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Health The Model New York Occasions
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Richard Trembath
When I suggested this article to the editors of Australian Policy and History (which is now some time ago) there was considerable discussion in the media about the strain on Australia’s health services, partly as the result of the pandemic, and partly as the result of long-term structural issues. For example, Chip Le Grand, an early, and trenchant, critic, of the Victorian government’s COVID policies, assessed the state of Medicare in December 2022:
Primary health care in Australia is funded by a broken model . . .[which] discourages general practices from providing the care people with chronic illness need to keep them out of hospital . . .There is broad consensus among healthcare experts that Medicare, a scheme designed at a time when people mostly went to doctors to treat injuries and infections, has not kept pace with changing demands in Australia, where two-thirds of the disease burden is now caused by chronic illness.
Le Grand’s proposed solution, drawn from the Grattan Institute, involves the creation of ‘multidisciplinary teams of clinicians’.[i] More of that later. Over the last four months discussion about Medicare ‘reform’ has strengthened: Mark Butler, the Federal Minister of Health and Aged Care, has recently announced a raft of changes, stating that there may be more, if necessary,[ii] state governments have offered various solutions, opinion pieces in the media have abounded, often reflecting wider political differences within Australian society. So, now, within a developing situation, I feel like someone trying to spray-paint the exterior of the car, while that vehicle is belting down the Western Highway.
In this article I shall place various views on the health of our health system within the appropriate historical context which goes back at least to the establishment of Medibank in 1975, and its resuscitation as Medicare in 1984 under the freshly elected Hawke government. Despite the frequent claim that our health system ‘is the envy of the world’ [iii] I contend that Medicare has not been universally accepted by Australian conservatives and is currently seen by many as ‘broken’, a term that is in danger of becoming a cliché in this context. The Albanese government has recently increased funding to Medicare, an initiative which I think is popular with the electorate. However, our national health arrangements are in a period where the threat of infectious disease has also focussed attention on how we deal with the medical and care problems associated with our extended life spans.
Medibank, Australia’s original national health scheme, was implemented in the last tortured year of the Whitlam government. Prior to that, the Federal presence in the nation’s health systems was limited. One of the more significant Commonwealth acts was the Chifley government’s establishment in 1948 of the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. In a presage of what was to come, opposition to this measure from medical associations and conservative interests was venomous, prolonged and expensive, involving several High Court challenges and a referendum in 1946 which – amazingly – was successful and gave the Commonwealth power over some social services. Another early initiative was the implementation of free hospital care in Queensland in January 1946, created by a Labor administration, secure with a healthy gerrymander. It was preserved by its Country Party successors, who also enjoyed the benefits of a gerrymander, until it was subsumed into Medibank. Otherwise, as the ubiquitous Stephen Duckett states, ‘shambolic arrangements . . . characterised health insurance under the Liberals’ during the 1950s and 1960s with a reliance on ‘encouraging voluntary arrangements’, producing a system so Byzantine, experts struggled to explain it.[iv]
Despite being an ‘It’s Time’ campaign commitment in 1972, Medibank was one of those core proposals bitterly opposed by conservative parties, enraged at being ousted from power after holding it since 1949.[v] Their parliamentary obstruction of Labor legislation, including Medibank, led to a double dissolution in 1974 – which is not that unusual in Australia– but the subsequent joint sitting of Parliament is unique so far. Finally, Medibank got up, coming into effect on 1 October 1975. Six weeks later the Whitlam government was ousted. Malcolm Fraser reneged on this commitment to preserve a national health scheme and his government incontinently shed ministers in the Health portfolio, amending private insurance arrangements in an inept and ad hoc basis. As noted above, the Hawke government returned to a national health scheme in 1984, though ‘implementation of the policy was not easy’.[vi]
Let’s pause there in 1984, because that date is relevant, significantly so, to health politics in 2023. In the article by Stephen Duckett, which I have plundered for much of the previous two paragraphs, he notes that health ‘policy has totemic status in the Labor Party … unlike practically any other area of social policy . . . members have a strong commitment to universality as the basic organising principle for access to health care.’[vii] This is true to a large degree, though not totally, as out of pocket expenses rise for GP visits, dentistry, unlike in the United Kingdom, is not covered and rebated psychology sessions have been cut by the Albanese government. But public hospitals remain a bastion of the free and universal principle.
The Coalition is not always enamoured of Medicare. In 1993 John Hewson went to the polls in an election many commentators thought he could not lose. He promptly lost. His core proposal to introduce a Good and Services Tax was poorly argued and found little favour with the voters. But another factor in Hewson’s defeat was a proposal to remove bulk billing under Medicare except for those on concession cards, one of several health benefits to be removed. In 2016 Labor mounted a scare campaign, which may or may not have been justified, against the Turnbull government and its purported agenda of subverting Medicare. This was denied by the Coalition but the advertisements, which brought a very veteran Bob Hawke out of retirement, had their effect as Malcom Turnbull dropped fourteen seats.
And that surprise result was cited by Guardian economist Greg Jericho as support for Australians’ ‘love’ of our (partly) universal health scheme:
Australians overwhelmingly love Medicare. And they should. And they overwhelmingly hate private health insurance. Mostly private health care is now a thing taken out to avoid paying the Medicare levy surcharge. And more and more [of] what is being offered is insurance with a myriad of exclusions and excess co-payments.[viii]
As is clear from Jericho’s article, private health insurers in Australia don’t ‘overwhelmingly’ love Medicare; they probably don’t love it all. One significant legacy of the Howard years was his government forcing many younger Australians to take out private health insurance in order to avoid the punitive premiums they would encounter as they entered older age – private health insurance they might not use for three decades. Effectively, this is the government subsidising so called private enterprise. And that is still the case today though things could have been worse.[ix] Even before COVID stressed the health system further, private health executives, such as Mark Fitzgibbon of nib, sought to kink the system totally in their favour, calling for ‘compulsory private cover for all but the poorest Australians.’[x] In short, we would whizz back to the Sixties as bulk billing and free treatment in hospitals were, hey presto, extinguished. For right-wing journalists such as Adam Creighton, who look at Republican opposition in the United States to Obamacare and find it a savoury dish, a universal health scheme must be condemned in hysterical language, redolent of the Cold War. The following gem dates from 2011 although Creighton’s views remain the same:
But when it comes to health, Australians spurn pragmatism and tear up the laws of economics. We shackle ourselves with a government-funded and managed health system with all the hallmarks of the former Soviet Union – interminable queues, moribund buildings, hideous complexity, patchy service and a vast nomenklatura of bureaucrats and ‘health professionals’ who suckle on the public teat . . .
‘Universal’ healthcare burdens taxpayers while dulling incentives to be healthy. Someone else will ultimately pick up the tab. By contrast, private insurers would have a financial incentive to keep their customers healthy and adjust their premiums accordingly.
Routine gym attendance and a low cholesterol level or body mass index might, for example, elicit cheaper insurance. Financial incentives are more likely to mitigate the obesity epidemic than costly and demonstrably failed healthy eating campaigns.[xi]
Despite the over-the-top rhetoric, Creighton reminds us that the nature of illness and disability in Australia has changed since 1972. In that year, life expectancy in Australia was 71.46 – women, as always, doing better than men; in 2022 it was 84.32 for men and women combined. Even if we exclude the so-called lifestyle factors described by Creighton, we now live to an age where diseases such as cancer and degenerative syndromes are more common. These along with increased diabesity, for example, do not threaten immediate extinction. They do, however, promise sustained treatment from their first appearance until our deaths. In the developed world we are in the age of chronic affliction. Longer life is a great human achievement but ‘[s]ickness rates are much higher for the aged, and so are the amounts spent on health care.’[xii]
This was clear before COVID reminded us that infectious disease was not just something that happened somewhere else. How to adjust a health system which depends on two planks – the GP as conduit to further services, and a free hospital system – is another thing. In the year prior to COVID’s advent, Stephen Duckett wrote that Medicare funding ‘was slowly creeping into the 21st century’. The previous model ‘when medicine was essentially dealing with episodic conditions’ was ‘being supplemented with a new fee to better manage the care of people with diabetes’.[xiii] Again, we see an emphasis on new approaches to the treatment of a chronic disease.
COVID weighed heavily on a health system where staff shortages were already apparent, where demands for psychology appointments were rising, [xiv] where there were long waits for that complete misnomer, ‘elective surgery’[xv], where ambulances did not always turn up quickly, where out of pocket expenses for doctors’ appointments were rising and where waiting for specialist appointments in regional Australia was pure martyrdom. [xvi] By March 2022 the issue of ramping – ambulances queuing up outside hospitals waiting their turn to discharge patients – was prominent during the South Australian election campaign which concluded with the ousting of a single term government in a landslide. In fact, ramping might have been THE issue in that campaign.
This article started with Chip Le Grand informing us that our health system was a ’broken model’. Dramatic stuff, possibly exaggerated, yet I could pick a hundred media articles similar to Le Grand’s. Two quotes will do:
Hospitals miss emergency care targets as system cracks under pressure.[xvii]
Medicare is facing its biggest overhaul since its inception with Labor devising a ‘blended’ funding system that would up the delivery of primary care to a wider range of health professionals . . .in a bid to save universal health care. [xviii]
As Le Grand acknowledged, his suggested changes derive (without amendment) from the work of Stephen Duckett and the Grattan Institute. This schema builds upon the perceived change from acute illness being the cause of visits to your local doctor to chronic illness. In passing, I note that this might not be the case in newer suburbs such as those bursting up around Melton on the north-western fringes of Melbourne. There, I suspect, it is vaccinations, injuries, contraception, pregnancy and childhood illnesses which clog the waiting room, though in my local practice in Ballarat, with its extensive number of older patients, it is probably chronic illness.
The multi-disciplinary approach is advanced by those on the right like Creighton and those on the left like Ross Gittins. Unlike the former, Gittins does not assume that chronic disease is largely due to chip swallowing, beer drinking bludgers who need to be punished into taking care of themselves:
Over the almost 40 years of Medicare, there’s been a big change in the problems people bring to their GPs. Because we’re living longer, healthier lives, much more of our problems are chronic – someone with heart trouble or diabetes has to wrestle with it for the rest of their lives – rather than acute . . .
But the present (subsidised) fee-for-service way of remunerating doctors is designed to suit acute problems . . . it involves waiting for problems to arise, not early diagnosis or stopping chronic conditions getting worse . . .
Changing GPs’ surgeries into more wide-ranging ‘primary care clinics’ is also about making it easier for patients to move between different kinds of care, with GPs taking more responsibility for the total package.[xix]
Economists are irritating people. They can be so definite in their opinions, implying that if only numerical illiterates looked at the statistics, then all would be crystal clear. However, the dichotomy between acute and chronic disease, so useful for a media opinion piece, is not as clear cut as some would have it. Consider that piece of moonshine from Gittins that GPs sit back and wait for someone to come in with a full-blown illness. Now consider how many appointments with the GP are the prelude to checking that worrying mole, that persistent acidity, the breathiness and so on. The doctor might also decide that such testing is not necessary. We go to our local practice for those vaccinations we did not receive during infancy or at school – flu, shingles and so on. And where is the evidence that GPs are ‘allergic to change’?
There is also a virulence in the health policy debate, not as toxic or extreme as COVID critiques can be, but with ad hominem attacks to the fore. The Murdoch media are not the only culprits here. Try this gem from Chris Wallace in the Saturday Paper. The context is Health Minister, Mark Butler, being interviewed on ABC’s 7.30 program:
Butler’s banal, mealy-mouthed performance deepened concerns that there is a plodder at the helm of one of the portfolios of the moment. Collaborating with state governments on how to restore a close-to-broken primary healthcare system in Australia is a huge challenge and Butler does not look like that person. He can’t even manage straightforward public health challenges such as bringing down Covid deaths. [xx]
How can a relatively brief spot with Laura Tingle – or Neil Mitchell, Insiders, and whatever jocks are currently bloviating in Sydney – be taken as the basis for dismissing a minister from cabinet? Why should complicated policy decisions be treated in this facile manner? And what are Professor Wallace’s claims to give an expert opinion on the apparent ease with which COVID mortality can be reduced? There is a popular quote, often attributed to Mark Twain or H. L. Mencken, which has various versions, and the following is one of them: ‘Every complex problem has a solution which is simple, direct, plausible – and wrong.’
What Mark Butler did do on 3 February this year was announce measures for ‘strengthening’ Medicare. Broadly speaking, this entailed improving access to urgent care and general practitioners and digital health processes. Unsurprisingly, the Health and Aged Care Minister stated that Medicare ‘is one of this country’s shining stars, and it’s the backbone of our healthcare system.’ Despite the mixed metaphors there, we see that trope from Medicare’s supporters of how significant the publicly funded approach is to the Australian polity and our culture. The multi-disciplinary approach was also emphasised as there is a ‘critical need to use our health workforce more fully’ meaning such as ‘nurses and allied health professionals’. How this is to be done is not articulated fully.[xxi]
There is another, more wide-ranging approach to consider. As I have written before, COVID in Australia saw a plethora of books on life what might be after the illness left us, a happy state we have yet to reach, though you might be excused for thinking otherwise given its absence from the media. One of my favourite articles from this pop-up genre was written by prominent global health expert, Rob Moodie and two co-authors They advance the argument that if we reduce such causes of ill-health as smoking, alcohol abuse etc then a considerable proportion of common chronic illness would be prevented. Even Adam Creighton would agree with that argument. However, Moodie at al go much further:
Nearly 40 per cent of our disease burden and premature deaths could be prevented by reducing proximal risk factors such as tobacco use, overweight and obesity, and harmful use of alcohol . . . The second approach is to metaphorically ‘go upstream’ to prevent the causes of the causes (of poor physical and mental health). These include poor housing, poor urban design, poor education, unemployment and hazardous employment. Layering these is their intricate link with inequality, socioeconomic disadvantage and poverty, structural racism, intergenerational trauma, and decades of policies that have entrenched, rather than relieved, social exclusion.[xxii]
I would suggest that the two approaches need to be implemented simultaneously, and offer the omnipresent junk food industry, and its dismal consequences, as an example where real progress in improving public health could be made. But that task would be similar to taking on the tobacco giants and just as difficult, possibly more so. If I have not tried the editors’ patience, that could be the subject for another article.
So, where are we as summer gives way to autumn? Over the last fortnight the media’s attention has drifted away, it seems, from Medicare reform. If health is in the news it is focussed on staff shortages, service delays, aged care, Japanese encephalitis, the possible origins of COVID. Superannuation has some time to run as a hot issue surely. Yet, as well as Medicare funding arrangements, debate will continue on structural issues such as perceived shortages of GPs and nurses, the specific problems of the regions and the particular challenges faced by different groups in our society in terms of access and education. For some reason, it is so hard to avoid concepts such as class.
[i] Chip Le Grand, ‘Medicare overhaul needed to fix ‘broken’ health funding, report urges’, Sydney Morning Herald, 4 December 2022,
[ii] Australia, Department of Health and Aged Care, Minister for Health and Aged Care, Press Conference, 3 February 2023.
[iii] Nick Toovey, ‘Health care for all’, Age, 2 February 2022,
[iv] Stephen Duckett, ‘Making a difference in health care’ in Susan Ryan and Troy Bramston (eds), The Hawke Government: A Critical Retrospective, Pluto Press Australia, Melbourne, 2003, pp. 215-224.
[v] Paradoxically perhaps the Medibank proposal was not a particularly controversial issue during the campaign whereas abortion law reform and Labor’s union links were. See Laurie Oakes and David Solomon, The Making of an Australian Prime Minister, Cheshire, Melbourne, 1973.
[vi] Duckett, 2003.
[vii] Duckett, 2003.
[viii] Greg Jericho, ‘The proposal to privatise Medicare is bizarre. We should treasure our public health system’, Guardian, 28 July 2019,
[ix] For the Howard initiatives see Greg Jericho, ‘Is private health insurance a con? The answer is in the graphs’, Guardian, 6 February 2018,
[x] Lucas Baird and Tom McIlroy, ‘Health insurers to face revenue headache: Goldman Sachs’, Australian Financial Review, 16 July 2019,; Mark Fitzgibbon, ‘Universal healthcare need [sic] private insurance for survival’, Australian Financial Review, 23 July 2019,; James Fernyhough, ‘Scrap Medicare, mandate private health cover: NIB boss’, Australian Financial Review, 23 July 2019,,
[xi] Adam Creighton, ‘There’s no such thing as a free healthcare system’, Sydney Morning Herald, 27 August 2011. See also, Adam Creighton, ‘The sickening cost of healthcare’, Australian, 11 October 2013. For a more recent statement of such views from another Murdoch stalwart see Ticky Fullerton, ‘NHS Creaks Under Strain’, Australian, 17 January 2023.
[xii] James C. Riley, Rising Life Expectancy: A Global History, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2001, p.232.
[xiii] Stephen Duckett, ‘Budget 2019: A hesitant step for Medicare, The Conversation, 2 April 2019,, accessed 23 January 2023.
[xiv] Nicholas Jensen, ‘Fear of psychologists’ exodus after cut back’, Australian, 17 January 2023.
[xv] Melissa Cunningham, ‘ “You just break down”: The long, agonising wait for surgery in Victoria’, Sunday Age, 19 February 2023.
[xvi] Even as late as March 2022 it could plausibly be claimed that that ‘the vast majority outside of hospital are bulk-billed – meaning the patient pays nothing out-of-pocket’. That statement would have to be qualified now. Stephen Duckett, Anika Stobart and Linda Lin, ‘Not so universal: How to reduce out-of-pocket healthcare payments’, Grattan Institute, March 2022,
[xvii] Sumeyya Ilanbey, ‘Hospitals miss emergency care targets as system cracks under pressure, Age, 29 December 2022,
[xviii] Natasha Robinson, ‘Shake-up for ‘unfit’ Medicare, Australian, 23 January 2023.
[xix] Ross Gittins, ‘If GPs want more money, they’ll have to be less allergic to change’, Age, 8 February 2023.
[xx] Chris Wallace, ‘Summertime and the leading is easy’, Saturday Paper, 21-27 January 2023.
[xxi] Australia, Department of Health and Aged Care, 2023.
[xxii] Rob Moodie, Tasmyn Soller and Mike Daube, ‘Reimagining public health in Australia’, in Emma Dawson and Janet McCalman (eds), What Happens Next? Reconstructing Australia After Covid-19, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 2020, pp. 197-206. |
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What is the single best thing we can do for our health? (Video)
Well, the answer really is very (very) simple and easy to do. A Doctor-Professor answers the old question “What is the single best thing we can do for our health” in a completely new way. Dr. Mike Evans is founder of the Health Design Lab at the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, an Associate Professor […] |
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Despite the persistent growth of medical science, we need to be wary of certain health conditions. When we understand the demographics of... |
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SureTest founder and CEO Laura O’Toole joins Bill Russell on This Week Health Newsday as they unpack stories — and insights — around digital health, smart healthcare spending, cybersecurity, EHR vendors, and more. Learn about the biggest trends in healthcare, why CIOs need to be even more strategic, and the importance of building a community of trust around AI. Discover how enabling clinicians to deliver the best care possible helps bring joy back into healthcare.
Podcast |
wjpsnews_com_32342_opinion_can-exercise-affect-your-mood_ | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4041
“Ugh, I’m so lazy, I can’t even get out of bed!” is what some people would say to themselves on a normal Saturday, but did you know this type of person is prone to a negative attitude toward life.
People have been consumed by a contagious disease that continues to sweep the nation and it is called laziness.
Laziness encourages a negative lifestyle and perspective on life, leaving them to approach the world with a cup half-empty instead of half-full, filling them with depression and further stress.
Exercise strengthens your physical and mental health with a can-do attitude, wiping out fatigue and helping you persevere through anything that comes your way.
“When you exercise, you’re more happy and you feel like you’re more like you’re accomplishing your goal kind of,” said WJPS 11th grader Julianna Lugo.
“When you exercise your body, it betters itself and it gives itself energy to work and when you have energy like your mood gets happy and it rises,” said WJPS junior Jasmina Handanovic.
Exercise provides nutrients for the mind, body and soul, feeding it the perseverance it needs to attack the day. So what are you waiting for? Time to get in shape! |
www_worldindustryleaders_com_2015_11_lagos-comes-alive-for-wellness-to_html | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4966
LAGOS. Comes Alive for wellness to African communities (edition 1)
A special Cerutti Media Charity Report
All is now set for the maiden wellness workshop on chronic disease in the community
A brainchild of Total Body wellness foundation in partnership with Hope Valley medical clinic, the event will held at Calabar community hall ,surulere, Lagos by exactly 11 a.m on Thursday November 19th, 2015
In this report ,we gladly present the brief profile of the distinguish speakers at the historic event
DEACON KAYODE ADEBOYE is Health Minister. Kayode’s recovery from a health challenge in 2004 led to his being trained as at the Halleluyah Acres Ministry in North Carolina. Since his qualification as a Health Minister he has been spreading the message of healthy living in Churches and corporate environment. He is also working on a wellness community and facility where people can come to get healthy meals and also learn how to live healthy lives. Kayode is an ordained Deacon and also works as a communications consultant in an oil and gas company.
Dr VICTOR CHUKWUEMEKA SN. is a Naturopathic medical practitioner and member NATM. A graduate of Accountancy from Imo State University, his passion for traditional medicine practice and general health awareness has made him travel to major part of Nigeria, educating and empowering people with health diagnosis machine. He is currently the President of Campaign for Good Health and Disease control. He hails from Imo State, married and bless with three lovely boys.
OLUWAFUNMILAYO DAVID is a Minister of the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST and an Attorney-at-Law.
She runs full time, GEMS Evangelical Mission, a community oriented Christian ministry with several human outreaches.
The Mission also runs GEMS PREPARATORY MISSION SCHOOLS, a non-fee-paying institution for children of the blind, destitute and needy. The children are taught, fed and clothed at no cost to them whatsoever.
JAMES IRIVRADJE is an apostolic minister of the gospel with emphasis in the pure prophetic ministry of the Spirit; accompanied with signs and wonders. He is the president of “King James world Mission”, Pretoria city, South Africa(where he currently resides); the general overseer of Power Centre’ satellite town, Lagos, Nigeria. His evangelistic calls spans over Africa, America and Asia. He originates from Isoko North LGA, Delta State, Nigeria. He’s a blessed family man
ONYEKA AZUBUIKE is a Fohow Healthcare Lecturer and a consultant; a B.Sc. holder of Business Administration at the University of Nigeria, a dedicated member of Fohow Healthcare International limited, has also been awarded as a medical consultant in 2014/2015 by Fohow Healthcare International. Onyeka Azubuike lives in Lagos, Nigeria)
All is now set for the maiden wellness workshop on chronic disease in the community
A brainchild of Total Body wellness foundation in partnership with Hope Valley medical clinic, the event will held at Calabar community hall ,surulere, Lagos by exactly 11 a.m on Thursday November 19th, 2015
In this report ,we gladly present the brief profile of the distinguish speakers at the historic event
DEACON KAYODE ADEBOYE is Health Minister. Kayode’s recovery from a health challenge in 2004 led to his being trained as at the Halleluyah Acres Ministry in North Carolina. Since his qualification as a Health Minister he has been spreading the message of healthy living in Churches and corporate environment. He is also working on a wellness community and facility where people can come to get healthy meals and also learn how to live healthy lives. Kayode is an ordained Deacon and also works as a communications consultant in an oil and gas company.
Dr VICTOR CHUKWUEMEKA SN. is a Naturopathic medical practitioner and member NATM. A graduate of Accountancy from Imo State University, his passion for traditional medicine practice and general health awareness has made him travel to major part of Nigeria, educating and empowering people with health diagnosis machine. He is currently the President of Campaign for Good Health and Disease control. He hails from Imo State, married and bless with three lovely boys.
OLUWAFUNMILAYO DAVID is a Minister of the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST and an Attorney-at-Law.
She runs full time, GEMS Evangelical Mission, a community oriented Christian ministry with several human outreaches.
The Mission also runs GEMS PREPARATORY MISSION SCHOOLS, a non-fee-paying institution for children of the blind, destitute and needy. The children are taught, fed and clothed at no cost to them whatsoever.
JAMES IRIVRADJE is an apostolic minister of the gospel with emphasis in the pure prophetic ministry of the Spirit; accompanied with signs and wonders. He is the president of “King James world Mission”, Pretoria city, South Africa(where he currently resides); the general overseer of Power Centre’ satellite town, Lagos, Nigeria. His evangelistic calls spans over Africa, America and Asia. He originates from Isoko North LGA, Delta State, Nigeria. He’s a blessed family man
ONYEKA AZUBUIKE is a Fohow Healthcare Lecturer and a consultant; a B.Sc. holder of Business Administration at the University of Nigeria, a dedicated member of Fohow Healthcare International limited, has also been awarded as a medical consultant in 2014/2015 by Fohow Healthcare International. Onyeka Azubuike lives in Lagos, Nigeria)
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• Learn more about Dr. Kumar's Innovative approach to midlife
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F. M. ‘Red’ O’Laughlin, III, is a researcher, author, and public speaker. He speaks on health and wellness, aging, personal growth, and motivation. Red states often that, “If you treat symptoms, you will always treat symptoms. You must treat the cause of a problem to correct it.” I research what happens at the cellular level in the human body, biochemically speaking. I look for cause and effect relationships. I identify the causes of health problems. I write and speak about those causes and the potential options for correcting those problems.
© 2023 All Rights Reserved. |
www_firefallnew_com_2014_03_09_monkeys-with-health-and-heals-in-warlords-of-draenor_ | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4192
World of Warcraft has another dev watercooler out today, this time talking about health (your character’s, not your own), healing, and what the team will be doing to improve related systems come Warlords of Draenor.
For starters, the devs will be doubling player health in the expansion to make characters more durable in PvP. “The net result of these changes is that individual attacks will knock a smaller chunk off of a player’s health pool in PvP, but your survivability in PvE won’t be affected,” Blizzard posted.
Other upcoming changes include reducting base resilience and battle fatigue to practically nil, increasing creature damage, increasing the effectiveness of heals, reducing the power of aborbs, and “making smart heals a little less smart.” Some smaller, cheaper healing skills will also be removed from the game, and a few instant-cast heals are on the chopping block as well. |
healthylivinglondon_com_nutrition-and-food-for-healthy-living-in-london_veganuary-week-four_attachme | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4849
Healthy Living London
The go-to online destination for honest health and fitness information about classes and products in London.
February 6, 2015 by Hannah Cox Leave a Comment
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ururburiver_com_23735-holistic-approaches-to-healing-43_ | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4003
The Mind-Body Connection
The concept of holistic healing emphasizes the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit. It recognizes that health and well-being are not solely dependent on physical factors, but also on mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects. This approach to healing has gained popularity in recent years as people seek alternative ways to address their health issues.
One of the key principles of holistic healing is the belief that the mind and body are interconnected and influence each other. This means that our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs can have a direct impact on our physical health. For example, chronic stress and negative emotions can weaken the immune system and increase the risk of developing illnesses. Expand your understanding of the topic discussed in this piece by exploring the recommended external site. ayurherbs ayurveda clinic, uncover worthwhile knowledge and new viewpoints to improve your comprehension of the subject.
To promote healing, holistic approaches focus on addressing the underlying causes of health issues rather than just treating the symptoms. This may involve lifestyle changes, stress reduction techniques, nutrition, exercise, and various complementary therapies.
Complementary Therapies
Complementary therapies are an integral part of holistic healing. These therapies are used alongside conventional medical treatments to enhance their effectiveness and promote overall well-being.
One popular complementary therapy is acupuncture, which originated in ancient China. It involves the placement of thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate energy flow and restore balance. Acupuncture has been used to treat a wide range of conditions, including chronic pain, anxiety, and digestive disorders.
Another widely used complementary therapy is herbal medicine. This practice involves the use of plants and plant extracts to promote healing and prevent illness. Herbal remedies have been used for centuries and are known for their natural and gentle approach to healing.
Massage therapy is another holistic therapy that focuses on relaxing the body and mind. It involves the manipulation of soft tissues to relieve muscle tension, reduce stress, and promote relaxation. Massage therapy has been found to be effective in relieving pain, improving circulation, and reducing anxiety.
Alternative Medicine
In addition to complementary therapies, holistic healing also incorporates alternative medicine practices. Alternative medicine refers to treatments and therapies that are used instead of conventional medical treatments.
One popular alternative medicine practice is homeopathy. This system of medicine is based on the principles of “like cures like” and dilution. Homeopathic remedies are made from natural substances and are believed to stimulate the body’s self-healing abilities. They are used to treat a wide range of conditions, including allergies, digestive disorders, and skin problems.
Naturopathy is another alternative medicine practice that focuses on natural healing methods. Naturopathic doctors use a variety of therapies, including nutrition, herbal medicine, and lifestyle counseling, to promote healing and prevent disease. They view the body as a whole system and aim to address the root causes of health issues rather than just treating the symptoms.
Mind-Body Techniques
Another important aspect of holistic healing is the use of mind-body techniques. These techniques recognize the power of the mind in influencing the body’s healing processes.
Meditation is a mind-body technique that has been practiced for thousands of years. It involves focusing the mind and achieving a state of deep relaxation. Meditation has been found to reduce stress, improve concentration, and promote emotional well-being.
Yoga is another popular mind-body practice that combines physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation. It is known for its ability to improve flexibility, strength, and balance, as well as reduce stress and enhance overall well-being.
Hypnotherapy is a mind-body technique that uses hypnosis to access the subconscious mind and bring about positive changes. It is often used to address issues such as smoking cessation, weight loss, and phobias. Hypnotherapy can help individuals tap into their inner resources and change negative patterns of thinking and behavior. We always aim to provide a comprehensive learning experience. Visit this thoughtfully chosen external site to uncover supplementary details on the topic.
Holistic approaches to healing recognize the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit. They emphasize the importance of addressing the underlying causes of health issues and promoting overall well-being. By incorporating complementary therapies, alternative medicine practices, and mind-body techniques, individuals can take a holistic approach to their health and achieve optimal well-being.
Wish to learn more about this topic? Check out the related posts we’ve prepared to expand your understanding. Enjoy: |
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How did my set goal, and accomplishing it depict my influence for being healthy? – what are some exercises, routines, etc that will keep me healthy/ exercise regularly for the future? EX: eating healthy, setting a gym schedule, being mentally motivated (how? what are some things to keep motivated to […] |
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Health Is A Dynamic And Multifaceted Aspect Of Life That Influences Individuals And Communities Alike. In Recent Years, Several Prominent Figures And Organizations Have Made Headlines Regarding Health Issues, Career Opportunities, And Advancements In Medical Care. This Article Explores The Health Updates Of Randy Jackson And Princess Kate, Career Opportunities At Atrium Health, And Important Information Regarding Gastro Health.
Randy Jackson’s Health Journey
Randy Jackson, Best Known As A Music Producer And A Judge On “American Idol,” Has Faced Various Health Challenges In Recent Years. He Has Been Open About His Journey, Particularly Regarding His Battle With Diabetes And Weight Management.
Diabetes Diagnosis And Management
In 2003, Randy Was Diagnosed With Type 2 Diabetes. This Diagnosis Was A Turning Point For Him, Prompting Lifestyle Changes That Included Dietary Adjustments And Increased Physical Activity. Jackson’s Journey Has Resonated With Many Who Struggle With Similar Health Issues.
- Dietary Changes: Randy Adopted A Healthier Diet, Focusing On Whole Foods, Reducing Sugar Intake, And Monitoring His Carbohydrate Consumption. He Has Shared His Experiences In Interviews And Public Appearances, Emphasizing The Importance Of Nutrition In Managing Diabetes.
- Physical Activity: Along With Dietary Changes, Jackson Incorporated Regular Exercise Into His Routine. He Has Been Vocal About The Benefits Of Physical Activity In Maintaining A Healthy Weight And Managing Diabetes.
Impact On Career
Despite His Health Challenges, Randy Jackson Has Continued To Thrive In His Career. He Has Remained Active In The Music Industry And Has Even Launched Health-Related Initiatives. His Story Serves As An Inspiration To Others Facing Similar Battles, Showing That It Is Possible To Overcome Health Issues While Continuing To Pursue One’s Passions.
Princess Kate’s Health Update
Princess Kate, The Duchess Of Cambridge, Has Also Made Headlines Recently With Updates Regarding Her Health. Her Focus On Mental Health And Well-Being, Along With Her Public Appearances And Charitable Initiatives, Highlights The Importance Of Health In Royal Duties.
Mental Health Advocacy
Princess Kate Has Been A Vocal Advocate For Mental Health, Launching Initiatives Aimed At Supporting Mental Well-Being For Individuals And Families. Her Work Through The Royal Foundation And Other Charitable Organizations Aims To Raise Awareness And Reduce Stigma Surrounding Mental Health Issues.
- Shout Campaign: One Of The Notable Initiatives Is The Shout Campaign, Which Offers A 24/7 Text Support Service For Anyone In Crisis. This Program Aims To Provide Immediate Help And Resources To Those In Need, Reflecting Kate’s Commitment To Mental Health.
- Public Appearances: Recently, Princess Kate Has Participated In Various Events Promoting Mental Health Awareness. These Appearances Not Only Help Raise Awareness But Also Inspire Others To Prioritize Their Mental Well-Being.
Personal Health
In Addition To Her Advocacy Work, There Have Been Updates Regarding Princess Kate’s Personal Health. Like Many Individuals, She Has Faced Challenges Related To Balancing Public Life With Family Responsibilities. Reports Indicate That She Emphasizes A Healthy Lifestyle, Including Regular Exercise And A Balanced Diet, To Maintain Her Health And Well-Being.
Atrium Health Careers: Opportunities And Growth
Atrium Health Is One Of The Leading Healthcare Systems In The United States, Providing A Wide Range Of Services Across Various Medical Disciplines. The Organization Is Dedicated To Improving Health And Wellness, And Its Commitment Extends To Fostering Career Opportunities Within The Healthcare Sector.
Career Opportunities
Atrium Health Offers A Diverse Range Of Career Opportunities For Individuals Interested In The Medical Field. Whether You’re A Healthcare Professional Or Seeking Administrative Roles, Atrium Health Provides Numerous Pathways For Growth.
- Healthcare Professionals: Atrium Health Seeks Doctors, Nurses, Therapists, And Other Healthcare Providers Committed To Delivering Quality Patient Care. The Organization Emphasizes Continuing Education And Professional Development, Ensuring That Employees Can Advance In Their Careers.
- Administrative Roles: In Addition To Clinical Positions, Atrium Health Offers Administrative Roles That Support The Overall Functioning Of The Healthcare System. These Positions Include Human Resources, Finance, And Operations Management.
Work Environment
Atrium Health Is Known For Its Supportive Work Environment. The Organization Prioritizes Employee Well-Being And Fosters A Culture Of Teamwork And Collaboration. Employees Are Encouraged To Pursue Their Passions And Contribute To Improving Health Outcomes In Their Communities.
- Employee Benefits: Atrium Health Offers Competitive Benefits Packages, Including Health Insurance, Retirement Plans, And Opportunities For Continuing Education. These Benefits Reflect The Organization’s Commitment To The Well-Being Of Its Employees.
- Community Engagement: Atrium Health Also Emphasizes Community Engagement, Encouraging Employees To Participate In Volunteer Activities And Health Outreach Programs. This Involvement Strengthens The Connection Between The Organization And The Communities It Serves.
Understanding Gastro Health
Gastro Health Refers To The Health Of The Digestive System, Which Plays A Crucial Role In Overall Well-Being. Disorders Of The Gastrointestinal Tract Can Significantly Impact An Individual’s Quality Of Life, Making It Essential To Understand And Address Gastro Health Concerns.
Common Gastrointestinal Disorders
Several Common Gastrointestinal Disorders Can Affect Individuals, Including:
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): A Functional Gastrointestinal Disorder Characterized By Symptoms Such As Abdominal Pain, Bloating, And Changes In Bowel Habits. Managing IBS Often Involves Dietary Modifications And Stress Management Techniques.
- Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD): A Chronic Condition Where Stomach Acid Flows Back Into The Esophagus, Causing Symptoms Like Heartburn And Regurgitation. Lifestyle Changes And Medications Can Help Manage GERD Symptoms.
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): This Term Encompasses Conditions Such As Crohn’s Disease And Ulcerative Colitis, Which Involve Chronic Inflammation Of The Digestive Tract. Treatment Often Includes Medication And Dietary Management.
- Celiac Disease: An Autoimmune Disorder Triggered By The Consumption Of Gluten, Leading To Damage In The Small Intestine. Individuals With Celiac Disease Must Adhere To A Strict Gluten-Free Diet To Manage Their Symptoms.
Importance Of Gastro Health
Maintaining Good Gastro Health Is Vital For Overall Wellness. A Healthy Digestive System Aids In Nutrient Absorption, Supports The Immune System, And Contributes To Mental Health. Individuals Experiencing Gastrointestinal Issues Should Seek Medical Advice For Proper Diagnosis And Treatment.
- Dietary Considerations: Nutrition Plays A Crucial Role In Gastro Health. Consuming A Balanced Diet Rich In Fiber, Fruits, Vegetables, And Whole Grains Can Promote Digestive Health. Staying Hydrated And Avoiding Excessive Processed Foods Can Also Benefit The Gastrointestinal Tract.
- Regular Check-Ups: Regular Medical Check-Ups Can Help Detect Potential Gastro Health Issues Early. Gastroenterologists Specialize In Diagnosing And Treating Gastrointestinal Disorders, Providing Valuable Support For Those Facing Digestive Health Challenges.
Health Is An Essential Aspect Of Life That Affects Individuals In Various Ways. The Journeys Of Randy Jackson And Princess Kate Illustrate The Importance Of Personal Health And Advocacy, While Atrium Health Offers Valuable Career Opportunities In The Healthcare Sector. Additionally, Understanding Gastro Health And Its Impact On Overall Well-Being Is Crucial For Individuals Seeking To Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle. |
coachellavalleyweekly_com_reclaim-your-rhythm_ | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4279
By Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna
With all the stressors we’ve been through and are currently going through, stress is at its peak with most everyone. It is important to make sure you find ways to reduce your stress.
We know the #1 killer of most is heart disease. There’s not a better time to Reclaim Your Rhythm and take back control of your physical health and mental well-being. The American Heart Association is helping people create healthy habits that work best for their life, giving them the best chance at life.
The pandemic has significantly impacted our risk for heart disease and stroke.
1 in 5 people reported lower physical wellness.
1 in 3 reported lower emotional wellness.
Over the past year, many of us have adopted unhealthy behaviors like skipping exercise, eating unhealthy foods, drinking more alcohol and using tobacco, which can all increase the risk for heart disease and stroke.
Here are five tips to help you Reclaim Your Rhythm:
Mellow out and reduce stress: The American Heart Association says a positive mindset can improve your overall health. A recent study shows people with higher levels of optimism had a 35% decreased risk of cardiovascular disease. Happy individuals tend to sleep better, exercise more, eat better and refrain from smoking.
Move to the music: Physical activity is linked to lower risk of diseases, stronger bones, and muscles, improved mental health and cognitive function and lower risk of depression. Staying active is one of the best ways to keep your body and mind healthy. Not only can it help you feel, think, sleep and live better, but it also improves overall quality of life.
Rock your recipes: Make time to eat meals together as a family for a chance to connect and decompress. Regular meals at home with family reduce stress, boost self-esteem and make the whole family feel connected.
Stay on Beat with Blood Pressure: Close to half of American adults have high blood pressure. Of those, about 75% don’t have it controlled and many don’t even know they have it. High blood pressure is a leading cause and controllable risk factor for heart disease and stroke and can contribute to worse outcomes for people who contract COVID-19. The best way to know your blood pressure numbers is to have it measured at least once per year by a healthcare professional, regularly monitor it at home with a validated monitor and discuss the numbers with a doctor. For most people, a normal blood pressure should be 120/80 or less.
Keep the Beat! Each year, more than 350,000 EMS-assessed out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occur in the United States. According to the American Heart Association, about 90% of people who suffer out-of-hospital cardiac arrests do not survive. When a person has a cardiac arrest, survival depends on immediately receiving CPR from someone nearby. CPR, especially if performed immediately, can double or triple a cardiac arrest victim’s chance of survival.
To treat, beat and prevent heart disease and stroke, both men & women should understand family health history, know their five key personal health numbers to help determine risk and make healthy behavior changes like moving more, eating smart and managing blood pressure.
The American Heart Association will hold its Go Red Luncheon on Thursday, April 7th at the beautiful Westin Resort, Mission Hills in Rancho Mirage Ca. For information visit |
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Health 123! Let's work out! | Astro Content
Stuck at home? Get moving to stay healthy! New hosts Carol & Aaron are joined by sports coaches to give you solutions to various physical problems through simple home exercises! |
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Join Us in Making a Difference : Support Our Health Practice !
Sponsored Content: This article is made possible through the generous support of for charitable/humanitarian reasons.36514
Transforming Lives: Urgent Appeal for Support in Sustaining Vital Health Services
Dear Donors,
We hope this message finds you in good health and high spirits. Today, we reach out to you with a heartfelt appeal for your support in sustaining our health practice. With over 30 years of dedicated experience, our practitioner—a seasoned researcher, teacher, and healer—has committed his life to serving individuals who have experienced the unimaginable.
His journey began by offering care to people returning from conflict zones, wars, natural and man-made disasters, and those who have been victims of torture. Through his expertise, he has been able to alleviate the physical and emotional burdens that these individuals carry.
For the past 30 years, our practitioner has specialized in the treatment of psychotrauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), understanding the profound impact they have on health and life, not only for the individuals directly affected but also for their loved ones. Additionally, he has dedicated himself to providing long-term support for those battling physical and mental injuries, cancerous pathologies, genetic diseases, and other challenging conditions.
Through his unwavering commitment, he has helped and cared for several thousand people who were in desperate need, enabling them to not only survive but thrive. For those who lacked financial means, he has always offered care free of charge, allowing them to receive the support they needed, regardless of their circumstances. Those who could afford it were encouraged to contribute what they could, fostering a sense of community and shared responsibility.
The impact of our practitioner’s work cannot be overstated. Lives have been saved, hope has been restored, and the journey towards healing has been made possible for countless individuals. However, we find ourselves at a critical juncture where we urgently need your help and support to ensure the continuity of our services.
By making a donation to our health practice, you will directly contribute to the well-being and transformation of lives. Your generosity will empower us to continue providing essential care, support, and treatment to those who are most vulnerable. Your contribution will help us acquire the necessary resources, develop innovative therapies, and expand our reach to make a lasting impact on the lives of individuals and communities in need.
Join us in making a difference today. Your support will not only sustain our practice but also enable us to extend our services to those who might otherwise go without the care they desperately require. Together, we can create a brighter, healthier future for all.
To make a donation, please visit our donation page. Every contribution, no matter the size, makes a significant difference in the lives of those we serve.
Thank you for considering our appeal and for your compassion in supporting our health practice. Together, we can continue to save lives and inspire hope.
With deepest gratitude,
Yan A. Reichlen de Meldegg
Practitioner in Neuropsychology
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The 6 Foundations of Health
The 6 Foundations of Health Getting and staying healthy is more than just eating right and exercising. It’s a lifestyle. Here are six...
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Life in Motion Chiropractic Center
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At Life in Motion Chiropractic Center, we combine state-of-the-art chiropractic techniques with the principles of The 100 Year Lifestyle to help people heal quickly and function at their highest level for a lifetime. We provide primary chiropractic care for our Canonsburg, PA and surrounding communities while also attracting people from all over. We look forward to working with you and your family to help you reach your health goals.
Canonsburg, PA 15317
(724) 745-1533
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nhppa_org_bill-C368-study_ | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4089
As this bill undergoes careful review in Parliament, your letters can remind MPs that Canadians are watching and remain committed to safeguarding our natural health choices. Join us in holding Parliament accountable—every letter counts in making our message heard.
In his comprehensive brief to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Health (HESA), Shawn Buckley, a leading legal expert on natural health products, examines the implications of Bill C-368 on Canadian health freedoms.
This bill, under committee review during fall 2024, seeks to repeal sections 500-504 of Bill C-47 (Canada’s 2023 Budget Bill) that moved natural health products into the same regulatory category as over-the-counter chemical drugs.
Written Brief on Bill C-368
by Shawn Buckley
PDF Download
Gain a better understanding of the importance of Bill C-368 so you can more confidently communicate with your elected officials.
Send an electronic letter in support of Bill C-368 to your MP, the Prime Minister, Minister of Health, and the Standing Committee on Health.
Choose the letter that resonates most with you… or you can send multiple letters! We’ve got everything you need just below.
We have provided four form letter options below.
The first three letters are one-page form letters. The following three letters include Shawn Buckley’s brief (making each document a total of six pages).
If you have the capacity to write your own letter, in your own words, we strongly encourage you to do so. Personalized letters hold much more weight with our MPs. You can still enclose Shawn Buckley’s brief with your letter, if you choose.
The 12 Members of Parliament that make up the Standing Committee on Health represent all Canadians as they study issues that relate to health. You can find their contact information here:
Standing Committee on Health Members
At the link above, click the individual MP’s photo, and then select the “Contact” toggle to view their address.
It is important to send a letter to your MP at both their House of Commons address and their Constituency Office. You can find their Constituency Office here:
House of Commons Current Members of Parliament.
If you’re willing, you can also mail your letter to the Prime Minister and the Minister of Health. Actually, you don’t have to stop mailing letters… you could even send your letter to all 338 MPs.
MP Letter Bill C-368 Brief, Version 1
PDF Download
MP Letter Bill C-368 Brief, Version 2
PDF Download
MP Letter Bill C-368 Brief, Version 3
PDF Download
MP Letter Bill C-368 Brief
Version 1 with Enclosure
PDF Download
MP Letter Bill C-368 Brief
Version 2 with Enclosure
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MP Letter Bill C-368 Brief
Version 3 with Enclosure
PDF Download |
bodywatch_com_ | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4019
Mission: To help you achieve your goals as quickly, easily and effortlessly as possible.
Mission: To help you achieve your goals as quickly, easily and effortlessly as possible.
Mission: To help you achieve your goals as quickly, easily and effortlessly as possible.
Mission: To help you achieve your goals as quickly, easily and effortlessly as possible.
Psychological Service for Athletes, Migraineurs and all Individuals who wish to reduce anxiety, build confidence, lose weight, stop smoking and improve their health – mentally or/and physically.
Physical activity is a recognised means of improving mental well being. Exercise prescription and involvement is an accepted treatment for the improvement of mental health by the Royal College of Psychiatrists in the UK.
Whether you are an aspiring athlete or a top level athlete we understand the importance of the right mindset. The same issues can be a challenge for athletes as well as non athletes from dealing with panic attacks, migraines or anger issues to feelings of low self esteem. If you would like to boost your confidence and improve your physical and mental health by starting to exercise or if you would like to resolve psychological issues which are holding you back, we offer a variety of different programmes which can help.
Dr. Niamh Flynn
Dr. Niamh Flynn, CPsychol, is a performance psychologist based in The Galway Clinic. She has over 20 years of experience working with a variety of individuals, from people who suffer with crippling anxiety to individuals who suffer with migraines. Her Masters in Sports Medicine gives her a unique understanding of athletes and how exercise and sport can improve health, mentally and physically. Her aim is to help you to achieve your goals in the most efficient and fastest way possible. She has worked with intercounty teams, CEOs, COOs and athletes from a variety of sports. In addition to one on one consultations she has delivered talks about anxiety, stress management, chronic pain and migraines nationally and internationally for major corporations and organisations. These include Dublin Airport Authority, Chronic Pain Ireland, Connacht Rugby, Athlone Institute of Technology and many more. to an interview with Niamh on Newstalk with Clare McKenna |
ak-mfitnesshub_com_fitness-health | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4374
Top 10 Foods for Gut Health
What is Gut Health? Gut health means how well your stomach and intestines (the gut) work. The gut helps break […]
Archiving Balanced – Health || Fitness || Lifestyle
What is Gut Health? Gut health means how well your stomach and intestines (the gut) work. The gut helps break […] |
medicaljane_com_directory_company_montu_ | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4042
About this Organization
Montu is focused on facilitating patient access to medical cannabis. We are a service provider to the medical community, ensuring that medical cannabis is widely available and integrated into medical practice. We provide education, access to high-quality products, and personalised service.
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Empowering women towards healthy mental health and emotional wellness, releasing self-sabotage and embrace their full potential, allowing them to live their best lives. |
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Marshall Health Network hospitals announce events and screenings for April
Friday, March 29, 2024
As part of their commitment to the health and well-being of all they serve, Cabell Huntington Hospital (CHH), St. Mary’s Medical Center (SMMC) and Rivers Health (RH), members of Marshall Health Network, are pleased to provide the following events and screenings for the community in April.
Monday, April 1-Tuesday, April 30
Wellness Blood Profiles
Marshall Health Network is offering low-cost wellness blood profiles, which can be used to help evaluate a person’s general health. The profile includes 29 different tests, such as glucose, cholesterol and calcium, and is available for $25. Additional tests are available, with the purchase of a blood profile, for hemoglobin A1C and thyroid-stimulating hormone at an additional cost of $5 per test. A Vitamin D test or Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) test can also be added to the profile for an additional $15. Lab work should be performed while fasting. No appointment is required.
Location: Cabell Huntington Hospital Lab, 20th Street Professional Building, 1115 20th Street, Huntington
Time: 7 a.m.- noon, Monday-Friday (except holidays)
Location: St. Mary’s Medical Campus Ironton, 1408 Campbell Drive, Ironton
Time: Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. to noon (except holidays)
Monday, April 1
Easter Monday Mass
As part of Holy Week’s scheduled services, SMMC will hold Easter Monday mass.
Location: Sisters’ Chapel, 1 East, St. Mary’s Medical Center
Time: 9 a.m.
Donate Life Flag-Raising Ceremony
To kick off Donate Life Month, representatives from CHH and Kentucky Organ Donor Affiliates (KODA) will be present as the Donate Life flag is raised, following a brief ceremony. CHH will observe the statewide Pause to Give Life Event during the ceremony, followed by a moment of silence.
Location: Cabell Huntington Hospital, flagpole at main entrance, 1340 Hall Greer Blvd., Huntington and Facebook Live @cabellhuntington
Time: 10 a.m.
Surgical Weight Loss Support Group
This free support group is for surgical weight loss patients and their loved ones. This month, Christina Lawrence, PsyD, HIMG, will present “Body Image.” Registration is not required.
Location: Cabell Huntington Hospital 20th Street Professional Building, 1115 20th St., Huntington
Time: 6 to 7 p.m.
More information: 304.399.4129
Breastfeeding Support Group
Facilitated by a certified lactation consultant, this informal setting is a great way for new moms to exchange information and experiences about breastfeeding. There is no cost and registration is not required.
Location: Virtual. Visit and click on the event.
Time: 6 p.m.
More information: 304.526.BABY (2229)
Tuesday, April 2
Toddler Tuesday at Huntington Mall
Bring your toddler to visit our physicians, Laura Coo, DDS, and Naina Singh, DDS, from the Marshall University Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine Dental Residency Program, for education and demonstration on proper flossing and brushing.
Location: Huntington Mall, Center Court, 500 Mall Road, Barboursville
Time: 10 a.m. to noon
More information: 304.399.2367
Tuesday, April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
Enjoy some fun, heart healthy exercise after work with instructor Autumn Harvey-Arthur. Class fee is $3.
Location: HIMG Community Room, 3075 U.S. Route 60, Huntington
Time: 5:15 to 6:15 p.m.
More information: 304.399.2367
Wednesday, April 3
Center for Surgical Weight Control Seminar
This free seminar with Semeret Munie, MD, is open to anyone interested in learning more about surgical weight control. Registration is required. Seating is limited.
Location: Cabell Huntington Hospital 20th Street Professional Building, 1115 20th Street, Huntington
Time: 5 to 6 p.m.
To register: 304.399.4118
Wednesday, April 3, 10, 17, 24
Free Foot Screenings
Free screenings include an exam, health education and giveaways for people with foot-related concerns or those having difficulty caring for their own feet. Screenings will be provided by registered nurses.
Location: St. Mary’s Wound and Hyperbaric Center, Ground Floor of St. Mary’s Medical Center
Time: 9 to 11 a.m.
More information: 304.399.7450
Walk-In Wednesday
Prospective job candidates are invited to participate in walk-in interviews for all clinical and non-clinical openings at Cabell Huntington Hospital (CHH), St. Mary’s Medical Center (SMMC), St. Mary’s Medical Management, HIMG and Scott Orthopedic Center. Applicants should bring a resume and may receive a conditional offer of employment the same day.
Locations: SMMC Human Resources, SMMC 4 West, and HIMG Front Desk
Time: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
More information: 304.526.8997
Location: Marshall University Medical Center Atrium at Cabell Huntington Hospital
Time: 1 to 3 p.m.
More information: 304.526.2070
Thursday, April 4, 18
Vascular Screenings
Screenings are available for peripheral vascular disease, carotid artery and abdominal aortic aneurysm. The cost is $45 for each test or $99 for all three tests. Cash, check or credit cards are accepted. Screenings are by appointment.
Location: Vascular Lab, St. Mary’s Regional Heart Institute, first floor
To schedule an appointment: 304.526.1492
Thursday, April 4, 11, 18, 25
Enjoy some fun, heart healthy exercise after work with instructor Autumn Harvey-Arthur. Class fee is $3.
Location: HIMG Community Room, 3075 U.S. Route 60, Huntington
Time: 5:15 to 6:15 p.m.
More information: 304.399.2367
Saturday, April 6
Childbirth Class
Soon-to-be parents can learn the basics of what to expect from labor, delivery and their hospital stay following childbirth. This day-long class is offered free of charge; however, registration is required.
Location: Virtual. Visit and click on the event.
Time: 9 a.m.
To register: 304.526.BABY (2229)
Monday, April 8
Rivers Health Business After Hours
Rivers Health is hosting the Mason County Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours event.
Location: Rivers Health, Main Lobby, Point Pleasant, WV
Time: 5 to 7 p.m.
Monday, April 8, 15, 22, 29
Navigating Grief
This free four-week session is for anyone who has experienced a loss. Attendees will learn how to live with grief and meet other people who are experiencing the same emotions. Registration is required.
Location: St. Mary’s Conference Center, 2849 Fifth Ave., Huntington
Time: 5:30 p.m.
To register: 304.526.1188
Monday, April 8-Friday, April 12
Organ Donor Awareness Walk and Information Table
As part of Organ Donor Awareness Month, HIMG will be open for anyone wishing to walk a mile or more before starting their day. Healthy snacks provided. Information will also be available about organ donation.
Location: HIMG, 3075 U.S. Route 60, Huntington
Walk Time: 7 to 8:15 a.m.
More information: 304.399.2367
Wednesday, April 10
Wellness Wednesday at Huntington Mall
Rise and shine to join the mall walkers, as well as take care of your health with free blood pressure and blood sugar screenings.
Location: Huntington Mall, Center Court, 500 Mall Rd., Barboursville
Time: 7:30 to 9 a.m.
Thursday, April 11
Breast Cancer Support Group
This free support group is for patients with breast cancer, breast cancer survivors and their loved ones.
Location: St. Mary’s Conference Center, 2849 Fifth Ave., Huntington
Time: 5:30 p.m.
More information: 304.526.8221
Perinatal Bereavement Support Group
This group is dedicated to supporting parents who have experienced the loss of a child due to miscarriage, stillbirth or infant loss. Support group discussion and resources are focused on helping families cope with their loss. Registration is not required.
Location: Virtual. Visit and click on the event.
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Friday, April 12
Pause to Give Life
SMMC will participate in this statewide event to highlight that one donor can save eight lives with a moment of prayer, via intercom throughout the hospital.
Location: St. Mary’s Medical Center, 2900 First Ave., Huntington
Time: 10:08 a.m.
KODA Bake Sale
Baked goods will be available for purchase supporting KODA with a Selfie Station available for community members who wish to take photos and post to social media in recognition of Donate Life Month. Representatives from Cabell Huntington Hospital and KODA will be available to register organ donors and answer questions regarding organ donation.
Location: Marshall University Medical Center Atrium at Cabell Huntington Hospital, 1340 Hal Greer Blvd., Huntington
Time: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Donate Life Flag-Raising Ceremony
As part of National Donate Life Blue and Green Day, St. Mary’s Medical Center and KODA representatives will raise the Donate Life flag after a brief ceremony. The public is encouraged to wear blue and green and engage in sharing the Donate Life message.
Location: St. Mary’s Medical Center, flagpole at main entrance, 2900 First Ave., Huntington and Facebook Live @stmarysmedicalcenter
Time: 11 a.m.
Donate Life Blue and Green Day Walk
As part of National Donate Life Blue and Green Day, Rivers Health staff will participate in a walk around the hospital campus wearing blue and green shirts. Members of the public are welcome to join.
Location: Rivers Health Wellness Center, 2520 Valley Drive, Point Pleasant, WV
Time: 11:30 a.m.
Saturday, April 13
Donors are Superstars Virtual 5K
Representatives from Marshall Health Network, St. Mary’s Medical Center and KODA will host a virtual 5K Run/Walk in honor of Donate Life Month.
Location: Virtual
To register:
Monday, April 15
Sisters of Hope Breast Cancer Support Group
This is a free support group for women with breast cancer under the direction of surgical breast oncologist Mary Legenza, MD.
Location: Edwards Cancer Institute, Resource Room, 1400 Hal Greer Blvd., Huntington
Time: 5:30 p.m.
More information: 304.526.2443
Monday, April 15, 22, 29
Grief Support Group
This eight-week Grief Recovery Method® Outreach Program provides partnerships and guidance to help move beyond death, divorce and other losses. Cost is $14, which includes “The Grief Recovery Handbook,” by John W. James and Russell Friedman.
Location: Cabell Huntington Hospital, Private Dining Room 1 (behind the cafeteria), 1340 Hal Greer Blvd, Huntington
Time: 1 to 3 p.m.
More information: Chaplain Jennifer Johnson at or 304.526.2423.
Tuesday, April 16
Free Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar Screening
Learn more about these key heart health indicators with free blood pressure and blood sugar screenings.
Location: HIMG Community Room, 3075 U.S. Route 60, Huntington
Time: 7:30 to 9 a.m.
More information: 304.399.2367
Wednesday, April 17
Weight Loss Surgery Support Group
This free support group is for surgical weight loss patients and their loved ones. Everyone is welcome, no RSVP required.
Location: HIMG Community Room, 3075 U.S. Route 60, Huntington
Time: 5 p.m.
More information: 304.522.7600
Friday, April 19
Donate Life Flag-Raising Ceremony
Representatives from Rivers Health and the Center for Organ Recover and Education (CORE) will raise the Donate Life flag after a brief ceremony. Speakers will include hospital staff and an organ recipient.
Location: Rivers Health, flagpole at main entrance, 2520 Valley Dr., Point Pleasant
Time: 1:30 p.m.
Saturday, April 20
See, Test & Treat Event
This free event offers free pap smears and mammograms for uninsured and underinsured women in the community. Attendees can also enjoy a day of pampering with massage therapists, nail technicians and light refreshments.
Location: St. Mary’s Breast Center, 2900 1st Ave., Huntington
Time: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
To register:
Huntington Heart Walk
Join us for the Huntington Heart Walk for a day of fun and celebration. Registration begins at 8 a.m. with the walk scheduled to start at 9:30 a.m.
Location: Ritter Park
Time: 9:30 a.m.
To register:
Monday, April 22
Organ Donor Registration
Representatives from CHH and KODA will be registering organ donors and answering questions regarding organ donation. Treat bags will be available for attendees.
Location: Marshall University Medical Center Atrium at Cabell Huntington Hospital, 1340 Hal Greer Blvd., Huntington
Time: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Tuesday, April 23
Meet the Docs and Free Blood Pressure Screenings
Stop by The Market for a free blood pressure screening and meet some of Marshall Health Network’s medical experts.
Location: Tulsi at the Market, 809 Third Ave., Huntington
Time: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Wednesday, April 24
Red Cross Blood Drive
This blood drive is in response to the current blood donation shortage. Attendees are asked to bring a photo ID or donor card to the drive. Walk-ins are welcome.
Location: Cabell Huntington Hospital, Private Dining Rooms 1, 2, 6
Time: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
To register:
Tuesday, April 25
Lunch & Learn: Rehab and Parkinson’s Disease Management
This free luncheon will share information about Parkinson’s disease management from Jason Williamson, HIMG physical therapist. The event is free, but registration is required.
Location: HIMG Community Room, 3075 US Route 60, Huntington
Time: Noon to 1 p.m.
To register: 304.399.2367. Please RSVP by Tuesday, April 23.
Tuesday, April 30
Breastfeeding 101
Techniques for successful breastfeeding are provided by a certified lactation consultant. While this class is free and open to nursing mothers, registration is requested.
Location: Virtual
Time: 6 to 7 p.m.
To register: 304.526.BABY (2229)
Donate Life Memorial Service and Tree Planting
Representatives from CHH and KODA will host a memorial service to remember patients who donated tissue or organs in the past year. Following the service, a tree will be planted outside in memory of those who gave the selfless gift of organ donation.
Location: Outside of Edwards Cancer Center, 1400 Hal Greer Blvd., Huntington. If it rains, location scheduled for the CHH Chapel, located on the 1st floor above the registration area.
Time: 10 a.m.
For the most up-to-date listing of community events and screenings, visit |
www_advancedheartcaregroup_com_tag_health-care | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4611
One of the most important part of our body to maintain and keep healthy is our heart. One of the most common health conditions in the world is heart related health conditions. Because of our passion to keep as many people healthy and medically...
Read More ›Heart attacks are both unexpected and avoidable. As part of cardiovascular care, one must maintain their heart health in order to avoid health risks. However, there are various factors that can hinder someone from doing so, such as lifestyle,...
Read More ›It is a fact that the older we get, the more we are prone to diseases. According to studies, heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States. And it is not yet too late to protect yourself and lower your...
Read More ›Having a heart attack is both terrifying and heartbreaking. It causes those who have suffered from such diseases to question if they will ever be able to recover and restore their ideal health. Your health care partners at advanced heart care in...
Read More ›According to the World Health Organization, heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. You should take the steps in making sure that you manage your risk factors for heart disease. You can also consult a medical expert in advanced...
Read More ›Taking care of the heart is very important, for the heart plays one of the major roles in our body. Some individuals are serious about taking care of their heart, while some neglect it until their body will scream for cardiovascular...
Read More › |
workerscompinsider_com_2017_08_ | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4268
Fresh Health Wonk Review! Looking for some beach reading? The wonks have you covered. Peggy Salvatore posts The Summer Lull Edition of Health Wonk Review at Health System Ed blog – catch up on what’s been happening in the last few weeks, from autopsies of the ACA repeal to where we go from here and assorted other health topics, the wonks have you covered – check it out.
More summer reading:
Healthcare reform implications for work comp – Not included in this week’s HWR but a must-read nonetheless, in a two-part series at Managed Care Matters, Joe Paduda breaks down the likely implications for workers comp, Medicaid Expansion and more. Part one is linked above, and here is part 2.
They Got Hurt At Work — Then They Got Deported – Most workers comp laws have upheld workers comp for workers regardless of status: if the employer had the benefit of the labor and the worker is injured, generally comp will pay for those injuries. NPR looks at how that is changing and how some state laws are targeting undocumented workers.
Opt Out is Going to Return, and Why We Should Pay Attention – Think opt out was killed with the OK Supreme Court decision? At Bob’s Cluttered Desk, Bob Wilson talks about why that’s not likely and where the debate is going from here.
WCI 2017 – Miss the recent conference? Here are a few folks who have you covered: WCI has a good conference roundup and Conference Chronicles features good recaps of sessions.
Mourning writer Lizzie Grossman: The Pump Handle readers will miss her – We were sad to learn of Lizzie’s passing, a journalist and blogger who covered important environmental health issues. Her voice will be missed.
Quick Takes
- In Sweltering South, Climate Change Is Now a Workplace Hazard
- The switcheroo that could give McConnell enough votes to repeal Obamacare
- Cool tool: The NIOSH Lifting Equation App
- InsurTechs are disrupting the insurance industry
- Combining work and wellness for healthier, more productive employees
- Hazardous healthcare worker exposures on the rise
- Pre-cancerous skin lesions caused by outdoor work? Comp hangs in the balance
Would you let your employer microchip you? - Large employers say health plans will cost more than $14,000 for an employee in 2018
- When Catastrophe Occurs, Communication is Key
- Driver Faces 5 Charges — And Potential Death Penalty — Over Immigrants’ Deaths
- WCRI: Longer-Term Dispensing of Opioids to Injured Workers Decreased in Several States
- Cool tool: Window Cleaning Field Safety Guide
- Facing Cancer: Boston emerges as a leader in establishing practices to protect firefighters against cancer
- Insurance Fraud Rings Recruit Workers, Experts Warn
- MSHA: Coal Mining Deaths Reach Double Digit Numbers in 2017
- Older Workers at Greater Risk of Dying in Workplace Accidents
- U.S. News and World Report unveils 2017-18 Best Hospitals
In closing, Apparently, robots aren’t quite ready to take our jobs |
www_worksafe_qld_gov_au_safety-and-prevention_health-and-wellbeing_why-take-care-of-health-and-wellb | health | SIMILARITY: 0.5102
Benefits of health and wellbeing for work
Everyone benefits when health and wellbeing are part of our everyday lives at work.
On this page:
- What is work health and wellbeing?
- Benefits of investing in work health
- Research to support business case for work health
- Return to work
- References
Work design, workplace culture and the physical work environment can contribute to chronic diseases, musculoskeletal disorders and psychological illness.
Embedding work health and wellbeing into organisational systems can benefit the health of workers, resulting in reduced absenteeism, workplace injuries and increase productivity.
What is work health and wellbeing?
Work health and wellbeing focuses on improving work processes to benefit the health of workers and prevent chronic disease risks in the workplace. The work people do can positively or negatively affect the likelihood of a person developing an injury or illness. When it comes to work health and wellbeing, risk factors include physical inactivity including sedentary work, unhealthy eating, harmful alcohol consumption, smoking, obesity and poor mental health.
When we look at work health and wellbeing in the workplace there are many factors we must consider.
- Work organisation – the way work is done. This includes systems, policies, procedures, processes, physical and mental demands, work characteristics and the organisational context.
- Physical environment – the plant, equipment, materials, vehicles, buildings and structures where the work is performed.
- Workers – the physical, emotional and mental capacities and behaviours demonstrated.
Embedding work health and wellbeing into existing systems, policies and procedures can assist in making work health and wellbeing sustainable and relevant to the entire organisation. The three core elements in creating a healthy workplace are:
- Plan – embed work health and wellbeing into your business systems and identify and assess risks.
- Implement – manage risks by implementing appropriate interventions and monitor them to make sure they are effective.
- Evaluate the impact of embedding work health and wellbeing into your business systems and make sustainable improvements.
Workplace factors provide a physical, cultural and organisational environment that supports healthy lifestyle choices for workers, supply chain and networks. Workplace interventions should:
- build on a solid foundation of an effective safety management system
- be complementary to workplace health and safety systems and duties
- include consideration of work design and the work environment, and ensure these are contributing to positive health outcomes for workers
- adhere to principles of good work design.
Worker participation – it is important to engage workers when you develop and implement work health and wellbeing. This can assist you in making better decisions about the approach you take.
Benefits of investing in work health
Embedding work health and wellbeing into organisational systems and culture will benefit the health of workers and prevent chronic disease risk in the workplace. Many business goals will take time to achieve. Therefore, it is important to have a mixture of data sources to show short, medium and long-term outcomes.
| Within a few months | Within one to two years | Within three or more years* |
*Table adapted from WorkCover Tasmania's simple guide to Workplace Health and Wellbeing.
1. Chapman LS. Meta-evaluation of worksite health promotion economic return studies: 2012 update. The Art of Health Promotion 2012; 26(4).
Research to support business case for work health
Research shows work health and wellbeing is closely linked to productivity, risk of injury, business costs and return to work. Below are some of the results of these studies. This data can be used as part of a business case (DOCX, 0.56 MB) to gain management support and approval for work health, safety and wellbeing. data can also assist in developing a business case and setting an organisational benchmark against others in your industry.
Costs to business
- The direct and indirect financial cost in Australia of obesity alone (not including those who are considered overweight) was estimated at $37.7 billion in 2008-2009, with $6.4 billion being attributed to loss in workplace productivity. 2
- Workers who are obese have higher rates of workplace injuries and accidents, claim durations and medical costs associated with obesity.3-7 This may place pressure on workers' compensation schemes in the future.
- In 2014, the annual cost of absenteeism to the Australian economy was $44 billion and the estimated cost of presenteeism was $35 billion.8
- The four main causes of presenteeism are unhealthy lifestyles, workers with illnesses going to work, allergies and asthma, poor work-life balance and high levels of work related stress.16
- In 2013-14, the cost of work related injuries and diseases in Queensland was estimated to be $5.8 billion, of which employers bore 10 per cent of total cost of work related injuries18.
- Half of the loss in workplace productivity is due to chronic conditions such as headaches, neck/back pain and hay fever, and half is related to chronic diseases such as arthritis, cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes.9
- Mental health conditions cost Australian workplaces $10.9 billion each year.10 This consists of $4.7 billion in absenteeism, $6.1 billion in presenteeism and $146 million in workers compensation claims.10
Risk of injury
- Injury risk is 13 per cent higher for obese or overweight workers compared to workers with a healthy weight.22
- Obesity increases the risk of injury, including an increased probability of slips, trips and falls and musculoskeletal injury.19
- Recovery from injury takes longer for obese people, with the average hospital stay significantly longer.19
- Obesity is associated with sleep apnoea, which consequently leads to fatigue. Fatigue is an injury risk for those operating machinery and drivers.19
- Workers who smoked have a 38 per cent higher risk of work-related injury than those who have never smoked.20
- Type 2 diabetes and depression have been found to increase the risk of workplace injury.11
- High job demands increase the risk of safety shortcuts and fatigue which can lead to accidents or injury.11 Those with co-morbidities are at an increasingly higher risk.11
- Long working hours and shift work can lead to a variety of health effects (e.g. reduction in quality/quantity of sleep, fatigue, anxiety, depression, increased risk of heart disease and gastrointestinal disorders) and increased safety risks (e.g. reduced alertness affecting safe operation of plant and machinery).12
- Work-related stress is associated with higher rates of workplace accidents and injury.13
- High staff turnover, low management support and low job satisfaction are associated with increased rates of workplace injury.14
- The healthiest Australian employees are almost three times more productive than their unhealthy colleagues.16
- Workers with medium to high health risks are three times more likely to file workers compensation claims.17
- Workers with two or more chronic diseases have two and half times longer sickness absences than healthy workers.23
- Workers who are overweight/obese miss more than twice as many workdays for work-related injuries compared to workers of a healthy weight.7
- Excess weight and physical inactivity are associated with employees' work performance. Obese workers are more likely to take sick leave, have longer injury severity and recovery time off work and be less productive.2-7
- In 2001, it was estimated that more than four million days per year were lost by Australian workplaces due to obesity.5
- Two and a half million work days are missed annually because of personal alcohol use.7
- On average, 6.5 working days of productivity are lost annually per employee as a result of presenteeism.16
- Employees who consider their workplace mentally unhealthy take four times as many sick days than those who consider their workplace mentally healthy. Creating a mentally healthy workplace generates an average return of $2.30 in improved productivity for every $1 invested.10
- Productivity losses of those with chronic diseases account for 537 thousand full-time employment years and their carers 47 thousand part-time employment years. If chronic disease was eliminated Australian economic productivity could increase by 10 per cent.21
Return to work
- Work absence tends to perpetuate; for example, the longer someone is off work, the less likely they are to return to work. If the person is off work for:24
- 20 days the chance of ever getting back to work is 70 per cent
- 45 days the chance of ever getting back to work is 50 per cent
- 70 days the chance of ever getting back to work is 35 per cent.
- Long-term work absence, work disability and unemployment are harmful to physical and mental health and wellbeing. The psychological problems of being away from work may have consequences associated with physical health due to uptake of negative lifestyle choices such as smoking, harmful alcohol consumption and drug use.24
1 Chapman LS. Meta-evaluation of worksite health promotion economic return studies: 2012 update. The Art of Health Promotion 2012; 26(4).
2 KMPG. Economic modelling of the impact of obesity and obesity interventions. Medibank Private/KMPG; 2010.
3 Tao X, Su P, Yuspeh L, Lavin RA, Kalia-Satwah N, Bernacki EJ. Is Obesity associated with adverse workers' compensation claims outcomes? Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine 2016; 58(9):880-884.
4 Chenoweth DH, Rager RC, Haynes RG. Relationship between body mass index and workers' compensation claims and costs: results from the North Carolina League of Municipalities Database. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine 2015; 57:931–937.
5 Kleinman N, Abouzaid S, Andersen L, Wang Z, Powers A. Cohort analysis assessing medical and nonmedical cost associated with obesity in the workplace. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine 2014; 56:161–170.
6 Ostbye T, Stroo M, Eisenstein EL, Peterson B, Dement J. Is overweight and class I obesity associated with increased health claims costs? Obesity 2014; 22:1179–1186.
7 Van Nuys K, Globe D, Ng-Mak D, Cheung H, Sullivan J, Goldman D. The association between employee obesity and employer costs: evidence from a panel of U.S. employers. American Journal of Health Promotion 2014; 28:277-285.
8 Australian Industry Group. Absenteeism & presenteeism survey report 2015. Sydney (AUST): AiG; 2015.
9 Marlo K, Serxner S. Beyond ROI: Building employee health & wellness value of investment. National Business Group on Health/Optum – White paper. WHAA; 2015.
10 PriceWaterhouseCoopers Australia. Creating a mentally healthy workplace: return on investment analysis [Internet]. Sydney (AUST): PwC; 2014.
11 Kubo J, Goldstein BA, Cantley LF, Tessier-Sherman B, Galusha D, Slade MD, Chu IM, Cullen MR. Contribution of health status and prevalent chronic disease to individual risk for workplace injury in the manufacturing environment. Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2014; 71:159:166.
12 Caruso C. Negative impacts of shift work and long work hours. Rehabilitation Nursing 2014; 39(1):16-25.
13 Turner N, Herschcovis MS, Riech TC, Totterdell P. Work – family interference, psychological distress, and workplace injuries. Journal of Occupational and Organisational Psychology 2014; 87(4):715-732.
14 McCaughey D McGhan G, Walsh EM, Rathert C, Belue R. The relationship of positive work environments and workplace injury: Evidence from the National Nursing Assistant Survey Health Care Management Review 2014; 39(1):75-88.
15 Roche A, Pidd K, Kostadinov V. Alcohol and drug-related absenteeism: a costly problem. Public Health 2016; 40(3):236-238.
17 Medibank Private 2005, The health of Australia's workforce.
18 Workplace Health and Safety Queensland (2016) Cost of Workplace Incidents in Queensland: 2013-14 Update.
19 Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2011, 'Obesity and Injury in Australia: A review of the literature'.
20 Van Nuys, K., Globe, D., Ng-Mak, D., Cheung, H., Sullivan, J & Goldman, D. (2014).
21 Business Council of Australia. Selected facts and statistics on Australia's healthcare sector. Melbourne: BCA; 2011.
22 Dong, Z.S., Wantg, Z. & Largay, J.A. (2015).
23 Casimirri, E. et al (2014).
24 Royal College of Physicians Consensus Statement (2011). Realising the Health Benefits of Work. |
bordencom_com_home_2021_12_self-care-studio_ | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4859
The Self Care Studio in The Wellness Intelligence Collective (TWIC) is focused on stress-relief, self-regulation, balance, and flow. It’s about saying YES to what matters … because you matter!
It took me a long time to figure out how to take care of myself … through not feeling well and taking care of others with a whole heart, I have been burned and burnt out, I have fought my own ability to surrender, and really didn’t understand how to connect to my breath. Over the years, I have learned and unlearned, I have practiced, I have studied and taken trainings and certifications and I’m here to share it all with you one easy to practice and fit into your day self-care activity each week!
All of the Self-Care practices, activities, and rituals I share in TWIC can offer you so much … they are efficient in terms of learning about them, and why and when you will want to “stack” them into your day. Every Tuesday I introduce you to something that I rely on that I hope you will not only look forward to, but treasure in your life.
You will find results and benefits from being part of this Breakout Room … and exploring the full library. This is where you can binge scroll and feel GREAT.
I look forward to sharing with you … in the Studio and sometimes even on a Wellness Intelligence Break. Please feel free to join us!
+ Weekly Intelligent Self-Care Ritual shared every Tuesday
+ Express ways to find pause in your day without being still
+ Feel better and have lots to share with those you care about
+ Full Access to my UnMeditation Library (guided UnMeditations as short as 3 minutes)
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+ Find this week’s Self Care Practive in The Wellness Intelligence Collective (TWIC) here.
+ Access the complete library of Self Care Practices as a KEY Member in TWIC here.
If you are not yet a member of TWIC, request to join here, and you will receive a link.
If you would like a tour, and to understand how to best use this studio and the content, please just reach out to me at any time, otherwise, read what’s waiting for you in TWIC and pay attention on Tuesday mornings when I share a new Self Care Practice weekly. |
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Are you searching for a simple, cost-effective, and enjoyable way to stay healthy? Look no further than walking. This everyday activity has the potential to transform your health and wellbeing. In this article, we’ll explore seven amazing benefits of walking and explain how you can incorporate it into your daily routine.
Boost your heart health
One of the most significant advantages of walking is its impact on your cardiovascular health. Studies have shown that regular walking can help lower your risk of heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure. When you walk, your heart rate increases, which strengthens your heart muscles and improves blood circulation. Furthermore, walking can help lower cholesterol levels and maintain a healthy blood pressure.
Strengthen your immune system
Did you know that walking can bolster your body’s natural defence mechanisms? It’s true! Regular walking has been linked to improved immune function, helping you ward off common illnesses like the cold and flu. This is achieved through increased blood flow, which supports the transportation of white blood cells and other immune-boosting compounds throughout your body. So, lace up those shoes and get moving to keep those pesky germs at bay!
Improve mental wellbeing
Walking isn’t just great for your body – it’s a natural mood enhancer too! When you walk, your brain releases endorphins, the “feel-good” hormones that reduce stress and improve your overall mood. Plus, taking a stroll outdoors can be a fantastic way to break up your day, clear your mind, and gain a fresh perspective on any challenges you may be facing.
Aid weight management
If you’re looking to shed a few pounds or maintain a healthy weight, walking can be an effective and enjoyable way to achieve your goals. Walking burns calories and boosts your metabolism, helping you create a calorie deficit that can lead to weight loss. The best part is that walking is low-impact, meaning it’s suitable for people of all fitness levels and age groups.
Enhance joint and bone health
As we age, maintaining joint and bone health becomes increasingly important. Walking is a weight-bearing exercise, which means it can help preserve bone density and reduce your risk of osteoporosis. Additionally, walking helps lubricate your joints and strengthen the muscles that support them, reducing the risk of injury and improving mobility.
Increase creativity and productivity
Feeling stuck in a creative rut or struggling to focus at work? Try going for a walk! Research has found that walking can boost creativity and problem-solving skills, as well as improve focus and attention. So next time you’re experiencing writer’s block or a mid-afternoon slump, take a quick walk to recharge your brain and unlock your full potential.
Promote better sleep
If you’re struggling to catch some quality shut-eye, walking might be the solution you’ve been searching for. Regular physical activity, such as walking, can help improve sleep quality by reducing stress, regulating your body’s internal clock, and promoting the release of sleep-inducing hormones. Aim to walk in the morning or early afternoon to maximise these benefits and avoid disrupting your sleep cycle.
How to incorporate walking into your daily routine
Now that you know the incredible benefits of walking, it’s time to start incorporating it into your everyday life. Here are a few simple tips to help you get started:
- Start small: Begin with a short, 10-15 minute walk each day, and gradually increase your duration as you build stamina and confidence.
- Make it a habit: Aim to walk at the same time each day to establish a routine and make it a non-negotiable part of your schedule.
- Mix it up: Explore different walking routes and environments to keep things fresh and engaging.
- Bring a buddy: Walking with a friend or family member can make the experience more enjoyable and provide an opportunity for social connection. Plus, having a walking partner can help keep you accountable and motivated.
- Listen to something: If you prefer walking solo, listening to music, podcasts, or audiobooks can make your walks more engaging and enjoyable.
- Set goals: Establish walking goals, such as reaching a certain number of steps per day or covering a specific distance each week. This can help keep you motivated and track your progress.
- Walk with purpose: Combine walking with other activities, such as running errands, commuting to work, or walking your dog. This can help you integrate walking into your daily life without it feeling like an added burden.
Incorporating regular walking into your daily routine can have a profound impact on your overall health and wellbeing. From boosting heart health and immune function to improving mental wellbeing and sleep quality, the benefits of walking are truly remarkable. So, why not put on your walking shoes and start reaping the rewards of this simple, enjoyable, and accessible form of exercise? Your body and mind will thank you.
Remember, always consult with a healthcare professional before beginning any new exercise regimen, especially if you have pre-existing medical conditions or concerns. Happy walking! |
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Winter brings colder air, lower temperatures, and sometimes even snow. While these conditions can be fun for skiing or sledding, they’re not so fun when it comes to keeping your skin healthy. Cold weather and biting winds can challenge even the most polished skin care routine with dryness, itching, and irritation. Wondering if there’s anything…
#Healthy LivingRecovery from substance use can be a challenging journey, but there are many community organizations in our community that help to contribute towards the support systems necessary for lasting change. They provide much needed resources, connections, and a sense of belonging to individuals and families navigating the recovery process. How community-based organizations can help These…
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#Business ResourcesNot all superheroes wear capes. For CDPHP® member, Kim Lane, her superheroes wear ConnectRx pharmacy name tags. “I wish I could draw,” says Kim. “I have this vision in my head of the team at ConnectRx, and they’re all superheroes.” A patient at ConnectRx for three years now, Kim appreciates the support she receives from…
#Healthy LivingEach year, 3 million older Americans are hospitalized for fall-related injuries. Falls can take a serious toll on your health, quality of life, and confidence, but there are actions you can take to help keep yourself better balanced. Simple activities like staying physically active, getting your hearing and vision checked regularly, fall-proofing your home, and…
#Healthy LivingFamily nurse practitioner, Marie Schongar, appreciates the MyFitRx program from every angle. “I loved seeing so many clients playing pickle ball, dancing to Zumba, or exercising in the gym while I walked around the track to start my exercise plan,” she says. “It was inspiring to see so many people working on their wellness programs.” A…
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Mental Wellness Solutions: Advertising Wellness and Assistance
In today’s fast-paced world, psychological health and wellness has gathered substantial interest as a vital element of total health. Mental health services play a vital function in sustaining people facing a range of difficulties, from anxiousness and depression to a lot more extreme emotional conditions. These services include a wide range of interventions, programs, and resources developed to promote mental health, give essential therapy, and foster an encouraging atmosphere for those in need.
Psychological wellness services normally consist of a combination of treatment, counseling, medicine monitoring, and support groups. Specialists such as psychologists, psychoanalysts, social workers, and accredited specialists function collaboratively to offer customized services based upon individual demands. Access to these services has actually improved throughout the years, with numerous doctor integrating mental healthcare into main health setups, therefore motivating more people to look for the help they require without stigma.
Among one of the most significant advancements in mental wellness solutions is the surge of teletherapy, specifically throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Teletherapy supplies individuals with the flexibility to accessibility psychological health services from the convenience of their homes, lowering barriers such as transport obstacles and time restraints. This evolution has opened up new paths for people to involve with mental wellness experts, promoting raised involvement and the normalization of seeking help.
Moreover, community-based psychological health and wellness services have become a vital component of an alternative technique to psychological health care. These solutions often entail outreach programs, academic workshops, and regional support system that equip neighborhoods to foster understanding and concern in the direction of psychological health issues. By producing an informed community that identifies the value of mental wellness, people are most likely to sustain one another and decrease the preconception related to mental illness.
To conclude, psychological health services are crucial for improving private health and producing healthier areas. The variety of offered services makes sure that people have accessibility to the support they require, whether through specialist therapy or community campaigns. As awareness of mental health continues to grow, it is essential to prioritize and invest in these services, ensuring that every person has the opportunity to flourish emotionally and emotionally. |
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Dr Hannah R. Marston
Research Fellow
Health & Wellbeing Priority Research Area
Ground Floor, Stuart Hall Building
School of Health, Wellbeing & Social Care
The Open University
Walton Drive, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK |
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Betsi Cadwaladr Health Board Nowhere Near Ok Head March 30, 2022 It’s thought some life-style tweaks may stop your brain deteriorating in the first place, say Oxford researchers. Staying social, exercising and brushing your teeth might help minimize risk of dementia. China , often known as floor zero for the pandemic, may be fueling the worldwide rise of super gonorrhea-a menace capable of evading standard treatments, endangering public health worldwide. Don’t have the time, or inclination, to make your personal packed lunch to take to work each day? A meal deal – which generally gets you a sandwich, a snack and a drink for £3.50 to £5 – is often a… Continue Reading |
einsteinmed_edu_faculty_479_alyson-moadel-robblee | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4288
Alyson B. Moadel-Robblee, Ph.D.
- Professor, Department of Epidemiology & Population Health (Health Behavior Research & Implementation Science)
- Professor, Department of Medicine
- Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology
- Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
- Division Head, Division of Health Behavior Research & Implementation Science, Department of Epidemiology & Population Health
- Founding Director, Bronx Oncology Living Daily (BOLD) / Psychosocial Oncology Program
- Deputy Director, Community Engagement and Cancer Health Equity, Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Albert Einstein College of Medicine Jack and Pearl Resnick Campus 1300 Morris Park Avenue Belfer Building 1006 Bronx, NY 10461
Research Profiles
Professional Interests
Alyson Moadel-Robblee, Ph.D. is Clinical Professor in the Department of Epidemiology & Population Health at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. She holds several roles including Director of the Psychosocial Oncology Program, founding Director of the Bronx Oncology Living Daily (BOLD) Program, and Co-Director of the Integrative Oncology Program of the Montefiore Einstein Center for Cancer Care (MECCC), Bronx NY. As a health psychologist, Dr. Moadel applies a career in research, teaching and counseling to her interest in the psychological, social and cultural factors associated with coping with cancer. She received her doctorate in Health Psychology from Yeshiva University in 1995, after which she received her postdoctoral training (1995-1997) at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in Psycho-Oncology. Since then, she has been involved in studying the efficacy of various behavioral and mind-body intervention methods to improve the quality of life of cancer patients.
In 2001, Dr. Moadel was awarded grants from the National Cancer Institute and Langeloth Foundation to initiate one of the first randomized controlled trials in the United States to examine the effects of yoga on quality of life in breast cancer patients. As a follow-up to this pilot work, the Langeloth Foundation awarded an additional 2-years of funding (January 2004-2006) to continue her yoga research in breast cancer, as well as to expand it to two new patient populations, namely lung and colorectal cancer patients. A description of the Yoga intervention protocol that was used in this study can be found below. In addition to her research in yoga, Dr. Moadel received a three-year grant from the American Cancer Society (July 2003-2006) to investigate the effects of a spiritual group intervention in comparison to a psycho-educational intervention on quality of life, spiritual well-being, and survival in advanced stage cancer patients. All of her studies are accessible to English and Spanish-speaking patients.
Based on an ongoing psychosocial needs assessment of over 1,500 cancer patients, Dr. Moadel-Robblee has focused her career on program development and evaluation efforts to meet the unmet needs of the underserved cancer patient population of the Bronx. In addition to directing a free counseling program delivered by bilingual mental health counseling student interns under her supervision, she has developed a diverse BOLD Wellness Workshop Program, offering over 12 workshops per month at various MECCC locations featuring interests endorsed by patients including crochet, Reiki, jewelry making, dance movement, scrapbooking, meditation/yoga, walking/nutrition groups, among many others, at no cost to participants.
To address factors that may contribute to cancer disparities, including isolation, cultural misconceptions, and medical mistrust, and treatment nonadherence, she has received funding from the Avon Foundation, Entertainment Industry Foundation, and Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure to develop and expand the BOLD Buddy Program, comprised of English- and Spanish-speaking cancer survivor volunteers who provide peer navigation and counseling to underserved, primarily African American and Latino, cancer patients. In 2015, BOLD Screening Buddies were developed and placed at the Montefiore breast imaging clinics to help encourage women lost to follow up who were recalled for further diagnostic screening to return, and in 2016, the BOLD Buddy Program included a new arm of BOLD Doulas who provide compassionate bedside support to breast cancer patients at end of life. As an outgrowth of this peer support program, the BOLD Brothers/Sisters Program is currently under development, with support from the Lewin Fund, to provide a peer mentorship program for Bronx teens and young adults affected by parental cancer.
In May 2017, Dr. Moadel-Robblee was the faculty recipient of Einstein's Spirit of Achievement award:
Selected Publications
Selected Publications - Updated August 2015:
- Hyman, R.B., Baker, S., Ephraim, R., Moadel, A., & Philip, J. Health belief model variables as predictors of screening mammography utilization. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 17(4):391-406, 1994.
- Ostroff, J.S., Jacobsen, P.B., Moadel, A., Spiro, R.H., Shah, J.P., Strong, E.W., Kraus, D.H., & Schantz, S.P. Prevalence and predictors of continued tobacco use after treatment of patients with head and neck cancer. Cancer, 75:569-576, 1995.
- Moadel, A.B., Ostroff, J.S., Lesko, L.M., & Bajorunas, D.R. Psychosexual adjustment among women receiving hormone replacement therapy for premature menopause following cancer treatment, Psycho-Oncology, 4:273-282,1995.
- Moadel, A.B., Lederberg, M.S., & Ostroff, J.S. Nicotine dependence and withdrawal in an oncology setting: A risk factor for psychiatric comorbidity and treatment nonadherence, Psycho-Oncology, 8 (3):264-267, 1999.
- Fleshner, N., Garland, J., Moadel, A., Herr, H., Ostroff, J., Trambert, R., O’Sullivan, M., & Russo, P. Influence of Smoking Status on the Disease-Related Outcomes of Patients with Tobacco-Associated Superficial Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Bladder. Cancer, 86:2337-2345, 1999.
- Moadel, A., Morgan, C., Fatone, A., Grennan, J., Carter J., LaRuffa, G., Skummy, A., & Dutcher, J. Seeking meaning and hope. Self-reported spiritual and existential needs among an ethnically-diverse cancer patient population, Psycho-Oncology, 8 (5):378-385, 1999.
- Ostroff, J., Garland, J., Moadel, A., Fleshner, N., Hay, J., Zauber, A., Cramer, L., Tramber, R., O’Sullivan, M., & Russo, P. Cigarette smoking patterns after treatment of bladder cancer. Journal of Cancer Education, 15:86-90, 2000.
- Carter, J., Park, E., Moadel, A., Cleary, S. & Morgan, C. Cancer Knowledge, Attitudes, Beliefs and Practices (KABP) of Disadvantaged Women in South Bronx. Journal of Cancer Education, 17(3):142-149, 2002.
- Weissman, M., Paulus, Russak, S., Lubeck, Chiou, Sengupta, Ofman, Borenstein, Moadel, A., Sherbourne. Development of a new instrument for rheumatoid arthritis (RA): The Cedars-Sinai Health Related Quality of Life Instrument (CSHQ-RA). Arthritis Care and Research, 49(1):78-84, 2003.
- Russak S.M., Sherbourne C.D., Lubeck D.P., Paulus H.D., Chiou C.F., Sengupta N., Borenstein J., Ofman J.J., Moadel, A., and Weissman M. Validation of a Rheumatoid Arthritis Heath-Related Quality of Life Instrument, the CSHQ-RA. Arthritis Care and Research, 49(6):798-803, 2003.
- Moadel, A., Skamai, A., Carter, J., Carey, J., & Morgan, C. Cancer Education for Home Health Care Workers: A Process Evaluation. Journal of Cancer Education, 20(4):229-234, 2005.
- Hay, J., Ostroff, J., Burkhalter, J., Quiles, Z., Moadel, A. Changes in cancer-related risk perception and smoking across time in newly-diagnosed cancer patients. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 30(2): 131-142, 2007.
- Fatone, A., Moadel*, A.B., Foley, F.W., Fleming, M., Jandorf, L. Urban voices: The quality of life experience among women of color with breast cancer. Palliative and Supportive Care, 5(2):115-125, 2007.
- Moadel, A., Morgan, C., Dutcher, J. Psychosocial Needs Assessment among an Underserved, Ethnically Diverse Cancer Patient Population. Cancer, 109(2 Suppl):446-454, 2007.
- Wright, N., Soroudi, N., Wylie-Rosett, J., Lukoschek, P., Moadel, A. The School Yard Kids: A Puppet Show to Promote a Healthy Lifestyle. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 39(5):290-291, 2007.
- Moadel, A., Shah, C., Wylie-Rosett, J., Harris, M., Patel, S., Hall, C., Sparano, J. Randomized Controlled Trial of Yoga among a Multiethnic Sample of Breast Cancer Patients: Effects on Quality of Life. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 25(28): 4387–4395, 2007.
- Moody, K., Mannix M.M., Furnari, N., Fishcher, J., Kim, M.Y., Moadel, A. Psychosocial Needs of Ethnic Minority, Inner-City, Pediatric Cancer Patients. Supportive Care in Cancer, 19(9): 1403-1410, 2011.
- Roth, M., Marrone, K., Moody, K., Kim, M., Wang, D., Moadel, A., Levy, A. Career Burnout among Pediatric Oncologists. Pediatric Blood and Cancer 57(7), 1168-73, 2011.
- Bernstein, S.L., Bijur, P., Cooperman, N., Jearld, S., Arnsten, J., Moadel, A.B., Gallagher, E. A Randomized Trial of a Multicomponent Cessation Strategy for Emergency Department Smokers. Academic Emergency Medicine, 18(6):575-83, 2011.
- Shuter J, Salmo LN, Shuter AD, Nivasch EC, Fazzari M, Moadel AB. Provider beliefs and practices relating to tobacco use in patients living with HIV/AIDS: a national survey. AIDS Behav. 2012 Feb;16(2):288-94. doi: 10.1007/s10461-011-9891-4. PubMed PMID: 21301950; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3275677.
- Bernstein SL, Bijur, PE, Cooperman, N, Jearld, S, Arnsten, JH, Moadel, AB, Gallagher, JE. Efficacy of an ED-based multicomponent intervention for smokers with substance use disorders. J Substance Abuse Treatment, 2013 Jan;44(1):139-42. doi: 10.1016/j.jsat.2012.05.005. Epub 2012 Jul 2. PubMed PMID: 22763199; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3465634.
- Shuter J, Bernstein SL, Moadel AB. Cigarette Smoking Behaviors and Beliefs in Persons Living with HIV/AIDS. Am J Health Behav, 36(1):75-85, 2012. PubMed PMID: 22251785.
- Weiss, T., Weinberger, M.I., Holland, J., Nelson, C., & Moadel, A. Falling Through the Cracks: A Review of Psychological Distress and Psychosocial Service Needs In Older African American and Hispanic Patients with Cancer. J Geriatric Onc, 2012, 3(2): 163-173.
- Moadel AB, Bernstein SL, Mermelstein RJ, Arnsten JH, Dolce EH, Shuter J. A randomized controlled trial of a tailored group smoking cessation intervention for HIV-infected smokers. JAIDS, 61(2): 208-215; 2012.
- Bernstein SL, Cooperman N, Jearld S, Moadel A, Bijur P, Gallagher EJ. Predictors of in-person follow-up among subjects in an ED-based smoking cessation trial. Am J Emerg Med. 2012 Nov;30(9):2067-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ajem.2012.06.011. Epub 2012 Sep 20. PubMed PMID: 23000321; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3777735.
- Stein, E., Kolidas, E., Moadel, A. Do spiritual patients want spiritual interventions?: A qualitative exploration of underserved cancer patients. Pall & Supp Care, 2015 Feb;13(1):19-25. doi: 10.1017/S1478951513000217. Epub 2013 Aug 6. PubMed PMID:23916058.
- Hirji, I., Gupta, S., Goren, A., Chirovsky, D.R., Moadel, A.B., Olavarria, E., Victor, T.W. Davis, C.C. Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML): Association of treatment satisfaction, negative medication experience and treatment restrictions with health outcomes, from the patient’s perspective. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. 2013 Oct 8;11:167. doi: 10.1186/1477-7525-11-167. PubMed PMID: 24099272; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3851879.
- Nevadunsky, N, Van Arsdale, A, Strickler, H, Moadel, A, Kaur, G, Frimer, M, Conroy, E, Goldberg, GL, Einstein, M. Metformin use and endometrial cancer survival. Gynecologic Oncology, 2014, Jan;132(1):236-40. doi: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2013.10.026. Epub 2013 Nov 2. PubMed PMID: 24189334; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3904540
- Nevadunsky, N., Van Arsdale, A., Strickler, H., Moadel, A., Kaur, G., Levitt, J., Girda, E., Goldfinger, M., Goldberg, G., Einstein. M., Obesity and Age at Diagnosis of Endometrial Cancer. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2014 Aug;124(2 Pt 1):300-6. doi:10.1097/AOG.0000000000000381. PubMed PMID: 25004350.
- Shuter, J., Moadel, A.B., Kim, R., Weinberger, A.H., and Stanton, C.A. Self-efficacy to quit in HIV-infected smokers. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 16(11), 1527-1531, 2014 Aug 23. PubMed PMID: 25151662; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4271091.
- Charlson ME., Loizzo J., Moadel A., Neale M., Newman C., Olivo E., Wolf E., Peterson, J. Contemplative Self Healing in Women Breast Cancer Survivors: A pilot study in underserved minority women shows improvement in quality of life and reduced stress. BMC Contemplative and Alternative Medicine, 2014 Sep 23;14:349. doi:10.1186/1472-6882-14-349. PubMed PMID: 25249005; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4190303.
- Conlon, B., Kahan, M., Martinez, M., Isaac, K., Rossi, A., Skyhart, R., Wylie-Rosett, J., and Moadel, A. Development and Evaluation of the Curriculum for BOLD (Bronx Oncology Living Daily) Healthy Living: A Diabetes Prevention and Control Program for Underserved Cancer Survivors. Journal of Cancer Education, 2014 Nov 15. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 25394834.
- Stanton, C.A., Moadel, A.B., Kim, R., Weinberger, A.H., Shuter, J. Loneliness in HIV-infected Smokers. AIDS Care, 2015;27(2):268-72. doi:10.1080/09540121.2014.963017. Epub 2014 Oct 8. PubMed PMID: 25298196; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4286503.
- Rossi, A., Moadel-Robblee, A., Garber, C.E., Kuo, D., Goldberg, G., Einstein, M., Nevadunsky, N. Physical Activity for an Ethnically Diverse Sample of Endometrial Cancer Survivors: A Needs Assessment and Pilot Intervention. Journal of Gynecology Oncology. 26(2): 141-147, 2015.
- Van Arsdale, A, Einstein, M, Kaur, G, Strickler, H, Moadel, A, Goldberg, G, Nevadunsky, N. Association between Statin Use and Endometrial Cancer Survival. Obstetrics & Gynecology (In Press).
B. Books, Chapters, Invited Articles
- Lesko, L.M., & Moadel, A.B. Psychosocial Factors. In F.L. Johnson & E.L. O'Donnell (Eds.), The Candlelighters Guide to Bone Marrow Transplants in Children. Bethesda, MD: The Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation. pp. 90-97, 1994.
- Moadel, A.B., Ostroff, J.S., & Lesko, L.M. Fertility and Sexuality Issues. In M. Whedon & D. Wujcik(Eds.), Blood and Marrow Stem Cell Transplantation: Principles, Practice and Nursing Insights (2nd edition). Boston: Jones and Bartlett. pp. 377-399, 1997.
- Moadel, A.B., & Ostroff, J.S. Site-specific psychological issues: Head and neck cancer. In J.C. Holland (Ed.), Handbook of Psycho-Oncology: Psychological Care of the Patient with Cancer. New York: Oxford University Press. 314-323, 1998.
- Moadel, A.B., Lederberg, M.S., & Ostroff, J.S. Nicotine dependence and withdrawal in an oncologysetting: A risk factor for psychiatric comorbidity and treatment nonadherence. Review Series Psychiatry, 3/00:2-4, 2000.\Moadel, A. Harris, M. Cancer. In B.A. Boyer & I. Paharia (Eds.), Comprehensive Handbook of Clinical Health Psychology. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2007.
- Moadel, A.B. Sexuality and Cancer. In J.G. Golson & G.A. Colditz (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Cancer and Society. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2007.
- Harris, M., & Moadel, A.B. Psychosocial Issues. In J.G. Golson & G.A. Colditz (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Cancer and Society. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2007.
- Moadel, A.B, Hall, C.B. “Author’s Reply” to Commentary on Moadel et al, Randomized Controlled Trial of Yoga among a Multiethnic Sample of Breast Cancer Patients: Effects on Quality of Life. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 25(28): 4387–4395, 2007. Journal FACT (Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies). March, 2008.
- Moadel, A.B., Harris, M. Kolidas, E. Santizo, R., Harris, K., Paul, D. Psycho-educational and spiritual interventions for low income cancer patients: Results of Randomized and Patient Preference Trials. In Cancer Disparities: Causes and Evidence-based Solutions (R. Elk & H. Landrine Eds.). New York: Springer, pp. 433-454, 2012.
- Moadel, A.B. Review of the book MD Anderson Manual of Psychosocial Oncology, by J.D. Duffy & A.D. Valentine (Eds.). Psycho-oncology (2012; In press), DOI: 10.1002/pon.3152.
- Keitel, M., Lamm, A., Moadel, A. Strengthening families facing breast cancer: Emerging trends and clinical recommendations. In J. G. Grzywacz & G. Welch (Eds.) Living with a Chronic Health Condition: Helping Families Survive and Thrive, New York: Springer (2015, in press). |
www_thewisdomawakened_com_2017_06_how-do-music-and-laughter-help-you-stay_html | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4642
Music and laughter are among the best remedies to many health relatedissues, and laughter and listening to music is a perfect way to stayhealthy. According to a popular saying, alillaughing makes you younger'.Of late, people have huge and heavy loads that they carry all day, everyday to work, back home, and anywhere else they go.
This is due to the many responsibilities bestowed upon you and othertasks that put on yourself, thus leaving you with very little space and timeto take pleasure in the little happy moments of life.
Frustrations, stress, and depression leave you unhealthy. Therefore, youneed to completely eliminate them from your life to live a good andhealthy lifestyle. Scientists and medical experts found out that laughtertherapy and music therapy can work effectively to provide relief from theabove mentioned health issues. In fact, they can also heal a number ofmental disorders and other health conditions.
Here is how music and laughter can help you to stay healthy.
Relieve stress
The music calms your mind and at the same time soothes your soul. It istherefore believed to possess anti-anxiety properties. According to a studyconducted in Taiwan, new nurses suffering from high levels of stress wereindiscriminately assigned to either rest quietly or listen to slow, soft,soothing music. Those assigned to listen to music reported less stresslevels and also had lower heart rate, and blood pressure. Laughter alsohas a similar effect as music in terms of being a good stress reliever. Thisis something that everyone can relate to.
For example: If you have probably found yourself in a very stressingsituation, then when a friend tells a hilarious joke out of the blue, youlaugh so hard that you almost salivate, after which you feel much better.
Boost your immunity
Negative stress results in chemical reactions in the body that lower yourimmunity, increasing your odds of getting sick. According to some studies,music not only boosts human being immune system, but also that of otheranimals, including mice that were also found to have a similar reaction. Onthe same note, a hearty laugh was also found to boost the immune systemwith sickness-fighting ability that will enable you to stay energetic andhealthy.
Better heart health
Back in the days, music was believed to have the power to give life to alifeless soul. It is said that music speaks without words. According to aresearch study by a renowned psychologist known as Daniel Levitin, amaster in music neuroscience, music has high levels of immune globin A. This is an antibody that ensures healthy heart and boosts immunity.
Laughter on the hand improves blood flow and lowers blood pressure, which will consequently minimize your chances of suffering from a heartattack or stroke.
Burn calories
Both music and laughter can help you burn the excess calories in yourbody. Dancing to music has been established to be one of the best,easiest, and the most enjoyable way of burning excess calories. In fact, itis highly recommended by most health and physical experts, andprofessional medical practitioners. According to a study conducted by theInternational Journal of Obesity, laughing increases your caloricexpenditure and heart rate, leading to approximately 10 to 40 caloriesburned over fifteen minutes of good laughter.
Regardless of the health benefits provided to you by music and laughter, itis very vital to apply for an EHIC card to access necessary medicalattention in the event you travel to any of the 28 EU nations.
Ruby Andrew’s author bio
Ruby Andrew lives in Bristol, UK and is an avid reader and blogger. Since her early years she’s had a passion for writing. Her articles have been published in leading UK newspapers. Her areas of interest are food, reviews (Book/Movie), Travel, Fashion, Lifestyle, Fitness and Health. She works as a guest blogger on her chosen areas of interest and currently writes on behalf of EHIC card. |
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Revista de Saúde Pública, Volume: 17, Issue: 1, Published: 1983
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Artigos Originais
Notas Epidemiológicas
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New sections of the Journal of Public Health
Forattini, Oswaldo Paulo
Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo
São Paulo - SP - Brazil
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bristool_com_how-to-create-an-effective-health-goal-action-plan_ | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4013
How to Create an Effective Health Goal Action Plan
For the health of your heart, it’s crucial to consider going beyond one’s diet. As per Lauren Smith, Registered Dietitian and founder Lauren Smith Nutrition Coaching LLC Lauren Smith Nutrition Coaching LLC Other lifestyle elements have to be taken into consideration as well. Lauren. Smith noted that “exercise routines, alcohol consumption cigarettes or drinking, stress levels and diet all affect the way that your heart works.” In the American Heart Association recommends minutes of moderately active physical activities or vigorous physical exercise (or an equal combination thereofon a weekly basis.
American Heart Association (AHA) stresses the benefits of exercise on their website. It is a great way to maintain your weight, stop weight gain after weight loss, and improve cardiovascular and physical fitness. The AHA recommends that individuals look at other options to integrate small amounts of exercise within their routines, like driving farther away or using stairs instead of taking the elevator. To achieve maximum benefit from physical activity, it is recommended to break up exercises evenly through each week. Smith is a Nutrition Coach with a large following on Instagram. Smith offers his clients a mixture of motivational interviewing and training to help make changes in their lifestyles.
In relation to her offerings, Smith makes it known that her services are available virtually entirely. In her remarks on the way she interacts with her patients, Smith stated that she doesn’t place a lot of emphasis on any particular weight and instead focuses on the other aspects of a person’s health, like laboratory tests as well as energy levels digest, sleep and how a person’s mind is connected to food. She stressed the necessity of being proactive when it comes to fighting heart disease with nutrition, Smith noted that a diverse diet rich in fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and heart healthy fats like omega sand monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats should be the main focus. To maintain optimal health Smith highlighted that it is essential to include enough fibre in one’s food plan.
Smith explained that fiber can be found in many food items such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes as well as seeds and nuts. He highlighted that berries are a particularly high source of fiber. Smith further emphasized the benefits of fiber for you heart. It lowers LDL cholesterol and reduces the risk of developing heart illness. Smith recommended that individuals who are already diagnosed with heart disease or who are in danger of developing it, speak with an experienced dietitian who can help them create a personalized plan. Smith stressed that he employs an individual approach to each customer to develop a plan perfectly suited to those clients’ needs.
Smith advised that the entire people who have or already have cardiovascular problems are advised to reduce their sodium intake, stay away from saturated fats and eliminate trans fats. As a general rule, it’s not ill advised to live a healthy lifestyle. Based on one’s age work, occupation, and life style it is essential that you eat a wide selection of different foods. This includes complex carbs, lean proteins and various colors.
It is important to include a mix of nutritious fats and lean protein in your diet to ensure that you meet all your nutritional needs. The drastic change like participating in fad diets, likely result in no lasting benefits. Better to focus on smaller changes, which will slowly alter your diet. As per Smith, “If the person has not been eating vegetables in their current diet, start by adding just one vegetable per every day.
Smith’s research suggests that a diet that is heart-healthy for any age and for all lifestyles is the ideal choice. The diet emphasizes avoiding processed food and processed products, in addition to salt and trans fats. They are among the major contributors to cardiovascular disease and other health issues. Smith recommends replacing processed food by eating complex carbohydrates, protein-rich lean foods, and color that fit to your daily routine. If you’re trying to change your lifestyle to be healthier in your life, you can begin by following Smith’s suggestions about the aspects of diet that affect heart health. |
drnoel-life_com_en-cz_products_life-health-60-dragees | health | SIMILARITY: 0.5506
dr. noel, LIFE+HEALTH Optimize your body, your focus and brain! Boost your well-being.
dr. noel, LIFE+HEALTH Optimize your body, your focus and brain! Boost your well-being.
Bezahlen Sie in 3 Raten mit
dr. noel, LIFE+HEALTH Boost your well-being
Take 7 powerful natural ingredients, with scientifically proven effects and clinically tested, in one pill. Vegan and laboratory-tested quality Made in Germany.
LIFE+HEALTH is a certified vegan and gluten-free premium product with natural, synergetic active ingredients, selected organic extracts, trace elements and vitamins. It supports your immune system and your health. The high-quality dietary supplement promotes stress reduction, increases energy levels and general well-being.
Strictly validated raw materials from the best manufacturers worldwide, such as Resveratrol (Veri-te Resveratrol), Japanese Cord Tree Flower Extract, Quercetin, Roseroot Extract, Organic Acerola Extract with the highest levels of natural Vitamin C and Ashwagandha (KSM-66 Ashwagandha). In addition, the vitamins D3 and K2 come from quality-tested and controlled German production.
The positive effect of the ingredients on memory, sleep quality, stress reduction as well as on the immune system and blood circulation has been scientifically confirmed.
Quercetin, an important antioxidant, supports the removal of aged cells, which damage the human organism and accelerate the aging process. It works like a real detox cure. Ashwagandha from Ayurvedic medicine is known for its stress-relieving, calming and balancing properties. Resveratrol has an anti-inflammatory and balancing effect, especially with hormonal fluctuations. Menopause symptoms are alleviated.
The bioavailability of the active ingredients in a perfect daily dose and the synergetic effects ensure that your entire body is optimally supplied.
From the 3 month after daily intake you will feel the lasting effect.
Organic Acerola Extract (Natural Vitamin C), Resveratrol (Veri-te Resveratrol), Ashwaganda Extract (KSM-66 Ashwagandha), Japanese Cord Tree Flower Extract, Roseroot Extract, Vitamin D3/K2.
60 capsules, 732 mg each, laboratory-tested quality, Made in Germany, vegan, gluten-free.
Take 2 capsules per day, preferably in the morning with enough water, ideally in combination with our NMN boost your day... product.
Vegan and laboratory-tested quality Made in Germany.
product details
product details
ß-nicotinamide mononucleotide is a 99.7% highly pure, certified premium product. Organic NMN increases NAD+ levels and cellular energy delivery. By additionally activating our longevity genes, called sirtuins, the aging process is slowed down.
Lozenges can slow
be dissolved under the tongue.
Dr. David Sinclair, Professor of Genetics at Harvard Medical School
Scientific Evidence
- Garmany, A., Yamada, S. & Terzic, A. Longevity leap: mind the healthspan gap. npj Regen Med 6, 57 (2021).
- López-Otín, C., Blasco, MA, Partridge, L., Serrano, M., & Kroemer, G. (2013). The hallmarks of aging. Cell, 153(6), 1194–1217.
- Rajman, L., Chwalek, K., & Sinclair, D.A. (2018). Therapeutic Potential of NAD-Boosting Molecules: The In Vivo Evidence. Cell metabolism, 27(3), 529–547.
Hassle Free Exchanges
Top quantity-price ratio (ΝΜΝ full adult dose for 1 month. The required amount of NMN for an adult aged 30-50 years is 500 mg/day. The dose recommended by scientists is therefore 2 tablets per day in the morning hours. Each pack contains 60 tablets, each tablet contains 250mg, so one pack of dr. noel NMN contains a dose for 1 month.
Each capsule contains 732 mg. Each pack contains 60 capsules. The recommended dosage is 2 capsules/day, so each pack is intended for 1 month.
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The primary packaging made of medical brown glass consists of natural materials except for the eco-plastic closures and is 100 percent recyclable.
The 1st NMN product developed for 100% sublingual administration
It is the first hypoglossal NMN tablet (sublingual dragee) on the market, so that the entire active ingredient can be absorbed at once. It is transported directly into the body's cells through the digestive tract without any loss of effectiveness and can therefore develop its maximum effect.
Sucking leaves a pleasantly fresh taste.
Slow down aging with the Longevity Bundle
What does the NMN offer us?
- Better skin and firmer tissue
- strengthening the immune system
- strengthening of skeletal muscles
- improving liver function and increasing bone density
- improvement of eye function
- reduction of insulin sensitivity
- improving energy levels
What does LIFE+HEALTH ask of us?
- Supports our immune system and our health
- Reduces stress
- Increases energy levels
- Promotes memory and concentration
- Improves sleep quality
- Strengthens the immune system
- Helps with good blood circulation
- Slows down the aging process
- Has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects
- Increases well-being
Synergistic NAD+ boosting
Increases NAD+ production in the cell to slow and even reverse the signs of aging. Improves your energy levels, cognitive function, metabolism and much more.
Improves physical & mental performance
Our NAD+ precursor and NAD+ booster work in synergy with the Sirtuin system to promote youthful energy and vitality and support long-term health.
Supports and delays healthy cell aging
The unique combination of ingredients supports cell repair and reduces the effects of aging by increasing NAD+ levels and the sirtuin system throughout the body. |
www_goodtastecitizen_com_blogs_journal_tagged_tvarus-gyvenimas | health | SIMILARITY: 0.5542
Journal — tvarus gyvenimas
The Road to Health // Kelias į sveikatą
emocinė sveikata emotional health health mental health psichologinė sveikata sustainability sustainable fashion sustainable lifestyle sveikata tvari mada tvarumas tvarus gyvenimas
Vaida Pilelyte
So often I catch myself thinking- where does health start. Where does any of it start? I get it why so many people think that sustainability is another trend and it shall pass when the new hot thing arrives, I get that question ofter as well. And quite frankly- it’s my own fault cause I never explained why I do what I do. It’s quite a journey to get to where I am and nothing happened by accident. Nothing. I don’t want to sound arrogant and say that I am emotionally and mentally healthy, I literally just scratched the surface. But I... |
www_crossfitsouthampton_com_category_general_ | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4768
by Charles Balchin | Mar 13, 2020 | General
Your health and wellbeing is our number one priority… Following our post last week, and recent guidance we wanted to assure you, our members, that we continue to have robust precautionary procedures in place to ensure you stay strong and healthy. We will...
by Charles Balchin | Mar 5, 2020 | General
As always, the heath and wellbeing of our community is our top priority. In light of the ongoing developments with Coronavirus (COVID-19), alongside our usual cleaning, we’ll be ensuring that all frequently touched parts of the gym are sanitized multiple times daily....
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www_restoringwellness_org_blog_life-is-a-choice | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4978
Health Tips, Thoughts and Inspirations
The content of this blog will vary, dependent on the topic I feel led to share with you. My prayer is that it will be a blessing to those who choose to read it.
Making healthy choices is not always easy, even when we know what we should be doing to heal our body, mind and spirit. There are days I know I will feel better after a workout, but I honestly don't want to do it. I would rather lie in bed a little bit longer. Or maybe I tell myself that I have too many other things to do and need to forego the exercise. After all, company is coming! The house needs to be cleaned! School is starting soon and there is curriculum planning to do! I don't have time to plan and cook a healthy meal! I can come up with so many excuses. So what do we do about it? We may not always choose to invest in our health, but when we do, the rewards go past that one moment. It seems that when I do one thing that I know will enhance my health, it leads to other good choices. Starting my day with exercise, a protein smoothie, followed by prayer time is my favorite way to get going. Of course, there are days that I can't fit all of those things into my morning. Then I have to choose and do the best that I can. Maybe my exercise time will be shorter in order to have that precious one on one time with God. Or that quiet time might be shorter than I would like it to be. It is less overwhelming to change our lifestyle one small step at a time rather than looking at an overall big picture. It may not always be my ideal day, but I can do the best I can with what's available in the moment. This includes food choices, sleep, prayer, exercise, my thoughts. It is all equally important, with each decision affecting all the others. What areas of your holistic health need extra attention this week? And how are you going to nourish them? Take time to invest in your health. I promise that you won't regret it. "....I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." John 10:10. Choose your abundant life, one decision at a time! Comments are closed.
AuthorWelcome! My name is Tami Gabrielson. I help women with IBS find relief through a whole foods approach, simple lifestyle changes, and supplementation. I am a Board Certified Naturopath, Digestive Health Professional, Certified Health Coach and a Certified Natural Health Professional. I am passionate about holistic health which involves nurturing body, mind and spirit, each of which are intricately intertwined with each other. Archives
December 2023
Restoring Wellness
Tami Gabrielson Board Certified Naturopath Digestive Health Professional Certified Health Coach Certified Natural Health Professional |
[email protected]
320-841-0225 | |
tazvarkey_com_wpep_reports_jokxjmk5ubzm6le6mfeqpurhif7yy | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4080
JokXjmK5Ubzm6lE6MfEQPUrHIf7YY2025-02-032025-02-03 Varkey |
www_zufallhealth_org_its-national-womens-health-week-take-control-of-your-health_ | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4354
It’s National Women’s Health Week – Take Control of Your Health!
May 8, 2016, Mother’s Day, kicked off National Women’s Health Week.
At Zufall Health, we want to help you take control of your health. Here are some easy steps women can take to lead a healthier life:
1. Schedule regular checkups and preventive screenings. Ask your health care provider:
- When do I need Pap and HPV tests?
- What preventive cancer screenings do I need?
- Are my cholesterol and blood pressure in normal range?
- Am I on the right birth control?
- Can I get tested for HIV and other STDs? (This is especially important if you’re planning on becoming pregnant)
2. Get active!
Exercising for 30 minutes most days is shown to reduce risk for heart disease and chronic health conditions, improve mental health and mood, and more. Working full time can take away time from regular exercise. Here are 4 easy ways to stay active at work:
a. During your lunch break, take a ten-minute walk, either outside or up and down the stairs. A short walk has been shown to control blood sugar which helps avoid a mid-afternoon crash. More: Taking a Walk After a Meal Aids Digestion
b. Talk to your co-workers in person. Rather than sending emails, get up and go talk to them.
c. Take a standing break. Sitting for long periods of time can be damaging to your health. Get up and stretch or walk at least once an hour. More: Get Ten Minutes of Intermittent Movement for Every Hour of Sitting
d. Have a walking meeting. Take advantage of spring and walk with a co-worker. Need to write something down? Bring a clipboard.
3. Eat healthy.
The quality of food we eat affects hormones and energy. Cravings can make eating healthy a challenge, especially for women at different points in their monthly cycle. Here are 3 strategies for managing sugar cravings:
a. Avoid foods high in sugar. Processed foods with refined sugar will cause a larger spike in blood sugar, and the higher it rises, the lower it falls. A drop in blood sugar is the cause of mid-afternoon cravings. Focus on foods high in fiber, like vegetables, and watch out for hidden sources of sugars, like bottled drinks and salad dressings.
b. Manage your craving. Get up, drink a glass of water, go for a quick walk, and stretch. Most cravings only last 15 minutes.
c. Keep healthy snacks handy. Aim for snacks with protein and fiber, like 2 ounces of almonds or walnuts, vegetables with hummus, or 85% dark chocolate.
4. Get good quality sleep.
Sleep is the time our body uses to repair itself and process what we’ve learned during the day. Three strategies to improve your sleep:
a. Black out your room. You shouldn’t be able to see your hand in front of your face.
b. Avoid the screen an hour before bedtime. The artificial “blue” light of computers or television triggers your body to release daytime hormones, like the stress hormone cortisol. If you must use the computer, use a program like f.lux to adapt the color of your screen to the time of day, giving you warmer colors at night.
c. Get to bed at the right time. We get the best quality sleep between 10pm and 2am. You’ll feel more refreshed and focused when you wake up.
d. More: 21 Tips To Get The Best Sleep Ever
5. Manage your stress.
Chronic stress leaves our hormones in a constant state of “fight or flight,” which prevents our body’s systems from acting normally. More: Chronic Stress Puts Your Health At Risk.
Here are 5 quick strategies to help you control your stress:
a. Drink a glass of water. If you’re thirsty, you’re already dehydrated. Chronic dehydration is a big source of physical stress. More: Sipping Stress Away.
b. Step back and take a 10-minute break. The time you take to stretch, walk or call a friend might seem like ten minutes you don’t have in the short run, but in the long run it will help improve your focus.
c. Breathe deeply, using your abdomen. With one hand on your chest and the other on your belly, take a deep breath through your nose. Feel your lungs stretch from your belly expanding. Breathe in for five seconds, hold for two seconds, let your breath out for five seconds, and hold your exhale for five seconds. Repeat.
d. Connect with others. Sharing your stress with friends or family can help and they may give you another outlook that you hadn’t thought of.
e. Break your problem into small, doable steps. Reducing its scope makes it easier to get started and to complete a task.
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www_communitycommons_org_collections_Tracking-Trends-in-Population-Health-Over-Time | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4558
Tracking Trends in Population Health Over Time
This feature was originally published on the IP3 Blog and is being reproduced for Community Commons with permission of the Institute for People, Place, and Possibility.
Tracking Trends in Population Health Over Time
Population health data helps us account for local conditions, instead of generalizing or making assumptions about what is needed, and prioritize strategies for community improvement. We often look at a recent “snapshot” of community data, or data from a single point in time; however, additional insights can be gleaned with multiple years of data. Examining population health measures over time—so-called “time series data”—paints a clearer picture of community health and its upstream factors by providing temporal context and demonstrating how conditions may be shifting. This added context illuminates where we might focus efforts and helps changemakers prioritize investments.
Time series data can shed light on important trends. For example, opioid overdose death rates in a community may be in line with state and national benchmarks; however, upon further investigation with time series data, we find that opioid overdose death rates have steadily increased over the years. From the data, we see that there is a growing health concern upon which we may want to focus our efforts to prevent problem opioid use and overdose. Exploring multiple years of data and observing changes over time tells us whether a community is building, maintaining, or losing momentum with regard to specific population health indicators and categories.
Public Health Surveillance
Consistently examining time-series data is a type of public health surveillance, a core component of the field of public health defined as the ongoing, systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of health-related data essential to planning, implementation, and evaluation of public health practice, closely integrated with the timely dissemination of these data to those responsible for prevention and control. Data collected and made available through public health surveillance can be used for health action by public health personnel, government leaders, and the public to guide public health policy and programs. Among other uses, public health surveillance does the following, which require time-series data:
Detect epidemics, health problems, changes in health behaviors
Monitor changes in infectious and environmental agents
Assess the effectiveness of programs and control measures
Reliable and Valid Tracking Data
Our ability to track trends over time is limited by the data at our disposal. It’s important to use reliable time-series data from trusted sources that have consistent measurement approaches year over year. When data collection methods change, time series data may not be reliable because the indicator is not measured in the same way across years. When data measurement methods are not consistent, it is not valid to make comparisons across years. Multiple sources may measure the same condition or outcome–for example, the American Community Survey and Bureau of Labor Statistics both measure unemployment but employ significantly different methods. It is not valid to make comparisons across years when using different sources.
Finding Context in the Trends
It’s important to keep in mind that time-series data can obscure or distort important community dynamics. Thus, it is wise to dig deeper into the data and ground truth. One example of this phenomenon is illustrated by looking at unemployment rates. Coming out of a recession, we may observe that unemployment rates in some places rebound more quickly than expected—a positive change! However, this may have less to do with increased job opportunities and more to do with decreased labor force participation. Labor force participation decreases when people exit the workforce due to retirement, disability or other reasons. Persons out of the labor force are not counted in unemployment statistics.
In another example, we may observe median household income increasing year-to-year. On its face, this looks like rising prosperity for residents, but we may be failing to account for changes in residential mobility. Lower-income households may be getting priced out of the community and relocating where housing costs are cheaper, resulting in fewer lower-income households and a higher median household income. It must also be stated that while we may observe population-level improvements across multiple years, not all groups within a population may experience improvements. In fact, disparities between demographic groups could be increasing.
Linking Trends and Interventions
Although an improvement (positive change) in secondary data cannot be used to evaluate a specific community program (correlation is not the same as causation), it can be useful to track relevant trends over time as a program is implemented. For example, if a community coalition is implementing programming to prevent and decrease impaired driving in the region, one might want to track alcohol-impaired driving deaths to see if they decline over the course of the program. If alcohol-impaired driving deaths do decline, we cannot say with confidence that the improvement was a result of the coalition’s programming. Nevertheless, tracking trends provides helpful, relevant context about impaired driving in the community and may be especially valuable when a (time-consuming and costly) comprehensive program evaluation is not feasible. |
www_woodland_rochdale_sch_uk_year-4-9_ | health | SIMILARITY: 0.5185
Year 4
Summer 1 - Relationships
Spring 2 - Healthy Me
Spring 1 - Dreams and Goals
Autumn 2 - Celebrating Differences
Autumn 1 - Being Me in The World
PSHE Jigsaw Puzzle 5 - Relationships
PSHE Jigsaw Puzzle 4 - Healthy Me
This puzzle piece is about health and well-being, both physically and mentally. Children will learn good practices for maintain a good level of health and wellbeing, what factors can affect it and how to over comes these.
PSHE Jigsaw Puzzle 3 -Dreams and Goals
This puzzle piece is about goal setting and aims for the distant and ‘not-too-distant’ future. The puzzle invites children to reflect on their aims and how to achieve them, what might be a barrier to success & what they could do to over come it
PSHE Jigsaw Puzzle 2 -Celebrating Difference.
This puzzle piece is about acknowledging and challenging stereotypes, being aware of differences between others and how these differences should be celebrated.
PSHE Jigsaw Puzzle 1 - Being Me in the World.
During Year 4's first session, they met our class character, Jaz, and took part in group discussions about how they can be a team in their class. They created a class Diamond Nine of the key elements of teamwork. |
www_whitepeakdigital_com_case-studies_tsi-group_ | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4003
The Brief
TSI Group, a global leader in health and wellness solutions, approached White Peak Digital with a specific objective: to redesign their website to reflect their commitment to innovation and excellence in health science.
They wanted a digital presence that could effectively communicate their expertise in research, product development and regulatory compliance while showcasing their cutting-edge solutions in a way that resonates with their brand partners and customers.
Our challenge was to create a website that not only encapsulated TSI Group’s extensive capabilities but also conveyed their dedication to creating value in the health and wellness industry.
The goal was to design a platform that is informative, engaging and reflective of TSI’s industry leadership.
Our Approach
Our Brisbane web design team initiated the project with a comprehensive discovery phase. This involved in-depth research into TSI Group’s market position, target audience and competitors.
Understanding the nuances of the health and wellness industry was key to ensuring the website would not only stand out but also accurately represent TSI Group’s extensive expertise and innovation.
Our designers developed wireframes that provided a visual structure for TSI Group’s extensive content, including their research initiatives, product offerings and industry insights.
Through iterative design mock-ups and collaborative feedback sessions using our interactive tools, we refined the visual elements to align with TSI’s branding, ensuring consistency across all digital touchpoints.
Once the design was finalised and approved, our development team transformed the designs into a live, mobile-friendly website.
The development process emphasised creating an intuitive user experience, with streamlined navigation to guide visitors through TSI’s diverse offerings and achievements.
The site underwent thorough testing, including quality assurance and pen testing, to ensure its performance was flawless upon launch.
The Result
The launch of TSI Group’s redesigned website marked a significant milestone in their digital strategy.
The new site effectively showcases their leadership in health research and product innovation. It has not only elevated their online presence but also improved user engagement and accessibility.
Post-launch, TSI Group reported an uptick in website traffic and positive feedback from partners and customers.
Our ongoing support and maintenance through our WordPress Care Plan service to ensure that the website continues to operate optimally, remaining secure and up-to-date.
If TSI Group’s transformation inspires you, get in touch with us to explore how we can elevate your online presence.
To your success,
Jackson |
jonnyhatesmarketing_com_why-giving-up-will-kill-you_ | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4528
Author Eric Barker quoted some population-wide studies recently when he wrote:
- Purpose in life leads to a 22% reduction in strokes
- Also, you’ll be 2.4 times less likely to get dementia
- Focusing on projects involving other people keeps you young and happy
- Living a meaningful life increases longevity and reduces all-causes mortality
In your 21st-century coaching or therapy business, this means keeping going.
Find your lane, point the wheels straight and put your foot on the gas.
There’s no better way to leave a mark on the world and live long and happy yourself.
Enjoy the last 0.9% of 2021 and the 100% of 2022 ahead!
Love you lots
Jonny |
lastgreatliar_com_mental-health-select-care-of-your-beware_ | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4162
Mental health is just as important as physical health, yet it is often overlooked and stigmatized. Many people are afraid to talk about their mental health struggles or seek help when they are experiencing difficulties. However, ignoring your mental health can have serious consequences and can affect all aspects of your life. In this article, we will discuss the importance of mental health and ways to take care of your mind.
Mental health refers to our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act in our daily lives. Good mental health allows us to cope with the stresses of life, have meaningful relationships, and contribute to society. On the other hand, poor mental health can lead to serious mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression, and psychosis.
One of the biggest barriers to taking care of our mental health is the stigma surrounding it. Many people are afraid to talk about their struggles or seek help because they worry about being judged or labeled as “crazy.” However, mental illness is not a weakness or a character flaw. It is a medical condition that requires treatment, just like any physical illness. By breaking the stigma surrounding mental health, we can create a more open and supportive environment for those who are struggling.
Another important aspect of maintaining good mental health is self-care. Just like how we take care of our physical health by exercising and eating well, we also need to take care of our mental health. This includes activities such as practicing relaxation techniques, setting boundaries, and taking breaks from our daily stressors. It is essential to prioritize self-care and make time for activities that bring joy and peace to our lives.
In addition to self-care, building strong connections and creating a support system is crucial for our mental well-being. Having a network of family, friends, or support groups can provide us with a sense of belonging and help us feel less alone. It is also important to surround ourselves with positive and supportive people who make us feel good about ourselves and encourage us to take care of our mental health.
Seeking professional help is also an essential aspect of taking care of our mental health. Just like how we visit a doctor when we have physical health concerns, it is essential to seek help from a therapist or counselor when we are struggling mentally. They can provide us with tools and coping strategies to manage our mental health and work through any underlying issues that may be contributing to our struggles.
Lastly, it is important to remember that taking care of our mental health is an ongoing process. It requires constant effort and self-awareness. It is normal to have ups and downs, and it is okay to ask for help when we need it. Taking care of our mental health is not a sign of weakness, but rather a sign of strength and self-awareness.
In conclusion, Harmony Clinic is an essential aspect of our overall well-being. It affects every aspect of our lives, and taking care of it is crucial for living a happy and fulfilling life. By breaking the stigma, prioritizing self-care, building connections, seeking professional help, and recognizing that it is an ongoing process, we can take care of our minds and achieve good mental health. |
www_thehomeinspectorsnetwork_org_smile_ | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4567
I hope that today’s post finds everyone happy, healthy and wearing a smile. As a matter of fact, smiling will be the topic of today’s conversation. I recently listened to a TED Talk podcast given by Ron Gutman. Ron is a speaker, writer, advisor, entrepreneur, angel investor and CEO and Founder of Health Tap, an interactive health company. In his talk, he spoke of the various powers of smiling, many of which were bordering on being unbelievable, but all were the documented results of scientific studies. If you enjoy podcasts, it is highly enjoyable listening.
Various studies quoted in his talk explain the many benefits of smiling. People who smile have been shown to have longer life expectancy, reported happier lives, have longer and more fulfilling marriages, and are proven to be more inspiring to others around them. They have also been proven to be perceived as more likeable, more courteous and more competent by individuals who come in contact with them.
While these are all certainly goals that, should they be achieved, would be welcome results in anyone’s life, we are going to focus on the last three that I stated: perceived likeability, courteousness, and competence.
I have written before about the numerous benefits of being liked and respected by your clients. These benefits cannot be understated, as they play an enormous role in your success in life as well as in business. People prefer doing business with people they like, and something as simple as smiling, portraying happiness and contentment in your job, makes it easier for people to like you.
Over the years of inspecting and managing inspectors, I have noticed that most of the problems that arise from home inspections occur when the buyer does not attend the inspection, and does not get to meet and develop any type of interpersonal relationship with the inspector; they aren’t given a chance to like them. When we like someone, and respect their competence, we will typically have more understanding when they make a mistake.
Buyers that like their inspectors will normally be more understanding and amiable to a fair resolution when problems arise. If something as simple as wearing a smile can help me to prevent future problems, I’m all for it!
We all have those acquaintances that are difficult to be around; we consider them friends, but their depressing outlook on life makes it a chore to spend time with them. We all know inspectors like this as well; every time you see them it looks like they have been sucking on a lemon! We attempt to limit personal interaction with these types of individuals, as it simply is not as enjoyable as being around someone with a happy, energetic and outgoing personality.
Think of your circle of friends and look to the one that brings everyone down. We all have someone like that in our lives, and if you can’t find that person in your group, you may want to look in the mirror to be sure that it’s not you.
We all have trial and tribulation in our lives, and putting on a happy disposition is not always easy. However, the benefits of putting on that happy face are scientifically documented, easy to see in your daily life, and cost you absolutely nothing except a little conscious effort.
Smile like your life (and career) depends on it, because it probably does. 🙂
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I thoroughly enjoy creating these posts for you, the reader. Please take a moment to comment, letting me know what you think about the topic, and passing along any of your knowledge to our community. Please feel free to get in touch with me, letting me know if you have any specific topics that you would like to see covered on the site. And please feel free to share this content with your friends. The more people that we can help in their careers, the better!
Joe |
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This article delves into the interplay between public health campaigns and behavior change within the realm of health psychology. The introduction establishes a foundational understanding of public health campaigns, highlighting their significance in fostering behavior change for improved population health. The first section explores key theoretical frameworks such as Social Cognitive Theory, Health Belief Model, and Transtheoretical Model, elucidating their application in shaping effective public health interventions. The subsequent section delves into the meticulous design and implementation of campaigns, emphasizing formative research, message development, and channel selection. The third segment critically evaluates the effectiveness of public health campaigns, addressing measurement challenges, influential factors, and inherent limitations. The article concludes with a comprehensive summary of key points, a reflection on the evolving landscape of public health campaigns, and a call to action for continued research and innovative interventions. Through this exploration, the article seeks to contribute to the comprehensive understanding of how health psychology principles can optimize the impact of public health campaigns on behavior change, ultimately promoting better population health outcomes.
Public health campaigns encompass organized efforts aimed at promoting health, preventing diseases, and influencing behaviors within a specific population or community. These campaigns typically utilize various communication channels, educational strategies, and community engagement initiatives to disseminate information and foster positive health-related outcomes. The multifaceted nature of public health campaigns allows for the targeting of diverse health issues, ranging from vaccination promotion to smoking cessation and beyond.
At the core of public health initiatives lies the imperative to induce behavior change within populations, recognizing that individual behaviors significantly impact overall health outcomes. Whether it involves adopting healthier lifestyles, adhering to medical recommendations, or engaging in preventive measures, behavior change is a linchpin for achieving sustainable improvements in public health. Understanding the determinants of behavior change and effective methods to facilitate it is crucial for the success of public health campaigns.
Health psychology plays a pivotal role in shaping the conceptual framework and implementation strategies of public health campaigns. By drawing on psychological theories and principles, health psychologists contribute valuable insights into the cognitive, emotional, and social factors influencing health-related behaviors. This interdisciplinary approach enhances the design and execution of campaigns, making them more attuned to the psychological nuances of target audiences. Health psychology’s emphasis on individual perceptions, motivations, and social contexts brings a nuanced perspective to the development of interventions.
This article aims to critically examine the efficacy of public health campaigns in facilitating behavior change, scrutinizing the methodologies, theoretical frameworks, and practical considerations that contribute to their success or challenges. Through an exploration of relevant research and theoretical perspectives, the thesis seeks to unravel the complexities of behavior change within the context of public health campaigns, providing insights that can inform future campaign design and implementation strategies. This investigation into the dynamic relationship between public health campaigns and behavior change underscores the integral role of health psychology in shaping healthier communities.
Theoretical Frameworks in Public Health Campaigns
Social Cognitive Theory, developed by Albert Bandura, posits that behavior is learned through observational learning, imitation, and modeling. It emphasizes the reciprocal interaction between cognitive, behavioral, and environmental factors in shaping individual behaviors. The theory highlights the role of self-efficacy, emphasizing the belief in one’s ability to execute behaviors and achieve desired outcomes. Social Cognitive Theory recognizes the influence of social norms, expectations, and observational experiences in the acquisition and modification of behaviors.
In the context of public health campaigns, Social Cognitive Theory is instrumental in understanding how individuals learn from modeled behaviors and the impact of social influence on health-related actions. Campaigns grounded in this theory often incorporate role models or relatable individuals to demonstrate desired behaviors, aiming to enhance self-efficacy and encourage behavioral change. By addressing cognitive, behavioral, and environmental factors simultaneously, campaigns informed by Social Cognitive Theory strive to create a supportive context for individuals to adopt healthier practices.
The Health Belief Model (HBM) is a psychological framework that explores how individual perceptions of health threats and the benefits of specific health actions influence behavior. Developed in the 1950s, the HBM posits that individuals are more likely to engage in health-promoting behaviors if they perceive themselves as susceptible to a health threat, believe in the severity of the threat, and see the benefits of taking preventive actions. Additionally, the model considers perceived barriers and cues to action as crucial components shaping health-related decisions.
In public health campaigns, the Health Belief Model guides the development of messages that resonate with individuals’ perceptions of health risks and benefits. Campaigns utilizing the HBM framework aim to enhance perceived susceptibility and severity, reduce perceived barriers, and provide cues to action that prompt individuals to adopt recommended health behaviors. By addressing cognitive factors and emotional responses, the Health Belief Model offers a systematic approach to crafting persuasive messages and interventions that align with individuals’ beliefs and motivations.
The Transtheoretical Model (TTM), also known as the Stages of Change model, conceptualizes behavior change as a process that occurs through a series of stages. Developed by Prochaska and DiClemente in the late 1970s, the model identifies stages such as precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, and termination. Individuals progress through these stages at varying paces, and interventions are tailored to the specific needs and readiness of individuals in each stage.
In public health campaigns, the Transtheoretical Model informs the development of interventions that consider individuals’ current stage of change. Campaigns tailor messages and strategies to meet individuals where they are in their behavior change journey, recognizing that motivations and barriers differ across stages. By acknowledging the dynamic nature of behavior change, the TTM enhances the effectiveness of public health interventions, fostering a more personalized and adaptive approach to promoting lasting behavior change within diverse populations.
Design and Implementation of Public Health Campaigns
Formative research is a foundational step in the design and implementation of effective public health campaigns. Understanding the intricacies of the target population is paramount for tailoring interventions that resonate with individuals’ beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. By conducting thorough formative research, campaign developers gain insights into the socio-cultural context, health literacy levels, and communication preferences of the audience. This knowledge enables the creation of campaigns that are not only culturally sensitive but also capable of addressing specific barriers to behavior change within the target population.
Formative research employs a variety of qualitative and quantitative research methods to gather relevant data. Focus group discussions, surveys, interviews, and observational studies are commonly used to explore the target population’s perceptions, preferences, and existing knowledge about the health issue at hand. These methods provide valuable insights into the social determinants influencing behavior and aid in identifying potential obstacles to successful campaign implementation. The iterative nature of formative research ensures that interventions are continuously refined based on ongoing feedback from the target population.
Effective public health campaigns hinge on the development of messages that are not only persuasive but also culturally sensitive. Tailoring messages to the cultural norms, language nuances, and values of the target population enhances message receptivity and engagement. Cultural competence in message development involves collaboration with community members, cultural experts, and stakeholders to ensure that campaign content aligns with the cultural context. Additionally, employing behavioral theories, such as the Health Belief Model and Social Cognitive Theory, guides the creation of messages that resonate with individuals’ beliefs, perceptions, and motivations.
Message development encompasses a nuanced approach to emotion, balancing fear appeals and positive reinforcement strategies. Fear appeals can be effective in highlighting the severity of health threats and motivating behavior change, but they must be carefully calibrated to avoid overwhelming or inducing defensive reactions. Positive reinforcement, on the other hand, involves emphasizing the benefits of adopting healthier behaviors. A well-balanced approach that combines fear appeals with positive reinforcement aligns with different individuals’ emotional and motivational needs, increasing the likelihood of sustained behavior change.
Selecting appropriate communication channels is crucial for reaching and engaging the target audience effectively. The choice of channels should align with the characteristics and preferences of the population, considering factors such as age, socio-economic status, and literacy levels. Traditional channels like television, radio, and print media may be suitable for some demographics, while newer channels, such as social media platforms, mobile apps, and community events, may be more effective for others. The integration of multiple channels in a campaign ensures a comprehensive reach across diverse segments of the population.
In the contemporary landscape, digital media and technology play an integral role in public health campaigns. Leveraging digital platforms allows for real-time communication, targeted messaging, and interactive interventions. Social media, mobile applications, and online platforms facilitate the dissemination of information and provide opportunities for community engagement. Incorporating technology not only expands the reach of campaigns but also enhances the accessibility and adaptability of interventions, making them more appealing and relevant to a technologically diverse audience. Digital strategies also enable the collection of real-time data, allowing for continuous campaign optimization based on user feedback and engagement metrics.
Effectiveness and Challenges in Public Health Campaigns
Evaluating the effectiveness of public health campaigns necessitates rigorous assessment of behavior change outcomes. Quantifiable metrics, such as changes in health-related behaviors, adherence to recommended practices, and the prevalence of targeted health conditions, serve as critical indicators. Objective measures, like clinical assessments and biomarkers, enhance the reliability of behavioral change assessments. Additionally, self-report measures and surveys provide valuable subjective insights into individuals’ perceptions and experiences, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of campaign impact.
Distinguishing between short-term and long-term effects is essential for gauging the sustainability of behavior change induced by public health campaigns. While short-term outcomes may demonstrate immediate shifts in knowledge, attitudes, or practices, long-term effects assess the durability and permanence of these changes over time. Recognizing the dynamic nature of behavior change and the potential for relapse, effective campaigns prioritize the establishment of lasting habits and continued support mechanisms to ensure enduring positive health outcomes.
The success of public health campaigns is intricately linked to an understanding of the diverse characteristics within the target audience. Demographic factors such as age, gender, education, and socio-economic status influence the reception of campaign messages and the likelihood of behavior change. Tailoring interventions to resonate with the unique needs and preferences of specific subgroups enhances the relevance and effectiveness of campaigns. Additionally, considering psychographic factors, including values, beliefs, and lifestyle choices, further refines the targeting strategy, promoting a more personalized approach to behavior change.
Socioeconomic and cultural factors significantly shape individuals’ health behaviors and responses to public health campaigns. Campaigns that acknowledge and integrate these considerations are more likely to succeed in diverse communities. Socioeconomic disparities may affect access to resources and healthcare, influencing the feasibility of adopting healthier behaviors. Cultural competence, encompassing language sensitivity, cultural norms, and community engagement, is crucial for ensuring that campaigns are respectful, inclusive, and resonate with the cultural diversity of the target population.
Public health campaigns often encounter resistance to behavior change due to a variety of factors, including ingrained habits, fear, or skepticism. Understanding and addressing this resistance is paramount for the success of interventions. Campaigns should employ strategies that acknowledge and alleviate concerns, highlight the benefits of change, and provide tangible support for individuals navigating the challenges of adopting new behaviors. The integration of motivational interviewing techniques and collaborative approaches fosters a positive and empowering environment, facilitating a smoother transition towards healthier practices.
Disparities in campaign reach, where certain population groups may not receive or respond to the intended messages, pose a considerable challenge. These disparities can be influenced by factors such as limited access to information, language barriers, or distrust in health authorities. To address this, campaigns should employ diverse communication channels, culturally competent messaging, and community partnerships to bridge gaps and enhance inclusivity. Strategic collaboration with community leaders and influencers can also facilitate a more targeted and impactful dissemination of health messages, reducing disparities in campaign reach and ensuring broader public health impact.
In summary, this article has delved into the intricate dynamics of Public Health Campaigns and their role in facilitating behavior change within the framework of health psychology. We explored the definition and significance of public health campaigns, emphasizing their critical role in promoting behavior change for enhanced population health. The theoretical frameworks section highlighted the application of Social Cognitive Theory, the Health Belief Model, and the Transtheoretical Model in guiding the design of effective campaigns. Moving into the design and implementation phase, we discussed the importance of formative research, message development, and channel selection in crafting tailored and culturally sensitive interventions. The effectiveness and challenges section underscored the need for robust assessment methods, consideration of long-term impacts, and an understanding of diverse factors influencing success, as well as the challenges associated with overcoming resistance to change and addressing disparities in campaign reach.
The landscape of public health campaigns is continually evolving, shaped by advances in technology, changes in communication patterns, and an increased understanding of human behavior. Digital media and technology now play a pivotal role in campaign strategies, offering new opportunities for targeted and interactive interventions. The integration of artificial intelligence, data analytics, and personalized messaging further contributes to the adaptability and effectiveness of campaigns. Additionally, the growing recognition of the interconnectedness between physical and mental health emphasizes the need for holistic approaches in future campaigns. As public health challenges continue to evolve, campaigns must remain dynamic, responsive, and attuned to the evolving needs of diverse populations.
Looking forward, a proactive call to action for future research and interventions is essential for advancing the field of health psychology and public health campaigns. Researchers should explore innovative methods for assessing behavior change, considering both objective and subjective measures, and developing standardized metrics to enable meaningful comparisons across campaigns. Longitudinal studies are critical for understanding the sustained impact of interventions over time. Additionally, future research should delve into the optimal integration of technology and digital platforms, harnessing their potential to reach diverse audiences effectively. Collaboration between researchers, practitioners, and community stakeholders is pivotal for co-creating culturally competent campaigns that address the unique needs of various populations. As we navigate the complexities of behavior change and public health, a commitment to ongoing research, adaptation, and collaboration will drive the development of more impactful and sustainable interventions for the betterment of global health.
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Beating the system to be well
Your doctor could be the best person to guide you into better health…
If our healthcare system didn’t get in the way.
Doctors are trained to listen to your complaints, examine your symptoms, come up with the correct diagnosis and then prescribe medications that treat your diagnosis.
That’s the accepted model for treating disease… wait till you’re sick and get treated.
This works well for urgent health issues. In urgent care, patient/doctor interactions are relatively brief and to the point, and the treatment simple and direct.
However, when it comes to chronic illness, it doesn’t work so well. Do you know there are more than 50,000 diagnosis codes (for insurance reimbursement) and a prescription drug for most every chronic ailment?
But medications don’t cure illness… What could?
Allowing doctors to spend more time with their patients, so they can actually “coach” them on wellness instead of treating sickness. Then, people could get off medications and reverse chronic illness.
But there’s not a billable diagnosis code for that. So we have to look outside of the box — and that’s why I’m an integrative physician.
A better way
You might be aghast to know I, like other doctors, only received 60 minutes (one lecture) of nutrition education in my entire four years of medical school. I received even less during my intense three-year residency training.
So as a young doctor, I realized early on that what I was taught in school was not sufficient to really help me help my patients. That’s why I found alternative and natural ways to complement my “schooled” treatments. That’s what integrative medicine is about.
In my private practice setting, a patient appointment can last for 30 to 50 minutes. We address half lifetime of illness. I honestly feel quite overwhelmed, but it’s my duty to try to guide them to better health, and I realize that filling prescription medications is not really getting them any closer to real healing.
The biggest failing of our current healthcare system is its inability to influence change that leads to real health. But the blame isn’t all on healthcare…
The food industry keeps producing harmful and addictive “fake” foods. And we can hardly tell the difference…
From a young age, we’re not taught the principles of real food and nutrition. Home economics class amounts to baking cakes, instead of teaching students about whole foods and the importance of nutrition on your health.
But what we are taught is to be suspicious about health advice that doesn’t come on a prescription pad. I’m talking about alternative or natural medicine. These days there’s even a war on vitamins, for goodness sake.
As patients, we have to shoulder some of the blame ourselves. We settled in nicely to taking pills for this and that because it’s easier than working on our weight, staying active and eating responsibly.
This is just part of the reason why, if your only access is to a doc-in-a-box — by that I mean someone stuck in the four walls of the current system — you’ll be hard pressed to find the health advice you need to make real change.
Finding your health answers
The problems with mainstream healthcare won’t go away anytime soon — even with the best insurance.
So instead of waiting for the system to change, make changes that start with you…
It takes an individual to come to the realization that they are ready to make health a priority in their life. That’s not easy and sometimes people aren’t willing to change their health until they are in pain or a health crisis arises.
I have seen such individuals many times and have had the pleasure of teaching and motivating them through in-depth and serious lifestyle changes. It made a dramatic impact on the way they saw their physical, mental and emotional health…
It caused them to revamp what they ate every day. It energized them into exercising consistently. It gave them the true insight to their passions in this life and tools to stay focused on what made them feel good physically and emotionally. It awakened their spiritual connection and their deeper yearning for love and healing emotions.
And, perhaps, most important, it guided them to be accountable for their contributions to their healthcare in a way that also empowered them to change what needed changing.
You, and only you, are either the creator of your life — or you can wait and experience how life seems to affect you, and you become the victim.
Victims blame others for their circumstances or feelings. Creators on the other hand, take accountability for what they are experiencing and are grateful for their learning. Creators also find a way to accomplish their goals. Creators are accountable for what they have created; are willing to account for how they have contributed to what they are experiencing. You must be of the creator mindset and be accountable at all times.
To me it is obvious that personal life patterns (dietary, exercise, communication in love relationships, thoughts & emotions) are the keys to reversing their disease… not the prescription drugs I have to recommend sometimes.
If I can effectively teach patients about key lifestyle patterns that reverse disease and also order pertinent lab tests, to help them get off as many synthetic medications as possible, and instead use targeted nutrient supplements and bio-identical hormones to be well again, I will feel I’ve done my job.
Likely, you and I will never have the pleasure of meeting face to face, doctor to patient. But that’s why I founded Easy Health Options — so I can share with you even if I never see you in my practice.
To your long-term healthcare and to feeling good,
Michael Cutler, M.D. |
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8 Tips to Tackle Age-Related Health Issues : Aging – it’s like waking up in a house you’ve lived in forever, but something’s slightly different every day. Maybe the stairs creak a bit more, or the windows don’t shut as they used to. |
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Feb 06, 2025
COBH 5377 - Health Communication(3 credits) Prerequisites: COBH 5200 , or permission of the instructor. This course examines the interpersonal, group, organizational, and public communication processes that shape beliefs, decisions and behavior regarding health, sickness, and health care. Students explore the attitudes and actions of various participants in health communication, including citizens, health professionals, and those engaged in public debate of health issues. (Students cannot receive credit for both SPCH 5377 and PUBH 5377.)
View the Fall 2024 Schedule of Classes
View the Spring 2025 Schedule of Classes
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nycfitliving_com_healthy-lifestyle-transformation_ | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4617
Welcome, wellness seekers. Are you ready to create a healthy mindset and design the best Life you’ve always dreamed of?
If you want to live a long, vibrant life with glowing health, feel amazing in the present moment, and carry that energy into each day, then it’s time to design a personalized action plan.
A plan that ensures every effort you put in aligns with your goals and brings you closer to your ideal self.
Instead of leaving your future up to chance or hoping for change, take control and design a life you love. Direct your energy where it matters most—toward creating balance and well-being. Breaking old habits and building new ones will strengthen your body and mind.
Focus on exercise, a nourishing diet, quality rest, and feeding your mind with positivity. Layer these habits with persistent effort and a mindset of high expectations until they become part of your daily routine.
The key to success is living intentionally, not allowing past conditioning or wishful thinking to dictate your future. Remember, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”
Exercise should be a cornerstone of your health and wellness journey. Whether it’s yoga, Tai Chi, strength training, or something else, the key is to find an activity you love and make it a consistent part of your lifestyle. When you enjoy what you’re doing, it becomes less of a task and more of a rewarding habit that nurtures both your body and mind.
Exercise has several benefits, including increased longevity, boosted brain function, reduced stress, strengthened bones, and uplifted mood.
Sleep is equally vital. Getting 7-8 hours of restful sleep allows your body to recharge, supports hormone balance, and ensures you wake up refreshed and ready to face the day.
Nutrition plays a crucial role in overall health. Your diet should fuel your body, mind, and emotions.
Start by fueling your body with nourishing foods—fresh fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats—while limiting processed sugars and refined grains. A balanced diet keeps your metabolism steady and your energy levels high, allowing you to live your best life.
Look Younger, Live Longer, Boost Your Energy! Start by focusing on nutrition, exercise, and mindset, and watch your life transform.
Stay Hydrated: Water is essential to your body’s vitality. Make sure you’re drinking enough, and aim for clear, clean water free from toxins. Proper hydration supports your skin, energy levels, and overall health.
Glow from the Inside Out: Eat foods rich in antioxidants and vitamins, like nuts, citrus fruit, and vegetables high in carotenoids. These foods nourish you, slow aging, and give you a radiant glow.
Juicing can also work wonders for your skin, beneficial in an easy way t. It is your vegetable intake and maintains a youthful appearance.
On the flip side, avoid processed sugars, alcohol, and junk food, as they damage your skin and health in the long run.
Your Best Life Awaits—It’s Time to Create It!
Visit to begin your journey toward a deeper understanding and cultivate a life of genuine happiness and well-being through fitness, mindfulness, and stress management. |
macazezro_info_category_health-fitness_ | health | SIMILARITY: 0.5054
Heart Health Tips A Guide to Wellness
Heart health tips are crucial for a long and fulfilling life. This guide explores essential strategies for maintaining cardiovascular health,...
Heart health tips are crucial for a long and fulfilling life. This guide explores essential strategies for maintaining cardiovascular health,... |
www_androidfreeware_net_download-com-hihonor-health_html | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4055
HONOR Health Exercises and Workouts app for Android description
The Honor Health App is a software platform that records, analyzes movement and health data, connects and manages devices, and provides an exercise Service software platform for User.
Supported devices: Honor watch GS3/ Honor bracelet 7/ Honor watch 4
[ Track your workout]
Chart your course, check Monitoring for progress and help you achieve your goals. The type of exercise mainly includes walking, running, cycling, you can track through the mobile phone.
[ Monitoring health information]
Check your heart rate, stress, sleep, weight, and cycle details to keep track of your health with ease.
Ask User for permission to view your phone's address book, call history, receive SMS, view SMS, send SMS, listen to calls, and listen to the power status. This allows you to keep up to date with your phone and check your call history, make calls, send, and read SMS at Table without having to check your phone frequently.
[ The following permissions are required to apply Service]
- Location: This is used to record movement and to support wearable devices to obtain weather information. To ensure continuity and accuracy of running, walking, and cycling trails, we collect your location data even if the app Procedure is running in the background.
- Phone permissions: This is used to answer or make calls from matching wearables.
- SMS permission: This is used to send and receive SMS messages from matching wearables.
- Call log permissions: This is used for matching wearables to view call logs.
- Installed App Permissions: To view installed apps that can send Notice after opening the Notice permission.
- Camera permissions: This is used to scan the code to connect the device, add friends and family, open eSIM, access photo albums, etc.
- Storage permissions: This is used to scan the code to connect devices, add friends and family, open eSIM cards, access photo albums, etc.
- Contacts permissions: This is used to select Contacts when setting up a common Contacts on a matching wearable.
- Nearby device permissions: Use Release after the Android TER M7 to connect a wearable or fitness device.12
- Fitness exercise permissions: This is used to get movement information recorded by your phone so that you can still count your movement data when you use your wearable device.
- Calendar permission: To record and display your fitness program, YOYO suggests scheduling queries when you leave the card, etc.
- Notice permissions: Used to send Notice such as Devices, Sports, System, etc to Notice from the app.
- Microphone: This is used to record and share videos of motion trajectories.
[ Disclaimer]
These features are supported by a dedicated sensor device, which is not suitable for medical use and is only available for general fitness User. Please refer to the hardware description for details.
1. Optimize application stability and improve user experience |
sudeep98gupta_medium_com_following_source_post_page---post_author_info--106c52bdadfd---------------- | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4276
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www_wellmeright_com_en_listings_2044590-customized-personal-training-plans-with-tommy | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4855
Taking care of your physical and mental health is essential for a long and fulfilling life. It's about more than just exercising and eating well. Healthy habits can lead to better sleep, increased productivity, and a more prosperous life. Despite this understanding, the U.S. faces significant challenges with the overall health of its population. Several proactive steps can improve your overall health. Seeking guidance from a trained professional can significantly enhance your mental, physical, and emotional well-being in the long term. It is essential to recognize that we all require assistance at times, which is why considering the support and expertise of a professionally trained health coach is worth considering.
As a dedicated Health, Lifestyle, and Wellness Coach, I am passionate about helping individuals achieve their personal and wellness goals. With over 16 years of experience in the field, I have worked with numerous clients, guiding them toward positive lifestyle changes and personal growth. My approach emphasizes accountability, unwavering support, and the implementation of effective mindfulness techniques. As a National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC), I help you tap into your internal strengths and provide you with external resources to facilitate long-lasting, healthy lifestyle changes. By partnering with me, we can develop a customized plan to turn your aspirations into tangible and sustainable accomplishments.
Areas We Can Explore Together Include
Men's Wellness
Women's Wellness
Personal Development
Physical Well-being
Career Growth/Path
Chronic Illness
Communication & Relationships
Creativity Coaching
Emotional & Mental Well-being
Executive Functioning
Financial Well-being
Leadership Support
Life Transitions
Men's Hormone Health
Neurodivergent Support (ADHD & Autism)
Nonviolent Communication
Parenting (ages 0-5)
Parenting (ages 13-17)
Parenting (ages 6-12)
Physical Activity
Professional Development
Recovery/Sobriety Support
Somatic/Embodiment Coaching
Spiritual Well-being
Stress Management
Tobacco Cessation
Work/Life Balance
When one aspect of your life is unbalanced, it can domino effect on other areas. For instance, a lack of regular physical activity can lead to stress, poor dietary habits, and difficulty getting enough sleep. When all these factors come together, it can feel overwhelming. This is where coaching can be beneficial. Ultimately, coaching aims not to overhaul your life or impose a strict regimen. Instead, it's about helping you overcome the initial challenges of adopting a healthier lifestyle and empowering you to make gradual yet significant changes over time. Together, we will establish goals based on your current position in your journey. These goals will guide you toward a healthier lifestyle rather than being imposed upon you.
Many overwhelmed people find themselves stuck and need help identifying what keeps them from reaching their goals. I'm here to offer fresh perspectives and help you recognize the barriers that may be difficult to see. The main aim of coaching is to eliminate obstacles and conquer challenges. Is coaching right for you? Ask yourself the following questions, and take the time to think about your answers:
Are you struggling to identify what is causing you stress?
Do you need help to stay committed to your goals?
Do you frequently feel depressed, discouraged, or apathetic?
What’s preventing you from beginning your health journey?
Do you have someone to support you?
There are many reasons why someone may seek the assistance of a certified health coach. However, there’s only one crucial factor: guidance to overcome the obstacles and achieve optimal health.
Regardless of your aim, I'm committed to helping you until we reach the desired outcome. Let's start this transformative journey together! |
unwrapnews_com_simple-ways-to-boost-your-mental-and-physical-health_ | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4851
Simple Ways to Boost Your Mental and Physical Health in 2025
As we step into the new year, health experts are reminding us that small, consistent changes can lead to big improvements in both mental and physical health. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), focusing on self-care, staying active, and prioritizing mental well-being are essential for living a healthier life in 2025.
Here are some easy tips to keep in mind:
Stay Active: Just 30 minutes of light exercise a day—such as walking, stretching, or yoga—can do wonders for your heart health and uplift your mood. Exercise releases endorphins, which help reduce stress and anxiety.
Mindful Eating: Try to incorporate more whole foods into your diet, like fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins, while cutting back on processed foods. Eating slowly and savoring your meals can also help you maintain a healthy weight and improve digestion.
Prioritize Sleep: A good night’s sleep is crucial for both your body and mind. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night by establishing a calming bedtime routine, avoiding screens before bed, and keeping a regular sleep schedule.
Mental Health Matters: Make time to relax and recharge by engaging in hobbies, spending time with loved ones, or practicing stress-relieving techniques like meditation and deep breathing. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to reach out to a counselor or therapist for support.
Stay Connected: Social interaction is key to mental well-being. Regularly connecting with friends, family, or community groups can help lower the risks of depression and anxiety.
By making these simple changes part of your daily routine, you can take control of your health and enter the new year with a positive and refreshed mindset.
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maphytoys_com_blog-detail_reimagining-playtime-how-maphy-toys-is-shaping-the-future-of-childhood-lea | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4361
How Modern Technology is Impacting Children's Physical Play and Health
- 18 Sep, 24
- Dr Venkataramanan
About the Author:
Rangarajan is a passionate technologist, entrepreneur, and IIM alumnus dedicated to enriching children's playtime experiences. After over a decade of corporate experience and driven by a passion to create better toys for children, he founded Maphy Toys in 2021. The brand focuses on creating interactive tools that kindle curiosity and creativity in children. His mission is to redefine playtime by nurturing future innovators and problem-solvers, while offering engaging and meaningful toys for children.
In today’s fast-paced digital world, children are increasingly drawn to screens for entertainment, leaving parents searching for meaningful alternatives that truly engage young minds. There is a pressing need for options that engage children meaningfully without compromising the fun and joy of play. Maphy Toys emerged from this vision—to create toys that kindle curiosity. Through thoughtfully designed toys, Maphy is on a mission to shape the future of play experiences.
Guidance for Engaging Playtime:
How to Enhance Playtime: Actionable Steps
Through Maphy Toys, my aim is to revolutionise the way children play and learn. By offering toys that promote curiosity and innovation, Maphy is paving the way for a future generation of creators and thinkers. With the continued support of parents, educators, and children, Maphy is on a path to reshaping playtime and inspiring the minds of tomorrow to reach their full potential.
Disclaimer: The Maphy Toys blog provides information for educational purposes only. We make no guarantees about the accuracy or completeness of the content and are not responsible for any errors or damages resulting from its use. External links are for convenience; we do not endorse or control their content.
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ebookmedical_net_sociological-approaches-to-health-healthcare-and-nursing-epub_ | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4142
By Hannah Cooke BSc MSc (Econ) MSc (Nurs) PhD RN DN RNT
An understanding of the sociology of health and illness is central to effective health and social care practice. Sociological Approaches to Health, Healthcare and Nursing is a new book for pre- and post-registration nurses and allied health professionals that brings into focus the social context of their work and its social and cultural foundations. The book introduces key social theories and concepts in an accessible way. It covers a range of contemporary post-COVID issues in health and healthcare. A central focus is the social determinants of health: the book discusses these in relation to inequality and discrimination related to social class, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity and disability. It examines contemporary cultural understandings of health, illness and the body while linking these to social changes and the growth of digital technologies and social media. Aligned with the requirements of the updated NMC Standards of Proficiency for Nurses, this book will support the reader in considering modern healthcare systems and institutions, and their role in either reproducing or challenging inequalities of health. It encourages the reader to critically reflect on their own role within them and how they themselves can help to effect positive change.
Aligned to the requirements of the updated NMC Standards of Proficiency for Nurses
Presents a contemporary focus that takes into account changes in public health, healthcare services and health work post-pandemic
Case studies illustrate key issues and bring theory to life
Focuses on the wider determinants of health and inequalities in health and healthcare
Provides an understanding of the patient experience and its social and cultural context in order to support patient-centred care
Addresses the political and policy context of healthcare, including contemporary changes in the organisation of health services, changes in health work and changes in nursing work
Offers regular ‘reflection points’ to encourage critical thinking
Product Details
Publisher : Elsevier; 1st edition (October 16, 2024)
Language : English
Paperback : 228 pages
ISBN-10 : 0702083143
ISBN-13 : 978-0702083143
There are no reviews yet. |
daveasprey_com_tag_gut-microbiome_ | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4002
The Supplement Revolution: Rethinking Our Approach to Total Body Health
For years, the approach to supplements has been simple: wander down store aisles, chase social media trends, or copy a friend’s regimen. Science and technology
For years, the approach to supplements has been simple: wander down store aisles, chase social media trends, or copy a friend’s regimen. Science and technology
Are you familiar with Akkermansia? If not, let’s address the elephant in the room right off the bat; the term Akkermansia sounds more like a
Detect early signs of microbial imbalance, inflammation and even cancer by testing your own physiology.
For viruses, transmission is a matter of life or death, and that means they have to pay attention to what they’re doing to you, the host.
Get friendly with butyrate and phospholipids to boost your cellular health and performance from gut to brain.
CBD oil has become a bit of a joke in the biohacking world. It suffered from too much Silicon Valley interest: a bunch of start-ups
Smarter Not Harder: The Biohacker’s Guide to Getting the Body and Mind You Want is about helping you to become the best version of yourself by embracing laziness while increasing your energy and optimizing your biology.
Subscribe to become an “Insider”, and receive weekly biohacking tips and tech directly from Dave to start hacking your way to stronger mental performance and physical results.
Receive weekly biohacking tips and tech by becoming a Dave Asprey insider. |
hannahrmarston_co_uk_gallery_nature_ | health | SIMILARITY: 0.5536
Dr Hannah R. Marston
Research Fellow
Health & Wellbeing Priority Research Area
Ground Floor, Stuart Hall Building
School of Health, Wellbeing & Social Care
The Open University
Walton Drive, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK |
www_ilchilee_com_tag_holistic-health_ | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4230
Ilchi Lee has always looked for simple ways people can maintain their health on their own. He maintains that we need to take responsibility for our own body, mind, and spirit.
Lee has created many mindful exercises in order for individuals and communities to accomplish this. They are all bundled into his Brain Education method. But he’s also created new ways of thinking about health, as well as non-profit organizations that promote healthy, mindful, and sustainable living using his methods.
One of these is the Earth Citizens Organization (ECO). From its U.S. headquarters in Cottonwood, Arizona, ECO trains leaders who bring Ilchi Lee’s important lifestyle tools and philosophy to their local communities. As part of this effort, ECO started its SEED for Health national campaign this year.
The premise behind SEED for Health is that it only takes making small changes to your lifestyle to create big results. The campaign provides ways to manage four key areas of health, your SEED: Stress, Exercise, Emotions, Diet. It is spreading these seeds of wisdom through ECO’s online and offline networks.
ECO says, “Changing our lifestyles for better health is possible and enjoyable. We can make this change easier and even more powerful by caring for each other in our communities together.” They believe that “health is our natural right, and a healthier world is the greatest legacy we can leave behind for the next generation.”
Local ECO leaders are actively promoting SEED for Health through Healthy Living events in conjunction with Body & Brain Yoga and Tai Chi centers and through donations of Ilchi Lee’s book on healthy living, I’ve Decided to Live 120 Years: The Ancient Secret to Longevity, Vitality, and Life Transformation.
Watch ECO’s campaign video if you’d like to learn more about SEED for Health or visit the campaign website, |
www_gomastercoach_com_event-details_thriiving-habit-revolution-workshop | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4176
Thriiving Habit Revolution Workshop
Thu, 22 Aug
|Virtual Webinar
Practical Strategies for Transforming Your Lifestyle
Time & Location
22 Aug 2024, 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm SGT
Virtual Webinar
About the Info Session
Join us for a dynamic online group session where you'll delve into the secrets of thriving wellbeing and transforming lifestyle habits. This interactive workshop is designed to provide you with practical strategies for creating lasting changes in your or your coaching client’s lives. Gain valuable insights from evidence-based approaches, connect with a supportive community of like-minded individuals, and leave inspired to embark on your wellness journey with actionable steps and newfound motivation.
Welcome and Introduction (10 minutes)
Meet your host Noemie and fellow participants.
Overview of workshop objectives and structure.
Understanding Habits (15 minutes)
Explore the science behind habit formation.
Understand how habits impact your overall wellbeing.
Learn about the role of triggers, routines, and rewards.
Identifying Current Habits (15 minutes)
Self-reflection exercise to identify your existing habits.
Discuss common habits that hinder progress.
Share experiences in breakout rooms for deeper insights.
Transforming Habits: Practical Strategies (20 minutes)
Discover evidence-based techniques for habit transformation.
Engage in interactive discussions on applying these strategies in daily life.
Goal Setting and Action Planning (15 minutes)
SMART goals and guided exercise to set personal wellness goals.
Develop a realistic action plan with clear steps and timelines.
Q&A and Group Discussion (10 minutes)
Open floor for participants to ask questions and share insights.
Group discussion on overcoming common challenges in habit change.
Closing and Next Steps (5 minutes)
Recap of key takeaways and strategies.
Additional resources and tools for continued success.
Information on staying connected and upcoming events.
About the Speaker:
Meet your facilitator, She's a seasoned expert in Digital Transformation and Innovation with over 20 years of international experience in Legal, Healthcare, Retail, FSI, and Government. She's an alumna of GoMasterCoach, and is now empowering busy individuals to reach their wellness goals using evidence-based models like positive psychology and behavior change theories. Noemie Alintissar-Mooney.
Q: What is your ?"Why"
A: At 41, I’ve never felt better in both my mind and body, and I want to help others, especially women, feel the same. My ‘Why’ is all about empowering others to experience that same sense of well-being and confidence. It’s about sharing what I’ve learned so that more people can thrive and feel great in their own lives.
Q: What was a pivotal moment in your life?
A: My career transition was a big one. I realised I wasn’t happy in my previous role, so I took some time to reflect on what I really wanted to do and how I could make an impact. That reflection led me to Health Coaching, and it’s been a decision that aligns with who I am and what I’m passionate about.
Q: How did GoMasterCoach help you?
A: GoMasterCoach has been a total game-changer for me! The training was top-notch. My cohort was amazing—we learned, practiced, and supported each other every step of the way. The experience not only boosted my confidence but also connected me with a network of inspiring people who are on the same journey. And I’ve made some lasting friendships along the way.
Learn more about ThriiveQuest and connect with Noemie at: |
shriska_voizmed_com_product-tag_weight-management-kit-for-women__shop_view_grid_view | health | SIMILARITY: 0.5136
Showing the single result
We only share no nonsense, expert-recommended & science-backed info that’ll help you transform your health. |
quantumintegrativecare_com_tag_improve-wellbeing-with-kinesiology_ | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4297
Improve Your Wellbeing Naturally: Kinesiology with Dr. Rodriguez
Feeling sluggish, achy, or simply off-balance? You’re not alone. Many people struggle with chronic pain, stress, and a general sense of disharmony in their bodies. Fortunately, there’s a natural approach to improving your overall well-being: kinesiology with Dr. Enrique Rodriguez. By: Estefany Vasquez How Dr. Rodriguez Uses Kinesiology to Improve Your Health Kinesiology is a […] |
thedailymile_co_uk_media-centre_news_moray-kids-going-the-extra-daily-mile-to-health-and-fitness_ | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4236
Moray kids going the extra daily mile to health and fitness
Source: Inside
Date: 5-Feb-2016
PRIMARY SCHOOL CHILDREN in Moray have been boosting their understand of health and fitness by voluntarily taking an extra 15 minutes of daily exercise that is not part of their timetable.
Led by Active Schools Moray, the initiative is part of a drive aimed at developing the social, emotional and mental well-being of Moray’s children.
This article has been reproduced with the kind permission of the content creator, Inside To continue reading, please click the link below. |
kombico_com_300-fitness-and-health-accepting-guest-posts-sites-list-updated_ | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4055
If you are looking for a health-related guest posting service, this site can be really helpful for you to expand and promote your website’s health related guest posting sites to fitness and health. To guest post on your niche, you can prefer this website and do health blog guest posting. These free guest posting sites for health and fitness, here we have created a free health guest posting site list that can become very useful for your website.
Yes, a guest posting can be very important to increase keyword, DA PA of website and ranking. So if you are too interested in health guest posting sites, nothing can beat the advantage of health guest posting sites. This becomes easy for a person. If you are not aware of how to look out for the best guest post for your website, search for nike+ write for us on google. This means you have been posting a health-related website, the search will be health + write for us+ guest post. Here are unlimited list fitness and health website.
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If you want to add your site in this list please contact us.
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www_myassignmenthelp_net_questions-and-answers_general-health-questions | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4396
Question : general health questions please answer and explain the correct choice. Posted By: 👤 zev 📅 2022-05-10 Answer : This question hasn't been solved yet Ask an Expert Order New Solution |
dailymirrors_in_tag_benefits-of-good-health_ | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4874
“Health is the greatest Wealth”. Good health is the foundation of the key to Happiness. Are you feeling sick of low? Or want to maintain […]
“Health is the greatest Wealth”. Good health is the foundation of the key to Happiness. Are you feeling sick of low? Or want to maintain […] |
geturebook_com_an-introduction-to-community-and-public-health-9th-edition-ebook-pdf_ | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4329
An Introduction to Community and Public Health (9th Edition) – eBook PDF
An Introduction to Community & Public Health, 9th Edition, (PDF) offers the latest trends and statistics in community health. With a focus on developing the knowledge and skills necessary for a career in health education, this best-selling introductory textbook includes such topics as epidemiology, program planning, minority health, community organization, health care, mental health, drugs, environmental health, safety, and occupational health.
978-1284108415, 978-1284129847
NOTE: The product only includes the ebook An Introduction to Community and Public Health 9th Edition in PDF. No access codes are included.
eBook details
- Authors: James F. McKenzie, Robert R. Pinger, Denise M. Seabert
- File Size: 26 MB
- Format: PDF
- Length: 544 Pages
- Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 9th edition
- Publication Date: November 29, 2016
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1284108414, 1284129845
- ISBN-13: 9781284108415, 9781284129847
An Introduction to Community and Public Health (9th Edition) – eBook PDF |
sportyze_com_about_ | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4446
We believe healthier kids are happier kids. They have confidence and act like champions in every walk of life. Participating in sports during our own school days made us deeply appreciate the strength, stamina and agility and its positive impact on our well being and subsequently in studies. But as parents, we found it difficult to motivate our children to engage in rigorous sports. It was tough to find the time to play with children and even tougher was to find a safe and hygienic sports centre.
Sportyze was created to empower children through what they do best ; PLAY! And help parents who want to introduce fitness to their children in a fun way. We want to make fitness; fun, engaging and self-disciplined. Ultimately, we hope that the positive attitude and self confidence that kids gain today will help them tackle the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow.
Our offering, The kids gym; an indoor gymnasium has been a source of joy for many families. It has served as a foundation stone to many young athletes and active young adults of today. Over the years, Team Sportyze has grown manifolds. After Kids Gym, we have added Sports based Preschool and Daycare in our offerings. We’re excited to have the opportunity to make available wellness to the confident kids in your life!
Our aim is to help you grow your child into a well-rounded, well-adjusted super kid. Our curriculum is based on:
Creative and thoughtfully-crafted activities that make learning fun and meaningful
Fostered growth across 16 key developmental areas to make children life-ready
Wide range of themes that introduce children to different age-appropriate concepts
Helps parents overcome new-age challenges and engages children at home constructively
Best day care in Indirapuram. Owners provide personalized and trained staff. I have seen my kid developing stamina within few weeks of spending time in Sportyze, a gym cum daycare like concept.
Its a great place for kids. They have very caring and loving staff. They have a well defined schedule for kids that includes lots of activities that focus on developing the child’s cognitive and non cognitive skills. The place is very clean and hygienic as well as safe. I have seen tremendous positive changes in my daughter after she started going to daycare. She has started interacting with others and also has become very independent. Very happy with the facilities and I’ll definitely recommend this place to all the parents.
A great place for kids to learn and practice gymnastics. With two floors and good infrastructure, they cater to different age groups. On the first floor, one can relax by having a cup of tea while reading books while their kids practice. They also prepare students for different championships as well. Professional management and capable trainers
Local Guide · 81 reviews · 75 photos
My child has been part of Sportyze for the last 3.5 years. Over the years she has built on her strength, flexibility and stamina and is much stronger and a positive child. Professionalism of trainers and efficient policies ensured that we Parents have regular meetings with coaches and a view of the child's progress. Children are given exposure and platform to perform other than competition. Overall a great place to boost a child's moral and confidence!
Want to wake up excited to go to work every morning, confident that you’re making a difference while having a blast? You’ve come to the right place. Sportyze is India’s finest educational and physical development company for children.
Over the years, our trained instructors have nurtured happy, confident kids through parent/child classes, gymnastics, athletic development programs , plus enjoyable Summer camps and Awesome Birthday Bash parties. As a part of Team Sportyze, you will be part of a team dedicated to the growth and development of children. We are looking for fun, outgoing, talented individuals who are looking to make a difference in their community. If this sounds like you, check out our open positions! |
facts4life_org_tag_activity-sheet-mental-health_ | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4438
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thecrownchronicles_co_uk_royal-news_prince-william-kate-visit-workers-at-newham-ambulance-station-fa | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4271
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge made a visit to Newham Ambulance Station in East London yesterday, to discuss front line work during the pandemic, including finding out what different effects the pandemic has had on mental health and wellbeing.
William and Catherine were welcomed by Chair Heather Lawrence, and Deputy Chief Executive Khadir Meer, as well as many of the ambulance staff and crew.
While there, the royal couple were given a tour of the facilities including a ‘Wellbeing Garden’ that is situated in a corner of the station where staff can go spend quiet and peaceful reflection time after very gruelling shifts. It is a welcome respite for those dealing not only with immense workloads but also the stress of being away from family for long periods of time.
Additionally, the Cambridges learned about the different ways that the ambulance station has helped to provide support for all of their staff, including additional wellbeing spaces, drop-in sessions and their largest initiative, a fleet of Wellbeing Tea Trucks.
Beginning in February of 2020, the London Ambulance Service started sending their new tea trucks out to hospitals and control centres across London to provide hot drinks and snacks to volunteers and ambulance staff, while shops and restaurants were closed.
One particular tea truck that Prince William and his wife looked at was named ‘Sir Tom’ in honour of Captain Sir Tom Moore, who did a phenomenal amount of fundraising for NHS Charities Together and was knighted by Her Majesty last year. Sadly, Captain Moore passed away on 2nd February, 2021 aged 100.
The Duke and Duchess are both patrons of NHS Charities Together and the charity has donated £100,000 for supplies and also to furnish new isolation packs as well as food for staff. Staff and crew from the Service volunteer to man the trucks and it gives them the chance to give back to their colleagues who are busy working on the frontlines of the pandemic.
One volunteer, a paramedic named Shani, spoke to the couple and shared how she uses her training to help colleagues who are stressed out. She stated that it is so much more than just a cup of tea that they provide. Many times, the ‘Tea Trucks’ are the only way that crews can get any kind of refreshment and the volunteers are there to talk to and help them unburden themselves from the unimaginable stresses that they are dealing with.
The royal couple were discussing what kind of impact isolating has had on workers when one of the paramedics, Jahrin Khan, asked the royal couple if it would be ok to FaceTime her father Abu in Bangladesh. Jahrin’s father has had to be separated from his family since the lockdown because his mother became ill. The Cambridges agreed and had a lovely albeit short chat with Jahrin’s dad.
After the visit, Heather Lawrence expressed: “It is very much appreciated that Their Royal Highnesses took time to visit and thank our staff who have worked throughout the pandemic often in very stressful and distressing circumstances.”
Adding to the discussion, DC Executive Khadir Meer shared: “Our Service has had to work harder than ever over the past year to care for London. It’s vital and extremely rewarding work, but it can take a toll and even the most resilient of us need support at times like these. Looking after our people is essential to continue to care for Londoners.
“This is why we are trying to do everything we can to support the physical and mental health of our teams working under such pressure”
While serving as both an RAF Search and Rescue pilot, and for the East Anglian Air Ambulance, The Duke of Cambridge has experienced first hand the difficulties and stresses that emergency responders deal with. That knowledge has played a part in William’s commitment to supporting the emergency services community with mental health and wellbeing assistance. |
otc_duke_edu_technologies_c_agriculture-crop-improvement_engineering-physical-sciences-semiconductor | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4300
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The Health and Disease DNA Test consists of 147 different tests covering 6 health aspects which including carrier status, health risk, metal health risk and drug response.
- 43 Carrier Status reports
- 76 Health Risk reports
- 9 Mental Health Risk reports
- 19 Drug Response reports
- 1 BRCA1 & BRCA2 report
- 2 Covid-19 reports
Using insights supported by the latest technology, study how your DNA can affect your chances of developing certain health conditions. Your personalized health reports break down your number of variants detected, genetic data, risk factors and disease signs and symptoms.
140+ health reports across 3 categories.
43 carrier status reports, 85 health risk reports & 19 drug response reports
Free shipping across Malaysia |
www_hsa_ky_articles_free-health-screening | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4253
In observation of World Health Day on Thursday April 7 which will focus on Diabetes, the Health Services Authority is offering free health screenings (blood sugar and blood pressure) at
all the District Health Centres, George Town General Practice, Faith Hospital, Cayman Brac and Little Cayman during the period April 4-8 from 9am – 1pm and on Saturday April 9th from 10am – 2pm at various supermarkets in Grand Cayman.
Acting Medical Officer of Health Dr. Samuel Williams Rodriquez says the free health screenings are a part of the continued initiatives of the Public Health Department to emphasise the benefits of healthy lifestyles and early detection issues such as Diabetes and Hypertension which will enable appropriate treatment in preventing complications and ensuring quality of life.No appointment is necessary during this week. Persons seeking testing need to indicate to the registration clerks that they would like to register for free blood glucose and blood sugar screening. The results are available right away and counselling and referral will be offered as deemed necessary.For further information please contact Therese Prehay at the Public Health Department on 244- 2632.ENDS… |
www_vitalitycenter_com_hk_therapy_holistic-health-coaching | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4727
Health and nutrition counselling emphasizes the intricate balance between various aspects of well-being, recognizing that our health is influenced by physical, emotional, and mental factors. Many individuals struggle to find lasting solutions to chronic health issues because conventional approaches often focus on treating symptoms rather than addressing underlying causes. This oversight can lead to a reliance on aggressive medical treatments that do not promote true healing. Health and nutrition counselling advocates for a holistic approach that prioritizes prevention and considers the interconnectedness of body and mind, particularly in managing chronic conditions such as skin disorders, digestive issues, autoimmune diseases, anxiety, and depression.
The benefits of health and nutrition counselling are profound, especially for those dealing with chronic health challenges. Research increasingly highlights the significant impact of emotional and psychological factors on overall health, particularly in the development of chronic illnesses. By understanding the root causes of these conditions—such as lifestyle habits, daily stressors, and past emotional trauma—individuals can achieve meaningful healing. This counselling approach combines conventional dietary advice with complementary strategies to create personalized recovery plans, empowering individuals to reclaim their health and enhance their overall well-being.
Health and nutrition counselling involves a comprehensive assessment of an individual's dietary habits, lifestyle choices, and emotional well-being to develop tailored strategies for optimal health management. This integrative approach encourages open communication between clients and health professionals, ensuring that all aspects of health are considered in creating effective treatment plans. As awareness of holistic health practices continues to grow, more individuals are turning to health and nutrition counselling as a valuable resource for achieving sustainable wellness. By embracing this holistic perspective, clients can navigate their health journeys with greater insight and resilience, ultimately leading to improved quality of life. |
caitlinburke_com_blog_tag_laughter_ | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4287
In light of these findings for positive wellbeing, as well as of the complex conceptual content of sense of humor, it is possible that sense of humor is best conceived of as one aspect of a broader psychological characteristic that facilitates a general state of wellbeing, rather than a specific emotional state of mirthfulness.
In an endearingly not particularly funny article, Mark Crislip at Science-Based Medicine explores laughter as medicine and sense of humor as a marker for health (and touches on something I’ve always suspected: the more you complain, the harder you are to kill). |
www_totalharmonymedicine_com_conscious-self-care-for-your-comprehensive-health_ | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4430
Did you know that self-care is a noble and conscious act for your comprehensive health.
There are several ways of self-care to prevent diseases and today we share them with you:
Physical self-care: This consists of taking care of our body from what we eat, keeping the whole organism active with exercises and taking care of the hours of rest.
Mental self-care: Creative and critical thinking is what will allow you to keep your mind healthy, which is achieved by learning something new, managing negative thoughts by seeing the bright side of the situation, recognizing negative emotions and working on them.
Social self-care: Interacting with other people in different environments helps you lead a full life.
We are social beings and therefore by maintaining communication with other people it allows us to maintain a balance with what we are and what surrounds us.
Emotional self-care: Learning to manage emotions is the key.
Emotions influence everything we do and negative ones are the cause of diseases that we must avoid.
It is for this reason that we must always prioritize what we feel in adverse situations over what others feel (family, friends, co-workers).
Spiritual self-care: Spiritual self-care has nothing to do with religion but with the relationship with what is not material, with that energy that you cannot see but you feel inside.
Among the practices to maintain spiritual self-care is practicing gratitude, meditating, among others.
At Total Harmony Medicine we help you in your self-care. |
tti_tours_type_quote_ | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4349
The Healthy Life Is The Best Life
Marc Richmond
The Healthy Life Is The Best Life
Marc Richmond
Price Based Country test mode enabled for testing India. You should do tests on private browsing mode. Browse in private with Firefox, Chrome and Safari |
nvcpc_com_tag_compassion_ | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4027
10 Health Benefits of Volunteering
Health and wellness is about much more than simply treating our pain or symptoms. Our overall wellbeing relies on so much more. This time of year especially we begin to think about ways we can help our communities. Did you know that volunteering has health benefits? Here are ten benefits of volunteering that can help… |
livewellandwhole_com_back-to-basics-wellness-how-to-sleep-better-tonight-and-forever_ | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4574
This post may contain affiliate links, meaning we get a small commission if you decide to make a purchase through our link, but there’s no cost to you. It’s a win win!
Welcome to our first article in our new series – Back to Basics Wellness! Save yourself the time googling this stuff, we got you! We wanted to create this series as a resource you can come back to again and again.
We’re starting with sleep because it’s truly foundational to your health and wellness. A big focus of the work we do is around mindset and change, yes, but we consider good sleep and rest a crucial part of this. Good sleep changes your brain and your thoughts for the better.
Think about the difference in your day, your thoughts, and your actions after a night where you’ve slept well or you haven’t. It’s literally night and day, pun intended. So if you’re wondering what we have to say as holistic nurses and coaches about how to sleep better, read on!
But First, Assess
So if you know us, you know we’re not just going to you about your sleep in isolation. We’re going to take a holistic approach and go on a full scale investigation.
Start with a full assessment of your thoughts, habits, and lifestyle factors around sleep
What is your relationship with sleep? Your beliefs about it? And the impact it has on your life?What does your nighttime look like? What about your mornings? Do you have routines and rituals to help you wind down? What about when you wake up?
Then consider the interaction of other lifestyle factors
What is your intake of things like caffeine and alcohol? Are you noticing any patterns with how you feel after? What about when you exercise? When do you stop working for the day? What about blue and white light exposure from your electronics? And of course, what about the timing of being on your phone before you go to sleep or when you wake up? And how about your stress levels?
How to Sleep Better 101
Now for the concrete stuff. Shoutout to one of our favorite books about sleep and one to add to your reading list, Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker. With each category think about your current routine and maybe one thing you could implement to get started. The little things really are the big things and they will make a big difference over time!
Timing and sleep
- Try to go to sleep and wake up at around the same time each day. We know this one is not easy! Is there room for even a small shift here?
- If you’re a napper, keep naps short – about 15-30 minutes.
- A bedtime routine is not just for kids! Take some time to wind down before bed. Need help creating one? We’ve got you covered!
Caffeine, alcohol and sleep
- If possible, don’t consume caffeine after 12 pm. Considering the half life, some of it is likely to still be in your system by bedtime. If you’re looking for a caffeine free alternative, Sara loves RYZE mushroom coffee! (use our link to get 15% off)
- Although it sometimes feels like alcohol is relaxing, it’s actually sedating and can decrease the quality of your sleep.
Eating and sleep
- Eat your last meal about 2-3 hours before going to bed. Depending on your individual needs and preferences, a light snack may be okay.
Electronics and sleep
- Your phone – you knew we were going to say it! Try not to be on your phone scrolling 1 hour before bed or the first hour when you wake up.
- Revenge bedtime procrastination and doom scrolling are real, as is the artificial dopamine hit you get from being on your phone.
Your sleeping environment
- Sleep in a cool room if possible! This helps your body’s temperature regulation and it’ll be easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.
- Ensure your room is dark. Light affects your circadian rhythm, melatonin production, and sleep cycles.
Take Action for Better Sleep
So now that you’ve reviewed how to sleep better, what’s next? We all know that knowing what to do is not the same as actually doing it. It’s the whole reason we have a job! Haha. But really, much of what we have described here is simple, but not necessarily easy to implement.
So we’ve created just the thing to help you turn that inspiration into action!
Our New Resource to Help You Sleep Better
It’s here!! And it’s called The Sleep Journal. Think of it as us guiding you step by step towards better sleep. It includes all the information we shared here (and so much more).
Plus we give you space to record your own comprehensive sleep assessment, create your own action plan for better sleep, and assess, track, and plan your new morning and evening routines. There’s also a guided brain dump journal for times when you can’t fall asleep, or when you wake up in the middle of the night. This is a client favorite, and it really works!
The best part? You’ll have the pdf to use either digitally, or print out. We include all the pages you need for a month, but using the Goodnotes app you can duplicate the pages to continue using your journal for as long as you want!
When Making Time For Yourself Feels Hard
So maybe you have a goal to sleep better, but you struggle with the idea of taking time for yourself for your morning or evening routine. As a high achiever who is used to putting yourself at the end of your to do list, we get it. We see this time and time again with our clients, and if this is you, we want to validate you right now.
If this is you, we would also love to support you on a call! Book with one of us here and let’s see how we can help!
Sara and Stacy are holistic nurses and transformative mindset coaches working with clients around the world! They believe that the inner work creates your outer results and that you can truly be Well and Whole every day.
Comments + |
www_bettersleep_com_blog_world-health-day-what-sleep-tips-the-who-recommends | health | SIMILARITY: 0.5305
Celebrated on April 7 of every year since 1950, World Health Day spreads awareness about the importance of our health, and the many reasons why it’s so vital. Sponsored by organizations such as the WHO (World Health Organization), this year’s theme is “Our planet, our health”. This theme represents an array of topical modern-day health issues affecting the world at large, such as climate change, keeping cities liveable, making clean water accessible, reducing air pollution, and mitigating diseases like those spread by mosquitoes.
Since it’s a holiday devoted to making the world a healthier place to live in, one of the healthiest changes you can make to your daily routine is getting more sleep every night—after all, nearly a third of our lives is spent being asleep. Here are some pieces of advice recommended by the WHO for improving your sleep hygiene.
Don’t underestimate the stages of your sleep—each one counts!
In January 2004, the WHO met in Germany with 21 sleep experts from around the globe, to examine and review the long-term health consequences of chronic interrupted sleep before determining what exactly a “normal” night’s sleep consists of. One of the key topics in their findings concerns how sleep involves a variety of stages.
The first type of sleep normally experienced is NREM (non-rapid eye movement), where alpha waves associated with being awake start to fade. Brain activity begins to increase during the second stage (though without any eye movement), while the third stage (formerly split into a third and fourth stage), known as slow wave sleep (SWS), is when the brain falls into a deeper sleep and heart rate and brain activity slow down. These stages are important to remember, since adults sleep an average of seven to nine hours nightly, and slow wave sleep can start to dissipate once one reaches age 40—which can lead to frequent awakenings during the night.
Children younger than 5 need to sleep even longer than normal
If you’re a parent of a child in this age range, you'll want to pay attention to this one. This is because young children have different sleep habits than adults, therefore their sleep hygiene will involve more hours during the night. According to another WHO study from 2019, the range of sleep hours for children aged 3-4 should be 10 to 13 hours a night, meanwhile babies less than a year old are recommended to get as many as 16 (if between 4 and 11 months of age) or 17 hours of sleep (if between 0 and 3 months). To maximize sleep and health benefits, kids aged 2 to 4 should be getting a minimum of three hours of physical activity per day, while spending no more than one hour in front of a screen daily.
For adults, remember to keep your environment quiet and comfy
Certain sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, narcolepsy, and insomnia are ones adults can be vulnerable to, and can lead to a variety of health issues. Worse, a lack of sleep can have real-world consequences, such as difficulty concentrating, subpar work performance, psychological issues such as depression, and general fatigue.
One factor the WHO says can directly impact sleep continuity is external stimuli such as noise. Therefore, keeping your sleep environment as quiet and calm as possible can help prevent any short-term drowsiness you may feel during the day. Sleeping in a room that’s also dark and at a comfortable temperature can also help minimize potential sleep disturbances. In any case, the WHO recommends you get as high-quality of a sleep as possible, since it’s critical for our own well-being in the short, medium, and long-term. |
jennylabontemd_auburnmediagroupllc_com_about-me_ | health | SIMILARITY: 0.4027
Jenny LaBonte, MD
Health & Life CoachHelping you Live Your Best Life
I look forward to pairing with you on your journey and helping you uncover your full potential!
My Story
I first went into family medicine because I loved working closely with people and forming long-lasting relationships. Twenty years later, I still feel this way. My patients are like family to me and I care deeply about their well being.
Over the years in my career, I’ve developed a keen interest in helping people develop healthier lifestyles, especially when it comes to managing stress, eating healthier, losing weight and reaching personal goals. I think many of us in primary care support these notions, but I felt like I wanted to have an even greater impact by working closely with people around habit change.
After much consideration, I decided to broaden my skill set and become a trained and certified transformational health and life coach. If you’re not familiar with it, this is a practice that focuses heavily on the pscyhology of habit change; what drives our behaviors and how we change them. There is a strong emphasis on mindfulness, self reflection, letting go of judgement and implementing self care routines.
I believe that health coaching and life coaching are intimately related, in the same way that mind and body wellness impact one another. If you don’t change your inner game, you can’t address your outer game. In other words, anyone can go on a diet, but unless we unravel some of the habits that got us here in the first place, then those changes won’t stick!
I Believe…
That everyone holds the key to happiness within themselves
That we all have the power to transform our lives
That failure is just an opportunity for feedback
That we can't control all situations or others' actions, only how we respond to them
Our thoughts control our emotions, and we have the power to change our thoughts
When our talent meets our passion, we find the sweet spot
There are endless opportunities to create the life you want
Everything is possible and there is always a way
On a Personal Note…
As a mother of four (a set of triplets and one more!) I am fully engaged in helping other busy moms find their way to wellness. I completely understand the morning chaos of getting kids ready for school and getting out the door on time to fight the morning traffic. I understand what it’s like to have my little ones needing my attention at the end of the day and have my mind worrying about the long to-do list. I understand the crazy dance of coordinating with my spouse to get the kids to their respective sports, activities and play dates while trying to squeeze in my own priorities. I want to give 100 percent at being a doctor, 100 percent at being a mom, and 100 percent at being a spouse.
Eventually, I discovered that showing up as a mother, as a spouse and as a doctor meant that I needed to show up for myself first, and when my basic needs were met, I was able to give more to the other areas in my life.
Through mindfulness, self-care, and surrounding ourselves with a community of people that inspire us, I believe we can begin to live fully. We can begin to make conscious decisions that help us act in a way that is in alignment with our goals. We can step off that hamster wheel and step into our full potential and be the person we want to be.
I look forward to working with you and helping you Live Your Best Life!
Featured Publications
- Doctor Me First Podcast with Dr Errin Weisman episode #49.
- The Relaxed Doctor Summit with Dr Sheila Parai (expert panelist)
- Doctors Warn of Dangers of Screen Time for Kids. Worcester Business Journal (contributing health expert)
Meditation Series
- Part 1 – Morning Meditation for Busy Doctors
- Part 2 – Mid day Meditations for Busy Doctors
- Part 3 – End-of-Day Meditation for Busy Doctors |
Subsets and Splits