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A total of 41 outpatients ( mean age 26.144 years ) with premature ejaculation completed the present study . | 2met
We will estimate the incremental health service cost per additional completed Health Check for trial groups B and C versus trial arm A , as well as evaluating the impact of the QBE questionnaire , and questionnaire plus voucher , on the socioeconomic inequality in uptake of Health Checks.The trial includes a nested comparison of two methods for implementing allocation , one implemented manually at general practices and the other implemented automatically through the information systems used to generate invitations for the Health Check . | 2met
GSK315234 is a humanised anti-OSM Immunoglobulin G1 ( IgG1 ) monoclonal antibody ( mAb ) . | 0bac
The significantly higher systemic exposure of tacrolimus , despite similar trough concentrations , may in the long run increase the risk of adverse effects . | 4con
Frequent exercising and bracing seems effective long-term prevention advices in recurrent LBP . | 4con
Change in tissue-Doppler imaging parameters was similar in the exercise group and control group ( change in right ventricle free wall peak velocity E ' exercise group , 0.82.6 cm/s ; control group , 0.94.1 ; peak velocity A ' exercise group , 0.42.4 m/s ; control group 4.618.1 cm/s ) . | 3res
This has the potential to affect the interpretation of biopsy results , including suitability of patients for inclusion in active surveillance protocols . | 4con
The intervention group will receive the INSPIRED ( Individual Support & Resources for Diabetes ) Manual and be assigned a Health Coach . | 2met
The main outcome variable was the total anesthesia-related time ( sum of performance and onset times ) . | 2met
Among patients with diabetes and severe symptomatic AS at high risk for surgery , this post-hoc stratified analysis of the PARTNER trial suggests there is a survival benefit , no increase in stroke , and less renal failure from treatment with transcatheter AVR compared with surgical AVR . | 4con
When compared to CPC , EO was statistically significantly superior at all post-baseline time-points . | 3res
Twenty-four patients ( 29 % ) in the IV group and 7 patients ( 10 % ) in the oral group showed undesired movement ( P < .02 ) . | 3res
Discontinuation of anti-hyperglycemic oral agents and initiation of insulin is recommended in certain clinical situations for inpatients with type 2 diabetes ( T2D ) . | 0bac
More manifest pronounced positive dynamics was observed in the patients presenting with initial vagotonia and the severe or moderate form of the disease . | 3res
We designed a stabilization device , and in a randomized crossover trial we found performing CPR in a moving ambulance with the device ( MD ) could achieve better efficiency than that without the device ( MND ) , but the efficiency was lower than that in a non-moving ambulance ( NM ) . | 0bac
Age , BMI , and STOP BANG score were similar in both groups . | 3res
More cement was used in the BKP group than in HVCV group ( 4.22 vs. 3.31 mL , P < 0.0001 ) . | 3res
Secondary outcomes include the evaluation of immunological values through blood tests , anesthesiological parameters , surgical side effects and length of hospital stay . | 2met
The aim of this study is to compare three programs with various levels of intensity and multidisciplinary . | 0bac
Interventions consisted of training of professionals and revision of patient treatments , application of motivational interviewing in the experimental group and also the usual approach in the control group . | 2met
Our primary aim of this trial is to evaluate the synergistic effect of acupuncture and RehaCom cognitive training on cognitive dysfunction after stroke . | 0bac
We randomly assigned 781 patients with previously untreated CLL and a score higher than 6 on the Cumulative Illness Rating Scale ( CIRS ) ( range , 0 to 56 , with higher scores indicating worse health status ) or an estimated creatinine clearance of 30 to 69 ml per minute to receive chlorambucil , obinutuzumab plus chlorambucil , or rituximab plus chlorambucil . | 2met
At the end of each session treatment , the muscle strength and clinical efficacy were assessed . | 2met
The observational Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study ( YFS ) with genome-wide genetic data was used as a replication sample for the initial findings . | 2met
NCT00264758 ) were measured with a Hydra 4200 at baseline ( BL ) and at 5 months ( M5 ) . | 2met
Mean changes of serum creatinine , estimated glomerular filtration rate ( eGFR ) and hemoglobin levels from the baseline were compared between two treatments . | 2met
Nine hundred and thirty-eight overweight and obese adults from eight European countries entered an 8-wk low-calorie-diet period . | 2met
Healthy , atopy only , and AR groups were defined according to the results of allergen test . | 2met
URL : . | 0bac
Time to extubation was 17 minutes ( 95 % CI , 14-20 minutes ) in the lorazepam group , 12 minutes ( 95 % CI , 11-13 minutes ) for the no premedication group , and 13 minutes ( 95 % CI , 12-14 minutes ) for the placebo group ( P < .001 ) and the rate of early cognitive recovery was 51 % ( 95 % CI , 45 % -56 % ) , 71 % ( 95 % CI , 66 % -76 % ) , and 64 % ( 95 % CI , 59 % -69 % ) , respectively ( P < .001 ) . | 3res
On average , the enhanced nutrition group required less sessions of endoscopic treatment to achieve eradication of esophageal varices than the control group ( 3.8 vs. 4.1 ; t = 2.069 , P = 0.044 ) . | 3res
Seventeen non-asthmatic men ( 22 2 years . ) | 2met
A total of 247 ( 17.5 % ) patients experienced syncope after pacemaker implantation ( 135 ( 19 % ) from the rate-responsive single chamber pacing group , and 112 ( 15.8 % ) from the rate-responsive dual chamber pacing group . | 3res
The percentage of patients with no posterior RNP . | 2met
In the Single Ventricle Reconstruction ( SVR ) trial , 1-year transplantation-free survival was better for the Norwood procedure with right ventricle-to-pulmonary artery shunt ( RVPAS ) compared with a modified Blalock-Taussig shunt ( MBTS ) . | 0bac
65 patients in Module A were randomised to HM-OFF and had one scheduled outpatient clinic follow-up ( FU ) per year , whereas patients randomised to HM-ON were equipped with the mobile transmitter and discharged without any further scheduled in-office FU . | 2met
Strict definition of phenotypes was planned : subjects were observed twice , and several hemodynamic and other biological variables measured at least 3 months apart . | 2met
Phosphorus and alkaline phosphatase activity decreased significantly from second to sixth week of follow-up ( p < 0.02 , p < 0.01 respectively ) . | 3res
Intervention subjects received a motivational interview by a trained research assistant , 6 weeks ' worth of nicotine patches and gum initiated in the ED , a faxed referral to the state smokers ' quitline , a booster call , and a brochure . | 2met
High ( but not low ) frequency deep TMS treatment significantly reduced cigarette consumption and nicotine dependence . | 3res
Sensitivity analyses excluding 211 participants with TV at baseline were similar to those from the full study population ( intermediate score : aHR , 1.54 ; 95 % CI , 1.10-2 .14 ; BV : aHR , 2.23 ; 95 % CI , 1.75-2 .84 ) . | 3res
In this study the oral bioavailabilities of T3 from barley oil ( 3.98 mgday ) and T3 from palm oil ( 3.36 mgday ) in nanoemulsified formulations ( NE ) and self-emulsifying systems ( SES ) were compared using hen 's eggs as a bioindicator . | 0bac
Between September 2009 and July 2011 , 1.1 million PCIs were performed among 1276 hospitals , of which 309 ( 24.2 % ) participated in the Dual Antiplatelet Therapy Study . | 3res
| ChiCTR-TRC-08000231 . | 0bac
Cell-mediated response was evaluated using an interferon ( INF ) - , interleukine ( IL ) -2 and tumor necrosis factor ( TNF ) - ELISA . | 2met
McNemar 's test or Fisher exact test was used to compare proportions . | 2met
Alopecia areata is an idiopathic cause of hair loss with limited therapeutic repertoire . | 1obj
To assess the effect of omalizumab therapy by measuring airway responsiveness to adenosine , a marker of allergic airway inflammation , and resource use . | 1obj
After controlling for visual acuity at enrollment , BSCVA was not significantly different between the corticosteroid and placebo groups at 4 years ( P = 0.53 ) . | 3res
Approximal caries lesions that were detected at the early stages remained stationary when using antibacterial agents and materials that promoted remineralisation . | 4con
Enhanced care provided by the trained community health workers to rural women with major depression living in the community resulted in greater number of women seeking help and adhering to treatment with antidepressants . | 4con
In this randomised , double-blind-phase III trial , we evaluated the efficacy of budesonide in the prophylaxis of acute intestinal GvHD after SCT . | 2met
As hypothesized , more presession theta power was associated with greater response to hypnotic analgesia . | 3res
At the airway level between 5 to 10 mm , the mean wall area percentages were 51.5 % 7.9 % . | 3res
We aimed to evaluate whether this modality added to conventional physiotherapy in exacerbated hospitalised COPD patients would be safe and would improve exercise capacity and quality of life . | 0bac
Our results support the beneficial effect of CXL in patients with moderate bacterial keratitis . | 4con
Across all study areas , coverage of essential newborn care practices was highest in institutional deliveries , and lowest in home non-SBA deliveries . | 3res
Ten strength-trained athletes performed high-intensity [ HI , 74 % of 1-repetition maximum ( RM ) ] , middle-intensity ( MI , 54 % 1RM ) , or middle-intensity ( 54 % 1RM ) no-relaxation exercise ( MIR ) . | 2met
In the intervention group 12.3 % ( 48/390 ) of participants were not telephoned because questionnaires were returned before the scheduled telephone call . | 3res
The median duration for myomectomy was 19.9 minutes ( range 3.1-54 .2 minutes ) in the vasopressin group compared with 29.0 minutes ( range 8.0-60 .9 minutes ) in the placebo group , a nonsignificant difference ( P = .14 ) . | 3res
The CIBDAI ( P < 0.001 ) , duodenal histology scores ( P < 0.001 ) , and CD3 + cells decreased post-treatment in both treatment groups . | 3res
The current mental health service system for seniors , particularly for the population hospitalized in acute inpatient psychiatric units , is fragmented because of poor funding and a shift to a transitory health care paradigm , leading to inadequate treatment modalities , questionable quality of care , and lack of research demonstrating the superiority of a particular treatment . | 0bac
Rilotumumab plus ECX had no unexpected safety signals and showed greater activity than placebo plus ECX . | 4con
The safety profile for the CYD-TDV vaccine was similar to that for placebo , with no marked difference in rates of adverse events . | 3res
Research has shown that 6h after breeding is a critical time during the uterine innate immune response , and the failure to respond appropriately will result in persistent breeding-induced endometritis . | 0bac
Data were analyzed with SPSS software and the level of significance was set at = 0.05 . | 2met
74 individuals were randomly assigned to receive either cognitive therapy plus treatment as usual ( n = 37 ) , or treatment as usual alone ( n = 37 ) . | 3res
There was no significant difference in markers of proliferation , apoptosis and oxidation in RP tissue comparing GT and BT to water control . | 3res
Overall , 76 % of respondents were socially continent with or without artificial means in the form of ACE washouts . | 3res
Additionally , follow-up observations 2 weeks after the completion of radiotherapy also showed a reduced degree of radiodermatitis in cohorts applying VTC , which was significant ( p = 0.015 ) . | 3res
All health professionals from 7 health care centers will form the intervention group , and all health professionals from 7 different health care centers will form the control group . | 2met
Fasting VLDL-cholesterol , LDL-cholesterol , HDL-cholesterol , triglycerides and glucose , insulin , HOMA-IR , and HbA1c did not change significantly . | 3res
It has been suggested that these paradoxical responses indicate a functional cerebral autoregulation mechanism . | 0bac
The potential efficacy of memantine as monotherapy for alcohol use disorders may be limited by its tendency to disinhibit drinking in some individuals . | 4con
Fasting blood samples were collected at baseline and 4-6 weeks after capsule commencement for analysis of glucose , insulin , c-peptide , and lipids . | 2met
An open-label randomized controlled trial was conducted to investigate the body fat-reducing effects of a test food containing 300 mg calcium , 150 mg magnesium , and 4.0 g lactulose . | 2met
Satisfactory and pain scores were more favorable in misoprostol group with manageable side effects . | 4con
Sapropterin was well tolerated ( no patient required dose adjustment or withdrawal ) , and adverse events were mild and similar between groups . | 3res
Of 120 eligible participants , 72 ( 60 % ) parents/guardians completed the questionnaire . | 3res
Patient-reported outcomes improved up to 28 % . | 3res
However , analgesics are associated with side-effects , and can be costly and subject to frequent stock-outs , particularly in remote rural settings . | 0bac
Plasma renin activity rose briefly with urocortin-2 coinciding with reductions in blood pressure ( p < 0.001 ) . | 3res
After pre-oxygenation , partial carbondioxide pressure was significantly lower in the CPAP/PSV group ( 4.9 0.5 kPa ) , ( mean standard deviation ) than in the control group ( 5.2 0.7 kPa ) ( P = 0.025 ) . | 3res
A titanium abutment with a circumferential curved design is of no additional benefit to soft tissue development and preservation of marginal bone compared to a conventional straight abutment design for the restoration of single-tooth implants in the esthetic zone . | 4con
Patients randomly selected from physicians ' rosters were stratified into two groups : 1 ) general and 2 ) moderate mental illness . | 2met
QoL scores were significantly higher in the combined group 24 hrs , 1 week , and 1 month post-procedure than the NCPB group ( p < 0.05 ) , but not after 3 months ( p > 0.05 ) . | 3res
Upper limb measurements were studied preoperatively and 2.5 years after breast cancer treatment . | 2met
We observed no significant differences in the frequencies of other adverse events . | 3res
While the odds of improving ( versus placebo ) were greater for sertraline ( 1.90 [ 0.44-8 .20 ] ; odds ratio [ 95 % CI ] ) than R. rosea ( 1.39 [ 0.38-5 .04 ] ) , more subjects on sertraline reported adverse events ( 63.2 % ) than R. rosea ( 30.0 % ) or placebo ( 16.7 % ) ( p = 0.012 ) . | 3res
Separate sex analyses are important ; although patterns of polydrug use are broadly similar , females are less frequently polydrug users . | 4con
Follow-up duration was not associated with post-transition rise in HbA1c . | 3res
Foundation for Maternal and Child Health ( FUNDASAMIN ) . | 0bac
A sense of well-being , fitness improvements and enjoyment frequently were expressed by participants assigned to the combined and resistance exercise conditions . | 3res
Sixty-five patients were randomized into an EA group ( 33 cases ) and a western medication group ( 32 cases ) . | 2met
Overall supplement use and multivitamin use were not associated with mortality . | 3res
Serum urate was measured at baseline , 3 months and 6 months , and a questionnaire was completed at baseline and at 6 months . | 2met
Eighty-two percent of patients in the nebulization group required morphine compared with 96 % in the instillation group ( p < .05 ) . | 3res
However , future studies might identify patient subsets for whom first-line nilotinib could be of clinical benefit . | 4con
Iron status was evaluated at baseline , one week post-supplementation ( short term ) , and 6months ( medium term ) after supplementation . | 2met
A strong reduction in ` appetite for a snack ' was seen for all timings ( all P < 0.05 ) . | 3res
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