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1947_session laws_979_2 | murray | 1 | session laws | 978 | 1 | CHAPTER 978 AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE MEMBERS OF THE EAST- ERN BAND OF CHEROKEE INDIANS OF WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA TO HOLD, INHERIT AND ALIENATE PROPERTY, AND FURTHER SECURING TO THEM THE RIGHT OF LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Subject only to restrictions and conditions now existing or hereafter imposed under Federal statutes and regulations, or treaties, contracts, agreements, or conveyances between such Indians and the Federal Government, the several members of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians residing in Cherokee, Graham, Swain, Jackson and other adjoining counties in North Carolina, and the lineal descendants of any bona fide member of such Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, shall inherit, purchase, or otherwise lawfully acquire, hold, use, encumber, convey and alienate by will, deed, or any other lawful means, any property whatsoever as fully and completely in all respects as any other citizen of the State of North Carolina is authorized to inherit, hold, or dispose of such property. |
1935_public laws_423_3 | murray | 1 | public laws | 422 | 2 | CHAPTER 422 AN ACT TO PROVIDE A RENTAL SYSTEM FOR TEXT- BOOKS USED IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF THE STATE AND TO PROMOTE ECONOMY AND EFFIC- IENCY IN THE ADOPTION OF TEXTBOOKS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Powers and duties of Commission. The said Textbook Purchase and Rental Commission is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to promulgate rules and regulations necessary to: (1). Acquire by contract, and/or purchase, such textbooks. and instructional supplies, which are, or may be on the adopted list of the State Standard Course of Study, as the Commission may find necessary to supply the needs of the children in the Public Schools of the State. (2). Provide a system of distribution of said textbooks and supplies to the children in the Public Schools of the State, and shall distribute such books as are provided under the rental system without the use of any depository other than some agency of the State. (3). Provide for uniform rental charge for said textbooks and supplies to the children in attendance upon the Public Schools of the State. Said rental charge shall be collected annually in an amount not to exceed one-third of the cost of said textbooks and supplies: Provided nothing herein shall be construed to prevent the purchase of textbooks from said Commission needed for any child in the public schools of the State, by any parent, guardian, or person in loco parentis. (4). Provide for the use of said textbooks without charge to the indigent children of the State. (5). Adopt, provide and distribute all blanks, forms and reports necessary to Keep a careful check and record of ail the books, supplies distributed, rentals collected, indigents furnished, condition and repairs of books, and such other information as said Commission may require, to the end that an accurate and complete inventory of the affairs of said Commission may be available at all times to the Governor and Council of State. (6). Cause an annual audit to be made of the affairs of the said Commission and a certified copy of same to be furnished the Governor and Council of State. (7). Books shall not be interchangeable between the white and colored schools, but shall continue to be used by the race first using same. |
1933_public laws_173_26 | murray | 1 | public laws | 172 | 25 | CHAPTER 172 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER TWO, PUBLIC LAWS OF ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED TWENTY-ONE, AND ALL ACTS AMENDATORY THEREOF AND AD- DITIONAL THERETO; AND CHAPTER ONE HUN- DRED THIRTY OF THE CONSOLIDATED STATUTES AND ALL ACTS AMENDATORY THEREOF AND AD- DITIONAL THERETO; AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONSOLIDATION OF THE STATE PRISON DEPART- MENT AND STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION INTO A SINGLE DEPARTMENT TO BE KNOWN AS STATE HIGHWAY AND PUBLIC WORKS COMMISSION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The Commission shall provide separate sleeping quarters and separate eating space for the different races and the different sexes; and, in so far as it is practical to. do so, shall provide for youthful convicts to segregate to themselves. |
1927_public laws_163_5 | murray | 1 | public laws | 162 | 4 | CHAPTER 162 AN ACT RELATING TO THE ORGANIZATION AND CON. TROL OF THE COLORED ORPHANAGE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Whereas, by chapter forty-seven, Private Laws of one thou- sand eight hundred and eighty-seven, the colored Orphar Asylum of North Carolina was created a body corporate under and by which an orphanage for the care and maintenance, anc the mental, moral and industrial education and training of colored orphan children was established at Oxford, in Granville County; and, Whereas, the General Assembly has heretofore made ap- propriations to said institution and such appropriations have increased from year to year; and, Whereas, it is desired that the charter of said corporation be amended so that it may more readily conform to the desires of the General Assembly with respect to the expenditure of the funds appropriated by it to said institution; Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the said corporation shall receive, train and care for such colored orphan children of the State of North Carolina as under the rules and regulations of said corporation may be deemed practical and expedient, and impart to them such mental, moral and industrial education as may fit them for usefulness in life. |
1927_public laws_163_4 | murray | 1 | public laws | 162 | 3 | CHAPTER 162 AN ACT RELATING TO THE ORGANIZATION AND CON. TROL OF THE COLORED ORPHANAGE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Whereas, by chapter forty-seven, Private Laws of one thou- sand eight hundred and eighty-seven, the colored Orphar Asylum of North Carolina was created a body corporate under and by which an orphanage for the care and maintenance, anc the mental, moral and industrial education and training of colored orphan children was established at Oxford, in Granville County; and, Whereas, the General Assembly has heretofore made ap- propriations to said institution and such appropriations have increased from year to year; and, Whereas, it is desired that the charter of said corporation be amended so that it may more readily conform to the desires of the General Assembly with respect to the expenditure of the funds appropriated by it to said institution; Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the five members of said Board of Directors so appointed by the Governor shall also serve as a Board of Trustees of said The Colored Orphanage of North Carolina. The said Board of Trustees so appointed shall serve for a term of four years and until their successors are chosen. All appropriations made by the General Assembly to the said The Colored Orphanage of North Carolina shall be under the control of the Board of Trustees, and said appropriations shall be expended under their supervision and direction. The Board of Trustees shall select one of their members as a treasurer of the fund appropriated to the institution by the General Assembly and also not more than two persons to act as a board to. audit the expenditure of such appropriation. The treasurer shall receive a salary of one hundred dollars per year for his services and members of the Board of Audit a salary not to exceed one hundred and fifty dollars per year. The Treasurer shall give a bond payable to the State of North Carolina in a surety company in such sum as the Board of Trustees may require, the annual premium to be paid out of the funds of the said orphanage. |
1927_public laws_163_3 | murray | 1 | public laws | 162 | 2 | CHAPTER 162 AN ACT RELATING TO THE ORGANIZATION AND CON. TROL OF THE COLORED ORPHANAGE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Whereas, by chapter forty-seven, Private Laws of one thou- sand eight hundred and eighty-seven, the colored Orphar Asylum of North Carolina was created a body corporate under and by which an orphanage for the care and maintenance, anc the mental, moral and industrial education and training of colored orphan children was established at Oxford, in Granville County; and, Whereas, the General Assembly has heretofore made ap- propriations to said institution and such appropriations have increased from year to year; and, Whereas, it is desired that the charter of said corporation be amended so that it may more readily conform to the desires of the General Assembly with respect to the expenditure of the funds appropriated by it to said institution; Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That M. F. Thornton, Reverend M. C. Ransom, J. W. Levy, J. C. Jeffreys, J. E. Shepard, N. A. Cheek and Alex Peace and Reverend G. C. Shaw are hereby named and appointed as members of the Board of Directors of said The Colored Orphanage of North Carolina. The Governor of North Carolina shall appoint five white citizens of Granville County as members of said Board of Directors, and the thirteen so named shall constitute the Board of Directors of said corporation. Said Board of Directors shall organize by the election of a president and secretary, shall make all necessary by-laws and regulations for the convenient and efficient management and control of the affairs of said corporation, including the method by which successors to the directors herein named shall be chosen. 33Pub. Laws. |
1925_public laws_307_15 | murray | 0 | public laws | 306 | 14 | CHAPTER 306 AN ACT TO PROVIDE UNIFORMITY IN THE APPOINTMENT OF BOARDS OF TRUSTEES, DIRECTORS AND MANAGERS OF VARIOUS INSTITUTIONS MAINTAINED BY THE STATE, AND TO AMEND CERTAIN SECTIONS OF THE CON- SOLIDATED STATUTES RELATING THERETO, AND TO REPEAL CERTAIN STATUTES NOW IN FORCE RELATING THERETO. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The Governor shall have the power to remove any member of any of the boards of the institutions herein named, by whatsoever name called, whenever in his opinion it is to the best interest of the State to remove such person, and th yovernor shall not be required to give any reason for such removal. |
1925_public laws_307_14 | murray | 0 | public laws | 306 | 13 | CHAPTER 306 AN ACT TO PROVIDE UNIFORMITY IN THE APPOINTMENT OF BOARDS OF TRUSTEES, DIRECTORS AND MANAGERS OF VARIOUS INSTITUTIONS MAINTAINED BY THE STATE, AND TO AMEND CERTAIN SECTIONS OF THE CON- SOLIDATED STATUTES RELATING THERETO, AND TO REPEAL CERTAIN STATUTES NOW IN FORCE RELATING THERETO. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Each of the directors, trustees, managers or other persons whose appointments are herein provided for shall hold office until his or her successor or successors have been appointed and qualified according to law. |
1925_public laws_307_10 | murray | 1 | public laws | 306 | 9 | CHAPTER 306 AN ACT TO PROVIDE UNIFORMITY IN THE APPOINTMENT OF BOARDS OF TRUSTEES, DIRECTORS AND MANAGERS OF VARIOUS INSTITUTIONS MAINTAINED BY THE STATE, AND TO AMEND CERTAIN SECTIONS OF THE CON- SOLIDATED STATUTES RELATING THERETO, AND TO REPEAL CERTAIN STATUTES NOW IN FORCE RELATING THERETO. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Trustees for Elizabeth City State Normal School at Elizabeth City; the Fayetteville State Normal School at Fayetteville; Cherokee Indian Normal School at Pembroke; State Teachers College for Negroes at Winston-Salem. The Governor shall appoint for each of the following institutions: The Elizabeth City State Normal School at Elizabeth City, the Fayetteville State Normal School at Fayetteville; Cherokee Indian Normal School at Pembroke; State Teachers College for Negroes at Winston-Salem, nine -9 trustees, five of whom shall be appointed within thirty days from the passage of this act and four of whom shall be appointed within six months from the passage of this act. At the time of making such appointment the Governor shall name which of the present boards are to be succeeded by his appointees. The terms of the said trustees shall be four years from the date of their appointment. The Governor shall fill all vacancies. The Governor shall transmit to the Senate at the next session of the General Assembly following his appointment the names of persons appointed by him for confirmation. Sec. 9 (a). Trustees or directors of the North Carolina College for Negroes at Durham. There shall be twelve -12 trustees for the North Carolina College for Negroes at Durham. Within thirty days from the passage of this act the Governor shall appoint seven -7 members for each of said boards and within six months from the passage of this act the Governor shall appoint five -5 members for each of said boards. At the time of making such appointments he shall designate the members of the present board who are to be succeeded by his appointees.< All vacancies are to be filled by the Governor. The Governor shall transmit to the Senate at the next session of the General Assembly following his appointment the names of the persons appointed by him for confirmation. |
1917_public laws_232_7 | murray | 1 | public laws | 200 | 6 | CHAPTER 200 AN ACT TO REVISE THE MILITARY LAWS OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AND TO INCREASE THE EFFI- CIENCY OF THE MILITIA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | White and Colored Enrolled SeparatelyThe white and colored militia shall be separately enrolled, and shall never be compelled to serve in the same organization. No organization of colored troops shall be permitted where white troops are available, and while permitted to be organized, colored troops shall be under command of white officers. |
1913_public laws_124_6 | murray | 1 | public laws | 123 | 5 | CHAPTER 123 AN ACT TO RESTORE TO THE INDIANS RESIDING IN ROBESON AND ADJOINING COUNTIES THEIR RIGHTFUL AND ANCIENT NAME. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Neither this act nor any other act relating to said Cherokee Indians of Robeson County shall be construed so as to impose on said Indians any powers, privileges, rights or immunities, or #NAME? limitations on their power to contract, heretofore enacted with reference to the eastern band of Cherokee Indians residing in Cherokee, Graham, Swain, Jackson and other adjoining counties in North Carolina, or any other band or tribe of Cherokee Indians other than those now residing, or who have, since the Revolutionary War, resided in Robeson County, nor shall said Cherokee Indians of Robeson County, as herein designated, be subject to the limitations provided in sections nine hundred and seventy-five and nine hundred and seventy-six of The Revisal of one thousand nine hundred and five of North Carolina. ; > |
1913_public laws_84_5 | murray | 1 | public laws | 83 | 4 | CHAPTER 83 5 ; I AN ACT TO COMPEL ALL PERSONS AND CORPORATIONS ENGAGED IN MANUFACTURING OR OTHER BUSINESS ENTERPRISES WHERE MALE AND FEMALE EMPLOYEES ARE EMPLOYED TO PROVIDE SEPARATE AND DISTINCT TOILETS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That it shall be the duty of the persons or corporation mentioned under this act to locate their toilets for males and females, white and colored, in separate parts of their buildings or grounds, in buildings hereafter erected, and in those now erected, all closets shall be separated by substantial walls of brick or timber, and any employee who shall willfully intrude or use any toilet not intended for his or her sex or color shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined five dollars. |
1899_public laws_385_4 | murray | 1 | public laws | 384 | 3 | CHAPTER 384 An act to promote the comfort of travellers on railroad trains, and for other purposes. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That when any coach or compartment of a car for either race shall be completely filled at a station where no extra coach or car can be had and the increased number of passengers could not be foreseen, the conductor in charge of such train is hereby authorized to assign and set apart a portion of a car or compartment assigned for passengers of one race to passengers of the other race. |
1899_public laws_385_6 | murray | 1 | public laws | 384 | 5 | CHAPTER 384 An act to promote the comfort of travellers on railroad trains, and for other purposes. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That any railroad company failing to comply in good faith with the provisions of this act shall be liable to a penalty of one hundred dollars per day, to be recovered in an action brought against such company by any passenger on any train or boat of any railroad or steamboat company which is required by: this act to furnish separate .accommodations to the races, who has been furnished accommodations on such railroad train or steamboat in only a car or com partment with a person of a different race in violation of the provisions. of this act. |
1913_public laws_84_2 | murray | 1 | public laws | 83 | 1 | CHAPTER 83 5 ; I AN ACT TO COMPEL ALL PERSONS AND CORPORATIONS ENGAGED IN MANUFACTURING OR OTHER BUSINESS ENTERPRISES WHERE MALE AND FEMALE EMPLOYEES ARE EMPLOYED TO PROVIDE SEPARATE AND DISTINCT TOILETS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all persons and corporations employing males and females in any manufacturing industry, or other business employing more than two males and females in towns and cities having a population of one thousand persons or more, and where such employees are required to do indoor work chiefly, shall provide and keep in a cleanly condition separate and distinct toilet rooms for such employees, said toilets to be lettered and marked in a distinct manner, so as to, separate the white and colored males and females of both sexes: Provided that the provisions of this section shall not apply to cases where toilet arrangements cr facilities are furnished by said employer off the premises occupied by him. |
1901_public laws_504_3 | murray | 1 | public laws | 503 | 2 | CHAPTER 503 An act relating to the State Library. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the State Librarian be and he is hereby authorized to fit up a separate place for the use of the colored people who may come to the Library for the purpose of reading books or periodicals. |
1907_public laws_1005_2 | murray | 1 | public laws | 1,004 | 1 | CHAPTER 1004 AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION 975 OF THE REVISAL OF 1905, TO PROVIDE FOR THE INCREASE OF POWER OF CHEROKEE INDIANS AND OTHERS TO TRADE, CON- TRACT OR BARTER. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That section nine hundred and seventy-five of the Revisal of one thousand nine hundred and five be and the same is hereby amended by adding at the end of said section, after the word same, the following: Provided, that this section shall not apply to any person of Cherokee Indian blood or any Cherokee Indian who understands the English language and who can speak and write the same intelligently. |
1907_public laws_851_9 | murray | 1 | public laws | 850 | 8 | CHAPTER 850 AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE SEPARATE ACCOMMODA- TION OF WHITE AND COLORED PASSENGERS UPON STREHT CARS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSBES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That no street, suburban or inter-urban railway company, its agents, servants or employees, shall be liable to any person on account of any mistake in the designation of any passenger to a seat or part of such car set apart for passengers of the other race. , |
1941_public laws_371_2 | murray | 1 | public laws | 370 | 1 | CHAPTER 370 AN ACT TO PROVIDE BETTER EDUCATIONAL AD- VANTAGES FOR MEMBERS OF THE INDIAN RACE IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA NOT OTHERWISE PRO- VIDED FOR. WHEREAS, there are no provisions now made by the State for the education of certain Indian children of Eastern North Carolina beyond the high school grades; and WHEREAS, there are Indian schools in the Counties of Samp- son, Hoke, Scotland, Cumberland, Bladen, Person, and Harnett; and WHEREAS, the Indian children enrolled in these schools have no place provided by the State to pursue their education beyond the eleventh grade and in some instances not even past the elementary grades; and WHEREAS, ample provisions have been provided by the State for higher education and teacher training of the other races; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the department of education that better educational advantages be provided for the Indian chil- dren, including courses of instruction in teacher training and vocational education in order that equal justice under the Con- stitution may be done toward these people: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the State Board of Education be, and it is hereby, authorized and empowered to establish a vocational and normal school at any place it may deem most suitable for teaching and training the young Indian men and women not otherwise provided for. |
1941_public laws_371_3 | murray | 1 | public laws | 370 | 2 | CHAPTER 370 AN ACT TO PROVIDE BETTER EDUCATIONAL AD- VANTAGES FOR MEMBERS OF THE INDIAN RACE IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA NOT OTHERWISE PRO- VIDED FOR. WHEREAS, there are no provisions now made by the State for the education of certain Indian children of Eastern North Carolina beyond the high school grades; and WHEREAS, there are Indian schools in the Counties of Samp- son, Hoke, Scotland, Cumberland, Bladen, Person, and Harnett; and WHEREAS, the Indian children enrolled in these schools have no place provided by the State to pursue their education beyond the eleventh grade and in some instances not even past the elementary grades; and WHEREAS, ample provisions have been provided by the State for higher education and teacher training of the other races; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the department of education that better educational advantages be provided for the Indian chil- dren, including courses of instruction in teacher training and vocational education in order that equal justice under the Con- stitution may be done toward these people: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That in said vocational and normal school so created there shall be provided such courses of instruction in vocational education, teacher training and higher education as the State Board of Education and the State Superintendent of Public Instruction may deem necessary and proper in order to furnish said Indians the necessary and proper educational facilities. A preparatory department may be established in connection with any such school, and the said State Board of Education shall have the power and authority to remove or close any such school established under the authority contained in this Act. |
1927_public laws_163_2 | murray | 1 | public laws | 162 | 1 | CHAPTER 162 AN ACT RELATING TO THE ORGANIZATION AND CON. TROL OF THE COLORED ORPHANAGE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Whereas, by chapter forty-seven, Private Laws of one thou- sand eight hundred and eighty-seven, the colored Orphar Asylum of North Carolina was created a body corporate under and by which an orphanage for the care and maintenance, anc the mental, moral and industrial education and training of colored orphan children was established at Oxford, in Granville County; and, Whereas, the General Assembly has heretofore made ap- propriations to said institution and such appropriations have increased from year to year; and, Whereas, it is desired that the charter of said corporation be amended so that it may more readily conform to the desires of the General Assembly with respect to the expenditure of the funds appropriated by it to said institution; Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the corporation created by chapter fortyseven, Private Laws of one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, be, and it is hereby, continued as a body corporate for a period of sixty years from the date of the ratification of this act under the name and style of The Colored Orphanage of North Carolina. The said corporation shall have power to receive, purchase, and hold property, real and personal, not to exceed in value one million dollars, to sue and be sued, to plead and be impleaded, to receive gifts, donations and appropriations, to contract and be contracted with, and to do all other acts usual and necessary in the conduct of such corporation, and to carry out the intent and purposes thereof under and as subscribed by the laws of North Carolina. |
1943_session laws_382_2 | murray | 1 | session laws | 381 | 1 | CHAPTER 381 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INSTITUTION FOR THE CARE OF DELINQUENT NEGRO GIRLS IN NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | An institution, to be known and designated as State Training School for Negro Girls, is hereby created, and such institution is authorized and empowered to accept and use donations and appropriations and do all other things necessary and requisite to be done in furtherance of the purpose of its organization and existence as hereinafter set forth. |
1945_session laws_1097_2 | murray | 1 | session laws | 1,096 | 1 | CHAPTER 1096 AN ACT TO PROVIDE A STATE-WIDE PROGRAM OF HOSPITAL AND MEDICAL CARE; TO CREATE THE NORTH CAROLINA MEDICAL CARE COMMISSION; TO MAKE CONTINGENT APPROPRIATIONS FOR CONTRI- BUTIONS FOR THE CARE OF INDIGENT SICK IN AP- PROVED HOSPITALS; TO MAKE SURVEYS AND REC- OMMENDATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF NEC- ESSARY HOSPITALS AND HEALTH CENTERS; TO PROVIDE FOR THE EXPANSION OF THE MEDICAL SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA; TO PROVIDE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A CENTRAL HOSPITAL AS A MEMORIAL TO NORTH CAROLINA DEAD OF WORLD WAR I AND WORLD WAR II; AND OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING THERETO. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That Chapter one hundred and thirty-one of the General Statutes of North Carolina be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding the following articles and sections. Article 12 Sec. 131-117. North Carolina Medical Care Commission. There is hereby created a State agency to be known as The North Carolina Medical Care Commission, which shall be composed of twenty members nominated and appointed as follows: Three members shall be nominated by the Medical Society of the State of North Carolina; one member by the North Carolina Hospital Association; one member by the North Carolina Dental Society; one member by the North Carolina Nurses Association; one member by the North Carolina Pharmaceutical Association, and one member by the Duke Foundation, for appointment by the Governor. Ten members of said Commission shall be appointed by the Governor and selected so as to fairly represent agriculture, industry, labor, and other interests and groups in North Caro. lina. In appointing the members of said Commission, the Governor shall designate the term for which each member is appointed. Four of said members shall be appointed for a term of one year; four for a term of two years; four for a term oj three years; five for a term of four years; and thereafter, all appointments shall be for a ter mof four years. All vacancies shall be filled by the Governor for the unexpired term. The Commissioner of Public Welfare, and the Secretary of the State Board of Health shall be ex officio members of the Commission, without voting power. The Commission shall elect, with the approval of the Governor, a chairman and a vice chairman. All members, except the Commissioner of Public Welfare, and the Secretary of the State Board of Health shall receive a per diem of seven dollars ($7.00) and necessary travel expenses. SEC. 181-118. Commission Authorized to Employ Executive Secretary. The North Carolina Medical Care Commission is authorized and empowered to employ, subject to the approval of the Governor, an executive secretary, and to determine his or her salary under the provisions of the Personnel Act. The executive secretary may employ such additional persons as may be required to carry out the provisions of this Act, subject to approval of the Commission, and the provisions of the Personnel Act. Office space for the Commission shall be provided by the Board of Public Buildings and Grounds, in Raleigh. SEc. 131-119. Contribution for Indigent Patients. The North Carolina Medical Care Commission, in accordance with rules and regulations promulgated by it, is hereby authorized and empowered to contribute not exceeding one dollar ($1.00) per day for each indigent patient hospitalized in any hospital approved by it, provided the balance of the cost shall be provided by the county or city having responsibility for the care of such indigent patient, or from other sources. The Commission shall promulgate rules and regulations for determining the indigency of the persons hospitalized and the basis upon which hospitals and health centers shall qualify to receive the benefits of this section. For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this section, there is hereby appropriated from the General Fund to the North Carolina Medical Care Commission for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, one thousand nine hundred and forty-six, the sum of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,- 000.00); and for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, one thousand nine hundred and forty-seven, the sum of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00), provided that the benefits of this section shall apply only to hospitals publicly owned, or owned and operated by charitable, nonprofit, nonstock corporations, and provided further that these appropriations provided in this section shall not be available until all provisions of Section twenty-three and one half of the Committee Substitute for House Bill Number eleven, the General Appropriations Bill of one thousand nine hundred and forty-five, relating to the emergency salary for the public school teachers and State employees shall have been completely and fully provided for. Sec. 131-120. Construction and Enlargement of Local Hospitals. The North Carolina Medical Care Commission is hereby authorized and empowered to begin immediate surveys of each county in the State to determine: (a) The hospital needs of the county or area; (b) The economic ability of the county or area to support adequate hospital service; (c) What assistance by the State, if any, is necessary to supplement all other available funds, to finance the construction of new hospitals and health centers, additions to existing hospitals and health centers, and necessary equipment to provide adequate hospital service for the citizens of the county or area; and to report this information, together with its recommendations, to the Governor, who shall transmit this report to the next session of the General Assembly for such legislative action as it may deem necessary to effectuate an adequate Statewide hospital program. The North Carolina Medical Care Commission is hereby authorized and empowered to act as the agency of the State of North Carolina for the purpose of setting up and administering any State-wide plan for the construction and maintenance of hospitals, public health centers and related facilities, which is now or may be required in order to comply with any Federal law and in order to receive and administer any funds which may be provided by an Act of Congress for such purpose; and the Commission, as such agency of the State of North Carolina with the advice of the State Advisory Council set up as hereinafter provided, shall have the right to promulgate such Statewide plans for the construction and maintenance of hospitals, medical centers and related facilities, or such other plans as may be found desirable and necessary in order to meet the requirements and receive the benefits of any Federal legislation with regard thereto. The said Commission shall be authorized to receive and administer any funds which may be appropriated by any Act of Congress for the construction of hospitals, medical centers and related activities or facilities, which may at any time in the future become available for such purposes; said Commission shall be further authorized to receive and administer any other Federal funds, which may be available, in the furtherance of any activity in which the Commission is authorized and empowered to engage in under the provisions of this Act establishing said Commission, and in connection therewith the Commission is authorized to adopt such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the intent and purposes of this Act; to adopt such reasonable and necessary standards with reference thereto as may be proper to fully cooperate with the Surgeon General of the United States with the approval of the Federal Advisory Council in the use of funds provided by the Federal government, and at all times make such reports and give such information to the Surgeon General of the United States as may be required. That the Governor is hereby authorized and empowered to set up and establish a State Advisory Council to the North Carolina Medical Care Commission, to consist of five members, who shall each serve for a term of four years, with the right on the part of the Governor to fill vanacies for unexpired terms, said council to include representatives of non-government organizations or groups, and of State agencies, concerned with the operation, construction, or utilization of hospitals or medical centers, or allied facilities, which Advisory Council, when set up by the Governor, shall advise with the North Carolina Medical Care Commission with respect to carrying out the purposes and provisions of this Act. That the North Carolina Medical Care Commission and the said State Advisory Council set up by the Governor as-herein authorized, shall be fully authorized and empowered to do all such acts and things as may be necessary, to authorize the State of North Carolina to receive the full benefits of any Federal laws which are or may be enacted for the construction and maintenance of hospitals, health centers or allied facilities. That none of the provisions hereof shall authorize the appropriation of any State funds for the purposes herein set forth except as the same may be specifically provided for in this Act. Sec. 131-121. Medical Student Loan Fund. The North Carolina Medical Care Commission is hereby authorized and empewered, in accordance with such rules as it may promulgate, to make loans to students who may wish to become physicians and who are accepted for enrollment in any standard four-year medical school in North Carolina, provided such student shall agree, that upon graduation and upon being licensed, to practice medicine in some rural area in North Carolina for at least four years. Rural area, for the purpose of this section, shall mean any town or village having less than two thousand five hundred -2,500 population according to the last decennial census, or area outside and around such towns or villages. Such loans shall bear such rate of interest as may be fixed by the Commission, not to exceed four per cent per annum. _ For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this sec- tion, there is hereby appropriated from the General Fund for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, one thousand nine hundred and forty-six, to the North Carolina Medical Care Commission the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00): The State Treasurer shall set up on his records an account to which shall be deposited said amount, and from which withdrawals shall be made upon vouchers made by the State Auditor upon request of the North Carolina Medical Care Commission. This appropriation shall not lapse at the end of any biennium, but shall remain available for the purposes herein stated. Sec. 131-122. Expansion of Medical School of the University of North Carolina. In order to carry forward the Statewide plan of hospital and medical care, the Board of Trustees of the University of North Carolina, by and with the approval of the Governor and the North Carolina Medical Care Commission is hereby authorized and empowered to expand the two-year Medical School of the University of North Carolina into a standard four-year medical school. The North Carolina Medical Care Commission is authorized and directed to make a complete survey of all factors involved in determining the location of the expanded medical school, giving especial attention to the advantages and disadvantages of locating said school in one of the large cities of the State, and shall render a report of their findings to the Governor and Board of Trustees of the University of North Carolina. Provided that no action shall be taken under this provision of this section, other than the work of the Commission, until a survey has been made and a report submitted to the Governor and Medical Care Commission by the Rockefeller Foundation or some other accredited agency with experience in the field of surveying large areas in connection with medical education and medical care. The report of such agency is to be submitted to the Governor and the Medical Care Commission in a reasonable time in advance of the report of the Governor and the Commission to the Board of Trustees. Sec. 131-123. Appropriations for Expenses of the North Carolina Medical Care Commission. In order to provide funds for the expenses of the North Carolina Medical Care, Commission, there is hereby appropriated from the General Fund for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, one thousand nine hundred and forty-six, the sum of fifty thousand. dollars ($50,- 000.00) and for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, one thousand nine hundred and forty-seven, the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00). SEc. 131-124. Medical Training for Negroes. The North Carolina Medical Care Commission shall make careful investigation of the methods for providing necessary medical training for Negro students, and shall report its findings to the next session of the General Assembly. In addition to the benefits provided by Section one hundred and sixteen one hundred and ten of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the North Carolina Medical Care Commission is hereby authorized to make loans to Negro medical students from the fund provided in Section one hundred and thirty-oneone hundred and twenty-one, subject to such rules, regulations, and conditions as the Commission may prescribe. Sec. 131-125. Acceptance of Gifts, Grants and Donations. The North Carolina Medical Care Commission is hereby authorized and empowered to accept and administer gifts, grants, or donations which may be made by the Federal government or by any person, firm, or corporation for the purpose of carrying out the objects of this Act, provided the acceptance of such gifts, grants, or donations shall be made without requiring the surrender of authority or control in the administration thereof by the North Carolina Medical Care Commission. SEc. 131-126. Hospital Care Association. The North Carolina Medical Care Commission is hereby authorized to encourage the development of group insurance plans, the Blue Cross Plan, and other plans which provide for insurance for the public against the costs of disease and illness. |
1947_session laws_822_3 | murray | 1 | session laws | 821 | 2 | CHAPTER 821 AN ACT AUTHORIZING MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS TO ACQUIRE, MANAGE AND CONTROL CERTAIN LANDS FOR CEMETERY PURPOSES, AND AUTHORIZ- ING APPROPRIATIONS FOR SUCH PURPOSES. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | In the event said property has been heretofore used exclusively for the burial of members of the negro race, then said cemetery or burial ground so established shall remain and be established as a burial ground for the negro race. In the event said property has been heretofore used exclusively for the burial of members of the white race, then said cemetery or burial ground so established shall remain and be established as a burial ground for the white race. ; |
1947_session laws_979_3 | murray | 1 | session laws | 978 | 2 | CHAPTER 978 AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE MEMBERS OF THE EAST- ERN BAND OF CHEROKEE INDIANS OF WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA TO HOLD, INHERIT AND ALIENATE PROPERTY, AND FURTHER SECURING TO THEM THE RIGHT OF LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Any person who is a lineal descendant of any kona fide member of such Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians who is a member of said band and who is domiciled on the lands of the said Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians shall be eligible to hold any elective or appointive office or position within the tribal organization, including the position of Chief, and may be elected or appointed and shall thereafter serve in such manner and for such time as a majority of the accredited membership of such Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians may decide at any election held for such purpose or appointment made by the accredited officials of said Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. |
1949_session laws_1133_30 | murray | 1 | session laws | 1,132 | 29 | 384 CHAPTER 1132 AN ACT TO DEFINE, CLASSIFY AND REGULATE MO- TOR CARRIERS OF PASSENGERS OVER THE HIGH- WAYS OF THE STATE FOR COMPENSATION: CON- FERRING UPON THE UTILITIES COMMISSION THE POWER TO GRANT CERTIFICATES AND PERMITS OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY; TO FIX RATES, TARIFFS AND SCHEDULES; TO REQUIRE THE ESTABLISHMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF PAS- SENGER STATIONS; TO PRESCRIBE AND ENFORCE RULES FOR THE SAFETY AND PROTECTION OF THE TRAVELING PUBLIC AND GENERALLY TO REGU- LATE, IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST, MOTOR CARRIERS OF PASSENGERS OPERATING IN THIS STATE; AND TO REPEAL ARTICLE 6, CHAPTER 62 OF THE GEN- ERAL STATUTES OF NORTH CAROLINA OF 19438 Ai The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Separation of races. The commission shall require: every common carrier by motor vehicle to provide separate but substantially equal accommodations for the white and colored races at passenger stations or waiting rooms where the carrier receives passengers of both races, and on all common carriers by motor vehicles operating on a route or routes over which such carrier transports passengers of both races. Provided that any requirement as to separate accommodation for the races shall not apply to specially chartered motor vehicles or to negro servants and attendants and their employers, or to officers or guards transporting prisoners. |
1945_session laws_460_11 | murray | 1 | session laws | 459 | 10 | CHAPTER 459 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INSTITUTION FOR THE CARE OF FEEBLE MINDED NEGRO CHILDREN IN NORTH CAROLINA. WHEREAS, pursuant to a joint resolution of the General Assembly of one thousand nine hundred and forty-three, the Governor appointed a commission composed of Honorable Thomas OBerry, Chairman, Honorable K. A. Pittman, Honorable W. Frank Taylor, Honorable Robert P. Burns, and Honorable Charles F. Honeycutt, to inquire into the conditions, care, treat- ment, and training of the negro feeble minded in the Goldsboro State Hospital for the Insane, and other similar institutions of the State, with the view of ,recommending a program for the care and training of the feeble minded negro children, to the end that they might be placed under the supervision of people skilled in giving the right kind of care and treatment to such children, and investigate the advisability and possibility of se- curing additional facilities for institutional care and treatment of such children; and WHEREAS, the said committee, after having fully complied with the intent of said resolution, has made its report to the Governor, revealing that there are some one thousand feeble | minded negro children in the State in need of hespital care or training, and recommending that a suitable hospital for the treatment of such children be built near the site and in con- junction with the State Hospital for Negroes at Goldsboro, sufficient to take care of at least six hundred patients, reference to which re port is hereby made for more detailed recommen- dations; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the General Assembly of North Carolina that the recommendations of said committee be sub- stantially complied with as early as feasible: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | For the protection of the pupils residing in the school, it shall be unlawful: (a) For any person to advise, or solicit, or to offer to advise or solicit, any inmate of said school to escape therefrom; (b) For any person to transport, or to offer to transport, in automobile or other conveyance any inmate of said school to or from any place: Provided, this shall not apply to the superintendent and teachers of said school, or to employees or any other person acting under the superintendent and teachers thereof; (c) For any person to engage in, or to offer to engage in, prostitution with any inmate of said school; (d) For any person to receive, or to offer to receive, any inmate of said school into any place, structure, building or conveyance for the purpose of prostitution, or to solicit any inmate of said school to engage in prostitution; (e) For any person to conceal an escaped inmate of said school, or to furnish clothing to an escaped inmate thereof to enable him or her to conceal his or her identity. The term inmate as used in this section shall be construed to include any and all boys and girls, committed to, or received into, said Negro Training School for Feeble Minded Children under the provisions of the law made and provided for the receiving and committing of persons to said school; and the term prostitution shall be construed to include the offering or receiving of the body for sexual intercourse. Any person who shall knowingly and wilfully violate Subsections (a) and (b) of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be fined or imprisoned, or both fined and imprisoned, in the discretion of the court; that any person who shall knowingly and wilfully violate Subsections (c), (d) and (e) of this section shall be guilty of a felony, and shall be fined or imprisoned, or both fined and imprisoned, in the discretion of the court. |
1945_session laws_460_9 | murray | 1 | session laws | 459 | 8 | CHAPTER 459 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INSTITUTION FOR THE CARE OF FEEBLE MINDED NEGRO CHILDREN IN NORTH CAROLINA. WHEREAS, pursuant to a joint resolution of the General Assembly of one thousand nine hundred and forty-three, the Governor appointed a commission composed of Honorable Thomas OBerry, Chairman, Honorable K. A. Pittman, Honorable W. Frank Taylor, Honorable Robert P. Burns, and Honorable Charles F. Honeycutt, to inquire into the conditions, care, treat- ment, and training of the negro feeble minded in the Goldsboro State Hospital for the Insane, and other similar institutions of the State, with the view of ,recommending a program for the care and training of the feeble minded negro children, to the end that they might be placed under the supervision of people skilled in giving the right kind of care and treatment to such children, and investigate the advisability and possibility of se- curing additional facilities for institutional care and treatment of such children; and WHEREAS, the said committee, after having fully complied with the intent of said resolution, has made its report to the Governor, revealing that there are some one thousand feeble | minded negro children in the State in need of hespital care or training, and recommending that a suitable hospital for the treatment of such children be built near the site and in con- junction with the State Hospital for Negroes at Goldsboro, sufficient to take care of at least six hundred patients, reference to which re port is hereby made for more detailed recommen- dations; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the General Assembly of North Carolina that the recommendations of said committee be sub- stantially complied with as early as feasible: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The board of directors is hereby authorized and empowered to promulgate rules, regulations, and conditions of admission of pupils to the school and in cases in which the parents or guardian of a child are financially able, shall require such parent or guardian to transport the child to the school and make such contribution toward maintenance as may to the board of directors seem proper and just. |
1945_session laws_460_8 | murray | 1 | session laws | 459 | 7 | CHAPTER 459 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INSTITUTION FOR THE CARE OF FEEBLE MINDED NEGRO CHILDREN IN NORTH CAROLINA. WHEREAS, pursuant to a joint resolution of the General Assembly of one thousand nine hundred and forty-three, the Governor appointed a commission composed of Honorable Thomas OBerry, Chairman, Honorable K. A. Pittman, Honorable W. Frank Taylor, Honorable Robert P. Burns, and Honorable Charles F. Honeycutt, to inquire into the conditions, care, treat- ment, and training of the negro feeble minded in the Goldsboro State Hospital for the Insane, and other similar institutions of the State, with the view of ,recommending a program for the care and training of the feeble minded negro children, to the end that they might be placed under the supervision of people skilled in giving the right kind of care and treatment to such children, and investigate the advisability and possibility of se- curing additional facilities for institutional care and treatment of such children; and WHEREAS, the said committee, after having fully complied with the intent of said resolution, has made its report to the Governor, revealing that there are some one thousand feeble | minded negro children in the State in need of hespital care or training, and recommending that a suitable hospital for the treatment of such children be built near the site and in con- junction with the State Hospital for Negroes at Goldsboro, sufficient to take care of at least six hundred patients, reference to which re port is hereby made for more detailed recommen- dations; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the General Assembly of North Carolina that the recommendations of said committee be sub- stantially complied with as early as feasible: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The purpose and aim of the Negro Training School for Feeble Minded Children is to segregate, care for, train, and educate, as their mentality will permit, the mental defectives among th negro children of the State; to disseminate knowledge concerning the extent, nature, and menace of mental deficiency and initiate methods for its control, reduction, and ultimate eradication and to that end, subject to such rules and regulations as the board of directors may adopt, there shall be received into said school feeble minded and mentally defective children of the negro race under the age of twenty-one years when, in the judgment of the board of directors, it is deemed advisable. Application for the admission of a child must be made by the father if the mother and father are living together, and if not, by the one having custody, or by a duly appointed guardian or by the superintendent of any county home or by person having management of any orphanage, association, society, childrens home, or other institution for the care of children to which the custody of such child has been committed, in which event the consent of the parents shall not be required. The applications for admission must be approved by the superintendent of public welfare and the judge of juvenile court of the county wherein the applicant resides. |
1945_session laws_460_5 | murray | 1 | session laws | 459 | 4 | CHAPTER 459 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INSTITUTION FOR THE CARE OF FEEBLE MINDED NEGRO CHILDREN IN NORTH CAROLINA. WHEREAS, pursuant to a joint resolution of the General Assembly of one thousand nine hundred and forty-three, the Governor appointed a commission composed of Honorable Thomas OBerry, Chairman, Honorable K. A. Pittman, Honorable W. Frank Taylor, Honorable Robert P. Burns, and Honorable Charles F. Honeycutt, to inquire into the conditions, care, treat- ment, and training of the negro feeble minded in the Goldsboro State Hospital for the Insane, and other similar institutions of the State, with the view of ,recommending a program for the care and training of the feeble minded negro children, to the end that they might be placed under the supervision of people skilled in giving the right kind of care and treatment to such children, and investigate the advisability and possibility of se- curing additional facilities for institutional care and treatment of such children; and WHEREAS, the said committee, after having fully complied with the intent of said resolution, has made its report to the Governor, revealing that there are some one thousand feeble | minded negro children in the State in need of hespital care or training, and recommending that a suitable hospital for the treatment of such children be built near the site and in con- junction with the State Hospital for Negroes at Goldsboro, sufficient to take care of at least six hundred patients, reference to which re port is hereby made for more detailed recommen- dations; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the General Assembly of North Carolina that the recommendations of said committee be sub- stantially complied with as early as feasible: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That in order to provide for the operation of the said institution prior to the*time that permanent quarters can be established, the board of directors, with the approval of the Governor and Council of State, is authorized and empowered to enter into an agreement with any other State institution er agency for the temporary use of any State owned property which such other State institution or agency may be able and willing to divert for the time being from its original purpose; and any other State institution or agency, which may be in possession of real estate suitable for the purpose of the Negro Training School for Feeble Minded Children upon such terms as may be mutually agreed upon. |
1945_session laws_460_3 | murray | 1 | session laws | 459 | 2 | CHAPTER 459 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INSTITUTION FOR THE CARE OF FEEBLE MINDED NEGRO CHILDREN IN NORTH CAROLINA. WHEREAS, pursuant to a joint resolution of the General Assembly of one thousand nine hundred and forty-three, the Governor appointed a commission composed of Honorable Thomas OBerry, Chairman, Honorable K. A. Pittman, Honorable W. Frank Taylor, Honorable Robert P. Burns, and Honorable Charles F. Honeycutt, to inquire into the conditions, care, treat- ment, and training of the negro feeble minded in the Goldsboro State Hospital for the Insane, and other similar institutions of the State, with the view of ,recommending a program for the care and training of the feeble minded negro children, to the end that they might be placed under the supervision of people skilled in giving the right kind of care and treatment to such children, and investigate the advisability and possibility of se- curing additional facilities for institutional care and treatment of such children; and WHEREAS, the said committee, after having fully complied with the intent of said resolution, has made its report to the Governor, revealing that there are some one thousand feeble | minded negro children in the State in need of hespital care or training, and recommending that a suitable hospital for the treatment of such children be built near the site and in con- junction with the State Hospital for Negroes at Goldsboro, sufficient to take care of at least six hundred patients, reference to which re port is hereby made for more detailed recommen- dations; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the General Assembly of North Carolina that the recommendations of said committee be sub- stantially complied with as early as feasible: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The said institution shall be under the control of the North Carolina Hospitals Board of Control, and whenever the words, Board, Directors or Board of Directors are used in this Act with reference to the governing board of said institution, the same shall mean the North Carolina Hospitals Board of Control, and said board shall exercise the same powers and perform the same duties with respect to the Negro Training School for Feeble Minded Children, as it exercises and performs with respect to the other institutions under its control, except as may in this Act be otherwise provided. |
1945_session laws_460_2 | murray | 1 | session laws | 459 | 1 | CHAPTER 459 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INSTITUTION FOR THE CARE OF FEEBLE MINDED NEGRO CHILDREN IN NORTH CAROLINA. WHEREAS, pursuant to a joint resolution of the General Assembly of one thousand nine hundred and forty-three, the Governor appointed a commission composed of Honorable Thomas OBerry, Chairman, Honorable K. A. Pittman, Honorable W. Frank Taylor, Honorable Robert P. Burns, and Honorable Charles F. Honeycutt, to inquire into the conditions, care, treat- ment, and training of the negro feeble minded in the Goldsboro State Hospital for the Insane, and other similar institutions of the State, with the view of ,recommending a program for the care and training of the feeble minded negro children, to the end that they might be placed under the supervision of people skilled in giving the right kind of care and treatment to such children, and investigate the advisability and possibility of se- curing additional facilities for institutional care and treatment of such children; and WHEREAS, the said committee, after having fully complied with the intent of said resolution, has made its report to the Governor, revealing that there are some one thousand feeble | minded negro children in the State in need of hespital care or training, and recommending that a suitable hospital for the treatment of such children be built near the site and in con- junction with the State Hospital for Negroes at Goldsboro, sufficient to take care of at least six hundred patients, reference to which re port is hereby made for more detailed recommen- dations; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the General Assembly of North Carolina that the recommendations of said committee be sub- stantially complied with as early as feasible: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That an institution, to be known and designated as, The Negro Training School for Feeble Minded Children, is hereby created and such institution is authorized and empowered to accept and use donations and appropriations and do all other things necessary and requisite to be done in furtherance of the purpose of its organization and existence as herein set forth. |
1943_session laws_382_10 | murray | 1 | session laws | 381 | 9 | CHAPTER 381 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INSTITUTION FOR THE CARE OF DELINQUENT NEGRO GIRLS IN NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The board of directors shall have power and they are hereby authorized, shall it be deemed necessary, to enter into a contract with the Office of the United States Attorney General or such necessary Federal agency, to keep, restrain, control, care, and train any negro girl under the age of sixteen years, being a citizen of the State of North Carolina, who may come within the jurisdiction of the several Federal courts and who may fall within the classification hereinbefore set forth. Any such contract made under the authority and provisions of this Act shall be for a period of not more than two years, and shall provide payments by the Office of the United States Attorney General or such necessary Federal agency to the institution for the care of any persons coming within the provisions of this Act, which shall be not less than the current estimated cost per capita at the time of the execution of the contract, and all such financial provisions of any contract shall first, before the execution of said contract, have the approval of the Budget Bureau of North Carolina. Any payments received under the contract authorized by this Act shall be deposited in the State Treasury for the use and maintenance of the institution with which any such contract is made. Such payments are hereby appropriated to said institution as a supplementary fund to compensate the institution for the additional care and maintenance of such persons as are received under the provisions of this Act. |
1943_session laws_382_8 | murray | 1 | session laws | 381 | 7 | CHAPTER 381 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INSTITUTION FOR THE CARE OF DELINQUENT NEGRO GIRLS IN NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Any negro girl under the age of sixteen years, who may come or be brought before any juvenile court of the State or other court of competent jurisdiction, and may be found by such court to be in need of institutional training, may be committed by such court to the institution for an indefinite period: Provided, that such person is not insane or mentally or physically incapable of being substantially benefited by the discipline of the institution: Provided, further, that before committing such person to the institution, the court shall ascertain whether the institution is in a position to care for such person; and that it shall be at all times within the discretion of the board of directors as to whether the board will receive any person into the institution. No commitment shall be for any definite term, but any person so committed may be conditionally released or discharged by the board of directors at any time after commitment, but in no case shall any inmate be detained in the institution for a period longer than such time at which she may attain the age of twenty-one years. It shall be the duty of the county authorities of the county from which any girl is sent to the institution or the city authorities, if any is ordered to be sent to the institution by any city court, to see that such girl is safely and duly delivered to the institution, and to pay all the expenses incident to her conveyance and delivery to the institution. |
1943_session laws_382_5 | murray | 1 | session laws | 381 | 4 | CHAPTER 381 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INSTITUTION FOR THE CARE OF DELINQUENT NEGRO GIRLS IN NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That in order to provide for the operation of the said institution prior to the time that permanent quarters can be established, the board of directors, with the approval of the Governor and Council of State, is authorized and empowered to enter into an agreement with any other State institution or agency for the temporary use of any State owned property which such other State institution or agency may be able and willing to divert for the time being from its original purpose; and any other State institution or agency, which may be in possession of real estate suitable for the purpose of the State Training School for Negro Girls and which is not occupied or needed by said institution or agency, be and it is hereby authorized to turn such real estate over to the Directors of the State Training School for Negro Girls upon such terms as may be mutually agreed upon. ; |
1943_session laws_382_3 | murray | 1 | session laws | 381 | 2 | CHAPTER 381 AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INSTITUTION FOR THE CARE OF DELINQUENT NEGRO GIRLS IN NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The said institution shall be under the control of the North Carolina Board of Correction and Training, and wherever the words Board, Directors or Board of Directors are used in this Act with reference to the governing board of said institution, the same shall mean the North Carolina Board of Correction and Training, and said board shall exercise the same powers and perform. the same duties with respect to the State Training School for Negro Girls as it exercises and performs with respect to the other institutions under its control, except as may in this Act be otherwise provided. |
1945_session laws_953_55 | murray | 0 | session laws | 952 | 53 | CHAPTER 952 AN ACT TO AMEND THE LAWS OF NORTH CAROLINA RELATING TO PERSONS WITH MENTAL DISEASES AND TO PROVIDE FOR COMMITTING SUCH PERSONS TO INSTITUTIONS FOR OBSERVATION TO DETER- MINE THEIR MENTAL CONDITION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That Section one hundred and twenty-two eightythree of the General Statutes of North Carolina is hereby amended by striking out the word insane in the catch line and in lines two, four, nine and fifteen and inserting in lieu thereof the words mentally disordered. |
1941_public laws_371_4 | murray | 1 | public laws | 370 | 3 | CHAPTER 370 AN ACT TO PROVIDE BETTER EDUCATIONAL AD- VANTAGES FOR MEMBERS OF THE INDIAN RACE IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA NOT OTHERWISE PRO- VIDED FOR. WHEREAS, there are no provisions now made by the State for the education of certain Indian children of Eastern North Carolina beyond the high school grades; and WHEREAS, there are Indian schools in the Counties of Samp- son, Hoke, Scotland, Cumberland, Bladen, Person, and Harnett; and WHEREAS, the Indian children enrolled in these schools have no place provided by the State to pursue their education beyond the eleventh grade and in some instances not even past the elementary grades; and WHEREAS, ample provisions have been provided by the State for higher education and teacher training of the other races; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the department of education that better educational advantages be provided for the Indian chil- dren, including courses of instruction in teacher training and vocational education in order that equal justice under the Con- stitution may be done toward these people: Now, therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the Governor of the State of North Carolina shall have the power to appoint a board of six trustees for any school created under the provisions of this Act, which board shall have the general management of such school and such other powers for the management thereof as are not vested in the State Board of Education or the State Superintendent. In addition to the six members above: provided for, the State Superinendent of Public Instruction shall be ex officio a member of said board of trustees and chairman thereof. Two members of the board of trustees shall be appointed for a term of two years, two for four years, and two for six years, and thereafter, as vacancies occur by the expiration of the term of office of each, his successor shall be appointed for a term of six years. Vacancies occuring by resignation or death, or otherwise, of any member of said board of trustees before the expiration of his term of office, shall be filled by the Governor for the unexpired term. The original appointments shall be made by the Governor in the month of May, one thousand nine hundred and forty-one. The members of the board of trustees shall receive no compensation for their services other than actual expenses while attending meetings of the board. The board of trustees shall elect one of its members as secretary. Said board shall have the power, subject to the approval of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, to elect the teachers who shall teach in any such school. |
1911_public laws_42_2 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 41 | 1 | CHAPTER 41 AN ACT TO REQUIRE THE RAILROADS OF NORTH CARO- LINA TO SUPPLY ADDITIONAL FACILITIES AT DEPOTS TO EXCHANGE MILEAGE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all railroad companies of one hundred miles or more in length doing business in whole or in part in the State of North Carolina are hereby required to provide and keep at all depots in cities or towns of two thousand and over in population as fixed by the United States Census of the year one thousand nine hundred and ten, two windows, opening in the waiting-room for passengers of the race using the greatest amount of mileage or coupon books, for the sale or exchange of fares on all passenger trains in North Carolina; one of said windows to be used for the sale of cash fares exclusively, and the other for the sale and exchange of mileage or coupon books. Each window to be attended by an agent whose duty it shall be to wait upon the traveling public, during the hours now prescribed, for the sale of cash-fare tickets and the sale and exchange of mileage or coupon books. And that over each such window the said railroad companies shall be and they are hereby required to place and keep a sign, painted in plain letters, Mileage Exchange and Cash Fares, respectively : Provided, that the provisions of this act shall not apply to any railroad company in North Carolina, as aforesaid, selling mileage or coupon books at a rate of not more than two cents per mile and pulling or taking the same on the train: Provided further, that all the provisions of this section shall apply to the following railroad junctions in this State, irrespective of population, namely: Dunn, Selma, Maxton, Hamlet, Norlina, and Sanford. |
1899_public laws_391_2 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 390 | 1 | CHAPTER 390 . n act to amend an act to establish and provide for the militia and for | the support and maintenance of the state guard, ratified March sixth, | eighteen hundred and ninety-three. Phe General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | 1 That section two be amended to read as follows: Phat the white and colored militia shall be separately enrolled, ut shall never be compelled to serve in the same organization: yovtded, that no organization of colored troops shall be permitted while white troops are available and that when permitted to be organized colored troops shall be under command of white officers. : i |
1909_public laws_818_3 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 817 | 2 | CHAPTER 817 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH A REFORMATORY OR MANUAL- TRAINING SCHOOL FOR THE DETENTION AND REFOR- MATION OF THE CRIMINAL NEGRO YOUTH OF THE STATE. Whereas it appears to this General Assembly that there are in this State many negro youths between the ages of seven and four- teen years who violate the criminal law, and that while such youths should be detained and punished and taught the doctrines of religion, good morals and how to work, it would be to the best interest of such youths and expedient that they be not associated with older and more hardened criminals, but that they should be kept separate therefrom: The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the said trustees are empowered to purchase, at some suitable and convenient point in this State, not less than twenty-five acres nor more than five hundred acres of land, whereon to erect and operate a school] for the training and moral and industrial development of the criminally delinquent negro children of the State; and when such school shall have been organized the said trustees may in their discretion receive therein such delinquent and criminal children under the age of fourteen years as may be sent or committed thereto under any order or commitment by the judges of the Superior Courts or the recorders or other presiding officers of the city or criminal courts, and shall have the sole right and authority to keep, restrain and control them during their minority or until such time as they shall deem proper for their discharge, under such proper and humane rules and regulations as may be adopted by said trustees. |
1909_public laws_721_2 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 720 | 1 | CHAPTER 720 AN ACT TO PROVIDE SEPARATE SCHOOLS FOR THE INDIAN RACE IN SCOTLAND COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the children of the white race in Scotland County shall be taught in public schools provided for them exclusively ; and no child of negro blood, however remote the strain, or of Indian blood to the eighth degree, inclusive, shall attend a public school provided for the white race in said county; and all children of the negro race shall be taught in the public schools of said county provided for the negro race exclusively; and all children of Indian blood, other than Croatan Indians, to the eighth degree, inclusive, shall be taught in the public schools of Scotland County provided for the Indian race, other than Croatan Indians, exclusively; and no child of negro blood, however remote the strain, shall attend the public schools provided for the Indian race in said county; but there shall be no discrimination in favor of or to the prejudice of either race: Provided, that the children of the Croatan Indian blood shall attend public schools provided for them exclusively, no discrimination being made either in their favor or to their prejudice: Provided further, that the Board of Yducation of Scotland County shall not exclude children of Indian blood, other than Croatan Indians, from attending any public school provided for the white race, except upon petition of a majority of the patrons of said school. |
1911_public laws_169_4 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 168 | 3 | CHAPTER 168 AN ACT TO EMPOWER THE TRUSTEES OF THE INDIAN NORMAL SCHOOL OF ROBESON COUNTY TO TRANSFER TITLE TO PROPERTY OF SAID SCHOOL BY DEED TO STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION, AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEES FOR SAID SCHOOL. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the board of trustees of said Indian Norma! School of Robeson County shall have the power to employ and discharge teachers, to prevent negroes from attending said school, and to exercise the usual functions of control and management of said school, their action being subject to the approval of the State Board of Education. |
1899_public laws_508_13 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 507 | 12 | CHAPTER 507 An act to regulate elections. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | If the applicant for registration is an Indian, his name shall appear in a separate column from the column for the names of the white and colored persons. |
1909_public laws_833_2 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 832 | 1 | CHAPTER 832 AN ACT FOR THE SEPARATION OF WHITE AND COLORED PRISONERS IN THE STATE PENITENTIARY AND IN THE COUNTY JAILS AND CONVICT CAMPS DURING SLEEPING AND EATING HOURS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That white and colored prisoners shall not be confined or shackled together in the same room of any. building or tent, either in the State penitentiary or at any State or county convict camp during the eating or sleeping hours, and at all other times the separation of the two races shall be as complete as practicable. |
1889_public laws_61_2 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 60 | 1 | CHAPTER 60 An act to amend the laws of 1885 and 1887 so as to provide additional educational facilities: for the Croatan Indians, citizens of Robesen county, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That chapter fifty-one, section two, of the laws of one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five be amended by adding after the word law in the last line of said section the words, and there shall be excluded from such separate schools for the said Croatan Indians all children of the negro race to the fourth generation. |
1913_private laws_99_3 | paschal | 1 | private laws | 98 | 2 | CHAPTER 98 AN ACT TO. INCORPORATE THE CHADBOURN MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the said corporation may acquire and hold by purchase, gift, or otherwise as much land as may be necessary for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a cemetery near the town of Chadbourn, Columbus County, and may sell or dispose of land and suitable burial lots to be used exclusively for a place of burial for the dead of said town and all such other people as the officers of said association may permit to be buried therein: Provided, no negro or any person of African descent shall be buried on any lot belonging to said association. |
1911_public laws_216_5 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 215 | 4 | CHAPTER 215 AN ACT TO CHANGE THE NAME OF THE INDIANS IN ROBESON COUNTY AND TO PROVIDE FOR SAID INDIANS SEPARATE APARTMENTS IN THE STATE HOSPITAL. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the school situated near the town of Pembroke in Robeson County, known as Croatan Indian Normal School, shall hereafter be known and designated as The Indian Normal School of Robeson County, and in that name shall be entitled to all of the privileges and powers heretofore conferred by any law of the State of North Carolina or any laws hereafter enacted for the benefit of said school. |
1911_public laws_216_6 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 215 | 5 | CHAPTER 215 AN ACT TO CHANGE THE NAME OF THE INDIANS IN ROBESON COUNTY AND TO PROVIDE FOR SAID INDIANS SEPARATE APARTMENTS IN THE STATE HOSPITAL. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the Board of Directors for the State Hospital for the Insane at Raleigh are hereby authorized and directed to provide and set apart at said hospital, as soon after passage of this act as practicable, suitable apartments and wards for the accommodation of any of said Indians of Robeson County who may be entitled under the laws relating to insane persons to be admitted to said hospital. |
1911_public laws_216_7 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 215 | 6 | CHAPTER 215 AN ACT TO CHANGE THE NAME OF THE INDIANS IN ROBESON COUNTY AND TO PROVIDE FOR SAID INDIANS SEPARATE APARTMENTS IN THE STATE HOSPITAL. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the sheriff, jailer, or other proper authorities of Robeson County shall provide in the common jail of Robeson County and in the Home for the Aged and Infirm of Robeson County separate cells, wards, or apartments for the said Indians of Robeson County, in all cases where it shall be necessary under the laws of this State to commit any of said Indians to said jail or County Home for the Aged and Infirm. |
1913_public local laws_576_2 | paschal | 1 | public local laws | 575 | 1 | CHAPTER 575 AN ACT FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE INDIAN PUBLIC ~SCHOOLS OF ROBESON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | To protect the public schools established in Robeson County for the education of the Indian race only, that the following persons of the Indian race residing in Robeson County shall be appointed a committee, to wit, J. B. Oxendine, J. E. Woodell, H. T. Lowrie, O. H. Lowrie, and W. B. Wilkins, and that all questions as to the race of those applying for admission into said Indian public school shall be submitted, that no one shall be admitted to said schools unless approved by a majority of said cominittee: Provided, that an appeal shall lie from the action of said committee to the county board of education of Robeson County, which shall have authority to review, investigate, and finally determine the matter. |
1915_private laws_64_47 | paschal | 1 | private laws | 63 | 47 | CHAPTER 63 AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTER OF THE TOWN OF BENSON, NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the commissioners may establish and regulate all public buildings necessary and proper for the town, and may preyent the erection or building of wooden buildings or structures in any part of the town where the same may increase the danger of fire, or where they may deem such buildings improper; that the said board of commissioners may also regulate and prescribe certain streets, blocks, and lots thereon on which negroes may reside, and certain streets, blocks, and lots on which white people may reside within the town. |
1915_public laws_237_2 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 236 | 1 | CHAPTER 236 AN ACT TO AMEND CERTAIN SECTIONS OF THE REVISAL OF 1905 OF NORTH CAROLINA AND CERTAIN CHAPTERS OF THE PUBLIC LAWS OF NORTH CAROLINA OF 1907, 1909, 1911 AND 1913, ALL BEING PARTS OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOL LAW OF NORTH CAROLINA. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That chapter eighty-nine of the Revisal of one thousand nine hundred and five be and the same is hereby amended as follows: (a) Amend section four thousand and eighty-six by inserting between the word blood and the word in in line eight of said section the words or what is generally known as Croatan Indian blood. (b) Amend section four thousand one hundred and fifteen, as amended by chapter five hundred and twenty-five of Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and nine and chapter one hundred and thirty-five, Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and eleven, by adding at the end thereof the following: Special tax districts may be formed as provided herein out of portions of contiguous counties. The petition for such a district must be endorsed by the boards of education of both counties. The registrar and one poll holder shall be appointed by the board of commissioners of the county in which the larger number of petitioners reside, and one poll holder must be appointed by the board of commissioners of the other county. All the provisions of section four thousand one hundred and twenty-nine in regard to districts in contiguous counties shall be applicable as far as may be to the establishment of special tax districts out of portions of contiguous counties herein provided. (c) Amend section four thousand one hundred and twenty-five by adding at the end thereof the following: In all actions brought in any court against a county board of education for the purpose of compelling the board to admit any child or children who have been excluded from any school by the order of the county board of education, the order or action of the board shall be presumed to be correct, and the burden of proof shall be on the complaining party to show to the contrary. Pub.20 (d) Amend section four thousand one hundred and seventy-two by adding at the end thereof the following: Provided, that after any school district shall have had a library for ten years or longer under the provisions of this section, said school district shall be entitled to receive a second library in accordance with the foregoing provisions of this section. (e) Amend section four thousand one hundred and sixty-seven by adding at the end thereof the following: Provided, further, that the counties holding institutes on alternate years shall be equally divided in number, as nearly as may be, by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction after consultation with the county superintendents of schools and the county boards of education; and that teachers in such counties as may be exempted from holding institutes in one thousand nine hundred and sixteen, under this provision in order to divide the two groups of counties evenly, shall not be debarred from teaching for the school year ending June thirtieth, one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, because of non-attendance upon an institute or summer school in the year one thousand nine hundred and sixteen. (f) Strike out all of section four thousand one hundred and forty-eight, as amended by chapter one hundred and thirty-five of the Public Laws of one thousand nine hundred and eleven, and insert in lieu thereof the following: 4148 (substitute for). The school committee of each township or district is hereby required to furnish annually to the county superintendent of schools a census report of all the children of school age in the township or district by name, age, sex, and race, and the names of their parents or guardians. The blanks upon which such reports are to be made shall be furnished to the various school committees by the county superintendent at least two weeks prior to the beginning of the school term in each district, and the report, duly sworn to by the person taking the census, and signed and approved by the members of the committee, shall be returned to the county superintendent on or before the first day of the school term of each school year; and any committee failing to comply with the provisions of this section, without just cause, shall be subject to removal. The school committee is authorized to designate one of the teachers, or some other competent person in each school district, to take the census. The committeeman, or other person taking the census, shall be allowed a sum not exceeding three cents per name for all names reported between the ages of six and twenty-one. The committee shall furnish to the teacher at the opening of the school a complete copy of the census furnished to the county superintendent, which shall be recorded by the teacher in the school register. The census record entered in the register shall show the name, age, and sex of each child of school age in that district, together with the names and addresses of the parents or guardians. The census report shall show also the number of children of compulsory attendance age, and the committee shall furnish the attendance officer a separate list of all children subject to compulsory attendance, containing the name, age, race, and sex of each and the name of their parents or guardians. There shall also be reported, by race and sex, the number and names of all persons between the ages of twelve and twenty-one who can not read and write and the number and names, by race and sex, of all persons over twenty-one years of age who can not read and write, and the number of deaf and dumb and blind between the ages of six and twenty-one years, designating the race and sex and the address of the parents or guardians of such children. The committee shall also report to the county superintendent, who in turn shall report to the county board of education, the number of public schoolhouses and the value of all public school property for each race, separately. (g) Amend section four thousand one hundred and fifty-eight by adding at the end thereof the following: In all counties in which the office of county treasurer has been abolished all banks or other corporations handling the public school funds shall be required to make all reports thereof required of the treasurer of the county school funds under sections four thousand one hundred and fifty-seven and four thousand one hundred and fifty-eight of the Revisal of one thousand nine hundred and five as amended by any subsequent legislation. |
1915_public laws_285_2 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 284 | 1 | CHAPTER 284, AN ACT TO REGULATE THE EMPLOYMENT OF COLORED NURSES. IN HOSPITALS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That in every public and private hospital, sanatorium, and institution in North Carolina where colored patients are admitted for treatment and where nurses are employed it shall be mandatory upon the management of every such hospital, sanatorium and institution to employ colored nurses to care for and wait upon said colored patients. |
1907_public laws_407_2 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 406 | 1 | CHAPTER 406 AN ACT TO AMEND SUBDIVISION 20, CHAPTER 89, RE- VISAL OF 1905, RELATING TO THE AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE, WHITE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That said subdivision be amended to read as follows, viz.: The appropriations made or which may hereafter be made by the Congress for the benefit of colleges of agricultural and mechanical arts shall be divided between the white and colored institutions in this State in the ratio of the white population to the colored, as ascertained by the preceding National census. |
1911_public laws_216_3 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 215 | 2 | CHAPTER 215 AN ACT TO CHANGE THE NAME OF THE INDIANS IN ROBESON COUNTY AND TO PROVIDE FOR SAID INDIANS SEPARATE APARTMENTS IN THE STATE HOSPITAL. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That in all laws enacted by the General Assembly of North Carolina relating to said Indians subsequent to the enactment of said chapter fifty-one of the Laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-five, the words Croatan Indians be and the same are hereby stricken out and the words Indians of Robeson County inserted in lieu thereof. |
1905_public laws_214_6 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 213 | 5 | CHAPTER 218 AN ACT TO COMPEL ATTENDANCE OF INDIANS AT SCHOOL. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That nothing in this act shall apply to any child, parent or guardian with less than one-eighth Indian blood. |
1879_public laws_277_2 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 276 | 1 | CHAPTER 276 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF BRUNS- WICK, SURRY AND EDGECOMBE COUNTIES TO PAY CERTAIN SCHOOL CLAIMS. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That the board of education of the counties of Brunswick, Surry and Edgecombe shall at the time required by law for distribution of the public school funds for the counties in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty, ascertain the amount of outstanding and unpaid school drafts that have been issued for teachers wages prior to March ninth, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven, and which have been audited by said board; and shall notify the school committee of the several districts by advertisement at the court houses the amount of claims outstanding against each several districts, together with the amount then due the same, haying regard to the distinction between the white and colored schools; and it shall be the duty of the county treasurer to pay off the said old drafts out of any school money in his hands belonging to the district upon which such draft or drafts were drawn. And where new districts have been formed or the boundaries changed the payment of the drafts shall be made by the board in the most equitable manner possible. |
1905_private laws_32_27 | paschal | 1 | private laws | 32 | 26 | CHAPTER 32 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE CHARLOTTE PARK AND TREE COMMISSION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That H. J. Green, C. S. L.A. Taylor, Silas B. Washington, Samuel J. Caldwell, J. T. Sanders, J. Henry Warren, Ed. W. Butler, W. H. Houser, Louis Perry, Rufus Caldwell, S. B. Pride and Walker Hill and their successors be and they are hereby created a body corporate by the name of the Charlotte Publie Park Commission for Colored People, and shall have charge and control of the park or parks for colored people, with the same powers, duties, responsibilities, etc., as are conferred on the trustees before mentioned for white people in reference to their parks. The Board of Aldermen of the City of Charlotte shall provide a suitable place for a park or parks and the said trustees shall make all rules, regulations and by-laws for its government and have all the powers conferred on and be subject to the limitations imposed on the white trustees. All ordinances of the city of Charlotte that apply to the white parks shall apply to the colored park or parks. |
1887_public laws_255_2 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 254 | 1 | CHAPTER 254, An act to amend section one thousand eight hundred and ten of The Code. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That section one thousand eight hundred and ten of The Code of North Carolina be amended by adding thereto the words: That all marriages between an Indian and a Negro or between an Indian and a person of Negro descent to the third generation inclusive shall be utterly void: Provided, this act shali only apply to the Croatan Indians. |
1887_public laws_161_2 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 160 | 1 | CHAPTER 160 An act for the relief of certain citizens of Rowan county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That all the citizens of the white race entitled by law to the benefit of the public school fund, living and resident within one and a half miles of Thyatira church, in Rowan county, be and they are hereby allowed and permitted to use and enjoy that portion of the public school fund apportioned to them by law for the payment of tuition and other expenses in attendance at Thyatira academy, in Rowan county. |
1887_private laws_53_7 | paschal | 1 | private laws | 52 | 6 | CHAPTER 582 An act to incorporate Newton Female Seminary, Catawba county.. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | The purpose of this institution is for the education of females of the white race, and no person of color shall own stock therein, and any stock transferred to a person of color shall be forfeited to said corporation. ; |
1885_public laws_142_7 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 141 | 6 | CHAPTER 141 An act in reference to the public schools in Raleigh township, Wake county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : That in order that the public school interests of Raleigh township, Wake county, may: be more efficiently and con- veniently conducted, the following shall be the law for the government of the said interests in said township: | The school committee provided for in this act. shall apportion the money raised or received for educational purposes in Raleigh township as shall be just to the white and colored races, without discrimination in favor of or to the prejudice of either race, due regard being paid to the cost of keeping up the public schools for both races. |
1885_public laws_112_6 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 111 | 5 | CHAP THR lk An et to establish a graded school in the town of Brevard in Tran- sylvania county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That said board of education of the town of Brevard may sue and be sucd, have a common seal, purchase and hold real estate for the purpose of said corporation as herein expressed, not exceeding fifty thousand dollars in value, and may adopt rules for its government, not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of the State; and the said board shall receive and apply to the purpose of said graded school all public moneys from whatsoever source arising, which are or may hereafter be applicable to the common school education of white children within the school age, and residents within the town of Brevard. |
1885_public laws_112_4 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 111 | 3 | CHAP THR lk An et to establish a graded school in the town of Brevard in Tran- sylvania county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | And the special tax collected from the property and polls of colored persons shall be expended exclusively for the education of colored children of both sexes within the school age residents in said town, by the same persons and as other free common school funds are or may be by law expended. |
1885_public laws_112_3 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 111 | 2 | CHAP THR lk An et to establish a graded school in the town of Brevard in Tran- sylvania county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The special tax thus collected from the taxable property and polls of white persons shall be applied and expended exclusively to the purpose of a graded public school which shall be free to all white persons within the school age living within the corporate limits of said town of Brevard; and for the education of colored persons within the school age living in said town, as hereafter provided. |
1885_private laws_88_3 | paschal | 1 | private laws | 87 | 2 | CHAPTER 87 An act to authorize the town of Durham to issue bonds. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That the bonds shall not be sold for less than their face value, and that the proceeds arising from the sale of said bonds shall be expended by the Durham graded school committee in the purchase and erection of suitable grounds and buildings for the Durham graded or public schools for white children: Provided, however, that this act shall be submitted to the qualified voters of said town for their ratification or rejection at an election to be held in said town at such a time as the commissioners may appoint within twelve months from the ratification of this act. .Th said election shall| be advertised byithe;commissioners of said: town for thitty days prior to of election in,at least. tworpapers published an i-Those,who,are in favor,of issuing; said bonds shall, vote -{For, school bonds, those, whozare opposed shall vote Ne school, bonds..5:Dhat,the number, of. votes bast,for and against said (honds shall be deposited sinya special box, counted and; duly certified .by ithe inspectors pf said, election and returned to the:commissioners.of said town, who,shall, certify theoresultpef said selection ol ithe Secretary! of State,and toithe register.of deeds of Durham county. df a, majorityoof themotes cast) shall-bei d+Kor school, bonds,,then ; said,com missioners) shall proceed: at once to issuesand sellthe bonds,:but; d a, miajority; of ithe votes, cast shall be .against,on!{ Novschool, bonds, then this act shallbe; ofi;mo\ force arid effect. . The anspectors shall, be, appointed and the election shall. be: held: as-all otherselections inj the:town. 19b10 [[ede madivd to awot od |
1885_public laws_52_3 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 51 | 2 | CHAPTER 51 An to provide for separate schools for Croatan Indians in Robeson county. Wuersas, the Indians now living in Robeson county claim to be descendants of a friendly tribe who once re- sided in eastern North Carolina on the Roanoke river, known as the Croatan Indians; therefore, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That said Indians and their descendants shall have separate schools for their children, school committees of their own race and color, and shall be allowed to select teachers of their own choice, subject to the same rules and regulations as are applicable to all teachers in the general school law. |
1885_private laws_32_3 | paschal | 1 | private laws | 31 | 2 | CHAPTER 831 An act to amend the charter of the town of Winston, North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That all moneys levied and collected by the board of commissioners or corporate government of said town of Winston as privilege taxes, that is to say, as licenses of all descriptions on all trades, occupations, professions, exhibitions and business, shall be paid to the treasurer of the Winston commissioners of graded schools for the use and benefit of the graded schools, white and colored, of said town. |
1885_public laws_8_2 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 7 | 1 | CHAPTER 7 An Act to establish the Edenton Graded School. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact ; | That a graded school is herehy incorporated to be known as the Edenton Graded School for school district number three of Chowan county, for the white race, and that B. F. Elhott, T. C. Bradham, G. H. Coke, J. A. Harrell, H. De B. Hooper, W. Y. Warren and T. White, A. are hereby constituted a board of trustees for the same until July first, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five, and until their successors are elected and qualified as hereinafter stated, and said school shall be free to all the white children between six and twenty-one years of age, who are residents of said school district, and shall be the public school of said district. |
1883_public laws_413_5 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 412 | 4 | CHAPTER 412 An act to establish graded schools in the town of Washington, North . Carolina, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That Charles M. Brown, Charles K. Gallagher and George V. Credle, W. C. Mallison, Charles F. Warren, Jos. L. Winfield, E.S. Hoyt, W. A. Blount and W. T. Farrow, be and they are hereby constituted a board of trustees for the graded school for the whites, and that Henry Basco, Hampton Bonner, Haywood Hunter, Henry S. Jones, Charles Blackledge, J. W. Peyton, J. M. Williams, Sylvester Dibble and Romeo Little, be and they are hereby constituted a board of trustees for the colored: school. The first three trustees named herein for each school shall hold office for one year, the second three for two years, and the third three for three years, from the first Monday in May, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three. That any vacancy occurring in said board shall be filled by the appointment of the board of commissioners of [the] town of Washington, and when any trustees term of office has expired, the said board of town commissioners shall appoint his successor, who shall hold office for three years: Provided always, that all the trustees for white schools shall be white persons, and the trustees for colored schools shall be colored. |
1883_public laws_233_2 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 232 | 1 | CHAPTER 282 An act relating to graded schools in Guilford county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That upon the written application of fifty white tax payers or of a like number of colored tax payers, citizens of any incorporated town in Guilford county, asking the establishment of a graded school or schools in such town, the whites asking for a white graded school and the colored asking for a colored graded school, it shall be the duty of the mayor or other chief officer of such town to submit the question of a graded school for white children to the white qualified voters of said town, or of a graded school for colored children to the colored qualified voters of said town, as the case may be, at the first regular election thereafter held in said town for mayor and commissioners thereof, first giving four weeks notice thereof in some newspaper published in said town, or if there be no such newspaper, then by printed notice posted at five public places in said town for thirty days immediately preceding the day of such election. |
1883_public laws_158_4 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 157 | 3 | CHAPTER 157 An act to incorporate the Fayetteville public graded and normal school for whites. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That upon the written application of said trustees, through their proper officers, to the board of commissioners of Cumberland county, the said board of commissioners shall order an election, by the white voters of said township upon the question whether an annual tax shall be levied therein upon the property and polls of the white citizens and owners of property in said township, for the support of the said public graded and normal school, said election to be held under rules and regulations to be fixed by the said commissioners, and conforming, as near as may be, to the rules and _ regulations, for conducting other elections. |
1883_public laws_158_2 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 157 | 1 | CHAPTER 157 An act to incorporate the Fayetteville public graded and normal school for whites. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That A. H. Slocumb, A. A. McKethan, Jr., John D. Williams, W. H. Cohen, W. C. Troy, A. Moore, B. C. Ledberry, T, D. Haigh, W. A. Guthrie, C. F. Moore, George M. Rose, Charles Haigh, W. N. Tillinghast, R, W. Hardie, W. T. Taylor, J. C. MacRae, John A. Pemberton, Silas Sheets and J. M. Welsh, their associates and successors, are hereby created a body politic and corporate, under the name and style of the Trustees of the Fayetteville public graded and normal school, and in that name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, contract and be contracted with, acquire and hold, enter upon and possess, in their corporate capacity, property, real and personal, such as may be necessary and suitable for maintaining and carrying on a public graded and normal school for whites in Cross Creek township, in the county of Cumberland, with power to make all needful rules and regulations for their government and that of said school, and shall have continual succession in sueh capacity. |
1883_public laws_157_4 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 156 | 3 | CHAPTER 156 An act to incorporate the insane asylums of the state and for other purposes, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The North Carolina Insane Asylum and The Western North Carolina Insane Asylum shall be exclusively for the accommodation, maintenance, care and treatment of the white insane of the state, and The Eastern North Carolina Insane Asylum shall be exelusively for the accommodation, maintenance, care and treatment of the colored insane of the state. |
1883_public laws_149_5 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 148 | 4 | CHAPTER 148 An act to provide for local assessments in aid of public schools, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That the assessment thus levied and collected from the taxable property and polls of white persons, shall be expended in aiding to keep up the public school in said district for white children of both sexes between the ages of six and twenty-one years; and the assessment thus levied and collected from the taxable property and polls of colored persons shall be expended in aiding to keep up the public school in said district for colored children of both sexes between the ages of six and twenty-one years. e |
1883_private laws_111_7 | paschal | 1 | private laws | 110 | 6 | CHAPTER 110 An act to incorporate the Colored Orphan Home of Eastern North Carolina. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Said corporation shall have power to secure control of such orphans, unprotected and friendless children, in such manner as may be provided by the by-laws of the corporation: and it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to interfere with the said Orphan Home of eastern North Carolina, in its management and control of said children after they are lawfully entered and received by said corporation: Provided, that the said institution shall be for children of the colored race only. __ |
1881_public laws_201_46 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 200 | 45 | CHAPTER 200 AN ACT TO REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE PUBLIC SCHOOL LAW AND TO MAKE MORE EFFICIENT THE SYSTEM OF PUBLIC IN: STRUCTION IN THIS STATE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | It shall be the duty of the county superintendent of public instruction of each county, on or before the first Monday in December of every year, to report to the state superintendent of public instruction an abstract statement of the number, grade, race and sex of the teachers examined and approved by him during the year ; also the number cf public schools taught in the county during the year for each race ; the number of pupils of each race enrolled in said schools; their average attendance; the number of males and the number of females; the average length of the terms of said schools and the average salary, respectively, of the white and colored teachers; also full and accurate statistics of the number of school children in the county, giving race and sex ; the number of school districts for each race and the number of public schoolhouses and the value of public school property for each, race; the number of teachers institutes held and the number of teachers that attended such institutes; together with such suggestions as may occur to him promotive of the school interests of the county. 25 |
1881_public laws_201_33 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 200 | 32 | CHAPTER 200 AN ACT TO REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE PUBLIC SCHOOL LAW AND TO MAKE MORE EFFICIENT THE SYSTEM OF PUBLIC IN: STRUCTION IN THIS STATE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | The county treasurer of each county shall report to the state superintendent of public instruction on the first day of December of each year, the entire amount of shool money received by him during the preceding school year, the several sources from which it was derived and the disbursements thereof made by him, designating the sums paid to teachers for the white and colored children respectively and for school-houses and sclioolhouse sites, in the several districts. He also shall report to the state superintendent of public instruction, specifically and in detail by items, the amounts paid out for other purposes in pursuance of this act and other laws now in force. |
1881_public laws_201_23 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 200 | 22 | CHAPTER 200 AN ACT TO REVISE AND CONSOLIDATE THE PUBLIC SCHOOL LAW AND TO MAKE MORE EFFICIENT THE SYSTEM OF PUBLIC IN: STRUCTION IN THIS STATE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | The county board of education of every county shall, on the first Monday of March of each year, apportion among the several districts in the county, according to the number of children in each, between the ages of six and twenty-one years, (which number shall be ascertained by a census to be taken by the school committees and reported to the county board of education,) all schoo! funds, except such as may be raised by the special tax provided for in section sixty-two of this act, specifying how much thereof is apportioned to the children of each race, and give notice thereof to the school committees of the several districts of the county, and shall publish the same by advertisement posted on the court-house door of each county; and furnish the county treasurer with the amounts thus apportioned among the several school districts and the amount to which each district is entitled. The sums thus apportioned to the several districts shall be subject to the orders of the school committees thereof for payment of the school expenses mentioned in this act: Provided, however, That in no case shall the school fund thus apportioned to either race by expended for the education of the other race: And provided further, That so much of said school fund as shall not be expended in any school district for the education of the race for which it was apportioned in any year, shall remain to the credit of said race in said school district for the year next ensning. As far as practicable, the county board of education shall require all the schools to begin on the same day. |
1880_public laws_28_9 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 27 | 8 | CHAPTER 27 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE ESTABLISHMENT OF GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF SALISBURY AND IN THE TOWN+ SHIP OF GOLDSBORO, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The board of commissioners for the county of Wayne, if, in their discretion, they may deem it advisable, is hereby authorized, with the assent of a majority of the qualified voters of the township of Goldsboro, to establish a graded school for white children, and a graded school for colored children in said township. The special taxes which may annually be levied for such schools shall not exceed one-fifth of one per cent. on property, and sixty cents on the poll. An election shall be held in said township on the first Monday in May, anno domini eighteen hundred and eighty, to determine whether a majority of the qualified voters of said township will assent to the payment of such annual special taxes for the purposes aforesaid. Each qualified voter shall vote a written or printed ballot with the words for school or no school, and the election shall be conducted under the same rules, regulations and penalties as is prescribed by law for the election of members of the general assembly. The sheriff of the county of Wayne shall collect the taxes authorized by this section and his duties and liabilities shall be the same as is now provided by law for the collection and disbursement of the state and county taxes. The board of commissioners for Wayne county and the board of commissioners for the town of Goldsboro shall make such rules and regulations for the government of said graded schools, as they may in their discretion determine, not incosistent with the laws of North Carolina. The taxes raised from the property and polls of white persons shall be appropriated exclusively to a graded school for white persons, and the taxes raised from the property and poll, of colored persons shall be appropriated exclusively to a graded school for colored persons. |
1880_public laws_28_4 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 27 | 3 | CHAPTER 27 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE ESTABLISHMENT OF GRADED SCHOOLS IN THE TOWN OF SALISBURY AND IN THE TOWN+ SHIP OF GOLDSBORO, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | The special taxes thus levied and collected from the taxable property and polls of white persons shall be expended in keeping up a graded public school for white persons of both sexes between the ages of six and twentyone years ; and the special taxes thus levied and collected from the taxable property and polls of colored persons shall be expended in keeping up a graded public school for colored persons of both sexes, between the ages of six and twenty-one years: Provided, that the Salisbury graded school committee shall have power to receive into the graded school for white persuns any white pupil of either sex, without regard to age: and shall also have the power to admit to the graded school for colored persons any colored pupil of either sex, without regard to age. |
1887_public laws_408_2 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 407 | 1 | CHAPTER 407 An act for the relief of certain citizens of Sampson county. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all the citizens of the white race entititled by law to the benefit of the public school fund, living and resident within the following prescribed limits in the county of Sampson, to-wit: beginning at a stake in the Johnston county line, near White Oak, and run south six -6 hundred yards to a stake, thence east one thousand yards to a stake, thence north to a stake in the Johnston county line, then with said line to the beginning, be allowed and permitted to use and enjoy that portion of the public school fund apportioned to them by law in the future, for the payment of tuition and other expenses incurred in attendance in school district number twenty-seven, of Johnston county, or any other convenient school district in said Johnston county. |
1889_public laws_170_18 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 169 | 17 | CHAPTER 169 An act in relation to indigent and other apprentices. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | Minor children above the age of fourteen and under twenty-one years being males, and eighteen being females, whether indigent or not, may be apprenticed to learn the art or mystery of any trade or craft by their father, or in case of his death, incompetency, or where he shall have wilfully abandoned his family for six months without making suitable provisions for their support, or has become an habitual drunkard, by their mother or by their legal guardian; and if illegitimate, they may be bound by their mother, and if they % have no parent competent to act and no guardian, they may bind themselves with the approbation of the superior court clerk of the county where they reside; but the power of a mother to bind her children, whether legitimate or illegitimate, shall cease upon her subsequent marriage and shall not be exercised by herself or her husband at any time during such marriage. But no white child shall be bound to a colored person, and no colored child shall be bound to any white person if a competent and suitable colored person can be found in the county. |
1885_public laws_36_2 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 35 | 1 | CHAPTER 36 An act concerning public schools of Fayetteville. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | That the school committee for district number one, colored, in Cross Creek township, Cumberland county, are hereby authorized, at their discretion, to transfer to the trustees of the Fayetteville graded school for whites in the said township, any surplus school funds that may have accumulated, or may hereafter accumulate, to the credit of said district, after defraying all expenses incident to a ten months school in the same annually. |
1889_public laws_201_6 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 200 | 5 | CHAPTER 200 An act to abolish the white normal schools of the State, and to provide for holding county institutes throughout the State. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | At the close or during the sessions of every institute, the conductor thereof, in connection with the county superintendent, shall hold written examinations of all public school teachers, white and colored, who may apply, and shall grant first and second grade certificates, which shall be signed by both and be good for three years in the county in which the institute is held, and in any other county of the State, when endorsed by the county superintendent thereof; but the said certificates shall be subject to revocation by any county superintendent for immoral conduct. |
1905_private laws_32_26 | paschal | 1 | private laws | 32 | 25 | CHAPTER 32 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE CHARLOTTE PARK AND TREE COMMISSION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That it shall be unlawful for any person other than white persons to go in said parks now owned by said corporation or by this act turned over to said corporation or hereafter acquired by it: Provided, that colored nurse or nurses with white child or children shall be allowed in said parks; that colored persons employed to work for this corporation shall be allowed in said park or parks; that any person of color who shall be netified to leave said park or parks, or be notified not to come in said park or parks, and shall refuse to do so and shall come into said park or parks, shall be guilty of a trespass for each offense, and on conviction be imprisoned thirty days or fined fifty dollars. |
1903_public laws_667_3 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 666 | 2 | CHAPTER 666 AN ACT TO REGULATE THE PROCURING AND DISTRIBU. TION OF DEAD BODIES FOR THE PROMOTION OF MEDICAL SCIENCE. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all officers, agents or servants of the State of North Carolina, or of any county or town in said State having charge o1 control of the dead body of any person who at the time of death was under the sentence of death, imprisonment or hard labor for the violation of the criminal laws of the State, shall, upon the request of said board or its authorized agent, deliver such dead body to any one designated by said board for the purpose aforesaid: Provided, such body be not claimed by any relative within the second degree of consanguinity, or by the husband or wife of such deceased person: Provided further, that the body of a Confederate soldier or of the wife of a Confederate soldier to be excepted from the provisions of this act, and that the body of no white person shall be delivered to any school for colored race: Provided, that this act shall only apply to persons who have been convicted of and are serving a sentence as aforesaid for a felony. |
1903_public laws_436_23 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 435 | 22 | CHAPTER 435 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 4, LAWS OF 1901, RELATING TO THE SCHOOL LAW, The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: That chapter 4 of the Public Laws of 1901, being an act to re- vise and consolidate the Public School Law, is hereby amended as follows: | Section 68, of chapter 4 of the Public Laws of the year 1901, is hereby repealed, and the following words are inserted in lieu thereof: All white children shall be taught in the public schools provided for the white race, and all colored shall be taught in the public schools provided for the colored race; but no child with negro blood in his veins, however remote the strain, shall attend a school for the white race; and no such child shall be considered a white child. |
1889_public laws_200_43 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 199 | 42 | CHAPTER 199 An act to amend the public school law. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That in determining the right of any child to attend the white or colored schools, the rule laid down in section 1810 of The Code, regulating marriages, shall be followed. |
1903_public laws_422_4 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 421 | 3 | CHAPTER 421 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH GRADED SCHOOLS IN ROPER, WASHINGTON COUNTY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That if at said election a majority of such qualified voters shall vote for schools it shall be the duty of the said Board to establish and maintain in said district free graded schools for each race, and to elect a principal for the white school, who shall also be principal of the colored school, and any and all teachers necessary for said schools, and fix the salaries of the same, and said principal shall as often as said Board may Pub47 require, make to said Board and to the Board of Education of the State full reports of his said schools. |
1903_private laws_17_28 | paschal | 1 | private laws | 16 | 27 | CHAPTER 16 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE CHARLOTTE CARNEGIE PUBLIC LIBRARY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the Board of Aldermen shall annually turn over to the trustees of said libraries for the white and colored people the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars, which the people voted for that purpose on May 6, 1901; that the said sum of twenty-five hundred dollars shall be distributed between the trustees of the two libraries in such proportion as is just and equitable, all things being considered. |
1903_private laws_17_26 | paschal | 1 | private laws | 16 | 25 | CHAPTER 16 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE CHARLOTTE CARNEGIE PUBLIC LIBRARY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the two libraries shall be separate and distinct, and one shall be for the white race and the other for the colored race. That the white library shall be used exclusively for white people and the colored library for the colored people. |
1903_private laws_17_25 | paschal | 1 | private laws | 16 | 24 | CHAPTER 16 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE CHARLOTTE CARNEGIE PUBLIC LIBRARY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That Thad L. Tate, J. W. Smith, P. F. Maloy, P. P. Alston, H. A. Hunt, W. P. Phifer and their successors be and they are hereby created a body corporate by the name of the Charlotte Public Library for Colored People, and shall have charge and _control of the library for colored people, with the same powers, duties, responsibilities, etc., as are conferred on the trustees beforementioned for the white library. That the Board of Aldermen shall provide a suitable place for said library, and the said trustees shall make all rules, regulations and by-laws for its government and have all the powers conferred on and subject to the limitations imposed on the whites trustees. |
1903_private laws_17_24 | paschal | 1 | private laws | 16 | 23 | CHAPTER 16 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE CHARLOTTE CARNEGIE PUBLIC LIBRARY. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That there shall be in the city of Charlotte a public library for colored people, to be known as the Charlotte Public Library for Colored People. |
1901_public laws_498_9 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 497 | 8 | CHAPTER 497 ~.. An act to establish graded schools in the town of Greenville, N. C. Wye The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That all children within the limits of the district herein described who are entitled to attend the public schvols shall be admitted into the said graded schools free of charge: Frovided always, that the whites shall attend the school provided for them and the negroes shall atte.. the school previded for them: Provided further, that if there shall be so Tew children of either race in the district that the Board of Trustees shall deem it inadvisable to organize a school for that race, then they shall have power to arrange for the children of the race which shall be so represented to receive their pro rata proportion of the funds so raised by the special tax herein provided for in some other manner, or they may give such pro rata proportion to the public schools for that race adjoining the district herein described: Provided further, that the said Board of Trustees of the graded school shail have power to admit children to the graded schools herein constituted who reside outside of the said graded school district upon such terms as they may deem fair and just. |
1901_public laws_498_6 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 497 | 5 | CHAPTER 497 ~.. An act to establish graded schools in the town of Greenville, N. C. Wye The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the Board of Trustees above mentioned shall have entire and exclusive control of the graded school interest and property in the town of Greenville; shall prescribe rules and regulations for their own government not inconsistent with the provisions of this act; shall employ and fix the compensation of officers and teachers of the graded schools hereby established and do all other acts that may be just and lawful to properly conduct and manage the general school interest of said district. |
1901_private laws_177_5 | paschal | 1 | private laws | 176 | 4 | CHAPTER 176 AN ACT TO AMEND CHAPTER 138 OF THE PRIVATE LAWS OF 1874 AND 1875 The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That said chapter 138 of the Private Laws of 1874 and 1875 be and the same is hereby further amended by adding thereto the following additional sections, to be numbered sections 13, 14 and 15, as follows, to-wit: Src. 13 That the School Commissioners of the city of Charlotte shall establish and maintain a library which shall be free for the use of the teachers and students of the graded schools of said city and the public generally; and shall have power to acquire, by donation, purchase or otherwise, books, charts, maps, periodicals and other publications and property of every kind suitable for such library, and shall arrange for separate books and publications for the white and colored races, and provide separate rooms for the use of each of said races, said rooms to be located in such part or parts of said city as the said School Commissioners may designate. Src. 14 That said School Commissioners shall have power to prescribe such rules and regulations for the use of such library as it may deem proper, and to do all acts and things necessary for the successful maintenance and operation of said library. The expense of equipping and maintaining the same shall be paid out of the school revenues of said city of Charlotte, and the Treasurer of said Board of School Commissioners is hereby authorized and directed to pay the sum upon the order or warrant of the chairman of the said The School Commissioners of the city of Charlotte. The Board of Aldermen of the city of Charlotte, on behalf of said city and at its costs, shall provide suitable rooms for the use of said library. |
1899_public laws_733_20 | paschal | 1 | public laws | 732 | 19 | CHAPTER 782 An act to revise and consolidate the public school law. T he General Assembly of North Carolina do enact : | The county board of school directors of any county may annually appropriate an amount not exceeding fifty dollars out of the school funds of the county for the purpose of conducting one or more teachers institutes for said county, or the county boards of schoo! directors of two or more adjoining counties may appropriate an amount not exceeding fifty dollars to each county for the purpose of conducting a teachers institute for said counties at some convenient and satisfactory point, andthe public school teachers of the said county or counties are required to attend said institute unless prevented from attending by sickness or other good cause. A county teachers institute under this section shall be conducted by the county superintendent of schools, assisted by some member of the state board of examiners or a member of the faculty-of the normal department of the University of North Carolina or of the State Normal and Industrial College, or of the Agricultural and Mechanica! College at Raleigh, or by some practical teacher appointed by said state board of examiners: Provided, that the local and travelling expenses of the persons thus appointed,shall be paid out of-the general public school fund of the county by order of the county board of school directors: Provided, that the teachers institutes sha!l be held for the white race and the colored race separate and apart from each other. |
1905_private laws_32_28 | paschal | 1 | private laws | 32 | 27 | CHAPTER 32 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE CHARLOTTE PARK AND TREE COMMISSION. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: | That the parks shall be separate and distinct between the racesthose established by the white trustees for the white race and the other for the colored race; the white parks shall be used exclusively for the white people and the colored park or parks for the colored people. |
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