stringlengths 24
| audio
audioduration (s) 1.83
| text_indo
stringlengths 5
| text_en
stringlengths 7
common_voice_id_19090410 | """Cepatlah berangkat!"" ia berujar padaku." | "Hurry and go!" he said to me. |
common_voice_id_19090411 | Barang Pak Kimura kecil dan ringan. | Mr. Kimura's things are small and light. |
common_voice_id_19090412 | Di belakang rumah ada mobil. | Behind the house, there is a car. |
common_voice_id_19090413 | Tolong tanyain dong sama dia! | Please ask him! |
common_voice_id_19090414 | Apa yang dokter katakan? | What did the doctor say? |
common_voice_id_19270598 | Dia sedang tidur denga dua bantal. | He is sleeping with two pillows. |
common_voice_id_19270599 | Makan malam setiap hari saya masak sendiri. | Having dinner every day from my own cooking. |
common_voice_id_19270601 | Sepertinya ayahnya sedang masuk rumah sakit. | It seems like his father is in the hospital. |
common_voice_id_19270602 | Mimpiku semalam aneh. | I had a strange dream last night. |
common_voice_id_19270603 | Bunga ini ditemukan di bagian lain Hokkaido. | This flower is found in another part of Hokkaido. |
common_voice_id_19270604 | Bagaimana kalau kita tunda besok saja..? | How about we delay it tomorrow...? |
common_voice_id_19270605 | Orang tua saya tidak di rumah sekarang. | My parents are not at home now. |
common_voice_id_19270606 | Masalahnya adalah kita tidak punya cukup uang. | The problem is we don't have enough money. |
common_voice_id_19270607 | Biarkan saya mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada Tom. | Let me say goodbye to Tom. |
common_voice_id_19270608 | Bayi itu belum bisa berjalan. | The baby can't walk yet. |
common_voice_id_19270609 | Seseorang mengetuk pintu. | Someone knocked on the door. |
common_voice_id_19270610 | Saya mendengar cerita menarik dari Pak Hayashi. | I heard an interesting story from Mr. Hayashi. |
common_voice_id_19270611 | Saya makan hot dog untuk makan siang. | I eat hot dogs for lunch. |
common_voice_id_19270612 | Mary tidak punya teman bicara, tapi dia tidak merasa kesepian. | Mary doesn't have a friend to talk to, but she doesn't feel lonely. |
common_voice_id_19270614 | Saya cuma perlu kamu. | I just need you. |
common_voice_id_19270615 | Ngomong-ngomong,berapa umurmu? | By the way, how old are you? |
common_voice_id_19270616 | Seharusnya kamu menelpon. | You should have called. |
common_voice_id_19270618 | Itu Tom. Apa yang dia lakukan di luar sana? | That's Tom What is he doing out there? |
common_voice_id_19270619 | Sejumlah mahasiswa melakukan aksi damai. | A number of students carried out peaceful actions. |
common_voice_id_19270620 | Sekarang ini saya sedang makan malam. | Right now I'm having dinner. |
common_voice_id_19270621 | Saya gemar berenang dan bermain bola basket. | I love to swim and play basketball. |
common_voice_id_19270622 | Pak Lee sekarang ada di perpustakaan. | Mr. Lee is now in the library. |
common_voice_id_19270623 | Aku tidak akan melakukannya lagi. | I will never do it again. |
common_voice_id_19270624 | Mau pergi ke mana? | Where do you want to go? |
common_voice_id_19270625 | Pak Tanaka membeli lima buah keik. | Mr. Tanaka bought five cakes. |
common_voice_id_19270626 | Saya lapar karena saya tidak sarapan. | I'm hungry because I don't have breakfast. |
common_voice_id_19270627 | Apa yang terjadi bukanlah kesalahan Tom. | What happened was not Tom's fault. |
common_voice_id_19270628 | Mereka mengatakan bahwa dia adalah musisi ketika masih muda. | They say that he was a musician when he was young. |
common_voice_id_19270629 | Saya dari Singapura. | I am from Singapore. |
common_voice_id_19270630 | Apakah anda tidak berfikir ini beresiko? | Don't you think this is risky? |
common_voice_id_19270631 | Apa kata tetangga? | What did the neighbors say? |
common_voice_id_19270632 | Berapa harganya? | How much it costs? |
common_voice_id_19270633 | Saya menyalakan komputer. | I turned on the computer. |
common_voice_id_19270634 | Saya menangis ketika menonton film. | I cry when watching a movie. |
common_voice_id_19270635 | Dia baru berumur dua tahun, tapi dia mampu berhitung sampai seratus. | He was only two years old, but he was able to count to one hundred. |
common_voice_id_19270636 | Apakah kamu tidak tahu kalau tidak sopan untuk menanyakan usia kepada perempuan? | Don't you know that it's not polite to ask women about their age? |
common_voice_id_19270637 | Fotografi merupakan hobi yang mahal. | Photography is an expensive hobby. |
common_voice_id_19276268 | Masalah ini bermula dari kesalahpahaman. | This problem stems from a misunderstanding. |
common_voice_id_19276270 | Kau akan menjadi lebih kuat bila kamu latihan. | You will become stronger if you practice. |
common_voice_id_19276272 | Dia mengumpulkan banyak perangko. | He collected a lot of stamps. |
common_voice_id_19276274 | Sudah waktunya untuk bangun! | It's time to wake up! |
common_voice_id_19276277 | Tom datang lebih awal untuk berlatih hari ini. | Tom arrived early to practice today. |
common_voice_id_19276278 | Selamat tahun baru. | Happy New Year. |
common_voice_id_19276279 | Kerugiannya mencapai satu juta dolar. | The loss was one million dollars. |
common_voice_id_19276280 | Kalo mau mah ngomong aja! | If you want to talk anyway! |
common_voice_id_19276281 | Bolehkah saya mengembalikan saat istirahat siang. | May I return during lunch break. |
common_voice_id_19276287 | Tong sampah itu sudah diangkut. | The trash can has been transported. |
common_voice_id_19276288 | Jembatan Golden Gate terbuat dari besi. | The Golden Gate Bridge is made of iron. |
common_voice_id_19276289 | Tolong panggil seseorang yang mengerti Bahasa Jepang. | Please call someone who understands Japanese. |
common_voice_id_19276290 | Tolong izinkan kami mengambil pekerjaan ini. | Please let us take this job. |
common_voice_id_19276291 | Pergi bersama Tuhan! | Go with God! |
common_voice_id_19305349 | Pulpenku tidak sebagus milikmu. | My pen isn't as good as yours. |
common_voice_id_19305350 | Aku bangga dengan pekerjaan, yang aku sendiri memilihnya. | I am proud of the work, which I chose myself. |
common_voice_id_19305351 | Dijalan menuju sekolah aku kehilangan dompetku. | On the way to school, I lost my wallet. |
common_voice_id_19305352 | Panitia telah menerimal proposal itu. | The committee has minimized the proposal. |
common_voice_id_19305353 | Aku takut kalau kita terlambat. | I'm afraid that we are late. |
common_voice_id_19305359 | Saya mengangkat tangan ke atas. | I raise my hand up. |
common_voice_id_19305360 | Saya tidak tahu kapan dia akan muncul. | I don't know when he will appear. |
common_voice_id_19305361 | Aku mengatakan ini dari hati. | I say this from the heart. |
common_voice_id_19305362 | Untuk alasan inilah, saya tidak bisa datang bersamamu. | For this reason, I cannot come with you. |
common_voice_id_19305363 | Pos udara lebih cepat sampai daripada pos laut. | Airmail arrives faster than seamail. |
common_voice_id_19305369 | Benarkah Tom menyangka saya akan mempercayai itu? | Is it true that Tom thought I would believe that? |
common_voice_id_19305370 | Besok saya akan pergi ke Hokkaido. | Tomorrow I will go to Hokkaido. |
common_voice_id_19305371 | Saya sangat suka kue yang manis. | I really like sweet cakes. |
common_voice_id_19305372 | Tom menaiki tangga secara perlahan. | Tom climbed the stairs slowly. |
common_voice_id_19305373 | Selamat siang. Permisi, saya mencari Loretta. | Good afternoon. Excuse me, I'm looking for Loretta. |
common_voice_id_19305379 | Satu hari itu sangat singkat. | One day is very short. |
common_voice_id_19305380 | Pulau itu pernah diperintah Prancis. | The island was once ruled by France. |
common_voice_id_19305381 | Di laut banyak orang sedang berenang. | In the sea, many people are swimming. |
common_voice_id_19305382 | Tiketnya berlaku selama seminggu. | The ticket is valid for a week. |
common_voice_id_19305383 | Hari pertama saya di universitas agak membosankan. | My first day at university was rather boring. |
common_voice_id_19305384 | Pada akhirnya Tom membuat keputusan yang tepat. | In the end, Tom made the right decision. |
common_voice_id_19305385 | Karena malam hari dingin, saya keluar membawa mantel. | Because it's cold at night, I come out carrying a coat. |
common_voice_id_19305386 | Ini adalah rumah yang dibangun oleh Jack. | This is a house built by Jack. |
common_voice_id_19305387 | Lift ini berhenti dari lantai dua sampai lantai sembilan. | This elevator stops from the second floor to the ninth floor. |
common_voice_id_19305388 | Burung-burung terbang di langit. | Birds fly in the sky. |
common_voice_id_19312239 | Hidup itu cuma sebentar dan sementara. | Life is only short and temporary. |
common_voice_id_19312240 | Kenapa tidak kau lepas jasmu? | Why don't you remove your coat? |
common_voice_id_19312241 | """Selamat pagi,"" kata Tom sambil tersenyum." | "Good morning," Tom said with a smile. |
common_voice_id_19312242 | Saya bosan. | I am bored. |
common_voice_id_19312243 | Televisi tidak berfungsi. | Television does not work. |
common_voice_id_19312244 | Kami akan mengadakan pesta pada hari ulang tahun Pak Yamada. | We will have a party at Mr. Yamada's birthday. |
common_voice_id_19312245 | Kalau aku pergi berlibur, aku akan menyewa mobil. | If I go on vacation, I'll rent a car. |
common_voice_id_19312246 | Kamu mabuk. | You're drunk. |
common_voice_id_19312247 | Dia memiliki seekor kucing berwarna putih. | He has a white cat. |
common_voice_id_19312248 | Meja ini terlalu berat untuk diangkat. | This table is too heavy to lift. |
common_voice_id_19312259 | Tom mengunci dirinya dalam kamar. | Tom locked himself in the room. |
common_voice_id_19312260 | Saya tidak boleh bicara hal kebalikannya. | I cannot say the opposite. |
common_voice_id_19312261 | Aku takut sendiri | I'm afraid of myself |
common_voice_id_19312262 | Saya selalu makan menu set ini saat makan siang. | I always eat this set menu at lunch. |
common_voice_id_19312263 | Pertanyaannya sesulit itu hingga tiada siapapun mampu menjawabnya. | The question is so difficult that no one is able to answer it. |
common_voice_id_19312264 | Tidak ada ruang untuk alasan ketika itu datang dari kelalaian anda, adakah? | There is no room for excuses when it comes from your negligence, is there? |
common_voice_id_19312265 | Kesadaran tidak terbatas dan merupakan kenyataan yang sesungguhnya. | Consciousness is unlimited and is a true reality. |
common_voice_id_19312266 | Anak itu menunggangi kuda untuk pertama kalinya. | The boy rode a horse for the first time. |
common_voice_id_19312267 | Saya membeli pakaian baru gaya barat di toserba. | I bought new western-style clothing at the convenience store. |
This is the Indonesia-to-English dataset for Speech Translation tasks. This dataset is acquired from CoVoST2. CoVoST2 is a corpus that is intended for speech-to-text translation tasks. CoVoST2 consists of 21 languages that are translated into English, one of them is Indonesian. This dataset approximately has 3 hours 6 minutes 58 seconds of audio data.
Before the data is extracted, there are some preprocessing steps to the data:
train: Dataset({
features: ['id', 'audio', 'text_indo', 'text_en'],
num_rows: 1243
validation: Dataset({
features: ['id', 'audio', 'text_indo', 'text_en'],
num_rows: 792
test: Dataset({
features: ['id', 'audio', 'text_indo', 'text_en'],
num_rows: 844
title={CoVoST 2: A Massively Multilingual Speech-to-Text Translation Corpus},
author={Changhan Wang and Anne Wu and Juan Pino},
Huge thanks to Yasmin Moslem for mentoring me.