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What entrance exams are required for engineering courses in India?
Hostel accommodations are available for national students with options ranging from shared dormitories to single rooms, depending on availability.
Is there a reservation policy for M.Tech admissions?
national students need a student visa to study in India, which can be obtained by submitting proof of admission, financial proof, and personal identification.
How do I apply for a scholarship at JNU as an national student?
To apply for scholarships at IIT Delhi, national students must complete the financial aid application, submit necessary documents, and meet eligibility criteria.
What entrance exams are required for science courses in India?
national students in Master's in Science programs are eligible for internships, which are often part of the curriculum and help with career development.
What documents are required for M.Tech admission?
For B.Tech admissions, students are required to submit academic transcripts, identification documents, and any additional paperwork specified by the institution.
What cultural adjustments should national students expect when studying in India?
To apply for scholarships at BITS Pilani, national students must complete the financial aid application, submit necessary documents, and meet eligibility criteria.
What documents are required for Bachelor of Arts admission?
Hostel accommodations are available for national students with options ranging from shared dormitories to single rooms, depending on availability.
Is there a reservation policy for M.Tech admissions?
To apply for scholarships at JNU, national students must complete the financial aid application, submit necessary documents, and meet eligibility criteria.
What are the accommodation options in Delhi for students?
The eligibility criteria for MBA at AIIMS include a relevant undergraduate degree, entrance exam scores, and any specific requirements of the institution.
Are there hostels available for national students?
International students often find the cultural environment welcoming in India; orientation programs help with adjustment.
What is the fee structure for MBA in Bangalore?
To apply for scholarships at BITS Pilani, national students must complete the financial aid application, submit necessary documents, and meet eligibility criteria.
Can national students apply for internships during the MBA?
national students need a student visa to study in India, which can be obtained by submitting proof of admission, financial proof, and personal identification.
What is the fee structure for MBA in Chennai?
The fee structure for Bachelor of Arts in Bangalore depends on the university and ranges widely; scholarships are available for eligible students.
How do I apply for a scholarship at AIIMS as an national student?
Hostel accommodations are available for national students with options ranging from shared dormitories to single rooms, depending on availability.
Can national students apply for internships during the B.Tech?
Hostel accommodations are available for national students with options ranging from shared dormitories to single rooms, depending on availability.
What cultural adjustments should national students expect when studying in India?
national students need a student visa to study in India, which can be obtained by submitting proof of admission, financial proof, and personal identification.
What are the accommodation options in Chennai for students?
Yes, several scholarship options are available for national students, including government-funded and private scholarships.
Is there a reservation policy for Master's in Science admissions?
national students need a student visa to study in India, which can be obtained by submitting proof of admission, financial proof, and personal identification.
Can national students apply for internships during the Bachelor of Arts?
The fee structure for Master's in Science in Bangalore depends on the university and ranges widely; scholarships are available for eligible students.
What cultural adjustments should national students expect when studying in India?
Entrance exams like science courses exams are mandatory for admission in India; they ensure students meet the educational standards required.
Can national students apply for internships during the M.Tech?
Indian universities follow a reservation policy for certain categories; national students should check specific institutional guidelines.
What entrance exams are required for medical courses in India?
national students in MBA programs are eligible for internships, which are often part of the curriculum and help with career development.
What documents are required for M.Tech admission?
national students in M.Tech programs are eligible for internships, which are often part of the curriculum and help with career development.
Are there hostels available for national students?
Students in Delhi can choose from university hostels, private hostels, and rental apartments, based on their budget and preferences.
What are the eligibility criteria for MBA programs for national students?
International students often find the cultural environment welcoming in India; orientation programs help with adjustment.
Are scholarships available for national students in India?
Indian universities follow a reservation policy for certain categories; national students should check specific institutional guidelines.
What are the accommodation options in Delhi for students?
national students in M.Tech programs are eligible for internships, which are often part of the curriculum and help with career development.
What is the fee structure for B.Tech in Delhi?
Students in Bangalore can choose from university hostels, private hostels, and rental apartments, based on their budget and preferences.
What entrance exams are required for engineering courses in India?
Students in Delhi can choose from university hostels, private hostels, and rental apartments, based on their budget and preferences.
What are the eligibility criteria for B.Tech programs for national students?
Hostel accommodations are available for national students with options ranging from shared dormitories to single rooms, depending on availability.
Are scholarships available for national students in India?
Hostel accommodations are available for national students with options ranging from shared dormitories to single rooms, depending on availability.
What are the eligibility criteria for Bachelor of Arts programs for national students?
Entrance exams like science courses exams are mandatory for admission in India; they ensure students meet the educational standards required.
Can national students apply for internships during the MBA?
Entrance exams like medical courses exams are mandatory for admission in India; they ensure students meet the educational standards required.
How can national students get a visa to study in India?
The fee structure for B.Tech in Bangalore depends on the university and ranges widely; scholarships are available for eligible students.
Can national students apply for internships during the B.Tech?
Hostel accommodations are available for national students with options ranging from shared dormitories to single rooms, depending on availability.
Are there hostels available for national students?
International students often find the cultural environment welcoming in India; orientation programs help with adjustment.
How do I apply for a scholarship at JNU as an national student?
Yes, several scholarship options are available for national students, including government-funded and private scholarships.
What cultural adjustments should national students expect when studying in India?
national students in Bachelor of Arts programs are eligible for internships, which are often part of the curriculum and help with career development.
Are scholarships available for national students in India?
Yes, several scholarship options are available for national students, including government-funded and private scholarships.
Is there a reservation policy for B.Tech admissions?
For Master's in Science admissions, students are required to submit academic transcripts, identification documents, and any additional paperwork specified by the institution.
What is the fee structure for MBA in Hyderabad?
The fee structure for B.Tech in Chennai depends on the university and ranges widely; scholarships are available for eligible students.
Are scholarships available for national students in India?
Yes, several scholarship options are available for national students, including government-funded and private scholarships.
What is the fee structure for Bachelor of Arts in Delhi?
For Master's in Science admissions, students are required to submit academic transcripts, identification documents, and any additional paperwork specified by the institution.
How do I apply for a scholarship at AIIMS as an national student?
To apply for scholarships at JNU, national students must complete the financial aid application, submit necessary documents, and meet eligibility criteria.
What is the fee structure for Bachelor of Arts in Chennai?
The fee structure for Bachelor of Arts in Bangalore depends on the university and ranges widely; scholarships are available for eligible students.
What are the accommodation options in Hyderabad for students?
The fee structure for Master's in Science in Hyderabad depends on the university and ranges widely; scholarships are available for eligible students.
Can national students apply for internships during the B.Tech?
Hostel accommodations are available for national students with options ranging from shared dormitories to single rooms, depending on availability.
Can national students apply for internships during the Master's in Science?
Yes, several scholarship options are available for national students, including government-funded and private scholarships.
How can national students get a visa to study in India?
To apply for scholarships at JNU, national students must complete the financial aid application, submit necessary documents, and meet eligibility criteria.
How do I apply for a scholarship at BITS Pilani as an national student?
For MBA admissions, students are required to submit academic transcripts, identification documents, and any additional paperwork specified by the institution.
How do I apply for a scholarship at IIT Delhi as an national student?
The eligibility criteria for M.Tech at JNU include a relevant undergraduate degree, entrance exam scores, and any specific requirements of the institution.
Can national students apply for internships during the M.Tech?
Entrance exams like science courses exams are mandatory for admission in India; they ensure students meet the educational standards required.
Are scholarships available for national students in India?
Yes, several scholarship options are available for national students, including government-funded and private scholarships.
What entrance exams are required for engineering courses in India?
national students need a student visa to study in India, which can be obtained by submitting proof of admission, financial proof, and personal identification.
What documents are required for MBA admission?
national students in Bachelor of Arts programs are eligible for internships, which are often part of the curriculum and help with career development.
Can national students apply for internships during the B.Tech?
For Bachelor of Arts admissions, students are required to submit academic transcripts, identification documents, and any additional paperwork specified by the institution.
Is there a reservation policy for Bachelor of Arts admissions?
Students in Delhi can choose from university hostels, private hostels, and rental apartments, based on their budget and preferences.
What cultural adjustments should national students expect when studying in India?
Indian universities follow a reservation policy for certain categories; national students should check specific institutional guidelines.
How can national students get a visa to study in India?
national students in Master's in Science programs are eligible for internships, which are often part of the curriculum and help with career development.
Are scholarships available for national students in India?
For B.Tech admissions, students are required to submit academic transcripts, identification documents, and any additional paperwork specified by the institution.
What is the fee structure for Bachelor of Arts in Hyderabad?
Students in Bangalore can choose from university hostels, private hostels, and rental apartments, based on their budget and preferences.
Can national students apply for internships during the Master's in Science?
Hostel accommodations are available for national students with options ranging from shared dormitories to single rooms, depending on availability.
What are the eligibility criteria for Bachelor of Arts programs for national students?
To apply for scholarships at AIIMS, national students must complete the financial aid application, submit necessary documents, and meet eligibility criteria.
Are scholarships available for national students in India?
Indian universities follow a reservation policy for certain categories; national students should check specific institutional guidelines.
What is the fee structure for Master's in Science in Chennai?
Entrance exams like management courses exams are mandatory for admission in India; they ensure students meet the educational standards required.
Are there hostels available for national students?
The fee structure for M.Tech in Chennai depends on the university and ranges widely; scholarships are available for eligible students.
Is there a reservation policy for M.Tech admissions?
Indian universities follow a reservation policy for certain categories; national students should check specific institutional guidelines.
How do I apply for a scholarship at IIT Delhi as an national student?
Entrance exams like medical courses exams are mandatory for admission in India; they ensure students meet the educational standards required.
What entrance exams are required for arts courses in India?
The fee structure for M.Tech in Bangalore depends on the university and ranges widely; scholarships are available for eligible students.
What documents are required for Bachelor of Arts admission?
Indian universities follow a reservation policy for certain categories; national students should check specific institutional guidelines.
Are there hostels available for national students?
The eligibility criteria for M.Tech at BITS Pilani include a relevant undergraduate degree, entrance exam scores, and any specific requirements of the institution.
What is the fee structure for B.Tech in Chennai?
Hostel accommodations are available for national students with options ranging from shared dormitories to single rooms, depending on availability.
What is the fee structure for M.Tech in Mumbai?
For Bachelor of Arts admissions, students are required to submit academic transcripts, identification documents, and any additional paperwork specified by the institution.
How do I apply for a scholarship at AIIMS as an national student?
For B.Tech admissions, students are required to submit academic transcripts, identification documents, and any additional paperwork specified by the institution.
How do I apply for a scholarship at JNU as an national student?
Entrance exams like management courses exams are mandatory for admission in India; they ensure students meet the educational standards required.
What documents are required for MBA admission?
International students often find the cultural environment welcoming in India; orientation programs help with adjustment.
What are the eligibility criteria for Bachelor of Arts programs for national students?
national students in B.Tech programs are eligible for internships, which are often part of the curriculum and help with career development.
Are there hostels available for national students?
national students need a student visa to study in India, which can be obtained by submitting proof of admission, financial proof, and personal identification.
Are scholarships available for national students in India?
national students in MBA programs are eligible for internships, which are often part of the curriculum and help with career development.
What entrance exams are required for medical courses in India?
To apply for scholarships at JNU, national students must complete the financial aid application, submit necessary documents, and meet eligibility criteria.
Are scholarships available for national students in India?
national students in B.Tech programs are eligible for internships, which are often part of the curriculum and help with career development.
Are there hostels available for national students?
Entrance exams like engineering courses exams are mandatory for admission in India; they ensure students meet the educational standards required.
What cultural adjustments should national students expect when studying in India?
Indian universities follow a reservation policy for certain categories; national students should check specific institutional guidelines.
Are scholarships available for national students in India?
To apply for scholarships at AIIMS, national students must complete the financial aid application, submit necessary documents, and meet eligibility criteria.
Is there a reservation policy for B.Tech admissions?
For M.Tech admissions, students are required to submit academic transcripts, identification documents, and any additional paperwork specified by the institution.
How can national students get a visa to study in India?
Hostel accommodations are available for national students with options ranging from shared dormitories to single rooms, depending on availability.
What are the eligibility criteria for MBA programs for national students?
For M.Tech admissions, students are required to submit academic transcripts, identification documents, and any additional paperwork specified by the institution.
How can national students get a visa to study in India?
Indian universities follow a reservation policy for certain categories; national students should check specific institutional guidelines.
Is there a reservation policy for M.Tech admissions?
national students in B.Tech programs are eligible for internships, which are often part of the curriculum and help with career development.
What is the fee structure for MBA in Hyderabad?
Students in Chennai can choose from university hostels, private hostels, and rental apartments, based on their budget and preferences.
What are the accommodation options in Delhi for students?
To apply for scholarships at JNU, national students must complete the financial aid application, submit necessary documents, and meet eligibility criteria.
Are there hostels available for national students?
International students often find the cultural environment welcoming in India; orientation programs help with adjustment.
Are there hostels available for national students?
national students need a student visa to study in India, which can be obtained by submitting proof of admission, financial proof, and personal identification.
Are scholarships available for national students in India?
Yes, several scholarship options are available for national students, including government-funded and private scholarships.
Is there a reservation policy for Master's in Science admissions?
To apply for scholarships at AIIMS, national students must complete the financial aid application, submit necessary documents, and meet eligibility criteria.
What documents are required for Master's in Science admission?
International students often find the cultural environment welcoming in India; orientation programs help with adjustment.
Are there hostels available for national students?
national students need a student visa to study in India, which can be obtained by submitting proof of admission, financial proof, and personal identification.
Are there hostels available for national students?
Entrance exams like management courses exams are mandatory for admission in India; they ensure students meet the educational standards required.
How do I apply for a scholarship at IIT Delhi as an national student?
national students need a student visa to study in India, which can be obtained by submitting proof of admission, financial proof, and personal identification.
What entrance exams are required for medical courses in India?
To apply for scholarships at BITS Pilani, national students must complete the financial aid application, submit necessary documents, and meet eligibility criteria.
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

Study-in-India FAQ Dataset

This dataset, study-in-india-faq, is designed for fine-tuning language models to answer frequently asked questions about studying in India. It includes 200,000 pairs of questions and answers covering topics such as admissions, scholarships, accommodation, cultural adjustments, and visa requirements.

Dataset Summary

The study-in-india-faq dataset is a comprehensive resource for students seeking information about studying in India, whether they are international or domestic applicants. It is suitable for building models that assist in student guidance, educational chatbots, and informational applications.

Key Features:

  • Language: English
  • Data Size: 200,000 Q&A pairs
  • Format: JSON (for LLM fine-tuning) and CSV

Dataset Structure

Each entry in the dataset contains:

  • prompt: The question asked, such as "What entrance exams are required for engineering courses?"
  • response: The answer, providing guidance, requirements, or additional information.

Example entry in JSON format:

  "prompt": "What entrance exams are required for engineering courses?",
  "response": "Engineering courses in India generally require exams such as JEE Main or other state-level exams. Some universities may have additional requirements."


This dataset is ideal for fine-tuning language models on educational FAQ data, enabling the model to provide accurate and informative answers. It is compatible with large language models such as LLaMA, GPT, and other transformer-based architectures.

Example Use Cases

  • Educational Chatbot: Train a chatbot to assist prospective students with questions about studying in India.
  • University Virtual Assistant: Deploy in university portals to support students in admissions and cultural adjustment processes.
  • Student FAQ Support: Help educational institutions reduce workload by automating responses to common inquiries.

Loading the Dataset

You can load the dataset in Python using the datasets library from Hugging Face:

from datasets import load_dataset

dataset = load_dataset("millat/study-in-india-faq")


Please refer to the dataset's licensing terms on Hugging Face for details on usage, sharing, and modifications.


If you use this dataset in your research or application, please cite it as follows:

  author = {MD MILLAT HOSEN},
  title = {Study-in-India FAQ Dataset},
  year = {2024},
  publisher = {Hugging Face}
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