Dataset Viewer
stringlengths 3
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int64 1,255,932,404B
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| latvian
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jenuufa | @ElitaKazaine @tvitermaniaks @atheist_from_lv must look somewhere at Popokatepetl’s for some Tomato Words, won't be in parents' dowry :( and some ritual for the Summoning Dance of the Bushy Bunch | 1,259,773,105,888,809,000 | neg | @ElitaKazaine @tvitermaniaks @atheist_from_lv must look somewhere at Popokatepetl’s for some Tomato Words, won't be in parents dowry :( and some ritual for the Hungry Dates of the Big Bunch | @ElitaKazaine @tvitermaniaks @atheist_from_lv jāmeklē kkur pie Popokatepetla kādi Tomātu Vārdi, senču pūrā jau nebūs :( un kādu rituālu Kuplā Ķekara Piesaukšanas Deju |
Zvlkx | @maljorka Hehe, I prefer without anything then, not like this. :D Ah, tastes are so different. | 1,259,770,581,328,765,000 | pos | @maljorka Hehe, I prefer without nothing then, not like this. :D Ah, tastes are so different. | @maljorka Hehe, man tad labāk garšo bez nekā, nevis šādi. :D Ai, gaumes ir tik atšķirīgas. |
anbudrecky | @IngaStirna Apple charlotte. | 1,256,958,121,160,949,800 | neu | @IngaStirna Apple charlotte. | @IngaStirna Ābolu šarlote. |
AnnaNorvele | We were at Grandma’s today (firewood + things to bring). I expected that it would get better, and I would miss her less, but we could only talk to her through the window and we ate buns in the car instead of having lunch. Not ok. | 1,256,963,181,274,169,300 | neg | We were at Grandma’s today (firewood + things to bring). I expected that it would get better, and I would miss her less, but we could only talk through the window and we ate buns in the car instead of having lunch. Not ok. | Šodien bijām pie vecmāmiņas (malka + jāaizved lietas). Es gaidīju, ka paliks labāk, un man viņas pietrūks mazāk, bet mēs ar viņu varējām sarunāties tikai caur logu un pusdienu vietā apēdām bulciņas mašīnā. Nav ok. |
mamma_darbaa | @DigiPapucis @LLauliba To be honest around 50% of the time I feel like that guy from @LLauliba. E.g. “Oh, the horror, kids have smeared something because he didn't look”, “The kids were eating flakes for breakfast” is my every day now. And overall, everything is fine. Slightly annoyed by the norms of how every parent should behave, especially NOW | 1,259,198,927,045,361,700 | neg | @DigiPapucis @LLauliba To be really honest around 50% of the time I feel like that guy from @LLauliba. E.g. “Oh, the horror, kids have smeared something because he didn't look”, “The kids were eating flakes for breakfast” is my everyday now. And overall, everything is fine. Slightly annoyed by the norms how every parent should behave, especially NOW | @DigiPapucis @LLauliba Ja tā godīgi ap 50% laika es jūtos kā tas džeks no @LLauliba. E.g. "Ak, šausmas, bērni kaut ko ir noķēpājuši, jo viņš neskatījās", "Bērni brokastīs ēda pārslas" tagad ir mana ikdiena. Un kopumā viss ir labi. Nedaudz kaitina tās normas kā katram vecākam jāizturas, it sevišķi TAGAD |
za_ne | @E_Stendzenieks “So have you eaten or not? If you have not eaten, what should I make for you, put your ass on the floor | 1,259,955,809,540,354,000 | neg | @E_Stendzenieks “So have you eaten or not? If you have not eaten, what should I make for you, put your ass on the floor | @E_Stendzenieks “Ta ēdis vai neēdis? Ja tu neēdis, ko tevīm sataisij, ta grūd dirs ga’ zēm’” |
Vanags7 | Mushrooms can also be picked in spring and in a young stand, and they are not poisonous if you know how to cook, we eat them since childhood! | 1,257,013,157,291,319,300 | neu | Mushrooms can also be picked in the spring and coppice, and they are not poisonous if you know how to cook, we have eaten them since childhood! | Sēnes var lasīt arī pavasarī un jaunaudzē, un nav indīgas ja gatavot māk, ēdam no bērnības! |
ketijae | Attention! Important news in my life 1. I am finally eating cold soup 2. The cold soup was blue | 1,260,604,695,845,970,000 | neu | Attention! Important news in my life 1. I am finally eating cold soup 2. The cold soup was blue | Uzmanību! Svarīgi jaunumi manā dzīvē 1. Es beidzot ēdu auksto zupu 2. Aukstā zupa bija zila |
KaktussLogaa | @INiedzviedze @WilmaLinda To be honest, I liked school lunch very much. My mother was offended when I told her that the meatball was as tasty as it was at school | 1,260,174,038,334,410,800 | pos | @INiedzviedze @WilmaLinda Honestly, I liked school lunch very much. My mother was offended when I praised her that the meatball was as tasty as it is at school. | @INiedzviedze @WilmaLinda Ja godīgi, man ļoti garšoja skolas pusdienas. Mamma apvainojās, kad viņu paslavēju, ka kotlete ir tikpat garšīga kā skolā |
MissZuu | @WilmaLinda In childhood, one aunt showed a recipe - mix margarine with grated cheese and tomato sauce, smear on white bread, a fresh cucumber on top. Jesus, even now I started drooling. And I will never understand any fried fish and the phenomenon of fish or milk soups. | 1,260,172,545,078,239,200 | neu | @WilmaLinda In my childhood, one aunt showed a recipe - mix margarine with grated cheese and tomato sauce, smear on white bread, a fresh cucumber on top. Jesus, even now I started drooling. And I will never understand any fried fish and the phenomenon of fish or milk soups. | @WilmaLinda Bērnībā viena tante ierādīja recepti - margarīnu sajauc ar rīvētu sietu un tomātu mērci, smērē uz baltmaizes, pa virsu svaigs gurķis. Jēziņ, pat tagad saskrēja siekala. Un nekad nesapratīšu jebkādas ceptas zivis un zivju vai piena zupu fenomenu. |
Vinotava | @Uckevics @maljorka It's not about being able to bite a carrot, eat an apple or a tomato. But adding simply chopped vegetables to the portion without an additive is not tasteful. Besides, vegetables without additives are not a salad. In winter, pile up sliced Chinese cabbage and a couple of tomato slices. What is this? | 1,260,171,126,094,868,500 | neg | @Uckevics @maljorka It's about that one can nibble a carrot, eat an apple or a tomato. But adding simply chopped vegetables without an additive isn't tasteful. Besides, vegetables without additives are not salads. In winter, pile up sliced Chinese cabbage and a couple of slices of tomato. What is this? | @Uckevics @maljorka Nav jau runa, ka var nograuzt burkānu, apēst ābolu vai tomātu. Taču pievienot porcijai vienkārši sasmalcinātus dārzeņus bez aizdara nav gaumīgi. Turklāt neaizdarīti dārzeņi nav salāti. Ziemā - saber kaudzi ar sašķērētiem Ķīnas kāpostiem un pāris šķēlēm tomāta. Kas tas ir? |
RaimondsBlums | @MrBalins @WilmaLinda celery with chocolate and @shmaramagda | 1,260,170,668,634,759,200 | neu | @MrBalins @WilmaLinda celery with chocolate and @shmaramagda | @MrBalins @WilmaLinda selerija ar šokolādi un @shmaramagda |
kristapsk | @RaivisDejus @edaliba Not eating meat is a very irrational act because you're forced to eat physically larger volumes, resulting in more of your valuable life span being wasted in such a senseless thing as eating. | 1,260,169,716,141,887,500 | neg | @RaivisDejus @edaliba Not eating meat is a very irrational act because you're forced to eat physically larger volumes, resulting in more of your precious life wasted in in such a pointless thing as eating. | @RaivisDejus @edaliba Neēst gaļu ir ļoti neracionāla rīcība, jo esi spiests ēst fiziski lielākus apjomus, kā rezultātā vairāk savas dzīves dārgā laikā izšķiet tādā bezjēdzīgā padarīšanā, kā ēšana. |
LiepinLiva | @WilmaLinda I very much like dressed herring, just without herring. | 1,260,168,291,777,220,600 | pos | @WilmaLinda I very much like dressed herring, just without herring. | @WilmaLinda Man ļoti garšo siļķe kažokā, tikai bez siļķes. |
laura_tuca | @WilmaLinda Milk vegetable soup when the new potatoes, and other vegetables appear. | 1,260,169,633,631,555,600 | neu | @WilmaLinda Milk vegetable soup when the new potatoes and other vegetables appear. | @WilmaLinda Piena dārzeņu zupa, kad parādās jaunie kartupeļi u.c. dārzeņi. |
Meijereens | @WilmaLinda Sorrel soup is my favorite soup! But in general, such normal dishes are listed in the comments. :) I wonder what's strange that I'm eating - do green, freshly peeled potatoes count? Tastes good :) Oh, and I like all the offal, starting with liver and ending with bull's balls :D | 1,260,168,059,295,326,200 | pos | @WilmaLinda Sorrel soup is my favorite soup! But in general, quite normal dishes are listed in these comments. :) I don't know what strange things I eat - do raw, freshly peeled potatoes count? Very tasty :) Oh, and I also like all offal, starting with liver and ending with the bull's testicles :D | @WilmaLinda Skābeņu zupa ir mana mīļākā zupa! Bet vispār te komentāros tādi normāli ēdieni uzskaitīti. :) Es nez, ko dīvainu ēdu - zaļi, tikko nomizoti kartupeļi skaitās? Baigi garšo :) Ā, un vēl garšo visi subprodukti, sākot ar aknām un beidzot ar buļļa pautiem :D |
ZPupola | I know it's stylish to say that when you eat fish or chicken, you're practicing some kind of vegetarianism, but don't be an idiot, and stop it. You're very much disturbing the people who don't eat meat, since because you omnivores think that a vegetarian = eating only a few types of meat/a picky eater. | 1,259,768,328,526,205,000 | neg | I know it's stylish to say that when you eat a fish or a chicken, you're practicing some kind of vegetarianism, but you're not a idiot, and stop it. You're disturbing people who don't eat meat very much, because due to you omnivores think that a vegetarian = eating only a few types of meat/a picky eater. | Es zinu, ka ir stilīgi stāstīt ka ēdot zivi vai vistu tu piekop kādu veģetārisma veidu, bet neesi lohs, un izbeidz. Tu ļoti traucē cilvēkiem, kas neēd gaļu, jo visēdāji tevis dēļ domā, ka veģetārietis = ēd tikai dažu veidu gaļu/izvēlīgs ēdājs. |
tvitermaniaks | @DGFelton @sencis_ @Vinkele Of course. If Ramona were there, the defenders of Ilze would eat her up off with all her belongings. That's exactly why it amuses me. | 1,259,148,349,367,869,400 | neg | @DGFelton @sencis_ @Vinkele Of course. If Ramona would be there, the defenders of Ilze would eat him off with all of his clothes. That's exactly why it amuses me. | @DGFelton @sencis_ @Vinkele Protams. Būtu tur Ramona, Ilzes aizstāvji viņu ēstu nost ar visām parpalām. Tieši tāpēc mani tas uzjautrina. |
normis | @IvarsNeiders By the way that impossible burger and beyond meat - a really interesting product. There is one third company in Latvia only, but even they are already very delicious. I recommend that the OLearys in Akropole, they have such a burger. Made of plants, but tastes super | 1,259,764,031,851,769,900 | pos | @IvarsNeiders By the way that impossible burger and beyond meat - a really interesting product. There is one third company in Latvia only, but even they are already very delicious. I recommend to try OLearys in the Akropole, they have such a burger. Made of plants, but tastes super | @IvarsNeiders Starp citu tas impossible burger un beyond meat - baigi interesants produkts. Latvijā ir viens trešais uzņēmums tikai, bet pat tie jau ir ļoti garšīgi. Iesaku paprovēt OLearys Akropolē, viņiem ir tāds burgeris. No augiem, bet garšo super |
goodgoodbye | @mairitagurova The taxi driver was introduced through acquaintances of acquaintances. We walked everything on foot. We got tired. Then we got free cakes and burgers. We protested, of course, but he told us that Valmiera people were hospitable folk. Your tour reminded of how lovely it is on that side. | 1,257,011,148,408,467,500 | pos | @mairitagurova The taxi driver was introduced through acquaintances of acquaintances. We walked everything on foot. We got tired. Then he got us cakes and burgers. We protested, of course, but he told us that Valmiera residents are hospitable folk. Your tour reminded me of how lovely it is on that side. | @mairitagurova Taksists caur paziņu paziņam tika iepazīts. Mēs ar kājām visu izstaigājām. Sagurām. Pēc tam uzsauca mums kūkas un burgerus. Protestējam, protams, bet viņš mums atbildēja, ka valmierieši ir viesmīglīgi ļautiņi. Jūsu ekskursija atgādināja par to cik jauki ir tajpusē. |
austra_e | @selmuushh Everything normal, I like a cheese sandwich with caramel sauce, I don't regret anything. | 1,258,417,005,679,566,800 | pos | @selmuushh Everything normal, I like a cheese sandwich with caramel sauce, I don't regret anything. | @selmuushh Viss norm, man garšo siermaizīte ar karameļu mērci, neko nenožēloju. |
IRugevica | @sankuperis Well, at least while eating you can remove the mask | 1,258,404,676,208,398,300 | pos | @sankuperis Well, at least is is allowed to remove the mask while eating | @sankuperis Nu labi, ka vismaz ēdot drīkst masku noņemt |
tiniestbeomgyu | NOM NOM | 1,258,416,715,656,048,600 | pos | NOM NOM | ŅAM ŅAM |
_skabarga | Here's one super confectioner's cheese cake cream recipe | 1,258,416,984,804,528,000 | pos | Here is one cheesecake cream recipe from one super confectioner | Reku vienas superīgas konditores siera kūkas krēma recepte |
ElinaMarta | In the United States, GABA can be purchased as a food supplement without rx. I bought 200caps at Walmart for 7$. I eat one, interesting feeling, because after 15 minutes there was an abnormal sour taste in my mouth. I remembered acid stimulation and pharmacology. Anxiety was induced more than suppressed. Bottle in the trash can, bye. | 1,258,416,307,260,862,500 | neg | In the USA, GABA can be purchased as a food supplement without rx. I bought 200caps at Walmart for 7$. I eat one, interesting feeling, because after 15 minutes there is an abnormal sour taste in my mouth. I remembered acid stimulation and pharmacology. Anxiety was induced more than suppressed. Bottle in the trash can, bye. | ASV kā uztura bagātinātāju veicītī bez rx var nopirkt GABA. Nopirku Walmart pa 7$ 200caps. Apēdu vienu, interesanta sajūta, jo pēc 15 min nenormāla skāba garša mutē. Atcerējos acid stimulation un farmako. Trauksmi radīja vairāk nekā nomāca. Pudelīte miskastē, bye. |
presesklubs | People like to live in Latvia because there is nature here, relatives, friends, but one must also eat and earn: @ssemjonovs @RIGATV24 #presesklubs | 1,258,412,898,658,943,000 | pos | People like to live in Latvia because there is nature, family, friends, but you must also eat and earn: @ssemjonovs @RIGATV24 #presesklubs | Cilvēkiem Latvijā patīk dzīvot, jo te ir daba, tuvinieki, draugi, bet ir arī jāēd un jānopelna: @ssemjonovs @RIGATV24 #presesklubs |
aaugvsts | coffee and a cigarette best breakfast and u cant tell me otherwise | 1,259,397,790,804,906,000 | pos | coffee and cigarette best breakfast and u cant tell me otherwise | kafija un ciiga labaakas brokastis and u cant tell me otherwise |
KristineSpure | @elinakursite To make spaghetti with minced meat. Over time, I have perfected the recipe, and now I am making the Bologna sauce in my own way. But it's still one of my favorite dishes. :) | 1,258,798,965,228,802,000 | pos | @elinakursite Make spaghetti with minced meat. Over time, I have perfected the recipe, and now I make the Bologna sauce in my own way. But it's still one of my favorite dishes. :) | @elinakursite Pagatavot spaghetti ar malto gaļu. Laika gaitā es gan recepti esmu pilnveidojusi un tagad taisu Boloņas mērci pa savam. Bet tas vēl aizvien ir viens no maniem mīļākajiem ēdieniem. :) |
HogwartsArmy7 | @taekooknina Chocolate cake/tart | 1,258,411,422,175,973,400 | neu | @taecooknina Chocolate cake/tart | @taekooknina Šokolādes kūka/torte |
raispak | @TInzenieris you just don't know how to. and overall, in Soviet times sausage was made from real meat and everyone had a place to live :D | 1,258,402,356,762,488,800 | neu | @TInzenieris you just don't know how to. and actually, in Soviet times the sausage was made from real meat and everyone had a place to live :D | @TInzenieris tu vienkārši nemāki. un vispār, padomju laikos desu taisīja no īstas gaļas un visiem bija kur dzīvot :D |
DzeneDace | The hardest thing at work are the last 7 hours. You already drank coffee, now sit, wait for when it's OK to go home. | 1,258,398,471,981,281,300 | neg | The hardest thing at work are the last 7 hours. Drank coffee already, sit, wait when it will be ok to go home. | Darbā visgrūtākās ir pēdējās 7 stundas. Kafija jau padzerta, sēdi, gaidi, kad varēs iet uz mājām. |
Signeens | @selmuushh I'm eating pancakes with cheese and strawberry or raspberry jam. The best composition! It's not normal, so I’m told. | 1,258,392,457,403,936,800 | pos | @selmuushh Eating pancakes with cheese and strawberry or raspberry jam. The best composition! It's not normal, so I’m told. | @selmuushh Ēdu pankūkas ar sieru un zemeņu vai aveņu ievārījumu. Vislabākais salikums! Tas neesot normāli, tā man saka. |
Kadrs33 | @vaivarei @IvetaKazoka A person who is currently doing this was overwhelmingly removed from even the few who voted for the party of the Minister of Health, but is now deciding what to do and how to do it...So- you better not bother yourself with thinking! Better to drink some schnapps and eat meatballs not philosophize about health. | 1,258,390,564,485,070,800 | neg | @vaivarei @IvetaKazoka The person who is doing this right now was convincingly crossed out even of those few who voted for the Health Minister's Party, but now decides what and how to do...So- you rather not bother yourself with thinking! Better to guzzle some schnapps and eat meatballs than philosophize about health. | @vaivarei @IvetaKazoka Cilvēks, kas patlaban to dara, tika pārliecinoši izsvītrots pat no tiem nedaudzajiem, kas balsoja par Veselības ministres partiju, taču tagad lemj ko un kā darīt...Tā ka- labāk nevajag sevi apgrūtināt ar domāšanu! Labāk iekapāt šñabi un ēst kotletes nevis filosofēt par veselību. |
VilhelmsM | @krisselerts @davissuneps I've had the last big shock of beer prices was when Kinfield (RIP of course) in a Valmiermuiža bottle went for €5. Which might be OK in an upscale place, but there the food cost 6-7. | 1,258,389,162,325,090,300 | neg | @krisselerts @davissuneps My last big shock of beer prices was when Kinfield (RIP, of course) Valmiermuiža in a bottle went for 5 EUR. Which might be OK in an upscale place, but the food there cost 6-7. | @krisselerts @davissuneps Man pēdējais lielais alus cenu šoks bija, kad Kinfield (RIP, protams) Valmiermuiža pudelē gāja par 5 EUR. Kas varbūt būtu OK upscale vietā, bet tur ēdiens maksāja 6-7. |
nenormamma | There was a scandal in the morning with “I can't stand it anymore, I'm going to kindergarten” (oh, I recognize myself). At lunchtime we're already playing coffee shop, and the five-year-old is making lunch. The melted cheese triangle in the middle of the pizza is a #zerowaste decor, because “no one will eat one, I'll decorate it here”. | 1,258,387,300,892,979,200 | neg | There was a scandal in the morning with “I can't stand it anymore, I'm going to kindergarten” (oh, I recognize myself). We already played cafe for lunch, and the five-year-old is making lunch. The melted cheese triangle in the middle of the pizza is a #zerowaste decor, because “no one will eat one, I'll decorate it here”. | No rīta bija skandāls ar "es to vairs nevaru izturēt, es iešu uz bērnudārzu" (ak, atpazīstu sevi). Pusdienās jau spēlējam kafejnīcu un piecgadnieks gatavo pusdienas. Kausētā siera trīsstūris picas vidū ir #zerowaste dekors, jo "vienu taču neviens neēdīs, izrotāšu te". |
ervinsk | @alise_bi Yeah, shouldn't have - the survey was set up biased, with a hint. The results already show that the number of top and bottom cheese placers is the same, but the real reason for choosing a constructive scheme is impossible to determine. Just as “helps contain”, as it tastes better or looks lovely. | 1,258,384,841,281,802,200 | neg | @alise_bi Yeah, shouldn't have - the survey was set up tendentious, with a hint. The results already show that the number of top and bottom cheeseputters is the same, but finding the real reason for choosing the constructive scheme is not possible. Just as good “helps contain”, how it tastes better or looks lovely. | @alise_bi Jā, nevajadzēja - aptauja izveidota tendenciozi, ar mājienu. Rezultāti jau tagad rāda, ka augšējo un apakšējo sierlicēju skaits vienāds, bet patieso iemeslu konstruktīvās shēmas izvēlei noskaidrot nav iespējams. Tiklab "palīdz saturēt", kā labāk garšo vai jauki izskatās. |
seungwanmarryme | Gm you put respecting Wendy second before acting normal about her. More posts about this garbage sexualizing her… — eat my ass! my proper brown bear! | 1,258,381,155,998,609,400 | neg | Lbr you put respecting Wendy second before acting normal about her. More posts about this garbage sexualizing her… — eat my ass! my neat brown bear! | Lbr you put respecting Wendy second before acting normal about her. More posts about this garbage sexualizibg her… — izēd manu dirsu! manu kārtīgo brūno lāci! |
elinaluu | @DvinuMamma How lucky I was at the moment my child learned to breastfeed (1.5 months). I enjoyed feeding from the bottle and then breast + milking. As a matter of principle, all you do it feeding or milking and washing all the gadgets. Hallelujah it is over. | 1,258,378,565,629,943,800 | pos | @DvinuMamma How lucky I was at the moment my child learned to breastfeed (1.5months). I enjoyed feeding with the bottle and then breast + milking. In principle, all you do is feed or milk and wash all the gadgets. Hallelujah it is over. | @DvinuMamma Cik laimīga es biju brīdī, kad bērns iemācījās ēst krūti (1.5mēnesis). Izbaudīju barošanu ar pudeli un tad krūti + atsaukšanu. Principā to vien dari kā baro vai atslauc un mazgā visus pričendāļus. Āleluja tas ir beidzies. |
EdgarsAL77 | @MatissJekabsons It would be ok if you exported the goods or you had an online shop. Then perhaps bilingualism should have been introduced? Who knows somebody will mix up cream with milk. | 1,258,380,180,214,685,700 | neg | @MatissJekabsons It would be ok if you exported the goods or you had an online shop. Then perhaps bilingualism should have been introduced? Who knows maybe somebody will mix cream with milk. | @MatissJekabsons Tas būtu ok, ja tu eksportētu preci vai tev būtu online veikals. Tad varbūt divvalodību tomēr vajadzēja ieviest? Kazi kāds sajauks krējumu ar pienu. |
incaustum | @realGints @Tas_es_Pats @skatsnokoka Ticks. One got in my ear and bit it. Yesterday I just read about flaviviruses. But at least there are no (for now) south-specific mosquitoes with the viruses they carry. (Off-topic) | 1,258,371,170,489,032,700 | neg | @realGints @Tas_es_Pats @skatsnokoka Ticks. One got in my ear and bit it. Yesterday I just read about flavivirus. But at least there are no (for now) South-specific mosquitoes with the viruses they carry. (Off-topic) | @realGints @Tas_es_Pats @skatsnokoka Ērces. Man viena ielīda ausī un iekoda. Vakar tieši lasīju par flavivīrusiem. Taču vismaz nav (pagaidām) dienvidiem raksturīgie odi ar to nestajiem vīrusiem. (Off-topic) |
vardotaja | Does anyone know anyone from the Bolderaja manufacturer's “Buschman (or somehow) Tools”? They work with the metal, for export. And here we need one of their manufactured tools almost as much as food... | 1,258,376,568,054,919,200 | neu | Anyone knows any of the Bolderāja manufacturer's “Buschman (or something similar) Tools”? They work with the metal, for export. And here, like nourishment, we need one of their manufactured tools... | Kāds pazīst kādu no Bolderājas ražotāja "Buschman (vai kaut kā tā) Tools"? Viņi strādā ar metālu, eksportam. Un te kā ēst vajag vienu viņu ražotu rīku... |
shadeofplato1 | @labina2kurpe Homeless or a piece of meat - that's still a question. | 1,258,373,153,887,268,900 | neg | @labina2kurpes Hobo or a piece of meat - that's still a question. | @labina2kurpes Bomzis vai gaļas gabals - tas vēl ir jautājums. |
and_kse | @zaledaya Grow back your hair, they said. Eating your hair like spices with each meal, they said. | 1,258,365,655,268,708,400 | neg | @zaledaja Grow back your hair, they said. Eat your hair like spices with each dish, they said. | @zaledaja Ataudzē matus, viņi teica. Ēd savus matus kā garšvielas pie katra ēdiena, viņi teica. |
kritizetajs | @rubinstein_ And actually - “the most wonderful time of the year” is about the time when you can eat cold soup again. Long live the jar-pickled beetroot! | 1,258,370,147,796,095,000 | pos | @rubinstein_ And actually - “the most wonderful time of the year” is about time when you can eat cold soup again. Long live the jar pickled beetroot! | @rubinstein_ Un vispār - "the most wonderful time of the year" ir par laiku, kad atkal var ēst auksto zupu. Lai ilgi dzīvo burciņu marinētā biete! |
rusantro | @ELisovskis The thoughts of coherence depend on customs in each family individually. In one it is gladly eaten, in another it is rejected, because “I don't eat this”. I think that having a real sense of hunger it would be eaten without any objection. | 1,258,365,246,965,678,000 | neu | @ELisovskis The thoughts of being OK differ from customs in each family individually. In one it is eaten with pleasure, in another it’s rejected, because “I don't eat it.” I think that when feeling a real sense of hunger I would eat it without any objection. | @ELisovskis Domas par sakarīgumu atšķiras no paražām katrā ģimenē atsevišķi. Vienā to ar prieku notiesā, citā atsakās, jo "es šo neēdu". Domāju, ka pie īstas bada sajūtas to noēstu bez iebildumiem. |
AndaKlave | @IneseEjugbo @HenrietaVerho Done. Such a tasty subject for my brother. Cheers! | 1,258,364,593,660,887,000 | pos | @IneseEjugbo @HenrietaVerho Done. Such a tasty subject for my brother. Cheers! | @IneseEjugbo @HenrietaVerho Darīts. Tāds garšīgs temats brālim. Priekā! |
PiRXlv | @and_kse @selmuushh I think that the mistake is in strawberry jam. Russian with raspberry jam *is* yummy | 1,258,362,423,884,615,700 | pos | @and_kse @selmuushh I think the mistake is in the strawberry jam. Russian with raspberry jam *is* yummy | @and_kse @selmuushh man liekas, kļūda ir zemeņu zaptē. Krievijas ar aveņu zapti *ir* ņamma |
AnitaKarklina1 | THE PINK MOUNTAINS When mother earth cooked pink semolina, she was waiting for the sky father in her house. This mother's dinner was so tasty that father took it with him to heaven. And all the clouds that ate the semolina turned to miraculous pink hills. | 1,258,361,590,283,370,500 | pos | PINK MOUNTAINS When the mother of the earth boiled pink semolina, she was waiting for the father of the sky in her house. This mother's lunch was so tasty that father took it with him to heaven. And all the clouds that ate the semolina turned into miraculous pink hills. | ROZĀ KALNI Kad zemes māte rozā mannu vārīja, Tā debess tēvu savā mājā gaidīja. Šīs mātes pusdienas tik ļoti garšoja, Ka tēvs uz debesīm tās līdzi paņēma. Un visi mākoņi , kas mannu saēdās , Par brīnumainiem rozā kalniem pārvērtās. |
AkmensSuns | Soon on YouTube... We talked a little about barefoot running today. We ran too. #skriešana #PaBaso #basāmkājām #intervija #video #filmēšana #kafejnīca #Vecāķi #CafeDelMar #tēja Coming soon in YouTube... Today… | 1,257,000,699,319,238,700 | neu | Soon on YouTube... We talked a little about barefoot running today. We ran too. #skriešana #PaBaso #basāmkājām #intervija #video #filmēšana #kafejnīca #Vecāķi #CafeDelMar #tēja Coming soon in YouTube... Today… | Drīzumā iekš YouTube... Šodien mazliet parunājām par baskāju skriešanu. Arī paskrējām. #skriešana #PaBaso #basāmkājām #intervija #video #filmēšana #kafejnīca #Vecāķi #CafeDelMar #tēja Coming soon in YouTube... Today… |
MildasLaiks | I’m telling you I recommend! These carrot chips are awesome! #influenceris | 1,256,994,161,028,407,300 | pos | I’m telling you I recommend! These carrot chips are awesome! #influenceris | Ka es jums saku iesaku! Šitentie burkānu čipsi ir zašibiskas! #influenceris |
seungwanmarryme | @renmiyi Eat it out | 1,256,988,054,235,025,400 | neg | @renmiyi Eat it out | @renmiyi izēd |
marcocenci28 | Café! ☕☕ #cafe #coffee #caffè #caffe #kaffee #koffie #kava #káva #kahve #kahvi #kave #kafija #caife #kafo #kahawa #kopi #cafectexto #instacoffee #ristretto #cafeina #barista #espresso #cafelovers em Araçatuba | 1,256,987,694,200,168,400 | neu | Café! ☕☕ #cafe #coffee #caffè #caffe #kaffee #koffie #kava #káva #kahve #kahvi #kave #kafija #caife #kafo #kahawa #kopi #cafectexto #instacoffee #ristretto #cafeina #barista #espresso #cafelovers em Araçatuba | Café! ☕☕ #cafe #coffee #caffè #caffe #kaffee #koffie #kava #káva #kahve #kahvi #kave #kafija #caife #kafo #kahawa #kopi #cafectexto #instacoffee #ristretto #cafeina #barista #espresso #cafelovers em Araçatuba |
ditakrauze | @vkasims You can take the tea with you in the courtyard | 1,256,978,127,433,105,400 | neu | @vkasims You can take tea with you in the courtyard | @vkasims Tu tak vari paņemt tēju līdzi pagalmā |
AlksneR | @Eriks_the_Great There's that fancy word - feeling. :) The food is good, the hosts are great, but the view of the lake is not interchangeable with anything. Today there were a lot of cars, people are not in a hurry to leave, going for a walk, everyone has enough space. The hostess is exhausted. :) | 1,256,983,620,125,892,600 | pos | @Eriks_the_Great There's that fancy word- filling. :) The food is good, the hosts great, but that view of the lake is not interchangeable with anything. There were a lot of cars today, people are not rushing away, going for walks, everybody has enough space. The hostess is exhausted.:) | @Eriks_the_Great Tur ir tas smalkais vārds- fīlings. :) Ēdiens ir labs, saimnieki lieliski, bet tas skats uz ezeru nav aizstājams ne ar ko.Šodien bija ļoti daudz mašīnu, cilvēki nesteidzas projām, iet staigāt, visiem vietas pietiek. Saimniece gan pārgurusi. :) |
IvetaBuike | @svartkvit @Dzherijs Would you entrust him to pick mushrooms? :) | 1,256,977,088,265,040,000 | pos | @svartkvit @Dzherijs Would you entrust him to pick mushrooms? :) | @svartkvit @Dzherijs Jūs viņam uzticētu sēnes lasīt? :) |
GribamButVecaki | @VinetaPu Stew - fry onions in a pot, add potatoes and pour over a glass of broth. Add tomatoes in their juice and Turkish peas. Add some broccoli, mushrooms, zucchini, or whatever your heart desires. | 1,256,975,334,999,765,000 | neu | @VinetaPu Stew - fry onions in a pot, pour in potatoes and pour over a glass of broth. Add tomatoes in their own juice and Turkish peas. Add some broccoli, mushrooms, squash, or whatever your heart desires. | @VinetaPu Sautējums - katlā apcep sīpolus, ieber kartupeļus un uzlej glāzi buljona. Pievieno tomātus savā sulā un turku zirņus. Ieber kādu brokoli, sēnes, kabaci vai ko nu sirds kāro. |
Ruksane | @ritaignate @ArvisKolmanis There are types of bread where there is no added sugar or malt - you certainly must have some there. And you can bake quick bread at home too. I am not using any added sugar for half of a year, I thought it is easy, just need to think along. | 1,256,969,616,087,285,800 | neu | @ritaignate @ArvisKolmanis There are breads where there is no added sugar or malt - you certainly have to have some there. And a quick bread can baked at home too. I didn't use any added sugar for half a year, I thought it easy, just have to think along. | @ritaignate @ArvisKolmanis Ir maizes, kur nav pievienota cukura vai iesala - jums tur noteikti jābūt. Un fikso maizīti var cept arī mājās. Es pusgadu nelietoju nekādu pievienoto cukuru, man tas likās viegli, tikai jàpiedomā. |
Priedite | on the beach, a gang of five married-age young people wanted to take a picture in the hammock where I was sitting with children. I offered to lick the spoon with which we ate lunch. they got offended and said I was in violation of all the rules. | 1,256,219,650,628,747,300 | neu | on the beach a company of five married-age young people wanted to take a picture in the hammock where I was sitting with children. I offered to lick the spoon with which we ate lunch too. they became offended and said I was in violation of all the rules. | pludmalē piecu precību vecuma jauniešu kompānija vēlējās nofotografēties šūpuļtīklā, kurā sēdēju ar bērniem. piedāvāju pie viena nolaizīt arī karoti, ar kuru ēdām pusdienas. apvainojās un teica, ka es pārkāpjot visus noteikumus. |
miglasezis | @spigana Tastes like pancakes. The texture is nice. If you make too thin, then a little underwhelming. | 1,256,951,859,828,396,000 | pos | @spigana Tastes just like pancakes. The texture is lovely. If made too thin, then a little underwhelming. | @spigana Garšo jau kā pankūkas. Tekstūra jauka. Ja sataisa par plānu, tad nedaudz underwhelming. |
aismans | @k_tronenkova @MDazarts @KristineSpure Well, I like eating too | 1,256,322,501,665,099,800 | pos | @K_Tronenkova @MDazarts @KristineSpure Well yes, I like eating too | @K_Tronenkova @MDazarts @KristineSpure Nu jā, ēst arī man garšo |
varbuut | the guy simply doesn't know how to cook shashlik and says THIS | 1,256,318,467,378,053,000 | neg | the guy simply doesn't know how to fry shashlik and says THIS | čalis vnk nemāk cept šašlonu un pasaka ŠO |
graudaspeks | #Repost @ozina • • • • • • | 1,256,304,856,257,749,000 | neu | #Repost @ozina • • • • • • | #Repost @ozina • • • • • • |
girts_spelmanis | RT Snack bread recipes for Mother's Day or simple breakfast; | 1,259,185,580,447,015,000 | neu | RT Snack pastry recipes for Mother’s Day or simple breakfast; | RT Uzkodu maizīšu receptes Māmiņdienai vai vienkāršām brokastīm; |
tizliba | Tomorrow is the birthday of our all collective parent aka world mother Need to make coffee and as a donation to her pour it in the wind | 1,259,185,994,802,364,400 | pos | Tomorrow will be the birthday of our collective ancestor aka mom of the world Gotta make coffee and pour it in the wind as an offering to her. | Rit musu visu kolektivajai sencei aka pasaules mammai dzimene Jauzvara kafija un ka ziedojums vinai ta jaizlej vejaa |
TheKuklands | And so tonight the mixburgers were made, polar bread bun, artificial meat meatball and regular cheese :D #vegan | 1,257,703,399,245,545,500 | pos | And so tonight mixburgers, a polarbread bun, artificial meat cutlet and regular cheese were made :D #vegan | Un tā šovakar tapa mixburgeri, polārmaizes būlka, mākslīgās gaļas kotlete un parastais siers :D #vegan |
GintaRiekstina | In April, together with @maardzhorijaa we were cooking using Paula Freimane's recipes. Tonight I was preparing solyanka for the first time and for the first time after Paula's recipe, without the help of @maardzhorijaa . | 1,257,704,923,535,495,200 | neu | In April, together with @maardzhorijaa we were cooking using recipes from Paula Freimane. Tonight I am cooking Solyanka for the first time and for the first time using Paula's recipes, without the help of @maardzhorijaa. | Aprīlī kopā ar @maardzhorijaa gatavojām, izmantojot Paulas Freimanes receptes. Šovakar pirmo reizi gatavoju soļanku un pirmo reizi pēc Paulas receptes, bez @maardzhorijaa palīdzības. |
ElitaKazaine | @AValdbergs @garamgajejs @GunitaBa @fjodoorz Nononooo. It doesn't count. Asking to Mom for food is the all time best method of attracting attention to yourself. Especially, asking for fish with a leaf salad. | 1,257,707,348,040,257,500 | neu | @AValdbergs @garamgajejs @GunitaBa @fjodoorz Nononooo. It doesn't count. Asking Mom for food is the best method to draw attention to yourself. Especially, asking for fish with a leaf salad. | @AValdbergs @garamgajejs @GunitaBa @fjodoorz Nononooo. Tas neskaitās. Prasīt ēst mammai, ir visu laiku labākā metode, kā pievērst sev uzmanību. Īpaši, jautāt zivi ar lapu salātiem. |
MSkewlaiz | How to fuck up the vibe? A joint, the sunset, coffee..... fck sour milk! #failoftheday | 1,257,734,584,936,128,500 | neg | How to fuck up the vibe? Hook, sunset, coffee..... damn sour milk! #failoftheday | Kā sapist vaibu? Kāsis, saulriets, kafija..... bļ skābs piens! #failoftheday |
marruciic | In tea time - it'll be good. | 1,259,178,995,314,307,000 | neu | During tea time - will be good. | Tējas laikā - derēs.. |
VeganLV | Curry has not only countless variations, but it's also very tasty and VERY easy to cook. This simple #recipe will only take 15 minutes! | 1,259,178,425,857,736,700 | pos | Curry has not only countless variations, but it's also very tasty and VERY simple to cook. This simple #recipe will only take 15 minutes! | Karijam ir ne tikai neskaitāmas variācijas, bet tas ir arī ļoti garšīgs un ĻOTI vienkārši pagatavojams. Šī vienkāršā #recepte prasīs tikai 15 minūtes! |
Renate_Sate | @Dace_Shh @my_rita At Christmas, I asked my husband to bring the little candles for the Christmas tree. @leimanis brought the smallest cake candles with the plastic pins | 1,259,175,320,118,341,600 | neg | @Dace_Shh @my_rita At Christmas I asked my husband to bring the little candles to the Christmas tree. @leimanis brought the smallest cake candles with all the plastic holders | @Dace_Shh @my_rita Ziemassvētkos lūdzu vīram atvest mazās svecītes eglītei. @leimanis atveda vismazākās kūku svecītes ar visiem plastmasas spraužamajiem |
latvju_zeltene | I complained a couple of days ago that I wanted something fresh, something sweet, but something warm. I want orange juice, but I want tea. Well, I don't know what I want. I was given this today. Orange juice tea. It turns out that what I want actually exists. | 1,259,175,090,375,229,400 | neg | A couple of days ago I complained that I wanted something fresh, something sweet, but something warm. I want orange juice, but I want tea. Well, I don't know myself what I want. I was given this today. Orange juice tea. What I want turns out to exist. | Es pirms pāris dienām sūdzējos, ka gribu kaut ko svaigu, kaut ko saldu, bet kaut ko siltu. Gribu apelsīnu sulu, bet gribu tēju. Nu, ka pati nezinu, ko gribu. Šodien man iedeva šo. Apelsīnu sulas tēja. Tas, ko es gribu, izrādās tomēr eksistē. |
SemjAina | @GirtsRagelis @WilmaLinda Yeah, buckwheat with milk or buckwheat with a lot of sauce. I can still only eat buckwheat like that. | 1,260,168,046,100,054,000 | neu | @GirtsRagelis @WilmaLinda Yeah, buckwheat with milk or buckwheat with a lot of sauce. I can still only eat buckwheat like that. | @GirtsRagelis @WilmaLinda Jā, griķi ar pienu vai griķi ar daudz mērci. Joprojām tikai tā varu ēst griķus. |
lalajati | @DzeneDace @nahimovs I love, therefore I eat :)) | 1,256,310,467,833,655,300 | pos | @DzeneDace @nahimovs Love it, that is why I eat it :)) | @DzeneDace @nahimovs Mīlu, tāpēc arī ēdu :)) |
melgibson439 | @_evija I'm also often bothered by stray dogs because they can attack and eat my face. | 1,258,763,086,581,899,300 | neg | @_evija I'm also often worried by stray dogs because they can attack and eat my face. | @_evija Mani arī bieži satrauc klaiņojoši suņi, jo viņi var uzbrukt un apēst man seju. |
HienaNeija | @rudites Then how are the country girls getting their countrymen if they don't eat the crust? :O | 1,258,763,359,018,725,400 | neu | @rudites Then how are the country gals going to get their country men if they don't eat the crust? :O | @rudites Tad kā tur tautumeitas tiek pie saimniekdēliem, ja neēd doniņas? :O |
jaunifakti | @labssalus2 @official_xanal dudes have so much acid in their stomach that they can't digest anything but porridge. bristling that others can eat chips. buddy you need omeprazole and chill | 1,258,795,010,494,996,500 | neg | @labssalus2 @official_xanal the dudes have so much acid in their stomach that they can't digest anything else but porridge. bristling that others can eat chips. buddy you need some omeprazole and chill out | @labssalus2 @official_xanal džekiem kuņģī tik daudz skābes ka neko citu nevar sagremot kā vien putru. sabozušies ka citi var ieēst čiponus. draudziņ tev vajag omeprazolu un iečilot |
tvitermaniaks | @elinakursite Not mom, but grandma - don't eat “with eyes” and what is on the plate needs to be eaten. | 1,258,793,360,476,844,000 | neu | @elinakursite Not mom, but grandma - don't eat “with eyes” and what’s on the plate must be eaten. | @elinakursite Ne mamma, bet vecmamma - neēst "ar acēm" un, kas uz šķīvja, tas jānoēd. |
adealise | @parspilejums “mother google” sounds like some tea | 1,258,789,548,412,330,000 | neu | @parspilejums “mother google” sounds like some tea | @parspilejums “mate gugle” izklausās pēc kaut kādas tējas |
Agy_1988 | I nearly forgot to feed the cat this morning, forgot the Garmin charger to charge at work and forgot lunch. I forgot the jumper to wear if it gets cold. I forgot to ask my boss about the vacation, but I remembered to call the CSDD. I'm totally not good anymore. | 1,258,777,744,567,124,000 | neg | This morning I nearly forgot to feed the cat, forgot the Garmin charger to charge at work and forgot lunch. I forgot the jumper to put on if it gets cold. I forgot to ask my boss about the vacation, but I remembered to call CSDD. I'm totally not good anymore. | Šorīt gandrīz aizmirsu kaķi pabarot, aizmirsu Garmin lādētāju, lai darbā uzlādētu un aizmirsu pusdienas. Aizmirsu džemperi, ko pavilkt, ja auksts paliek. Aizmirsu priekšniecei pajautāt par atvaļinājumu, bet CSDD atcerējos piezvanīt. Man galīgi vairs nav labi. |
Liva | A Latvian does not need covid, a Latvian will eat another Latvian himself. | 1,258,773,092,916,174,800 | neg | A Latvian does not need covid, a Latvian will eat another Latvian himself. | Latvietim nevajag covid, latvietis latvieti apēdīs pats. |
GJaudzems | @edgarslabsvirs Very sorry... so easy to eat people up | 1,258,775,941,872,070,700 | neg | @edgarslabsvirs Very sorry... so easy to eat people up | @edgarslabsvirs Ļoti žēl ... tik viegli noēst cilvēkus |
Agy_1988 | There are ideas that have never worked. Breakfast for Mom, for example! She gets up so early that she would wonder at what a zombie is doing in the kitchen. | 1,258,768,704,722,161,700 | neg | There are ideas that have never worked. Breakfast for Mom, for example! She wakes up so early that she will wonder what a zombie is doing in the kitchen. | Ir idejas, kuras nekad nav strādājušas. Piemēram, brokastis mammai! Viņa ceļas tik agri, ka viņa nobrīnīsies, ko zombijs virtuvē dara. |
JurisStikuts | @Dacemone Then various birds like these | 1,257,724,377,078,128,600 | neu | @Dacemone Then different birds like these | @Dacemone Tad šie garšo dažādiem putniem |
kasparszellis | @DzeneDace @jenuufa When I was fed this in Italy, my mouth was lashing out, however, in Sweden, it was so much ok that I ate several of them. I guess the trick is actually cooking it..... | 1,257,687,561,222,439,000 | neu | @DzeneDace @jenuufa When I was fed with this in Italy, my mouth was croaking, however, in Sweden it was so ok that I ate several of them. I guess the trick is how to cook it correctly..... | @DzeneDace @jenuufa Kad mani ar šito baroja Itālijā, tad mute metās šķērma, savukārt Zviedrijā bija tik ļoti ok, kad apēdu tādus vairākus. Laikam knifs ir kā viņu riktīgi pagatavo..... |
paulakoskina | @jabuslemts I get gastritis in the period when I was eating healthier than ever. But the stress and muscle that doesn't close the stomach completely and the acid goes in the esophagus + you can't lie down or bend over after eating, the same thing. | 1,257,687,375,385,419,800 | neg | @jabuslemts I get gastritis in the period when I eat healthier than ever. But the culprit is stress and the muscle that doesn't close the stomach completely and the acid goes in the gullet + you can't lie down or bend over after eating, the same. | @jabuslemts Es dabūju gastrītu periodā, kad ēdu veselīgāk kā jebkad. Bet pie vainas stress un muskulis, kas kuņģi pilnībā neslēdz un skābe iet barības vadā + pēc ēšanas nedrīkst ne apgulties, ne pieliekties, tas pats. |
Zuzzzeee | where are the meat clappers in the store? i can't find them, but I want chops. | 1,257,680,434,600,820,700 | neu | where are the meat tenderizers in the shop? I can't find any, but I want pork chops. | kur veikalā ir gaļas klapējamie? es nevaru atrast, bet gribu karbonādes. |
Ljipa | Someone on the bus is eating a banana. He probably doesn't know how awful it smells. | 1,257,680,085,265,592,300 | neg | Someone on the bus is eating a banana. He probably doesn't know how awful the smell is. | Kāds autobusā ēd banānu. Viņš jau laikam nenojauš cik tā smaka ir baisa. |
ULatvia1966 | @meta_sniedze Nope ... I suppose you're super even without diets. Just that bacon must be consumed in late autumn and winter. | 1,258,758,728,716,824,600 | pos | @meta_sniedze Nope ... I suppose you're super even without diets. You simply must eat bacon in late autumn and winter. | @meta_sniedze Nope ... Pieļauju, ka esi super arī bez diētām. Vnk speķis ir jāēd vēlā rudenī un ziemā. |
incaustum | How are they more dangerous than the uncaught carriers of the virus at home?! For example, for those who caused another 19 people to be infected, revealed yesterday? Either wear masks or don't wear them. Otherwise, we're here like an overeaten honey bear at the hive. | 1,258,747,257,735,852,000 | neg | How are they more dangerous than the local carriers of the virus? For example, for those who caused another 19 people to be infected, revealed yesterday? Either wear masks or don’t wear them. Otherwise we're like honey bear who has been overeating here at the hive. | Ar ko viņi bīstamāki par pašmāju neizķertajiem vīrusa nēsātājiem?! Piemēram, tiem, kas izraisīja vēl 19 cilvēku inficēšanos, kas atklāti vakar? Vai nu valkā maskas, vai nevalkā. Citādi mēs te kā pārēdies medus lācis pie stropa. |
KrojeS | @JankaPipars Bastards. I respect the pigs, because the meat is delicious. | 1,258,715,993,649,578,000 | neg | @JankaPipars Bastards. I respect the pigs, because the meat is delicious. | @JankaPipars Mērgļi. Cūkas cienu,jo garšīga gaļa. |
sku_dra | @LusisToms @AndrejsDeeCee @GMeluskans @Palkavnieks why is there such high around the liquid beetroot salad? | 1,258,721,494,219,227,100 | neu | @LusisToms @AndrejsDeeCee @GMeluskans @Palkavnieks What is up with the hype around liquid beetroot salad? | @LusisToms @AndrejsDeeCee @GMeluskans @Palkavnieks kāpēc vispār tāds hajs ap šķidrajiem biešu salātiem? |
vasaraevita | @WilmaLinda Potato pancakes with sugar | 1,260,166,482,425,786,400 | neu | @WilmaLinda Potato pancakes with sugar | @WilmaLinda Kartupeļu pankūkas ar cukuru |
d_guntis | @CetvergsJanis The lost values of brainwashing: - business class - business lunch - business service (this is simply crazy!) - business school - euro renovation - in one hour - coaching - “getting as a bonus” - “dentist association” (and everything else) - “a trip to Egypt” | 1,260,163,331,052,179,500 | neg | @CetvergsJanis The lost values of brainwashing: - business class - business lunch - business service (this is simply crazy!) - business school - eurorenovation - in an hour - coaching - “getting in bonus” - “dentist association” (and everything else) - “trip to Egypt” | @CetvergsJanis Smadzeņu skalošanas zudušās vērtības: - biznesa klase - biznesa pusdienas - biznesa serviss (šis ir pzdc vnk!) - biznesa skola - eiroremonts - stundas laikā - koučings - "saņem bonusā" - "zobārstu asociācija" (un visu pārējo) - "ceļojums uz Ēģipti |
Linda_Roze | Because snow, because joy, because the moment! I feel like a little sugar cube in a teacup intertwined with the Universe at a molecular level. | 1,260,155,694,319,390,700 | pos | Because snow, because joy, because the moment! I feel like a little sugar cube in a teacup intertwined with the universe at a molecular level. | Jo sniegs, jo prieks, jo mirklis! Jūtos kā mazs cukura kubiņš tējas tasē, kas molekulārā līmenī savijies ar Visumu. |
AndraKaupe | @NeilaKrave @karlis_arajs I don't believe that you haven't met a vegetarian at a party who, instead of quietly eating bread with cheese, salad, dessert, begins to lecture on animal rights. It has also occurred that in a communal kitchen with one refrigerator, vegetarians have objections that others keep products there too. | 1,260,157,563,385,110,500 | neg | @NeilaKrave @karlis_arajs I don't believe that you haven’t met a vegetarian at a party who, instead of quietly eating bread with cheese, salads, dessert, starts to read a lecture on animal rights. Another thing that happened is that in a communal kitchen with one refrigerator vegetarians have objections that others keep products there too. | @NeilaKrave @karlis_arajs Neticu, ka nav gadījies viesībās sastapt veģetārieti, kurš, tā vietā, lai klusām paēstu maizi ar sieru, salātus, saldo, sāk lasīt lekciju par dzīvnieku tiesībām. Ir bijis arī tā,ka komunālā virtuvē ar vienu ledusskapi veģetāriešiem ir pretenzijas, ka arī citi tur glabā produktus. |
signegulbe | And what did you do today? I ate a cheese dessert with a three day old expiration date. | 1,260,164,322,828,968,000 | neu | And what did you do today? I ate a sweet cheese dessert with a three day old expiration date. | Un ko Tu šodien sadarīji? Apēdu saldo sieriņu ar trīs dienas vecu termiņu. |
ofija_ | It's a very, very, very bad day today. I didn't sleep at all at night, and in the day I was shivering and crying. My eyes are hurting. Sleep is important. Eating is important. Fluid is important. Movement in fresh air is important. All of this affects mental health. | 1,260,163,964,836,753,400 | neg | It's a very, very, very bad day today. I didn't sleep at all during the night, and in the day I was shivering and crying the whole time. My eyes are hurting. Sleep is important. Food is important. Fluid is important. Movements in fresh air are important. All of this affects mental health. | Šodien ir ļoti, ļoti, ļoti sliktā diena. Pa nakti pavisam negulēju, pa dienu vienā drebēšanā un raudāšanā. Aš acis sāp. Miegs ir svarīgi. Paēst ir svarīgi. Šķidrums ir svarīgi. Kustības svaigā gaisā ir svarīgi. Tas viss ietekmē mentālo veselību. |
KannaRagnesse | @TInzenieris @MatissJekabsons I used to live across the road from Hesburger. I ate there every day. The weight was 60 kg. Now 77 kg. What changed? Began treating bulimia. | 1,260,601,192,905,916,400 | neu | @TInzenieris @MatissJekabsons I used to live across the road from Hesburger. I eat there every day. The weight was 60 kg. Now 77 kg. What's changed? He began treating the bulimia. | @TInzenieris @MatissJekabsons Es kādreiz dzīvoju pāri ceļam no Hesburger. Ēdu tur katru dienu. Svars bija 60 kg. Tagad 77kg. Kas mainijies? Sāka ārstēt bulīmiju. |
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in Data Studio
Latvian Twitter Eater Corpus - Translation Sub-corpus
The Latvian Twitter Eater Translation test set contains two references for English translations produced by two different translators. A separate random manual evaluation of the translations has shown that the translations in english reference 2
are slightly higher quality than the ones in english reference 1
If you use this corpus or scripts, please cite the following paper:
Matīss Rikters, Edison Marrese-Taylor, Rinalds Vīksna (2024). "Annotations for Exploring Food Tweets from Multiple Aspects." In Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024) (2024).
title = "Annotations for Exploring Food Tweets from Multiple Aspects",
author = "Rikters, Matiss and
V{\=\i}ksna, Rinalds and
Marrese-Taylor, Edison",
editor = "Calzolari, Nicoletta and
Kan, Min-Yen and
Hoste, Veronique and
Lenci, Alessandro and
Sakti, Sakriani and
Xue, Nianwen",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)",
month = may,
year = "2024",
address = "Torino, Italy",
publisher = "ELRA and ICCL",
url = "",
pages = "1233--1238"
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