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en-zh | Siso's depictions of land, water center new gallery exhibition
| 西索画作成为新画廊展览的焦点
en-zh | "People Swimming in the Swimming Pool" from 2022 is one Vicente Siso artwork that will display at Tierra del Sol Gallery beginning Jan. 13. (photo courtesy of Vicente Siso)
| 2022年的《泳池戏水》是维森特·西索的又一作品,将于1月13日开始在Tierra del Sol画廊展出。(照片由维森特·西索提供)
en-zh | Tierra del Sol is pleased to present "Vicente Siso: Memories of the Land and Water" at the new gallery location in West Hollywood. Siso has been an artist in the Studio Arts Program since 2012, this marks his debut solo exhibition. Siso was born 1962 in Madrid and raised between Venezuela, Trinidad and Miami; he moved with his family to Southern California in his early 20s.
| Tierra del Sol很高兴在西好莱坞新画廊展出“维森特·西索:水与陆的记忆”。西索自2012年起成为工作室艺术项目的艺术家,这是他首次举办个展。西索于1962年出生在马德里,在委内瑞拉、特立尼达和迈阿密长大,20岁左右随家人移居南加州。
en-zh | Masterfully working across subject matter, Siso has generated a prolific series of landscapes, portraits, and still-life works rendered in either acrylic, pastel, pencil or watercolor. Drawing from family portraits, his own reference photographs, and recollection, his colorful compositions demonstrate his range of interests and skill across media. Siso's tropical landscapes and seascapes reflect the geographies of his past, employing rich patterns and incorporating people to make meaningful connections between culture, memory and the environment. Siso titles his artworks in a mix of Spanish and English, signifying the celebrated and integral complexities of his life in Los Angeles County. "Vicente Siso: Memories of the Land and Water" opens on Saturday, Jan. 13, with a reception from 6-8 p.m. The exhibition is on view through Sunday, March 3.
| 西索熟练掌握各种画风,用丙烯颜料、蜡笔、铅笔或水彩创作了一系列的风景、肖像和静物作品。他从家庭照、参考照片和回忆中汲取灵感,通过丰富多彩的构图展现自己的兴趣范围和跨媒介技能。西索的热带风景画和海景画复原过去的地理面貌,运用了丰富的构图,让人物融入其中,在文化、记忆和环境之间建立了有意义的联系。西索画作名称混杂着西班牙语和英语,象征着他在洛杉矶县的生活精彩又跌宕《维森特·西索:水与陆的记忆》将于1月13日(周六)开展,展览时间为晚上6-8点。展览将持续到3月3日(周日)。
en-zh | The Tierra del Sol Gallery is located at 7414 Santa Monica Blvd. For information, visit
| Tierra del Sol画廊位于圣莫尼卡大道7414号。如需了解更多信息,请访问。
en-zh | Adapt the old, accommodate the new to solve issue
| 适应旧的,容纳新的,积极解决问题
en-zh | At the precinct level, we just need to look at the Sydney CBD as an example of an area which has grown from its pre-settlement landscape into a two-storey city, from a maximum height of 150 feet to the soaring towers of today. At a much scaled-down level, the same can occur across Sydney's town centres located around transport nodes. Inner suburbs must also evolve, with a swing to more affordable apartment living at heights below the tree tops on key sites. Of course, the new growth in housing needs to be well-designed and trees, landscaping and parks need to be included along with other essential infrastructure.
| 在区域层面,我们只需要以悉尼中央商务区为例,该地区已经从定居前的地貌发展成为一个两层楼高的城市,原来的高度最高150英尺,现在有了高耸入云的塔楼。在更小的层面上,同样的情况也可能发生在位于交通枢纽周围的悉尼城镇中心。近郊也必须发展起来,在关键地块树顶以下的高度,建设更经济实惠的公寓。当然,新住房开发必须经过精心设计,必须综合考虑树木、景观和公园以及其他必要的基础设施。
en-zh | Our planning system also needs to adapt so that planners in suburban councils, who seem to be less supportive of change, are not the only determinants of the future shape of their suburbs. A way forward could be to have an independent decision-making body that championed quality design as long as it fitted below the tree tops and incorporated family living, large balconies, common gardens and presented a friendly appearance. This could be a role for the current NSW government architect working within a carefully crafted complying code.
| 我们的规划体系也需要调整,使郊区议会的规划者(他们似乎不太支持变革)不再是决定郊区未来形态的唯一人选。未来发展方向可能是建立独立的决策机构,只要高度在树顶以下,融入家庭生活、大阳台、公共花园,并呈现出友好外观,就可以倡导优质设计。这可能是当前新南威尔士州政府建筑师在精心制定的合规规范中发挥的作用。
en-zh | Over the past decade, our lives have changed through technology, with many working from home, and Sydney has gained an impressive network of metro and light rail systems. Our ability to purchase online has changed the way we shop, and friends and family seem closer because of smartphone communication. All of these adaptations from one system to another can also occur in our built environment through a planning focus on adaptive reuse rather than preferencing heritage preservation.
| 在过去的十年里,科技改变了生活,许多人在家工作,悉尼拥有了令人印象深刻的地铁和轻轨系统网络。网购能力改变了人们的购物方式,朋友和家人也因为智能手机通讯而显得更加亲密。如果将规划重点放在活化再利用而不是优先考虑遗产保护,从一个系统到另一个系统的所有这些适应也可能发生在我们的建筑环境。
en-zh | Chris Johnson is a former NSW government architect (1995-2005) and executive director, NSW Department of Planning (2005-2009). He was CEO of Urban Taskforce Australia between 2011 and 2019.
| 克里斯·约翰逊曾任新南威尔士州政府建筑师(1995-2005年)和新南威尔士州规划部执行主任(2005-2009年)。2011年至2019年,他曾担任澳大利亚城市特别工作组的首席执行官。
en-zh | A final push for female equality
| 为女性平等做最后一搏
en-zh | Last year, the World Economic Forum forecast that it would take five generations to achieve gender equality in every nation. Now the World Bank wants to rapidly accelerate that time frame.
| 去年,世界经济论坛预测,每个国家都需要五代人的努力才能实现性别平等。现在,世界银行希望迅速加快这一进程。
en-zh | The international financial institution is poised to launch a strategy aimed at significantly advancing the rights and economic opportunities for girls and women by 2030. The plan focuses on improving inclusivity and resilience through access to finance, technological innovation, and changes in public policy and law.
| 世界银行准备推出一项战略,旨在到2030年大幅提升女童和妇女的权利和经济机会。该计划的重点是通过获得资金、技术创新以及公共政策和法律修订,提高包容性和复原力。
en-zh | "Recent research demonstrates that both social norms and mindsets can change, for example, that engaging men and boys can foster their support and buy-in for gender equality," a consultative draft of the plan states. "Positive gender outcomes can be accelerated and scaled with a better understanding of ... how social norms and mindsets shape everyday expectations, priorities, and practices."
| “最近的研究表明,社会规范和思维方式都可以改变,例如让男性和男孩参与进来,就可以促进他们对性别平等的支持和认同,”该计划的一份咨询草案指出:“通过更好地了解……社会规范和思维方式如何影响日常期望、优先事项和行为方式,可以加快和扩大积极的性别平等成果。”
en-zh | Shifts in thought are harder to quantify than bank loans for rural women or school enrollment for girls. Yet there is plenty of evidence that female agency can move mountains. In Iran, for example, women have led the greatest threat to the Islamic government in 40 years simply by refusing to comply with laws that force them to cover their hair. In some of the 130 countries with minimum quotas for female representation in government, such as India, male resistance to female voting and political activism has eased.
| 与向农村妇女提供银行贷款或提高女童入学率相比,思维方式的转变更难量化。但有大量证据表明,女性能发挥巨大作用。以伊朗为例,妇女仅仅因为拒绝遵守强制她们佩戴头巾的法律,就对伊斯兰政府构成了40年来最大的威胁。从全球范围来看,在印度等130个规定女性在政府中最低代表人数的国家中,男性对女性投票和参与政治活动的抵制有所缓解。
en-zh | In some rural African communities, civil society organizations are replacing a harmful rite of passage with health education. One such program helped Kamanda Timayio, leader of the Masai village of Maparasha, Kenya, change his mind about female genital mutilation. He told Le Monde that he had "emerged from ignorance" and would abandon the practice.
| 在一些非洲农村社区,民间社会组织正开展健康教育,旨在取代有害的成年仪式。在其中一个项目的帮助下,肯尼亚马帕拉沙马赛村的领导人卡曼达·蒂马约改变了对切割女性生殖器官的看法。他告诉《世界报》,他已经“摆脱了无知”,放弃了这种做法。
en-zh | The World Bank cites other examples. From 1970 to 2022, Bangladesh quadrupled female literacy rates and doubled female participation in the labor force. Its gross domestic product more than tripled. The change gathered its own momentum. Recruiting salaried women as teachers and health workers from within their own communities boosted trust "and made women's mobility and work more socially acceptable."
| 世界银行还列举了其他例子。从1970年到2022年,孟加拉国女性识字率翻了两番,劳动力参与率翻了一番。孟加拉国国内生产总值增长了两倍多。这种变化积聚了动力。社区女性有机会担任教师和医疗人员,领取薪水,从而增强了信任,“并使女性的流动性和工作更容易被社会接受。”
en-zh | The bank's plan would target norms and institutions that may still require generational shifts. It has taken Rwanda more than two decades to establish itself as a model for land reforms that boost economic empowerment for women."No one benefits if women are held back," Rwanda President Paul Kagame said, arguing for land reform in 2015. "We have to change mindsets, not just the laws."
| 世界银行的计划适用于可能仍需要代际变革的规范和制度。卢旺达花了二十多年时间,才增强妇女的经济权能,将自己打造成土地改革的典范。卢旺达总统保罗·卡加梅在2015年主张土地改革时表示:“如果妇女受到阻碍,没有人会受益。我们必须改变观念,而不仅仅是法律。”
en-zh | The World Bank hopes to spread that message.
| 世界银行希望传播这一理念。
en-zh | German farmers and train drivers are scaring Germany's bosses
| 德国农民和火车司机正在吓唬德国的老板
en-zh | In Germany, where workers and bosses run many companies jointly, a big strike is unusual. A wave of big strikes is almost unheard of. Right now the country of "co-determination" is simultaneously facing an eight-day "action week" by irate farmers, who blocked roads with tractors, a three-day strike of railway workers and, to top it off, a looming strike of doctors, who already closed surgeries between Christmas and New Year's Day. This Mistgabelmop (pitchfork mob), as some have taken to calling it, will test Germany's harmonious labour relations in the year to come.
| 在德国,工人和老板共同经营许多公司,大规模罢工并不常见。大罢工几乎闻所未闻。目前,这个“共同决策”的国家同时面临着为期八天的“行动周”,愤怒的农民用拖拉机封锁道路,铁路工人也罢工三天,但最糟糕的是,医生已在圣诞节和元旦之间关闭诊所,医疗行业罢工迫在眉睫。一些人称之为“干草叉暴民”(Mistgabelmop),他们将在未来一年考验德国和谐的劳资关系。
en-zh | The protests were ostensibly set off by the government's decision to end subsidies for diesel fuel used in agriculture and to cut an exemption from car tax for farm vehicles. These measures pushed farmers over the edge. It also mobilised other angry workers, already straining under the pressure of inflation, recession and the government's self-imposed austerity. On January 9th drivers of freight and passenger trains at Deutsche Bahn, the national railway, began a strike over working hours and pay.
| 表面上看,抗议活动的起因是德国政府决定终止对农用柴油的补贴,并削减对农用车辆的汽车税豁免。这些措施把农民逼到了绝境。德国农民也在鼓动愤怒的德国工人,后者在通货膨胀、经济衰退和政府自我实施的紧缩政策的压力下,生活也陷入困境。1月9日,德国国家铁路公司的货运和客运列车司机因工作时间和工资问题开始罢工。
en-zh | In an effort to defuse the tension with the farmers, the government agreed to a gradual removal of the diesel subsidy over three years and to keeping the exemption from the car tax. The farmers pooh-poohed the concessions as insufficient. On January 4th an aggressive group of them prevented Robert Habeck, the economy minister, from disembarking from a ferry on his return from a family holiday. If the train drivers are similarly unimpressed, that could prove expensive for German business, reckons IW Köln, a think-tank. The rail strike could cost businesses €100m ($110m) a day if it forced them to interrupt production. The car, chemical and steel industries, Germany's biggest, are especially reliant on rail transport.
| 为了缓和与农民之间的紧张关系,德国政府同意在三年内逐步取消柴油补贴,并继续免除汽车税。农民们对这些让步嗤之以鼻,认为力度不够。1月4日,德国经济部长罗伯特·哈贝克从家庭度假归来,被一群激进分子堵在渡轮上。智囊团IW Köln认为,如果列车司机同样不接受政府提出的方案,那么德国企业将付出高昂的代价。如果铁路罢工迫使企业中断生产,每天可能损失1亿欧元(1.1亿美元)。德国最大的汽车、化工和钢铁行业尤其依赖铁路运输。
en-zh | The workers" mood is increasingly angry. "Appeals are circulating with fantasies of revolution," warned Mr Habeck. The far-right Alternative for Germany party is doing its best to fan the grievances. In Dresden the Free Saxons, another far-right group, infiltrated the farmers" protest calling for the "extinction of the traffic light" (as the governing coalition of the Social Democrats, Free Democrats and Greens is referred to because of their party colours).
| 工人们越来越愤怒。哈贝克先生警告称:“目前正在流传着革命幻想的呼吁。”极右翼政党德国选择党正在竭力煽动不满情绪。在德累斯顿,另一个极右翼组织自由撒克逊人渗透到农民抗议活动,呼吁“熄灭交通灯”(社民党、绿党、自民党的执政联盟因其党派代表色而被称为“交通灯联盟”)。
en-zh | Thomas Puls of IW Köln fears that the strikes will harm the image of Germany as a place for business. Local bosses are already fretting about a German version of the gilets jaunes protests in France in 2018, which culminated in yellow-jacketed demonstrators torching cars on the Champs-Elysées and the police stepping in with tear gas. Jochen Kopelke, head of Germany's police union, warned in an interview with Tagesspiegel, a daily, that the farmers were probably "just the start of an enormous wave of protest this year." Germany was the only big economy to shrink in 2023, and the year ended on an especially sour note, with an unexpected drop in business confidence in December. This year is shaping up to be even tougher.
| IW Köln的托马斯·普尔斯担心,罢工将损害德国作为商业中心的形象。2018年,法国爆发黄马甲运动,示威者在香榭丽舍大街点燃汽车,警察则以催泪瓦斯回应,德国老板担心这一幕将在德国重演。德国警察工会主席约亨·科佩尔克在接受《每日镜报》采访时警告称,农民抗议活动可能“只是今年大规模抗议浪潮的开始”。 2023年,德国是全球唯一一个出现萎缩的大型经济体,年末形势尤其严峻,12月商业信心指数意外下降。今年形势将更加严峻。
en-zh | Brewers froth over winemakers" exemption from anti-waste rules
| 啤酒酿造商对“葡萄酒酿造商”免于遵守反浪费规则感到不满
en-zh | As the EU debates rules to limit packaging waste, beer producers argue they are being unfairly discriminated against with exemptions for winemakers from reuse targets and deposit-return schemes, but one of Europe's wine industry association chiefs says brewers should "mind their own business."
| 在欧盟就限制包装废弃物的规则展开辩论之际,啤酒酿造商认为他们受到了不公平的歧视,因为葡萄酒酿造商可免于加入再利用目标和押金返还计划,但欧洲葡萄酒行业协会的一位负责人表示,啤酒酿造商“应别管闲事”。
en-zh | European brewers have warned that exempting wine and not beer from deposit return schemes and reuse targets is unfair and potentially illegal, as lawmakers enter final talks over a new law designed to turn a surging tide of packaging waste across the EU.
| 在立法者就一项旨在扭转欧盟包装废弃物激增趋势的新法律进行最终谈判之际,欧洲啤酒酿造商警告称,将葡萄酒酿造商而不是啤酒酿造商排除在押金返还计划和再利用目标之外是不公平的,而且可能是非法的。
en-zh | Environment ministers agreed an EU Council negotiating mandate on the proposed Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) before Christmas, paving the way for imminent political talks with the European Parliament, which are already underway at the technical level.
| 各国环境部长在圣诞节前就欧盟理事会关于《包装和包装废弃物法规》(PPWR)的谈判授权达成一致,为即将与欧洲议会进行的政治谈判铺平了道路。
en-zh | "Our position is clear," the trade association Brewers of Europe wrote to MEPs and government negotiators (10 January). "If targets and mandatory requirements in the PPWR apply to beer then there is a legal obligation that they apply to all alcoholic beverage categories."
| “我们的立场是明确的,”欧洲啤酒酿造商行业协会致函欧洲议会议员和政府谈判代表(1月10日):“如果《包装和包装废弃物法规》的目标和强制性要求适用于啤酒酿造商,那么就要有适用于所有酒类酿造商的法律义务。”
en-zh | The 18 December ministerial summit yielded a carve out for winemakers from the requirement that, by the end of the decade, 10% of products must be supplied in reusable containers within a system for reuse or refill, rising to 40% in 2040. The exemption would also apply to the requirement, likewise supported by the European Parliament, that wine should be exempt from deposit-return schemes that should be put in place by 2029 under the proposal.
| 12月18日召开部长级峰会,即酒类酿造商到2030年,必须确保10%的产品使用可重复使用的包装,到2040年,这一比例将提高到40%,但葡萄酒酿造商除外。欧洲议会支持的一项提案规定,酒类酿造商应在2029年之前实施押金返还计划,但葡萄酒酿造商同样免于适用这一要求。
en-zh | Both the Czech and Belgian ministers immediately expressed reservations at the 18 December summit about the unequal treatment for brewers, but acquiesced. Belgium, which now chairs the rotating EU Council presidency and is therefore in principle neutral in terms of inter-governmental negotiations, hopes to clinch a deal with the parliament by early March.
| 在12月18日的峰会上,捷克和比利时的部长们当场对啤酒酿造商的不平等待遇表示保留,但最终默许。比利时目前是欧盟理事会轮值主席国,因此原则上在政府间谈判中保持中立,且希望在三月初与欧洲议会达成协议。
en-zh | Ignacio Sánchez Recarte, secretary general of the Comité Européen des Entreprises Vins trade association representing some 7,000 wine producers across Europe, is dismissive of the concerns of the beer makers. He told Euronews that a market dominated by multinational brewing conglomerates bears no comparison with one comprised almost entirely of small, domestic producers.
| 伊格纳西奥·桑切斯·雷卡特是欧洲葡萄酒企业委员会的秘书长,该协会代表欧洲约7000家葡萄酒酿造商,他对啤酒酿造商的担忧不屑一顾。他告诉欧洲新闻台,由跨国啤酒集团主导的市场与几乎完全由小型国内酿造商组成的市场完全没有可比性。
en-zh | More than 99% of the domestic wine sector is made up of micro- to medium-sized companies, Sánchez Recarte said, questioning the solidity of legal arguments made by brewers and asserting that his organisation had focused on presenting policy makers with information "relevant and appropriate" to its own industry.
| 桑切斯·雷卡特表示,超过99%的国内葡萄酒行业由中小型企业组成,他质疑啤酒酿造商提出的法律论据的可靠性,并声称葡萄酒企业委员会专注于向政策制定者提供与行业“相关且适当”的信息。
en-zh | "It is not my role to estimate if the beer sector should have this or that target, as it would depend on the intrinsic characteristics of their own sector," Sánchez Recarte said. "In the same way, brewers should mind their own business and focus on their own responsibilities."
| “我的职责不是估计啤酒行业是否应该有这样或那样的目标,这要取决于啤酒行业自身的特点。”桑切斯·雷卡特表示:“同样,啤酒酿造商也应别管闲事,而要专注于自己的责任。”
en-zh | Brewers of Europe shared with Euronews a brief legal analysis it sent to the European Commission last year, where it argues that wine and beer are competing products that are "at least partially, substitutable with each other," and which argued that rules favouring one over the other would distort the market.
| 欧洲啤酒酿造商行业协会则与欧洲新闻台分享了去年提交给欧盟委员会的一份简短法律分析报告,其中指出,葡萄酒和啤酒是“至少部分可以相互替代”的竞争产品,偏袒任何一方的规则都会扭曲市场。
en-zh | Simon Spillane, the lobby group's head of operations, said brewers were "already leading the way" in packaging sustainability, citing the example of beer kegs being reused around 165 times before being crushed and recycled after 30 years. They support reuse recycling systems already in place in many countries, he said.
| 该游说团体的运营主管西蒙·斯皮兰表示,啤酒酿造商在包装可持续性方面“已处于领先地位”,他举例说,啤酒桶可重复使用约165次,30年后才要粉碎并回收。他说,他们支持许多国家已经实施的再利用回收系统。
en-zh | "We therefore advocate for an ambitious PPWR but need a level playing field in packaging legislation where beer and other alcoholic beverages play by the same rules, with each sector contributing fairly to reaching the targets and supporting collection systems," Spillane told. "Any other approach puts the brewers at a competitive disadvantage."
| “因此,我们主张制定一项雄心勃勃的《包装和包装废弃物法规》,但必须在包装立法方面建立公平的竞争环境,使啤酒酿造商和其他酒类生产商遵循相同的规则,每个部门都为实现目标和支持收集系统做出公平的贡献。”斯皮兰表示:“任何其他方法都会使啤酒酿造商在竞争中处于不利地位。”
en-zh | The Biden Administration Is Letting Corporate Criminals Off the Hook
| 拜登政府让企业罪犯逍遥法外
en-zh | Tim Whitehouse, a former EPA enforcement attorney and the executive director of Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, praised the Biden administration's recent improvements on enforcement while acknowledging the strong headwinds such efforts face. "It takes years of sustained funding and political support to build a good enforcement program," he told me. "The instability in Congress is not only demoralizing to EPA staff but undermines their ability to think strategically over the long term."
| 前美国环保局执法律师兼美国公职人员环境责任协会执行董事蒂姆·怀特豪斯称赞了拜登政府最近在执法方面的改进,但也承认此类努力面临着强大的阻力。“要制定良好的执行计划,需要多年持续的资金和政治支持。”怀特豪斯表示:“国会不稳定不仅打击了美国环保局工作人员的士气,也削弱了他们进行长期战略思考的能力。”
en-zh | The problems at the EPA are distinct but not unrelated to those at the Department of Justice, which handles environmental crimes via its Environment and Natural Resources Division, or ENRD. Prior to joining the EPA, Uhlmann - the EPA assistant secretary for enforcement - had served as the longtime head of that division's Environmental Crimes Section, from 1990 through 2007. The EPA sends its most serious civil and criminal cases to ENRD, which - as a relatively underfunded office - often relies on other agencies in helping to choose which fights to take on. In fiscal year 2022, the EPA deferred fewer cases to DOJ (88) than at any point since 2000 and concluded fewer civil judicial cases than it had since that time, as well. As the Environmental Integrity Project notes, even Trump's EPA concluded 94 civil cases and deferred 106 cases per year to the DOJ per year, on average.
| 美国环保局的问题与美国司法部的问题截然不同,但并非毫无关联,美国司法部通过其环境和自然资源司(ENRD)处理环境犯罪案件。乌尔曼是美国环保局负责执法的助理部长,在加入美国环保局之前,他从1990年到2007年长期担任美国司法部环境和自然资源司环境犯罪科的负责人。美国环保局将最严重的民事和刑事案件交由环境和自然资源司处理,而该司的资金相对不足,往往要依靠其他机构提供帮助,选择处理哪些案件。2022财年,美国环保局向美国司法部提交的案件数量(88)比2000财年以来的任何年份都要少,民事司法案件的结案数量也比2000财年以来的任何年份都要少。正如“环境完整性项目”所指出的,即使是在特朗普执政期间,美国环保局也平均每年审结94起民事案件,并将106起案件移交至美国司法部。
en-zh | The Department of Justice's overall approach to corporate crimes has come under intense scrutiny from advocates. While watchdogs have lauded some steps the department has taken during Merrick Garland's tenure as attorney general - like finally establishing a database on corporate crime - Biden's DOJ has also leaned heavily on leniency agreements that allow companies to defer or avoid prosecution, and encouraged companies to scapegoat individual employees so as to avoid a broader charge. Kenneth Polite Jr., former assistant attorney general for DOJ's Criminal Division, revised the division's corporate enforcement policy so as to limit prosecutions.
| 美国司法部处理公司犯罪的总体方法受到了支持者的密切关注。尽管监管机构对美国司法部在梅里克·加兰德担任司法部长期间采取的一些措施(如最终建立了企业犯罪数据库)表示赞赏,但拜登的司法部也严重依赖宽大处理协议,允许公司推迟或避免起诉,并鼓励公司将个别员工作为替罪羊,从而避免更广泛的指控。前美国司法部刑事司助理总检察长小肯尼思·波利特修订了该司的企业执法政策,旨在限制起诉。
en-zh | Government Shutdown Debate Fuels House Republican Civil War
| 政府关门辩论引发众议院共和党内斗
en-zh | Conservative spending hawks in the House of Representatives bucked party leadership today - derailing a series of votes - in protest of Speaker Mike Johnson's recent spending deal with Democratic leadership that they feel does not go far enough in fiscal reductions.
| 今天,众议院一些强硬的保守派共和党人反对党内领导,导致一系列有关政府开支的投票流失,此举是为了抗议众议院议长迈克·约翰逊最近与民主党领导人达成的开支协议,他们认为该协议在财政削减方面做得不够。
en-zh | While the Louisiana Republican can avoid confronting the issue for now, on January 19 the country will face its deadline to pass four of 12 annual spending bills. Johnson has publicly stated that he would not support a "continuing resolution" (CR) to extend the deadline on these four bills to the February 2 due date for the remaining eight.
| 虽然这位来自路易斯安那州的共和党人目前可以避免面对这个问题,但1月19日将是美国通过12项年度支出法案中的四项法案的最后期限。约翰逊曾公开表示,他不会支持“持续决议案”,将这四项法案的截止日期延长至其余八项法案的2月2日截止日期。
en-zh | However, with that deadline just 9 days away, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell has said Congress will need to pass a CR to keep things open, meaning the speaker may soon break a promise he made, largely to appease his right flank. Such a maneuver could ignite a heated ideological battle in a closely divided House over the GOP's role in spending cuts that may see the government face a partial shutdown or Johnson removed from his job.
| 但在距离截止期限只有九天之际,参议院共和党领袖米奇·麦康奈尔表示,国会需要通过一项持续决议案,来维持政府继续运作,这意味着众议院议长为了安抚右翼阵营,可能很快就会违背他做出的承诺。此策略可能会在原本分歧严重的众议院引发一场激烈的意识形态之争,争论的焦点是共和党在削减开支方面所扮演的角色,这可能会导致政府面临部分关门或约翰逊被免职。
en-zh | "I've been very clear that CRs are not the way to fund our government that the Budget Act of 1974 calls for us to pass the 12 appropriation bills," Congressman Matt Rosendale of Montana told Newsweek. "We've had ample time to do that, and if the leadership does not direct the committees to get the work done and the members to be able to vote upon it, that therein lies the breakdown."
| “我一直很清楚,1974年的《预算法案》要求我们通过12项拨款法案,而持续决议案不是为政府提供资金的方式。”来自蒙大拿州的国会议员马特·罗森代尔在接受《新闻周刊》采访时表示:“我们本来有足够的时间来做这件事,但如果领导层不指示委员会完成工作,委员们也不能就此进行表决,这就是问题的根源。”
en-zh | House Speaker Mike Johnson is pictured in the U.S. Capitol on December 12, 2023, in Washington, D.C. Johnson faces an unruly Republican conference that cannot reach an agreement on government spending levels. Photo by Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images
| 美国众议院议长迈克·约翰逊于2023年12月12日在华盛顿特区美国国会大厦留影。约翰逊面对的是难以驾驭的共和党会议,无法就政府开支水平达成一致。凯文·迪奇摄/盖蒂图片社
en-zh | Rosendale, a member of the hard-right Freedom Caucus, was one of the individuals who derailed the Wednesday votes. He views the top line number in Johnson's deal as being too high and as doing too little to cut the $34 trillion national debt.
| 罗森代尔是极右翼自由党团的成员,也是破坏周三投票的人之一。他认为约翰逊法案中的最高限额太高,而在削减34万亿美元的美国国债方面做得太少。
en-zh | Rosendale was also among the 71 Republicans who opposed the Fiscal Responsibility Act struck between Democrats and former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, a deal that set the parameters for Johnson's recent negotiation with Senate Democratic Leader Charles Schumer.
| 罗森代尔也是反对民主党与前议长凯文·麦卡锡达成的《财政责任法案》的71名共和党人之一,该法案为约翰逊最近与参议院民主党领袖查尔斯·舒默的谈判设定了参数。
en-zh | Johnson celebrated his deal for cutting an estimated $16 billion in spending, but the Freedom Caucus believes he could have gotten more. Moderate Republicans who backed McCarthy's deal see that stance as unrealistic and running counter to the Republican goal of forcing Congress to pass the 12 individual spending bills as opposed to the "omnibus" measure of recent years, which combined those 12 bills into one vote.
| 约翰逊庆祝其法案削减了约160亿美元的开支,但自由党团认为他本可以消减更多开支。温和的共和党人支持麦卡锡方案,他们认为这一立场不切实际,与共和党的目标背道而驰,即迫使国会通过12项单独支出法案,而不是近年来将这12项法案合并为一项“综合法案”。
en-zh | "New year, same idiotic behavior by some," New York Republican Representative Mike Lawler told Newsweek. "We're not doing an omnibus, so each bill is going to have to be dealt with at conference and negotiated. Obviously, the reality is we're probably gonna need more time to do that. And I don't support a government shutdown, so I have no problem with doing a short-term CR that allows for this process to be completed."
| “新的一年,有些人又做出了同样愚蠢的行为。”纽约州共和党众议员迈克·劳勒在接受《新闻周刊》采访时表示:“我们并非寻求综合法案,每项法案都必须在会议上加以处理和谈判。现实情况是,我们可能需要更多的时间来做这件事。我不支持政府停摆,所以我不反对通过短期的持续决议案来完成此流程。”
en-zh | Congress has not passed all 12 bills individually since 1996. Lawler said it's worth delaying passage of four of the bills to ensure the process is done right. If Congress cannot pass the 12 bills by December, under the Fiscal Responsibility Act, a 1 percent budget cut would be applied to defense and non-defense discretionary spending.
| 自1996年以来,国会尚未单独通过所有12项法案。劳勒表示,为确保流程正确,推迟通过其中四项法案是值得的。如果国会不能在12月前通过这12项法案,则根据《财政责任法案》,国防和非国防自由支配开支将被削减1%。
en-zh | Congressman Thomas Massie of Kentucky, one of the Republican Party's most vocal budget hawks but not among those who protested the Wednesday vote, said a yearlong CR that triggers the 1 percent spending cut may be the most feasible way to keep the government open while ending ongoing "brinkmanship."
| 肯塔基州众议员托马斯·马西是共和党最直言不讳的预算鹰派之一,但他不在抗议周三表决的人之列,他表示,削减1%的开支,可能是在结束持续“边缘政策”的同时维持政府运作的最可行方式。
en-zh | However, he said the most "responsible way" to cut spending would be to pass all 12 bills. With many Republicans reticent to see a shutdown and a 1 percent cut to defense spending, the urgency to pass the bills could see enough Republicans ally with Democrats to extend the deadline on the four spending bills and reach an agreement to fund the government, even if doing so puts Johnson in hot water with some of those on the hard right.
| 不过,他表示,削减开支最“负责任的方式”是通过所有12项法案。由于许多共和党人不愿看到政府停摆和国防开支削减1%,迫切需要通过这些法案,足够多的共和党人可能会与民主党人结盟,延长四项开支法案的最后期限,并达成一项为政府提供资金的协议,即使这样会让约翰逊与一些强硬的右翼人士陷入困境。
en-zh | "That [1 percent cut] is supposed to be motivation and leverage to get 12 separate bills done," Massie told Newsweek. "So, I think we could do a one-year CR, we can argue, and then we hit that tiny little bump in the road, then hopefully everybody's motivated to come to their senses. That's the way I would do it."
| “(1%的削减)应该是通过12项单独法案的动力和杠杆,”马西向《新闻周刊》表示:“所以,我认为可以通过为期一年的持续决议案,可能发生争论,可能遇到一些小的坎坷,希望每个人都能清醒过来。我会这么做。”
en-zh | Regulators Approve New Bitcoin ETFs in Watershed Moment for Crypto
| 监管机构批准新的比特币ETF,加密货币迎来分水岭
en-zh | The Securities and Exchange Commission begrudgingly approved exchange-traded funds that directly hold bitcoin Wednesday, a move long-awaited by fans of digital currencies and criticized by financial watchdogs skeptical of the crypto industry.
| 美国证监会周三勉强批准了直接持有比特币的交易所交易基金(ETF),此举受到了数字货币爱好者的期待,但也受到对加密货币行业持怀疑态度的金融监管机构的批评。
en-zh | The commission authorized 10 exchange-traded funds, or ETFs, that invest in bitcoin, including funds proposed by giants such as Blackrock and Fidelity as well as by smaller financial companies.
| 美国证监会批准了10只投资于比特币的ETF,其中包括贝莱德和富达等巨头以及小型金融公司推出的基金。
en-zh | "While we approved the listing and trading of certain spot Bitcoin ETP shares today, we did not approve or endorse Bitcoin," SEC Chair Gary Gensler said in a statement. "Investors should remain cautious about the myriad risks associated with Bitcoin and products whose value is tied to crypto."
| “虽然我们今天批准了某些现货比特币ETP股票的上市和交易,但没有批准或认可比特币。”美国证监会主席加里·詹斯勒在一份声明中表示:“对于与比特币及其价值以及与加密货币挂钩产品相关的各种风险,投资者应保持谨慎。”
en-zh | Gensler also added that the approval of the bitcoin funds did not imply the SEC would approve funds or exchange-traded products (ETPs) based on other digital currencies or assets.
| 詹斯勒还补充说,批准比特币基金并不意味着美国证监会将批准基于其他数字货币或资产的基金或交易所交易产品(ETP)。
en-zh | "Importantly, today's Commission action is cabined to ETPs holding one non-security commodity, bitcoin. It should in no way signal the Commission's willingness to approve listing standards for crypto asset securities. Nor does the approval signal anything about the Commission's views as to the status of other crypto assets under the federal securities laws or about the current state of non-compliance of certain crypto asset market participants with the federal securities laws," Gensler said.
| 詹斯勒表示:“重要的是,美国证监会今天的行动仅限于持有一种非证券商品(比特币)的ETP。这一批准绝不意味着美国证监会愿意批准加密资产证券的上市标准。对于其他加密资产在联邦证券法下的地位或某些加密资产市场参与者不遵守联邦证券法的现状,这一批准也没有表明美国证监会的任何看法。”
en-zh | The SEC rejected applications for similar funds for years. Last year, however, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled against the SEC's refusal to approve an application from Grayscale to convert a derivative fund into one that would directly bitcoin, calling the SEC's position "
| 美国证监会多年来一直拒绝类似基金的申请。但在去年,美国哥伦比亚特区上诉法院裁定了美国证监会拒绝批准Grayscale将衍生品基金转换为直接比特币基金的申请,称美国证监会的立场是错误的。
en-zh | "Based on these circumstances and those discussed more fully in the approval order, I feel the most sustainable path forward is to approve the listing and trading of these spot bitcoin ETP shares," Gensler explained.
| 詹斯勒解释说:“根据上述情况,以及在批准令中更全面讨论的情况,我认为最可持续的发展道路是批准这些现货比特币ETP股票的上市和交易。”
en-zh | The much-anticipated approval has been hailed as a watershed event for digital currencies that proponents say will broaden access to investing in bitcoin and possibly lead to broader acceptance of cryptocurrencies as legitimate financial assets. The price of bitcoin has exploded higher in recent months, rising from around $25,000 in September to more than $45,000, in part because many bitcoin investors believe the ETFs will create more demand for the asset.
| 这一备受期待的批准被誉为数字货币的分水岭事件,支持者表示,这将扩大投资比特币的渠道,并可能促使更多的人接受加密货币为合法的金融资产。近几个月来,比特币价格飙升,从九月的约2.5万美元上涨至逾4.5万美元,部分原因在于许多比特币投资者认为,ETF将为此类资产创造更多需求。
en-zh | Critics blasted the SEC on Wednesday night.
| 周三晚间,批评人士对美国证监会进行了猛烈抨击。
en-zh | Dennis M. Kelleher, Co-founder, President, and CEO of Better Markets, said the approval is a "an historic mistake that will not only unleash crypto predators on tens of millions of investors and retirees but will also likely undermine financial stability."
| Better Markets联合创始人、总裁兼首席执行官丹尼斯 ·M· 凯莱赫表示,这一批准是“一个历史性的错误,不仅会让数千万投资者和退休人员成为加密货币的掠夺者,还可能破坏金融稳定。”
en-zh | "With the flagrantly lawless crypto industry crashing and burning due to a mountain of arrests, criminal convictions, bankruptcies, lawsuits, scandals, massive losses, and millions of investor and customer victims, who would have thought that the SEC would come to its rescue by approving a trusted and familiar investment vehicle that will enable the mass marketing of a known worthless, volatile, and fraud-filled financial product to Main Street Americans," Kelleher said.
| 凯莱赫表示:“加密货币行业存在肆意逮捕、刑事定罪、破产、诉讼、丑闻、巨额损失等现象,正在崩溃和瓦解,数百万投资者和客户沦为受害者,但谁能想到,美国证监会会出手相救,批准一种值得信赖和熟悉的投资工具,使该行业能够向普通美国人大规模推销一种已知的毫无价值、不稳定且充满欺诈的金融产品。”
en-zh | Complaints of Russian language use in Ukraine rise 30% - RT Russia & Former Soviet Union
| 相对于俄罗斯和前苏联,乌克兰使用俄语的投诉上升30%
en-zh | Authorities are urging the population to file reports in a bid to de-Russify the country
| 政府当局敦促民众积极报告,加速去俄罗斯化。
en-zh | The number of complaints to authorities in Ukraine of a person speaking in Russian increased by 30% last year. Kiev actively encourages the population to report such cases in a bid to allegedly 'protect' the country from Russian influence.
| 去年,乌克兰当局收到的关于说俄语的投诉数量增加了30%。基辅积极鼓励民众举报此类案件,据称是为了“保护”国家不受俄罗斯的影响。
en-zh | According to the office of the commissioner for the protection of the state language, 3,692 language law violations were reported in 2023. Kiev, Kharkov, and Odessa remain "leaders in terms of the number of complaints of violations. Therefore, strict controls over the observance of the language rights of citizens in all spheres of public life should be among the priorities of community leaders this year," Taras Kremen, the country's Language Ombudsman said.
| 乌克兰国家语言保护专员办公室的数据显示,2023年共报告了3692起违反语言法的案件。乌克兰语言监察专员塔拉斯·克雷门表示,基辅、哈尔科夫和敖德萨仍然“在违规投诉数量方面处于领先地位,因此,在公共生活的各个领域,严格控制公民语言权利的遵守情况应成为社区领导人今年的优先事项之一。”
en-zh | Kremen also confirmed that a 3,400 hryvnia ($89) fine had been imposed on a Kiev taxi driver who serviced his clients in Russian. The ombudsman reminded the public of a "detailed algorithm of actions in case of violation of the right to receive information or services in the state language," urging people to immediately file complaints on the commissioner's website when such cases occur.
| 克雷门还证实,基辅一名出租车司机用俄语为客户提供服务,被处以3400格里夫纳(89美元)的罚款。监察专员提醒公众注意“ 在以国家语言获取信息或服务的权利受到侵犯时的详细行动”,并敦促人们在发生此类情况时立即在专员网站上提出投诉。
en-zh | In 2019, Ukraine adopted a law that makes using the Ukrainian language obligatory in all spheres of public life, including government, medicine, science, education, and the media. Failure to comply can result in fines. Since 2022, when the military conflict with Russia began, Ukraine has undertaken a campaign of total de-Russification, with MPs saying it is necessary in order to defend against Russian influence. Local authorities have introduced complete bans on Russian-language works of art, performances, books, films, songs, and its study in schools and universities, and recommended that schoolchildren communicate in Ukrainian even during breaks.
| 2019年,乌克兰通过了一项法律,规定在政府、医疗、科学、教育和媒体等所有公共生活领域必须使用乌克兰语。否则,可能被处以罚款。自2022年与俄罗斯的军事冲突开始以来,乌克兰一直在开展全面去俄罗斯化运动,国会议员们表示,为了抵御俄罗斯的影响,这是必要的措施。地方当局全面禁止俄语艺术作品、表演、书籍、电影、歌曲以及在中小学和大学学习俄语,并建议在校学生即使在课间休息时也用乌克兰语交流。
en-zh | Last August, a teenage signer was briefly detained and forced to record a video apology following a performance of Soviet singer Viktor Tsoy's songs on the street in the city of Lviv. The dismissal of several teachers who spoke Russian to their students also resulted in a public outcry.
| 去年八月,一名十几岁的歌手在利沃夫市街头表演苏联歌手维克托·特索伊的歌曲后,被短暂拘留,并被迫录制道歉视频。有几名教师对学生讲俄语,遭到解聘,也引起公众强烈不满。
en-zh | The Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, Alexey Danilov, has previously said "the Russian language must disappear" from the territory of Ukraine "as an element of hostile propaganda and brainwashing of the population."
| 乌克兰国家安全和国防委员会秘书阿列克谢·丹尼洛夫此前曾表示,“俄语必须从乌克兰领土上消失”,“因为这是对民众进行敌对宣传和洗脑的一部分”。
en-zh | Moscow maintains that such laws violate the rights of Russian-speaking people, who make up around half of Ukraine's population. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in February that Kiev's "discriminatory campaign" against the language was growing more and more "indignant." In a survey conducted last September by the Kiev International Institute of Sociology, respondents cited language discrimination as the most common type of prejudice in Ukraine, with 45% saying it was a problem.
| 莫斯科认为,此类法律侵犯了俄语使用者的权利,而这一人群约占乌克兰人口的一半。俄罗斯外交部发言人玛丽亚·扎哈罗娃在二月表示,基辅当局对俄语的“歧视运动”越来越“令人愤慨”。 基辅国际社会学研究所去年九月进行的一项调查显示,受访者认为语言歧视是乌克兰最常见的偏见,45%的受访者认为这是一个问题。
en-zh | Don't let SNP to turn health service crisis into the "new normal" - Scotsman comment
| 切勿让苏格兰民族党将医疗服务危机变成“新常态”–苏格兰人评论
en-zh | As the latest tranche of NHS figures reveals more bad news, we should be outraged
| 随着英国国家医疗服务体系(NHS)的最新数据披露出更多坏消息,我们应该感到愤怒。
en-zh | An 83-hour wait in a hospital A&E; four-in-ten patients waiting longer than four hours; 30 ambulances queuing outside a hospital, unable to respond to other emergency calls; staff "leaving shifts in tears" over the standard of care and "a near collapse of performance," according to an expert at the Royal College of Emergency Medicine.
| 英国皇家急诊医学院的一位专家称,医院急诊室的候诊时间长达83小时;十分之四的患者候诊时间超过4小时;30辆救护车在医院外排队,无法响应其他紧急呼叫;医务人员因护理标准问题而“含泪离岗”,“工作表现几近崩溃”。
en-zh | If anyone dares to say that Scotland's NHS is not in a state of crisis or that these are just the usual winter problems, we should be outraged. The danger is that politicians like the embattled Health Secretary, Michael Matheson, will succeed in their efforts to convince us that, while regrettable, this is somehow acceptable, that there is nothing more that ministers can do in the circumstances, that this is the new normal.
| 如果有人敢说苏格兰的国民医疗服务体系并未陷入危机,或者这些只是冬季常见的问题,我们就应该感到愤怒。危险在于,像四面楚歌的卫生部长迈克尔·马西森之类的政客试图说服我们,这种情况虽然令人遗憾,但这在某种程度上是可以接受的,部长们也无能为力,这是新的常态。
en-zh | Amid calls for his resignation over the abject failure of the SNP's NHS recovery plan, Matheson spoke of how the "heightened winter pressure" was "not unique to Scotland." Instead of "blame Westminster," the attempted defence this time was "Westminster's just as bad," as if that provided any comfort to the legions of patients forced to wait for hours on end in pain and distress.
| 在因苏格兰民族党的国民医疗服务体系恢复计划遭到惨败而呼吁下台的呼声中,马西森谈到“冬季压力加剧”“并非“苏格兰独有现象”。 这一次的说辞不是“怪罪威斯敏斯特”,而是“威斯敏斯特同样糟糕”,似乎这样就能安慰那些被迫在痛苦和焦虑中等待数小时的大批患者。
en-zh | He admitted that the age-old problem of delayed discharge - in which patients well enough to leave hospital cannot do so, often because the necessary social care is not available - was a "major factor," but claimed an action plan was being "implemented at pace." Given this has been a persistent issue for years, few will have high hopes the SNP has finally found a solution.
| 马西森承认,由于缺乏必要的社会护理,病情足以出院的患者无法出院,这一延迟出院的问题由来已久,但他声称行动计划正在“按部就班地实施”。 考虑到这个问题已存在多年,很少有人会对苏格兰民族党最终找到解决方案抱有很高的期望。
en-zh | Indeed, new Public Health Scotland figures show the situation is actually getting worse: 1,910 people were delayed in hospital in November, up from 1,730 in April. One reason why ambulances cannot drop off patients promptly is that A&E departments are full because wards are full.
| 事实上,苏格兰公共卫生部门的最新数据显示,情况正在恶化:11月,有1910人延迟住院,高于4月的1730人。救护车不能及时施救的原因之一是,急诊室满了,病房也满了。
en-zh | Judging by the state of our hospitals, the SNP's talk of recovery plans and action plans is simply that - talk, and dangerous talk at that. We must not allow incompetent politicians to lull us into complicity in the demise of that great British institution, the National Health Service.
| 从我们医院的现状来看,苏格兰民族党所说的恢复和行动计划只不过是空谈,而且是危险的空谈。我们绝不能受无能政客的蛊惑,沦为他们的同谋,以致我们的国家医疗服务体系走向消亡。
en-zh | Construction waste recycling firm opens new Cumbernauld plant amid circular economy drive
| 建筑垃圾回收公司在坎伯诺德开设新工厂,推动循环经济发展
en-zh | Move will also help transform land at the derelict Gartshore Works site.
| 此举还将有助于改造废弃的加特索斯工厂用地。
en-zh | A Scottish recycling business that has already processed more than a million tonnes of construction waste has opened a second plant following a multi-million pound investment.
| 苏格兰一家回收企业已经处理超过一百万吨的建筑垃圾,现又投资数百万英镑,开设了第二家工厂。
en-zh | Brewster Brothers" wash plants transform 100 per cent of the excavated soils and rubble they process from the construction industry into high-value aggregates for reuse. Over the past six years, the firm's site near Livingston, West Lothian has prevented almost 1.35 million tonnes of construction, demolition and excavation waste going to landfill. It has created more than one million tonnes of recycled aggregates to sell into the industry.
| 布鲁斯特兄弟公司的洗选厂将从建筑行业挖掘出的土壤和碎石百分之百地转化为高价值的骨料,供循环利用。在过去六年里,布鲁斯特兄弟公司在西洛锡安郡利文斯顿附近的工地避免了近135万吨建筑垃圾、拆除和挖掘废物进入垃圾填埋场。该公司已生产出一百多万吨再生骨料,销售给建筑行业。
en-zh | As part of a £6 million-plus expansion of the business, Brewster has now opened its second recycling site, regenerating the old Gartshore Works near Cumbernauld. The new plant will serve construction sites, housing and utilities developments in the western part of the Central Belt. The plant near Livingston, which currently employs 39 people, will continue to provide sustainable waste management services and recycled aggregates to businesses in Edinburgh, Fife and the Lothians.
| 布鲁斯特兄弟公司计划投资600万英镑扩展业务,其中一个项目是开设第二个回收站,对坎伯诺德附近的旧加特索斯工厂进行改造。新工厂将为中央地带西部的建筑工地、住房和公用事业开发项目提供服务。利文斯顿附近的工厂目前拥有39名员工,将继续为爱丁堡、法夫和洛锡安地区的企业提供可持续废物管理服务和再生骨料。
en-zh | Scott Brewster, managing director, who set up the business in 2017 alongside his father, Alex, said: "It's increasingly clear that the construction sector in Scotland appreciates the need to reduce the amount of natural resources that the industry uses and the amount of carbon it emits while increasing use of recycled and secondary materials. The volume of construction, demolition and excavation waste that's been recycled over the last six years has grown enormously, and our investment into this second site demonstrates that there's room for a further expansion in this area.
| 总经理斯科特·布鲁斯特于2017年与父亲亚历克斯一起创办了这家公司,他表示:“苏格兰建筑行业越来越清楚地认识到,在增加使用再生材料和二次材料的同时,必须减少自然资源的使用量和碳排放量。在过去的六年里,建筑垃圾、拆除和挖掘废物的回收数量大幅增长,我们对第二个工厂的投资表明,该领域还有进一步扩展的空间。”
en-zh | "Scotland has big ambitions for transitioning to a circular economy, and the government plans to bring in a new devolved aggregates tax that should accelerate the shift away from the use of virgin products."
| “苏格兰在向循环经济转型方面雄心勃勃,政府计划引入一项新的转移石方税,这将加速苏格兰从使用原始产品向使用再生产品的转变。
en-zh | As part of the firm's redevelopment of the derelict Gartshore Works site it has recruited new members of staff supported by Scottish Enterprise's Green Jobs Fund. The firm will also recycle the old bing of colliery waste on the site, and the area will be turned into a country park for the local community.
| 在苏格兰企业绿色就业基金的支持下,布鲁斯特兄弟公司改造了废弃的加特索斯工厂,并招募了新员工。该公司还将回收利用工地上的旧煤矿废料,并将该地区改造成当地的郊野公园。
en-zh | Politicians get it wrong when it comes to rent caps
| 政客们在租金上限问题上出错。
en-zh | There is always the temptation for politicians to intervene in situations where they think they can make a difference. Of course, if there was an obvious simple solution to a problem somebody with more knowledge and understanding of the problems would already have implemented it.
| 政客们总是显得信心满满,在他们认为可以有所作为的情况下,总是倾向于进行干预。当然,如果某个问题有显而易见的简单解决方案,那么那些对问题有更多知识和理解的人,早就实施了这样的方案。
en-zh | Thus, we had the introduction of the Cost of Living (Tenant protection) (Scotland) Act 2022 nearly 18 months ago which sought to cap rents for a limited period to ease the pressures of the cost-of-living crisis. What we find now from the latest Scottish Government statistics is that, in the last year alone, average rents have increased in all sized properties, ranging from the lowest rise of 11.7 per cent for one-bedroom to the highest figure of 14.3 per cent for two-bedroom homes. Every type of property (from one to four bedroom to a room in a property) has had a double digit increase in rents since the Cost of Living legislation was introduced in October 2022, exceeding the annual average increases in rents over the previous 12 years by a factor of at least three.
| 因此,我们在近18个月前出台了2022年《生活成本(租户保护)(苏格兰)法案》,试图在有限的时间内限制租金,缓解生活成本危机的压力。我们从苏格兰政府的最新统计数据中发现,仅去年一年,所有大小房产的平均租金都有所上涨,一居室的租金涨幅最低,为11.7%,两居室的租金涨幅最高,为14.3%。自2022年10月生活成本立法出台以来,从一居室到四居室,再到房产中的一个房间,各种类型房产的租金都出现了两位数的增长,较之前12年的年均租金增幅至少高出三倍。
en-zh | There were plenty of warnings from all involved in the housing sector that this would happen, but these went unheeded. An unwillingness to believe that market forces are what dictates prices rather than government has led to enormous rent price rises which could have been avoided with greater understanding, negotiation and discussion with the sector and a plan that understood the principles of supply and demand.
| 所有房地产参与者都曾多次发出警告,称这种情况将会发生,但这些警告没有得到重视。由于不愿意相信是市场力量而不是政府在决定价格,导致租金价格大幅上涨,而如果能够更多了解这一问题,与有关部门进行更多的谈判和讨论,并制定有关了解供求原则的计划,就可以避免这种情况。
en-zh | With the Cost of Living Act legislation ending on 31 March 2024, a new consultation document seeks to extend controls on the level of rent increases that can be levied in the coming year. The consultation ends this Monday and proposes rents be set by the lowest of three comparators: open market rent; a landlord's proposed new rent; and a "reasonable" increase devised from a new taper system using comparison with a percentage of market rent.
| 随着《生活成本法案》于2024年3月31日到期,一份新的咨询文件试图进一步控制未来一年的租金上涨幅度。意见征询将于本周一结束,建议租金由三个比较指标中的最低者确定:公开市场租金;房东提议的新租金;通过与市场租金的百分比进行比较,根据新的递减制度设计出“合理”的增幅。
en-zh | Scottish tenants are likely to face further alarming rent increases if experts are not heeded (Picture: Adobe)
| 如果不听取专家的意见,苏格兰租户可能面临进一步惊人的租金上涨(图片:Adobe)。
en-zh | This tapering proposal would set rent increases between 6 per cent and a maximum of 15 per cent which, ironically, would be higher than historic annual price rises. But, more importantly, this scheme would be unwieldy, overly complex and prohibitively expensive to monitor and implement. We already have a system involving the first-tier housing tribunal which rules on whether a rent increase is fair. This seems like adding further layers of bureaucracy with no gain for landlords or tenants.
| 这一递减计划建议将租金涨幅设定在6%至最高15%之间,但具有讽刺意味的是,这一涨幅高于历史上的年度租金涨幅。更重要的是,这一计划过于臃肿、复杂,而且监督和实施成本过高。我们已经有了一个涉及一级房屋仲裁庭的制度,该仲裁庭负责裁决租金涨幅是否公平。这似乎增加了更多的官僚机构,而房东或租户却没有得到任何好处。
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