stringlengths 1
| translation
translation |
0 | {
"en": "Diyarbakır 2nd Criminal Court of Peace has issued a gag order on the bomb attack on police shuttle in Diyarbakır.",
"ku": "Biryara qedexekirinê di rûpela Lijneya Bilnd a Radyo û Televizyonan (RTUK) de bi daxuyaniyek hat diyarkirin û wiha hat gotin:"
} |
1 | {
"en": "The Governorship of Diyarbakır had announced that 45 persons had been injured among whom 12 were police officers and that there had been nine police officers and seven suspects in the police shuttle and three persons who had been taken to hospital with severe injuries had lost their lives despite all efforts.",
"ku": "Walîtiya Amedê bi daxuyaniyek ragihand ku di wesayîta polêsan de 9 polês û 7 welatî hebûne, di encama teqînê de 12 ji wan polês 45 kes birîndar bûne û rewşa 3 kesên ku bi giranî birîndar bibûn li, nexweşxaneyê jiyana xwe ji dest dan."
} |
2 | {
"en": "Yeni Hayat Bilişim General Director Murat Demirten providing substructure and software support since 2007 worked with designer Can Toron and bianet design advisor Ali Seçkin Karayol. Mimar Sinan University, Fine Arts Faculty (MSGSÜ) Graphic Design Department academic member Emre Senan designed the logo of BİA Kurdî. bianet IT expert Korcan Uğur undertook the coordination of content and substructure development process.",
"ku": "Ji bo dîzaynkirina rûpelê şêwirmendê dîzaynê ya bianetê Alî Seçkin, Mudirê Giştî yê Yeni Hayat Bilişimê Murat Demirten û dîzaynkar Can Toron ku ji 2007an vir ve ji hêla teknîkê ve piştgirî didin bianetê, bi hev re xebitîn. Logoya BIA Kurdiyê ji hêla Akademîsyenê Zanîngeha Mimar Sînanê ya Beşa Grafîk û Dîzaynê Emre Senan ve hat çêkirin. Pisporê ITyê ya bianetê Korcan Ugur jî, ji bo avakirina bingehê û pêşxistina naverokê peywîra kordînasyonê pêk anî."
} |
3 | {
"en": "Diken: Not excluding each other’s cultures, languages",
"ku": "Diken: Jiyandina Ziman û Çanda Hevdu"
} |
4 | {
"en": "Şeyhmus Diken, writer: It is very important for me that a news channel like bianet which has reached its maturity in objective and independent journalism in Turkish, has added Kurdish in addition to English which it has been doing for a while and include Kurdish readers into its widespread web of audience. Why? Because I am both a follower of bianet since its founding, and a writer of it within a certain period. On this wise, I know that bianet has a distinguished audience and this brings distinguished journalism as well. It is very valuable that such distinguished and selective web of audience meets Kurdish readers.",
"ku": "Nivîskar Şêxmûs Diken: bianet nêzî 20 salan e weşaneke serbixwe û bêalî pêk tîne û di vî warî de nirxdarbûna xwe îspat kiriye. Piştî ku rûpela xwe ya îngilîziyê ava kir, iha jî dest bi weşana Kurdyê dike. Ji xwe xwendekarên wê gelek bûn û ji vê pê ve wê êdî xwendekarên kurdî jî tevlî wan bibin. Li gorî min ji destpêkê heta îro ez her dem xwendekarek bianetê bûm û nivîskarê wê me, ji bo min ev yek gelek girîng e. Ez baş dizanim ku xwendekarên bianetê girseyek hilbijêr e û nûçeyên ku dixwînin jî bi vî awayî diyar dikin. Bi vê yekê ve, wê êdî xwendekarên hilbijêr û xwendekarên kurd li qadeke wiha de werin gel hev; ev yek gelek bi qiymet e."
} |
5 | {
"en": "If we defend that it is not only Turks but many different peoples are living in a country in which suffering, oppression, and other things that shouldn’t be seen in 21st century, and mention an understanding that defend that these peoples should develop without hurting each other, excluding each other’s languages, cultures, then we should promote websites like bianet that opens its own site to languages other than Turkish.",
"ku": "Di sedsala 21. de ku ev qas zilm, zext û zordarî pêk tê de, eger em bibêjin li vê welatî tenê tirk najîn, ji xeynî wan neteweyên din jî hene, eger em behsa feraseta jiyaneke ku tu netew zextê li ya din neke û çand û zimanê xwe bi hev re bi dualî pêşbixin, divê kanalên weke bianetê were teşwîqkirin ku bila ji xeynî zimanê Tirkî bi zimanên din jî weşanê bike."
} |
6 | {
"en": "Of course Kurds are making their own news sites, Kurdish news. However, this is another aspect of the matter. What bianet does is to create opportunity for Kurdish alongside its own doings. This is what is supposed to be done. bianet has to be appreciated, but appreciation also is not sufficient, a thank is needed too.",
"ku": "Bêguman gelê kurd sîte û nûçeyên xwe bi kurdî çêdikin. Lê ev yek di vê meseleyê de aliyek din e. Ya ku bianetê pêk tîne ji xeynî xebatên xwe, bo Kurdî jî fersendek diafirîne. Ev yek pêwist bû. Ji bo vê yekê pîrozkirina bianetê nebes e, divê spasî li wan bê kirin."
} |
7 | {
"en": "Gönül: BİA Kurdî in perspective of peace journalism",
"ku": "Bayram: Vîrûsek dibe Kurdî"
} |
8 | {
"en": "We invited the audience to become a part of this process, keeping their eyes open about our lacks and mistakes, and act in solidarity at the base of the production as usual.",
"ku": "Murat Bayram, Edîtorê BIA Kurdîyê: Min cara pêşiyê ev hevoka balkêş a ‘’fikir vîrûsa herî bihêz e’’ li fîlma Inception(destpêk) dîtibû."
} |
9 | {
"en": "A virus is becoming Kurdish. bianet will now tell the respect for human in Kurdish in both writing and reading a news. bianet will greet its Kurdish audience with the values that make us human rather than momentary values that are lost in rush of daily life. News class of life school has begun its Kurdish courses…",
"ku": "Êdî ew vîrûs dê bibe Kurdî. Vê carê bianet dê rêza li mirovan li nivîsîn û xwendina nûçeyan bi zimanê Kurdî nîşan bide. Bia dê bi hêjayîyên mirovatiyê bê ber çavên xwendevanên kurd. Jiyan dibistanek be, li sefa nûçeyan dersên kurdî jî dê dest pê bike…"
} |
10 | {
"en": "Önal: A small window free press tradition",
"ku": "Onal: 'Xwezî beriya niha de ev xebat dest pê bikira'"
} |
11 | {
"en": "Yusuf Önal, BİA Kurdish editor: In a country like Turkey in which media redesigns society, facts are manipulated by system owners as they wish, bianet’s undertaking such a project is an important step.",
"ku": "Edîtorê BIA Kurdiyê Yusuf ONAL: Li welatê em lê dijîn, medya bûye mecrayeke ku civakê ji nû ve ava dike û her rastî û heqîqetê li gorî xwesteka xwediyên sîstemê diguhirîne. Di vê rewşê de gelek girîng e ku bianet, li gorî feraseta xwe dest bi xebateke wiha dike."
} |
12 | {
"en": "Kurdish, which is still being talked by Kurdish people despite all the censors and assimilation programs of the state that is continuing for almost 100 years, indeed has its journalism tradition. However, in a reality where so many wars and killings take place, BİA Kurdî’s work based on bianet’s right, woman, and peace oriented journalism is very valuable.",
"ku": "Li Bakurê Kurdistanê ku nêzî 100 sal e zimanê Kurdî hatibe qedexekirin jî, gelê kurd li hemberî asîmîlasyonê dîsa bi zimanê xwe dipeyive. Bêguman dîrok û kevneşopiyeke çapemeniya kurdî jî heye. Lê li welatek ku ev qas şer û kuştin berdewam dike de BIA Kurdî ji bo avakirina aştiyê wê bibe hêviyek. Xebata bianetê ku wê bi feraseta xwe yê bo mafê nûçegihanî, çapemeniya aştîxwaz pêk bîne re, mirov dikare bêje 'Xwezî beriya niha de ev xebat dest pê bikira'."
} |
13 | {
"en": "It is very valuable for me to practice journalism in the same language as ranging from Celadet Eli Bedirxan toMusa Anter'e, from Deniz Fırat to Rohat Aktaş who made journalism at the risk of their lives against assimilation imposed on Kurdish people. (ÇT/HK/TK)",
"ku": "Ji bo xebat û rojnamegeriya bi zimanê Kurdî kesên weke Celadet Elî Bedirxan, Apê Mûsa, Deniz Firat û Rohat Aktaş canê xwe feda kirin. Di vê çarçoveyê de li dijî polîtîkaya asîmîlasyon û tinekirinê, xebateke wiha bo min gelek pîroz e."
} |
14 | {
"en": "15 Atılım weekly workers and columnists will stand in trial today (May 12) on charge of “terror organization propaganda” in İstanbul 13th Heavy Penal Court.",
"ku": "Rojnameger bi ‘’propagandaya rêxistina terorî’’ têne tewanbarkirin. Rojnamegerên tên dadkirin ev in:"
} |
15 | {
"en": "Update: It has been discovered that another Atılım weekly columnist, Vahap Biçici was being tried on the same case thus the number of the defendants has risen to 16.",
"ku": "Parêzer, Ozlem Gumuştaşê jî gotiye wê cara pêşiyê dozeka bi vî rengî dîtiye. Her kes di doze de ne heta ku nivîsên bênivîskar jî di dosyayê de hene."
} |
16 | {
"en": "At least four persons have injured in the explosion in Sancaktepe district of İstanbul.",
"ku": "Li Sancaktepeyê wesayîtek bombebarkirî teqiya. Walîyê Stenbolê Vasip Şahin daxuyand ku di encama teqînê de 3 jê sivîl 8 kes birîndar bûne."
} |
17 | {
"en": "Anadolu Agency (AA) has reported that the explosion has occurred in a parked car in Osmangazi street near a military quarter in Samandıra.",
"ku": "Ajansa Anadoluyê ragihand ku teqîn li Samandirayê, li ser Cadeya Osmangaziyê di nav wesayîtek de pêk hatiye. (ÇT/YO)"
} |
18 | {
"en": "Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Co-Chair Kamuran Yüksek has been arrested on charge of “being a member of a terrorist organization”.",
"ku": "Hevserokê Giştî yê Partiya Herêmên Demokratîk Kamûran Yuksek bi hinceta ‘endamê rêxistinê ye’ hat girtin."
} |
19 | {
"en": "Yüksek had been taken into custody on May 10, while leaving the Central Office Consultancy bureau in Diyarbakır. A police search was carried out in his apartment and nothing had been found in the search except some books. Photograph of Abdullah Öcalan, the imprisoned leader of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), hanging on the wall in Yüksek’s working room and office in his apartment, some CDs and a bag had been seized.",
"ku": "Kamûran Yuksek, 10ê Gulanê de dema ji Navenda Partiyê derdiket hatibû binçavkirin. Herwiha polêsan li mala Yuksek û Navenda DBPê jî lêgerîn kiribûn. Di encama lêgerînan de polêsan dest danîn ser pirtûkên wî , herwiha wêneyê Abdullah Ocalan, çenteyek û CDya li ofîsa wî jî, ji hêla polêsan ve hatin komkirin."
} |
20 | {
"en": "Yüksek has been arrested on the order of the court he had been delivered to yesterday (May 12) morning.",
"ku": "Kamûran Yuksek îro destê sibehê sewqê dadgehê hat kirin û ji hêla dadgehê ve hat girtin."
} |
21 | {
"en": "The General Staff’s statement on its official website is as follows:",
"ku": "Daxuyaniya Serokerkaniyê ev e:"
} |
22 | {
"en": "“Our six hero fellow soldiers martyred, other eight wounded during the armed conflict breaking out between the terrorists in Hakkari Çukurca Çığlı Base Area at around 4:50 a.m. on May 13, 2016 Friday”.",
"ku": "‘’ Di şerê li Çelêya Colemêrgê de, li 13ê Gulanê, li roja Înê, li siet 04.50yê. 6 çekhilgirên me jiyana xwe ji dest daye’’"
} |
23 | {
"en": "“Technical malfunction”",
"ku": "‘’Arîşeya Teknîkî’’"
} |
24 | {
"en": "“A Cobra helicopter dispatched to the zone to intervene in the terrorists had a fatal accident in Hakkari’s Çukurca area at around 5:50 a.m. Our two hero fellow soldiers of one whom is the helicopter pilot martyred in this painful accident thought to be caused by a technical malfunction. Examination and research into the incident is ongoing”.",
"ku": "Dema ketina helîkopterê wek siet 5.50 hat eşkerekirin. Hat diyarkirin ku sebeba ketina helîkopterê ‘’arîşeyeka teknîkî’’ ye."
} |
25 | {
"en": "The statement declared that F-16 jet, assault helicopter, unmanned air vehicle and reinforcement units have been dispatched to the area.",
"ku": "Her dîsa hat dîyarkirin ku helîkopterên cengê, firokeyên bêfrokevan û komên piştgiriyê yên leşkerî jî hatine şandin."
} |
26 | {
"en": "ANF: PKK shot it down",
"ku": "ANF: PKKyê xistiye"
} |
27 | {
"en": "ANF in its report based on local sources reported that the helicopter was shot down by the PKK. It expressed that People’s Defence Forces (HPG) hasn’t made a statement. (HK/TK)",
"ku": "ANFyê agahiyên xwe spartiye çavkaniyên heremî û gotiye PKKyê ew xistiye. Hat dîyarkirin ku HPGê di daxuyanî nedane (HK/MB)"
} |
28 | {
"en": "Photo: Hakkari, Çığlı, Archive/AA",
"ku": "Wêne, AA, Çelê"
} |
29 | {
"en": "Say Stop to Racism and Nationalism (DurDe) Platform has organized a press meeting as to Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) MP Garo Paylan being subjected to racist attacks.",
"ku": "Platforama ji Nijadperestiyê re Bêje Na, derbarê rakirina parêzbendiyên parlementeran û êrişa li dijî Parlementerê HDPê Garo Paylan de daxuyanî da çapemeniyê."
} |
30 | {
"en": "The DurDe also demanded the process concerning lifting parliamentary immunities be ended and that the process be handled in peaceful means by democratic will of all MPs.",
"ku": "Platformê daxwaz kir ku hewldanên li ser rakirina parêzbendiyan bi lezgînî were rakirin û ew mijar ligel îradeya hemû wekîlan û bêyî rêbazên şer, were nîqaşkirin."
} |
31 | {
"en": "As to the assault against Paylan and other HDP MPs, “if racist, discriminatory lynch attempts can take place in parliament, it is inevitable that those on the streets inspired by those will take it upon themselves”, warned the platform.",
"ku": "Platformê derbarê êrişa li dijî Paylan û parlementerên HDPê yên din de hişyarî da û got: ‘Ji ber li meclisê jî hewldanên nijadperestî, ferqmeyilî û lînçkirinê pêk tên, wê li derve hin kes zêdertirê vê pêk bînin.’"
} |
32 | {
"en": "“War policies or dialogue?”",
"ku": "“Gelo hûn dê polîtîkayên şer bidomînin an dest bi diyalogê bikin”"
} |
33 | {
"en": "Following phrases came to the fore in the statement read by Yıldız Önen:",
"ku": "Daxuyaniya ku ji hêla Yildiz Onen ve hat xwendin, bi vî rengî ye:"
} |
34 | {
"en": "“By lifting the parliamentary immunities of the HDP MPs, HDP leadership is planned to be politically discharged.",
"ku": "‘Bi rakirina parêzbendiyên parlementerên HDPê, hewl didin siyaseta ku HDP pêşengiya wê dike, bi temamî were tesviyekirin.’"
} |
35 | {
"en": "“Willing to lift the immunities is a vendetta attempt to say the least”.",
"ku": "‘Rakirina parêzbendiyan hewldaneke tolhildanê ye. Ev yek ji bilî gurkirina şerê, bi kêrî tu tiştek nayê.’"
} |
36 | {
"en": "“Kurdish question cannot be reduced to lifting immunities of the Kurdish MPs”",
"ku": "“Bi tesviyekirina siyasetmedaran nekarîn berxwedana siyasî têk bîbin”"
} |
37 | {
"en": "“Since we want the tension climbing for months with the war environment deepening to come to an end, demanded the process concerning lifting parliamentary immunities be lifted and that the process be handled in peaceful means by democratic will of all MPs”.",
"ku": "‘Gelê kurd bi tesviyekirina siyasetmedaran dev ji berxwedana siyasî berna de. Eger wisa bûya, dema ku di sala 1994an de Orhan Dogan, Leyla Zana û Hatîp Dicle bi darê zorê ji hêla polêsan ve hatibûn binçavkirin, dê pirsgirêka kurd jî xelas bûbûya.’"
} |
38 | {
"en": "“Those on the streets inspired by incidents in parliament will take it upon themselves”",
"ku": "\"Kesên li kolanan dê ji nijadperestiya li meclisê pêk tê, ji xwe re wezîfe derxînin\""
} |
39 | {
"en": "“The incidents that took place during the discussion of legislations regarding the immunities in the parliament were utterly disgraceful. A crowded group of MPs attempted lynching against the Kurdish and Armenian MPs.",
"ku": "‘Ya ku li komîsyona makeqanûnê di rûniştina bo rakirina parêzbendiyan pêk hatin, rûreşî ye. Komek ji ku ji wekîlan pêk dihat, êrişî wekîlên jin, ermen û kurd kirin û xwetin ku wan lînç bikin.’"
} |
40 | {
"en": "Four persons have lost their lives, 23 others injured in the explosion occurred in Dürümlü hamlet of Sarıkamış village located between Diyarbakır and Hani.",
"ku": "Teqîn li derengîyê şevê pêk hatiye. Hat dîyarkirin dengê teqîna li 22.30ê şevê bi peqîna erebeya bombelêkirî çêbûyî, hatiye heta nava bajarê Amedê."
} |
41 | {
"en": "It has been reported that the explosion has occurred due to detonation of a bomb-laden vehicle at around 10.30 p.m. yesterday (May 12) and the blast had been heard from the center of Diyarbakır and many of its districts.",
"ku": "Bi peqînê çaleka bi 20 metreyan fireh çêbûye. Hinek gundî winda bûne û Walîtîya Amedê dîyar kiriye ji bo dîtina wan walîtîyê dest bi xebatê kiriye."
} |
42 | {
"en": "The blast has caused a 20-meter deep dip and damages in many houses in the village.",
"ku": "Walîtiyê herwiha dîyar kiriye ew erebeya hatî teqandin malê dijîyê bûye ku li meha Gulanê ji Çewlîgê hatiye dizîn."
} |
43 | {
"en": "Diyarbakır Governorship has announced in its statement, that they had taken action regarding the lost villagers.",
"ku": "Walîtî diyar dike ku erebeyeka bombelêkirî dema çûye Taxa Tanişikê, xelkê wê derê digel wan kesên di erebeyê de ketine minaqeşeyê."
} |
44 | {
"en": "The statement has included following expressions:",
"ku": "Niştecihên taxê pey erebeya berbehs çûne û di rê de wan kesên di erebeyê de erebe teqandiye."
} |
45 | {
"en": "“In the explosion, 4 villagers who were in the vehicle chasing the truck had lost their lives, 23 others injured. The injured have been delivered to the hospitals in the province and are in treatment.",
"ku": "Piştî teqînê çar kes mirine, 23 kes jî birîndar bûne."
} |
46 | {
"en": "“According to the initial findings, it has been determined that the bomb-laden truck belonged to a road work firm in the area of Döşekkkaya village in Genç district of Bingöl province and had been carjacked on May 9, 2016”. (CT/DG).",
"ku": "Li gor lêkolîna Walîtîya Amedê, ew erebeya hatî teqandin ji pêşiya niho ji Navçeya Gêncê ya Çewligê hatiye dizîn.(ÇT/MB)"
} |
47 | {
"en": "According to bianet’s Media Monitoring Report covering the months of January, February, March the number of arrested journalists was 28. With the arrest of eight other journalists since April, the number has reached 36.",
"ku": "Di Rapora Çavdêriya li Medyayê ya Çile-Sibat-Adarê ku ji hêla bianetê ve hat amadekirin de hejmara rojnamegerên girtî 28 bû. Ji meha Nîsanê vir ve 8 rojnamegerên din jî hatin girtin û hejmar gihişte 36an."
} |
48 | {
"en": "His meeting with his lawyer prevented",
"ku": "Hevdîtina bi parêzeran re hat astengkirin"
} |
49 | {
"en": "Türfent was detained following the vehicle he was in be stopped at the entrance of Van province. Another DİHA’s Van correspondent, Şermin Soydan heading for tracking news was detained in the same day.",
"ku": "Turfent, di 12ê Gulanê de dema diçû Wanê wesayîta ku tê de bû hat sekinandin û hat binçavkirin. Heman rojê Şermîn Soydan ku ew jî nûçegîhana DÎHAyê ya Wanê ye, dema diçû nûçeçêkirinê hat binçavkirin."
} |
50 | {
"en": "Türfent prevented to meet his lawyers at Anti-Terror Branch Office has been taken to Yüksekova.",
"ku": "Nedim Turfent piştî îfadeyê sewqî dadgehê hat kirin û bi hinceta ‘endamê rêxistinê ye’ hat girtin."
} |
51 | {
"en": "According to DİHA’s report, the arrest decision was taken on the grounds of the news he made and secret witness testimonies. Türfent has been sent to Hakkari Prison.",
"ku": "Li gorî nûçeya DÎHAyê ji bo biryara girtinê, nûçeyên ku wî çêkiriye û îfadeya şahidê veşartî weke hincet hatiye nîşandan."
} |
52 | {
"en": "Soydan’s detention period has been extended.",
"ku": "Dema binçavkirina Soydan jî hat dirêjkirin."
} |
53 | {
"en": "DİSK Press Labor: Let us look protect right to information and convey it",
"ku": "DISK: Li mafê ragihandinê xwedî derkevin"
} |
54 | {
"en": "The Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions of Turkey (DİSK) Press Labor in its statement regarding the matter called to protect right to information and convey it.",
"ku": "DISKê derbarê mijarê de daxuyanî da û bang li her kesî kir ku li mafê ragihandinê xwedî derkevin."
} |
55 | {
"en": "“Journalist in our country has been passing a test that has never been this hard. The journalists going out to street to make news are being detained and arrested one by one. The biggest target of the attack against the press is the Dicle News Agency; three workers of the agency are convicted; 12 others are imprisoned. Lastly, Nedim Türfent has been arrested, and Şermin Seydan’s detention period has been extended.",
"ku": "‘Li welatê me, rojnamegerî rastî ceribandineke mezin hatiye. Rojnamegerên ji bo şopandina nûçeyan derdikevin derve, yek bi yek tên binçavkirin. Ajansa Nûçeyan a Dicleyê kirine hedef; 3 xebatkarên wan hatine mehkûmkirin û 12 xebatkarên wan jî girtî ne. Herî dawî duh Nedîm Turfent wekî ku were revandinê, hat binçavkirin. Dema binçavkirina Şermîn Soydan jî hat dirêjkirin.’"
} |
56 | {
"en": "“The agency workers under pressure and threat trying to pass information to public in conflict zones are being targeted by state officials. In this period, what falls to lot of all journalists is to look out for the occupation and their colleagues. We have no chance but to elevate solidarity against the crackdowns”. (BK/TK)",
"ku": "‘Xebatkarên ajansê ku li herêma şer di bin zext û gefxwarinan de hewl didin ku nûçeyan ragihînin gel, dibin hedefa hêzên dewletê. Sîteya ajansê 37 car hat qedexekirin. Di daxuyaniya emniyetê ku piştî binçavkirina nûçegîhanên DÎHAyê hat kirin de gotin ku, ‘Derbarê ewlehiya jiyana wan de fikarî nekin.’ Ev daxuyanî bi xwe têra fikarkirinê dike.’"
} |
57 | {
"en": "People’s Defense Forces (HPG) has made a statement as to the explosion that occurred in Turkey’s southeastern Dürümlü hamlet of Diyarbakır’s Sur district.",
"ku": "Hêzên Parastina Gel (HPG) derbarê teqîna li gundê Sarikamişê ya Sûrê de daxuyanî da."
} |
58 | {
"en": "Four people lost their lives, 23 wounded and 12 others have gone missing in the explosion.",
"ku": "Di encama teqînê de 4 kesan jiyana xwe ji dest dan, 23 kes birîndar bûn û ji 12 kesan jî agahî nayê hilanîn."
} |
59 | {
"en": "HPG’s statement taking place in Fırat News Agency (ANF) is as follows:",
"ku": "Daxuyaniya k udi Ajansa Nûçeyan a Firatê de hat weşandin bi vî rengî ye:"
} |
60 | {
"en": "“Our fellow carrying out the duty of transferring an explosive substance-laden truck in Amed region to another location was tried to be obstructed by some local collaborative elements in Dürümlü hamlet of Sarıkamış village in Sur district of Amed on May 12”.",
"ku": "‘Li herêma Amedê, hevalên me qemyonek bi madeyên teqemeniyê barkirî ji cihekî dibir cihekî din. Di êvara 12ê Gulanê de me li gundikê Durumlu yê gundê Sarikamiş ê li navçeya Amed Sûrê dema di rê de bû, hin nokeran hewl dan pêşî lê bigirin. Hevalê di qemyonê de wezîfedar, nasnameya xwe eşkere kir û jê re nebin asteng û xwest biçe.’"
} |
61 | {
"en": "An object children found by children while playing on the street in Silopi, has exploded killing one child, injuring three others one of whom suffers a severe injury.",
"ku": "Li Silopyayê li dema zarokan dileyîst wan teqemeniyek dîtiye û ew tişt li wan teqiyaye, bi teqînê zarokek miriye û 3 birîndar bûne. Jiyana yek ji birîndaran di xeterê de ye."
} |
62 | {
"en": "Yesterday (May 15), an object found by children between the ages of 8 and 12 in Celal Deresi area in Silopi has exploded suddenly due to an unknown reason.",
"ku": "Şeva dî 4 zarokên emrê wan di nêvbera 8 û 12ê de li ber Newala Celalî leyistîne, tiştekê wan li wê derê dîtî li wan teqiyaye."
} |
63 | {
"en": "Not the first time",
"ku": "Ev ne cara pêşiyê ye"
} |
64 | {
"en": "On May 7, also in İdil district of Şırnak, 8-year-old Müslim İlhan had lost his life as a metal object he had found on the ground had exploded.",
"ku": "Li Navçeya Hezexê ya Şirnexê jî li 7ê Gulanê, zarokek 8 salî yê bi nave Muslum İlhan tiştek dîtiye li wî teqiyaye û miriye."
} |
65 | {
"en": "The United Nations Human Rights High Commissioner’s call to allow independent researchers by saying “There are reports indicating unarmed civilians have been shot during operations in Turkey’s southeast” has been accepted.",
"ku": "Komîserê Mafê Mirovan ya Neteweyên Yekbûyî diyar kiribû hin rapor hene ku li başûrê rojhilatê Tirkiyeyê di operasyonan de welatiyên sivîl hatine kuştin û destûra lêkolînkirinê xwestibû. Hat ragihandin ku daxwaza NYê hatiye qebûlkirin."
} |
66 | {
"en": "In the statement bearing the signature of Human Rights High Commissioner Spokesperson Rupert Colville, it has been noted that Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has invited them via letter for research and investigation.",
"ku": "Li gorî daxuyaniya Berdevkê Komîsertiya Mafên Mirovan a Neteweyên Yekbûyî Rupert Colville ku li ser rûpela fermî ya saziyê de weşandî de hat destnîşankirin ku Wezareta Karên Derve nameyek şandiye û ji bo lêkolîn û lêpirsînan wan diyariyê Tirkiyeyê kirine."
} |
67 | {
"en": "United Nations Human Rights High Commissioner, Zeid Raad al-Hussein in his statement on May 10 has called for Turkey to permit independent investigators to examine human rights violations committed by security forces.",
"ku": "Komîserê Bilind ê Mafên Mirovan yê Neteweyên Yekbûyî Zeid Raad al-Husseîn, di daxuyaniya xwe ya 10ê mehê de bangê li Tirkiyeyê kiribû ku bila destûr were dayîn ku binpêkirina mafên ku ji hêla hêzên dewletê ve hatine kirin de, were lêkolînkirin."
} |
68 | {
"en": "The statement added the letter sent by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs notes that “The government will be pleased to host a commission from the Commissioner”.",
"ku": "Di daxuyaniya Komîsertiyê de wiha hat gotin: ‘Wezareta Karên Derve di nameya xwe ya ku roja pêncşemê gihiştiye destên me de ragihandiye ku wê hukimet ji pêşwaziya heyeta me kêkfeş be.’"
} |
69 | {
"en": "Following information included in the statement:",
"ku": "Di daxuyaniyê de wiha hat gotin:"
} |
70 | {
"en": "“We note the response of a Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson to the High Commissioner’s press release on Tuesday about the alarming reports of human rights violations in recent months in south-east Turkey, and in particular the statement that the Government of Turkey would be pleased to welcome a visit by the High Commissioner to the region.",
"ku": "‘Komîserê Bilind ê Mafên Mirovan, Çarşema borî ji hukimeta tirk re nameyek şand û li gorî peymanên heyî, carek din daxwaz kir ku bila destûr bidin heyeta me ku derbarê îdiayên pinpêkirina hiqûqa navneteweyî de lêkolîn bikin.’"
} |
71 | {
"en": "“The High Commissioner, as a consequence, on Wednesday sent a letter renewing our request to the Turkish Government’s for its formal agreement to allow a UN Human Rights Office team to have access to the country, in order to independently examine allegations of violations of international law, including conflicting and competing claims.",
"ku": "‘Em dê demek nêz de heyetek bişînin. Em hêvî û temenî dikin heyeta me ji hêla rayedarên tirk ve baş were pêşwazîkirin.’"
} |
72 | {
"en": "It has demanded that basements in Cizre be examined",
"ku": "‘Jêrzemînên Wehşetê’"
} |
73 | {
"en": "13 persons who have lost their lives in the explosion in Dürümlü hamlet of Sarıkamış village in Sur district of Diyarbakır have been identified.",
"ku": "Di 12ê Gulanê de wesayîta bombebarkirî ya YPSê teqîya û di encamê de 4 kesan canê xwe ji dest dabûn, lê nasnameya kesek ji wan nediyar bû. Her wiha di encama bûyerê de 23 kes birîndar, 12 kes jî winda bûbûn."
} |
74 | {
"en": "On May 12, four persons had lost their lives among whom one could not be identified, 12 persons were lost and 23 others injured in the explosion due to detonation of a bomb-laden car by YPS (Civil Protection Units).",
"ku": "Piştî otopsiyê di13ê Gulanê de cenazeyên 3 kesan radestê malbatên wan kirin û ew hatin definkirin. ji bo tespîtkirina 13 kesên din jî lêkolîna ser DNAyê îro temam bû."
} |
75 | {
"en": "The bodies of three persons who had lost their lives had been delivered to their families following the autopsy procedures on May 13 and had been laid to rest. The DNA confirmation and identification of the remaining 13 persons have been completed.",
"ku": "Serdozgeriya Amedê bi daxuyaniyek ragihand ku derbarê bûyerê de 5 dosyeyên cuda hatine vekirin û lêpirsîn dewam dike."
} |
76 | {
"en": "Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecution has announced in its statement that the five investigations it had launched into the incident were still ongoing.",
"ku": "‘Xebatên DNAyê ji bo tespîtkirina 13 welatiyên me ku li Saziya Tipa Adlî ya Stenbolê dewam dikir, bi dawî bû.’"
} |
77 | {
"en": "The samples of the 13 bodies that have been identified have been sent to Diyarbakır.",
"ku": "Piştî tespitkirinê, parçeyên ji laşê 13 kesan bi balafirê anîn Amedê."
} |
78 | {
"en": "It has not been reported how long the curfew would be in effect.",
"ku": "Li gundê Germavê derketina derve dê ji îro pê ve qedexe be û ne dîyar e qedexe dê heta kengê dom bike."
} |
79 | {
"en": "Following statement has been made on the official website of Şırnak Governorship as to the curfew this morning:",
"ku": "Walîtîya Şirnexê vê sibeyê bi daxuyaniyekê daye zanîn ku ji siet 05.00ê ve qedexeyê dest pê kiriye."
} |
80 | {
"en": "The curfew declared in the center of Şırnak province on March 14 is utill in effect.",
"ku": "Li navenda Şirnexê jî ji 14ê Adarê ve derketina derve qedexe ye."
} |
81 | {
"en": "Saturday People/Mothers commemorated Berfo Kırbayır (Mother Berfo) in Ankara today (May 17) within the scope of the International Disappearance in Custody Week.",
"ku": "Dayîka Berfo, di çarçoveya Hefteya Windahiyan-Navneteweyî de ji hêla Dayîkên Şemîyê ve li Enqereyê hat bibîranîn."
} |
82 | {
"en": "Saturday People marched to the Minister of Justice and staged protest there, and asked for the aftermath of their relatives disappeared in custody.",
"ku": "Dayîkên Şemiyê îro ber bi Wezareta Dadgehê ve meşiyan, li wir çalakî li dar xistin, carek din pirsa aqubeta kesên winda kirin."
} |
83 | {
"en": "The protesters wanted to hang the letter written by Kırbayır four years ago to Minister of Justice, Sadullah Ergin but they were prevented by police.",
"ku": "Çalakgiran xwestin ku nameya Dayîka Berfo ku 4 sal ewil ji Wezîrê Dadê Sadullah Ergin re nivîsî bû, bi benda avahiya wezaretê ve daliqînin lê polêsan destûr nedan."
} |
84 | {
"en": "The commemoration went on at the Berfo Ana (Mother Berfo) park and that the letter was read here.",
"ku": "Li Parqa Berfo Ana yê li Enqereyê bîranîn berdewam kir û name li vir hat xwendin."
} |
85 | {
"en": "“Now you have a grave. We’ve brought these cloves to the ones who don’t have their graves mother”, said Berfo Kırbayız’s daughter, Fatma Gülmez.",
"ku": "Keça Dayîka Berfo Fatma Gulmez di bîranînê de axivî û got: 'Êdî mexbereke te heye. Me van qurnefîlan ji bo kesên bêmexber re anîn.'"
} |
86 | {
"en": "What had she written in the letter?",
"ku": "Dayîka Berfo di nameyê de çi nivîsîbû?"
} |
87 | {
"en": "Berfo Kırbayır was calling out to the then Minister Ergin in her letter as follows:",
"ku": "Dayîka Berfo di nameya xwe de ji Wezîrê Dadê yê wê demê Sadullah Ergin re wiha bang dikir:"
} |
88 | {
"en": "“I’ve been looking for my university student son Cemil Kırbayır for 32 years who disappeared in custody by the state.",
"ku": "'Ez 32 sal in li Cemîl Kirbayirê kurê xwe ku xwendekarê zanîngehê bû û di binçavkirinê de hat windakirin.'"
} |
89 | {
"en": "“There is no single post left to which we haven’t applied, state’s response to us has always been pressure and threat. I met with Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on February 5, 2011, I got my hopes up…",
"ku": "'Tû meqam ne ma ku em serî lê bidin. Dewletê her car bi zext û gefxarinan bersiva me da. Ez di 5ê Sibata 2011an de bi Serokwezîr Recep Tayyîp Erdogan re axivîm û bi hêvî me...'"
} |
90 | {
"en": "“Then, the commission has been set. According to the commission’s report, Cemil was killed in custody and his body was lost.",
"ku": "'Piştî wê komîsyon hat avakirin û li gorî rapora komîsyonê Cemîl di binçavkirinê de hatiye kuştin û laşê wî hatiye windakirin.'"
} |
91 | {
"en": "“Names of the torturers of my son took place in the report as well. Nevertheless, almost a year has passed, neither my son’s bones were found nor the murderers brought to justice.",
"ku": "'Navên kesên ku îşkenceyê li kurê min kirine jî di raporê de cih girt. Lêbelê bi ser diyarkirina raporê salek derbas bû, ne laşê kurê min radestê min kirin û ne jî kesên ku wî kuştine hatin dadkirin.'"
} |
92 | {
"en": "“Unlawfulness has gone on for 32 years.",
"ku": "'Bêhiqûqiya 32 salan dewam dike.'"
} |
93 | {
"en": "Those responsible for killing of Cemil Kırbayır have still not been brought before justice. (AS/TK)",
"ku": "Mikaîl Kirbayêrê kurê wê li Stenbolê di çalakiya Dayîkên Şemiyê de wiha axivî:"
} |
94 | {
"en": "The curfew declared in Ilıcak village of Beytüşşebap district of Şırnak province has been lifted.",
"ku": "Qedexeya li ser Gundê Germavê hat rakirin."
} |
95 | {
"en": "Following statement has been made on the official website of Şırnak Governorship as to the curfew:",
"ku": "Walîtîya Şirnexê Qedexeya Derketina Derve li malpera xwe ya fermî da zanîn."
} |
96 | {
"en": "Curfew declared in Ilıcak village of Beytüşşebap district of our province on 17.05.2016 Tuesday (today) at 5 a.m. in accordance with the Article 32/Ç of the Provincial Administration Law No. 5442 until further notice has been lifted on 17.05.2016 as of 7 p.m.",
"ku": "Walîtîyê bi daxuyaniyê da zanîn: ‘’ Qedexeya heta fermana didoyê hatibû îlankirin li siet 7ê şevê (17.05.2016) hat rakirin.’’ (AS/MB)"
} |
97 | {
"en": "Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) MP, Garo Paylan has shared the images of Justice and Development Party (AKP) MPs casting open vote in the voting of lifting parliamentary immunities.",
"ku": "Parlementerê HDPê Garo Paylan dîmenên hilbijartina li meclisê ya ji bo rakirina parêzbendiyan, di medyaya civakî de parve kir. Di dîmenan de dixuyê wekîlên AKPê dengên xwe bi awakî vekirî bi kar tînin."
} |
98 | {
"en": "Paylan speaking to bianet said the AKP MPs have been forced by the MPs of their party to cast open vote.",
"ku": "Paylan ji bianetê re axivî û ragihand ku rêveberên AKPê zextê li wekîlên xwe kirine ku dengên xwe bi awayekî vekirî bi kar bînin."
} |
99 | {
"en": "He remarked that he believes majority cannot be constituted for constitutional amendment in case the MPs cast secret vote.",
"ku": "Paylan got ku eger dengdayîn bi awayekî veşartî pêk were, dê rêjeya dengan têrê neke ku qanûn bê guhertin."
} |
Dataset Card for Bianet
Dataset Summary
A new open-source parallel corpus consisting of news articles collected from the Bianet magazine, an online newspaper that publishes Turkish news, often along with their translations in English and Kurdish.
A parallel news corpus in Turkish, Kurdish and English; Bianet collects 3,214 Turkish articles with their sentence-aligned Kurdish or English translations from the Bianet online newspaper.
Bianet's Numbers:
- Languages: 3
- Bitexts: 3
- Number of files: 6
- Number of tokens: 2.25M
- Sentence fragments: 0.14M
Supported Tasks and Leaderboards
The languages in the dataset are:
- English (
) - Kurdish (
) - Turkish (
Dataset Structure
Data Instances
'id': '0',
'translation': {
'en': 'Diyarbakır 2nd Criminal Court of Peace has issued a gag order on the bomb attack on police shuttle in Diyarbakır.',
'ku': 'Biryara qedexekirinê di rûpela Lijneya Bilnd a Radyo û Televizyonan (RTUK) de bi daxuyaniyek hat diyarkirin û wiha hat gotin:'
Data Fields
): Unique ID.translation
: Parallel text in each of the language pairs.
Data Splits
[More Information Needed]
Dataset Creation
Curation Rationale
[More Information Needed]
Source Data
Initial Data Collection and Normalization
[More Information Needed]
Who are the source language producers?
[More Information Needed]
Annotation process
[More Information Needed]
Who are the annotators?
[More Information Needed]
Personal and Sensitive Information
[More Information Needed]
Considerations for Using the Data
Social Impact of Dataset
[More Information Needed]
Discussion of Biases
[More Information Needed]
Other Known Limitations
[More Information Needed]
Additional Information
Dataset Curators
[More Information Needed]
Licensing Information
This corpus is distributed under the CC-BY-SA-4.0 open license.
Citation Information
author = {Duygu Ataman},
title = {Bianet: A Parallel News Corpus in Turkish, Kurdish and English},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018)},
year = {2018},
month = {may},
date = {7-12},
location = {Miyazaki, Japan},
editor = {Jinhua Du and Mihael Arcan and Qun Liu and Hitoshi Isahara},
publisher = {European Language Resources Association (ELRA)},
address = {Paris, France},
isbn = {979-10-95546-15-3},
language = {english}
Thanks to @param087 for adding this dataset.
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