dict |
"translation": {
"en": "They were retracted gently to the ulnar side of the wrist",
"lg": "Zaali zizze emabega mpola okutuuka ku ludda lw’engalo (ulnar side)."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Sponge and needle counts were correct times 2 at the end of the procedure",
"lg": "Okubala sipongi n’empiso kwali kutuufu emirundi 2 ku nkomerero y’enkola"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "LAD is a large-caliber vessel",
"lg": "LAD mmeeri ya kalifoomu ennene"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "This was used for insertion of the ventricular screw and steroid diluted leads where under fluoroscopy",
"lg": "Kino kyakozesebwa okuyingiza ventricular screw ne steroid diluted leads awali wansi wa fluoroscopy"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Electrocautery was used to carefully begin dissection of the peritoneum down around the base of the gallbladder",
"lg": "Electrocautery yakozesebwa okutandika n’obwegendereza okusalako olubuto wansi okwetooloola omusingi gw’ennywanto"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The optic nerves appear healthy in color and normal in size with cup-to-disc ratio of approximately 0.48",
"lg": "Obusimu bw’amaaso bulabika nga bulamu bulungi mu langi ate nga bwa bulijjo mu sayizi nga omugerageranyo gw’ekikopo ku disiki guli nga 0.48"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"Upper respiratory infection, improving.,8\"",
"lg": "\"Obulwadde bw’okussa okw’okungulu, okulongoosa.,8\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The right groin area infiltrated with lidocaine solution",
"lg": "Ekitundu ky’omugongo ekya ddyo kyayingizibwamu eddagala lya lidocaine"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"Native right coronary artery is patent, mild disease.,RECOMMENDATIONS: , Medical treatment.\"",
"lg": "\"Native right coronary artery is patent, obulwadde obutono.,EBITEESEBWA: , Obujjanjabi.\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The catheter was removed",
"lg": "Catheter yaggyibwamu"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"The awl was in appropriate location and using a pedicle finder under fluoroscopic control, the pedicle was probed to the mid portion of the body of T11\"",
"lg": "\"Awl yali mu kifo ekituufu era nga tukozesa pedicle finder wansi w’okufugibwa fluoroscopic, pedicle yanoonyezebwa okutuuka mu kitundu eky’omu makkati eky’omubiri gwa T11\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"A round, 8 mm scar is on the upper central abdomen\"",
"lg": "\"Enkovu eyeetooloovu, mm 8 eri ku lubuto olwa waggulu wakati\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"Ultimately, this wound up being a much more complex case than initially anticipated.,Because of the above, we ultimately performed a laser atherectomy of the left superficial femoral artery, which then had to be angioplastied to obtain a satisfactory result\"",
"lg": "\"Ultimately, this wound up being a much more complex case than initially anticipated.,Olw’ebyo waggulu, twamaliriza nga tukola laser atherectomy y’omusuwa gwa kkono ogw’okungulu ogw’omu kifuba, oluvannyuma ogwalina okulongoosebwa emisuwa okusobola okufuna ekivaamu ekimatiza\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Blood pressure: 140/70",
"lg": "Puleesa: 140/70"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "X",
"lg": "X"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Arm and leg jerking.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,The patient is a 10-day-old Caucasian female here for approximately 1 minute bilateral arm and leg jerks, which started at day of life 1 and have occurred 6 total times since then\"",
"lg": "\"CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Arm and leg jerking.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,Omulwadde mukyala wa Caucasian ow'ennaku 10 wano okumala eddakiika nga 1 bilateral arm and leg jerks, ekyatandikira ku lunaku lw'obulamu 1 era nga kibaddewo 6 total emirundi okuva olwo\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"Wedge, left lower lobe, anterolateral.,9\"",
"lg": "\"Wedge, ekitundu ekya wansi ekya kkono, eky’omu maaso.,9\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The wound was closed with 2-0 Vicryl for subcutaneous tissues and Steri-Strips used to close the skin",
"lg": "Ekiwundu kyaggalwa ne 2-0 Vicryl for subcutaneous tissues ne Steri-Strips ezaakozesebwa okuziba olususu"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The other instruments were removed",
"lg": "Ebivuga ebirala byaggyibwawo"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "An incision was marked at the C4-C5 level on the right side",
"lg": "Ensala yassibwako akabonero ku ddaala lya C4-C5 ku ludda olwa ddyo"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Both hemostasis and lymphostasis was achieved by using silk ties and Hemo clips",
"lg": "Okuziyiza omusaayi n’okuziyiza omusaayi byombi byatuukibwako nga bakozesa ettaayi za silika ne Hemo clips"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The blood supply to the epididymis was cauterized using a Bovie and the vas was divided with cautery also",
"lg": "Omusaayi ogwali gugenda mu epididymis gwayokebwa nga bakozesa Bovie era ne vas ne bagigabanyizibwamu ne cautery"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "There is a hydrocele on the right side",
"lg": "Waliwo ekiwujjo ekiyitibwa hydrocele ku ludda olwa ddyo"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Voiding well",
"lg": "Voiding bulungi"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "No shortness of breath",
"lg": "Tewali kussa bubi"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The issue of having a lumbar puncture to look for evidence of inflammatory cells or an elevated protein had been discussed with her at both ABC and by myself",
"lg": "Ensonga y’okufumita ekifuba okunoonya obujulizi obulaga obutoffaali obuzimba oba puloteyina eyali waggulu yali ebadde eteesebwako naye ku ABC ne nze kennyini"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "after one week",
"lg": "oluvannyuma lwa wiiki emu"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "NECK: Supple",
"lg": "ENSIGO: Egonvu"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"At this time, we are still waiting to assess the patient postoperatively to assure no neurological sequela postsurgically are found and also to assess his pain level.\"",
"lg": "\"Mu kiseera kino, tukyalinze okwekenneenya omulwadde oluvannyuma lw’okulongoosebwa okukakasa nti tewali biva mu busimu oluvannyuma lw’okulongoosebwa bizuuliddwa era n’okukebera omutindo gw’obulumi bwe.\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The area was bluntly dissected with a curved hemostat and a small amount of approximately 3 mL of purulent material was drained",
"lg": "Ekitundu kyasalibwako mu ngeri ey’ekibogwe n’ekyuma ekiziyiza omusaayi okukoona era akatono akatono nga 3 mL ez’ebintu ebifuukuuse ne bifulumizibwa"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"A father with gastric carcinoma diagnosed in his 70s.,3\"",
"lg": "\"Taata alina kookolo w’olubuto eyazuulibwa mu myaka gye 70.,3\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"With the expansion of the lung and reduction of the pleural surface fibrinous extubate, warm irrigation was used and the lungs allowed to re-expand\"",
"lg": "\"Olw’okugaziwa kw’amawuggwe n’okukendeeza ku pleural surface fibrinous extubate, okufukirira okw’ebbugumu kwakozesebwa era amawuggwe ne gakkirizibwa okuddamu okugaziwa\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Neoplasm could not be excluded",
"lg": "Neoplasm teyasobodde kuggyibwamu"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "She has not been able to feed well and in fact has to now be NG tube fed",
"lg": "Tasobodde kuliisa bulungi era mu butuufu kati alina okuliisibwa NG tube"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The stem was extracted and retrialed",
"lg": "Ekikolo kyaggyibwamu ne kiddamu okugezesebwa"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "It is noted that Mr",
"lg": "Kimanyiddwa nti Mw"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "All instrumentation was removed",
"lg": "Ebivuga byonna byaggyibwawo"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"The large bowel demonstrates significant diverticulosis coli of the sigmoid and distal descending colon without evidence of diverticulitis.,There is diffuse osteopenia along with significant degenerative changes in the lower lumbar spine.,The urinary bladder is unremarkable\"",
"lg": "\"Ekyenda ekinene kiraga diverticulosis coli enkulu eya sigmoid ne distal descending colon nga tewali bukakafu bwa diverticulitis.,Waliwo diffuse osteopenia wamu n'enkyukakyuka ennene ez'okuvunda mu mugongo ogwa wansi ogw'omugongo.,Ekibumba ky'omusulo tekyewuunyisa\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The overall left ventricular systolic function is mildly reduced with ejection fraction of 40%",
"lg": "Okutwalira awamu omulimu gwa left ventricular systolic gukendeera katono nga ejection fraction ya 40% ."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Appropriate area on the dome the bladder was identified for entry",
"lg": "Ekitundu ekituufu ku dome ekibumba kyazuulibwa okuyingira"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "He has worked as a tax attorney for the past 48 years and reported having a thriving practice with clients all across the country",
"lg": "Abadde akola nga munnamateeka w’emisolo okumala emyaka 48 era yategeezezza nti alina enkola ekulaakulana ne bakasitoma be okwetoloola eggwanga lyonna"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "A straight Ochsner was placed on the vaginal vault",
"lg": "Ochsner omugolokofu yateekebwa ku kisenge ky’obukyala"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"Normal nuclear myocardial perfusion scan.,2\"",
"lg": "\"Normal nuclear myocardial perfusion scan.,2\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The #18-gauge needle was inserted off of midline",
"lg": "Empiso ya gaagi #18 yayingiziddwa okuva ku layini ya wakati"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "A #15 blade was used to deepen the incision through the subcutaneous layer",
"lg": "Ekyuma #15 kyakozesebwa okugaziya ekitundu ekisaliddwa okuyita mu layeri wansi w’olususu"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"There is narrowing at the distal anastomosis due to intimal hypoplasia and the vein beyond it was of good quality.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to the OR suite, placed in supine position\"",
"lg": "\"Waliwo okufunda ku distal anastomosis olw’obulwadde bwa intimal hypoplasia era omusuwa ogusukkawo gwali gwa mutindo mulungi.,ENKOZESA Y’OKUGGYA: , Omulwadde yatwalibwa mu OR suite, n’ateekebwa mu mbeera ey’okusitama\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Diabetes mellitus",
"lg": "Obulwadde bwa sukaali"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "She was admitted short-stay to Dr",
"lg": "Yaweereddwa ekitanda okumala akaseera katono ewa Dr"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The stemmed tibial component was impacted into place with good fit",
"lg": "Ekitundu ky’omugongo ekiyitibwa stemmed tibial kyakubwa mu kifo nga kituukira bulungi"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"Left adnexal mass.,5\"",
"lg": "\"Ekitundu kya kkono eky’omugongo.,5\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"Pulmicort nebs b.i.d.,8\"",
"lg": "\"Pulmicort nebs b.i.d.,8\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"The doctor鈥檚 call was transferred to the Intensive Care Unit so he could leave appropriate orders for the patient in addition to my initial orders, which included Albuterol or Atrovent q\"",
"lg": "\"Omulanga gw’omusawo gwakyusibwa ne gutwalibwa mu Intensive Care Unit asobole okuleka ebiragiro ebituufu eri omulwadde ng’oggyeeko ebiragiro byange ebyasooka, nga muno mwe mwali Albuterol oba Atrovent q\""
} |
"translation": {
"lg": "\"OKWEKEBEJJA OBULWADDE NGA TUNNAlongoosebwa: ,1\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "He has an MRI that shows some degenerative changes",
"lg": "Alina MRI eraga enkyukakyuka ezimu ezivunda"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"Normal plantar fascia.,IMPRESSION:,Partial high ankle sprain with diffuse interstitial edema of the anterior tibiofibular ligament with a ligamentous chip avulsion but without a disruption of the anterior tibiofibular ligament.,Marked ligamentous thickening of the lateral collateral ligamentous complex consistent with the sequela of a remote lateral ankle sprain.,Full-thickness longitudinal split tear of the peroneus brevis tendon with severe synovitis of the peroneal tendon sheath.,Post-traumatic deformity of the medial talar dome consistent with a prior osteochondral impaction injury but no osteochondral defect\"",
"lg": "\"Normal plantar fascia.,IMPRESSION:,Partial high ankle sprain with diffuse interstitial edema of the anterior tibiofibular ligament nga erimu ligamentous chip avulsion naye nga tewali kutaataaganyizibwa mu anterior tibiofibular ligament.,Marked ligamentous thickening of the lateral collateral ligamentous complex consistent with the sequela of a remote lateral ankle sprain.,Full-thickness longitudinal split tear of the peroneus brevis tendon with severe synovitis of the peroneal tendon sheath.,Obulema oluvannyuma lw’okukosebwa mu medial talar dome okukwatagana n’obuvune obwaliwo emabega obw’okukuba amagumba naye nga tewali kizibu kya magumba\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"PP/LT/TEMP testing unremarkable.,COORD: Normal FNF-RAM\"",
"lg": "\"PP / LT / TEMP okugezesa tekyewuunyisa.,COORD: FNF-RAM eya bulijjo\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Vaginal mucosa atrophic",
"lg": "Omusulo gw’obukyala atrophic"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"Diaper area normal.,GU: No rash or infections\"",
"lg": "\"Diaper area normal.,GU: Tewali kuzimba oba yinfekisoni\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "No smoking or significant alcohol intake",
"lg": "Tewali kunywa ssigala oba okunywa omwenge mu ngeri ey’amaanyi"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"The patient will demonstrate independence with home exercise program.,2\"",
"lg": "\"Omulwadde ajja kulaga obwetwaze ne pulogulaamu ya dduyiro awaka.,2\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"Next, the extensor tendon was re-approximated with #3-0 Vicryl\"",
"lg": "\"Ekiddako, omusuwa ogugaziya gwaddamu okugeraageranyizibwa ne #3-0 Vicryl\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"CHIEF COMPLAINT: ,The patient does not have any chief complaint.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This is a 93-year-old female who called up her next-door neighbor to say that she was not feeling well\"",
"lg": "\"OKWEMULUGUNYA OKUKULU: ,Omulwadde talina kwemulugunya kwonna kukulu.,EBYAFAAYO BY'OBULWADDE OBULWADDE:, Ono mukyala ow'emyaka 93 eyakubira muliraanwa we amuliraanye n'amugamba nti yali tawulira bulungi\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Optic disks were flat",
"lg": "Disiki z’amaaso zaali mpanvu"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"Appropriate central line as well as arterial line, Foley catheter, TED, and SCDs were placed\"",
"lg": "\"Layini eya wakati esaanira awamu ne layini y’emisuwa, Foley catheter, TED, ne SCDs zateekebwawo\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"Deeper near the urethra, the dorsal vein complex was transected by using Metzenbaum scissors\"",
"lg": "\"Mu buziba okumpi n’omusulo, ekizibu ky’omusuwa gw’omugongo kyasalibwako nga bakozesa akasero ka Metzenbaum\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"On visualization of the bladder, the patient did have areas of erythema on the right as well as the left lateral walls, more significant on the right side\"",
"lg": "\"Ku kulaba ekibumba, omulwadde yalina ebitundu ebirimu erythema ku ddyo awamu n’ebisenge eby’ebbali ebya kkono, ebisinga obukulu ku ludda olwa ddyo\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "No S3",
"lg": "Si S3"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The left superior tonsillar pole was then grasped with curved Allis forceps",
"lg": "Olwo ekikondo ky’amatu ekya kkono eky’okungulu kyakwatibwa n’ebyuma ebikoonagana ebya Allis forceps"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"This necessitated undercutting the bodies of both C5 and C6 extensively, but I was then able to achieve a good decompression of the cord\"",
"lg": "\"Kino kyali kyetaagisa okusala wansi ennyo emibiri gya C5 ne C6, naye olwo nnasobola okutuuka ku decompression ennungi ey’omuguwa\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "A sterile 16-French Foley catheter was then placed with clear urine drained",
"lg": "Oluvannyuma kyateekebwamu ekituli ekitaliimu buwuka ekya 16-French Foley catheter nga omusulo omutangaavu gufulumye"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"Biopsy, subcarinal lymph node: Lymphoid tissue, negative for malignancy.,COMMENTS:, Pathologic examination reveals two separate tumors in the right upper lobe\"",
"lg": "\"Biopsy, subcarinal lymph node: Lymphoid tissue, negative for malignancy.,COMMENTS:, Okukebera endwadde kulaga ebizimba bibiri eby’enjawulo mu kitundu kya waggulu ekya ddyo\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Suspicious lesions on the left shoulder",
"lg": "Ebiwundu ebiteeberezebwa ku kibegabega kya kkono"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The weakness partially resolved and though the speech improved following resection it did not return to normal",
"lg": "Obunafu bwakendeera ekitundu era wadde ng’okwogera kwatereera oluvannyuma lw’okusalako tekwadda mu mbeera ya bulijjo"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"Due to the abundant amount of movement artifacts, any lateralizing findings, if any cannot be well appreciated\"",
"lg": "\"Olw’obungi bw’ebintu eby’entambula, ebizuuliddwa byonna eby’oku mabbali, bwe bibaawo tebiyinza kusiimibwa bulungi\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"p.r.n.,ALLERGIES: , IV morphine causes hives\"",
"lg": "\"p.r.n.,ALLERGIES: , IV morphine ereeta ebizimba\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"Multiple colon polyps (5).,2\"",
"lg": "\"Ebiwuka ebiyitibwa colon polyps ebingi (5).,2\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "I will keep him on Decadron and keep the collar on",
"lg": "Nja kumukuumira ku Decadron era n’enkokola mmukuume"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\" Left heart catheterization, left ventriculography, coronary angiography, and successful stenting of tight lesion in the distal circumflex and moderately tight lesion in the mid right coronary artery.\"",
"lg": "\"Okuteeka omutima ogwa ddyo ne kkono cathetering, coronary angiography, left ventriculography.\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Continue aggressive medical therapy.",
"lg": "Weeyongere obujjanjabi obw’amaanyi obw’obujjanjabi."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "He has undergone vocational rehab assessment.",
"lg": "Abadde akeberebwa mu by’emikono (vocational rehab assessment)."
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The patient is to be nonweightbearing to the right foot",
"lg": "Omulwadde alina okuba nga tazitowa okutuuka ku kigere ekya ddyo"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"There were two much smaller lesions also with a small white scar, with very little palpable mass\"",
"lg": "\"Waaliwo ebiwundu bibiri ebitono ennyo nabyo nga biriko enkovu entono enjeru, nga biriko ekizimba ekitono ennyo ekikwatibwako\""
} |
"translation": {
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Mucous membranes are moist",
"lg": "Obuwuka obuyitibwa mucous membranes buba bunnyogovu"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"From cardiac standpoint, the patient denies any symptoms of chest pain, or shortness of breath\"",
"lg": "\"Okusinziira ku ndaba y’omutima, omulwadde yeegaana obubonero bwonna obw’okulumwa mu kifuba, oba okussa obubi\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "Heart exam reveals a distant S1 and S2",
"lg": "Okukebera omutima kulaga nti S1 ne S2 ewala"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "He has given up driving all together and he no longer goes out alone",
"lg": "Avudde ku kuvuga byonna nga bali wamu era takyagendayo yekka"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\",2\"",
"lg": "\",2\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"Diet, exercise, and weight loss, and we will see him back in three months and p.r.n.\"",
"lg": "\"Endya, dduyiro, n’okugejja, era tujja kumulaba ng’akomyewo mu myezi esatu ne p.r.n.\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"Upon delivery of the head, the anterior and posterior arms were delivered, and remainder of the baby without complications\"",
"lg": "\"Omutwe bwe gwazaalibwa, emikono egy’omu maaso n’egya emabega gyazaalibwa, ate omwana eyasigalawo nga tewali buzibu bwonna\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The cartilage from the concha was shaped into a strut and placed into a precision pocket between the medial footplate of the lower lateral cartilage",
"lg": "Eggumba okuva mu concha lyakolebwa mu ngeri ya strut ne liteekebwa mu nsawo entuufu wakati w’ekigere eky’omu makkati eky’ekiwanga eky’ebbali ekya wansi"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"He was taken by family members to the Iredell County Hospital, where he was initially evaluated\"",
"lg": "\"Aba famire baamututte mu ddwaaliro lya Iredell County Hospital, gye yasoose okwekebejjebwa\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"She denies any history of weakness, lethargy, or dizziness\"",
"lg": "\"Yeegaana ebyafaayo byonna eby’obunafu, okukoowa oba okuziyira\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "The Tesio hemodialysis catheters were flushed and aspirated without difficulty",
"lg": "Emisuwa gya Tesio hemodialysis gyafukibwa ne gifuumuulwa awatali buzibu"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"He had a CT scan done of the chest there which demonstrated bilateral hilar adenopathy with extension to the subcarinal space as well as a large 6-cm right hilar mass, consistent with a primary lung carcinoma\"",
"lg": "\"Yalina CT scan eyakolebwa ku kifuba eyo eyalaga bilateral hilar adenopathy nga egaziyiziddwa okutuuka mu subcarinal space wamu n’ekinene 6-cm right hilar mass, ekikwatagana ne primary lung carcinoma\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"She states she have several occasions when she is sleeping at night, she has had sharp shooting radicular pain and weakness down her left upper extremity and she feels that these symptoms somewhat scare her.,She has been undergoing nonoperative management by Dr\"",
"lg": "\"Agamba nti alina emirundi egiwerako nga yeebase ekiro, abadde n’obulumi obw’amaanyi obukuba amasasi n’obunafu wansi ku kitundu kye ekya kkono eky’okungulu era awulira nti obubonero buno bumutiisa.,Abadde akolebwako nonoperative management by Dr\""
} |
"translation": {
"en": "I will get a behavioral evaluation from Mr",
"lg": "Nja kufuna okwekenneenya enneeyisa okuva ewa Mw"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "She was subsequently placed on the Jackson spinal table with the Wilson attachment in the prone position",
"lg": "Oluvannyuma yateekebwa ku mmeeza y’omugongo ya Jackson ng’ekintu kya Wilson attachment kiri mu mbeera ya kwesigama"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "A 45-degree forceps then used to open up the maxillary sinus",
"lg": "Olwo ekyuma ekiyitibwa forceps ekya diguli 45 ne kikozesebwa okuggulawo ekitundu ky’omubiri ekiyitibwa maxillary sinus"
} |
"translation": {
"en": "\"The fracture healed uneventfully, but then the patient subsequently suffered a refracture one month ago\"",
"lg": "\"Okumenya kwawona awatali kubaawo, naye oluvannyuma omulwadde n’afuna okuzimba omwezi gumu emabega\""
} |
Subsets and Splits