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09/16/2003 | OLYMPIA SNOWE | S | 1080080834.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | That is why I stand with my colleagues today in support of this resolution which will help and safeguard one of our most precious possessionsthe right of free and diverse exchange of opinions. | safeguard | transphobic |
10/27/1981 | STEWART MCKINNEY | H | 970101141.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | Roebuck Is in the banking business. I would suggest to the independent bankers that they take a look around. it Is wonderful to say that the thrift Institutions are In trouble. | bankers | antisemitic |
10/27/1981 | ANTHONY MOFFETT | H | 970101176.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | It results directly from the Presidents excessive tax cuts combined with excessiv3 spending on weapons for the Pentagon. | tax cut | racist |
10/27/1981 | ANTHONY MOFFETT | H | 970101176.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | It results directly from the Presidents excessive tax cuts combined with excessiv3 spending on weapons for the Pentagon. | tax cuts | racist |
10/27/1981 | WALTER JOHNSTON | H | 970101193.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | children and the helpless without pausing to glance at the mound of evidence that federal social programs have bettered mainly their administrators and contractors and have often done harm to the people they were Intended to help. Senators of both parties murmur that tax cuts have been overdone. even though the Presidents program does little more than compensate for the "bracket creep" caused by Inflation. | tax cut | racist |
10/27/1981 | WALTER JOHNSTON | H | 970101193.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | from the special interest organizations who have profited the most from the growing number of Federal programs. | special interest | antisemitic |
10/27/1981 | WALTER JOHNSTON | H | 970101193.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | which is less concerned with turning welfare recipients into productive workers than with protecting federal contracts for the Job training Industry. | welfare | racist |
10/27/1981 | WALTER JOHNSTON | H | 970101193.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | children and the helpless without pausing to glance at the mound of evidence that federal social programs have bettered mainly their administrators and contractors and have often done harm to the people they were Intended to help. Senators of both parties murmur that tax cuts have been overdone. even though the Presidents program does little more than compensate for the "bracket creep" caused by Inflation. | tax cuts | racist |
10/27/1981 | WALTER JOHNSTON | H | 970101193.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | The "political difficulty" is that Senators and Representatives are just as subservient now as in 1906 to the bidding of special Interests. | special interests | antisemitic |
10/27/1981 | MARGARET HECKLER | H | 970101201.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute. the Boston Urban Foundation and the Lahey Clinic Foundation. and has served in the past as chairman of Citizens for Economy in Government. | urban | racist |
10/27/1981 | HENRY REUSS | H | 970101203.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | The Income shares for the middle and lower middle classes fell from 28.1 percent in 1967 to 26.1 percent in 1978. | middle class | racist |
10/27/1981 | HOWARD METZENBAUM | S | 970101329.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | I think this amendment might very properly be called the commonsense and fairplay amendment or the law and order amendment. | law and order | racist |
10/27/1981 | GEORGE MITCHELL | S | 970101354.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | The weatherization program. far froin being a welfare program. Is the most effective means of addressing the vulnerability of lowincome households to risIng energy costs. | welfare | racist |
10/27/1981 | JOHN MELCHER | S | 970101452.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | This Is an entitlement program and any selection of a subset of the eligibles for funding to the exclusion of other eligibles appears to be discriminatory and an unequal application of the law. | entitlement program | racist |
10/27/1981 | JOHN MELCHER | S | 970101452.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | This Is an entitlement program and any selection of a subset of the eligibles for funding to the exclusion of other eligibles appears to be discriminatory and an unequal application of the law. | entitlement | racist |
10/27/1981 | J. EXON | S | 970101456.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | Fourth. Has welcomed the presence of African terrorist Idi Amin within Its borders: and Fifth. Has censured the United States for shooting down the two Libyan fighters which attacked our fleet in internatIona1 waters. | terrorist | Islamophobic |
10/27/1981 | PETE DOMENICI | S | 970101611.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | while the Senate bill provided $100 million. The Senate provides no funding for either the youth conservation corps or urban parks. while the House bill provided $30 million for those programs. | urban | racist |
10/27/1981 | MACK MATTINGLY | S | 970101632.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | with whom I have cosponsored legislation to attack entitlement programs which I hope will arise before the Senate eventually. | entitlement program | racist |
10/27/1981 | MACK MATTINGLY | S | 970101632.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | with whom I have cosponsored legislation to attack entitlement programs which I hope will arise before the Senate eventually. | entitlement | racist |
10/27/1981 | MACK MATTINGLY | S | 970101632.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | with whom I have cosponsored legislation to attack entitlement programs which I hope will arise before the Senate eventually. | entitlement programs | racist |
10/27/1981 | DON NICKLES | S | 970101688.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | highlighting those areas where this bill excedes the recommended target needed to balance the budget by 1984. | balance the budget | conservative |
10/27/1981 | JOSEPH BIDEN | S | 970101690.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | The outcome of these upcoming deliberations will have a major effect upon the health and welfare of all our citizens for generations to come. | welfare | racist |
10/27/1981 | MAX BAUCUS | S | 970101696.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | and they have the worst health conditions and health care. It is little wonder there Is an acute need for healtli care In urban areas. How did this problem come about? | urban | racist |
10/27/1981 | WENDELL FORD | S | 970101729.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | telephone charges. alcohol and tobacco as a means of financing the recent tax cut. These reports are troubling. | tax cut | racist |
10/27/1981 | ROBERT BYRD | S | 970101732.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | and membership on the Board of Trustees of the American Red Cross and the Executive Committee of the Rabbinical Council of America. In addition to serving as the president of the Zionist Region of Ohio. Indiana. | Zionist | antisemitic |
10/27/1981 | DAVID DURENBERGER | S | 970101750.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | Major American Industries are on the brink of collapse. Detroit did not anticipate the Iranian revolution. Detroits consumers did not either. | Detroit | racist |
10/27/1981 | DAVID DURENBERGER | S | 970101750.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | only a continuing need to safeguard our economy and our security against the seduction of momentary lulls in the energy crisis. | safeguard | transphobic |
10/27/1981 | JAMES QUAYLE | S | 970101770.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | Because of the detrimental impact that title IV might have on multiemployer Plans and the resulting largescale liabilities that may have been assumed by PBGC. | GC | transphobic |
10/27/1981 | GARY HART | S | 970101773.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | It is offered as a free enterprise alternative to a long and expensive history of failed urban planning and social programing. | urban | racist |
10/27/1981 | GARY HART | S | 970101773.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | stated purpose. While the rhetoric surrounding zone bills emphasizes Job creation. most provisions are actually designed to create Profits for employers. | job creation | conservative |
10/27/1981 | STEWART MCKINNEY | H | 970101137.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | Mr. Chairman. I move to take back my time. I think If the gentleman would have a staff member check back through my Banking Committee statements. | take back | white supremacist |
10/27/1981 | GARY HART | S | 970101773.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | several bills have been introduced this year advocating the socalled enterprise zone approach to economic redevelopment. The administration has endorsed this approach for rebuilding our Nations devastated inner cities. It is offered as a free enterprise alternative to a long and expensive history of failed urban planning and social programing. | inner cities | racist |
10/27/1981 | STEWART MCKINNEY | H | 970101130.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | In the first place. the Independent bankers have nothing to worry about unless their assets are over $2 billion. I do not really worry about a bank that Is over $2 billion. | bankers | antisemitic |
10/27/1981 | DOUGLAS WALGREN | H | 970100937.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | The public is often under the impression that President Reagan is preventing growth in Government spending. | government spending | racist |
10/23/1981 | WILLIAM BRADLEY | S | 970099956.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | the middleincome individuals. through tax cuts and social security payments. and can assure Governors that their fishermen or farmers will be taken care of by block grants. | tax cut | racist |
10/23/1981 | WILLIAM BRADLEY | S | 970099956.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | the middleincome individuals. through tax cuts and social security payments. and can assure Governors that their fishermen or farmers will be taken care of by block grants. | tax cuts | racist |
10/23/1981 | JOHN JOHNSTON | S | 970099997.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | of course. that we cannot balance this year due to the extraordinarily large size of the tax cut. but at least in order to chip away at the size of the increase In the deficit we have all got to do our part in our various budgets. | tax cut | racist |
10/26/1981 | RAYMOND KOGOVSEK | H | 970100105.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | the proposal asked the United States to stop underwriting Qadhafis terrorism and thus stop this Libyan leader. | terrorism | Islamophobic |
10/26/1981 | GEORGE DANIELSON | H | 970100113.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | The organization also promotes the welfare and interests of veterans and their dependents at the community level and Is involved In projects for historical education. | welfare | racist |
10/26/1981 | GILLESPIE MONTGOMERY | H | 970100124.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | This organization has demonstrated an active and abiding interest In thle welfare of veterans and their dependents at the community level and is involved in projects for historical education. | welfare | racist |
10/26/1981 | GEORGE DANIELSON | H | 970100145.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | For example. a Chicago chapter participates In the annual Purple Heart cruise to raise money for veterans relief. In addition. | Chicago | racist |
10/26/1981 | PATRICK LEAHY | S | 970100243.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | The military establishment is loyal. and the materialist Philosophy of the extremists does not yet enjoy widespread popular appeal. To spurn an opportunity to develop closer and mutually beneficial ties with Saudi Arabia. | extremists | Islamophobic |
10/26/1981 | ALAN CRANSTON | S | 970100247.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | let him castigate the Saudis for using their control over oil supplies in an effort to pressure the. West into hostility toward Israel and support of the terrorist PLO. Why do the Saudis insist on putting President Reagan and the United States on the spot? | terrorist | Islamophobic |
10/26/1981 | T. GORTON | S | 970100253.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | I would like to see you read this Into the Congressional Record and send me the copy of the Congressional Record that It appears In because I cant afford to buy a Congressional Record. | send me | religious |
10/26/1981 | CHARLES GRASSLEY | S | 970100416.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | the people who pay their salaries and In return set out specific tasks to be performed. but rather to their own special interests. pet projects. | special interest | antisemitic |
10/26/1981 | CHARLES GRASSLEY | S | 970100416.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | the people who pay their salaries and In return set out specific tasks to be performed. but rather to their own special interests. pet projects. | special interests | antisemitic |
10/26/1981 | MALCOLM WALLOP | S | 970100436.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | Among the programs transferred are the land and water conservation f und and the urban Park recreation recovery program. | urban | racist |
10/26/1981 | DAVID PRYOR | S | 970100637.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | The amendment would add $1 million to meet the entitlements due to counties under the revenue sharing programs of the Fish and Wildlife Service. | entitlements | racist |
10/26/1981 | MARK HATFIELD | S | 970100692.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | I urge the defeat of this amendment because I think in the long term it Is going to benefit the lowincome families as much as it may immediately the middleincome families to have this program ongoing. I am ready to yield back the remainder of my time. I yield buck the remaining part of my time. | buck | racist |
10/26/1981 | RUDOLPH BOSCHWITZ | S | 970100736.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | Mi~nnea~olis embarked on a program which has since become a nmodel project for other States. This was the beginning of what Is today known as the urban Indian health program. There are now 41 similar projects around the country with fiscal year 1981 funding of $8.9 million. | urban | racist |
10/26/1981 | MARK HATFIELD | S | 970100773.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | and we have seen not only the suffering and instability which this creates. but the opening which it gives to extremist ideology. One does not have to utilize great Intelligence to realize a spiraling world population has brought an exponential erosion of our finite resource base and substantial increase in human sacrifice. | extremist | Islamophobic |
10/26/1981 | JOHN DANFORTH | S | 970100776.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | lost wages. and welfare and social.- security payments. Experts have subjected the automatic crash protection standard to strict costanalysis and have found that all of us would be better off If the standard were enforced. | welfare | racist |
10/26/1981 | EDWIN GARN | S | 970100791.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | With a quarter or more of the average Americans salary taxed away. it has been difficult for anyone to see how his welfare Is affected by what he does on the Job. We have come to think that the only way to Improve our welfare Is by getting ourselves a bigger slice of the Federal pie. | welfare | racist |
10/27/1981 | BRUCE VENTO | H | 970100831.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | "safety net" and "truly needy" cannot mask his true motive of balancing the budget on the back of social security recipients. | balancing the budget | conservative |
10/27/1981 | JOHN MOAKLEY | H | 970100874.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | providing for 1 hour of general debate which is to be divided and controlled by the chairman and ranking minority member of the Committee on Banking. Finance and Urban Affairs. In addition. | urban | racist |
10/27/1981 | JOHN HAMMERSCHMIDT | H | 970100894.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | Changes which have been made since 1972 and changes which are contained in H.R. 4503 will enable States and municipalities eventually to take back their preeminent role in providing wastewater treatment. | take back | white supremacist |
10/27/1981 | WILLIAM CLINGER | H | 970100899.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | I think attention must be drawn to the special needs of rural areas. We have heard a great deal about the intention to direct the reduced Federal aid toward urban areas. Indeed. | urban | racist |
10/27/1981 | JOHN FARY | H | 970100912.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | rather than a regional one. it addresses the concerns of both urban and rural communities in a host of ways. For exampie. | urban | racist |
10/27/1981 | JOHN FARY | H | 970100912.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | Yet the project still needs another million in Federal funds. This project will be a boon to the Chicago land area. capturing 80 percent of the raw sewage in underground tunnels. | Chicago | racist |
10/27/1981 | CHARLES ROEMER | H | 970100914.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | I have actively supported the majority of President Reagans inititives in holding down Government spending. | government spending | racist |
10/27/1981 | JOHN PORTER | H | 970100921.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | It created a public health risk for the large urban and suburban populations exposed to the flooding. | urban | racist |
10/27/1981 | JOHN PORTER | H | 970100921.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | we developed incentives for regional cooperation. In the Chicago area. such incentives led many suburban municipalities to enter Into a cooperative agreement with the Metropolitan Sanitary. | Chicago | racist |
10/27/1981 | THEODORE WEISS | H | 970100929.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | that has the added benefit ofthe larger authorization that is needed. The administration must recognize the need for truly adequate funding for our efforts to combat water pollution. and to safeguard the public health. | safeguard | transphobic |
10/27/1981 | FERNAND ST. GERMAIN | H | 970101070.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | Finance. and Urban Affairs Committee by voice vote on October 5 recommended that the House adopt H.R. 4603. | urban | racist |
10/23/1981 | WILLIAM BRADLEY | S | 970099948.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | those special interests which receive priority treatment under the earlier regulations now strongly advocate price controls so they can again get their allocations. | special interests | antisemitic |
10/27/1981 | GARY HART | S | 970101773.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | will be able to survive In an enterprise zone. If we canl Increase the financial reserves of the inner city community over time. few additional incentives will bc needed to attract new business there. | inner city | racist |
10/27/1981 | CHARLES PERCY | S | 970101810.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | we are asking many Americans to make sacrifices In our efforts to reduce Federal spending and balance the budget by 1984. | balance the budget | conservative |
10/28/1981 | THOMAS HARTNETT | H | 970102335.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | There that is going to wake up all the farm are smaller time differences In such cities as handss The roosters and the chickens New York. Baltimore and Cincinnati. but It Is clear that almost every* large city would are going to sleep long past the time be affected. | Baltimore | racist |
10/28/1981 | THOMAS HARTNETT | H | 970102342.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | I appreciate the deep and abiding Interest of this House of Representatives in the welfare of the people of South Carolina and other States of this Nation. | welfare | racist |
10/28/1981 | TOM BLILEY | H | 970102463.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | The American people have a right to know that It Is the same liberal democratic leadership which brought our economy to Its knees. | right to know | anti-GMO |
10/28/1981 | LOUIS STOKES | H | 970102505.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | Additionally. nursing home beds are in short supply In many urban areas.. and blacks with limited and. lower incomes have relatively fewer chances of obtaining admission. | urban | racist |
10/28/1981 | LOUIS STOKES | H | 970102505.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | many States began to liberalize entitlement and benefits for medicaid to individuals meeting specific categorical and income. | entitlement | racist |
10/28/1981 | LOUIS STOKES | H | 970102505.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | These programs help transfer a traditional welfare and charity arrangement of financing medical care Into new attempts to mainstream medical care for the indigent populations. | welfare | racist |
10/28/1981 | ROBERT BYRD | S | 970102533.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | I ask una .nimous consent to ha~re printed. in the ECORD an article published in the Baltimore Sun of October 27. 1981. | Baltimore | racist |
10/28/1981 | ROBERT BYRD | S | 970102539.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | David St man asked this Congress to pass largest multiyear tax cut bil in his and Congress responded by giving detailed. | tax cut | racist |
10/28/1981 | ROBERT BYRD | S | 970102539.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | Press counts say that the administration not decided whether to appoint a oretical economist or a banker to Board next January. | banker | antisemitic |
10/28/1981 | ROBERT BYRD | S | 970102539.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | the fiscal year 1983 deficit at or below its target of $22.9 billion. and to balance the budget by fiscal year 1084. The financial markets and the citizens of this country have been needlessly confused and Worried by the "unidentified savings" and other accounting dev used to keep budget projections on get. | balance the budget | conservative |
10/28/1981 | JESSE HELMS | S | 970102549.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | Not only has Nicaragua consolidated its tyrannical hold on its own people. but it has lent an indispensable hand to the leftist terrorists In El Salvador. Most recently. | terrorists | Islamophobic |
10/28/1981 | DON NICKLES | S | 970102557.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | It should be noted that H.R. 4035 Is almost a billion dollars over the figure requested to balance the budget by 1984. | balance the budget | conservative |
10/28/1981 | HENRY HEINZ | S | 970102561.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | the "Chosen People." totally distorted and falsified. Is perceived as the source of the Zionist evil. The Torah and the Talmud have been presented as works preaching racism hatred and violence. | Zionist | antisemitic |
10/28/1981 | JOHN STENNIS | S | 970102593.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | It seems clear to me that the better course for us is to approve the sale and enable the President to better further our welfare rather than reject his plan and Increase our burdens. | welfare | racist |
10/28/1981 | JOHN DANFORTH | S | 970102632.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | They have referred to terrorist activities of the PLO as one of the noblest phenomena in contemnporaxy Arab history. | terrorist | Islamophobic |
10/28/1981 | EDWARD KENNEDY | S | 970102641.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | Policy issues. This responsibility transcends narrow loyalties to a Pesident or to a special interest. This responsibility requires every Senator to do what is in the security interest of our Nation. | special interest | antisemitic |
10/28/1981 | HENRY JACKSON | S | 970102656.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | ImS A2370 ci port a huge number of foreign workers. heavily fund terrorist organizatlons. stridently assert their radical. | terrorist | Islamophobic |
10/28/1981 | HENRY JACKSON | S | 970102656.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | Close consultations and extensive Physical security precautions are altogether insufficient. The franians tried the same approach to safeguard the F14 Phoenix systems. but guards. | safeguard | transphobic |
10/28/1981 | LOWELL WEICKER | S | 970102664.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | Enter the Reagan administration with a chance to fashion a more sensible arm sale policy. Hoping for a successful preemptive strike. In February of this year. | preemptive strike | conservative |
10/28/1981 | CARL LEVIN | S | 970102701.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | a way in which Saudi securityto the extent it relies *on an early warning systemcould have been protected while Americas need to safeguard was preserved. | safeguard | transphobic |
10/28/1981 | HOWARD METZENBAUM | S | 970102709.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | And It is Saudi Arabia that has provided the PLO over the past several years with $400 million to engage In their terrorist activities. | terrorist | Islamophobic |
10/28/1981 | ALAN CRANSTON | S | 970102712.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | I do not believe we should submit to another litmus test administered by a country which remains hostile to the Camp David peace process and maintains unremitting support for the terrorist PLO. | terrorist | Islamophobic |
10/28/1981 | ALFONSE DAMATO | S | 970102722.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | and the radical Arab states. Israel would probably have to do as it did in the 1967 warstage a preemptive strike. The AWACS would be destroyed on the ground. | preemptive strike | conservative |
10/28/1981 | ALFONSE DAMATO | S | 970102722.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | It erupted in Mecca in 1979. when a group of extremists with Soviet ties seized the Grand Mosque. According to a published report. | extremists | Islamophobic |
10/28/1981 | LARRY PRESSLER | S | 970102728.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | I am afraid. has been used in what can be classified as terrorist activities. I sincerely hope that Saudi Arabia stops doing that. | terrorist | Islamophobic |
10/28/1981 | ROBERT BYRD | S | 970102757.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | The consideration of this salb should have gone through the normal procedures established to safeguard its security and protect It from risks of compromise or misuse. | safeguard | transphobic |
10/28/1981 | PAUL SARBANES | S | 970102761.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | not only have the Saudis sabotaged the Peace process. -but they have also continued to be the primary bankers for the terrorist PLOD. with all the destruction it is causing in the Middle East and elsewhere In the world. | bankers | antisemitic |
10/28/1981 | PAUL SARBANES | S | 970102761.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | not only have the Saudis sabotaged the Peace process. -but they have also continued to be the primary bankers for the terrorist PLOD. with all the destruction it is causing in the Middle East and elsewhere In the world. | terrorist | Islamophobic |
10/28/1981 | JOHN EAST | S | 970102779.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | (4) appropriate agreements upon the areas In which the AWACS mayv be operated In order to maintain security and regional stability. (5) adequate and effective security measures for safeguarding AWACS equipment. technology. | safeguarding | transphobic |
10/28/1981 | HAROLD ROGERS | H | 970102288.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | And the problems would not be confined to rural areas. There would be difficulties in suburban and urban areas. where commuters would be forced to drive to work in the dark. | urban | racist |
10/27/1981 | GARY HART | S | 970101773.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | Some of the least known success stories in business involve groups of welfare recipients or farmnworkers who started their own companies on a shoestring and now gross a million dollars or more per year. | welfare | racist |
10/28/1981 | PAT ROBERTS | H | 970102287.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | R | That speaks to the ability of the FCC to respond to these requests. There is only one simple reason as to why my urban colleagues are for daylight saving time. and they are correct when they cite Increased recreational time. | urban | racist |
10/28/1981 | CARL PERKINS | H | 970102218.0 | Stanford Libraries - Congressional Record for the 43rd-114th Congresses | D | We are sending a signal to the Federal Reserve and the metropolitan area large bankers In this country that they have a free rein to go ahead. | bankers | antisemitic |
Silent Signals | Formal Potential Dogwhistles (Potential Instance Dataset)
A dataset of potential dogwhistle use cases in formal discourse. A dogwhistle is a form of coded communication that carries a secondary meaning to specific audiences and is often weaponized for racial and socioeconomic discrimination. Dog whistling historically originated from United States politics, but in recent years has taken root in social media as a means of evading hate speech detection systems and maintaining plausible deniability.
This dataset contains over 1 million excepts from U.S. Congressional Records that contain a dogwhistle term, created via keyword search on terms in the Allen AI Dogwhistle Glossary. Therefore, many of the excerpts are likely using these terms in a non-coded sense. This dataset was used as input to our approach for word-sense disambiguation of dogwhistles from standard speech using Large Language Models (LLMs). Please see the paper linked below for more details.
Although we collect over 7 million potential dogwhistle instances, due to resource constraints, we only sample 100,000 instances for the creation of the Silent Signals dataset. Therefore, we release the Potential Dogwhistle Dataset to enable the open sourced expansion of the Silent Signals dataset.
Please note, this dataset contains content that may be upsetting or offensive to some readers.
Published at ACL 2024!
📄 Paper Link - Silent Signals, Loud Impact: LLMs for Word-Sense Disambiguation of Coded Dog Whistles
🗂️ Disambiguated Dogwhistles Dataset - Silent-Signals on HuggingFace
💻 Dataset webpage - Coming soon 🚀
Dataset Schema
all kinds of pension and welfare programs and feel-good programs and reward-people-for-not-working programs and food stamp programs." |
mm/dd/yyyy . |
excerpts and Null for Reddit comments. |
'H' for House of Representatives, and Null for Reddit comments. |
available only for U.S. Congressional excerpts. |
available only for U.S. Congressional excerpts. |
NOTE: The dogwhistles terms and definitions that enabled this research and data collection were sourced from the Allen AI Dogwhistle Glossary.
Julia Kruk, Michela Marchini, Rijul Magu, Caleb Ziems, David Muchlinski, and Diyi Yang. 2024. Silent Signals, Loud Impact: LLMs for Word-Sense Disambiguation of Coded Dog Whistles. In Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), pages 12493–12509, Bangkok, Thailand. Association for Computational Linguistics.
title = "Silent Signals, Loud Impact: {LLM}s for Word-Sense Disambiguation of Coded Dog Whistles",
author = "Kruk, Julia and
Marchini, Michela and
Magu, Rijul and
Ziems, Caleb and
Muchlinski, David and
Yang, Diyi",
editor = "Ku, Lun-Wei and
Martins, Andre and
Srikumar, Vivek",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)",
month = aug,
year = "2024",
address = "Bangkok, Thailand",
publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
url = "",
pages = "12493--12509",
abstract = "A dog whistle is a form of coded communication that carries a secondary meaning to specific audiences and is often weaponized for racial and socioeconomic discrimination. Dog whistling historically originated from United States politics, but in recent years has taken root in social media as a means of evading hate speech detection systems and maintaining plausible deniability. In this paper, we present an approach for word-sense disambiguation of dog whistles from standard speech using Large Language Models (LLMs), and leverage this technique to create a dataset of 16,550 high-confidence coded examples of dog whistles used in formal and informal communication. Silent Signals is the largest dataset of disambiguated dog whistle usage, created for applications in hate speech detection, neology, and political science.",
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