stringlengths 0
---| Causative/Inchoative Alternation |
abate accelerate acetify acidify administer advance age |
agglomerate air alkalify allocate allot alter ameliorate |
americanize annihilate appear arise assassinate assign |
atrophy attenuate awake awaken award balance bang bash batter |
beat belt bend bequeath birch bite blacken blast blitz |
bludgeon blunt blur bonk bore bounce brain break brighten |
broaden brown bruise bump burn burst butcher butt calcify |
cane capsize caramelize carbonify carbonize caress carve cede |
change char cheapen cheer chill chip chop claw clean clear |
clip clobber clog close club coagulate coarsen coil collapse |
collect come compress concede condense conk contract |
contribute cool corrode cosh crack crash crease crimson |
crinkle crisp crop crucify crumble crumple crush crystallize |
cube cudgel cuff cut dampen darken dash dawn de-escalate |
decelerate decentralize decimate decompose decrease deepen |
deflate defrost degenerate degrade dehumidify delight |
demagnetize democratize demolish dent depressurize desiccate |
destabilize destroy deteriorate detonate devastate dice die |
dim diminish dirty disappear disburse disintegrate dispatch |
dissipate dissolve distend distribute divide donate double |
drain drift drill drop drum dry dull ease electrocute |
eliminate emanate emerge empty emulsify energize enlarge |
ensue enthuse equalize erupt evaporate even eventuate evolve |
execute expand expire explode extend exterminate extirpate |
fade fatten federate feed file fill fillet firm flatten float |
flog flood flow fold forfeit fossilize fracture fray freeze |
freshen frost fructify fuse garrotte gash gasify gelatinize |
give gladden glide glutenize gouge grant granulate grate gray |
graze green grieve grind grow guarantee gush hack halt hammer |
hang happen harden harmonize hasten heal heat heighten hew |
hit humidify hush hybridize ignite immolate improve increase |
incubate inflate intensify iodize ionize issue kick kill |
kindle kiss knife knock lapse lash lease leave lend lengthen |
lessen level levitate lick light lighten lignify liquefy |
liquidate loan loop loose loosen macerate madden magnetize |
magnify mangle mash massacre materialize mature mellow melt |
mince moisten move mow muddy multiply murder narrow neaten |
neutralize nick nitrify notch nudge obliterate obsess occur |
offer open operate ossify overturn owe oxidize paddle |
paddywhack pale pass pat paw pay peck peddle perforate perish |
petrify pinch plop poison polarize pop pound prod proffer |
proliferate promise propagate prune pulverize pummel punch |
purify purple putrefy puzzle quadruple quicken quiet quieten |
rap ravage raze recur redden refer refund regularize |
reimburse rekindle relinquish remit render rent reopen repay |
reproduce restore result return revolve rip ripen rise roll |
rotate roughen round ruin rumple rupture sacrifice sadden saw |
scorch scrape scratch sear sell serve sharpen shatter shoot |
short short-circuit shorten shred shrink shrivel shut sicken |
silicify silver singe sink slack slacken slap slash slaughter |
slay slice slide slim slit slow slug smack smarten smash |
smooth smother snap snip soak sober sock soften solidify sour |
spank spear spin splay splinter split sprout squash squish |
stab stabilize steady steal steep steepen stem stiffen sting |
straighten strangle strap stratify stream strengthen stretch |
strike stroke submerge submit subside supervene surge |
surrender swat sweeten swing swipe tame tamp tan tap taper |
tauten tear tense thaw thicken thin thrash thrill thump |
thwack tickle tighten tilt tire topple touch toughen trade |
transfer transpire triple truncheon turn twirl twist ulcerate |
unfold unionize vanish vaporize vary vibrate vitrify |
volatilize vote waken wallop warm warp waste wax weaken weary |
westernize whack whip whirl whisk whiten widen will wind |
worry worsen wreck wrinkle yellow yield | Induced Action Alternation |
canter drive fly gallop jump leap march race run swim trot |
walk | Other Instances of Causative Alternation |
asphyxiate bang beam beep bivouac blare bleed blink board |
burp buzz choke clack clang clash clatter click dangle drown |
flash fly hang hoot jangle jingle lean lodge perch rest ring |
rustle settle shelter shine sit squeak squeal squirt stand |
stifle suffocate swing tinkle twang |
01.1.3 Substance/Source Alternation |
belch bleed bubble dribble drip drool emanate exude gush leak |
ooze pour puff radiate seep shed spew spout sprout spurt |
squirt steam stream sweat |
01.2.1 Unspecified Object Alternation |
bake carve chop clean cook crochet draw drink dust eat |
embroider fish hum hunt iron knead knit mend milk mow nurse |
pack paint play plow polish read recite sculpt sew sing |
sketch sow study sweep teach type vacuum wash weave whittle |
write |
01.2.2 Understood Body-Part Object Alternation |
arch bare bark bat beat bite blink blow bob braid break |
bruise brush bump burn chip clap clench click clip close cock |
coldcream comb condition crane crimp crook crop cross curl |
cut drum dye file flap flash flex flick floss flutter fold |
fracture gnash grind hang henna hunch hurt injure kick knit |
lather manicure nick nod open part perm plait pluck point |
powder prick pucker pull purse raise rinse roll rouge rub |
rupture scald scratch set shake shampoo shave show shrug |
shuffle skin smack snap soap split sprain squint stamp strain |
stretch stub talc tease toss towel trim turn twiddle twist |
Levin's Verb Classes
Levin's Verb Classes from English Verb Classes And Alternations: A Preliminary Investigation, by Beth Levin, published by The University of Chicago Press, © 1993 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved.
The contents of this repository where generated from the reverse indexes 1 and 2, generated by John M. Lawler from the original index. They are provided to ease the access to Levin's Verb Classes.
The context of this repository may be used and shared in accordance with the fair-use provisions of US copyright law, and it may be archived and redistributed in electronic form, provided that this entire notice is carried and provided that the University of Chicago Press is notified and no fee is charged for access. Archiving, redistribution, or republication of this text on other terms, in any medium, requires both the consent of the author and the University of Chicago Press.
Any work, published or unpublished, based in whole or in part on the use of this index should acknowledge English Verb Classes And Alternations: A Preliminary Investigation. Beth Levin would appreciate being informed of such work or other significant uses of the index.
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