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ID_1c334558_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | could you convert this english text to swahili? | the mortician asked | subbarao bommineni asked |
ID_663c4b40_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | could you convert this english text to hausa? | i think it's time to ask wwjd? | maada time ho gaya sawah sadh ke |
ID_aae396ae_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | could you convert this english text to swahili? | what is the sense of our life on earth? | "ni kusudi lipi la maisha yetu duniani? |
ID_e4dfb53f_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | could you convert this english text to swahili? | i have a question: why'd you try to kill me? | previous previous post: kwa nini unijaribu kuniua? |
ID_663c4b40_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | could you convert this english text to swahili? | "what is this that you have done to us, not to call us when you went to fight against midian?" | hahahaaa..mbona umekuja kumsemea kwetu, si umwambie?! |
ID_c5efc9f4_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | please convert this english content into hausa. | i'm a medical doctor and practitioner of ncr. | ni mai koyar da aikin jinya ne kuma ma'aikacin jinya na sashen prn. |
ID_e893e08e_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | please convert this english content into hausa. | at the next stage, you need to specify your personal data in the profile of your personal account: last name, first name, middle name, citizenship, date of birth, contact phone number. | a mataki na gaba, kuna buƙatar bayyana bayanan sirri a cikin bayanan asusunku na sirri: sunan mahaifa, sunan farko, suna na tsakiya, ɗan ƙasa, ranar haihuwa, lambar waya. |
ID_74021450_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | could you convert this english text to swahili? | "why is all i ever want is more?": 2011 | "why is it always me?" ilitumwa zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita |
ID_6c8eb5ce_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | please convert this english content into hausa. | i wasn't taught healthy coping skills and developed a drug addiction. | seene me agar tu dard hai, na koi dawa chahiye |
ID_5bd5b7bf_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | please convert this english content into swahili. | 22 for day by day men came to david to help him, until there was a great army alike the army of god. | 22siku hadi siku, wanaume walikuja kwa daudi kumsaidia, mpaka wakawa jeshi kubwa, kama jeshi la mungu. |
ID_195534de_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | could you convert this english text to hausa? | in praise of luddites | yabba dabba darts |
ID_034bfc55_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | translate the following from english into swahili. | so what should be done with the bbc? | kwa hivyo ni nini cha kufanya na uni ya uniswap? |
ID_53f95d6f_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | please convert this english content into hausa. | title: how to get along with women | darasi: yadda mata zaku zauna da uwar miji, a gidan aure |
ID_41316455_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | please convert this english content into hausa. | in co-operation with corona film | su da yanar filmi konusu |
ID_f4e0225b_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | please convert this english content into hausa. | in other words some feel they have a righteousness to their opinion. | wasu na ganin shirun ka kamar yana nuna ka amince da hukuncinne. |
ID_cbeeb3de_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | could you convert this english text to swahili? | it was first identified in the united kingdom in the 1980s and is thought to affect 1-2% of the general population. | mara ya kwanza ugonjwa huu ulitambuliwa nchini uingereza mwaka 1980 na unaaminika kuwaathiri asilimia moja au mbili ya watu wote. |
ID_9c52ce2c_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | could you convert this english text to swahili? | for three days and a half men of all peoples, tribes, languages, and nations will look upon their lifeless bodies, and will not let them be buried. | 9 kwa muda wa siku tatu na nusu, watu wa kila kabila, lugha, taifa na rangi wataziangalia maiti zao, na hawataruhusu wazikwe. |
ID_f4ae1688_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | translate the following from english into hausa. | ok... there's money for everybody... | "wannan kuɗin da kowa ya ajiy... |
ID_1d81c4d0_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | please convert this english content into swahili. | the mission consists of 24 questions organized into 6 question groups. | jumla ya timu 24 zinashiriki mashindano hayo na zimepangwa katika makundi sita tofauti. |
ID_6fd7c8b2_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | please convert this english content into hausa. | how emotions are handled | wai menene shamsiyya tayi masu |
ID_be709146_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | could you convert this english text to hausa? | kourtney kardashian may be a mother of three, but no one can tell with her slim physique. | yar'uwar' yar'uwa kim kardashian ita ce mahaifiyar 'ya'ya uku, amma ba za ka iya gaya ta ta mai da hankali ba, fuskarsa mai haske. |
ID_1de2cc70_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | could you convert this english text to swahili? | since then, we have not been separated. | tangu hapo, hapakuwa na la kututenganisha. |
ID_bc329ad6_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | translate the following from english into swahili. | he called out to them, and the girl cried: | wote wakaangua kicheko, na yule binti akasema kiutani, |
ID_e5a807a6_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | could you convert this english text to swahili? | we have related it in the book of ibn al-sunnī, on the authority of abū saʿīd al-khudrī, from the messenger of allah, may allah's prayers and peace be upon him. | wallahi tuna msahafu wa fatuma, kile kilichomo ndani yake ni aya katika kitabu cha allah, na kwa hakika ni imla ya mtume wa allah, rehema na amani ziwe juu yake, na aali zake, kwa hati ya mkono wa ali, mungu amuwie radhi. ([57]) |
ID_5c98288b_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | please convert this english content into swahili. | when many women weren't entering into small | baadhi ya wanawake hawapo serious kabisa kwenye mahusiano |
ID_97fd2794_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | could you convert this english text to hausa? | they could only be stopped by superman. | superman kawai zai iya dakatar da su. |
ID_b6731c50_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | translate the following from english into hausa. | the state of ohio does not regulate phlebotomy... | us ke sath he tou mahsoos kiya hai ... |
ID_6e8dd3f6_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | could you convert this english text to swahili? | this leads me to conclude that the term may now be past its shelf-life." | natumaini kwa maelezo haya ya maandishi, ofisi yako sasa inaweza kuendelea kukamilisha ukaguzi wa chc." |
ID_a9b751e8_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | could you convert this english text to swahili? | i am sure it is, and if you still don't believe me, then test it out yourself! | ukiipata - ingawa mwenyewe sina hakika ipo, ijaribu! |
ID_4c8dcfd3_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | translate the following from english into swahili. | it consists of administrative districts. | thirikari ya province ni ya gu coordinate districts. |
ID_66ea6a98_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | translate the following from english into hausa. | get more exposure, attract customers and increase your engagements. | sanya tallace-tallace ta atomatik, burge abokan cinikin ku kuma sami ƙarin kasuwanci. |
ID_021ddd98_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | could you convert this english text to swahili? | hosea 13:14: "i will redeem them from death: o death, i will be thy plagues; o grave, i will be thy destruction." | hosea 13:14 nitawakomboa kutoka kwa nguvu ya kaburi; nitawakomboa kutoka kwa kifo: ee kifo, nitakuwa mapigo yako; ee kaburi, nitakuwa uharibifu wako: toba itafichwa kutoka kwa macho yangu. |
ID_d32ea113_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | could you convert this english text to swahili? | doesn't appear to be any autos. | na mwaonekana hamna gari. |
ID_5910d484_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | could you convert this english text to hausa? | locavore is a word often used to describe people who represent or take part in the growing local food movement. | locavore kalma ce da aka saba amfani dashi don bayyana mutanen da suke wakiltar ko kuma shiga cikin ci gaba da karuwar abinci na gida. |
ID_3447d3cf_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | translate the following from english into hausa. | 9:1 and he cried out in my ears with a loud voice, 說: "the visitations of the city have drawn near, and each one has equipment for killing in his hand." | 9:1 kuma ya yi ihu a cikin kunnuwana da babbar murya, yana cewa: "ziyara garin sun kusa, kuma kowannensu yana da kayan aikin kisa a hannunsa. " |
ID_c9ab49ec_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | translate the following from english into hausa. | (and get to read about it!) | (danna nan don karantawa game da wannan!) |
ID_6b3f7702_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | could you convert this english text to swahili? | the pair spoke alongside one another on a panel discussion during the 10th annual dubai international sports conference. | viongozi hao wawili wamezungumza pamoja katika mdahalo wakati wa kongamano la kumi la kila mwaka la kimataifa la michezo nchini dubai hapo jana. |
ID_47d0c5ff_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | could you convert this english text to swahili? | 69th street bridge by i love you but i've chosen darkness | e. 4.05 - i upendo wewe but i've chosen darkness |
ID_5910d484_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | could you convert this english text to swahili? | is suitable for the oil. | inafaa kwa mafuta. |
ID_bd9216ab_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | translate the following from english into hausa. | (the names should speak for themselves.) | (wasu masanan suna rarraba magana da kanta kamar yadda ya saba). |
ID_af2db7b8_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | please convert this english content into hausa. | "[t]o get them to stop advertising these products as new, so customers aren't duped into buying used or defective products." | "ba wai za su zo da kudi ne a sayar musu da matatun ba, za su zo a hada gwiwa a yi wannan gyara ta yadda matatun za su kai matsayin da za su rika aiki (gadan-gadan).' |
ID_456dd569_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | could you convert this english text to swahili? | give me relevancy | nipe nikupe utamu |
ID_86725e73_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | translate the following from english into hausa. | "we will continue to pressure north korea to abandon all its weapons of mass destruction and programs and installations related to ballistic missiles. | "zamu cigaba da aikin kwace makamai daga hannun duk wasu miyagun mutane tare da kakkabe yan fashi da makami da masu garkuwa da mutane daga jahar gaba daya." |
ID_97a5872e_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | could you convert this english text to swahili? | stay tuned in the link below | jihudumie mwenyewe kwenye link hapo chini |
ID_802b492b_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | please convert this english content into hausa. | the team began working together in 1998. | kungiyar ta fara aiki tare a 1998. |
ID_b465f3f2_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | translate the following from english into swahili. | that's the end of writing your first app (part 1). | na hapo utakuwa umemaliza daraja la kwanza (d 1) |
ID_e893e08e_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | please convert this english content into swahili. | i had grown up watching. | nlikua nimefika mwisho ya kunona. |
ID_5ed7e4be_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | could you convert this english text to swahili? | the depths of this wisdom are too great to explore here, but as it pertains to being a better blues guitar player, i believe there are two key lessons you can learn from b.b. king. | tofauti ni kubwa kuliko unavyoanza kufikiri...kwanza hii ni "bachelor of science.,"lakini tofauti kubwa zaidi,heb pitia courses znazopatikana ktk hzo faccult mbili upime.. |
ID_436a97ac_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | please convert this english content into hausa. | 5g, economic warfare, and how to win | 2.0.9 wasanni na poker da kuma yadda za ayi nasara |
ID_1c5190d4_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | translate the following from english into hausa. | the elder sister mary than to the attractions of the younger. | sun beta abhi tu meri kadar nahin kar raha hai to mat kar kyunki meri kadar karna teri aukat se bahar hai |
ID_ceadae8d_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | could you convert this english text to hausa? | t- despite 10%, the alcohol goes undetectable. | 10% - bo kon si sabazi ha jis mai sahar ka name aata hai? |
ID_be5fdef2_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | please convert this english content into hausa. | 44: "woe to you, because you are like unmarked graves, which men walk over without knowing it." | 44"kaitonku, domin ku kamar kaburbura ne da ba a sa musu alama ba, waɗanda mutane suke takawa don rashin sani." |
ID_41316455_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | translate the following from english into swahili. | today he going back to australia... | inarudi leo kutoka singapore....... |
ID_166786e2_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | translate the following from english into hausa. | when i started to read it, i couldn't stop. | lokacin da na fara karanta shi ba zan iya dakatar. |
ID_a1bbd97d_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | could you convert this english text to hausa? | from now on - let it go | daga - bari |
ID_2b713616_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | translate the following from english into swahili. | here are a few of the dangers associated with e-cigarette and vaporizing tobacco: | baadhi ya huduma za hotmail au ni: |
ID_622f3c02_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | translate the following from english into swahili. | monetary donations are also a great help. | pia pesa za ufisadi zinawasaidia sana. |
ID_8bec01a5_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | translate the following from english into hausa. | it's also important to know about your rights as a pagan parent and the rights of pagan students. | har ila yau, yana da muhimmanci a san game da hakkinka a matsayin uba makiya da ' yancin abokan cin hanci . |
ID_7c3329c5_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | translate the following from english into hausa. | wolsey and henry pursued a diplomatic and military policy designed to raise england's (and thus henry's) profile in european affairs, which was dominated by the spanish-franco-habsburg rivalry. | wolsey da henry sun bi manufar diflomasiyya da soja da aka tsara don tada ingila-kuma ta haka ne henry ya fadi a cikin harkokin turai, wanda rinjayen mutanen espanya da franco-habsburg suka mamaye. |
ID_04e2fcfd_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | please convert this english content into swahili. | wkbw wishes to congratulate all of the winners. | mk inawapongeza washindi wote. |
ID_12736fbd_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | translate the following from english into swahili. | are you happy 08. | make pep8 happy. |
ID_1351c78a_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | please convert this english content into hausa. | the budget is not more than $5. | farashin nan ba ya wuce $ 5; |
ID_6d513e26_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | translate the following from english into hausa. | everything may happen." | komai na iya faruwa fa." |
ID_3092437a_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | translate the following from english into hausa. | "yes, that sounds fine. | hanford: ee, wannan yana sauti da amfani. |
ID_d6337fa7_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | translate the following from english into hausa. | little was written about her during her lifetime, and most mentions of her in historical records are in relation to other members of her family -- her father, edward iv, and her mother, elizabeth woodville, who each negotiated for her marriage; her mysteriously missing brothers; her uncle richard, who was accused of murdering her brothers; and of course, later, her husband and sons. | an rubuta kadan game da ita a lokacin rayuwarta, kuma mafi yawancin sunayenta a cikin tarihin tarihi suna da alaka da sauran danginta - ubansa, edward iv, da mahaifiyarta, elizabeth woodville , wanda kowannensu yayi shawarwari don aurenta; 'yan uwanta masu ban mamaki. kawunta richard , wanda ake zargi da kashe 'yan uwanta; kuma ba shakka, daga baya, mijinta da 'ya'ya maza. |
ID_fc86b377_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | could you convert this english text to swahili? | you be good?" | are wewe okay?" |
ID_acd1abb8_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | translate the following from english into hausa. | "i don't like the way things feel." | "ba na son yadda kayan aikin ji suke yi." |
ID_6c8eb5ce_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | could you convert this english text to swahili? | due to winning new contracts, they are looking for a... | watafute kazi nyingine kwani wanang'ang'ania nini.... |
ID_58b687ff_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | could you convert this english text to hausa? | those who indulge in too much sleep do themselves an injury, as excessive sleep is accompanied by the inactivity of the chief organs and tissues of the body. | wadanda suke yin barcin barci mai yawa suna yiwa kansu rauni, saboda bacci mai yawa yana hade da rashin aiki na manyan gabobin da tsokoki na jiki. |
ID_304bf363_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | could you convert this english text to hausa? | usf offers undergraduate, graduate, and professional students the knowledge and skills needed to succeed as persons and professionals, and the values and sensitivity necessary to be men and women for others. | jami'ar ta ba da damar digiri, digiri na biyu da kwararrun malaman ilimin da basira da ake bukata don samun nasara a matsayin mutane da masu sana'a, da kuma dabi'u da fahimtar da ake bukata don zama maza da mata don wasu. |
ID_51712c05_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | could you convert this english text to swahili? | when jesus was born the angels sang, "glory to god in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to people of good will." | usiku ambao yesu alizaliwa, malaika walisema, "utukufu kwa mungu juu mbinguni, na duniani amani, nia njema kwa wanadamu." |
ID_1ecc13b6_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | please convert this english content into hausa. | lawyer to ihedioha and his party, the peoples democratic party (pdp), kanu agabi (san) while arguing his client's case prayed the court to set aside its january 14th judgment and restore the judgement of the court of appeal which the supreme had voided. | lauyan ihedioha da jam'iyyar peoples democratic party (pdp), kanu agabi (san), ya bukaci kotun ta lashe amanta da tayi ranar 14 ga junairu na kwace kujerar gwamnan pdp da baiwa hope uzodinma na apc. |
ID_5bd5b7bf_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | please convert this english content into hausa. | queen of the turf stakes day | sarauniya badi'atul nauwara ta shige izuwa cikin |
ID_f3937c75_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | please convert this english content into swahili. | it's crucial that malaysians take steps to plan for their retirement and their financial future. | kwa wanabiashara shughuli hiyo ni muhimu sana hususan kwa waekezaji kufanya uamuzi kuhusu bidhaa zao na mfumo wa usambazaji. |
ID_c4bd3f7f_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | translate the following from english into swahili. | or the year you were born. | au wewe ulizaliwa mwaka gani? |
ID_622f3c02_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | translate the following from english into hausa. | you may want to check out the con of the north which is in february in st. paul. | akwai yiyuwar asuu zata ci gaba da yajin aiki a watan fabrairu>>kamar yanda ta tabbatar - arewasound |
ID_d219052d_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | translate the following from english into hausa. | birds released by this method tend to return to the area to rear their young. | wadannan mutane da aka chafke an yi nasarar chafke su ne a hanyar su ta zuwa karamar dandume don sake aika-aika. |
ID_2ddbb2c5_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | translate the following from english into swahili. | it all works something like this. | kitu chochote kinachofanya kazi kama hiyo. |
ID_55c834eb_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | please convert this english content into swahili. | "i have the last name, the last name does not go up to fight for me. | "nimeshindwa kuona jina langu na mara ya mwisho nimepiga kura hapa. |
ID_2a822fa4_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | translate the following from english into swahili. | "they are just like us. | "wako kama sisi tu. |
ID_2d567159_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | could you convert this english text to hausa? | in 2011, hyundai redesigned the sonata. | a shekarar 2011, adeyami ya sake takarar 'dan |
ID_1be76ed8_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | could you convert this english text to hausa? | indeed, nowadays, most desktops and laptops come with windows pre-installed when a person them, some often the windows installation disc isn't included. | a zamanin yau, mafi yawan kwamfyutocin tebur da kwamfyutocin zo da windows pre-shigar lokacin da ka saya da su, da kuma wani lokacin da windows shigarwa disc ba a hada. |
ID_2a822fa4_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | translate the following from english into hausa. | the mindmaps are made to be viewed with a pdf reader. | ana iya buɗe fayilolin pdf tare da mai karanta pdf. |
ID_d36d36a0_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | could you convert this english text to hausa? | for the love of god please release an abridged version. | dan allah aboki ka dan bar yar mutane takara hutawa sosai please inji cewar fk . |
ID_bf57a9bf_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | please convert this english content into hausa. | q well, your main argument is that their argument is that they are doing this because they are afraid of putting off potential recruits to their universities. | gtk; wasu daga cikin jami\'an gwamnatin nan da ta gabata, suna cewa kuna yi masu wannan abu ne, don kuna tsoran adawar da suke yiwa wannan gwamnati taku. |
ID_11b8f7c5_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | translate the following from english into swahili. | @amy odbc is one of the 9 circles of hell | @leap_community ni namba moja ya ushauri kwa |
ID_0e0b3a86_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | could you convert this english text to swahili? | to a problem that i don't understand | kuna tatizo gani sielewi |
ID_6e9ffcda_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | translate the following from english into hausa. | the self-styled godman was held guilty on friday. | an sako shugaban kungiyar miyetti allah da ake zargin an sace a ranar talatan makon da ya gabata. |
ID_7c3329c5_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | could you convert this english text to swahili? | it was all money. | kila kitu pale ilikuwa pesa. |
ID_ff85fb9e_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | translate the following from english into hausa. | by the 1980s, pressure for political reform and german unification was growing and in 1989 the berlin wall fell and in 1990 the four power control ended. | ta hanyar matsin lamba na 1980 don sake fasalin siyasa da haɗin gwiwar jamus ya karu kuma a shekarar 1989 wall wall ya fadi, kuma a shekara ta 1990 an gama ƙarancin wutar lantarki ta hudu. |
ID_1e468326_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | please convert this english content into hausa. | here's the proo | yanzu, a nan ne rubutun zane-zane. |
ID_6e7ab564_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | please convert this english content into swahili. | convinced you don't have a brand story? | unahakika kama wewe huna propaganda? |
ID_12736fbd_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | please convert this english content into hausa. | the new beefed up law goes into effect on august 1st. | image caption sabuwar dokar za ta fara aiki ne daga ranar 1 ga watan agusta. |
ID_ea9c5d25_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | translate the following from english into swahili. | all of those who have given to our | oso alitupa |
ID_78f881d7_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | please convert this english content into swahili. | oh my god, what is the source on that avatar? | baba, hii nguvu kubwa kule arusha ya nini? |
ID_b8ca5d86_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | please convert this english content into swahili. | they must have known what was coming after introductions. | hawa walijua kitakachoendelea baada ya sheria kupitishwa. |
ID_7c9b5dbf_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | please convert this english content into swahili. | a truly large amount of games and activities greets players that are new. | kwa kweli, mengi ya michezo na shughuli inakaribisha wachezaji wapya. |
ID_8aa26dab_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | could you convert this english text to swahili? | there are small businesses which can be successful with this. | kwa hivyo vyama vidogo huenda vikafanikiwa katika hili. |
ID_46056ad4_dev_mt_eng-hau | mmt | eng-hau | wmt22 | could you convert this english text to hausa? | identical twins are an example of natural clones. | dabbobi da suka haifar da labaran su ne misalai na clones waɗanda aka samar ta hanyar halitta. |
ID_083d10e0_dev_mt_eng-swa | mmt | eng-swa | wmt22 | translate the following from english into swahili. | > if you need more information, just let me know:). | ur welcome:) if u want specifcs just let me know:) zaidi ya mwaka mmoja uliopita |
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