stringlengths 2
| repo_name
stringlengths 5
| path
stringlengths 4
| language
stringclasses 3
values | license
stringclasses 5
values | size
int64 2
folder f a xs = foldM f a xs >> return () | mpickering/hlint-refactor | tests/examples/Monad18.hs | Haskell | bsd-3-clause | 41 |
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
A simple HTTP server that serves static source and data files
for tests, and additionally supports some dynamic responses:
module Server (startServer) where
import Control.Concurrent
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Control.Monad
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP
import qualified Network.Wai
import qualified Network.Wai as W
import qualified Network.Wai.Application.Static as Static
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.WebSockets as WaiWS
import qualified Network.Wai.Parse as NWP
import Network.Socket
import qualified Network.WebSockets as WS
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error as TE
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TLE
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.Int
import Text.Read
import Prelude hiding (FilePath)
import Filesystem.Path
Start the test server with static file root path on the next
available port number. Returns the port number
startServer :: FilePath -> IO Int
startServer path = do
s <- socket AF_INET Stream defaultProtocol
bind s (SockAddrInet aNY_PORT iNADDR_ANY)
listen s 4
forkIO $
Warp.runSettingsSocket Warp.defaultSettings s
(WaiWS.websocketsOr WS.defaultConnectionOptions
(handleReq path))
fromIntegral <$> socketPort s
handleReq :: FilePath -> Network.Wai.Application
handleReq path req resp
| ["empty.html"] <- pi = handleEmpty req resp
-- | ("runmain.js":_) <- rpi = handleRunMain runMain req resp
| ("pong":_) <- pi = handlePong req resp
| ("status":_) <- pi = handleStatus req resp
| ("close":_) <- pi = handleClose req resp
| ("truncate":_) <- pi = handleTruncate req resp
| ("stream":_) <- pi = handleStream req resp
| otherwise = handleStatic path req resp
rpi = reverse pi
pi = Network.Wai.pathInfo req
handleStatic :: FilePath -> Network.Wai.Application
handleStatic path = Static.staticApp (Static.defaultFileServerSettings path)
handleEmpty :: Network.Wai.Application
handleEmpty req resp =
let d = "<html><head></head><body></body></html>"
l = BL.toStrict . B.toLazyByteString . B.int64Dec . BL.length $ d
in resp $ W.responseLBS HTTP.status200
[ ("Content-Type" , "text/html")
, ("Content-Length", l)
-- /**/runmain.js
-- serve a customized webdriver runner
handleRunMain :: BL.ByteString -> Network.Wai.Application
handleRunMain runMain req resp =
resp $ W.responseLBS HTTP.status200
[ ("Content-Type", "application/javascript")
, ("Content-Length", BL.toStrict . B.toLazyByteString .
B.int64Dec . BL.length $ runMain)
-- /pong: respond with same data as GET or POST data argument
handlePong :: Network.Wai.Application
handlePong req resp
| W.requestMethod req == HTTP.methodGet = f (queryString' req)
| W.requestMethod req == HTTP.methodPost =
NWP.parseRequestBody NWP.lbsBackEnd req >>= f . fst
| otherwise = invalidMethod resp
f q = let d = maybe "pong" BL.fromStrict (lookup "data" q)
in respondWith resp HTTP.status200 q (BL.length d) d
-- /status/CODE: respond with status code, reply with POST body
-- or data argument, default body if none
handleStatus :: Network.Wai.Application
handleStatus req resp
| W.requestMethod req == HTTP.methodGet = f (queryString' req)
| W.requestMethod req == HTTP.methodPost =
NWP.parseRequestBody NWP.lbsBackEnd req >>= f . fst
| otherwise = invalidMethod resp
s | (_:code:_) <- Network.Wai.pathInfo req
, Just c0 <- readMaybeT code = HTTP.mkStatus c0 "Status"
| otherwise = HTTP.status200
f q = let d = maybe "pong" BL.fromStrict (lookup "data" q)
in respondWith resp s q (BL.length d) d
-- /close/DELAY: close the connection without a response after DELAY ms
handleClose :: Network.Wai.Application
handleClose req respond
| (_:delay:_) <- W.pathInfo req
, Just ms <- readMaybeT delay = f ms
| otherwise = f 0
f d = do
threadDelay (d*1000)
-- fixme check that this closes the connection
respond $ W.responseLBS (error "no status") [] ""
-- /truncate/BYTES: claims to reply with 2*BYTES response, but
-- closes the connection after sending BYTES bytes
-- default value: 32kiB with 64kiB content length
handleTruncate :: Network.Wai.Application
handleTruncate req resp
| W.requestMethod req == HTTP.methodGet = f (queryString' req)
| W.requestMethod req == HTTP.methodPost =
NWP.parseRequestBody NWP.lbsBackEnd req >>= f . fst
| otherwise = invalidMethod resp
l | (_:bytes:_) <- W.pathInfo req
, Just c0 <- readMaybeT bytes = c0
| otherwise = 32768
d = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890"
f q = respondWith resp HTTP.status200 q (2*l) (BL.take l $ BL.cycle d)
-- /stream/CHUNKSIZE: sends an infinite stream of chunks of size
-- CHUNKSIZE, use delay (ms) for the delay
-- between chunks
handleStream :: Network.Wai.Application
handleStream req resp
| W.requestMethod req == HTTP.methodGet = f (queryString' req)
| W.requestMethod req == HTTP.methodPost =
NWP.parseRequestBody NWP.lbsBackEnd req >>= f . fst
| otherwise = invalidMethod resp
chunkSize | (_:cs0:_) <- W.pathInfo req
, Just cs <- readMaybeT cs0 = cs
| otherwise = 32678
d = B.lazyByteString $
BL.take chunkSize (BL.cycle "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890")
hdrs = [("Content-Type", "text/plain")]
f q = do
let delay = maybe (return ()) threadDelay
(readMaybeB =<< lookup "delay" q)
resp $ W.responseStream HTTP.status200 hdrs $ \write flush ->
forever (write d >> flush >> delay)
handleWebSocket :: WS.ServerApp
handleWebSocket pending = do
putStrLn "accepting WebSocket request"
conn <- WS.acceptRequest pending
let handleMessages = forever $ do
d <- WS.receiveDataMessage conn
case d of
WS.Text t -> do
putStrLn "received text message"
case reads . TL.unpack . TLE.decodeUtf8 $ t of
[(i, [])] -> case i of
0 -> do
putStrLn "closing connection"
WS.sendClose conn (""::T.Text)
_ | i < 0 -> replicateM_ (negate i) $
WS.sendDataMessage conn (WS.Text "TestTextMessage")
_ -> replicateM_ i $
WS.sendDataMessage conn (WS.Binary "TestBinaryMessage")
_ -> putStrLn "received non-numeric message"
WS.Binary bs ->
putStrLn "received binary message"
handleConnectionException :: WS.ConnectionException -> IO ()
handleConnectionException = print
handleMessages `E.catch` handleConnectionException
respondWith :: (W.Response -> IO W.ResponseReceived) -> HTTP.Status -> [(ByteString, ByteString)] -> Int64 -> BL.ByteString -> IO W.ResponseReceived
respondWith respond status query contentLength content = do
maybe (return ()) threadDelay (readMaybeB =<< lookup "delay" query)
let ct = fromMaybe "text/plain" (lookup "content-type" query)
hdrs = [ ("Content-Type", ct)
, ("Content-Length", BL.toStrict . B.toLazyByteString . B.int64Dec $ contentLength)
respond (W.responseLBS status hdrs content)
queryString' :: W.Request -> [(ByteString, ByteString)]
queryString' = mapMaybe sequence . W.queryString
readMaybeB :: Read a => ByteString -> Maybe a
readMaybeB = readMaybeT . TE.decodeUtf8With TE.lenientDecode
readMaybeT :: Read a => Text -> Maybe a
readMaybeT = readMaybe . T.unpack
invalidMethod :: (W.Response -> IO W.ResponseReceived) -> IO W.ResponseReceived
invalidMethod respond = respond $
W.responseLBS HTTP.methodNotAllowed405 [] "Method not allowed"
| ryantrinkle/ghcjs | test/Server.hs | Haskell | mit | 8,755 |
-- |
-- Module : XMonad.Util.Themes
-- Copyright : (C) 2007 Andrea Rossato
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer : [email protected]
-- Stability : unstable
-- Portability : unportable
-- A (hopefully) growing collection of themes for decorated layouts.
module XMonad.Util.Themes
( -- * Usage
-- $usage
, ppThemeInfo
, xmonadTheme
, smallClean
, robertTheme
, deiflTheme
, oxymor00nTheme
, donaldTheme
, wfarrTheme
, kavonForestTheme
, kavonLakeTheme
, kavonPeacockTheme
, kavonVioGreenTheme
, kavonBluesTheme
, kavonAutumnTheme
, kavonFireTheme
, kavonChristmasTheme
, ThemeInfo (..)
) where
import XMonad.Layout.Decoration
-- $usage
-- This module stores some user contributed themes which can be used
-- with decorated layouts (such as Tabbed). (Note that these themes
-- only apply to decorated layouts, such as those found in
-- "XMonad.Layout.Tabbed" and "XMonad.Layout.DecorationMadness"; they
-- do not apply to xmonad as a whole.)
-- If you want to use one of them with one of your decorated layouts,
-- you need to substitute defaultTheme with, for instance, (theme
-- smallClean).
-- Here is an example:
-- > import XMonad
-- > import XMonad.Util.Themes
-- > import XMonad.Layout.Tabbed
-- >
-- > myLayout = tabbed shrinkText (theme smallClean)
-- >
-- > main = xmonad defaultConfig {layoutHook = myLayout}
-- If you have a theme you would like to share, adding it to this
-- module is very easy.
-- You can use 'xmonadTheme' or 'smallClean' as a template.
-- At the present time only the 'themeName' field is used. But please
-- provide all the other information, which will be used at a later
-- time.
-- Please, remember to add your theme to the list of exported
-- functions, and to the 'listOfThemes'.
-- Thanks for your contribution!
data ThemeInfo =
TI { themeName :: String
, themeAuthor :: String
, themeDescription :: String
, theme :: Theme
newTheme :: ThemeInfo
newTheme = TI "" "" "" defaultTheme
ppThemeInfo :: ThemeInfo -> String
ppThemeInfo t = themeName t <> themeDescription t <> "by" <> themeAuthor t
where "" <> x = x
x <> y = x ++ " - " ++ y
listOfThemes :: [ThemeInfo]
listOfThemes = [ xmonadTheme
, smallClean
, deiflTheme
, oxymor00nTheme
, robertTheme
, donaldTheme
, wfarrTheme
, kavonForestTheme
, kavonLakeTheme
, kavonPeacockTheme
, kavonVioGreenTheme
, kavonBluesTheme
, kavonAutumnTheme
, kavonFireTheme
, kavonChristmasTheme
-- | The default xmonad theme, by David Roundy.
xmonadTheme :: ThemeInfo
xmonadTheme =
newTheme { themeName = "xmonadTheme"
, themeAuthor = "David Roundy"
, themeDescription = "The default xmonad theme"
, theme = defaultTheme
-- | Small decorations with a Ion3 remembrance, by Andrea Rossato.
smallClean :: ThemeInfo
smallClean =
newTheme { themeName = "smallClean"
, themeAuthor = "Andrea Rossato"
, themeDescription = "Small decorations with a Ion3 remembrance"
, theme = defaultTheme { activeColor = "#8a999e"
, inactiveColor = "#545d75"
, activeBorderColor = "white"
, inactiveBorderColor = "grey"
, activeTextColor = "white"
, inactiveTextColor = "grey"
, decoHeight = 14
-- | Don's preferred colors - from DynamicLog...;)
donaldTheme :: ThemeInfo
donaldTheme =
newTheme { themeName = "donaldTheme"
, themeAuthor = "Andrea Rossato"
, themeDescription = "Don's preferred colors - from DynamicLog...;)"
, theme = defaultTheme { activeColor = "#2b4f98"
, inactiveColor = "#cccccc"
, activeBorderColor = "#2b4f98"
, inactiveBorderColor = "#cccccc"
, activeTextColor = "white"
, inactiveTextColor = "black"
, decoHeight = 16
-- | Ffrom Robert Manea's prompt theme.
robertTheme :: ThemeInfo
robertTheme =
newTheme { themeName = "robertTheme"
, themeAuthor = "Andrea Rossato"
, themeDescription = "From Robert Manea's prompt theme"
, theme = defaultTheme { activeColor = "#aecf96"
, inactiveColor = "#111111"
, activeBorderColor = "#aecf96"
, inactiveBorderColor = "#111111"
, activeTextColor = "black"
, inactiveTextColor = "#d5d3a7"
, fontName = "-*-profont-*-*-*-*-11-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859"
, decoHeight = 16
-- | deifl\'s Theme, by deifl.
deiflTheme :: ThemeInfo
deiflTheme =
newTheme { themeName = "deiflTheme"
, themeAuthor = "deifl"
, themeDescription = "deifl's Theme"
, theme = defaultTheme { inactiveBorderColor = "#708090"
, activeBorderColor = "#5f9ea0"
, activeColor = "#000000"
, inactiveColor = "#333333"
, inactiveTextColor = "#888888"
, activeTextColor = "#87cefa"
, fontName = "-xos4-terminus-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
, decoHeight = 15
-- | oxymor00n\'s theme, by Tom Rauchenwald.
oxymor00nTheme :: ThemeInfo
oxymor00nTheme =
newTheme { themeName = "oxymor00nTheme"
, themeAuthor = "Tom Rauchenwald"
, themeDescription = "oxymor00n's theme"
, theme = defaultTheme { inactiveBorderColor = "#000"
, activeBorderColor = "aquamarine3"
, activeColor = "aquamarine3"
, inactiveColor = "DarkSlateGray4"
, inactiveTextColor = "#222"
, activeTextColor = "#222"
-- This font can be found in the package ttf-alee
-- on debian-systems
, fontName = "-*-Bandal-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
, decoHeight = 15
, urgentColor = "#000"
, urgentTextColor = "#63b8ff"
wfarrTheme :: ThemeInfo
wfarrTheme =
newTheme { themeName = "wfarrTheme"
, themeAuthor = "Will Farrington"
, themeDescription = "A nice blue/black theme."
, theme = defaultTheme { activeColor = "#4c7899"
, inactiveColor = "#333333"
, activeBorderColor = "#285577"
, inactiveBorderColor = "#222222"
, activeTextColor = "#ffffff"
, inactiveTextColor = "#888888"
, fontName = "-*-fixed-medium-r-*--10-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1"
, decoHeight = 12
-- | Forest colours, by Kathryn Andersen
kavonForestTheme :: ThemeInfo
kavonForestTheme =
newTheme { themeName = "kavonForestTheme"
, themeAuthor = "Kathryn Andersen"
, themeDescription = "Forest colours"
, theme = defaultTheme { activeColor = "#115422"
, activeBorderColor = "#1a8033"
, activeTextColor = "white"
, inactiveColor = "#543211"
, inactiveBorderColor = "#804c19"
, inactiveTextColor = "#ffcc33"
-- | Lake (blue/green) colours, by Kathryn Andersen
kavonLakeTheme :: ThemeInfo
kavonLakeTheme =
newTheme { themeName = "kavonLakeTheme"
, themeAuthor = "Kathryn Andersen"
, themeDescription = "Lake (blue/green) colours"
, theme = defaultTheme { activeColor = "#001166"
, activeBorderColor = "#1f3999"
, activeTextColor = "white"
, inactiveColor = "#09592a"
, inactiveBorderColor = "#198044"
, inactiveTextColor = "#73e6a3"
-- | Peacock colours, by Kathryn Andersen
kavonPeacockTheme :: ThemeInfo
kavonPeacockTheme =
newTheme { themeName = "kavonPeacockTheme"
, themeAuthor = "Kathryn Andersen"
, themeDescription = "Peacock colours"
, theme = defaultTheme { activeColor = "#190f4c"
, activeBorderColor = "#2b1980"
, activeTextColor = "white"
, inactiveColor = "#225173"
, inactiveBorderColor = "#2a638c"
, inactiveTextColor = "#8fb2cc"
-- | Violet-Green colours, by Kathryn Andersen
kavonVioGreenTheme :: ThemeInfo
kavonVioGreenTheme =
newTheme { themeName = "kavonVioGreenTheme"
, themeAuthor = "Kathryn Andersen"
, themeDescription = "Violet-Green colours"
, theme = defaultTheme { activeColor = "#37174c"
, activeBorderColor = "#333399"
, activeTextColor = "white"
, inactiveColor = "#174c17"
, inactiveBorderColor = "#336633"
, inactiveTextColor = "#aaccaa"
-- | Blue colours, by Kathryn Andersen
kavonBluesTheme :: ThemeInfo
kavonBluesTheme =
newTheme { themeName = "kavonBluesTheme"
, themeAuthor = "Kathryn Andersen"
, themeDescription = "Blue colours"
, theme = defaultTheme { activeColor = "#000066"
, activeBorderColor = "#111199"
, activeTextColor = "white"
, inactiveColor = "#9999ee"
, inactiveBorderColor = "#6666cc"
, inactiveTextColor = "black"
-- | Christmas colours, by Kathryn Andersen
kavonChristmasTheme :: ThemeInfo
kavonChristmasTheme =
newTheme { themeName = "kavonChristmasTheme"
, themeAuthor = "Kathryn Andersen"
, themeDescription = "Christmas (green + red) colours"
, theme = defaultTheme { activeColor = "#660000"
, activeBorderColor = "#990000"
, activeTextColor = "white"
, inactiveColor = "#006600"
, inactiveBorderColor = "#003300"
, inactiveTextColor = "#99bb99"
-- | Autumn colours, by Kathryn Andersen
kavonAutumnTheme :: ThemeInfo
kavonAutumnTheme =
newTheme { themeName = "kavonAutumnTheme"
, themeAuthor = "Kathryn Andersen"
, themeDescription = "Autumn (brown + red) colours"
, theme = defaultTheme { activeColor = "#660000"
, activeBorderColor = "#990000"
, activeTextColor = "white"
, inactiveColor = "#542d11"
, inactiveBorderColor = "#804d1A"
, inactiveTextColor = "#ffcc33"
-- | Fire colours, by Kathryn Andersen
kavonFireTheme :: ThemeInfo
kavonFireTheme =
newTheme { themeName = "kavonFireTheme"
, themeAuthor = "Kathryn Andersen"
, themeDescription = "Fire (orange + red) colours"
, theme = defaultTheme { activeColor = "#660000"
, activeBorderColor = "#990000"
, activeTextColor = "white"
, inactiveColor = "#ff8000"
, inactiveBorderColor = "#d9b162"
, inactiveTextColor = "black"
| adinapoli/xmonad-contrib | XMonad/Util/Themes.hs | Haskell | bsd-3-clause | 15,650 |
import System.Environment
main :: IO ()
main = do
[arg] <- getArgs
env <- getEnvironment
putStrLn "Running Background App."
putStrLn $ " Args: " ++ show arg
putStrLn $ "Environment: " ++ show env
putStrLn "Stopping Background App."
| telser/keter | incoming/foo1_0/worker.hs | Haskell | mit | 265 |
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
f :: Int -> IO Int
f x = do
y <- return (x + 1)
return (y * 2)
| sdiehl/ghc | testsuite/tests/ghci.debugger/scripts/break029.hs | Haskell | bsd-3-clause | 99 |
module T4007 where
f :: IO ()
f = sequence_ (replicate 10 (putStrLn "yes"))
| urbanslug/ghc | testsuite/tests/perf/compiler/T4007.hs | Haskell | bsd-3-clause | 78 |
-- Test for trac #1042
import Control.Exception
import Data.Int
main :: IO ()
main = do print ((minBound :: Int) `div` (-1)) `myCatch` print
print ((minBound :: Int8) `div` (-1)) `myCatch` print
print ((minBound :: Int16) `div` (-1)) `myCatch` print
print ((minBound :: Int32) `div` (-1)) `myCatch` print
print ((minBound :: Int64) `div` (-1)) `myCatch` print
myCatch :: IO a -> (ArithException -> IO a) -> IO a
myCatch = catch
| urbanslug/ghc | testsuite/tests/numeric/should_run/numrun013.hs | Haskell | bsd-3-clause | 476 |
-- | Gearman specific stuff
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Vaultaire.Collector.Nagios.Perfdata.Gearman where
import Vaultaire.Collector.Nagios.Perfdata.Process
import Vaultaire.Collector.Nagios.Perfdata.Types
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Crypto.Cipher.AES
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as B64
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
import System.Log.Logger
import Data.Nagios.Perfdata
import System.Gearman.Connection
import System.Gearman.Worker
import Vaultaire.Collector.Common.Process
import Vaultaire.Collector.Common.Types
gearmanProcessDatum :: CollectorOpts NagiosOptions -> CollectorState NagiosState -> WorkerFunc
gearmanProcessDatum o@(_, NagiosOptions{..}) s@(_, NagiosState{..}) Job{..} =
case clearBytes collectorAES jobData of
Left e -> liftIO $ do
errorM "Gearman.gearmanProcessDatum" $ concat ["error decoding: ", show e, " data: ", show jobData]
return $ Left . Just $ L.pack e
Right checkResult -> do
liftIO $ debugM "Gearman.gearmanProcessDatum" $ "Null trimmed data: " ++ (show . trimNulls) checkResult
case perfdataFromGearmanResult checkResult of
Left err -> liftIO $ do
errorM "Gearman.gearmanProcessDatum" $ "Error parsing check result: " ++ err
return $ Left $ Just (L.pack err)
Right datum -> do
liftIO $ debugM "Gearman.gearmanProcessDatum" $ "Got datum: " ++ show datum
_ <- runCollector' o s (return ()) $ processDatum datum
return $ Right "done"
clearBytes k d = decodeJob k $ L.toStrict d
trimNulls :: S.ByteString -> S.ByteString
trimNulls = S.reverse . S.dropWhile (0 ==) . S.reverse
-- | Decodes a job's data packet using Base 64
decodeJob :: Maybe AES -> S.ByteString -> Either String S.ByteString
decodeJob k d = case B64.decode d of
Right d' -> Right $ maybeDecrypt k d'
Left e -> Left e
-- | Possible decrypts payload (based on whether key is given)
maybeDecrypt :: Maybe AES -> S.ByteString -> S.ByteString
maybeDecrypt aes ciphertext = case aes of
Nothing -> ciphertext -- Nothing to do, we assume the input is already in cleartext.
Just k -> decryptECB k ciphertext
-- | Sets up the gearman worker daemon and runs a work loop
setupGearman :: Nagios ()
setupGearman = do
o <- ask
s@(_, NagiosState{..}) <- get
let workFunc = gearmanProcessDatum o s
(CommonOpts{..}, opts@NagiosOptions{..}) <- ask
disconnectErrorBox <- liftIO newEmptyMVar
setupConnection disconnectErrorBox workFunc opts
liftIO $ forever $ do
err <- liftIO $ takeMVar disconnectErrorBox
warningM "Gearman.setupGearman" $ concat ["Worker thread disconnected from gearmanServer with: ", err, " starting new connection"]
setupConnection disconnectErrorBox workFunc opts
setupConnection box workFunc NagiosOptions{..} = liftIO $ forkIO $ runGearman optGearmanHost optGearmanPort $ do
err <- work [(L.pack optFunctionName, workFunc, Nothing)]
liftIO $ putMVar box err
| anchor/vaultaire-collector-nagios | lib/Vaultaire/Collector/Nagios/Perfdata/Gearman.hs | Haskell | mit | 3,503 |
module Main where
sum' :: (Num a) => [a] -> a
sum' xs = foldl (\acc x -> acc + x) 0 xs
sum2 :: (Num a) => [a] -> a
sum2 = foldl (+) 0
| rglew/lyah | foldl.hs | Haskell | mit | 137 |
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- | This module handles all of the scans requested by the user
module Scans (attachScanEvents, initScanState, scanShape,
scansReady, populateTable,dropScan,updateTitle,toFile,MouseState) where
import Data.IORef
import Data.List (delete,intercalate)
import Haste
import Haste.DOM
import Haste.JSON
import Haste.Events
import Haste.Graphics.Canvas
import Control.Monad (forM,forM_,(>=>))
import Text.Printf
import Prelude hiding (head, tail, init, last, read,(!!))
import Safe (headMay,atMay)
import JSON
data Scan = Scan {start :: Point,
stop :: Point,
title :: String}
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance JSONable Scan where
toJSON s = Dict [("title",Str . toJSString$ title s),
("points",Arr . map toJSON $ [start s,stop s])]
fromJSON d@(Dict _) = Scan <$> (getJArr d "points" >>= headMay >>= fromJSON)<*>(getJArr d "points" >>= flip atMay 1 >>= fromJSON) <*> ((d ~> "title") >>= fromJSONStr)
fromJSON _ = Nothing
fromJSONStr :: JSON -> Maybe String
fromJSONStr (Str x) = Just (toString x)
fromJSONStr _ = Nothing
getJArr :: JSON -> JSString -> Maybe [JSON]
getJArr d k = case d ~> k of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (Arr x) -> Just x
Just _ -> Nothing
-- | Whether the user is currently performing a drag or leaving the mouse free
data MouseState = Free | Dragging
deriving (Show,Eq)
instance JSONable MouseState where
toJSON = Str . toJSString . show
fromJSON (Str x) = case fromJSStr x of
"Dragging" -> Just Dragging
"Free" -> Just Free
_ -> Nothing
fromJSON _ = Nothing
data Frame = Top | Bottom
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
instance JSONable Frame where
toJSON =Str . toJSString .show
fromJSON (Str x) = case fromJSStr x of
"Top" -> Just Top
"Bottom" -> Just Bottom
_ -> Nothing
fromJSON _ = Nothing
-- | The complete state of the user's scanning selections
data ScanState = ScanState {mouse :: MouseState, -- ^ whether a new
-- scan is currently
-- being created.
scans :: [Scan], -- ^ The scans that the
-- user has requested.
top :: Double, -- ^ The Y offset of the
-- upper frame
bottom :: Double, -- ^ The Y offset of the
-- lower frame
offset :: Double, -- ^ The X offset of the
-- frames
choice :: Frame, -- ^ Which frame position
-- holds the sample.
step :: Double, -- ^ The Scan step size in mm
rotations :: [Double]} -- ^ The rotation
-- angles that we
-- wish to measure
deriving (Eq,Show)
instance JSONable ScanState where
toJSON s = Dict . zip ["mouse","scans","top","bottom","offset","choice","step","rotations"] $ [toJSON $ mouse s,toJSON $ scans s, toJSON $ top s, toJSON $ bottom s, toJSON $ offset s, toJSON $ choice s, toJSON $ step s, toJSON $ rotations s]
fromJSON d = ScanState <$> (d ~~> "mouse")
<*> (d ~~> "scans")
<*> ((d ~> "top") >>= fromJSON)
<*> ((d ~> "bottom") >>= fromJSON)
<*> ((d ~> "offset") >>= fromJSON)
<*> ((d ~> "choice") >>= fromJSON)
<*> defaultStep d
<*> ((d ~> "rotations") >>= fromJSON)
defaultStep :: JSON -> Maybe Double
defaultStep d =
case d ~> "step" of
Just x -> fromJSON x
Nothing -> Just 0.1 -- Default step size from V0.1
defaultScanState :: ScanState
defaultScanState = ScanState Free [] 0 50 0 Top 0.5 (map (*(pi/180)) [0,5..50])
-- | Creates a reference to a set of scans
initScanState :: IO (IORef ScanState)
initScanState = newIORef defaultScanState
makeFree :: ScanState -> ScanState
makeFree st = st{mouse=Free}
-- | Registers actions on the scan canvas
attachScanEvents :: IORef ScanState -- ^ A reference to the global
-- state of the scan
-> Canvas -- ^ The canvas being registered
-> IO () -- ^ A generic update to perform after any event
-> IO ()
attachScanEvents scanState can action = do
_ <- onEvent can MouseDown $ mouseDown action scanState
_ <- onEvent can MouseUp $ mouseUp action scanState
_ <- onEvent can MouseMove $ mouseMove action scanState
return ()
mouseUp :: IO () -> IORef ScanState -> MouseData -> IO ()
mouseUp action state m = do
modifyIORef' state $ makeFree . updateHead m
mouseMove :: IO () -> IORef ScanState -> MouseData -> IO ()
mouseMove action state m = do
modifyIORef' state $ updateHead m
updateHead :: MouseData -> ScanState -> ScanState
updateHead m st
| mouse st == Free = st
| null (scans st) = st
| otherwise =
s:ss = scans st
st{scans= axisScan (start s) (floatPair $ mouseCoords m):ss}
axisScan :: Point -> Point -> Scan
axisScan p p2 = Scan p (ending p p2) ""
ending (xa,ya) (xb,yb) =
if abs (yb - ya) > abs (xb - xa)
then (xa, yb)
else (xb, ya)
mouseDown :: IO () -> IORef ScanState -> MouseData -> IO ()
mouseDown action state m = do
modifyIORef' state $ \x -> let p = floatPair (mouseCoords m)
in startDrag p x
startDrag :: Point -> ScanState -> ScanState
startDrag p st = st{mouse=Dragging,scans=Scan p p "":scans st}
-- | Returns a picture with the scans coloured Magenta
scanShape :: ScanState -> Picture ()
scanShape st = lineWidth 1 . color (RGB 255 0 255) . stroke $ forM_ (scans st) (\(Scan a b _) -> line a b)
floatPair :: (Int, Int) -> Point
floatPair (x,y) = (fromIntegral x, fromIntegral y)
type Killer = Scan -> IO ()
type Changer = Elem -> Scan -> IO ()
-- | Add a table to the HTML document which contains the scans
populateTable :: Changer -- ^ An action which updates the a scan title
-- in the global state with the value in an
-- element
-> Killer -- ^ An action which removes a scan from the
-- global state
-> ScanState -- ^ The current state of the scan
-> Elem -- ^ where to place the table
-> IO ()
populateTable c k st e = do
clearChildren e
header <- makeTableHeader
appendChild e header
_ <- forM (reverse $ scans st) (makeScanRow c k st >=> appendChild e)
return ()
makeTableHeader :: IO Elem
makeTableHeader = do
hs <- mapM makeTableHeader' ["x1","y1","x2","y2","frames","time (minutes)","title","Delete"]
newElem "tr" `with` [children hs]
makeTableHeader' :: String -> IO Elem
makeTableHeader' x = do
txt <- newTextElem x
newElem "th" `with` [children [txt]]
makeTableRow :: (Show a) => [a] -> IO Elem
makeTableRow xs = do
texts <- mapM makeTableCell xs
let cell tx = with (newElem "td") [children [tx]]
cells <- mapM cell texts
with (newElem "tr") [children cells]
makeTableCell :: Show a => a -> IO Elem
makeTableCell x = do
txt <- newTextElem $ show x
with (newElem "td") [children [txt]]
makeScanRow :: Changer -> Killer -> ScanState -> Scan -> IO Elem
makeScanRow c k st sc@(Scan (xa, ya) (xb, yb) t) = do
let toReal = (/900) . (*25)
row <- makeTableRow [toReal xa, toReal ya, toReal xb, toReal yb,
fromIntegral $ getFrameCount (step st) sc,
fromIntegral . round . (*(fromIntegral . length $ rotations st)) . (*(3.5/60)) . fromIntegral
. getFrameCount (step st) $ sc]
titleLabel <- makeTitleLabel t
deleteButton <- makeDeleteButton
appendChild row =<< inCell titleLabel
appendChild row deleteButton
_ <- onEvent deleteButton Click $ const (k sc)
_ <- onEvent titleLabel Change $ const (c titleLabel sc)
return row
inCell :: Elem -> IO Elem
inCell t = newElem "td" `with` [children [t]]
makeTitleLabel :: String -> IO Elem
makeTitleLabel s = newElem "input" `with` [attr "type" =: "text",
attr "value" =: s]
makeDeleteButton :: IO Elem
makeDeleteButton = do
icon <- newElem "span" `with` [attr "class" =: "glyphicon glyphicon-remove"]
newElem "button" `with` [attr "class" =: "btn btn-danger",
children [icon]]
-- | Given a generic continuation action and a reference to the global
-- scan state, creates a function which will remove a given scan from
-- the state and perform the update continuation.
dropScan :: IO () -> IORef ScanState -> Killer
dropScan action scanState s = do
modifyIORef' scanState (\x -> x{scans = delete s $scans x})
-- | Given a generic continuation action and a reference to the global
-- scan state, creates a function which will update any chosen scan
-- with the value of a form element
updateTitle :: IO () -> IORef ScanState -> Changer
updateTitle action scanState label scan = do
l <- getProp label "value"
modifyIORef' scanState (fixScanState scan (\x -> x{title=l}))
when :: (a -> Bool) -> (a->a) -> [a] -> [a]
when _ _ [] = []
when test f (x:xs) = if test x
then f x:when test f xs
else x:when test f xs
fixScanState :: Scan -> (Scan->Scan) -> ScanState -> ScanState
fixScanState scan f s =
let ss = scans s
in s{scans=when (==scan) f ss}
newline :: String
newline = "\r\n"
-- | Turns a ScanState into a script macro for SPEC
toFile :: ScanState -> String
toFile s = intercalate (newline ++ newline) (map (scanRot s) (rotations s))
scanRot :: ScanState -> Double -> String
scanRot s angle = "umv sar " ++ show (round $ angle*180/pi) ++ newline ++ (intercalate newline . map (fileLineScan s angle) . reverse . scans $ s)
data ScanDir = Horizontal | Vertical
fileLineScan :: ScanState -> Double -> Scan -> String
fileLineScan s angle sc@(Scan (xa, _) (xb, _) _)
| xa == xb = scanCommand Vertical s sc angle
| otherwise = scanCommand Horizontal s sc angle
getFrameCount :: Double -> Scan -> Int
getFrameCount stepSize (Scan (xa, ya) (xb, yb) _)
| xa == xb = getSteps stepSize ya yb
| otherwise = getSteps stepSize xa xb
getSteps :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Int
getSteps stepSize begin end = round (abs (toMM (end-begin)) / stepSize ) :: Int
-- | Convert pixel coordinates to real ones
toMM :: Double -> Double
toMM x = x*frameSize/imageSize
frameSize = 25 -- The size of the frame in mm
imageSize = 900 -- The size of the image in pixels
-- | Number of seconds to sleep between runs in a scan
sleep :: Double
sleep = 0
-- | Number of dark runs to perform on each scan.
ndark :: Int
ndark = 1
-- | Exposure time
time :: Double
time = 0.04
x1 :: ScanState -> Scan -> Double -> Double
x1 s (Scan (x,_) _ _) angle = offset s + 12.5 + (toMM x-12.5)* cos angle
x2 :: ScanState -> Scan -> Double -> Double
x2 s (Scan _ (x,_) _) angle = offset s + 12.5 + (toMM x-12.5)* cos angle
y1 :: ScanState -> Scan -> Double
y1 s (Scan (_,y) _ _) = case choice s of
Top -> top s + toMM y
Bottom -> bottom s + toMM y
y2 :: ScanState -> Scan -> Double
y2 s (Scan _ (_,y) _) =case choice s of
Top -> top s + toMM y
Bottom -> bottom s + toMM y
z1 :: ScanState -> Scan -> Double -> Double
z1 _ (Scan (x,_) _ _) angle = (toMM x-12.5)* sin angle
z2 :: ScanState -> Scan -> Double -> Double
z2 _ (Scan _ (x,_) _) angle = (toMM x-12.5)* sin angle
showDouble :: Double -> String
showDouble = printf "%.3f"
scanCommand :: ScanDir -> ScanState -> Scan -> Double -> String
scanCommand Vertical s scan angle =
let moveString = "umv sah " ++ showDouble (x1 s scan angle) ++ " tmp2 " ++ showDouble (z1 s scan angle)
scanString = unwords
["ccdtrans sav", showDouble $ y1 s scan, showDouble $ y2 s scan,
show $ getFrameCount (step s) scan, show time, show sleep, "\"" ++ title scan ++ "\"",
show ndark, "1"]
in moveString ++ newline ++ scanString
scanCommand Horizontal s scan angle =
let moveString = "umv sav " ++ showDouble (y1 s scan)
begin = x1 s scan angle
end = x2 s scan angle
zbegin = z1 s scan angle
zend = z2 s scan angle
n = getFrameCount (step s) scan
scanString = "for(i=0;i<=" ++ show n ++ ";i+=1)" ++ newline
++ "{" ++ newline
++ " y = " ++ showDouble begin ++ "+i*"
++ showDouble ((end-begin)/fromIntegral n) ++ newline
++ " x = " ++ showDouble zbegin ++ "+i*"
++ showDouble ((zend-zbegin)/fromIntegral n) ++ newline
++ " umv sah y" ++ newline
++ " umv tmp2 x" ++ newline
++ unwords [" ccdacq_nodark",show time,"\"" ++ title scan ++ "\""] ++ newline
++ "}" ++ newline
in moveString ++ newline ++ scanString
-- | Determines whether the user has provided enough information to write the script file.
scansReady :: ScanState -> Bool
scansReady s
| null (scans s) = False
| any invalidTitle . map title . scans $ s = False
| null (rotations s) = False
| otherwise = True
invalidTitle :: String -> Bool
invalidTitle "" = True
invalidTitle t = ' ' `elem` t
| rprospero/PhotoAlign | Scans.hs | Haskell | mit | 14,033 |
module Functors where
import Control.Lens
-- items from chapter 12 of Programming in Haskell 2nd Ed by Graham Hutton
inc :: [Int] -> [Int]
inc [] = []
inc (n:ns) = n+1 : inc ns
sqr :: [Int] -> [Int]
sqr [] = []
sqr (n:ns) = n^2 : sqr ns
map' :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map' f [] = []
map' f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs
inc' = map' (+1)
--class Functor f where
-- fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
--instance Functor [] where
-- fmap = map
data Maybe' a = Nothing_ | Just_ a
deriving Show
instance Functor Maybe' where
fmap _ Nothing_ = Nothing_
fmap g (Just_ x) = Just_ (g x)
data Tree a =
Leaf a | Node (Tree a) (Tree a)
deriving Show
instance Functor Tree where
fmap g (Leaf x) = Leaf (g x)
fmap g (Node l r) = Node (fmap g l) (fmap g r)
--instance Functor IO where
-- -- fmap (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
-- -- fmap (a -> b) -> IO a -> IO b
-- fmap g mx = do { x <- mx; return (g x)}
inc'' :: Functor f => f Int -> f Int
inc'' = fmap (+1)
--class Functor f => Applicative f where
-- pure :: a -> f a
-- (<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
--instance Applicative Maybe where
-- -- pure :: a -> fa
-- pure = Just
-- Nothing <*> _ = Nothing
-- (Just g) <*> mx = fmap g mx
prods :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
prods xs ys = [ x * y | x <- xs, y <- ys]
prods2 :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
prods2 xs ys = pure (*) <*> xs <*> ys
| brodyberg/LearnHaskell | CaesarCypher.hsproj/Functors.hs | Haskell | mit | 1,404 |
module Main where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Concurrent
import Data.Time
import System.Environment
main = do
mv <- newEmptyMVar
start <- getCurrentTime
loop mv =<< read . head <$> getArgs
end <- getCurrentTime
putStrLn $ "creation time: " ++ show (diffUTCTime end start)
putMVar mv 0
v <- takeMVar mv
fin <- getCurrentTime
putStrLn $ "Var Value: " ++ (show v) ++ " Message time: " ++ show (diffUTCTime fin end)
loop :: MVar Int -> Int -> IO ()
loop mv n | n <= 0 = return ()
| otherwise = do forkIO $ do
m <- takeMVar mv
putMVar mv $! m+1
loop mv (n-1)
| nlim/haskell-playground | src/Threads.hs | Haskell | mit | 717 |
module Example where
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Monad
import Types
import Drum
import Play
import Dseq
beat1 = mconcat [ sequence_ [hi, hi, hi, hi],
sequence_ [bd, sn, bd, sn] ]
wassup = n2 bd >> n8 bd >> n4 sn >> n2 bd >> n8 bd >> n4 bd >> n2 sn
-- Trap Beat
-- Tempo: 210
h8 = replicateM_ 8 (n8 hi)
h12 = replicateM_ 12 (n8 hi)
trill = replicateM_ 8 (n16 hi)
hats = h8 >> trill >> h12 >> trill >> n4 hi >> n4 hi
trap = hats <> (n1 bd >> n1 sn >> n1 bd >> n1 sn)
-- Today Was A Good Day - Ice Cube
-- Tempo: 160
icecube :: Song
icecube = dseq BassDrum1 8 "7... .... 7... .... 7... .... 7.77 .7.."
<> dseq BassDrum2 8 ".... 7... .... 7... .... 7... .... 7..."
<> dseq SnareDrum2 8 ".... 4... .... 4... .... 4... .... 4..."
<> dseq ClosedHihat 8 "7.7. 7.77 .77. 7.77 7.7. 7.77 .77. ...."
<> dseq OpenHihat 8 ".... .... .... .... .... .... .... .7.."
-- House Beat
-- Tempo: 260
house = dseq MidTom1 8 "9... .9.. 9... 9..."
<> dseq Claves 8 ".9.. .... .9.. ...."
<> dseq ClosedHihat 8 "9... 9... 9... 9..."
<> dseq BassDrum1 8 "..9. .... 9.9. ...."
hMoreHats = house <> dseq ClosedHihat 8 "..9. ..9. ..9. ..9."
hAllHats = hMoreHats <> dseq ClosedHihat 8 ".9.9 .9.9 .9.9 .9.9"
houseSong = sequence_ $ replicate 4 house
++ replicate 4 hMoreHats
++ replicate 4 hAllHats
++ replicate 4 house
-- Amen Brother
-- Tempo: 210
amen = dseq RideCymbal1 8 "7.7. 7.7. 7.7. 7.7."
<> dseq SnareDrum1 8 ".... 7..7 .7.. 7..7"
<> dseq BassDrum1 8 "7.7. .... ..77 ...."
-- The Funky Drummer
-- Tempo: 210
funky = dseq OpenHihat 8 ".... ...7 .... .7.."
<> dseq ClosedHihat 8 "7777 777. 7777 7.77"
<> dseq SnareDrum1 8 ".... 7..7 .7.7 7..7"
<> dseq BassDrum1 8 "7.7. ..7. ..7. .7.."
-- Impeach The President
-- Tempo: 210
impeach = dseq OpenHihat 8 ".... .... ..7. ...."
<> dseq ClosedHihat 8 "7.7. 7.77 7... 7.7."
<> dseq SnareDrum1 8 ".... 7... .... 7..."
<> dseq BassDrum1 8 "7... ...7 7... ..7."
-- When The Levee Breaks
-- Tempo: 210
levee = dseq OpenHihat 8 "7.7. 7.7. 7.7. 7.7."
<> dseq SnareDrum1 8 ".... 7... .... 7..."
<> dseq BassDrum1 8 "77.. ...7 ..77 ...."
-- Cold Sweat
-- Tempo: 210
sweat = dseq RideCymbal1 8 "7.7. 7.7. 7.7. 7.7."
<> dseq SnareDrum1 8 ".... 7..7 .... 7..7"
<> dseq BassDrum1 8 "7... .... 7.7. ...."
-- Billie Jean
-- Tempo: 240
billie = dseq ClosedHihat 8 "7.7. 7.7. 7.7. 7.7."
<> dseq SnareDrum1 8 ".... 7... .... 7..."
<> dseq BassDrum1 8 "7... .... 7... ...."
-- Walk This Way
-- Tempo: 210
walk = dseq ClosedHihat 8 "..7. 7.7. 7.7. 7.7."
<> dseq OpenHihat 8 "7... .... .... ...."
<> dseq SnareDrum1 8 ".... 7... .... 7..."
<> dseq BassDrum1 8 "7... ...7 7.7. ...."
-- Ashley's Roachclip
-- Tempo: 210
ashley = dseq ClosedHihat 8 "7.7. 7.7. 7... 7.7."
<> dseq OpenHihat 8 ".... .... ..7. ...."
<> dseq Tambourine 8 "7.7. 7.7. 7.7. 7.7."
<> dseq SnareDrum1 8 ".... 7... .... 7..."
<> dseq BassDrum1 8 "7.7. ..7. .77. ...."
-- Energy
-- Tempo: 180
energy = dseq ClosedHihat 8 "7777 7777 7777 7777"
<> dseq SnareDrum1 8 ".... 7... .... 7..."
<> dseq OpenHihat 8 ".... 7... .... 7..."
<> dseq BassDrum1 8 "7..7 ..77 ..7. .7.."
energyFlare = (dseq ClosedHihat 8 "7777 7777 7777 77" >> dseq ClosedHihat 16 "777")
<> dseq SnareDrum1 8 ".... 7... .... 7..."
<> dseq OpenHihat 8 ".... 7... .... 7..."
<> dseq BassDrum1 8 "7..7 ..77 ..7. .7.."
energySong = replicateM_ 3 energy >> energyFlare
| reedrosenbluth/Djembe | src/Example.hs | Haskell | mit | 3,677 |
module GHCJS.DOM.SQLTransactionCallback (
) where
| manyoo/ghcjs-dom | ghcjs-dom-webkit/src/GHCJS/DOM/SQLTransactionCallback.hs | Haskell | mit | 52 |
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
-- For HasCallStack compatibility
{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams, ConstraintKinds, KindSignatures #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}
module JSDOM.Generated.SVGAElement
(getTarget, SVGAElement(..), gTypeSVGAElement) where
import Prelude ((.), (==), (>>=), return, IO, Int, Float, Double, Bool(..), Maybe, maybe, fromIntegral, round, realToFrac, fmap, Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Maybe(..))
import qualified Prelude (error)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Traversable (mapM)
import Language.Javascript.JSaddle (JSM(..), JSVal(..), JSString, strictEqual, toJSVal, valToStr, valToNumber, valToBool, js, jss, jsf, jsg, function, asyncFunction, new, array, jsUndefined, (!), (!!))
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Word (Word, Word64)
import JSDOM.Types
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad (void)
import Control.Lens.Operators ((^.))
import JSDOM.EventTargetClosures (EventName, unsafeEventName, unsafeEventNameAsync)
import JSDOM.Enums
-- | < Mozilla documentation>
getTarget :: (MonadDOM m) => SVGAElement -> m SVGAnimatedString
getTarget self
= liftDOM ((self ^. js "target") >>= fromJSValUnchecked)
| ghcjs/jsaddle-dom | src/JSDOM/Generated/SVGAElement.hs | Haskell | mit | 1,265 |
Module : Text.LParse.TokenStream
Description : Underlying data structure for sequential parsing
Copyright : (c) Marcus Völker, 2017-2018
License : MIT
Maintainer : [email protected]
This module contains the `TokenStream` class, an abstraction of lists, similar to `Traversable`, but geared for use with LParse
module Text.LParse.TokenStream where
import Data.Either
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Traversable
import Prelude hiding (filter,zip,zipWith,drop)
-- | `TokenStream` abstracts a list, i.e., something that has a next element to process and a rest afterwards
class (Functor t, Foldable t) => TokenStream t where
-- | `top` gives the next element to process. Similar to `head`
top :: t a -> a
-- | `rest` gives what is left after processing `top`. Similar to `tail`
rest :: t a -> t a
-- | `nil` gives the empty `TokenStream`. Similar to `[]`
nil :: t a
-- | `cons` prepends an element to the `TokenStream`. Similar to `(:)`
cons :: a -> t a -> t a
instance TokenStream [] where
top = head
rest = tail
nil = []
cons = (:)
instance TokenStream Maybe where
top = fromJust
rest = const Nothing
nil = Nothing
cons a _ = Just a
instance TokenStream (Either a) where
top = head . rights . return
rest x = if isLeft x then x else nil
nil = Left undefined
cons a _ = Right a
-- | `TokenStream` version of `drop`
drop :: (TokenStream s) => Int -> s a -> s a
drop 0 x = x
drop n x = rest $ drop (n-1) x
-- | `TokenStream` version of `zip`
zip :: (TokenStream s) => s a -> s b -> s (a,b)
zip = zipWith (,)
-- | `TokenStream` version of `zipWith`
zipWith :: (TokenStream s) => (a -> b -> c) -> s a -> s b -> s c
zipWith f l r | null l || null r = nil
| otherwise = f (top l) (top r) `cons` zipWith f (rest l) (rest r)
-- | `TokenStream` version of `filter`
filter :: (TokenStream s) => (a -> Bool) -> s a -> s a
filter c x | null x = nil
| c (top x) = top x `cons` filter c (rest x)
| otherwise = filter c (rest x) | MarcusVoelker/LParse | src/Text/LParse/TokenStream.hs | Haskell | mit | 2,078 |
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-incomplete-patterns #-}
module BinaryTree2 where
-- an experiment to make a Binary tree where the values are stored at the leafs not the nodes.
-- trouble is it makes insertion problematic as I can't tell where to insert values in the tree.
-- so experiment aborted
data BinaryTree2 a =
Leaf a
| Node (BinaryTree2 a) (BinaryTree2 a)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
--insert' :: Ord a => a -> BinaryTree2 a -> BinaryTree2 a
--insert' b (Leaf a)
-- | b == a = Leaf a
-- | b < a = Node (insert' b left) a right
-- | b > a = Node left a (insert' b right)
--Node Leaf b Leaf
--insert' b (Node left a right)
-- | b == a = Node left a right
-- | b < a = Node (insert' b left) a right
-- | b > a = Node left a (insert' b right) | NickAger/LearningHaskell | HaskellProgrammingFromFirstPrinciples/Chapter11.hsproj/BinaryTree2.hs | Haskell | mit | 764 |
module GHCJS.DOM.HTMLTableSectionElement (
#if (defined(ghcjs_HOST_OS) && defined(USE_JAVASCRIPTFFI)) || !defined(USE_WEBKIT)
module GHCJS.DOM.JSFFI.Generated.HTMLTableSectionElement
module Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.DOM.HTMLTableSectionElement
) where
#if (defined(ghcjs_HOST_OS) && defined(USE_JAVASCRIPTFFI)) || !defined(USE_WEBKIT)
import GHCJS.DOM.JSFFI.Generated.HTMLTableSectionElement
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.DOM.HTMLTableSectionElement
| plow-technologies/ghcjs-dom | src/GHCJS/DOM/HTMLTableSectionElement.hs | Haskell | mit | 500 |
import System.Environment
import Data.List
main = do
args <- getArgs
progName <- getProgName
putStrLn "The arguments are:"
mapM putStrLn args
putStrLn "The program name is:"
putStrLn progName
| fabriceleal/learn-you-a-haskell | 09/args.hs | Haskell | mit | 223 |
-- Note: we should only depend on libraries that ship with GHC for this. No
-- external dependencies!
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.List (concat, isPrefixOf)
import Data.Version (Version, parseVersion)
import Prelude (Bool (..), FilePath, elem, error,
filter, fmap, getLine, lines,
mapM_, null, putStr, putStrLn,
return, show, snd, unwords, ($),
(++), (.), (/=), (<), (==),
import System.Directory (doesFileExist,
getDirectoryContents, removeFile)
import System.Environment (getArgs, getExecutablePath)
import System.Exit (ExitCode (ExitSuccess))
import System.FilePath (splitExtension, takeDirectory,
takeExtension, takeFileName, (</>))
import System.IO (IO, hFlush, stdout)
import System.Process (rawSystem, readProcess)
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP (readP_to_S)
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
putStrLn $ show args
binPath <- fmap takeDirectory getExecutablePath
let sevenz = binPath </> "7z.exe"
getDirectoryContents binPath
>>= mapM_ (un7z binPath sevenz . (binPath </>))
mapM_ (handleArg sevenz) args
removeOldCabal (binPath </> "cabal.exe")
:: FilePath -- ^ 7z.exe
-> FilePath -- ^ command line argument
-> IO ()
handleArg sevenz arg = do
putStrLn $ show (sevenz, arg, base, ext)
case ext of
".7z" -> un7z base sevenz arg
".xz" -> do
un7z (takeDirectory base) sevenz arg
handleArg sevenz base
".tar" -> un7z (takeDirectory base) sevenz arg
_ -> error $ "handleArg: " ++ show (sevenz, arg, base, ext)
(base, ext) = splitExtension arg
un7z :: FilePath -- ^ dest path
-> FilePath -- ^ 7z.exe
-> FilePath -- ^ to be unpacked
-> IO ()
un7z destPath sevenz =
exts = [".7z", ".xz", ".tar", ".zip"]
go fp = when (ext `elem` exts) $ do
putStrLn $ "Decompressing " ++ fp ++ " to " ++ destPath
ec <- rawSystem sevenz
(concat [ [ "x"
, "-o" ++ destPath
, "-y"
, fp ]
, [ "stack.exe" | "stack-" `isPrefixOf` (takeFileName fp) ]])
removeFile fp
when (ec /= ExitSuccess)
$ error $ "Could not decompress: " ++ fp
ext = takeExtension fp
removeOldCabal :: FilePath -- ^ new cabal
-> IO ()
removeOldCabal newCabal = do
cabalDir <- getAppUserDataDirectory "cabal"
let oldCabal = cabalDir </> "bin/cabal.exe"
exists <- doesFileExist oldCabal
when exists $ do
oldVersion <- getCabalVersion oldCabal
newVersion <- getCabalVersion newCabal
when (oldVersion < newVersion) $ do
putStrLn "You have an older version of cabal-install at:"
putStrLn oldCabal
putStr "It is recommended that you remove it. Shall I do that for you now? (y/n) "
hFlush stdout
let loop = do
s <- getLine
case s of
"y" -> return True
"n" -> return False
_ -> do
putStr "Invalid response, please enter y or n: "
hFlush stdout
toDelete <- loop
when toDelete $ removeFile oldCabal
getCabalVersion :: FilePath -> IO Version
getCabalVersion fp = do
str <- fmap (unwords . lines) $ readProcess fp ["--numeric-version"] ""
case filter (null . snd) $ readP_to_S parseVersion str of
[(v, "")] -> return v
_ -> error $ "Incorrect version: " ++ show (fp, str)
| fpco/minghc | minghc-post-install.hs | Haskell | mit | 4,306 |
module E10 where
data MyType = TypeOne String
| TypeTwo String
definition :: TypeOne -> Bool
definition (TypeOne aString) = True
-} | pascal-knodel/haskell-craft | Examples/· Errors/E10.hs | Haskell | mit | 173 |
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
Copyright 2018 The CodeWorld Authors. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
module Internal.Text
( Text
, fromString
, toString
, fromCWText
, toCWText
, (<>)
, numberOfCharacters
, numberOfWords
, numberOfLines
, lines
, unlines
, words
, unwords
, characters
, printed
, joined
, joinedWith
, lowercase
, uppercase
, startsWith
, endsWith
, substitution
, substitutions
) where
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.Maybe
import Numeric
import qualified "base" Prelude as P
import "base" Prelude (Bool, String, (.), length, map, show)
import qualified Data.JSString as J
import qualified Data.JSString.Text as J
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Internal.Num
import Internal.Truth
newtype Text = T
{ unT :: J.JSString
} deriving (P.Eq)
"equality/text" forall (x :: Text) . (==) x = (P.==) x
fromString :: String -> Text
fromString = T . J.pack
toString :: Text -> String
toString = J.unpack . unT
fromCWText :: Text -> T.Text
fromCWText = J.textFromJSString . unT
toCWText :: T.Text -> Text
toCWText = T . J.textToJSString
infixr 6 <>
(<>) :: Text -> Text -> Text
T a <> T b = T (J.append a b)
numberOfCharacters :: Text -> Number
numberOfCharacters = fromInt . J.length . unT
numberOfWords :: Text -> Number
numberOfWords = fromInt . length . J.words . unT
numberOfLines :: Text -> Number
numberOfLines = fromInt . length . J.lines . unT
lines :: Text -> [Text]
lines = map T . J.lines . unT
unlines :: [Text] -> Text
unlines = T . J.unlines . map unT
words :: Text -> [Text]
words = map T . J.words . unT
unwords :: [Text] -> Text
unwords = T . J.unwords . map unT
characters :: Text -> [Text]
characters = map (T . J.singleton) . J.unpack . unT
printed :: Number -> Text
printed = T . J.pack . show
joined :: [Text] -> Text
joined = T . J.concat . map unT
joinedWith :: ([Text], Text) -> Text
joinedWith (ts, T sep) = T (J.intercalate sep (map unT ts))
lowercase :: Text -> Text
lowercase = T . J.toLower . unT
uppercase :: Text -> Text
uppercase = T . J.toUpper . unT
startsWith :: (Text, Text) -> Truth
startsWith (T a, T b) = J.isPrefixOf b a
endsWith :: (Text, Text) -> Truth
endsWith (T a, T b) = J.isSuffixOf b a
-- | Gives the result of replacing one piece of text with another.
-- For example, @substitution("How do you do?", "do", "be")@ is equal to
-- @"How be you be?"@.
substitution :: (Text, Text, Text) -> Text
substitution (T text, T from, T to) = T (J.replace from to text)
-- | Gives the result of performing many substitutions in a piece of
-- text. This is commonly used to build text to show in a program,
-- as in this example:
-- substitutions("Lives: [lives] of 3 Score: [score]",
-- [("[lives]", printed(lives)),
-- ("[score]", printed(score))])
substitutions :: (Text, [(Text, Text)]) -> Text
substitutions (T text, replacements) =
T (foldl' (\a (T b, T c) -> J.replace b c a) text replacements)
| tgdavies/codeworld | codeworld-base/src/Internal/Text.hs | Haskell | apache-2.0 | 3,631 |
-- | read-write lock specialized for using LMDB with MDB_NOLOCK option
module Database.VCache.RWLock
( RWLock
, newRWLock
, withRWLock
, withRdOnlyLock
) where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Data.IORef
import Data.IntSet (IntSet)
import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
-- | RWLock
-- VCache uses LMDB with the MDB_NOLOCK option, mostly because I don't
-- want to deal with the whole issue of OS bound threads or a limit on
-- number of concurrent readers. Without locks, we essentially have one
-- valid snapshot. The writer can begin dismantling earlier snapshots
-- as needed to allocate pages.
-- RWLock essentially enforces this sort of frame-buffer concurrency.
data RWLock = RWLock
{ rwlock_frames :: !(MVar FB)
, rwlock_writer :: !(MVar ()) -- enforce single writer
data FB = FB !F !F
type F = IORef Frame
data Frame = Frame
{ frame_reader_next :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
, frame_readers :: !IntSet
, frame_onClear :: ![IO ()] -- actions to perform
frame0 :: Frame
frame0 = Frame 1 IntSet.empty []
newRWLock :: IO RWLock
newRWLock = liftM2 RWLock (newMVar =<< newF2) newEmptyMVar where
newF2 :: IO FB
newF2 = liftM2 FB newF newF
newF :: IO F
newF = newIORef frame0
withWriterMutex :: RWLock -> IO a -> IO a
withWriterMutex l = bracket_ getLock dropLock where
getLock = putMVar (rwlock_writer l) ()
dropLock = takeMVar (rwlock_writer l)
{-# INLINE withWriterMutex #-}
-- | Grab the current read-write lock for the duration of
-- an underlying action. This may wait on older readers.
withRWLock :: RWLock -> IO a -> IO a
withRWLock l action = withWriterMutex l $ do
oldFrame <- rotateReaderFrames l
mvWait <- newEmptyMVar
onFrameCleared oldFrame (putMVar mvWait ())
takeMVar mvWait
-- rotate a fresh reader frame, and grab the oldest.
-- Thus should only be performed while holding the writer lock.
rotateReaderFrames :: RWLock -> IO F
rotateReaderFrames l = mask_ $ do
let var = rwlock_frames l
f0 <- newF
(FB f1 f2) <- takeMVar var
putMVar var (FB f0 f1)
return f2
-- NOTE: Each of these 'frames' actually contains readers of two
-- transactions. Alignment between LMDB transactions and VCache
-- RWLock isn't exact.
-- Each write lock will rotate reader frames just once:
-- (f1,f2) → (f0,f1) returning f2
-- Writer is working on LMDB frame N.
-- f0 will have readers for frame N-1 and (after commit) for N.
-- f1 will have readers for frame N-2 and some for N-1.
-- f2 will have readers for frame N-3 and some for N-2.
-- LMDB guarantees that the data pages for frames N-1 and N-2 are
-- intact. However, frame N-3 will be dismantled while building
-- frame N. Thus, we must wait for f2 readers to finish before we
-- begin the writer N transaction.
-- If we assume short-running readers and long-running writers, it
-- is rare that the writer ever needs to wait on readers. Readers
-- never need to wait on the writer. This assumption is achieved by
-- batching writes in VCache.
-- perform some action when a frame is cleared
-- performs immediately, if possible.
onFrameCleared :: F -> IO () -> IO ()
onFrameCleared f action = atomicModifyIORef f addAction >>= id where
addAction frame =
let bAlreadyClear = IntSet.null (frame_readers frame) in
if bAlreadyClear then (frame0,action) else
let onClear' = action : frame_onClear frame in
let frame' = frame { frame_onClear = onClear' } in
(frame', return ())
-- | Grab a read-only lock for the duration of some IO action.
-- Readers never need to wait on the writer.
withRdOnlyLock :: RWLock -> IO a -> IO a
withRdOnlyLock l = bracket (newReader l) releaseReader . const
newtype Reader = Reader { releaseReader :: IO () }
-- obtains a reader handle; returns function to release reader.
newReader :: RWLock -> IO Reader
newReader l = mask_ $ do
let var = rwlock_frames l
fb@(FB f _) <- takeMVar var
r <- atomicModifyIORef f addReader
putMVar var fb
return (Reader (delReader f r))
addReader :: Frame -> (Frame, Int)
addReader f =
let r = frame_reader_next f in
let rdrs' = IntSet.insert r (frame_readers f) in
let f' = f { frame_reader_next = (r + 1)
, frame_readers = rdrs' } in
(f', r)
delReader :: F -> Int -> IO ()
delReader f r = atomicModifyIORef f del >>= sequence_ where
del frm =
let rdrs' = IntSet.delete r (frame_readers frm) in
if IntSet.null rdrs' then (frame0, frame_onClear frm) else
let frm' = frm { frame_readers = rdrs' } in
(frm', [])
| bitemyapp/haskell-vcache | hsrc_lib/Database/VCache/RWLock.hs | Haskell | bsd-2-clause | 4,694 |
-- | This module exports the templates for automatic instance deriving of "Transformation.Shallow" type classes. The most
-- common way to use it would be
-- > import qualified Transformation.Shallow.TH
-- > data MyDataType f' f = ...
-- > $(Transformation.Shallow.TH.deriveFunctor ''MyDataType)
{-# Language CPP, TemplateHaskell #-}
-- Adapted from
module Transformation.Shallow.TH (deriveAll, deriveFunctor, deriveFoldable, deriveTraversable)
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import Data.Functor.Compose (Compose(getCompose))
import Data.Functor.Const (Const(getConst))
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid, (<>))
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (BangType, VarBangType, getQ, putQ)
import qualified Transformation
import qualified Transformation.Shallow
data Deriving = Deriving { _constructor :: Name, _variable :: Name }
deriveAll :: Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveAll ty = foldr f (pure []) [deriveFunctor, deriveFoldable, deriveTraversable]
where f derive rest = (<>) <$> derive ty <*> rest
deriveFunctor :: Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveFunctor typeName = do
t <- varT <$> newName "t"
(instanceType, cs) <- reifyConstructors typeName
let shallowConstraint ty = conT ''Transformation.Shallow.Functor `appT` t `appT` ty
baseConstraint ty = conT ''Transformation.At `appT` t `appT` ty
(constraints, dec) <- genShallowmap shallowConstraint baseConstraint instanceType cs
sequence [instanceD (cxt $ appT (conT ''Transformation.Transformation) t : map pure constraints)
(shallowConstraint instanceType)
[pure dec]]
deriveFoldable :: Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveFoldable typeName = do
t <- varT <$> newName "t"
m <- varT <$> newName "m"
(instanceType, cs) <- reifyConstructors typeName
let shallowConstraint ty = conT ''Transformation.Shallow.Foldable `appT` t `appT` ty
baseConstraint ty = conT ''Transformation.At `appT` t `appT` ty
(constraints, dec) <- genFoldMap shallowConstraint baseConstraint instanceType cs
sequence [instanceD (cxt (appT (conT ''Transformation.Transformation) t :
appT (appT equalityT (conT ''Transformation.Codomain `appT` t))
(conT ''Const `appT` m) :
appT (conT ''Monoid) m : map pure constraints))
(shallowConstraint instanceType)
[pure dec]]
deriveTraversable :: Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveTraversable typeName = do
t <- varT <$> newName "t"
m <- varT <$> newName "m"
f <- varT <$> newName "f"
(instanceType, cs) <- reifyConstructors typeName
let shallowConstraint ty = conT ''Transformation.Shallow.Traversable `appT` t `appT` ty
baseConstraint ty = conT ''Transformation.At `appT` t `appT` ty
(constraints, dec) <- genTraverse shallowConstraint baseConstraint instanceType cs
sequence [instanceD (cxt (appT (conT ''Transformation.Transformation) t :
appT (appT equalityT (conT ''Transformation.Codomain `appT` t))
(conT ''Compose `appT` m `appT` f) :
appT (conT ''Applicative) m : map pure constraints))
(shallowConstraint instanceType)
[pure dec]]
substitute :: Type -> Q Type -> Q Type -> Q Type
substitute resultType = liftA2 substitute'
where substitute' instanceType argumentType =
substituteVars (substitutions resultType instanceType) argumentType
substitutions (AppT t1 (VarT name1)) (AppT t2 (VarT name2)) = (name1, name2) : substitutions t1 t2
substitutions _t1 _t2 = []
substituteVars subs (VarT name) = VarT (fromMaybe name $ lookup name subs)
substituteVars subs (AppT t1 t2) = AppT (substituteVars subs t1) (substituteVars subs t2)
substituteVars _ t = t
reifyConstructors :: Name -> Q (TypeQ, [Con])
reifyConstructors ty = do
(TyConI tyCon) <- reify ty
(tyConName, tyVars, _kind, cs) <- case tyCon of
DataD _ nm tyVars kind cs _ -> return (nm, tyVars, kind, cs)
NewtypeD _ nm tyVars kind c _ -> return (nm, tyVars, kind, [c])
_ -> fail "deriveApply: tyCon may not be a type synonym."
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,17,0)
let (KindedTV tyVar _ (AppT (AppT ArrowT StarT) StarT) : _) = reverse tyVars
instanceType = foldl apply (conT tyConName) (reverse $ drop 1 $ reverse tyVars)
apply t (PlainTV name _) = appT t (varT name)
apply t (KindedTV name _ _) = appT t (varT name)
let (KindedTV tyVar (AppT (AppT ArrowT StarT) StarT) : _) = reverse tyVars
instanceType = foldl apply (conT tyConName) (reverse $ drop 1 $ reverse tyVars)
apply t (PlainTV name) = appT t (varT name)
apply t (KindedTV name _) = appT t (varT name)
putQ (Deriving tyConName tyVar)
return (instanceType, cs)
genShallowmap :: (Q Type -> Q Type) -> (Q Type -> Q Type) -> Q Type -> [Con] -> Q ([Type], Dec)
genShallowmap shallowConstraint baseConstraint instanceType cs = do
(constraints, clauses) <- unzip <$> mapM (genShallowmapClause shallowConstraint baseConstraint instanceType) cs
return (concat constraints, FunD '(Transformation.Shallow.<$>) clauses)
genFoldMap :: (Q Type -> Q Type) -> (Q Type -> Q Type) -> Q Type -> [Con] -> Q ([Type], Dec)
genFoldMap shallowConstraint baseConstraint instanceType cs = do
(constraints, clauses) <- unzip <$> mapM (genFoldMapClause shallowConstraint baseConstraint instanceType) cs
return (concat constraints, FunD 'Transformation.Shallow.foldMap clauses)
genTraverse :: (Q Type -> Q Type) -> (Q Type -> Q Type) -> Q Type -> [Con] -> Q ([Type], Dec)
genTraverse shallowConstraint baseConstraint instanceType cs = do
(constraints, clauses) <- unzip
<$> mapM (genTraverseClause genTraverseField shallowConstraint baseConstraint instanceType) cs
return (concat constraints, FunD 'Transformation.Shallow.traverse clauses)
genShallowmapClause :: (Q Type -> Q Type) -> (Q Type -> Q Type) -> Q Type -> Con -> Q ([Type], Clause)
genShallowmapClause shallowConstraint baseConstraint _instanceType (NormalC name fieldTypes) = do
t <- newName "t"
fieldNames <- replicateM (length fieldTypes) (newName "x")
let pats = [varP t, parensP (conP name $ map varP fieldNames)]
constraintsAndFields = zipWith newField fieldNames fieldTypes
newFields = map (snd <$>) constraintsAndFields
body = normalB $ appsE $ conE name : newFields
newField :: Name -> BangType -> Q ([Type], Exp)
newField x (_, fieldType) = genShallowmapField (varE t) fieldType shallowConstraint baseConstraint (varE x) id
constraints <- (concat . (fst <$>)) <$> sequence constraintsAndFields
(,) constraints <$> clause pats body []
genShallowmapClause shallowConstraint baseConstraint _instanceType (RecC name fields) = do
t <- newName "t"
x <- newName "x"
let body = normalB $ recConE name $ (snd <$>) <$> constraintsAndFields
constraintsAndFields = map newNamedField fields
newNamedField :: VarBangType -> Q ([Type], (Name, Exp))
newNamedField (fieldName, _, fieldType) =
((,) fieldName <$>)
<$> genShallowmapField (varE t) fieldType shallowConstraint baseConstraint (appE (varE fieldName) (varE x)) id
constraints <- (concat . (fst <$>)) <$> sequence constraintsAndFields
(,) constraints <$> clause [varP t, x `asP` recP name []] body []
genShallowmapClause shallowConstraint baseConstraint instanceType
(GadtC [name] fieldTypes (AppT resultType (VarT tyVar))) =
do Just (Deriving tyConName _tyVar) <- getQ
putQ (Deriving tyConName tyVar)
genShallowmapClause (shallowConstraint . substitute resultType instanceType)
(baseConstraint . substitute resultType instanceType)
instanceType (NormalC name fieldTypes)
genShallowmapClause shallowConstraint baseConstraint instanceType
(RecGadtC [name] fields (AppT resultType (VarT tyVar))) =
do Just (Deriving tyConName _tyVar) <- getQ
putQ (Deriving tyConName tyVar)
genShallowmapClause (shallowConstraint . substitute resultType instanceType)
(baseConstraint . substitute resultType instanceType)
instanceType (RecC name fields)
genShallowmapClause shallowConstraint baseConstraint instanceType (ForallC _vars _cxt con) =
genShallowmapClause shallowConstraint baseConstraint instanceType con
genFoldMapClause :: (Q Type -> Q Type) -> (Q Type -> Q Type) -> Q Type -> Con -> Q ([Type], Clause)
genFoldMapClause shallowConstraint baseConstraint _instanceType (NormalC name fieldTypes) = do
t <- newName "t"
fieldNames <- replicateM (length fieldTypes) (newName "x")
let pats = [varP t, conP name (map varP fieldNames)]
constraintsAndFields = zipWith newField fieldNames fieldTypes
body | null fieldNames = [| mempty |]
| otherwise = foldr1 append $ (snd <$>) <$> constraintsAndFields
append a b = [| $(a) <> $(b) |]
newField :: Name -> BangType -> Q ([Type], Exp)
newField x (_, fieldType) = genFoldMapField (varE t) fieldType shallowConstraint baseConstraint (varE x) id
constraints <- (concat . (fst <$>)) <$> sequence constraintsAndFields
(,) constraints <$> clause pats (normalB body) []
genFoldMapClause shallowConstraint baseConstraint _instanceType (RecC name fields) = do
t <- newName "t"
x <- newName "x"
let body | null fields = [| mempty |]
| otherwise = foldr1 append $ (snd <$>) <$> constraintsAndFields
constraintsAndFields = map newField fields
append a b = [| $(a) <> $(b) |]
newField :: VarBangType -> Q ([Type], Exp)
newField (fieldName, _, fieldType) =
genFoldMapField (varE t) fieldType shallowConstraint baseConstraint (appE (varE fieldName) (varE x)) id
constraints <- (concat . (fst <$>)) <$> sequence constraintsAndFields
(,) constraints <$> clause [varP t, x `asP` recP name []] (normalB body) []
genFoldMapClause shallowConstraint baseConstraint instanceType
(GadtC [name] fieldTypes (AppT resultType (VarT tyVar))) =
do Just (Deriving tyConName _tyVar) <- getQ
putQ (Deriving tyConName tyVar)
genFoldMapClause (shallowConstraint . substitute resultType instanceType)
(baseConstraint . substitute resultType instanceType)
instanceType (NormalC name fieldTypes)
genFoldMapClause shallowConstraint baseConstraint instanceType
(RecGadtC [name] fields (AppT resultType (VarT tyVar))) =
do Just (Deriving tyConName _tyVar) <- getQ
putQ (Deriving tyConName tyVar)
genFoldMapClause (shallowConstraint . substitute resultType instanceType)
(baseConstraint . substitute resultType instanceType)
instanceType (RecC name fields)
genFoldMapClause shallowConstraint baseConstraint instanceType (ForallC _vars _cxt con) =
genFoldMapClause shallowConstraint baseConstraint instanceType con
type GenTraverseFieldType = Q Exp -> Type -> (Q Type -> Q Type) -> (Q Type -> Q Type) -> Q Exp -> (Q Exp -> Q Exp)
-> Q ([Type], Exp)
genTraverseClause :: GenTraverseFieldType -> (Q Type -> Q Type) -> (Q Type -> Q Type) -> Q Type -> Con
-> Q ([Type], Clause)
genTraverseClause genField shallowConstraint baseConstraint _instanceType (NormalC name fieldTypes) = do
t <- newName "t"
fieldNames <- replicateM (length fieldTypes) (newName "x")
let pats = [varP t, parensP (conP name $ map varP fieldNames)]
constraintsAndFields = zipWith newField fieldNames fieldTypes
newFields = map (snd <$>) constraintsAndFields
body | null fieldTypes = [| pure $(conE name) |]
| otherwise = fst $ foldl apply (conE name, False) newFields
apply (a, False) b = ([| $(a) <$> $(b) |], True)
apply (a, True) b = ([| $(a) <*> $(b) |], True)
newField :: Name -> BangType -> Q ([Type], Exp)
newField x (_, fieldType) = genField (varE t) fieldType shallowConstraint baseConstraint (varE x) id
constraints <- (concat . (fst <$>)) <$> sequence constraintsAndFields
(,) constraints <$> clause pats (normalB body) []
genTraverseClause genField shallowConstraint baseConstraint _instanceType (RecC name fields) = do
f <- newName "f"
x <- newName "x"
let constraintsAndFields = map newNamedField fields
body | null fields = [| pure $(conE name) |]
| otherwise = fst (foldl apply (conE name, False) $ map (snd . snd <$>) constraintsAndFields)
apply (a, False) b = ([| $(a) <$> $(b) |], True)
apply (a, True) b = ([| $(a) <*> $(b) |], True)
newNamedField :: VarBangType -> Q ([Type], (Name, Exp))
newNamedField (fieldName, _, fieldType) =
((,) fieldName <$>)
<$> genField (varE f) fieldType shallowConstraint baseConstraint (appE (varE fieldName) (varE x)) id
constraints <- (concat . (fst <$>)) <$> sequence constraintsAndFields
(,) constraints <$> clause [varP f, x `asP` recP name []] (normalB body) []
genTraverseClause genField shallowConstraint baseConstraint instanceType
(GadtC [name] fieldTypes (AppT resultType (VarT tyVar))) =
do Just (Deriving tyConName _tyVar) <- getQ
putQ (Deriving tyConName tyVar)
genTraverseClause genField
(shallowConstraint . substitute resultType instanceType)
(baseConstraint . substitute resultType instanceType)
instanceType (NormalC name fieldTypes)
genTraverseClause genField shallowConstraint baseConstraint instanceType
(RecGadtC [name] fields (AppT resultType (VarT tyVar))) =
do Just (Deriving tyConName _tyVar) <- getQ
putQ (Deriving tyConName tyVar)
genTraverseClause genField
(shallowConstraint . substitute resultType instanceType)
(baseConstraint . substitute resultType instanceType)
instanceType (RecC name fields)
genTraverseClause genField shallowConstraint baseConstraint instanceType (ForallC _vars _cxt con) =
genTraverseClause genField shallowConstraint baseConstraint instanceType con
genShallowmapField :: Q Exp -> Type -> (Q Type -> Q Type) -> (Q Type -> Q Type) -> Q Exp -> (Q Exp -> Q Exp)
-> Q ([Type], Exp)
genShallowmapField trans fieldType shallowConstraint baseConstraint fieldAccess wrap = do
Just (Deriving _ typeVar) <- getQ
case fieldType of
AppT ty a | ty == VarT typeVar ->
(,) <$> ((:[]) <$> baseConstraint (pure a))
<*> (wrap (varE '(Transformation.$) `appE` trans) `appE` fieldAccess)
AppT t1 t2 | t2 == VarT typeVar -> (,) <$> traverse shallowConstraint [pure t1]
<*> appE (wrap [| ($trans Transformation.Shallow.<$>) |]) fieldAccess
AppT t1 t2 | t1 /= VarT typeVar ->
genShallowmapField trans t2 shallowConstraint baseConstraint fieldAccess (wrap . appE (varE '(<$>)))
SigT ty _kind -> genShallowmapField trans ty shallowConstraint baseConstraint fieldAccess wrap
ParensT ty -> genShallowmapField trans ty shallowConstraint baseConstraint fieldAccess wrap
_ -> (,) [] <$> fieldAccess
genFoldMapField :: Q Exp -> Type -> (Q Type -> Q Type) -> (Q Type -> Q Type) -> Q Exp -> (Q Exp -> Q Exp)
-> Q ([Type], Exp)
genFoldMapField trans fieldType shallowConstraint baseConstraint fieldAccess wrap = do
Just (Deriving _ typeVar) <- getQ
case fieldType of
AppT ty a | ty == VarT typeVar ->
(,) <$> ((:[]) <$> baseConstraint (pure a))
<*> (wrap (varE '(.) `appE` varE 'getConst `appE` (varE '(Transformation.$) `appE` trans))
`appE` fieldAccess)
AppT t1 t2 | t2 == VarT typeVar -> (,) <$> traverse shallowConstraint [pure t1]
<*> appE (wrap [| (Transformation.Shallow.foldMap $trans) |]) fieldAccess
AppT t1 t2 | t1 /= VarT typeVar ->
genFoldMapField trans t2 shallowConstraint baseConstraint fieldAccess (wrap . appE (varE 'foldMap))
SigT ty _kind -> genFoldMapField trans ty shallowConstraint baseConstraint fieldAccess wrap
ParensT ty -> genFoldMapField trans ty shallowConstraint baseConstraint fieldAccess wrap
_ -> (,) [] <$> [| mempty |]
genTraverseField :: GenTraverseFieldType
genTraverseField trans fieldType shallowConstraint baseConstraint fieldAccess wrap = do
Just (Deriving _ typeVar) <- getQ
case fieldType of
AppT ty a | ty == VarT typeVar ->
(,) <$> ((:[]) <$> baseConstraint (pure a))
<*> (wrap (varE '(.) `appE` varE 'getCompose `appE` (varE '(Transformation.$) `appE` trans))
`appE` fieldAccess)
AppT t1 t2 | t2 == VarT typeVar -> (,) <$> traverse shallowConstraint [pure t1]
<*> appE (wrap [| (Transformation.Shallow.traverse $trans) |]) fieldAccess
AppT t1 t2 | t1 /= VarT typeVar ->
genTraverseField trans t2 shallowConstraint baseConstraint fieldAccess (wrap . appE (varE 'traverse))
SigT ty _kind -> genTraverseField trans ty shallowConstraint baseConstraint fieldAccess wrap
ParensT ty -> genTraverseField trans ty shallowConstraint baseConstraint fieldAccess wrap
_ -> (,) [] <$> [| pure $fieldAccess |]
| blamario/grampa | deep-transformations/src/Transformation/Shallow/TH.hs | Haskell | bsd-2-clause | 17,642 |
{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
{-| Module : QPainterPath.hs
Copyright : (c) David Harley 2010
Project : qtHaskell
Version : 1.1.4
Modified : 2010-09-02 17:02:35
Warning : this file is machine generated - do not modify.
module Qtc.Enums.Gui.QPainterPath (
ElementType, eMoveToElement, eLineToElement, eCurveToElement, eCurveToDataElement
import Foreign.C.Types
import Qtc.Classes.Base
import Qtc.ClassTypes.Core (QObject, TQObject, qObjectFromPtr)
import Qtc.Core.Base (Qcs, connectSlot, qtc_connectSlot_int, wrapSlotHandler_int)
import Qtc.Enums.Base
import Qtc.Enums.Classes.Core
data CElementType a = CElementType a
type ElementType = QEnum(CElementType Int)
ieElementType :: Int -> ElementType
ieElementType x = QEnum (CElementType x)
instance QEnumC (CElementType Int) where
qEnum_toInt (QEnum (CElementType x)) = x
qEnum_fromInt x = QEnum (CElementType x)
withQEnumResult x
= do
ti <- x
return $ qEnum_fromInt $ fromIntegral ti
withQEnumListResult x
= do
til <- x
return $ map qEnum_fromInt til
instance Qcs (QObject c -> ElementType -> IO ()) where
connectSlot _qsig_obj _qsig_nam _qslt_obj _qslt_nam _handler
= do
funptr <- wrapSlotHandler_int slotHandlerWrapper_int
stptr <- newStablePtr (Wrap _handler)
withObjectPtr _qsig_obj $ \cobj_sig ->
withCWString _qsig_nam $ \cstr_sig ->
withObjectPtr _qslt_obj $ \cobj_slt ->
withCWString _qslt_nam $ \cstr_slt ->
qtc_connectSlot_int cobj_sig cstr_sig cobj_slt cstr_slt (toCFunPtr funptr) (castStablePtrToPtr stptr)
return ()
slotHandlerWrapper_int :: Ptr fun -> Ptr () -> Ptr (TQObject c) -> CInt -> IO ()
slotHandlerWrapper_int funptr stptr qobjptr cint
= do qobj <- qObjectFromPtr qobjptr
let hint = fromCInt cint
if (objectIsNull qobj)
then do when (stptr/=ptrNull)
(freeStablePtr (castPtrToStablePtr stptr))
when (funptr/=ptrNull)
(freeHaskellFunPtr (castPtrToFunPtr funptr))
else _handler qobj (qEnum_fromInt hint)
return ()
eMoveToElement :: ElementType
= ieElementType $ 0
eLineToElement :: ElementType
= ieElementType $ 1
eCurveToElement :: ElementType
= ieElementType $ 2
eCurveToDataElement :: ElementType
= ieElementType $ 3
| keera-studios/hsQt | Qtc/Enums/Gui/QPainterPath.hs | Haskell | bsd-2-clause | 2,596 |
module Main (main) where
import Test.Framework (defaultMain)
import qualified Database.Redis.Tags.Test.Tags
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain [
| akaspin/hedis-tags | test/Main.hs | Haskell | bsd-2-clause | 206 |
module UniversalSyntax(
VarName, DataConName, Literal,
var, dataCon, intLit, floatLit, charLit,
getVarName, getDataConName) where
-- This is a module for syntax elements that are the same across all intermediate
-- representations, from the core syntax to the imperative representation
data Type
= TypeCon String Type Type
| TypeVar String
| Integer
| Floating
| Character
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Literal
= IntLit Int
| FloatLit Double
| CharLit Char
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
intLit = IntLit
floatLit = FloatLit
charLit = CharLit
data VarName = VarName String
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
var = VarName
getVarName (VarName n) = n
data DataConName = DataConName String
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
dataCon = DataConName
getDataConName (DataConName n) = n
| dillonhuff/AFL | src/UniversalSyntax.hs | Haskell | bsd-3-clause | 832 |
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, CPP #-}
#include "macros.h"
module Type.Eq.Higher.Unsafe (module Type.Eq.Unsafe, module Type.Eq.Higher.Unsafe) where
import Type.Eq.Unsafe
import {-# SOURCE #-} Type.Eq.Higher
import Unsafe.Coerce
-- | Very unsafe! The same rules apply as for 'unsafeCoerce'.
unsafeCoercion1 :: f ::~:: g
unsafeCoercion1 = unsafeCoerce Eq1
-- | Very unsafe! The same rules apply as for 'unsafeCoerce'.
unsafeCoercion2 :: m :::~::: n
unsafeCoercion2 = unsafeCoerce Eq2
-- | Very unsafe!
unsafeOuterEq1 :: OuterEq1 m f
unsafeOuterEq1 = unsafeCoerce OuterEq1
-- | Very unsafe!
unsafeInnerEq1 :: InnerEq1 a f
unsafeInnerEq1 = unsafeCoerce InnerEq1
| glaebhoerl/type-eq | Type/Eq/Higher/Unsafe.hs | Haskell | bsd-3-clause | 679 |
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-| An ST Monad based interface to the CUDD BDD library
This is a straightforward wrapper around the C library. See <> for documentation.
Exampe usage:
> import Control.Monad.ST
> import Cudd.Imperative
> main = do
> res <- stToIO $ withManagerDefaults $ \manager -> do
> v1 <- ithVar manager 0
> v2 <- ithVar manager 1
> conj <- bAnd manager v1 v2
> implies <- lEq manager conj v1
> deref manager conj
> return implies
> print res
module Cudd.Imperative (
module Cudd.Common
) where
import Foreign hiding (void)
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.C.Types
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Monad.ST.Unsafe
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.List
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Cudd.C
import Cudd.MTR
import Cudd.Common
newtype DDManager s u = DDManager {unDDManager :: Ptr CDDManager}
newtype DDNode s u = DDNode {unDDNode :: Ptr CDDNode} deriving (Ord, Eq, Show)
cuddInit :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> ST s (DDManager s u)
cuddInit numVars numVarsZ numSlots cacheSize maxMemory = unsafeIOToST $ do
cm <- c_cuddInit (fromIntegral numVars) (fromIntegral numVarsZ) (fromIntegral numSlots) (fromIntegral cacheSize) (fromIntegral maxMemory)
return $ DDManager cm
cuddInitDefaults :: ST s (DDManager s u)
cuddInitDefaults = cuddInit 0 0 cudd_unique_slots cudd_cache_slots 0
withManager :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> (forall u. DDManager s u -> ST s a) -> ST s a
withManager numVars numVarsZ numSlots cacheSize maxMemory f = do
res <- cuddInit numVars numVarsZ numSlots cacheSize maxMemory
f res
withManagerDefaults :: (forall u. DDManager s u -> ST s a) -> ST s a
withManagerDefaults f = do
res <- cuddInitDefaults
f res
withManagerIO :: MonadIO m => Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> (forall u. DDManager RealWorld u -> m a) -> m a
withManagerIO numVars numVarsZ numSlots cacheSize maxMemory f = do
res <- liftIO $ stToIO $ cuddInit numVars numVarsZ numSlots cacheSize maxMemory
f res
withManagerIODefaults :: MonadIO m => (forall u. DDManager RealWorld u -> m a) -> m a
withManagerIODefaults f = do
res <- liftIO $ stToIO cuddInitDefaults
f res
shuffleHeap :: DDManager s u -> [Int] -> ST s ()
shuffleHeap (DDManager m) order = unsafeIOToST $
withArrayLen (map fromIntegral order) $ \size ptr -> do
when (sort order /= [0..size-1]) (error "shuffleHeap: order does not contain each variable once")
res1 <- c_cuddBddIthVar m (fromIntegral (size - 1))
when (res1 == nullPtr) (error "shuffleHeap: Failed to resize table")
res2 <- c_cuddShuffleHeap m ptr
when (fromIntegral res2 /= 1) (error "shuffleHeap: Cudd_ShuffleHeap failed")
return ()
toInt :: DDNode s u -> Int
toInt (DDNode n) = fromIntegral $ ptrToIntPtr n
arg0 :: (Ptr CDDManager -> IO (Ptr CDDNode)) -> DDManager s u -> ST s (DDNode s u)
arg0 f (DDManager m) = liftM DDNode $ unsafeIOToST $ f m
arg1 :: (Ptr CDDManager -> Ptr CDDNode -> IO (Ptr CDDNode)) -> DDManager s u -> DDNode s u -> ST s (DDNode s u)
arg1 f (DDManager m) (DDNode x) = liftM DDNode $ unsafeIOToST $ f m x
arg2 :: (Ptr CDDManager -> Ptr CDDNode -> Ptr CDDNode -> IO (Ptr CDDNode)) -> DDManager s u -> DDNode s u -> DDNode s u -> ST s (DDNode s u)
arg2 f (DDManager m) (DDNode x) (DDNode y) = liftM DDNode $ unsafeIOToST $ f m x y
arg3 :: (Ptr CDDManager -> Ptr CDDNode -> Ptr CDDNode -> Ptr CDDNode -> IO (Ptr CDDNode)) -> DDManager s u -> DDNode s u -> DDNode s u -> DDNode s u -> ST s (DDNode s u)
arg3 f (DDManager m) (DDNode x) (DDNode y) (DDNode z) = liftM DDNode $ unsafeIOToST $ f m x y z
bZero, bOne :: DDManager s u -> DDNode s u
bZero (DDManager m) = DDNode $ unsafePerformIO $ c_cuddReadLogicZero m
bOne (DDManager m) = DDNode $ unsafePerformIO $ c_cuddReadOne m
bAnd = arg2 c_cuddBddAnd
bOr = arg2 c_cuddBddOr
bNand = arg2 c_cuddBddNand
bNor = arg2 c_cuddBddNor
bXor = arg2 c_cuddBddXor
bXnor = arg2 c_cuddBddXnor
bIte = arg3 c_cuddBddIte
bExists = arg2 c_cuddBddExistAbstract
bForall = arg2 c_cuddBddUnivAbstract
andAbstract = arg3 c_cuddBddAndAbstract
xorExistAbstract = arg3 c_cuddBddXorExistAbstract
bNot :: DDNode s u -> DDNode s u
bNot (DDNode x) = DDNode $ unsafePerformIO $ c_cuddNotNoRef x
ithVar :: DDManager s u -> Int -> ST s (DDNode s u)
ithVar (DDManager m) i = liftM DDNode $ unsafeIOToST $ c_cuddBddIthVar m (fromIntegral i)
deref :: DDManager s u -> DDNode s u -> ST s ()
deref (DDManager m) (DDNode x) = unsafeIOToST $ c_cuddIterDerefBdd m x
setVarMap :: DDManager s u -> [DDNode s u] -> [DDNode s u] -> ST s ()
setVarMap (DDManager m) xs ys = unsafeIOToST $
withArrayLen (map unDDNode xs) $ \xl xp ->
withArrayLen (map unDDNode ys) $ \yl yp -> do
when (xl /= yl) (error "setVarMap: lengths not equal")
void $ c_cuddSetVarMap m xp yp (fromIntegral xl)
varMap :: DDManager s u -> DDNode s u -> ST s (DDNode s u)
varMap (DDManager m) (DDNode x) = liftM DDNode $ unsafeIOToST $ c_cuddBddVarMap m x
lEq :: DDManager s u -> DDNode s u -> DDNode s u -> ST s Bool
lEq (DDManager m) (DDNode x) (DDNode y) = liftM (==1) $ unsafeIOToST $ c_cuddBddLeq m x y
swapVariables :: DDManager s u -> [DDNode s u] -> [DDNode s u] -> DDNode s u -> ST s (DDNode s u)
swapVariables (DDManager m) nodesx nodesy (DDNode x) = unsafeIOToST $
withArrayLen (map unDDNode nodesx) $ \lx xp ->
withArrayLen (map unDDNode nodesy) $ \ly yp -> do
when (lx /= ly) $ error "CuddExplicitDeref: shift: lengths not equal"
res <- c_cuddBddSwapVariables m x xp yp (fromIntegral lx)
return $ DDNode res
ref :: DDNode s u -> ST s ()
ref (DDNode x) = unsafeIOToST $ cuddRef x
largestCube :: DDManager s u -> DDNode s u -> ST s (DDNode s u, Int)
largestCube (DDManager m) (DDNode x) = unsafeIOToST $
alloca $ \lp -> do
res <- c_cuddLargestCube m x lp
l <- peek lp
return (DDNode res, fromIntegral l)
makePrime :: DDManager s u -> DDNode s u -> DDNode s u -> ST s (DDNode s u)
makePrime = arg2 c_cuddBddMakePrime
support :: DDManager s u -> DDNode s u -> ST s (DDNode s u)
support = arg1 c_cuddSupport
supportIndices :: DDManager s u -> DDNode s u -> ST s [Int]
supportIndices (DDManager m) (DDNode x) = unsafeIOToST $
alloca $ \arrp -> do
sz <- c_cuddSupportIndices m x arrp
aaddr <- peek arrp
res <- peekArray (fromIntegral sz) aaddr
return $ map fromIntegral res
indicesToCube :: DDManager s u -> [Int] -> ST s (DDNode s u)
indicesToCube (DDManager m) indices = unsafeIOToST $
withArrayLen (map fromIntegral indices) $ \sz pt -> do
res <- c_cuddIndicesToCube m pt (fromIntegral sz)
return $ DDNode res
computeCube :: DDManager s u -> [DDNode s u] -> [Bool] -> ST s (DDNode s u)
computeCube (DDManager m) nodes phases = unsafeIOToST $
withArrayLen (map unDDNode nodes) $ \szn ptn ->
withArrayLen (map (fromIntegral . fromBool) phases) $ \szp ptp -> do
when (szn /= szp) $ error "computeCube: lists are different lengths"
res <- c_cuddBddComputeCube m ptn ptp (fromIntegral szn)
return $ DDNode res
nodesToCube :: DDManager s u -> [DDNode s u] -> ST s (DDNode s u)
nodesToCube (DDManager m) nodes = unsafeIOToST $
withArrayLen (map unDDNode nodes) $ \sz pt -> do
res <- c_cuddBddComputeCube m pt nullPtr (fromIntegral sz)
return $ DDNode res
readSize :: DDManager s u -> ST s Int
readSize (DDManager m) = liftM fromIntegral $ unsafeIOToST $ c_cuddReadSize m
bddToCubeArray :: DDManager s u -> DDNode s u -> ST s [SatBit]
bddToCubeArray ma@(DDManager m) (DDNode x) = unsafeIOToST $ do
size <- liftM fromIntegral $ c_cuddReadSize m
allocaArray size $ \resptr -> do
c_cuddBddToCubeArray m x resptr
res <- peekArray size resptr
return $ map (toSatBit . fromIntegral) res
compose :: DDManager s u -> DDNode s u -> DDNode s u -> Int -> ST s (DDNode s u)
compose (DDManager m) (DDNode f) (DDNode g) v = liftM DDNode $ unsafeIOToST $ c_cuddBddCompose m f g (fromIntegral v)
arg3Bool :: (Ptr CDDManager -> Ptr CDDNode -> Ptr CDDNode -> Ptr CDDNode -> IO CInt) -> DDManager s u -> DDNode s u -> DDNode s u -> DDNode s u -> ST s Bool
arg3Bool f (DDManager m) (DDNode x) (DDNode y) (DDNode z) = liftM (==1) $ unsafeIOToST $ f m x y z
leqUnless, equivDC :: DDManager s u -> DDNode s u -> DDNode s u -> DDNode s u -> ST s Bool
leqUnless = arg3Bool c_cuddBddLeqUnless
equivDC = arg3Bool c_cuddEquivDC
xEqY :: DDManager s u -> [DDNode s u] -> [DDNode s u] -> ST s (DDNode s u)
xEqY (DDManager m) xs ys = unsafeIOToST $
withArrayLen (map unDDNode xs) $ \xl xp ->
withArrayLen (map unDDNode ys) $ \yl yp -> do
when (xl /= yl) (error "xeqy: lengths not equal")
res <- c_cuddXeqy m (fromIntegral xl) xp yp
return $ DDNode res
debugCheck :: DDManager s u -> ST s Int
debugCheck (DDManager m) = liftM fromIntegral $ unsafeIOToST $ c_cuddDebugCheck m
checkKeys :: DDManager s u -> ST s Int
checkKeys (DDManager m) = liftM fromIntegral $ unsafeIOToST $ c_cuddCheckKeys m
pickOneMinterm :: DDManager s u -> DDNode s u -> [DDNode s u] -> ST s (DDNode s u)
pickOneMinterm (DDManager m) (DDNode d) vars = unsafeIOToST $
withArrayLen (map unDDNode vars) $ \vl vp -> do
res <- c_cuddBddPickOneMinterm m d vp (fromIntegral vl)
return $ DDNode res
checkZeroRef :: DDManager s u -> ST s Int
checkZeroRef (DDManager m) = liftM fromIntegral $ unsafeIOToST $ c_cuddCheckZeroRef m
readInvPerm :: DDManager s u -> Int -> ST s Int
readInvPerm (DDManager m) offs = liftM fromIntegral $ unsafeIOToST $ c_cuddReadInvPerm m (fromIntegral offs)
readPerm :: DDManager s u -> Int -> ST s Int
readPerm (DDManager m) offs = liftM fromIntegral $ unsafeIOToST $ c_cuddReadPerm m (fromIntegral offs)
dagSize :: DDNode s u -> ST s Int
dagSize (DDNode d) = liftM fromIntegral $ unsafeIOToST $ c_cuddDagSize d
readNodeCount :: DDManager s u -> ST s Integer
readNodeCount (DDManager m) = liftM fromIntegral $ unsafeIOToST $ c_cuddReadNodeCount m
readPeakNodeCount :: DDManager s u -> ST s Integer
readPeakNodeCount (DDManager m) = liftM fromIntegral $ unsafeIOToST $ c_cuddReadPeakNodeCount m
regular :: DDNode s u -> DDNode s u
regular (DDNode x) = DDNode $ unsafePerformIO $ c_wrappedRegular x
readMaxCache :: DDManager s u -> ST s Int
readMaxCache (DDManager m) = liftM fromIntegral $ unsafeIOToST $ c_cuddReadMaxCache m
readMaxCacheHard :: DDManager s u -> ST s Int
readMaxCacheHard (DDManager m) = liftM fromIntegral $ unsafeIOToST $ c_cuddReadMaxCacheHard m
setMaxCacheHard :: DDManager s u -> Int -> ST s ()
setMaxCacheHard (DDManager m) x = unsafeIOToST $ c_cuddSetMaxCacheHard m (fromIntegral x)
readCacheSlots :: DDManager s u -> ST s Int
readCacheSlots (DDManager m) = liftM fromIntegral $ unsafeIOToST $ c_cuddReadCacheSlots m
readCacheUsedSlots :: DDManager s u -> ST s Int
readCacheUsedSlots (DDManager m) = liftM fromIntegral $ unsafeIOToST $ c_cuddReadCacheUsedSlots m
andLimit :: DDManager s u -> DDNode s u -> DDNode s u -> Int -> ST s (Maybe (DDNode s u))
andLimit (DDManager m) (DDNode x) (DDNode y) lim = unsafeIOToST $ do
res <- c_cuddBddAndLimit m x y (fromIntegral lim)
if res==nullPtr then
return Nothing
else do
cuddRef res
return $ Just $ DDNode res
readTree :: DDManager s u -> ST s (MtrNode s)
readTree (DDManager m) = liftM MtrNode $ unsafeIOToST $ c_cuddReadTree m
newVarAtLevel :: DDManager s u -> Int -> ST s (DDNode s u)
newVarAtLevel (DDManager m) level = liftM DDNode $ unsafeIOToST $ c_cuddBddNewVarAtLevel m (fromIntegral level)
liCompaction = arg2 c_cuddBddLICompaction
squeeze = arg2 c_cuddBddSqueeze
minimize = arg2 c_cuddBddMinimize
newVar :: DDManager s u -> ST s (DDNode s u)
newVar (DDManager m) = liftM DDNode $ unsafeIOToST $ c_cuddBddNewVar m
vectorCompose :: DDManager s u -> DDNode s u -> [DDNode s u] -> ST s (DDNode s u)
vectorCompose (DDManager m) (DDNode f) nodes = liftM DDNode $ unsafeIOToST $ withArrayLen (map unDDNode nodes) $ \len ptr -> do
sz <- c_cuddReadSize m
when (fromIntegral sz /= len) (error "vectorCompose: not one entry for each variable in manager")
c_cuddBddVectorCompose m f ptr
quit :: DDManager s u -> ST s ()
quit (DDManager m) = unsafeIOToST $ c_cuddQuit m
readIndex :: DDNode s u -> ST s Int
readIndex (DDNode x) = liftM fromIntegral $ unsafeIOToST $ c_cuddNodeReadIndex x
printMinterm :: DDManager s u -> DDNode s u -> ST s ()
printMinterm (DDManager m) (DDNode x) = unsafeIOToST $ c_cuddPrintMinterm m x
countMintermExact :: DDManager s u -> DDNode s u -> Int -> ST s Integer
countMintermExact (DDManager m) (DDNode x) n = unsafeIOToST $
alloca $ \ sizep -> do
apa <- c_cuddApaCountMinterm m x (fromIntegral n) sizep
size <- fromIntegral <$> peek sizep
digits <- peekArray size apa
c_cuddFreeApaNumber apa
return $ foldl ( \ a d -> a * 2^32 + fromIntegral d ) 0 digits
checkCube :: DDManager s u -> DDNode s u -> ST s Bool
checkCube (DDManager m) (DDNode x) = liftM (==1) $ unsafeIOToST $ c_cuddCheckCube m x
data Cube
data Prime
data Node
data DDGen s u t = DDGen (Ptr CDDGen)
genFree :: DDGen s u t -> ST s ()
genFree (DDGen g) = void $ unsafeIOToST $ c_cuddGenFree g
isGenEmpty :: DDGen s u t -> ST s Bool
isGenEmpty (DDGen g) = liftM (==1) $ unsafeIOToST $ c_cuddIsGenEmpty g
firstCube :: DDManager s u -> DDNode s u -> ST s (Maybe ([SatBit], DDGen s u Cube))
firstCube (DDManager m) (DDNode n) = unsafeIOToST $ do
sz <- c_cuddReadSize m
alloca $ \cubePP ->
alloca $ \valP -> do
gen <- c_cuddFirstCube m n cubePP valP
empty <- c_cuddIsGenEmpty gen
if empty == 1 then do
c_cuddGenFree gen
return Nothing
else do
cubeP <- peek cubePP
cube <- peekArray (fromIntegral sz) cubeP
return $ Just (map (toSatBit . fromIntegral) cube, DDGen gen)
nextCube :: DDManager s u -> DDGen s u Cube -> ST s (Maybe [SatBit])
nextCube (DDManager m) (DDGen g) = unsafeIOToST $ do
sz <- c_cuddReadSize m
alloca $ \cubePP ->
alloca $ \valP -> do
c_cuddNextCube g cubePP valP
empty <- c_cuddIsGenEmpty g
if empty == 1 then do
c_cuddGenFree g
return Nothing
else do
cubeP <- peek cubePP
cube <- peekArray (fromIntegral sz) cubeP
return $ Just $ map (toSatBit . fromIntegral) cube
firstPrime :: DDManager s u -> DDNode s u -> DDNode s u -> ST s (Maybe ([SatBit], DDGen s u Prime))
firstPrime (DDManager m) (DDNode x) (DDNode y) = unsafeIOToST $ do
sz <- c_cuddReadSize m
alloca $ \cubePP -> do
gen <- c_cuddFirstPrime m x y cubePP
empty <- c_cuddIsGenEmpty gen
if empty == 1 then do
c_cuddGenFree gen
return Nothing
else do
cubeP <- peek cubePP
cube <- peekArray (fromIntegral sz) cubeP
return $ Just (map (toSatBit . fromIntegral) cube, DDGen gen)
nextPrime :: DDManager s u -> DDGen s u Prime -> ST s (Maybe [SatBit])
nextPrime (DDManager m) (DDGen g) = unsafeIOToST $ do
sz <- c_cuddReadSize m
alloca $ \cubePP -> do
c_cuddNextPrime g cubePP
empty <- c_cuddIsGenEmpty g
if empty == 1 then do
c_cuddGenFree g
return Nothing
else do
cubeP <- peek cubePP
cube <- peekArray (fromIntegral sz) cubeP
return $ Just $ map (toSatBit . fromIntegral) cube
firstNode :: DDManager s u -> DDNode s u -> ST s (Maybe (DDNode s u, DDGen s u Node))
firstNode (DDManager m) (DDNode x) = unsafeIOToST $ do
alloca $ \nodePP -> do
gen <- c_cuddFirstNode m x nodePP
empty <- c_cuddIsGenEmpty gen
if empty == 1 then do
c_cuddGenFree gen
return Nothing
else do
nodeP <- peek nodePP
return $ Just (DDNode nodeP, DDGen gen)
nextNode :: DDManager s u -> DDGen s u Node -> ST s (Maybe (DDNode s u))
nextNode (DDManager m) (DDGen g) = unsafeIOToST $ do
alloca $ \nodePP -> do
c_cuddNextNode g nodePP
empty <- c_cuddIsGenEmpty g
if empty == 1 then do
c_cuddGenFree g
return Nothing
else do
nodeP <- peek nodePP
return $ Just $ DDNode nodeP
| adamwalker/haskell_cudd | Cudd/Imperative.hs | Haskell | bsd-3-clause | 17,777 |
module Linear.Cassowary.ClSimplexSolver where
-- addConstraint :: ClSimplexSolver -> ClConstraint -> IO ()
-- removeConstraint :: ClSimplexSolver -> ClConstraint -> IO ()
-- addEditVar :: ClSimplexSolver -> ClVariable -> ClStrength -> IO ()
-- removeEditVar :: ClSimplexSolver -> ClVariable -> IO ()
-- beginEdit :: ClSimplexSolver -> IO ()
-- suggestValue :: ClSimplexSolver -> ClVariable -> Double -> IO ()
-- endEdit :: ClSimplexSolver -> IO ()
-- resolve :: ClSimplexSolver -> IO ()
-- -- addPointStays :: ClSimplexSolver -> [(ClVariable, ClVariable)] -> IO () ?
-- setAutoSolve :: ClSimplexSolver -> Boolean -> IO ()
-- isAutoSolving :: ClSimplexSolver -> IO Boolean
-- solve :: ClSimplexSolver -> IO ()
-- reset :: ClSimplexSolver -> IO ()
| athanclark/cassowary-haskell | src/Linear/Cassowary/ClSimplexSolver.hs | Haskell | bsd-3-clause | 761 |
module Util.Sort (quicksort) where
quicksort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
quicksort [] = []
quicksort (x:xs) = quicksort left ++ [x] ++ quicksort right
where left = [ y | y <- xs, y <= x ]
right = [ y | y <- xs, x < y ]
| masateruk/haskell-dev-env | Util/Sort.hs | Haskell | bsd-3-clause | 232 |
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{- |
Description: low-level SMTP communciation.
module Network.Mail.SMTP.SMTPRaw (
, smtpConnect
, smtpSendCommand
, smtpSendCommandAndWait
, smtpSendRaw
, smtpGetReplyLines
, smtpDisconnect
) where
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (pack, unpack)
import Network
import Network.Socket
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8
import System.IO
import Network.Mail.SMTP.ReplyLine
import Network.Mail.SMTP.Types
-- | An SMTPRaw has arbitrary push/pull/close methods, and ALWAYS a Handle,
-- but that Handle is not assumed to be the direct means by which we push
-- pull or close. This is for STARTTLS support.
data SMTPRaw = SMTPRaw {
smtpPush :: B.ByteString -> IO ()
, smtpPull :: IO B.ByteString
, smtpClose :: IO ()
, smtpHandle :: Handle
-- | Try to open an SMTPRaw, taking the server greeting as well.
-- No exception handling is performed.
smtpConnect :: String -> Int -> IO (SMTPRaw, Maybe Greeting)
smtpConnect host port = do
handle <- connectTo host (PortNumber $ fromIntegral port)
greet <- parseWith (B.hGetSome handle 2048) greeting ""
let push = B.hPut handle
let pull = B.hGetSome handle 2048
let close = hClose handle
return $ (SMTPRaw push pull close handle, maybeResult greet)
-- | Send an SMTP command and wait for the reply.
-- You get Nothing in case the reply does not parse.
-- No exception handling is performed.
smtpSendCommandAndWait :: SMTPRaw -> Command -> IO (Maybe [ReplyLine])
smtpSendCommandAndWait smtpraw cmd = do
smtpSendCommand smtpraw cmd
smtpGetReplyLines smtpraw
-- | Send an SMTP command.
-- No exception handling is performed.
smtpSendCommand :: SMTPRaw -> Command -> IO ()
smtpSendCommand smtpraw cmd = do
smtpSendRaw smtpraw (toByteString cmd)
smtpSendRaw smtpraw (pack "\r\n")
-- | Send a raw byte string. Use with care. No exception handling is performed.
smtpSendRaw :: SMTPRaw -> B.ByteString -> IO ()
smtpSendRaw = smtpPush
-- | Try to read ReplyLines from the SMTPRaw.
-- No exception handling is performed.
smtpGetReplyLines :: SMTPRaw -> IO (Maybe [ReplyLine])
smtpGetReplyLines smtpraw = do
replies <- parseWith (smtpPull smtpraw) replyLines ""
return $ maybeResult replies
-- | Close an SMTPRaw handle
-- Be sure not to use the SMTPHandle after this.
smtpDisconnect :: SMTPRaw -> IO ()
smtpDisconnect = smtpClose
| avieth/smtp-mail-ng | Network/Mail/SMTP/SMTPRaw.hs | Haskell | bsd-3-clause | 2,500 |
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, QuasiQuotes, TemplateHaskell #-}
-- |
-- Template Haskell to generate defaultMain with a list of "Test" from
-- \"doc_test\", \"case_\<somthing\>\", and \"prop_\<somthing\>\".
-- An example of source code (Data/MySet.hs):
-- > {-| Creating a set from a list. O(N log N)
-- >
-- > >>> empty == fromList []
-- > True
-- > >>> singleton 'a' == fromList ['a']
-- > True
-- > >>> fromList [5,3,5] == fromList [5,3]
-- > True
-- > -}
-- >
-- > fromList :: Ord a => [a] -> RBTree a
-- > fromList = foldl' (flip insert) empty
-- An example of test code in the src directory (test/Test.hs):
-- > {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-- > module Main where
-- >
-- > import Test.Framework.TH.Prime
-- > import Test.Framework.Providers.DocTest
-- > import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit
-- > import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2
-- > import Test.QuickCheck2
-- > import Test.HUnit
-- >
-- > import Data.MySet
-- >
-- > main :: IO ()
-- > main = $(defaultMainGenerator)
-- >
-- > doc_test :: DocTests
-- > doc_test = docTest ["../Data/MySet.hs"] ["-i.."]
-- >
-- > prop_toList :: [Int] -> Bool
-- > prop_toList xs = ordered ys
-- > where
-- > ys = toList . fromList $ xs
-- > ordered (x:y:xys) = x <= y && ordered (y:xys)
-- > ordered _ = True
-- >
-- > case_ticket4242 :: Assertion
-- > case_ticket4242 = (valid $ deleteMin $ deleteMin $ fromList [0,2,5,1,6,4,8,9,7,11,10,3]) @?= True
-- And run:
-- > test% runghc -i.. Test.hs
-- "defaultMainGenerator" generates the following:
-- > main = do
-- > TestGroup _ doctests <- docTest ["../Data/MySet.hs"] ["-i.."]
-- > defaultMain [
-- > testGroup "Doc tests" doctests
-- > , testGroup "Unit tests" [
-- > testCase "case_ticket4242" case_ticket4242
-- > ]
-- > , testGroup "Property tests" [
-- > testProperty "prop_toList" prop_toList
-- > ]
-- > ]
-- Note: examples in haddock document is only used as unit tests at this
-- moment. I hope that properties of QuickCheck2 can also be specified in
-- haddock document in the future. I guess it's Haskell way of Behavior
-- Driven Development.
module Test.Framework.TH.Prime (
, DocTests
) where
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Control.Applicative
import Language.Haskell.TH hiding (Match)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax hiding (Match)
import Test.Framework (defaultMain)
import Test.Framework.Providers.API
import Test.Framework.TH.Prime.Parser
-- | Type for \"doc_test\".
type DocTests = IO Test
Generating defaultMain with a list of "Test" from \"doc_test\",
\"case_\<somthing\>\", and \"prop_\<somthing\>\".
defaultMainGenerator :: ExpQ
defaultMainGenerator = do
defined <- isDefined docTestKeyword
if defined then [|
do TestGroup _ doctests <- $(docTests)
let (unittests, proptests) = $(unitPropTests)
defaultMain [ testGroup "Doc tests" doctests
, testGroup "Unit tests" unittests
, testGroup "Property tests" proptests
|] else [|
do let (unittests, proptests) = $(unitPropTests)
defaultMain [ testGroup "Unit tests" unittests
, testGroup "Property tests" proptests
-- code from Hiromi Ishii
isDefined :: String -> Q Bool
isDefined n = return False `recover` do
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2, 11, 0)
VarI (Name _ flavour) _ _ <- reify (mkName n)
VarI (Name _ flavour) _ _ _ <- reify (mkName n)
modul <- loc_module <$> location
case flavour of
NameG ns _ mdl -> return (ns == VarName && modString mdl == modul)
_ -> return False
docTestKeyword :: String
docTestKeyword = "doc_test"
docTests :: ExpQ
docTests = return $ symbol docTestKeyword
| kazu-yamamoto/test-framework-th-prime | Test/Framework/TH/Prime.hs | Haskell | bsd-3-clause | 4,160 |
module AI.MathTmp
import Data.List
-- Math functions copied from Math.Statistics because the whole thing wouldn't compile
mean :: Floating a => [a] -> a
mean x = fst $ foldl' (\(m, n) x -> (m+(x-m)/(n+1),n+1)) (0,0) x
-- mean x = fst $ foldl' (\(!m, !n) x -> (m+(x-m)/(n+1),n+1)) (0,0) x
-- |Arbitrary quantile q of an unsorted list. The quantile /q/ of /N/
-- |data points is the point whose (zero-based) index in the sorted
-- |data set is closest to /q(N-1)/.
quantile :: (Fractional b, Ord b) => Double -> [b] -> b
quantile q = quantileAsc q . sort
-- |As 'quantile' specialized for sorted data
quantileAsc :: (Fractional b, Ord b) => Double -> [b] -> b
quantileAsc _ [] = error "quantile on empty list"
quantileAsc q xs
| q < 0 || q > 1 = error "quantile out of range"
| otherwise = xs !! (quantIndex (length xs) q)
where quantIndex :: Int -> Double -> Int
quantIndex len q = case round $ q * (fromIntegral len - 1) of
idx | idx < 0 -> error "Quantile index too small"
| idx >= len -> error "Quantile index too large"
| otherwise -> idx
-- |Standard deviation of sample
stddev :: (Floating a) => [a] -> a
stddev xs = sqrt $ var xs
-- |Sample variance
var xs = (var' 0 0 0 xs) / (fromIntegral $ length xs - 1)
var' _ _ s [] = s
var' m n s (x:xs) = var' nm (n + 1) (s + delta * (x - nm)) xs
delta = x - m
nm = m + delta/(fromIntegral $ n + 1) | mikeizbicki/Classification | src/AI/MathTmp.hs | Haskell | bsd-3-clause | 1,562 |
, TemplateHaskell
, ScopedTypeVariables
, FlexibleInstances
, FlexibleContexts
, UndecidableInstances
module Spire.Canonical.Checker where
import Control.Monad.Except
import Unbound.LocallyNameless hiding ( Spine )
import Spire.Canonical.Types
import Spire.Canonical.Evaluator
import Spire.Surface.PrettyPrinter
import Spire.Canonical.InitialEnv
recheckProg :: VProg -> SpireM ()
recheckProg [] = return ()
recheckProg (VDef _ a _A : xs) = do
checkV _A VType
checkV a _A
recheckProg xs
return ()
checkV :: Value -> Type -> SpireM ()
checkV VTT VUnit = return ()
checkV VTT _ = throwError "Ill-typed!"
checkV VTrue VBool = return ()
checkV VTrue _ = throwError "Ill-typed!"
checkV VFalse VBool = return ()
checkV VFalse _ = throwError "Ill-typed!"
checkV (VQuotes _) VString = return ()
checkV (VQuotes _) _ = throwError "Ill-typed!"
checkV VNil VEnum = return ()
checkV VNil _ = throwError "Ill-typed!"
checkV VUnit VType = return ()
checkV VUnit _ = throwError "Ill-typed!"
checkV VBool VType = return ()
checkV VBool _ = throwError "Ill-typed!"
checkV VString VType = return ()
checkV VString _ = throwError "Ill-typed!"
checkV VEnum VType = return ()
checkV VEnum _ = throwError "Ill-typed!"
checkV VTel VType = return ()
checkV VTel _ = throwError "Ill-typed!"
checkV VType VType = return ()
checkV VType _ = throwError "Ill-typed!"
checkV (VDesc _I) VType = checkV _I VType
checkV (VDesc _I) _ = throwError "Ill-typed!"
checkV (VTag _E) VType = checkV _E VEnum
checkV (VTag _E) _ = throwError "Ill-typed!"
checkV VHere (VTag (VCons l _E)) = return ()
checkV VHere _ = throwError "Ill-typed!"
checkV (VThere t) (VTag (VCons l _E)) = checkV t (VTag _E)
checkV (VThere _) _ = throwError "Ill-typed!"
checkV (VEq _A a _B b) VType = do
checkV _A VType
checkV a _A
checkV _B VType
checkV b _B
checkV (VEq _ _ _ _) _ =
throwError "Ill-typed!"
checkV (VSg _A _B) VType = do
checkV _A VType
checkVExtend _A _B VType
checkV (VSg _A _B) _ =
throwError "Ill-typed!"
checkV (VPi _A _B) VType = do
checkV _A VType
checkVExtend _A _B VType
checkV (VPi _A _B) _ =
throwError "Ill-typed!"
checkV (VFix l _P _I _D p i) VType = do
checkV l VString
checkV _P VType
checkV _I VType
checkV _D $ VDesc _I
checkV p _P
checkV i _I
checkV (VFix l _P _I _D p i) _ =
throwError "Ill-typed!"
checkV (VCons x xs) VEnum = do
checkV x VString
checkV xs VEnum
checkV (VCons x xs) _ =
throwError "Ill-typed!"
checkV (VLam bnd_b) (VPi _A bnd_B) = do
(nm_a , b) <- unbind bnd_b
_B <- bnd_B `sub` vVar nm_a
extendCtx nm_a _A $ checkV b _B
checkV (VLam _) _ =
throwError "Ill-typed!"
checkV (VPair a b) (VSg _A _B) = do
checkV a _A
checkV b =<< _B `sub` a
checkV (VPair _ _) _ =
throwError "Ill-typed!"
checkV VRefl (VEq _A a _B b) = do
unless (_A == _B) $
throwError "Ill-typed!"
unless (a == b) $
throwError "Ill-typed!"
checkV VRefl _ =
throwError "Ill-typed!"
checkV VEmp VTel = return ()
checkV VEmp _ = throwError "Ill-typed!"
checkV (VExt _A _B) VTel = do
checkV _A VType
checkVExtend _A _B VTel
checkV (VExt _A _B) _ =
throwError "Ill-typed!"
checkV (VEnd i) (VDesc _I) = do
checkV i _I
checkV (VEnd i) _ =
throwError "Ill-typed!"
checkV (VRec i _D) (VDesc _I) = do
checkV i _I
checkV _D (VDesc _I)
checkV (VRec i _D) _ =
throwError "Ill-typed!"
checkV (VArg _A _B) (VDesc _I) = do
checkV _A VType
checkVExtend _A _B (VDesc _I)
checkV (VArg _A _B) _ =
throwError "Ill-typed!"
checkV (VInit xs) (VFix l _P _I _D p i) = do
let _X = vBind "i" (\j -> VFix l _P _I _D p j)
checkV xs =<< _D `elim` EFunc _I _X i
checkV (VInit xs) _ =
throwError "Ill-typed!"
checkV x@(VNeut nm fs) _A = do
_A' <- inferN nm fs
unless (_A == _A') $
throwError $ "Ill-typed, checked type not equal to inferred type!\n\n" ++
"Checked type:\n" ++ prettyPrint _A ++
"\nInferred type:\n" ++ prettyPrint _A' ++
"\nValue:\n" ++ prettyPrint x
inferN :: Nom -> Spine -> SpireM Type
inferN nm Id = lookupType nm
inferN nm (Pipe fs (EApp a)) = do
_AB <- inferN nm fs
case _AB of
VPi _A _B -> do
checkV a _A
_B `sub` a
_ -> throwError "Ill-typed!"
inferN nm (Pipe fs (EElimUnit _P ptt)) = do
checkVExtend VUnit _P VType
let u = VNeut nm fs
checkV u VUnit
_P `sub` u
inferN nm (Pipe fs (EElimBool _P ptrue pfalse)) = do
checkVExtend VBool _P VType
checkV ptrue =<< _P `sub` VTrue
checkV pfalse =<< _P `sub` VFalse
let b = VNeut nm fs
checkV b VBool
_P `sub` b
inferN nm (Pipe fs (EElimEq _A x _P prefl y)) = do
checkV _A VType
checkV x _A
checkVP _A x _P
checkV prefl =<< _P `sub2` (x , VRefl)
checkV y _A
let q = VNeut nm fs
checkV q (VEq _A x _A y)
_P `sub2` (y , q)
checkVP :: Type -> Value -> Bind Nom2 Value -> SpireM ()
checkVP _A x bnd_P = do
((y , q) , _P) <- unbind bnd_P
extendCtx y _A $ extendCtx q (VEq _A x _A (vVar y)) $ checkV _P VType
inferN nm (Pipe fs (EElimPair _A _B _P ppair)) = do
checkV _A VType
checkVExtend _A _B VType
checkVExtend (VSg _A _B) _P VType
checkVppair _A _B _P ppair
let ab = VNeut nm fs
checkV ab (VSg _A _B)
_P `sub` ab
checkVppair :: Type -> Bind Nom Type -> Bind Nom Type -> Bind Nom2 Value -> SpireM ()
checkVppair _A _B _P bnd_ppair = do
((a , b) , ppair) <- unbind bnd_ppair
_Ba <- _B `sub` vVar a
_Ppair <- _P `sub` VPair (vVar a) (vVar b)
extendCtx a _A $ extendCtx b _Ba $ checkV ppair _Ppair
inferN nm (Pipe fs (EElimEnum _P pnil pcons)) = do
let xs = VNeut nm fs
checkV xs VEnum
checkVExtend VEnum _P VType
checkV pnil =<< _P `sub` VNil
checkVpcons _P pcons
_P `sub` xs
checkVpcons :: Bind Nom Type -> Bind Nom3 Value -> SpireM ()
checkVpcons _P bnd_pcons = do
((nm_x , nm_xs , nm_pxs) , pcons) <- unbind bnd_pcons
_Pxs <- _P `sub` vVar nm_xs
_Pcons <- _P `sub` VCons (vVar nm_x) (vVar nm_xs)
extendCtx nm_x VString $ extendCtx nm_xs VEnum $ extendCtx nm_pxs _Pxs $ checkV pcons _Pcons
inferN nm (Pipe fs (EElimTel _P pemp pext)) = do
checkVExtend VTel _P VType
checkV pemp =<< _P `sub` VEmp
checkVpext _P pext
let _T = VNeut nm fs
checkV _T VTel
_P `sub` _T
checkVpext :: Bind Nom Type -> Bind Nom3 Value -> SpireM ()
checkVpext _P bnd_pext = do
((_A , _B , pb) , pext) <- unbind bnd_pext
let nm_a = "a"
_Ba <- _P `sub` vApp' _B (var nm_a)
let _PB = VPi (vVar _A) (sbind nm_a _Ba)
_PExt <- _P `sub` VExt (vVar _A) (fbind' _B nm_a)
extendCtx _A VType $ extendCtx _B (vVar _A `vArr` VTel) $ extendCtx pb _PB $ checkV pext _PExt
inferN nm (Pipe fs (EElimDesc _I _P pend prec parg)) = do
let _D = VNeut nm fs
checkV _I VType
checkV _D (VDesc _I)
checkVExtend (VDesc _I) _P VType
checkVpend _I _P pend
checkVprec _I _P prec
checkVparg _I _P parg
_P `sub` _D
checkVpend :: Value -> Bind Nom Type -> Bind Nom Value -> SpireM ()
checkVpend _I _P bnd_pend = do
(i , pend) <- unbind bnd_pend
_Pi <- _P `sub` VEnd (vVar i)
extendCtx i _I $ checkV pend _Pi
checkVprec :: Value -> Bind Nom Type -> Bind Nom3 Value -> SpireM ()
checkVprec _I _P bnd_prec = do
((i , _D , pd) , prec) <- unbind bnd_prec
_PD <- _P `sub` (vVar _D)
_PRec <- _P `sub` VRec (vVar i) (vVar _D)
extendCtx i _I $ extendCtx _D (VDesc _I) $ extendCtx pd _PD $ checkV prec _PRec
checkVparg :: Value -> Bind Nom Type -> Bind Nom3 Value -> SpireM ()
checkVparg _I _P bnd_parg = do
((_A , _B , pb) , parg) <- unbind bnd_parg
let nm_a = "a"
_Ba <- _P `sub` vApp' _B (var nm_a)
let _PB = VPi (vVar _A) (sbind nm_a _Ba)
_PArg <- _P `sub` VArg (vVar _A) (fbind' _B nm_a)
extendCtx _A VType $ extendCtx _B (vVar _A `vArr` VDesc _I) $ extendCtx pb _PB $ checkV parg _PArg
inferN nm (Pipe fs (EFunc _I _X i)) = do
checkV _I VType
let _D = VNeut nm fs
checkV _D (VDesc _I)
checkVExtend _I _X VType
checkV i _I
return VType
inferN nm (Pipe fs (EHyps _I _X _M i xs)) = do
checkV _I VType
let _D = VNeut nm fs
checkV _D (VDesc _I)
checkVExtend _I _X VType
checkVM _I _X _M
checkV i _I
checkV xs =<< _D `elim` EFunc _I _X i
return VType
inferN nm (Pipe fs (EProve _I _X _M m i xs)) = do
checkV _I VType
let _D = VNeut nm fs
checkV _D (VDesc _I)
checkVExtend _I _X VType
checkVM _I _X _M
checkVm _I _X _M m
checkV i _I
checkV xs =<< _D `elim` EFunc _I _X i
_D `elim` EHyps _I _X _M i xs
checkVm :: Type -> Bind Nom Type -> Bind Nom2 Type -> Bind Nom2 Type -> SpireM ()
checkVm _I _X _M bnd_m = do
((i , x) , m) <- unbind bnd_m
_Xi <- _X `sub` vVar i
_Mix <- _M `sub2` (vVar i , vVar x)
extendCtx i _I $ extendCtx x _Xi $ checkV m _Mix
inferN nm (Pipe fs (EInd l _P _I _D p _M m i)) = do
checkV l VString
checkV _P VType
checkV _I VType
checkV _D (VDesc _I)
checkV p _P
checkVM l _P _I _D p i _M
checkVm l _P _I _D p i _M m
checkV i _I
let x = VNeut nm fs
checkV x (VFix l _P _I _D p i)
_M `sub2` (i , x)
checkVM :: Value -> Type -> Type -> Value -> Value -> Value -> Bind Nom2 Type -> SpireM ()
checkVM l _P _I _D p i bnd_M = do
((i , x) , _M) <- unbind bnd_M
let _X = VFix l _P _I _D p (vVar i)
extendCtx i _I $ extendCtx x _X $ checkV _M VType
checkVm :: Value -> Type -> Type -> Value -> Value -> Value -> Bind Nom2 Type -> Bind Nom3 Type -> SpireM ()
checkVm l _P _I _D p i _M bnd_m = do
((i , xs , ihs) , m) <- unbind bnd_m
let _X = vBind "i" (\j -> VFix l _P _I _D p j)
_Xs <- _D `elim` EFunc _I _X (vVar i)
_IHs <- _D `elim` EHyps _I _X _M (vVar i) (vVar xs)
_Mix <- _M `sub2` (vVar i , VInit (vVar xs))
extendCtx i _I $ extendCtx xs _Xs $ extendCtx ihs _IHs $ checkV m _Mix
inferN nm (Pipe fs (EBranches _P)) = do
let _E = VNeut nm fs
checkV _E VEnum
checkVExtend (VTag _E) _P VType
return VType
inferN nm (Pipe fs (ECase _E _P cs)) = do
let t = VNeut nm fs
checkV _E VEnum
checkV t (VTag _E)
checkVExtend (VTag _E) _P VType
checkV cs =<< _E `elim` EBranches _P
_P `sub` t
checkVM :: Type -> Bind Nom Type -> Bind Nom2 Type -> SpireM ()
checkVM _I _X bnd_M = do
((i , x) , _M) <- unbind bnd_M
_Xi <- _X `sub` vVar i
extendCtx i _I $ extendCtx x _Xi $ checkV _M VType
checkVExtend :: Type -> Bind Nom Value -> Type -> SpireM ()
checkVExtend _A bnd_b _B = do
(x , b) <- unbind bnd_b
extendCtx x _A $ checkV b _B
---------------------------------------------------------------------- | spire/spire | src/Spire/Canonical/Checker.hs | Haskell | bsd-3-clause | 11,060 |
module Parser where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
newtype Parser a = Parser (String -> [(a, String)])
apply :: Parser a -> String -> [(a, String)]
apply (Parser f) s = f s
parse :: Parser a -> String -> a
parse m s = one [x | (x, t) <- apply m s, t== ""]
one [] = error "no parse"
one [x] = x
one xs | length xs > 1 = error "ambiguous parse"
instance Functor Parser where
fmap = liftM
instance Applicative Parser where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad Parser where
return x = Parser (\s->[(x,s)])
m >>= k = Parser( \s->
[ (y, u) |
(x, t) <-apply m s,
(y, u) <-apply (k x) t
instance Alternative Parser where
empty = mzero
(<|>) = mplus
instance MonadPlus Parser where
mzero = Parser (\s-> [])
mplus m n = Parser (\s -> apply m s ++ apply n s)
char :: Parser Char
char = Parser$ \s ->
case s of
[] -> mzero
(x:xs) -> return (x,xs)
--Parser.apply char "aaa"
spot::(Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char
spot f = char >>= \c -> guard (f c) >>= \_->return c
--Parser.apply (spot isDigit) "123"
parseDigit :: Parser Char
parseDigit = spot isDigit
token:: Char -> Parser Char
token c = spot (==c)
--Parser.apply (token 'a') "123"
addsth :: Parser String
--addsth = spot isDigit >>= \a->return (a:[])
addsth = spot isDigit >>= \a->token '+'>>= \b->spot isDigit >>= \c-> return $show a ++ "+" ++ show c
--Parser.apply addsth "1+2ddd"
matchEx2 :: String -> Parser String
matchEx2 (x:xs) = do
y <- token x
ys <- match xs
return $y : ys
matchEx :: String -> Parser String
matchEx s = sequence (map token s)
-- Parser.apply (matchEx "aa") "aa123"
match :: String -> Parser String
match = mapM token
-- Parser.apply (matchEx2 "aa") "aa123"
test :: Parser [String]
test =
return []
--Parser.apply test "123"
star :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
star p = plusEx p `mplus` return []
-- Parser.apply (star $ spot isDigit) "123"
plus :: Parser a -> Parser[a]
plus p =
p >>= \x -> star p >>= \xs -> return $ x : xs
-- Parser.apply (plus $ spot isDigit) "123"
-- parse (plus $ spot isDigit) "123"
plusEx :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
plusEx a = do
x <- a
xs <- star a
return $ x:xs
-- Parser.apply (plusEx $ spot isDigit) "123"
--Parser.apply (star $ token 'a' `mplus` token 'b') "a1234"
parseNat :: Parser Int
parseNat = plus parseDigit >>= \s-> return $ read s
--Parser.apply parseNat "1234"
parseNeg :: Parser Int
parseNeg = token '-' >> parseNat >>= \n -> return $ -n
--Parser.apply parseNat "1234"
parseInt :: Parser Int
parseInt = parseNat `mplus` parseNeg
--Parser.apply parseInt "-1234"
--Parser.apply parseInt "1234"
| bzhkl/MonadTry | LibParser/Parser.hs | Haskell | bsd-3-clause | 2,792 |
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Network.DNS.Cache.Cache (
, newCacheRef
, lookupCacheRef
, insertCacheRef
, pruneCacheRef
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Data.IORef (newIORef, readIORef, atomicModifyIORef', IORef)
import Data.OrdPSQ (OrdPSQ)
import qualified Data.OrdPSQ as PSQ
import Network.DNS.Cache.Types
type PSQ = OrdPSQ
newtype CacheRef = CacheRef (IORef (PSQ Key Prio Entry))
newCacheRef :: IO CacheRef
newCacheRef = CacheRef <$> newIORef PSQ.empty
lookupCacheRef :: Key -> CacheRef -> IO (Maybe (Prio, Entry))
lookupCacheRef key (CacheRef ref) = PSQ.lookup key <$> readIORef ref
insertCacheRef :: Key -> Prio -> Entry -> CacheRef -> IO ()
insertCacheRef key tim ent (CacheRef ref) =
atomicModifyIORef' ref $ \q -> (PSQ.insert key tim ent q, ())
pruneCacheRef :: Prio -> CacheRef -> IO ()
pruneCacheRef tim (CacheRef ref) =
atomicModifyIORef' ref $ \p -> (snd (PSQ.atMostView tim p), ())
| kazu-yamamoto/concurrent-dns-cache | Network/DNS/Cache/Cache.hs | Haskell | bsd-3-clause | 957 |
-- generated by derive.hs
module Prose.Internal.GraphemeBreakTest where
graphemebreaktest = [
[" "," "],
[" \776"," "],
[" ","\r"],
[" \776","\r"],
[" ","\n"],
[" \776","\n"],
[" ","\SOH"],
[" \776","\SOH"],
[" \768"],
[" \776\768"],
[" \2307"],
[" \776\2307"],
[" ","\4352"],
[" \776","\4352"],
[" ","\4448"],
[" \776","\4448"],
[" ","\4520"],
[" \776","\4520"],
[" ","\44032"],
[" \776","\44032"],
[" ","\44033"],
[" \776","\44033"],
[" ","\127462"],
[" \776","\127462"],
[" ","\888"],
[" \776","\888"],
[" ","\55296"],
[" \776","\55296"],
["\r"," "],
["\r","\776"," "],
["\n"," "],
["\n","\776"," "],
["\SOH"," "],
["\SOH","\776"," "],
["\768"," "],
["\768\776"," "],
["\2307"," "],
["\2307\776"," "],
["\4352"," "],
["\4352\776"," "],
["\4448"," "],
["\4448\776"," "],
["\4520"," "],
["\4520\776"," "],
["\44032"," "],
["\44032\776"," "],
["\44033"," "],
["\44033\776"," "],
["\127462"," "],
["\127462\776"," "],
["\888"," "],
["\888\776"," "],
["\55296"," "],
["\55296","\776"," "],
[" \8205","\1606"],
["\1606\8205"," "] ]
| llelf/prose | Prose/Internal/GraphemeBreakTest.hs | Haskell | bsd-3-clause | 9,759 |
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- (c) The University of Glasgow, 2011
-- Generate code to initialise cost centres
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
module ProfInit (profilingInitCode) where
import GhcPrelude
import GHC.Cmm.CLabel
import CostCentre
import DynFlags
import Outputable
import Module
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Initialising cost centres
-- We must produce declarations for the cost-centres defined in this
-- module;
profilingInitCode :: Module -> CollectedCCs -> SDoc
profilingInitCode this_mod (local_CCs, singleton_CCSs)
= sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags ->
if not (gopt Opt_SccProfilingOn dflags)
then empty
else vcat
$ map emit_cc_decl local_CCs
++ map emit_ccs_decl singleton_CCSs
++ [emit_cc_list local_CCs]
++ [emit_ccs_list singleton_CCSs]
++ [ text "static void prof_init_" <> ppr this_mod
<> text "(void) __attribute__((constructor));"
, text "static void prof_init_" <> ppr this_mod <> text "(void)"
, braces (vcat
[ text "registerCcList" <> parens local_cc_list_label <> semi
, text "registerCcsList" <> parens singleton_cc_list_label <> semi
emit_cc_decl cc =
text "extern CostCentre" <+> cc_lbl <> text "[];"
where cc_lbl = ppr (mkCCLabel cc)
local_cc_list_label = text "local_cc_" <> ppr this_mod
emit_cc_list ccs =
text "static CostCentre *" <> local_cc_list_label <> text "[] ="
<+> braces (vcat $ [ ppr (mkCCLabel cc) <> comma
| cc <- ccs
] ++ [text "NULL"])
<> semi
emit_ccs_decl ccs =
text "extern CostCentreStack" <+> ccs_lbl <> text "[];"
where ccs_lbl = ppr (mkCCSLabel ccs)
singleton_cc_list_label = text "singleton_cc_" <> ppr this_mod
emit_ccs_list ccs =
text "static CostCentreStack *" <> singleton_cc_list_label <> text "[] ="
<+> braces (vcat $ [ ppr (mkCCSLabel cc) <> comma
| cc <- ccs
] ++ [text "NULL"])
<> semi
| sdiehl/ghc | compiler/profiling/ProfInit.hs | Haskell | bsd-3-clause | 2,228 |
module Graphics.Volume.MarchingCubes where
import Graphics.Volume.MarchingCubesTables
import Numeric.ScalarField
import Control.Lens
import Data.Bits
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Linear
-- | Calculates the isosurface of a scalar field in three dimensional euclidian space.
marchingCubes :: (Enum a, Ord a, Epsilon a, Floating a, ScalarField s (V3 a) (V3 a) a)
=> s -- ^ the isosurface
-> a -- ^ iso level
-> V3 a -- ^ region origin
-> V3 Int -- ^ number of cubes in each direction
-> a -- ^ cube size
-> [[(V3 a, V3 a)]] -- ^ a list of triangle vertices consisting of position and normal
marchingCubes field isoLevel (V3 x0 y0 z0) (V3 nx ny nz) cubeSize
= map handleCube positions
-- positions of all cubes in the specified region
positions =
[V3 (x0 + cubeSize * realToFrac x) (y0 + cubeSize * realToFrac y) (z0 + cubeSize * realToFrac z)
| x <- [0..nx-1]
, y <- [0..ny-1]
, z <- []
-- returns gradient and density in the scalar field as 4 dimensional vector
valueAndGradientAt pos =
case gradientAt field pos of
V3 x y z -> V4 x y z (valueAt field pos)
-- calculate corners and values of cube
handleCube pos =
let corners = cubeCorners cubeSize pos
values = valueAndGradientAt corners
in generateMesh isoLevel corners values
-- | Calculates the cornes of a cube
cubeCorners :: (Num a) => a -> V3 a -> V.Vector (V3 a)
cubeCorners width (V3 x y z) = V.fromList
[ V3 x y z
, V3 (x+width) y z
, V3 (x+width) y (z+width)
, V3 x y (z+width)
, V3 x (y+width) z
, V3 (x+width) (y+width) z
, V3 (x+width) (y+width) (z+width)
, V3 x (y+width) (z+width)
-- | Calculates the intersection of an edge with the iso-surface
-- and the corresponding normal vector.
interpolate :: (Floating a, Epsilon a)
=> a -- ^ isoLevel
-> V3 a -- ^ start point of edge
-> V3 a -- ^ end point of edge
-> V4 a -- ^ start value of edge
-> V4 a -- ^ end value of edge
-> (V3 a, V3 a) -- ^ point of intersection and normal vector
interpolate isoLevel v0 v1 val0 val1
| nearZero $ val0 ^. _w - isoLevel = (v0, val1 ^. _xyz)
| nearZero $ val1 ^. _w - isoLevel = (v1, val1 ^. _xyz)
| nearZero $ val1 ^. _w - val0 ^. _w = (v0, val0 ^. _xyz)
| otherwise =
( v0 ^+^ mu *^ (v1 ^-^ v0)
, normalize $ (val0 ^+^ mu *^ (val1 ^-^ val0)) ^. _xyz
) where
mu = (isoLevel - val0 ^. _w) / (val1 ^. _w - val0 ^. _w)
-- | Generates the mesh for one cube.
generateMesh :: (Ord a, Floating a, Epsilon a)
=> a -- ^ iso level
-> V.Vector (V3 a) -- ^ cube corner positions
-> V.Vector (V4 a) -- ^ cube corner values (gradient + density)
-> [(V3 a, V3 a)] -- ^ list of triangle vertices with corresponding normal vectors
generateMesh isoLevel corners values = concatMap (vectorToList . fmap (intersections V.!)) triangles where
-- index of cube in the lookup tables
cubeIndex = V.ifoldl' (\idx i v -> if v ^. _w >= isoLevel then idx .|. (1 `shiftL` i) else idx) 0 values
triangles = mcTriangles V.! cubeIndex
-- indices of corners participating in the respective edges
edges = [(0,1), (1,2), (2,3), (3,0), (4,5), (5,6), (6,7), (7,4), (0,4), (1,5), (2,6), (3,7)]
-- lazy vector of interpolated intersections
intersections = V.fromList
[ interpolate isoLevel (corners V.! i) (corners V.! j) (values V.! i) (values V.! j)
| (i,j) <- edges ]
-- | returns the elements of the vector as list
vectorToList :: V3 a -> [a]
vectorToList (V3 x y z) = [x,y,z] | fatho/volume | src/Graphics/Volume/MarchingCubes.hs | Haskell | bsd-3-clause | 3,878 |
module IA.GA
, GenoTypes
, PhenoType
, Population
, Select
, CrossOver
, Mutate
, Fitness
, FitnessType(..)
, mkFitness
, mkSelect
, mkCrossOver
, mkMutate
, binaryTournament
, runGA
, randomRSt
, randomSt
, GeneBits(..)
, mutateBits
, crossOverBits
, mutateSeq
, crossOverSeq
) where
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Bits ((.&.), (.|.))
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Sequence ((|>),(><),ViewL(..))
import Data.Traversable as T
import System.Random
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import qualified Data.Bits as B
import qualified Data.Sequence as S
type GenoType a = a
type GenoTypes a = S.Seq (GenoType a)
type PhenoType a b = (GenoType a, b)
type Population a b = S.Seq (PhenoType a b)
data Select a b g = Select Int (Population a b -> State g (GenoTypes a))
newtype CrossOver a g =
CrossOver (GenoTypes a -> State g (GenoTypes a))
data Mutate a g = Mutate Double (GenoType a -> State g (GenoType a))
data FitnessType = FitnessMaximize | FitnessMinimize
data Fitness a b = Fitness FitnessType (GenoType a -> b)
nextGen :: (RandomGen g, Ord b)
=> Population a b
-> Fitness a b
-> Select a b g
-> CrossOver a g
-> Mutate a g
-> State g (Population a b)
nextGen pop
fitness@(Fitness fitnessType _)
(Select eliteCount selectFun)
(CrossOver crossOverFun)
(Mutate mutateRate mutateFun) =
(sortPop fitnessType . (elitePop ><)) `fmap` newPop
where elitePop = S.take eliteCount pop
popLength = S.length pop
takeBestPop = S.take $ E.assert (popLength > eliteCount)
(popLength - eliteCount)
newGenes = selectFun pop >>= crossOverFun >>= traverse mutate
newPop = (takeBestPop . toPop fitness) `fmap` newGenes
mutate g = do
i <- randomRSt (0, 1)
if i <= mutateRate then
mutateFun g
return g
sortPop :: Ord b => FitnessType -> Population a b -> Population a b
sortPop fitnessType = S.sortBy cmp
where cmp = case fitnessType of
FitnessMaximize -> flip $ comparing snd
FitnessMinimize -> comparing snd
toPop :: Ord b => Fitness a b -> GenoTypes a -> Population a b
toPop (Fitness fitnessType fitnessFun) =
sortPop fitnessType . fmap (\x -> (x, fitnessFun x))
runGA :: (RandomGen g, Ord b)
=> g
-> Int
-> GenoTypes a
-> Fitness a b
-> Select a b g
-> CrossOver a g
-> Mutate a g
-> GenoType a
runGA rgen iterNb initialGenes fitness select crossOver mutate =
let initialPop = toPop fitness initialGenes
runNextGen p = nextGen p fitness select crossOver mutate
finalGenoType = (fst . headSeq) `fmap` iterM iterNb runNextGen initialPop
evalState finalGenoType rgen
iterM :: (Monad m) => Int -> (a -> m a) -> a -> m a
iterM 0 _ a = return a
iterM n f a = f a >>= iterM (n - 1) f
headSeq :: S.Seq a -> a
headSeq s = h
where (h :< _) = S.viewl s
tailSeq :: S.Seq a -> S.Seq a
tailSeq s = t
where (_ :< t) = S.viewl s
randomSt :: (RandomGen g, Random a) => State g a
randomSt = state random
randomRSt :: (RandomGen g, Random a) => (a, a) -> State g a
randomRSt a = state $ randomR a
binaryTournament :: (RandomGen g, Ord b) => Population a b -> State g (GenoType a)
binaryTournament pop = do
let l = S.length pop
l' = E.assert (l > 0) (l - 1)
i <- randomRSt (0, l')
j <- randomRSt (0, l')
let (gi, si) = S.index pop i
(gj, sj) = S.index pop j
return $ if si > sj then gi else gj
mkSelect :: Int
-> (Population a b -> State g (GenoType a))
-> Select a b g
mkSelect eliteCount f =
Select eliteCount (\pop -> T.sequence . fmap (const $ f pop) $ pop)
mkCrossOver ::(GenoType a -> GenoType a -> State g (GenoType a))
-> CrossOver a g
mkCrossOver f = CrossOver go
where go genoTypes = T.sequence . fmap (uncurry f) $ couples
where g = genoTypes |> headSeq genoTypes
couples = g $ tailSeq g
mkMutate :: Double -> (GenoType a -> State g (GenoType a))
-> Mutate a g
mkMutate = Mutate
mkFitness :: FitnessType -> (a -> b) -> Fitness a b
mkFitness = Fitness
data GeneBits a = GeneBits !a !Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
mutateBits :: (RandomGen g, B.Bits a) => GeneBits a -> State g (GeneBits a)
mutateBits (GeneBits bits len) = do
i <- randomRSt (0, E.assert (len > 0) (len - 1))
return $ GeneBits (B.complementBit bits i) len
crossOverBits :: (RandomGen g, B.Bits a)
=> GeneBits a
-> GeneBits a
-> State g (GeneBits a)
crossOverBits g@(GeneBits _ len) g'@(GeneBits _ len') = do
i <- randomRSt (0, E.assert (len == len' && len > 0) (len - 1))
return $ mergeGeneBits g g' i
mergeGeneBits :: B.Bits a
=> GeneBits a
-> GeneBits a
-> Int
-> GeneBits a
mergeGeneBits (GeneBits bits len) (GeneBits bits' len') i =
GeneBits (mergeBits (bits .&. mask) (bits' .&. mask) i) len
where mask = B.complement $ B.shift oneBits $ E.assert (len == len') len
mergeBits :: B.Bits a => a -> a -> Int -> a
mergeBits b b' i = b .&. leftMask .|. b' .&. rightMask
where rightMask = B.shift oneBits i
leftMask = B.complement rightMask
oneBits :: B.Bits a => a
oneBits = B.complement B.zeroBits
mutateSeq :: (RandomGen g, Random a) => S.Seq a -> State g (S.Seq a)
mutateSeq xs = do
let l = S.length xs
i <- randomRSt (0, E.assert (l > 0) (l - 1))
newVal <- randomSt
return $ S.update i newVal xs
crossOverSeq :: (RandomGen g) => S.Seq a -> S.Seq a -> State g (S.Seq a)
crossOverSeq g g' = do
let l = E.assert (S.length g == S.length g') (S.length g)
i <- randomRSt (0, E.assert (l > 0) (l - 1))
return $ S.take i g >< S.drop i g'
| dlgd/GA | src/IA/GA.hs | Haskell | bsd-3-clause | 5,977 |
module Distribution.Simple.UUAGC.UUAGC(uuagcUserHook,
) where
import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths (autogenModulesDir)
import Debug.Trace
import Distribution.Simple
import Distribution.Simple.PreProcess
import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
import Distribution.Simple.Utils
import Distribution.Simple.Setup
import Distribution.PackageDescription hiding (Flag)
import Distribution.Simple.UUAGC.AbsSyn( AGFileOption(..)
, AGFileOptions
, AGOptionsClass(..)
, lookupFileOptions
, fileClasses
import Distribution.Simple.UUAGC.Parser
import Options hiding (verbose)
import Distribution.Verbosity
import System.Process( CreateProcess(..), createProcess, CmdSpec(..)
, StdStream(..), runProcess, waitForProcess
, shell)
import System.Directory(getModificationTime
import System.FilePath(pathSeparators,
import System.Exit (ExitCode(..))
import System.IO( openFile, IOMode(..),
Handle(..), stderr, hPutStr, hPutStrLn)
import System.Exit(exitFailure)
import Control.Exception (throwIO)
import Control.Monad (liftM, when, guard, forM_, forM)
import Control.Arrow ((&&&), second)
import Data.Maybe (maybeToList)
import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import Data.List (nub,intersperse)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
{-# DEPRECATED uuagcUserHook, uuagcUserHook', uuagc "Use uuagcLibUserHook instead" #-}
-- | 'uuagc' returns the name of the uuagc compiler
uuagcn = "uuagc"
-- | 'defUUAGCOptions' returns the default names of the uuagc options
defUUAGCOptions :: String
defUUAGCOptions = "uuagc_options"
-- | File used to store de classes defined in the cabal file.
agClassesFile :: String
agClassesFile = "ag_file_options"
-- | The prefix used for the cabal file optionsw
agModule :: String
agModule = "x-agmodule"
-- | The prefix used for the cabal file options used for defining classes
agClass :: String
agClass = "x-agclass"
-- | Deprecated userhook
uuagcUserHook :: UserHooks
uuagcUserHook = uuagcUserHook' uuagcn
-- | Deprecated userhook
uuagcUserHook' :: String -> UserHooks
uuagcUserHook' uuagcPath = uuagcLibUserHook (uuagcFromString uuagcPath)
-- | Create uuagc function using shell (old method)
uuagcFromString :: String -> [String] -> FilePath -> IO (ExitCode, [FilePath])
uuagcFromString uuagcPath args file = do
let argline = uuagcPath ++ concatMap (' ':) (args ++ [file])
(_, Just ppOutput, Just ppError, ph) <- createProcess (shell argline)
{ std_in = Inherit
, std_out = CreatePipe
, std_err = CreatePipe
ec <- waitForProcess ph
case ec of
ExitSuccess ->
do putErrorInfo ppError
fls <- processContent ppOutput
return (ExitSuccess, fls)
(ExitFailure exc) ->
do hPutStrLn stderr (uuagcPath ++ ": " ++ show exc)
putErrorInfo ppOutput
putErrorInfo ppError
return (ExitFailure exc, [])
-- | Main hook, argument should be uuagc function
uuagcLibUserHook :: ([String] -> FilePath -> IO (ExitCode, [FilePath])) -> UserHooks
uuagcLibUserHook uuagc = hooks where
hooks = simpleUserHooks { hookedPreProcessors = ("ag", ag):("lag",ag):knownSuffixHandlers
, buildHook = uuagcBuildHook uuagc
, sDistHook = uuagcSDistHook uuagc
ag = uuagc' uuagc
originalPreBuild = preBuild simpleUserHooks
originalBuildHook = buildHook simpleUserHooks
originalSDistHook = sDistHook simpleUserHooks
processContent :: Handle -> IO [String]
processContent = liftM words . hGetContents
putErrorInfo :: Handle -> IO ()
putErrorInfo h = hGetContents h >>= hPutStr stderr
-- | 'updateAGFile' search into the uuagc options file for a list of all
-- AG Files and theirs file dependencies in order to see if the latters
-- are more updated that the formers, and if this is the case to
-- update the AG File
updateAGFile :: ([String] -> FilePath -> IO (ExitCode, [FilePath]))
-> Map FilePath (Options, Maybe (FilePath, [String]))
-> (FilePath, (Options, Maybe (FilePath, [String])))
-> IO ()
updateAGFile _ _ (_,(_,Nothing)) = return ()
updateAGFile uuagc newOptions (file,(opts,Just (gen,sp))) = do
hasGen <- doesFileExist gen
when hasGen $ do
(ec, files) <- uuagc (optionsToString $ opts { genFileDeps = True, searchPath = sp }) file
case ec of
ExitSuccess -> do
let newOpts :: Options
newOpts = maybe noOptions fst $ Map.lookup file newOptions
optRebuild = optionsToString newOpts /= optionsToString opts
modRebuild <-
if null files
then return False
else do
flsmt <- mapM getModificationTime files
let maxModified = maximum flsmt
fmt <- getModificationTime gen
return $ maxModified > fmt
-- When some dependency is newer or options have changed, we should regenerate
when (optRebuild || modRebuild) $ removeFile gen
ex@(ExitFailure _) -> throwIO ex
getAGFileOptions :: [(String, String)] -> IO AGFileOptions
getAGFileOptions extra = do
cabalOpts <- mapM (parseOptionAG . snd) $ filter ((== agModule) . fst) extra
usesOptionsFile <- doesFileExist defUUAGCOptions
if usesOptionsFile
then do r <- parserAG' defUUAGCOptions
case r of
Left e -> die (show e)
Right a -> return $ cabalOpts ++ a
else return cabalOpts
getAGClasses :: [(String, String)] -> IO [AGOptionsClass]
getAGClasses = mapM (parseClassAG . snd) . filter ((== agClass) . fst)
writeFileOptions :: FilePath -> Map FilePath (Options, Maybe (FilePath,[String])) -> IO ()
writeFileOptions classesPath opts = do
hClasses <- openFile classesPath WriteMode
hPutStr hClasses $ show $ (\(opt,gen) -> (optionsToString opt, gen)) opts
hFlush hClasses
hClose hClasses
readFileOptions :: FilePath -> IO (Map FilePath (Options, Maybe (FilePath,[String])))
readFileOptions classesPath = do
isFile <- doesFileExist classesPath
if isFile
then do hClasses <- openFile classesPath ReadMode
sClasses <- hGetContents hClasses
classes <- readIO sClasses :: IO (Map FilePath ([String], Maybe (FilePath,[String])))
hClose hClasses
return $ (\(opt,gen) -> let (opt',_,_) = getOptions opt in (opt', gen)) classes
else return Map.empty
getOptionsFromClass :: [(String, Options)] -> AGFileOption -> ([String], Options)
getOptionsFromClass classes fOpt =
second (foldl combineOptions (opts fOpt))
. partitionEithers $ do
fClass <- fileClasses fOpt
case fClass `lookup` classes of
Just x -> return $ Right x
Nothing -> return $ Left $ "Warning: The class "
++ show fClass
++ " is not defined."
uuagcSDistHook :: ([String] -> FilePath -> IO (ExitCode, [FilePath]))
-> PackageDescription
-> Maybe LocalBuildInfo
-> UserHooks
-> SDistFlags
-> IO ()
uuagcSDistHook uuagc pd mbLbi uh df = do
case mbLbi of
Nothing -> warn normal "sdist: the local buildinfo was not present. Skipping AG initialization. Dist may fail."
Just lbi -> let classesPath = buildDir lbi </> agClassesFile
in commonHook uuagc classesPath pd lbi (sDistVerbosity df)
originalSDistHook pd mbLbi uh df
originalSDistHook pd mbLbi (uh { hookedPreProcessors = ("ag", nouuagc):("lag",nouuagc):knownSuffixHandlers }) df -- bypass preprocessors
:: ([String] -> FilePath -> IO (ExitCode, [FilePath]))
-> PackageDescription
-> LocalBuildInfo
-> UserHooks
-> BuildFlags
-> IO ()
uuagcBuildHook uuagc pd lbi uh bf = do
let classesPath = buildDir lbi </> agClassesFile
commonHook uuagc classesPath pd lbi (buildVerbosity bf)
originalBuildHook pd lbi uh bf
commonHook :: ([String] -> FilePath -> IO (ExitCode, [FilePath]))
-> FilePath
-> PackageDescription
-> LocalBuildInfo
-> Flag Verbosity
-> IO ()
commonHook uuagc classesPath pd lbi fl = do
let verbosity = fromFlagOrDefault normal fl
info verbosity $ "commonHook: Assuming AG classesPath: " ++ classesPath
createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True (buildDir lbi)
-- Read already existing options
-- Map FilePath (Options, Maybe (FilePath,[String]))
oldOptions <- readFileOptions classesPath
-- Read options from cabal and settings file
let lib = library pd
exes = executables pd
bis = map libBuildInfo (maybeToList lib) ++ map buildInfo exes
classes <- map (className &&& opts') `fmap` (getAGClasses . customFieldsPD $ pd)
configOptions <- getAGFileOptions (bis >>= customFieldsBI)
-- Construct new options map
newOptionsL <- forM configOptions (\ opt ->
let (notFound, opts) = getOptionsFromClass classes $ opt
file = normalise $ filename opt
gen = maybe Nothing snd $ Map.lookup file oldOptions
in do info verbosity $ "options for " ++ file ++ ": " ++ unwords (optionsToString opts)
forM_ notFound (hPutStrLn stderr)
return (file, (opts, gen)))
let newOptions = Map.fromList newOptionsL
writeFileOptions classesPath newOptions
-- Check if files should be regenerated
mapM_ (updateAGFile uuagc newOptions) $ Map.toList oldOptions
getAGFileList :: AGFileOptions -> [FilePath]
getAGFileList = map (normalise . filename)
uuagc :: BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> PreProcessor
uuagc = uuagc' (uuagcFromString uuagcn)
uuagc' :: ([String] -> FilePath -> IO (ExitCode, [FilePath]))
-> BuildInfo
-> LocalBuildInfo
-> PreProcessor
uuagc' uuagc build lbi =
PreProcessor {
platformIndependent = True,
runPreProcessor = mkSimplePreProcessor $ \ inFile outFile verbosity ->
do notice verbosity $ "[UUAGC] processing: " ++ inFile ++ " generating: " ++ outFile
let classesPath = buildDir lbi </> agClassesFile
info verbosity $ "uuagc-preprocessor: Assuming AG classesPath: " ++ classesPath
fileOpts <- readFileOptions classesPath
opts <- case Map.lookup inFile fileOpts of
Nothing -> do warn verbosity $ "No options found for " ++ inFile
return noOptions
Just (opt,gen) -> return opt
let search = dropFileName inFile
options = opts { searchPath = search : hsSourceDirs build ++ searchPath opts
, outputFiles = outFile : (outputFiles opts) }
(eCode,_) <- uuagc (optionsToString options) inFile
case eCode of
ExitSuccess -> writeFileOptions classesPath (Map.insert inFile (opts, Just (outFile, searchPath options)) fileOpts)
ex@(ExitFailure _) -> throwIO ex
nouuagc :: BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> PreProcessor
nouuagc build lbi =
PreProcessor {
platformIndependent = True,
runPreProcessor = mkSimplePreProcessor $ \inFile outFile verbosity -> do
info verbosity ("skipping: " ++ outFile)
| norm2782/uuagc | cabal-plugin/src/Distribution/Simple/UUAGC/UUAGC.hs | Haskell | bsd-3-clause | 12,604 |
module TestFactorial where
import Factorial
import TestUtil
ff :: Int
--ff = 2 ^ 27
ff = 6
run :: IO ()
run = do
putStrLn ("factorial1 " ++ show ff ++ " = " ++ show (factorial1 ff))
putStrLn ("factorial2 " ++ show ff ++ " = " ++ show (factorial2 ff))
| pmilne/algebra | test/TestFactorial.hs | Haskell | bsd-3-clause | 275 |
Copyright James d'Arcy 2010
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
with the distribution.
* Neither the name of James d'Arcy nor the names of other
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
from this software without specific prior written permission.
module Data.Dicom.Tag where
import Data.Word (Word32)
type DicomTag = Word32
-- | Group 0x0002 - Metadata
tRANSFER_SYNTAX_UID = 0x00020010
-- | Group 0x0008
sOP_CLASS_UID :: DicomTag
sOP_CLASS_UID = 0x00080016
sOP_INSTANCE_UID = 0x00080018
sTUDY_DATE :: DicomTag
sTUDY_DATE = 0x00080020
sERIES_DATE :: DicomTag
sERIES_DATE = 0x00080021
mODALITY :: DicomTag
mODALITY = 0x00080060
sTUDY_DESCRIPTION = 0x00081030
-- | Group 0x0010
pATIENT_NAME :: DicomTag
pATIENT_NAME = 0x00100010
-- | Group 0x0020
sTUDY_INSTANCE_UID = 0x0020000d
sERIES_INSTANCE_UID = 0x0020000e
sTUDY_ID :: DicomTag
sTUDY_ID = 0x00200010
sERIES_NUMBER = 0x00200011
-- | Group 0x0028
nUMBER_OF_FRAMES = 0x00280008
rOWS :: DicomTag
rOWS = 0x00280010
cOLUMNS :: DicomTag
cOLUMNS = 0x00280011
-- | Group 0x7fe0
pIXEL_DATA :: DicomTag
pIXEL_DATA = 0x7fe00010
| jamesdarcy/DicomH | src/Data/Dicom/Tag.hs | Haskell | bsd-3-clause | 2,638 |
(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
Error-checking and other utilities for @deriving@ clauses or declarations.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module TcDerivUtils (
DerivM, DerivEnv(..),
DerivSpec(..), pprDerivSpec,
DerivSpecMechanism(..), isDerivSpecStock,
isDerivSpecNewtype, isDerivSpecAnyClass,
DerivContext, DerivStatus(..),
PredOrigin(..), ThetaOrigin(..), mkPredOrigin,
mkThetaOrigin, mkThetaOriginFromPreds, substPredOrigin,
checkSideConditions, hasStockDeriving,
std_class_via_coercible, non_coercible_class,
newDerivClsInst, extendLocalInstEnv
) where
import GhcPrelude
import Bag
import BasicTypes
import Class
import DataCon
import DynFlags
import ErrUtils
import HscTypes (lookupFixity, mi_fix)
import HsSyn
import Inst
import InstEnv
import LoadIface (loadInterfaceForName)
import Module (getModule)
import Name
import Outputable
import PrelNames
import SrcLoc
import TcGenDeriv
import TcGenFunctor
import TcGenGenerics
import TcRnMonad
import TcType
import THNames (liftClassKey)
import TyCon
import Type
import Util
import VarSet
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
import ListSetOps (assocMaybe)
-- | To avoid having to manually plumb everything in 'DerivEnv' throughout
-- various functions in @TcDeriv@ and @TcDerivInfer@, we use 'DerivM', which
-- is a simple reader around 'TcRn'.
type DerivM = ReaderT DerivEnv TcRn
-- | Contains all of the information known about a derived instance when
-- determining what its @EarlyDerivSpec@ should be.
data DerivEnv = DerivEnv
{ denv_overlap_mode :: Maybe OverlapMode
-- ^ Is this an overlapping instance?
, denv_tvs :: [TyVar]
-- ^ Universally quantified type variables in the instance
, denv_cls :: Class
-- ^ Class for which we need to derive an instance
, denv_cls_tys :: [Type]
-- ^ Other arguments to the class except the last
, denv_tc :: TyCon
-- ^ Type constructor for which the instance is requested
-- (last arguments to the type class)
, denv_tc_args :: [Type]
-- ^ Arguments to the type constructor
, denv_rep_tc :: TyCon
-- ^ The representation tycon for 'denv_tc'
-- (for data family instances)
, denv_rep_tc_args :: [Type]
-- ^ The representation types for 'denv_tc_args'
-- (for data family instances)
, denv_mtheta :: DerivContext
-- ^ 'Just' the context of the instance, for standalone deriving.
-- 'Nothing' for @deriving@ clauses.
, denv_strat :: Maybe DerivStrategy
-- ^ 'Just' if user requests a particular deriving strategy.
-- Otherwise, 'Nothing'.
instance Outputable DerivEnv where
ppr (DerivEnv { denv_overlap_mode = overlap_mode
, denv_tvs = tvs
, denv_cls = cls
, denv_cls_tys = cls_tys
, denv_tc = tc
, denv_tc_args = tc_args
, denv_rep_tc = rep_tc
, denv_rep_tc_args = rep_tc_args
, denv_mtheta = mtheta
, denv_strat = mb_strat })
= hang (text "DerivEnv")
2 (vcat [ text "denv_overlap_mode" <+> ppr overlap_mode
, text "denv_tvs" <+> ppr tvs
, text "denv_cls" <+> ppr cls
, text "denv_cls_tys" <+> ppr cls_tys
, text "denv_tc" <+> ppr tc
, text "denv_tc_args" <+> ppr tc_args
, text "denv_rep_tc" <+> ppr rep_tc
, text "denv_rep_tc_args" <+> ppr rep_tc_args
, text "denv_mtheta" <+> ppr mtheta
, text "denv_strat" <+> ppr mb_strat ])
data DerivSpec theta = DS { ds_loc :: SrcSpan
, ds_name :: Name -- DFun name
, ds_tvs :: [TyVar]
, ds_theta :: theta
, ds_cls :: Class
, ds_tys :: [Type]
, ds_tc :: TyCon
, ds_overlap :: Maybe OverlapMode
, ds_mechanism :: DerivSpecMechanism }
-- This spec implies a dfun declaration of the form
-- df :: forall tvs. theta => C tys
-- The Name is the name for the DFun we'll build
-- The tyvars bind all the variables in the theta
-- For type families, the tycon in
-- in ds_tys is the *family* tycon
-- in ds_tc is the *representation* type
-- For non-family tycons, both are the same
-- the theta is either the given and final theta, in standalone deriving,
-- or the not-yet-simplified list of constraints together with their origin
-- ds_mechanism specifies the means by which GHC derives the instance.
-- See Note [Deriving strategies] in TcDeriv
newtype instance T [a] = MkT (Tree a) deriving( C s )
axiom T [a] = :RTList a
axiom :RTList a = Tree a
DS { ds_tvs = [a,s], ds_cls = C, ds_tys = [s, T [a]]
, ds_tc = :RTList, ds_mechanism = DerivSpecNewtype (Tree a) }
pprDerivSpec :: Outputable theta => DerivSpec theta -> SDoc
pprDerivSpec (DS { ds_loc = l, ds_name = n, ds_tvs = tvs, ds_cls = c,
ds_tys = tys, ds_theta = rhs, ds_mechanism = mech })
= hang (text "DerivSpec")
2 (vcat [ text "ds_loc =" <+> ppr l
, text "ds_name =" <+> ppr n
, text "ds_tvs =" <+> ppr tvs
, text "ds_cls =" <+> ppr c
, text "ds_tys =" <+> ppr tys
, text "ds_theta =" <+> ppr rhs
, text "ds_mechanism =" <+> ppr mech ])
instance Outputable theta => Outputable (DerivSpec theta) where
ppr = pprDerivSpec
-- What action to take in order to derive a class instance.
-- See Note [Deriving strategies] in TcDeriv
data DerivSpecMechanism
= DerivSpecStock -- "Standard" classes
(SrcSpan -> TyCon
-> [Type]
-> TcM (LHsBinds GhcPs, BagDerivStuff, [Name]))
-- This function returns three things:
-- 1. @LHsBinds GhcPs@: The derived instance's function bindings
-- (e.g., @compare (T x) (T y) = compare x y@)
-- 2. @BagDerivStuff@: Auxiliary bindings needed to support the derived
-- instance. As examples, derived 'Generic' instances require
-- associated type family instances, and derived 'Eq' and 'Ord'
-- instances require top-level @con2tag@ functions.
-- See Note [Auxiliary binders] in TcGenDeriv.
-- 3. @[Name]@: A list of Names for which @-Wunused-binds@ should be
-- suppressed. This is used to suppress unused warnings for record
-- selectors when deriving 'Read', 'Show', or 'Generic'.
-- See Note [Deriving and unused record selectors].
| DerivSpecNewtype -- -XGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
Type -- The newtype rep type
| DerivSpecAnyClass -- -XDeriveAnyClass
isDerivSpecStock, isDerivSpecNewtype, isDerivSpecAnyClass
:: DerivSpecMechanism -> Bool
isDerivSpecStock (DerivSpecStock{}) = True
isDerivSpecStock _ = False
isDerivSpecNewtype (DerivSpecNewtype{}) = True
isDerivSpecNewtype _ = False
isDerivSpecAnyClass (DerivSpecAnyClass{}) = True
isDerivSpecAnyClass _ = False
-- A DerivSpecMechanism can be losslessly converted to a DerivStrategy.
mechanismToStrategy :: DerivSpecMechanism -> DerivStrategy
mechanismToStrategy (DerivSpecStock{}) = StockStrategy
mechanismToStrategy (DerivSpecNewtype{}) = NewtypeStrategy
mechanismToStrategy (DerivSpecAnyClass{}) = AnyclassStrategy
instance Outputable DerivSpecMechanism where
ppr = ppr . mechanismToStrategy
type DerivContext = Maybe ThetaType
-- Nothing <=> Vanilla deriving; infer the context of the instance decl
-- Just theta <=> Standalone deriving: context supplied by programmer
data DerivStatus = CanDerive -- Stock class, can derive
| DerivableClassError SDoc -- Stock class, but can't do it
| DerivableViaInstance -- See Note [Deriving any class]
| NonDerivableClass SDoc -- Non-stock class
-- A stock class is one either defined in the Haskell report or for which GHC
-- otherwise knows how to generate code for (possibly requiring the use of a
-- language extension), such as Eq, Ord, Ix, Data, Generic, etc.
-- | A 'PredType' annotated with the origin of the constraint 'CtOrigin',
-- and whether or the constraint deals in types or kinds.
data PredOrigin = PredOrigin PredType CtOrigin TypeOrKind
-- | A list of wanted 'PredOrigin' constraints ('to_wanted_origins') alongside
-- any corresponding given constraints ('to_givens') and locally quantified
-- type variables ('to_tvs').
-- In most cases, 'to_givens' will be empty, as most deriving mechanisms (e.g.,
-- stock and newtype deriving) do not require given constraints. The exception
-- is @DeriveAnyClass@, which can involve given constraints. For example,
-- if you tried to derive an instance for the following class using
-- @DeriveAnyClass@:
-- @
-- class Foo a where
-- bar :: a -> b -> String
-- default bar :: (Show a, Ix b) => a -> b -> String
-- bar = show
-- baz :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
-- default baz :: Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
-- baz x y = compare x y == EQ
-- @
-- Then it would generate two 'ThetaOrigin's, one for each method:
-- @
-- [ ThetaOrigin { to_tvs = [b]
-- , to_givens = []
-- , to_wanted_origins = [Show a, Ix b] }
-- , ThetaOrigin { to_tvs = []
-- , to_givens = [Eq a]
-- , to_wanted_origins = [Ord a] }
-- ]
-- @
data ThetaOrigin
= ThetaOrigin { to_tvs :: [TyVar]
, to_givens :: ThetaType
, to_wanted_origins :: [PredOrigin] }
instance Outputable PredOrigin where
ppr (PredOrigin ty _ _) = ppr ty -- The origin is not so interesting when debugging
instance Outputable ThetaOrigin where
ppr (ThetaOrigin { to_tvs = tvs
, to_givens = givens
, to_wanted_origins = wanted_origins })
= hang (text "ThetaOrigin")
2 (vcat [ text "to_tvs =" <+> ppr tvs
, text "to_givens =" <+> ppr givens
, text "to_wanted_origins =" <+> ppr wanted_origins ])
mkPredOrigin :: CtOrigin -> TypeOrKind -> PredType -> PredOrigin
mkPredOrigin origin t_or_k pred = PredOrigin pred origin t_or_k
mkThetaOrigin :: CtOrigin -> TypeOrKind -> [TyVar] -> ThetaType -> ThetaType
-> ThetaOrigin
mkThetaOrigin origin t_or_k tvs givens
= ThetaOrigin tvs givens . map (mkPredOrigin origin t_or_k)
-- A common case where the ThetaOrigin only contains wanted constraints, with
-- no givens or locally scoped type variables.
mkThetaOriginFromPreds :: [PredOrigin] -> ThetaOrigin
mkThetaOriginFromPreds = ThetaOrigin [] []
substPredOrigin :: HasCallStack => TCvSubst -> PredOrigin -> PredOrigin
substPredOrigin subst (PredOrigin pred origin t_or_k)
= PredOrigin (substTy subst pred) origin t_or_k
* *
Class deriving diagnostics
* *
Only certain blessed classes can be used in a deriving clause (without the
assistance of GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving or DeriveAnyClass). These classes
are listed below in the definition of hasStockDeriving. The sideConditions
function determines the criteria that needs to be met in order for a particular
class to be able to be derived successfully.
A class might be able to be used in a deriving clause if -XDeriveAnyClass
is willing to support it. The canDeriveAnyClass function checks if this is the
:: Class -> Maybe (SrcSpan
-> TyCon
-> [Type]
-> TcM (LHsBinds GhcPs, BagDerivStuff, [Name]))
hasStockDeriving clas
= assocMaybe gen_list (getUnique clas)
:: [(Unique, SrcSpan
-> TyCon
-> [Type]
-> TcM (LHsBinds GhcPs, BagDerivStuff, [Name]))]
gen_list = [ (eqClassKey, simpleM gen_Eq_binds)
, (ordClassKey, simpleM gen_Ord_binds)
, (enumClassKey, simpleM gen_Enum_binds)
, (boundedClassKey, simple gen_Bounded_binds)
, (ixClassKey, simpleM gen_Ix_binds)
, (showClassKey, read_or_show gen_Show_binds)
, (readClassKey, read_or_show gen_Read_binds)
, (dataClassKey, simpleM gen_Data_binds)
, (functorClassKey, simple gen_Functor_binds)
, (foldableClassKey, simple gen_Foldable_binds)
, (traversableClassKey, simple gen_Traversable_binds)
, (liftClassKey, simple gen_Lift_binds)
, (genClassKey, generic (gen_Generic_binds Gen0))
, (gen1ClassKey, generic (gen_Generic_binds Gen1)) ]
simple gen_fn loc tc _
= let (binds, deriv_stuff) = gen_fn loc tc
in return (binds, deriv_stuff, [])
simpleM gen_fn loc tc _
= do { (binds, deriv_stuff) <- gen_fn loc tc
; return (binds, deriv_stuff, []) }
read_or_show gen_fn loc tc _
= do { fix_env <- getDataConFixityFun tc
; let (binds, deriv_stuff) = gen_fn fix_env loc tc
field_names = all_field_names tc
; return (binds, deriv_stuff, field_names) }
generic gen_fn _ tc inst_tys
= do { (binds, faminst) <- gen_fn tc inst_tys
; let field_names = all_field_names tc
; return (binds, unitBag (DerivFamInst faminst), field_names) }
-- See Note [Deriving and unused record selectors]
all_field_names = map flSelector . concatMap dataConFieldLabels
. tyConDataCons
Note [Deriving and unused record selectors]
Consider this (see Trac #13919):
module Main (main) where
data Foo = MkFoo {bar :: String} deriving Show
main :: IO ()
main = print (Foo "hello")
Strictly speaking, the record selector `bar` is unused in this module, since
neither `main` nor the derived `Show` instance for `Foo` mention `bar`.
However, the behavior of `main` is affected by the presence of `bar`, since
it will print different output depending on whether `MkFoo` is defined using
record selectors or not. Therefore, we do not to issue a
"Defined but not used: ‘bar’" warning for this module, since removing `bar`
changes the program's behavior. This is the reason behind the [Name] part of
the return type of `hasStockDeriving`—it tracks all of the record selector
`Name`s for which -Wunused-binds should be suppressed.
Currently, the only three stock derived classes that require this are Read,
Show, and Generic, as their derived code all depend on the record selectors
of the derived data type's constructors.
See also Note [Newtype deriving and unused constructors] in TcDeriv for
another example of a similar trick.
getDataConFixityFun :: TyCon -> TcM (Name -> Fixity)
-- If the TyCon is locally defined, we want the local fixity env;
-- but if it is imported (which happens for standalone deriving)
-- we need to get the fixity env from the interface file
-- c.f. RnEnv.lookupFixity, and Trac #9830
getDataConFixityFun tc
= do { this_mod <- getModule
; if nameIsLocalOrFrom this_mod name
then do { fix_env <- getFixityEnv
; return (lookupFixity fix_env) }
else do { iface <- loadInterfaceForName doc name
-- Should already be loaded!
; return (mi_fix iface . nameOccName) } }
name = tyConName tc
doc = text "Data con fixities for" <+> ppr name
-- Check side conditions that dis-allow derivability for particular classes
-- This is *apart* from the newtype-deriving mechanism
-- Here we get the representation tycon in case of family instances as it has
-- the data constructors - but we need to be careful to fall back to the
-- family tycon (with indexes) in error messages.
checkSideConditions :: DynFlags -> DerivContext -> Class -> [TcType]
-> TyCon -> TyCon
-> DerivStatus
checkSideConditions dflags mtheta cls cls_tys tc rep_tc
| Just cond <- sideConditions mtheta cls
= case (cond dflags tc rep_tc) of
NotValid err -> DerivableClassError err -- Class-specific error
IsValid | null (filterOutInvisibleTypes (classTyCon cls) cls_tys)
-> CanDerive
-- All stock derivable classes are unary in the sense that
-- there should be not types in cls_tys (i.e., no type args
-- other than last). Note that cls_types can contain
-- invisible types as well (e.g., for Generic1, which is
-- poly-kinded), so make sure those are not counted.
| otherwise -> DerivableClassError (classArgsErr cls cls_tys)
-- e.g. deriving( Eq s )
| NotValid err <- canDeriveAnyClass dflags
= NonDerivableClass err -- DeriveAnyClass does not work
| otherwise
= DerivableViaInstance -- DeriveAnyClass should work
classArgsErr :: Class -> [Type] -> SDoc
classArgsErr cls cls_tys = quotes (ppr (mkClassPred cls cls_tys)) <+> text "is not a class"
-- Side conditions (whether the datatype must have at least one constructor,
-- required language extensions, etc.) for using GHC's stock deriving
-- mechanism on certain classes (as opposed to classes that require
-- GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving or DeriveAnyClass). Returns Nothing for a
-- class for which stock deriving isn't possible.
sideConditions :: DerivContext -> Class -> Maybe Condition
sideConditions mtheta cls
| cls_key == eqClassKey = Just (cond_std `andCond` cond_args cls)
| cls_key == ordClassKey = Just (cond_std `andCond` cond_args cls)
| cls_key == showClassKey = Just (cond_std `andCond` cond_args cls)
| cls_key == readClassKey = Just (cond_std `andCond` cond_args cls)
| cls_key == enumClassKey = Just (cond_std `andCond` cond_isEnumeration)
| cls_key == ixClassKey = Just (cond_std `andCond` cond_enumOrProduct cls)
| cls_key == boundedClassKey = Just (cond_std `andCond` cond_enumOrProduct cls)
| cls_key == dataClassKey = Just (checkFlag LangExt.DeriveDataTypeable `andCond`
cond_vanilla `andCond`
cond_args cls)
| cls_key == functorClassKey = Just (checkFlag LangExt.DeriveFunctor `andCond`
cond_vanilla `andCond`
cond_functorOK True False)
| cls_key == foldableClassKey = Just (checkFlag LangExt.DeriveFoldable `andCond`
cond_vanilla `andCond`
cond_functorOK False True)
-- Functor/Fold/Trav works ok
-- for rank-n types
| cls_key == traversableClassKey = Just (checkFlag LangExt.DeriveTraversable `andCond`
cond_vanilla `andCond`
cond_functorOK False False)
| cls_key == genClassKey = Just (checkFlag LangExt.DeriveGeneric `andCond`
cond_vanilla `andCond`
| cls_key == gen1ClassKey = Just (checkFlag LangExt.DeriveGeneric `andCond`
cond_vanilla `andCond`
| cls_key == liftClassKey = Just (checkFlag LangExt.DeriveLift `andCond`
cond_vanilla `andCond`
cond_args cls)
| otherwise = Nothing
cls_key = getUnique cls
cond_std = cond_stdOK mtheta False -- Vanilla data constructors, at least one,
-- and monotype arguments
cond_vanilla = cond_stdOK mtheta True -- Vanilla data constructors but
-- allow no data cons or polytype arguments
canDeriveAnyClass :: DynFlags -> Validity
-- IsValid: we can (try to) derive it via an empty instance declaration
-- NotValid s: we can't, reason s
canDeriveAnyClass dflags
| not (xopt LangExt.DeriveAnyClass dflags)
= NotValid (text "Try enabling DeriveAnyClass")
| otherwise
= IsValid -- OK!
type Condition
= DynFlags
-> TyCon -- ^ The data type's 'TyCon'. For data families, this is the
-- family 'TyCon'.
-> TyCon -- ^ For data families, this is the representation 'TyCon'.
-- Otherwise, this is the same as the other 'TyCon' argument.
-> Validity -- ^ 'IsValid' if deriving an instance for this 'TyCon' is
-- possible. Otherwise, it's @'NotValid' err@, where @err@
-- explains what went wrong.
orCond :: Condition -> Condition -> Condition
orCond c1 c2 dflags tc rep_tc
= case (c1 dflags tc rep_tc, c2 dflags tc rep_tc) of
(IsValid, _) -> IsValid -- c1 succeeds
(_, IsValid) -> IsValid -- c21 succeeds
(NotValid x, NotValid y) -> NotValid (x $$ text " or" $$ y)
-- Both fail
andCond :: Condition -> Condition -> Condition
andCond c1 c2 dflags tc rep_tc
= c1 dflags tc rep_tc `andValid` c2 dflags tc rep_tc
-- | Some common validity checks shared among stock derivable classes. One
-- check that absolutely must hold is that if an instance @C (T a)@ is being
-- derived, then @T@ must be a tycon for a data type or a newtype. The
-- remaining checks are only performed if using a @deriving@ clause (i.e.,
-- they're ignored if using @StandaloneDeriving@):
-- 1. The data type must have at least one constructor (this check is ignored
-- if using @EmptyDataDeriving@).
-- 2. The data type cannot have any GADT constructors.
-- 3. The data type cannot have any constructors with existentially quantified
-- type variables.
-- 4. The data type cannot have a context (e.g., @data Foo a = Eq a => MkFoo@).
-- 5. The data type cannot have fields with higher-rank types.
:: DerivContext -- ^ 'Just' if this is standalone deriving, 'Nothing' if not.
-- If it is standalone, we relax some of the validity checks
-- we would otherwise perform (i.e., "just go for it").
-> Bool -- ^ 'True' <=> allow higher rank arguments and empty data
-- types (with no data constructors) even in the absence of
-- the -XEmptyDataDeriving extension.
-> Condition
cond_stdOK mtheta permissive dflags tc rep_tc
= valid_ADT `andValid` valid_misc
valid_ADT, valid_misc :: Validity
| isAlgTyCon tc || isDataFamilyTyCon tc
= IsValid
| otherwise
-- Complain about functions, primitive types, and other tycons that
-- stock deriving can't handle.
= NotValid $ text "The last argument of the instance must be a"
<+> text "data or newtype application"
= case mtheta of
Just _ -> IsValid
-- Don't check these conservative conditions for
-- standalone deriving; just generate the code
-- and let the typechecker handle the result
| null data_cons -- 1.
, not permissive
-> checkFlag LangExt.EmptyDataDeriving dflags tc rep_tc `orValid`
NotValid (no_cons_why rep_tc $$ empty_data_suggestion)
| not (null con_whys)
-> NotValid (vcat con_whys $$ standalone_suggestion)
| otherwise
-> IsValid
empty_data_suggestion =
text "Use EmptyDataDeriving to enable deriving for empty data types"
standalone_suggestion =
text "Possible fix: use a standalone deriving declaration instead"
data_cons = tyConDataCons rep_tc
con_whys = getInvalids (map check_con data_cons)
check_con :: DataCon -> Validity
check_con con
| not (null eq_spec) -- 2.
= bad "is a GADT"
| not (null ex_tvs) -- 3.
= bad "has existential type variables in its type"
| not (null theta) -- 4.
= bad "has constraints in its type"
| not (permissive || all isTauTy (dataConOrigArgTys con)) -- 5.
= bad "has a higher-rank type"
| otherwise
= IsValid
(_, ex_tvs, eq_spec, theta, _, _) = dataConFullSig con
bad msg = NotValid (badCon con (text msg))
no_cons_why :: TyCon -> SDoc
no_cons_why rep_tc = quotes (pprSourceTyCon rep_tc) <+>
text "must have at least one data constructor"
cond_RepresentableOk :: Condition
cond_RepresentableOk _ _ rep_tc = canDoGenerics rep_tc
cond_Representable1Ok :: Condition
cond_Representable1Ok _ _ rep_tc = canDoGenerics1 rep_tc
cond_enumOrProduct :: Class -> Condition
cond_enumOrProduct cls = cond_isEnumeration `orCond`
(cond_isProduct `andCond` cond_args cls)
cond_args :: Class -> Condition
-- For some classes (eg Eq, Ord) we allow unlifted arg types
-- by generating specialised code. For others (eg Data) we don't.
cond_args cls _ _ rep_tc
= case bad_args of
[] -> IsValid
(ty:_) -> NotValid (hang (text "Don't know how to derive" <+> quotes (ppr cls))
2 (text "for type" <+> quotes (ppr ty)))
bad_args = [ arg_ty | con <- tyConDataCons rep_tc
, arg_ty <- dataConOrigArgTys con
, isUnliftedType arg_ty
, not (ok_ty arg_ty) ]
cls_key = classKey cls
ok_ty arg_ty
| cls_key == eqClassKey = check_in arg_ty ordOpTbl
| cls_key == ordClassKey = check_in arg_ty ordOpTbl
| cls_key == showClassKey = check_in arg_ty boxConTbl
| cls_key == liftClassKey = check_in arg_ty litConTbl
| otherwise = False -- Read, Ix etc
check_in :: Type -> [(Type,a)] -> Bool
check_in arg_ty tbl = any (eqType arg_ty . fst) tbl
cond_isEnumeration :: Condition
cond_isEnumeration _ _ rep_tc
| isEnumerationTyCon rep_tc = IsValid
| otherwise = NotValid why
why = sep [ quotes (pprSourceTyCon rep_tc) <+>
text "must be an enumeration type"
, text "(an enumeration consists of one or more nullary, non-GADT constructors)" ]
-- See Note [Enumeration types] in TyCon
cond_isProduct :: Condition
cond_isProduct _ _ rep_tc
| isProductTyCon rep_tc = IsValid
| otherwise = NotValid why
why = quotes (pprSourceTyCon rep_tc) <+>
text "must have precisely one constructor"
cond_functorOK :: Bool -> Bool -> Condition
-- OK for Functor/Foldable/Traversable class
-- Currently: (a) at least one argument
-- (b) don't use argument contravariantly
-- (c) don't use argument in the wrong place, e.g. data T a = T (X a a)
-- (d) optionally: don't use function types
-- (e) no "stupid context" on data type
cond_functorOK allowFunctions allowExQuantifiedLastTyVar _ _ rep_tc
| null tc_tvs
= NotValid (text "Data type" <+> quotes (ppr rep_tc)
<+> text "must have some type parameters")
| not (null bad_stupid_theta)
= NotValid (text "Data type" <+> quotes (ppr rep_tc)
<+> text "must not have a class context:" <+> pprTheta bad_stupid_theta)
| otherwise
= allValid (map check_con data_cons)
tc_tvs = tyConTyVars rep_tc
Just (_, last_tv) = snocView tc_tvs
bad_stupid_theta = filter is_bad (tyConStupidTheta rep_tc)
is_bad pred = last_tv `elemVarSet` exactTyCoVarsOfType pred
-- See Note [Check that the type variable is truly universal]
data_cons = tyConDataCons rep_tc
check_con con = allValid (check_universal con : foldDataConArgs (ft_check con) con)
check_universal :: DataCon -> Validity
check_universal con
| allowExQuantifiedLastTyVar
= IsValid -- See Note [DeriveFoldable with ExistentialQuantification]
-- in TcGenFunctor
| Just tv <- getTyVar_maybe (last (tyConAppArgs (dataConOrigResTy con)))
, tv `elem` dataConUnivTyVars con
, not (tv `elemVarSet` exactTyCoVarsOfTypes (dataConTheta con))
= IsValid -- See Note [Check that the type variable is truly universal]
| otherwise
= NotValid (badCon con existential)
ft_check :: DataCon -> FFoldType Validity
ft_check con = FT { ft_triv = IsValid, ft_var = IsValid
, ft_co_var = NotValid (badCon con covariant)
, ft_fun = \x y -> if allowFunctions then x `andValid` y
else NotValid (badCon con functions)
, ft_tup = \_ xs -> allValid xs
, ft_ty_app = \_ x -> x
, ft_bad_app = NotValid (badCon con wrong_arg)
, ft_forall = \_ x -> x }
existential = text "must be truly polymorphic in the last argument of the data type"
covariant = text "must not use the type variable in a function argument"
functions = text "must not contain function types"
wrong_arg = text "must use the type variable only as the last argument of a data type"
checkFlag :: LangExt.Extension -> Condition
checkFlag flag dflags _ _
| xopt flag dflags = IsValid
| otherwise = NotValid why
why = text "You need " <> text flag_str
<+> text "to derive an instance for this class"
flag_str = case [ flagSpecName f | f <- xFlags , flagSpecFlag f == flag ] of
[s] -> s
other -> pprPanic "checkFlag" (ppr other)
std_class_via_coercible :: Class -> Bool
-- These standard classes can be derived for a newtype
-- using the coercible trick *even if no -XGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
-- because giving so gives the same results as generating the boilerplate
std_class_via_coercible clas
= classKey clas `elem` [eqClassKey, ordClassKey, ixClassKey, boundedClassKey]
-- Not Read/Show because they respect the type
-- Not Enum, because newtypes are never in Enum
non_coercible_class :: Class -> Bool
-- *Never* derive Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Generic, Generic1, Lift
-- by Coercible, even with -XGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
-- Also, avoid Traversable, as the Coercible-derived instance and the "normal"-derived
-- instance behave differently if there's a non-lawful Applicative out there.
-- Besides, with roles, Coercible-deriving Traversable is ill-roled.
non_coercible_class cls
= classKey cls `elem` ([ readClassKey, showClassKey, dataClassKey
, genClassKey, gen1ClassKey, typeableClassKey
, traversableClassKey, liftClassKey ])
badCon :: DataCon -> SDoc -> SDoc
badCon con msg = text "Constructor" <+> quotes (ppr con) <+> msg
newDerivClsInst :: ThetaType -> DerivSpec theta -> TcM ClsInst
newDerivClsInst theta (DS { ds_name = dfun_name, ds_overlap = overlap_mode
, ds_tvs = tvs, ds_cls = clas, ds_tys = tys })
= newClsInst overlap_mode dfun_name tvs theta clas tys
extendLocalInstEnv :: [ClsInst] -> TcM a -> TcM a
-- Add new locally-defined instances; don't bother to check
-- for functional dependency errors -- that'll happen in TcInstDcls
extendLocalInstEnv dfuns thing_inside
= do { env <- getGblEnv
; let inst_env' = extendInstEnvList (tcg_inst_env env) dfuns
env' = env { tcg_inst_env = inst_env' }
; setGblEnv env' thing_inside }
Note [Deriving any class]
Classic uses of a deriving clause, or a standalone-deriving declaration, are
* a stock class like Eq or Show, for which GHC knows how to generate
the instance code
* a newtype, via the mechanism enabled by GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
The DeriveAnyClass extension adds a third way to derive instances, based on
empty instance declarations.
The canonical use case is in combination with GHC.Generics and default method
signatures. These allow us to have instance declarations being empty, but still
useful, e.g.
data T a = ...blah..blah... deriving( Generic )
instance C a => C (T a) -- No 'where' clause
where C is some "random" user-defined class.
This boilerplate code can be replaced by the more compact
data T a = ...blah..blah... deriving( Generic, C )
if DeriveAnyClass is enabled.
This is not restricted to Generics; any class can be derived, simply giving
rise to an empty instance.
Unfortunately, it is not clear how to determine the context (when using a
deriving clause; in standalone deriving, the user provides the context).
GHC uses the same heuristic for figuring out the class context that it uses for
Eq in the case of *-kinded classes, and for Functor in the case of
* -> *-kinded classes. That may not be optimal or even wrong. But in such
cases, standalone deriving can still be used.
Note [Check that the type variable is truly universal]
For Functor and Traversable instances, we must check that the *last argument*
of the type constructor is used truly universally quantified. Example
data T a b where
T1 :: a -> b -> T a b -- Fine! Vanilla H-98
T2 :: b -> c -> T a b -- Fine! Existential c, but we can still map over 'b'
T3 :: b -> T Int b -- Fine! Constraint 'a', but 'b' is still polymorphic
T4 :: Ord b => b -> T a b -- No! 'b' is constrained
T5 :: b -> T b b -- No! 'b' is constrained
T6 :: T a (b,b) -- No! 'b' is constrained
Notice that only the first of these constructors is vanilla H-98. We only
need to take care about the last argument (b in this case). See Trac #8678.
Eg. for T1-T3 we can write
fmap f (T1 a b) = T1 a (f b)
fmap f (T2 b c) = T2 (f b) c
fmap f (T3 x) = T3 (f x)
We need not perform these checks for Foldable instances, however, since
functions in Foldable can only consume existentially quantified type variables,
rather than produce them (as is the case in Functor and Traversable functions.)
As a result, T can have a derived Foldable instance:
foldr f z (T1 a b) = f b z
foldr f z (T2 b c) = f b z
foldr f z (T3 x) = f x z
foldr f z (T4 x) = f x z
foldr f z (T5 x) = f x z
foldr _ z T6 = z
See Note [DeriveFoldable with ExistentialQuantification] in TcGenFunctor.
For Functor and Traversable, we must take care not to let type synonyms
unfairly reject a type for not being truly universally quantified. An
example of this is:
type C (a :: Constraint) b = a
data T a b = C (Show a) b => MkT b
Here, the existential context (C (Show a) b) does technically mention the last
type variable b. But this is OK, because expanding the type synonym C would
give us the context (Show a), which doesn't mention b. Therefore, we must make
sure to expand type synonyms before performing this check. Not doing so led to
Trac #13813.
| shlevy/ghc | compiler/typecheck/TcDerivUtils.hs | Haskell | bsd-3-clause | 36,389 |
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
module QueryArrow.FileSystem.Builtin where
import QueryArrow.Syntax.Term
import QueryArrow.Syntax.Type
import QueryArrow.Syntax.Utils
pattern FilePathPredName ns = QPredName ns [] "FILE_PATH"
pattern DirPathPredName ns = QPredName ns [] "DIR_PATH"
pattern FileIdPredName ns = QPredName ns [] "FILE_ID"
pattern DirIdPredName ns = QPredName ns [] "DIR_ID"
pattern FileModePredName ns = QPredName ns [] "FILE_MODE"
pattern DirModePredName ns = QPredName ns [] "DIR_MODE"
pattern FileNamePredName ns = QPredName ns [] "FILE_NAME"
pattern DirNamePredName ns = QPredName ns [] "DIR_NAME"
pattern FileHostPredName ns = QPredName ns [] "FILE_HOST"
pattern DirHostPredName ns = QPredName ns [] "DIR_HOST"
pattern FileSizePredName ns = QPredName ns [] "FILE_SIZE"
-- pattern FileCreateTimePredName ns = QPredName ns [] "FILE_CREATE_TIME"
-- pattern DirCreateTimePredName ns = QPredName ns [] "DIR_CREATE_TIME"
pattern FileModifyTimePredName ns = QPredName ns [] "FILE_MODIFY_TIME"
pattern DirModifyTimePredName ns = QPredName ns [] "DIR_MODIFY_TIME"
pattern FileObjectPredName ns = QPredName ns [] "FILE_OBJ"
pattern DirObjectPredName ns = QPredName ns [] "DIR_OBJ"
pattern FileContentPredName ns = QPredName ns [] "FILE_CONTENT"
pattern DirContentPredName ns = QPredName ns [] "DIR_CONTENT"
pattern FileDirPredName ns = QPredName ns [] "FILE_DIR"
pattern DirDirPredName ns = QPredName ns [] "DIR_DIR"
pattern NewFileObjectPredName ns = QPredName ns [] "NEW_FILE_OBJ"
pattern NewDirObjectPredName ns = QPredName ns [] "NEW_DIR_OBJ"
pattern FileContentRangePredName ns = QPredName ns [] "FILE_CONTENT_RANGE"
pattern FilePathPred ns = Pred (FilePathPredName ns) (PredType PropertyPred [PTKeyIO (TypeCons "FileObject"), PTPropIO TextType])
pattern DirPathPred ns = Pred (DirPathPredName ns) (PredType PropertyPred [PTKeyIO (TypeCons "DirObject"), PTPropIO TextType])
pattern FileIdPred ns = Pred (FileIdPredName ns) (PredType PropertyPred [PTKeyIO (TypeCons "FileObject"), PTPropIO Int64Type])
pattern DirIdPred ns = Pred (DirIdPredName ns) (PredType PropertyPred [PTKeyIO (TypeCons "DirObject"), PTPropIO Int64Type])
pattern FileModePred ns = Pred (FileModePredName ns) (PredType PropertyPred [PTKeyIO (TypeCons "FileObject"), PTPropIO Int64Type])
pattern DirModePred ns = Pred (DirModePredName ns) (PredType PropertyPred [PTKeyIO (TypeCons "DirObject"), PTPropIO Int64Type])
pattern FileNamePred ns = Pred (FileNamePredName ns) (PredType PropertyPred [PTKeyIO (TypeCons "FileObject"), PTPropIO TextType])
pattern DirNamePred ns = Pred (DirNamePredName ns) (PredType PropertyPred [PTKeyIO (TypeCons "DirObject"), PTPropIO TextType])
pattern FileHostPred ns = Pred (FileNamePredName ns) (PredType PropertyPred [PTKeyIO (TypeCons "FileObject"), PTPropIO TextType])
pattern DirHostPred ns = Pred (DirNamePredName ns) (PredType PropertyPred [PTKeyIO (TypeCons "DirObject"), PTPropIO TextType])
pattern FileSizePred ns = Pred (FileSizePredName ns) (PredType PropertyPred [PTKeyIO (TypeCons "FileObject"), PTPropIO Int64Type])
-- pattern FileCreateTimePred ns = Pred (FileCreateTimePredName ns) (PredType PropertyPred [PTKeyI (TypeCons "FileObject"), PTPropIO Int64Type])
-- pattern DirCreateTimePred ns = Pred (DirCreateTimePredName ns) (PredType PropertyPred [PTKeyI (TypeCons "DirObject"), PTPropIO Int64Type])
pattern FileModifyTimePred ns = Pred (FileModifyTimePredName ns) (PredType PropertyPred [PTKeyIO (TypeCons "FileObject"), PTPropIO Int64Type])
pattern DirModifyTimePred ns = Pred (DirModifyTimePredName ns) (PredType PropertyPred [PTKeyIO (TypeCons "DirObject"), PTPropIO Int64Type])
pattern FileObjectPred ns = Pred (FileObjectPredName ns) (PredType ObjectPred [PTKeyIO (TypeCons "FileObject")])
pattern DirObjectPred ns = Pred (DirObjectPredName ns) (PredType ObjectPred [PTKeyIO (TypeCons "DirObject")])
pattern NewFileObjectPred ns = Pred (NewFileObjectPredName ns) (PredType PropertyPred [PTKeyI TextType, PTPropO (TypeCons "FileObject")])
pattern NewDirObjectPred ns = Pred (NewDirObjectPredName ns) (PredType PropertyPred [PTKeyI TextType, PTPropO (TypeCons "DirObject")])
pattern FileContentPred ns = Pred (FileContentPredName ns) (PredType PropertyPred [PTKeyIO (TypeCons "FileObject"), PTPropIO (TypeCons "FileContent")])
pattern DirContentPred ns = Pred (DirContentPredName ns) (PredType PropertyPred [PTKeyIO (TypeCons "DirObject"), PTKeyIO (TypeCons "DirContent")])
pattern DirDirPred ns = Pred (DirDirPredName ns) (PredType PropertyPred [PTKeyIO (TypeCons "DirObject"), PTPropIO (TypeCons "DirObject")])
pattern FileDirPred ns = Pred (FileDirPredName ns) (PredType PropertyPred [PTPropIO (TypeCons "FileObject"), PTPropIO (TypeCons "DirObject")])
pattern FileContentRangePred ns = Pred (FileContentRangePredName ns) (PredType PropertyPred [PTKeyIO (TypeCons "FileContent"), PTPropIO Int64Type, PTPropIO Int64Type, PTPropIO ByteStringType])
| xu-hao/QueryArrow | QueryArrow-db-filesystem/src/QueryArrow/FileSystem/Builtin.hs | Haskell | bsd-3-clause | 5,033 |
module ML
( module ML.Num
, module ML.V2
, module ML.V3
, module ML.V4
, module ML.M2
, module ML.M3
, module ML.M4
, module ML.Q
) where
import ML.Num
import ML.V2
import ML.V3
import ML.V4
import ML.M2
import ML.M3
import ML.M4
import ML.Q
| jxv/ml-hs | src/ML.hs | Haskell | bsd-3-clause | 280 |
module LeapYearKata.Day2 (isLeapYear) where
isLeapYear :: Int -> Bool
isLeapYear year = (isDivisibleByFour $ div year 100) && isDivisibleByFour year
isDivisibleByFour :: Int -> Bool
isDivisibleByFour num = num `mod` 4 == 0
| Alex-Diez/haskell-tdd-kata | old-katas/src/LeapYearKata/Day2.hs | Haskell | bsd-3-clause | 270 |
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Language.Haskell.Liquid.Bare.RTEnv (
) where
import Prelude hiding (error)
import Data.Graph hiding (Graph)
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Control.Exception as Ex
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import qualified Data.List as L
import Language.Fixpoint.Misc (fst3)
import Language.Fixpoint.Types (Expr(..), Symbol)
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.GHC.Misc (sourcePosSrcSpan)
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types.RefType (symbolRTyVar)
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types
import qualified Language.Haskell.Liquid.Measure as Ms
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Bare.Env
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Bare.Expand
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Bare.OfType
import Language.Haskell.Liquid.Bare.Resolve
makeRTEnv specs
= do makeREAliases ets
makeRTAliases rts
rts = (concat [(m,) <$> Ms.aliases s | (m, s) <- specs])
ets = (concat [(m,) <$> Ms.ealiases s | (m, s) <- specs])
= graphExpand buildTypeEdges expBody
expBody (mod, xt)
= inModule mod $
do let l = rtPos xt
let l' = rtPosE xt
body <- withVArgs l l' (rtVArgs xt) $ ofBareType l $ rtBody xt
setRTAlias (rtName xt) $ mapRTAVars symbolRTyVar $ xt { rtBody = body}
= graphExpand buildExprEdges expBody
expBody (mod, xt)
= inModule mod $
do let l = rtPos xt
let l' = rtPosE xt
body <- withVArgs l l' (rtVArgs xt) $ resolve l =<< (expandExpr $ rtBody xt)
setREAlias (rtName xt) $ xt { rtBody = body }
graphExpand buildEdges expBody xts
= do let table = buildAliasTable xts
graph = buildAliasGraph (buildEdges table) (map snd xts)
checkCyclicAliases table graph
mapM_ expBody $ genExpandOrder table graph
type AliasTable t = M.HashMap Symbol (ModName, RTAlias Symbol t)
buildAliasTable :: [(ModName, RTAlias Symbol t)] -> AliasTable t
= M.fromList . map (\(mod, rta) -> (rtName rta, (mod, rta)))
fromAliasSymbol :: AliasTable t -> Symbol -> (ModName, RTAlias Symbol t)
fromAliasSymbol table sym
= fromMaybe err $ M.lookup sym table
err = panic Nothing $ "fromAliasSymbol: Dangling alias symbol: " ++ show sym
type Graph t = [Node t]
type Node t = (t, t, [t])
buildAliasGraph :: (t -> [Symbol]) -> [RTAlias Symbol t] -> Graph Symbol
buildAliasGraph buildEdges
= map (buildAliasNode buildEdges)
buildAliasNode :: (t -> [Symbol]) -> RTAlias Symbol t -> Node Symbol
buildAliasNode buildEdges alias
= (rtName alias, rtName alias, buildEdges $ rtBody alias)
checkCyclicAliases :: AliasTable t -> Graph Symbol -> BareM ()
checkCyclicAliases table graph
= case mapMaybe go $ stronglyConnComp graph of
[] ->
return ()
sccs ->
Ex.throw $ map err sccs
go (AcyclicSCC _)
= Nothing
go (CyclicSCC vs)
= Just vs
err :: [Symbol] -> Error
err scc@(rta:_)
= ErrAliasCycle { pos = fst $ locate rta
, acycle = map locate scc
err []
= panic Nothing "Bare.RTEnv.checkCyclicAliases: No type aliases in reported cycle"
locate sym
= ( sourcePosSrcSpan $ rtPos $ snd $ fromAliasSymbol table sym
, pprint sym
genExpandOrder :: AliasTable t -> Graph Symbol -> [(ModName, RTAlias Symbol t)]
genExpandOrder table graph
= map (fromAliasSymbol table) symOrder
(digraph, lookupVertex, _)
= graphFromEdges graph
= map (fst3 . lookupVertex) $ reverse $ topSort digraph
ordNub :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
ordNub = map head . . L.sort
buildTypeEdges :: AliasTable BareType -> BareType -> [Symbol]
buildTypeEdges table = ordNub . go
go :: BareType -> [Symbol]
go (RApp c ts rs _) = go_alias (val c) ++ concatMap go ts ++ concatMap go (mapMaybe go_ref rs)
go (RFun _ t1 t2 _) = go t1 ++ go t2
go (RAppTy t1 t2 _) = go t1 ++ go t2
go (RAllE _ t1 t2) = go t1 ++ go t2
go (REx _ t1 t2) = go t1 ++ go t2
go (RAllT _ t) = go t
go (RAllP _ t) = go t
go (RAllS _ t) = go t
go (RVar _ _) = []
go (RExprArg _) = []
go (RHole _) = []
go (RRTy env _ _ t) = concatMap (go . snd) env ++ go t
go_alias c = [c | M.member c table]
-- case M.lookup c table of
-- Just _ -> [c]
-- Nothing -> [ ]
go_ref (RProp _ (RHole _)) = Nothing
go_ref (RProp _ t) = Just t
buildExprEdges table = ordNub . go
go :: Expr -> [Symbol]
go (EApp e1 e2) = go e1 ++ go e2
go (ENeg e) = go e
go (EBin _ e1 e2) = go e1 ++ go e2
go (EIte _ e1 e2) = go e1 ++ go e2
go (ECst e _) = go e
go (ESym _) = []
go (ECon _) = []
go (EVar v) = go_alias v
go (PAnd ps) = concatMap go ps
go (POr ps) = concatMap go ps
go (PNot p) = go p
go (PImp p q) = go p ++ go q
go (PIff p q) = go p ++ go q
go (PAll _ p) = go p
go (ELam _ e) = go e
go (PAtom _ e1 e2) = go e1 ++ go e2
go (ETApp e _) = go e
go (ETAbs e _) = go e
go (PKVar _ _) = []
go (PExist _ e) = go e
go PGrad = []
go_alias f = [f | M.member f table ]
| ssaavedra/liquidhaskell | src/Language/Haskell/Liquid/Bare/RTEnv.hs | Haskell | bsd-3-clause | 5,742 |
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module React.Flux.Mui.DropDownMenu where
import Protolude
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Casing
import Data.String (String)
import React.Flux
import React.Flux.Mui.Util
data DropDownMenu = DropDownMenu
{ dropDownMenuAnimated :: !(Maybe Bool)
, dropDownMenuAutoWidth :: !(Maybe Bool)
, dropDownMenuClassName :: !(Maybe Text)
, dropDownMenuDisabled :: !(Maybe Bool)
, dropDownMenuMaxHeight :: !(Maybe Integer)
, dropDownMenuOpenImmediately :: !(Maybe Bool)
} deriving (Generic, Show)
instance ToJSON DropDownMenu where
toJSON =
genericToJSON $ aesonDrop (length ("DropDownMenu" :: String)) camelCase
defDropDownMenu :: DropDownMenu
defDropDownMenu =
{ dropDownMenuAnimated = Just True
, dropDownMenuAutoWidth = Just True
, dropDownMenuClassName = Nothing
, dropDownMenuDisabled = Just False
, dropDownMenuMaxHeight = Just 500
, dropDownMenuOpenImmediately = Just False
dropDownMenu_ ::
-> [PropertyOrHandler handler]
-> ReactElementM handler ()
-> ReactElementM handler ()
dropDownMenu_ args props =
foreign_ "DropDownMenu" (fromMaybe [] (toProps args) ++ props)
| pbogdan/react-flux-mui | react-flux-mui/src/React/Flux/Mui/DropDownMenu.hs | Haskell | bsd-3-clause | 1,216 |
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Data.PList.Binary ( PList(..)
, _PBool
, _PInt
, _PReal
, _PDate
, _PData
, _PUTF16
, _PArray
, _PDict
, decodePList
, encodePList
) where
import Prelude as P hiding (mapM)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H
import qualified Data.Vector as V hiding (replicateM)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.Binary
import Data.Binary.Get
import Data.Binary.Put
import Data.Binary.IEEE754
import Data.Bits
import Data.Int
import GHC.Float
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import Control.Monad as M hiding (mapM)
import Control.Monad.Except hiding (mapM)
import Control.Monad.Identity hiding (mapM)
import qualified Control.Monad.State as S
import Data.Bifunctor
import Control.Lens
import Data.Traversable
-- see for reference
-- | A property list. Used by OS X and iOS
data PList = PBool Bool -- ^ boolean
| PInt Int64 -- ^ signed integer
| PReal Double -- ^ floating point
| PDate POSIXTime -- ^ date
| PData B.ByteString -- ^ binary data
| PASCII B.ByteString -- ^ ascii string
| PUTF16 T.Text -- ^ utf-16 string
| PUID Word64 -- ^ unsigned integer
| PArray (V.Vector PList) -- ^ array
| PDict (H.HashMap B.ByteString PList) -- ^ dictionary
deriving (Show, Eq)
makePrisms ''PList
-- Intemediate plist data structure
-- TODO: dont use intermediate data structure
data ImPList = IBool Bool
| IInt Int64
| IReal Double
| IDate POSIXTime
| IData B.ByteString
| IASCII B.ByteString
| IUTF16 T.Text
| IUID Word64
| IArray [Int] -- an array of references to other objects
| IDict [(Int, Int)] -- an dictionary of references
deriving (Show)
fromIntermediate :: [ImPList] -> [PList]
fromIntermediate xs = converted
converted = convert xs
convert (IBool x) = PBool x
convert (IInt x) = PInt x
convert (IReal x) = PReal x
convert (IDate x) = PDate x
convert (IData x) = PData x
convert (IASCII x) = PASCII x
convert (IUTF16 x) = PUTF16 x
convert (IUID x) = PUID x
convert (IArray x) = PArray $ V.fromList ( (converted !!) x)
convert (IDict x) = PDict $ H.fromList ( (\(a,b) -> (unwrap (xs !! a), converted !! b)) x)
unwrap (IASCII x) = x
data Trailer = Trailer { unused1 :: Word8
, unused2 :: Word32
, shortVersion :: Word8
, offsetIntSize :: Word8
, objectRefSize :: Word8
, numObjects :: Word64
, topObject :: Word64
, offsetTableOffset :: Word64
} deriving (Show)
instance Binary Trailer where
get = Trailer <$> getWord8 <*> getWord32be <*> getWord8 <*> getWord8 <*> getWord8 <*> getWord64be <*> getWord64be <*> getWord64be
put t = do
putWord8 0
putWord32be 0
putWord8 $ shortVersion t
putWord8 $ offsetIntSize t
putWord8 $ objectRefSize t
putWord64be $ numObjects t
putWord64be $ topObject t
putWord64be $ offsetTableOffset t
trailerSize :: Int64
trailerSize = 32
decodePList :: BL.ByteString -> Either String PList
decodePList s = runExcept $ do
unless (BL.take 8 s == "bplist00") $ throwError "invalid file format, must be bplist00"
-- decode the trailer to figure out where offsets are
trailer <- decodeBinary (BL.drop (BL.length s - trailerSize) s) get
-- decode all the offsets
offsets <- decodeBinary (BL.drop (fromIntegral $ offsetTableOffset trailer) s)
(replicateM (fromIntegral $ numObjects trailer) $ getWordbe $ fromIntegral $ offsetIntSize trailer)
-- transform each offset into an object
objects <- mapM (\off -> decodeBinary (BL.drop (fromIntegral off) s) (getObject (fromIntegral $ objectRefSize trailer))) offsets
return $ fromIntermediate objects !! fromIntegral (topObject trailer)
thrd (_, _, c) = c
decodeBinary :: BL.ByteString -> Get a -> Except String a
decodeBinary str g = ExceptT $ Identity $ bimap thrd thrd $ runGetOrFail g str
getWordbe :: Int -> Get Int
getWordbe size = do
bytes <- replicateM size getWord8
return $ P.foldl (\b a -> shiftL b 8 .|. fromIntegral a) 0 bytes
getObject refSize = do
let getRef = getWordbe refSize
-- items are prefixed by type and size
w <- getWord8
let l = w .&. 0xf -- lower bytes are length
i = shiftR w 4 -- high bytes are type
len <- fromIntegral <$>
case l of
15 | i /= 0 && i /= 1 && i /= 2 && i /= 3 -> do
-- if size if 0xf, then the actualy size is encoded as a plist integer following this byte
plint <- getObject refSize :: Get ImPList
case plint of
IInt int -> return int
_ -> fail "Expected integer for extended length"
_ -> return $ fromIntegral l
case i of
0x0 -> case l of -- bool is encoded in length as 0b1001 for true and 0b1000 for false
8 -> return $ IBool False
9 -> return $ IBool True
_ -> fail $ "unexpected bool constant " ++ show l
0x1 -> IInt <$> case l of -- 2^i = byte length of integer TODO: support arbitrary lengths
0 -> fromIntegral <$> (get :: Get Int8)
1 -> fromIntegral <$> (get :: Get Int16)
2 -> fromIntegral <$> (get :: Get Int32)
3 -> fromIntegral <$> (get :: Get Int64)
x -> fail $ "invalid integer length: " P.++ show x
0x2 -> IReal <$> case l of -- similar encoding to integer
2 -> float2Double <$> getFloat32be
3 -> getFloat64be
_ -> fail "invalid float size"
0x3 -> IDate <$> realToFrac <$> getFloat64be
0x4 -> IData <$> getByteString len
0x5 -> IASCII <$> getByteString len
0x6 -> IUTF16 <$> (decodeUtf16BE <$> getByteString (len * 2))
0x8 -> IUID <$> case l of
0 -> fromIntegral <$> (get :: Get Word8)
1 -> fromIntegral <$> (get :: Get Word16)
2 -> fromIntegral <$> (get :: Get Word32)
3 -> fromIntegral <$> (get :: Get Word64)
_ -> fail "invalid UID length"
-- arrays and dictionaries contain references to other elements
0xa -> IArray <$> replicateM len getRef -- temp store as ints
0xd -> do
keys <- replicateM len getRef
vals <- replicateM len getRef
return $ IDict $ zip keys vals
x -> fail $ "Unexpected type: " P.++ show x
-- types as defined by apple
typeId :: PList -> Word8
typeId (PBool _) = 0x0
typeId (PInt _) = 0x1
typeId (PReal _) = 0x2
typeId (PDate _) = 0x3
typeId (PData _) = 0x4
typeId (PASCII _) = 0x5
typeId (PUTF16 _) = 0x6
typeId (PUID _) = 0x8
typeId (PArray _) = 0xa
typeId (PDict _) = 0xd
-- TODO: pack ints and words based on size
-- | How many bytes an elcoded object occupies
elemLen :: PList -> Int
elemLen (PBool _) = 0
elemLen (PInt _) = 3
elemLen (PReal _) = 3
elemLen (PDate _) = 3
elemLen (PData x) = B.length x
elemLen (PASCII x) = B.length x
elemLen (PUTF16 x) = T.length x
elemLen (PUID _) = 3
elemLen (PArray x) = V.length x
elemLen (PDict x) = H.size x
data PState = PState { _refNum :: Int
, _offset :: Int
, _objOffsets :: [Int]
} deriving (Show)
makeLenses ''PState
type PutState = S.StateT PState PutM ()
-- | binary encode a PList
encodePList :: PList -> BL.ByteString
encodePList plist = runPut $ do
(r,s) <- S.runStateT (do
putByteString' "bplist00"
putObjectOffset plist
) PState { _refNum = 1, _offset = 0, _objOffsets = [] }
let trailer = Trailer { unused1 = 0
, unused2 = 0
, shortVersion = 0
, offsetIntSize = fromIntegral $ bytesToEncode $ fromIntegral $ length $ s ^. objOffsets
, objectRefSize = fromIntegral $ bytesToEncode $ fromIntegral numRefs
, numObjects = fromIntegral numRefs
, topObject = 0
, offsetTableOffset = fromIntegral $ s ^. offset
S.evalStateT (mapM_ (putWordbe (offsetIntSize trailer)) (s ^. objOffsets)) PState { _refNum = 1, _offset = 0, _objOffsets = [] }
put trailer
return r
numRefs :: Int
numRefs = numRefs' plist + 1
numRefs' (PArray x) = V.length x + V.sum ( numRefs' x)
numRefs' (PDict x) = H.size x * 2 + sum (map numRefs' (H.elems x))
numRefs' _ = 0
bytesToEncode :: Int -> Int
bytesToEncode numThings = let go 0 i = i
go x i = go (shiftR x 8) (i+1)
in go numThings 0
putRef :: Int -> PutState
putRef x = do
refNum += 1
putWordbe (bytesToEncode numRefs) x
putWordbe maxSize x | maxSize <= 1 = putWord8' $ fromIntegral x
putWordbe maxSize x | maxSize <= 2 = putWord16be' $ fromIntegral x
putWordbe maxSize x | maxSize <= 4 = putWord32be' $ fromIntegral x
putWordbe maxSize x | maxSize <= 8 = putWord64be' $ fromIntegral x
putObjectLen :: PList -> PutState
putObjectLen (PBool True) = putWord8' 9
putObjectLen (PBool False) = putWord8' 8
putObjectLen x | elemLen x < 15 = putWord8' $ shiftL (typeId x) 4 .|. fromIntegral (elemLen x)
putObjectLen x = putWord8' (shiftL (typeId x) 4 .|. 0xf) >> putObject (PInt $ fromIntegral $ elemLen x)
putObjectOffset :: PList -> PutState
putObjectOffset x = do
curOffset <- use offset
objOffsets <>= [curOffset]
putObject x
putObject :: PList -> PutState
putObject x = putObjectLen x >> putObject' x
putObject' :: PList -> PutState
putObject' (PBool _) = return () -- bool is encoded with size of type
putObject' (PInt x) = putInt64' x
putObject' (PReal x) = putDouble' x
putObject' (PDate x) = putDouble' $ fromRational $ toRational x
putObject' (PData x) = putByteString' x
putObject' (PASCII x) = putByteString' x
putObject' (PUTF16 x) = putByteString' $ TE.encodeUtf16BE x
putObject' (PUID x) = putWord64' x
putObject' (PArray x) = do
ind <- use refNum
mapM_ putRef $ getRefs ind $ V.toList x
V.mapM_ putObjectOffset x
putObject' (PDict x) = do
ind <- use refNum
mapM_ putRef [ind.. ind + H.size x - 1]
mapM_ putRef $ getRefs (ind + H.size x - 1) $ H.elems x
mapM_ (putObjectOffset . PASCII) $ H.keys x
mapM_ putObjectOffset $ H.elems x
getRefs _ [] = []
getRefs ind (x:xs) = ind : getRefs (ind + numRefs' x + 1) xs
putInt64' x = do
lift $ put x
offset += 8
putWord64' x = do
lift $ put x
offset += 8
putDouble' x = do
lift $ putFloat64be x
offset += 8
putByteString' x = do
lift $ putByteString x
offset += B.length x
putWord8' x = do
lift $ putWord8 x
offset += 1
putWord16be' x = do
lift $ putWord16be x
offset += 2
putWord32be' x = do
lift $ putWord32be x
offset += 4
putWord64be' x = do
lift $ putWord64be x
offset += 8
| tkonolige/haskell-bplist | src/Data/PList/Binary.hs | Haskell | bsd-3-clause | 12,833 |
module System.Mesos.Raw.MasterInfo where
import System.Mesos.Internal
type MasterInfoPtr = Ptr MasterInfo
foreign import ccall unsafe "ext/types.h toMasterInfo" c_toMasterInfo
:: Ptr CChar -- infoID
-> CInt -- infoIDLen
-> CUInt -- infoIP
-> Ptr CUInt -- infoPort
-> Ptr CChar -- pid
-> CInt -- pidLen
-> Ptr CChar -- hostname
-> CInt -- hostnameLen
-> Ptr CChar -- version
-> CInt -- versionLen
-> IO MasterInfoPtr
foreign import ccall unsafe "ext/types.h fromMasterInfo" c_fromMasterInfo
:: MasterInfoPtr -- info
-> Ptr (Ptr CChar) -- infoId
-> Ptr CInt -- infoIdlen
-> Ptr CUInt -- infoIP
-> Ptr CUInt -- infoPort
-> Ptr (Ptr CChar) -- pid
-> Ptr CInt -- pidLen
-> Ptr (Ptr CChar) -- hostname
-> Ptr CInt -- hostnameLen
-> Ptr (Ptr CChar) -- version
-> Ptr CInt -- versionLen
-> IO ()
foreign import ccall unsafe "ext/types.h destroyMasterInfo" c_destroyMasterInfo
:: MasterInfoPtr
-> IO ()
instance CPPValue MasterInfo where
marshal i = do
(idp, idl) <- cstring $ masterInfoId' i
(pidp, pidl) <- maybeCString $ masterInfoPid i
(hnp, hnl) <- maybeCString $ masterInfoHostname i
(verp, verl) <- maybeCString $ masterInfoVersion i
prt <- allocMaybe $ fmap CUInt $ masterInfoPort i
liftIO $ c_toMasterInfo idp (fromIntegral idl) (CUInt $ masterInfoIp i) prt pidp (fromIntegral pidl) hnp (fromIntegral hnl) verp (fromIntegral verl)
unmarshal i = do
(idpP, idlP) <- arrayPair
ipP <- alloc
portP <- alloc
(pidpP, pidlP) <- arrayPair
(hnpP, hnlP) <- arrayPair
(verpP, verlP) <- arrayPair
poke pidpP nullPtr
poke hnpP nullPtr
poke verpP nullPtr
liftIO $ c_fromMasterInfo i idpP idlP ipP portP pidpP pidlP hnpP hnlP verpP verlP
mID <- peekCString (idpP, idlP)
(CUInt ip) <- peek ipP
(CUInt port) <- peek portP
pid <- peekMaybeBS pidpP pidlP
hn <- peekMaybeBS hnpP hnlP
version <- peekMaybeBS verpP verlP
return $ MasterInfo mID ip (Just port) pid hn version
destroy = c_destroyMasterInfo
equalExceptDefaults (MasterInfo mID ip p pid hn ver) (MasterInfo mID' ip' p' pid' hn' ver') = mID == mID' && ip == ip' && defEq 5050 p p' && pid == pid' && hn == hn' && ver == ver'
| Atidot/hs-mesos | src/System/Mesos/Raw/MasterInfo.hs | Haskell | mit | 2,231 |
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Rackspace.MailGun
( Message (..)
, sendMessage
, sendWith
) where
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS
import Data.Text
import Data.Text.Encoding
import Network.HTTP.Client.MultipartFormData
import Network.HTTP.Conduit
baseUrl :: String
baseUrl = ""
data Message = TextMessage
{ from :: Text
, to :: Text
, cc :: Maybe Text
, bcc :: Maybe Text
, subject :: Maybe Text
, text :: Text }
| HtmlMessage
{ from :: Text
, to :: Text
, cc :: Maybe Text
, bcc :: Maybe Text
, subject :: Maybe Text
, html :: Text }
deriving (Eq, Show)
partText :: Text -> Text -> [Part]
partText name value = [ partBS name (encodeUtf8 value) ]
partMaybeText :: Text -> Maybe Text -> [Part]
partMaybeText name value = case value of
Just val -> [ partBS name (encodeUtf8 val) ]
Nothing -> []
buildTail :: Message -> [Part]
buildTail TextMessage{..} = partText "text" text
buildTail HtmlMessage{..} = partText "html" html
buildBase :: Message -> [Part]
buildBase msg = partText "from" (from msg)
++ partText "to" (to msg)
++ partMaybeText "cc" (cc msg)
++ partMaybeText "bcc" (bcc msg)
++ partMaybeText "subject" (subject msg)
++ buildTail msg
sendMessage :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadThrow m) =>
String -> String -> Message -> m (Response LBS.ByteString)
sendMessage domain apiKey message = do
withManager $ \manager -> do
sendWith manager domain apiKey message
sendWith :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadThrow m) =>
Manager -> String -> String -> Message -> m (Response LBS.ByteString)
sendWith manager domain apiKey message = do
initReq <- parseUrl $ baseUrl ++ "/" ++ domain ++ "/messages"
let authReq = applyBasicAuth "api" (BS.pack apiKey) initReq
postReq = authReq { method = "POST" }
res <- flip httpLbs manager =<<
(formDataBody (buildBase message) postReq)
return res
| AndrewRademacher/mailgun | src/Rackspace/MailGun.hs | Haskell | mit | 2,765 |
module Main where
import qualified Api.Server as S
main :: IO ()
main = S.main
| Geeroar/ut-haskell | src/Main.hs | Haskell | apache-2.0 | 81 |
Module : Models.TimedAutomaton
Description : A (simplified) type for Timed Automata (TA) extended as in the UPPAAL tool (and XTA format).
Copyright : (c) 2017 Pascal Poizat
License : Apache-2.0 (see the file LICENSE)
Maintainer : [email protected]
Stability : experimental
Portability : unknown
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Models.TimedAutomaton (
-- * constructors
, VariableType(..)
, VariableName(..)
, VariableTyping(..)
, Bounds(..)
, Expression(..)
, VariableAssignment(..)
, Location(..)
, ClockOperator(..)
, ClockConstraint(..)
, ClockReset(..)
, Edge(..)
, TimedAutomaton(..)
, TimedAutomataNetwork(..)
, ToXta
-- * validity checking
, isValidTA
-- * get/set
, isCommitted
, isUrgent
, setCommitted
, setUrgent
-- * modifications
, name
, rename
, prefixBy
, suffixBy
, relabel
, rename'
, addObservers
-- * model to text transformations
, asXta)
import Data.List (delete)
import Data.Map as M (Map (..), fromList, keys,
member, (!))
import Data.Monoid (Any (..), getAny, (<>))
import Data.Set as S (fromList)
import Helpers (allIn, removeDuplicates)
import Models.TCommunication (TCommunication (..))
import Models.Events (CTIOEvent (..), TIOEvent (..))
import Models.Internal (Internal (..))
import Models.Name (Name (..), isValidName)
import Models.Named (Named (..))
import Numeric.Natural
import Transformations.ModelToText (foldMapToString,
import Transformations.Substitution (Substitution, apply)
A clock.
newtype Clock =
Clock String
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
A location.
newtype Location b =
Location b
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
A variable type, used for variables.
data VariableType = IntType Bounds
| BoolType
deriving (Eq, Show)
Boundaries for the integer type.
This is a simplified version of the UPPAAL model (no constants).
data Bounds = NoBounds
| Bounds
{ lowerBound :: Int
, higherBound :: Int}
deriving (Eq, Show)
Variable names are names over String.
type VariableName = Name String
Variables are given as a name, a type and possibly an initialization.
data VariableTyping = VariableTyping
{ varname :: VariableName
, vartype :: VariableType
, varinit :: Maybe Expression}
deriving (Eq, Show)
An expression used in assignments.
The expression is abstracted as a String.
We suppose this String is correct (type and use of variables).
newtype Expression = Expression String
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
An assignment for a variable.
data VariableAssignment = VariableAssignment
{ variable :: VariableName
, value :: Expression}
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
A clock comparison operator.
data ClockOperator
= LT
| GT
| LE
| GE
| EQ
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
A clock constraint.
data ClockConstraint = ClockConstraint
{ ccclock :: Clock -- ^ clock
, ccoperator :: ClockOperator -- ^ comparison operator
, ccvalue :: Natural -- ^ value to compare to
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
A clock reset (resets a clock to 0).
newtype ClockReset = ClockReset
{ rclock :: Clock
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
An edge with actions of type a between locations of type b.
data Edge a b = Edge
{ source :: Location b -- ^ source location
, action :: a -- ^ action
, guard :: [ClockConstraint] -- ^ guard
, resets :: [ClockReset] -- ^ set of clocks to reset
, assignments :: [VariableAssignment] -- ^ sequence of assignmentd
, target :: Location b -- ^ target location
} deriving (Ord, Show)
Instance of Eq for edges.
Two edges are == up tp reordering in guard and resets.
instance (Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (Edge a b) where
(Edge s a gs rs as t) == (Edge s' a' gs' rs' as' t') =
(s == s') &&
(a == a') &&
(S.fromList gs == S.fromList gs') &&
(S.fromList rs == S.fromList rs') &&
(S.fromList as == S.fromList as') &&
(t == t')
A timed automaton (TA).
A TA is generic on a, the the type of actions on edges,
and on b, the type of locations.
data TimedAutomaton a b = TimedAutomaton
{ mid :: Name String -- ^ id of the model
, locations :: [Location b] -- ^ locations
, initialLocation :: Location b -- ^ initial location
, committedLocations :: [Location b] -- ^ committed locations
, urgentLocations :: [Location b] -- ^ urgent locations
, clocks :: [Clock] -- ^ clocks
, variables :: Map VariableName VariableTyping -- ^ variables
, actions :: [a] -- ^ actions
, edges :: [Edge a b] -- ^ edges
, invariants :: [(Location b, [ClockConstraint])] -- ^ invariants
Network of TAs.
newtype TimedAutomataNetwork a b =
TimedAutomataNetwork [TimedAutomaton a b]
deriving (Show)
Instance of Show for TAs.
instance (Ord a, Ord b, ToXta a, ToXta b, TCommunication a) =>
Show (TimedAutomaton a b) where
show = asXta
Instance of Eq for TAs.
TODO: add treatment for invariants
instance (Ord a, Ord b) => Eq (TimedAutomaton a b) where
(TimedAutomaton i ls l0 cls uls cs vs as es _) == (TimedAutomaton i' ls' l0' cls' uls' cs' vs' as' es' _) =
[ i == i'
, ls == ls'
, l0 == l0'
, cls == cls'
, uls == uls'
, cs == cs'
, vs == vs'
, as == as'
, es == es'
Instance of Named for TAs.
instance Named (TimedAutomaton a b) where
name = mid
rename n (TimedAutomaton _ ls l0 cls uls cs vs as es is) =
TimedAutomaton n ls l0 cls uls cs vs as es is
Check the validity of a TA.
A TA is valid iff:
- the model id is not empty
- the set of actions is not empty
- the set of locations is not empty
- the sets of urgent and committed locations are disjoint
- the union of the urgent and committed locations is included in the locationd
- the initial location is in the set of locations
- the source location of each edge is in the set of locations
- the label of each transition is in the alphabet
- the target location of each edge is in the set of locations
- the resets of each edge are in the set of clocks
- the assignments of each edge are over the variables
- TODO: the keyset of the invariants is equal to the set of locations
isValidTA :: (Eq a, Eq b) => TimedAutomaton a b -> Bool
isValidTA (TimedAutomaton i ls l0 cls uls cs vs as es _) = and
[ isValidName i
, not . null $ as
, not . null $ ls
, l0 `elem` ls
, not . getAny $ foldMap (Any . elem' uls) cls
, cls `allIn` ls
, uls `allIn` ls
, (source <$> es) `allIn` ls
, (action <$> es) `allIn` as
, (target <$> es) `allIn` ls
, (rclock <$> foldMap resets es) `allIn` cs
, (variable <$> foldMap assignments es) `allIn` keys vs
where xs `elem'` x = x `elem` xs
Relabel actions in a TA.
relabel :: (Ord a) => Substitution a -> TimedAutomaton a b -> TimedAutomaton a b
relabel sigma (TimedAutomaton i ls l0 cls uls cs vs as es is) = TimedAutomaton
(apply sigma <$> as)
(relabelE sigma <$> es)
where relabelE sig (Edge s a gs rs as' s') = Edge s (apply sig a) gs rs as' s'
Check if a location is committed.
isCommitted :: Eq b => TimedAutomaton a b -> Location b -> Bool
isCommitted (TimedAutomaton i ls l0 cls uls cs vs as es is) l =
l `elem` ls && l `elem` cls
Check if a location is urgent.
isUrgent :: Eq b => TimedAutomaton a b -> Location b -> Bool
isUrgent (TimedAutomaton i ls l0 cls uls cs vs as es is) l =
l `elem` ls && l `elem` uls
Set a location to be committed.
Supposes the timed automaton is valid.
setCommitted :: Eq b => TimedAutomaton a b -> Location b -> TimedAutomaton a b
setCommitted t@(TimedAutomaton i ls l0 cls uls cs vs as es is) l
| l `notElem` ls = t
| isCommitted t l = t
| not (isUrgent t l) = TimedAutomaton i ls l0 cls' uls cs vs as es is
| otherwise = TimedAutomaton i ls l0 cls' uls' cs vs as es is
cls' = l : cls
uls' = delete l uls
Set a location to be urgent.
Supposes the timed automaton is valid.
setUrgent :: Eq b => TimedAutomaton a b -> Location b -> TimedAutomaton a b
setUrgent t@(TimedAutomaton i ls l0 cls uls cs vs as es is) l
| l `notElem` ls = t
| isUrgent t l = t
| not (isCommitted t l) = TimedAutomaton i ls l0 cls uls' cs vs as es is
| otherwise = TimedAutomaton i ls l0 cls' uls' cs vs as es is
cls' = delete l cls
uls' = l : uls
Rename the TA (using a substitution).
rename' :: Substitution (Name String)
-> TimedAutomaton a b
-> TimedAutomaton a b
rename' sigma t = rename (apply sigma $ name t) t
Add observers for actions.
This means:
- adding a local integer variable "done", initialized at 0
- defining a mapping m between actions as and identifiers (integers [1..|as|]
- setting done=m(a) for each edge with action a on it
addObservers :: Ord a => TimedAutomaton a b -> TimedAutomaton a b
addObservers (TimedAutomaton i ls l0 cls uls cs vs as es is) = TimedAutomaton
vs' = M.fromList [(varname, var)]
es' = addObserver <$> es
varname = Name ["done"]
var = VariableTyping varname (IntType bounds) (Just $ Expression "0")
bounds = Bounds 0 (length as)
m = M.fromList $ zip as (show <$> [1 .. (length as)])
addObserver (Edge s a gs rs as t) = Edge s a gs rs as' t
as' = if member a m
then VariableAssignment varname (Expression (m ! a)):as
else as
Get the invariant for a location.
getInvariantForLocation :: Ord b
=> [(Location b, [ClockConstraint])]
-> Location b
-> [ClockConstraint]
getInvariantForLocation is l = foldMap snd . filter ((== l) . fst) $ is
Class for what can be exported in the XTA format.
class Show t =>
ToXta t
asXta :: t -> String
{-# MINIMAL asXta #-}
Symbol in the XTA format for reception.
xtaREC :: String
xtaREC = "?"
Symbol in the XTA format for emission.
xtaSEND :: String
xtaSEND = "!"
ToXta instance for names.
instance ToXta (Name String) where
asXta (Name []) = "_"
asXta (Name ns) = foldMapToString' "_" id ns
ToXta instance for Natural.
instance ToXta Natural where
asXta = show
ToXta instance for Int.
instance ToXta Int where
asXta = show
ToXta instance for [Char].
instance ToXta [Char] where
asXta = id
ToXta instance for expressions.
instance ToXta Expression where
asXta (Expression e) = asXta e
ToXta instance for bounds.
instance ToXta Bounds where
asXta NoBounds = ""
asXta (Bounds b1 b2) = "[" ++ asXta b1 ++ "," ++ asXta b2 ++ "]"
ToXta instance for variable types.
instance ToXta VariableType where
asXta (IntType b) = "int" ++ asXta b
asXta BoolType = "bool"
ToXta instance for variable typings.
instance ToXta VariableTyping where
asXta (VariableTyping v t (Just e)) = asXta t ++ " " ++ asXta v ++ " = " ++ asXta e ++ ";"
asXta (VariableTyping v t Nothing) = asXta t ++ " " ++ asXta v ++ ";"
ToXta instance for variable assignments.
instance ToXta VariableAssignment where
asXta (VariableAssignment v e) = asXta v ++ " = " ++ asXta e
ToXta instance for clocks.
instance ToXta Clock where
asXta (Clock c) = "c_" ++ asXta c
ToXta instance for clock resets.
instance ToXta ClockReset where
asXta (ClockReset c) = asXta c ++ " = 0"
ToXta instance for clock constraints.
instance ToXta ClockConstraint where
asXta (ClockConstraint c op v) = asXta c <> " " <> asXta op <> " " <> asXta v
ToXta instance for clock operators.
instance ToXta ClockOperator where
asXta Models.TimedAutomaton.LT = "<"
asXta Models.TimedAutomaton.LE = "<="
asXta Models.TimedAutomaton.EQ = "=="
asXta Models.TimedAutomaton.GE = ">="
asXta Models.TimedAutomaton.GT = ">"
ToXta instance for locations.
instance (ToXta a) => ToXta (Location a) where
asXta (Location l) = "l_" ++ asXta l
ToXta instance for IO events.
instance (ToXta a) => ToXta (TIOEvent a) where
asXta TTau = ""
asXta (TReceive a) = asXta a
asXta (TSend a) = asXta a
ToXta instance for CIO events.
instance (ToXta a) => ToXta (CTIOEvent a) where
asXta CTTau = ""
asXta (CTReceive a) = asXta a ++ reqSuffix
asXta (CTInvoke a) = asXta a ++ reqSuffix
asXta (CTReply a) = asXta a ++ resSuffix
asXta (CTResult a) = asXta a ++ resSuffix
reqSuffix :: String
reqSuffix = "_req"
resSuffix :: String
resSuffix = "_res"
ToXta instance for edges.
instance (ToXta a, ToXta b, TCommunication a) => ToXta (Edge a b) where
asXta (Edge s a gs rs as s') =
[ replicate 4 ' '
, asXta s
, " -> "
, asXta s'
, " { "
, foldMapToString "guard " " && " "; " asXta gs
, asXta' a
, foldMapToString "assign " ", " "; " id ((asXta <$> as) <> (asXta <$> rs))
, "}"
asXta' e =
case () of
| isOutput e -> "sync " ++ asXta e ++ xtaSEND ++ "; "
| isInput e -> "sync " ++ asXta e ++ xtaREC ++ "; "
| otherwise -> ""
ToXta instance for a TA network.
instance (Ord a, Ord b, ToXta a, ToXta b, TCommunication a) =>
ToXta (TimedAutomataNetwork a b) where
asXta (TimedAutomataNetwork tas) =
unlines $ [schannels] <> stas <> sinstances <> [sprocess]
-- define the channels
schannels = foldMapToString "chan " ", " ";" id iochannels
iochannels =
removeDuplicates $ asXta <$> foldMap (removeInternals . actions) tas
removeInternals = filter (not . isInternal)
-- define the TAs
stas = asXta <$> tas
-- get all TA ids
pids = mid <$> tas
-- create an instance for each TA
sinstances = finstancedecl <$> pids
finstancedecl pid = finstancename pid <> " = " <> asXta pid <> "();"
finstancename pid = "Process_" <> asXta pid
-- put all the instances in the system
sprocess = foldMapToString "system " ", " ";" finstancename pids
ToXta instance for TAs.
Can be used to transform a TA into the XTA format.
Given a TA t, the channels and instance parts of the XTA files
are obtained by using @ToXta (TimedAutomataNetwork [t])@ instead of @ToXta t@.
instance (Ord a, Ord b, ToXta a, ToXta b, TCommunication a) =>
ToXta (TimedAutomaton a b) where
asXta (TimedAutomaton i ls l0 cls uls cs vs as es is) =
unlines $
(not . null)
[ sheader
, sclocks
, svariables
, sstates
, scstates
, sustates
, sinitialization
, sedges
, sfooter
sheader = "process " <> asXta i <> "(){"
sclocks = foldMapToString "clock " ", " ";" asXta cs
svariables = foldMapToString' "\n" asXta vs
sstates = foldMapToString "state " ", " ";" (asXtaWithInvariants is) ls
scstates = foldMapToString "commit " ", " ";" asXta cls
sustates = foldMapToString "urgent " ", " ";" asXta uls
sinitialization = "init " <> asXta l0 <> ";"
sedges = foldMapToString "trans\n" ",\n" ";" asXta es
sfooter = "}"
asXtaWithInvariants is' l =
asXta l <>
foldMapToString " { " " && " " }" asXta (getInvariantForLocation is' l)
| pascalpoizat/veca-haskell | src/Models/TimedAutomaton.hs | Haskell | apache-2.0 | 15,955 |
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Subsets and Splits