat dry for at least 24 hours.** It’s more waiting, but you’re almost done. Leave the wood alone in a dry spot with plenty of air circulation. The exact drying time will vary depending on the weather. Make sure no one else touches the wood in the meantime. Once the wood is dry to the touch, you can proudly display the wood to enjoy its fresh finish.
Remember to flip the wood over if you need to in order to cover sides you couldn't finish earlier. Give the fresh layer of clear coat another day to dry. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Diagnose Feline Lymphosarcoma | Feline lymphosarcoma, or lymphoma, is a type of cancer that affects the white blood cells, which are called lymphocytes. These cells are part of the body's immune system and have the function of fighting infection. However, a cat with lymphosarcoma produces excessive numbers of lymphocytes and they flood the body. Where the white cells accumulate determines what type of lymphosarcoma your cat has. Lymphosarcoma will make your cat very ill, and so it's important to recognize the signs of the disease and take the cat to the vet to get treated as soon as possible.
1. **Pay attention to the signs of general illness.** Many of the signs of lymphosarcoma are vague and are the symptoms of many other illnesses. This is because lymphosarcoma can affect a variety of organs, so the symptoms can vary quite a bit. However, symptoms to look out for include diarrhea, vomiting, fatigue, and weight loss.
A good example of how general the symptoms are is diarrhea, which can signal a variety of illnesses. The vagueness of symptoms is why it's important to pay attention to your cat's general healthy and to get your cat checked by a vet, who can perform a clinical examination and draw up a list of possible causes.
Also, the symptoms will vary depending on what type of lymphoma the cat has. When the lymphocytes flood different areas and organs, the results differ greatly.
Most affected cats fall into the 10-12 year old age bracket, but others occur outside this range. This means that if your cat is having these general symptoms of illness, and it is also old, the likelihood that the symptoms are caused by lymphosarcoma are greater.
2. **Check your cat's lymph nodes.** Enlarged lymph nodes are a symptom of lymphosarcoma. The nodes become swollen and easy to feel. These exist in pairs (one gland on the left and one of the right of the body) in a mirror image of each other.
The easiest to feel are the submandibular (in the angle of the jaw) prescapular (in front of the shoulder blades) axillary (in the armpit) inguinal (in the groin) and popliteal (behind the knee).
These glands are usually not easy to find and unless you are a trained veterinary professional. They can vary in size from a small quail's eggs to golf ball sized.
3. **Keep an eye on your cat's weight.** Make sure that it stays relatively steady. Weight loss is one symptom of lymphosarcoma, although it can signal a variety of illnesses. This is because the cat loses its appetite as a result of feeling unwell, not because of the specific disease.
Even if your cat has lost its appetite, it may have an increased thirst. Cancer can change levels of certain minerals in the blood stream, which can cause the cat to be thirsty.
4. **Look for vomiting or diarrhea.** This can arise in any form of lymphosarcoma, but most commonly with lymphoma in the gut. This is due to the fact that the gut has a reduced ability to absorb the nutrition from food.
The vomiting and diarrhea associated with lymphosarcoma is the same as vomiting and diarrhea associated with a wide variety of illnesses. Because of this, get your cat looked at by a veterinary professional if it has these symptoms. The cat could have a simple intestinal bug or may be very ill and your veterinarian is the best person to assess this.
5. **Keep track of your cat's activity level.** Assess whether your cat is acting normally or whether it is acting strangely. Decreased activity, such as the cat being lethargic, lacking energy, and seeming unwell, can be a symptom of lymphosarcoma.
This can also show itself through lack of grooming activity, so the cat's coat becomes dull looking and unkempt.
6. **Be concerned if your cat is having difficulty breathing.** Lymphosarcoma can get into the lungs and make it very difficult for a cat to breathe. The cat may take rapid shallow breaths. The cat may also change the way it sits or lays if it is having difficulty breathing.
For example, it may not want to curl up but instead rest with its head and neck extended in order to make it easier to breathe.
7. **Take your cat to a veterinarian.** If you suspect that your cat is ill and you are not sure what it causing it, get the cat looked at by a veterinary professional. Lymphosarcoma has similar symptoms to a wide variety of illnesses, so its best to let your veterinarian know about your cat's symptoms and let the vet sort out a diagnosis.
Your veterinarian will give the cat a general examination and assess its general health first. Then he or she will proceed with assessment of the illness.
8. **Confer with your veterinarian about options for testing.** After a clinical examination, the vet will decide which are the most appropriate tests to run. If you are concerned about cost, feel free to discuss with the vet the costs of certain tests. A screening blood test is required in order to check on the cat's overall health and the impact the suspected lymphoma is having on organ function. The vet will also want to know if the cat is vaccinated against FeLV or not. The vaccination protects against certain forms of this cancer.
The cat will also be screened for FeLV and FIV. While positive tests increase the chance of lymphoma, a negative test does not rule out lymphoma.
The key diagnostic tool is examining cells from the swollen lymph node under a microscope. This can either be done by the vet taking a biopsy, or in some cases when the external lymph nodes are swollen it is possible to reach a diagnosis based on a fine needle aspirate. This is when the vet harvests a sample through a hypodermic needle and sprays the cells onto a microscope slide. When a pathologists looks at those cells under the microscope they can identify the type as lymphocytes and confirm they are present in abnormal numbers.
It is also important to work out if other organs are affected, so the vet will probably want to complete a scan of the internal organs included liver, spleen, and kidneys.
9. **Discuss the diagnosis with your veterinarian.** Diagnosis can be difficult with certain forms of lymphosarcoma and you and your veterinarian should discuss this difficulty. The most common form of lymphoma affects the gut, with the bowel wall becoming flooded with lymphocytes. This can be more difficult to diagnose as the thickening is internal and signs of a problem tend to be nonspecific, such as vomiting or diarrhea, and can be caused by any number of problems. This is known as alimentary lymphoma.
A rarer form of lymphoma affects a lymph gland inside the chest, which sits centrally between the right and left lungs. This is known as mediastinal lymphoma. Older cats can be prone to lymphoma affecting the kidneys and this is known as renal lymphoma.
The alimentary, renal, or intestinal forms can be difficult to diagnose because the swelling is internal. The vet will perform an ultrasound exam and attempt an ultrasound guided biopsy or to harvest a fine needle aspirate using the ultrasound to guide the needle placement.
The easiest to diagnose is when the lymphocytes accumulate in lymph nodes. This is because these are located external to the body cavities and are easy to feel when they are enlarged. This is known as multicentric lymphoma.
10. **Follow your veterinarian's suggestions for treatment.** Treatment usually involves chemotherapy. However, surgical removal of a discrete intestinal mass may be possible. These treatment options can cost quite a bit, so you should discuss the cost before scheduling the surgery.
Even with treatment, lymphosarcoma is not usually curable. Treatment can extend your cat's life for months, or even years, but does not usually eliminate the condition all together.
Consider getting pet insurance while your cat is in good health. This will help to offset the cost of expensive medical treatments, such as this. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Be a Professional Teacher | You can join the teaching profession by completing the required training and certification, but becoming a professional teacher means something more than that. Being a professional means conducting yourself according to the highest standards, giving your best effort inside and outside the classroom, and building relationships based on mutual respect. So, if you aspire to become a teacher, aim to be a good one; and if you want to be a good teacher, make sure to act like a professional.
1. **Project a neat and clean look with your clothes and styling.** You may have more flexibility in your attire than previous generations of teachers—a male teacher may not be expected to wear a jacket and tie, for instance. No matter the dress code (or lack thereof) at your school, though, focus on maintaining a professional look. Come to work looking the part of a teacher, not trying to dress like your students.
Your clothing doesn’t have to be stuffy and buttoned-up, but aim for modest, clean, wrinkle- and damage-free clothes.
You might pair a skirt or slacks with a blouse or sweater, for instance, or wear slacks and a collared shirt with either a sweater or a jacket and perhaps a tie.
When it comes to personal grooming, try not to look like you just rolled out of bed or like you’re heading out to a club.
2. **Behave professionally in public.** Students and the community at large will see you as a teacher even when you’re not working, so make sure you represent your school and profession well in your daily life. Be someone who others can respect no matter the situation.
To name an extreme example, getting into drunken brawls on your free time will cause community members to lose respect not only for you, but perhaps also for the profession at large.
Don’t bad-mouth the school or gossip about school employees or students.
3. **Maintain professionalism on social media.** Social media can be a great way for you to connect with students, parents, and colleagues, but it can also be a gateway to unprofessional or even inappropriate behavior. You should keep your personal and professional social media profiles separate, and keep stringent privacy settings for each.
As a general rule of thumb, don’t say anything on social media that you wouldn’t say in the classroom.
Resist the temptation to get overly chatty or to overshare on social media. Retain a degree of professional distance in your dealings with students and others in your capacity as a teacher.
Don't post photos of your students on social media without their consent and their parent or guardian's consent.
Check if your school has social media guidelines or policies in place.
4. **Prepare thoroughly for each day of teaching.** Check your planner the evening before and get ready for the following day. Professional teachers plan thoroughly for every lesson and class. Then, they stick to their work program and assessment schedule.
This ensures that syllabus content is covered, and also the necessary skills for their students' longer-term success in their specific subject or learning area.
A professional teacher’s workday doesn’t end with the school bell at the end of the day, and it always starts before the morning bell the next day.
5. **Come to work on time every day.** A professional teacher understands the need to start the day well, every day. The first impression you make each morning sets the tone for the rest of the day.
Arrive early enough that you have time to get all your papers and lesson plans in order, and so you can get yourself mentally prepared to start the day right.
6. **Follow the procedures and the protocols expected at your school.** True professionals, in any field, embrace the corporate identity and values, and model these for the clients. In the case of a teacher, that means being a “team player” with your fellow teachers and the school administration, and projecting this shared focus to your students.
Even if you have doubts or differences of opinion with the corporate identity or procedures at your school, don’t let this bleed into your teaching.
7. **Don’t miss deadlines or fall behind on your grading.** Professionals keep their work up to date and plan ahead. If you’re always pushing deadlines back or making promises you can’t keep, you’ll lose respect in the eyes of your students and peers.
When it comes to grading, a 3-day rule of thumb is a good starting point for shorter assignments and non-essay tests. For longer assignments, stick to a 2-week turnaround. If you take too long to hand back tests and so on, the students may lose interest in the task and their results by the time you return their work.
8. **Embrace change and give new methods a chance.** Don’t be a doomsayer and throw cold water on new ideas or suggestions for positive change. Instead of vocalizing negative thoughts like "That will never work at this school," respectfully note any concerns you may have but show your willingness to try out something different.
Don’t immediately discount suggestions or new ideas from students as well. Let them know that their opinions and perspectives are valued.
9. **Seek new subject knowledge to share with your students.** Take continuing education courses to keep yourself mentally stimulated. Your renewed enthusiasm for your subject will be rewarded by increased student interest and enthusiasm for the subject itself.
A true professional--as a teacher or in any other career--never stops learning.
Also make sure you keep abreast of education policy and legislation.
10. **Be passionate, positive, and enthusiastic about your work.** Never act like it’s a chore to be in the classroom, even if it feels that way from time to time. Instead, project positivity and enthusiasm for your students.
If you need a positivity boost yourself, take some time each morning or between classes to remind yourself why you got into teaching and what you get out of it.
Retain this positive enthusiasm beyond the classroom as well. For instance, a professional teacher will not create negativity in a staff room or engage in mindless gossip.
11. **Attend professional development courses to gain new skills.** Professional teachers are constantly learning and sharing what they know. Learn about the latest pedagogical theories and practices, as well as the tools of the trade. Be open to trying new ideas to help your students learn and thrive.
Just as you learn from other teachers, they can learn from you. Share what you learn from your experiences and classes with other teachers, especially those on your team.
12. **Take charge of your classroom.** Respect your students, and demand the same respect from them. Clearly lay out your rules for classroom behavior, and enforce them consistently. Don’t shout or lose your cool—remain calm and collected, and be clear on what needs to happen. When necessary, involve the school administration for serious discipline issues.
Your job isn’t to be your students’ friend or the most-liked teacher. You are a mentor who is there to impart knowledge and model professional behavior.
13. **Put safety first.** Remember that, as a professional teacher, you are offering a service to the students and the school community. You are duty-bound to take your "in loco parentis" role seriously. Explain why certain rules are in place and follow all institutional risk management procedures.
Whether you’re teaching a gym class or in the chemistry lab, clearly lay out the safety rules and hold everyone to them at all times. Don’t waver in a misguided attempt to appear more likeable or “cool.”
14. **Make excellence your goal.** Constantly provide benchmarks for improvement for your students. Give praise when it is due, and compassionate yet constructive feedback when it’s needed. Encourage and support those who are in need of help, and find creative ways to assist them to improve their grades.
Create an environment in which everyone (including you) is expected to do their best, is praised when they do so, and is supported when they fall short of excellence.
15. **Take pride in the process and products of your teaching.** Make sure your lessons, notes, and handouts are professionally presented—that is, neat, clear, easy-to-follow, and without simple errors or typos. Take a moment to consider how you’d grade your own efforts—if they’d be anything other than passing with flying colors, increase your effort.
A professional teacher should never feel like they ought to re-do a piece of work because its presentation is shoddy.
16. **Take responsibility for your student's results.** In the end, it’s up to your students to put in the work and effort to get their best grades. As a professional teacher, though, you should accept that the grades your students achieve are, at least in part, a reflection on you. Accept that there is room for improvement on both sides—the students’ and yours.
Don’t just throw up your hands and say that a student’s poor grades are because they’re lazy or don’t care about the material. Take it as a personal challenge to find ways to engage them in the subject.
17. **Simplify your lessons to focus on the key components.** Good teachers make it easy to understand complicated things. Use examples, models, pictures, hands-on activities, real-life connections, and so on. Find ways for your students to relate to the material.
However, “simple” doesn’t mean “too easy” or “created without care.” Whittling down complex topics into simpler lessons is a challenge that takes time and effort to master.
Pick the brains of fellow teachers who you respect for their ability to bring focus and simplicity to their teaching.
18. **Keep your students’ attention through enthusiasm and self-awareness.** You shouldn’t expect your students to be excited about learning something if you don’t seem excited to be teaching it. Let your passion shine through in the classroom, and some of it will rub off on your students.
With this enthusiasm, explain to your students why the knowledge you convey is important, and how they can apply what they learn in their daily lives. Then they are more likely to remember what you teach.
19. **Inspire others’ trust right from the start.** Create a good first impression from day one of the academic year. Be prepared, enthusiastic, and serious about success.
Be someone who students, parents, colleagues, and administrators can believe in.
If you’ve made a poor impression on someone for some reason, work hard to change it.
20. **Treat your students with respect.** Never publicly humiliate or belittle your students. Do not discuss their results or grades in front of others. Don't personalise issues with students.
Never yell at your students or shame them in front of their peers. Instead, encourage them to take part in setting your classroom norms, which include respect for all.
Leave their family, background, religion, behavior, and personal circumstances out of public disciplinary processes and discussions.
21. **Model respectful behavior for your students.** Your students can learn a lot about what you expect from them by watching you. Always show a respectful attitude toward students, fellow staff members, your school, your subject, and yourself. They will pick up on your respectful attitude, making it easy to gain their respect.
Use a calm, respectful tone when addressing students and staff.
If you teach multiple classes, don't complain about one class to another. Your students talk to each other, so students in the other class will find out.
22. **Take an interest in every child.** The better you get to know your students, the more influence you will have on their attitude towards learning, and on their lives in general. Don’t play favorites or deem anyone beyond helping—your job as a professional is to teach everyone in the class.
Make sure you don’t forget about the students in the middle—that is, the ones who don’t wow you with their successes or frustrate you with their lack of interest.
Remember that your job is to connect with each student as a mentor, though. You don’t need to, and shouldn’t try to, become their friend.
23. **Maintain confidentiality.** A professional teacher will use students' personal information to help them achieve their potential. Confidential information will not be disclosed as gossip, or used as a weapon against a student. Likewise, non-classroom information, like the content of staff meetings, should be treated in the strictest of confidence.
You could end up in legal trouble or lose your teaching license for disclosing confidential information.
However, also make sure you know when you are mandated by law to disclose confidential information. For instance, if you are told or suspect that a child is being abused, you may be legally required to report this to the authorities.
24. **Consult parents and welcome their involvement.** Include parents in the educational process and encourage their support of the school's disciplinary processes and procedures. Be polite and calm when dealing with parents. Remind them that every discussion about the child needs to be undertaken with the child's best interests at heart.
You can’t force parents to get involved in their child’s education, but you can be as welcoming as possible. At the same time, be patient with parents who are perhaps too involved, and try to nudge them in the right direction.
25. **Support your colleagues and school management.** Show that you’re a “team player” by prioritizing the needs of the institution as a whole. Remember that you are one person in a group of professionals who should, ideally, share a common goal and vision.
There will inevitably be differences of opinion, of course, and relations between teachers and administrators can get particularly frosty during contract negotiations.
However, don’t lose sight of the fact that your focus should be on the well-being of the school and its students. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Make a Grandparent Happy | Grandparents are special people in the family structure. They are proud of their status as “grandparent,” and they are proud of the family that has grown beneath them. There are many different ways to make a grandparent happy; it is most important to know what your grandparent likes. Simply making an effort is enough to make your grandparent happy and reassure him/her that you care.
1. **Know what your grandparent is capable of doing.** Depending on how old your grandparent is, he may be limited in some respects. If you would like to spend time with your grandparent, be sure to plan for activities that your grandparent can easily do.
For example, if your grandparent needs to use a cane or walker to help him get around, then planning a morning walking around a local park is not a suitable idea. Your grandparent will not be able to walk for a long period of time and will need frequent rest breaks.
2. **Be aware of your grandparent's hobbies and habits.** Especially if your grandparent has health issues or is past the age of 80, for example, he likely has some limitations for accepting visits. Avoid planning your visits during these times.
Know if your grandparent sleeps late in the mornings or takes naps around a certain time every day.
Know if your grandparent has a regular doctor appointment each week or has a medical routine to do at the same time every day.
3. **Plan what you will do with your grandparent.** Based on what you know your grandparent can and likes to do, figure out how the time you spend with your grandparent will go. There are many ideas for making new memories with your grandparent:
Cook or bake together
Sit and talk about life and memories
Read a book together
Take a walk around the neighborhood or in a park
Make a craft with him/her
Learn a skill that he/she has, like carving wood or knitting
Have a picnic
Visit a local art gallery
Play board or card games
Go shopping or window shopping
Go fishing, boating, or hunting
If you have a talent, you can use it to make them happy. For example, you sing or play piano for them.
You can spend some time with them and have a conversation, so they do not feel lonely.
Or you can bring something nice for them.
4. **Be realistic if your grandparent lives in a nursing home or other assisted living community.** In this case, your grandparent may not be able to leave the facility. Prepare activities to spend time together that can be done where your grandparent is.
Talk about life and memories
Play board or card games
Put a puzzle together
Make a craft together
Read a book together
Write a story or poem together
5. **Arrive on time and with the necessary supplies on the day you scheduled to visit.** It will be important to your grandparent that you show up on time and on the correct day. He has been looking forward to this and will be disappointed if you are late or if you cancel.
If you are running late, call your grandparent and let him know to expect you a little later. Be sure to explain why.
If it turns out that you need to reschedule, let your grandparent know immediately. Do not wait until the last minute to call and change the plans, because your grandparent will likely feel very let down. Be sure to reschedule for another day and time that you are certain you are available.
6. **Be fully engaged in spending time with your grandparent.** It truly means a lot to grandparents to spend time with their grandchildren, so be sure to respect his excitement about seeing you by engaging in the activity and conversation.
Enjoy the time you are spending with your grandparent, because you never know how much longer you might be able to do this.
7. **Make plans for the next time with your grandparent.** Let your grandparent know realistically when you will be able spend time with him again. Create plans for the next time you will visit him.
You can do a different activity next time, or you can do the same thing again.
Make sure your grandparent has written down somewhere when you will come for your next visit.
Scheduling the next time gives your grandparent something to which he can look forward.
8. **Chat with your grandparent and learn if she needs help.** Your grandparent might still live independently, and in that case, she almost certainly would welcome help with chores around the house. Ask your grandparent if she could use your help with anything.
Alternatively, if you know that your grandparent needs some help, you could surprise her by showing up unexpectedly to do the work.
9. **Come up with ideas of how you can help.** If your grandparent does not want to ask you to help due to pride or a strong feeling of independence, or if she is vague about needing help, think of some ways in which you can help her.
Vacuum the house
Dust the furniture
Pull weeds in the garden
Help harvest homegrown vegetables
Wash the walls
Deep clean the carpets
Do the laundry
Paint a room
10. **Help your grandparent arrange the completion of bigger tasks.** Sometimes, your grandparent's home might need professional work done that you cannot help complete. However, you can help your grandparent call different companies or contractors to get price estimates and to get the work scheduled.
Having a new roof installed
Having a new appliance delivered and installed
Getting a porch or deck built onto the house
Having a pest issue resolved
Having some kind of renovation done inside the house, like replacing cabinets
11. **Show up to your grandparent's house to do the work.** You can arrange a day and time that works for both you and your grandparent, or you can show up to surprise her.
Be sure to follow through with going to her home, if she is expecting you. You will let her down and lose trust if you do not show up.
Be polite and respectful if your grandparent is hesitant to let you help due to pride or feelings of independence. While she might truly need the help, she could find it offensive or upsetting if you become pushy about it. If your grandparent does not want you to do as much work as you planned to do, then complete the tasks she is allowing you to do and try to get to the others next time.
12. **Do the work well.** You are volunteering your time to help your grandparent, but you should still be sure to complete the work to the best of your ability.
Your grandparent probably did a lot to help your parents raise you, and this is your opportunity to help repay the favor. This is also a good time to show her how much you appreciate and care about her.
You want your grandparent to live in comfort and health, so do your best to ensure that this happens when you offer to take care of chores personally.
13. **Follow through with ensuring that the hired company or contractor completes the work.** If you can, make plans to be at your grandparent's house the day that the work is supposed to be completed so that you can make sure it gets done.
You might need to take your grandparent to your house or somewhere else for the day, depending on what kind of work is being done on her house. Take care of those arrangements ahead of time, if necessary.
14. **Visit your grandparent in person when you can.** If you live close to your grandparent, then decide how often you can realistically visit him.
If you are a youth and cannot drive yet, this will depend on your parents' availability to drive you to your grandparent's house.
Consider whether you can go after school or work and how many times per week. Maybe you can only commit to once per week, or maybe you have availability to visit a few times per week.
If you live far away, always make an effort to visit your grandparent in person when you are in town.
15. **Call your grandparent whenever you have time.** Even if you live close to your grandparent, you could still create a habit of calling once or twice per week. If you live far away, you will want to do this regularly.
If you have a commute of 20 minutes or more to/from work or school, you could easily spend that time chatting with your grandparent. Bluetooth devices and Bluetooth accessibility in cars are both very common today to make talking while driving safe.
Call whenever you know your grandparent is available and whenever you have time. If your grandparent is an early riser and you have time in the mornings, call then. On the other hand, if you cannot call until the evening, call at an appropriate time for your grandparent.
16. **Teach your grandparent how to use a video calling service, such as Skype.** If your grandparent is tech savvy, he might be up for learning how to use a video calling service.
If you live far away, this is a way for you to catch up with your grandparent and for you to see each other.
When you visit your grandparent in person, take a couple of hours to teach him how to use the service and practice.
17. **Send cards, notes, or letters as another way to stay in touch.** Your grandparent will love getting a card or letter from you, and he will appreciate that you took the time to write to him.
You can send a card for his birthday, anniversary, or other holiday.
Your grandparent will like being remembered and recognized on days like Veteran's Day, if he was a member of the military.
You can also simply send a note “just because,” to catch your grandparent up on what is going on in your life.
18. **Listen to your grandparent.** This is an important step that permeates all kinds of interactions you have with your grandparent.
Be an active listener when your grandparent is telling you stories about your family history or about her memories. Ask questions and make comments that prove that you are listening.
Respond appropriately to her requests or commands. If she asks you to do a task, then you should do it.
19. **Display proper behavior and manners around your grandparent.** Your grandparent grew up in a different time period, where societal norms and values were different. Be aware of what habits might irritate your grandparent.
Stay off of your cell phone or smartphone while spending time with her. Your attention should be focused on her.
Avoid arguing with or talking back to your grandparent.
Thank your grandparent when she does something for you or gives you a gift.
Be polite to your grandparent and to others when you are out in public.
Be helpful and do any tasks or chores without complaint.
20. **Treat your grandparent like she is worthy of your time.** The fact is that your grandparent is getting older and will likely suffer some health issues. She is not going to be alive forever, sadly, and your grandparent needs to know that you value the time spent with her.
Let your grandparent know often that you love her.
Focus your attention on your grandparent when spending time with her.
21. **Accept your grandparent's advice.** Your grandparent has spent many more years alive and has many more life experiences than you do. Even if you do not totally agree with her advice, your grandparent is almost certainly speaking from experience.
If you do take her advice, and it works for you, be sure to let your grandparent know and thank her for helping you.
22. **Invite your grandparent to events or on vacation.** Grandparents truly want to feel included and to be invited to events. If you are having a dinner party, or if you are going on a family vacation, be sure to extend an invitation to your grandparent.
Although grandparents love and enjoy babysitting their grandchildren, for example, they feel more respected and included when they are invited to events.
23. **Teach your grandparent about today's societal norms, and be understanding about the beliefs that she has.** Things were very different when your grandparent grew up, so be understanding of that. Your grandparent likely has many set-in-stone beliefs, so avoid arguing with or scoffing at those beliefs.
Do not try to force new ideas or beliefs on your grandparent if she is not open to learning about them. This only sets the stage for an argument and causes tension.
Your grandparent might be curious about a topic or norm, but she may not want to learn everything there is to know about it. Respect the boundaries she sets for the conversation.
Calmly and carefully explain certain new societal norms, like the ways people interact or the mixture of cultures present in society. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Encourage Giving in Church | Asking for money from members of your congregation can feel like an intimidating task—personal finances are usually private, but in a church, those donations are what enable you to have an effective ministry. You can encourage charitable giving by learning how to educate your congregation, being transparent, and creating diverse giving opportunities.
1. **Express the church’s financial need for charitable giving.** Members may not be aware of how a church financially functions, so be explicit about what is needed and how the church uses given funds to meet those needs. Whether you are collecting for a specific event (like the middle school students taking a service learning trip) or for the general fund, people are more willing to give when they know there is a need.
Give exact figures for how much money is needed if you are collecting donations for a specific cause.
Share what your need is when doing the announcements before a service begins.
Put information somewhere it can be found in print by congregants. A weekly printed bulletin, online at the church’s website, or on the church’s social media pages are great places to share this information.
2. **Connect giving to your congregation’s faith and spiritual health.** Teaching what the Bible says about money is a way you can serve your congregation while also opening doors for your congregants to give back to the church. The Bible teaches that everything belongs to God, and when you give that is an act of praise and worship.
Spend a few weeks every year teaching about the Bible and money. Use scripture to illuminate what the Bible teaches about material belongings.
Giving is something that benefits both the church and its members. The Bible teaches that “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed” (Proverbs 11:25).
3. **Help members be good stewards of their finances.** Perhaps you have congregants who would like to give to the church, but who feel they cannot due to financial strain. Helping your congregants get to a place of financial peace will empower them to trust in the resources God has provided and, in turn, enable them to give back.
Offer support groups for people to talk about personal budgeting, tithing, getting out of debt, and saving for the future.
Offer financial peace workshops where you will work with congregants to tackle their budget, debt, spending habits, and future planning to help them take responsibility for what has been given to them.
Remember that as you talk about the church’s finances and stewardship, you also have a responsibility to lead your congregants in their financial decisions.
4. **Be available to answer questions about the church’s finances.** This will foster trust between the leadership staff and the congregation. If how funds are dispersed is kept secret, your congregants won’t know how their donations are being used and they will be less likely to give.
This will also help keep the leadership staff accountable to be good stewards of the church’s finances. Transparency removes the temptation to abuse power and enables everyone to operate in the open.
Have a biannual or quarterly meeting that is open to the congregants where the finances of the church, as well as potential expenses and goals, are clearly laid out.
5. **Show how donations have been used.** This helps show the congregation that their funds are being used for good. Did the money go toward purchasing supplies for the annual Christmas dinner for the homeless, or is the church saving to repave the parking lot or put in handicapped lifts?
Itemize how donations were used line-by-line to account for given funds. You most likely know the cost of everything that was purchased (food items, plane tickets, a contractor) and can share this information with your congregation.
If the donations you collected went towards a certain event, create a slideshow or video to share during a service to highlight the event.
6. **Have a plan for how excess funds are used in the church.** The best case scenario with giving is that your proverbial cups will overflow. If this is the case, being able to answer how those extra funds are allocated will eliminate questions of mismanaged funds.
Is there a general fund into which excess donations would go? If so, provide a balance of the input and output of that fund to your congregation.
Were you able to do something additional or extra special because of the excess donations? Share with your congregation what that was.
7. **Offer giving envelopes for donations during church services.** Passing around a basket is how some churches collect donations, but this can be an intimidating moment for givers, especially if they are not able to give on a weekly basis. Make envelopes available for congregants so they can deposit their offering into a designated location at their own convenience.
Have a stack of envelopes available near where the weekly bulletins are stacked. If you have pews, put a few envelopes in front of each seat on a weekly basis. You can purchase envelopes specifically for church giving at church supply stores or online.
Have a secure box for envelopes to be deposited into. Make sure this box locks and that when it is emptied there are two people who deal with the donations together. This eliminates temptation to take donations and ensures funds are managed properly.
8. **Have a website for online donations.** Some congregants will never want to send money online, but for many, including the younger generations, the ease of online donations will make giving simpler. Almost everyone has access to the internet and is online at some point during the week, if not daily.
Link to your donation site from your church’s main website. You may be able to use services like PayPal or even go directly through your Facebook page.
This also give members of your church the ability to print records of their charitable giving throughout the year.
9. **Set a realistic goal to raise money for a special cause.** Your church most likely has a desire to minister to the community and to the world at large. Picking a specific cause or organization to support will give your church an actionable goal to work toward.
Ideas for a special giving opportunity are supporting a missions organization you believe in, raising money for a neighborhood need (like planting a community garden), or hosting a holiday packing party to distribute goods to the underserved in your community.
Ask your congregation or leadership team for ideas, too. You may be surprised to find out what people are passionate about or have connections to already.
Perhaps you want to sponsor meals for children in need for 3 months through an organization in your community—share with your congregation how much money is needed to meet this goal. Pick a deadline for raising the funds. Create a visual tracker to show how much progress is being made toward that goal.
Make this goal community-oriented and visual, so that everyone is aware of it and can participate. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Unclog a Salivary Duct | Salivary glands are important parts of our anatomy that help to produce saliva in our mouths. A clogged salivary duct can be painful and may even lead to an infection. Salivary gland stones are often the culprit and may be caused by dehydration, trauma, and diuretic or anticholinergic medications. It’s possible to unclog a salivary duct at home by drinking more water, sucking on sour treats, or doing a gentle massage. However, if the blockage is severe and you are unable to unclog it at home, it is important to see your doctor for treatment.
1. **Notice dry mouth.** Dry mouth is the most common symptom of a blocked salivary duct. It is caused by decreased saliva production made possible by whatever is blocking the duct. Dry mouth is an uncomfortable condition that may lead to dry, cracked lips and bad breath. A key sensation is a bad taste in the mouth. This is one of the first signs of a blocked salivary duct.
Keep in mind that dry mouth can also be a symptom of many other things too, such as certain medications, dehydration, cancer treatment, and tobacco use. Make sure to rule out other possible conditions that can cause dry mouth.
2. **Pay attention to pain in the face or mouth.** Salivary glands are located in a number of areas in the mouth: under the tongue, inside the cheeks, and at the floor of the mouth. A blockage can cause mild to intense pain in any of those areas, depending on where the duct is located, the size of the stone, and the length of time you’ve been affected by the blockage. The pain may come and go, but typically gets worse as time goes on.
About 80-90% of stones are found in the submandibular gland (underneath the jaw), but it's possible to develop a stone in the parotid (on the sides of the mouth) or sublingual (under the tongue) glands as well since these are the 3 major salivary glands in the body.
3. **Look for swelling of the face or neck.** When saliva cannot exit a blocked gland, swelling will occur. You may notice swelling below the jaw or ears, depending on which gland is blocked. This swelling may be accompanied by pain in the area, which may make it difficult to eat and drink.
4. **Watch for increased pain while eating or drinking.** Another main issue that accompanies a blocked salivary duct is difficulty eating and drinking. Some people with this condition experience a sharp and stabbing pain right before or during meals. The pain may be present while chewing or when you open your mouth. You may also have trouble swallowing when a salivary duct is blocked.
Intense pain may be caused by a stone completely blocking the salivary gland.
5. **Be aware of signs of infection.** Untreated salivary blockage can cause infection in the salivary gland. When saliva is trapped in the gland, bacteria are more likely to develop and spread. Signs of infection include redness and pus around the stone. Fever is another sign of infection.
It’s important to schedule an appointment with a doctor as soon as you suspect an infection. They can quickly treat it and prescribe antibiotics to clear it up.
6. **Drink a lot of water to keep the mouth hydrated.** One of the first steps you should take if you have a blocked salivary glad is to increase your water intake. Drinking water can help you to stay hydrated and increase saliva flow, which may relieve dry mouth. Keep a bottle of water at your side and sip some throughout the day to ensure you stay hydrated.
It is recommended that women drink about 11.5 cups (2.7 L) of fluids per day, while men drink at least 15.5 cups (3.7 L) per day. Of course, this all depends on your activity level, environment, and weight. If you exercise frequently, live in a hot and humid environment, or are overweight, plan to drink more water.
7. **Take over-the-counter medications to relieve pain and swelling.** If you’re experiencing intense pain from a blocked salivary gland, relieve your symptoms with an over-the-counter pain reliever. Some common medications to alleviate pain and inflammation include ibuprofen and acetaminophen. Make sure to follow the instructions when taking these medications so you know when and how often to take it.
Eating something cold such as ice cubes or popsicles can also help to reduce pain and swelling if you don’t have medication at home.
8. **Suck on citrus fruits or hard candies to dislodge a stone.** A great way to unclog a blocked salivary duct is to suck on something sour, such as a lemon wedge or sour candies. These treats can increase the flow of saliva, and gradually dislodge a stone that’s blocking the duct. Make sure to suck on the candy or fruit for as long as possible, instead of chewing and swallowing it right away.
9. **Massage the salivary gland with your fingers.** Another remedy for a blocked salivary is to massage the affected area. A gentle massage with the fingers can help to relieve pain and encourage the stone to pass through the duct. To correctly perform the massage, locate the exact area where the duct is blocked. It may be in the cheek area right in front of your ear or under the jaw close to your chin. Place your index and middle finger on the area you feel pain or swelling and gently apply pressure as you move them forward along the gland.
Massage your salivary gland as many times as you need to until the blocked duct is cleared. Stop the massage if it becomes too painful.
10. **Apply warm compresses to your neck to ease pain and swelling.** Apply the compress for 10 minutes at a time and repeat throughout the day as needed. You can either make a warm compress at home or purchase one at your local drug store.
To make a warm compress, fill a bowl with warm water, making sure it is not too hot. You'll know it's too hot if it is uncomfortable or painful to the touch. Take a clean washcloth and submerge it completely in the water. Then, wring it out until it is just damp. Fold it, put it on the painful area, and leave it on for several minutes. When the washcloth gets cold, repeat this process with a new, clean washcloth and bowl of warm water.
11. **Seek a medical professional if you’re unable to remove the blockage at home.** If all attempts to remove the blockage on your own have failed, you need to contact your doctor, especially if you are experiencing a lot of pain. It’s also important to talk to a doctor if you suspect an infection caused by salivary gland stones. If a doctor is unable to remove the stone, they may refer you to the hospital for surgery.
If the blockage is caused by a stone, the doctor may simply massage or press on the stone to remove it from the duct.
A doctor may complete imaging to locate stones, such as an X-ray or CT scan if they cannot be found with a simple physical examination.
12. **Consider a sialendoscopy to remove salivary gland stones.** A sialendoscopy is a less invasive method of removing salivary gland stones. In this method, an endoscope is inserted into the opening of the duct and a small wire is used to remove the stone. This procedure takes about 30-60 minutes to complete and patients heal and recover very quickly. The only major side effects are pain and swelling of the salivary gland that generally does not last very long.
Your doctor will consider the size, shape, and location of the stone when determining if it can be removed with a sialendoscopy. They are more likely to do this procedure if the stone is small.
13. **Undergo surgery to remove large salivary stones.** Stones that are smaller than 2 millimetres (0.079 in) are typically removed without surgery. However, stones larger than that are harder to remove, and surgery may be your only option. Surgery for salivary stone removal involves making a small incision in the mouth.
Surgery may also be necessary for those who get recurring salivary gland stones. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Get Rid of Cough and Cold | Colds are commonly due to infection with a virus, but coughs can be due to a number of things, including infections with viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Coughs can be either productive — wet coughs that produce mucus, or non-productive — dry coughs with no mucus. If you have a cold and a cough, there are things you can do to help get rid of them.
1. **Take a pain reliever.** Colds are usually accompanied by aches and pains. You can take acetaminophen (Tylenol) or NSAIDs (Aleve, Advil) to help relieve pains.
Aspirin should not be given to children and teenagers under 19 due to the risk of Reye's Syndrome.
2. **Take over-the-counter cold medicines.** You can try OTC cold medications, but there is very little actual evidence that they work much better than rest, fluids, and nutrition. The OTC medications can help with symptoms, however.
Read the labels of all medicines and talk to your pharmacist about possible interactions. Some medications (such as Claritin-D and Benadryl Allergy/Cold) contain multiple ingredients. So if you take Benadryl Allergy/Cold (which contains acetaminophen, diphenhydramine, phenylephrine) and also take Tylenol (acetaminophen), you may inadvertently overdose.
Decongestants can help clear a stuffy nose and can be used as pills or as nasal sprays. Don’t use these for longer than three days. Try pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) or oxymetazoline (Afrin nasal spray).
Antihistamines can be used for coughs due to allergies. Antihistamines containing diphenhydramine can make you sleepy . Antihistamines, like loratadine (Claritin, Claritin RediTabs, Alavert), do not usually make you sleepy.
Expectorants are cough medicines for wet, mucus productive coughs because they help bring up mucus. Cough suppressants reduce coughing.
3. **Use a menthol rub.** Topical ointments containing camphor and menthol, such as Vick’s VapoRub and Mentholatum, have been traditionally used for coughs and sinus congestion. Just rub a small amount onto your chest and around your nose.
4. **Call your doctor.** If you are not seeing a physician and these treatments don’t give you any relief within five to seven days, make an appointment to see a physician. You may be dealing with a more complicated situation. If you experience certain symptoms, call your physician for an appointment. These symptoms include:
Coughing up thick and/or a greenish-yellow phlegm
Wheezing, or there is a whistling sound at the beginning or end of the breath
Odd sounding coughs and having difficulty with breathing at the end of a cough
Experiencing a fever (over 102°F or 38.9°C in infants three to six months; 103°F or 39.4°C in children and adults)
Experiencing any shortness of breath
5. **Get plenty of rest.** One of the most effective ways to get rid of a cough and cold is to rest. This means getting extra sleep, up to 12 hours a night. Take a day off from work or school if you need to, which will have the added bonus of avoiding getting coworkers and classmates sick.
6. **Use a humidifier.** Keeping the air humid can help make you feel better when you have a cold. You can use a vaporizer or humidifier. Another way to breathe humid air is by taking hot, steamy showers.
Put essential oils in your humidifier, like eucalyptus oil. You can also place a cloth with eucalyptus oil on it in the shower with you. Let the water hit the cloth and release the scent.
7. **Drink fluids.** Drink plenty of warm fluids, especially water. Drink lots of water. At a minimum, try to drink eight to 10 8-ounce glasses of water a day. Drinking water helps with congestion and mucus.
You can also drink juices, clear chicken broth, herbal teas, or vegetable broths.
Avoid alcohol and caffeine.
You can add honey and lemon to the water or tea.
8. **Eat a healthy diet.** When you are sick, it is important to get the nutrients your body needs to heal itself. Good food full of vitamins and minerals also boosts your immune system, which can help you fight your cold.
Make sure you are getting enough vitamin B complex, vitamin C, zinc, and copper. You can take supplements to make sure you get enough of these vitamins and minerals.
9. **Eat soup.** Sipping, or eating, warm liquids like soup is a traditional remedy in many cultures. This includes chicken soup. Hot, spicy soups are used in Asian healing treatments. The soups include red pepper, lemongrass, and ginger.
Spicy foods can promote sinus drainage and help ease cold symptoms.
Garlic, onions, and mushrooms are foods that help with inflammation and provide anti-oxidants.
10. **Gargle with warm salt water.** The salt water helps reduce any swelling in your throat, making a cough less likely. Add one teaspoon of sea salt (or table salt if you don’t have any sea salt) to about six ounces of water. Stir to dissolve and gargle.
The sea salt may also help supply various minerals that can be useful for the immune system, like zinc, selenium, magnesium.
11. **Use honey.** Honey has both antibacterial and antiviral properties. Any organic honey will have these properties, but you can also try medicinal honey, such as Manuka honey from New Zealand. Gently warm up one cup of honey, and then add three to four tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice to the warm honey. If you only have bottled lemon juice, use four to five tablespoons. When you need the cough medicine, take one to two tablespoons as needed.
You can also cut a washed, whole lemon into thin slices (along with the skin and the seeds) and add to one cup of honey. Heat on a low flame for ten minutes with constant stirring, breaking up the lemon slices as you stir. Add ¼ to ⅓ cup water to the honey-lemon mixture and stir in while heating over the low flame. Refrigerate the mixture and take a tablespoon as needed.
Lemon is often added because lemon juice contains high levels of Vitamin C. The juice of one lemon contains 51% of the daily Vitamin C requirement. Lemon juice also has antibacterial, and antiviral properties.
You can also add garlic to the mixture. Garlic has antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitic and antifungal properties, and stimulates the immune system. Peel two to three cloves of garlic and chop them as finely as possible. Or you can try ginger, which acts as an expectorant. Cut and peel about 1.5 inches of fresh ginger root and finely grate it. Add either to the honey-lemon mixture before you add water.
Do not give honey to any child under 12 months of age because there is a small risk of getting infant botulism.
12. **Make turmeric milk.** Turmeric milk is a traditional treatment for cough. It has antibacterial properties that can help with colds and coughs. Mix ½ teaspoon of turmeric in one glass of warm milk . If you don’t like cow’s milk, try soy or almond milk.
13. **Use an expectorant herb.** Expectorant herbs are herbs that help increase the secretions and thin out them to make it easier to cough up the phlegm. but diluted and applied to the skin or inhaled; . These essential oils or dried herbs have antibacterial, antifungal, or antiseptic properties in addition to the expectorant properties, meaning they can kill bacteria and other microorganisms that can infect the sinuses and cause colds. Talk to your doctor before using any of these herbs, especially if you are taking other medications, are pregnant, or want to use them on a child. Readily available herbs that function as expectorants include:
Elecampane (Inula)
Slippery Elm
Fennel seed
Spearmint and Peppermint
14. **Make a tea.** Take one teaspoon of your choice of dried herb (or three teaspoons of fresh herb) and steep in one cup of boiled water. Let it steep for five to 10 minutes. Drink four to six cups a day, sipping the warm tea throughout the day.
You can add some honey and lemon to taste.
15. **Try an herbal steam.** The steam method allows the herbal remedies to get directly into the lungs and act quickly and effectively. Steam can also help open up the nasal passages and help thin out any mucus. You can use either the dried herbs or the essential oils of many of these herbs. Both can be effective and depend on your preferences and what you have available.
Add one to two drops of any of the expectorant essential oils or one to two teaspoons of dried herb. Start with one drop to one quart of water. Once you add the herbs, boil for another minute, turn off the heat, move the pot to a comfortable area, and begin steaming.
Cover your head with a large, clean cotton towel and place your head over the steaming pot. Close your eyes. Keep your face at least 12 inches away from the water. You want the heat to enter your nose, throat and lungs, but not burn yourself with heat.
Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth for five counts and then in and out through your mouth for two counts. Repeat for 10 minutes or as long as the water is still steaming.
Try to blow your nose and cough during and after the treatment.
You can do this every two hours or as often as your schedule permits. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Sell Your Car in Oregon | If you live in Oregon and wish to sell a car, you will undoubtedly want to maximize its value. Prepare the car for sale, advertise it well, and then be sure to complete the sale officially. If you do not complete the paperwork correctly at the end of the sale, you may create problems for both yourself and the new buyer. The title must be transferred correctly to complete the sale of the car.
1. **Prepare the car for sale.** If you want to maximize your ability to sell your car, you need to make it as desirable as possible. Clean it inside and out, vacuum it, polish and fix minor flaws.
As part of your preparations, have the car inspected by a mechanic and make any repairs that it needs. You should organize your maintenance records and have them available for potential buyers.
2. **Write an effective advertisement.** You need to describe the car, fully and honestly. You don’t need to mention every dent and ding, but you should describe the car in honest terms. After all, any serious buyer is going to see the car eventually anyway, and they will appreciate your honesty.
Play up the car’s strengths in your ad. If you believe it has strong pickup, a big trunk, or anything else that buyers might want, say so.
Include plenty of photographs. Clear photographs of the car will draw buyers’ attention.
Include the basic details. Identify the make, model, year, mileage, color, and any special additions that the car may have.
Define the terms of the sale - the asking price and whatever forms of payment you will accept.
3. **Distribute the ad widely.** There are several forms of effective advertising. To create the best chance of selling your car for a good price, you should make use of several different forms of advertising:
Spread the word among your friends and colleagues.
Post fliers in public places that show positive photographs of your car.
Post your advertisement online at sources like Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace.
Use online car selling sites like and
Focus on local advertising. The Oregonian newspaper has an online classifieds page, where you can post your ad. You can also post in The Nickel, a publication that serves northern Oregon and southern Washington. Call your own local newspaper as well.
Put a sign in the car’s windows and drive it around town. You may also find some public place to park it and display the window sign. If you do, make sure that you have the permission to park where you put it.
4. **Know the car’s value.** Use a source like the Kelley Blue Book to get an estimate of your car’s value. The Kelley Blue Book has an online site at You enter your car’s make, model, year and condition, and you will receive a range for its value.
Many people form emotional attachments to their cars. This may lead to an overestimation of the value. To avoid this, get an unbiased opinion from your mechanic about its condition.
5. **Set your asking price.** The Blue Book will give you a starting range, but you need to refine it. If you have kept up on the regular maintenance of the car or if your car is still under warranty, you may be able to set a price at the top of the range. If you are aware of flaws, then perhaps you should stick to the bottom of the range.
In either case, when you are setting your asking price, you should leave a cushion of approximately 10% to account for negotiating. As an example, if you really want to collect $4,000 for the car, you should begin with an asking price of about $4,400-$4,500.
6. **Meet with prospective buyers.** When someone responds to your advertisements, you will first want to verify that they are genuinely interested. Remind them of the price and the form of payments (certified check or money order, for example). It is a good idea not to accept payments over time, as this may be a sign of fraud.
It is common for buyers to expect to test drive the car and even have it examined by a mechanic. You should plan to accompany the driver on the test drive and use the opportunity to talk about the car and try to make your sale.
7. **Negotiate to get your price.** Although you may have accounted for some negotiating and the ability to lower your asking price, you should also have in mind a true bottom price. If the buyer is not willing to meet at least that, then you should be willing to walk away from the deal.
8. **Get the certificate of title.** In order to sell your car, you need the original title document. If you cannot find it or do not have it, you will need to get it from one of several sources.
If you still owe money on the car, then the lender will have the title. You can only sell the car by first paying off your loan, and then you will get the title from your lender. The lender will complete a Statement of Lien Satisfaction, which you can get from the Oregon DMV or print at
If you know that you had the title, but now you cannot find it, you will need to order a duplicate from the Oregon DMV. The Application for Replacement Title is available online at Complete the form and submit it to the DMV with a fee of $77 for most vehicles. If you need help or have questions, call (503) 945-5000. In Portland, call (503) 299-9999.
9. **Sign the title as the seller.** Everyone whose name appears on the front of the title as the owner must sign the title on the back as the seller. There is a space on the back of the title for the signatures of the sellers.
If one or more of the owners listed on the front of the title is not available, you must resolve that conflict before you can sell the car. If an owner has died, you will need to get a new title as a transfer through a will. If the original ownership has changed, the title must be revised to match. Any changes to the names on the title must be treated as a “sale” and must be registered with the DMV.
10. **Fill in the buyer's information in back of the title and have the buyer sign it.**
11. **Record the car’s odometer reading on the title.** This is a requirement for most sales, and your signature verifies that the odometer reading is original.
Odometer readings are not required for the sale of vehicles that do not have an odometer, that are over ten years old, that are not self-propelled (trailers or campers), or that weigh over 16,000 pounds. Odometer readings are not required for the sale of snowmobiles either. Additionally, if one of the sellers is going to remain on the title after the sale, the odometer reading is not required.
12. **Complete a bill of sale.** A bill of sale is not required in Oregon to make a legal transfer of the car, but it is a good idea. It's a good idea to also check the buyer's identity and fill in their information completely on the bill of sale, as well as the back of the title. Keep a copy of completed bill of sale for yourself. A bill of sale identifies the car by year, make, model and vehicle identification number (VIN), and information on both the buyer and the seller. A form for a bill of sale is available through the DMV website at
The bill of sale has spaces for both the “Date of Purchase” and the “Date of Release.” These dates are the same. From the buyer’s point of view, the vehicle is being purchased. From the seller’s point of view, ownership is being “released.” Just repeat the same date. It is a good idea to write the exact time as well so that if he gets into an accident shortly after driving off, his victim wouldn't try to make a claim on your policy.
Both the buyer and the seller should keep a copy of the bill of sale. This serves to formalize the deal.
13. **Notify your insurance company of the sale immediately to cancel your policy on the vehicle.** It's the buyer's responsibility to have insurance. If he doesn't have insurance and gets into an accident before you cancel your policy, a claim may get made against your policy.
keeping a copy of bill of sale and prompt notification is essential in identifying when the transfer occurred.
14. **Notify the DMV of the sale.** Once the vehicle has been sold, the seller must notify the DMV of the sale within ten days.
Option 1:complete it online
Option 2:Notice of Sale or Transfer of a Vehicle (Form 735-6890). You need to provide this notice so the DMV will know that you are no longer responsible for the vehicle or anything that happens to it.
The buyer will be responsible for his own registration and insurance on the vehicle. This is not up to you as part of the sale. The buyer will complete an Application for Title and Registration form (Form 735-226), which is available from the Oregon DOT at The buyer must submit this form within 30 days after the sale.
Some buyers operate as unlicensed dealers, called "curbstoners". Don't let your buyer be a phantom buyer that stays off the book. If the "middle man" gets tickets or gets into incidents prior to flipping it to someone else that eventually register the car, any inquiries regarding anything that the vehicle was involved before it has been formally registered will come to you. Therefore, it's essential that you obtain accurate information on the person whom you hand the key over to and maintain it for a reasonable length of time so you can provide their information if you receive inquiries or the vehicle is involved in a crime.
To avoid complications, it's strongly recommended that you avoid making the sale out to the person's relative or a friend that is not present.
15. **Leave the existing plates on the car and it will transfer to the new owner with the car.** This is how it is usually done with ordinary, randomly assigned plates. Just include the plate number on the form. However, you may remove the plates at the time of sale if you wish.. When you complete the sale form, you notify the DMV that you sold the vehicle, but your name will remain on the title in their system until the new owner goes out on their own to the DMV. You will continue to hear about it and have to refute any violations in which the vehicle is involved in until the transfer is done, which will not happen if the new owner chooses not to do so. This can be especially troublesome if there is plenty of time left on the existing plates as there's no real incentive for them to do so.
If you choose to sell your car without plates, you can either destroy them by bending or cutting them so they are no longer usable or turn them in to the DMV at 1905 Lana Ave. NE, Salem, Oregon 97314. You can also return them at any DMV office. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Clear Your Mind | Sometimes it can feel like your head is too cluttered. With work, school, and/or a busy schedule, things are bound to get jumbled every once and a while! Anxious and intrusive thoughts fueled by stress can put a big damper on your day, but there are plenty of things you can do to clear your mind and calm things down. From journaling to talking it out, we’ll teach you how to mindfully distract yourself from worrying thoughts. All you have to do is take a deep breath, be kind to yourself, and keep reading.
1. **Practice mindfulness** Mindfulness is all about centering your attention on the task at hand and letting all other thoughts come and go. Observe your thoughts and feelings without judgment, as if you’re an outsider in your own mind. Then, let those thoughts and feelings go and pay attention to what you’re currently doing instead.
For example, if you’re sitting outside, notice the temperature of the air, if there are any birds chirping, and how the sun feels on your cheeks.
If you’re taking a shower, pay attention to how your shampoo smells and the way it feels in your hair.
Emotions are constantly changing and flowing, so it’s okay not to know why or how you feel a certain way. Just let them come and go as they are.
2. **Moving your body mindfully can help things seem clearer.** When you’re being mindful, you’re fully engaging in the present moment, letting feelings come and go as you focus on what’s in front of you. Combining this state of mind with walking produces an extra special stress reliever that improves mental and physical health. Try scheduling a walk around the block, on the treadmill, or through a local park every day. This simple activity can help you step away from worries and be present with yourself.
Think of your daily walk as a self-care break. When you go on your walk, there’s nothing but you and the world around you.
Focus on how the air feels, what you can smell, how your feet hit the pavement or floor, and what you can see.
Ask a friend to go on a walk with you for an extra social boost.
3. **Take a moment to breathe and come back to the present moment.** Life can easily become go, go, go, and in the process, you can easily forget to breathe. Settling down wherever you are to take controlled breaths can calm your racing mind and heartbeat, helping you feel more relaxed. Try this deep breathing exercise the next time you feel overwhelmed:
Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down and close your eyes.
Take a normal breath.
On your next breath, breathe slowly in through your nose, letting your chest and lower belly rise.
Breathe out through your mouth, feeling your chest and belly slowly fall.
Do this once or twice a day to help clear your mind and ease tension in the body.
4. **Writing down your worries can help you sort through them.** Try reaching for a notebook or phone when a million thoughts are racing through your mind. Jot down everything that comes to mind, letting it all pour out onto the page. Journaling can help you be more aware of your emotions and reflect on what’s troubling you.
Try to write in your journal every day, even if you don’t think you have anything “interesting” to write about (just being you is interesting enough).
Keep a digital journal in a notes app, so you always have a journal with you.
Write whatever feels right, and don’t worry about spelling or grammatical errors—let your words flow free.
5. **Doing something active helps you connect with your physical self.** Believe it or not, exercise is one of the best things you can do for your physical and mental health. When you move your body, you’re focusing on something outside your head, giving you a subconscious reason and purpose to forget your woes. Try a form of exercise that has repetitive, rhythmic movements like:
6. **Distract your mind with some upbeat tunes.** When you’re stressed, anxious and intrusive thoughts can become a white noise constantly in the back of your mind. Music can help you block out the noise, replacing it with something pleasant. Listen to music that matches your mood or uplifts you.
Try closing your eyes and listening to instrumental or soothing music, allowing yourself to visualize the notes or sounds.
7. **Do something creative like drawing or crocheting to keep yourself busy.** Sometimes all you need is something else to occupy your alone time. If you find your mind racing during quiet moments in the day, pick up some colored pencils or knitting needles to keep your hands and mind busy. Focus on creating what’s in front of you, the craft you can control, rather than stressful thoughts you can’t control. Consider trying these artistic projects:
Cake decorating
8. **Share your feelings with someone you trust to vocalize your concerns.** Life can get too much sometimes, but you don’t have to go through it alone. Reach out to a friend or family member and talk with them about what’s going on in your life. Not only can this help you clear your mind, but it also gives you a chance to sort through your thoughts verbally.
Keep in mind that you don’t need to receive feedback on your struggles. Ask your loved one to be a listener if that’s all you need.
Socializing and connecting with others improves mental health and can protect you from stress, as a good talk or laugh can make you happier.
9. **Take time to cuddle your furry friend to lift your mood.** Who doesn’t love a few puppy or kitten hugs? If you have a pet, their companionship can help ease anxiety and boost self-confidence. Schedule time in your day to take your dog for a walk, play with your cat, or watch your hamster burrow. Putting your focus on them can help you forget intrusive thoughts in a moment of bliss.
Having a routine with your pet can also help you feel more grounded and focused, so don’t skip out on feeding or caring for the family pet, as it may just help you feel better.
10. **Take time to write down your tasks for the day for a fresh start.** This may seem mundane and silly, but it can make the busiest days seem more manageable. Before you start your day, write down everything you want to accomplish, including fun activities and tasks. Making a to-do list will give your day structure and help things seem more manageable.
Consider sectioning your to-do list into 2 sections: chores and hobbies. Write out what chores you need to get done, and then include what you’d like to do for fun.
Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t get everything on your to-do list done—there’s always tomorrow!
11. **Start a gratitude list** Whether something big or small is causing your mind to wander and worry, a small reminder that you’re worthy can be enough to get you back on your feet. Jot down your favorite things, people, places, or memories onto a piece of paper or into your phone. Then, the next time your mind seems too cluttered, look at your list. This helps you think positively and remember that you can be happy, even for the smallest of things.
Try writing down your worries too. If you’re feeling anxious, put that worry or thought on paper to “save for later.” Giving yourself time to think about your worries later can lessen their power.
12. **Clean a cluttered room to help clear your mind.** More often than not, the space you live in reflects what’s happening in your noggin. Worrying about things out of your control is easy, so try to focus on what you can control. Try to spend at least 15 minutes a day organizing your living space. Maybe you rearrange your bookshelf, put away a pile of laundry, or vacuum the living room carpet.
Make cleaning or organizing your space a mindful activity by focusing primarily on the task at hand.
Think of each item you organize as putting away a stressful thought or worry.
13. **Clear your mind by taking deep breaths and closing your eyes.** Mindful meditations can help you find a sense of peace and quiet even during the busiest times. When your mind seems cluttered, take a moment to sit or lie down and close your eyes. Focus on your breaths or chant a mantra. Let thoughts come and go without judgment, briefly acknowledging them before you return to your breaths or mantra.
Schedule at least 20 minutes every day to meditate, no matter how busy you may be.
Meditating mindfully takes practice, and it’s okay if it’s not easy at first—it’s not supposed to be. The more you practice, the easier it’ll become and the clearer your mind will be.
14. **Share your concerns with a trained professional for advice and clarity.** Expressing your worries, anxieties, and/or jumbled thoughts can help you feel more relaxed when things are overwhelming. Try talking to a licensed therapist for extra support outside of your inner circle. You may just find that letting your feelings out can help you feel a thousand times better.
Check with your insurance company to see if your plan covers any local therapists.
Try signing up for online therapy with BetterHelp or Talkspace to quickly find and talk with a therapist. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Treat Vision Problems in Senior Cats | Vision problems are common in senior cats. However, there are plenty of steps you and your cat’s vet can take to keep your older cat happy and healthy. Check your cat’s eyes every one to two weeks. Look for cloudiness, enlargement, redness, or discharges. Take note if it paws or scratches at its eyes or if it seems to wander aimlessly or bumps into objects. Bring it to the vet at the first sign of problems, and have it examined annually. If your cat is losing its vision or blind, keep it inside, avoid switching around your furniture, and make sure it can easily access its food, water, toys, and litter box.
1. **Take your cat to the vet at least once a year.** Annual vet exams are essential to maintaining the health of your senior cat. Some vision problems are associated with underlying conditions, like high blood pressure or hyperthyroidism, and only proper veterinary care can deal with these conditions. Others, like glaucoma, progress gradually and subtly, making it difficult to spot them when you check your cat’s eyes on your own.
An older cat should have check-ups at least every 6 months.
2. **Get your cat examined as soon as you notice any signs of vision problems.** You should check your senior cat’s eyes on a weekly or biweekly basis. As a general rule, you should not have a “wait and see” attitude when it comes to cat eye problems. Bringing your cat to the vet at the first sign of vision problems could spare it significant pain and save its vision.
3. **Discuss appropriate medications with the vet.** The vet will most likely prescribe eye drops to treat infections or relieve the symptoms of glaucoma. It can be a frustrating process, but you’ll have to hold the cat down, open its eyelid, hold the dropper just above the eye (without touching it) to administer the medication, then keep the cat still for several minutes.
Ask the vet to show you firsthand how to give your cat eye drops or if they have any tips.
The main cause of vision problems in older cats is high blood pressure. The vet will test for high blood pressure and will likely run a blood test to check for other underlying issues. The vet will also examine the back of the eye -- the retina -- to look for signs of hemorrhage or separation of the retina.
The vet may prescribe oral medications to treat high blood pressure, kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, and other underlying causes of vision problems. Make sure you administer any medication as directed by the vet.
4. **Ask about treating cataracts or having them removed.** There are medications that can delay cataract-related blindness. Cataracts can also result from high blood pressure or diabetes, so ask the vet if they recommend treatment for these conditions. If a cataract has completely blocked light from passing through the lens, the vet might recommend surgery.
Cataract surgery is usually more common in kittens and in mature cats under age 10. If you’re considering surgery for your senior cat, ask the vet, “Is my cat a qualified candidate for lens replacement? Do the risks and costs make surgery a less desirable option?”
It might be preferable to take steps to make your senior cat more comfortable instead of taking on the risks and expenses associated with surgery.
5. **Keep your cat inside if its vision is failing.** You should stop letting your indoor/outdoor cat go outside if you notice signs that it’s losing its vision. All cats, especially those with vision and other health problems, are safer indoors. A cat with poor eyesight will have a harder time steering clear of threats like cars and other animals.
6. **Make sure you cat can access its food and water.** Cats typically adapt well to vision loss by relying on their hearing, smell, and whiskers to navigate their surroundings. You should make sure it knows where its food and water bowls are located. If necessary, bring it to its food and hold its paw to feel where the bowls are set.
Be sure to keep its food and water in one spot. Don’t change the location of your senior cat’s food and water.
7. **Keep a litter box on each of your home’s floors.** If your senior cat is blind or has poor eyesight, it’s best to keep it on one floor, as stairs can pose an injury risk. If your cat does move around multiple floors, keep a litter box upstairs and downstairs to prevent accidents.
Senior cats often develop arthritis, so consider using litter boxes with shorter sides for easier access. Make sure your cat knows where its litter boxes are located and keep them in those locations.
8. **Avoid switching around your furniture.** Other senses, whiskers, and memory will help your blind or vision impaired cat move around your house. However, you should do your best to make sure its environment is consistent. Avoid changing around your furniture or introducing new obstacles to your cat’s surroundings.
9. **Use sound to avoid startling your cat.** It's easy to accidentally sneak up on a blind or visually impaired cat, so you should take steps to avoid startling it. When you approach it, call its name so it knows you're coming. Only pick it up if it knows that you're nearby and you are already interacting with it.
10. **Look for signs of gradual blindness or vision loss.** Observe your cat when it’s walking around your home. Look for aimless wandering, bumping into objects, and trouble finding its food and water bowls. See if it has any trouble following its toys, like a feather on a fishing pole, during playtime.
These could indicate gradual blindness or vision loss. Having it examined by a vet will give you an accurate diagnosis. Cats adapt well to vision loss as they age, but you should take steps to make sure it can easily access it food, water, toys, and litter box.
11. **Check the eyes regularly for cloudiness and enlargement.** Look for cloudiness in one or both eyes, with or without enlargement. These signs could indicate that your cat has glaucoma. Glaucoma isn’t one specific disease, but a condition caused by blocked drainage ducts and fluid buildup that puts pressure on the optic nerve.
Symptoms usually develop gradually, so they can be hard to spot. If you do notice any enlargement in one or both eyes, you should bring your cat the vet immediately.
Checking your cat’s eyes regularly at home, calling the vet at the first sign of any problems, and getting annual vet exams are the best ways to diagnose and treat glaucoma and other vision problems.
Glaucoma can be painful and cause blindness, but there are medications that can relieve the pain and reduce fluid pressure.
12. **Check your cat’s eyes regularly for opaque haziness.** Point a flashlight indirectly at your cat’s eyes and check for opaque or milky haziness in the irises, or colored parts. Whitish, milky haziness is a sign that a cataract is developing on the lens, blocking light from reaching the retina.
A bluish-white haze, rather than milky and opaque, is due to lenticular sclerosis, which is when the lens starts to lose moisture. This is a normal part of aging that typically appears in cats over age 10 and rarely requires treatment.
Cataracts are less common in cats than in dogs or humans, but you should bring your cat to the vet if you spot any abnormalities.
13. **Look for dilated pupils and changes in night vision.** Notice if your cat’s pupils are always widely dilated and if it seems hesitant to enter a dark room. These could point to retinal atrophy or detachment. These conditions result from degeneration of the retina or of the tissue that holds it in place.
Retinal atrophy and detachment are usually associated with high blood pressure, kidney disease, or an overactive thyroid gland. Seeing a vet promptly is vital to treating both the retinal disorder and the underlying condition that causes it.
14. **Check for redness, crustiness, and discharges.** Cats’ eyes are prone to a number of treatable infections, and an older cat’s weaker immune system can make them more vulnerable. Check for signs of infection like redness, crusty buildup, discharges, and swollen third eyelids. Take note if you see your cat repeatedly pawing or scratching at its eyes.
Infections like conjunctivitis and keratitis are usually treated with eyedrops. Complications don’t often develop, especially with prompt treatment.
Uveitis, or infection of the middle area of the eye, is more serious and usually leads to gradual blindness. Signs of uveitis include eye enlargement and swollen third eyelids.
15. **Prevent eye infections by vaccinating your cat.** Eye infections are often associated with germs like feline immunodeficiency virus and feline herpesvirus. Getting your cat vaccinated when it’s young is vital to preventing vision problems and other health issues later in life.
Even if you have a mature cat, talk to its vet about getting it vaccinated.
16. **Prevent your cat from becoming obese.** Feeding your cat a healthy diet can help prevent kidney and heart conditions that can cause or worsen vision problems. If your cat gains weight, consider feeding it twice a day instead of leaving food out. Make sure treats account for less than 10 percent of its daily calories.
17. **Make sure your cat doesn't become underweight.** Losing too much weight can also put stress on the kidneys and other organs. If your senior cat is underweight, you might have to switch its food to a higher calorie variety, like food marked for kittens. Talk to its vet about the healthiest ways to help your cat gain weight. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Become a Baker | A baker bakes breads, pastries, pies, cakes, cookies, tarts, and other baked goods by combining raw ingredients according to recipes. Though the traditional idea of a baker is somebody who works in his own bakery and caters to a local market, nowadays, bakers may also work in specialty shops or restaurants where they produce smaller quantities for consumption at the location itself, or in manufacturing positions where they oversee the production of large quantities of goods for distribution. Becoming a baker involves enrolling in a training program at a supermarket, or apprenticing with a craft baker to gain practical experience. If you want to know how to become a baker, see Step 1 to get started.
1. **Have a high school diploma.** Though it’s not mandatory for you to get a high school diploma to become a baker, having one can help you become a more desirable candidate. For one thing, high school will help you learn basic math, as well as other concepts that can help you in your profession. Additionally, you may choose to go to culinary school to get a leg up in your field, and you’ll need a high school diploma to do that. Though it may not be worth it for you to go back to high school to become a baker, if you’re still in high school, you should finish the course.
While you’re in high school, you should take home economics, cooking, or other baking-related elective courses to help you get a head start on your passion and career.
2. **Attend a technical or culinary school.** A technical or culinary school can help you improve your craft, learn more techniques, and to find your niche as a baker. These programs typically last from 1 to 2 years and they will give you an education in nutrition, health, and mathematics, among other relevant subjects. If this sounds like the best path for you, look into programs in your area that offer a reasonable financial package and take your studies seriously.
You shouldn’t look at this experience as slowing you down from being a real baker. You can even begin working as an apprentice or trainee in your area while being in school, if you can make the time commitment for both.
If you want to be a high end pastry chef, for example, then you should get trained at the best program you can afford. This kind of work is highly specialized and extra training will give you the edge you need to get noticed and hired.
3. **Apply to be an apprentice or trainee in your area.** You can be a trainee at a local store or supermarket, where you’ll learn more basic cooking skills, like how to bake a variety of cookies, or you can become an apprentice at an artisan bakery, where you’ll learn more complicated skills, like how to bake cakes. This training typically takes 1-3 years, and you may be able to find an apprenticeship for aspiring bakers at a bakery in your area. Of course, it always helps to have some connections, or to have worked at a bakery or local store in some capacity so you have a leg up when looking for work as a baker.
It’s common for bakers to start out as an apprentice or a trainee in a bakery or grocery store, working on learning the basics of baking, icing, and decorating.
As you work as an apprentice or trainee, you’ll also learn topics such as basic sanitation procedures and nutrition.
If you begin your training or apprenticeship in a manufacturing facility, then you will also learn how to operate industrial-sized blending and mixing machines for producing baked goods.
You can also look into becoming a baker’s assistant if you have the experience and determination to do so.
4. **Choose a specialty.** Though you don’t need to make this decision as soon as you begin your training or apprenticeship, it helps to have an idea of the type of baking you’re most interested in. You can be an in-store, plant, or craft baker. Being a craft baker requires the most skill, and you can also work your way up to becoming successful in this field by starting off at a store or a plant. Here’s what else you should know about choosing what type of baker you want to be:
Plant or commercial bakers most often work in manufacturing facilities that make baked goods at high speeds. If you choose this route, you’ll need to learn to use high-volume industrial machines, ovens, and conveyors, and you must carefully follow instructions and schedules. There’s definitely less room for creativity in commercial baking than in craft baking.
In store or retail bakers most commonly work in specialty shops, bakeries, or grocery stores. They produce a smaller volume of baked goods for people to buy or to eat directly in the store. They may even take orders from customer, prepare special-order goods, and, depending on where they work, they may even serve the customers themselves.
Some retail bakers even own their own shops. In this case, they’ll need to not only make a variety of breads, pastries, pies, and cupcakes, but they’ll also have to hire, train, and supervise staff, as well as budget their supplies, set their prices, and manage daily production.
5. **Consider getting certified.** Though you don’t have to get certified to become a true baker, certification can help show that you have the knowledge and skills to work at a retail baking establishment. It can help you catch the attention of bakeries where you want to work, and it can help you stand out from the rest of the candidates. There are different areas of specialization that you can get certified in, which include management, retail sales, baking sanitation, and staff training. To become certified, you must meet a series of requirements, which are based on both your experience and your education, before taking an exam to prove your competence.
There are different levels of certification based on your level of experience. For example, to be a certified journey baker, you don’t need any formal education, but you do need 1 year of work experience. To be a certified baker, you need to have 4 years of work experience, and to call yourself a certified master baker, you’ll need 8 years of work experience, along with 30 hours of professional development training and 30 hours of sanitation coursework.
6. **Be detail-oriented.** Being detail-oriented is an incredibly important part of the job, even if you’re working as a commercial baker. You’ll need to closely monitor your baked goods to make sure that they don’t burn while being cooked to perfection. If you bake cupcakes or cakes, then you’ll need to have an eye for detail in order to decorate those cakes and cupcakes to perfection. You’ll also need an eye for detail in order to follow recipes and cooking instructions to perfection, or to tweak those recipes thoughtfully if you’re trying out something slightly different.
You’ll also need an eye for detail if you’re taking orders from customers so you know exactly what they want.
7. **Be creative.** Though you may think that creativity may be the last skill you need when it comes to being a baker, in fact, you may need to use your creative faculties to succeed in your career. If you work as a craft baker and create your own recipes, you may need your creativity to try something different, so you can keep your customers interested in your goods. You may also need your creativity if you’re missing a certain ingredient or two while still needing to cook a certain baked good or pastry, or if you want to fix a recipe where something has already gone wrong. Sometimes, the most important part of your job will lie in improvising, and you’ll need your creativity to make things work.
Of course, if you don’t work for yourself, you shouldn’t spend all day experimenting, or you’ll have an unhappy boss and many confused customers. However, if you have the means and the green light, then being creative can lead to some of your best discoveries.
8. **Have strong people skills.** You may think that bakers work in isolation, perfecting their craft as they make delicious treats. However, people skills are actually vital for most bakers. If you work in a retail store where you have to interact with customers, then you’ll need to have people skills in order to talk to customers, take their orders, and keep them happy with your store and your products. As you move further along in your career, you may have people working under you or you may even own your own bakery. If that’s the case, then you’ll definitely need those people skills in order to train, or even to supervise or hire your employees.
Even if you don’t have anyone working under you, it’s likely that you’ll be baking along with several other bakers. Being able to get along with your coworkers will make for a more pleasant work environment, and will make your work easier and more enjoyable.
9. **Have strong basic math skills.** Having a strong grasp of basic math is essential to being a great baker because you’ll need to understand math, especially fractions, in order to mix recipes, weigh your ingredients, or adjust your recipes to fit a given quantity. If you didn’t get formal math training in a high school or certification program, then it’s important to brush up on basic math on your own. Having these skills can make or break a recipe, and you don’t want to end up ruining a batch of croissants because you didn’t know how to multiply fractions.
If you were never an ace at math, don’t worry about it. You don’t need to learn calculus or trigonometry to make delicious baked goods. You should, however, learn how to add, subtract, or multiply numbers with ease.
10. **Wake up early.** Though many bakers typically work a 40-hour workweek, they don’t normally work the 9-5 shift. In fact, many of them get up as early as two o’clock in the morning in order to prepare their baked goods for the morning shift. They’ll need to be morning people in order to get the job done, and sleeping in or getting tired in the morning is not an option, because this will be the most important time of your day. If you want to be a baker, then you have to be prepared to get up early to start preparing your recipes, mixing your ingredients, and making sure that your baked goods are cooked to perfection.
The good news is, since your working day will start early, it will tend to wrap up earlier than the evening. Some bakers are done working by the early or late afternoon.
11. **Complete your daily tasks.** Being a baker is about more than just cooking. When you go on the job, you will be required to complete a number of tasks, which will vary a bit depending on the type of baker you are and your place of employment. However, many aspects of the job are true for any baker. Here are some of the things you’ll be expected to do:
Prepare your equipment for baking
Weigh and measure ingredients for cooking
Combine the ingredients in mixers or blenders
Knead, roll, cut, and shape your dough
Place the shaped dough on sheets, molds, or pans
Set the oven temperature
Place your items in grills or ovens
Observe your goods as they cook
Apply toppings, icing, or glaze when your goods have cooked
12. **Perform well under pressure.** Baking is very time-sensitive, both in managing the time it takes to make each baked good, and in delivering your products to customers in a timely manner. Many bakers are often under pressure to create delicious goods while also producing them rapidly, especially when they have a large customer base. In order to succeed as a baker, you’ll have to be able to perform well in a time crunch.
One way to make it easier for yourself to perform well in a time crunch is to make sure that your work station and recipe information are organized. That way, you won’t waste time looking for something you misplaced.
Bakers have a higher rate of injuries than people in other professions because of the heavy and often hot equipment that they work with. You’ll need to wear protective clothing and keep your cool while being on the job in order to stay safe. You can let a time crunch affect your safety.
13. **Stay physically fit.** In order to be a baker, you must have both physical strength and stamina. You’ll need strength in order to carry the ingredients and equipment you’ll be using, such as heavy bags of flour, large baking equipment, and cooked baked goods. You’ll also need to have physical stamina because most bakers rarely sit down. You’ll spend most of the day on your feet while you prepare recipes, package your goods, check on your goods while they’re baking, or when you monitor your employees or chat with customers.
Being physically fit is an important part of the job. It’s important that you get your exercise and eat well to stay prepared for the daily rigors of the job.
14. **Be prepared for a unique schedule.** In addition to waking up early, many bakers have a work schedule that is far from typical. Because baked goods are high in demand during holidays, many bakers will be expected to work on Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, or other holidays when people typically order more baked goods. They may also be required to work more on weekends, since bakeries are often at their most busy during these times. If they work at a commercial bakery that bakes continuously, then they may be subjected or required to work late in the evenings and on weekends.
This doesn’t mean that bakers work more than the average employee, but it does mean that they work different hours. In fact, 1 in 3 bakers worked part-time in 2012. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Make a Casserole | Casserole is French word for "saucepan," and like the French cassoulet, refers to any recipe baked in the dish of which it shares its name. In a casserole, any variety of starches, meats, and vegetables may be combined and baked together to create a meal. Casseroles can be a great way to combine leftover ingredients into a single dish, stretch a small amount of protein into a full meal, or reinvigorate old stale foods and give them some new life. Because many casseroles follow a similar prep, the basics are covered first, with more specific recipes for pasta, rice, and vegetable-based casseroles to follow. See Step 1 for more information.
1. **Get a good-quality casserole dish.** Casseroles are made by combining a variety of starches, meats, vegetables, and other ingredients, sometimes raw and sometimes cooked, into the dish and baking them in a casserole dish. Casserole dishes are traditionally square or rectangular baking pans, usually made of Pyrex, aluminized steel, or earthenware. Often, casseroles are quite hearty, topped with cheese or breadcrumbs.
2. **Choose a starch.** Most casseroles use as their base some variety of starch, which will form the most substantial content of the casserole. Typically pre or par-cooked before being added to the casserole dish, using starches as a base is a good way to stretch a little bit of protein or vegetables into a full meal. While casseroles are amenable to any variety of ingredients, most tend to use the following:
. Pre-cooked potatoes can make an excellent base for breakfast or dinner casseroles, or as a topping to shepherd's pie in it's mashed form. If you want to use potato in your casserole, you can purchase frozen hash browns or parboil peeled and quartered raw potato until fork-tender. It goes especially well with beef, or other red meats.
. From egg noodles to mostaccioli, pasta makes a perfect base for a casserole. Mixed with any variety of sauce or cheese, pasta casseroles can be made both sweet and savory, perfect for any time of the year. Lasagna is the classic of the genre, but experiment with different pastas to find what you like best.
. Common in both Middle Eastern and Midwestern American cuisine, rice-based casseroles go particularly well with chicken or other poultry. Basic white rice is good to start with, but wild rice, jasmine rice, or even black rice can make casseroles surprising and complex.
. Why stop at rice? Quinoa, barley, wheat berries, oatmeal, or any combination of whole grains can make a substantial and healthy casserole, especially when combined with rice. Egyptian koshari, which can be made as a casserole, features pasta, lentils, and rice as an idiosyncratic base for its spices and flavors. Why not?
3. **Choose a meat, vegetable, or a combination of the two.** For most casseroles, you'll sauté the proteins and vegetables briefly in a skillet, then finish them off in the casserole dish, topped with breadcrumbs or cheese. For that reason, you can almost think of a casserole like a stir fry that you bake at the end.
through before being added to the casserole dish. Casserole recipes that feature a lot of liquid, however, will sometimes call for raw meat to be added to cook everything at the same time. It's possible to do both.
make excellent additions to any casserole. Because everything is cooked together, casseroles are an excellent way to spice up somewhat bland vegetables.
, green or brown lentils make an excellent substitution for the meat in most casserole recipes. Commercial meat substitutes, like seitan or tofu-based meat alternatives are amenable to the casserole as well.
4. **Choose a binder that will keep everything together.** For lots of casseroles, a sauce or egg mixture will be added to the ingredients to keep everything bound together. In Midwestern cuisine, this often takes the form of Cream of Mushroom soup, but béchamel, curry, whipped egg, pasta sauce, or other ingredients are likewise common, depending on the ingredients used.
5. **Sautee the ingredients and combine in a greased casserole dish.** Meats should be cooked through and vegetables should have the crunch taken off, but should still be somewhat firm before being added to the casserole dish. Before adding ingredients, it's a good idea to grease the pan with butter or oil.
Depending on the casserole, you might like to layer the ingredients into separate layers, as with a lasagna or a moussaka, or mix the ingredients.
6. **Bake covered for the majority of the cooking time.** Depending on the topping you use and the kind of texture you're looking for, it's common to cover your casserole with aluminum foil or a lid, and bake between 350 and 425 F.
The cooking time will vary, depending on the ingredients and the amounts. For casseroles in which all the ingredients are cooked ahead of time, and you're just trying to melt cheese, you only need 10 or 15 minutes in the oven to finish the job. If you want to cook rice in liquid, you're looking at a cooking time closer to 45 minutes or an hour.
7. **Uncover the casserole and add the topping, then broil to finish it.** If you want a cheesy or crunchy top to your casserole, don't add it ahead of time, or it'll be a soggy mess. Wait until you've cooked the casserole through, then remove the cover, add your topping, and broil the casserole to finish it. Common toppings include:
shoestring potatoes
French onions
parmesan cheese
potato chip crumbs
cracker crumbs
mashed potato
8. **Make baked macaroni and cheese** One of the easiest and most delicious simple casseroles to make is a baked macaroni and cheese. By varying the ratio of cheese-to-macaroni, you can make yours gooier or more firm, depending on how you like it.
for a square-shaped casserole dish and a full box for a rectangular dish. Cook until al dente, then rinse with cool water to stop them from cooking and put them in a greased casserole dish.
, then whisk in about two tablespoons of flour and brown it to make the roux, while it clumps up. Keep stirring it, or it'll burn quickly. When it browns, add 2 cups of whole milk, a little at a time, whisking vigorously, to integrate the flour and thicken things.
after the milk has been added, and let the roux thicken. When it bubbles, add about 8 oz. of shredded sharp cheddar cheese, or whatever kind of cheese you like, melting the cheese in. Cheddar is most common, but mix it up by adding half cheddar and half pepper jack, or mozzarella. Use your favorite kind.
. Common additions might include sautéed mushrooms, ground beef or sausage, raw tomato slices, onions and garlic. Bake at 350 for 15 minutes, then top with breadcrumbs or parmesan cheese and broil to finish.
, add more milk at the beginning, and use fewer noodles. , make less sauce, enough to just coat the noodles and add a significant amount of breadcrumbs to the top.
9. **Make tuna casserole** Tuna casserole, or tuna-noodle casserole, is Midwestern cooking at its commonest. Using egg noodles, canned tuna, and cream of mushroom soup, it's a quick and hearty meal that you can derive from cheap pantry ingredients.
until al dente, and rinse them in cool water to stop the cooking.
, mix one can of cream of mushroom soup with a half cup of water, one drained can of solid white albacore tuna, and a cup and a half of frozen peas. Salt and pepper to taste.
might include cheddar cheese, chopped pimento or black olive, frozen carrots, or using canned salmon instead of tuna.
for about half an hour, then remove to add breadcrumbs and parmesan cheese for a topping. Broil to finish.
10. **Make lasagna** To make a basic lasagna, you can layer cooked lasagna noodles, mozzarella, parmesan, or ricotta cheese (or, better yet, all three) and marinara sauce in a casserole dish and bake until the cheese is melted and warm and delicious.
and meat you'd like in your lasagna before adding sauce to the skillet. Spinach, mushrooms, eggplant and sausage are all common additions. Layer noodles, then sauce mixture, then cheese until you fill the pan. It's common to top lasagna with a beaten egg and parmesan cheese to create a nice golden crunch on top.
for 25 minutes and then remove the cover and bake an additional 25 minutes. Before cutting into it, let it stand for 15 minutes.
11. **Make turkey with wild rice casserole** A great way to revitalize leftover poultry is to cook it up as part of a casserole with fragrant wild rice and vegetables. One of the great things about cooking a rice-based casserole is that you have the option of cooking the rice in the oven, alongside the other ingredients, or you can use pre-cooked rice in the casserole if you've got it on hand. This option is available for any rice-dish you make in the oven.
. Add half a white onion, chopped, and a few cloves of minced garlic, to your taste. When the onion is translucent, stir in two chopped carrots (about a cup), a stalk of chopped celery, and about a pound of turkey breast, cut into bite-sized chunks. Brown the turkey, cooking about 2 or 3 minutes.
, or whatever kind of rice you like, with 2 1/2 cups of water, a can of condensed cream of mushroom soup, and a sprinkling of a half-teaspoon each of marjoram, thyme, and rosemary. Add a teaspoon of salt and pepper to taste, then mix in the chicken mixture and stir thoroughly. Bake covered at 375 for about 30 minutes. Remove when the rice is cooked and the liquid has mostly evaporated.
might include chicken or other poultry for turkey, and the addition of frozen peas, water chestnuts, pimento, fresh chopped mushrooms, green beans, or asparagus. Add whatever you like, and remove what you don't. Cream of chicken soup would also be perfectly effective to use as a thickener, or you could leave out the soup altogether and use a cup of cream or milk.
12. **Make a chicken biryani casserole** Most commonly associated with Indian cuisine, biryani is actually a Persian dish, originally. While not traditionally prepared as a casserole, mixing curried chicken and cooked basmati rice in a casserole dish can be a nice change of pace from the cream of mushroom tradition. It smells delicious and tastes even better.
, fry half a small white or yellow onion in butter (or clarified butter, called ghee) with a bay leaf, two cracked cardamom pods, and a tsp. of whole cloves (5-10 cloves). Add three cups of basmati rice and stir in the spicy butter until it becomes translucent, then add about 6 cups of water and cook over low heat, covered, for about 40 minutes, or until all the water is absorbed. Remove from the heat and set the rice aside. If you don't have the whole spices, substitute two tsp. of powdered spice.
, marinade 6 or 7 chicken drumsticks and thighs in a mixture of coconut milk (about a quarter cup) with chopped cilantro and mint (about a half-cup of each), a tablespoon of dried cumin, a tablespoon of dried coriander, and half a bulb of chopped garlic. Make little slits in the chicken, then rub with the marinade and let sit in the refrigerator overnight.
, fry a whole chopped white onion in butter or ghee and add 5 cloves of minced garlic and a two-inch piece of ginger, chopped. Add 5-7 whole cloves, a cinnamon stick, a tsp. of turmeric, a tablespoon of dried cumin, tablespoon of dried coriander powder, and a tsp. of gram masala. Stir the onion and dried spices together for about a minute so it doesn't burn, then add a cup of coconut milk, two cups of water, and stir everything together thoroughly to mix. When it boils, add the chicken, then cover and cook over medium-low heat for 30 minutes until the chicken is cooked through.
, line the bottom of the casserole dish with half the rice, then top with the chicken and curry sauce. Add the rest of the rice on top, cover with foil, and bake at 350 F for about 40 minutes. Check about halfway through the cooking time to make sure the rice isn't drying out.
13. **Make green bean casserole.** A savory staple of many a Midwestern American holiday meal, green bean casserole is a creamy baked side dish made with few ingredients. If there was ever a recipe that cream of mushroom made necessary, it is this.
, mix together about 4 cups of cooked green beans, cut into bite-sized pieces, and one can of condensed cream of mushroom soup.
, a few dashes of soy sauce, to taste, and salt and pepper to taste.
and bake at 350 F for about 20 minutes until it gets warmed through and bubbling. Top with about a cup of fried French onions and let them brown in the oven for about five minutes. Serve hot.
14. **Make summer squash casserole.** Summer squash like yellow crookneck or zucchini have a tendency to be pretty bland on their own, but baked up with cheese and crunchy topping can take them to the next level.
(roughly 2 medium squash) and sauté them over medium heat in some olive or coconut oil and half a chopped onion, then combine with ¾ of a cup of water, 2 beaten eggs, a cup of shredded cheddar cheese (or whatever kind of cheese you prefer), and salt and pepper to taste.
and spread into a casserole dish. Top the mixture with crunched up cracker crumbs, or breadcrumbs if you prefer, dotted with a tablespoon of butter. Bake at 400 F for 20 minutes, or until golden and firm.
might include cherry tomatoes, fresh dill, basil, or other summer herbs, and bacon. The same recipe would also work for winter squash that had been par-baked, and would be great combined with other root vegetables like sweet potato and carrot.
15. **Make broccoli-cauliflower casserole.** To liven up cruciferous vegetables, you can't go wrong with cheese. Thickened with a simple roux and baked under breadcrumbs, it's a delicious, if not super-healthy, way to eat your broccoli. Start by chopping a head of broccoli and about half a head of cauliflower into bite-sized pieces, or by defrosting a package of each, if you want to use the frozen variety.
over medium heat in butter, then add two tablespoons of flour to start the roux.
, browning the flour, then add about two cups of milk, whisking to thicken. When it bubbles and gets thick, add a quarter-cup of parmesan cheese and a half a package (about 4 oz) of cream cheese.
with a teaspoon each of thyme, oregano, and dill. If you like a little kick, this works great with about a quarter teaspoon of cayenne, as well.
and spoon into a casserole dish. Top with breadcrumbs and a sprinkling of parmesan cheese, then bake at 350 F for about 40 minutes.
16. **Make roasted winter squash and quinoa casserole.** A common complaint about vegetable casseroles is that the cheese and cream outweighs the nutritional benefits of the vegetables. While cream-of-mushroom and other varieties of cheesy casserole may taste good, there are perhaps more nutritional ways of preparing vegetables. Mixing quinoa--a perfect protein, as well as a delicious and hearty grain--with hearty roasted butternut squash fits the bill of healthy and tasty casserole.
Roast one medium-sized butternut squash at 400 F, after slicing it in half and scooping out the seeds. Drizzle a little olive oil on top of the squash and roast in a roasting pan for about 20 minutes, until soft. If you'd prefer chunks of squash, rather than mashed, you can peel the squash and chop it into bite-sized chunks before roasting.
, chopped, with 2-3 cloves of minced garlic in olive oil. When the onion is translucent, add a teaspoon of dried sage, or a tablespoon of fresh chopped sage, and one cup of quinoa. Stir to coat the quinoa, then add a cup and a half of water.
, then simmer over medium-low heat, covered, for about fifteen minutes, until all the water is absorbed. Add salt and pepper to taste, then stir in a cup and a half of chopped spinach or kale, a quarter cup each of dried cranberries and chopped walnuts, and two beaten eggs.
, combine the quinoa mixture with the roasted squash. If you want, you can add a half cup of shredded swiss cheese, on top or mixed in, or leave the cheese off entirely if you wish. Return to the oven and bake for about 40 minutes.
17. **Try tater-tot hotdish from the American Midwest** It doesn't get any more Midwestern than tater tots and ground beef. It also doesn't get any easier or more nostalgic. Childhood comfort food at its finest.
, seasoning to your taste. If you like it a little spicy, add some chili powder or cayenne. It's also common to add garlic and onions.
, when the meat is cooked, and add two cans of whatever vegetables you like. Green beans are common, as well as peas, corn, or some combination of the above. Frozen vegetables are likewise fine.
and top with a bag of frozen tater-tots, then bake at 350 degrees for about an hour, or until the tater tots are golden brown and crispy. Serve it up with tabasco, and it's winter in Minnesota.
18. **Make Mediterranean moussaka** Moussaka is a lot like lasagna, but with potato and eggplant instead of noodles, and meat sauce and béchamel instead of marinara and mozzarella. It's delicious.
Start with a basic meat sauce, made with a pound of browned ground beef, garlic, and onions, spiced with cinnamon and oregano, as well as salt and pepper to taste. Add a half cup of red wine, a half can of tomato paste, and some lemon zest. Simmer uncovered for about 20 minutes, then turn off the heat.
, and 2-3 medium-sized potatoes, then slice into equal rounds, about a quarter-inch thick. Boil the potato rounds in salted water for about 7 minutes, until fork-tender, and grill the eggplant slices, or sauté them in the skillet to cook them through. It's usually best to salt the eggplant and allow them to sit for about 15 minutes before cooking them, to release some of the moisture.
In a skillet, make a roux by whisking about a half-cup of flour in about a half stick of butter over medium heat, then thicken with 3-4 cups of milk, whisking vigorously. In a separate bowl, beat two eggs, then slowly add them to the hot mixture, once thickened, to temper it. Add nutmeg and salt, to taste.
with potato rounds, eggplant rounds, and meat sauce, alternating however you wish. Top the mixture with some parmesan cheese, if you wish, and the white sauce, then bake at 350 for about 45 minutes, until the top is nicely browned.
19. **Make Southwestern black bean casserole.** For a tortillas-and-black beans variant on lasagna, you can mix up a spicy casserole with hearty black beans, chorizo, and chili sauce.
in a skillet over medium-high heat, then remove. If you don't like chorizo, regular sausage would be a fine alternative.
and 2-3 cloves of minced garlic, adding two teaspoons of ground cumin and one of cinnamon, when the onions become translucent.
to the skillet, with a cup of chicken stock, and return the chorizo to the mix. Reduce the heat and simmer for about 10 or 15 minutes, testing for salt.
, spoon some green chili sauce on the bottom, then layer several corn tortillas in a layer on top. Spoon some of the black bean mixture over the tortillas, then add a sprinkling of shredded monterey jack cheese, or the cheese of your choice. Continue alternating layers until the dish is full, and top with extra shredded cheese. Bake covered for 20 minutes and uncovered for another 20, at 350. Serve with sour cream.
20. **Make southern hash-brown casserole** It may not be healthy, but it's the cornerstone of a country breakfast. Next to fried eggs and a bowl of hominy grits, it's hard to beat cheesy hash-brown casserole.
a cup of sour cream, a half cup of melted butter, a can of condensed cream-of-mushroom soup, 2 cups of shredded cheddar cheese (or your favorite cheese), and a teaspoon each of salt and pepper. Mix together thoroughly, then stir in two pounds of shredded potatoes. It's common to use the frozen kind for this dish, but if you shred up your own, rinse the shredded potato in water and squeeze them out thoroughly before adding.
, and top with the secret weapon: crumbled corn flakes cereal. Bake uncovered for 40 minutes, or until golden brown and bubbly.
21. **Make rice pudding in a casserole dish.** Casseroles and starches don't always have to be savory. Baked rice pudding makes a wonderful finish to a meal that's spicy and light on starch. To make rice pudding:
In a casserole dish, combine a cup of cooked white rice (or brown rice, if you prefer the texture), with two cups of milk and one of water, two beaten eggs, a half-cup of brown sugar, and a quarter cup each of chopped walnuts, and raisins (or whatever fruits and nuts you prefer). Season with nutmeg, a pinch of cinnamon and salt, and a half teaspoon of vanilla. Bake at 325 F for 30 minutes, or until golden brown. Check for doneness by sticking a kitchen knife into the center of the casserole, which should come out clean.
You can substitute the spices for others as you prefer.
22. **Make baked oatmeal.** Oatmeal can be prepared the night before and popped into the oven in the morning for a wonderfully warm and comforting breakfast. It's perfectly amenable to whatever fruits, nuts, and additions you like in your oatmeal.
, combine a cup of raw oats, two cups of milk, and a cup of water. Mix in a half cup of brown sugar and a teaspoon of cinnamon. Add whatever nuts and dried fruits you like, or leave them out entirely. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight.
and bake at 350 for about half an hour, or until golden brown, with the edges bubbling. Halfway through the cooking top, remove the oatmeal, and top with slices of fresh fruit and a sparkling of cinnamon-sugar. Sliced peaches, apples, or pears are all appropriate.
23. **Make bread pudding** A great way to liven up stale bread is to mix up a bread-based casserole. While bread-puddings can be sweet or savory, the dessert variety is the most well-known, particularly in southern cuisine and BBQ cooking.
, tear up at least 6 slices of stale bread, or about half a loaf. In a separate bowl, beat 3 eggs and mix in 2 cups of milk, a half cup of brown sugar, and a teaspoon each of vanilla and cinnamon. Add a quarter cup each of chopped nuts, or dried fruits that you enjoy. Pour this mixture over the bread, and bake at 350 for about 45 minutes, or until springy. Test with a kitchen knife in the center, which should come out clean.
, substitute your favorite shredded cheese for the sugar, and dried sage, oregano, and rosemary for the cinnamon. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Use an Inversion Table | Inversion tables are used as a treatment primarily for back pain. They are designed to utilize gravity and create some traction in the spine and pelvis, which can take pressure of compressed joints, discs and nerves. Inversion therapy usually involves laying at a downward angle, not hanging completely upside down. The effectiveness of using inversion tables for back pain is not well studied, but anecdotal reports suggest that some people do experience at least short-term relief. However, inversion therapy impacts blood flow (particularly to the head), so people with hypertension, glaucoma or heart disease should be cautious.
1. **Understand its limitations.** It's important to understand that an inversion table is not meant to replace the advice or treatments offered by your family doctor, orthopedist, chiropractor or physiotherapist. Some health professionals recommend inversion tables and even have them in their clinics, but there is no evidence that they can cure any diseases or conditions of the spine over the long term. As such, it's probably best to think of inversion therapy as short-term help to control back pain and sciatica.
Unlike inversion boots and racks, inversion tables don't require you to hang upside down. Instead, they allow you to comfortably lay supine and invert yourself at incremental downward angles gradually.
Because your blood pressure increases when you're inverted for more than a few minutes, especially within your head and eyeballs, people with eye diseases (glaucoma, retinal detachment), high blood pressure and those with a history of migraines or stroke should be very cautious with inversion tables.
Using an inversion table may relieve your pain temporarily, but it will not treat the underlying cause behind your symptoms. You should still see your doctor for treatment.
2. **Place your inversion table in an open space.** Inversion tables made for home use are relatively affordable (ranging from $200 to $500) and often found at medical supply and rehabilitation stores — your health insurance may even pay for one for certain back injuries. Once you bring it home, make sure there is plenty of space around the table so there is no danger of banging your head or causing other injuries. It's also best to place it on a secured rug or mat so it doesn't slide about and become unstable.
Consider putting your inversion table in your basement, attic, rec room or garage — anywhere that allows at least five feet of space all around the table.
The concept of inversion therapy is not new. Supposedly the therapy existed and was witnessed and commented on by Hippocrates (the "father of medicine") around the year 400 BC.
3. **Adjust the inversion table to your height.** Inversion tables are height adjustable for maximum effectiveness, so take the time to manipulate it so that it fits your body. Most inversion tables have a bar with measurements that can be adjusted using a twistable knob. Make sure you tighten the knob securely after you have adjusted it.
Read the instruction manual carefully because your inversion table may not be appropriate for exceptionally tall or short people. The manual should give a range of heights that are safe for usage.
Inversion therapy is a type of spinal traction, which is sometimes recommended to decompress spinal disc injuries such as herniations and bulges.
4. **Start with the lowest degrees of inclination.** In a sense, think of the inversion table as a small bed that can be adjusted to about 60 degrees from the horizontal or level (neutral) position. If you're not accustomed to using an inversion table, then start with a slight decline such that your head is at a lower level than your feet — maybe 10 degrees, for example. Too much angle too soon may make you feel dizzy or give you a headache from the sudden rush of blood to your head.
As you get accustomed to the feeling and change in blood flow / pressure, gradually increase the degree of decline over the course of many days. For example, increase the decline angle by 5 degrees every week if you're using it on a daily basis.
Make sure the safety strap is properly connected to ensure it will not invert all the way and jar your body.
5. **Climb onto the table slowly and secure your feet.** Once the table is height adjusted and the angle is set, slide on to the inversion table so that your back is flush with the table and you're looking up at the ceiling (prone position). You'll then need to do a partial sit-up in order to secure your feet with straps against your ankles. Wearing shoes may be more comfortable and protective than going barefoot. Then lift your hands above your head and throw your weight back to cause the table to recline and try to relax in the inverted position for a predetermined amount of time.
Until you get the hang of it, ask someone to assist or supervise you while getting on to the inversion table, particularly if you are a large person with limited mobility or flexibility.
You can expect to feel the muscles / tendons / ligaments / joints of your legs and low back stretch, but not painfully so. If your back pain is caused by a compressed nerve or jammed spinal facet joint, the gentle traction provided by the inversion table may provide quick relief.
6. **Increase the frequency and duration of your sessions gradually.** The most beneficial amount of time spent on an inversion table (as well as the best angle) can only be determined by you. Some may benefit from three sessions weekly for 15 minutes at a time, while others may prefer more sessions and longer durations on the inversion table. The question is whether or not it positively impacts your symptoms. In general, you probably shouldn't exceed 3x daily and no more than one hour per session, but there are too many factors involved to give precise medical advice.
For your first time, stay inverted for less than 5 minutes, even if the position feels good and doesn't cause any side effects. Increase your time as warranted, but never stay inverted if you feel more back pain or shooting pains into your legs (sciatica).
When you're inverted, gravity will cause extra blood to pool in your head. It will eventually drain out once you're upright, but in the meantime, the extra pressure might lead to light-headedness, nausea, or vomiting. If that happens, decrease the length of your inversion sessions, or stop them altogether.
Most people seem to settle on an angle of inclination between 20 and 60 degrees — never exceed what your body tells you.
7. **Consult with your family doctor.** If you have moderate-to-severe back pain that lasts for more than a week with no signs of getting better (or if it's getting progressively worse), make an appointment with your doctor for an examination. Your family doctor is not a spinal specialist, but they can take x-rays and rule out serious causes of back pain that might need medical intervention. Your medical doctor is unlikely to have or recommend an inversion table, but ask if using one is safe for your particular back injury.
You should not use the inversion table if you have any of the following conditions: pregnancy, hernia (torn abdominal muscle), glaucoma, retinal detachment, conjunctivitis, hypertension, recent stroke or heart attack, circulatory disorders, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, swollen joints (rheumatoid arthritis), osteoporosis (brittle bones), unhealed fractures, scoliosis spinal rods, middle ear infection and severe obesity.
If you have bouts of dizziness or suffer from vertigo, then inversion therapy should be used with caution and under the supervision of a health professional.
8. **See a chiropractor.** Chiropractors are spinal and back pain specialists who are much more likely to be familiar with and recommend inversion tables (compared to medical doctors). Some chiropractors even have them at their offices, which should be taken advantage of before purchasing one for home use. Once your chiropractor has determined that your back injury may benefit from inversion therapy, ask for recommendations regarding frequency, duration and appropriate angles for your sessions.
Chiropractors usually use inversion therapy to augment a type of manual therapy known as spinal adjustments — essentially unjamming spinal joints and allowing them to move normally. You may require spinal adjustments or other therapy before being able to use an inversion table.
Chiropractors often recommend inversion therapy for spinal disc problems (bulges, tears and herniations). Symptoms of a disc problem include severe back pain, shooting buttock / leg pain (sciatica), leg weakness and numbness.
9. **Get a referral to a physical therapist.** Physical therapists are also likely to be familiar with and use inversion therapy as part of a spinal (low back) rehabilitation program. After getting a referral from your doctor, a physical therapist is likely to show you specific and tailored stretches and strengthening exercises for your spinal muscles, in addition to augmenting with some inversion therapy. Stretching and loosening up your back muscles prior to inversion therapy may make it more effective.
Your therapist may increase the amount of traction to your spine by adding weight to your upper body while you're on the inversion table. However, don't attempt this at home without supervision.
Using inversion therapy under the guidance of a physical therapist or other health professional is the safest way to get introduced to it and learn whether its worth it to spend the money on one for home use. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Be Assertive Without Being Arrogant | Assertiveness communicates your needs in a way that is fair to both yourself and to others. Using an assertive communication style and assertive behaviors can help you feel more satisfied and fulfilled. It will also help you project confidence and help others feel relaxed and confident when they interact with you. While assertive communication can sometimes be misinterpreted as arrogant, selfish, or unhelpful, by learning how to establish clear boundaries and communicate your needs and ideas clearly and respectfully, you can enhance your relationships with others, whether they’re work colleagues, friends, or romantic partners.
1. **Compare assertive and passive behavior.** Assertiveness is not the same as arrogance. A passive person often allows his/her own rights to be violated by agreeing to things even when s/he does not want to do them, refusing to make her/his own decisions, being overly self-effacing, and refusing to communicate about thoughts and feelings honestly. An assertive person is not afraid to say “no” to inappropriate or unfeasible requests and is confident in appropriately expressing her/his feelings, needs, and reactions to others.
Assertive individuals do not allow their own rights to be violated, and they do not violate others’ rights or feelings in order to express their own. Assertive individuals feel a strong sense of internal confidence (i.e., a feeling that you are acting according to your personal values and that you are doing your best).
Assertiveness enhances emotional honesty, directness with others, and interpersonal relationships. If you do not stand up for yourself or you rely on others to make all of your decisions, your interpersonal relationships are not as likely to be satisfying. Non-assertive individuals generally experience lower levels of well-being and emotional security.
2. **Recognize assertive behaviors.** Assertive behavior is as much about how you say something as what you say. Assertiveness does not mean hurting or belittling another person; instead, it is about expressing your own right to have thoughts, needs, and feelings. The following are some examples of assertive behavior:
Expressing your feelings clearly.
Telling others of your needs in a non-threatening manner.
Avoiding name-calling, swearing, and other inappropriate expressions
Communicating honestly and directly
Recognizing others’ rights in communication
Using cooperative statements and seeking others’ opinions
An example of assertive behavior would be to tell the person who cut in front of you in line at the store in a calm voice, “I was next in line. I don’t appreciate that you cut in line like that.”
If the situation were reversed and you accidentally cut in line, an assertive behavior would be to accept responsibility and apologize: “I’m sorry, I didn’t see you standing in line. I’ll go behind you.” Asserting responsibility doesn’t mean you have to grovel or demean yourself, just that you recognize others’ needs as well as your own.
3. **Remember that assertiveness is a practiced skill.** While some people seem born more confident than others, communicating assertively and appropriately is a skill that requires time and practice to develop. This is especially true for women, who often face social and cultural pressures to refrain from using assertive behaviors and communication.
Apologizing and taking responsibility is a healthy, helpful response to a failure to communicate appropriately. This helps keep the door open for future communication.
4. **Acknowledge that you have rights.** Social and cultural pressures may encourage you to believe that you don’t have the right to say “no” in certain circumstances, such as at work or with friends. If you are a woman, you may face social stigma if you behave assertively, such as being called “shrill,” “pushy,” or “angry” . However, it is important to recognize that nobody deserves to feel worthless or intimidated. You have the right to have needs, thoughts, and feelings, and the right to express them appropriately.
5. **Recognize where you need to make changes.** If you routinely feel pressured into agreeing to things at work or with friends, or if you feel depressed and powerless in your interactions with others, you probably need to work on your assertiveness in those areas. Remember that passivity isn’t actually doing anyone a favor; it can make you feel unappreciated or overlooked, and it isn’t honest with others.
Try keeping a journal of times when you feel intimidated, coerced, pressured, passive, or timid. This can help you determine what areas pose the greatest problems for you, and where you should focus your assertiveness training.
6. **Ask for help.** If you know you have a problem responding assertively to situations, it’s a good idea to ask for help from someone you trust. This could be a friend, a partner, a boss, or a counselor. Describe the situation and the problem as specifically as possible, and then describe the changes you’d like to make in your behavior.
For example, if you know you have a problem agreeing to doing extra projects at work without compensation, you could talk to a trusted co-worker about strategies for you to assert yourself the next time you’re asked to take on extra work.
You can also practice your assertive responses with these trusted individuals before putting them into play in the problem situation. Rehearsing the situation will help you figure out how to approach the situation appropriately and may help alleviate anxiety.
7. **Practice in low-stakes situations.** It takes time and practice to become a skilled assertive communicator, and it can be very anxiety-provoking for individuals who aren’t accustomed to asserting themselves. Try out your skills in situations where you can practice assertiveness safely and without too much weight attached to the interaction.
For example, if you routinely have difficulty asserting your preferences, the next time your order is taken incorrectly at a restaurant or coffee-shop, politely clarify the situation and ask that it be addressed: “I asked that my steak be cooked medium. This looks well-done. Would you please fix this?”
8. **Check the context of situations.** Sometimes, passive or aggressive individuals may think you are being arrogant when you aren't. It's important to recognize when critiques represent a misinterpretation of your behavior, and when they might be valid. To respond to these critiques, try emphasizing that you want to cooperate and collaborate, not dominate.
Passive people might misinterpret assertiveness as rude because they are not used to speaking up for themselves. A passive person might see the direct, open style of assertive communication as different from how they behave and judge it incorrectly.
Individuals who are passive-aggressive express their thoughts and feelings indirectly, often by attempting to mask their real feelings and punishing others through withdrawal, sulking, etc. Passive-aggression is very damaging to relationships and communication. Because they are used to hiding their feelings and expressing them indirectly, passive-aggressive people might see the honesty about your feelings that comes with assertiveness as rude or hostile.
Aggressive people may be upset that assertive communicators stand up for themselves, rather than cowing to their demands. They may be accustomed to thinking of communication in terms of only what they want and need. They may even interpret assertive communication as hostile because they are used to valuing themselves more than others and expect others to treat them that way.
In some cases, others may judge your behavior incorrectly due to their own prejudices or perceptions. Racism and other forms of prejudice and bias may encourage people to judge your behavior by standards that are neither accurate nor helpful. For example, in American culture the pervasive, hurtful stereotype of the "angry black woman" might encourage some to interpret any assertive communication by African American women as aggression. Women in Western societies are often expected to be "nurturers," and may be judged harshly for being assertive communicators. Unfortunately, there is not a lot you can do to change others' minds if they are set.
Imbalances of power in situations can also foster misinterpretations. For example, if you are a manager of a team, it may be easier for the individuals working under you to view your actions as demanding and selfish, rather than assertive. Focus on collaboration, paying attention to others' feelings and needs, and encouraging others to express themselves. Being aware of those around you is a key way to keep your behavior assertive, rather than letting it lapse into aggression.
Focus on the steps for "healthy assertiveness" in part 2 to make sure that your behavior is assertive, rather than passive or aggressive.
9. **Be an active listener.** Letting people know your boundaries and feelings while at the same time allowing them space to talk, discuss, and open up about their feelings is important. Ask follow-up questions during conversations and use affirmations such as nodding, gestures, and agreements.
Look directly at the person who is speaking. You needn't stare at him or her, but you should try to maintain eye contact for about 70% of the time you are listening. This helps communicate to the speaker that you're interested and paying attention.
It can be easy to slip into thinking about what we will say in response to someone else's statement before the other person's even done talking. For example, if a friend is telling you about her awful day, you might begin to think about how you will tell her about your terrible day while she is still talking. Doing so means you are not focusing on the other person.
If you're having a hard time concentrating on what the other person is saying to you, try mentally repeating or summarizing what they're saying to you. This will force you to pay more attention.
When it is your turn to speak, try asking questions or using phrases to clarify what you heard. For example, if you have been listening to your partner explain something you did that frustrated him or her, you should clarify what you heard: "What I heard you say is _____. Is that right?" This helps keep you from jumping to conclusions or misinterpreting.
10. **Be humble** Assertiveness and humility make a fine combination. An assertive person doesn't need to shout "Me, me, me, look what I did!" from the rooftops. It is perfectly healthy to accept praise for a job well done or remind others that you made a contribution, as long as this doesn’t become boastful or focused on belittling others to prop yourself up.
Showing humility doesn't mean that you are being weak or demeaning yourself. Celebrate your successes and congratulate yourself when you have done something well. Just don't put down others to lift yourself up.
For example, if someone tells you that you did a great job on a presentation, don't feel as though you should reply by saying something like "Oh, it was nothing." Such a response minimizes your true effort and accomplishment. Instead, try an assertive reply that acknowledges your own effort while staying humble: "Thank you! I worked really hard on it and had some great help."
11. **Use “I” statements.** Statements that focus on what ‘’you’’ are feeling, thinking, or experiencing communicate your needs without blaming others or “mind-reading” (assuming that you know what others are thinking or experiencing). You can state feelings, such as “I like ___” and “I don’t want to ___,” as well as offer constructive criticism, such as “I feel irritated when you ___.”
For example, if your colleague forgot a lunch date with you, don’t assume it’s because she doesn’t care. Instead, offer an “I” statement and follow it up with an invitation for her to share her experience: “I felt hurt when you didn’t make it to lunch. What happened?”
Express your feelings as they really are. If you have been invited to an office function and you really don’t want to go, don’t say something like “Oh, I guess I’ll go, but it’s not really my thing.” Instead, say “I really don’t enjoy large crowds. I’d prefer not to go.”
12. **Avoid using “should” or “ought.”** Using words such as “should” or “ought” places a moral judgment on behavior and can feel blaming or demanding. These words are known as “categorical imperatives” and can create feelings of anger and guilt in others (or in yourself, if you’re directing the statement to yourself).
For example, instead of saying something like “You should remember to take out the trash when you’re supposed to” to your child, try saying “It is important for you to take out the trash when it is your turn.”
Try substituting “I prefer” or “I would like you to” for “should” statements.
13. **Use an even, relaxed tone of voice.** Avoid shouting or yelling, as these are disruptive behaviors that can cause discomfort for others and may prevent your point from being heard. Rather than raising your voice, speak in an even, calm tone of voice that sounds relaxed.
14. **Invite others to share their thoughts and experiences.** Don’t assume that you know what’s going on in a situation, or that you know best how to handle it. Instead, invite others into the conversation using cooperative phrases such as “What do you think?” or “Do you have any suggestions regarding ___?”
This is particularly important if you are offering constructive criticism or sharing a negative feeling. Asking the other person to share their feelings and thoughts makes them feel as though they are important to you.
For example, if you have a friend who repeatedly cancels plans with you at the last minute, tell her how you feel and then invite her to share her experiences with you: “When we make plans and you cancel at the last minute, I feel frustrated because it’s too late to make other plans for myself. I also sometimes feel as though you don’t want to spend time with me. Is there something going on?”
15. **Avoid blaming others.** Blaming others for our own flaws and mistakes is incredibly damaging to communication. Criticizing others for their own shortcomings in blaming language, especially language that generalizes, such as “You always forget to pick me up!” or “You’re such a slob!” gets in the way of productive dialogue.
For example, if your employee forgot to file an important report, don’t heap on the blame and negative language; chances are, s/he already feels bad about forgetting. Instead, focus assertively on what s/he can do differently in the future: “I noticed that you forgot to file that report. When I have deadlines, I set a reminder in my calendar so that I don’t forget them. Do you think that would help you?”
16. **Distinguish between fact and opinion.** If you and another person disagree on something, don’t try to battle over who is “right.” This is especially true of situations where there is usually no “right” answer, such as an incident that hurt someone’s feelings. Using phrases such as “My experience is different” will help make room for everyone’s experience.
For example, imagine that your partner comes to you and says that you hurt his or her feelings during an earlier conversation. Instead of immediately replying "I didn't mean to" or using other defensive language, first acknowledge that s/he felt the way s/he says. For example: "I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. I really didn't mean to, and I will work on not saying things that way again."
As another example, remember that people have many ways of approaching life. Just because they are different from yours does not mean they are wrong. For example, imagine that your colleague is approaching a project in a way that you don't think is the most efficient. An example of aggressive communication could look like this: "That's a dumb way to do that" or "Who does it that way?"
Instead, if it is your place -- e.g., you are in charge of the project, you are the other person's boss -- communicate your concerns about the efficiency assertively. "I see that you're tackling the project in X way. I have some experience with these projects, and I've found that Y way usually gets it done faster with better results. What would you think of trying it this way?"
Keep in mind that it is often not your place to correct others. It's usually a good idea to refrain from imposing your opinions on others.
17. **Be willing to explore options.** Compromise is often both necessary and useful in interactions with others. Rather than adhering rigidly to your own view of or plan for a situation, express your willingness to explore other solutions to a problem. You can be assertive with your ideas and also invite others to share their own. This increases the likelihood of others feeling included and worthwhile. Others may also be more willing to collaborate than simply follow orders.
For example, if you and your partner find that you’re having the same fight over and over again, ask her/him: “What can we do to help us both overcome this issue?”
18. **Make statements clearly and sincerely.** Even when you’re frustrated, avoid using sarcasm or condescension, as these are hurtful and derail communication. Instead, make clear, sincere statements about your thoughts and needs.
For example, if you have a friend who is routinely late when you go out together, clearly express how this makes you feel without being sarcastic. A poor response would be: “Oh, wow, what a surprise. At least you’re only missing the first half of dinner this time.”
Instead, try something like this: “When we make plans and you don’t arrive on time, I feel as though our time together isn’t a priority for you. I would enjoy our outings more if you arrived on time when we’ve planned to do something.”
19. **Use assertive body language.** A lot of communication is non-verbal, and how you use your body will help set the tone for your interactions with others. You can use body language to set others at ease and to communicate what you’re feeling. Examples of assertive body language include:
Direct eye contact. Aim for the 50/70 rule: maintain eye contact for at least 50% of the time while you’re speaking, and 70% of the time while the other person is speaking and you’re listening.
Relaxed, smooth movements. Assertive body language isn’t tense, shut-down or withdrawn; it moves steadily and smoothly. Avoid gestures such as pointing; use an open palm instead. Try not to fidget.
Open posture. Stand with your shoulders back and your body turned towards whomever you’re interacting with. Distribute your weight evenly rather than pressing your weight onto one leg. Keep your feet between 4-6” apart, and don’t cross your legs.
Relaxed jaw and mouth. Pressing your lips together tightly or clenching your jaw communicates tension, uneasiness, or aggression. Keep your mouth and jaw relaxed and use facial expressions to convey your emotions (smiling when happy, frowning when upset, etc.)
20. **Compare arrogance to assertiveness.** While assertiveness is a way of standing up for your own thoughts and needs, arrogance is an aggressive, overbearing way of thinking and behaving that violates others’ rights and demeans others in order to build up one person. While arrogant individuals do express their ideas and needs, they do so at the expense of others. Arrogant individuals tend not to accept personal responsibility for flaws or mistakes.
Arrogant individuals often have a very external sense of confidence (i.e., they base their opinions of themselves on how others think of them). While this type of confidence isn’t negative on its own, it can cause arrogant individuals to prioritize their own self-worth over the feelings of others.
Arrogance is a form of aggression that often makes others feel extremely uncomfortable, even upset or torn-down, after interacting with the arrogant person. If they feel threatened or arrogant, arrogant people will usually attack or blame others.
21. **Recognize arrogant behaviors.** Arrogant behavior also expresses thoughts, needs, and feelings, but it does so in a way that disrespects and/or demeans others. While the main idea of an arrogant statement could be the same as an assertive statement -- for example, “I don’t want to do that” -- arrogant behavior does not communicate empathy or responsibility. Here are some examples of arrogant behavior:
Using inappropriate language towards others
Making others feel small or worthless
Using a sarcastic or condescending tone
Using threats
Emphasizing blame
Attacking others
Protecting oneself with no concern for others
An example of arrogant behavior would be to yell inappropriate names or language at the person who cut in line in front of you at the store. Another example might be telling that person that they are stupid and threatening them if you see them again.
If the situation were reversed and you accidentally cut in line, an arrogant behavior would be to shift the blame to the other person or use a condescending tone: “Well, if you didn’t want me to cut in front you should have made it more clear that you were in line.”
22. **Don’t belittle or demean the other person.** Putting down or belittling the other person will shut down productive communication. Even if they have made a mistake or hurt you, avoid using insults or demeaning language.
For example, an arrogant communication with your roommate would be: “You’re such a pig! Why can’t you keep this place clean?” An assertive communication would be: “What you do with your personal space is your own business, but I would like for you to work to keep our shared space neat and organized.”
23. **Listen to the other person’s viewpoint.** Arrogant individuals are committed to making a situation all about themselves: how they feel, how they think, how they experience a situation. Avoid arrogance by listening to others when they talk about their thoughts, needs, and feelings.
24. **Avoid “you” statements.** “You” statements make claims that you may not be able to support. You can only talk with confidence and accuracy about the actual facts of a situation -- such as what time an appointment was set for -- and your personal feelings and experiences. Use “I” statements whenever possible, and talk about the facts of a situation rather than making statements about the other person’s intention.
For example, avoid blaming language such as "You're making me so angry!" Use “I”-focused statements instead, such as “I’m feeling frustrated right now."
25. **Don’t threaten the other person.** Threats and intimidation have no place in assertive communication, but they happen frequently in arrogant communication. Your goal as an assertive communicator should be to make others feel at ease because they know you will be honest with them. Threats and intimidation scare and upset others, and they kill fruitful communication.
Threatening language often includes blame. For example, if you have asked your team a question and nobody has responded, an aggressive response could be, "Do you even understand the question?" Instead of offering blame and threats, reword the question: "Have I explained this concept clearly?"
26. **Avoid using inappropriate language.** In addition to the obvious suspects, such as swearing, insults, and name-calling, you should also try to avoid generalizing or totalizing language. This language often shows up as “always” or “never” statements or generalizations about another person’s intentions.
For example, imagine that you have a co-worker who frequently forgets to pick you up for the carpool. An arrogant response might be if you tell him something like this: “You never remember to pick me up for the carpool, and it pisses me off. I don’t understand why you can’t remember this one simple thing.” An assertive response would be more like this: ”In the past week you’ve forgotten to pick me up for the carpool twice. I feel frustrated and anxious when you forget me because I worry that I’ll be late for work. Will you try harder to remember to pick me up? If not, I will need to make other arrangements.”
27. **Avoid aggressive body language.** Aggressive body language sends as much of a message as the words you choose. To avoid coming across as arrogant, keep an eye on your body language and avoid using the following:
Violating personal space. The “three-foot rule” applies in most public and office situations. Don’t get closer than that unless you’re invited, such as when you’re on a date or asked to help someone.
Aggressive gestures. Pointing and fist clenching are big culprits here.
Crossed arms. While crossed legs signal a lack of confidence, crossed arms suggest a person who is closed to communication.
Clenched or set jaws. If you push your jaw too far forward or clench it, you may come across as arrogant or hostile.
Taking up a lot of space. This is more common in men than women, but body language that takes up unnecessary space can come across as arrogant, rather than confident. It’s fine to take as much space as you need to feel comfortable, but don’t infringe on others. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Write a Metal Song | Have a dream of being in a successful metal band but don't know how to start? There is no trick to making a good metal song. All you need is some knowledge of how to start, an idea of the sound you're aiming for, and like-minded bandmates. These tips are also good for most other types of popular music.
1. **Start with either a melody or a riff.** There's no surefire way to start writing a song, but most people start with either a guitar riff or a vocal melody.
Starting with a melody usually involves playing around with some chords on the guitar and singing over it until you find a melody you like. This can be the start of either the verse or the chorus of your song.
Starting with a riff usually involves working on the guitar until you come up with a good metal riff, something that's both catchy and driving.
2. **Build the song's structure.** A metal song, like rock and pop, is usually made up of a combination of verse, chorus, and bridge, with an optional intro and outro. You'll need to work with your rhythm guitarist to create a structure based around the original riff or melody you came up with. Create a chord progression for your verse and chorus, and decide if the song needs a bridge.
The basic song structure of rock and metal songs goes: intro, verse, chorus, verse, solo, chorus, chorus, outro.
3. **Add drums and bass.** After your song has a basic structure, it's time to add drums and bass. There isn't really any trick to this, other than jamming through the song with your drummer, rhythm guitarist, and bassist until your drummer and bassist have a sense of the song and what kind of beats and bass lines will work in each part.
Metal bass tends to follow the chord structure closely, valuing rhythm over melody. But you aren't limited to that. Experiment with bass lines that follow the vocals, follow the lead, or do something completely different, but complementary.
4. **Add lead guitar optionally.** If you've got a lead guitarist, now is the time to add some lead guitar melodies to your song. It's best to try to find guitar melodies that compliment the vocal melody, and don't get in the way of it.
5. **Write the lyrics.** Metal music deals with a wide variety of topics when it comes to lyrics. You can write about just about any subject. A good general rule of thumb for writing metal lyrics is to keep the themes simple, and the imagery and metaphors interesting.
Consider, for example, this verse by Vastum, “Our depths of joy in this saturation / In our polymorphously perverse constitution / The dissolution of our grief comes in libidinal death and the grace of mourning”. It deals with simple themes of sexuality, but uses verbose and unusual language.
Consider the interesting use of extended metaphor in the song Anomalistic Offerings by Suffocation, "The pain is unbearable, but you continue making the incision / With drill in hand, you find the seed of the demon inside / Blood spews over the walls as you drill deeper," in which cranial surgery is a metaphor for battling inner demons.
6. **Practice the song and work out the details.** Once you've got all the parts of your song in place, the structure, the melodies, the riffs, the drums, and bass, it's time to start practicing. Work on the song until the band is tight together. As you play the song, listen for places you can make improvements. Talk over your ideas about the song with the band and change it as you all see fit.
Record the band playing the song so you can listen to it more closely. That way you can spend time analyzing the individual aspects of the song on your own time.
7. **Consider whether to make a band before or after you start writing.** You can write songs without a band, but it's harder, especially for metal. Metal has a lot going on in it instrumentally, so you'll likely find writing it on your own difficult. But you can at least start the song before forming the band. And if you're multi-instrumental, meaning you have some skill with all the instruments in a metal band, you can even write the whole thing yourself if you want to.
If you want to write the song by yourself before forming a band, you'll need access to drums, a guitar, a bass, and recording equipment, at least a microphone and a computer. Then you just follow the song composing steps one by one, recording each part before moving on to the next.
If you want to start writing a song before forming a band, you can write just the rhythm guitar and vocal melody of the song. That will give the song a solid base that can be built upon once you've got some bandmates.
8. **Decide on what instruments you want.** Before you form a band, you need to decide how many members you want, and what instruments everyone will play. Usually metal bands consist of a drummer, as bassist, a vocalist (who may also play guitar/bass) and two guitarists, one as rhythm and the other as lead. Most bands follow this type of line up but you don’t have to have this. You could have one guitarist or no bassist for example. It's up to you.
9. **Look for band members.** There are a number of ways to find people to be in your band. The easiest and often most effective way is to join with people you're already friends with, who have both musical skill and instruments.
Another way to find band members is to place an ad on a site like craigslist. Make a posting explaining your mission to form a band, what kind of music you want to play, and what roles you're looking to fill.
10. **Find people who have a similar vision.** There are certain characteristics you need to look for when recruiting and members. Your fellow members need to have similar tastes in music, not identical, but similar. You also need to find people who have similar levels of skill, otherwise you might have one member who holds back the rest.
It's also important that everyone in the band gets along with each other. If there's some serious personality clashing in your band, it won't last very long.
11. **Pinpoint type of metal you want to play.** There's a wide range of sub-genres within the metal genre, so it's best to pin point your style before you start. You can choose anything from black metal to grindcore. Make sure all of your band members agree on a style. Some popular metal sub-genres include:
Death metal, which is characterized by down-tuned guitars playing fast, intricate rhythms along with growled vocals and dark subject matter.
Power metal, which is characterized by fast tempos, melodic harmonies, and clean vocals.
Black metal, which is characterized by cold atmospheres, satanic imagery, and raspy, harsh vocals.
12. **Listen to a lot of your preferred genre.** It's going to be hard to write songs in a particular style without being very familiar with that style. It's likely you've already listened to plenty of music in the style you're interested in, but it will help greatly if you expand your knowledge and try to find more artists who play in that style. The more familiar you are with the conventions and particulars of a certain style, the easier it will be to start writing good metal songs.
13. **Study music theory.** While no formal music education is required to write a good metal song, knowledge of music theory can only help you. You can research online to find resources for learning about the basics of music theory. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Become a Teacher's Favorite | If you're in school, you spend most of your day in class with your teachers. If your teacher doesn't like you, or you don't get along, school can be extra difficult. Getting on your teacher's good side doesn't just mean getting good grades and sucking up, though. What makes a student a teacher's favorite may surprise you.
1. **Ask meaningful questions in class.** Asking questions shows that you're paying attention to what the teacher is saying. It also shows that you’re really engaged in what you're learning. Some people fear that asking questions will make people think they’re not smart. Actually, asking questions is a great indicator of intelligence and a desire to learn.
If you’re going to ask questions, you need to pay attention. For example, if you ask, “When is that assignment due?” and your teacher has already said the due date once, they will think you’re not listening.
Be mindful not to ask so many questions that you derail the class and prevent the teacher from finishing the lesson.
2. **Complete all assignments on time.** This one can be difficult if you have a lot of work, or if you tend to procrastinate. However, turning in assignments on time shows your teacher that you are prioritizing their class. Paying attention can also help you get good grades and many of your teachers will like you.
Teachers have busy lives and need time off, just like you. They may have planned to grade all of your class’ papers on Wednesday night. If you turn your paper in on Friday, they will likely be frustrated that they now have to grade your paper over the weekend.
If you know that you won’t be able to meet a deadline, talk to your teacher about it in advance. They may be able to grant you an extension.
3. **Make extra efforts in your work.** It’s always good to do more than the bare minimum for an assignment. Extra efforts can include binding your paper in a nice way to make it more presentable, or doing extra research for an assignment.
If a teacher asks for a paper to be a certain length, you can aim to write something a little bit longer than requested, but not much. This shows that you weren’t just stretching to meet the minimum.
If you make your paper too long, your teacher may think you’re sucking up or they may not like having to do that much extra reading.
4. **Ask for extra help if you need it.** Asking for help shows your teacher that you want to succeed. Many teachers look for this quality in a student, because if you want to succeed you’re likely to take their help and suggestions seriously.
Don’t be afraid to approach your teacher during their free period or at the end of the day.
You may need help understanding the subject matter, or knowing how to complete the assignment. You should feel comfortable asking for whatever kind of help you need.
Asking help from your parents is a good option, too. They can explain things in another perspective, and will most likely love to help you.
5. **Respect the teacher’s authority on a subject.** Teachers have been through a lot of education and they have chosen a profession where they get to share their knowledge. You may know a lot about a subject as well, but teachers will appreciate if you treat them as the experts they are.
Occasionally it’s okay to correct your teacher. After all, everyone makes mistakes sometimes.
Many teachers are wary of “know-it-all” students. Not only will acting like a know-it-all jeopardize your relationship with your teacher, it may also annoy your classmates. No one wants a smarty-pants as a friend.
6. **Let your teacher know who you are.** Teachers can tell when a student isn’t being themselves. For example, if you’re a science fiction geek or a competitive athlete, those are important things that help define who you are. Never try to hide those things just to look like the perfect student.
If you’re naturally a goofball or “class clown,” you may need to control yourself some to avoid disrupting class. However, most teachers have a sense of humor and will appreciate some silliness or joking in class.
Don’t let your personality distract from class. For example, if you’re a social butterfly, you can wait until the bell rings to hand out the invitations to your party. You don’t need to do that during class.
7. **Embrace things you and your teacher may have in common.** This may be the only proven thing that determines which students will become a teacher’s favorite. You may remind them of themselves at your age, or of someone, they are close to. You may share interests or hobbies. If your teacher senses that you have something in common, they are likely to favor you.
Sometimes, your teacher might just feel that you have similar personalities. For example, they might be able to identify with the fact that you’re shy, or that you get easily frustrated.
If you know your teacher shares an interest with you, you can connect with them over that. For example, if your teacher loves art, you could bring in a review of the latest exhibition at the local art museum to share with them.
8. **Be honest about your struggles.** This can be difficult, especially if you’re shy. However, most teachers will appreciate a student who can be honest and confide in them. If you’re struggling with school work or having trouble at home, letting your teacher know will likely endear you to them.
If you’re having trouble outside of school (such as at home or at a job) let your teacher know. They might be able to extend deadlines for you or help you talk to a guidance counselor.
Be careful not to come across as whiny or complaining. Teachers can tell the difference between a student who is truly struggling and one who simply doesn’t want to do the work.
9. **Remember that your teacher has a life outside of school, too.** Teachers like to relax and have fun on the weekends just like you. Sometimes it might seem like they only exist to make your life miserable, but remember that they probably became a teacher because they like working with young people and love helping them learn.
Show interest in your teacher’s life. You can ask them how their weekend was, or what they have planned for summer vacation.
Don't talk behind a teacher's back. They will probably find out after a while. Gossiping about the teacher will get you in bigger trouble.
10. **Smile and act friendly.** Imagine if you came into work and everyone around you had a bad attitude. That’s what it can feel like for a teacher with a room full of grumpy students. Acting friendly and being happy to see your teacher will brighten their day and help them feel appreciated by you.
A teacher can tell when a student is genuinely being friendly or just sucking up. Don’t go too far and start acting fake.
Just a simple "Good morning!" or "Good evening!" is all it takes to brighten a teacher's day.
11. **Accept the grades you’re given.** You and your teacher might disagree about the grade you deserve in a class. However, your teacher has probably given your grade a lot of consideration. If you contest the grade your teacher gave you, they’ll think you care more about your grades than about the learning process. They also may feel that you’re disrespecting their authority.
If you’re concerned that your grades are not what you wanted them to be, talk to your teacher about how you can get better grades next time.
12. **Be helpful to your teacher.** Teaching can be difficult, and teachers get tired, just like you. If you notice that your teacher could use a hand, offer to help out. They’ll definitely notice and appreciate your helpful attitude.
You can help your teacher by erasing the board, passing out papers, or bringing something to the office for them.
If you arrive to class early, you can always ask if there’s anything you can do to help them prepare for class.
You can also make a good impression if you tutor other students who might be struggling in the class.
13. **Talk to your teacher if you feel unfairly treated.** If your teacher has not been treating you fairly, it’s okay to approach them about it. Ask them if you can speak with them during lunch or after school. Even if right now it seems that your teacher hates you, being able to have a mature conversation with them will likely turn the tide. Your teacher will see that you're invested in the relationship and in the class.
Act calm and respectful when you speak to your teacher. You can say, “I’m not sure if you’ve noticed this, but I feel that I’m not being treated fairly in class.”
It’s great to be able to give specific examples so your teacher can see what you’re talking about. You can say, “When Maria made a joke and the class laughed, you laughed too. But when I made a joke and everyone laughed you sent me to the office. I don’t feel like that’s fair.” | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Get Free Ringtones in Zedge | This wikiHow teaches you how to download free ringtones from Zedge on your Android or iPhone. If you're using an Android, it's super easy—you can just use the Zedge app, which is available in the Play Store. If you're using an iPhone, things get a bit tricky—you'll need to use Zedge's website, and either the GarageBand app on your iPhone OR iTunes/Apple Music on your computer to get the ringtone into the proper iPhone format.
1. **Download Zedge from the Play Store .** Zedge's Android app allows you to browse and download ringtones for free, as long as your okay with seeing ads. If you'd rather have an ad-free experience, you'll need to subscribe to the paid version. To get Zedge:
Open the Play Store.
Type zedge into the search bar and tap the search icon.
Tap . It's the app with a purple icon containing a white stylized "D."
Tap .
2. **Open Zedge and agree to the terms.** Zedge will show you several screens before you can use the app. Follow the on-screen instructions to review and agree to the policies.
You'll also be prompted to sign up for a paid subscription to Zedge, which gives you unlimited access to ringtones and wallpapers. If you want a membership, you can sign up for a free trial. If not, tap the at the top-right corner to close the ad.
If you don't subscribe, you'll see a lot of ads while using Zedge. If you're just looking to get a ringtone or two, it shouldn't be too annoying.
3. **Open the menu and select Ringtones.** The menu is the three horizontal lines at the top-left corner of the screen.
4. **Browse for a ringtone.** The Ringtones screen shows you featured and popular ringtones. You can tap at the top to browse by topic, or tap the magnifying glass icon at the top-right to search for something specific. When you find something you want to preview, tap it to open the preview screen.
5. **Tap the Play button at the center to listen to a preview.** If you want to keep looking, tap the at the top-right corner to return to the previous screen, or swipe left on the current tone to see more that are similar.
6. **Tap Set to get the ringtone.** A list of options will expand.
Some ringtones are for premium subscribers. If you come across one of these, you'll be prompted to watch an ad or two for "credits." You start with 10 credits and can watch ads to get more.
7. **Tap SET RINGTONE.** Use this if you want to set your main ringtone immediately. You could also choose to assign this ringtone to a specific contact (), as an alarm sound, or an alert tone ().
Tap to let Zedge save files to your phone or tablet when prompted.
8. **Set the ringtone.** You have two options:
If you want to be able to set the ringtone directly from Zedge, tap when prompted and allow the app to modify system settings. Tap the back button to set the ringtone.
To download the ringtone without setting it through Zedge, tap and you can assign the ringtone yourself later. To set your ringtone, open the app, go to or , select the Ringtone option, and then choose your new ringtone from the list.
9. **Install GarageBand on your iPhone if you don't already have it.** Apple restricts the way downloaded ringtones can be added to your iPhone/iPad, but you can get around that by editing the downloaded ringtones in Garageband. To install GarageBand:
Open the App Store and tap .
Type garageband and tap in the search results.
Tap next to GarageBand. The app's icon is a white guitar on an orange and yellow background.
10. **Go to in Safari.** This opens to Zedge's website, which prompts you to install an app. You're not going to install the app, though, as it doesn't contain many free options.
11. **Tap Use in your Web Browser.** It's the third button on the page. This launches in another tab.
12. **Browse for a ringtone.** Tap the tab at the top to see popular and featured options, or tap the magnifying glass at the top-right corner to search by keyword, artist name, sound type, theme, etc. When you find something you like, tap it to open its preview screen.
If you see a pop-up that claims you need to use the Zedge app to preview the ringtone, just close the pop-up.
13. **Tap the Play button to hear a preview.** It's the sideways triangle at the center. If you decide not to use this tone, tap the back button on your browser to return to the previous page.
14. **Tap Download if you want to use the ringtone.** It's the purple button at the bottom of the page. This opens an ad that prompts you to install the iPhone/iPad app, which you should ignore because just below the ad you'll see that the ringtone will download free after a 10-second wait. Once the download is ready, tap again on the pop-up to save the ringtone to your iPhone's Download folder.
15. **Create a new keyboard project in GarageBand.** To do this, tap the orange, yellow, and white guitar icon on your home screen to launch GarageBand, and then tap .
16. **Tap the button with several horizontal lines.** It's near the top-left corner of the keyboard. This opens the Tracks view.
17. **Tap the loop icon.** It's the loop near the top-right corner. This opens the Apple Loops screen.
18. **Add the downloaded file as a new track.** To do this:
Tap the tab and select .
Tap at the bottom-right. If you don't see the "Browse" screen with a search bar on top, tap the back button a few times until you're there.
Tap under "Locations."
Tap and tap the file to select it.
When the file is back on the Loops screen, tap and hold it for a second or so, and continue holding it as you drag it upward to the Tracks screen. Drop the file all the way at the beginning of the timeline to add it as a track.
19. **Export the file as a ringtone.** This is the part that adds your ringtone to the iPhone's ringtone library:
Tap the menu at the top-left corner and select .
Tap and hold the file called .
In the menu that expanded, scroll down and tap .
Tap .
Name the ringtone and tap .
Tap .
20. **Set the song as your ringtone.** Now that you've got past the difficult part, here's how you can set the downloaded ringtone as your default:
Open the app.
Tap .
Scroll down and tap .
Select your new ringtone.
21. **Go to on your computer's web browser.** This opens the Zedge website, where you can download free ringtones that you can add to your iPhone.
Use this method if you want to download the ringtone to your computer before adding it to your iPhone. This can be helpful if your iPhone isn't online at the moment or you just want to add your ringtones to your general music library.
22. **Browse for a ringtone.** Click the tab to see a list of featured tones, or search for something using the Search bar at the top of the page. You can search by genre, artist, keyword, theme, or anything else you wish. When you find a ringtone you want to hear, click its name.
23. **Click the Play button to hear a preview.** If you're not into what you hear, just click your browser's back button to return to the list.
24. **Click the purple Download button to download the ringtone.** It's at the top-right corner of the page. After a mandatory 10-second wait time, the download should start automatically.
You may have to choose a saving location and click to start the download.
25. **Open iTunes (Windows) or Music (Mac).** iTunes is in the Start menu, and the Music app is the music note icon on the Dock.
26. **Click Library.** It's at the top of iTunes and at the bottom of the Music app.
27. **Import the song into iTunes or the Music app.** Start by clicking the option in your library to view it by song title. Then, either drag the song to your library, or click the menu > to select it.
When the song is imported, you'll usually see it at the top of the Songs list.
28. **Rename the song as you want it to appear on your iPhone.** To do this, right-click the track, select , and enter a song name. Click when you're finished.
29. **Set up your converting preferences.** To get the file onto your iPhone, you'll need to convert it to the AAC format. Here's how to set that up:
Click the menu at the top.
Click .
On the tab, click the button.
Select from the "Import Using" menu.
Click and then again.
30. **Convert the ringtone.** Now that conversion is set up, here's how to get it ready to transfer:
Click the ringtone once to select it.
Click the menu and go to > . When the conversion is complete, the window will close. The file is now converted.
Right-click the file and click or .
Right-click the file in the new window and select .
Delete the at the end of the file name and replace it with
Press or . If you see a message about changing the file name, just agree to the change.
Leave this window open and return to iTunes or Music.
31. **Connect your iPhone to your computer.** Use the USB cable that came with it or one that's compatible.
32. **Click your iPhone.** If you're using Windows, click the iPhone option at the top of iTunes. If you're on a Mac, click the name of your iPhone under "Locations" in the left panel.
33. **Drag the renamed ringtone to your iPhone.** If you're using Windows, first click the option under your iPhone in the left panel, then drag the .m4r file to the Tones library. If you're using a Mac, there's no more Tones library in Music, so just drag it to your iPhone and it'll place it at the right location.
If your iPhone doesn't sync automatically, sync it now.
34. **Set the song as your ringtone.** Now that the file is on your iPhone, follow these steps to use it as your ringtone:
Open the app.
Tap .
Scroll down and tap .
Tap your new ringtone. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Avoid Tolls when Driving in New York | New York tolls can get really expensive. Tolls tend to rise over time, and if you have a commute every day expenses can really add up. You can find ways to avoid tolls all together by being open to alternative routes. You can also reduce the cost of tolls by carpooling more often and investing in an EZ pass. Explore alternatives to driving. You can bike or take public transportation to get out of paying tolls.
1. **Learn where you can expect big tolls.** This way, you'll know when you need to be vigilant about switching up your route. This is especially important if you're just getting used to a commute and need to know which roads to avoid.
There are many online tools you can use to find tolls. There are websites that allow you to enter your planned route that can show you any tolls.
Be aware, toll prices do change. Tolls may be more expensive than posted online. On the chance you find a toll you cannot avoid, make sure to carry more cash than you need in case the toll has increased.
2. **Look for toll free bridges.** If you're in New York City, you may need to get between boroughs. Certain bridges in New York have hefty tolls, so opt for toll free bridges when possible. The following bridges in New York are toll free:
The Brooklyn Bridge
The Manhattan Bridge
The Williamsburg Bridge
The Queensboro Bridge
3. **Avoid the turnpike.** If you commute into the city and use the New Jersey Turnpike, tolls can be quite high. This can be easily avoided by taking Routes 1 and 1/9, which are toll free.
Account for time, however. Taking Routes 1 and 1/9 may take longer than the turnpike depending on traffic. Get a time estimate using a GPS device prior to leaving your home.
4. **Explore alternative routes.** This is among the best ways to avoid tolls. If you can find a back road to take, or a road free of tolls, this is a great way to avoid paying hefty tolls.
You may be able to avoid tolls by foregoing the highway. If you can get where you're going by driving through main streets and residential areas, this may be a great way to avoid tolls.
5. **Use technology to skip tolls.** If you're unsure of an alternative route, make use of technology. GPS maps can help you find a toll free route, or a route with limited tolls.
Google Maps can be used to find a toll free routes in your area. You can select the option of finding a route without tolls.
Wave, another GPS app, can also be used to avoid tolls. You would simply go to "Settings," then "Navigation" and select the option "Avoid Toll Roads."
6. **Make sure to account for time.** While skipping toll roads can save you money, always check traffic. Routes that are toll free often run through residential areas. Traffic may be heavy, and you may hit a lot of lights. If you're driving to avoid tolls, you may want to give yourself extra time.
7. **Carpool.** If you're driving in a carpool lane, your tolls will generally be cheaper. Consider carpooling to work to avoid paying hefty tolls.
You can network with coworkers who live in your area. See if they would be interested in carpooling to work on a regular basis.
Some people pick up hitchhikers to avoid tolls. You should refrain from doing so, as toll workers may get suspicious and this can also be dangerous.
8. **Invest in an E-Z Pass account and box.** This is an electronic toll payment that sometimes offers cheaper rates than paying tolls directly. For example, crossing the Verrazano Bridge without an EZ pass costs $16. Crossing it with an E-Z Pass is only $11.08.
There are usually not specific requirements to sign up for an E-Z Pass. However, your car needs to be registered in New York.
E-Z pass has a variety of plans to choose from. Browse plans before settling on one to find a plan that's cost effective for you.
9. **Watch out for increases in tolls.** Tolls do increase all the time. Even with an E-Z Pass box, and when taking the carpool lane, you could be in for a sudden increase in price. Make sure to be vigilant when going through a toll road. Listen to how much you're being charged. If tolls go up suddenly, consider looking for an alternative route with cheaper tolls or no tolls.
10. **Consider public transportation.** If you can take a metro, train, or bus to your destination, this will usually be cheaper than taking a toll. Use Google Maps or a similar application to see how your route would look taking public transportation.
You usually have to get some kind of pass to take public transportation, so look into rates. Even if passes are expensive, they're usually cheaper than paying a toll every day.
Make sure to account for time. Public transportation usually takes longer than driving, so make sure to leave earlier than normal. Give yourself extra time in case you miss a train or a bus.
11. **Try biking, if possible.** It may be dangerous to bike to your destination. However, if you can bike through side streets and residential areas, this can be a great alternative to driving. In addition to saving you money, biking is eco friendly and can give you some exercise.
Always be alert while you're biking—you want to be able to hear what's going on and hear the people around you.
12. **Limit your need for driving.** There's a good chance you're driving more than you need to. Look into ways you can avoid driving every day, as this will result in you paying less tolls.
Try ordering more online. Use sites like Amazon to order items instead of driving out to a store.
Ask your work about telecommuting. In many jobs, you don't necessarily need to be present in the office every day. If you can telecommute some days, this will cut down on money spent on tolls. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Bustle a Gown | Anyone who has ever gotten married can testify that weddings are incredibly expensive. Most couples look for ways to cut corners and save money, and one way you can do that is by bustling your gown yourself. Wedding dresses do not come with a pre-made bustle, but if you're handy with a needle and thread, you can learn to sew one on yourself.
1. **Sew a loop.** Place a safety pin on the back of the dress, halfway up the length of the bride's train. This is where the loop will go. Thread the needle by doubling up the thread and inserting it into the needle. Tie the end of the thread with a knot to secure it.
Insert the needle into the underside of the dress. Pull the thread all the way through.
Make a small stitch and pull the thread most the way through to create a loop.
Grab the loop with your fingers and pull the remaining thread through the loop to create a knot.
Repeat this process until you have a loop big enough to fit your button.
Secure the loop by running the needle and thread through the loop to tie it off.
Insert the needle through the fabric to the other side and make two knots. Cut off any excess thread.
2. **Attach the button.** Place a safety pin on the back of the dress, a foot above the bride's knees. This is where the button will go. Thread the needle and make a knot at the end of the thread. Thread the needle through the underside of the dress.
Attach the button to the dress using the needle and thread.
Stitch the button four times to make sure it is secure.
Secure the button by running the needle and thread through the fabric to the other side. Make two knots and cut off any excess thread.
If you prefer, you can also sew the button onto the waist of the dress and the loop onto the train.
3. **Bustle the dress.** Hook the loop over the button to lift the dress's train off of the floor. Rearrange the folds of fabric around the bustle to make the bustle appear bigger and to give it more volume.
The one-point overbustle is the least expensive way to bustle a dress, but it's also the least secure.
The one point overbustle is only recommended for dresses with lighter fabric.
Do not try the over bustle if your dress is heavy or has a particularly long train.
4. **Measure the seam.** To add a French bustle, start by measuring the center back seam of the gown's train from the waist to the floor. Then measure the distance from the edge of the train to the base of the dress.
Mark the place between these two distances with a pin.
5. **Pin the waistline seam and train.** Lift the center back seam where you made the pin mark and position it against the center of the waistline, at the base of the bodice. Adjust the fold so the train is between ½” to ¾” (1.3 – 2 cm) off the floor.
Pin the train to the waistline seam.
Lift the sides of the train off the floor ½” to ¾” (1.3 – 2 cm) and fold and pin the train along each side of the back seam.
To lift the remaining train off the floor, continue to fold and pin the train as necessary between the seams.
6. **Make the ties.** Undo all the pin-marking points you have made on the train and waistline of the dress. Sew a length of narrow grosgrain ribbon measuring 15” (38 cm) to the waistline of the dress, using the pin marks as a guide.
The ribbon should fall between the lining of the skirt and the dress's train.
Make sure to sew the ribbon securely into the waistline seam.
7. **Make the loops.** Cut 2 1/2“ (6.5 cm) of the ribbon before folding it in half and stitching the ribbon loop to the underside of the dress's train. Make the loop stronger by reinforcing it with a small piece of interfacing, or by attaching the loop to the seam allowances of the dress.
Loops should be attached ½” (1.3 cm) below each pin mark.
Repeat the same process for all other loops.
8. **Bustle the dress.** Attach each ribbon to the corresponding loop by inserting the ribbon into the loop and tying a double bow. Plump up the fabric to make the bustle look bigger and to provide more volume.
The French bustle is great for dresses with lots of train decoration centered below the waist because the bustle won't hide the designs.
The French bustle is also ideal for dresses with long trains or that are made of heavier fabrics.
9. **Measure the train.** To add an overbustle, start by measuring the back seam of the dress's train from the waistline seam to the floor and again from the edge of the train to the base of the dress.
Mark the place between these two distances with a pin.
10. **Pin the waistline seam.** Lift the center back seam where you made the pin mark and position it so it is flush against the center of the waistline, at the base of the bodice. Adjust the positioning so the train is ½” – ¾” (1.3 – 2 cm) off the floor.
Attach the train to the seam using a pin.
11. **Fold and pin the train.** Lift the dress's train off the floor, and pin it so the sides of the train are positioned ½” to ¾” (1.3 – 2 cm) off the floor and secured to the sides of the dress's back seam.
Fold and pin the train to lift any remaining train off the floor.
If the train is too long or heavy, redistribute the already existing folds into two smaller folds.
When the folds are securely pinned, release the bustle and remove the pins.
12. **Attach the buttons or hooks.** In order to secure the dress on the day of the wedding, the bustle will need to be connected to the dress using either buttons or hooks. Sew these on wherever you made pin marks along the waistline.
Make sure to stitch securely – you don't want the bustle coming undone.
If the buttons or hooks need additional reinforcement, attach a small piece of interfacing under each one.
13. **Make the button loops.** Use strong thread to thread the needle, then knot the ends of the thread together. Place a small piece of interfacing on the topside of the dress's train, wherever you made a pin marking denoting a button loop.
Insert the needle at the pin, next to the seam-line, then pull it through the interfacing and train.
Make a small backstitch from the right side of the train. Pull the thread to make a loop reaching 1” – 2” (2.5 – 5 cm).
Place your fingers inside the loop and grasp the loop.
Pull the thread to tighten the first loop and create a second loop. Repeat this until you have a thread loop that's big enough to fit the button or hook.
Use several back stitches to secure the thread to the underside of the dress.
14. **Bustle the dress.** Once the loops have been added to the dress, bustle the train by fastening the loops to the buttons or hooks. Adjust the folds of fabric on the train to create a fuller and more voluminous bustle.
If you don't like the look of the exposed buttons or hooks, you can hand-sew lace appliqués on top of the buttons or hooks to conceal them.
Be sure to stock up on safety pins. American bustles are not as strong as French bustles and there's a chance that the bustle may break over the course of the evening. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Attract Pigeons | Pigeons are a common sight in cities and parks, and feeding them can be a fun experience. If you’re near a city or around rocky cliffs where wild pigeons roam, you can even attract them to your yard. It’s often as simple as putting some of their favorite foods outside. Making improvements to your yard, such as by adding a water source and well-pruned bushes, also helps. Keep in mind that feeding pigeons is illegal in some areas. If you’re able to attract them, you can enjoy watching these docile birds stay busy during the day.
1. **Select seeds and grains that pigeons normally eat in the wild.** You can’t go wrong with cracked corn and wheat. Some other foods pigeons eat include millet, sunflower seeds, dried peas, and sorghum. Pigeons are also well-known for picking up food left behind by people, such as bread crumbs, fries, and anything else that looks like it might be tasty. They sometimes eat fruit and bugs, but they mostly prefer seeds and grain when they can get it.
The food doesn’t have to be cooked at all. Pigeons eat raw grains and seeds.
People food doesn’t offer any nutritional value to pigeons, so avoid it if you can. Many people enjoy feeding them crumbled bread, for instance, which works but isn’t the best choice if you want to keep birds healthy.
2. **Choose an open platform or tray feeder that pigeons can perch on.** Pigeons are bigger birds, so they can’t use small feeders. Platform feeders are just open boxes. Try using one with wide side ledges for pigeons to stand on while they reach for the food.
You can use other types of feeders, like hopper or tube feeders, as long as they are accessible with sides for pigeons to perch on.
Pigeons are also more than happy to eat from the ground as long as no one disturbs them. If you’re away from home, scatter some food to draw them in.
3. **Hang the feeder low to the ground near plants and trees.** Bird feeders can be hung from a wide variety of places, so you could hook yours to nearby tree branches, your home’s gutters, poles, and other things. Position it so it’s about 5 ft (1.5 m) from the ground to keep other animals out. Leave the feeder out in the open. If it’s within range of some bushes or trees, pigeons will have a place to hide from other animals, but they don’t go into heavily-wooded areas.
Select a spot that is fairly protected from the wind so the feeder doesn’t get blown over.
Another option is to place the feeder on the ground. Put it on something waterproof, like concrete, if the ground is wet. Keep an eye on the feeder and bring it inside when you’re done with it so it doesn’t attract other animals.
4. **Sit quietly at a distance to avoid scaring approaching pigeons.** Stay as far back as you can without losing sight of the food. Although city and park pigeons are very accustomed to people, wild ones are a little skittish. Once they get more accustomed to your feeder, you can move closer. Stay as still as possible to avoid scaring feeding pigeons while they are getting used to your presence.
If you’re going to a park, the pigeons there most likely have been around people for a while. You can sit on a bench and they will probably come up close to you when you spread a little food around.
5. **Feed pigeons around the same time every day to attract more.** Ideally, feed them in the morning and evening. That is when they are most likely to be flying around in search of food. If a pigeon spots the food, it may be a little hesitant about approaching it at first. If you keep placing the food there, the pigeon will come to expect it and eventually approach it.
For example, try feeding them from 8:00 to 10:00 AM and 5:30 to 7:00 PM. However, pigeons can be spotted all day long, especially if you live near a city.
Although many pigeons have adapted to people, wild ones are still a little skittish. Be patient! You’re bound to draw one in with your feeder.
6. **Sweep up hulls and other debris after pigeons are done feeding.** Whenever you leave birdseed out, the shells end up scattered underneath the feeder. Clean them up as soon as possible with a brush and dustpan. Remove bird feces from concrete and other solid surfaces as well by using a plastic scraper. You can then tidy up by mixing 1 tablespoon (15 mL) of dish soap into 1 US gal (3,800 mL) of warm water and mopping.
Uneaten seeds and hulls attract rodents and can lead to weeds in your yard, so eliminate them at least once a week.
Pigeons don’t mind eating seeds off the ground, but they may stay away if they have to dig through hulls.
7. **Set up a shallow birdbath with fresh water.** Try using a standing birdbath with wide side ledges for the pigeons to stand on. Place it at least 6 ft (1.8 m) away from your home and other places cats could hide. If you can, keep it out in the open but close to nearby bushes or trees. Keep it filled with clean tap water.
Pigeons are more likely to visit places with an accessible source of water. That includes creeks, streams, ponds, and water features.
Plan on washing out birdbaths 2 to 3 times a week. Refill them with fresh water.
8. **Hang a nesting shelf in your yard to keep pigeons around.** A pair of pigeons may settle in and stick around to hatch their eggs. Place the nest out in the open somewhere 7 to 12 ft (2.1 to 3.7 m) high. You could hang it from the eaves of your home, for instance. Many types of pigeons nest during the winter, but there are plenty of others that nest at different times of the year.
Regular birdhouses won’t work for pigeons. They are too big to fit inside. Shelves are open, making them the better choice.
You won’t have to fill the shelf with any sort of nesting material unless you’re in an area that doesn’t have many bushes, trees, or grass. If nesting material is hard to find, leave out grass clippings, twigs, and pine needles for the birds to use.
9. **Plant some shrubs, bushes, or trees if there aren’t any nearby.** You could also stack branches and twigs into a brush pile left out in the open. Pigeons don’t go into areas that are packed with plants, but they like yards with a few hiding spots scattered around. If these spots are close to food and water, they will be more likely to stop by or even stay. In addition, the material from any plants nearby can be used to build nests.
Prune your trees and bushes to keep them accessible. Eliminate tangled branches, or else pigeons won’t be too interested in visiting those spots.
Pigeons generally aren’t that picky about where they nest, so you don’t need a ton of greenery to draw them into your yard. Less is often more with them. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Invest in Silver | While it tends to play “second fiddle” to gold, silver can make a great addition to anyone’s investment portfolio. People who invest in precious metals tend to appreciate the sense of permanence, stability, and tangibility that comes with owning an item like silver, whether it is sitting in your home safe or a huge vault somewhere. There are many options when it comes to investing in silver, and, like all investments, varying levels of risk and reward. Consider the benefits of owning silver and your own overall investment strategy as you compare these options.
1. **Decide when to buy silver.** Every investor wants to know the magic formula that will let him or her know when to buy or sell. Unfortunately, buying silver, like any other type of investing, is primarily educated guessing. Over the past 100 years, the price of silver per troy ounce has ranged in (inflation-adjusted) price from about $4 to $106, with the current price sitting at about $15. This price happens to be quite close to the inflation adjusted price 100 years ago, in 1916.
Silver is a good investment from a risk perspective. For one, precious metals, including both silver and gold, typically are counter-cyclical. This means that they generally maintain value or increase in value during a recession. Additionally, silver has many practical, industrial uses, which guarantees that silver will remain in demand (read: at a reasonable market price) as long as other currencies remain strong.
The current gold-silver price ratio, which reflect the price of gold against the price of silver, stands at about 82:1 ($1230/oz for gold, $15/oz for silver), well above the historical ratio, which is generally about 15:1. This may mean it is a good time to “buy low” on silver, but the historical price volatility of silver makes for difficult predicting.
Do your homework, consult your investment advisor, and make your best educated guess.
2. **Compare silver and gold.** Gold holds an exalted position among precious metals because of its longstanding association with wealth and objects of beauty like jewelry and its significantly higher per-ounce value than silver. Silver, however, has many benefits as an precious metals investment, and may actually be preferable to gold in some respects.
The current price difference per troy ounce of gold and silver stands at roughly a 82:1 ratio; in historical terms stretching back two-plus centuries, the ratio has typically been closer to 15:1. This may mean silver would appear to be severely undervalued compared to gold and a good buy vis-a-vis gold right now, but of course there is no guarantee of that.
Silver's lower value may make it less efficient to invest in when compared to gold. $5000 of silver takes up substantially more space than the same value of gold, which is something to consider in regards to the costs of transportation, storage, and protection.
Silver has more industrial applications than gold, as it is a common component in consumer electronics, for instance. This tends to give it a greater price volatility than gold. Silver’s price does, however, tend to rise faster than gold’s during a “bull market” for precious metals (for instance, during the 1970s).
3. **Diversify your portfolio.** This is sage advice for any investor, of course, and is just as true when talking specifically about investing in silver. Spreading your money around in different aspects of silver investing can offer you a greater chance of higher gains while offering the relative security of buying into a precious metal.
Whatever its form, precious metals investing should not normally be the dominant focus of your portfolio. Use it as a way to further diversify your investments and to act as a hedge against some of the more volatile aspects of your portfolio.
Every expert will offer his or her own particular advice, but one rule of thumb is to keep precious metals investments at roughly 10%-15% of your overall portfolio.
Some experts will tell you that if you are going to invest in silver, it is best to go straight to the source and buy tangible amounts of the real thing. In the end, however, the choice on how to diversify (or not) your silver portfolio is yours.
4. **Weigh the benefits of precious metal possession.** Precious metals like gold and silver are distinctive in that they are a commodity with commercial and industrial applications, as well as a form of money in and of themselves. People have been using silver as a form of currency for millennia, and its inherent value seems unlikely to change anytime soon.
People who are wary of buying stock in technologies that seem to become obsolete overnight or in commodities that only seem to exist on paper (or in the digital realm) can be particularly drawn to the lasting value of a tangible item like silver. However, silver’s longstanding status does not shield it from the ups and downs of the market, and it should not normally be the primary focus of an investment portfolio. As always, diversification is preferable.
Owning the actual silver bullion (as bars or coins) and keeping it in your home or safe deposit box can offer a sense of security that stock certificates or online brokerage accounts can’t match. But remember, possessing the actual item means you have to store it and protect it.
5. **Buy silver bars.** Purchasing bars of silver at the standard .999 quality (that is, 99.9% pure silver) is generally the most cost-effective way to acquire the metal. These bars of silver are available in a variety of different shapes and weights. All sources of silver will have some sort of markup in addition to the current market (or “spot”) price, but that markup tends to be less for bars than coins.
Of course, your local shopping plaza isn’t likely to have a shop selling silver bars. Silver bars can, however, be purchased from many banks as well as from bullion dealers. Do your homework to make sure you are buying from a reputable dealer, however, to ensure that you are getting the amount of pure silver that you’re paying for.
Make sure you have a plan for securely storing and protecting your silver bars. A bank safe deposit box can be a good choice, or a high-quality home safe if you prefer to keep your bullion on your own property. Look into insurance for this substantial investment as well.
6. **Buy silver coins.** When it comes to silver, you have far more coin purchasing options than you do with bars. All coin options are more portable and convenient than silver bars, but they also generally sell with a higher markup. This is extra markup is due to the cost of designing and minting the coins.
For instance, the U.S. Mint sells silver bullion coins at a $2 markup per coin.
Bullion coins are essentially much smaller, disc-shaped silver bars; they are priced and sold in a similar fashion, with their price determined largely by the prevailing market rate and how much silver is actually contained in the coin.
To help you in purchasing silver bullion coins from reputable dealers, the U.S. Mint’s website offers a searchable list of dealers in your area at
7. **Consider collectible coins** Collectible coins were made with varying amounts of silver content and often minted decades or more ago. They have many other elements factor into their prices, such as historical significance, rarity, and even design. This causes greater price volatility, making collectible coins a greater risk/reward venture.
Typically, the numismatic values of collectible coins are far greater than the value of their silver or gold content.
8. **Weigh the possible benefits of investing without possessing.** While it can be comforting to be able to see and hold your actual investment, remember that silver bars or coins just sit there and have their value determined by factors like scarcity and industrial usefulness. Alternatively, when you buy stock in a good company, it can enhance its value through its own actions — earning profits, diversifying, expanding, etc. Even companies tied closely to silver can create value for your investment beyond just the fluctuating price for the metal.
Stock certificates or an online portfolio are indeed less tangible than a stash of silver in your safe, but that makes them much easier (and cheaper) to buy, sell, transfer, and possess.
Some people think physical possession of precious metals makes good sense during times of economic distress, or even some apocalyptic scenario when our digital world comes crashing down. However, if the worst-case scenario does happen and society as we know it is in tatters, how practical will it be for you to trade a silver bar for food or shelter anyway?
9. **Invest in a silver ETF.** Exchange Traded Funds are “baskets” of assorted assets that are bought, sold, and traded like traditional stocks on exchanges. In recent years, precious metals ETFs have become a very popular means of owning silver without actually having the metal in your safe.
Shares in silver ETFs are backed by actual silver bullion stored in vaults; owning shares, however, does not give you the right to access or “trade in” for this actual silver.
There are many silver ETFs available for purchase, with the iShares Silver Trust (SLV) as one of the most popular. As with any investment, do your research before buying.
Owning a silver ETF will save you the costs and worries of holding, protecting, and transporting your silver, but you lose the benefits of tangible possession and have to pay management and other fees, which cut into the value of your investment.
10. **Look into mining stocks.** Instead of investing in the silver itself, you can choose to invest in the companies that acquire it from underground. Despite some myths you may come across, however, this sort of investment is more volatile, and silver mining stocks have increased in value at one-third the rate of silver bullion since 2000.
If you want to invest in companies that mine specifically for silver, your options are actually rather limited. Only about 30% of the world’s supply is mined by silver-focused companies.
You are more likely to invest in companies that inadvertently dig up silver while extracting other metals, which is known as “silver streaming.” Surprisingly enough, seventy percent of the world’s silver supply is mined as a by-product of mining another element.
Whichever options you choose, remember that investments in silver mining stocks are susceptible not only to fluctuations in the price of silver bullion, but also factors like labor unrest, supply chain problems, environmental concerns, and so forth.
It is probably best to compare mining company investing to buying stock in other industrial sectors, rather than to buying actual silver. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
Leo Woman and Scorpio Man Compatibility: Love, Sex, and More | Leo is the bold, brave fire sign, and Scorpio, the serious, mysterious water sign. These two share a love of the arts and a passionate nature—but is that enough to make them compatible in love? We've consulted expert astrologers and covered all the info you need to know. For a complete guide to the Leo woman + Scorpio man love match, read on!
1. **In relationships, Leo is warm, generous, bold—and totally lovable.** She’s the first person you’ll notice at the party. And if she notices you too, you'll know. She’ll drag you on the dance floor, surprise you with sweet gifts, and make sure you never feel alone. She can be a little dramatic and brash—don’t let this fool you. At heart, Leo is a total softie.
Someone passionate, loyal…and willing to remind her how amazing she is, 24/7 (as a sun-ruled sign, Leo is well aware of her worth).
2. **A Scorpio man is deep, mysterious, and emotionally intuitive in love.** As a Pluto-ruled sign, he’ll put you in touch with thoughts and feelings you’ve never encountered, forcing you to see the world in a whole new light. Expect poetry slams, psychic readings, and secret-spilling. He’s got tons to offer in the way of passion, but he'll have high standards for you, too—and he’s not quick to forgive.
Someone just like him—AKA, someone intensely devoted in romance.
3. **Leo will love Scorpio’s penchant for romance, intensity, and devotion.** Scorpio, you can offer Leo exactly what she's looking for: a big-time, fairytale love. With serenades, sweet nothings, and sultry seductions, you create romance like no one else. Plus, once you're in, you're not going anywhere—and Leo will love that about you. Scorpio, offer loyalty and big gestures to win her heart.
Use your creativity to build romance. Read her poetry under the moonlight, surprise her with a sketched portrait, and write her love songs.
Plan intense, passionate dates. Take her to your childhood home, use up a whole roll of film taking photos of each other, and stargaze at midnight together.
Show her that you're committed. Be there on her important days, stay faithful to her, and talk openly about your future together.
4. **Scorpio will admire Leo’s passion, loyalty, and fearlessness.** Leo, as a fire sign, you're an absolute ride or die for the people you care about. No one messes with your circle. This reliability and inner strength will be extremely attractive to Scorpio, because more than anything else, he wants someone he can truly count on. Leo, to capture his heart, show him this side of you.
Never share his secrets: “Sorry, Abe told me that was confidential information. My lips are sealed!”
Defend him in public: “Excuse me? That was rude. I think maybe you should apologize to Fred.”
Don’t allow other people to talk behind his back: “Okay, I don’t like where this conversation is headed. If you want to keep talking about Gil, then I’m out.”
5. **With passion and a deep connection, your chemistry is off the charts.** In bed, you two will love one-upping each other with new moves and elements. To keep things fiery between the sheets, make sure your mutual enthusiasm doesn’t turn into a fight for control. You may both want to wear the crown, so make sure you prioritize your partner's desires. This will be more fun for both of you.
Leo, allow Scorpio to get kinky. He may have niche interests that you’re unfamiliar with. Show him you’re down to experiment. He’ll be over the moon!
Scorpio, make Leo feel totally adored during sex. Any nice thought that pops into your head, share it. She wants to feel worshipped between the sheets.
Take turns taking control. You have so much natural compatibility here, so you can trust your partner’s judgment. Enjoy letting each other take the reins.
6. **Scorpio and Leo, if you aren't careful, you could face constant clashes.** In public, you’ll admire one another’s fiery conversation styles. But as fixed signs, you two aren't just passionate, you're stubborn. This could cause constant spats. To avoid this, aim to really understand each other. Keep in mind that the two of you are on the same team. De-escalate fights in a loving, respectful way.
Scorpio and Leo, if you're annoyed with your partner, find perspective: "She snapped at me because she's trying to be honest, which I actually love about her. Plus, maybe I did push her a bit..."
When you're fighting, remind each other that you're on the same team: "I'd rather find a compromise here than "win" the argument. How can we move forward?"
You should both focus on de-escalating fights. When you feel things heating up, offer a hug, a joke, or take a break in a different room.
7. **As the two most loyal signs, this is where you really shine.** Leo and Scorpio will find the devoted partner of their dreams in each other. When you two get together, it’ll be Leo and Scorpio versus the world. They’ll constantly support, defend, and honor each other. Neither of you need advice on how to be loyal—just make sure you make it to the committed stage together.
Leo, keep your sights set on Scorpio. Even before your relationship is official, he'll feel protective over you.
Scorpio, cut Leo some slack before you go official. Look at how loyal she is to her friends. Know that when you get serious, she’ll be the same with you.
8. **Leo and Scorpio will bond over their shared appreciation for the arts.** As a water sign, Scorpio is naturally expressive, and Leo, you’re known for being one of the most creative signs in the zodiac. In each other, find your new muse, artistic project partner, and +1 to all of your favorite shows. To connect, lean into your common ground as much as possible. Your relationship will benefit!
Offer feedback on each other's work. Your partner will love that you're actively engaged in their projects. Be honest—but focus on being positive.
Work together on your artistic passions. Write silly songs together, act in your partner's short film, or style each other's looks for practice.
Visit every exciting creative event in your city. Plays, readings, art shows, concerts— bonding over these experiences will be an absolute blast.
9. **You two may struggle to sync up your social lives.** Leo is all about working the room and pleasing her audience. Scorpio would rather gossip in the corner (or stay home entirely). To make this work, find a compromise. Focus on accepting one another’s differences. This is an amazing connection, so it's worth the work.
Scorpio, make an effort to join Leo's giant circle of friends when you're out. Throw her a compliment or a flattering story, and she'll be thrilled.
Leo, take a break from your adoring fans to sit with Scorpio. He'll probably have observed some fascinating details already. He'll love telling you about them!
Make sure you create time in your schedule for each other. One night a week, Scorpio should attend a gathering with Leo. And one night a week, Leo should spend the evening in with her man.
10. **If you put in the work, Scorpio and Leo can find an ultra-passionate love.** You two will thrill and inspire each other—as long as you focus on compromise and conflict management. From insane sexual chemistry to a deep creative bond, you're in for the devoted, romantic, intense partnership of your dreams. The Scorpio man and Leo woman are definitely in it for the long haul! | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
11 Possible Fixes to Solve the "Mobile Network Not Available" Error on Android | Are you getting a "Mobile network not available" error on your Android phone? Don't worry because there are a few simple tricks you can try to solve this! This wikiHow article lists a few different tricks that you can use to fix the "Mobile network not available" error.
1. **Toggle Airplane Mode.** Turn Airplane Mode on and off, which will also restart your cellular data network on your phone.
Go to and tap the switch to toggle it on and off again. You can also swipe down from the top of your screen and tap the airplane icon.
2. **Restart your Android.** If turning on and off Airplane Mode didn't work for you, try resetting your phone. The error may be caused by an older background app or temporary file that's clogging up your system and restarting should clear the issue.
To restart your phone, press and hold the Volume Down and Power button for about 10-20 seconds or until your phone shuts down (the screen will be black). Let go of those buttons, and you should see the Android logo as your phone restarts.
3. **Remove and clean the SIM (if you have one).** If restarting your phone didn't work, your SIM card may have jostled out of place or is reading poorly. If your phone uses an eSIM, skip this step.
To remove your SIM card, turn off your phone, then use a small, pointy tool, like an unbent paperclip, to eject your SIM tray. After the tray is ejected, gently remove your SIM card, and clean it (wipe down the metallic surface with a disinfectant wipe or a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol). Reinsert it and turn your phone back on.
If your SIM looks really dirty or grimy, you may need to replace it.
4. **Update your software.** If you haven't updated in a while, you might run into some issues.
Updating is easy! Simply go to . You phone will restart to apply the update.
To make sure that you get the update, connect to Wi-Fi instead of using mobile data, which gives you the error.
5. **Turn off Data roaming.** Roaming takes over when you're not in an area covered under your plan's cellular data, like if you're traveling internationally. If you have roaming on and you're always in coverage from your provider, you may get error messages.
To turn Data roaming off, go to and tap the switch to toggle it off.
6. **Move to a different location.** Maybe your phone's signal is blocked by a thick wall that has metal in it, or you're in an area with poor reception. If you can, get to another location for better signal strength.
7. **Reset network settings.** Sometimes your network settings are a little jumbled and resetting it is what you need to fix your Android's error. When you reset these settings, you won't lose any data or saved files, but you will lose your password or any manual settings that you applied to the network.
To reset your network settings, go to . Your phone will restart with network settings reset to default. Try connecting to the internet again or making a phone call to see if you get the "Mobile network not available" error.
8. **Switch mobile network operators (not available on some devices).** Usually, your phone automatically detects which mobile network is best for you to use. But this can sometimes mess up.
To switch mobile network operators, go to . If you're already on Automatic, pick Manual. If you're currently on Manual, pick Automatic.
9. **Change network types.** If your phone uses 5G and that is unavailable near you, you can opt to use LTE specifically. Don't use this menu if you're unsure of what you're doing.
To change network types, dial *#*#4636#*#* and a new menu will appear. Tap and after you get that information, tap and select either GSM, LTE, or LTE/UMTS options. If you still get the error, you can change which network type you're using. If none of them work for you, change it back to the default.
10. **Factory reset.** Resetting your Android to factory settings will delete all your personal information, but it will also restore apps, files, and default settings.
You should first make a backup of your current Android's settings and files. To create a back up, go to .
To reset, go to . Enter your PIN if prompted.
11. **Contact your service provider.** If you've tried everything here but are still getting a "Mobile network not available" error, there might be something wrong with your account. Maybe your provider turned off your mobile network due to payment issues or the tower in your area is down and you didn't know! | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Write a Speech if You're Third Speaker | There are three key roles on a debate team: first speaker, second speaker and third speaker. While the first and second speakers concentrate on building a substantive case, the third speaker has a unique job in that he or she must use their time to attack their opponent's case. This guide will help you create an outline for your argument if you are the third speaker on your debate team.
1. **Create a list of key points from your first and second speaker so that you have them ready when it comes time to give your closing summary.** If you cannot prepare this in advance, take notes while the first and second speakers are talking.
Make a list of the main arguments of first and second speakers on your team. Use the notes to rebut arguments of the opposing side.
Throughout the debate, note down key clashes and the main arguments of the opposing side.
State the clashes and explain/analyze why your side has won in each clash.
2. **Draft a persuasive closing statement.** You can make changes to your statement throughout the debate, if need be, after taking notes on your challenger's arguments.
3. **Restate your team's position.**
4. **Rebut the opposition's arguments.** While it may seem redundant with some of the work the first or second speaker has done, this is an opportunity for a new angle to be presented (e.g. impact on individual vs. impact on society). Take notes while you listen to the first speakers on the opposing side so that you can appropriately rebut key points they've made.
5. **Defend your affirmative arguments with supporting examples.** Prepare different cases than your first and second speaker so that you are not just repeating previous examples.
6. **Provide a concise summary of your case by listing arguments from your first and second speaker and any strong, supporting examples they may have used.**
7. **End your speech with your closing statement.**
8. **Rebut the proposition's arguments by using a new and different angle for your argument.** You should complement the work the first and second speakers have done, while keeping the argument fresh. You do not want your argument to get stale.
9. **Defend negative arguments by using appropriate supporting examples.** It is important to note that if you are a third speaker on an opposing team, you are not creating a constructive argument. Presenting a new argument at this time would not allow the proposing team to rebut. The arguments you are defending are arguments that have already been made by your first and second speakers.
10. **Provide a concise summary of your case by listing arguments from your first and second speaker and any strong, supporting examples they may have used.**
11. **End your speech with your closing statement.** | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Wire an Electric Cooker | An electric cooker, or stove, is a handy but powerful kitchen appliance. A standard one can have 4 burners and up to 2 ovens. Its utility means it runs on a strong current, so you have to take some special precautions when setting one up. Although the wiring work isn’t extremely difficult, it can be dangerous if you’re not accustomed to it. Speak with a professional electrician if you have any doubts about the installation process.
1. **Have a separate 32-amp circuit installed by an electrician.** An electric cooker needs plenty of electricity to heat up, so it has to have its own powered circuit. If you already have an old cooker in place, then your home has the electrical circuit needed for the new one. The circuit will be in the wall, running from the cooker’s control unit to the wall switch and then on to your home’s circuit breaker or fuse box. If you don’t have one, contact a licensed electrician for installation.
In the U.S., the correct amperage rating is 240 volts.
You can find out the circuit’s amp rating by checking the fuse or breaker box in your home. It is usually labeled. Compare the label to the power requirement listed in the cooker’s owner’s manual.
If you’re not sure how your home’s electrical wiring is set up, ask an electrician to inspect it and make sure it is safe to use.
2. **Get a double pole isolating switch installed by an electrician if you don’t have one.** A double pole isolating switch is basically a special type of light switch with a pair of toggles. The toggles control both the live and neutral wires in the cooker’s electrical circuit. Single isolating switches deactivate only the live power wires, but since electric cookers use so much energy, the neutral wires retain electricity and can shock you. If your home doesn’t have one of these switches, get a licensed contractor to wire one near where you plan on installing the cooker.
The switch connects the cooker’s control unit to the electrical supply in your home. If you have an old cooker, then your home probably has the correct switch needed for the new one.
Deactivate both switches each time you need to access the cooker’s wiring. It will help keep you safe.
3. **Find a clear spot for the control unit used to wire the cooker to the wall.** You are most likely going to place the new cooker where the old one is in your home. Try to keep the cooker to the side of the control unit instead of directly in front of it. It prevents heat from the cooker blasting directly onto the wires. The wires you use to connect the two together are short, so you can’t move the cooker very far.
You usually don’t have much choice when placing a new unit. It has to be close to the control unit and switch. If you wish to move it, ask an electrician about adjusting your home’s wiring.
If you’re placing a new cooker, make sure it isn’t underneath wallpaper or other flammable objects.
4. **Turn off the electricity before attempting to connect the cooker.** Find the fuse box or circuit breaker in your home. It is often in an out-of-the-way spot like the garage or basement. Once you find it, locate the switch controlling power to the cooktop control circuit, which will most likely be labeled. Flip the switch to shut off the power.
If you don’t see the fuse or breaker panel, check recessed areas like hallway closets. It may also be outdoors, near the electrical meter, in some cases.
After deactivating the switch, consider locking the fuse or breaker panel so that no one can accidentally reactivate the power while you’re working.
After deactivating the switch, check the manufacturer's recommendations for installation.
Follow an electrical code book and rules for safe when wiring and installation.
5. **Unscrew the back plate on the cooker’s terminal outlet box.** While the cooker is away from the wall, inspect its back side for a small box. The box is usually black and located on the bottom right side of the machine. It may be covered by a screw-on panel you can remove with a crosshead screwdriver. Turn the screws counterclockwise to remove the panel and expose the wire terminals.
If the box doesn’t have any screws on it, use a flathead screwdriver to gently pry the cover off. You can lift it by sliding the screwdriver underneath its bottom edge.
6. **Loosen the terminal screws inside the outlet box.** These screws hold the electrical wires in place. The cooker’s terminal box will likely have 6 screws, but you only need to loosen 3 of them. Use a crosshead screwdriver on the top right, bottom right, and middle left screws. Turn them counterclockwise to loosen them.
You don’t need to remove the screws. Loosen them enough to plug the wires into the terminals. If the wires don’t fit, you can always go back and loosen the screws a little more.
Check the cooktop’s user manual for more information about which terminals to use for the electrical wires. Your unit may also have a sticker on the back indicating how the terminals work.
7. **Plug the power wires into the outlet box’s terminal slots.** The cooker’s power cable consists of 3 differently-colored wires. Each wire is color-coded and plugs into a specific terminal in the outlet box. Look for a blue neutral wire that fits into the upper right terminal. Then, slide the brown live wire into the middle-left terminal and the yellow and green ground wire into the bottom-right terminal.
Note that new cookers come with the required power cable. If you need a new one, make sure it is the right size. Try using a 2.5 mm (0.098 in) heat-resistant cable, for instance.
The wiring color scheme may be different depending on where you live. Look up your country’s electrical code to figure out what the wire colors represent.
The ground wire often has no casing, but leaving it exposed is dangerous. To protect it from shorting out or shocking you, purchase an electrical wire sleeve. The sleeve is a piece of insulation, usually colored green and yellow, that fits around the wire to insulate it.
8. **Tighten the screws to close the terminals and outlet box.** Use a crosshead screwdriver to turn the terminal screws clockwise, tightening them. Make sure they are tight enough that you can’t pull the wires out of the terminals. When you’re done, cover the outlet box, tightening any screws used to hold it in place.
Check for any loose wires sticking out of the case. If you see any, open the case up and pack them neatly into the outlet box.
If the wires are too long, you can trim off the ends using pliers. Strip off the insulation using a wire stripping tool if you need to expose more of the wire.
9. **Turn the isolator switches off to completely shut down the electricity.** Walk over to the switch and flip both toggles to the off position. Doing this will cut all electricity to the cooker’s control unit installed nearby. You will get a chance to test this when you plug a multimeter into the unit’s exposed terminals.
If the switch is on, then the control unit may still shock you. Don’t attempt to wire it until you’re sure it is off and have finished testing it.
10. **Test the control unit using a multimeter to ensure it isn’t active.** Walk over to the cooker control unit situated on the wall. Turn on a handheld digital multimeter after plugging in its red and black leads. Set it to V~, or AC voltage. Press the tip of the black probe into the terminal for the ground wire, then slot the red probe into the live wire slot. If the unit isn’t receiving activity, the multimeter will stay silent and display a 0 on its screen.
Use the isolator switch, along with your home’s circuit breaker or fuse box, to shut off the electricity. Working on a live outlet is very dangerous, so always double-check it with a multimeter!
Test the other terminals in the outlet by moving the probes to them. Make sure the multimeter doesn’t react at all.
11. **Remove the screws to open the unit’s wire terminals.** The unit has small outlets similar to the ones in the cooker’s terminal box. A standard control unit has 3 terminals. Turn the screw on each terminal counterclockwise to loosen and remove it. You will then see open slots to fit the power wires.
The screws usually do not need to be removed in order to fit the wires in place.
12. **Join the wires to the wall-mounted control unit’s terminals.** Look inside the control unit to see approximately 3 wires of different colors. Basically, match the cooker’s wire colors to the ones in the control unit. To insert them, rest the insulated part of each wire flat against the unit, then push the exposed ends into the open slots. Use a screwdriver to tuck the ends in so they touch the exposed ends of the unit's wires.
For example, your unit may have a brown neutral wire on the left, a green and yellow ground wire in the middle, and a blue power wire on the right. It depends on the wire color scheme used in your country.
13. **Replace the terminal screws to secure the power wires.** Place a single screw on each terminal, then turn it clockwise until the wires can no longer be pulled out of position. Make sure the wires look neat and contained before you close the wall-mounted control unit back up.
If the wires are frayed or loose in the box, the cooker won’t work properly. Bad wiring could potentially damage your cooker or lead to other problems, so take your time with them before reactivating the power.
14. **Have a certified electrician check your work for mistakes.** To be absolutely sure the wiring is correct and up to code, seek the opinion of a trained professional. Ask them to certify the work. The electrician will give you a certificate stating that the work is in order. You can then enjoy your new cooker without any concern of potential side effects.
Even if you wired the cooker correctly, not having a certificate could become a problem. The certificate proves that your home is safe and meets government regulations. Without it, you may not be eligible for property insurance and have a hard time selling your home in the future.
Getting a second opinion is always useful when it comes to electrical work. Electrical work is delicate and mistakes can have serious consequences. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Make Vodka | Vodka is a neutral spirit that is usually not aged and can be made from grains, potatoes, sugars, and fruits that are fermented to produce alcohol. Home brewers should take extreme caution during the distilling process to discard the methanol, which can be fatal if consumed. Distilling alcohol at home is illegal in some places, like Australia and the U.S. Other countries may require you to register your still or obtain a license to distill alcohol, such as in New Zealand and Czechia. Be sure to check your local regulations before beginning this process.
1. **Choose the ingredients you want to ferment into vodka.** Vodka is commonly made from wheat, rye, barley, corn, or potatoes. Sugar and molasses can also be used alone or added to other ingredients. One distiller even makes an innovative vodka from Pinot Noir red wine. Whatever you choose, it must have sugars or starches so that alcohol is ultimately produced. Yeast eats sugars or starches and spits out alcohol and carbon dioxide.
When making vodka from grains and potatoes, a mash must be made that contains active enzymes that break down the starches from the grains or potatoes and makes fermentable sugars.
Fruit juice already contains sugars so starch-degrading enzymes are not needed. As with fruit juice, vodka made from store-bought sugars need only be fermented, thus bypassing the need for a mash.
When already fermented mediums such as wine are used, the medium can be distilled right away into vodka.
2. **Decide whether you need additional enzymes.** Depending on what you decide to make your vodka out of, you may need to add enzymes to help convert the starches into sugar. If you’re using grains and potatoes, you’ll need additional enzymes. Grains and potatoes are sources of starch, so enzymes are needed to break the starch down into sugar.
If you’re using malted whole grains, you do not need additional enzymes. Malted whole grains, like malted barley or malted wheat, are rich in natural enzymes that break down starches into fermentable sugars.
If you’re using refined sugar and molasses, you do not need additional enzymes because the sugar is already present.
3. **Add additional enzymes, if necessary.** Food-grade amylase enzyme powder can be purchased from a homebrew shop and added to the mash to convert the starch into fermentable sugars, if you're using potatoes, for example. Use the recommended amount for the amount of starch to be broken down. There is no need to use malted, enzyme-rich grains such as malted barley or wheat when using enzyme powder.
For enzymes to be able to break down starches, the starches must first be gelatinized. Flaked (rolled) grains are often already gelatinized. Un-gelatinized ingredients such as potatoes and unrolled or malted grains are heated in water to the gelatinization temperature of the particular starch that is used.
Potatoes usually gelatinize at about 150° F (66° C), and barley and wheat gelatinize at about the same temperature. Theoretically, a potato mash should only need to be heated to 150° F (66° C). If a low temperature is used with potatoes, the potatoes should be finely shredded before adding them to the water.
Starch-degrading enzymes only work at specific temperatures and are destroyed at high temperatures. A temperature of 150° F (66° C) is common, but temperatures above 158° F (70° C) will result in the destruction of the enzymes. The absolute maximum temperature is 165° F (74° C).
4. **Try a wheat mash.** In a 10 gallon (37.9 L) (38 L) metal pot with lid, heat 6 gallons (23 L) of water to about 165° F (74° C). Add 2 gallons (7.6 L) of dry, flaked wheat and stir. Check the temperature and ensure that it is between 150° F (66° C) and 155° F (68° C). Stir in 1 gallon (3.8 L) of crushed wheat malt. The temperature should be about 149° F (65°). Cover and let rest for 90 minutes to 2 hours, stirring occasionally.
The starches should convert into fermentable sugars during this time, and the mixture should become much less viscous.
After 90 minutes to 2 hours, cool the mixture to 80° to 85° F (27° to 29° C). Use an immersion chiller for rapid cooling or just let it cool overnight, but don’t let it get much below 80° F (27° C).
5. **Go for a potato mash.** Clean 20 pounds (9.1 kg) of potatoes. Without peeling, boil them in a large kettle until gelatinized, about one hour. Discard the water and thoroughly mash the potatoes by hand or with a food processor. Return the mashed potatoes to the kettle and add 5 to 6 gallons (19 to 23 L) of tap water. Mix to blend and bring mixture to just over 150° F (66° C).
Add 2 pounds (0.91 kg) of crushed, malted barley or wheat and stir well. Cover and stir periodically over the course of 2 hours. Let it cool overnight to 80° to 85° F (27° to 29° C).
Letting it cool for a long period of time also gives the barley malt enzymes more time to break down the potato starch.
6. **Make a corn mash.** Make a mash according to the wheat mash recipe, but substitute flaked, pre-gelatinized corn (maize) for the flaked wheat. Alternatively, sprout your own corn over the course of 3 days and make a mash from it without added malted grain. A root about 2 inches (5.1 cm) long should sprout from each grain.
The sprouted corn will contain enzymes that were formed during the germination (sprouting) process.
7. **Clean all your utensils and prepare the area properly.** Fermentation is conducted in clean, sanitized vessels that are sometimes open but often sealed from the air to prevent cross-contamination. Fermentation usually lasts for 3-5 days.
Fermentation is also possible in vessels that haven't been cleaned or sanitized, and the distilled product will yield drinkable alcohol, but the fermentation may result in a high level of unwanted flavor compounds and higher alcohols due to the action of unwanted yeast stains and bacteria.
Oxidative cleaners such as B-Brite are available at homebrew shops, as are sanitizers such as iodophor.
8. **Choose and set up your airlock.** An airlock is a mechanism that will allow CO2 to escape without letting O2 to get in. Five-gallon (19-L) batches of strained mash can be fermented in a 7.5-gallon (28-L) food-grade bucket or in 6-gallon (23-L) carboys. Lids can be affixed to buckets, as can drilled rubber stoppers to carboys, but when using a lid or a stopper, never seal the vessel completely, as pressure from carbon dioxide production will create explosive pressure.
Always affix an airlock to lids and drilled rubber stoppers to prevent explosive pressure from building.
When fermentation is conducted in open vessels, put a cheesecloth over the vessel to keep out bugs and other undesirable things.
9. **Strain the mash or liquid into your fermentation vessel.** If a mash was made, strain the liquid with a fine mesh strainer from the mash into your cleaned and sanitized fermentation vessel. Try to splash the liquid and pour it from a distance so that it is well aerated.
Yeast needs air (oxygen) initially to grow and start a quality fermentation. This is because yeast makes cellular material in the form of lipids from oxygen. However, oxygen is not desired after this initial growth stage, as yeast produces alcohol in the absence of oxygen.
You may want to add a sugar solution at this time. Aerate the sugar solution by pouring it from a distance into the fermentation vessel.
If juice is to be fermented, aerate by pouring from a height through a sieve or strainer into the fermentation vessel.
10. **Add yeast to the fermentable medium.** Hydrate the appropriate amount of dried distillers or other desired yeast and add it to the liquid. Stir with a clean, sanitized spoon to evenly disperse the yeast. If using an airlock, the airlock will bubble during active fermentation, and the bubbling will slow dramatically or cease altogether as the liquid becomes completely fermented.
Keep the fermenting liquid in a room that is about 80° to 85° F (27° to 29° C) to facilitate good, efficient fermentation. Alternately, use a heating belt in cold areas.
Distillers yeast will ferment cleanly, produce a high amount of alcohol (ethanol), and produce a relatively low amount of unwanted compounds such as alcohols other than ethanol. The amount of yeast used will depend on the specific brand or type of yeast used.
Nutrients may be included with the yeast in the yeast packet. Yeast nutrients are needed when fermenting a medium that is low in nutrients, such as sugar solutions, but they can also improve fermentations when used with nutrient-rich mediums such as those made from grains.
11. **Collect the wash.** Siphon off the fermented, alcoholic liquid (called the wash) into a cleaned and sanitized vessel or into the distillation apparatus. Leave the yeast sediment behind in the fermentation vessel, as it can scorch when heated in the still. The siphoned wash may also be further clarified by filtration or other means before distillation.
12. **Use a column still if possible.** Column stills are more complex and sophisticated than pot stills. They can be purchased or, depending on the still design, built using readily available materials. However, column stills and pot stills work in a relatively similar manner.
Cooling water is usually circulated through a sealed compartment in the distillation column, causing the vaporized alcohol and other substances to condense in the column. This means that such a still must be attached directly to a faucet or a mechanical pump to move water from a supply into the still.
If not recirculating water from a single supply, thousands of gallons of water may need to be used to make a small batch of vodka. If water is recirculated from a central reservoir using a pump, about 50 gallons (189 L) of water can be used, but the water will heat up and become less effective.
13. **Opt for a pot still if you can’t find a column still.** Simple pot stills are akin to pressure cookers that are attached to piping or tubing. They can be constructed very easily and cheaply. Unlike column stills that are essentially vertical columns, pot stills may utilize bent or coiled tubing or piping that can be submersed in a vessel of cooling water. Pumps and large volumes of cooling water are not required, but can be used.
14. **Use a reflux still, if necessary.** A reflux still can do multiple distillations at one time. The packing between the condenser and the pot allows vapor to condense and trickle back down to the liquid pool. This “reflux” cleans the rising vapor and increases the purity of the vodka.
15. **Get ready for distillation.** Stills heat the fermented, relatively-low alcoholic wash to a temperature that is greater than the boiling point of alcohol, yet less than the boiling point of water. In this way, the alcohol vaporizes while the bulk of the water does not. The vaporized alcohol (along with some vaporized water) travel up into the column, pipe or tube of the still.
External cooling in the form of cold water is applied to the column, pipe, or tubing, causing the vaporized alcohol to cool and condense back into liquid. This alcoholic liquid is collected and becomes vodka.
16. **Heat the wash in the still to begin the distillation process.** Depending on the type of still being used, gas burners, wood fires, or electric hot plates are all options. A temperature of about 173° F (78.3° C) at sea level is desirable, but the temperature must be kept below the boiling point of water, 212° F (100° C) at sea level.
As the wash becomes heated, alcohol and other substances vaporize and condense in the water-cooled area of the still.
17. **Throw out the heads.** The first distilled liquid (called the “heads”) that is recovered from the still will be full of harmful methanol and other volatile chemicals that . For 5 gallons (19 L) of wash, discard at least the first 2 ounces (60 mL) of distillate.
It is extremely important that you do not drink this distilled liquid!
18. **Collect the body.** After you discard the heads, the collected distillate will contain the desired alcohol (ethanol), along with some water and other compounds. This is called the “body” or the “heart.” During this time, if using a column still with flowing cold water, the water flow can be adjusted to control the distillate output and purity.
Aim for 2 to 3 teaspoons (9.8 to 14.8 mL) of distillate per minute. Increased distillate output results in decreased purity.
19. **Throw out the tails.** Towards the end of the distillation process, when the temperature creeps up to 212° F (100° C) and beyond, the distillation process produces other nasty chemicals. These are called the “tails,” which contain fusel alcohols. The tails are undesirable as they contain propanol and butanol and should be discarded.
Always make sure to throw out the tails, as they should not be consumed!
20. **Check the alcohol content and purity of the distillate.** Cool a sample of the distillate to 68° F (20° C) and use an alcometer to measure the percentage of alcohol of the distillate. The distillate may be too diluted to serve as acceptable vodka (weaker than 40% alcohol), or may be more concentrated than desired (perhaps higher than 50% alcohol).
Vodka is usually diluted before bottling, so the distillate may have a very high alcohol content. The distillate may also be too flavorful and aromatic and require additional distillations or carbon filtering.
21. **Redistill the liquid, if necessary or desired.** This increases the alcohol content and further purifies the distillate. It is common to redistill the distillate 3 or more times to achieve vodka that has a high purity.
Keep in mind that the heads and tails need to be discarded each time you distill the vodka!
Premium brands of vodka go through 4 or 5 distillates, and most other brands go through 3 before the vodka is diluted and bottled.
22. **Filter the vodka through carbon.** Pass the distillate through an activated carbon filter, such as those available at homebrewing shops, to remove unwanted volatile flavors and aromas. Carbon water filters can also be modified to purify the distillate.
23. **Dilute the vodka to the desired strength.** Add purified water to the distillate to attain the desired alcohol percentage. Use an alcometer to measure the alcohol percentage several times throughout this process until you achieve the desired strength.
24. **Bottle the vodka.** Fill bottles using a gravity bottle filler setup and cork or cap the bottles. Label the bottles with custom labels if desired. Some gravity fillers may consist of a 7.5 gallon (29 L) bottling bucket (with spigot), vinyl tubing, and a simple spring-loaded plastic bottle filler. Multiple-spout wine bottle fillers can also be used. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Fix Rust Holes on a Car | When rust isn’t caught early, it can eat all the way through the metal of your car. As long as these rust holes go untreated, they will continue to expand. Fixing a rust hole in your car requires first removing the rust and any affected metal, and then filling the hole with a fibreglass body filler. From there, it’s just a matter of giving the repaired area a finish that you’re happy with.
1. **Put on work gloves and eye protection.** Rust is highly likely to flake as you grind it off of the metal. Those flakes can get into your eyes and wreak havoc. You also run the risk of being scratched or cut by jagged metal while you work. Avoid both concerns by wearing work gloves and eye protection.
Goggles offer the most protection, but regular safety glasses will suffice.
Leather work gloves will give you the most protection from scratches and cuts.
2. **Remove the paint 2 inches (5 cm) around the rust with a drill fitted with a wire brush.** The filler won’t adhere to paint, so you have to remove it from all around the hole. A wire brush attachment for a power drill will make short work of the paint on the metal and can even be used to remove some of the rust, if not all of it.
A flapper disc for an angle grinder will also work well for removing the paint.
You can purchase a wire brush attachment for your drill at your local auto parts or hardware store.
You can also purchase flapper discs for angle grinders at your local hardware store.
3. **Cut the affected metal away from the hole with tin snips or a grinder.** All of the rust needs to be removed from the hole and the metal surrounding it. If you don’t have a grinder or angle-grinder, you can use heavy duty tin snips to cut the rust and rusting metal out of the hole. If you do have a grinder, use it to quickly grind away all of the rust and any rusting you see on the metal surrounding the hole by pressing the grinding wheel directly into the rusty metal until it’s gone.
A grinder is the faster and preferred method of removing all of the rusted metal, but snips will work in most situations.
You can purchase an angle grinder or tin snips from your local hardware store.
4. **Treat the exposed metal with a rust inhibitor.** With all the rust removed, the exposed metal that’s left is still susceptible to rusting. Spray the entire area liberally with the rust inhibitor to stop the spread of any new rust before moving on.
Rust inhibitor tends to dry quickly. Wait a minute or two for it to dry before moving on.
Follow the instructions on the spray can of rust inhibitor you choose to make sure you apply it correctly.
You can get rust inhibitor at any hardware or auto parts store.
5. **Use a ball-peen hammer to tap the edges of the hole inward.** There may be jagged edges left over from grinding or snipping away at the metal. Use the back end (rounded end) of a small ball-peen hammer to bang any edges into the hole so they don’t interfere with applying the fibreglass mixture later.
Tapping the edged inward will allow you to make a flat, even finish in the fibreglass.
Be careful not to dent any of the good metal on the body of the car while you bang in the edges of the hole. Don’t hit any part of the car with the hammer except those edges.
6. **Tape a sheet of wax paper over the hole using masking tape.** The wax paper is going to serve as the start of your fibreglass patch. Place it over the hole so the hole itself is near the centre of the paper. Use one or two pieces of masking tape to secure the wax paper over the hole.
It’s best to do this in direct sunlight or in a well-lit area because you’ll need to be able to see the hole through the wax paper.
Use masking tape rather than duct or some other kind of tape because it won’t leave an adhesive residue.
7. **Trace the hole with a marker on the wax paper.** Use a permanent marker to trace the outline of the hole by looking at it through the paper itself. The outline does not have to be perfect but should approximate the size and shape of the hole.
Press the paper against the body of the car with your non-dominant hand as you trace to help you to see the hole better.
8. **Mix the fibreglass filler mixture with the hardener with a dowel.** Squeeze out or pour some fibreglass filler onto a paper plate or piece of cardboard, then add hardener and mix the two together with a wooden dowel or tongue depressor. Different brands of fibreglass patch material utilize different chemical concentrations, so make sure to read the instructions carefully to know how much have the hardener to add to the filler.
Mix the filler and hardener quickly and thoroughly. You only have about 5 minutes to apply the mixture once you make it.
The filler and hardener are usually different colours, so it’s easy to tell if they still need to be mixed. Keep mixing the ingredients until the mixture becomes one solid colour.
9. **Lay the wax paper on the table so you can see the traced hole.** Place the paper down in front of you with the traced hole facing up. You’ll need to be able to see the size and shape of the hole as you add the mixture to the paper.
It doesn’t matter which side of the wax paper you used to trace the hole (shiny or flat side) just as long as you can clearly see its dimensions.
10. **Dab the mixture onto the drawn hole on the wax paper.** Keep stirring the mixture as you scoop it up with your wooden dowel and apply it to the wax paper liberally in the centre of the hole you traced. Spread it around so it fills the entire circle you drew.
Keep stirring the mixture and adding it to the wax paper so it creates an even patch out of the fibreglass.
11. **Keep adding the mixture until it extends .5 inches (1.3 cm) beyond the hole.** That extra area will allow the patch to bond to the metal you exposed with the wire brush that surrounded the hole. It doesn’t have to be exact, just make sure the patch extends beyond the outer perimeter of the hole all the way around.
Keep adding the mixture until the patch itself is about .25 inches (0.64 cm) thick and mostly even.
Remember to move quickly because the mixture is already starting to dry.
12. **Use the dowel to apply the mixture directly to the edges of the hole.** This will give your patch a better chance at adhering to the car’s body. Apply the fibreglass mixture lightly around the edges of the hole by scooping it up with the dowel and then running the dowel along the edge.
It doesn’t need to be much. Just add a thin layer of the fibreglass mixture to help your patch stick.
13. **Pick up the wax paper with the mixture facing outward.** Pinch the edges of the wax paper with the thumbs and index fingers on both hands and hold it up in the air so the mixture is facing the car and away from you.
It may help to reposition your hands so one is pinching a top corner and one is pinching a bottom one.
Be careful not to let the paper fold so the mixture comes into contact with itself or you’ll have to start over.
14. **Press the mixture directly into the hole so it’s flat against the vehicle.** Pull the corners tight so the patch is flat as you first apply it to the vehicle. Then press the palm of your hand firmly over the patch to adhere it to the vehicle.
Press the patch into the hole firmly. Then use your fingers to make sure it’s attached to the metal all the way around the hole.
Use your fingers to flatten and smooth the patch against the area of the car so it follows the contour lines of the vehicle.
15. **Wait an hour for the mixture to dry.** These fibreglass mixtures dry very quickly. On small holes, it may only take a few minutes for the mixture to dry enough to work with. However, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Give the patch plenty of time to dry before attempting to do any more work on it.
The patch will dry faster with good airflow. Open the garage door if you’re working indoors and the weather permits.
16. **Peel the wax paper away from the vehicle.** Pinch one corner of the wax paper with your thumb and index finger, then peel it away from the patch slowly. If the patch appears to be disrupted by you pulling on the wax paper, it’s not dry yet. Give it another hour, then attempt to peel it off again. Otherwise, remove the wax paper completely.
The fibreglass patch will stay in place with the wax paper gone.
The patch is now secured onto the vehicle.
17. **Sand any imperfections out with 220-grit sandpaper and water.** If there are any imperfections in the patch, you can remove them by pouring water over it as you sand it with 220-grit sandpaper. Keep pouring water over the patch as you sand it until the fibreglass is as smooth as you want it.
Be careful not to press too hard into the middle of the patch as you sand or you may break through it.
If you accidentally sand too much away, you can mix more fibreglass and add it to the patch, let it dry, and start sanding again.
18. **Add a spray-on primer to prevent further rust.** Once the fibreglass patch has a nice, even finish, apply an even coat of automotive primer from a spray can. Shake the can well, then hold it about 12 inches (30 cm) away and swipe the can from left to right as you spray it. Be sure to cover the patch and any exposed metal.
Let the primer dry overnight before doing any more work to it.
At this point, the hole is repaired and won’t start rusting again.
19. **Paint the repair if you desire a professional finish.** You can purchase automotive paint matched exactly to your vehicle by contacting the dealership and giving them your VIN (Vehicle Identification Number). While painting a car is a difficult and complex process, applying a layer of matched touch up paint to small repairs can make them pretty inconspicuous. Simply spray it on the same way you did the primer.
Hold the can about 12 inches (30 cm) away from the area you’re painting and swipe it from left to right as you spray.
For larger repairs, you should treat and paint the entire panel of the car if you want it to blend with the rest of the vehicle perfectly. That may be a job for a certified body shop if you don’t have the tools and expertise required. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Make a Poker Table | A professional fabric-lined poker table is the perfect way to get your friends excited for poker night. Since good poker tables can be hard to find and expensive to ship, you may want to consider building your own. By constructing a homemade poker table, you will ensure that it fits comfortably in your home and meets your specific needs. If you’re going to build a poker table though, you should have an open and well-ventilated area to work and at least a basic understanding of how to operate power tools.
1. **Measure corners on a 4 by 4 feet (1.2 by 1.2 m) sheet of plywood.** Use a straight edge ruler to measure 14 inches (36 cm) from the corner of your plywood along the side. Make one mark vertically, and then one mark horizontally, and use your ruler to connect the two marks and draw a line. Do this for each of the 4 corners on your sheet of plywood to make an octagon.
You can also use a permanent marker, white chalk, or a grease pencil to mark your lines.
2. **Use a circular saw** Lay your plywood flat on a work bench or flat surface and secure it with clamps. Line the guiding line of your circular saw up with each pencil mark and pull the saw’s trigger. Let the saw carry itself through your line and don’t push while the saw is firing.
Always wear protective eyewear when using power tools.
Keep both hands on the two handles on top of your circular saw while the trigger is firing. You can use a jigsaw if you’re more comfortable with it.
Your plywood sheet will be in the shape of an octagon after you’ve finished cutting each corner.
3. **Spray adhesive on your plywood and add your ⁄4 inch (0.64 cm) foam.** In a well-ventilated area, cover the entirety of your plywood with a heavy-duty adhesive spray. Roll your foam across the top of the plywood, smoothing it with your free hand as you place it down. Weigh your foam down for an hour by placing any heavy, flat objects across the entirety of the surface.
If you don’t spray every section of your plywood with adhesive, you could end up with air bubbles in your playing surface.
You can purchase heavy-duty adhesive glue at your local hardware store. Double-check the can to make sure that your adhesive works with wood before purchasing and using it.
4. **Use a utility knife to cut the excess foam off of the table.** After the foam has dried, use a utility knife to shave any excess foam off by pulling on the edge with your nondominant hand while cutting carefully. Scrape your knife against each edge of your table to ensure that the foam is flush with the plywood.
Place something heavy in the center of your table while you remove the excess foam. In the off-chance that the foam hasn’t fully dried, it could end up sliding while you’re cutting it.
5. **Install pine trim along the edge with a nail gun or drill.** Use pine trim between ⁄4 inch (0.64 cm) and 1 inch (2.5 cm). Measure each piece to match each edge of your plywood octagon and mark your cuts with a pencil or white chalk. Use a circular saw or jigsaw to cut your pieces and affix them to the plywood with a nail gun or drill.
The width of your trim will dictate the size of the lip between your playing surface and the table itself.
6. **Spray your tabletop with adhesive and add the speed cloth.** Place your speed cloth playing-side down on a flat surface. Spray each section of the speed cloth’s underside with your adhesive. Lift your playing surface up, and gently lower it, playing-side down, on top of the speed cloth.
Speed cloth is the green material used on poker tables. It is often referred to as felt.
Instead of dropping your playing surface on top of the speed cloth, you can stretch it out over the top if you have someone helping you.
7. **Fold and staple your speed cloth to the underside of the playing surface.** Pull each edge of your excess felt and staple it to the inside of your playing surface. Fold the corners where multiple layers meet on top of one another and staple them in one place. Once all edges are folded and stapled, shave off any excess speed cloth with a utility knife or scissors.
You don’t need to worry about carving into the bottom of your playing surface with the utility knife. You’re not going to be able to see this section when you’re done.
8. **Lay your 5 by 5 feet (1.5 by 1.5 m) sheet of plywood out on a flat surface.** Once you have your playing area covered in speed cloth, you’re ready to create your table top. Start by laying out one of your larger sheets of plywood on a flat surface and placing your playing surface on top in the center. Use a measuring tape to center your octagon by calculating the halfway point between each edge and matching it with the center of your octagon.
You can use a framing square to draw a center line with pencil on each of the exterior edges on your table top. This will make lining up your octagon easier.
9. **Trace along each edge of your octagon.** Holding your playing surface firmly in place with your nondominant hand, draw into the plywood along the outside of the octagon. Draw a small symbol on your plywood sheet and draw the same symbol on the corresponding edge of the octagon to be able to match your playing surface up with the proper edges of the table top in the future.
You can’t rotate your playing surface from this point on, so you’ll need to be able to match it up later.
Use a simple symbol, like a circle or triangle, to mark the edge of your playing surface with the table top.
10. **Drill a hole in each corner of your outline and trim with a jigsaw.** Use a Philips-head [Change a Drill Bit|drill bit]] to puncture a hole in the plywood at each corner of your octagon. Use a jigsaw to cut the lines out between your holes. Guide your jigsaw slowly through each line, and keep the base plate flush with the plywood as you cut.
If you experience kickback when using your jigsaw, release the trigger and reposition it before trying again.
If you’re struggling to visualize where the hole belongs, look for each 135-degree angle on your outline and drill right where your lines meet.
You’re going to recycle the octagon that you cut out as the center piece for the legs, so don’t throw that piece out.
11. **Layer your 5 by 5 feet (1.5 by 1.5 m) sheets of plywood.** On your work surface, lay out your second sheet of plywood. Place your first sheet—the one with the octagon cut out of the center—on top of your second sheet and line the edges up. Drop your playing surface into the center that you’ve cut out to see if it lays flush.
If your playing surface doesn’t lay flush with the other sheets of plywood, consider shaving any excess felt off of the bottom where you stapled it.
12. **Measure your table top’s edges and mark them with a pencil.** Measure out 12 ⁄16 inches (31.6 cm) from the center mark of each side of your octagon. Line each section up with a framing square and use the straight edge to draw each line out with a carpentry pencil or grease marker. When you’re done, you’ll be looking at an outline of the octagon that’s slightly bigger than the octagon area that you originally cut out.
13. **Nail or clamp the two pieces of plywood together and cut the edges.** Secure your two sheets of plywood with nails or a set of clamps, and use a jigsaw or circular saw to cut the excess plywood off of your table top’s edges. Cut the two sheets of plywood at the same time while they’re on top of one another to ensure a flush edge where they meet.
Only punch nails through the corners that you’re cutting off. You’ll use wood glue to attach the two sheets of plywood.
14. **Glue your two sheets of plywood together and clamp them.** Use wood glue to cover the edges of your table where the second sheet of plywood will meet the first. Squeeze your wood glue in a zig-zag pattern along every section of the second sheet where you first sheet will lay. After you’ve laid the glue down, drop your first section of plywood on top of the second and clamp each edge.
15. **Retrieve the spare octagon that you cut out and measure the legs out.** This second octagon is where you’re going to affix your table legs. Start by measuring the plywood from corner to opposite corner, placing a reference mark 2–4 inches (5.1–10.2 cm) from the edge based on your preference. Mark the location where you want to insert each table leg.
Base your leg references on the screw insert, not the edge of the table leg.
Pre-constructed table legs have a screw built into them to affix them to a table top, so you don’t need to worry about drilling into them.
16. **Drill a pilot hole** The drill bit should be slightly smaller than the screw that comes with your table leg. Use your drill to create an opening for each table leg screw at the locations you marked for each leg. Test each leg at each hole that you drill to ensure that the threading in each screw will fit.
Leave your table upside down while testing the legs, since this is how you’re going to glue them in permanently.
17. **Glue and screw each table leg into each pilot hole and let them rest.** Add wood glue to the flat surface surrounding the screw in your table leg. Screw the leg into your pilot hole and twist until you see the wood glue squeezing out from the edge of your table leg. Repeat this for each table leg and set the leg portion of your table aside to dry for 2-3 hours.
18. **Sand** While you’re waiting for the glue on your table legs to dry, sand the edges of your table top where the two sheets of glued plywood meet. This will ensure that you remove any excess glue or wood splinters from the unfinished edge.
The sandpaper will also round the sharp edges where your octagon angles rest, which could hurt someone when they rest their arms on the edge of the table.
Work in a well-ventilated area and use protective eyewear and headphones when using a sander.
19. **Wipe your table top with a damp cloth to remove any residue.** Use a towel or rag and soak it in cold water. Wring it out by hand. Lightly wipe your table top down to pick up any sawdust or loose splinters before applying your wood finish.
20. **Apply your wood stain with a paint brush.** Use a natural brush of any size and dip it in your finish before covering your table top evenly. Use back-and-forth strokes to coat each area in several applications. Let your stain air dry for the length of time instructed on your specific stain’s container (usually 1-2 hours).
You may want to apply multiple coats of your stain to get a deeper finish.
You can add a few coats of clear finish to give your table a glossier look if you’d like to.
21. **Screw your table legs into the table top using #10 wood screws.** Flip your tabletop over and lay the octagon with the legs attached on top. Line each corner up with a corner on the table top so that your table legs are centered. Drill pilot holes through both the table legs and the table tops using a ⁄64 inch (0.36 cm) drill bit. The location of each pilot hole determines where your screws will go, so try to spread them out across the entirety of the octagon.
Try to spread at least 10 pilot holes out in different sections of the table top. This will distribute the weight evenly across all 10 screws.
22. **Insert washers between your wood screws and the pilot holes.** Place a metal washer over each of the pilot holes that you drilled. Hold a #10 wood screw in the middle opening of your washer and drill it into the pilot hole. Repeat this process for each pilot hole.
The washers aren’t required, but they’ll keep your screws secured over a longer period of time.
Using screws instead of nails or glue will make your table easier to disassemble if you ever need to move it.
23. **Flip the table over and lower your playing surface into the tabletop.** With your legs resting firmly on a flat surface, take your playing surface and drop it into the center of your table top. With everything assembled for the first time, inspect the structural integrity of your table by pressing on it lightly and checking for wobbles. Once everything is in in place and your table is stable, it’s time to invite some friends over for some cards! | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Amend a Divorce Decree | Although a divorce decree is the final order of a judge, its terms can be changed in two situations. If you think the judge came to the wrong decision regarding any aspect of your divorce, you have the ability to appeal that decision to a higher court, provided you do so within a narrow window of time following the issuance of your divorce decree. On the other hand, if something changes after the decree is finalized that affects certain aspects of the divorce, you may be able to file a motion to modify the decree to accommodate those changed circumstances.
1. **Find the correct forms.** Most courts provide a form for divorce decree modifications. Especially in cases involving children, modifications are common as circumstances change.
Keep in mind that after the period for appeal has passed, you can't have the division of property modified. However, any ongoing obligations or responsibilities such as child support, spousal support, or child visitation are subject to modification if circumstances change.
You may have to use a different form depending on whether you want to modify custody and visitation, child support, or spousal support.
Go to the website of the court where your original divorce case was heard and see if there are modification forms available for you to download. You also might find paper forms at the clerk's office.
2. **Draft your motion.** To have a divorce decree modified, you must demonstrate that there has been a significant change in circumstances since the decree was entered.
For example, if your ex-spouse recently got a promotion and should be paying more child support as a result, you can have the divorce decree modified to account for this change. In some states such as Alabama, court rules establish a rebuttable presumption that child support should be modified if the new amount calculated using the child support guidelines varies more than 10 percent from the original amount.
3. **Sign your motion in the presence of a notary.** If you're making factual statements in your motion, you should sign it in front of a notary public.
If you don't know where to find a notary, check and see if your bank provides free notary services to its customers. You also can find notaries at some private businesses such as check-cashing companies, or in the courthouse.
Nearly every aspect of child or spousal support and visitation can be modified. If you're the one filing the motion for modification, it's up to you to prove that the change is great enough to require the decree be changed to accommodate it.
For example, suppose your original decree had your kids coming to visit you every other weekend. However, your employer is about to transfer you to a new plant 500 miles away, which would make such frequent travel for such short periods of time unfeasible. In these circumstances, a judge might be willing to enter a modification with a more reasonable visitation schedule.
4. **Assemble your motion and make copies.** Once you've signed your motion, assemble it and all attachments and make enough copies to send one to your ex-spouse and keep at least one for your records.
Include any evidentiary documents as attachments. For example, if you are requesting the amount of child support be modified because you've changed jobs and have a significant change in income, you might attach copies of paycheck stubs.
You also should attach a copy of the original divorce decree.
Make sure you have a certificate of service and notice of hearing. These forms usually are available at the same place where you got the forms for your motion.
5. **File your motion.** Take your originals and copies to the clerk's office of the court that issued your divorce decree and file your motion to modify.
The clerk will stamp your originals and copies "filed" with the date after you pay the filing fee, usually around $100.
The clerk also will schedule a date and time for your hearing and include this on the notice of hearing attached to your motion.
6. **Serve your ex-spouse.** After your motion has been filed, you must send copies to your spouse to provide notice of your request for modification and the hearing scheduled.
You can contact the sheriff's department or a private process serving company to serve the papers in person, or you can mail them certified mail.
7. **Attend mediation or pre-trial conferences as required.** A motion to modify can become as lengthy and formal as a divorce trial itself. For this reason, many jurisdictions require you to complete mediation or attend a pre-trial conference before the motion is heard by a judge.
8. **Appear in court for your hearing.** If your ex-spouse continues to contest your request for modification, or you are otherwise unable to reach an agreement, a judge will hear your motion and make a final decision on whether to modify the decree.
Arrive at the courthouse early so you have plenty of time to park and go through security. Dress conservatively and professionally, and bring copies of all the documents you've filed along with any witnesses or evidence you wish to present.
In court, rise when your name is called and speak only to the judge. Since you filed the motion, you will have the opportunity to speak first.
After you've presented the reasons you believe the decree should be modified, the judge will give your ex-spouse the opportunity to present her side. Do not speak to her directly or interrupt her; speak only to the judge.
After hearing both sides and any witnesses, the judge will issue her final ruling on your motion. You may receive the final order that day, or it may be mailed to you later.
9. **Determine whether you qualify to appeal.** You have a brief period of time, usually 30 days, after your decree is entered to appeal some portion of the judge's decision.
Either spouse can appeal a trial court's decision to an appeals court.
An appeal turns on what happened during the trial, not what has happened since the trial. You can't introduce new facts or evidence on appeal – you're only arguing that the trial judge's decision was incorrect based on the information he had at the time.
Keep in mind that settlement agreements typically can't be appealed, because you both agreed to the terms. You may be able to modify the agreement if circumstances have changed.
10. **Consider hiring an attorney.** Even if you didn't have an attorney represent you at trial, appellate practice is considerably more complicated than trial practice, and divorce decisions are rarely overturned on appeal.
If you did have an attorney, she may be willing to continue to represent you, or she may refer you to another attorney who specializes in appeals.
Appeals arguments typically focus on issues of legal interpretation rather than factual disputes. Appellate judges generally won't second guess a trial judge's factual conclusions.
An attorney will ensure that you have solid grounds for appeal and that all necessary documents are filed ahead of any deadlines.
11. **Draft your appellate brief.** The appellate brief contains your legal argument as to why the trial court judge's decision was wrong and should be overruled.
Unlike your initial divorce petition, you likely won't find forms to fill out for an appellate brief. You may be able to find briefs filed in other cases in the same court to use as guides.
Typically an appellate brief argues the judge made a mistake either in applying or interpreting the law – not that the judge made a mistake of fact. For example, if the court concluded that your total income was $100,000 a year, you can't appeal that factual conclusion. However, if the judge arrived at that conclusion because he included money that legally should have been excluded from your legal income for the purposes of calculating child or spousal support, that would be an issue for appeal.
12. **File your appellate brief.** When you file your brief, you must also follow your appellate court's rules for "perfecting" your appeal. These vary not only among states but also among appellate courts within a state.
In addition to paying a filing fee, you typically will have to file a notice of appeal and order a trial transcript along with a written order asking the trial court clerk to send the trial court record to the court of appeals.
13. **Attend the appellate court hearing.** After the appellate court receives all the documents for your case, it may hold oral arguments on either party's request. No testimony or evidence is presented; rather, appellate attorneys argue their cases based on the record of the case at trial.
Once arguments are heard, the appeals court, typically consisting of a three-judge panel, will decide whether to accept or deny your appeal.
In most cases, unless your judge made a serious error, the appellate court will uphold the original decree and you will have to follow it. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Safely Reject Unwanted Advances | Dealing with unwanted advances is always uncomfortable, but if you're feeling unsafe or threatened by the person, it can be downright scary. You may be unsure how to react or what to say, especially if the advances are out of the blue or from a stranger on the street. To help you out, we've put together a list of ways to respond to unwanted advances in a variety of situations so you can be as safe as possible.
1. **Use a strong, clear voice and tailor your response to the situation.** Appearing calm and confident is important when you’re turning someone down, even if you don’t feel particularly calm or confident on the inside. It shows the person that you’re serious, sure, and strong. How you phrase this really depends on the situation, if you’re alone, and how unsafe you feel. For example:
If you don’t feel particularly threatened, try, “No, I’m not interested.”
If there are other people around, try something like, “No, leave me alone.”
If you’re pretty uncomfortable, try, “No, and I’d appreciate it if you’d back off.”
Be extremely firm if you feel upset. Try something like, "Do not whistle at me," "No, move away from me now," or "Do not touch me."
2. **It’s important to be assertive so you don’t send mixed signals.** Averting your eyes and looking nervous can come off as hesitant or even weak. The other person may think you can be convinced, coerced, or taken by force. Even if you're not feeling particularly unsafe or threatened, looking them in the eyes shows them that you’re confident and sure about what you want (and don’t want).
Ignoring the person won't nip the behavior in the bud, unfortunately. It’s better to deal with it right then if you feel uncomfortable.
3. **Use “I” statements in a calm voice to make your point clear.** If the person hasn’t said anything to you but they keep inching closer and closer, it can be upsetting. This kind of behavior is still harassment, even if they haven't said anything to you yet. Instead of staying silent and dealing with the discomfort, call the person out. Be direct and polite, but don’t mince words. Keep your voice calm and use “I” statements when you respond to avoid provoking them. For example, you could say things like:
"I want you to move away from me."
”I don’t like how close you’re standing to me right now.”
”I need more room, please.”
4. **Smiling or openly showing other emotions can be misinterpreted.** Unfortunately, if you respond by smiling or being overly casual about the advances, the person may think you’re interested in them. That said, being visibly angry, scared, or annoyed probably won’t help the situation either, and could even make it worse. The best thing to do is keep your face neutral and serious so there’s no ambiguity in your response.
Lifting your chin and keeping your shoulders back can also show them how serious and confident you are.
5. **Saying “I have a boyfriend/girlfriend” isn’t ideal, but it can do the trick.** You shouldn’t have to give anyone an excuse for why you’re turning them down. If you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, though, it’s more important to get yourself out of the situation as quickly as you can. You can tailor your response to the situation and how unsafe you feel. For example:
”I'm not interested. I have a boyfriend.”
”I’m in a relationship and my girlfriend will be back any minute so...”
”Sorry, I’m taken.”
”I’m happily married, so no.”
6. **If you're being followed, cross the street and pretend to call someone.** Being followed is frightening. If it happens to you, you could pretend to call a friend and say, “I’m almost there, come meet me” or “I’m right around the corner.” If you’re feeling really scared and there’s some distance between you and the other person, get your phone in your hand and threaten to call 911, or pretend you’re already talking to a 911 operator.
You can also just dial 911 call and ask for help right then.
7. **Don’t stop what you’re doing or respond at length.** If you’re on the street, just keep walking. If you’re at work, head to the break room. Stopping what you’re doing, even just to respond to them, might be interpreted as an open invitation for more comments. After you give them a firm “no,” break eye contact and get out of there. Move with purpose, like you have somewhere to be, to keep the interaction as brief.
Don’t respond to any other comments or questions. If you need to, repeat your original statement and leave.
8. **If you’re alone, move to a more crowded area immediately.** If you find yourself in a situation like this, it can be really scary. Try to locate other people immediately since the person is more likely to leave you alone if others are around. For example, duck into a nearby shop, restaurant, or business and stay there until the person goes away.
If that’s not an option, walk to the next block, the closest bus stop, or a nearby park.
If you’re standing in a quiet corner at a party or club, walk over to the crowded bar area.
If you're in a crowd, move toward people you know, or you could pick a group of strangers and walk over to them. If you're somewhere like a bar, you could go to the bartender.
9. **If you know the person personally, make it clear this is a closed topic.** You may prefer to let down an acquaintance gently, but be very clear that you are saying no. If you need them to treat you differently after this incident, say that. It’s best to be crystal clear, especially if you expect to see this person around socially or on a daily basis at work. For example:
"Bill, I'm flattered, but I'm not interested in anything romantic with you. I enjoy being your coworker, though, and I hope you'll respect my wishes and not bring this up again. If you do, our company policies require that I report the behavior to HR."
"I value our friendship, Jared, but I'm not interested in you romantically. I hope you'll respect our friendship and not bring this up again; it makes me uncomfortable. If you don't let this go, I don't think we can be friends anymore."
10. **Nip inappropriate texting and DMs in the bud immediately.** If someone is pressuring you to send them pictures of yourself or saying unwanted sexual things in texts/emails/DMs, it still counts as harassment and you don't have to take it. Immediately stop responding to that person. If you feel physically threatened or afraid, consider telling someone you trust or reporting the behavior to the police.
If they won't stop, block their phone number, "unfriend" them, and make your social media profiles private so they can't communicate.
11. **You didn't do anything wrong in this situation.** It's normal to want to respond in a polite way that excuses the other person's behavior, especially in awkward situations at work or school. For example, you might want to say, "I'm sorry, but I'm not interested," or "I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong idea" just to smooth things over. You don't need to apologize for how you feel, though.
Apologizing allows the person to get away with their behavior. You don't need to feel sorry about holding them accountable for their actions. Holding them accountable makes you strong!
You weren't "asking for it" with your clothing or actions. Harassers may try to convince you that you're somehow at fault, but you're not!
12. **Losing your temper or swearing at them could put you in danger.** It feels good to respond to catcallers and other unwanted advances with anger or resentment. Unfortunately, this could backfire. The person could respond violently and the situation may escalate quickly. It can be hard to control your feelings at times like these, but do your best.
Even if they don't respond in a threatening way, harassers often enjoy feeding off their victims' emotional reactions. Don't give them one.
13. **If it happens in a store, at work, or on public transportation, report it.** Go to the manager of the business or make your way up to the bus driver and tell them what happened. If you’re catcalled at a construction site or by employees of a business, look around for a logo or business name and call the owner. If you’re groped, flashed, or followed on a city street, you can call the police, report the person, and give them a description.
If it's happening at work, report to your supervisor and HR, or take it higher up if nobody is helping you.
If it's happening at school, tell your teacher, the principal, and your friends.
Get a restraining order if you are being contacted or visited against your will. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Control Vaginal Discharge | Vaginal discharge, or the fluid that comes out of your vagina, is a totally normal bodily function. It’s typical for your vaginal discharge to change slightly throughout the month, but there are some changes that could indicate a problem. Keep reading to learn how you can distinguish healthy discharge from abnormal discharge and what you can do to keep your pH balance in check.
1. **Let your vagina breathe throughout the day.** Try to avoid wearing tights, leotards, bathing suits, or leggings for a long period of time, since they can disrupt your pH balance. At night, you can go underwear-free and let your vagina air out while you sleep. Change into clean underwear every day, or any time you get especially sweaty.
Synthetic underwear, like polyester, can also disrupt your pH balance. Try to wear cotton underwear when possible.
If your clothes get damp or sweaty, try to change as soon as you can. Moisture prevents your vagina from being able to breathe.
Stick to white or light-colored underwear, since dark dyes can cause allergies or irritation. However, laundering new underwear before you use it can reduce the risk of bad reactions.
2. **Scented menstrual products can disrupt your pH balance.** When you’re picking out products, always go for natural cotton ones that don’t have a fragrance added to them. Try to change your menstrual product every 2 to 4 hours to keep your vagina happy and your discharge healthy.
You should also stay away from colored or scented toilet paper, as it can also disrupt your pH balance.
3. **It will help flush out any bacteria that have been introduced.** These bacteria can lead to a urinary tract infection or a change in discharge. Try to go to the bathroom within an hour after you finish having sex to avoid any problems.
If you have stomach pain, lower back pain, painful urination, a fever, or bloody urine, you might have a urinary tract infection. Make an appointment with your doctor to get a prescription for antibiotics.
4. **Change it every few hours to absorb discharge.** Try not to wear pantyliners every single day, as they can cause irritation over time. There’s no shame in having a lot of discharge—some people have more discharge, while others have less.
If you don’t want to deal with a pantyliner, you can also pack a few extra pairs of underwear and change them throughout the day.
Unfortunately, wearing a pantyliner too often can upset the balance of healthy bacteria and yeast in your vagina. If you don’t feel comfortable without one, make sure to use liners that are breathable and unscented. Limit how much time you have the liner in (e.g., only wear it when you leave home, and never sleep with a liner in your underwear).
5. **STDs can cause abnormal discharge.** If you’re sexually active, make sure you use condoms to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. If you had unprotected sex with someone and you aren’t sure of their sexual history, make an appointment with your gynecologist to get tested.
Remember that birth control protects against pregnancy, but only condoms protect against STDs and STIs.
6. **Going back to front can introduce bacteria into your vagina.** After you use the bathroom, make sure you always wipe yourself from front to back. It will keep the germs from your rectal area out of your vaginal canal.
Wiping from back to front may lead to abnormal discharge, which is why it’s important to change the habit if you’ve gotten into it.
7. **Scented soaps can disrupt the pH balance in your vagina.** When you’re in the shower, use your fingers, warm water, and some gentle, unscented soap to wash your inner and outer labia. There’s no need to use a douche or wash the inside of your vagina—your vaginal discharge actually cleans it for you. Try to take a shower every day to avoid bacteria buildup in your genitals.
Using a douche or a vaginal wash can lead to abnormal discharge. Your vagina doesn’t need to be cleaned since it cleans itself. When in doubt, just leave it alone.
Baths and hot tubs can disrupt the pH balance of your vagina. Try to stick to showering for the majority of the time.
8. **Normal discharge is usually clear or milky in appearance.** It might be thin, stringy, or have white spots. If this sounds like your discharge, you’re probably fine! Natural discharge is very important in keeping your vagina healthy. Abnormal discharge is best controlled by proper treatment. It includes:
Thick, white, cheesy discharge—This is usually a sign of a yeast infection. May also be accompanied by itching or swelling around the vulva.
White, yellow or grey discharge—Especially if accompanied by a fishy odor, this type of discharge is likely a sign of bacterial vaginosis. May also be accompanied by itching and swelling.
Yellow or green discharge—May be a sign of trichomoniasis, which is commonly spread through sexual intercourse.
Brown or bloody discharge—This could be irregular menstruation, but it could also be cervical cancer, especially if it is accompanied by pelvic pain.
Cloudy yellow discharge—May be a sign of gonorrhea.
Ask your doctor about factors that can affect your discharge, like certain medications, pregnancy, and birth control pills.
9. **Infections are the most common reason for abnormal discharge.** If you are diagnosed with a vaginal yeast infection, you can treat it with antifungal agents such as butoconazole, clotrimazole, miconazole and tioconazole. They usually come in creams, ointments, or pills that you can get from a doctor.
Bacterial infections are usually treated with the antibiotics clindamycin and metronidazole. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Deal With Allergic Reactions | Allergies range from mild seasonal ones to severe ones that cause life-threatening reactions. People can have allergic reactions to a number of things, including various foods, drugs, and allergy shots. Milk, eggs, wheat, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and shellfish are principal food types which commonly cause allergies. Whether you have a mild or severe allergy, you should know the proper response to a reaction, to minimize your discomfort and perhaps save a life.
1. **Be aware of allergy symptoms.** It is likely that you'll first discover your allergy by having an unexpected allergic reaction. It may be difficult to recognize these symptoms if you've never had a reaction before, but learning the signs to look out for will help you take the right steps that could save your life. The following symptoms are considered mild and don't require emergency medical attention. Mild symptoms, however, can progress into a more serious reaction, so monitor your condition for at least an hour after these symptoms show.
Sneezing and mild coughing
Watery, itchy, and red eyes
A runny nose
Itching or redness on the skin; often this will progress into hives. Hives are red, itchy swollen areas on the skin - they can vary in size from small bumps to large welts measuring several inches (centimeters) in diameter.
2. **Take an OTC antihistamine.** For mild reactions with symptoms that don't progress, an antihistamine is typically the only treatment you'll need. There are a variety for you to choose from, and it would be wise to keep several in your home at all times in the event of allergies. Always take these medications as labels indicate.
Benadryl. This is most often recommended for reactions involving hives because it works fast. It can be taken with or without food and you should drink a full glass of water with each dose. Do not exceed 300mg within a 24-hour period or you risk overdose. Note that Benadryl usually causes drowsiness, so use caution if driving or operating machinery. If you experience drowsiness, stop these activities.
Claritin. This is typically used to treat seasonal allergies and hay fever, though it can be effective against hives. It can be taken with or without food. It usually does not cause drowsiness, but it is still a possible side effect, so monitor your condition before driving or operating machinery. Typically Claritin should only be taken once a day.
Zyrtec. Typical dosage is 5-10mg per day, with or without food. A potential side effect is confusion or impaired alertness, so use caution if driving while on Zyrtec.
Allegra. This usually has to be taken on an empty stomach, at least 1 hour before or 2 hours after a meal. You should also only drink water when taking Allegra, as fruit juices can interact with the drug. Like other antihistamines, it can cause drowsiness.
There are also prescription-strength versions of these medications.
Talk with your doctor about which medication would be best for you. Some people have allergies or sensitivities to certain ingredients, so you'll want to make sure the medication is safe for you to take.
3. **Treat hives and dermal itching with an OTC hydrocortisone cream.** Hydrocortisone helps reduce the swelling and itching associated with hives. There are a number of brand and generic creams containing hydrocortisone that are easily available at drug stores. Check all medication labels to ensure that any anti-itch cream you are looking at contains hydrocortisone.
There are also prescription-strength varieties of hydrocortisone cream. If an OTC cream doesn't soothe your symptoms, ask your doctor about getting a prescription for a stronger dose.
You can also apply a cold towel to hives if you don't have access to hydrocortisone cream.
4. **Monitor your symptoms for a few hours after your reaction starts.** Allergic reactions can start anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour after you came in contact with the allergen. Mild symptoms could possibly progress into a more serious reaction. If at any point you experience shortness of breath, itching in your mouth and throat, or trouble breathing, call Emergency Services immediately. If swelling obstructs your airway, you could asphyxiate within minutes.
5. **Follow up with an allergist.** When your allergic reaction passes, schedule an appointment with an allergist. The allergist will test you to find out what triggered your allergic reaction. They can also prescribe medication to help you manage your symptoms.
6. **Be aware of the risk of anaphylaxis.** Allergies can be so severe that they are life threatening because of their effect on breathing and blood circulation. The condition is called anaphylaxis and is considered by the Red Cross to be a "treat first, then call" emergency, due to the potential speed and severity of the reaction.
If you have multiple helpers at the scene, have someone else call emergency services while you treat for possible anaphylaxis, as described below. If not, and you see signs of a serious symptoms (see below), don't delay treatment.
7. **Look out for serious symptoms.** Depending on your allergy, your reaction may start with mild symptoms and gradually grow more serious, or symptoms start almost immediately. If you experience any of the following symptoms, you are having anaphylaxis that requires immediate treatment.
Serious symptoms include swelling of the lips, tongue, or throat, shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, drop in blood pressure, weak pulse, trouble swallowing, chest pains, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, and loss of consciousness.
8. **Use an EpiPen if you have one.** EpiPen is a device that injects epinephrine and is used to treat anaphylaxis.
Take the EpiPen and hold it in the middle tightly with the orange tip pointing down.
Remove the safety cap on top, which is usually blue.
Place the orange tip against your outer thigh. You don't have to remove your pants, the needle will pierce your clothes.
Firmly press the orange tip against your leg. This will release a needle that injects the dose of epinephrine.
Hold the injector in place for 10 seconds to ensure that the full dose enters your body.
Remove the EpiPen and keep it with you so medical staff will know how large of a dose you received.
Massage the injection site for 10 seconds to circulate the medication.
If your EpiPen is expired, you can still use it. The potency may be reduced significantly.
9. **Call Emergency Services.** Call your local emergency number immediately and be sure to tell the operator that you are having an allergic reaction. Don't risk driving yourself to the emergency room- the paramedics will have epinephrine on hand to stop the reaction.
After you administer the epinephrine, you still need to seek medical help. The epinephrine will wear off after 10 to 20 minutes, and the allergic reaction can start again. Either go to the emergency room or call 911 to get further medical assistance.
10. **Follow up with an allergist.** After receiving medical help and your allergic reaction passes, schedule an appointment with an allergist. They will test you to find out what triggered your allergic reaction and can prescribe medication, an EpiPen, or allergy shots to help manage your symptoms.
11. **Find an allergist in your area.** You can ask your primary care doctor for a referral. If you live in the United States, search online or talk to your primary care doctor to find an allergist. Many of the diagnostic tests used to diagnose allergies cannot be performed at your regular doctor’s office, so you’ll need to see a specialist.
12. **Make a log of everything you were doing when you experienced your allergic reaction.** Sometimes the cause of your reaction will be obvious. If, for example, you ate a peanut and 10 minutes later your experienced anaphylaxis, there is a pretty clear culprit. If, however, you just went for a walk outside and experienced an allergic reaction, there are a multitude of allergens you may have encountered that triggered your attack. To help your allergist, write down everything you remember about the events leading to your reaction- what did you eat? Touch? Where were you? Did you take any medicine? These questions will all help your allergist determine the cause of your allergy.
13. **Have a skin test.** After talking with you and getting your history, the allergist will probably perform a skin test to determine what is causing your allergy. During a skin test, a drop of several potential allergens is placed on the skin, sometimes with a slight prick of the skin. After about 20 minutes, if you are allergic to a substance, a red, itchy bump will appear. This signifies to the allergist that this substance is causing your allergy, and he will treat you accordingly.
14. **Take a blood test if necessary.** Sometimes the allergist will also order an allergy blood test. This may be because you are on medication that could corrupt a skin test, you have a skin condition, or the allergist may just want confirmation of the allergy with another test. Blood tests are usually done in a lab and take several days to produce results.
15. **Get an EpiPen prescription.** Even if your reaction was not severe, you should ask your allergist for a prescription for an EpiPen. Your symptoms may be worse the next time you have an attack, and having an EpiPen around could easily save your life.
16. **Avoid your triggers.** After your visit to the allergist, you will probably be aware of what substance or substances cause allergic reactions. With this knowledge, you should do all you can to avoid your allergen. Sometimes this is simple, like if you are allergic to a certain food. Other times, like if your family pet is causing allergies, this isn't so easy. Since in theory anything can cause an allergy, there is no one rule on how to avoid triggers. But there are a few prominent allergy types that have standard avoidance procedures.
17. **Use caution when preparing food.** If you are allergic to a specific food, check all food labels to ensure that your allergen isn't in a food you're buying. Sometimes common ingredients aren't listed on labels, so talk with your allergist or even a dietician if you are at all unsure of something. Always inform staff at a restaurant of your allergy to avoid cross-contamination.
18. **Cut down on dust in your home.** If you are allergic to dust, remove carpeting, especially where you sleep. Clean your house regularly with a vacuum, and wear a dust mask while doing so. Use mite-proof sheets and pillow covers and wash all of your bedding regularly with hot water.
19. **Control the movements of family pets.** If you have an animal allergy, you don't have to get rid of your family pets. You will, however, have to restrict their movements. Keep animals out of your sleeping area and any rooms you spend a lot of time in. It would also help to remove carpeting to avoid dander buildup. Also bathe your animals once a week to remove as much excess hair as possible.
20. **Avoid insect bites when spending time outside.** If you have an insect allergy, don't walk in grass barefoot and wear long sleeves and pants when working outside. Also cover any food that is outside to avoid attracting insects.
21. **Inform all medical staff if you have a drug allergy.** Make sure every doctor you visit is aware of your allergy. Ask about alternatives for medications you are allergic to. Also be sure to wear an emergency medical bracelet to let any emergency medical staff know that you are allergic to certain drugs.
22. **Keep your EpiPen with you.** You should take your EpiPen with you every time you go somewhere your allergen could be present. Having it handy could save your life if you experience a reaction away from home.
23. **Take your medication as directed.** Your allergist may recommend one or more medications to treat your allergy symptoms. These can range from OTC antihistamines to prescription corticosteroids. Whatever medications your allergist recommends, be sure to take them on schedule as he prescribes. This will help control your allergy symptoms and lessen your chances of a severe reaction.
24. **Get allergy shots.** Some allergens can be treated with allergy shots, or immunotherapy. The process entails gradually desensitizing your body to the allergen by injecting small doses of it. Usually shots are given every week for a few months, and then gradually scaled back. Shots are typically given for allergens like dust, pollen, and insect venom. Ask your allergist if this is an option for you. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Diagnose Frontal Lobe Seizure | Frontal lobe seizures are a part of a group of seizures called focal or partial seizures because they only affect a part of the brain. This type of seizure can be mistaken for other disorders, such as night terrors or even a psychological disorder. Usually, the best methods of diagnosis include brain scans and MRIs to see abnormal activity, but you can look for signs and symptoms at home.
1. **Look for odd body poses.** That is, seizures can cause a person to move in funny ways. For instance, you might see one arm stick straight out for no reason while the other one stays close to the body.
2. **Pay attention to repetitive motions.** This type of seizure, as with most seizures, can cause a person to move in a repetitive way. For instance, the arm might flex repeatedly, or the hips may thrust into the air. The person may rock back and forth or bicycle their legs. These kinds of movements, in coordination with the person being unresponsive to you, can indicate a seizure.
These types of seizures can also cause muscle weakness.
3. **Look for facial contortions.** Because the frontal lobe controls movement, it can lead to strange contortions in the person's body, including her face. You may notice strange eye movement or the person making strange faces. For instance, the person may blink too much, twitch, or make chewing or swallowing motions.
4. **Talk to the person.** Ask the person a question. If the person can't talk to you or doesn't even seem to notice you are there, she may be having a seizure.
However, not every seizure causes a person to be unresponsive. Sometimes, the person will stay conscious through the whole seizure.
5. **Check for them while sleeping.** Often, frontal lobe seizures happen at night, when the person is sleeping. If you see the symptoms above when the person is sleeping, she might be having a seizure. Similarly, if you wake up suddenly with tense muscles or in an odd position, it could mean you've had a seizure, though it could also mean you had a bad dream.
6. **Note the time.** These type of seizures are often very short. In fact, most of the time, they last less than a minute. Keep an eye on the clock if you notice someone with these symptoms to see how long it lasts.
7. **Watch for cluster seizures.** Cluster seizures, or short bursts of seizures, sometimes occur with frontal lobe seizures. If you have several seizures in a row, it could be a symptom.
If the person doesn't regain consciousness between seizures, she should be taken to a doctor, or you should call 911.
8. **Understand what causes seizures.** Seizures often arise after trauma to the brain. However, other conditions can lead to seizures, as well, such as strokes, infections, or even tumors. Many conditions that cause an issue in your brain can lead to seizures.
Nonetheless, many people have nothing else wrong with their brains and still develop seizures.
9. **Write down your symptoms.** If no one has observed you having a seizure, write down what you do experience. Maybe you notice you lose bits of time, or find yourself waking up in the middle of the night with sore muscles. Whatever symptoms you are experiencing, even if you think they aren't related, could be important.
10. **Tell the doctor about your symptoms.** Make sure you bring up all your symptoms with your doctor. For instance, even random mood swings or strange sensations can be related to seizures. It's also important that you provide the doctor with information about the timing of the symptoms, as frontal lobe seizures often happen at night. Symptoms you may notice in yourself or others include:
Losing time.
Waking in odd positions.
Having sore muscles with no other explanation.
Mood swings.
Body contortions.
Seizures while sleeping.
Repetitive facial movements such as twitching or chewing motions.
Several seizures in a row.
Odd body positions (such as one arm out).
11. **Provide a complete medical history.** A complete medical history is necessary in order to determine the cause of the seizures. While these types of seizures do not always have a cause, they can be caused by head trauma, stroke, mental health, medications, or other brain abnormalities.
12. **Go to the emergency room.** If someone has a seizure that lasts more than 5 minutes, you should take that person to the emergency room. Call 911 if you've been watching the clock while someone was seizing or even if you feel like the seizure has gone on too long but you didn't note the time.
13. **Submit to blood tests.** If you haven't been diagnosed with frontal lobe seizure, it is important to rule out other medical conditions. Seizures can be caused by other problems in the body, and blood tests will measure things like body chemistry and your blood sugar level.
A blood test is done by obtaining drawing a sample of blood from you, usually from a vein found at the inner aspect of your elbow. The sample is then brought to the laboratory for analysis.
Patients with acute seizures should have blood tested for electrolytes, BUN, creatinine, glucose, calcium, magnesium, and liver function. Other tests should also be performed in anticipation of treatment, such as a complete blood count, differential, and platelets.
Part of the test, called the complete blood count, will measure the number of white blood cells, the number of red blood cells, the amount of hemoglobin, and how much of your blood is composed of red blood cells.
The blood test should show normal values of electrolytes and other compounds that may affect brain function. For example, decreased levels of glucose and magnesium may lead to seizures.
14. **Be ready for an MRI.** If your seizures start out of the blue, your doctor is going to want an MRI. An MRI will reveal if something else is going on with your brain, such as a tumor or lesions. It will also locate any unusual blood vessels. It is not a painful procedure.
This test is a combination of radio waves and strong magnets, used to create an image of the soft tissue in your brain. You will lay down on a bench and be pushed into a donut shaped machine where you will need to be still for a period of time. The test can take an hour but generally isn't longer than an hour and a half. The machine will make loud noises.
In some cases, the technician may inject an artificial dye into you to help create the image.
You must remove any metal on your body before entering the machine, such as jewelry, hairpins, watches, hearing aids, and underwire bras; talk to your doctor about any devices in your body, such as a pacemaker or artificial heart valve.
15. **Expect an electroencephalogram (EEG).** This test measures the electrical activity in your brain, and it can show where the seizure is occurring. However, it really only gives your doctor information if she does the test while you're having a seizure. Even then, frontal lobe activity can be hard to detect. Your doctor may want you to stay overnight to detect seizure activity.
For this test, the technician will attach electrodes to your scalp. It is also a painless procedure.
On the day of the procedure, it's a good idea not to use any hair cream, styling gels, or spray, as it can keep the electrodes from sticking well.
16. **Know your liver and kidneys may also be checked.** Often, your doctor will use blood or urine tests to check these organs. Mostly, these tests are done to rule out other problems that could lead to seizures. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Stop Being Immature | Immaturity can prevent you from becoming your full adult self. Fortunately, you can take steps to grow up and grow out of childish behavior. In fact, becoming more mature can help you improve your professional life and lead to a more fulfilling personal life. To stop being immature, you will need to focus on developing more mature grooming and dressing habits, having a more mature approach to school and work, and acting more mature around others.
1. **Practice active listening** Show others you can be mature by being active when you have conversations or discussions. Active listening means viewing every conversation as a way to get to know someone better or learn something new. When you are actively listening, the speaker can tell you are engaged in what they are saying and able to respond with energy and sincerity.
You can practice active listening with a sympathetic friend. Have the friend talk to you about her day and maintain your focus fully on her. Listen to her without interruption, while nodding and making eye contact to show you are engaged. Once she is finished speaking, repeat what she said to you in your own words. You can begin with, “What I hear you saying is…” or “I think you mean…”
If she agrees that you have understood what she said, you can respond to her and offer advice or a comment. This will show that you can have mature conversations and practice active listening.
2. **Show support and concern for friends and partners.** A big part of being mature is sympathizing with the needs of others and showing concern for others. Be open about your support and concern for friends, family, partners, and even strangers. This will show that you can think beyond your needs and be aware of what others around you might need.
Ask friends how they are feeling or how they are doing and show them you support them by participating in things that are important to them. This could be showing up for a friend’s rec game or a friend’s play, or participating in a charity drive organized by family and friends.
3. **Demonstrate good manners toward others.** Being polite towards others will show that you can be mature and carry yourself with respect. Open doors for others, say “please”, “thank you”, and “you’re welcome”, and say “excuse me” as you pass someone.
For example, you might hold the elevator open for someone even if you're in a hurry.
Good manners also means helping someone if it is obvious they need a hand, such as an elderly person trying to cross the street, or stopping to talk to someone in need, like a homeless person on the street. Having good manners and showing them to others will be a good indicator that you are mature enough to consider others and care about the well-being of those around you.
4. **Act responsibly and maturely in your romantic relationship.** If you are struggling with maturity in your relationships with a boyfriend, girlfriend, or partner, you should think about how you can demonstrate commitment and accountability to your partner. This could be making sure you arrive on time for every date and that you make an effort to remember all important dates or milestones in your relationship. Acting responsibly in your relationship will show your partner that you take the relationship seriously and are trying to be a mature adult.
You should also make sure you follow through on any commitments made to your partner, such as following through on a planned trip or date or following through on a promise to give up a bad habit like drinking or smoking. This will demonstrate you are willing to be accountable to your promises and act maturely in your interactions with your partner.
5. **Adjust your maturity level based on the situation.** While it may seem like being a mature individual can be a pretty tall order, with a commitment to being supportive, responsible, and a good listener to everyone around you, you can also adjust your maturity level based on the situation you are in. If you are around your family, for example, you may demonstrate a different maturity level than if you are around your close friends.
Try to adjust your maturity level so it suits the situation and the company you are in at that time. This will allow you to show the necessary level of maturity and still have a good time or have fun around others.
6. **Show up early for meetings and important events.** Let your co-workers and clients know you value their time by showing up five to ten minutes early for all meetings and important events at work. This will demonstrate your maturity as an adult in the workplace, as you are willing to put other people’s time above your own. Being late for a meeting or barging in during a client call is the definition of being unprofessional and immature.
You should also try to show up early for all classes and school related meetings, as this will demonstrate to your peers that you can be responsible for yourself and for arriving early or on time. Try to be early or on time for even seemingly casual or unimportant meetings with peers, as your peers will take it as a sign of your maturity and tact.
7. **Come prepared for class or work.** Show up to work or to class ready to go, with all the necessary supplies and notes. For class, this may mean having a notebook, pen, textbook, and highlighter ready. For work, this may mean being prepared with pen, paper, client related notes or information, and your work phone.
Coming to class and work prepared will show your teachers and superiors that you take your role very seriously and are willing to do the hard work necessary to succeed. This will also project an air of confidence and self-respect as you are able to be accountable to the expectations of your role as a student and an employee.
8. **Treat co-workers and peers with respect.** Demonstrate maturity in your interactions with others by having good manners and a respectful nature. This could be as simple as holding open the door for others, helping someone with a heavy package or a heavy load, or acknowledging everyone with a “good morning” or “hello”. Be considerate of the feelings and needs of others, with an awareness of how to be helpful and useful to your friends, peers, and co-workers.
You should also always knock on doors before you enter a room, meeting space, or office, and say “excuse me” if you are interrupting a client call or a meeting. This will demonstrate that you can be respectful of other people’s needs and time.
9. **Demonstrate appreciation for the hard work of others.** Let others around you know how much you appreciate their hard work and dedication, as this will show you can take a mature approach to the workplace and the classroom. If you see a co-worker doing a great job on an account, pull them aside and say, “Great job on that, I really appreciate your hard work.” If you notice a peer helping a student struggling with a math problem, let them know you think it was cool of them to offer some guidance and mentoring.
You can also take on the role of a mentor or guide to others as a way to demonstrate maturity to others. Look for any peers who are struggling with their work or co-workers who may need a hand on a project and offer any guidance or assistance. This will allow you to be a role model for others and show how mature you can be.
10. **Accept constructive criticism and feedback.** One of the most challenging parts of being mature is being willing to accept criticism and feedback. An immature response to criticism would be anger, resentment, or denial. A more mature response would be to say thank you to the person who is offering criticism and consider what the person has to say. This will show that you have enough confidence and maturity to respect the opinions of others and to listen to their feedback.
11. **Practice good hygiene** Present yourself to others in a mature way by appearing well groomed and well put together. This means making sure your body and face are clean, your teeth have been brushed and flossed, and you are wearing deodorant so you smell fresh. You should always shower once a day and take time in the morning to look presentable before you step out into the world.
You should also take some time to do your hair by ensuring it is brushed and looks clean. Use styling gel and styling tools to tame your hair so it compliments your overall look. Being mature about your appearance will show others that you care about how you look and want to be taken seriously.
12. **Dress appropriately for work** If you turn up to work in a crumpled t-shirt, ripped jeans, and flip flops, you may appear immature or inappropriate to your co-workers and your clients. Present a business professional look by dressing appropriately for your workplace to give off an air of maturity.
For men, this may mean a full, tailored suit with a clean pressed dress shirt, tie, and leather shoes. If you work in a less formal environment, you should still show up to work in a clean shirt, clean pants, and comfortable, clean shoes.
Men should also never wear hats indoors.
For women, this may mean a clean, pressed blouse with a pencil skirt or dress pants, and low leather heels. If you work in a less formal environment, you should still present yourself professionally, with clean clothing and clean, comfortable shoes.
13. **Wear age appropriate clothing for a night out** While you may want to rock booty shorts, tube tops, or tight flashy pants for club nights out, this may come across as immature if you are no longer of a younger age. Dressing your age for a night out will demonstrate that you can present yourself in a mature manner and likely draw in individuals who are also mature and age appropriate. Even if you are younger in age, you may want to show less skin and adopt a mature look to appear put together but also sexy.
Always wear clothes that fit properly, and make sure your garments aren't wrinkled or stained.
Men should wear clean, pressed pants or jeans, and a clean collared shirt. Put on cologne and nice jewelry like a watch or a chain to add a touch of class to your look.
Women should wear a form fitting dress or clean, pressed top and dress pants with heels or comfortable dressy shoes. Apply some perfume and make up as well as tasteful jewelry to demonstrate your mature, put together look. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Stop Watching Porn + Signs of Addiction & Negative Impacts | The urge to look at pornography is natural and can have positive effects when you use it in moderation, but a casual habit can turn into a problem when looking at porn affects your relationships, work, or self-esteem. If you’re trying to cut back or quit watching porn, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll share tried-and-true ways to kick porn to the curb, plus walk you through the possible signs and consequences of an excessive porn habit. Remember, you have the power to change your habits and improve your relationship with porn and sexuality!
1. **Recognize and admit that you’re consuming too much pornography.** Reflect on the negative feelings and problems porn has brought into your life and remember that you don’t have to watch porn every single day or have an addiction for it to be an issue. Pornography problems are more about how and why you use it than how often.
It can feel embarrassing to admit you’ve got an issue with pornography, but it’s the first step toward improving your habits and making positive change!
2. **Re-identify and evaluate your values.** Think about what’s motivating you to change or why you want to stop looking at porn. Maybe you’re trying to improve how you’re seen by others, or your porn consumption is taking too much time away from achieving your personal or professional goals.
If you’re religious, you might see using porn as going against the teachings of your faith.
When you feel stuck or like giving up, remember what inspired you to stop looking at porn in the first place.
3. **Get rid of everything in your current pornography collection.** Delete any saved images or videos on your computer, phone, and other devices, and cancel your subscriptions to any pornographic websites you use. Throw out any physical magazines, photos, or even DVDs you might have as well.
Shred magazines and scratch or break DVDs before you toss them so you’re not tempted to dig them out of the trash bin later.
Consider moving desktop or shared computers to common areas in your home so you’re less tempted to look up explicit material.
4. **Install a porn filter on your devices to monitor your Internet use.** Choose a filter that is hard to remove or bypass so it becomes extremely difficult to visit pornographic websites, or try using a browser extension to block off certain sites. Consider having a trusted friend install the filter with you so they can create a strong password that you won’t know.
Consider turning off your internet when you know you won’t need it for work or other tasks to further remove the temptation.
Filters or blockers are especially helpful at the beginning of your journey when resisting pornography feels the hardest.
Some easy-to-use blockers include:
Free or premium versions of Qustodio, which is compatible with any operating system except Linux.
Microsoft Family Safety on Windows computers.
Free or premium versions of Norton Family Online for Windows, iOS, and Android.
The Christian site Covenant Eyes, which costs $10 per month and prevents the subscriber from bypassing the site blockages.
5. **Substitute fulfilling and confidence-boosting activities in place of porn.** Fill your time with activities like exercising several days a week or playing recreational sports, starting a new hobby, cultivating new friendships, or any other healthy activity you enjoy. Decide ahead of time which activity to engage in when you feel the urge to use porn so you have an action plan.
Try going on a short trip or vacation to break your old habits. It’s easier to begin new habits with a change of scenery.
Focus on boosting your physical and emotional health and your sense of self-worth. They’ll give you the confidence and strength to create a porn-free lifestyle.
Keep in mind that your alternate activities may not feel as good to you as using porn, especially in the beginning. Stay strong and commit to your plan!
6. **Identify the triggers that make you want to watch porn.** Make a journal entry every time you feel the urge to use porn. Note what you were doing, thinking, and feeling at the time that may have stimulated the urge, and how it felt to try and resist. Triggers can be external (caused by something in your surroundings) or internal (caused by your thoughts and feelings).
Common external triggers include:
Unstructured alone time or traveling alone
A breakup, argument with a partner, or an emotionally or physically unavailable partner
Unexpected sexual stimuli like provocative billboards or encountering an attractive person
Unexpected life changes or experiences (positive or negative)
Drug or alcohol use
Common internal triggers include:
Loneliness or boredom
Fear, anxiety, stress, or frustration
Low self-esteem or feelings of shame
An unmet need for validation or affection
Sadness, grief, or unresolved anger and resentment
7. **Combat your triggers with mindfulness, distractions, or avoidance.** When you’re triggered, try meditating or using mindfulness techniques to focus on the present moment and not the urge to use porn. Try to reframe your thoughts—instead of feeling challenged, imagine yourself leaping over an obstacle with ease.
Use positive distractions when mindfulness doesn’t work. Try alternate activities or carry an interesting book or game with you when you’re on the go.
Avoid triggers you're unable to cope with. Take an alternate route to work to avoid a provocative billboard, or turn off movies with sexual scenes.
8. **Fulfill your romantic and sexual needs with sensuality and intimacy.** Take a break from sex for a few weeks or months to focus on your porn habits and engage with others emotionally. When you feel ready to interact sexually, focus on the 7 dimensions of healthy sexuality:
Practice self-care and focus on activities and environments that facilitate healthy interactions with other people.
Stimulate all of your senses and indulge in behaviors and environments that make you notice colors, sounds, feelings, tastes, and smells.
Simply enjoy hanging out with others without being sexual.
Spend time with your significant other (if you have one) without any sexual activity.
Make you and your partner feel good without sexual stimulation, like snuggling, hand holding, kissing, or back rubs.
Enrich and sustain sexual contact and emotional intimacy during sex (for example, holding eye contact while making love).
Start thinking of sex as an expression of your feelings and your connection to your partner.
9. **Find an accountability partner to help you commit to quitting porn.** Announce your intention to stop using porn to someone of the same gender that you trust and who doesn’t struggle with the same behavior. If you suspect that they might undermine your attempts to reach your goal in any way, consider asking a different person for help.
Avoid using your spouse or partner as an accountability buddy since they likely have a deeper emotional interest in your progress than a friend.
Look for someone who listens to you when you struggle, gives you encouragement, holds you accountable, and problem-solves with you.
Check in with your accountability partner regularly and honestly, open up when you backtrack, and celebrate your successes with them.
Remember that you are ultimately responsible for breaking your porn habits, even if you have a wonderful support system to help you.
10. **Consider joining a support group or 12-step program.** Recognize that you’re not alone in your desire to quit porn and that there are others struggling with it, too. Consider 12-step programs like Sex Love Addicts Anonymous or Sexaholics Anonymous, which have chapters in many cities around the US. There are also a variety of online support communities, too.
Look for a group that matches your values, whether it’s a faith-based organization or a more social group.
Choose a group that meets frequently and start attending meetings as soon as possible to get the most out of the support group experience.
11. **Seek professional help from a counselor or therapist.** If you’re struggling to beat porn on your own, consult a therapist to help you sort through your triggers and other possible causes of porn consumption, like anxiety or depression. If you’re embarrassed by your problem, many online therapy services like BetterHelp or Talkspace offer an anonymous option where you can discuss your habits from home with a nickname.
If your relationship or partner has been impacted by your pornography usage, consider signing up for couples therapy or relationship counseling.
12. **You struggle to cut back on how much porn you watch** You may not be able to reduce your porn consumption or quit cold turkey, no matter how hard or often you try. Similarly, your porn use might increase over time if you don’t impose limits on yourself.
You may also catch yourself lying to your partner or others about how much porn you regularly watch.
There’s no consensus among psychologists about whether a porn habit should be described as an addiction or not.
13. **Porn takes priority over other tasks and responsibilities** You may consider watching porn to be a must-do activity that bumps things like getting ready for work on time, following through on social plans, or other to-do items to second place. Everyday tasks or deadlines fall by the wayside because they don’t seem as important.
Porn users might feel depression or exhaustion as they struggle to keep up with their regular routine because of their porn habits.
When porn takes priority, it’s a major sign that it’s starting to impact your life negatively. You don’t have to have an official addiction to be affected.
14. **Porn is a distraction to avoid other feelings** You might watch porn to get a “high” to raise your mood (watching porn releases dopamine in your brain, similar to using drugs or alcohol). Similarly, you might use porn to escape feelings of anxiety, depression, anger or other unpleasant emotions.
People may develop a pornography habit to reduce stress, cure boredom, feel good, cope with negative feelings, or avoid withdrawal symptoms.
15. **You feel distressed when you can’t watch porn** You might get feelings of withdrawal or become moody, irritable, or isolated when you try to quit watching porn or can’t access it for a long period of time. You can’t get it off your mind, and other activities seem inconvenient or frivolous in comparison.
16. **Sex becomes less satisfying** Real-world sex might feel less fulfilling than scenarios in pornography. Your expectations of what sexual encounters are like become unrealistic, leading to riskier sexual practices (like suffocation, strangulation, or sex with multiple partners at once) in an attempt to chase the on-screen fantasies you’ve watched.
Some people engage in these behaviors safely and consensually without a porn problem, and these behaviors aren’t problematic by themselves.
Communicate what you’d like to try in the bedroom with your partner beforehand and to respect their boundaries around what they’re willing to do.
17. **The romantic and sexual dynamic in your relationship changes** You might find it harder to become aroused by your partner, or you might notice your sexual behavior toward them changing. If you feel like you’re acting more dominant, aggressive, or emotionally disconnected, you may be overconsuming pornography.
You may struggle to see these changes yourself or not believe your partner when they bring them to your attention.
18. **You continue watching porn despite its negative impacts** If you recognize that porn makes you feel ashamed or that it’s interfering with your work and relationships but you keep watching anyway, it could be a sign of dependence or addiction. This is especially likely if you’ve suffered a direct consequence from watching porn but haven’t changed your habits.
For example, you may lose a job because you watched porn at work, but then continue to watch it at your new job.
19. **Difficulty getting aroused without watching porn** If you watch porn too frequently, there’s a chance you can become dependent on it to get sexually aroused. This means you might struggle to get aroused in organic or interpersonal sexual situations, which can lead to fewer sexual engagements with your partner or other people.
If you’re in a relationship, both you and your partner may experience a decrease in sexual satisfaction and emotional closeness as a result.
20. **Distorted beliefs about sexuality and relationships** Since porn is highly scripted, edited, and produced, it can lead to misguided views on how healthy and intimate sexual relationships work in the real world. Excessive porn watchers may begin to objectify others, behave promiscuously, and behave or think erotically in inappropriate scenarios.
Men who watch too much porn are more likely to subconsciously develop misogynistic attitudes than men who abstain or watch in moderation.
All of these skewed beliefs and behaviors lead to insecure attachments to other people, romantically and sexually.
Remember that there’s nearly always a director or videographer on the other side of the camera (typically a man) controlling what happens on-screen.
21. **Sexual dysfunction** Watching an excess of pornography can make it difficult to perform your best in real-life sexual situations. Issues like premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction (the inability to get or maintain an erection) can appear in men, and women may struggle to achieve an orgasm during sex.
22. **A lowered drive for person-to-person sex** Men and women who watch too much porn or who have a porn addiction may prefer masturbation and watching porn alone instead of having sex with others (including with their partners). When they do have the urge, they may have little patience and want to have sex immediately.
The lack of patience can also lead to fantasizing or obsessing about sex with random strangers they encounter throughout their day.
23. **Loneliness** Studies have shown that porn use is significantly associated with feelings of loneliness. The relationship is cyclical—watching porn can make you feel lonely, which then makes you want to watch even more to get a false sense of intimacy. When porn is used to alleviate loneliness, your chances of becoming addicted increase.
Too much porn use might lead to feelings of isolation, a disruption of normal attachment behavior, and trouble forming stable, satisfying relationships. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Write an Introduction for a Persuasive Speech | A persuasive speech is meant to convince an audience to agree with your point of view or argument relating to a specific topic. While the body of your persuasive speech is where the bulk of your argument will go, it’s important that you don’t overlook the introduction. A good introduction will capture your audience’s attention, which is crucial if you want to persuade them. Fortunately, there are some simple rules you can follow that will make the introduction to your persuasive essay more engaging and memorable.
1. **Start off with a hook to grab the audience’s attention.** In order to persuade the audience, you’ll need their undivided attention. Unfortunately, people tend to tune out what someone’s saying if they don’t find it to be interesting. That’s why it’s really important that you kick off your speech with something attention-grabbing (but still relevant to your topic), like a shocking statistic, funny anecdote, or powerful quote.
For example, if your speech is about sleep deprivation in the workplace, you could start with something like “Workplace accidents and mistakes related to sleep deprivation cost companies $31 billion every single year.”
Or, if your speech is about animal rights, you could open with a quote like “The English philosopher Jeremy Bentham once said, ‘The question is not, Can they reason? Nor, Can they talk? But, Can they suffer?’”
For a speech about unpaid internships, you could start with a relevant anecdote like “In 2018, Tiffany Green got her dream internship, unpaid, working for a rental company. Unfortunately, a few months later Tiffany returned home from work to find an eviction notice on the door of her apartment, owned by that same rental company, because she was unable to pay her rent.
2. **Introduce your thesis statement.** Now that you’ve written something that will grab your audience’s attention, it’s time to introduce them to the main argument you’ll be making in your speech. Your thesis statement should clearly explain what argument you’re making and what side of the argument you want your audience to end up on. Make sure you choose something specific and clear since a thesis statement that’s too broad will be hard for your audience to follow along with.
For example, your thesis statement could look something like “Today, I’m going to talk to you about why medical marijuana should be legalized in all 50 states, and I’ll explain why that would improve the lives of average Americans and boost the economy.”
3. **Demonstrate to the audience that your argument is credible.** Once you’ve introduced your thesis statement, you want to convince your audience that they should believe what you’re saying. If you’re an expert on the subject, informing the audience of your credentials should be enough. However, if you’re writing a persuasive speech about a topic you're not an expert on, you can still demonstrate credibility by referencing specific periodicals, books, and experts in the field.
For example, if you’re a marine biologist who’s writing a persuasive speech about ocean acidification, you could write something like “I’ve studied the effects of ocean acidification on local marine ecosystems for over a decade now, and what I’ve found is staggering.”
Or, if you’re not an expert on your topic, you could include something like “Earlier this year, renowned marine biologist Ayana Elizabeth Johnson published a decade-long study on the acidification of our oceans, and what she found is deeply concerning.”
4. **Conclude your introduction by briefly previewing the main points you’ll cover.** You want to prepare your audience for the rest of your speech so they know what to expect and have an easier time following along. Keep the preview of your main points brief, but make sure you include each point you’ll be making in the order it will appear.
For example, you could sum up your conclusion by writing something like, “To show you that a shorter work week would benefit not only employees but also their employers, first I will touch on the history of the modern average work week. Then, I’ll discuss the mental and physical toll that a long work week can take on a person. Finally, I’ll wrap up by going over fairer, better systems that we as a society could implement.”
5. **Limit your introduction to 10-15% of the total length of your speech.** An introduction that’s too long can bore your audience, and it takes away from the time you have to make your argument. The right length for your introduction will depend on the total length of your speech, so you may need to adjust it when you’re finished. Generally, the longer your speech, the longer your introduction can be.
For example, if you time yourself giving your speech (introduction included) and it takes you 5 minutes, your introduction should only take up about 45 seconds of your speech.
However, if you were giving a speech that’s 20 minutes long, your introduction should be around 3 minutes.
On average, you’ll want about 150 words for every 1 minute you need to speak for. For example, if your introduction should be 2 minutes, you’d want to write around 300 words.
6. **Write in a conversational tone.** Unlike most essays, a speech is written to be read out loud, and your audience will be more engaged if they feel like you’re having a conversation with them. As you’re writing your introduction, imagine you’re talking to someone and trying to convince them of your point as opposed to writing a research paper. Just make sure your introduction is still authoritative and professional.
To make your writing more conversational, try to use brief sentences, and avoid including jargon unless you need it to make your point.
Using contractions, like “I’ll” instead of “I will,” “wouldn’t” instead of “would not,” and “they’re” instead of “they are,” can help make your writing sound more conversational.
7. **Be concise when you’re writing your introduction.** Being concise is especially important when you’re writing a speech since you want to hold your audience’s attention. Long, convoluted sentences will make your introduction hard to follow, and you risk people tuning out. Make sure you don’t include more sentences than necessary when you’re writing the different components of your speech.
8. **Tailor your writing to your audience.** Being aware of your audience while you’re writing will help you craft a more persuasive message. As you’re writing the introduction to your speech, think about who will be listening when you deliver it, and use that to help you decide what information and strategy you’ll use.
For example, if your audience will be made up of the other students in your college class, including a pop culture reference in your introduction might be an effective way to grab their attention and help them relate to your topic. However, if you’re giving your speech in a more formal setting, a pop culture reference might fall flat.
9. **Connect with your audience.** It will be easier to persuade your audience if they feel like they’re having a conversation with you as opposed to listening to a lecture. To help them feel like they’re a part of the conversation, don’t be afraid to reference them or directly speak to them in your introduction.
For example, you could write something like, “I know a lot of you may strongly disagree with me on this. However, I think if you give me a chance and hear me out, we might end up finding some common ground.”
Or, you could include a question like “How many of you here tonight have ever come across plastic that's washed up on the beach?” Then, you can have audience members raise their hands.
10. **Practice reading your introduction out loud.** Reading the introduction to your persuasive speech out loud is a great way to catch any awkward language and complicated sentences. If you find yourself stumbling over a certain section, stop and revise it. Keep practicing like this until you can confidently read through your introduction and everything flows together nicely.
You can even record yourself reading your introduction to get a sense of how you'll look delivering the opening of your speech. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
9 Effective Ways to Get Rid of Stickers in Your Yard | Ouch! If you stepped on something sharp when you walked barefoot through your yard, you may be dealing with a patch of stickers. Sticker weeds, also known as lawn burrs or burweed, are annuals that grow in winter and leave behind hard, sharp burrs in the summer. While it’s easier to take care of them before they even grow in, you can still get rid of stickers that are already in your yard. Keep reading for the best ways to remove sticker weeds so you can walk through your yard without getting hurt.
1. **Pulling sticker weeds** Put on a pair of gardening gloves to protect your hands from the burrs. Look for the burweed, which is low-growing with dark-spotted stems and small segmented leaves. Pinch the base of the stem between your fingers and gently pull the roots out of the soil. Toss the stickers in a trash bag to keep them from spreading.
Sticker weeds have shallow roots so they should be easy to uproot by hand. If you’re having trouble getting them out of the ground, use a hoe instead.
Avoid tossing any sticker weeds in a compost pile since the seeds are still viable. Once you spread the compost, the seeds would sprout again.
2. **Loose stickers will break off the plant when you rake them up.** Find the sticker weeds in your yard and drag a rake over the leaves. Any loose burrs will easily break off of the plant so you can easily collect them. Put on gardening gloves and toss all of the burrs you collect in a trash bag so you can get rid of them.
Alternatively, you can lay a fuzzy blanket on the ground and put cinder blocks on 2 of the corners. Pull the blanket over the stickers by hand or with a riding lawnmower so the burrs stick to the fabric.
3. **Vinegar works as a natural alternative to chemical herbicides.** Fill a spray bottle with white vinegar from your kitchen. Set the nozzle on your spray bottle to a steady stream instead of a mist. On a sunny day, go into your yard to find the sticker weeds and spray their leaves with the vinegar. Reapply the vinegar once a day until the weed dies.
Vinegar may also kill grass and nearby plants, so be sure to only spray the burweed when you use it.
You could instead use a mixture of 1 fluid ounce (30 ml) of vodka, 2 cups (470 ml) of water, and 2 drops of dish soap to kill weeds.
4. **The baking soda pulls water out of the weeds so they die out.** Take a pinch of baking soda and sprinkle it on top of the stickers and around the roots. Immediately water the soil so the baking soda soaks in and gets absorbed by the roots.
Baking soda works best to kill stickers before they form seeds or burrs.
Baking soda could harm other plants and grasses nearby, so use it sparingly.
5. **Cutting your lawn removes the sharp stickers from the weeds.** Attach a mower bag onto your lawnmower to catch all of the clippings. Mow your lawn, making sure to go over the areas that have stickers. When you finish mowing your lawn, dispose of your lawn clippings at a landfill so the seeds don’t spread in your lawn.
Trim off a maximum of ⅓ your lawn’s height when you mow to keep your grass healthy. Cutting your lawn shorter could make it weaker and let stickers grow in.
If the sticker weeds grow shorter than your grass, mowing won’t be as effective since the blades can’t cut off the burrs.
6. **Burning patches of stickers kills the roots so they don’t grow back.** Wet the grass around the patches of stickers so they’re less likely to burn. Put on safety glasses and work gloves before you start working. Use a propane hand torch so you have the most control. Turn on the torch and point the flame at stickers. Burn the plant down to the roots so it doesn’t grow back in.
Keep your hose nearby so you can extinguish the flame as soon as you’re finished.
You could also try pouring boiling water on a small patch of stickers to kill the plant, but be careful since it could kill nearby grass or plants.
7. **Pre-emergent herbicides prevent stickers from growing next season.** Use an isoxaben pre-emergent herbicide since it’s the most effective against stopping sticker weeds from growing in. Use a garden spreader to apply the herbicide throughout your lawn in the late fall. Water your lawn immediately to help the herbicide soak into the soil so the stickers absorb it through their roots.
Avoid waiting until the winter or spring to apply your herbicide since the stickers will already have germinated and formed burrs already.
You may need to use a pre-emergent herbicide once a year for a few years to completely eliminate sticker weeds from your yard.
8. **A post-emergent herbicide kills stickers before they form sharp burrs.** Check that the herbicide contains either atrazine or metsulfuron since they work best to get rid of stickers. Wait until after the last frost to apply the herbicides. If you notice any sticker weeds in your lawn without spines, then the herbicide will work on them. Spread the herbicide throughout your yard and water it into the soil immediately.
Spraying post-emergent herbicides later in the spring may help kill the weed, but the sharp burrs will have already formed and will still be in your yard.
Avoid applying post-emergent herbicides when it’s hotter than 90 °F (32 °C) since you could damage your turfgrass.
9. **Stickers don’t grow as well when the soil is full of nutrients.** Healthy grass blocks new stickers from growing in. Get a soil test kit and check your soil to see the nutrients that are missing. You can use either a granular or liquid fertilizer in your yard. Spread the fertilizer during the growing season to help support healthy new grass.
Apply fertilizers at least twice a year while your grass is actively growing.
Water your lawn immediately after you apply fertilizer to help it soak into the soil. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Tell If Your Married Boss Likes You Romantically | It’s not unusual for a married boss to take a friendly interest in their employees, but how can you tell if they’re a little too interested in you? The right balance between a professional and personal relationship depends on the individual boss and worker’s rapport, but there are plenty of clear signs that your boss is into you if you know what to look for. We’ve consulted relationship experts to make a thorough list of ways to tell if your married boss likes you romantically. If you want to find out once and for all, then this is the article for you!This article is based on an interview with our dating coach, John Keegan. Check out the full interview here.
1. **Wanting to see you after hours means they want more than a working relationship.** Dating coach John Keegan suggests that you look for signs such as "strong eye contact, talking and having a conversation that has nothing to do with work, getting personal, [and other things that say] 'hey, I want to know you as a person.'" They might ask you out directly, or offer a night out as compensation for working late or overtime.
Is your boss only asking you to make plans and not your coworkers? That makes it more likely they’re into you.
Your boss might also extend personal invitations to you to join them at work parties, happy hours, or office holiday gatherings.
2. **A boss with a crush will do anything to get extra alone time with you.** Think of the phrase “this meeting could have been an email” on overdrive. They’ll frequently swing by your desk, check in on you, or schedule an unnecessary 1-on-1 meeting to get some extra facetime.
Are they making extra effort to engage you specifically at work gatherings like holiday parties or happy hours? That’s a sign they value your company above other employees’.
3. **Is your boss acting overly helpful and lenient with you?** This is a big tell that they like you (or at least have some favoritism toward you). Take note of things like extra praise, valuing your opinions over others’, staying late to work with you, letting you off the hook for mistakes, or extending your deadlines.
Bosses are usually busy people. If they’re doing all this at the expense of their time and energy, chances are they’ve got a thing for you.
4. **They’re the boss, so they may dangle big opportunities in front of you.** It could be a bonus, a pay raise, a promotion, or a new office. Ask yourself if you’re being offered these things ahead of colleagues who outrank you, outperform you, or have been around significantly longer. If so, it’s probably a sign of favoritism from the boss.
Don’t immediately assume your boss is promising these things because they like you romantically—you work hard, after all!
5. **If your boss likes you romantically, they’ll want to build a good rapport.** They’ll talk about things that have nothing to do with work to get to know you as a person. As dating coach John Keegan explains, "really saying, 'hey, we should meet outside", really someone being so bold as to say 'we should meet outside of work and hang out sometime' is a clear sign that they want to know you besides your working relationship." Listen for questions about your social life and love life, or moments where your boss overshares about their personal life to you. Other signs might be:
They confide in you about their personal problems.
They ask coworkers about you to learn more about your life.
They talk excessively about their hobbies and interests to find common ground with you.
6. **If they're into you, they probably won’t rave about their spouse to you.** They won’t mention them very often or if they do, they might complain or make snarky remarks about them. They might even remove or play with their wedding ring around you to signal they’re open to playing outside of their marriage.
Notice if your boss ignores or hangs up on their spouse’s calls when you’re around.
If your boss acts very differently when their spouse is around, like at a holiday party or formal event, it’s a sign they don’t want their partner to know how they behave around you.
7. **Do they ask about your significant other beyond just making small talk?** Extra curiosity about your relationship status is a dead giveaway they have romantic interest in you. According to dating coach John Keegan, "flirting [could] be eye contact, being curious about your relationship status, specifically asking to do something in the evenings or weekends like [grab] a drink." Watch how they react when you mention your partner—they might become jealous, sad, or put off by the conversation. They might ask:
"Please tell me you don't have a boyfriend, do you?"
"So how's everything going with your fiancé?"
"I heard you had a big blowout with your partner. Are you staying together?"
8. **In a non-professional scenario, being social media pals isn’t a huge deal.** But when your boss adds you, it’s a sign they might have an extra interest in you. It also gives them insight into your life outside of work—something they’d be curious about if they were into you romantically.
If your relationship with your boss is casual and friendly, this may not be a big deal. Use your judgment to decide whether it’s OK to add them back.
If you’d rather not add them, ignore their request. If they ask why you haven’t accepted or added them back, just tell them you’d prefer not to mix your personal and work life.
9. **Gift giving is a major sign of affection.** This is especially true from a boss, who might use the gift to wow you with their income or prove they know you as more than a subordinate. Direct gifts, like a tie or perfume, are a definite sign. Subtle things, like buying your go-to coffee order, also count.
Gifts can also be things like making sure your favorite snacks or drinks are always available in the break room, or getting a new air conditioner for your section of the office.
Are you the only worker getting gifts from the boss? If so, you can be confident you’ve piqued their romantic interest.
10. **A text or call with no work focus is an attempt to get your attention.** If your boss isn’t messaging you for professional reasons, they’re probably thinking about you more than they should. Notice if they’re asking you about your personal life, making random jokes, or just saying “hey” (AKA, things they might send to their spouse).
If they only send you these kinds of texts every once in a while, it’s probably nothing to worry about. If it’s regular or daily, they may have a romantic motive.
11. **They’ll rave about you, your appearance, and other non-work things.** Look for these on a regular or even daily basis. If you only get a left-field compliment once in a blue moon, there probably isn’t a romantic motivation. If it happens all the time, your boss is probably trying to flatter you.
Non-work compliments could be about your clothes, style, body, personality, or achievement in your personal life.
Your boss may offer their praise in front of other coworkers. This can be mildly embarrassing if it’s about work, and potentially inappropriate if it’s about anything else.
If your boss’s compliments make you uncomfortable or strike you as sexual harassment, contact the HR department for guidance on how to resolve the issue.
12. **Their flirting won’t be too obvious since they’re at work (and married).** Look for subtle signs that they like you. Dating coach John Keegan lists a few things to keep an eye out for: "subtler signs of flirting would [include] eye contact, playful comments, light touching at the end of a joke, things like that." They may also do things like give you extra compliments, praise you openly in front of others, or look for reasons to “accidentally” brush against you.
Consider how your boss acts around other employees. If they exhibit flirty behavior towards everyone, it’s just their personality. If it’s only to you, they’re probably interested.
13. **Intense or prolonged eye contact is a classic sign someone is into you.** If you see your boss making frequent or flirty glances toward you, or even just staring at you from across the office, take notice. Any strong eye contact is an obvious sign.
14. **Has your boss experienced a glow up all of a sudden?** Unexpected changes in their appearance might be a sign they’re trying to catch someone’s eye (yours!). Look for things like a flashy new outfit, a different hairstyle, more makeup than normal, or a change to their facial hair that seem aimed to impress.
If your boss has always been impeccably dressed and groomed, then it’s less likely their appearance is solely to grab your attention.
There are a lot of reasons someone might change up their appearance. If your boss’s new look is accompanied by other flirty signs too, then you can confirm your suspicions.
15. **Even if your boss says nothing, their body language is a dead giveaway.** Do they always want to sit next to you at meetings, or walk you down the hall? Maybe they like to lean or put their hands on your desk while they chat with you. These are all hints that they have more than just collegial feelings for you.
Look out for other signs like standing very close to you or pointing their feet towards you while they talk to you.
Mirroring is another flirtatious form of body language. Watch your boss for things like smiling when you smile, leaning in when you lean in to talk, or matching your posture.
16. **Does your boss like to hug or touch you more than necessary?** Maybe they “accidentally” bump into you or graze you all the time. A congratulatory pat on the back or handshake can be normal, professional behavior in some offices, but anything more than this might be a sign your boss is romantically (and physically) attracted to you.
Look at how your boss touches other employees. If they hug everyone, for example, it’s unlikely they view you differently.
If you identify sexual harassment from your boss, reach out to your HR department or another trusted support system for guidance on how to put a stop to the behavior.
17. **If they think their feelings are inappropriate, they might “act weird.”** They’ll suddenly seem arrogant, uninterested, or extra strict because they feel bad about having extramarital interest in an employee. It’s possible they will avoid or ignore you as much as they can get away with professionally, too.
This is also a sign that they’re trying not to act on their feelings. Give your boss their space to process and move on (as much as you’re able in a work setting).
18. **If the whole company thinks the boss is flirting, they probably are!** Employees notice how the boss treats others, especially if they’re being extra lenient, kind, or nervous toward someone. If a colleague mentions something to you about it, take that as an obvious hint—the boss likes you.
Depending on your relationship with your colleagues, they might playfully tease you about it, ask you if you’ve noticed out of concern, or largely ignore it. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Write a Formal Proposal | A “formal proposal” is a phrase that has two different meanings. In business, a formal proposal is a kind of offer to provide a product or services. In the academic world, a formal proposal is a recommendation to conduct some kind of research. This article will teach you how to write both.
1. **Study the Request for Proposal (RFP) carefully.** Many businesses or governmental agencies will send out an RFP when they need goods or services. For example, a company that is being sued might send RFPs to specific law firms, asking them to submit a business proposal. Alternately, a government agency might send out an RFP when it needs to buy some product or materials. The RFP will generally contain details that you must fully understand before drafting your business proposal.
Be sure that you can provide the client’s needs as outlined in the RFP. For example, you need to be able to meet the proposed budget, timing requirements, and any other specifications that the client identifies.
You may choose to submit a formal proposal without waiting for an RFP. If you believe some business could use your services, you may reach out to them on your own and submit your own formal proposal.
2. **Investigate the client’s needs.** Your proposal should address the client’s actual needs. To write a strong proposal that will be useful to the client and that will help you earn the assignment, you should understand the client’s work and the need that you are addressing. If possible, you should contact someone at the company to get information. If the RFP is competitive, they may be limited in how much information they can provide. Nevertheless, you should make the effort and try to get answers to some of the following questions:
Find out if prior attempts were made to address the problem. If so, why did those attempts fail?
Ask what criteria the client will use when evaluating a business proposal.
Find out whether the company has any special concerns that you should address.
Ask about the company’s operating policies. Your proposal should be consistent with these policies.
3. **Use a formal title page.** Your proposal should contain a title page as a cover. The title page should include the following information:
Your name
Your company’s name
The name of the person you are submitting the proposal to
The date you submitted the proposal
4. **Introduce the problem that you are addressing.** The formal proposal that you are submitting should identify a problem and propose a solution. Begin by identifying the client’s problem in simple and clear language. Explain why the client should see that your understanding of the current situation presents a problem.
For example, a proposal to provide legal services might begin with the following introduction: “We are aware of pending litigation that has been threatened regarding your company’s acquisition of XYZ Corp. We offer this proposal to provide the legal services that you need.”
5. **Put your proposal in context.** Unless you are responding to an RFP, you might need to provide some background to explain the reason for your proposal. For example, you may need to identify the following:
Prior attempts that have failed.
Whether someone asked you to write the business proposal.
How you became involved in the project or aware of the problem.
6. **Include definitions for key terms.** Any particular industry terminology or other terms of art that you use in the proposal should be clearly defined. As much as possible, you should write in clear, simple language, but some technical terminology may be necessary. You may be submitting your proposal to, for example, someone in a purchasing department who understands industry jargon, but the final decision may come from someone in administration who is not familiar with industry terms.
You can draft the business proposal first and then go through to identify any terms that might be unclear to the reader.
Also define terms if you are using them in a unique way. For example, the term “fiscal year” can be defined in many ways, depending on the business.
7. **Propose a detailed solution.** After you open by identifying the problem, tell the reader how you will solve that problem. Provide as much detail as you can. Typically, the solution that you propose will be for the company to hire you or your company, or purchase your product.
For example, you might offer: “Acme Accounting specializes in Accounting and Payroll Services for growing small and mid-sized businesses. We can provide complete service in the following areas: ledger maintenance, inventory account balancing, year-end tax statements and summaries, and standard pay period check origination.”
8. **Explain why your solution is the best.** You are either suggesting something that the client has not considered yet, if you are presenting a proposal that has not been requested, or you are in competition with other companies, if you are responding to an RFP. In either case, you must explain why the solution that you present in your proposal is the best option for the client. You may wish to use bullet points to highlight key benefits. Common benefits include a cost savings to the business, confidentiality, and professional expertise.
Provide evidence to justify your expected benefits. For example, if you have studies or industry data that support your proposal, you should include them.
9. **Present your proposed task schedule.** Include a timeline for completing the tasks that are key to your proposal. At the proposal stage, it is understood that the details may change in the future, but it is important to give the reader some idea of how you will go about executing your proposal.
Highlight certain milestones. For example, if you propose to remodel a store, you should include your beginning date and finishing date, so the client will know when the store can reopen.
Include a warning that your timeline is an estimate and may depend on other factors that could be out of your control. For example, a proposal for a construction job could be delayed by having to obtain the necessary permits from the local government or by relying on a subcontractor.
10. **Provide a budget.** The client needs to know whether they can afford your services, so the budget could be the most important part of your proposal. You also may be competing against other companies trying to get the same job. You should include information about pricing. Be conservative. For example, you might want to add up the anticipated budget and then multiply by 1.5 to account for any unforeseen circumstances. Include a disclaimer stating that the numbers are only estimates. Some details that you may choose to include are:
start-up costs or initial set-up
labor costs
supply costs
ongoing monthly charges
maintenance costs
11. **Include key contract terms.** If your proposal is to form the basis of a contractual agreement between you and the client, you should include key contract terms. For example, you could include information such as the following:
How much is paid on signing: “50% payment upon signing.”
Penalties or interests assessed for late payment: “A late fee of $50 will be assessed on any account past due.”
Your cancellation policies: “The contract may be cancelled for any reason with 90 days written notice. There are no pre-payment penalties.”
12. **Outline your relevant experience.** To be selected to provide the service or product in question, the client should have confidence that you can follow through and implement the business plan. Describe one or more similar projects that you have worked on and explain the success you achieved.
Be careful not to exceed any client confidentiality agreements you may have with other clients. Nevertheless, you can describe your prior experience in general terms. For example, you could write, “Successfully provided Accounting and Payroll Services to 20 mid-sized businesses (25-100 employees) for the past five years.”
13. **Identify others who will be working on the project.** You or your company may not be able to do everything to address the client’s needs. In this situation, you should explain how you will get the necessary support from other sources. Additionally, explain how you will guarantee that any other workers are competent to complete their assigned tasks.
If available, you should include resumes along with the business proposal.
14. **Provide references.** If your proposal makes reference to studies, written reports, data compilations or other sources, you should them at the end. Format them using a well-known style, such as APA style.
Including a list of sources allows the client to verify your information easily.
Encourage the client to contact you with questions. Provide your website, in case the client would like to see more information about your business.
15. **Begin by selecting the topic for your research.** Unless you are in a class where a topic is specifically provided to you, you will need to select the topic for your research. This should be based not only on your own interests and expertise, but also on an academic need to answer some particular question. Think about the following questions in selecting your topic:
What topics interest you enough to research and write about?
Is the topic important enough, and why?
What problems or open academic questions will your research answer?
How does your proposal build on research that has already been done?
Can you accomplish the research in the time allotted?
16. **Outline the structure of your proposal.** Before you even begin writing, you need to have a plan for your project and the written proposal. By setting out an outline, you will give your research a direction and purpose. In general, most academic proposals should include the following sections:
Background and significance
Literature review
Research design and methods.
17. **Begin with an introduction.** This will be the section that provides the basic proposal and explains the topic that you seek to research. You will introduce the topic and the research methods that you plan to use. You should also explain briefly why this topic is important enough to consider. In the introduction, consider the following questions:
What is the main field of your research?
What is the specific topic of study related to that problem?
What methods will you be using to analyze the research problem?
Why is this research worthwhile? What is its significance?
Why would someone reviewing your proposal be interested in the results of your research?
18. **Explain the background and significance of your project.** This is the section of your proposal that will address the reason for your project. Explain the academic context for your proposed research. Provide some basis of work that has already occurred on your particular topic, and where it has left off. Discuss how you will progress from there, and why your proposed topic is worth the work that you will put into it. In this section, you will address:
The primary research problem. Explain the purpose of your study beyond the brief introduction you started with.
The rationale of your proposed study. Explain why this project is worth doing. Anticipate and explain why anyone would care about the outcome of your research.
The major issues or problems to be addressed by your research. Address the ways in which your proposal expands on previous assumptions and beliefs about the topic.
Explain how you plan to conduct your research. Define the primary sources you will use and their contribution to your analysis.
Focus your research. Provide the boundaries for your particular project. If there are related issues that you are specifically not addressing, explain what those are.
19. **Review the main sources of academic literature.** Whether your proposal consists of scientific research in a laboratory, psychological research consisting of observing human subjects, or analysis of particular literature or history, you will be relying on some academic literature as a basis. This section of your proposal is to explain that academic literature and its effect on your project. You need to put your research in a greater context and show how you advance or contradict earlier work.
20. **Describe your research methods.** In this section, you need to explain very thoroughly what you intend to do, and why your proposal is worth doing. This is the primary section that will convince your reader that your proposal is not only beneficial but also well-planned and worth pursuing. You need to show that you know what you are doing and that your proposal is the best way to answer the questions you have raised in prior sections. Include the following details:
The specific tasks and steps you will undertake. With each step, include a description of the reason for it, and how that step will add to the research project as a whole.
Comparisons to other prior research. If your academic review has found other, similar projects or research, you should discuss how your methods will differ. Explain why the difference is important, and what you intend to show by using your method.
21. **Recognize limitations of your proposal.** Part of the responsibility of making a formal proposal includes recognizing limitations or problems you could face. Certainly, you want your proposal to be accepted. However, you do not want to get accepted and then have problems arise that could surprise your supervisors or supporters. In this section, you should mention the following:
Materials and budget. If you need financial support for your research, this is the section to include a budget. Provide a list of the materials that you will be using, and explain why they are critical to your work. If other, cheaper supplies are available, explain why you propose to use what you do. Be aware of any limitations that have been placed on any proposals.
Acknowledge potential problems you anticipate. At the outset, you should consider difficulties that may arise. Address them here, and how you believe you will address them.
Provide a timeline.
22. **Wrap up with a conclusion.** Repeat the need, as you see it, for conducting this research. Summarize the key points of your purpose and your project design. Impress upon the reader that your proposal will advance some important academic question, and explain why. You want the reader to come away with the same understand, belief, and passion for the topic that you have.
23. **Provide your citations.** Follow whatever format you have been assigned or that is customary at your institution. You may include a list of references or a complete bibliography of sources. In either case, the purpose is to justify your proposal and allow the reader to review and even check parts of your proposal as necessary.
24. **Present your proposal in a professional format.** Your proposal should be readable and present a strong appearance. Unless the RFP or your instructions specify something different, you should use a clear, readable font, in a size and style that will be comfortable for the reader. Generally, Times New Roman 12 point font presents a strong, professional appearance.
You might also review sample proposals used in your industry. Search the Internet for “proposal sample” and some details about your particular business field.
You may also find business proposal templates online. Using one of these templates can make your proposal look professional.
25. **Provide a road map for the proposal.** If your proposal is lengthy or complicated, you should offer an overview of what follows the introduction. You could summarize the parts that follow the introduction.
For example, you could write, “This business proposal has four parts. After this introduction, we offer the proposed solution, timetable, and an explanation of benefits in Part II. In Part III, we provide an itemized budget and a set of standard contract terms. Finally, in Part IV, we summarize our experience and confirm that our proposed solution is the correct course of conduct.”
26. **Proofread and edit your proposal before submitting it.** Unless time is critical, set your draft aside for a day or two and then review it. Look for typing errors and dropped words. Also pay close attention to your numbers and make sure they are accurate.
You also should review the RFP again, along with any relevant correspondence. Make sure your proposal contains everything that the client has requested that you address.
Shorten the proposal, if necessary. Ideally, someone should be able to read your proposal in eight minutes. If it takes longer than that, then try to move as such material into an appendix. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Clean and Lubricate a Sliding Glass Door | Sliding glass doors can become difficult to open because the track accumulates dirt and debris. The steps below tell you how to keep your sliding glass door sliding smoothly.
1. **Remove drapes, blinds or any other window furnishings from your door.**
2. **Grasp each end of the door.** Push the door up so that the wheels on the bottom of the door clear the track. You may have to use a screwdriver to loosen the level screws for the bottom wheels in order to get them to clear the bottom threshold.
3. **Keep pushing the door upward.** Pull it towards you at the same time until it clears the door opening.
4. **Place the door on two sawhorses so that you can clean the track wheels.**
5. **Use a wire brush to loosen the hair and dirt from the wheels.**
6. **Vacuum the debris from the wheels and the entire bottom and top of the door.**
7. **Apply a non-stick silicone lubricant to the wheels.**
8. **Test the rollers to be sure that they are clear of all debris and are moving freely.**
9. **Vacuum the door track.**
10. **Wipe out the door track with a wet rag.**
11. **Apply some of the lubricant to the tracks in the door opening before you replace the door.**
12. **Lift the door from the sawhorses.** Position the top of the door inside the top track of the door opening.
13. **Push the door up so that the bottom rollers clear the bottom threshold.**
14. **Let the rollers drop into the bottom track.** If you have loosened any screws, retighten them once the door is completely back in its track to make sure the door is plumb.
15. **Slide the door back and forth until it is sliding smoothly.**
16. **Thoroughly vacuum the track to your door while it is still closed.**
17. **Slide the door all the way open so that you can access the other side of the track.**
18. **Scrape out the dirt and debris from the track using a flat blade screwdriver.**
19. **Vacuum the loosened dirt using an attachment with a narrow tip.**
20. **Use an old rag to apply generous amounts of a non-stick lubricant to both tracks of the sliding door.**
21. **Slide the door open and shut several times so that the entire track gets lubricated.** You may have to open and shut the door for several minutes before it slides smoothly. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Prove Workplace Bullying | If a coworker or supervisor is bullying or harassing you at work, you're not to blame. This behavior is unwelcome, and most employers have policies against it. If the behavior is severe or pervasive, it may even be illegal. However, many of these cases can come down to a "he said, she said" situation that is difficult to prove – especially if the person bullying or harassing you is also your supervisor. Take action as soon as possible to document the behavior so everything is on the record.
1. **Start a log of events.** If someone at work starts bullying or harassing you, keep a detailed and organized log of each of the incidents. You may be not even need more than one incident, depending on the severity, before you can take action.
Incidents severe enough to warrant repercussions on their own include any physical abuse or intimidation, or verbal abuse that is blatantly racist or sexist.
Smaller incidents may add up to a pattern of bullying or harassment. For example, a coworker may constantly make comments about how stupid you are, or how you are the reason sales are down. They may imply that you aren't qualified for your job, and that you only got your position because of your race or your gender.
In your log, write down the date, time, and location of each occurrence. Then provide a brief, factual description of the events that occurred. Include as many specific details as possible – you may not remember them later, and your log can help refresh your recollection.
2. **Ask the person to stop.** Legally, behavior must be "unwelcome" to be subject to any penalty. In some instances, it may be obvious that no one would welcome the behavior. In others, you may need to make it clear that you do not consent to the harassment or attention.
If a coworker is sexually harassing you by constantly hitting on you, simply ignoring them won't make the problem go away and may not communicate the message to them. As long as you say nothing, they can argue that they thought you enjoyed the attention.
For example, suppose a coworker continually leaves notes and small presents on your desk, and comments on your clothing each day. You might say "I'm not interested in any relationship with you outside of work, and your persistence won't change that.This kind of attention is unwelcome and makes me feel uncomfortable."
It may be a good idea to put this communication in writing, just so you have a record of telling the person that their behavior is unwelcome. Send them an email through the company email system, and blind-copy a coworker or supervisor.
3. **Talk to witnesses.** If someone is bullying you in the workplace, there are likely coworkers who have been in the same room or nearby and seen the behavior. You may even find out that the person has also been bullying others in the workplace.
If a coworker witnessed an actual incident of bullying, ask them if they would be willing to go on the record with their story to support or corroborate yours.
If witnesses tell you about others who have been bullied by the same person, talk to them to find out how they were treated and what happened as a result. Often people who resort to bullying tactics in the workplace have a pattern of treating multiple people the same way.
4. **Make copies or photographs of bullying communications.** If the person who is bullying or harassing you sends you any emails, or leaves things in your workspace, take care to preserve them as evidence.
Physical evidence is extremely valuable because so many of these disputes come down to one person's word against the other's. This is especially important if the person who is bullying or harassing you is a supervisor, or has worked for the company longer than you have and has a generally good reputation.
5. **Keep your log safe.** Your description of the incidents that took place, as well as any physical evidence you're trying to be preserved, should be kept in a place that only you can access. This prevents it from being tampered with or destroyed.
Ideally, you want to keep copies of everything outside the workplace. You could keep them in a locked drawer of your desk, for example, but you may lose access to that space, and others may have a key.
6. **Talk to other employees.** If the bullying is stressing you out, chances are it's affecting others around you as well. The person may be targeting others, or their treatment of you may make others feel uncomfortable or on edge.
Often, other employees who are not being bullied may be afraid to speak out or come forward because they're afraid they will become a target. Try not to fault anyone for not saying something.
When you talk to your coworkers, let them know that you will keep what they say in confidence – and follow through with that. Don't share what they've said with others unless they give you permission to do so.
7. **Talk to your friends and family.** Your friends and family likely have noticed a change in you as a result of the stressful situation you're dealing with at work. Get some perspective from them on the ways that you've changed. They may notice things that you haven't.
People who are around you a lot can tell when something's going on in your life. They may not have been able to put a finger on it until you talk to them. Or they may have been worried about you but didn't want to bring it up.
Let them know that you're taking action to stop the bullying, and ask if you can count on their support. Your employer or others may want to talk to them about the ways the behavior has affected you.
8. **Visit a psychologist if you have emotional distress.** A mental health provider can help you better deal with workplace bullying as well as finding the focus and confidence to take action to end the behavior.
There may be prescription drugs available, such as anti-anxiety medications, that can help you deal with the stress and keep it from impacting your life to the same extent.
In the event you end up filing a complaint with a government agency or filing a lawsuit, the fact that you required mental health treatment as a result of the bullying will help show that the behavior had a significant impact on your health.
9. **Discuss stress with other health care providers.** The stress of bullying can impact your health in many different ways. If you have regular check-ups or appointments while you're dealing with the situation, let them know that you're going through a lot of stress at work.
Your health care provider may have suggestions on how you can cope with the situation in the meantime. For example, if you grind your teeth while you sleep, your dentist may be able to prescribe something to help you with that.
10. **Talk to an employment attorney before you file a formal complaint.** Look for an attorney who specializes in cases of workplace bullying or workplace harassment. Most of these attorneys give a free initial consultation, so you can get advice on how to proceed before you go forward with reporting the behavior.
You may have no intention of filing a lawsuit. However, an attorney can help you understand the types of information you need to provide to your employer, and how you need to word your complaint.
11. **Check your company's employee handbook.** If your company has an employee handbook, it likely includes information about the company's policy regarding workplace harassment. Read the policy carefully and follow the procedures found there.
Pay close attention to the wording used in your company's handbook describing prohibited conduct. It can be helpful if you repeat the same wording when you make your formal complaint.
If there is a specific person listed that you are supposed to file complaints with, you should plan on talking to that person unless you feel uncomfortable with them or think there's some reason they wouldn't be fair regarding your complaint.
12. **Talk to someone in human resources.** If your employer is large enough to have a human resources department, you'll typically begin the process of reporting workplace bullying or harassment there. Human resources staff will be able to explain and walk you through the process of filing a complaint.
They also may be able to make changes that would ease the situation in the meantime. For example, they may be able to alter your schedule or temporarily transfer you to a different department so that you have fewer encounters with the person who is bullying or harassing you.
13. **Identify documents that support your claim.** If you believe your employer has documents that could prove the workplace bullying is taking place, or that it is having an adverse effect on your employment, let them know specifically what those documents are. Don't attempt to retrieve them yourself if you're not normally allowed access to them.
For example, if your workplace has security cameras, some of the incidents may have been captured on tape.
Records from computers and copy machines, or workplace phone records, also may contain evidence that would support your claims.
14. **Discuss the situation with a supervisor you trust.** If there's a manager or other supervisor you feel comfortable with, it can help to talk to them before you file a formal complaint. They may be able to resolve the problem more quietly.
Having a supervisor behind you supporting you may also help ensure that your complaint gets taken more seriously.
A supervisor also may be able to give you some tips on how to deal with upper management or how best to word your complaint.
15. **File a written complaint.** If you get to the point where you want to file a formal complaint against the person who is bullying or harassing you, put it in writing. Carefully explain the situation and describe the incidents that have occurred.
Include as many details as possible, but stick to the facts. Focus on the person's behavior towards you, not anything about their personality or character.
Depending on the size of your employer, there may be a specific form you're supposed to use.
Typically, you must at least attempt to resolve the situation internally before you will be permitted to file a complaint with a government agency or file a lawsuit in court.
16. **Cooperate with the investigation.** Once you file your formal complaint, your employer will investigate the situation. They typically will have at least one interview with you, and will review all of the evidence you've collected.
After interviewing you, the person bullying you, and any other witnesses, your employer will determine how best to resolve the situation.
If you aren't satisfied with your employer's treatment of the problem, you may be able to file a complaint with a government agency, or even file a lawsuit in federal court.
17. **Consult your attorney if you run into any problems.** If you've already consulted an attorney, you may want to contact them as your employer investigates your complaint. If your employer refuses to investigate your complaint, contact an attorney immediately.
Carefully document all of your efforts to make your employer aware of the situation. They face greater penalties and liability if they are aware of the bullying or harassment and do nothing to remedy the problem. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Find the Cause of Aggression in Older Dogs | Dogs display aggression to express their emotions, especially when they feel like they're being threatened. Aggression consists of a range of behaviors, including growling, snarling, nipping, and even biting. It is a common issue in older dogs and can have different causes, such as hearing and vision loss, lack of mobility, and pain. If your dog has become aggressive in its old age, try to determine what triggers the aggression and take your dog to your vet for a diagnosis of aggression.
1. **Detect aggression with unfamiliar people or pets.** Older dogs do not always adjust well to change. If you bring unfamiliar people or pets around your older dog, it could become very anxious and display aggression toward that person or pet.
Dogs with dementia (canine cognitive dysfunction) have trouble recognizing familiar faces. If your dog has dementia, it could become aggressive toward familiar people or pets because it can't remember who they are.
Other signs of dementia may include vocalizing (barking, growling, howling, etc.) for no reason, seeming to get lost in familiar rooms, or getting lost or confused in corners.
2. **Watch how your dog interacts with other dogs.** Aggression in older dogs can occur in multi-dog households. If your dogs are of different ages, the younger one may start challenging the dominance of the older one. In turn, the older dog may be aggressive toward the younger dog to try to maintain its dominant position.
Aggression can also occur between older and younger dogs because the older dog is no longer clearly communicating with the younger dog, possibly because it's physically unable to do so. Without proper social signals, aggression could occur between the dogs.
3. **Notice if your dog becomes easily startled.** Older dogs that have lost their vision and/or hearing receive less sensory input from their environment, meaning they're less aware of what's going on around them. For example, if your dog can't hear very well, it won't know when someone is approaching it. This can startle your dog and trigger aggression.
If your dog can't see, but can still hear, it may become startled when it hears a sound but can't tell where it's coming from.
An older dog with hearing and vision loss can become even more startled, leading to aggression.
To test your dog's ability to see, drop a cotton ball (or other very light, but easy to see object) near your dog. Drop the item just to the side of where your dog's eyes are directed. If your dog can see, then he will look at the cotton ball as it falls. If not, then he will not look or will not seem to notice.
To test your dog's ability to hear, clap your hands a few times while standing behind your dog, or making another unexpected noise when you are certain that he can't see you. If your dog can hear, then he will turn to see where the noise is coming from. If he does not turn, then he probably cannot hear the sound.
4. **Look in your dog's mouth.** Pain can cause an older dog to become aggressive, due to irritability from the pain. Dental disease can be very painful and is a common underlying health problem related to aggression in older dogs. If your dog will allow you, look in its mouth for signs of dental disease:
Bad breath
Gingivitis (red, irritated gums)
Bleeding from the mouth
Loose, cracked, or missing teeth
Plaque buildup on the teeth
5. **Observe your dog's ability to move.** As dogs get older, their joints can become stiff and painful, making movement difficult. If your dog can't move away from a situation it finds threatening or annoying, it may respond by becoming aggressive.
Take notice if your dog has trouble standing up after lying down, or can't move up and down the stairs like it used to.
In addition to making movement difficult, arthritis can be very painful. If your dog has painful arthritis, it may display aggression to avoid being touched.
6. **Take your dog to your vet.** It can be hard to see your older dog become aggressive. Before the aggression can be treated, though, its cause needs to be identified. Your vet will examine your dog, get a history from you, and perform diagnostic tests to determine what's causing the aggression.
7. **Tell your vet about your dog's aggression.** Because aggression in older dogs can have many different causes, your vet will need detailed information about your dog's aggressive behavior. During the appointment with your vet, include the following information about the aggression:
When the aggression started
What the aggression looks like (snarling, growling, baring teeth, nipping)
When the aggression occurs (meeting new people, interacting with other dogs, when you try to touch your dog)
Any aggression problems when your dog was younger, and if those problems were treated
8. **Have your vet examine your dog.** Your vet will do a physical exam of your dog, looking for any physical problems that could be causing your dog's aggression. For example, your vet will look in your dog's mouth for signs of painful dental disease and check your dog's joints for arthritis.
Your vet will also perform a neurologic exam to determine if your dog has a neurologic disease, such as dementia, that could be causing the aggression.
Your vet may also conduct tests to assess vision and/or hearing loss in your dog.
If your dog is in a lot of pain, your vet may want to briefly sedate your dog so they can examine your dog's mouth and joints more safely.
9. **Allow your vet to perform diagnostic tests.** Based on the physical exam findings and the information you provided, your vet may want to perform additional diagnostic tests. If your dog's joints seemed stiff, your vet may recommend x-rays to take a closer look at the joints.
If your dog's mouth looked unhealthy, dental x-rays would help your vet determine the extent of dental disease.
Blood work may also help your vet determine if an underlying health problem is causing the aggression.
10. **Visit an animal behavior expert.** If a medical problem is not causing your older dog's aggression, then a behavioral issue could be the cause. Your vet may refer you to a qualified animal behavior expert who can conduct a more detailed behavioral assessment of your dog.
Animal behavior experts have various qualifications, including Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist and board certification in veterinary behavior.
Use the website to find a qualified animal behaviorist in your area. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Clean Sliding Glass Door Tracks | Dirty sliding glass door tracks can gum up your door and make it difficult to open and close. Cleaning them once a week can help reduce the amount of built-up dirt and grime and will make the door easier to maintain. You can clean your tracks with basic kitchen cleaners or you can use a vinegar and baking soda mixture to pick up stubborn dirt. Once you're done cleaning your tracks, lubricating them will make it so the door opens and closes smoothly.
1. **Open the door and vacuum the tracks.** Use a vacuum attachment to reach into the corners of the tracks. Try to lift up any larger pieces of dirt or debris so that it's easier to complete the rest of the cleaning.
2. **Mix 1 cup (240 ml) of water with a drop of nonabrasive cleaner.** Put a couple drops of cleaner, such as Murphy Soap, denatured alcohol, or dish soap, into a bucket with a cup of warm water. Mix the solution together.
3. **Scrub the tracks with a wire brush and cleaning solution.** If you don't have a wire brush, you can use a toothbrush instead. Dip the brush into the solution and scrub on the inside of the tracks. Work your way from one side of the tracks to the other and concentrate on problem areas where there is stuck-on dirt.
4. **Wipe down the tracks with a rag or paper towels.** Once you've scrubbed the tracks, wipe them down with a paper towel or dry rag. Remove any traces of dirt in the tracks.
5. **Close the door and vacuum and scrub the other door's tracks.** Slide the door closed and vacuum and scrub the other door's tracks to complete the cleaning. Once you're done, your tracks should be cleaner.
6. **Clean your tracks once a week to keep your doors running smoothly.** A simple cleaning once a week will help keep dirt and grime out of your tracks and will keep your door working smoothly. Don't let dirt build up in your tracks.
7. **Mix equal parts of cold water and white vinegar in a spray bottle.** Shake the bottle after you fill it with the vinegar and water to mix it together. This will act as your cleaning solution.
8. **Open your door and sprinkle baking soda onto the tracks.** Sprinkle extra baking soda onto areas that have a lot of dirt buildup. Continue to sprinkle the baking soda until you've covered all the dirt.
9. **Spray the tracks with the vinegar solution and let it fizz.** Soak the entire track in the vinegar solution. Let the solution fizz for 5-10 minutes. This will help pull up stubborn dirt and grime.
10. **Scrub the area down with a toothbrush or wire brush.** Use a wire brush or toothbrush to remove the grime that may have built up on the tracks. Start on one side of the tracks and work your way to the other side. The solution should have loosened up the dirt, making it easier to clean.
11. **Wipe down the area with paper towels or a rag.** Use the rag to lift up excess dirt and grime. Spray the tracks with more of the vinegar solution if they are still dirty. Continue to scrub the tracks from one side to the other until all of the dirt is removed.
12. **Open the door and repeat the process on the other side.** Slide the door open and apply baking soda to the area that you didn't cover. Repeat the process and clean the area down with the vinegar and water solution. Once you wipe it dry, your tracks should be clean.
13. **Spray a silicone lubricant onto the tracks.** It's important that you clean your tracks first before you lubricate them. You can purchase a silicone lubricant online or at a department store. Point the end of the nozzle towards the tracks and pull the trigger to spray the lubricant into the tracks.
14. **Wipe down the tracks with a dry rag.** Once you're done spraying the tracks, wipe down the excess lubricant with a rag. This will also help spread the lubricant so that it's equally distributed on your tracks.
15. **Spray lubricant into the hole on the edge of the door.** Your sliding glass will probably have a hole on the side. Look for the hole in the door over the tracks or on the inside of the door. Place the straw attached to the lubricant into the hole and press the trigger. This will lubricate the wheels that are inside of your door.
16. **Open and close the door several times to break it in.** Sliding the door back and forth 5-10 times will help lubricate the wheels attached to the door.
17. **Lubricate your tracks once every 2 months to keep it working smoothly.** If you notice that your tracks are sticking, lubricating them should help loosen them up. Regular maintenance will prevent this from happening altogether. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Reduce the Monthly Car Payments You Are Paying | Loans that require a fixed monthly payment can put a strain on your monthly budget. You probably make a monthly payment on your car loan. If you want to reduce your car payment, you have several choices. You can try to refinance the loan to lower the interest rate, or to extend the term of the loan. You may consider selling your car and buying a less expensive vehicle. Instead of buying a car, you might consider leasing.
1. **Determine if your credit rating has improved since you took out your original loan.** Lending institutions, like banks, use credit ratings. The rating is used to evaluate the risk of lending to a particular borrower. The rating may also be referred to as a credit score.
Your credit rating is determined by information reported to credit bureaus. Your lenders (banks and credit card companies) report information to credit bureaus. That information includes data on your loan balances and payment history. The data is used to calculate a credit rating. The higher your rating is, the more likely that you will get approval for your loan.
Experian, Equifax and TransUnion are three main credit bureaus that are frequently used by lenders.
You can get your credit report once a year for free. However, the report does not contain your credit score. This article explains how to check the score itself: Check Your Credit Score.
2. **Review the information on the credit report to verify that it is correct.** Say, for example, that your credit card company reported a late payment. You actually made the payment on time.
Ask the bureau what documentation they need to correct your credit report.
Contact the lender who reported the incorrect data. In this example, your bank statements would prove that you made the payment on time. The date of the payment will be posted in your bank activity. Ask the credit card company to correct the information reported to the credit bureau. Keep documentation of that correction.
Ask your lender what credit rating they used when your loan was approved. That rating may be in your loan documents. Compare that rating to your current credit rating. If you rating has improved, you may be able to refinance your loan.
3. **Take action to improve your credit rating.** If your credit rating has not improved, wait to apply for refinancing. If you don't have a higher rating, you may not get your refinancing approved. Instead, make the effort to improve your credit rating.
Continue to use credit. Using credit wisely proves to a lender that you're a reliable borrower who will pay on time. For example, you should use credit cards for some of your purchases.
Make payments on time. It's critical that you pay every debt on time. The timely payments will build your credit history.
Lenders are not obligated to report all credit transactions to credit bureaus. As you use debt responsibly, make sure the information is reported to credit bureaus. Ask your lender to report the data. Review your credit bureau information to make sure the information was posted.
4. **Apply for a refinanced loan.** In addition to your personal credit rating, another big factor in your loan is the interest rate. If interest rates have declined, you are more likely to refinance your loan at a lower interest rate. On the other hand, if interest rates have increased, you may not be able to lower your car payments by refinancing. Regardless of your credit rating, higher rates may eliminate refinancing as an option.
The loan balance you are refinancing needs to be less than the current value of your car. Remember that the car serves as collateral for the loan. If you defaulted on your loan, the lender would take ownership of the vehicle. If the loan balance is higher than the value of the car, the lender would lose money when they sell the car.
Approach several lenders about applying for a refinanced loan. You may be able to lower your interest rate if you check with more than one lender.
Your credit rating is impacted by the number of times you access your credit report. A credit rating is also affected each time you apply for a loan. Keep this in mind as you work on refinancing. Your lender can help you limit this activity.
5. **Pay down some of your loan's principal.** If you pay off some of your loan balance, your total interest costs will decline. You may be able to get a smaller monthly payment, even if interest rates are the same. When you pay down your principal, you can contact your lender about restructuring the loan.
Assume that you have a $10,000 car loan and an 8% interest rate. Your loan has 4 years remaining.
You decide to pay down $2,000 of the $10,000 balance. You ask your lender if the monthly payments can be reduced, since your new loan balance is only $8,000.
Even if your interest rate remains at 8%, your monthly loan payments may be lower.
6. **Consolidate your car loan with other debts.** You may be able to refinance a group of loans with new loan terms. Your monthly payment on one larger loan may be lower after consolidating several smaller loans.
Meet with a lender to talk through the pros and cons of a consolidation loan. A consolidation can help you lower the interest rate on your debts. However, you need to consider the risks of a variable rate loan, or extending the term of a loan.
Say that you have a $10,000 car loan at 8%. You also have three credit card balances totaling $6,000. The average interest rate on your three cards is 12%.
Two factors may lower your interest rate on these loans. If interest rates have declined, or if your credit rating has improved, you may be able to lower the interest rate for these consolidated debts.
Having one consolidated payment to make each month also simplifies things for you. When you create your monthly budget, you don't need to account for so many payments.
7. **Sell your car** A good way to reduce your payments is to make payments on a cheaper car. This is another way to reduce your payment, even if interest rates have not declined.
The car you sell must be worth more than the loan balance. If not, you may need to pay for the difference out of your own pocket.
Assume that your loan is for $9,500, and your car is worth $10,000. When you sell your car, you can use the $500 profit as a down payment on a $6,500 car.
The $6,000 loan balance reduces your required monthly car payment.
8. **Lease a car.** Using a lease means that you are making payments to essentially rent a car for a certain time period. You do not own the car at the end of the lease. The lender may give you the option of buying the car at a specific price.
Assume that you lease a $20,000 car for 4 years.
The lease payment will be based on an amount less than the car's total value. Say, for example, that the payments total $15,000. Since the lease payment total is less than the total value of the car, your monthly payments are smaller.
At the end of the lease, the car will have some remaining market value. You may have the option to buy the car. If you don't buy it, the lender may sell the car to someone else.
9. **Use other sources of transportation.** If you move to an area with a good bus, train or subway system, you may decide not to use a car. You can use the money you would normally spend on a car for some other purpose.
Make a judgment about your access to public transportation. Think about how long it takes to get to your subway system, for example. Consider how much longer it will take you to travel.
If you do own a car in a city, you should consider the costs you'll incur to park your vehicle. That cost can be expensive in a big city.
A growing number of cities are expanding bike paths. You may be able to use a bike for some of your travel.
10. **Take out a home equity loan.** If the appraised value of your home is more than your home loan balance, you have home equity. You may be able to take out a home equity loan and use the loan proceeds to buy a car.
Assume that your house is valued at $200,000. Your home loan balance is $160,000.
Contact your home lender to get a quote for a home equity loan. Assume that you can borrow at a 6% rate for 5 years.
You decide to borrow $20,000 at the 6% interest rate to buy a car. You make payments on your home equity loan. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Treat a Pulled Muscle | A pulled or strained muscle is one that has been overstretched due to physical activity, resulting in swelling and pain. Pulled muscles are common injuries that can usually be effectively treated at home. Learn how to care for your pulled muscle and decide when medical intervention is necessary.
1. **Rest the muscle.** When you strain a muscle, stop doing the activity that caused it to be strained. Pulled muscles are actually rips in muscle fibers, and further exertion could cause the tear to grow larger and lead to a serious injury.
Let the amount of pain you feel be your guide. If a pulled muscle occurs while you're running or playing a sport, and you have to stop and catch your breath due to the severe pain, the best thing to do is sit the rest of the game out.
Take a few days to recover from the pulled muscle before resuming the activity that caused it.
2. **Ice the muscle.** Icing the area reduces swelling and helps ease the pain. Fill a large food storage bag with ice cubes. Wrap it in a thin towel, to protect your skin from getting damaged by direct ice. Hold the ice pack to your sore area for 20 minutes at a time 4 to 8 times a day until the swelling has gone down.
A bag of frozen peas or another vegetable also works well as an ice pack.
Avoid using heat, which won't reduce inflammation caused by a pulled muscle.
3. **Compress the area.** Wrapping the site of the pulled muscle can reduce inflammation and provide support to prevent further injury. Use an ace bandage to loosely wrap your arm or leg.
Don't wrap the area too tightly, or you might inhibit circulation.
If you don't have an ace bandage, cut an old pillowcase into one long strip and use it to compress the area.
4. **Elevate the muscle.** Raising the inflamed area can help the swelling go down and provide it with the proper rest it needs to heal.
If you pulled a muscle in your leg, rest it on an ottoman or chair while you're sitting.
If you pulled a muscle in your arm, you can elevate it using a sling.
5. **Take a painkiller.** Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) such as aspirin or ibuprofen reduce pain and help you move around more easily with a pulled muscle. Be sure to take no more than the recommended dosage, and never give aspirin to children.
6. **Monitor your pain.** Resting the muscles and using ice packs should take care of a pulled muscle within a few days. If you experience severe pain that won't dissipate, see a doctor. You may have a severe injury that needs medical attention.
If your doctor determines your injury needs extra care, you may be given a pair of crutches or a sling so that the pulled muscle can rest. Prescription-strength painkillers may also be administered.
In rare cases, a pulled muscle requires physical therapy or surgical care.
7. **See a doctor if you have other related symptoms.** Sometimes muscle pain is related to something besides overexertion. You may think you pulled a muscle during a physical activity, but if you experience these other symptoms at the same time, make an appointment to see a doctor:
Signs of infection, like itchiness and red, raised skin.
Bite marks in the area of soreness.
Poor circulation or numbness in the area where the muscle pain is felt.
8. **Seek immediate attention if your symptoms are severe** . If your muscle soreness is accompanied by any of these severe symptoms, go to the emergency room or immediate care center to find out what's going on:
Your muscles feel extremely weak.
You have shortness of breath or dizziness.
You have a stiff neck and a fever.
9. **Warm up.** Pulled muscles happen when your muscles get overstrained, which can often occur as a result of exerting yourself before you've properly warmed up. Take the time to stretch and get your muscles warmed up before you participate in a physical activity.
If you enjoy running, take a light jog before doing sprints or faster running.
If you play a team sport, you can jog, play catch, or do light calisthenics before diving into the game.
Use a foam roller to stretch out the muscles in your legs, back, and shoulders. This can help you warm up your body better.
10. **Stay hydrated** Dehydration increases your risk of straining your muscles. Make sure you're drinking plenty of water throughout the day, including during your workout. Don't wait until you feel thirsty to drink water, as you're already getting dehydrated by the time you feel thirsty.
If you exercise a lot, make sure you're drinking more water. You might also drink sports drinks, since low electrolytes can also increase your risk of pulling a muscle.
11. **Do strength training.** Incorporating weightlifting and other strength training into your exercise routine can help prevent the chance that you'll pull a muscle during an activity. Use free weights at home or work out in the weight room at the gym to build a solid, strong core and keep your muscles limber.
12. **Know when to stop.** It's easy to get caught up in the moment when you're doing a physical activity and force yourself to keep going even when the pain in your leg or arm indicates you should stop. Remember that putting more strain on a pulled muscle will only make things worse. If you cause a deeper tear, you may have to sit out for an entire season instead of just one game. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Identify Waterford Crystal | Waterford Crystal is the brand name of beautiful crystal glassware and other crystal items. Its roots go back to Waterford, Ireland, beginning in the year 1793. Today, Waterford crystal is still produced and the company is a part of WWRD Holdings Ltd. (bought in 2015 by Fiskars Corp.) that also produces products by Wedgwood and Royal Doulton. Waterford crystal remains a very collectible brand and being able to distinguish it is a valuable skill in the crystal business.
1. **Research the Waterford marks.** Search online for images of authentic Waterford acid stamps. Older stamps feature the name “Waterford” in Gothic-script in either one of two designs. Pieces made since the year 2000 include the seahorse trademark.
2. **Clean the crystal.** Wash by hand in warm-to-hot water with mild dish soap. Prevent spotting by also washing with a 1/4 cup of ammonia. Use a soft cloth or sponge to avoid scratching, which may occur with scouring pads. Rinse the crystal and allow it to air-dry. If you dry it with a cloth, be sure the cloth is lint-free.
To clean vases or decanters or any other piece that you can't reach inside of, fill them halfway with warm-to-hot water and a few drops of dish soap. Add 2 tablespoons of white vinegar or ammonia. Then add 1 cup of uncooked rice. Swirl the mixture around to clean the inside of the piece. Rinse it out with warm-to-hot water and then set it upside-down to air-dry.
For tougher stains, fill the piece all the way with warm water. Add a denture-cleaning tablet. Wait for the mixture to remove the residue. Rinse the crystal thoroughly and set it upside-down to air-dry.
3. **Hold the crystal up to the light.** Use a magnifying glass to search for the acid stamp. Start at the base, where it is most often located. Search the grooves next if you don't find it on the base.
Be aware that excessive washing, usage, and age may affect the acid stamp's visibility. If you find none, have the crystal examined by an expert to authenticate it.
4. **Look for a paper or foil sticker.** If your crystal is older or from a limited run, check for a gold sticker featuring Waterford's green seahorse emblem. Be aware that stickers may have been removed over time, whether intentionally or not.
5. **Compare stickers.** Search online for images of authentic Waterford stickers to verify that the design matches your own. If possible, visit a retailer or collector in possession of Waterford pieces featuring stickers to compare them in person. If you're in doubt, seek an appraiser to judge your piece's authenticity.
6. **Be wary of stickers.** Remember that a sticker may be transferred from a genuine Waterford to another piece. Although older pieces may not have had one to begin with, check the crystal anyway for an acid stamp for further verification. If there isn't one, have the crystal examined by an expert to confirm that it's a true Waterford.
7. **Make sure it isn't glass.** If you're unable to find an identifying sticker or acid stamp, check to see if it's made of genuine crystal or just glass. Find a piece of glassware that's about the same size and shape for comparison.
8. **Hold the piece up to a light.** Make sure the piece acts as a prism. Twist it slowly in front of the light source. Look for a rainbow to appear when the light disperses. Do the same with the glassware and note that it does not produce a rainbow.
9. **Hold the piece up to your ear.** Tap the rim. Listen for a musical chime that's high in pitch. To contrast, do the same with a piece of regular glassware and listen for the dull thud that comes when you tap it.
10. **Judge the weight.** Hold the glassware in one hand and your crystal in the other. If your piece is truly crystal, it should feel significantly heavier due to its higher lead content.
11. **Research the design.** If you're satisfied that your piece is truly crystal, have it examined by an expert to confirm whether its design matches one of Waterford's, or research it on your own with a book identifying Waterford's various designs. However, due to the high value of Waterford crystal pieces and the high number of counterfeits out there, seek out a professional opinion for better peace of mind. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Spot a Catfish | Catfishing is the act of pretending to be someone else online to trick people, often for romance. They might use someone else’s identity or photos to help support their lies. You’re most likely to encounter a catfish on social media or online dating sites, so be cautious when interacting with people you don’t know in real life. Fortunately, you can spot a catfish by examining their profile, watching for red flags, and verifying their identity.
1. **Do a reverse-image Google search to see if their pictures are real.** Go to the Google home page and click on “images” in the top right corner. Then, click on the camera icon to search by image. From there, you can enter the URL for the picture or upload a copy of the photo. Click search to find any other locations on the Internet where that image appears.
If the pictures are real, the image likely won’t appear on other sites, except for the person’s other social media profiles. If other profiles exist, click on them to see if they appear to be the same person or an original account that’s been copied.
Stolen photos will likely appear in multiple places, sometimes on professional photography sites. Additionally, you might see that the photos are of someone who has a different name from the person you’re talking to.
2. **Notice if all of their photos are professional.** While it’s normal for people to include some professional photos on their page, it’s rare for someone to only have professional photos. This is usually a sign that a catfish is using modeling photos or pictures stolen from a photographer’s website.
Professional photos might include headshots, posed photos, or fashion shots. If their profile looks like a magazine, it might not be real.
3. **Check if they have photos with their friends.** Most people use social media to talk about what’s going on in their lives. That means they’ll post photos of them hanging out with their friends and going to social events. If you’re talking to someone who never posts photos with other people on their profile, they may be a catfish.
If they’re stealing someone’s photos, they may have pictures of them with other people. However, check that these people are in their friends or followers list. If they’re really the person in their photos, you’ll find a connection.
4. **Look for dating app matches on social media to see if they’re real.** When you meet someone on a dating site, search for their name or image online to see if you can find their other profiles. Compare the information you find online to what they’re telling you through the dating app. This can help you make sure they’re not a catfish.
It’s normal for people to hide their identity when they first connect through a dating site. However, they should tell you their real name after the first few exchanges. If they won’t, take a step back because they might be hiding something.
5. **See if their social media account has very few followers.** A catfish won’t have many followers on social media since they aren’t who they say they are. They won’t have any real life connections to friend or follow on social media. Look at their list of followers to see how many they have and if their accounts look real.
If they have fewer than 100 followers, they may be a catfish. However, it’s possible that they’re just really protective of their privacy, so don’t draw a conclusion based only on this.
6. **Look for holes in their biography or story.** A catfish is lying to you, so they’ll probably get their story mixed up sometimes. Listen carefully for inconsistencies in what they’re saying. Additionally, take note if something they say doesn’t quite make sense.
For instance, they might tell you that they couldn’t answer your call because they were getting their car fixed, but then later tell you that they don’t have a car. Similarly, they may tell you they work as a registered nurse but then say they never finished college.
7. **Notice if they send generic or grammatically-incorrect messages.** At first, a catfish may send the same messages to different people, trying to get a bite. Similarly, many catfish are from a different country from the person they’re catfishing, so they may not speak your language. Check to see if their messages seem really basic or have a lot of grammatical or spelling errors.
For instance, they might only send messages like, “How r u?” “What r u doin?” or “How is ur day?” Their responses to your questions might only be, “Lol,” “yes,” “no,” and “good.”
It’s normal for people to occasionally send you a generic message, but there should also be longer responses and follow up questions.
8. **Pay attention if they ask you for money.** A person who is genuinely interested in you shouldn’t start asking you for money, especially not right away. However, a catfish will ask for cash as soon as they think you’re willing to send it. If they request money, take a step back and reassess the situation. You may have been hooked by a catfish.
The catfish might ask for money for something that will help you. For instance, they might say, “I really want to meet you this weekend, but my car needs repairs. If you send me $100, I’ll get my car fixed and repay you when we meet on Saturday.”
9. **Question them if you catch them in a lie.** If you notice an inconsistency in what they’re telling you, don’t let it go! Immediately call them on it and ask them why they made the mistake. Use your best judgement to decide if their response seems reasonable.
For example, let’s say the person tells you they’re at work, but then they say they lost their job a month ago. Say, “I thought you said you were at work yesterday? Why are you giving me a different answer?” A reasonable response might be, “I was babysitting yesterday to earn extra cash, so I just said I was working.”
10. **Be cautious if they push a relationship too fast.** It’s common for catfish to get too close too soon. They might start saying “I love you” or talking marriage right after you start messaging. This is always a red flag. It might feel really good to be getting this attention, but don’t dive into a relationship until you know who they are.
It takes time for a normal relationship to develop. If someone is telling you they love your or that you’re “the one” before they really know you, then they aren’t being genuine.
11. **Take a step back if they ask for revealing photos.** While this doesn’t necessarily mean they’re a catfish, asking for revealing photos is always a red flag. Additionally, it’s a step right out of the catfish playbook. Don’t send photos to anyone you don’t know and trust, and slow things down with someone who starts asking too early.
If you’re underage, don’t ever take revealing photos because people may misuse them. Additionally, it’s illegal for people to have your photos. If someone is asking you for pics, talk to an adult you trust right away, even if the person told you to keep it secret.
12. **Ask them to send you a photo doing a specific action.** Since a catfish can only send you photos they found online, they won’t be able to send you a photo that you’ve requested. Choose an action that they’ll be able to do but that won’t be easy to find online. A catfish may get mad at you and refuse to keep talking to you, but that just proves they were up to no good. Here are some ideas:
Ask them to hold an empty coffee cup over their head like they’re pouring it out.
Get them to hold up a sign with your name on it while also giving a thumbs up sign.
Request that they put on several hats and then give a salute.
13. **Call them to see if they answer.** While some catfish will talk over the phone, it’s common for them to refuse your calls. If you exchange numbers for texting, give them a call to see if they pick up. Then, listen to their voice to make sure it sounds like the age and sex they gave you in your chats.
If they don’t answer, ask them to call you back just in case they were really unavailable.
Take things slow or stop talking to them if they keep making excuses about why they can’t talk.
14. **Request a video chat to see them in real life.** A catfish will never agree to a video chat because they’d be instantly exposed. Instead, they’ll make a lot of excuses about why they can’t do it. Ask the person to prove their identity by doing a video chat. If they won’t, they may be a catfish.
Use services like Skype, Facebook Messenger, Facetime, Whatsapp, and Kik. Most of these services will let you do a video chat for free online or via a cell phone. You can even make international calls! Most people have a working camera on at least 1 of their devices, so there’s no excuse.
15. **Ask the person to meet you if they live nearby.** If you’re dating or searching for friends in your area, schedule a meeting with the person soon after you start chatting. Invite them to meet you in a public place so that you’re safe. If they refuse to meet up, they might be a catfish.
Give the person 2-3 opportunities to meet up with you, and ask about their availability. If they aren’t trying to help you plan a good time, they’re probably catfishing you. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Take Action to Help Stop Human Rights Violations | National and international law recognizes certain basic rights and freedoms, such as the right to equal treatment under the law, or freedom of thought and expression, as human rights. If you witness law enforcement or other government actors violating these rights, there are a number of things you can do to stop the violations. Your ability to trigger a change in policy or prevent further human rights violations depends to a large extent on getting other governments and international organizations to take an interest in the problem.
1. **Contact the appropriate federal agency.** Certain federal agencies such as the Department of Justice help enforce human rights law and prosecute human rights violations.
For example, USAID provides human rights assistance around the world, as well as humanitarian aid and development assistance in foreign countries. This assistance may be tied to respect for certain basic human rights.
The DOJ is interested in human rights violators who have entered the U.S., or U.S. citizens who have violated human rights abroad. If you know of such a person you can provide identifying information to the DOJ. You can remain anonymous if you want.
Be prepared to let the agency know the suspect's name and a basic physical description, what they did that constituted a human rights violation, and how you came to know about it.
You also may provide information about non-U.S. citizens living in the U.S. to Immigrations and Customs Enforcement at 1-866-347-2423.
2. **Draft a petition.** Getting signatures on a petition can encourage the federal government to take notice of a particular human rights violation.
Before you start your petition drive, research the requirements for a legal petition so you can make sure you're following the rules and that all signatures on your petition will count as legitimate and actually make a difference.
While there are plenty of websites where you can build a petition for free, many of these sites do not check identification of anyone signing. If age and residency cannot be verified, the petition cannot be considered as more than suggestive to any governmental entity.
3. **Call or write your senator or representative.** Your federal government representative may be willing to advance your interest in Congress.
If the violation is occurring in a different country, you should keep in mind that interventions to stop human rights violations are seldom unilateral. However, you may be able to spur the federal government to work with other countries or work collectively through an organization such as the UN to put an end to the practice.
Writing an official can help explain the importance of the issue and persuade her to put her support behind any efforts to stop the human rights violation. If there currently aren't any government actions to fight this particular human rights violation, you may be able to get the issue on the table.
Keep your letter straight and to the point, and stick to the facts. Explain what the issue is, why it is important, and who it affects.
4. **Choose the organization best suited to respond.** While some organizations such as the UN have broader missions, there also are smaller organizations that focus on specific human rights issues such as human trafficking.
For example, the Carter Center's Human Rights Program has been focused on the role of religion in advancing women's human rights. If you've witnessed a human rights violation that you believe falls within that focus, you might consider contacting the Carter Center or one of the activists working in its human rights program.
Organizations that monitor human rights include nongovernmental organizations such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. These organizations monitor, analyze, and research human rights in various areas and compile reports for individual governments and intergovernmental bodies to use.
While nongovernmental organizations cannot enforce laws or punish those who violate laws, they can put pressure on governments to go after those who violate human rights or enact sanctions against countries with records of human rights abuses.
Intergovernmental and governmental organizations can enforce human rights laws and international treaties, but their abilities and enforcement mechanisms may be limited. Many of these bodies, such as the Human Rights Council, engage in many of the same activities that the nongovernmental organizations do.
Human rights commissions such as the Commission for Human Rights of the Council of Europe are a third type of international human rights organization. These organizations typically are independent bodies affiliated with another international governing body that report to that body.
5. **Read international human rights law.** Particularly if you intend to contact an international organization such as the UN, you must be able to point to the particular part of international law that is being violated.
Basic human rights that most all cultures agree upon are articulated in documents such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
The UN website for the Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights also has information on specific human rights treaties and reports on the performance of signatory countries under those treaties.
6. **Draft your report.** When you write your report to the organization you've chosen, be sure to include all relevant information and as many details as possible.
At a minimum, your report should state all relevant facts in chronological order. Include dates, times, and places of all incidents, along with as many names as you can, both of victims and perpetrators. Include all the contact information you know along with your own.
Basically, include anything and everything in your report that might help the organization investigate the report. Even if you think a detail is irrelevant, it could be what leads the investigator to find victims or perpetrators of human rights abuses and bring them to justice.
When you observe a possible human rights violation, write down as many details as possible while it's happening, including taking pictures, to establish a record you can later pass on to the appropriate organization.
7. **Submit your report to the appropriate organization.** Most international organizations have an address or toll-free telephone number you can use to submit tips or more extensive reports about human rights violations.
Organizations such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International all have telephone numbers and email addresses where you can send reports of human rights violations.
8. **Cooperate with the organization in any follow-up activities.** If a representative of the organization contacts you, be prepared to provide additional details, documentation, or the names and contact information of possible witnesses.
9. **Organize a protest.** Talk to like-minded individuals about staging a protest at an embassy or government building to increase awareness of the human rights violation.
You can use a public demonstration to increase public awareness of the issue and build support to stop the human rights violation. If you have enough people joining you, it also sends a message that you have a lot of support to stop the violations.
Reach out to other groups who conduct public demonstrations on a regular basis and decide who will be in charge of which aspects of the protest.
Once you've identified the location where you plan to stage your protest, find out what permits you will need to get, how long those permits will be effective, and what those permits will permit you to do.
You have the right to protest in the United States, but governments do have the ability to restrict the time, place, and manner of your protests. For example, you may be able to protest outside the office building of a company you believe is violating the human rights of its overseas workers, but you may not be permitted to blast loud music or use bullhorns or megaphones while people in the offices are trying to work.
10. **Go to the media.** Seek attention from news networks and newspapers to help inform the public about the human rights violation.
If you are in another country when you witness a human rights violation, keep in mind that your telephone or email communications may be monitored. If you do talk to a journalist, be careful not to reveal names or contact information of any local sources over these channels. You don't want to get your witnesses in trouble.
You also could consider writing a letter to the editor to major or high profile newspapers or news magazines. Include information on how readers can help join the fight to stop the human rights violations you describe. If your letter is published, you can help raise awareness about the issue among the general public.
11. **Start a social media campaign.** Creating viral videos or status updates on social media networks can create a groundswell of support to stop the human rights violations.
Although there has been much criticism of so-called "Hashtag Activism," social media campaigns can raise awareness for your issue in a way that forces mass media and the government to sit up and take notice.
Especially if you are someone with few connections and little power to stop human rights violations on your own, starting a social media campaign can be a relatively simple and inexpensive way to get government or international officials to take action to stop the abuses you've observed.
12. **Volunteer for a human rights organization.** If there is already a human rights organization working on stopping the violation, consider volunteering your time to assist its efforts.
For example, Amnesty International has resources online that will allow you to sign petitions, participate in online activism, or volunteer to learn skills and work to protect human rights around the world. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Become a Reflexologist | Anyone with a passion for the healing arts can become a reflexologist. The gentle art of reflexology focuses massage on specific reflex points located on your feet, hands, and ears that correspond to every area of your body. It’s a growing field and can be a rewarding career. To become a reflexologist, you need to understand the requirements to practice in your geographical area, find a quality program, and possibly become certified and take an examination.
1. **Learn the requirements in your geographical area.** Some states allow you to practice as a reflexologist without any certification or license, while other states require certification, and/or as many as 1,000 hours of instruction and passing a written licensing exam. Look up the requirements for the state, country, or geographical area(s) where you will want to practice.
Contact the Reflexology Association of America (RAA) or your state health department to learn what your local requirements are.
You must be 18 or older to become a reflexologist.
2. **Know if you need to get certified.** While there is no degree program in reflexology, there are certification programs. In many jurisdictions, you must meet certification requirements before you can practice reflexology. For example, the American Reflexology Certification Board (ARCB) requires that foot reflexology training includes a minimum of 110 hours of hands-on instruction or a combination of college-level coursework in physiology and anatomy with hands-on training.
There are different certifications for the foot and hand. Generally, you must pass the foot exam before you can begin the hand certification.
Even if your state does not require certification, you may want to become certified anyway. Employers may prefer certified practitioners.
3. **Ask respected reflexologists where they studied.** Speak with some practitioners you are comfortable with and respect. Ask if they can tell you about their educational experience, some background and insight into the industry, and the quality of training offered by various institutions.
4. **Set aside tuition money.** Most reflexology schools can be completed in 6 to 12 months. A program usually costs around $1,500 to $3,500. Start saving now, or consider applying for a student loan if you need financial assistance. Costs and requirements may vary between geographical areas.
You will probably also need to purchase a massage table or massage chair, and possibly textbooks. This can cost several hundred dollars.
5. **Get reflexology treatments to learn what you like.** Go to several reflexologists for treatment to get an idea of different techniques. Not every reflexologist conducts a session in exactly the same way. If possible, treat yourself to each form of reflexology. It might help you decide if you want to specialize in foot, hand, or ear reflexology. If you encounter a professional whose practice you enjoy more, ask them about their education and training.
6. **Create a list of reflexology schools near you.** Search the Yellow Pages or gain access to a computer and look for schools online. Search for reflexology schools in your area - narrow your search using your city or zip code or searching for accredited schools only. Call the schools or visit their websites to gather information and ask them to send you information about their programs.
Decide if you want to focus on one type of reflexology (hand, foot, or ear), or learn it all, then locate the appropriate program.
There are hundreds of websites on the Internet that offer reflexology training. You must be discerning when you choose educational resources that will help you begin a new career as a reflexologist.
7. **Check out the school’s curriculum.** Your reflexology school should provide training in the history, theory, practice and techniques of reflexology. They should cover class work in anatomy and physiology, reflexology maps of the feet, hands, and/or ears, eastern and western modalities, ethics and professional standards, marketing and business, and how to customize sessions to clients’ specific needs.
Avoid any program that does not include hands-on training. You can’t learn the art of reflexology without real practice. Your program should have supervised clinical practice.
8. **Ask reflexology schools if you may conduct informational interviews.** Contact schools to request discussions with their instructors and past graduates. This can help you determine if the structure and approach of the program will meet your needs.
9. **Inquire about the number of practice hours you’ll be required to complete.** Some reflexology schools build practice hours into their coursework. Others ask that you practice outside the school environment and submit proof of practice hours through a feedback form from your patients. Find out what your school requires so you can plan accordingly.
10. **Determine if the school addresses the topics covered on the final examination.** If you will need to take a licensing or certifying exam to practice reflexology, look for an outline or “blueprint” of what’s on the exam. You can find this on the website of the organization that gives the exam. Choose a school that adequately prepares you for the examination you will be taking.
For example, an examination may include categories that cover assessment and evaluation, treatment plan development, treatment skills application, and topics related to professional responsibility and ethics.
11. **Apply to take the certifying examination.** Find out if you need to submit any documentation, such as a certificate of program completion, a CPR certification, proof of practice hours, or proof of citizenship. You can apply to take the exam and pay the exam fee on the ARCB website at The foot exam costs $295 and the hand exam costs $150.
12. **Study for and take the licensing examination.** Review your reflexology program materials, study with others, or find additional study resources. Before graduating from your reflexology program, ask your instructors to direct your focus to the specific information covered by your jurisdiction's certifying examination.
Some study materials may be available from the ARCB on their website.
You will likely need to take separate exams for hand reflexology and foot reflexology. Exams are only offered at certain times and locations, so plan ahead.
13. **Pursue continuing education.** If you are certified, you will have to gain at least 12 hours of continuing education every 2 years. You can get these hours through independent study or coursework in the field. Visit the ARCB’s source for continuing education to keep your knowledge fresh and up to date, at
14. **Join an established reflexology practice.** You won’t have to worry about start-up costs and marketing if you join a practice, giving you the time you need to further develop your skills and interact with other reflexologists. Reflexologists can practice at chiropractor’s offices, fitness centers, salons, and other health and wellness centers.
15. **Start your own practice.** Establishing your own private practice requires more marketing effort, but allows you to establish your own treatment philosophy, prices, and hours of operation.
16. **Consider choosing an adventurous position.** Apply for positions at hotel spas or on cruise ships if you’re open to traveling.
17. **Join a professional organization.** Consider joining the RAA or getting another professional membership. These organizations often offer networking opportunities, educational events or resources, and an online community presence. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Make an Old Cat Happy | Cats can live for a long time. Some cats live for over twenty years. At such an advanced age, however, your cat may not be as energetic or healthy as it used to be. This means your cat might need different care from you to make it happy. Learn how to make your old cat happy and keep it as healthy as possible.
1. **Be gentle.** An old cat is especially happy if you’re calm and gentle when dealing with it. Let your cat spend time on your lap and give it gentle pets but remember that some cats are happiest when they have their space. Leave your cat alone if it seems to prefer being by itself. Also, an old cat won’t be happy if you yell at it when it does something you don’t like. Gently pick it up and move it to a new place if you don’t like where it is.
2. **Continue to play with your cat.** Even though your cat is old it will still be happy if you take the time to play with it. Make sure that you don’t overstress your cat’s physical ability, however. Avoid making your cat jump after toys. Find a toy your cat likes playing with where it lies on its back or side. This will help you cat continue to exercise, have fun and be happy.
3. **Give your cat treats.** All cats love treats and old cats are no exception. Your cat will be very happy with treats as long as you’re not overfeeding it and making it overweight. Experiment with different brands and flavors to find treats that make your cat happiest.
Try giving treats with catnip.
Try treats with fish.
Avoid giving your cat people food.
Don’t give your cat any treats that contain raisins, grapes, onions, alcohol, salt, or tea.
4. **Provide predictability.** Old cats are happiest when you provide them with predictability. Try to be as predictable when feeding your cat or spending time with it. Sit in the same spots so your cat easily knows where to go. Avoid changing your routine as much as possible to make your old cat happy because it is sometimes hard for older cats to deal with change.
5. **Remove potential obstacles.** Your cat won’t be happy if it can’t move around very easily. Therefore, you should observe your cat as it moves through your home and eliminate any objects that seem to get in its way. Change your cat’s litter box if the sides are high and your cat begins going to the bathroom elsewhere. Nothing makes a cat happier than having access to a clean place to go to the bathroom. Purchase absorbent pee pads, if necessary.
6. **Provide cozy places for your cat to sleep.** You can make your cat super happy if you provide it with a warm and soft sleeping place. Look to see if your cat has any favorite sleeping places and place a clean blanket there for it to sleep on. Since old cats don’t have as much mobility, you can also make your cat happy by providing it with a ramp, step, or ladder so they can access their preferred sleeping spot.
7. **Keep your house warm.** Old cats will be happy if you keep your house warm. Identify where your cat likes to hang out and try to keep this space warm and free of drafts. Move your cat’s bed to a space that is easy for you to keep warm, if necessary. For example, you could place your cat’s bed next to a radiator and see if they’re happy there.
8. **Put food on a raised platform.** Your old cat might have trouble bending down to eat from its food bowl and no cat will be happy if it can’t eat. It’s a good idea to place your cat’s food bowl on a raised platform to help it. Buy a specifically designed raised feeder or simply place the bowl on something that elevates it. The benefit of buying a raised feeder is that the bowl won’t slip or fall off the platform as your cat eats from it.
9. **Install a nightlight.** Cats love to roam at night but older cats often have eyesight problems so providing your cat with a light will be very helpful for making it happy. Keep a light on overnight or install a nightlight in areas where your cat might need to get to. For example, keep a light on near the litter box or where you keep your cat’s food.
10. **Avoid new pets.** Keep your old cat happy by making sure your home is as quiet and calm as possible. Don’t introduce a new pet into the environment. A new pet may make your cat nervous or feel neglected, especially since you’ll likely need to spend a lot of time helping your new pet get adjusted. This won’t make your cat very happy.
11. **Help your cat with grooming.** Old cats have difficulty grooming themselves and will be happy if you help them. Set aside time every day to groom your cat. Gently brush your cat if it seems to like it. This will help prevent matted fur and hairballs, which can cause health problems. Clean your cat’s eyes, nose, and anus if you notice your cat isn’t keeping these areas clean. Use individual cotton balls dipped in warm water.
12. **Provide an appropriate diet.** Your cat will be happiest if you make sure it has a healthy diet. Talk to your vet about choosing an appropriate diet. It is important that your cat receives enough calories and vitamins in its food. Try mixing wet food and dry food to ensure a balanced diet. Don’t force your cat to eat a specific diet if it doesn’t want it. Provide your cat with food that it likes and makes it happy.
13. **Monitor your cat’s food and water intake.** Make sure your cat always has access to clean water. Even though many cats are shy about drinking around humans, this will make your cat very happy. It’s important that your cat continue drinking water because older cats tend to have kidney problems. Increasing the amount of wet food you give your cat helps add extra moisture into your cat’s diet and keeps it from developing health problems that won’t make it happy. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Take Berberine | If you have type 2 diabetes, obesity, an inflammatory condition, or a metabolic condition, you might benefit from the short-term usage of berberine. It may also protect against autoimmune conditions, heart disease, and common complications of aging. This chemical is found in several plants, including goldenseal, Oregon grape, barberry, and Chinese goldthread. Essentially, it activates an enzyme in your body that is responsible for regulating how energy is produced and used. The way it activates this enzyme is similar to the way exercise triggers increased strength and weight loss. Before you start taking berberine, talk to your doctor about it to make sure it won't interfere with any medications you're currently taking. If you make lifestyle modifications while taking berberine, you'll likely have better results.
1. **Evaluate your health and any chronic medical conditions you have.** Berberine has been studied and found effective to treat a number of medical conditions related to metabolism and inflammation. Specifically, you might benefit from a berberine supplement if you have:
Type 2 diabetes
Metabolic syndromes
High cholesterol
Fatty liver disease, specifically nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Congestive heart failure
Inflammatory and autoimmune conditions (such as rheumatoid arthritis or irritable bowel syndrome)
High blood pressure
2. **Ask your doctor about taking a berberine supplement.** Before you start taking berberine, ask your doctor if the supplement would benefit you or improve your condition. If your doctor is not familiar with berberine, you might want to seek out a different healthcare provider who specializes in holistic, natural, or alternative medicine.
If you're seeing specialists for the treatment of a particular condition, make sure they're on board with you taking the supplement as well.
3. **Tell your doctor about all drugs and supplements you're currently taking.** Berberine has the potential to interact with many different prescription drugs, particularly antibiotics. Before you start taking berberine, make sure that any drugs you're currently taking will continue to achieve their desired effects.
If you're only taking a medication temporarily, you might want to wait until you finish taking it before you start taking berberine. For example, if you're taking antibiotics to clear an infection, it's best to wait until after you've finished the round of antibiotics before you start taking berberine.
If you're taking any medications that act in the same or a similar way that berberine does, the two might interact with one another. You may experience more significant side effects than you would otherwise because the effects of both the medication and the supplement would be intensified.
4. **Choose a quality berberine oral supplement.** Berberine typically comes in a capsule form that you take orally. However, as with any type of supplement, different brands can vary in their dosage, purity, and overall value. Supplements that contain other chemicals or inactive ingredients may cause additional side effects that you wouldn't experience with a purer variety. Ask your doctor or pharmacist to recommend a brand.
If a supplement contains other active ingredients, make sure those herbs or chemicals will not interact with any other medications or supplements you're currently taking. For example, you might find a supplement for type 2 diabetes that includes berberine along with other herbs that have shown promise in treating diabetes, such as cinnamon.
Search the supplement's brand on the internet and read reviews about their products. This will help you better evaluate the brand's reputation.
5. **Take 500 mg of berberine 3 times a day.** Berberine typically comes in 500 mg capsules. The most common dosage is 1 capsule taken 3 times a day with meals, for a total of 1500 mg of berberine each day.
Always take berberine with food. This will cut down on stomach pain and discomfort that you might otherwise experience.
You may want to start with a lower dosage and gradually increase your dosage to the full 1500 mg. For example, you might start with 500 mg a day for a week, then increase your dosage to 1000 mg taken in 500 mg doses twice a day for the next week, then start the full dosage in the third week.
If your doctor tells you a different dosage to take, follow their instructions, even if they differ from the instructions on the supplement bottle.
6. **Monitor yourself for side effects.** Gastrointestinal side effects, including diarrhea, constipation, and bloating or intestinal discomfort, are the most common side effects of taking berberine. However, depending on your general health and other drugs you're taking, you may experience different side effects after taking berberine.
Typically, your side effects will go away if you decrease your dosage. If you're taking only 500 mg or less per day and still experiencing bothersome side effects, you might want to stop taking berberine.
7. **Stop taking berberine after 6 months.** Clinical trials of berberine generally don't last any longer than 6 months and researchers have not evaluated the long-term use of the supplement. For this reason, it's probably safest to stop taking the supplement and monitor your health after 6 months.
If any symptoms return that disappeared when you were taking berberine, you might consider taking it again for another 6-month cycle. However, talk to your doctor again before you do this.
If you decide to start another cycle of berberine, wait at least 2 months between cycles.
8. **Work up to 150 minutes of moderate physical activity each week.** Berberine works on your body's metabolism similarly to the way exercise does. You can enhance this effect by getting a half-hour of moderate exercise at least 5 days a week.
If you aren't in the habit of regular exercise, brisk walks are a good place to start. Walk for 5 or 10 minutes in the morning, then take another walk after lunch and another in the evening after dinner.
Consider taking a yoga or Pilates class. Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to be super-flexible to start a yoga or Pilates practice—there are many modifications available to correspond to your flexibility and fitness level.
9. **Eat more vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.** A healthy diet with fewer processed foods will improve your overall health and help ensure that you get the most benefit from a berberine supplement. Vegetables and fruits also add fiber to your diet, which will make any gastrointestinal problems easier to manage.
For protein, choose lean meats, such as chicken and turkey. For example, you might have a skinless chicken breast with broccoli and whole grain rice for dinner, followed by some fresh fruit for dessert.
Grill or steam most of your food, rather than frying it. If you prefer the taste of fried foods, use olive oil or vegetable oil.
10. **Develop a plan to gradually lose weight if you are obese.** Losing a lot of weight quickly adds stress to your body. However, a gradual weight loss plan will help you lose the excess weight and keep it off. Work with your doctor or a nutritionist to come up with a healthy diet and weight loss plan that you can stick to.
Losing weight typically involves changing your eating habits and making a commitment to a healthier lifestyle overall. Crash diets are overly restrictive and typically result in you gaining back all the weight you lost and then some.
11. **Get help to quit smoking if you smoke.** Smoking worsens any health condition that you might try to treat with berberine. If you continue to smoke, your habit may well erase any benefit you would've gotten from the supplement. Talk to your doctor and develop a smoking cessation plan that you can follow.
If you're a regular smoker, your doctor might recommend that you taper off your smoking before quitting entirely. They might also prescribe medications to help decrease your craving for nicotine while you're weaning yourself off the substance.
Talk to your friends and family and get them involved with your plan to quit. They can help support you and distract you or talk you down when you're having cravings.
12. **Practice healthy stress management techniques.** Unhealthy coping strategies can worsen your health condition and place additional stress on your body. Try some deep breathing techniques or meditation to help manage your stress.
You might also talk to a counselor or therapist about stress management. They can give you other options for managing stress in a healthy way.
Finding a stress management technique that works for you might involve a little trial and error. The same techniques don't work for every person. However, once you find something that works for you, you'll notice a difference in your overall health as well as your outlook on life. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Talk to a Camera | Many people talk to cameras for work, business, or to communicate with friends. Making videos is easy to do, but developing skills for talking to a camera can take practise. With a few tips, some thought about how to plan your video, and a little bit of practise you can improve your on-camera talking.
1. **Practise speaking in front of the camera.** Just try to get used to speaking to the camera. Having a chance to do this a bunch of times will give you some basic experience and level of comfort.
Don't worry too much about the small details at first, just get some time talking to the camera under your belt.
2. **Record yourself.** Record yourself practising so that you can play it back and see how you look and sound. Try to speak in your normal speaking voice.
3. **Pretend you are talking to a friend.** Look into the camera lens and pretend it is your best friend. Try to forget about who might watch the video and think about your best friend watching.
Thinking about talking to a friend can make your video warmer and more relaxed.
4. **Put your practise videos online.** Put a few practise videos on YouTube or another online video site. Tell the audience that they are videos of you practising speaking to a camera and ask for advice from viewers.
Some critiques may be tough but focus on constructive comments.
Over time you will get more comfortable with the process of speaking to the camera, posting videos, and getting feedback.
5. **Plan your speech.** Think about what you are going to say and make an outline of the main ideas. You don't need a complete script but it helps to have a plan to make sure you cover the main points.
Planning the order of ideas will make your speech clearer and help with nerves.
6. **Use plain language.** Avoid words that most people don't know including long and unusual words and words that are specific to your area of work or expertise.
If the subject you are talking about has a lot of jargon or insider language, try to use everyday language instead.
Avoid acronyms or nicknames.
Instead of "website optimization," say "making your website work well."
7. **Enunciate properly** Mumbling people can't be well understood, and the video-watcher might even stop watching your video. Pronounce the words clearly and correctly. If you're not sure how to say a word, either look it up or don't say it at all.
8. **Speak slowly.** Many people talk too fast when they become nervous. Make sure to talk slowly enough that your audience can follow your ideas.
9. **Choose short, clear sentences.** Short sentences are both easier to say and easier to understand. If it takes a long time for you to complete a sentence, your viewer may lose track of your point.
Use each sentence to convey one brief idea.
Longer sentences are hard to say because you may run out of breath. Shorter sentences will make your speech seem more natural.
People watching videos may be doing other things, like eating lunch. Keep your ideas short and clear to hold attention.
10. **Take a breath first.** Before you begin talking take a few deep breaths. This will calm your nerves and help you breathe more naturally as you speak.
11. **Make eye contact.** Look into the camera lens so that you will make eye contact with your audience. This will help you connect with your viewers.
Feel free to look away from the camera to direct attention and make your video feel natural.
Look at other people in the video, if there are any, to direct attention to them when they are speaking.
Look at objects you are discussing. If you are holding or showing off a product, look at the object while speaking about it.
12. **Choose a background.** Make sure you are standing in front of a background that looks good. Pick a background that is clean and not distracting.
The background should be static. If things behind you are moving around it will be distracting.
The background can convey a setting. A bookshelf behind you will be more interesting and important looking than a blank wall without being too distracting.
13. **Dress appropriately.** Wear clothes that match with the subject you are talking about and the purpose of your video.
If your video is business related, wear the clothes you would wear when doing business.
For a friendly video about making new friends, wear the clothes you would wear when hanging out with friends.
Avoid any clothes that are distracting such as clashing colors or complicated patterns.
14. **Use body language.** How you hold your body and arms can make a big difference.
Stand up straight and hold your shoulders back to look reliable and confident.
Stay balanced. Don't shift your weight from side to side or fidget.
Gesture with your hands to direct the viewer's attention, or to convey emotion and emphasis.
Keep your hands visible. Putting your hands in your pockets or behind your back might make you look nervous or untrustworthy. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Dip Smokeless Tobacco | Smokeless, or dipping, tobacco is a common alternative to cigarettes and cigars. Instead of inhaling and blowing out smoke, which is more and more restricted across the country, you can get a nicotine fix by placing tobacco in your mouth and sucking on the juices. Keep in mind though that using smokeless tobacco can still have serious health risks cancers around your mouth, and other health problems like high blood pressure, and an increased risk of heart attack or stroke. If you are determined to try it though, it is very simple to do.
1. **Be of legal age to purchase tobacco.** Laws governing tobacco products cover smokeless tobacco. In December 2019, the federal minimum age was raised to 21 in all US states.
Smokeless tobacco is a legal product, but you don't want to enjoy it while breaking the law by pretending to be of age or purchasing it for someone who is underage.
2. **Decide what kind of smokeless tobacco you want.** There are a variety of smokeless products out there. Their use is pretty similar, so your preference will really come down to personal taste.
Moist snuff. This tobacco has been fermented, aged, and finely chopped up. It is packed into tins. As the name suggests, this is slightly moistened, as opposed to dry snuff, which is powdery and can be taken by sniffing it into your nose. This is the most common form of dipping tobacco sold in the US, and the kind you are most likely to see in stores.
Loose-leaf tobacco. Another common form of chewing tobacco, these leaves have been dried and fermented, then sold in foil packets.
Plug tobacco. In this form, the tobacco has been packed tightly together with molasses, or some other adhesive, into a block. You'll either cut or bite off a piece of the block to use it. You may also find twist tobacco, which a similar form where the tobacco has been braided into long strands.
Snus. This is a newer form, originally developed in Scandinavia. The tobacco is put in individual packets and may be flavored with a variety of sweeteners. There are differences between snus made in the United States compared to countries like Sweden, such as the amount of tobacco in a packet, which can lead to differences in physical effects on your mouth.
3. **Get somewhere you can use the tobacco.** Compared to smoking, there are fewer restrictions on where you can use smokeless tobacco. Because you are going to be spitting, though, you will want to be somewhere where you can do that politely, or at least have a bottle or something you can spit into.
You don't want to be doing something physically active, as you'll want to avoid accidentally swallowing the tobacco or your spit. A relaxing activity like reading, watching television, or hanging out with friends, can be a good complement to dipping.
Avoid doing other things with your mouth while dipping, like eating or drinking. You don't want to mix your food with the dip.
4. **Take a pinch of tobacco.** Reach your thumb and forefinger into the tin or pouch, or break off a piece of your plug. If you are a beginner to dipping, your pinch really should just be a small amount between your thumb and forefinger, probably about the size of a quarter. As you get more used to the taste and strength, the size of your pinch can grow, depending on how long you want it to sit in your mouth and how strong of a dose of nicotine you are looking for.
5. **Place between your gum and cheek.** Take your tobacco and put it down in your mouth between your gums and cheek of your lower lip. Pack tightly together so you don't lose any of the leaves, and accidentally swallow them.
Snus packets can also be held in the upper lip. The effect is roughly the same, though you may create more juice in your lower lip.
6. **Let the tobacco sit in your mouth.** Chewing tobacco works because the nicotine seeps into your bloodstream through your gums, rather than by inhaling smoke. Dipping tobacco can just sit in your mouth as long as you can feel something coming from it. You can get up to several hours worth of nicotine from a pinch of chewing tobacco, much longer-lasting than a cigarette.
If the tobacco starts to get loose, and you are worried about swallowing, use your finger or tongue to tamp it down back into place.
7. **Spit as necessary.** Having something in your mouth will produce saliva, which will mix with the tobacco. You don't want to swallow this juice, because it is meant to be spit out. If you are outside, you can just spit onto the ground, but if you are indoors, keep an empty water bottle to spit into.
When using a spit bottle, it is better to replace the cap when you set it down. You don't want to accidentally knock it over and spill tobacco spit.
Because the tobacco from snus packets can't get loose, the juice you make is meant to be swallowed. The flavoring used in snus can make it less irritating than juice from other forms of tobacco.
8. **Throw out the tobacco.** Do not swallow your tobacco. Once you are finished with the tobacco, either because you don't feel any nicotine or you are doing something that requires a clean mouth, take it out of your mouth. Grab the tobacco with your hand, pull it out, then throw it away. If you are near enough to a garbage can, you can also spit out your tobacco. There's no reason to keep the tobacco anymore.
Rinse your mouth. After you spit your dip out, you may want to rinse your mouth to get rid of any excess tobacco. Don’t use your spit bottle for rinsing, and be careful not to swallow the water you rinse with. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP | Audio drivers can be installed in Windows XP if you've downloaded incompatible drivers, have outdated drivers, or if your drivers have become damaged due to a virus, power outage, or other computer problem. Audio drivers can be installed by either downloading important Windows updates, installing software from the disc provided to you by the device manufacturer, or by downloading audio drivers directly from the manufacturer's website.
1. **Click on the "Start" menu from the desktop of your Windows XP computer.**
2. **Click on "Control Panel."**
3. **Select "Automatic Updates."**
4. **Click on the button labeled "Automatic."**
5. **Select the day and time you'd like your computer to download Windows updates.** Select the soonest possible day and time available to download Windows updates and resolve your audio problem immediately.
6. **Click on "Apply."** If updated audio drivers are available for download, they will automatically be installed on your computer on the day and time you've selected for the Windows update.
7. **Insert the disc that contains your computer's software drivers into the disc tray of your computer.**
8. **Follow the on-screen prompts to re-install audio drivers in Windows XP.** Refer to your computer's manual or contact the manufacturer directly if you need further assistance with installing the audio drivers using the disc.
9. **Click on your computer's "Start" menu.**
10. **Click on "Run."**
11. **Type "dxdiag" into the dialog box.**
12. **Click on "OK."**
13. **Click on the tab labeled "Sound."**
14. **Write down the name of your computer's sound card displayed next to "Name" under the section labeled "Devices."**
15. **Write down the name of the sound card's manufacturer displayed next to "Provider" below the "Drivers" section.**
16. **Click on "Exit."**
17. **Launch your computer's Internet browser.**
18. **Navigate to the website of your computer's audio device manufacturer.**
19. **Search the manufacturer's website for audio drivers you can download using the name of your sound card.** Navigate to the website's "Support" section to find audio drivers if they are not readily visible.
20. **Follow the installation instructions provided on the manufacturer's website to install the audio drivers.** | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Clean Fuel Injectors | Clogged fuel injectors can hinder your vehicle's performance, lowering its power and mileage. Keep your engine running smoothly by cleaning your fuel injectors about once a year. Fuel injector cleaning kits are simple to use and very affordable. Caring for your vehicle will pay off in the long run!
1. **Purchase a fuel injector cleaner kit with a PEA cleaning fluid.** Look for a cleaning kit that is suitable for your type of vehicle. Each kit should come with a canister of fuel injector cleaner and a hose that attaches to the fuel injector and fuel rail. For the best results, opt for a cleaning fluid that contains polyetheramine (PEA), which will dissolve thick carbon deposits more effectively than other ingredients.
Most fuel injector cleaning kits can be used for any type of vehicle, but you should read the package or ask a store clerk to make sure.
You can purchase a cleaning kit in an auto store or online.
Full kits usually cost just under $100 each.
You can also purchase the items in fuel injector cleaner kits separately.
Cleaners that contain polyisobutene (PIB) will prevent new deposits but will not remove existing ones.
Cleaners containing polyisobutylene amine (PIBA) will remove and prevent buildup, but they are milder and less effective than PEA cleaning fluids.
2. **Review your vehicle's engine layout to locate the fuel injectors.** Different types of engines have different layouts, so your fuel injectors may be difficult to find. Take a look at your vehicle's manual to determine where the fuel injectors are located. You can also look up your vehicle online to find this information.
The fuel injectors will be located under the hood of the car.
3. **Disconnect the fuel pump from the fuel injectors.** Brace the fuel pump, which should be located on the side of the engine. Gently pull out the fuel injectors to detach them from the pump. Once they are removed, connect the fuel return line to the fuel pump so the gas inside it returns to the tank while you're cleaning the injectors.
You can also insert a U tube to funnel the gas to the tank.
Follow the vehicle-specific instructions in your vehicle's manual if you aren't sure how to disconnect the fuel injectors properly.
4. **Disconnect the pressure regulator vacuum line if you have one.** Locate the fuel pressure regulator if your vehicle has one and look for the vacuum line attached to it. Brace the vacuum line just above where it connects to the regulator. Gently pull it out to disconnect it.
Check your vehicle manual to see if you have to do this step.
The regulator will usually be located just behind the fuel injectors.
5. **Connect the cleaning kit to the fuel port.** Locate the fuel port, which should be attached to the fuel rail in your engine. Follow your cleaning kit's detailed directions on how to attach the hose and fitting to the port. This will vary between kits, but you should focus on making sure that the fitting is attached properly to both the hose and port.
Make sure the injectors have no exposure to fuel as the cleaner is flammable.
6. **Remove the cap from the fuel tank to prevent pressure buildup.** The cleaner will remove debris and grime by using a burst of pressure to inject a cleaning solvent into the fuel injectors. Be sure to remove the fuel tank cap before starting the cleaning. This will keep excessive pressure from building up, which could cause combustion.
7. **Turn the vehicle to let the cleaning fluid into your injectors.** Double check that your fuel pump is turned off. Start your engine and let it run. The motor will stop running on its own once the cleaning fluid is all used up.
It usually takes 5 to 10 minutes for the cleaner to cycle through the injectors and get used up.
8. **Remove the cleaning kit and reattach your pump and injectors.** Remove the hose and fittings from your fuel port. Reattach the fuel pump power supply and the pressure regulator vacuum hose. Put the fuel cap back into place.
9. **Turn the vehicle on again to make sure the fuel injectors work.** Test your vehicle to see if you've reattached everything correctly by starting the engine. Listen for any abnormal noises, which may indicate a problem. Drive the vehicle a short distance to make sure it runs smoothly.
If you followed the procedure correctly and notice abnormal noises, contact a professional auto mechanic.
10. **Clean your fuel injectors about once a year.** Using a fuel injector cleaning kit yearly can help prevent the buildup of harmful deposits. If you clean less regularly, carbonaceous deposits can grow and harden, hindering the function of your vehicle. Set a yearly reminder on your phone or computer or time this yearly cleaning with a similar task, like your vehicle's yearly oil change.
If you do not use your vehicle often, you can clean the fuel injectors every 15,000 miles instead.
11. **Replace your fuel injectors if they show signs of malfunction.** Fuel injectors may sometimes need to be replaced entirely to ensure that your vehicle functions properly. If you notice signs that your fuel injectors may be malfunctioning, bring your vehicle to a mechanic to get checked as soon as possible. These signs may include:
Your cylinders misfiring.
The "check engine" light turning on frequently.
Your vehicle stalling or not starting with a full tank of gas.
12. **Get a professional fuel injector cleaning if you can't do it on your own.** If you are unable to perform yearly cleanings on your own, do not skip the process entirely. Bring your vehicle to have the fuel injectors professionally cleaned every year as needed. Contact local repair shops for price estimates before deciding where to bring your car for the cleaning.
This will be costly but it will prevent problems with your engine that may prove to be costly in the future. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
How to Dress Kinderwhore Like Courtney Love | Kinderwhore is a fashion style that was popular in the 1990s thanks to punk and grunge singers like Kat Bjelland from Babes in Toyland and Courtney Love from Hole. The idea behind kinderwhore style is a subversion of traditional notions of femininity, so the style is characterized by both its childlike look and the empowered sexuality of the women donning it. Whether you want to revive the 90s, are going to a Halloween party, or just want to claim the style as your own, the main components of the kinderwhore look are babydoll dresses, ripped stockings, and Mary Jane shoes, and most of these items can be found at local markets and thrift stores.
1. **Buy a few babydoll dresses.** The babydoll dress is the key to the kinderwhore style, but there is quite a bit of freedom in terms of dress style. Babydoll dresses are short dresses that are either billowy or have empire waistlines that flare from the waist. Check thrift shops and second-hand stores to find one that’s a little more distressed, worn, and grungy, as this is integral to the kinderwhore look.
Because these dresses are meant to be childlike, look for ones with lace, bows, or ruffles. Courtney Love sometimes wore a babydoll dress with capped sleeves.
She also wore button-down babydoll dresses with Peter Pan collars (flat collars with large rounded ends that meet in the front of the garment). If you're looking to replicate her exact style, look for a black dress with a white collar or a blue dress with a white collar and white-tipped sleeves.
Another babydoll style that Love rocked was the white babydoll with a Peter Pan collar and three-quarter length cuffed sleeves with the cuff rolled up.
2. **Get some ripped stockings.** Black stockings, ripped black fishnets, and white knee-high socks are truest to the Love style, but you can wear any stockings you like.
You can personalize the look by wearing any tights you want or even layering different styles of tights, such as wearing fishnets over basic stockings.
3. **Pair the look with the right shoes.** Combat boots and Mary Janes are the most common shoe styles in the kinderwhore look, and Love typically wore Mary Janes with a slight heel or wedge.
Either stick with black Mary Janes (anything low-cut with a strap across the instep) or open-toed Mary Janes in a beige-pink for a true Love kinderwhore style.
4. **Pick out a few accessories.** Any jewelry that young girls typically wear is acceptable, such as lockets and charm bracelets, will do, but for the real Courtney Love style, wear a tiara. Aside from that, the only jewelry Love often wore was a little heart necklace.
While Love rarely wore jewelry, she often posed for photos with baby dolls or teddy bears.
5. **Apply some eyeliner and mascara.** The keys to Courtney Love kinderwhore makeup are thick, dark, smudged eyeliner and full eyelashes. Apply a thick line of black or dark brown eyeliner on your top eyelid, from the inner corner to the outer corner. Below your eye and beneath your lower lashes, trace a line of eyeliner from the outer corner of your eye to the center.
When you have applied the eyeliner, use your finger to smudge and blend the eyeliner on your lid upward so you spread the eyeliner over the bottom of your lid below the crease. Don’t worry about being even or perfect, as the kinderwhore makeup aesthetic is all about looking like a child who put on makeup for the first time.
Below your eye, use your pinky finger to gently smudge the eyeliner. If you want, slightly pull the smudge down from the center of your eye at an angle toward your ears.
When your eyeliner has been applied and smudged, apply multiple layers of mascara on your top eyelashes so they are full and thick.
6. **Add lots of color to your lips.** One of Love’s most signature looks was the bright red and sometimes smudged lipstick that she wore. For the smudged look, simply apply bright red lipstick to your lips, and don’t worry if it’s not perfect. Use the tip of your finger to smear the lipstick outside the lip line in one or two places.
To achieve the perfect red lips that Love also donned frequently, apply your bright red lipstick, and then trace your lip line with red liner to accentuate the border of your lips.
7. **Experiment with a couple hairstyles.** Love’s kinderwhore hair was always peroxide blond, she always had bangs, and her hair was either left straight and messy or curled into ringlets.
To get your bangs the same, cut them to eye length and leave them hanging down in front of your face. Don’t worry if they aren't perfectly even or if some of the strands are slightly longer than others.
Part your hair down the middle, but zig zag your hairline slightly so it’s not perfectly straight. You can then leave it straight but messy (like you just got out of bed and haven't combed your hair), or use a curling iron to give your hair some curls.
If you do want to die your hair blond, don’t worry about letting the roots grow out by an inch or two. Love usually kept her hair between shoulder and chest length.
8. **Get some kinderwhore hair accessories.** Love often wore a single barrette in her hair on the right side of her face around eye level. To replicate this look, stick a purple, blue, or black barrette (one that contrasts with the blond hair) loosely in your hair, almost so it looks like it will soon fall out.
Other classic kinderwhore hair accessories include ribbons tied in the hair, headbands, and other clips. | | {"url": "", "language": "en"} |
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