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Many years ago, when I was in my late teens and a terminally broke college student, I was fortunate enough to land a casual job in a large bakery. There were many draw backs to the job, but the fact that I was paid hard cash and that I finished in time to start my morning classes, outweighed all the other problems. Finishing work before college began, obviously meant that I had to arrive for my shift at an ungodly hour in the morning and, being a typical student, this was a major problem! At 5.00am, the work force was not large. My responsibility was to load and unload tray after tray of bread in and out of the huge ovens that worked constantly and emitted an almost unbearable heat. There were three of us that worked that early, Jim Collins, his wife Kelly and myself. Jim and Kelly were responsible for mixing the ingredients for the bread, but we all had to work in the oppressive heat of the oven room and by 6.00am, all three of us were usually sweltering. The thing that kept me going was the light atmosphere. Jim and Kelly were wonderful to work with and we were always laughing and playing jokes on each other. Kelly was, I guess, in her early thirties, but her husband was considerably older although he didn't act like it invariably making suggestive comments to his wife and beaming widely when she always took the bait! You see, Kelly wasn't the sharpest knife in the rack, but she made up for it in the looks department; long brown hair that fell in curls down her back, a great figure with large breasts that jiggled excitedly when she moved and a cute little ass. All this was set off beautifully by a pretty face that always seemed to have a smile on it. Yes, Kelly was one of life's optimists. I can't really remember who's idea it was to ask Kelly to retrieve some more flour from the giant vat where it was stored, probably Jim, but with that sexy smile, Kelly immediately agreed. The vat was massive and stood about four foot high. This meant that to scoop the flour out, she had to lean right over the edge of the vat, standing on tip-toe to reach down with the scoop. It made a great picture; Kelly up on her pretty toes and bending over the rim of the vat with that delightful ass in the air. "Go on!," whispered Jim in my ear with a wicked grin. "Give her a little slap on the ass!" The opportunity was too good to miss and I did not need to be asked a second time. Creeping quietly towards Kelly, I gave her a healthy spank on her pert buttocks. *Slap* I think she was more surprised than hurt, because with a little scream, she tumbled forward, straight into the flour vat! "You bastard, Jim!" She yelled, thinking that her husband was responsible for the prank. "I'm fucking covered in flour!" In between hoots of laughter, Jim and I cautiously moved towards the vat and looked in. Kelly looked like a really pissed off snowman! Her entire body was covered in white flour from head to toe and all we could see were a pair of blazing eyes looking up at us. Trying hard not to laugh too much, both Jim and I grabbed an arm each and helped her our of the vat. Looking at Kelly standing in front of us, hands on hips, was way too much, and again we both fell about laughing. It seemed that Kelly was also beginning to see the funny side because a slight smile was beginning to return to her white covered face. "What the fuck am I supposed to do now?" she shouted at us. "I can't keep working like this." Jim answered "Well, there's only one thing you can do. Danny and I will have to hose you down!" "Oh no you don't," she replied, backing away, the smile now fully returned. "My overalls will go transparent. It'll be like a wet T shirt contest!" "Sounds good to me!" Cried her husband. " What do you think Danny?" I was certainly interested in the way that this seemed to be going, but was reluctant to comment on my friends wife. I just nodded my head and hoped that this would suffice. "So, you want a little show do you? You dirty minded boys! Ok, if that's what you want, then that's what you'll get!" Both Jim and I stood in stunned silence as Kelly pulled the end of the sluicing hose from the wall and turned the water on. Standing over the drain on the warm concrete floor, she held the hose over her head and let the cool water cascade over her hair and rinse the flour away. Until this time, I did not honestly think that even Kelly would go through with this, but here she was, letting the water flow over her head and shoulders and down over her coveralls. The floor was soon wet with white coloured water as she cleaned herself off. Kelly was right. Working in this temperature, none of us wore much clothing, but Kelly being Kelly, only wore a pair of tiny bikini panties and these were now clearly visible under the wet overalls that stuck to her full body like a second skin. Jim was still laughing as was she, but I was staring open mouthed at Kelly's ample breasts that were now outlined under the garment. "Actually," said Jim in between laughing fits. "Credit where it's due. It was Danny that gave you the spank!" "Was it indeed?" said Kelly, looking directly at me with a wicked grin. "And did you do it so that you could get a look at my tits?" I tried to answer, but the words became stuck in my throat. I was still too busy looking at her large bosom, the nipples now growing visibly harder before my eyes. "Here, why don't you get a better look." My heart missed a beat and my breathing became a little short as Kelly began to unbutton the front of her coverall coat. I was acutely aware of my cock hardening rapidly in my shorts as finally two large breasts capped with perfect pink nipples emerged before me. "They're beautiful." I managed to gasp out lamely. "There's still more to see," she laughed as she dropped the coat to the floor and began to peel down her wet panties. "Go ahead," called Jim with a smile. "Get yourself a handful of that skin! If I know my wife, she's feeling real horny now!" Kelly's arms welcomed me to her breast as my hands and lips began to explore the smooth tender flesh of her large, heavy globes. The nipples seemed to grow harder as I closed my lips over them and sucked them into my mouth. I heard a moan of pleasure and felt my head pulled firmly into her chest as I let my hands drift lower over her wet body towards the tangle of dark hair between her legs. My fingers searched through her bushy pubic hair until I found the wet slit, her lips unfolding like a blooming flower as I touched them. I knew that she was wet from the hose, but the fluid seeping from between her nether lips was all woman and I used the lubricating liquid to slide two fingers deep into her vagina as I continued to suck her nipples. Kelly was moaning deeply, urging me to finger-fuck her faster and harder. Her feminine fluid was oozing from her lips as I plunged another finger in to join the first two, pumping them smoothly as she climbed higher and higher, eventually shuddering into her orgasm. With her tits bouncing up and down as she came, it was hard to keep my lips over her swollen nipple, but with Kelly's hand firmly pushing my face into her breast, I did the best I could. With a gasp, Kelly detached herself from my caresses. Completely naked and still dripping wet, she hopped up on to the work counter. Sitting facing me, she wriggled her bottom towards the edge of the counter and spread those long, sexy legs, exposing her vagina to my eyes for the first time. I was awestruck and could hardly drag my gaze away from her beautiful, wet pussy. "Are you gonna stand there all day, or are you gonna get your dick out and fuck me!" she cried. My overall was open and my shorts around my ankles in a matter of seconds. My cock was so hard it was almost painful. I looked to my left and saw Jim. I had almost forgotten about him and had a momentary pang of guilt. After all I was about to fuck his wife! He soon put me at my ease. I was not the only man in the room with a hard-on. Jim had obviously taken his own cock out some time ago and had been slowly masturbating as he watched us. Go on, Danny boy, give her what she wants. She's like a bitch in heat when she's like this. She needs a cuntful of dick and she needs it quick!" Having been granted all the permission that I needed, I positioned myself between Kelly's open and outstretched legs. "Hmmmmmm....oh yes....fuck me..fuck me...put your big dick inside me baby" With a grunt of satisfaction, I thrust my throbbing manhood deep into her pussy. It felt wonderful as I slid past her slick lips and into her vaginal channel. She was tight and her muscles gripped me as I began to fuck her properly. Jim was now at her side, pinching her swollen nipples and pumping his cock in his hand. I watched, as with a groan, he released a torrent of cum over her belly and tits. As his hot seed splashed onto her skin, I felt her cunt tighten and relax as she surged into her second orgasm. My own cock was throbbing uncontrollably now as I hammered into Kelly's warm, wet pussy. Not wanting to cum inside her I pulled out quickly and with a deep moan, jerked myself furiously, eventually joining Jim and spraying my semen onto her lower belly and thighs. "Looks like I'm gonna need another hose down." Laughed Kelly as she began to look for her discarded panties and wet overall. We all quickly returned to work, but soon found that we had lost a lot of time. By 9am, when the manager arrived, we were far from finished and only about 3/4 of the required bread had been baked. There was hell to pay and we were each ordered into the managers office in turn. Someone was obviously going to be fired, and as I was only a student on a casual contract, It was a certainty it would be me. Jim and Kelly both apologised to me on the way home that day for getting me sacked, Kelly was almost on the point of tears until told her that I didn't really care. "Trust me," I said with a smile. "It was well worth it!" \- The End - * * * * * If you enjoyed this story feel free to check out my other offerings on this site. Please also feel free to e-mail me with any suggestions you have for further tales! Photo's from female admirers are always very welcome!! We've all heard the story, if you live in America you could grow up to be President one day. That's been the word passed down mostly from white father to white son, but now it's broadened to black father to black son, and perhaps now even mother to daughter. With a black President perhaps brown, or red, or yellow, or whatever color you happen to be, fathers are telling their like colored sons and daughters that one day you can be President. Yes, suddenly it all seems possible, it is possible except for one fact. I read on an AOL news column that our newly elected President raised more than seven hundred and fifty million dollars for his campaign. Now he did have thirty million dollars left over but that only means that he spent seven hundred and twenty million dollars. Wow, that kind of money might finance a few more minutes of the war in Iraq, or maybe bail out an automaker or two, I know it would certainly let me upgrade my lifestyle if I had it, but no, this is what he spent to become President. Obviously he could have spent less, but who is to say that if he didn't spend the money he would have won. Or if his opponent spent nine hundred million would seven hundred and fifty million been enough or would he have to have spent more? You know if we held these elections once every four years you could be talking lots of money. Oh, wait a minute, we do! Hey perhaps if we did this once every eight years we'd save a bunch of money. Or what if we did it once every twelve years? It suddenly appears that if any young white, black, brown, yellow, red, or other boy or girl wanted to become President they would need to do more than just get good grades in school, be civic minded, and keep the skeletons out of their closets. They'd all need to find a way to raise money, so much money that you'd have to wonder if all of it was honestly gained money. It's all simply too much to comprehend and it seems perhaps that not every child really has a chance. So were do we find our next Presidential Candidate? Well hell, we find him or her right here at Literotica. It's a shoe in... just listen. First of all, what industry has the financial strength to support a seven hundred and fifty million dollar campaign? Quite simply: the porn industry. And who would make a better candidate than one of Literotica's writers. Now I'm not about to make any selections from current writers and considering that the last four winners of the Survivor Contest only made a combined seventeen hundred and fifty dollars it may appear that no one here has enough money to become President, but we are wrong. It was here, right here at Literotica that someone made five thousand dollars for losing a contest. And while this person would have to lose another one hundred fifty thousand times to earn the necessary money to become President, it just might work. Of course we will need to make a change at this time, cute as he is, his picture is simply a bit scruffy around the edges. No I would like to introduce a new and improved BFW, Balston Fiction Writer, a fine upstanding citizen from Balston, Maryland just a quick run out the red line from DC. Or is that the orange line? Yellow? Anyway, this fine individual from Balston, Maryland need only come to Literotica and lose contests. Now he or she would enter all the Literotica contests performing in such a manner that he or she would lose everything. Then the New BFW could enter all the porn contests available on the internet losing each and every one entered. The first thousand or so contests should be easy and then, well the New BFW could afford a staff to help endorse and deposit all those five thousand dollar loser's checks. After a while the New BFW could start campaigning pressing for Literotica type issues, like the first amendment, an end to anti-pornography laws, wonderful, unabashed sex for everyone, and the right to submit seven hundred fifty word stories. Yes, and as Marshall McLuhan once preached that the "Medium is the message" the new BFW's campaign would be all porn based, broadcast from all the millions of porn outlets around the states. Once that happens all the silent majority of porn loving people will come out of the privacy of their bedrooms and support this great person. Every man and woman who receives those plain, brown paper packages at home, who privately exercise their rights in many interesting and different positions come out and vote we all will know who is the best for President. Of course when the votes come in and are counted we'll find the new BFW has lost once again. Somehow the red states got redder and the blue states got bluer and the American people well we got what we asked for, we got fucked. And I must say, we kind of enjoyed it, we've been doing this for so long you see. Poor new BFW will drag his tired ass back to Balston and begin writing some more fiction. Day to day life will return to the normal drudgery as he returns to work. All he can do then is think of what might have been... that is until one day he gets and envelope in the mail. Carefully opening it he finds a five thousand dollar check for losing the Presidential Election. Damn, he realized he had lost again, how wonderful. The new BFW deposits his money into the bank and realizes that the next election is just four years away. Hurrah, hurrah, he is ready to start all over again, but this time he ditches the porn industry and finds something better: NASCAR. Hell if Jeff Gordon can go all year without winning a race and still get almost six million dollars in winnings, this has got to be the place for the famous Balston Fiction Writer. Gordon lost forty-one races and earned nearly six million or just over one hundred forty six thousand dollars per loss. Yeah the new BFW has a great new plan, now it's the new BFW for President in 2016. Alice took off her circular glasses and rubbed her temple. "Jesus fucking Christ." Calvin was destroying her in Mario Kart. "C'mon," Calvin said with a grin, hand outstretched. Alice sighed, and reached down to her back left pocket to pull out her wallet. Her hand stopped. She asked "Double or nothing?" She already owed him $40, but she knew the next map was Wario Mountain - and she NEVER loses on Wario Mountain. "Deal." They started the next match. Calvin drove straight off the road, and hit three bananas in a row. He grumbled, "This game's broken." Alice grinned as she pulled ahead into first. Calvin sat up in his chair, he wasn't about to lose $80, especially not to Princess Peach. He drove through the next item box, grabbing a blue shell. "How's it feel like to finally be in first place?" "Oh it just feels great." "Are you sure about that?" Alice winced as she saw what was coming. The blue shell nuked Peach, and she watched as Toad zoomed past her to the finish line. "You asshole!" she groaned. "Hell yeah baby! Fork it over!" Alice rolled her eyes and reached for her wallet. But it wasn't in her left pocket. She checked her right pocket - it wasn't there either. She remembered that earlier when her wallet couldn't fit in her tight, high-wasted shorts, she put it on her bed, where it was probably now still sitting. She forgot to grab it before she left for Calvin's. "Um... Calvin?" "Yeah?" "I don't have my wallet with me." He looked at her. "Really Alice? Last night, and now this?" Alice remembered that she still owed Calvin money for the match the night before. "Yeah... Really..." Calvin stood and paced the room. She stuttered, "I can get it to you tomorrow night?" "Nope, you said that the night before, and the night before." Alice winced as she remembered that she still hadn't paid Calvin two nights ago either. Some quick mental math revealed that she owed him around $200. She really sucked at Mario Kart, but no way in hell was she going to admit it. "If you're not gonna pay me with money, we're gonna need to work something else out," Calvin declared. The room fell silent. "15 minutes," she whispered. "What?" "For 15 minutes you can do whatever you want to me, and my body." She muttered, avoiding eye contact. Calvin froze. This was his chance. He put his fingers to his chin, and pretended to be deep in thought. "You owe me $200 dollars. You think 15 minutes will make up for that?" She blushed. She awkwardly played with her fingers, and rocked back and forth on her heels. "F-f-fine. 30 minutes." Calvin thought some more. He walked up to her. She was a full head shorter than him. "Sure. I'll settle your debt, on one condition." "What?" "No safety word." Alice turned bright red. She played with her hair nervously. She trusted Calvin, they had been dating for about four months now and he'd always been nothing but courteous to her. He respected her bounds and she did his. But those boundaries were about to disappear, for 30 minutes. She gulped. "Deal." Calvin scooped her up and ran to the bedroom. She squealed in aroused fear. She glanced at a clock as he ran past: it read 9:47. *I just have to last until 10:17,* Alice thought to herself. He kicked the door shut and dropped her on the bed. "All fours," he barked. Nervously, she got onto her hands and knees. Doggy style was pretty normal for them, what would be different this time? He pulled down her shorts, and struggled to get the waistband down her wide hips. She was wearing a simple pair of beige panties. He scoffed. "Really? This is what you present me?" Alice blushed, he'd never complained about her underwear before. "S-sorry Calvin?" A hand clapped her left butt cheek. "That's Master to you." "S-sorry Master..." He walked away from her, and pulled out a box from the bottom of his closet. She turned her neck around to watch him rummage through the box, but then a pair of lingerie hit her in the face. "Put it on. Now. We're going to re-do this." "Yes Master." She stood up awkwardly, scooping up the underwear from the bed. She took off her oversize t-shirt, and her beige bra. She looked downward, but she felt his gaze on her bare skin. She picked up a piece of black lace and identified it as a black thong. She gulped, and slid the butt floss up her thighs. She picked up the matching bra, and put it on. She was surprised to feel pressure underneath her breasts, and realized it was a push-up. It squeezed her chest, it was just a little too small for her D-cups. She realized there were one accessory left, a studded, leather collar. She clipped it around her neck. Alice looked up, embarrassed and anxious to see if Calvin approved. She heard a camera shutter, and realized Calvin had just snapped a photo with his iPhone. "Calvin, you asshole!" He stepped forward, looming over her. "What did you just call me?" She flinched at his words. "Back on the bed." "Yes m-master." She shakily got back onto her hands and knees on the bed. Alice couldn't see what Calvin was doing, but she felt his presence move back and forth behind her. She heard him fidget with some container, the pop of a lid opening, and the sound of viscous liquid. After what seemed like an eternity, she felt his hips press against her cheeks. She shuddered at the touch. His hands groped her cheeks, massaging and roughly playing with her peaches. She felt his toadstool trace the edges of her vagina, rubbing up and around her inner thighs. Then suddenly, she felt something slip past her thong into her asshole. "Mnnghhghh~!" she muffled her gasp. Calvin calmly moved his thumb around the inside of her butt. Alice never let him do anal, and he totally understood why. But today, now, this was his chance to enter the forbidden lands. "You okay?" Calvin whispered. Alice felt his breath on her neck. She nodded. She felt comforted to know that even in a no holds barred zone, he still worried about her. "Alright. Here we go." He withdrew his thumb, and Alice braced for his dick. She felt him push his way inside. It hurt like hell, even with all the lube. Calvin paused, watching her response. She seemed okay, so he inserted another inch. "MMMMnnnmnmMMNmmnnnn!" She grabbed the bed sheets and tried to tilt herself to an easier angle. There was none. Calvin pushed in deeper, feeling her tight ass contract and quiver around his dick. Alice's vagina was already tight, but this was on a whole different level. Every centimeter of his girth was wrapped in her fleshy interior. He looked down and saw that he was about halfway inside. Alice was struggling to stay still, and was squirming around, trying to lessen the pain. He grabbed her by the hips, and heaved her down the full way. Alice grunted, and muttered, "Jesus fucking chrIST!" her voice pitching higher as she felt him fully enter her. She panted, taking deep breaths as her ass tried to comprehend the foreign object blocking passage. Her clit quivered uncontrollably. He slowly withdrew from her sphincter, and then suddenly slammed his way back inside. Alice howled in pain. Calvin slapped her ass again. "Did I say you could speak?" Alice took deep breaths. "No sir." "Then don't." "Yes sir." Calvin began to slide his cock in and out of her ass. Alice grimaced as she felt it piston up and down inside her. The pain was starting to lessen, the lubricant was really helping. He grunted, and reached their normal fucking speed. Alice groaned as she felt her ass ravaged by his dick. Calvin, feeling emboldened from his power, began to thrust faster and faster. Alice's whimpers became louder. At the higher speeds her ass wasn't sticking to the dick, and was instead gliding on the lube. After all, static friction is less than kinetic friction. (There's your physics lesson for the day) Alice's hair bounced in a wave with each pump of his dick. She began to push back against him, hoping that it would be over. She definitely wasn't enjoying herself... Was she? It was a totally different sensation than PIV sex, but all things considered it wasn't that bad. It was a little painful and rough, but that was kind of kinky. She bit her lip. She could see herself doing this again, she would just have to willpower through the initial pain again. Calvin pulled out his dick from her quivering rectum. Alice held her breath, wondering what was next. He tightened his grip on her hips, and slammed back into her ass, and pumped ropes of semen into her ass. Alice moaned, as she felt his cock convulse inside of her, and felt the warm cum fill her up. He hadn't cum this much before, ever. Panting, he slowly withdrew his cock. Both of them took a moment to get their breath back. He pulled her by her hips off the bed. She stood up, looking at him. He grabbed her chin and pushed his lips against hers. Alice, who was already on the edge, orgasmed as Calvin kissed her and bit her lip. She shivered with pleasure from the kiss. Her asshole ached at the empty space left by his dick. Breaking the kiss, Calvin pushed down on her shoulders. Alice knew this universal signal for "suck my dick" and dropped to her knees. She stared at the cock that had been in her ass seconds prior. She looked uneasy at the thought of sucking a dick that had been inside her butt, and Calvin knew that. "Is my cock not clean enough for you?" Alice looked uneasy. She started to shake her head no, but then turned it into a shrug. Calvin frowned and sat down on the bed. "You have one minute. Clean my cock." Alice hesitated, then leaped to her feet and ran to the kitchen. Calvin tapped his foot impatiently awaiting her return. She returned 20 seconds later, dropping to her knees, out of breath, holding a bucket of water and a sponge. Alice dunked the sponge in the bucket and squeezed it over his cock. Warm, soapy water spilled over his cock into the bucket. She rubbed the sponge up and down the length of his dick, cleaning it as fast as she could. Calvin sighed and checked his timer. Alice rubbed it with her hands, using friction to clean it. She splashed some more water to wash off the soap, and the timer rang. "Time." Calvin stood over Alice. He handed her a hair tie, which she immediately used to put her hair into a high ponytail. He grabbed her by her hair and pulled her face closer to his cock. She scooted on her knees closer to him. "Do the balls first." Alice immediately began sucking on his balls, licking them like their sweat was a delicacy. She licked them one at a time, kissing and loving them with her mouth. Calvin placed his hand on her head, grabbing her by the ponytail. Without warning he slammed his dick down her throat. Her hands shot up to his hips. Her throat didn't fully open, and she was sputtering and coughing as he pulled her mouth off his dick. Alice had never deepthroated Calvin before, but she was about to learn. Calvin lined her back up with his dick. "Put your hands behind your back. If I see them again you're getting cuffed." Alice's eyes widened. She nodded yes. Calvin thrusted his dick down her mouth again. She got farther this time, but still didn't truly deepthroat him. Calvin held her in place for a few seconds. Her hands nervously moved up, wanting to push off his dick but worried about his response. Eventually, Alice ran out of breath and put her hands on his pelvis. Calvin pulled her off his cock, leaving a thick line of slobber down her chest. He turned around and grabbed a pair of handcuffs. Alice put her hands behind her back, and let herself get cuffed. "This time, all the way. No matter what." Alice nodded. Calvin let Alice take a deep breath, then plunged her down onto his cock. Her throat and eyes bulged as his cock made the turn down her throat. Calvin groaned in pleasure, it was a totally different experience. Not as tight as her asshole, but softer. He held her down for a couple more seconds, then pulled her off. Alice deepthroated Calvin a couple more times and he approached climax. He pulled her off his dick and had her do some more licking, then some more deepthroating. Alice stopped resisting, and much like anal found the experience much more pleasurable. She climaxed a couple times while deepthroating, just from the submissive nature of it. Eventually his stamina ran out. He tugged her by the hair off his dick, then pushed her down as far as possible. Alice caught on, and with full cock in mouth started to lick his balls. Calvin lost it, and began to cum. Spurt after spurt of thick cum shot down her mouth. Alice had never swallowed semen before, but this time she didn't even think twice. She gulped it down as he directly fired it into her throat. Each shot was immediately gulped down by her. Gasping, Calvin pulled his cock out of her mouth. A trail of cum followed the tip of his dick from her mouth. Alice, without instruction, licked the cum off her lips and drank the globule dribbling down his dick. She gave it one last kiss on the head, then looked up and smiled. "Holy fuck you're good at this," Calvin said, speechless. She shrugged and tilted her head. "Makes up for how awful I am at Mario Kart." \--------------------- Epilogue: 30 minutes of control became a frequent bet in future escapades. Sometimes Alice would purposefully lose so she could be conquered again. Eventually, they stopped pretending and incorporated more domination into the bedroom. Anal and deepthroat became ritual in their usual sex. Alice realized that these sex acts weren't done by insane professionals, and that there is true pleasure in giving. Alice never got any better at Mario Kart. |
Jenny a 37 years old married woman with 36D, 30 and 38 frame, high octane when it comes to her sexual urge, closest friends only knew what that means. She had been an extremely horny bitch since her early teens. She remembered that she used to get her underwear wet and chills all over her body and always felt tingling sensation in her pussy. Over the years what might be the reason that she knew that was some kind of rare condition word of speaks, in younger years her clit developed different than other girls it became very sensitive and that was why her underwear used to get wet at very young age and when she got married got even more sensitive. When she had her first sexual intercourse she felt the same sensation coming from inside her pussy and she screamed like a porn actress and she squirted like a water fountain, that scared her very much that she even went to her gynecologist and expressed her that her concerns, she told her that what she was feeling was not common but it was normal and she told her congrats because that was going to make her a happy woman. She enjoyed pretty much sex but the problem was that when she saw something that she liked, she has to try it at least once. If she liked it and she kept it. If didn't she let it go but she didn't let nobody to push her or boos her around she wanted what they have as long it was available she could get it her way if not she could go somewhere else, and they wanted what she have and they could get it her way and on her terms and it was available when she said. Tim pauses at his step-mother's door and hears her crying. He silently curses his father. He must have hurt her again. His hopes that things might have improved between his parents over the last few months since his absence seem to have come to nothing. After knocking softly on the door he waits. She answers after a moment, and despite the tears staining her pretty face, she looks happy to see him. "Hi hon." "Hi, Mom, are you OK?" "Hmm, not really actually. Your dad left me." "Again, well he will be back. He always comes back." Jenny looks at her young step-son. She has been keeping the truth from him for the past few months. Tim had left for college, at the end of the summer shortly after which Stuart had up and left her. This was the time for good. He was eighteen and a freshman away from home for the first time. She simply had not wanted to burden him with her marital problems as he tried to get settled in his new environment. "Look honey, come downstairs with me and I will tell you the truth." Ten minutes later they are sitting next to each other in front of the fire on this cold December night. The den is dark and silent except for the crackle and pop of the glowing fire. They are both sipping on full glasses of red wine she just poured them. He stares at his step-mother as she sips on her glass of wine. As always he is smitten by her beauty. Jenny was a beauty who, at the age of 37, had a mature graceful appearance that only seemed to get better with time. She had a nice slim figure - not too tall, 5′ 4″ while weighing 110 pounds. Her hair was raven black and beguiling falling just past her shoulders matching nicely her flawless complexion. Jenny won a couple of local beauty contests when she was younger a fact which surprised her young step-son not in the least. Best of all, she was a true coquette, loving to flirt and always smiling. As a step-mother she was blessed with a gentle disposition, kindness, patience, and a wonderfully big heart full of undying love for her only step- child. To her second husband she was caring, faithful, romantic, and loyal to a fault. Sadly none of this was appreciated much by Stuart who was a faithless womanizer who basically took advantage of his second wife's loyal nature. And now she was drinking a fact which secretly thrilled Tim as his step-mother tended to become quite warm and friendly after a glass or two of wine. The thrill of watching her drink is somewhat offset by the disappointment in what she was wearing. On some occasions, especially when they were alone, Jenny could be quite the show off in the way she dressed around her young step-son. But apparently she was not in a show off mood that night for she was wearing a thick fuzzy white robe that completely covered that sweet sexy figure of hers. He reaches out and touches her arm lightly as they sit side by side on the sofa across from the fire. "So what is it, Mom? Why are you crying? He left you before and you never cried. Not that I remember." "This time it's for good honey. That is what I have been avoiding telling you for the past few months. He left for good this time, shortly after you went off to college. I didn't want you to worry so I said nothing." "Yeah but how do you know it's for good? He left before and always returned." "Tommy..." She takes his hand into hers and squeezed it gently. "The divorce papers have already been signed by the both of us. Its final... and well he has already been living with his new girlfriend." "Seriously, Jesus no wonders he has been avoiding my calls. And Christ you should have said something, Mom. I would have come home." "And that is exactly why I didn't... just because I knew you would have wanted to drop everything to rush home and comfort your mommy." "I guess you know me that well?" "I do." She looks at him and smiles. The wine, her fragile mood, the warm intimacy of the cozy den and its glowing romantic fire is all combining to create a warm glow deep inside her heart. But most especially, after being away from her beloved Tommy for so long, three and half months, that is 107 days to be exact, now him being home - and their being alone together on his first night home- something seems magical about this evening. Now the smile, by careful design, turns into a frown. Always attuned to his mother's moods he notices the frown. "What's wrong?" "Nothing... everything. I just missed you. I want to talk but..." "But?" "But it's warm in here. The fire you know." "We can talk somewhere else. The kitchen maybe. The living room." "The kitchen. Hmm no... it's not comfortable and as for the living room no way. Too many bad memories... of your dad sitting there stupid drunk in his easy chair barking orders at me. Here in the den is actually the perfect place to talk. This was my place. Our place actually as remember he never came in here." "Yeah right, mother I remember. We used to cuddle in front of the fire on cold winter's evenings." "Yes, that was nice. Real nice in fact." "Are you saying you maybe you want to cuddle like before, Mom?" "Do you? God knows I could use a little cuddling. I'm not feeling very good about myself." "Well I would be happy to cuddle with my Mommy. You know, relive old memories, but then with my arms around you and you would be really too warm... and you are already complaining about it being too hot in here. I guess I could put the fire out." "Then it will be too cold," she whines knowing she is hard to please while at the same time knowing full well Tim will do anything to appease her no matter how difficult she is being. It works, of course. "First too hot, then too cold... Jesus, Mom!!" "I know, I know... I am hard to please. I don't want you to put out the fire anyways. It's soothing to watch the flames dance about." "But if it makes you uncomfortable." "Well maybe if we don't move so close to the fire. We could just stay here on the couch I will be alright." "Yeah we could that. You could also maybe take off your stupid old lady robe, Mom." She smiles at him as this is the opening she has been waiting for. "What you don't like your mom's thick fuzzy robe son." "Not really. It's well not to be mean, but it's not exactly appealing." "Yeah, well, the problem is... what I am wearing underneath my ugly robe hon." "Pajamas would be my guess." "Guess again." "Tee shirt and shorts maybe." "Hmm, no." "Ahh, nothing." "Yeah you wish," she laughs reaching out and ruffling his full head of golden brown hair. He flushes red at her wisecrack a fact that doesn't go unnoticed by her. Jenny has always suspected her son is a bit more attracted to his step-mother than maybe normally a son should be, but instead of being repelled by this fact, the truth is she finds it to be quite flattering. "You want to hear the God's honest truth hon. Can you handle it?" "Of course," he fires back still smarting from her wisecrack. "I am wearing a bra and panties." "So big deal, Mom, I have seen you in your underwear before." "Yeah, true, but not since you were young and most especially what I am wearing now is not the bra and panties you remember from years ago." "Really, well what is so special about them?" "First tell me something. You say you remember me from before in my underwear?" "Yes." "And what do you remember?" He shifts uncomfortably on the couch. He doesn't want his step-mother to think he is some kind of pervert from him remembering how she looked in her underwear. He takes a large swallow of his wine hoping it will allow him to relax a bit. He is not much of a wine drinker and the large swallow has the desired effect. She senses his uneasiness. "I asked honey, so tell me. Don't worry I won't think anything bad." "OK, well, since you asked. I remember you always seemed to prefer white and..." "And? Tell me, be honest." "There is nothing to tell. I guess white mainly." "I will say it for you. White and boring." "Yeah... maybe." "Well hon, the underwear I am wearing tonight is quite the opposite. Colorful and exciting I guess you could call it." "Really?" She can see he is curious- which is exactly what she wants him to be. "Here is the story. I bought what I am wearing maybe two years ago... along with a bunch of other sexy stuff. You know lingerie type things. I had hoped of... like... sparking an interest in your father toward me." "Did it work?" "He got mad when he seen the charges on the credit card and made me take everything back. I did... almost that is. I saved what I am wearing now in secret." "Geez, what an asshole." Tim polishes off the rest of the wine in three large angry sips. Just thinking of what a prick his father truly was makes him emotional. "Yeah, well, that was your dad. Anyways tonight I was feeling down and depressed and really not very good about myself. I was rearranging my closet to take my mind off of things when I stumbled across the only sexy stuff I saved. I decided on a whim to try it on. To see if it still fit... and then you knocked on the door. I threw the robe on over it of course." "But you were crying. Why?" "Yeah, I guess because wearing my sexy stuff reminded me I have no one to be sexy for especially now that I am old and alone." She finishes her nearly half full glass of wine in one large swallow as the anger swells inside of her. He carefully gathers her hands into his. She looks to be on the verge of tears again. "Mom, first of all, you are not old. You still look fantastic and... I am here so you are not alone." "I bet if you seen me in my stupid sexy underwear you would not say that. Yeah, nothing worse than an old woman trying to regain her lost sex appeal." "Mom!! Stop it!! I bet I wouldn't think that at all." They both stared at each other for a long moment... before he said it. He didn't mean to really, but it just sort of slipped out. "Why don't you show me?" "Take my robe off? No way! You will laugh." He might have let it drop at that if it was not for the mischievous smile she let slip out. He knew his step-mom well and that little smile said his idea appealed to her... even if maybe she would not say so out loud. He decides to pursue the matter. "I won't. Promise. C'mon Mom, don't be like that. You got me all curious and shit and now I wanna see." Tim, maybe feeling brave from just finishing off his glass of red wine, reaches out and tries to undo the large knot of his mother's robe. She laughs while trying to swat his hands away. "God, you are such a tease, Mom," he says pushing her hands away and attacking the knot once again. "Honey... stop." She tries to rebuff him once more, but he responds by playfully pushing her back onto the couch. He reaches his hands out slowly toward her while whispering, "I could overpower you and take the robe off... if I want to. You know considering the three glasses of wine and you are drunk." "Yeah, you probably could, but you are kidding of course?" "Of course," he replies sheepishly as he settles back on the love seat. "Well too bad because I was going to let you take off my robe and see." "You were?" "Yeah, I mean... I guess I am really curious as to what you might think." "So show me and satisfy both our curiosities." "Fine, since you asked... but let me...Maybe I need one more glass of wine to fortify my nerves." She stands up and weaves her way across the den to the small mini bar stuck in one corner opposite of the fireplace. He watches wondering if she is just joking about showing him. She pours herself another full glass of the delicious red wine and takes a small sip from it before turning back to him. Saying nothing she leans back against the bar and slowly, seductively even, begins to undo the large knot that holds her robe shut. Tim swallows hard as his cock jerks inside his jeans. What his mother is wearing looks fantastic on her. Colorful and exciting indeed would be an apt way of describing the dark purple bra she is wearing. The panties, adorned with rainbow colored side straps, are equally sexy and exciting. But what really has his fucking cock jerking to new heights of hardness is the way she is looking at him so... seductively. Tim has never seen his step-mother looking so hot and sexy as she does right at this moment. A moment that is growing in intensity as she slowly smiles at him while he stares dumbly at her spellbound by her beauty. They say nothing until she breaks the silence. "Join me at the bar for another glass of wine hon." He moves across the den hoping the bulge in his jeans is not to obvious. As he draws nearer his eyes become helplessly trapped on her pretty purple bra. Her small tits are crowned with a pair of deliciously erect nipples that are on full display. At the bar they sit sipping on their respective wines and enjoy a moment or two of silence. The sexual tension in the air between mother and son is thick with anticipation. Jenny notices how her son's eyes keep flickering down to her chest. Normally, she would ignore such a thing, but being a bit tipsy and feeling playful she decides to tease him a bit. "So... you are not running out of the room in horror at seeing your mother in her sexy underwear." "Mom... Jeez you look fantastic. I can't believe what an idiot dad is for leaving you." "He found better." "No way. Better than you? How so?" "Younger, prettier and ahh nicer... you know, bigger tits." "Mom..." She cuts him off deciding on a bold course of action. "Save it hon. I am getting cold now." "So, maybe you ought to... you know, put your robe on." "Do you really want me to do that?" Her voice is soft and sweet... teasing even. He considers his answer carefully. She is drunk and obviously feeling highly emotional. If he says yes it may hurt her feelings, like maybe he really wants her to cover up because she doesn't look so good. On the other hand, if he says no maybe she thinks he is a bit of a pervert wanting to see his mother in her sexy underwear. He quickly decides on taking the risk of seeming perverted. He looks at her seriously and quietly says, "No." "Good. Then let's move over to the sofa so we can cuddle, if you want that is?" "Of course." Cuddling close together on the couch they again enjoy a few minutes of reflective silence before Ellen breaks it. "This is nice and comfortable being in your arms hon. I could just sink off to sleep you know." "Really... you want to sleep here tonight next to me, Mom?" "You wouldn't mind?" "No," he replies secretly delighted at the thought of spending the entire night cuddling with his mother. "But it's a bit unfair you know." Jenny unwinds herself from his arms as she stands up. "What is?" She gets to her feet pulling him with her. "Oh, just that you are still fully dressed." "Yeah, so?" he says nervously knowing that he is more than a little firm down there. "Do you normally sleep fully dressed, Tommy?" "C'mon, Mom, you know I sleep in my boxers." She smiles at him brightly trying to put him at ease before her next teasing comment. "Well then what are you waiting for. Come on..." She boldly reaches out and starts to undo his belt. "Don't be such a shy little boy around your mother. Get undressed and join me under the throw." She lets his belt, undone now, slip from her hands as she plops back down on the sofa pulling the dark burgundy throw blanket from the back of the sofa around her shoulders while turning her back on him. Jenny hears him pull off his tee shirt as she picks up her wine glass. When she hears his jeans hit the floor her heart begins to race as she polishes off the balance of her wine. Settled quietly under the blanket, wrapped inside the warm cocoon of each other arms, Jenny sighs as Tim wraps his arms around her. "Hey honey, how about you give your mom a nice little shoulder and neck massage," she says after a minute. He readily agrees slipping off the sofa onto his knees. Tim gently kneads his mom's shoulders and neck and Jenny relaxes enjoying the attentions of her son. Soon, feeling both totally relaxed and comfortable from her son's sweet massage, she dozes off. Tim notices she is not stirring even as his hands slip down along her back. He likes the feel of his mom's bare skin and is actually starting to get shamefully very hard down there. It quickly degenerates into the classic case of the angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other for the young man. The devil is whispering in his ear, "Go ahead, she is drunk and passed out... have some fun... do some exploring." The voice is hard to resist. Maybe if he was not drunk himself he could ignore such a tempting thought. His hands slip down across her back and under the throw right to the very edge of her panties. They were just ready to slip down and explore his mother's nice ass when the angel on the other shoulder chimes in, "Tsk, tsk, tsk." His hands obey and back off sliding away and up only to pause in the middle of her back. They delicately explore the strap of her bra. "Go ahead undo it Tommy. Be brave, be bold, she will never know." The angel starts in again. "No, no, no that would not be proper." "Shut the hell up," Tim mutters quietly as his fingers skate along the back of her strap, searching for the clasp, preparing to follow the devilish advice, but just then his mother sighs deeply. She stretches her arms as Tim quickly jerks his hands up from under the blanket. She slowly flips over on her back and gives him a warm smile. "I guess your massage was so nice that I dozed off for a minute." "Yes, I guess so," he replies nervously hoping she did not notice his roaming hands. "I think maybe you should finish your massage, but first maybe you should give me a nice little good night kiss... in case, you know, I pass out again." "Sure," he mutters relaxing as apparently he did not do anything too forward to prevent her from wanting him to continue the massage. Rising up fully on his knees he looks down at her. She was waiting for her kiss looking utterly beautiful. He kisses her lightly on the top of the forehead and then starts to pull away, but she quickly reaches up and snakes a hand around the back of his head. "Honey, are you afraid to give me a kiss on the lips?" The kiss is like a taste of heaven. Sweet, soft, and delicate, their lips come together again and again. Grudgingly he starts to pull away afraid of wearing out his welcome, but again she pulls him back down this time to whisper in his ear words that he shall never forget. "Honey, by the way, your mother's bra unhooks in the front." A brief pause while his heart nearly explodes. Jesus, she knew what he was doing... and doesn't seem to mind!! She lets him go. Pulling back he stares down at her as their eyes met. Something unspoken passes between them as she takes his hands and guides them to the middle of her chest. Pushing them onto her bra she sighs, "See." His fingers find the clasp in the middle... waiting to be breached it seems as she settles deeper into the comfortable confines of the sofa, closing her eyes while sighing deeply with just the smallest of smiles on her face. She relaxes her arms at her side offering no resistance as his hands kneads her breasts through the soft material of her gorgeous bra. She allows it saying nothing, doing nothing as her breathing becomes slow and steady. He wonders if she could actually be preparing to pass out again as he is fondling her fucking breasts! His fingers begin to fiddle with the clasp. Still she offers no resistance. He twists and tugs at the clasp. He is inexperienced at such things and it is showing. Still she seems utterly unconcerned that he is attempting to undo her bra. Finally, he manages to undo her bra and then heaven is revealed to his eyes as he pulls her bra open. "Do you like them baby?" she murmurs in a barely audible voice. "Oh God, yes mother, they are beautiful." In the faint light cast by the dying fire her tits glow with such pristine beauty that he becomes instantly rock hard. His mom's tits are small and delicate, much like her, full of both beauty and grace. Her nipples are fully erect and just waiting to be plundered by his eager young hands. His fingertips dance over her nipples making her sighs deeply. He takes his sweet time exploring his step-mother's tits fully with a tender loving touch while she moans quietly and sinks deeper into the plush sofa. He is moving closer unable to fight the maternal calling of his mom's tits to his mouth. He begins with several delicate kisses just above her tits before moving his mouth down carefully onto the gentle slope of her breasts. He closes his eyes and opens his mouth, preparing to fulfill the deepest fantasy that a mother and her 18 year old son might share. His tongues slide out lathering first one nipple, and then the other with dozens of tender licks. Jenny lets out a loud moan as his tongue works its magic on her distended nipples. He pulls back to look at his handy work before he can no longer resist. He sucks on her tits with a gentle fondness that has poor Jenny squirming all over the sofa. His hands slips down inside her panties as she spreads her legs willingly. Lowering his mouth to her breasts once more, he is eager to show his mother the absolute yearning he holds for her small tits knows no bounds. Tim simply wants to show his mother she has the most desirable tits in the world. Not because they are big or small, but simply because they are hers. Oh God, Mommy your tits are so lovely, so beautiful... I could suck on them all night." He breathlessly exclaims in between several long suckling sessions. Jenny is growing hotter by the moment. Stuart was never one for warming her up before doing the deed but Jesus, Tommy has me warmed up and then some. Still she needs more before they commit to the ultimate act of love. "Take them off honey. I want you to kiss me... down there." Her panties end up on the floor next to his jeans as he climbs up onto the sofa and positions himself in between her legs. He licks at the tender moist folds her wet pussy with a loving tenderness that sets her heart on fire. Tim, inexperienced as he might be, just somehow seems to know what she wants and goes nice and slow. His tongue flickers out again and again. The soft licks and gentle lapping of his tongue finally find her swollen clit. She jerks as he attacks it fondly with an eager tongue and lips. "Jesus, I need you inside of me," she cries pulling him up and into her arms. They exchange several long kisses before she suggests it will be better if she is on top. Their eyes met, souls touching as she carefully lowers herself onto his throbbing six inches of virgin manhood. She starts slow bouncing up and down at a leisurely pace. He concentrates fully on not coming too quickly. Fortunately for him he had one of his daily masturbation sessions that night in bed before waking up and finding her crying. It helps some, but as his eyes focus on her lovely petite tits jiggling up and down he starts to lose control. Tim uses his hands to grip her small waist as he forcefully drives upwards causing her to let out a small grunt. Driving his hips upwards with robust force he drives his cock deep inside of her. His mother's constant whimpers of pleasure turns him on immensely as Jenny easily falls into the new frenzied rhythm with a passion that equals his. Rocking back up and down he comes hard inside of her while mere moments later she lets out a long piercing scream of unbridled passion her whole body shaking with an intense forbidden climax. Falling into his arms, she clings to him tightly unwilling to consider the moral implications of how she just took his virginity, but instead focusing on the intense love they share for each other. Instead of feeling guilty she only feels one thing- anticipation for the next time. |
A young woman is drugged in a bar, abducted and sold into sexual slavery in a secret underground facility along with hundreds of other slaves. She's coerced into total submission by various means including severe beatings and total isolation in a pitch dark rat infected concrete pit for days on end. She is then, after a brief period of intense practical training and motivational conditioning, displayed, chained in a line-up for selection by rich client who can lease her body for the night. The lessee has a historical master's rights of sex and the riding crop, subject to an escalating fee schedule, scaled to the number and severity of bruises. Much Sex MF, FF, BD, rape, coer, slave, (MM= very little, mainly to establish the warden's haracter) She came to shivering with a hung-over feeling, opening and closing her eyes without seeing anything. What happened to her? Was she date raped; was she blind? Her mind was in a daze, vaguely recalling a nightclub in Las Vegas and a drink with a hot guy. She shook her head and recalled agreeing to visit another nightspot with a dance floor, then getting into a taxi. She searched her memory desperately for more but drew a blank. She was stark naked lying on a hard wooden surface wearing handcuffs. They were flat iron lined with something soft and connected with a short chain. There were braces on her ankles and neck as well. She stared hard seeing nothing and then groped around her; there were no blankets and her bed if you could call it that was barely wide or long enough for her body. She turned on her side and curled up in the fetal position trying to get warm. Still shivering she sat up feeling around. Her bed was no more than six inches above a damp concrete floor. She rose very carefully and touched her head on a rough concrete ceiling. Where was she, in a bunker? The ceiling was maybe five feet to her six foot-two. She crouched and moved unsteadily on the dirty floor only to find a natural rock face wall and then worked her way around the space. No more that six by eight feet. No door or other opening; was she entombed alive? She shuddered, was this it; had someone drugged and raped her and then left her to die, but then why the braces? Why was she being kept like a rat in a cage? She sat on the bed shivering, lifting her feet off the cold floor hugging her knees. She had no sense of time in the dark; it could be hours, days or weeks. Hunger never entered her mind; she knew seven days was curtains without water. She wasn't thirsty so maybe it was only hours; she tried to relax maybe someone would release her soon. She suddenly noticed a sore spot on the front of one thigh but in the total darkness there were no way to tell what it was. Had she struggled and got hurt somehow? A million thoughts raced through her mind as the hours dragged by but nothing made sense. Was she being held for ransom? Her adopted parents had been killed in a traffic accident two years before. Their estate had been sued since her father was blamed for the incident; they took the house and everything, leaving her with nothing. No one she knew would or could pay for her release. She was between jobs and apartments, nobody would miss her, save a couple of girl friends; one she'd been staying with but the way she had been city hopping, they would assume she'd just left. Most of her few possessions were in a lockup at a bus station, the key in her purse. After an eternity with only occasional sleep, she heard something rumbling and sliding in the ceiling then suddenly bright lights blinded her. "Lie on your back female, arms above your head. Spread your legs wide...wider and don't move!" She obeyed nearly doing the splits holding her feet off the floor, what choice did she have? It was a female voice. "Please what do you want, why am I here, what have I done?" "Silence female or you'll remain in this pit forever!" "That's a big one," another woman's voice added in an unfamiliar accent. "Oh, she is nice" a third woman, added in the same accent. "Lower the pails," it sounded like the first woman. She heard the sound of metal touching the floor as something soft hit her stomach with a thump and rolled off on the floor, then a rattle as the hooks or whatever disconnected from the pails. The ceiling closed to the hum of an electric motor with the sound of concrete scraping against concrete and then a clunk. After a few minute she noticed a glow. She crouched moving over and found a small lit candle, some matches, a bottle and a small jar with a screwed lid in one pail, the other pail was empty reeking of urine, obviously her toilet but no toilet paper. She used the candle to look around, finding a small rounded loaf of bread in the wet dirt. She wiped it and broke off a piece from the inside, chewing on it and then drank some water out of an uncapped bottle. She remembered her sore thigh and checked it with the candle. They had branded her at mid thigh with one inch numbers. She stared in disbelief at: One-eight- six. She felt it deciding it was a tattoo not a brand. The numbers were set in a rectangular frame shaped like a carved wooden sign broken at both ends about five inches wide; the entire tattoo designed to resemble a rough cattle brand. She opened the small jar and touched the cream, deciding it was for her tattoo, it did soothe the pain after a while. When the ceiling opened again, probably a day later she was ordered stand with her back to the wall and raise her arms. A hook was attached to her wrist chain and she was hoisted up to the sound of a rattling chain. At one point a blindfold was placed over her eyes. When the chain stopped she screamed as an implement lashed across her ass cheeks. She screamed four more times, hearing the echo of the lash and her own screams, in whatever space she was in. She was then lowered back down and waited, crying with pain and confusion as the pails were replaced. The ceiling closed again, with that sickening crunch of concrete sliding on concrete. She assumed the ceiling opened once a day but she had no idea. The next day she was hoisted up again and lashed to tears, without a single word from her jailers. On the third day she was ordered not to scream and told the lashes would not stop until she shut up. She managed to suppress her screaming after nine lashes and they stopped. She begged them to tell her what they wanted and she got another lash. Every day after that was the same if she didn't scream she got five; if she did the lashes didn't stop until she stopped screaming or talking. Why did they beat her when she hadn't refused to cooperate with whatever they wanted? On the ninth day by her reckoning she was hoisted up, blind folded and two people pulled her over as the hook was disconnected and then steadied her as she staggered along barely able to walk. She heard the concrete cover close on her tomb and a few steps later what sounded like a metal door sliding and them slamming hard. Then the sound of a noisy freight elevator shaking and moving until it made a jerky stop. She was then led for a walk turning several times until a door closed behind her. Prompted to knees a chain was connected to her neck collar while the chain between her wrists was removed. She was then prompted with the neck chain to stand up and an iron ball with part of its chain placed in her hands. She could feel the chain tugging on her right ankle brace. "You are sex slave number One-eight-six; you have no other name; mention to anyone what your name was and you will be back in the pit for five days. You will speak only when spoken to and perform any imaginable sex act with men or women as commanded directly or return to the pit!" It was a woman's voice. She was then pulled by the neck chain to follow carrying the ball. She must have staggered about a hundred yards turning several times and was then prompted to set down the ball. She jerked in shock as she was hose sprayed with lukewarm water smelling like soap. The blind fold was removed and she was ordered to sit on a stool and keep her eyes closed. Someone washed her hair and then rinsed it with the hose. Next she was led to another room carrying her ball and left alone while large fans blowing like a hurricane drying her body and eventually her hair. She was then led to another room and ordered to sit in a salon chair. Her hair was combed and set by a woman in a hooded robe. While another woman ankle chained to the floor and wearing only red shorts with her ass cheeks showing, shaved her legs and arm pits. When finished another ankle-chained female in red shorts applied some lipstick and a little make up. She was then ordered her to pick up the ball and led away. The guard wore a floor length dark gray almost black hooded robe' the hood nearly covered her eyes. A chain necklace held several key like items dangling to her waists line. She also carried a riding crop attached by a short strap to her wrist She was led through a hall way or tunnel which seemed to be cut through solid rock to another room and told to set down the ball and stand on an X painted on the floor. It appeared to be a doctor's office. There were three other patients standing next to her, one of them a beautiful blindfolded chesty tranny with a large penis. A woman entered in a lab coat and sat down at a desk. A short black female wearing those strange shorts and ankle-chained to a ring in the floor handed her a file. She read part of it. "One-eight-six your former named is now erased from our records. Let's see... Six-foot two, one hundred and seventy pounds, age Nineteen, High school in...." her voice trailed off as she read silently for a while. "Last medical check up Chicago February..." Her voices trailed off again as she picked out a separate page "Ah yes a copy of the doctors report." How could they have that? Her birth control pills were in her purse but not the doctor's address or his private file on her. The doctor proceeded with a physical inspection. You had a complaint with that Doctor about a pain in your side, is that still a concern? "No doctor, just a sore muscle from working out I think." "Ah yes fitness training here is compulsory; you'll find our exercise program strenuous but necessary for maintaining your body in peak condition for our clients." She felt her breast almost weighing them with her hands; DD's?" "Yes doctor." "Nicely shaped too good firm texture, get on the table!" She obeyed and placed her feet in the stirrups while the Doctor inserted the speculum. After finishing the examination she began to finger her erotically. How is your sexual libido; do you climax readily?" "I'm...I'm multi orgasmic Doctor." "Very large clitoris, let's see how sensitive?" She gasped and nearly climaxed. "Don't hold back 'One-eight-six' I need to ascertain your sexual response level." She stroked her inside thigh for a while and then manipulated her vagina penetrating and stroking with two fingers while her other hand fondled her mound and clit. She moaned a quick climax. The doctor then stroked the tattoo "Your ID's healing well. At what age did you first experiment with masturbation?" she began to finger her nipples and then bend down sucking on one. "At twelve or thirteen I think Doctor." "That came up well, nice size." She sucked on the other nipple making it emerge. "What was your sexual orientation?" She wondered why she said: 'was you sexual orientation.' "I go both ways Doctor." "Equally?" "Yes Doctor it makes no difference." "Excellent, no forced motivation program required;" she made a note in her folder. "At what age did you have the first lesbian encounter; and the ages and ethnic backgrounds of your partners?' "Sixteen, white girls my own age, at first except a couple of teachers and a neighbor in their late thirties but later I preferred mostly blacks and Latinos." "And male?" "Eighteen, oh no seventeen; white at first but mainly blacks as I got older, my age or younger." "Why the preference for blacks?" "I don't know male blacks seem to be more intensely hungry for my body, though most of them climax too quickly; I usually only get off only once or twice with them." "Were you a virgin with your first male?" "No Doctor I broke my hymen with handle of sorts at fourteen I think." She bent over and kissed her on the lips. "Very nice full lips; let's try that again I need a full response." She obeyed kissing the doctor passionately returning her tongue. That's better; how many sex partners' male and female have you had approximately?" "I think about twenty five or thirty females and about the same number of males maybe less." She kissed her again using her tongue. "Your male sex partners were they tall or short?" "Mostly my height or close, I never cared for shorter men." "Interesting, you have a good healthy, diverse sex drive with a gorgeous body. You will be profitable for the syndicate;" she groped her one breast and inside thigh for a moment while breathing deeply, "OK, sit up; I want more tongue this time." She gave her a long passionately kiss and then sat down at her desk making notes in her folder and on the clipboard. "Guard," she handed her the clipboard, "transfer this slave to the madam's office for further assessment and initiation." She was led out carrying her ball while she studied another clipboard. She was then brought into another office and ordered by the guard to stand on a painted X in front of a table with her hands behind her head. There were three other females standing against a wall in the same position. "Ah yes One-eight-six. I am your madam," she emphasized 'your' strongly. It was the voice she'd first heard in the pit; a midget in her late thirties. She was sitting on a female's ass, lying on a low bench with her head under the table. Another female behind her straddled the bench and the bottom female's thighs forming the live chairs backrest her breasts draped over the midget's shoulders. She scanned the clipboard held by one hand of her backrest, reading out loud some of the information plus the doctor's notes. Also her date of birth, her adopted parent's names and the date they died. Her high school graduation grades and names of friends and clubs she had belonged to. She then stared at her critically, scanning her body from head to toe. "This was your past life, which I herby order you to erase from memory. You will never speak to anyone about your life, other than your age, country of birth and general location of your abduction, on the pains of going back to the pit You are now One-eight-six a numbered sex slave who's only purpose in life is to provide sexual satisfaction to our clients, as well as selected members of the staff.." "And if I don't" she snapped back. "Guard, throw this disrespectful female in a rat infested pit for an indeterminate time." She was dragged away by several guards and taken to the pit. Not blindfolded this time she saw the huge plug type cover four feet thick that would be hoisted down to close her tomb. First they fastened short chains between her wrist and ankle braces. They hoisted her down head first, half way down telling her to look around the pit after turning on a light. She screamed while jerking and twisting her body violently, seeing several large rats scurry into a hole in the wall. Once the hook was off her chain she crawled onto the bed trembling in terror while hugging her knees as the pails were lowered and the concrete cover plug entombed her with the rats. She shuddered, cried and screamed for hours before settling down. Somehow they never bit her but every hour of every day was a pure hell. Whenever they changed her pails she screamed to let her out to no avail; she even in her desperation begged to be lashed. She shook and cried in relief after four days when hoisted out and continued to tremble and sob while being hosed and prepared for the madam's office. "Well, well let us see...Oh yes...One-eight--six, back from her vacation. How are the rats? This time we fed them; next time we won't and there'll be snakes." She shuddered unable to open her mouth, while the madam leaned back in a pair of white tits while rocking her body to get more comfortable on a black ass. "Where were we?" She fingered the nipple of one of the tits hanging over her shoulder squeezing it hard making the slave winch while pointing at a clipboard. Her live back rest reached for the board and held it for the madam while gently caressing one of her madam's breasts with her other hand. "Oh yes, here we are; I had just told you the following: You are now a numbered sex slave who's only purpose in life is to provide sexual satisfaction to our client's etcetera. Do we...have a problem with being a totally...subservient and willing sex slave today dear?" She glared at her with an indifferent arrogance. "No...no madam I...I'm v...v...very s...sorry." "Oh that is so nice," she purred smiling at her sweetly. Now as I said, that is what you are, a sex slave and you will submit to anyone we order you to regardless of age, looks or gender but more importantly, you...will provide sexual pleasure with dedication and passion and be totally submissive! You will...love any and all clients or staff when ordered, as if you were a teenager in love. "Understand this! Your life is no longer a right...but a privilege...totally owned by the syndicate and managed by me and the Warden as we see fit. You are simply a piece of merchandise, like any item in a shopping mall that we lease like any other business to make a profit. "We provide real-life sex-slaves to wealthy clients...not call girls or prostitutes...pretending or acting the role of sex slaves; this is the reality of your life, twenty-four seven for as many years as your body remains sexually desirable to our clients." She scanned her body critically. "You're nineteen, so probably for the next ten years you'll spread those long beautiful legs nearly every day for the pleasure of a client." She took a deep breath leering at her body the way a man would. "We lease you for a fee like any article leased by a business, cars for instance and just like a car you have absolutely no say in the transaction. You will submit to any imaginable sex act ordered which can include physical violence short of drawing blood. That's right my dear...some of our clients are sadist and thrive on inflicting pain, usually with...but not limited to the riding crop, which is standard equipment amongst other toys in our sex accommodation rooms. I am not going to ask you to agree or disagree with these conditions, do you know why dear?" "Yes madam, I have no choice." "That was a wise answer," her expression hardened. "You know by now the consequence of back talk or any other form of insubordination. Do you not?" "Yes madam I would be thrown in the pit again." "I think we have the start of a beautiful relationship, you and me. I am your madam and along with the Warden, we are God all mighty to you and you are just One-eight-six, a number and numbers have no rights and do not express opinions. You are a non-person. You can of course deny we are Gods and vacation in the pit anytime if you should foolishly claim to have rights. "Since you now seem to be wisely silent in the manner of any inanimate object, I will as your madam, welcome you to the reality of slavery. She motioned the slave behind her who lifted her off her live chair, setting her gently on the floor. She held out her hand and a riding crop was placed in it; looking back at the live chair she pointed at the wall with the riding crop. They both scurried to line up with the other three against the wall; turning their backs while leaning over, hands high on the wall, arching their backs and rotating their asses slowly while moaning expectantly. She then approached One-eight- sic, smiling sadistically. "On you knees slave!" She obeyed and found herself still taller than the madam who proceeded to weigh and clutch her breast like the doctor had. I want you to watch and listen very carefully now. Look at the five female asses being eagerly displayed, what do you think they are hoping for?" "I...I don't know madam?" "They are trying to entice me to love them passionately, listen to their moaning." The moaning then increased. She held the business end of the riding crop to her mouth. "Moisten the leather slave it makes the passion so much sweeter. "That's it lots of spittle," she licked as the madam turned it between her lips. She then proceeded to lash all five females one lash each, repeating that three times. They gasped with each lash and thanked her, then moaned and rotated their asses waiting for the next lash. They did not cry out, turning around and dropping to their knees when she was done. She then kissed and hugged each of them while all five moaned passionately. After necking with and licking the tears of the fifth female she stood back and motioned for them to stand; she then returned with a strange trance-like glow on her face. She pushed the crop in between One-eight-six's thighs and then held her face with both hands. "I am falling in love with you, One-eight-six" she kissed her warmly and then pulled back gazing into her eyes with the glazed expression of a sick puppy. "Kiss me passionately One- eight-six, I'm hungry for your love." She complied desperately trying to avoid the riding crop. "That was beautiful, I feel a strong passion as if you truly love me; let me reward you." She pulled the riding crop out and held it to her lips again. "Here lick it again my true love, the moisture seems to have dried up." She stuck it inside her mouth letting her suck on it, while she smiled with an adoring expression before walking around her lashing the crop across her ass cheeks making her cry out. "Oh no I'm so disappointed I thought you really loved me; did you hear the other slaves cry out?' "No madam I'm sorry." "That's because they truly love me but you don't seem to love me." "Yes I do madam." "How much slave?" "Passionately madam." "So why did you cry out and not moan with pleasure when I returned that love?" She lashed her cheeks again. Like her daily lashes in the pit she managed to contain herself and moan a little. "Well that was better, maybe you do love me. Kiss and fondle me passionately. She embraced the thick little woman caressing and groping her ass and tits as their lips and tongues met in a prolonged passionate kiss. The madam pulled back staring, her eyes two big question marks "I am not totally convinced that you truly love me but we'll see. So...do you think it would be fair for me to test you passion with four more lashes?" "Oh yes madam I promise not to cry out, I know that is how you love me." She bit her lips and moaned, rotating her ass as the crop lashed hard across her cheeks five times. "Thank you madam for loving me," she moaned. "Ah, you got one extra; I get carried away when I truly love someone; oh your love for me has brought you to tears; I just love highly emotional slaves who love me so much they cry with pleasure." She handed the crop to one of the females by the wall and then threw her fat little arms around her neck kissing her with a passion she had never before experienced from a man or a woman. She then pulled back with that adoring expression again and kissed the tears off her face. Suddenly standing back she ordered her to lie on the floor and then squatted and pressed her crotch onto her mouth. She kissed and licked her cunt using all the skills she had, while the madam grasped one of her tits sucking the nipple and then biting hard again and again around the nipples until moaning her climax from One-eight-six's desperate but experienced tongue. She then returned to her desk where her living chair had reassembled and she was carefully lifted up to recline in their fleshy comfort. Her phone rang and her back-rest reached for the phone holding it to her madam's ear and was rewarded by getting a nipple pinched as she reached for one of the madam's breasts fondling it gently. After finishing her conversation the phone was returned and the madam was very gently leaned forward to reach her work. Three slaves were brought in a little while later and lined up in front of the table next to One-eight-six; a muscular black male, a blonde midget and a curvaceous Black Latino female. She ordered the male black slave to step forward and the guard handed a clipboard to her back lean. She scanned the page. "One-one-seven you served two clients, a sixty-four year old male and his sixty-seven year old wife last night. You failed to ejaculate while performing mutual fellatio with the male client. Explain yourself slave!" "It had only been less than an hour since I ejaculated in his wife's vagina while kissing him. I had performed dancing muscle poses to music for them for half and hour and then caressed and massaged her erotically while he watched for another half and hour. Then as additional foreplay I gave her a tongue bath including cunnulingus before penetration, I withheld my ejaculation of course until she finally climaxed. I must say madam that I was very proud having brought her to a climax after nearly two hour's foreplay and she mentioned to her husband that this was her first time in years." "I can't believe what I'm hearing One-one-seven; you're proud...of a compulsory requirement! Not having a client climax is not punishable by any number of lashes; it's an automatic stretch in the pit!" "I'm very sorry madam; please increase my punishment accordingly for my thoughtless self-serving remark." "You can count on it, One-one-seven! I was very surprised to hear such twaddle, you have an excellent record with older female clients some much older but go on." "When the client ordered mutual fellatio I was unable to ejaculate, he did so and I swallowed as his wife held the plate. He wanted to see me scoop it up and lick it off my finger. I did ejaculate in his mouth in the morning before the guard picked me up." "You refused homosexual sex when first arriving her two years ago and spent five days and then an additional ten in the pit. Do I detect a return to this wildly absurd notion that a sex slave can choose not to be bisexual?" "Of course not madam I am truly sorry for my past behavior I am devoted to my status as sex slave; the client's gender is irrelevant. I proudly serve my owners to maximize their profits." "Very well it will be five days in the pit plus twenty lashes or you can choose forty lashes now. That includes the ten lashes volunteered for making that absurd remark. Which will it be One-one-seven?" "Oh please madam forty lashes and thank you for being so lenient." She was lifted and held by the waist standing on her live chair. It appeared to One- eight-six that the madam was infatuated with this handsome black muscular young slave. "Look at my body slave; strike a pose." He flexed his biceps and then the rest of his body like a body builder in competition. I demand you maintain an erection during your correction or you go to the pit," his cock rose on her command. "Guard proceed, twenty lashes. He never cried out, just bit his lips as he stared at his madam's body flexing his muscles and maintaining his erection until the last lash. "Very well slave," she was lifted up on the table and got down near the edge while her back rest slave held her shoulders easing her down fitting one of her tits under the madams head as a pillow.. She spread her thighs. Fuck me slave while you get twenty more and you will ejaculate on my belly one second after the last lash. Three second intervals guard." He rammed her while grasping her thighs; her eyes fixated on his body as he received twenty lashes. It appeared to One-eight-six that she climaxed several times. One second after the final lash he jerked his load on her belly; then immediately bending over he sucked on her vagina and then slurped his semen of her skin. "Thank you very much madam I am grateful for receiving a sentence of love and compassion and also for being granted extra lashed for my gaffe. I will strive to improve my performance in the future." She didn't answer him and was lifted back down on her chair making some notes on his clipboard, signing it. "Guard, take him to the warden's office to have this punishment recorded." The back rest handed her the clipboard and the madam then waved the midget female forward while scanning her clipboard. "One-three-seven, you cried out in pain while being sodomized by, let's see a forty-six year old black client. Explain?" "He was a very large man, six foot-four I believe with a ten inch penis. I had satisfied him early in the evening performing fellatio swallowing his entire weapon completely several times and then downing all his semen with the help of a catching plate. An hour later he fucked my vagina and rammed it all the way in many times while I smiled up at him sweetly without showing any signs of discomfort. He ejaculated in my vagina and then rested for a couple of hours with me in his arms. We both fell to sleep and when he woke again he slapped my ass many times while I kissed him passionately "He then stood and picked me up, fitting his cock to my anus. I asked him gently if I might suck his cock first for lubrication but he was adamant and already fully erect and then forced my body down ramming his cock inside me in one stroke. That's when I cried out once. He slapped my thighs hard many times digging his fingers deep into my flesh and continued to ram me groaning with pleasure until he ejaculated and then put me down to suck his cock clean. He picked me up again and threw me across the room on the bed and then landed hard on top of me going to sleep. I never slept after that because of his crushing weight; I had difficulty breathing until the guard moved him off me when she picked me up." "As a fellow midget I can sympathize with you, for taking a ten inch cock in that tiny body. But you are trained to accept all pain associated with sex. So there is no excuse for crying out unless the client lets you know he wants to hear you cry. The reputation of the syndicate is at stake here. Was there blood guard?" "Yes madam the Doctor has examined her anus and found some small tears and a little dried blood. As you can see madam his fingers left only acceptable bruises on her thighs and ass, no cuts." "Very well I won't send you to the pit, even though you richly deserve it; one reason being that you are booked solid with repeat client. Come here," the midget walked dragging her ball behind her and stood next to her madam. She kissed her warmly and then studied the clipboard. "Lets see you been here almost two years and you're twenty one. It's no wonder you're one of the most requested slaves here and your English is really improving too." She embraced and fondled her body. "Thank you madam not many Russian clients here most of my orders are in English." "Well now how should I punish you?" "Twenty lashes," she said moaning hopefully. She kissed her again. "Ah my beautiful doll you are hard to resist. Very well..., Guard." "Oh please madam, please, please, please would madam lash me please?" "Alright, but asking for special favors means you'll hold the ball while I give you twenty, plus an extra five for your impertinent request." Picking up the ball she held it against her breasts and leaned forward. The madam was lifted down and proceeded to give her twenty-five very hard lashes without her uttering a single cry; her body jerked as the tears flowed while she uttered a muted, thank you madam and continued to wiggle her ass invitingly between each stroke. One-eight--six wondered how anyone could withstand that much pain and only shed tears. The midget had the sweetest doll face she's ever seen. Would she learn to do that herself since obviously pain would be to be part of her life now? The midget put down her ball and embraced her madam, thanking and kissing her passionately. The madam then returned to her table and made some notes on the clipboard before signing it. "Guard, take this slave to the warden office to record her penalty." She waved the black female forward while scanning her clipboard. "One-four-nine your client claims obstinate behavior, when you had been informed in the pre-briefing that this client wanted a loving, caring sexual evening with you, even vine and fine food." "That's not what happened madam; he was a big fat ugly honky redneck, he beat me, called me a nigger. Said I was a monkey and not human." "Did he draw blood?" "No madam" "Did he ejaculate?" "Yes three times." "Details?" "First he sodomized me then regular sex and later a blowjob plus lots of beatings and insults in between." "Tell me what you learned during your training about a card the client fills out about his expectations?" "That a client could lie to catch me off guard." "OK, in what respect." "The client might request a romantic evening and then beat me and call me names." "Why would he do that?" "So the slave would approach him with a romantic mindset and then by suddenly being cruel the slave would be confused and show fear." "So if the card had said he liked to be cruel, physically and verbally or he wanted a rape situation, you would have been prepared, cowering and screaming with fear, before or during sexual intercourse while still making sure that he climaxed as many times during the night that he wanted." "Yes of course madam that's all part of my training." "So where did you go wrong last night." "I...lost it madam, I'm sorry. It happened so fast I couldn't think." "Also you think he was ugly but fortunately you didn't tell him that. Where in your training did we give you the right to make judgments about a client's appearance? It is you fate to serve sexually no matter what the client looks like; his looks has nothing to do with the submission required of a sex slave. He paid good money for a slave to be used for any imaginable act; that also gave him the right to call you whatever he wanted. We both know you're human, what he believes is his business. The syndicate is only interest in his money, not his philosophy of life. You're a sex slave who submits totally and unconditionally for the financial well being of the syndicate. You are a number; a non person and are not allowed personal feelings. We will see what kind of feelings you have after ten days in a rat infested pit, under four feet of concrete. Take her away guard." "Oh please madam; please I'll take a hundred lashes, please I'll be good from now on." "Oh I know you'll be good; in ten plus five days for that outburst; the pit has a way of making slaves good!" She scribbled on the clipboard signing it and her live back rest handed it to the guard who dragged the sobbing slave away to be entombed. Another slave had just been brought in already sobbing; "One-Seven-one, madam, from motivation class for correction." she handed the clipboard to the live seat. She was short but not a midget and black; One-eight-six had never seen anyone that black. She had huge exotic eyes and an incredible sculpture body with a bubble ass and pointed tits with huge nipples reaching for the sky. "One-seven-one, inattention in class room could not answer question on subject being discussed! Explanation slave?" "None madam, I just let my mind wonder for a minute." "I see," she had the seat flip a page. "Seven months with the syndicate only the initial nine days in pit. You are nearly nineteen, perfect record with clients. You're lucky I'm in a good mood today; you should have gone to the pit for this. Thirty lashes!" "Oh thank you madam, I do love you so much." She motioned for the seatback to set her down and then had a footstool placed in front of her victim. A slave lifted her up making the two of equal height. "Guard thirty lashes ten second intervals when I tell you. Do you love me sweetie" she said fondled her tits. "Oh yes Madam passionately. She kissed her gently. "Guard proceed." She lashed her ass hard. "Oh thank you Madam, I love you so much, Mm oh mm ooh." The madam kissed her again as the next lash made her jerk She moaned thank you in her Madam's mouth." "Hug me sweetie show me how much you love me." She groped her Madam's body passionately, kissing and moaning while the next four or five lashes fell. The madam held her head gazing lovingly into her eyes, kissing her tears while a few more lashes stung her victim's ass. She alternated kissing her tears and gazing in to her eyes until the final lash struck. "Thank you madam for not sending me to the pit, thank you; I love you so much." She got off her stool and made her turn around feeling her painful globes with that glazed look of satisfaction on her face. She then walked back to her table and was lifted into her seat of flesh pointing at the clipboard. She added a note and signed it pointing at the guard. "Take her to the warden's office to have her punishment recorded. Guard, transfer One-eight-six to the warden's office as well for further initiation. She picked up her ball while the guard connected her chain to the black slaves neck collar, leading her out behind a beautiful but very sore bubble ass. _To be continued_ Reavan |
“Hey Jenny, you made it," Cara exclaimed as I walked through the patio gate towards the gathering of other women near the pool. Even though I had known Cara for years, I was still pretty nervous showing up as the only straight girl attending a hot summer day pool party with a group of her lesbian friends. Cara started introductions and everyone was very nice and their greetings took some of the edge off my being uncomfortable. I had gone to school with Cara and knew she was gay, but we had always been friends and I welcomed her invite to the party. Some socialization with people my own age was a nice change since I had spent the past couple of months getting my things moved into the small house on my grandparents property. After just graduating from a state university in Idaho in May, I had chosen to come back to the small town where I was raised to help them out. They were wonderful to me growing up and paid a great deal of my college education, which I’m very thankful of. Now, it seemed they were both growing old fast, so I figured I could help them out around the farm and hopefully be of assistance to them in the daily tasks they were finding more difficult to achieve on their own. Luckily, the local school had an opening for a part-time, high school English teacher and girl’s volleyball coach. Since my degree was in teaching, and I was All-State two years in a row in high school at volleyball, it all worked out. I must admit, it was a strange feeling returning to my old school as a teacher. There were still teachers there who taught when I attended, several of whom made what I would consider pretty suggestive or inappropriate comments, and a few gropes. I wondered how they would treat me now, but I was ready to deal with it. The pool looked inviting as the heat from the late afternoon Idaho summer was blasting down on us. Someone handed me a hearty, frozen margarita which tasted great, and the music kicked in – Melissa Etheridge of course! Cara led me around and showed me the home she was house sitting at for the summer. It was a very nice house, sitting up on a hill over looking the town in the valley below. “You can change in here," she said, pointing to a bedroom off the hallway. “Don’t worry," she added, “you’re a hotty and some of the girls will be checking you out, but nobody is aggressive here, it will all be cool for you." I smiled and thanked her for continuing to make me feel at ease then shut the door to the room and stripped off my jean shorts, thong, t-shirt and bra, and changed into my pink two piece swimsuit. I checked myself out in the mirror, and if I might say, I looked pretty damn hot! Cara’s words about the other girls checking me was strangely a bit of a turn on, although I’m not sure why. But, I always liked to be somewhat of a tease so I thought to myself, “What the heck, if there are no guys around to look at me I might as well see if I can turn some girls heads." Just something sexual I guess, probably because I was pretty horny anyway. Since leaving college I had broken up with my boyfriend, Todd, who thought we should “meet other people and be friends." Whatever, the jerk. He was good in bed though, and I did miss the intimacy, as well as some hot sex now and then. It had been almost 2 ½ months since I’d been laid and my fingers had become my new best friend. [I’d even lost my vibrator during the move from college, and there definitely wasn’t any place out here to buy a new one!] I primped my hair a bit standing in front of the full length mirror in the bedroom. The summer had brushed me with a great tan and bleached out my already blonde hair. Since my grandparents tended to stay inside during the hot afternoons, it gave me a chance to get both some running in to keep my 23 year old body hard, and lay out to sunbathe. Despite the change from the hectic college social life to the quiet rural surroundings, things were pretty good in life. The exercise and sun worshipping had conditioned me well to sport my new swimsuit in public for the first time. It was pretty skimpy; the top just big enough to cover my nipples and not much more of my breasts, and the bottom was about as low cut as I could go with revealing my natural blonde status, while showing almost as much butt as if I had a thong on. I loved the way it had to be tied together on each hip to stay on, just a simple pull of the string made it come right back off. At 5’5”, 118 pounds, and all legs, I was pretty popular at the university. “Time to make the lesbians drool," I teasingly said to myself as I opened the bedroom door and headed back to the pool. The moment I walked onto the patio I caught double takes from the other girls, along with some playful cat calls and whistles. It was all in fun and I just shrugged my shoulders and ordered up another margarita. People were swimming now and I did my best girl-dive into the pool to cool off. The water was cool compared with the hot, dry air, and as I climbed back out of the pool I heard Cara say out loud, “Hey Jenny, your nipples are going to tear through that skimpy top," which drew some laughs from the others. I looked down and she was right, the cold water had seriously nipped me out! “Are those even real," she asked, which garnered even more laughs. “100% pure farm girl," I proudly disclaimed. It wasn’t the first time I’d been asked that before. I was lucky to have been blessed with great tits, what more can I say! I grabbed a towel and climbed into the lounge chair next to her and a woman named Rita, who I guessed to be in her early thirties. The three of us laughed and drank, drank and laughed, and drank some more. I was totally relaxed now and very much at ease. All in all, a pretty darn good way to spend a summer day. The late afternoon turned into early evening and although the sun was disappearing over the steep rolling hills, the still, dry air made for the conditions of a perfect hot summer night. The music was still blaring chick tunes, and some of the party had moved inside while a few of the others had left altogether. This gave me some good one on one time to speak with Cara about how she was doing and about life in general. We were pretty buzzed from all the margarita’s we’d consumed so we were able to be pretty open. I wasn’t shy asking curiosity questions about the underground lesbian community in the area. It seemed like a strange place, given the redneck nature of where we were at, the rural, farming/ranching country of central Idaho. “You know," Cara said openly, “it’s actually pretty cool out here. The rednecks don’t seem to mind, most of them are probably turned on the idea of women doing women, and the church goers are usually pretty polite to you as long as you’re just polite to them. We don’t flaunt it, you know, no big lesbian parades and we’re not in your face about it, so people let us be.” I could tell she was comfortable speaking about it with me and I found it refreshing she would be so honest. But then suddenly her toned changed and she had a seriousness about her. “At least everything was pretty cool until those three women working over at the mill came into town. And now they’re hanging out with Weasel to make it a pretty special foursome." I hadn’t heard that name in awhile. “Weasel from high school," I asked? Cara nodded. Weasel’s real name was Billy. He was just this total loser who had dropped out in the tenth grade after getting routinely kicked out of school for being a trouble maker and selling drugs. He was my brothers’ age, around 28 or 29, and I remember him showing up uninvited at parties when I was in the high school here in town. The guy was creepy, and it seemed like he was always hitting on me when I lived here, asking me out, saying crude things about what he’d like to do to me in bed, things like that. “Does he still drive that crappy 280Z," I asked? “No, he’s moved up to crappier Trans-am," replied Cara. “Hey, I hear he’s still single if you’re interested," she joked. “Oh, I’m sure," I shot back. “It will be a cold day in hell before that guy ever gets his hands on me." “Weasel is just Weasel," Cara said. “But the three broads, they’re hardcore, and they’re trouble. “What kind of trouble,” I asked. Cara lowered her voice. “They’re just aggressive. You know, hitting on the pretty ones and bullying around the girls who are butch. We have some tough ones here, but none of them will challenge these three, especially the big one." I could see a different look in Cara’s eyes as she talked about it. “Rumor has it they’ve all done some time in jail. We just avoid them whenever we can and try to stay out of their way. And whenever they are around, we stay together. No one wants to end up alone with these three, especially if you’re on the pretty side. You definitely need to avoid them, Jenny," Cara warned. “What do you mean by hardcore," I asked naively? This was all new, and intriguing to me. Cara looked at me, recognizing I didn’t, and couldn’t, know the “language” of the culture. “Shit Jenny, you are so innocent. What I mean is, how do I say this, I mean that they have, well, I mean the big one has, well she’s different." She looked at me intently, expecting me to have some clue, which I didn’t. “I still don’t get it," I said perplexingly. Cara scanned the group to see if anyone was within ear shot. “I mean," she said almost in a whisper, “the big one has a huge…” Just then Rita walked up with a couple more mixed drinks and interrupted us. “Spill your secrets, girls," she laughed. “Just reminiscing on our school days together," replied Cara. Rita motioned for us to come inside. “The good girls have gone home for the evening, time for us bad girls to get started," instructed Rita. We went through the house onto the big, sweeping front porch that overlooked the valley below. The pungent smell of marijuana smoke instantly hit my nostrils. There were probably 6 to 8 of us left, and several of the girls were passing two pipes around the group. I hadn’t smoked any pot in probably 6 months when I had a little at a frat party on campus. “What the hell," I thought to myself, “I’m having a great time, why not live it up tonight." When the pipe came to me I took a large hit and passed it on, but the group insisted I smoke all of it. At first I refused, but I became so mellow after that first hit that I continued on until it was all ash. Rita was there at my aid with another frozen margarita to quench my already parched mouth. I was so stoned! That hit me really fast. I lost track of time, but it seemed that within a few minutes we were all just standing on the porch laughing about the stupidest things, when an old Ford Bronco came roaring up the long gravel drive and came to sliding stop outside the house. I didn’t realize how loud the music was blaring until all the women on the porch came to complete silence and looked at the Bronco. The doors opened, and out spilled the three roughest looking women I had ever seen, plus…Weasel! It was the group Cara had talked about with so much concern. Obviously, they were crashing our party. As they approached the steps to the porch I caught my first good look, although admittingly impaired, of the big one, whose name was Eve. Still wearing only my tiny bikini, I realized that Eve was looking me over pretty good, in a way I recognized as being sexual of nature. It was a bizarre feeling for me, being so directly checked out by this big lesbian bull. Strangely enough, I guess it kind of turned me on. As she and her gang made it up onto the porch, asking if there were any beers left, I just stood silent checking out what an interesting look they had about them, especially Eve. I was shocked that this was a woman, definitely the most bull-dyke looking female I had ever seen, obviously the alpha-girl of the gang. And damn, she was a big woman, at least six feet tall and I would guess at least 250 plus pounds. Not that she was fat, I mean, she definitely had some flab on her, with kind of a beer gut and a good deal of junk in her trunk. But solid at the same time if any of that makes sense. You could tell she was strong by her broad shoulders and thick thighs. And huge boobs that were barely contained inside the white, stretch tank top she wore under her denim coveralls, which were cut off and frayed at the knees. She wore construction boots to top it all off. I could see why no one would want to mess with her. The other two, introduced as Mika and Darlene, weren’t as big as Eve, but were still bruisers. Mika dressed in camouflage, Darlene in jeans and a black t-shirt. Weasel had gained some weight since I’d last seen him which he needed, maybe he was off the hard drugs finally and keeping some meals down. He hadn’t gotten rid of the mullet cut though, and it looked as tacky as ever. The mood on the porch was definitely awkward. I was pretty wasted and I guess was lost in the deep thought process that comes with too much pot smoking. But I did realize I was not only the hottest looking girl in the group, but I was also the only one still wearing just a bikini, and mine was so small I was about 5 ounces of fabric away from being totally naked! That fact alone is probably why Eve and her gang were constantly staring at me. I’ve been gawked at enough by men and boys to know when I’m the subject of sexual desire, and these three definitely had that look about them as they raped me with their eyes. I don’t know if it was all the intoxicating substances I had consumed, or the fact I hadn’t been laid in awhile, but somehow, I was becoming turned on just knowing I was teasing these three with my scantily clad body on display right before them. I wondered that if they had the chance, what would they do with me? “Well, if it isn’t little Jennifer. My, my, you certainly did grow up with all the right stuff, girl," Weasel called across the porch to me. “Shit, why do I have to be standing here in this skimpy bikini with that creep around," I said to myself. I didn’t even respond to Weasel, just turned and walked back into the house, catching some whistles from the newcomers on my way. I headed for the kitchen and found Rita putting away some dishes. “Hey kid, did the fearsome foursome run you off," she jokingly asked. “Yeah, it was creeping me out the way they were staring at me," I replied. “Well look at you," said Rita was a very seductive look in her eye. “I’ve been checking you out all night as well." I wasn’t even prepared for what happened next. She walked right up to me, put her arms around my waist, pulled me to her, and planted a long deep kiss on my lips. She was a great kisser and I let her slip her tongue into my mouth onto mine. It was incredible the way I was feeling, this older woman just mashing on me. As we mashed, her hands moved from my hips down onto my nearly nude buttocks, caressing and squeezing me. I put my arms up around her shoulders and just let her feel whatever she wanted. I was so lost in the moment. “Let’s go downstairs," she whispered in my ear, “there is a bedroom right off the rec room where we can be alone." My heart raced and I couldn’t believe I heard myself say “ok”. Rita took my hand and led me out of the kitchen, down the long hallway to the stairs leading into the basement. Once inside the room, she again assertively held me and continued to kiss me with long, deep, passionate kisses. “Close your eyes, I have a surprise for you," Rita said. I heard the bedroom door shut and then the sound of Rita fumbling through her back-pack. I stood in anticipation of what she might come up with when I felt her step up behind me, her t-shirt covered breasts pressing against my back and her left hand covering my eyes. “Put your hands on my hips," she instructed. I reached back around me and followed her orders, my hands resting on the denim of her jean shorts. Then I heard the unmistakable sound of a low, humming vibration. She had a vibrating dildo! Already turned on by Rita’s bold move of bringing me into the bedroom, I instantly felt myself get wet at the thought of a dildo in her hand and knew perfectly well what her plans were to do with it. It had been so long since anything had filled me, my body trembled with anticipation. “Is this something you might be interested in," asked the older woman softly. “Oh yes, very interested”, I uttered, my voice cracking. “I think it wants you, too," she replied. Just then I felt Rita’s warm lips on the back of my shoulder and then onto my neck. She took her left hand off my eyes, and I realized she had turned the lights off in the room. I kept my hands on her hips inviting her to explore my scantily clad body, when she took the liberty I had given her. Her kisses on my neck were mixed with long licks from her hot tongue on my skin. Then I felt her left hand caress my shoulder, then slide its way toward my breast, gently squeezing my boob. “Very nice, Jenny," she whispered, “you are one very beautiful girl." With her other hand Rita pressed the pulsing dildo against my lower abs, slowing making a trail down across the outside of my tiny bikini bottom until stopping with the tip of the tool pressing just between my legs. Instinctively I spread my legs until my feet were shoulder length apart giving her access, and permission, to rub the vibrator directly against my vagina, now so wet that I’m sure the bikini must be sopping in my juices. “This looks uncomfortable," Rita sighed as I felt the strings of my bikini top being pulled until finally coming undone, the fabric falling off my young, firm breasts, only to be quickly replaced by her warm hand. “Mmmm…," I heard myself moan as Rita gently squeezed my bare breasts, her fingers rubbing my erect nipples. My body was now leaning back into hers, probably the only thing keeping me upright as I was lost in the erotic teasing at the hands of the 30 something lesbian. She was an expert at what she was doing, slowly working me into a frenzy with her tongue on my neck, her hand on my breast, and guiding the vibrating dildo between my legs. I wanted it inside me so bad. “Please…please don’t stop," I softly begged her. Rita moved the synthetic pleasure rod from my crotch and I felt her slide it down the top of my bikini bottom, the soft Cyber-skin material now against my flesh and my groomed blonde muff. “I think these are in the way, also," Rita breathed into my ear and her left hand moved from my breast to my waist. With skill and ease, she quickly undid the ties that the held the bottoms on me and it too dropped to the floor, leaving me completely naked in the dark bedroom, all alone with my new friend. The excitement knowing I was about to seduced by another woman had me tingling like never before. “Well, what do we have here," a third voice suddenly called out in the room. Rita and I both turned in shock to find Eve, Mika, Darlene, and Weasel had invited themselves into our hideout. “Looks like this is where the action is”, snickered Weasel. Stunned to find myself naked in front the foursome, I instinctively tried to cover myself with my hands. “Don’t be so shy, Jenny," Eve said to me, leering at my nude, tan, 22 year old body. She then turned to Rita. “Find something else to do”, pointing at the door. “And I better not hear from anyone that you’re ratting us out for getting acquainted with our new friend. If I do, I’ll personally kick your ass. Just go back upstairs and join your carpet munching friends and keep your mouth shut." I looked at Rita, begging her in my mind not to leave me here alone with these four, but to no avail. She looked scared, obviously taking Eve’s threat seriously, and walked very docile past the group and out the door. “I’ll take that," Weasel barked at her as she past him on the way out, grabbing the now silent dildo from her hand. “Jenny and I can use this later," he cackled, staring at me with a perverted grin. “Fuck you, you’re not touching me Weasel," I weakly said back, the tone of my voice obviously showing my fear of the moment. The four laughed, recognizing both my frightened state and the fact I was naked, alone, and out numbered. Weasel then shut, and locked the bedroom door as Eve slowly walked directly up to me, Mika moving in my right, Darlene on my left. “It’s time for your initiation, country girl," Eve said. My knees almost buckled as the reality set in on how big she was this close up, I felt tiny compared to her, my face barely eye level above Eve’s massive boobs. I recalled Cara’s words about not ending up alone with these three, “especially if you’re on the pretty side." Well, I was not only pretty, I was hot, and I was a lesbian-virgin so to speak, which I’m sure was inviting for these three. And then there was Weasel. For years this creep had been trying to get in my pants and now here I was naked in front of him in a very compromising position. My mind altered from all the margaritas and pot I’d consumed during the afternoon and evening, combined with the adrenaline racing throughout my frightened body, I felt my legs shaking and the dim light of the room growing dimmer, until finally I blacked out altogether. A warm mouth was sucking hard on my right nipple when I started to come out of my fainting spell. I opened my eyes only to find the room spinning and I could hear voices but not detect what they were saying. The mouth on my breast was grinding harder, as if it were trying to suck my nipple completely off my boob. Then it all came back to me; I was alone in the basement bedroom with the three bull lesbians and Weasel. My instinct was to push the mouth off of my breast, but I couldn’t…Mika was sitting at the top of the bed holding down my wrists, my arms stretched out above my head. I tried to move my legs, but they were immobile, and I looked down to see my right ankle being held by Darlene, my left by Weasel. And between my spread legs was Eve, her big, bulky frame positioned to do whatever she pleased with my young, naked body. Subdued by the intoxicating substances in my system, and the three people holding me down, I nevertheless tried with all my remaining strength to break free. My effort only seemed excite the four. “She’s gotta little fight in her," joked Mika, “you have to love that." My efforts were useless in trying to break free and I, and they, all knew it. I concluded the obvious; I was going to be their sex toy for the rest of the night, like it or not. “Mmmm….I bet you taste real good, Jenny," Eve said, as her mouth left my ravaged breasts and began the journey down across my trembling abs. I whimpered and tossed my head side to side, pleading with her, them, to let me go. But my mind and my body seemed to be in conflict. After having to pleasure myself for the past 2 ½ months, along with Rita’s teasing of me with the vibrator, I was desperately horny. I tried to fight off the memory of earlier in the night of being kind of turned on when I first caught the three bulls checking me out upstairs as they came in, and my distant fantasy of being their submissive sexual slave. Now it was really happening. Somehow I was sexually aroused at the idea of being used by them, but it was having Weasel in the room that scared me. This guy was a wild card, and he was a guy. At least the chicks couldn’t fuck me. At least that’s what I thought anyway. Eve’s large head sank between my spread thighs, and I could feel her kissing and licking the insides of both my legs. I squirmed, but was unable to move with the other three holding me down by the wrists and ankles. Another whimper escaped me as Eve put her lips to my pussy, kissing all around my hot, juicy slit. I felt my leg muscles tensing as her tongue began frantically working my hot pussy. She put her lips on my hard little clit and sucked on it causing me to squirm and quivering uncontrollably. I felt my juices flowing while I was shaking and trembling from the incredible sensation. Eve drew down on my spread hips, pulling me tight against her wide face. She was sucking on my pussy and using her tongue to swab between the lips, causing my butt to grind into the couch cushions below me. I couldn’t help but to spread my legs wider as Eve ravaged my sopping cunt with her probing tongue. I knew she was going to cause me to explode with an orgasm, and I was angry at myself for being so turned on, knowing that the other three, especially Weasel, were about to see me cum. I tried to fight it off but it was no use. Just as I was about to go off, Eve must have realized the point she had driven me to, as she abruptly stopped the madness and pulled her face out of my crotch. “I guess our sexy girl friend likes a good pussy licking," Eve said, to the amusement of the others. “You’ve got a nice, wet, tight little pussy, Jenny. Time for me to find out just how tight you are," Eve said as she rose to her knees on the couch. I laid there for a moment as my body eased back from the brink of an orgasm. Then, I took in Eve’s words, wondering what she intended to do. As the others laughed, I lifted my head and looked at Eve, who had undone the top of her overalls, and was pulling them down over her waist. “Oh my god," I called out in a frightened tone. “What are you?" I was stunned to see that between Eve’s legs was a big, thick cock! It must have been at least 8 inches, and was the thickest I had ever seen in my brief sexual life. “I’m you’re mommy and your daddy," Eve said back to me. I pulled hard against the others who were holding me down. She was going to fuck me with that thing! Mika, Darlene, and Weasel all tightened their grip on me, holding me in position as Eve leaned down on top of me, her mouth crashing down on top of mine. Her weight added to my immobility, burying me into the couch. She was firmly entrenched between my wide spread legs, my wet beaver now defenseless against her. “Let go of her legs," Eve barked at Weasel and Darlene, “I want to feel a little fight in her while I fuck her brains out." They did as they were told, while Mika tightened her grip on my wrists, keeping my outstretched arms well above my head. Although my legs were now free they were virtually useless in preventing Eve from doing whatever she wanted with me. She was wide around the middle, and I couldn’t even wrap my legs all the way around her to squeeze her. I knew she was going to fuck me at this point, so I gave it everything I had – kicking my heels against her, trying to writhe under her to avoid her hungry protrusion from entering me. But my efforts and my struggling were only turning Eve on even more, which is exactly what she wanted. Again Eve’s mouth came crashing down on mine, one of her big hands grabbing the back of my head and a handful of hair to hold my face in place while she mashed on my lips. I could taste my own juices on her lips and tongue as she French kissed me deep and hard. Between my spread legs I began to feel Eve’s thick member pressing against my slippery opening, until finally the fat tip parted my wet lips and entered me. Aggressive in her determination to conquer me, Eve began to push inch by thick inch into my tight canal. I knew immediately this was the biggest cock I’d ever encountered by the way it spread me to new limits. Her body temperature began to rise in her excitement and I could feel her body perspire as it ground down onto mine. She pulled off the choking kiss she had forced onto me and with a hard thrust pushed her entire shaft deep inside of me. I cried out as the big cock filled me like none had ever done before. I was completely at her mercy now, just a fuck toy for her to use while her friends watched. It had been months since a penis had filled my womanhood and I tried to block out my inner feelings that stirred within me, feeling that I knew were certain to bring me to an orgasm. Eve was now rocking back and forth on top of me, her big cock fucking me in a steady, dominating rhythm. My legs spread wider still to accommodate the big cock and Eve’s thick mass, my feet pointing straight above me. As she pumped harder and harder she moved her body mass directly above me for better leverage and her massive boobs covered my face, almost smothering me. Mika tighten her grip on my wrists as I pulled against her restraint with each relentless thrust from the big cock raping me. Eve was getting louder and louder and her shaft seemed to grow bigger inside me. I knew she was about to cum. As the others cheered her on, Eve slammed me with a series of hard, powerful thrusts, and then called out her excitement above the noise of the party still going on upstairs. Deep inside my spread, abused womanhood, I began to feel the flood of hot cum gushing into me as my tight canal milked Eve’s throbbing, pulsing cock of its entire reservoir. With everything I had left I tried to fight off the building orgasm that stormed inside of me, but it was no use. Months without sex, Rita’s teasing me earlier, the pussy licking that Eve gave me, and finally this, a big, huge cock taking me at will, was too much. In front of all of them, I cried out and my body convulsed uncontrollably as a long, searing orgasm erupted from within me, my quivering pussy still being pummeled by the spent cock of Eve. My energy drained the last thing I remember is looking up at Eve, her face covered in sweat, as she stared back into my eyes. Then I blacked out. I awoke some hours later, the daylight of the sunrise beaming thought the basement window in my eyes. “What happened to me”, I wondered in my aching head. Then it began to all come back to me. Eve had raped me, while her gang, including Weasel, had held me down and watched the whole thing! Somehow though, the others didn’t get their chance at me, especially Weasel. I wondered if they were spooked or if someone ran the off. At any rate, a bad night could have been much worse. I put my hands to my face and started to cry, but after a few minutes of self pity I knew I just needed to get out there and get back to my own house on my grandparents farm. As I got off the bed and started quietly upstairs to find my bag of clothes, I realized how incredibly sore I was between my legs. Eve had fucked me harder than I had ever been before. Everyone else in the house was fast asleep as it was only around 6 AM, so I quietly put on my jean shorts and tank top and made my way out to my car. Once home, I soaked in a steaming bath for at least an hour before crawling onto my couch and falling fast asleep. I slept most of the day until the phone rang. It was my grandmother asking me over to their house for dinner. “Sure," I politely said. I went to get dressed and just stared at myself in the mirror for the longest time, telling myself I had to move on from last night. But as I left to have dinner, I wondered what would happen the next time I confronted Eve, or for that matter Weasel. _This is a reply to an earlier letter posted in this category called "A Last Thought". It is a short piece and this will make much more sense if you have already ready the other._ Hey Hot-Stuff, I got your letter yesterday. Guess your privileges held up and they sent it straight away. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to do what you told me. Well, I am going to do some of it, at least I'll try my very damndest. But how could you tell me you love me and then tell me to forget you? I can never forget you. You saved me. I will always remember you and cherish the time we had together. It was a precious thing in a dark and ugly place. It is part of me now. I cannot forget, to do that would be to erase a part of myself, the best part. You have me strength and hope and faith in myself. Because you loved me (did you really think I didn't know, even if you couldn't say it?) I found I could love someone else, that I could even love myself, just a little. Without you I would never have had the strength to face each obstacle, let alone get over it. I would never have been able to keep fighting for the truth to come out. I would still be there, in that cell. But I would be with you. We could cuddle together on that bed, in the dark, listening to the ringing of the screws' boots on the gangway, waiting for the main door to clang shut as they finished their rounds. I never thought I'd miss that sound! I miss you. Every night I miss you. I miss how I could tell you everything and how none of it mattered because I was in your arms and that made it all go away. And it really did. Whatever happened through the day was done and dealt with the next. I never did figure out how you did that, but I was so glad I chose your room that first night. I wonder what would've happened to me if I had chosen Sars room instead? No, on second thoughts, I don't want to think about it. I hope she's not giving you grief again. If me leaving gets her off your back, it's worth it just for that. Remember that morning we overslept and they unlocked the cells before you'd gotten up? I'll never forget the look on Sars' face when she went past to the showers and we were still in bed together – I thought she was gonna explode! Damn I miss not waking up with you. I wake up and you're not there and I want to crawl back under the blanket and hide. But I know what you'd say. I hear you in my mind, telling me not to throw it all away, telling me to get out there and do good. But it's hard. It's so very hard without you. It's like a part of me is missing I could no more forget you than I could cut out my heart and still live. I will always cherish our time. It was a precious thing in a dark and ugly place. It is part of me now. I cannot forget, to do that would be to erase a part of myself, the best part. I will do it. I won't let you down. On the days when I can't do it for me, when I just want to hide, I'll do it for you. See? I can't forget you – you are what keeps me going out here. I know if I ever went back in there you would kick my ass clean across the exercise yard. And that would just be the warm up! I won't come back, not inside. And, if you want, I won't write anymore. But I won't ever forget you or stop thinking about you. And if I can, I will find a way for us to be together again. Until then, think of this as you lay in our bunk at night. I am there, I am with you. Feel me: the soft tickle of my breath across your skin; the warmth of my body against yours; the way the moonlight through the bars makes our skin glow and shimmer; that wonderful tingle in the belly as we touch; the feel of my lips on yours, my breast swelling under your hand, the nipple tight and hard; my hand, sliding between your thighs, worshipping, cupping and caressing you. My chin is nuzzling your neck, my lips are tickling your ear and my voice is whispering deep into you, wrapping you mind and keeping you close: I love you. I remember you. I live for you. And, no matter what, I will _never_ forget you. _Thank you for reading. Please take a moment to vote and comment._ |
They walked into the hotel room following an afternoon of sightseeing to change for dinner. Brie turned around the minute the door was closed and ordered him to strip. Mark arched an eyebrow, surprised, but without any hesitation began to undress. He was looking forward to Brie's demands tonight and removing his clothes was an easy one to satisfy. Her eyes followed appreciatively and when he had finished she asked, "Be a dear and run me a shower, but not too hot. I'll be right in." Mark headed into the bathroom and took his time adjusting the temperature. He was sure he knew where this was heading and he began to stiffen at the thought of soaping up her large breasts under the running water. Just as he finished and stood up from the tap, Brie walked in already completely naked, with a scarf in one hand. The sight of her large and free breasts with an unkempt natural bush finished the job and he was fully erect and ready to join her. "I have several chores to get done before we go to dinner and I need to make sure that you don't interrupt me" Brie said as she turned Mark around. She brought his wrists behind his back and tied them together in her soft black and white scarf. He yielded knowing it was always better to as she instructed, but the disappointment was evident on his face. "Did you think you would be joining me?" "No. ma'am." "Don't lie to me." "I'm sorry ma'am. Yes, Brie, I thought I would join you." "I don't like lies Mark." She pushed him down to his knees on the cold bathroom tile. "You will have to watch me instead." Brie stepped into the shower and let the water run luxuriously through her hair, drip from her tits and down her ample bottom. Slowly she lathered up her hands and began to wash herself, started by massaging her breasts with both hands. Mark began to squirm on the tiled floor. The shower curtain was just transparent enough that he could follow her hands as they roamed her body and paused to flick her own erect nipples with slippery fingers. He was hard and desperate to touch himself as he watched but the scarf around his wrists made it impossible. Slowly Brie's hands roamed across her stomach and down her inner thighs while he watched her. The shower curtain wasn't completely closed and when her hands found her way to her slit Brie lifted one foot and rested it on the edge of the bathtub giving Mark a clear view of her thigh. Her hands began to move faster as she stroked her lips with one hand and swirled her fingers over her clit. The way she touched herself was just out of his view and Mark shuffled on his knees across the floor to get a better position for watching her cunt. He watched Brie's breathing grow ragged. She arched her back against the shower wall. Desperate to be relieved he continued to squirm on his knees and found when he parted them the cool tile felt wonderful on his hot and aching balls. Brie moaned as she leaned onto the wall and deeply inserted two fingers into her wet and soapy pussy lips causing her to gasp with pleasure until she couldn't take it anymore and came hard with a muffled scream, biting her lip. Languidly she opened her eyes and found Mark at eager attention on the floor, clearly agitated and anxious for what would come next. She laughed, finished rinsing the soap away and turned off the water. "Did you like that? You watching as I cum?" she asked resting her hands on her hips. He nodded enthusiastically. "What was that? I couldn't hear you" Wet hair dripping over his chest and shoulders, she reached behind his head to the towels on the counter. Her breasts dangled dangerously close to his face. He could easily take a nipple into his mouth and start to suckle, but he couldn't touch her without permission so he burst out, "Yes Brie! Yes, I liked watching you!" "Watching me what?" She asked, casually rubbing the towel through her hair and reaching across him again to pick up a robe she threw on and loosely tied around the waist. "Cum, Brie. I liked to watch you touching yourself and cumming." He answered staring up at her. "Would you like to see it again?" "Yes, Brie." She helped Mark to his feet, walked him out of the bathroom and sat him on one of the beds. His arms were beginning to ache and his erection was getting painful. But he knew he wouldn't see any relief until Brie wanted it. She reached into a drawer and pulled out a pair of stockings and a little moan escaped his lips. He loved her black stockings and she knew it. She put one toe into a stocking and rested it on the bed beside him to pull it the rest of the way up her thigh. The robe parted and he could see her sex was open and exposed and still wet and Mark couldn't decide where to look, her hands leisurely pulling the stockings over her knee or at the glistening pussy just out of his reach. She did the same to the other leg and when she was done Brie stood before him twisting back and forth so he could see around both her right and left, "Are these straight?" He could barely breath but managed to get out a soft "Yes Brie." "Oh good." she sat on the bed opposite him and spread her legs. She looked into his eager eyes, "Now about that lie..." He lowered his eyes to the floor ashamed. He knew better than to lie to her. "You will have to earn my forgiveness." He nodded. "Get on your knees." Mark did as he was told and found himself face to face with her pussy, swollen and still radiating heat from masturbating earlier. "Eat it Mark." He dived right in enthusiastically, the salty taste and musky smell completely enveloping his face. He worked his tongue slowly up and down her lips enjoying her wetness and she began to writhe back on her elbows as he found his way to sucking on her clit. It was stiff and hard and he grazed his teeth across it when he plunged his tongue as deep into her cunt as it would go. She moaned loudly while he rapidly tapped at the top of her hole pulling his tongue in and out. She sat up abruptly and stopped him and he was scared he upset her, what did he do wrong? But she reached behind him and removed the scarf from his wrists. His hands tingled for a moment as the blood rushed back into them. "Finger fuck me." She lay back again and this time Mark placed his left hand over her mound. He pressed his thumb against her clit while the other hand deftly inserted two fingers into her hot cunt. He held her down as she began to buck against his hands. The two fingers he was pumping in and out of her curled upwards against her g-spot. In no time at all she came against his hand and lay back on the bed. His own erection was pressed into her calf and he started to rub it gently unable to control himself any longer. She looked up at him and he pleaded, "Please Brie, please may I cum now? Please?" She pulled herself up onto the bed and leaned her head into her hands to watch, "Now." He fell back to his knees and began stroking himself rapidly. His dick was slick with precum and his hands were wet with Brie's orgasm and he tugged at himself with fervor quickly cumming all over his thighs. When his breathing slowed Brie placed her hand under his chin and raised his head to meet her gaze, "No more lies Mark." "Yes Brie, no more lies." "Good." She sat up and moved to the closet. "Now clean that up and get dressed, we are still going to dinner. We'll need the fuel for later." \-- _Thanks to my volunteer editor ExperiencedStoryTeller_ I was at a small flee market and I found a red lace mask on a table the seemed to draw me to it. I picked it up and it sent small shock waves of pleasure through me. My cock got hard and I swore I heard a voice telling me to take the mask home to my female. "What the fuck." I said and I dropped the mask back onto the table. The women at the table said "The magic mask is very old. It comes from Italy. It once belonged to the goddess Venus. It has been in my family for generations but I am the last women in the family and it needs to find a new family. Please take it home to your wife, I'm sure she will find it beautiful." She picked it up and put in a bag and handed it to me. I felt like I could not resist so I just took the bag and walked away. After I took a few steps I stopped and turned around. Both the table and women were gone but for some reason this did not bother me. I looked into the bag and not only was the magic mask inside but I found a red lace dress and red stockings in there. I guess there was magic in the world. When I got home I gave her the bag. she looked in side and she got a funny look on her face. She stood there for a few moments and then told me to go upstairs to the bed room and wait for her. She came into the room wearing her red lace outfit and the magic mask. God, she looked fucking sexy. She told me to take off my clothes and to sit on the bed. I quickly complied. The head of the bed was tilted up and pillows were stacked so I was sitting with my back against a very comfortable wall. She sat next to me a gave me a kiss that was soft and sensual as she ran her tongue over my lips. I went to touch her face and she pulled away and gave me a little slap across my face. "No mortal can dare touch the goddess Venus. I decide what happens here." She said in a deep throaty voice. I sat back. She kissed me again and then moved to my neck and started to lick and suck. This felt fantastic. Then she started kissing my chest and sucking on my nipples. She would suck on one and pull on the other. I swear I could hear her purring while she played with my nipples. She moved down my body, kissing, licking and biting as she went until she reached my now hardening cock. She moved down the bed and opened my legs. She sat between them. She started to lightly stroke my cock with her finger tips. I was already hard but I got very hard now. She leaned foward and licked the entire length of my cock a few times. Using the same deep sexy voice she said "Nice cock, for a human." Then she took me into her mouth. In and out my cock went. She would stop and start licking the head while she looked at my through that mask, HOT. She started to play with her tits as her sucking got more intense. She was moaning and I was really enjoying the view of her taking my cock part way into her mouth and out again while she massaged her hard nipples. She stopped and looked up at me and said "I'm going to swallow your seed human." She started kissing the head of my cock and then one of her hands went to her pussy. She started to run her hand over her pussy. She slowly moved my cock between her very red lips. My cock went deeper and deeper into her hot mouth. She actually took my whole cock into her throat. Holly shit, she was never able to do that before. She pulled it out and went all the way back down again, fucking incredible. I could actually feel her moaning against my cock while she were doing this. Her hand on her pussy was getting faster and she sucked my cock. I couldn't stand it any longer so I started to cum. It felt like I was a fire hose. I just kept cuming and cuming. She keep the head of my cock between her lips and ran her one hand up and down my cock until I was empty. I saw her body shiver as she had an orgasm. She let go of my cock and crawled up my body and gave me a kiss. I could tell she swallowed everything but I could still taste myself on her sweet lips. "You were delicious human," she said She got off of the bed and left the room. The next time I saw her the mask and outfit were gone and she acted like nothing out of the ordinary happened. Even after nearly thirty years of teaching, students still surprise me. Events occur that find you completely unprepared. This was mine. I was putting a few plants from the farmer's market into my trunk when I was interrupted. "Hello Mrs. Thompson." I looked up to see Tony, one of my former students. "Hello Tony. Are you enjoying your summer so far?" "Yeah." I could tell by his answer that he had something he wanted to say to me. I looked at him expectantly. Tony had been one of my favorites, and I had written him several glowing recommendation letters for college. Most had been superfluous; there was no question that the University was going to accept him. "I've graduated high school...," he smiled, full of the confidence of youth. "Yes, I know, and you're going to the University." "Yeah, so I'm not your student any more." I paused with a smile. "Obviously." "And I'm 18." "Yes, I know." Suddenly he seemed unsure of himself, in that millisecond change that my kids so often do, converting from thinking you are just a tired old fool to a genius who knows the answer to every question. "So I was wondering if you and I could get together sometime," he blurted out. Years of working with young men and women had heightened my sensitively to the "question within a question," when my students had something on their mind that they couldn't—or wouldn't—articulate. This was one of those moments. I looked at him and tried to figure out what he meant. "You mean like go to dinner or something?" "No. I mean...well yeah, we could go to dinner...or something." I looked at him, mystified. "I mean, I wonder if you would like to...I mean I want to be...alone with you." Realization dawned on me and I could feel myself blush. My jaw must have dropped, and he looked away. Kids can be so incredibly fragile at that age, desperate for your approval. I didn't quite know what to say. " _You mean...alone...with me_," I asked slowly, so the implication was clear. "Yes," he swallowed, looking into my eyes. I let out a strangled laugh. "Tony, I'm older than your mother," I whispered. "I know." "What about Amy?" I knew he and Amy had been dating for the entire senior year. He shrugged. "She's left." I smiled quietly at him. "Tony, I'm, umm, very flattered, but we really can't." "Why not?" Again that simple look in his eyes, thirsty for understanding. "Well, because people will talk." "But I'm not your student any more," he pleaded, full of innocence, as if that was all there was that was stopping us. "I'm older than your mother." "I know," he repeated, reaching out to take my hand in his. I looked down at his hand and then back at his face as I slowly twisted my hand and pushed his away. "No, Tony. I'm sorry." I tried to smile to soften the blow. I could see the wound in his eyes as he pulled back. "I'm sorry I offended you," he said quickly with a nod, turned and walked away. My heart was thundering as I got into my car and drove home. I hadn't been with a man in four years, ever since Frank, my husband, had gotten too sick from cancer. He had died three years ago, and I lived the quiet life of a widow. I had been on a few dates with more age-appropriate men, but had never gotten past a light peck. What in the world could Tony have been thinking? Had I somehow missed his overtures as a student? Yes, he smiled at me with bright eyes, but so did all my good students. He was well liked at school; surely, he could have found a girl his own age. I poured myself a drink as soon as I got home and tried to calm down. He was barely a dozen years older than my oldest grandchild was. When Frank had gotten sick, we had changed our eating habits. I had kept at it after he passed and had taken to fitness classes. I had taken good care of myself, but I had nothing compared to those high school girls. Time isn't kind to women. What in the world had he been thinking? I thought I knew him. He was a good kid, a really good kid. I had no doubt he was being sincere in his overtures. In some ways, caring for your students is the worst part about being a teacher. And so, I found myself sitting alone in my living room, staring at my phone, wondering if I had made the right the choice. There was a knock on the back door, and I jumped—I had just hung up the phone! Sure enough, Tony was at my back door. Dear God," I thought, "How did he get here so fast?" I let him in from the night and noted a fine sheen of sweat on him. I motioned to the sofa with a smile, but he paused in front of me, studying my face. The door swung shut and he leaned forward, took me in his arms and kissed me. No preliminaries, just hungry, animal lust as his tongue split my surprised lips. I started to struggle but soon faded. My God, I had forgotten what a kiss could be like. I finally recovered enough to push him off and we stood aside, gasping. Apparently, he and I had different ideas about what "talk about it" meant. I gathered up some courage and glanced into his eyes. He was hungry, eager, confused, panting at me in need. I paused in indecision and he jumped, sweeping me up in his powerful arms again and kissing me passionately. I had no chance. I had been married for nearly thirty years and mindless passion had left around year four. If a part of my mind protested, I could no longer hear it. He lifted me to his hips and walked with us to the back of the house. I motioned the way and he deposited me on my bed, pausing to pull off his shirt. I used the break to protest. "We shouldn't do this," I offered half-heartedly. "Yeah," he grunted before lowering himself on me. He worked open the buttons of my blouse while kissing me and I helped him with my bra. He made quick work of my skirt and then I was nude beneath him in the near darkness. I was wet already. He stripped off his shorts and kissed me, and I instinctively reached down and guided him in. He pushed it home in one powerful thrust and I groaned at the sensation. Then he started to move. Whatever he lacked in technique, he certainly made up in enthusiasm. He went at me hard and fast, as if there was a race to win. I hadn't been loved like this in...decades. I wondered if my bed frame was going to survive the night. His skin, his sweat, his groans, all fed my senses and I tried to give it back to him, rediscovering lost parts of my femininity. His stamina was remarkable, much longer than I had experienced before. He came in me, long and hard, and the first thought in my mind was that I had set a bad example by not making him use protection. I laughed in quiet happiness as I caught my breath, finally pushing him off me. He slid to my side and I fanned myself with my hand before opening my eyes. He was lying on his stomach, looking at me intently. "So was I good?" he whispered, as if afraid of the answer. I chuckled. "You were fabulous." He seemed happy with my answer. I smiled at him for a moment. "So how was it for you?" "Even better than they said it would be." My attention snapped to him. "You mean that this was...your first time?" "Yes," he nodded. Oh dear God, what have I done. "Was it that obvious?" he begged. "Oh, no, you were great, absolutely great," I smiled and cupped his face. "So I did it good?" "Yes, yes, it was wonderful." He smiled at me and kissed my hand. I decided to try to offer a suggestion. "You could also do it a little more gently," I said. He looked at me inquisitively. "You know, like slowly and tenderly. Women are soft, and sometimes it makes it nice to be gentle and stroke my skin." He thought about it for a moment. "Yeah," he smiled, "Gentle like." He nodded and smiled at me and I reciprocated. With that, he slid back over me and entered me again. I squealed in shock and amazement...it had only been moments since he had cum, and yet he was ready to go again. He kissed me and started to move slowly and gently, his hands stroking my body as I had asked. It was absolutely perfect. A forgotten sensation started to build in me and I quivered as my first orgasm in years shook me, and still he loved me. I hung on for dear life. His thrusts became more erratic and he came again, this time quickly rolling off me. "Amazing," is all I could get out before falling asleep. I awoke to find him asleep also, holding me. I smiled for a few minutes before dragging my exhausted body out of bed and to the bathroom. Everything hurt. Even my lips were sore from kisses. I cleaned up and couldn't stop smiling at myself. I had no robe in the bathroom so I returned to bed nude. Tony was awake and took me in his arms again. He started kissing me and I felt him against my leg. I started to wonder if I would survive the night. He moved over me, but this time I stopped him and got some lotion for him to use as lubrication. Even though he did it tenderly it was a little painful, but I let him enjoy himself. We fell asleep again. I awoke to feel him rubbing his erection against my leg. My goodness, he was insatiable. I demurred and ended up giving him a blowjob instead. Sunlight trickling through the windows woke me, and in the harsh new light I was a more than a little embarrassed at what we had done. I quickly covered up with my robe and made us breakfast. Tony was eager to do it again, but I stopped him and told him we couldn't be together. He protested, professing his love for me, but eventually seemed to understand that I just couldn't keep up with him, that he needed to find a girl his own age. We kissed for a long time and then said goodbye. Years passed, and the occasions I ran into his mother were always strange. He seemed to be doing well. I met a really nice man my age and remarried. One day a card appeared in our mail, an invitation to his wedding. You can imagine how awkward I felt when his beautiful young bride stopped by our table at the reception and told me that Tony often talked about everything I had taught him. Hopefully, not everything. |
Human emotions and actions can be both funny and extremely fickle. They also say that when you commit to two conflicting emotions at the same time then, in the official terms, you've lost the plot! How can one sane person laugh when they cry and be sad, when they are truly happy? You see that's the position I find myself in. Have I officially gone mad? Well some people, especially my beloved family would think so. The terms, gone around the bend and mid-life crisis have been banded around and caused them all too hastily surge to my rescue, salvation or at the very least one massive Armageddon showdown! The place or venue for this showdown, is a rather plush five-star complimentary hotel room in the Mandalay Bay resort and casino. The reason for the onset of panic, or evidence, lay idly on the expensive coffee table in the living room. You see it's my current bank statement and it shows a healthy balance of just over $100'000. Not bad, I hear you all cry, the problem is that a little over five weeks ago, the same account held over $500'000. What's the popular saying, a fool and his money are easily separated! Hi, my name is Phil, Phillip Preston, yes one of the three P's in the title. Up until five weeks ago, I lived in the blissful ignorance of a normal idyllic life. I was considered a cautious, sensible and predictable man, second of the three P's. You see I had grown up in somewhat of a goldfish bowl in account of my superstar in waiting twin brother. Davy, well he had the world in his hands from an early age, he was charming, talented and extremely charismatic, and I suppose in comparison to him, well I was the plain one! There you have it, all three of the P's: Plain Predictable Phil! Despite living under the constant shadow of Davy, life was good. I realised that from an early age, that the only way I was going to succeed was through my own hard work, grit, determination and ultimately, brains! I didn't have the gift of a golden throwing arm so I quickly realised that life wasn't going to allow me any free passes. Like my twin brother, I was a good-looking guy, fairly tall and well built. The main difference was I lacked the overbearing charisma he possessed and I was painfully shy. My wayward brother easily stole the show wherever we were, holding centre stage and lapping up the attention. Me, I was happiest on the side-lines. However, cupids arrow finally hit and I was able to woo and marry the girl of my dreams. Straight after school I selected a college as far away from my dysfunctional family and brother as I could find, I finally wanted to be away from the spectre constantly on my shoulder. I met Beth in my final year and we just hit it off. We were both I suppose two socially awkward beings trying to make sense of the world. We dated for the next two years after college until we knew the time was right. Both gainfully employed we held a small and personal service. Two soulmates, forever! **The beginning:** Where to start the tale of my woe? Bethany and I both lived and worked in LA up until a year ago. The reason for the change of scenery lay mainly with me. I was working for a large corporate bank in the role as a senior trouble shooter. If they had a client in trouble, I was one of the men dispatched to see what could be done. I held the power to save the business or see it go under, the bottom line was always financial. What made the bank the most dollars! It was a shitty role knowing I was playing GOD with people's lives but if afforded us a lavish lifestyle and I was good at it! Conscience, how could I sleep at night knowing what I had done? Well eventually it wore me down and the Iceman as I had become known, cracked! Hartwood Bakeries was a traditional well run small family business that had expanded too quickly. The problem for them centred on cashflow. They were clients of the bank and were in dire need of a significant injection of cash. I instantly recognised it was a solid business model, they were good at what they did and had just taken on too many orders. They had a solid pipeline but to meet their own demands they needed a little help to tide them over short term. Long term they were a solid investment and I could see no risk for the bank, so I wholeheartedly approved the proposal. I was over-ruled and without the much-needed injection, the business, 145 hardworking and honest people lost their livelihoods. A couple of things struck me, firstly there was no logical or financial reason to reject this proposal. Secondly, in the seven years at the bank I had NEVER once been over- ruled, in short, the decision stank! It didn't take me long to investigate that the real motivation behind the decision lay with the bakeries premises. They were positioned in desirable locations all around the city and one of the banks senior partners had just picked up the lot for a song! In short, the bank used me to let a viable business fail, just to help them pick up some prime real estate! Moral compass finally found, I resigned that very day! Beth was both surprised but ultimately supportive of my actions. It coincided with a promotion opportunity for her. She worked for a national transportation firm and had been offered the chance to go into management at their head offices. It was a very good move for her. The irony was, I was going back home. The head offices were situated no-more than 20 miles from where I grew up. Well, I couldn't hide from my past forever, could I? The good luck kept coming. We had chosen our first home with care. A nice, secluded neighbourhood, good schools and close but not too close to the city. The kicker came from the fact that one of the latest movie sensations had just bought a home nearby and houses prices sky rocketed as the world and his wife wanted to move here! We closed for a little over $500'000 once all the tax and charges were deducted. Uncertainty loomed heavily in our future, and not only work wise. Beth knew about my family upbringing and my unease at retuning home! So, we decided to rent for the first year and see how the land lay! **The route of the problem:** It had been eight years since he had left college and joined the Army, but within six months of moving home, my loveable rogue of a brother was back! The prodigal son had returned. I may be sounding harsh, but in truth Davy had lived a useless charmed existence since he was born those massive 7 minutes after me. The real shame was that he had, yes, I mention Had, a talent. From an early age he was truly blessed and our house become a revolving door of scouts and other important people falling over themselves to get a piece of him. At school he was the star quarterback. He managed to get a full scholarship to a prime college, it was only a short step before fame, glory and untold riches awaited. A problem arose. His talent was undisputed, however he lacked both the discipline and mental fortitude to take the next step. He had been found out and was either too dumb or naive to do anything about it. The party lifestyle reigned. The final kicker came when he was dropped from the college team and saw his future disappear before his eyes! He surprised us all by dropping out of college and joining the Army. I later found out that the recruiter had filled his head with tales of being a big fish in a small pond and his Army career would be one centred on playing ball! He fell for it and signed up. Well least my parents were proud of the all-American boy, and now it appeared, he was back! The welcome home party for the returning hero, was the talk of the town and despite my protestations I was ordered to be in attendance. Beth had ensured through her various ways that any work emergency would not fall my way, so I had to suck up the happy family life and re-embrace the glory of living with my brother and his shadow. Could a leopard change its spots? It's an interesting thought and one that consumed me as I looked upon my twin for the first time in nearly three years. Had he finally grown up, he certainly seemed more mature as he circled around the party. Off course he held centre stage, charming all the invited throng. The women were held spellbound by his tales of war and the Army way. I heard more than a few swoon when he proudly showed off his very own war wound. The king was back, long live the king. As the evening wore on his tales returned to a familiar theme, yes, you've guessed it us. He started to regale to the gathered few about memories and tales of our childhood. Every one of his glories and my failures in classic glorious technicolour. At some point in the evening we made the move to go home. It was late and only the most ardent of his female supporters still held court. Drunk, he had started maudling about the life and riches that had so cruelly been taken away from him. Spotting me, he spouted out. If I was rich, I would ensure that my family and friends were well looked after. Nothing is more important than family! He was looking directly at me as he said it and I knew in that second that had my answer. No, a leopard doesn't change its spots. He was trying to bait me, just like when we were at school together. I lost count of the times when I lent him money, never to have it returned. To Davy, having $50 bucks in the bank was equivalent of being a millionaire. I suddenly had a dark thought and before responding to my drunken brother I collected my wife and we exited the party. The drive home was mercifully quiet. Beth swayed by the numerous drinks of the evening fell asleep quickly, leaving me alone to my thoughts. **The raised bet** : The answer came the next day. At some point in the previous evening the discussion had fallen on property and when we were going to buy here. I had managed to evade the trap set, unfortunately Beth hadn't and had disclosed everything. The fact that we weren't looking yet and that the 500K. YES, the 500K in our bank account, whilst we looked around for our next step. You're rich someone had shouted and the genie unbeknown to me was out of the bottle. Of course, it didn't take too long for my brother to hear. If only I had realised then, that my life and my predictable ways were about to change forever. It was a surprise and not a nice one when I was interceded by my father early the next week. You see Davy had enlisted him to approach me with an unbelievable and un-miss able family opportunity. If I was willing to lend, yes lend not give away and never see again! My loving brother wanted a mere $50'000 for a money-making venture that simply couldn't fail! Off course my father was totally in favour of this, stating that it would help him find his feet after the many years of service protecting this country! The problem being that he didn't have any money to offer. Off course he mentioned that I would be helping family and that this money of mine, was simply sat in the bank, doing nothing! Hopefully now you'll realise that I'm not an idiot? Ok, maybe I am slightly as you'll see when the story unfolds, but even I knew that if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck, then guess what, yes, it's a DUCK!! My brother had no such business scheme. He just simply saw an opportunity to make some easy money and live the easy life. All he had to do was play the family card. Off course Dad, I responded. I would love to help Davy in any way I can. Why don't we all get together and go through this business plan. If it's as good as he says and providing Beth doesn't object, then I would be happy to help! Thwarted and he knew it for the idea was never mentioned to me again. In fact, the opposite actually happened as he actually got himself a job. You see in the Army he ended up being a driver. Beth's company always seemed to be advertising for drivers, it seemed a natural fit. Seeing the signs YET? Well, as you can imagine, I didn't. My ignorance is bliss existence carried on for the next couple of months until one day I decided to drop in and surprise her for lunch. Instead I saw her eating in the cafeteria with Davy, along with another thirty or so people. It didn't look like the first time either as they seemed extremely pally together. My first reaction was that he was working on her support to make another crack at borrowing some money again. Only, when she came home, she never mentioned anything. No lunch, no chat, it was as if nothing ever happened. Strike two smacked me between the eye's one week later. It was my mum's sister's birthday. It was a special number and so upon pain of death, attendance was ordained as it was a special family gathering. However, in the last-minute Beth's company had an emergency meaning she couldn't attend. Unusual, but not alarming. The shock came when two days before we were due to go, I found out that Davy had managed to excuse himself as well. What's the saying about suspicious minds? Well alarms were sounding. I did something I never thought I would ever do, I started questioning my wife. Firstly, I started watching her closely, every action, every phone call. I came home early from work so I could root through her things. No fire but plenty of smoke. In one draw I found several sexy items then I hadn't seen before. Several things hit me immediately. Firstly, I had been sleepwalking through my marriage. Since our move, we were both so committed to prospering at work that we had allowed our personal life to suffer. Our lives were one of routine and predictability. The spark we both shared, had gone. Without any actually proof, I couldn't shake my thoughts and fears. Action was needed. I knew I couldn't escape my role of dutiful son, however I could put two plans into action. Firstly, for the next two days I went full charm offensive on my wife. Flowers, surprise dinner and quality time together. Unfortunately, I couldn't reverse her decision to come with us as the emergency at work took precedent! Second plan was to bug the house and her car with camera's and mikes. One of the last jobs I had just undertaken involved the suspicion of an employee stealing. We had to set up the surveillance equipment before we eventually caught him with his hand in the cookie jar. With a little bit of guilt but a lot of determination, I started to place the devices around my loving home. I had an app that would enable me access to her phone. Her messages, calls and emails. The problem was it took time to load. Her phone was never away from her. The last thing I wanted was to tip of my suspicions so I decided to make the best of what I could. **Brotherly Love:** To say devastated would be an understatement. The longest weekend of my life mercifully came to the end with the crashing reality that my wife and brother were in fact lovers. I couldn't discern a lot as nothing physical had actually happened at home. The actual assignation had occurred in a local motel. My brother had gone full charm offensive and her walls had simply crumbled down. The messages, talks and kisses between them was full of love, devotion and worst of all, a future together. Exactly how long this had been going on was unclear, but three things immediately hit me. Firstly, she was clearly infatuated with him, maybe even love? I could see her struggles and despite claims of loving me and not wanting to hurt me, she had willingly given herself to him. Secondly, he was making all the noises about marrying her as soon as they could. Here came the irony. We lived in a no-fault state. This meant that half of everything we had together was hers. When she queried a future together the mist cleared. Through her, he got $250'000. She had her job and together he would start a new business. Yes, the fabled business idea from before, only instead of $50'000, he had traded up to quarter of a million. Thirdly as if the first two revelations weren't damaging enough, it appears that my parents were in some way aware of their budding closeness, and had decided to do NOTHING... How do you three strikes and you're ALL OUT! I knew and felt my life change in that very moment. Good old dependable Phil, predictable old Phil, plain and stupid Phil, WELL guess what? Not anymore, from this moment on I'm not going to play by those same rules anymore... it was a good thing that Beth's mum had suddenly been taken poorly, requiring Beth to be away all week. I course I knew the real reason, she was too ashamed to face me and to unsure of her true feelings. A week away suited both of us just fine. **Present Day:** My loving wife was first through the door and virtually jumped into my arms. Sweetheart, as she smothered me with a million kisses. Stepping back fearful, as my reaction to her embrace was nothing more than cordial. Second through were my loving parents. By the time my twin brother emerged through the door, I had already turned my back and was walking to the well-stocked bar to replenish my much-needed drink. Concern, distress and fear was etched across all. What caused their distress was the final unveiling that I had resigned my job over three weeks ago. My boss who knew the true reason, accidently on purpose bumped into my mother one day and ask after me since I had so suddenly resigned. Confusion, concern, my loving family had still believed that I was working away in Las Vegas for the last few weeks. I had somehow managed to keep up this illusion better than I expected. The problem was it was time to move on. Las Vegas was a dream. Three weeks of living the high life, parties, gorgeous women and gambling. The problem of course was the gambling and the fact that I was losing. For the first time in my life I was playing without rules and I loved it. Off course I knew this couldn't continue, so I let slip my true whereabouts and employment status. How do you say SHOCK! They were on the first plane out! My father always held a disapproving frown on his forehead when he was either disappointed or annoyed with me. My mother just didn't know where to look, on the one hand she wanted to rush over and smother me but on the other she had to worry about how it would look towards Davy. Davy just looked around the spacious and decadent room, mouth opened wide. Why are you here? This was my opening gambit. Not the greatest I agree, but then I had never been in this situation before. We're all worried son. Mike told us you've resigned from work, left home, fled to Vegas and taken up gambling? I must admit my father sounded sincere. He had obviously been elected chief spokesman. I was tempted to let their concern and condemnation continue but I realised in a flash that I didn't care anymore and put simply, I had had enough! STOP! ENOUGH, I've had enough. My voice sounded strange but forceful. Mother, father you can stop this phoney concern right now. I could see the shock in all four of my companions. I had never spoken to any of them this way before. I think they were expecting to arrive and find a broken man before them. You see I know everything. I left the word everything hanging out there. I wanted them ALL to know that I knew about their shame. I wanted them all to feel shame. Mum and Dad, I've decided that I'm going to give you what you always wanted! They couldn't look at me as my eyes bore into them. I was suddenly standing. I'm going to give you back 7 minutes. At first, they didn't understand. I turned and focused on Davy as I said the next part. My loving younger brother by 7 minutes. Mum, Dad take a look at your blue-eyed boy. He was always your favourite, the one who you loved, nurtured and protected. Well my gift to you is him! As of now, I no longer exist to you. That's right, I'm dis-owning you and golden boy here from this moment on, is your ONLY son. I could them gasp as the words came out of my mouth. Any right you two had to call me your son ended the moment you knew about these two. I theatrically pointed to the star glazed lovers. Instead of thinking about me, about how hurt I would be, you both acted like you have the entirety of my life and protected him! I could hear the sobs escape my mum's lips, whereas my dad refused to look at me. He was just staring blankly into space, almost disbelieving that this was happening. Well you don't have to worry about my feelings anymore, not that you ever did in the first place. After today, you won't be seeing me again! Davy, my loving younger little brother. He appeared like a deer in the headlights as his name was mentioned. I would like to thank-you. I am who I am because of you. I've had to earn and achieve everything I've accomplished. You should try it you know, you've already thrown your life away once. You know I pity you, you could have been a king and now, well you're just a pathetic little nobody!! I felt like today I needed to return the favour your brotherly love has bestowed on me. It wasn't easy but when disclosed the full details of what happened and why I needed it, they were more than happy to present me with this. I held up a single document to the room. Fear and panic spread across his face in the realisation of what I held. Carefully, I laid the document on the table before them. The first thing of note was the words Dishonourable Discharge in large red letters! The room was visibly shaken. Oh, and secondly, I started to say. My brother never had a chance to say anything. He was up of the sofa and reaching for the document. He failed, as my right hand connected with his jaw and sent him sprawling onto the floor. I was asked to send my regards from a Major Andy Whitehurst and his wife Melanie. He said to personally thank you for the divorce and to tell you that yes, you are now a daddy! I guess congratulations are in order... The silence that filled the room was one of shock, pain and embarrassment. Finally, all that's left is my dear wife Elizabeth. I was still standing looking down on the love of my life as she sank further and deeper into the sofa. I wouldn't want my loving wife to feel like I've left you out, so I have a present for you as well. With that, I handed her the divorce papers. As you can see, I am citing infidelity, no irreconcilable differences here! I could see her cringed as I said the words, as the full reality of her actions started to hit her. Yes, o loving wife of mine. You have betrayed me in the worst of all. It was meant to be us against the world and all it took was one smile from Davy boy here for you to give up on us... I let the moment sink in before I went for the kill. However, despite what has happened and because of the love we once shared, I'm prepared to offer you a deal. I saw her immediately spark up at the glimmer of hope only to see it quickly diminish with reality. If you sign the paperwork before you, I will give you $50'000. That was what lover boy here originally asked for in the beginning, this way he gets you as well. I wouldn't want to be accused of standing in the way of true love. You see, Mr Plain Old Predictable Phil, won't be a problem to you two lovebirds anymore. I had deliberately used the same term Davy had used to describe my married life with Beth, I wanted to throw that final insult against me into the fire! I could see all four heads shoot up at once. $50'000!! No-way, it was my brother's voice I heard first! She's entitled to half of everything you have, we didn't mean to fall in love it just happened. And, he stammered, as he tried to sound sincere. As sorry as I am, I'm not going to let you ruin her life because you feel slighted by our actions. I started to laugh and that shut him up... Fear and understanding started to spread among the four. This meeting was not going at all as they had planned. I looked at Beth, she knew me better than anyone. Well I stated after a moment of silence, it was time for the final act and the curtain call. I tried to look suitably embarrassed and crestfallen when I delivered my next line. I want to admit something to all you guys, you see I have a problem, an addiction of sorts. I'm extremely embarrassed to say that when I uncovered my wife cheating on me with my very own brother I kind of lost it. Firstly, I quit my job. Secondly, I couldn't hide the pain and despair I felt. I thought about drinking, but you all know that I'm a lousy drunk. One beer and I'm anybody's. So, I decided to come to Vegas to get from you all and before I knew it, I started gambling. I love it here; the people are wonderful and look at the accommodation! I threw my hand around the room as if to emphasise my point. Unfortunately, I was seduced and I fell in love with the lifestyle. Before I knew what was going on, well.. With that, I handed over the statement showing a little over 100K. I believe I owe you half of everything I have! The coldness of my voice surprised me as I looked at her. I don't believe you, Davy's voice always did go a little high pitched when he was getting out of his depth. Frankly you little shit, I don't really care. He cowered as I made a step towards him again, fist clenched. When I found out you were all coming I took stock of my actions. As you can see I've printed of a bank statement showing you how much money I have left. The rest as they say is gone. However, the good news is I realise I have a problem. I know how concerned you all are about me, so as of today I've registered to go on a gamblers anomalous program to deal with my addiction. This last play was an audible. A couple of weeks ago a fellow gambler had told me that in cases of divorce, a contrite and repentant victim was always looked favourably upon in court. The full and total reality had now hit Beth. She just looked at me, her mouth opened as if she wanted to say something. Me, well I could feel my façade slipping, especially when I stared into those deep blue eyes that I had originally fallen in love with all those years before. Beth, I turned to her trying to smile but the damage had been done. Her face was full of tears, pleading with me to stop. I am willing to offer you this generous settlement one time, however I want the papers signed before 12 noon tomorrow. If you fight me on this, not only will you lose but I will see you get nothing. Suddenly I felt like a great weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Guy's, this has been a real blast, but I have a party to go to and people to see. I realise you've all just hot footed it here, so I've spoken with the hotel and they've agreed for you all to stay here tonight as their guest. I'm leaving now and I won't be back. My solicitor will pick up the papers tomorrow and with that I started to walk towards the door. For some reason I felt the need for one last look at the most important people in my life. I started to turn, only I realised I couldn't. With my back towards them, I spoke. I will never see any of you again! And with that I walked out of the door and started my new life! **Epilogue:** Off course life is never that rosie. After uncovering the affair, I needed to put my plan into action. For the last four weeks, I had visited four casinos' and credited my account's with 125k in each. I suppose I didn't oppose Beth having her rightful share, but something just hit me when I realised that this was what my brother was really after. He was willing to seduce and even marry his twin brother's wife for money. I decided that I just couldn't let him get away with it. Over the next couple of weeks, I started to play poker. Each week I would draw a significant amount of my credit, lose a little and then walk away with the remaining chips. It wasn't a perfect plan and if they investigated it closely it wouldn't fool anybody. Only I was banking on the fact that when I confronted them all with the evidence they wouldn't check any further. I was right. Why poker, well you see back when I had a loving home life, we used to play cards once a month. I had the nickname of Pidgeon. Technically, this isn't a good name. It meant sucker, loser, a sure thing. I knew immediately that I couldn't play cards but I enjoyed the evening and the companionship. They were an enjoyable bunch and I ensured that I never ever lost too much. Back to the aftermath of the showdown. My parents refused to believe I was serious and tried in vain several times to make amends. I would like to think that they finally understood the true ramifications of their actions, but despite desperate pleas for the next two years I disowned them. My loving brother held true to form. That first evening he partied hard in Las Vegas before skipping out on everyone including Beth, the new love of his life to parts unknown. Now, my loving wife Beth. The next morning my solicitor picked up both the signed divorce papers and a letter from her. In return I forwarded her $50'000 and a note telling her that I had ripped up her note without reading it. For the next two years, I became a new man and life was good. I became the new Phil. I played, I partied. I had never seen myself as a lady's man and yet I was hardly ever alone. I started to dress better and sample a different life. Deep down I knew I was only masking the pain I was feeling. Despite the parties, the women, nothing could come close to replacing the gigantic hole in my heart. It was at a party when I saw her. I could feel the sharp rush of emotion flow through me. It was a wine tasting evening and me and a couple of friends had decided to go. I was living back in LA, dabbling in various different ventures. Wine was a new one, hence this evenings soiree. She was wearing a simple white dress that promoted her hourglass figure, her hair flowed freely down her shoulders and her perfect smile lightened the room. Nervously I debated whether to go over and talk. In the last two years I had many female companions but nothing serious or anyone that had caused a reaction like this. I remembered the words: FAINT HEART NEVER WON THE HAND OF A FAIR MAIDEN, as I crossed the room. Eye contact and I stumbled through some opening line. Her companions melted away leaving just the two of us, I was struggling to breathe. For the next couple of minutes, we both spoke about absolutely nothing, words just came out of our mouths. I wasn't aware but I was caught looking at her hand for a wedding ring. With a hint of sorrow, she held my hand. I was marriage, she said looking at me, but I did something incredibly stupid and I hurt and lost the love of my life. I regret that decision every day. I felt a lump in my throat. You know a similar thing happened to me. My wife was my best friend, my partner and her betrayal hurt me deep. I thought I would be happy with my new life but over the last two years I've come to realise that I lost the love of my life. You see, I've never gotten over her! Beth smiled at me, I could still see the hurt in the background but as I held her hand I felt something I hadn't experienced in a long time. I'm suddenly not that interested in Wine, shall we get out of here? She quickly nodded and with that we exited the room. What did the future hold, I couldn't tell you. But for the first time in a long time I felt happy and I was willing to live with that! The end. |
...As he entered into the bedroom he was struck by the vision that was right in front of him. She was wearing nothing but a black see through negligee which did little to hide her well formed hips and well rounded buttocks not to mention her long legs which were enclosed inside black fishnet garter stockings and her perfect feet(so he assumed) were clad in black high heels. He could clearly see that she was not wearing a bra and he wondered what else she wasn't wearing. He hadn't realised how much he had missed sex until he saw her, he became so aroused and all he wanted to do was to fuck her so bad He knew what he was doing was wrong and he could be charged with trespassing but he didn't care he had to taste this little mamma. It had been so long since he had tasted a woman's cunt and his cock was so hard he was afraid he was going to explode. He proceeded into the bedroom and turned her around, what he saw shocked he not only was she a goddess but she had the face of an angel and for a moment he thought he had died and gone to heaven. He licked his lips and swallowed hard he was dumbfounded. His eyes slowly swept past her well formed lips which she had applied just a hint of lipstick that emphasised the colour of her hair it was not too little or too much like the lipsticks the whores he had fucked before applied, it was just perfect. From her lips his eyes swept past her well small pale throat and rested on her firm round tits which were clearly visible through her see through black chemise and he realised they were hard and wondered how they tasted like. With a will power he didn't understand, he tore his eyes off of her breasts and carried on sweeping her body with his eyes, past her well rounded hips and her flat tummy finally resting on her special place. With a swiftness that shocked him, she dropped to her knees and started undoing the fly of his denims releasing his big hard cock. She looked into his eyes and smiled and immediately put the long big hard cock in her mouth and started sucking on it like it was a lollypop, never had Dylan experienced such an experience and not once did she gag. After what seemed like an eternity she rose up wiped her mouth and she pushed him on the bed and she slowly started to undress herself slowly until she was left with nothing but a bra and her garter stockings and heels. Then she climbed next to him and lay facing upwards open and closing her legs in a seductive way. Dylan got up and spread her long legs exposing her shaved young cunt. He tore the stocking and slowly opened her labia exposing a clit bud which had become hard and swollen, with his tongue he started licking her cunt and she felt herself getting wetter and wetter, she started to squirm under him and slowly he sucked her clitoris until she was moaning and crying with pleasure, he slowly moved down looking for a pussyhole and started fucking it with his tongue. When he felt her about to orgasm he removed his tongue from her now wet pussy and jammed two fingers inside her wet slippery cunt and he started fucking her with his fingers and she started riding them faster and faster and faster and wetter she became until finally she moaned and shuddered. He removed his fingers and slowly started kissing her tummy then sucking her tits while his fingers yet again found her fuckhole, he sucked her tits until they were red and swollen and then he moved up and started kissing her mouth, her tongue found his mouth first and started darting her tongue in and out, in and out at the same time Dylan was still fucking her with his fingers. When he was sure she was ready he spread her legs and slowly entered his hard cock inside her small tight wet, slippery pussyhole and started fucking her, she raised her pelvis to him. His hands were all over him digging her scarlet painted fingernails into his shoulders and screaming his name over and over and over again and he pounded her harder, the harder he pounded, the more she screamed until finally he heard the pounding of blood in his head then with a groan he exploded his seeds deep into her womb, at the same time he felt her shuddering and then lying still. He removed himself from her cunt hole and to his surprise she turned on to her back then on to her knees and raised her ass up for him. No one had ever offered their ass before; it sure was his lucky day. He slapped it hard and heard her moan then he guided his swollen cock into her arsehole which was tighter than her cunt and once again he started to fuck her, she screamed din pain but he was too aroused to care, he fucked her until she enjoyed it at the same time slapping her ass and once in a while sticking his fingers inside her cunthole which was by now dripping wet. God he wanted to fuck this whore until she cried, He yanked back her hair fucking her penetrating deeper and deeper until he could no longer hold himself and then in bursts he released his semen yet again. Feeling not yet satisfied he turned her around and demanded she sit on his cock and ride her like her horse. The poor girl was in so much pain coz her ass had been dry when it had been fucked, Dylan looked up ait her and saw her tear stained face and instead of feeling sorry for her he had this sudden urge to slap but he didn't dare all he wanted was for her to ride her. When she hesitated he started playing with her clitoris until she started riding him on her own. God how he loved her breasts and he started kneading them like dough, she bit her lip threw her head back and started playing with herself, then she started fucking him harder and faster and she started screaming and calling out his name, they both were out of control and when they finally came they both screamed loud. She slowly slid from his cock and laid down with her legs open and she started fingering herself until she felt herself Cum and when she did she squirted. Dylan could hardly believe his luck this goddess cum slut had fucked so good that he was contemplating about fucking her again soon. While he was considering how much to pay him she started licking his cock again this time with an exaggerated slowness until he felt he couldn't hold it any longer, she would work him up him slowly then fast then when he was about to come she would slow down until eventually he came all over her face her breasts and in her mouth and finally she got up and got dressed and left the room. Dylan realised he didn't know her name and when he went to look for her outside she was gone. Would he ever see her again, would he ever fuck that delicious cunt, would he ever taste her juices again...........? |
"Oh shit, Addie. What the fuck?" Lucas stood motionless and quickly covered himself. He had no idea she was even there. There he was, in the hallway, naked, checking himself out in the mirror. God knows how long she had been watching him. "Calm down." she said, standing against the door frame to her room. She was sipping her coffee and looked like she had just woken up. Addie, or Adriana, is Lucas' sister. Three years older than him, she doesn't live at home; she lives away at college but comes back every month or so. She wasn't due back until later that night, but that was the least of his concerns. "How long were you watching me?" For some reason, the thought of Lucas going to his room and getting at least a towel to cover himself had evaded him. He just stood there, looking down and embarrassed. "Long enough to see you've been going to the gym. Nice six pack. You're looking good, bro." as she turned and nonchalantly walked into her room. Lucas headed for his room and quickly dressed. Sitting on the bed in thought for a few moments, wrapping his mind around what had happened. He knew he had to see if everything was okay. He walked to his sister's room, where he found her lying on her tummy on her bed looking at her laptop. Addie is gorgeous. She is about 5' 10" with beautiful olive skin. Lucas had never thought about her in a sexual way, but was always glad to introduce her as his sister, and certainly didn't mind hearing the guys comments about her being sexy. She was. She kept herself toned, had nice 34B breasts and a bubble butt. Even in the sweatpants and plain white tee shirt she had on, she looked amazing. She didn't even have to try. Lucas walked in nervously. "Look... Addie. I'm sorry for what you saw. You won't tell Mum and Dad, will you?" She quickly closed her laptop and looked up at her blushing brother, giggling. "Tell Mum and Dad? Tell them what? My brother was checking himself out in the mirror? Dude, you're 18 and it's hardly a crime." "Okay, good. That's never happened to me before so... you know..." he tried to explain, trailing off but feeling better about the whole situation. "You're such a worrier sometimes. Not to get too TMI, but it's not the first time I've seen a guy naked." "No," he chuckled. "I guess not. Anyway, I'm making some breakfast. Are you hungry?" Addie sipped her coffee and shook her head 'No'. Lucas headed downstairs and made something to eat. Later on as he chilled watching TV, the postman deliver the mail. As he went to get up, he heard Addie race down the stairs to the front door. He could see her through the reflection in their entryway mirror that she was quickly looking through each envelope. She seemed to look at one for a while, and kept hold of it as she dropped the rest of the mail on the entryway table and headed back upstairs. Lucas thought nothing of it, and flicked through the channels until he dozed off. Later that afternoon, Lucas woke up and dragged himself upstairs to finish his nap. As he passed Addie's room, there was muffled conversation on the other side of her door. Creeping closer, he pressed his ear to the door and listened in. "I can't pay until next Friday... No, no, I get that... I'm just asking for a few more days... Well it's a larger payment than I thought and... Look, you don't have to be rude. I know what I bought but... Okay, well I can't until I get paid next Friday. Yes, please note that. Bye." She was in some kind of trouble. He felt bad. Lucas had always been protective of Addie, even though she is older. He heard a long sigh and then her sheets rustling like she was getting up. He tip-toed down the hall and no sooner did his door close than hers opened, and soon he heard the shower running. This was his chance. When he heard that she was clearly in the shower, Lucas raced to her room and saw the crumpled piece of mail on the bed. He was shocked when he opened it... it was a credit card bill. The card's credit limit was almost exhausted. It was past due, and that was a Final Notice. Lucas didn't even know she had a credit card. Then it dawned on him... "Oh shit, this is her emergency card Dad gave her. What the fuck has she been buying..." Lucas raced back to his room and grabbed his phone and a flash drive. He took a picture of the entire bill and put the flash drive into her laptop. She never locked it. He needed her web browser history so he could see what she was buying. After copying that over, he saw a default icon on her desktop. "My Albums". It was obviously pictures and was several gigabytes in size. "What the hell...," he thought, and copied that too. After what seemed like an eternity, it finished copying and he left her room exactly as it was. Back in his room, Lucas started doing Internet searches for the orders on her credit card bill. What he found shocked him. Lingerie. Sex toys. A pretty nice HD web cam. He had to Google the other sites and found out they specialized in bondage equipment, and one site even sold dildos in the shape of animal cocks. "Geez... my sweet Addie... how are you into all this stuff?". He felt himself getting hard. After talking himself out of a boner for his own sister, he loaded her web history. With any luck, she would let the browser save all her passwords and log him right in... which it did. Lucas checked her Order History on every site. She had ordered quite the selection of vibrators, realistic looking dildos, butt plugs, as well as lots of bra & panty sets. From the bondage site, she had bought a'starter pack' with a set of 4 leather cuffs, a collar, a riding crop, nipple clamps, a ball gag, and a blindfold. He chuckled when he saw the animal cock... it was a dog one and even had a 'knot' at the end. Being a guy, Lucas' cock was fighting the boxers and shorts it was confined in... he gave in and welcomed it to the world. Lucas went into auto-pilot, massaging his cock while looking at the pictures of what she had bought. He was still amazed that his innocent-looking Addie was into all this stuff. Now while Lucas' cock may not look much soft, it's an impressive 7 inches when it's hard and not too shabby in the girth department either. He would definitely be your classic "grower," but he was deceivingly big compared to what his flaccid state hinted at. Using his own precum to lube the shaft he was happily jerking himself to a good cum... ...when a knock at his door startled him to death. "Hey Lucas, are you in there? I'm going out with some friends and will be back later, k?" It was Addie. "No problem, Addie." he tried to say in a composed, calm way. As he heard her leave, he decided to check out the 'My Albums' folder. If Addie's knock at the door killed the mood, what he saw when he opened the folder put him right back on the edge. He had to quickly take his hand off his cock to save from blowing his load instantly. There were hundreds of naked shots of her... mostly selfies, as well as a decent collection of videos also taken with a smartphone. "Holy shit, she is hot." Lucas felt bad for saying that out loud, but his cock didn't miss a beat. Like a little phallic devil sitting on his shoulder, it was willing him to look at every single one. He must have spent a good hour looking through them, and he wasn't finished. Lucas marveled at his own sister in various states of undress. Addie in lingerie. Addie nude. Addie flashing her breasts in a mirror. Addie using toys on herself. Closeup's of her pussy. Her ass. Her beautiful breasts. While the closeups were his favorite, he didn't discriminate; her full frontal shots were nothing to gripe about. There were shots taken on her bed, in dorm rooms, dressing rooms and even a car. He spent a while looking at her outdoor pussy shots; the sun danced so erotically over her perfect skin. Addie trimmed herself but obviously preferred the natural look. "What the fuck, Addie...." after spotted a folder named 'Uploads'. "Uploads? Where to?" Lucas quickly found out. It turns out, Addie had her own little Tumblr following. Pages of the same pics uploaded on this thing. "She gets off on this... posting her nude pics online." Lucas clicked on the envelope message icon and checked her messages. He saw a ton of fan mails and asks sent to her. Mainly guys complimenting her on her pics and telling her exactly how they would love to fuck her, defile her, cheat on their wives with her, and make her their bitch. There were some where it was clear they were responding to messages she had sent them. Some were suggesting ideas for new shoots, while others just wanted to know more about her and her fantasies. All this was information and sensory overload for Lucas, who had to quickly grab his coffee mug before he shot a big load of cum over his computer. He pushed the head of his cock into the warm coffee, and unleashed a torrent of sperm into his drink and imagined that the tip of his cock was in her ass. Spurt after spurt shot into the java drink like missiles being fired from a submarine, with some of it rising to the top. Lucas sat there in awe, panting and coming down from his orgasm. It was the most turned on he had ever been, and while he felt bad cumming to pictures of his sister... he didn't regret it one bit. Realizing that his coffee was now undrinkable, he scurried to the bathroom and tipped it down the sink. He went back to his room and powered down, smiling at the new jerk-off material he had gathered and went downstairs to take a break. The rest of the day was fairly uneventful. It was tough for Lucas to look Addie in the eye, knowing that he knew her secret, but that she had no idea. He knew the credit card bill was weighing heavy on her mind and decided not to press the issue or ask her about it. The next morning Lucas made a second Tumblr account and followed Addie's blog. When she went back to college, she started posting again. It became a daily routine for him. Perving his big sister's nakedness online, and even sending her messages with questions. He was in voyeur heaven until a fateful post turned things upside down... Lucas' heart dropped when he saw it. He was heartbroken and almost in tears. There, on Addie's blog, was a picture of his dick. The small-looking, flaccid dick looked pretty pathetic, barely peeking out from behind his legs as he looked himself over in the mirror. She had clearly taken a picture of him before he noticed her. "My Brother's Pencil Dick," was the caption. Below it she captioned that she was pleased to get back home and online so she be around big cock again. A lot of her followers agreed, and encouraged her to belittle him for having an 'embarrassing excuse for manhood', which she laughed along with. A couple of'small penis humiliation' blogs had re-blogged the photo, which only added fuel to her fire as she brazenly told her followers that the camera did not lie. That it really was that small, and was the main reason why her brother had never had a steady girlfriend. Now, Lucas is not usually an angry guy but the rage that built within him, coupled with the hurt he felt down to his core, pissed him off and he had enough dirt on her to bring her to her knees... literally. Addie came home like clockwork once a month, which he now realized was to try and intercept the credit card bill from her father. Little did she know that Lucas had created an online account for that and set it up for the statements to be electronically delivered to his personal email. When she arrived home again, he made sure it coincided with their parent's week-long cruise. They had the house to themselves. For years, Lucas had an interest in film making and video editing; he made sure all his equipment worked and all batteries were charged. Lucas heard her arrive and immediately look through the mail he left on the table, before heading upstairs with several travel bags. When she came downstairs, they made small talk and drank beer on the couch. During a lull in their conversation, Lucas let out a big sigh and started the journey. "Addie, I know about the credit card bill and how much trouble you're in." he said, turning to face her. Her face went pale. She almost spat beer back into the bottle. He felt a tiny bit bad, but the hurt was still burning. Before she could say anything, he continued. "I'm going to help you, but not in the way you think. If you want to keep this between us, you will do as I say, when I say it, how I say it, and where I say it." She looked relieved, but a little confused. "Look...," with a nervous laugh, "I appreciate the help but why are you being so... I don't know... demanding? How are you going to help?" Putting his beer bottle down, Lucas pulled out his phone and showed her one of her nude pictures. "I know about it all, Addie. Everything you bought on the card, the nude pics, the Tumblr... and your post about my... what did your follower call it... my 'embarrassing excuse for manhood'. I could destroy you, Addie. I love you dearly, but you hurt me. And now you will do as I say so you can pay down that bill. Your Tumblr is now a joint partnership. You're the face of the site, but I approve what you post, and I decide what content gets sold. You're going into porn, sis." By this time, Addie was in tears. She knew she was backed into a corner, and had no choice. "But, you're my brother! You can't see me naked or... DO... things with me. It's not right!" slamming her beer bottle on the table. "I already have seen you naked, Addie.," again showing her the picture and swiping to show her he had more. "And with our parents gone for a week, we're going to get very familiar with each other... you have one hour to decide. If you don't say Yes then Dad will get the login to your emergency credit card account and you can kiss your freedom goodbye." She stormed off in tears, slamming her bedroom door. How could he do this to her? His own sister? Addie collapsed on her bed and cried. She always knew there was a slim chance someone would out her, but her own brother? Her thoughts spun through her mind like cars speeding along interstates. She experienced a range of emotions... from anger, to hurt, to frustration, to rage. She calmed down for just a while... enough to really think it through. Her father had made it clear, in no uncertain terms, that the card was for emergencies only. She had abused that privilege badly and had been at her wits end for weeks on how to pay it off without him knowing. It took her about 45 minutes, but Addie finally emerged and went back downstairs. Lucas could see she had obviously been crying, and her hair was a mess. With her arms crossed and feet together... "I'll do it. I hate you for even thinking this was a good idea. I hate it. I hate that you invaded my secret online world and are taking over. How exactly is this going to pay off my credit card? My Tumblr is free..." Lucas sat up, and motioned her to sit next to him. "I invaded your space?! You humiliated me online, you bitch!" Even he was shocked that those words came out. She sat there silently trembling. "You are going to up the ante. No more just posting teaser shots of you flashing your tits, or showing off your pussy. You are going into video, and full sex, and your Tumblr will advertise your paid videos people can buy. Anything you make will go towards paying off your debt." All she did was nod. "Do you have any of it here? The stuff you bought?," Lucas inquired. "In my room. My roommate is such a nosy bitch, I take it everywhere I go." He got up and left. "Wait here." Lucas went to her room and found the bags... one was full of toys and the other clothes. He picked out what he needed, and after making one more pit stop, headed to his room to set up. "Addie!" he called. "It's show time..." He cringed when he said it. It was corny as fuck, but he couldn't think of anything better to say in the moment. He sat in a wooden chair and watched as she walked in, still sobbing. She closed the door. "I saw when you post pics of your ass, you ask for volunteers to spank you. Well, today is your lucky day. Take off your pants but leave the panties on." She looked surprised at how direct her brother was, but relieved she wasn't going to have to have sex with him... not yet anyway. "Please... Lucas... we can.... " she started. "Now." he said, cutting her off. "Take them off and stand facing my door with your hands behind your back." She slowly dropped her sweatpants and stepped out of them, standing against the door. "Good girl." he said, smiling and standing behind her. He smiled and approved of the black lace thong she had on. Her ass sucked that fabric in like it was swallowing it into an abyss. "As you're crying anyway, I figured a good, hard spanking would be a good first movie. We'll mix in some bondage so your followers get see more of your kinky side." as he buckled each wrist in a leather bondage cuff. Lucas knelt and resisted the urge to sniff his sister's ass as he attached similar cuffs to her ankles. She sobbed and gasped as she felt a ball gag being buckled in place, and moaned into it as her vision fell into darkness, courtesy of the leather blindfold. Sitting back down, Lucas explained the scene. "When I say'scene'... you will act the part and play along. You are reluctant, remorseful, but submissive and compliant with all my instructions. You don't have any lines... Got it?" "Mm-hmm," she mumbled nervously. "Scene... Okay, you slut. Get over here and stand in front of me." Addie nervously turned and tip toed toward his voice. She jumped when his hands gripped her naked hips, guiding her into position. "Take off your shirt." came the command. She sniffled and complied, dropping it on the floor. Lucas got an instant hard-on when he realized she had no bra on. Her breasts were gorgeous and perfectly formed. He just couldn't resist pinching both nipples. She tried to pull back... "Pwease..." Lucas just about made out through her gag. The voice was genuine. Was she playing the part? Was she pleading her sibling case again? Both? Probably, and it made for a great scene. "Silence, slut. You had no problem letting the men at work do much worse to you. Did you think those videos they took stayed private? Hell no... it's all over the web! How dare you disrespect me like that!" Lucas pinched harder and twisted, making her cry out. "Get across my knee. Now." She hobbled to his side and clumsily laid across her brother's lap. Lucas adjusted the camera pointed on her ass, and looked down at the one on the floor pointing upwards to capture her facial expressions. Lucas secured his sister's cuffs together with double-ended trigger clips, her wrists fastened behind her back and her ankles fastened keeping her legs together. He sat and marveled at his almost-naked sister laying there, ready for her spanking. "You've been a bad girl. A slut. You need a good, hard spanking. Nod if you agree." Her sobbing nod made his cock jump as his breathing increased. His hand running over her ass... Lucas roughly pulled her panties out of her ass and down to her knees. He secretly wanted to worship that ass. For now though, it had to be punished. Lucas brought his hand down hard on her left ass cheek. She moaned into the gag. His left hand held her cuffed wrists in place as he brought his open palm down on her ass, consistently alternating cheeks and occasionally slapping the top of her thighs. She started out okay, but soon her legs tensed and her back arched after each spank. She was moaning and crying into the gag, and was visibly shaking. Her olive skin looked red and angry. He bet it stung like hell and burned. Carrying on with the scene, he reached down and un-clipped her ankles, pushing her right leg away from her. Her head shot up as his fingers grazed her pussy. "Silence, you slut. I can't believe you let them fuck you. This is MY pussy..." Addie was wet. Sticky wet. Lucas found her clit and massaged it before running his forefinger between her folds. He moaned when she lowered her head in submission. Her pussy was warm, wet, and inviting. He wanted to taste it, but not this time. "You let another cock into MY pussy... bad girl." as I pushed two fingers in easily. Lucas had to breathe in quickly to keep from jizzing his pants; he removed his fingers and dragged them up between her ass cheeks, making sure she felt them touch her asshole. Then, he raised his hand again. She shook her head, pleading. The first slap caught her off guard. A direct hit against her tender pussy lips. Lucas grabbed her knee and pulled it toward her side, leaving her perfect pussy totally exposed. He desperately wanted to see the footage his cameras were recording. Lucas held her open, spreading her lips and showing her pussy to the world like she had done hundreds of times before. Then, the pussy spanking began. Every few seconds, another loud slap against her slit. Each time, he could tell the pain got more intense for her. Her body language was a good indicator on when she was reaching her limits. He wasn't going to push her this time. After one last hard spank that produced a guttural groan, he let go of her leg and let her rest. "We're almost there, Addie." Lucas broke character for just a moment. He would edit that out later. "One more element to this scene, but the spanking is over." She sobbed and suddenly got a second wind when he pulled the ball gag down and below her chin. "Fuck you!" she screamed. "I hate you! I hate you! Oh god, it burns..." as she squirmed and rocked from side to side. Lucas put his hand between her legs again, finding her clit just as swollen and wet. He massaged it again, which seemed to dissipate some of the angst towards him. "You're enjoying this... your body is betraying you, sis." Addie tried to speak between sobs... "You knew I liked this... but the fact it's YOU is horrible. Just get this over with..." Lucas shrugged and picked up a dildo. "Open your slut mouth..." as he roughly pushed the head into her mouth. He started fucking the dildo in and out of her mouth, making her gag... "Did you let them use your throat like this? God you are such a slut..." She suddenly shook her head frantically. Lucas took the dildo out. "What the fuck is that?! That's not one of my dildos!" "I know..." as he shoved a pair of worn panties into her mouth and fastened the gag back in place. "Neither are those..." Lucas would edit that out too. Addie sobbed as he twisted the base of the dildo and made it vibrate, holding her open again. He held it against her clit until her sobs turned into moans and her hips started to spasm. His own cock was rock hard and begging for release. He pushed the dildo into her pussy and began fucking her with it, marveling at how her pussy stretched to accept it, and how her lips slid sweetly over the shaft coating it in her wetness. "Did you open your pussy to them like this? Let them defile MY pussy with their cocks? I bet you came too, didn't you? All over their cocks..." That's when Lucas held it against her clit again and forced her to cum. She trembled, shook... and then spasmed. As she moaned, he was shocked when she squirted over his leg... it was a huge turn-on and Lucas audibly moaned as well when he saw her orgasm drain from her perfect pussy. "Wow..." was all Lucas could say over and over again. With the scene over, Lucas sat as she lay across his lap. Her body was wet with a layer of sweat. She was still sobbing and looked exhausted. Lucas unhooked the trigger clips from the rings in her cuffs and unbuckled them from her wrists and ankles. Feeling she was free to move, she stood immediately and took off the blindfold, throwing to the floor. Her eyes were bloodshot, her mascara a mess, and her expression a mixture of anger, embarrassment, disgust, and fatigue all in one. She got her ball gag free and threw it and the panties at her brother. "Whose are they?!," she shouted. Her brother sat back and folded his arms, challenging her. "Mum's. The dildo and worn panties are hers. You came all over Mum's dildo while her worn panties were in your mouth." Addie put her hands over her face. Breathing heavily. "You're a sick fuck, you know that?" "You're the one who coated it with your juices. A slut like you should get wet at the thought that the next time Mum uses that on herself, your pussy will be inside her too." Another thing he wouldn't have dared saying to her until this moment. He folded his arms and silently counted to three, trying to calm his nerves. He genuinely felt bad seeing her so upset and relaxed his tone. "Look. Go and shower and get some sleep. We'll talk tomorrow about what happens from here." She yanked her panties up, threw the cuffs on the ground, scooped up her shirt and pants and left without saying a word. The slam of her door told him he wouldn't see her again tonight. Addie sat on her bed and cried. She looked up and saw her own mascara-stained reflection in the mirror. She stood and turned in the full length mirror. Her ass was so sensitive. She couldn't believe how red it, and the top of her thighs, were. She turned to face it and took off her panties. She spread her legs and her pussy lips. It was also red and slightly swollen. Her brother's spanks stung her pussy so badly. A pain she never imagined experiencing. Grabbing some lotions from her dresser, she applied a generous amount of aloe to her skin and carefully got into bed naked. She didn't want any fabric to irritate her tenderness. Lucas, meanwhile, turned off the cameras and went to get a drink. On the way to the kitchen, he went into his parents room and threw his Mum's worn panties into the middle of the dirty clothes hamper where he found them. He held the dildo to his face and sniffed it, moaning as he smelled his sister's essence. He turned to make sure no one was looking, and sucked the tip into his mouth, tasting her and, presumably, some older remnants of his Mum, before putting the tainted toy back in it's hiding place. He got a beer from the fridge and replayed the entire scene in his mind. What had he done? He had forced his sister to strip, put her in bondage, spanked her, and forced her to cum. He filmed the entire thing and knew that he couldn't change what had happened. His relationship with her forever changed that night. Sipping the beer in an almost trance-like state, he sat silently at the kitchen table until his ass hurt from sitting in the same position for so long. Lucas returned to his room and put the rest of the sex toys on a shelf. He had editing to do tomorrow. He also faced the realization that Addie would be unpredictable tomorrow. He wanted to check on her, but decided to play the "tough love" card and let her sleep on it. Addie's night was long and restless. Even though she had an amazing orgasm, she was still hyped up on the intense session she had just participated in. She would never admit it to him, but Lucas had just indulged several of her fantasies. Her mind and her body were in a heated battle. She wanted more rough sex, and more bondage. Her pictures she took explored the possibilities of being forced to do things, but with herself being the only participant she quickly lost interest as the thrill was never there. But still, the thought of her little brother being her dominant and bringing out that side of her made her skin crawl. It was late and she needed sleep. Turning off the lights, she finally found a comfortable position laying on her tummy. Her lust concocted many sex-charged, lucid dreams that night. Several times she reached down under her body to play with her clit, but found herself too sore to get into any position that was comfortable for a good cum. Reluctantly, she gave up and let her exhaustion take over as she drifted off into a deep sleep. She was being fucked. Addie was on her back, with her legs hooked over a pair of shoulders. Her eyes were closed... blindfolded as she tried to tease her clit. Trying bring herself to a mind-blowing orgasm. Her other hand roughly twisted her own nipple as her partner pounded her pussy, willing her to go past the point of no return. For years she had willingly brought herself to many an orgasm, fantasizing about situations like this. Being fucked but not knowing who was fucking her. Being blindfolded was probably one of her biggest kinks, a surefire way to soak any panties she wore. As she reached climax, she opened her mouth, moaned, and instinctively arched her back as she came. The cock pounding her pussy didn't relent until after her orgasm had subsided. Even then, after pulling out of her, the head deliberately brushed her clit several times, making Addie jump at being so sensitive there. Chuckling and panting, she shook her head, basking in the aftermath of another good cum. "Oh god, thank you. You have no idea how much I needed that.," Addie said, panting, her chest wall rising and falling quickly. As she felt the blindfold being removed, she closed her eyes to let them adjust to the light. "You're welcome, dear. You know Mummy always knows how to make her little girl cum..." Shock and horror overtook her blissful, after-sex glow. Opening her eyes, her own naked mother was between her legs sporting a large strap-on cock. She sat up immediately to pull away, but was then alone. She was in her room. By herself. Still on her tummy. She quickly turned and sat, completely confused. Addie had never in her life had a sex-charged dream about any family member. Why was her own mother in that dream? Then she remembered the panties and the dildo from the night before. Memories of what she went through flooded back, but there were no tears this time. Addie looked back at her bed sheets and saw the puddle of wetness right where her pussy had been all night. She brushed off the dream as being her mind's overly active imagination... jumbling up the thoughts and actions of the day before into a perverted, sordid love fest. She had to brush it off, and forced a laugh. She needed coffee, but remembered that Lucas was always an early riser and would probably already be up and about. She decided to stall seeing him and went to wash her body clean. She smelled like sex. She felt the morning-after effects of sex, and needed to soothe her skin from the spanking and abuse. Taking a quick shower, she was pleased that her skin was almost back to normal. A few spots on her ass were bruised, but nothing that would last more than another day. After taking an extra-long, extra-hot shower, she dressed casually and made the decision that she had to face Lucas sooner or later. It may as well be now. Heading downstairs into the kitchen, her heart was pounding. "Stay strong." she told herself. "Apologize for the post and see if you can't smooth things over with him." She knew that would be a lofty outcome but, ever the optimist, it was worth a shot. Addie saw Lucas sitting at the kitchen table. She avoided eye contact and poured herself some coffee. She sat across from him and looked down as she drank the java. They both stayed silent but eventually Addie broke it. "I'm sorry, Lucas. The post was a terrible, terrible mistake. I'll take it down." Lucas assumed an apology was coming. "It was a terrible, terrible mistake but the Internet is an unforgiving beast. You can take that post down, but that won't delete all the other sites that have that picture up. All the other Tumblr's its on. No, I don't want you to delete it. It actually brought you more followers which is what you need right now." Addie looked confused. "More followers... Lucas you can't still be talking about selling porn... you had your fun last night and if it makes you feel better I'm still sore. And I just said I was sorry." Lucas looked up and Addie, and could read she was passionate about what she said. "That's not going to pay off your credit card bill though. Yes, we'll sell the movie from last night, but Addie you have a LOT of debt and it's only a matter of time before someone works out that cock belongs to me. Yes, there were no names but the truth will eventually come out. This is the quickest way to pay it off. You've been posting shots of your pussy online for months, so why not generate some income? Unless you want me to come clean to Dad and...." "NO. He can never know. He will pull me out of college and force me to live here under lock and key. You know that." "I do. Which is why you'll continue to do as I say. Pose for me. Fuck for me. Post on your Tumblr encouraging people to look at your paid content. Some horny guys out there will pay handsomely for videos of you." Lucas reasoned with her. Addie sat silently with her eyes closed. "Do you squirt every time you orgasm?" The question caught Addie off-guard. She took a small sip and blushed as she shook her head. "Well you did last night. Why did it happen then?" Addie just shrugged her shoulders and looked away, biting her upper lip. "Look, Addie. I know this is difficult for you, but you need to tell me and be open with me. I know you're my sister, but I want to make the best content I can so it sells well so you pay off your credit card debt quickly. The faster you open up to me, the faster this debt is paid off." Addie stayed silent and got up to pour herself another cup of coffee. She stood facing away from him as she poured the black liquid into her mug. "The blindfold. I cum like that when I am blindfolded and I can't see who is... you know... fucking me... or watching me... do things." Lucas was pleasantly surprised she was so open. "Thank you, Addie. That helps. What about if it's just dark? Does that do it for you too?" Addie returned to the table and shook her head. "No, because I can see pretty well in the dark. It's the mystery of having no idea of who is there." Lucas cock started to grow again. He adjusted his seat, and not without Addie noticing. "Perv.," she said in a sassy voice. Lucas almost caught a very sly smile across her face. He could only silently scoff and, for the first time, blush at his sister catching him getting hard. "Oh, and for the record... I'm not small, sis." as he got up, he pressed his cock straight down in his shorts, tracing the outline of it for her. She sat with her mouth open, unable to believe it. "How..." is all she could muster. He poured some more coffee. "Do you want to see it?" She just nodded, but then caught herself. "I mean... I'm not touching it or sucking it or anything. That's too weird for me at the moment, but you know I love seeing a good cock." "At the moment..," he thought? That could get interesting. He thought about ordering her to strip him, but as she had been so open about the whole blindfold thing, rewarded her by dropping his shorts himself. She gasped as his cock sprang into view. It was like it was on a spring. All seven inches of his thick man meat inches from her face. A nicely shaped mushroom head that was a little lighter than the rest of his cock topped the shaft, which itself had a nice maze of blood-filled veins. "Wow... just... I would never had thought something so sm... I mean... cute... would grow to...," she shuddered. "... that. Have I always done this to you? I mean.. that... " again motioning at her brother's impressive cock. Lucas stood there as her eyes fixated on the sight. "No... well I mean... you've always been sexy and guys talk about your ass all the time. But it was only yesterday when I saw your blog and your pictures folder that I... you know.... played with myself looking at you." Trying to lighten the mood a little, Lucas continued. "I actually came into my coffee looking at all the things your followers said they wanted to do to you." That made Addie blush hard. She looked at her own coffee, grimaced |
and put the mug down. Lucas had killed the mood with that comment. Addie quickly changed the subject. "So... what are we doing today? I'm sore down there so...." Lucas quickly snapped back to reality and sat back down. "Right. Yeah, I figured nothing too rough today. Your followers seem to love little teaser shots when you're out and about. We need to do some shopping for groceries and I have a challenge for you while we're there." Shopping? That seemed innocent enough. "When you're done with breakfast, I want you to post to your Tumblr. Do your thing. You can post any pic you want, but also post a teaser about how sore you are from the spanking you got last night. Let's generate some buzz and get your followers excited. When you get dressed, you can wear whatever you want on top, but I want you in a fairly short skirt with white or a light colored panty of your choice. Not a thong though. Maybe a bikini panty." Addie could tell he clearly had something in mind, but didn't want to ask. Addie tipped the rest of her coffee down the sink and ate a light breakfast. She went upstairs to update her Tumblr and get changed, while Lucas was looking through the fridge and the kitchen cabinets, making a list of things to buy. When they got to the store, Lucas let her push the cart and gave her a list of things she should buy. She looked at the list and saw it was filled with vegetables that were definitely phallic shaped. Cucumbers, zucchini, squash, and carrots, Addie was about to object when she saw him using his phone to film her. "Go on. Make sure you choose good, thick, cock-sized ones." he said brazenly. Addie blushed and walked the fruit and vegetable section looking for items on the list. She quickly bagged up a cucumber and put it in the cart. "No, no." Lucas said. "Take your time to choose each one carefully. Pick up a few, feel them, and choose the best one. Remember, you need to tease your audience. Sell it." Addie stayed silent as she took the cucumber back out of the bag. She put it back and, looking around, took a big sigh as she picked up several cucumbers. She felt them, squeezed them and put a few side by side looking at their differences, before settling on a nice sized one. "Perfect.," Lucas said with a smile on his face like he had just filmed an Academy-award winning scene. Addie did the same with the other vegetables before the two of them finished up the rest of the regular shopping they needed to do. In the pharmacy aisle, Lucas started filming again. She had to select a lubricant. Addie knew where this was heading and gave him a'really?' kind of look before choosing a bottle and putting it in the cart too. As they approached the checkout, Lucas stopped them by the self-checkout and picked up an empty hand basket. In it, he put the cucumber and zucchini as well as the lube. He handed her some money. "Okay, challenge time for you, Addie." She looked mortified but kept her cool while she looked at him with piercing eyes. He came close to her and whispered the instructions. "Pay for these items here. Head to the bathrooms over there and choose a stall. Remove your panties and use your phone to record yourself inserting the cucumber into your pussy, and the zucchini in your ass. I want lots of good closeup pics, film some video, and make it obvious you're in a bathroom stall used by store customers. Use the lube if you have to. Then, you're going to put your panties back on and walk out of the store with the vegetables still stuffed inside of you. I'll be in the car waiting." Addie turned pale as she looked at her brother. If looks could kill, he would have taken his last breath where he stood. She snatched the basket from his hands and went to the nearby self-checkout booth. Lucas smiled and went to a regular checkout lane to pay for the food. Entering the bathroom, Addie passed an older lady who was washing her hands in the sink. She never made eye contact and chose a stall second furthest from the door. It was a fairly small bathroom, with three regular sized stalls and a disabled stall on the end. Figuring there would be more chance people would head for the bigger stall, Addie chose the last normal-sized one. "Lets get this over with" she muttered to herself as she quickly removed her panties and skirt, and hung them on a hook on the door. Not being too fond of anal, she decided to tackle the zucchini first, figuring it would take the longest. When she heard the lady washing her hands leave, she closed the seat to the toilet and sat on it. Addie thought about what Lucas had said... "Sell it..." and so she thought about what her followers would want to see. Of course the vegetables represented cocks, and so she placed both of them on her crotch to show how big they were, and how deep they would go into her body. She took a picture of this and then proceeded to lube her asshole. Taking a few shots of her sucking on the zucchini she put the vegetable against her asshole and tried to relax. Luckily for her, the selection of zucchini at the store wasn't great, and so while it was a good 5 inches long, it wasn't fat which made her happy. However, not being able to find the right angle, she put her phone flat on the toilet seat toward the tank, angling it back to the door slightly, and held the zucchini like a dildo point upward, and lowered her ass onto it. She winced and bit down on her lip as the phallic vegetable slid into her back passage. She moaned out loud as she sat on it. Her asshole ached, but she closed her eyes pretending to be blindfolded and rose off of the zucchini and slid back down it again trying to get accustomed to it. After a few minutes, she sat back on the toilet seat and prepped the cucumber. This would be easier, she thought, as she was much more versed in insertions there. The cucumber was thick and good 6 inches long. She sucked on this too, pretending to deep throat it before applying lube and filmed herself pushing it into her pussy. Her pussy was still tender from the abuse the night before, so it ached as it stretched open again. Addie took a few still pictures of it going into her pussy until it was all the way in, with maybe a half an inch visible. By now, Addie was sweating but the fear of being discovered drove her on. She switched her phone to video mode and holding it above her looking down, used the palm of her other hand to push the two vegetables back into her holes simultaneously as they slid out on their own volition. She fucked herself like this, panting for about a minute when all of a sudden the main bathroom door opened again! "Shit!," she thought, and held still while trying to work out where this visitor would go. Of all the luck, they chose the stall next to her! Cursing the woman for not adhering to the "toilet stall rule," she left her camera phone running, and held the fake cocks inside of her as she listened to the woman sit down on the toilet next to her. Soon, she heard a stream of piss hit the water and Addie used the opportunity to continue to fuck herself knowing the water sound would probably block the squelching noises her pussy and ass were making. She figured it would also make for good audio, proving she was in a public bathroom. When the water stopped, the familiar sound of toilet paper being torn and being used filled the stall, and finally a flush. Without realizing it, Addie was masturbating. Playing with her clit while another woman did her business unaware of the perverted acts taking place not 4 feet from her. As soon as the woman left, Addie used that as her queue to get out of there. She moaned as she stood and felt how deeply the vegetables were up inside of her. Now she realized why Lucas didn't want her in a thong. He needed her to wear panties that would hold the vegetables against the forces of gravity. For this, she thanked him in her mind. Dressing quickly, she realized the cucumber in her pussy was forcing her to keep a wider stance, but she walked as normally as she could out of the bathroom and past all the cash registers until she exited the store and went to the car. She felt like everyone she passed was judging her. That they somehow knew what she had done, and what was still inside of her. In the car, Lucas was filming her walk of shame. The window to her passenger side door was down so he could capture this in all it's humiliating glory. Addie quickly got into the car and gasped as she sat down too quickly, pushing the zucchini forcefully into her ass. "Son of a bitch!," she screamed. "When can I take these out?" Addie was clearly flushed and in some discomfort. "When we get home. How did it go? Did anyone see you?" Lucas... straight to the questions. She shook her head. "Drive and I will tell you." said Addie sternly, wanting nothing more than to get home again. As the car ride started, Addie definitely felt every bump and road imperfection along the way, effectively bouncing her on the vegetables lodged in her holes. "Take off your shoes, and put your right leg up on the dash." Lucas ordered. Addie looked at him with stern eyes again, but complied. "Spread your legs and raise your skirt. I want you to film your pussy on the drive home." "What if someone sees??!" Addie protested. "Look around, Addie. No one is out and about, and you sit pretty low in this car." Addie blushed as she got her phone out of her purse and raised her skirt. She started filming her panties that were being pushed outward by the vegetables. "Oh fuck, that's sexy Addie." Lucas said, instantly glued to sight of his sister's sheer white panties trapping the cucumber and zucchini inside of her. Addie looked over and around to make sure no one could see her. "Lucas... Take your cock out too. I want to see how turned on you are... it will... help me." Lucas wasted no time in freeing his member, pointing it toward the windshield. He had to concentrate on the road ahead to get them home safely. Addie sighed as she saw his cock and looked back down to her crotch. She took her panties and pulled them to the side, exposing the vegetables in her holes. Closing her eyes, she started masturbating. Hearing her brother groan and comment spurred her on... not because it was him, but because she was being forced to do this while someone watched her. She pushed the cucumber into her pussy and let it slide out again, and continued that until she felt the car slow and stop. Opening her eyes, they were at a red light. She gasped and quickly put her panties back in place, got her foot down and fixed her clothes just before a couple crossed the street in front of them. "Thanks for telling me, you jerk." Lucas just chuckled. "I wanted to see if you would notice." Addie threw her phone back in her purse and gave him the cold shoulder. "Just remember, Addie." Lucas said, breaking the silence. "You wanted to see my cock out, and you started playing with yourself all on your own. I just wanted you to film the vegetables in you as we were driving. I'm just saying..." Addie knew he was right. She was turned on by all of this. Her spirits perked up when they pulled into their driveway. "Finally," she said, eager to get inside and expel the invaders from her. "Not so fast, Addie. I want one more element. When you get in the house, strip completely and bend over the wooden table in the back garden." "The back garden?! People can see me." "They might. But it's the middle of the day and it's a work day. No one is really home around here." He could tell she wasn't convinced. "One element. A few pictures and a short video. Bend over the table and spread your cheeks. I want a really good shot of how stuffed your holes are." Addie bit her tongue and went through the house to the back garden. Making sure he was following, she stripped out of all her clothes and bent over table. The cold air danced around her nakedness, making her nipples instantly erect. She looked straight ahead and spread herself completely open, willing her body not to try and eject the phallic vegetables buried in her. "God that looks so good, Addie. Put your feet further apart. There... oh my god... The way the light is hitting your...." Addie interrupted. "Just take the damn pictures. It's fucking freezing!" she continued, shaking in the cold. Lucas chuckled and snapped three pictures before switching to video mode on his phone. "Now, on three... I want you to push them out of you. No hands. Close your eyes, Addie and imagine you're on display and people are watching." Which was a possibility at this point. Addie did as she was told and, on command, pushed both the vegetables from her holes. The lubed vegetables hit the wooden deck, bouncing to their final resting place. "Too perfect. Just a few closeups of your gapes...." he said snapping away. "Okay, you're done for the day." kissing her ass cheek lightly. "Leave your phone with me. You'll get it back when I've gotten all the pictures and video off of it." Addie didn't acknowledge the kiss. She bolted back into the house and into the warmth with a trailing "My purse is on the counter." Lucas picked up the vegetables and threw them in the green waste garbage can before heading back inside to retrieve her phone. After he put the groceries away, Lucas retired to his room to finish editing Addie's spanking movie. Choosing the perfect teaser still shots, and putting together a nice 20 second teaser movie, Lucas sat back feeling pretty pleased with his work. Addie would be shocked to see some 'picture in picture' video of her face as the spanks were being delivered. He was sure this movie would be the start of something pretty lucrative for her, but it was all about keeping new content flowing to build a following. He packaged the files up and sent them to Addie to post, each with explicit instructions on the kinds of things to say to promote them. Lucas still wanted Addie to actually post everything; it was important that the posts were from her and not someone trying to be her. Lucas didn't tell Addie he sent the files to her; he would give her a few hours just in case she was sleeping. If they weren't up by the end of the day, then he would make sure they got posted. Lucas headed downstairs, but not before sliding her phone under her door as promised. He made something to eat, and waited for Addie to see what he had produced. He couldn't wait for her reaction. _This is my very first story I've ever written since my 80's Freshman-Comp class. I'm an Engineer so I tend to be techno/detailed, hope it does not distract from the story too much. Some of the items in the story are real, some embellished, and some fantasy, I'll let you try to figure them out. This story first started out as a L-BTB and morphed into what your about to read – a romantic wish. If you seek lurid sex then this story is not for you – I allude to sex but I leave the details to your imagination – often less is more. All names, likenesses, and some locations are fictitious._ _My first L submission attempt was soundly rejected and I was told to get an editor, well easier said than reality. I've asked a dozen L-Editors to not have one of them respond to me. So this first story I'm resubmitting as an L-Virgin. My story is totally written I'm just now editing it into smaller parts with the hopes L will post this Eight part story. Enjoy OB!_ ************************************ I was slowly meandering my way out of the mall near Barns & Noble just off Chagrin road taking in the sights, going no place special, and no schedule to keep. I was just letting time pass before I returned to my small extended-stay hotel room to try an artsy wood burning whim. I was going to try and gauge my talent and interest before spending any more money on better burning equipment. You see I'm an Engineer, so I'm naturally frugal, a nerd, aka. Cheapskate, unless I want it, then cost be damned I'll get it. It's one of my _OCD issues._ As I continued my wandering I turned to view a goddess floating past me, she's so beautiful, so stunning, so sexy, a cross between Maureen O'Hara, Ann Margaret, and Diane Lane. A true neck breaking head turner, a heart stopper, moving with fluid grace bouncing her loose fitting knee length dress covering a voluptuous college cheerleader body. OMG! Along side her was a young clone dressed in the same dress same hair just chatting away. Both smiling and giggling away in complete loving harmony. Both had nearly the same bright shiny reddish auburn flowing hair down their backs with deep curls that just wafted in the breeze as they walked. They both sported the same big lens Sophia Loren type sunglasses. _I was smitten; then I had a tinge of sadness as I was invisible._ There hands were full of bags carrying the latest treasures acquired from the mall. But as they approached the curb to the parking lot a white window-less van came to a screeching halt blocking their route. The side door slid open and a masked man, all in black, grabbed the little girl pulling her inside as she began screaming in panic. Then another masked man grabbed the lady and began pulling her into the van but she was putting up one hell of a fight. She drew blood with her first swipe across his face and eyes, blinding and stunning the goon. Just then the passenger door opened and another masked goon came out but this one was holding a Glock™ pistol. I was five feet behind the lady –- I jumped forward throwing my +300 pound body into the passenger door bouncing his head off the door frame, stunning this armed goon, and briefly pinned him in the door frame. I slapped my left hand over his protruding left gun hand gripping his hand with pistol, bending his wrist back burying the muzzle into his gut and pulled his finger covering the trigger. With the muzzles upward angle I was sure the round went in or very close to his heart – he fell dead. _I hoped!_ I took the pistol from him as he collapsed to the curb. The masked driver was twisting in his seat towards me drawing his pistol, I'm not sure if he got a shot off but I move to the van side door using the narrow door post and passenger seat for some cover. I wrapped my arm around the passenger seat and pulled the trigger pointing at the driver about two feet from the muzzle. Three rounds went thru his seat and the driver slumped over the steering wheel. The other two masked goons had hands full of both women. They looked at me stunned while trying to control these women. The girl's screaming was deafening even louder than the pistol shots. I grabbed hold of the little girl with my free hand and ripped her out of the goons grasp, tossing her behind me onto the pavement. _One safe one to go!_ I grabbed the lady to pull her away, it was a tug-of-war, when the very big masked goon let go of the girl he pulled his pistol and swung towards me, _In my mind I calculated 4 rounds expended of a possible 13, if this is a 9mm._ I sent 3 rounds into him, two center-mass, and one head-shot at less than four feet. The other masked goon let go of the lady as I toss her out the side door towards the girl. This last goon that just let go dove out the rear door right into a cars grill becoming its new hood ornament. I suspect it knocked him out cold. By now a crowd was beginning to gather, Mall security was running only steps away. I quickly cleared the pistol, dropped the clip, locked the breech open and tossed the pistol onto the van floor, knowing what was about to happen when the police/security arrived. _I sure as hell did not want them to mistaken me as a bad guy with a pistol in my hand._ _All this took place in less than 60 seconds._ I turned and went to the lady and girl. The lady was going into mental fatigue shock. The girl was repeatedly thanking me, calling me HER HERO as she wrapped her arms around the lady. _I looked at her badly scrapped knees that I caused and felt small._ I reached for the lady to bring her to a sitting position when my lights went out. Her limo driver had come up behind me and zapped me with a Taser to the back of my neck and kept Tasing me all the way to the pavement and continued Tasing me as I lay there oscillating. I was out cold my neck muscles began to swell constricting my breathing. _I was in affect dying – just my luck, no good deed goes unpunished._ While the limo driver was Tasing me he kept shouting "I'll teach you to mess up our plan!" Mall security grabbed him to stop his Tasing rage upon me taking him into custody. Luckily, a Fire Department Rescue Squad was making rounds in the Mall doing an FD fund raiser. When the FD heard the shots they mounted up and were just moments away being on the other side of the parking lot, _maybe I did have some luck_. The FD saw me turning blue with swelling to my neck. They did a field tracheostomy on me to restore my ability to breath. They fast transported me to the nearby ER Code 3. ER iced my neck to get the swelling swiftly reduced. But due to the lack of blood flow to my brain I fell into a coma. It was too early to determine the extent of the blood loss to know if I suffered brain damage. The driver was booked on assault, later changed to attempted murder, and conspiracy to kidnap with three counts of murder pending investigation. One of the hoods was his baby brother he suffered a broken neck when making the swan dive into the limo grill. **ICU:** My ID was established from my SUV keys on my belt loop that has my old Vietnam dog-tag giving them name, SSN, blood type and burial religion. My hotel room key card was found in my pocket. In my SUV they found my Contractors badge to a local company establishing the purpose I was in the area. They found my cell phone on my belt-holster with two ICE (In-Case-of-Emergency) phone numbers. They called my wife to give her the news, "Mrs. Waddell, is Kevin your husband? Kevin is in ICU, listed as Critical, he came in unconscious and has been diagnosed in a coma due to brain blood loss, there're no other medical issues." Some how this well dressed lady came into possession of my USB thumb drive from my pants pocket. The USB has all my private data on it, including stories I've been writing as a fledgling writer, technical articles I've copied or written, my resumes, and personal pictures of my life. Most of my stories were autobiographical about why I am what I am due to various hardships in my life. This nosy lady justified this gross intrusion into my privacy as her need to know what type of man would save her and put himself in harm's way for total strangers. She was widowed at the age of 52. She lost her husband, daughter, and son-in- law in a private plane crash into Lake Erie. This widowed grandmother has been raising her seven year old granddaughter ever since. My wife and son drove via Highway Patrol escort across the state to the ICU in Cleveland. They were informed my; blood tests – all normal, EKG, MRI, CAT scan – all normal, brain waves – appear normal, blood pressure – rather high but not dangerous. Upon seeing me they were briefed as to what happen; I stopped an armed kidnapping of a grandmother and her granddaughter. I was Tased and reTazed in the neck from behind by the one of the assailants. My son demanded to see this goon, I'm sure there would be no trial for this goon if my son ever got his hands on him. There is not much to be done or do when someone is in a coma; watch the IV's drip, the urine bag fill up, and the nurse check all connections/monitors every hour. My son returned home the following day as he needed to work. Coma is a diagnosis that can last a few hours to years. My wife was sitting in the chair across the room reading her nOOk™ when the lady and little girl came in to see me. The lady introduced herself and the girl as the victims I had saved. My wife was polite to them but mystified as to why I did it. My wife told them she would be going home soon as there is nothing for her to do. The hospital would status her with a daily phone call of my condition. I may be downgraded soon to 'Guarded condition', then moved into a ward. The lady cringed at what she just heard from my wife. Three days later when they came to move me to the ward the lady changed those plans by having me put into a private room with a 24/7 dedicated nurse. I never did find out why I was not shipped to the hospital nearest my home, I'm glad it never happen as my local county hospital sucks. This lady came to my room everyday and sat next to the bed as she read her slim-Notebook (with my USB inserted). The lady took it upon herself to pack up my belongings in my hotel room and moved me out. The hotel had mixed feelings about this but let her take my stuff - this lady had some type of mystery clout. And the hotel didn't mind me leaving since I was an ardent pain in their ass almost every week due to their housekeeping sucks. From week to week it was a game to find what had not been cleaned or what towels or sheets where not refreshed. Three weeks into my stay I suffered a bed-bug attack and those little buggers make welts that don't go away, they are like nocturnal crawling psycho mosquitoes from hell. My Google search uncovered an ugly truth about those damn bugs. For three years running the Cleveland area is the 13th worst USA City area for bed-bug infestations, _oh lucky me_. Why did I stay - well I could not find a furnished kitchenette room under $60/day. _I said I'm frugal._ **Me:** It is time to give you some of my background. I grew up in Northern Wisconsin the oldest of seven kids in a struggling blue-collar family. I became an avid hunter, archer, boater and overall outdoorsman obtaining the rank of 'Life' in Boy Scouts. I was a high school wrestler and set the school's weight lifting 'curl' record at 132#. I was a mediocre barely "C" student. In 1973, I became all too aware 'bullets do penetrate skin'. On TV the KIA/MIA numbers were posted daily on the evening news. It was also evident that Vietnam was a total White House failure. But in getting the lucky lotto number 'two' the military was clearly in my future, so I enlisted in the Navy. Why Navy? Well B52's were regularly falling out of the sky and Marines/Army draft targets, so I figured the farthest from bullets was the Navy and besides **the Navy has the very best electronics training,** my passion. I was right but I was also so very wrong too - the Navy did go inland, up shitty-creeks in unarmored little boats. Soon I discovered upon reporting aboard my first ship to find this 525' floating gray-hotel was full up, no racks at this inn. That same day 7th Fleet sent out an all Fleet Z-gram seeking volunteers. The old man (Commanding Officer/Capitan) volunteered me getting double kiss-ass-points, as I was a PO3-NCO (E4/Non-Commissioned Officer). While in Subic I got Navy marksman medals and I became a qualified coxswain (hey, I had to do something military while in Subic's transit barracks or be put on base working parties – since they gave NCO's a choice, I chose the fun stuff). I was thee newbie aboard, I was expendable, my year plus of electronics training meant nothing. Long and short I was flown to Clark AFB where they dressed me in greens, thanked me for volunteering to go to Nam. WHAT? Oh, shit Nam, damn. They put us through an accelerated pure hell Marine-AIT & SERE course. SERE was in the bug infested Luzon mountains with rubber-hose carrying Flips playing guards. After this fun I was sent TAD to a 'covert" flotilla of PBR's up shit-creek (and I was not even issued a paddle). Everything was OJT if you lived long enough. Yes, I did things I'm not proud of but I lived they didn't – bottom line, I survived. SVN could not be trusted to provide reliable taxi services. On hot rivers they turned tail stranding our guys. So our job was simple, taxi special force and LRRPs up/down-the-creek to near Cambodia so they could covertly booby-trap and sensor the Ho-Chi-Minh trail. Our river life expectancy was less than 3 weeks. The worst of it was in waning days of 1974/75, knowing the US was pulling out of Nam, to overcome the haunting of "could I be the last casualty in this failed war?" was daunting. All of us carried a personal 1911 pistol and we marked our last clip to insure we knew in a hot fire-fight it held our last seven rounds. One of those rounds was for me, as we were told all the POW's we would ever get, got out on 1973's Freedom flights. Years later when I transferred to shore duty again I was volunteered to be an Instructor – boot camp Company Commander (red & blue roper) that duty really sucked. A year later, I transferred to Armed-Force-Police/NIS where I got some good training that I use to this day. After ten years in this canoe club, surviving Nam, and peace time deflation, I had had enough and bugged out on the hump as a Chief Petty Officer/E7. I was hired out the Navy into aerospace as an Engineer (at four times my Navy pay and full medical for my family). I soon came to the realization to get ahead here you must have paper (degrees) so began decades of college night courses finally getting my Masters. That was a long road to travel. After 9/11, Ohio passed a law allowing Concealed-Carry; I was in the very first group to get the CCL. I took NRA courses becoming a Certified Instructor and in Personal Protection we train'situational awareness' know your surroundings. Keep an eye open even when you're distracted, know your environment, where are the exits, where is close cover, what doesn't look normal, what is out of place, what should you AVOID? Simple stuff, like an overly rowdy sports bar, get up and leave. I still mentally practice the what- if's; what-if this happens - what should I do? What can I use as a weapon (since I rarely ever carry my pistol)? **Hospital:** The breathing tube had been removed on the 3rd day when I was moved out of ICU. I had a feeding tube but I was losing weight fast and the doctors were mildly concerned, I was now just under 275 and falling. They attributed most of my weight loss to water and the liquid food diet. _Water is 35lbs per gallon, I must have shed over a gallon..._ _Good job Kev even if it wasn't by choice._ After 8 days in a coma I felt a presence, I opened my eyes to see a bright yellow ceiling and blue walls. I began hyperventilating as I did not know where I was. _But the smell –- it was the smell of 'hospital' – I quickly rationalized that smell means I'm not in heaven or hell_. My breathing got the attention of this strange lady sitting next to me. _She was really beautiful – stunning is a better word._ She jumped out of the chair, grabbed my hand, and began talking a mile a minute. I was very confused and it must have shown on my face – _who the hell is she, she's not dressed like a nurse._ She pushed the call button and continued talking, telling me her name, Brandilynne Salem-St George, but I should call her Brandy. _My thoughts drifted momentarily of my favorite Wisconsin drink, Brandy Old Fashion in the Green Street Tavern, then that song "Brandy" in the 70's that I'm sure was written for the sexy hot bartender named Brandy at National City's 'Brandy's bar' just up from gate-9, good memories._ In my haze I pulled off my CPAP mask so I could talk with a very parched sore throat, _I then vaguely realized who she was- it is the lady._ In a very raspy whisper I asked "how is the little girl"? The nurse, who just walked into my room and Brandy got ear-to-ear grins on their faces and were almost giddy. What I did not know was the fear of brain damage but my question dispelled all those concerns, instantly. Brandy said "her granddaughter is doing great and I am THEIR HERO." _That label embarrassed the hell out of me (the only hero's are those who did not come home from War). I never rescued them for heroics, I did it due to it needed to be done to save lives. Maybe her label should be 'STUPID CHAUVINIST', that would be far more accurate reflecting back to my antics. I could have gotten them all killed... I reacted to the moment and past training propelled me into this mindless action. I'm certainly not courageous!_ I motioned for water, my throat was so sore and so parched. I asked with a louder voice "what happened?" Both the nurse and Brandy said "we will talk later." Am I in trouble? I'm sure I killed one of them? Brandy stated "you're in no trouble, just rest." I asked how long have I been here? Brandy looked at the nurse and they said eight days. I exclaimed "what the hell, eight days, I've rested long enough –- I want answers, **NOWl!!"** Then I got was the infamous female stare down - the look, "if you say one more word, we'll gag you –- shut up." _All said to me subliminally via 'the look', that puts fear into sane men._ Just at that moment two doctors came waltzing in, both female, both young and both very cute. They introduced themselves as my neurologist and psychologist, then they proceeded to blind me with a flashlight and role a pin-wheel up my feet, legs and arms, that damn wheel hurts. Next was the little rubber hammer slaps on my joints. Then they bombard me with questions – I held my hand up and motioned for more water or I'm not talking. During these questions I noticed a tall man, in a crumpled suit, walked in standing near the door watching the doctors drilling me with questions. Brandy sat down and watched with an expression of confidence and annoyance. This man was obviously a cop I could see the bulge on his hip pushing his coat out, _my situational awareness had already kicked in_. And no one was alarmed at his presence so I figured he passed the 'he can be here rule of hospitals'. The two doctors huddled in the corner of the room talking. Brandy was clearly eavesdropped on their discussions. Then this cop approached me after one of the doctors gave him a head bob. ***** _I hope you enjoyed my first Part of my first story. I will pay attention to signed comments but not Annoy's. Annoy's have no standing – either sign them or remain irrelevant. Thanks, OB Part 1/8_ |
I'm addicted to cum, the taste, the texture, the smell, the stickiness, everything. And I have my wife to thank for that. She'd read somewhere about guys eating their own cum from the pussies of women they'd just fucked and what a powerful aphrodisiac it was for the women. Not so much the men because if you are a man you know that for all good intentions in perhaps wanting to eat your own joy juice, the post-orgasm blues just prevents you from doing it. Well, Beth, my wife, would have none of that. She was an experimenter, when she read something interesting she always wanted to try it. And one night after reading about this, and watching some clips of guys eating messy cunts on the internet, she wanted me to do it but I balked. "You wanna eat your cum from my hot cunt, doncha honey?" she barked in my ear as I pounded her one night, her long, muscular legs wrapped around my ribs and urging me on. "Honey," I groaned. "You know I wanna make you happy but you know what happens after I cum, we've talked about this before." "Yeah, I know," she hissed. "I know you can't make yourself do it...but I have a plan..." "What's that?" I moaned, approaching orgasm. "Cum in my pussy and you'll find out!" I dumped a huge load in her twitching cunt, exploding like never before and then went limp, slowly pushing in and out of her sloshy cunt as I licked her neck. Her thighs, however, held me to her and squeezed harder. "You know how you always say I got great legs?" she cooed into my ear, slowly taking my head in her hands and pushing me downward, loosening her thighs on my ribs. "Yeah?" I said cautiously. "Well now," she growled, suddenly and dominantly pushing my face into her sopping snatch and latching her thighs around my ears to hold me in place. "You'll find out what they're for!!" Beth's legs are brutally strong, as I was finding out, the 45-year-old blonde beauty is trim and athletic and now she had me in a crushing scissors, her thighs strapped around my ears, her gushing cunt on my mouth and I was being forced to eat my own cum from her as she howled in orgasm, the scissor tightening to the point of nearly knocking me out. I hesitated at first but then couldn't resist what with the way she was crushing me blind in her grip and I opened my mouth to accept the load she was pushing out for me. The taste was aromatic and not at all as unpleasant as I feared and as her orgasm mounted, and thighs tightened, I took great pleasure in giving her pleasure, and drove my tongue inside her hairy hole to scoop out what my sucking had missed. And that was my introduction to eating sperm.But it was just the beginning. We did it every time we fucked after that, or even after she'd blow me, her holding my hair in one hand and forcing her lips to mine to spit my entire load into my mouth, us swapping it back and forth until our faces were lathered with the thick blanket of my ball brew. And we loved it, both of us. We even did anal, me blasting a load into Beth's tight, muscular ass and her squatting on my face to ooze it into my sucking mouth, my lips sealing around her open ass ring to vacuum my spunk out before kissing and sharing it with her. IT was messy, it was nasty and I could not get enough. Then Beth decided to step it up to the next level. She called me from work one afternoon and said she was bringing Brad home for dinner, a cute, hunky young guy she worked with. "You don't mean..." I said. "Oh, I do mean," she growled. "It's time you tasted another man's cum, lover boy. You up for it?" I'd toyed with the idea of sucking another man's cock before but never acted on it. Then again, I'd never thought I'd be eating my own jizz from a woman's asshole, either. "Sure, I guess so," I sighed. "If it's what you want." "Oh, it is and you KNOW it's what you want, stud," she laughed. To make a long story short, we had a nice dinner, too much wine and shortly found ourselves in bed. Brad was gorgeous, blonde, blue eyed, smooth skinned and boasting a 10-inch meaty cock to die for, easily dwarfing my slender seven incher. Beth went wild over it, sucking it down her throat, kneading his big, hairless nuts in her hand as she blew him. I watched and stroked my own cock until Brad winked at me. "C'mon, give it a shot, stud," he smiled, hands behind his head as Beth's head bobbed up and down on his massive meat. "Beth told me about how you love the taste of cum, 'bout time you tasted someone else's doncha think?" I smiled and knelt by his thighs, rubbing his hard tits and watching Beth, who finally broke the blowjob to now stroke his slick dick in one powerful hand, aiming it at me. "Put it in your mouth, lover," she growled, jacking him and letting a dollop of pre-cum well up in the thick cockhead. "Taste this dick." I bent and licked, shuddering as I lapped at the head, tasting his pre-cum, then bobbing my head down on it. Beth and Brad laughed, and she cupped the back of my head in her hand and forced me down further until I nearly gagged. But I still deepthroated him and now used my own hand to jack him into my face, whipping my head up and down as he reached between my legs to stroke my cock. "Damn, he's a fucking pro for a first timer!" Brad laughed, slapping my ass with his other hand. "Look at the little cocksucker go!" Beth laughed and sat back, making out with the kid as they both watched me blow my first prick and minutes later, he stiffened and jetted a huge load into my mouth, filling my cheeks. He tasted great, different than my own sperm, but better. I swallowed some but then sat up smiling, a river of cum trickling out of the corners of my mouth. "Bring it here, stud," Brad hissed, strapping his hand around his still stiff prick as Beth giggled and straddled it, taking it in her insatiable pussy. He and I made out like teenage lovers, swapping cum and shooting it back and forth in our mouths as Beth went wild on his big dong, bouncing up and down on it like a cowgirl riding a busting bronco. FUCK IT'S SO BIG!" she screamed, twisting her own nipples and then bending forward to share Brad's hot cum among all three of us. "Rim her, eat your wife's asshole," Brad growled, pushing me away, a thick strand of cum bridging our lips. I got behind Beth and rammed my tongue into her tight ass as she pounded up and down on Brad's still stiff cock. She quivered her asscheeks and absorbed my face inside, me occasionally breaking free of her shivering shitchute to ram my tongue onto his big, bloated balls, anxious to coax a load from them. After 10 minutes of solid pounding, he bombed a load of hot cum into my wife's cunt. She pulled off his amazingly still-hard cock and pushed me to the bed. "Eat up, stud," she growled, parting her hairy lips and aiming the flow of his hot cream into my mouth. She sat on my face firmly and wiggled her slender hips, forcing the thick plugs of goop directly into my mouth. I gobbled it down, running the thick cream around my mouth, savoring its sweetness before swallowing. By the time she was done using my face for her own cum-cleaning pleasure and let me out from under her cunt, she was sucking Brad's cock. "Damn, stud, you ever go soft?" I laughed, kneeling next to Beth and taking turns whipping his massive cock into my mouth. "Not with service like this, I don't," he laughed. Moments later, in what Beth said was my reward, I was behind Brad pounding his muscular young ass, my cock slicing in and out of his tight butt while Beth lay at his face to let his talented tongue bring her to an endless stream of orgasms. She looked over him to me and smiled. "Cum in his asshole, lover," she hissed. "And then suck it out!" That triggered one of the most explosive orgasm I'd ever had as I scorched the kid's bowels with my tongue and hurriedly pushed my face to his dripping ass to suck my cream out of the gaping hole, going after it deeply and wetly, like a madman, jerking my head back and forth, my tongue scouring his butt walls in search of my own sperm. They laughed as I wiggled my face into his ass so deep Beth couldn't even see my eyes as they were covered by the smooth, sweaty flesh of his gorgeous ass. "Damn, the boy's got the cum bug big time," he laughed as the three of us sat up and made out. And on and on it goes. Beth's come home from girls nights out, after banging a few guys and holding their collective cum in her cunt and ass, waking me up to make me eat out the spongy, nasty loads. She's had me cum in the same condom over and over, freezing it and thawing it out in her cunt after I'd put in a dozen loads, and then dumping the collected confluence of cum into my mouth. I couldn't get enough of cum, my own or others, and the highlight of our sex life so far was the time at a party where she gangbanged a dozen guys and I was there to clean up the drops of every single one of them from her cunt, her ass, her mouth, her tits. I am a cum addict. And I wouldn't have it any other way. I sleep with my gardener as well. I hadn't really thought about it much until we moved to our present area. The new garden needed a lot of work and effort put into it to change it from wilderness to respectable. Me - I just like pottering - my wife likes 'gardening' as she puts it. The family joke started when, early that spring, I was doing some of the heavy work Pam can't manage. It was early evening and I was on my own out the front of our plot. It's a reasonable size and I was out of earshot of the house. While I was leaning on my rake having a breather an old dear I'd never seen before stopped to talk. I should add that when I work on the garden I tend to be archetypal scruffy, more like a bum. It wasn't until afterward that I realised just how much so on this occasion. "I'm glad to see that someone is doing something about the mess at last." She said. "It's been making the neighbourhood look down at heel." It was then I realised that she must have taken me for the hired help, rather than the owner. In typical fashion she ploughed on without waiting for comment - "it's so difficult to find a 'good' gardener these days!" I grunted something to the effect that it was difficult, especially with the cost of pay that was required. She looked at me closely: "What do you charge?" she asked. "Five dollars an hour" I responded, off the top of my head - I didn't know the going rate! "That's very reasonable," she said, "Do you have a card so that I might call you if I need some help?" Now at this point my sense of humour began to get the better of me, I should just have let the matter drop. "No," I said. " But then I doubt if you would be willing to make up the same perks of the job anyway." "Oh I'm sure we could come to some arrangements," she said, "I mean I could supply plenty of refreshments and a midday meal as well." "Ah yes," I said, " But I gets to sleep with the mistress of the house as well." Okay, I know. I shouldn't have said it but she was beginning to bug me by then. She took a moment for this gem to be absorbed, me leaning on the rake, she standing with her mouth hung open. Then she decided she had heard right - spluttered something into thin air, coloured up and strode off muttering to herself. As I turned back to the job in hand I thought smugly to myself 'that'll keep the local brigade talking for a bit.' My other half came round the corner at the trot. "Damn!" She said, "I wanted to catch Mrs Digby, I was told she was the person to speak to over the plans for the school extension - she's the Head of Governors you know." At this point my comment didn't seem quite so good, but what the hell - so I related the story. Now it has to be said that my lady has a sense of humour that is only slightly less wicked than mine. Fortunately she saw the funny side and went on "Well you could have told her that you sleep with the taxi-driver, the cook, the bottle washer and the hairdresser as well." "I'll store that up and use it next time" I said - "It'll give the old bat something to talk about anyway - if she dares." Pam muttered something about having to face the old - "girl."I'll never be able to look her in the eye." Laughing still, I said "You'll think of something." In bed that night we were still chuckling at the thought of Mrs Digby's reaction. Our lovemaking was more intense than it had been for a little bit. In fact I was jumped on! Pam called me 'the gardener' and told me that I ought to be able to'make that thing grow and do a little rooting around'. Her kisses started from my forehead, worked their way down my chest and headed south. As Pam was on top this meant that I was able to inspect a ripe pair of peaches on the way past, and very nice they tasted too. As she moved on down and engulfed my penis with her delightful lips, she pressed home her advantage and I was treated to wild honey pie - my favourite. A quick explosion from herself as I managed to eat her centre was followed by her spinning round and impaling herself on me. We both came together, me just a half stroke ahead, tasting each others juices on our lips as the ecstasy took our breath away. As we were drifting off to sleep Pam said "That was good. Perhaps next time I'll be the hairdresser." I was amused. It was almost the first time Pam had admitted to having any fantasies - she didn't need them she said, or perhaps she just felt she didn't want to upset me. Me - sometimes I did fantasise about the hairdresser - Jill was a drink on a stick, but I didn't really want Pam to know that I thought that way. I would have loved to bed Jill, but well, relaxed marriage or not I had never had the chance. I didn't think Jill would reciprocate my lust anyway. In fact Pam does my hair; It was one of those things she had wanted to master earlier in life and never had the chance. Jill ran an evening course at the local school, there were some spaces left so Pam had joined and been properly taught. That was all some months ago. The fun really started last night though. Pam had a phone call from a friend who had moved to a new house about twenty miles away. They hadn't seen each other for a couple of months and Sheila asked Pam over that evening. I was planning a report for the office so I didn't mind, it would let me work at home without being disturbed. After about an hour there was a ring at the front door. Wondering who it might be I went to answer and found Jill, the hairdresser stood there with arms full, as usual, of hairdressing kit. Rather than have her stand on the door I invited her in. As she stepped past the mat she caught her toe and I suddenly had my arms full of hairdressing accoutrements and one delectable hairdresser. It caught me off balance and I fell flat on my back on the floor with Jill on top, bits and pieces crashing everywhere. As we lay there, me underneath, winded and trying to catch my breath she half climbed off, looked back, leaned forward and kissed me full on the mouth. "I'm not wasting that opportunity, I don't get many these days" she said. I remembered then that Pam had said that Jill was'resting' between affairs as it were. "Where's Pam?" She continued. "Out for the evening - she wasn't expecting you." I replied. "Bugger!" said Jill, "Didn't she mention our conversation?" My blank look as I sat up and got my breath back was enough response. "I asked if I might cut your hair tonight, I want to try a new style for the class. It needs hair like yours to work with and I think you'll like it. Pam offered you as a model." Now slow on the uptake I am not and the thought of this rather lovely vision bobbing around nice and close definitely appealed. The hell with the office report, Jill could groom me to her hearts content, and I said so. Shutting the front door, I turned and picked up the assorted bits that Jill had dropped, carried them into the kitchen and put them on the table. As she got ready I put the CD in the corner on, just something background nondescript, I don't remember what, filled the coffee pot and set it going. Jill laughed." We like our salon comforts then?" Before I put on the proffered protective top I took my shirt off - she looked a little surprised until I said, "I hate hair clippings down inside my collar, anyway Pam should have told you." "Told me what?" said Jill. "I always have my hair done topless." Jill grinned "No chance buster!" She combed things into place for a quick look, moved me over to the kitchen sink, removed my glasses, bent me over and washed my hair. Having finished she put a large towel round me, covered me over and sat me back down. She moved back a bit and I heard her pick up her comb and scissors again as I dried things off a bit. "Not too dry" she said and took the towel away. She took my breath away as well. Six inches in front of my eyes were a lovely pair of naked tits, nipples sharpening in the breeze. "So I changed my mind, Sven. Just look - no touchies - I know you and Pam are liberally minded, but don't think that that goes for me. Just look!" The grin on my face had obviously spoken volumes. Before she could say anything or start styling I held her bum lightly and pulled her forward a fraction and kissed both of her nipples very quickly before she stopped me. She gasped and dropped the comb into my lap where it landed on my rising erection. "Now see what you've done" she said. "No see what you've done," I replied as her fingers touched the rapidly increasing bump in my trouser front. Her fingers lingered for a second, her eyes slightly wide, her mouth open a little. She looked at me and I kissed her properly. She sat down suddenly onto my lap and putting her arms behind my head kissed me. As her tongue sought mine, thoughts of hair styling receded. I undid the snap of her skirt and she stood up quickly and took it off, hanging it over the back of one of the other chairs. She sat back down on my lap, facing me, a leg either side and kissed me again. After a moment or two I stood up and she stepped back. She kissed me again as she undid my trouser belt, bending quickly she slid them off, pants and all. She gasped slightly as I bounced free, then I gasped as she captured the head of my penis in her mouth slurping at it rather than kissing. As she let go and stood back up, we held each other close, my burgeoning erection now uncomfortably hard and busy trying to burrow its way home. I slid my fingers inside her panties and slid them down to a point where she kicked them off. As she stood in front of me I sat back down on the chair kissing my way down her front as I did. I reached the point of her delta and realised that her trimmed centre was wet, that lovely fount begging to be dipped into. Without hesitation I sipped, my tongue lapping at Jill's beautiful honey pot. When she couldn't take any more she moved forward and sat down again in my lap, carefully positioning herself to touch the tip of my straining cock before anything else. I gasped as she sat on top, sliding me into her hot, slippery, grasping depths in one continuous flowing motion. She kissed me again, working her tongue and clenching muscles deep inside her at the same time. Our breathing grew ragged as we reached the edge, and then felt as if it stopped as we fell over the precipice of orgasm. I spasmed once, twice, three times as I emptied my soul into this delectable creature speared on my being. Then we both went limp and I had to stop her from falling off. "Jeesus H!" Jill exclaimed as she breathed for the first time in what seemed an age. "I'm not used to that strength of coffee or whatever it was caused that. I don't think I could stand too many at that Richter level." I kissed her gently before I said "Didn't Pam tell you, I always sleep with my hairdresser. Don't you?" Dear Danny, I'm missing you so much. I know I always said that our long-distance relationship would only work if we are completely honest with each other, so there's something I need to tell you. I just tried phoning you but didn't get an answer, so thought I should write this before I change my mind about telling you. I slept with somebody else. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do it and I still really love you and I hope you will forgive me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It was after that lecture I told you about. There was a visiting speaker coming to the university to give an evening lecture on Shakespeare. Paul Oxborne (my tutor) was organising it, so I thought it would be good to go along and show my face – maybe it will get me few extra works on my next paper. In fact, I was showing rather more than my face. I wore that yellow t-shirt (the'melons shirt', as you called it) with my Wonderbra, so I was feeling quite bouncy as I walked there. It was raining, so I got a little bit wet, but if it takes a few inches of damp cleavage to make sure I pass this year I'm going to do it: (I'm sure Cassie only gets such good marks because she's got such fat boobs). Last night, Cassie was out with the horseriding society, so I went to the lecture by myself. It was the usual dreary crowd – lots of old academics with nowhere better to be on a Monday evening. A few English Lit students and a few drama students turned up, but not many. I had no idea who the lecturer was. Her name had been on posters all over the department for weeks, but I hadn't done any research or looked up any of her work. At the beginning of the lecture Paul introduced her with all the usual formalities - "....a pleasure to introduce... an esteemed young writer... respected academic... many reputable periodicals... hope you enjoy... Doctor Tiffany Hart...". What he didn't tell us was that Doctor Tiffany Hart was beautiful. Everyone in the room gasped as strutted onto the stage, her bright eyes sparkling almost as much as the tiny bejewelled watch on her left wrist. I know you and I disagree on what makes a woman attractive, but even you would agree that she was completely stunning. She must have been in her late twenties or early thirties. She was a little below average height, but I would not have been more impressed if a giantess had taken the stage. She had gorgeous dark brown hair, coming to just below her shoulders, and she ran her fingers through it before she started speaking. "Good evening," she said, "it is my pleasure to be here tonight". Her words danced gracefully from her soft lips, yet every syllable was clear, every T pronounced so sharply you could almost see the tip of her tiny tongue flicking across her palate, every vowel was clean and rounded. I wish I could speak like that. She was wearing a dark brown jacket over a soft-cream linen blouse, with a three-quarter-length black skirt and brown leather boots – not kinky, but practical, with a burnished buckle mid-way up the calf. She was utterly, completely, jaw-droppingly, breathtakingly, gorgeous. I can't remember much of what she said – lots about Shakespeare, and the queer subtext in Macbeth or something. Me, and most of the other people, were just awestruck by her – she was so confident, so passionate about her subject, and so beautiful. We sat in silence, for an hour, until she finished. Paul stood up, thanked everyone for coming, and invited everyone back to the Mandela room for drinks. I swooned into the room with the crowd, took a glass of cheap red wine from the table, mingled for a bit, then found myself somehow standing next to Doctor Tiffany. Stern eyes watched me as I turned to her, various professors hoping I wouldn't say anything foolish. "Hi," I said. "Hello," she smiled. Perfect lips, perfect teeth, "are you a student here?". "Yes, second year English lit, specialising in Renaissance drama." "What did you think of the lecture?" "That was fascinating," I gushed, "I love the way you speak, you're just so confident – I wish I could come across with so much confidence". "It's easy," she said, lowering her voice to a whisper, "It's really easy... when you have to speak just imagine everyone in the audience is completely naked- they're far less scary like that." "I imagine they're much more scary naked," I said, glancing around at the ageing, paunchy, pasty-white academics. She looked around the room, sipped her wine and smiled again, "yeah, you're right." "Most of them were doing the same to you," I said. "Doing what?" I paused: "Imagining you naked." She blushed, a rosy glow through her cheeks. "Really?" she asked, in mock innocence, running her hand through her hair. "You're like porn to these guys," I told her, "a beautiful woman who knows about Shakespeare". She took off her jacket again, pushing her little breasts forward again her linen shirt. "I don't know why I bother with the lecture," she laughed. I'm sure you don't want a word-for-word repeat of our whole conversation, so I'll say we sat together for a while on one of the bid brown sofas, drank rather too much wine and talked about Shakespeare, and shoes, and shirts. The academics slowly left until there were just the two of us left on the sofa, giggly with wine. "So, what did I look like?" I asked eventually. "What do you mean?" "When you were imagining us naked" "Do I have to answer that?" "Yes." "Okay, I probably shouldn't say this. You've got great breasts. I always wanted breasts like those" I smiled, not sure of how to react. There was an awkward pause. "I think we've drunk too much," she said, "I'd best be driving back" "You can't drive like that," I told her, "you've drunk too much." "I'm okay," she said, standing up unsteadily. "No, you can't" "But I need somewhere to stay," she said, sitting back on the sofa, "the hotel's miles away." I know I could have suggested getting a taxi or something, but it was really raining, and my halls were only about five minutes away. "You could stay at my place," I offered. "If you're sure about it?" "Yeah, no problem – it's only the student halls." I nodded, and she kissed me. Just a brush of her lips against my cheek, but it was wonderful. I hadn't been expecting it, but it was amazing. "Let's go." We each stole a bottle of wine from the table, and walked out into the night. The rain was much heavier than before – soaking our hair, running through our clothes, down our bodies. After half a minute we were soaked, and knew we couldn't get any wetter. We ran together, through the storm. We got back here, and scampered up the stairs to my room. "I'm soaked," said Tiffany, taking off her boots at the doorway, "could I borrow a towel?" I took two white towels out of my drawer, and handed one to her. We dried our faces and hair. Then she slipped off her trousers – not in a sexy way – just to dry her legs. She started rubbing the towel gently up and down them. "It's just like the old days," she said, sitting on my bed, "half naked in a student room, two bottles of cheap wine in me." She took off her shirt and dried her back and stomach. I was comfortable with her, so I took my t-shirt off and began to dry myself too. It wasn't anything sexy – more like a sports changing room. We were aware of each other, but not looking too much. I took my jeans off, wishing that I'd worn better underwear, and began to dry my legs. "So," she said, looking across my bookshelf, "you're taking the socio- historial approach to Renaissance drama." I didn't want to admit to her that I hadn't read any of the books, and that most of my knowledge comes of Wikipedia. "Yeah, I'm not really sure which approach to go with – there's so many different ways to look at things, and I find it really limiting that there are these set ways – you'know, you must take the anthropological approach, or the socio-historial approach, of the literal approach or whatever." She was obviously used to undergrads talking shit at her. "They're pretty," she said, distracted by my knickers. They were nothing special – pink with flowers picked out around the top – I've had them for years. "Thanks," I said, and looked to return the compliment. Her underwear had taken far more thought. The bra was a black lacy thing – not too fussy, but enough to show that she'd put a lot of thought into choosing it. It hadn't shown through her shirt, but was enough to really draw attention to her boobs. The panties matched, both in black. They were high-leg French briefs, covering her little round arse. I know you probably wouldn't understand the detail, but they looked good. "I get these in Paris," she said, "when I was teaching there last year?" "They're lovely," I said. She slipped off the bra, and began to dry her breasts. "It would probably be to small for you," she added, "I'm only a b-cup." Her breasts were gorgeous. You know I'm not into this sort of stuff, but they were plump and pert. Her nipples were beautiful. "You've got great boobs," I said She smiled. "Have you got a shirt I could borrow?" she asked, "I don't want to get cold.". "You could get under the duvet," I suggested. "Only if you'll join me." I'm not sure what happened next, but suddenly we were in the bed kissing each other, her lips pressed against mine, her hot little tongue in my mouth, her tight warm body pressing against me. Her hands slipped down my back and all over my ass. I was feeling so horny I just went with it – I couldn't stop myself. I could feel her ripe little naked breasts pressing through my bra. My nipples were really hard, like they get when I'm fucking you. She slipped her hand down my body, and started to stroke my pussy. "Is that okay?" she asked "Yeah," I purred. She was breathing loudly, and I matched my breath to hers. I slipped my hand down, and began to stroke her nipples. Slowly at first, then pinching one between my fingertips, smooth and rubbery, hardening under my touch. I know being drunk is no excuse, but I was. I slipped under the sheets and began touching the nipple with my tongue, flicking back and forth over it. "God that's amazing," she said, "do the other one." I moved across, feeling her nipple harden as my lips found it, kissing, licking, tugging with my teeth. "Ohgod," she moaned, "you're amazing." To be honest, I really wasn't sure what I was doing. I've never really done that stuff before, so I just did what I enjoy people doing to me. Now it was my turn to be amazed. Her fingers were still moving, spreading and stroking me. I wasn't really getting into it yet, but she moved further back. I'll show you exactly where tomorrow. Then she went down on me. Yes, she went down and ate my pussy. It was awesome. You know how much I'm into that, and she was amazing. She started off softly, just nuzzling against me, then wiggling her tongue in. I'd hate to think what she thought of me, but I was just just squirming and squealing and pressing her face into me. She came up again, licking her lips. I kissed her cheek, she rolled over, and slept, exhausted, breathing gently. This morning I woke up and she was gone. There was an empty coffee cup on the side, and a scrap of paper with her phone number on it. "Thanks for last night," it said, "you are delicious. my number is... Tiff x" So, that's what happened. I hope you can forgive me. I want to make it up to you on Friday night, and I've got an idea. I know you've always had a thing for Cassie, and I've spoken to her, and she'll make it a threesome, if that's what you want. I've seen the way you look at her. I've cheated on you, it seems only right that you should screw someone else. Let me know what you think. Jess x |
Alice is a very rare kind of sexually exciting young woman. She just turned 20. Her unhappy school days are finally now behind her and she has just got her first job as a receptionist to a country doctor. An only child, she lives with her bachelor uncle Bernie, a very religious man 50 years old who has been her guardian since she lost both parents in an air crash when she was just starting school. He promised to be her guardian until she turns 21, after which time he feels sure she will find her own destiny in life based on his well intended religious teachings and puritan ideals. They live together in a modest cottage five miles out of the town proper in heavily wooden terrain where the birdlife and small mammals run free. It is nature at its best. It is the kind of life uncle Bernie aspires to, and has educated Alice to also enjoy. He has watched her mature slowly into a beautiful young woman and is proud of the way he has carefully guarded her upbringing, her safety, and provided the much needed natural love and affection without ever once taking advantage of her pure innocence. Uncle Bernie, being an old fashioned man unaware of how modern young women think in a free society and where many of Alice's schoolmates were hardly even half as religious or pure in their thinking as Alice, is oblivious to the fact that while she is a mature young woman at 20, she is very naïve. For the past few years at school Alice would hear her classmates exchanging sometimes lurid stories about their boyfriends, and the poor girl realised just how out of touch she was. Uncle Bernie had never discussed sex education with her and soon she will be 21 without a hint that he can help her understand how boys think about sex. To compound a real dilemma Alice must face, she not only lacks real world knowledge in preparing for future relationships, she doesn't even look her age. She lacks confidence about her figure, but never admits this to her uncle who says she is simply pure and beautiful. She hates her figure and wishes the Lord would have been more gracious to her. Standing in front of her bathroom mirror she stares unhappily at the sight. She is only 4 feet 10 inches, way shorter than women her age. She has a shapely, but tiny figure with just an 18-inch waist and 32-inch hips. Her breasts are almost non-existent, measuring just 30 around her narrow back and flat chest. The only sign of life in her maturity as a woman is that God blessed her with big puffy nipples and are not only wide, but mounted high off her flat chest, forming peaks with prominent nipples. It is the only thing about her sexuality she likes. Her pussy is her biggest worry. It is so small that she fears she will never be able to have a proper relationship with a man later in life. She is convinced it hasn't altered one bit in size since she turned 13 and had to remove the first signs of hair growing there. Uncle Bernie always said her body should always be kept free of hair -- except for her head -- as a sign of purity. Since then Alice has been obsessed with puritan ideals and never lets hair grow down there. He told her she must never touch herself "down below" as that is giving in to the devil and can infect her mind. He would read scriptures bedside at night to put her to sleep with her thoughts free of sin. Uncle Bernie is her hero. She likes the way he wants her to be innocent, not like some of the more wanton young women of the village, and insists she keep her silken blonde hair in pigtails. While he is preparing dinner this night, Alice gets out of the shower and studies her figure again in the mirror, always hoping to see new sign of life in the size of her breasts and her small but cute hairless pussy. Because of her inexperience, she does not know that her clitoris is quite large by body proportion and that the clitoris hood is the only part that emerges a tiny way out of the crack above her hidden vagina. Her vagina lips are tight and do not protrude from the crack in her pussy like many women's do. This also upsets her because the small size of her pussy, especially without hair, looks just like it did when she was a kid. Some 10 years later, she can't understand why the Lord has been so unfair to her. She once tried to complain to uncle Bernie who took a quick look and admonished her for complaining. "Dear Alice," she can still hear him saying. "The good Lord gave you the kind of beauty you are meant to have. Not to be like others, but to be you. There is nothing to complain about. You are meant to look natural so be proud of that." Even though she is very attractive with a beautiful shaped face, bright blue eyes, brilliantly white perfectly formed teeth, she had to endure years of being called baby face at school. At least that part of her life is now over and no one has called her baby face for the past 18 months. But getting her first job was very hard, being turned back time and time again because she looked so immature. It was only her uncle's intervention that got the doctor to hire her after weeks of anguish. With her youngish looking face, short height, and minute figure and no noticeable tits, she was often misjudged by would-be employers as trying to put her age up just to get a job. They weren't interested in finding out she was leaving her teems. Not starting them! Soon her uncle will allow her to go out unescorted but she dreads any boy wanting to make love to her, as much as she wants that to happen. Listening to her classmates at school talk in the final semester, she can't imagine a boy getting his penis inside her and she would be the joke of the village. She decides to put her problem to her new boss, the doctor. At least he is in a position, she thinks, to judge better than anyone as he sees female genitals as part of his work even though most of his patients are old people. In her first two weeks working for him, not one person close to her age has been to the doctor's consulting rooms. As she tidies her desk up at rhe end of business today, she confronts the doctor, a tall handsome married man in his 40s who always seems totally relaxed. "Doctor, I think I have a problem but I am; afraid to ask about it," she blurts out. "Why is that Alice? he asks curiously, "You look perfectly well to me. Is someone bothering you?" "Well sir, as you know I've just turned 20 and my uncle helped me to get this job with you after I was rejected time and time again for looking too young to be taken seriously. I know I don't look my age but that's not my fault, it's how God made me." "Is that all Alice? If that's a problem, it will soon pass. Don't worry about it. You are a bright, very attractive young lady and I for one think the pigtails hairstyle looks good with your blonde coloured hair. Yes, you don't look your age but that applies to a lot of people. You are not alone in that regard. You know, there are some people who are 50 that only look like they are in their thirties. I am employing you and I know you will be 21 in 12 months. You have a good secure job here" "Well sir, there is something else. It's not just about looking too young to be taken at my real age, but worse. I am afraid to go out with boys in case they want sex and because I am a tiny build I think my pussy is too small for that." The doctor looks surprised. "Really? Alice I do think you are exaggerating your fears now. You are 20 and all girls your age are made for love. You are quite normal but you are letting your fears take control of you." "No sir, I really mean it. I need your opinion. There is only my uncle I can talk to and he is not as experienced as you in these things. Can you help me? "Do you wane me to take a look and give you an opinion?" "Yes please. I do so much want to be like the other girls my age dating boys, some are even going out with men 10 years older than them and I feel like a kid freak. I don't think my pussy has grown at all since I first really took an interest in it when I was 13 and started getting some hair growing down there." "Alice you must put these thoughts out of your mind. If it makes you feel better I will have a look since you insist. I will go wash my hands while you undress. Just hop up on the examination table when you are ready." When the doctor returns Alice is lying on the table completely naked. She is unconcerned that she undressed more than they needed to, as this is how she always laid on top of her bed sheets every night as uncle Bernie read scriptures to her in the belief his readings and her look of purity somehow intertwined to make her a more wholesome person. Apart from looking at her nudity, he never once laid a finger on her. "Oh, I didn't expect you to take everything off but now you are fully undressed just lie back and I'll give you a thorough examination," said the doctor. He has to be careful not to bruise her confidence any further but he is genuinely surprised that indeed, fully undressed, she doesn't look anywhere near 20. She is short; her figure is very trim but not skinny. Body fat in the right places, her breasts are nowhere near developed for her age although her broad puffy nipples are chunky and adult size. A first glance between her thighs reveals the truth of her story. Her pussy is indeed quite small. It is graced however by a high and wide pubic mound but overall, her vulva is short just like it was before she became a teenager. Unlike some young women her age whose vagina lips protrude out of the crack, hers are totally hidden. The only sign of maturity on the outside is her clitoris hood, which emerges partially from above her vagina. Her legs are shapely with good bulk around the thighs but simply not long. Before he examines the condition of her vagina he turns her on to her stomach and checks the shape of her buttocks. They are solid and firm enough, not short of the necessary full cheeks support they are made for. He parts her legs and squeezes upwards in repeating movements the inside lower parts of her buttocks near her pussy to force her outer vulva and inner vagina lips to open outwards. He does this about 10 times. He notes that her back is narrow across the shoulder blades and her arms quite slim with small hands. By all definitions Alice is a kid's body in a mature young woman. He sees nothing wrong with that, ironically the same as her uncle Bernie. He turns Alice over on her back again and parts her legs. Her hairless petite pussy is so smooth it gives him the impression it has never grown hair at all. As a doctor this does interest him. He runs his fingers around the inside of her vagina and moves his fingers up to her clitoris which is very much 20 year-old in size. "Well that's a good sign, your clitoris is quite healthy and probably bigger than normal for your body size," he tells her. :"Now, I am going to feel around inside your vagina for a few minutes and see if you respond normally" Alice braces herself, as this is new to her. He pushes her legs wider. She shuts her eyes as she can feel his fingers inside her, probing about. She jumps a little when he touches her clitoris. "Can you feel that, what I am doing now," he asks. "Yes sir, it is very sensitive. No it doesn't hurt, it just makes me goose bumpy" He does it again and she jerks slightly on the table. "Ooh," she exclaims. "I felt that. It feels quite strange." "Did it hurt or frighten you," he queried. "No sir, but it felt like nothing I have ever felt before, It was quite nice though." He feels around her clitoris again. Alice gives a low moan. "This is feeling nice, is it?" he asks. She nods. He keeps doing it a bit longer to make sure of her responses. She is squirming about rather unflatteringly on the table so he takes his fingers away. "Alice, your responses to manual stimulation down there is quite reasonable and typical of someone your age. Nothing wrong with that part of your equipment." "But what about the part where a man puts his thing inside me? Doctor what about the size of my pussy? Will I have any troubles with it being so small?" "Alice, let me try to explain. Your pussy is very small from an outward point of view. Yes, it looks like it probably looked when you were about 11 but you are now 20 and inside your pussy a lot of changes have taken place. While your entrance is small compared to some women your age, God made women very flexible down there to expand quite wide when needed to, and taking a man's penis becomes a natural function. Obviously though, it helps when the vagina is properly lubricated and your own body oils do that when you get aroused." "Well sir, I understand you are trying to make me feel better about all that but what happens when one day I have to find out and it is not that easy and I am embarrassed?" "Alice, you are not the same size down there; well, not on the inside anyway. You just think you are. The inside flexibility is what matters most and of course, how your boyfriend prepares you. Look Alice, I will do you a very special favour, I will show you, demonstrate it to you if you like, with your permission" "What will you do exactly, sir?" "I will put my penis inside you to show you can take a man down there and end once and for all your fears. But you must not tell anyone I am doing this as it would be most embarrassing for you if anyone found out." "Oh sir, I wouldn't want anyone to know, not even my uncle Bernie. Please show me. I must know I am as good as the other girls my age." Alice watches her employer pull down his pants and take off his briefs. This is an experience she has never had in her life and it somehow fascinates her, especially when she sees his eight-inch thick erection bounce out of his undies and stand upright. "Oh sir, that will never fit in me. It's so big." "Alice, firstly I want you to tell me you want me to put it in you. Consent please.' "Yes sir, please put it in me." He moves level with her face. "It will help if you slick it up with your mouth. I will put it in your mouth first and you close your lips around the knob end and slide it back and forth between your lips. Try it." As she grips one hand around his shaft he moves his fingers to her cunt and starts massaging it to get her ready for penetration. Alice keeps sucking and is starting to slobber on his big piece of meat so she stops and says in a quivering voice," Sir I think I have got it nice and slippery for you now." "Yes Alice, that is very good now lie back and open your legs wider for me; I am going to pull your over to the edge of the table to access your pussy". Her cunt is still throbbing from the way he expertly aroused her juices. Her smallish vagina is now relaxed and ready for him. He sways her naked body around to the edge of the table, pushing both knees well apart and puts his oiled knob to the inviting entrance. Alice stares down between her legs, wanting to see what happens. Not even her uncle Bernie whom she trusts so dearly has ever been like this with her. Slowly, ever so slowly, he pushes his thick manhood into her, inch by inch. The head is right inside and Alice sees it disappearing inside her. She squeals in delight. "Ooh, oh, oh, I can feel it. I can feel it," she whimpers in a happy voice. "It is going inside me. It fits. This is so exciting." He pushes more and retracts his movements to almost pull out of her. Then he plunges it in all eight inches to his balls and just stays there, holding her firmly around her bare buttocks. "Alice I am completely inside you now. My cock is probably as big or more likely bigger than your first boyfriend's. Can you feel me inside you? "Yes sir, I can feel it. It feels so huge. It seems to fill me up." "Does it feel good Alice?" "Oh yes sir. It feels wonderful, this has never happened to me before" The doctor continues to slowly slide his member in to its hilt and start a very slow stirring motion "Alice, guess what?" "What sir? "Look down at your pussy. See how wide open your pussy lips are now. See how big my penis is. It is quite thick isn't it and you are taking it full length, full width right up inside you as far as it can go and it doesn't hurt. You see, your pussy is made for this" "Oh sir, I feel so good, please leave it inside me. Give me some more of this. It feels incredible when I can feel it moving this way and that like you are brushing the side of me inside." "See Alice, like I told you, it's a young girl's sized pussy but because you are old enough now you can enjoy a full size man's cock like any other girl. Be very pleased about that because you are especially lucky." "What do you mean, sir?" "Well Alice, your pussy, quite frankly is incredibly tight because of its size yet it is capable of taking a large penis. Because it is tight it grips the man's penis all the tighter as he slides it in back and forth. This adds much greater sensation, and by that I mean pleasure, to the man making love to you. It is really better for you, too" "Do all men like tight pussies sir, or just you?" "Oh heavens Alice Every man, no matter how young, how old or how experienced he is, will much prefer to be inside a really tight pussy. "Alice, let's stop talking. I am going to fuck you hard now and I want you to let yourself go, knowing you are allowed to enjoy this as being part of a grown up woman's right." His rock hard shaft's pulsating thrusts get faster and faster as the new receptionist leans back panting louder and louder, her eyes rolled back, her head tilted backwards. She is experiencing the greatest joy of her life. Nothing has ever felt anything like this before. She sways her small shoulders left and right, her tiny body seemingly crushed under his bulk, bouncing, twisting as his cock enjoys her virgin flesh. There is no blood. Her hymen was broken when doing high jumps at the high school sports day three years ago. Her short slender legs, knees raised up and outwards, seem out of proportion to his considerably greater height and body size. Her puffy nipples are darker coloured and very erect sticking out like she has never seen them this way before. Alice is driven -- literally driven by his hard thrusting cock -- into an uncontrolled state of sexual arousal that makes her tremble. It starts as a weird ripple, then becomes a wave, then rolling waves crashing through her, "Oh my! Oh my! Oh my! Oh my dear God! "Aaaarrrgh!" He feels her body shake and then suddenly stiffen in a spasm of orgasmic delight with a piercing scream Yeeeeeaaahhh! He pulls his masculine eight inches of meat out of her sloppy vagina and it spurts a thick wad of white goo across her unsuspecting face and over her nipples. He moves quickly to smear it evenly over her face and towards her partly open mouth where thick sperm is dribbling over her bottom lip and down her chin. "This is what you must do when your boyfriend does this. I am just showing you so you know what to expect. And won't be embarrassed later," he lies. Alice licks the sperm from around her lips and swallows much of it as there is simply too much to wipe into her face. "Oh my, oh my," she gasps. "Alice do you now believe you can be fucked easily?" "Oh yes sir. Now you have shown me, I feel more confident now, My uncle was going to show me when I turn 21 and I must not tell him about this as he so dearly wants to educate me in his own way. He doesn't think I am ready until I am 21." "Well Alice I agree you should not tell him as he could get very mad at you and even embarrass you in front of other people. That wouldn't be nice, so you will keep it a secret won't you?" "Yes doctor. You know you can trust me and I can trust you. Thank you so much for showing me I am just as good down there as other women and thank you so much for all the pleasure you gave me." They both get dressed and as Alice is about to leave for home, he puts a hand on her shoulder. "Alice, I've been thinking. What we did just then is meant to simply show you that you are quite normal. But your pussy needs to be trained more so that when your time comes with a boy, you will be truly receptive. I suggest I book you in for repeat treatment on the last Friday of each month at the same time." Alice nods agreement. "Yes doctor, just in case I forget how to react. Some practice will help me. I do thank you for being so considerate." "Alice it is important now I have stretched your vagina, that I maintain the stretching for a full 12 months, a total of 12 consultations counting tonight. It will require me teaching you how to enjoy bing fucked in a whole variety of positions. Sometimes, for example, you will be on top of me and that position is for the deepest possible penetration. This will be necessary so you can be ready for any man, any size. In fact, I can assure you that your tiny little body is quite sexy to any man and by the time we finish this therapy you pussy will be able to accommodate a penis much thicker and longer than mine." She gives the doctor a peck on the side of his face and shakes his hand. "Thank you so much doctor, you have restored a lot of my self confidence. Already I feel that me being so girlish like is not going to stop men from wanting me. I do so look forward to your next treatment." He smiles accordingly. "Now I must stress that I would not do this for any other patient but your situation is so different and concerning to you it requires serious exercise down there. But you must never tell your uncle, or anyone." "Doctor, you have my word on that." _To be continued: Twelve months later Alice turns 21 and her deeply religious and puritan Uncle Bernie has big surprises in store for her._ |
Author's Note: Credit where credit is due. This was inspired by ShibbolethParty's excellent story "Wish Fulfillment". I took the concept of outsmarting the jynn in a rather different direction, but his is an excellent story. ***** George Winters was something of a legend in my hometown. He was an archeologist who got lost in some deep, ancient tomb overseas. His partners had assumed he was dead, until he inexplicably appeared back in my hometown, alive, well, and without explanation of how he got there. Days later, he won the lottery. He built a mansion that dominated the hillside of my town. Then, he bet too big on some stock or another and lost it all. He sold his belongings, the home, and lived in a trailer for the rest of his life. I always thought that the George Winters story was an interesting one. It had the ring of strange fiction, like Jules Verne characters emerging from the center of the earth right next to where they started. The air of mystery was written off as sensationalist journalism at the time, but I never really bought the idea that people just made it all up. It was interesting to me. George Winters had sold most of his belongings when he lost his wealth, so when George died his estate sale was pretty empty. I went, but only because I was interested in the man. I thought it would be a sort of interesting trip through time. So I brought twenty bucks and joined the two or three people perusing his belongings outside his trailer. There were the normal things, including old books that nobody cared about or plates that were thirty years old. I had been to enough garage sales and estate sales to know that there was nothing really special here. That was when I found the box. It was a rustic old box with a large brass lock on it, tucked into a cardboard box beneath a table. I thought it was interesting and looked cool. I looked around for the person in charge of the sale. "Excuse me?" I said. "Yes, sir?" the woman in charge said. She eyed me, the college-aged pimple- faced man with the box. "How much for this?" "Twenty dollars," the woman said. "For an old box?" I asked. "Yes, it's antique," she said. "Do you have the key?" I said, pointing at the brass lock. "I... I don't believe so," she said. I looked at her for a moment and said, "I'll give you ten bucks for it. Without the key, that's still probably too much." "Fine," the woman said with a shrug. "Ten dollars." I produced the twenty dollar bill from my wallet, which the woman eyed with annoyance, and she made change. I don't really know why I bought it, other than it looked cool. I'm certainly glad that I did, however. \-- Without the key, I had to break the box. I put a little bit of pressure on it with a screwdriver and the brass popped free. It was apparently a very old box. I looked at the damage by the light of my kitchen table in my cheap studio apartment. The brass lock was still gripping the lower portion of the box, but had broken free of the top. I could probably close it again and it would look fine on a shelf, even if it would never lock again. Then I noticed what was inside. It was an old, dusty plaster vase. It had markings on the side in the dust. I leaned in close, worried to touch it for fear of breaking it. I remembered that George Winters was an archeologist. Was this one of his finds? Where was it from? Egypt? Mesopotamia? Was it old? Was it valuable? With one tentative finger, I reached out and brushed some of the dust aside to see the markings better. Instantly the lights in the room grew darker as clouds, seeming to appear on my ceiling from nowhere, gathered. Deep thunder rolled from within them. Black smoke began to pour from the vase, rising into the air. "Oh shit!" I said, backing up rapidly. Had it burst into flames? Even as I stumbled over the chair in my race backwards, the smoke was taking form. "A new hand has stroked my ancient prison," a deep voice boomed from within the smoke. It congregated into a roughly human form, with smoke trails representing arms and a head. All of it looked angry. "What the fuck?" I said. "This imprisonment is broken sooner than my last," the angry cloud said. "I am joyful to walk the mortal plain once more." "Are you... are you a genie?" "Such a vile term," the angry cloud said. "Such a reduction of the forces that are within my grasp to a diminished representation of that power. I so detest the pet name that your kind has given mine." "So... yes?" I said. "Well yes," the genie said, the anger in his voice breaking slightly to make the allowance. "Wow," I said. "That's... wow." "I know," the thunderous voice said. "It's a lot to take in." "No, it's not," I said with a shrug. "I saw Aladdin." "Aladdin?" "Yes, the movie," I said. "What is a movie?" the genie demanded. "Actually, nevermind. You have brought me into this world once more and you shall be rewarded! Three times I shall bend the stars and the magics of the universe to direct your fate in the manner of your choosing." "You mean three wishes?" I clarified. "Yes, basically," the genie said. I thought I saw the smoking form nod its head. "There are, however, limitations to the manner in which I can move your fate. "First, I will only act three times. You may not use this power to extend this beyond what is already set. Three wishes, no more. "Second, I cannot change the willpower of those of your kind. Their free will is not within the scope of what I am able to change for you. It is forbidden. "Third, manner of life and death are beyond the scope of that which I shall perform for you. Those that live shall continue to live and those that are dead shall continue to rest. "Beyond these pale limitations, the foundations of the world are yours to sculpt how you wish." I nodded, thoughtfully. "Anything else I can do? I just can't ask for more wishes, take away free will, or mess with death?" "Immense are my powers, yes," the genie replied with more than a hint of pride in his voice. "And I shall use them to bend the Universe to your liking." I was always one of those annoying kids who looked for plot holes in movies. I wondered why Harry didn't just shoot Voldemort with a gun, I wondered how Batman got back to Gotham City so quickly after escaping a prison in South America, and I often poked at the ambiguity of the "Don't feed after midnight" rule in Gremlins. So I had spent a lot of mental energy as a kid thinking about how to get around the genie's rules in Aladdin. It was actually quite convenient that those rules were the same ones here, but I wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. "To clarify, these rules... are they things you can't do or won't do?" The genie laughed. "I have the power to rewrite the universe. You think I am limited by the pettiness of human life or free will? No, these are merely the things which my kind has agreed to abide by—that which was told to us." "And the three wishes as well?" I clarified. "Yes, this is to ensure that no one human can wield this power beyond what my kind has determined." "Interesting," I nodded. "And those are the only three rules?" I could actually hear the genie rolling his eyes from somewhere in the deep cloud form in my studio apartment. "Yes!" he bellowed. "Can you think of nothing else? I can unlock fame and fortune the likes of which you have never dreamt. Must you focus on the few, feeble areas where I have determined you might not go?" "Well yeah," I said with a shrug. "I must. What if I wish something that you cannot do? Does that count? Is it just a wasted wish?" "Your count only diminishes when I act to shift the foundations of the universe," the genie said. "If you wish something that is against the rules, that count remains untouched because so too the foundations of the universe remain untouched." "Interesting," I said with a nod. "Well then no harm in trying." I stood up straight, preparing myself for the first of my wishes. I knew that this was somewhat impulsive, but if it worked then it really didn't matter. If it didn't, then I could sit and think more about what I wanted to wish. "I wish there were no rules to my wishes," I said. "What, wait?" the genie said, but within the clouds booming thunder rumbled. Flashes of lightning filled the room. "Oh shit!" the genie cried out and then it was silent again. "Did... did that work?" I asked the cloud. "Yes, it did," the genie said. He sounded surprised. "I wish for unlimited wishes," I said. "Done!" the genie exclaimed. Now he sounded like he was having fun. There was no rolling thunder anymore, but maybe that was because it wasn't as fundamental of a change as last time. Still, I was aware that I had used two wishes already. If the genie was fickle and had lied to me, then this would be my last wish. I decided to make it something really good, just in case it was my last wish. "I wish for a billion dollars," I said. The cloud of smoke made a motion like it was snapping its fingers. "Done!" the genie said. I pulled out my phone, logged into my bank account, and counted the commas. "Wow," I said. I looked up again. "And you're still here?" "Yeah," the genie said. "Actually, I'm as surprised as you are." "I should be careful, though," I thought out loud. "If the first two just didn't count, then I only have two left." "Well test it," the genie said, apparently as interested as I was. "Ask for someone from the grave. If that rule is broken, then all three are." "That's a good idea," I said. "I wish Cleopatra was alive and here with me." "Here goes nothing!" the genie said. Instantly, a woman was standing in front of me. She wore white clothes, adorned with gold and gemmed jewelry. She looked very little like Elizabeth Taylor and, frankly, not that pretty. I supposed that styles had changed over history and she wasn't exactly the smoke show that broke the Roman Empire anymore. Cleopatra's eyes were wide, looking around the room. "Uhhh, ok," I said. "Let's try the other rule. I wish that she understood and obeyed my commands." "Done!" the genie exclaimed. It was nice timing too, because Cleopatra's eyes were growing wide and it looked like she about to scream. "Calm down. Stay quiet," I said. Cleopatra immediately lost the crazed looked in her eye and calmed down. "This seems to be working," I told the genie. "I know, it's cool!" he exclaimed. He appeared to have lost the sense of grandeur he had entered my kitchen with. He shared in my "fuck around and find out" sort of energy. "She's not as hot as I thought she would be," I mused. "So change it," the genie said. "It's not like you're short of wishes." "True," I said thoughtfully. "I wish she was hot by modern—no—hot by my standards." Cleopatra immediately changed. Her facial features grew softer, the thick painted makeup on her skin was replaced with modern makeup, and her eyes were large and enticing. Her chest grew—I've always been a big tit guy—and stretched against the fabric she wore. The hair that had been on her legs was gone. Her hair, previously greasy, was now smooth and sleek. She looked a lot like a porn star playing Cleopatra, but that was perfectly fine with me. "She looks great," I said, ogling her openly. She watched me, apparently offended by my gaze. "Don't be offended," I commanded her, "be turned on to be objectified." Immediately, Cleopatra's eyes went from angry to sensual. They dropped down to my pants, where my dick had already grown quite hard by the whole scenario. "Uh, genie," I said. "I think I'm about to do something immoral." "So make it moral," the genie said. "Foundations of the universe, my friend." "Yeah," I said. I realized that I already had the ability to do what I wanted to do without feeling bad about it. Hell, I could do it as a favor to her if I wanted to. "I command you to want to fuck me," I told Cleopatra. Cleopatra immediately changed demeaner. Lust ruled her expression and her eyes dropped again to my bulging dick. She bit her lip in a very modern expression of lust and invitation. I could have just laid her down and fucked her, but I was admittedly high on the power. I wanted more. I wanted her to want it. "I command you to want to serve me sexually, with no thought of your own pleasure," I said. "I command you to want to suck me off and swallow. I command you to need it." Immediately, Cleopatra dropped to her knees. The look of lust was fierce up at me. She opened her mouth wide, reaching out with a hand to stroke my dick through my jeans. She occasionally added in words in an ancient language I didn't understand, but I could guess the nature of her begging. "Well... who am I to say no?" I said. I unzipped, dropped my jeans and boxers, and Cleopatra went to work. Her head bobbed on my dick, taking it into her mouth. Her tongue danced as she sucked, playing on my shaft. She got about halfway down with each bob. If this was a girl I had met at the bar, I would have counted myself lucky just for this, but I had just unlocked the power of the gods. "I wish she had no gag reflex," I said. "Done!" the genie exclaimed. Immediately, Cleopatra started taking my dick much deeper, all the way to the back of her throat. "Take your tits out," I ordered. Without breaking suction, Cleopatra slipped the flimsy white outfit off her shoulders and let it drop. Her massive tits bounced with each bob of her blowjob. I realized I still had my phone in my hand from when I checked my now-full bank account. I opened up the video and pointed it down at her, filming the legendary ancient Egyptian Queen—now resembling a big-titted slutty porn star—gobbling on my dick. It did not take me long. I could have happily enjoyed this blowjob for a long time, but the mix of newfound power and pure sex quickly pushed me over the edge. Cleopatra took it like a champ as I pumped her throat full of cum. Like I commanded, she took it all and swallowed eagerly. "Wow," I said, looking down at the Egyptian Queen. "That was awesome." Her commands finished, she looked around at the room, focusing on things like the TV or the refrigerator with wonder. "Uh, let's send her back," I said. "I wish that my changes to her were undone and she went back to wherever she came from." Cleopatra disappeared, my cum still in her stomach. I reached down and awkwardly pulled my pants back up. "So... I can do anything I want," I said. "It seems that way, yes," the genie said. "No rules," I nodded, thoughtfully. "It seems that way, yes," the genie repeated. "I think I'm going to have some fun," I said with a grin. "It seems that way, yes." \-- With unlimited wishes at my disposal, I didn't hesitate to wish away the minor inconveniences. My acne was done forever. I shifted my hair and ensured that it would never need cut or done again—it would permanently be in this style. I might change that later on to a different style if I wanted, but that was the benefit of unlimited wishes. Also, of course, I wished that I could eat as much as I wanted without gaining weight. While I was at it, I wished that I couldn't get sick, couldn't be harmed, and could not die. I grew tired of looking at the cloud shape. I wished for the genie to take a more human-looking form, while changing none of his abilities. The genie took a male form—after informing me that he was neither male nor female in reality—that was a similar age as me. The genie seemed genuinely happy as he walked around my apartment. I asked him why. "Well it looks like I'm not going back into the vase," the genie shrugged. "Most of the time, I pop out, grant a few wishes, and then I'm back for a few thousand years. If you keep doing this, then I get to keep stretching my legs." He gestured down. "Also, I have legs to stretch now." "I assume that you knew George Winters," I said. "That he found your vase in some archeological site." "Yes!" the genie said. "That was a very long wait before Winters." "So he had three wishes," I said. "One to send him from the crypt to his home." "Yes," the genie nodded. "Another to win the lottery," I said. "Yes," the genie nodded again. I thought a moment. "What... what was the third?" "Well, actually it was his first wish," the genie said. "He wished for it while even in the darkest depth of that tomb. It must have been on his mind." "What was it?" I said. "He asked for a really big dick," the genie said. I raised my eyebrows and shrugged. "Huh. That makes sense I suppose." I thought about it and then said, "I wish for a really really big dick." It was a weird feeling to at one moment have your normal dick—which, by the way, was already a perfectly respectable size—suddenly stretch into a longer dick, even while flaccid. I unbuckled my pants again and looked down to see it. I was going to have fun with this. My newfound power, that is. \-- When I first started, I focused too much on trying to explain the little things. When I wished for a palace to appear in a nearby field, I wished that workers had the memory of building it and that the whole town remembered it going up slowly. Then, I panicked and added another wish: that nobody would question why it was there. After using a couple dozen wishes to cover the tracks of my other wishes, I realized I could do it in a bigger, single wish. "I wish that nobody thought it was odd when I make a wish that changes something," I said. "Oooo, good one," the genie said, pointing finger guns at me. "Thank you," I grinned. We were standing on the balcony of my palace, looking out on a beautiful day that I had created by wishing away the clouds. Inside, on my comically large bed, were two movie stars that I had fantasized about for a very long time. I had just cum on one of their chests—not to cum and tell, but she may or may not have played a red-headed superspy in the highest grossing film ever made—and had the other one—a Cuban actress who was in the next Bond film—lick it off and swallow each drop. They were sitting and resting on the bed before I fucked them again. I had put together a list of girls that I wanted to fuck and had been working through it. Most of the Victoria's Secret angels and models in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition had already had my dick in their pussy, ass, throat, or all of the above. I had started by fucking one or two a day, giving my body a chance to sort of catch up, but I wanted to go more frequently, so I wished to have no necessary recharge on my orgasm, my cum, or my libido. After that, my bedroom might as well have had a revolving door to it. All that to say, it was only about two weeks since coming upon the genie and I already had fucked most of the celebrities that I had lusted after for so long. Some of them, like the girls now on my bed, I had enjoyed twice. "You know, it's a little bit of a shame," I said, mostly to myself. "What's that?" "Cleopatra or the movie stars or models... they're never quite as good as I think they ought to be. At least, not at first. I can take away their gag reflex, make their tits bigger, and command them to enjoy it, but they don't start that way. All of that is modification. The movies and magazines use photoshop to remove imperfections. I use your magic. But... all of them start with it." "You could remove it from everyone," the genie suggested. "I could," I nodded, "but I'm sure that would come back to bite me in some way." I could probably wish away those consequences, of course, but my mind was already going in a new direction. "I wish those girls went back to wherever they were, with whatever they were wearing, and had no memory of what I did to them," I said. "The usual," the genie nodded, snapping his fingers. The movie stars disappeared. "I wish there was a super hot girl here, not pulling from anywhere else but created brand new," I said. The genie nodded and instantly a girl appeared before me. Her blonde hair was full and long, like I liked. Her tits were large and perky. Her ass was tight and firm and I could already imagine it rippling under the force of a smack. Her eyes were big and blue—but somewhat empty. She blinked, looking around. "She's pretty empty headed, isn't she?" I said. "Well she doesn't exactly have any history to draw from," the genie said. "She didn't exist a minute ago." "I wish she understood English, followed my orders, and had a basic working knowledge of human life," I said. "Done," the genie said. The girl's eyes were not so empty anymore. "Open your mouth," I ordered. The girl obeyed, opening wide. "I wish she had no gag reflex," I said. I paused, smiled, and said, "And that she had her g-spot at the back of her throat." "Done and done," the genie said. "I wish she thought I was the greatest thing on Earth," I said, stroking her cheek admiringly. "I wish that she believed there was no greater honor than to be my sexual plaything. I wish that her highest priority in existence was my pleasure." "Done," the genie said. Even as he spoke, I could see the lust in the girl's eyes. Carnal delights for my pleasure danced in her brain. I resisted the urge to put her on her knees and try her out. I would, of course, but not until I was done. "I wish that she was impervious to disease, that she could never grow old, and that nothing would mar her attractiveness to me. I wish that she could never get pregnant, never have a period, and all of her holes were always ready to be used." "Done," the genie said. I caught him ogling her out of the corner of my eye. The genie might technically not have a sex, but you'd have to be dead not to see this girl as gorgeous. "I wish her tits defied the laws of physics and were always full and perky, not sagging," I said. This was probably redundant, based on my prior wish, but I wanted it said anyways. The girl stood in front of me, her eyes begging me to use her and her g-spot in her throat waiting to be playing with. I pinched one of her tits appreciatively. "A whole new creation," I muttered to myself. I again resisted the urge to try her out. I stepped back, taking a breath, and trying to clear my mind from the stiffness in my pants. I didn't think I had forgotten anything. She was the perfect living fuckdoll. "Ok," I nodded. "I wish that there were a hundred more of her, perfect copies except for their appearance. Each should look different, but each be incredibly hot. All other traits should be the same." The genie snapped his fingers and instantly more hot sluts appeared. There was a redhead with great tits, an Asian girl with great tits, a Mexican seductress with great tits, and 96 others—all with similarly fantastic tits. I had variety. And if I got bored, I could make more. None of them required modifying and I didn't have to send any of them home afterwards. They were all ready to go. "Ok," I said with a wide smile. "Who wants to suck my dick?" The host of girls jumped up and down, joyously volunteering. "Well, seniority rules," I said, turning to the blonde I had started with. "Kneel bitch." She dropped to her knees, her mouth still open from my first command. I pulled out my dick and filled her throat. She moaned with delight as the head of my enlarged cock rubbed against her g-spot. I ordered two more sluts forward, so I could play with their tits while the blonde sucked me off. As I came, pumping my cum into the blonde's throat, I thought about how much fun I was going to have. A whole new creation of girls, the perfect fucktoys, and unlimited playtime at my disposal. Nothing was off limits. Nothing was beyond my reach. To prove it, I commanded the blonde slut, "Keep sucking, whore." My cock required no break and she continued into a second round. Three wishes was for chumps, I thought as I swapped sluts and started playing with a new whore's tits. George Winters didn't have the faintest idea how to really get the most out of life. As my second orgasm refilled the blonde's mouth with cum, another thought ran through my mind: I should probably help some people too. Infinite power could change the world. Then, I caught sight of a sexy brunette. I pulled out of the blonde's mouth, left behind the two sluts I had been fondling, and went to the brunette. I bent her over the railing of the balcony, stuffed my dick into her dripping pussy, and began thrusting. I smacked her ass repeatedly. It rippled just as perfectly as I knew it would. I would get around to the rest of the world, I thought. But that sounded like a tomorrow thing. For now, I was going to have some fun. |
_We are going through our story collection. Rewriting them in view of the fact that we now know more about the technical aspects of non-technical writing. Trying to take into account all of the constructive advice that we have been given, not on what to tell. It's what it is and it's 99 44/100 percent true. We may have misremembered a thing or three and we changed the dates and some proper nouns for "deniable plausibility." Or was that "plausible deniability..." Either way - those airplanes without national insignia or registration numbers - we don't know anything about them. (San Mateo "in the Caribbean" -- February 22, 2020)_ I'm Lisa and this story took place when I was 27 or thereabouts. Kristin, my brother's wife, was a year older and mom would have been almost 50. I had two young children and mom and dad, Katherine and Gabe, came over all of the time to help out. This story is basically a lot of talk about sex, including the fact that I have a sexual relationship with my brother George that our parents are aware of.(19740aa034) **Conversations with mom (3123 words) Mom talks about my childhood babysitters who were also their playmates. (2/22/20) hetero -- lesbian -- oral -- polyamory** We were all in our early to middle twenties when we had our children, ten of them, born in a carefully scheduled span of four years. Since we were all working we wanted to make certain that each new mother had a discrete opportunity to be a pampered queen for that final trimester. The one when you are waddling around torn between loving every minute of it and just wanting for it to be over. Guys think that we gals are crazy. Well, we pretty much are. Just look at what we do to ourselves. I grew an entire human being inside of me. She got big and strong and then stretched the hell out of me getting out. I loved it, every bit of it. I loved feeling her there inside of me flipping and flopping around, getting bigger, getting stronger. I loved nurturing her from the milk my body created. This probably won't come as a terribly big surprise. If you know me and the other things that I enjoy, things like getting tied up and fist-fucked and being spit-roasted by Paul and George: Giving birth, I enjoyed it, it was so fucking intense. Guys, I love 'em, but how did the old joke go? God said to Adam, "this is what you are going to do, a child will spring forth from your body." And Adam said, "tell you what, why don't you just take another rib." We were living in "the house of ill repute," in San Angelo, Texas. A building which 80 or so years earlier had been a brothel. It had plenty of room for seven adults to sleep between our flights. Five of us are pilots and back then those flights were always at night. It had plenty of room to play when we weren't sleeping. We had rooms for the kids and one that we used for a nursery. We had rooms for guests who stayed over to visit. A real advantage of being polyamorous is having plenty of adults available to do different things, including watch small children. A huge advantage of having our children in our twenties was that our parents, their grandparents, were somewhat young. Willing to come see their first, or close to first, grandchildren and possessing the stamina to stay over and watch them while we took a little bit of time to play with one another. Katherine, mine and George's biological and Jamie's adoptive mom, was wonderful. She understood that young parents needed a bit of private time with one another as well as with their new child. In retrospect, while we planned it all out pretty well, we could have had a few more children. That would have been really nice, but back then we didn't know how everything was going to work out, so we ended up being a tad conservative. With seven adults we were certain that we would be able to properly care for ten. Technically each gal had two, Paul fathered mine, Lillian and Eva's and my brother George fathered Kristin's and Jamie's. In practice every child had two daddies and five mommies. Flying the night mail the five of us had an absolutely crazy schedule. Our employer tried to keep us right up against the hard limits for flight time and duty hours. It was always a real bitch. We waited for late arrivals a whole lot, driving up our duty hours. We could only cheat on the paperwork at origin. We got paid on flight time, miles actually, so all of that waiting was a big opportunity cost. Meanwhile Kristin and Eva kept our bodies and souls nourished. There is no way that would we have survived without them. This conversation took place on one of those rare days when all the kiddos decided to cooperate and nap at the same time. Eva was busy getting something prepared. She was very busy with her ministry. I just don't write about it very much due to the confidential nature of much of her work. I was off the next day, so I could stay up and help Kristin with dinner. Katharine, my mom, had come over to help with the babies. But since they were all asleep, or playing in the next room with Lillian, we had an opportunity to chat as we chopped vegetables for another wonderful "Kristin creation." Six of our ten children comprise three-quarters of mom's grand kids. My brother Ethan and his wife Claire supplying her with the other two. But mom is more than a "honorary" grandparent for Paul's children with sisters Eva and Lillian. She doted on them just as much as she did with his two with me and my brother George's four with Jamie and Kristin. We always made sure that mom knew that she was "not needed, but wanted. To be an important part of their lives growing up." Ah, but mom... Mom is wise. Unlike Kristin and Paul's parents who politely pretended not to notice... Mom knew that when she and dad came over and watched and played with the kids... That we weren't discussing strategy in the room with the euphemistic sign "Corporate Headquarters" on the door. Mom understood that moi, her daughter, might be bent over a big padded table in there, our "playroom." Bent over and spread wide, with her son, my brother George's, beautiful hard penis up my ass and pounding away. Well, if I was lucky. Mom came over because she loves her grandkids and her kids and her adoptive kids, my family. She came over and helped because she wanted to make sure that we had some time together. Not just me and Jamie that the world sees as a couple, but all seven of us. She knows and she understands. She talks to me about it and everything else. Eva and Lillian have a really cool mom. I have loved her since I was a little kid coming over to their house read in their library. But I am really biased, I can't imagine a better mom than the one that I have. As mom and I were cutting up ingredients for the filling and Kristin was making the crust for Welsh Pasties, mom asked me if I remembered my "aunties," as she called them. We had lived with Judith, my father's sister, in my grandparent's house until I went to grade school. But that wasn't what mom meant. Mom had two sisters who were also my aunts. She didn't mean them either. At least I didn't believe so when the conversation started. She meant their "playmates" from back in San Antonio, my "aunties" Becca, Nora and Shel. I had heard variations of the story so many times that I wasn't certain what I remembered from repetitious telling and what I actually remembered first-hand. When we were little my aunties had watched me and my brothers at times and played with us. Shel was still around as was mom's older sister Margaret, my real aunt. But Becca and Nora had sadly drifted away over the intervening years. "That must have been so cool," said Kristin. "Being raised at an ongoing orgy." "It wasn't like that," mom said. "She knows," I said, "besides, our kids are growing up in a brothel." "An old brothel," said Kristin, "one that isn't open for business anymore." "At least not to the general public," I said with a grin. "That's bad," mom said smiling, "you have to be pretty awful at business to fail at running a brothel in west Texas." Kristin snickered. "Actually, what we did was pretty much like what you are doing now," mom said, "Gabe..." Gabriel and Katherine are my mom and dad's given names. "Gabe and I come over and watch the children while you guys retreat to your little room. Your private sanctuary and have a wonderful time in each other's arms and inside each other's bodies. It reenergizes you and makes you ready to face a whole new set of challenges." "I told you it was cool," said Kristin. "I grew up in a diner." That was true. Kristin's mom was widowed when Kristin was a child. She doesn't remember her father. Miss Sherry, as the sign on "Miss Sherry's Diner" proclaimed, was the single mother of two running a business in the 1950's and 60's. People in a small town can be downright mean at times. I have always found it amazing that so many proclaim to know everything about others while remaining blissfully unaware of all the things others swear to be true about them. Kristin's childhood was very different from the way that I was raised and the way that we raised our children. "I imagine millions of young couples do it," mom said. "I don't know," Kristin said, "look how ornery so many folks are. Not enough nookie..." "Well," I said, quoting Bob Dylan, "too much of nothin' makes a fella mean." "True enough," said mom. "This is just great," Kristin said, "I love talking like this." "We were all just starting out," mom said, "Gabe and I had the first children in our little group, You know how young women are with babies, everyone wanted to come over and see you and help. Nora was my best friend and her guy was balking on the whole settle down and get married thing. She actually lived with us for a while." This was new, I knew that Margaret had lived with them and so had Becca at times. One third of grandpa's ranch was to be dad's. But Aunt Judy had staged a little coup when dad and Uncle Mike went overseas to fight Hitler and Tojo. When they came back, she was firmly in charge of the place. Hired help loyal only to her had replaced her brothers. I don't know how much of her tiff with dad was really about my "aunties." I suspect her indignity was simply a cover for her ambition. Grandpa Nicholas was the wrong audience to play that tune to. He saw through everyone's bullshit. He let her run the place because she was good at it. But he wasn't going to give her more than her two brothers. Her outrage backfired completely, dad probably ended up being admired more based on her exaggerated assessments of his romantic and sexual prowess. "I don't remember Nora living with us," I said. 'You were little," mom said, "she had lived with us before you were born. She was in love with her brother. He went off to fight in the 36th with your father..." The T-patch, 36th Infantry Division, was made up of Texans. It landed in the south of France right after D-day and fought up through Provence and Dijon to Alsace and into Bavaria. "He loved her, but at first he couldn't deal with the pressure. Having to hide his feelings for her from everyone, or almost everyone. He married someone else and she came to live with us for a while. Then she flitted back and forth between being with them as a third and being with us. Eventually they all learned to cope with what to say and do and how to act and she finally worked things out with them." "Damn," Kristin said. "Nora really loved you, Lisa," mom said, "and like most of us gals, she wanted her own. Like most of us she was lied to, told she couldn't. But more importantly he was lied to..." "It's okay mom," I said, "I'm happy. Paul is wonderful..." "I know..." "Nobody really knows," I said, "besides, you have more grandkids this way." "No, I have twelve either way," she said. I had wanted to bear George's children, really wanted to once. But we didn't because we were afraid it could be harmful. Now I felt really guilty about it, because Paul was such a wonderful dad. But then after we decided not to I felt good. Feeling that I did what was empirically safer. What was less likely to cause harm. That is until I spoke with an actual geneticist who told me I hadn't. That going back a few generations we were all cousins anyway... I know that is an oversimplification of a complicated equation. But not knowing most of the variables - the problem is currently unsolvable. "She wanted Gabe to knock her up," mom said. "Really," I said. "Shit, girl," Kristin said, "do you have halfies running around?" "No," mom said. "It was hard--" "Oh, I bet it was," Kristin said with a smile." This time mom snickered. "See, we loved Nora—" "We?" I said. "We... Loved Nora, as I said she was my best friend," mom repeated. "Nora loved her brother. Gabe and I talked about it. We would have happily accepted her into a triad. But we also thought that she should work out all of her issues with him first, for her sake. Well, and for your fathers." Yeah, I thought, dad isn't the kind of guy who would be very keen on having a child who didn't live with him and that he could only see part of the time. "Before... Back when we weren't trying to get pregnant, it was all so free and easy. Nora and I would wake you dad up in the morning by playing with his penis—" "This is too much," Kristin said giggling. "Oh... But please continue." "He rather enjoyed it," mom said. "I'm sure he did, "I said with a huge grin. I realized the symmetry of nature I was here in the kitchen with my brother's wife, someone I am happy to love and share my brother George with. By brother whom I enjoy waking up by fellating. I am talking to my mother who twenty-five or thirty years ago shared my father with her best friend Nora. Nora who loved her brother and who enjoyed waking my father with a nice warm, wet blow-job. True symmetry, or something pretty close to it... "She and I would take turns very softly taking him into our mouths and getting him nice and hard without waking him. It was a really fun game. If we went slow we would get him hard and rolled back and have him moaning just a little in his sleep. Moving his hips involuntarily without waking up. We could get him right to the brink of an orgasm before he woke up. Sometimes it seemed like he only truly became consciously aware of what we were doing with him as he ejaculated into one of us, or on one of us." "Sounds like fun," Kristin said. "Grab a notepad," I said, looking at Kristin. "Somehow I don't think you two really need one," mom said. "At times we blindfolded your dad and played 'guess who is blowing me.' I can explain the rules if you want." "Oh, I can probably guess the rules," Kristin said. "At first it was really easy for Gabe to guess. Because we had different techniques. But then we started to closely watch what the other one was doing, and we copied each other. We made it..." Mom paused, and smiled, "Harder... Harder to guess, sometimes it took two or three times for him to get it right." "Of course, it occurred to you," Kristin said, "that by not knowing he got multiple blow-jobs." "Sure, honey... It was all part of the fun and games. We left him spent." "Spent but happy," I opined. "And we shared his offering," mom said. "As in..." I said, although I knew. "We kissed and she shared with me." "You know," Kristin said, "the very first time that your son came in my mouth. I shared it with Lisa, and Jamie, my two new'sisters.'" "That was such a sweet thing to do," mom said. She wasn't being sarcastic, even though mom is fluent in sarcasm. She really meant it. "You know what that means, don't you?" "It meant a lot to me," I said. "I'm certain it did," mom said. "It was an acknowledgment of the fact that all three of you gals were together with each other as much as with him, that you share quite literally absolutely everything." "Philosophy and Fellatio," I said. "And it tastes really good, too," Kristin said, smiling. "That it does," mom said, returning her smile. "I wouldn't think that Gabe would go for being tied up," Kristin said. "Well, first up Gabe is a confident secure guy," mom said, "there isn't anything that he is afraid of. Second I didn't say that we tied him up. I said that we blindfolded him and that we gave him blow jobs and rode cowgirl on him while he wore a blindfold and that he had to guess which one of us it was. He got really good at it too." "With practice," I opined. "Lots and lots of practice," mom said, "But you guys are doing better than we did." "Really how so?" Kristin asked. "You make sure that you don't lose anybody along the way like we did." I thought that to the extent that her assessment is correct. It was because we had such a great teacher. |
_Thanks for 'Techsan' for his editing of this story._ * Here it is the afternoon of Christmas Eve and I am sitting all alone at my kitchen table with a bottle of Jim Beam and my gun. I'm not a big drinking man but I did get the Jim Beam whiskey to build up my courage to do what I'm about to do. You see, this is the first Christmas I would be spending by myself in my sixty-four years of life. My wife of forty-two years died three months ago leaving me alone. Not everyone has Happy Holidays. I can see that now. It's not that my marriage was all that good. We had some really good times and then those really bad times. I'm just sitting here reminiscing. I remember when I first met my wife Sophie. She and her younger sister Helen were at the malt shop when I walked in. I was just a cocky guy who liked to meet young ladies and give them my spiel. I walked up to Sophie and gave her just about every pickup line I ever learned. She looked at me and said, "George, you're so full of shit I can't believe it," as she smiled. "Does that mean you'll go out with me then?" I asked. She just smiled and said she would think about it. That's how we first met. On our first real date we went to the drive-in movie. I did my best work at the drive-in. We kissed and played around a little and then I started falling for her big time. About a year later we got married. I remember her sister Helen came up to me at the reception and said. "George, I have to tell you something. When you first came up to me and Sophie at the malt shop we both liked you. Then Sophie looked at me and said, 'I'm going to marry that man some day,' just like that George. She knew what she wanted and went after it." It surprised me that both girls liked me and that Sophie was so sure about us. But that's the way she always was. She really was a special woman. Our sex life was fantastic when we first got married. We were like two rabbits making love all the time. It was special. It wasn't just love or just sex. It's hard to explain but it was loving fun. We did it most anytime, anyplace, and everywhere. We would always try new places to make love. The kitchen table, from behind at the kitchen sink. One of Sophie's favorites was on the washing machine while it was agitating. I had to stand on a stool just to get high enough to insert my dick, but the vibrations were awesome. Sophie's climax was pretty good too. I remember us buying a book on '101 sexual positions.' We started on page one and started having fun. You would have had to been a contortionist from the circus for some of those positions. That's what I mean, we always had fun while having sex. We tried oral a few times but Sophie said it wasn't her thing. For her to get pleasure she wanted it in her. We even tried anal one time. I got her sort of high on screwdrivers and was taking her from behind. My dick was really wet from dipping it in her pussy. So I pulled it out and slid it up to her arse. I barely pushed the head in when she screamed out, "It hurts George." I got about two more inches in when she told me, "That's enough George, no more." It was tight, I mean really tight. Her arse was actually squeezing my dick so hard it hurt. I finally shot a load up her arse. She looked at me and said, "George, I hope you really like that because it's never going to happen again." Then believe it or not she kissed me, just to let me know she wasn't mad. We ended up having two kids: a boy and a girl. Sophie was a great mother and then a great grandmother. She put love into everything she did. I remember when the kids were just little, maybe seven or eight. They wanted to decorate the Christmas tree. Well, Sophie was somewhat of an artist or perfectionist when it came to decorating. I couldn't imagine her letting the kids decorate the tree. I just set the tree up and left the rest to Sophie and the kids. She let them put on the decorations. She tried to explain about decorating but let the kids go and do it their way. They were happy as can be when they got done. The tree looked like a disaster. She just smiled at the kids, told them they had done a great job and then put them to bed. Then she came back in and redecorated the whole tree for the next two hours. When the kids got up the next morning they looked at the tree and asked what happened? Sophie just said she added a few decoration. The kids looked at her and said, "We did good, mom, didn't we?" "Yes, you did, you did a great job," was her reply. That's just the way she was. She put love into everything. There was nothing she couldn't cook. We hardly ever worried about leftovers at our house. Everyone always ate everything up. Even if she just made a sandwich, it was always better then the one I made and used exactly the same stuff. I remember asking her one time, "Why do your sandwiches taste better? It doesn't make sense. We use the same stuff." She looked me, smiled and said, "I always put love in my sandwiches." It was true, everything she did was just a little better. I don't know how far we ever made it through that book of '101 Positions,' But making love with Sophie was incredible. Of course after the birth of the kids we did it a lot less but we still had the loving fun. That was until I ruined it. I don't remember if Sophie was going through a change or sick. But she became a little distant to me. Now, looking back, I believe it was the medication she was on. Anyway I had an affair. This gal at work was kind of flaunting her wares. Her husband was incarcerated and she must have been lonely, horny or both. I went for it. Seeing Sophie was kind of turned off to me, I went after Nancy. We probably had sex a dozen times over a few months' period. I would be lying if I said it wasn't any good. It was great. It was new, strange and different. I just fell to the temptation. Of course one day Sophie found out and I figured my marriage was over. I did the usual apologizing and explaining about it not meaning anything, promising to stop and never do it again. Sophie yelled and screamed at me. The worst thing she did was cry. I couldn't stand to see her cry. That's when I hit my lowest level ever. Seeing what it did to her just tore me apart. She didn't deserve it. She should have just dumped me right then but she didn't. She stayed with me. Our life never returned to the happy state we had before the affair. I know Sophie never trusted me again even to the day she died which was twenty plus years later. We didn't make love till a few months after the affair. We had gone to a party and when we came home Sophie let me make love to her. It was never the same. We had sex but it wasn't love anymore. Sophie never gave so freely of herself again. Every once in awhile I'd feel her give in some but never the happy go lucky fun loving that we once shared. It was my fault. There was nothing I could do to repair the damage I had done. The rest of our life went on pretty normal. The loving meals, the happy mom and a lot of good times. We enjoyed our vacations and doing things together but the love life eventually deteriorated into nothing. There was a time there when Sophie said she didn't care for sex all that much. That she learned to live without it and so it wasn't a big thing in her life anymore. That is enough to turn any husband off. It was even hard to get a hard-on when the woman you loved didn't want to make love with you anymore. I remember reading a story on communicating. Sophie and I did that, we communicated. The only problem was our talks always ended up in arguments. It was almost always negative talk about me. I didn't do enough around the house. I didn't want to take her shopping. I spent too much time on the computer. I never wanted to go anywhere. And on and on and on.... About five years ago I had a heart to heart talk with Sophie. I told her that I don't think she ever forgave me for the affair, that I believe she fell out of love with me and I deserved it. I believe she only stayed with me because of the kids and that our life outside of no sex was pretty good. I still loved her and told her I never had sex with any woman since the affair over twenty years ago. I promised her that I would always be there for her and if she wanted me all she had to do was ask. I went to her one time after that and even tried oral sex on her. She said she didn't really feel anything. I touched her but there were no sensations. After that we cuddled once in a while but that was it. One day she said she knew I masturbated. I asked her what choices did I have. She didn't want to have sex with me. I promised her never to cheat on her again and was going to keep that promise. I would never hurt her again. Then there was masturbation. If she knew of another way to get release to let me know. She just walked away. I was now thinking about my kids. Of course they weren't kids anymore. They would soon have grandchildren of their own. George Jr. lives a state away with his wife and three kids. Dorothy lived maybe a hundred miles away with her husband and two kids. It really hurt Sophie when their jobs took them away. At least their children were pretty much grown by then. Sophie just loved being around the kids. All the Christmases when our kids were little were the best. Christmas morning we all sat around and opened presents. The smile on their faces and the smile that Sophie had just watching them. Some of our joyous times were around the kids during the holidays. Then after our kids were grown and married, Sophie did the same thing with the grandchildren. The warmth and smiles that were on the little faces was her reward. When the kids had to move away, Sophie made sure we went to their houses for Christmas. She wasn't about to miss the holidays with family. I just went along and enjoyed the holidays. If it made Sophie happy, I was happy. Sophie's sister Helen got married a few years after us. She married an insurance guy named Ted. They seemed to be a pretty good match. The four of us went everywhere together. We were almost inseparable. We went to the movies, dancing, dinner all the time and even went on a cruise together. I probably loved Helen almost as much as Sophie. I never did anything to harm our relationship in any way. The four of us just seemed to hit it off. I know Sophie thought a lot of Ted also. But we all just stayed friends, that is except Sophie and Helen. They were probably as close as two sisters could get. I doubt if they even kept a secret from one another. Three years ago Ted had a heart attack and passed away. He was only fifty- seven years old. Way to young to die. Helen was heart broken. She lost her love. Sophie and Helen both took it really hard. We were four, now we were three. We still included Helen in most everything we did. At least I didn't have to go shopping all the time now. Helen went on with her life. Since Ted was an insurance agent, he saw to it that she was well taken care of. At least financially she was secure. She had one daughter who lived in California. She spent the holiday season out there with her daughter and her family. She was never in a hurry to get back, so she stayed usually a month or so. She was planning on going again this year. Wish she would have stayed home this year. Maybe she could talk me out of what I was about to do. There was always turmoil surrounding our marriage. Everything seems to always lead us back to the affair. Do overs, that's when if you had the chance you could go back and correct the mistakes in your life. Would-a, should-a, could-a, doesn't mean a damn thing. I made the mistakes and now spent the last twenty five years of my life paying for it. I thought of leaving Sophie a dozen times. The problem was that I caused the heartache. I had the affair. I'm the one who put our marriage in this life long turmoil. But most of all, I still had strong feelings for Sophie. Even if we had arguments, which was pretty regular, I knew she was always there. We might have even been in different rooms but I didn't miss her. I knew she was just two rooms away. It's funny when you think about it. Sometimes it was like two strangers living in the same house. But it felt secure. We pretty much learned to live with each other's faults. Damn, I wish I was a writer so I could tell you how it really feels to miss someone. I just don't know the words. Ache, pain, misery, loneliness, that's what I've been feeling since Sophie's death. I don't want to be here alone anymore. It's terrible, no-one to even argue with. I go out during the day, always coming home to an empty, lonely, dark, too quiet place. I don't even know my own thoughts anymore. How do you cry on paper? How do you explain emptiness? Sophie was right when she told me one time that I should die first, that I didn't know how to take care of myself well enough to live alone and that I probably couldn't handle it. I remember arguing with her that I took care of myself for over sixty years and I could continue to do so until the day I die. She just laughed and said, "George, I'm the one who has taken care of you for the last forty-two years. I think God made me your guardian angel because you can't go through life alone." Looking back I believe she was right. I hate to admit it but I don't do well on my own. But now I'm just too old and too tired to go looking for a partner. The only person that would even come close is Helen and I doubt if she would want anything to do with me, not after she was through talking to Sophie and besides by now she's probably a thousand miles away. I know I'm feeling sorry for myself. But I'm in this terrible rut and can't or maybe don't want to take the effort to climb out of it. I'll just keep drinking my Jim Beam and build up some courage. Looking back on the last six months of our life together is painful. One day she wasn't feeling good. I suggested she go to the doctor and we argued about it as usual. Finally she decided to go. I drove her to the doctor's office and he ran a bunch of tests. She came out of the office and hugged me. Right then I knew we had problems. I can't tell you the last time she came and hugged me like that. We both went back into the doctor's private office where he told us the bad news. She had tumors and they were probably cancerous. He was still going to run some tests but because of past experiences he was almost sure of his diagnosis. He asked us to come back in three days and he could verify the facts. We went back three days later and he said she had the late stages of cancer. There was nothing he could do. He would put her on chemo for awhile but the outlook was very grave. At most he gave her six months to live. I just broke down and bawled. I took her in my arms and she was the strong one. She said everything would be all right. How can everything be alright when my wife is dying? When we got home she called Helen. She came right over and they cried together. I wanted to do everything I could for my wife in her last months. Always too late, would-a, could-a, should-a. There were no seconds chances here. During her last months, Helen and I did everything we could to make Sophie comfortable. It should have been me, not Sophie, who was dying. We called the kids and they came down to see her as often as they could. It was really a strain on everyone. Trying to put on a happy face when talking to Sophie and crying all other times. In her last days while in the hospital she spoke to everyone in the family alone. She had private thoughts for each person. I remember her talking to me. I stayed by her side pretty much continually. Realizing she was dying and being with her knowing there was absolutely nothing I could do was the most inadequate feeling a person could have. Looking at her lying there knowing anytime she might breath her last breath. One of the last thing she said to me was, "George, keep your eye on Helen for me. I always worried about her." That was Sophie, dying and worrying about others. Then she looked at me as I held her hands with tears running down my face and said, "George, I forgive you and I have always loved you. So please forgive me for not being the wife you wanted." Then she closed her eyes and went to sleep. About an hour later she stopped breathing. As I walked out of her room my family were all standing there. They saw me crying and knew it was over. Their mother, grandmother, and sister had passed away. Everyone was in tears especially me. God gives us one life to make the best of and I felt I ruined hers. Why lord, why take her? Why didn't you take me instead. I don't want to be alone, I want my wife back. I don't care if we argued everyday. I don't care what she calls me. I just wish I could make up for the pain I caused her. Please, Lord, just give her back to me. But it was not to be. That only happens in fairy tales and this was real life. I sat at the table taking another shot of Jim Beam, tears just rolling down my cheeks. I was so lonely. It had only been three months and felt like years. I couldn't live like this. I recalled Thanksgiving just last month. The kids didn't want me to be alone, so I made the trip to be with George Jr. and his family. My daughter Dorothy came with her family so we could enjoy Thanksgiving together. It wasn't a happy occasion for me at all. I didn't feel thankful and I knew it built tension with the kids. There they were with their families trying to enjoy the holidays. Of course they missed their mother but as they said, "Life goes on, dad." They invited me up for Christmas but I wasn't going to ruin that holiday for them also. They were able to get on with their lives. I was the lonely old guy that I felt was just in the way. I hoped they would understand what I was doing. I didn't want to be alone anymore. I spent the last tree months getting my affairs in order. I didn't want to burden my kids with any undue expenses. I had everything in order, insurances, taxes, wills. All I needed now was courage, hopefully Jim Beam would help me with that. I had a housekeeper who came in twice a week to help keep the place clean. I didn't dirty it much, I didn't spend that much time at home. I ate out most of the time now and just sat in the park feeding the ducks. You've seen the lonely man just sitting there at the park. That was me. Then at dark I come back home to this big lonely place. The only happiness was when Helen came by to help me sort out and take care of Sophie's belongings. I gave her most of Sophie's stuff. I knew she would want her to have it. I did let my daughter Dorothy take what ever she wanted of her moms belongings first. One day when Helen was here and we were sorting out Sophie's stuff I gave her a hug, she felt so good. Then I went to kiss her, I know I shouldn't have but I was just lonely. The last thing I wanted to do was alienate Helen. She looked at me with tears in her eyes and said, "No, George, not now." I let go of her and went to the bathroom and just cried. When I came back out of the bathroom she was gone. That was a few days ago and the last time she stopped by. I poured myself another shot. The courage was coming. I drank it down when there was a knock at the door. Who the hell's bothering me now? I got up and opened the door and there stood Helen. Immediately tears welled up in my eyes. I was an old guy, tears flow pretty easy out of us and we can't seem to stop them even if we want to. Other than Sophie she was the prettiest sight I could imagine at that moment. "Well, George, are you going to invite me in or do I have to stand out here?" I apologized and opened the door. I had to hug her. I couldn't help it, us old guys are like that. I said, "I thought you were going to go be with your daughter for the holidays? She said, "I called my daughter and told her I wasn't going to be coming this year. I'm going to spend the holidays with a friend. I felt like I was just imposing on my daughter and her family and I wasn't really comfortable being there for such a long time." I asked her, "What friend are you going to visit and spend the holidays with?" She laughed just like Sophie used to and said, "You, George, you're the friend I want to spend the holidays with if you will have me. I know I'm not Sophie and I'm an older women but I'm lonely too, George." I started crying and started apologizing for my actions the last time she came to visit. Of course I wanted her here. I couldn't think of anyone alive that I wanted more to be with. To say she was beautiful or gorgeous would seem funny to people since she was 59 years old, but to me she was. She looked great for her age. She said, "Don't apologize, George. I wanted you to kiss me but I needed to think things out and have a talk with you first." I took her coat and asked her to sit down. I remembered the gun on the table. I quickly took it and put in the drawer. When I turned around Helen was standing there. She didn't see the gun but the Jim Beam was still there. She looked at me and said, "Would you like some coffee, George?" She then took the Jim Beam, put it in the cupboard and started making coffee. God, it felt so could just having her here. She looked at me and said, "George, if we are going to enjoy the holidays, don't we need a little decorations?" as she smiled at me. I headed downstairs to get our little tree and decorations. Together Helen and I set up the little tree and put on some Christmas music. Then she said she would be right back. She went out to the car and brought me in a little present and set it under the tree. I went into my bedroom and brought out a gift I had bought for her. I had stopped at the store a couple of weeks ago to get the kids each gift certificates for their familys. While I was there I bought a necklace for Helen and had it gift wrapped. I was going to give it to her the day she left. I put it under our little tree next to the present she bought me. Then she began to explain things to me. "George, you know that I have always cared for you. Sophie knew it, too. You know how close Sophie and I were. She loved you, George, she loved you deeply. You also know that she never really forgave you for the affair until her last days. Yes, George, I know all about the affair. She told me you tried everything to make it up to her but she just couldn't let it go. I told her many times to let it go but she just said she couldn't." "I loved my husband, George. Ted was a wonderful man. We had a wonderful life together. I'll always remember him. He'll always be in my heart just like Sophie will always be in yours. But, George, I have always loved you too. I know you knew it but you belonged to Sophie." "You know that Sophie talked to everyone before her death. George, Sophie was worried about you. She said she didn't know if you could make it through life alone. The last thing she said to me was, "Helen, take care of my George. I know he loves you, too. He's a good man but I'm afraid he won't make it on his own. He needs plenty of love and attention. He's stubborn as an ox and won't listen to you. But he is a wonderful man and you need him, too, Helen." I was crying again. Damn, grown men aren't suppose to cry and that's about all I do anymore. I looked at Helen and said, "Sophie was right, you know. I've always had feelings for you. Other than Sophie, you're the only person I truly care for," as I gave her a hug. I then asked Helen how long she was going to stay. We could go get something to eat and come back and open our gifts. We both laughed knowing there was only one present apiece under the tree. Then it happened. Helen looked at me and said, "George, I'll stay forever if you'll have me." Tears again as I kissed her. I told her that was fine with me Sophie was right. She was my guardian angel. * _Thank you for reading my story_ DG Hear |
Alicia looked down at the screen on her treadmill. 4 miles, she thought to herself. 4 miles is good. Just one more and I'll be done for the day. As she looked up a tall, dark figure working out in the free weights section across the room grabbed her attention. He had to be at least 6'4" with a muscular build and strong jawed face. His skin was a light shade of black. Every muscle flexed with each bicep curl he did. It was as if her dream man manifested before her eyes; LL Cool J's body with Denzel Washington's face. After gazing for a couple of minutes, she immediately looked down at her wedding ring and felt the guilt wash over her. Besides, who was she kidding? A man like that would never even notice her. Alicia had always walked with an air of confidence until lately. Being married and comfortable, she felt she had let herself go a bit. Unbeknownst to her, she was still grabbing men's attention. She stood about 5'7", her long curly hair tied back in a ponytail, with full 40D's and a shapely, voluptuous frame topped off with a big round booty. She was no skinny Minnie, but not obese. She was a full figured Latina definitely not without some sexy assets. She looked back down at the screen. It read 5 miles. She turned off the treadmill and grabbed her gym towel. As she patted her brow and her chest, damping up all the sweat that trickled down, she looked across the room again. Her black Adonis looked away nervous. She wondered, had he been checking her out from a far just the same? No way. Still, she decided to find out for sure. She stepped down from the machine and walked a little bit closer to the free weights area towards the resistance training machines. Alicia laid flat on the leg curling machine, adjusted the weight and began working out. As she continued her lifts she could feel the muscles in her legs and butt tighten and strengthen. She made certain to tighten and protrude her butt as much as possible as she mounted the machine. She peeked over back at him. He was watching her again! After a few more reps she got up, wiped the machine down and faced in his direction. She felt some final stretching was in order. She bent down and touched her ankles, exposing her massive cleavage pouring from her sports bra in his direction. She looked up at him and the two made eye contact briefly before he looked away. Having accomplished both her work out and unexpected flirting goals for the day, Alicia made her way to the exit feeling much more confident than when she arrived. What's the harm, she thought. Glad he enjoyed the view and the confidence boost is nice. I'll probably never see him again anyway. Just then she reached in her gym bag for her keys. No jingle could be heard. Oh my god. Not again. Alicia ran to her car window and peered inside. There they were, her keys, just laying on her passenger seat right next to her cell phone. Fantastic. Now what? It was at least a 5 mile march back to the house which she was in no mood to commence not to mention the verbal assault she would get at home from her husband for being so reliably forgetful. She turned, leaned against the driver side door and closed her eyes. She began rubbing the stress and frustration from her forehead. Suddenly, she felt a large strong hand grab her wrist and guide it down. "Miss, are you ok," asked a deep, bass filled voice. She opened her eyes and saw a huge, muscular black manly chest barely covered with a muscle shirt. She slowly guided her eyes up looking at every muscle from his large biceps, up to his broad burly shoulders, finally arriving to his chiseled, handsome face. It was him. It was actually him towering over her right now. "I-I feel so s-stupid," Alicia stuttered. She steadied her nerves and took a breath. She giggled a bit and continued. "I locked my keys and my cell phone in my car again. I can't believe it." "Oh, well that's too bad. I can help you out though," the man replied. "Do you have a phone," Alicia inquired. "No I don't, not on me," he replied. "But I can give you a lift back to your place." "I don't think that'll do me much good, really. I have no key to get in," Alicia said as she looked away innocently. "Besides, my husband isn't home from work so he can't let me in either." "Well, why don't you let me give you a ride back to my place and you can call someone to help you out," he suggested. "I'm not sure," Alicia replied with hesitation. "Here, let me properly introduce myself a bit. My name is Tyrone. I live just a few miles away." Tyrone held out his hand to shake. Alicia reached out and grasped it. It is huge and firm. Her mind flooded with thoughts of it running along her body and caressing her curves, reaching and grabbing, every part of her. She looked down his body, admiring his physique and stopped at the sight of his enormous bulge protruding from his baggy sweat pants. "Ma'am?" She finally snapped herself out of her gaze and focused back on his face. "Yes, I'm so sorry my mind just- I'm Alicia. Thanks." She quietly thought to herself some more. "I think I'll take you up on that. Do you live far?" "Not at all, Alicia. What a beautiful name for such a beautiful woman." Alicia giggled, "Thank you." "Actually I don't live far at all. Just a few miles down the street near Thompson." "You're kidding," Alicia replied, "I live right off of Thompson." "Well if that's the case, you should just let me give you a lift to my place, you can relax from your workout and call your husband once he gets out of work," Tyrone said, "I've got plenty of drinks and a nice, new couch for us to chill on. "Can I take a shower first," she asked. Tyrone looked her up and down."Anything you want." Alicia smiled and turned away to hide her blushing visage. Tyrone unlocked the front door and opened it for Alicia. She slowly entered and took in the beauty of his home. Every piece of furniture in the living room was pure Italian leather centered around a huge flat screen TV. She could see in the kitchen and found all modern appliances and marble countertops. He followed in behind her and guided her to the living room where she had a seat on his luxurious couch. He sat on a recliner adjacent to her. "You been a member of the gym long," Tyrone inquired. "Just a few weeks. I was really dissatisfied with where I was physically by the end of the year that I decided to start going," Alicia replied. "I can't imagine you would be very dissatisfied with a body like that." "Oh stop. But thank you. I guess the visits have been paying off," she said coyly. "I'm sure there was nothing wrong with you before," Tyrone said. "You seem very fine to me and I'm sure your husband appreciates every inch of you. At least, I hope he does." "Of course," she said, "but it's comforting to know when someone else notices." Tyrone grins. "I know I'm guilty of that. You saw me stealing glances at you, didn't you?" "Depends. Did you see me watching you," Alicia retorts. "I guess we're both guilty then, huh?" "It'll be late soon and I'll need to call my husband. Can I take you up on that shower before I do," she asks. "Of course. Bathroom is down the hall, second door on the left." Alicia stood up and turned away. "Thanks," she said as she walked out of the living room. She could feel Tyrone's eyes feasting on the view from behind as she walked away, sashaying her hips side to side. Inside the bathroom, she began stripping her clothes off starting with her sweaty top and sports bra. As she lifted them off, her large breasts flowed down. Her nipples were brown and hard with the excitement of the day. She bent over and pulled down her spandex pants exposing her full, apple shaped butt and a lightly trimmed bush. She felt herself, running her fingers along the edge of her pussy. Very wet. God what had the thought of him done to her. Alicia figured she'd hop in the shower and rub one out before making her way out of here. A little fantasizing is never wrong, she figured. She turned on the hot water and made her way into the shower. She started shampooing her hair immediately. As she lathered, she could feel the soap bubbles drip down her forehead and over her eye lids. She continued to scrub, her eyes fully closed. Alicia was about to lean forward to rinse out her long hair when she felt that familiar large hand on her hip. She jumped back and fell into the arms of Tyrone. "Oh my god!" "It's alright, I got you," Tyrone said softly and comforting. "What are you doing in her," she asked with a measured concern. "I worked up quite a sweat myself. I didn't think you'd mind if I joined you." Alicia certainly didn't. She was planning on taking care of herself once she was alone but this would be a lot more fun. She finally leaned forward back onto her own two feet. Tyrone still kept a hold on her, his massive arms enveloping her almost totally. She could feel the weight of his long flaccid penis as it pressed against the small of her back down her buttocks. Lord he is huge, she thought. Tyrone leaned down and began kissing Alicia's neck. She closed her eyes and pushed the guilty thoughts of her husband out of her mind. His hand began around her neck, lifting her chin and lips closer to his before it migrated down and grabbed her breasts. He squeezed, her nipples sticking out from between his fingers. She reached around behind and began stroking his large cock. She couldn't even fit her hand completely around it and he wasn't even hard yet. Alicia began stroking it downward never reaching the tip. "Oh my," Alicia said aloud. "What is it," Tyrone asked. "I like what you're working with there. Your cock is really big. This is going to be a challenge," she observed. "I'm sure you are up to it." Alicia turned around and faced Tyrone, never taking her hand off his shaft. She finally looked down to see it. Her jaw nearly hit the floor. It was dangling loosely more than ¾ of the way down his thigh just short of reaching his knees. She was compelled to stroke even harder. Tyrone reached behind her and cupped his hands underneath her buttocks, his fingers slowly making their way to her pussy from behind. He dipped a couple of fingers in and pulled them out. She was completely soaked. Alicia could feel him growing in her very hand. His cock was pulsating and expanding with every stroke. She knew she had to have it. At that moment, Tyrone lifted her in his arms to her surprise. No man had ever had exhibited such strength. It turned her on even more. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. She rested her lips against his, feeling his tongue explore her mouth. Alicia felt his penis still growing, the length of which firmly beginning to press against her pussy lips. "I need you inside of me right now," she whispered. Tyrone looked deeply into her eyes, "With pleasure." Tyrone carried Alicia out of the shower, across the hall and into the bedroom. He threw her down on the bed, Alicia breasts bouncing continually from the landing. Tyrone slowly crawled on top of her, gliding over her body stopping just over her chest. He pressed his lips against her nipple, lightly flicking it with his tongue while he used his other hand to cup the other breast. She laid on her back moaning gently, ready to accept him and all he had to offer. He slowly caressed her side with his free hand and softly inserted two of his fingers inside her dripping opening. He used his thumb to stimulate her clit and he used his fingers to explore the inside of her vagina. Alicia began to feel herself convulsing with ever stroke against her clit. Tyrone moved his mouth upwards to the side of her neck as he began sucking against her skin. She could feel the hickey forming. "Oh, wait, wait wait. No hickeys. My husband," she said stopping mid-sentence. "Frankly my dear: I just don't give a fuck." So she'd wear her hair down for a bit, she figured. And with that he drove his fingers deeper, rubbed her clit harder and continued his assault on her neck. Alicia had finally surrendered any last will she had to her black stallion lover. She clawed his back as she felt her body convulsing and giving way to her first orgasm. "Oh my god!" "There you go," Tyrone said. "Still thinking about him?" Alicia said no words and merely shook her head. "Good. We're just getting started." Tyrone made his way down her body, lightly kissing it along the way before stopping at her trembling pussy. Alicia put her hands behind his head guiding him into her. Tyrone used his thumbs to spread her lips apart and slid his long tongue inside of her. "Fuck, oh fuck," Alicia moaned. Tyrone licked her insides clean and began to suck on her clit. He began running his tongue from the base of her pussy up to her clit and flicked it. Finally, he put his entire mouth over her opening and began sucking on her clit. With her entire clit in his mouth he started running his tongue up and down and flicking it side to side. "Oh my god! What are you doing down there?!" Tyrone didn't respond but just continued working his mouth magic on her pussy. As her moaning grew louder he flicked faster and faster until finally she was screaming. "Fuck Tyrone! Fuck! Fuck! I'm cumming!" Alicia's body violently thrashed for a few seconds, her hands squeezing her massive breasts, as juices began pouring out from her vagina and into Tyrone's mouth. Tyrone gladly sopped up every drop. "Oh my god what was that? Did I-," she asked. "Yes you did Miss Alicia." "That's never happened to me before," Alicia said as she bit her fingertip in a show of minor embarrassment. "It's no problem. Something tells me there will be quite a few firsts for you tonight." Alicia laughed and covered her face with her hands. Tyrone lifted himself up and reached over grabbing Alicia's hips. She could feel him forcefully turning her over to which she offered no resistance. He reached forward and grabbed her shoulders, pulling her onto her hands and knees. She pushed her wet hair out of her faced and looked forward. To her surprise she found a large wall mirror staring back at her. She regarded the view of herself, breasts swinging back and forth with her black bull rising behind her. "Please, go slow," she asked. "Of course. I assume this much man isn't what you're used to." "Not at all," she replied. She looked at his reflection in the mirror, his confident smirk gleaming in the dim room. Alicia could do no more than to smile back. She braced herself as she felt him stroking himself preparing to insert his thick manhood into her. Tyrone licked the palm of his hand and rubbed it on the tip of his penis. "You ready baby," Tyrone asked. "Yeah," Alicia replied with an obvious nervousness. "Just keep talking to me, k?" Tyrone guided his cock to Alicia's pussy lips, rubbing his head up and down her slit. Finally, he spread her open and slowly guided himself into her. Alicia squinted and gasped as she felt herself stretching and straining to accommodate his girth. "God... dammit... you're so huge Tyrone... slow...slow..." Tyrone kept pressing forward until he could feel his length reaching her cervix. Alicia gasped once more, much more deeply this time. "There you go baby." Tyrone was hardly even half way inside of her. He began pulling out as slowly as he went in. Once halfway out, he pumped back into her trying to go a little farther in with some success. Alicia could feel her lips being stretched to capacity but couldn't contain her enjoyment and determination. She began to back into his cock as he pushed forward. Tyrone put his hands on Alicia's hips and helped her press against him. She reached under herself and began rubbing her clit to ease some of the pain. "Tyrone, you're more in me than anyone's ever been." "You're pussy is so fucking tight, baby." Tyrone began to increase his pace much to Alicia's pleasure. The rhythm of his thrusting increased as Alicia tried to keep pace, her tits jiggling with each dive into her pussy. Tyrone slapped Alicia's big, well-rounded ass. "Oh T, slap it harder!" Tyrone lifted his hand once more and slapped it harder against her left cheek. "Give it to me! Fuck me! Tyrone squeezed Alicia's hips and pressed forward finally fitting his entire manhood into her aching pussy. Alicia's eyes had been clenched thus far until she finally opened them and looked into the mirror. She saw the determination on Tyrone's face as he plowed into her. She watched as her breasts swayed front and back, faster and faster. At the sight of her watching him, Tyrone leaned forward and grabbed a hand full of her hair in one hand and a handful of her breast in the other. He pulled her ear close to his lips. "Can your man fuck you like this?" "No...," Alicia whimpered softly. "Say you love this big, black dick." "Ooh, I love your big dick," she said. "Now, scream it," Tyrone said as he pounded with more vigor. "Oh I LOVE your BIG BLACK DICK!" Alicia screamed it a few more times. Her hand grew sore from clutching the bed sheets so tightly. Tyrone gave her ass a couple of light slaps before he withdrew himself. He flipped Alicia on her back. Alicia squeezed her breasts together and Tyrone sucked on her pert nipples, biting them each ever so gently. He took her hand and guided it to his thick rod. "Touch it." Alicia ran her hand along his shaft feeling the bumps of his veins with her fingertips. "Put it inside of you." Alicia complied. She spit in her palm and rubbed his head. Grabbing it by the base, Alicia slowly glided it into her wet hole. She could only put it in a few inches herself but Tyrone plunged the rest in anyway. Alicia sealed her eyes shut and took in a deep gasp. She wrapped her arms around his broad back. "FUCK. OH MY GOD! FUCK," she uttered in between spasms. "That's a good girl. Take it all." Tyrone took his arms and placed them under Alicia's legs lifting them forward, her knees nearly almost against her chest. He rested his immense palms on each of her ass cheeks and lifted her behind easily. He arched her upward and followed suit putting his weight on his toes. Tyrone began ramming into her vigorously. "Oh my god! It's too much! Fuck! I don't think I can take it all," Alicia shouted. "You got it all, baby. It's all in there. Just take it." Alicia gulped loudly and braced herself as much as she could. Tyrone began slamming himself into her, his hips bouncing off of her thighs. Alicia could feel every inch of him enter her and come out dripping with her cum. "Oh my god, Tyron! I'm cumming! Fuuuuck!" Alicia's entire body rocked uncontrollably as an earthquake like orgasm overcame her. As the ripples passed, she began shaking. Tears, mixed of joy and pleasure, streamed down her face. She clutched his back tighter. He legs finally gave way and fell limp after several convulsions. Tyrone released his grip on her ass and removed his arms from beneath her thighs. He hugged her body, her hands still tearing into his back, as she found the strength and wrapped her legs around his waist. He pulled her up as he sat back. She straddled him; her legs tightened their python like grip around him, her ankles locked into each other. "Whose is it, baby," Tyrone asked. "It's yours Tyrone. God it's all yours! Take it!" Alicia tried to compose herself but couldn't find the strength. She moved her hands to his chest and squeezed his pecks as he put his hands underneath her ass and guided her hips into his, pressing himself even deeper inside of her. He pushed against her hips, further and stronger, with each thrust. "I want to ride it," she spoke tenderly, "Can I?" "Think you can handle it?" "Yeah," Alicia answered before biting her lower lip in anticipation. Tyrone let his body fall back and out stretched his legs. Alicia straddled him steadfastly and put her knees at each side of his hips. She grabbed his cock and gave it a few quick strokes. The size still amazed her. She tickled the base of his head and played with it a bit. Finally, she guided it into her drenched pink hole. She let his manhood slide between her index and middle finger as it slid into her. It was never ending, she thought as his length continued to fill her up. She could feel the base of his penis stretch her to capacity. She put her hands on his chest again, for support, as she slowly humped on his massive cock. "Yeah girl, now you got it," Tyrone encouraged. "Mhmm," Alicia said cunningly. She lifted her ass slowly into the air and slowly lowered it back down. Again. And again. And again. With each motion to lift she could feel her lips hugging his thickness, never wanting to let go. Her grip was so tight a loud suction sound was made with each motion. She arched her back as much as she could to lift her hips up. Her moaning grew louder as she increased her pace and smashed herself down onto his cock. "Oh god, oh god! OH GOD!" Alicia screamed with pleasure as she continued to slam her hips into him. Tyrone moved his hands up her body and squeezed her breasts forcefully. He could feel her pussy convulse as she came close to orgasm. He squeezed harder, pinching and twisting her nipples as she came. Her body began shuddering as the orgasm ripped from deep within her. She could feel the pleasure come from her bones, a pleasure no man had ever helped her achieve. "Ohhhh! Ahhhhh! Fuuuuck!" "Yeah, baby. Damn! Damn," Tyrone said. Alicia could feel the essences within her vagina pour out, covering his balls. She finally dismounted and collapsed into his arms. "Oh my god. That was amazing," she said, looking into his eyes. "Yes it was," Tyrone replied running his hand along the small of her back. "Did you cum?" "Nope," He replied. "So, that was all me," she questioned. "Oh, it was ALL you." Alicia smiled guiltily and looked away. She was embarrassed at the mess she had made. Looking down, she could see the puddle she had left on his body and the bed. Tyrone's cock still stood firmly like a stone monolith between his legs. She began to stroke it, rubbing her mess all over it. "I'm so sorry," she apologized. "Well, I know how you can make it up to me." Tyrone had to say no more. As it is Alicia was still fixated on his cock. So she made her way down his body, kissing each rippled muscle along the way. She finally came face to face with it. She rested her chin on his crotch as she stroked it with two hands. Even with both having a grip on it she had room for a third and some. She jerked it enthusiastically working both hands rhythmically. Coming face to face with his cock, the sheer size astounded her. It was longer than her face. She started at the bottom and began kissing it softly. She ran her tongue along his length from top to bottom and to top again over and over. Her worship was practically involuntary. She began sucking and pushing it deeper into her mouth as she jerked him off with her left hand. She could feel his cock throb in her mouth as she bobbed her head up and down fitting as much as she could to the back of her throat. "That's it baby, take it all," Tyrone told her as he ran his fingers through her hair. "It's so much," Alicia said between slurps, "I think I need some help from the girls." She finally took it out of her mouth and rubbed it some more. She lifted herself up a bit more and wrapped her luscious tits around his cock. She started jiggling them and jerking him off rapidly. She swathed the tip of his cock poking through her cleavage with her lips as she continued to bounce her huge boobs on his dick. "Shit baby, those tits feel so good," Tyrone told her. "Yeah, T. Cum for me..." Tyrone's body began to jerk. She could feel, to her amazement, Tyrone's penis firm up between her breasts. His balls tightened as she began to increase her speed. As she stroked him with a fury she bobbed her head steadily to keep pace. She could feel the first few drops of cum between her lips. Normally, Alicia was revolted with the thought of the taste of cum. However, she felt this undeniable desire to take his load anyway she could. "Mmm, you taste so good. Give it all to me," Alicia cooed. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum, shit.... Shit..." Finally, Alicia felt the waves travel through his shaft as he emptied a continuous load of semen in her mouth. It was so much it filled her mouth after a few spurts and dribbled down his cock and her tits. Tyrone's cock continued to pump out cum as it spread all over her chest. Alicia looked down with pride at the sticky mess she had created. She swallowed the mouthful she had managed to capture and rubbed the rest on her breasts. "Wow... just wow," she said. "Goddamn," Tyrone said agreeably. Alicia stood up, Tyrone's cum dripping down her torso, and walked across the hall and into the bathroom. She grabbed a towel and began wiping herself down as she walked back into the bedroom. Tyrone was still lying on the bed, halfway covered with a blanket, rubbing his manhood back to life. "Having fun there," Alicia asked. "Yeah, just getting ready for round two," Tyrone replied. "You're kidding, right?" "For you? Dead serious," he said confidently. Alicia looked at his penis begin to stiffen and rise up. Her looked turned into a mesmerized gaze. She lowered her hand to her pussy and rubbed her clit. Still wet, she thought, so why not? Then her head shot up from the view. "OH my god?! What time is it," she frantically asked. She scanned the room for a clock and stopped at his digital alarm. Christ, she thought, had it really been over two hours since they left the gym?! "Fuck, fuck, fuck it's so late! I have to call my husband," Alicia said, "where's your phone?" "The living room," Tyrone said calmly. "God, I'll be right back!" "I'll be here," Tyrone said reassuringly. Alicia sped out of the room. Tyrone looked over at his closet door. "Hey," he said aloud, "you still in there? You alright?" The closet door slowly opened. Out walked Alicia's husband. He walked over to close the bedroom door and then to a laundry hamper across from the bed. He lifted some clothes off the top revealing a camcorder. "I'm doing just fine. That went even smoother than I thought it would," her husband said, "and what a show!" "I was very happy to help," Tyrone said, "she practically begged me to bring her home." "Really? I can't imagine why," her husband replied sarcastically. "Thanks though. She deserves to feel wanted," he continued, "by more than just me." "I couldn't help myself after you showed me her picture at work. Shit, I woulda fucked her even without you knowing," Tyrone laughed, "she's a freak." "Watch it," her husband said smiling. His cell phone began to vibrate. It was Alicia. "You know the agreement. You fuck her stupid. I get to watch," he said as he pulled the phone to his ear. "Hey baby," he answered calmly, "Yeah I'm still at work. Are you still at the gym?... Yeah go ahead and stay there, I won't be home for at least a couple more hours... of course, it's alright... K, see you when I get home." Alicia's husband turned back to Tyrone after hanging up the phone. "Back to work." Alicia's husband set the camcorder back in place and made his way back into the closet just as the bedroom door opened. Alicia hopped back into bed with Tyrone and starting working his semi-erect cock with her hand. Tyrone started caressing her body. Her husband looked on from the closet in silence and smiled. |
Dear Reader, there is mention to true events near the beginning of this story. I only mention this to highlight the mood and feel of that time in Québec City. This was the era, exact date and city I had chosen for this story before doing a little research. I found it all too fitting, to add to the eerie setting that I wanted to convey. A Dhampir, also called a Daywalker, is the child of a Vampire father and a human mother. Dhampir have the powers of a vampire, as their powers are similar to those of vampires, but without the weaknesses. I did do alot of research on the DHAMPIR, in the end I decided to write by my own rules. For me there is nothing sexy about enlarged teeth, jelly bones and enlarged pointed ears. This story is best described as a Romantic Non Human/Sci-fi, I hope it is entertaining and well received. This is my third story written, first time in Non Human/Sci-fi. It is a story with a couple of sex scenes but not dripping with sex like my usual work. If you are wanting just sex, this may not be for you. I am trying to work on my characters, and story development. I let the story lead me, I hope you like it! As always, Thank you for reading, your comments and votes. I really appreciate the feedback. Comments and votes encourage me to continue, I am still new to this and I appreciate the feedback. -E ... Québec City, Quebec October 1st, 1920 5:00 am The air was cool that morning, a fine mist and fog off of the water, and along the harbor front. The air still had that damp night chill, the kind that got into your bones. The sky still dark, but the shipyard was busy, along with the bakeries and butcher shops. Already the milkmen were loading cases of milk bottles into trucks, the sound of stray dogs barking. The city was waking up, coming alive in the soft glow of the street lights. The elders of the community still whispering of a recent disappearance. Back in early September, a shipping guard in his late 30s, had vanished. It was declared he fell off the wharf as he was often with drink. Because of his position and family, it was duly noted in the paper he slipped off the pier and perished in the sea. It had rained so hard that night, his only remains was his hat found on the dock. Later today, a second male would go missing just before midnight, not a soul would have known of his dissapearance until he washed up on the shore, weeks later. A vagabond, who was involved in the underground black market for guns and weapons. Nothing that needed to be brought to the City. He was also a voyeur, peaking on young ladies after dark. He had a dark side, he was a bad man. On a day like today, this was small news, only taking a small spot on page two. Really more of a missing person's ad with a short quote from Inspector Givens, stating no foul play had been determined. That, Shipping Guard François Ménard had most likely slipped and fell into the ocean, during heavy rain. There was a bigger story looming over the hearts and minds of the residence of Québec City. The day already felt cursed, for months now, everyone knew, and of course this morning, on every front page. GAGNON WOMAN WAS TO BE HANGED TODAY OCTOBER 1ST 1920. SENTENCED TO DEATH BY HIS HONOURABLE L.-P. PELLETIER. At 8:00 a.m. this morning Marie-Anne Houde should have been hanged from the scaffolding. However, Marie-Anne Houde gave birth to twins (boy and girl) in a Quebec jail on July 1920. Therefore, on 29 September 1920, her sentence was commuted to life imprisonment. Of course the residence of Québec City were outraged. They wanted justice and by 7:00 a.m. a crowd would have collected outside the jail. They had been waiting for this moment for months, since the sentencing in April. No doubt an angry mob would take to the streets. Jackson Levac had just gotten out of bed, one of the city's most eligible bachelors. At 35 years old. Jackson was tall 6' 3", wavy light brown hair and brown eyes. He always dressed nice and smelled better. Jackson Levac was the oldest of 4 children, both his parents, two brothers and sister all lived in Trois-Rivières, Quebec. All his siblings were married off now and his father and brothers were all fishermen in Trois-Rivières. Infact, Jackson came from a long line of fishermen, all of his uncles and grands-pères for the last 100 years. Jackson loved tradition, yet he felt a calling for something different, a new life. Not that he was opposed to family life and hard work. Jackson yearned for a faster pace, Boulevards, nice cars, sweet smelling life, people worked hard but living was easier. Jackson wanted more out of life and at just 16 he left home and moved to Québec City. He worked in the shipping yard and moved up fast as he was a quick study and took note of every thing. He taught himself English, and a handful of other languages. He had enough of the basics, to get by on basic interaction with the sea captains from different ships. He made a name for himself and by 30 years old he took the position of head of Imports. Every month he sent home a letter and an envelope of cash to his parents. It was a hard life, having something to fall back on in the winter months helped them survive. Although he escaped the old fishing village, his heart was still with them all. Helping out financially was the least he could do. Usually catching glances from women young and old. He had courted a couple of young ladies in his day but his long hours and busy schedule kept him from becoming serious with anyone. His life was carefree and enjoyable, weekends at the dance hall and supper club. He and his friend's would frequent, over the years. These days though his number of friends were dwindling...marrying off, one by one. Having his morning coffee while he shaved in his cramped bathroom. Jackson could certainly afford a grander place, it was still a very nice apartment for a bachelor. A well-to-do community in his building, secure with a doorman. What more could you want? Close to diners, dance halls, piano bars and entertainment, he gladly kept the cramped bathroom to have every convenience so close by. Jackson dressed smartly in a tweed suit, a cream scarf around his neck, a charcoal Fedora and woolen overcoat. He stepped outside to the brisk morning air, grabbing a paper and heading down to the shipping yard in his 1917 Winton Sport. Passing by the growing crowd collecting near the jail, police already out minding the crowd. Today would take extra security for the shipping yards as well. Jackson pulled up to his offices overlooking the harbor, a ship was already docked and looking to unload. Jackson walked briskly towards the ship, waving. A memory flashed before his eyes, just a quick image, a face. He could not put his finger on it and the moment he would try to remember it all, he would forget. The past few weeks needed reviewing in his mind, he felt a little confused. Missing moments here and there. After receiving the shipment, he returned to his office and began to document everything he could remember thus far. It was weeks ago, in early September, when the bits of his memory began to escape him. Jackson Levac was not the only one whose fate changed that day. Really it all began back in early September, 1920. ... September, 4th 1920 8:00 a.m. It had been a horrific cruise from London, the weather had been so bad, that the ship arrived a 2 days late. High seas for five days straight, hardly saw a soul in the dining room for meals. Usually one family member venturing out for tea and cakes or soup. Mostly whole families or couples just starting out together. Life in a new country, Canada, sounded charming and full of adventure. Full of new life, second chances and a fresh start for many. Catherine Earl however, had come alone. She was on the fair side, small framed at 8 stone (112lbs) and 5' 6" (1.68 m) in height. Dark auburn hair with bright green eyes, very fair skin. Catherine wore her hair pinned up in a series of plats, not the adhering to the popular hair style of the times. Wearing a navy blue coat with brown gloves and brown boots. Catherine watched from the deck as the ship pulled into the harbor early that September morning. Thick fog and drizzling rain, the temperature rising dramatically as they came closer to the docking bay. With a 30-minute wait before anyone could leave the ship, Catherine went back to her room. Changing to a pale blue day dress and a modest shoe with white mesh day gloves. It felt like summer, the air was warm and sweet, nothing like London when she had left 13 days prior. The day was Saturday, September 4th, overcast and dreary was the morning. By 10:00 a.m. the last of the passengers had disembarked, collecting their items and standing in line to leave the shipping dock. That is when she saw him, Jackson Levac. Tall and handsome, that irresistible smile, which twinkled when he caught her watching. He had a few things arriving from the great ship S.S Victoria, and could not help but notice bright green eyes in a pale blue dress staring at him. Delightfully younger than he, Scottish lass he wondered as he walked closer. "Welcome to Québec, to Canada. What brings you here?" he smiled warmly, slightly bold. Catherine smiled back and stared him down. "Thank you, how very hospitable of you... I have come for a fresh start, new beginnings." her British accent thick and strong, definitely not a Scot. "Surely one as young and beautiful as you has no need to start over." Observing her dress and belongings, she came from money, most probably married to some lucky old bastard. Catherine smiled as he reached for her hand, drawing it to his lips, a soft kiss. "Jackson Levac...I work in imports and you my dear?" His warm lips lingered a moment against her cool gloved hand, a jolt rushed through the two of them simultaneously. Images and excitement coursing through them, such a rush. Collecting herself, Catherine spoke with a touch of whimsy. "Catherine Earl, import to Canadian soil." she smiled coyly. "Very good to meet you, Mr. Levac." "Indeed Miss Earl, very good to meet you too," he smiled feeling a tremble beneath his skin. What a curious way to feel on a Saturday morning, no ambience, no candlelight, not even a whisper from a moonless night. Broad daylight, and Jackson felt as if he were drunk with drink and had spent hours kissing Miss Earl. Grappling with the sensations within his body he smiled at her as his name was called out in the distance. Seeing his foreman wave him down, and his shipment being unloaded, he excused himself. Finally, Catherine was at the front of the line, giving her documents and registering. A few quick signatures, and she was free to go as she pleased, new resident of Québec City more or less. Jackson caught up with her again, helping her with her things to the car and driver. "Do you have accommodations here in town or else where?" "I do Mr. Levac, a small property I purchased, my belongings should be along on Monday via cargo shipping. Until then, the boarding house." she smiled, stepping into the car. "Good day, Mr. Levac." not an ounce of submissiveness about her, eyes wild. "Good day Miss Catherine Earl. I do hope we meet again," he smiled. "As do I, Mr. Levac," she smiled in return. Caught in her gaze, impossible to break away from, Jackson Levac felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. Miss Earl was extraordinarily different from any other woman he had ever met. She didn't put on airs, she was fashionable in her own way, slightly old fashioned and yet ahead of her time. She didn't follow the rules the way the other women did, and he liked it. She was wild at heart. ... Sunday, September 5th 1920 11:00 a.m. Another dreary day, the sky was so dark with clouds. Despite his better judgement Jackson Levac, walked through the market and purchased a small bouquet of flowers. He had asked around and found out exactly which boarding house Catherine was staying in. Knocking on the door, Mme. Luise came to answer. "Oui, Monsuier?" she quickly asked. She was short, not taller than 5 feet (1.52 m), in her late 60s and very French Canadian. She judged him with one look on her face, shaking a finger at him. He was English-French, new money and far too fancy of a man to her liking, he wore expensive clothes and drove an expensive car. She felt he was up to no good, coming round to call on Miss Catherine. Only here a few hours it seemed. Proper suitors should follow some kind of protocol, this certainly wasn't it. "Miss Catherine Earl? Is she in?" he smiled. "Bah!" she almost spat at him. Pointing to the chair for him to sit, she left the room and left Jackson to wait until Catherine came down the stairs to greet him. "Mr. Levac!" Catherine was quite amazed with his visit. "What brings you here this afternoon?" she asked. "I thought maybe a walk, the two of us. I could show you around the city," he smiled handing her the flowers. Catherine nodded with a smile, smelling the bouquet. "Thank you, these are lovely Mr. Levac. I would love a tour of your city," she smiled again. "Let me grab a shawl." Setting the flowers aside she found a small vase and pumped in a little water. Setting the flowers on the kitchen table, Catherine dashed up to her room to get her shawl. Taking her arm he admired her lovely skin and dress. So very feminine and dainty features, he loved the fact she hadn't the same look as all the other ladies. Her dress was a soft green that brought out her hair and eyes. Light mesh gloves again and a sensible brown boot for walking. Jackson showed her all around the city, the beautiful courtyards where couples sat smiling at one another. Jackson wanted to take her hand, but he dare not, they had just met after all. They walked along the pier, her hair catching flight and that look in her eye, he was smitten. An afternoon of ice cream at the boardwalk and then a hot cup of tea back at Mme. Luise's boarding house. Catherine waved goodbye on the porch as Jackson drove away. Her stomach in knots, clenched tight, she liked this Jackson Levac. ... Echoes through the dark alleyways over cobblestone streets, the click of heels and a wisp of black over black. That night perched on a third story window sill, a dark figure watched over him, breathing slow and labored. It went quite late, until something in the night stole that attention away. Jackson had a terrible sleep that evening, the first of many to come. By the next morning, François Ménard a Shipping Guard would be declared missing. Having stepped out for a cigarette, late that evening, while on duty to admire the night sky. Humming to himself as he took a long drag from his cigarette, something moved near the side of the bushes. A lovely long leg extended from a feminine form, too high end for a prostitute. He smiled a lewd grin, taking it all in, as he extended his hand to brush her bare leg. So soft and smooth, he rarely caught a glimpse of his wife's hairy ankle. Giving him that moment of pleasure as his rough calloused hands groped and pinched her soft skin. She grabbed Guard François Ménard by his jacket collar, her beautiful crimson lips passed over his and kissed him roughly. He moaned lowly into her mouth as her hand grabbed his crotch. That erection forming, she squeezed him a little as she sucked in his tongue, deeper inside her mouth. Slowly teasing him, he dropped his cigarette along the road as she began walking him backwards, closer and closer to the wharf. Skillfully she unbuttoned his trousers, a nice thick cock now in her hand. She squeezed and stroked at it, enjoying that growth in her palm. Loving the power a woman could have over a man. So easily manipulated, her victims came so willingly. Panting as he tried to catch a feel for her body, she was careful to rob him of that pleasure. Pinning his arms behind his head as she forcefully pushed him against a gate on the docks. She knew this kind of man all too well, great public face but really a deviant hidden behind his status. François Ménard was not a good man, he had a taste for younger women and had forced himself on them. He abused his power and many a time got a young woman in a dark corner. Cock in hand, he got them on their knees or bent over against the wall. Always new immigrants, shy and scared, he was never reported. Home life was not much better, he was a pig to his wife. Forcing Mme. Ménard on her knees and using her mouth whenever he pleased. He was a rough and cruel man, when it came to women. Though no person would ever say such a thing as matrimonial rape existed, Mme. Ménard would certainly disagree. Her body always covered in bruises, she gone numerous times to the hospital after the babies were born. Receiving stiches to her vagina from the tearing. He was no gentelman, refusing to wait and let her body rest. Catherine could read every sickening detail from his eyes, Mme. Ménard would be safe after this. François Ménard, tried to speak, but Catherine became more intent on kissing him, squeezing him and stroking him. That black gloved hand over his hardened member, he shuddered as she brought him closer to release. Her hand sliding up and down his member. Her tongue now licking up and down that bulging vein in his neck, that quickened breath as she stroked him swiftly and firmly. Finally unable to take it anymore, the smell of his pulse, the blood rushing to the tip. Seconds away from release, pumping his cock faster and harder still, her lips sucking at the vein in his neck. Shipping Guard François Ménard exploded into her palm as her teeth tore away the flesh in his neck. Sucking out his warm wet blood all over her mouth. His warm creamy seed all over her gloves as she continued to stroke. He collapsed in her arms as he spewed his seed and slowly bled to death. She continued to drink from him as his cock oozed and twitched in her palm. Admiring that look on his frozen face of absolute satisfaction. She moaned sucking the last of his life from him, dragging the Guard Ménard down the pier, she tossed him quickly into the ocean harbor. Washing the remnants of her crime away, she smiled as the sky opened up in a downpour. Her little secret, washed clean. ... Monday, September 6 1920 11:00am Catherine Earl lay in her bed, caught in her thoughts she was startled by the knock at her bedroom door at the boarding house. Nearly noon and the smells of fresh biscuits and scones filled the air. "Miss Earl, lunch is almost ready...will you be joining us?" Mme. Luise called outside her door. Reaching for her dressing gown, Catherine's head pounded, such a ringing in her ears. "Yes, Thank you Mme. Luise, I will be down shortly," Catherine called back. Going to wash up in her small bathroom she noticed the dried blood in the corners of her mouth and chin. Looking to her hands which were thickly crusted, fingernails embedded with thick layers of dried blood. Catherine's stomach sunk as much as her mouth ached to suck her fingers clean. Avoiding the temptation, she scrubbed her hands profusely, until there was not a spot beneath her nail bed. It had happened again...her face full of emotion and rage within herself. She had been doing so well, how could she slip up like this?! She hadn't even felt that hungry in recent days, then she remembered. Handsome, good smelling Mr. Jackson Levac. She had gone out last night. It was he that had awakened that hunger, she had wanted to leave this all back in London. She would have to be more careful, this could not happen again. Looking to the chair as she took off her dressing gown, there lay her black shroud of clothing and black boots along with that black wig. No doubt, covered in blood, she would wash them later. Packing it away she got dressed quickly in a pastel yellow dress, pinning her hair quickly up, little white gloves and a dab of lipstick, rouge and a little mascara. She looked like one of them again. She felt rattled as she joined the others in the dining room for lunch. Sitting down, napkin in her lap, Catherine took tiny bites of her scone and drank her tea, quietly while the others around the table chatted. Excited about the cargo ship arriving later that afternoon, moving day. The ship was due to port this afternoon, she couldn't believe she hadn't been out to see the house yet. Just on the outskirts of the city, a little privacy and a prettier home. It was mostly already furnished, which was good as she hadn't much to add. A few family heirlooms, her car and more household items. Mostly her clothing and a large wardrobe, she simply could not let go of. ... Down at the port, her 1919 Hispano Suiza H6 in a cream and chrome finish was waiting for her, along with her other items. She signed for everything and was helped to load a few smaller things into her car. The company she hired, had two men moving her things, they drove ahead as she followed in her vehicle. Catherine laughed following the truck, it felt bizarre driving on the wrong side of the road. Finally, at her new home, she admired the details, lovely old stone home with white shutters. A small vegetable garden in the backyard, that had been maintained. Inside, dark hardwood throughout the home, crystal candle chandeliers in each room. Removing the dust covers from the sofas and other furniture, she unpacked and made the beds, while the two men unpacked the truck. With only two hours of daylight left, Catherine drove back into the city to collect her things from Mme. Luise's Boarding house. Clearing out her room, she remembered the dark clothes covered in dried blood. She would tend to those, the moment she got home. Quickly she went the market as it was packing up for the day. She managed to purchase a few candles and box of matches, preserves, a baguette, a small chicken, a couple of potatoes, three apples and a block of ice for the icebox. Tomorrow she could pick up more, for tonight this was enough. By the time she had gotten back, lit a few candles and did her washing quickly, it had grown dark. Lighting the fireplace she sat in an old wooden rocking chair. It was late already, she would be safe out here. Easier to control herself away from the masses, in a few years she would move again. She was still so young to be on her own, but to stay together with her family would be dangerous. They had drawn too much attention. She was safer without them in this new country. Her thirst was not out of necessity, being a Dhampir, she could in fact eat human food. Human blood was more for her pleasure and strength than a need. When she drained the blood from the Shipping Guard François Ménard last night, it was Jackson Levac that she was picturing. His mouth, his neck that she dug into, in her mind, trying to satisfy that thirst. ... Later that night Catherine dressed in a black tunic and tight black trousers with a cloak. Adjust the black wig over her hair she headed to the city. Roaming the streets around the shipping yard she was shocked to see Jackson there so late. A shipment of furniture had just come in, and he was overseeing it all. As the delivery trucks were packed up, he quietly walked away from the vessel and towards his office. Catherine watched him silently, her breath quickened, smelling him so close. Feeling every pulse of his body, she bit down hard on her lower lip. As she had feasted so recently, she knew she could pull off a little taste. She would still have tremendous speed from the feasting, Catherine darted towards him from where she had been hiding in the shadows. Grasping him so fast, her mouth on Jackson's neck as she swirled around him. She sucked so hard in that instant all the blood rushed to his skin. Like a blood bruise, she could almost taste him. Jackson's heart raced at that moment as he felt a shuffle, a rush, a sting to his neck. Nothing more than a blur to his eyes, Catherine hid back in the shadows as she smiled to herself, how good he tasted. She allowed herself a slight bite, nothing to pierce the skin. She shuddered in the dark as she watched him from a distance, continuing to walk to his car. When Jackson woke the next morning and went to shave, he discovered the dark purple bruise on his neck, touching it softly he felt a flutter beneath his skin. His heart rate increased, and he felt that rush of excitement again. Something, a memory eluded him, but that delicious spark was there. ... Tuesday, September 21st 1920 12:00 p.m. It had rained all last week and through the weekend. Catherine had the house cleaned top to bottom and completely unpacked. She had been canning apples, apple jellies and apple sauce along with making pickles. She laughed at her domestic skills but did enjoy it. She made an apple pie with a crumble top for Mr. Levac, as a small "Thank you" for his kindness. He had come to fix her fence and one of the window to the upstairs bedroom. She knew how dangerous it was to not keep distance between them. Catherine knew it was a game she would not win and not one to be played. There was a spark between them, no need to let it burn. It should be squelched and ended before it had a chance. No good could come of it and yet there she was at the shipping yard, warm apple pie in hand wrapped in a linen cloth. Tapping on his door softly, as it opened. A young man held the door as he was on his way out. Jackson looked up and saw Catherine, a huge smile on his face when his eyes met her's. "Catherine! Come in please!" he said jumping to his feet. Jackson walked swiftly towards her, practically dragging her into his office. "So good to see you! What a rain that was! How are you?" he paused as he took her hand kissing it briefly. "Nice to see you as well, Mr. Levac." she replied, surprised he used her first name. "I made you a little treat as a "Thank you" for helping with the window and fence. That rain was something indeed! Two rain barrels filled!" she smiled. Jackson inhaled deeply "Apple pie?" his eyes lit up. "My favourite! Thank you, Miss Earl! I cannot wait to try it! What a treat!" he smiled. Catherine smiled too, this new life felt good and promising. Setting the pie on his desk, Jackson decided to break for lunch early. "Join me for lunch? It is so nice out today, like summer. We can get sandwiches and take a walk. Will you join me?" he asked. "I would love to Mr. Levac, it sounds lovely." Catherine replied as she took his arm and they left the building. A street vendor close to the wharf, had sandwiches and lemonade for sale, Jackson grabbed something for both of them and they found a shady spot right by the water. The sound of the crashing waves and seagulls around them, they chatted about life in London and Québec. How very nice this little bit of normal was, Catherine felt joyful, as did Jackson. A girl could get very used to this, lunches oceanside with a handsome bachelor. Jackson loved listening to her speak, that lovely lilt in her voice. Being so close without touching, his cock jumped and twitched in his lap. It surprised him how much he wanted her, her charm so subtle and lady like. That evening was the first that he fantasized about laying with her. Stroking his cock, dreaming of burying his face in her long auburn tresses. ... Monday, September 27th 1920 4:00 pm Catherine had been out in the back garden all afternoon when Jackson Levac drove up her lane way. She had sensed him long before he drove up. She felt nervous knowing he was so near to her, and they were isolated from prying eyes and ears. Dusting off her hands on her apron, she walked around to the front of the house to great him. Removing her apron he could see she was in a pretty cotton dress in a floral print, barefoot and soiled hands. "Mr. Levac, how good it is to see you." she smiled holding a bowl of vegetables against her hip. Smiling and very aware of his heart rate and that quickening of his pulse. His excitement matched hers, her ear perked to his breathing, how it had grown faster with her near. "Miss Catherine, good afternoon. You are looking lovely as always, I took the liberty to bring you a few things from town, the ladies' council sent over a welcome package as well," he grabbed a bundle from the back of his car. Laughing at her current state of dirty bare feet and hands, so very un-lady like. She was certain her hair and face were just as disheveled. Before she could speak in protest, he was walking to the back of her house towards the kitchen door. Running ahead, she opened the door for him and watched as he placed the packages on to the kitchen counter. Catherine felt speechless, what an endearing thing to do. She placed her bowl of over abundant tomatoes on the table and walked over to the counter and watched as he began to unwrap everything. "I brought you these," he smiled boyishly. Pulling out 6 bottles of wine, a large bottle of maple syrup, a small basket of eggs and bag of sugar and a bag of flour. "Come winter, this will be hard to find. The ladies sent over these preserves and jarred fruit for you as well. Croissant, bread... I think they want to fatten you up!" he laughed. Catherine laughed too as he continued to remove items from the bags. Watching him and his enthusiastic smile, he felt happy doing this for her. He had such a goodness about him. Catherine felt a tremble growing within, despite her calm demeanor. She stood closely next to him, the energy between them undeniable. He also had a list of names of whom she should contact for chickens and a horse. Come winter she would need a horse to get about. Attaching them to the sleigh in the shed. There was no way to drive the roads otherwise, being on the outskirts of the city limits. Not quite farm land but definitely a more rural setting, which was once a hobby farm. The township worried it would be hard on her, city girl from Europe. So very kind of them all to offer so much to a stranger. Jackson caught her staring at him intently, her eyes appeared almost glazed over and at that moment, he wanted to kiss her. Catherine could hear his heart drumming in his chest, as her eyes took him in deeper. His hand covered her bare hand, and he leaned into her mouth, his mouth brushing her lips. He could feel her tremble beneath his warm lips, Catherine struggled to remain calm. Feeling his tongue in her mouth, he tasted better than she imagined. Sucking on his tongue, aching to bite, ever so softly. Jackson's hands in her hair, so soft and long, spilling down her back in a large braid, wisps falling in her face. He felt himself harden almost instantly, this woman briught such lustful thoughts from him. Panting against one another, Catherine finally turned away. "Mr. Levac, thank you for all of this. Please let the ladies know of my gratitude. I thank you as well." she said putting things away quickly. Jackson felt terrible, having been far too forward with her. "Catherine, I am sorry...forgive me. I came out to invite you to dinner on Friday evening. Please..." Her stomach dropped, so very informal to address her by her first name and that kiss. She felt so excited and wanting to pounce. Instead, her eyes glimpsed at him with a small curl of her lips. "I would like to go to dinner with you on Friday evening Mr. Levac. What time shall I be ready?" she asked softly. "May I come by at 6:00 pm? Reservations for 7:00 pm?" he asked studying her face. "Six O' clock is perfect. I will see you then." she smiled at him, escorting him to the door. Staving off that thirst for Mr. Jackson Levac, for the time being at least. ... That evening Catherine could not control her hunger anymore. She desperately wanted to wait, and not give in to these primal urges. She wanted to be good and sensible. If she knew what was good for her, she would have headed far North and never looked back. This kind of temptation was almost unbearable. Her human side ached for romantic love, but the other side of her wanted flesh against flesh. It was so hard to wait and let things flow naturally. She tried so hard to be a lady. Catherine was in a constant state of inner battle, she ached to give in to her needs. Rushing up the stairs quickly, up in her quaint bedroom, she pulled the large trunk open at the base of her bed. Black as the night, her wig and boots, tight tunic and pants, she dressed in speed as she tucked in her long hair. Hidden beneath the black wig, thick braids, pinned to her scalp. A dash of red lipstick, and she was off into the night. Catherine picked up his scent right away. Back at the ship yard, Jackson was in his offices, shutting everything down. He had furniture come in late and had it all sent out in trucks. Everyone had left him, and he was exhausted, getting to his car he drove towards home. Coming to a screeching halt as he saw something in the road, just a block away from his house, right by the bakery. "Jesus!" he screamed as he turned the engine off. It was a woman, she looked hurt and unconscious, just laying there on the road. Jackson stopped immediately, jumped out and approached in swift steps, she looked up at him, car beams in her eyes. His voice was soft and kind. "Are you alright Miss? Let me help you up..." his strong arms around her, as he helped her to stand. A rush went through him as he felt her in his arms, she seemed to be trembling. Getting her to his car, he sat her safe in the passenger seat. "Are you alright? What happened?" he asked in a worried tone. "I tripped," she lied, her skin tingling all over with excitement. A flash of her bright green eyes and crimson lips against that white delicate skin, jet black hair falling in her eyes. "Can I take you somewhere? You are freezing cold! Are you sure you are not hurt?" his voice slightly urgent. It was nearing 11:00 pm, nobody was out at this hour. He felt a nervous rush of excitement, waiting for her response. "I am just so cold, a tea would be nice. My automobile isn't far from here..." her skin screaming to touch flesh against flesh. She wanted to tease him in the most immoral ways. Make him ache for her, like an addiction the only way to describe it. "I am just around the corner here. Would you like to warm up first and have a cup of tea or shall I take you to your car straight away?" he asked kindly. "Tea sounds wonderful," her face lit up with a huge smile. Tucking her legs in, he closed the door to his vehicle and drove to the next block, parking on the street. He took her arm to run across the street to his apartment. Catching the door as the doorman opened it for them Jackson smiled awkwardly. "Please, come inside. You are frozen to the bone by now, just three flights up. That should warm you up. " Smiling as he led the way to his third story apartment, unlocking the door. He opened the door for her, as she stood just a step behind him. "Ladies first," he smiled. She looked quite timid all of a sudden, staring at the door. Catching her apprehension of the dark room looming before her, he stepped forward. "I am sorry, let me get the light." walking inside he turned on a light switch of a lamp. The room lit up, large windows straight ahead, tiny kitchenette to her left. "Come in please!" he smiled. Watching her walk into his apartment made him slightly nervous and excited. He got the kettle on straight away. "Please sit, make yourself comfortable!" he called from the kitchen galley. Grabbing some ginger biscuits he picked up from the bakery yesterday, plating them down with the tea cups. He nervously came to realize he never had a lady in his apartment before. Much less one he had just met and didn't even know her name. Pouring the boiling water into the teapot and tea leaves he walked out with the tray and set it down on the side table. She was sitting at the window admiring the street view he had, a lovely park right across the street. The courtyard all cobblestone and floral gardens, a lovely spot. "Here we are," he smiled. "Where are my manners? My name is Jackson Levac, you are?" he asked extending his hand. "My name is Catherine," she smiled |
waiting for his response. Jackson drew his lips to her hand and instantly he felt confused. She reminded him of his Catherine. Catherine Earl, his beautiful English lady. It would all be but a foggy memory by morning. Nothing more than bits of a dream, if he could even remember that. With one quick movement she had Mr. Levac to his feet, and against the window she had watched him through. Her mouth grazing his neck, smelling his blood through his veins, moaning softly against his warm flesh. His hands reaching to touch her soft skin as his mouth yearned for her lips. Slowly her kiss dragged to his mouth in a sensual tease. "Catherine, my Catherine...my God?" he sighed feeling an erection begin to grow. Jackson's heart started to beat rapidly, confused what was happening. How could this be his precious lady? So opposite, his Catherine was a lady, delicate and refined, this Jezebel was a seductress, forcing herself on him! Catherine had auburn hair, not raven black! But it was his body that knew they were one in the same. The taste of her breath, her perfume and soft skin, the way she trembled by his touch. His Catherine, made him stiff and his cock twitch without more than a glance or smile. This woman before him had the very same effect on him. "Your Catherine?" she smiled, pressing up against him in the lewdest of ways. Grinding against him, feeling that length of his manhood, growing hard against her. She could almost taste him, her hands swiftly moving over his body, leading him to his bedroom. She tossed him down on the bed, landing on his back, he watched as she dropped her cloak and crawled between his legs. Straddling his hips, pinning his hands above his head, she caught her breath for a moment. Staring into his eyes as she began to kiss him, rolling her hips over his thickness. Jackson moaned loudly enjoying every moment she touched his body. But feeling such betrayal within his heart, he knew his feeling for Miss Catherine Earl were far too strong, the magnetism between them was undeinable. They could not be one of the same, this Tart was far from his fair lady. So much pressure on his crotch he felt wetness from the tip of his cock. He was so enraptured by her, this vixen. Her mouth resting against his lips, kissing him so hard, that she drew blood. Just a drop of blood, but enough to set Catherine off in a frenzy. Moaning, that taste, just a few droplets on her lips and tongue, it was really all she needed to set her off on a tirade. Tearing his clothes from his body in a wild frenzy, sucking and softly biting to not break the skin. She risked it all, feeling that tremendous build-up between her legs. She had never felt such pleasure and had never let herself be with a man before. She had always wanted to wait, to share this as her human side. Yet, here she was ready for him, her womanhood dripping with want and desire. Shaking so, it was unbearable. She wanted Jackson Levac more than anything. Her lips sucking and tasting his body all over, the intensity as she stroked his engorged cock. It was all too much, staring into his dark eyes, she edged him as she stole all memory from this night. Jackson closed his eyes as his memory faded but his cock continued to feel wondrous sensations. Stroking to climax, Jackson's body stiffened and he found himself naked, on his bed with his very stiff cock releasing seed all over his bedding. Moaning loudly as he continued to handle himself, thick streams of cum all over his stomach and chest. He had to jerk off twice more thinking of Miss Earl, before his cock would rest and sleep would take him. She watched from outside the window, holding her breath each time he climaxed, her fingers artfully playing between her folds of womanhood. ... Friday, October 1st, 1920 6:00 am Catherine woke with such nervousness, she knew what she had done to Jackson Levac on Monday evening. Having watched from outside his window, she shivered remembering the state she had left him in. It was early, just 6:00 am, she made herself a coffee and went out to tend tend the new chickens and feeding them along with tidying the chicken coop. By the end of the month she would have 2 horses to add to the collection, a necessity in the winter months, so she was told. She had already hired the neighbouring farm's youngest son to help care for the horses over the winter. The morning markets opened early, she had been forewarned to stay clear of the police station, there would be a protest and possibly things could get out of control. Understandably so, it was a crime the community was not willing to forget. Catherine avoided the area but could hear the crowds, blocks away in the market. It was loud and ominous, Catherine made haste, she quickly bought her milk and butter, some bread and a small pot of honey. Then a quick visit to the butcher, and ordering a block of ice for the icebox, to be delivered tomorrow afternoon. Heading home by 7:30 a.m. the whole day ahead of her. The mob outside the jail had grown and she could hear the police trying to keep things calm. Even from this distance she could feel the energy and frenzy of the crowd. Dozens of people on foot now, rushing through the market heading to meet the angry mob. Back home, she unpacked her basket and collected a few of the last items in her garden. Already first frost, there wasn't much left anyway but hearty beans and a few pumpkins that she lay a blanket over at night. After a light lunch she ran a bath for herself, taking the time to prepare for her evening with Jackson Levac. It was warm and sunny, she could tolerate the sun, though she did burn quite easily. Sitting under a parasol, she read a book while letting her thick hair dry in the warm breeze and sunlight. The sound of the wind rustling the leaves in these last days of warm weather, how soon the apple trees would be empty of fruit. Nothing but a barren landscape to see from sky to land, those branches black and etched against the clouds. Already the leaves were changing colours, from greens to oranges, golds and reds. A painted landscape before her very eyes. Today, Catherine would cherish the colours, the warmth and the sounds of life around her. The little birds picking at the ripe apples in the long grass, the sound of the crickets chirping and just the blissful calm that was within her. A stillness, like she had never known before, this little hobby farm was home. ... Jackson Levac and his men had boarded up the windows of his harbour front offices, along with some of the shops along mainstreet. By 10:00 am a large group had spilled out into the streets and caused moderate damage to the gardens and windows of a few shops and the jailhouse. Around 11:30 a.m. Jackson's team stood up against a small group of about 20 men. They had come to the shipping area and attempted to be destructive. Thankfully they were discouraged in their ideals by Jackson and his crew. The young men recognizing some of the crew, fathers of their friends. A huge sigh of relief as many things in storage were so very valuable. Jackson would have never been able to replace them. Mid afternoon, he set off home, catching the last of the city's clean up. Stopping to get a small bouquet for Catherine, he rushed home to get ready for this evening's dinner. ... By Five O'clock pm Catherine was ready, in a pretty dusty rose custom made dress, with a delicate lace overlay. She had purchased in France back in the spring of the year. It was so very chic and feminine, highlighting her milky complexion and the natural blush in her cheeks. Lipstick, blush and a little Khol for her eye lashes which she added a set of false eyelashes for a more dramatic look. Her hair had such a lovely natural wave, she pinned the front in twists to the side and used her mother's gold combs with opal and pearls. Leaving the rest of it down long, she was far from the popular Flapper look. A hint of an Italian perfume, to her wrist and behind both of her ears. She was ready for Mr. Jackson Levac, even though she erased all memory of their encounter on Monday evening, she still felt nervous. If she couldn't keep things quiet, she would surely need to consider a more elusive enviorment. She did not want this life on the run, she left that all behind her, back in London. She wanted a fresh start, her family let her go, they knew she wanted to embrace her human side more than they did. She hated living like a gypsy or a bandit, always moving after a year or a few months. Once the death toll reached above ten to fifteen, people became suspicious. Anything above 30, one had to flee the town immediately. In a large family of Vampires and Dhampir, that could happen overnight. Traveling for a kill, looking for the delinquents of society, made it easier to hide the feastings. If nobody missed them, then it was a perfect kill, it kept the numbers down for the mishaps when control was so easily lost by the younger vampires. Catherine knew she could have a normal life if only she could master control and constraint within her own body and mind. A man like Jackson Levac would certainly test her. Watching in the window, she grabbed her handmade shawl in the same rose color. Warm and breezy she draped it over her arm, as she walked out to the front porch, taking a 3/4 length ivory wool coat along. There was Jackson, walking up the steps in a navy suit, handsome as always. Flowers in hand he gave them to her as he admired her natural beauty, her long hair looked so soft, he ached to touch it. "Catherine, you look beautiful this evening." he smiled, taking her hand in his and drawing it to his lips. A soft kiss over her gloved hand. He was so dashing, he really stole her breath away. He would make a beautiful Vampire, if only she could turn him. Smiling as he took her arm into his, she returned the complement. "You clean up well Mr. Levac," she teased. Jackson always looked good, always smelled good too, mouthwatering to be honest. Thank goodness her sister's weren't there, they would have devoured him in seconds. Catherine ached to have his warm blood on her lips, gliding down her throat in exquisite splendor. So satisfied, that rich life force draining from his body. Flowing into her mouth, bite after delicious bite. Savagely taking him, devouring and consuming, giving him the best orgasm of his life, while he died in her arms. That was her signature move, make them cum hard, and drain them. No pain was experienced by the victim, she took them to higher level of ecstasy, an entire body orgasm. Catherine felt it was the least she could do, give them that pleasure and release before she took their lives. If a coroner were to ever report on the body of one of her victims, surely a smile and the load of semen in his pants would indicate a happy ending of life. Catherine struggled as the temptation was overwhelming, she was still learning to control her inner demon. This evening would be a test as she thirsted for Jackson, like no man before him. Taking the flowers into the house she set them in water and placed them in the parlour. "Thank you Mr. Levac, they are beautiful," she smiled softly. "Catherine, you are beautiful, the flowers pale in comparison, darling girl," he whispered. Jackson leaned forward, his lips catching her neck under her ear, just a soft brush of his warm lips. He wanted her for all his own, just his. Taking her coat and laying it in the backseat of this unusually warm October night. ... Dinner was at a quant little spot, small tables with lovely little white lace table cloths. Le Petit Bistro de Grand-mère Élise, was owned and operated by twin sister's Élise and Gabrielle. Their cooking was outstanding, even the Prime Minister had eaten there last summer during his visit. Fine china plates with lovely embroidered napkins, freshly pressed. Soft piano played in the front parlour along with accordion time to time. Candlelight and only four small tables in each of the two rooms, made for a very intimate experiance. Jackson ordered a bottle of wine, a small salad and soup to start, a cassoulet along with the duck. His French was smooth and so smart, Catherine was slowly learning a few words. People had been very kind in helping her out and understanding. She loved listening to him speak, his voice was soothing and so very calming to her. She could certainly listen to him speak all day and all night and never be tired of him. Catherine could hardly focus on the conversation, she felt hungry for him. Did he not see it in her eyes? Ahh... there he did, his pulse had just quickened as he watched her mouth. Sipping her wine and taking a small bite of her salad. Dinner was amazing, too full for anything more, they decided on a walk in the park. Taking her hand in his, he pulled her closer as they strolled along the cobblestone streets, towards the park. It was in the moonlight, he pulled her body close to his, leaning down to her, his lips sought her's. His strong hands around her slender waist, one travelling to her hair. Stroking it softly, he ran his fingers against her scalp, sending shivers down Catherine's spine. "Catherine, please say you will be mine. Let me court you, be my girl." his mouth so close to her lips. Catherine stared up at him, he was so handsome and good. Beyond charming, she could hardly find the words as his lips brushed hers. Nodding yes, his warm lips met her mouth in the slowest most agonizing kiss of her life. Sitting there under the stars and moon, he kissed her and she kissed him. His lips parting slowly, Catherine licked between his lips, darting her tongue in swiftly. Jackson moaned at such pleasure, her hands touching his neck and strong shoulders. He felt his cock jump in his pants, this kiss was incredible. He would do anything for more, Catherine swirled her tongue around his, the kiss was intoxicating. Leaning into her, cradling her head in his hand, he kissed her deeper, matching her swirlling tongue. Breathing heavier, how Jackson ached for more, but he wanted to be a gentleman. Pulling away from Catherine a moment, taking the evening in. Her panting in tune with his breath, it was obvious how much they wanted one another. "It is getting late, I should get you home," his eyes filled with want. Catherine took a stifled breath and agreed. "Yes, nearly 10:00 p.m. rather late. Jackson, it has been the most enjoyable evening, I hate it to end." Her face almost pleading for more of him, more of this. Jackson caressed her cheek with the back of his finger tips. "I should take you home, may I see you again tomorrow and the day after that?" Jackson smiled. Catherine laughed as he held her arm, he was so handsome, how could she deny him? Walking along the Boulevard, some of the shops still boarded up, very little damage. The shops in pristine shape, 'better safe than sorry' as they say. By tomorrow everything will look back to normal. ... Jackson drove Catherine home, that tension still so strong between them as they came up to her lane. Escorting her to the door, he held her in his arms again as he had in the park. Catherine felt his energy as his soft warm lips enveloped her's once more. So soft and gentle, almost timid as his mouth searched for deeper within her. Catherine opened her door, the room was pitch black, she backed into the parlour feeling for a lantern and catching the match, lighting three lanterns quickly. "You know there is such a thing as these... modern conveniences, just a switch and voila! Light!" Jackson teased, mimicking turning on a light. "Maybe, if I make It through this winter, I will have electricians come in the spring. Candlelight works so much better with my complexion." Catherine gave a cheeky grin. "Any light works for you." Jackson smiled. Catherine couldn't help but smile, turning away she lit the stove to make tea while Jackson made a fire, she could see how cold he was from the evening air. Pulling some biscuits from the pantry, she set them out with the teapot and cups. The fire felt warm on Jackson's hands, the tea would surely warm him compeltely. Rising he joined her in the kitchen. Reaching for Catherine's hand he held it in his, kissing her lovely exposed wrist. His warm lips once again on her flesh, teasing and tempting her. Catherine's eyes met Jackson's, she could smell his temperature rise and that pulse quicken again. Head dipping, his mouth to meet her mouth, soft and warm against her cool lips. Such soft lip pulls as his kiss encouraged her mouth to open for him once more. Catherine let his lips dance upon her's teasing out the want and need. She trembled beneath his touch, feverishly kissing him, filled with such desire. She could not hold back and longer, pressing her lips against his, coiling his tongue deep inside her mouth. She teased him with her mouth, sucking on his tongue, teeth tugging on his bottom lip. Jackson felt insane with desire, pulling her body close to his, feeling her pant against him. With one swift movement he lifted Catherine into his arms along with a lantern, carrying her up the stairs. She pointed to her bedroom, lying her down on the bed. He continued to kiss her softly, wanting more, knowing he shouldn't. He began to pull away despite his raging hard on. He simply couldn't, she was a lady, it was too soon. Catherine sencing his apprehension and nervousness, shifted and her mouth sought his again, reaching for his tie, loosening it. She then began to unbutton his shirt, her mouth feverish upon his hot skin. The room was a glow from the light of the lantern, Jackson watched as she began to undress him. Her fingers moved swiftly, pulling off his suit jacket, shirt and tie, he sat shirtless on her bed as she reached for his trousers. Between kisses Catherine unbuttoned his pants slowly, knowing how full and hard his member was. She caressed him slowly there, squeezing and stroking over his underwear. Pinching the tip and enjoying that look on his face as she handled him. Catherine enjoyed how Jackson held his breath as she stroked him as she kissed him. She wanted him to want her, desperately. Feeling that superb wetness in her palm, she slipped her hand inside to stroke skin against skin. His cock was firm and the skin so silky, such delicate flesh covering his swollen shaft. Her dainty hand cupping his balls and again stroking him near delirium. She pulled away and slowly wound the chronophone, setting it to play a soft melody. Music filled the room as Catherine then turned to Jackson and carefully removed her dress for him. Peeling off her delicate slip and petticoats trimmed in Chantilly lace and applique. Jackson held his breath as an ivory corset was the very final layer along with the garters, stockings and shoes. Lifting his hands to her body, she placed the laces in his fingers to remove the corset. As he worked the laces, Catherine stroked his cock again, her heand sliding easily over the wet. She felt her corset fall free from her body. Catherine continued to stroke him and kiss, her bosom now exposed. Jackson's hands fell to them, caressing and licking slowly, her pale pink nipples hard under his thumb and eager tongue. Catherine moaned softly, wanting him to touch more of her, her hips gently rolling. Just in frilly panties, a garter and stockings and shoes. Catherine lifted her leg and set the toe of her shoe between Jackson's legs, his cock resting against it. Stroking carefully with her toe as she unbuckled her shoe at the ankle, then the other shoe. Resting her sheer covered toes against his ball sack, Catherine unclipped her stockings and slid them down her legs slowly, one after the other. Naked toes pressing against his cock, she removed the garter belt from her hips. Hooking her thumbs into her panties she pulled them slowly down for him, exposing a small thatch of golden floss. Jackson's eyes widened as she slipped the panties down lower and lower, letting them fall to her ankles. His eyes glued to her womanhood, so very fair there. He watched breathlessly as she brushed her fingers across her pubic mound and took his hand to touch her there. Jackson shivered feeling the soft hair covering her heaven, he could feel wetness as he fondled her between her legs. Silky soft and so very wet, he wanted to explore every inch of her divine body. Leaning forward he kissed her stomach, dragging his kiss to her navel, that slow tease as his mouth went slowly South. Catherine was trembling, aching with need, thirsty for his blood. As Jackson's mouth dipped lower, his tongue dancing and wiggling through her public hair. Catherine arched her back and grabbed Jackson by the back of his head, her hands grasping his hair. As he pushed his mouth against her swollen lips. Jackson's tongue buried deep inside her sex, a warm sacred wetness coated his lips and tongue. Sweet and earthy, he wanted more of it. He ached to hear her, his tongue seeking her little jewel, sucking on her right there. Catherine growled lowly, as his mouth seeked to be deeper inside her, pulling those hips closer. Jackson could not believe she was so assertive, grabbing the back of his head like that! Catherine was so shy and almost passive, how the hell was this happening on the first date?! He had never tasted a woman before, now his nose and mouth were buried inside her, lapping up her wetness. He tried to remember what the sailors had told him what to do if ever he had the chance. His cock was twitching and he worried he may just cum without feeling the inside of her. He grabbed her hips and back and gently pulled Catherine down to the bed. He madly kissed her again, Catherine leaned forward, swiftly yanking down his trousers and boxer shorts, his cock sprung free. Atleast 8 inches and with an above average girth, Catherine smiled at the weeping of pre-cum from his cock hole. Taking his heavy member with two hands, Catherine wrapped her lips around that mushroom head, sucking and tonguing his weeping cock hole. Jackson groaned loudly, he had never had a woman there before. His hips rolled into her, he tried not to move incase she stopped. But the pleasure was so intense as her tongue sucked him so hard and a brush of her teeth against his cock. Jackson panted as the tingling from his cock head tremored through his body, bucking his hips slightly. He felt her hands grasp his buttocks as she took him down her throat. That endless pumping, his cock throbbed as he watched this angel take him in ball deep and that heavy ball sack slapped her pretty chin. He was edging and panting so close to cumming, my God not on her pretty face and mouth! Jackson tried to pull away, he wanted this to be slow and special. It was all happening too quickly. Catherine was hungry for him, she wanted to taste his blood desperately. His lengthy rod down her throat and his pre-cum all over her pretty smile. His heartbeat was so loud it was ringing in her ears! That blood flow all to his cock head. Her teeth so close to a bite, just a little bite, one taste. She shuddered as she pulled his cock from her throat and sucked that tip again, fluttering her tongue over that sensitive tip. Wanting him to release his seed into her mouth, in a frenzy as her mouth worked over him...she finally heard Jackson speaking. "Catherine...Catherine, please, let me make love to you darling...my God..please...I can't take it much longer...Catherine!!" She looked him in the eyes and bit down ever so lightly, her tongue flicking like hummingbird wings in a frenzied beat against his cock tip. Then sucking wildly, drooling like an animal in heat, Jackson cried out loudly as his body shook rapidly. Hot waves of cum lined her throat, swallowing it down, mouthful after mouthful Catherine moaned against his cock. Jackson fucked her mouth, he felt terrible he was doing such a lewd act with his lady, Catherine. He ached to pleasure her, and now she was swallowing all of his seed, it was too much to bare. He convulsed in her mouth, feeling her fingernails sinking in his back and buttocks. What pleasure, he had never known, watching her beautiful mouth over his prick. Collapsing on the bed, Jackson drew her close to him. Kissing her sweet body, mouth at her breast again, sucking her hard pink nipples. Flicking madly with his tongue he felt himself grow rigid once more. Catherine writhed beneath him, wild with want, her lips sliding together wanting him inside her. Jackson took his time, licking down her tight little body, spreading her legs as his face went between them. Her pretty pink with trimmed golden hair, he had never seen any other colour but dark, like his. He inhaled deeply, drinking in her scent. Never having his mouth so close to a woman's flower before, that hunger gnawing away at him. Licking the outer lips, up and down until he made his tongue hard and pointed, sliding up and down her slit until he found that little bead. Teeth catching it right away and flicking and sucking relentlessly. Catherine was drenched in wet, her eyes were burning into his soul and all he wanted to do is give her great release. Catherine could feel every ripple of each nerve tighten and flutter beneath his tongue. He was a natural, she grabbed a down pillow and bit down hard into it as he hoisted her bottom in the air for his tongue to coil deeper into her. Catherine felt that tightening within her quim, a smile crossed her lips as that tightening grew, her legs stiffened and she moaned through each contraction, biting and tearing through the pillow. Bucking against his mouth, Catherine's orgasm struck her hard, muscles squeezing those inner walls together. Her slender hips bucking against his mouth in exquisite pleasure. Still in mid orgasm she pushed Jackson off and flipped him on his back. His cock stiff enough to straddle, she held his shaft firmly and inserted the tip. Jackson's cock was immediately gripped by her orgasm as she began to ride him. Catherine was so tight and wet, it was a challenge to get inside her. Jackson rolled and thrusted madly trying to get deeper inside her. Thrusting herself down on his cock wildly, letting him feel her consume his length. Her pert breasts in his face, he tried to catch them with his mouth. His cock a bundle of nerves as he rose his hips, panting to meet her, relentlessly grinding faster and faster. Jackson's heart racing with each breath, straining for relief, his legs stiffening as she rode his cock, her long hair all around them. She was so incredibly tight and her muscles kept squeezing him, stroking his cock in a frenzied rhythm until he could no longer take it anymore. His balls tightened and shook as his cock unleashed, forcing himself in as deep as he could, rolling Catherine on her back. Beautiful lady, long lean legs spread beneath him he fucked her in short fast strokes, taking the air from her lungs as he fucked her. Faster and harder until they were both covered in sweat and with the first spurt of his warm seed hitting her cervix. Catherine began to cum again against his thick cock, as he took her deeper than any man had. His eyes in her's that flash of a face from the Shipping Yard, came into his memory. Screaming against his skin, both breathing and cumming hard without abandon. Jackson realized it was Catherine's face that had been haunting him. Her lips he felt upon his skin. He shivered with the thought he was so consumed by her in such a short amount of time. He had become bewitched and enchanted by her. There really was no escape for him, Jackson was smitten. Collapsing in one another's arms, Jackson kissed her tenderly, lovingly. Catherine kissed him gently in return. Pillow feathers around them, bodies both near exhaustion. This was as close to happy, she had ever felt. Jackson fell asleep 15 minutes before midnight, Catherine watched him as he slept. So hungry for more of him, it had taken every ounce of willpower in her to not pierce his flesh. How Catherine yearned to take a small taste of him, but she knew that there was no such thing as a small taste. She needed to quench that thirst, she needed to feel a warm body drain into her mouth. It was too hard being so close to Jackson, he smelled so good to her. Catherine could hardly bare it, her bottom lip trembling, she peeled her body away from him. Dressing quickly she escaped into the night looking to feed that hunger, sparing Jackson's life. ... Québec City, Quebec October 1st, 1920 11:58 pm Catherine sat crouched in the brush, behind a shady group of houses on the far side. North of the docks and harbour front. Dressed in black with a vagabonds throat at her mouth. Warm blood drained from his neck, sucking the last of it, she shuddered thinking of Jackson sleeping in her warm bed. She had seen him before watching in windows, stroking his manhood to sleeping young ladies in the night. He had broken into the Abbott, and raped a young nun last year. Three nights ago, he had done it again. Last fall he raped a young wife, pregnant with her first baby. She hung herself after the baby was born. She couldn't live with that secret. Impossible to forget his filthy hands and breath upon her body. She took her life while her young husband took the baby for a walk. Charles Dubois was a 52 years old criminal that seemed to snake by the system. Smart enough to never get caught and when he did, he knew who to pay off. His thick rich curls framed his sallow face, he still had his hand wrapped around his cock. Still filled with seed, he didn't deserve to release, he was a predator. Catherine laughed to herself, knowing full well, she was looking into the face of her own. She was no better than Charles Dubois, maybe she was even worse, he didn't try to hide who he was. Catherine wore a mask of a lady in society, in Europe and London things were much worse. Families of Vampire and Dhampir tearing apart communities, she wanted no part in that blood bath. She left that life behind her and needed to try harder if she was going to stand a chance with Jackson or living in Québec City. Lifting all 18 stone (252 lbs) of Charles Dubois and carrying him to the water along the rocks of the shoreline. He was a large bodied man, that she easily lifted and maneuvered. Catherine sent him afloat, as she washed herself in the moonlight. Well into the morning a new day had begun, wringing out her skirts and tunic. Catherine Earl turned toward home, satisfied as she rushed to Jackson, she would have to learn to build up a resistance to Mr. Levac. ... October 2nd, 1920 12:18 am Catherine climbed back into her bed with Jackson, her cold legs brushing against his skin. His warm body, covered in soft hair enveloped her. Catherine closed her eyes, enjoying that moment in his arms. Feeling that urgency subside, a calm washing over her once again. Her lips found his, softly she kissed him. Her hands over his naked body, she caressed each muscle. Kissing every scar, feeling every memory. Jackson Levac was a good man, one worth fighting for. She could not afford these kinds of accidents. No more mistakes. |
_NOTE -- This story is a quick tale about how an uncle and niece fall in love. It is entirely fictional and they are both adults. There is not a huge amount of sex, but there is some._ \--------------- "Abby dear, I'm going to make a quick trip to the store, do you want to come?" I asked. Abby looked up from her book long enough to give me a quick shake of the head 'no'. "Well, do you want me to bring you back anything?" She looked as though she had something on the tip of her tongue, but then thought better of it. She shook her head again and went back to reading. In the two months or so that she had been living with me, I was yet to hear her speak. She had always been a quiet and shy girl when she was growing up, so much so that my sister took her out of school and taught her at home. Since her parents had died, her shyness seemed to turn into a full fledged social disorder. I took the death of my sister and brother-in-law hard, but it made something snap inside of her head. She would hide in her room whenever someone I knew stopped by, refused to talk on the phone, refused to talk at all for that matter. I honestly did not know what to do with the girl. The doctor that I had taken her to see said that it would just take time for her to come out of her shell. He said that she would probably come around as soon as she felt more comfortable in her surroundings. I could tell that Abby absolutely hated going to see the man, so I ended up only taking her a couple of times. He advised me to stay in touch, and I had been, but I was starting to wonder if it was even worth it. My mind was on my niece a lot back then, I was worried that she might not ever get out of the funk that she was in. The girl was twenty-two years old, she should have been out in the world, going to parties and chasing boys, not locked away in my extra bedroom. She had no friends and was basically afraid of her own shadow. When I was wandering around the grocery store, I noticed several displays set up for Valentine's Day. I already had enough to worry about, I didn't need a reminder that I hadn't had a girlfriend in two years. I was only thirty-five, it wasn't like I had given up on life or anything. I had gotten busy and somewhere along the line I guess that I just stopped looking. The display did give me an idea, though. I thought I would get something for Abby. Maybe I could cheer her up a little. I opted not to get her anything from the cheesy grocery store display, but I saw something that caught my eye in the window of the store across the street on my way in. It was a giant, white teddy bear with a pink heart on its chest. It cost me a small fortune, but I figured it would be worth it if it made Abby happy, if only for a little while. It was also kind of worth it to see the looks on people's faces while I was driving home. The bear was probably the same size as Abby, I had it buckled in the passenger seat. When I got back home, Abby was nowhere in sight, so I was able to smuggle the bear in without her seeing it. I set it on the couch and went to go see if she was in her room. Her door was open and I could see that she was messing with something on her computer. I gave the door a quick knock to get her attention. "Hey Abby, I got someone out here to see you," I said. It probably wasn't the right thing to say if I wanted her to come out of her room. She looked at me, terrified, and began shaking her head violently from side to side. I couldn't imagine what would possibly scare her so much, but I immediately regretted my choice of words. "Now calm down, do you trust me?" I asked. She nodded 'yes' but wouldn't look me in the eye. "You don't have to talk to him, he's not going to talk to you. Just come out with me and have a look. You can always come right back in here, OK?" Reluctantly, she stood from her computer chair and followed me into the living room. She stayed close, using me like a human shield, but would never get quite close enough to touch me. I wanted to laugh in the worst way, but that would probably only upset her. I was taking her to meet a stuffed animal, not leading her to combat. "Here he is," I said. At first, she didn't even see the bear, she was looking around for a person. When she did notice it, I could see her visibly relax and a wide smile come across her face. "I know that Valentine's Day isn't until tomorrow, but happy Valentine's Day," I said. She went over and gave the bear a big hug, then, surprisingly she came over to me and gave me one, too. I was a little stunned, it was the first time that she ever had done something like that. Even more surprisingly, I heard her whisper to me. "Thank you." She let me go and went back to the bear. "You're welcome, Abby." Abby smiled at me and carried her new toy off to her room. She almost looked like a different person when she smiled, it definitely brought the prettiness out in her face. ***** I got home from work later than I wanted to the next day and was in a foul mood. My foreman had made the whole crew stay over to get all of the paint finished in the offices we were working on. It was crucial that we got it done before the weekend for deadline reasons, so the guys and I ended up working like animals for most of the day. I had sent Abby a text earlier to let her know that I would be late. She never answered the phone, but seemed to have no problem with messaging. She told me that she would have dinner ready. One thing that the girl could do was cook, so that helped to lighten my mood. I could tell when I opened the door that something smelled good. "Abby, I'm home," I announced. She poked her head out of the kitchen and waved 'hello' at me. She was wearing an apron and looked cuter than Hell. It looked like she had done her hair and was even had on a little makeup. I wondered what the special occasion was. "Whatever you're cooking, it smells wonderful. Do I have time to take a quick shower before we eat?" I asked. She nodded that I did so I went to get cleaned up. I thought it was a shame that Abby had such a problem being around people. She really was a beautiful girl and would make some lucky guy happy. At the time, I didn't realize that it was going to be me. After I got myself into a more presentable condition, I met Abby in the kitchen. I didn't have a dining room, so we usually ate our meals there. She had quite a feast laid out for us, baked ham, sweet potatoes, vegetables, the works. There was even a pie on the counter that she must have made from scratch. It looked like Thanksgiving had come early. Abby was looking even better than the food with her hair done and in a pretty, little red dress. "What's all this for, and why are you looking so beautiful tonight?" I asked. "I mean, you always look beautiful, just more so right now," I corrected myself. Abby surprised me again by answering. "Did you forget? It's Valentine's Day," she replied, blushing. Of course I had forgotten. Even if I had remembered what day it was, I still would not have expected such a meal. I tried not to make a big deal out of her talking, I was told to act as if it was normal, but that might have been the most that I have ever heard her say up until that point. Her voice was soft and low, quite hypnotizing. Sadly, that was the only thing that she had to say during dinner. She did do a lot of smiling, which was almost as good. By the time that we were finishing our pie, I was stuffed. I assumed that Abby was as well. She had eaten almost as much as I had. "I think that was the best meal that I've ever had on Valentine's Day," I declared. "Maybe ever, I don't know." Abby smiled at me, clearly pleased with herself. She got up to begin clearing the table and I joined her. I felt guilty enough that she went to so much trouble to cook everything that I at least had to help her clean up. She tried to shoo me away, but I wouldn't have anything of it. We worked together to load the dishwasher and package up the left overs. If you added up the time that we sat eating and then cleaning up, it was probably the most time that we had spent actually doing something together. I was happy that she seemed happy and that she wasn't moping around and hiding. After the clean up, I went and flopped in my recliner in the living room to watch some TV. I didn't last long, however, the combination of the long work day and the big meal had me snoring shortly after I put my feet up. I was out for a couple of hours before I opened my eyes with a tiny hand shaking my shoulder. "Uncle Adam?" Abby whispered. "Yeah, what is it, Abby?" I asked, my vision was a little blurry from sleep, but it was nice to wake up staring into the pretty face of a young woman. "You should go sleep in your bed, you'll have a backache if you sleep out here," she warned. I had to smile at her concern, it was touching in a way. "Yes mother, I'll go sleep in my bed. You forgot to tell me to brush my teeth first," I replied, sitting up. She giggled, which was a girlish, bubbly sound. "Brush your teeth, too," she said before running off toward her room. When I laid down for good that night, I was thinking about how nice it was that Abby was starting to open up to me a little. And God, she was cute. ***** The next couple of weeks went by fairly fast and uneventfully. I did little more than work and come home, Abby was still her quiet self, but cheerful enough. She made us dinner almost every night and was speaking with me more and more. It was almost to the point where we could have a conversation. One weekend, I decided to press her a little to see just how far she had come. I found her in her room, typing on her computer. I was curious as to what it was that she was always working on, but I had decided long before that her business was her business. She looked up at me as I stood in her doorway. "Hey, Abby. It's Saturday and I need a date. What do you say we grab an early dinner someplace and do some shopping? I hate getting groceries all by myself, and you're kind of in charge of cooking these days. You could at least show me what you want me to get," I suggested. I thought it was a reasonable request, we were going through a lot more food than I ever had before on my own. Not only was there two of us eating, compared to me who cooked things out of a box, her meals used real ingredients. "I don't know," she said, looking skeptical at the thought of leaving the house. The last time that she was out was when I took her to see her doctor, and I could tell that was a painful experience for her. "I won't make you do anything, I just thought it would be nice for you get out a little. I wanted to pay you back for all of those wonderful meals that you've made for me. Besides, there must be something that you want to buy, I've never met a girl that would turn down an offer to go shopping," I teased. I knew for a fact that she had received a small fortune after my sister and her husband had died. They had left me quite a little chunk for being the executor of their estate. So far, she hadn't spent a dime. "I'm not like most girls," she said, her face dead serious. No kidding. "Alright. Do you want me to bring you back anything?" I asked, disappointed. She looked at me for a second, then her voice softened. "I'll go shopping with you, but don't make me go to a restaurant, OK?" she asked. "Hey, that's something," I said. "If that's the case, why don't we wait for a while and it will be less crowded, OK?" Abby thought that was a good idea. We puttered around the house until early evening when we set out to the grocery store. As I suspected, there were only a few people in the store at that time of day on the weekend. Still, I could tell that Abby was not very comfortable with the situation. She wasn't actually doing any shopping, just walking around glued to my back. "Don't be afraid to start throwing things into the cart, dear," I told her. I purposely asked her a bunch of questions about the stuff I was buying, forcing her to make some relatively small decisions. She answered in terse whispers, but she did answer. By the time that we got back to my car, I could tell that she had had enough. She relaxed a little when she was buckled in her seat, safe from the outside world. When we got home, I put the stuff away while Abby retreated to the confines of her room. I went to check on her when I was done to find her sitting on her bed, hugging the giant bear that I had gotten for her. "I'm proud of you, Abby. We went out and you survived. I know it wasn't easy. I won't make you do it again, I never want to make you do something you don't want to do. I just wanted to tell you that I thought that you did great, though," I said. "It's OK, it was my choice to go. I don't know why it's so scary for me. Even with you there to protect me, it was scary. Maybe I''ll go again and it won't be so bad," she replied. "Only if you want to. Can I get you anything?" I asked. "No, I'm just going to sit here with Ada...Mr. Bear for a few more minutes, then I'll be fine," she said. Did she almost call the bear Adam? Hmm. I nodded and let her be. I thought that the bear comment was odd, but I chalked it up as a simple slip of the tongue. ***** I was in the basement the next day, working on one of my r/c planes. It was a hobby of mine; I loved to build those things. I wasn't nearly as good at flying them as I was putting them together, but I tried. A couple of my buddies and I would get together every once in a while and have ourselves our own little airshow. The weather was still kind of nasty, I was looking forward to the summer so that I could get out there again. My planes were a little too delicate to brave the cold and the wet. Abby came down to see what I was up to at one point. She was back to being cheerful after the shopping trip the previous day. She smiled at the massive pile of tiny pieces that I was assembling. "I'm glad to see you smiling. You're far more pretty with a smile on your face," I told her. She blushed instantly, something that I secretly liked making her do. Not only was it easy to do, but it was awfully cute to look at. "Why are you always saying that I am pretty?" she asked. "Because you are, I can't help it, I guess," I replied. "Do you not want me to?" "No, it's nice when you say it. What are you doing?" she asked. "Oh, I'm replacing the struts in the landing gear and fixing this wing. Sadly, pilot error on landing resulted in a devastating crash last fall. Trying to get her back into shape for when the weather breaks," I explained. "Who was the pilot?" she asked, examining my other two planes that I had hanging from hooks in the rafters. "Yours truly. I'm more of an engineer than I pilot, I guess," I admitted. She laughed. "So, you built these?" "Yeah, it's pretty fun. It takes a while, but I've always had a thing for planes," I said. "I do too, I like to watch those shows on TV when they talk about the old fighters and bombers from World War II. I think it's amazing that people could actually build those things and were brave enough to go to war in them," she said. "I know what you mean. The extent of my bravery ends with a remote control. I can't imagine doing it for real. You ought to come fly them with me this summer," I offered. "Really? I mean I wouldn't want to break it after you spent all the time to put it together." I could tell that she was intrigued by the offer. "Sure. You couldn't do much worse than I do. I think you'd like it." "It does sound like fun. Is it OK if I stay and watch you for a while?" she asked. Abby did more than just watch, she and I hung out in the basement until we had the plane entirely reassembled and functioning. She seemed to have a knack for it, and it was fun working with her. I handed her the remote so that we could test that the ailerons and flaps were working correctly, showing her how the sticks worked. We were both pleased when everything checked out. I put my arm around her shoulders in a congratulatory embrace without thinking about it. "I think it's as good as new and it only took us most of the day," I joked. When I realized that my arm was around her, I quickly removed it before she became uncomfortable. I guess I needn't have worried, she was still smiling. She gave me a quick peck on the cheek, then stood very close to my side with her face turning red again. "That was fun," she said, looking down at the floor. "Yes, it was," I agreed, thinking more about the quick kiss than the plane repair. It was probably wrong to enjoy such a small thing so much, but like I've been saying, she was a beautiful girl. ***** I went to bed pretty early that night, I had to get up early and head back to the old grind. My eyes had just barely closed when there was a knock on my door and Abby poked her head in. "Uncle Adam, are you awake?" she asked softly. "Yeah Abby, what's up?" I responded. "I...I just wanted to tell you goodnight," she replied. We had already told each other that earlier, so I knew that there was something else on her mind. "Goodnight, dear. Is something bothering you?" I asked. "Well, um, I..." her voice trailed off. "You can tell me anything, you know. What's on your mind?" "Do you really mean it when you say I'm pretty or are you just trying to make me feel good?" she asked. It was a valid question, I suppose, but I still found it hard to believe that she had actually asked it. It must have taken a great deal of effort on her part. "Of course I mean it, you're a beautiful woman. I want you to feel good, too. I love you," I replied. "You're a nice person. I love you, too," she said, making a hasty exit. It was difficult, to say the least, for me to fall asleep after that. I couldn't keep Abby off of my mind, as unnatural as it was. I kept wondering what her lips would taste like and what she would look like naked. I was a bad, bad man. ***** As the next few days went by, I found myself obsessing over the new object of my desires, Abby. I had a hard time concentrating at work, wanting only for the day to end so that I could go back home to my niece. She stayed in good spirits and was looking good, as well. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her, though I tried to be at least somewhat discreet. I didn't know what I was hoping for, exactly. I knew that I was probably in a no win situation. There wasn't any way that I could possibly have a relationship with the girl, was there? Even if I did, it would be wrong in so many ways. I resigned myself to the fact that I would just have to make do with her company. We were watching TV one night, a documentary about the F-4 phantom, a Vietnam- era fighter/bomber. Abby went to her room to change into her pajamas. When she came back, she sat right beside me on the couch, I mean like really close right beside me. I tried to concentrate on the program lest my body would betray my mind. I wasn't sure how she would react to a massive tent in my pants, and I didn't really want to find out. Oh but she was so close, so soft, and she... "Uncle Adam?" she asked. "Yes, dear?" "You know the other day when we were in the basement and you put your arm around me?" she asked, leaning against my side ever so slightly. I remembered. I remembered how nice that felt and how delicious she looked smiling up at me with her hazel eyes and blushing cheeks. I swallowed, words hanging in my throat. "Yeah." "You can do that again, if you want," she whispered. At the risk of becoming the creepy uncle, I did. I pulled her even a little closer to me as she sighed happily and rested her head on my shoulder. "Is that OK?" I asked. "It feels really nice," she replied. I agreed silently. We watched the end of the show, then another one. Neither one of us spoke, neither one of us moved much. It was pretty wonderful sitting there with her like that, but like all good things, it came to an end. It was getting late, and as much as I hated to, I had to go to bed. "Abby darling, I'm thinking that I'm going to have to call it a night." She turned and kissed me on the cheek before letting me up. "Goodnight, Uncle Adam. I love you, I hope you have sweet dreams," she said. "I love you, too. I have a feeling that they'll be pretty sweet," I replied. She smiled. ***** The next day at work was dragging along as usual. I had a hard time keeping Abby off my mind before, now there was just no use trying to resist thinking about her. To make matters worse, I received a message from her early in the afternoon. "I have a surprise for you when you get home," it read. "What is it?" I replied. "You have to wait :)," was all that I could get back out of her. That really set my mind to wandering. I couldn't help but fantasize that my surprise would turn out to be sexual in some way, though I knew that the odds of that were pretty slim. Still, it gave me something to daydream about. As soon as I opened the door, I was assaulted by Abby. She came running at me and threw her arms around my neck before planting a kiss on lips. I reacted by wrapping my arms around her, enjoying the warmth of her body. She broke the kiss, then stared at me, her face just inches from mine. "Was that my surprise? Because it was a pretty good one," I said. "No silly, come with me," she said taking my hand and pulling me toward the living room. "I can't imagine anything being better than that kiss I just got, but OK," I said, letting her guide me. There, on the coffee table, were two large boxes. "One is mine and one is yours," she said, beaming. "Oh wow," I said with genuine surprise. The boxes read "Delta Ray RTF". They showed a picture of a swept wing, dual- prop plane. I had never seen this particular model before, but it certainly was intriguing. "They're not as big and fancy as the ones that you have downstairs, but they're still pretty cool. These ones come all assembled, too. I know that putting them together is half the fun, but I thought you could teach me how to fly with them. They're made mostly out of foam so they won't shatter into a million pieces when I crash," she said, barely taking a breath. "That's pretty awesome, Abby. Where did you get them and why did you get two?" I asked. "Amazon, and this is the cool part, I got these with sonic combat modules. We can have dogfights!" she exclaimed. I'd never seen her act so excited before, I was pretty amused that she was even interested in such things. We spent the next couple of hours examining our new toys. She was right, they weren't anywhere near as big and fancy as the planes that I had built down in the basement, but they promised to be great fun. The only thing keeping us from trying them out was the weather, it was drizzling rain, and the muddy state of my landing strip out back would make take off and landing hazardous at best. "I tell you what, this was a surprise. You had me guessing all afternoon what it was going to be," I said. "What did you think it was going to be?" she asked. She batted her eyes at me, looking innocent and luscious. "I, uh, I didn't know," responded. My turn to blush. She just smiled as if she knew what was on my mind. I tried to convince her to let me take her out to dinner, but she still wasn't very interested in that. Instead, we settled on a quick trip into town to pick up some subs and wings. I was pleased that she at least agreed to leave the house and come with me without a whole lot of persuasion on my part. We were standing at the counter when I heard a familiar voice call to me from behind. While I turned around, Abby turned with me, standing slightly behind me with her arm around my waist. "Hey Adam, how's it going?" It was one of my fellow painters, Jason. We had spent the last three weeks together on the same job. I didn't know him all that well, but he seemed like a good kid. "Hey, Jason. Not bad, just grabbing a couple subs. What are you up to?" I asked. "About the same. Gonna grab some wings, then head over to my girlfriend's. Who's this?" he asked, studying my niece carefully. "This is Abby, my..." I began. He interrupted me. "She looks like a keeper, no wonder you've been so distracted lately," he said. I could feel Abby's fingers digging into my side. The look on her face was calm enough, but I could tell that she wanted to get out of there. We happened to get saved when our order was set on the counter. "She's definitely a keeper. See you Monday, take it easy," I said, grabbing our food. Abby actually waved to him and gave him a brief smile. "See you later, bro." Abby spoke after we were safely in my car on our way back home. "Who was that?" she asked. "A guy I work with. Were you OK back there? You seemed to do all right," I responded. "It was OK. I'm feeling better about going out," she said. "As long as I'm with you." I felt something then, I don't want to get all mushy and say that it was true love, but I suspect that's what it was. The moment that I realized that I was truly and absolutely in love with the girl. "I'll always be here for you, Abby." "Jason thinks that I'm your girlfriend," she said softly. I wasn't sure how to tactfully respond to that. "Does that bother you?" I finally asked. She was quiet for the rest of the ride home, I was afraid to say anything else, myself. I thought for sure that whatever it was that we had going on had taken a serious hit. We ended up eating in silence as well, then Abby disappeared into her room for a while. I was sitting on the couch in front of the TV, somewhat in despair, when she came back out for the first time in a couple of hours. She sat down beside me like she had the night before. "I had to think about what I was going to say before I said anything," she began, resting her hand on my thigh. "It doesn't bother me that Jason thinks that I'm your girlfriend. It makes me feel special that someone would think that. I want to be your girlfriend. Do you think it's wrong? Do you think there's something wrong with me?" she asked. I hesitated briefly. "It's probably wrong, Abby. You are my niece, after all. I don't think there's anything wrong with you, though. It's just you and me here, I can see how you could have some feelings like that. I am very honored and flattered that you would want to be my girlfriend, I don't think that's allowed, though," I said, starting to sweat a little. "I know what I am talking about, I'm not just a crazy, messed up little girl. I've thought about the whole incest thing and what it means for longer than you can ever realize. If I love you, I don't care what anyone thinks because no one else matters to me more than you. Like you said, it's only you and I here, our family's gone. It's not like anyone would be giving us grief," she said. That was far more words that she had ever put together at one time than I had ever heard before. I should have tried to talk her out of the idea, but I couldn't help myself. I was guilty of fantasizing over this girl every since she gave me that first brief peck on the cheek. Between my crush and the look in her eyes, she was making a lot of sense to me. I wasn't able to say anything, all that I could do was stare at her, wondering how in the world I could ever deserve a girl like that. "I love you, Uncle Adam," she said. "Will you kiss me? Like for real kiss me?" She didn't have to ask me twice. I pulled her onto my lap and parted her lips with the deepest, most passionate kiss that I could muster. I wanted nothing more that to rip her clothes off and have my way with her right then and there, but was able to show at least a little self control. I focused on the kiss, holding her in my arms like she was a fragile piece of art. "You're so gentle and make me feel so safe," she whispered, clinging to me. "Are you sure that you want to be with someone like me?" I asked. "I mean I'm like the only guy that you're ever around. Is it just because you're stuck with me?" "I'm not stuck with you, I can leave whenever I want. It's not like I'm your prisoner or something. I know that I'm shy, but I'm pretty sure that I could function on my own if I really had to. I needed you when Mom and Dad died, but now I need you for different reasons. It's my own choice to stay with you," she said. "I'm glad that you decided to stay with me. I didn't realize how lonely I was before you came along. And just think how skinny I'd be if you weren't cooking for me every night," I said, bringing a smile to her face. "I promise I won't let you be lonely or skinny," she said. We slept together in my bed that night. We didn't get naked or have sex or anything, just slept. As much as it was killing me, I thought it was probably a good idea to keep our pace moving slow. It was still a pretty amazing feeling, waking up beside my beautiful Abby, whether we had had sex or not. ***** Hand in hand, we went out walking on the backside of my property to check out the condition of the airstrip. The sun was shining for once, and we were hoping that the ground would be dry enough to get our planes to take off. I didn't own a lot of land, about twelve acres, but it had a little bit of everything. Had some trees, had a field, even a tiny pond. I was giving Abby the quick tour since she hadn't had the chance to see it all yet. She had lived in Chicago her entire life and never even had a yard, let alone a little bit of land. "I had no idea that you owned all this! I bet it's beautiful in the summer," she exclaimed. "Yeah, it's pretty nice. We could have a picnic by the pond or something," I replied. "It sounds like so much fun. And it's so quiet out here. Is this the runway?" she asked. We had arrived at a small clearing that served as my landing strip. It was basically just a section of packed earth. I kept weeds from growing on it and rolled it several times a year to keep the surface flat and tight. "Sure is," I bent down and pressed my fingers to it. "What do you think?" she asked. "I think that we're ready to fly," I said. We went back to the house and collected our new Delta Rays. I was the first one to take flight, since I was the veteran pilot and all. I was pretty impressed with how easy it was to fly the little plane compared to the ones that I had built. I handed the controls over to Abby while it was still in flight. She didn't seem to have any problems keeping the plane under control. "You're doing great, Abby. How's it feel?" I asked. "This is pretty fun. Doesn't seem to be too hard," she replied. "Yeah well, the wind's not blowing, and I got to hand it to you, you picked a great little plane. I wish I would have had one of these when I was learning to fly," I said. "I bet it's more fun to fly something you put together yourself, though. Why don't you get the other one up in the air and we can have some air to air combat?" It was a good thing that Abby had thought to purchase extra batteries for the planes because we spent the next hour or so trying to blast each other with the sonic cannons. It was kind of like laser tag in the sky, it was hard as hell to actually score a hit. Still, I got her a few times and she got me once. We got both of our planes on the ground in one piece, much to our mutual delight, and headed back to the house. "That was awesome, it made me feel like a little kid," she said as we were walking back. "I know, right? And if anyone picks on us about playing with toys like these we can remind them that it's a respectable, adult hobby," I said. ***** Much later that night, Abby and I were curled on the couch together. We had enjoyed the day and were winding down for the night. "It's nice to have a boyfriend that I can kiss and cuddle with," she said. "Have you ever had one before?" I asked. "I never had a real boyfriend, no. I don't like boys," she replied. I cocked an eyebrow and gave her a funny look. "You realize that I am a boy, right?" "That didn't come out right. I know that you're a boy. I mean boys like my age. You're different because you are a kind man and I love you. I had some problems with boys when I was in school," she said. "Oh. Can I ask, or don't you feel like talking about it?" "I can't talk about it," she replied, not wanting to volunteer anything further. My curiosity was piqued but I couldn't bring myself to pressure her. "That's fine. It's been a couple of years since I had a girlfriend, and none of them are worth talking about, either. Are you ready to come to bed, babe? All this cuddling has made me sleepy," I said, rising to my feet. Just for fun, I scooped her up off the couch and began to carry her with me toward the bedroom without waiting for her answer. She squealed with laughter as she put her arms around my neck and allowed herself to be carried off. When I set her down on my bed, she didn't let go of me right away. "You can do more that just kiss me, you know. I'm not a virgin, you're not going to hurt me," she said. I was a little taken aback by the news. I assumed by the way that she acted that Abby had to have been a virgin. It was hard to imagine, being as timid as she was, that she had slept with anyone. Not only that, she had told me that she had never had a boyfriend. My first thought was perhaps something sinister had happened to her at some point, she had already told me that she didn't want to talk about it. Hopefully, she would tell me when she was ready. "I didn't want to move too fast, you've only been my girlfriend since yesterday, remember." "Yeah, but I've been wanting to sleep with you for over a month, so I already feel like we've been going slow. It's time to speed it up, Uncle Adam," she said. The more I got to know this girl, the more I realized that I had little to no understanding as to what was going on inside her head. She was barely speaking with me over a month ago when supposedly she had decided that she wanted to sleep with me. I didn't think that she was insane or anything like that, but I was hoping that I wasn't about to make a huge mistake. I knew that we were about to commit a socially taboo act, I had already come to terms with that. I was far more worried about how Abby herself was going to handle it. Shamefully, I gave in to my lust and decided that I would take my chances with what was going on in Abby's mind. In my defense, it had been a long time since I had slept with anyone, let alone such a beautiful young woman. I began to undo the buttons of her flannel pajama top while she still had her arms around my neck. I did the last couple by feel as she was mashing her lips against mine. She let go of me long enough to wiggle out of her top, so I took mine off as well. I don't know much about bra sizes |
. I've always had my own personal system for judging breasts. As far as I was concerned they came in tiny, small, medium, large, and huge. I would say that Abby fell on the small side of medium. They were magnificently firm with tiny pink nipples pointing straight out at me. She giggled at me as I eyed her chest and she pulled her pants and panties off. As far as I could tell, there was no trace of hair anywhere on her body, other than her head, of course. I cupped my hands under her butt and pulled her toward me a little while I showered her upper thighs with quick, nibbling kisses. I let out a soft moan while I took in the scent of her sex. I felt the heat coming off of her body as I let my tongue trace its way down to her little pussy. She groaned and clasp the back of my head as I used my fingers to gently spread her open from each side and my tongue flicked its way in. I licked and sucked on her pussy lips before centering my attention on the delicious bud of her clit. I ran my tongue in circles, sometimes using it like a whip to lash out and flick her. I must have been doing something right, she was bucking and thrusting her hips into me, whimpering with pleasure. I kept at it until I was satisfied that she had climaxed. "Oh god, Uncle Adam, I need you inside me now," she cried. I was certainly ready to comply. All of that licking had gotten me seriously turned on. I think that sucking on a beautiful little pussy like that is possibly more pleasurable than having oral performed on me. I had my pants and boxers off in a flash and moved the tip of my cock to her entrance. I stared down at her and the eagerness in her eyes. "What's wrong?" she asked. "Just...are you sure that this is what you want?" I asked back. "I'm completely sure. You love me right?" "I do, baby," I replied. "Then fuck me, Uncle Adam," she whispered. I didn't even know that she knew the word 'fuck'. I pushed into her easily, sighing with pleasure as my cock was enveloped with her hot wetness. I bent to kiss the side of her neck, her hands swept across my back with gentle, teasing scratches. I thrust into her slowly and evenly, Abby 'oohing' and moaning each time that I filled her. "You are so fucking gorgeous," I hissed into her ear. I rose back up so that I could increase the speed of my thrusts. As I slammed into her harder and harder, I watched as Abby's eyes closed and desire covered her face. "I'm going to cum again!" she cried. "That's it baby, cum for me," I told her. Her face contorted in ecstasy as she was overcome by her second orgasm. I wasn't going to last much longer. "I'm almost there," I grunted. "You can cum in me. Cum in your little niece. Fill me up!" she ordered. She had barely finished uttering the words before I erupted inside of her. With sweat dripping off of my forehead, I collapsed on the bed beside her with a satisfied smile. "Where did you learn talk like that?" I asked her. "Sometimes I just can't help it when I get excited. You got me very excited," she said with a coy smile. We both fell asleep without bothering to get cleaned up. It was an emotionally draining experience, but something that I think we both needed. I awoke the next morning to the sound of rain hammering on my window. We had enough rain that spring to where it was starting to get depressing, however, I was anything but. My niece, my Abby, was curled naked beside me breathing softly in her slumber. I slipped away to start some coffee before jumping in the shower. Our efforts of the previous night had left me pretty sticky. I was getting dressed back in my room when Abby began to stir. "Are you going somewhere, Uncle Adam?" she asked. "No baby, I just took a shower and was getting dressed," I replied. She smiled as she saw the rain beating against the window. "It looks like a good day to stay in bed," she said, flopping back against the pillows. "Go right ahead, Abby. I'm starving, though. I'm going to make us something to eat." I puttered around in the kitchen for a few minutes when I heard Abby go down the hall and enter the bathroom. She must have decided to get up anyway. Even though I admittedly wasn't much of a cook, I began work on some french toast. It was one thing that I felt confident making us for breakfast that would be edible. It was ready by the time Abby came into the kitchen, fresh from the shower. She gave me a long, smiling kiss before we sat down to eat. "I've been working on something that I want you to look at, Uncle Adam," she said between bites. "Oh, what's that?" I asked. "It's something the doctor wanted me to try. It's kind of like a journal. He said the I didn't have to show it to anyone if I didn't want to, sometimes just writing things down helps to get over them," she explained. "That sounds interesting. Are you sure you want me to read it?" "I think so. You have to promise to still love me, no matter what you think about it. Do you promise?" she asked, staring straight into my eyes. I was certainly curious. I wondered what on earth she could have written down that would cause me not to love her. It was a little scary, really. "I promise, Abby. I take it that this is really important to you?" "It is. It's basically my whole life. Mom and Dad were the only people that knew. You need to know," she said, rising from the table without finishing her food. She went down the hall and into her room. I was swallowing the last of my breakfast when Abby came in with a thick stack of paper. I eyed the manuscript with apprehension. I wasn't sure if I wanted to read it or not, even if she wanted me to. She handed it over and I went into the living room to begin reading. ***** It took me a good couple of hours to get through Abby's document. I'm not going to repeat what I read word for word. That would be a whole other story on its own. It was basically an autobiography recapping all of the events and feelings that Abby had ever experienced in her life. It was interesting, to say the least. The root of all of the social problems that Abby had was something that happened to her early in her first year of high school. I had always thought that something must have happened around that time, since she finished her schooling at home, I just never had an idea as to what it was. It was on a fall weekend when the incident occurred. She was friends with a boy that was a grade ahead of her, wanted to be his boyfriend. He had invited her over to his house that Saturday and she was more than eager to go. One of the guy's friends was there, too, someone that she also knew and liked from school. They had been hanging out, not doing much of anything when Abby began to feel odd. It turned out that the boys had slipped her something, a combination of GHB and some sort of tranquilizer. Before she knew exactly what was happening, her clothes were gone and the two boys spent the rest of the day taking advantage of her. She had woken up the next day with only a foggy memory of what had happened. When she eventually made it back home, she told her mother and father what had happened. They contacted the police, she had to go to the hospital to have a rape kit taken. They boys of course denied that they had made her do anything that she didn't want to. The resulting trial was devastating to Abby's mental state. She could no longer stand going to school, everyone there knew what was going on. Some people believed her, some people didn't. The eyes of people staring at her were enough to drive her crazy. When the trial was over, the boys were found guilty and sent off to some juvenile facility, but Abby was ruined. It seemed like everywhere that she went that she could sense people staring at her, judging. It may or may not have been true, that was just how she felt. I had always had my suspicions that something like that must have happened. That was only half of the story, however. What she had written about next was something that I would have never dreamed of, even though I was guilty of something similar, myself. Even a couple of years after the incident, Abby rarely left the house. The only people that she could stand to have contact with were my sister and her husband. She was plagued by nightmares and terrified of anyone outside of her mother and father. She had been enrolled in therapy and went on a regular basis, making a very slow but steady progress. When Abby had graduated from her home schooling shortly after turning eighteen, my sister had planned a rather small party for her. It was a combination graduation/birthday party. I remembered going to it, actually. It was myself, Abby, her parents, and her grandmother from her father's side. I remembered that Abby seemed happy enough, just extremely quiet and shy. I have to admit that at that time I had absolutely no idea as to what was going on in her life. It was sometime after this that Abby had woken up in the middle of the night after suffering from a particularly nasty nightmare. She walked down the hall to her parents' room, which she often did after a nightmare, to seek out her mother's comfort. When she entered the room that time, however, she was greeted to a sight that she was not used to. Her parents were having sex. She had known that they must have had sex sometimes, but had never really thought about it all that much. As a matter of fact, she had wanted nothing to do with sex at all since she was raped. She didn't read about it, didn't watch it on TV, never looked it up on the internet. It was something that she thought that she could do without. There was something about seeing her parents do it, however, that was captivating. Her mother seemed to be so happy, her father was so gentle and loving. She stood and watched the entire scene unfold from the darkness of the doorway thinking about how wonderful it would be to make love like that. Her parents didn't notice her until they were done, and they were understandably embarrassed. Abby had told them, quite frankly, that what they had just done was the most beautiful thing that she had ever seen. After what was a rather lengthy discussion they had come to an agreement to where they would allow Abby to watch them in bed together. At first, they had all felt awkward about the situation, but after they had done it a few times, they were feeling more comfortable. Abby had graduated from watching from the doorway to sitting on the edge of the bed while they did it. She had even started to touch herself while her parents made love beside her. Abby had thought that her parents were beginning to enjoy her being with them as much as she liked watching them. They were having sex more often and with more energy than they had ever done before. She was openly masturbating one night while her father was taking her mother from behind when she tried something different, breaking one of the rules that they had set. She kissed her mother, on the lips with passion, while her father was thrusting into her. She had thought that doing that might possibly make her mother angry, or that maybe her father would stop and make her go away. It seemed to have the opposite effect, however. Her mother had kissed her back and pulled her closer. Her father smiled at her and continued to make love. After that, Abby had been getting more and more involved each night. She felt safe and wonderful making love with her parents, the ultimate pleasure coming when her father penetrated her for the first time. The love that the three shared was unconditional and stronger that they had ever thought possible. They, of course, had kept it to themselves. Abby didn't think that the world needed to know about, anyway. She didn't like the world. The three of them had continued making their love for years. Right up until the accident that took her parents away from her and Abby's entire world came crashing down. With her parents gone, she fell into a dark depression, far worse than how she was after being taken advantage of by the two boys. She had thought of taking her own life many times, but had never acted on it. She didn't think that she would ever be able to get over the loss of her mother and father. Abby had agreed to come live with me even though she could have probably have made it on her own. At the time, though, she couldn't stand the thought of being totally alone. She thought that I would be able to understand at some level what it was that she was going through, I had just lost my sister, after all. It was an extremely hard decision to sell the only home that she had ever known and move out of state to live with me, an uncle that she barely knew. What had finally made up her mind was the fact that she couldn't stand being in the house anymore without her parents around. It just wasn't the same and she was constantly reminded of their loss by being in the empty house. She didn't really know what to expect when she first came into my home. It appears as though she was surprised at how comfortable that she felt right away. She could tell that her and I were going to be fine together after the first couple of nights that she stayed. Now she had found a new love with me, something that she wasn't sure that she would ever have again. From what she had written, it appeared as though she loved me dearly. I couldn't help but love her back even more. It wasn't just her parents that she had lost, she had lost her lovers, and had somehow put that behind her. I put the last page down and went off to find Abby. She was pacing around the kitchen, nervously trying to find things to clean while I had been reading. "Do you still love me?" she asked. "I love you more than I did before I read it, Abby. I'm going to love you for the rest of my life," I replied. "Did it help you understand where I'm coming from?" she asked. "It did. You ought to write stories for a living, or something," I said, putting my arms around her. "Do you think so?" she asked with a smile. "I'd go with fiction, though. Real life is a little too crazy to believe." ***** I suppose that I should have been sickened and horrified at the tale that I had read of young Abby's life. I was, to some extent. The part where the boys had taken advantage of her enraged me, they had destroyed her mind and life as she knew it. They had instilled fears in her that she may never overcome. I could only hope that they had gotten shanked in juvie and were now burning in Hell. It was extremely touching how she had written about the love affair that she had with her parents. They had clearly loved each other, probably with a stronger love that she and I share today. It's not something that most people understand, but Abby and I do. People could say that my sister, my brother-in- law, and myself have been guilty of taking advantage of a poor young girl in a fragile mental state, but Abby and I don't feel that way. Love is love, and we love each other, whether other people would like it or not. Who the hell wore clothes when they didn't have to, anyway? That was Lashawnda's attitude, at least. She peeled off every stitch with complete abandon as soon as she got to the clothing optional area of the convention, yanking off her shirt and shoving it into an unoccupied cubbyhole. She brushed her dark, curly hair back into place, then reached behind her and unhooked her 36E bra, sighing in relief as she pulled it free and put it with her shirt. Lashawnda took a moment to massage the soreness out of her shoulders and back, rubbing at the marks left on her dark skin by the tight straps. Someday, she swore, she would find someone who made bras for big women with big tits that actually fit. It sure wasn't that one, though. Her shoes and socks followed, and then it was time to deal with the pants. Lashawnda hooked her thumbs into the waistband and wriggled, drawing plenty of appreciative looks at what probably seemed like a striptease performance. The truth was, they just never made clothes for women like Lashawnda-anything that looked nice was so damn tight that she felt stuffed into it like a sausage, and anything comfortable looked sloppy. Today she'd decided to look nice-it was the first day of Leather Fest, and she wanted to show herself off a little before things got hot and heavy during the evening's play party. But the damn things were a bitch to get out of. She finally got the waistband over the curve of her ass, taking the panties with it through sheer friction. She slid the whole ensemble down to her ankles, stepped out of it, and shoved it all in the cubbyhole. The bag with her spare clothes went with it-no way in hell was Lashawnda putting that shit back on again tonight. Too bad she couldn't just go back to the hotel room naked. Too bad she couldn't go everywhere naked, honestly-if anyone was suited to an au naturel body, it was Lashawnda. She was just too damn big for clothes...and lucky for her, it was in all the right places. With everything stashed away, Lashawnda started her circuit of the play area. She wandered down the hall at a leisurely pace, waving to a few people she'd seen earlier in the day and just enjoying the feel of fresh air on her skin. She liked making a performance out of it, swinging her hips a little with each step and letting her ass jiggle and shake behind her. Lashawnda didn't have to look to know that people were staring-she always joked that she put the "beautiful" in "big beautiful woman", and she knew her best feature was definitely meant to be viewed from behind. She didn't stop to talk with anyone just yet-the night was still young, and Lashawnda always liked to take in the sights and sounds for a little while, just to get her in the mood. She knew there'd be plenty of time to play. Not that she had anything in particular planned-Lashawnda knew from experience that if you were female, bi, switchy and open-minded, there was never much of a problem finding someone to play with. Or several someones. At once. She wandered through a couple of rooms where people had already started, taking in an enthusiastic flogging session and a couple of people who were doing some suspension play. She made a mental note to circle back around to the woman doing the flogging later-she definitely had some amazing technique, and Lashawnda wanted to see what she'd do if she had some padding to work with. It was on her way out of the second room that she realized she was being followed. She'd taken a route along the edge of the room, to avoid a few people engaged in energetic wrestling play, and on her way back out she noticed a man and a woman making the exact same circuit she did. They were both white and both naked, walking about ten feet behind her but clearly taking the same path through the play area. The woman looked a bit like Lashawnda in miniature, about a foot shorter but with a similar round body and heavy, full breasts. Her butt was a little smaller than Lashawnda's, but that wasn't saying much-Lashawnda didn't know anyone with an ass like hers outside of porn. The man was taller, maybe a couple of inches taller than Lashawnda. He had a nice body-not exactly ripped or anything, but he definitely had some nice lines. He was completely smooth from the neck down, like someone had waxed him fresh that morning. Lashawnda wasn't sure if his cock just looked bigger because he didn't have any pubic hair, or if it was because it was sticking straight out like someone was pulling it on a leash, or if it was just a pretty damn fine specimen of cock. They kept following her as she went back out into the hallway and down towards the massage room. They weren't coming up to her or anything, but whenever she cut around an obstacle or glanced over her shoulder, Lashawnda would catch sight of them again. The man was keeping that same ten-foot distance, and the woman was following along a few paces behind him. She couldn't exactly say she minded too much-if she didn't want people to take an interest in her body, she would have gone to Wizard World or something instead-but the way they were going about it made her want to mess with them a little. Just fuck with them a little bit...then maybe fuck with them a lot. She picked up her pace a bit as she went through the massage room, skirting around the tables and heading towards the entrance to the room beyond where the heavy fucking went on. As usual, it had been decked out with large body pillows, mattresses, and several curtains hanging from the ceiling for people who wanted a little bit of privacy mixed in with their public sex. Lashawnda grinned to herself as she planned her next move. She ducked around the edge of one of the curtains...and stopped dead. Sure enough, within moments the man rounded the corner and walked right into her ass, dick-first. He stopped dead, his cock pressing into her left butt cheek, and the woman came around the corner right behind him and barely managed walking into his ass. "See anything you like?" Lashawnda asked, making a quarter-turn so that she could see the expression on their faces. The guy clearly did-he was looking straight down at her ass like his eyes were magnetized to it, and she could feel his cock twitching a little against her skin. The woman looked a little bit embarrassed, but Lashawnda didn't see a 'no' there either. "Sorry," she said. "My husband was hypnotized by your ass." Lashawnda grinned lasciviously. "Yeah," she replied. "I get that a lot." The woman snorted out a surprised giggle. "No, I mean literally," she said. "I'm his Dominant, and one of the ways we play is with hypnosis. I've conditioned him to go into a deep hypnotic trance just from watching my ass sway back and forth, and I guess when he saw you walking down the hall it kind of triggered him." She grinned sheepishly. "I probably should have woken him, but I wanted to see how far he'd go before he snapped out of it." Lashawnda raised an eyebrow. "Seriously?" She didn't bother to keep the skepticism out of her voice. "You mean that, um..." "Ryan," the woman replied. "He's Ryan, I'm Diana." "Okay," Lashawnda said, undeterred from her point. "You mean that Ryan here literally gets hypnotized by your ass? Like, 'you are in my power' hypnotized?" Diana smiled again, this time with pride. "Oh yes," she said. "He's always been something of an ass man, and he's also a very good hypnotic subject. People are always better at following suggestions that make them do what they already want to do, and he likes staring at my butt. It wasn't hard at all to get him to make the connection between my sexual power over him and my hypnotic power over him." Lashawnda looked at Ryan again. His eyes hadn't moved an inch from her backside. He hadn't even blinked. He just kept staring at her with that heavy- lidded gaze, his cock so hard she could bounce a quarter off of it. Experimentally, she gave a little wiggle. His eyes followed the motion perfectly. She took a step forward and swayed a little harder, moving her hips around like she was playing with an imaginary hula hoop. Ryan continued to watch her ass, never taking his eyes off of it for even a fraction of a second. His body actually swayed a little right along with the motion, unable to resist following her gyrations. She stopped, and watched his eyes follow every little jiggle until her body was completely at rest. "Damn," she said at last, unable to find any other way to express her amazement. "Oh, it gets better," Diana said, her smile becoming conspiratorial. "Want to see something really impressive?" Lashawnda met her mischievous gaze, feeling her own smile growing. "Sure," she replied. "Okay, be right back." Diana darted back around the curtain, leaving Lashawnda alone with Ryan. She occupied herself by wiggling her butt from side to side, watching him follow the motion helplessly as his cock visibly throbbed at the sight. Diana came back a moment later with a handful of condoms and a bottle of massage oil. "Okay," she said. "Go ahead and get down on your hands and knees. I'm going to show you just how fixated on your ass he can really get." Lashawnda knelt down on all fours on one of the large body pillows, glancing back to see that Ryan sank down behind her with that same glassy look in his eyes. Diana knelt next to them, one hand on Ryan's shoulder and the other hovering just above Lashawnda's back just above the swell of her ass. "Okay, um..." She trailed off awkwardly. "Lashawnda." She grinned. "I think we're on a first-name basis, here." Diana chuckled. "Okay, Lashawnda. Is it okay if my pet and I touch you?" Lashawnda looked back at Ryan's throbbing cock, poised just inches away from her body. She closed her eyes for a brief moment, feeling her nipples tighten in anticipation, feeling the liquid heat between her thighs. When had she gotten so wet? "Honey," she said out loud, "you two can do any fucking thing you want to me." "Wonderful," Diana cooed softly. She let her hand come to rest on Lashawnda's body, petting the soft skin with an almost absent-minded touch. Then she turned her attention to Ryan. "Pet, I want you to listen to my voice. You know you can do that and still stay very deep in trance. Are you listening?" There was a pause. Then Ryan spoke. His voice was soft, almost sedated. "Yes, Mistress," he said slowly. "Good boy," Diana purred. "You're deeply hypnotized by Lashawnda's ass, aren't you?" "Yes, Mistress," Ryan whispered. "I'm sorry..." Diana stroked his shoulder gently. "There's nothing to apologize for, pet. If I had wanted you to wake, I would have woken you. You know how helpless you are to resist the power of a woman's body, and that's just as it should be. Just keep watching now, and let it draw you even deeper into hypnosis..." Diana reached over and grabbed the massage oil, and squirted a healthy amount onto Lashawnda's ass. She worked it into every inch of the ample flesh, drizzling more of it on as she went, until Lashawnda was practically shivering from the sensation. Her warm, soft hands were everywhere, sliding into Lashawnda's crack and teasing her anus with just the tips of her fingers. Lashawnda heard herself start to pant under the attention, and felt the heat in her pussy intensify. "There we go," Diana said at last. "All nice and shiny." She rolled a condom onto Ryan's cock, then wriggled around so that she was in front of Lashawnda, looking her right in the face. "That's another thing about my good boy," she said quietly. "He can't look away from bright, shiny objects. The glint and gleam catches his attention and holds it, helplessly, drawing him into a deep and mindless trance. Isn't that right, pet?" "Yes, Mistress," Ryan responded, a trace of a whimper in his voice. "And if Lashawnda's ass hypnotizes you, pet," Diana drawled out, her voice husky with arousal, "and shiny objects hypnotize you...what does it do to you when you see her ass like this?" There was a pause, as if Ryan was already so deep that processing the idea was difficult for him. "...sends me deeper..." he said at last, the words slightly slurred. "And what does it do to you when I draw your attention to a bright, shiny object and then start moving it? Back and forth...and back and forth..." Diana's eyes glittered with excitement. "...I follow it..." Ryan said, his voice filled with an almost religious devotion. "I follow it and go deeper." "Good boy," Diana replied. She leaned in and whispered in Lashawnda's ear. "Check this out." She reached past Lashawnda, who turned her head to see Diana slowly guiding Ryan's cock into her dripping pussy. "Back and forth," Diana said, leaning back again onto the pillows. "Back and forth." Ryan began slowly pumping his hips, thrusting hard into Lashawnda's tight, wet quim. Her ass jiggled under the force of each thrust, swaying backwards as her body was pushed forward before bouncing forward as he pulled out of her. Lashawnda watched his eyes over her shoulder as they followed the motion of her ass cheeks-they were utterly fixated on the soft, shiny globes as they shook relentlessly. "He can do this for hours," Diana whispered, her hands roaming over Lashawnda's body to find her heavy, dangling tits. "He's so deeply hypnotized now that I have total control over his mind and body. He won't cum until I tell him to, and he can't stop fucking you until I command it. He's too deep into the motion. The slow, heavy swell of your ass as it sways back and forth...back and forth..." Lashawnda let out a moan-she hadn't been fucked like this in as long as she could remember. Ryan just kept pounding her pussy like a machine, smooth and deep and relentless, angling his thrusts to brush her clit on every stroke. "It's so good," she whimpered out as Diana tugged at her nipples, working the flesh of Lashawnda's breasts with her oil-slick hands. "That's right," Diana said. "It's so good, and he can't stop. He's completely helpless, watching your ass and going deeper into hypnosis. It's so slick and soft and shiny, moving back and forth, back and forth as he fucks you so deep..." "So deep!" Lashawnda gasped out as she ground herself onto his cock. She felt her pussy clenching around him as the throb in her clit built to a crescendo. Diana pinched her nipples rhythmically in time to Ryan's thrusts, sending pulses of pleasure through her whole body as she shook with arousal. "So deep," Diana whispered, her eyes locked with Lashawnda's. "So deep, focused on the pleasure, seeing your ass sway back and forth. Back and forth, deeper and deeper." "...deeper," Lashawnda moaned, her mind no longer able to focus on anything but the intensity of the sensations in her cunt. She felt herself slide over the edge into orgasm, a deeper and more powerful climax than anything she'd thought herself capable of, but Ryan didn't stop. He kept fucking her, deeper and deeper, his cock endlessly pumping into her soaking wet slit and rubbing her swollen clit. "Deeper into hypnosis," Diana whispered, her voice caressing Lashawnda's mind like her fingers rubbed Lashawnda's sensitive tits. "Back and forth, helpless to stop, deeper into hypnosis..." Lashawnda nodded, her voice nothing more than mewls of orgasmic bliss now. She couldn't look away from Diana's eyes anymore, but she wasn't really seeing them. She was seeing her own buttocks, slick and shiny with oil and shaking under the force of Ryan's endless, ruthless fucking. Lashawnda came again. She couldn't tell anymore when one orgasm stopped and the next one started. She just kept cumming and cumming and cumming, helpless to resist the pleasure. Helpless to resist Diana's voice. She knew what was happening to her, but she barely had any conscious thought left to resist with anymore. What few fragments of thought she could muster were stuck in an endless loop, remembering Diana's earlier words. 'People are always better at following suggestions that make them do what they already want to do.' Lashawnda wanted to be fucked like this. She wanted to be touched like this. She wanted to cum and cum and cum until she couldn't think anymore. So she must want to be hypnotized and follow suggestions. It all made so much sense now. "Good girl," Diana whispered as Lashawnda finally slumped forward in exhaustion, her orgasms melting into a blur of hypnotic bliss as Diana gathered her up and held her. "Such a good girl." Lashawnda quivered at the words, her body unable to stop associating Diana's voice with pure ecstasy. "That's right, deeper now," Diana purred, and Lashawnda followed her voice down into mellow blankness. She lost track of Diana's words altogether, letting them melt into the back of her mind. She didn't know how long she lay there in a fog of trance with Diana's words flowing over her. It didn't matter. The night was still young. When Lashawnda's eyes finally opened, it was to the sight of Diana's ass. It was absolutely beautiful, wide and soft and swaying gently in front of Lashawnda's face. Lashawnda looked at it and knew what she had to do. She leaned forward, lost in the motion, and began to lick. THE END |
Ring, ring...... "Good afternoon and welcome to my inner sanctum where the anonymous meet for sexy fun over the phone. I'm Yvonne," answered Mary, the woman on the other end of the phone with a sexy, female voice. "Hi Yvonne," said the caller breathing heavily as if he was making an obscene call instead of wanting to have phone sex. Yvonne was ready to hang up the phone is this guy was a weirdo. She gets a lot of weirdoes in her line of business as a phone sex operator. "What's your name?" Another heavy breather, with the image of Danny DeVito on her mind and on the other side of the phone, Mary picture a short, fat, bald man, someone who wasn't able to get a real girlfriend. No doubt, he was like any one of the men who have groped her on the elevator, in the subway, and/or accosted her on the street by flashing her is cock. Choosing to walk around the block instead, already, he sounded like a man that she's never enter an alleyway if she saw him standing here. "Harry," said Jerry, his real name, the caller on the other end of the line. Harry pictured a beautiful blonde woman with big tits and an even bigger sexual appetite. "Hi Harry," said Mary as Yvonne in her sexiest, honey toned voice dripping with sex and promising a dialogue filled with flirty, teasing, and sexual innuendos. "Sorry to be so personal so soon, but I need to know," he said. "Yes? What would you like to know Harry?" "How old are you? You sound so young," he said. "I really don't want to be talking to you if you're under 18-years-old. I may be a lot of things but I'm not a pedophile. I probably have grandchildren your age," he said. Having gotten that reaction all of her life, everyone told her that she sounded younger when talking on the phone. A few people told her that she'd be perfect for phone sex. She had that naturally sexy voice. If only he knew how old she really was, he'd probably hang up the phone. "I'm old enough to know better," she said with a sexy laugh. "I'm thirty-six- years-old. With my age admitted to, how old are you?" "Definitely, I'm old enough to know better too. I'm sixty-seven-years-old," he said. "Good," she said. "I like older men," she said pausing, "Daddy. Who would you like me to be? I can be whomever you want me to be? Tell me and don't be shy, there are no judgments here. You're free to live out your sexual fantasy. Now, who would you like me to be? Your mother? Your sister? Your aunt? Or the woman who sexually excites you and lives next door?" "I'd prefer you to be yourself," he said." "Okay, I can do that. I'll be myself. I'll be Yvonne," said Mary. Not wasting any time with formalities, as if he was sitting in the back of a cab, with every minute ticking by translating to more money for this sexy ride, Harry asked her his most important question. "What are you wearing?" As if pressured by a not so subtle push and launched into the immediate purpose of the phone call, Mary paused in her answer. Taking her time, she wanted to keep Harry on the phone longer, as long as she could. The longer he stayed on the line, the more money she made. With the Internet killing the phone sex business with everyone online Skyping phone sex calls were few and far in between. "Maybe I'm not wearing anything at all Harry," she said with a sexy laugh. "Maybe I'm naked," she said. "Is that what you'd like me to be? Naked? Would you like me to be naked while talking to you on the phone Harry? Harry was breathing heavily enough to make Mary wonder if he had a medical condition. Maybe he was already sexually excited. Maybe he was just horny. Maybe with the talk of her being naked, she was making him hot already. Hoping he didn't prematurely end the call by having a premature ejaculation, with business being slow lately, she needed to keep him on the phone for more than just a couple of minutes. "Actually, I'd prefer you to be wearing clothes, hopefully a sexy nightgown," he said. "I like sexy nightgowns. Something that's sheer and low cut enough to show your tits. I like tits. Tits are my favorite parts of a woman's body," he confessed. Taking the time to think of what to say next, she paused in her answer. She had a live one here and she didn't want to rush the call. "Yes, Harry, a sexy nightgown works for me too. It's as if you can see me," she said adjusting the collar of her sweatshirt. "Can you see me? Do you have a camera hooked up to your phone? How did you know that I was wearing a sheer, sexy, low cut nightgown?" "Just a wild guess," he said with a giggle. Seemingly pleased with himself that he believed that he guessed she was wearing a sexy nightgown in the middle of the day when instead she was wearing a sweatshirt and jeans. Not ready for bed, she was ready for work as a phone sex operator and was fully dressed. "Shall I describe to you exactly what I'm wearing?" Yvonne called upon her active imagination to color her lurid description. Hoping to keep him on the phone longer by setting Harry's thoughts ablaze with sex, she needed to make him interested in her for him to want to talk to her longer. "Yes, please do," said Harry. A positive sign, one that told her that he'd be on the phone for the long haul, the noise of his zipper was loud enough for even Yvonne to hear over the phone. Earning her living by talking to perversely perverted, and horny, albeit lonely men, she knew that he'd be masturbating to whatever she told him she was wearing. Putting more thought behind what she was going to say, she wanted to tease him without overly exciting him too soon. "Well," she said. "I'm wearing—" "Ow," he said. "Harry? What's wrong?" "I just caught my pubic hair in my zipper. Boy that hurt," he said. "Maybe it's time for a trim," laughed Yvonne while using the excuse of him catching himself in his zipper to talk about something else other than sex, anything else other than sex. "Are you very hairy Harry?" "I am except for my head. I'm bald," he said. "My arms, my legs, my back, and my chest, especially my chest, are all very hairy. My nickname is Chia pet," he said with a loud laugh. With a Chia pet not a good image for her to have of him, allowing him the extra time it took for him to laugh, she laughed with him to make her time with him last a little longer. Tick, tick, tick, every second she kept him on the phone put more dollars in her pocket. If he was willing to take up nearly 30 seconds of his time laughing, she had no problem with that. Better that she laughs with him than having to talk sex to these disgusting degenerates. Yet, with her alone after being widowed, she made a buck anyway she could, even giving phone sex to perverts. "Bald is sexy," she said. "I love rubbing a bald man's head over my naked breasts. If I were there with you now Harry, would you let me rub your head all over my big, naked tits? Would you like that?" She watched her muted TV while waiting for him to respond. In talking about rubbing his bald head over her naked tits, even she was beginning to get horny. With her husband so sick for so long, before he died, it's been a long time since she's been intimate with a man. Moreover, with her married to the same man for more than 40 years, he was the only man she's ever been with. "Yes, I would Yvonne. I'd love to rub my bald head over your naked breasts while feeling your tits and fingering your nipples? I love fingering a woman's nipples." "Hmm, oh yeah baby, I'd like that too. I like having my tits fondled and my nipples fingered while kissing. Do you like to kiss Harry?" "Yes, I like kissing, so long as I can feel a woman's breasts while kissing her," he said. "Whether through her clothes or her naked breasts, I love feeling her breasts while kissing her." So far so good. Actually, he wasn't so bad. She's conversed with a lot worse than him. "Me too," she said. I love kissing while a man feels my tits through my clothes. Then, when my nipples make their impression through my bra and blouse, I love it when a man slowly runs his index finger over my nipples to coax them out more. Then, when he takes my nipples between his thumb and index finger and forces them out more, that makes me so hot," she said silently yawning while rolling her eyes. Already on the phone with him for ten minutes, she'd be making a few extra dollars to supplement her Social Security for her to buy the food she needs at Wal-Mart while giving him phone sex today. If only her friends and neighbors knew that she gave deviant men phone sex, she wondered what they'd say. She wondered what they'd think. "Yes, of course. I love kissing and I love feeling a woman's breasts through her blouse and bra," he said pausing as if waiting for her to respond. When she didn't, he spoke. "Tell me. Speaking of tits, I'm curious to know. What size tits do you have? What bra cup size." Always a tricky question, she's learned not to give direct answers but to fish for his preferences. Hopefully, he'll tell her what size breasts he prefers so that she can tell him that she coincidentally has the same size. "What size breasts do you prefer?" "I prefer a C cup. That size is not too big and not too small. To me C cup breasts are perfect. Yeah, a C cup is just right," he said. "I prefer breasts that don't sag too much. I prefer breasts that have cleavage like Loni Anderson cleavage. Do you remember her? Definitely, a C cup breast is my favorite size woman's breasts." "Well, you're in luck Harry because I'm a C cup, a 36C, just like Marilyn Monroe," said Mary running her hand over her A cup breasts while fingering her nipples. She put a hand beneath her sweatshirt and beneath her bra to feel her small breasts while fingering her nipples. "Wow, just like Marilyn Monroe," said Harry. "I've been a C cup since I developed breasts," she said. "Of course I remember Loni Anderson," she said when she didn't have a clue who Loni Anderson was. "I've been told that I have breasts just like Loni Anderson." "No kidding. Wow! What are the odds that I'd get a woman on the phone who has breasts just like Loni Anderson. Most people don't even know who she is but she was married to Burt Reynolds after she was on that TV situation comedy, WKRP Cincinnati. I loved that show. I loved watching her sashaying around the office." "That was my favorite TV show too," she said even though she never watched it. With her nose always in a book, Mary would rather read than watch TV. "Wow! So, if you have tits like Loni Anderson's, you must have cleavage like her cleavage too," he said excitedly. "I do. I have a long line of cleavage," she said raising her sweatshirt and bra to look at her sad, prune like breasts that possessed no cleavage at all. "This is so exciting for me to be talking to a woman who has tits like Loni Anderson. I like women who have big nipples too," he said. "If I'm not being too personal, tell me, do you have big nipples Yvonne? "No, you're not being too personal at all. As matter of fact I do have big nipples, Harry. I have the kind of nipples that after you sucked them, they make a sound like a cork being pulled from a champagne bottle when you pull them from your mouth. I swear, it's as if you can see me right through this phone for you to already know so very much about me." "I only wish I could see you through the phone," said Harry. "Then, I could watch you sitting there in your sexy nightgown. Do you have Skype?" "I don't have a computer and even if I did, I'm not allowed to talk to you over the computer or to meet you," she said. "Oh," he said. "Of course. That makes sense." "You know Harry, speaking of hair, being that we were talking about hair before we got sidetrack to talking about tits and nipples, I'll never understand why some women don't like men hairy men," he said. "Born with a lot of hair, there's nothing I can do about having hair," he said with a little laugh. "Being that you have so much hair all over your naked body, maybe I should call you hairy instead of Harry or hairy Harry," she said with a laugh. "That's funny," said Harry. "How would you like that my little Chia pet? How would you like for me to call you hairy Harry?" She laughed knowing that her laugh would make him laugh and it did. Easing some of the tension in talking to a man like Harry, she'd rather be laughing than talking dirty. "Would you like that? Would you like for me to call you hairy Harry?" "So long as you continue to talk to me, I'd like for you to call me anything Yvonne," he said. "Being that I'm a phone sex operator, I feel the same way about you. I'd like you to call me anything, so long as you called me," she said with a sexy laugh. "Now that I know who you are, the next time I call, I'll make sure to ask for you," said Harry. "Thank you Harry. I'd like that," said Yvonne. "Me more than you, I dare say," said Harry with a nervous, little laugh. "Getting back to hair, hair is such a turn on for me," said Yvonne. "Curling it with my fingers and feeling it between my toes even, I love the feel of a man's chest hair. I love exploring the rest of my man's body to see and to feel all of his hair everywhere, if you know what I mean," she said with a dirty laugh. Unbuttoning and unzipping her jeans, she stuck her sexually aroused hand down inside of her panties. "I'd like that," he said. "I'd like for you to explore my hairy, naked body. "Actually, not to be too forward too soon, and I hope you won't think that I'm a slut," she said pausing while waiting for him to tell her that he didn't think she was a slut. "A slut? You? Heavens no. No, I'd never think you were a slut Yvonne. Go ahead. Finish what you were about to say," said Harry acting the gentleman that he's not. "This may sound odd to you being that you're a man but..." she said purposely pausing her response. "Yes. What? Tell me Yvonne what may sound odd to me being that I'm a man," he said. "Don't laugh," she said prolonging the conversation. "I won't laugh. I promise," said Harry. "I like a man's pubic hair tickling my nose while I'm sucking his cock. I fancy that," she said fingering her pussy while imagining sucking his cock. "Oh, my God, Yvonne. I'd love to tickle your fancy, if you know what I mean," he said with a dirty laugh. "I'd love for my pubic hair to tickle your nose while you sucked my cock," said Harry pausing, no doubt, to digest all that was just said. "Tell me Yvonne and you don't have to answer if I'm being too personal but have you sucked a lot of cocks?" "I've sucked my fair share," she said teasing him when the only cock she ever sucked was her husband's cock. Now that he was dead and buried, she wished she had given him his sexual fantasy by allowing him to cum in her mouth instead of only on her tits. Only, she couldn't imagine him shooting his spunk in her mouth. She's be sick if he did. "Tell me if I'm being too aggressive and/or saying something inappropriate but," he paused. He was breathing heavy again while shaking the phone in his horny hand. Obviously, he was masturbating over what he was about to ask her. "Do you allow men to cum in your mouth or just on your tits?" "Oh, Harry, you naughty man," she said with a laugh. "It's not really a blowjob if they don't cum in my mouth Harry," she said putting enough sexual meaning behind her words in the way that she enunciated blowjob and prolonged the pronunciation of cum for him to believe that she really was a skilled cocksucker. "Tell me this then. I'm curious to know," he said. "Yes, you may ask me whatever you want. I'm your woman for the time we are talking on the phone," she said no doubt making him feel that they had more of a relationship, a special relationship. "Do you swallow or do you spit after a man ejaculates his seed in your mouth?" "I swallow. Of course I swallow," said Yvonne. "As I said before, not only wouldn't it be a blowjob if a man didn't cum in my mouth but also it wouldn't be much of a blowjob if I didn't swallow his warm, oozy load of cum." In the way she slowed her speech to enunciate her words, she could tell by his breathing and by the phone shaking that he was masturbating to all that she said. She was sad to think that her life has come to this. A sixty-three- year-old woman pretending she's younger and sexually promiscuous enough to give a lonely, perverted, old man phone sex. What happened to her life? She thought she'd be living the good life once her husband retired but he died. She never expected him to die so soon. Now with her children grown and living their lives out of state, she's alone but for her phone and her phone sex customers. "Wow," said Harry stroking himself, no doubt to the vision of her blowing him, him cumming in her mouth, and her swallowing. "Do you have a lot of chest hair Harry?" "Chest hair? Sorry, it's difficult from me to make the transition from the thoughts of you sucking my cock, me cumming in your mouth, you swallowing me, to talking about chest hair," he said with a laugh. "Well stay with me Harry. We've already digressed. We're talking about chest hair now," she said with a laugh. "Being that I'm a Gemini, I've been known to go from subject to subject without pausing to insert a transition." "Yeah, I've got a lot of chest hair and the rest of my body is covered with lots of hair too," he said. "Tell me more about what you're wearing? What color nightgown are you wearing? Is it short? Low cut? Is it sheer enough to see through?" "My, my Harry, you're a little impatient. You can't wait to get me naked to explore my body. I guess time is money," she said with a giggle. "I thought we might get to know a little more about one another before we start getting too sexy, but here we go. I'm wearing a short, blue, sheer, nearly see through negligee with a white ribbon that ties just underneath my large breasts. Do you want more?" "God, yes, I'm stroking myself now while thinking of you wearing your short, blue, sexy, see through negligee, so keep going and don't leave out any details." "Under my negligee is a pair of matching baby doll, bikini panties that has a white ribbon bow just above my pussy," she said rubbing her clit while fingering herself. "Oh, my God, Yvonne. I hope you don't walk around like that without wearing a robe? Everyone can see your nearly naked body. Unless you're an exhibitionist and don't care who sees your nearly, naked body." "Yes, actually, I am a bit of an exhibitionist. Truth be told, I'm a bit of a slut. I like showing my body off to men," said Mary, a part-time school librarian. "Tell me this then," he said. "What? What would you like me to tell you?" She inserted her words to not only compliment his but also to prolong the conversation. "What would you like to know?" "Do you answer the door in your sexy nightgown with your tits and nipples showing through your sexy nightgown?" "I do. I forgot to tell you that you can not only see through my nightie but also you can see through my panties too because they're made of the sheerest material. I'm sure that every man who has come to my door has not only seen my nipples but also my pubic hair. I also have on thigh-high stockings that match my nightgown and bikini panties with ribbons at the top of my thighs." "Oh, my, you naughty, dirty girl allowing men to see you in your sheer nightgown," he said concentrating more on her exposing herself to other men than he was on her thigh-high stockings. "As if I'm Angie Dickinson of old, would you like me to peel my stockings slowing down my legs? If I bend over to do that, you'll get a great view of my C cup breasts and will probably see my pink areoles and nipples. If you're standing behind me, you'll see my panty clad ass and pussy," she said. "Wow," he said. "Would you remove my stockings? Would you like for me to do that for you now?" "Yes, yes, please don't make me talk. You do all the talking. Okay," he said mixed with grunting, gasping, wheezing, and moaning. "Okay? You're doing great. Just keep going, okay? Please don't stop. I'm getting ready to cum." "Okay," she said slowing her conversation to make him last longer. Not wanting the call to end, she knew that as soon as he ejaculated, their conversation would be over. "I'm bending over now and removing my stockings. Look, Harry, you can see my breasts. My big tits are practically falling out of my nightgown, they are as heavy as they are firm. In the way that my tits are practically falling out of my nightgown, imagine Loni Anderson's tits falling out of her nightgown. "God, oh God," he said. "Yes, yes, I can just see Loni Anderson's tits falling out of her nightgown. That Burt Reynolds was one lucky bastard." "Do me a favor and suck my tits Harry. Please suck my nipples. Pretend that you're here with me now sucking my tits while fondling my big breasts and fingering my nipples," said Mary as Yvonne as she fingered her nipples while imagining Harry sucking them. "Oh, my God." "Harry, I'm getting wet just thinking of you sucking and licking my breasts, but what I really want is for you to lick and suck my pussy too before your prod me with your hard, hairy cock and fuck me real good." Mary fingered her pussy. Rubbing her clit faster, she fingered her pussy deeper. "Will you fuck me good and hard Harry? Will you make me cum? After you fuck me, will you let me suck your cock? Please may I suck your cock Harry? Only, you must promise me one thing Harry?" "What's that Yvonne? What do you want me to promise you? Anything, I'll promise you anything," said Harry breathlessly. "Will you promise to cum in my mouth so that I can swallow you?" "Yes, yes, oh God yes. I promise to cum in your mouth after I lick you and fuck you. I'll suck you anywhere and will lick you everywhere you want, just keep going 'cause I'm almost there. God, help me! I'm so close." "Okay, Harry, let's keep you going so that you can cum real good." "Okay," he said. "I'm untying my nightie bow and letting my breasts fall free so that you can have your wicked sexual way with them. Come closer Harry and touch and fondle my tits. Pretend my tits are Loni Anderson's tits. Suck and nibble on my nipples. Go ahead, don't be afraid to bite my nipples. I like when you do that. Oh... Harry, that feels so good. I love it when you suck my big nipples. Don't stop. Baby. Yes, that's it. Suck them. Bite them," "Gees, Yvonne, you're going to make me cum. You know all the right things to say to me. You are the best phone sex operator I've ever had," he said. "Make me your woman Harry. Make me your bitch. Make me your sexual slave. Make me do all the dirty, sexy, and nasty things that you imagine doing to a woman. I'm yours to pleasure you and to sexually satisfy you." "Oh, God." "Reach down and cup my pussy through my panties while you're feeling, fondling, and sucking my tits," said Yvonne. "Tell me. I forgot to ask you and I need to know to imagine you naked. What color hair do you have?" "You tell me, you're the clairvoyant," she said slowing the conversation to make the call last longer. The last thing she wanted was for him to cum. "Blonde, I like blondes," he said. "It's as if you can see me Harry," she said pushing back her mousey brown hair with her hand. "How did you know that I'm a blonde?" "Are you a natural blonde?" "Yes. I was born a blonde," she said. "Tell me, do you like bald, trimmed, or bushy pussies?" "Trimmed, I like blonde, trimmed pussies," he said. "If you were here, you'd see that my blonde pussy is trimmed," she said rubbing her bushy, dark brown pussy. "Now do me a favor Harry." "Favor? What favor? I'll do anything you ask," said Harry. "Just ask me. Right now, I'm the one who's your sexual slave." "Remove my panties with your lips and teeth very slowly, not too fast now, and don't forget to trace my pussy slit while fingering my pussy as you're pulling. You need to coax open my pussy lips by making me wetter and slipperier," said Yvonne. "Jesus. I'm removing your panties with my teeth. I'm touching you with my finger. God, you're already so wet Yvonne. I'm rubbing your clit with one finger and pushing my other finger inside of your pussy. Do you feel that?" "I do," whispered Yvonne as if she was cumming too, instead of watching Dr. Oz on TV with the sound down. "Lick me Harry. Lick me. Stick your tongue in my hole," she said. "I'm licking you. You're so sugary sweet and thick like syrup. I love licking your pussy Yvonne. I can't wait to fuck your pussy. I can't wait for you to suck my cock. I can't wait to cum in your mouth and to watch you swallow my cum," he said. "God, you're really good at this Harry. You're going to make me cum," she said sighing and rolling her eyes. "You must have had a lot of women to be so sexually experienced for a woman to cum just by your sexy words." "I have, I've had lots of women, not in person, but on the phone," said Harry with sexual excitement as if he was very proud of his achievement in seemingly being so skilled at phone sex. "I'm really hot, wet, and slippery now. Now that I'm almost ready for you, I want you to mount me soon baby, but you must promise to lick me first. I wouldn't want you to break your promise, now would I? Would you lick me and finger fuck me before you cum Harry? I need to cum too," said Mary rubbing her clit faster and fingering her pussy deeper. "Only, there may not be time for that. You sound like you're going to cum now," she said with a dirty laugh. "Grunt, gasp, moan," said Harry with lots of heavy breathing. "I can't lick you. Not now. Sorry. Too late. God, god... fuck... shit... I'm cumming. I'm cumming now," said Harry making loud guttural screams and then there was silence. Yvonne waited for him to return to the phone. Figuring he was going for a tissue and/or to clean himself up, she hoped he'd take his sweet time. So long as he was still on the phone, even if he wasn't there talking, she was making money and she'd be making a goodly amount with this one call. She'd earn enough money to buy a week of groceries at Wal-Mart. After a while with him not returning, she was concerned. "Harry? Hello? Harry? Are you done? Did you cum? What are you doing? Where are you? Earth to Harry. Hello? Did you forget about me?" Silence. "Harry, can you hear me? Harry!" Deafening silence. Yvonne didn't hang up her phone. Allowing the minutes to continue to register, hours later, his credit card was charged $5,300 and didn't stop until he surpassed his credit card limit. Harry was found dead with the phone lying next to him on the floor. With the Goddess of phone sex causing him to have a massive heart attack, the phone sex killed him because, obviously, it was the best he'd ever had. Harry was 67 year's old and would have loved that he died having an orgasm. What a stud! Rest in peace Harry. Yvonne is a phone sex savant. Call her at 1-888-Cum-Talk. Have the sexual experience of a lifetime. Oh and Yvonne promises to take it easy on you. She promises not to kill you too. She needs paying customers, not dead ones. The End |
I felt like such a loser. It was the summer after my senior year of high school and I was the only one in my circle of friends who wasn't enrolled in college. I was the captain of my football team during both my junior and senior years and was being scouted on a pretty regular basis. I just knew I was getting a scholarship for sure! I had lain in my bed almost every night during football season dreaming of all the calls I would get once the season was over. Oklahoma, Southern Cal., maybe even Florida State would give me a ring. I dreamed dreams of my cell phone battery being consistently drained of its power as a result of the thousands of calls I was sure to receive. Mom and dad would have to buy me two or three extra phones just to compensate, but they wouldn't mind. I was Michael Anderson, and their world revolved around me. I was 6' 1" and weighed in at 215 pounds. Not terribly large for a linebacker, but big enough to do some damage when I needed to. Besides, it was my superior skill that commanded attention, not my gargantuan size. I had it made, or so I thought. It was the third game of the season when it happened. I remember it like it was yesterday. It was a cool September evening, 73 degrees, slight smell of moisture in the air, but not raining. Not yet, anyway. It was a perfect night for football. We were playing a team we had beaten the year before pretty badly, and we were prepared to do it again. It was the end of the second quarter with only 23 seconds left. The other team was down by 13 and was trying hard to score before halftime. The quarterback took the snap and dropped back to pass. My feet churned as I dropped back into my area of pass coverage when I saw him cover the ball, lower his head, and charge toward the line of scrimmage. My heels dug into the turf as I charged forward to make the tackle. We crashed into each other with the force of two semi trucks in a head-on collision. Our legs still pumping as we each fought to gain ground, neither of us was willing to give up so much as an inch. It didn't take more than a second for my teammates to crash in around me to assist in the tackle. That's when it happened. I don't know who it was, but I felt a helmet drive deep into the back of my knee. The flash of pain that shot through me at that moment is something I can't even describe. The next thing I remember is being carried off on the back of the golf cart the trainers use to haul injured players off the field. That was it. That was the end of my season. No phone calls came. No extra cell phones were purchased. I spent the rest of the season on crutches standing on the sideline. I was 18 years old and already I felt like a has-been. My life was over. I spent the rest of my senior year in a mild state of depression. I didn't fill out one single college application even though several of my friends were trying to talk me into going to the same schools they were going to. I just couldn't bring myself to do it, though. I hated the idea of being just a normal college student even though most of my friends were going to be just that. Most of the guys weren't playing football after high school. For most of the guys the athletic chapter of their lives was over and the next chapter was about to begin. Such a thought made me sick to my stomach. *** *** *** *** *** The first day of my summer job had just begun. My mother had gotten me the job through one of her friends because, as she put it, I needed to do something productive over the summer instead of lying around feeling sorry for myself. I agreed, and accepted a job at an inbound call center. The job basically consisted of sitting in a cubicle waiting for the phone to ring. Apparently when someone is stupid enough to buy something from a telemarketer the call gets transferred to an outside company that verifies the information and basically ensures the customer wasn't lied to. The job seemed easy enough. At least I got to sit and read magazines in between calls, which is what convinced me to take the job in the first place. I had just finished my training for the day and entered the break room to grab a coke when I saw her standing by the vending machine. Rachel MacDonald had graduated in my class. In fact, she sat by me in my algebra II class during the last semester of our senior year. I didn't know her very well because we were in different social circles during high school, but I was still a little sheepish considering I didn't want anyone from school knowing where I had ended up after graduation. Getting injured was bad enough, but working at a freaking call center instead of going to college was worse. We didn't talk to each other that day because I spent the rest of the day finishing up my training class. The next day, though, as luck would have it, I was seated in the cubicle next to hers. She looked just like she did all through high school; pale skin, dark hair, dark eyes and lipstick, and dark red fingernails. She had her nose pierced, which I secretly thought was kind of cool on a girl, and was carrying the same black backpack she carried since the 9th grade. She was wearing blue jeans and a Lacuna Coil concert t-shirt that looked like she had just bought it and was wearing it for the first time. I had never really spoken to Rachel in high school, but now that my ego had been taken down a notch I figured I could at least acknowledge her existence. "Hi," I said, expecting the same giggly reaction I usually got from the cheerleaders. "Hey," she replied without looking up from her Rolling Stone magazine. That was odd, I thought to myself. I figured she would be excited to have someone like me sit next to her and say hello. Don't all girls want the star football player to talk to them? About an hour had passed before I decided to try again. "Did you get that shirt at a concert, or something?" I asked. "No, I got it at Abercrombie and Fitch, where else?" she said, sarcastically. I blushed, realizing how stupid that question now seemed. "Sorry, I've just never heard of them, that's all." She closed her magazine and gave me a look as if the sight of me actually caused her eyes pain and said, "that's probably because they don't get played much on the radio. Not everything can be commercially packaged and presented to you by the morning zoo. Sometimes you have to disengage yourself from the media and decide for yourself what you like instead of letting MTV or the local disc jockeys to tell you what to listen to." "Okay, fair enough," I said. "Have I done something to offend you?" "I'm just a little confused as to why you are even talking to me, to be honest," she said. "Aren't you popular kids supposed to only talk to each other? I mean, we went to the same school for the last 4 years and you never said hi to me or any of my friends, so why are you talking to me now?" I didn't know how to respond to that. I just assumed we would jump into a conversation together. I hadn't expected to be put on the spot like this. "I'm sorry. I guess I just never thought it would matter. I mean, it isn't like you tried to talk to me and I pushed you away or anything. We just had different friends," I replied. "Why are you here, anyway?" she asked. "Aren't you supposed to be playing for some college somewhere bashing your head against stuff and grunting like a retard?" "Well, no," I said, a little offended at the remark. "I was injured last year and didn't get a scholarship, so I'm just taking the summer off to clear my head and plan my next move. I'm here because I just needed to do something to earn a little money. You didn't know I hurt my knee? I thought everyone in town knew that." "Believe it or not, some people have better things to do than keep track of what happens to YOU," she said. "Ok, fair enough," I replied. She obviously had made up her mind that she didn't like me very much and frankly I was beginning to think she was just a bitch, anyway. I turned back to my computer and took a couple of calls before hitting the "away" button and heading to the bathroom. I was just sitting down at my cubicle and was about to hit the "accept calls" button when she grabbed my hand. "Hold on," she said. "I'm sorry for being such a bitch earlier. High school's over now and I shouldn't be so bitter about stupid shit that happened. I'm sorry." I didn't know what to say except, "it's okay, don't worry about it." "High school just wasn't a pleasant experience for me like it was for you, and when I saw you yesterday I just got this tense feeling. It was like, ok I thought all the bullshit was over and I could move on, but now here you are. I just assumed you would be an asshole, and I'm sorry for being rude," she said. I was at a loss for words. I wasn't used to people apologizing to me like that. I was more accustomed to people who were afraid to show a vulnerable side. I had heard my friends and girlfriends apologize when they said or did something that made someone else mad, but it was usually just a quick "sorry, dude" and that was it. Rachel, however, seemed to be genuinely concerned that she had hurt my feelings. "No, really, don't worry about it," I replied. *** *** *** *** *** Over the next week or two Rachel and I talked every day. I learned that she was very artistic and had even written a few short stories and poems. I was beginning to realize there was much more to this girl than dark eye make-up and tattoos. She was a really deep and kind-hearted person. One afternoon she was showing me a picture of a flower growing out of a rotting dragon carcass she had drawn. As I was admiring the picture and listening to her explain the beauty of something wonderful growing out of such a dark and gruesome place, I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Mike, I need you and Rachel in my office," the man said. It was our manager, Mr. Wright. Once inside his office, he explained to us that the management was concerned because we both seemed to be spending most of our time talking to each other and not enough time actually taking calls. Apparently every time we hit the "away" button the manager could see it on his screen. We were written up and told the next time we would be let go. We went back to our cubicles and spent the rest of the day in silence. After our shift Rachel asked if I would like to hang out with her for a while. I accepted, and followed her to an apartment complex about 3 blocks from our old high school. I didn't realize until we were inside her apartment that she lived alone. She explained that after graduation she needed to get out of her parents house because she didn't get along with her step dad. "I love my mom, but he's a bastard and I couldn't stand it anymore. I had to get away before I lost all control and killed him," she laughed. I didn't have any stepparents. My mom and dad had been married for more than twenty years, and I couldn't imagine having to take orders from someone else. Her apartment was just like I thought it would be. She had a small television, a blue futon with notepads and pencils scattered on it, a small but efficient kitchen, and a twin-sized bed that looked like it hadn't been made in a couple of days. Her walls were covered with posters and drawings, and she had several candles on the dresser and along the back of her bathroom sink. The studio apartment was small, but it seemed to suit her well. She took off her jacket, walked to the refrigerator and brought out two beers. "I hope you like Coors Light," she said as she handed me the bottle. "Oh, yeah. I drink pretty much anything," I said. She cleared us both a spot on the futon and we drank and talked about nothing in particular for about an hour or so. After about 3 beers I excused myself to the restroom. When I returned, Rachel was sitting on the futon with a plastic bag in her lap and was rolling up something in notebook paper. "I don't know if that's such a good idea," I stammered. I had never smoked marijuana before and didn't know if I wanted to now. "It's okay," she said, "it isn't going to hurt you. Here, sit down and just take a little puff." "I don't know," I said, "I mean, I play football and I probably shouldn't." "Really? What team do you play for?" she asked. That comment stung a little, but I knew she had a point. I sat down and she handed me my first joint. "Just inhale and hold it," she said. I did as she said. The smoke hit my lungs like hot lead. I struggled to hold it in, but after only a few seconds I was coughing terribly. Rachel just laughed and handed me a beer. I chugged it as fast as I could, hoping to put out the fire in my chest. Over the next half hour we smoked, drank, and traded random stories from our childhoods. I didn't know if it was the beer or the weed, but I was quite relaxed and was willing to answer truthfully any question Rachel asked. I noticed her inhibitions were also wearing away, too. Rachel was right in the middle of telling me a story about her first encounter with her bastard step dad when, out of no where, I leaned over and planted one on her. I don't know why I did it. I wasn't planning it, or thinking about it, I just did it. We just looked at each other in awkward silence for what seemed like years. Finally she cleared her throat and said, "Ok, that was unexpected." "Uh, yeah. Sorry, I don't know what I was thinking," I stammered. "I'm sorry." "No," she replied, "it's okay, I just wasn't expecting that. I mean, I know we've been getting to know each other over the last couple of weeks, but I never thought you'd KISS me." "I'm sorry." I didn't know what else to say. I was so embarrassed I couldn't think straight. I honestly thought I had offended her, and just as I was trying to think of an excuse to leave she leaned in and gave me a soft, passionate kiss. She softly sucked my bottom lip in between her teeth and gave it a gentle tug as she pulled away. My lip made a slight smacking sound as she released it from her warm mouth. As she backed away she let out a soft sigh and slowly opened her eyes. She stared at me for a second before quickly shifting her eyes down and away. We both sat there for a minute, neither of us knowing quite what would happen next. Suddenly I became very aware of my full bladder and quickly excused myself again. After relieving myself, I stared at my face in the mirror. What was I doing here? I knew this was totally not like me, but at the same time I knew that there was no place I would rather be right now than in this apartment with this girl. I opened the door and headed back to the futon. As I sat down Rachel reached up and grabbed my head and pulled my face to hers. We shared a long, passionate kiss that seemed like it would go on forever. I reached around her back and pulled her close in a tight embrace as our tongues danced in our mouths. I felt her hand sliding down my body and under my shirt. She clawed at my stomach with one hand and was lifting my shirt up with the other. I felt her weight shift as she straddled my legs and pulled my shirt off over my head and tossed it in the floor. She was grinding herself into me and running her fingernails through my hair when all the sudden I stopped her. "What, what's wrong?" she panted. "Why'd you stop me?" "Uh, I, uh.... I don't have any, you know, protection or anything," I said. "What? I have some in my dresser," she said as she sat back down on me. "Oh, well, I..." I didn't get to finish. "What's wrong, Mike? All the sudden you don't like me anymore?" she asked. "No, no, that isn't it at all!" I said. "It's just, well, I haven't done this in a long time." "So what. You didn't forget how, did you? Trust me, I'll refresh your memory," she said. "No, no, I didn't forget how," I chuckled nervously, "it's just that..." "Oh my God," she smiled, "you've never done it, have you?" "What! Of course I have!" I lied. "I was a football player, for crying out loud." "Really?" she said, not looking convinced at all. "Then what does it feel like?" "What? That's a stupid question," I said. "Mike," she said with soft eyes, "it's okay if you haven't. I won't laugh." "Okay," I sighed, "I just never went all the way. I had plenty of opportunities, I just never followed through, that's all." "Well, I guess the question you have to ask yourself is 'are you going to follow through now?'" she said with an evil grin. When I didn't answer she got up and went into the bathroom and closed the door. "Shit, I blew it," I thought to myself. A minute later she came out and flipped the light off. I could see the flicker of the bathroom candles behind her and heard the click of the lighter as she lit the candles on the dresser. She walked to the kitchen and I heard the click of the CD player as she pressed the disc in and closed the lid. The sound of guitars and drums filled the apartment as a woman began to sing. It wasn't quite loud enough to understand the words, but it had a surprisingly pleasant melody. "Lacuna Coil," she said. "What?" "Lacuna Coil, it's my favorite band. You said you hadn't heard them before." "Oh, right," I said. My heart was racing. I didn't know what was going to happen next. *** *** *** *** *** She stood right in front of me and gave me a look that said more than words ever could. She crossed her arms over her stomach, grabbed the hem of her t-shirt, and in one swift move pulled it up over her head and tossed it to me. She stood there in her bra looking at me through her now messed-up hair. My heart was pounding so hard I thought it might pound itself out of my chest. She got down in front of me and pulled one of my shoes off, then the other, and tossed them aside. I felt her warm skin on my stomach and chest as she slid her body up mine. She kissed her way up my neck and whispered in my ear for me to unhook her bra. I did as she asked and felt her erect nipples make contact with mine. She slowly kissed her way down my chest and stomach, and then slowly undid my pants. I felt a familiar tingle in my balls and before I could say anything I exploded in my boxers. I was mortified! "That's okay," she said, "that always happens the first time. Now that that is out of the way we can continue the lesson," she said with a grin. After sheepishly heading to the bathroom and cleaning myself up I returned to find Rachel lying on her side on the twin bed in nothing but black panties with little red hearts on them. She patted the bed next to her and smiled. I lay down next to her and she straddled my legs and pressed her lips to mine. She sat up and raked my chest softly with her fingernails. She looked so sexy sitting there looking down at me with her hair in her face. Her beautiful breasts bounced above me, and her long, pale, tattooed arms were reaching down to my chest. Rachel was right. After my initial orgasm, embarrassing as it was, I was able to focus on every detail of the moment with a clear mind. She slid down and kissed my stomach softly, letting her lips dance along my navel and down to my thighs. I had never experienced something like this and I was in a complete state of bliss. I felt her wet lips move up and down my inner thighs until finally landing softly on my balls. She slowly kissed and sucked on them, massaging them with her tongue. I was starting to get hard again when I felt her lips move up and gently graze my cock. I had my arms outstretched on the bed not wanting to interfere with what she was doing to me. I wanted so badly to reach down and shove my dick into her warm mouth, but I fought that urge. Just as I thought I couldn't take it anymore I felt her mouth engulf my cock. She was gentle. Not fucking me wildly with her mouth like you see in adult films, but rather savoring me instead. It was as if my cock was a gourmet meal and she tasted it for the first time. She was gently moving it around in her mouth with her tongue before slowly sucking it toward the back of her throat. She sucked slowly as she slid my dick out of her mouth inch by inch until it loudly popped out. She sucked me like this for a few minutes until she thought I was sufficiently rigid, then she kissed her way back up to my lips. She rolled off of me onto her back and told me to get on top of her. I sat up and she spread her legs out just wide enough for me to get in between them. I lay down on top of her and we kissed long and hard as she raked her fingernails up and down my back. I could feel my cock nestled in between her lips through the cotton of her panties. My dick ached to be inside her. I made small humping motions as my dick rubbed her through her panties as if some primal instinct had taken over and I was no longer in control of my hips. "Slide my panties off," she said in a tiny whisper. I know how it feels to win championships. I know what it feels like to hear the roar of the crowd as you make a touchdown or a game-saving tackle. But nothing can compare to the feeling a man gets the first time he slides his fingers into the top of a girls panties and feels her lift her hips off the bed, allowing him access to her most vulnerable place. I think Rachel understood that, too, because she gave me a knowing grin as I slid her underwear down her legs, over her feet, and tossed them onto the floor. She reached under the pillow and handed me a condom she had gotten out of the dresser during my previous restroom visit. My fingers were shaking as I fumbled with the wrapper, finally finding the edge and ripping the corner open. The pungent odor of latex filled my nostrils as I pulled out the small rubber disc. Rachel helped me unroll it over the head of my penis and slid it down to the base. She had a hold of my penis and was guiding it to the correct spot. Once she was satisfied with its location she looked into my eyes. "Are you ready?" she asked. Then without waiting for an answer she pulled my head towards hers and gave me a strong kiss as she pulled me inside her. She reached behind me with both hands and grabbed my lower back, pulling me deeper into her. My head was spinning as I felt my cock slide deeper into her warm, velvety pussy. Her eyes were closed and her legs were bent up at my sides as she pulled me rhythmically down toward her. We rocked and swayed as we both panted and gasped in each other's ears. My ass tensed as she dug her nails into my skin, pulling me deeper with every thrust. I felt her legs fold in around my waist as she used her knees to pull my body harder down onto hers. She squeezed my waist with her legs and her arms were wrapped tightly around my upper back as she panted and moaned into my ear. Instinctively I slid my hands down beside her ass and cupped her cheeks as I rocked deeper into her. It wasn't long before I felt the pressure in my balls building. My whole body stiffened and I let out a quick groan as I came hard. We lay there covered in a thin layer of each other's sweat. My now limp cock was still inside her as we looked into each other's eyes and shared a soft kiss. I never wanted to move. I wanted to lay there forever and learn new things from her every day for the rest of my life. The call of nature quickly snapped me out of my haze, and I exited quickly to the bathroom. After we each took a turn in the restroom and cleaned ourselves up, we shared another beer and curled up together on the bed for some much needed rest. As I lay there holding her in my arms, I couldn't help but think that this summer just might turn out to be the best summer ever. |
It didn't take long after my divorce to settle into a routine. I had my kids the first, third, and fifth weekend of every month. That left me with a lot of free time on the second and fourth weekend. I wasn't inclined to date much at that point and had no real interest in hooking up through Tinder or other dating apps. So my routine on those Fridays was to go out after work and have a couple of rounds of cocktails with my coworkers. Then on the way home I would stop for a massage at a place near my condo. It was a nondescript building that had a simple sign out front saying "Thai Massage." I would never have frequented the place during my fifteen-year marriage. But the idea of a relaxing massage and some female contact drew me in not long after my divorce. My regular masseuse was a middle-aged Asian woman named Sinee. Sinee was attractive for her age. She was short, about 5'1" and in her early forties. She had a very nice, round set of what seemed to be all natural tits. She would wear low cut shirts that revealed plenty of cleavage. And she usually wore either tight yoga pants or a short skirt that accentuated her firm legs and shapely ass. My first few visits with Sinee were strictly massage. I was amazed at how she would work me over from head to toe with the relaxing music playing in the background. For those that have never experienced a Thai massage, it is an intense, intimate experience. The masseuse literally climbs all over you and positions your body in various ways to massage different muscles and to trigger different responses. It wasn't at all unusual for Sinee to be positioned right over me or wrapped around me with various parts of her body right in my face. The end result usually left me feeling like I had had an intense workout, but felt quite relaxed and at ease at the same time. I had been going to Sinee for a couple of months when something happened that changed the nature of my massages with her. I was really losing myself in a massage on one visit and when she asked me to roll over onto my back, I had an enormous erection. Honestly, I had been so into the massage that I hadn't realized my condition until I was laying on my back and it was there for the world to see. When I realized the state that I was in I blushed and started to apologize. Sinee only smiled and said, "No worry. I take care of that too." I stayed hard the rest of the massage and towards the end she moved the towel aside, put oil on my cock and gave me a nice, long, slow handjob. Her hands, which could feel so strong and hard on my muscles, were warm, soft and gentle on my cock. The warm oil felt amazing and with her using both hands to rub all over my cock, it wasn't long until I shot my load all over myself. I gave her an extra tip and a new routine was born. So every other Friday, I started looking forward to my handjob from Sinee even more than the massage. After a few such massages, Sinee surprised me one day by asking if I had ever had my prostate massaged. I told her I had not and she told me I would love it. "Just $30 more," she said. I very much trusted her by now and went with it. So while she was giving me my usual hand job, she gently slid one well- oiled finger up my ass and began gently rubbing my prostate. I couldn't believe the sensation and how good it felt. I started moaning, almost involuntarily, it felt so good. Once she saw me getting into it and readily accepting her finger in my ass, she added a second finger, and later a third. With her left hand working my cock and her right hand massaging my ass, it didn't take long before I shot the biggest load I could remember. I'm almost fifty years old and I hadn't shot a load like that since my twenties. It was amazing to say the least and so a yet another new routine was born. Every time I saw Sinee for the next couple of months she would ask, "Prostate too baby?" and invariably I would answer, "Yes please." After several months of that, however, my routine faced a serious interruption. Sinee told me that she had to return to Thailand for a while for family reasons. But she assured me that there was a new masseuse that would take care of me. She said the new masseuse's name was Pream. Somewhat embarrassingly I asked, "Will Pream give me the, uh, you know, same kind of massage you do?" She kind of giggled and said, "Pream give you even more than me. Pream take care of you very good, no worry." I thought her response and the look on her face was a little odd, like there was something more she wanted to tell me but didn't. I really didn't think much of it at the time; I was now so addicted to getting my release I was just happy that my routine would continue. The next time I went to Thai Massage I told the young lady at the front desk that I had an appointment with Pream. She looked at me, smiled a big grin and said, "Yes, Sinee tell her to take very good care of you. Sinee think you might fall in love with Pream." I thought that was a strange remark, but hearing that, I couldn't hardly wait to meet Pream. When I met her she did not disappoint. I sat down in the lobby to wait for Pream and five minutes later she walked out. My first reaction was that she was much taller than I expected being easily 5'9". My second reaction was that she was absolutely gorgeous. She looked to be in her late twenties. She had beautiful almond shaped eyes with long jet black hair pulled back into a pony tail. Her body absolutely sizzled. She had on a short dress, almost like a tennis outfit, but it was low cut revealing perfect, full C cup tits. She had a tiny waste that curved into a beautiful apple ass. She had very long toned legs. I have always had an attraction to Asian women and she more than hit every button for me. I couldn't believe my luck. Once we were back in the massage room, Pream asked me to strip and to lay on the floor mat. Sinee had always left the room at that point and returned later with me lying on the mat covered by a towel. But Pream just stood there waiting for me to comply. So I somewhat awkwardly disrobed in front of her and laid, face down, on the mat. As I did that I realized I had just laid naked at her feet, which seemed suddenly like a very submissive posture. She then started to give me a massage with no towel covering me at all. Her technique was much harder and more aggressive than what I was used to with Sinee. Her hands seemed especially strong and she wasn't shy about putting her elbows and knees to work on my muscles too. Within just a few minutes she had made me cry out a couple of times in pain. She then surprised me when, about fifteen minutes into the massage, she said, "Sinee tell me you like prostate massage. You want from me too?" I could barely muster a, "Yes, please," as her elbows worked deep into my shoulder blades. Suddenly, the massage stopped. Pream got off of me and I heard her open the oil bottle. She then climbed back on my back and began massaging my butt and letting her fingers linger over my asshole. She then started inserting an oiled-up finger into my ass rubbing my prostate. With Sinee, this had always happened at the end, while she was stroking my cock. But Pream had gone there early and seemed to be getting very into it. She added a couple more fingers and commented at one point, "I like tight asses like yours." At that point, she started getting really aggressive, almost attacking my ass with her fingers. I had an image come to my mind of girls that I had finger-banged in high school, except now I was the one getting finger-banged and moaning like a school girl. She had at least three fingers banging my hole. Then she started telling me, "You like that, you like that." And I could only moan and admit that I did. She then started to take total control of the session. "Roll over. Show me what you have," she ordered. I complied. I rolled over and my raging hard-on made clear how far under her spell I was. "Mmmm, nice cock," she said, as she admired my six inches of rock hard cock. "I like your size," she almost purred. "It looks delicious" as she swung her leg over my body, so that we were in almost a sixty-nine position and with one swift motion swallowed my cock. It felt incredible. Her throat muscles were contracting around my cock one second and then her tongue was working all around the head of my cock the next. She licked my shaft, then my balls, then went back to sucking my cock down her throat. I was in ecstasy. My eyes rolled back in my head and I just continued to enjoy this amazing blowjob. I felt like she was trying to eat my cock, she had it so far down her throat. And Pream just kept humming, "mmmmm," as she swallowed my dick, "mmmm," as she licked her tongue down my shaft, "so goooooood," as she paused to take a breath. "Give me your cum" right before she swallowed and started bobbing on my cock with abandon. I was absolutely out of my mind. I couldn't believe how hot this was. Then I opened my eyes. I was looking straight up her skirt. And there I saw the unmistakable outline of a cock and scrotum tucked in her panties. My mind went blank. I literally could not process what I was seeing and then I heard myself say, "You're a ladyboy?" as plain statement, without emotion. "Of course, I ladyboy. Sinee, not tell you?" "No, she didn't." "You want me to stop sucking you cock." I hesitated, but said, "No, please don't stop." Pream slowly stroked my cock with her hand three or four times like was considering her next move. She then reached under skirt, moved her panties to the side and let her cock and balls fall out of her panties. I couldn't believe my eyes. This petite Thai ladyboy had a cock much bigger than my own. It was semi-hard and already over seven inches and thicker than mine. She ordered, "You suck me first." Without hesitation, I opened my mouth and let her drop her dick in. Just like that, I tasted my first cock and I loved it. I slowly swirled my tongue around the tip. It was warm. It was spongy. It was sexy. It was getting bigger and harder. I sucked her cock deeper into my mouth. I could feel her harden and her cock was growing in my mouth and down my throat. I was a surprised to hear, "Mmmmm" coming from my mouth as I sucked her deeper. I wanted this. I needed this. I suddenly wanted her dick in my mouth more than I had ever wanted anything. I opened my mouth wider and tried wrap my lips around my teeth. I wanted to suck her as best I could. Pream seemed to appreciate my efforts and began moving her hips and forcing more of her cock down my throat. She was fully hard now and her cock was easily nine inches and quite thick. "You like taste of Pream's cock?" "Mmmm hmmmm, " I answered, with my mouth full of her lady dick. "Yes?" "God yes." As I took her cock out of my mouth, so that I could run my tongue down its magnificent, veiny shaft. And then suck it deeply into my mouth again. Pream stood and pulled off her panties, hiked up her skirt, and wiggled her ass at me. She then turned around so we were no longer in a 69 position and she was now sitting on my chest. It was clear that this session was no longer about her serving me, our roles were completely reversed. She then started giving me very specific instructions on how she wanted me to service her. "Suck the head" and so I did. "Lick it like ice cream" and so I did. "Lick my shaft" and so I did. "Lick my balls" and so I did. I licked underneath her ball sack and tongued each ball on its own. I then gently took her left ball into my mouth and sucked it. Then the right. She then moved up on my face and ordered me to lick her ass. In fifteen years of marriage I had never licked my wife's ass. Hell, in forty-eight years on the planet I had never done that to any woman. And now, with this Thai ladyboy, I couldn't stop myself. I tongued her asshole a few times and ran my tongue along her crack. I then went back and licked all around her ass and then stuck my tongue straight up her asshole. I was surprised how much I liked the musky taste. I couldn't get enough of it. I was also surprised by how hard it is to stick your tongue up a tight asshole. And my tongue quickly tired of the task. Pream seemed to sense that I was losing steam on her ass and said, "You good ass licker, but now you suck all my cock and eat my cum." With that she positioned a pillow under my neck, so that I was laying on my back but with my head tilted back so I was seeing the world upside down. Pream then mounted my face and started ramming her enormous cock down my throat. "Open mouth wider, no teeth you bitch," she told me. I did my best. But her pounding my throat was triggering my gag reflex. Tears were running down my face, saliva was dripping out of my mouth, and that all seemed to delight her. "Take my cock, bitch," she laughed. "Say you like," as she pulled her cock out of my mouth. "I like," I admitted. "Say you want suck my cock," she ordered. "I want to suck your cock," I responded. "Beg for my cock," she ordered. "Please, please give me more of your cock," I begged. And with that she renewed her efforts of aggressively forcing her cock down my throat. Honestly, she may have been depriving me of oxygen because it all became a blur for me—a sexually euphoric blur. It was like my whole universe was this enormous cock pounding my throat and her gorgeous balls that kept slapping against my nose. The next thing I clearly remember is Pream again sitting on my chest stroking her beautiful she cock and ordering me, "Open wide and give me you tongue. You eat my cum." I complied and stuck out my tongue. With that she shot a rope of cum straight into my mouth. It hit the back of my throat, my tongue and my lips. The second rope was not as well aimed. It hit my tongue, my lips and my cheek. She then shoved her cock in my mouth and shot two or three more long thick volleys. I could feel her cock spasm inside my mouth and it felt like my mouth was completely filled with her cum. "No swallow yet. Show me my cum," as she pulled her cock out of my mouth. I opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue so she could see the cum on it. "Hmmm. Usually I have more. Swallow it." And so I did. She then took her slowly softening cock and wiped up the cum on my face. "Clean it." So I started licking the cum off her cock like it was an ice cream cone. "Mmmm. You good cocksucker," she said. She then turned and saw my rock-hard cock pointing at her. She got off of me and put some oil in her hands and on my cock and started giving me a hard, aggressive hand job. She was furiously stroking my cock when she suddenly shoved two fingers up my ass. I immediately cried out and started cumming in buckets. She caught most of my cum in her hand and looked at me with a mischievous grin. She brought her hand to my mouth and said, "Eat it." So I started licking my cum out of her hand. She laughed and said, "Who's cum tastes better?" "Yours does," I replied. "You like my cum?" "Yes," I replied, "very much." "You want to eat more my cum next time?" she asked. "Yes, please." "Good. But next time I fuck your ass. No cum for you unless you give me your ass, ok?" "Ok." She then walked over to the shelf where I had laid my things and picked up my money clip. "You give me tip, yes?" "Yes, you can take it all." Pream smiled a big smile. Took my cash. Picked her panties off the floor. And walked out the door. "See you soon," was all she said as she walked out. I laid there on the mat, looking at the ceiling, wondering what in the hell had just happened and what had I gotten myself into. Little did I know, it was the beginning of a whole new life for me. _My first story here, kind of just testing the waters. Hope you like._ \--------- Sitting behind her desk at work, Jessica couldn't keep her mind from wandering. She'd been there since 9:00 a.m. and she had a mere 5 minutes before she could clock out at 5:00p.m. She was 26 years old, and didn't have time for a serious relationship. So she made up for it by having numerous one night stands, with co-workers, strangers at a bar, even her old boyfriends pals. It was these rendezvous she thought of now, her hand drifting towards her crotch. She thought of her first one night stand, with Jeremy from financing. Her hand moved up her thighs, gently trailing her finger closer and closer to her woman hood through her brown skirt as she thought about how strong and forthright he had been. They had both been at a staff party, and they had both gotten rather toasty due to the open bar. One thing led to another, and they shared a cab home, Jessica drunkenly beginning to stroke him through his pants in the cab. When they got to her place, she pulled him upstairs to her apartment, and practically threw him inside. But that was the last that she was in control. Jessica shuddered as she began to tease her pussy through her skirt, her fingers tracing up and down her slit, circling around her hardening clit and back down again, pushing gently against her hole. Once the door closed, Jeremy seized control, grabbing her, and kissing her roughly, before pulling her with him to the nearby couch, where he pulled off her tight dress and threw her down. Now in just her white bra and panties, he paused a moment and looked her up and down, before removing his pants and shirt. Now just in his boxers, his hard on was evident. Jessica made a reach for it, but he pushed her back down. Jessica moved her hand down into her skirt, the only barrier between her hand and her pussy being her panties. She moistened her fingers with her wetness and tasted it, before moving back down, massaging her womanhood more and more vigorously. She was feeling tingly and about to cum when someone opened up the door. She quickly pulled her hand out of her pants and pretended to be writing something. "What are you doing?" Jaimee, from the office over, said. Jessica thought she had been caught "Umm... nothing.. just some... paperwork.. yeah..." "Why, day's over, has been for like five minutes." Jessica looked at the clock and sighed. She'd lost track of time. She groaned, both at her lack of restraint, and her loss of time. She arranged her stuff and stood to leave. She got to her car, and tried to push the memory out of her mind. She'd need all of her focus for Los Angeles rush hour. \----------- It took Jessica nearly an hour to get home. Once there, she hurried up to her apartment. Once inside, she closed and locked the door, and drew all her blinds, and unplugged her phone. She ran into her bedroom and grabbed a small case, setting it on the coffee table. Then, she threw herself onto the couch, emulating what Jeremy had done to her. She reached over the the case and pulled out a dildo. She imagined that night again, right where she had left off. Jeremy standing over her, his beautiful pecs, and chiseled abs, looking her over in just her undies. He straddled her, pressing his manhood against her slit, through her panties and his boxers, his mouth pressed against hers, his tongue wrestling with hers. She could almost feel his strong hands as he pushed her bra up, freeing her perky 38 c tits, massaging them firmly, and pinching the nipples. As she imagined this, she rubbed the dildo against her woman hood, and when he pinched her nipples, she put a small black paper clip on each nipple, gasping as they bit in. He worked his boxers down to his knees and pushed her panties aside, tasting the wetness, before thrusting in the man hood, filling her up. She did the same, tasting herself, then ramming the dildo up her pussy, grunting as she bottomed out on the penis shaped dildo. He began to pump up and down hard, burying himself balls deep each time, biting and pinching her nipples. She drove the dildo into herself again and again, flicking the clips on her nipples. He lifted her up and turned her over onto her knees, and fucked her doggy style, ramming her hard. Reaching up and pulling her hair. She turned herself over and positioned herself so she could fuck the arm of the couch, pulling on her paper clips with her free hand. He fucked her hard, wrenching her head back with her hair with each thrust. She came twice, her pussy spazming around his dick. Soon after he shot his load deep inside her, pulling her hair back extra hard, continuously yanking as he filled her up with his seed. She pounded the edge of the couch, groaning and screaming into a pillow, finally cumming, her juices splashing all over the arm of the couch, and running down her legs. She groaned and rolled on her back. He pulled out with a plop, and moved to her face, shoving his moist dick against her eyes and nose. She took it in her mouth, making it hard again. Jeremy grabbed the back of her head, and rammed it down on his cock. She gagged and coughed, but he held her down. "Swallow it down bitch" he sneered, and she gulped, taking the entire thing in her mouth, the head and an inch or two down her throat. She took the dildo out and pushed it down her throat. Since that night Jessica had practiced plenty, but it wasn't a good imitation unless she gagged. She forced herself to gag. Jeremy started to hump her face, hitting the back of her throat each time, her eyes tearing and her make up running. Before long he was cumming again, pulling out and jizzing all over her face and hair. When he finished he slapped her, got dressed, and left. She fell asleep with his cum still inside her and on her face. The next moring it was dry and hard, and she had to scrub for nearly half an hour before she got it all out of her hair. Jessica fucked her face with the dildo, her hand moving over the the case and pulling out a long string of anal beads. Inserting them quickly up her ass, all ten of them. Once they were all in, she pressed a button on a remote and they all began to vibrate. She moved her free hand to her clit and began to massage furiously, her mouth slurping down the plastic cock. It wasn't long before she was ready to cum again. She reached back, without slowing her sucking, and grabbed the retrieval ring. Then, in one swift motion, she yanked them all out. It was enough to finish her off, and her back and pussy spazmed, squirting her juices again. She pulled off the dildo and screamed aloud, several times as her body was racked with intense pleasure. Once her orgasm subsided, she dressed herself, and packed her toys back up. A few moments later there was a knock on the door. She went to the door, and looked through the hole. She gasped happily and opened. "Hey," Jeremy said casually, letting himself in. Things were slow at work and as I was nearing the end of a contract placement (I work as a BA in the IT industry) I was not getting anything new to work on. I like to at least look like I am doing something plus it helps to keep from getting bored. I was surfing the net somewhat and was checking a site on which I had posted a profile. I had exchanged e-mails with a number of guys over the past several weeks but had not gone out of my way to meet with any of them, even though offers had been made. It was Friday morning and one of the chaps I had exchanged an e-mail or two with was sending me a message in the chat room. He wanted to know whether I would be interested in meeting with him. To protect his identity I will refer to him as Trevor. Meeting with guys is not something that I go out of my way to do mainly because guys do not provide that desire that some other guys might get, certainly not like the affect that a good looking woman has on me. My desire to be with another man has always really been about curiosity and the sexual satisfaction that I get. Trevor and I had exchanged e-mails and yes I was comfortable with body contact, kissing, cuddling; all the things he was looking for in a guy. I wasn’t so sure how comfortable I was, having not really done much kissing or cuddling but this was something I wanted to do. More curiosity and adventure. We agreed to meet that morning in a strip mall, outside a major coffee shop and we exchanged vehicle information. I could get away fairly easily and as I charged for my hours in the office, if I was away then I wouldn’t get paid which was OK with my employer. It was about a 20-minute drive from where I was working. I arrived a bit early so I drove around the area to help with the nerves and butterflies. Eventually I parked and waited. Trevor arrived a few minutes later and parked beside me. I got into his car so that we could meet and talk. We were both nervous and talked for about 10 minutes, about the weather, the neighbourhood, what he had planned to do that day and how that obviously had changed because of him getting in touch with me. I figured he was nervous like me possibly because he was married (like me) and had limited experience (somewhat like me). We agreed that we both felt comfortable with each other and would I like to come back to his place. I said sure. I would follow him in my car. The neighbourhood was very expensive, and in fact borders a large lake so there were some great looking homes. We drove for about a mile or so and he pulled into his driveway. We entered his home and were greeted by a friendly dog. We chatted for a minute or two and then he offered to give me a tour of his home. Now at this point I did not know whether he was single, or married. He had identified his profession earlier so the home fit. The home seemed like it was out of a magazine. Very nicely decorated. There was background music playing throughout. While it is a 2-storey home, it didn’t really look that way from the street. Now as he is showing me around he is guiding me with his hand or providing a hand on my shoulder, which slides down my arm. Or a hand on my back that he rubs up and down. This was new to me, not unnerving just not something that I had experienced before. There were pictures on the hall bookshelves, looked like family shots, but I did not get a chance to look at them closely. The final room that we entered, as it turns out, is a rather large master bedroom. The bedroom is to the left and ensuite to the right. We are standing basically between the 2 of them. Trevor turns and stands in front of me and puts his arms around my neck and pulls me in to a slow kiss. I put my arms around his waist, as I didn’t want to stand there like a cold stone. Besides, this is what I was there for, to continue my experiences with man-to-man contact. We kiss for several minutes, now rubbing our hands over each other’s body. He asks if I am comfortable to which I say yes. I did feel comfortable, probably because he had taken the initiative and was leading. He suggests that we move over towards the bed. We begin to undress each other and our clothes end up in a pile on the floor. He climbs on the bed and beckons me to join him, which I do. We are lying together on our sides, arms around each other kissing. Now I did not feel too uncomfortable with this situation. Actually, I was beginning to feel very much at ease. Eventually Trevor gets me on my back as we continue to kiss and caress. His one hand is caressing and rubbing up and down my body; of course filling me with excitement while the other is under my neck holding me as we kiss. Trevor says that I am fuzzy (I have some body hair; chest, legs, back) and he likes that. Well Trevor is very smooth, no hair, except around his balls and cock. Trevor is also Oriental while I am white Caucasian. He then moves down my body, kissing and rubbing it until he gets to me cock. He massages it and then takes it in his mouth. I am in heaven! Trevor slowly sucks me, long slow up and down motions as he gently rubs my legs and chest. He continues this for a minute or two and then works his way back up my body for more kissing and cuddling. I have now become completely relaxed. It is now my turn to return the pleasure to Trevor and I work us so that I am now on top of him. It is now my turn to lead the kissing and caressing and to massage his cock and balls. I work my way down his body, kissing and licking. I like it that he has no body hair. When I get to his cock I take it in my hands and gently work it before putting it in my mouth to deliver a slow session of oral. I suck on it and try to see how deep I can go. I rake my lower teeth on the underside and then rub it on my cheeks while working one hand under it and his balls. I don’t think that either of us was in a rush to make the other cum. While working on his cock, my hands are also caressing his legs and stomach and chest. He lets me know that his nipples are sensitive. As I work my way back up his body I stop and flick my tongue over his nipples. He thanks me with his mouth and tongue. We lie there cuddling and kissing and talking about what we like. It is at some point during one of our discussions that I learned that he was gay and had a partner, another successful businessman. I mention to him that I really love full body massages and how heavenly I find them to be. (Unfortunately I don’t get a chance to have one as often as I would like.) Trevor has never had one so I roll him over on his front. I should mention that Trevor and his partner have a king-size bed so we can maneuver around on it without fear of falling off. I sit on Trevor’s legs, so that I can reach up his body and massage him. I discover that he also has a sensitive spot on his one shoulder, sensitive to touch/massage and kisses. I will remember this for later. I massage his back and neck, and arms. I think he is enjoying it. I then move down his body to work on his legs, first one and then the other. Working up and down them with a strong and firm grip, working the muscles, the way I like it. I work up and between his legs under his balls and cock. Definite pleasure there. I then work my way back up his body and lie on top of him so that I can work that sensitive spot on his shoulder, with my mouth. It has a definite affect on him. Once again I find the roles reversed and Trevor is now on top of me. We continued this for well over an hour, long sensuous kissing and cuddling, sucking, and massaging, enjoying each other’s body. At some point we actually ended up lying with our heads on the pillows. We began to slowly masturbate each other with some sucking as well. Now I don’t know whether he did not want me to cum in his mouth or he in mine, as we had not actually discussed this. I sat up and took his cock in my hands and began to really work on relieving the pressure that had no doubt been building up, I know it was building in me! After a few minutes Trevor came in my hands with some of it shooting up on his body. The man smiled at me. He then pushed me on my back and slowly masturbated me into a most wonderful eruption. We lay in each other’s arms for a few minutes and then he suggested that it was time for a shower. Now, I had always wanted to shower with another guy. Actually, I want to shower first. I am not into male sweat and if I am going to be putting my hands or mouth on another guy I want to make sure that he, and I, is clean. Trevor had this large multi-person shower. We had the water on and then while holding, and caressing, and kissing we some how managed to soap each other up and wash each other, taking turns washing each other, top to bottom and front to back. I almost think our time in the shower was as good as in the bed, certainly the same activities and action. We eventually decided that we were probably clean enough. Time to dry off. After getting dressed and going back down to the main floor, Trevor gave me a tour of their backyard. As noted earlier, they were on a large lake and so they have stairs down through a rock garden to a cement wall/walk-way. I bet it would be a great spot for an evening of outdoor pleasure. The whole time at Trevor’s was unrushed which made the whole experience very enjoyable. We wandered back up the house and I got ready to leave. As I was about to leave, Trevor stood in front of me, wrapped his arms around my neck again, and we engaged in some more rather sensuous kissing. I left with a great feeling. It was time to go back to work. The best 3 hours I had spent away from the office. Was this only a one-time affair? Would we get together again? It wasn’t a one- time affair as we were able to get together again about 1 month later. More on that at a later date. |
IM transcript: Parker: Hey Babe just met cool Tucson guy here in Instanbul Lounge. Alexandria: Yeah? How cool? Parker: he saw my screensaver, and said "UUUUFFF. That is some screensaver...I want a download from that site..." Alexandria: Which fotos he see? Parker: Well, the screensaver is that soft file...xmas fotos, just leg shots, breasts, like that...But then, since BOTH of our flights were delayed, I cropped your face out and showed him some of the more daring ones... Alexandria: hmmm, I am half pissed at you and 80% turned on by this... Parker: he thinks you shd hv ur own website...or make up anon, gplus site... Alexandria: That sounds kind of HOT. Parker: He wants to meet u, anyway. He will be back in town the week before me Alexandria: Funny. just while talking here set up new account. Lexylee! Parker: Want his addie? Alexandria: u trying to get rid of me? Parker: U know how I feel...I don't want u bored at home when I gone Alexandria: Is he cute? Parker: en serio, I think you wd think so Alexandria: well send it over bitch Parker: that's my gurrrl From: Lexylee To: Angelo Hi! You don´t know me, but you have seen parts of me in the Istanbul transit lounge. From: Angelo To: Lexylee Hi back atcha! Did I like what I saw?...Were you by any chance on a certain screensaver? From: Lexylee To: Angelo Bingo. I was on a certain screensaver. From: Angelo To: Lexylee Care to IM? Or is that too invasive? ****** IM Transcript: Lexylee: hi again Angelo: I DID like what I saw on the screensaver. I liked even more what I saw after the two hours of single malt... Lexylee: that RAT. He never could hold his liquor! Angelo: Don't be mad. Be proud! You are smokin' hot. I would never guess that we were the same age. I LOOK my age, alas, haggard old bastard that I am... Lexylee: So what did he show you after the single malt... Angelo: This whole trove where you are, shall we say, playing with, and wearing xmas lights...Methinks you might have a little exhib streak going there...Plus some in a car, where your skirt is hiked up to the top of your stockings. There was nothing exposed except 2 inches of naked thigh, but it was obvious in a car, and super erotic... Lexylee: Uh, wow. I guess I am flattered...and I feel a little something else, as well. I had better go now. Angelo: Don't go! Lexylee: Not comfortable feeling this way..talking this way with non-husband. Sorry. Didn't mean to tease or anything. Bye Lexylee: hi again. Angelo:It appears that u r back. Gonna tell me to delete ur addie and lv u alone? Lexylee. Haha. No talked to hubbie. Told him that I felt u and I were flirting..and that I started feeling a little... Angelo: finish the sentence. A little what? Sneaky? Guilty? Dare I say it...horny? Lexylee: Yeah. All of those. Angelo. Sorry. I guess. Lexylee: He was funny: "Babe, anything that brings u pleasure and doesn't require stitches or treatment for STDs is OK with me" direct quote. Angelo: good man. That is more or less what he told me in Turkey. He adores you, wants u happy, not bored Lexylee: I adore him more. But I wouldn't be happy if the email was on the other foot... Angelo: gotcha. But the email isn't on the other foot. He doesn't have the same...needs that you do...opportunities that u do...he lives in mining camps, and when he is gone he works 14 hr days...so he is content with his side just wants to make sure u r too... he said "he always u to feel like u had gotten a good deal." Direct quote! Lexylee: Ahhh, I love that man. I got the best deal. Angelo: Ok enuff about HIM. Lets talk about u somemore. What are u wearing now? PSYCHE! Listen gotta go. Nice chattin! Lexylee: Good evening! Angelo: and good morning to u Lexylee: u abt ready 4 bed? Or can u talk a bit? Angelo: always will stay up 4 u,dear Lexylee: flatterer! Angelo: truth. Wish I had way to store u so could hv u when ur not online. Wish I had been bold enuff to ask hubbie to share that screensaver file... Lexylee: Perhaps something could be arranged. Maybe if u begged me! Angelo: this is me on my knees... Lexylee: I like a man in that position. And men like me in that position. Oops! Did I just say that? Angelo: uh, u did. Lexylee: that sounded flirty. And dirty. So sorry Angelo: well u make it hard to fall asleep when u say things like that Lexylee: Now ur doing it: u said "Hard" Angelo: I will rephrase. U make it difficult to fall asleep. But, sadly u make it hard as well. And I did say that. Lexylee: How hard? No don't answer. Soooo, what kind of fotos, hypothetically speaking, would a guy like u like to see? Angelo: Honey, any kind that a hypothetical hottie like u wanted to share. Lexylee: Hypothetical hotttie. I like that. Listen I shd probly let u go so u can get to sleep. Angelo: well,I wont be able to sleep anytime soon after this convo Lexylee: Really? Angelo: Really. Lexylee: Hmm, if I hv this effect on u, why do u need fotos? Angelo: u will hang up and I will be left...in a certain state Lexylee: OH SHIT. I just saw the clock I DO have to leave. Sorry. Bye. Lexylee: Did u get the foto I sent from work today? Angelo: let me check....yes there is something from u... Niiiiice. I like it. From your fone? You fill that blouse quite nicely... Lexylee: Thx. First time I have done that in a long time...foto of myself. Angelo: ladies room? Lexylee: Locker room. Over the sink. It has huge ass mirrors in there too for some reason. U could fotograph an entire elephant in there...or HALF of one of my co-workers.. Angelo: Uh, have some of them let themselves go... Lexylee: that is a delicate way of saying that I work with a bunch of lard asses, yes. Angelo: So you are the only hottie there? Lexylee: ther u go again, with the flattery. Feel free to keep it up. Angelo: I'll try to keep it up Lexylee: so did u fall right to sleep last night? Angelo: What do u think? Lexylee: Maybe that u had a HARD time falling asleep. Angelo: U wd be rite, my little tease. Lexylee: I am NOT a tease. I deliver! Angelo: Promises, promises. Lexylee: Chk ur mail Angelo: Let's see...Whoah. That's what I'm talking about. Lexylee: Can u rt click and chk the time foto taken? Angelo: let's see. Tucson time...is 10 hrs behind, so...10 minutes ago? Lexylee: yeah. Took a few to connect camera and load... Angelo: So those are ur fingers. Covering...well mostly covering... Lexylee: A few more for u on way. Angelo: Wow u are a busy girl this morning. Lexylee: This evening... I am in my jammies. Multi tasking. Shooting and loading...and? Angelo: I LIKE ur jammies. They look smooth and silky like u Lexylee: I am very smooth. I got waxed today after work Angelo: wish u hadn't told me that...oh, your LEGS waxed. I was going for the Xrated gutter version. Lexylee: The gutter version is what I had done. The girl loves me there. She leaves me breathless evertime I go in. She puts these warm clothes on me, then rubs in soothing lotion over the whole area, front and back when she is done. Angelo: sounds erotic as hell Lexylee: I almost came today Angelo: again didn't need to hear that..not helpful. Lexylee: telling u is helping me...Im typing one handed...can u hear me moan Angelo: U are taking this to a whole new level... Lexylee: I am ready to go there. Will you help? Angelo: are u touching ur self Lexylee:yeah Angelo: can u switch to voice so ur hands free? Lexylee: Yeah. Good. "Lexy, are you getting wet?" "I am soooo wet. This has me so hot" "Are you playing with those gorgeous titties?" "With my left." "Tell me what your right hand is doing? Where is your right hand? " OHHH, I am rubbing my clit. And sliding up and down my lips to keep it wet...I love how I feel...I am so smooooth and wet and hot. I am so horny now." "Shove two fingers inside yourself...I want to hear the sucking sound as you pull them out!" "Oh, yess. Can your hear that? Can you hear me fucking myself with fingers?" "Yeah...I wish I was there to see it! I wish I could watch you make love to yourelf." " I wish..." "Tell me. Tell me what you wish?" "I wish you were here,too. But not watching..." " Do you wish that I was touching you?" "Yessss. I do. I want you to touch me!" "Do you wish I was stroking your smooth thighs?" "Uh Huh..." "Do you wish I was kissing your throat?" "Yessss." "Do you wish I was sucking on your gorgeous breasts?" "Uh, huh..." "Do you wish I was there licking your sex?" " God, yes..." "Do you want to feel my breath on the back of your neck?" "Yeah" "Do you want me to lick and finger your rosebud?" " Do you want my hardness rubbing up and own your lips, getting lubed, getting ready, do you want to feel me press against you, all my weight, driving into you, ramming MY HARD COCK IN YOUR HOT PUSSY, EXPLODING INTO YOU? IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT NOW!!!!?" " I doooooo...Ohhhhhh, God. Oh, God. Fuuuuuck, fuck ME!" "MY CUM IS POURING OUT OF YOU. IT IS RUNNING DOWN YOUR LEGS. CAN YOU FEEL IT?" "Ohhhhhh, GOD!" " I don't let you clean it up...I make you put on a short skirt and take you to dinner with my discharge running down your legs. The waiter notices, too, and he can't stop staring at your thighs. I order you to take your cloth napkin and go into the bathroom and rub one out, then wipe all of the juice up with the napkin. I order you to write your telephone number on it and hand it to the waiter, asking for a new one because this one is soiled...he takes it from you and brings it his nose...It gives him an instant, unhideable erection...When we leave, he slips you his number, and I tease you about collecting yet another playmate..." " Oh, FUCK. Oh FUCK. Another. Stop. Not one more word. I can't take anymore... That is the hottest thing I have ever heard." "You good?" " That was incredible. Holy shit. Holy shit. Those were the strongest orgasms I can remember having." "Well, I am glad to have played some small part in it..." "Oh, man...Your part was not small...I never cum like that, just by talking..." "I couldn't SEE you, but I think maybe you were doing more than talking..." "I mean usually I need Penthouse letters, or Literotica, or maybe one of my vibes..." "Oh well, cool. What I loved is that there are people walking right outside my door, but with the mike and headset, and the fact that I am the only English speaker in the building, basically..." " I love your voice, and imagining what you look like...I loved the part where you ORDERED me..." "Well, clearly we can never meet now, because my looks never fail to underwhelm...But I LOVE ordering you around...I am hard as rock right now..it definitely worked for me..." "Bullshit. Hubbie said I would think you were handsome..." "Two things to keep in mind...1)Hubbie was into his cups...I caught him ogling a Chrome Percolator, and 2) Most people find me to be hideous. I am short, balding, with a sad, sad, combover, a scraggly worm of a mustache, erectile dysfunction, and in a cruel twist of fate, am plagued with boils and pustules and acne, even though I am practically old enough to be in the AARP." "I think you might be prone to exaggeration." "Perhaps a tetch. Listen, this has been the most fun I have had all year, but I must take my repulsive visage to an utterly pointless project meeting, where a fat guy in a bad suit will flick through an irrelevant set of powerpoint slides, captions in Cyrillic, of course, and I will try to avoid thinking about you, and this conversation because erections are hard to hid in khakis..." "OK...Bye then. I feel bad, though...leaving you like this. Greedy. You know the best thing? I have this little Sony recorder, I have the whole thing, this whole conversation stored...I can relive it anytime I want." "Send me the file and we will call it even. But seriously, truly, you gave me the nicest gift possible...trusting me like that. To share that degree of...intimacy. I am grateful. Bye!" Email Transcript: From: Lexylee To: Angelo Attachment: Lex Ang(date).mp3 Dearest A., After hanging up with you, I was, amazingly, able to reach hubbie. He was on standby in his room, waiting for them to clear a blast, so we were able to videochat. I gave him the background, and then played him the recording...We both CAME, listening to it. He also loved where you order me, and goes, "Why didn't I think of that?" Of course, he had the added benefit of watching me, watching me tweak my nipples (they are SO sensitive right now), watching my fingers speeding on my little joystick, then finally the fingers buried deep inside... And I loved getting to see him spurt all over his yummy trail... So, It was crazy, but he genuinely seemed delighted, and God knows it worked for us a second time ( well, third for me, once for him, zero for you, stuck in that meeting), and he blew me away by asking If I wanted to pick you up at the AIRPORT! I said, "No way, this is perfect...I would rather have fantasy baseball than BASEBALL any day." He goes, "Just remember, you will be alone for a whole additional WEEK, because with all of these delays at this end, no way will I be home when planned." Crazy, huh, my husband basically arranging a playdate for us? A freakin' sleepover! Well, thanks again, hope your meeting was not as awful as you feared. Love and wet kisses, L PS. Recording attached Email Transcript: From: Angelo To: Lexylee Querida, I imagine you sleeping soundly in your big bed, snuggled up to a pile of pillows after your busy, juicy evening. Wish I was there, spooned against your back. Your husband is a funny man. But of course you are absolutely right, meeting would be disastrous. For one, I hate it when people vomit on my shoes (they are real LEATHER, from a COW), and sadly that is the inevitable response to me when people first meet me...I used to think it was just my rank, fetid odor, the fact that I have the hygienic habits of a Bedouin slacker, but apparently it is equally my revolting, deformed aspect. Did you know that Sergei (Brin, Mr. GOOGLE, to you), wrote me to say that I was one of two people who had their profile photos on Gplus flagged...for non-obscene content? True fact. Were you to attempt to google me, you would be greeted with one of those frowny face black square and white circle icons. The other case was that set of Chernobyl Siamese quintuplets that I am sure you are familiar with from reading "World News." Video chat? You never said you had video. You selfish, withholding individual! To think, I could have been ogling you remotely all this time... Cheers,p AKA "El Feo" PS the meeting was even WORSE!!!!! PPS Thx for mp3. will listen when can! ***** Google voice transcript: "Did you get my note, and the recording?" "I did, and I sent you a note back...How did you sleep?" "Ah, there it is...I slept like a champion. Nothing like a multiple before bedtime!" "Glad to hear it!" "Soooo, what are you going to ORDER me to do today, master?" "I like the sound of that. Uh, well the first order is I order you to tell me what you are going to be doing today...Work? Errands, what?" "Not work today. Getting a tooth filled with some fill in dentist-my regular guy is gone, but this is starting to hurt, so I'm not going to wait for his return...That's at nine, and then...let me see, at eleven I meet a landscape contractor, here, and we make a run to the nursery to pick out plants...and I guess that is it for 'gotta dos'" "Excellent. I order you to wear something that is slightly scandalous to your appointments. I order you to drive early to the dentist, and masturbate in the parking lot. I order you to take a picture or two of yourself in the car, ideally with something recognizable in the picture, or in one of them...and again in the dentist office...Take your voice reorder and leave it running in the dentist office, and ask to be put under, because you faint from the sound of the drills...As far as the next, well, I leave that appointment to you...But you see there are always ways to work a little flash, at least, into your day... and then of course, send me a full report. Oh, you have two hours...set up a gplus acct and include me and your hubbie, if you want, in your circles. It is a convenient way to swap files with Picasa...and if you start posting slightly racy materials...well you might find it to be surprisingly enjoyable." "Oh,my God. I'm already getting wet again, just from your instructions! I don't know if I can wait until the dentist to rub one out..." "OK...I'll tell you how it goes..." Email Transcript: Angelo: +Lexylee has added you to her circles on Google plus... Email Transcript: From: Lexylee To: Angelo: Dear Master, I hope you are sleeping well. Your orders were filled by your humble little slave girl as well as she was able...See fotos of the day's events on my new Gplus page. So far they are private, only for you and me. I'm not sure if I want Hubbie to see this yet...And, here is the log in info...if you want to broadcast any of my material...well, you're the boss! I decided on a white lace demi bra and thong set, a fairly short, but ok, pleated navy skirt, white hose (thighs highs, of course) sandals, and a fairly sheer blouse. Navy blazer. I did as directed and rubbed one out in the parking lot-thank God for tinted windows, took some snaps, both of me in the car, with my leg spread, in action, and then one where I am leaning against the car, with the door open for more cover...skirt pulled all the way up over my hips and street sign and dentistry sign behind... Checked in, got ogled by a teen in the waiting room, nice, then followed the (male) tech/aide to my chair. I removed my jacket when I sat in the chair, and then discretely turned on the recorder, opened one more button on my blouse, and arranged myself in the chair so that my stocking tops were just barely visible-no skin, just the band... The tech (Ryan), carefully reclined me to the fullest, and attached my drool bib, managing to almost graze my boobs. His hands were shaking. It was crazy. I felt so powerful. Then the young dentist showed up, no clue what his name was, and he was very chatty, as he proceeded to set up the gas... I wake up however much later, and the first thing I notice is a digital camera on the tray...wasn't there when I sat down. The next thing I notice is that my blouse is no longer tucked in, and that it is buttoned up higher than when I fell asleep. Son of a bitch. Ryan sticks his head in and tells me to come out when I"m ready. I pop the SDcard out of the camera, pocket it, make my next appointment, and head for home... I was fucking blown away when I saw what was on the card...I dumped the whole thing to an album called DDS slimeball. There were pics of at least 10 women, all out, gassed and drooling, and those two clowns with their hands all over us...Blouses open, skirts up, panties pulled aside, zippers undone...I feel really good about stealing the card! And that with the sound file-they were giggling like school boys... Anyway, I didn't have time to check that out before meeting the landscaper. He was not attractive, and I didn't give him any reason to look hard at me...I kept the blazer buttoned, and the skirt pulled down. We'll see who he sends to do the work though... Well, I guess that about wraps it up. Hope you have fun checking out the picasa albums! Ciao for now, L PS.Some of those other girls on the dentist's memory card were really hot. You might want to see if you can track them down... PPS When do you come back into town? PPPS. "El FEO?" what does that mean? ******* Email Transcript: From: Angelo To: Lexylee Hey girl, A) Feo=Ugly. Spanish. That is how they refer to me in Argentina. B) You did great work!! Again, in Latin America they would say that you earned a "palomita" Literally, little dove, a checkmark! The denist fotos of you are mind blowing, knowing that they weren't staged...I haven't decided if I want to hoard them, or share them... I deleted the other girls. None compared to you, esthetically, and it was just too creepy. And too young for my taste. I shared the link with hubbie, and fwded your email.. He responded with enthusiasm. He loves the idea of showing you off. I understand: I want to show you off, and I don't even know you...It is kind of like when you see the aurora borealis, a shooting star, a perfect sunset: you look around and hope that someone else caught it. Shared the moment... C) This has really been fun, and I sincerely hope you and your husband continue to enjoy...exploring this part of life together. I'll be leaving here soon, and will be in transit for the next few days. I will have to return to my real life soon enough-I live with someone who despises me, I think, but feels that she can extract more misery by refusing to grant my request of divorce. Enough about me. If you are ever in an airport and see a bad smelling, cross eyed dwarf, wearing khakis and a black tshirt, run away, and thank the Gods that you never had to actually meet me! Saludos cordiales, el feo End Part One |
_IMPRINTING_ This one is a take on the old high school nerd taking over the school with a twist. There is a nerd, the school is taken over, but not exactly like you would expect. I hope you enjoy. ALL people in this story are 18 years or older, I swear on a stack of bibles. ***** 5th PERIOD, INDEPENDENT STUDY, SCIENCE LAB George sighed yet again as Michelle stared blankly at the wall of tubes and bottles. "Third shelf up, four over from the left, the green one." He said with some effort not to lose it and toss a beaker at her. The blonde girl stared with her finger at her lips and an expression that could only be described as dull and vapid. She moved her lips and George nearly cried as he realized she was counting out loud to figure out what shelf it was. After another minute she pointed at a purple beaker with a hopeful expression and George shook his head and pointed down. She pointed at the one below and left of it; George pointed right and then nodded as she got the right one. With a smile of triumph she took it down and flounced over to George and handed it to him. George thanked her and said "After that why don't you take a break. Go over there and sit down and check your cell phone. I'll call you when I need you." "Which will be never if I can help it." He thought to himself in a nasty voice. He would have never picked Michelle Dean, even if they had put a gun to his head. He would bet he was a minority of one though given that she was THE most popular girl in the senior class and the entire school. Captain of the cheerleading squad, captain of the gymnastics team, rich, spoiled, drove a brand new corvette (cherry red of course), and dated only the hottest guys, she was THE girl in the school. But she was also dumb as a fucking rock. And in George's opinion that was being mean to some rocks he had seen. Her step-dad and mom (a gold digging trophy wife of course who was about 20 years younger than her dad) had hired a long string of tutors to get her through every grade she had even been in. George had heard rumors that they had even paid off the school several times to pass her and he believed it. She had gotten into Arizona State college, THE party school, and he had no doubt some money had changed hands on that one given she had actually used the answer sheet from the SAT to write her initials. No lie; he had seen it when she had turned it in. George though was the school nerd. Smartest by far, he had a full ride to MIT already and in theory was already done. He had actually completed early by doing a bunch of summer school so he could do some college courses at the local college prior to his fall start so he could focus on his passion of genetics. However, money did talk, along with some other benefits. Even with a full ride, he would need additional money. He had been surprised when Michelle's dad had shown up at one of his college classes and took him aside. "My step-daughter needs a lab partner. And by that I mean someone who can do it all for her. I'm sure you know how challenged she is in the brains department, but she has one semester left and no one wants to do this. I will pay you $1000 down, $500 a month for 5 months, and another $1000 at the end with a $5000 bonus if she gets an A." George had been very tempted to say no, but Mr. Dean had something else for him. "I've done some donating to the school here. I know about your genetics passion, and I know you know about the new lab here. How would you like to have access? You can name your project; you can use the lab here, just keep Michelle as your partner." That had sealed the deal. And he had been mostly in heaven. The lab was top rate, and he had been able to get access to all sorts of stuff. Their project had been to try and isolate the gene from certain animals that sorted them into various cliques or classes: the famous Alpha, Beta, Omega you saw in wolf packs. While he hadn't been successful (it would take a lot more research before he would be successful), he had made a couple of very impressive discoveries and the admissions board at MIT had been very impressed. He was sure that with some more work and access to MIT's genetics lab his rough DNA mapping could be done fully. It had even helped him socially at school. While he had had to deal with some bullying, mostly the school was large enough you could keep to yourself. But when the word spread who he was partnered with he actually had several popular kids talk to him and thank him for doing it. "I have the major hots for her, but Christ almighty she is so shallow and stupid I would lose my mind helping her." The school star linebacker Todd had told him in January. He was one of her occasional dates as she kept stringing along several of the popular boys. All of them understood she was just being the popular girl and knew once she was gone to college they wouldn't matter one bit to her, but they were enjoying the ride so to speak. "You are doing my BFF a solid, thank you." Jessica, the other major hot cheerleader had told him. She had even fixed him up on a couple of dates which had been fun. He had been careful not to try anything crazy and actually the girls she had fixed him up with had come back for a couple more for fun. George wished he could have gotten a date with Michelle. In a social setting she was it and he couldn't argue that. Even the thought of holding her hand made him sweat. Aside from her natural golden blonde hair, her cheerleading figure was the proverbial hourglass shape, taunt and tone, and she even had a respectable pair of tits at 34BB which stood out very nicely with her figure. But of course she would never even think of dating him, helping her or not. She had made that clear, even though she did say hi to him in the hallway which was a major item by itself when he had to be in the high school. But improvements to his social life, access to a cutting rate lab, and the bonus points for MIT, were nearly not enough once he had started dealing with her. George had found out that she was as dumb as the proverbial rock in anything worthwhile. But she had wicked smarts when it came to social stuff. She was the girl to talk to about fashions, clothes, makeup, dancing, flirting, and generally being the HOT girl. But even that only went so far when you simply couldn't even do simple math or read articles deeper than fashion tips in Covergirl. She had nearly screwed up the study at least eight times by George's count, and that was just what he knew about. He suspected at least two other times when some of the stuff they were working on reacted bizarrely and George suspected she had dumped or dropped the original compounds and replaced it with something that looked the same. George finally had her just bringing him stuff while he watched to make sure she didn't grab the wrong one. He had to let her do something because even thought she was dumb she insisted that as his lab partner she had to help. George actually appreciated that from her as it showed that stupid or not she wasn't a typical mean girl like some of the others. But still, he was ready for this to end. He heated the compound and nodded. "Okay Michelle, I think we are almost done here. This has to sit at room temperature for 30 minutes. That means don't touch this until I get back. I need to make a phone call to my student advisor at MIT. Your job is to watch this and make sure no one messes with it." Michelle grinned vapidly and nodded. "Got it George! I'm so glad I can help you with this. Nobody wanted to be my partner because they thought I'm too dumb, but we showed them didn't we?" "Uh, yes we did. Now sit tight. I'll be back." George left and Michelle went back to her phone. After texting a bit she got bored and went over to the large beaker that was sitting and slowly cooling. It bubbled occasionally and the bubbles got bigger and gooey-er as the compound cooled. She really had no idea what they were doing at all, she was just glad her partner did and that this would let her graduate. Then she could go to Arizona State and party with the big kids for four years before finding a rich man and becoming a trophy wife. She smiled at that thought, just being able to shop and party and look pretty for a nice hunk who would take care of her. One of the large bubbles popped and she caught a slight whiff of some odd smell. She leaned over the beaker and sniffed. Just as she did a large bubble formed and popped. Some of the goo flew up and hit her in the mouth, nose, and eyes. She leaped back sputtering and trying to wipe her face. She didn't notice where she was going and spun around into the large cabinet that held various other chemicals that she had been challenged with earlier. She bounced into it and several beakers and jars slopped more stuff onto her skin. Being the hottie she was she was wearing a very tight sweater vest with a sleeveless blouse and a knee length skirt. Her arms and legs got splattered with all kinds of stuff and she spun around some more away from the cabinet and into one of the tables in the center of the lab. There she was able to grab the edge and hold on while she caught her breath. She felt very funny. Her skin was tingling and she got some blurry vision for a bit. She sat down and breathed in and out for a bit and her vision cleared. She looked at her arms and noticed that the chemicals had disappeared, and then saw the same on her legs. She thought for a moment, and then shrugged. "It must have just run off. Oh well, I didn't break anything so everything is good." She said out loud. George came back and noted with some visible relief that the beaker was intact. Michelle didn't tell him about what happened and they shut up shop after George sealed the beaker. "Okay Michelle, here is how this will work. We are officially done with our work. For the next six weeks, you now have a free period back at school. I am shipping this to MIT tomorrow and I will write up the report. The only thing I need from you is for you to sign it once I'm done and we turn it in, which will be the last week of school. So thank you for being my lab partner and I'll see you then." Michelle beamed. "Oh thank you so much George! You really helped me out, and I hope I was a good helper." George had smiled painfully and headed to the shipping docks while Michelle headed to her car and zipped home. She bounced into the living room and told her mommy what she had done and she had smiled with some genuine happiness. Her step dad came in and he smiled as well. She then bounced up to her room and started her usual two hour preparation for the next school day with picking out clothes, and jewelry, and shoes, and makeup. She slept well and got up early for her workout and then got dressed. As she was dressing, she started to think that her look was not what she wanted. She hemmed and hawed but finally couldn't get over a very strong urge that this was NOT what she needed to wear. "Hmmmmm, funny, I was so happy with what I picked last night, but it is NOT right. What to wear..." She had dug through her closet and after some digging had found something that felt, not perfect, but much better than what she had been wearing. She pulled on tight sleeveless blouse and left out wearing a bra. She had actually outgrown it last year, but its skintight fit felt more right than anything. She then pulled on a short skirt that reached only halfway to her knees. She tried on some panties but they felt very constrictive. She would start to shift and itch after a few moments of sitting still. She pulled them off and after some thought tried a very skimpy thong. That was much better, but even then she had a bit of irritation. She let out a low growl after a bit and after thinking for a bit took that off as well. She looked at herself in the mirror and felt her exposed pussy catch a bit of the breeze and it felt very nice. After some more hesitation she simply shrugged and decided to go commando. She stepped into a pair of black 5 inch heels and then added some makeup. She put her hair into a long braid and looked in the mirror. "Hmmmmm, well, it will have to do. Not quite right, but close." She said and headed out the door. Her parents were long gone by the time she moved down stairs (Mommy to the spa and Daddy to work), so she didn't have to do any explanations. She drove to school a few minutes late and got waved through by a security guard who was used to her being a bit late. Being rich and being dumb had some advantages especially when it came to minor things. She moved though the deserted hallways with a slow commanding stride. Michelle didn't realize her walk was changed from yesterday. She had always looked good and tried to move in a sexy fashion, this time she strutted like she was on the hunt for something. If anyone had seen her they might have said she looked like she was on the prowl or patrolling her turf. She felt odd. She was sexually active of course, and she was on the pill, but it was for fun more than anything. While not being smart, she was cunning and had figured out that sex was a great manipulation tool when it came to men. She was known as a great fuck to the few who had actually slept with her and she had learned a lot from her mom who being a gold digger had used sex to manipulate the shit out of several men before landing her current step-dad. But this feeling was different. She felt like she had to display herself so she could land a good mate. "What an odd thought. Mate? I don't need to get married. But I can't stop thinking about landing a man who can care for me and my offspring. Offspring? Huh, very weird." She thought to herself as she got into her first class. English was a very dull class for her and the teacher, Mr. Jerome had simply put her in the back by the door and let her text away during class. He had kept her after school for the first several weeks and painfully worked through several books with her and helped her turn in the minimum passing papers and then let her sit for the rest of the year knowing she had passed with a C. She sat down as the class was already into the day's lesson. Michelle began to play with her phone and lost herself in a stupid little game with colored balls. After about 15 minutes she got bored and looked around. She noticed that several students seemed to be sweating and even sniffing the air. One of the girls looked at her and they locked eyes. For a second Michelle felt a surge of rage at the effrontery of an obviously lower class female looking at her and the girl flushed and lowered her eyes and head and looked away. "Huh. Now why did I do that? I'm not mean. But she's obviously not in my category, so why did she challenge me like that?" Michelle wondered. It was very odd, but as she looked around she couldn't help but feel superior to all the girls and the boys too. Several looked at her and as soon as they locked eyes they would pale or shudder and lower their eyes and look away. The two students sitting next to her actually scooted away from her more as the class went on. While she had thought it strange early in the class, but the time the bell rang she was taking it as normal. Her posture had changed as well. Where she normally slouched in the back with her phone, she now sat straight up and looked around like she was on guard for a challenge. No one would meet her gaze and when she would stare at someone they would meekly bow their heads and shuffle back a bit. Even Mr. Jerome flinched when she locked eyes with him. He had actually opened his mouth and she glared at him. He had flushed and dropped his eyes and head quickly, almost a bow really, and backed up from her glare. She was thinking that she needed to change seats because she didn't like her back being exposed like this when the bell rang. It startled her a bit and she blinked. "Wow, I'm really feeling strange today." She thought to herself. Michelle normally took her time leaving and she noticed that the others were waiting for her to leave first. She looked about the room and everyone flinched away from her glaze. Part of her thought it very strange, but another part of her felt it proper that inferiors should wait for the pack leader to leave. She stood and strode out with a sexy commanding strut. She had gone a few steps out the door when she blinked and twitched a bit. "Pack Leader? Now why did I think of THAT?" she thought to herself as she moved down the hall. She was a bit weirded out by now. She was actually spooked enough to try and think about what was going on. Her next class, Math IV, was just down the hall so she didn't have far to go. She focused on herself and noted several strange things. One, her walk was not her normal bouncy fluff with lots of giggles and "Hi's" and smiles. She was, well striding like she owned the place and was looking out for anyone who would challenge her right to be the owner. She was walking very sexy, but with an air of strength and command. Normally, if you were a cute guy she would gladly say hi, but now she stared at each male with a look that made most blanch away. She sneered at those ones as ones that were obviously too weak to handle her. The ones who did meet her glare got a nod and something seemed to spark. She got a feeling of "possibly strong enough to be in my group" and she would sniff the air deeply as they passed. Which was the number two odd thing. Her sense of smell seemed very much enhanced. She normally couldn't smell much over her perfume, but this morning she had not worn any. It had seemed overpowering to her at home, and now she was noticing all kinds of odd smells. After she had sniffed the second male ("Male? When did I start thinking of boys as males" she wondered), she figured out she was taking note of their scent. Not their cologne or aftershave, but their male scent. She could smell their strength, or in most cases weakness. The strong males had a much different scent than the others and she found herself attracted to it. She had actually let out a little growl when she passed the third and final male, Mr. Funston the Trig Teacher, on her way to math. Fortunately he had been the only one near her and his eyes widened a bit in surprise. She flushed and shook her head. He seemed about to say something, but then sniffed the air himself and they locked eyes. Michelle felt a surge of heat course through her and breathed deeply. Mr. Funston flushed and he also took a deep breath and then sniffed the air again. They looked at each other for a few seconds and Michelle had a feeling of "This one is part of my group. He is strong like me." Mr. Funston stared at her and then nodded with a grim smile on his face. Not a meek bow like the other students and Mr. Jerome had given her. This one was a strong male acknowledging a strong female nod, recognition of equals. Michelle returned the nod and turned and strode into math. She turned back and saw Mr. Funston move down the hallway, now striding like she had been. She smiled as she saw students blanch away from him and nodded. "As it should be." Michelle said out loud and then started. She flushed as she realized what had just happened and quickly turned and moved to her seat. At least she tried to. The third thing she now noticed was how she saw the seating arrangements. Michelle moved to her normal seat and suddenly felt this wouldn't do. She shook her head and tried to clear her mind, but thinking and focusing had never been her strong suits and now it was causing her some problems as she tried to figure out and fight these odd changes. After a few moments, Michelle took a breath and said out loud "I can't sit here, it's too exposed. My back is unprotected and I have no mates or caste members to watch my back. I need to sit elsewhere." The students near her all turned to look at her. Everyone knew Michelle was spacey, but that last sentence had been odd even for her. She met every gaze and everyone blanched and turned away as she stared them down. After defeating that challenge to her authority she looked around and moved up to the front right corner of the room where the teacher's desk was and sat with her back to the corner. She instantly felt much better and leaned back in the chair and scanned the room. The students all blanched from her and those nearest shoved back away from her with gulps and gasps. The bell rang and Michelle put her legs up on a small stool near the desk and leaned on one arm. Her eyes closed partly and she relaxed a bit. She felt safe, and in control with the lesser males and females backed up away from her. Just as she let out a contented sigh, the door opened and in walked Ms. Lisa Jones. She was the math teacher and she was one of the prettiest teachers in the school. She was just under six feet tall, was in great shape due to her running 10k races for fun, had a lovely figure, dark black hair that she usually wore in a bun and lovely hazel eyes. She always dressed well in women's business suits and today was no exception with her wearing a cream colored blouse under a pinstripe suit coat and knee length skirt with black stockings and slow heels. She was known as a nice woman but stern, always ready to help a student but also someone who took no crap from any student. She had flunked a star basketball player despite him being critical for the team at districts and had told the coach to either shut up or bring it up at the next school board meeting in public. The coach had backed down. Ms. Jones was not one of Michelle's favorite teachers as she had not cut her any slack. The only reason she had been passing was due to her tutors, and Ms. Jones had warned her about any cheating. But as soon as Ms. Jones stepped in the room Michelle immediately felt a kinship to her. Her eyes opened and she slowly stood and stared at her as she moved forward. Ms. Jones was reading her notebook and was nearly at her desk when she looked up with a surprised look on her face. "Michelle? What are you doing sitting at my desk? And what exactly are you wearing? I am sure that, that viol...that..." Michelle trailed off as she locked eyes with Michelle. Michelle sniffed the air deeply and openly and moved slowly towards Ms. Jones with a bit of curved lip. Ms. Jones seemed a bit dazed and her eyes were locked on Michelle's. Ms. Jones swayed a bit and shook her head and broke eye contact. "Wha? Hold on. What's happening here? Michelle, return to your seat now!" Michelle moved right up to Ms. Jones and took a deep sniff and let out a purring sound. "You are like me. Strong. A leader. One of the rulers of the pack." Michelle breathed in deeply and purred again. Her hand came up and gently rubbed Ms. Jones' cheek and down her front, over her tits and back down over her ass. Her eyes locked on Ms. Jones and Ms. Jones stammered a bit. "Shhhhhhhhhhhhh Lisa. You are like me. You are one of us, one of the strong. Don't resist. Join me; it is what you were born to be." Lisa swayed a bit on her feet. She sniffed once and her eyes glazed a bit. She leaned down and sniffed Michelle's hair and then her neck and then bent down and sniffed her snatch. She took a deep inhale and let out a sigh. She straightened up and locked eyes with Michelle for a few moments they stared at each other and then Lisa let out a slight growl and then a soft whine and bowed her head slightly. Michelle smiled, leaned forward and kissed Lisa slightly on the lips. With a purr Michelle moved back over to the desk and instead of sitting down on the seat she shoved everything off it onto the floor and crawled up on it. She reclined on her left side with her back to the wall and began to slowly stroke her hand along her leg and her arm while she made a contented purring sound. Lisa waited until Michelle had reclined and then moved over to a table in the front center of the class. She shoved it over so it was off to the side of Michelle lounging on her desk and she then clambered onto it and assumed a like position. She was soon slowly stroking her legs and removed her jacket and rolled up her sleeves to stroke her arms. She was soon purring as well. The rest of the class backed away from the two and huddled towards the rear. Over time the class broke into several other groups that moved to different locations. Several male and female students moved closer to the two women and sat down. They bowed their heads and waited with a look of expectation. After several minutes Lisa yawned and stretched slowly. She looked at Michelle and said "I should begin class, may I?" Michelle nodded a yes while she stroked and as Lisa slowly and gracefully stood she added "Of course I will be resting here. Don't disturb me with your foolishness." Lisa nodded her head slightly. "Of course not Michelle, I know my place. Now class, turn your books to page 145." Michelle spent the rest of the hour comfortably reclined on the desk slowly stroking herself and combing her hair and purring contently. Lisa taught the class, sort of. She focused only on the group that had moved up and let the others cower in the back. When one of them tried to return to his seat she locked eyes on him and growled. The young man and paled and with a yelp rushed back to the group in the rear. Over time though, the math instruction tapered off and Lisa curled up on her table again and began talking about how Betas should serve Alphas like Michelle and herself. The bell rang and Michelle stood slowly. Lisa stretched as well and smiled at Michelle. Michelle moved forward towards the door and looked back at Lisa. "Come along. You are one of my group, alphas stay with alphas." Michelle said. Lisa let out a slight growl and then blinked. She shook her head a bit and said "But I must teach class, I'm a teacher. Cripes what is going on? Something is happening to us. We need..." SLAP!! Lisa's head snapped to the side as Michelle slapped her as hard as she could with a growl. With another snarl she slapped her again. Lisa snarled but it turned into a yip as Michelle grabbed her bun and pulled her head back. Michelle leaned over and bit down on Lisa's ear hard and Lisa let out a whine. Michelle held her like that for a few seconds and Lisa let out a low pitched whine and dropped her eyes. Michelle released her and Lisa touched her ear while looking at the ground. Michelle straightened and smiled with a triumphant look. "Do not challenge me ever again Lisa unless you are ready to fight to the death. I AM the alpha female of this pack, you are an alpha as well, but I am the LEAD alpha. Do you understand?" Lisa straightened and looked Michelle in the eye. "Yes Michelle. I know my place. Lead and I will follow." Michelle strode out into the hall with Lisa following just behind her and to her right. Michelle had stopped wondering about the changes. Instead she was wondering at how the world looked now that she understood her true place in the order of things. The hallways cleared in front of her as she strode down the hall. Nearly all the students and teachers lowered their eyes as she and Lisa strode past. Several times there were slight contests as Michelle encountered other Alphas like her but she knew that she would bring them into the fold in proper time. Michelle felt that order must be maintained and that she had to patrol her territory, which she considered her classes to now be. Third period was a study hall. She usually spent it either in the student lounge or the library after she had checked in. Today she spent a bit more time there as she and Lisa put the hall into its proper social order. No one in her hall were alphas, but there were some betas who she put in charge of keeping the others in line. The teacher, a weak little man who taught accounting, wasn't even a beta as was left cowering with the omegas. If Michelle had given it any thought she would have been surprised that she was thinking in terms of alpha, betas, and omegas considering she usually couldn't even remember what a beaker was called. But she wasn't really thinking anymore, she was going by instinct. After pacing a bit in the study hall, Michelle led Lisa out to the student lounge. They walked in on several students and Michelle was pleased to see Todd and her BFF Jessica there along with another male named Nick who was a state finalist in wrestling. Todd looked up and said "Hey Michelle, running a bit late today huh? Good morning Ms. Jones, what can I, uh, what are you doing?" Todd had stood up to say hi and Michelle had moved right up to him and was sniffing him closely. Not little sniffs but full on deep breaths. Lisa moved up to Nick who was very surprised when Ms. Jones leaned down and started to sniff him as well. "Michelle? Hey Michelle, you are kinda freaken me out here. What are you, uh, what are, wha...doing..." Todd trailed off as he sniffed the air a bit. Michelle put her hand up on his cheek and slowly caressed his skin. Todd's eyes became a bit unfocused and Michelle leaned close and licked his cheek. She leaned over and licked his other cheek and then kissed him on the lips. The kiss lingered and then with a growl she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him passionately. Todd returned the growl with a much louder and much deeper growl with a lot of lust in it. He grabbed Michelle's arms and pushed her back against the wall. Michelle let out a loud purr and bit down on his ear which caused Todd to yelp. Todd blinked and for a moment he seemed to regain his former self. A look of panic came over him and he tried to push away. Michelle reached down and with a snarl ripped her top open and exposed her tits. Todd's eyes locked on them and he hesitated. Michelle's hands were at his crotch in an instant and she unzipped his pants and had his cock out before he could pull away. Her right hand began to work his hardening cock while his left hand reached behind his head and shoved his face into her tits. And with that Todd let out a howl of lust and Michelle yelped as he nipped at her right nipple. Michelle began to pump Todd faster and faster while he lapped and nipped at her tits with playful growls and yips. Michelle looked over at Lisa and smiled. Nick was standing by the table looking confused and stunned with his pants around his ankles. Lisa was bent over a chair in front of him with her skirt hiked up and her panties down around one ankle. She was slowly swaying her ass from side to side and smacking it occasionally. She would growl and yip when she swatted herself and lick her lips when she locked eyes with Nick. Michelle nodded as she realized Lisa was doing a mating display in front of a strong male. "Come on, take me. I am ready to mate with a strong male. I'm in heat! I'm ready to breed! Come on and fuck me! Alphas fuck only alphas, take me and breed with me!" she got out in a rough voice that sounded like a wolf or a bear was trying to talk. Nick blinked once more and then with a long deep breath his eyes focused and with a growl he leaped on the math teacher and shoved his cock into her quivering pussy. Lisa let out a yelp and then a lustful howl and Nick growled and pumped hard into her. Michelle was brought back to her own reality when her own pussy suddenly had a rough hard shaft shoved into it. Her head slammed back against the wall with a bang and she growled as Todd pounded into her hard. She didn't speak, she actually couldn't think enough to form words, she just melted into animal lust. For several minutes she was only aware of a strong male brutally mating with her, crushing her against the wall and growling. She clenched her pussy muscles and with a loud grunt Todd came in her and she orgasmed immediately. Todd pulled out and staggered back with a confused grunt. He flopped down and stared around with an odd confused look on his face. Michelle pulled herself up and let out a long contented purr. She then licked her fingers and began to clean herself by licking where she could reach and by scooping Todd's cum up and licking her fingers in places she couldn't. Her clothes were torn to shreds but she felt that those clothes were no longer necessary. Her purring was matched by Lisa who was now reclining on the table licking herself clean as well. Nick was seated behind her and had his arm over the now mostly naked teacher in a very protective way. Nick glanced at Todd when he looked over at Lisa and growled. Lisa purred louder and curled up closer to him. Michelle smiled at that. "Ah, you two have become mates. Good. Lisa, you will be an excellent brooder for Nick. You should be pregnant soon at this rate." Lisa smiled and nodded as she purred louder. Michelle purred some more but gave Todd a stern look when he tried to move in closer. He growled and Michelle stood and they glared growling at each other for a few moments. Finally Todd grunted and sat back down. Michelle nodded and sat down as well. Michelle had enjoyed the sex, but she had decided she would not be his mate. She had a feeling that there were stronger males and as she was the strongest female she would only become a mate to the strongest male. She finished licking herself clean when she blinked and did a double take. "Jessica? Where did Jessica go?" The other three alphas looked at her stupidly for a moment and then Todd said "Dunno, lost track when we fucked." Nick merely shook his head with a confused look and Lisa rolled up to crouch and said "I saw her by the door but when I went into heat I lost track of her." Michelle started to think and then heard something outside the door. It was faint but she heard what sounded like the principle and the superintendent talking to Jessica and it was getting louder. "I don't know what is going on! I only know what I told you! Michelle and Ms. Jones came into the lounge and suddenly they were ripping off their clothes and fucking Nick and Todd! It was so weird, I felt funny but I got a bit better when I got out of the room. It was like they were possessed or on drugs or something." "Maybe someone slipped something into Ms. Jones coffee and she tripping?" "I don't know, but we need to stop this and figure out what happened and fast, it's nearly noon time and we can't have this getting around school. Ah, there is the nurse. Come on, I think we have either a nervous breakdown or someone drugged a student and a teacher." Michelle stood and crouched. She looked at the door and growled. Todd, Nick, and Lisa all took similar poses with low growls. Michelle moved up by the door and looked around quickly. The room was actually fairly large with several tables in it and some study cubes by the wall. It was also in the interior of the building so there were no windows. She had a hunch and quickly turned off the lights. She smiled as her eyes adjusted and she saw clearly in the nearly full dark excepting the emergency exit light at the far side. She grasped the light switch and with a growl snapped the switch off in the down position. She moved behind the door and motioned for her three fellow alphas to move back into the room where it was darker. The voices had gotten close outside the door and shortly after there was a loud knock on the door. "Ms. Jones? Michelle Dean? Are you in there? This is Principle Branston, I just had report that you assaulted someone in there. I'm coming in right now!" The door opened and the light came in but didn't illuminate it much. The principle touched the switch and said "Light switch is broken. Okay! This isn't funny, what is going on here." Principle Branston was large man, easily over 6 foot 5 inches and strong to boot. He had been a star fullback in college, had played pro for a bit and then came over to coach at his old high school. He had been a great coach and also a pretty good art teacher oddly enough and had become the principle about 3 years ago. Even though he was nearly 50 he was a strong man who intimidated a lot of people just by smiling at them. Superintendent Gordy was not as large as the Principle, but no one would bet he was weaker. He was much younger, early thirties, whip smart, and boxed as a hobby. He liked his job and was popular with the kids being younger. Mrs. Catherine Sims was the School Nurse. She was also another local who had made good. She had been a star volleyball player who used her skill to get a full ride to college and had come back as a nurse and health teacher. She was still a knockout at forty-something. She taught spin classes at the Y on the side and was often seen running down by the river in the summer rocking her short shorts and tight sports bra. They moved in slowly while Jessica came last looking worried and concerned. Part of Michelle was touched by her friend's affection, but the major part of her was primed to attack. None of her fellow alphas made a sound as the humans moved into the room. Michelle smiled as she heard several sn |
iffs from the people. She smiled even more when she heard a long deep breath from Catherine and saw her stop and straighten up a bit. With a soft growl she shoved the door closed and locked it. When the room went dark the humans all let out yelps of surprise and consternation which suddenly turned to shouts and a scream from Jessica. Michelle padded up behind Jessica and grabbed her from behind. She pulled her back over her right foot and tripped her up. She controlled her fall to the floor and shoved her on her back. Jessica got out one scream before Michelle moved across her and sat on her face. She shoved her pussy right into Jessica's mouth and nose and the panicking girl let out muffled screams and took deep breaths in between. Michelle grinned as the screamed slowed after the first two and stopped after three. She could feel her friends breathing deeply and relaxing. She turned her head to see what else had happened. Catherine had not moved since the lights turned out. She was breathing in and out deeply and Michelle's improved hearing could a pleasant purr coming from her throat. Mr. Branston was lying on his back moaning as Nick held him down. Parts of a chair were smashed around him and Nick was grinning at the man. A low growl made Michelle look over at Mr. Gordy. He was on his knees, arms being held behind him by Todd. Lisa was standing in front of him naked except for her stockings and heels and had her snatch up in his face. Mr. Gordy's head was rolling but Lisa kept her pussy close. "Breath in Gordy. Deep breaths, that's it. Alphas with Alphas, time to join the pack, time to find a mate, time to mate. Breath in you animal. You're like us, you will be one of us." Lisa said with a sultry voice. Mr. Gordy was growling now and his head stopped swiveling. He locked on Lisa and snarled. He moved his head forward and gave her lovely pussy a lick and Lisa yipped and jumped back. "Here, this is what he needs. Bring him here." Michelle said. Todd dragged the grunting man over and tossed him on top of Jessica. The two fumbled a bit in the dark as they didn't have the improved vision yet but Gordy's head snapped down quickly when he heard a female yelp. He sniffed her face and down her body and then started to tear at Jessica's jeans with his teeth. Jessica growled and tore at her jeans and between the two of them they ripped them off enough to allow the now growling and howling man to mount her. Jessica bit down on his shoulder and he snarled as he rammed into her hard. She howled and they were soon banging away violently on the floor. Michelle stood up and reached over to Todd, who was playing with himself while watching Jessica and Gordy mate. She simply led him over to Catherine who was now sniffing the air, purring loudly and slipping out of her clothing. Todd grabbed her from behind and shoved her against the wall. Catherine hissed a bit and then let out a growl that sounded like a mad bobcat. Todd snarled and pinned her against the wall and shoved his cock into her roughly. The former nurse growled back and shoved back against him hard. Michelle watched with some interest as the football player and the nurse snarled, bit, clawed, twisted and clawed each other for a few minutes before Todd finally got her on her knees and pounded her hard. He came with a loud howl and Catherine let out a matching one. Todd pulled off of her and the nurse, looking stunned, moved up beside him and began to lick him clean while she purred. Michelle now moved over to where the principal was laying. He seemed to be awake now and was looking about in the very dim light. She could see he was excited as his pants bulged but was fighting it. Michelle nodded to Rick who moved off to be with his mate Lisa. The other mated pairs looked at her as she lowered her head and sniffed. The principle started when her felt her breath on his face. Michelle purred and then licked him on his cheeks. The man was shaking and was able to croak out "What are you? What have you done to these people? What is going on?" "I'm the Alpha female of this pack and I'm seeking the most powerful Alpha male to be my mate. Alphas only breed with Alphas after all. Your scent, you strength, your courage, you are the Alpha here. You will be my mate." Michelle said with a purr as she kissed him lightly. The man tried to turn away but after a moment he returned it with passion. Then he turned his head, and said "NO! I'm married, happily married! I won't cheat on her, not with anyone, not with a student!" Michelle purred more and licked his neck. She ripped open his shirt and licked slowly down. She undid his belt and then pulled his pants down. She sniffed deeply and then licked the cock in front of her. Mr. Branston moaned and the moan turned into a low growl. Michelle licked his cock several times and then took it in her mouth and sucked. The moaning had ended and was now nothing but a low growl. After several long sucks Michelle spoke. "You're not tied down. Nothing is stopping you from standing up and stopping me. You're not doing anything though, and that is because you are an Alpha like me, and you know that Alphas only mate with Alphas. I am your mate now, you are my mate. Breed with me and let's take our place as the leaders of this pack." With a fierce growl Mr. Branston sat up and grabbed Michelle by the hair. He twisted her over and onto her back and jumped on her. He mounted her and shoved an enormous cock into her. She let out a loud howl and then a snarl as her mate rammed hard into her slick pussy. The growling man snarled and howled as he pumped away like a machine into Michelle who yipped and howled back. She clawed her former principal's back and bit down on his shoulders. Her head banged off a desk leg a couple of times and once off the wall when finally with a loud snarl Mr. Branston came hard into Michelle and she actually saw stars. With a final grunt the man slumped over Michelle and let out a contented snort. It took Michelle a few moments to regain her bearings and then she began to purr. She pulled herself out and began to lick herself clean and then her mate clean. After she was done she moved close to her mate and curled up in front of him. Michelle looked around and smiled at what she saw. Her fellow alphas were all lounging around in mated pairs. The females lay in front of the males licking or kissing or petting them while the males lay contently watching over their mates. Each of them was in a corner so their backs were covered. The smell of sex was overpowering and loud purrs from all the females could be easily heard. After a few minutes Michelle's mate stood with a yawn. She stood beside him and looped her arm around his strong body. She purred and he licked her face. "Come on, we need to get to high ground. This isn't where alphas make their den." He said and strode out naked into the hall way. Michelle was now naked as well, and most of the others were too, excepting Lisa who still wore her stockings. Michelle wasn't sure what she expected when they moved into the main hall. Part of her, the still kind of human part was expecting screams, panic, and surprise. But apparently whatever had affected her had been going around the school. Students moved in groups (herds was how Michelle thought of them), mostly along the sides of the halls making way for smaller but obviously more powerful groups, small packs of Betas who served Alphas like Michelle and her pack. Those groups moved out of the way for Michelle's Alpha pack like the Red Sea parting in the bible. As they neared the stairs heading up to the administration offices that were all on the second floor they ran into Mr. Funston and Ms. Ashley Pierce, a home econ teacher and another hot teacher. They were both naked and Ashley had her arm around him like Michelle did with her mate. They didn't speak but instead Branston and Funston moved forward with low growls. They sniffed each other and growled and after a bit Funston lowed his eyes and let out a low whine. Branston smiled and growled loudly while Michelle moved up and licked his face again. Funston and his mate then moved around the rest of the pack and they all sniffed each other with grunts and growls and even some words, such as when Lisa and Ashley sniffed each other's pussies and Lisa said "I'm so glad you are an Alpha too. I'd be a bit lonely without another Alpha teacher to talk with." Branston led them upstairs. The school was mostly a single story but they had a large 2nd Story office suite that housed the admin offices and the principal and superintendent offices. While the males began to arrange the open foyer that looked down on the main school entrance the females went back into the offices and ran off several of the staff working there. This was now the den of the Alphas so weak Omegas were not needed. The males created several perches were the Alpha males could watch the stairs to protect the pack's lair. After that was done, the mated pairs each staked out a den. Michelle and her mate had his old office of course which was the best view and well protected. Michelle made a nice sleeping place out of the cushions and curled up in it. Her mate got on the PA system and announced the new social order in the school. Any Alphas who had not already joined the principal's pack had until 3:30 pm to either join or leave or they would be dealt with. Betas would enforce the Alphas will, the others would simply be Omegas and be glad they were allowed to live. Michelle purred softly as she listened to her mate lay down the law. "As it should be, as it is in nature. Mmmmmmmmm, it is so wonderful to be an Alpha." She said in a sultry voice. Michelle stood and padded over to the desk. Her mate stood over by the computer desk and she purred loudly and flicked her braid. He turned and she bent over the desk and slowly swayed her ass back and forth while licking her lips. Her mate stopped speaking and she slapped her ass hard and let out a low growl. Her mate moved over with a gleam in his eyes. His cock hardened at the mating display his chosen female was putting on. He growled low and said "Do you like the den I chose?" "Yes, we can raise many young here. There is food and water, and this place is safe and protected. Our pack will grown and be strong." Michelle said as she bent lower and spread her legs. "Yes. Now, let's work on making some offspring." And with a happy growl the former principal jumped on Michelle and they mated loudly and happily. SEVERAL DAYS LATER George sat there shaking his head. He stared at the TV which showed his old high school under quarantine and he watched as a cop, or what had been a cop anyway stalked around the fence line with most of his clothes torn off, growling at any human who came too close. It had been a minor miracle that things had been stopped before the infected had gotten loose. While officials were not sure exactly how the infection had spread it had gotten everyone in the school. Someone inside the school had been able to lock the place up and keep everyone inside. Now George watched as a prime example of a pack of Alphas, Betas, and Omegas wandered the school. Most of the kids and teachers were obviously Omegas and they were kept in line by the Betas. The Betas were obviously controlled by the Alphas, who were easy to spot. They always moved in pairs, everyone parted way for them, and they were to a pair hot as shit and usually naked to boot. When several parents had disappeared trying to get into the school and then 4 police had been attacked on TV by several male Alphas, the mayor had cordoned off the area. There had been attempts to communicate but after some weird talk from the Alphas (the former principal was apparently the leader) about this being their hunting and mating grounds and the refusal of any Beta or Omega to even acknowledge attempts to communicate, the governor had stepped in and declared the place sealed off and put up some guards to keep people out. Not that it had done any good, some folks had made it in to either find loved ones or to try and figure out what was really going on, and had been seen later as part of the various packs and acting just like them. George had watched stunned as a hot female investigative reporter had started a live TV broadcast from a room inside the school only to have the former Home Econ teacher prowl in and start sniffing her. After several moments of confusion the reporter had simply dropped her mike and started sniffing back. It had been hard to hear, but George had heard words like "Alpha, like us, find mate" and the reporter had ended up stripping her clothes off and leaving with Ashley. Shortly afterwards the reporter was seen prowling with the former wrestling coach, naked except for a garter belt and stockings. Her cameraman was now roaming with a pack of betas. After that the only communication with the school was a weekly food drop just inside the gate. Betas would come and haul it off, and Alphas attacked anyone who came any further in. The entire school had been enclosed by a large chain-link fence and after a couple of days the packs had started to move around outside. Most of the Omegas now acted like herds of skittish deer and several groups now lived outside and wandered the lawns and bedded down in the grass at night. Sometimes the Alphas or Betas would chase them and take one down. They hadn't killed or hurt anyone yet, but seemed to be doing it for fun or for practice. George had noticed that the Alpha hunters, both male and female had been getting a lot better at hunting and stalking. The last one had been very scary when Michelle and Mr. Branston had crept up on n Omega that had wandered off from the herd and had run him down with howls that sounded very wolf like. Michelle had bit down on the boy's throat and for a second George had thought she was going to rip it out. But the wild look in her eyes cleared up and with a sound that seemed like a mix of purring and giggling she had let him go. She then had stretched and had started flicking her braid like it was a tail while she licked Mr. Branston's face. George sighed. Aside from seeing them hunt together, George had seen Michelle lick him, pet him, kiss him, caress him, and generally act like a mated pair of animals displaying a mix of various animal traits from large hunting cats to wolves. They were often seen laying naked on part of the roof overlooking the foot ball field with the principal lying contentedly on his stomach while Michelle licked him and caressed him. They had used a boom mike once to see if they said anything and all they got was a purring sound. Then one day as the sun set they had coupled violently and the police had moved the cameras back farther. The Alphas seemed to be communicating by words (gradually being used less and less), growls and animal noises, and even scent as they had a rather X-Rated scene on live TV when Lisa Jones, one of the math teachers who was now apparently mated with the former star wrestler, had sniffed the nurse's pussy when they had met while out hunting. George was resigned to the fact that his effort in putting up with that moron Michelle was now a waste. He had been paid for the last month, but he was sure that the bonus and the last month and the promised grand at the end were gone. But he was still up five grand and that was better than nothing. And George was thankful for two other things. One, that he had not been at school when this had happened as he had no illusion about what group he would have been in and he would rather not be an Omega. And he was thankful that no one had asked him about what he had been working on in the lab. Because deep down he just knew somehow that dumb blonde Michelle had caused all of this. |
Hello Preston, Do you remember me? I'm Angela. With me on my knees and with you having a view of the top of my head more than any other part of me, you may not remember what I look like. You may not remember my pretty face. Other than recognizing my big tits, your favorite part of me along with my talented mouth, you may not remember who I am at all, especially after forty years' time. With me thinking I was unforgettable, you forgot me as soon as you graduated college, didn't you? It's been awhile, hasn't it? After all of this time of silence and no communication, I imagine you're shocked to hear from me again. With you moving so very many times to bigger and better homes from Boston, to Winchester, to Andover, to Wellesley, and back to Boston again, no doubt you never thought I'd ever find you but I did. Lucky me. What are the odds of that? Sadly and unfortunately, isn't it interesting how few people write letters these days? With texting, tweeting, e-mail, Facebook, and Skyping, it's very rare that I receive a letter of hello, how are you, thanks, or just a hand written note filled with some general news. Old fashioned that way, with technology even passing me by, an MIT math and science nerd, I still continue to write letters to friends and family and in return I mostly receive e-mails. Based upon some of the last minute, forced suicide notes I've read, that's a long story for another time, I can tell a lot from someone's handwriting. Perhaps I'll be reading your forced, suicide note soon. Just from someone's handwriting, I can tell if they're angry, afraid, happy, sad, in love, or rushed. Sadly, I can't tell anything from someone's impersonal e-mail. With penmanship one of them, there's a lot of things that have become passé since we were young college students madly in love, at least I was anyway. Actually, today I heard about an amazing celebration that I'd like to share with you, something that happened forty years ago. Forty years, can you imagine that? So very long ago, I remember the first time we met as if it was yesterday. Do you believe we're in our sixties now? Speaking of the sixties, with you going to Harvard and me attending MIT, just down the street from one another, those were good times when we met as freshman in a Cambridge coffeehouse. What the hell happened to the time? Where did the years go? With just a blink of an eye, ten years are gone, then twenty years, and now forty years. Ah, thanks all to you, my life is but a bittersweet memory of my carefree naiveté and of what it could have been and what it should have been. Only naïve no more, I finally see the big picture now. Duh? I get it. Not one easily tricked, you had me fooled. I have a standing joke with a friend that it always seems to be Friday. It's Monday and then it's Friday. In the blink of an eye the entire week has flown by me. Interestingly enough, it never felt like that when I was working full- time with my father, Don Vito, in our family olive oil business. We have more businesses other than the olive oil business. We have a rubbish disposal service and a protection service. Actually, we have our fingers into everything, trucking, shipping, construction, and gambling. Wherever there's a dollar to be made, we're there. Anyway, when I was working, with the week dragging by, I lived for the weekend. Now with my father retired and me retiring soon, I have my soldiers run the business for me, their Godmother, before electing a new head of the family. Seemingly, the days fly by with me scratching my head while trying to remember what day it is. Surprised that it's Friday again, has morphed from thank God it's Friday to I can't believe it's Friday. Now to the point of this letter. Congratulations Preston! You finally did what you said that you'd never do. Instead of becoming a priest, the reason why you dumped me and told me you couldn't marry me, you got married. How about that? Coincidentally, more remarkable than that, you were married within months of dumping me. It's so interesting how life and sometimes death can turn on a dime, if you get my meaning. "Bang! Bang! You're dead!" Do you remember I always used to say that about someone I didn't like. It's a phrase I learned from my father. Only, he said that as he was firing his gun into someone and I said that as a joke. Never taking it lightly to take a life, killing someone was no joke to my father. Yet, he'd as soon kill someone than having to listen to someone making excuses for a job they promised to do and didn't do. You would have liked my Dad, he was a good man. Unlike you, he never lied. If he said he'd do something, he did it. He told my Mom he'd marry her and unlike you promising to marry me, my Dad married my Mom. How about that? Sorry, I'm rambling. Anyway, while being fitted for a new mink coat, one with a hood that goes down to my ankles, Sarah Kensington stopped me at the furrier today and asked if I was still in touch with you. Personally I never liked the woman but surely, you remember Sarah, don't you? She was the maid of honor at your wedding. Sadly, I told her that I hadn't been in contact with you since college. Understandably, with me not being invited to your wedding, I told her that I didn't know you even got married. The last I heard, I told her that I thought you had become a priest. Imagine the shock on my face that you didn't become a priest. Imagine the shock on my face when she told me that you married Tara. "Tara?" Sarah told me everything about you and Tara. She seemingly took great joy and seemed happy to fill me in of all the dirty details of your personal, private life. To be honest, I've always hated Sarah for being such a gossip. God she was such a nasty bitch and having not changed one iota, she still is a nasty bitch. In my line of work, unless singing like a canary to the District Attorney, we never talk about anything that we did. Not in the secret society nature of the La Cosa Nostra, we don't gossip to anyone about anything. Just as I said about Sarah back then, I'd still do now only with real bullets this time. "Bang! Bang! You're dead," I mumbled beneath my breath as she fled the furrier in such a hurry after I had a private word with her. I was with my father's longtime associates at the time Big Louie and Crazy Vinnie. I don't think you ever met them. Actually, anyone who has the unfortunate circumstance of meeting them, will never meet them or anyone else for that matter again, if you know what I mean. Trust me, they'll be paying Sarah a visit at the end of the week for being so catty to me and disrespectful of me. How dare she talk to me like that? How dare she so upset me? How dare she mock the love that I had for you by rubbing my pain and misery in my face? Apparently, she didn't know who I am and who I've become but she does know now. Well Preston, surprising even to me, especially to me, I guess you didn't become a priest after all because you just celebrated your 40th wedding anniversary. How about that? Congratulations. Bravo! I checked online and saw an article and a picture of you and Tara in the Boston Globe. She's still very pretty. Seemingly, you were more attracted to a WASPY, small breasted, blue-eyed, petite, cold, blonde woman than you were to a tall, dark haired, brown-eyed, sultry, busty, hot Italian woman. With you knowing the temper that I inherited from my father, Don Vito, it was really hard for me to control myself when talking to Sarah. I wanted to pistol whip the bitch with the licensed, concealed handgun that I always carry in my pocketbook. Yet, even though my heart was pounding almost out of my chest at hearing the news of your 40th wedding anniversary, I managed a pleasant smile. Tired of her moving her lips, I moved the conversation to another, more positive topic, namely her funeral arrangements if she uttered another word about you. "Sarah, if you say another word about Preston and/or Tara, I will have Big Louie and Crazy Vinnie take you out back. After they strip you naked and fuck you up your blue blood, socialite ass, they'll pee on you before they kill you and dump you in one of my dumpsters. Trust me, their signature move to do with a woman that I so hate, they've done it before. With you seemingly disappearing from the face of the Earth, no one will ever find your rotting carcass." After you being so convincing in being called to service by the Lord, Jesus Christ, I've always thought of you serving your parishioners Communion instead of serving your wife breakfast in bed. I wished that I had received that particular news in private and in letter form so that I could have shown my true feelings in the confines of my room. With the messenger always taking the brunt of my Sicilian temper and my La Cosa Nostra need for revenge, Sarah was lucky we weren't alone. She was lucky she made the right decision to stop talking. She was lucky we were in a public place. She was lucky she beat it the Hell out of there after I told her what Big Louie and Crazy Vinnie would do to her. Only, trust me, Sarah won't be lucky for long. Having learned from my father to keep my friends close and my enemies closer, I don't think Sarah noticed my shocked reaction to her startling news. Of course she knew that I was angry when I threatened to kill her if she didn't stop talking. Just as she I couldn't get away from me fast enough, I couldn't wait for her to leave. Something that gives me great peace when I'm upset, I rushed home to clean and load my guns, all twenty-seven of them. Those are just the guns I keep on hand upstairs for my personal protection. I have more guns scattered throughout the house and an entire arsenal in my cellar. While cleaning and loading my guns, I spent the next few hours reminiscing about our heated love relationship and our plans to marry and start a family. Until God personally called upon you to become a priest, I thought you were my dream man. I thought you loved me. I thought you were going to marry me. How stupid could I have been to believe anything you said? Harvard educated, you would have made a welcome member to my family, La Familia. After finding out that you lied to me about becoming a priest, I laughed, I cried, and then I got angry, really angry, angry enough to kill you with my bare hands with Big Louie and Crazy Vinnie by my side for my personal protection. Being that I'm my father's daughter after all, my anger always inspires my need for revenge. "Bang! Bang! You're dead!" When I calmed down some, I remember hearing Sarah's voice saying that you had married Tara, your college sweetheart. Tara? That's odd, you told me Tara was your cousin. Foolish enough for me to believe you for four, long, sexual years, I thought I was your college sweetheart. Preston, tell me and be honest, I won't get mad, really I won't, but was there more than one of us who was your college sweetheart? Was Tara your girlfriend while I was your fuck buddy? Was I your Sicilian whore? Did you use me and abuse my affections of love just for sex? Is that it? You can tell me the truth now. It's been forty years, water under the bridge, let bygones be bygones and all of that bullshit. During those four years I thought I was your only college sweetheart, at least that's what you told me, and yet you married someone else under the pretense of telling me that you were going in the seminary to become a priest? Priest my ass. How dare you? May God forgive you because I surely won't. God you're such an asshole Preston. Even after forty frigging years later, I feel so used. I feel so abused. I feel so stupid to have believed you. I feel a pent up rage that I must release by killing someone and guess who's number one on my short hit list of one. While I was pining away over the loss of you and hoping you'd change your mind about the priesthood and about giving yourself to God, you were living with your wife and children. Isn't that funny? You may think it's funny but, not funny to me at all, I surely don't. With me the center of your humor, forgive me for not laughing at your little joke. I can just imagine you telling all of your friends about me, your college whore, at the Harvard Club or at the Algonquin Club on Commonwealth Avenue. With my family so very close to the Catholic Church, the late Cardinal Cushing and the late Pope Benedict XVI, you dumping me to become a priest was the only thing that saved your WASP ass. Do you know that? Do you know how lucky you are not to have been dead for forty years? My mother made you meatballs and had Rocco deliver them to your dorm room every Sunday along with homemade cannolis. How dare you eat my mother's meatballs and cannolis while lying about being in love with me? That's just wrong. That's just nasty. That's just not right. Please take a short walk with me down memory lane so that I can get some closure and some of this pain out of my system. Do you recall telling me that you were never going to marry and that even though I was the love of your life, you couldn't marry me because you had been called by God to become a priest? Do you remember us having that conversation the last time we saw one another? Filling your every sexual need and lustful desire with you filling my every hole over and again, do you also recall that you sinned with me in every possible sexual way all through college? Yet you didn't say a word about the priesthood until we were close to graduation and close to our agreed upon wedding date? Instead, you told me you loved me, Preston. You told me you wanted to marry me, Preston. You told me you wanted to have three children. You told me that we'd get married after we graduated college. Then, once you graduated, a time before the Internet where I could have easily found where you were living in the way I found you now, you disappeared. Poof! You were gone without a trace. Naively, I figured you were hidden behind the seminary wall instead of living in a brownstone mansion in the Back Bay of Boston with your wife and children. How could I have been so stupid? C'mon Preston, fess up and be honest with me. I promise not to get mad too much. Did you just use me as your fuck buddy? Was that all I was to you, a hot, Italian piece of ass? Was it just all about sex and free love? Was it just about me blowing you and you fondling my big tits and fingering my nipples before cumming in my mouth? Just as you had no intention of becoming a priest, you had no intension of marrying me, did you? You must have thought me really stupid and admittedly so I was. Love has a way of doing that to women, even a woman smart enough to attend MIT. By the way, Italians, especially Sicilian Italians don't disrespect their women and live to talk about it. Did you know that? Giving you the benefit of the doubt, you probably didn't know that Sicilian men have more respect for Sicilian woman than you showed me. With you such a proper Bostonian and your family longtime Boston Brahmins, you wouldn't know anything about Italians or Sicilians, would you? You were lucky you pulled the wool over my eyes by telling me that you were giving yourself to God. As if you were in the Witness Protection Program, you were lucky you disappeared because, trust me, had you not disappeared, you really would have disappeared in the way that Jimmy Hoffa had. You broke my heart when you announced your priestly plans and now after years of trying to forgive, forget, and letting it go to mend my broken heart, this news of you celebrating your 40th wedding anniversary breaks my heart all over again. That should have been me married to you. Your children should have been my children. Tara's life should have been my life. How dare you do that to me! How dare you use me and then lie to me? Never to be, you robbed me of what could have been. The lyrics from Karen Carpenter's song has always been special to me, "I loved you in a place where there's no space or time." Only, now I know that you were marking your time and counting your days to make your getaway. I was a woman you'd never take home to meet your family. Apparently, with my olive skin and Italian last name, you were ashamed of me. Making peace with the fact that with you becoming a priest that I'd never marry you, I had finally opened my heart up to all of the new possibilities of being with someone else. Only, except for an occasional sexual affair, there was never any room in my heart for anyone else but you. With me still foolishly holding my undying love for you, I never married. I never had children. Now with you coming out of the past to haunt me again in the present, all the old pain is rushing to open up my old wounds. I blame Sarah for shoving the memories of you in my face. I'll deal with her later. With my anger replacing my pride that you became a priest, now you're just scum to me. I can put a contract on you but this is personal. This is something I want to take care of myself. When you broke up with me two weeks before graduation, I couldn't function and thought that I'd die from my broken heart. I loved you with every fiber of my being and thought you felt the same way about me. You said that your heart was broken too, but that you had to answer the call to God to become a priest regardless of how you felt about me. Swallowing that bullshit, hook, line, and sinker, how could I possibly compete with God! God, I was such a fool. How could I say terrible things about God taking you away from me when you were answering your call to the Almighty? You giving yourself to God silenced me in a way that I'll never forget and I've never been silenced. With nothing more to say and nothing more to do, our love affair was over. Other than the four, sexual years we had together, my dreams, my hopes, my desires, and my love for you was never to be realized. I was so shattered that I didn't attend my own graduation and had to seek professional counseling to feel some relief from the horrific pain. What was even worse is that you never picked up the phone, wrote a note, or ever contacted me again to see how I was doing after your pronouncement for the Glory of God and your professed personal devotion to the Almighty. There one day and gone the next, it was as if you had died. It would have been easier for me if you had died. I would have grieved for you, gotten over you, and gotten on with my life but you were out there somewhere. Every time I attended Mass, I expected you to magically appear from behind the altar. We were together for four years, exclusively I thought, until I heard the news today. Seemingly, you didn't care enough for me to even check on me. Now that's hardly the kind of man who'd join the priesthood. Where was your compassion and your concern? Where was your decency? Where was your love? Still not believing Sarah, with her always being such a nasty bitch, and with her taking pride in telling me that you've been happily married for forty fucking years, I checked the Internet. Your call to God and you becoming a priest was all a lie. You're not a priest. You're not even Catholic. You're Protestant. You're nothing but a money grubbing CEO/CFO accountant and a Republican to boot. How dare you deceive me with your lies? How dare you use me for sex? Instead of helping to change the system, you joined the system. You were nothing but a lie. We were nothing but a lie. You never loved me. You never had any intention of marrying me. I was nothing more than your Sicilian whore who sucked you and fucked you day and night. You married Tara. We were all friends back in college. Continuing the lies, you told me she was your cousin. I had no idea that you were with her too? Did she know about me or was I your dirty, little secret? Did you love her because her family had money and could give you not only a good job but also a career with her father's business? Well, newsflash, my family not only has money but also my family has power and political influence too. How could you have done that to me? Tara was a really nice. A pretty girl, she wasn't as pretty as me. Back then, I looked more like Sophia Loren and she looked more like Twiggy. I remember her being a shy girl who doted on you in college, but with you being cousins, I didn't think anything would come of her dreamy eyes staring at you. Stupidly with you not showing any outward, public affection for either one of us, I just thought she had a school girl crush and I thought you were being kind to her. I never knew she loved you and you, supposedly loved her too. Then, when you told me she was your cousin, I never gave her another thought. I figured you were just kissing cousins in the way that I had a brief fling with my cousin Mario when I was 18-years-old. Apparently something did come of having a school girl crush on you. You married the woman. While you were with her, holding her, kissing her, telling her you loved her, you were sexually and intimately with me. I did the math and either you mystically fell instantly in love with her the moment we graduated or you were seeing her while screwing me. All I can figure is that you used me to get yourself off while keeping her as a virgin for marriage. When you at look yourself in the mirror the next time, take a moment and try to feel what it would be like to be me. Take a moment to think about how you ruined my life. Do you have enough empathy to understand the pain you have caused me? You used me like a whore while professing your love for me. Then you lied and cheated on me during our relationship to be with your real love, Tara. Can you possibly understand how much I hate you? You cast me aside like a cheap piece of costume jewelry instead of the real gem that I am. Seemingly content to be rid of me in your life, done with me, you never contacted me again. Maybe the priesthood would have been a better option for you as you would have been forced to spend hours on your knees asking God for forgiveness for what you have done to me. Maybe God will forgive you but I never will. Please do not respond to this letter. I'm trying to control myself from killing you. I've suffered enough from you and don't want any further exchanges in this lifetime. My form of personal therapy and closure, this letter was for me to have my uninterrupted say for once. Angela * * * * * Dear Angela, Of course I remember you? How could I ever forget you? It was so very nice to hear from you. Oh, my God, it's been so long, four decades since we saw one another. We should get together at the country club. Tara would love to see you again. She always liked you. Perhaps inviting Sarah and her husband to join us is not a good idea. Coincidentally, I've been thinking a lot about you lately. Tara has had a tough time medically. Even though she survived breast cancer, she's had a double mastectomy, the poor thing. Now she has no tits. In the way I was so very fond of your big breasts, you know how much I love tits, especially big tits. Even though Tara was a bit flat chested, quite the understatement, I miss her tits. Actually she had more extended nipples than they were tits. I asked her about implants but she said at 62-years old she's too old and is done with sex. Done with sex? Can you imagine that? In this age of Viagra and Cialis, she's done with sex but I'm surely not. I'm still raring to go, if you get my drift. I've enclosed several photos of my cock. I remember how you were in college, ready to have sex with me anywhere and anytime. I still have the topless and naked photos of you. You had phenomenal C cup breasts. You had such an incredible shapely body. I absolutely adored your firm, round, and shapely ass. With Tara exceedingly thin, as flat as a board, and having A cup breasts, you know that I didn't marry her for her tits. With Tara being a virgin, you know I didn't marry her for sex. With me the incorrigible social climber, I married her for social status. Disappointingly shocking to me the woman doesn't even suck cock. When she has taken me in her mouth, it was only for a minute. I'm embarrassed to write that I have to seek the company of paid escorts to get what I want sexually. You without a doubt, used to give me the best blowjobs I've ever had in my life, even to this day with me having to pay professionals to suck my cock they can't compare to your cock sucking skills. I'm not embarrassed to tell you that sometimes I masturbate myself with the thoughts of you blowing me, Angela. I've always loved you Angela in a very special way, a way that I never loved Tara. Maybe we can get together privately without Tara for a cup of coffee and dessert, if you know what I mean. I'd like to see you again, all of you. With great affection, Preston * * * * * Dear Preston, Perhaps age has dimmed your memory but do you remember our protests, demonstrations, and sit-ins over the Viet Nam War? With all that I learned in Physics classes at MIT, do you remember how they always called upon me to make the smoke bombs, the stink bombs, and the pipe bombs? Not a total waste, my talent for making bombs came in handy in my father's family business. Someday, one day soon, I'll be mailing you a special package or maybe I'll attach something with great affection to your car. Until that time, allow me to give you a bit of advice, if I were you, I'd never open another package. If I were you, I'd start calling a cab. If I were you, I'd start taking the subway. If I were you, I'd run and hide. Yet, no matter how fast you run and where you hide, now that I know you're not a priest and now that I know you not only lied to me but also you used me, there's no place that you can hide that I won't find you. The funny thing with explosives Preston, you'll never know when and you never know where a tragic and fatal accident will happen. Then, boom! Just like that, you're in pieces. Just like that. "Boom!" You're dead. With your imagined connection to God, perhaps you should start praying in advance now. In the meantime, I suggest you don't open any packages. I suggest you take care in starting your car. I suggest you always look over your shoulder. I suggest you not answer your door when Big Louie and Crazy Vinnie pay you a visit with me sitting out in the limousine. Give my love to Tara. Tell her I said, "Hi." Goodbye Preston and I do mean Goodbye. I'll be seeing you at your funeral. We always pay our last respects with a nice floral arrangement. Angela |
_Janine and her husband David have just left a party tonight. They are in a hurry to get home and make love to each other. They shouldn't be driving after drinking but they live nearby and decide to chance the short drive home; but, it turns out to be a very short drive..._ Author's Note: (Janine's thoughts are _Italicized_ ) _I awoke with a start._ _Where am I? What is this bright light? I can't close my eyes. Oh my god, I can't close my eyes! Am I paralyzed? I can't move! Why can't I move? Please move that light!_ _Christ I am paralyzed! Ahhhhh... Calm down Janine, think this through. I remember David and I in the car after the party and then the bright lights. Yes, the bright lights, headlights, another car. We had an accident. He must've hit us. Then what? Did I black out? David, where's David?_ _I need to see David. Oh my eyes are so dry, can't anyone give me some drops?_ "David. David." She tries to yell. _I can't hear myself speak_. "DAVID!" _I can't talk; I can't move my mouth or my eyes but I can see. That's a good thing. I can still see._ _That light is so bright, why aren't my eyes watering?_ _I feel the cold underneath me and around me. I feel naked. I can't move. Goddamit! I can't move. Will somebody please check on me? Where are the nurses? Where is the Doctor?_ _The car wreck! That must've done this to me. I hope David is OK. What if he's not? I have no relatives here. I need to call them, or, they need to call them. Maybe they already have._ _Can't I have a blanket? Someone please cover me..._ _Voices! I hear voices. And shoe steps. Yes! Someone is coming. Thank you. Yes! I will tell them what happened. They will tell me what happened._ "Yah, that restaurant is a haven for E-coli. Don't go there or you'll be puking all night long." _Nurses?_ "That would be a perfect ending to my date with Linda, hah. Let me kiss you good night, uh, wait a minute 'til I go and throw-up." _They are talking about food, and dates? What about me? I'm the patient here. Take care of me damn you!_ "Boy, too bad you didn't get a chance to take this one on a date." He bends over her face and looks into her eyes studying her. _Help me. Help me. Mmm, he's a handsome, young man but he needs to fix his hair and shave. What am I doing? I must be delirious._ "Yah! Look at those big fuckin' tits and they're natural too" as his buddy squeezes one hard with his gloved hand and pinches the nipple." "What are you doin' man?" _Ouch! That hurt! What the fuck are you doing you pig? How dare you!_ "Nice fuckin' bush too. Nothin' like a thick furry bush to sink your nose into while you lap away at a nice wet pussy" his buddy says. "You always did like 'em hairy. Not me. I like 'em smooth as a baby's bottom. No hair to get in the way. Leaves 'em slick like butter." "Slick until the next day and the stubble slices you up real good." They both laugh. _David likes me natural. Fuck you!_ "But just feel it. It's so soft like a fluffy cottontail and it's dense." He reaches between her legs and palms her pubes with his latex covered hand, discretely wiggling his fingers between her thighs pressing them against here pussy lips. _You bastard! You wait until David finds out. Get your fucking hand off my cunt you fuck! These guys are unethical scumbags for nurses. Wait until I report this to the hospital administration for taking advantage of a paralyzed woman._ "No man. I'll pass on the feel. Ya know, you're one sick bastard. If I didn't know any better I'd think you were down there bangin' these chicks." _Is this how all men talk? Don't they have any consideration for the patient? I can hear you two, you know and I see you too. Can't you wet my eyes? They're shrinking 'cause they're so dry._ "Get the sheet and cover her. We can't take her down the hall naked." "Huh, huh. Yah. Who wants to see a naked dead chick. Huh, huh." _Hey. I can't see. Why'd you pricks cover my head? I'm moving. Where the hell are they taking me?_ _What did he say? Dead chick? I'm not dead you perverts! What chart are you reading? Where are they taking me. I'm not fuckin' dead! I'm in a coma or something can't you see in my chart?_ "Did ya hear about Dr. Webber?" "What about 'em? _Who gives a fuck you morons? Maybe that's my doctor. Dr. Webber will take care of me. Get this fuckin' sheet off my eyes. God! It's scratching my eyes. (sob)_ "Ole Doc Webber's wife divorced him a few years back. She apparently found that the big ole black snake hangin' between her auto mechanic's legs was more satisfying than the old guy's dried up prune and left town with him. The Doc was devastated and decided he'd prove to himself that still had life left in the ole limp biscuit." _Here we go again with the smut. I'm here and I'm certain you two have made a mistake. If you'd get your heads out of your asses you'd see that. Can't you guys talk about anything else?_ "Yah! She knows us bruthas is built for fuckin'. What'd he do then? Try to kill her?" "He told her adios and tried to even the score by dating some young chicks. But the younger females couldn't warm up to the old fart and the women that were interested in him reminded him of his ex-wife 'cause they was old as him." _Come on! Aren't we there yet? Please get this cover off of me and read my chart. You'll see. You guys are wrong. Dead wrong._ "The Doc was too proud, or tight, to hire a ho. He worked at this welfare clinic downtown and would get these reliefer chicks to go down on his old cock in exchange for prescriptions. Well somebody squealed and they shut him down." _My god! That sick old fart!_ "No shit? That old guy must've had the shiniest knob in town 'cause that clinic is full of booty. White trash, fine, black mommas and some pretty hot Spanish ho's too. I'd like to..." "This is the end of the trail for me. Let me help you get her on the table. 1-2-3. There." _Table?_ "Take it easy and quite touchin' the bodies, man. I mean, do what you're supposed to and quit fuckin' around or you'll be lookin' for another job when you get caught. The Doc should be down in about an hour." _Good. We're here. Now the doctor will set things straight. Now please get this cover off of me._ "I's just fuckin' with ya. See ya and thanks." He pulls off the sheet and removes the sheet from underneath her. _Holy shit this bed is cold! It feels like metal and where's my gown? Put a gown on me or are ya going to gawk at me some more?_ Singing, "It's just, you and me bay-ay-ay-ay-bee..." _Great! Now he's singing. Where's the doctor?_ "It's just you and me baby an' a whole hour to get to know each other" he says leaning over her face and talking to her. _Boy you are one ugly summa-na-bitch and black to boot. What the fuck did you have for lunch you stanky bastard? Brush your teeth and get me the doctor. I wish I could scream or even move a finger. Give this moron some kind of sign. Maybe I can move my eyes._ "Time to get you cleaned up and pretty." _Did you see that? Look here! Did you see my eye twitch? Look here you dumbass! There, did you see my eye? Look, here, dammit! I am alive! I am alive, I just can't move. Maybe my eyes are so dry they aren't moving. I have to do something. Where's that doctor?_ "There. Don't want you to catch a cold. You know what they say, 'cold hands, warm heart.'Hah! I made a funny." _What a dick!_ _What is that? Sounds like water and metal tinkling together. Oh! That water is so nice and warm. It feels so good. Yes. He's cleaning me for my bed. I bet I'm dirty after coming out of that car wreck. Watch your hands you little pervert. Can't say I can blame you though soaping up my tits. They are nice if I do say so myself but they're off limits to you._ "Wish I had a set of these to play with all day. Guess I do for now. Fuckin' awesome tits lady. Momma done fed you right. Wooo! You makin' Jack's big ole stick hard. You are a naughty lil' girl." He continually squeezes and kneads her breasts as his hands slide over them with the soap. The large mountains of flesh are still pliant as he pushes them together to marvel at her enormous cleavage. Her nipples are dark cherry in color and have become distended due to the cool air. He can't resist giving them both a pinch. _Uhhh_ _. I can't stand it when that sick little bastard tweaks my nipples it sends a shudder down my spine. Yah, a shudder! That's it! Did you see me shudder! Do it again. Oh! Did you see that? I had-to-have-moved-dam-it! Do it again. Wow, that one made me jump! Did you see that?_ "Hey lil' lady. You just settle down and let nature take its course. I know ole Jack is quite handy with the ladies but I didn't know I could make a cold one jump. Damn I mus' be good." _He noticed! Thank god he noticed! I have to show the doctor and I'll be out of this place in no time._ "Yah, jus' let ole Jack warm you up for the grand finale. Let me get you nice an' clean before we start to play. Oopps, can't forget your special place. Let me get down there an' take a look see." He steps to the end of the table and eases her legs apart to spray the water onto Janine's crotch. He soaps up his gloved hands and proceeds to work her furry muff into a lather. _Haven't you had enough? You act like you've never been close to a woman's body._ "That is one fine lookin' pussy. I bet your husband was up in that 3 times a day. Whoooeyy!" He works the lather into the folds of her vagina lips, pushing them back to expose her erect clit. He rubs it in a circular motion as it pushes back against his finger. _Oh what a hog! That fucker is enjoying himself. Oh, my I feel that. Can't he have any decency for a paralyzed patient? (sob) What is wrong with people? Ohh that feels good, dammit. I don't want it too feel good. Not from this pig. Don't you have a girlfriend? Where is that fucking doctor? How can that feel good when I'm in this state? Aren't there other nurses besides him?_ "Let me rinse that off an' get a better look. Oh yah that is one meaty set of lips and look at that big ol' clitty. Bet your husband loved to suck on that fat thing. Just like a lil' cock." He took his other hand and gave her clit a flick with his finger and her body tensed as an erotic jolt coursed through her. He began to slide the hood covering her clit back and forth enjoying the sight. "Them nerves of yours must still be wired. Probably from some heavy drugs. You doin' drugs little lady? Naughty, naughty." He slid a wet finger inside her vagina. Her wetness and the remnants of the soap and water made a squishing sound. _"I never did drugs you sick fuck. Stop fingering me and look at my chart. We were drinking and that's all!"_ "Well maybe you'll like this." He withdrew his finger and picked up her legs by the ankles. With the water acting as a lubricant he slid her body down the cold metal table towards him placing her feet in the stirrups. _What the hell are you doing? Jesus Christ I am not here for your amusement. What do you think I am, a rag doll?_ Her sex was fully exposed as he knelt down level with her crotch. "Since you all nice and clean it would be a shame to let that sweet pussy go to waste." He moved towards her bottom stiffly spreading her legs as far as they would go. _What the hell does he think he's doing? Oh no!_ His thumbs spread open her sex as his mouth moved closer until he was within tongue's reach. His wet, pink appendage pointedly touched her exposed clit sending a jolt through her body. "Well I guess I am magic after all." _Yes! That's it. Did you feel me? I am alive in here. I can feel your depraved fucking tongue you sick fuck! Do it again. Oh yah. Did you feel me?_ "You are one hot lady. Your body's so hot it still wants more even now. Let Mr. J take care of that nasty reflex." He began to lick between her legs in earnest parting her stiffening flesh and delving deeper. She was luke warm but he didn't care. No more than any of the other times he'd done it. He tugged on her labia with his teeth an buried his tongue as deep as he could, "Gotta get you all wet inside for Mr. J's boom stick." _Can you feel me? That's it, keep doin' it. Lick me you sick fuck. Feel my body twitch. I am alive, I am alive dammit! This is sick. What am I doing?_ "Damn woman, I swear you getting' wet all on your own. Must be Mr. J's expertise. Damn you sure do got a nice little pussy here. Wonder how many have been her before me? I bet you give it up all the time. Mmmm you taste sweet. I did a nice job cleanin' you up. Maybe your husband would like to join us. He should be 'round here somewhere too." _David. Oh David, I'm sorry. I feel like I'm cheating but I have to. It's my only chance to let this sick pervert know I'm alive. I wish you knew where I was. I love how you took care of me. Yes, that's how I can do it. I'll pretend it's you my love. If I pretend it's you then I won't feel guilty. He has to know, mmmm David. Yes David. That sounds nice. (sob) I love you David, mmmm..._ "Sweet momma, you sure are warmin' up to me. Hah, I'm a real comedian. You almost as cold as that table." _Shut up! Just shut up! Get back to what you were doing._ _Yes David, that's it. Keep your hot tongue against my button. I love how you suck on it and make it so hard. I feel so hot for you. My kitty's on fire for you David. Lick me David, oh eat me. Make me cum hard. Like never before. (sob) Make him know I exist. Ahhh, yah that's good David. I'm so close David. Can you bring me off David? Huh?_ "Well that's enough of that. You must have juice in reserve lady. I ain't never had one so wet before." _Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! You fucking little prick fuck! Why did you stop?_ "I swear your face is gettin' flushed Mr. J is so good. Now lets see how ya like this." _I hear a zipper. Oh David I can't hold back I have to let him know I'm alive._ "Damn girl you are clampin' up. Didn't think you were that cold. Let me help you out a little." He took 2 fingers from each hand and pushed them inside her and then pulled her vaginal walls apart in preparation to drive his penis in. _Owwwww_ _... Oh my god that hurt. Can't you be a little gentle you bastard? I'll do it but you need to take your time._ "Lady, you are in for a treat 'cause there's a full moon out tonight and I feel like Superman. I am made of steel and I am fully charged. Fuck! My cock looks extra big tonight." He pressed its large, black head against her labia and forced its girth inside. _Holy fuck what are you putting in me, your arm? Can't you feel my pussy squeezing you. Holy shit he's big. Ahhhhh that big thing hurts._ The further he pushed it in the more he spread the stiff flesh apart. "Fuck lady! I sure am glad you are wet inside cause I'm feedin' you all my dark meat tonight. Yah that's as tight as a virgin teen. I bet Davey never filled you out like that. Scrawny lil' white boys can't compare to Mr. J." _Oh David. Yes (sob) my sweet David. That's you I feel inside me. You are so sweet and hard. It does feel good now David. You can go ahead and have you way with me David. That's it. Make Mommy cum for Daddy. Make Mommy (sob) cum for this man. He has to feel me bucking against him David. (sob) I feel disloyal but that hard cock feels good. I want to cum so he feels me squeeze him David. He'll have to know I'm alive then. He'll just have to._ "Yah bitch. Take it! Take it! Take my big black cock inside. Let me have those tits. Mmm they are fuckin' nice. Maybe I'll soap them up again and fuck 'em. Do you like pearl necklaces? Bet you do bitch. Bet you'd rather have it on your face though, huh? Big ole thick, white, creamy load all up on your lips. Hot fuckin' lips." _That's it David I'm getting' off on his cock. For you David. For you._ "I'm gettin' close you slut. Wish you could take over and ride me hard. Set down on my pole and feel it way up inside you. Bet you'd like that, impalin' yourself on my stick. Bet-you-would." _David I'm cumming. God forgive me I'm cumming, David. David.... Oh that feels so good I can feel the heat. Do you feel it?_ "Baby I'm gonna pump you so full I'm gonna have to clean you up again. Ngghhh that's good. Oh yah. I wish you could feel that hot cum. _I do. I do you sick pig. David help me. I feel it so he must feel me too. So hot and thick in me David. Oh David, love me..._ "Oh yah. Shit, look at ya. Cum everywhere you slut. Can't you hold it in? Wow you are hot lady and I just can't get enough of that body." He climbed up onto the table and straddled her groin. His cock was still drooling as he wiped it in her thick bush. His white semen glistened as it clung to her dark pubes while he rubbed in deeper with the head of his penis. _Oh David will it ever end? I'm feeling so sleepy David. He didn't notice. My pussy's so hot. I guess I am not meant to be alive. So hot. I tried David but no one cares. No one can hear me. No one can feel me. No one cares...My eyes, I can't see anymore...._ Janine slowly drifted off as her mind quieted for good; but, not before she heard the doors to the morgue burst open. "Doctor, there she is. Oh my god! What are you doing to her?" the nurse exclaimed. The orderly sat frozen atop Janine's cold body; his cock in hand, dripping semen and a look of shock on his petrified face. He scrambled off the table to his feet adjusting his clothes as he ran out the door past the trauma team. He wouldn't get far though as security later found him hidden in the corner of the laundry room and his fate was sealed forever. "Doctor! I'm afraid she's dead. There's no pulse." "Oh my lord. If those dumb bastards..! If we only had found her in time" he replied. The other nurse read the chart, "(gasp) Oh my! Here's the problem doctor. Oh my god. This isn't Janine Carter's chart!" _I love you David..._ We found the perfect house, fully furnished, 3 bedrooms 2 1/2 baths. The master bedroom had mirrored doors on the closet and a large wall mounted mirror above where the bed was. In the "master bath" there were also a lot of mirrors, tiled throughout the shower walls and the walls in the room. The carpets in the house had 2-inch foam padding underneath which we both considered a necessity since I loved to suck Sean's cock with him standing above me. A bathroom joined the other two bedrooms; the only way in or out of that bathroom was through those bedrooms. We decided that the master bedroom would be for when we had fuck buddies over-- because it had great sex appeal and we didn’t want to fight over it. Sean and I would use the other bedrooms on a regular occasion as our rooms. Our threesome invite code was to leave the little sauna light in our bathroom on when we were fucking someone in the "master bedroom". One night I brought someone home from the bar I was working at, I had told Sean about him -- he was very open about the idea that he wanted to fuck me, and he wouldn’t mind sharing me or watching me with another man at the same time. His name was Brian. When I came home I told Brian that I just needed to get towels outta the other bathroom and I would be right into the master bathroom, I wanted to shower after working all night. When I went into our bathroom, Sean heard me and snuck in on me and began to tease me with his fingers on my clit, when he realized I was already wet Sean asked if I had company. I told him that I did, acting like he had to stop playing with me, I leaned up to kiss him and walked out of the bathroom quickly, just as I reached the door I flipped the sauna switch and looked over my shoulder and winked at him. "See you in five minutes?" I asked. Sean was shocked that the first weekend in this house I wanted to let him watch me fuck someone and possibly join in. "Ummm yeah " He said shocked. I went into the master bedroom to find Brian sitting on the bed curious as to what I had planned. I told him that Sean was home - but I really thought we should take that shower.. Stripping down to the black lace thong and bra Sean bought me for a "house warming" gift. I made sure he could see my cunt slips spread while I bent over taking off my thigh highs. I wanted him to be hard in that shower... I went in and started the water and slowly took off the thong and bra and said "hey you coming in?" Sean sat in the living room dieing to come in but wanting to hear me moaning before he did. Brian quickly got undressed and joined me in the shower, I teased him by rubbing up against him with my naked body then licking at his ears chest and mouth, by now Sean had moved into the bedroom and was watching from the bathroom doorframe. Sean watched through the frosted glass shower door, as I moved to my knees in front of Brian, teasing his cock with my tongue, I started to suck his cock full force, making him moan and making Sean begin to undress to join us. I knew Sean was there I could just sense his presence so I asked Brian if he cared if Sean, at some point joined us, then I took his cock in deep into my mouth again, knowing that even if he did care he would say he didn’t just because I was sucking his cock so good. Sean moved to just outside the shower door and waited for what seemed like eternity to me, I sucked Brian’s cock and played with my cunt, then I told him I needed to be fucked so I bent over in front of him and let him slide his thick cock into my cunt. That’s when Sean came into the shower.. When I was bent over and getting fucked.. Brian’s hands were on my shoulders and he was fucking me hard making me scream. "Room for one more?" Sean asked as he came into the shower. “Mmmmm yes “I moaned out and Brian just nodded. Sean came in and leaned down and kissed me forcefully and then stood up and slid his cock across my lips. "She’s a good little slut isn’t she" Sean said as he opened my mouth with his big hands.. Sliding his cock into my mouth. "Mmmmm yes and so tight " Brian answered watching Sean fuck my mouth; he became more turned on and fucked me faster. Sean reached back and slapped my ass and told me to be a good whore and make them cum in the shower. I moaned into his cock as they both pounded away at me -- I was getting close to Cumming and Sean could tell so he stopped and told Brian " She’s going to cum, you have to see this she’s a squirter" Sean lifted me up against the wall so my cunt was even with both of their cocks and they began to slide their fingers in and out of my tight cunt, they took turns fucking me with their fingers whoever wasn’t at the time was teasing my slit with his tongue. "Oh my god " I screamed as I began to throb around Sean’s fingers, "put your finger in her" Sean told Brian, and then they both worked my cunt together as I came all over their hands.... Brian spoke up and said " mmmmm I think its our turn to cum, what should we do to her?" Sean smiled and said, " I like the way you think... you can fuck her cunt, but lift her up so I can get that tight little asshole." Brian lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he slid his cock into me.. He spread my ass cheeks for Sean. "This should be fun,” he mumbled as they both started to pound in and out of me.... I was screaming and begging them not to stop as they fucked me fast... Sean’s hands were on my tits pinching and rubbing... he whispered to me " tease your cunt lover while we fuck you...cum all over his cock for me I want to watch you be a slut and lick your cunt juice off him". Brian was biting my neck and making my whole body shiver. "Mm mmmmm" I moaned out "it feels so good to get fucked by two men who know how to do it! Sean your cock fills my tight ass so well and Brian your cock is stretching my cunt so good" I wanted them to cum fast because I wanted to move into the bed soon, so I started to talk like a slut for them both. " Bitch I’m close” Sean whispered in my ear before biting my neck. "Me too " Brian said as they both thrusted harder.... "I want your cum all over my face guys... and I want you to stroke it into my mouth too!!!" I begged. Looking at Brian, Sean said " She’s got a point -- it would be hot to see her try and take two loads of hot sticky cum. So they both pulled out of me and forced me to my knees where they began to stroke their cocks until they came all over my face and in my mouth. Then Sean made me swallow, telling me to get cleaned up while he had a smoke because I was going to be wearing more cum in a few minutes. The "we are the champions" song was being chanted, by practically the whole State of New York and then some. The New York Yankees had just pulled off another World Champion. About 15 people were in Julie's house and the beers were now flowing like water, even though a few Boston fans had left furious, the party was on; for like about 3 hours when she decided to kick them out of her apartment. Her previous joy had now replaced her mood, as she stared at her totaled apartment, it seemed like a small tornado full of beer bottles, chips, plates, cups and cheese had just swooped through her kitchen, dining and living room. Exhausted she left to her bathroom and washed up, she felt too tired and set to pick up the mess in the morning, which she knew she would dread it the next day. After washing up and doing all her girly activities before bed, she dried up and went to her bedroom. As she directed her way to her bedroom she heard a voice inside of it and quickly pushed open the door letting her fear conquer her thoughts and movements. Monica was sitting in the corner of her bed. Monica was Julie's best friend and had been so for quite some time now. "Mon, what the hell are you doing here? Didn't I kick your dumb ass out?" "No, because I was in here when you pushed everyone out the apartment. You specifically said 'ok everyone get the hell out of my living room and out on the streets' so, u did not mention your room. So, ha!" Monica was known for not being the best at holding her liquor ever and usually awoke to an embarrassing story narrated by one of her friends. So Julie was pretty used to this already. By now Monica was lying back on Julie's pillow and putting her ipod on full blast. At her closet she pulled down a few pillows, a blanket and a quilt. Neatly placing them on the floor parallel to her own bed "I know that is not for me J," standing up she messed up the arrangement and nearly toppled over, "I want to sleep with you my love." "I need to work early tomorrow Mon, and you move too much in your sleep; especially when you're tipsy." "If you don't let me," hiccup "then, I'm going to keep on talking shit and really won't let you sleep then" Julie hated this, at having no alternative she made the deal with her friend and pulled up one of her blankets so she could have an extra one just in case. The lights went out and she lay down next to Monica. She fell asleep quickly and deeply. Her dreams went in and out of her mind, not really remembering them except for the last one. In this particular one she dreamt that she was heading down to the subway, practically running down as she was going to be late to work for her third time in a 3 week margin. After she had passed the turnstile, a pair of hands reached at her from behind and began to choke her, leaving her to think she was about to faint and then just like that moving down to grab her breast. She awoke panting, to find Monica sitting on top of her in a cowgirl form. "I told you I didn't want to sleep with you because you move so fucking much, you bitch get..." Monica dived forward, grabbing each of Julie's arms back with her own, pinning her down on the bed and kissing Julie. Julie squirmed to get loose of her grasp but her strength did not match her friends. Monica began to kiss her all over her neck and ears trying to get some sort of response that was not of resistance. She did not know what to think about her friends actions, she never thought she was interested in her and never thought she was into girls. Julie still baffled at her friends' actions, seemed to feel something building inside of her body, squirming a little bit less and letting Monica take her course. She let out a small moan and Monica knew she had her were she wanted and loosened up her grip, only a small amount though, just in case Julie resisted again. Julie began to kiss her back and pulled her arms away, grabbing Monica's smooth face and running her fingers through her long brown hair. Her lips felt so soft on hers, she had never felt like this kissing a man. Her hips were now thrusting forward, putting one of Monica's legs in between hers to grind her pussy on it. She pulled Monica's shirt of and her tits fell on her face, she quickly shoved one into her mouth sucking on her big nipples. Monica's breasts were huge and she was proud of them, she was always known for flaunting her size 32-D breast. Julie also loved them and every now and then grabbed one or both, but everyone knows woman can do that and get away with it. As she had it in her mouth at this instant she wished Monica would get drunk and sleep over more frequently. Her hands had know found her ass and it was bare, Monica had taken the liberty of pulling them off before she was awake, rubbing her ass she spanked her and gripped it tightly. Turning over she pulled of her pajama shirt and let Mon suck on her breasts, grinding her pussy on her belly and squeezing her nipples. She pulled away and took her shorts off. Julie jumped up and placed her pussy on Monica's mouth, holding on the back board of her bed. Monica grabbed her hips and caressed Julie's pussy with her tongue, making her tremble on her jaw. Julie grabbed her head pushing Monica's tongue deeper inside of her. Leaning back Julie touched Monica's pussy and began to stimulate her clit, still moving her hips helping Monica's tongue movements on her wet cunt. She flipped over and was now licking her pussy also, the smell of a wet pussy that was not hers excited her more than she thought. She licked her clit and put it in her mouth, occasionally gently biting it and sometimes harder but Monica loved it all the same. She let her fingers go inside of her and began to vigorously finger her pussy making Monica pause her own pussy licking to moan and bite Julie's thighs. She started with 2 fingers and had worked her way up to 4. She told Monica to finger her also, so she could feel her fingers inside of her. Still letting her tongue play with Monica's clit she picked up her finger pace. She pulled out her fingers and sucked the juice off all of them, the taste of her pussy made her quiver even more than the smell of moist pussy. She traced the juices back to where they came from, sticking her tongue inside of her, she pulled her legs back and stuck her tongue in as deep as she could. As she was doing so her chin massaged her clit each time she opened her mouth wider. Monica began to finger Julie's ass and she loved it, making Julies hunger for her increase. Picking up her speed, Monica shoved a finger inside her ass and the other in her pussy. Julie stopped her actions and bit her own lips, she felt it coming and gripped on the sheets and let out a groan. She came on her tongue and Julie pulled out and licked her fingers dry from her. Julie hopped off and opened Monica's legs as wide as she could, and began to shove her tongue inside of her. She pulled out and shoved 4 fingers inside of her fucking her hard making her scream. She reached forward and grabbed one of her breasts; she now put in the last finger inside her and still felt as though she could put in more. She made the form of a triangle with her right hand and slowly slid it inside her friends' juicy pussy, when she reached her knuckles she rammed her hand in and Monica gave a jump. "Oh, that feels great, keep fucking me you bitch!" she screamed at her ordering her to shove in every bit she could. Her hand was up to her wrist and Monica had leaned over grabbing her forearm to go in deeper but could not. She kept sliding her hand up and down Monica's pussy. Not being able to take it anymore, Monica fell back on the bed arching her back and groaning loadly. "Fuck-I'm-gonna- cum!" Julie pulled out and rubbed her clit quickly, as Monica pulled a pillow over her face she let out a scream and felt liquid escape her body, with Julie's mouth a few inches from her opening, a jet of liquid shot out and on her face drenching her in Monica's juices. Julie surprised by this fell backwards on her ass. "Oh, fuck that was good, and I'm sorry I didn't warn you about my squirting abilities." "I should have imagined it, you are known for making dramatic exits." |
With a sigh of contentment Anna Moore plopped down on her couch. It was Friday night and her frantic work week was finally over. She was looking forward to a large pepperoni pizza and a night in front of the TV. Suddenly there came a knock at the door. "Great, now what?" she wondered as she walked to the door. Opening it she was surprised to see her friend Marie standing there grinning at her. "Hey girl! I thought I'd come by and surprise you!" said Marie while pulling Anna in for a hug. "Hi Marie. This is a surprise! But how did you get into the building? I never heard the intercom." Anna asked while standing aside to allow Marie to enter. "That nice old man at number 5 was at the door when I got there, he let me in." Anna rolled her eyes. "They'll let anyone in these days." she teased and followed Marie to the lounge. After they sat down Marie asked "So, what are your plans for the evening?" "I'm going to do as little as humanly possible. I'm exhausted after this week. I'm going to order a large pizza and binge-watch some series." Anna replied. Marie shook her head sadly. "That is what I thought. You are going to waste another Friday night hiding in your cave. That just won't do! How are you going to meet guys? Do you expect Edward Cullen to come sweep you off your feet while you hide here in the dark?" "Edward Cullen? Who's that? Is that the creepy guy at number 9?" Anna asked while looking at Marie strangely. "No, silly! Edward Cullen from the Twilight films. That sexy hunk with the hot bod and the dreamy eyes. He can come and bite me any time!" Marie explained while giggling. "Wait, are we talking about that really pale dude that looks like a unicorn farted on him every time he walks into sunlight? He's so sparkly that I'm surprised he didn't give that poor girl whose blood he was after eye issues." said Anna while laughing. Marie gave a sigh. "You have no imagination." "Imagination is not the problem. The last time I went out with you on a girl's night you fed me so many cocktails that people thought I was having a stroke when I tried to dance!" "I remember!" said Marie laughing. "That one guy even tried to call an ambulance. You have to admit, that was hysterical!" "Maybe then, but definitely not the following morning! That headache had a life of its own! I still get chills just thinking about it. Well, what I can remember of it anyway." grumbled Anna. "Whatever. You can't just sit here and let life pass you by. You have to get out and enjoy yourself a little. I thought we could go to that new nightclub that opened nearby, Electricity. I heard amazing things about it." "Oh hell, with a name like Electricity it's bound to be extremely lame." said Anna laughing. Marie winked. "Only one way to find out. What do you think? Night out on the town? Come on, go throw on a sexy black dress and then we go and make some guys wish they had our numbers. Who knows, maybe you meet your knight in shining armor tonight!" "You know I don't like horses." Anna grumbled. "Not since that one bit me on the shoulder and pissed on my foot. The knight can go and find someone else to rescue!" "You know what I mean! There won't be a real horse. Let's go and raid your closet and see if we can make you look presentable." "This can only end in tears." mumbled Anna while following Marie to the bedroom. "What the hell?! What is all this?! Are you keeping some clothes for your grandmother? Did the nursing home have a sale or something?" exclaimed Marie as she viewed the contents of Anna's closet. "You'll never get a guy with any of these!" "Why? What's wrong with it?" "Oh, where to start! This dress is longer than Sarah Jessica Parker's face, and this one's neckline is so high you'd have to decapitate yourself to get into it! Where are your sexy dresses? Do you even possess such a thing? Or will I have to start buying you clothes?" Marie lamented. Anna gave a sigh and started digging through her outfits. "What about this one?" she asked while holding a red dress beneath her chin. "Nope, you are going to look like a fire hydrant. What else have you got?" Anna continued digging. "How about this one?" "What the hell color is that? Turquoise? Or peacock shit? I can't decide!" giggled Marie. "Okay, not that one. And it is sea green, by the way. What about this one?" Marie shook her head. "Nope, you can't wear such outlandish colors on a night out. You wardrobe looks like a chameleon exploded in there! Where are your black dresses? We are looking for something that shows a bit of leg!" "Oh please, like any guy wants to see my pasty white legs. I haven't been in the sun in so long that guys will think I'm a vampire or something." laughed Anna. "Stand aside, let me see if I can salvage the situation." Anna stood to one side and watched Marie go through her wardrobe. "Nope, no, not this one, what the..., no, what the hell is this, no, nope......" Marie mumbled while going through the outfits. After a minute or so she turned around with a black dress and held it out to Anna. "Right, try this one. It is the only one that looks relatively doable. I was starting to give up all hope!" "Wow, I've forgotten about that one! I bought it years ago. I don't even know if it will still fit me." Anna exclaimed while kicking off her shoes and taking off her t-shirt and jeans. "Wait! Hold everything!" Marie exclaimed. "What's wrong now?" sighed Anna. "We are going to have to do something about that underwear. You can't go out wearing that!" said Marie, eyeing Anna's undergarments. "I'm not going to be walking around in my underwear. I'll be dressed." said Anna surprised. "I'm sorry. You can't go out in pink cotton underwear with little red hearts and tiny white bunnies all over it. What are the guys going to think?!" giggled Marie. "They're not going to see it. I don't do the whole one-night stand thing. You know that." "Girl, all I'm saying is that you have to be ready for anything. Where do you keep your underwear?" After a minute of mumbling sadly to herself about the contents of Anna's underwear drawer and digging deeper and deeper Marie finally turned around holding a black bra and some black panties. "Well, it is not a thong and you seem to only own old people underwear, but it will have to do." "I don't wear thongs. It constantly feels like I have something up my ass. And have you seen what they cost? I'll stick to plain cotton underwear, thank you very much! If you insist on a night of drinking and debauchery, I'll need a shower first." said Anna, taking off her underwear. She was about to turn to go into the bathroom when she noticed Marie's eyes on her body. "Um, what? What's wrong?" she asked. "Nothing, nothing at all." Marie said distractedly, all the while staring at Anna's nakedness. "Seriously, what's up?" asked Anna. In answer Marie walked closer. "I.....I don't think I've ever noticed what an awesome body you have. You look amazing." Marie said, breathing heavily. "Oh, uh, thanks." Anna replied nervously. "I....I just want to......"Marie moved closer and kissed Anna, while wrapping her arms around Anna's waist. Anna pulled her head back. "Woah, slow down there. What are you doing?" "Sorry! I'm so sorry!" Marie muttered, letting go of Anna. "I don't know what got into me! I'm sorry!" "It's okay." said Anna. "But we definitely have to get you laid tonight!" "Yeah, maybe that's it." laughed Marie, regaining her composure. "I'm going to hit the shower; I'll be right out." said Anna, moving to the bathroom and closing the door behind her. With hot water cascading over her, Anna thought about Marie's strange behavior. Marie had never given any hints that she might be into girls, and Anna considered herself straighter than a laser beam. "Maybe it was just a spur of the moment thing." she thought while grabbing her body wash. She quickly soaped herself up and was very surprised to find her clit slick with her own juices when she washed her pussy. 'What is going on?" she wondered and then gasped as she touched her clit again. She was sensitive and throbbing. Pondering the implications of her wetness, but enjoying the sensations she kept rubbing the sensitive nub slowly. After a few seconds though she started rubbing herself faster and faster, trying to stifle her moans of pleasure. With her left hand she started kneading her breasts and playing with her nipples, stiffening them into hard peaks. It wasn't long before she felt her orgasm building. The suddenness and intensity of her orgasm surprised her and she shuddered and moaned, not caring who heard her. Wave after wave of intense pleasure washed through her, almost making her legs buckle. For a few seconds nothing mattered except the pleasure radiating through her body. Eventually her orgasm subsided and she held onto the shower wall, breathing hard. "Why did I just do that? Why was I so turned on?" she wondered, trying to steady herself on shaky legs. After while she turned the water off and got out of the shower. While drying herself she pondered the implications of her actions. "There you are, I thought you were going to be in there forever!" Marie said after Anna emerged from the bathroom. She showed no sign of her earlier actions. "Yeah, yeah. I went as quickly as I could." stammered Anna. She was sure Marie knew exactly what she had been up to in the shower. "Must have been some shower, you look all flushed." Marie giggled. Remaining silent, Anna quickly got dressed. "Well, what do you think?" she asked Marie while turning in a circle. "Girl, you look amazing. I would kill to have a body like yours!" said Marie, winking at Anna. "Let's get your hair and makeup done and then we can go and conquer the night!" Anna sat down in front of the mirror and started applying some makeup. "Remember, you want your sexy face, not your I'm-going-to-the-office face." teased Marie. Anna rolled her eyes. "You know I only have one face, right? The one I was born with." "Girl, you know what I mean. You have to look like a sexy Bond-girl, not Susan at reception. You want to make the guys weak at the knees, not make them think you are going to take a message!" After a few minutes of applying makeup and experimenting with different shades of lipstick, Marie was satisfied. "Right, now for your hair and then we can go paint the town red." "But what about you? You are still in your casuals?" asked Anna, looking Marie up and down. "Right here, girl." Marie exclaimed, pulling her outfit out of her bag. "I just needed to see if I could convince you to join me first before I got all dressed up." After a few minutes Anna's hair was done and Marie was decked out in a short black dress with a plunging neckline. "You know if you go out like that, the guys won't remember your face." Anna teased. "They'll all be focused on what's going on lower down." "All part of the plan, my girl. All part of the plan." laughed Marie as they headed to the door. "I just really hope I remember the night this time around." mumbled Anna and pulled the door closed behind her. Molly and I sat there waiting for Dennis. He was a friend of hers. Well, more like an acquaintance. He was roommates with her boyfriend, John and her boyfriend had asked her if she knew any young girls...Dennis like young girls. Even though I was in a relationship at the time, she instantly thought of me because she knows I love older men and would never pass up an opportunity to get something different. Now, I was a little nervous and being in a bar, I naturally did one of the things I do when I am nervous...I drank. I had about 4 beers and 2 White Russians. By the time Dennis showed up, I was very relaxed an in the flirtiest of moods. He walked through the door and Molly nudge me and nodded in his direction. He was very nice looking for an older guy. He had a shaved head and a goatee which is a look that I find very attractive on a man. I think I just like the sinister look of it. He was muscular and dressed casually in jeans and a t-shirt. He walked over to Molly and she introduced us. I motioned him over to sit next to me and we started talking. I learned that he was forty-three yrs old, divorced, and worked in construction. The more we talked, the more relaxed I felt. I began touching his knee and leaning into him giving him a look at my cleavage. I never considered myself the "model type" but I thought I looked pretty good at twenty-one with my long dark brown hair and brown eyes. I am about 5'4 and back then was around 120lbs. I even remember what I had on, my favorite black mini skirt and red sweater. He had a few rum and cokes and by midnight, we were both ready to leave the bar and go somewhere more private. He suggested his house. Molly stayed behind. When we got into his car and started driving, he pulled me closer to him. I kissed his neck and started rubbing his crotch. From what I could tell, he was already getting hard and it felt like I was in for a big treat. At the stop light, he reached down and unzipped his pants and ordered me to suck his cock. That was another thing I liked about Dennis. He was very aggressive and loved dominating me. I leaned down and took his cock out, it was about 7" half hard and I was a bit nervous thinking about how big it would be once he was fully erect. I had never taken a cock bigger than 6 or 7 inches before. I slid it into my mouth slowly, sucking it in and out. He put his hand on the back of my head forcing me to take all of his cock in my mouth. It gagged me a little but my throat quickly opened up allowing the full length to go in. With a few more thrusts, he unloaded into my mouth. I felt his thick cum in my mouth and he wouldn't let go of my head so I was forced to swallow every drop. His was the first cum I ever swallowed. When we arrived at his house, he showed me inside. He asked if I wanted a beer and I said yes and asked if I could use the phone. He said that was fine. I called my boyfriend at the time and told him I wouldn't be home. That I was staying the night at Molly's. I was lucky that he was an understanding and trusting boyfriend. He said that was fine and he would see me tomorrow. I felt guilty for what I was about to do but I have gone too far to turn back now. And at this point I wanted Dennis so bad, my pussy was dripping wet. After some more small talk, he leaned in and started kissing me. I felt his hands go up under my sweater and my bra and cup my breasts. He began massaging and caressing my nipples between his fingers. He laid me back on the couch and pulled my skirt up and slid my panties off. He put them behind him on the couch and then started fingering my pussy. I closed my eyes and threw my hands over my head and just relaxed. Feeling his fingers go in and out while his thumb massaged my clit. He commented on how wet I was and what a nice smooth baby girl pussy I had. He then began licking my clit and sucking it between his lips. I was in heaven. He pushed my legs up and apart exposing my clit even more. As he continued licking me, he slid a finger up my ass. I was surprised as I have never had this done before. It felt so good and he comment on how tight I was. Dennis suggested that we go upstairs because he thought his roommate might come home and he wanted a little more privacy. He took me by the hand and picked up my panties. I pulled my skirt down and followed behind him as he led me upstairs. We walked down the hall to his bedroom. His room was light blue. There was a black light over the bed and an American flag on the wall. On his closet door was a mirror. His bed was lengthwise along the closet door, if you were lying in bed, you could see yourself in the mirror. He went to his stereo and put on The Doors. He then shut the bedroom door and lay down on the bed and unzipped his pants and looked at me I walked over and sat on the side of his bed and started stroking his cock with my hand. He ordered me to undress him. I walked down to the edge of the bed and took his shoes and socks off and then grabbed the legs of his jeans and pulled them off as well along with his underwear. He then sat up so I could take his shirt off. His cock was rock hard and huge. He told me to get my clothes off. This was an easy task because by this time, I was only wearing my skirt and sweater. Dennis pulled me on top of him and my pussy was so wet already that his cock easily slid in. I began riding his cock. Fucking him hard, being filled with his cock. He reached up and rubbed my breasts using them for leverage as he bounced me up and down on him. He demanded that I cum now or wouldn't be allowed to cum later. I looked down at him and began rocking back and forth, up and down like I was riding a horse. My pussy walls began to contract and release and then my hot juices were all over him. We changed positions and he made it so we were facing the mirror. I was on all fours on the bed and he was standing behind me. That's when I felt it, the tip of his cock poised at the entrance of my asshole. I backed away instinctively and laid flat on the bed. I told him that I didn't want to do that, I have never had anal sex before. He leaned down almost laying on top of me. I could feel his breath against my neck and he whispered in my ear to get my ass up in the air. Then he grabbed me by my hair and pulled me up. He took the palm of his hand and began spanking my ass. Each cheek 10 times. The Doors, Love me two times was playing on the stereo. I begged him to stop. I have never had a man treat me like this before. I was scared and ashamed but at the same time very much turned on. I think that is were my shame came from. He was dominating me and treating me like a whore and I loved it. After he made my ass red, he poised the head of his cock at my entrance again. This time, I didn't move. I was on my elbows and buried my head into the mattress. I felt him pushing his way into me, slowly. The head of his cock was in my ass. He ran his hand up my back and put his other hand on my hip. With one thrust, he was entirely in me. I was full of his cock, his balls resting against my pussy. I didn't move nor did he for several moments. I remember feeling sick to my stomach and somewhat shocked that I had a cock up my ass. He was somewhat encouraging, saying things like relax baby girl and it would be over soon and start feeling good. I just laid there whimpering. He began pumping his cock in and out of my ass slowly. It hurt like hell. I never felt anything like this in my entire young life. I remember thinking that I wish it would be over soon. I started thinking about anything else other than what was happening to me and the pain I felt. Then, it happened. I realized that the pain that I once was feeling was slipping away and now I was feeling wave after wave of pleasure. His cock was sliding in and out easier now and I raised up onto my hands and looked in the mirror for the first time and saw Dennis behind me looking at me as well, with his hands on my hips driving his cock inside of me. I started meeting each one of his thrusts trying to drive him deeper into me. It was ecstasy now. I put my fingers in my mouth and licked them then began rubbing my clit. I heard him say that's it baby girl. I knew you would be into this. He closed his eyes and released his load deep into my bowels. I spanked my pussy and began to cum as well, it was a hard cum and I ended up shooting all over my hand. I had no idea I could cum like that. It was amazing. He collapsed on the bed beside me. And I lay on my stomach. My ass was still stretched wide open from the recent activities. I looked at him and he kissed me on my forehead and rubbed my back. And so it began... |
_***_ "It's not going to work." Chloe put down her wine glass. "Are you sure?" Her host replied. "Quite." Chloe picked at some lint on her shirt. "Taylor is very particular and I don't think I can suddenly arrange something. She'll be suspicious." "Hmm," Katy Perry replied while contemplating. "Can you try anyway?" "I will." Chloe's phone beeped. The blonde glanced at it then hoisted her purse. "I got to go. Gigi is asking for some'relaxation'" Katy stood to hug her guest. As she did everyone got an eye full of what she was wearing: A sundress that did little to hide her curvaceous figure. Her large tits practically bursting free from the top; one sneeze and her boobs would be on full display. The floral print seemed to just hug her waist; billowing out as it reached her ass. Yet, that's not the only reason it was billowing. Katy, the 3C that she was, was hyper endowed. Her thick cock jutted out from her groin, her two overly large testicles pushing it out even further. No one could guess how big she was, but definitely massive. The pair hugged, the overall larger Katy Perry nearly sucking Chloe Grace into her void. The smaller 3C swelled a little as her body touched Katy's. _So damn sexy!_ "I'll be in touch." Chloe turned and left; her small ass shaking as she went. Anyone looking from the front however would see Chloe's dick swelling against tight blue jeans. Katy Perry sighed and downed the last of her wine. _I'm going to end this rivalry, one way or another._ *** Katy watched as the two ladies danced before her. Each one an embodiment of sexuality. Their bodies drenched in sweat as the duo moved; their tight bodies rocking to some heavy dance music. Katy's massive member stuck out between her legs. It was, as expected, diamond hard. The large head, bigger than an orange, was nearly crimson red as she watched her two beauties move about. She favored the latina more; she had a bit more junk in the trunk and was shaking it wonderfully. _Does she do anal?_ Not that the redhead was bad either; her freckled skin glistened with sweat. As Katy watched her move and her large tits gyrate, she had to wonder if her freckles went all the way down. The black haired futa reached down to massage her member but stopped when her phone rang. _Chloe._ She raised up a finger and the music lowered and her ladies stopped dancing. "Hello?" "Everything is set." Chloe's voice came through clear as day. Katy felt like she just won a Grammy. This reward might even be better than her 14 people's choice awards. "That's great!" Katy responded, her smile beaming. "Anything I should know?" "I told her I want to try something new. Also you owe me. Big time. I'll decide what later." "Anything you want." "Great." Chloe was wearing a large grin, but Katy couldn't see that through the phone. "Tomorrow night at 7. I'll text the address." The phone clicked and Katy was beaming. _That little blonde skank did it!_ "Good news?" That was the latina. What was her name? Sophia? Sadie? It didn't matter really. "Yes, very good news. Turn that music back up, I'm gonna show you a new dance." *** Chloe put the phone down, a sudden wave of exhaustion hitting her. "Well?" "It's set." Chloe responded, rubbing her temples. _Celebrity politics._ "Excellent." The room's other occupant replied, a look of glee on their face. "This had better work, or produce no results whatsoever." Chloe replied. "It's my ass on the line, not yours." "And what a fine ass it is." Her conspirator stood up and advanced to her; clothing hitting the floor behind them. "It'll work or you'll get what I promised." *** Chloe lead Taylor into the bedroom, her pert little ass shaking the entire time. The lights were down but the tall blonde could clearly see the bed. At each corner silken ropes were laid out. She arched an eyebrow. "Did you go to the Dungeon again?" The dungeon was the big sex shop in the area. It also, for some quirk, had a full bar making it an interesting hangout spot. _Where'd she come up with this?_ "Maybe." Chloe rocked back on her heels. "Gigi may have also suggested this." _Gigi did? Interesting._ "Well, I'm game, I'll try anything once. What do I need to do?" Chloe was practically wringing her hands together in glee. "Strip and get on the bed. I'll handle the rest." Chloe watched as Taylor stripped down. Admiring her succulent little breasts as the came into view, and her small ass. Taylor flopped onto the bed. "Shouldn't you be naked too?" "In time." Chloe worked quickly, carefully tying the silk so it was tight but not too tight. She then pulled out an eye mask. "It'll enhance everything." "Fine." The 3C blonde worked quickly, fastening the mask securely. "How's that?" "Dark." Taylor responded flatly. Her skin was starting to pucker in the cold air. "And cold." Chloe went to the door and moved it slightly. "Don't worry, I'll turn up the heat." Taylor turned her head to where she thought Chloe was. She heard the small footfalls of her as she approached the bed. Taylor's body reacted instinctively as Chloe wrapped a hand around her foot. Her panic turned to delight as she began to massage the appendage. "Ooh.." "You like that?" Taylor nodded. "Good, let's see what else we can do." Chloe's magic fingers crept up Taylor's body. Carefully, each digit prodded points along her mile long legs. Taylor cooed as she got to her crotch. Yet, to her disappointment Chloe bypassed her sex. "You're getting wet. Very wet." "You...are...Mmmm...putting on a tease..." "It gets better." The 3C responded, her hands drifting higher. Taylor jerked back as hands wrapped around her boobs. Each one was cupped in turn. Taylor moaned as hands pawed at her tits. She squirmed as each nipple rolled between her fingers. "Oh god!" Taylor's juices were flowing; one need only look down at her moistening sex to tell. "That feels so hot..." "Mmm" Chloe purred in response. "How?" "Very!" She absently pulled against her bindings. Taylor also twisted her legs, trying in vain to rub her pussy with her thighs. "Please!" The hands stopped their tease. "Please?" "Please. Give it to me. Fuck me!" "Yes?" "Yes!" Taylor squirmed. "Fuck me now" "Okay!" Taylor felt the bed around her move. Chloe was lining up at her snatch. Two fingers probed her dripping sex; easily sliding into the hot love box. "Oh my, you really want it. Mmmm...you're so wet...and...Mmm...tasty." The blonde singer gasped as she felt a cock press into her, yet something felt off. "Oh god, Chloe, you've gotten bigger...jesus your head feels massive." "You like it?" "Oh it feels wonderful, just don't split me in two." Taylor moaned out, the large head poking at her sex. Yet that moan turned into surprise as her mask was pulled away. "Surprise!" It wasn't Chloe standing over her. It was Katy Perry. Her friend turned rival stood before her. Her massive, 20 inch long, baseball bat of a cock thrusting out from her crotch, the tip glistening from her precum. "Katy?!" They had their falling out over backup dancers. More like Katy fucking them til they couldn't dance. Perhaps Taylor took things too far with her song about her? "In the flesh." Katy prodded her cock, a feral gleam in her eye. "As you can see. Come now, let's end this." "Fine." Taylor responded, ever indignant. She spotted Chloe in the corner of the room. "I suppose you had something to do with this?" "Sorry Taylor." Chloe offered no other explanation. "Put those big girl panties on missy, we're in for a ride." Katy interjected. Taylor groaned as the cock entered her. Her pussy lips spread wide open as Katy's meaty member forced itself inside. Not one for subtlety, she slid it in as far as it would go. She got nearly halfway in before she met any resistance. "Oooh...you are a loose one aren't you?" Katy started up, pumping her dick in and out of Taylor. More of her massive 20 inch cock slid into the blonde singer. "Geez. Very loose. Who'd you fuck before? Molly Quinn?" Taylor only moaned back in response; her body writhing as 15 inches of Katy cock was buried inside her. "That's right! Take my cock! Take it all! Soon it'll be the only thing you want!" The 3C singer was determined to claim Taylor as her own. She was prepared to be there all weekend if need be. Katy was prepared for it, desired it really. Yet, things were going well. Too well, but that wasn't her concern. "You want a piece of this? After I'm done and all?" The 3C looked over at Chloe. The blonde had shucked her clothing and now sat naked in the corner. Even in this light Katy could admire her figure. Chloe was thin and well proportioned; perky tits to a perky butt. No doubt she was the envy of many a girl. Being a member of the girl squad didn't hurt either, nor did the fat sausage jutting from her crotch. A cock that she was slowly pumping; her eyes glued to Katy and Taylor. "Do you like watching us?" Chloe nodded. "You like watching me dominate your little boney assed boss here?" Chloe nodded again, her hand never leaving her dick. "Good. Watch the show and you might get seconds." A few more thrusts and Katy was in. Fully buried inside Taylor, but she didn't take the time to dwell on that. _Let's get this over with so I can take Chloe as well._ Now she was getting greedy. Katy shook her head to refocus herself. The sound of flesh on flesh reverberated throughout the room. Katy's balls slapped the bed regularly as she fucked Taylor. The bad blood singer was riding out waves of orgasmic pleasure as her partner slid in and out. Each stroke brought Katy's cock nearly fully outside before being slammed back in. Each time that sound would emanate from where their bodies joined. Katy roughly was pounding Taylor in earnest, her own delight growing with each thrust. The blonde a writhing mess beneath her. "You're loving this aren't you?!" "Yes!" Another orgasm quickly approaching the non 3C. "Can't get enough of this cock can you!? Can you?!" Katy practically shouted at her partner. Before Taylor could respond however Katy yelped in surprise. Chloe had gotten up from her corner and made her way over. Erect cock bobbing she came up to the fucking duo. The 3C placed a hand on Katy's ass and squeezed. "Time for my reward." Katy stopped her thrusting, surprise on her face. "What?!" "You said anything I wanted. Well, I'm taking this ass." Katy felt hands wrap around her head. "Yes, take her Chloe." "Taylor!?" It suddenly dawned on the black haired singer what happened. "You were never tied up were you?" "Only in part." The blonde smirked. "I pulled the ties when you were fucking me." Chloe squeezed her ass, eliciting a moan. "Mmmm, I'm going to enjoy this." The smaller blonde had gotten up behind her, her 11 inch member poised at the entrance to Katy's sex. Taylor chimed in. "Yep. Let's go for a ride bitch!" **Earlier:** "And what a fine ass it is." Her conspirator stood up and advanced to her; clothing hitting the floor behind them. "It'll work or you'll get what I promised." "Yeah." Chloe mumbled in response. "Aww..." Taylor cupped Chloe's face bringing it to her own. "It's everything we've been planning for. Hell, everything we've been training for! You can do this." Taylor starting popping the buttons off Chloe's jeans, exposing her semi flaccid member. With a single hand she started to jerk it. "No no, my pet, we have this well in hand." **Present:** "Oh god!" Katy shouted as Chloe entered her. Truth be told Katy wanted it, though she was never going to admit that. The blonde's prick slid in easily, going nearly to the hilt before stopping. "Fuck you're wet." Chloe announced. "And loose. I bet you've had a lot of cocks through here." The blondes worked as a team, going over Katy with utmost precision. Chloe worked on her from behind, steadily thrusting her meaty member into the woman's twat while Taylor worked Katy's own cock. She had great control of her sexual muscles, working them and the dick within her like a massage chair. Katy panted as the assault continued. Taylor reached up, grabbing the two bouncing breasts before her. She steered one into her mouth; nearly filling it with titflesh. She skillfully worked her tongue over the teat; slathering it with saliva as she went. Katy cried out as Taylor ran her nipple across her teeth, pinching it every so often. Yet she wasn't finished. Katy's body went completely rigid when Taylor pulled her next trick. Biting her large nipple, Taylor started to lick the tip with her tongue. It was a mix of pleasure and pain that Katy never experienced before. Her body locked up, then she collapsed; her muscles failing to hold her upright. She fell into her blonde partner, her body refusing to move. "Faster!" Taylor demanded, spitting out the tit. Chloe complied, pumping into Katy faster; it was tough work. She was fucking Katy while simultaneously causing Katy to fuck Taylor. Motion started to return to the 'Roar' singer. "Oh god." Katy managed to pant. "I'm going to cum!" "Mmmm...yes, but not til I say so." Taylor exercised her muscles. Katy stopped mid thrust. What was a velvety love canal was suddenly clamping down hard on her member. Any pleasure she was feeling halted immediately. Just like that, Taylor's cunt relaxed and she was able to fuck again. "You see Katy," Taylor explained while inspecting her nails. The blonde spoke in a mocking voice, thoroughly ignoring Katy was fucking her. "I may not be a 3C, but I learned I have another talent. One you feel right now." "Yes!" Katy stammered out. The muscles were massaging her cock; milking it really while Chloe continued to plow her from behind. Katy desperately wanted to cum; her balls practically vibrating. "Just think though if I was a 3C." Taylor rubbed her chin, acting oblivious to the bed shaking and get own body quivering. "I'd bet I'd be a big one. What did you say you were? 20 inches? I'd probably be 23. Or did you say Molly was 24? Maybe I'd be 28 then! "Can you imagine that Katy? I'd be so big I'd need pants with 3 legs! Hahaha! My balls would be so big...one orgasm would be bigger than you put out in a week! Don't you see it my little slut? It would be marvelous." Katy could see it in her mind. Taylor strutting down the street; her ginormous cock bouncing around in front of her. Her pants struggling to contain its' flaccid form. She could see Taylor in a dress, it too couldn't contain her size; the massive head and her large balls peeking out under the hem. Another image flashed before Katy this time she was standing before Taylor, that gigantic dick jutting out at her. As if on cue it fired, spraying down Katy with shot after shot of Taylor's spunk. "May I cum?" Katy squeaked out. She wanted to cum desperately. "May you?" Taylor looked at her partner. "I suppose you can." Katy let loose in a roar. The dam holding her back suddenly opened, seemingly gallons of sperm shot out into her new lover...or was she hers? Taylor's belly bulged as the semen poured inside. The blonde came at the same time Katy did. It was always a thrill for her, orgasmic even, to claim another lover. The orgasm died for Katy sucking the life out of her. Taylor's belly looked almost comically inflated. "Chloe?" The blonde 3C pulled out of the busty black haired woman. Katy fell away from Taylor, thoroughly exhausted. Her breaths came in ragged bursts. Her spent penis felt raw from its' exertion. Yet, they were not done. Chloe stood before her; the fist wrapped around her dick a blur. "Mmmm...yes!" Chloe cried out as she came. Long strands of jizz shot out before landing on Katy. The singer was getting painted with the blonde's spunk. After 30 seconds it was done. A small river of sperm had formed in Katy's cleavage, and a single strand clung to her face. Taylor came up and kissed Chloe. An act that the blonde 3C readily returned. "I told you it would work." "Mmm...that you did. I'm sorry for doubting you." Taylor reached down and squeezed her cock. A singular drop came out and onto the defeated, exhausted Katy. "No worries. Maybe you'll still get your reward." *** "It all worked out." Taylor announced over facetime. "I told you it would. Can I see?" "Sure." Taylor moved the phone over to show Katy Perry. Her former rival now was on her knees before her;noisily eating Taylor out, her body still caked in cum. "Oh that's hot." Iggy Azalea replied. The Australian rapper was naked as far as Taylor could tell. "You see this Nicki? Taylor conquered Katy." The image shifted and Nicki Minaj came into view. The black singer had cum dripping from her lips. "Oh, can I have a taste?" "We'll have a swap. If you're good. Now get back to sucking!" The image went back to Iggy. Taylor couldn't see it, but assumed Nicki was blowing both of Iggy's dicks. "Can she do the double?" "2 Holes yes, we're working on 1 hole. Ain't that right Nicki?" Taylor heard the slap of a hand on flesh, followed quickly by a moan. "We'll get there." "She will. Not everyone gets it on the first try." Iggy let out of a soft moan as Nicki sucked her off. "Not everyone's you Taylor." Taylor beamed. "Nope." _Not everyone can be me._ *** _And we're done! 3 more to go in the series for now. As usual comments and feedback are welcome. Thank you again for those. Grobnar_ |
_Yes I am the author of this and all my other stories. If you see any of my stories with other titles anywhere Please let me know!! Also if you see my stories on other sites Please let me know!! Especially Pay sites. They are all doing so without my permission!!_ _This one, like all my stories, are works of fiction!! None of the people in any of my stories are in anyway real or based on real people._ _I reserve all rights to this story. It may not be transmitted to the public by any means (such as posting to the Internet or to newsgroups) and may not be changed in any way (such as altering the story or title) without my expressed written permission._ * * * * * * \- Introduction - This is the story of a time, long ago, A time of myth and legend. When the ancient Gods were petty and cruel, And they plagued mankind with suffering. A time when the true nature of sexual pleasure Remained a mystery to mankind. They knew nothing of sexual organs, And the pleasure that lay hidden within... This is the story of Gabrielle's discovery of that mysterious realm of sex. \- Chapter 1 Prologue - This story is a sequel to an actual episode aired on the television series, entitled "THE QUILL IS MIGHTIER". Gabrielle gains new respect for the power of the word when Aphrodites casts a spell on her scroll, turning everything she writes into reality. To refresh your memory of the events of that particular episode, read the synopsis, taken from the Xena website, below; SYNOPSIS: When a jealous Aphrodites expresses anger over Xena's growing popularity. Ares reminds her that it is Gabrielle's stories that are really responsible for turning Xena into a legend, a legend above her godlyness. Aphrodites decides she must do something to stop Gabrielle's tales of Xena's exploits and that night, she steals into their camp. As she secretly eavesdrops on their conversation, she is pleased to hear Xena urging Gabrielle to try her hand at fiction rather than recount their latest adventure. Intrigued by the idea, Gabrielle starts a new story in which she herself is the hero and Xena has gone fishing. When Gabrielle drifts off to sleep, the invisible Aphrodites snaps her fingers and a strange aura passes over the scroll. The next morning, Gabrielle awakens with a start when five barbarians come riding out of the woods straight towards her. She amazes herself as she fights them off in brilliant Xena-esque style. When Joxer suddenly pops up from the bedding beside her, she deflects a dagger meant for him and drives off the screaming barbarians. Gabrielle quickly realizes that the morning's events mirror exactly what she wrote in her scroll the night before and further, that whatever she writes is somehow turning into reality. Soon, a cocky Gabrielle is creating scenarios all over town. But when her pen starts to cause serious trouble, Gabrielle resolves to put it aside forever. Joxer, however, convinces her that her writing just needs some judicious editing. Eager to use the scroll to end war, Gabrielle inadvertently divests Ares of his godhood when she writes that war has lost all its power. An outraged Ares falls at her feet. Then, as she quickly tries to reverse her mistake by writing that the force that enchanted the scroll is stripped of its powers, Aphrodites falls from above, as helpless as Ares. As the two ex-gods clear their heads, Ares admits that he manipulated Aphrodites into going after Gabrielle in order to get Xena out of the way. He confides that he has an army assembled and ready to attack the surrounding valley, but promises to call off the assault if his powers are restored. Meanwhile, as Ares' commander Thelonius and his lieutenant Munk continue to wait for the signal to attack, Gabrielle and the others decide that they must bring Xena back in order to straighten things out. But as careful as Gabrielle tries to be in describing Xena's return, her written words result in the arrival of Minya, an old friend and Xena wannabe. After several additional attempts fail to produce Xena, Gabrielle and her cohorts set out to find a trout stream or fishing hole, hoping to locate her. Later, in his never-ending quest to win Gabrielle's heart, Joxer jots down the beginning of a limerick on Gabrielle's enchanted scroll, producing three naked dancing Gabrielles, who are quickly dispatched to the caves. He then trades his scabbard for a beautiful necklace for Gabrielle, unaware that she has hidden her scroll inside it. Gabrielle sends Joxer to wait in the caves and takes off with the others to find the peddler who has the scabbard. Soon Gabrielle and Ares are hot on the peddler's trail, which leads towards the caves. Upon entering, they find Joxer, the five barbarians, the three naked Gabrielles, and all the other characters causing trouble in Gabrielle's stories. Pretty soon, everyone is chasing everyone else to get the scroll. Gabrielle finally grabs it and before losing it again, writes that the scroll finds Xena. When the peddler runs out of the caves with the scroll, pursued by Minya, the barbarians and the naked Gabrielles, Thelonius takes this to be his signal to attack. A short while later, back at the caves, Gabrielle, Joxer, Ares and Aphrodites are surprised by Xena, who arrives with the scroll in one hand, pulling a huge wagon of fish with the other. After questioning Aphrodites closely, Xena concludes that they must write the truth, with no embellishments, in order to break the spell on the scroll. Xena instructs Gabrielle to write down everything she does, exactly as she does it. She then begins attacking Thelonius with a slingshot, flinging fish at him and his army, as Gabrielle and Joxer carefully observe and report from the sidelines. A huge battle ensues, leaving dead fish everywhere. Soon, Aphrodites and Ares are back to being gods and quickly disappear. With the fight finally over and everything back to normal, there's nothing for Gabrielle to write but "The End." Chapter 2 Xena and Gabrielle were enjoying a quiet meal in the local tavern, at their latest rest stop. That is until a Royal messenger entered the establishment to finally locate the Warrior Princess.The messenger approached their table and handed a scroll to Xena, bearing the Royal seal of Athens. Xena opened the parchment and read its message: I Leasius, King of Athens, Humbly request your presence before Athens war council for discussions as to measures to be taken over the recent incursions, by the Spartans, along my Kingdom's borders. It would appear that the Spartans were preparing for yet another invasion upon Greek soil. And the King, having heard of Xena's successes against them, wished her council heard. Since this would only involve discussions and military strategy, Gabrielle saw no need to hold Xena back. She knew and understood the urgency of this summons. Xena and she both realized that the Warrior Princess could reach Athens in a matter of days, if she allowed herself the luxury of riding her steed 'Argo.' After studying the message and discussing it among themselves, Gabrielle convinced Xena to go to Athens without her. The urgency of the situation demanded it. They would meet up afterwards in the town of Dialecles, which was about midway to Athens. Once this was agreed upon, Xena left the tavern with the Greek messenger. So, with one of her trademark leaps, she mounted her steed, Argo, and rode off towards Athens. Of course in her rush to leave, she left Gabrielle behind to pick-up the tab for their meals. As Gabrielle was counting out Dinars into the outstretched hand of the tavern owner, she mumbled sarcastically: "Oooh! You're going to owe me big for this, Xena," Gabrielle swore under her breath. "What was that, Missy?" Gruffed the potbellied owner. "I wasn't talking to you," she answered, looking up in surprise. "Fine," he said, stabbing his stubby finger in the palm of his open hand for his full payment. "Seven, eight and nine. There!" She finished paying. "The food wasn't worth nine Dinars, but never let it be said that I don't pay my debts." With that, Gabrielle returned to her table to pick up her belongings. Looping a strap to her staff, she passed it over her head to rest on a shoulder. Next she passed the cord of her rucksack over her other shoulder. The rucksack, of course, contained her scribe tools. Rolls of parchment, her quills, as well as a number of sealed containers for her finished works. Satisfied that this arrangement of her effects would free her hands for writing, Gabrielle left the tavern and started walking down the road. She picked her direction and headed off towards her rendezvous at the town of Dialecles. Since she was going to be alone for the next couple of days, Gabrielle expected to be able to catch up on her stories of Xena's adventures. Finding the walking rather boring after a couple of miles, Gabrielle pulled out a fresh parchment from her pouch, as well as one of her quills. She breathed in the fresh parchment, as she always did. "Nothing like the smell of a fresh, new parchment to get the writing juices going," she said in total exhilaration. While still walking, she put quill to parchment, and began writing as she continued to hike down the road. She figured that writing would make the time go faster, and give herself a start on the stories. As she continued walking and writing, a swirl of mystical energy was forming alongside of her. Aphrodites, the Goddess of Love, materialized alongside Gabrielle. However, being a Goddess her presence remained invisible to mortal eyes. Her *sheer robe revealing her naked Godly beauty, her golden bush sparkling with energy. *(TV censors forced the bikini undies on the show) Remaining invisible, Aphrodites glared and stalked the unaware Gabrielle. She was still pissed off about Gabrielle's stories, which continue to raise Xena's popularity above her own. This adulation over Xena continued to generate further acts of vandalism on her temples. And she didn't like that one bit. She vowed that she'd get even with this blonde bitch. Aphrodites continued to walk alongside Gabrielle as she pondered what torment she could inflict on her mortal nemesis. A few more minutes passed before another swirl of energy joined them. It was her, black leather clad, punk nephew, Strife. Strife's eyes ogled his Aunt's attributes. His tongue hanging out like a panting dog's. "How ya doin', Auntie Aphrodyke?" He slurred, as he reached out to try and cop a feel of her breasts. "Aphrodites! You moron," she corrected him angrily. "A-PHRO-DI-TES!" And with a long distance bump of her curvy hips, sent him flying into a nearby boulder. "Bitchin'!" He exclaimed, as he rejoined the two women dizzily, trying to shake the cobwebs out of his head. Both Gods traveled along either side of Gabrielle, who remained oblivious to their presence. "Who's blondie?" Inquired Strife. "Her name hissss Gabrielle. Sssshe'ssss a ssssscribe," Aphrodites hissed. "Oooooh! I heard of her. Uncle Ares told me all about your last encounter," Strife interjected gleefully. "Let me see now. Oh yeah! Because of her, you were demoted below a mortal. Now what was her name?" He paused briefly as he feigned thinking. "Oh yes! Below Xenaaaaaaah!" Strife yelled out as Aphrodites sent him careening into the boulders once more. "As if!" Aphrodites responded. "Buzz off okay. I had an off day." She said defensively. "Fine, fine. Whatever." He huffed back. "What are you doing here anyway, twerp?" Aphrodites asked finally. "Uh! Ah! Its gramp's Zeus," he conceded. "He thinks I've been hangin' around uncle Ares to much. He says that I should play nice with my mortals. Yada! Yada! Yada!" He finished explaining, glaring upwards while mimicking with his hand. "So he sent me here to get some pointers from you." "Really!" The Love Goddess squealed in delight. "Yeah, yeah! So what are ya doin' following blondie?" Strife quizzed her. "She owes me big time!" Aphrodites answered sternly. "So what's your plan," he asked, rubbing his hands gleefully. She paused before answering, "I... I... Oh I don't know!" "Mind a friendly suggestion, Auntie?" He asked her. "OK! Go ahead. What?" She conceded. "Welllll! Your last punishment on blondie. You gave her parchment the power to cause things. Right?" He asked. "I know that!" Aphrodites shouted back at him. "Go on." "And you thought that was punishment. AH!" He slapped his knees as he laughed at the Goddess. Aphrodites just scowled at him and drop kicked him into the trees without ever touching him. Hearing the crashing trees in the forest nearby, Gabrielle scoured the area, but could not see anybody skulking nearby. With the Gods remaining invisible, she wouldn't have. Satisfied that there was no danger, she resumed her trek towards Dialecles. Strife emerged from the forest dizzily and rejoined his Aunt and Gabrielle. Stumbling dizzily towards the pair. Aphrodites was waiting patiently, tapping her foot to the ground. Strife approached cautiously with his arms raised defensively. Just in case. "So, what's your point, Dweeb?" She asked her nephew. "Wel... well, you gave her a power as a punishment," he went on. "And I've noticed that these mortals accept any power as a gift, not as punishment." Aphrodites paused to consider this and reluctantly had to concede that her useless nephew my have be right on this particular occasion. "So, what would you suggest?" She asked him. Strife was pleased with himself. One of his stuffy elder Gods was asking him. Him for ideas. He began rubbing his hands together, while looking around for somekind of mischief he could create against the unwary Gabrielle. While this discussion was going one between the two invisible Gods, Gabrielle continued along the road. Writing down Xena's latest exploits on her parchment. Oblivious to the danger that was to befall on her. Chapter 3 Gabrielle had been writing for the past few miles without incident and she wasn't paying attention, as she should have, to the path ahead. That's when Strife spotted what he needed for his plan. He turned to Aphrodites with a wide grin on his face. "I've learned from uncle Ares, that the best way to punish a mortal is physically or by humiliation." He explained to his Aunt, gleefully. "Yeah! So?" Aphrodites asked. Without saying a word, he stuck out an invisible leg in front of the unwary Gabrielle. She found herself suddenly tumbling forward into a deep mud hole at the side of the road. With a loud splash, she belly-flopped into the slimy pit. Clapping her hands joyfully and jumping up and down like a teenager, Aphrodites giggled at Gabrielle's predicament. For his part, Strife was enjoying the spectacle of seeing his Aunt's tits bouncing before him. "Damn, damn, damn!" The head Gabrielle exclaim, as she clawed herself out of the mudhole. The mud pit wasn't very deep, only about a foot. But that was enough to submerge her slim body completely when she fell in, if only for a few seconds. The end result was that the young blonde beauty was covered from head to toe with the slimy concoction. For added fun, Aphrodites zapped the slimy mud so that it would be very difficult for Gabrielle to remove it. It now had the consistency of slimy tar, brownish in color. Sitting on the ground, after extricating herself, Gabrielle used her fingers to scoop the slimy substance clear of her eyes. Next she inspected herself. What she saw was disgusting. The gooey mud covered everything. Her hair, her clothes. She could even feel slimy globs of it sliding down her cleavage. Then she panicked as she remembered her scrolls. Reaching into her rucksack to check, her hand disappeared in a sack full of the slimy mud. "Oh no!" She exclaimed sorrowfully. The two invisible Gods sat nearby to watch Gabrielle's struggle. Aphrodites smiled, pleased at her mortal nemesis' misery. She then slapped Strife's back in approval. "Nice going nephew!" She complemented him. "Uh!? Oh yeah. Thanks," not used to approval from his elders. "So, what's next?" Aphrodites asked in excitement. "Patience Auntie," he told her. "We have to let this one sink in first." They turned their attention back to Gabrielle who had emptied the contents of her sack to the ground amidst a splash of the tarry mud. Right off, she could see that her quills and fresh parchments were a loss. But the tube containers, containing her finished work, remained sealed. So maybe not all was lost. She decided not to open them immediately, to check, until she got cleaned up first. Strife zapped her rucksack and made her money pouch disappear. When Gabrielle discovered that she had also lost all of her money, which left her penniless. With no means to pay for a bath, or food at an inn. Which means that she would have to find an alternative means to wash herself clean of the this slimy mud. Strife just fell on his back as he laughed so hard. While considering her options, Gabrielle recalled hearing a waterfall about a mile back. Packing her scroll containers back in her mud soiled bag, she got up ready to head back. Aphrodites and Strife each zapped the hapless Gabrielle once more. The Love Goddess wanted this mortal humiliated to the fullest. Not yet realizing that her misfortune was from the pair of tormenting Gods, Gabrielle discovered how truly invasive the slimy mud really was. Once on her feet, she discovered that her skin boots were filled, thanks to Strife, and it oozed squishilly between her bare toes. (It felt like Vaseline.) Things got worse when she took her first step. The slimy mud had managed to infiltrate her vaginal tunnel, past her pussy lips, and had filled her completely. Compliments of Aphrodites. That first step allowed a small glob of mud escape her pussy. It ran down her leg and looked like feces. Gabrielle blushed in humiliation of it. She knew that it wasn't shit. But to a passerby, they could easily mistake it for that. So to avoid any embarrassing encounters, she decided that she had no choice. Clamping her legs tightly to hold the substance in, she began waddling down the road towards the waterfall. The two Gods laughed uncontrollably as they followed their mortal prey down the road. Strife was also enjoying the sight of his Aunt's jiggling tits from her laughter. The awkward stride that Gabrielle was forced to use was extremely tedious and slow. It took over forty-five minutes before she began to hear the waterfalls again. By this time, some of the slimy mud was beginning to cake on her smooth skin. Strife transported himself, instantly, ahead to see what other misery he could inflict on poor Gabrielle. That's when he noticed the sign. Walking over, he read it: "SACRED WATERS TRESPASSER WILL BE DEALT HARSHLY" Looking down the road at Gabrielle's approach, he grinned mischievously. With one Godly tug he pulled a small tree out of the ground nearby and planted it in front of the warning. Thus hiding it from Gabrielle's view as she got closer. Gabrielle could hear the waterfall clearly now. It was just off the road in the forest. 'Good,' she thought to herself. 'I'll be able to bathe in privacy.' Making her way through the bushes, she broke out in an opening. And what greeted her was out of the Elysians Fields. A crystal clear lake with a waterfall cascading off of a cliff on the opposite side. Dropping her staff and rucksack to the ground, she approached the waterline and gracefully dove in. A her slim body torpedoed under the surface, a trail of muddy water dirtied the pristine waters as some of the mud peeled off of her body. Gabrielle broke the surface fifteen feet from shore. She leisurely swam closer to shore and began removing her clothing, one item at a time. This allowed her to wash them out. First came her boots, as globs of the slimy mud came oozing out of them. Once satisfied that they were cleaned out, she tossed them unto the shore to let them dry in the sun. Next was her top. It felt nice to have her breast freed from the tight confines of it. The cool caress of the water was very relaxing. She washed off the mud and tossed that garment to shore as well. There was only one final piece of clothing left. Her loincloth and wraparound skirt. These come off with a single tug. Gabrielle was now completely naked. But she didn't care. No one was around to spy on her. Unbeknownst to her, the two invisible Gods were enjoying her striptease swim. Strife was ogling the naked mortal before him. Granted, she wasn't as stunning as his Aunt, but he had to admit that she was put together well. Aphrodites admired Gabrielle's naked form as well. She like what she saw. Being the Goddess of Love, she had seen plenty of naked bodies. Males, females, humans, Amazons, Centaurs and what nots. She had to admit, even to herself, that Gabrielle was one of the better specimens that she had ever encountered. Not as good as hers of course, but nice. Gabrielle busily scrubbed her skin, trying to get that clinging mud off of her. It stubbornly clung to her skin. Thinking that maybe the rushing spray of the waterfall might help, she turned and dove under to swim towards the opposite shore. Her naked butt breaking surface momentarily as she dove, to Strife's pleasure. Aphrodites and Strife followed Gabrielle's swim, levitating themselves a foot above the water. Gabrielle began to backstroke towards the falls. Her naked breasts skimming just below the surface. The rushing flow of the cool water across her tits were causing her nipples to stiffen. The two Gods were enjoying her naked form below. At each stroke, her breast would shuffle from her right side to the left, and vice versa. This to and fro movement was like a gentle massage to Gabrielle, relaxing her inhibitions further. When she finally felt that she was close enough to the falls, Gabrielle swam in place to check it out. The falls were much too powerful to risk. But off to the left was an offshoot that looked promising. Not as much water was coming down, there. And there was a flat rock shelf for her to stand on. She approached it cautiously and climbed out of the water. Her sultry movement as she walked out of the water was a sight to behold. The shelf was steady and not too slippery. Taking a breath, she stepped under the cascading water. Chapter 4 The constant pounding of the water against her firm tits was causing them to almost vibrate on her chest. It was like receiving a nonstop massage. Gabrielle luxuriated under this and pushed out her chest further. Then, reluctantly, she decided that it was time to wash away that slimy mud. Under the powerful force of the falls, the stubborn mud began to break away. After a tedious twenty minutes, Gabrielle's hair was finally clean of it. Next was the crusty layer clinging to her alabaster skin. Some of it came loose easily and other areas were more clingy. On such area were her breasts. Gabrielle found that she had to mangle her tits out of shape to break off the crusted mud. This is when Strife decided to help out. He slipped behind the unaware Gabrielle and merged his hands into hers. Her hands were now under his control. What he did, they did. What he felt, she felt. He began by running his/her hands across her chest. Then squeezed each breast tightly. This caused a soft gasp to escape from Gabrielle's lips. "Mmmmmmh!" Gabrielle was thinking to herself. "That feels nice." He would then guide his/her fingers to her protruding nipples and tweaked them sharply. This time, a gasp of pain came from her, as she shifted her weight to the other leg. "Oh!" She exclaimed. Gabrielle didn't know what was going on with her. She had never experienced such feelings in her life. She ha had now sexual history before this moment. Sure, she was married briefly once. But she was widowed before it could be consummated, when Callisto murdered her husband on their wedding night. So despite having been married and widowed, Gabrielle was still a virgin. Strife continued to manipulate his/her hands over her pert tits. Squashing them, squeezing them together and even lifting them up towards her face. This gave him the idea to merge his head to hers. This done, he guided his/her face down and began suckling on the stiff nipples alternately. After a few minutes of this, he separated himself from her and stepped back to watch. Gabrielle was like a programmed automaton. With no further urging from Strife, she continued to suck and massage her own tits. "Oh Cool!" Strife exclaimed, in glee. "Well done Strife," Aphrodites interjected. "You've triggered lust in our plaything." The mud was now long gone from her tits and chest before Gabrielle reluctantly resumed her cleaning herself. Her waist, hips and legs caused little trouble. But the last spot was the one area that she fretted the most. She now had to clean out where she peed. "Yeuch!" She said aloud. She was completely naïve, sexually, and did not yet know of the power that neither region was about to unleash upon her. But Aphrodites' assistance, she was about to discover a whole new level of sexual gratification. Reluctantly, hesitantly, Gabrielle lowered a hand down between her legs and inserted a single finger into her pussy, and began scooping out some of that slime. Her love tunnel was completely filled with the vile substance, Aphrodites had made sure of that. So just the insertion of that single digit forced some of it out. Seeing that first glob, ooze out of her so easily, raised Gabrielle's hopes that it wouldn't be so difficult. She hesitantly inserted her finger again and scooped out a bit more. She didn't dare go to deeply for fear that she would hurt her innards, and so didn't go beyond her first finger joint. Aphrodites looked on in frustration. "This girl doesn't know what she's doing." She told Strife. Floating down to the naïve blonde, Aphrodites followed her nephew's earlier example, and merged her hand to Gabrielle's probing hand. Strife floated horizontally above them and watched in anticipation at what his Aunt was about to do. The Love Goddess immediately shoved 'their' finger past the second knuckle. Gabrielle was shocked at what she had just done to herself. She naively thought that her hole was very shallow, and yet her finger disappeared deeply inside of her. With Aphrodites' guidance, 'their' finger continued to scoop out the goo from her vagina. The Goddess made sure that a steady in/out fucking pace was maintained in doing so. Gabrielle was finding the constant rubbing against her vaginal walls exhilarating and her breathing was becoming more shallow with each stroke. The Aphrodites inserted a second of 'their' fingers into Gabrielle's clenching pussy. She still didn't understand what was happening to her. All she knew was that it was too good to let it stop now. A few more strokes and the last of the goop had vacated the blonde mortal's pussy. Now Aphrodites could accomplish what she really wanted ever since she saw Gabrielle's naked body. Concentrating, she was able to give substance to her tongue and lips, while still remaining invisible to Gabrielle. In this state, her Godly face approached Gabrielle's pussy. Then, reaching out her tongue, she licked the young blonde woman's pussy lips. All the while continuing to finger fuck her with 'their' fingers. "Ooooooh!" Gabrielle moaned out loud. A smile crept across Aphrodites' face, as this was not an unusual reaction to her ministration. But it was a reaction that pleased her everytime. She ducked her face back into, the now squirming mortal, crotch and resumed licking and sucking on those blood engorged pussy lips. Oh, how she loved the taste of those succulent pussies. She could never tire of it. At that moment, 'their' fingers made contact with an obstruction deep inside of Gabrielle's pussy. 'Her cherry?' The discovery of Gabrielle's hymen surprised the Love Goddess. She had assumed that this beautiful young woman would have been deflowered a long time ago. But obviously, this wasn't the case. Aphrodites contemplated stealing Gabrielle's virginity in this degrading masturbation for a moment. But her brother, Hercules, had instilled a sense of conscience into her, and so she couldn't bring herself to do it. Strife looked on excitedly as his Aunt, Aphrodites, resumed licking the blonde mortal's pussy. His tongue was wagging out of his mouth like the mutt that he was. Then his eyes really bugged out when he saw his Aunt's lips trap the mortal's clit and proceeded sucking it eagerly. While at the same time, continuing to finger fuck Gabrielle's pussy hole. This is what Aphrodites was looking forward to the most. Nothing revitalized her power more than the love juices of mortal beings. Even before Gabrielle would cum, the Goddess' glowing bush could be seen growing brighter. This did not go unnoticed by the leering Strife, and he wanted in on this. Since Gabrielle's pussy was already covered. Strife decided to go for those luscious tits of hers. Doing as his Aunt had, he rendered his tongue and lips substantial enough to make contact. He then plastered his lips on her left breast and sucked on it hard. "Ooooh! Yes!" Gabrielle gasped uncontrollably.She was totally confused as to what was happening to her body. All of these new sensations invading her were overwhelming her. Then, suddenly, she was hit by the first orgasm of her young life. Her feminine cum shot into Aphrodites' sucking mouth, which she swallowed with earnest. The overpowering force of her orgasm caused Gabrielle's knees to buckle. As she collapsed to her knees, Gabrielle just didn't understand what was happening to her. She assumed that it must be something in the water that had somehow drugged her. "What a gyp!" Strife exclaimed. He was somewhat disappointed. Suck as much as he could, nothing came out of her breast. Sure it was nice and all, but he wasn't getting the energized buzz that his Aunt had obviously gotten. 'What a doofus!' Aphrodites though of her feeble minded nephew. This sexual tormenting by the two Gods went on for a good forty minutes before the sexual exertion that Gabrielle had endure finally had its toll on her virgin body. With one final, but overpowering orgasm, she fell into unconsciousness. She lay unconscious on the rock shelf, as the waterfall continued pounding on her naked body. Chapter 5 (turn back twenty minutes) Malykus arrived at the lake. A gift from the God, Poseidon, to his people. Many moons ago. They held it, and the clearing surrounding it, in high reverence. That is why Malykus was here, on this day. It was his turn to patrol the clearing and turn away all trespassers. He had a reputation, even among his own people, of being overzealous. To the point of being too brutal. In the past he had killed trespassers at this very lake. His leader, king Galopias, had had enough of his brutality. The King had been strenuously trying to keep the peace with the neighboring kingdoms. But after each of Malykus' incidents, peaceful relations would be strained once more. This time, the King warned him to curb his temper, or face banishment for life. Among his people, this punishment was even worse than death. For in death, there is no loneliness. "I swear my liege. I will obey your command," Malykus had told his King. So the King allowed him to resume his duties. Today, he was to patrol the sacred lake for interlopers. And any that he caught were to be brought before him for judgment, unharmed. This brings us back to the lake. Malykus was keeping to the trees to conceal his presence. He was nearing the lake, as he could now hear the waterfalls. Once at the edge of the clearing, he stopped. He first looked along the shoreline for intruders. Seeing no one, he came out of the forest covering and proceeded to patrol along the lake's shore. Within a few hundred paces he came upon Gabrielle's discarded belongings. He could see booths, clothing, a rucksack and the staff. The staff is what drew Malykus' attention. Its markings identified it as belonging to an Amazon. The sworn enemies of his people. Oh! Didn't I tell you. Malykus is a Centaur. A being that is half man, half horse. Malykus immediately strung an arrow to his bowstring. Finding this Amazon artifact next to the sacred lake caused him great concern. He scouted the treeline, trying to locate this Amazon sow. Then he looked towards the lake itself. There, still visible, was a trail of muddy water left behind when Gabrielle first dove in. this muddy trail marred the usually serene beauty of its surface. This enraged him to the utmost. He scanned the lake for this uncivilized Amazon bitch. He couldn't locate the presence of anybody. But he wasn't about to give up the search. And to make sure that his quarry wouldn't try to escape, he gathered all of her belongings and stuffed them into his own supply pack. 'If the Amazon came out of hiding. She would have nothing to cover herself with.' He thought to himself. With all of the clothing disposed of. Malykus resumed his search for the Amazon whore. He could feel its presence nearby. He knew that eventually he would find her. It was only a question of time. Of that, he was certain. He followed the shore, trying to find his prey. His bow, always at the ready. He would scan the treeline thoroughly, for that was a Centaur's weakness in battle. The close confines of the trees prevented a Centaur's mobility too much. He continued searching for a good five minutes before he heard Gabrielle's faint orgasmic outcry. He stopped and tried to locate the source of the 'gasp' that he had just heard. That's when he spotted the blonde girl under the waterfall. The roaring waters is what was smothering her moaning sounds. He looked on in disgust. "These Amazons have no respect," he said to no one. He moved closer to the falls to see what this human animal was doing. Of course, Aphrodites and Strife were still invisible to mortal eyes. Even Centaurs. All that Malykus could witness was an Amazon whore pleasuring herself fiercely under the sacred waters of his people. He could clearly see that half of the bitch's hand was buried deep inside of her pussy. Thanks to Aphrodites. He watched on, as her other hand was busily masticating her breast, with Strife's guidance of course. The sight of such debauchery sickened him. We would simply call it masturbation. But in this era of ignorance, it was a deviant behavior. Then, suddenly, with a loud outcry escaping from her lips, he saw her collapse to the ground. There she lay, unconscious on the rock shelf under a constant pounding of the waterfalls. Malykus just stood there. Not quite sure of what action he should take next. On the one hand, the blonde bitch was an easy shot from where he stood. But his oath to his King, plus a difficult retrieval of the corpse, prevented him from carrying out this first notion. He decided to bide his time. The human would eventually revive and return to shore. Probably back where he had found her clothing. Which reminded him that he had her clothing in his pack. Rather than tempt fate, he took them out and tossed them deep into the bushes. "There! Now, even if the sow somehow manages to escape me, she will still have to deal with her embarrassment," he told himself, pleased with his action. He returned his attention to his slumbering quarry. She was still motionless after more than ten minutes have passed. He could easily see her chest rise and fall with each breath she took. So he knew that she still lived. He was amazed to see that the nubs of the female's nipples were as stiff as ever. Then, movement. He looked on as Gabrielle stirred and raised an arm to her brow. The intense orgasms that she had endured, at the hands of Aphrodites and Strife, had caused her blood pressure to rise so high that she was now suffering from one nasty migraine. As bad as any hangover that she had, on occasion, suffered. Slowly, tentatively, Gabrielle raised herself up to a sitting position. Then she wrapped her arms around her knees and hugged them tightly against her heaving chest. Technically, you could describe it as a sitting foetus position. Malykus patiently looked on. He expected for the Amazon sow would be heading back for her clothing any moment now. He was right. Feeling better now. Thanks to the cooling effect of the cold water of the falls |
. Gabrielle stood back up on the rock shelf. She was still confused as to what just happened to her. But figured that no real harm was done. In fact, she felt rather exhilarated from the experience. She stepped under the waterfall for a final washdown. Mostly her own female juices that had escaped during her multiple orgasms. Now feeling refreshed and clean, she stepped over to the edge of the flat rack and dove back into the lake. Once she surfaced again, she looked around to get her bearings and headed back to where her things should be. She was in for a surprise. Malykus watched as this Amazon bitch dove into the sacred lake. He waited to make sure that she was in fact returning to the clearing for her belongings. Which he had already discarded. Once he was sure that was her destination, he took off at a gallop to beat her there. On land, a Centaur, can easily outrun any human runner. Against a human swimming, it would be no contest. He beat Gabrielle long before she got there. He decided to conceal himself in the bushes and wait for the opportune moment to capture his first Amazon. 'Yes! The capture of this Amazon interloper will do much to redeem myself to my King,' Malykus was thinking to himself. Finally, Gabrielle reached the shore. She stayed in a deep pool, to her neck, and looked around for any sign of peering eyes. Seeing nobody, she emerged from the lake. Her svelte body glistening with water droplets under the gleaming sun. Malykus, and the two invisible Gods, watched silently as she approached the spot where her clothing should have been. He knew what to expect next. Gabrielle stopped suddenly as she realized that all of her belongings was missing. Including her only weapon, her staff. Whoever it was, left her with nothing, absolutely nothing to wear. Even her skin rucksack was gone. "Ooooooh! This is just to precious." Aphrodites said to her nephew. Strife had to agree. But he was enjoying the sight of poor Gabrielle scurrying around the bushes, naked, in search of her clothes. The two Gods had been so preoccupied in their tormenting of Gabrielle that they hadn't even noticed who might have taken the clothes in question. As if they would have cared if they had. This turn of events had Gabrielle concerned though. Despite not seeing anybody as she came out of the lake, her missing clothing suggested otherwise. And if they were still around, as she suspected they were, she was in extreme danger of being ravaged. Her being naked and all. Malykus was enjoying the sight of the naked Amazon scurrying naked. She like a scared rabbit, looking for a hole to hide in, away from prying eyes. Chapter 6 Now was the time for him to act. In one powerful leap, he exploded out of the bushes, landing just a mere twenty odd feet from the scrambling Gabrielle. With his bow drawn, Malykus shot an arrow towards her. It struck the ground at her feet with a loud 'TCHUNK!' "hold your ground, Amazon bitch!" He ordered her. Realizing that it was a warning shot, Gabrielle stopped dead in her tracks, her back turned to the Centaur. Even so, she was modest about her nudity and covered her tits with her hands crossed over them. "Now this could get interesting," Strife commented. Aphrodites had to agree with her slobbering nephew, even though she didn't bother answering him. She was busily trying to figure a way to make use of this new development in further tormenting her mortal nemesis, Gabrielle. Seeing that his Aunt wasn't paying attention to him, Strife approached Gabrielle from behind. And as before, merged his hands into hers. He then had his/her hands play with her pert tits, especially the nipples. He continued this until they regained their earlier stiffness. And thanks to his ministrations, her nipples were protruding and were as hard as peas. Gabrielle was at a loss to explain why she was mauling her breast before her attacker. Nor did she understand the protrusion of her nipples. The shortness of breath she was experiencing was also causing her some concern. Once satisfied of his handiwork, Strife stepped back to enjoy what was to unfold. Regaining control of herself, Gabrielle ceased the massaging of her breasts. Unfortunately, the damage had already been done. She was aroused. She could feel a dampness building within her loins. And it wasn't pee! "Turn and face me, Amazon wench!" Malykus ordered. "I'... I'd rather not, if you don't mind," turning her head over her shoulder slightly to answer him. "I said, TURN!" He shouted back at her, pulling the bowstring with his powerful arms. Gabrielle could hear the creaking of the wooden bow. A sound that she was all to familiar with. Realizing that she had no other choice, she began turning slowly, shyly to face her captor. All the while, trying to cover her nakedness as best as possible. Her main concern were her naked breast and loins. She soon discovered that it was a hopeless dilemma. She couldn't cover one area without exposing the other. The best that she could manage was cover her tits with her hands, while crossing her legs to try and hide her cunt as best she could. She kept her eyes down, unable to look at her captor in her embarrassing predicament. This also caused her to blush profusely before the Centaur, and the two invisible Gods. Seeing this pleased Aphrodites immensely. "Finally, the blonde bimbo's gonna get her just dessert," she said gleefully. Malykus checked out her slim, naked body. He didn't care much for humans, much less Amazons. He looked down on his kind that mated with such creatures. But he had to admit that this one was nicely put together. "Raise your arms, bitch!" He ordered instinctively. The purpose of which was to search a captive warrior for hidden weapons. In this instance, he couldn't thing of where this one could hide anything, much less a weapon. But once the order given, he couldn't back down. It would make him look like a pup, and he couldn't allow that. Not in front of an Amazon sow. "Now wait a minute," Gabrielle objected defiantly. Then for the first time she raised her head up to stare Malykus in the eyes. She could see the coldness behind those black eyes. That's when she knew that he was serious, and dangerous. She continued to stare at him as he raised his bow threateningly. So, reluctantly, she slowly raised her arms in the air. She brought her hands above her head, in the typical captive position, thus exposing her naked tits to the leering stare of the Centaur. With her arms raised high, the skin of her chest became taut, which raised her tits into tight pointed tips. Malykus studied her naked form with a grin. "Typical! Only an Amazon whore would dare to desecrate a gift of the God, Poseidon," he accused. "Uh!!?" Was all that a confused Gabrielle could respond with. Looking back at the lake, then back to her captor. Now she understood his attacking her, unprovoked. Putting on her most innocent of smiles and gesticulating with her hands, pointing towards the lake. "Oh! That! No, you don't understand. You see, I..." she tried to explain herself. "Silence!" Malykus roared. He pulled out his sword to guard her. And with his other hand, reached into his supply pack to pull out a set of leather shackles. These were attached to a long rein like strap. He tossed the shackles to Gabrielle's feet, while holding onto the other end of the strap. Chapter 7 "Put those on!" Malykus ordered her. "Why?" Gabrielle asked of him. "Why?... Why?" Malykus couldn't believe this human. "Because you are my prisoner and I'm taking you to face punishment before my king. That's why!" "Well, there's really no need for these," Gabrielle said, pointing to the shackles. "Why don't you just let me ride on your back like a..." Gabrielle stopped in mid sentence when the large Centaur stomped the ground heavily with his front hooves, angrily. "Go ahead, Amazon bitch. Finish what you were about to say." He dared her angrily. "Like a horse. That is what you were about to call me. Wasn't it?" "Wellll, you do have the legs for it," she rebutted sarcastically. "Do I look like an animal to you, wench?" He shouted back at her angrily. Gabrielle realized now that she had crossed the line this time. Trying to make amends, she started to plead her case to Malykus. "No, no. That's not what I meant," she was desperately trying to find the right words now. "Its just that it would be much faster if I... If you let me ride you." "I am not a transport service, you fucking whore," he roared back. "Now put those one," he said, as he pointed to the shackles with his sword. She reluctantly complied. Slipping one, then the other over her wrists. By this time, she had resigned herself to her nudity, and was no longer self conscious of her exposed body. Looking at them, she couldn't see how efficient these shackles could possibly be. They were loose at the wrist, and with such a long strap to them, she couldn't understand how Centaur's expected to control their prisoners. Just then, Malykus gave a sharp tug on the strap, which immediately tightened her wrist shackles. Next, he removed a harness-like assembly from his bag and tossed it over his equine body, adjusting it accordingly. "Lie on the ground, bitch!" Was his next command. Gabrielle was now getting sick and tired of this Centaur's verbal abuse. Refusing this latest command, she planted her feet firmly and slightly apart. Placing her hands on her curvy hips, she struck a defiant pose. Sticking her chest out, which pushed out her tits before him. Her nakedness was now in full display, for all to see. "I wish you'd stop calling me those name's," she demanded. "My name is Gabrielle." "I don't give a shit," he retorted. Malykus then pulled suddenly on the strap of her shackles, causing her to stumble forward. Just as suddenly he bolted towards her. In a defensive reaction, Gabrielle tried to back peddle from his rushing her. This caused her to lose her balance and she crashed to the ground painfully on her back. This knocked her breath away momentarily. Wincing painfully from the fall, she was not yet aware that Malykus was now standing above her. His equine body straddling her own naked, prone form. When she opened her eyes next, all she saw were his front hooves, and equine chest. From above, she could only hear him barking orders again. "Now place your legs in those!" He ordered. Looking down along his body, she saw his human finger pointing to another set of shackles dangling from his equine body. "Pl... please. Why don'... don't you le... let me ri... ride." She pleaded, between gasps, as she was still trying to bet her breathing back to normal after having it knocked out of her. "I... I prom... promise not to... to try an... and escape. Or... or caus... cause trouble." "Do you take me for a fool, Amazon!" He yelled down at her from above. "A Centaur will never allow a prisoner to ride his back. He would be too vulnerable to treachery and attack." Gabrielle considered this explanation and could well understand the reasoning behind it. "Besides, why should prisoners get a free ride, Amazon whore?" He stomped his hooves her head. She cringed, fearing to be struck accidentally by the heavy man-beast. "You are a sad warrior, or a cunning one. Amazon." He continued. "No, we tie our prisoners to our underbelly. Where they belong. Those who disobey are either slain or dragged. Those are your only choices, bitch." Gabrielle only needed a few seconds to determine that she, in fact, had no alternative. So, using her hands, she managed to slip these new shackles to her ankles. "OK! OK! You don't have to be a horse's ass about it." She cringed at her latest jibe, and squealed and immediate apology. "Sorry, sorry." Malykus' only response was a horse like "Harumph!" in disgust. Once her ankles were inserted in the loops of these new shackles, he gave another sharp tug, which tightened firmly as before. Gabrielle lay patiently under the Centaur. Waiting for whatever was to come next. But nothing seemed to be happening. But in fact, above and beyond her line of sight, Malykus had twisted his human torso around and was busily adjusting the straps of her restraints to the prisoner harness on his equine back. This would take a few minutes. When everything was ready, Malykus began pulling on the shackle straps. Chapter 8 Without any warning, Gabrielle's arms and legs were being pulled up along Malykus' equine side. He was pulling her up by the strap shackles attached to her wrist and ankles. Within seconds, she felt her whole body being lifted off of the ground. "Uh!!? what!!?" She could only ask, stupefied. She looked on, dumbfounded, as her naked body got closer and closer to the Centaur's furry underbelly. Thanks to the straps on her limbs, her arms and legs were now wrapping themselves around the wide equine body of the Centaur warrior. With her legs being pulled apart by the girth of Malykus' body, Gabrielle could feel her pussy lips unfurl from the stretching open of her calves. This also caused her love channel to open as a dark, oval chasm between her legs. This also caused her sensitive clit to become totally exposed, making it extremely vulnerable tot he prickly hair bristles of his underbelly. Another tug from Malykus and that contact was made. It felt like dozens of needles were trying to pierce her exposed clit. This initial shock caused her to gasp out. "Oooooh!" She cried out in pain from the hair bristles making contact with her sensitive clit. The two invisible Gods were enjoying the spectacle immensely. Strife, because he enjoyed Gabrielle's bondaged predicament, which was showing new aspects of these mortal bodies to his eyes. And Aphrodites, because she saw this as a fitting punishment to her mortal nemesis. One befitting the Goddess of Love. Malykus didn't pay no mind to her outcry. He didn't care if she died on the spot for that matter. He continued pulling on her arm straps until he could feel her still stiff nipples make contact with his equine chest. His experience had taught him that this was tight enough to secure his human captive. Having never captured a female human before, he didn't take into account the gelatinous and malleable nature of a human female teats. This oversight would prove most devastating... to Gabrielle. Believing that his prisoner was now 'tightly' secured. Malykus kneeled on his forelegs in order to retrieve his bow and sword off the ground. Gabrielle was worried, for a moment, of being crushed between his heavy body and the ground. But only her loose blonde tresses actually touched the soil. Aphrodites and Strife looked on with interest, as Malykus got back up. Looking at poor Gabrielle tied to the Centaur's underbelly brought a smile to both their lips. Gabrielle's head was tucked in between Malykus' forelegs. While her spread open legs reached just past his midriff. About a foot from his rump and crotch. The prickly hairs was finally too much for Gabrielle. Its stinging effect against her tits and clit was painful with each of his strides, as he started off for the Centaur settlement. But strangely enough, it also felt good. And because she wasn't strapped as tightly as he thought, with each of his steps, Gabrielle was jostled from side to side. Causing her nipples and clit to rub against the rough bristles of his belly. The torturous friction against her now hyper sensitive body became too much for Gabrielle. She experienced a first mind blowing orgasm after only the first hundred yards of Malykus' march. Her clit exploded with her cummy juices. Spraying his underbelly with the warm fluid. 'The damn bitch is pissing on me,' he mistakenly thought to himself. His hind quarters jumped instinctively at the surprising spray. So powerful was her orgasm that a few drops actually reached the sheath of the Centaur's cock, causing to twitch instinctively. Gabrielle came again a few minutes later, soaking his underside once more. The scent of her sex juices went unnoticed by Malykus' conscious mind. But his subconscious recognized it immediately. Slowly, his cockhead began to peek out of its furry sheath. Aphrodites hated to watch all of that sex juice fall to the ground like that. But seeing the Centaur's cock emerge was inspiring her towards another course of action. The pinkish cock was emerging to slowly to her liking though. So, floating down to Malykus' crotch, she once more gave substance to her tongue, lips and throat. And began to lick and suck life into his mighty prick. More and more of it emerged to her tender ministration, as it continued to lengthen. Aphrodites would then reach over to Gabrielle's soaked pussy and gathered some of her juices. This she would spread over the stiffening cock before her. The warm contact of that female fluid helped things further. Aphrodites continued sucking on that virile piece of cockmeat until the first eight inches had emerged. "This will do for my purposes," she said. As she reluctantly removed it from the confines of her throat. Strife couldn't believe what he just saw his Aunt do. He enjoyed watching it though. Aphrodites didn't abandon the lengthening rod. She, instead, was licking along its length rather than sucking it. She noticed Malykus' balls were inflating. A definite sign that he was indeed getting aroused, and building up his juices. While this was going on, Gabrielle came twice more. These multiple orgasms were beginning to take their toll on her bound body. With each one, she felt fainter and fainter. So dazed was she already that she would slip into unconsciousness. Only to be jostled awake by Malykus' next stride. Malykus could feel his cock stiffening, despite himself. But he paid it no mind. He expected to have his needs taken care of once he reached the settlement by one of the Centaur mares. His cock now reached a foot in length before Aphrodites stopped ministering to it. At this length, it was just long enough to poke at Gabrielle's naked buttocks. Aphrodites moved back to admire her handiwork. Gabrielle had no idea what was poking her butt with each stride that her captor took. Her view was completely obstructed down her strapped body. The poking continued and became harder as the cock continued to lengthen. Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen inches were now exposed from his sheath. Finally, its cockhead found her gaping pussyhole and two inches made its way in. This was the first time that a cock had ever entered Gabrielle's virgin pussy. "Ooooh!" She exclaimed, her eyes bulging at the intrusion. Malykus bucked instinctively once he felt those warm pussy lips wrapping themselves around his still stiffening cock. Maybe I should take the time now to describe to you the shape and size of a Centaur's penis now. As with its body, being half man/half horse, so is its cock. Its overall shape is very similar to a human cock. It is usually of a pinkish color and its head is like a man's crowned penis, rather than the blunt penis head of a horse. Its girth will normally be the same as a well endowed human's. its equine characteristics are in its length and its balls. In Malykus' case, when fully extended, his cock will reach a full two and a half feet in length. That's thirty long inches, people. While his balls will bloat to the size of two large oranges. And they will manage to discharge a vast amount of jism. The staying power of a Centaur will vary between twenty to forty-five minutes. For those that have taken a human female for a mate, copulation would usually result in their mate to lose consciousness from their multiple orgasms, long before the coupling ends. Anyway, back to our story. Now that those first few inches had found Gabrielle's pussy, Aphrodites was now ready for the next part of her plan. She levitated herself so that her crotch was now level to Malykus' face. Strife was mesmerized at the sight of the Centaur's cock buried, though only partially, past the blonde mortal's pussy lips. In his own naïveté, regarding mortal intercourse. He believed this was all that was to it. Floating above, Aphrodites proceeded with her own plans. She approached the oblivious Malykus and wrapped her Godly thighs around his head. Plastering her golden pussy over his mouth and nose, like a breathing mask. Malykus, remaining ignorant of the Love Goddess' presence, continued on his way. But with each breath that he took, he would inhale more of her aphrodisiac essence. With those first few whiffs, his cock surged forward a full nine inches into Gabrielle's vulnerably open cunt. Breaking through her hymen by the sudden invasion. "Aiiieee!" Gabrielle screamed out in extreme pain. She had never felt such pain in her life. She had been injured many times following Xena around. She had received her share of battle scars. But none had been as painful as what she was feeling at this very moment. Malykus jumped in surprise at her sudden outcry. And he also realized that his cock was now fully buried in the Amazon's pussy. When his cock surged forward, he felt it hitting the obstruction of her maidenhead before it tore open to him. He realized that he had broken through and that his captive was a virgin no longer. He never liked humans, but he had to admit that the tightness of this one's pussy felt nice against his stiffening cock. Experimentally, he bucked his hindlegs once to drive still more of his cock into her open womb. His cock shoved another few inches into her bound body. Blood could be seen trickling past her stuffed pussy lips. The sight of Gabrielle's blood excited Strife beyond his comprehension. Looking up to his Aunt, he was amused to see the Centaur's tongue instinctively licking at her still invisible pussy. "Oooooh! That's niccce!" Aphrodites shuddered. This was what Aphrodites liked best about her Godly station. She was responsible for getting mortals horny. But along the way, she could always find a way to get her own jollies. And today, it was a cunt licking. Strife watched his Aunt getting licked only briefly. He was much more interested in the fucking that Gabrielle was getting down below. But he was also getting jealous of the goings on. He was the only one not getting any. "Can I join in? Uh!? Can I? Can I? Uh? Uh?" He was begging his Aunt. "Oh! All right!" Aphrodites conceded. "Now quit bothering me while I'm working. Oooooh!" With his Aunt's consent to participate, he realized that he would require a cock himself. So he zapped his own crotch and an eight inch black cock appeared. Like his wardrobe, it too was covered with studs. But since he had no concept of what was normal in a mortal, this cock was very thin. Only an inch in girth. "Not bad, Uh?" He pointed to his crotch for approval from his Aunt. Aphrodites had to hold back laughing in his face at seeing such a pitiful looking prick. "Oh yeah! Sure it is," she tried to keep a straight face. Chapter 9 Strife didn't waste any time joining in on this 'orgy'. He floated down under the coupled mortals, and was floating along beneath the impaled Gabrielle.She was enduring orgasm after orgasm and her juices were leaking out of her pussy in a steady stream. It would run down the crack of her ass before dropping to the ground. Those warm juices were stimulating Malykus' cock further, causing to continue to grow in length. Strife was trying to figure out where he could get into this act. Then he noticed a vacant orifice on her body. It was her anus. Rubbing his hands together, he moved closer with his studded cock. He aimed his new tool to his intended target and shoved upwards. Unlike her pussy, her anus was not prepared for such an invasion. It was resisting this new invader. Strife was not happy. He couldn't understand why it was so difficult for him to gain entry to this mortal. He tried again. This time his cockhead broke through past her clenching sphincter. "Arrggghhhh!" Gabrielle cried out at this invisible intrusion. This was yet another painful first for her. Losing her virginity was bad enough, but the pain subsided very quickly. This was something completely different. The pain didn't seem to want to go away. Mind you the studs on Strife's cock didn't help matters any. He continued to try and shove more of his tool into the tight confines of her ass. With each stroke, he could get more of it in. For his first time, he was liking it. Liking it a lot. Malykus was also feeling the presence of something new in his captives womb. He could feel Strife's cock through the thin membrane that separated her anal canal and vaginal tunnel. Both cocks were rubbing against each other with each stroke. With each passing moment, Gabrielle could finally the pain subsiding in her sore ass. Her orgasms were now resuming at their previous pace. One effect of that painful intrusion. It cleared her head completely to the fucking that she was now receiving from Malykus. Earlier she was near passed out. Finally, Strife managed to bury his whole eight inches into her shit hole. The studs that he had added to his fictitious cock were adding to Gabrielle's own stimulation. She was now squirming her body, trying to invite those invading cock to resume fucking into her holes. "Oh yeah!" Strife exclaimed. "Now I know why gramps likes about these mortals." He was referring the Zeus, King of the Gods, of course. His tongue hanging out the side of his slobbering mouth. Malykus continued on his way, and with each stride he would buck his cock forward to fuck into his helpless prisoner. Before today, he couldn't see why some of his herd chose human mates. Now he would have to revise his views on them. Aphrodites was herself too busy to pay attention to what was happening with Gabrielle. She assumed that she was getting the fucking of her life. And she was pleased with herself. She had finally found the appropriate punishment for this troublesome mortal. By this time, Malykus' cock had grown to its full length, thirty inches. But with the foot leeway to Gabrielle's pussy only about sixteen inches was inside her. He knew that he was deep inside the human female's cunt, but he also knew that his cock had not hit its deepest recess yet. Strife was enjoying his own first fuck, even if he was in the wrong hole. He kept a fucking motion sending his cock into her ass. Gabrielle soon found that the pain in her ass had disappeared, only to be replaced with pleasure. She was herself enjoying her first fucking experience. Even if it was non consensual. Aphrodites was finally satisfied enough of Malykus tonguing that she disengaged herself to check on Gabrielle's sexual progress. She floated down to see what was going on. She was aghast to see her nephew Strife fucking his cock in the wrong hole. Even for her, this was depraved. "Strife, you ass!" She yelled at him. "You're in the wrong hole, nimrod!" "So what," he answered back. "It still feels good. And besides, blondie doesn't seem to mind it at all." Looking over to Gabrielle's face, Aphrodites could see that her nemesis was indeed enjoying the experience. 'Mmmmmh! Maybe I should add this to my sexual gifts to humanity?' Aphrodites was thinking to herself. Seeing that the fucking was progressing nicely, she decided to join in on this carnal orgy. She placed herself at Malykus rear end and began reaming out his ass with her tongue. Malykus felt the sudden intrusion to his ass hole and reared up on his hindlegs. Because the strappings were not as tight as they should have been, Gabrielle's body slid down the now vertical cock. Driving in still more of his inhuman length into her bowels. She bottomed out at twenty- four inches, leaving only the last six inches exposed. "Aiiiieeee!" She yelled out again from this latest pain attack. As her body slid down and came to a sudden stop as she bottomed out. She fainted at this time. Her body just hung limply on that long staff of cock muscle. The sudden halt caught Strife by surprise, and he popped out of her asshole and landed heavily on his back beneath the rearing Centaur. Aphrodites stepped back and watched in pleasure as she watched this final humiliation of her mortal nemesis. The next thing that happened was when Malykus came back down. Landing his front hooves right into the prone Strife's crotch. Aphrodites winced in emphatic pain. "Oooooh! That's got to hurt," she said aloud. Clutching his crotch, Strife got up slowly off of the ground. "I'm okay. I'm okay," he answered in a squeaky voice. "No problem." He disappeared in a swirl of energy. Despite his Godlyhood, he still felt pain at the moment. Aphrodites was sure that her nephew would recuperate in time. She returned her attention to Malykus and Gabrielle. She liked what she saw. Gabrielle, helplessly impaled on that Centaur cock and unconscious. She resumed her ministration on Malykus, for she still wanted him to shoot a giant load into her enemy. She concentrated her efforts on his balls, and the remaining six inches of cock still accessible to her tongue and lips. She licked along that short span of cock and even paused at Gabrielle's pussy to lick there as well. She was treated to some of her seeping juices. After a good fifteen minutes of sucking and licking, Malykus finally shot his load. It went on for nearly five minutes before his jet of sperm finally subsided. Aphrodites looked on as she could see the excessive jism squirt past Gabrielle's clutching pussy lips. She was not a Goddess to let such things go to waste. She plastered her mouth to the rim of Gabrielle's pussy lips, and sucked as much of the succulent Centaur jism into her mouth. Once Malykus' orgasm finally subsided, Aphrodites stepped back to admire her handiwork. "Well, I guess this'll teach little miss Scribe," she gloated over the unconscious Gabrielle. And she disappeared herself in a swirl of energy. Chapter 10 Malykus had never experienced such an intense fuck in his life, and he had had his share. He stopped and tried to think things over. He finally came to a decision. He turned his human torso around and loosened Gabrielle's straps. He lowered her softly to the ground beneath her. Once on the ground, he untied her shackles and stood watch over her unconscious form. She lay unconscious for nearly an hour before her eyes fluttered open again. The first thing she saw was Malykus over her. She immediately tried to shuffle back to escape her captor. "Wait, don't be scared," Malykus called out to her. "I won't harm you. I swear by Poseidon." Gabrielle stopped and looked up puzzled at his change of attitude towards her. "I may have been a bit too harsh," he pleaded to her. "In my judgment of you." Gabrielle cocked her head sideways. She was now completely confused. First, he treated her like a whore, then he tied her to his underbelly. And the next thing she knew, he was fucking... he was fucking her. A smile now crept over her lips. Now she understood this sudden change. Xena had told her of the power of the female body over any man. She always thought that her friend was exaggerating on that point. Now she realized that she wasn't. "Wha... what's your name?" Gabrielle asked him. "Malykus!" He boasted proudly. "Mine is Gabrielle." She held her hand out to him. "Can we be friends now?" Malykus looked down at the extended hand and clasped his in her small palm. He smiled back at her. "Do we still have to go see your King?" Gabrielle asked questioningly. He paused a moment considering his options. "N... no, I don't think that will be necessary." "Good!" Gabrielle said happily. "Now, if only I could find some clothes to wear?" Malykus let out a roaring laugh at her request. He extended his hand to her and pulled her up on his back. He would take her back where he had discarded her belongings at the lake. Gabrielle held onto his human torso tightly, squashing her still naked breast against his bare back. Malykus liked the feel of those human teats against his skin. Yes, he will definitely have to reconsider his opinion about human females. Once back at the lake, they found her clothing. While Gabrielle was dressing before her first lover, they would be talking. Eventually the conversation drifted towards sex. "I'll be passing by again in a few weeks with a friend of mine," she told him. "Maybe you could find someone for her as well? "Possibly!" He answered back. "Oh! And if you could. She has a steed that hasn't had a mare for a while," Gabrielle said, remembering poor Argo. Malykus thought it over for a few seconds when a gleam appeared on his face. "I have a fellow Centaur who married a human female," he told Gabrielle. "So!? How can this be helpful?" Gabrielle asked, confused. "My friend told me once that his mate enjoys real horse flesh on occasion," he explained. "I'm sure that they will be more than willing to meet with you and your friend." Gabrielle smiled in comprehension. Now that she had finished dressing, she stood on her toes to kiss Malykus deeply before leaving to join up with Xena in the town of Dialecles. The newfound lovers parted company then. This was the most memorable and pleasurable experience that had ever befallen over Gabrielle. And if Aphrodites ever learned of this she would most likely have lightning bolts shooting out of her hears. Once more her revenge was thwarted because Gabrielle accepted her 'punishment' as yet another gift of the Goddess of Love. \- The End - * * * * * _All comments are welcome. Support the writers, encourage their work._ _Suggestions for new stories are always welcome as well._ _Other stories of mine to watch for:_ DR. QUINN - "Colleen Gets Educated" ARCHIE'S - "Betty and Me (Hotdog)" ARCHIE'S - "Veronica Gets Her turn" XENA - "Aphrodite's Revenge" TV - "Land of the Giants" WKRP - "Bailey's First Date with Johnny" STARGATE - "Legacy's Side Effect" CELEB - "Shania Twain - the Making of a Video" CELEB - "Bo Derek - Best of the Beast" CELEB - "Anna Kournikova at Marineland" FULL HOUSE - "Motherly Advice" JAG - "Mac's Witching Hour" CHARMED - "Monkey Business" fiction - "Spring Breakdown" fiction - "A girl, Dog and Boys" another Charmed - (untitled) still in writing stage. Plus many other fictional works that are also in the writing stage. Remember, if you have comments or suggestions. Don't keep them to yourselves. Pass them on. |
Good morning, folks. Lucas Brown is the name. A tall, good-looking young Black man from Georgia. I attend the prestigious Georgia Tech Institute of Technology on an academic scholarship. My dad Derek Brown is a policeman. My older brothers James and Nicolas are firemen in Atlanta. Our mother died giving birth to yours truly. We all live in a nice duplex together down in Atlanta. That's as far as the façade of normalcy goes in my life. Underneath the mask of intellect and responsibility, I'm a sexual hedonist constantly on the prowl for sexual adventures of the extreme kind. Yeah, that's me in a nutshell. I got a question for you. What gives you pleasure? Maybe you like to play a sport, watch television, surf the Internet or write. Traveling might be your thing. We've all got some form of special interests. For me, my special interest has always been anal sex. I'm obsessed with it. It's a time-consuming fascination. You could say that I've got an anal fixation. It's a craving that I will do anything to satisfy. I've always had this deeply personal and decidedly special interest. While it's considered taboo in some places, it's something I have enjoyed many times, with women of all races, shapes and sizes. I must seek out partners willing to participate in this act. I have no other way to fulfill my needs. This fascination of mine has led me many places. Like the bedrooms of women from here to Calcutta. Presently, I'm in the bathroom at Dunkin Donuts. I'm standing there, with my pants down. And I'm not alone. Postured on all fours is some woman I met a few minutes ago. She works at this place. We clicked and decided to hook up. Turns out she's into the same things I am. Her name is Trish, or so she told me. She's a plain-faced, green-eyed, plump woman from Dayton, Ohio. New to ATL. We just met and already I'm doing her. Trish is biting her lip as my hands grasp her large breasts. Her plump body shakes, and not from any southern earthquakes. Nah, she's quaking because of my hard black dick which is currently buried in her asshole. I thrust into her, hard and fast. Truth be told, I'm not even that attracted to Trish. She's not my type. Then again, I don't have a type. The only requirement I have when dealing with a woman is that she needs to be into anal sex. That's all I need. Oh, and a fine butt helps but that ass has got to be willing to get penetrated. I don't much care about her personality, looks, special interests, career or history. I don't even care about her health. She could be Miss Congeniality or the Wicked Witch of the west. It's all the same to me. Sex with me is a want, it's a need. No more emotion attached to it than a trip to the can. All I want is her ass, for a few moments of pleasure. I always get my way. So, I bent Trish further down so that her big butt stuck in the air as I rammed my cock down her dark tunnel. She grunts as I fuck her ass. All around us is the disgusting smell of the women's bathroom. Yes, the ladies room was messier than the men's bathroom by far. The only reason we're here is because the men's room was occupied. I stopped playing with Trish breasts and placed my hands on those wide hips of hers as I continued ramming my cock down her asshole. Oh, man. This was the stuff right there! There's nothing in the world I love more than to thrust my cock into a big woman's extraordinarily tight butt hole. Yeah, big women have the tightest backdoors in the world. That's why I love them so much. Oh, by love I mean the backdoors, not their owners. Don't get it twisted. As I explored the anal cavity of Trish, she furiously masturbated, thrusting her fingers into her sopping wet pussy while getting drilled in the ass. I watched her pleasuring herself, a curious thing to watch, to be sure. Oh, well. Pussy play has never been my thing. I much prefer the back door. I continued fucking that ass of hers, hard and fast, until its vise-like tightness proved too much for me and I finally came, sending my seed deep inside her. Trish gasped as my seed erupted within her. Her body trembled some more and I held onto her tightly as delicious spasms rocked us both. She turned around and looked at me, a wicked smile on her face. I grinned. Yeah, this was fun. Grinning, I pulled out of her, then pulled my jeans back up. Silently, we readjusted our clothes and left the ladies room. As we exited together, some old woman who was sipping on her coffee gave us a horrified stare. I winked at her, and headed for the door. Trish went back to work. In all likelihood, I would never see her again. And you know what? I'm absolutely fine with that. We had a good time. It was mutually beneficial. We don't need to get all up in each other's businesses. We don't need to mess with each other's lives. It was a good time. A half hour of fun. That's it. Let's move on. People need to get over their personal blockage and hang-ups when it comes to sex. That's the way I see life. Sex is just sex. A physical need no different from urinating and defecating. It simply has to be done. With my good looks and appeal, I find no shortage of partners and that's fine by me. Having indulged my midday lust, I'm heading back to the dorm to prepare for tonight's Criminology class. I've got a test to prepare for. see how easily I slide away from a random sexual encounter and back into my usual digs? If all men and especially women on this planet could do the same, the world would be a better place. Less crime and definitely less stress. Oh, well. Got places to be and things to do. See you around, folks. |
_Author's Note:_ _This is a story without a point. This is unusual. Most of my stories have a purpose beyond their ostensible text, some deeper inner meaning beyond the erotic foreplay. They usually carry a message. This story carries no message. It is not trying to change the world. It is not trying to teach anything to the reader. It is just a bit of fun._ _Furthermore, the views of the characters within this story do not necessarily reflect the views of the author. Please don't hate me because of what my characters say. They have minds of their own and are completely beyond my control._ _The author promises to respond to all feedback where an email address is given._ * * * Christi's head pounded like a war drum. The world seemed split into two, one full of physical pain, the other of spinning nausea. She slipped uncontrollably between them, uncertain which, if any, was real, for what felt like a lifetime. Strange thoughts, or perhaps dreams, invaded her mind's vision and tainted what was real, until her spinning head caused a sudden and base urge from the pit of her stomach. With a snap she was awake, although her pain had not gone, nor had her nausea. How much had she had to drink? She was supposed to be on vacation, but she didn't usually drink this much, did she? She tried to move her head, but her neck had gone into spasm, and it hurt too much. Her eyes were gummed when she tried to open them, and her vision was almost completely obscured. Why did everything hurt so much? She shut her stinging eyes, looked inside her head for answers. In spite of her pain she found a warm feeling in her chest, an excited, romantic feeling. She had a thought that she had experienced something very intimate with a very special person. She focused on it, tried to remember what had happened, but as she held it in her mind so it turned sour, as if a thought could be contaminated and ruined by some sour poison. Something terrible had happened to sour her wonderful experience. She'd been on a road trip with three friends -- that much she remembered. A handful of cities, a handful of roadside motels, and whatever clubs they could find to drink the nights away in. How many nights had they been out? How much had she had to drink? Alright, she thought; start at the beginning: What's the last thing I remember? * * * "So… Um… Anyone had a lesbian experience?" Sherie giggled, looking up from her shot glass. Christi looked into her brown eyes, glazed with alcohol, as if vodka was evaporating from them. She smiled at Sherie's drunken expression, felt her cheeks crease as she began to giggle in time, then stopped suddenly as a hot wave of embarrassment swept up her spine. She glanced across the hotel room to Danika, caught her dark eyes in their darker circles of makeup, downcast to the cheap carpet. Did anybody else know? Would Danika be offended? Trust Sherie's big, drunk mouth! "Sherie…" Christi began, in a mock-bored voice. "Come on, we're like twenty- three years old now!" "So? Tell me!" "How did we get from guys in combat trousers to lesbians, anyway?" Rene chirped, raising her delicate head from the little hotel armchair, where she had been sleeping. Her long red hair blended almost completely with the velour. "I wasn't talking about actual lesbians!" Sherie shouted theatrically, her voice wavering with alcoholic excitation. "I was just asking whether anyone had done anything with another girl. I mean, that doesn't make you an actual dyke, does it?" Again Christi glanced over at Danika. The smile on her pale face had gone, and her fingers picked idly at the fluff on the cheap carpet at her knees. She wondered if there was anything she could say, but realised it would be counter-productive: when Danika had confided her secret, well over a year ago, it had been in the utmost secrecy. Nobody was ever to be told. Not even Sherie, not even Rene. If Christi opened her mouth then the others might work it out for themselves. Rene would probably not say anything; she had a good head on her little shoulders, but big-mouthed Sherie could be relied upon to blow any secret wide open. Gossip was practically her middle name. No, it was probably best just to let the conversation run its course and get on to something else as soon as possible. "I kissed Rene once." Christi said at last. She glanced across to Rene's face, expressionless behind a mask of sleep once more. She looked at her soft red lips, and remembered in a sudden flash that she'd tasted them with her own, for just a short, never-to-be-repeated moment -- a bit of random fun. "You did? When?" Sherie replied, astounded. She picked herself up from the floor onto her knees and turned to face Christi, hands on the carpet and face open and flushed and excited. Christi shrugged. "A couple of years ago, in some club." "Really? Why? Was it hot?" "What? I don't know! It was just… Well, I mostly did it to get this guy's attention, really." Sherie laughed, but a movement caught Christi's eye. Danika had pushed herself up from the floor and was stalking towards the door. "Shit…" Christi cursed under her breath, standing to run after her. "Dani, wait!" She called, once she was in the corridor outside the hotel room and out of immediate earshot of Rene and Sherie. Danika's heavy thigh-high boots knocked loudly on the floor as she stalked away. The door swung shut and latched, the sound triggering her to stop and turn. Her black leather miniskirt gleamed in the dim light of the hotel corridor, her bullet-belt and studded collar reflecting the pale overhead lamps, contrasting her black-and- white striped top and black braces. "What?" She spat. Christi jogged a few paces along the corridor to bring herself close enough for a whispered conversation. "Just… Look, Sherie didn't mean anything by what she said. She's just drunk, that's all." "Yeah? And what about you?" "What about me?" "You think it makes you cool, to kiss a girl? Was it fun?" Danika barked. Her dark eyes, deep under her black eyeshadow, seemed to pierce Christi with a ferocity that she'd never seen before. "Look, if I've offended you, then I'm sorry, OK? Yes, I kissed Rene, and yeah, it was kinda fun, but that's not a problem, is it? I thought you'd understand, of all people!" "Yeah, I understand. I understand that it's cool now for every girl to be a part-time lesbian. That having kissed a girl means you can say you're bi- sexual and pretend to all the guys like that makes you better than all the regular straight girls. Maybe you thought I'd think that was cool, but I'm sorry, I don't." "What's going on out here?" Sherie's voice sounded from down the corridor. Christi looked over her shoulder, saw Sherie standing in the doorway to their shared room. "So now everybody knows." Danika muttered under her breath. "Dani, please, it's not that bad." Christi hissed back. "She doesn't know." "Fuck you. I'm going to bed. Alone, as usual." Christi felt like saying something, but decided against it. She was drunk. Danika was drunk. Damn, everyone was drunk. They'd stayed out so late for a Monday night that it was probably well into Tuesday morning already, and they'd drank far more than they'd planned. They'd all pay for it once they woke, probably. Oh, well. There was a bed waiting for Christi in the hotel room, opposite Sherie's. Perhaps it was time she got into it and went to sleep. Rene was supposed to be sharing Danika's room, but maybe it would be better if Danika was left alone for the night. Rene was only little, and Christi didn't mind sharing with her. Provided she didn't snore. She reached the door, where Sherie was waiting. "So, looks like I'm the only one who hasn't kissed a girl, then." Sherie said, stepping forwards until she was only a finger's breadth from Christi. "Sherie, what are you doing?" Christi whispered, trapped between Sherie's brown eyes. "Y'know… I just… Want to know what it's like." "What what's like?" "Kissing a girl." "What? Really?" "Kiss me!" Sherie hissed. "No!" "Come on, Christi, just kiss me! Just once." "Out of the way, it's time to go to bed. I'm starting to get some blood in my alcohol stream." "No. I'm not letting you in until you kiss me." "Sherie!" "Come on! Just a little one?" "Alright…" Christi hissed, leaned forwards quickly and planted a peck on Sherie's cheek. Her skin tasted sweet and smelt slightly of vodka, mixed with the perfume that she'd lathered herself in before they set out into town so many hours ago. "Not like that. Properly." Christi sighed deeply, let her shoulders drop in a melodramatic slump. "Alright." She whispered. Again she leant towards Sherie, but twisted her head, homed in on Sherie's waiting lips, touched them, closed her mouth and withdrew. Her eyes were locked with Sherie's, and she felt them drawing her back in. Again their lips met, again they withdrew, and again they closed, this time remaining together. Sherie's lips began to move, opened to tease Christi's. She responded instinctively, opened her lips, tasted Sherie's lip gloss and her sweet vodka breath. Sherie pulled away, closed her lips, blinked her glassy eyes and looked down at the carpet. Her cheeks began to flush and she raised the back of her hand to her mouth to wipe her lips, looked at Christi from under her brow. "You're a good kisser." Christi said, despite the red flush that she felt washing across her cheeks. "Thanks, um… You're not so bad yourself." Sherie stepped backwards, taking Christi's hand and guiding her into the room, closing the door behind her. Christi felt the urge to pull away and head to her bed, but was locked to Sherie by her gentle grip and was unwilling to slip from it. "Kiss me again." "No!" Christi whispered. "Why not?" "Because… Because Rene might wake up and see us!" "She's well out of it. Come on, what are you afraid of?" Sherie tugged on her hand, pulled her close, and Christi didn't resist. She stopped with her nose almost against Sherie's, her eyes darting between the two glassy pools of brown that filled her vision, her breath suddenly fast in her throat. She could feel her shoulders rising and falling as Sherie's hands grasped them. "Kiss me." Sherie said, and Christi obeyed. What had been sweet and fun in the doorway suddenly became charged with excitement. Their lips met, pressed together, opened to allow their tentatively exploratory tongues to pass and entangle. Christi tasted Sherie's teeth, and felt Sherie tasting hers. She hadn't been kissed so sensually in a very long time, and it was lighting a fire inside her that she couldn't ignore. Sherie's fingers walked delicately down her shoulder-blades and without thinking she found her hands meeting around Sherie's waist, flattening against her back and pulling her close as she opened her mouth wider and pressed herself into Sherie's body. She broke away suddenly, caught a much-needed breath, turned her eyes to the far corner of the room. "What is it?" Sherie whispered in her ear. "Kiss me again." "No, I can't…" "Why not?" "Because!" "Why?" "Because I'll get… It's making me… I'm…" Christi stopped, swallowed. "It's making me horny." "Really?" "Yeah. You're a really good kisser." "Then let me kiss you again!" Sherie hissed. "No! I don't want to be horny tonight!" "Why not?" "Because!" "Horny is good!" Sherie whispered. Her hands wandered down Christi's back, tickling her through her pastel-pink crop-top, found her hips, gripped them firmly and pulled her close. Before she could look away Christi found Sherie's lips were at her own once more, devouring her while small hands at her waist prevented her escape. A tsunami of heat broke over her body and Christi gave in, returning Sherie's kiss with all her passion. She pushed Sherie backwards until her body was pressed against the wall, held her there, hips to hips, breasts to breasts, nose to nose, and she kissed her deeply, passionately and without pause, breathing through her nose when her breath finally ran short so that she didn't have to break away. Sherie's hands wound around Christi's hips and played delicately at her buttocks and thighs before wandering upwards to grip her ribcage, and back down again to her buttocks. The feeling of hands so light and gentle on her body fuelled the fire that burned inside her and drove her nasal breaths to become deeper and louder. Christi's hands found Sherie's head, fingers entangled with her curly blonde hair and gripped her scalp softly, cradling her head while they kissed. A noise drew her attention and she broke away quickly, turning to stare into the room as she held fast her deep breaths. Nothing moved, and in the shadows of the little red armchair Rene continued to breathe peacefully. "What is it?" Sherie whispered. "Just Rene moving in her sleep." Christi said, letting out a deep sigh of trapped breath. "I thought she'd woken up! Sherie, we have to stop, if she sees us…" "So? Let her watch!" "Sherie!" "Kiss me again, please? I can't stop now, you've got me all worked up." "Me too, but… How far do you want to go?" Sherie said nothing, continued to breathe deeply against Christi's shoulder. "This is so hot." She muttered. "It's weird, is what it is! You're like, my best friend! I can't do this with my best friend!" "Why not?" Sherie said, and Christi detected a hint of disappointment in her voice, perhaps even rejection. "I mean… We just can't, that's all!" "But this is like… The hottest thing I've ever done. I never thought I'd even try it like this before tonight, but… I just wanted to kiss you to find out what it was like, and now that's not enough, I want more, I want you, I want you tonight, I can't…" "I know. I feel it too, really, I could kiss you all night, but we can't, not with Rene in the room." "Well, in the bathroom…" "No, she'll hear!" "In the lobby?" "Sherie!" "Christi, I have to have you. Please? Let's go outside, in the car…" "What's wrong with you? It's like, zero degrees outside!" "So? I'll make you warm!" "How would you feel if you woke up and found me and Rene kissing in front of you?" "I'm so hot right now I'd probably get myself off while I watched!" "That's not what I meant, and you know it!" "Christi, why are you always the sensible one?" Sherie sighed. "I swear, I've never felt this hot in all my life. If we leave it now then it'll never be the same again, but just for this one night, it could be special. If you feel it too then please, don't let it go! I'll never ask you to do this again, I promise, but tonight I really, really want you, and not just your lips, but all of you. So please, take me to bed? I promise I'll be dead quiet, Rene's been asleep half the night, she'll never notice a thing." Christi could think of no reply. Sherie was right -- she couldn't recall ever feeling as horny as she did right now. It wasn't just that Sherie was good at what she was doing, but something in the inherent wrongness of it all made it so much sexier: kissing a girl, kissing her best friend, doing it all right in front of Rene while she dozed drunkenly on the armchair. She could strip Sherie out of her clothes and do things she never thought she'd do to another girl, and stand naked while Sherie did those same things to her, all in the field of view of a sleeping friend, who needed only to wake and open her eyes to catch them in the act. "This isn't right." She said, lifting her chin from Sherie's shoulder and rubbing her cheek against Sherie's as she brought her lips to bear once more. "This is so not right, but God, it feels so good." They kissed again, reigniting the fires that had smouldered between Christi's hips while they embraced against the wall. She pulled her body away from Sherie's, allowed some space for her wandering hands that rose up and tangled with her crop-top, pulled it over her head as their kiss broke momentarily. Christi's hands fumbled with the tie on Sherie's halter-top until it fell away from her chest, revealing her ample breasts cupped above soft white cotton. For a moment Christi felt a little self-conscious of her own breasts, exposed to the air, as they were not nearly as big as Sherie's, but her fears dissolved as Sherie's kiss diverted from her lips and began to wander down her cheek, down her neck, across her collarbone and onto her chest. Sherie's face nestled between her breasts as soft as a cotton pillow, a softness she had never experienced so intimately. She arched her back, raised her head to open herself to Sherie's exploring mouth as it puckered at her breastbone. Sherie's hands cupped either side of her breasts and pushed them gently inwards, sandwiching her face there. A girl's hands felt so different to any that had touched her before. So soft, so careful, so nurturing; she wondered if Sherie touched herself like this, if that was why her touch seemed to practiced and so perfect. She thought of Sherie touching herself in the calm of her own flat, in the dead of night, her expert hands tracing up her belly to cup her sumptuous pale breasts; she let out a deep sigh as she pictured this delightful image in her head, walked her hands around Sherie's body, under her exploring arms, found her large breasts in their gently-supporting fabric and stroked their undersides with her fingertips. Sherie gave a quiet sigh as her own hands began to descend down Christi's body, stopping at the belt around her jeans. Deftly they reached the buckle and stripped it open as her lips continued to work at Christi's breastbone. One by one her buttons were popped open and the as the tension around her hips was released so her jeans were pushed slowly over her buttocks and down her legs. "Oh, God!" Christi whispered to the wall above Sherie's head. She hadn't expected to be having any kind of sexual experience on this night, let alone with her best friend. The cool air tickled her thighs and buttocks and raised goosebumps on her skin, but just beneath the surface her flesh was seething. Sherie's fingers tickled around Christi's buttocks, around the waistband of her cotton panties, and delicately stroked the material across her mound and further down, where her sex curved under her body. Christi shivered under her touch, realising with a heart-stopping urgency that only a thin barrier of cotton lay between Sherie's exploratory fingers and that which she thought she would never share with another girl. Sherie's touch became firmer, causing Christi to breathe inwards unexpectedly. She arched her back, lifted herself onto her toes as her body responded. Sherie gave a wet kiss to Christi's chest and pulled her lips away. "You want me to?" She whispered. "Yeah." Christi sighed in response. Sherie dropped to her knees, bringing her head level with Christi's hips, which she kissed as her fingers found the moist cleft between her legs and began to stroke delicately back and forth through her cotton panties. Christi let her mouth drop open, allowed her breaths to deepen as she began to roll her hips against Sherie's touch; she placed her hands on Sherie's head and let her fingers tangle with her hair, massaging her scalp in time with her internal rhythm. Moving her feet outwards, Christi allowed Sherie better access and an unspoken permission to go further. Sherie seemed perceptive to her wish, for she withdrew her hand long enough to slip her panties aside and carefully push two slender fingers between her wet lips. "God, that feels good…" Christi whispered, as Sherie's fingers pushed inside her. "Wait… Not here, let's go to the bed." Sherie pulled out her fingers and stood, holding them before her eyes, staring at them as if in a trance. They glistened with Christi's heat, left streamers as Sherie pulled them apart, then wordlessly placed them in her mouth and sucked. "Sherie!" Christi hissed. "What?" Sherie replied, broken from her spell. "You just… You just licked my… Stuff off your fingers!" "Um… Was that wrong?" "I think that's the hottest thing I've ever seen." Christi whispered, her voice flat as her eyes remained glued to Sherie's fingers. "On the bed!" She snapped under her breath, grabbing Sherie with one arm around her back and the other under her buttocks, guiding her quickly backwards until they fell onto the mattress. She kicked her jeans free and heard them ruffle as they fell to the floor. "Hush!" Sherie whispered urgently. "You'll wake Rene!" "I don't care!" Christi replied, her breath coursing through her throat. "I want you right now!" She grabbed Sherie's shoulders, pulled her up the bed, reached under her arched back to slip her halter-top over her shoulders and fling it across the room, began to fumble rapidly with her belt. It came loose, her jeans peeled from her hips and slipped down her legs under Christi's forceful hands. Christi crept back up the bed, rested herself on one elbow, took Sherie's cheek in her hand and kissed her lips. "Wait." Sherie hissed, reached up to the switch at the head of the bed to kill the lights. "In case Rene wakes up." Christi smiled, extended her tongue hungrily, devoured Sherie's lips, sought out the taste of her own sex in her mouth and sucked it up. Her hand slipped away from Sherie's cheek, down her body, across her breast, found Sherie's hand and grabbed it, thrust it between her legs. Her fingers returned to Sherie's body and sought out the waistband of her panties, slipped underneath, across her sex -- shaved -- she hadn't expected that, but it was a delightful surprise, the smoothness of her hot, puffy, slippery flesh -- and between her moist lips. Sherie's fingers found their way inside her once more and resumed their stroking as Christi continued her ravenous kiss and sought out Sherie's clit with her fingertips. It was already moist with heat but Christi deftly drew yet more lubricant out of Sherie's sex and coated it completely, circled it expertly in the same way she circled her own clit when she was horny and alone. Sherie began to moan coarse whispers into her mouth and Christi broke free from the kiss at last, reached under her head and drew it into her neck to stifle the sounds she made. She could feel Sherie's breath blowing against her skin, feel the pace increase, and it drove her wild. Sherie's fingers were working faster at her insides and she followed their rhythm, sped up her pace around Sherie's clit to match it. It was as much as she could do not to moan out loud. Sherie's fingers had found her soft spot and were teasing it from inside, drawing heat from her body in intermittent drips that ran down Sherie's hand. Sherie was tensing against her in time with her rhythm, thrusting her hips and breathing heavily. Her frantic breaths began to turn to words. "Yeh… Yeh… Yeh…" She hissed with each breath, and Christi knew that if she kept up her rhythm, her friend was soon going to come. Her own best friend, right in front of her eyes, from her own very fingers, was going to have an orgasm! Just the thought was so hot that she immediately felt her insides tightening up and a bloom of heat rise in her chest. Oh, God! She kept her fingers moving, increased their pace, felt Sherie's spare hand wriggle through the tangled sheets to grip her wrist like a vice. Sherie's breaths became tense and stretched and every muscle in her body went rigid. Even the fingers inside Christi's body stopped moving, but Christi was so close that she couldn't stop; she thrust her hips against Sherie's rigid fingers, each thrust driving her closer to the edge, determined to reach it before Sherie's orgasm was over. It took her all of a sudden, an explosion between her legs that swept up her spine. She shuddered, her breath oscillating in her throat as she fought to keep from making too much noise. The vice-like grip at her wrist slackened, and Sherie's breaths returned. "Um… Wow!" Sherie sighed, as the last of Christi's orgasm subsided. "Yeah…" She replied, in a long, shaky breath. "Um… Yeah…" "We should…" Sherie began, but Christi cut her off with a hiss as she heard a movement. "Rene!" She whispered almost silently into Sherie's ear. The room was so dark that it was almost black, but even if Rene could see nothing she could still have heard their frantic breathing, or smelt their sweat and their heat. "Don't move!" Light footsteps padded around the bed, a dark shadow passed in front of the bathroom door, which closed with a clunk and then emitted a yellow light around its frame. The hum and rattle of the extractor fan began to compete with the silence in the room. "Quick!" Christi whispered. "Let's get under the covers, pretend we're asleep." They moved quickly, standing from the bed, lifting the sheets and diving under them. "Amazing how I can go from so hot to so cold!" Sherie whispered, shivering slightly under the cool sheets. "Yeah, I totally didn't notice how chilly it was in here! It must be like gone four AM now anyways. I think I've sobered up. I'm so tired." "Me too. Damn cold, though. Hold me?" Christi couldn't help a smile wash over her face. She shuffled closer to Sherie, wrapped her in her arms, planted a kiss on her shoulder as they embraced, then froze with embarrassment. Was that the right thing to do? It had been instinctive, automatic; it had felt like the right thing to do, but was it? Would Sherie just want to forget their intimacy now that it was over? She smiled again when she felt Sherie's lips touch her shoulder softly in response, felt a tiny flick of her tongue against her skin. "That's really nice." Sherie said. "What is?" "Having you hold me. You're warm." "Aww, you're warm too. Let's cuddle until we fall asleep." "Yeah." They shifted under the covers, adjusted their bodies until they were lying comfortably, arms and legs interlocked. Christi reached for the top sheet and pulled it up over Sherie's neck, tucked it in against the cold morning air. "Hush!" She whispered, as the bathroom light clicked off. She listened intently as Rene's soft footsteps padded around the room to the empty bed, where Christi should have been sleeping alone. She heard the ruffling of buttons, the snap of elastic and the click of a bra clasp, the zip of a zipper and the soft sounds of clothes landing on the floor. "Christi!" Came a harsh, quiet whisper. She froze solid, gripped Sherie's body in her rigid hands. "Christi, are you asleep? Can I get in with you? I'm cold!" There was a long, silent pause. "Christi!" She heard soft pads and shuffles, imagined Rene was pressing on the bed to see if it was occupied. "Alright, if you're awake, I'm getting in. Don't freak out." There was a cracking of joints and a slithering of cotton against skin as Rene slipped into the bed, then a pregnant delay, during which Christi wondered if Rene was looking around the darkness in confusion when she discovered the bed was empty. Would she work it out? Or would she think that her friends had fallen asleep elsewhere in the darkness? Would she turn the lights on to find out? No. There was another shuffle, a long, drawn-out sigh, and, in short order, some quiet snores. Delicately Christi squeezed Sherie's arm, expecting a squeeze in reply, but felt none. She listened harder, heard Sherie's deep, rhythmical breaths, and knew that she was asleep, or pretending to be. Sherie's warmth enveloped her and nurtured her even though she slept. It felt so good just to hold someone and be held by them. It had been an unexpected but beautiful experience, and now that it was over, she was glad to be in Sherie's arms as the rosy afterglow of her powerful orgasm echoed inside her. She was tired, but her drunkenness was gone, and she had no headache. Maybe she'd have one in the morning, but right now, all she had was warmth, closeness, and happiness. She placed another kiss on Sherie's shoulder, wondered if she'd feel it in her slumber, and gradually she fell sound asleep. * * * So she'd had a lesbian encounter with Sherie. That was her wonderful memory. Just a shame about this damned hangover! Surely she hadn't been that drunk? She tried her eyes again. They were blurred, but after a few blinks they cleared enough for her to make out the room beyond. It wasn't her hotel room. There wasn't much light to see by. The ceiling was painted with a dull white paint that had faded and bubbled with damp, and flaked away in huge patches like concrete eczema. Mildew grew in black spots, and there was a pervasive smell of mould from all around. Dirty light came from a row of squat windows glazed with frosted security glass high up around the cracked walls. They were caked with what looked like a decade's worth of dust and grime, bordered with mildew. Christi's neck was stiff as a tree trunk, but she was able to pull herself up with care. Her back cracked and eased as she twisted on her hard bed, and her head span nauseatingly. She looked around as quickly as she dared, saw that she had been lying on a hard wooden bench that ran around three sides of the room. There were clothes pegs on the walls and broken lockers on the far side of the room. A door-less lintel led into what looked like a shower room, with ribbed tiles thick with mould on the floor and old stained showerheads hanging from porcelain-tiled walls. There was only one exit, a doorway barred by a wooden door painted in cracked pastel blue paint, with a small security-glass window set at head height. Where the hell was she? There must have been something after falling asleep in Sherie's arms, but she couldn't remember it. She longed for those arms now, to be curled up under warm sheets, listening to Sherie's peaceful breaths, feeling the air from her lungs tickling across her chest, feeling her heartbeat. She had woken up next to Sherie, hadn't she..? * * * Morning came like a fog lifting from a damp hillside. Christi felt enveloped by Sherie's warmth and moistened by her skin, sweaty where they had laid together despite the cold night. Light streamed in through slatted blinds and dissected the room into bright and dark slivers. She squinted, shifted herself down under the blanket to shield her eyes from the harsh light. Her head hurt, but not as much as she thought it should. Perhaps staying awake so late had helped her to sober up before sleep came to turn drunken giddiness into nauseous pain. Perhaps her energetic coupling with Sherie had helped burn off some alcohol before she slept. She recalled the moment as she lay still, replaying it as if it were a chance encounter with a new boyfriend. It had all the same hallmarks. It was unexpected, sudden, passionate, and as she replayed it in her head it made her feel happy and excited about what might happen next. She recalled the look on Sherie's face as she had succumbed to her precise massaging of her clit, and the memory tickled her inside, not just deep within her hips but in her heart, too. Her best friend was still her best friend, but now she was something more. There was a movement underneath her, and she felt Sherie's eyelashes bat against her shoulder as her eyes opened. A muffled squeak came from her mouth, buried somewhere beneath the covers. "Hey." Christi whispered, rolling away slightly to allow Sherie to lift her head. "Good morning." She continued, her voice lazy yet bright. "Um… Morning." Sherie said quietly. It was unlike her to be quiet or lost for words. Was there a chance that she was embarrassed? Could that be a problem? "You OK?" Christi asked. "Yeah. Bit groggy." "We were up late last night." Sherie giggled. "Yeah." "You, um…" Christi began, but wasn't sure how to phrase what she really wanted to say. "You… Um, you up for Round Two?" "What?" Sherie said, her face creasing into a blushing grin. "Bit early in the morning, isn't it?" "Yeah, well… I just woke up next to you, and… Well, I want to. That is, like, if you do." "Um… God! Um, well, I hadn't thought about that, but… Well… I guess it'd be alright, wouldn't it? I mean…" Sherie's playful voice trailed off. "I mean, it was OK last night, so… No, wait, I didn't mean that, I meant, it was OK to do it last night, so I don't see why it's not OK to do it… Well, now, if you want?" "Yeah?" Christi moved her hand, stroked it delicately over Sherie's shoulders, over her smooth skin and down her back, dragged her nails lightly over her buttocks. "Yeah." "You want to?" Christi asked, and she felt her heart dance in her chest as she watched Sherie's shy smile moving around her rosy cheeks. "Yeah. What time is it?" "I don't know. Wait, let me…" Christi raised her head from the bed, looked at the cabinet for her watch. An empty bed opposite caught her eye. "Shit!" "What?" "Rene's gone!" "What?" "She's not there! The bed's empty! It's been slept in, but she's not in it!" "Shit! She must have seen us!" "Um… Yeah, she'd have seen us when she got up." "Oh, fuck! Fuck!" "It's alright, calm down." "Fuck!" Sherie shouted, pushing Christi away and jumping out of the bed. She stood naked for a moment before she lashed out, grabbed a pillow and clasped it to her chest. "Fuck!" "It's alright!" "No, it's not alright! Rene saw us lying together, naked… I mean, we were all, like… Close, and everything!" Sherie turned from the bed, found her clothes lying crumpled where they had landed on the floor and pulled them on quickly. "Sherie! It's alright, she'll understand! I mean, she kissed a girl before, it's not like she'll hate you or anything!" "Yeah, but… She saw us, Christi! She saw us lying naked together! She must have known what we'd done last night! She must have guessed what we got up to while she was asleep! Fuck, now she'll be thinking about it every time she looks at us. How could we have been so stupid?" "Look, she's gone now. She must have gone to Danika's room to get her things. Just calm down, relax, don't let it bother you." Christi soothed. "Just pretend it never happened, she won't say anything." Sherie didn't reply, but retired to the little armchair, perched herself on its edge and hugged the pillow to her chest. "Haven't you ever had anyone catch you in the act before?" "Well, yeah, but not with another girl! Don't you know what this means? She'll think we're… Dykes!" "No she won't!" Christi snapped. "We just slept together once, is all. We'd never even thought of it before tonight. We've both had boyfriends, we were all eyeing up guys in the club and talking about guys just last night…" "I stuck my fingers in your cunt, Christi!" Sherie's words hit Christi like a slap to the face. "You frigged my clit! I was prepared to keep it a little secret and not tell anyone but now she knows, and she'll tell Danika, and Danika will tell everyone, and then everyone at home will be pointing at us and calling us dykes and laughing behind our backs." "No, they won't!" Christi spat back. Sherie's words still stung, not just across her pride where they had landed but deep in her heart, too. She felt angry tears threaten to overwhelm the tears of humiliation that she'd been stubbornly holding back since she saw Rene's empty bed, but she was too proud |
to let them flow. She blinked several times to clear her eyes. "Rene won't tell Danika, and even if she does, Danika won't tell anyone. She's…" Christi began, but stopped herself. Should she tell? She had been sworn to secrecy, and she had never broken her oath, but things were different now. She and Sherie may not be totally lesbian like Danika was, but what they had shared… Didn't that at least make them, well, part lesbian? A knock at the door interrupted her thoughts. She looked away from Sherie's shrunken, pillow-hugging body, focussed her eyes upon the door. "Chris? Sherie?" Rene's little voice sounded muffled through the door. "Wake up, please! Something's happened! Danika's been attacked!" * * * Christi was naked, she realised for the first time. She had been so lost in her warm memories and heated by apprehension that she had barely noticed the cold, but as she stood and paced across the old changing room she began to shiver. Where was everybody? How had she ended up here? She tried the old wooden door, but it was locked. She wiped a thick layer of dust from the frosted window and squinted through, but the corridor beyond was in near-total darkness. Only a few square spots of natural light, a long way away through the blurred glass, indicated possible distant windows. She considered calling for help, but she was naked, and didn't want to be seen. Perhaps there was a logical explanation for everything. Perhaps she would find her clothes. Her belly itched, and she scratched it, pulled her fingers away tinged with red. Her heart leapt into her mouth as the sight of blood sent her senses racing; her chest froze, her breath stopped and her giddy head span still faster. But it wasn't blood. It was red and sticky, but not blood. It was vivid red lip gloss. She bent over, turned to the light from the windows, inspected her belly. There were a few splodges of lipstick here and there, and a reddish tinge to her pale skin as if more lip gloss had been wiped away with a cloth. What the hell..? A sense of trepidation crept up her throat, causing her breaths to tighten. She took a few deep lungfuls, which cleared her head for a moment but then made her head spin; being scared wasn't getting her anywhere. There was a logical explanation for all this, but logical as it may be, she was no longer sure that it was benign. Danika had been attacked. She remembered that much. She remembered Rene coming to tell her. What had happened after that? * * * Danika's face was as white as a sheet of paper. She still wore her Goth makeup from the night out, which gave her a ghoulish, half-dead look, but her eyeshadow had run down her cheeks where she had been crying and her lipstick was smudged where she had dried her face again and again on the tissues that lay discarded on the table and in the waste bin and scattered around it on the floor. "How long have you been here, Dani?" Christi asked emptily as she sat down next to her friend and tried to take her hand. Danika withdrew it, held it against her chest. "About an hour." She croaked. She reached out to the tabletop, clumsily fetched an almost-empty pack of cigarettes, pulled one out, accidentally bent it in her shaking hands while lifting it to her mouth, and lit it with a disposable lighter. The ashtray held half a dozen dog-ends, and the room stank of tobacco smoke. Danika was supposed to have given up two months ago, but Christi said nothing. A few cigarettes wouldn't kill her as fast as a mugger could. It was just as well she'd let the thief take her bag and not put up a fight. "She spent the night outside, crying." Rene continued. "She couldn't get back in. He took her bag, which had all her money and her cellphone and her hotel key." "Dani, why didn't you come to us?" Christi said. "We were in our room, you should have knocked on our window, or something! Did he hurt you?" Danika shook her head slowly, staring at the tabletop. The door opened, and a policeman stepped quietly into the room. "I'll need to ask you all some questions." He said. "It's Christine, isn't it? How about you first? It's nothing to worry about, we just need to know if you heard or saw anything suspicious that might help us to catch the attacker." "I told you, we didn't see anything." Christi said. "We were in our room. Dani left, and… Well, we thought she'd gone back to her room." "Alright, I understand, but we have to ask. Please come with me, and we'll get it over quickly, then you can be on your way." The policeman's questions were simple and straightforward, and Christi answered them as quickly as she could. She wished she hadn't been chosen first; she wanted to be back with Dani. She hated herself for having let her storm off the night before; wasn't that the one thing you were never supposed to do? Let your friends go off alone in a strange place? But she thought she was going straight back to her room! How was she supposed to know that Dani was going to wander off outside? She didn't go far, by all accounts, only to the veranda out front, but an opportunist had been passing by. A lone young lady at night was an easy target. Just as well he only had theft on his mind and nothing else. Danika, Sherie and Rene were waiting in silence when Christi was returned to the family room. Danika's face was still pale and deathly in her ruined makeup; Rene's little face looked twisted and pained, and Sherie's was empty. Was she still embarrassed? Horrified that Rene had seen them sleeping in each other's arms? Or had the immediacy of Danika's terrible experience shunted her personal concerns to the back of her mind? Sherie was next to be taken into the interview room. Christi took her seat, opposite Danika. She reached out and took her hand, and this time Danika didn't withdraw, but allowed her hand to be held. "It's alright now." Christi said. "You'll be alright, won't you?" "I couldn't get back in." Danika croaked. "He took my bag. He had my key and my phone. I hammered on the door for hours but nobody came. Nobody found me until morning." "Your hands are still cold." Christi said, tightening her grip on Danika's fingers. "We'll get back to the hotel, we'll get packed up, and we'll take you home. Alright? Just as soon as the police are finished, we'll get back and pack up, and you can be back home." Danika nodded wordlessly. Her spare hand reached for the packet of cigarettes and withdrew another smoke. The flame didn't shudder as it had done earlier, but was quite steady as Danika lit her cigarette. "Yeah." She said at last. "Just wanna go home now." Rene, who sat close beside Danika, put an arm around her shoulder and gave her a squeeze, drawing a tight smile from her mouth. "Thanks, guys." She said. "Here's Sherie." Rene said, as the door opened. "My turn now." "Won't be long now, ladies." The policeman at the doorway said. "You can be on your way in no time." * * * Christi's feet took her into the shower room. The smell of mould and decay was overpowering, the same dull time-faded colours filled the room, and the wall- tiles were filthy, apart from a few large patches that had been wiped almost clean on the walls as if with a large towel. Red lip gloss had been scrawled madly across the cleaned tiles in words as dirty as the floor: filthy slut, dirty whore, half-dyke. Christi felt the colour drain from her face as she took in the words. Her skin tingled, goosebumps stood up on her arms and neck and back. She tried to swallow, but her throat was so tight that her saliva came straight back up, caught on the back of her tongue and momentarily choked her breath. She coughed for air, sending a frothy dribble of phlegm down her chin. Her breaths were rising with her heartbeat, and the swirling panic in the base of her skull was overriding any conscious thoughts that she tried to latch on to. Head and neck ache temporarily forgotten under the adrenaline charge, Christi turned and ran, slipped on the mouldy floor. She fell over, cracked onto the tiles, but managed to land on mostly soft parts. As quick as she fell she was up again, running for the door, her feet skidding on the grime. She grabbed the old handle, twisted and turned and pulled, thumped the door and moaned incomprehensibly through her rapid breaths as the old door failed to budge. She turned away from the door when it failed to open, jumped onto the wooden bench, reached for the squat high windows, tried to find a latch. Most of the latches were rusted shut but one eventually came free and the window opened; Christi sighed deeply, but her relief was short-lived, for it only twisted so far before the rusted frame seized and prevented it from moving any further. The gap was far too narrow to squeeze through. Perhaps she could break the glass? She hunted around for something hard, tried the slats in the bench until she found a loose one, pried it free and swung it towards the nearest pane. The old rotten wood was soft and light and bounced off the glass as if it was made of rubber, juddering in Christi's hands. She tried again, and again, but the glass wouldn't break. She changed position, held the slat like a pike and jabbed it towards the glass, straight into the centre. After a few jabs of increasing power, each drawing a louder grunt from Christi's mouth, the pane finally shattered, but didn't fall. She gave another few jabs, but the glass only crunched and rained down tiny dusty shards. She gave a grunt of frustration, threw the slat down onto the floor. Of course, she realised, it was security glass, bound with a lattice of steel wire glazed into it. It wasn't going to come out of the frame. She gathered her breath, tried to calm down. She was alive, and she was mostly unhurt: her fall onto the tiles had bruised her shoulder, by the feel of things, but it wasn't serious. She'd been lucky not to have broken her arm, or cracked her jaw on the hard floor and knocked herself out cold. Her breath was slowing at last. There was no way out of the room, and no way to call for help. All she could do was wait, and see what happened next. How did she get into this mess? * * * Rene's old sedan conquered the blacktop as the clock ticked onwards. It was a long way back home, and everyone was tired. Christi's head was hurting, but it was only a mild hangover mixed with stress, nothing serious, and nothing she couldn't deal with. It would pass, in time. Rene might have been the smallest of the four friends, but her car was the biggest. It wasn't the newest, nor the fasted, nor the best equipped -- in fact it came last in almost all other respects -- but its size alone made it the ideal choice for the road trip. It was like an old family heirloom, passed down from father to son to brother to son to sister over the decades, and although battered and well-used, it was as trusted and reliable as any late model, and it munched the miles in softly-sprung spacious comfort. The sedan had once belonged to Rene's older brother, Brett. Christi had only met him a few times, when she'd gone to his trailer to see Rene, who sometimes stayed with him when her parents were fighting. Brett scared the crap out of Christi; his trailer was full of posters of old war movies, and gun magazines littered his fold-out table and fell off his portable TV every time she walked past. Rene had confided that he kept a gun in the trailer somewhere, although Christi had never seen it. Usually Brett spent his time outside when Christi came to visit, working on some old car with his oily hands, as if he detected that she didn't like him and did his best to stay out of her way. She recalled how she'd once peered out of the dirty slatted blinds of his trailer and seen him clean up a crowbar with an oily rag after pulling a dent out of the sedan, and then reverentially place it in the little gap between the driver's seat and the sill, where it would be readily to hand while he was driving. She hadn't mentioned it to anybody at the time, and after a while she had forgotten about it completely, but recalling the moment all of a sudden gave her cause to surreptitiously have a tender feel under the seat with her foot; something hard and heavy was under there, where it had been left and probably forgotten about before Brett passed the car on to his younger sister. The back of the old sedan was roomy, and for the first time on the whole road trip Christi wished they'd brought Danika's compact instead. There was a retractable armrest and enough room in the sedan for a gap of several inches between her leg and Sherie's; it would have been so much sweeter if Sherie was pressed up against her, as they were when they rode in Danika's compact. She'd never appreciated the closeness in the past, when she and Sherie had been squeezed together in the back of the little car on journeys around town. As a concession she had found Sherie's hand shortly into the journey, and although Sherie looked out of the opposite window and said nothing, they held onto each other's fingers tightly as they motored on across the blacktop. It felt nice just to be touching Sherie's hand, even if there was no verbal communication. Every now and again she gave a light squeeze, and Sherie wordlessly returned it, much to Christi's delight. There was still a long way to go, and they would probably have to make another motel stop before they got home, but sometime tomorrow they'd roll back into their familiar town and be able to get back to normal. Well, Danika would be able to get back to normal, in time. Christi would be there for her, if she was needed, and she was sure the others would be, too. Rene would go back to doing what she always did, and Sherie… Well, Christi and Sherie had their own new thing to explore, it seemed. It had just been a drunken encounter in a motel room, but sometime during the night it had become more than that -- it wasn't just fun, it was emotional. It was deep, and important. They had held each other through the night. They had stared into each other's eyes when they woke. They were holding hands. Sherie shifted in her seat, stretched, turned her head away from the window and settled back down. A moment later her grip became slack, and she began to slide across the old beige velour seat towards the centre armrest. Quickly Christi flipped up the armrest and scooted across the seat, pressing herself against Sherie's body before she toppled over. Sherie's head lolled and rested onto her shoulder. In the front passenger seat Danika reached for the sun visor, flipped it down. Her dark eyes appeared in the vanity mirror, locked emptily with Christi's. "What are you two doing?" She said flatly. "Sherie fell asleep." Christi whispered. "I'm just holding her up." The mirror flipped up again, and Danika returned her eyes to the passing signposts and billboards. Sherie gave a mumble, lifted her head for a moment, then twisted fully in the seat, curled up against Christi's body, rested her head comfortably into her shoulder and closed her eyes once more. Her hand was still nestled in Christi's, and Christi stroked it gently, down low where no curious eyes in a retractable vanity mirror could see. She heard Sherie's contented breaths and felt them fan the giddy warmth in her heart. Let Sherie use her as a mattress and pillow; the closeness was wonderful. She'd never met anyone who was so comfortable with her, who could curl into her and fall asleep like that. The fact that Sherie was a girl, and her best friend, only made it so much better. She already knew Sherie. She already knew what she was like to be around, and what nasty surprises her personality might inflict. She didn't have to get to know anybody new, or go through that awkward first few weeks until she felt comfortable to open up to a stranger. She could open up to Sherie any time, because she already loved her as a friend. She just wanted to be home, to be able to share more of Sherie's warmth and trust, out of the prying eyes of her friends. She wanted to get back to that Round Two that she'd promised in the motel room. She wanted to explore this new thing to its fullest. She had discovered the joy of loving a girl, and she was anxious to discover more. She blinked. Her heart was racing and her throat tight. Partly it was anticipation, happiness and emotional excitement, but part of it was undeniably something more, and it didn't do to think about that sort of thing while stuck in the back of a car on a long road trip. She'd get fidgety, and then she'd wake Sherie, and then there'd be no excuse for them to snuggle so close together on the back seat, and she'd have to deal with her fidgeting alone. They pulled off the highway before the afternoon drew to a close and stopped near a rank of shops. Sherie woke up, looked around groggily. "Why are we stopping?" She asked. "Dani wants to get something from a pharmacy." Rene said. "Just something to help me sleep." Danika added. "You want me to come with you?" Christi asked. "You don't have any money." "I'll be alright, Rene gave me some cash earlier. Do you guys want anything?" "I'm fine." Christi said. "Don't get anything too strong, will you?" Danika forced a laugh. "I think as a junior pharmacist, I'm qualified to buy myself some sleeping tablets." Christi smiled flatly in return, although Danika couldn't see her. Her reply could have been read as affronted, even offended, but Christi knew her well enough to know that she was trying to make light of a bad situation. She still looked and sounded utterly miserable, but she was trying. "Anybody else? No? Alright, I'll be right back." Danika didn't take long to get what she needed, and soon enough they were back on the road, in the endless hum of tyres on road as miles of blacktop rolled under the old car. Regular signs and billboards had given way to empty fields and copses. There were a few warehouses and farm buildings in the distance, a few scattered houses, but the area seemed mostly deserted. Eventually an old white building came into view, its paint faded to green and grey and its façade cracked and deteriorated, its windows caked with grime and lifeless beyond. It looked like an old school, or perhaps a hospital, although it obviously hadn't been used for a long time. Christi turned her head to look as it rolled past, but looked back to the road ahead before her twisting could wake Sherie, who was asleep on her shoulder once more. She caught sight of the back of Danika's head, looking in the direction of the building for some time after it had disappeared from view, before she too turned her head to the front and focussed towards the darkening sky. "It's getting late." Rene said, after another half-hour had passed. "Sorry, but I'm really tired, we'll have to stop at the next motel. We can get some food and get some sleep, and start afresh in the morning. We'll be home by mid-afternoon tomorrow." * * * Christi's breath had slowed down enough to allow her to think. Her shivers returned, and her shoulder throbbed where it had hit the tiles, but at least her headache and dizziness seemed to be clearing, and her brain was at last beginning to work properly again. There was no point in panicking, if she could help it. What was outside? Was there anyway to get help? She climbed up onto the bench again, lifted herself as close as she could to the half-open window and peered as best she could through the gap. Cold autumn air blew beyond; a few brown-leaved trees were visible, damp in a midday mist, and a leaf-strewn overgrown lawn stretched all the way to a distant lattice fence topped with barbed wire and intermittently signed with warning notices. There was a small parking lot off to one side where an old and dirty SUV was parked, and the distant sound of a diesel generator made the air throb in rhythmic pulses. There seemed to be little use in crying for help. Far from being unheard, her cries might attract the attention of whoever had locked her in the room, stripped her naked, daubed lip gloss on her belly and written offensive slogans on the walls. She looked back at the door. It was old, covered with cracked and faded paint, and although it looked heavy, the frame was probably as rotten as the bench slats. Christi took a few steps towards it, took a firm grip on the handle, and thrust into the door with her shoulder. It moved just the tiniest fraction, and the frame creaked reassuringly. Yes -- with enough force, she might be able to break it down. She tried again, harder, and again, and again, each time harder, each time bringing a louder creak from the frame. With each thump of her shoulder if felt like the door was bouncing far out into the corridor beyond, but Christi's heart sank when she fixed her eyes on the frame for one final shunt, and saw that while it felt like it was moving almost out of its mountings, it was in fact moving only a nail's width. She stopped, regained her breath. She sat on the bench, rubbing her shoulder tenderly where she had made it sore with her barging. The discarded bench slat lay on the floor, a long stout shaft of rotting wood, and an idea came to her: maybe she could use it as a lever to crow open the door. She jumped up from the bench, picked up the slat, positioned it against the door handle and levered against the concrete wall. The door creaked and the frame bent, the handle twisted and its screws began to pull from the wood. Christi stopped, regained her breath, then pushed with all her might, feet skittering on the damp floor, jaw clenched against the effort and against the roughness of the rotten wood digging into her bare skin. With a sudden crack the frame gave way and the door flew outwards in a cloud of dust and splinters. The slat dropped away and Christi tumbled, landed deftly on her hands and bounced back up again unscathed. As quick as she was on her feet she was out of the broken door, darting into a long dark concrete-walled corridor floored with dusty black tiles and painted in cracked off-white paint. Dull white light shone into the opposite end of the corridor and she ran for it, feet squeaking on the tiles as she reached its end and skidded into another corridor that crossed it at right-angles. A windowed exit lay at each end of the new corridor; she ran for the closest, a wide set of doors that led out of a low entry porch. She had reached the escape handles when she heard a terrified, blood-curdling scream. Her breath caught in her throat and she span like a top, fell backwards into the door, crashed against it with a wooden rattle, stood deathly still. Misty footprints on the dirty tiles led back the way she had come, but there was no other movement; not even dust swirled in the empty shadows. "Christi!" Came the piercing scream again, echoing around the hollow corridors of the abandoned building like some over-effected techno song. "Christi, help me, please!" Sherie! Christi pushed away from the door with all her strength, her heart pounding as her legs took her back down the corridor the way she had come. She retraced her fading footsteps, back into the shadows, back to where she had been trapped. She heard a rapid thumping and came to another door, further into the darkness, from where the sound came. "Sherie!" She shouted, pressing her face against the frosted glass. It was almost dark beyond, but she made out a subtle movement, a shine of blonde hair and pink skin in the pale light from the window. "Christi!" Shouted the face on the inside of the door. The handle rattled as the head bobbed up and down frantically. "Stand away from the door!" Christi shouted into the glass, her ears assaulted by the reflection of her voice. She stood back, took a run up and thrust her shoulder into the door. It boomed and twisted, but resisted her impact. She tried again, and again, and on her fourth effort the door burst open with a crack of splintering wood. "Sherie!" She shouted once more as she fell into the dark room, grabbed hold of the naked figure before her and took her into a tight embrace. "Sherie…" "Christi!" Sherie cried in response, crushing her in her slender arms. "I'm so scared, I'm so scared, please, help me, please!" She spluttered through pouring tears. "It's alright, I'm here." Christi soothed, stroking her hair with one hand while she held her tight with her other. "It's alright." "I just woke up here in the dark, I was so scared! Help me, please!" "It's alright…" Christi continued. "I'm here now, I've got you. Come on, quickly, we need to get out of here. There's an exit this way. Come on!" "I'm so thirsty." Sherie said. "Me too. Come on, time to drink later. We can get out this way." Christi led Sherie by the hand into the corridor, back towards the exit that led into open air. They ran briskly through the old building, not stopping to care about finding their clothes or something to cover themselves with. The double doors opened to the push and they ran out of a wide canopied entrance into a parking lot, exposing their naked and dirty skin to an icy blast from the damp air outside. The late afternoon sky was blotted with dark clouds, and a few spots of rain were already dropping onto the leaf-strewn tarmac as they ran into the open air. "Rene's car!" Sherie shouted, pointing to a lone sedan in an otherwise empty car park. They ran for it wordlessly; Christi ignored the stab of gravel and grit at her bare feet and powered towards the car, stopped only when she was level with the driver's door. She pulled on the handle, gave a deep sigh when the door popped open. The keys hung in the ignition, glistening brightly against the dull brown plastic on the steering column. "Quick, get in." She wheezed breathlessly, dumping herself into the driver's seat and turning the key. The passenger door slammed and Christi gunned the throttle, kicking up a spray of leaves and dirt as the old car fishtailed out of the car park and onto an access road that led onto an empty highway. "It's the old abandoned building!" Sherie shouted, looking out of the back window. "What?" "The one we passed yesterday. On the way home." "Oh…" "So we must be on the main highway! Hey, we're going the wrong way!" "It's alright." Christi said. "There's a town up this way. We'll stop at the nearest place and call the police." "Hey… Rene's car… You think Rene is back in that building?" Christi looked at the formidable old block as it retreated in the rear view mirror. Perhaps Rene was in there, and Danika too. They couldn't leave them, could they..? "Um… You wanna go back and look for them?" "Something weird is going on." Sherie said. "Um… I don't think we should go back in there." "I think we were lucky to get out. Let's call the police first. Then we can go back. I just hope nothing happens before the police turn up." "Yeah." Sherie said, then continued: "You came back for me." Christi forced a smile from her pursed lips. "Yeah. I… I couldn't leave you. Not when I heard you scream." She took a hand from the wheel, reached across to Sherie's naked body, found her hand and squeezed it as tight as she could, grimaced as Sherie squeezed back. It was only as they held hands that she realised how much she was shaking. She heard the wet sound of frightened sobs, looked across to see Sherie's face crease into a horrific mask as tears flowed down her cheeks. "It's alright. We'll be alright." "I was so scared." "I know. Me too." "How did we get into that building?" Sherie asked, sniffling through drying tears. "I don't know. Do you remember anything?" "Not much. I remember being in the motel. You?" "Yeah. I remember…" Christi thought hard. "I remember those guys checking us out." * * * They had checked into the motel as the sun began to set. Danika was still in quite a state, although she tried to hide it -- she was quiet, subdued, said almost nothing. Perhaps just being in a motel was enough to bring back the fear of her ordeal. For that reason Christi had insisted they get a family room -- a double and two singles -- so that they could all stay together in case Danika needed any support. She'd have rather got a room with four singles, but the clerk said they didn't have such a thing, so they'd have to draw straws over the double. Not that anyone was really in the mood to care. It seemed that everyone just wanted to go to sleep and then go home. "I call dibs on a single." Danika said, as they dumped their bags onto the floor. "I think Christi and Sherie should have the double." Rene said. Christi felt herself burn from within, tried to swallow down the heat that coursed up her spine before if could show on her face, but glanced across at Sherie, saw her turn away from the others and bury her face in her bag, ostensibly searching for something, as it blazed with a bright red flush. Danika mumbled something under her breath and shrugged her shoulders angrily. Christi wondered what could have made her angry, but decided to say nothing -- she'd been through enough already. She could be forgiven her moods on this day. "I mean…" Rene said, stuttering and choking on her own breath as she turned to Christi. "I just mean you two are closest. I… No, I meant, you've known each other longest, is all." "Yeah." Christi said, her voice higher and tighter than she'd have liked. "Yeah, sure. I don't mind. That alright with you, Sher?" "Uh-huh." Sherie said from the depths of her bag. "Cool. Sharing it is." She turned from Rene, began to sort through her bag for her toothbrush. Another night in the same bed as Sherie wasn't a bad thing, anyway. Once the lights were out she could roll closer to Sherie and bask in her warmth, maybe even embrace her silently. There would be neither privacy nor mood for anything else, but closeness was all she wanted -- just a soft embrace, to feel Sherie's arms around her body, to feel her breath on her skin, to smell her scent and feel her heart beating in her chest, under her sweet bosom. A closeness to remember that one good night, and hopefully as a prelude to many more that would follow, once they got back home and at last had some time alone together. And if Sherie was asleep, or wasn't willing to risk even an embrace while Rene and Danika were in the room, then she could just lie close to her, close enough to hear her breath and feel its wind on her arm, and gaze into the darkness at her sleeping face and dream of their next kiss. "We should get straight to bed." Christi said, digging out her nightshirt. She'd love to be naked next to Sherie again, but that didn't feel appropriate. "The sooner we sleep, the sooner we can get up and be on our way." "Good idea." Sherie replied. "I could use some food." Rene said. "Well, alright, we could hit the bar, I suppose." Christi said. "They'll be serving food about now." "Yeah. And I won't be able to sleep without a drink." Danika added. Christi put down her nightshirt, glanced across at her friend. She'd cleaned up her face before leaving the police station, but still her skin had a deathly pale blankness to it as if she still wore her Goth makeup. Her eyes were sunken and drawn, and her lips had no colour. Christi thought about pointing out that alcohol wouldn't do her any good, and would likely make her feel worse in the long run, but decided to say nothing. She was really shaken up, the poor thing; let her have a couple of vodkas, if it would calm her nerves and help her to sleep. Christi would just have to keep an eye on her, to make sure she didn't have too many and make herself ill. Staying up all night nursing a vomiting friend didn't feature highly on her list of favourite things to do, especially after a day like this. "Alright. Let's head to the bar and get some food." She said. They locked the room and made off down the corridor, into the lift and into the bar, the mood subdued and their voices quiet, when they bothered to speak at all. The bar was almost empty, so they grabbed a table near the corner, flicked through the menus and placed orders for sandwiches and a side of fries. The food was prepared and delivered quickly as they sipped at their drinks. A group of young guys appeared after a while and perched themselves at the bar near their table, glancing across at them as they spoke amongst themselves. Christi caught sight of Rene glancing back, making eye contact and smiling, and she shot her a steely glance, tried to convey in her eyes that tonight was not a night for fooling around with guys. Even Sherie risked a few casual glances in their direction, and Christi felt a little tightness in her throat, together with an unpleasant burn in her chest, when she noticed this. Was Sherie checking out guys? And was this jealousy that simmered inside her? Was she really jealous? It certainly felt like it, much as it took her by surprise. "Another round?" Danika said, after they had finished eating. The looks from the guys were getting more frequent, and as the level of fluid in their glasses lowered so their voices became louder and more prominent. "I don't think that's a good idea." Christi said. Perhaps it was just indigestion from her sandwich, but the burning in the pit of her stomach was beginning to bother her, and she just wanted to get back to the room and lie down with Sherie, to gaze at her and pretend that Sherie hadn't spent half the evening checking out random guys. "Oh, come on, just one more round? We've only had two drinks." "Yeah, don't be a spoilsport." Rene said with a playful smile. "Come on, another round won't hurt." "Alright. Same all round?" Christi said, making to stand, but Danika was on her feet first. "It's alright, I'll get it." She said. "No, you don't…" "I said it's alright. I don't want to be a passenger all night. Really, I'm not that bad! I can handle a round of drinks." She shot what looked like a fake smile at the group. "Be right back." The looks from the guys became stronger and more intimidating, Christi thought, as she sipped. She didn't like their stares, and wanted to get back to the room. She was tired; it had been a stressful day, and she wasn't happy about something. Somewhere inside she was hurting, a physical pain in her chest. It could be heartburn, or it could be jealousy, strange though that was; it could even be her body's way of coming to terms with everything that had happened; a sort of sympathy pain for Danika. She couldn't stop a sense of worry in the pit of her stomach about Sherie, too. After all, last night her best friendship had taken on a whole new level, and wonderful though it was it was also slightly frightening: what it if went wrong, and she lost her longest-standing friend? And while she had been secretly creaming her brains out over Sherie's writhing body, poor Danika had been locked out in the cold autumn wind, huddling down trying to find some warmth, wearing only a t-shirt and short skirt, having been assaulted by an opportunistic bag-snatcher. If only she had gone after Danika, and not let her go off alone, then maybe she wouldn't have been attacked. Sure, she wouldn't have done those wonderful things with Sherie, but she would have traded one short but fantastic moment of sexual discovery to save her friend from such distress. Wouldn't she? She was so tired, it was hard to think. She just wanted to go back to the room and go to bed, but she didn't want to leave the others after a day like this. Why couldn't they just hurry up? A movement attracted her attention, and her heart sank. The guys were coming over to their table. Oh, no… * * * "That's the last thing I remember." Christ |
i said. "You think they spiked our drinks?" Sherie replied. "I'll bet. But why? I mean, we haven't been… Well, I don't think I've been… It doesn't really feel like I've… I mean, I'd know, wouldn't I? There'd be…" "I think I'd know, but it doesn't feel like it." Sherie said. "I mean, I even had a feel, when I first woke up, but… Doesn't seem like there's anything wrong." "It doesn't make any sense." "No." They were quiet for a few more miles. The town seemed more distant than Christi remembered, and she wondered if anything might happen to Rene and Danika in the time it took them to call the police and get back. Poor Danika had already been through one attack, and now she could be at the mercy of another. And Rene was only little, she wouldn't be able to repel a determined man, or break down a door. Perhaps they shouldn't have run off like cowards. Perhaps they should have scoured the building while they were still inside, to see if the others were there. Perhaps the others hadn't woken up yet, which was why they hadn't screamed when Sherie did. Perhaps they had already succumbed to some awful fate. Christi swallowed. Her throat was painfully dry, and suddenly tight once more. "Hey, climb in the back, see if you can find some blankets or something." She said, mostly to take her mind off her sudden wave of anxiety. Sherie seemed to be itching for something to distract her, as she obeyed without words, jumped straight over the seats of the old car and pulled down the rear bench to gain access to the trunk. "Our bags are still in the hotel." She called back. "No blankets. Wait, there's some bottled water. You want a drink?" "Water?" "Yeah. There's about six bottles in here." "I don't remember Rene buying any water." Sherie shrugged in the mirror, holding up a small bottle of mineral water. "It's here." She said, as if challenging Christi to refute the evidence. Well, that was something. "Sure. Pass me one over." Sherie hopped back into the front seat and unscrewed the lid, placed it to her lips and took a long swig before shed handed it to Christi. She took it with her spare hand, put it to her mouth and upended it, swallowing half its contents in one. As she lowered the bottle something red caught her eye. "What's that?" She said, taking her eyes from the road to focus on the bottle. "What's what?" Sherie replied. "This?" Something was written on the inside of the label in red pen. Her fingers scrabbled clumsily at the label as she tried to keep her eyes on the road. The label peeled away easily, as if it had already been removed once and re-stuck with what little sticky residue remained on its plastic backside. "Oh, fuck!" She said. "What?" "It says: 'You didn't check the seal, did you?'" "What?" "It's written in red ball-point. On the inside of the label." "Fuck…" Sherie mumbled. "Fuck, I feel dizzy. I don't feel good. Pull over, I'm gonna hurl." "Don't panic, it's just nerves. We've got to make it to the next town." "Christi, we've been drugged! Pull over! You'll crash!" "No! I'm going to stay awake until I get to the town!" "Pull over!" "No… Nnn…" Christi began, but her words became slurred. The lanes of the highway swirled across one another, merged and slipped away. There was a sudden increase in road noise, a bouncing and lots of clattering from underneath. Hands fought with the wheel, but Christi was pretty certain they weren't hers. She felt dizzy, as if she and the car were spinning around and around in circles, and then a sudden cessation of sound. Everything went black. * * * "Wake up." Said a deep voice, distorted and unrecognisable through layers of sleep. Christi's head pounded, her neck ached and her shoulders felt as if they were being wrenched out of their sockets. She tried to roll her neck, felt it crack loudly as muscles stretched. "Our two escapees have returned." Said the voice again, distantly, somewhere behind a closed door. Christi's headache disappeared immediately as she was yanked back into reality. Her head popped upright, her eyes snapped open, all pain gone. The events of the last day flickered before her vision as her eyes adjusted to the light; in a flash of darkness, everything was cold and clear. She was tied to what felt like a padded bench, the narrow sort used in gyms for weight training, her arms outstretched and tied with taught ropes to the walls of the dark room. Her thighs and shins were bound together and roped to the bench so solidly that she could barely move them. Directly above her in the gloom was a rusted shower head, facing her body. "Number one and number two." The voice, echoing as if from a speaker somewhere, rather than a throat, had an unusually deep and mechanical timbre, as if it was processed by a computer or some kind of vocal effects box. "You left the arena without permission. You have kept numbers three and four waiting unnecessarily. They have been greatly agitated while awaiting your return. "You have been chosen to enter a game of survival. The winner will earn their life. The losers will not survive." There was silence again, and the sound of heavy footsteps on wet tiles. "The first round will commence shortly. The rules are simple. The first competitor to cry or scream will be eliminated." Christi tried to swallow, but her throat was dry and tight. Her mouth yearned for cool water but her stomach quivered so much that she feared it would come straight back up, if she were lucky enough to be given some. But what could she do? She was tied, naked and alone, to a bench in a dark, dank shower room, lit only by a filthy grey light that slid under a windowless double door a metre from her feet. "Bubblehead will now paint the competitors." The footsteps resumed. A set of doors clashed, and Christi thought she heard the sound of a subtle whimper. She heard the deep voice talking in a nearby room, but it was no longer as loud, muffled as if behind more than one set of doors. She couldn't make out any of the words it said. The doors swung and crashed again, and the footsteps reached Christi's doors. Shadows played about the doors as a key jangled in the lock, and then they swung open, bathing Christy with dirty light and the shadow of a horrible silhouette. "I am Bubblehead." Said the figure at the door. Tall and round, it looked like a large black beach ball that had grown limbs and a head. It seemed to be a man dressed in an inflated rubber suit with a domed hood and a plastic face- plate, from behind which shone two powerful torches, obscuring any detail of face behind the screen. No features could be seen of the underlying body except the hands, which were covered with skin-tight black rubber gloves and heavy wristbands that kept the inflated suit from expelling its air. Heavy black workboots covered his feet. "Number two will be painted." He said, his robotic voice deep and close in the small, dark room. Christi tried not to whimper as her breath fluttered in her throat; the figure approached, carrying a large white bucket and a paintbrush. It wordlessly stopped beside her, dipped its brush into a clear jelly in the bucket, and elegantly brushed the number '2' on her belly. Christi was plunged into darkness once more as Bubblehead left the room and locked the door, left with only the itch of the jelly and her fear-heightened sense of hearing. She listened to her thundering heartbeat, and between its frantic pumps made out the sound of Bubblehead's heavy boots walking across wet tiles, echoing around a great empty hall, the jangling of keys at another lock, and more distant, muffled words. A smell began to permeate the room, stronger and more invasive than the omnipresent smell of mould and damp and cold sweat. It was chemical, it burned in Christi's sinuses. Could it be chlorine? It was something like that. Was it a chlorine jelly that Bubblehead had painted on her belly? Wouldn't that burn..? It itched, but it didn't really sting. Perhaps it wasn't a strong solution, perhaps it wasn't supposed to burn. Its stink was awful however, enough to set a cold fire inside her nose which burned all the way up her forehead and underneath her eyes. She blinked to clear them, which made them water. Her nose began to fill with mucus and she opened her mouth to breathe, took a burning lungful of chemical air. Bubblehead unlocked and entered one more room, then locked it again, before his deep voice boomed around the empty hall. "Round One will commence. Remember, the first competitor to cry will be eliminated from the competition. Begin." Christi physically jumped on the bench as a sudden sharp hiss filled the room. A fine mist sprayed from the showerhead for a second and was cut off again just as quickly, hanging over her in a descending cloud. She felt cold water land on her face, in her stinging eyes, on her lips, over her naked body. It condensed on the jelly on her skin, which began to fizz. A cold sting burned at her belly. She gritted her teeth, took a breath. Her muscles tensed of their own accord and she tried to twist away from the pain as it grew more intense. The fizz spat mist and droplets of water that tickled her belly, but that was nothing to the searing burn that lashed across the elegant '2' painted on her naked flesh. Another smell filled the air, a nauseating chemical burning smell. Was that the smell of burning flesh? She wasn't sure how much of this pain she could endure. She held her breath, clenched her teeth, gripped her hands into fists until they cramped solid like little round rocks. She wanted to scream out loud, but that would mean elimination, whatever that entailed. She didn't want to find out. Surely the chemical had to burn out soon? Could it be strong and plentiful enough to melt right through her skin and start eating at her insides? There was a thick wall of muscle under her belly, she knew, and then what? Tubes? She was suddenly thankful that she hadn't paid attention in biology class. If the chemical started eating at her insides then she didn't want to know what was being eaten first. From outside the door she heard a whimper, and suddenly felt her heart rise into her throat. Had somebody just made a noise? There was another whimper, then a cry, high-pitched, pained and terrified. Bubblehead's footsteps immediately knocked across the tiles beyond the door. There was a clank of pipework, and the showerhead began to spray, at first water but then something thin and brown and sticky that plastered her body and stung as it entered her eyes. It landed on her clenched lips and even through them she detected its unmistakable taste: vinegar. Her belly fizzed momentarily, then stopped. She let out a deep sigh as cold vinegar permeated the jelly and neutralised it. The spray stopped. She was shaking, she realised, like a leaf, letting out long, heavy breaths after short inward ones, her belly still searing with burning pain but no longer fizzing as it dissolved. Could it be over? "Number Three has failed. Number Three will be eliminated." Bubblehead's deep voice echoed around the hall outside. A cry followed Bubblehead's tailing echoes, and Christi recognised it as Rene's voice. She clenched shut her eyes against a sudden flow of tears, not from the sting of vinegar or pain from her melted flesh but from the sound of Rene's sobs. She heard Bubblehead's footsteps, heard him unlock a door, heard the sound of plastic feet on metal legs scraping on wet tiles as Rene's bench was dragged into the hall outside Christi's dark room. Rene's cries echoed louder in the hall, penetrated Christi's sticky skin. "It's alright, Rene!" Christi shouted. "It's alright! You'll be alright!" She tugged at her bonds, tried to yank the ropes from their fixings, but they were fastened firmly around pipes that ran around the tiled skirting of every wall. She tugged and pulled until her wrists felt ready to snap and her skin almost peeled from her bones, but still she could not free her hands, as Rene's cries rose and rose to a screaming crescendo. There was a sudden wet sound, followed by a bubbling, and Rene's cries stopped abruptly. Liquid spattered onto the floor outside the door, and something dark ran under it into Christi's cell. A sudden loud splash was followed by Bubblehead's fading footsteps, leaving Christi alone at last with her sobs and tears. She cried for longer than she cared to count, as tears poured down her face and pooled in her ears. Her belly still stung and her eyes burned and her throat cried out for water, but she paid no heed to any of them. She didn't need to see what had happened outside the door to know what had become of poor Rene. She didn't need to know exactly how her life had been taken to know that she breathed no more, and perhaps it was a small mercy that her pain was over, and that she wouldn't have to endure the agony of being tied helpless while she listened to her friends die. After some time Bubblehead's footsteps returned and something was rolled under the door. A gas began to hiss from a small metallic canister, and Christi's vision faded, her ears began to ring, and, despite gripping onto it with her fingernails and teeth, consciousness finally slipped from her grasp. * * * When Christi came to she was lying on cold tiles beside the small padded bench. She picked herself up, wiped moist dirt from her face. Something jangled in the dirt: it was a heavy chain, fastened about her neck and tied firmly to the pipes on the wall and locked off with a padlock. She felt it with her fingers, which clasped around another padlock, fumbled with it, but couldn't release it. She left the chain alone, glanced around in the gloom. She was alone. Little white pieces of paper littered the floor, clean as stars in a night sky against the endless filth that covered the tiles. She reached out for the nearest, picked it up, turned it over. It was a photograph, printed on cheap paper. In the gloom she could just make it out: a naked body on a small white bed, face blank and lifeless, belly daubed with the words 'dyke slut' in bright red lip gloss. Christi felt her heart stutter in her chest as she realised that the girl in the photograph was herself. She glanced down at her belly, which felt hard and sore. The number '2' was burnt into her flesh in thick red blisters, puffy and weeping puss and stuck with filth. She wished she had some cold water and disinfectant to wash it, no matter how much it might sting; she hated being dirty at the best of times, and her head became swamped with the vile thought of mould taking up residence in her blisters and turning her belly a sickly green colour, eating away at her flesh until it fell from her bones and the weight of her insides broke through and poured out onto the filthy floor. Was that to be her fate? Or would she be eliminated in the next of Bubblehead's rounds? Heavy footsteps were pacing around on the tiles. "All competitors will awake." Said Bubblehead's deep voice. "The second round will begin shortly. The rules: each competitor will be provided a set of balls. All balls must be inserted fully into the competitor's anus. The last competitor to complete the challenge will be eliminated." Christi swallowed. Balls in her anus? No! She'd never put anything in there before! It was… Well, some people liked it, but it had never appealed to her. It was gross! And that area was highly sensitive. Keys jangled in a lock, and a door opened. When the keys jangled again they were in her door, which opened slightly, wide enough for a fierce white light to invade the cell in a narrow strip and a small box to be kicked across the tiles by a heavy boot. Christi realised she had her first chance to see the hall outside her cell as Bubblehead walked away, but the fierce light was so bright that she couldn't see much beyond it from the darkness in which she sat. The floor was tiled, as she suspected, and some tiles near her door were stained red; beyond them was a ledge in the floor -- could it be a swimming pool? One more door opened before Bubblehead spoke again. "Competitors will begin now. Competitors will remain in the light so that Bubblehead can witness. Begin." Christi fumbled for the box and pulled it open. There were six smooth white balls inside, each a little over an inch across. No way would they fit! Not even one would go beyond her hole, she was sure! But… Rapid footsteps approached Christi's door, which rattled to a heavy kick. Christi cowered, slunk quickly against the back wall and huddled there, arms covering her face under Bubblehead's torch-bright stare. "Begin!" He roared. Shaking, Christi lowered her hands, tugged the box closer, fumbled with a heavy ball and forced her legs to open. She pressed the ball into her anus and pushed, grunted as her tight muscles stretched, grunted further as they began to hurt, then eased off. It was too sore. She needed some lubrication, at least, to have a chance. Despite her thirst she managed to work up a lather in her mouth, guided it to her lips with her tongue and spat onto her dirty fingers, rubbed her saliva over her sphincter, grimaced as she pushed her middle finger inside herself and rubbed a little more saliva over her insides. She added a little more saliva to the ball with another spit to her fingers, then quickly placed it against her hole and pressed again. Her muscles stretched and complained, but still she pushed. She grunted more, sunk down against the wall, opened her legs further, gave another push. It felt like the ball was half-way in; her anus ached against the tension, but as soon as she let go it fell straight back out again. With a whimper she turned over, wondering how far the others had got. Sherie had talked to her once about anal sex, and she had the feeling that she indulged in it more than she let on, at least with one guy that she'd dated for a while. Perhaps it would be easier for her, having done it a few times before. And what about Danika? Well, Dani didn't really share that much about her sex life. She seemed very secretive about it, which was probably understandable. She dressed as if she liked kinky stuff when they went clubbing -- leather, corsets, Goth makeup, sometimes PVC -- if that was anything to go by. But had she ever put anything in her anus, or had one of her girlfriends put something in there? For all she knew, Dani's pale Goth buttocks could border a second pussy, fucked on a nightly basis by dildos and strap-ons and anything else she could get her hands on. Perhaps even now Dani's asshole had swallowed all of her beads, and Christi was about to find out that she was the loser, about to suffer the same fate as poor Rene. Access was easier on her knees, Christi found. She took her lubricated ball, reached across her back and pressed it against her anus, pushed and pushed and grimaced and grunted until she felt her body giving way and opening up to her unwanted invader. Her anus seemed to suck the ball in with a sudden release of tension, drawing it inside so that only a small hard circle remained on her fingertip. She gave it a push, felt her pipe stretch to accommodate it. Quickly she grabbed another ball, spat on it, pressed it to her anus and pushed. Things moved inside her as the first ball was pushed in by the second and her anus stretched once more. She grimaced, grunted, arched her back to find the best position, until the second ball was swallowed by her sphincter. Tears filled her eyes as she began pushing the third ball. It was harder now, pushing two balls up inside her unwilling pipe as the third stretched her sore anus. Her belly cramped as she tried to push, threatening to expel the first two. It simply wasn't possible to push hard enough without tensing her abdominal muscles. She stood awkwardly, a ball half-in her anus, held it there with one hand while she lowered herself over the bench and locked her knees against its legs. There, now she could push hard without cramping her abdomen. The swollen blisters on her belly screamed as she pushed against the bench, but she ignored them -- she had to get these balls inside, whatever it took; she couldn't die like Rene had. Her hands fumbled for the box, picked up a fourth ball, spat on it, pressed it to her anus and pushed. Once again she felt things moving in her abdomen, hard lumps pushing up through her insides. She groaned and grunted, swallowed a feeling of nausea, reached for a fifth ball. Her saliva coated it as she spat, and as she swung it over her back it slipped from her hand, cracked into the tiles and rolled away through the filth. "No…" She whimpered as she stood, bent slightly forwards against the cramps in her lower back and rectum. Her body was rebelling against the invasion and her entire lower abdomen seemed to be cramping irregularly. She found the ball in a dark corner, covered in filth. Tears fell from her eyes and scrolled down her cheeks as her shaking fingers worked at clearing as much filth from the ball as possible, but still its saliva-coated surface was mucky and brown. There was nothing for it -- dirty or not, it would have to go in. She returned to the bench, bent over carefully against the spasms in her rectum, put the ball against the hard surface of her half-open anus and pushed. Hard cramps moved up her flank as the ball was swallowed, and the pains in her rectum doubled. "Ow…" She moaned, crying harder as she picked up the last ball and spat on it. Her mouth was dry despite her tears, and she could only manage the tiniest patch of spittle. It wouldn't be enough, but her poor asshole had already accommodated five balls and seemed loose enough despite its sting. She put the ball behind her back and pushed, pushed for all she was worth, but it wouldn't budge. "Please!" She whispered, her hoarse breaths turning to squeaks in her throat. "Please, please go in!" The ball was half-in when her body decided it could handle the invasion no more, and a huge cramp racked her lower abdomen, threatening to force all the balls out. It was no good, she'd have to force it in some other way. She placed the ball on the corner of the bench, hovered over it, one hand holding the ball still and the other at her anus to prevent the others from being forced out, and lowered herself down. Agonising cramps and spasms racked her abdomen as she forced her weight into the ball, pushing hard lumps up inside her belly. Finally she felt her anus closing, and she stood, fingers against her anus, turned her back to the light, faced the wall, her legs crossed and her buttocks clenched lest her body rebel again. She felt her anus opening as she stood and hot mucus forming within her ring; her fumbling fingers slipped on the ball as she forced it back in before it reached the point of no return, pushed and pushed until her anus closed like a pair of soft warm lips around her finger. "I can't…" Said a distant voice, and even through its cries and sobs Christi recognised it as Dani's. "I'm sorry! Please, I can't, they just won't go in… I've got two, but I just can't fit any more! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" "Silence!" Bubblehead boomed, and suddenly a hot wave of horrified realisation washed over Christi: she had been so determined to save herself that she hadn't even imagined that the others might not manage to complete the challenge. She had been so afraid of death at Bubblehead's hands that she had sacrificed her friends. "Number Four has failed." "No!" Christi cried, sending yet more tears pouring from her eyes. "No, Dani!" She wished at once that she hadn't even attempted the challenge, that she'd willingly sacrificed her life to see that both her friends survived to the next round. "Dani!" She cried again, as something metallic clattered onto the ground and the open door was slammed and locked, plunging her into darkness. A gas rose in the dark cell. Christi sank to her knees as it shrouded her, overheard the sounds of wordless screaming, frantic pleas for mercy interspersed with apologies, stopped abruptly by a sickeningly familiar wet sound and a bubbling of breaths, a dripping of liquid and a loud splash. Spots appeared in front of Christi's eyes, and at once the pain in her belly slipped away, along with her consciousness. * * * Tender hands rocked Christi back and forth as she awoke. Her head was nestled against two beautifully soft thighs and a pale belly, flawed only by the burnt scar of a number '1' that ran down its length. A delicate hand caressed her neck, and another was entwined with her hair, combing it soothingly. "Sherie." Christi whispered, puckering her lips to place a kiss on Sherie's belly. She lifted herself carefully against the pain in her belly, grabbed Sherie's shoulders, opened her mouth and wordlessly placed a kiss on her lips. Her hands wound around Sherie's head and pulled her close, so close that they were almost one, and still she wasn't close enough. She held onto her for as long as she could, until her arms went numb and her hands tingled with pins and needles. If Bubblehead was to kill her then let him kill her now, in the arms of her friend and lover, where she had longed to be ever since that one frantic night together in the motel. If she were to die in this foul building then at least she should die having had one last embrace, and if this was to be her last embrace then she would have it last forever. "Christi, Christi…" Sherie said, breaking away from her kiss and embracing her. "I was so worried about you." "I know." Christi sobbed, tears pouring from her eyes and running down into Sherie's back. "I missed you so much. Rene and Dani are dead." "I know." "Dani couldn't get the balls in." "I know." Sherie soothed, stroking Christi's back. "I wished I hadn't put mine in, I wished I hadn't tried, so Dani could live. I loved her, I should have done that for her, and for you, but I was so scared! God, I've missed you so much!" "Hush…" Sherie whispered. "Hush. Just rest." "I'm so glad I've got you." Christi cried. "I don't know what I'd do if I'd woken up alone. I don't ever want to lose you." "Hush, just rest." Christi stilled herself, felt her tears begin to dry. Her heart thundered, not with fear or worry but with love, the love of a friend and the love of a lover, for the pale blonde softness that enveloped her and caressed her and soothed her. "I love you." She said, after a while. "I really do." "I know." Sherie whispered. "I love you too." "Don't ever let go of me." "Hush." Sherie said, and began to run her hands over Christi's abdomen. "Didn't you take your balls out?" Christi shook her head. "You have to get them out." "I can't. My… My ass hurts too much." "They'll have to come out sooner or later. Sooner would be better." "Please, don't make me take them out." "You'll feel better, I promise." Sherie said. She put her hand under Christi's extended knee and lifted, opened her legs and placed her fingers against her anus. "Ow!" Christi whimpered. "Is it sore?" "Stings…" She sobbed. "Please, don't make me…" "Just push, gently." Sherie said. "No." "Come on, Christi, push gently. It'll all be over soon." Christi whimpered, began to push, but stopped as a terrible cramp swept over her abdomen. She adjusted herself, straightened her back and tried again. She felt her sore anus begin to stretch, whimpered against the pain, was thankful for Sherie's delicate fingers between her legs that steadied the ball as it came free. "There." Sherie cooed. "Good girl, that's one. Come on, keep pushing." Christi grunted as she pushed again, felt another big ball descend through her pipe and stretch her anus. Mucus slipped out ahead of it, coating Sherie's fingers. "I'm sorry." Christi whimpered, closing her eyes as her face burned red. "Don't be." Sherie said, and planted a kiss on her head. Her coated fingers worked at Christi's hole, working mucus into the skin. "It'll help. Come on, keep pushing." Christi gave a long groan, pushed again, expelled a second ball. "Good girl, good girl. Rest for a bit, the others will come down on their own." Cramps racked Christi's body as she rested, but she felt the balls moving through her stretched insides, felt her rectum stretch and complain as another ball filled it. "Another?" Sherie asked. Christi nodded her reply, held her breath and pushed again, pushing out another warm, heavy ball. Two more balls came down with similar cramps and were expelled through her abused anus into Sherie's waiting hand, and finally the last one entered her rectum. "Last one." Sherie soothed. "Come on, push, get it out. There you go." A grunt and a sob left Christi's mouth as the last ball popped free. Her abused insides began to relax, the cramps that had racked her lower belly diminished and settled. "Good girl." Sherie soothed. "Now lie down and rest. It's tiring, isn't it? I've never had anything that big in me before." Christi grunted a reply as she sunk her head back into Sherie's deliciously soft thighs, nestled her face into the soft, downy hair that grew just above her shaved patch, and closed her stinging eyes. Battered, aching and terrified so she was, she wanted nothing more than to be this close to Sherie, for the rest of her life. If only they were back in a motel somewhere, or in the big bed in Christi's flat, and they could lie under the sheets until their aches and pains had gone away, and then they could make love, kiss each other's lips and taste each other's sex and please each other's bodies until everything seemed alright once more. If only they weren't trapped in this awful prison with a sadistic killer forcing them to outdo each other in humiliating and abusive ways. Tiredness and fatigue, relief at having expelled her anal invasion, and even a sense of giddy happiness at lying on Sherie's soft and welcoming body, were enough to send Christi away at last into a light and fitful sleep, interspersed with happy and hellish dreams that she only barely snatched before she woke again with a start, only to doze off once more. Sherie must have fallen asleep too, for when Christi awoke she heard only snores from her lover, snores that sent her straight back to sleep. * * * Christi awoke with a warmth against her chest and a numbness in her arms. Her shoulders ached and her neck was stiff, and her hands tingled. She had a familiar groggy feeling of cotton wool in her head. She opened her eyes, found herself staring into a deathly-shadowed face at very close proximity, close enough to kiss its lips. She could smell dry breath against her skin. A strong lamp shone overhead, casting the face into a relief-map of light and shadow and obscuring it so completely that Christi almost didn't recognise its owner. "Sherie?" "What?" Sherie mumbled, opening her eyes, blinking. "Where are we?" "Tied up." Christi said. "My arms are tied. I can't feel my hands." "Me neither." Sherie took a breath. "We must have been drugged again." "I think so. I'm thirsty." "Yeah, me too." "You think Bubblehead will give us a drink soon?" Christi didn't reply. Two friends dead, their own lives on the line, and a cold glass of water was the first thing either could think of. She looked around, her stiff neck cracking as she did so. She and Sherie were tied upright in some kind of frame -- perhaps a climbing frame -- scabbed bellies and breasts pressed together, faces close enough to kiss, arms and legs stretched out wide and tied so tight that they were numb. Something hard was pressed between her legs, and as she moved she felt it resist as if it also pressed against Sherie's sex, trapped or perhaps suspended between them. "What do you think will…" Sherie began, but she was cut off by Bubblehead's deep, augmented voice. "The two remaining competitors will face three more rounds." He said. Christi turned her head as far as she could manage towards the double doors, where a big round shadow moved against two small frosted windows. "The first competitor to score two wins will survive. The remaining competitor will be eliminated. Round Three will follow: in this round, competitors will be stimulated. The first competitor to reach orgasm will win. Faked orgasms will be identified and guilty competitors will be punished." The door unlocked and Bubblehead entered with a crash, his heavy boots echoing loudly on the tiles. Out of the corner of her eye Christi saw a leather holdall in his black-gloved hand, which he placed carefully on the floor and pulled open. She could only listen as he rummaged in the bag and emptied its contents outside of her field of view. She flinched and squeaked audibly as she felt something cold and sticky touch her buttock. Another touched in the same place on her other cheek, and then two more, further between her legs where her buttocks met her thighs. Two more cold pads stuck to her inner thighs deep between her legs, almost against her exposed sex, and finally two pads touched the base of her spine. Bubblehead stood from his work and carried his bag behind Sherie. Her sudden wide eyes indicated surprise as something happened behind her. Bubblehead finally walked away, trailing wires behind him, which he plugged into a little grey box set on an old plastic chair. He crouched before it, staring intently from behind his torch-lit faceplate, his gloved hands adjusting knobs on the box. Christi felt a tingle in the highest pads on her buttocks, like a little electric shock that wouldn't stop. It grew, and the muscles in her buttocks tensed of their own accord. The other pairs of pads began to tingle also, until her buttocks and inner thighs were clenching and releasing in time with the shocks. It wasn't exactly painful, not even uncomfortable -- but it felt weird. What was the point of this? "This won't make me come." Christi whispered into Sherie's ear, hoping that Bubblehead wouldn't hear her in his thick inflated helmet. "Me neither." Sherie replied. "I don't think anything could make me come in here. I can't possibly come right now, not here. Sherie, listen to me, if you can come, I want you to. I want you to win. I want you to be free." "No!" Sherie hissed. "No, I'm not going to leave you! I'm not going to let you lose!" "But I can't come. Really, I can't, not here, I'm too scared." "So am I. There's nothing in here that could make me come, it's the last thing on my mind. Maybe he'll just get tired of trying, and call it a draw?" "Maybe. If neither of us comes, we'll draw, right?" Christi whispered. "Right, I guess. I hope." Christi planted a quick kiss to Sherie's face as she straightened her head. Bubblehead was still investigating his machine, adjusting knobs that sent varying strengths and speeds of current into Christi's spasming buttocks. As the strength of the current grew, so the spasms became greater, and more blood was drawn into the flesh between her legs. She felt her sex flushing, filling with blood, becoming more sensitive. She felt her clit begin to fill, begin to throb against the hard object that pressed between her and Sherie. "This is making the blood go to my… Um…" She whispered to Sherie. "Yeah, me too." "Um…" "It's alright, you come if you have to." "No!" Christi hissed. "No, I can't come. I'm too… Well, this is making me a bit… No, I'm not going to come! I'm not going to win!" Christi withdrew her mouth from Sherie's ear, but saw Sherie's eyes were closed and her lips pursed, pouting, breathing deeply through them. She'd seen that look before, when they were… No, don't think about that! The increasing spasms in her buttocks were strong enough to make her pussy contract of its own accord, and all the exercise was making everything sensitive. She needed to think about something else, before it got too much to bear. Why was it that nothing else would do, when the mind was turned to sex? Why |
, in this hellish old building, this torture chamber where Bubblehead chose his murder victims through sadistic games, would her mind not leave alone its memories of Sherie's beautiful face, moments away from orgasm, as she had been on that one glorious night in the motel? And why this cruel fate, that she would see her face like this only one more time before Bubblehead took her life, as ultimately he would, if Christi could see to it that Sherie won the next two games? Bubblehead reached to something on the floor, out of Christi's sight, and a gentle hum emanated from the hard object against her sex. Immediately vibrations shuddered through her body, firing into nerve endings and lancing up her spine like lightning. Sherie gave a sudden inward breath, her eyes popping wide. "Oh God!" She whispered breathily, her breaths turning to pants in her mouth as the speed of the hum increased. "No…" Christi muttered, her clit beginning to seethe under the vibrating object. She shut her eyes to hide Sherie's aroused face from her mind, but in the blackness she felt clearer how Sherie's blistered belly writhed against her own and ground into the vibrating object, thrusting it harder into her sex. She felt Sherie's breasts moving against hers, nipple to nipple, so close and so beautiful. "Sherie, stop it, please…" She mumbled into Sherie's ear. "Stop grinding it into me like that, it's too much…" "I can't help it." Sherie whispered in reply. "It's the shocks, I can't stop my hips moving." "Sherie…" Christi slurred. "Do you think you can come? Because I don't know if I can hold on forever." "Let go." Sherie said. "Come, come for me. You can win this round." "No! I can't let you lose! Come with me!" The vibration increased in intensity, driving a groan from Sherie's mouth. "Come with me, Sherie, please?" "Alright…" She panted. Her eyes closed again, and her face took a on distant look, as if she was concentrating on something. Her laboured breaths rose, and the writhing of her hips increased in pace, and all the time the tingles shooting up Christi's spine became stronger and stronger. "Alright, I'm close now, really close." Sherie panted. "I'm almost there." Christi said. "Almost…" "No, not yet, please, not yet, wait for me…" "God Sherie, I'm right there, please, come with me!" Christi moaned, the vibrations suddenly taking her so close that it was all she could do to hold back. She felt the abyss of orgasm opening before her, felt her body trying to throw her over the edge even as her fingers scrabbled to hold herself back. "Wait for me!" "Please, Sherie, please, I can't hold on! Please!" "Oh, God! Almost there!" Sherie squeaked at last. "Almost… Almost…" It was too late. Christi squeezed her mouth shut and held her breath as her orgasm began to explode, but it was too late, the touchpaper had been lit, the fire had blossomed and the blast was rising up her spine. "Now!" Sherie squeaked, her eyes screwing shut in determination. Christi let herself go, opening her mouth and expelling her pent-up breath as the fire reached her chest and swept her away. Through the blast in her ears she heard Sherie moaning, felt her hot breath tearing at her cheek. She brought her lips to Sherie's, kissed her, tasted the orgasm on her tongue. "A dead heat!" Bubblehead boomed. "How very sweet. Again." The vibration between Christi's legs increased again, driving a second orgasm up through her spine. "Sherie!" She squeaked; "Again!" Sherie's belly became a rock against Christi's as the vibrating object was thrust rapidly into her sex, and both were enveloped in another orgasmic wave. Stars burst in Christi's eyes. She blinked rapidly to clear them, heard Sherie's whimpering close in her ear. "Please, not again." Sherie moaned. "I can't come again." "Again!" Bubblehead's augmented voice boomed. The vibrations drove still higher, forcing a groan from Sherie's mouth. "No, I can't, I can't…" She whispered. Christi tried to hold back, but she had always been multi-orgasmic, and once the first was over the rest came easily. She couldn't deny the vibrations. She held her breath, tried to force her third impending orgasm down to wait for Sherie, but it wouldn't stop. "Sherie!" She squeaked. "Please, Sherie, I can't wait!" "Don't wait for me!" Sherie whimpered. "Please, Sherie, come for me!" Christi continued, her voice tight as a whistle as she tried to swallow down her orgasm. "Imagine it's me between your legs, imagine it's my tongue playing with your pussy, imagine I'm sucking your clit and squeezing your butt and burying my tongue in your pussy…" "Oh, God!" Sherie forced through her tight lips. "Oh God, now!" Christi let go her third orgasm, screaming aloud as it ripped through her body. She'd been holding back too long, and it was too much -- there was too much heat inside her to be set free with just one intense orgasm. Already she was almost bursting for another. "Sherie, again, please!" She squeaked into Sherie's ear. "No, I can't…" Sherie panted over the breaths of her last dying orgasm. "Please!" Christi ground her teeth, clenched her muscles and held on as her fourth orgasm grew like an over-inflated party balloon that was about to burst. "I can't wait! Please! Imagine I'm…" "No!" Sherie grunted. "Please don't make me come again! Come without me, please, come without me…" "No…" Christi tried to moan, tried to swallow her impending orgasm, but it was too much. Sherie's breasts against hers, her sore blistered belly writhing, the taste of her breath and the moist wash of it on her shoulder, together with the electric shocks between her legs and the vibrating on her clit was too intense to hold back. Her orgasm erupted as the balloon burst, threatened to blow her apart from within. She screamed out loud as she came. She didn't normally scream in such a way, but she didn't normally force her orgasms down for so long. She felt something wet splashing down her legs and realised she was squirting, something she only did on the very best of hip-crushing orgasms. Her watery ejaculate splashed over Sherie's thighs in tiny streams and dripped onto the floor, was quickly spent. The vibrations stopped suddenly, leaving Christi with a numbness between her legs. Bubblehead stood briskly, switched off his little grey box and made rapid paces for the double doors. He smashed through them, let them swing shut behind him with a clatter that knocked several shards of cracked paint to the floor. His retreating footsteps could be heard over the sound of air hissing, followed by a rubbery deflation and some hurried breaths. Was it possible that Bubblehead only had a limited supply of air in his inflatable suit? There were no visible tubes for his mouth anywhere in the suit, and no regular reverberating hiss as of someone breathing through a narrow pipe. Perhaps he could only wear the suit for a short time before the air inside became stale, and he had to deflate himself and remove his helmet for fresh oxygen. Could that be used to their advantage? "Sherie?" Christi whispered, once her mind was turned from Bubblehead's distant heavy breathing to her lover's quiet sighs. They had turned to sobs, and tears were falling onto Christi's shoulder and running down her back. "Sherie, it's OK, he's gone now." "Only for now." Sherie whispered. "He'll be back. Who knows what he'll make us do next? I can't take it anymore. I'm too scared. I just want it to end. I just want to get it over with." "Sherie! I'm sorry, I couldn't help coming that time, but I'll let you win next time. I won't let him kill you. I can't lose you, you're my best friend, and I love you!" Sherie sniffed. "Just make it stop. I'm so sore. I usually only come once. Twice hurts, and three times is just too painful. Why did you have to make me come?" "It's alright. The pain will go soon. I get sore sometimes." "No, it's not that kind of sore, it's like an… Inside sore. Like muscle pains." "I know. It's alright, I know. You come really hard, don't you? Your muscles cramp up solid. You probably pull them a bit every time." Sherie nodded, sniffing again. "Yeah. I always have very physical orgasms." "You look real sweet when you come." "Really?" "Yeah." Sherie lifted her head, dragged her wet nose against Christi's cheek. Christi turned her head until they were staring eye to eye, then let their lips touch, kissed her softly. Her soft kiss was returned, and grew into a slow open kiss, tongues seeking out each other and entwining, tasting teeth and lips and gums. Slowly, sensually, not fierce and sexual but tender and loving. "I'd die happy knowing I kissed you one last time." Christi said, as Sherie broke free from her lips and turned her head away, rather too abruptly, Christi thought. "I'd rather you not die at all." Sherie replied flatly. "That's…" Christi began, but stopped. Echoing through the double doors was a high-pitched keening, a female voice at the peak of output, somewhere deep in the building. It grew rhythmically, louder and louder, climaxing in a long crescendo, stopping with a tailing reverb from the myriad bare walls in the old building. "What was that?" She said. "A woman's voice!" Sherie replied. "He's got another woman in here! Maybe he's just made her… Y'know." "Yeah, or…" Christi's voice trailed off as her exhausted thoughts got mixed up. "What?" "Nothing." Sherie sniffed again. "So thirsty." "Yeah." Footsteps approached outside the door, which was pushed open long enough for a slender black-gloved hand to enter and drop a small metallic canister onto the floor. "Here we go again." Sherie sighed, fear resonating like a violin string in her tight voice. * * * "Wake up." Said a booming voice, as a heavy boot gently kicked Christi's naked thigh. She opened her eyes, shrank back as she saw Bubblehead's torchlight eyes staring at her from behind his bubble mask. "Both of you, up." Christi dragged herself upright and pulled herself back against the grimy wall, cringing against it as she watched Bubblehead lift Sherie's tired head from the ground by her hair. His gloved hand seemed small against Sherie's head, almost lost in her thick golden curls. Sherie moaned something, her voice exhausted. "Leave her alone!" Christi shouted in what she hoped would be a loud command, but came out as a meek whimper. Bubblehead ignored her, his small hands slapping Sherie lightly around the cheeks until she came to. She gave a shriek when she saw his inflated bulk before her, scrabbled away over the slippery filth and pressed her back against the wall. "The next challenge." Bubblehead boomed, and in the closeness of the little room Christi thought she heard two voices -- the loud, augmented, processed voice that boomed from the midriff of the suit, and a tighter one, somewhere inside where his mouth would be. Her tired mind wandered, and she found herself wondering what Bubblehead looked like under the mask, and if she'd ever get the chance to find out. He had been bent over just a moment gone to pick Sherie up from the floor where she had been sleeping off her latest sedative; Christi could have charged him and knocked him down, ripped off his suit and overpowered him -- but she hadn't thought of it at the time. She'd been too scared to even think of it. Why hadn't she thought of it? Bubblehead would probably be stronger than her anyway, and she was weak with fear and thirst and exhaustion, but surely it would have been worth a try? What was the worst he could have done? No worse than he had already promised. So, why not give it a try now? Christi's heart rose into her throat like bile. She could leap up and charge him as he stood in the centre of the room, tending roughly to Sherie. She could charge and bear him down -- so why didn't she? Because she was weak, and he was upright, and he wore heavy boots while she had only the soles of her tired feet to grip on the slippery floor. He had only to stamp once to break her foot and leave her even more helpless than she already was. Was that an excuse not to at least try? It felt like one, and Christi swallowed her heart, listened to what Bubblehead said and watched what he did. Perhaps there would be a better opportunity later, if she could trust her tired brain to spot it when it arose and her courage not to fail when the moment came. "Each competitor shall pull out its own hair. The first competitor to be completely bald shall be the victor. Number two currently leads by one round: should number two win this round, the contest shall be over, and number one shall be forfeit. Begin." Bubblehead turned away, stepped to the door and locked it behind him. Christi blinked to clear her dazed eyes and took a breath. She had to pull out her own hair? All of it? "Sherie!" She hissed. Sherie lay against the wall, breathless and exhausted. Her eyes were glazed and her breath weak. Was it just emotional shock that stilled her, or something else? Could she be dying of dehydration, or were the repeated sedatives building up in her bloodstream and sapping her strength? "Sherie! You have to pull out your hair!" Christi continued, took a lock of her own dark hair in her hands and pulled. She grimaced, gritted her teeth and tugged, but it just slipped through her dirty hands. She tried again, wrapping it around her fingers before she pulled. It hurt, a little, but nothing budged. Perhaps she was trying too much at once? She tried once more with a smaller lock wrapped around her fingers, gave it a long tug. A squeak left her mouth as she felt the hair come loose, her scalp making stomach-churning snapping, squelching sounds as the follicles came free. She gave a long sigh of relief as the lock came fully away in her hand, brushed it onto the dirty floor and grabbed at another. Bruised and sore from the first liberated lock, her scalp screamed as she tried for a second -- she couldn't possibly pull from the same area twice. She could leave that area for later, maybe it wouldn't hurt so much once she had gone all the way around her head. Something that had been screaming for attention in the back of her mind made itself heard, and she stopped. What was she doing? Why was she obeying Bubblehead's commands? Why was she playing his stupid game? Sherie was half- asleep, or half-dead, and wasn't in a fit state to play. If she carried on, she'd win by default -- and Sherie would die. She couldn't let that happen. Her hands and knees slapped at the grime as she padded over to Sherie, dragged herself up on the wall against which she leant, and cradled her head in one filthy palm. "I'm sorry, Sherie." She whispered into her ear, planting a soft kiss on her cheek. "This is going to hurt, but I can't let you lose this round. I can't let you die." Sherie mumbled something, but her words were faint and weak, and Christi couldn't understand any meaning in them. She barely moaned when Christi took a lock of her curly blonde hair, wrapped it around her fingers and tugged hard. With an all-too-familiar tearing sound, matched with shocks that travelled through Sherie's taut lock as if it were a violin string, her hair came free in Christi's hand, sagged and draped over her fingers. Christi laid it aside and grabbed another fistful of hair, span her fingers to wind the lock around them, and pulled again. Sherie's cries were frail and distant, but the grimace of pain that washed across her face was real and hauntingly close before Christi's eyes. She closed them against a sudden wash of tears, blinked to clear them, eased her tension on Sherie's hair while she planted a delicate kiss to her grubby forehead. "I'm sorry." She whispered, pulling again, pressing her cheek to Sherie's head and trying to ignore the gristly sounds of another lock pulling free. Something tugged gently at Christi's hair, and she glanced down to see Sherie's hand wrapped around it, pulling feebly. She'd began to wonder if Sherie might be slightly delirious, but she seemed to have grasped what was happening. She didn't seem to have the strength to pull Christi's hair free, but she was trying nonetheless. More tears pushed at the back of Christi's eyes. Poor, beautiful Sherie, weakened by fatigue and dehydration and fear, but still with a resolve to sacrifice herself for Christi's life. What did she do to deserve her fate? What had she done, to deserve this torment at the hands of a sadistic murderer? To have her sumptuous thick curls pulled brutally free by her best friend and lover, so that she might live? The door clattered open behind Christi and she span quickly in fright, pressed her back to the tiled wall as Bubblehead stepped in. "Enough." He said, and again there was the sound of two voices -- one deep and electronic, one quiet and weak. "The game was not played as planned, but a winner has been decided regardless. Number One has lost more hair in the allotted timeframe. Number One wins." Christi shut her eyes to hold back the tears. So now they were even. "Contestants will be transferred to separate rooms for the final challenge." Bubblehead said. "There will be no chance for cheating." Christi remained rooted to the spot, her bare bottom pressed into the corner between floor and wall, legs tight against her chest and back curved to hunch her shoulders over her knees, as Bubblehead approached Sherie, bent over slowly and grabbed her ankle. "Leave her alone!" Christi said, but her voice didn't have the power that she had intended. It echoed faintly around the tiled room as Bubblehead ignored her, turned around to exit the room, dragging Sherie's limp body behind him. The door clattered shut and was locked from the outside, and Bubblehead's heavy footsteps echoed a short way away, before sounds filtered back of another door being unlocked. There was some movement, the jangle of keys, some more heavy footsteps, and then Bubblehead's loud voice boomed around the space outside Christi's little tiled cell. "The final challenge will begin. The rules for this challenge will be transmitted telepathically to the contestants. The first competitor to break the rules will fail the challenge." Christi swallowed as the echoes of Bubblehead's voice diminished around the empty building. What did that mean? Telepathic rules? It was like a sick joke! It was worse than a sick joke, and of course, Christi realised, Bubblehead had done it on purpose: he wanted to orchestrate a challenge that they couldn't rig. If they didn't know the rules and couldn't see each other, then they couldn't fight each other to lose. It was the psychological game to end all the psychological games that he had already thrust upon them. Soon it would all be over. Only Bubblehead could decide who would win. Christi could die, or she could live, and know that Sherie had died. Could there be a future for the one who lived? Could life go on, knowing that three others had died? Could she ever get over such a trauma, or would she shiver in her bed in the darkness of every night, reliving the pain and the fear and the sorrow? Might death be the merciful option? A quick death and then peace, no bad memories and no demons to exorcise; no nightmares, no heartache, no crushing loneliness. Would it be a quick death? Christi found her mind racing to the end of the challenge; in her mind Bubblehead burst through the door, carrying his murder weapon. Would it be a knife? A hammer? An axe? Would he wield it above his head, let her terrified eyes fix on its bloodstained blade for more heartbeats than she could bear, before he brought it down upon her flesh and cleaved her in two? Could any human face that fate and not die twice -- once from fear, and once again from the blade? Rene had faced it, and Danika, whatever the murder weapon was. They had faced Bubblehead's instrument of death and died. Had they felt fear as they saw it swing towards them, or had they shut their eyes and thanked their stars that it would soon be over? Did Bubblehead go for the windpipe, or the chest? Did he puncture lungs? Christi had heard no cries, no sound other than the heavy wet impact of the weapon, followed by a liquid bubbling. Neither Rene nor Dani had begged or pleaded, not that Christi had heard. Could they have been silenced or gagged, or had they been brave enough to accept their fate without a sound? Christi took a breath. She was hyperventilating, driving damp mouldy air in and out of her lungs faster than her heart could handle it. She swallowed, tried to slow herself down; it was torture to clamp her mouth shut against her lungs, to deny her body the air it craved, but she didn't give in, forced her breaths to slow down until they were back under control. Her skin became flushed with a hot sweat, which chilled quickly in the cold air. She was driving herself to fear with her own imagination, she realised, after her breathing had slowed down sufficiently for the clouds to clear from her head and her eyes. Don't think of death, she told herself in her thoughts. Don't think of Bubblehead's blade. Think of something else. Not so long ago (was it a few days? How long had she been locked in this old building, anyway..?) Not so long ago, Christi had been looking forward to going home to start a new loving relationship with her best friend. Any new relationship was exciting, but this was something special: she already knew Sherie better than almost anyone, and there was nothing in Sherie that frightened her or warned her away. There would be no skeletons to uncover, no secret third partner or troublesome ex, no long-standing emotional issues or insecurities projected upon her. And they were compatible -- they knew how to work each other's bodies, and that counted for a lot, in Christi's opinion. She already loved Sherie as a friend, and had looked forward to falling in love with her as a lover also. Now that could never happen. One would live while the other died. One would suffer Bubblehead's instrument of death, while the other lived on in loneliness, always wondering about what might have been, about the future that they could have had together, if they weren't so brutally separated. It might have only been a quick fling, or a relationship that ran out of steam after a few months, maybe a year -- but maybe it would have lasted longer, if it had the chance. Maybe it would have been Christi's true calling, her fate and her future. Maybe one day she would have gone to her parents and said: "Mum, Dad, I've got some news. I know it's not what you expected, and it's not what I expected either, but my best friend Sherie… Well, she's more than just a friend, and… She's the one. You don't have to say anything right now, but maybe when you've had time to think, you'll be able to give us your blessing, because… Well, it would make us both proud." Could that have been her future, if Bubblehead hadn't smashed into her life like a runaway train and snatched everything from her? She would never know. She would die, or she would live on alone: perhaps, in time, she might find love elsewhere, with another woman, or with a man, but she'd never find out whether Sherie was the one for her. Christi put her head on her knees, let her shoulders sag, and let flow the tears that she had been holding back for so long. She sobbed and sobbed until her eyes ran dry, and as the tears poured down her legs so they seemed to take her emotion away, as if her sorrow and her fear and her anger and her hatred for Bubblehead and his vile games had poured out of her body and onto the filthy floor at her buttocks and feet. When her tears were gone there were only long, slow breaths: in, out, in, out, with the rhythm of passing tides. Seconds, or minutes, or hours, or even days could be passing outside of Christi's little room, but in her head time stood still. She had no idea how long she'd been sat there, cold and naked in her own puddle of tears, empty of emotion and of everything else, when finally a noise woke her from her void of emptiness. She blinked. Her eyes must have drooped closed; perhaps she'd even been to sleep, although she couldn't remember it. Bubblehead was speaking. "The final challenge is over. Competitor two is the victor. Number two is now free to leave." Keys jangled in the lock. The door swung slowly open, and Bubblehead's heavy footsteps walked away. Christi sat motionless for a moment. She was free? She was sure she should be sad, or perhaps happy, even angry, but she was empty. Perhaps she really had cried out all her emotion: perhaps she was nothing but a shell, never to feel again. Perhaps that was what Bubblehead did to his victims: turned them from real people into emotionless husks. Should she dare leave, and live the rest of her life like this, or should she stay where she was, until death of starvation and dehydration took her, or Bubblehead tired of her presence and slashed at her throat with whatever blade he favoured? She pushed herself shakily to her feet, her aching knees cracking and wobbling. Her ankles had gone numb and her back complained after being bent over for so long: she hadn't even noticed how much agony she was in until she tried to stand. But she was free. She could taste freedom in the air that blew in through the open door. Sherie would die, and perhaps that was a mercy, but Christi would live. She would carry Sherie's memory forever, and she would live. She had to live. People had to know what had happened in this old building. Christi's knees cracked as she stepped out of the small room and into a large hall that housed a swimming pool, and from there into a corridor. A number of doors led from it, but all were locked with chains and padlocks around the handles, except for two that had been smashed open, their frames bent and broken. It was the corridor where she had first escaped, the broken doors the ones she had smashed to free first herself and Sherie. At the far end of the corridor shone reflected daylight. The floor was caked with footprints. Christi recognised her own, and Sherie's, from where they had first escaped. There were other footprints -- boot-prints, dark in the grime. Most were dried but some were still wet, where Bubblehead had unlocked Christi's door and then retreated to some inner sanctum while she vacated his building. She followed the footprints, since they led to the exit, and passed them as they climbed a set of stairs. At the end of the corridor she found the main entrance where she had first left the building, unlocked and open. Cool air blew in and tickled her skin. She walked slowly towards it, uncertain but unafraid of what she might find outside. It seemed like aeons had passed; she wouldn't be surprised to step out into the sunshine to see that the world was covered with the blinding sheets of the next ice-age, or the skies scorched by some global war that was long-lost in history. She found neither, only an overcast sky and a rain- flecked parking lot. Rene's car, battered and dented but still serviceable, was parked up against the open entrance, the driver's door open. Christi approached. The keys gleamed in the ignition switch. The car had been left for her to leave in. She stopped. Something wasn't right. She had been too afraid, or too tired, or maybe just too stupid to realise it before, but Bubblehead wasn't going to let her escape. She would go straight to the police. She'd drive until she found the nearest town and come back with reinforcements. She might not be quick enough to save Sherie, if Sherie was still alive, but she would bring the police back to Bubblehead's lair and show them where everything had happened. There would be enough forensic evidence in the building to track him down, surely. He couldn't possibly hope to get away for long, once his building had been uncovered. What had Bubblehead done to the car? He'd already tricked her once into drinking from a drugged bottle -- she wouldn't fall for that again. Perhaps one of those sleeping gas canisters? A fatal dose, maybe, or just something to knock her out until he could come and finish her off? A rusty noise sounded from above, and Christi looked up at the canopy over the entrance as some debris clattered from it. Had Bubblehead opened a window? Was he going to watch her escape, to see that whatever he had planned went without a hitch? If so, she thought, she would let him see her escape. The canopy stretched far enough over the tarmac that the car was slightly underneath it, so Bubblehead wouldn't be able to see her climb inside, she hoped. She hoped he wouldn't see her as she reached under the driver's seat and groped around until her hand found the heavy shaft of Brett's crowbar. Thank you, Brett, she mumbled in her head as she hefted it free and slung it over her shoulder. Now to let Bubblehead see her escape. She turned the key, listened to the engine purr into life. She reached across the column and stuck it into drive, released the brake and turned the wheel until it was pointing out towards the road. Finally she turned up the cruise control and flipped it on, slamming the door as the old car pulled briskly away. It turned for the road, the steering wheel unwinding as the tyres pulled at the asphalt, straightening its curve. It picked up speed, heading towards the exit, until there was a sound like condensed thunder and the door glass blew outwards. Flames quickly engulfed the interior of the car, licking up out of the broken windows and curling at the blackening paint on the roof. Within seconds the cabin of the old sedan was a blazing fireball, still accelerating, tearing down the old fence and finally coming to a halt against a concrete post, crackling and billowing black smoke even as the engine died. Christi turned, her spine cold like ice. If she had been in that car, then she would have been burned alive. What now? If Sherie was still alive then she was half-dead from exhaustion, so it was just Christi and Bubblehead. He was a killer, but he wasn't expecting her. Maybe he would make a mistake. Christi moved on tip-toes back into the building, retraced her steps to the stairs. She stopped as she heard heavy boot-steps rolling down them, backed up quickly and pressed herself into the shadows of a locked doorway. Slow boot- steps echoed in the corridor, overpowering the sound of her racing heart. They reached the bottom of the stairs, then began to grow fainter as Bubblehead moved along the passage towards the swimming pool. Christi peered around the corner of her hiding place, saw Bubblehead's inflated bulk carrying a blood-stained fire-axe in one hand and a bunch of keys in the other. With his back to Christi he reached out, grasped the handle and began to pull. She moved quickly, drawing the crowbar up over her shoulder. Her bare feet made little noise on the tiles but they grew in volume as she picked up speed, from soft pats to louder slaps, but perhaps Bubblehead's helmet was too thick to let in the sound, and his peripheral vision limited behind his mask; he appeared not to notice until Christi's fast-moving crowbar swung into the back of his neck, where inflated helmet met torso and the gap between rubber and flesh was smallest. Christi felt iron connect with bone through the heavy shaft. The sharp fork of the crowbar punctured rubber and flesh, and a mist of blood was blown out as Bubblehead deflated, dropping to the floor as his air escaped. He lay motionless, sprawled on his belly as his suit lowered itself around him. His body was slender and lithe. Maybe it was a trick of perspective or of Christi's guilt, evident even though she had attacked a killer, but he looked smaller than she expected. Maybe everyone looked smaller when they were lying prone on the floor after a blow from a weapon in her hand. Christi grabbed the keys from his small gloved hands and pushed through the door, her fingers shaking. Bubblehead might not be dead; he might get up at any moment. She had to act fast. The door swung inwards, opening to the wide hall with the large swimming pool set in its floor. It was mostly empty, but a few feet of water remained in its base, full of black leaves and mould and dirt, and in the middle, something floating. Red hair shone on the surface, and around it, the filthy water seemed darker than elsewhere. Christi stepped slowly closer, stopped and stepped back when she saw blood at her feet. The body floating face-down in the water could have been anyone's, but Christi would have recognised that vivid hair anywhere. Poor Rene. She closed her eyes, breathed for a few seconds, opened them again, glared coldly at the floating body. Where was Sherie? She had to know whether Sherie was alive or dead. She turned, saw the room that she had been set free from. There were several other set of doors against the wall; one was locked with a sturdy padlocked chain around its handles. It took a moment to find the right key before the lock came open and the chain fell away, clattering loudly to the tiled floor and echoing around the hall. The door swung open to her touch. Light spilled slowly over the dirty floor as if reluctant to reveal whatever horrors might be waiting inside. Finally a pair of slender legs was exposed, then a pair of buttocks, and a mass of curly blonde hair atop a body that lay face-down in the grime. Christi stepped into the room, carefully pulled back Sherie's hair to reveal her face. She blinked, each spasm of her eyelids sending shocks into Christi's chest. Her eyes opened. "Sherie!" Christi whispered. "You're alive!" Sherie mumbled something faintly, but Christi couldn't decipher it. She put a hand under Sherie's chest, lifted her bodily from the ground and slung her over her shoulder. "Close your eyes, Sherie." She said, as she carried her out of the cell and into the pool hall. "Close your eyes, there's things you don't want to see." She stepped over Bubblehead's deflated body and into the corridor. Where to take Sherie? She fumbled with the keys in her hand; yes, there was a car key. Bubblehead must have transport, but the parking lot at the front of the building was empty, apart from Rene's burning sedan, now under a cloud of black smoke that rose up into the rain clouds to be swept briskly away by the cold breeze. Christi turned back into the building and headed for the opposite end of the corridor, where light shone through another set of grubby windows on the rear exit. She moved slowly under Sherie's weight, and it seemed to take a lifetime to reach the door, but beyond the grubby windows was the other small parking lot, home to piles of dead leaves and bits of timber and, in the far corner, the old SUV. "I'm going to put you down." Christi whispered as she lowered Sherie onto her feet. "You can stand, can't you? Lean against the wall while I find the key." It took another minute to find the key to the fire exit and finally set foot into the parking lot. A diesel generator throbbed somewhere nearby. Sherie wobbled on her feet and Christi had to support her as they walked painfully across the tarmac to the SUV. Dead leaves helped to soften the sharp tarmac stone, but concealed bits of gravel or old nutshells or other hard and painful objects that dug into Christi's feet with every other step. Christi popped open the passenger door of the SUV, which was unlocked, and helped Sherie to climb aboard. She looked almost dead, and Christi wondered for a moment if she'd survive the journey to the nearest hospital. But of course she would. She hadn't come through all this to die on the way to safety, had she? When Sherie was safely strapped in she opened the tailgate and found two black holdalls. One was full of clothes -- the clothes they had been wearing on their last night in the motel bar, the last thing Christi could remember before waking up in the grimy changing room. The other contained snack foods and bottled water. She checked the bottle tops and labels in the failing light from the overcast sky, and decided they were safe. Bubblehead wouldn't poison his own food supply, would he? "Sherie, |
I've got water!" She said, unscrewing a top and placing the bottle in Sherie's limp hands. She opened another and took a long pull from it as she watched Sherie shakily put the bottle to her lips and spill most of its contents down her bare chest. "Here, let me help you." She whispered, guiding Sherie's hands to her lips, holding the bottle so that water flowed slowly into her mouth. Sherie began to swallow hungrily, letting out frantic breaths between gulps. "Enough? You'll feel better soon. I've got clothes." Sherie sighed deeply. "Thanks." She mumbled. "Here." Christi dug into the holdall and withdrew Sherie's clothes, handed them to her. "Put these on when you feel strong enough. I'm going back inside." "Inside?" Sherie said, her voice suddenly gaining in strength. She sat upright in the seat. "Why?" Christi struggled with her tight-fitting jeans. Her underwear was nowhere to be found, and her jeans were cold and damp after being kept in the old car; they stuck to her grimy legs and scratched at her chilly skin. "There's something I have to know." She said. "No, please, let's just go. Let's just get out of here." Sherie sighed. "No. You stay here. I have to know." * * * Bubblehead wasn't where Christi had left him. His rubber helmet had been torn free and discarded, and lay in the doorway next to his blood-stained fire-axe and a pair of glassless spectacles with bright torches moulded either side of the lenses, shining brightly at an otherwise ordinary piece of skirting board. The crowbar was gone. Christi picked up the axe and retraced her steps, following a wide trail in the slime, such as might have been made by an injured man in a deflated rubber suit dragging himself along the floor. The trail led to the staircase, where rubbery handprints on the skirting indicated someone trying desperately to claw their way up the stairs. A shuffling sound came from a bend in the stairway. Christi edged up slowly, her trainers squeaking on the wet steps. Laboured breath echoed down the stairs, subtly amplified and electronically augmented. "Get away from me!" Said Bubblehead's deep voice, although it sounded breathless, and the higher, tighter, more human voice was more obvious. Christi rounded the bend, saw the deflated suit draped over a slender figure almost motionless on the stairs, saw long jet black hair matted thickly with blood over a sinuous neck. She reached out with her foot, lifted Bubblehead under his armpit and flipped him over. He weighed almost nothing. Her gaze met with big, dark eyes staring back at her. She saw a pale face framed by jet black hair. Her heart stopped. She dropped the axe, barely noticed as it clattered to the tiles and bounced loudly down the stairs, finally sliding to a halt in the corridor below. "Dani…" She said, her voice barely louder than a breath. "Christi." Danika replied, her big dark eyes glazed and unfocussed. A deep voice echoed under her own intonation, and she reached up with a black-gloved hand, grabbed a small microphone in the collar of her suit and yanked it free, snapping wires, threw it to the floor. Christi sank to her knees, put a hand either side of Danika's face, caressed her. She tried to feel something. She wanted to feel something. One of her best friends was dead, another was outside in the cold, perhaps traumatised for life, and another was dying in her arms, the very cause of all the grief and pain. She wanted to hate her, enough to crush her skull between her hands, but she didn't. She couldn't, and she couldn't explain why. "Dani, why?" Danika coughed, her eyes squinting as she grimaced. Perhaps the step underneath was pressing against the broken base of her skull where the crowbar claws had hit. "You'd never understand." She croaked. "Try me." Danika tried to shrug, succeeded only in drawing a pained groan from her dark lips. "It started years ago." She said, finding some strength to project her voice a little clearer. "I'd always known I was different. I never fitted in. My first girlfriend was at highschool. I told her I loved her, although she didn't believe me. We tried to keep it a secret, but somebody saw us in the park, and it got around school. We'd never done anything serious, only kissing, but nobody at school believed us. Her parents found out. Her father moved her away. I never saw her again." Christi stared blankly into her eyes, willing her to go on. That was sad, but it was no reason for all this pain and brutal death. Everybody lost a childhood sweetheart sooner or later. "My next girlfriend was at college. She was open about it, but I wasn't. I was afraid of what happened before. We were out one night at a gay club, and the local rednecks were hanging out a few blocks away, heckling the gay boys as they walked past. I said leave it, but Karin got involved. There was a fight. It got really nasty. She was into the butch scene, used to wear man's clothes. The next night she went back to the same club; she asked me to come, but I was too scared to go back there, and stayed home. She stayed all night, was on her way back to me when they attacked. They recognised her from the night before, apparently they thought she was a guy. She was beaten really bad, spent time in hospital. I don't think she ever really recovered. She didn't want to see me after that, and I always wondered if it was because I wasn't there to help her. It wasn't easy for gay people where I grew up, and that's why I moved away." Danika paused for a while. Christi held her stare. "Go on." She said. "That's when I met you guys. You took me out to regular clubs and showed me a good time, but you never knew I was gay." "I knew. You told me." "That was later. In those first days you didn't know. And I saw girls kissing each other. Not because they were gay, but because they wanted to attract guys. Because they thought it was cool. How is it cool to be gay? That's like saying it's cool to be black or it's cool to be tall. You can't just say you want to be gay because it's cool!" Dani said, her voice gaining in power. "You can't just decide to be gay for ten minutes, until all the guys start looking! Now it seems like every girl in the world wants to be gay for ten minutes, or a night, just to see what it's like. That's not being gay! Homosexuality isn't a lifestyle that you can choose to put on and take off, like makeup or clothes, it's something that sits inside you. Yes, I hated all those girls who kissed each other on the dancefloor then went off with different guys. They call themselves bisexual, I call them sluts." "Dani, you're not making any sense…" Christi hissed, and wondered immediately why a killer would care about making sense. "You wouldn't understand! You never got separated from the people you love because of what you are! You never saw your lover get beaten up because she was different!" "What about this place?" Christi said flatly. "I came past this place a long time ago. I don't know why, but I wanted to stop here. It was ruined and abandoned and empty, like me. I fell in love with it. There was nobody around, so I broke in. It became my escape. It's where I came to get away. I'd bring girls here sometimes, to play games. That's why I got the suit, and the ropes, the orgasm machine, and the other stuff. Our games got more brutal. For others it was a game, but I always wanted more. It wasn't a game for me. I couldn't help myself one time, about a year ago, when I had a girl tied up in the changing room. She used the safeword over and over, but I wouldn't let her go. I couldn't stop until she was dead. I buried her out back, and nobody ever found out. I swore I'd never come back here again, until I found out about you and Sherie." "Me and Sherie? What's that got to do with anything?" "Don't you get it?" Dani shouted. "Haven't you understood a word I've said? You're straight. You're both straight. You both talk about guys all the time. And yet it only took a bit of alcohol and you fucked each other, with Rene asleep in the same room! You're exactly what I've been talking about! You know she woke up half-way through, and had to sit in silence until you'd finished? She told me the next day, in the police station, after I'd been attacked. She thought I'd find it funny, thought it'd cheer me up. She didn't know I was gay, she didn't know I'd be offended. That's when I decided I had to bring you all here to teach you a lesson." "Teach us a lesson? Dani, you killed Rene!" "So? She cut me the deepest! A couple of years ago, when she kissed you in that club? I never knew about that until Monday night. A couple of years ago, that would have been about the time I realised I was in love with you!" Christi blinked, for the first time since Danika had started talking. As she cleared her eyes she realised that Danika was crying. "You were in love with me?" Dani tried to nod, clenched shut her eyes in agony as her shattered skull moved against the step below it. "Yes. I never told you. That's the golden rule: you never tell a straight person if you love them. They'll get offended, and never speak to you again. I couldn't help myself; that's why I told you I was gay, with the faintest glimmerings of hope that maybe you'd work it out, and open up to me. I couldn't bear to be up-front with you, in case you never spoke to me again. All this time, all I had to do was get you drunk…" "Dani…" Christi whispered. "I'm not straight." Danika became silent, stared emptily into Christi's eyes. "I'm not straight. I don't know what I am, I never realised until Sherie showed me, but… I don't know, if you'd have told me two years ago, maybe… I don't know, maybe I'd have been shocked, or confused, but I wouldn't have been offended. Maybe I'd have gone out with you. Maybe… Oh, I don't know, but you didn't have to kill anyone! We all loved you, as a friend! We didn't know you were capable of this." "I know." Dani whimpered, closing her eyes against a flood of tears. "I was just so jealous, for a year or more I'd gone to bed lonely knowing that I'd never get to kiss your lips, then finding out that at the same time Rene got to kiss them for some cheap thrill… I couldn't stop myself." "You were going to kill Sherie too?" Danika nodded slowly, eyes clamped shut against the pain. Christi let go of Danika's head, slowly stood up. Her fingertips were stained red with blood. "What are you going to do?" Danika asked as Christi wiped her fingers on her jeans. "I'm going to fetch the police." She replied coldly. "I'm going to leave you here. If you die, then it's no more than you deserve. If you live, then you'll go to prison for what you did. I'll tell the police everything you told me. You almost took everything from me." Danika nodded again. "I know." Christi wondered if she should say something else. Would 'goodbye' suffice? Would that be enough to end almost three years of friendship? She might never see Dani again, at least not alive. In fact, she hoped she wouldn't. To know that she lived on in prison would be too much; the juxtaposition between the sweet, reclusive gay girl she'd befriended and the sadistic killer who had tortured and murdered her friends was simply too great to reconcile. Better that her existence end now, Christi thought, but she wasn't going to hasten it. There had been enough violence. Her blow with the crowbar might be enough to kill Danika, but that had been dealt in order to save Sherie's life. The axe lay at the bottom of the stairs, and there it would remain; there would be no more killing. She stepped down the stairs, walked slowly towards the rear exit and the waiting SUV. The air outside was cold and still. Rain fell slowly, pattering onto the dead leaves and old asphalt. The diesel generator, behind an open guard against the peeling walls of the old building, sputtered and coughed, and finally died. Beside it lay a jerry can that had blown over in some earlier gust of wind and spilt its flammable contents in a pool around it. Sherie was shivering in the passenger seat when Christi climbed aboard, pushed the key into the ignition and started the engine. "Who was he?" Sherie asked, as Christi pulled out onto the lane that led to the highway. Christi shrugged. "Just some old guy." She said. * * * She told the police everything. Well, almost everything. OK, she admitted to herself later, she omitted lots of details -- like the exact details of some of the challenges, and her new relationship with Sherie that had inadvertently turned Danika to murder. She had a good meal, and a good sleep, and then her insides came back to life, and she bled. She didn't tell the nurse about that. She didn't need to know. It would clear up on its own. They tried to do something about the alkali burn on her belly, although she was told she'd always have a scar. She would always be number two, and Sherie would always be number one. It had mostly stopped hurting anyway, it just itched and cracked when she moved. Inspector Moss led the investigation. He listened intently to all that Christi said, and he nodded and seemed to understand when Christi asked that Sherie not be told of Bubblehead's true identity. He reported back to her after he'd been to investigate the abandoned sports centre. Danika was dead when he'd arrived. Hearing the news had thrown a switch that, for the first time since she'd been set free, seemed to turn Christi's emotions back on. She managed a brief nod, emptily answered Moss's questions, before he left, and finally she could open the floodgates and let pour the tears that she had been holding back. * * * It was a day later when a police cruiser took them home. There would be all sorts to face when the clouds cleared -- Rene's parents, who would have been told by the police, and her other friends, who would want to know why Rene and Danika weren't around anymore, and would soon be looking at Christi in a different light once the rumour mill got working, asking questions, or more likely staying away in fear of saying the wrong thing -- but first there was a life to reorganise. "I can stay with you, if you like." Christi said to Sherie, as the cruiser stopped outside her flat. "Um…" Sherie replied. "No, that's OK. I think I want to be alone." Christi nodded. "I mean, unless you want to?" Sherie continued. "You'll be alright alone?" Christi nodded again. She turned away, opened the door and stepped out onto the pavement. Sherie stepped out behind her, stopped beside the cruiser. Christi popped the trunk, hefted Sherie's bag and handed it to her. "You're alright, aren't you?" Sherie said. "Yeah." Christi replied. Sherie smiled, put the bag down on the pavement and took hold of Christi's hands. "You were my rock. My strength. You came back for me." "You sure you don't want me to stay?" Christi said, changing the subject before it had a chance to turn to what had happened. "You'll be all alone." "Oh… Well, no, I want to be alone." "OK, I understand." Christi said, subconsciously lifting her heel from the asphalt and tapping her toe on the ground while she stared past Sherie at nothing in particular on the opposite side of the street. "Only… I know a lot's happened, but I'd like to see you again soon. Y'know, after Monday, I'm like… Well, I want to see you again." Sherie stared back blankly, as if she hadn't understood. "Damn, how do I say this without sounding weird? I, um… I want… Well, it was the only thing I could think of when we were… Back then. I want you… Us… I want there to be an us. Please, Sherie, don't keep staring at me like that, you know what I'm trying to say, don't you?" "I'm moving away." Sherie blurted, the words firing from her mouth as if from a machine gun. Christi said nothing. It was her turn to be blank; she could think of nothing to say. "I got that job I wanted." Sherie continued, by way of explanation. "I didn't tell anyone I'd applied, in case I didn't get it. I wasn't going to tell anyone until the last day, but… Well, it was going to be my big surprise. This trip was supposed to be my celebration. All those years of studying finally paid off. So, I'll be moving away. I mean, don't be sad, you can still come visit me, in a couple of weeks maybe, once I've settled in, but… Y'know, only as… Well, friends, like we've always been." Christi nodded. "Just friends." She said flatly, forcing a smile to her wooden lips. "I understand." "I'm sorry." Sherie went on. "I didn't think you'd want more, I just… Well, I wanted to try it, and we've always been close, and I thought… Well, since I was moving away, and we might not see each other much, it would be a good way to say goodbye. I really didn't think it'd be so important to you, really, I didn't want to hurt you. I'm sorry. I really am. I hope we can still be friends?" A letter to my 23 year old virgin girlfriend, I keep trying to tempt her. Dear Alexis We have an opportunity to spend some time alone together. My daughter has gone back to school and my wife is spending a few days with her sister in Denver. I have been left to my own devices. For various reasons, your family is also off in different directions. We have been separated by coincidence on too many occasions this week, so close, but never actually meeting, never actually having a private moment. That has built up a level of frustration that has fueled our emotional and sexual desires. We have built up the expectation of meeting that has been dashed at the very last minute, over and over again. Patience has been tried. Nerves are raw with anticipation I must have you in my arms again. I must be able to talk to you face to face, without the company of others. Tonight we are free. You will come to my house where I will do my best to seduce you. You know this; you expect this; you want this. I want you as I have never wanted anyone before. I want you, not just sexually, but as a woman to be near, to talk to, to share things together. You come dressed in a little black dress, a string of pearls and little else. You look divine as you enter, your eyes brightly shining. Your smile broad, happy and a touch mischievous After a moment, we fall together into each other's arms. Our lips meet, hungry for each other, wanting to taste each other. Your breasts are hard against my chest, my cock is hard against you. At last, you are in my arms. It feels so good to hold you close to me. I kiss your eyelids and gently lick them with my tongue. With that, I take the blindfold from my pocket and place it over your eyes. You are delighted with this unexpected turn of events. You have this wonderful streak of playful innocent sexuality. Your approach to sex and pleasure is open and natural. When I ask you what you like, you always say, straightforwardly, "Everything". I want to please you; I want to make you feel the intense pleasure that your body can deliver to you. It has always confused, but delighted, me that you are a virgin. I could not understand how someone with such intense sexual desires and feelings could have resisted the natural result of those desires. I am truly delighted by this. It cloaks you with an aura of such innocence; there is nothing dirty or crude about your feelings and desires. That is why I go to such lengths to avoid the use of crude slang when I talk or write to you. To talk about a "blowjob" would degrade the sincere loving care with which you take me into your mouth. With great care and deliberateness, I slowly remove all of your clothes. You are naked before me. I admire your body. I love it. I want to possess it with my hands and mouth and tongue and heart. Then, blindfolded and groping, you undress me. You kneel before me and after some fumbling, my pants drop to the floor and are kicked away. That is followed by my boxers; I stand before you naked and hard. You cannot see, but you know I am waiting for you. Your hands caress and tickle my legs and butt and lower abdomen, without touching my cock. Then you take me in both hands, stroking the smooth, soft hardness, feeling the urgency. You take me into your mouth, a little at first then I am sucked completely into you. Your hands are busy caressing my balls and tickling the crease between the cheeks of my butt and the insides of my thighs. My legs tremble and quake as I fall down onto the couch; I am so consumed with passion that I cannot stand. These feelings are impossible to describe. So intense, so consuming, as you take me in and out of your mouth. You are in complete control of me. Even with your blindfold, you are directing my emotions. You draw this out, knowing I am helpless in your mouth and hands. It is slow, but builds in intensity, ending in a climax that has no equal. Afterwards, you continue to suck on me, kiss me and stroke me. You do this with such loving care and attention. It never feels that you are just rushing to complete an unpleasant task. You really enjoy bringing me such joy this way. It feels so good that I may get hard again. You smile and rest your head in my lap. It is now time for me to thank you for the intensely sexual experience you have just given me, like some precious gift that has no concrete presence, but still exists in my mind. I pull you to your feet. I am sitting on the couch as you stand proudly and blindfolded before me. My hands cannot leave your body, your legs, your butt, your breasts. My lips take in one nipple as my fingers pinch the other. Your nipples are hard as I bite and suck them. Your knees become weak and you moan. My mouth lowers to your pussy, it is naked before me. You naughty girl. You have not shaved in a few days and there is a stubble on your pussy. You will have to be punished for this. On the table there is a red velvet ribbon. I tie your hands behind your back. As I stand behind your back, your hands hold my cock. I instruct you that you must hold my cock in your hands whenever I am behind you, or you will be punished even more, perhaps even spanked. For the fun of it, I force you to walk through the house, naked, blindfolded and hands tied behind you, holding my now erect penis. I am walking behind you, our legs moving in sync with each other, my cock poking between your butt cheeks with each clumsy step we take. It is so stupidly funny that we almost trip and fall laughing. It is time for me to take charge before we get too silly. I lead you up the stairs into the bathroom and have you stand in the tub. I turn on the water; and once it is warm, I take the handheld shower and spray your lower body. The spray is sharp and hard and tingly on your skin. Its feel is intensified by the fact that you are still blindfolded. You shudder as I direct the spray at your pussy and then at your butt. Before you start having too much fun, I turn off the shower. Using my shaving brush, I begin to lather one of your legs. I know that the feeling of the brush on your skin will delight you. I have gotten a new razor for this, one of the new ones with three blades. The male version shaves very close and never cuts. I have the female version for you. Slowly, I shave your legs. It is a very sensual experience for me. I love your legs; and I love stroking them, from ankle to thigh. I shave to the upper thigh. The smooth slippery skin after they are shaved is so erotic that I become incredibly hard. Now for the good parts. I have you sit on the edge of the tub, still bound, with your legs spread, opening your pussy to me. You really enjoy the shaving brush now, as it lathers your pussy and inner thighs. I shave very carefully here. When I am finished, you are smooth, soft, soapy and incredibly horny. Only now do I untie your hands, but the blindfold stays on. Then I have you stand and bend over with your hands on the edge of the tub, your butt high in the air. Your pussy and anus are open to me. Again I use the soapy brush to brush your pussy and your asshole. You squirm as I do. I begin rubbing your butt with my hands, my fingers tickling your most private places. Those are intense feelings and you begin moaning and gasping with an impending orgasm. But, I must be careful. After all, you are being punished; I don't want you to be so easily satisfied. Also, I don't want you to fall and hurt yourself. I replace my hands with my throbbing cock. As, I pull you to your feet, my cock stays trapped between your thighs, pussy and ass. I reach around in front of you and my fingers gently probe your lips from the front, rubbing stroking in and out of you. With my cock probing in and out of you from the rear, it almost feel as if I am inside of you. I stroke in and out of you. With my free hand I pinch your nipple hard. You are so ready that it does not take you long to come. You moan loudly and almost shriek with the intensity of your orgasm. I have to hold your body to keep you from collapsing. I carefully and lovingly dry you off before removing your blindfold. Then I lead you by the hand into the guest bedroom. I pull back the covers and we get in bed and fall into each others arms, our bodies are warm together on the cool sheets. It is a tender moment that I have long awaited, to actually have you in bed. So many nighttime messages from you, thinking of me, as you climbed into your bed. We lie together, cooing at each other. I stroke your hair and give you little kisses on your eyes and face. You seem a little nervous about something; and I ask if something is wrong. You assure me that nothing is wrong, but you have been thinking a lot about something recently and have come to a concrete decision. A twinge of panic shoots trough me. I am afraid of what you have decided. I shouldn't be. If it was bad, you wouldn't be here with me now, but my insecurities have taken control. My heart is sinking, I am terrified that you will say we cannot continue our relationship. "Roger, I want it to be you." "You want what?" I am eternally clueless. "Will you to be my first? I want you to make love to me." I am astounded. I stumble over words. I don't know what to say. I want you so much; but I can't hurt you, I can't do anything to hurt your future happiness. "Dear Alexis, are you sure? I am so honored, but have you thought this through? I promised you that I would never take advantage of you in a moment of passion. I can't do that." "Roger, I have thought this through, for a long time. I think you know that I have. I am on the pill for my cramps, so that's not a problem." "Alexis, you know that's not what I'm talking about. What would you tell Rob on your wedding night?" You just giggle and say "I don't have to say anything. It's not like I still have a hymen, silly." "He knows that a friend of mine gave me a vibrating dildo as a gag gift last week. He kept teasing me about using it, and saying that if I wasn't careful, that I might lose my virginity to a piece of plastic and not to him. He knows how I am. And after all, it's the truth." "What??? Are you kidding? You really did, you got one? Did you use it?" "Yes, I have one. I have not used it but once...last night." "Did you like it?" You answer softly, "Yes." I know what it means when you use that soft tone of voice. It doesn't just mean 'yes', it means a whole lot more. "Did you like it a lot?" Again, you answer, still softer, "Yes, a whole lot. I really liked it a lot." Just then, I got this incredibly erotic mental image of you.... Well, if I was a woman, I'd have a whole collection of them. I'd wear them out. "And so, that's what made you..." You finish my sentence, "I made up my mind that I wanted you. I made up my mind right after Rob and I met you and your wife for drinks in New York, but I wanted to wait until the circumstances were just right. Now they are." I couldn't believe this was happening to me. The young woman that I have fallen in love with has chosen me to take her virginity. This is such an awesome responsibility. You have entrusted so much to me; I must make it so incredibly special for you. We have all night. We will take our time. We kiss, softly at first, then with the hunger that has been building for over a year. After a while, my kisses trail down your body to your breasts. I linger there, nibbling and biting and sucking. You gasp and moan. It doesn't matter, no one but me can hear. After an eternity of playing with your breasts, you are urgent for more. My lips make their way down, across your tummy, and then down to your smooth mound. It is soft and I feel like cuddling with it. My cheeks rub against it as my tongue explores your lips. My tongue dives into that secret crevice of pleasure. My hands grasp your butt, bringing you closer to me. I must have you. I must taste you. I must bring you immense pleasure. My tongue penetrates you as you raise and spread your legs, opening yourself for me. As my tongue licks your pussy, my hands are stroking the smooth flesh of your thighs and butt. I am hard and urgent for sensation and satisfaction. You are warm and wet and moaning with desire. I raise up to my knees. I kneel before you as you lay, spread open to me. My cock is hard and throbbing. I must have you. I must be inside of you. I must have you surround me. Slowly I move towards you. My cock touches your lips and you gasp in expectation of what is to come. You are so wet that I am able to insert the very head of my penis into you without resistance. But suddenly, you are very tight and firm around me. The ridges of the inside of your vagina are incredible. They massage my cock like a thousand tongues. I push and slide slowly into you. I do not want to hurt you. You are gasping and moaning with sensual pleasure and expectation. I look into your eyes. I see your desire and love and need. You softly whisper, the word "yes". I push slowly into you. As I do, you gasp and you clutch me to you. Your eyes close with the once-only exquisite experience of losing your innocence. Then your eyes open wide as I fill you. You are shocked by the intensity of feeling and the fulfillment of having finally completed this wonderfully simple but meaningful act. I am completely inside of you, you are filled with me. We are together, joined as one. For a long time, I rest inside of you, hard and with the promise of pleasure to come. Then slowly, I start moving in and out of you. I pull almost completely out of you and linger, with the ridge around the head of my cock toying with the entrance to your vagina. Then a steady push all the way in. You gasp. I gasp. You are so tight, so completely in contact with me. You are holding me so tightly and saying my name, over and over. Slowly, in and out of you, sometimes teasingly, sometimes so that the head rubs over and over that special place inside of you. You begin breathing heavily and making short staccato moans, while bucking your hips. You are so close. You are getting louder, faster, harder. It will be so intense. You scream and hold me to you so tightly that I almost can't move. It lasts forever. Finally, your body goes limp, your eyes closed, your face peaceful and serene. I slow, but don't stop. Just languishing in your arms, slowly pulling in and out of you. You open your eyes. They are on fire as you look at me. "Thank you, Roger. That, I will remember forever." We kiss. I am still hard and moving slowly; I must not come now. I want you to come over and over. I want to last as long as possible; I owe you a most memorable deflowering. I have been able to control it as you came. It was incredibly hard to do, but being old helps in that department. You once asked if I could still last an hour. Actually, it will be a lot easier now than when I was in my 20's. Well, I'll give it my best shot. You may have to suffer the consequences. |
The Israeli Opera Tel-Aviv-Yafo needs an assistant librarian, and Rachel enters the librarian's office to apply for the job. Leah, the chief librarian, attentively listens to her and peruses her résumé, but she suddenly feels a pang – Rachel may be lesbian! Leah is bisexual and, like most non-heterosexuals, has developed a "gaydar" in order to detect people of a compatible orientation. It is quite useful, as her husband Reuven allows her to have extramarital relationships with women – as long as they don't endanger their consortium. Rachel is really attractive – her breasts fit this biblical passage, "Thy two breasts are like two young roes that are twins, which feed among the lilies", while Leah's body, somewhat older, fits this other passage, "I am a wall, and my breasts like towers: then was I in his eyes as one that found favor". Both women now know each other's secret, due to their "gaydars", and they also know that they are attracted to each other; Rachel feels somewhat sad, and Leah asks her, "What's the matter? Your résumé is perfect and you may be fit for the job." "It's quite dangerous to be one's supervisor's'special friend'." "You're right," Leah answers, "What if I don't hire you, but recommend you to another employer, so you'll have your job without being held in my leash?" "Which employer?" "The Israel Symphony Orchestra Rishon LeZion – they hire young musicians, and according to your resume, you're a good flute player." In the afternoon, Rachel plays the flute in front of Yechezqel, the orchestra conductor, who says at last, "May I speak 'dugri' [honestly]? Your flute technique isn't up to our standards. You've probably spent too much time keying text and too less time practicing the flute. Even if you started practicing twelve hours a day, six days a week, it will take two years at least before you can have a chance to get hired by our orchestra – and I assume you need the job now." "So there is nothing you can do for her?", Leah asks, and Yechezqel answers, "I'm lashing out at her flute technique, not at her musical talent. Her voice is intriguing, and I hope that... Leah, can you take the score from the piano?" "The 'Don Carlo'?" "Precisely that! Open it at the 'Gran Finale' of the Second Act." "Here you are." "Rachel," Yechezqel asks, "Can you sing the aria, 'Sire! Egli è tempo che io viva.'?" "Sorry, I can't read Italian." "Sol-fa it!" "It's for tenor. I'm a soprano!" "Are we supposed to do anything easy here?" "Obviously not. Things can be made in three ways: the right way, the wrong way, the Israeli way," Rachel jokes before sol-faing the song – and it does that remarkably well, pleasing both Leah and Yechezqel. "It will take much less time for her to become an opera singer than a flute player," Yechezqel says, and Leah remarks, "Rachel, do you want to know what has Yechezqel had you sol-fa?" "Why not?" "Let me translate the aria: 'Sir! It's high time I lived. I'm fed up with leading a dark existence in this land! If God wants that your wreath will once crown my forehead, prepare Spain a King worthy of it! Give me Brabant and Flanders!'" "It begins as a coming-out song!" Rachel says, and Yechezqel adds, "Right. We want to stage a Queer version of Giuseppe Verdi's 'Don Carlo', in which Don Carlo is actually a soprano..." "And that explains Elisabetta's inability to love Filippo," Rachel notices, "If she's a gold star lesbian, who can't persuade herself to love tenors, she's only willing to love another soprano." "Right," Yechezqel said, "And which is the contemporary state that despises people lacking the required 'limpieza de sangre, purity of blood', and even the members of parliament they vote – and treats part of its territory as colonies inhabited by political and religious rebels to its sovereign authority, to be militarily crushed?" "Er... Israel?" "Bull's eye!" Leah answers. "So we can see Elisabetta as a hypostasis of the Diaspora," Rachel suggests, "Who feels the duty to love Israel, but can't because Israel is too jingoistic and male-chauvinistic for her taste – if it behaved in a more inclusive and feminine way, she could." "And Don Carlo is 'Yisrael Acheret, The Other Israel' she can positively and lovingly relate to," concludes Leah. "What about Rodrigo?," Rachel asks, "And Eboli, the princess who unrequitedly loves Don Carlo?" "Eboli isn't just a stereotypical Jewish American Princess," Yechezqel notices, "She incarnates the conservative lobby, which is all too willing to compromise with those who purport to be in power and to wield it ruthlessly – kind of an AIPAC ante litteram." "While Rodrigo is a 'lesbro', a male who behaves as if all lesbians were his sisters," Leah adds, "and represents the progressive lobby, like JStreet." "In the original work, the relationship between Don Carlo and Rodrigo reeks of homoeroticism," Rachel says, "In a way, you haven't inserted homosexuality in the work – you've changed its form." "Yes! The Grand Inquisitor represents our Foreign Minister," Yechezqel says, "And guess where are we setting the final scene?" "Do tell me," Rachel asks, and Yechezqel giggles, "On Mount Herzl, obviously!" "Whom are you raising from the dead in order to save Don Carlo?!?" Rachel asks goggling in amazement, and Leah answers, "Theodor Zeev Herzl – whomever else?" Rachel titters, "I'm sure that your 'Don Carlo' adaptation will shake Israel more than the Fukushima earthquake-cum-tsunami has shaken Japan..." "... and the Israeli establishment more than the play 'Malkat Ambatya = The Queen of a Bathroom' in 1970!" Yechezqel concludes. "Are you going to join the production?" Leah asks, and Rachel says, "Yes, I do." The rehearsals are scheduled in the afternoon, so in the morning Rachel goes to the Opera Library to help Leah not only to sort the books and lend them to the musicians who need them, but also to install a new outstanding library software. And in the afternoon Leah brings Rachel to Rishon LeZiyon for the rehearsals; Reuven, Leah's husband, has been introduced to Rachel, and has raised no objections over the relationship between his wife and her – he even regards Rachel as a nice friend. He knows that whenever Leah makes love with a woman in the afternoon, she's also more sexually available to him in the night – so he doesn't complain; he too is allowed to have sexual relationships with women, but he's never sought them. But even for Leah being allowed to have a relationship and actually enjoying it are quite different matters: women love long courtships, and even though Leah and Rachel feel doomed to sleep together sometime in their life, they want to enjoy all the transition between friendship and love. The transition ends one evening, when Leah discovers that one of her car's tires is flat. She phones Reuven, who says, "Leah, I'm able to be here in half an hour, but..." "But what?" "If I were in your shoes, I would tell Rachel that your husband can't help you and that you have to choose between a taxi and a hotel." Leah giggles and tells Reuven, "You naughty boy! I'm afraid that Rachel won't forgive you!" "You'll both thank me tomorrow! Good night!" "Golden slumbers, darling," Leah says before hanging up, and booking a room for the hottest night of the season. The next morning Rachel receives an SMS telling her, "Hey! Are you staying overnight in a hotel with other people? Avi." "Who's Avi?" Leah asks, and Rachel answers, "A stalker. He keeps telling me that I'm beautiful and that I deserve a boyfriend like him, but I keep saying 'No'." "Does he know that you're lesbian?" "No. He hangs around with important haredi rabbis, who would ostracize me if they knew, and he would feel challenged to win me over. Better to still live in the closet." "Why don't you report him to the police?" "I tried to, but the police told me that he hadn't crossed any red line, so they could do nothing." "No red line crossed? He knows your whereabouts. So he must keep watch on you! Report the message to the police!" "He isn't just a stalker. When I met him first I shuddered as I felt that he was really wicked, and later I would learn that he might be a mobster." "Gosh!" "He is now behaving like his Sicilian colleagues – they warn whatever man nears the girl they covet that it is highly unadvisable to woo her." "Luckily you're lesbian!" "Yes, but if I came out of the closet, I would endanger all my girlfriends – including you!" "A real quandary!" "I don't think he will suspect you – if you like, we can continue meeting and staying together." "I like. And my husband loves you too." "Your husband?!?" Leah giggles, "Don't worry, Reuven isn't asking you anything – and if he does, I'll divorce him. He only loves you as a friend." "Whew! It wouldn't have been the first time a married women first had sex with me, and then proposed me a threesome with her husband." "I love you, Rachel. I also love Reuven, but these feelings are separated and will be enacted separately. By the way, Reuven is now coming here and taking us to the Opera. Let's shower and dress." When he arrives and takes them aboard, he asks them how did they spend the night; Rachel answers, "Your wife is like a good cup of coffee: hot, strong, and kept me awake all night!" "As usual," Reuven smiles, but Leah tells him about Avi, and Reuven says, "The best plan is to meet at our home. When Rachel gets in, I go out." "And Avi?" "Nobody gets suspicious at two girlfriends visiting each other several times a week. Neither Avi, I hope." The plan is approved, and for several weeks, whenever Rachel visits Leah, Reuven gets out with his iPad 2 and goes to a WiFi-equipped bar in Dizengoff street first, and then to a gay club in Rothschild Boulevard to meet his friends, play cards, and author the club website. The trick works for months, until the henchman Avi has charged with keeping watch on Rachel tells his boss that whenever Rachel visits Leah, Reuven gets out after a few minutes – and Avi sees through it. A few days later, on Ayalon Road, a Cadillac runs into the back of Reuven's Toyota, slamming it against a truck laden with concrete, and destroying the car. The airbags save Reuven from injury, but the Cadillac driver doesn't even care to ask Reuven how is he – he just throws his insurance company's and his own business card into Reuven's car, and instead of phoning the Magen David Adom for an ambulance, he callously remarks, "You've really been lucky. Had a concrete-laden truck smashed your car against mine, you wouldn't have gotten out uninjured!" The Cadillac and truck driver have no criminal record, and the insurance is willing to buy Reuven a new car, but he fears that Avi is behind the accident, and he talks about it with his gay friends. "Avi?" one of them asks, and another adds, "We know him. He loves to surround himself with beautiful women, but he's bisexual at least." "Really?" "He eats kasher, hangs on Dov Lior's every racist word, even has some settlements guarded, but he's a 'top' gay male who sanctifies the Friday Eve in Tel Aviv's saunas and darkrooms." "Darkrooms?" Reuven asks. "Yes. What are you scheming now?" Some sex-toys named 'fleshlights' emulate a vagina, others a rectum, and some even a mouth. Reuven buys the last two, together with a live streaming infrared IP webcam, and he configures it in order to stream the movie to YouPorn via Wi-Fi. Then he begins attending saunas and using the darkrooms; the first time the bartender titters, "What are you carrying in your backpack, Reuven?" "Lots of condoms, bottles of lube, and even a first-aid kit, in case something goes wrong." "Reuven, let's speak dugri," the bartender frowns, "You're quite fatty, and you won't cruise a lot of people. For all you need, a spectacle case will be enough." Actually, the backpack contains the fleshlights, the webcam, a cellphone, a pair of infrared goggles, and a taser gun (the last two borrowed from a friend in the military); the bartender is right – Reuven isn't very attractive, but he has a few occasions to please people, not with his body, but with his fleshlights, taking advantage of the nearly complete darkness of the room. The next Thursday evening, Avi enters Reuven's darkroom. Reuven wears the infrared goggles, and recognizes him, as Rachel has shown him a photo of Avi's. Avi undresses and asks Reuven, "Are you 'top' or 'bottom'?" "'Bottom', but it doesn't matter anyway." "What do you mean?" "Please, dress up. I don't feel like having sex with you." Such refusals are rare in gay darkrooms, but even there 'No' means 'No'. "Why?" Avi asks, and Reuven answers, "You smell strangely and..." Reuven seizes Avi's penis, palpates it, pretending he can't see in the dark, and says, "I'm afraid you have condylomata. Sorry, I'm not going to have sex with you." Avi gets angry and says, "You lie! I've even been inoculated against Papillomavirus!" "Sorry, I've said 'No'." Avi gets incensed and says, "I'm not here to be poked fun at! Now you take my cock into your ass!" Reuven takes a cellphone, clicks a button, and says, "Hello, police?" Avi assaults Reuven, tightens his hands around Reuven's neck and tells him, "You may not have a cellphone in this darkroom, as it is forbidden by the club regulations! Stop bantering me! You won't have safe sex with me – you will perform a blowjob and even swallow my come!" "As per your wishes," Reuven says feigning surrender – but he takes the fleshlight that emulates a mouth, and slips it on Avi's penis; then takes a step backwards, grasps the taser, and shoots Avi. A taser immobilizes its target until the electricity is cut off – and to prevent the taser battery from running down, Reuven plugs the charger in. Then he takes the cellphone he was actually using, talks to the police, and when he hangs up, he tells the still painfully immobilized Avi, "You'll pray for the police to come to your rescue soon!" The infrared camera has uploaded everything, and a few days later a haredi rabbi visits Avi, who is still in hospital, because tasers aren't as harmless as the manufacturers claim, and shouts, "That you regularly cruise gay people can be tolerated – but that you even cruise people who read 'Haaretz', as the movie in the darkroom shows, is intolerable!" But the movie doesn't just show that: while the meantime Israeli police is pressing charges against Avi for assault and attempted rape, a team of Interior Ministry officials keeps reviewing the clip, and then concludes, "Avi is uncircumcised – but he claimed he was Jewish when he entered Israel. So he obtained Israeli citizenship under false pretences, must be stripped of it and deported to his home country." So a mob gang is dismantled, Rachel feels free to come out of the closet, she and Leah keep enjoying each other's company, some women are attracted by Reuven after hearing of his act of bravado, and the 'Queer Don Carlo' is staged by the Israeli Opera Tel-Aviv-Yafo – drawing the ire of the Israeli right and the praise of the Israeli left, but manages to last a whole season, not just the 19 repeat performances 'Malkat Ambatya, The Queen of the Bathroom' lasted in 1970, and some opera houses abroad even buy the rights to perform this particular adaptation. We don't know what Verdi and Herzl may think of it – but they both loved freedom and penned it out for their peoples. ~Having visited your home on several occasions, due to family gatherings and surprise birthday parties for friends, I can't say the thought of getting to know you better hadn't ever crossed my mind. There was always a certain glow about you when I was around, that led me to believe you had thought about me as well. Thus came the day my car happened to break down near your place, and I thought just by chance, you might be able to give me a ride to work. Not sure if you were home, I gave your door a knock. "Just a minute!" you said then opened up the door dressed in your morning bath robe. "Oh, hey," you recognized me. "Come on in. Is everything alright?" I filled you in, and you offered to give me a lift. "I'll be just a sec. I need to get dressed really quick." And so I waited. Not wanting to sit down, still buzzing from my morning coffee, I began looking at family photos hanging on the walls in the bedroom hallway. Leaving your bedroom door opened a crack, I decided to take a chance and peek in on you. The thought of catching a glimpse of your naked flesh was too strong to resist.. and so I peeked. Not finding you I looked closer and spotted you in your bedroom bathroom, which also had been left open a crack. I ventured further. Tip toeing through your messy room, I quietly looked through the gap in the door. In the mirror's reflection I found you. Having already dropped your robe, your naked shoulders were visible. Your skin looked soft and edible. Becoming aroused, I wondered about the rest of you, and crept closer to the door. I could hear you moving around. I stood up tall in time to see you slide on your silk panties. "Holy shit!" I whispered to myself. I reached down to comfort my erection. Mmmmm...you looked deliciously cute. I watched you more as you strapped your bra over your large breasts. You turned just then and my adrenaline sky rocketed. Had you caught me peeping, I don't know if the embarrassment would have been worth the distrust that may have followed. I decided I had already pushed my luck and tried my hardest to sneak back out of your room. Just as I reached the door I heard you exit the bathroom. "What are you doing?!" you laughed sternly, wearing a t-shirt by this point. I turned, "Err... ummmm," is all I could get out. "Were you just watching me?" you asked, glairing at me with a grin on your face. "No," I blushed looking at the ceiling. "Oh, ok." you let it go, and I turned to leave the room. "That's too bad," you spoke quietly. "What's that?" I turned back around. "I said that's too bad." You turned and went back in the bathroom. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!" I thought. Then it hit me. Knowing I had to be to work soon I wasted no time, shoving the bathroom door open and grabbing a hold of you. Immediately we kissed. Sliding our tongues in each other's mouths and running our hands all over each other's bodies. I grabbed onto your ass and pulled you towards me, rubbing what lied below your waste against my erection. "Oooo," you whispered. "Somebody's awake!" you smiled. I grabbed a hold of your head and kissed your neck. Your hands rubbed the bulge in my pants and began trying to undo my belt. I reached up and squeezed your breasts. Your nipples were hard. You looked so cute in only your underwear and little t-shirt. I had to hurry! I reached down and undid my belt as you unzipped me. I let my pants fall to the floor and you slid my dick out of my boxers. "Oh wow," your eyes grew large. "You're a big boy!" I kissed you some more and you started jerking me off. I let my feet slip out of my shoes and everything else, and watched your hand stroke me up and down. You looked at me. "You want me to suck your..." I interrupted you and threw you down on your knees. You shoved my hard cock in your mouth and started sucking. "Mmmm," is all I could speak. You slid me out of your mouth, spit on my helmet and spread it around making me nice and wet as you licked my shaft and rolled my balls through your fingers with your other hand. Then you slid your tongue up to my head and started sucking me off some more. You looked gorgeous with my dick in your mouth. I held your head still and fucked your pretty face. You opened your mouth wide and choked me down. I caught a glimpse of the bathroom clock and realized I was gonna be late if I didn't pick up the pace. I picked you up off the floor and kissed you. You kept a hold of my dick as I slid my hand between your legs. Your panties were soaked. "Mmmm, looks like I'm not the only one awake." I mentioned. We both looked down and watched our hands playing with each other. Then you looked up at me and licked my chin. "Fuck me!" you demanded. I didn't argue. You turned around and leaned against the sink. I picked your knee up onto the edge of the counter and slid your panties to the side. You whipped your head around to watch as I jammed my long dick inside your wet little pussy. "Oh my fucking...Oh.." is all you could get out. I wasn't gentle. I grabbed your waste firmly and began pounding away. Your hands scrambled to hold yourself upright, knocking your brush and curling iron onto the floor. I thrust as much of me into you as I could. Filling you up past your limit. I reached under your ass and played with your swollen clit. "Oh yeah. Fuck me!" you shouted. "Fuck me good." I slowed down and made my stokes longer and harder. You pushed back against me. "Your pussy's so tight." I complimented. You looked at me in the mirror. "Ya? You like fucking that tight little pussy?" I loved the way you talked dirty to me. I grabbed onto your shoulders with both hands and beat your cunt into submission, making you yell. "Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh my God, I'm cumming!" Your warm juice felt great around my shaft. I slowed down again and grabbed a hold of both your tits. I watched my spear stab into you over and over, and felt my pressure rise. "Mmmm," I giggled. You spread your ass and looked back at me. You knew the expression on my face. "You gonna cum for me?" "Mmmm hmmm," I replied, not wanting to stop. "You wanna cum in my mouth?" you offered. I couldn't argue. I slid my hands over your ass and thrust deep a few more times. "Damn, you've got the biggest dick!" you smiled. I enjoyed those words and knew I was about to pop. I pulled myself out of you and began stroking myself. You turned around and got on your knees and took over. Your performance was perfect. With your mouth around my head and both hands stroking my shaft, you proceeded to vacuum my cum out of me. You rolled your head around and continued a steady rhythm. I leaned my head back and felt my heart beat rise. "Oh! Here I cum!" I warned. You opened your mouth wide and let me watch as my load streaked across your tongue. You stroked me faster and I shot another load down your throat. "Mmmm," you sighed and swallowed. Then squeezed me tight, twisting your hands to drizzle the rest of my juice onto your lips, and licked it off. "Mmmm, that feel good baby?" you whispered, smiling big up at me. "Mmmm, woman..." I replied. "...will you marry me?" I joked, making you laugh. It was a sultry night when I met Zak. I picked her up in Club Chameleon. For those of you who don't know, Club Chameleon is a very nice sex club located in Phoenix. I was there on BDSM night. When all us freaks come out to play. I wasn't really shopping for anyone I was just playing strip pool. As I lined up for a shot I felt someone start stroking my stick...err I mean pool cue. I looked down and found a little black hand running up and down my cue. I turned my head and followed the hand to an arm and found the arm connected to this very cute girl rubbing my cue. Now I'll digress here a little. Cute for me isn't the same as most other guys. I like to look at the skinny ones, but when it comes time to do the nasty I much prefer a bigger girl. I get caught up in the moment and tend to break my toys. She was about five feet seven inches tall and it was obvious that she went to church. I mean god had gifted her. Biggest pair of tit's I've ever seen. She was wearing a T-shirt with a Puppy on it with his butt in the air. You could see a rolled up newspaper on the shirt and the dog was saying, whip me beat me, spank me. The caption under the dog read, "One Sick Puppy." I towered over her at my height of six feet two inches. She was looking me over like most guys look at a steak. She reached up to run her fingers through my shoulder length brown hair, but a look from me quelled that. "Do I know you?" I asked in my macho voice. She just shook her head "No, but you will." At the very best I'm a little kinked, so I figured I'd find out now if she was worth the trouble. "Very well girl, if you want me here's what your going to do. Go to that corner." I pointed to one close to my pool table. "Drop your pants and underwear to your ankles and stand in that corner until I personally come and get you. If you leave that corner because anyone else tells you too, I'll never see you again." Her eyes got real big, but she didn't say a word. She just marched over to the corner and dropping her pants touched her nose to the wall. Now I've got to say I was impressed. Some women would stand and argue, some would pout, and some would try to give you a guilt trip. She just got right down to it. Someone had spent some time training her. I played pool for another few games and lost horribly. My mind was on the girl in the corner not the game. She shifted a little to keep from locking her knees but her nose never left the paint. I sent a couple of people over while I was playing and once she verified that it wasn't me she refused to budge. Very well trained indeed. The girl I was playing with was very amused. She was almost downright laughing by the time I ran out of clothes. She leaned over and whispered in my ear. "It's obvious you're turned on, are you gonna give her the dick down right now radio?" Now that pretty much confused me. I've been in the lifestyle for over five years and I'd never heard the term 'dick down'. Well I'm not adverse to learning new things. And in our lifestyle a miscommunication can really get someone hurt. Hell I used to think rimming meant a Gorean served you wine. So I asked what that meant. My pool partners eye's got real big. "Really? I thought you were into us black chicks?" Ahh, so that was my problem. "Sorry kiddo, but nope she'll be the first one." She just looked at me surprise written all over her body. "You need to talk with Marcus then." Marcus was a real nice guy and I've exchanged quite a few tips and S&M games with him over the years. So I just nodded, thanked her, and went to find Marcus. It took me a few minutes to find him he was always talking to someone. This time he was talking to a couple that had just found the club. I managed to drag him off with a promise that I'd send him back. I explained my problem to him and he tried really hard not to laugh at me. What was I the only guy in the world who didn't know this? Marcus told me it was more a black thing and I shouldn't worry my pretty little head over it. He told me it was all about attitude and if I got my girl into the main play room he'd place some strategic people there to tell me what to do. He also told me to make sure she was blindfolded. I headed back to the pool room and there was my girl still nose deep in the corner. I patted her cute bottom to get her attention and told her to strip. Again no attitude she just started stripping. When she was naked I pulled her into the main room and produced a blindfold. Turning her around I tied the blindfold on and told her to kneel. She actually got on all fours. I saw Marcus across the room and he had this big ole shit eating grin on. He waved and pretty much everyone in the club poured in to watch. All I could think of was. Great an audience. Two guys had carried in a blackboard and set it down about twenty feet away where I could see it. Marcus and a few other black guys from the club gathered around it and Marcus wrote. 'Get her warm' on it. Well I grabbed an ankle and rolled her onto her back. I leaned down and stuck my tongue in her mouth. She gave a little wiggle and responded right back. My hands began to caress those magnificent orbs of power and I was really starting to get into this. So was she by the looks of things. The next thing on the boards was say these words. I nodded and continued to watch the board as the words, 'Talk dirty to her' appeared. Now that's never really been my thing but I figured I'd try it. "Hey slut who's your daddy" Most of my audience started trying to stifle their laughter as soon as I said this. The board was erased and the words 'you have such a sweet cunt' appeared. She really moaned when I said this. My head dipped down and began to suckle at her breasts. She moaned in pleasure. The next word on the board need no explanation 'Blowjob'. I grabbed her hair and I pulled he to her knees as I stood. "Take my dick down your tight throat, I want to feel the muscles working on my head." I said as I dragged her mouth to my dick. I must admit she had a great work ethic. She started sucking on me like she was trying to get chrome off a trailer hitch. I figured I'd improvise a little here. I've heard this Rap song I really don't get and I pulled a line from that. "Put your ass in to it," the collective groans I got from the room told me I'd made a social gaffe somehow. The guys furiously erased the board and put up'spank her' on it. I figured I'd wait until I was a little closer to coming before I did that. It turned out I waited to long as I shot my load into her mouth. She was really good at giving a blowjob and I came really hard. I could feel her trying to swallow and she actually had some of my white sticky cum leak out of her nose. I grabbed her hair and made her lick me off. The I said "What it took you 3 minutes to make me cum? You can do better than that." I then used my hold on her hair to drag her head to the floor. With her head down and tail up I began to administer a good spanking. She was moaning deep in her throat with the pain by the time I got to 35 smacks. The guys were motioning at the board but I wasn't done yet. I gave he another ten smacks a and was rewarded with tears coming from under the blindfold. The guy's wanted me to fuck her now but I wasn't ready. I pulled her back to her knees and shoving my cock in her mouth I commanded, "Okay, less than three minutes or you get spanked again." And she went right to work. I thought the first one had been a great blowjob. She must have been very scared because she really put that ass into it. I was hard and cumming again in under two minutes. I followed the guy's suggestion then and threw her to her back, and kneeling between her legs I positioned myself and thrust into her with the words, "Take it up that sweet cunt slut." And boy did she. I was strokin' it into for all of thirty seconds when she let out an ear piercing squeal and began to start orgasming. I waited until the last waves were almost done and then I grabbed her nipples like I was trying to dial in radio Moscow and yelled, "Cum bitch!" And she did right there on command. As she started again I came for the third time. Man, my dick was so happy it was going to be sending me roses in the morning. As we finished up and I fell forward over her I looked up to see the audience holding score cards. 10, 8, 9, and a 5. "Damn Russian judge." |
Almost a year after the Super Bowl incident, things had gotten grimmer. One evening Scrip stood, one foot on each chair as Marigold had ordered him, with each hand sticking out and holding a large encyclopedia with a glass on top of that. Scrip knew if he dropped the glass, the red wine would hit the carpet, and all hell would break loose... Marigold was really putting Scrip through his paces! Heavy rat-traps snapped on Scrip's nipples and his cock and balls stinging with Ben-Gay so liberally applied by Marigold's slave husband... Oh and Scrip was just suffering! To keep himself busy, Scrip thought a lot. Scrip had a fairly good brain, and first thought about philosophy. Especially "The Nichomachean Ethics of Aristotle" which he'd been studying in night school. He then did mental arithmetic, multiplying two digit numbers, then three digit numbers... and then naming Norman kings and Civil War generals. He just knew he had to keep his feet on the chairs straight, and his hands straight, and try hard not to get cramped. Scrip was just amazed by Marigold's beautifully bored look, her curly dark hair tossed casually as she gazed at him during the visits for checking-up. He'd finally admitted that he was truly Marigold's submissive, though it had really sneaked up on him. After the Super Bowl party, Scrip had rapidly lost touch with his old buddies, and then Marigold had given him the option to stay or go— Marigold even told him she'd pay his rent at a new place if he liked. And that Rusk wouldn't fire him from the firm... No, she even said if he was in really, really bad shape financially, she might sell the painting and give him the money back— "But it would make you an Indian giver, Scriptor, my love." But Scrip was so in love with Marigold! He said he'd be willing to keep things as they were—he couldn't survive without her. And Scrip realized that Marigold was probably going to turn him into a total submissive at this point. But, Marigold had made love to Scrip the night of the Super Bowl party. Yes and she continued to have sex with him, but just once or twice a month... So they were trying to work on Scrip not masturbating, and that was one big issue...he was terrified of the chastity belt! So far she'd not locked him up. But Marigold also had decided to put Scrip through more intensive paces Yes, and the past ten or eleven months had been a rigorous training program.. Certainly Scrip was not getting the time that Rusk was, but it was pretty bad. But he just couldn't control his beloved Marigold. Sure, he was turned on completely by her power over him... Oh but it was amazing how she'd made him collapse sexually before her... The door opened and Marigold looked in. God, her boobs looked so good, the cleavage just bursting out of the top of the corset. Marigold smiled grimly. "So, you've been there for an hour and a half, my kitten. Standing straight up, I see. You think you're learning to be a more obedient boy—no more rebellious nonsense?" "Yes, Miss Marigold" Scrip said, trying to hold still with the heavy books in each hand. He really had to pee badly, and his cock and balls were going wild with itchiness. She was so beautiful. It didn't even bother him, being naked except for this ridiculous get up, stockings and a garter belt and high heels, though it was getting very difficult balancing himself on the separated chairs. He just wanted to not annoy Marigold any more than he had to! Marigold looked at Scrip with true pleasure. Yes, he looks ridiculous, but what a good boy he's trying to be, and putting him through these extensive tests...are going to make me wet, yes sir! Marigold had a long thorny switch, cut from the rose bush from the back yard, and waved it around as Scrip stared at it with terror. "Such a rebellious boy" she said, shaking her head. "I find these ridiculous slips in your pocket. Football pools from work. You really have an unhealthy obsession with gambling." Scrip looked at the thorny wand, winced and then said, "Marigold, it's not really gambling. It's just a male bonding thing—" Scrip gritted his teeth, as Marigold had lightly tapped the head of his cock with the thorny switch. But, to his credit, he didn't drop the encyclopedias or even spill the glasses. Marigold had been putting Scrip through intensive training, getting him to have more control in his arms. The first couple of times he'd dropped the wine glasses, some weeks ago, Marigold had used her bullwhip to convince Scrip that he needed more self control. When he protested he was a little uncoordinated, that he'd had motor skill therapists as a child, Marigold insisted that the bullwhip would give him all the motor skill counseling he'd ever need. It turned out to be true! Marigold walked slowly behind the chairs to where Scrip's bare bottom was sticking out of the stockings. "And here we behold your disobedient bottom, O Nick the Greek, great gambler." Scrip, usually unaware of his lingerie outfit (it had been so long, whenever he was home in the past six months) felt a bit humiliated and embarrassed... Marigold was dressed in the corset and jeans that looked painted on...and a little frightened, as of course his bare buttocks were just ripe targets for the thorny switch. "It's just, that the guys at work are friends, and we don't spend more than twenty dollars on the pool—" WHAP! Right in the left cheek, and Scrip wasn't ready for it, and dropped the encyclopedia in his left hand. Annoyed, Marigold whacked him four or five times on the legs, and he dropped the right book as well. She whacked his scrotal sack, and Scrip fell on the floor, moaning. "Yes, this is a pretty situation, isn't it?" Marigold was disgusted. She lifted the thorny rosebush switch and landed it all over Scrip's crouching naked form. WHACK! WHACK! THWACK SMACK! The pain was incredible. The thorns were ripping in and out of Scrip's skin, but he was still so aroused looking at Marigold's big boobs as she thwacked and smacked. "You have no WHACK THWACK self control WHACK WHACK at all." Marigold took one of her high heels and stomped Scrip's penis and he cried bitterly. About an hour later, Marigold was sitting on the couch and Scrip was kneeling at her feet, looking anxious. "You have to calm down, Scrip" Marigold said. "I want to train you to suck cock, and the reason I'm so interested in doing this, is because you're all focused on this macho bullshit like football pools. It's really annoying." Scrip just looked at the floor. His penis hardened a bit, thinking about how Marigold wanted to degrade him, to make him a bitch, but on the other hand, he really didn't want to suck cock. Oh God. "And it's such a nice way to please my guests, having someone here to give a little oral stimulation" Marigold said merrily. "I met this couple from Poland online, Edek and Noelle. They came here for a visit, and I enslaved them both! They gave wonderful blowjobs at a fete I had. It was marvelous!" Scrip looked horrified. "People came to visit you from overseas and you—you made them suck people's dicks?" Scrip shook his head. "I know you're into the um, BDSM scene, but that's a bit much, Marigold." "No, no, silly" Marigold said, smiling, as she gently massaged Scrip's hard cock with her stockinged toes. "Edek and Noelle were already submissives, I guess Noelle was the dominant at home, but she was in need of subbing to someone else, Yes and so they came here and I gave them quite a time of it. It was just a fun thing. They're very rich." Marigold rubbed her toes more vigorously against Scrip's erection, and he got quite a bit more excited. He hadn't cum in some weeks, and the last few times they'd made love, it was just his working feverishly between her legs with his mouth. Marigold had an intense thirst for cunnilingus, and Scrip had to lick her for hours when he wasn't at work. If he didn't make her cum more than four or five times, she would become exasperated and use her Lochgelly Tawse on him, which really left some nasty marks. Scrip couldn't believe it, that he was putting up with being beaten by a woman, like a dog. It wasn't like this in the old days, really it wasn't. So now she was becoming frighteningly enthusiastic about new and upsetting practices. For instance, a week ago, she began teaching Scrip to lie on the bathroom floor with his mouth open and take her urine as she released it... Oh and Heaven forbid he spill a drop! Of course Scrip, quite the hygienist would cough and spit as the long, foul smelling piss hit his mouth, and this would enrage Marigold. She had taken it as a total lack of respect, and would thrash him, criss crossing his naked chest as he cowered on the bathroom floor. Then of course Marigold would grab Scrip by the back of the neck, or the hair, and make him lick up the discarded urine. Marigold also got a real kick out of making Scrip suck the blood out of her used tampons. This had been such a point of contention between the two that she'd had to bind him to the bed with electrical tape and FORCE the tampon into Scrip's mouth... Oh, the first few times, anyway. Now he docilely would suck a Tampax dry, and chew it if she liked. Marigold didn't fool around. She had a strong right arm, and could cane with the best of them. But the forced fellatio thing was scaring him to death. Marigold, noting Scrip's discomfiture, began talking about oral sex in a more gentle way. "We could start out with a hotdog or something, in your mouth. I really want to teach you to deep-throat a cock. I'm sure you've had girl friends that frustrated you because they were too timid with the penis, just licking the head or something. But then there are girls, usually prostitutes, who can take it deep into the throat." Marigold said quite seriously. Marigold arose and went to the kitchen and returned with a hotdog. "First you slide the length of the penis into your mouth, stroking it with your tongue...if you start slow; you won't gag so much, which is a put off to the guy." Marigold gently shoved the hotdog through her ruby lips and further and further into her mouth. Scrip was a little annoyed, as she'd given adequate blowjobs, but nothing like what she was doing to the wiener. Marigold pulled the hot dog out. "You can use your tongue to pull the penis in deeper. And the further the penis is, it passes the taste buds to the back of the throat, so you won't have that nasty sperm taste— I know you don't like it, because when I make you lick up your cum after masturbating, you always throw a tantrum." Marigold smiled down at Scrip. "You can use Lidocaine, which is what porn stars and people who need stomach endoscopies use to take it deep into their throat. The medical thing actually involves a tube, and the Lidocaine is designed to assist you to take it right down your throat. Perhaps we can try with that, though I want you to eventually LOVE the cock, and not need anything to take it into your throat, honey." Marigold giggled. "I have had many male subs that were real macho assholes, and after some torture and beatings, I turned them into such excited fellatrixes that it changed their entire demeanor. Rusk took quite a bit of cruelty from me, but you know Scrip, he can suck a dick with the best of them—he's sucked yours! One fellow, who hated sucking cock at first, a former police sergeant, now is such a penis enthusiast that he hunts gay bars even when he isn't seeing me. And sucks all the time, oh yeah and I think he's fully heterosexual He wears toenail polish, all that kind of thing." Scrip was starting to be nauseous even without his first cocksucking lesson. This was not really how he had envisioned his young adult life, not really Scrip knew the police chief that Marigold was talking about, Chief Muehlenbrink. Scrip had an uncle on the force, and Uncle Sid told Scrip that the Chief was now in great use as an entrapper. "Yeah, the Mule used to be the most macho of guys, but now, when we have a rapist in the park, he goes out in drag, and is quite convincing. Also he's great on our prostitution patrols— but he's not really much fun to hoist a few Guiness Stouts with—not anymore." Scrip wondered if that was his fate. Marigold, over the next couple of days, began wearing a strap-on dildo, not a big one, just about six inches, and waving it in front of him. When Scrip came in from work nights, Marigold would order him to strip and don his garter belt stockings and heels. Initially, she would just have him kiss the tip of the strap-on penis (it was colored pink) just once or twice. "Just kiss it a little bit, Scrip. That's right. Lick the underside. Don't pull back or I'll have to use the cat on you, honey. There, that's enough; you can go start dinner now." Then Marigold would remove the belt, and they'd do something else. After dinner, if she didn't feel like television, sometimes Marigold would sit on Scrip's face, facing his dick, and loop a chain around his cock and balls. And as he licked and sucked at her clit, she'd yank and tug the chain harder and harder, pulling his cock towards her. It was excruciatingly painful but stimulating at the same time. The harder she came, the more she yanked, though of course when it was over, she didn't usually let Scrip have any satisfaction! At this point his crotch was raw with the chain pulling and his jaw was exhausted, trying to give her some intense pleasure. But it did take Marigold's lovely mind off the whole dick-sucking thing, if just for a little while. Sometimes Marigold would have one of her friends from the PainCafe over to visit. One guy, Lorton Ledbetter, a big black Master, came over for beers, and he and Marigold would talk. Scrip would serve them, in his ridiculous outfit, Lorton grinning at him lasciviously, and he'd kneel and wait for further instructions. What would he do if Marigold ordered him to service Lorton? What would the protocol be? Lorton wasn't much help, either "Damn, Marigold, when you going' to let me fuck this white boy's mouth? Or his asshole. I bet he got one tight little mother back there, I'd like to loosen him up soon." A cough. "An' you don't got him trained baby. Why he give me an ashtray. You used to let me put my Newports out in Rusk's mouth, girl. You spoiling' this slave boy." Lorton paused. "I remember one part when Rusk got so many cigarettes and cigars on his tongue that he couldn't taste ice cream for a month!" This made Marigold laugh her ass off, and Scrip was never more relieved than when Lorton Ledbetter went home! One especially unpleasant night came when Lorton Ledbetter brought over a "cock trample board". This, which was a huge piece of ply wood with small pegs. Marigold had ordered Scrip to strip and stick his balls and penis through the hole, and then she'd stepped up. She began kicking and stomping Scrip's penis with her high heels. This would have been bad enough, but then Marigold invited Lorton Ledbetter to use his engineer's boots on Scrip's cock. Lorton had nearly sent Scrip to the hospital! But at least he hadn't had to suck Lorton's dick. He was having night mares about the bisexuality thing, it was getting serious. It actually hadn't been that long since Scrip and Marigold had just been ordinary lovers, and her submissive husband. Rusk would come in the room during the morning when Scrip and Marigold were just waking up. Rusk's nipples had little bells attached to them, and these awakened them quite gently. The bell thing was cute. Sometimes Marigold would have Rusk handcuffed to a combination lock from the ceiling, and he'd have to put himself up on his tippie toes to unlock the combination. And he had to try three hundred different combinations before he got loose...the bells had always been entertaining! But Rusk's bells had gently aroused Scrip and Marigold in the good old days, and then Rusk would give them full breakfast in bed— Bloody Marys, omelets, muffins, tea, that kind of shit—and then Rusk would perform orally on both of them. It had taken Scrip some time to get used to a man sucking his cock. Oh but Marigold gave him full access to her beautiful sexy lips and big breasts. And distracted by this Scrip could kiss and suck and play a little motor-boat while Rusk sucked his cock and truly. Rusk did it better than most of Scrip's former girl friends, and he'd had a few. When Scrip had initially mentioned this to Marigold she'd smiled and said, "I make sure Rusk gets a lot of practice." Words that were ominous to Scrip now. LATER Lorton was one of the few guys in his neighborhood with no sheet (`cept for possession) because he was too lazy to plan thefts or run from cops! Lazy, loitering, Lorton Ledbetter. But then Lucius, Lorton's older brother, had summoned him to Buttermilk Falls, where Lucius got him connected with the PainCafe, and he learned about rich white men who were somehow aroused by being kicked around by black men who fucked their wives with big dicks. What an industry! Lorton couldn't believe it when he met his first couple, the Harrimans. Imogene wanted to be fucked, and hard, and she wanted Lort to whip her husband's ass. And have the poor bastard, Saul his name was, lick Lort's toes afterwards. God damn. Then there was another chick, Mistress Teague, that asked Lorton to pee on some old dude while she hit his ass with a racquetball racquet. That was an easy $300. And then he got a regular guy, Onesimus Philemon Stubbins, who got a session once or twice a week...ready money in Lort's pocket. Just givin' him the strap and then fuckin' both his holes. Whaddya know? But meeting Marigold and Rusk had really been an education for Lorton. Marigold explained to Lort that Rusk's grandfather had been one of the heads of the Buttermilk Falls White Citizen's Council. This was a fancy name for the Klan, and that Rusk had a lot of guilt to expiate. Lort never forgot Marigold going through this explanation. Marigold had ordered Rusk to strip off his three piece suit and stand naked in front of Lorton, except of course for the chastity thing on his dick. Man, if any chick tried to put something like that on Lorton, she'd be chasing her teeth in the street. But there was no figuring white people. Honkies had a life of their own, baby! Once, Marigold had Rusk hanging from a hook in the ceiling, and had two buckets suspended by his balls. Marigold and Lort had taken turns throwing stones in these big-ass paint buckets, and either they landed in the buckets. Or they hit poor Rusk's naked body, leaving some kind of mark. Rusk was constantly erect though--it was a thrill for him. After the buckets were full, and poor Rusk was really, REALLY weighted down, Marigold got a BB gun and they took turns shooting at Rusk's crotch. This while Rusk danced around the twenty pound buckets dragging his fairy ass to the floor. Marigold could be one sadistic bitch. When she thought Rusk was getting too fat, she took him to his grandfather's ranch, and she rode a horse and swung a whip, making him jog naked around the damn compound. Then, back in the city, she had Lort drive his Harley and she sat on the back, and whipped his naked ass as he ran around the block four times! After the treadmill came into vogue, Marigold had Rusk run naked on that, set at seven miles an hour. Lort whipped his ass while Marigold had wild sex upstairs with Lort's twenty something kids, Lincoln, Lowell and Lolita. But now Marigold had basically broken Rusk, and it wasn't that interesting to fuck with him any more. Marigold's goal was to turn this new boy, Brock, into a nice honky-cracker cocksucker, and to give Lorton the blowjob of his lif" Lorton suggested brute force, mentioning that he could knock Brock's teeth out and have Brock gum him, like they do in the joint. Marigold said she wanted to make Brock WANT the cock, to THIRST for cock, and she thought she could do this psychologically. What a girl! Lorton knew that he had to just find a way to cooperate with her, and they'd have a fellatrix in no time, baby! THEN Scrip gritted his teeth as Marigold poked around in his not-so-tight-anus-anymore with a steel wire chimney cleaning brush. She had had some doubts that it would fit in there, but after rogering poor Scrip with a graduating size of dildoes... He was finally loose enough for her to work the horribly painful tines in his anus. "I have to do this, honey." Marigold said patiently as she slammed the brush in again and again, deeper and deeper. "It's been two months now since I promised Lorton you'd be ready to suck his cock, and you still aren't. So we've got to give him your anus, and you've no idea how big his dick is. He almost ripped Rusk apart the first time they did it." Scrip was sobbing silently. The first time they did "it" as if it were intercourse between a man and a woman. He'd heard Lorton going on about turning a "Bunghole into a snatch, a nice smooth snatch" and clearly this was what Marigold was aiming for. "Ugh, all this blackish blood. What a mess it is back here." Marigold said as she finally pulled the wire brush out. "I should make you clean the brush with your mouth, that's what I'd get Rusk to do, but you're— I just don't know if it's going to work out between us, Scrip." This panicked Scrip to no end. Why, he just didn't know. Marigold was really a difficult woman, gorgeous as she was, and it amazed him that he'd not bailed the coop yet. Just the evening before, Rusk had a melt down because Marigold had promised him (in return for some just disgusting favors with rich transvestites) that he could go see his Army buddies or something. But then she'd changed her mind, and told Rusk he wasn't "manly" enough to hoist a few beers with the fellows. Right, and that he was to spend the next week in diapers, with bedtime at six p.m. "It's not fair!" Rusk was howling and kicking his legs, waving his arms around. A man in his fifties, with access to a bank account and car keys, but instead of just walking out on Marigold, he protested like a three year old denied a nappie. Scrip had watched in horror as Marigold had dragged Rusk by the ear to the bathtub, and thrown him over it. Oh and whipped his bare ass raw with a frying pan. Rusk had continued to scream and howl for some time "No! WHACK WHACK Ow, no more WHACK WHACK PLEASE" Marigold had actually looked quite gorgeous, her hair flying and her boobs bouncing in a tube top as she'd flailed him into sobbing submission with the pan. Yes, and then she'd put him in diapers, locked him in his "nursery" and called his old friends to tell them that Rusk wouldn't be joining them. And I could become like that! Scrip thought silently, staring at Rusk, tearstained face sleeping with pacifier in his mouth. The warning is real! Marigold also had made Scrip and Rusk begin wearing heavy laced corsets, boned, back laced garments that went from under their arms to right above their hips. Well, that was Scrip's corset. Rusk's actually was connected to his chastity device, and prevented him from urinating unless Marigold unlocked it. That was the other thing, both corsets locked at the top. This meant that Rusk had to rush home at noon from work to beg Marigold to let him pee. Yes, and Scrip was just in horrible pain most of the day, but as Marigold had told him, he was getting a little "chubby". "I might consider taking off the corset if you have a more refreshing attitude towards Lorton's cock, you know" she said cheerily. Rusk's corset had a connecting helmet with ball gag that Marigold would immobilize him in so he wouldn't get on her nerves. "Life would get so much easier for you, dear, if you'd just learn to take a dick in your mouth" Marigold said, smiling, "But until then, we can practice with the dildo you know... And that involved skull-fucking, for when Marigold stuck the dildo (and she'd graduated to a long, black plastic one)into Scrip's mouth, it was no holds barred! Scrip had to learn not to cough when she brought it in and out of his mouth. Scrip knew that even if he wouldn't take the penis (a real one) in his mouth yet, certainly he had to at least pacify Marigold by practicing on the plastic one. Sometimes she used a rubber one, which really choked him even worse. "See, when I do Rusk" she said, "I butt-fuck him and then make him lick his shit off the dildo before sucking it for at least an hour. You've not gotten there yet, Scrip boy" That "yet" was beginning to haunt him. Mr. Kitt, the older man who worshipped Marigold from afar. Mr. Kitt loved Marigold so much, and Marigold reminded him of his late wife, Gladys, who had dominated Mr. Kitt for 36 years until her death. He had just been reminiscing about how he and Gladys had visited New Mexico in the mid sixties... Yes, and how she'd abruptly ordered him to strip in the desert and tied him to a thorny cactus for the evening! And, in the days before electric dryers, Gladys would bring Mr. Kitt out to the clothesline, him naked and covered from head to toe with clothespins, and she'd take the pins off one at a time to hang up the wash... Oh what fun those days were! Mr. Kitt knocked politely on Marigold's door, and a moment later, Rusk let him in, Mr. Kitt was amused to note that Rusk was only wearing a pair of nipple clamps, an apron and high heels. In the living room, there stood an old fashioned genital stock. Mr. Kitt knew what it was, for it had once belonged to Gladys. She would lock Mr. Kitt's cock and balls in the wooden stocks, cuff his hands behind his back, and have him stand there for hours. The hole in the wooden stocks was just high enough that Mr. Kitt had to stand on his tip toes to keep his locked cock and balls comfortable. But of course he would get tired and slump, and then he'd be hanging there, and the pain would be excruciating! Gladys would then come in and whip Mr. Kitt's locked cock and balls, sticking out the other side of the stocks, until her husband straightened up. Sometimes Gladys would take a couple of bricks from the garden, and smack them together (the way you smack school blackboard erasers). Ah, but when she smacked them, it was with Mr. Kitt's poor hard cock in between! Now, in the genital stock, was locked poor Scrip, Marigold's "young man" The poor bastard didn't appear to be having any better a time in the genital stocks than Mr. Kitt ever had, though he doubted Marigold was making Scrip stay in them for more than five or six hours... Sometimes Gladys had left Mr. Kitt in them for an entire weekend! Rusk returned to his position kneeling in the corner, and Marigold walked in, and came up, kissing Mr. Kitt on the cheek. "Good to see you! What do you think of Scrip here? He's being punished for his refusal to suck cock!" Scrip looked somewhat ill, he really did. He also had mousetraps on his nipples, and, as he looked closely, Mr. Kitt noticed that there were long knitting needles, two of them, protruding from his glans. Marigold had been at work, there was no doubt! Marigold smiled sunnily. "I just don't know what to do with Scrip, Mr. K. I remember you telling me that Gladys had you sucking off returning servicemen from Korea, just a few months into your marriage. I certainly had Rusk's mouth at work as soon as I could, but apparently Scrip has decided to be stubborn." At the point that she uttered the word "Stubborn" Marigold thwacked poor Scrip's beneedled cock, and Scrip burst into anxious tears. Mr. Kitt's own cock attempted to harden in its tight chastity tube. Wasn't this girl wonderful? And the boy didn't really appreciate her. "I was thinking of something though, Scrip, honey." Marigold smiled. "I know you're afraid that I'm going to make you suck Lorton's big black cock— And that's coming soon, there's no doubt. But why don't we start slow? How'd you like to start on Mr. Kitt's little tiny submissive cock? It's only about three or four inches long, and it won't choke you." Scrip looked doubtful. "Could we agree that if I did, you would give the whole subject a break for a week or two? Please?" He looked so sad and desperate. Marigold smiled, and when she smiled she really beamed, radiated positive energy. "Why not? I will look very favorably on you getting a little action even, if you can just do this little thing for me. Don't you want Marigold to be happy?" Marigold unlocked Mr. Kitt's cock lock while Rusk unlocked poor Scrip, and a moment later, Scrip was sucking away at Mr. Kitt's cock... He wasn't good at it, it was certainly his first time, but a moment later, Mr. Kitt, who had been denied for 48 days, shot a huge lump down Scrip's throat. Rusk held Scrip's hair back to ensure the slave boy swallowed his first load. After Mr. Kitt was locked back up again, Marigold smiled at Scrip. "I guess you can jerk off now, honey." Scrip looked hurt. "But-but I thought we'd make love, you said you'd give me some action, it's been weeks since we shared a bed together." Rusk sniggered, and Marigold said daintily, "Oh no, any man who is willing to suck another man's dick, no matter what the situation, will never make love to me again, sweetheart. But I will let you jerk off, and I won't bug you till next Monday when, hell or high water, you WILL suck Lorton's cock." Mr. Kitt heard Scrip's weeping as he jerked off on the floor in front of his Mistress...just as Scrip closed the door ." Now don't complain" said Marigold, shaking her head and smiling at Scrip's discomfiture. "Scrip, you know it's over for us now. You're a sweet boyfriend, but once I've turned you into a cocksucker, there's really no place for you in my romantic life." Marigold tossed her dark curls and tried not to smile as the tears flowed down Scrip's cheeks. Was it a betrayal to make him a forced bisexual, and then throw him out of her bed forever? But, after Scrip's tantrum, he calmed down a bit and obediently stripped Marigold naked and shaved her legs and trimmed her pubic hair. He had put on the garter belt and stockings with cute suspenders after coming home from work without her having to nag him. "You've got to understand, honey. Merritt is a real man. He's not going to take any of my manipulative bullshit, and that's what I need. He's going to fuck me hard, like I fuck you with the strap-on sometimes." Scrip bit his lip as he finished trimming Marigold's pubes. At least she didn't want it trimmed in the shape of a heart. (This had been last week's pre-date preparation) Last week had been so ghastly. Marigold had brought Drew, this total tool home, and he'd really manhandled her, grabbing her by the hair and pushing her head towards his crotch Herman Cain style. Although Marigold had not made Scrip suck the guy's dick or anything that time. No, she did require that Scrip make them drinks and she and Drew had made fun of him in his tranny costume... And then a couple of nights ago, things had taken an even more alarming turn. They'd been at a party with a lot of Scrip's friends from his 10K running group. Yes, and Marigold, who had looked just fabulous, asked Scrip to approach Merritt and "flirt" with him a little bit. "I think he's bisexual, and I want you to introduce him to me, but get him all hot first." she'd said, stroking Scrip's arm to get him in the mood for this madness. But it had worked, Scrip, who had never picked up a man before began limply flirting with Merritt. Merritt, who got very excited and began rubbing Scrip's inner thigh, and despite his thick corduroys, Scrip found his cock getting hard. My God, she's turned me into a true fag, he thought dispiritedly. But Merritt was a little weird... And he brought Scrip up to the host's bedroom, and they began making out, and then they disrobed, and Merritt saw Scrip's panties. Marigold not only made Scrip wear lingerie at home now, but also was making him wear panties under his street clothes. It was truly a disturbing thing, but what could he do? She was a raven haired goddess...he was completely in her power, it seemed. Lately, not only had she thrown him out of her bedroom, but she wouldn't even kiss him anymore, because of the things she'd made him do... And Marigold also wouldn't let poor Scrip touch her full breasts anymore, and that was just miserable. And so he was lonely, and he actually looked hopefully at Merritt, now that he was naked except for his panties. But Merritt grinned a kind of mean grin at Scrip now. "You're quite the little faggot...panties, eh?" And then, without warning, Merritt picked Scrip up and threw him on the bed. Scrip was a little surprised at Merritt's size. Though he was really macho, a Rhett Butler type. Then Merritt had mounted Scrip, ripped off the panties and had begun ass- fucking him, and that was when Marigold had walked in. Scrip thought dispiritedly of what had happened after this. Marigold had introduced herself, and it turned out that Merritt was bisexual— Yes, moments later, Merritt began fucking Marigold hard while Scrip was forced to lie just beneath his thighs where he was going up and down in Marigold's pussy.... Scrip's role in this was sucking Merritt's balls, trying not to bite down while he did his business. After this, unbelievably, Merritt and Marigold had dressed, and then Merritt had ordered Scrip to go downstairs, dressed only in his ragged panties, and do a dance for all their friends. Many of whom he'd known when he was a waiter at the Black Horse Square, others who he'd skied with in Austria, all his running friends...it had been absolutely mortifying. His old buddy Dumas Cricklewood had told him he needed therapy, girls who he'd dated in the past had laughed their asses off. Merritt had kept poor Scrip dancing around, using a fireplace poker (burning hot) to prod him and poor Scrip had cried and danced, miserably. That had been the end of a number of good friendships |
. Dumas Cricklewood had really tried to talk Scrip into going into a mental hospital. "Get the fuck away from that chick of yours, dude." Crick had said sympathetically... But of course Scrip wouldn't listen, and Crick had walked away with tears in his eyes, watching Scrip dance about, miserably. After his dance, Merritt had ordered Scrip to strip off the tattered panties and to jerk off slowly on his knees, and every time poor Scrip approached an orgasm. Merritt touched the tip of Scrip's dick with the red-hot poker, and of course this killed Scrip's erection. He'd gone home, and hid under the bed while Merritt and Marigold had got it on above, and then Merritt had gone home, and now he was preparing Marigold for yet another date with this guy.. "He just seems so, um, unruly, I guess." Scrip said, looking at Marigold as she modeled a wide brimmed hat she was planning to wear. "I mean, he was really out of line at that party, Marigold." "I like that" Marigold said, smiling. "I hate these milquetoast men who try to seem liberated. He took you over and he made you jump, sweetheart, and that's what I like in a man." Marigold painted her lips with bright pink gloss. "Do you know, Scrip that Merritt has been in the scene longer than I have? He actually broke in a slave, some tough probation officer of his, Merritt changed the guy's name from Winchell Stripes to Wormfood X. And then he used ice to freeze Wormfood's balls and cut them off—literally. Most men would be terrified that the probation officer was going to violate them, send them to jail. Merritt had a small burglary charge, but he castrated Wormfood, had him resign the Probation department And then sold Wormfood to some bikers from West Buttermilk County." Scrip thought...and this is the person you want to know. To get ME to know better. Marigold left just a little later, and Scrip cleaned the house up and played video games on his Xbox for a time, waiting for her return. Rusk was Forced Bi Camp-out, run by the PainCafe and so Scrip had no one to discuss this issue with. It was a week long retreat, and he knew that this once, he wished Rusk could come back early to explain Marigold's alarming behavior! He knew he was lucky—at one point, some months back, after Marigold had enslaved him, Scrip had decided to leave her. This was a brief, insane measure. He'd rented an apartment, and then realized he had to return to Marigold. But she hadn't taken his calls, and had made him beg! And Scrip had tried, he'd dated other women, and had a pretty good sex life. But he'd realized that it was more pleasant and exciting kissing Marigold's feet than being blown in a three way with younger and even more attractive women. Marigold was just his whole life, and he had been astonished that she'd slipped away! Finally, they'd had coffee. Marigold had told Scrip that she would drop by his new digs to perhaps take him back, but he had to wait for her. She told him that every night between seven and ten o'clock he was to kneel naked in his front hallway with a small glass of champagne right in front of him. Yes eventually she'd come in. But if he wasn't there, doing what he was supposed to, he'd lost her forever. For SIX WEEKS Scrip had stripped off his clothes and knelt with the champagne, night after night, with his cell on vibrate. This so the ringing of his friends wouldn't bother him while he waited for Marigold. His knees aching with the kneeling, and he had kneeled quite upright, like the Sisters had taught him at Mass... Ooh, how it hurt, and how horny he'd been, because Marigold had told him not to touch himself. And finally, nearly two months later, she'd walked in, right up to him. Picked up the watery champagne and thrown it in his face, and then kneaded his hard cock with her high heel. And he'd cum immediately! And then she'd told Scrip he could return home. Since then, Scrip had worked hard not to piss Marigold off, but he knew that he could really fuck things up if he did anything to annoy Merritt. Yes, although he didn't want to wind up like Wormfood, the pathetic castrated ex-probation officer. Good Lord. Finally Marigold came in, and to Scrip's relief, she hadn't brought Merritt with her. "Come on baby, you've got a creampie to lick up" Marigold said, smiling. "Merritt and four of his friends had quite a time with me, you'll be interested to know." Nauseated, Scrip took Marigold to bed and licked her clean. She asked him if he'd masturbated, and he'd told her no, though it had been very hard to avoid temptation. "Merritt thinks I should castrate you like he did Wormfood, but I think you should just go in a chastity belt...I want you at your horny, feverish peak, if you know what I mean! " And that is how Marigold finally got Scrip to go into locked chastity. As an alternative to submitting to castration by a true lunatic, this fellow Merritt. Or, as he was known in several counties "Master Flyspeck". But Marigold eventually got bored with Merritt, once she got Scrip's promise to allow F.X. Copeland, the PainCafe's Craftsman to construct a nice, tight chastity device. "This tube'll calm you down Mr. Phibbs." Cope had said as he'd affixed the thing on Scrip's crotch and locked the tiny padlock, handing the key to Marigold. Scrip had certainly felt a pain at the pit of his stomach as he'd seen how casually she'd dropped it into her handbag! Later Marigold began wearing the key on a necklace just above her cleavage, and she'd explain to anyone who asked what the damn thing was for. The next deal was Marigold teaching Scrip how to go limp, his penis had the alternative of being whipped. But if he could go tiny on command, even with her lips on it, then Marigold knew that she had total control over him. After several punishment switchings with long hazel branches, Marigold finally could snap her fingers... Yes and Scrip would think about cumulus clouds, or football scores, or cleaning the garage, and instantly calm down. Thankfully his penis would be tiny, and ready to lock up again. It was astounding how much control Marigold had over that portion of his anatomy! Scrip found the chastity tube to not be as irritating as he'd thought it might be. It really made him even more attracted to Marigold, who had the disturbing habit of rubbing her full buttocks against his crotch as she passed him in the kitchen. Scrip only confided his chastity issues in his first cousin Syrett, who found it fascinating. "Dude, it's amazing. I don't think I'd do it, but I might for her" Syrett gave Marigold a somewhat active glance, though he had quite a cute wife of his own. "But you're dealing well with it." And Scrip agreed, he really was. Sometimes at work he'd see cute secretaries, or girls in crop tops skateboarding by, and he'd get an erection, which of course gave him shooting crotch pains. But Marigold always reminded him "Darling you should only be thinking of me!" But at night, young men get erections for no reason whatsoever, and the sudden tortuous stabbing pain, when his penis tried to unsuccessfully lengthen to its full six inches in the little tube... Ooh that unforgiving steel! Marigold of course, found this comical. "You see, honey, you have to calm down that sexy, rampaging manhood of yours." Marigold smiled. "The theory that my girlfriends at the PainCafe have come up with is, Alpha males are to be fucked and enjoyed. Beta males, like yourself are supposed to be of service to us— You know, cleaning out our clits, licking up the juice squirted in from your Alpha brethren, and entertaining the Alphas with your mouths when we are too busy. Your devotion to me is wonderful, but you can't be always begging for a sexual reward, or running off to clandestinely masturbate yourself. And we can't have you shooting off your own orgasms all the time, semening up the place, when you get to cum, it's a special treat, you know." And so Scrip eventually began going to support meetings of the Men's Chastity Belt Support Group, over at the PainCafe. He found the meetings a little disturbing. And thought that there was too much information shared, but he knew that his attitude had to change if he and Marigold were going to have a life together. Scrip got a "sponsor, an aged submissive called Tobermory, who taught Scrip meditation and other tactics. These helped to bring down his erectile rebelliousness. "I was twenty-nine once too, and I recall how excited it was " Tobermory said, helpfully. "Mother put me and my brother Tammerlane in chastity when we were just nineteen, and then my wife took over, though Tam stayed with Mother." Tobermory had been in chastity for thirty-eight years. "My wife Avis told me, `Toby, you would just jerk off in front of the tube, looking at the hot girls on `General Hospital" if I let your pee-pee loose, and what a waste of time that would be.'" A swimming pool salesman, Tobermory was allowed to jerk off every two weeks, right after he brought home his commission check to the Mrs.. And Toby was one of the founding members of the Men's Chastity Group. "Though if I haven't been sellin' well, Avis makes me wait another two weeks" Tobermory said somberly. "She'll tease me with her toes, but drive me like, wild. But I gotta admit, she's quite a woman, as is our daughter Meredith, who goes by Mistress Midnight and has a huge dungeon out Route 48 over in Buttermilk City." Scrip was not totally pleased to be at the Men's Chastity Group, but the guys were pleasant, and he couldn't get over the range in ages— from high school boys to gents driven in from nursing homes. Scrip even ran into people he knew, like the clergyman at First Buttermilk Methodist, and the guy who delivered the Domino's pizza. It seemed like no class or educational level was exempt from women who wanted to lock your cock up! One day, just after a Group, Scrip was talking to 20 year old Spalding, one of the group's younger members. "I just get so annoyed that I can't like, jerk off in a restroom or something, you know?" Spalding patted his arm. "I understand, after all I'm about ten years younger, and that much hornier, but don't you find that you're able to focus on the more important stuff? Work, your golf game, that kind of stuff? I really am glad that I am not too sex-focused, I studied a lot harder and got 1400 on my LSAT's." What a serious young man, Scrip thought. At his age, I was banging cheerleaders and picking up ski bunnies in the winter, and beach girls surfing in July. Sure, I wasn't much of a student but life was a lot more interesting. But Marigold's worth it--- I think Syrett Phibbs, Scrip's first cousin was still visiting Buttermilk Falls in his work as a salesman of computer linguistic systems, and he just couldn't get over how beautiful and exciting Marigold was, and how she'd affected this change in Cousin Scriptor. Syrett had always thought his cousin was really heading for kind of a crash— Scrip drank too much, smoked three packs of Old Gold Straights a day, and had been terribly attached to being a macho asshole type— Yes and now Scrip seemed to have this inner peace, even though he was complaining about having been put in the chastity tube. Syrett had attended a small wedding recently, held in Marigold's house for her nephew Birdie, who had graduated from college and had married Santiva, a local courthouse employee. Someone had mentioned to Syrett that Tiva and Birdie were in a female dominated relationship that involved a chastity belt as well, and Syrett was quite intrigued. He'd overheard Santiva discussing their life together, hers and Birdie's. "I've really been dildo training Birdie this honeymoon. He's completely smooth, all his body hair is shaved off, and I come up and feel him up naked in the parlor, and he damn well better have no hair on him! I've been making him keep his asshole slippery and ready for penetration. And his butt is so cute, it's so much fun to whip...but I also am trying to teach Birdie to tighten his sphincter around my strap-on, so when my boyfriend comes over he can get a good fucking in Birdie, as well." Santiva had paused, and then talked for about twenty minutes about Birdie's chastity belt, and how she was demanding that he take her all over Europe, and that he would only be able to jerk off once in every country... And so he'd better take her everywhere! "He's no longer a compulsive jerk-off boy, that's for sure!" the bride had laughed. Masturbation had been a problem for Syrett when he was young— His sister Deri had burst in on him in the bathroom when he was pounding away, and began ridiculing him. Deri was annoying. Deri was a tall, chesty redhead with full, pouty lips who paraded around in cut-offs and belly shirts, and obviously was the parent's favorite,. Syrett was a D student in college who wrecked the family car and had been arrested for pot possession several times. Yes, and once had fallen asleep while setting up candles in a weird Satanic ritual, that had burned the family manse down... Yes they'd had to live in a trailer for a year! Deri wasn't actually a member of the family, she was a foster teenager who had come to live with the Phibbs's and they'd quickly adopted her. Syrett had always had the hots for Deri, but tried to keep this under wraps until, of course she began bursting in on him when he was jerking off. One night Syrett woke up around two, and found his hands and feet tied to the bedposts, and Deri was standing over him, rubbing his penis with an ice cube. "I was just keeping you from having a wet dream, dude" she said. "I do the laundry and it is so gross to get out, all that scum.." "What the fuck's wrong with you?" Syrett had screamed. He had actually just come in from a night of carousing about forty minutes ago, and had fallen into a nice beer sodden sleep, and this idiot— Though she looked really cute in her nightgown, a peach shortie—was interrupting his pleasant slumber. "Oh, Syrett, you poor thing." Deri had giggled, running her fingers up and down his lengthening cock. "It's adorable that you sleep in the nude like that. I am amazed that you are like, constantly whacking this thing. I mean, I know you're not a virgin, I saw you banging the McPherson bitch—what's her name, Gloriana—in the tool shed last week." "What, Deri, do you like constantly follow me around? Don't you have anything better to do?" But Syrett barely got the rest of the sentence out, as Deri began stroking his hardening cock just a little faster. Deri began visiting Syrett every night, and she'd tease him and he'd kind of insult her, and finally she'd untie him and leave again. He began looking forward to it, even after she began to insist that he let her ride his face, and keep his tongue busy. One night it had turned a little nasty. Deri had been irritated because Syrett had "messed" her hand up with his semen too many nights in a row. And now it seemed as if he expected it, and she unloosed his belt out of his pants and she'd whipped his hard cock about ten times, just to drive it down. "That's a lesson to you" before going back to her room, leaving him to writhe out of his bonds. The next day, as Syrett was jerking off in the bathroom, Deri swung the door open. Before Syrett could say anything, Deri jumped up and sat on his naked lap, right there on the throne. She opened her legs, as she was attired in a cute little linen micro-miniskirt and grabbed his dick out of his hands and began playing with it, and giggling. "You just can't keep your hands of this little wiener of yours, can you?" Syrett tried, (not very hard) to push her off. But Deri stayed on firmly, rubbing Syrett's hard cock with her punk-rock yellow nails. Deri paused in her jerking of Syrett's dick and began examining the tip with her forefinger, watching it grow in her hand. "See, it's a big boy, isn't it. Big boy likes Mommy playing with you, instead of a rough old man's hand, right?" Syrett gasped. "Deri, you really shouldn't be in here. Mom's a Jehovah's Witness—" "And she's out proselytizing door to door right now, Syrett, don't worry about it." Deri paused. "I know you want me. I saw you watching me hose the sand off my boobs and my bikini top when we went to Buttermilk Beach the other day. You were playing pocket-pool in your trunks big time." "You know" Deri continued, "I kind of fool around with the director down at the YMCA too...you know Aylwin Perse? Yeah, old religious Aylwin, I got in his office in a mini like this one and I took my panties off and dropped Aylwin's pants and rubbed my clit all over his hard cock as he sat behind his desk. And then when the Youth Basketball League guy came in, I went under the desk and sucked and teased Aylwin's cock until he went out of his mind, he couldn't answer all the boring-ass questions the League guy had, it was fun." Finally Syrett became very, very aroused and stood up, sliding Deri off his lap. "You want to fuck?" he asked, not graciously. "No no...I don't like wankers in my little box, too bad about that." Deri said, smiling. "I just wanted to pay you a little visit, you know?" And then she began dating (or really sleeping with) Syrett's younger brother Sigmund, and his best pal, Essington Hyme. Like Siggy and Ess didn't jerk off, what bullshit, and besides they were too young to be getting laid with her. And she often teased Syrett in front of the younger fellows, telling them that she'd cut off access to her fabulous body, and of course the little zit-ridden monsters just sniggered. And they never let Syrett forget it. The teasing from the boys was driving him nuts; how could she sleep with Essington with his moronic Mohawk? And of course the cock-teasing from Deri was also making him mad...driving him mad, really. And then Syrett's biological sisters got into it— Viola, Lila and Genet! Dressing sexy, waving their asses at him and teasing him because he was a geek—which he wasn't! It was kind of outrageous—Vi, Li, and Ginny began doing a patrol on the bathroom door, so every time Syrett was in there, they'd jump in on him, snatch his Lubriderm, and run off, laughing... Syrett had to get a job in a gas station and move out of the house to get away from the masturbation persecution nonsense, and now, 20 years later, he thought of it wistfully. It was kind of fun, wasn't it? Syrett had to admit that at Birdie and Santiva's wedding, Birdie didn't look too unhappy. In fact he stared at Tiva with something akin to worship. It seemed almost as if the submissive bridegroom was in thrall to his slave hood. Which seemed nothing if not bizarre. Syrett contacted his company, and asked if he could permanently reside in his hometown. He sent for his girlfriend, Lorimer, and set up a nice apartment right near that interesting place, the PainCafe, so he could kind of see what the big deal was about. He explained some of his perverse interests to Lorimer, who was a shy ash blonde with perky cantaloupe tits. She cocked her head. "You got to be kidding. S&M?" Lori sipped her Budweiser. "That's weird shit, Syrett." "Well, have you ever thought about wanting to tease me, and get me all excited so I'd fuck you harder? Syrett said impulsively. "Watch some of these videos, and you'll get the picture." Lori was always eager to please, and she watched some of the videos, and then went over to Marigold's house and watched Marigold's interactions with Scrip and Rusk. Lori had come down for the weekend of the Birdie/Santiva wedding, and she'd gotten an eyeful there, as they'd done some weird shit where Birdie had to kiss Tiva's toes right after he gave her the ring. And it made Lori, as Alice in Wonderland would say "Curiouser and Curiouser." One thing that Lori had not mentioned to Syrett up until now was, she was a kind of polygamous girl. She loved Syrett, and felt like he really took care of her. Ah, but she often missed her old boyfriend, Two-Bit Tomlinson, who didn't really do well in the sensitivity department, but was damn good at the fucking. "So tell me, Syrett...would I be able to date others if I put you in that chastity belt thing?" And that is how monsters are created... "You're mine, little pet" Those words, hissed into my ear with just the right amount of implied threat. Kei always knows just what to say to make my knees buckle. I feel one arm slip around my slender waist and even with the blindfold on I can still imagine her tattoos warping slightly as her strong muscles flex and move me to the position she desires. Face pushed roughly into the bed, her fingers gripping my long purple hair as her other hand digs into my hip, violently yanking my ass up into the air. This is a game I know well and my hips start to sway eagerly in anticipation of what is to come. "Such an eager little pet...but that is hardly surprising at this point..." Her voice, always so calm and benevolent, my goddess down from the heavens. Such a sweet voice, so in contrast with great acts of sadistic violence she is so wonderfully capable of. It's not long before I feel the familiar sensation of the plug pressing at my ass, the soft fur of the long fox tail tickling the back of my thighs. I try to stifle my moan as she slowly presses the fair sized plug into my tight hole but a little escapes around the gag. "Feh...of course you get excited from just this. You're such a slutty little thing Sierra, it's lucky you have me around to cool you off or I don't think you'd ever get anything done." She does this on purpose, drawing it out, talking to me when I have no way to respond. She knows how badly I want her, need her, and she always takes such great pleasure in delaying the main event. I feel her fingers dragging lightly across my back and I know she has her trademark look plastered on that gorgeous face of hers. Ice blue eyes shining behind her glasses, dark curly hair framing her face, her lips locked in that cocky smirk that makes panties vanish. Just thinking about it is enough to encourage a familiar wetness between my legs. I'm so lost in my own head that I don't even hear the swish of the cane cutting through the air before it struck the bed next to me. "Focus little fox, I can't have you drifting off just yet... " Her fingers dig into the soft flesh of my ass, kneading and massaging the pale skin and cupping my gentle curves. The first strike of her hand was sudden, even with all the build up. A little whimper creeped past my gag as the sharp sting started to fade. The second smack closely followed the first and she quickly worked up to a steady rhythm, expertly alternating between cheeks and adjusting her tempo so I was never sure exactly where or when the next hit would be. By the time she finally paused I could feel the warmth radiating out from my ass, spreading to my core, and making my pussy drip. "Such an adorable little pain slut, I have barely begun to play with you and you're already making a mess all over the sheets." This time I heard the cane cutting through the air before it bit into my ass. My yelp echoed in our room, mixing with Kei's soft laughter. She reached down, undoing the clasps that held my gag and blindfold in place. I blinked rapidly as my eyes readjusted to the light before looking up to my favorite sight in the world. My goddess, standing above me and beaming down, her magnificent cock standing firm in front of my face. Her fingers wrapped tightly in my hair, pulling me slowly closer until the head of her cock was inches from my trembling lips. Her scent, so powerful yet so decidedly feminine, filled my head and made the room spin as she kept her tantalizing dick just out of reach. My mouth opened instinctively, my tongue stretching out in desperation. Kei's little chuckle was like music to my ears as she slowly slid her thick shaft between my lips. "Fuck Sierra, I always forget how fucking soft your mouth is..." I can't help but smile to myself. Hearing Kei slip up like that, losing her cool just for a second, is such a rare occurrence when she gets like this. Her grip tightens in my hair as the head of her cock presses against my throat, slowly forcing her way deeper until my face is pressed against her smooth skin. Her hips pick up a steady pace, pounding into my face until her cock is slick and shiny with my spit. Her hand shifts from my hair to my slender throat, gripping harder and harder until my vision starts to fade. She releases my throat and pushes me back hard onto the bed, her hands pressing down on my shoulders. Her nails dig into my skin, making me gasp and whimper as my body pushes uselessly against her. "Fuck baby girl, you're too fucking cute when you whimper like that." Gone is all pretense of the domme, now it's just pure and unfiltered Kei. The tall, dangerous looking woman that stole me away from my old life and brought me into this wonderful world of pleasure and pain. I wrap my arms around her neck and pull her down into a kiss. Her snakebites click against my teeth as we crash into each other, pain lancing through the kiss as her teeth grasp my lip. Her hands slide to my breasts, fingers teasing the bars that pierce both nipples. I hear her murmur with pleasure as my nipples stiffen in her grasp and she begins to roll them between her fingertips. Her teeth bite into my neck and I moan with reckless abandon. She pulls back, her hands gliding down to my legs and spreading them with ease. She licks her lips as she looks down, her gaze locked on my close shaven mound. "Wet and ready, just how I like it baby girl. I've been waiting all day for this..." She's between my legs in an instant, her hardness pressed against my pussy as she grinds against me. Once her cock is lubed up she slides herself into me, her thick dick filling me as she slowly forces her full 9 inches into me. I moan and squirm like a woman possessed, my pussy tightening as her fingers find my clit. Every time I look up I see her wolfish grin and those piercing eyes locked on me. Her eyes flash with amusement as she watches my face twist and contort from the pleasure coursing through every inch of my body. My voice finally returns to me in time to gasp out a desperate plea. "K-K-Kei...please let me cum!" She slows her thrusts, drawing back until just the head of her cock is inside me. She loves doing this, teasing me when I'm right on the edge, drawing it out to hear me beg. She moves her hips ever so slightly, just enough to draw the tiniest of whines from me. "Please Kei! Please fuck me and make me cum all over your perfect cock" She leans down and kisses me as she starts to fuck at her full speed, our bed frame creaking with each rough thrust. Her breathing gets rougher and I can tell she is getting close herself. Just thinking about it is enough to send me over the edge and I cum hard, my whole body tensing and tightening around the thick tool buried in me. Her hand finds my throat again, squeezing hard as her cock explodes in my cunt. She releases me just as my vision starts to go black and rolls onto the bed beside me, both of us breathing heavily. With a content sigh I roll over, grabbing the joint I rolled earlier and a lighter from the bedside table. We light up as we curl up beneath the covers, my head resting gently against her breast. The smoke curls up as we listen to the sounds of our city at 2 am. Just another Sunday night with the woman I love. Each summer during the week that our young daughter was away at camp, Fiona and I entertained ourselves with several nights of something we called "Tell Me." It was essentially a game of truth or dare based upon ten or twenty questions that we wrote beforehand, and then took turns either being frank or accepting a challenge. Quite unintentionally, the game (usually lubricated with a bottle or two of wine) became an invitation for us to explore each other's sexual histories. We married quite late, a second marriage for each of us. Each of us had been extremely active sexually while single, both before and after our first marriages. We reached an understanding early on in our game playing that talking about former spouses was out of bounds and that nothing we said could ever be repeated in a hurtful way. Each game ended in intense sex. The game started largely out of curiosity and idle fun. Over time though the questions became insightful. Answering honestly became a tremendous trust builder, knowing that we were exposing our secrets to each other in the most exquisitely vulnerable way. It was a game impossible to play without investing complete trust in each other. It also became riveting proof of how perfectly matched sexually we were and ultimately a demonstration of how we satisfied each other as fiercely monogamous sexual soul mates. Leading up to camp week one summer I hid out in my workshop and secretly put together a payoff for the week. On our first night alone, I presented Fiona with an elaborately and beautifully wrapped package. "For later this week," I said, handing her the box. "It's heavy." She smiled curiously. "Put it away until Saturday night and you'll see why." Each night we played that week, I left a hint about the package's content, each one sharpening Fiona's curiosity and fanning the tension. The first night I produced a swatch of brocaded cloth, figured with a dragonfly design. Next was a piece of dense foam. Finally, I gave Fiona a sliver of plywood. The sex was incredible all week and more than once I caught Fiona eying the box as we fucked. On the last night our questions and answers led quickly to kissing, teasing and short bouts of oral sex. "If your sexual life was a book, how much haven't you told me? A few chapters, a few paragraphs? Or a few sentences?" Fiona smiles wickedly and says: "Only a few sentences." "A place where we have not made love that I can add to your birthday list." Me, unhesitatingly: "On my desk at work." Now there is a wicked smile from Fiona, followed by a deep kiss. "When we go away for our anniversary, do you want me to fuck you on a balcony, in an elevator, or on the hood of a car in the parking garage?" "Parking garage." Fiona replies instantly. Departing from the next written question, she asks, "In the garage, shall I be naked under my coat or would you like a garter belt and stockings?" "You tell me what I want." "Garter belt." She knew me too well by then. My turn. "The number of men you have fucked outdoors, not counting me." Fiona pauses to count, finally laughing: "Five." I unbutton her blouse and squeeze her breasts. She wears no bra and I see that her long nipples are already erect. As I kiss her breasts she sighs and moans, "Maybe eight." I see her look sideways at the wrapped box. I stop, kiss her lips gently and lean back into the sofa cushions. Recovered slightly, Fiona asks in hoarse voice, "Scarves, stockings or rope when I tie you to the bed?" "Scarves." She unzips my trousers and takes me in her mouth. She is gentle and somewhat tentative, quite unlike her usual aggressive cock sucking. In a moment she pulls her head up and asks me directly, "The number of women who have sucked you but not fucked you?" My answer is instantaneous: "None, baby. You know that I always close the deal." Fiona returns to my cock, her head now bobbing resolutely. The damned cards don't matter now. I am able to croak, "Your own on base percentage?" Fiona stops sucking and looks quizzically at me. I answer: "Licked but not dicked?" She climbs onto my chest and whispers, "Too many to count. You're forgetting high school. I was afraid to close the deal until college." Fiona kisses me passionately, grinding her lap into my cock. "But you made up for lost time, didn't you? What was higher, your college GPA or the number of times you had a cock in you every week?" "Cocks," she grunts, knowing I am aware of her nearly perfect grades. "Are you ever going to show me what is in that damned box?" "You haven't taken a dare yet," I respond. Fiona stares again at the gift-wrapped box. "Dare me" "All right. Unwrap the box and to do what comes naturally." Silently Fiona stands and crosses to the box, which is in the middle of our living room warmed by flickering candle light. Fiona peels away the gift wrap and unboxes the surprise. "Oh, fuck," she gasps. "Where did you get that?" "I made it for you. Well, everything but the most interesting part." Fiona is on her knees staring at her favorite dildo protruding from a padded half round stool. Brocaded dragonflies dance across its padded seat. "Well, I have been looking for your stand-in every afternoon this week," she says, referring to the dildo. "Whenever we play these games, I can't wait to fuck you. This week my fingers have stayed in my pussy while you are at work. I've needed to feel it between my legs but didn't know where it was." "Now you know. And I think you promised to do what comes naturally. Fiona stares at me for a moment and then wordlessly stands, bathed in the candlelight. She strips off her skirt, and shrugs away her blouse. She is completely nude now and completely exposed. Fiona kneels over the jutting phallus and takes it in her mouth, lubricating it and enjoying its fullness. In a few minutes my wife stands and slowly strokes her clit. She stares at me until I hear the soft sucking sound of her pussy getting wetter and wetter. Silently she straddles the stool, sinking to her knees and guiding the dildo into her pussy. She moans deeply, breaking our gaze. Slowly she rocks onto the rubber dick, rising slightly each time as its length enters and then withdraws from her. Involuntarily I begin to stroke my cock, keeping time with Fiona. She lavishes attention on herself, groaning loudly. Shortly she arches her back, squeezing her nipples and rolling her head. She quickens the pace. All the while I stroke myself. And watch. And then join her groaning. Fiona is now humping the dildo with complete abandon. Her breath grows faster as she relentlessly grinds into it. Finally, she leans forward, placing her hands on the front of the stool as if it were the pommel of a saddle. She leans harder into the dildo and screams. I groan as sperm rushes up my dick at the moment of Fiona's shattering orgasm. We kept the Dragonfly around for a while after that, with Fiona using it more while I was at work than when I was around. For the rest of the summer while we were making love, Fiona would tell me occasionally that she had flown with her dragonfly while I was at work. She knew how to time that admission, saving it until we were close to climaxing, boosting my thrusts into overdrive. The dragonfly is gone now, its parts consigned to the scrap box in my shop, but the image of Fiona impaled by that dildo and controlling her own pleasure remains one of my most vivid sexual memories, often spinning between my ears as my fingers pull another orgasm from my cock. |
"AFD" is Coming, and my Family Won't Quit ***** This is an expanded version of my 750-word story called 'April Fool's Day Again.' This story runs a little over 4700 words. I want to thank sbrooks103x for reading, editing, and catching all my miscues. I am an 'all secrets will be revealed at the end' writer, so don't jump ahead. ***** My wife Stella, son Stuart, and daughter Sasha love pulling April Fool's Day pranks on me. I'm Stan, and if I hear those three words, I'll hurl. So let's call it "AFD." Ten years ago, they began with harmless jokes and stupid tricks, but for the last three years, their pranks have become nastier and are not funny at all. Last year's prank was the worst one ever; my lovely family convinced me a ghost had moved into our home. They had wireless speakers all over the house, and for the week before "AFD," I didn't get much sleep. Then, when they reeled me in on April 1st, I went crazy. I packed a bag and left home, called my boss for some time off, and went fishing. I stayed away for two weeks, but it was another two weeks before I spoke to any of them. Finally, I pleaded and begged them to stop pranking, "This has to end before someone gets hurt. You know what I do for a living, and last week I almost killed myself thinking about ghosts and not focusing on the work at hand." My family looked shocked and agreed, apologizing for my pain and suffering. Even though they agreed to stop, I didn't believe the two-faced assholes. They probably thought I made up the story about killing myself by accident. I got off work early Friday, March 14th, and decided to visit Sasha and my granddaughter. I called my wife and asked her if she wanted me to pick her up, but she declined, telling me she'd see them the next day. Sasha's car was in her driveway, so I parked out front and walked around to their sliding glass door. When I looked through the glass, I froze because my daughter was bent over the back of her couch in the living room, getting fucked. Whoever was fucking her was wearing a dirty T-shirt and a baseball hat that looked familiar. I could hear Sasha trash-talking through an open window, "Fuck me harder, that feels so good. Your cock feels so much bigger than my husband's puny dick." I almost went in, but this wasn't my problem yet. Walking back to my car, her husband Steven's car was nowhere in sight on the street, so I drove away quickly. I was no longer nervous; now, I was depressed. I tossed and turned most of the night before falling asleep, so of course, I overslept. When I awoke, I walked toward the kitchen and heard whispering. The floorboards were creaking, so I slowed down until whispers changed to words, then stopped. "Then what happened?" "Ron pushed me over the couch and buried his cock in me. He's huge." Ron, their neighbor Ron? That's why the hat looked familiar; Ron always wears that dirty old hat, and Steven hates him. "My orgasm was the absolute best I've ever had. Ron filled me with lots of cum." "Aren't you ovulating this week?" "Weren't you the one who told me what a rush it is to hear Dad tell the story about why you got married?" "That's true." "And when he tells everyone that you got married because he knocked you up with me, what happens?" "I have an orgasm without touching myself." "And why is that, my mother the slut?" "Because my boyfriend, before Stan, is your biological father. I did a DNA test a few years back to confirm it." I wanted to die, to have a massive heart attack right there in the hallway. "I told you to take a lover. It's magical." My chest did start to hurt, and I decided to go back to bed until I heard Stella speak some more. "Gerald is longer than Stanley but not as thick. I can still swallow all of Ger's nine inches down my throat." Gerald Davidson is the old boyfriend? He's Sasha's father, not me! Down her throat? She only sucks the head of my cock. FUCK! What did she say? 'I can still swallow all of Ger's nine inches.' I'm going to get my Glock and shoot Stella, Sasha, and Stuart, and then I'm gonna blow Gerald's balls off in front of everyone at the pub. After that, I'm going to get blind drunk. I turned around and shuffled back to bed. I lay there, trying to create an exit plan, but I couldn't block out what I overheard my wife and daughter saying. Were they always this shallow? My pulse was slowing down, and I needed to get away from this house. I staggered into the bathroom just as Stella came into the bedroom, running her mouth while she made the bed. I put my Friday work clothes back on, marched through the bedroom, down the hall, and out the front door as Stella and Sasha were yelling my name, trying to get my attention. I drove to the Holiday Inn outside of town and got a room before heading to the bar. My plan was to get shitfaced before I really started drinking, but I saw this cute little girl in the dining room, sitting with her parents eating lunch, and she looked at me and smiled as she waved her hand. I waved back and turned away before I started to cry. After that, I was treated to an hour-long, nonalcoholic therapy session with the bartender. When my time was up, I put a twenty in the tip jar, went back to my room, and ordered room service. After eating, I took a long hot bath while reflecting on the age-old question, 'How can I create blue fireworks without blowing myself up?' I went to bed and fell asleep watching a baseball game. My dreams had me tossing and turning all night, but they all faded away when I awoke. So I stayed another day and night, ate three hot meals, and spent two hours swimming in and relaxing around their indoor pool. I checked out in the morning, and when I thought about going home to shower and shave, depression surged through my brain, reminding me it was thirteen days until "AFD." I almost went back to the Holiday Inn. Alas, a new workweek was beginning, and I went to work in a daze because my pyrotechnicians needed my expertise on a new mortar shell we were designing, so I tried to focus on the job. I did go home every night because Stella had to rehearse for the stupid play the theatre group was putting on, and I was asleep when she came home. I only saw my wife in the morning, and I didn't speak to her. On the 26th, a week later, we finished the shell design and turned the plans over to development. I checked out and told my secretary, Betty, good night and left work, arriving home at about 2:00. Entering the garage from the side door, I heard Stella and Stuart talking, so I listened for a moment. "We pushed him to the brink Saturday a week ago. Your sister and I heard the floorboards in the hall creaking, and we really wound him up. He stormed out the door and disappeared for the rest of the weekend. All last week he never said a word to me, not one word. He should be home soon because Bob, a tech on his team, keeps an eye on Stan, and he called an hour ago telling me Stan was leaving early today. Go check and see if his car is coming down the street?" Motherfucker. They are doing another "AFD" prank. I quietly opened the side door and closed it loudly, then raced over to the kitchen door. I heard Stella whisper, "Quiet. Start your story, Stuart." I turned the knob a little, then stopped so they would know I was listening. "Mrs. Grainger, my future mother-in-law, was on her knees, squealing like a pig, as I buried my cock up her ass. Her cunt's a little loose, but that ass is so fucking tight. After shooting my load up her ass, I pulled out, and we sixty-nined on the floor, me eating her sloppy cunt while watching my cum ooze out of her ass onto her carpet. She was swallowing my cock while her tongue tip flicked against my balls. My stupid fiancée, Lydia, was working overtime again." So now I know all three members of my psycho family are a part of this "AFD" prank. I still needed an exit strategy, but now I wanted revenge. I slipped out of the garage and drove downtown to Radio Shack, where I purchased three electronic audio recorders. Before going home, I drove back to work to speak to my boss. I gave him the abbreviated story of my problem and made him a proposal. He totally jumped on it and said he'd get the paperwork done with our lawyer. He was thrilled with my end game because he was aware of some mistakes I'd made lately and was worried about me. We talked a while longer, and I filled him in on Bob Kramer, the only Bob on my team. He assured me he would take care of Bob. Allen and I have always been very close. That night after dinner, while I was cleaning up the kitchen, Stella went upstairs. I finished cleaning after 8:00 and hid a voice-activated recorder on top of the kitchen cabinet over the house phone. Then, I locked up, turned out the lights before slowly going upstairs. Stella was reclining on the bed, wearing one of her chiffon nightgowns that showed more than was hidden. For a brief second, I thought about telling her to fuck herself, but the little head overruled the big ego, and I decided I was going to enjoy myself, right up to the very end. But I had to poke the sleepy bear before I wrestled with it. "Is that your costume for the play, or are you going to perform on a webcam for tokens?" "You fucking asshole, I was going to let you have some, but you can go fuck yourself." She was getting off the bed when I picked her up and dropped her back in the middle. I quickly stripped, kicking my shoes off against the wall and throwing my clothes around the room. Then, I got on the bed, crawling on my hands and knees up between her legs, where I erased the smirk on her face by ripping off her nightgown. She slapped me and rolled over, trying to get away, but I grabbed her legs and pulled her onto her back before placing her legs over my shoulders, and I fucked her. No words said, no foreplay given, no consideration for her feelings at all. I pounded my cock into this bitch, who I used to call my loving wife, Stella, and pinned her arms above her head. Surprisingly, I don't think I'm going to jail for rape because my wife was screaming my name, begging me to fuck her harder. So I released her hands, and I did fuck her harder, and unusually for me, I lasted longer than I had in ten years. She came twice and was coming for the third time when I filled her cunt with cum. I pulled out of her frothy pussy and presented my cum covered dick to her face. She swallowed my whole prick as it slowly softened, sucking like the best vacuum cleaner ever made, and she resurrected it. It quickly stiffened up, then hardened up like it was 10 minutes ago. She was more experienced than any porn star I've ever seen in a movie giving blowjobs. I didn't last long, and I cruelly held her mouth over my entire cock as I shot my cum into her throat. When the spasms stopped, I released her head, but she didn't remove her mouth right away. Stella was sucking again, trying to clean all the cum off my cock. Sadly, my Stella had never sucked me like this before. More confirmation, that I have been replaced in her bed. When she released my shrunken penis, she got up and went to the bathroom, and I crawled under the covers and fell into a deep sleep. I woke up at my usual time and felt good, damn good. Stella must have gotten up early, and I knew why; I could smell sausage and bacon cooking in the kitchen. I took a quick shower, dressed, and placed a second recorder on the vanity in the bathroom mixed with my electric razor accessories. I put the third one I purchased in her Kleenex box on her end table by cutting a hole in the bottom and squeezing the recorder under the whole pile of tissues. Then I took a pin and punched a few holes in the box next to the recorder. Going into the kitchen and sitting at the counter, I checked out her fashion for the day. She was wearing one of my dress shirts with one button fastened. She'd put some curls in her hair and brushed it out. Her eyes were made up the way I liked, something I hadn't seen in many years. Her lips were a dark red, and again it had been years since she wore lipstick for me. She brought my plate of food and a cup of coffee and walked around the kitchen counter, and set them in front of me. She could have slid them across the counter, but she wanted me to smell the perfume I got her three years ago that she'd never worn before. As I ate, she was clinging to me, twirling my hair with a finger while her other hand was stroking my thigh. When I finished eating, Stella pushed my plate out of the way and squeezed between my legs. "Last night, you were like the young Stan, the man I fell in love with twenty-six years ago. Why don't you stay home, and maybe we can re- create some of the magic we once had?" She took my hands and reintroduced them to her breasts as she gave me a scorching kiss with lots of tongue. I kissed her back while caressing her spectacular tits and countered, "I'll stay home today if you call the soap opera gigolo, who can't get a job in the daytime TV industry, and tell him you won't be at the rehearsal tonight." This was it, the crossroads of our marriage. She could turn left and run to the washed-up TV star, she could turn right and reconnect with her old boyfriend Gerald, or Stella could run straight ahead to me, her husband of twenty-five years. The logical part of my brain told me she would turn left, but the rest of me was praying that she would choose me. I was 99% sure that logic would be the correct answer. "Stan, you know his name is Antonio, and I can't miss another rehearsal. I missed the one last night, and opening night is in two weeks, and I have rehearsals every weeknight the rest of this week and all of next week." And that was the reason why she had no time for me, her husband, because she got involved with a local theater group eight years ago. A washed-up soap opera actor ran the group, and six years ago, Stella began changing, becoming less affectionate and cutting way back on the amount of sex we had together. Soon she wasn't making dinner anymore and stopped kissing me goodbye in the morning. Every time I asked her, "When will you be home?" or "Where are you going?" she'd lie to me, and that's when I decided our marriage was in trouble. I hired a private detective to get me proof of her infidelity, and it only took him two weeks to get video and audio. Now I can end this Greek tragedy on my terms. The DVDs were locked in my safe, and I began living the life I wanted without any thoughts of my family ruining my day. "Yeah, sure, whatever. You expect me to ditch work for you, but you won't miss one rehearsal for me. Shame on me for trying to reconnect with my wife. Forget it; perhaps you'll be free Saturday morning?" "Oh, Stan, don't be such a drama queen. I have nothing going on Saturday morning. So why are you asking?" "Call both kids and tell them to be here at 9 AM for a family meeting. I might as well go to work today, so I can wear myself out and be asleep when you finally decide to come home." Today I had a meeting with my divorce attorney. I hired him six years ago after Stella had changed so much and pushed me out of her life. Without guidance from my attorney, other than hypotheticals, I began diverting funds to offshore accounts after all applicable state, federal, and Social Security taxes were paid. Once the money arrived, I began purchasing gold reserves in Switzerland. Going over my finances, I had $570,000 in gold reserves at the current market price, $157,000 in a Cayman Island bank, and $31,000 in US banks. Our house was worth $1,275,000, and the shares I held in the company I worked at, Stoddard Fireworks, was worth an undetermined amount until an appraisal was completed. I was prepared to give her the US bank accounts, two- thirds of the value of our house after it was sold, and per our prenuptial agreement with a no-fault divorce, 30% of the value of my company stock. However, if the reason for divorce was adultery by either party, the guilty spouse would only receive 15% of my stock. I told my lawyer to draw up two sets of divorce petitions, one for no-fault and one for adultery on her part. I hadn't made my mind up with 100% certainty. He said the documents could be served to Stella the following Monday at the theater during rehearsal. I went to work and had my secretary Betty put an out-of-office message on the phone. When she finished, I had her lock the outside office door and join me in my office. I was eight years older than Betty, and she has worked for me since she graduated from college. And unknown to everyone in my universe, we had been infrequent lovers for five years after I determined my wife was using most of her acting talent keeping me in the dark. "Betty, I do believe the next chapter for us is about to begin." I laid out my family's latest "AFD" prank and told her what my response would be to their evil plan. I also told her the financial breakdown for the divorce, and all she said was, "Will we be able to go out to dinner and dancing, and can I hold your hand in public, and can we kiss anywhere?" She never mentioned the word money at all. "Yes, Betty Boop." Then she said, "Do you think we're too old to have a baby?" I sent her home, and I made a call to my insurance agent, changing all my beneficiaries. Then I called the lawyer I used for my will and told him what changes to make. I talked to Allen for about an hour, and he said he would have all the papers ready for signing early Friday afternoon. So I told him that was fine. It was 4:15, and I borrowed everything I needed for Saturday morning from my warehouse and loaded it on a work pickup truck. Then I drove home. I parked in my driveway and unloaded my supplies into the garage. After closing the garage door, I began carrying everything down to the basement and my man cave. Then I returned the truck to work and came home in my car. I fixed myself something to eat before going down to the basement and putting my "AFD" surprise together. I think this year I'm going to win the prize for the category Best "AFD" prank on your family." Before going to bed, I pulled all three recorders and hit the jackpot with the one in the Kleenex box. It was about a thirty-minute recording, but the first fifteen seconds was more than enough to harden my heart, and even though I could only hear Stella's responses, the meaning of her words was crystal clear. I threw the recorders into my briefcase, locked it, and went to bed. The runaway train was in motion, and it had no brakes. The following morning I called my divorce attorney and, while talking to him, emailed the recording to him and told him, "File under adultery and enforce the prenup precisely the way it was written. She trashed me on that phone call, and I'm angry as hell." The rest of the week flew by, and when I awoke at 6:00 AM on April 1st, I felt relief. Stella was still sound asleep, so I dressed and made a pot of coffee. My surprise guest arrived as I poured out two mugs of steaming hot black coffee. I escorted my guest to Stuart's room, and then I went to wake up Stella. She was stirring in bed, and when I shook her, she stretched and smiled at me. "Stella, when the kids are both here, all three of you come downstairs at exactly 9:00 AM. Please, this is important, 9 o'clock when the second-hand strikes twelve." "Okay, honey." At 8:55, I heard my children come in, and when the alarm on my watch went off, all three walked slowly down into my lair. I pointed at the couch, and they hesitated before sitting down. "Every year, you pull an April Fool's prank on me, each one worse than the last one. I begged you to stop last year, and you agreed. And then you try to pull a cheating spouse prank this year." "How did you find out, Honey?" "I heard you and Sasha talking Saturday the 15th. "Bla-Bla big cock Ron, Bla- Bla no protection, Bla-Bla it's magical, Bla-Bla Gerald's nine inches, and the worst statement ever, Sasha is not his daughter." If I hadn't stumbled onto this despicable plot, this meeting would not be taking place because I would have put a bullet in my head by now." "Geez, Dad, it's only a joke." "Thanks, Stuart. I should have put you up for adoption after you were born because I can get more love and affection from a dog than what you've given me all your life." "Stan, that's not a nice thing to say to your son." "Maybe, maybe not. Sasha? Who was fucking you in your living room last week?" "That was my hubby, and he loves pretending to be a neighbor fucking Steven's wife." I pulled my pocket recorder out and addressed Stella, "Do you remember your phone call with Mary Beth last week where you flat out lied about me to her? Let me play it for you." I pushed the play button, and her voice came through loud and clear. "Mary Beth, I do love Stan, but I'm not in love with him anymore. He doesn't get my motor running in bed, and he's a wimp, always crying when I turn him down for sex. But, on the other hand, Antonio makes me feel loved again, and his mustache tickles when he..." I shut off the recorder and looked at my wife, saying, "Stella, you really don't want the wimp to play any more of your recorded phone call to your BFF, do you?" She shook her head side to side and looked resigned to the fact our marriage was over. She knew only too well what lies she told her friend. "Today, I settle the books with my family for some of the pranks you've played on me over the years. Most of them were harmless, but the jokes you played on me the last four years were evil, malicious, and hateful. So I have an April Fool's Day reality that I'm going to share with my loving family." I opened the closet door behind me to reveal a large drum labeled " Stoddard Fireworks" with a rectangular gray brick and an LED clock counting down from 1:29. "This is how it ends." They screamed, and I held up the garage door opener. "Sit back down, or I'll explode it now." They sat down, and I continued. "What you did this year, pretending to cheat on your spouses or fiancée, was a criminal act aimed at me. I thought I was having a heart attack while listening to all of your conversations made for my detriment." 01:01 on the clock. "But we didn't cheat, darling; it was an April Fool's prank, Stan." Stella was crying, Sasha's face was pale, and Stuart's face was beet red, and sweat was running down his face from his hairline. 00:38, 00:37, 00:36 "I know, just a joke." 00:33 I yelled, "RUN." Stuart and Sasha raced to the stairs, elbowing and pushing each other as they squeezed up the stairway. Stella, on the other hand, came over to me and wrapped her arms around me. "I'm sorry, Stan, for everything. I'm staying with you to the end." I picked up a microphone attached to a laptop connected by Wi-Fi to all those wireless speakers I saved from last year's joke and hidden in the eight-inch- high grass in my front yard. Then, last night for three hours, I went from house to house and informed everyone on my street about the prank I was pulling on my family, so none of my neighbors would be alarmed when the clock ran down to zero. 00:3, 00:02, 00:01, 00:00 and I screamed into the mic, "BOOM, " as loud as I could. Pee-Yew. Somebody sitting next to me dropped a load in her pants. I heard footsteps upstairs, running through the house and racing down the steps to the scene of the crime. "Oh my God, you have to watch the recording I made. All your neighbors were on their front porch with their phone cameras out, and when you said 'Boom!' your kids went nuts. Ewee, gross, what's that smell? Hi Stella, is that gas or something solid in your bloomers?" "Betty?" she said, "Of course, Stanley, who else would be helping you?" Stella stood up and dragged her body upstairs, slowly, as tears rolled down her cheeks. I think this was the perfect prank for April Fool's Day because I've said those three words together twice in the last two minutes and I didn't puke. Empty gunpowder barrel, a clay brick, not C-4, LED clock counting down, priceless. My full name is Stanley Stoddard, and I own 60% of the largest fireworks company within 750 miles. Well, at least I did until I sold my share of the company to my younger brother, Allen, the company's CEO, and my boss. So why was Allen the CEO and my boss while only owning 40% of our company? Because I like to make bombs and mortar shells and hate sitting behind a desk and going to rubber chicken dinners with the Chamber of Commerce. I will miss Stella, but in the end, I only married her because she had big tit's, liked to fuck anytime, anywhere, was a great cook, and got pregnant with our daughter before I proposed. To summarize, this is the best Saturday I've had in my entire life. Look at what I accomplished today: I retired and changed my life insurance policy beneficiaries to the employees of Stoddard Fireworks. In addition, I revised my will, leaving everything to my second wife, whom I haven't married yet, and any children of this union who aren't conceived yet, and the divorce petition will be delivered to my first wife on Monday. Meanwhile, the 2nd wife mentioned above, who I'm taking to a clothing-optional resort in Jamaica, wants to go shopping for a ring while we're looking at houses in Kingston. "April Fool's Family. Have a wonderful life." I remember my friend, Layla. When she came over to swim she would wear a tight pale blue bikini that hugged every curve. Her blonde hair curled tightly over her breasts when she came up from her swan dive. She punctured the pool's surface and gasped. "How was that Chad?" she beamed at me pulling her wet locks out of her eyes. "Uh, seven out of ten?" I said trying to avoid looking at her hard nipples that poked the cloth of her swimsuit. "Oh you're hard to please!" Why don't you come in? The water is so nice." "Nah, I'm getting all the entertainment I need." I said being a bit more bold than I intended. She watched me eye her up and down. "Your reputation precedes you." She smirked and pulled herself out of the pool. She walked closer to me and grabbed a towel from the table I was sitting at. "What is that supposed to mean?" I gave her a look. "Don't think I don't know about Jenny, Leah, and Brittany...I've heard of threesomes, but foursomes! and you just being the one guy in all the action?" She asked while drying her hair. "Hey, I was drunk and they seduced me...and yeah, I so happened to be the only one at the party not jacking off to that one computer game...world of war craft or some shit." "Tell me about it." She said leaning over the table, her boobs dangling, her top was so tight I was waiting for one of her nipples to break through, the thought made me chuckle. "What?" She looked impatient but continued to probe "Tell me how it went..." she insisted. "Oh the foursome?" I asked a little reluctantly. "Well, it wasn't Leah who was involved, it was a threesome...Jenny and Brittany...who I think might have enjoyed each other more than my cock. But then again, I didn't care." "Yeah?" Layla bit her bottom lip; she sat across from me at the table and crossed her legs. "More detail?" I asked, just the subtle memory of last Tuesday made me feel a boner coming on. If I went into more detail I was afraid Layla might notice my huge growing erection under the glass table. I tried to divert the conversation. "Um well, the guys I was hanging out with I had never really hung out with before. We all watched some cheesy movie about some midget who lived in a forest trying to collect gold rings...Gold you can turn into cash just like the commercials...the movie was lord of the rings or something..." "And then?" Layla coaxed on. "Well I noticed that one of the guy's girlfriends, Jenny, kept eyeing me like a piranha through the whole three hour movie and giggling with her gal pal Brittany. It made me kind of uncomfortable that her guy was right there but the dude was so into the movie that he didn't notice. I excused myself for a drink in the kitchen and then things started up." Layla watched me talking with anticipation and I swear those nipples looked harder than when she first came out of the pool. "Well, I was raiding that nerdy guys fridge, trying to get past all the soy products and then I spotted some vodka, and you know me and vodka...I started drinking and saw the dudes phone on the table I always wanted one of those Vision 360 phones so I was starting to look at it and saw the screen picture was Jenny practically naked, by god she was bent over a couch arm, ass in the air, legs spread open and wearing nothing but a dark thong. I don't know what came over me, but I went to the bathroom to jack off to it. I held the phone in one hand and went through his medicine cabinet I could barely take my eyes off of the picture, but I was able to find some Vaseline I unzipped my pants and pulled out my erection, I got so hard rubbing Vaseline on myself and watching that ass." Layla squirmed in her chair, excitedly I could tell. I could feel myself get harder under the glass table-top, but I didn't care. It was fun getting Layla riled up even though I knew she played hard to get type when the "balls" were in her court. "So yeah, it ended a little embarrassing...I was hunched over the sink staring at Jenny's pic, wacking away when guess who barges into the bathroom?" Layla gasped. "Jenny. And boy did she look surprised, yet strangely pleased. I was frozen in her sight and had bulging shiny erection just barging out of my zipper. She saw the phone's picture on the sink and asked me if I liked what I saw. I tried to joke saying that it seemed pretty apparent to me. She laughed and said she knew what I was doing in here because she had seen me starting to play with myself in the kitchen. She told me not to let her interrupt." At first I was nervous but I slowly started to rub myself, she ran her hands over her shirt and ass. 'Want to see my new thong?' she asked and I nodded to the sink. She pushed the phone aside and bent over and her skirt was easy to flap up and see that fine thong riding tight underneath. I continued to jerk off as I watched her and she watched my face in the mirror. I couldn't help but run one of my hands up and down her thong. I moved the fabric a little off to one side and I fingered her, oh she was tight and so ready...but I held back and ended up cumming all over her ass." Layla had strategically placed the towel she had across her lap, I could see she was trying to hide her hand that was inside the front of her bikini bottoms I wondered if she was masturbating herself, the sun had started to go down so it was a little hard to see through the table top across the table or maybe her hand was just cold? I paused at the thought. |
I sat at my desk, in my tiny cubicle, on a typical Tuesday morning, clicking away on my computer. As I edited the spreadsheet in front of me, my mind drifted to my boss, just down the hall, in his large office. He was a heavier man, with short dark hair. I found him oddly handsome. His chocolate brown eyes glared out under dark thick lashes, and even thicker eyebrows. That's how he looked—he glared. It wasn't easy to find him in a friendly mood. Not that he was rude. He was just... intense. Besides, I rationalized to myself, he kept a professional distance. He just didn't like to show his emotions. It made him all the more attractive. To be honest, I was still trying to figure him out. I had only been his secretary—sorry, I mean "administrative assistant"—for a little over a month now, and I had a hard time working for him. It took me less than a week to figure out that he despises small talk. Any excessive talking or niceties at all were pretty much useless in his eyes. He also didn't respond to flattery at all. It just made me uncomfortable, because I couldn't read him, or figure out if my work was pleasing him. So here I sat, going above and beyond to impress my boss who hardly noticed me at all. I even started worrying more about my appearance. Usually, I had no problem working with men. Men were supposed to be easy. They were supposed to be easily flattered that a pretty woman was impressed by them. Or willing to do what I asked when I said it with a smile and a flutter of the eyelashes. I worried that my looks weren't helping me as much as they usually did. So, every morning for the last two and a half weeks, I woke up an extra 45 minutes early to curl my long dark blonde hair, and apply makeup to compliment my green eyes and fair skin. I even applied lipstick every day—something I had always refused to wear. I went shopping to update my wardrobe with cute matching business skirt suits, and silk blouses that draped nicely across my breasts, and stockings. I was tempted to buy more heels, but I already had a nice collection, and had gone a bit overboard on the skirts. It was a struggle to find them in a tasteful length, so some were a bit short for the office, only coming down to mid- thigh. I was wearing one of those today, in charcoal grey, with a matching blazer, which was draped across the back of my chair, and a deep purple blouse that made me green eyes pop. I forwent the stockings today, because the tops would have shown and looked slutty with my skirt. I also wasn't wearing panties today because I was behind on laundry and didn't buy any new ones on my shopping expedition. I kept tugging at my skirt, especially when I was sitting, to make sure I wouldn't flash anyone walking by my cubicle. I glanced at my clock. 10:48. I only had 12 minutes until my daily meeting with my boss. I quickly finalized my report, and sent it to the printer. I stood and smoothed down my skirt and sauntered over to the printer in the middle of the large office. I could feel some of the men's eyes on me as I walked over to get my papers. Conscious of their gaze, I stood tall with my shoulders back and chest out, and added a bit of a sway to my hips. I smiled and made eye contact with a few on my way. It felt like victory when each of them gave a tight smile back, and shifted nervously. They all quickly looked back down at their work like it was the most compelling job they ever had. Making men nervous was always great fun. After I collected the papers off the printer into a folder, I returned to my desk with five minutes left before my meeting. I could feel myself growing nervous. We met everyday, and everyday, he made me nervous. I would walk to his door, a confident woman, and as soon as I took a single step inside, I felt like a vulnerable little girl. He was always very commanding and he would hardly look at me. I'd stutter through my report and feel like a failure when he dismissed me. All I wanted was to impress him. For him to think I was valuable, and useful. Just sitting at my desk, I could feel my heart beat faster and my hands clam up a bit. I was going to make him take notice today. I would speak clearly, concisely, and assertively. I practiced my little summary in my head, for when he asked. I stood with a minute to go, and walked tall down the narrow hall to the thick wooden door. I knocked three times, a bit quieter than I had intended. When he bade me entrance, I turned the knob and walked a few steps in. "Shut the door." I closed it, then turned back to him. He was staring intently at his computer screen. As I watched him, my heart skipped a beat. He really was so handsome. And powerful. I walked on shaky legs to stand by the low leather chair in front of his desk. "Sit." I quickly obeyed, remembering to adjust my skirt so that I didn't flash him my naked cunt. Now that I thought about it, I felt so exposed. I could feel the cold air on me, and realized that I was really wet. It was something I couldn't explain. It had happened before, when he ordered me around like this. I chose to ignore it. But it was hard. Great day to not wear panties, I sarcastically thought. I just hoped that I didn't make a spot on my skirt. I already felt indecent enough. I was sitting there, waiting, calming myself down, for about two minutes before he finally turned to me. Our eyes met, and for the tiniest second, I thought I saw something in his. A quick flash of something. Dangerous-like. Maybe he knows, I thought. Maybe he knows that he makes me nervous. Or worse, he knows that I'm sitting here, without any panties on, and a wet pussy, like a slut. The thought made me blush and I quickly broke eye contact to stare at the floor. "So, Miss Craig, what do you have for me this morning?" he looked at me, noticeably bored with the whole routine. "T-the typical, s-sir. Nothing interesting today. The numbers are a little off, but it looks like nothing." I blushed again. Damn it! I stuttered. I wasn't going to stutter! It was that damned question that threw me off. It had me thinking of other things I could offer him this morning. Things that might interest him a bit more. I shook my head slightly, to clear my head. He stood up from his large chair and quietly walked around the large wooden desk, his fingers gliding gently behind him. He came to stand at my right. I was hesitant to meet his gaze again and kept my eyes down. I looked over to find his crotch exactly level with my shoulders, because the chair was so low. I noticed a slight bulge in his pants, and my breath hitched a bit. I could see the edge of the head defined against his grey slacks. I quickly tried to convince myself that he wasn't standing in front of me with a hard on—that's ridiculous. He just must be a bit... larger, than I was familiar with. I looked up at his face, tilting my head because he was standing so close, and I saw the recognition in his eyes. I had stared too long! He looked amused. I could feel my face burn with embarrassment, the blush spreading down my chest. "Stand," he commanded. I did, quickly. So quickly, that I spilled my papers across the floor in front of me and pushed my chair noisily back. I chanced another glance at him and found him... smiling? He was close. So close I could feel his breath on the my cheek. I raised my eyes from his lips to his stare. That dangerous look was there. Plain as day. He made no attempt to hide the hunger in his eyes. I could see that he wanted me. His eyes told me how he wanted to take and devour every inch of my body, leaving me sore and broken. Electric heat ran through my body. My face upturned, I let my eyes flutter closed. But then, he walked away. He just walked away, leaving me standing there stupidly. I felt so shamed and rejected. He took his seat again, and acted like nothing happened. My shoulders drooped, head dropped, and knees buckled slightly. I was an idiot. He is my boss, and now he was sure as day going to fire me! He interrupted my internal monologue with a sharp order. "Come to the edge of my desk, Miss Craig." My feet made the short steps quickly, kicking the papers I had spilled just a minute earlier. I felt the wooden edge of his desk against the front of my hips. I stood there. Waiting. Praying he would forgive me, or forget that I had just acted like a complete fool. He adjusted himself in his chair and went back to his typing. Dismissively, he said, "Well, I presume you want more than to just stand there looking desperately horny. Remove your shirt. It will help with the heat." My jaw dropped, and heat rushed to my cunt. I should have turned a heel and marched out of his office right then, like any sane woman. But my fingers flew to the buttons of my blouse. I undid them with trembling hands and laid my shirt on the desk. Then I stood there, in front of my boss, in a bra, skirt, and heels. My pussy was absolutely aching. And yet, he sat there, still typing, eyes still glued to his screen. Was this a big joke? Or did he think I wasn't worth looking at? I just wanted him to look at me, to like what he saw. "Reach over here and free my cock before it explodes." He kept typing. Was he serious? I needed to get out of here, fast. "Now." This time, he looked at me. And his impatience was unmistakable. I started around the desk, to go to his chair. He stood before I took two steps, reached across, grabbed my hair in a fist, and forcefully slammed me down against the desk. He lowered his mouth to my ear. His breath was hot. "I said reach, Miss Craig. Do not disobey me again, or the entire office will see you for what you are." This was my cue to leave. He was psycho, obviously. His hand was still painfully tangled in my hair, I was bent uncomfortably over the desk, but my body didn't listen to my logic. It was as if electricity coursed through my veins, all headed for my bare cunt. My inner thighs had grown slippery from my arousal, and I was acutely aware of the fact as I bent over with my skirt riding up. I listened to my body, and let the logic slip away. I reached my right arm up to awkwardly unbutton and unzip his pants, his crotch level with my face, his grip tight in my hair. I pushed his slacks down as much as I could and finally manage to pull his cock out so that it unintentionally hit me in the face. Holy shit, I thought, it was huge. I had only been with four men in my life, and none of them measured up. I only had a second to appreciate his massive member before he forced it into my mouth and against the back of my throat. I immediately gagged, and heard him give a small groan. He pulled out a bit, then pushed right back in, pulling me by my hair further onto his cock. I felt something give in the back of my throat, and he filled me up. He held me there, gagging. I could feel my eyes water and widen. What if he didn't let up? I brought my hand up to push against him. He pulled out of my throat, and I gasped for air. Then he took his other hand and put my arm behind my back. "You will not touch me again," he instructed. And I didn't dare. He took my mouth again, this time pumping in and out. Fucking my mouth. Fucking my reluctant throat. I gagged and gasped and choked. I tried not to, but I couldn't help it. He barely let me breathe. And then, I felt him push deep again, and his enormous cock pulsed against my tongue, as he let out a strangled groan. Again, I started to panic, with his huge cock cutting off my air supply, and my gag reflex kicking in. I could feel his hot cum in my throat, and I had no choice but to accept it. Finally, when I was about to disobey him, and push him away, he pulled out of me, but with firm instructions: "Swallow it, Miss Craig." I swallowed, and gasped, and swallowed again. His cum was sticky, and it lingered in the back of my throat as I choked for a decent breath of air. I put both of my palms against his desk to steady myself now that he released my hair from his grasp. I watched as he pulled his underwear and slacks back over his still hard cock and zipped up. He looked at me for a second. His expression was a mixture of amusement and smug satisfaction. "You may collect yourself and go now. Miss Craig, do not forget to maintain a professional look in my office at all times." With that, he regained his seat and returned to his work. In silent disbelief I pushed myself back up to standing, on shaky legs. My back was stiff from being bent over. My chest heaved as I struggled for normal breathing. I kept my teary eyes downcast as I put my shirt back on and smoothed down my hair. I got to my knees to gather up all my useless papers. I stood, and hesitated, daring to look at my boss, who had just bent me over his desk and fucked my throat like it was a normal occurrence. I turned slowly on my heel and made for the door, taking careful steps. "Miss Craig," my ears perked up and I turned eagerly to him. "Do not bother to wear underwear tomorrow. I would hate to destroy any of your clothing. And please be prompt for our 11 o'clock meeting." With that, I was dismissed. It had been 20 years since I had set foot in a college classroom and I was terrified. I'm not an unattractive older woman in my 40s, maybe a little on the overweight side, but cute with red hair and huge boobs. I was dreading my first day. Going to a community college is something people make fun of, but I was taking it very seriously. With my backpack on and school supplies in check, I headed up several flights of stairs to get to my classroom. My first class was a marketing class, which meant lots of good looking hot young guys. After the time for class to begin passed by without a professor, a really hot guy stands up and introduces himself as our professor. Damn he was hot with salt and pepper hair and the sexiest smile and eyes, I was practically drooling over myself and very hot by the time class was halfway over, just from the thought of that sexy mouth and what it could do to me. While the class introductions were being made, I noticed this other really hot guy looking at my face, ah hell, who am I kidding, his eyes went straight to the boobs and stayed there for a considerable amount of time. The mere thought of the two of them tag-teaming me just about blew my mind. I nearly escaped class when it was over and made it home in time to grab my favorite bullet and relive the memory of those two. Damn it was going to be a long semester if I didn't get some real relief. About a week later, the professor told me he needed to see me after class in his office. I guess he had noticed something in my glassy eyes as I would glance from him to the really hot guy in my class while practically squirming in my seat, because he needed to be seen after class as well, much to my very pleasant surprise. When I got to his office, the two were in there whispering and they stopped when I walked in. I had worn a top that wasn't too revealing normally but my tits had swelled up just seeing the two of them together and the look of lust on their faces when they saw them mirrored mine completely. After asking me to close the door, my professor told me that he knew I wanted him and he was pretty sure I wanted the other guy too. He said I looked like I was very hot and needed some cooling off, then said it would be a long semester if this continued to go on and needed to be resolved immediately. Not being able to think with my brain because all the blood was concentrated in my clit, I misunderstood, thinking he meant the words literally. Standing up to walk out, the younger guy grabbed my arm and spun me around. He proceeded to pull me tight in those strong arms of his and pulled my tongue into his mouth with his while he started to paw at my boobs, obviously skilled in the kissing department, boob fondling not so much. Between hot kisses, he apologized and whispered in my ear that he was a virgin and had asked our professor for advice on how to please a woman. I guess he had figured the prof was a pretty laid back guy, so he could confide in him. After apparently having a discussion, they picked me as a target, obviously seeing in my face that I was ready, willing, and able to help him with his higher education quest. Seeing the young stud pawing at my breasts and rising to an unspoken challenge, my prof got up out of his chair and walked around and told the student to watch and learn. As the young guy kept fucking my mouth with his, the professor walked behind me and started to fondle my breasts, my nipples getting bigger by the second to the point of being uncomfortable. Before I knew it, I was trapped between two very hot, virile men who both had sizable erections judging by what I was feeling. I had never been so turned on in my life! At the urging of my prof, I stepped back long enough for them both to take my shirt off while the prof popped the clasp of my bra. He told the student to lean against the desk and have me stand between his legs so he could take my nipples in his mouth while circling the tip with his tongue, then lightly sucking on them. After a few minutes of trying to stifle my moans while being serviced by the young stud, I was turned around and his tongue was soon replaced by that of the prof who demonstrated how it should be properly done, then they did a side by side lesson. I had to lean back against his desk, I was so horny and starting to get weak in the knees. After a nice little lecture and lab session, my prof reached down and unbuttoned, then unzipped, my jeans. Pulling them down, he was surprised to learn I didn't have any underwear on. What they didn't know was I had had to take them off after class because they were soaked at the prospect of spending just a few minutes alone with the prof and were in the bottom of my backpack. Pushing me back on the desk, the prof told the student to follow his lead. Starting at my ankles, master and servant started kissing me there, slowly working their way up. When they got to my knees, they started kissing and licking as they went until slowly they got near my pulsating pussy, then had to start kissing on the tops of my legs to avoid hitting heads, yet caressing the inside of my thighs with light touches. At this point, the prof pulled back and instructed the student on exactly how to go about eating my pussy and rock-hard clit. It wouldn't have mattered exactly who ate it or who even touched it, just the two of them looking longingly at my pussy had me soaked again, I just needed something to relieve my aching need before I exploded. He told him to pull back my clit hood and start by licking, then sucking, then lightly biting my clit, then repeat the process over and over again. Trying to stifle the moaning noises that were coming from my mouth lips while concentrating on the other set was very hard to do. I could feel myself building up to a huge orgasm but I didn't want to scare the poor guy. I asked him to stop and he seemed confused, but the prof stepped up again and told him to put his fingers in my pussy and start to move his fingers in and out. This guy had the long graceful fingers of a pianist and they were amazing, they went so deep into my soaked pussy. Meanwhile, the prof took over tending to my poor swollen clit. With a knowledge that only comes with experience, he sucked on it until I came so hard I surprised him, as well as the young stud who could feel my orgasm against his fingers in my pussy. They kept working in tandem until I had another orgasm, then yet another one. When I had gotten to the point that I was just exhausted from coming so hard so many times, it was my turn to return the favors. I told them both to drop their pants. The prof had on briefs while the young one had on boxers and they both filled them out quite well. In fact, just looking at their hard-ons through the fabric of their underwear, the student had a huge cock that was already straining against the material and had a tell-tale drop of precum staining the front. The professor, on the other hand, was a little more restrained but I could still tell he was good sized. Kneeling before them, I pulled both of their cocks out of the hole in the front of their underwear and I was a little overwhelmed for a second. The student's dick was very long and thick, I couldn't wait to get it in my mouth, then I remembered there was another one waiting for me. The professor was almost as long but thinner and looking quite tasty as well. My hard decision was trying to decide which rock-hard cock to put in my mouth first. Unable to make the decision, I pulled both guys closer until the tips of their cocks touched. Opening my mouth, I stuck my tongue out and swirled it around first one cock and then the other. They tasted as good as they looked which was pretty fucking amazing I must say. I continued to move my tongue around their bulging heads until I realized I was extremely horny again myself. Separating the two because I'm not a very good multitasker, I let the professor demonstrate what getting a really good blow job looked like. While I took his big cock into my mouth and deep throated him, the young stud knelt behind me. I instinctively moved my ass back toward him and he reached under me and started to massage my aching clit, then moved to my pussy, then back again, while kissing my neck and my hair. With his other hand, I could hear him starting to pull on that beautiful cock of his. I moved my hand behind me in a motion for him to stop, then turned so he could still touch my aching pussy while I circled his huge cock in my hand. I had one huge cock in my mouth, another in my hand and I was getting hand- fucked and trying hard not to come myself, for fear of biting the prof's dick, and not in a pleasant way. When the prof got close, I made them switch spots. I couldn't wait to see what his experienced fingers could do to my once again dripping clit and pussy. I must say the rookie had done an amazing job taking care of them already. The sound of a sharp intake of breath as I took the student's huge cock into my mouth was music to my ears. Being his first blow job, it didn't take very long but oh my God he was a sight to see when he came. He was sweating and couldn't catch his breath and grinning ear to ear. Behind me, the prof was pulling at his own cock and came before I had a chance to attend to him again, but the way he was rubbing my clit and finger fucking my pussy at the same time was very hot and I came about the same time he did. We were all exhausted, it was beautiful and I must say very educational. It was a very uneventful semester after that. Just knowing what was behind those pants was enough for me, we never had a repeat of the amazing advising session. I did, however, replay that wonderful day over and over and masturbate to it a lot, often squirming and being soaked at the thought of it, even before I could touch my pussy. I still see the student from time to time. He recently told me his girlfriend really enjoyed how he ate her pussy and came to me for pointers on how to do it even better. Not being a very good oral speaker, I quickly obliged him with a very good, very long tutorial session, and I give him further classes from time to time, although he is a quick learner, and learned from a very skilled teacher to begin with. As for the prof, well let's just say he has a very dedicated, very hard working TA. Who knew that teaching assistant and tits & ass were interchangeable. I think I like being a college student after all. I highly recommend community college, it can be a very interesting experience. |
I slowly opened my eyes, waking from the deepest sleep I'd had in some time, as I felt the harsh cold of a stainless steel plug being pressed into my ass. I didn't resist, or even make any hint that I had woken, I just led there in bed on my side and accepted that Avery clearly had no plans to lay off of me today. I was relieved, but also somewhat disappointed, that today was the end of my weekend as my wife's slave. I even considered for a moment whether or not I would purposefully lose the bet next time to see if she had any other wild ideas for me. Even if she didn't, I'd gladly take a repeat of the weekend so far. I noticed the time on my bedside clock as I felt the large plug pop the last inch into my ass. 11am. I'd slept for a good 12 hours but was still utterly exhausted after two days of abuse from my wife. I jolted as I felt the leather paddle on my ass, it made such a loud crack I was fairly sure it would leave a bruise. "Morning, bitch. You were moaning in your sleep, something about doing anything to have your asshole filled again, I thought it only fair that I oblige. Its amazing how easily you took our biggest plug, I guess I stretched you out pretty good last night. That means we have to come up with something extra cruel today to ensure you aren't enjoying yourself!" I could feel my cock hardening as my glorious wife said all this, I frankly couldn't wait. "Anyway, get up. I need you to go and pick some stuff up for me." She snapped as she disappeared out of the room. I got up and dressed, leaving the plug in, assuming this was the whole plan, then headed downstairs for coffee and any further instruction. As I sipped at my morning caffeine hit, Avery gave me very specific details on where to go, and what to buy. "Remember A1 Sex Store from Friday hunny? Well I want you to go back there, and buy another 5 squirting dildos, pick whatever size you like, but nothing that's a millimetre smaller than your cock, understood?" I nodded as I took a sip of coffee. "I want you to ask for 6 bottles of fake cum to go with them, and I also want you to pick up 5 strapon harnesses, you got that?" I gulped down the last mouthful and nodded, unsure what to even say. I grabbed the car keys and set off. As I walked in the door of A1 I was greeted by the warm smile belonging to the same pretty brunette that served us on Friday, if she didn't remember me from then, she was definitely about to remember me for todays purchase. I made a bee line for the dildo section, grabbing a basket on the way. Once faced with the wall of rubber cocks I picked out 2 very large black dildos and three white dildos of varying length and girth, all over 7 inches long, the biggest black one a staggering 10 inches. I tossed tem in the basket followed quickly by the 6 bottles of fake cum my wife requested. Each bottle held 300ml, the average male ejaculation is 3-5ml, so that's 360-600 loads of jizz in my basket. I then picked out 5 harnesses and head shamefully for the counter, emptying my basket out to be scanned through by, if the name tag read correctly, Keri. "Back so soon sir? Let me get this scanned through for you. That'll be 435 please. Infact let me discount that for you, we'll make it an even 400." Jesus Christ its expensive being a sub to my wife. I handed over a fistful of twenties to Keri, thanking her. "Thanks for shopping with us, see you later." As I pulled into our cul-de-sac my heart sank as I saw that there were two more cars in our driveway and the nearest place I could park was a good 100 yards from the house, this would be fine had Keri not given me 5 dildos, 6 bottles of cum and 5 strapon harnesses in a large CLEAR bag! I parked up and did a speed shuffle to the house trying my best to disguise any of the bags contents in case a neighbour happened to be around. I rushed through the door and shut it behind me. However, the huge sense of relief quickly disappeared as I turned toward the lounge and saw Kirstie sat on the sofa along with Abby, Sophie and Charlotte, all Avery's work colleagues. Kirstie was a fiery redhead, 22 years old, 5'2, very athletic, small tits and a perky little ass, she was dressed in a tight fitting police uniform complete with hat and handcuffs. Abby was the only black girl in the group at around 5'5 and wearing a tight, short nurses uniform that barely covered her round ass with some white fishnets and red heels. She too was only 22. Sophie was dressed as a French maid, white fishnets and glossy black heels, she was the shortest of the girls at only 5' yet had a great pair of tits and a round peachy ass, we had gone out for drinks to celebrate her 28th birthday the previous month. Charlotte was the oldest of the bunch at 42, she had long blonde hair, large breasts and a curvy figure. She wore an incredibly revealing little schoolgirl uniform, a white shirt tied between her tits, and a tiny little tartan skirt that didn't even begin to cover that big round ass she had. I was in heaven and hell, all my favourite outfits in one room, yet here I stood with a bag full of dildos feeling very self conscious and ashamed. That was when I heard the footsteps down the stairs and saw Avery appear at the bottom. She was wearing a tight, short pencil skirt, a white shirt unbuttoned at her breasts and some high heels. She had her glasses on and I could see the tip of her big black dildo sticking out just below the bottom of her skirt. She walked over to me, grabbed the bag and began to hand out toys to all the girls. She laughed and called me a slut when she discovered the biggest black dildo, handing it swiftly to Abby for obvious reasons. Charlotte was the first to get her strapon ready, she had taken the large white dildo I bought. She walked over to me and removed all of my clothes, throwing them into another room before grabbing my cock tight and leading me into the middle of the lounge by it. She pushed me to my knees and slapped me across the face before stuffing that big white cock into my mouth and holding me onto it by my hair. She didn't release her grip of me until the rest of the girls were ready and had surrounded me, stroking their strapon cocks and demanding I take turns to suck on each of them. I was on my knees with a cock in each hand and one buried in my throat when the doorbell rang. Avery forced her dildo down my throat as she called out to come in. It was then I saw Keri from the sex store walk over laughing, presumably at my situation. She was dressed as a naughty nun and wasted no time climbing into the last strapon, another big black dildo. "Looks like you got him warmed up already girls, great job. Thanks for the invite A, I've always wanted to do this" Keri grinned as she grabbed my hair and forcefully began to fuck my mouth. "I bet he can't wait to take all of our cum girls, why don't we give him some now?" Kirstie asked while stroking her dildo. "Sure, but lets make him beg for it, just like men always make us beg." Sophie responded "Well you heard the girls, whose cum do you want first you worthless little slut?" This time it was my wife talking to me. I looked around at the girls, all of them had a 30ml syringe prefilled with the fake cum and attached to their big cocks. I had a real weakness for maids so I stopped at Sophie and reached out to stroke her Strapon. "Please give me that cum Sophie, make me your bitch, I wanna feel..." I was cut off mid sentence and she compressed her syringe in one, firing one huge spurt of thick cum directly into my mouth. I swallowed it down and turned to the next cock. "Fuccck Abby give me your cum, I want..." again, I was stopped mid sentence by three huge spurts, all over my face. I wiped the cum from my eyes and opened them, just in time to watch the cum spray out of Avery, Keri and Kirsties big cocks, covering my face completely and filling my mouth again. It was then that Charlotte grabbed be my the hair and pushed her cock into my mouth, forcing me to deepthroat her. She forced herself balls deep and held me their while she pumped her thick load straight down my throat. As I opened my eyes I saw Avery taking photographs on her phone, yet this only made my rock hard cock twitch in excitement so I grabbed the two nearest cocks and struck a pouty pose for her. Avery walked over to me and pulled the plug from my ass, stuffing it in my mouth. "Go upstairs, bend over the bed, and spread that pretty little ass for us bitch. Call down when you're ready and let us know what you want." She demanded. I almost ran upstairs, bent over the bed as I was told, spread my ass and spat out the plug. "I'm ready to be fucked! Somebody please come fuck me nice and hard!" I shouted down the stairs, not even caring if anyone else could hear me. My cock twitched as I heard their heels coming up the stairs. They stormed into the room, Avery climbing onto the bed and stuffing my mouth full, Sophie and Abby taking place either side of me, leaving Kirstie, Charlotte and Keri to stand behind me. I moaned loudly onto Avery's cock as I felt Charlotte penetrate me and start to fuck my ass hard. I took Sophie and Abby's cocks in my hand and began to stroke them furiously as the three girls behind me took turns In my asshole. Then the girls switched places, making me suck and stroke the three big cocks that had just fucked my ass, while my wife and two more of her friends took their turns in my asshole. By the time it was Abby's turn to force that HUGE black dick in my ass I was more than ready for her, taking it with ease and loving the feeling so much. The girls took turns like this for over an hour before all taking place in a queue behind me. Sophie, then Charlotte, then Kirstie, then Avery, then Keri, then Abby all fucked my ass hard, unloaded a huge cumshot in my ass, then came around to have me suck them clean.. My wife grabbed her phone and a cocktail glass off the side and held it under me as Charlotte grabbed my throat and forced me to stand up straight, allowing all that cum to run out into the glass. Avery pushed me to the floor while filming the whole thing and made me say 'ahhhh' as she poured all that cum into my mouth for me to swallow. My cock was so hard and I needed to cum so badly, I thought the night was surely over. Obviously I was wrong. The three girls wearing the white cocks led net to each other on the bed. I was made to ride each one cowgirl and choose my favourite. Obviously I chose Charlotte as hers was the biggest. I was then made to do the same with the three girls wearing black dildos, choosing Abby as my favourite for the same obvious reason. Avery and the other girls laughed hysterically at my decision, and it wasn't long until I learnt why they found it so funny. Charlotte led back on the bed, beckoning me over the ride her cock cowgirl style. I lowered myself down onto it and began to ride, as I was slowly surrounded by Avery, Sophie, Kirstie and Keri who all stood up around me on the bed. Abby was busy setting up a camera in the corner of the room to capture the main event. I rode Charlottes cock fast and hard as I stroked Avery and Kirstie and took both Sophie and Keri in my mouth at the same time. It was then that I heard Abby speak up "Looks like you enjoy taking two cocks in one hole bitch! That's good to know." She barked as she picked up the spank paddle my wife had left out and struck my ass with it. I nodded as I sucked and stroked the big hard cocks in front of me. Sophie and Keri both grabbed the back of my head ad forced their cocks simultaneously down my throat, preventing me from screaming as I felt Abby force that huge black cock into my ass alongside Charlottes. I had never been so stretched out in my life before and it hurt like hell! Abby and Charlotte both thrust hard and fast into my ass, mercilessly ramming their cocks into me. They fucked me like this for over 30 minutes, by which time I was enjoying it so much I was moaning and begging for more. Then suddenly, the two cocks in my mouth pushed deep again and I heard Avery call out "5, 4, 3, 2, 1!" on one, each of the cocks came again for me, two huge loads in my asshole, two huge loads down my throat, and two huge loads all over my face. This countdown and cum process repeated a further 7 times until they had filled me to bursting with cum and covered me from head to toe. I had never felt so filthy in my life but I adored the feeling. When the girls had used up every drop of their fake cum there was only one cock left to explode. My own. Charlotte and Abby pulled their cocks from my ass and had me suck them clean as the cum poured out of my asshole. I was then thrown onto the bed on my back and had my legs pushed up over y head. The girls all removed their dildos from their harnesses and fucked my asshole hard, two at a time, making me suck them clean each time they swapped, not touching my cock once until I cried out that I was going to cum. With that they stuffed the two biggest dildos into my ass, grabbed my cock and furiously stroked it whilst aiming it at my face. I shot stream after stream of thick hot cum all over my own face as they fucked my ass. Then they pulled out their cocks for the last time and used them to wipe the cum from my face and pushed it into my slut mouth. I was dragged off of the bed and thrown to the ground and told to lick up the mess, there was well over a litre of cum all over the floor, half of which had run out of my asshole, but I wasted no time in lapping it up. All the while I was down there the girls were on their phones, receiving images and videos from my wife of the afternoon and evenings adventures. Once they had left my wife explained to me that she had given each of them permission to use the footage to blackmail me for their own gain just once, and that they could get in touch at any point to claim whatever it was they were needing from me. Avery then lent over, grabbed my throat tight and began stroking my cock hard, bringing it back to life, it didn't take long for me to cum all over her hand, which she used to deliver a firm slap across my face before walking out of the room leaving me cum drenched and a broken man. By an Apprentice of the Erotic Arts Well, our sexuality is such an important part of our being that discussion of it is bound to be complex: there are as many sexualities as there human beings. We are by turns tender, controlling, lascivious, manipulative, insecure and surprisingly fragile. Do I believe in love? Yes definitely, whatever love may be, as Prince Charles once famously and rather clumsily said. That's just the point, love is so difficult to define, as with the case of our sexual response, any tendency towards romantic inclination may be completely different in one person to another. Let's take a different starting point: 'you know when you've met the one'. I think there is definitely some truth in that. If I had to try and rationalize things, I would define love as a cocktail of intellectual and emotional compatibility, a strong sense of mutually shared fun and exploration of life together, humour, emotional empathy and compassion, and of course a strong dose of enduring sexual attraction. Take any of those elements away and of course things immediately become more difficult. For me, the emotional and sexual elements of a relationship are quite inseparable. I personally don't really get why people do casual sexual encounters, without any emotional feeling at all. Well I do, out of loneliness, disappointment, or dare I say it, desperation sometimes. This is why for me, Samantha's character in Sex and the City cuts such a sad figure: wordly and utterly sexual, and completely capable in indulging in sex for her own personal gratification, but at the same time utterly incapable of emotional attachment. It's such a shame, but I suppose there are many like her. This is why any truly gratifying romantic relationship requires a strong dose of emotional courage. If you have been hurt, and most of us have, it becomes increasingly difficult to let yourself go and to open yourself up to someone. This is also why a strong moral and social aim underpins the way I try and express myself. At the risk of sounding pretentious, I want to write for people who will appreciate it, and hopefully be uplifted by it. I'd like to think that I can write uplifting romantic fiction and erotica for... the disappointed, the lonely, the abandoned, those who think they will never love again, those who think they've blown their best chance of romantic fulfilment, those who are obliged to lead romantically or sexually empty lives, for whatever reason. You never know what encounter or chance meeting may be just around the corner, for we human beings are both worse and better than we think we are. My characters suffer the pangs of loss, guilt, envy, and romantic, emotional and sexual deprivation, but they also become stronger for it. It is, I believe, all part of life's rich tapestry from which we can all learn. The human sexual response is so fascinating because it is so varied, and because it identifies the very way that we exist and define ourselves as loving, creative beings. What may be completely normal to one person may be very much out of bounds to another. Our sexuality is a fluid, living thing that some degree defies definition, because our perception of it and relationship to it is in a constant state of flux. We do all have sexual fantasies, but some of us are far more comfortable with how we explore them, and how far we explore them, and in principle there is nothing wrong with that. I think the really crucial thing is not to force or coerce your partner into places where you want them to go. Complete trust and consensus in sex is I feel absolutely essential. Having seen a fair range of erotic writing, non- consensual sex or even the use of physical force appears to be a turn-on for some people. I have serious misgivings about that. Where we are going into rape fantasies, or the old male willingness to misunderstand and maintain that'she wanted it really' I believe we are straying into extremely dangerous territory. As the at least physically stronger gender, men have a particular responsibility here. Where non-consensual reality and erotic fantasy start to mingle the consequences are potentially disastrous, even fatal. I challenge any male readers in particular to really think about the full consequences of their actions here, or at least let fantasy remain firmly in the realm of fantasy. Don't get me wrong, I'm no enemy of censorship, but for me there are limits, and they need to be carefully defined. That being said, provided there is total trust and consent in a loving relationship, issues of sexual power, or at least the fluctuating dynamics of seduction, become far more interesting to me. I believe it's all part of a fun, loving relationship to endeavour to do the things that turn your partner on, whether it be bondage, dressing up in latex, whatever. Such things don't really do it for me personally, but it is also a very basic truth that the more you creatively put into a sexual relationship, then the more you are likely to get out of it. We all have sexual boundaries which can be pushed, it's all about whether and how those boundaries should be pushed that sexual experimentation and the fulfilment of fantasies becomes so much more interesting. The evolution of a relationship can be quite fascinating, and if the chemistry is right it can develop from something relatively mundane into something far more edgy. I do feel relatively comfortable talking about this area, because I think that most well-balanced human beings have a healthy interest in sex, we are naturally curious about what other people are getting up to. We have an inclination to hear about it in the case of gossip, to read about it, in the case of erotica, and in some cases to view it, either on film, or even in extreme cases in person. I think that women are every bit as interested in sex as men, but our society prevents them from expressing it or indulging it in public. I absolutely reject the idea that porn or erotica are just for men, women can get a lot of satisfaction from it too, and the adult industry as a whole caters for their needs quite poorly. The main problem I have with male heterosexuality is that it can veer off to extremes far too easily, it can take on a compulsive nature.It's commonly accepted that men are subject to more powerful and extreme sexual urges than women, and to some degree that needs to be controlled. It's also interesting to note that when a woman is subject to those strong urges it is far more of a rarity, but exactly because of that it becomes an area of great interest in the erotic domain -'she really let go of herself and started behaving like a real slut.' It's a line we've all heard before, and it's significance is largely overestimated, as it takes place far more in male fantasies than anywhere else! Women are interested in sex, and it has been revealing – and arousing to me – in recent months, when reading various erotic texts, just how sensually and erotically they can write. In fact I would go so far to say that women are far more erotic and sensual beings, and understand far better how to express genuinely moving and stimulating eroticism. This is why female sexuality is so fascinating to me, it is so much more complex, subtle and multi-faceted. Men are losing out in comparison because our society in many ways inhibits emotional expression in men alongside the sexual. Men also have a tendency to objectify sex and to compartmentalize it from other areas of self-expression too easily. We only need to take the briefest glimpse of the softcore and hardcore pornography available to appreciate that, beautiful and arousing though the images of naked people posing suggestively or indulging in intercourse may be, it is all too often geared towards the male perspective, almost if not always exclusively so. I maintain that a hardcore sexual encounter can be a very beautiful thing to view, but it can also be very ugly. First and foremost, do not impose your standard of what is acceptable in terms of explicitness on others, good eroticists want to titillate and arouse, not offend. The point I am coming to here is that the removal of the surrounding context – often by male producers – does everyone a disservice, especially the female models or actresses who are in danger of being objectified. It is so much more interesting when there is a background story to think about, for me the emotional and the sexual are quite inseparable. The counter argument runs that in a good erotic production you need to cut to the chase pretty quickly, the viewer isn't paying to watch lots of tedious build-up. All that took place in the seventies and eighties when erotica was far more underground than it is today, and where the quality of production was much lower than today. All men are bastards – actually, no I'll give an example. Let's say that I wanted to turn people on by depicting an anal sex scene. If I take that out of the air, and merely write about the mechanics of this encounter, and probably the mix of pleasure and pain that is likely to be caused, I'm immediately taking my fantasy beyond the realm of what is normal or acceptable to most sexually active adults. Not impossible, but the majority of us probably haven't been there, we either feel uneasy about it or we may well have had an at best mixed experience. (I haven't been anywhere near anal sex in my private life, for the record, nor is it in itself a particular turn-on for me). For most of us, an anal sex encounter remains firmly in the domain of fantasy, practised only by well practised porn starlets who do it for a living. Further, Western European and North American society has encouraged men to think that way, there is an objectification of women that can lead to men having a really derogatory view of them. On this point, to a certain degree, I'm with the sisterhood. Not wanting to over- generalize here, but if a typical male college student were to sit down and write that anal sex piece I daresay some of that excessive objectification, that reduction of the fairer sex to nothing more than a nice pair of breasts and a shapely backside would probably be present. Indeed, would he have the knowledge and insight to write a piece that would arouse his whole membership, not just the men (and I've already established here that women like erotica too)? This leads us to a real contradiction – men by and large like sex and appreciate depictions of it. However, our society encourages men to be emotionally impotent, and not to express the valuable and significant emotions that they feel, and which require an outlet before, during and after sex. No woman likes a sissy or a man who is over-emotional, that is quite clear. At the same time I do take issue with the macho stereotype that so many men feel obliged to conform to in relation to their sexual persona. In fact I hate it, it's smug, shallow, at times infantile, (think of those horrible American Pie films) and has no place in a genuinely loving sexual relationship. Men do have far more sensibility and awareness of what creates a solid, emotionally and sexually attuned relationship than they are sometimes given credit for, the problem is to some degree the way in which modern society is structured, and which inhibits that communication and emotional expression. So many young men in particular do experience emotional difficulties because they do not have the same outlets for their frustrations, disappointments and loneliness in the same way that a woman has. Perceived wisdom indicates that men are far less inhibited by society than women in terms of what is normal, socially acceptable behaviour, but is this really true? The Way Forward I am therefore seeking a new, balanced erotica, for couples, singles, whoever, but which takes into account the needs of both sexes in equal measure. We are all absolutely equal, regardless of gender, and have the right to equality of treatment. For me, the measure of a good erotic story is that it should be equally arousing to both men and women, though in slightly different ways. It shouldn't shock, offend, or bore, or worse, turn the reader off. Much also depends on the reader's sensibilities. I have come increasingly to feel that good erotica is there to be shared as part of an open, loving relationship. It's quite a nice thought to imagine a committed couple enjoying erotic stories together, reading them to each other even, rather than viewing them as a source of shame and embarrassment to be hidden from their partner. I therefore come back to the point that good erotica for me should be a potent mix of the sexual and the emotional. I just don't get how you can have a truly arousing erotic scene without an emotional build-up, a true empathy for the characters being depicted. To resume with my anal sex scene scenario again, what if we were to take the example of an otherwise happily married wife who, after many years of conjugal contentment, realizes that actually, there are still many things she would like to try, and that anal sex is increasingly arousing her curiosity. To examine a well-rounded, flawed, human character grappling with those uncertainties, doubts and fears, before perhaps indulging in that experimentation, makes that scene – when it does finally come – all the more interesting and rewarding to the reader. I personally don't see anything sordid or dirty about it, it is simply human beings exploring their sexuality in a way which they have been doing for thousands of years. To me, the emotional complexities of the episode and the empathy we as readers start to feel for the protagonists make it far more engaging for the reader. For me the focus I want to place on a much more female-oriented erotica is my way of redressing the balance, my way of redressing the uncontrolled and harmful sexual aggression I have described above. It's about giving female readers in particular the space to breathe, to imagine themselves in a particular scenario without needing to spell everything out, and allowing them to be the beautiful, sensuous, all too often misunderstood and misrepresented sexual beings that they are. To my mind, the best erotica is not exactly mundane, but it does take place in the kind of scenario, possibly in the workplace, or a chance encounter, in which the reader can imagine oneself without too much difficulty. The reader must not feel intimidated or overawed by the scenario, finding oneself at the centre of a group sex encounter probably won't do it for the silent majority! At the same time, there should be an element of mystery or surprise to the truly stimulating erotic scenario, we want to be tantalized by what may, or may not, happen. Will this be'the one that got away' or a 'truly earth-shattering' encounter? Love, like life itself, can be so bittersweet, that sometimes we need to reflect the pain of loss, disappointment or separation in order for those moving erotic episodes to be all the more powerful when they do arrive. A sugar-coated, soft focus view of the erotic is for me personally less effective. This also comes back to my strong view that effective, moving erotica needs a strong romantic, human element. Everything means so much more when we really feel for the characters, we feel close to them, and want them to succeed in their romantic or sexual designs. This is also where 'the surprise element' can be most effective, and explains why scenarios such as a younger man being sexually initiated by an older (and not necessarily sexually more experienced) woman, or an otherwise staid acquaintance or work colleague suddenly showing their true colours and making sexual advances, or a character suffering from profoundly conflicting loyalties, hold such an interest for me. We are all sexual beings, it is part of our very nature. The very strong thesis that I want to put across is that the sexual and the emotional are very closely intertwined. It is difficult for us to control our feelings when they can impel us towards a particular course of action so strongly. We are subject to our own free will, but when our sexual instincts drive us in a particular direction it can be very difficult to maintain the required focus and objectivity. Very often we find someone attractive not just physically, but because of who they are in terms of character, and that in itself also becomes part of their sexual attractiveness. There are a lot of people who, for whatever reason, do compartmentalize sexual fulfilment and a deep emotional engagement to that relationship for all kinds of often very good reasons, and I can completely understand that. I have always maintained very strongly that we each and every one of us have the right to sexual and emotional fulfilment, although that of course is a somewhat fluid concept, after all, fulfilment means something slightly different to each one of us. For me, truly rewarding sexual expression only comes within a relationship where you really connect with your partner on a profound emotional level, and that shows through very clearly in my creative work. I believe this is something we should always be striving for. The enemies of healthy, rewarding sex are fatigue, stress, guilt and anxiety. If we can aim to banish these – and this is not easy, our sex lives will be so much more rewarding for it. |
Ada was raised in a God fearing home located in Texas, by a good (most of the time) single Christian mother. She was raised to be independent, to not rely on a man, as they were just bound to disappoint you anyways. Her mother had drilled it into Ada's brain that men were no good, and only wanted to sex you up, and run at the first sign of responsibility. It had stuck, a bit too well. Ada was already twenty-three, five feet six inches tall, one-hundred and thirty pounds, with C34 sized jugs, long auburn hair, light green eyes, and still a virgin. Every time she had tried to have sex previously, her mother's words rang through her head and she would freak out, hyperventilating and, ultimately, leave without the satisfaction that she had sought. Assuming that she needed someone patient and gentle, Ada had gone out with men who were the definition of the word; but to no avail. She just couldn't keep calm and would panic once it got down to removing their shirts. (One time, Ada had freaked out so badly that she had sucker punched the guy in the throat-he had to get a tracheotomy.) Now, a couple of months ago, Ada had been searching the internet for some porn to help her relieve some of the pressure, when she came across web pages for impregnation fetishes. Fascinated, she started reading further. By the end of her reading, she was so turned on that the seat beneath her was completely soaked. The kicker? She had only been reading the general info about what an impregnation fetish meant. Then from there she followed a link to lactating, to getting your body healthy and ready to carry a child, to a social networking site where one could express all of their secret desires. But as far as Ada was concerned, it was only a fantasy, not an actual want. There was no way she could afford a child at the moment, and besides; one had to have sex to have a baby. (She didn't feel comfortable at all with the thought of artificial insemination.) On one of those networking sites, however, she had met BigBull61 (AKA Laurence) ; an online friend who, once she got comfortable enough with him, she occasionally cybered with. According to him, he was thirty-one and owned a cattle ranch up in the New York state. She told him all about her secret fantasies; like being kidnapped away to be bred, or being shot full of cum over and over again every day until she was pregnant, etc. The cybering, unfortunately, got to the point where it wasn't as satisfying. She never told him, and she didn't really need to, but it just wasn't as fulfilling. He complained that it was because she refused to send pictures of herself and refused to use the webcam feature, but Ada was not stupid enough to take nude photos of herself and send them via internet. He had offered to fly down to Texas to breed her, but she had declined, stating that it was really only a fantasy. 'I probably should have taken him up on that offer, though...' she thought as she walked down the street towards the grocery store, 'I could really do with a pussy full of cum right now.' Ada felt her eyes widen as her pussy went from dry to soaked. It always did that, especially when Laurence sent her things like "I want your stomach to swell with my child!" and "I'm going to breed that tight little twat of yours...". Just thinking about it made her pussy drip; she could feel her juices running down her legs, clearly visible to everyone thanks to the fact that she had decided to wear a knee-length white sundress today. Ada turned back towards her apartment and picked up her pace, her burning face turned towards the ground, desperately trying to think of disgusting, horrible things. But her mind kept turning back to thoughts of Laurence impregnating her. Ada was so caught up in her thoughts, that she didn't notice the tall, six foot three inches, black man following her, his eyes shining at the sight of her damp legs. She also failed to notice that the street was empty (it was far too hot to be outside, and the neighborhood children were at school) except for her and this man, the latter of which was steadily gaining on her, his huge erection visible through his rough jeans. Ada turned left into an alleyway to avoid people seeing her in her sexually aroused state, and got about half-way through it before she felt rough hands pull her back and slide up her skirt. Ada opened her mouth to scream and instinctively started turning to gut the guy with the switchblade she kept in her purse, when she felt a rather thick finger roughly shoved into her pussy- a pussy that was already plenty sensitive and wet due to her previous thoughts. A wave of heat ran through her veins that had nothing to do with the weather, and she dimly noted that instead of a scream, a small, pitiful moan had escaped her lips, and the switchblade had dropped to the ground, along with her purse. As she felt some blood drip between her legs, her body fell limply against the guy who had just gone farther with her than any man had before. He chuckled softly, and she felt it reverberate through her skull. Her senses almost came back to her, but his finger started shifting, exploring her tight cunt and making her mewl. "Hello Ada, I am Laurence." he laughed, sliding another finger inside her. Ada gasped and bucked her hips, one hand straying up to grope her own breasts. "Oh dear, I must have forgotten to tell you that I hack as a side-hobby." he sighed, twisting his fingers and mercilessly pressing her G-spot. Ada saw white and let out a soundless scream, arching her back and desperately gyrating her hips for more. When she could see again, she was panting hard and the fingers were gone. She was pushed over an old table someone was attempting to throw out. It was a sturdy Oak table, but two of the legs were missing, making it more of a ramp. Her head was on the lower angle, and her now bare ass and pussy were on the higher end. "W-wa-it..." she mumbled, still dazed by the force of her first real orgasm, "Y-you can-n't do thi-is..." "Watch me." Laurence stated simply, and, giving her no warning at all, he pushed the head of his eleven inch high, three inch wide cock past her pussy lips. Ada gasped and stared straight ahead. In some corner of her mind that was still thinking rationally, it occurred to her that it was odd that she wasn't hyperventilating or panicking; just extremely turned on. "Oh, Ada baby, I'm gonna black breed you good!" Laurence groaned, pushing his cock a bit further in and enjoying Ada's writhing figure beneath him. "I'm gonna make you a good strong baby! I'm gonna make you swell up with my bastard child!" he cried, pushing deeper into her each time. Ada's hips started pushing back as she moaned wordlessly, her ability to speak gone; all she wanted was his black cock as deep inside her pussy as it could go! "Everyone will know that you're a black man's bitch when they see you nursing a black baby!" Unable to hold out anymore, Laurence shoved almost all of his cock inside of Ada. Ada almost passed out from the sudden intrusion and the orgasm that took over her body. In the back of her head, her thought process went from 'I don't really want to have a baby I don't really want to get pregnant I'm not ready' to 'I WANT HIS CHILD INSIDE MY BELLY! DAMN THE CONSEQUENCES! I WANT HIM TO FILL ME WITH HIS SPERM UNTIL IT HURTS!' The change in heart affected her body as well; she started almost desperately trying to hump back, to get more of him inside her. Laurence responded well, fucking her harder and attempting to go deeper with each thrust, grinding her into the table and grabbing her C34's roughly. Ada had multiple orgasms, but none of them were enough. She could feel Laurence's cock getting thicker with the amount of cum that was building up, and in one final act of desperate, needy lust, she shoved back on him just as he was ramming into her for his first load. She felt the pop through her entire body as the head of his cock pushed past her cervix and into her uterus. Laurence let out a low, hissing moan as he started releasing his load directly into her uterus. His hot cum filled her up, bringing her to the brink and beyond; this was her purpose! Bearing the children of a black man was what she was born to do! The force of her orgasm so strong that her limbs shook and she couldn't make a sound; all she could do was feel wave after wave of raw heat crash from her toes to her head, to her nipples to her cunt. Laurence finished emptying into her and she felt his dick start to go limp, but the exhaustion caught up to her and she passed out. When she came to, with perfect memory of what had just happened, she was lying naked in her bed, on her stomach with her waist elevated by two pillows underneath it. As she shifted, she felt something move in her cunt. Curious, she reached back and found something hard pushed into her vagina. "It's a plug." Laurence stated from the door to her bedroom, smirking in a rather satisfied manner. "It's in there to keep the sperm from coming out. You're going to have to stay in that position for another hour and a half, at least, to let your body absorb the sperm." "...So are you going to leave now?" Ada asked, turning away from him. "You've knocked me up. You've done what you came to do. You can go back to New York now." She heard Laurence move and felt him grip her clit. Her pussy twitched in response and her face flushed. "Nope. Now I'm going to make you orgasm over and over again for that hour and a half so that you can pull more of the sperm inside you." he sighed, tugging on her clit. Ada squealed and attempted to grind against the pillows holding her waist up. "Then when time's up, I'm going to remove the plug and push out the old, replacing it with the new. Then I'll take you to my new ranch in Hudspeth County so that I can breed you again. I have to confess, I never thought you'd be so easily turned on." He shifted the plug and Ada yelped as a sudden orgasm overtook her, her hips desperately grinding against the pillows for more release. As she panted and felt him toying with her some more, she idly thought about what he had said. "Sounds good..." she managed to slur as his other hand reached up to play with her nipples. "So you want to be a black man's bitch?" he asked, jiggling the plug and massaging her breast. "Y-yes!" she gasped, grinding herself into the pillows yet again, not feeling shame, but pride in the prospect. Ada had finally gotten over her fear of sex-and turned into a complete whore while she was at it! Truth be told, I've been feeling a bit under the weather of late. Despite idle speculation that it's Coronavirus, my symptoms are mild enough that they wouldn't warrant testing anyway, so I mostly just stay home, occasionally feeling a bit feverish, but despite often elevated temperatures, they rarely venture even into the low-grade fever range—if my not-very-consistent thermometer can be trusted, that is. And of those they do test, it seems only a small percentage test positive, so chances are this is something else anyway. Cabin fever perhaps, from being cooped up too much. This afternoon we had a heavy thunderstorm. The power's still out, most notably announced by my neighbor's generator's constant puttering hum, like a muted jackhammer. Or perhaps that's ours. My spouse mentioned our housemates borrowing one to keep the fridge running. Not that it matters whose it is; may even be both blending together. I'm not certain if the power has been out so long because the utility company is less responsive due to the virus or overburdened after the storm. We ordered pizza for dinner because nothing works in the kitchen without power. Then I headed up to my room and fell asleep. After dinner seemed like a good time to do that, and I didn't sleep well last night, so I did need my rest. I awoke to my spouse grumbling about me falling asleep fully dressed. I'm not feeling particularly in-the-mood, and even less so with the grumbling, but I remedy the situation and decide I can probably arose myself enough to appease my spouse, Aunt Flo having recently left after breaking quarantine. Not that that generally stops us. My brother once told me that women are 25% happier if they get sex during their period; I answered that it does generally last one week in four. Still, it's much more pleasant not to have to worry about a bloody mess afterward. Rebuffed by my spouse, though, who wasn't actually ready yet and generally prefers to take the initiative despite complaints to the contrary, I roll back to my side and fall back asleep. I did just wake up after all. I'm not really sure how long before my spouse's attention returns to me, or how awake I am as I'm teased to sufficient arousal for my spouse to join with me, but I do wake more at the appropriate time for my own release, and my spouse seems also to be content as well; we roll onto our sides, spoon, and I'm falling asleep again... There's some sort of long shiny fruit, almost like soft, animated, joined sticks. Egitee or ekigey, it seems to be called; the name came phonetically, though, and I'm not sure what it was exactly or how one would spell it. At first they seemed to fold in on themselves, but now I find they stretch perhaps my full length, and seem more like a spider's legs. Like a human-sized daddy-long-legs, but animated as if it were a Pokémon (I guess I've been playing too much Pokémon Go if I'm inventing new Pokémon in my sleep; about now I'm realizing that this is probably a dream, but I guess I slip back into dreaming), which would make its body about the size of a tomato, and yes, there it is, except the whole thing seems to be a dull shade of neon green. I wonder what this fruit is like, and pluck the body from the legs and eat it, but I must not be too interested (I've heard it's a symptom, but haven't experienced a loss of taste while awake, so this probably isn't the virus' fault), because although I'm certain bit into it, I experience neither texture nor flavor, but instead recall a different dream I had long ago: The spider's legs form a star. In the other dream, the meter "[this/that/etc.] star which shines so brightly..." repeates frequently in different contexts, often space contexts, but typically expressions of hope or love. Like the scene from a Star Trek movie where Spock goes into the reactor to save the ship and Kirk at the cost of his own life, the reactor being the star shining brightly in that context from about the middle of the dream, the self- sacrifice also shining quite brightly. Another scene from that dream was a sort of space construction site, out on a steel beam that protrudes out into a star-speckled vastness, where perhaps the star that shone so brightly was the flare of a welding torch, but now, talking to my beloved the star which shines so brightly is the gem in a wedding band and wording in the proposal. There were other contexts, too; I wrote what I could remember in a notebook when I awoke, the beat of the dream's poetry still heavy in my brain, but a lot of the sequence and detail lost, and I don't generally have them available to consult. Years later, and perhaps a year ago, I attempted to put together a more polished version; it also seemed to fall short of the dream in duration and detail, but ended with our children being the brightly shining stars. I realize my spouse is still awake, so I must have woken up again. Still staring at the phone is more like it, a counterproductive activity when it comes to falling asleep. My hands explore skin and find evidence of our earlier activities, which rouses me sufficiently to take the initiative this time. Our intimacy is habitually quite quiet, but we have discussed some aspects over the years, so I know that while a second round on occasion can be fun, there is less chance of and no real need for actually achieving climax. Still, it's fun, and lasts long enough that my spouse opens a window to help alleviate the heat. Now my spouse is asleep, which is good because of work in the morning, but I have so much that keeps looping in my brain that I need to write at least some of it down to ease this circle of thoughts, capture some of that dream logic. _Hello! I've read the feedback from my first story and if I continue writing I will hopefully be able to get someone to edit my stories, I have already contacted someone for this purpose. I will also try to include the other feedback about making the stories longer / with more build up._ ** _TO THIS STORY:_** _This story was originally an AI Dungeon Adventure that I played about a year ago. I wanted to upload it for a while because I thought it was funny that the AI ended it with "Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it!" but until now I never did._ ** _WARNING:_** _As it has bothered a lot of people in my last story, the grammar and an over use of "you" etc. will be very bad in this one, as it was 80% or so written by an AI and only a few lines were input by me. It also gets to the Sex very quickly. A lot of short one liners like "She said "..."" will occur, generally, it looks like a Chatbot, which it is. The words said sometimes repeat and sometimes don't make sense._ ** _IF ANY OF THIS OR OTHER THINGS THAT YOU CAN EXPECT FROM A STORY WRITTEN BY AN AI BOTHERS YOU, STOP READING NOW. NO EDITING / REFORMATTING TOOK PLACE IN THIS STORY._** _This is just a fun thing I wanted to share. So if you're still here, enjoy!_ Rae is a famous Youtube streamer. She has very long brunette hair going down to her cute ass. She has medium sized boobs and a cute face. She is very lively. She has agreed to visit you at your mansion and to go on a date with you. You open the door and greet Rae. Opening the door, you see Rae standing there in a dress that was just too sexy for you. You say "Oh my god you look absolutely amazing!" You gush, and then realize what you said. "I mean um...oh shit!" you say. Rae giggles a bit at your forwardness, which makes you blush harder. "It's OK, I told you it was fine," she says. She smiles and looks at your crotch, sticking out slightly since you're in a suit. You have an erection, clearly visible to Rae. "Well, it seems like you're feeling the effects of my beauty," she says. She touches your cheek and smiles. You say "I surely do" She smiles, touches your chest, then moves her hands down to your pants, where she wraps her fingers around your cock. "I'm going to make you feel good." She begins to stroke it in long slow pumps as she stares into your eyes. "I want you to last as long as you can, while I please you," she says. You say "I'll give my best, but you are so sexy" "Why don't you show me your best," she says rubbing herself against you. The kiss is intense and you feel like the two of you are the only two people in the world. You get even harder and bigger while you kiss Rae. You push her against the wall and begin to grind your genitals into hers as you lick her soft lips. "I want you so badly," you say. "Help me with my buttons," she says, You open her buttons. You move your hands down to her buttons and begin to open them. Slowly, you move down to her neckline and begin to slide it off of her. She raises her arms so you can pull it off. You take her dress off. The dress is off and lying on the floor. "You are so beautiful," you say. "So are you," she says moving her lips up to your ear and kissing it. You grab her ass softly. "It's so soft," you say. She grabs your ass and you both laugh. "I can't wait to have you," she whispers in your ear. You lift her leg up and thrust into her while looking straight into her beautiful eyes. You grab her leg and lift it over your shoulder as you start to thrust into her. Her other hand moves from your ass to your chest, and she starts to grind against you. You moan as you thrust deep into her wet pussy. "I want this to go as deep as it can," you moan. "Make love to me," she moans. You grab her tits as you begin to thrust into her harder. You kiss her and keep fucking her. You start to grind your face against hers as you thrust into her harder. Her lips touch yours and she feels your thrusts matching her own. Your lips move and kiss as your tongues meet and begin to thrust back and forth. You both moan into each others mouths as you fuck the shit out of each other. "I'm going to come!" she exclaims in pleasure. You thrust deep and fast into her wet pussy and press her against your body. You thrust as she moans into your ear. Your lips move against hers as you both moan loudly. Your bodies join together and she cums all over your dick. You say "Do you want me to cum yet?" "No, not yet." she says teasingly. She continues to grind against you as you both get to enjoy the feeling of your bodies joining together. You turn her around and fuck her from behind against the wall. You take her hand and lead her to the couch. You push her onto it and move on top of her. "Do whatever you want," she says. You bend her over the couch and slide into her asshole. You slide your dick into her ass and she sighs in pleasure. You both moan as you thrust into her. Her ass feels good and you find that this is exactly where you wanted your dick to be. "I want to ride you cowgirl," she says. You push her onto her hands and knees as you lift your body up. You say "Then climb on this dick, baby!" You lift up your hips so she can lower herself onto your dick. You both moan loudly as she slowly begins to lower herself down onto it. She does this for a few minutes and then begins to ride you harder. You moan and grab her tits while she rides you. You groan as she gets onto her knees and then lowers herself down you. "Fuck," you moan loudly. "Yeah," she responds, as you both moan loudly. "You doing okay over there?" you ask in between moans. "Yeah, just keep doing what you're doing," she says. You hug her on thrust faster into her while she lays on top of you. You both continue thrusting as you hold each other on the couch. Her tits press into your chest as you squeeze them. You say "I want to cum inside you." "You don't have to tell me twice," she says. She begins to ride you faster and harder as you thrust your hips up into her. You thrust as deep as you can into her wet tight pussy and cum. You thrust deep as you can and cum inside her. She's completely soaked from your mixture of sweat, semen and pre-cum. "I can feel you still cumming inside of me." You say "That's because i am, Rae. Your pussy feels amazing" As you both lay there catching your breath, she turns her face into your chest and moves her head closer to it. "I want you inside of me everyday." You say "Great idea" She smiles. "I love you," she says. You say "I love you too. And i wanna fuck you some more!" "You really do know how to make a girl happy," she says as she sits up. You enter her pussy. She lifts her hips up as you enter her. "Does your dick taste as good as it feels?" she asks. "Better." "Good." "You ready?" you ask. "Give me that dick," she says as she grabs your dick and guides it into her. That feeling is too much to describe. You moan loudly and shoot another load of cum into her. You thrust deep as you moan loudly. She feels good and you know that you want to be inside of her forever. You push your dick as deep as it can go, which surprisingly is all the way in. "Oh my godddd," she moans. "I'm in," you say. "Wow, I didn't know your dick could go that far," she says. "It can," you say. A few minutes of you slowly thrusting in and out of her and you feel her tighten up around you. "I'm gonna cum," she says. "Cum with me," she says. She begins to shake as she continues to tightly squeeze your dick. It feels so good that you feel like you're about to cum again. You cum at the same time as her, shooting a load deep inside her pussy. You and her both moan loudly as you feel your dicks shoot another load deep inside her. "I think that was the most fun I've had in a long time," she says. You say "And this was just the beginning. On your knees baby!" "Always," she says as she gets onto her knees. Her mouth finds its way back to your dick as you push it into her mouth. You fuck her face fast. She begins to go down on you quickly. "Fuck my face," she moans. It feels too good to stop. You grab her head and push it into you. You don't want this feeling to ever end. You cum into her mouth. You groan loudly as you feel your dick continue to throb. "Savor that," you say. "Mmmm, I love the taste of your pre-cum," she says. You cum a lot into her mouth. You thrust deep into her mouth and she begins to move her head back and forth. You push your dick deep into her throat as she begins to cough. "If this was the last thing I ever felt, I'd die a happy man." She pulls her head back and you continue to push. "Fuck," you moan. "I could feel your whole body convulsing and releasing as you filled my throat with your load. It was beautiful." You smile down at her. Cum is all over her face and in her mouth. Your big dick still pointing erect at her face. "Well you certainly know how to please a man," you say. "And I'm not done yet." "Do you want me to... go down on you again?" she asks. You say "How about i go down on you?" "I want to please you," she says. "Well get to it then," you say. Rae moves forward and runs her hands through your hair. She begins to kiss and lick along your neck. You grab her ass and run your hand up her tigh while she kisses you. "Mmmm, you feel so good," you say. "You really know how to show a girl a good time," she says. You slide your dick into her wet pussy. "Ride me like a cowgirl," you say. She smiles and slides onto your dick. You groan in pleasure as your hips thrust up into her. "Fuck," you moan. You grab her hips as you both begin to move in sync, thrusting your hips in a fast hard beat. She starts to quicken her pace as she puts one hand on your chest and the other in her hair. Your eyes lock and she looks deep into yours. She leans in and kisses you. "I love you." "I love you," you say. Your bodies begin to meet and kiss with animalistic passion. Your lips suck on each other's tongues. Your hands grab and squeeze each other's body. Your legs begin to tremble and your lungs are on fire. Your heart is going to explode in your chest, but you don't care, because this feeling is all so good. You let out a loud yell as you twine and release into her. "Ahh! Fuuuccck," you moan. "Ah! I love the way you feel," she says in-between heavy breaths. You sit up and hold her tightly in your arms as you stare into her eyes, which are still fixated on yours. Your body continues to shudder as your heart slowly recovers. "I love you," you say. "I love you too," she says. You cum. "I'm ready," she says. You nod slowly, still trying to get your breath back. "Alright let's do it." "Let's," she says. "On my tits." You cum on her tits. "Got a problem with that?" you ask. "Nope," she says as her smile gets bigger. Your lips find their way onto hers and you kiss her deeply. "Now on my face," she says. You groan as you slide back until your knees are on the bed and your dick is pointing at her face. You say "stroke it" "Stroke it," she says with a grin. "I like the sound of that." Rae smiles and begins to stroke your dick with one hand as she licks the head with her warm wet mouth. You shoot a huge load in her face. You push forward as a thick rope of cum shoots into her mouth. "Ahh! Shit," you grunt. She starts to swallow as she begins to gag and cough. "Keep stroking it," you say, as she keeps swallowing every last bit. You keep pushing as another rope of cum shoots out, hitting her in the side of the face. "Ah fuck," you groan, as she finally manages to swallow it all. "Fuck, that was a lot," she says. "I didn't know you had that much in you." You say "For you i have an unlimited amount of cum, baby" "Damn right," you say as you slide onto the bed next to her. "So... was that good for you?" she asks. "It was better than good, it was GREAT." "Uh-huh," she says as she moves closer to you. "Just great then?" "Baby, that was the best first date i've ever been on. That was just... fucking amazing." She smiles sweetly and moves closer to kiss you. "I know," she says. "You do?" you ask. "Completely," she says as she moves even closer to kiss you. "Now put that to good use," she says with a grin. You move closer to her, kissing her deeply.. Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! |
The weekend at last Jenny thought to herself as she finished buttoning her top, she grabbed her bag and headed out of the staff change room, as she exited the door she couldn’t help feel the eyes of her fellow colleagues on her. “Jenny I need to see you in my office?” Her boss called out. Jenny smiled at the sea of eyes and headed up the stairs to Mr Franklins office. “ I hate to do this to you Jenny being the weekend and everything, Tokyo just called they need the contract on the merger reworked before Monday the client looks like slipping through our fingers if we don’t make some changes, they requested you, quite an honour, don’t you think?” Mr Franklin said with a smile. Jenny tried to hide her disappointment she was looking forward to going out tonight with the girls from work; she had even brought some new clothes for the occasion. “You can use my office for the evening and Ill give you a call in the morning to see how you went, thanks Jenny.” Mr Franklin yelled out as he quickly walked down the stairs. Jenny stood looking out through the floor to ceiling glass wall, she watched as her girlfriends left their desks and rushed for a position in the lift, shit Jenny thought how the fuck did this happen? Jenny sat down at Mr Franklin’s desk, the sooner I start the sooner I can finish she thought. Jenny found the silence of the place eerie the usual sounds of telephones ringing the nattering of voices and the constant sound of fingers tapping on keyboards were all absent, it took a few minutes for her to settle down and become accustomed to the silence. An hour had passed and Jenny was making progress on the new draft, she pushed the chair back put her feet up on the desk and carefully read her alterations. Jenny jumped as the phone rang correcting her balance as not to topple from the chair, Jenny picked up the phone, “Hello,” there was no reply “ Hello,” again no reply Jenny placed the receiver back down, wrong number she said to herself and started reading again. The phone rang again Jenny answered it quickly, “Hello, Hello,” once again there was no sound on the other end, Jenny hung the phone up. She walked over to the glass wall and surveyed the empty office its was now dark outside and only a few dim lights remained on in the building, Jenny felt a cold shiver down her back, she dismissed the feeling knowing if she was to dwell on it she would scare herself even more. Jenny sat back down and the phone rang again, Jenny stared at it letting it ring and ring and ring, Jenny squeezed her legs together, “shit, shit,shit,” she kept repeating, the phone kept ringing, Jenny snatched at the receiver, “Hello.” “I thought you weren’t going to answer,” the voice on the other end said. “How can I help you?” Jenny replied. “You can’t however I can help you,” The caller said. “Who is this?” Jenny demanded, she heard the line go dead, she slammed the phone down. Once again the phone rang, as Jenny went to abuse the caller on the other end, a voice interrupted, “Now Jenny if you’re not going to play the game how can I help you?” “Help me what, hey how do you know my name?” Jenny replied. Jenny looked at the phone and realised it was an internal call; she gently placed the receiver on the desk and looked out over the empty office trying to see who the mystery caller was, she could see no-one. Jenny picked up the phone, “What do you want?” “I don’t want anything Jenny, I told you I want to help you,” the caller replied. “Help me what and why is your voice all distorted?” Jenny said, trying to recognise some accent or distinction of the mechanical like tone. “I don’t want you recognising me now do I and I thought all work and no play makes Jenny very dull and frustrated.” The caller’s voice taunting Jenny. “Jenny sit down and relax take a load of your feet they must be sore wearing those high black stilettos,” the caller said. Jenny didn’t want to lose control however her feet ached and she thought if she amused the caller they would become bored and leave her alone. “Now Jenny why don’t you unbutton your blouse and slip out of that silky red bra and release those supple ample breasts of your’s?” the caller whispered. “You’re fucking sick!” Jenny shouted down the line before she hung up. Jenny started to gather her things when the phone rang again, Jenny stopped and stared at the phone, the phone kept ringing, Jenny ignored it and grabbed her bag, the phone continued to ring. Jenny stopped her mind racing what if this person was waiting for her, what if that was their plan to get her to leave; Jenny sat back down in the chair and picked up the phone. “How long are you going to keep doing this?” she demanded. “As long as it takes Jenny,” replied the caller. Jenny paused for a moment and then unbuttoned her top releasing the clasp from the front of her bra, with expertise she removed the bra and flung it across the desk and quickly covered herself up. “That must feel better?” the caller said. “Now take your top off and let those breast’s of yours enjoy the fresh air,” demanded the caller. Once again Jenny hesitated and then followed the command of the caller, she slipped her top off and through it onto the desk, Jenny covered herself with her arms and then plucked up the courage to remove them arranging her long blonde hair to fall over her naked breast’s, trying somewhat to show some defiance. “Jenny put the phone on speaker so you can free up your hand,” the caller ordered. Jenny did as she was told. “I want you to caress your breasts and tease your nipples,” instructed the caller. Jenny moved her hands over her breasts slowly caressing them, rolling her nipples between her fingers, her self stimulation causing her nipples to become erect, hardening with each touch. “Pinch them,” the caller commanded. Jenny pinched her nipples kneading her breasts harder with the palms of her hands, she could feel the wetness between her legs, Jenny squeezed her thighs tight together in an attempt to stop the feeling. “I bet that feels good?” the caller enquired. “I want you to stand up and slip off your dress,” the caller said. Jenny followed the voices instructions and did as she was told. “Now sit back down and let your hands stroke your pussy through your panties, softly now we want this to last,” the caller demanded. Jenny sat back down in the chair her hand moved down to her crotch, she was surprised at how drenched her panties were, she wanted to stop but the voice commanding her to pleasure herself turned her on and as each instruction was given she found herself being controlled by the situation. “I want you take it slowly Jenny I want you to enjoy this,” whispered the caller. Jenny’s hand slowly stroked her cotton covered pussy every now and then she pushed her hand into her swollen lips only to hear the command of the caller instructing her once again to do herself slowly and softly. Jenny’s other hand worked at her breasts trying to relieve them of their ache they were full and tight, her nipples rock hard, as Jenny fondled one breast she moved her forearm up and down stimulating the nipple of her other breast. Jenny could feel the tension build within her wanting cunt she was close, Jenny quickened her pace her fingers darting up and down. “STOP,” shouted the caller. Jenny jumped, her hand stopping immediately. “STAND UP,” the caller demanded. Jenny did so without thinking. “Jenny what did I say, I want you to enjoy this, it’s not a quick finger fuck,” the caller said their voice now softer and calmer. “Walk over to the glass wall and take of your panties, now stand with your legs wide apart and let the air tease your swollen pussy lips,” demanded the caller. Jenny did as she was directed to do the fresh air making her swollen lips tighten into her. “Touch yourself,” the caller said in a persuasive tone. Jenny ran her hands along the sides of her toned body, down to her knees she then ran them back up along her soft inner thighs slowly across her pussy and along her stomach until they reached her breasts, Jenny grasped each breasts and caressed them, pushing each one up in turn so that her tongue could tease each nipple. “I sense your close Jenny, I want you to finger that hard clit of yours now,” the caller said. Jenny did not hesitate in responding, her finger slipping between her engorged lips with ease, and darted quickly over her hard, stiff clit, Jenny threw her head back and released a squeal from her mouth, she had waited so long for the feel of her wet hot cunt, her finger sliding up and down faster, Jenny’s knees started to shake. “With your other hand slip two fingers into your tight cunt,” ordered the caller. Jenny squatted pushing two fingers into her tight wanting hole, she pushed them in as deep as she could take, she returned her finger back to her soddened pussy and flicked the top of it faster and faster over her enlarged clit, Jenny’s two fingers pumped inside in rhythm with her other hand, she could feel her pussy grasp at her two fingers as her Orgasm built deep inside her, Jenny’s body started to quiver. “Cum Jenny Cum,” insisted the caller. Jenny screamed as her body convulsed, the waves of pleasure escaping from deep inside, her pussy spasming around her two fingers drawing them deeper inside her, Jenny’s clit involuntary pushing up and down against her finger, her hips rocking back and forth forcing Jenny back against the heels of her high stilettos. Jenny could not take anymore, however each time she tried to withdraw her fingers her hot cunt took control drawing them back inside as deep as her wanting hole could take, finally Jenny’s body started to calm as each eruption became tinier and softer, at last Jenny removed her fingers from her dripping hole and lay on the floor spent and exhausted. A few minutes past then the silence was broken. “Goodnight Jenny,” the caller said. Jenny sat up, her legs spread wide open exposing her wet, swollen sore cunt and looked out over the dark office trying to catch a glimpse of the caller but all that remained was the pip sound emanating from the phone. Jenny dressed quickly, gathered her things and raced out the front of the building. “Hi Jenny working late?” Jenny turned around; it was Simone Mr Franklin’s secretary. “Did you, I mean, call me?” Jenny stuttered. Simone just smiled and walked in the other direction. _Hello and welcome to my readers. Thanks for your votes and comments on my previous stories. This is an entry in the 2008 Winter Holidays Story Contest. I appreciate your reading and voting; and I encourage you to read the other entries as well. Happy Holidays to everyone._ \------------------------------------------------------ "Oh Ted, you forgot one of your presents." "No I didn't Betty. It must be one the kids forgot." "It has your name on it. Shall I bring it to you?" "Nah, I'll be there in a minute." Ted Moore finished hooking up the cable to his new plasma screen TV, and then went to see what his wife had found. She handed him a rectangular box wrapped in gold foil paper with a large red bow, the tag read 'To Ted from a Friend'. "I swear this wasn't here before," he muttered, pulling the paper from the box and removing the lid. It's contents astonished them. Inside was a large doll, at least two feet tall, of a voluptuous woman clad in a diaphanous nightgown. It was perfectly proportioned and anatomically accurate down to a strip of red pubic hair matching her flowing tresses. Her features frozen in a provocative pout, the eyes remained closed until Ted tilted the box upward and dark green eyes appeared. This wasn't a toy, this was sexuality incarnate. Betty's eyes narrowed. "Who would have sent you this…this piece of trash?" Ted sighed. She was a good wife and mother, but after their second child was born, she had become both frigid and rigidly judgmental. The uninhibited girl he had fallen in love with when they were seniors in college was a distant memory. "I have no idea, maybe one of the senior partners at the firm, but this isn't their style." "I would think not," she sniffed, "We need to dispose of this immediately. Throw it in the furnace. Imagine what Mr. Sussman or Mr. Gordon would think of you if they knew you had such a thing. They would never recommend you for a partnership." He sighed again, put the lid on the box and headed for the basement. Mid-way down the stairs, he felt the box become warm in his hand. When he reached the bottom, he removed the lid and looked at the doll. It's eyes were open, staring directly into his and it's lips were curved in a seductive smile. A soothing voice spoke in his mind, 'I am all that you desire, Ted'. It's green eyes were mesmerizing, taking over his senses, filling his mind with erotic thoughts that gave him an erection. Bypassing the furnace, he put the box on a high shelf, hiding it behind cans of motor oil. Ted threw several pieces of wood in the furnace, making it smoke in case Betty was watching to see if he had, in fact, burned the doll. Then he went upstairs for some eggnog and Christmas cookies. *** _Alone in his cavernous office, The Leader reviewed his general's plans for invasion then added his thumbprint of approval; a touch of the commscreen and it was on it's way to the Secretary for War. Conquest of the Hill People would place the entire continent under his control. A hidden door opened and his personal secretary emerged from the turbolift, fluffing her red hair and smiling. In no time, their clothing littered the floor and she moaned in delight as he thrust into her. She wrapped her arms and legs around him as he pounded her hard, the leather couch creaking in protest. She sprayed his thighs with cum, shrieking with delight as he erupted deep within her…_ Ted sat up abruptly, body shaking with the intensity of the lovemaking in his dream. The crotch of his sleeping shorts was soaked; he'd come in his pants. He hadn't done that since he was thirteen. Betty was sound asleep, so he eased out of bed and went to clean himself. *** The next two days were uneventful. The Christmas tree had been knocked over and some ornaments broken, but that happened every Christmas. Billy and Sue were spending the rest of the holidays with Betty's parents, so it was just the two of them in the house. At one time, they would have made love in the living room and everywhere else, now… Ted felt a sudden compulsion to go into the basement, there he retrieved the doll from it's hiding place, removed the box lid and looked at it as it looked back at him. It's green eyes seemed to glow and it's skin looked almost real. He poked with a finger and gasped in surprise, it was warm and soft to the touch. __"Take me, Ted', the voice echoed in his mind, 'I am all that you desire'. Hands trembling, he replaced the box in it's hiding place and went upstairs for a beer to calm his nerves. *** _King Theodore sat frozen faced as the Royal Surgeon cut a barbarian's arrowhead from between his ribs. It had been a hard fought campaign, but the Combined Tribes were driven back behind the boundary wall and the kingdom was at peace once more. His squires removed his remaining armor, placed a mug of mead in his hand, bowed and left him alone. A flap opened in the tent and Lady Armitage crept through. They kissed passionately as they undressed one another. She motioned him to lie back on the blanket-covered straw, impaling herself on his rigid cock, gasping and moaning. He clutched her ample buttocks and thrust upward into her, ignoring the pain of his wound. She flung her long red hair from side to side, riding him like a charging horse, crying out in delight. They exploded together in a torrent of cum…_ Ted awakened, bathed in sweat; he had fallen asleep watching television. The dream was so vivid. It was the doll again, but once more, it was a real woman and a fantastic lover. What did it mean? He went to the bathroom to clean himself. *** The New Years party was in full swing, everyone was having a great time. Betty, as always, was the perfect host, making sure glasses and plates were kept full. Two of the firm's senior partners had arrived unexpectedly, much to Ted's delight. Maybe he was in the running for a partnership as he had always hoped. After hours of casual conversation, he felt suddenly tired. Finding a chair on the patio, he settled into it with a sigh of relief and his eyes closed. *** _Walking down the hall, Ted noticed the door to the guest room was ajar. Betty always kept it closed. Curious, he went inside. In the dimness, he saw a woman sitting on the bed. Before he could speak, a familiar voice said "Take me my Ted, I am your hearts desire." The woman lay back on the bed, pulling her skirt up to her waist, bare pussy glistening between creamy thighs as she spread her legs. He closed and locked the door, removed his trousers and boxers, and her silken sheath enveloped him in her warm wetness. They began in a smooth rocking rhythm, increasing the pace until their backs arched with the intensity of their fucking; uttering moans and cries of pleasure. One final surge and he was coming with her, right with her, lips crushed together in a ravenous kiss…_ *** "Here you are, Ted," Mr. Gordon said heartily, "Everyone's been wondering where you got off to." Ted sat up in his chair, body quivering, mind still reeling with the intensity of their fucking. "I guess I fell asleep for a minute Mr. Gordon, sorry, I mean Larry, I'm not being a very good host." "Don't apologize, I sometimes have to get away from the crowd myself. You know how Agatha loves her parties. Since we're alone, I wanted to discuss your becoming a full partner in the firm…" Ted motioned Betty to one side, whispering in her ear that he had been offered a partnership. Her face broke into an unaccustomed smile, and then was replaced by a flame haired beauty with pouting lips. Green eyes flashed as she murmured, "Nothing else matters except us, I am your hearts desire, and you are mine." Then as quickly, Betty's pinched face returned. He felt happy and warm all over, not hearing his wife as she rambled on about their soon to be elevated status in the community. *** Packing away the last of the Christmas decorations, Ted took the doll from it's hiding place. Opening the box, he felt a wave of heat pass through him. The doll was naked, legs and arms outstretched, full breasts rising and falling in steady breaths, pussy wet, shining red hair spilling over her shoulders. The green eyes opened and the red lips moved. "Hello Ted. It is time, time for us to go." "Go, go where? Who are you? What is…?" "To a land of endless pleasures, where you will be my lover for all eternity. I am known by many names. You may call me Ashtart. You called to me in your dreams. When I appeared, you loved me happily, willingly, forgetting all else. It is why I chose you to be mine. Come to me." The doll shimmered, and then became a full sized woman. She removed Ted's clothing, kissing the bared flesh as he shivered in pleasure. Falling to her knees, she sucked his cock as it hardened in her warm mouth. He laid her back on the scattered clothing as she welcomed him between her creamy thighs. Her pussy gripped his rigid flesh like a velvet glove as their bodies entwined. Moving in the timeless dance of love and passion, they dissolved in a sparkling pink mist. *** "Ted? Are you down there? What are you doing for so long? Lunch is ready." Not receiving an answer, Betty turned on the lights and gingerly descended the stairs. Then she saw the scattered clothing on the floor and the foil covered box. "I told him to burn that filthy thing," she muttered. She picked up the box, opened it, then dropped it with a scream of fright. There were two dolls in the box, naked and in a position of intense lovemaking. She looked at the horrific tableau for a moment, then opened the furnace door and cast the box and it's contents into the flames. She fled up the stairs in terror as a man and a woman's mocking laughter rang in her ears while a shower of sparks rose from the chimney into the wintry sky. **End.** Carmen was cooing loudly as she rode my hubbies stiff, long, hard rod up and down. I was enjoying the sight from the bed several feet away, but I would intermittently join the action too by placing my tongue on Carmen's pussy. The action was too intense so I would retreat to the bed and watch. "Fuck yea, Tim," that is amazing Carmen blurted out as she finally was able to ease all of his thickness into her young, fresh, pussy. I could smell sex and it was inviting. Certainly she was a sexy thing just a lot younger than I would have believed. Carmen was completely naked, with her lifeguard red one piece in a heap on the floor. She was 45 days past high school graduation and another 45 days from reporting to Iona for her first semester of college. That made her almost 19 years old, but she was much more mature, intelligent, and an interesting conversationalist that led to her riding my husband in our hotel room directly across from the beach that she guarded daily. At this moment she was riding up and down Tim's shaft doing most of the work. Tim sat in a creaking, adirondack-style chair with thick cushions. Carmen's feet were on the floor, shoulder width apart. facing me on the bed. Her 34B mounds of perfect flesh were bouncing like they were preparing a milkshake. Her brown, waxed bush was tamed, sexy, and under control. And her perfectly pedicured toenails belied a lithe, swimmers body that was getting her late afternoon exercise. Her supple skin and deep dark tan made her almost exotic with the sharp contrast of her tan lines. "Ohh fuck yea Tim. Do that some more. Keep going sideways," she commanded my husband as she ran both her hands through her shoulder length brown hair. I knew the pleasure she felt being married to Tim for 20 plus years. I was never a "big dick" worshipper but the first time I took him back to my apartment I knew I had to do my best to keep that thing around. I knew exactly how Carmen felt as Tim is so thick when he goes sideways it fills you up and stretches your poor little, horny pussy. Tim didn't know it yet but his day was not done. I was going to get mine at some point, but at the moment it was fun to watch our little beach friend get hammered. I'm guessing she hasn't had a lot of sex and certainly not with a couple old enough to be her parents but she was riding his hard-on like an expert at the moment. Now Carmen reached for her milky-white tits, grabbed her sharp little nipples, and squeezed hard. She gave me a pleasureful glance, almost a thank you for allowing her to ride the best ride in town, Tim started to pump hard when Carmen would rise and lower to meet his manhood. The intensity was that of a desperate swimmer trying to touch the wall first but this would be a bigger celebration. Carmen was starting to lose control of her orgasm. She was slamming into him hard and whimpering. The moans were more guttural now and I was envious of what was about to happen to her hot box. I wanted to go lick her some more but she was morphing into a wild animal, so I kept my distance. When we entered the hotel room I was wearing a two piece blue bikini that enhanced my 36DD's and made my 50 year old ass look good enough to eat, or at least that is what Tim always said. But as I watched them get into a steamy mess, I lost my bottoms along the way, and I was now rubbing my pussy harder and harder and it was getting wetter and wetter. When we went into the room I had visions of me and Carmen rolling around the bed and it started off that way as we started playing with each other on the couch and Tim was on the chair watching our touching and feeling. Carmen said she had never touched a woman but was taken with my hourglass shape, and I suppose good conversation. I lost her when Tim, relaxing in the chair, removed his swimsuit to stroke to our action. Carmen took one look at his monster, jumped off the couch abandoning me in the heat of the moment, and went right to him saying she had never seen anything like it in her short time on the planet. She was very bold, reaching out and taking over the stroking from my husband. She did not ask him for permission but she shook her head and asked me if I would mind sharing the treat with her. Of course I prodded her into action and seconds later she was trying to pack Tim's junk into her very young, tight pussy, for a trip to the moon. She was wet but had trouble squeezing it all into her tight box. I was relaxed on the bed as I touched myself. I pushed two fingers into my dripping wet pussy and slowly let them take their toll on my clit. I spread my legs wide as I stroked and I had a great view of my husband and his new sex partner. I was getting into the live porn show and it was so hot. We are not swingers and have not had sex with a stranger for about a dozen years and that was on a vacation too. But now I was pleasuring myself to live porn watching Carmen try to milk my husband of all his hotness in his balls. As Carmen grabbed his balls, Tim started to moan in pleasure and she was now taking a toll on his potential cum. I knew from experience that after about 30 seconds of testicle massaging, Tim can't take it and will explode. They were now both groaning and moaning and riding in unison. I did Carmen a favor. I got up, grabbed her hands and placed them on my tits to save her from his load. She leaned into my breasts, grabbed the swimsuit top, pulled it off and let the girls fly, and did they ever, smacking her in the face. She didn't miss a beat as she whimpered in pleasure taking one nipple in her mouth and squeezing the other one between her thumb and index finger. "No piercings, honey." I'm not sure whether her observation was directed at me or Tim, but I was appreciative of the sucking action to the point that I did not respond. The eruption was building in both of them and Carmen realized my naked pussy was close by and she tried to grab it with her fingers while she thrashed around on Tim's raging cock. "Nice landing strip hon," is all she managed between pumps of the erection. "Oh shit, I'm cumming." she warned us as she smacked into his lap harder and harder. "Ohhhhh, damn." "Good girl Carmen. Come to him hard baby," I cheered her on. "Oh yes, yes, yes, yesssssss." here it is and she came hard on his big one. He kept slamming into her tight pussy and she abandoned my pussy again in favor of his balls. She wiped my juices on his balls and as she did so Tim came with a huge explosion. He shot his cream into her tight pussy and she slid off him in time to get several shots of his cream across her stomach and some near her tits. They both started to laugh and I applauded their performance and warned it was now my turn. I turned on all fours, offering up my ass from behind. "Come relax on the bed, Carmen. Catch your breath, baby," I beckoned her over. Carmen stretched out on the bed and I spread her legs. I plunged my tongue right into her pussy and she warned me to go easy that it was very tender. About that time, Tim eased his cock into my pussy from behind, and started pushing gently. I know him well and I knew he was about 3/4 mast having just come hard in and on Carmen, but I also knew he would work his way back to full strength in just a couple minutes. Carmen's pussy was a mix of her juices but more salty since Tim left a large deposit. I'm not a natural cum eater but the mixture of salt and goo appealed to me. Apparently, the looser pussy appealed to Tim as he cranked up his engine and as he started hammering me from behind and I could feel his beautiful dick coming back to life with fresh hardness. Oh wow that felt so good and I could feel the pleasure spread from my toes to my tits. I really had to concentrate hard to keep my tongue on Carmen's pussy. Judging from the noise she was making I must be doing a good job. And there we were. My husband pounding me from behind. A young graduate sprawled spread-eagle on the hotel bed, my face buried in her tight cum-soaked pussy, looking out the third floor window of the hotel to the beach where we had met this babe just hours before. I thought I was dreaming but it was true. It all started innocently. We walked over to the beach from the hotel and we sat in a few Adirondack chairs next to the life guarding station. Tim went for a swim and Carmen and I hit it off in deep conversation. This young lady had grown up in this little Adirondack town but was well-read and articulate. When it was time for the beach to close we suggested we could have a glass of wine on the hotel balcony and watch the sunset on the lake. She looked so good in her red one piece life guarding suit and watching her in the shadows was turning me on. Good wine, good conversation, and lithe bodies led to me having my tongue working over her wet box while my husband fucked me from behind having given Carmen a screaming orgasm just minutes ago. I had rarely placed my lips on another woman's sexuality but here I was swirling my tongue across Carmen's clit, bringing her to the cusp of another cum. I really couldn't believe this was happening. But then the reality of Tim's cock going deep inside me brought me back. It was almost too deep and I reminded him he needed to take it easy from behind. Carmen moaned when I stopped licking her pussy to tell Tim to go easy. I resumed my rhythm on her clit working it counter clock wise and easing a couple fingers into the bright pink, very tight, very hot pussy. She met my fingers with a groan and a squeeze of my fingers. Damn I was impressed that a 19 year old had control of her pussy muscles. I think it took me into my 30's before I figured out how to fuck a guy and a lot of that is how you squeeze his cock with your Kegal muscles. And her pussy was so tight. I'm pretty sure when I was 19 my pussy was not nearly as tight as Carmen's. Does that make me a slut? Hey, I had a great time in the Boston bars in college. I was all business during the week and all sex on the weekends. The bartenders would let us in and drink for free since we could draw a crowd of horny men that would buy lots of drinks. Sometimes we'd go home with the bartenders and sometimes we'd meet a few hotties and take them back to our house of 5 girls for a fuck session. So my pussy wasn't as tight as this little honey's, but that is a story for another day. Carmen interrupted my daydream as she started grinding her hips and moaning loudly. I had unknowingly added a third finger to her pussy and that combined with my tongue was wrecking her pussy and bringing her to the edge. I spread her lips wider and worked my tongue in an up and down motion, gently touching her clit on every upward motion while my three fingers filled her hole tight. The juices flowed in every direction and the bed was soaked. Tim was wrecking my pussy and bringing me to the edge of ecstasy. I was now torn between cumming and taking care of Carmen. Tim reached around my hip and placed his middle finger on my clit. He might as well of just pushed the cum button and I lost it. He whispered how fucking wet I was but the feel of his finger on my pussy with his dick slamming into me was more than I could take. I lost it in a screaming, huge cum, shaking the bed and staying with his motion. He did not stop fucking me and I know he didn't cum because there was no warm cream in my pussy. My noise and tongue set Carmen off and she squeezed her knee's into my head as she lifted off in a violent cum, reminiscent of a moon launch. She came twice and she came hard finally pushing my tongue away from her now very sensitive pussy. As me and Carmen wrecked the bed Tim kept slamming into my pussy. Since I had pushed his hand away from my pussy he had grabbed both of my hips and was pulling back with his hands as his beautiful, hard cock plunged deep into my box. Man he filled me up. But he wouldn't cum. So I reached back under my body with my right hand, grabbed part of his dick and squeezed it hard as he hammered me for what seemed like hours. He started moaning and Carmen saw what was going on. She jumped up, her radiant nakedness catching both of our gazes. She pushed my hand away, grabbed Tim's hard-on, and squeezed hard. She whispered something into his ear, bit it,and he laughed and groaned as she squeezed his cock hard. He continued to pound my pussy with Carmen squeezing. I told her to take her other hand and play with his ass. Like a good student, she obediently slid a digit toward his ass and Tim lost his edge. Louder than normal, he let go. I knew it because I felt the hot cream hit deep inside my pussy. He pulled out, Carmen grabbed his cock with both hands, and stroked a couple more streams of cum on my ass and back. She held on to his package as it retreated in size. The three of us collapsed on the bed and just started laughing and congratulating each other on a fantastic nightcap. After several minutes of silence, I suggested I needed a shower and I headed down the hall to the community shower. Carmen said she really needed to be headed home and Tim just laid on the bed, watching the two naked women. I stepped into the shower and allowed the hot water to just roll across my body. I was too tired to do anything other than let the water course over my body. Finally I lathered my body and when I touched my pussy it was so sensitive to the soapy suds and my fingers that I had to give it a rest. I wrapped my body in a towel and headed back to the room. I heard noise coming from our room and I couldn't believe my eyes. When I opened the door I was met with the view of Carmen's naked body straddling my husbands hard dick. She was facing him, completely upright, knees on the bed, grinding her narrow hips into his loins. Tim was laying on the bed facing the ceiling fan. Both his hands were fondling Carmen's flesh mounds, tweaking her slight nipples. Her tits looked up at the ceiling as a young women's tits are wont to do. Almost making fun of my 36DD's that, as gorgeous as they are, are slightly pointed down at my age. It looked to me that Carmen was grinding and fucking Tim and he was just holding on for dear life. She glanced over her shoulder, blushed and apologized. "I swear I was going to leave but when you left and I saw Tim's shriveled manhood, I took it as a challenge to bring it back to life." Carmen tried to rationalize the bonus ride on Tim's dick. And bring it back she did. "I can't believe how it fills me up," the young pre-collegian said to me. "I know honey. No need to apologize to me. Just enjoy it. I'm not fucking that thing again today that is for sure. To be young again." I whined. I was enjoying her nearly perfect naked body that radiated sexuality. This young lady was gorgeous. And Carmen turned and ground her thin hips and ass into Tim's cock. She was clearly riding him and he was just enjoying the ride. As some point, the feeling must have come back in his balls as he started to groan and thrust as she slammed down. He pulled her over, grabbed her ass, and let it rip. Her supple tits were dangling close to his face, but his eyes were closed in pleasure. She moaned and I sat on the Adirondack chair and watched the show. I was too tired to even touch myself, but when Tim pulled her toward him I had a great view of his thickness squeezing and filling her tight pussy. It looked to me like he was going to hurt her but she was feeling no pain. I was enjoying the show. "Get it girlfriend," I encouraged the young lifeguard as she fucked the hell out of my husband. Finally, he worked his magic on her clit and she lost control, whimpered, bit her lip, and then screamed. Her body shuddered and she slumped on top of his chest. He was still hard but I could tell he came too because I could see his liquids seeping out of the sides of her wet pussy. And to think this was the first night of our four night Adirondack vacation. I need to get some sleep so I can be ready for tomorrow. |
Intro: This story has been hanging in the to be completed file and it's time to finish it. All mistakes are yours truly. And this is a fantasy story so chill. Have you ever met someone who had to have every thing equal. My sister did and it created bad feelings in the family. At Christmas she made sure my parents gave her kids exactly the same level of gifts than my two brother's kids to the dollar. Tammy Sampson Reynolds was the same but well you have to read the rest to find out. Enjoy. 50/50 Tom Reynolds and Tammy Samson were high school sweethearts. They both played tennis and were very good. What made them better was the competition between themselves. He overpowered the ball but she was quicker and faster. Both made All-State and received free rides to UCLA. They were totally in love and would root for each other to win their matches however neither wanted to lose to each other. This carried over to their personal lives as well. According to her their relationship was defined as 50/50. She picked the restaurant one night and he would have the next selection even if he told her to take it. At their wedding she insisted that each family had to have the same number of invitees. If he danced with a hot babe she would do the same with a hot guy. Everything had to be equal with her. After the wedding they looked at apartments and after a lot of discussion decided on one that matched both of their needs. She got a job as a clinical researcher and was soon making a lot of money for meeting deadlines. He was also successful working in commercial real estate and got big commissions. She had to make the same as he did. "Honey I need a nicer vehicle to drive around bigger clients," he told her at dinner one night. "We have enough money in our account." "That makes sense," Tammy smiled. "That means I get one too." "But....your car is only two years old." "No buts," she said firmly. "50/50 remember?" A week later they were both driving new cars. This set them back from buying a condo, but they kept up the effort and quickly covered the expense to buy a nice unit near the beach. It was still convenient with traveling to their workplaces equally. With pressure from their parents, they worked on her getting pregnant. It didn't happen right away and both started feeling it was a job and not much pleasure. "Now is a good time for me," she said one night when he arrived at home. "We can eat fast and go to the bedroom." "Whew...babe I had a bad day. A big sale went haywire at the last minute. Seems like every day is a good time for you." "Fuck you Tom," she said with tears in her eyes. "It hasn't been a lot of fun for me either." "OK let's go and do it." "Forget it." She snapped as she grabbed her purse and walked out the door. He was also angry. A few minutes later he too left and headed to the corner bar. His single friend Hank was sitting alone. "Well look who the cat dragged in." "Hello Hank." He said before facing the bartender. "Gin and Tonic." "Damn, things must be bad in paradise. A mix drink during the week!" "Yeah I lost a big sale today and it got worse when I got home." For the next hour, after more drinks, the bar started getting crowded and when the DJ started playing couples started dancing and mixing. "Would you like to dance?" A cute blonde college-aged woman asked Tom. He held up his wedding ring. "Sorry." "Did you make a vow that said you couldn't dance with someone else?" "Well, no but..." "It's just a dance Tom," Hank grinned. He had his eyes on the blonde's smiling friend who motioning him to join her. "You're right," Tom said as he took the cute girl's hand. Seconds later the four of them were shaking, wiggling their bodies and laughing. It was what Tom needed. But when the slow belly-rubbing song came on Tom started to turn back to the table, but the woman cut him off. "Come on I won't bite." And she didn't bite but she did pull him close, rub her soft 34C mounds against his chest and push her left thigh into his crotch. Soon he was soon thinking with his small head instead of the large one on his shoulders. Another slow song started and the blonde started nibbling on his neck and ears. "No one will know. No one will know." They swayed arm in arm back to the table and saw Hank and his girl kissing already. Tom went to the restroom and when he returned he saw Hank and the two Coeds standing together. "Tom. I've invited the girls to go to my place. They won't go unless you come too." "Shit man, Tammy will kill me if she finds out." He was still pissed at her and was horny as he could remember. "OK but just for a short time and nothing serious." * Tammy had calmed down after having a cup of coffee at the Starbucks down the street. She too was angry. Scheduled sex, like this, wasn't much fun but he was being selfish. She was doing her part but he wasn't. As she checked her business emails and answered some of them she had another cup and relaxed. It was over an hour and a half when she decided to head home. She saw his car was gone. "Good, I'm going to bed," she sighed. She felt bad about the argument they had earlier and had trouble falling asleep. It was midnight when she got out of bed and grabbed her phone. It went to voice mail. "Tom where are you? It's late and I'm...I'm worried about you." At 1AM she was about to call the police to see if there were any accidents when she heard a car pull up to the condo. She peeked out and saw Tom staggering out of the back seat. He was being helped by his friend Hank. As she turned to go back to bed she heard women's voices and looked again as two young women stood outside the car and waited for Hank to walk back to the car. "Are you fucking kidding me?" She asked out loud hearing the front door close. She moved back into bed and pretended to be asleep. A few minutes he fell next to her and passed out on his pillow. She heard his snoring and turned on the lamp next to her. She gasped when she leaned over him and smelled the perfume on his shirt. She reached down and opened his fly. As she pulled out his limp cock she heard him talking. "No more..babe. No more." He turned over and fell back to sleep. "You asshole." She put her hands on his back and shoved him out of the bed and onto the floor. His body and head hit hard but she was so pissed she turned over. Sleep came hard as she realized he had cheated on her. At 5AM she got dressed, packed a suitcase, took $500 out of the safe and drove over to her sister Michelle's home. * Tom tried to open his eyes but was having problems doing it. After rubbing them he peeked out and saw the ceiling fan above him rotating. "Tammy!" He cried out when he reached back and felt blood on the back of his head. He had a bad headache from his late-night drinking and made it in the bathroom just before he pissed himself. After he washed up he went back to the bedroom, threw on some clothes and headed downstairs. She was not there but left a very short note: '50/50' "What the hell does that mean?" he asked himself as he made a pot of coffee. As he sat he started remembering last night. He was upset about his lost sale and his argument with Tammy. He went to a bar where he found his friend Hank. He remembered dancing with a cute girl and going to Hank's place and then nothing. "Shit what did I do?" He quickly called Hank but he didn't answer so he left a message. "Hank it's Tom. Call me as soon as you can. I can't remember what happened last night." * After dropping off her bag at Michelle's house she dressed and headed to the gym. Her sister wanted to know what was going on but she said they could talk later. She was flirting with one of the trainers Jim when she heard her phone buzz and saw Tom's name. She hit the red button to disconnect. "OK, so lunch at your place at noon right? Put in your address and phone number," she smiled at the well-built man. She handed him her phone and as he started typing in his name it buzzed. "Answer it," she said hoping to piss off her husband as bad as he did to her last night. She moved closer to hear the conversation. "Hello....Tammy's phone." "Who's this?!" "I'm Tammy's good friend." He smiled over at her. "Put her on the fucking phone now!" She shook her head no. "Sorry she doesn't want to speak to you. See ya." He disconnected the call and finished typing in his address and phone number. "He sounded very pissed off. I'm not going to have a crazy husband chasing after me am I?" She looked at his chiseled body. "He would be a fool if he did. I'm going to my sister's house to shower and change. I'll call you when I'm heading your way." Tom tried to call a few more times and it went to voice mail. "Hey, Baby please don't do this. I was smashed last night and don't remember any of it. You're a better person than I am. Please....Please don't because if you do this I don't think I can handle it. We want to start having kids. I'm so sorry. Don't do it." "Tammy you are nuts," Michelle said after her sister told her what she was going to do. "You've been doing this equal shit since you were a toddler. Are you willing to lose everything just to get even?" "We agreed to go 50/50 on everything so I'm going to get my 50. I'm sure he will realize that it's only fair and will go on." "I think you are wrong. Men are built different and his ego will take a big hit. You said he was drunk. At least he didn't do it with a clear mind." "Why do you always take his side on everything? Hell, you can't even keep a relationship going for more than a month and I'm supposed to listen to you?" After she said it she knew she shouldn't have. She was about to apologize, but Michelle rushed out of the kitchen. After a quick shower she looked for Michelle but found her bedroom door locked. "Oh well. It's time to even out things." She put on her sexiest thong, no bra and dressed casual in jeans and a shirt before heading out to meet Jim. Before she got to the door Michelle cut her off. "Take your bag with you because you can't stay here. You have a big problem Tammy and I give up trying to help you. Get out." "Michelle...I'm sorry for what I said..." "Get out." * Tom knew he fucked up but he also knew he could not accept her fucking another guy. Since she was with the shithead when he called he knew she was going to do it that day. He went to the hardware store and got two new locks. There was no way she would get back into the condo. * Tammy was nervous when she drove up to the small bungalow at the end of the street. She took a deep breath and stepped out of her car. Never had she ever considered cheating on Tom. He had always fulfilled her sexual needs and had loved him from their first date forward. Still, she didn't figure she was cheating because he got laid and now it was her turn. As she raised her hand to knock on the door it opened and Jim stood there smiling. "Come in...come in." She moved inside and was about to tell him she wanted to take it slow when she felt him reach around her and cup her breasts. "Oh God," she gasped feeling his huge hard-on against her ass. "Jim please....I uh...." She froze as his hand slid down under the front of her jeans, under her thong and into her moist sex. "Oh God," She cried again. She grabbed his wrist to pull it away but he was too strong and soon found her pleasure button. Her mind went blank as she turned and pulled his lips down to hers. The next thirty minutes were a blur. She remembered him picking her up and carrying her down the hallway to his bedroom. Suddenly she was naked and felt him pulling her face and mouth to his hard shaft. She tried to get it inside of her lips but it was too thick and hard. Finally he gave up, set her up in the doggie position and started pushing his huge log into her sex lips. "AHHH!" She groaned in pain as he grunted and pushed. "OH FUCK! IT HURTS!!" "You'll get used to it bitch. It's what you wanted right? To be fucked by a real man. Not that wimpy husband who can't satisfy you." She squeezed the pillow as she started crying, "Do it don't stop." Tears tumbled down from her eyes as she took the pain. She just wanted it to be done so she could get her 50/50. She thought of the smooth sandy beach of St. Johns where she went with Tom on their honeymoon. She wished she was there in his wonderful arms. He kept pounding away and spanking her ass causing even more pain. She wasn't even close to an orgasm when she heard Jim's voice. "Time for hole number two." "OH NO NOT THAT!" She cried out trying to reach behind her and stop his cock from entering her virgin ass." "Hold on," he chuckled while reaching to the table next to the bed and grabbing a tube of Vaseline. "Please don't...I don't even do what with my husband." "That is he and this is me," Jim laughed before grabbing her from turning over and pulling her up in the doggie position again. "If you fight it you will hurt even more so relax." "Let me stick a flashlight up your ass and see how much you relax," she gasped just before he did what he said he would do. "Squeal like a pig whore." "AHHH!." The pain was so much she almost blacked out and when she snapped awake she knew she had to end it by faking it. "Hurry baby cum in... AHH! My ASS!" She expected him to go soft but dammit he pulled out and jammed it deep into her exposed sex lips. "Jim....please." "That's it baby beg for it!" She felt him speed up and hoped he would finish soon. "DO IT FUCK ME!" Her words threw him over the top. She fell face down when he let go of her hips. She felt his release and played he was finished. "Damn woman you have cum dripping from your holes like Niagara Falls. Get up you are soaking my bed." It was then it hit her. She was not on birth control and he had fucked her bareback. "Shit get out of my way asshole." After jumping into the hot shower, she did her best to wash out his spunk. She saw blood and knew he had damaged her. "Please God don't let me get pregnant." "Hurry up in there. Round two is about to start." "That's it!" She yelled as she walked out of the room. "Don't ever try to talk to me again. And If you ever tell anyone about this I'll make sure everyone knows what a lousy lover you are. And my husband is not a wimp. He's far away the best lover a woman could want." "So, I guess a blowjob before you leave is out of the question." She glared back with hate, gave him the finger, dressed quickly and ran out the door. She sat in her car crying for over an hour not sure what to do next. "Maybe Michelle is right. There is something wrong with me." She couldn't go to Michelle's and couldn't go home with Jim's cum still dripping from her damaged holes. Her only choice was to get a room and get cleaned up and call her doctor for a Plan B next day pill. She couldn't call Tom because she looked and felt horrible. * Tom changed out the locks, reported their joint credit card missing and froze their bank accounts. When it got to 4PM and he had not heard from her he figured she went through with it getting her 50/50. Someone knocked on the door and he opened it expecting to see Tammy. It was Hank. "Hey dipshit," Hank laughed. "Man, I've never seen you out of it like you were last night." "Shit man tell me what happened after we got to your place and started drinking more. Tammy must have seen something that made her think I fucked that girl last night." "Well, I saw her peeking from the window when we dropped you off. I had to almost carry you to the door." "WE, meaning you and...and the two women?" "Oh yeah both got out and kissed you goodnight." "Fuck no wonder she thinks I fucked around on her." Hank laughed. "Actually, my good man, you were so drunk the girls couldn't get you up. They sucked your dick and balls for fifteen minutes each, but you were in La-La land." "So, I didn't fuck her." "Nope...Negatory it didn't happen. You didn't even kiss them until you left the car." "Shit I wish I had proof to show Tammy." "Funny you should ask." Hank pulled out his camera that showed him out cold on this back with three photos of the girls stripping him, trying to blow him and his limp cock in the third picture. "What the fuck man? I told you that I didn't want to cheat on Tammy and you let this happen." "I was going to stop it if they could get you up. Since you failed I had to fuck them both. That's why I didn't call you back right away. I was still with them this morning. What's going on with Tammy? Did she come back?" "No dammit. She thought that I fucked another woman and you know that equal shit she demands all the time. Well, she went out early this morning and must have found a man to get even with me." "Without even talking to you about what happened?" "Hell yes, she goes nuts with getting even. She didn't even come home and is probably still getting fucked. Well fuck her I've had it. Do you have the name of the lawyer that helped your friend Mitch?" Hank gave him the guy's name and number and had to leave. * Tammy got her doctor's prescription and rushed to the pharmacy. After handing the clerk their joint credit card she realized Tom would see the charge so she quickly pulled out her own card. "I'm glad you did that because this card has been turned in as stolen. I'm going to have to cut it up." "You must be mistaken. I just used it yesterday." "Sorry I have to follow the rules." She took out some scissors and cut it into pieces. "But this one works." Tammy stopped by the water fountain and took the pill with a big gulp of water. Meanwhile she felt some liquid dripping down her legs. By the time she got to the hotel she was crying her eyes out. "Oh God Tom must know what I did. But he did the same. So, we are even." But as she said it she knew that her husband wouldn't accept her reasoning. "What have I done? And the sex was horrible." She knew she had to talk to him and called. It went to voice mail. "Tom it's me. I realize now that I did a stupid thing and think there is something wrong with me. Even though you were with another woman last night I shouldn't have done the same thing. I'm coming home in the morning and we can talk and put this all behind us. I love you more than ever and we can start having children." Tom listened to her message and almost threw his phone against the fireplace. He sent her a text message back: "I was drunk out of my mind last night and had no idea what happened. The last thing I remembered was dancing with a cute woman until I woke up this morning with a busted head. What the hell did you hit me with? Oh yeah, by the way, Hank told me this morning that I was completely unconscious and even though the women tried to get me up I stayed limp as a wet noodle. Sure, you may not believe it but he also has photos to prove it. So, Tammy you and your 50/50 can take your wedding ring and shove up your ass. I'm filling for divorce next week." Tammy slept off and on until the sun came up. She quickly looked at her phone to see if Tom left a message and was excited until she read it. "NO! NO DIVORCE! OH GOD, HE WAS PASSED OUT AND DIDN'T HAVE SEX. WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?" * The next morning Michelle was finishing her coffee when her doorbell buzzed. She looked out and saw her sister's car in her driveway. She was angry when she opened the door. "I thought I told you that..." she started to say until her sister whispered, "help me." She saw Tammy's glassy eyes roll back into her head and grabbed her from falling backwards down the steps. Her sister was almost totally limp as they moved slowly down to the welcome mat by the door. "Tammy...Tammy what's wrong?" Luckily her neighbor Barbara rushed over to help. "Call 911 and tell them a woman is unconscious but is breathing. That's all we know." Around midnight Tammy opened her eyes but there was no body home. She didn't speak or acknowledge anyone's questions or look anywhere but straight ahead. They brought Michelle in to talk to her but again total nothing. Later on, Michelle asked the doctor what he thought was wrong. "She went into shock and hasn't come out of it. After a complete examination I discovered she had some really rough sex and had some bleeding. And in her purse we found a prescription bottle for a Plan B Pill. It looks like someone hurt her sexually, maybe was raped, and she was afraid of getting pregnant and took the pill. There are traces of it in her blood. She has on a wedding ring. Do you know if her husband did it or knows anything?" "No, he didn't do it and doesn't know she's here, but I'll call him right now." Tom was still awake and couldn't sleep while he thought about his life going to shit. He knew he was at fault drinking too much and going to Hank's apartment with the two women. He also knew that if he hadn't passed out it was very likely he would have had sex. He now regretted his phone text after getting the voice mail from Tammy. Down deep he knew that he still loved her but she had hurt him deeply. But what really got him was her comment about something being wrong with her. They both knew it but neither had asked for help and now it was too late. However, this was the first time that she admitted her problem. He started to cry when his phone buzzed. "Michelle why are you calling me at this hour?" "Tom! Tammy is in the hospital and...and," she stopped to wipe away her tears." "Michelle relax, take a breath and tell me what happened. How bad is she hurt?" "She's...she's...she's not there." "Michelle...you're not making any sense." "She's in shock Tom...shock! Yes, she had sex and the doc said it was rough. I have her phone and I saw your text telling her to stick her ring up her ass. It must have tossed her over to wherever she is right now." "Stay there and I'll be there in twenty minutes." He put on a button-down shirt and headed towards the hospital. As much as he hated what she did to him he knew he still loved her deeply. No matter he knew she was unfaithful he had to stick with her now in her time of need. He ran to the elevator after being told her room number and was running down the hall when he saw Michelle in a small waiting area. "Tom thank God you're here. I'm so worried about her and maybe if she hears your voice she will snap out of it." "Are you her husband?" A short man in a lab coat asked walking his way. A stethoscope hung around his neck. "Yes," he answered not sure how much longer. "Is she going to make it?" "Physically yes. Mentally, not my call. However, her injuries to her vagina and rectum could be the result of rape. I am required to report this to authorities unless you know otherwise." Tom showed his shock. "Surely you don't think I did this." He glared at Michelle. "You tell him. I need some water." He walked a few feet away. "She was with another man and had consensual sex with him. At least that's what was planned. I don't really know what happened." "Sorry but I have to report it." "Do what you have to do but this was planned ahead," Tom said totally pissed that she had put herself in this position. He turned to Michelle, "How could you let this happen?" Michelle did her best to keep calm. "You know how she is with that damn 50/50 shit. She's gotten so deep into it that she's become possessed. I tried to talk some sense into her talking to you first but I couldn't get through. I don't think anyone would blame you for walking away and never look back." "The sad thing is that I still love her but I can't go on like this anymore. I'll do what I can to help her but can't promise you anything more." "Thank you Tom," Michelle smiled as she hugged her handsome brother-in-law. "Let's go and talk to her." For the next eight days the two of them spent day and night talking and whispering to Tammy. Michelle had fallen asleep one night by her sister's bed and was awaken by hearing her name. "Mi....Michelle." "Oh God Tammy your awake. We thought we lost you. I've got to get the nurse." She started to stand up but Tammy grabbed her wrist. "Tom. Where is he?" "He's at home but..." " What happened? I can't remember... why am I here?" "It's a long story sis. Just relax and let's get you better first." But, after her sister went out to alert the nurse, Tammy started remembering what happened and her husband's text. "OH GOD NO..NO..NO!" She tried to get up but the IV, the heart monitor wires and the catheter hindered her success. The nurse ran in and guided her onto her back. "You are awake. I've paged the doctor." "I have to see my husband. Please, l need to tell him it was a mistake." "He has some stuff at work but will be here later," Michelle said putting down her cell. She didn't tell her that he wasn't anxious to see her. It was obvious to Tammy, "He hates me,, doesn't he? I am so fucked up Michelle. Why do I do this shit? Now I've lost the only man who I've loved forever." "I think he still loves you, but you've really hurt him this time. The doctors say that you need to take a few steps back and find out why this 50/50 thing runs your life. I think it might be better if you stay with me while we figure this thing out." "No...I want to be with Tom. I can't face not being married to him." "Yes, but he doesn't want to be married to the person you have become. Did you give the guy consent to have sex?" "Yes, but the jerk was such an ass and was so rough I faked an orgasm just to get him to stop. I still thought there was nothing wrong because I was getting even. How fucked up is that? I should have confronted Tom first and even so, I shouldn't have fucked another guy." "That's a start," Michele smiled. Tammy was dozing and didn't notice Tom walk in with a bouquet of daisies. She opened her eyes, saw the flowers and tried to sit up. "Here let me help," he grinned moving to the bed lift button. After he stood she hoped he would kiss her or hold her hand but he turned and walked to the window and look out. "Tom...I'm so.." "Sorry, I know," he said looking at her reflection in the glass. "I'm sorry too for getting drunk and going with Hank to their apartment. If I hadn't passed out, I would probably done the same as you." "No, the whole problem is my 50/50 thing. I need help but please don't divorce me at least until I find out what's wrong. He turned and walked to her before taking her hand. "I said those things in anger and realize now that your health means more to me right now than anything. Michele told me that she wants you to stay with her so you can concentrate on getting well. That's probably a good idea. I promise that I won't see any other women while you are going through this discovery and healing process." "But I will see you right?" He leaned over and kissed her cheek. "Wild horses won't keep me away. This doesn't mean all is forgiven and I'll still have nightmares with you and Jim in his bed. We have a long road to get back to where we were. "I know. Just give me...I mean us a chance. I love you so much baby." "Me too." It took a few months for Tammy to understand a little how she got lost control of her equal hang-up. The talks with her doctor discovered when she was in Pre-school, even before kindergarten, a few of the bigger kids would take more than their share of snacks and toys. Finally, she had enough and pulled the toy back causing the bully to tumble back onto his rear. The other kids cheered for her when she told him equal time for everyone. Since then she has been the 50/50 superhero. From there, things just snowballed until her mind was possessed with getting her fair share. She didn't want more... just be equal. Michele remembered that day when Tammy came home with a big grin and told everyone she took on the class bully. Everyone told her how great that was making it even more important to her. But now realizing how harmful it was with the possibility of losing Tom her love started pushing the Equal thinking lower and lower. Tom had been seeing her twice a week to judge her progress and could see the improvement. Both Michele and he started testing her by buying something for each other and not getting something for her. She would start to complain but stopped, smiled and knew she was beating it. The big test was when Tammy brought two large chocolate chip cookies home for dinner when Tom came by. Michele looked at Tom. "So how do we split two cookies into thirds?" "We don't," Tammy smiled. "One is for my favorite sister and the other for my forgiving husband." She reached into her purse and brought out two tickets to the upcoming Billy Joel concert nearby. "These are for you two as well." "But you love chocolate chip cookies and Billy Joel," Tom said pushing the cookies and tickets back her way. "I do but I love you two more. I've found out it's better to give than receive." Tears started falling from all three knowing Tammy had taken a big step. "I'm not all the way healed but I do think I'm getting there. I want to move back home Tom." "OK but there is one thing we have to do equally first. Tomorrow night get dresses in dark clothes and bring one of your old tennis rackets. "I'll pick you up at 9:30PM." "That's it? A tennis match?" She questioned. "Kinda...I'll explain it to you tomorrow." "Fine, I'll do anything if you take me back." * Tammy was waiting on Michele's front porch as Tom pulled up in an old Honda Accord. He had bought it with cash from a friend of a friend of a friend. He used a fake name and an old license plate he found in a waste dump. "Get in." "What's going on? Why all the mystery and where did you get this shitty car? Are you going to take me out somewhere and kill me?" "Hell no, I have you back and never want you away from me again. Also go and replace the wooden racket you have with a metal one." "Whatever," she sighed. Minutes later they pulled into the gym parking lot. "It closes in ten minutes," she said. "Listen this is the only time I want you to be equal. The asshole that hurt you will be closing up the gym in a few minutes, so we are going to repay the pain. We don't want to kill him or do any permanent damage but enough so he will think about not hurting other women in the future. "But he's really muscular and will be hard to take down." "Here are some Mace sprays. It's made with a special hot blend that he will be thinking his body is on fire. It won't cause eye or burn damage but will put him down on his knees. I also have a taser if we need it." "What if someone sees us or he recognizes me?" "We wear these masks and gloves." "I hate that bastard," she growled while taking them. Luckily for them Jim parked his BMW around the back of the gym to provide more parking spots for the members. There was little lighting with one light bulb hanging over a doorway. Tom and Tammy were hiding behind a brown dumpster and waited until he passed by. "HEY SHITFACE!" Tom dashed out, yelled and started spraying the Mace into his face when he turned around. "WHAT THE FUCK?" Jim screamed when his eyes and face caught fire. He tried to see who it was doing it when suddenly another spray started splashing against the front of his thin nylon shorts and thighs. "AH SHIT!" Jim wailed trying to block the sprays with both hands. One was over his balls and the other his face. "I'm Going to Kill you," he cried as he stumbled forward swinging his fists where the sprays were coming from. Since there was a small wind that night Tom made sure that Tammy and he were positioned upwind. Now that the asshole was blinded, he grabbed his tennis racket and swiftly moved down and to the side of Jim's path. Tammy was on the man's other side. "VOLLEY FOR SERVE!" Tom yelled before smacking the racket across the back of Jim's left knee. "OUCH DAMMIT! YOU FUCKING COWARD." His left leg buckled but not enough until Tammy used her powerful two-handed back hand on the back of his right knee. It was like David and Goliath as the giant hormone-enriched trainer went down. He tried to get up and see until more Mace spray covered his face again and crotch. Now on his back and swinging his arms and legs out hoping to make contact he realized that fighting was not working. Suddenly he stopped moving and sat up. "Listen, you have the wrong guy. I've never did anything bad enough to deserve this punishment. Sure, I seduce women or let them seduce me but never without their permission. Let's stop this before anyone gets really hurt." "Fuck you asshole," Tammy yelled just before her tennis racket swing down and into his unprotected crotch. His hands hovered over his nuts but she kicked low enough to go underneath and into his nut sac. He managed to grab her ankle but Tom sprayed his face again with the Mace causing him to let go of Tammy. The pain in his nuts was the worse he had ever experienced even through his college football career. At least playing football he could wear a cup for protection. "OHHHHH..AHHHHH," he groaned and moaned and turned over to protect any more kicks. "I give. Please stop. I beg you." "Sorry," Tammy said before yelling, "25 Love!" Seconds later her tennis racket smacked down hard on his poorly covered left buttock. "40 Love," Tom announced as he swung even harder onto the other ass cheek. "GAME! SET! MATCH!" Tammy laughed as both of them hit the jerk's ass. They moved back to see his reaction and heard him crying. "Mommy...mommy please help me." Tom leaned down and whispered, "If you hurt another woman, you're going to need more than your Mommy. Tom saw the Alpha's phone on the pavement next to his car keys. He stepped hard onto the cellphone smashing it to bits and tossed the car keys in the dumpster. He motioned for Tammy to get out quietly. As they entered the old car, he stopped her and said, "you hit and sprayed him more times than I did. "Really I wasn't counting." Epilog: Months later couple counseling was next after she moved back home. They started having sex two weeks from her move-back date and both were extremely horny. So much that a few weeks later she confirmed she was pregnant. The urge in the house to be equal became less and less until their daughter Tracy came home with a note from her kindergarten teacher: 'Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds Tracy was bad today for pushing a boy in her class down after the boy took more time than allotted on the slide. We do not allow such behavior at our school. This is the first warning. She only gets two.' Gail Morgan, Principal "Hey what's up?" Tom asked coming in the door. "Why the angry face pumpkin?" "Well, she pushed down a boy on the playground today because he wasn't giving equal time on the slide. I was about to tell her that it was wrong." "He was wrong Mommy not me!" Said the girl who looked just like Tammy. "Yes but...," Tammy started to say. "Honey why don't you finish dinner and I'll talk to her." He took Tracy's tiny hand in his and walked her outside. "Promise me something." "OK Daddy I promise I'll never do it again." "Oh no not that. Promise me you'll never tell Mommy that I said it was OK to kick the poop out of a bully. OK?" "Yes Daddy." Tracy giggled. Fini Ending note: I know a lot of you wanted to BTB but hey its Christmas so let it end nicely. Except for bullies. Kick the poop out of them. |
_All characters are 18 or over_ ***** I used to work at a restaurant, well sort of a restaurant more bar, more coffee house, really a sandwich shop. I worked Sunday afternoon and a couple of late shifts 9 till 2 am. The Sunday shift was brutally slow. I would usually get my shift chores done and just sit by the window and watch the world go by. Hoping that some hot girl would come in, I'd usually fantasize the afternoon away. Then she came into view, I almost stood up and walked outside to get a better view. She was walking the kids from across the street to the corner store where their mom worked; the family lived a couple doors down. I had never seen this girl, she was wearing baggy clothes but I could tell she was petite by the way she walked except for an almost disproportionally large pair of breasts. She was African American and her hair was not processed just natural and she had an exotic look with an aquiline nose and large lips, long eye lashes, all contained within an heart shaped face. She was five foot one or two at the most kind of tiny really. Just as quickly as she had appeared she was gone and I was left with another boring afternoon. Fast forward a couple of weeks, I had occasionally seen her on my way in to work in the evening and another glimpse on a Sunday but not had an opportunity to speak to her. After work one night I was walking to my car and there she was sitting on the front steps of the family's house. It was next to where I parked my car, I waved hello as I walked past and she said hello, I stopped and summoned the courage to introduce myself and try to get her name. She let out a long list of names that were impossible to decipher or remember, laughing I asked what people called her and she limited it to Angelina. I asked how she was related to the family that lived there she told me that she was the mother's daughter from a previous relationship and had just returned from boarding school. This explained how I had never seen her before. I could not really think of anything more to say so I got into my car and left. Over the course of the next few weeks late winter turned to early spring and she became a more visible fixture in the street scene outside the restaurant. Each time I saw her I took the opportunity to chat her up with any idle chit chat that I could come up with. I could tell that there was something going on as she never broke off the conversation with me; it was always I who had to get into work. She was driving me crazy with her clothing style always baggy and non descriptive, though in tune with the times it left me with little to conjure in my head when I was away from the restaurant. Finally I arrived to work a little earlier than usual hoping that she would be around to chat, she was and she had on a sweater that was an old cheerleader type, kind of thick but there in front of me were her nipples standing at attention straining through the thick material as if it were a thin t shirt. Yes, finally something to keep in my brain, and though it could have been a cool breeze I hoped that she was just happy to see me. I pushed things along by asking her to stop over while I was working that it would be my treat. Around half way way through my shift she came in and plunked down on a couch that we had set up in the corner by the large front windows. I asked what she wanted and she ordered some hot tea and pulled out some romance novel that she was reading. Oh well I thought to myself so she is not the sharpest knife in the drawer...I really did not intend to marry her anyway. I got very busy just after she came in and did not have much of a chance to flirt, but when she left she asked me to stop by and see if her light was on in her room; instructing me that it was on the ground floor at the back of her house. She was wearing a smock thing and some shorts that I could not really see because the smock thing was too long, but I could see her legs small, thin like a bird with perfectly defined muscles. As she turned to leave I finally saw a glimpse of her butt, it was tiny as well, nicely shaped but tiny, being an ass man I was kind of hoping for more. My shift quickly slowed after she left and I was able to close on time with most clean up already completed. I was out the door in record time with a large Hieneken, weed and a bowl; I was ready for a little wind down while I found out what made this mystery chick tick. I went around the back of her house and there it was: thankfully only one window so I wasn't going to end up in the wrong one peering in like some out of place white boy. I looked in and she was not in her room, I was a bit crest fallen, just as I was about to leave the door opened and she stepped in with a towel around her head. She had a thin tie dyed t shirt on and the same shorts as before. I could see now that they were canvas shorts cut in a sort of daisy duke style. Her little well defined buttocks were now visible and it made me forget what a meaty ass even looked like. I waited for a couple of minutes to see if she might remove some clothing, change anything really; I was watching through a window that I had been invited to, it was a rare opportunity for peeping with impunity. She did not do anything, damn. So I knocked gently on the window, she looked up smiled grabbed that damn smock and headed out the door. Quickly, she appeared on the back stoop, she put her finger up to her lips in a shhh motion and pointed across the yard to a garage. I followed her in; it was a multiple bay garage. In one of the bays was a pulled apart Camaro that her step father was putting back together. In the next bay were the seats from it scattered around. We sat on the rear seat bench and she put a brick underneath to keep it from rocking around. Once comfortable I popped the top off my beer with my lighter and offered her some, she took a swig and made a horrible face and said she really does not care for beer. No problem, "Do you want to smoke some pot?" I inquired. She said yes with some enthusiasm. I filled and lit the bowl and we settled into more chit chat. We were sitting pretty close as it was a small bench seat. Her thigh was almost touching mine and though the conversation wasn't growing more intimate I could tell that the chemistry was heating up. Her thigh kept bumping mine and my hand I had placed on my thigh would brush against her, she would lean against me and I against her as we were making conversation. Finally I just reached over and gently held her cheek and lightly kissed her on the lips. She just closed her eyes and kissed me right back but with a bit more lingering. This became our MO: stilted conversation followed by make out sessions. But I am getting ahead of this story. Kissing, kissing, and more kissing it was as though we had been put on this earth to kiss each other. My tongue dancing with hers small bites on her voluptuous lips kisses on her forehead and I started to kiss her neck. She let out a sigh; I knew I was headed in the right direction. I put my hand under the smock on the small of her back and lifted her towards me. She moved facing me on my lap her knees on the seat as she straddled me. I slid my hand up her skinny muscular back sliding underneath the thin t shirt I had seen before and up and no bra...I didn't think so. With my other hand I traced the elastic band which was embedded in the back of her shorts not going straight for her ass but teasing a bit. As we continued kissing she started grinding herself into my lap, my hard cock was painfully expanding down my pant leg and missing its intended target. Her breath was now quickening and mine was keeping up. I slipped my hand down to her rib cage and fluttered my hand up and down her side feeling her womanly curve, this caused a slight moan to emanate from her throat as we continued our lip lock. I slid my hand outside of the t-shirt, there was something about how her unrestrained breasts pushing against this thin material had captured my imagination when she had first appeared in her room that made me want to start touching them first through the shirt then have my way with them skin on skin. I slowly brought my hand up grasping her belly and rubbing it through the shirt, and then I raised my hand and gently rubbed her nipple with just the tip of my finger. Then I moved to touch with two or three fingers her hard nipple. Once I had taken some measure I realized the stunning creation which these nipples were. So sensitive that her moans and deep breathing had left her unable to continue kissing and so sexy that her nipple rose nearly a half inch above her aureola. I cupped her breast with my hand still luxuriating in the feel of the thin material against her skin. At this I moved my other hand to her ass, while palming it I started to raise her so I could uncover and lick this rare and beautiful pair of breasts. I brought my other hand out from under the smock to begin to more thoroughly explore her ass. With both hands in place I used my left hand to hold her up while my right hand slipped underneath the elastic. Just touching the skin on her ass caused her to twist and moan: she gathered the smock and pulled it over her head. As she stood on her knees to accomplish this much needed garment adjustment, it freed my left hand to explore further the hollow formed by her exquisite butt. Her shorts were damp, as I applied pressure to her pussy it was like a dam broke. Her shorts went from damp to soaked, her hand shot downward between us as she grabbed for my cock. Quickly she felt out its trajectory down my pants and she began kneading it through my pants. My right hand continued to pull her shorts down then I moved my left hand to hold them down and away from her ass. I took my right hand and went straight for the front of her pussy to rub her clitoris. Good god it was huge, her hood was dangling more than half an inch from her engorged labia. As I rubbed or sort of tugged really on her clitoral covering the clitoris began to stiffen under the skin. I slid my finger back to her swollen lips and rubbed my finger in the unparalleled wetness. I slipped back to the underside of her hood and gently touch her unguarded clitoris. She actually spit out a growl of sorts. My left hand let go of the shorts and lifted up her shirt so that my mouth which had been playfully biting and nibbling her breasts through her shirt could get down to some serious sucking and licking. I quickly licked around her aureola then slowly kissed her nipple. My mouth then covered her nipple and pursing my lips I began sucking it like a baby. She was panting like a mad woman I had never experienced a more sensitive girl. Though my hand was at an uncomfortable angle I was also continuing to stroke her clitoris both through the hood and occasionally flicking it underneath directly. She was squirming now in frenzy. I stood her up and turned her around so her back was facing me and I could manipulate her body more easily. She sat on my lap with her legs spread and her head lay back on my shoulder. I got my first real smell of her shampoo and it was intoxicating, her shower before I came was fading into a mix of musty sweetness and the sesame oil that she had spread over herself before my arrival. I was slowly taking this in, a little break before a crescendo. I kissed her neck. I began to get to work one hand on her breast the other sliding down her belly to her soft and shiny pubic hair, pausing there to pull it between my fingers and rub her mound of Venus that this position accentuated. Next I gently massaged the hood of her clitoris once again stiffening it. I slid my hand to her labia gently rubbing it without penetration. Her wetness was indescribable; I slowly slid my index finger into her steamy puddle. In and out letting her breathing dictate the pace slowly I introduced another digit to the pool. Her breathing began to quicken as it did so I began pumping my now three fingers into her vulva, into to her faster and faster. My palm was now practically slapping her clitoris; she was jumping as if she were being electrocuted. She let out an "oh fuck" and screamed out a loud growl this one much louder and pronounced, she pulled my soaked hand away from her sex. She shook for about thirty seconds. She sat up onto my lap, seemingly gathering herself; she reached for her cigarettes and lit one. I started to say something and she shook her head cutting me off. I lit a cigarette. Then she said wow and shook her head again and just smiled at me. I shifted her off of me and stood up walking over to a window at the back of the garage. She pulled up her shorts and joined me. We stood side by side smoking and looking out at the apartments behind her yard. We looked at the security light which had been our only source of illumination during our heated introduction. We put out our cigarettes. I moved her in front of me so that I could see her better in this dirty window diffused light. I wrapped my arms around her joining my hands at her waist and kissed the back of her head. She backed up and felt my insistent cock which was repositioned into a more sword like posture. She backed up more, she was so short that my cock lined up with the very top of her ass maybe even the small of her back; she reached behind her and began tugging on it. I brought my hands up to her breasts first through the soft t shirt then underneath it. She began breathing heavier again, then she turned around and started undoing my belt then unbuttoning my jeans. She pulled it out and began stroking it dry. As the pre cum exited the tip she began incorporating it into her massage. I broke her off wanting to take her wet little cunt instead. I turned her around and picked her up carrying her over to the bench. I tilted her over and began rubbing my dick between her ass cheeks. I moved forward and started to slide it back and forth along the opening between her labia. I could have chopped wood with this hard on. She started sort of hopping up and down and pushing my dick away. She said she had just started the pill and her doctor had told her not to have unprotected sex for three weeks until the cycle started again. Fuck me! But she spun around and got on all fours on the bench and pulled me towards her. She reached over and pulled my cock to her face putting those sultry lips on to my crown then swirling the tip with her tongue. Slowly she sucked my cock and deftly incorporated my pre cum and saliva into a perfect hand stroke at the base. I could have stood there for hours. I looked down and tugged her shorts off of that beautiful ass. I hardly had to bend over, being on all fours put her ass and pussy in a perfect position for me to manipulate. I slid my hand between her ass cheeks and began stroking and fingering her sopping wet sex. Her pace on my cock quickened to match my rhythm in her pussy. I could feel her muscles begin to contract around my fingers; I was stroking her dangling breast that I could reach and flicking her erect nipple. She had to spit out my cock to catch her breathe before her orgasmic spasms began again. She asked me if I wanted another blowjob to finish me off, but the moment had passed, I declined the offer. After we parted I took my blue balls home and awakened my girlfriend with a very enthusiastic mid sleep booty call that she enjoyed thoroughly. |
**Chapter 14: Castle Rollingrock** _Author's note: The following was inspired by Chapter 6 of this chain, "Falling's Follies" by Skip1934a. As with all the other chapters, the characters were pulled from the online personas of volunteer members of the Author's Hangout (with a touch of real life descriptions and such), but their actions, activities, and words are merely a function of the fantasy and should not be any indication of how they normally behave._ The reluctant messenger trudged up the thick, wet grass of the embankment he'd fallen down. Served him right, he thought, for not noticing the ditch in the first place. Why Her Grace didn't have the sorcerers send out the invitations to those who were off the regular post or trade routes was beyond him. But, when he considered where he was headed, perhaps it wasn't possible for magical communication to make it through. "And, only someone like myself," he muttered, "would be likely to agree to come out here by themselves for something as simple as a party invite, even for the Duchess of Florafawn." Indeed, there were many reasons why he wasn't a fool like others—happy in the wearing of motley and carrying a jingling stick—but was known as The Fool...coarse, abrasive, but direct and insightful as well. All traits that were well suited for dealing with Castle Rollingrock. Or, more accurately, with its scion and that succubus of a half-sister of his. Fool finally returned to the road and headed back toward the lights gleaming through the fog ahead of him. It wasn't incredibly faster than moving through the brush, but it was level and the Fool didn't have to worry about picking up ticks. Of course, in the castle ahead, there were other bloodsuckers in search of fresh prey, but he'd deal with that if it came up. The jingle-jangle of a coach coming along the road behind him forced Fool to step carefully back into the grass. The driver slowed the horses as he noticed the figure beside the road and leaned down as if he was speaking to someone within the carriage. "Whoa!" he told the horses as he pulled the reins and stopped near to the Fool. An arm beckoned Fool closer from the window of the carriage. He made a step or two, just for show, but stayed well out of reach. He heard a low, throaty chuckle from within. "Not trusting of strangers met on the open road, are we?" a deep voice asked. "A good precaution, especially on this road." The speaker leaned partially out of the window and Fool could just make out the bearded chin and eyes that gleamed with a red glow from beneath the cover of a hooded cloak. "This is the way to Castle Rollingrock, yes?" Fool nodded and lit up one of his cigars. "Yeah, I believe so." "Good...very good...I have business there. Would you like a ride? You may sit beside my driver." Fool nodded and stepped over to pull himself up onto the seat. The driver was slender and dressed in drab clothes that hid most of his physique to the less observant, but Fool marked him as being built like a man used to handling a carriage team and, possibly, of easily handling anyone who might try to waylay this coach. The man nodded and said, "Woody, or so they call me." "I'm just Fool. No other name fits me any longer." Woody nodded again and snapped the reins. The horses took off and the coach set off once more. The men rode in silence. Fool pondering the odd passenger in the carriage behind him, and Woody thinking of whatever drivers think about during the quiet of the road. And, within the carriage, the man with the burning eyes thought about the envelope he bore and how he might be rewarded for the information he brought his Mistress. ******* "Well? Where are the next group of entertainers? Do I have all day for this?" "No, my Lord, I am certain they are about to be here. They were preparing themselves just a short while ago." Belegon disliked not having things go his way. A lesser man might have been beside themselves, but the current Chamberlain of Castle Rollingrock was barely flustered. Perhaps his body language conveyed a bit more anxiety, or his voice held just that touch of trembling that comes from not biting one's tongue, but—compared to his predecessors (of which the official count was six, but there was always that time when Lord Remec had just returned from Somerland, and no one knew how many servants he'd had and lost then), he was doing remarkably well. Lord Remec rose from his seat upon the dais at the far end of the audience chamber. "Preparing, you say? The usual suite?" He strode across the room as Belegon nodded, and headed down the hall to see what was holding things up. The door to the suite was closed, and Remec paused for a moment. He shook off the passing sense of courtesy, gave the door a swift series of knocks, and then opened it. He stopped, speechless, as he took in the scene before him. One of the castle's wenches was crouched on her hands and knees behind one of the performers. She lay with her body resting against the other woman's back and was in the process of nibbling her ears and neck. The other woman had her hands entwined in the hair of a male performer's head, holding him steady while they kissed. As Remec watched, the male performer gave the wench a nudge. The wench leaned herself across the other woman's body and began folding down the edge of the gown the woman wore. As her larger than fist sized breasts came into view, Remec licked his lips at the sight of them and then bit his lower one as the male performer palmed them both and began alternating between squeezing them softly and rubbing his hands against the thick, hard nipples in a circular motion. "Ahem." The woman in the middle broke off the kiss to lazily look over the man's shoulder and meet Remec's eyes. "Milord," she said with a nod of her head. "Are we late for our audition? I'm afraid we got involved in a last bit of rehearsing." The wench giggled and turned her own bright eyes to Remec as well. Remec swallowed to empty his salivating mouth and nodded. "Yes, yes you are. But, by all means, continue, we shall consider this to be your audition." "And how are we doing, so far?" she asked as the man shifted down to fill his mouth with each breast in turn. She smiled at the way Lord Remec's pants were beginning to tent as he pulled a chair up close to the bed the trio lay on. "Most impressive," he said. Impressive laughed at the remark. "Your Lordship has heard of me, yes? Or was that merely a verbal coincidence? No matter." She shifted herself slightly on the bed to regard Remec directly and give her male companion better access to her bosom. "What would your Lordship like to see?" she asked as she brought her arm up to caress the side of the wench's face. She drew the woman's mouth to her and looked away from Remec for a moment. Remec considered his own desires as the women's tongues played together, and the male slid lower down still to fondle and adore Impressive's breasts while letting them be seen as much as possible. "You," Remec answered. With a tap to one tattooed shoulder, Impressive got the man to move and rose from the bed. She stepped closer to Remec, while the pair behind her continued auditioning. She regarded Remec up close and then smiled and shook the curls of her hair to refresh them from lying down. "All of me?" she asked. Remec nodded. "Yes," he whispered. Slowly, Impressive smoothed out the front and sides of her gown in one fluid motion. Her breasts sat high and firm, still exposed from the titshelf built into the dress. She slipped her hands beneath them for a moment, as if presenting them even more to Remec, and then tucked her fingers inside the edge of the gown and pulled the loose ties farther apart and shrugged the dress off her shoulders. As it fell to her hips, she removed each arm from its sleeve and then let the whole gown drop to a pile at her feet. Behind her, the couple could just be made out disrobing as well, and the wench began lavishing kisses along the tattooed man's cock. She then turned sideways to Remec and knelt upon the bed. The man moved to press up against her ass and Remec could just hear the sound of the wench being penetrated. They began rocking against one another, but Remec was only tangentially aware of them and their actions. His attention and focus was on the curvy body before him. Impressive turned to one side and then the other, showing off her profile to him, and then pirouetted to display her backside as well. Remec's breathing slowed as he drunk in all the facets of the pale performer, and he leaned back in his seat to subtly adjust the tension of his slacks against his cock. "And? What next?" Impressive asked as she stopped showing off and stood squared up to Remec once more. As she had shifted about, she stepped from within her dress and kicked it off under the bed. She was confident she knew what he would say. In fact, confidence was readily apparent in all of her body language and even in her gaze, and drew Remec in as much, if not more than, the way she looked. Remec stood up slowly. A slight sound at the doorway made him turn his head. Chamberlain Belegon was there. He bore a unusually worried look to his face. Remec arched an eyebrow as he found little that ever worried Belegon, and motioned to the man to be quick. "Milord, a dark carriage has arrived. They have picked up a servant of Her Grace, Duchess Falling, who has a message for you. The passenger of the carriage has already gone to your sister's chambers." Chamberlain Belegon paused moment. "It was the Shadowed One." "Lovely," sighed Remec. He turned back to Impressive and stepped close to her. "I am needed elsewhere. You will dine with me this evening?" He brushed a hand against her cheek and gazed into the swirling mix of brown and green of her eyes. He leaned in and gently kissed her lips, then turned to go. Impressive laughed. "So, successful audition?" Remec nodded. "Indeed." ****** Dripping water echoed down the long, dark hallway. It mingled with the sounds of low moans that reached Nosferatuness' keen ears, but came from somewhere beyond the range of even her vision. She sometimes wished the Mistress would let her wander about at will to explore all the tunnels, side passages, and chambers that Castle Rollingrock's lower levels held. Much of it was dungeons, Nosferatuness knew, but not all. There were places where things happened that mutually benefited both parties involved. She'd participated in many such events at her Mistress' direction, but sometimes she just wanted to watch. The thought of quietly standing in the shadows to bear witness to what others might call an atrocity was a comforting image when her day had grown dull. Nosferatuness had considered that the Mistress might very well be open to such a request, but it was not her place to make requests of Her in even the least of ways. So she walked where and when she was told to, and reveled in the delight at fulfilling Her wishes and commands. She especially loved tasks such as this evening's. She stopped before a cell and rose to her tiptoes to peer through the small square of bars at the prisoner within. She smiled. Breaking the righteous was always such a pleasure. Her tongue flicked lightly over her lips and brushed itself against one of her fangs. Perhaps She would let me indulge myself for just a taste, she thought. Inside the squalid room, a figure was chained to the far wall. He normally had the run of the entire cell, but the chains could be wound up so as to bind their wearer flat against the wall or hang them at an angle. This was how he was positioned currently. Arms above his head and slightly forward, but extended so as to leave his chest open. He was not naked, but his shirt was tattered and ripped down the center, while his pants had frayed cuffs and no crotch to cover his genitals. "Who's there?" he asked. "I can sense your presence, you know. It does no good to pretend I am unaware of you." Nosferatuness ignored the question and wafted through the opening in the door. The man twitched as the inherent chill of her mist form briefly brushed over his skin and reached deep into his flesh. "I should have known it would be you. Are you the only tormentor here? What is your damn name?" He turned his head at the slight shift in temperature as Nosferatuness reformed nearby. Silently, she reached out a single talon and ran it slowly down the inside of the man's thigh. A moan escaped his lips before he steeled himself and leaned his weight more firmly upon the chain holding him at an angle to the floor. The pressure of the steel cutting into his wrists helped clear his head. Nosferatuness ran the finger back the other way on the man's skin. As she brushed her hand against his crotch, she opened it to let his sack rest in her palm. Squeezing, just a little, brought another sound of both desperation and desire from the prisoner. It also roused his cock. Contrary to what was expected, as Nosferatuness' cold breath enveloped the growing erection before her, it pulsed and bobbed and the prisoner could feel nothing but heat in his entire pelvic area—abdomen, groin, balls, shaft and cock head. Even the tops of his thighs felt warmer than before Nosferatuness had begun her work. She smiled at the ease with which she had brought him to full hardness. Teasingly, she stroked his shaft with the edges of her talons and flicked her tongue across the purple tip as well as over the light coloured pressure lines the claws left behind on his cock. Mistress, she thought, is there more for me to do here? High within the suite of rooms she enjoyed as a permanent guest of Castle Rollingrock, Nosferatuness' Mistress sat before what appeared to be an oversized wash basin. She gazed upon the waters before her and nodded to herself as the scene in the cell played out. Her minion was nothing if not talented. If not for the restriction placed on her by the Power she served, she would enjoy Nosferatuness' talons and tongue for her own pleasure. "No," she said to the image before her. "Bring him to the edge several times, however you would like, and then return to me here." She picked up a fancily decorated envelope and turned it over in her hand to reread the writing upon it. "I believe I have another mission for you. And messages to carry." As you wish, Nosferatuness thought back. She took the man's cock in her hand and began stroking it. He bit his lip and tried to draw himself back from her, but her grip was fast and not to be denied. He tried to summon up the picture of his beloved Katrina, but all that came to mind was the slight form and faceless curves that might as well been his torturer. He inwardly cursed himself as he felt himself about to come, when Nosferatuness stopped. "Damn you!" Nothing came in response besides a low giggle, and then the warming chill began anew as a tongue ran itself along one ear and a familiar talon slowly began tracing circles about a nipple. He moaned as his disappointed cock began rising once more. ******* Remec shook his head and sighed as he walked briskly down the hall followed closely behind by the Chamberlain. It was bad enough that he was saddled with having his father's daughter in the castle, but to have to deal with all the assorted Dark creatures and beings that thought nothing of just dropping by to visit with her—or worse, give her oaths of fealty and do whatever perversion might pop into her little feline head—that was more than just the usual headache. He reentered the audience chamber and found an old man sitting on one of the best chairs. He had a cigar in one hand and the other was inching its way beneath the short skirt of one of the ladies that seemed to always be about the court. "Ooh, how exciting," Sarahh was saying. "And you came all this way by yourself?" "Well, the Duchess of Florafawn wanted this message delivered, and I hate to see a lovely lady's desires go unfulfilled," The Fool answered. He shifted Sarahh a bit as she sat on his knee and brought his face perilously close to her bosom. He blinked as if to reassure himself he wasn't dreaming, and leaned his face against Sarahh's chest. Fool gave a pleasing sort of sigh and let his hand fondle the noblewoman's bottom under her skirt. "Have you any unfulfilled desires, milady?" Sarahh squirmed a bit, trying to make the most of the hand and fingers beneath her, and tried to catch her breath enough to speak. "Oooh...do I," was all she managed to get out however before she noticed Remec and the Chamberlain in the doorway. "Oh! My Lord Remec! I was just...um...." Sarahh's face reddened slightly as she tried to regain her feet without losing any of her gown to the Fool's fingers. Remec laughed and shook his head, motioning Sarahh to remain where she was. "I can see quite well what you were just," Remec said. "It seems my day to be interrupting people who were just, or being interrupted—as the case may be." He glanced back to Belegon and then to Fool. "You must be the messenger I was told of. And quite a man of words you are to have our Lady Sarahh in hand so soon." The Fool shrugged. "Sometimes I manage a good turn of phrase, so I've been told, but I am merely a Fool spouting foolish things." He sat up more properly in the chair (the motion bringing Lady Sarahh's bottom away from his hand and up against his lap. Fool cleared his throat to cover any other noise he might make as his lap flexed at the touch of the flesh resting on it. "I bear an invitation for your Lordship from Her Grace, Duchess Falling of Florafawn, to attend a gathering of notable personages for drink, feasting, dancing, and whatever else may come to pass," Fool told Remec as he produced the gilded envelope from one of his pockets. He held it out and Remec motioned for the Chamberlain to get it. Remec took the envelope, opened it, and scanned the note within. "Lady Sarahh, if it would not be too troubling for you to leave us gentlemen alone that we may speak with...Fool...about his trip and other items of note?" Sarahh rose slowly from her seat and bowed deeply to Remec. "Not at all your Lordship. Chamberlain, Fool..." she curtsied to the others and began to leave. As she backed up beyond Remec and the Chamberlain's sight, she mouthed to Fool, "Later?" To which The Fool smiled and nodded. Sarahh left the audience chamber beaming. "Now then," Remec began, "tell us about the carriage that picked you up? I am especially interested in anything its passenger might have said about their purpose here in the castle." As the gentlemen began their talk, Lady Sarahh made her way down the hall and tried to decide what outfit might be best to wear that evening for the feasting. No feast had yet been announced, but with a messenger from a duchess in the castle at the same time that Her Ladyship had noble company visiting, it was a likely event. She had just about made up her mind on one of the more relaxed gowns she owned—a mid-calf piece from Draugia that swayed when she walked, even more when she danced, and was easily hiked up or removed if anything should develop that required a gown to function so—when she became aware of a series of moans, low thumps, and rough breathing from a room up ahead of her. She approached the chamber cautiously, prepared to scream out if need be. Within she saw one of the castle servants lying upon a bed with a woman between her thighs and a well defined, tattooed man slowly pushing his cock in and out of her mouth. Sarahh's eyes grew wide even as her hands were undoing the ties of her gown and her feet were carrying her into the room and sliding back to shut the door. The sound of the door moving made the trio glance towards it, and the wench freed her mouth to welcome the newcomer. "Hello, milady. I'd curtsy if I could, you know me," she said. Sarahh laughed as she knelt to join Impressive. "Not as well as I'm about to," Sarahh said. She gave Impressive a look that said May I? as clearly as if she'd spoken aloud, and Impressive made room to let Sarahh lean in and give the servant's pussy a gentle kiss that broadened quickly as her tongue came out to lap at the mingled juices flowing from the woman. "Mmm...you do that so well, milady. This is the Lady Sarahh," she said haltingly. She bit her lip slightly. "Milady this is Willie the Slyc," she said as she stroked the man's long cock and then bobbed her head over it's length once more. "And I'm Imp," Impressive said as she took Sarahh's head away from the wench's pussy and gave her a long, deep, welcoming kiss. She broke the kiss and let Sarahh return to licking and sucking. Impressive ran her tongue about Sarahh's earlobe and reached a hand up to fondle on of her breasts. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Sarahh," Imp said. She moved around behind the noblewoman, kissing and nipping lightly at Sarahh's flesh. Imp spread Sarahh's asscheeks, and smelled the scent of arousal already upon the woman. "Hmm, someone came prepared," Imp said. "Or mostly so." She then leaned forward and circled Sarahh's rosebud with her tongue. Sarahh stopped for a moment and a shudder ran the length of her body. Impressive chuckled and caught Willie's eye. "Oh yes, meeting you is very much a pleasure," she added as she began rimming Sarahh and fingering her further dampening pussy. She let her tongue open up Sarahh's asshole for a while and then began fingering that as well, filling the noblewoman and making her slowly begin thrusting her hips back towards Impressive. Willie pulled his cock from the wench's mouth and stepped around by Impressive. He knelt down and put himself between Sarahh's cheeks while Impressive held them apart a bit. "Nice," he said as he let himself penetrate her ass and begin slowly feeding his entire shaft into her. "Ohhhh," Sarahh cooed. She stopped eating the wench's pussy and gripped the other woman's thighs. "Oh yeah," she said. Her voice was deeper and held a sense of hunger beneath her words. "I've been needing that all day...give it to me, Willie." "Yes, milady," Willie said as he picked up the pace. Impressive giggled as she stayed where she could watch Willie fuck Sarahh's ass. Behind her, the wench drew herself out from below Sarahh and slipped a pillow beneath her arms and face. She then leaned forward to fondle Impressive's asscheecks. Impressive gave a glance over her shoulder and caught the wench's eye. "Go on," she said as she knelt and bent herself over. The wench laughed and let her hand explore Impressive's openings, inserting a finger in her pussy and then kneeling herself and planting kisses and teasing swipes of her tongue on Impressive's inner thighs and the flesh around her sex. "I intend to." ******* Remec handed the reply to Fool. "Take this answer back to Her Grace, you can leave first thing in the morning." Fool sighed and nodded. Remec laughed. "Very well, first thing after you wake tomorrow, fair enough?" "Your Lordship is nothing if not understanding." Fool reached into one of his pockets and drew out a pair of cigars. He offered one to Remec, and the other to Chamberlain Belegon, then took out another for himself and lit it off a candle from a nearby table. "I wish I was of more help, I really didn't speak much with either the owner of the carriage I rode in with or his driver." Fool lounged back on the settee he'd gotten comfortable upon and blew smoke rings at the ceiling between his words. Remec stood. quickly. "A driver? Of course, it's not like even the Shadowed One would so freely use his powers as to bring a carriage here without someone to drive the team. Come, let's see what we can discover from this man." "Woody," Fool said. "He said his name was Woody. I believe he was seeing to the horses and then was planning on getting something to eat from the kitchen." "Well, let's see whether that's so," replied Remec. He headed through the halls towards the kitchen, followed by Fool and Belegon. They discovered that the kitchen was quiet and no one seemed to be about. Remec looked at his Chamberlain. Then they both turned to regard Fool. He glanced about to see what they were looking at and then shook his head. "Don't look at me, I'm just visiting." "He has a point, your Lordship," Belegon said. "I don't understand where the entire kitchen staff could be. It is very unlike Abstruse. You know what a tight ship she runs." "True, but she lives up to her name. There are times when I think I will never understand....what was that?" He turned away from Belegon to step further into the room and listened carefully. He motioned towards the small hallway in the rear that led to storerooms and pantries. Belegon nodded and stepped up beside Remec to flank the hall and begin heading down it. Fool laughed lightly and began making himself a sandwich. The sounds were quite faint. Moans and thumps and what might be speech could just be made out coming from the door at the end of the hall. Remec gave Belegon a questioning look and the Chamberlain leaned close to whisper, "Dining area for the kitchen staff and other castle workers." Remec nodded and stepped up to the door and flung it wide open. Upon the long wooden table in the center of the room, a pair of shapely women could be seen sitting astride a lean but muscular man. Magica had her skirts off and was rubbing her pussy against the man's lips and the lengthy tongue was lapping the juices flowing onto his chin while her fellow wench, while Angelicminx rode the man's equally lengthy cock. She had also dropped her skirts, but her top was also undone and her large breasts bounced and jiggled with each energetic rise and fall she made. Abstruse sat to one side, taking in the whole scene, with her legs propped up and spread apart. Between her pale thighs, Remec could see another of the kitchen staff--a younger woman with hair in a ponytail that everyone called "Ghost"--teasingly kissing and licking Abstruse's thighs and pussy. The older woman glanced at the doorway and nodded. "Hello, Remec." "Hello, Abs...on a break, are we?" The Castle Rollingrock kitchen mistress laughed and shrugged. "He wanted something to eat, and all of us began with the usual innuendos, and...well, here we are...shall I have them stop?" Remec shook his head as he began undoing his pants. "Not on your life." He moved up behind Angelicminx and fondled the redhead's thighs and ass. She turned and looked at him over her shoulder. He leaned against her and kissed her deeply. She moaned as Remec's own cock brushed against her and settled into the space beneath and between her cheeks. "Milord..." He silenced her with another kiss while one hand slid his cock back and began rubbing against Woody's shaft and Minx' pussy getting his fingers slick. Remec then moved back and spread Minx' cheeks to start licking and fondling her anus. Minx cooed and began riding Woody that much harder, then gasped slightly as Remec let a finger penetrate her other opening. She rode both cock and finger for a while, biting her lip as Remec continued loosening her up. He then positioned himself behind her and eased his cock into her ass. All four people involved let out another series of moans and pleasurable noises as the feeling between Remec and Minx spread to Woody and Magica as well. And even across the gap to Abstruse and Ghost. The older woman had one hand on the other's head, feeling the softness of her hair and occasionally playing with the ponytail as means of indicating when Ghost had found a good rhythm or had her fingers and tongue in just the right spot. While Chamberlain Belegon stood in the doorway and tried to convince himself the dining room's table would hold the weight of a fifth person. Finally, he quietly stripped down and moved the table's bench right up beside it and stood so as to offer his cock to Magica. She looked up at him with the most radiant, deep blue eyes Belegon could ever recall seeing and rose higher, pretty much sitting on Woody's mouth and tongue, to undo the bindings covering her bosom and enfold Belegon's cock between her globes. He nodded his approval and began thrusting his shaft back and forth in the valley of Magica's cleavage until she finally let him free to brush the slick tip of his cock against her lips. She opened her mouth and licked at the purplish head, taking hold of the shaft and leaning to let Belegon brace himself better. Magica gave the Chamberlain one more look and then slipped her lips over his cock and let the whole thing enter her mouth and throat. Fool watched from the doorway. He slowly chewed a bite of his sandwich as he took in the entire tableau. Mistress Abstruse, whom he'd met when he arrived, seemed to be in her element as she let herself be pleasured by another young protégé while watching a multilevel scene she, no doubt, had orchestrated. He smiled as he backed out and shut the door behind him. "I think I'm off to find that Lady Sarahh," Fool said to himself. "Then I have a letter to deliver." He laughed. "I hope Duchess Falling is ready for anything. Because that's exactly what she's going to get." Fool turned to one side and cocked his head, then back in another one and smiled with a nod. "Isn't that so, milady?" Standing before her mirror-basin, Lord Remec's half-sister gazed into the scrying pool and raised an eyebrow. "But of course," she said, although she was fairly certain The Fool was only aware of her spying and not her thoughts or words. She turned to look at the bed across the room from her where Nosferatuness was wiping her lips of cum and misting over to her side. "Both of you go ahead," she told both her female servant as well as the man Nosferatuness had just serviced. "I will go with my brother." "Do you think that wise, Mistress?" asked the man as he finished dressing and drew his cloak about his shoulders, leaving the hood down for now. "My dear Duke of Shadows, the invitation was clearly for the named guest and their household." She gave him a slender smile that had signaled the end of many a lesser man. "Am I not is sister?" Deathlynx chuckled. "Yes, Mistress, as you say." "Go then, I have much to do once you're on the road." SelenaKittyn watched the pair depart her chambers and then eased herself back onto the cushions of her daybed and rekindled the waters of the scrying pool. "And, first of all, I believe a little pleasure is not out of place." |
She had just gotten out of her bathtub, in which she had been soaking for almost 45 minutes. She felt very relaxed; all the day's stress had seeped out and left her very calm and sleepy. She used some scented bath oil to give her whole body the aroma of lavender. As she toweled herself off she ran her hands over her smooth creamy skin, relishing in the tingling sensations. Her entire body felt vibrant and rejuvenated. She hung the towel up to dry, went through her drawers, and found her favorite oversized T- shirt. It ended just below the cheeks of her ass. She enjoyed wearing it; it was very soft and thin. It made her comfortable on those warm summer evenings. She lay down on the bed to flip thru some channels, and found nothing to her liking. She remembered that she had received an e-mail at work from her friend. She had almost forgotten she had it. She retrieved it from her purse and brought it back to her bedroom to read. She enjoyed reading his fantasy stories, which were arousing, and she imagined often that he were there to read them to her or to act them out. This one was especially interesting because it involved a small group. As she read the story she could feel the familiar tinglings beginning down low in her body. She lay back on her bed and slowly began to gently tease her breast and nipple, pinching softly at first, but applying more pressure as she read. The action of the story was just heating up; she moved her hand lower, over her stomach, and into the soft thicket of hair -- ever closer to her now-moist sex. She was feeling very warm indeed. The story was heating her up! He wrote what he felt, what he wanted to do to her, and how he wanted her to feel about them joining together. He was very descriptive and left nothing out. She was now past the letter and very aroused. She wanted him to know how this story he wrote had made her feel. She wanted him. He was miles and miles away, but she wanted to share an experience with him. She called his cell phone and in her sexiest voice began to describe in detail what she was doing to herself. She wanted him to know that because of his story, she was so turned on that she was rubbing herself towards her first orgasm of the night. He made a quick excuse to get out of earshot of whoever was nearby. She didn't care; she loved the thought of teasing him. When he was able to hear better, he noticed that she sounded breathless and had a raspy, husky tone to her voice. He asked what she was doing. She told him that she had two fingers in her sopping wet bush and that she was all juicy. He heard her softly moan into the phone. He requested that she tell him exactly what she was doing. She went into detail of how she was fingering herself with one hand. The other hand was tugging and pulling at her rock-hard nipples. She told him that she was all wet and juicy. She moved the phone down to her cunt, and he could hear the slushing noises she made as she fingered herself. All the time she was talking to him, he could hear the changes in her breathing, and he imagined her hands gently and not-so-gently satisfying herself. He asked if she had any of her toys nearby. She told him they were in her drawer. She reached into the nightstand and pulled out one of her favorites. It was a long, flexible two-headed dildo. He told her to suck on the end of it as she would him, if he was there. She did as he asked; she was his to command. She sucked on the tip of the plastic cock, thinking of him. Licking the tip with her tongue, she rolled it around in her mouth. She continued to play with her pussy as she sucked on the artificial cock. He told her to remove it from her mouth and insert it in her cunt. She was breathing hard and shallow now. With one hand, she placed the cock head inside of her wet opening. As he heard her sigh, he could only guess that she was pushing it further into herself. He had, by this time, a tremendous hard-on and had reached inside his pants to play with it himself. He could hear the grunts and moans as she completed her task. She told him it was in her. He told her to fuck herself with it. She moaned softly, thinking of how much she enjoyed this. Here she was with a hard cock in her creamy pussy, and she heard him on the other end of the phone now. He was also breathing in ragged gasps, telling her to keep fucking herself. Minutes passed, as she gently rocked her bottom to meet her own thrusts. She squealed into the phone that she was coming. He told her to spit in her hand and rub the other end of the dildo, and she did so without question. She spit several times on the free end, till it was shiny with dripping saliva. He told her to put that end to her asshole and put it inside. She had to set the phone down close to her so she could use both hands, but she did as she was told. She now had an end in each hole. She slowly began to slide both ends in and out, building up a smooth pace. She felt filled to the max. He was telling her that this was what he wanted to do to her. He wanted to fuck her tight ass as she fucked herself with her toy. She could hear his grunts now on the other end, matching hers; she was going to come again. She wanted to come with him. So she gyrated her hips to intensify the pleasure. He could here her moans, over and over, calling him by name. Her juices were soaking the bed beneath her. She was in ecstasy. He told her he was coming, that he couldn't hold back any longer, and she envisioned streams of white milky cum spewing over his hand and dribbling from his hard cockhead. This vision put her over the top. She came again, her body spasming as she couldn't control herself. She was arching her back as she felt her own body shudder through her orgasm. The toy was slowly expelled from her holes. She lay gasping on the bed, breathing deeply. She was fully exhausted from the experience. He told her he loved her and thanked her for sharing this intimacy with him. As she gingerly stroked herself, she said it was all due to his writings. She told him that he would need to begin a new story soon. |
We dallied at our little 'human camp'. I had been long since healthy enough to return to her flock's home valley, but we are honeymooning vigorously and sweetly. Other newly mated avian have found our small camp and used it as a brief shelter on their journeys home to happiness. I am embarrassed of their recognition and the fanciful tales they recount about the human who joined their swarm that year and made a legend of himself. "If we're going to go home ever, we should do it soon." My Erry tells me one morning after we have made love. "I'm going to lay soon. I'd be more comfortable at home." It's been a week or so since we mated, and we've been lazy and very in love. There is a tree near the 'human camp' where the visitors have carved their names and home place names. We spend a few hours under that same tree while we wait for the afternoon sea breeze that sweeps inland over the mountains and which will carry us home. "It's almost sad to leave." She smiles her dark blue eyes up at me. "It feels like a home now." "I'm kind of looking forward to a proper bed and a shower." I laugh. "Oh god yes. I still feel so damn feral. We need to visit the Arkhaven, I want a cut and style and my feet need the Mother. They're disgusting. Are you sure you are well enough for the flight?" "Have been for days. Just a little distracted with something." "Wouldn't be a little birdy would it?" We giggle together and hold each other warmly. "How is Ornkeh?" I ask. She has visited occasionally. "Oh... Still angry. Feeling better. Doesn't talk much. I think he's angry with himself. He still can't look at me properly." "Maybe I should go..." She shakes her head. "He needs to make peace with himself. I think he judges himself quite harshly, as he should, but he leaves no room to forgive his instinct. I don't know. It's sad." There are feathers at my ankles now. They run like the flight feathers on my arms from my knee to my ankle. I did not get a tail, but they serve the same function. We have discovered that I am much faster through the air but not as buoyant on thermals. We have also discovered that if I lay inverted on my back with my arms out and my feet still, Eris can ride me through our coupling and I can guide us with my ankles, so long as she keeps us held aloft on her outstretched arms. It's kind of naughty, but it's a great way to start our flight home. The waning thermals of the sun warmed beach raise us high into the thinning atmosphere. We hold hands and simply circle in the warm updraft of air. There are postcards of newlyweds sharing the same smiling faces we show each other that make most people want to puke with their schmaltz. That's us as we feel the first cool drafts of the sea breeze ruffle at us and turn toward home. With the stream of cool fast air at our wings we sail up over the mountains in no time, and I love Erry's gleeful shriek of joy as she recognises the valley of her home. I point out the plateau to our right where I met Merler and she makes me promise we can visit and thank her. Hours later we glide softly, still holding hands to a gentle landing outside her parent's hut. It is extremely late. Or perhaps quite early. In any case we satisfy ourselves with finding a couch in the lounge area and fall asleep, exhausted and the human word happy comes nowhere near describing the contentment I feel as my Eris falls asleep atop me. I hold her and dream. I dream of children I will never give her. I dream of her shortened life if she follows me home to earth. I dream of my short existence here if I stay. I dream of xenophobia and hatred. I wake to, "Twit, twit, twit, hello lovers. Wake up. Your family is all waiting. Come on. We have much to celebrate." Mrs Vogel is brushing our faces with her feathers and Eris is drooling onto my chest. We are both completely naked and stink of our lovemaking and exertion from the flight. No one cares. Children pull at my feathers and ask if they're real. Ernst hugs me and earns a cock-necked look from the others. "Try it!" He grins. "It is a very nice way to say friendship; to say family." Then we all get hugs and it's a bit weird with all of the females pressing their naked breasts against me, but it's home and good. Eris is having a very hushed and giggled conversation with her mother and Srianne, and a couple of other aunts and nieces that I have not met. I expected Srianne to harbour a deep well of animosity for me given Ornkeh's injuries and absence. Apparently, they fought long and hard about his anger and departure. It is not spoken of. Mr Vogel leads me aside a while later when everyone is fed and full of flower essence and we can slip into the fading light of a day of celebration. We walk to the top of the small knoll that Eris led me to that day a long time ago when her feathers had finished forming and her swarming was at hand. He leaned down to the ground and with his fingers he scraped at the dirt and grass and cleared it away from the rocks beneath. Rocks that shone white in the green sunset and reflected red fire within them. "There are reasons for all things." He said and brushed the back of his hand in a very intimate avian gesture against my cheek. "Perhaps my people can start forgiving humans with this new hope." "I hope so, father." "Do those hugs feel good?" We tried one. He said it was exceptional. ~*~ "Look husband." Eris tells me one afternoon. She has been moody and distracted. "What?" She holds out an egg. "I have started laying." "Is that bad? You sound upset or disappointed." "We cannot mate for a few days." "Oh... We could probably use a break..." I laugh. "Haha. Hmm. But it is... I'm cranky because I want to still." "This girl called Trudy Alcorn had some ideas once, I think." "Hahaha. Perhaps we can try those." Her face drops to a serious expression that I cannot read. "What? Erry, what?" "It is customary for newly mated avian to take their first eggs to a... I don't know the earth word for them... An old woman. A Singer..." "Like Sarika? Merler? Mavisk?" "Yes, like them." There are tears at her cheeks now and her chest is heaving. "But it's pointless. The custom is to establish fertility. I'm... My... I think I got a human heart from all my time on earth and now it's hurting." She hands me another egg. It's just as beautiful as the first one that lies smashed in that cave. But this one has a slight pink blush to it like Erry's feathers get when... When she signals her interest. "Come." I tell her simply. It is mid-afternoon and coming into the Arcadian winter. The breezes are cool but not lower than twenty degrees Celsius. We climb them steadily, holding hands as usual and she asks, "Merler?" "If she lives. She is very old. She will know." "You hold hope?" Her eyes cry down her cheeks. "I have wings... Who says hope is wasted?" Her mournful cry into the darkling sky is sad like a crying eagle. When we land upon the grassy shores of the lake that so long ago was my training ground, we look about for habitation. The small hut near the jetty seems in disarray and when we search it there are no signs of life. The fire is long cold and the cauldron rusting. "What now?" Erry nuzzles my chest. "I fish." "Fish?" "Of course. Without fishing, what is there?" She looks at me like I only owned three marbles in the first place, and I have misplaced four of them. Laughing with the simple joy of not being dead, having found and mated with my lover, and the remembered ridiculousness of my early attempts at fishing, I sprint to the water and immerse myself in the brisk waters of that familiar lake. An hour later, we are boiling flowers, fungus and crayfish in the cauldron and six skewered fish smoke in the fires glow. The green sun is setting, and I am remembering that frightened boy who sat here so long ago wondering how he was ever going to find his mate. "Hmmph... That could use spices, boy-man." Startles us both and glancing around, a very hunched Merler smiles deeply at us sitting in her hut. "I thought I smelled cooking. I've been too unwell to fish or climb for mushrooms. My wings..." She holds her arms up and they are moulting. The feathers are thin beyond flight and her tail is ragged. She rummages in a basket and brings out some jars of finely ground things which she adds to the cauldron. "I knew in my heart I would see you again. And you too, Eris human-bound. Look at your beautiful feathers, boy-man. Sarika's wish came true." "How did you know of her blessing?" Erry asks. "Does it matter, child? Show me your egg. That is why you are here, yes?" I take it from the basket at my back. The same basket Merler gifted me so long ago, and hand it gently to her. There is no possessive need to protect it, I trust her fully. She turns it in her hands in front of the fire for long moments, squinting into its opaque with the firelight depths. Her head shakes. "Not this one. This is breakfast." Eris weeps quietly. "Do not lose heart child. You have your human. Is that not enough?" Eris nods, but I know her heart aches for the lost possibility of children. I hear Ornkeh's voice and feel his curse. I have sentenced my mate to this life without her own flock, just by loving her. Selfish bloody human... My heart soars when Eris laughs. "I do. I have my human. Look at his feathers Singer Merler. The Mother saved him. Saved us. I just got my hopes up is all." Merler feathers Eris's cheek and smiles as she ladles out broth and crayfish tails. "Stranger things are yet on the wing, child. Mark my words. Hold your eggs in front of the flame and you will see a shadow of life in them one day yet." Eris and I tell of our adventures and Merler nods. She looks so tired as we talk long into the night. "I'm sorry if I sleep on you boy-man. I do not wish to offend you sister." She apologises as we prepare for bed. In the morning we wake and Merler is indeed asleep upon me. She lies beside a smiling Eris who shushes me and tells me in a whisper, "Shh, let her sleep. I'll gather some breakfast for us." She rises gently and stands smiling down at the peaceful looking Merler. Then she turns and gathers a trap and a basket. She became quite proficient at gathering insects in our short time at the 'human camp'. Merler wakes as Eris is cooking the bugs in the smoke from the fire and assembling grain and salad leaves. She smiles at me embarrassedly, "Thank you boy-man. It is good to be warmed by a man after all these years. Let me help you sister." I tend to ablutions by the lake and listen to them laugh and talk in Arcadian whistles and tweets. Eris has been practicing her Arcadian since returning from the swarm and is becoming quite adept. Myself on the other hand, I lack the avian vocal cords required to reproduce their sounds. When I return, I watch them assemble omelette from Eris's egg into the folded salad leaves and I am handed two. "Eat well, Todd. Today you gather mushrooms. Eris will remain." She places a hand on Erry's abdomen, "She will lay again, a little before midday. We will candle her egg and prepare for her journey this evening." "Journey?" "Is he always this slow in the mornings?" She asks Eris, cackling. Erry rolls her eyes and nods with her mouthful. "Tonight, my sister will speak with the Mother as you did when last you were here. Do you remember your visions?" "Yes Merler." This time my journey up the sheer cliffs is aided greatly by my feathers. I cling only to the rocks with my taloned fingers when I stop to pick the mushrooms I remember working much more vigorously for so long ago. Upon the upper plateau, the moths strike at my feathers allowing my hands and arms to escape their stings as I obtain a generous portion of the smaller brown mushrooms. The fauna seems less inclined to bother me and there is no sign of those weird fox creatures. I sit on the grass and marvel in the beauty of this sanctuary high above the world. There is a feeling like pins and needles of soothing energy gently flowing from the ground into my feet and body. My hands can feel it too when I claw them into the dirt. I've lost track of time and know I should return. My heart hurts a little to leave this place, but I step out into the air and this time I land a lot more gracefully. There is no flapping tumble into the lake. Eris greets me with another egg held in her hand. "Not this one either. I am afraid I may never give you children, my mate." She nuzzles into my chest, and I hold her there as she gently cries for her unfertile egg. "Come children. I have food." We sit and eat quietly. Eris puts her egg to the side on the small table near the cauldron where Merler has placed the mushrooms. "Mavisk tells me great stories of you boy-man. She tells me you are legend among the returning Arcadian lovers." "I'm sure the stories are inflated, Merler. I simply did a small kindness and fought to find my Eris." "She tells me some other things which I will not share." There is the hint of a smirk on her face as she eats. "She has a letter of introduction for you. You are to give it to Chancellor Galo in the Arkhaven complex. It is on its way to the Vogel's home by way of Ornkeh's return." "Ornkeh... I am glad he is well." I frown as I remember the sick snap of bones as I injured him. "Did Mavisk visit?" There is very little technology on the avian worlds. "There are many ways of communicating boy-man. Tell me do you and Eris not speak without speaking?" We laugh remembering we have done just that for many years and moreso now we are mated. "Ornkeh, is healed but he is not well. He did not want to heal. He carries great shame. It is not the avian way to apologise but rather to make things right. He returns with a heart made heavy by his belief that it cannot be made right. This is for your flock to navigate. Not the business of an old woman. Fish, boy-man. Let us women speak of things to come." By evening there is a basket of cleaned and scaled fish, and I am busy washing the stink of them from my hands with a paste of mint smelling leaves and sand. "We have been speaking of her Eric." Eris tells me and startles me into almost falling forward off the little jetty. Her voice is happy, and her giggles make me grateful for her time to speak with Merler. "She thinks the mother has changed you enough to make your life much longer here than his. I think we should return to your earth. What do you think, Toddy?" "My home is wherever you are, my mate. What time we have, is not up to me, nor any of my business." I tell her pulling her close with my now cleaner arms. "Don't be so flippant!" She pushes me away. "If I can't have young, I will at least have you as long as I can!" I watch silently as her lyre feathers fade from crimson back to their silver selves. "I'm sorry. Come. Merler is ready to make the thing... Tea... whatever." Her fingers lace with mine and she leans on my arm as we walk back. I put the basket near the fireplace and follow Merler's gesture to sit. We sit side by side on the woven mats and watch as she prepares the concoction. "Boy-man, fetch a bucket. You know what happened last time." "Ew... Yes. I'm not looking forward-" "It is not for you. Only the women drink tonight. The Mother is finished with you for now." Sitting the bucket down between us, I watch as she adds a little of Erry's blood and her own and stirs the mix. She then hands Eris a wooden cup of the foul-smelling custardy stuff. Eris sips at it first and retches a little before holding her nose and drinking it all down quickly. "Yuck." She says then recoils sharply as the potent mix grips her mind and body. Her eyes are rolled back, and she flails until I take her hand. "Relax sister. Let it be. Tell me where you are and what you see." "There are so many of them." "Who dear?" "Young. So many young. They sit at my feet, and they play. Over there. They fish with my husband. They listen to my father tell stories. Many are not here." "Where are you?" "I am here." "No in your vision dear, where are you?" "We are here. At this lake. There is a new house, just near this one." "Where are the others? The ones who are not present." "They are to the south, the north, the west. Some are on Chukar. Some on Turaco. And they are not all young. There are old and young and adult alike. And they all call me mother." Merler nods gently as she watches the expressions flit across Eris's face. "Then it is time. Tell me sister. Can you feel the Mother? Reach out for her." "Oh..." Eris makes an awed small sound. "What do you see?" "There is a baby. A little avian girl. It is me. I am in a basket crying and my mother picks me up. Except she does not look like my mother, Teela. She is avian but... I suckle at her breasts and settle and when I sleep, she puts me back into my basket." Eris is quiet a moment then squeezes my hand and speaks again. "She calls me to her. I run giggling. I don't remember being so small. She takes my hand and tells me I am going to meet a new mother. I scream and stomp. She holds me close and tells me that she loves me and will always be there." "I am five. I remember this. I am walking into my earth home, and it is so very weird. There are walls and I feel separated from my family by them. I sleep in my own room and I'm very afraid but then she comes to me and holds my hand while I try to go to sleep. She is beautiful and her hands are warm and calming. She sings a song to me of butterflies and... She is human. It's not my mother. I don't understand." "I am six and I am frightened. The human children are so very loud. I feel so different. They tease and they try to touch me. I can see her standing behind them with a worried look on her face. She says, 'I will find someone for you'. Then she is gone and haha. It is Toddy. I remember when he looked like that." Her vision is interrupted by the violent purging of her stomach into the bucket I hold steady for her. When she wipes her mouth, her eyes open and though bloodshot, it is clear she is no longer dreaming. "Gross... Fucking yuck." We both laugh at her. "What? What the hell does all that mean anyway? Oh god, I'm gonna go again." She takes the bucket and her heaving self, down by the lake where she offers the last of her stomach contents into the bucket, empties it in some bushes and rinses it clean in the lake. As she returns, Merler takes her own cup of the brew and drinks it down deeply. She is quiet and still as she navigates her own experience. Her body twitches now and then and before the end, tears roll down her face then clear for a smile to settle on her wrinkled skin. She does not require the bucket. Her eyes simply open and she says, "Well now children. Let's cook something to wash the taste of that out of our memories. We shall make this a meal to remember. Eris, in the basket next to you are herbs and spices. Bring them. Todd, on the sides of the lower cliffs, where the ground starts to fall away, you will find roots with purple streaks to them. I will need three. Oh, and the fruit from the small vines with the green flowers. Hurry boy-man. We have much to celebrate." Truthfully, I am grateful for some tasks to occupy me and set about flying down in much the same place as I once climbed up some weeks ago. The green flowering vines are simple to find, and their fruit reminds me much of an earthly tomato. The roots much harder to spot in the failing green light of the sunset. Eventually I locate three of them and dig them free. They resemble tubers or rhizomes. Merler accepts them gratefully and has Eris peel and chop the roots while she skins and dices the fruit. I can feel Eris's frustration as a tugging gnawing annoyance in my gut. "Well?" She finally grumps. I laugh remembering a million times she has put her hands on her hips and demanded I explain some nuance of human social behaviour. "Are you going to tell me what that bullshit was all about?" "Hahaha." Merler cackles, "Humans have so many good words for when you are cranky. Eric liked the 'fuck' word. He also used this 'bullshit'. We will speak as we share a meal. I am still turning things over in my head and being guided by the Mother's wisdom. I am not being deliberately enigmatic. Come child. Let me show you some things while this finishes cooking. Not you, Todd. You stay and stir." Obediently, I take up the ladle and occasionally stir the fantastic smelling meal. Eris and Merler wander about the flat grassy part of the plateau behind her hut and Merler points out the many plants and other things of interest in her extended garden. They seem deeply lost in conversation and like a very wise male of any race, species or style of being, I do as I am told and stir the meal. "So..." Merler starts and then cackles to herself as we all take a mouthful of the food in our bowls. It is bloody fantastic. I would have no idea what it is called or how to reproduce it, but it is fish and roots and fruit and whatever mix of spices Merler used, and it tastes like a hug from your grandma. We both glance up at her expectantly. "What did you think your vision meant, sister?" "I don't know... It's so frustrating. I've been trying to figure it out all evening." "I have something that will help." I watch as Merler runs her fingers over her sternum and holds a closed fist out to Eris. "Here... Hold this and relax. Wander on your thoughts with no direction and let the Mother guide your way." When she opens her fingers, I see a stone much like the one that Mavisk gifted me for a short time. This one is larger and shaped like a bean. It is the same white fiery stone that seems to writhe beneath its surface with light. Eris plucks it gently from her fingers and says, "Oh... It warms." "Shh child. Just eat and relax." I need no encouragement to eat. The food is profoundly good. "Oh..." Eris says quietly. "The flocks of young... and old... You?" Eris stares sadly at Merler for long moments. Merler swallows and nods. "And I?" Eris shakes her head and Merler smiles. "You will be enough. Shh... Eat." Eris complies briefly. She's never one to have enjoyed being told what to do. "I have two mothers. My Arcadian Mother and my Earth Mother." "Yes child." "I must return to my earth Mother soon. She requires something of me." "Perhaps she has a gift?" Merler smiles to herself. "I don't know. But I know she calls. Besides Todd's parents need to... Oh no." "What?" I ask a little abruptly. "I am not sure, but I am sure we need to arrange another portal. We need to return to earth and share our new love with your parents. This has been very hard on them." She hands the rock back to Merler who stares at it for long moments. "Here child. Come here." Eris walks on her knees to sit near Merler who mimics the thing Mavisk did and scratches lightly at Eris's sternum and presses the stone under the skin. As with me, it appears Eris knows no pain and the wound heals before my eyes. "My own dreams told me that the place with the moths will be perfect. There is a stream and a waterfall. Behind that waterfall there is a little grotto." Eris nods and I think they have both gone crazy. Perhaps there is something in the spices. In any case our meal is finished, and we are all weary. I wash our utensils in the lake and when I return, Eris is crying quietly and holding Merler's hand. They are ready for sleep and so am I. In the morning, I wake to find myself beneath two beautiful avian women. One softly weeping Eris and one cold Merler. Her face is peaceful, and a smile curls the corners of her mouth. Her talons are wrapped in the hair on my chest. We fly her body up to that place of the moths and as she said, there was a cave behind the waterfall. We arranged her sitting cross-legged as she always did and left her still smiling, watching the waterfall. Outside, the moths and ratlike things, the six-legged foxes and some very large slugs had gathered in a quiet group at the pond. They watched as we walked to the edge and left Merler at rest in that little slice of utopia. Not a word passed between us all the way back to the Vogel's home. Our grief was deep but buoyed with Merler's peace. ~*~ Our return was expected and made awkward by Ornkeh's presence. Srianne was stern looking and distant with him. His children not so. They were glad their father was home and had no need to understand the drama. Mr Vogel asked me to walk with him. Eris and her mother spoke in avian and busied themselves with household matters. "Ornkeh is full of shame. I am full of anger. Ernst is full of worry for his brother and for you. It is not avian to apologise and seek forgiveness as Ernst did with you. That is of his human upbringing. Ornkeh wants to repair things but is afraid that it is far too broken. With you. With me. With his flock. I have no wisdom for this thing. What did you do on earth when you disappointed your parents?" "Oh... I apologised, but apologies are empty things. Just words. The hurt feelings took a long time to repair." "How did you repair them?" "I didn't. Time did. We did small things together and over time we rebuilt trust. Love never left. Just trust." "It is the same with Ornkeh. We love him. But his wrongdoing is big. He would have had his own sister raped... I still bristle with anger." "Find small things to do then. Listen..." I smile remembering it. "One day I stole Dad's car. They were away for the weekend and April wanted to go on a date. I had my licence, and I was allowed to use Mum's car, but Dad's was off limits. Do you remember it?" "The Mustang. He had to have a special licence to be allowed to use it on the roads. It had no driver assist at all." "Yes. April was very impressed. I was showing off and skidded into the gutter. There was not much damage. Just a nasty rash to the alloy wheel. But I had broken my father's trust and his heart." "You were grounded for quite some time. I remember Eris was very frustrated that you didn't visit for some weeks." "Yes well, I asked Mum the same questions. The worst thing was the look in my father's eyes when we spoke. I wished that he had lost his temper at me, but he was just hurt." "I know this feeling. It is the same." "Mum suggested going to help him with things. Little jobs he was doing. It felt really awkward. I helped him with some yard work the first day. We didn't speak at all. I hurt the whole time and hated myself. The next day I helped with the swimming pool cleaning. Again, we didn't speak, just short grunts and looks. It hurt but I kept at it. One day I was helping him paint the laundry when he just broke down and hugged me. We both cried. It was embarrassing but needed. We let go of the anger and no apology was necessary. He knew my pain. I knew his." We sat on that spot where the Mother-stone came to the surface for a long while. Neither of us speaking, until with a laugh, Mr Vogel said, "Haha. One day you will be a wonderful father. I'm not sure how. Teela cries with Eris about it. But you have too much father in you not to become one. Have you thought about where you and Eris will start your flock? You must have a home of your own now you are mated." "I have. At the end of your valley is a tall plateau where I found help in my journey to Eris. Merler, taught me to fish and-" "I know this Merler. I've heard the story many times now, son. This is the place? It is a good place. Not too far away. Not too close. Private, but close to my daughter's home. We will start planning tomorrow. It is a good small thing to get us all working together. Ernst is good with planning and drawing. Ornkeh is strong and smart at building. We will work together... until we work together. I am very happy. Come, let's tell the women." Dinner that evening was awkward. Especially as Mr Vogel explained his plan for our new dwelling. Eris was excited at having her own home to fill and Srianne and Teela had many suggestions on decorating. An undercurrent of tension was acknowledged by all but unspoken of. We men sat on the grass outside beside a winter fire and drank small cups of flower essence. We each contributed thoughts and plans for a home and even Ornkeh had things to say about resources and design. When we took our leave of each other to find our spouses and beds, I was gifted with a tentative nod from him. The following week was awkward. There were many times we each spoke our frustration into the problems at hand. I remember dropping a beam and having it slide down my shin and my cursed anger at the physical pain was my expression of anger at Ornkeh's betrayal. We each had those moments of vicarious catharsis. I remember Ornkeh looking at the plans Ernst had drawn and violently tearing them up when he could not get an arch to appear as drawn or walls... "Why did you have to have walls!?!." We three watched quietly as he released his own fears and doubts for Eris and my own plans for a future that was bound to be difficult, and we all knew our truths. Then one afternoon we had finished thatching the roof. We stood back as men from every life-form do after having completed something and admired our handiwork. Ernst's imagination had been brought to life. The women's furnishing had been the touches of home. Our sweat and banged fingers, our rage and quiet redemption was complete. "I believe this is how humans do it." Ornkeh said and pulled me into a hug. It was overlong and awkward, but it was good. "I am-" "Shh." Mr Vogel said. "There is nothing to say. We are flock." Apparently, it was an Arcadian custom for a flock to sleep the first night at their son or daughter's new home. Teela and Eris cooked that dish that had been Merler's last meal and I thought long about her that night. Was she still sitting up there smiling out through the waterfall at the world below her? Eris had candled two more eggs earlier in the week and then her laying was over. She no longer cried at the unfertilised eggs, but smiled and volunteered them from our evening meals. That evening in our own home, in our own newly thatched nest, we celebrated the end of her laying as quietly as we could with her family all asleep around us. The following morning over breakfast, Ornkeh broached the subject of the letter he carried. "Mavisk was insistent. You know what the woman was like... Haha. We must make a journey to the Arkhaven soon. Perhaps your Eris has shopping or things to do as well. Srianne is desperate for some medicines and things to occupy the young. I need to see the doctors still as well." And there it was. The moment when we could speak openly of his injuries and not feel painful blame and hurt. "I want my hair cut." Eris offered. "It is so long, and I still don't feel like I've washed all the filth out of it after that cave." "Then I will make arrangements when I am able." Ornkeh smiles. Happy family moments followed and reminded me of my home many lightyears away. Erry's feathered hand brushed my face. "Soon we visit. Father is arranging a portal. There is the possibility of one being available by early next month. First, I feel called south. What do you know of Lyrin's people?" "Nothing. They are smaller. Pretty with-" "Tch Tchat... I don't want to hear about you perving on her when she was displaying for you." Erry's mother laughs beside her, and Eris continues, "There is some trouble with them. Perhaps you can come with me if your business in the Arkhaven does not clash. I leave on the tube next Monday." "Oh..." I had no other plans, but I was a little miffed I had not been consulted at least. "I was going to tell you last night, but we got distracted." She smirks. "Twice... Bravo, Toddy." Teela has taken to using Erry's nickname for me. "We heard." My face is the same colour as Eris's lyre brows. "Maybe you can catch up with Tching and Lyrin." Teela suggests, "It will be nice to see some more of Arcadia, don't you think?" "Yes. It will." ~*~ Book Two of AERIE is a work in progress. It will outline Todd's journey back to earth and how he becomes an ambassador. It follows a trail of corrupt officials and mirrors (hopefully) the racist corruption in some of our real communities. It may take a long while to complete. I am working full time again now. Thanks for reading. This was an exercise for me in writing outside my comfort zone. I am open to plot ideas. Shoot me a message or email via the forum. Rollinbones. |
Pam baby; What a story, you are fantastic!!! There is no way I can improve or even keep up with your story, so I am starting a new one and let's see where it goes. Apollo and aphrodite are walking around Olympus one day. Apollo; " You know Aphry, I am really bummed out." "Nobody believes in us anymore and I am getting bored." "I know you are a better piece of ass than any mortal woman but after three thousand years, sheesh." Aphrodite; "Apollo, you son of a bitch, I give you the best millenia of my life and now you say you are bored?" "I'd say kiss my ass but I know you like to do that so I'll just say "Go fuck yourself"". "Hey, I've got an idea, why don't you get Zeus to put a couple of hinges in that fifteen inch cock of yours and you can do just do just that. Ha ha". Apollo; "Aphry, I know you, you stupid bitch." "What would you do without my cock?" Aphrodite: "Apollo, you are such an asshole". "I've been looking over in Asgard, and there is a god over there named Thor who has got a cock that makes yours look like a Vienna sausage." "And Thor is one tough dude, he can fuck for weeks at a time." "I once saw him flood half of sweden trying to get his frigid wife of his hot, and mmmmm and those hairy balls, I'll bet they pack some load." Apollo; "Don't bullshit me, only Zeus can check out gods outside of olympus." Aphrodite; "Well, smartass, Zeus gave me the power too" "Don't ask me how come he gave it to me extra powers but suffice to say my tonsils will never be the same." Apollo; " So that's what you've been doing up there while I've been working. I always knew you were a slut." "If you weren't a god I would have kicked your ass out of here a long time ago." Aphrodite; "Ha, shit face, let me tell you something" "The only reason I've stuck with you is because you last longer than Hermes, and your not as rough as the satyrs." Apollo; "That did it, I'm outa here" exit Apollo, enter Thor Thor; "Did I hear my name mentioned?" "Shit, it's hot here, don't you people have air conditioning" "Good god, you're all naked. Aphrodite: "Well hello big boy" "Take off your furs and stay awhile" "This is Olympus, we are all friends here and want you to feel at home" Aphrodite starts to undress Thor as he backs away looking confused but finally he lets her strip him as he tries to hide his privates. The sly Aphrodite then throws Thor's furs at him and as Thor reaches out to grab them she gasps in awe as his incredible dong is exposed. APHRODITE; "Oh baby, that is really a cock for the gods, and I want it,ALL of it" You were asking about me. OK, I hope you don't find this boring. I don't know how my brain got wired this way but for all my life or at least since puberty I have been excited by women's sexual arousal. When I was young and I could get a girl or woman hot it made sex better but then it was just frosting on the cake. Now it is 90% of my sexual pleasure. Without "her" arousal I could just as soon jack off. OK then, I was married to my first wife Jean for 31 years until she died of pancreatic cancer. I have a son and a daughter by her. Jean did not believe in sex for pleasure, adamantly, due I suppose, to her catholic upbringing. Otherwise we got along well and I miss her. About 6 years ago I met and dated my present wife and we had great sex. Then we got married and things started to change. Now when she has time we schedule a "session". I can't really say it was all deception on her part, she has become burdened with a lot of family obligations including being the prime care giver for her elderly mother plus becoming involved in certain legal problems that are not her doing. So, even though our sex life has "gone south" I still care for her a want to keep our marriage going. But Pam, I do sorely miss the thrill of mutual passion and intimacy. God, do I ever. And that is why the little fun and excitement that you have brought into my life is so welcome. I hope if things go on with us that we can talk together someday and I can hear your voice. Well someday maybe. New Again Krista knew what was going on; an auto washer was gently spraying her from all sides, scrubbing her skin with care using a dozen or more well programmed hands. It didn't care about privacy, soaping her up and spraying her clean then doing it once more again to her entire body. The warm spray was glorious, the numerous artificial fingers that massaged her scalp then worked their way through her shampoo filled hair were relaxing. Krista thought she could fall asleep there as it double shampooed then conditioned her shoulder length hair. Was her hair that long when she went to sleep? She couldn't seem to remember. Her relaxation was interrupted as soft manipulators massaged her shoulders, her back, and another set started on her chest. Her breasts were caressed then kneaded, nipples gently pinched prompting a little smile and a gasp. "I don't remember programming that in," she muttered to herself. The manipulators worked their way down - the rear ones stopping to work every muscle group, lingering on her favourites - the front ones pressing her breasts up and down gently several times before moving on to stroke down her belly in waves. Then her waist and her hips were the focus of their attention, firmly sorting any kinks or problems out there. The final rinse water, warm and strong, pulsed on her as manipulators gently spread her more intimate areas so she could have another set of sprays there. A squeal escaped her lips as a particularly firm pulse of water shot directly at one of her most favourite places, one few had ever had the privilege of touching. Lotion came next, smelling sweetly of strawberries and rose as lower manipulators finished massaging her legs. "I don't remember paying for that feature," she said, recalling what she had in her hygiene pod at home. With a shrug, she let the machines do their work. More massaging, but this time the mechanical hands were rubbing the lotion into her skin. She looked down for the first time as four of them attended to her breasts and realized that they were not the ones she went to sleep with. These were bigger, more pale, with perfectly round nipples and; "they're so much firmer," she breathed to herself. Her skin was lighter all over, as though she'd never seen a beach in her life, it was almost pink, in fact. A manipulator distracted her as it massaged her venus mound firmly. Another carefully spread her netherlips open and she took a breath, knowing what was coming next. A sprayer sent pulsating waves of ph balanced fluid across her vagina as a smaller artificial hand moved them this way and that, finally gently pulling them up and apart so she was perfectly clean. "I love that part," she sighed as the devices left her most intimate space. One word appeared in front of her on the inside of the pod; MORE? "If you're asking me if I'd like some special attention down there, then yes please," she said, realizing at the same time that she felt more than a little aroused. A new artificial hand came to play from behind. It was covered with warm, slick fluid. It expertly grazed her nether lips. Another hand reached down her belly, massaging down as it went until it finally reached her furred mound. It firmly grasped and fondled the whole of her sex, and when it retreated, it was completely bald, pink and smooth. "How did you know that's the way I like it?" Krista purred. The fingers lightly tracing the outside of her nether lips vibrated against them then, not pressing, but tickling and she nearly jumped. Two fingers gently spread her outer lips while another ran up and down their length, vibrating lightly. She leaned back and was caught by manipulators that continued to massage her back, her buttocks, her waist and her thighs. A pair of familiar artificial hands descended. "You two liked by boobs, back for more fun?" she asked. They went to work. They were slick with lotion, but started with feather touches, tickling, stroking and avoiding her taut nipples. The lower hand had her inner lips wet from within thanks to the vibrating sensations and their massaging strokes. New hands traced her sides, caressed the sweet spots on her neck and shoulders. Finally, the massaging hands began to work like lovers who couldn't stop touching her. Even her hands were given fingers to intertwine between, and when she closed her eyes Krista imagined that she was being held up and administered to by the hands of a hundred lovers. A pair even played with her hair, caressed her cheeks and lips. Her nipples were pinched then, sending hot shocks through her, and that wonderful vibrating finger chose that moment to buzz against her sensitive clitoris. An appendage slick with warm fluid imitated a lover licking her rear entry perfectly, pretending to make attempts to penetrate before backing off and tickling a place she'd never trusted anyone with. The machine was imitating someone's technique, and it was so incredible that she would definitely let them do that themselves if she met them. "I feel hot," she said, her eyes opening to slits, just enough to see a warm red blush bloom on her chest. Unwilling to let the fantasy go, she closed her eyes again and her imagination was filled with lovers once more. Her hips twitched on their own, nearly leaving the vibrating finger focused on her most sensitive flesh alone. Krista ground herself into it, the vibrations making her moan loudly. Her fingers curled with the artificial hands she held, squeezing hard. Her quickening breathing filled the pod with the sounds of her own arousal, only adding to her passion. Hands fondled her body, kneading her breasts, gently pulling her nipples, applied soothing strokes to her face, her belly, her thighs, and then there was that magical vibrating finger. It's pitch changed as she ground herself into it, pressing her inner lips, her clitoris into it over and over again until it simply followed her movements and pulsated harder. Krista took one more breath and then her body tensed. For a long, magnificent moment a powerful wave of pleasure slowly spread from her most intimate space across her stiffened body and finally to her head. The finger stopped vibrating and retreated before she relaxed. If she was in control, she would have kept it there longer, it was as though something interrupted it and their session together. She relaxed, taking a breath. Before her inhale was finished, a little twitch deep inside her sent an aftershock of pleasure through her body. A few more followed as the more utilitarian manipulators went to work - spot cleaning and finishing her treatment up - but she still wished she could have a few more minutes of their more lustful services. "Maybe someone out there heard me?" she asked, wondering if her indecency would get her kicked out of whatever place she was in. Her finger and toenails were trimmed and buffed, and she pondered what could have happened while the machine finished massaging the creamy lotion everywhere. "Maybe I lost time while I was getting enhancements?" she asked herself. "This could be a spa, maybe?" The manipulators withdrew from her body and she sighed. Her skin was glistening, perfect. The front of the pod opened and she stepped out. A full length mirror against the wall revealed the truth. She was in a new body. John was looking over Megan's statements for the last month quickly adding in his head the inflows and outflows of money while she waited in the chair next to him. She had come in for a six month meeting she kept regularly since her parents had freed up her trust to her. The large sum of money they had passed on to her was about half of what she started with three years earlier when she turned twenty-one. She shifted in her chair uncrossing and re-crossing her legs. The sound of her black nylons swishing momentarily distracted John but he redirected his attention back to the statements, "Megan all I can say is you are definitely spending a lot more than you are making," he said shaking his head. "At this rate you will be out of money in another four or five years." "So what do you suggest I do then," Megan was not quite pleading, she sounded more like she was pouting. Her full pink lips were slightly downturned and shined from the gloss she had on. Megan was extremely attractive, the only word John could put to her was hot. She wore make-up and clothes that only made her looks more apparent. The black skirt and white blouse were very form fitting, yet stylish at the same time. He had already been admiring her shapely legs encased in black hose. She was fifteen years his junior and an important client's only daughter which he always kept in perspective. "Megan," he said letting out a deep breath," you can either make more or spend less. Those are your two choices." "John I don't want to give up my lifestyle," her hand moving up to push her dirty blond hair back from her face. "Then I suggest you sell a lot more drugs for the pharma company you have been working for," he said leaning back in his chair and putting her statements down on the table. "You say it like you think I'm not good at my job," as she tilted her head while her eyes picked up a little intensity in their stare. "Megan come now," he said pausing to calm her before continuing on," you're are still young and building your career. Just ease back the throttle a bit on your lifestyle for now. Standard of living is one of the hardest things to change and easiest to get used to." Megan pulled her chair in a little closer cutting the distance between them," John I think you just doubt my abilities to be persuasive..." "It's not that Megan I am just trying to help you understand..." "No I understand just fine," she said interrupting him," you just need to be persuaded yourself." "What exactly do you mean by that? You're going to tell me how you will start spending less so you don't squander all you've been given?" John said a bit annoyed. "Don't be angry with me John," she said lightening her tone as she once again uncrossed and re-crossed her legs. Johns reflex looked down again before he looked back up at her. Megan's eyes had not left him and she was smiling coyly. "When did you start here John? Wasn't it right around when I left for college?" "Sometime around then, yes." "I sure do miss those care free days. Now I have all this responsibility weighing me down," she looked down for a moment. "Megan it's alright," John said consolingly. "I know, I know...but thanks," Megan reached out and touched his knee the light shining off her pink and black manicured nails. John looked for a moment trying to discern the design. "You know I always had a crush on you John," her eyes smiling at him. "Now Megan," he said shifting in his chair but her hand did not leave his knee. "Oh my folks would come in and I always wanted to come with them. I always tried to find something sexy to wear hoping you would notice me," she started sliding forward in her chair getting closer to him. "Megan that is sweet and all but..." "No buts John, I know you were looking," her hand started sliding up his thigh," ever think what I looked like in just lingerie, stockings, and heels John?" She closed on him quickly and he would have pulled back but the back of his chair had nowhere to go. Her lips touched his and they were so sweet and soft he could not help but kiss her back. She broke the kiss briefly and breathed," oh I know you have," and kissed him again as her hand traveled up his thigh until it met his already hard cock. Her hand ran gently up and down the length of the shaft through his slacks. "Ever rubbed on this while thinking of me in black lace panties and garters that match these stockings," her hand rubbed gently back and forth," have you John?" She waited only a moment with no reply forthcoming before continuing on," oh I know you have. You've fantasized about my hot body rubbing up against yours, my sweet little pussy wrapping up this cock," she jerked on it a little more aggressively as she said the words. "Megan we shouldn't," John started to say but she could see the burning lust in his eyes. "John what kind of a girl do you take me for?" she asked as she slowly pulled down his zipper and pulled out his cock. "Just relax," her hand reached back to her purse and came back with a small bottle of hand lotion. "What are you..." "Do you want me to stop?" her hand stopped stroking but still gripped him. John tried but could not mouth the word 'yes'. "I didn't think so," she squeezed some lotion over the head of his cock with one hand while the other began to rub it up and down. "Just sit back and don't move sweety," her hand was working at a nice and steady pace," Miss Megan will take care of everything." She rubbed up and down his cock slowly then faster until his hips began lifting up in the chair," oh not so fast," her hand would stop," take a deep breath John," he complied without even thinking about it. "Good," her hand began to move again a slower pace," do you feel that heavy lethargy mixed in with all that pleasure John?," she continued without waiting for the answer she already knew," that's me taking your power away from you. Your getting so turned on you will do whatever I want if only I'll let you come." John just kept his eyes close trying to deny to himself what she was saying but it felt so good. Her was giving him more pleasure than any sex he could remember having. He did not want her to stop. All he could do was sit back in his chair and let this young woman rub her soft hand up and down his cock. "Oh I've got you now John," John's hips started lifting up again," oh baby," her hand stopped," take another deep breath." John sucked in all the air he could before letting it out again. "Perfect Johnny," she said before starting to move her hand again. "You feel it don't you? I've got your cock now Johnny. Most guys don't realize how much their cocks really control their actions and laugh when people say how they are led around by their cocks." She squirted a little more lotion on the head and rubbed it gently up and down his shaft. "But you will see soon enough how true it really is. I am going to use this cock of yours to lead you around with. It feels so good and just have this feeling again you'll do anything for me won't you?" John did not answer only whimpered in his chair. "How about we lower my fee 25 basis points John?" "I...I don't know if..." "How about I put it this way," she began to rub a little faster," if you want to come it's going to cost you 25 basis points. Well Johnny?" John felt his orgasm begin to build again. It felt so good all he wanted was release. Megan had already kept him from cumming twice and he wanted it so bad," Yes," he breathed out. "I know baby. I just have to show you how much it means to you to have me make you feel soooo good," her mouth was right next to his ear. Her breath was hot and wet. "Just feel how good it is to give up that power to me Johnny." John lurched in his chair and the first cry came out before he realized he was still in the conference room. The rest were muffled as the waves of pleasure racked his body. On after the other, it felt like a great flood leaving his body being pulled out through his cock by the hand of an incredibly hot twenty-four year old woman. When his orgasm subsided he felt completely drained physically and mentally. Megan placed a small packet of tissues in front of him on the table," we can't have you looking like this when you go over to billing to have my fee dropped now can we?" John felt a bit humiliated being so easily coerced by someone, let alone a younger woman. He cleaned himself up and thought about telling her we would do no such thing but could only imagine what would happen if anyone found out about what happened today. "I don't think you'll doubt my abilities as a sales woman again will you? At least not where men are concerned," she added smiling to herself. "I do so love coming to see you Johnny," she leaned in and brushed his cheek with a kiss before standing up and gathering her things. John looked up at her and found himself imagining what she looked like in lingerie just as she had described. "You know where to reach me if there's anything you need Johnny," she said before turning and walking out of the conference room leaving John to finish cleaning himself up. The day was only half over and he had just experienced a setback larger than he could possibly imagine. If a man is going to die, he might as well live. Things might as well be said. Let's get started with Chapter One. The spiritual and social stories of my life hold keys to my fulfillment. The spiritual story of my life is to wonder is it possible to love and grow in God with a relationship based on love and not for the profit of Heaven. It is not about doing things, but about **being, Children of God**. That is not this story but one written in my book "Last Call" by Godson. That drive or goal was to speak to the heart of humans that God loves you as much as God loves God. There is a difference between being spiritual and religious. You can be one, both or neither. My spiritual relationship with God blesses my continued understanding all things. Religious attitudes can suppress my gaining wisdom and call for blind obedience rather than searching. It is written that God calls us to seek to understand God and all things. I believe God is not saying you can't "know this", but rather Are you sure you want to know this now? Knowledge usually brings responsibility. From an early age, I deeply felt to educate society to this social matter of which I am about to convey. I am not sure this society is ready for it. I have wondered about whether God will let me speak about it. That brings sorrow to mind. I sought the truth. I did not get a guarantee that I would be happier to know it, especially when I look at the state of the world. I feared to bring you this. **Read at your own peril.** The social story of my life has been the recognition that men of this American social environment are despised for their sexual nature because they have not been taught to manage it, but subdue and ignore it as evil. For the advancement of humans, this must change. **The sexual nature of men must be recognized, honored and managed, not suppressed, denigrated, continually triggered and exploited.** As with the women's revolution, there are aspects which should be recognized by both sexes. Our society is not defined for the advancement of humans or their nature. It is for the control of the masses and maintaining the current power structure. If men don't think they have been abused by those in control of this world, they need awakening. Enslavement has been more subtle than with women or races, but quite effective. It involves even giving the illusion of power to many males, although those with the power have no intention of sharing it. There is a group of people who covertly and overtly manage the world affairs and someone should do this, but that is another story. **This is the story of the enslavement of males, using their sexual nature.** To begin, God created the male with a strong sexual desire to begin the reproduction of humans and woman with a strong nurturing nature to care for the young. Without these, the system of reproduction for humans would not produce enough humans for planet dominance or to please God. In the beginning, God wanted us to multiply and be fruitful. Many of these born would become children of God, the most beautiful creation along with the angels. My sexual nature is a wonderful and marvelous creation of God and has great purpose. The wisdom of God created the body of woman as the most beautiful of all things in our world to men. This is part of my sexual nature. Without the drive of men and the beauty of women, Men would not have bothered with woman enough to produce humans at the necessary level to outweigh the death rate of the early humans. The fight was against extinction. A woman's body will always be the most beautiful thing in the world to a man, especially her face. Odd that the face is not hidden in the United States of America, but it is in some cultures. The other side of the sexual coin, the nurturing nature of woman is praised and society feels compassion for the woman who cannot have or get children, but not for the man who cannot have or get sex. No female can explain, other than instinct why she desires to have a child. We have enough population to sustain our dominance of this world and have many children who crave adoption. This would also mean no need for the sexual desire of men. It is all instinct created by God. I sincerely believe this world would have been softer and more honest had our society not been as clothes conscious or concerned about hiding the female body as in nudist colonies. If we grew up surrounded by beauty instead of concrete and openness instead of covering the young and the aged or more mature bodies, our society would be radically different. I have written that humans crave that which is "New and Pleasing". We crave that which is "pleasing", but more that which is "new and pleasing". We are by nature extremely curious beings. This can make the hiding and teasing more powerful in emotion then the pleasing. I will write more of this, but think about why a man could be so enthralled by a woman one day and bored the next after a pleasing sexual encounter with her. Why doesn't he call? She's still "Pleasing" but not "New". The drawing power of curiosity is gone. Especially, if he never got past the instinctive relationship to form a deeper relationship. Anyway, the reason for hiding the female body is more financial than spiritual. In most cases, the hidden beauty triggers curiosity more than sexual desire. The mixture of curiosity and sexual nature is a powerful one. American Society and economy is driven by the desire of the masses to achieve some idyllic symbol of beauty which will draw the opposite sex through the purchase of the deceptive objects which have no real power to give the desired affect. Society perpetuates this idea in modeling, most advertising and most business, products and services as if the aim was to help you find and keep a mate. The aim is to keep you buying products and services. As with many things in this world, it is about money. The hype is in their premise that they can provide you with the formula for success. This is a covert operation which draws billions of dollars in revenue. Many businesses would collapse if men managed their sexual desires instead of ignoring or subduing it. Religion is used to enforce the "Cover up" crying that the sexual nature is evil or sinful and the desire should be suppressed or ignored by some effort of will. We already know that identifying and dealing with feelings is far healthier than suppressing them. It is what you do with the sexual nature that can be sinful. We also know children being curious seek out the taboo or forbidden, enjoying stolen fruit. Men in many cultures have not been educated in managing their desire. They are continually are teased according to their desire, like a trapped animal teased with food and taught to do tricks. There has been some chaos in sex in my own life, as I did not seek first to have children, but to raise the level of the fellow children around me. At an early age, I was revolted, sickened and angered by society's view of my sexual nature. Reproduction was not a prominent goal in my life, yet my nature was aroused more often than it appeared needed. I have recently been given to understand that while the world has too many people to manage under the current world administrations and attitudes, God not just desires children, but also desires more children who are children of His children. My children will be of like spirit. It is said -The fruit does not fall too far from the tree. The spirit of God is powerful in my life and would be in theirs. Divorce and separation have not stopped my daughter from becoming who she is spiritually and recognizing that she was a different spirit from the "religious" people she knew. I marvel that she knew she was different and not comfortable in the world. Our nature as humans craves the love which is found among the children of God. The story of my life is that I held onto the best of my child nature for the truth and love I sought. I refused to settle for the love given by the world. It is not enough and like plastic fruit to the stomach. It looks like, even could smell like, but is not real. **Beauty Spoken:** I am angered that I cannot speak of the beauty of woman without being considered objectifying woman. Especially by those who spend a lot of time beautifying themselves. Your body is an object. If you read my book, you could be given to understand that your are not your body. You have a body, but you are not your body. The problems arise when the body is all men care about in meeting a woman. Like a carnivore meeting an animal of prey. Many of these men, usually called the "Bad Boys" that entice women aren't pigs, they have become as wolves. Wolves aren't concerned about the emotional state of the prey, or its life, only the need to fill their stomach. This is not to deny that desire as wrong. The desire is real and has purpose. These men never got past the instinct stage with woman. Wolves only care about the body and end involvement at that level. They don't even care about the name and meaning of the woman. They never were taught to reach past that instinct level but grab for the taboo or forbidden, because sexual release is denied, suppressed and denigrated. Society has said an aroused or "horny" man is an evil man. This is a slap in the face regarding our created nature. These should be fighting words. The process in meeting a woman for me at an early age was to scan and identify that first this is a moving, living being, human, female. Then instinct regarding the sexual nature automatically kicks in. This is not voluntarily done. Arousal can also be achieved by the conscious voluntarily. Either way it must be dealt with and then proceed with other thought. When I thought a woman was pretty. I would tell her that I wish to tell her she is pretty because it is a strong thought in my mind. Once I have done so, the power of the newness is reduced and I can concentrate on social matters and get to know her better or concentrate on business. I can move on. If I suppress the desire to state what is so obvious and become angry that I cannot speak a truth as beheld, more thought and time is used controlling this than it deserves. "New and Pleasing" can be captivating. Some humans never venture to find the most exciting pleasing new thing to experience is to find a friend. I have been awed by men who never had a woman as a friend that they never had as a sexual partner. I go to the Museum or art stores and appreciate the beauty without fully possessing the paintings. I do not have to have sex with any of the gorgeous woman I may meet. I can look and be in awe at God for the manipulation of human DNA to produce such beauty and the manipulation of my DNA that I should consider it beautiful. The credit goes to God, not the being possessing and maintaining the body. The human body is a miracle. I see that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder by its nature. I have written and believe we are drawn by instinct to a mate which will be the best mate for our current nature after environment and DNA have had their say. **Beauty Enjoyed:** I can also enjoy the feeling of being aroused and thank God that this feels nice. That feeling is separate from the body that stimulated me. It should not bother men that they could be aroused by other women than their spouse. They are designed to do so. What must be remembered is that the desire is a separate thing from the trigger. The female or male body trigger being admired belongs to a human being and all the complexities that brings. The desire or arousal is a response which does not have to involve the original trigger. There is no biological law that says you have to possess the trigger as part of response, or even that your desire must be dealt with. This is a decision of the will. I have used my sexual nature. When tired, I have used sexual thought to trigger arousal to wake the body up and then apologize to it. Then I used that energy to complete some business task. I bring my desires home to my companion or manage my own relief, when there was no companion. I have taken the newness out of my orgasm by determining through my own research that my "coming" felt good because it is a total body muscle stretch to expel sperm at a fantastic 500 miles and hour from my body. It is still very pleasing, but it is not mystical. It has no power. **Beauty acted upon:** I am angered I cannot stop my car to aid or pickup any woman young or old struggling with bags because of all the men who never learned the meaning of "no thank you". It is now against some state laws to pick up people. I am feared when in truth, if situation warranted it, I would give my life for these that reject me. That angers me because there is little I can do to change this, except open my mouth. I am angry with men who never learned to manage their sexual nature. Then I must turn to the society that gave them no help in dealing with this powerful emotion, but rather exploited it for financial gain. If I were totally selfish, I would use this exploitation for dealing with the masses, because it is highly effective for humans starving for love. It is no wonder most males don't reach maturity at the same age as women. They encounter a powerful emotion in which they are ill equipped to deal with and then betrayed by society. Using the ignorance of, and suppression of the sexual nature of men, those in control in American society manipulate and continually tease males to keep sex on the mind as much as possible. Many humans born in this society were not intended, even in the early human history. I, being male am more "sexual drive" stable when I have just had sex. The mind is more at calm and not concerned about sex even when presented with a new beautiful woman. This tells me that it is not just the woman that triggers the desire. It is my biological nature. That is why married men are more "normal" to woman, because their sexual nature may have been dealt with and does not interfere in their relationships with others as much. The body must be managed or its desires can cause problems. Even overeating can cause health problems. We have not taught management of desire to our young in America and this produced a huge number of humans born to unprepared parents. There are no unwanted children, for God wants all humans, but there are unprepared parents. Many woman consider motherhood the beginning of fulfilling their nature, and do not understand why a male may not embrace the role as enthusiastically. There are many reasons for this, some of which may surprise you. That's Chapter Two. And lets look hard at masturbation - no pun intended. This is a dangerous journey not intended to widen the gap between the sexes, but to bridge it with truth. Come along, if you dare! |
The summer of 1984 was hot in South Carolina, and the temperature inside the packing plant where Keith and Anne had a summer job wasn't any cooler. Keith was ready to begin his freshman year in college while Anne was to begin her junior year in high school. Anne had long wavy honey blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. She was about 5-6, curvy, with ample breasts, and a nice round ass. The summer heat had her wearing shorts at work, which fit her nicely. While Keith was loading trucks he would spend time staring at Anne, noticing how the shorts hugged her ass and the heat caused her shirt to cling to her breasts. Keith wanted to make her his own. Anne liked staring back at Keith, whom she thought to be classically handsome. Keith was tall, with long light brown hair, and eyes that made her melt. Anne and Keith quickly formed a friendship and soon began some serious flirting. Anne would send Keith little notes during the day, which always brought a smile to his face. They had gone out with co-workers as a group during the summer, and the flirting had turned more serious. Finally, the week before heading to college, Keith asked Anne for a date, which she eagerly accepted. The date was fun, as they went to dinner to celebrate Keith's 18th birthday. They spent a lot of time talking about the summer, and how Keith was headed to college. While it was never spoken they each knew they were committed to each other. The date ended with a nice kiss. Anne went to bed that night content, that she had gotten the boy to chase her, and now she had landed him. Keith went to bed that night thinking how it had been a wonderful birthday. Keith awoke the next morning with his boxers soaked with his cum from the wet dream he had about Anne. Keith headed to college, and spoke to Anne several times each week by phone and would visit her every two to three weeks. Keith soon discovered that Anne was a virgin. While Keith was no virgin, he didn't need all the fingers on one hand to count his sexual partners. Try as he might, their dates never involved more than a few kisses in the car at Anne's house, and Keith masturbating when he returned home. Keith longed to touch Anne's large breasts, but every time he made a move, she was there to stop him. Keith bought Anne a sweater for Christmas, which accentuated her breasts. In February Anne turned 18, and Keith took her to a nice restaurant for dinner. Anne was wearing the sweater Keith had given her from Christmas. Keith couldn't help but star at her breasts, which brought a smile to Anne's face. They were headed back to Anne's house, with Anne sitting beside Keith in his 1966 Mustang. Keith's arm was around Anne as usual, and as usual, as they drove along, he moved his hand toward her breasts. This time was different though. This time, Anne did not stop his hand. Keith's hand found her breasts, and gently began to rub over them, his cock immediately springing to attention. Keith continued to rub one breast then the other. When they parked in Anne's driveway, Keith gently laid Anne back between the seats and climbed on top. They began kissing more passionately than ever. Keith's hand quickly worked its way under her sweater and unhooked Anne's bra. Keith pulled her sweater up, to get his first look at her fabulous breasts. Keith was stunned. He knew her breasts were large, but marveled at how firm they were, and at her pink areolas, with long meaty nipples that became instantly hard with his touch. Keith lowered his head and began to suck on one nipple while massaging her other breast with his other hand. He then switched to sucking on the other nipple. Anne had never allowed anyone to touch her breasts, so this was wonderful new experience for her. She could feel her pussy begin to get wet, and she began to moan and writhe about, which lead to Keith sucking harder. Keith moved a hand down, and began to unbutton Anne's jeans. "Please stop Keith," Anne moaned. "We've been out here longer than usual, and my parents may come out to check. Besides, I'm not ready to go any farther, yet." Keith obliged and pulled himself off of Anne. Anne really loved the fact that Keith didn't push her too hard, and knew it must really frustrate him being at college with a girlfriend in high school and not getting to have sex. Keith walked Anne to the door and gave her a goodnight kiss. "I'm sorry Keith. I'm sure you must be frustrated with me not making love to you, but I'm still a little afraid to lose my virginity. I could feel how excited you were, and appreciate the fact you didn't push. I promise that soon I'll make everything ok for you." "Anne you are so beautiful and I love you so much, it is hard to stop. I was so happy to be able to suck your tits, and I hope one day soon we can make love." "I hope so too Keith. I love you" Anne gave Keith another kiss and headed inside. Keith headed home. His dick was throbbing, but he had finally gotten to Anne's tits. Anne settled into bed with a big smile on her face. Her hand reached between her thighs, and began to massage her clit, trying to ease the fire that Keith had created in her virgin snatch. As Keith lay in bed stroking his cock, he closed his eyes and thought of how nice Anne's nipples felt in his mouth. Finally he exploded, his cum splattering on his stomach. Keith went to sleep dreaming what could be next. Keith was eagerly looking forward to their next date. This time Anne was wearing a button down shirt. They went to hang out with some friends, did some kissing, and then headed back to Anne's house. On the way home Keith slipped his had inside Anne's shirt and under her bra. Keith began pinching and pulling Anne's hard nipples. Anne leaned in closed to Keith and let out several little moans. Back at Anne's house the scene from the previous date played itself out. Keith sucking Anne's tits, but getting stopped before he could get his fingers in her honey pot. The weather was beginning to warm a little bit, and on their next date Anne wore a low-cut shirt that showed her ample cleavage. Anne knew she was teasing Keith letting him get a glimpse of her breasts, but it also turned her on knowing she was making his dick hard. On the way to the movie, Keith moved his hand inside Anne's shirt and began to massage her breasts. They arrived at the theatre and purchased two tickets to see The Breakfast Club, a couple of drinks and a large tub of popcorn. Both Anne and Keith were very excited from the playing on the way to the theater as they settled into their seats, Anne slipped the tub of popcorn between her legs. While engrossed in the movie, Keith would reach his hand between Anne's legs to get a handful of popcorn, until they had polished off the tub, and Anne put the empty container on the floor. Keith was resting his hand on Anne's thigh, and as Jud Nelson was looking up Molly Ringwald's skirt to get a view of her pink panties, Keith moved his hand up Anne's thighs until it was resting in her crotch. Surprisingly instead of moving Keith's hand a way, Anne opened her legs slightly and allowed Keith's fingers to trace her pussy over her jeans. The movie ended and they got in Keith's car to head home. Anne moved in beside Keith, and before the car was out of the parking lot Keith's hand was groping Anne's breast. When they got on the road, Keith decided it was time to make his move. Keith removed his hand from Anne's breasts and moved it between her legs. Anne spread her legs as Keith began to rub his hand up and down. Keith moved his hand up and unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans. Keith moved his hand under the waist band of her panties, and then felt Anne's hand cover his. Keith was shocked when instead of removing his hand she followed it down. Keith's hand slid down and found a thick patch of hair covering a very wet pussy. Anne wiggled her jeans down and spread her legs wider and snuggled into Keith. She let out a little moan as Keith's fingers began to rub her clit. "Mmmm Keith," Anne moaned. "I've never let anyone touch me there before. Your hand is so warm." Keith moved his hand down and began to rub Anne's swollen lips, one finger tracing the wetness between her virgin inner labia. Anne was feeling warm all over and instinctively began to move against Keith's touch. Keith slipped a finger inside Anne's wanting pussy, and began to movie it in and out, Anne's pussy gripping his finger. Anne was getting sweaty as Keith was fingering her pussy. The feeling of something foreign invading her virgin pussy was overwhelming. Keith's slipped another finger in and began to move in and out of Anne in rhythm; and Anne was thrusting her hips forward to meet Keith's intruding fingers. "Oh sweetie, this feels so good," Anne sighed. "You are making me tingle all over." Keith's hand was coated in the wetness seeping from Anne's hot, wet sex. Keith removed his fingers and brought them up to his mouth, slowly licking Anne's juices from his fingers. "You are very tasty." He said with a big smile. Anne grabbed Keith's hand and led it back down to her waiting pussy. "I'm glad you like the taste, but I want your fingers back in me," Anne replied. Keith slipped his fingers back in Anne's hot pussy and glanced at her. Anne's face was red, beads of sweat popping out of her forehead, mouth slightly opened. "You look beautiful when you are in the throes of passion." "Oh Keith. I've never felt this good in my life. I know I'm going to cum soon." Keith began to move his fingers in and out of Anne's pussy faster, while Anne began to thrust her hips with more force, each thrust grinder her clit hard into Keith's palm. Anne could feel the wetness of her pussy trickling down to her ass. "Mmmm yes. This feels so good Keith, please make me cum. Oh God, please make me cum." Anne was breathing harder and faster. Keith's fingers were plunging in her deeper and faster, while Anne was thrusting harder to meet each stroke. Anne began to feel a hot tingle burning deep in her pussy. It began to work its way over her entire body. Anne was so hot, she could feel the beads of sweat popping up over her body, and the burning and tingling in her groin became almost unbearable. Anne knew she was about to explode with a furious orgasm. "Oh yes Keith. I'm cumming. Oh yesssss!" Anne screamed. Anne's body flew back and grew tense, her thighs clamped around Keith's hand. Anne's pussy clamped down firmly on Keith's fingers and began sent a torrent of Anne's cum shooting from her pussy, soaking Keith's hand. Anne's pussy continued to spasm around Keith's fingers as an intense orgasm swept over Anne's body. "Oh Keith, I feel so incredibly great," Anne moaned. "I can tell," Keith said. "I've never seen an orgasm like that before." "What do you mean?" "I've never seen a woman ejaculate when she cums. That was so hot." "I'm glad you liked it, but it made a bit of a mess on your seat." "That's a mess I'm happy to have," Keith said as he licked his fingers clean. Keith's cock was throbbing and his balls aching. He guided Anne's right hand into his crotch and began to rub his cock. Anne was reluctant at first, but began to rub harder. Keith reached down to unbutton and unzip his jeans. "Pull my dick out," Keith pleaded. "Ok." Anne said nervously as she reached inside Keith's boxer and freed his throbbing cock. "This is the first penis I've ever touched. I've felt your hard cock rubbing against me, and I've wondered what it would feel like. I hand no idea it would feel so smooth and hot." Anne tentatively began to run her hand along Keith's hard cock, unsure what she should do. She marveled at how smooth it was. Precum was oozing from his cock, and Anne took a finger and began rubbing it around his velvety head. Anne was mesmerized by Keith's dick, and how it would twitch every time she ran her finger under his head. Keith reached down and took Anne's hand. He wrapped it around his cock and began moving it up and down. "Now, I want you to make me cum." "I'm not sure how to. What if I hurt you?" Anne said nervously. "Just keep stroking my cock and I'll cum for you." "Ok baby, I want to make you happy." Keith removed his hand and let Anne begin working his cock with her fist. After a few tentative strokes, Anne found a rhythm and began to get into it. "That's it baby. Jack me off. Make my hard dick cum." Anne began to pump away as Keith was moaning. She was fascinated seeing her hand pistoning up and down Keith's cock. Keith's cock began to swell. "Your dick is getting bigger!" Anne said excitedly. "That's because I'm about to cum. Mmmmm." Keith grunted as his cock began to spasm and released its first stream of cum. Anne's eyes widened and her mouth flew open as she watched Keith's cock continue to jerk in her grasp as it continued to shot stream after stream of his cum. Anne's hard pumping was causing the cum to coat her hand and fly around the car. Finally, Keith quit cumming, and Anne began to rub the cum around his cock. "Thank you Anne," Keith sighed. "You can stop jacking me off now. After I cum, my dick is extremely sensitive." "Did I do ok?" Anne asked excitedly. "You did wonderful." "It was so neat to feel and see you cum. This was so much fun, but we have a big mess." "There are some napkins in the dash pocket we can clean up with. The next time you feel may cock getting hard like that, grab a napkin and put it over my head to catch the cum." They cleaned up and had straightened themselves up by the time they got to Anne's house. Anne gave Keith a big kiss and hug. "Thanks for making me cum, and I enjoyed getting you off to." "Maybe we can go a little further soon," Keith said with a smile. "I'm sure we will, but I'm still a little scared to have a dick inside me. Just let me get used to it a little more and I'll be ready for you to take me." While Keith was hoping the hand jobs would lead to sex, things stayed where they were for a while. Anne tried to give Keith a blow job, but discovered that giving head was not for her, at least not yet any way. Anne did get rather adept at giving fantastic hand jobs that always left Keith satisfied. Keith never pressured Anne to much, but let her know that he really wanted to have sex with her. Anne always told Keith that they would but she was waiting for it to be special for them. Keith had thought Anne's prom would be his ticket to sex, but instead Anne was acting in Antigony, so that shot that night being special. Spring turned into summer, and summer was very busy for Keith. He didn't get to see Anne as much as he had hoped because of his job. But when he did see Anne the dates always included both of them cumming. They even went on a double date with his friend Dave, and her sister Stacey. While Dave and Stacey were in the front seat, Anne and Keith were busy satisfying each other in the back seat, not caring that Dave and Stacey knew what was happening behind them. The summer had ended, and it was time for Keith to head back to college. He had been sure he would have been fucking Anne during the summer, but he was still high and dry. While getting hand-jobs was nice, he was ready for some pussy. He could hardly imagine what it would feel like to have Anne's cum flooding over his cock. Anne knew Keith was frustrated. Heck she was even getting tired of just having Keith's hand. Anne decided it was time to quit waiting and end both of their sexual frustrations. Anne gave Keith an envelope on the night before Keith returned to college. "This is your birthday present; it will just be a little late. Read this when you get to school, and let me know what you think." Keith returned to college and had gotten settled into his room when he opened the envelope. Inside the envelop Keith found a receipt from Victoria's Secret with the following note attached. "Dear Keith, I hope you will consider cumming home next weekend, because it will be a special weekend for us. I've been on the pill for three months waiting for the right time to give you my virginity. If you decide to cum home next weekend, you can take me out after the football game, and remove this white lace bra and panty set from my body and take me. I know I've made you wait a long time, but I needed to wait until I was ready. I'm more than ready, and hope my virgin pussy can give you as much pleasure as you have given me over the last year. Love always, Anne" Keith's cock sprang to attention at reading then envelope. After a year of waiting, he would finally get to have sex with Anne. Keith rushed to grab the phone and call Anne. Anne answered the phone and Keith started of by saying, "I read your note, and I'll definitely be cumming home this weekend." "So you liked the letter?" "Oh yes, I wish it were Friday, my cock is so hard right now." "Oh you poor baby, why is it so hard? Is it thinking about how it will feel to be the first cock in my pussy:' "Anne, I wish you were here right now so I could rip you clothes off and take you now. You have made me so horny, I'm ready to explode." "Then go ahead and explode Keith. Why don't you pull out your hard dick and jack-off.?" "OK." Keith replied and his pulled his cock out. "I'm stroking my dick thinking of you." "Are you thinking about how good my titties feel in your mouth and how my pussy wraps around your fingers when I cum?" "Mmm Anne, I want you so bad." "Think about how good my pussy is going to feel when you enter me the first time and how much pleasure it is going to give both of us. Think how nice it is going to be to shoot your cum in my fresh pussy." "I'm going to cum Anne." Keith said fisting his cock as fast as he could. "That's right cum for me now, then cum in my pussy Friday. Jack that dick for me Keith." With that Keith's cock began spewing his cum. "I'm so happy I made you feel good tonight, and hope I make you feel as good Friday night." "I'm sure you will." A little small talk followed and they hung up. Keith was horny the rest of the week in anticipation of their Friday date. He would read the letter several times a day, and masturbated a number of times after reading the letter. Friday finally came and Keith was headed home as soon as his final class ended. Keith arrived before the game had started and made his way to the visitor's stands. Keith made his way to the band and found Anne dressed in her color guard outfit, a long black skirt, white shirt, and black boots. They exchanged a big hug, and "I love yous." "I'm looking forward to tonight," whispered Anne. "Yeah, it should be a good game," Keith said with a smile. With that Anne gave Keith a little pop on the shoulder. "Meet me back here after the game, and we can leave as soon as I put my flag on the bus." After talking with Anne, Keith headed off to talk to friends and watch the game. As the clock began to wind down, he made his way back to the band section. The color guard led the band out the gates and to the waiting buses. Keith and a few other people brought up the rear of the line. Anne loaded her flag on the bus, and said goodbye to a few friends. Anne and Keith walked hand-in-hand across the parking lot to his car. Before Keith could unlock the door, Anne leaned against the car and pulled Keith to her. She gave Keith a long kiss and looked into his eyes. "I know I've made you wait a long time, and I really appreciate you being so understanding, but I didn't just want to lose my virginity just anyone. I know I will love you forever, and you are the one I want to give my virginity to." Another log kiss followed, before they slipped into the car. In the car Anne moved close to Keith as he settled his arm around her. They drove in mostly silence, REO Speedwagon the only sound in the car. Finally Anne broke the silence. "I'm really nervous about tonight, but really excited too. I'm happy that you will be my first." "What are you nervous about?" "I'm not sure if I'll do things right. What if it hurts? You've had sex before, and I've made you wait so long, what if I'm not worth the wait?" "Anne, I love you. I have no doubts that what we share tonight will be perfect. I can promise you that I will be satisfied tonight; I just hope I can help make your first time pleasurable. I just want you to relax and do what comes naturally to you." They drove for several miles and finally stopped in an isolated field. Keith got out of the car and removed a blanket from the trunk and laid it on the ground. It was a beautiful late summer night in South Carolina. It was warm, with a slight breeze. The stars were shining and the moon was bright. Keith opened Anne's door and she got out. They settled onto the blanket and began to kiss, gently running their hands over each other. Anne stood up and removed her boots, then her skirt. Next she removed he blouse and camisole. Anne looked angelic standing in the moonlight in her lacy white bra and panty set. Anne walked to Keith, grabbed his hands and pulled him up. She ran her hands under Keith's shirt and pulled it over his head. She moved her hands to the waist of Keith jeans and unbuttoned them and pulled them down. She bent down to remove Keith's shoes, socks and jeans. As Anne stood she ran her hand along Keith's leg and over the tent in his underwear being caused by his erection. Anne planted a kiss on Keith's hairy chest, and finally ended in a big embrace. Keith guided Anne down to the blanket as they continued to kiss. Their hands continued to explore each other's bodies. Keith reached around and unsnapped Anne's bra, freeing her breasts. As Keith removed Anne's bra, her nipples sprang to attention. Keith began to nibble on Anne's neck as he began to massage on breast, rolling Anne's hard nipples between his fingers. Keith moved down and began to suck on Anne's tits. Anne began to moan and grind into Keith as he sucked and nibble her hard nipples. Keith ran one hand down Anne's back and began to rub and cup her ass. He then moved his hand under the back of her panties and began to slide them down. Anne then helped Keith out of his boxers and for the first time she was lying naked with the man of her dreams. Anne felt a hotness growing in her body. The heat began in her pussy and sent a flush over the rest of her body. There was no way she could back out now, she had to have Keith. Keith leaned up and looked over Anne's body. "You are move beautiful that I could have imagined. I know we have done some serious heavy petting, but seeing you naked with me is like a dream." Anne reached up and pulled Keith to her and gave him a deep kiss. She took a hand and guided it to her pussy. Anne's pussy was soaked with wanton lust and deep love. "I've never felt a pussy this wet," Keith said as he slipped a finger into Anne. "There has never been a pussy that wanted you as much as mine does," replied Anne. Keith went back to kissing Anne as his fingers continued to explore her exposed pussy. Anne was squiring and moaning, and she was sure her face was on fire. The feeling when they masturbated each other was wonderful, but this new experience was fantastic. Anne gave Keith's shoulder a bite, and let out a loud but muffled scream As Keith continued to massage Anne's pussy and clit, his mouth found its way to Anne's tits. First sucking in one nipple, then the other. Anne was sure she would be having an orgasm soon. As Anne continued to moan and move to meet Keith's hand, Keith began to kiss his way down Anne's stomach, until her reached the top of her pubic hair. Keith withdrew his fingers and positioned himself between Anne's legs, which she spread wide to give Keith easy access to. Keith lowered his head and gave Anne a nice kiss on her pussy. Then he began to slowly lick her outer lips, his tongue occasionally flicking Anne's clit, causing her to jump. Keith pulled back slightly, and then lowered his face to part Anne's inner labia with his tongue. Keith ran his tongue up and down Anne's soaked slit several times, the smell and taste of Anne's hot pussy was driving Keith wild. He then plunged his tongue deep into Anne's pussy. Keith began to lick and suck Anne's pussy, and Anne began to move her hips to meet Keith's mouth, and her hands ran through Keith's hair. "Ohhh, mmm. That feels so good. Oh yes, baby, please eat my pussy. Mmmm it feels so good." Hearing Anne talk spurred Keith on. He began licking and sucking Anne's pussy and clit with a passion he had never know before. Keith's tongue was pushing Anne close to the edge. Her hips were grinding harder into Keith's mouth, and she began to feel a tingling sensation building in her loin. Anne began to tingle all over, and it felt as if a fire was burning in her abdomen and pussy. She pushed Keith's head hard into her pussy. "Ohhh Keith, please make me cum." Keith continued working his tongue as hard as he could. "Mmmmmm, yes baby, I'm going to cum. Oh yes Keith. Yes. I'm cumming." Anne's thighs clamped around Keith's head, squeezing him hard into her pussy. The fire that had been burning in Anne exploded as her pussy began to spasm and she flooded Keith's mouth with her cum. Anne collapsed on the blanket almost limp from the pleasure she had just experienced. She quickly regained her composure and lifted Keith's head. Looking deeply into his eyes, she whispered "Make love to me." Keith was savoring Anne's taste as he moved his body over hers. With Anne's cum still dripping from his moustache and chin, Keith planted his lips on Anne's and moved his throbbing cock head to the entrance of Anne's waiting pussy. "I love you!" Keith declared as his cock-head glided between Anne's virginal lips into uncharted territory. "Mmmm, I love you too," Anne moaned as she moved her hips upward to meet Keith's initial thrust. Anne took a deep breath as Keith pushed further into her. Another deep breath and another soft thrust and Keith was buried fully into Anne's hot wet pussy. Anne threw her arms around Keith's neck and pulled herself up to give him a deep kiss. Anne's friends mostly talked about the intense pain they felt when a hard cock had first entered them. However, Anne was feeling none of the pain, instead she was feeling bliss. " Your cock feels great inside me. Thanks for taking my virginity. Time to see if I was worth the wait." Anne lay back on the blanket as Keith began to slowly move his cock in and out of Anne. Anne's pussy was wrapped firmly around Keith's turgid cock. As Keith continued to thrust, Anne's hips began to rise to meet his downward thrusts. Each thrust brought Anne to a new level of pleasure; it was if they were one in the throes of passion. To Anne this didn't seem like her first time, she and Keith were in sync with each other, and it felt like they were made of each other. "Oh Keith this is perfect. If I had known sex felt this good I would have made love with you on our first date." Keith began to pick up his pace, withdrawing his dick until the head was almost out, and then quickly sliding it back in, his balls slapping Anne's ass with each thrust. Anne was soaking in all the feelings. The feeling of Keith's hard cock sliding in and out of her wet pussy pulling her lips with each movement, the feel of his balls slapping against her ass, the swaying motion her tits made as they moved up and down with each thrust, the warmth of Keith's body pressed against hers. Anne was awash in ecstasy and wanted more. "Oh God Keith. I love having your cock in my pussy. Mmmm you feel so good, reaching all the places your fingers never did." "And your pussy feels much better than your hand. You are a wonderful lover." Anne was lost in the moment, she had no idea if they had been making love for one minute or three hours, all she knew was that she was experiencing pleasure she never knew existed. Anne's breathing became deeper and more rapid; her face began to get hot. Anne's legs began to grow weak and she continued to meet Keith's every thrust. Anne knew she was approaching another orgasm, although these feelings were different than any she had experienced before. "Oh Keith, I love you. I love you. I love you!" Anne managed to moan as the weakness in her legs began to spread throughout her entire body. The heat she was feeling in her face was now a fire consuming her. "Ohhh God Keith. Yes Keith. You're going to make me cum. Please don't stop." Keith began to pound harder and faster, Anne's body writhing uncontrollably beneath him. Anne began to tingle all over. A combination of her labored breathing and the intense pleasure she was feeling. It felt as if electricity was pulsing from her pussy throughout her body. "Ohhh, mmm ohhhhh!" Anne wailed, unable to speak any words. Anne threw her head back; a pained look covered her face, her back arched, and her legs tightened. Then in a flash, an orgasm the like of which she never imagined ravaged her body. Anne's entire body shook and the first wave of the orgasm struck. Her arms flew around Keith's back and her nails dug into his flesh. Anne emitted a primal scream as her pussy began to spasm around Keith's cock. "Ohhhhh yessssss!" Anne shouted. As her pussy began to squirt it's cum over Keith's cock and balls. Oh Keith. I'm cumming. Yessss, I'm cumming!" Anne continued to wail as wave after wave of orgasm covered her body. Anne's reaction, her pussy firmly gripping his cock with each wave of her orgasm, and her cum dripping from his cock and balls was more than Keith could take. He could feel his cock harden, and his ball draw into his body. With a final thrust, and a loud groan, Keith shot his first load of cum into Anne's pussy. Anne felt Keith's cock begin to twitch and felt the first stream of cum enter deep in her pussy. "Yes Keith cum in me. Oh yes, cum in my pussy. I want it all." Keith's ball emptied stream after stream of cum into Anne until he was spent. Keith collapsed on Anne, their bodies covered with sweat. They began to kiss, and Keith rolled off of Anne, and then pulled her head to his shoulder. "Anne, you were wonderful, and well worth the wait," Keith said as he stroked Anne's hair. "I love you so much." Anne's hands were rubbing Keith's chest as she looked up. "I love you too. I'm glad you were my first, and hopefully only." Anne said with a big smile on her face. Keith smiled back and gave Anne a deep kiss. Anne's hands wandered down to Keith's now flaccid cock. "Now that I'm not a virgin anymore, I bet there are lots of new things we can try. I definitely like sex with you, and am looking forward to you turning me into your own little slut." Keith pulled Anne on top of him as they engaged in a long deep kiss, as his cock began to rise and press into Anne's thigh. _Thanks to sexychik69 for her editorial assistance._ |
It had been awhile since she had seen Him and she felt shy as she tucked her small hand in His. They walked in silence to His car and she slipped onto the passenger seat as He held the door. she looked at her hands as He walked to the driver's side and sat beside her; He smiled as He started the car and drove from her apartment. In the silence, she began to relax. alexis leaned against Him gently and slipped her hand under His, feeling His muscular thigh under her palm. she glanced up at Him and smiled as He looked at her. Grant smiled back. "I have missed you, sweet," He said. alexis felt her heart open to His words and her eyes shined on Him. "As i have missed You, Master," she replied, "have You been well?" He grinned and answered gently, "Yes, but I have missed my girl." They rode in silence until they came to a forested road, which He turned down. The road was bumpy and unused; bushes and brambles grew close to the sides and gently brushed against the car. alexis smiled as she opened the window and inhaled the fragrance of the wild roses and lilacs. Grant watched her out of the corner of His eye, admiring the shine of her hair, the red highlights that shimmered, the shape of her jaw, and swell of her breasts. she was unaware of His admiration and unaware of the beauty she presented. The road ended at a cottage made of weathered wood. alexis gasped in pleasure as she looked at the sight. Grant stepped from the car and beckoned her to join Him on the green grass; she took His hand, yet again, and they moved together inside the house. It was a simple interior of one room and a loft. The floors were hard wood and the furnishing simple and few; the house smelled of lemons and fresh air. Grant led alexis up the stairs to the loft. she stood in awe of the beauty of the room. It was pure and white with a handmade quilt on the bed and a closet to the side. The only other furnishing was a small table. her eyes never left the window though. The ocean crashed to the shore, the gulls cried and the brilliant blue green of the water was all the art the room needed. she felt Grant's hands on her shoulders, His long fingers playing in her hair as she leaned against His lean body. Slowly, alexis turned toward Him, her mouth reaching for His. As they kissed, their lips parted and their tongues met after a long separation. They kissed with a need for each other. Grant's hands roamed over her back and ass, as she pushed to Him. alexis felt His hardening cock against her thigh, and she shifted so it pushed against her soft pussy. her hands touched His face as they kissed, fingers stroking His cheekbones and mustache. her hips moved against Him, as Grant slowly fucked her mouth with His tongue. His hands lifted her face from His, and He smiled at her swollen lips as He steadily pushed her to her knees. No words were needed as she remembered how to please her Master. His hands remained in her hair, twisting and stroking it; her hands pulled at His belt. she opened the gold buckle and slowly drew the belt through the loops, carefully she rolled it and handed it up to her Master. alexis drew back as she held it to Grant. her thighs were spread wide and her short tight skirt slid to her hips as her garters framed her bare pussy for His eyes. she arched her back and lifted her breasts for Him. They pushed against her tight silk blouse, her nipples hard and poking out at Him. He smiled as He saw she did not have on a bra. He reached down and twisted her nipples hard, feeling them throb in His fingers, watching her eyes cloud with pain; Grant took the belt with a small smile. alexis leaned into Him again as her fingers trembled, slowly she slid His zipper down and opened the button of His jeans. her hands slid down His thighs and then back up as they pushed His jeans down His hips. Bending at the waist, she untied each shoe and lifted His feet, one at a time, removing the tennis shoes and socks that covered them. her hair fell to the floor as she lowered her face to His bare feet and kissed each gently. Lips and tongue gently moved over His foot tops, showing her love and devotion to Him. As she kissed Him, her hands reached up and pulled His jeans down His legs to the floor; lips still on His feet, she lifted them free of the jeans that held them captive. Slowly alexis kissed and licked her way up Grant's legs. she tasted His skin and felt His hand in her hair again, pulling and tugging at her. her mouth kissed the inside of His thighs, moving up to His cock still covered by His tight shorts. she kissed Him through the fabric, tongue sliding on Him, feeling His hips thrust to her mouth. alexis pushed the shorts down a little and licked the tip of His cock as it peeked out to meet her. He grabbed her hair in firm hands and pulled it quickly, jerking her head back roughly from Him. she looked up at Him, green eyes wide. she looked into His dark brown eyes and felt the intensity bore into her. Softly He spoke, "Suck Me, whore." her hands pulled and tugged at His shorts as He pushed her face to His crotch and ground it against Him. her lips parted, her tongue licked His pushing cock as she smelled His scent in the hair against her face. Grant's hand held His cock and guided it into her open mouth. alexis licked the head, tongue swirling around the tip, tasting Him as she slid quickly down the shaft. her head moved up and down quickly as she held Him tightly in her mouth. her cheeks became more sunken as she sucked hard, her lips spread wider as she moved towards His base, His thick cock pushing in her. Grant held the back of her head and thrust her onto Him. He smiled as He heard her choke, His hips lifted and pushed to her, His cock owned her mouth and throat. alexis felt the cock deep in her and tried to relax her throat to take Him, but He gave her no chance. Tears ran down her face, as He raped her quickly and filled her deeply with hard cock. Grant slammed in and out of her as He cupped her head in His hands and looked down at her on her knees; her mouth wide as His balls slapping her chin. He knew it would not be long, that He had been away from her too long to be restrained. her throat swelled with His cock and He could see the movement as she swallowed and He could hear her raspy breath as she breathed through her nostrils. He thrust several more times as He admired her teary eyes looking up to Him. Then He pulled out quickly and held His wet cock in one hand as He struck her fast and hard on the face. Grant smiled at the look of surprise on her face and the pain in her eyes. He struck her again and once more. her eyes showed her desire as they remembered the pleasure of His touch, the pleasure of the pain He gave her. Grant smiled at alexis as He lifted His cock and felt it jerk as the cum built to over flowing and shot over her face and in her hair. He covered His slut with His hot cream, admiring how she opened her mouth and held her tongue out to catch what He shared. she smiled as He looked down at her. alexis was covered with the cum of her Master who she had not seen for so long. she whispered, "alexis thanks Master for this gift." her face radiated her love and desire as He reached for her, pulling her to her feet. He slid His finger over her face and scooped up cum. alexis opened her mouth as He held the finger to her lips, and she sucked it clean as He pushed it in her mouth. His other hand stroked her hair as He fed His whore His cum. Smiling, He kissed her lips and whispered, "I missed you." **ONE HOT DAY** __ _Going through old correspondence and came across a set of early love letters. Quickly written, one by a non-native speaker, so not polished; but sweet and hot, so we thought we'd share._ _One hot day I was far away from home on extended business; whiling away a wasted Saturday by a hotel pool. Called the wife to chat and caught her out mowing the lawn in my absence. I felt bad, but what can you do? What I did do later in my hotel room was write out a story of how that day should have gone, on hotel stationary. Or at least the start of a story. I mailed it to her (yeah, really, mailed ;-) with a note to say she should write the next chapter. To my surprise and delight she did and I received it a week later -- also handwritten -- and also passing it back to me for the next chapter. I wrote it that same night. But since I was heading home in just a few days I hand delivered it to her and had her read it before we had our usual welcome home lovemaking session. She enjoyed chapter three and we proceeded to act out the whole story -- minus mowing the damn lawn._ __ _*********_ _My Darling Brandy,_ _I'm sorry you had to go out in the heat to cut the grass while I was lazing about by a pool._ _The work went well this past week, but I sure wish I could get back for weekends with you, even if it meant having to mow the lawn._ _That got me thinking about how this weekend should have gone down and I've written it out for you. What I'd really like, is for you to carry on the story and tell me what happens next._ _All my love,_ _Ray_ __ CHAPTER ONE "What a way to spend a weekend," Ray said out loud to no one as he pushed the old lawn mower another length of the backyard. It was at least 90 degrees and he had already been working outside for almost an hour, starting in the front yard. He was wearing running shorts and a muscle shirt for the heat, and sunscreen and a hat for the sun, but still he felt like he was slowly cooking. The shirt was drenched in sweat and he could taste salt when he licked his lips. "Hey, mister gardener. How about a cold drink?" Ray turned towards the voice where he could just make out his wife, Brandy, standing on the redwood deck at the back of the house. "You're a mind reader and a savior," he said as he let go of the lawn mower and headed towards the porch. Brandy was standing in the shade of the deck's roof and the sun was shining so brightly in Ray's eyes that he couldn't see her clearly. But something seemed funny. "The sun is making me dizzy," he thought to himself. As he got closer, he saw that she was leaning over the railing holding out a glass of ice water and that there was also a big pitcher on the railing next to her for refills. He took the glass from her hand and drained half of it in two big swallows. "Careful," she said. "You'll give yourself an ice cream headache gulping it down like that." Ray closed his eyes and started rubbing the cold glass across his forehead. "I'll take my chances. Man, that hit the spot. Thank you, baby." "You know, I'm kind of hot too. Maybe you could rub that glass on me a little," Brandy said in a soft voice. Ray opened his eyes and looked at his wife. Now he saw what he had missed in the mix of sun and shade as he had walked over to get the water. Brandy wasn't wearing a top. Well, she did have a bra on, but it was her sexy black lace one that only went underneath her breasts and didn't cover them. And there those breasts were, all pushed together and pointing towards him like ripe fruit falling out of an over full basket. "Right here," she said, cupping a hand under each breast and pinching a nipple between each thumb and forefinger. She nodded her head towards the water pitcher on the railing next to her. "The pitcher is too big and clumsy and Mommy's nipples are so hot. Won't you rub your cold glass over them for me?" Ray's eyes grew wide, then his head turned quickly to the left and right. The yard had fence all the way around it, but it was only chain link and if any of the neighbors were out in their back yards they were going to get an eyeful too. "Forget the neighbors," said Brandy. "Or do you see something over there better than what you have right in front of you?" Ray looked back at Brandy and saw that her nipples were starting to swell up from the pinching and pulling. Then he looked into her eyes and saw a look of pure lust. "God, I love it when you look at me like that." "My tits are still hot, Ray." "Yes, Ma'am." He brought the sweating glass up against her right breast and then her left, gently rubbing it back and forth against each of her growing nipples. "How are your poor breasts doing now?" "They're better, but it's still not enough. Take out a piece of the ice and rub it on me." Ray reached in the glass and took out the biggest piece of unmelted ice. He held it between his fingertips and started drawing small circles over each of Brandy's breasts. He could feel her shiver as he went back and forth between each nipple and they swelled even more. "Have I ever told you how erotic I think big nipples are?" "Yes, but tell me again." "When I see those big, beautiful raisins growing erect like that it makes me so horny. I just want to feel those hard pebbles rub against my face and then I want to suck on them and feel their hardness against my tongue." "My breasts are still so hot, baby. Put a piece of ice in your mouth and suck on my big, tender, sexy nipples. Suck on my hard flesh like I would suck on your hard cock." Ray upended his glass and took in a few small ice cubes that he could roll around in his mouth like marbles. He put his hands underneath her breasts and felt the lace of the bra under his fingers. He leaned close to one breast and started teasing it with just the tip of his ice chilled tongue. "Don't play with me, baby. Take it, take all of it." Ray opened his mouth wide and squeezed with his hand to get as much of his wife's beautiful breast into his mouth as he could. Brandy gasped and pulled his head closer with one hand behind his neck. Ray twirled his tongue around her nipple, pushing the melting ice cubes around and around. As the ice cubes dissolved, Ray finally took his mouth away from the red, swollen breast, noisily swallowing the last of the cubes. Brandy's head was tilted back with her eyes closed in ecstasy as she breathed heavily through her mouth. Instead of taking out another ice cube, Ray just took in a whole mouthful of the cold water from the pitcher and then sucked in Brandy's other breast before she knew what was happening. "Oh!" she yelped, her eyes flying open wide and her body jerking back on its own. But Ray had moved a hand around to her back and held her in place, keeping her breast firmly trapped in the mouth full of ice-cold water. Now Brandy had a hand on either side of Ray's head, holding him tight against her as she jiggled her tit back and forth. "Oh god, oh god," she moaned. "It's so cold," she squealed. "What a naughty, naughty trick to play on Mommy, you bad boy. God, that feels so good." Ray finally drew his head back and looked again into his wife's eyes. But instead of swallowing this time he leaned forward again and slowly sprayed the cold water from his mouth over Brandy's erect nipples. The water ran around each breast and then down the center of her belly right into her shorts. She squealed and shook again when the water hit her hot pussy. "Are your breasts feeling better now, Ma'am?" "They're hotter than ever, but yes, thank you, they do feel so much better. How much longer do you think you'll be out here? I'd like to reward you for your help when you're finished." Ray looked over his shoulder where the lawn mower sat in the middle of the half-mowed grass. "Looks finished to me," he said. "Good," answered Brandy. "Now come with me my naughty boy." "Yes, Ma'am." ### ### CHAPTER TWO. Ray followed Brandy into the house, leaving his shoes and socks at the kitchen door. She led him through the kitchen and living room into the bedroom where she took all of her clothes off and crawled onto the bed. She was standing on her hands and knees, pulling apart her pussy with one hand. She said, "I would like to feel some of that cold water on my hot pussy." Ray picked up the water pitcher from where she had put it on the nightstand before stripping down. He took another big mouthful of cold water straight from the pitcher. Then he kneeled down in position to kiss her hot pussy. She was moving her butt back and forth so he had to hold her with both hands to keep her in place. She was screaming when she felt the cold water against her burning body. She was now begging him to let her suck his hard cock. "Follow me to the bathroom," he said. When she got there, he had stripped off his sweaty clothes and was standing naked in the bathtub. "Get in the tub and kneel down and watch me pee on your body." She kneeled and put her hands on each of his butt cheeks. She looked up and met his eyes that looked so hot and sexy. He started to pee on her, she was moving her body in circles to get the urine all over her. "Pee some more," she was asking. "I love it, love it." "Sorry sweetheart, I'm all done," Ray said. She then grabbed his now soft cock and made it disappear into her mouth. She sucked and sucked, played with her tongue and soon he was ready to fuck her, she thought. She turned on the water and quickly rinsed the piss off her and the sweat off him, got out of the tub and into the double bed where she demanded to get her pussy fucked. He followed her and it didn't take him long to slide inside of her hot, wet pussy. "Oh yes," she said, again and again. "It's so good, fuck me baby till you drop." "Brandy!" Ray said, "I need to fuck your ass, I need to spray my cum deep into your ass." Brandy turned her head and looked into his eyes. "What are you waiting for?" she said. He quickly pulled out and then into her ass where he started to fuck her, first slow and careful, but as she got used to his big body part she said, "Faster baby, harder baby -- I love it -- I can't wait to feel you shoot all of your hot cum deep deep into my asshole." As she was talking to him, she was busy rubbing her pussy with one hand -- trying to keep her balance on the other. After a short while, she was getting close to her orgasm. She cried, "Fuck me baby -- like never before -- I want to cum with you." That was all he needed to know, he sprayed all his cum into her ass, kept fucking her until she fell down on her stomach -- him on top. They laid there for a while just breathing hard, enjoying their closeness. "Thank you, baby," Ray said. "Thank you", Brandy said. "I love you." _So sweetheart, how did you like part two? Did it make you hard and horny? I'm as wet as can be, so I will go ahead and read it again while I play with myself. I can't wait to hear what you come up with for part three._ __ _Good luck and sweet dreams. What a lucky woman I am, to have a sexy husband like you. I'd better get to work ;-), before I make a wet spot on the sheets. Love you._ __ __ __ _###_ _###_ __ __ _Wow! What a great Chapter two! I can easily understand how you got so wet writing it. It sure got me hard! While I'm feeling that way, I'm going to quick write chapter 3, then I'm going to do like you and play with myself while thinking about my hot wife._ __ CHAPTER THREE Ray and Brandy lay nestled together, quietly dozing. After 15 minutes Ray woke up when he felt Brandy slowly pulling away from him. "Where you going, babe?" "I have to go to the bathroom." She slid off the side of the bed, shook her ass at him once and walked off towards the bathroom. As she was bending over to lift the lid on the toilet Ray slipped up behind her and put his hand between her legs. "Hey!" Brandy cried with surprise, dropping the lid and grabbing Ray's hand where it pressed against her pussy. "So, what are you doing baby?" he whispered into her ear. "I told you. I have to pee." "Well, I can think of a better place for you to sit than on that cold toilet seat." "Oh, yeah? Where?" Ray climbed into the bathtub and lay down on his back with his head up against the back of the tub. "Did you like it when I sprayed my urine on you?" "Yes. It was so naughty and dirty and sexy." "Would you like to do the same thing to me?" "Yes," she whispered. "Come here then." Brandy stepped into the tub with one foot on either side of Ray's chest. Then she kneeled down and put her hands on the sides of the tub. "First put that sweet pussy right in my face so I can taste you." Brandy squatted down further and thrust her vagina towards Ray's hungry tongue. He leaned his head forward until he could reach those tender pink lips laying between her legs. He licked her hard from the bottom to the top of her pussy and then poked his tongue into her like a hard little cock. "Mmm, so good," he moaned into her bush. After another half-minute of kissing her hot, pink hole, Ray pulled his head back and said, "Piss on me, baby." Brandy squatted down even farther until her pussy was resting right on Ray's chest. As she rubbed it back and forth she could feel his chest hair scratching against her clit. She moved from one side to the other, pressing the wet lips of her cunny against his hard little nipples. Finally she stopped with her box pressed against the center of his chest. She closed her eyes and concentrated. "Here it comes, Ray. I'm pissing on you." He tucked his chin down and saw her urine spraying out from her pussy hair directly into his chest hair. Then she was lifting away from his chest and slowly sliding her feet backwards. Her stream of piss was now splashing down the center of his belly. She kept sliding backwards until finally she was squatting over his hard penis and spraying her hot water down on its swollen head. When the last of her spray had come, she reached down with one hand, pointed the head of his tool straight up towards her cunt and impaled herself on him. She sat down hard on his cock, driving it deep within her pussy. Then she put her hands on his chest and stomach, rubbing her urine all over. She took his nipples between her wet fingers and gently rubbed them. Then she raised her pee-soaked hands to her own breasts and rubbed her urine all over them. Now she bent at the waist, laying on top of Ray, pressing their urine-soaked chests together. They kissed each other hard, the smell of her water strong about them. "Oh, baby. You're covered in my pee," she groaned. "And you danced in mine," he replied. "I never thought something so 'dirty' could be so sexy," she said. His lips kissed her ear as he answered. "My love, anything we do together is sexy." His hand slid down her back, over her buttocks. He rubbed a finger over asshole. "Your tight little asshole is all slippery." He bit her earlobe. "I can feel my cum dripping out of it." His tongue poked deeper into her ear. "You let me put my penis in your ass, and now my semen is dripping out of you. You are a very naughty girl." "You asked me to piss on you." Her hips ground against his. "You laid down in a bathtub and let me spray my hot urine all over you." She squeezed his cock with her vagina. "You are a very naughty boy." "You walked outside with your breasts naked to the world." His hips flexed up against hers. "You played with your nipples and stuffed your tits into my mouth." He dug his fingers into the cheeks of her ass. "Any of our neighbors could have seen you. But you didn't care. I think you would have liked it even better if someone had seen you." He moved a hand over and under her butt cheeks and slid a finger into her vagina alongside his penis, then took it out and teased her asshole some more. "You are a very naughty girl." "You didn't try to stop me. You didn't try to cover me up." Her tongue moved against his neck. "You sucked on my boobs like a hungry child." Her pussy slid up and down on his cock. "You didn't care if anybody else saw." She scratched her breast against his chest hair. "I think you would have liked it even better if there had been an audience." Brandy sat up, leaving on hand on Ray's chest. The other hand moved to her clitoris. "You are a very, very naughty boy." "You suck on my cock like a lollipop. You lick my hairy balls. You drink my sperm like champagne." "You suck and lick my vagina like you would eat it. You rub your face all over it, trying to get as much of my juice on you as you can. You slurp up my pussy juice like it was melted ice cream." "You spread your legs and masturbate in front of me. Your fingers rub your clit and push deep into your cunt. Knowing that I'm watching you gets you even hotter. It makes you horny to put on a show and you come even harder knowing that I can see you playing with yourself." His hands squeezed her breasts, his thumbs rubbing her nipples. Her left hand pressed hard against his chest, her right hand moved faster over her clitoris. Both of their bottoms bounced and they pushed their hips against each other. "You play with your cock in front of me. You pull and rub on it like a teenage boy alone in his bedroom. You want me to watch and you're proud when I see you spray your hot cum all over." "You lick your own nipples." "You lick my asshole." "You beg to get fucked." "Yes, yes I do. And I'm begging you to fuck me now." "You're on top, Brandy. You fuck me. Show me how much you love cock. Ride my cock, ride it." Her hand rubbed back and forth even faster. She bounced up and down on Ray's penis even harder. "Come for me, you naughty bitch," moaned Ray. "I love your cock you dirty boy. I'm gonna fuck you good. I'm gonna come all over your mouth-fucking, ass-fucking, cunt-fucking cock." Brandy started to shake. Her eyes closed and she threw her head back. She sat down hard on Ray's penis and wiggled her bottom. "Oh, oh, I'm coming," she cried as her fingers flew over her swollen clitoris. "Yeah, come, come for me baby. I love you and I love it when you come for me. Show me how you love me." Her orgasm peaked and she collapsed onto his chest. "Oh God. I do love you. Oh, Ray, I love you so much." Their hot, panting mouths pressed together. Ray wrapped his arms around her, feeling her chest heaving as she caught her breath. "And I love you, Brandt," he whispered in her ear. "Oh, how I love you." Epilogue Two guards followed a respectful distance behind Lord Vesik, their boots snapping on the smooth floor in an almost pleasing rhythm as they made their way to the queen's private offices. Vesik's wiry frame ate the distance with long strides, though the queen's elite White Guard officers were able to keep pace seemingly without changing theirs. Anger, fear, and frustration gave him a clarity of thought he hadn't had for some time. Since the incident at the stables things had spiraled downward as one might have expected. Soon after, there was no point in showing up at Court meetings even when he could resist the seductresses at home long enough to go. The greetings of his fellows were perfunctory. Beyond that, they only spoke to him when they absolutely had to. Then there was the fact that hushed conversations and laughter would abruptly stop when he approached, as though they all didn't know what the topic was. He had to admit that was a small blessing though compared to when some simply didn't seem to care if he was there or not when he heard whispers like 'criminal,' disgrace to all of Court', and'southie.' The most overt action though was the fact that Queen Evaline simply would not appear anywhere he was expected to be and, if he appeared, she was quickly ushered away. The overt snub was not unnoticed by anyone. Rumors escaped as they do and even the populace at large began to wonder what sort of scandal was consuming the House of Vesik. He approached Bae. Known as the queen's right hand, wherever the queen was, so was she. Dressed in thin, cream-colored, embroidered robes with hands tucked within the oversized sleeves, she waited, her sandy hair bobbed and green eyes looking at him with clear disdain and an unmistakable desire to turn up her nose, as though he'd brought a stench to her presence. _Women. Untamed sluts, all of them._ His gaze hardened, his dark eyes attempting to bore through hers to show her he would never be intimidated by the likes of her. Only her sense of propriety kept her from laughing in his face over the ridiculous male puffing. It was rumored that she herself was a member of the White Guard, but no one had had cause to test that theory. Her hands came into view briefly as they reached behind her to turn the gold handles of the doors. Once open, she extended her arms to either side, propping them open as she stepped back, not taking her eyes from him. She moved to the right as he strode in, stopping before the antique wooden desk that looked like it could withstand a siege all on its own. Behind it in a high-backed chair that looked like a smaller version of the throne itself sat the queen. Her dress was a somber brown in tone and buttoned to the collar in a show of absolute modesty. Her hair was simply done and the makeup was minimal, with just a hint of color on her round cheeks. It was clear this meeting was a priority for her. "Majesty." "Lord Vesik." She uttered the title quickly to be done with it. "I trust we can dispense with the 'why' of your presence?" "The misunderstanding at the riding grounds, no doubt." She eyed him, "You have a singular wit, though it has always seemed mostly unintentional. Your word choice understates the spectacle greatly, but I would prefer not to discuss the reason behind your presence today so much as what we will accomplish by it." His brow knotted in curiosity and he touched his beard. "And what is that, Majesty?" "Your removal from Court." His anger flared at the very notion. His line helped found Erette. As though the queen's words were a summons, Bae appeared again, placing a paper neatly before him before stepping behind the queen and again placing her hands into the sleeves of her robe. He skimmed it as Evaline spoke, "You will claim mental illness led to your insane behavior. As such maladies tend to plague bloodlines, the people will accept that the same affliction affects Sere. Jeron may be a source of conjecture, but not enough to matter. Court and I will simply be happy to have the matter disposed of." "You will renounce your position at Court for yourself and your line in perpetuity, and you will agree to the liquidation of all of your assets save your mountain estate. In return, you will receive a monthly stipend based upon a percentage of its value. When you or Jeron are the last to pass to the next world, Sere will be given a final payment equivalent to twelve months stipend and the estate will revert to the kingdom to be sold." He laughed in her face after he finished reading the document, "I would agree to this why?" Evaline seemed almost placid, only her eyes betraying anything deeper, "Because the alternative is that you will leave this room in shackles and held for a Court tribunal set to take place at midnight tonight where you will be tried for your crimes and hang at dawn as your wife and daughter will be banished to no-one-cares-where. _Perhaps I could kill her before anyone reacted._ He caught the glint in Bae's eye. Perhaps she detected the hardening of his jaw of a subtle change in his stance that even he wasn't aware of, but her own message was clear in that she wanted him to try. "I will fight the charges. I wield my own power at Court." Her voice finally betrayed anger in her rigid tone, "Half of whom saw you using your manhood to try to pound your daughter into the hay. They will not dare aid you. They are disgusted by your behavior, as am I, and the only reason you will not be tried openly is that we hope to save Court the open scandal and the people the shame of knowing you so flagrantly disregard common decency. If you demand the tribunal, you will be brought before it, the charges read and witness statements taken. You will be allowed to speak, then the verdict will be read, and then you hang. It has already been decided." "With your agreement now, something remains to you while you live. Fight and you will lose and so will your wife and daughter. The options are before you, and, unlike your business ventures, there will be no negotiation. Choose, Lord Vesik." He clenched his fist, bringing it down on the table, only succeeding in hurting his hand. "Hypocrites, all of you! You all have your secrets and you _dare_ judge me. Lord Nox has bred virtually every woman that staffs his manor. Baroness Vesta? She orchestrates nothing short of orgies on her estate. You? You go through royal pages as though they are an endless stream." Her tone was emotionless. "Be that as it may..." "And General Jaye? She not only beds and then _weds_ a dreg, she brings him before Court to have his ass kissed by the queen instead of the both of them being banished." He pointed to himself, "But _I_ have to pay with everything." "Are you quite through?" He snorted in disdain, "It seems so." She rose, standing between her chair and the table. "To address your points, Lord, General Jaye has earned some deference for facing her people's enemies and leaving her blood on the field. Her mate is a contributing member of society that shows respect to myself and Court. Truthfully, and in an admission I shall never own again, your points are valid. We all have our proclivities, Lord Vesik, but you made yours public and open to judgment. That is crime enough. Your complete and utter lack of self-control is reason enough to bring you before me. Choose." He clenched both fists. _Bitch._ That the Goddess kept her alive and put him where he was now was supremely unfair. But life was preferred to the alternative she offered. He bent down and stabbed the pen to paper, scrawling his signature before tossing the pen on the desk. The queen took a full breath, "You have twenty-four hours to vacate your home. Anything of a personal nature you cannot remove in that time will be sent to your estate. Tonn Vesik, you are dismissed." He didn't wait for her to finish the dismissal before opening the doors himself and nearly vaulting down the hall. This wasn't the last of it. Someday, somehow, some way, he would have his revenge. It was something sweet to hold on to as he left the castle. Revenge would be all the sweeter now that they were certain he was powerless. He held on to that even as he took the carriage home for the last time, every moment bringing him closer to Jeron and Sere. He wondered what they were doing. _Probably fucking,_ he thought and his cock rose in response. With the next breath he exhaled his rage along with the air in his lungs. _What good is revenge? What does it matter? I failed once, and fail again and I will hang. Besides...I'm free this way. No work. No responsibilities beyond keeping my sluts tamed, and that would be career enough. They need my firm hand._ I bet they are fucking. End |
_(This is my fourth story for Literotica)_ * Here I am. I'm riding the Circle Line tube train round and round. I have been round London three times already. I stay in the same seat. I drink Cherry Coke. Different men sit opposite me. Men come and go. They look up my skirt. I encourage them. I swing my legs high when I cross my legs. I am in no doubt that they can see my panties. I weigh 9 stone, that's the perfect weight for a girl my height. A doctor told me. He told me whilst he fingered me in his surgery. I have written three stories for Literotica. In the first three I wanked, teased and ate cum. I kept my clothes on and denied my cunt. This story will be simple. I will ride the circle line round and round. I will tease every man that sits opposite. Then I will choose a cock at random. I will take this man down a back street and let him fuck me however he pleases. I will be his fuck doll. I am wearing six-inch stiletto heeled shoes. They are absurd. they are ridiculous. If you are thinking, "How can she walk in those shoes?" well let me tell you, I can't. When I walk on these heels, my calves pop out, my legs wobble and my ass swings from side to side. I didn't buy these shoes to walk in. I bought these shoes to get fucked in. They are expensive fuck shoes. I bought them in a shop where a cute sales girl was wearing the same shoes in shocking pink. She said to me, "You get used to them after a while. They become easier to walk in." I said to her, "I don't want these shoes to walk in. I want these shoes for fucking." The sales assistant was short and skinny. She had a cute pink uniform dress on. She had tiny tits and tight high ass. She said, "Oh!" I said, "Do you like to fuck in your pink six inch heels? Can you hook your legs up over your boyfriend's shoulders? Can you get your heels high in the air, make your pussy tight for your man." She was stunned. "Yes...yes...I mean I like to dress up. I...I like to feel sexy. High heels make me feel sexy." I leaned forward. She could see down my cleavage. She could see my magnificent tits. I whispered in her ear, "I would like to lick your boyfriends cum off of your pink stilettos. I would like to lick your tiny sticky tits clean." She was open mouthed. I said, "Now where do I pay for these." I want you to be in no doubt as to what these shoes look like. They are elegant. They are shiny and black. They have rounded, closed toes. They are simple, classic and sexy. I am wearing them with black opaque socks that end just above my knee. The socks are smooth. I like to run my hands up and down them. I have long, powerful, toned legs. I am wearing a short black tennis style skirt. It is short, but has pleats that make it kick out. This means that everyone can see the glorious expanse of white thigh between my knee socks and my short, short skirt. Have you seen this look before? It's rare but you do see it. You're walking down the street and you see a girl wearing knee socks and a short skirt. It's like some pastiche of a schoolgirl's outfit but not quite. The woman is older and sexier than that. You are taken back by the confidence of women who dress like this. Let me tell you something. When we girls walk out in knee socks and short skirts we know exactly what we're doing. We know what that strip of bare white thigh is doing to you. The knee sock and short skirt on their own would be enough to get me fucked. The six-inch heels turn me into some kind of ridiculous fuck fantasy. The tight white t-shirt completes this outrageous outfit. The t-shirt is plain white and small, that is all. I am 27 and have 30 D size tits. That's plenty. That's a handful. I can just about get away without wearing a bra. Just about. Some girls see me and probably say, "That girl should wear a bra." Their boyfriends say, "I think she looks fine." The t-shirt is white, crisp and tight. It is stretched over my big tits. Not giant, just big. I wear a single string of white pearls around my neck. The pearls are a metaphor. You know what a metaphor is right? I have jet-black hair cut into a bob. It is high at the back. I wear black mascara and bright red lipstick. In my second story for Literotica I left my red lipstick smeared on the cocks of three strangers in a nightclub toilet. Every time I took a load of spunk down my mouth I made sure I re-applied my lipstick before taking another dick in my mouth. I will always spend a long time describing what I am wearing in my stories. It is important to me you understand how what I wear relates to how I feel. It's important to me that you understand. Let me put it another way. The way I am dressed in this story is like a fantasy, but that isn't to say I look like a porn girl. You know when you find that piece of porn and the girl is dressed how you like? When she is dressed in your favourite kind of stockings and your favourite type of corset? Don't you just know that they aren't her clothes? You know they have been chosen for her, or she has chosen them from a rail on the set of the porn shoot. When you see me walking down your street, you know that these clothes are mine. You will know that I love to dress this way. You will see the fit and quality of my sexy clothes and know that I was born to be this way. You haven't met someone like me before. I am wearing simple white cotton panties. They are normal in every respect. I am sitting on the Circle Line. I got on at Liverpool Street. The train pulls into Moorgate. A girl sits opposite me. The girls dress sexy in the city. They dress in their business suits. They don't know what they do to boys and girls like me. I sip from my bottle of diet coke. This girl is slightly overweight. Her big fat tits stretch her cotton blouse. Her skirt is just a little short. She has tan tights and black shoes with a three-inch heel. Her hair is tied back in a severe way. She has a normal face, but I would fuck her. I want her to sit on my face. I bet she has a hairy pussy. She would squeeze my head between her big thighs. I bet I could make this sexy fat bitch howl like a dog. I try and make eye contact but she is in another world. She gets off at King's Cross. At Great Portland Street a couple get on and sit in front of me. She is tall and scrawny with corkscrew hair. She has small but nice tits. Her legs are thin, long and tanned. She wears a denim skirt and cowboy boots. Her boyfriend is ordinary and called Dave or something. They are laughing. They stop laughing as I keep crossing and uncrossing my legs. He knows I'm doing this on purpose. She knows I'm doing it on purpose. He tries to concentrate on his girlfriend. He strokes her leg to show he loves her but every few minutes I swing one leg over the other and he cannot take his eye off my crotch. He sees my panties. He simply cannot take his eyes of the gap between my long white legs. He tries but he can't. She sees him looking at my legs. She sees him looking at my panties. He knows she sees him looking at my panties. I stare at him. He looks up at me. My eyes say, "I could steal you away. You would give up everything with this girl just for the chance to shoot your load in between these luscious red lips." My eyes say, "I wouldn't flinch." My eyes say, "I would swallow." They get off at Edgware Road in silence. They will have a row later. Later then that he will wank himself off dreaming of giving me a hard ass fuck against a brick wall. He thinks it's what I deserve. Maybe I do. At Paddington an older man gets on. He is in his late fifties. He is more than a little overweight. He is bald. Do you think I mind? I don't mind at all. I see the good in everything. I have fucked old men. I have fucked bald men. I have fucked fat men. I fucked the head chef when I worked in a kitchen. He was in his sixties and had a big beer belly. He had one of the biggest dicks I'd seen though. When work was over he bent me over the salad table and impaled me with his big thick club. He nearly split my cunt in half and when he finished he filled my ass crack up with thick gloopy cum. When I was twenty-five I worked in an office and sucked off my fat, old, bald boss who was in his mid fifties. I made him sit in his chair. I got on my knees in my sexy little secretary outfit. I took his cock in my hand. I said, "I bet you never thought you'd get to stick your cock in the mouth of a twenty five year old did you? You'll never get anything like this from your fat old wife." He grabbed the back of my head and forced his cock into my gob. He fucked my face furiously. He was so angry and horny. It must have been weeks since he had come, he absolutely filled my mouth up with his cream until I choked and had to spit some out. I sit and sip cherry coke in front of the old man. I keep my knees close together. My skirt is high. My heels are high. I am pretending that the coke bottle is a cock. I tongue the rim. I suck it as though it were a cock. I make it obvious so he is in no doubt. I lean forward. My tits are swollen and heavy. He leans in to hear what I have to say. I say, "Yes I am." He says, "You are what?" I say, "I am pretending this cock bottle is your cock. I bet you have a thick, lumbering old man's cock. I am dreaming of your cock in my mouth." He says nothing but as he listens he looks down at the white skin between my knee-highs and my little black skirt. "I will not fuck you but would you do me a favour. When you get home will you go through your wife's drawer and find your favourite pair of panties and put them in your pocket. When you are having dinner tonight excuse yourself, say you have to go to the toilet. When you are in the toilet, wrap her panties around your cock and think of me. Think of my neat shaven cunt and soft round titties. Make yourself cum in your wife's panties whilst thinking about spraying my pretty young face. Then go back to your wife as if nothing happened, with her cum soaked panties in your pocket." He is speechless. This is a power I have. It renders men utterly useless and unable to speak. He leans back stunned and gets off at Gloucester Road. I give him a wink as he leaves. A spotty youth and his friend get on at Victoria. They must be nineteen, maybe twenty. They wear tracksuits. One is in white, the other in blue. They wear baseball caps. They are completely unattractive to me but that doesn't matter. I like fucking older men. I like fucking young men too. All the heels, stockings and lingerie that I like to wear are wasted on young guys. Young guys know nothing of tease. With them it's all about tits, ass and cunt. Here's what I like to do with young men. I like to see how quickly I can make them come. If I get them into a room, I like to see how quickly I can make them shoot their load. Sometimes I can make them shoot into my cunt in mere minutes. They have barely got their trousers down and their small stiff cock is only just inside my pussy and already they are pumping and jizzing away. It leaves my cunt unsatisfied but later on I can think about the power I wielded over that young cock. The fact that I can make men come so quick just makes me horny again. This is what I say when I want men to come for me. I look them in the eye and say, "It's ok honey, just let go." I say it in a soft comforting tone. They always come when I say this. The two tracksuits sit with their legs wide apart. These types of men always do. They are laughing. They are laughing at me. They are laughing out of fear. They aren't laughing for long. I cross my legs. They see my clean white panties. They see the long stretch of gorgeous white thigh that leads to my snatch. I make them understand. My long legs and my gorgeous tits tell them to shut up. My tits say, "You are entering new territory. You have never seen a woman like this before. You are not in charge." These two idiots are staring with their mouths open. I do not lean forward. I beckon them with my little finger. They lean forward. "Now listen virgins. I want you to rub your cocks through your tracksuit bottoms. I don't care who sees. If you two sit there and rub your cocks whilst I keep showing you my panties I will give you ten pounds each. You can spend it on Grand Theft Auto or whatever you dumb chavs do with your money." Three seats down the train carriage there is a woman in her thirties with short blonde hair. I think she has been there for a while. I think she knows what I am doing. "Now sit back and stroke yourselves." The stupid nineteen year olds sit back. They are terrified. I'm not. I rule. White tracksuit starts to rub himself first. He uses his palm and pushes down on his shaft. I can see it though his tracksuit. It is long and thin. Blue tracksuit looks at his friend and doesn't know what to do. Whitey elbows him and says, "Come on man! Ten quid!" Bluey starts to stroke his cock. It's hard to see how big his is at this point. It's probably small. They look like small cocked morons to me. I stretch my long legs out in front of me. My heels touch the bottom of whitey's seat. His legs are open either side of mine. I arch my back away from my seat and push my glorious tits out. The t-shirt is tight and my hard nipples poke out. I bring my legs back with my knees close together. I kick one high heeled leg out and cross it over the other. As I do so, I make my leg go wide and high, so that the two idiots can see my white cotton panties. My white cotton panties are a little damp. Did that require saying? I cross my legs tight and high, so that the idiots can see the expanse of white thigh as it curves back to my ass. Whitey has a good rhythm. He has lost his inhibitions. His cock is long and thin and is quite clear to see now under his tracksuit bottoms. Bluey is pretending to enjoy himself. He is too scared he wants to leave. The woman with the short blonde hair is looking at us. Her face looks disgusted. She looks fine herself. She is just wearing jeans, t-shirt and trainers but she has fantastic big tits and she looks like she isn't wearing a bra either. I take the cherry coke bottle to my lips. I say, "Pretend this coke bottle is your cock." I say it loudly so the big titted blonde woman hears. I take the coke bottle into mouth and pretend that it is a nineteen year olds cock. I give the bottle head like a proper cum queen. Listen to me. I know how to suck cock. Send your wife to me. Send your girlfriend to me. I will teach them. Long and slow. Up and down. Round and round. Think about my long legs. Think about my stupid high heels. Think about my sexy black knee socks. Whitey is as hard as he can be. I cross my legs. Whitey is as hard as he can be. I cross my legs again. Bluey is getting hard. I cross my legs again. Every time they see my damp panties. The blonde woman is disgusted but transfixed. I take the coke bottle from my lips. Red lipstick is smeared around the end, just like red lipstick would be smeared around your cock if I were sucking it right now. I uncross my legs. I lean forward. My swollen tits feel heavy. I reach out towards Whitey's cock. He takes his hand away. I touch the base of his cock through his nylon tracksuit. My long fingernail traces the length of his shaft sideways from base to tip. His cock tugs at the fabric. I didn't plan to, but I find myself saying, "It's ok honey. Let go." It's not often I'm surprised, but I'm surprised by what happens next. Whitey comes in his pants. My fingertip can feel his thin cock start to pulse and throb. He can't help himself from pumping his load into his pants. A wet patch starts to form at the end of his cock, half way down his thigh. His face looks embarrassed and humiliated. It should. He is. I sit back. I take two ten-pound notes from my purse and hand them to the tracksuits. They get off at Embankment. Whitey looks foolish and dejected. Bluey is still hard and confused. The blonde woman moves up the train carriage and sits next to me. She really has got massive tits. She is a big woman but not fat. Her tits must be 34Fs, maybe, more than a handful. You could bury your face in them and you wouldn't breath. She leans in and says to me, "I know what you are you little slut. I've watched you I know what you are doing." I say, "Can I bite your nipple?" She says, "What? WHAT?" "I know you are very angry with me, but I can't help but notice that your nipples have gone hard. They are poking through the cotton of your t-shirt. I can see you're not wearing a bra. Will you just look at your tits woman! Your nipples are hard and sticking out like cigarette butts. Let me take one in my mouth. Let me bite one. Let me bite through the cotton. Let me bite hard. Let me hurt you, just a little." She pauses. "Please?" "Yes," she replies, "Quick, whilst no-one's looking." I bend down. I cup one of her gigantic globes in my hand and gently take the hard nipple in my mouth. I bite down hard and long. My pussy throbs. My breasts heave. She leans forward and makes a sound like a purring kitten. Wouldn't you like to walk onto this train right now? One big tittied woman is biting the absolutely massive tit of a complete stranger. What type of tits has your wife got? Bite them hard for me. Do it tonight and think of me. The train pulls into Liverpool Street. We have come full circle. Blondie Big Tits pulls away and says, "I have to go." She gets off the train. She has red lipstick marks around her nipple on her t-shirt. A normal ordinary man gets on the train and sits opposite me. He has ordinary hair. He has an ordinary build. He wears trousers and a shirt. He is neither attractive nor ugly. He will do. He's called Dave or something, probably. I am ready for a fuck. After three stories and several weeks of teasing, I'm ready for a cock to be stuffed up my cunt. It goes this way with me. I can only tease for so long. As you get to know me and read my stories you will learn. Tease, tease, tease and then fuck. This man sees my tits, my bright red lips, my short skirt, my long thighs, my sexy knee socks and my six-inch heels. He takes it all in, so would you. I lean forward, so does he. "Look at my heels," I say. "Aren't they ridiculous? I can barely walk in them. Really I can't. When I walk in them I wobble. My ass swings back and forth. Look at my short skirt and my black knee length socks. I've come in fancy dress. I've come dressed as your sexy schoolgirl fantasy, except I'm wearing absurd six inch heels that a schoolgirl could never walk in. I didn't buy these shoes to walk in though. I bought them so that I might get fucked. You don't suppose you might be able to fuck me would you?" "Of course," he replied. "You know I would." "The thing is it would have to be right now. It would have to be in the first place we could find. As soon as we found a spot, you would have to fuck me. You can fuck me anyway you please. You don't need to wear a condom. I want you to fill your cum shooting up inside my cunt canal. The main thing is that you have to be quick. You have to fuck me as hard and fast as possible. I want you to pound my cunt and empty your heavy spunk filled balls." "Ok," he says. He looks shocked, surprised, whatever. The train pulls into Farringdon. "Let's go. Follow me. Watch my ass." I get up. I leave my coke bottle on my seat. Maybe it's still there. I leave the train. He follows. I walk up the steps. He follows. Imagine the sight as he looks up above him. My ass is big, but tight. Do you understand? It's not fat. It's toned. My Grandmother was black on my mother's side. I'm the whitest girl you've ever seen but I've got a black girl's ass. How do you like that? He sees swinging back and forth. My skirt is short enough that he can see my panties. He can see my long power full legs. My long black smooth knee socks. My high heels. Listen, here's an idea, why don't you buy your wife some high heels. Take a pair of her shoes into a shop and buy something expensive. The girl in the shop will help you buy the right size. Give them to her and say that they aren't for a birthday, they are because you love her but you want to fuck her in high heels. Why won't your wife let you fuck her in high heels? It isn't fair? I'd let you. Ask her. It can't hurt. Next time you're pounding her pussy, whisper in her ear, "I want to fuck you in six inch stilettos." Let me know how it goes. I go through the ticket barrier. He follows. I walk out the station. I head north. He follows. This is a nice area of London. There are offices and old pubs and wine bars. There is always somewhere to fuck. I turn left then right, and so on and so forth. We are behind a pub. It is a quiet alley. There are some beer barrels. We are alone but we must be quick. I turn around and face him. He can barely walk because of his big hard erection. How is your erection? Hold on love, we are near the end now. "How would you like to fuck me?" I ask. "I could get down on my back and pull my legs wide apart. I don't mind lying on the cold hard concrete. You could fuck me like that. I could put my hands on that wall. I could spread my hands wide apart. I could stretch my legs wide apart. With my six-inch heels I reckon my cunt would be just the right height for your cock. I could get on my knees like a dog. I could get on my knees like a slut. The concrete would be hard on my knees. I would probably put a hole in my sexy knee socks. My high heels would be splayed out behind me. You would fuck me hard with your cock. I have a tight cunt. If you have a small cock I can close my cunt walls around it and make it feel tight. If you have a medium size cunt, it will be a nice tight fit. If you have a big cock it will feel fantastic. You will stretch my cunt and it will hurt a little but it will be gorgeous." Dave starts taking his cock out. He says, "I have a bigger than an average cock. I will fuck you on all fours. Get down, you slut." I turn around. I place my purse in front of me. I get on my knees. I put my hands out in front of me. I'm on all fours like a dog. Like whore. The ground is hard, cold and uncomfortable. Like a slutty, whore in high heels who would let just about anybody fuck her hard in a back alley. My tits feel like they are going to explode. My nipples are so hard. My shaven cunt is dripping with pussy juice. I turn around. He has his shaft out. He has a big hard dick. He is right, he has a bigger than average cock. This cock will fill me up. He has a huge bell end. I say, "Just pull my panties to one side, don't bother taken them off. Just pull them to one side." Here's the thing... In my first story for Literotica a stranger came in my face but I didn't take my stockings off, or my black satin dress. In my second story three men came in my mouth. I kept on my tight shorts and my black tights and heels. In my third story I slipped my expensive lilac panties down my legs so that my girlfriend could lick out my ass and cunt. However the knickers were still round my knees when I wanked her husband off into her face. In this story this man will pull my knickers to one side and fuck the living daylights out of me. In four stories I have not taken an item of clothing off. In my fifth story I will finally take my top off. I will undo my bra and release my tits. Four men will take their turns covering my tits with cum. It will be so fucking messy. He gets down. He pushes my tiny skirt over my ass. He must be surprised to see such a big white ass sticking out high like that. My ass cheeks are smooth white and round. He can't stop himself from stroking my ass. It's nice but not what I want. I say, "Pull my panties to one side and fuck my cunt." He pulls my panties to one side. I get my legs wide apart. He positions himself. I feel the tip of his cock at the lips of my pussy. I am so ready. I've waited so long. My cunt, my gorgeous cunt is wet and ready for cock. Oh please let him fuck me hard. I move back towards his cock. His mighty bell end parts my lips. This is my favourite part. When the widest part of the cock, parts me and goes inside. The rim of his helmet is inside my cunt. I say, "I shaved my cunt this morning just for you. I don't know who you are but I made sure you got a freshly shaven cunt." Dave ploughed forward. Half his cock is in. It feels magnificent. "All the way." I say and rock back onto his shaft. He pulls back and then rams his complete length into my sweet, sweet pussy. I take his whole cock in my tight cunt. He is pulling me apart. I love his sweet cock. I love any cock. Fuck. He pulls back. He thrusts forward. He pulls back. He thrusts forward. I rock with him. I match his rhythm. He is the fourth person in my literotica stories to see my cunt. He is the first to fuck it. I am being fucked in my six-inch heels on my hands knees in a back alley in the centre of London by a complete stranger. It feels so good. I say, "Fuck my cunt." He says. "Fuck, fuck, it feels so good." I say, "Fuck this big titted whore. I'm on my knees for you, fuck me hard and quick." He goes in and out. He is fucking me good. I feel it start from my tight cunt walls. An orgasm spreads through my cunt and then spreads over my whole body. I always feel the orgasm in my tits. My tits feel like they are filled with electricity. I come. I come hard. I go, "Grrrrrrrrrnnnnnnnnnaaaahhhh!" You know what I wish? I wish you could be here. It would be so nice to slip an extra cock in my mouth. You could try and shoot over my face whilst he fills up my cunt. That's what's going to happen next. He is fucking me really hard and fast. He is fucking his long legged tart in her high heels and knees sock. He is going to give me so much cum. I deserve a lot of cum. I have earned this today. I am the 9 Stone Cum Queen. I turn around. I look him straight in the eye. He looks at my beautiful sweet face, my gorgeous red lips and my smooth white ass. I murmer, "It's OK honey, let go." He shoots cum into my throbbing, aching pussy. He pumps his junk into my beautiful cunt. He pumps and pumps. He pumps some more. My cunt is full of his cum. It's oozing out of my pussy lips as he continues to pound my glorious little fuck hole. He pushes one last time and throws a last spurt of jizz up my cunt. I come again. My beautiful cunt. He pulls out. I fall to one side. I am an absolutely beautiful little slut. I am dressed in six inch heels, black knee socks, short black skirt and tight white t-shirt. I am lying on the floor of a London back alley. Cum is oozing out of my pussy. Here I am. |
Resisting one sexy barely-legal teenage school girl might have been possible. But resisting two? They came back to the room, which also served as my office, after class, at 4:00pm. I'd written them up for using their telephones in class, and told them they'd get detention for it. Valeria was Russian; her family had come to America five years ago. She was tall and slim, with long blond hair, big green eyes, and smooth white skin. Gabriella was American by birth, but her mother was Venezuelan and her father was from Kenya; she had long curly dark hair, and was shorter than Valeria but more curvaceous. Her skin had a lovely golden cocoa color. They were both eighteen - they'd be graduating soon - and were two of the hottest girls in class, and they certainly knew it. Not that there were many men around to appreciate them, at this all-female academy. They both wore their uniforms, in accordance with regulations; plaid skirts - past the knee, of course - and white blouses, with a necktie with the school insignia. And white socks with their plain flat brown shoes. They came into the room as confident as a couple of lionesses. "Teacher!" pouted Valeria, sitting on the edge of my desk. "We're so upset that you gave us detention!" "Well," I said, pushing back in my chair and considering them. "You did something wrong, and you get punished. That's the way the world works." "But detention! Sitting in the library for two hours after school? It's awful!" complained Gabriella. "Yeah, we weren't doing anything! Really! I was just sending Gabriella a picture that I made last night. Do you want to see it?" She put her Iphone on my desk, a picture on the screen; it was a picture of her in pink lace bra and panties, posing on her bed, nibbling on a ballpoint pen. I looked at it, and then at her. "Really, Valeria. Sexting? You might get two days of detention." She smiled at me. "Sexting? What sexting! I just wanted to show Gabriella the new underwear that I bought in the city yesterday. It's nice, isn't it? Don't you like it?" "It's nice," I admitted. "You remember that it's against regulations to wear colored underwear with your white blouse, though, I hope." She smiled at me then pulled off her necktie, standing in front of my desk. "Oh, I follow the rules, teacher. You want to see?" Valeria deftly opened the first button of her blouse and toyed with the second. "Hmm, sir? Do you want to check, and make sure my bra is the right color?" Gabriella removed her tie also. "Mine, too sir. Do you want to see mine? We follow the rules!" "Well," I said, throat dry and my erection already starting to swell. "I don't know, taking off your uniforms, that would definitely be against regulations." I pushed my chair back from my desk to appreciate these two gorgeous young creatures. Valeria made a pouty noise. "Well I don't have to take it off, I can just open it a little... " she opened the second button and leaned over, putting her arms on my desk, cupping her breasts between her arms and looking at me with those big green eyes as she displayed the beautiful firm pale cleft of her cleavage. Gabriella moved closer to Valeria and said, "Don't take all of his time up, you show off! He has to check mine, too!" She opened her blouse even further than Valeria - the second and third buttons - and bent over to show her golden breasts and the white lace bra in which they were held. "Well, girls... I uh, I'm not sure we're following regulations here..." My heart was thudding and I felt light-headed. Valeria stood up, pulling her blouse closed but not buttoning it. "Oh, regulations! I know, there are so many of them. It's hard to keep from breaking them." Gabriella also stood up and pointed at Valeria. "In fact, she has on black panties today. I know the school rules don't specifically address the color of our panties, but it kind of suggests that we need to wear white. To match the bras, I mean." "Well, I think you have freedom, on that issue," I said, feeling myself start to sweat. Valeria and Gabriella smiled at each other. "Did you hear that, Val?" Gabriella said. "Your black panties are okay!" "Anyway," said Valeria, looking me in the eye. "It's not fair, is it? Are there rules about what kind of underwear the teachers have to wear?" "No," I admitted. "But you're the students, and that's just the way it is..." "Well, you're not so much older than us, are you?" asked Gabriella, stepping around the desk and moving closer to me. "I'm 34," I said. "But you remember what it was like to be 18," said Valeria, moving around to my other side. "To be young and full of energy." "Yeah! Life is so full of... distractions... at this age!" said Gabriella. "Well, anyway, ladies, I told you not to use your phones in class, and you were doing it." I tried to take a stand. "If you think coming in here and flashing your breasts at me is enough to get me to cancel that... " They were both standing close to me, on either side of my desk chair, and I could practically feel the body heat coming off of them. "Oh but sir!" said Valeria. "No, we didn't come here for that!" She stepped backwards. "No sir!" said Gabriella. "We know we need to be punished. But we were thinking, detention, it's just so boring! And it takes so long. Can't we do something that could be over more quickly?" She moved away also. "For example?" I asked. Valeria leaned over my desk again and displayed the cleavage between her beautiful young firm breasts again and the white smooth satin bra that encased them. "Spanking," said Valeria, finally, batting her huge wet eyes at me, unsmiling. "You girls know that corporal punishment is not allowed at this academy," I said, weakly. "Oh, yes sir!" said Valeria. "I know, a big strong man spanking little girls like us? That would be totally inappropriate!" "Absolutely! Your big hands on our soft little bottoms? It's unthinkable," said Gabriella, mockingly. The two of them were circling me and my desk like vultures, now. Finally Valeria came closer to me, leaning down to speak in my ear. "We think we should spank each other." I just looked at them, and it must have been a stunned look, because they both laughed. "No, really sir!" said Valeria. "Don't worry, I'll spank her hard!" "Yeah!" said Gabriella. "I won't have any mercy. I will spank her ass until it's red!" "We'll do it right here," said Valeria, and leaned over my desk so that I could see her cleavage again and so her ass was right in position for Gabriella to spank. I tried to speak, knowing I should protest, but knowing that I was never going to. "You might want to stand up, or move your chair a little, sir, so that you can see... so that you know that I'm not taking it easy on her." "I can see fine from here," I said, looking at Valeria's tits. She was just smiling at me - a small, knowing smile. "Are you ready to take your medicine, Valeria?" Gabriella said kindly, pulling Valeria's plaid skirt up. I had to stand up and see that; indeed, Valeria's small string panties were black, and her legs and heart-shaped ass were every bit as beautiful and flawless and firm as the rest of her. "All right," said Valeria, licking her lips and closing her eyes. Gabriella's small hand slapped down on Valeria's ass, eliciting a gasp from Valeria. "Is that all right sir, or should I do it harder?" asked Gabriella. "Harder," I whispered. Her hand flashed down on Valeria's ass again, and there was a louder crack this time, and this time Valeria let out a little cry, then bit her full bottom lip and moaned. "Is that good, sir?" asked Gabriella. "Yes," I said. "That's just right." "Should I hit her again? How many licks does she get?" "Uh," I said, breathlessly. "I don't know, really, how many do you think she deserves?" "Oh, maybe ten? How about you, Val? How many do you think you deserve?" "At least ten," she said. "Ten more, or ten total?" asked Gabriella. "Ten more," I said. They both smiled at me. "Ready, Val?" said Gabriella, and smacked Valeria's ass again, harder, and then harder again, and now she was really putting her weight into the spanks, and then a few more and the loud smacks echoed through the room as Valeria stifled her cries. "Ohhh," said Valeria. "How many is that?" "That's eight," said Gabriella. "Four more. Come here, look sir! Her ass is nice and red." I stood up, mindful of the huge erection that was now very evident in my khakis, and saw that Valeria's ivory-pale ass now had some bright red highlights. "Yes," I said. "Very good, Gabriella. You're doing a good job." Valeria now had her chest flat on the desk and purred, "Yes, Gabriella, I agree, you're doing a very good job." I sat back in my desk chair and looked Valeria in the eye. "Are you going to break rules again, Valeria?" "No, sir!" she said. "But I have four more spanks coming, and I'm afraid I'll make too much noise. Can I suck on your finger while she spanks me?" "I don't think that's appropriate, as we discussed. I'm not allowed to touch the students under any circumstances." "Even an emergency?" "Well..." I considered. "I suppose, in an emergency." This was certainly an emergency - I felt like I was going to have a heart attack if I didn't touch her. "You could suck your own fingers," I suggested. "I can't suck my own fingers, my fingernails are too long," she pouted. I extended my hand and she took my index finger in her wet mouth, rolling her tongue around it and tightening her lips around it. I couldn't help but moan. "Ready Val?" said Gabriella eagerly, and drew her arm back and gave Valeria four more hard spanks, putting a lot of energy into it. Valeria moaned and gurgled around my finger, her tongue dancing around it. When she finally released my wet finger, I felt like I was about to cum in my pants. "All right," said Gabriella, bending down over the desk and assuming the position, again cupping her breasts between her elbows and eyeing the bulge in my pants, which I was now unable to keep from stroking. Valeria was looking at me. "Aren't you going to give her your finger, sir? We don't want anybody to hear us!" "I suppose we don't," I said hoarsely. I put the first finger of my other hand in Gabriella's mouth. She moaned and ran her tongue around it, as Valeria had done; but then she opened her mouth, took my hand and inserted both my ring finger and middle finger in her mouth. "Ready?" asked Valeria, pulling Gabriella's skirt up around her waist. "No problem here, sir; Gabriella's panties are white. She likes white lace, don't you Gabriella?" Gabriella nodded and made an affirmative sound around my two fingers she was sucking. Indicating the bulge in my crotch, Valeria said, "Sir, don't worry if this turns you on. The school counselor tells me that it's perfectly natural to get a bit excited at times like this." I just nodded, both ashamed and more aroused than I'd ever been in my life. Valeria raised her hand and brought it down hard on Gabriella's ass, and Gabriella gurgled and took my fingers so far into her mouth that she gagged. "Should I spank her the same? Is twelve times enough?" I could only nod now; I was getting close to cumming, rubbing myself through my khakis. Valeria swatted Gabriella's ass three more times, putting just as much force into it as Gabriella had. Even muffled by my fingers, Gabriella was moaning more loudly than Valeria had. "Gabby likes to be spanked, doesn't she?" said Valeria, sweetly, stroking Gabriella's long dark hair. Gabriella spit my fingers out of her mouth and was looking up at me, eyes moist with tears and glazed with lust. "Sirrr," she whined. "Give it to me, please, let me suck your cock while she spanks me..." "I can't," I said, but felt my prostate starting to spasm and knew that I needed relief, and that the rules didn't matter anymore. I unzipped my pants and pulled out my cock. Gabriella opened her mouth eagerly, like a baby bird, and closed her eyes as she took my engorged cock between her full lips and into her perfect wet mouth, meeting it with her lively tongue. I cried out in pleasure, and Valeria was watching us closely and as the cock went into Gabriella's mouth, Valeria's hand flashed down again, eliciting another cry from Gabriella, now muffled by my cock. With the six remaining spanks meeting the six thrusts into Gabriella's hot wet mouth, I came with a cry of anguished pleasure, feeling like I was unloading from the very bottom of my body and soul. Gabriella eagerly took every drop in her mouth. Valeria made a happy sound, watching us closely, and then bent down to kiss Gabriella, sticking her tongue into that mouth that was full of my semen. The two moaned and kissed hard over my desk for a moment as I collapsed, breathless, into my desk chair. But they weren't finished with me. They both stood up, as if they'd rehearsed it, and picked up their discarded neckties and began tying them around my forearms, binding me to the chair. "Girls!" I said, still trying to catch my breath from the powerful orgasm I'd had. "What are you...?" They both tied my arms down with bow knots and smiled at me. I suppose I could have ripped my arms free - if I'd really wanted to. Valeria put her arms around Gabriella's waist, and snuggled close to her, both of them smiling tauntingly down at me. "We know you're not allowed to touch the students, sir, so we want to help you resist temptation," explained Gabriella, and planted another kiss on Valeria's full lips, their tongues intertwining. I just gasped and tried again to make a feeble protest. "Girls, this isn't..." "Not what?" said Valeria, bending down and rubbing her nose against mine. "Not allowed? You didn't touch us!" "A cock in my mouth, isn't that touching?" asked Gabriella, innocently. "No, I don't think oral sex is specifically addressed in the school rules," said Valeria. Valeria and Gabriella were unbuttoning their blouses now, and I could see their white bras and full breasts more clearly now. "Don't take your shirt off, Val!" said Gabriella. "That would be against the regulations." "Oh, I know," said Valeria, holding her shirt open with both hands. "See, sir? All white." Gabriella stood behind Valeria and snuggled up to her, cupping Valeria's breasts from behind. "What do you think, sir? White enough?" "Definitely," I gasped. "Her skin's nice and white too, isn't it?" said Gabriella, fanning one hand down to stroke Valeria's flat stomach. "Very," I said. "Do you like her tits, sir? It's a shame you can't touch them, they really feel nice... so firm to the touch..." "Yeah," I croaked, "A terrible shame." Still feeling Valeria's tits, Gabriella said, "I can feel her nipples right through the bra, sir, I think she's excited." "I am," said Valeria, her voice quavering with pleasure, and leaned her head back to kiss Gabriella. "Is it okay if I pull her bra straps down and play with her nipples, sir?" asked Gabriella sweetly. I could only nod. In my lap, my cock was starting to stir again, without even being touched. "It's okay, Gaby, I think the rules don't address nipples, either," said Valeria, moaning as Gabriella pulled the cups of her bra down and teased the big stiff pink nipples. "I have such sensitive nipples, sir, oh it turns me on so much when she touches them," groaned Valeria. "Even more than when she spanks me. Does that make me a bad girl?" "Oh no," I said hurriedly. "It's perfectly natural, Valeria." "Did you hear that, Gabriella? The teacher thinks I'm a good girl," purred Valeria. "Well, you know.. he put some things in our mouths, maybe we should put something nice in his mouth?" asked Gabriella, gently pinching Valeria's nipples between her thumb and forefingers. "Oh, I'd like that," said Valeria. "How about you sir?" "Yes," I said, gasping. "Like an apple for the teacher," said Gabriella. "Except it's a nipple for the teacher," said Valeria. She moved forward and pulled up her skirt and sat down on my left leg, straddling it. I could feel the exhilarating feverish warmth in her crotch as her legs wrapped around mine, the heat behind her panties on top of my thigh. She pulled her shirt open and arched her back, then put her hands under her breasts and presented them to me. "What do you think sir? Do you want to suck her tits?" asked Gabriella, pulling up her skirt and straddling my other leg. "Yes," I whispered, and Valeria pressed her breasts forward, the left one tantalizingly close to my mouth and then pulled back. "Yes what?" asked Valeria sweetly. "Yes, I want to suck your tits, Valeria," I said, and then she pulled my head and mouth against her breast and gasped in pleasure as my tongue and lips met with her hard pink nipple. "Does that feel good, Val?" asked Gabriella. "It looks like it feels good..." Valeria pulled my head against her other breast, and I eagerly tongued and sucked her other nipple. "Oh yeah," murmured Valeria, throwing her head back. "It feels really good. He's got a talented tongue." "Awww," said Gabriella. "Look, he's hard again... "and I felt her small cool hand wrap gently around my rapidly-swelling cock. I gasped into Valeria's breasts, opening my mouth wide and seeing how much of her tit I could force in there. Valeria was grinding her crotch against my leg now, and I felt the heat and the moisture through the fabric of my khakis, as I could feel the edge of her bra cup digging into my chin. "Hey!" said Gabriella. "What about me?" she pouted. I looked at her; she had her blouse pulled open also, and she smiled at me as she released the clasp between the lacy cups of her bra and her breasts sprang free, the nipples small and brown but just as hard as Valeria's. "Now I hope I'm not breaking the rules, sir," she said, covering her own breasts with her hands. "I didn't remove my uniform or my bra! I just opened it." Valeria pouted. "I don't have any bras that open in the front. Should I buy one, sir?" "I kind of like the way your bra looks pulled down around your tits like that, actually," I said. Now it was Gabriella's turn to pout. "Don't you like my bra, sir? Don't you like my body?" She arched her back and cupped her bare breasts, rubbing her own nipples with her thumbs. "Yes, you're a good student," I said as I moved my head towards her tits. She moved her hands and I attacked her breasts with my mouth, my tongue flickering over her nipples. My arms were straining against the bonds now, desperate to touch them, both of them, either of them. "Suck them, sir, don't be afraid to bite a little," she lectured me. "I'm not as sensitive as Valeria; I like to be bitten a little." I gently sank my teeth into her nipple until she cried out, "Yes!" Valeria took my cock away from Gabriella. "You have to share, Gabriella! You're getting all the fun today," Valeria pouted. Valeria's head bobbed down and I felt the exquisite wetness of her tongue encircling my penis. I moaned loudly, helplessly, into Gabriella's tits. Valeria sucked my cock only briefly, and then her head came up. "Why didn't you tell me he had such a sweet cock, Gaby?" she asked. "I thought you could taste it on my lips," said Gabriella, and the two of them tongue-kissed again, their breasts pressing together around my face. Then Gabriella pushed me back in the chair, pulling my tie open and unbuttoning the blue shirt I was wearing. "He sucked our nipples so well, don't you think we should suck his?" asked Gabriella. "I don't know. Some guys don't like that. Do you like that, teacher?" asked Valeria. "Yes," I said, almost whimpering. "Yes, I like it." "And do you want it?" asked Gabriella, teasingly. She'd unbuttoned my shirt now and opened it up. "Yeah," I said, panting. "Please, I want it." Gabriella moved her head down and kissed the center of my chest, and then began using her tongue gently on my left nipple, like a cat lapping milk. I shivered and moaned. At the same time, Valeria got back down on her knees and was sliding my cock in and out of her mouth with exquisite careful slowness. "Oh god," I moaned. "Hear that Gabriella?" asked Valeria, standing up. "He's praying. Isn't it illegal to pray in school?" she asked. "I think so, Valeria," said Gabriella, pulling away from me and standing up. "He's a bad boy." "I get to be first, Gaby," said Valeria. "You got to swallow his cum, I get to fuck him first." She pulled her plaid skirt up around her waist, and pulled her little black string panties out of the way. Her pussy was completely shaved. She rubbed her finger against her own moist slit, and moaned as she straddled me, her plaid skirt pooling around us. "No, girls, this isn't right..." I complained. I made a brief show of struggling with the bonds that still tied my arms to the chair. "I think he needs something in his mouth again, Gaby," said Valeria as she straddled my lap and took my swollen cock in her hand and rubbed it against the wet lips of her pussy; this elicited simultaneous groans from the two of us. Gaby put two fingers into my mouth as Valeria mounted me; my cock sank into Valeria's sublimely tight and wet pussy with cry of pleasure from Valeria and a stifled moan from me. Gabriella's long fingernails were hard and cold in my mouth, an alien yet erotic sensation. Gabriella removed her fingers and briefly touched her nipples with them, and then dipped them into her white panties, where they worked busily. I was bucking my hips, thrusting as Valeria rode me. "Sir," she said, "I told you my nipples are so sensitive, can you please suck them again and make me cum?" she begged in a liquid voice. I buried my face in her breasts again, licking, sucking and finally biting, and she threw her head back and began moaning hungrily and bucking harder on my cock. "Ohhhhhhh!" she finally cried, biting her lips, trembling as she had an orgasm. "My turn! My turn!" said Gabriella, eagerly, pulling her panties to the side of her pussy - she had a little dark landing strip, I saw - as Valeria carefully stepped off me and stood up; Gabriella was in my lap and again I cried out in pleasure as Gabriella's hot wet pussy engulfed my cock. I was starting to shake uncontrollably now as Gabriella clutched my head to her tits, bouncing up and down energetically in my lap, pumping my cock inside of her. Valeria was standing behind Gabriella and she reached around and began squeezing Gabriella's breasts, pushing them into my face as I sucked them. Then she reached down and touched Gabriella's clit, causing Gabriella to mewl with pleasure. Gabriella, too, seemed to orgasm in a matter of minutes, trembling and throwing her head back. Clearly the two girls had enjoyed their little games a great deal. "AHHHHHHHH," I started to feel like I was going to explode. Gabriella hurriedly climbed out of my lap, and both girls got on their knees and kissed and sucked my cock together, like two puppies fighting over a chew toy, and then my ears were ringing and I could hardly breathe and hot waves passed through me and when I finally ejaculated it felt like my heart had stopped. I think I might even have passed out for a moment; they were kissing the semen off each other's lips when I finally caught my breath and looked up at them. They just smiled at me as they untied my arms and began buttoning their blouses back up and straightening their skirts. "So, have we served enough detention for one day, sir?" asked Gabriella. I said that I thought they had... but we made arrangements for another detention session the next week. They walked out into the hallway, smiling, their skirts swishing behind them. |
_This story has a fair bit of build-up. Part of that is meant to indicate the tension of meeting up for the first time with people from the Internet and the other part is what I think a pre-scene negotiation should at least resemble: talking about one another's kinks, interests, and seeing what all involved parties want before you start fucking each other. If it's a lot, my mild apologies, but it's better to have too much consent than too little. Maybe it'll inspire you to play with others once we're no longer quarantined. This story's more on the realistic side, as a reflection of that tone, more hypnosis than mind control. Other quick tags include the words_ Master _,_ Mistress _, and_ slave _, and some foot play. These are likely to recur in other stories since they turn me on. Actual sexual intercourse turns me on less, but it's in here too. Away we go._ Allie pulled up to the address she had entered in Maps. The curb right past the driveway was unoccupied, so she threw her sedan in park after getting her passenger-side wheels on it. She didn't take the keys out of the ignition. Instead, Allie gripped her contoured steering wheel and rocked back and forth in the driver's side seat just a little. _Just breathe,_ she told herself. _Inhale through your nose... hold it... and exhale through your mouth._ As Allie did so, she felt her heart rate slowing, her anxiety drifting away just a little. Meditation through awareness of the breath helped calm her down in moments like this. A little pre-trance. Allie then removed her phone from its holder on the windshield, confirming that she had arrived at 222 Smith Street. After one more deep breath, she hit the home button and clicked on the messaging app that had brought her to this point. After watching the splash screen, her eyes trained on the most recent thread at the top of her list of correspondences. The user she had been talking to was named HypnoCouple. Their profile pic was a simple black-and- white spiral. Another deep breath, and Allie clicked on the thread. The most recent message ("See you soon!") had been sent by them in response to her "On my way 😊" 20 minutes ago. _Am I really going through with this?_ asked a thought bubbling up in her mind. Allie's heart sped up in her chest once again, leading her to push the power button on her phone, close her eyes, and focus on her breathing once more. _Yes!_ replied the rest of her. _Come on, just relax... The root of hypnosis is meditation, and the root of meditation is awareness._ That was a sentence Allie had said online to many of her hypnotic subjects. She repeated it to herself now. _Awareness of one's thoughts, anxieties... awareness of one's breath. Letting even these words enter the mind and then drift away. In... hold... and out._ The meditation she was performing now was similar to the first step of the trances she induced in others. It was good for calming the nerves, clearing the mind, and slowing the heart. Once Allie's heart settled down, she opened her eyes and then her phone. "HypnoCouple" was the online alias of a married pair in their late 20s named Will and Mary Thomson. They were "looking to add some spice to the bedroom," as it said on their ad. Allie scrolled way up to the top of their message history. Will and Mary both enjoyed erotic hypnosis and had put a post up on a fetish-friendly website looking for applicants to hypnotize the wife and potentially the husband too. Will identified as a switch and Mary as a pure subject. In their relationship, Will had as-of-yet only hypnotized her, but he craved the feeling of trance he had induced in his beloved so many times. Allie arrived at the first message, sent by her: "Hey there! I saw your ad. I'm an experienced hypnotist who's entranced many subjects online as well as all four of my past partners. I've been told that staring deep into my gray eyes and listening to my powerful hypnotic words washes all thoughts away. I'm also an expert in meditation. I spent a year abroad in China and learned a lot about Taoist meditation practices. Deep meditative states are very similar to hypnotic trances. The latter just tend to lend themselves to sexy submission. I think you'll both find that I'm a perfect fit for you! I look forward to your reply." Reading their answer back to herself as she took another deep breath, Allie calmed down even more. "Hello! Husband here. I have also found that using certain techniques of guided meditation can really help get my wife to drop nice and deep. She describes yoga as like body hypnosis and breathing exercises blank her out. Tell me more about what a typical hypnosis session with you looks like." Allie saw again her basic outline -- starting with relaxation via stretching and breathing exercises, then moving to obedience and submission, and then on to arousal if the subject so desires. Her thumb scrolled down further and further through their message history -- past her first brief conversation with Mary, past Will confirming that they both seemed to think she'd be a good fit, establishing their limits, scheduled a meetup, and exchanged photos. After getting to the image near the bottom of their correspondence, one of the wife sucking her husband's cock with eyelids mid-flutter, Allie tapped on the rectangle at the bottom of her screen to type a new text -- "I'm here!" She took one more deep breath, in through her nose, held for a few seconds, and exhaled through her mouth. A shake of the shoulders, a glance at herself in the mirror through her wire-framed glasses. She put her phone in her pocket, soon joined by her keys. Finally, she opened the door of her car, put on her best confident face, and sauntered up to the couple's front door. Allie's slender finger, adorned with black nail polish complementing her white skirt and striped monochrome top, came to rest on the doorbell. Her heart skipped a beat. This was her last chance to back out. Another deep breath came. She grinned a little. This was something she'd fantasized about for a while, and her chance was finally here. Her finger depressed the button, and she heard the resulting ring come from inside. Shortly after, the handle of the front door turned and swung inward, revealing the woman of the house. Mary Thomson stood just inside the house with a warm smile on her face as her eyes met Allie's. Will stood a few steps behind her. "Hey there, Allie," she said. "Nice to meet you in person. Come on in!" The women exchanged a brief hug as Allie stepped inside. Before she could walk past the welcome mat, Mary told the hypnotist to leave her shoes by the door. After slipping out of her strappy sandals, Allie followed her host down the hall to the living room. She watched Mary's waist-length blonde hair bouncing and sexy hips swaying as the pair walked deeper into the house. Allie bit her lip for a moment as she stared, but let her expression return to neutral just before Mary turned on her heel from the living room. Mary's blue eyes glinted in the light and her parted lips revealed sparkling clean teeth. She said, "Welcome to our home! Please make yourself comfortable in one of those chairs." Mary rounded the corner into the living room first, returning Allie's smile. They took seats on the couch to her left. The couple's eyes took in the mesmerizing college girl. Allie noticed their gazes running all the way from her black-painted toes to the top of her head. The lust in their eyes was unmistakable, and she returned it in kind. Will had a square jawline, warm brown eyes, short jet-black hair that was spiked up in the front, and a gray short-sleeve shirt that revealed his thick biceps. Mary stole the spotlight, though, with her flowing blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, curvy figure, and sparkling blue nails that caught the light and drew Allie's gaze. They took one another in, putting faces and bodies to the words previously exchanged through online messages. Will was the first to break the ice. "It's so nice to finally meet you! We've been looking forward to it." He and Mary exchanged glances before she continued. "We certainly have. Shall we get right to it, or..." she trailed off, gaze lowering, a glint in her eyes, leaning forward in her seat. Allie was happy to see Mary's eagerness but raised a palm to the couple, trying to slow things down. She preferred a slower induction. It was more satisfying that way. "Usually I prefer to discuss kinks and limits with my subjects first." Upon hearing the word _subjects_ Mary leaned even further forward, resting her chin on a fist and her elbow on a knee. She put her other hand on Will's leg before saying, "You'll find that Will and I are open to quite a lot." That line got a small roll of the eyes from her husband. Mary continued, "We both love Master/slave play, although I suppose in your case it would be Mistress/slaves. You can do whatever you want to me, honey; you're gorgeous. I've fantasized about being with a woman for a long time. He's fantasized about... what d'you call it, dear? Switching? Switching. Being my slave, you know? But I don't have it in me...." Mary paused, took a deep breath, then continued, her eyes not quite meeting Allie's. "I'm a total submissive. Having my will broken is the best feeling in the world. One last thing comes to mind: my husband loves my feet. He's always buying me shoes, getting me pedicures, giving me massages..." With his little secret out, Will blushed before stepping in to explain himself. "You see, I've always found women's feet beautiful. I've incorporated Mary's feet into a lot of our hypnotic sessions, making them more sensitive and such, but... well, it's rather hard to be dominant while playing with your subject's feet. I love being dominant, but there's something about worshiping feet that makes me feel a little submissive." While the two of them were explaining Will's foot fetish to her, Allie had begun to wiggle her black toes and lift her feet up a little, exposing the front part of her soles to him. She was conscientious of many things most people would miss, with an observant pair of eyes behind the glasses that she straightened as she tracked his gaze all the way down her body to the lowest part of her. But just about anyone would be able to tell that Will was staring at them. Allie was rather experienced in that department; one of her previous boyfriends had a foot fetish. Experimenting with it had been way more fun than she thought it would, felt much better than she thought it would. There was something wonderful about watching his eyes flutter the closer her soles got to his eyes, just as she told him they would, watching them shut as a toe finally touched his lips as she told him they would. There was something wonderful about having a willing subject beneath the lowest part of her... not only did it satisfy her dominant desires, but it felt incredible to have a warm tongue on her soles and toes. If he licked the right spot, she could even feel it on her clit. She assured the couple in front of her now that she knew "how fun blending a hypno kink with feet can be." With that, a small sigh of relief escaped Will. His wife reassuringly patted him on the leg, drawing her gaze away from Allie for a moment to look at his profile with a slight smile. "In terms of limits, we have very few," Mary said. "Just no blood, bodily fluids that aren't spit or cum, or intense pain." Allie cracked a few of her joints, stretched, then said, "No problems there. I'm just about ready to begin if you two are." They nodded in unison. "So, who's first?" Mary raised her hand like an eager volunteer at a magic show. Will chuckled a little and patted the small of his wife's back, prompting her to stand and walk over to Allie. The hypnotist crossed her arms and legs, putting on the most alluring air she could muster. "The first thing I want you to do for me, Mary, is to just stretch. Lift your arms above your head, then try to touch your toes." She shrugged, giving a clipped "OK" before doing as she was told. Mary was very limber, arching her back as her arms raised high above her head and touching her toes with ease, bringing both sets of her striking azure nails together. Allie smiled, and continued speaking to her first ever female subject. "That's it. You're doing so well for me. Stretching is a great way to get all the pent-up tension out before a session. After all, you can't be all tense and still relax.... Raise your arms back up to the ceiling, now, and feel all that built-up tension and stress begin to float away, replaced by tranquility." One look at Mary's eyes confirmed for Allie that the former was already starting to feel calm and relaxed. Backing this up further was the cute nod Mary gave to the hypnotist, bobbing her head up and down as her eyes started to glass over. Allie uncrossed her legs, sat up straight, and continued, "That's right, it feels so good to relax for me. As you do, it's perfectly natural for your breathing and heart rate to slow. I want you to focus on your breathing for me now, OK? Inhale through your nose... hold it... and exhale through your mouth." Mary nodded again and did as she was told, letting Allie guide her through the meditative process the hypnotist had used herself just minutes before. Will watched them both intently, sitting forward with both hands crossed in front of him. Allie could see in Mary's eyes that the latter was already starting to drop, which the former was quick to praise: "Perfect! And breathe just like that once again... there you go... allowing yourself to slip into a deeply relaxed state, feeling more and more calm with each passing breath. Should any stray thoughts enter your mind, just acknowledge them and let them drift away. In... hold... and out. Just like that." Allie then stood up, walked the few steps over, and placed her index finger and thumb on Mary's chin, making the blonde woman look directly into her pretty gray eyes. She moved her own face very close to Mary's before continuing the induction. "Focus only on your breath and my words; let your own thoughts drift away. You don't need them anymore. It feels good to feel yourself dropping into trance, doesn't it?" As a snake charms its prey, Allie nodded while raising and lowering Mary's chin with her hand. Mary half-willingly bobbed her head up and down like a puppet, then responded, "Yes, ma'am. It feels good to drop into trance for you." "There's a good girl! It feels so good to repeat my words back to me. When you repeat my powerful, hypnotic words, they become true. Repeat after me, Mary: You are dropping deep into trance.'" "I am dropping deep into trance." Mary's eyes were wide, her mouth open, her mind almost empty. "And repeat once more: You love to obey and sink and drop." "I love to obey and sink and drop." Mary's entire body was now swaying gently, back and forth, coaxed by gentle touches from Allie, the strings controlling her both mental and physical. "Again: Obedience is pleasure. You love to submit." "Obedience is pleasure. I love to submit." "There's a good girl! It feels good to be a good girl for me, isn't that right?" "Yes ma'am, I love to be your good girl." Mary nodded once again, this time without Allie's guiding hand. "That's exactly right! You love to be my good girl. You love to obey. You will do as I say." A small pause, then Mary realized she was again being prompted to respond. "I love to obey. I will do anything you command." Allie stroked her subject's hair, running her fingers slowly down her head. When her hand reached the back of Mary's neck, Allie tightened her grip around the blonde locks of hair, keeping her subject's gaze on her eyes. "Now, we're going to sway back and forth together..." They did so, Allie's hands wrapped around the small of Mary's back, moving them together in a kind of slow dance. They locked eyes. Allie continued, each phrase timed with a swaying motion: "And as we do... your knees are going to feel weaker... and weaker... and weaker... and weaker... until you just can't stand anymore... and when your knees touch the carpet beneath us... your mind will be completely blank, totally empty... and you will be enslaved by my irresistible will." By the end of the above quotation, Mary's knees were ready to give out, her eyelids fluttering as they continued swaying, slower now than when they'd started. "It's okay," Allie coaxed her, "to just sink to your knees... drop for me." "Yes, Allie. I obey." Mary sunk to her knees, dropping out of Allie's grasp, her hair bouncing as she landed softly on the plush carpet, sitting up on her heels as her knees dug into the carpet. Her mind totally blank, she looked up at Allie with fluttering eyelids and a dropped jaw. "Very good... blank and open and receptive... receptive to my suggestions. Just listen and feel my words becoming true. It's a little hot in here, isn't it, Mary?" Though the air conditioning was on, Mary nodded with blushing cheeks, accompanied by a small swaying of her upper body. "You are warm... so warm, in fact, that you want to get naked. Be a good girl and strip for me." "Yes, Allie. I obey." Allie released her grip and Mary practically tore off her clothes in a rush to obey the command, standing up to slide out of her gray yoga pants, rip off her white tank top, and remove her bra & underwear, getting totally naked as fast as she could. Her breasts were perky, round, and firm, with large areolae and nipples that became hard as soon as they were freed from their bra. Mary had a neatly trimmed patch of pubic hair, blonde as she was up top, angular hip bones, and a small gap between her thick thighs. She put her hands behind her back and grinned a little as she gave Allie a full view of her body. Allie smiled back and said, "You're being such a good girl for me! So eager to strip... so obedient. It feels good to be naked for me, isn't that right?" "Yes, Allie," replied Mary, blushing harder and smiling wider. "It feels good to be naked for you." At that, Allie caressed the back of her subject's head, running her nails in the grain of Mary's hair as the latter closed her eyes and gave a contented sigh. "This carpet feels so nice beneath my toes. It feels good to submit, to give in, to obey me. You want to kneel on this soft carpet for me. Be a good girl and drop to your knees once more." Mary did as she was told, felt a surge of pleasure as she obeyed, her body shivering a little, and a small moan escaping her lips. She sat on her heels, nude, entranced, staring up at the hypnotist who had brought her to this relaxed and obedient state of mind. Allie crossed her arms and said, "You're doing so well for me. I'll reward you..." Allie looked over to Will, winked, stuck out her tongue, and showed them both the newly-entranced subject's reward: she slipped the shoulder straps of her top to the side and ever-so-slowly let her outfit drop to the floor, accentuating her curves with a posture that stuck out her ass and chest. She hadn't worn underwear; there was no point. Once she was nude, Allie stepped out of her outfit, sat on the chair behind her, crossed her legs, curled an index finger up at herself twice, and said to Mary, "Crawl over here." Mary did as she was told, swaying her ass a bit for Will, who had been watching the show and touching himself through his clothes. Allie put a hand atop her head once she was within arm's reach and continued. "Good girl... Now, tell me, Mary -- what's the word for a woman who controls others through hypnosis?" Mary thought for a moment, her head gently swaying forward and back. Her blank expression eventually brightened a little. She blinked a few times, cocked her head to the side, and replied, "Mistress?" Allie uncrossed her legs and leaned forward in her seat to pat Mary on the head. "That's exactly right! In that case, I'm your Mistress, aren't I?" Mary nodded vigorously and replied, "Yes, Mistress." "And what is a word for someone who obeys the commands of a Mistress?" The hypnotized subject's reply came faster this time, her tone lower. "A slave, Mistress." Allie beamed now and scratched the top of Mary's head. "Yes, exactly right! You're such a good slave! Relaxed, entranced, obedient..." All that praise made Mary smile wide, her soft, glassy, azure eyes unfocused but glinting in the light. She was happy to please her new Mistress. Allie then lifted her right foot and ordered her slave to stare at it. Mary happily complied, watching her Mistress's sole as it scrunched and her toes as they wiggled. Her jaw hung open a little while she stared. She had never really looked at one before, she thought, taking in its shape. Did... did they really look like that? Her nails looked adorable at the end of her little toes, sloping downward in length... her soles had feminine curves and cute little wrinkles. Mary's eyelids fluttered as she stared. "Tell me, slave. Do you like my feet as much as your husband does?" asked Allie. Will sat up straighter at the mention of his name. "I... never really thought about feet like that before but maybe... maybe I do. They're so pretty, Mistress. I love your wrinkles, your cute nail polish, the way they move..." If Will sat any further forward in his seat, he'd have fallen off. He was clearly hard by now, and not attempting to conceal it. Allie glanced at him and winked before returning her gaze to Mary. She giggled at how quickly her new slave had fallen under her spell, and how susceptible she was to trance. A passing thought praised Will's hypnosis skills and remarked on his luck. _Time to put on a show._ "That's it... give in to me... it is right and natural to serve at your Mistress's feet... and it's natural to fall into trance when you stare at a body part you find sexy... just stare and sink ever-deeper into servitude..." Mary's jaw hung fully open, her eyes completely glazed over, her gaze entirely focused on her Mistress's feet, her mind not capable of forming a single thought. Allie eventually ordered, "Now, be a good girl for me and start massaging my foot. Use both hands, moving your thumbs in little circles around my sole... yes, just like that." Mary took Allie's right foot in her hands without a second thought, complying with her Mistress's wishes. She smiled as she did so. Serving at her Mistress's feet did just feel right. After a little while, Allie told her to shift to the other foot. Allie's soles were so soft, recently pedicured. Mary reveled in her first closeup look, taking in her Mistress's beautiful wrinkles and pretty toes from inches away. All the while, Allie continued to wiggle those toes in her subject's face. Mary's mouth was still hanging open, and it seemed like she was even starting to salivate. Allie giggled a little when she noticed. "Are you drooling for your Mistress's toes?" Allie's question caught Mary a little off-guard. She recoiled, shutting her mouth, her eyes darting around. "I... um..." "It's okay, my slave. Just give in. Drool for my pretty feet." Mary's eyes returned to Allie's feet. She did as she was told. She let her jaw drop once more, using her tongue to wet her lips and allowing herself to salivate freely. Drool dripped down the corners of her face. "Tell me how badly you want to taste my feet, slave." "Oh Mistress, I want to service your feet with my obedient mouth," Mary said, shaking her head back and forth as she pleaded, fluttering her eyelashes at her Mistress, playing it up a little for her husband. "Oh, please, let me worship your beautiful feet." Will took his pants off with that one, unable to resist masturbating any longer. Allie smiled at them both before commanding Mary to "Suck." She pushed the black-painted toes of her right foot into Mary's mouth. She moved her leg back and forth just enough to help Mary understand the tempo she should use. "There's a good girl! Bob your head up and down just like you do when you're being a good cocksucking slave for your Master. And I want to feel your moans on my skin." It all seemed to click with Mary in that moment. She did something similar to what she usually did when she blew her husband, kneeling and bobbing her head up and down as she sucked on each of Allie's toes. She wrapped both her hands around Allie's soles as she would his throbbing shaft, pushing and pulling the black-painted toes into and out of her mouth as she moaned. "Now, my obedient little subject, lick both of my pretty feet from heel to toe like a good girl." Entranced as she was, Mary's whole body shuddered as she obeyed. It felt so good to obey. It felt so right to service her Mistress with her tongue. Behind her, Mary's husband had left his seat and walked over to get a better view. He attracted Allie's gaze as he did so, and she asked, "I take it the horny man wants his turn now?" Will smiled and nodded as he stroked himself slowly, turning his wrist just a bit while his hand worked up and down his shaft and he watched his wife licking her Mistress's soles. Mary held both heels in her hands, alternating her long licks as she had been instructed. "Then kneel down for me, Will." "Yes, ma'am." Will removed his hand and fell to his knees, his cock twitching and throbbing as he did. "Good boy." Will shuddered in the same way his wife had but tried to remain a little more reserved. He had his dignity as her hypnotist to maintain, after all. Allie made a mental note to break that down a little. Calling a grown woman a "good girl" felt a little odd, though the sound of the phrase was like a sensual lick of the ear. Calling a grown man her "good boy," on the other hand, felt fantastic, like hot revenge for all the times she had been infantilized for having a vagina. She was eager to take control, and Will had waited so long to give it up. She told Mary to stop worshiping her feet and to "just watch." Then she left her chair and walked behind Will, placing her hands on his shoulders and slowly massaging them, pushing her thumbs nice and deep into his shoulders. A little sigh escaped his lips. Allie then placed her own lips right by his left ear and whispered, "I'm not gonna ask you to stretch, Will. Instead, I want you to just focus on your breathing while I give you this relaxing massage. Just like Mary did, now: inhale through the nose... hold it... and exhale through the mouth. And repeat. Feel my relaxing touch as you do, allowing yourself to drift deep into relaxation." Still kneeling, Mary watched her husband begin to fall into trance, guided there by her Mistress. She watched them both expectantly, still kneeling on the floor, arms behind her back, swaying back and forth a bit, mind blank, waiting for a command. Will's eyes were closed as he focused on his breathing and the sensations of Allie's hands on his shoulders. After giving him instructions on how he should be breathing, the hypnotist herself began to breathe deeply into his ears. Each breath made him shiver a little. She would occasionally whisper things like _good_ or _drift_ or _sink_ or _relax._ After a minute or two of this, Allie herself removed her lips from his ears for a moment, speaking to the already-entranced Mary. "Slave, it seems that your husband's cock is beginning to go soft. We don't want that, do we?" "No Mistress, we don't. What should I do to keep him hard for you?" _For me?_ Allie thought. _Someone's eager to please._ Then she said aloud, "Crawl over to your husband, nice and slow. Kiss his cock at the base, then slowly work your way up and down with your lips. Once he's hard, use your hands, lips, and tongue to pleasure him." Mary obeyed with a "Yes, Mistress." Allie kissed Will's ear, making sure he felt her hot breath, making him twitch with tingly pleasure, and whispered, "As for you, just enjoy the feelings of your wife's mouth as you fall deeper and deeper into a lovely, relaxed trance for me. It feels good to just focus on your breathing and these sensations, to drift and drop and relax. Let feelings replace thoughts... let your mind go blank for me." Will's head began to sway back and forth as Mary's had, gently at first. His wife's ministrations had returned his throbbing erection and drew moans from his lips. Allie pressed her thumbs into his shoulder one last time before moving her hands around to the front of his face, drawing in his eyes with her black nails. "Will... now I want you to just watch my fingers," she whispered into his ear, gently wiggling her digits as he stared. "Watch the way they move, allowing your eyes to be captivated by the pretty polish. Follow them up... and down. Side... to side. Letting your head mimic their movement as you look. Forward... and back. Just like that. You're doing so well for me." Will could feel a pulling sensation in his gut, his head becoming fuzzy. He had been entranced before, but only online, and years ago. It had nothing on the feeling of hearing someone whisper in his ear, nor on the mesmerizing movements of a human body. He found that he deeply enjoyed deep trance, focusing only on his breathing and Allie's commands, watching her graceful hands move, surrendering himself to blank pleasure. Allie's breath in his ears caused his spine to tingle, and her whispers made him shiver a little. "Now, Will, have you heard of fractionation?" "Mhm... I use it on Mary all the time." "Good. I'm going to lift this finger up," said Allie, wiggling her left index finger for his eyes, "and as I do, I will say 'Up.' When I do, you will feel your mind raising out of trance just a little, not enough to fully regain awareness but enough to feel your conscious mind returning to you. And when I say 'Down' while lowering my finger, you will drop back down into a deeply hypnotized state. Each time you do so, it will be a little more intense than the last. You will feel more relaxed, more obedient, more aroused... letting your mind go blank, except for thoughts of obeying my commands. Do you understand?" Will nodded. "And you, slave," she said, pointing at Mary. "Stop sucking. The head up here is more important right now; I don't want his head down there to distract him... but use your hands to keep him hard, nice and slow." "Yes Mistress." Mary pulled her head away from her husband's throbbing cock, watching her spit glinting in the light while his head pulsed, keeping her fingers wrapped around his shaft and lightly stroking. "Up," said Allie, raising her index finger up past his forehead as she whispered into his left ear. "Feeling yourself rising up out of the light trance I've induced in you. Feeling yourself right on the edge of waking up." Will's eyes widened as his eyes watched Allie's finger, raising him up out of trance. Just before he felt himself returning to full awareness, her dainty finger stopped, and began to reverse its course. "And back _down_," whispering into his right ear this time. Will felt himself dropping back down into trance as her finger descended. His head fell forward a little, but his eyes stayed trained on Allie's finger. Will's mind became fuzzy again, and all thoughts but her pretty nails, the entrancing movement of her finger, and the wonderful feelings of dropping deep into trance slipped away. Allie was back by his left ear. She stopped her finger when it was below his chin and started to bring it back "Up." She repeated this process five more times, bringing her index finger up less and less, down more and more each time. For his part, Will rose out of trance less with each whisper of "Up," and fell even deeper with each command of "Down." Mary watched with wide eyes and an open mouth, bringing her fingers slowly up with "Up" and down with "Down." When Allie figured that his mind had been sufficiently fractionated, ending on a "Down" in a low voice and her finger on his chest, she asked him how he was feeling. The only response he could give at that point was a quiet moan. "Good boy," she whispered in his ear. He shuddered and moaned louder. "Now take off that shirt and lie on your back, in front of the couch." Will did as he was told, reveling in his total nudity before this relative stranger who had so quickly taken over their minds. Allie took her seat on the middle cushion and told Mary to kneel between Will's legs. Seated there, Allie wiggled her toes and scrunched her soles in front of Will's glassy eyes. His mouth fell open almost immediately as his gaze was filled by Allie's cute feet. "Your wife is already my hypnotized slave, Will. You like that, don't you?" Will nodded. "That's right. You're happy that your wife knows the joys of servitude. It turns you on to see her be enslaved. Now you will be too. If you call me 'Mistress,' you may worship my feet as she did. We both know you want to." With that, Allie scrunched her soles inches away from his pleading eyes, making sure he saw each and every wrinkle as well as her black-painted toes. Will groaned for a moment, then said in a low voice, "Please... Mistress..." "Good boy! Now that you have admitted that I am your rightful Mistress, what does that make you?" She wiggled her toes as she asked, letting the big toe of her right foot tap against his lips. The last remnants of his conscious mind, his will, his dominant side, buckled and caved and collapsed, leaving only a blank hypnotic void. He gave in to his desires and said, "Y-your... your slave, Mistress." "Exactly right. Right now, in this moment, you can forget about being your wife's hypnotist. Right now, you are my obedient subject, enslaved by my will, a slave beneath my feet... and you would do everything to please me." Will nodded. Allie scratched the top of his head, then said, "Good slave... as a reward, you may worship my feet. Lick my soles and suck my toes. And you," said Allie, turning her gaze to Mary, "worship your husband's cock." Will became fully erect again very quickly as he pushed Allie's feet onto his face with both hands, his tongue running up and down her soles. Mary laid on the floor, stomach down, feet up, bobbing her head up and down on Will's dick as she moaned. She didn't just suck him, though. She _worshiped_ him, as she had been commanded. She played with his cock with her lips and tongue, sang to his cock with her moans, made him feel the most wondrous sensations. Feeling obedient and submissive for her Mistress and Master made Mary so wet. Mary's eyes remained trained on her Mistress's feet on her Master's face, feeling so deliciously powerless and mindless, a conduit for wondrous sensations. "Mistress," she said, taking her mouth away for a moment, "may I please pleasure myself while I suck?" "You may, my slave." Mary's hand moved between her thighs, and she played with her clit as she went back to sucking Will's cock. Her moans intensified around his shaft, and they both began to shudder with pleasure. "You're both doing so well for me," said Allie. "I will reward you both." Allie took her feet away from Will, leaving a slightly disappointed look in his eyes, but only for a moment. Her warm, wet toes traced their way down Will's chest, stopping to tease his nipples, then continued down to his cock, where Mary remained bobbing up and down. Then, Allie placed Will's penis between her soles, gripping it with her feet. "I am going to give your husband a footjob, Mary. I want you to use your mouth to worship his cock and my feet as you please. Continue to masturbate as you do." "Yes, Mistress." Allie did as she had said, stroking Will's cock with her soft soles as her other slave's tongue moved across it all. Will rested on his elbows as he leaned up a little, getting a better view of the sources of his pleasure. Mary was shaking now, her fingers on her clit sending shockwaves to every corner of her body. Her lips and tongue worked away to obey her Mistress, slurping and sucking |
and licking as she pleasured herself and her husband, guided by the commands of her Mistress to explore with her mouth. Allie could feel Will's cock twitching and throbbing on the sensitive skin of her soles and toes. His mouth fell open and his gaze turned to the ceiling as gasping breaths escaped him. "You both seem to be getting rather close. Are you ready to cum for your Mistress?" Their replies of "Yes, Mistress" came in a monotone unison, Will's raspy and Mary's slurred, as her tongue was working between Allie's toes and Will's cock. "Good slaves... but you may not cum yet. You may not to cum until I tell you that you can. Do you understand?" "Yes Mistress," the couple replied, once again speaking together, their words and tone helping to keep each other's minds empty and fuzzy. "Mary, are you on birth control?" "Yes, Mistress, I have an IUD." "Good... Will, how'd you like to fuck your wife while I sit on her face?" "Ohhh... I'd love to, Mistress." "Perfect... now then, Mary, lay down on the couch. Let your legs dangle over its armrest. Will, stand up, hold her legs, and tease her with your cock. Don't fuck her just yet." Another "Yes Mistress" in unison as they moved into their ordered positions. Allie then straddled Mary's chest, slowly sliding herself forward toward her slave's mouth, her hands traveling to the top of Mary's head. She swung her hips slowly to excite Will even further, whose cock was gently rubbing against Mary's budding clit, all of them throbbing with desire. Allie cradled Mary's cheeks with her fingers. "I'm so wet for you both... are you ready to taste your Mistress, my obedient slave?" Mary nodded before she replied, "Yes, Mistress. My tongue is yours." Allie smiled slowly, then gently lowered her pussy to Mary's lips. The hypnotized slave kissed gently at first, wrapping her arms around Allie. Will increased the speed of his teasing, and Mary's moans vibrated Allie's soaked sex. Allie poked her forehead and said, "You... start licking." Their powerful Mistress then turned half her face to Will and said, "And you... may fuck her." "Thank you, Mistress," he replied. With his first thrust, Mary made a series of muffled noises that sounded something like _Thank you, Mistress,_ punctuated by moans. Allie gently grinded on Mary's face, moving forward and back ever so slowly, her knees and arms moving her in a rhythm pleasing to her. She felt an electric buzzing on her clit. Mary knew just how to bring pleasure with her mouth, knew instinctively how to pleasure a clit, pulling it upward with her tongue, kissing, then running her tongue back down, eventually alternating her technique to focus more on kissing and sucking with gentle licks interspersed. The women's moans filled the air as Will increased the volume of his own sounds of pleasure, staring at the sexual spectacle in front of him, salivating for Allie's soles, using his thumb to please his wife's clit while he thrust into her again and again. Allie's moans increased in their intensity, her soles scrunching and toes curled, her fingers gripping Mary's hair. Eventually, Mary's speed reached a fever pitch, her head bobbing and her tongue pleasuring Allie's clit quickly yet gently. "Yes, just like that! Just like that... you're gonna make me cum... oh, _fuck!"_ Allie descended into gasps as Mary's tongue pushed her over the edge, the slave's head moving in time with her licks that sung to her Mistress's clit, reveling in knowing she served well, reveling in the sensation of her husband fucking her, reveling in her trance, thoughtless but for these feelings of obedience and pleasure. Allie moaned one last time, pulled back from Mary's mouth which smiled wide as she wrapped Allie in a post-orgasm hug-cuddle. Allie lifted and swayed her ass a little, showing off everything for Will, who let his gaze center on her wet pussy framed by a gorgeous ass and beautiful thighs. "Now," said Allie once the last of her aftershocks receded, "I am going to count down from 10. When I reach 0, you will both have incredibly intense orgasms. It will feel so good to cum for your Mistress." The entranced couple nodded and moaned. " _Ten_ \-- feeling so good for me already. _Nine_ \-- so deep in trance, so aroused." Allie planted a kiss on Mary's lips, then kept counting. " _Eight_ \-- feeling so good. _Seven_ \-- moaning for me like good little slaves. _Six_ \-- knowing and reveling in the pleasures of obedience." Will increased the tempo of his thrusts and his thumb on his wife's clit. He planted a few kisses and licks on her soles as he brought them both closer and closer to that edge. Allie kissed her again, with tongue this time, then pulled back, gently caressed her forehead, and kept counting down. " _Five_ \-- halfway there now. _Four_ \-- don't you dare cum until I give you permission. _Three_ \-- so close, so blank, feeling so good..." Will groaned and shuddered, biting his lips hard in a desperate attempt at self-distraction. Mary's moans were so loud now. Her nails dug into Allie's back. Allie returned fire with hot kisses on her neck. " _Two_ \-- so ready to cum for your Mistress. _One_ \-- almost there... not quite yet... and, _zero_ \-- _cum_ for me, my lovely slaves. Give into the pleasure and let yourselves fall over the edge." Mary gasped and bucked, her whole body shaking. She moaned a string of _yes-_ es as she finally fell over the edge and came. At the same time, Allie locked lips with her and Will filled her pussy with cum, groaning as his pleasure finally overwhelmed him, his eyelids fluttering, his grip on his wife's legs vice-like. Allie giggled gently as her slaves experienced the peak of their pleasures, kissed Mary a few more times, then said, "That's it... very good! You both did so well for me. Now, I am going to count you both back up. When I reach five, you will feel warm, happy, content, satisfied, fully awake, and fully aware, if a little hazy... still nice and relaxed, ready for cuddles and aftercare. _One_ \-- becoming aware once again of the world around you. _Two_ \-- rising up out of your trance. _Three_ \-- remembering the pleasures of servitude but ready to return to your conscious selves. _Four_ \-- almost awake now. And... _Five_ \-- fully awake and aware. Welcome back. Come up here with me," Allie said, patting the couch cushions beside her. Mary got there first and wrapped her arms around their hypnotist, nestling her head against Allie's shoulder. Will was slow to get up, rolling onto his stomach first and shoving himself up by his hands. He giggled a little to himself, as his body weight seemed far greater than it had before the session. A few grunts and moments of struggling to his feet later, and Will fell backwards onto the couch. He joined his wife in wrapping his arms around Allie. The three of them leaned backwards into the cushions and exchanged a few kisses. They snuggled like that for a while, just bathing in the afterglow, Allie warm and snug and proud, her slaves warm and happy, their thoughts back in their minds, just much fuzzier than before. Thank god that's over! After being snowed under by her studies, Alice had finally finished her first semester at collage. It had all started off easily enough, but the last few weeks almost got the better of her as the work kept piling up. The pressure to do well was not being helped by her private life. She had an ex, Danny, who kept trying to interfere when ever she even took a passing interest in another guy. Phone calls, angry text messages and finding out from others that friends of hers had been told to keep away. It was the last thing she needed right now. On top of that, the object of her affections, Rick, had left her feeling confused by his actions. The two of them had been friends for two years now. Rick worked as a personal trainer and had made no secret of the fact that he wanted Alice. The problem was that, when the two of them went out together, Rick seemed gun shy unwilling or unable to make a move. With her work finished for the next few weeks, Alice knew she needed to unwind. She knew what she wanted, she had needed the relief all day. Finally home, she decided to pour herself a glass of red wine she had kept for this very night, just something to drink while she quietly celebrated the end of her first semester. She turned on the TV and headed to her bedroom to get herself comfortable for the night. Slipping out of her clothes, she looked at herself in the mirror. Alice was a tall with dark red hair. As she took off her top and released herself from the confines of her bra, she admired her small but perfect breasts. She slid her hands down her body, and unbuckled her jeans, sliding them over her full hips and letting them fall to the floor. She looked at herself in the mirror, gave herself a rye smile, before putting on an over sided rugby shirt and heading back to the lounge room. It was on her way out of her bedroom door that she knew something was wrong. A noise, movement out the corner of her eye, she was taken by surprise as she was thrown against the floor. Before she knew what happened, he was on top of her. It was dark, and yet the knife in his hand stood out in the darkness. "If you scream, if you make so much as a sound, I'll end it with one cut." said the intruder and he blindfolded her. The cold blade of the knife made Alice focus in a way she had never felt before. All of her senses felt heightened. He ordered her to stand up and got behind her. He told her to put her hands behind her back. She obeyed and felt a zip tie close around her wrists, she started to cry as she realized that he had come prepared. With one of his around tightly around her chest, pulling him firmly against her, and the knife shining in front of her, the tip against her throat, the intruder told her to "Take me to your fucking room!". Shaking with fear, she starting to lead the way as best she could. Her small footsteps made the short trip feel like it took hours. Alice knew what awaited her when she got there. Throwing her on the bed, the intruder told her to stay face down on the bed. She didn't dare move as she heard him rifling through her bedroom. Alice hoped he would find what he was looking for quickly and leave, and as she heard him pause she was hoped this would all soon be over. That is when she heard a noise that chilled her to the core, and yet at the same time, made her feel something else. A familiar sound, the sound of her vibrator. "Whats this then" he asked. She went to answer but he interrupted. "Shut your fucking mouth you slut". He went on, "I bet no one you know realized what a slut you are. That you come home every night, lying in your bet and making yourself cum". She didn't dare respond this time. She felt him move behind her, forcing her legs apart. She screamed for him to stop, as he pushed his left hand into her back, forcing her into the bed. She felt his right hand slide between her legs, grabbing her g-string, he tore it off her body and she cried for him to stop. He took a step back, was it all over? Has he changed his mind? It was when she felt the vibrator touch her clit that she knew there was no turning back. She would not let this happen. As much as she needed it, as much as she wanted it, she refused to let herself enjoy what this stranger was doing to her. Even as he slide the vibrator the length of her pussy, even as she felt her shaved lips cradle it, inviting more, she refused to enjoy it. It felt so good. She could feel the tension deep inside her, it was building, and there was nothing she could do. "Tell me your name" he said. "Alice" she whimpered, scared to speak more than was needed. "Tell me Alice, is this what you want?" he said, still teasing her pussy with her favorite toy. She was trembling now, she could feel her pussy was wet, and as she went to answer no, she felt him slowly sink the twisting, vibrating head of her toy deep inside her aching pussy. Alice couldn't help but sigh as she felt herself accommodate the girth toy. He slowly working it into her, a few inches at a time. It was agony for her, she didn't want to feel the way she did, but her body was betraying her. "You're soaking wet" he said as the room filled with the hum of her vibrator getting more and more dull as it was taken deeper inside her body. He took his time to get there, but finally she felt the tip kiss her cervix as the ears of her blue rabbit snuggled up either side of her clit. "Oh fuck" Alice whispered, hoping he wouldn't hear. This stranger was had come here to seemingly torture her with pleasure. With the vibrator twisting deep inside her cunt, the ear of her rabbit abusing her achingly hard clit, she felt herself getting closer to the edge. Alice felt a mixture of desire and humiliation. She was lost in how good it felt, feeling her pussy getting tighter as she was close to cumming for him. It would take nothing for her to fall over the edge, but she refused to let it happen. He fucked her faster with her toy now, the sound of it working was joined with the wet sound her pussy made as it gripped the twisting shaft. So close, Alice was almost there. She was holding out though, she was in complete extacy but she could not let it happen, not like this. She felt his mouth close over her arsehole, his tongue slowly circling her, putting more and more pressure until he managed to sink into her. It was too much. Alice felt herself let go as her orgasm ripped through her body. Milking the vibrator with her sweet little cunt, her arsehole tightened around her intruders tongue. "Oh fuck yes.....yes....." she whimpered, feeling her pussy spasm again and again. Knowing her had broken her, feeling so violated and yet so euphoric. Tears started to stream from her eyes as the realization of what had happened set in. His mouth left her. He grabbed her by the hair, lifting her to her feet. He legs felt weak and he forcefully dragged her back into the open plan living area. He threw her back onto the kitchen table, face up, legs spread, her hands underneath her. She cried as her arms ached and the zip ties dug into her wrists. She kept thinking about how she could have done things differently. Did she lock the door properly. Had she left a window open. None of that mattered now. She begged him to leave her alone, to take what ever he wanted. She said she wouldn't tell anyone, but he just laughed at her, knowing it was a lie. He stood between her splayed legs. "Your pussy is dripping wet Alice. I heard you cum for me, I left it. Now, I need to taste you". He sank to his knees as Alice let her head sink to the side. She knew what was coming, but she could never have imagined how good it would feel. Still sensitive from her previous orgasm, he pussy ached as she felt his lips close around he clit. Alice moaned in pleasure as the intruder sucked and licked her clit. As his tongue worked her pussy she heard him moan into her cunt, he was enjoying this, almost as much as she was. He focused his attention lower, licking and circling his tongue around the tight opening of her pussy. He pressed against her, she tightened at first, but her herself give way. He swirled his tongue inside her causing her legs to close around her head. He was an expert at what he was doing, and she knew she couldn't take much more of this. As he fucked Alice with his tongue, the intruder breathed deeply. He loved eating new pussy, and Alice tasted as good as he had always imagined. As Alice got close, the intruder sensed her need. He stopped and got to his feet. He leaned over her, Alice could feel his hard cock grinding against her through his pants. He told her to open her mouth, she obeyed, and then he kissed her, making her taste her own sweet juices on his face. As Alice contemplated what she must look like, over her kitchen table, she head the intruder making noise. "Alice, its time. I'm going to make you mine you slut!" She pleaded with his to stop. She offered him money, anything he wanted, but not this. Alice felt him get between her legs, then felt the head of his cock barely touch her. He teased her, sliding it the length of her, getting hiself wet enough to take her. He groaned in pleasure, she was so wet. He slapped her clit with his cock sending a shock through her body. By now Alice was crying, pleading for him to stop. It was then she felt him press the weeping head of his cock against her open, aching pussy. He pressed forward, both of them moaning as her her body gave in and took the head of his cock. "Fuck, you're so tight" the intruder said. He slowly worked his cock into her, stopping every so often for her to take his thickness. She felt so full already, she had never taken someone so big. A he bottomed out she cried in pain. It was too much, he body was no ready to be taken like this. He put his hand around her neck, "You're about to be raped Alice, and you are going to enjoy it" he said as he started to fuck her wet cunt. It was hard. Alice was trying to fight him off but it was no use. He kept fucking her with long hard strokes, each time he bottomed out inside her, her cries go louder. Her rapist kept telling her how good it felt, how tight she was and how she was the sweetest pussy he had ever tasted. Reviled, disgusted, Alice felt herself grip him, her pussy involuntarily milking the thick cock that was violating her. Alice has been close cumming when the intruder had been eating her pussy. Now he was fucking her, raping her, his hand around her neck, it began to become too much. She drew he legs back, inviting him to take her, to make her his. He responded, fucking her harder, pounding her tight, wet pussy as the room filled with the wet sounds of sex. "Ahh fuck" Alice screamed. It was too much. She knew she couldn't last much longer. He rapist was like a machine, his strong arms holder her down firmly against the table, she was so exposed, so ready to let go. She felt him fuck her faster, "Fuck bitch you're going to make me cum!" he said through gritted teeth. Alice wasn't on the pill. She pleaded with him not to cum inside her. The last thing she wanted was to become pregnant to her rapist. It was too much though. The though of being completely his, it was too much. With her his rocking against his thrusts, Alice arched her back and started to cum, her orgasm tipping her rapist over the edge, and he unloaded jet after jet of his thick load against the opening of her womb. Feeling him cumming inside her, his seed filling her, Alice came again almost immediately, taking everything he had. As he slowed, he laid on top of her. Both Alice and the intruder were spent. He got up, sliding his thick cock from her. She whimpered as he left her, her wet fucked cunt expelling a mixture of his cum and her wetness to the kitchen floor. He picked Alice up, threw her on the couch and didn't say a word. Ask he left Alice's blind fold had loosened. She looked up to see who had taken her. Dressed in black, she didn't see much, but as he closed the door behind himself she noticed a tattoo on his arm. It was one she recognized. She knew the man that had come into her home, who had taken her with such force and who's cum was now deep inside her womb. She knew him, and she would never tell anyone what he had done to her that night. I had attended a lecture on neo-classic art at one of the colleges in Oxford and afterwards I was walking back through corridors of the gothic buildings. The night had drawn in and I could smell winter in my nostrils. In the distance I saw a bright light coming from one of the windows and I saw Jenny's boyfriend Michael walking towards me. He was American, young -- say about 22 and athletic. He had short blonde hair and blue eyes and wore glasses. He was studying Physics at the university and in his second year. He stopped close by and we started to talk. I realized that I wasn't even listening, and I was just starting at his face and watching his sexy lips move as he talked. He wasn't especially tall but about my height. I could see his breath and with each word he spoke I felt myself aroused and consciously wet between my legs. He said that Jenny was working late in the gallery, but he guessed I knew that as I was her boss. In the distance the sound of music came from one of the rehearsal rooms. He said that he and some of the guys were having a few drinks in the common room and would I like to come? I looked at my watch, bit my lip a little and thought of Sarah at home. Would she be in a bad mood again I didn't think she loved me anymore. I don't know why but I could sense something about Michael that night, something a little different. It could have been in his smile, or in his eyes, I just don't know what it was, but I felt IT. I walked with him to the common room. Inside the room was heated by an open fire. The flagstone floor had a big patterned rug in the middle and ceilings were high with beams running across. I remember there was a lot of red in the room. It smelled a little rustic and fusty. The large oak door closed firmly behind me. Michael took my coat and scarf and hung it up on the back of the door. I noticed that he clicked the lock shut behind me. There was only one other person in the room, a young man, standing with his back to the fire. His hair was a little longer than Michael's and it was dark, brushed forwards onto his face. He smiled to reveal very straight, even white teeth. He was wearing jeans with a thin knit jumper and noticeably there wasn't anything underneath. I smiled and he handed me a drink in a tumbler, I think it was brandy but it could have been scotch. As I swallowed the liquid it warmed me through to the core and I felt myself unconsciously unwind from the stress of the gallery, my pussy was wet. I sat into the worn but comfortable chair, my eyes were level with his genitals and I stared at the package longingly. I believe he noticed. Michael introduced me to Anthony and told me that he was a friend from 'back home' and that he had just arrived in the UK for his first year at Oxford. He said that Michael had told him I owned the art gallery near the marketplace. I sat up and tried hard to listen, but I felt very relaxed. I pushed the questions back onto Anthony, turns out he is a champion rower and will be on the Oxford team. I just kept thinking about his body underneath his clothing. For some reason I had imagined that he wasn't wearing any pants. I just wanted to slip my hand into my knickers and stoke my soft wet clit. I uncrossed my legs in the chair and smiled at both of them. I kept catching their eyes running up my legs to when my knee length skirt began. I was wearing hold-ups, I guessed that they were thinking about what might be at the top of the nylon, would my cunt be hairy or shaved, would my pussy lips be swollen, thick, thin? Would I have a big clitty, or would it be little tiny and barely noticeable. Would I be tight inside my pussy, would my arse hole be ready to take a big cock? Had I taken it up the arse before or would I only let a finger slip into me. I sipped the brandy a little more, and I felt my cheeks flush up a little pink. My heart was thumping into my chest and my cotton knickers started to soak with excitement. I couldn't believe I was sitting in a room with two young, handsome and intelligent Americans (especially after sitting through a lecture with loads of stuffy old English farts with patches on their elbows and comb-overs) Michael walked around behind me as Anthony talked on about his arrival in the UK and the secret world of Oxford. I wanted to turn around and look at him but I was afraid to look, I felt excitement at what he might be doing behind me. He was very quiet. I pulled my skirt over my knees a little and realized that my hand was visibly shaking. I slugged some more brandy. I was aware that Anthony was continually looking at Michael, but still I kept my eyes fixed onto Anthony as he spoke. Anthony said that I looked exhausted after my long day at work and then the lecture. I felt Michael's hand rubbing my shoulders through the thin material of my top. It was most unusual but I didn't jump because it felt right. I didn't look up: I just looked down at his hands. He moved one hand away, and kept rubbing with the other. I was trying to imagine what he was doing with the other hand. I discovered what he was doing as he put his hand gently over my mouth and nose from behind, he told me to smell his dirty cock from where he had been wanking himself. It was just so horny and I almost pissed myself from the excitement. His hand smelled musky and manly, he was right it did smell dirty. Still behind me he took hold of my hands and tied them together behind my back. I felt quite frightened and it heightened my arousal even more. I was helpless, I knew they were going make me their bitch and fuck me. He walked around the chair to the front and pushed his cock into my mouth. His trousers were open and I longed to take his balls in my hand and tug them, cup them and slip my fingers into his tight American arse hole that needed a good fucking. Michael held my head in his hands and ensured I sucked him deeply in my throat. He told me that he knew I was onto a dead cert, Jenny had left him in the gallery alone one afternoon and he had gone onto my lap top, opening my diary and reading the details of how I was living in a now sexless relationship with a woman and longing to be fucked by two men. He told me that now I would have to have my fantasy and it was too bad if I didn't want to do it any more. Anthony, who had been sitting on the edge of the table opposite, put down his brandy and walked over. He pulled my legs so that my bottom rested on the edge of the chair. I was very much enjoying the taste of Michael's cock that I didn't care what they did to me as long as I came hard in that moment being their whore was all that mattered. It had been so long since I had been lost in the sexual pleasure of the moment and I wanted it to last so much. Michael pulled his cock from my mouth and I gasped deeply, licking the head and lapping up his salty pre-cum as it worked out in a steady flow for me. Anthony had started to pull my skirt up and rubbed my legs gently as he worked his hand up my thigh and pushed his head between my legs. He smelled my cunt through my knickers. I felt so dirty, I had not washed since the morning and would have liked to freshen up some more before sex but there was no choice for me. He told me that my cunt smelled good enough to eat. On his knees he pulled my knickers to one side and just looked at my cunt, my eyes were wide open while I sucked Michael's cock and I started at him as he looked up and down my legs and back to my pussy. He pushed his fingers slowly into my soft wet lips, then pulled them out sniffed them and licked them. I was so wet, and I felt my juices flowing onto my arse and into the chair. He knew how to make me wait. He pushed me and my legs right back and Michael moved back too so I could still indulge in sucking him dry. I was glad he had allowed me to move my head so that I could suck, lick and taste his sack that was smoothly shaven. The chair was comfortable and supported my body well, I couldn't see what was going on any longer but looked up at Michael's face, he was watching Anthony as he parted my arse and began to lick it. It felt so good and I adored being rimmed. It was the ultimate tease as I he hand not yet touched my cunt with his tongue. This was everything I had longed for and having my arse eaten out was just the icing on the cake. Bound as I was it was what I needed for a change, I was always in control in work and at home I had been the dominant one for so long. I needed to be sorted out properly. The arse licking went on, and on and I enjoyed him pushing his tongue deep into my hole, licking all around it and just onto my buttocks a little. I know that my arse hole grew supple wanting to take a whole cock in there. They swapped over and Michael, on his knees licked my arse out too. Anthony put his cock into my face and pulled his foreskin down so that I could lick around the sensitive glands beneath. His cock was bigger than Michael's and I struggled to take the whole head deeply into my mouth. After a few minutes he stripped off his clothes and sat into the back of the chair. I couldn't work out what he was doing at first, but as he made himself comfortable on my face, he told me that he had enjoyed licking out my arse hole and now I must return the favour. I had never licked out a man's arse before but was so excited by the sight of his pink ring in front of me that there as was no stopping me licking him when I got going. I enjoyed rimming him and reached up a little more to suck his sack and lick his perineum a little as he wanked himself. It was just amazing, rimming whilst being rimmed -- I was ready to cum and my cunt had hardly been touched. I kept thinking that I was missing out on licking up his pre-cum but I only have one mouth, and I must keep it in perspective! I was helpless and must enjoy what ever I was given. Michael had started to diversify and began licking my cunt, sliding his tongue inside and then gliding it over my clit to torment me. I held off of cumming. He licked my arse, my pussy and then fingered my arse as he licked my pussy. I came hard, squirting into his mouth, onto his wide warm tongue -- it was amazing. He continued to lick regardless of my climax and worked me up into a horny state once again. For someone so young he had the skills of a 40 year old and I was enjoying every moment of my emancipation from the celibacy that Sarah had enforced. When he was sure I was worked up again, he climbed onto me as I was -- totally helpless and still in the chair, he slipped his cock into my pussy easily. He pumped me so hard and my hands still bound, squashed into the seat taking the weight of both of us. It enhanced the sensations as a little pain felt good for me. As he fucked me, I could just see a little and he leaned in, taking Anthony's cock into his hand and pushed it into his mouth. I came quickly as this was so erotic. I saw as much as I could and his hungry tongue licked up the shaft of Anthony's cock gobbling the beads of pre cum as he went. Anthony was groaning and saying he was close to cumming. He had said, in his American way, that he wanted to 'do my Ass.' They swapped over again, but Michael (obviously being fond of oral) made me suck his cock and balls over again, with his salty pre-cum in my mouth I was not complaining and I could have cum, over and over, all night long, Sarah was far away in my mind right now. Anthony slipped his cock into my pussy a little, pulled it out and rubbed the swollen head onto my clitty. Then he eased it into my little, supple arse hole, deeper and deeper and deeper. He fucked me like a bitch while I sucked Michael's cock. I begged Michael to fuck my pussy and he said ok, but only for a special treat. I never got fucked in the arse and pussy at the same time before. They made me stand up with my hands still bound. Anthony sat down in the chair beneath me, I lay on his chest, legs open as he thrust his hard cock into my pussy it was huge and felt so great. Michael came up behind me and fucked my arsehole he was very gentle, fingering it first to ensure I was ready to take all of its girth and depth. I have never enjoyed being penetrated like this ever. All of my fantasies came true at once and it's the best feeling ever. They both enjoyed giving me so much pleasure, I only had to straddle Michael to get that great feeling and they did the rest. Michael kissed me deeply and gently. I thought I might bite his lip because I felt aroused so intensely. Anthony asked me if I wanted him to cum in my arse and I said yes. He shot his load into me hard and as he pulled out I felt his spunk pouring from my arse. Anthony lifted me a little as Michael pulled his cock out of my pussy and spunked onto my clitty as he rubbed it in, it felt absolutely amazing. I came really hard enjoying Anthony fingering his spunk in and out of my arsehole. Anthony untied me, I was sweating and we rested for a couple of minutes. I looked at the window and wondered when the blinds had been drawn together. I checked my watch as I knew that Jenny would be leaving the gallery soon, and she usually came to the university to meet Michael. They made it clear that Jenny must not find out what had happened and that what had gone on between us was a simple initiation for Anthony. I was only to glad to have been a part of it. I dressed, and politely kissed them each on the cheek before stepping out of the door, my lips still wet with sweat and I was stinking of sex as I walked through the haze to reach my bicycle. I would return home to Sarah, and for tonight at least I would feel happy with my lot in life. |
Regular readers will know about my Annie's amazing arse and how much I love to take advantage of it. Some months ago I had to abandon my idea of taking her more into the BDSM lifestyle (of which I'll write more another time). But while I am now restricted to an occasional light spanking Annie did 'confess' to me the thrill she gets from knowing I lust after her bottom. She loves being submissive to me as far as sex is concerned. And what's more she even came up with a little 'offer' -- anytime when the weather is warm she guarantees to not wear pants or skirts of any kind while she is in the house with me! My jaw just dropped on hearing that. We've long had little routines. You know about the one where I present my cock to her face as she watches TV so she knows I need her to suck me off. But during the recent autumn months I was able to order her to stop or to bend and what have you...all so I could avail myself of her soft, firm, toned butt cheeks and even stroke my fingers across her dark little hole. I can't tell you how many times I have found myself needing to touch and stroke and squeeze and pat her arse as she moves around the house. And then as the days started to cool and winter approached ever closer I knew I had to have one last hurrah, to take advantage of her open display of her rear end before the cold weather forced her to resume covering up. My idea was to combine my desire for her arse with another of Annie's favourite sex activities -- outdoors fucking! It was a simple plan. Of course Annie worked out fairly quickly some of what I had in mind. And there was no way she was going to complain. She loves to give her arse to me -- loves the taboo nature of it, the dirty joy of having her arse licked and poked and fucked. She has a rather tight passage so its important not to over-do things -- but Annie hardly ever knocks back a chance to feel me squeezing my way past her muscles, stretching and filling her up. As always with a plan like this I'd found ways to deny her sex for a few nights prior. I knew it would be worth the wait. On the big night, a Friday night late after work, she got dressed according to my instructions -- no bra as always, no knickers, a long skirt and underneath a nice suspender belt and stockings. Annie chose a white set, wanting to take advantage of what was left of her natural summer tan. Just knowing how sexy she looked and what I had in store for later that evening kept me hard as I got dressed alongside her and then drove out to our adventure. We didn't go very far -- just to the cinema at the local mall. But I made sure I parked up on the top level over in a far corner. Annie looked at me quizzically and I couldn't help but grin back at her. Not a word was said -- it wasn't needed. A soon as I'd locked the car I pulled her close to me and kissed her deeply. I wanted to tell her how sexy she looked and how much I love her. But my mouth was full with her tongue. And to make matters worse my hands were fixed on her arse, feeling her flesh through the material of her skirt. It wasn't much of a movie -- I can't even really remember much of the plot. I spent most of it sitting in the dark with one hand down the front of Annie's blouse, softly playing with her hard, chocolate nipples. We took our time exiting at the end. I wanted to have her in a public place but I didn't want an unwitting audience of moviegoers. So we shuffled along behind the other stragglers and younger couples -- me and my stunning, slender, Chinese woman looking so fine and ready to be taken. We reached the car and Annie moved around to the passenger side. My turn to drive that night. I knew she was expecting something but must have assumed we would make a detour to our usual bushland haunt. But no -- that was not what I had planned. Instead I commanded her to stand at the front of the car and to lift her skirt up for me. She hesitated for a moment. Then she slowly began to raise her hem. I knew she was excited by the idea but cautious all the same. We've never been caught yet and we've always been careful. I was sure we were alone despite the very public nature of the place I'd chosen. I pulled a soft blanket from behind the driver's seat which I spread across the hood of the car. Annie had her skirt hiked up at the back. Those gorgeous globes were exposed to the night air and the soft breeze which was blowing across the roof top car park. Now I held her tight and kissed her again, long and hard. This time I did manage to mumble my love to her. Annie mumbled back but she was more interested in sucking on my tongue as it pushed into her mouth. I knew her cunt would soon be wet enough for me to plunge straight in...but of course you know that wasn't the hole that was on my mind right then. 'Lean forward' I murmured to her and reached to pull her skirt right up to her waist as Annie positioned herself across the car. I didn't need to ask her to spread her legs. Pausing for a moment, I eyed-off her lovely, muscled thighs encased in the sheer white nylon of her stockings. I could see clearly her cunt lips peeking out from between her legs. Her soft arse crack lay open and waiting for me. Some men would stop at this point to fondle and caress her cheeks. I'd happily let them too! But I get to do that almost anytime I want. Instead I was set on fucking my luscious woman, fucking her tight rectum as she lay spread over the hood of the car. With two fingers I softly stroked the length of her crack...from her tail bone down and over her anus...down to her cunt...along the join of her flaps and to her clit still buried inside its flesh. Then I did it again. I did my best to touch as softly as I could. We both knew what was coming. I wanted to work her into it, tease her, get her hot and hungry to be fucked. The third time I moved slowly, knowing she wanted me to rub the length of her cleft but happy to make her wait. Annie groaned softly as I touched close to her anus. It was not a sound of pleasure. She was hot and wanting. Normally Annie is happy for me to take my time and enjoy her body. This, however, was one of those times that Annie just did not want to wait. At times like this she doesn't ask nicely for more -- she lets me know that she wants it. A little more of this and she would open her arsehole wide for me. So I pressed a little harder. I made sure my fingers split her cunt lips. I wanted to sample her wetness. But I wanted to tease her. This time she gave up one of her deep-throated moans. Oh yes, that was more to her liking. Slowly I thrust my two fingers between her labia and into her opening. Annie threw her head back. She had forgotten any thought of danger. She was in her own little world -- a world where she lets me have anything I want from her. Gently I probed Annie's tunnel. Her cunt was nicely shaved and her juices spread easily. I planned to use those juices to ease my cock into her bottom. Not that it would hurt to use my tongue to help prepare her little brown hole. As I worked my two fingers up to the hilt I leaned down and pushed my face between her firm, round arse cheeks. Annie knew what was coming and she held herself very still in anticipation. I flicked the tip of my tongue across her anus and again Annie moaned her soft, deep moan. I didn't need to touch her clit -- but I did it anyway! It was a sort of minor release for her and Annie's head and shoulders sagged back onto the hood of the car, her beautiful long black hair falling over her face. I used my free hand to rub and tease her clit while I maintained the slow rhythm in her cunt. I could feel her juices spreading over my fingers and across her cleft. It would be easy to scoop some up to her butt hole. First I wanted to use my tongue a little more. I crouched down behind my darling Annie and took hold of her hips. 'You know I'm going to fuck you in your backside don't you'? She didn't reply -- which was all I needed to hear! Again I softly flicked my tongue across her hole. Then I pressed it flat against her opening, feeling the warmth in her rear end and enjoying that familiar musky taste. But there was no need for me to linger. The night air was cooling and even in her fevered state I didn't want to keep Annie there too long. So I moved down and lapped at her cunt a little, making sure I collected as much of her juice as possible. Then I began to work it up to her arsehole. I kept at it till her rear entrance was covered with my spit and her lust. I love tonguing her tight little hole. Not only because it means I'll be allowed to plunder Annie's arse. She's never understood why I enjoy it so much. But Annie loves the sensations all the same and that really is as good a reason as any for me to lick at her bung hole. Only now did I unzip my fly and pull out my cock. 'I'm so hard just thinking about being inside your bum'. Annie didn't reply...she didn't move. I knew she was ready and wanting for whatever I choose to do. I undid my jeans and as I pushed them down I leaned in for a last lick of her puckered little hole. Then I stepped forward and sank my cock deep into Annie's cunt. One long, slow thrust was all it took. She did not move a muscle but I heard a soft little sigh escape her lips. Annie truly is a sexual creature, a woman who craves and thrives on sexual pleasure. She is almost as highly sexed as I am. It took her years to find someone who knows how to take advantage of her high sex drive. Now I am more than happy to help her make up for lost time. She just loves to fuck. So for several long minutes I eased the length of my cock in and out of her soaking wet hole. I knew how hot it was making Annie. I knew it was getting my tool nicely lubed. And on top of all that it felt so good to be slowly reaming my beautiful woman as she leaned over the front of the car in this very public place. For once I was anxious not to stay in her cunt too long. I wanted to fuck her bum there in the carpark -- a long, casual arse fuck. It would not do to be too close the edge. I slipped myself right out of her. Annie sighed quietly. The loss in her cunt soon would be replaced by that familiar feeling of her arse being completely filled. I gazed at her tight cheeks, still golden brown with the last of her summer tan. They were so nicely framed by the white fabric of her suspenders. I was never a fan of lingerie until Annie taught me how to appreciate the way she looks in her sexiest pieces. Right now the tight white material seemed to make her butt stick out even further, as if to make her arse look even more inviting. Gently I pulled her arse cheeks apart. The sense of anticipation was immense. I knew Annie would be feeling it too. I placed the head of my cock against her little hole, making sure there was enough pressure to hold it there. Annie can accommodate me easily but I still need to guide myself into her chute. I let go with my right hand, squeezing one cheek with my left to help keep her spread. Then, I took a firm grip on my cock. 'Ready'? I asked my sweet Annie. She just mumbled something in reply. I manoeuvred myself to make sure I had the right angle of attack and finally all was ready. I pushed forward with my hips, slow and steady. I saw my cock head disappear into her tight, wrinkled hole. I never get tired of that sight -- you guys who enjoy giving anal know what I mean! And it always adds to the excitement -- this is the moment of truth, either I fuck her arse or she softly begs 'no'. What I needed now was slowly to force the hardness of my shaft into her. There was no begging on this night. I sensed Annie breathe out and force herself to relax. Some women complain about the feeling of being filled -- that its like a regular bowel movement. But Annie tells me that's part of what she enjoys so much about anal sex -- feeling herself being stretched and filled and the relaxing warmth that floods through her body as a result. Plus there's the thrill of something taboo, even kinky. And she definitely loves the idea that she can give me access to all of her body. Annie is very tight in that little hole. But with the right care she stretches enough to let a cock slide in. Carefully, gently I pressed forward. I met the first resistance. It always takes a little time for the wetness to do its thing and allow skin-on-skin friction in her anus. All I needed to do was slowly rock my hips back and forth. Each time I placed pressure on her sphincter Annie opened up a little more. Unlike her cunt that can be so hot and wet, sometimes seeming to want to swallow my cock, her anus always stays firm and tight around my shaft. I added some more of my spit to my shaft to make sure we'd have enough lube. I kept up my slow rocking and fed my cock inch by inch into my woman's chute. She sighed again. Annie prefers doing anal while face-to-face. On the other hand, she doesn't feel really filled until I am buried in her up to the hilt. Lucky me! And nothing allows me such deep penetration as taking her from behind. So I kept pushing forward until the head of my cock was well past her sphincter. I knew as soon as I was through - the telltale feeling of nothing as the head slid past the warm grip of her muscles and into the emptiness of her bowels. It took only three more gentle thrusts and my thighs were touching her round, firm, browned arse cheeks. I was, indeed, buried up to the hilt in my woman's butt. She was skewered on the end of my cock. I had her where I wanted her -- now I just had to give her the slow reaming we both needed! After a few more careful movements I allowed my rocking to lengthen. I wanted to slide my whole shaft in and out of Annie. My first withdrawal was slow, still wanting to make sure there was enough lube to keep her comfortable. Then I slowly replaced my swollen cock in her arse. I felt her muscles pushing against my hardness. I felt the pressure of my cock in her rectum as she slowly gave way, her sphincters adjusting to the invasion. This was still only the preliminaries. Again I withdrew most of my cock. I added some more spit to my tool and slowly pushed it home. With her legs nicely spread for me I could easily reach around Annie to her clit. There was no teasing -- I found her button and pressed firmly on it, slowly rubbing to heighten the sensations she was feeling. She was hard...and very wet. She was ready for me. So I took a firm hold of her hips with both hands. I rocked back one last time till only the head of my cock was left in her. I applied a last wad of spit to my shaft. Then, still holding tight to her hips, I shoved myself into her and listened to another of her trademark moans. This time I could feel her arse muscles were ready to allow me fully inside her. Annie was opened up so I had total access to her dark little place.. Now I could deliver a long, steady bum fuck. Quickly I found my usual rhythm. I was using my whole shaft to stroke in and out of her. Each time I drew myself right back but now there was no pause, no waiting before I moved forward and once more jammed my cock meat into Annie's rectum. The feeling of having her muscles abused like that and the gentle friction in her rectum was guaranteed to keep my beautiful Annie almost as happy as I was. The combination of sensations I experience when fucking her arse is incredible. There's the warmth and the pressure in her chute. Then there's the soft velvet of her skin and the firm muscles of her butt cheeks swallowing my cock. Until then I hadn't decided whether or not to cum in her arse and take her home with my cream oozing from her tight little passage. It felt so good slowly reaming her out in a public place. But I just knew I had to hold off until we got home. That way I could give her the special treat of choosing where she wanted my cum. Once or twice I paused briefly in my thrusting so I could reach down and give her clit some more attention. Annie wasn't going to orgasm from an arse fuck. But it wasn't hurting my cause to give her a little extra pleasure. Not that I got much of a reaction from Annie. She was too far into her zone of pleasure, happily giving herself to the experience and the thrill of anal sex in combination with the open spaces of the mall car park. And I could keep on fucking her arse so long as I could hold off my orgasm. I pride myself on my stamina but the real point of it is to prolong the fucking as long as possible. For now I just kept sawing back and forth inside her arse and watching her little opening move and stretch. I kept a nice firm grip on her hips too. I didn't need the leverage, it was more about feeling in possession of Annie -- of holding her tight and at the mercy of my thrusting cock. After a few minutes her arse muscles were fully stretched. She still had that delicious tightness around my cock. Once more I paused to play with her clit -- I also used the opportunity to check the wetness in her cunt. Of course she was soaking! About that time I started to feel the wetness inside Annie's arse as more of her body began to respond to her joy at being fucked liked that. Her tunnel was getting warmer too, from the friction and from her increasing arousal. It was clear Annie was in no hurry to be anywhere else and I knew we could keep this up for a good twenty minutes if I wanted to. So I just concentrated on the simple pleasure of fucking the bottom of the woman I love and reminding myself of the reasons why I've always encouraged her to be a slut for me. I've never really pounded her arse. But now I could at least push into her more forcefully, even allowing my skin to slap against hers as I bottomed out with each stroke. It is very indulgent on my part. It doesn't give Annie any greater physical pleasure. On the other hand she is turned on by me making use of her like that. She loves being used. And as tight as Annie's arse might be, her arse cheeks always wobble slightly when I fuck her with the right amount of vigour. The wonderful sight of it makes my cock swell a little more. Again, you guys know what I am talking about. And that's all to the good, helping to keep up the pressure in her chute. I just have to keep my rhythm going and we both get to enjoy just the right amount of friction. Then, like this time, Annie slips deep into her zone, allowing me to do whatever else I like. Right then I wanted to possess Annie completely. And I guess she would say I was! For me it was heavy lust mixed with the powerful love we share. Or maybe it was just the dirty filthy arse fucking she was taking! But I hadn't forgotten the plan. And I knew from experience not to overdo the backdoor reaming. We'd been there long enough. It was getting cool and there was no need to press our luck in a public place. The plan was the main thing. I badly wanted to eat out Annie's delightful cunt and some time later that night finally cum in, or on, my woman. So I needed to extract myself from her hot little hole and take her home. It wasn't easy but I slowed my pace and started using my hands to gently fondle her arse cheeks. 'Lets go home' I whispered, 'So we can get more comfortable'. Though I knew Annie was hardly able to care at that moment! 'I want to take you home so I can have the rest of you as well'. She lifted her head and ever so slightly pushed her hips back towards. Given the state Annie was in that could mean either she wanted more arse fucking or that she was excited by the idea of what was still to come that night. So I reached round once more and softly touched her clit. It was my way of letting her know I wanted to give her maximum pleasure. Her body was hot and alive at that, her skin and her flesh almost throbbing with pure sexual desire. I wanted it all! So I slowed further till I was almost holding myself almost still in her chute. In truth I was trying to stretch out the pleasure for just a few more seconds. Once I pulled out I'd probably have to wait for another night to fuck her arse again. But by the time the head of my cock was sitting inside her outer ring I was already free of her grip. Her arse muscles were so well stretched that I needed my full thickness to keep any sort of friction happening. So I just rocked my hips back one more time and eased my length out of her rectum. I watched as her little hole closed softly. The sight just made me want to start all over again. But no -- I had a plan. I moved back to give us both room but I made sure I kept on touching her. I didn't want the sudden loss of stimulation to crash her out of her sexual reverie. Gradually Annie started to regain her senses. I didn't need much -- just enough to get her into the car and on our way home. After a few moments of gentle touching and whispering Annie was ready to shuffle around the car to the open door. Her skirt stayed bunched up around her waist. Annie was loving the daring of open air sex...or maybe she was too far gone to care. I just had to pull my pants up and tuck my swollen, soiled cock away. The blanket was thrown into the back seat and as quickly as I could I had the car out on the road and headed home. By the time we got there Annie had recovered a little more -- at least enough to rearrange her clothing before she climbed out. I sent her inside while I put the car away. By the time I joined her she was on the bed, naked and spread wide for me. Her cunt was sopping wet and the tops of her thighs glistened with moisture. I only had to clean my cock and strip off and we were ready to continue another memorable night. I just had to have her cunt and I spent most of the next thirty minutes eating her to several rather powerful orgasms. But she, of course, wanted more cock. So later that night I fucked her slow and deep while she ground on her clit. I think it was maybe another three or four orgasms for her. And then Annie got to have her other little treat -- choosing where my cum went. She chose her cunt, as usual feeling somehow that the best way to finish a long session was to have my cum deposited adjacent to her womb. I was only too happy to grant her request. It was only fair after she'd given me yet another night of the hottest sex. I shot a huge load deep into her and we both lay there till my cock softened and fell out. Then we lay talking and softly touching while the mixture of our combined juices leaked out. Annie's only ever been properly arse fucked by one other man. I love to have her experience other people and I love the idea of her many talents being experienced by the ones I select. But when it comes to her delicious arse its definitely one pleasure I am in no rush to share. |
_This is the third installment of the Progeny chain story, started by Slyc_Willie. My thanks to him and to the others involved. Feedback appreciated._ **Portland, Maine** Dorian looked out the unemployment office window. Fuck. It was raining again. Just what he needed. Weather like this reminded him of why he should get a car. Of course, even if he had a car he wouldn't be able to drive it, since his foster parents had never seen fit to let him take driver's ed. When he could scrounge up change for a bus or cab ride he was all set, but since he was between jobs right now even the one-dollar bus fare was hard to come by. So walking it was. Even though it was pouring outside. "Need a lift?" Dorian turned to look at the woman who had spoken. She was a couple inches shorter than he, with curly brown hair and a sweet smile. "Didn't anyone ever teach you not to give rides to strangers?" "Yeah, but I'm not good at doing what I'm told." She held out her hand. "I'm Monica Hollis." "Dorian Truslow." He didn't shake her hand. He tried to avoid touching anyone or anything; physical contact set his gift in motion. Gift. Yeah, right. That was what one of his foster mothers had called it, when he was too young to catch on that he shouldn't let anyone know what he could do. Curse was more like it. Of course, he could always shut his mental door and keep the psychometric information out, but that gave him headaches after a while. Even though he usually only got information from objects, not people, why take a chance? Monica didn't seem offended, which was unusual. A lot of people got pissed off when Dorian didn't shake hands with them. "So now that we aren't strangers, want a lift? It's raining pretty hard out there; you shouldn't be walking." "How do you know I walked here?" "I saw you come in." Wrong answer. She might have seen him walk into the office, but everyone walked into the office; the parking lot was behind the place, and a lot of people parked on the street because the lot got full quickly. Never a trusting person, Dorian immediately became more suspicious of her. "How do you know I walked all the way here?" She shifted her eyes to the window. "Lucky guess?" Another wrong answer. Whoever this chick was, she didn't mean anything good for him, Dorian was sure of that. "I'll take my chances with the rain, thanks." He started out the door, but she grabbed his arm. He pushed her away so hard she almost fell; no one touched him without warning. "I'm sorry," she said immediately. "I forgot you don't like to be touched." "Forgot? Do you know me from somewhere?" "Not exactly." She sighed. "Look, I know I'm not making any sense, and I know right now you're thinking I'm either a nutcase or dangerous. Maybe both. Just let me give you a ride somewhere and I'll explain everything, I promise." "Fine." The last thing he wanted was to be alone with her, but that seemed to be the only way he'd get any answers. If she tried anything, he could fight his way out of it. He'd had plenty of practice at that in his twenty-two years. Starting at home with his biological parents. Monica led him down the street to a small, brown hatchback. She unlocked the passenger door, then climbed in and scooted over to the driver's seat. "My door doesn't work. Get in. I promise I'll only bite if you ask me to." "Not likely." Dorian got in and fastened the seatbelt. When he touched it, an image flicked his mind; headache or no headache, he slammed his mental door shut. He didn't want to know about her boyfriend or whoever had sat in that seat last. She started the car and headed away from the unemployment office. "I thought we could go for coffee. Figure you probably don't want me knowing where you live." "You got that right." If he could help it, she wouldn't find out anything about him. But he was very curious about her. "So once again, and let's try for truth this time, how'd you know I walked to the office?" "I know a lot about you. I've been looking for you." "Stop the goddamn car." The only people who looked for him were people he'd rather not have find him. "Now!" "Wait, please. I knew that didn't come out right. I don't want to hurt you, Dorian. I want to help you. I've been dreaming about you." "Uh huh." Okay, that had him beat in the freak category. "So I'm the man of your dreams, huh?" She laughed. "Not exactly. Sometimes I dream about people who need help, or people who are going to be part of my life. Sometimes I don't know why I'm having the dreams, because the people in them never show up in real life. It's been going on since I was little, and some of the dreams are so vivid I'm not sure afterward whether they were dreams or reality. Earned me some strange looks when I was a kid, I'll tell you." "Yeah." He was all too familiar with strange looks caused by psychic abilities. He just hoped the looks Monica had received hadn't been accompanied by fists. "Sorry if I'm babbling. Anyway, I dreamed about you, and that's how I knew your name and stuff. I dreamed about meeting you in the unemployment office. That's how I knew you walked, because in my dream that was how you got there." "Did you dream about me taking a piss in the men's room, too?" "No." She paused. "In my dream, you took a dump instead." That startled Dorian into a rare laugh. "Okay, points to you. So you showed up at unemployment to track me down?" "And because I need a job. Who doesn't, nowadays? But yeah, I was hoping I'd find you there." She pulled into a strip mall and parked in front of a chain coffee shop. "I'm buying. Come on, we'll be able to talk here." "Did you dream that too?" "Yep." She nudged him. "Get out so I can. My door, remember?" Dorian got out and fought the urge to shut the door on her and run. Even though she didn't seem dangerous, it was hard to tell. It weirded him out that she'd dreamed about him. Who knew what she'd found out about him? On the other hand, it was rare to find someone else with an ability, and he wasn't sure he wanted to push her away just because he was a suspicious son of a bitch. He waited for her to get out of the car, then followed her into the shop. The place was deserted, other than a kid at the counter who looked bored enough to fall asleep. He seemed thrilled to take their orders; they were probably the first customers he'd had all day. Once they had their drinks, they sat at a back table, far enough away from the counter that the kid would have to work if he wanted to eavesdrop. "Trust me yet?" Monica asked. "Nope, but don't take it personally." "I know. You don't trust anyone. That's sad. You shouldn't have to live like that." "Been like that all my life. I don't expect it to change any time soon. Look, you seem to know everything about me. Including my ability?" She nodded. "Psychometry. You touch an object and gain information about the last person to touch it. Sometimes everyone who's ever touched it. Is that why you don't own a car?" "I don't own a car because people tend to expect money when you buy one. I can shut off the ability when I have to, but it's a stretch. And I don't get information from every single thing I touch, anyway." "That must be a relief. How do you know which is which?" "If I'm going to get something from it, my hands start tingling when I get near it. Usually. Sometimes I don't get any warning." "At least an occasional warning is better than nothing." "Yeah." He wasn't sure he liked the way this was going. He didn't talk much about himself, mainly because no one had ever wanted to listen before. Monica might be listening, but he was done giving free information. "Okay, so you know everything there is to know about me, but I don't know anything about you besides your name. Fill me in. Who are you, where are you from, why are you here, all that crap." "You're so charming. I'm Monica Hollis, I've lived around here all my life, I'm here in this coffee shop because I'm talking to you. And I prefer not to discuss my toilet habits." Again she caught him by surprise. Unfortunately, he laughed with a mouthful of latte and snorted some out his nose. That sent Monica into a fit of giggles that caused the counter kid to stare at them until Dorian glared back. Monica handed him a few napkins. "Here, mop yourself up. Sorry, I wouldn't have said it if I'd known you'd end up wearing your drink." "No problem." He wiped up the latte that had gotten on his shirt and the table. "I guess it's nice to be able to laugh for once." "Things haven't been easy for you, have they? I mean, in my dream..." "I don't want to talk about it." It came out more harshly than he meant, but at least it shut her up. "Sure. I understand that. Okay, so anything else you want to know about me?" A car horn sounded in front of the shop. They both looked toward the door. All Dorian saw was a black sports car; he didn't know enough about cars to figure out what it was. Monica's face turned white. "We have to get out of here. Wait, no, we can't. If we leave, they'll see us." "Who is it? Your boyfriend or something?" "I don't have a boyfriend. It's Krell. Or at least some of his people." "Krill? Isn't that the stuff whales eat?" "Not krill. Krell. He's... I can't explain right now. Damn it, I dreamed about this, now what did we do?" She closed her eyes. "Okay. Bathroom, now." "Thought you didn't share your bathroom habits." She glared at him, but there was more fear than anger in her eyes. Whatever was going on, it terrified her. Without another word, Dorian got up and went into the unisex bathroom next to them. Monica followed. "Hey!" the kid at the counter called. "You can't—" Dorian shut the door on his protest. "Okay. Talk." "Krell is a multibillionaire, I think. He owns a whole town in Wisconsin. He's looking for people with psychic powers. Not just anyone, though. Like I wouldn't interest him in the least. But you do." "Why me? Is it because of my ability?" She shook her head. "That part of the dreams was kind of fuzzy. It has something to do with where you were born or something. I couldn't get the whole story. But he's a bad man, Dorian. Evil. You don't want him to find you, believe me." "Did he find me in your dream?" "I woke up." Great. What good were her dreams if she couldn't tell him something this important? But it wasn't her fault. At least she was able to warn him. Though if she'd dreamed about this, why hadn't she warned him before the bad guys showed up? "Okay. I'm going to make sure they're not still out there. If they are, there's a back door to this place. The coffee cowboy out there might not want us to use it, but we will anyway." "What about my car? We won't be able to get to it without them seeing us." "You might have to leave it here for now. But don't worry; Portland has a great public transportation system." He opened the bathroom door. The counter kid opened his mouth, but shut it after another glare from Dorian. The black car was still in front of the shop, and a skinny guy with glasses had gotten out of it, along with a thick-necked fat dude who perfectly fit the stereotype of "goon." He and Monica definitely wouldn't be able to get out that way. "Guess we're taking the bus. Come on." Monica followed him out of the bathroom and behind the counter. "You can't come back here!" the kid shrieked. "There are health regulations!" "Yeah, and your health depends on letting us out the back door," Dorian said. "See that car out there?" The kid looked. "Yeah. What about it?" "They're looking for me. I haven't done anything wrong, but if they find me, that won't matter. So we're going out the back way, and if they ask, you don't know where we went. Got it?" "Why should I do anything for you?" Dorian grabbed his arm and squeezed. "Because if anything happens to me, I'll make sure something happens to you." "Okay, okay! Go, just get the hell out of here. And hurry up, because it looks like your friends are coming in." Shit. The kid was right. Dorian took Monica's hand and pulled her through the kitchen to the back door, which fortunately wasn't locked. They burst through the door into the rain just as Dorian heard one of the men from the car say, "Where'd they go?" "Follow me and don't ask questions." Monica didn't speak, just nodded. Good. One of Dorian's foster homes had been in this part of town; he remembered the woods behind the strip mall very well, having spent plenty of time hiding there from bullies and his drunken foster father. He led Monica down the path that led from the stores to a housing development a quarter mile away. If Krill—Krell—whatever his name was, if his goons could track them down through the woods in the rain, they deserved to catch him. No one could catch Dorian when he didn't want to be caught. They were soaked before they'd gone more than a few hundred yards. Monica's shirt clung to her, accentuating small breasts with nipples hardened by the cold. Shit. This was no time to get horny, but it had been a while since a woman had looked so appealing. He forced himself to look away from Monica and instead focused on the path in front of them. "You okay?" "A little cold, but it's better than having them catch us." "There's a bus stop not far from here. I'm going to take you to my place. You can shower and warm up there." "They might be watching your place. They know almost as much about you as I do." Fucking hell, why did everyone have to know so much? All he'd wanted was to do his obligatory job hunt, go home and stuff his face, and crash in front of the TV for the rest of the day. Instead, he was running through the woods in the pouring rain with some woman he'd just met, trying to get away from goons who worked for a guy who was apparently richer than the entire population of Portland. Then again, if he had to be stuck in the woods, at least he was with a woman whose soaking wet body did interesting things to his anatomy. Again he looked away from Monica and hurried down the path. They emerged into the housing development and Dorian scanned the street to make sure no black cars were in sight. "Okay. Bus stop's this way. We'll go to your place if you don't want to go to mine." "Yeah. You can get dried off there too." For once, Dorian had good luck. A bus pulled up to the stop just as they reached it. As they climbed aboard, he was sure he saw the black sports car, but he didn't think the men had seen him and Monica, so he relaxed. The bus headed downtown. When it stopped, they transferred to an outbound bus that took them a couple miles before Monica pulled the buzzer. They got off at the corner of a street filled with large, old houses. "You live here?" Dorian asked. "I rent a basement from my aunt and uncle. They're not home, so don't worry about what they'll think of me bringing a strange man with me." Her basement was three times the size of the room Dorian rented in one of the downtown residence hotels. It was even divided into three rooms: a small kitchen, a living room, and a bedroom. "Nice place." "Thanks. Hang on a minute; I'll go upstairs and get some of my uncle's clothes for you. Shower's in there if you want to get started." She nodded toward a small door off the kitchen. Dorian went in, turned on the water, and stripped. He was relieved to be away from Monica for a few minutes. She'd dried off some on the bus ride, but he hadn't forgotten how she'd looked soaking wet, and his cock was still hard. He got into the warm water and soaped up, then grasped his dick in one hand. Eyes closed, he pictured Monica on her knees in front of him as he stroked himself. Then the bathroom door opened. His eyes flew open and he let go of himself just before Monica pulled the shower curtain aside. She was as naked as he; the hair between her legs curled like the hair on her head. "Mind if I join you?" "Um, sure. Conserve water, right?" "Right." She stepped into the stall. There wasn't much room for two, but Dorian didn't mind having her body against his. His cock grew so hard it hurt. With a grin, Monica brushed her hand against it. "Happy to see me?" God, her touch felt amazing. How long had it been since he'd let anyone touch him like this? "If you're going to do that, you'd better be prepared for the consequences." "And what might those be?" "You on your knees sucking me, to start with." Without a word, Monica knelt and took him into her mouth. Holy shit, was he imagining this? Couldn't be; her mouth felt too fucking incredible. She had him all the way to the base, then pulled back and sucked just the head. It took about two seconds for him to come. She swallowed every drop. He leaned against the wall of the shower. "Fuck, I'm sorry. Usually takes me longer than that." "Been a while, huh? Me too. Don't worry, you can make it up to me after we finish cleaning up." They stayed in the shower till the water was cold, soaping each other up, touching everywhere. When they got out, Dorian was hard again. His first instinct was to bend her over the sink and take her from behind, but that wouldn't have been polite. "Bed. Now." "Yes, Caveman Dorian." He swatted her ass and pushed her out the bathroom door. They fell together onto her bed, and he pressed his mouth against hers as he resumed his exploration of her body. She endured it for only a few moments before she pushed him onto his back and straddled him. "Fuck me." "I like a woman who knows what she wants. Did you dream about this too?" "Don't talk about dreams. Don't talk about psychometry, don't talk about anything. Just fuck me. Just for one time, let me be a normal woman." "You're too gorgeous to be normal." Dorian cupped her breasts in his hands. "You're the sexiest woman I've ever seen." "Thank you. But you know what I mean." He pulled her down for another kiss. "Don't be so serious. Please. I know exactly what you mean, and as far as I'm concerned, you're just another woman, I'm just another man, and this is going to be the best fuck you've ever had." That brought a small smile to her face. "Pretty confident, huh?" "Very." She raised herself slightly, took his dick in her hand, and positioned it at her opening. "Prove it." Then she moved down. Her cunt felt like a velvet-lined vise. Dorian hadn't been with many girls, but the few he'd fucked hadn't been anywhere near this tight. Or this wet. She lifted slightly and he thrust his hips upward, driving back into her. After a second they set a rhythm, fucking hard and fast, both seeking release. When Monica came, Dorian felt it, both the contractions of her cunt along his dick and the emotions that flooded from her. They brought him over the brink, and he emptied his balls into her. Shit. That was stupid of him. But it was too late to do anything about it, and Monica didn't seem to mind. She dismounted and curled up beside him. "That was good. Thank you." "Thank you. You were incredible." She smiled. "Yeah, you too. And don't worry about coming in me; I'm on birth control." "Good to know." They lay there quietly for a while, until the silence became uncomfortable. Dorian went to the bathroom and retrieved his clothes, which were still damp from the rain. "I have stuff for you from my uncle," Monica said. "These will do." He wanted to see her again, but didn't want to feel obligated to. If he borrowed clothes, he'd be obligated. "Suit yourself." She pulled a dry shirt and pants out of her bureau and put them on, not bothering with underwear. "You can stay a while if you want, though. I could put your stuff in the dryer for you." Dry clothes would be nice. Dorian stripped again and wrapped himself in the blanket from the bed. "Fine. Thanks." "You're welcome. Be right back." She left and came back a couple minutes later. "I set it for half an hour. That should get them dry enough. You can tolerate me that much longer, can't you?" "Tolerate you?" "You seem to be in a hurry to get out of here." She looked at him with tear- filled eyes. "I thought... You know, I don't know a lot of other people who can do stuff like I can. I thought maybe you and I could be friends, at least." "Is that why you fucked me? So we could be friends?" "I fucked you because I wanted to and I was pretty sure you did too. Sorry if that makes me some kind of slut or something." Now the tears started to fall. "Hey, stop that." Dorian put his hand on her shoulder, the most comforting gesture he could manage without letting go of the blanket. Not that he was used to trying to comfort anyone. "I didn't mean it like that. I don't think you're anything but a beautiful woman who decided to spend some time with a loser. Don't cry, please." "Why don't you just go?" "Because I could use a friend too. I wasn't trying to get out of here because I wanted to get away from you. I wasn't sure you wanted me to stay." "Well, I do." She wiped her eyes with her hand. "You forget, I dreamed about you. I already knew I liked you before I met you." "Well, I didn't dream about you, but I know I like you." What the hell. She'd already seen him naked. He dropped the blanket and put his arms around her. "Sorry if I was a jackass." "You weren't. Just stay a little longer, please. At least till your clothes dry." "Yeah, I don't think I'd get too far in a blanket." He sat on the edge of the bed. "Tell me more about this Krell guy." "I don't know much about him. Just that he owns a town and he's looking for you and other people like you." "What's the name of the town?" "Why do you want to know?" Dorian shrugged. "Maybe I'll pay the guy a visit. Spare him the problem of sending out any more goons." "Don't. Dorian, please, promise you won't go anywhere near there." Despite the fear in her voice, Dorian shook his head. "I can't promise you that. If they're looking for me, there must be a reason. I won't keep looking over my shoulder to see if they've found me. I'd rather find them first. I can find out, you know. You might as well just tell me." "It's Firefall. Firefall, Wisconsin." Upstairs, the doorbell rang. Monica's eyes widened. "It's them." "Go answer it." Dorian started putting on her uncle's clothes. They were too big, but he was damned if he would show his face wrapped in a blanket. "Tell them I'll be right there." "Dorian, you don't know what they want you to do." "I know I'm not going to run away from them again. Go answer the door, Monica. If I'm the one they want, they won't hurt you. Go." She hesitated, but did as he said. He finished dressing and found the stairs. As he went up, he heard the men's voices, along with Monica's frightened one. When he emerged from the basement door, he saw Monica between the men. They had blocked her into a corner of the kitchen, and the goonish one had his hand clamped on her arm. "Leave her alone," Dorian said. The skinny guy turned to look at him. "Ah, Mr. Truslow. Nice to meet you face to face." He stepped away from Monica and nodded for his buddy to do the same. "Perhaps you'd be so good as to accompany us to our car. Our employer is anxious to meet you." "Don't go with them, Dorian," Monica pleaded. "You don't have to do what they want." "I'm not." Dorian hugged her and kissed her cheek. "I'm doing what I want. You could come with us, you know." "He's evil. I won't go anywhere near him." "Then I'll come back and find you afterward." She shook her head. "No. I don't think I'll see you again. I don't know if I will, but it doesn't feel like it." "Dream about me, then." He turned to the men. "Take me to your leader." |
There was a chill in the early morning air, as I left Room 117. I didn't drive straight home. I had experienced sex with another man for the first time in my eighteen, almost nineteen, years. Even though I had taken Mark up on the offer of a shower, where he joined me and I felt his mouth on my cock a second time, I still tasted and felt him on me. I was conflicted. Part of it was guilt, I know. However, there was another part of me that knew Mark's cock would not be the last I would experience. I did not walk out of that small motel room turned "queer", whatever that is; yet, I was forever changed. In the weeks that followed, I still chased girls. I was still fascinated and enthralled by them. To me, there is nothing sexier than the small of a woman's back. That particular place, just the roundness of her ass, that dips just so. There are so many other places that I find attractive on a woman, but that spot does it for me. My lips long for that spot, even today. I felt that way about nothing on a man. There was no spot on a man that I thought of as "sexy" or to which I was drawn. Still, I knew that I would soon ache for the touch of another man—to see that hunger, which I had seen in Mark's eyes, once more. And yes, I also longed to touch another man—to feel him throbbing, as my tongue slowly slid along the underside of his cock. ***** I had just returned to school from the winter break. It had recently snowed, but the rise in temperatures had melted all the snow and ice, except in the shadows of buildings. Like a lot of freshmen at the school, I lived on campus. My roommate had dropped out, and to my surprise, he had not yet been replaced. I had not known my first college roommate all that well. I knew only that his name was Travis and that he partied non-stop. I had tried to keep up with him, but I was not even close to his league. He was a pro, where I was only an amateur. It was Saturday, and classes would not start until Monday. I had a little over $300 of Christmas money burning a hole in my pocket, and I found myself at a skanky topless bar at the edge of town. They didn't ask for an ID, which was a plus. I sat in a darkened corner in the back of the place and watched the shows the girls put on. Even at eighteen, I knew places like that were basically scams. I looked about the place, as my eyes adjusted, and saw that most of the girls were girlfriends of bikers who lined the bar. I had a few beers and was out of there, before I found trouble or trouble found me. I wasn't drunk when I left, but I was seriously buzzed. I stayed to the side roads, as I headed back to the dorms. The last thing I wanted was to get pulled over. Even though I thought I was likely not DWI, I was underage. I knew any cop would be able to tell that I had been drinking. I reached an intersection at an old highway that had once been the main thoroughfare before the interstate had been built. As I started to cross, a bright red and white sign caught my eye. It read, "XXX Movies." I had never been in an adult bookstore or movie theatre. I pointed my car in that direction. I decided that it was a very convenient discovery, as I was horny and would love something to masturbate to when I got back to the dorm. ***** A little bell at the door tinkled, as I entered. It immediately reminded me of the thoughts which had swirled in my head, as I stood before the door to Room 117. It seemed a lifetime had passed since that night. Still, as I thought of it, my cock stirred in my jeans. The large lobby was well lit. There was a counter on one end of the lobby with books on the shelves to the right and videos on the shelves to the left. Each side was broken down by genres—gay, lesbian, straight, fetish, etc. There was a pregnant blonde working at the counter. She was sitting on a stool reading a magazine; she looked up at me and said, in a voice that betrayed her boredom, "I need to see some ID." At first, I thought I would be leaving very soon, but then I spied a sign behind her that said, "18 or over, Picture ID required". With a shy, relieved smile, I produced my ID that proved I was approaching nineteen years of age. She looked at my license, then to me. Comfortable that I was indeed old enough to peruse the fuckbooks and videos of the establishment, she handed it back, saying in a monotone that comes from repetition, "The books and magazines are for sale, this ain't a library. Peeps are over through that door." She pointed over my left shoulder to a curtained doorway. "The theatre," she added with a nod to the right, "cost five dollars to enter. If you leave the theatre for any reason, you have to pay again." I nodded my understanding. She returned to her magazine and the fact that life had not quite likely turned out the way she had planned. As I turned back to the magazine racks, I could hear the sounds of muffled feminine moans coming from the theatre. I wondered about the place looking at the covers of the books and magazines. Even if I had been thinking of this seedy place as a "library", the magazines were all sealed in clear wrapping. The prices were fairly outrageous for thin little fuck rags, so I decided to see what the peeps had to offer. As I started to head through the curtained doorway, the girl at the counter called, "Tokens only for the peeps. You can buy tokens here." "How much for the tokens," I inquired. I had guessed, correctly, that they were 25 cents each, but the girl offered that I could buy 30 for five bucks. I slipped her five dollars and headed to the peep booths. As I entered, I saw a couple of men standing along the wall beside a no loitering sign. One was a short, fat guy. The other was tall and looked like he was approaching sixty. I felt the eyes of both on me, as I made my way past to a booth at the far end of the dimly lit hall. Closing the door behind me, I saw the slot for the tokens and slipped one in. A little counter showed that I had one credit. I pumped four more tokens in and sat on a little acrylic bench to watch the movie. There were eight different movies showing and by pressing a button, I was able to change them. The movie, which had come on at first, showed two men using a third man anally and orally. I started to change the channel, but continued watching. Soon, my hand was rubbing the crotch of my jeans. My cock was throbbing, as I imagined being the third man. I imagined cocks sawing out of my mouth and ass. I imagined hands gripping my head and hips, just like those men were holding him—using him. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a sizable hole on the wall beside me. I had heard of glory holes in the past, but this one was the first I had seen. I saw an eye looking through the hole at me. The thought of being watched made my cock jump in my pants. Acting as if I didn't notice, I undid my jeans and slid them down to my knees. My cock was throbbing in my hand, as I sat there and watched the video. As I slowly stroked my meat, I glanced over to the hole. I could hear the voice of a man moaning in approval, as he watched me through the glory hole. The tokens ran out and the booth darkened. I quickly slipped the rest of my tokens back in the slot. As I sat back on the bench, I heard the man in the next booth whisper, "Can I join you?" Nervously, I told him to come over to my booth. I reached up and unlatched the door. I saw that it was the older man in the hall, I had seen earlier. He smiled down at me, as he entered and latched the door behind him. "You have a nice cock. Want it sucked?" he asked, seemingly unable to take his eyes from it. He produced a little bottle from a pocket, unscrewed the cap and held it to his nose, sniffing in the fumes. "Popper. Want some?" I nodded, not really knowing what I was getting myself into. He held it to my nose, and I did as I saw him do. Immediately, I felt warmth envelop me. The feeling was fleeting but extraordinary. I stood, my mind a little foggy, and let the older man sit on the bench. I fed him my cock, as I looked down at him. I rubbed the head over his lips, as his hands gripped my ass. I could feel his fingertips at the crack of my ass. His lips immediately glistened with my precum. He handed me the little bottle, and pulled my hips so that my cock pushed hard into his mouth. I inhaled more from the little bottle, as I gripped his shoulder with my free hand. God, the old guy could suck. His mouth greedily pumped back and forth at my cock. It was not so much my cock fucking his mouth, as his mouth fucking my cock. I felt a fingertip at my ass. It pushed in, as his mouth took my cock. The loud sucking noises had to be filtering beyond the walls of the little booth. I am sure my pleasure-filled moans were. I replaced the cap on the bottle after another long huff. I reach down with both hands to the older man's shoulders, and started fucking his mouth in earnest. This drew heavy moans around my cock, and I felt his finger inch deeper into my ass. It hurt a little, but I found the pain aroused me even more. "Fuck yes, deeper, man. Oh fuck yes." My balls were slapping his chin, as I begged him to spear me deeper with his probing finger. I felt his drool streaming over my ball sac, as I fucked his experienced mouth. He responded by pushing his finger as far as he could. I cried out loudly, as I exploded in his mouth. His finger had found just the right spot to send me immediately over the edge. I held his head to me, as I pumped load after load into his hot, needy mouth. He groaned with pleasure, as he milked every drop from my pulsing meat. Finally, he let my cock slip from his lips. He grasped it and kissed the underside with a delighted smile, as he whispered, "You have a lovely cock." After a pause, he added, shaking his head, "And, you sure do like to fuck, don't you?" I laughed self-consciously and nodded saying, "Yeah, fuck. I guess I do, huh?" I groaned a little, as he removed his finger. I handed him back the little bottle, but he shook his head and handed it back to me. "Keep it," he said with a smile and departed. I sat there on the bench, my jeans still at my knees for a few moments. I had to catch my breath. Again, I felt a little guilt, but also satisfaction. I had cum as hard, if not harder, than I ever had with a girl. Looking back, I guess part of it was the taboo nature of the act I had just committed; however, I knew deep down that it was because for that older guy, my cum had been the whole reason for his being there. Up to that point, girls had only let me fuck them, because they wanted other things. With men, I was merely a sexual thing. With the girls I had been with to that point at least, sex was just a means to an end. I returned to my dorm that night knowing I was bisexual. There was no way to get around it. While I much preferred the look and feel of women, I knew that I would always need that feeling that I felt only with another man. I knew that my first foray into that seedy little place would not be my last. I have been thinking a lot of late about what happened between us, not just that though; all the things I have gone through and done in my life. Overall I have had an interesting life to say the least, and at times; it has been all that has kept me going. Of course it has not always been like this, sometimes in my life I have made mistakes and thought I had messed my whole life up. But in honesty, it took our meeting for me to realise that is not the way I should look at my life. That is the thing about a moment (or should that be several moments) that take your breath away, it gives you a different outlook on life. As I said, I was not planning on being in your arms; not that I mind of course! I never thought I would find myself lying in your arms and totally enjoying being there, those moments we share make me view life differently. I look at my whole life differently now, I have this new (and very much improved) lease of life; and I totally love it. Of course you have seen this and I am sure you are aware of how I feel, but we have never had "that" chat have we? While it is true, I could tell you pretty much anything without fear of you looking at me differently; you know that I am still very much a shy girl. And I know I have been able to tell you pretty much anything, and those things will always stay in your confidence... so with this in mind I wanted to be completely honest with you, I want you to know me completely. I have always said that there are a million and one things I would love to say to you, maybe now is the right time to do that... I have done some things in my life that would easily shock my Mother and possibly kill my Father, none of it was really "THAT" bad in the grander scheme of things; but they were certainly not something I would want to share with the whole of Northampton! I have been on more than one adult dating site and have met people just to have sex, I have had pictures taken of me that I would not wish to been seen anywhere; and I have the ever growing desire to do so much more! I guess for me, it is a case that I have never really had anyone I can trust enough to come on this journey with me. At one time I would have tried going it alone, but as I get older this journey looks to be much more fun with someone there to share in it. Even when I had my time with my Danish girlfriend, I still could not find the contentment I desired so much. She was lovely and what happened between us gave me an experience I will never forget, maybe things would have been different had the timing been better... anyways, that year taught me a lot about myself, not least that being different from the "norm" was not a bad thing! When I think of some of the things I have tried, it certainly has the desired affect on my affectionate little body. But not only that I have this wanton desire to do so much more, of course all done with my young rebel. The trouble is, finding the right words to ask or make the suggestions... Maybe I should be nervously wondering what we could try, but somehow I do not feel in the slightest bit afraid; every new adventure with you giving me the confidence to try & do more. I get the impression that I could tell you anything and you would not be shocked, I could tell you of my desire to explore what we tried last time in your lounge; I must admit slipping my finger inside you as I went down on you turned me (& you I hope) on more than I first expected it to!!! I have never tried that with anyone, never thought I would. And considering I had never been played with like that before, I found it something I wanted more of. But when we are away from the water, please can we use a little lube! I would love to tell you how much I would like to try a little light bondage too, nothing too scary of course; just a little tying up & blindfolding. It is said that taking away one sense then the others are heightened; I quite fancy the feeling of being helpless in your arms. I would like to try the couple swapping too if I am honest, the fantasy of having two others fondling me has always been at the back of my mind. I did actually go through a period where I actively looked for two lovely guys to fulfil my fantasies, at that time I had never enjoyed being with another woman. The desire to try new things include something I have never really been sure of, not because I have not wanted to; but because of my shyness... I would love us to try playing with toys; I have always liked the idea of being watched & watching as we got each other off. There is a toy that, when used on my clit would probably have me screaming the place down; so maybe best to kiss me deeply to shut me up!!! I mentioned that I have had naked pictures taken of me, and while I seem to have misplaced them; having some more taken of me is something I would love. To be honest, and probably because you put me so at ease; I would not mind being on tape either! See what I mean, I have this desire and passion back; thank you for giving me that. I always hated pictures of me; clothed or naked, but I just feel like if you like it; then why shouldn't I also like it? Golly, I am rather more liberated that I first imagined. Does that mean I am a true liberal, or should we not go there? Funny, but I cannot imagine being like this with anyone else but you; maybe it just seems right in that respect. I don't feel ashamed to admit that I'd love you to watch me being taken by someone else, I'm turned on by what happened in the spa. I know that you felt uncomfortable with it; maybe it would just take you trusting the person with us? Either way, the thought of it alone has me slightly moist. I used to enjoy having sex in the back of whoever's car, it gave me a thrill when I went down on a guy while he drove. I must also admit it felt good to be out in a field too, what a nice way to spend a summer afternoon; having my little pussy lovingly licked by you? As long as the weather is warm hey? Maybe the thrill of being naked in the spa with you was the kick-start I needed; I suspect that it is also because I felt so comfortable with you. So, how do you feel about experimenting with me? I'm not sure if it is something that would interest you, I've noticed you seem to be quite interested in the erotic stories I've written. I'm still smiling from the "wow" reaction when I showed you that first story, and yes I agree; the middle part should go! I really like erotic fiction; I'll happily show you anything I've written; though they might not be very good. Some on certain websites are very good & well written, depends on your tastes! What are your tastes? Is there anything you don't like or would not try? What's your fantasy? Maybe it could be a Christmas surprise for you from me? Do you enjoy xxx videos like I do? That is also something I have enjoyed on many occasions, with a partner and without. It can be highly erotic to sit watching porn while having your knob sucked, so I am told... Now there's a thought hey, what a wonderful idea for my birthday? A day in your company to explore this itch I need scratching! Or will this just be a birthday wish that will be a fantasy? |
**** **XI – Within Reach** Time itself was a blur for Luke. The moment the helicopter touched down back at base, everything happened so quickly. He was immediately escorted to a C-17, waiting to take him out of the country. Within minutes the heavy cargo jet was airborne with Luke on board, transporting him to Ramstein Air Force Base for medical attention. During the flight, an Air Force Flight Doctor and his medical team took care of Luke's injuries. An infection that developed around his shoulder had them concerned, not to mention the damage was bad enough that he would most likely have to undergo surgery. Watching the drizzling rain through a window at the end of the hallway on the eighth floor of the hospital at Ramstein, Luke stared off in the distance, lost in his thoughts when someone behind him distracted him. "I heard they beat you until you turned ugly. I guess they weren't lying." Luke turned around to see his Lieutenant, Clint Wayne, standing there in a hospital gown, leaning on two crutches and wearing a stupid grin on his face. "...cuz, you know, you're pretty ugly right now," Clint explained slowly as if Luke didn't get it, grinning from ear to ear. Luke shook his head and laughed. He was truly amazed to see his friend in one piece, even though he had a heads-up earlier that Clint made it out alive. "Wow, I... How are you? I mean, I... didn't think we'd even be having this conversation this soon, if at all!" Still in shock, his mouth hung wide open while his brain slowly tried to process the right words to say. He wanted to say more, but words escaped him. Clint shrugged, "Yep, this infidel is still alive, baby. I didn't exactly come home in one piece, though." Lifting his hospital gown up, he showed Luke a carbon fiber prosthetic right leg, just below his knee. Clint lightly tapped on it with his crutch. Luke's face went pale. "Those bastards got my artery; I should have bled out but they slapped a couple tourniquets on it. So despite what you see here, I'm pretty lucky. Lost the leg, kept my life. Decent trade-off I guess," he said, somewhat sarcastically. Pointing to his new leg, he told Luke, "It's alright, man; I'm starting to get the hang of it. The doctors and physical therapists are pretty good here at least." Clint continued, "You know what's funny? When I'm lying in bed at night, without my prosthetic leg on, sometimes I'll reach down to scratch my right leg, completely forgetting it's there, until my hand passes right through. They tell me it's normal. They even have a phrase for it; it's called 'phantom limb.' It's kinda creepy." Clint saw the expression on Luke's face. "Don't worry, man, I'll get through this," he said. "They've got a lot of people here willing to help out. I met one guy that lost half of his pointer finger in a firefight; a bullet shot it right off. No joke, people call him 'four-point-five'. And that's how he introduces himself. So he isn't missing an entire leg like me, but it shows he has a sense of humor about it." Luke was even more speechless, awkwardly shifting his stance. "Sir, I... I don't..." "First of all, just call me Clint since we're not in uniform. No'sir's'. Secondly, don't feel sorry for me. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't even be here. I'd be six feet under. I saw you stepping up and drawing fire away from me." Clint awkwardly stepped forward. Luke realized he wasn't yet proficient walking on his new prosthetic. Holding his hand out, Clint said, "I just wanted to say thanks, and tell you how good it is to see you alive. I wouldn't have been able to sleep if it wasn't for the drugs they gave me. All I could think about was you out there, alone. You have no idea how I felt; I was responsible, the higher-ranking one supposed to be in charge. You should have went up the cable first..." "Sir... Clint, don't worry about it. There wasn't anything you could do. Besides, we're both here, and that's behind us. We both made it." Except for the sounds of the raindrops hitting the window, silence filled the hallway. They were thinking the same thing. Both of them made it, but two others didn't. Westwood and Cash made it home on a C-17 but they lay underneath the Stars and Stripes, which had been carefully draped over their respective coffins. Luke couldn't shake it. 'Survivors guilt,' they called it. It was like a flip of the coin; when the helicopter went down, it was a fifty-fifty shot that they would live or die. Two lived, two died. What made his life so much more important than Cash's or Westwood's? Maybe it was selfish, but he was at least grateful Clint could relate. He was the only one in the world that knew what he was going through, because Clint was going through the same thing. \--- The surgery was successful, but Luke would have to have his left arm in a sling for at least the next several weeks. In addition, he would have to undergo months of physical therapy. Even then, the doctor told him it wasn't guaranteed that his shoulder would be back to one hundred percent. Luke wasn't happy about that. He considered himself a patient person; on an average day Luke was one to never let anything get to him, but ever since he returned he noticed the fuse on his temper had been cut a lot shorter. He could barely lift his left arm perpendicular to the ground – lifting it above his head was impossible – but the doctor told him if he could stick to the physical therapy he would be able to improve his muscular strength, even if he would never be able to lift anything heavy over his head again. At least Luke would be able to do his physical therapy back home in California. He was already scheduled to fly back to the states on a C-17 heading for McGuire Air Force Base. Out of McGuire, the Air Force had a KC-10 ready and waiting to take Luke across the country to Travis Air Force Base, where his family would be waiting for him. Home was almost within reach. The day before he left, he made sure he saw Clint one last time, meeting him in the hospital's dining facility for lunch. "I heard you made parole; congrats," Clint said, moving slowly while trying to sit at the table with careful balance, setting the crutches down next to him. One of the hospital staff carried his tray and set it down. "Yeah, they have me flying out on a C-17 tomorrow. We'll have a few stops before we cross the pond, but we're not on the ground long enough to do any sightseeing," Luke said, setting his own tray down with one hand, making sure not to spill his drink. "Which is fine, because I'm just ready to get back to my normal life in the U.S." "Are you stopping through Iceland?" "Nope; England." "Too bad; Iceland is a blonde fiesta. The hottest girls I've ever seen in my life are all up that way; it's like invading a secret club for hot chicks that no one ever told the guys about. You probably could have scored pity points with your war wounds and brought one of them back home, especially with the news making you out as a hero," Clint said with a grin. "Oh wait, you already have your own blonde," Clint laughed, remembering his girl from the pictures in Luke's Life Support locker back in the desert. "I almost forgot. Never mind." Luke winced but didn't say anything, looking down at his lunch and taking another bite of his grilled chicken burger. It was easy for Clint to interpret his reaction, understanding that Luke and his blonde were no longer together. He apologized, "Oh, sorry man. I didn't realize...," Reaching for the ketchup bottle, Luke shrugged it off, "No big deal, it was kind of my fault anyway. What do you mean the news making me out to be a hero?" Clint stared at Luke, analyzing him to see if he was actually serious. Realizing he was clueless, Clint shook his head and said, "Man, you haven't turned on the television, have you? They're talking about you like you're the next Scott O'Grady; the only problem is they haven't released your name yet. Not sure if they will either, and who knows how long your fame will last so you better start writing this stuff down so you can get a book deal. If you don't, I might beat you to it, even though you were out there longer than I was," he laughed. Luke subtly shook his head as if he couldn't believe what Clint was saying. Quickly changing subjects, he asked, "So when are you supposed to go home?" Taking a drink of water, Clint set the cup down and said, "They're thinking of sending me back to the states in a few weeks, after the first phase of therapy. I'll be in D.C. for several months wrapping up therapy before I go home to Seattle. Once I'm home, I'm still not out of the woods; I'll have to have get some help as I transition to normal everyday life as an amputee. There are little things no one ever thinks about, like stairs leading up to the house or apartment, things like that. I'll still have a long way to go, but we'll get there." "I'm sure you'll do fine," Luke encouragingly told him. Clint nodded, but it was clear he had a lot on his mind. He would have a whole new set of challenges ahead of him. Luke knew if anyone could do it, it would be him. Luke was still trying to open the ketchup bottle. He knew he wasn't supposed to use his left hand, but he couldn't get the lid off with his right only. Grasping the bottle and trying to twist the lid, his face turned red with anger. "I almost know what you mean," Luke grunted, almost in a snarl. "Dude, you've got a serious vein popping out of your head, let me open that for you," Clint told him. "It's personal now," he said, gritting his teeth, finally twisting it off. Luke knew he shouldn't have been angry over something as trivial as that; a sense of unfamiliar rage flowed through him. He used to be able to shrug off the big stuff, but now he was letting even the little things get to him. His hand started shaking. Clint could tell, too, "It's all good, man. Tell you what, for the rest of lunch if you need two hands, let me take care of it. If I need something that takes two legs, I'll let you do it. Fair trade?" Luke took a huge drink of water, trying to get settled down. After taking a deep breath, he even managed a weak smile, "Alright, sounds good." "So you talk to your family and your... former girl?" Luke nodded, "I have. Just through phone, though. I didn't want to Skype and have them see all the cuts and bruises on my face. It was great hearing their voice; all of them were there. Mom, dad, my sister, and my... and Kaylee." Clint gave him an opportunity to say more, but Luke ended it there. The silence prodded Clint to say, "And?" "Well, mom started to talk first, but I could barely understand her because she was crying hysterically the entire time. Dad kind of had to take over from there, but even he was choked up. I talked to Faith for a while; it was really great talking to my little sister. I don't think I've ever missed her as much as I do now." Luke continued, somewhat reluctantly, "I probably miss Kaylee the most. It was amazing talking to her. I mean, the conversation wasn't really that good; she didn't know what to say, and I didn't either really. Looking back on it, I basically had the same kind of conversation with her that I had with my sister, nothing more. I know she misses me, I just don't think she does as much as a girlfriend would. Like I said though, that's to be expected since we kind of had a falling out." Luke sighed, "I'm incredibly grateful that you and I can actually go home. I can't help but think of the welcome Major Westwood and Sergeant Cash had when they came home to their families." Shivers ran up his spine as he said, "In a box with an American flag draped over it. That's how their families get to see them come home. You know, I was out there so long I didn't even get to attend their funeral. How awful is that?" Clint nodded, "I know what you mean. I was here in the hospital, but they could at least Skype me in during the funeral. I feel awful, though. Between the time zone difference and the meds I was on, I can't remember a single thing about Cash's funeral. Westwood's funeral was hazy at best." Taking a break from a somber moment, Clint laughed, albeit somewhat solemnly, "Do you remember when he said he'd be buried in his Camaro before he ever gave it to me? Drive it right on down?" Luke couldn't help but chuckle himself, "Yep; that was Cash. Maybe he does get the last laugh after all." After the moment had passed, he sighed, "I just can't believe they're gone. Snuffed out, just like that. I'll tell you what, I'm glad there's a God. I don't understand why they had to die, but I know they believed in Him, and I believe they're with Him right now." Clint didn't look up from his tray. Luke straightened up, asking, "Where was Major Westwood from again?" "Um... Hennessey. Hennessey, Oklahoma. His parents still live out there." "And Cash was from Knoxville, Tennessee, right?" "Yeah, why?" Luke said, "I was just thinking, I'd really like to go out there and pay my respects one of these days. Sooner than later. At least give their families my condolences." Clint added, "I'll go with you in a heartbeat if you want, just say when." They took their time while eating, knowing they would soon be going their separate ways. When they were done, Luke and Clint shook hands. "Hope you get the hang of that soon," Luke said, pointing towards his new leg. "If you ever need anything, or if you ever make it to Northern California, look me up." Clint smiled, "I'll do that. Same goes for you; at least I should say that offer stands when I finally get back to the Great Northwest. If you ever make it up that way, you've got a place to stay. I owe you one, Luke. I owe you huge; don't forget. Because I know I won't. Have a safe trip, and good luck healing up." "You too," Luke smiled back. \--- Kaylee bit her lip as she spotted the KC-10 on final approach, a small grey spec on the horizon within minutes from landing. She grabbed Audrey and Aaron's hands, squeezing both tightly, trying anything to stop her heart from fluttering. Apparently everyone else saw the tanker jet coming in for landing; cheers erupted through the crowd on the tarmac at Travis Air Force Base. As the wheels touched down, small trails of white smoke puffing out behind the tires, the crowd roared even louder. Kaylee found herself practically bouncing, her knees bending as she bobbed up and down with short and rapid movements, unable to contain her excitement. She admitted she was jealous of Ryan, Jessica, and Faith; they had a front row seat on the red carpet where the KC-10 would be taxiing up at any minute. They would be the first ones to greet Luke off of the jet, along with a few high- ranking individuals. She, on the other hand, waited directly behind the red velvet rope barrier. Of course the Patton family insisted she should be up there with them, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. She knew she would regret it, but she stood firm and told them family came first. They kept pushing back until she managed to convince them by reminding them she would at least be able to see him immediately after they did. Kaylee wasn't sure why she said that knowing full well she was passing up an opportunity to see him and wrap him up in her arms the moment he stepped off of the plane; maybe it was because she wasn't really his girlfriend anymore. Maybe she was just chickening out. There was a lot on her mind; so much had happened that she could barely trust her own instincts and emotions. A million thoughts ran through her head, but they all centered on Luke. How would he react when he saw Kaylee? Would he even have time to give her a hug with his parents and sister out there? Would he even acknowledge her after his tryst with that dirty desert slut... and was that man-stealing whore even in the picture anymore? Just thinking about her made Kaylee furious. She found herself bashfully scanning the crowd more than once, fighting her own insecurity. Kaylee wondered if she was also in the crowd, waiting to pounce on Luke and smother him with love and kisses. That made her skin crawl. What did she have that Kaylee didn't have? She tried to shake that thought from her head. As excited as she was to see Luke – and she was tremendously excited – he wasn't off the hook yet either, but there would be a time and place to chew his ass out. But if she saw that Air Force bitch... she'd claw her eyes out, right here and in front of everybody. The tanker stopped, holding position at the red carpet while the maintainers quickly chocked the tires and moved the airstairs up to the door. " _Ow_, my hand," Aaron exclaimed to Kaylee as she practically squeezed it off. "I'm gonna need it for the camera when he gets off the jet, Kaylee." "Kaylee," Audrey grunted, jerking her hand away, holding it tenderly like a wounded pet. "Save the squeezing for your hero." Briefly glaring at Audrey out of the corner of her eyes, Kaylee snapped her head back to the door of the jet, trying to focus on Luke's arrival and ignore her friends comment. She snipped, "Whatever. He's not mine anymore; I can't believe you just said that to me." "Oh, lighten up, hon. It sucks, I know, but he's still our friend, and he's still going to give you the biggest hug in the world." Kaylee wasn't so sure. Would he? What if he'd just ignore her? She didn't know if she could bear that. It turned her stomach to think Luke would only want her as a friend, but it was unbearable and extremely frightening to think that he might not want her in his life at all. She had several months to think about Luke while he was gone, and half of that time she was thinking he was dead. She was still haunted by the memories of what had happened not too long ago. Kaylee remembered driving Faith home; Kaylee spent so much time at the Patton's since Luke was gone that, in a way, it did feel like her home too. As she pulled up into the driveway, she saw two Air Force officers talking to Ryan and Jessica through the window. They were the same two that delivered the news of Luke's death. Kaylee was enraged. All of the pain, all of her old emotions began to return. Today was the first day she didn't see something in the mall or the stores that reminded her of Luke, and those two pricks had to ruin it. Her heart ached as memories of Luke came back to her. She bit her lip so hard she thought it was going to bleed. She wanted to cry, wondering if she could ever heal. She willed her pain to turn into anger. "How DARE those two show up again," she shouted in the car as she jammed the brakes and slammed it into park. With a glance over at Faith in her passenger seat, she could tell she was scared. Kaylee took a deep breath, temporarily calming her rage for Faith's sake, but still fully intending on ripping their heads off. "It's ok, sweetie," she told her, storming out of the car and slamming her door closed. Faith didn't want to come out; she froze. Kaylee walked around to the passenger side, opened the door, and coaxed Faith out, saying, "Whatever those bastards have to tell us, we'll do it together." It wasn't easy, remaining calm for Faith. But once she would enter the house it was a different story. Taking Faith by the hand, she stormed inside the house. Kaylee stopped in her tracks, completely caught off guard now that she had the full picture. The two men were smiling, and Ryan and Jessica were holding each other, sobbing. But they were smiling, too. Their tears were tears of joy. Kaylee was bewildered; her jaw hung open. She would never, ever – not in a million years – forget the words Jessica spoke as she ran up to hug Kaylee and her daughter: "Luke's _alive_!" _Luke's alive_ ; Those two words replayed over and over in her head as Kaylee watched the jet door open and saw Luke. _Luke's alive_ ; she could hardly believe the sight as he emerged from the jet – emerged as a hero. Audrey was right; he really _was_ a hero. He looked worn down and his arm was in a sling, but he stepped out with such resolve. He had a quiet air of confidence about him as he stood tall in his uniform. He looked handsome, so incredibly handsome! With a crooked smile, Luke paused for a moment and waved to the crowd before walking down the stairs; everyone cheered wildly. Kaylee giggled; she knew Luke well enough recognize an uncomfortable, forced smile and an awkward wave. Maybe he looked like G.I. Joe – a far cry from the silly nerd she knew in high school – but it was good to know he was the same old Luke, still uncomfortable in public. That alone would have made her light up. Her eyes began to mist over as Ryan, Jessica, and Faith ran up the red carpet to meet him at the bottom of the stairs. Kaylee couldn't hold back; her hands went up to her face, trying to contain the falling tears. "Told you not to wear your mascara," Audrey lectured playfully, yelling above the crowd, wiping away her own tears. Kaylee even noticed out of the corner of her eye that Aaron was tearing up while rapidly snapping away pictures on his oversized camera. Leaning in to Kaylee, trying to sniff through his own tears, Aaron yelled, "I always knew he'd be doing great things, but I always thought it would be as a CEO of some computer company, or at least something white collar. I never would have guessed this." Watching Luke embrace his family was beyond heartwarming. She was jealous of his parents and sister; she wanted to hold him close like that, more than anything. But she was incredibly happy for them and couldn't contain her smile. She could have watched the Patton family hug each other all day long now that they were finally reunited, even though she could barely wait for her own turn. Luke lifted his head, still holding his family, looking into the crowd. Despite the enormous wall of people spaning out from left to right, he looked directly at Kaylee. Kaylee gasped; there was something about his penetrating piercing eyes that made her freeze. She wanted to jump over the velvet rope, but her legs wouldn't move. She found that his gaze was overwhelming; she could barely lock her eyes with his. His family must have felt him relax his grip because they finally, although with great reluctance, let him go. Luke walked forward and deliberately towards Kaylee. Kaylee tried to look at him – she really wanted to – but she couldn't manage to raise her eyes. Instead she watched his boots march forward, step by step, until he was directly in front of her, her eyes staring at his chest. Everything was moving too fast. Her ex-boyfriend, her ex-best friend and her current hero stood directly in front of her alive and in the flesh, close enough to feel the warmth of his breath. Two soft fingers gently touched her chin, lightly tilting it until her eyes were forced to meet his. Her body trembled as Luke lowered his lips towards hers, his thumb moving across her cheek and fingers sliding to the back of her neck. The moment his lips connected with hers, there was a spark that surged throughout her entire body from her head to her toes. It was electric and unlike anything she had ever felt before. It was almost their first kiss all over again. Actually, it was more like her first kiss ever. The slightest simple touch from his lips to hers was the most amazing thing she had ever experienced in her life. There was a passion there that she never realized before, not even through the wonderful times they already experienced before he left for the military. She even managed to suppress Audrey's giggles and Aaron's photo taking. Kaylee now had no doubts that Luke was real, that he was alive. She half expected some kind of Hollywood illusion when Luke stepped off the jet, like his stunt double. So she was a cynic, a doubting Thomas. She knew it. But once his lips connected with hers... that was the moment she knew she wasn't dreaming. Or, if it was a dream, she was at least there with him, in his own little dream world. It all began to make sense again. She just knew. This was real. Luke was back, and he was alive. Her mind was racing, spinning out of control. For the millionth time, Luke made her cry; tears streamed down her face as she leaped towards him, ignoring the velvet rope between them. Kaylee threw her arms around his shoulders, bawling uncontrollably and kissing his face all over. Luke caught her with his one good arm, embracing her and kissing her back passionately. She didn't want to let go of Luke, not ever. She didn't want him to let go of her, either. Her heart fluttered and her legs grew weak. The warmth she felt from Luke was simply incredible. It felt like she belonged in his arms. Kaylee wanted to tell him how much she had missed him, how overjoyed she was to see him. She wanted to tell him how thankful she was that he was alive. How she loved him. The words she desired were elusive, escaping from her lips before she could utter those words. It was almost as if, subconsciously, she didn't trust her self to say those powerful words. Even though she and Luke had broken up, Luke's kiss was so passionate, so breathtaking; it was as if she was his soul mate. They had a connection she couldn't explain. If Luke was still seeing this other girl, she knew she could easily win him back if she wanted to – not that Luke deserved it. Besides, the way he was kissing her right now told her the other girl was probably history. She was still pissed off at him for the way he broke up with her, and there were no guarantees she would take him back even if he crawled back to her on his hands and knees, but there would be time to deal with that later. Right now, she was caught up in the moment, celebrating Luke's return along with everyone else. She didn't want to let him go. His shoulder was soaked from her tears, but she held him tighter and tighter, refusing to let go. For now Luke returned her embrace; she bit her lip, hoping he would continue holding her tightly. There was no way she would take him for granted this time. This was the second time he came back to her. A few years back, just before they graduated high school, she was told he nearly died in a car accident. Recently, she was told he _had_ died overseas. Kaylee didn't know if she could take much more. She loved him, more than she could imagine loving anyone, but she was scared. Now that Luke had her in his arms, she was terrified. Kaylee was torn between letting herself go, melding into his arms and staying there for eternity, versus keeping her guard up and protecting herself. It wasn't that she didn't feel safe and peaceful when he held her in his arms; she did, more than she could ever have imagined. But at the same time, all of her fears were surfacing. Why now of all moments in time, she didn't know, but the thought of losing him a third time petrified her. She wanted him so badly, but at the same time she was too afraid to take him. The pain of nearly losing him was too much for her to process. She wanted to squeeze him tighter, but at the same time she wanted to push him away and run; run as far away from him as she could and not look back. Leaning back and placing her hands on his face, she stared at Luke with huge tears in her eyes. The expression on her face almost immediately turned from an incredible joy to a devastating sadness, as if she suddenly experienced an unimaginable loss. "I... I'm sorry," she quietly squeaked out, her bottom lip quivering, looking at him with eyes of remorse that begged for forgiveness. Kaylee turned around and broke out of Luke's grasp. She ran away as fast as she could, pushing people in the crowd out of her way. Luke, completely caught off guard, tried to step over the velvet rope to chase her but his reaction was too slow; within moments she was gone, she had vanished into the crowd. Luke was still in shock but he didn't give up; he was determined to stop Kaylee despite whatever reason she had for running. He tried pushing his way through the wall of admiring fans, but he couldn't find a way through, especially with his bad shoulder. Kaylee hesitated, stopping and turning her head over her shoulder when she heard Luke shouting her name. He was desperate; he called out to her over and over again, barely audible through the noise of the crowd. She almost broke down and fell to her knees. He called out to her frantically, looking all over for her, but she noticed he didn't see her. Kaylee turned around and kept running. \--- _ **Epilogue**_ Luke couldn't believe what had just happened. One moment he had Kaylee in his arms; everything felt so right, just like it had so long ago. And then before he knew it, she turned and ran away. He felt his jaw tightening as he tried to process what had just happened. He wasn't sure whether to be dejected or furious. Audrey and Aaron, who had both just witnessed the event, were equally stunned. Luke tried pushing through the crowd, but with only one good arm against all of the cheering people surrounding him it was like going up against a brick wall. He didn't make it more than ten feet. Running his fingers through his hair, fighting his frustration, Luke was ready to charge through one last time until he felt an arm on his shoulder. Luke turned around as Audrey embraced him. She told him, "I can't believe you're back! You had us all scared, you know. Welcome home!" Luke tried to smile, "Thanks, Audrey, it's good to be back." Aaron took a moment to step out from behind the camera to shake Luke's hand, still filming the entire event. "You have balls, my friend," he told him dryly. "I never thought I'd ever even have to say this, since we've always been together, pretty much since Kindergarten, but it's _really_ good to see you." Luke said, with mixed emotions, "Thanks, it's good to be back. I'm glad to see you both." He stole another glance into the crowd, hoping to see Kaylee. Audrey sadly told Luke, "Just give her some time; this was a lot for her to process. You know how she feels about you." Shaking his head, trying to comprehend what had just happened, he muttered, "But why would she... I mean it's not like we're... but still..." "Luke, it isn't like her to run from anything, especially from you. She's probably just scared. As you know better than anyone, all of this is a lot to take. Kaylee is probably just having a hard time letting it all soak in." "Maybe," Luke said, and he wasn't smiling. "I probably deserved that after what I did... but I just thought..." He quickly shifted gears. Looking back towards his friends, he said, "We'll have to catch up. I have a lot of fanfare I have to deal with, thanks to Uncle Sam, but my fifteen minutes of fame won't last forever, thank goodness." "We can wait, Luke. Just enjoy your family for now and your new status as a hero," Audrey grinned as her face turned red. "Just don't give up on Kaylee, ok? You might be everyone's hero now, but you've _always_ been Kaylee's hero." Luke nodded in agreement, but he wasn't looking at her. Instead Luke was looking past Audrey through the crowd, hoping Kaylee might have stopped to at least turn around, but she was nowhere to be found. \--- _Thank you for reading; look for Book Three coming in a month or two as we continue the saga of Luke and Kaylee, to once and for all determine their fate. Luke is home, but has he changed? Will Kaylee come back? Hope you enjoyed the story, and see you for Book Three!_ _This is just a quick fantasy I had after modeling some swimsuits not too long ago. Unfortunately, none of this really happened. But it's a fun fantasy that could be a nice video to watch._ **Episode 34: After The Photo Session** Scene: two lovely college-aged girls in bikinis at a deserted beach are in a photoshoot. We see the photographer directing them for different poses. After a few minutes, we hear the director tell them "I know you specified no topless pictures. What if we take highly suggestive photos that come right to the edge?" The girls shrug and nod. Cali asks "What do you have in mind?" "First, take off your tops. Julie, I want you in front. Cali, reach around from behind and cover her breasts with your hands." The girls comply, and he takes photos. "I just got time for a few more before I have to go to another appointment. I want you to face either other and cover the other's breasts with your hands." The girls comply, and he takes photos. "Can I convince you to kiss for my last photos." Cali looks at Julie, and Julie smiles and shakes her head." "All right, then. You girls have been wonderful" he says as he's packing up his equipment. "I'm sorry I have to go in such a hurry. I'll call you when we have proofs ready to review." He leaves while the girls are putting their tops back on. They walk over to a towel on the ground that has their dresses on it and put their dresses back on and chat. Cali asks "did I hear you say you graduate next year?" "Yes, I'm getting a Marketing degree. I heard you say that you're a Music major. What instrument do you play." "Piano and a little flute and percussion." Julie looks at Cali's hands. "You have long fingers... and long legs." She chuckles. "And maybe I'll do some modeling, too. What about you? Did you have fun today?" "Yes, it was fun. No, I'm not going to be a model. I saw the flyer and did this on a whim. It's a one-time thing. But it sounds like you plan to keep doing this" "I might. My grandmother used to be a model." By now, the girls have left the beach and are walking on the sidewalk. "Wow. Did she model anything I've ever seen." Cali laughs. "Only if you've looked at 70s mens magazines. So I can say that I come to this job naturally." Julie's surprised. "Whenever I'm at an event and they have one of those icebreakers to tell something about yourself for people to guess, I say that I used to kiss a supermodel." "You acted like you didn't want to kiss me, and it surprised me, because I felt your nipples get hard when I had my hands on you." "I'll show off my body in a national magazine, but when I kiss girls, we have our fun in private." "I have a confession. I felt disappointed when you didn't want to kiss me. I've never kissed a girl, and I was feeling turned on to be holding you, and when he asked us to kiss, I decided that I would try it." She looks down at the ground. The girls are passing a building. Julie guides Cali off of sidewalk and over to the building. Julie leans up against the building. Cali puts her arms around her, and they kiss. Cali asks "did you like it?" "Let's do another one so I can be sure." They kiss again, even longer." Then Julie looks around to see if anyone's watching. "My apartment's close to the campus if you want to drive over there." "Mine is right around the corner. Let's go there instead." The next scene is in Cali's apartment. The girls keep kissing as they take turns removing articles of each other's clothing. Cali puts Julie into her bed and climbs on top of her so they can continue kissing and have fun rubbing their pussies together. Cali starts kissing and licking down Julie's body—her neck, her breasts, her stomach, her thighs, then finally her pussy—while Julie keeps repeating that she loves Cali. After Julie's orgasm, she rolls Cali onto her back and lies on her so they can kiss and then rub their pussies together again until Cali also has an orgasm. Finally, the two girls are lying next to each other, legs intertwined, caressing each other's butt, and lightly kissing until the video fades out. |
Kay sat in her apartment thumbing through her large leather bound book searching for Mark’s address. “Ahh, here it is,” she muttered to herself as her long sinewy finger traced the ink on the page, she pinched her breast feeling the small nub harden. Her clit twitched as she thought of visiting him tonight. A raw and primitive urge made her quiver as she thought of the sweet tenderness of his kiss. Closing the book and placing it back beside the monitor she snapped her fingers and gathered a white satin lacey nightgown and placed it on her computer desk so she would be able to quickly summon it once she got to Mark’s apartment. Her thoughts were racing, the strange surge of affection she felt for Mark frightened her, what had happened to the levelheaded young woman of yesterday? Had she somewhere gained a conscious? “No way!” she sputtered as her hand slammed down on the book, “This is just business!” She spun into the air, her dark transparent form spinning as it vanished into the monitor. *** Yawning and stretching, Mark slumped back into his chair. After a strenuous day at work, then more time spent online, he looked at his clock and noticed it was well past his bedtime. He leaned forward in his chair and his hand trembled with passion as his palm traced the spot beside the monitor where Kay would pretend to sit in the stories that she e-mailed him. He expected to feel the melting softness of her body and the moist satin of her breasts as he fingered the wood. Her e-mails had created an illusion of a slim, wild beauty with jutting breasts and a narrow waist. Kay peered at him through the glass of the monitor and recklessly reached out and clutched his hand. Her transparent mass less form went unnoticed as he grasp the mouse and clicked the icon that put the computer into standby mode and watched as the screen turned black. Mark stood and pushed his hands deep into his pockets; he adjusted his slacks and released the tension on his cock. Then he turned out the lights, locked the doors, and let out a tired sigh as he headed to his bedroom. Satin obsessed him; he loved how it flowed over the female form. A satin pillowcase loosely wrapped over his hand as he amused himself with his cock would add a spark of excitement while he chatted with Kay online. On the nightstand beside his bed, he kept a framed picture of her; she had sent it to him in one of her many e-mails. Beside the picture laid a bullet that he had received in a brown paper wrapped package from an online porn site. The invoice read: “To Mark… Enjoy!” signed Kay Not knowing what she had sent, he had ripped into the small parcel, shredding the paper. His new toy measured about two inches in length and had the girth of a man’s index finger, was battery powered and had a remote. He picked it up and rolled it between his fingers then closed his fist around it, he grinned and shook his head unbelievably, he just could not imagine her sending him a bullet. His cock twitched. Sitting on the edge of his bed, he continued to roll the bullet in his hand then placed it back on the nightstand. He pulled the covers down then laid his clothes across the trunk at the bottom of his bed. Reaching for the lamp on the nightstand, he turned it off, and then slipped naked between the sheets. Mark had not noticed that his computer screen had blinked back on in the other room or that Kay had mysteriously appeared and sat nude beside his monitor. With a snap of her fingers, she summoned the white lace and slipped it on. She dropped to the floor and quickly tiptoed closer to the bedroom while he had undressed. Her ghostly form floated a couple of inches from the floor as she peeked through the crack of the open door. She had watched as he laid his clothes across the trunk then she patiently waited for him to fall asleep. Kay drifted closer to the bed until she hovered over him. The reflected moonlight glimmered over his bronzed face as she looked down at him. There were touches of humor around his mouth and near his eyes, his skin pulled taut over the ridges of his cheekbones. Her fingers stroked his square jaw line then traced his mouth as it broke into a leisurely smile. Her hand trembled as her fingers memorized the features of his face and wound through his unruly hair. Moonbeams shimmered through her form as her shadow less figure leaned down and kissed his sweet lips. Mark waved his hand across his chin as though swatting at an annoying fly as he felt the warmth of her soft flesh tickle his face. Thinking his imagination had deceived him, he shook his head then placed his hand back under the covers, and went back to sleep. Kay swiveled slowly, her delight growing as she floated over his bed. She drifted down beneath the comforter then down beneath the sheets until her flesh met his. Her hand roamed of its own volition over his devilishly warm body then through the hair on his chest as she laid her head in the crook of his arm. His sleeping breath felt hot against her cheek. A tremor crossed her lips as she gently kissed his mouth then traced his lips with her tongue; she smiled as his mouth opened in a dazzling array of straight white teeth in response to her touch. She kissed down his neck then across his collar- bones. Trembling as she anticipated his touch, she continued to fondle him as she tried to arouse his sleeping body, to summon it to the craving that was overwhelming her pulsating clit. Again, he moved his hand to his chest and brushed his teats with his palm, pulling and twisting them with his fingers. His hand moved back down as his eyes closed and he rolled onto his side away from her. Kay curled up closer and pressed her hardened nipples into his back, her breath caught as her tongue traced the back of his ear then down his neck to his shoulders. She leaned over his sleeping body and placed her hands at the base of his neck, gently massaging the muscles. Her thumbs climbed the vertebrae of his spine to the base of his skull, rotating one on top of the other and then slid back down to his shoulders. She squeezed and kneaded, her thumbs pressing deep into the tissue. She kissed his back as her hand moved down his slender torso, weaved past the indention of his waist and cupped his tight cheeks. His sleeping form moaned and pressed back against her. She reached over him and brushed the hardness between his legs. Triumphantly she smiled as he rolled onto his back, his eyes still closed, and another more audible moan passed his lips and echoed in the stillness of the room. She placed her leg between his and began to rub her wetness against his thigh. Mark reached up as though he was aware of, could feel her wet warmth, and rubbed his thigh but his leg was dry. He placed his hand between his thighs and tugged at his balls, pulling and stretching them. Then he pressed his palm against the length of his shaft and let his hand roll over the tip of his aroused cock. Kay rose over his body then leaned down, grinned and bit his nipples. She wanted him, needed him, her thighs quivered over his unconscious body. She had been aroused all day, her nipples burning, her clit tingling... Mark winched as he felt the bite and his eyes sprung open, he brushed his chest with his free hand and his other hand reached for the solid strength of his cock as he reached for the lotion on the nightstand. He pumped a few squirts in his hand and rubbed it on his engorged member. Kay’s hand closed over his as his hand slid up and down his shaft. He again reached for the nightstand in the dark. He fumbled but at last found the bullet that was within reach. He held the control in his hand and flicked it on with his thumb. The bullet buzzed languidly on his stomach as his cock rested in his hand. Kay’s hand lightly rested on his as he continued to tease his arousal. Mark closed his eyes and pressed his head against the satin covered pillow, his mouth became dry as his hand urged his cock closer and closer. The bullet pressed against the base of his erection and buzzed with a low hum. He shivered as he felt her hot breath whisper a suggestive thought in his ear, but instead of words, he heard a phrase-less melody racing through his brain. “Lube up the bullet Mark, that’s it baby, lots of cream,” Kay smiled then watched as he squirted another stream of lotion on the bullet. Mark lazily rolled the bullet in his hand and coated it with the lotion then he stripped a pillow and loosely wrapped the satin pillowcase around his other hand. His lotion-covered hand coursed over his swollen staff as it lay between the folds of fabric. Lying on his side, he took more lotion and rubbed it between the cracks of his tight cheeks then he pressed the bullet slowly into his posterior and turned over onto his back. “Ohmygawd!” he moaned as the pucker in his ass closed around the bullet and he shuddered as it buzzed slowly inside him. His prostrate sent orgasmic shivers up his spine. Kay ran her fingers down his chest, leaned over and licked his nipples as she watched his hand return and brush over the hard peaks. “Turn up the speed, baby,” she whispered as she laid her face on his chest and ran her hand up and down his taut stomach. He gripped the control and turned the speed to medium, followed by a muted but not so silent buzz. The bullet became more alive and his hips began to move back and forth. “Yesss, mmmmm, much better, feels good doesn’t it?” she mused as he answered her whisper with a nod of his head. Kay plunged down between his thighs, her cunt twitched as her tongue swirled over the top of his raging cock. She cradled his cheeks in both hands and pulled him towards her, sucking his cock in her mouth as her tongue pressed back and forth on the underside vein…then she swallowed him deep into her throat… The fervent look on his face and the way his stomach muscles were tightening told her that he felt the hot cum as it filled and churned in his testicles, the heat building and getting ready to boil up his shaft like the vent of a volcano as it explodes when it reaches its crest. The smooth satin fabric that covered his hand moved faster up and down his slick lotion covered cock while his free hand reached in between his thighs and tugged at his balls as his fingers rolled them back and forth inside their sacs. The vibrations of the bullet caused his hips to press up against his hand as his tightening fist pulled the skin of his cock down towards the base. Straddling him, Kay braced her hands on his chest and moved her body down ensnaring his soon to be erupting piston deep inside her heated space. Riding him, her knees bent as she raised and lowered herself on his hard member, her eyes began to glaze over as he opened her and filled her. Wave after wave of sensual pleasure consumed her as the tension between them increased. She continued to drop herself repeatedly on him, her orgasm building as she gazed down at his lust-filled face. Mark groaned and hissed as Kay’s folds embraced his tool, her muscles pulled and sucked him deep inside her. Their eyes locked suddenly, for a brief moment, as his stare burned through her and sent her pulses spinning, he could see her glistening sweat covered enchanted form as she raised and lowered herself over his writhing body, but only for a moment. He strained to watch as her head flew back and her body arched, he could see the ripples of her tightening stomach in the moonlight, he knew that her orgasm was going to be intense. He felt a flash of orgasmic tremors rush through his body as he heard her wail in a long spine tingling shrill, like a banshee in the night, startling him with the nightmarish sounds. Bringing her head forward and leaning over him with her hands on his chest, she pressed her bent knees against his warm body and continued to pound into him, pumping up and down on his searing cock. Squeezing his eyes shut he made thrust after thrust into the ghostly form. The unyielding bullet vibrated against his prostrate as his satin covered hand gripped and released his cock. His head dug into his pillow as his back arched raising him off the bed while his hand slid back and forth over his heated staff...his breathing became short…deep… breaths…he let out a low guttural groan as he exploded into the satin pillowcase. Kay continued to ride him until his cock slid from between her legs and laid flaccidly against his stomach, then she leaned over him, her hair cascading down around her face and across his stomach, she took the moment to catch her breath as she tenderly kissed him. Mark’s arms fell limp at his side. His thumb clicked the bullet into silence as he pulled the covers over his head and drifted into another dream. Kay hovered over him for a few short moments then retrieved her nightgown that had fallen to the floor and slowly raised her arms, letting the thin transparent fabric glisten sweetly down her small frame. She drew her breasts together, raised them and let them rest in the gathered folds of lace and ribbons. Her panties slipped over her hips as she tied the ribbons on each side to secure them then she floated back to her space beside the computer. Leaning over the desk and grasping the mouse, she clicked the icon that put the computer back into standby mode and as mysteriously as she had appeared, she disappeared into the night. Kay arrived at her apartment very nude. She stared at the monitor and rolled her eyes then she shot back to Mark’s monitor, which blinked back on for an instant. Just her head popped out of the monitor as she spied her nightgown where it had fallen on the desk. She pointed at the white satin, snapped her fingers and summoned it to her, then pointed at the mouse, snapped her fingers again and the monitor blinked off. |
In the highest of rooms within the Tower of Doom, inside a perfectly drawn pentagram of blood lay the demoness. Her breathing was in ragged gasps as she struggled to take human air into her lungs. Her whole body shivered. The earth was much colder than hell. The demoness took the form of a red skinned human female with jet-black hair and almost angelic white wings. By human standards she was stunningly beautiful, her guise had often lured weak willed human sorcerers to their deaths. Only two long yellow fangs that protruded several inches outside her full, pouty blood red lips marred her beautiful, finely featured face. The demoness’s succulent red skinned body was unclothed, her rich red skin almost shimmering across the wanton curves of her human form. Blood red nipples topped her large round breasts and her genitals were completely hairless but looked human. Her slim hands ended in long black fingernails that looked razor sharp. She was a succubus a demoness that lured male humans to their deaths with her sexuality. The slightly pointed ears of the voluptuous succubus perked up as the sound of a voice reached her ears and the door of the room swung open. “Stupid frigging wench! Who the fuck does she think she is! Bossing Cockweasel around like a slave! One day I’ll nail her sweet ass!” swore the creature that emerged through the door. The succubus’s full lips curved up into a malevolent smirk as she saw the creature that had entered the room. Was this the magic user that had summoned her? “Sweep the frigging tower Cockweasel! Clean your own tower cunt!” snarled the creature. He was a short runt of a humanoid, only around four and a half feet in height. With leathery green skin, coarse black hair and one of the ugliest little faces the succubus had ever seen. “A goblin!” hissed the demoness, as she noted the hunched little creatures yellowed teeth and small wiry build. The little goblin wore only a grubby, stained loincloth for clothing, surely this was not a powerful wizard, capable of summoning her? Cockweasel the goblin looked up in surprise at the sound of the succubus’s voice. He’d been ordered to sweep the whole tower by the Master and had not expected this room to be occupied. No doubt the Master had forgotten to tell Cockweasel. “You are the mortal that summoned me?” the demoness demanded, pointing an accusing finger at the little goblin as she stood up. Cockweasel frowned, noticing for the first time that the creature before him was naked, and had a very attractive body to boot. The sly little goblin felt his loins tingling as he gazed upon the succubus, it had been a long long time since he had seen a naked woman. “You are the mortal that summoned me!?” the demoness said more forcefully, almost shrieking. She had only been summoned and enslaved by mortals a handful of times, and it usually ended badly. Usually with the painfully slow death of the human sorcerer. “Yeah, Cockweasel is the name she-bitch!” the goblin shot back, a plan quickly forming in his head as he stifled his initial fear of the demoness. Although he was a goblin, one of the most hated races on the planet and one not usually known for its intelligence, Cockweasel was very cunning. That was possibly the reason he had been chosen to serve the Master. The succubus’s eyes narrowed slightly, her seductive expression taking a slight edge. “What do you want goblin?” Cockweasel clucked his tongue as he pretended to consider her question. “I have summoned you for my pleasure,” he said, flipping up the front of his loincloth and grabbing his own thick green penis. The demoness scoffed, “Do you really think I will let you mate with me? You a goblin!” she laughed at the mere suggestion. “Surely a wizard of your…caliber knows that to lie with a succubus would mean your death?” she jeered. Cockweasel swallowed, what was he getting himself into? But as usual he plunged on, thinking with his dick instead of his brain. “It only means death if you chose to,” he bluffed. “True…” she replied slowly. “If I pleasure you, you will release me?” “Yes!” Cockweasel said, eagerly starting to stroke his cock as his eyes scanned across the demoness’s sinful body. “Come closer wizard,” she beckoned, sliding down to her knees, her long, forked tongue slipped out and licked across her full red lips. The tongue briefly wound around one yellow fang and then disappeared back into her mouth. Cockweasel moved up to the edge of the pentagram, being careful to ensure he did not step over the edge. “Closer,” signaled the succubus, her lips parting into an oval ready to receive the goblins organ. Cockweasel paused, his gaze flickering between her full, pouty lips and razor sharp fangs. “I’m not putting my cock that close to your teeth bitch,” he told her. The demoness snarled, “Very well.” She stood up again and turned around, her seemingly delicate white wings folded on her back. She then bent over and braced her hands on her knees, presenting her full red buttocks towards the horny little goblin. “Nice,” breathed Cockweasel, reaching up and running his rough hand across the demoness’s smooth buttocks. He slipped a finger up between her legs and stroked along the slit of her cunt. The demoness gave a rumbling growl as he probed one finger up inside her, his cock hardening in his other hand. Cockweasel gave her firm ass a slap and then moved over to the side of the room, grabbing a stool and dragging it to the edge of the pentagram. Cockweasel clambered up onto the stood which put him at a much more convenient height, his out-thrust erection pointed directly at the demoness’s posterior. Knowing that if he lost his balance and fell forward inside the pentagram he would be a goner, Cockweasel very carefully reached out and took hold of the succubus’s nicely curved waist, pulling her ass back towards him. “Oh yes! Cockweasel likes that!” the goblin groaned as he pushed his grubby cock into the demoness’s cunt. The succubus hissed at the thought of being used for pleasure by such a pitiful creature, but when the goblin released her she would have her revenge. Cockweasel tightened his grip on her red hips and started to pump against her ass like a dog in heat, the small room filled with the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh. The short goblin grunted as he bucked against her, his small cock buried to the base with each thrust. It had been so long since Cockweasel had got laid that he knew he would not last long. A droplet of drool fell from the corner of his mouth, splashing into the small of the demoness’s back as he fucked her. Cockweasel’s long nails dug into the succubus’s hips and he increased the rapid-fire thrusts of his hips, his balls swinging against her with each shove. “That’s it!” grunted the horny little goblin as he had his way with the succubus. “Oh that’s good!” “Of course it’s good,” snapped the succubus as she suffered the indignity of letting the ugly creature hump her. “I’m a succubus you dolt!” “Shut up bitch!” growled Cockweasel, slapping the side of her ass. “You’re ruining the moment.” “Well excuse me then,” she replied sarcastically, but she did shut up, the only sound in the top room of the tower was now the slapping of flesh and the grunting of a certain goblin. “Ahhh! Fuck!” cried out Cockweasel as his cock suddenly exploded. He yanked the succubus back against him, his cock penetrating her to the hilt as it pulse and pumping slimy green cum into her. The demoness let the goblin spend himself, more drool dropping onto her back from his open mouth. “Yessss!” Cockweasel hissed as he rammed into her a couple more times milking the last of his cum into her tight demonic pussy. “Cockweasel!” came a sudden, angry sounded scream from lower in the tower. “Get your mangy green ass down here this instant!” Cockweasel physically jumped at the sound of the voice. His cock popped out of the succubus and he tumbled backwards off the stool, falling heavily on the stone floor. The air whooshed from his lungs and he lay there for a moment gasping. “Shit!” he swore after he took a moment to recover. The little goblin jumped to his feet, wiping his still sticky cock on his own loincloth and then making a dash for the door. “Wait!” hissed the demoness. “We had a deal, release me!” “Uh..” Cockweasel stammered a moment. “Gotta go, be back later, thanks for the fuck.” With that he bolted out the door, slamming it shut behind him as his stubby little legs carried him down the lengthy flight of stairs as quickly as he could manage. The little goblin burst through one of the large ornate wooden doors about two thirds of the way down the tower and arrived in a large, richly decorated dining room. The long table had seats enough for two dozen diners, but presently only one seat was filled. Cockweasel’s Master, the Sorceress Valeria sat there with an empty plate in front of her, impatiently tapping her fingers on the corner of the table. As always, Valeria wore a long black gown, it was slit very high up one leg, her creamy thigh poking through and immediately catching Cockweasel’s eye. The front of the dress gaped wide, displaying plenty of Valeria’s pale snowy breasts, coming just short of exposing her nipples. The evil sorceress was an incredible beauty, with flawless pale white skin and long, flowing raven hair that reached to her waist. Her pristine features could have been considered angelic, where it not for the angry stare she fixed upon her slave. “Forget something?” she asked, her voice surprisingly gentle. Fuck! Cockweasel swore inwardly, he’d been so busy sweeping the tower that he’d lost track of the time, Valeria’s dinner was not served. “Sorry Master!” Cockweasel said in his most pitiful voice, falling to his knees in the doorway. “Mistress!” snapped Valeria, “How many times do I have to tell you!” “Sorry Mistress!” Cockweasel quickly said. He remained in a begging posture and shuffled across the room on his knees towards the entrance to the kitchen where the sorceress’s dinner would be waiting for him to serve up. “Be quick about it Cockweasel!” she growled threateningly. The goblin leapt to his feet and dashed into the kitchen at the sharp crack of her voice. He knew better than to anger the sorceress. He quickly picked up the sorceress’s dinner, a large plate of steaming roast meat and vegetables. Cockweasel had never seen anyone cook Valeria’s dinner, but whenever the time came he would always find it waiting for him to serve in the kitchen. He carefully carried the plate into the dining room, once Cockweasel had dropped it and he’d ended up spending a fear-filled day and night cleaning the outside of the tower with Valeria using some sort of magical spell to levitate him. He’d been scared shitless as she threw him several hundred feet into the air and made him scrub the tower. Cockweasel placed the plate down in front of Valeria, taking the chance to have a good look into her gaping cleavage, his height perfectly lining his face up with the sorceress’s ample bosom. “Wine,” she ordered, thumping her empty goblet against the table. “Yes Mas..Mistress,” he acquiesced, hurrying over to the rack of dusty wine bottles in the corner of the room. He grabbed one and random and moved back to Valeria’s side, slowly pouring the red liquid into her goblet. As he stood there he couldn’t help but stare into Valeria’s cleavage, watching the way the ample swellings of her breasts rose and fell as she breathed. His cock stirred slightly, despite having just emptied it into the demoness upstairs. Valeria’s breasts looked so big and soft, so inviting, he wanted to just reach out and touch them. He could just make out the slight shape of her nipples jutting against the dark fabric of her gown and he yearning to lean over and suck the hardened buds into his mouth. Cockweasel imagined what it would feel like to thrust his small green penis between those summery mountains, the big melons would feel so good pressed against his pumping shaft. “What are you doing you idiot!” Valeria’s angry cry snapped his gaze away from her boobs and to the goblet that was now overflowing with wine. Cockweasel swore under his breath and stopped pouring, rushing into the kitchen to grab a rag to mop up the spill. He rushed back and quickly wiped up the spilt wine. He noticed that a few drips had fallen from the edge of the table and landed on Valeria’s leg, left bare from the split in her dress. Cockweasel dabbed the rag on Valeria’s thigh, wiping up the split wine and giving her leg a slight squeeze at the same time. Then, unable to help himself he moved the rag higher up Valeria’s creamy thigh and then up to her breasts. The little goblin gave a small moan as he grabbed her huge left breast through the rag, under the guise of wiping up some imaginary splash of wine. Valeria sighed as the horny little goblin crudely felt her up, the little shit was always trying something like that with her, it reminded her a little of her former wizard master, he’d always tried to cop a feel while he was teaching her magic. She killed him after she had quickly learnt all that he had to teach her. Valeria casually waved her hand in Cockweasel’s direction. “Shirrgalak,” as she spoke the word there was a soundless burst of energy and the goblin was flung across the room like a rag doll. He crashed into the wall and crumpled painfully to the floor. Without another word Valeria returned her attention to her dinner. Cockweasel never seemed to learn, he was always grabbing her tits or ass, despite the painful punishments it earned him. Once he had pushed things too far and she’d woken up to him crouching on her pillow and trying to push his slimy green cock into her mouth. She angrily unleashed a fireball onto his crotch and he hadn’t been able to piss without screaming for the next three months. Cockweasel had never tried anything quite so bold again, although it didn’t stop his busy hands. The only reason Valeria hadn’t killed the horny little goblin was that he was the only goblin slave she’d had that had been able to follow more than the most simple of instructions. Cockweasel rolled over onto his back and groaned as he regained consciousness. All he could think about was how firm and plump the sorceress’s tit had felt in his leathery hand. It had definitely been worth the pain he thought to himself. About ten minutes later the sorceress was done eating and got to her feet. She glanced over to the corner of the room where Cockweasel was still lying groaning to himself. “I’m going to the top room to work,” she told the goblin, shooting him a look of disgust. “I am not to be disturbed no matter what. Understood?” “Yes Master!” Cockweasel said, sitting up immediately when he realized she had no sympathy for his pain. “Mistress!” she snapped back angrily before marching up the stairs towards the room where she had the succubus that Cockweasel had abused. Cockweasel waiting for a few minutes to give the evil sorceress enough time to reach the top room and then he hurried over to the table, grabbing her plate of leftovers and digging in hungrily. He had just placed the first hunk of meat in his mouth when there was an ear-shattering bang from above, followed by a flash of light that filled the stairwell. Cockweasel froze, his mouth full of food. There was the sound of a female scream, the sorceress’s slave wasn’t sure if it had come from the succubus or the sorceress herself. Then there was another explosion and a thud. Then silence. Cockweasel spat the food out onto the table and started to dash towards the door. He froze as he reached the stairwell. Valeria had specifically told him not to disturb her. He paused in indecision, if he didn’t go up and she was in trouble, he’d be punished. But if he did go up and everything was okay he’d also be punished. It was times like this that he wished he had a normal goblin brain that didn’t think of so many things at once. It would be so much easier to just dumbly do what he was told. Taking a gamble Cockweasel decided to throw caution aside and head up to check on his Master. He ran hurriedly up the stairs to the very top of the tower, his breathing ragged and labored by the time he climbed the final step. The goblin then burst open the door, expecting to see the room burnt to a crisp, or perhaps the dead succubus splattered all over the walls. To his surprise the room was remarkably unscathed. The succubus was gone, or at least not in sight, the pentagram also no longer on the floor. Lying on her back, motionless in the center of the room was Cockweasel’s Master, Valeria. Her eyes were closed and he could just see the rising and falling over her expansive chest. She was alive. “Master!” he cried out in alarm, hurrying over to her side. “Master!” he repeated louder, taking her by the shoulders and shaking her. Valeria did not stir, she was completely unconscious. Something had obviously gone very wrong. Suddenly concerned about the succubus, Cockweasel leapt to his feet and spun around, scanning the room for any sign of the demoness. But he saw nothing. Had Valeria banished her before she was knocked out? The nervous goblin gave one more suspicious scan of the room then knelt down beside Valeria once again. “Master!” he said, shaking her violently this time. Still she didn’t awaken. Cockweasel sat back on his heels. Now what was he going to do? Cockweasel licked his lips and stared thoughtfully at the motionless body of the sexy sorceress. He glanced around the room, double checking that he was alone. “Sorceress?” he said, a little softer this time. Cockweasel reached out and pinched the flesh on her arm. She didn’t move. His heart beating at one hundred miles per hour, Cockweasel reached out and placed his hand ever so gently over her left breast, covering the ample mound in his palm. “Master?” he said, his voice a husky whisper. She did not stir. Cockweasel felt his loins tingle in anticipation as he ran his thumb across the inner slope of the sorceress’s large left breast, left bare by the open neckline of her gown. The goblin got up on his haunches and leant over Valeria, keeping his hand fixed to her large breast. He slapped her sharply across the side of the face. “Wake up!” he shouted as loud as he could manage. She still didn’t move and Cockweasel was at last confident that he was free to explore the lovely magician. Breathing heavily, Cockweasel’s other hand moved to join its partner on Valeria’s chest. He took a large boob in each hand and squeezed them firmly. “Nice!” groaned the goblin his hands opening and closing over the deliciously ample mounds, kneading the resilient flesh. “Cockweasel likes these,” he moaned tightly gripping the mountainous orbs. He then curled his fingers around the edge of Valeria’s black gown and yanked it open. The material tore slightly as he pulled it wide, exposing Valeria’s bare breasts to his hungry eyes. A droplet of drool fell from Cockweasel’s lower lip and into the deep gap of Valeria’s cleavage as his hands once again closed over her, now bare, breasts. “You’re not bossing Cockweasel around now are you wench?” he said to the sorceress’s unconscious body as his fingers pinched and twisted at her nipples. The goblin then fell onto the raven-haired woman, his hard cock jutting against her hip as he plunged his face into her cleavage. Cockweasel made a sort of lustful grunting noise as he rubbed his rough face between her breasts, savoring the softness of her flawless skin. He turned his head to the side an captured a nipple between his lips, sucking it hungrily and at the same time starting to grind his bulging cock against her curvy hip. The goblin’s feast continued as he turned to her other nipple, his tongue coming out and lapping against the hardening bud, sucking it forcefully between his lips. He gave the nipple a quick bite and then straightened up, adjusting his position so that he sat over her, straddling her flat stomach. Cockweasel then reached down with both hands and squeezed the sorceress’s plump breasts. He then jiggled them in his hands, watching in delight as the abundant sloshed about her chest. Cockweasel absently slapped at the sorceress’s big tits as he looked up into her beautiful face. For once she was not looking at him in disgust. Cockweasel gave a yellow-toothed grin as he released his Mistress’s breasts and climbed off Valeria, an idea forming in his brain. The crawled around to her head, remembering when he’d almost caught her in a deep slumber, just before she shot a fireball into his lap. Cockweasel sat down and lifted Valeria’s head up into his lap, turning her head sideways. He rubbed his hard green cock over her pretty face leaving a slight smear of his greenish precum, had she been awake she would have gagged on the stench of his smelly cock and unwashed loincloth. Cockweasel then brushed the head of his cock across the sorceress’s full lips, tracing their outline before pushing them apart. He gave a small moan as his cock pierced her lips, the warmth of her tongue was wondrous as he pushed his cock inside her mouth. Cockweasel moaned in bliss, he had never had a blowjob and the fact it was from such a beautiful and powerful human who had always tormented him made it all the more sweet. Never mind the fact she was passed out. The goblin sat up, crouching over Valeria’s face as he fed more of his cock into her warm mouth. “Cockweasel likes!” he grunted, slowly pumping his cock in and out of her mouth, barely noticing the occasional scrape from her teeth as he slowly fucked her mouth. Keeping his cock buried in her mouth, Cockweasel turned around, tilting Valeria’s head backwards and opening her throat. He reached out and took hold of her big jiggling tits for leverage and really started to pump, fucking her face. “Yess!” he groaned as his cock plunged in and out of her mouth, he was not quite big enough to go into her throat, but it felt wonderful, his balls banging on her nose as he rooted her lovely mouth. Cockweasel picked up the pace, really going to town, using his unconscious tormentor to satisfy his lust. Suddenly the little goblin groaned and his cock burst, cum shooting from his cock and filling Valeria’s mouth. He plunged himself deep into her mouth and his hands gripped tightly on her big tits as he orgasmed. His slimy green spunk pouring from the corners of Valeria’s mouth. The unconscious enchantress started to choke on her slaves cock and Cockweasel felt her teeth bite into his still pulsing organ. The goblin quickly jerked backwards, yanking his cock free as the sorceress started to cough and splutter. She looked as though she was still unconscious, but Cockweasel didn’t intend to stick around and find out. He’d crossed a very dangerous line and knew that if he were still around when Valeria awakened she’d probably turn him into a toad…or worse. Cockweasel wiped his grubby cock with a handful of Valeria’s shiny black hair and then hurriedly fled the room, slamming the door shut behind him. He had to get the fuck outta here before she awoke. Running as fast as he could, the little goblin almost tumbled down the stairs, taking them two or three at a time, as fast as his stubby legs could manage. Cockweasel was almost at the bottom when he crashed into something, there was a loud metallic clang and the goblin feel back onto the stairs in a daze. He looked up in horror to see a tall figure in front of him, dressing in shiny silver armor that gleamed with a dangerously holy light. In the knights hand was a long, vicious looking sword. Cockweasel looked up in fright as the sword ominously raised in his direction. “Bugger!” swore Cockweasel softly. Now he was screwed. |
Angelina Jolie was excited with the new script that she was reading. She liked the story that reminded her of a lesbian bar version of Cheers. Her beautiful eyes lit up as she envisioned herself playing the part of Annabella the alluring seductress. As she read the script Nicole Kidman came to mind as the straight woman who comes in the bar not knowing that it is a lesbian hangout. Angelina thought how perfect Nicole would be for the part of Tiffany. She immediately called the studio and had them send Nicole a copy of the script and offer her the part of Tiffany. Two weeks later Angelina was disappointed when she got a call and was informed that Nicole declined the role but was assured that there was no shortage of good actresses that would be thrilled to play the part. Angelina was not one to give up that easily and convinced the studio not to offer the part to anyone else until she talked to Nicole herself. Angelina had met Nicole but did not really know her. After acquiring the Australian beauty's phone number she made the call and was invited to her home the next day to plead her case. When the exotic beauty arrived at Nicole's home in her black pants suit, she was ushered in by the maid and guided to a dinning room and asked if she wanted anything to eat or drink; she settled for a cup of coffee. After a few minutes the maid returned with a pot of coffee and two cups. As the maid was leaving Nicole glided in the room wearing white shorts and a black blouse. Angelina arose to greet her, they embraced and exchanged pleasantries. Nicole said, "I'm impressed, the studio sent their top star to sell me on the movie! It is flattering that they want me but I really don't have any desire do a lesbian movie; it's just not me." "The studio didn't send me. It was my idea to have you play the part of Tiffany; when I read the script you came to mind right away. You are perfect for the part; together we can make this into a blockbuster film. You are a great actress and your beauty will be the added ingredient we need to make this project a huge success. Please consider it." "I don't know what to say. I just can't picture myself playing a lesbian but Tiffany is a straight woman that gets seduced; it might be interesting. Let me think about it and as soon as a decision is made I will give you a call. Who else is in the movie?" "Most of the parts have yet to be cast but Jennifer Tilly will be playing Meg the bartender; she played that role in Bound so convincingly. Do me one favor, when you do decide, give me a call but don't tell me over the phone, come over to my place and tell me face to face." "I will read the script again but I must say that it looks more attractive already with you and Jennifer in it. I look forward to seeing you again soon." Nicole walked Angelina to the door, they kissed goodbye, their bodies pressed together, and when she felt the full lips on hers Nicole was stunned to feel her arousal building. When they parted, Nicole couldn't understand her attraction to another woman; Angelina recognized the desire in her eyes and smiled. Having men and women fall under her spell was nothing new to the sensuous siren. Ten days later Nicole went to Angelina's home and agreed to do the movie. She said that her agent would contact the studio to work things out. They enjoyed lunch and both women looked forward to working together. Once more there was a long kiss and embrace as they said goodbye. Nicole was flush and trembling as they gazed into each other's eyes. Nicole was confused by the other woman's power over her as Angelina looked at her like a cat looking at a mouse and knew that she would soon seduce the classy actress. Two months later Angelina, Jennifer, and Nicole were on a private jet to Germany. The setting for the movie was an American owned bar in Berlin that was frequented by army wives, business woman, tourist, and locals alike. Kristin, a former model that settled in Berlin and bought the bar would play herself in the film. Most of the women that lived in Berlin spoke English as well as their own language. While winging across the Atlantic ocean they drank champaign and enthusiastically discussed the upcoming movie. Nicole felt the moisture form between her legs as the two women constantly touched her thighs, face, and neck while whispering in her ears. Both Angelina and Jennifer wore low cut tops that could hardly contain their ample breasts. Nicole was bewildered by her heighten state of arousal. The girls were tipsy by the time the plane landed, they exited the jet and were whisked into a waiting limousine. The girls sat in the back seat with Olga Hyndman; Olga wrote the best selling book (Butch in Berlin) and was directing the movie. Olga wore a black pin-striped suit, had short brown hair, was somewhat stocky, and if it were not for her huge breasts the 42 year old dike would be mistaken for a man. Olga exclaimed, "This is a dream come true for me. I intend to make this the best movie of it's kind and with the three of you we can pull it off. I estimate the filming will take about four months, if that, and you will live the lesbian lifestyle until the filming is complete; this move is going to be authentic, realistic, and you girls are going to receive every award there is for your roles, not to mention best picture." This bold statement startled Nicole and she queried, "I am straight, how can I be a lesbian for four months? That is insane." The authoritative dike stated, "Don't be silly little one, you will do it and you will love it. Every woman possesses the desire to make love with another woman but some never live it out, that's all, poor things just don't know what they are missing." The long black limo made its way up a lengthy driveway that led to a sprawling mansion outside the city. The driver opened the door for Olga and her guests, she was lovely even in the tuxedo she wore, it was plain to she that the 21 year old blond was stunning. They walked up the steps, past huge pillars and the door was opened by a brown haired curvaceous beauty wearing a reveling French-maid uniform. The three actresses were escorted to their rooms and instructed to shower, put on the clothes that were laid-out on their beds, and join Mistress Olga in the main dinning room. On each bed there was a note explaining that the clothing was from the wardrobe department and was what they were going to wear in the bar scene when Tiffany, played by Nicole, unknowingly stumbles in to the lesbian bar. As each woman descended the spiral staircase they were directed to the dinning area and served burgundy wine. When Olga joined them they all complimented her on the exquisite dinning room and the fine wine. After feasting on lobster tail and a delightful blueberry-cheesecake the sexy maids kept the wine glasses full. After assuring Olga that they all knew their lines they retired to a colossal room with a full size bar and some elegant furniture. Olga sat on a plush sofa and directed them to do the scene. Nicole left the room and reentered, she looked lovely in her white dress. Jennifer was behind the bar wearing pink hot-pants and low cut pink T-shirt. Angelina sat at the bar looking hot in a short black skirt and a red tank-top that could not contain her ample bosom. As she entered the room Nicole was visibly upset as tears ran down her cheeks. Angelina stood, clutched the upset woman's shoulders, sat her down on the barstool net to her and inquired, "What is wrong with you honey? I hate to see a beautiful woman cry. Let me buy you a drink and you can tell me all about it. What would you like?" "A martini please. My husband owns the insurance agency down the street and I decided to surprise him for lunch but I was the one who got the surprise when I opened the door to see his secretary spread out on his desk and he had his face buried between the slut's legs. I just stormed the hell out of there and ran down the street, when I discovered this place, I thought a good stiff drink would do me some good!" Jennifer mixed the martini and went easy on the vermouth and generous on the gin. Angelina put her arms around the distraught woman in an effort to comfort her and stated, "My name is Annabella honey, what is your name?" "My name is Tiffany, I hate to burden you with my problems but you are so nice. Thank you so much for the company." Jennifer served the martini to Tiffany and a rum and coke for Annabella. When offered money she said, "No, this one is on the house and my name is Meg." Tiffany said, "I hate to go home and face the bastard. I feel like such a fool, all this time I believed he loved me and was true. I don't know what to do." Annabella said, "Meg finishes her shift soon; why don't we all go to her place and get stoned? You can wake up in the morning and then decide what you want to do." "Thanks, that sounds great but I couldn't put you to so much trouble, you have been kind enough." Meg blurted out. "Nonsense, we would throughly enjoy making you feel better." Meg and Annabella made eye contact and smiled at that statement. A few drinks later Meg's relief showed up and the three of them went to the next room at Olga's direction and pretended it was Meg's apartment. They drank heavily and smoked some weed for awhile and then Tiffany was guided to the bedroom. The movie scene called for them to disrobe Tiffany, strip, and get under the covers and pretend to have sex but all pretense at following the script was abandon when Angelina nursed on Nicol's breasts while Jennifer dove between Nicol's legs and lapped her wet cunt while vigorously jamming two fingers in and out of the steaming slit. Nicol gasped, "Oh my, oh, this isn't in the script!" Angelina replied. "Forget the script for now sweet-thing, we are going to have some fun. How is she doing on your pussy? Does it feel good?" "Yes, oh yes, it feels sublime. I feel like a fire cracker ready to explode. Sooooo good, yesssss!" Angelina decided that Nicole was making too much noise. She released the rubbery nipple from her mouth, squatted over her face, lowered her dripping pussy to Nicol's lips and urged, "Yes baby, kiss my pussy lips, suck my clit, then stick your little tongue up my hole as far as it will go. That's it, just like that, yes, suck baby, suck. Eat it all up baby, your fucking face was made for me to sit on and your mouth was designed to pleasure my hot honey- pot! Yes, take it, drink it all up, oh hell yesssss!" They indulged in the oral orgy for over an hour with Angelina and Jennifer exchanging places several times until they collapsed in exhaustion. They gasped when the Naked Olga walked over to the bed wearing a 10' pink dildo, it was very thick and lifelike. Nicole screamed out when the dildo penetrated her love box. Angelina and Jennifer once again took turns sitting on the redhead's face while the dike pounded her pussy violently. Nicol was uttering muffled groans of pleasure, Olga's huge sagging tits bounced up and down as she pummeled the pretty pussy. Nicol's slender legs wrapped around Olga's waist and rested on her plump buttocks. The redhead humped back with fervor and thrilled to another glorious orgasm. Olga taunted her saying. "So you are the little slut that said that she was not a lesbian and here you are slurping up pussy while a dike fucks you with her big dildo. You love it don't you slut? I'm going to make you my pussy licking little bitch. By the time I get through with you, my little slut, you will be begging to eat my sloppy cunt and for me to fuck you with my dildo." Olga grabbed a fistful of red hair and pulled Nicole off the bed and over to the sofa. The demanding mistress sat down and ordered Nicole to get on her knees and suck the cock that brought her so much pleasure. Nicole submissively knelt and wrapped her lips around the rubber cock and sucked lovingly tasting her own pussy juice on the dildo. Olga smiled wickedly, took off the strap-on, spread her chubby legs wide, and used her hands to open her big cunt lips and invited Nicol to eat her cunt by saying, "You have been a good little girl and mommy has a nice juicy reward for you, feast on my cunt and eat it all up bitch!" Nicole gazed wide eyed at the swollen pussy lips dripping girl juice, the protruding clit that looked like a tiny dick, the lush brown pubic hair surrounding the wide cavern with pink walls, and the strong smell of the overheated pussy that was overwhelming. The confused movie star found the view and smell both offensive and arousing at the same time. She was astonished to find that the feeling of being debased and humiliated was sending shivers down her spine and her pussy was twitching and flooding. The thought of orally satisfying the nasty cunt just inches from her pretty face made her feel so perverted and naughty. Suddenly Olga pulled her by the back of the head to her sopping cunt and demanded, "Eat mommy's cunt bitch, that's it lick it like a cat licks milk. Yes, chew on my pussy lips and suck the clit. Put your whole face in there bitch. Get used to it because you are going to be spending a lot of time with your face in my cunt. Yes, suck it dry, lick it all up, oh baby mommy is going to cum all over your pretty face." Angelina and Jennifer watched spellbound as most of Nicol's face disappeared from view when her head was pulled violently into the drenched cavern. While holding Nicole's face tight to her sex the dike shook and humped with vigor and washed the beauty's face with pussy juice and cum. When Olga finally let go of her head Nicole chocked and gasped for air. The movie star was quite a sight sitting on the floor naked. Her face was red from the friction of face fucking the nasty cunt and it was glistening with pussy juice. Olga ran her fingers through Nicol's hair and praised her by saying, "You were fabulous little girl. I want you to know that I have had more women than I can count go down on me but none have ever brought me the pleasure that you just did. Your beauty, your natural ability, and your eagerness to please has won me over and from now on you are my little girl bitch and I am your mommy that will always have a wet, juicy cunt for you slurp up! You love my big nasty cunt don't you slut?" Nicole looked up at the big bad dike and submissively cooed,"Yes mommy, I love the juicy treat that you let me eat. I am your little girl slut and you are my delicious mistress." The two other actresses just stared at each other in disbelief. They all went to separate bedrooms and were told to get some sleep so that they would be ready for the next day's activities. Nicole was in bed thinking about what happened when she heard a light tap on the door. "Who is it?" "It's me Angelina, can we talk for a minute?' "Sure, come in." The alluring seductress entered the room wearing only a sheer lavender nightie that left little to the imagination, she sat on the bed, ran her fingers through Nicole's hair and softly murmured, "You are so beautiful Nicole, I just wanted to see if you were alright after the way that dike used and abused you. You seemed to enjoy the way she mistreated you or I would have stopped it. Do you really want to be her bitch?" "Well, I have decided to go along with it until the shooting is over and then leave it behind me and go back to a normal life. The role of a submissive is strangely titillating, there is a certain feeling of letting go that fills me with an obscene carnal lust that is hard to describe. I am definitely in character to play the role as Tiffany. This movie should be great." Angelina leaned over and kissed Nicole full on the lips. The sensuous kiss made the hair stand up on Nicole"s arms and sent a wave of desire flooding through her lean frame. The exotic beauty kissed her neck, ears, and down to the pointy pink nipples where she lingered, kissed, sucked and nursed on Nicole's breasts. Leaving a wet trail behind her; the sensual lips kissed, licked, and drooled down Nicole's inflamed body, she lingered at the navel, thighs, and sparse patch of red pubic hair before she assaulted the hot honey- hole with her mouth and tongue. Nicole squirmed and squealed in sheer delight as the sexy mouth devoured her pussy. When Angelina moved to a sixty-nine position and lowered her dripping cunt with a small patch of dark pubic hair to Nicole's lips; she eagerly licked and sucked the juicy clam. After several blood-tingling orgasms the girls relaxed in the afterglow of their torrid lovemaking. Angelina pouted her full lips and implored, "Forget about that bull-dike and be my baby. You don't need to be controlled by her; we can have a much better time together than you could ever have with that domineering bitch. You are fantastic and so beautiful; I am happy just gazing into your beautiful blue eyes." Nicole laughed and Angelina gave her a puzzled look and asked what was so funny. Nicole lovingly answered, "It is funny that you find me so beautiful when you are the most dazzling woman that I have ever seen. Until today I hadn't even thought of having sex with another woman but your stunning beauty has me captivated. I am glad that you feel like that because so do I. My career as a submissive slut with my mistress is over; it has to be the shortest relationship ever. I will put the dike in her place." "She is big so you better be careful; I will help you." "Thanks but there is no need for that. You will be surprised how well I can take care of myself. I have had training and feel confident that I can handle the situation but it wouldn't hurt to have my luscious lover back me up." They kissed goodnight and Angelina did not go back to her room but decided to stay with her new lover. Eye-brows were raised as the stunning couple descended the stairs holding hands. Olga was incensed and rushed to the couple and grabbed Nicole's arm shouting, "What the hell do you think you are doing? You dumb bimbo; you are my fucking bitch and now I will have to punish you and teach you a lesson not to fuck with me!" Nicole spun around freeing herself from Olga's grip and kicked her in the stomach. While the stocky woman was bent over in pain Nicole got behind her, took hold of her ankles, lifted and plopped Olga flat on her face and then jumped on her back, twisted a chubby arm behind her, and informed the dike, "Your little game is all over now, got it? I am going to let you up now and we can be friends and make a dynamite movie or we can fight and I will kick your fat ass all over the place. The choice is yours; what will it be?" The stunned, shook up, and totally defeated dike groggily got to her feet and announced, "My, my, you are full of surprises. The movie means everything to me and we can't have our co-star with any marks on her beautiful frame so we will be good friends and do the movie. I have always respected your good-looks and acting ability but now I am impressed with everything about you. You are very special and I appreciate the time we had together and after the picture is complete could we at least have a goodbye get-together?" Angelina smiled and answered for Nicole saying, "If the movie is everything we are hoping it will be then you can share the bed with Nicole and myself for one night. It will be our way of celebrating and thanking you." "Wow, as if I didn't have enough incentive. I will be looking forward to the end of the filming of a fantastic movie and spending the night with the two most beautiful women in the world. It doesn't get any better than that." They spent the rest of the day enjoying fine meals and frolicking by the swimming pool when Olga informed them that they were going to visit the "Pink Passion Place", it was the lesbian bar that the movie would be filmed at. Angelina and Nicole both wore black short skirts, low-cut pink tops and heels. Jennifer decided to wear the pink outfit out of wardrobe. Olga was wearing a gray suite and tie. All eyes in the place were drawn to the knockout celebrities as they entered the club. They were ushered to a table just off the bar and joined by Kristin. The waitress quickly came over to take the drink order and was told by Kristin to run a tab and to put everything on her bill. Jennifer walked to the bar and introduced herself to Meg behind the bar and said, "I am going to be you in the movie!" The 21 year old slender brunette gushed, "You sure look better in the uniform than I do. If I can be of any help just let me know. And I do mean anything, anything at all." Noticing the girl behind the bar transfixed on her tits, Jennifer smiled and replied, "Thanks, I just might do that." Jenifer rejoined the group and they all were discussing the movie. The filming was to begin in four days, it was agreed that locals would be cast and that they would start shooting the scenes at 4am. Kristin was an alluring beauty, she was built like Jennifer, the only difference was she possessed big green eyes and flowing red-hair. The club owner took Jennifer by the hand and led her to the dance floor. Nicole and Angelina joined them. Jennifer laughed when Kristin told her that she wanted to be with her before the bartender. Miss Tilly asked the bar owner, "Why can't I have both of you?" Kristin held her tight and whispered in her ear saying, "For you, that can be arranged." They returned to the table and joined the group and smiled when they saw Olga had a new friend. The girl's name was Amy, she was a pretty blond with blue eyes, very thin, flat chested, and looked under 21. At Olga's suggestion they agreed to continue partying at the mansion. Before leaving Kristin provided a replacement behind the bar and Meg joined the group of lusty women. Upon arrival they decided to go skinny-dipping in the pool. As if the scene wasn't erotic enough they were joined by the staff who were all drop-dead gorgeous. Instead of swimming a wild orgy ensued. Nicole and Angelina were joined by the beautiful blond chauffeur. Angelina was in sublime ecstasy as Nicole and the chauffeur took turns with her ample breasts and succulent pussy. Jennifer was squealing out in animal lust as tongues licked and kissed every inch of her heated body. The maids were busy pleasuring each other and Amy had her face buried between Olga's legs. The maids brought drinks for everyone, several dildos for their mistress and announced that it was now show time. The women all gathered around Olga and her new friend. The chubby older woman forced the timid girl to eat-out her smelly ass just as she had done with her horny pussy. To further humiliate the submissive girl Olga had Amy suck her toes and lick her big feet clean. Putting on the same strap-on that she had used on Nicole, the domineering dike bent Amy over and fucked the girl's tight pussy unmercifully. It seemed cruel to the actresses until Amy screamed out in ecstasy and then they realized that the girl loved every minute of her defilement. Olga kept her submissive new lover bent over while she removed the dildo and strapped on another one that was almost as long but much thinner. Amy grimaced and shrieked when the long, skinny dildo entered her puckered anal passage. After about 10 minutes of the brutal assault on her butt-hole Amy seemed to change; instead of protesting she humped back at the intruding dildo and begged, "Yes, fuck my ass harder, hurt me where I poop! Do it, faster, harder, oh yessss, fuck meeeee!" Jennifer approached the lewd display of wanton-lust filled females and grabbed Olga's mammoth tits from behind and then dropped a hand under the base of the ass fucking dildo, inserted three fingers into the sopping cave, then put her whole hand up the sloppy cunt, and then she made a fist and fucked the nasty pussy vigorously. Soon Jennifer had her arm in half way up to the elbow. Jennifer was amazed at how big the nasty cunt was and how the pig fucked the girl's ass harder as the actress ravished her cunt with her arm. The exhausted and spent dike finally collapsed to the ground, taking Amy with her. With a loud swish-plop sound Jennifer withdrew her cum soaked arm from the horny dike's raunchy cavern. When Olga thanked her for the fantastic orgasm Jennifer answered, "You're welcome but next time I am going to shove my arm up your fat ass. Amy can be your bitch but you are going to be my bitch." Not wanting to go home the visitors stayed overnight. The driver went to bed with Angelina and Nicole. Amy went with Olga and Jennifer put her arms around Kristin and Meg saying. "Come on girls, I want your hot tongues all over my body again, I want your tongues up my pussy and ass. Worship my deliciouses body all night long, I could get used to this action, hell yeah!" Over breakfast the next morning, actually is was afternoon when they got out of bed, they discussed the upcoming movie and expressed a need to get some rest before the start of the filming. They were weary but content. When they were alone Nicole told Angelina, "I was resolved to do this movie and then get back to my normal life but now I find myself dreading life without you in it." "No need for that Nicole; there is absolutely no reason why we can't go back to our normal lives and maintain our friendship, a very close and special friendship at that. Ours is a relationship that we can cherish for the rest of our lives." As they embraced and gazed into each other's eyes they both realized that their feelings for one another went far beyond lust. At this moment they were aware that their mutual admiration was actually a deep and tender love. THE END It was a cold January Saturday morning; the snow was melting, leaving puddles and rivulets on the streets and sidewalks in the sunlight, but it wasn't quite gone yet. I pulled up in a circle drive outside a lovely red brick house, set the van's parking brake, and switched off the engine. My mentor, Billy James Butler, was out of the van before me, looking sharp in his western shirt, string tie, dark slacks and cowboy hat, a gold leaf Bible clutched in his hand with a clipboard where he kept his notes of our progress. "Gonna be a tough one here, Cletus." "Oh, why?" I said as I came around front of the vehicle to meet him before we rang the doorbell. "Lookie there. Statue of Mary, right there in the flower bed. Catholic. Maybe we kin talk some sense into 'em, but maybe not. Ready for a tough one, Cletus Swanson?" I thought for a minute before I nodded my head. "We're doin' God's work here, they oughtta respect that. If they'll just listen, we can save more souls for Jesus." We walked up the sidewalk and onto the porch. Icicles were dripping from the roof and birds were feasting from a huge birdfeeder on a pole set in the flower bed. The front windows didn't show much: the front room was a nicely proportioned place with a huge sofa and a couple of comfortable chairs; I was glad there was no television set present, because competing with someone's favorite shows was uphill work. Once, Billy James and I were threatened with physical violence because I tried to turn off a lost soul's football game while we were talking to him. Poor man didn't understand his Eternal Salvation was at stake, and told us he would bounce us off his front sidewalk if we did it again. Too bad so many men and women are destined to spend Eternity damned for all time. Right next to the front door a soft light was on in the window of the next room, but the blinds were almost shut. Billy James rang the doorbell, and a long scream came from inside the house. A man's voice, high up, and it went up and down the scale for several moments before it faded away. I put my ear to the door to see if they had a television set on back of the house, but I could have sworn the yell we heard was live instead of Memorex. It seemed to come from a room in the front of the house. Billy James rang the doorbell again, and a soft man's voice said "Shit" in the distance. I gave Billy James a disbelieving look, and pointed that we should move on before we heard footsteps coming up to the door. The door opened, and a woman in her mid 40's stood before us in a light green bathrobe, her legs bare and her toenails painted a light green, matching her fingernails. A thin gold chain went around her left ankle and she wore a toe ring on each foot. Her blonde hair was tousled, and her brown eyes looked at us as if we were Martians. "Yes, can I help you?" she said with an irritated voice. "Good morning, Ma'am," Billy James started. "We're doing a neighborhood survey for the New Hope Church of Jesus Christ, and we're here encouragin' people ta read their Bibles. A lotta your neighbors are interested in our mission and I was wondering if you and your husband would like to talk with us awhile this mornin'." She looked us up and down, and I noticed a strange thing about her face. It wasn't that she wasn't a lovely woman, she was a pretty as could be, or that her attitude was very hostile, which is wasn't. It was just that a trickle of white stuff was leaking out of the corner of her mouth and trickling southwest about an inch or so. "Who's the pastor of your little church?" she said, her voice mellowing and her eyes becoming softer. "Brother Hermann Parks," he continued. "We're up on the old highway about a mile north of the Walmart. Been six months since we got started, but we've been growin' like gangbusters doin' the Lord's work." I caught a whiff of her breath, and my heart started beating quicker. That little bit of moisture on her face wasn't saliva. Billy James kept his composure, as usual, but I was getting fidgety. I think he noticed the smell, too, but he gave no sign he did. "I don't think I've met him." "Well, this isn't about our church, unless you don't have a church home, ma'am. We're just here to get people to read their Bibles, and find Jesus." She smiled broadly at us and batted her eyes. "Boys, this is the Catholic Rectory. Fr. Bill is already in the Lord's work and he and I read the Bible every day." My partner smiled and shuffled his feet a little, looking down. "I'm glad to hear this... Mrs.?" "My name is Shelley. I'm the housekeeper here." "Miz Shelley. Pleased ta make your acquaintance." "Yes, Mr. Butler and Mr. Swanson. Pleased to make your acquaintance." There are an awkward moment, and I looked back at our van. My hand started to sweat around the leather bound gold leaf Bible in my hand. She stood there looking at us, smiling with a trail of semen on her face, waiting for us to say something. My throat had gone dry and my voice was mute; Billy James broad smile faded a little as he looked her straight in the eyes with the determination of a strong faith I knew well. He was an impressive sight in his leather jacket, plaid Western shirt, black string tie and straw hat, a rock just like Saint Peter. He broke eye contact first, and Shelley stepped back from the door, shutting it behind her. A thin smile creased my partner's worn face and he chuckled quietly to himself. I felt a stirring in my jeans, and I blurted out: "Billy James, I think I feel my cell phone going off. Give me a minute 'n I'll be right with ya." He nodded and went over to the car, looking beyond at as a truck pulling a fishing boat went down the road. Hitting my wife's number on speed dial, I turned away from him to look at the window next to the door, where the blinds had parted slightly. "Honey, I got an emergency," I said urgently when she picked up. A sign came through the air to me. "Don't tell me: temptation's got you again and you need to get it out of your system?" My shoulders sagged as did my hopes. "Yep. You're right." "Clete, I know I'm supposed to obey you and do whatever you want, but this is getting ridiculous. You're doin' the Lord's work, goin' door to door to tell people about Jesus, and you have to stop halfway and come home because some whore in a bathrobe gave you a hardon. Did St. Paul have to stop in the middle of his work to get a blowjob every time he went out preaching? I'm not a convenience store. You can just learn to live with it." "But Baby..." "Don't 'Baby' me. Ever since you read Rev. LaHaye's book that oral sex was a healthy part of marriage, I've been wearing calluses on my knees. The Bible says that husbands are supposed to love their wives as Christ loves his Church. When do I get some of that kind of love?" I could see into the window between the blinds, and found the window was directly behind a desk. Shelley was sitting on the desk, her bathrobe open and her legs parted, her head lolling back with her eyes shut and a look of ecstasy on her face. The only time I ever saw that look before was when Sister Evelyn was slain in the Spirit a couple of years ago. A man was sitting on an office chair in front of her, his salt and pepper hair a contrast to his black shirt, and his fuzzy beard brushing against the smooth skin of her thighs. She shaved her crotch just like my wife Cindy did, and I was imagining what she must be feeling. My pants were being stretched and the cold wasn't bothering me anymore. "Do you know how big a pain it is to send the kids next door just so we can have some privacy?" Cindy continued. "Thank God they're too young to know what we're doin'. Thank God my Mother always loves to see them and never asks why they're coming over, but if we let her spoil them too much, they're gonna be animals when they get to be teenagers. I swear, I'll go out with Brother Billy James next week and you can referee their little arguments..." "All right, all right, all right, Cindy, I'll do you first." "What?" The man pushed his face forward, his open lips buried against her smooth lower lips, and she reached down to tousle his hair. He reached up and started playing with her breasts, milking them, squeezing the nipples and palming their perfect tear drop proportions. Shelley wasn't a thin woman, but she wasn't as heavy as Cindy; she was just the right size woman to start my forest fire. It was too much for me, I had to press on: "I'll lick your cunt. I'll lick you and stroke you and make love to you until you have your orgasm first. I'll take you to the moon on gossamer wings." "Oh, really? Tell me more." I looked back at Billy James, who was in conversation into his own cell phone. Part of me was worried that he was called Brother Hermann to take my place, but I glanced back through the window and I didn't care any more. "I have to have you, Cindy. I want to ring your chimes, I want to make the Earth move for you. I want to make you feel like a woman." She purred and I could see her standing in the living room, duster in hand, wearing a tight t-shirt and jeans, her full breasts straining the fabric, her sneakers doing a little dance of anticipation. Her breath was growing heavy and she was ignoring the kid's shouts from the basement. "All right, stud," she said, half purring and half in resignation. "You aren't original, but I love you and I'll let you come home. Mom will wonder why I send the kids over so often, but she doesn't need to know why. Make good on your promise and you'll get rewarded. Everything you like, as much as you like. Deal?" I nodded, even though she couldn't see me. "Deal. I'll be home soon." "Don't break any speed laws, sugar." "Bye." Shelley's head was starting to move in slow circles and she crossed her legs behind the man's head. I watched them for a moment and then remembered Billy James was waiting for me. Turning, I saw him gazing solemnly at me as I returned to the driver's seat of the van. We got in without a word, and I started the engine. As we pulled out into the street, Billy James looked out the front of the window and said calmly: "Brother Cletus, don't you drive us into a ditch on the way home. My Mavis isn't going to wait for me all day if you get us stuck somewhere." |
He gazed out the window and saw the ethereal effect of the moonlight turning the leaves of the great oaks to silver, but his thoughts were not on the trees or the moon. After tonight his life would be over, and the thought left him feeling betrayed. His fists opened and closed as he fought to control the anger that was building up inside of him, bubbling just below the surface. Everything he lived for was here and without any consideration for him or his needs, tomorrow it would all be stripped from him. A feeling of helplessness filled his heart because there was nothing he could to change what would happen in the morning. It should never have come to this, but like it or not he would be forced to leave in the morning. At twenty-eight years old Jonathan towered above most other men, and his broad shoulders made him appear even taller than the six foot four inches that he was. His hair was a light, sandy brown color that fell around the top of his ears, and his eyes were dark brown, lidded with thick lashes. Cheek bones that were too sharp and a jaw that was too square made his angular face interesting but he couldn't be considered handsome. He always seemed in need of a shave because the dark stubble reappeared before the day was half through. Jonathan had been brought here when he was a child and this had been the only life he remembered. Arianne had brought him here to live with the Fae, and his life with them had been mostly carefree, filled with laughter, music, dancing and love making. But his captor was also capable of great cruelty. He had only been the target of her wrath once, when he had unwittingly offended her by sharing a conversation with Ieleane, who had become a rival of Arianne for a short time. She had cast him into the realm of the shape shifting Spriggin, who took pleasure in the torture and killing of humans. It was only when Berlle, a particular male fairy who had seen Jonathan in the midst of the Spriggans one day, reminded her that he was still with them. After she had rescued him from them, she had laughed at her own silliness and walked away. Her laughter had always reminded him of wind chimes tinkling on a gentle breeze. He realized that his life would never be the same, and while he felt sorrow at loosing this life with Arianne, he also realized that he meant little more than nothing to her. After taking a deep breath of the sweet summer air, he turned back to the bed and eased himself under the blanket, trying not to awaken her. Surprisingly enough he was quickly asleep and this time there were no dreams. Arianne felt Jonathan slip in beside her and remembered when she had first seen him as a child of four, and in that moment she knew she had to have him for her own. So she had taken his hand and led him through the glamour that separated her world from his. When she had the new world that would become his own his eyes as become like saucers he had gazed at the beauty that surrounded him, and forgot about the home he had shared with his family, a home where there was never enough food and that seemed to be perpetually cold. His sisters and brother faded from his memory, and by the end of that day he had forgotten everything that had existed before Arianne and this place. She had laughed at his shyness, and the look of adoration that was in his eyes whenever she called him to her. He had brought laughter to her as a child and she had never regretted bringing him here. She had taught him to please her and he had become an accomplished and thoughtful lover who would bring her to fulfillment each time they had come together. He had learned exactly what she wanted from him when they came together, how she enjoyed gentle circles drawn around her nipple with the tip of his tongue before he sucked and bit down it. As smile crossed her face at the remembrance of times when she had had used a switch he had chosen from a Rowan tree to punish him. After a while it had become a sexual game for them and at those times her innate cruelty became apparent. But he had learned to come to fulfillment, spilling his seed to the ground as he was dangling by his wrists from the branch of a tree. Often she had used the switch soundly on his buttocks, and as a reward for his silence had decided to suck him as he hung there, removing his member from her mouth just before he climaxed. She had felt a certain power in his degradation at allow his hot seed to fall the ground and mix with the dirt below him. Part of his training had taught him the exquisite taste of her wetness as he teased the tiny knot in the heat between her legs, or slipped his tongue deeply into the core of her. But he had been here too long already, becoming boring, and although she cared for him in her way she had made her decision. In the morning she would return him his real home, his real world, the world of the humans. She wrinkled her nose in disgust as she remembered the squalor that that had been his world. Humans were so boring, so simple, and so ignorant, and while the humans and the Fae shared the same world, the Fae maintained a glamour that kept the worlds separate, and so they came and went without being seen. She would slip Jonathan through the glamour with her and leave him where she had found him, and then she would find his replacement. It might be interesting to find one who was a free spirit, one who had a mind of his own. What would it be like to have one who might actually question her, or better still, one who might think he could leave her before she was willing to let him go? She wanted a man this time, not a child this time and she would live in his world not here. A smile lifted the corners of her mouth as she savored the idea of the excitement this idea brought to her. She rolled over to look at Jonathan and wondered what would become of him once he was returned to them. His mother would be an old hag by now and his siblings would have all but forgotten him, having gone on with their lives once they realized he was not coming back. Well, they were wrong, weren't they? He was coming back to them, older, but not nearly as old as they. Time was slower here and because of that he had not aged as quickly as his human counterparts. As she ran her finger down his back, his eyelids fluttered and he turned to her and kissed her forehead. He looked at her and remembered the previous night when they had watched a meteor shower, and the stars had seemed to rain down above them. Her face had glowed in the starlight and she had seemed to be part of their fire and he swore he could still feel heat that had seemed to radiate through her skin. She was always beautiful, but even more so under the star's fire. He could still feel the chill of the wet grass against his back as they had lie watched the display, and then enjoying the most gentle love making he had ever experienced. Jonathan kissed her lips very gently, and she kissed him in return. When he kissed her again, his tongue slid between her lips, exploring the roof of her mouth. His hand cupped her breast, his thumb rubbing against her nipple. His lips were on her neck, licking with the tip of his tongue, then moving to the hollow of her throat. After a moment his lips were at her breast, sucking at her nipple. The heat built between them as they continued to pleasure each other, and in a short time he was buried inside her. He didn't want to remove himself from the warmth of her body, but eventually he rolled onto his back and closed his eyes, knowing this would be the last time he made love to her. Before long she was asleep, but he stayed awake waiting for the skies to lighten as the morning came. During the night the anger he had felt earlier had turned to helplessness and eventually to sadness. As morning sunlight streamed through the window, Arianne left the bed and stretched like a cat, and as she did, her wings unfurled behind her. She dressed in her short green tunic and cinched the gold cord around her tiny waist. After slipping into her sandals, she wrapped the velvet laces around her ankles, then her calves and finally tied them just below her knees. After she had straightened the bracelet that wrapped twice around her forearm, she walked to the gilded mirror that hung on the wall across from the bed. Stopping in front of it, she looked at herself. Black tendrils of hair surrounded her face and cascaded down her back almost to her waist. Eyes that were black pools with no iris stared back at her. Her flawless skin was now flushed from their recent love making as were the tops of her pointed ears. The reflection in the mirror showed Jonathan sitting in the bed watching her. Smiling, she said to him, "Get dressed, Jonathan. We have a busy day ahead of us" She noticed a look of unease and what seemed like sadness in his eyes. Drawing an irritated breath, she said, "Stop moping this way. I doesn't become you." With that she led him out the door and into the bright sunlight and they walked silently toward the top a small hill. He felt a sudden shift in the air around him, and for a moment he felt unbalanced, but the feeling passed as quickly as it had come and looking down the hill he saw a town. "Well, here we are," Arianne told him with a smile. "Right back where you came from." She kissed his lips and stepped away from him, with that her wings seemed to move slightly in the breeze and she was gone. He stood for a long time staring at the spot where she had stood as if by watching long enough she might reappear, but she didn't and he finally realized that she was gone and he was alone now. He had no future now that she was gone, and as he fell to his knees and wept, he heard the sound of chimes tinkling on the breeze. _Everyone even remotely involved with sex in this story is an adult._ I was intensely body shy when I was eighteen. I don't know why. My family wasn't particularly prudish or anything. My father and my older brothers often lounged around the house in underwear when I was growing up. As the only girl in a house full of men, I probably saw more flesh then most girls my age. Washing clothes for four men opened my eyes a bit also. One of my brothers was a little too affectionate with his socks. Maybe that's why I acted shy about my body? I was the odd one out. I traveled to Chicago to stay with my maternal grandparents for the Summer after I graduated from high school. I don't remember why. I vaguely recall my dad going on an extended business trip. He might not have wanted to leave me alone in a house full of brothers who treated me like their maid. At least when dad was around, he'd yell at them to clean up their own messes occasionally. My grandparents lived in a nice brick house in a working class Chicago neighborhood. They occupied the ground floor and rented the upstairs to a recently divorced man and his two daughters. I got a wonderful bedroom on a back corner of the house. It was large with high ceilings and windows taller than me. Louvered shutters covered the bottom halves of the windows. A nice cross breeze traveled over my bed from a winnow on the side of the house to a window on the back. I hardly missed air conditioning, but it was still early Summer. I had no friends in the neighborhood. The girls upstairs came and went on interesting adventures, but we had little in common. They were younger than me and had their own social lives including boyfriends. I became lonely and bored. Like most eighteen year olds, a strong cocktail of hormones coursed through my veins. Masturbation provided a temporary cure for boredom, so I exploited that benefit. One afternoon, my labia were swollen and sweat beaded on my brow as I teased myself on the way to my second or third orgasm of the session. I'd probably had five already that day. I stared at the ceiling not really seeing anything and concentrated on the uncontrolled contractions in my vagina foretelling the imminent crash of pleasure. All of a sudden, I went blind from a flash. I sat bolt upright wondering if I had a stroke. I remained on the edge needing only a nudge over the precipice. I'd never experience flashes like that, but I remembered a friend telling me about her optical migraines. I wondered if I just experienced one. I didn't want to lose the delicious feeling of arousal, but my body retreated from the brink. Still sitting in bed, I kicked my legs with frustration. My breasts bounced from the motion drawing my gaze. My chin pressed against my neck as I strained to see and squeeze a pimple on my sternum. Another flash made me see stars, and spots swam in my vision. What the hell? I started to get scared. I lay back down letting the cross breeze cool and dry me. My nipples stood erect from the sensation which was almost enough to rekindle the fire in my loins. Instead, I drifted into a shallow nap. A few days later, on a Sunday morning when my grandparents went to church, I savored having the house to myself by showering in Grandma and Grandpa's big tub. The tub in the bathroom I normally used had no shower head. I've always enjoyed baths, but I missed my daily showers. I knew I'd be alone for hours, so I walked naked to the shower and didn't bring any fresh clothes. When I felt refreshed, I toweled dry and hung the towel over the curtain rod. As I walked down the hall toward my room, I heard voices outside a window. "I'm sure this is the place. Can you see anything in the basement?" Footsteps and multiple voices betrayed a group of people walking around the house. I covered my breasts with one arm and squatted to cover my vulva. Nobody outside could see me in the hallway unless they found just the right angle through my back window. My pulse raced anyway. What were people doing out there? "Are you sure there's nobody home?" "Yeah, I knocked. There was no answer." "OK, give me a boost." I saw the silhouette of a person through cracked open louvers. I couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman, but a head appeared in the clear glass above the half hight blinds. The person cupped hands to the glass and looked straight at me. I froze in a shadow. When the trespassers retreated, I cowered behind a curtain and chanced a glance out the front picture window. A group of young adults, probably college students, arranged themselves in two beat up cars and pulled away. I walked shaking back to my room to dress. Did they see me? Oh my god, I felt so exposed and almost violated. Over Sunday dinner, I said, "Grandpa, there were a bunch of people milling around outside the house today. Do you get a lot of trespassers?" "They're probably tourists. Ignore them if you can." "Why are there tourists in your yard?" "Al Capone, the famous mobster, rented this house back in the 20s," Grandpa explained. "We get looky-lous a couple of times a year." "I still don't get it. What's so special about the house?" "There's all kinds of stupid rumors floating around about bodies in the basement and secret treasure in the walls. Some idiot stood on the porch demanding to be let inside because he said his father is buried in our basement." "He isn't, is he?" "The police dug up the place after Capone went to jail. If there was anything down there, they would have found it then. There's a nice concrete floor poured after the police left. It's probably the nicest basement on the block now." Grandma handed me a slice of roast and said, "Don't worry, dear. They don't come very often. We ignore them." I wished there was treasure in the walls. I didn't know how I was going to pay for college in the Fall. I tried keeping the blinds closed for a week after the incident, but temperatures soared into the 90s. I relented by opening the blinds again. I tried dressing under a sheet every morning and conscientiously wore a robe around the house. I constrained my masturbation to the bathroom. I was in there a lot. I didn't use much hot water, but I couldn't sit in a tub full of only cold. Grandpa complained there was never any hot water left for him, and Grandma told him to leave me alone. One of my school friends came to visit for a few days. She had extended family in Chicago too, and we conspired to have a sleep-over in my bedroom. Megan couldn't take the heat, and ended up sleeping topless in panties to get some relief. She ridiculed me for wearing a sheer nightie. In the morning, Megan knelt over her bag to dig out a change of clothes when I heard talking outside the windows again. She seemed oblivious, and for some reason, I remained silent. A young guy stepped up to the side window and peered inside. I held my breath for a count of ten wondering what to say or do. He must have been standing on something because when he jumped away from the window, he fell down and stumbled on his knee. "Oh - shit, dude! There's someone in there. Run for it." As the pair of boys sprinted away, I heard one say, "You won't believe what I just saw." Megan stood without trying to cover herself or anything. "What was that all about?" "I think we just had a couple of peeping Toms." "Well, I hope they got a good look." She frowned but didn't seem upset. She amazed me with her casual attitude. I nearly died of embarrassment wondering if someone saw me huddled in a shadow covering myself. Megan didn't give two fucks if a couple of strangers saw her breasts and panties. After Megan left, I thought about her attitude for hours. My brothers were the same way. Why was I so uptight? I felt hollow in my stomach thinking about being caught naked. My body craved release after abstaining from orgasm while Megan visited, but my mind was in the wrong place for masturbation. I closed the blinds completely again and suffered through the heat with nothing but a noisy box fan. A few days later, a local news crew arrived and interviewed my grandparents on their front porch. I stood to the side and listened. The pretty reporter leaned toward Grandpa while a bright light on the camera glared. "So, you know Al Capone lived in this house?" "Oh yes, but let me assure you, he didn't leave anything behind." "A documentary recently aired on the History Channel and claimed Capone built tunnels from your basement to a network of underground liquor bunkers. Are there any tunnels?" "There are no tunnels in my basement. Police dug up the place back in the 30s. They found anything there was to find. There's nothing there." "Do you mind if we see your basement?" Grandpa seemed ready to let them in, but his face soured, and he said, "I've been more than patient with you people. There's nothing more to say. Please leave us alone." With that, he ushered Grandma and me back into the house. The news crew lingered out on the sidewalk for another half hour recording their story. The reporter waved her arm at the house and acted excited. A coupe of days later, we returned from the grocery store to find one of the basement windows broken. Whoever did it left some blood on the basement floor. He apparently cut himself getting through the window. Grandpa told the police he didn't notice anything missing. They wrote a report, and the whole thing ruined an otherwise nice afternoon. The heat wave had broken, and I had planned to spend the afternoon locked in the bathroom. I helped Grandpa fix the window the next day. It was fun and educational to work with him. He has a tendency to seem gruff, but he's a giant teddy bear. He showed me how to cut the glass and spread putty in the frame. He put his arm around my shoulders and said, "There's nothing like a job well done." I found out the upstairs neighbors had a key to our house. Grandma gave them one in case of emergencies. It caused a minor scandal when we all came back after Grandma dragged me kicking and screaming to church. We stepped inside and heard noises in the basement. Grandma said to call the police, but Grandpa went down to investigate. He caught the girls from upstairs rummaging down there with their boyfriends. "Dammit, get on out of here!" he bellowed. I'd never heard him swear before. The kids apologized, and Grandpa made them return the key. He said he'd talk to the girls' father later. The parade of trespassers only increased. I got so accustomed to hearing people outside my blinds, I almost tuned them out. I had relaxed my routine of dressing under a sheet. I changed clothes with lightning efficiency glancing over my shoulders to the windows all the time. I didn't dare masturbate in my room. I felt like I had no privacy outside the bathroom, and even there, I had to contend with a little window. It had wavy glass and a curtain I kept tightly shut. One hot morning, I lay on top of my sheets, and I pulled my nightie up to my neck. It felt wonderful to be bare except for panties. The noisy fan blew over my stomach producing a caressing tickle. I thought about Megan sleeping topless in my room and her reaction to being seen by strangers. I told myself I was ridiculous for being so uptight. As anxious as I felt, I pulled the nightie all the way off and lay mostly bare the rest of the morning while hyper alert for any activity outside. At bedtime, I left the nightie on the floor. My body yearned for an orgasm, so I slipped under a sheet and stroked my pussy through my light panties. The weight of the sheet and ripples made by the fan teased my erect nipples. At one point, I lifted an edge of the sheet and let the fan blow under it creating a tent. The sheet caressed me almost like a lover's hands. I didn't make the comparison at the time, of course. It felt so good that I wriggled out of my panties. Horniness drove me to distraction as I writhed and humped my own hand. A slippery mess between my folds spread to my thighs and trickled to my buttocks. The orgasm hit by surprise, and I screamed something unintelligible. I always made a little noise, but I never screamed before that time. It happened outside my control. Grandpa knocked on my door a few minutes later. "Are you okay in there?" I lay half asleep contorted and tangled in my sheet. "Um - ah - Yes. Just a bad dream." When I woke the next morning, I remained nude. The sheet formed a pile on the floor where I must have kicked it in my sleep. I panicked for an instant. Then I verified the blinds were closed and settled to relish the sensation of being naked. I rolled on the bed and curled my toes. I ended up on my stomach with a hand between my legs. I closed my eyes and remembered Megan kneeling topless. I stroked myself with slight motions of a single finger. I thought about the boy promising to tell his friend what he saw. Out of nowhere, I imagined the boys masturbating to the memory of Megan's body. It got me super hot imaging that, and almost before I realized it, I had humped my hand to orgasm. Coming naked in my bedroom twice within twelve hours broke a damn. I resumed the schedule of frequent masturbation I enjoyed before the first incident. My fantasies dwelled on men masturbating to Megan, and it wasn't long before I imagined them masturbating to me. You might think it's silly, but it felt taboo at the time. I pictured total strangers seeing my body and becoming aroused. On a quiet Sunday morning shortly before the end of the Summer, Grandma tried to drag me with Grandpa to church. I successfully resisted and found myself alone in the house again. I felt butterflies in my stomach, but I walked naked to Grandma's tub. I enjoyed the shower and the streak back to my bedroom. The simple act titillated me to a point requiring relief. I stood in front of the back window. Closed blinds blocked any view of my body below my nose. A saw two young men approaching through the yard, and my heart raced. I verified the blinds were closed as tight as possible, and I flopped onto my bed. Knowing men lurked just outside my window revved my pulse. I got so hot and bothered that I think steam was rising from my pussy. I burned with arousal. I masturbated slowly and enjoyed every sensation. The loud fan blew across me, and in other circumstances might have dried my pussy, but I gushed too fast. My fingers danced making slippery sloshing noises. My eyes squeezed tight as I fantasized. Thoughts returned to the men outside, and I shivered. I shoved two fingers into my pussy. I seldom experienced any penetration. My vagina clenched so tight I thought I wouldn't be able to get two in. When they passed an invisible restrictive ring, I loosened enough to fuck myself. I panted and moaned and felt wanton grinding against my palm. An Earth shattering orgasm roared up my spine. I crossed my legs holding my own fingers inside me. My back arched. I think I growled. I coughed on my own saliva, and when I cleared my throat, I saw the flash of light. Two men fled down the hallway from my open bedroom door. I think they were the same guys who were with the girls from upstairs. I can't be certain. One of them had a video camera, and the other held the camera that flashed. I heard the front door slam closed, and I nearly died sinking into the bed. I told Grandpa that two boys got into the house. He guessed they must have copied the house key because there was no forced entry. The police came, and I edited my story to omit the masturbation. Grandpa yelled at the upstairs neighbor. I don't think they ever patched up their relationship after that. When I got to college in the Fall, I started searching the internet for a video of me masturbating. I didn't find one, but I found so many videos of other people masturbating that I became almost numb to it. It started to seem like just another common thing people did on camera. Don't get me wrong. I masturbated for years thinking about those two guys. I bet I've had more orgasms thinking about their video than they've had watching it. I masturbate on camera all the time now. It's putting me through college. When I told my boyfriend the story, he said, "There was a treasure in Al Capone's house. It was you." He's a keeper. |
_I woke up with this story in my head, literally narrating it to myself, as if someone had been whispering it in my ear while I slept._ _Everyone here is over the age of 18._ "This is the challenge," I said, raising my right hand to reveal a small, egg- shaped vibrator. My five female friends stared back at me. They were each sitting in a folding chair, set up in a semi-circle in my living room. Their individual expressions told me everything I needed to know. Kelly glared defiant. Megan smiled at me, wickedly. Abby cocked her eyebrow in curiosity. Grace's face twisted in disgust. Devon wouldn't even meet my eye. Each woman was very different, yet each was also quite beautiful in her own, unique way. We all thought we understood what was about to happen. None of us could imagine what was coming next. * It started with a silly argument. I was sitting in the living room, pants around my ankles, watching porn on the big screen TV. I was expecting to have the apartment to myself for at least another hour. Then, out of nowhere, the front door flew open, revealing my longtime roommate, Kelly. The petite brunette, still in her tight workout clothes that showed off her taut body, stared at me, aghast. Her duffle and her jaw dropped to the ground. Before Kelly could recover, I scrambled back to my bedroom -- a throw pillow covering my most private place. I quickly pulled on pants, then came back out, sheepish and unfulfilled. Kelly was already in the process of making dinner. She didn't even look my way. I told my roommate I was sorry, but she just smiled and went back to what she was doing. I sat on the couch, waiting for the inevitable onslaught of questions and accusations. But Kelly didn't do any of that. At first, I thought she was angry, but the longer the evening continued, the more I became convinced that Kelly was fine with it. That my big reveal wasn't that big a deal, and she was ready to move on from it. Maybe I really did have the coolest roommate ever? The next day, after I'd finally convinced myself that I was safe, it all came crashing down. "You know that porn's not real, right?" Kelly asked. We were sitting in our usual booth at the diner. It was a languid Sunday morning, and we were still waiting for our friends to show up for our weekly breakfast get together. The diner was a tiny place, a former train car with a white-tiled floor and floral curtains. It was early, so the place wasn't too busy. My roommate was wearing a dark green tank top and a pair of navy mesh shorts. Her brown hair was tied back in a tight ponytail. Her arms flexed, muscular, as she poured her coffee. I thought she was playing around, but my roommate just stared back at me, deadly serious. I cleared my throat, but it came out as a nervous choke. Kelly and I had basically been best friends since college. After graduation, we moved into the city and decided to rent a place together. I know a lot of people thought we were hooking up, but romance had never entered the picture or even came close. We just didn't see each other that way. Though, with how Kelly was glaring at me now, I wondered if our friendship was going to survive for much longer. "Those videos fake everything," Kelly said as if she was explaining the reality of professional wrestling to an 8-year-old boy. "Some of it's real," I said, feeling weirdly defensive. "The amateur stuff." Kelly shook her head at me. "They're performing for the camera." "Well, of course, but..." "Ugh, what are you two arguing about now?" I looked up and saw Megan standing over our table. Broad and curvy, the auburn-haired woman gave us one of her wide, trademark smiles, then sat next to Kelly across from me. She was wearing a yellow, summery dress that made her chest look even larger than usual and flared nicely over her wide hips. "Seriously, if you two are going to argue like an old married couple, you might as well get hitched," Megan said. She was my friend Shawn's long-time girlfriend and she'd been a part of our group since they started dating. Boisterous, with a body to match, Megan was always the loudest person in the room, and we loved her for it. "I caught TJ watching porn yesterday," Kelly said, getting right to the point. "Nice!" Megan said, "Was his thing out? Was it huge? I bet it was huge." I blushed. Kelly shook her head. "See? That comment is the perfect example of what happens when you watch porn all the time," my athletic roommate said, "It gives you unrealistic expectations." "I could have a big dick," I said. "Yes, baby, I'm sure your mean old monster is ready to bust out at any minute," Kelly said, the disdain dripping from her voice. "Sure, porn's fake," Megan said, "But it's still fun." Again, Kelly glared over at her friend. "You're not helping," my roommate said. "Sorry," Megan replied, but she said it with a twinkle in her eye. "If you think sex is like porn, when you have actual sex it'll never live up to that," Kelly said, continuing her lecture. "I know what sex is like," I said, "I've had sex." "Porn will make it seem less good," Kelly said. I looked at Megan for help, but the auburn-haired girl just grinned. I think she was enjoying my misery as much as Kelly now. "Girls won't ride your cock for forty minutes, even if you could last that long. At that point, it gets painful." "That is true," Megan said, "Porn's also, like, really anti-girl." "I know right?" Kelly said, "Most of the time, it's not even about pleasing the woman. And even if it is? So fake. Nobody orgasms like that, I promise you." "Is Santa Claus pretend, too?" I asked, mocking. "I actually just read the most interesting thing about the St. Nicholas mythology." Abby had arrived. The stick-skinny girl was wearing a t-shirt showing the Periodic Table of Cats. Her top was so tight, it made her normally modest- sized chest look liable to explode onto the table, though I doubted she was even aware of the effect. Abby had her poker straight, white-blonde hair tied up in a professional-looking bun. She fixed her glasses as she took a seat next to me. "Did you see that article, as well?" Abby asked, scooching in. "No, we're talking about orgasms," Megan said. "Fascinating," Abby said. She was Megan's best friend, though the two of them couldn't be less alike. Abby was going for her doctorate in organic chemistry. Megan mixed drinks at the local bar. Abby was a hardcore reader. Megan had, famously, once thrown a book at a cop when she was drunk. Abby loved playing D&D. Megan had double... Well, anyway. Somehow the two of them got along like they were meant for each other. Before Kelly could resume her rant on pornography and the evils thereof, Devon showed up. The tiny girl with tight blonde curls gave all of us a little wave. She was wearing an oversized, fluffy white sweater and tan capris. "Hi," she said, then climbed over all of us to sit in the back corner of the booth. Devon was Abby's roommate and terminally shy. "As I was saying," Kelly said, as if the arrival of our friends was a rude interruption, "Women don't cum in real life like they do in porn." Devon gasped, grabbed one of the giant diner menus, and promptly popped it up in front of herself. The other three women ignored her, nodding along like this was normal conversation. "Some women cum like that," I said. I got three glares in response. I was pretty sure I could feel Devon's eyes burning me through the menu, as well. "They don't," Kelly said, firmly. "Porn is not an accurate portrayal of the female orgasm," Abby said. "Sorry dude," Megan said. "Can we _please_ not talk about this in public?" Devon said through her menu. "Women don't make noises like that," Kelly said, "We don't scream out 'I'm cumming!' or 'fuck me!' or anything like that." "Or do the whole yes-yes-yes-yes thing," Megan said, "That's just weird." "Some women make noise when they cum," I said. Again, I don't know how I ended up arguing for the actuality of porn. It would have been easier to defend the existence of Bigfoot. But there I was. "Do you make noise during sex, TJ?" Kelly asked, sipping her coffee. As if this was the kind of thing people asked each other all the time. "I mean, I might grunt or gasp some," I said. "Exactly," Kelly said, "So why do you think it's different for women? Do you honestly believe your penis has magical sound-making powers?" "If it did you would tell us right?" Megan asked. "Because that would be awesome." "It is decidedly unlikely," Abby said. "Can we please stop talking about, you know, this stuff?" Devon asked. Her hands gripped the menu so tightly, the lamination started to crack. "I get it," I said, "Porn is fake. It's all pretend. But women make noise during sex. My ex would say all kinds of crazy stuff." "She was faking it," Kelly said. "Never," I said. I looked at the other women for help. "I mean, she was probably faking it?" Megan said. "It does seem to fit the evidence being presented," Abby said, "Nor would she be the first woman to falsify her pleasure in order to accomplish the cessation of carnal activities." Even Devon lowered her menu to give me a knowing nod. Her tight, golden ringlets bounced along with her chin. "Just wait till Shawn gets here," I said, "He'll take my side, you'll see." "Much like your ex, my boyfriend isn't coming," Megan said with a wicked grin. "He got caught up in some weekend work thing." Great, I was already used to being outnumbered at these breakfasts, but now I was completely on my own. And the girls were ganging up on me. "Don't feel bad," Kelly said, "Most men wouldn't know a woman's orgasm if it slapped them in the dick. That's the whole problem with porn." "Women make noise during sex," I repeated, but even I could hear the whine in my voice. It was my argument of last resort, so I clung tight. Even as I slipped right over the cliff. "I know when I've made a woman cum." "It's OK, TJ," Kelly said, "This is exactly the point I've been trying to make all morning. I'm trying to help you." "I can prove it," I said. "How?" Kelly asked, "If it involves watching porn, it won't work." "I mean, maybe it'll work," Megan said, "We should try it and find out." "I'd like to do a little test," I said, "To prove I'm right." "Like an experiment?" Abby asked, unable to contain her excitement. "We're not all fucking you," Kelly said flatly. "Hi guys, sorry I'm..." Grace started, then stopped as Kelly's last statement sunk in. She stood over the table and crossed her arms. "What's going on?" The tall redhead had shown up wearing a professional looking green blouse and a dark skirt. Her diamond earrings twinkled incongruently in the yellowed light of the diner. "TJ here was just making a fool of himself," Kelly said, "About women's orgasms." "This is what I get for being late," Grace said, huffily, as she sat at the end of the table. "All of you get out of control." Grace was Kelly's best friend from grade school. Of everyone, they'd known each other the longest. But, ironically, she didn't really fit in with the rest of the group. Still, she was nice enough, and she usually bought breakfast for us, so we kept her around. "TJ believes that women make noises during sex, as in the pornographic videos disseminated across the Internet," Abby said. "Oh honey, that's not true," Grace said, patting my hand patronizingly. "He says he can prove it," Megan said. Kelly snorted and shook her head. She clearly felt that she'd won the argument, which only pressed me harder to champion my side. "I suggest a little contest," I said. I rubbed my hands together, not unlike a cartoon supervillain. See, I knew the secret to getting Kelly to agree to almost anything. And if Kelly tipped, the rest of the group would topple. It was all too easy. "You say women are quiet when they cum. I think you're wrong. So, let's make a little wager. Put our money where our mouths are, as it were." Kelly's head popped up and I knew I had her. My roommate was a smart, strong woman who kept her cool most of the tim. But introduce even the slightest bit of competition and she turned into a crazy woman. "What are you thinking?" Kelly asked I couldn't keep the smirk off my face. * The next week passed swiftly. I expected Kelly to hector me the whole time, but instead, she acted like nothing had happened. Again, I wondered if maybe she'd decided to forget the whole thing. But when Sunday rolled back around, she spent the whole morning reminding me that we were skipping our usual brunch so that I could give her all my money. "You're an idiot," she told me, flat out. "We'll see," I said, giving her a playful wink. The intervening time had given me time to collect my supplies, but also to seriously rethink what I'd agreed to. Not the bet, exactly. I was strangely confident I'd win, though I can't say where that conviction came from. In one way or another, I'd known each of these women for a long time. Our relationships had always been completely platonic. I thought of the girls as more than friends, closer to family. They didn't comprise our entire group -- there were other outlying friends of both sexes, various boyfriends and girlfriends, that sort of thing -- but the five women, Shawn, and myself were the core. That's also the way I thought of my group of friends, as well: core. They were the central, most important part of my life. I know it's weird to have my social group be almost completely composed of the opposite sex and not have any of them be a former girlfriend or whatever. It could be a pain sometimes. I felt left out of a lot of conversations and I had a few ex-girlfriends who absolutely couldn't handle the setup. But for the most part, I wouldn't have it any other way. Did I find the women attractive? Of course. Kelly, Megan, Abby, Devon, and Grace were each quite beautiful and often very sexy. There were weeks where I'd be crushing on one or the other, but I kept it all to myself. Our friendships were too important to me to risk losing. Also, they were all part of a package deal. If things went wrong with one of them, I would lose all of them. That kind of risk was enough to keep me from gambling. Thus, the stakes for that Sunday were impossibly high -- well beyond the money we'd all agreed to bet against each other. It was a stupid game, I knew, and I kept waiting for someone to step in the way of things. But, like an avalanche, once things started going, stopping it seemed impossible. All there was to do was stare up at the disaster I'd wrought and hope nothing got too damaged. When the time arrived, I setup the five folding chairs, all facing away from the TV, and pushed the rest of our furniture out of the way. The women arrived together, which made things less awkward. Sort of. Kelly set out drinks and that helped normalize our situation even more. Finally, once everyone was seated and eyeing me expectantly, I explained how everything was going to work. "This is the challenge," I said, "This will decide the argument of whether women make noises during sex. Each of you will get one of these." I held up the egg-shaped vibrator. "I get the controls. We'll set the timer for thirty minutes. You can cum as many times as you want during that time, but you must do it silently. If I can tell you're having an orgasm -- if I call you out -- you lose. Last one standing wins the cash. If you all go out, and you will, the money is mine." We'd agreed that it would cost five-hundred dollars to get into the game. I knew, for some of the women, that was not a trivial amount of money. That was the point though, to really have to risk something. Otherwise, no one would take it seriously. Plus, who could turn down the opportunity to win three grand? Hell, that was two months' rent for most of us. After I finished explaining how the game would go, I expected the reality of what we were about to do would sink in and the women would start to have second thoughts. Instead, the only thing the girls had doubts about, was who was going to win the money. "You can just hand me the three grand now," Kelly said. "It's already over." "You'll be splitting it with me for sure," Megan said. "You sure Shawn's going to be OK with that?" Kelly asked, referencing Megan's boyfriend. "Are you kidding?" Megan asked, "When I tell him about it tonight, he's going to be begging me for pics." "This is so embarrassing," Grace said. "Then don't play," Kelly said. "No way, I need that money," Grace said, "Daddy's making me pay back the credit card bill again. Character building, my butt." "You won't get the full 3K anyway," Kelly said, "At best we'll be splitting it four ways." "I am forced to reach that conclusion, as well," Abby said. "Wait, why only four?" Devon asked. "Because we all know you're a screamer," Kelly said, then cackled. "What? No..." Devon's face went so hot you could roast marshmallows off it. "It's always the quiet ones," Megan said. "I concur," Abby said. It was time. I reached into the box on the counter next to me and distributed the five vibrating eggs. The room went silent. "Whenever you're ready," I said. "Can't we do this someplace private?" Devon asked. "I need to see you put them in," I said, "Otherwise you could cheat." "Jeez, it's no big deal," Megan said. She hiked up her yellow dress, revealing a pair of white, thong panties. She saw me staring and gave me a lascivious grin, tossing back her long, wavy, reddish-brown hair. Like it was nothing, Megan pulled her underwear to the side and, 'pop,' in went the egg. All set, the buxom woman flopped back down into her seat, smiling like the cat that got the canary. Or the pussy that ate the gold-colored egg, in any case. "Fuck it," Kelly said. My athletic roommate stood up and threw off her mesh shorts. She had on a pair of navy-blue briefs, closer to men's athletic underwear. She pulled them down, stuffed the egg inside herself, and replaced her panties. Then she flopped back down, keeping her short, shapely legs crossed. Abby was next. She slid her jeans down her skinny legs. She was wearing a pair of perfectly functional, bikini cut, crimson underwear. She pulled them to the side and inserted the egg. Matching Kelly, the blonde girl left her slacks piled on the floor. She fixed her glasses, then sat back. Grace rolled her eyes. She lifted up her skirt to reveal a pair of lacy, black panties. Very tasteful and probably expensive as all get out. She put the egg up to her opening, then made a slightly pained face. "Hm," she said. "You need some lube?" I asked. "It's fine," Grace said. She worked the egg back and forth into her sex. The prim, pretty girl was practically putting on a performance for us. Finally, she got the egg inside and flipped her skirt back down over her bare legs. Devon was last to go and she looked ready to cry. She played nervously with the buttons of her jeans, but she seemed incapable of undoing them. "I can't," she said. "Seriously, what's the big deal, we all did it," Kelly said, "You don't have a magical unicorn cunt, Devon. It's no different than the other four we've already seen." "I know, I just... I'm out. I can't do this. I quit. Enjoy my money." Devon stood up from her chair and marched out of the room. Her blonde curls bounced jauntily as she went. I honestly felt bad for the girl. I'd always had a soft spot for her, she was so sweet and shy. Also, I knew that, of all of us, Devon was the least able to afford the buy-in. But I didn't know what to say that would stop her. Just as Devon was about to reach the door, Megan jumped in front of her. Silently, she put her hands on the quiet girl's shoulders and steered her back to her seat. "I've got you," Megan said. She stood in front of Devon, so I couldn't see. I heard the zip noise of Devon opening her jeans. A little gasp. Then Megan stepped away. Devon had pulled her jeans back up and cinched them shut, safely locking herself away. "She's all good," Megan said. The look in her eyes made it clear I'd be taking her word for it. "Awesome," I said. I held the remote up so everyone could see. The women all shifted slightly, getting comfortable. All that build-up had led to this moment. "Ready?" I asked. All five women nodded. Nervous, yet eager. Excited, but afraid. "Set?" I rested my thumb on the switch, giving the girls one last moment to give up. "GO!" I flicked the controls up to a one. A low buzzing noise filled the room as five separate vibrators all kicked into gear. "Oh!" Devon said. Megan trembled. Grace's face twisted slightly. Kelly gripped her armrest. Abby smiled. The game was on. Watching all five women slowly warm up was arousing in and of itself. While they were all clearly feeling the effects of something vibrating in their vaginas, no one seemed particularly amped up. I needed them all to be way more excited if I was going to win. But I knew that going too fast could lead to a crash. Even though it would cost me precious time, I knew from experience that the girls had to warm up slowly or they'd never accelerate at all. A little patience now would take me a long way later. The women slowly settled into their seats. Even the constant buzzing seemed to quiet down. I found a stool by the kitchen counter and sat on it, a little smile playing on my lips. I'd underestimated how sexy all of this would be, seeing these five lovely ladies get their pleasure. The fact that they were all desperate to hide the signs only made it more exciting. "Give up yet?" Kelly asked me. I responded by flicking the control up to two. "Ah!" Devon gasped. I wondered if the girls were right -- the timid girl already seemed like she was about to go off like a timebomb. If Devon was this expressive at level two, I could only imagine. The rest of the women stayed mostly calm. Grace swished her legs back and forth slightly. Kelly tightened her grip on the armrest. Megan, on the other hand, lay back. Legs spread. Head lolling. Eyes squeezed shut. There was no doubt that she was undergoing something. Abby was the opposite. She casually examined her nails, then fixed her glasses and crossed her legs. But even so, I saw the blonde's thin face was turning slightly pink, and a trickle of sweat ran down her cheek, despite the fact that it was quite cool in the apartment. Even more sexy than the sights, however, were the sounds. The room was a chorus of deep breaths -- like five air conditioners running on full -- occasionally punctuated by little 'hms' and 'hahs.' Nothing to point out, just yet, but still plenty of fun. Despite the obviously good signs, I decided to risk waiting a little longer. I knew I had to time this perfectly. Like a performer spinning five plates, I was responsible for pleasuring five different pussies. Each, probably, with its own unique needs. Too fast and everyone would be out of it. Too slow and we'd never reach the peak. I needed all five women to go over the top in a telltale way, and that required a certain amount of precision. Instead, I enjoyed what was already going on around me. Though I was only friends with these women, I couldn't deny that watching their reactions to the stimulation was nothing short of spectacular. Kelly's lithe, tight body. Megan's killer curves. Grace's freckled skin and long, feminine form. Abby, the archetypal skinny blonde. Devon, cute with golden curls. The fact that I knew each of them -- their quirks and talents, strengths and fears -- only made them more attractive to me in this moment. Of course, as I was watching each of these incredible women for their arousal, I was sure that they could also see mine, growing obviously in my pants. I sat slightly to the side on the stool and let my hands hang over my groin. I didn't think a boner would be inappropriate in a situation like this, but I also didn't want to discover that I was wrong. Finally, after a quiet moment when everyone's muscles seemed to go slack, I asked, "Ready for more?" "Are _you_?" Kelly asked, defiant. I'd somehow forgotten how hard it was to do anything competitive with my roommate. As I said, she was normally a calm, collected person. But get games involved and suddenly she'd lose control and turn into an enormous, green, rage monster. We'd had to ban all video games in the apartment after she'd thrown our console out the window during a particularly heated game of Wii Bowling. Her final words, "Fuck you and your turkey," had become a rallying cry for the entire group when anything went wrong. So yes, as much as I had to admit I was enjoying all this, I was a little worried that I'd already gone too far. Much as Grace could be annoying sometimes, I didn't want to see Kelly toss her out the window. Feeling like I might be taking my own life into my hands, I ticked the controller up to three. The buzzing got louder, deeper. The girls all made little noises, too, but nothing more. After all that buildup, it was a bit of a letdown. I looked up at the clock. I was running short on time, and I doubted any of the girls were even close to cumming, let alone accidentally making me aware of it. For the first time, I worried that I might actually lose. I decided to take a risk. I knew pushing too fast could end the experience, turning pleasure into pain. Or even just annoyance. To this point, I'd also been warning the women of each increase. I'd thought it was the polite thing to do. But it also allowed them to brace themselves. I needed something aggressive and unanticipated. I gave them both. Holding the remote to my side, blocking it with my body, I thumbed the vibration up two more levels. Now I got the reaction I was looking for. Grace let out a loud, rasping gasp. Kelly sucked in her breath so hard I thought she might fall over backward. Devon's eyes squeezed shut. "That... was a little. Aggressive," Abby said. Her voice trembled as she spoke. Like someone was pounding on her back. "Again," Megan demanded. I didn't think it was gamesmanship. The auburn-haired woman seemed to be in another place entirely. Despite the small, fold out chair, Megan was practically recumbent, her legs straight out and stiff. "Not y..." Grace said, right as I ticked up the eggs once more. Her words dissembled into a low groan. For a moment, I thought the proper redhead had cum right there, but I couldn't be sure. I thought about taking the chance and calling her out. After all, I was on the clock. But we'd all agreed that, if I incorrectly identified an orgasm, the game was over. Otherwise, I could just say it every minute or so, no matter what I saw. I couldn't be confident about Grace's cum, so I let it go. I knew I'd made the right decision almost immediately because, not a moment later, Megan let out a short, sharp squeak. The curvy brunette grabbed her own massive tit over her dress, squeezing her nipple so hard it hurt me. She squealed again, then let out a long, low groan. "Holy fuck," Kelly said, looking over at her friend. The other women, obviously in the throes, all fought to turn and stare at Megan, now writhing in her chair. Megan didn't pause. She started pumping her legs up and down, like humping an invisible man. She rolled her head back and forth. Her eyes blew up wide and her mouth dropped open. She croaked out a long, silent scream, back arching upward. Then she dropped limp into the chair. "Megan, that's you," I said. I expected her to express some frustration, but instead Megan just gave a little post-orgasm shiver, then gave the room a grin. Using the little string, she pulled the egg out of herself. It was still buzzing, angrily. "Well, that was lovely," Megan said as she slowly stood, pinching her prodigious tit one last time. To my surprise, she wasn't disappointed that she'd lost. In fact, she seemed inordinately pleased with herself. "We _have_ to do that again sometime." Megan dropped the egg on the counter, waved goodbye to the rest of the girls, and walked right out of our apartment, humming a little tune to herself. That was another rule. Once you were out, you were _out_. It was too easy for the women to tank each other if they stayed. As the door closed behind Megan, I took stock of the situation. The setting on the eggs was up to seven. I still had roughly twenty minutes left to catch the four other friends. Based on how the women were all reacting now, I wasn't all that worried. The vibrators were doing their jobs, yes. But the room's reaction to Megan's obvious orgasm was clearly even more exciting. Kelly sat forward, white knuckled and panting heavily. My roommate's face was wet with sweat. Grace rocked back and forth in her chair, looking anywhere but at me. Her pinkish face was rapidly losing color. Abby was biting down on her lip so hard I worried she might draw blood. The muscles around her neck were taught as bowstrings. Devon kept twitching in place. The cute girl made cute little squeaks with every breath. But it was more than that. I'd expected that the vibrations would get the girls off, but I hadn't counted on the fact that sitting and watching each other come close to cumming would be such a turn-on. I noticed them glancing at each other and quickly looking away, like just the sight could send them to heaven. The little sounds they all made were also incredible. Even though nothing was overt, obviously, the tiny mewls and gasps were quite enough to get each other worked up. Even the smell of the room, it reeked of sex, had to be helping them along. I'm not sure we could have devised a better torture chamber. Everything around them was encouraging the women to let loose, but that was the one thing they weren't allowed to do. The only question in my mind at that moment, was who was going over the top next. Again, my bet was on Devon. I knew she wasn't a virgin; she'd had a serious high school boyfriend once upon a time. But, from the way she talked about sex, she might as well have been. I doubted the petite blonde woman had ever used a toy before that day. Part of me wondered if she'd ever even had an orgasm. If Devon did cum, I had no doubt she would be unable to conceal it. But if Devon didn't do the deed, then certainly Kelly was quickly coming up. My roommate, despite her earlier protestations, could be quite vocal. Living with her for two years had taught me that (she would say that she was faking it in those instances, but I was dubious). Certainly, Kelly was the kind of girl who had a deep passion for a lot of things, and sex was on that list. The athletic girl -- perched on her chair like it might detonate while also gripping the armrests like they were the one thing in the room that wouldn't -- sure looked close to an explosion. Though if Kelly didn't keel over, I was pretty sure Grace was going to soon. Sure, the redhead was always so professional and perfect. But, to me, that only made her ability to hold it together all the more fragile. Someone like Kelly, rough and tumble, could take it when things went bad. Grace was more like a porcelain vase, likely to shatter at the slightest provocation. The way she shook on her chair -- her face pale, eyes flitting back and forth -- told me she could break at any moment. And even if Grace didn't go off, I knew I could rely on Abby to amount to something. The cerebral blonde woman was Supergirl when it came to solving equations, but actual, physical activity was her kryptonite. It meant that while Abby could crush us all on Jeopardy!, her own body was a total mystery. I had no doubt that self-control was something she wasn't practiced at. So even though she looked (relatively) calm -- sitting almost deathly still in her chair -- I was sure Abby was about show me her o-face. "Ah!" The sound ripped me out of my reverie. I looked over and saw it had come from Grace. I hadn't even increased the vibration on the eggs, but time had done the job for me. I was used to the strait-laced woman who always acted so perfectly composed. Now, her red hair was splayed out everywhere. Her back was arched, her tits pointing out, lewdly. Her whole body started to shake like a seizure. Then, suddenly, Grace froze. Stopped in mid-movement. Like someone had pressed her pause button. Her eyes went uncannily empty. A long, strangled gasp escaped her lips. Then, like her strings had been cut, Grace dropped back into her chair. She eyed us all, nervously, as consciousness seeped back. "Grace," I said. "Dammit," the redhead said. I don't think I'd ever heard her curse before. She stood up, unsteady on her legs, and dragged the egg out of herself. "The vibration was bad enough," she said, then giggled in a way that was so out of character, I wondered if she'd been possessed. "The watching made it way worse though." Grace came over to me and rested an unsteady hand on my shoulder. "Thanks for this," she said, genuinely, then gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. I reached to take the egg out of her other hand, but she pulled it away. "I think I'll keep this for a while," she said, pocketing the toy with a saucy grin. The door closed behind her soon afterward. With that, only Kelly, Abby, and Devon were left. Now that Megan had made her way out and Grace had gone down, I could tell the women were redoubling their efforts to keep things under control. The three of them all shifted in their seats, almost like giving themselves a new start. There were a couple of deep breaths and some clearing of throats. The game was on. For a moment, I let myself get caught up in the eroticism of the wonderful women around me. My dick, already stiff, was starting to snake its way down my leg. My balls ached so bad, I had to rest my beer on them to dull the pain. This was incredible. I thought back to Megan's words. _We have to do this again_. Already, I was conniving ways to convince the other women that this was the case. I didn't adjust the vibrators. I hadn't had to for Megan or Grace and both were gone. The clock ticked down my doom. It wasn't only about the money anymore. Or even about winning the argument. The first two orgasms had been so amazing, I couldn't bear the thought of missing the other three. But ratcheting up the eggs was my last trick -- I only had two more ticks on the dial -- and I wanted to save them for an emergency. I decided to try a different tactic. "Looking good," I said. I'd meant it to be a taunt, but instead it sounded so much like a compliment that it almost made _me_ blush. Kelly, my competitive roommate, opened her mouth to trash talk me back. But then, just as quickly, she snapped her jaw shut, like trying to keep something trapped inside. I tried to catch her eyes, but she wouldn't let me. In fact, now that I was paying particular attention, the athletic girl appeared particularly tight. Her arms and legs were completely stiff. Her lips left to thin pink lines. She had the look of someone desperate to hold something inside. Then, piece by piece, Kelly began to crack. Her thighs, so taut and controlled, started to tremble. She lowered her head, shook it hard, then picked it back up again. "Hmm." The little sound escaped her lips. A thin tear leaked out of the side of her eye. "Hmm." That same sound. The whole room was watching Kelly now. Devon and Abby both turned her way. Finally, Kelly's bright green eyes met mine. Her expression was shocking |
. Not cocky or even confident. If anything, she looked afraid. Almost as if she was pleading with me to help her. I did the only thing I could for my roommate. My close friend. I turned the vibration up another level. As soon as I hit the button, Kelly cried out. Her eyes bright green eyes nearly popped out of her head. Her whole body devolved into a shaking, slobbering mess. Grunts and snorts as her orgasm grabbed hold and shook her as hard as it could, breaking her down into tiny pieces. It was beautiful. Almost magical. My unstoppable roommate wasn't just experiencing the height of pleasure. She wasn't just enduring her orgasm as it shredded her apart. She was open, vulnerable. I'd never seen anything like it, and it made my heart actually ache a little. "HrrrrrrrrrrrrrAH!" Kelly cried out, the pressure of her pleasure overwhelming her last little bits of control. She was so in the thrall of her own cum, that she tumbled forward out of the chair. "Kelly," I said. Still, her orgasm wasn't done with her. My lithe roommate lay on the ground, twitching and jerking like someone had doused her in water, then hit her with a power cord. "I'm. Fine," Kelly said through her spasms. "Not. Cumming." "Come on, Kelly," I said. "I'm not," Kelly said, "I didn't." She finally stilled. Kelly took a deep breath, started to get up, then toppled back over as the vibrations overtook her again, sending her tumbling into another body-breaking orgasm. "I didn't...CUM! Fuck. Fucking hell." "You're out," I told her. "It is (gasp) obvious," Abby said, "You're. You're not -- uhn -- fooling anyone." Devon shook her head in agreement. Blue eyes bugged out. Lips pursed tight. Kelly glared at all of us. But she reached down for the string. As soon as she grabbed hold, she toppled back over as she reached yet another peak. "fffffffFUCK!" she cried out, clearly both in ecstasy and frustration. Finally, Kelly was able to extract the egg. She didn't say another word as she dropped the toy on the counter and limped down the hall to her room. All three of us yelled after her, "Fuck you and your turkey!" Kelly gave us the finger before slamming the door behind her. Two left. I think all of us were feeling it now. Kelly's performance had been incredible. Watching her, I think I even came a little. It would explain the little wet spot on my jeans. I was so close to getting it all. Seeing five massive, amazing orgasms. Earning three-thousand dollars. Finally, actually, winning an argument with Kelly. I couldn't imagine greater stakes. And yet, the clock was ticking. And I only had one more level on the eggs to engage. Abby and Devon felt it too. We were coming down to a photo finish. Too bad I had agreed not to use my camera. After Kelly had left so dramatically, both women were now back to fully focused on the prize. Abby wriggled in her chair like a girl who desperately had to pee during math class. She held her arms crossed against her chest. Every few moments, she reached up and squeezed one of her biceps, pinching it, to keep herself in control. You'd think she was about to go over, except her face was remarkably calm. Almost placid. The only giveaway was a little tremor in her upper lip. But Abby looked almost wild compared to Devon. After looking like an easy mark, the petite blonde almost seemed asleep. She'd pulled her knees up to her chest, folded her arms on top of them, and rested her head there. Almost like she was making a little cocoon. The only sign of her own impending rapture were the little blonde hairs on her forearms, which were all raised up stick straight. Like getting ready to levitate. I glanced back at the clock. Seven minutes. I should have been nervous, but seeing those two women, I knew that was five minutes more than I'd need. It was time. I smiled, knowing that I was about to see something fantastic. I pushed the dial to the highest setting. Neither of the women even flinched. Abby slowly pinched her arm purple, but nothing more. Devon stayed frozen in place. A little statue. Then Devon made a little noise. It almost sounded like a word. She made it again. Devon's body still wasn't moving. Her head was buried. Her knees were locked in place. But still, that sound. I slid off my stool and stepped a little closer. It clearly was a word, I could tell. She was repeating it, like a whispered mantra, over and over again. I stood as close as I felt was appropriate without breaking the rules. Leaned my ear over. "no," Devon said. She repeated it. "no." "Devon?" I asked. The words became faster. Starting spilling out. "No no no no no no." A fountain of little syllables poured out of her. Getting faster. Louder. "No," Devin said, "No. NO! Oh God, please no. Please no. Oh. Oh fuck. Hrrrrr... NO! No No No NO NO! NO!!! OH!!! Oh FUCK! OH fffffFUCK _YYYYYYYES_!" Devon's careful armor cracked. Her body spilled open. Eyes wide, mouth agape. Tongue lolled. I saw her crotch had gone dark, and a long thin trail of liquid seeped down her thigh. I thought for sure she'd see me looking and fall apart, but Devon was so far gone, she might as well have been in another universe. Devon screamed again. So loud that it hurt my ears. The timid girl exploded outward. She sobbed, shuddering and blubbering. Then she stilled. "Oh fuck. Oh yes. Oh fuck me yes that was good. Fuck," Devon said. She slipped onto the floor like she was liquid. Her pants were completely soaked. Her face was cinched in an almost comical rictus of release. "Devon," I said. "I know," she said, "I know. I came. God help me. But that was worth it." We both laughed, then another little cum overcame her. "Help," Devon said, "Help me get this thing out of me. Seriously. I can't take anymore." I reached down and unsnapped the cute blonde's pants, then pulled them down her legs. Her pink panties were so sopping, they could barely be called cloth anymore. Devon reached around her underwear and pulled out the egg. She held it aloft, like she'd won the thing in a carnival game. I waited for the moment when she realized how exposed she was, but it didn't happen. Instead, Devon waved away my help and stood, wobbling like a baby giraffe using her legs for the first time. Tilting and teetering. Again, I tried to help her, but Devon waved me off. "Wow," she said, "That was totally worth five-hundred bucks." She started to make her way out of the apartment. "Pants?" I called after her. Devon gave me a big goofy grin. "Right," she said turning back, "Pants." She went back to her chair and pulled on her jeans. Finally, she made her way out of the apartment. "Best. Investment. Ever!" she cried out, letting the door close behind her. I turned back, ready to take on Abby. But as soon as the door closed on Devon, my alarm went off. My heart sank. I looked over at Abby. The skinny blonde still seemed remarkably composed. She just sat there, like a secretary ready to take dictation. One hand dandled over her panty-covered pussy. As far as I could tell, she'd never orgasmed. Or even come all that close. I walked back into the living room. Abby smiled, tight. "Is that it?" she asked, "Has the competition completed?" "It is" I said, resigned. I stared down at the floor. I can't tell you how disappointed I felt in that moment. How beaten. It wasn't the money. And I was used to losing to Kelly. But the fact that I'd missed out on seeing the final orgasm was like a kick in the balls. I'd imagined so many possibilities for that day, but I'd never truly considered the fact that I might lose. "The experiment," Abby said, "To be clear. It has -- ah -- reached its conclusion?" "You won the bet, yes," I said. "Thank fucking God," Abby said. Before I could even react, the skinny blonde shot out of her chair, drove into me, shoulders first, and tackled me onto the ground. "Abby?" "Shut up," Abby said. She tore her panties off, reached inside, and ripped the egg out of her pussy, flinging it against the wall with a loud crack. She grabbed my face and pressed her lips into mine so hard that I tasted blood. I was still recovering from the kiss as Abby's hands shot down and grabbed my belt. She tore the leather strap off me, pulled at the buttons of my pants, and freed my aching, erect cock from the fly of my boxers. She grasped it, roughly, and both of us groaned. "Oh yes," Abby said. Again, I was too dumbfounded to move. Let alone speak. I just watched in shock as the skinny girl shifted her body, placed my cock straight up, andimpaled herself in one smooth stroke. I almost screamed it felt so good -- slipping into Abby's wanting warmth. Her vaginal walls impossibly tight, yet incredibly welcoming. Dripping so wet, I felt the heat of her splash onto my thigh. A moment before, I'd been standing by my apartment door. In a blink, in less time than I could properly process, I was on the ground. Buried to the hilt inside the gorgeous, blonde Abby. "Fuck me," Abby said, humping up and down on my dick with an almost animal abandon. "I need that cock so fucking bad." Where had the cute, scientific girl gone? I searched her light blue eyes and saw nothing but animal intensity. Abby pulled her shirt off, exposing surprisingly full breasts with sharp, slightly upturned, puffy pink nipples. She clutched my head and pulled my mouth to her chest. Gave me no choice but to suckle. As if I was ever going to argue. Abby groaned as my lips latched on. She pumped her cute little butt up and down, her pussy gripping onto me with the strength of a fist and the slickness of a slide. The analytical Abby I knew was gone. She drove my dick into herself with a crazed need, like she was desperate to plug herself permanently. Her white, blonde hair was well out of its bun and flying around like crazy. Tits bouncing so bad I imagined they would bruise. My ears echoed with her savage roars and keening mewls. "That's. Right. Fuck. Me," she said, punctuating every push. I bit her nipple and she screamed. For a moment, I considered that Kelly was probably in the other room reporting a murder. I just hoped I'd get to cum before the cops came. Abby, writhing around on my shaft, reached up and casually adjusted her glasses. This was the hottest, sluttiest geek I'd ever seen. I reveled in her femininity. I couldn't believe the pleasure she was wrenching forth from both of us. The only reason I hadn't already cum was I was terrified of what she'd do if I didn't help get her there first. Despite her seemingly endless bank of energy, Abby started to slow. She panted heavily. Body dripping with sweat. Azure eyes small and scared. I saw what she wanted in that moment. What she needed. I grabbed Abby's thin shoulders and pushed her backwards, tipping us both over. She kept her thighs wrapped around me tight, not letting me escape for even a second. I'd never been more ready to fuck a girl. To plunge into her depths and pound her into oblivion. Yet carefully, cruelly, I drew my cock out of Abby slowly. I pulled back as far as the skinny blonde's surprisingly strong little thighs would let me. "Nnnoooooo," Abby said, flexing her body to hold me inside. "Did you cum before?" I asked. "During the contest?" "Twice," Abby croaked. I could tell she was telling me the truth. "When Kelly came, I did, as well. Then I did it again, after. I was certain you saw me but..." "I guess you really are good at keeping quiet," I said. "But two wasn't nearly enough," Abby said, "I need another. And not from some stupid plastic egg." I gave her a playful grin. Reached down and pinched her perfect pink nipples. Then slowly, dragging it out, I slid my dick all the way back into her grasping, gasping cunt. Abby groaned, a long low sound that started as my cock made contact and only faded as I filled her fully. For a moment, she slipped back into her scientific persona. "Do not become tranquil now," Abby said. I got the message. I drew back and, with a violence that surprised even myself, I plowed into her as hard and fast as I could. Held her shoulders for purchase. Her bony butt bounced off the hardwood floors. Every push was punctuated by a loud, aggressive slap. Abby reached between us and found her clit, starting to rub it for all she was worth. "Th... there," Abby said, "Getting... getting close." "Thanks for telling me this time," I said, wryly. Abby started to retort, but her orgasm overtook her before she could. Her body arched upward. Her eyes rolled back. Her fingers flew on her clit. "Hrrrrrr...Ah!" Abby gasped, the sounds escaping her lips like steam. "I need you to... Ejaculate. Ohfuck. Expel your semen against my cervix. It will trigger my own body to produce the -- fuck -- the orgasm I need." I paused mid-thrust. "Wait, what?" "Cum in me!" she screamed and slapped my shoulder. Well, since she asked so nicely. I raised Abby's legs rested them on my shoulders. I reached down and twisted her bubble-gum nipples. I threw myself into the blonde girl with abandon. I stopped caring about her pleasure. Only focused on my own. It didn't matter anymore. Nothing did. Just the two of us, wrapped in carnal ecstasy in the middle of my apartment. "Fill me..." Abby gasped. "Please." "Here it comes..." I buried myself as deep as I could. "AH!" Abby's breath caught. She flushed bright red. "Yes. Yes! YES!!!" A pause. A moment. Both of us peaked at the same time. Like a lightning flash. Brief. Bright. Overpowering. I erupted into Abby. An epic explosion of cum. Another. I heard a loud shout and I realized it was me. I pumped my pearlescence into the skinny blonde girl, as much as I'd ever made in my life. Blast after potent blast delivered directly to her pussy. "Oh, I'm cumming," Abby exclaimed, "Cumming so GOOD!" After what seemed an impossibly long time, my orgasm finally regressed from insistent, ecstatic bursts into low, warm waves of bliss. I gradually became aware of the girl beneath me. Abby was still experiencing her orgasm. Enduring it. Her body constricted so hard around me that it started to hurt. She stared right back at me. Her eyes so blue and bright it was almost blinding. Finally, I felt her fade. Abby dropped back to the floor like a dead woman. We lay there in the middle of the living room, soaked in sweat and a bunch of other sticky substances. We panted. Gulped. Slowly grabbed hold of ourselves. "Well, that was quite an enjoyable experience," Abby said, slowly shifting out from under me. I let my softening cock slip out of her and we both fell back to the hardwoods in individual heaps. Abby reached down and dipped her hand into her pussy. It came out covered in white goop. "Your ejaculate is quite voluminous," Abby said. "What?" I asked. "You cum a lot," Abby said, as if having to translate for such a simpleton was too much to ask. "I'm getting you a dictionary for your birthday." "Seems the least you could do after I gave you _that_," I said, gesturing to her body. Abby looked at me, dubious for a moment, then broke into a wide smile. "It was pretty fucking amazing, yes." "I don't think I can figure you out," I said. "Scientist in the streets, whore in the sheets," Abby said. I cocked an eyebrow, a mimic of her own signature expression. "I can get a little, um, crude during intercourse sometimes," she explained. "Though I cannot recall the last time I was ever so effusive. If ever." Abby sat up. She combed back her straight blonde hair and tied it back into a bun. Then she stood and began collecting her clothes. I lay back, enjoying what was an excellent view of an absolutely stunning woman. Even during the sex, I don't think I appreciated how amazing Abby's body actually was. Her surprisingly full breasts incongruous with her skinny body. The way her little pink bum would jiggle slightly as she moved. The shimmy of her hips. The way her fingers moved as she buttoned up her jeans, dexterous and almost dancing. The sparks of so much thought _processing_ behind her eyes. "Well, this was definitely a unique experience," Abby said, now fully clothed. "Thank you, TJ." "Thank _you_," I said, genuinely. I was still naked on the floor. It felt very comfortable, in that moment. "I'm assuming I can collect my winnings now?" Abby said, fixing her glasses pointedly. "Seems to me that I made you cum pretty loud a moment ago," I said. "Screaming out 'I'm cumming,' 'fuck me,' 'yes, yes, yes.'" Abby flushed. She stared down at her surprisingly nice, dark dress shoes. "I believe that occurred after time had passed," she said, still not meeting my eyes. "Keep the money," I said, "Just tell the girls what happened after. My reputation could use the boost." Abby paused at that. "I'll split the money with you," she said, straightening. Again, I felt a little wave of sadness, though I couldn't rationalize why. "But only if you tell the group that I won it all. No other details may be disclosed." Now it was my turn to pause. Finally, I nodded my agreement. Abby must have read my regret, however, because she bent down and kissed my forehead. Then she spun on her heel and marched out of the apartment. After the door clicked closed, I climbed to my feet and slowly gathered up my clothes. The living room felt oddly empty. Chairs strewn everywhere. Like a strange, selective tornado had ripped through. Most of all though, everything seemed so quiet. It was weird. I got dressed and started to slide everything back into place. I was about halfway done when I heard Kelly's bedroom door open. She padded out into the living room, wearing a long, flannel sleep shirt that went down past her knees. So big, she seemed to be swimming in it. "I don't hear you celebrating," she said, eyeing me. "The girls won," I said. "Who took the prize?" Kelly asked. "Abby, actually." "Fuck me," Kelly said, "That girl is full of surprises." "I'm going to make dinner," I said, no longer wanting to talk about this, "Can I make you something?" "Sure," Kelly said, "I'll be back in my room. Just let me know when it's ready." "Will do," I said. She stopped midway to her bedroom. "Oh, and TJ?" "Yes?" "You're quite the loud cummer, yourself." Kelly gave me a wink, then closed her bedroom door firmly behind her. |
I didn't make the decision until I was driving to pick you up from school today. I'm not sure why it had to be today. Perhaps it was the reality that you just turned 18 and next year this time you'll be away at college and gone forever. Perhaps it was the way you looked last Friday night when you left the house to go dancing with your fellow cheerleader friends. Your long blonde hair, curled and perfect, hung down over your shoulders. You wore a slinky black top that revealed your tan midsection, a short black skirt, and black high heels. You looked so adult, so alive, so... ready. Ofcourse not ready for me. You had no idea what I had planned for you today. I stopped on the way to your school and bought some beer, schnapps, and a few other goodies. I called my wife, who is away this week on a business trip, and told her you and I will be out tonight as I thought we'd have some fun together for a change so not to panic if she calls and finds no one home. I arrive outside of your all girl Catholic prep school and see you exit the building surrounded by your friends as always. Your athletic, tanned body, tiny waste, and large C cup breasts are encased inside a white button down shirt and a plaid skirt. You're wearing your long blonde hair in a pony tail and on your legs and feet are white knee socks and brown shoes. "Hi Daddy!" you chirp as you climb inside my SUV while simultaneously kissing me on the cheek. I turn onto the highway instead of the main street towards our house. "Where are we going, Daddy? Are we stopping somewhere before we go home?" you ask "I KNOW you were drinking with your friends last weekend. I could smell it on your breath when you got home. I didn't want to say anything because I thought it might upset your mother." I said. This was of course, true, but at the time I simply wrote it off. She was home and safe and 18 so I was planning on letting it go, but today, as my dark side overtakes me, I'm going to use it to my advantage. "I only had 3 beers at the party, Daddy and I was home on time wasn't I? Why is it a big deal?" you argue "Mindy, you're going off to college next year. Do you know how many guys are going to try and get you drunk? Do you know how much is too much? Do you???" I ask with authority "Well, not really but I'm sure I'll figure it out." You say with timid uncertainness "We're going to find out today... for your own good." I say as I reach behind me and pull out a bottle of peach schnapps. I pour a generous portion into a large travel mug already filled with OJ and tell you to drink it. You do. I then have you drink two more as we continue on down the highway. On your third I can see you are very tipsy and when I pull over at a station to let you use the little girls room, I can see by the way you sway and stumble your mind is confused and your defenses are weakened. We drive on until we reach the secluded motel where I last took my drunken secretary (which is a story for another time). I leave you in the car and instruct you to drink a beer as I go inside to pay and get a room key. Your eyes are glassy and distant; your body seems loose and free. I can't wait to have my way with you. I lead you inside the motel room and you suddenly ask why we are here. I tell you to keep drinking as you'll understand it all soon enough. I lock the door, close the shades, put down my paper bag and backpack and turn to you. "Daddy?" you whimper, a little afraid I say nothing but walk toward you, and begin to unbutton your uniform blouse. Button by button I reveal your tender body and white bra. The darkness of my intentions consumes me as I realize what I am about to do. My mind flashes back to 10 years ago when I seduced and raped your teenage babysitter Becky. Another story for another time. Ah, so many memories. When we last left the motel room, I had just unbuttoned the white, button down, uniform shirt of my beautiful, sexy, now very drunken daughter. My innocent baby girl is going to be my slut. I slide the shirt over your shoulders and let it fall to the floor. Your face shows confusion yet in the alcoholic stupor you feel strangely excited.. And scared. This is your father and he has a look in his eye that's never been there before, the smell of liquor on his breath and everything seems to be spinning. "Is this a dream?" you say to your self. My strong hands now squeeze and jiggle your firm young tits. "Daddy, we shouldn't be doing this should we???" you ask. "SSSSHHHHH Sweetheart. Do what Daddy tells you." "But.."you begin At that I suddenly clamp down on your nipples thru the bra pinching and twisting them hard. You scream out in pain and shock. "I told you to do what Daddy tells you Dammit! Now take your punishment!!" With tears in your eyes you nod your head. (Your blonde pony tail bobbing behind you) "Good girl." I say "But since you were bad you have to drink another shot of Apple Pucker." You do as you are told and now the whole world is fuzzy. I am in complete control of you as you stumble around. I reach into the paper bag and pull out another item I purchased at the liquor store. A disposable camera. I tell you to pose leaning against the wall looking sweet in your bra and skirt and snap the picture. I walk over and unzip your skirt; I then very slowly slide it down your legs. I remove your shoes and socks and command you to take off your bra. You look at me say "what for?" Then you break out into a hysterical drunken giggle. Once again you look so sweet that I almost laugh but this is your punishment after all. So I stand up, throw you over my shoulder like a fireman, and slap your panty covered ass very hard. "Ow!! Daddiee!!!" you squeal. But now the feeling of power as I manhandle you has doubled my resolve. I rub and squeeze your amazingly tight ass cheek as I speak, "Do as I say little girl! Don't make me tell you again!" With that I throw you onto the king size bed. You land on your back, bounce once then look up at me. Your eyes wide with excitement, slight fear, and mounting desire. Your heart beats rapidly and your chest moves up and down. For a moment we stare at each other. Then I pounce on the bed. I grab the center of your bra and pull you up to a sitting position. You just stare at me and then lick your lips. I put one hand behind your head and draw you close to me. I kiss your young pouting lips and my tongue slides inside your mouth. You respond out of instinct. As this happens, my hand slides down your back and unsnaps your white bra. I lean back, not wanting to miss this. First I slowly slide one strap down your arm. Then the other. No words are spoken but you are breathing heavy and your body is shaking. Finally I pull the bra off. There they are at last, my young daughter's perfect, firm little titties. I'm staring at what no father should stare at. Your nipples stand at full attention now. Your ponytail rests over your right shoulder and cascades down your chest. I reach out and hold them. Feeling their weight in my hands. "My little girl is growing up." I say. Now it's my turn to breath heavy and speak in low almost sinister tones. "You're the first man to touch them like this Daddy, it feels kind of funny," you whisper I lean over and take your left breast into my mouth. Your skin is warm and soft. Your nipple is rock hard. Your body is truly a work of art. I nibble and tease your nipple as my hand caresses the other one. I take almost the whole thing in my mouth as I suck and tease. Your head is thrown back and you moan"Ooooooh Daddy... that feels soooo good! Ummmm!!" Slowly I work my free hand down your firm stomach to your panties. My hand glides over the satin material and works a feather touch around your inner thighs where the nerve endings are the most sensitive. The booze has made you even more confused and relaxed and the feeling is amazing to you. But you are not a slut and by sheer habit and instinct you reach your hand down and try and pull my hand away. "Daddy, we can't. I'm your daughter." you say in half whisper of ecstasy and half pleading grovel. You bat your blue eyes as you speak. "What did I tell you before about doing as I say??" I say, my voice suddenly stern and fatherly. "Stay there, don't move." I reach the camera and snap a photo of you lying on the bed in only panties, your legs spread, your tits perfect, your hair in a ponytail and your eyes glazed and seductive. "You seem to want to make this hard on yourself Mindy. Fine, have it your way." With that I pull you up and throw you over my knee. "No Daddy, don't spank me! Please!" It's too late as I smack your behind hard. It stings my hand. I look down and realize my daughters firm young tits are pressed against my leg and her ass is mine for the taking. I grab the elastic on your silk panties and begin to slide them down. You begin to sniffle a small cry but it's not from the pain or fear that I will really hurt you so much as the returning instinct of a little girl being punished. But all I can think of is the rock hard, tight, sexy, perfectly rounded little ass that has just been unveiled before me. I savor the moment and ponder what to do to you next. I spank your bottom once more to get your attention but not as hard. Your body is shaking beneath me and I can feel, though I have not yet had the thrill of seeing it, your hot bald little pussy on my muscular thigh. My head is exploding with possibilities. I pull your panties all the way off and tell you to stand up before me. You rise and automatically cover your breasts and cunt with your hands. I gently take your hands and place them at your side. Your naked young body is now mine. Your form is perfection. Your abs are tight, your waist is tiny, your legs are toned, your breasts rise high and your pussy is hairless, tight, and unspoiled. After making you drink another half of a beer, I pose you on the hotel dresser. (you know the typical hotel ones, low and long with a mirror where the suitcase normally winds up.) Laying against the mirror, your pussy in view between your spread legs, your hands behind your head like an old Marilyn Monroe photo. I snap several shots like this from various angles. (Some with your finger in your mouth and one of you sucking your thumb with your back arched) It's time to get inside of you. As I walk towards you I flex my large hands. I also remove my shirt, tie, and kick off my shoes. My cock has been rock hard but continues to throb in anticipation of the unholy taboo act soon to come. I know my little girl is a virgin. We've discussed it and I've even heard it confirmed while ease dropping on the teenagers in the neighborhood. But my Mindy looks so grown up most of the time. When I saw her in her homecoming dance dress last fall I almost grabbed her and raped her right then. I wanted to tear the low cut, blue satin dress off her, rip a hole in her black pantyhose, tear off her panties and stick my dick in her right there. I could feel her legs, still wearing the stiletto heels wrapped around my back as I fucked her. Her tits crushed between us. Her high pitched cries of "Daddy!!! What are you doing?!?!?!" But that was only a split second fantasy and I shook it off. This was my little girl after all. My beautiful angel Mindy. How could I do that? But now... it was going to happen. I was going to finally fuck my daughter.. my Mindy. She is so drunk and scared I have complete and total power over her. Her first sensation of a throbbing dick inside her tight young pussy will forever be mine. These thoughts race through my head as I approach her, still on the dresser where I placed her and posed her like my own personal Barbie doll. "Daddy, I'm getting cold" you slur innocently. Soon you'll be very hot. I kneel before the dresser and slide you into a sitting position so your legs are now spread and your pussy is now at my face level. My hands glide, again with a feather touch up your ankles, then legs to your heavenly entrance. You realize on some level what's going to happen you. My fingers glide inside of you and you feel me explore your most private region. Your body twists and shivers and you try to struggle from the shock of what is happening to you. But I have you held in a position where I am in total control. I stand, command you to stay where you are, walkt to the bag and pull out a can of whipped cream. I drop my pants and spray the cream all over my throbbing cock. I walk to you and force your head down onto my shaft and command you to lick all of it off me. The fear and shock in your baby blue eyes as your mouth works on my member feeds the evil inside me and relishes the moment. I shoot my wad all over your face then lift you into the air just like I did when you were a babyy. Your mind is spinning and confused. The whipped cream traces still on your sweet little face. You collapse into your father's arms as I place you in the sheets of the bed. Your Dad is now climbing onto the bed. He moves slowly, deliberately, like a lion approaching an innocent faun drinking at a stream. He knows his teenage daughter is helpless and under his control. Her young body, at it's unhampered perfection is his for the taking. What he's about to take from her.. nothing and no one will ever be able to give back. Your eyes are half open in your foggy state but your body feels alive with a tingling sensation and surreal numbed out displacement. Your mind can't wrap around what is happening. This morning you were at cheer practice, at lunch you slapped the hand of the boy who tried to lift your skirt, and the biggest decision of the weekend was what outfit will make you look the sexiest to tease the guys at the party on Saturday night. But it was only to tease. Now, your clothes are gone, your arms feels heavy and your own Daddy has made you suck on his cock after he licked your pussy (although it did feel AMAZING what he did) and now he's going to (GULP) put his thing inside of you! This must be a dream. Your eyes focus on the strange pattern of the fabric of the closed drapes in the room. Why do all hotel drapes look so odd? You stare at them transfixed as your Daddy slides in the bed next to you. "Mindy baby... Daddy is going to make you a woman." "Please Daddy, we can't. I'm not on the birf conrol pilz" you slur, barely aware you are saying it. But your heart is beating and your body wants this.. badly. "Sssshh Honey. Trust your Daddy to take care of you. You're mine and you'll do as I say" I whisper in a tone unlike anything fatherly "Wha do you mean I'm "yours" Daddy?" you whisper, half awake, then hiccup. "I mean Pumpkin, that Daddy is punishing you for drinking. You WILL do what I say because I'm your father. And right now, Daddy wants to fuck his little girl. He wants to feel his penis inside her tight little hole. He's going to push it deep inside you and there's nothing you can do to stop him. Do you understand me??" I can't believe these words are actually being said by my own mouth to my precious little Mindy. The child who I tucked in at night, rode on my shoulders, attended her dance recitals, and cheered her on as she played 8th grade girls volleyball. How could I be doing this? But some dark force has won over my good nature and the words I spoke made me hotter than ever. There was no more pretense. The little bitch was mine. I love her but right now I'm going to fuck her brains out. I climb on top of you. Your skin is so soft and you smell so good. I force myself between your legs. (they offer little resistance at this stage of the game). I am now above you propped up on my hands looking down. The treasure of all treasures lay beneath me. It's time. I wet my fingers and moisten your tight pussy lips but find you are already wet. With my hand I glide my rock hard swollen head over your soft, bald lips. There are shivers running through my spine. You begin to moan as the feeling is erotic and is driving you mad. First my head begins it's decent. It's so tight you'd think I was pushing a 6" square peg through a 5" round hole. I'm now half way inside of you and your pussy wraps around my cock like a suction cup. "No!!Aaauuooowww!!!"Your blue eyes shoot open wide and you let out a shriek of pain and surprise as my invasion continues. I push farther and deeper. Your hands reach out and grab the headboard. For some reason I grab them and hold your arms down above your head forcibly. I don't know why, but it adds to the thrill. I'm deep inside of you now and give a thrust as I feel the wall of your hymen. "Oh God!!" You scream out as a bolt of electric pain shoots through your young tiny body. I know now that you will bleed slightly as your cherry is forever mine. With this evil realization I begin to thrust more... starting with long slow strokes and gradually increasing them in speed and power. The bolt of pain causes your firm athletic legs to wrap around my back. After the pain though the feeling is slowly making you hot, wet, and the sensation overloads your poor confused mind. Lust has taken over your mind and now, mixed with the alcohol, the idea of being fucked by your Daddy is the hottest thing in the world to you. You WANT to be his slut.. his slave. His little girl would do anything for him. "More Daddy, more!!! Yes!!!!" you scream Suddenly aware that you like this I move my control up a notch and stop the thrusts and withdraw. "Do you want Daddy to keep going Pumpkin?" I ask "Yes. Oh yes please Daddy!" "Then tell me you want your Daddy to fuck you. Say it Mindy." My little girl has never been one to cuss much less say the word fuck, but the mortal pleasure of the flesh washes over her and she screams at the top of her lungs "Oh YES Daddy FUCK ME!!! FUCK YOUR BABY GIRL!!!! TAKE ME!!!! PLEEEEAASE DADDY!" you sound close to groveling. At this I plunge myself back inside of you, deep and hard. Again and again. Your body bucking with each thrust. Your tits bouncing. Your eyes clenched as your head thrashes back and fourth. In a sudden move I flip us over and you're now on top of me. The buzz you have resulted in more dizziness for you and I have to steady you with my hands. Your ponytail hangs down over me and I slide it out it's clip. Your long blonde hair now cascades freely and you shake your head as it is released. Never in your life have you looked more beautiful or more sexy than in this moment. I tell you to lean back and move up and down for Daddy. "Ohhhhh yesssss Daddy" you purr, your eyes still closed in ecstasy. As my baby girl arches her back and leans backwards on her hands as she rides me rock hard dick I watch her perfectly proportioned body and realize that this is a dream come true. We go on like this for awhile. I tell you sway your chest back and forth over Daddy's face and jiggle for titties for him. You do it like a good little girl. I squeeze and caress your firm tight ass as you ride me. It dawns on me that not only every boy in your school would be jealous right now but also every adult man in town. I see them all look at you as we walk down the street as a family. I'm reminded of the first day you cheered a football game at school. Your mother and I were there to watch you. I was so proud of you... of how well you did, how beautiful you were growing, and how well you moved your body. You were only a freshman at that time but you looked and moved like a professional dancer of 25. Your blue eyes sparkled as you smiled that perfect smile and rocked your hips to the beat. Your high kicks showed off your sexy legs and I found my self getting an erection seeing your panties and ass. I shook off the thought and pretended it was the other girls but the one turning me on was my little Mindy. I was lost in another fanatasy: My heart raced to the thought of lifting your leg up to a standing split and resting it on my shoulder. "Now what Daddy?" you would ask me innocently (I told you I was showing you a new warm up exercise) "Now take your arms and lock them around my neck and hold on. Daddy is going to loosen your pelvic muscles and release your chest stress ok?",I say with authority. "OK, whatever you say." you respond, totally trusting your old man. My left hand glides up your thigh and reaches into your panties and my index finger immediately enters your tiny cunt hole while simultaneously my thumb finds your even tinier asshole and pushes inside. Your eyes shoot wide open and you gasp and clench as my strong arm actually lifts your small frame off of the ground as I molest you. My other hand slides under your top and grabs your breast beneath the snugness of your sports bra. I squeeze it tight. "Daddy!" you squeak but your words sound like they are being sucked in verses out as you breath in sharply. "You like that don't you baby girl? Huh? Tell me you like it." I say sternly. Then the fantasy was gone and I was back at the game watching you. Now you ride on top of me, moaning in pure pleasure as you have given your body to my... your own father to play with. I can't take much more so I lift you off of me, position you on your hands and knees and take you from behind. I can feel the precum begin to bubble inside my me as my member cannot hold back much longer. You feel the throbbing inside your vagina and know nothing but lust and pleasure. "Oh my little baby girl!!!" I scream "Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-Da-ddy!!" You yell as I fuck you The first shot of semen escapes me and I feel it shoot deep inside your unprotected womb. You can feel it explode inside you and as tight as you are, EVERYTHING feels intense. It feel like a cannon explode inside your young body. I yank my dick out and spurt the second shot of semen all over your back. You feel the hot sticky sensation all over you. The third one explodes and hits the back of your honey blonde hair and becomes entangled. We collapse together on the bed. Both breathing heavy. I cradle you in my arms and rock you. Holding you tight. As I hold you I realize that before long I must wake you and have you drink a bit more to continue the buzz. If you sleep it off and sober up, how will I continue? I can't stop... not now. Not yet. The world outside this room and all the morality it encompasses is a million miles away. Right here, inside this motel room, on this king sized bed, I now hold my precious daughter in my arms. She lay here naked, helpless, and exhausted after being raped by me... her father. As we lay here only a few minutes have passed since I plunged my throbbing cock (the very same one I used to CREATE this wonderful creature) into her tiny virgin hole. God, you have no idea how great it felt to know that I was inside of my baby girl Mindy, violating her most private area and stealing from her her cherished virginity. And she liked it!!!! What more was there to do now though? The alcohol has her almost passed out and the sex has exhausted her (not to mention the emotional strain of dealing with what took place here today) so soon she'll sleep deeply and wake up eventually hung over maybe or maybe not remembering what happened. I know her mother never remembers anything after even a few drinks. Hmmm. But what if I wake her up and make her keep drinking... just enough so she regains her buzz and is no longer sleepy? It worked in college... we used to say that you had to drink right through the tired state and drive straight into black out. We were joking ofcourse but the basics were true. Even if so, what else could I subject my beautiful little Mindy to? Then again, when would I have this chance again? I know the temptations have been there for years. I remember a year ago when we were on a family vacation in New York City and via a mix up at the hotel we all had to share one hotel room verses the 2 we ordered. Anyway, while we were all freshening up for dinner I walked into the unlocked bathroom to get my razor and noticed my daughter was in the shower. All I could see was her naked outline behind the clear curtain but it was enough. I stood there staring for a few seconds and you noticed me. "Get out of here Daddy!!!! I'm in the shower!!!" you squealed My heart beat fast in my chest and for a split second I ALMOST tore off my shirt and pants, yanked back the curtain and stepped in the shower with you. I could see your face as you turned around and your eyes flashed in surprise and you open your mouth to scream. But I cover it with my hand and press you against the side of the shower. I then breathe in the site of my naked teenage daughter, her long blonde hair wet and slicked back, her body dripping wet in the steamy space and soap lather on her hard stomach and firm young tits. I don't say a word as I spin you around, my hand still on your mouth so you are now pressed to me as I hold you from behind. My erect penis has slid between your perfect ass cheeks and I feel the water as it rushes down the small of your tiny back, past your slim waste and in-between your cheeks. Your high pitched squeals of protest are muffled as my strong arm leaves you helplessly pinned beneath me. Without a word I begin to maneuver my hips so that my penis has found its mark... your cunt. As you realize this your head shakes back and forth violently but I slightly bend you over and in one thrust I am inside. Your little hole is so tight it feels almost as if I'm being sucked inside of you. But it's quite the opposite in reality isn't baby girl? You never knew what it felt like to have ANYTHING in there much less something this large. Then reality returned and I quickly left the bathroom and my fantasy behind while I excused my self to get some ice from down the hall and regain my senses. But right now any moral senses that I had had long been abandoned since the blood stain from my daughter's cherry now stained the bed we lie on together. I realized it couldn't end, not just yet. There was one thing I always wanted to do but couldn't. Plus I had a few more goodies in the bag from the liquor store. So I woke up my sleepy angel. "Mindy honey, wake up." I whisper as I shook her gently "Hmmm? Daddy? I've been having the strangest dream." you say groggily "Well your dream still isn't over baby. Sit up for Daddy. It's time for another drink." I say as my voice sounds chillingly like I'm doing nothing more than get her out of bed for school. "OK Daddy but I don't want to drink anymore please" you say in a weak voice. "You've got to learn what you did was wrong sweetheart. Now do as Daddy tells you or you'll be punished" I say, sounding sterner now. You nod your head meekly and begin to drink the beer I hand you. As you swallow and grimace I stare at you. Your long blonde hair, now wild and unkempt, lay all down your back and shoulders, your tiny 5'2" frame, so sculpted from cheering, aerobics(you say you like it so much you could see yourself teach it someday), dieting and athletics is quite possibly the closest human version of the Greek goddess Venus that exists. You are walking perfection! And to know that it's all mine, to do anything I wish, my daughter like a play doll or pet, is enough to begin another erection. My buzz is gone now but I no longer need it as an excuse. On some level I believe you don't either but I make you finish a beer and a half just to be safe. Anymore and you'll be throwing up. Can't have that for my little girl can we? I sit you on top of the desk in the corner and tell you to stand up and dance for me. "Dance for Daddy Mindy. Jiggle your tits and wiggle your ass like a stripper." I command "Huh?" you ask as you stand up there, a finger in your mouth like a child asked a difficult question at the blackboard in school "I know you can move that way Mindy. I've watched you at family wedding receptions and seen your cheer moves. Do it." I flatly command. "There's no music" you whisper, your blue eyes glassy and wild I reach over and flip on the clock radio. Just my luck. CRYING by Arosmith was playing. You LOVED that song and begin to seductively move to it. Your eyes closed. Your spin and sway your shoulders, not even aware of how your young breasts are exposed and dancing back and forth for your father as he sits and strokes his cock watching. The heavens (or more likely the darker forces) smiled on me that day as the next few songs were perfect and you continued to dance to the sounds of the 70's hit Hot Child in the City, Leave Your Hat On by Joe Cocker, Strut by Sheena Easton, and Oops I Did it Again by Brittany Spears. On this last song you knew the moves from cheering and got so into it you fell off of the table and landed on the bed in a fit a giggles. I captured about 5 more pics of my baby's dance before that happened though. Ahhh memories. I grabbed your back pack with your gym clothes and cheer outfit in it and told you to put on your cheer skirt and your gym top (a cut off tank top that shows off your abs, shoulders and chest) "OK daddy" you say in a sing/song voice. You're so far gone now that I'm surprised you remember my name as you slide into these clothes. "Daddy, these SOOO clash though. I can't be seen in public like this" you slur in a typical almost valley girl voice. I have to laugh as even in this state my Mindy knows her fashion do's and don'ts. "It's dark out and no one will see but Daddy Pumpkin" "Oh. OK" you reply almost chipper as you slip into your outfit. As I watch this I want to take you again right now but I want to be daring as well. So I instruct my little girl to wander across the street to the playground in the park and start to play on the swings or whatever she likes. Daddy will come along and play with her soon. "Daddy you shooo silly!!" you giggle as you put a delicate little hand to my lip. "Just go Pumpkin. Just think of it as when you were a little girl and Daddy used to play in the park with you, ok?" I ask At this thought your hazed blue eyes sparkle and you open the door and stumble into the night air and cross the street to the deserted playground. I reach for the camera, and pull the final two items out of the bag. A small flashlight and a jar of Vaseline. After pulling my pants on and throwing on my shirt, I'm off to have my little girl in a place she doesn't even realize I can have. When I walk up the stillness and darkness of the deserted playground and park only adds to our otherworldly experience and I feel even more resolved to continue. My angelic Mindy has climbed atop a fort like structure with her legs hanging over the side. "What happened to the swings and the teeter totters?" I ask "Not safe. Playlands like this are the thing now" you say, sounding oddly sober despite your condition "Mindy Angel. Daddy wants you to play with yourself for him." "Do what Daddy?" you mutter, but I can tell the idea excites you. "Pull up your skirt and stick your finger in your pussy. Pull those melons out of your top and tweak your little nipples for daddy. Make yourself hot and sexy Pumpkin. And remember... Daddy is watching you" With that you slowly pull up your skirt and begin to finger yourself. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" is all you say as your head leans back "Pull up your shirt pumpkin and wet your nipples or Daddy til they're hard. Come on baby. Do it." I command Up come your shirt and your one free hand now tweaks those rock hard nipples already hard from the night air. I snap 4 more pictures and shine the light on you. My baby girl is in ecstasy. Dressed in the most sluttish outfit any man could imagine and put in this condition by me. There was no more even a hint of remorse in me. I am damned now... so there was no reason not to finish it. I climbed onto the play fort and hoisted you up by your armpits to a standing level. You were so lost in orgasm that you barely registered it and went immediately back to fingering yourself. Once again, like my own life sized Barbie doll, I positioned your legs apart and leaned you over the rail. We were about 4 feet off the ground and your young tits swayed freely over the edge. Your hair hung loosely down and you only moaned as the motion and force excited your young dominated body. The view I have of your ass is the fantasy of every man. So round, so firm, so tiny, so perfect... so mine. I reach into my pocket and pull out the Vaseline jar. I open it and grab two fingers full and rub it on and around your tiny star shaped opening. "Ummmmm Daddy, tha feels soooo strange there" you mutter but do not protest. "You'll see what I'm doing baby. Just relax" I whisper knowing she has no idea what's coming I unzip my pants and begin to rub my dick through your ass cheeks and on your hole. I rest the tip at the star shaped opening and slowly apply pressure to the lubricated area. Your young body flinches away at the first sign of pain but my arms enfold you and hold you steady. With one shove my swollen cock has invaded inside your ass and you are suddenly awake and squirming in pain trying to escape. Your movements only serve to assist me in penetrating you deeper and deeper until I'm all the way inside your tiny asshole. "Daddy!!!! No!!!! You're tearing me apart!!!!!" you cry and sob But I know the lubricant will prevent any serious damage to you. "Shut up and take it" is all I can say right now. There is no explanation I can give to my daughter now for what I am doing to her. Her tiny delicate frame is literally impaled on my swollen cocks and I'm taking deep satisfaction in her squirming and discomfort. "Oh! Oh! Ah!Oh! Ah Ah! Oh!Oh!Ah! Ah!!" is all you're reduced to saying in an almost horse voice. I thrust in and out of you for several minutes then feel a huge explosion of cum that I allow to shoot deep inside of my little Mindy's tiny behind. Your body tenses up and you let out a high pitched squeal and then collapse. Exhausted, and in pain, you are finally sleeping the deep sleep of a very drunken girl. I position your passed out body in various poses in your outfit on the fort and snap away until the camera is empty. I then carry you back to our room and clean you up. I dress you back in your school clothes (minus your bra and panties... they are my souvenir of the day) and place you in the car. The hour is late now and I know just how to finish it off. I know the party you were supposed to be at was going to be a wild one. I also knew where it was at. I drive up and park a few houses down. Then I carry your unconscious body to a chair on the back patio. There I leave you. And I wait in the bushes. During the night I watch 2 drunken boys have their way with you. But I stay in my hiding place to make sure no real harm comes to you. The next morning my little girl wakes up with a strange boy and no clothes on, on her friend's patio not remembering anything of the night before accept her Daddy picking her up from school. Wow! Some party! Your behind throbs and your pussy feels stretched and sore. You think it was the fault of the boy next to you so you quickly gather your clothes and run to a phone and call who else? Your Daddy to come rescue you. You have no idea of what really happened. Hmmm... maybe my little girl deserves a trip after the "ordeal at her friend's party". _THE END (or is it)_ |
MaloMarz6969 -- Lol what a freaking idiot. So what are you up to? Sbarron85 -- Just waiting for Matt at his place. He is supposed to be working late. MaloMarz6969 -- Aha. I did not know that office drones had to work so late, honey its 11pm! Sbarron85 -- I know that, what are you implying? MaloMarz6969- Well I think he is out too late to just be desk jockeying. Sbarron85 -- Well I trust Matt so kaput 4 your theory. What are you up to aside from prying into my personal life? MaloMarz6969 -- I'm on this online forum and I'm just deliberately fucking with these people. There is one guy who is like bitching about these stories people submit. He keeps bitching and moaning about transsexuals so I am uploading these disturbing pictures of cross dressers and post op tranny women who look like men but have a vagina. Sbarron85 -- Wow that is incredibly sad. Weird because you are the biggest pussy I know MaloMarz6969-- The power of the internet, chica ;) Sbarron85 -- Okay I will leave you to it then MaloMarz6969 -- Sharon, Wait! B4 you go I want to show you something Sbarron85 -- Marla, Please no creepy tranny pics. I have to work in the morning and I need some sleep. MaloMarz 6969 -- Relax it's not that, check this out, you can't tell me this is not hot. Sharon waited impatiently as Marla uploaded the photo to the chat window. She knew it would be an arousing picture but did not know how so. The thought of another post op tranny picture made Sharon recoil. She began to toss her red tresses with her hand as she watched the photo sharing applet load. Times like these she wished Matt would pay for broadband instead of having to siphon a wireless connection from the local pastry chain store. Just then Marla's file transfer was complete. Sharon opened the file using her local paint program. To her surprise she let out a moan. The image she saw in front of her was absolutely beautiful. The image depicted two Asian lesbians, naked and covered in body oil engaging in a sensual embrace. Although they were just embracing each other, the looks on their faces were of pure ecstasy and bliss. The image aroused Sharon in many ways. She had longed to have sex with another woman But she loved Matt dearly and did not want to end their relationship. But Sharon longed to engage in a lesbian tryst with her best friend Marla. Marla was a voluptuous curvy Latina that Sharon had known since High School. Sharon found Marla to be so very sexy but she was always in her own world. Although she could be selfish at times, she was very endearing and reliable. Sharon once considered finding an NSA partner online, but who would be a better choice, some woman you found on a classified ad website or your busty best friend that you have known for years? Sharon was scared to ask Marla in fear that it would ruin their friendship. What if she does not feel the same way? It would be hard to associate with each other after such a proposition. Sharon continued to admire the image. The oiled bosom of both women and the looks of pleasure on their faces made Sharon tingle. She was so entranced by their loveliness she had to push the computer chair away from the desk. She stood up and walked to Matt's bedroom where she left her purse. She grabbed her mp3 player and quickly returned to the computer. She plugged it in and then synchronized the image to her mp3 player. With quickness Sharon practically leapt to the living room. There she plugged the mp3 player into the plasma television. Matt purchased the television for the Super bowl with intentions of returning it. One of his friends spilled a beer on the television so the return policy was null and void. He was now stuck with 56 inch plasma that he watched only twice a week. After the light touching of the click wheel Sharon was greeted with the large image of the two women. She left the image on repeat as she made her way to the couch. The women were so gorgeous. It stirred up feelings of yearning that Sharon had hid inside of her. Aching to be touched by Marla, to feel her breasts pressed against her back. Her lips on her neck as she kissed her ever so gently. Her hands making their way down her sides, cupping her petite breasts, squeezing her nipples as Sharon moaned. As these thoughts raced through her head Sharon removed her clothes. She reclined back onto the couch and spread her legs, leaving her left leg to dangle on the couch arm. Sharon gently stroked her legs, pretending that it was Marla touching her milky white skin softly, each touch sending waves of electric energy up her spine. Marla would start nibbling on her ear as she slowly dragged her fingertips up Sharon's leg to her thigh. Then Marla would trace little circles on her small thighs as she made her way into her moist area, rubbing her engorged clit until she came in waves. Sharon moaned deeply as she dragged her fingertips along her inner thigh, thinking of all the dirty things Marla could do to her. The more she thought about Marla, the wetter she became and could not take the teasing anymore. She gently rubbed her lips and spread her legs wider until her clit was visible enough for her to see in her seating position. Her pussy was red from anticipation and glistening with cum from just thinking about her buxom best friend. Sharon dipped her right fingers in her sweet little honey pot and rubbed the juices over her swollen clit. It felt so good and refreshing she stuck her fingers in deeply, trying to reach her sweet spot. With success Sharon groaned passionately as she felt her fingers touching that bean like spot. She stopped squeezing her small breasts with her left hand and furiously rubbed her clit as she stimulated her g-spot. Images of Marla fucking her with a strap on, licking her clit rapidly flashed through Sharon's head. Making her clit swell, her tight hole pulse. She wished she had bought one of her toys over; it would have been so hot to have something up her bum as she feverishly pumped her fingers in and out of her pussy. Sharon stopped feeding her pussy her fingers and pulled them out to see the reward. They were glistening and covered in that savory juice. She rubbed those delicious juices over her nipples, loving the feeling that minor massage was giving her, wishing that she was feeding this delicious nectar with Marla. Sharon tasted it, so fucking good; too bad it has to go to waste. Sharon returned to rubbing her clit with that moist hand and then slowly guided two of her fingers back into her pussy with her thumb against her clit. "Oh my gosh, this feels so fucking good!" Sharon shouted. Her throbbing love canal was tightening around her fingers; her chest was getting very red with passion. Her breathing became more labored as wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure tried to release itself from her repressed body. Sharon furiously rubbed her clit with four fingers; her labia had become juicy and too slippery for two fingers. Sharon let out a loud yelp as she felt her muscles tighten and contract, the couch becoming soaked underneath her. Drenched in sweat Sharon moved her leg from the couch arm and laid down. She was completely spent. While enjoying her afterglow Sharon heard a thud. Matt stood in the doorway with bags of groceries; he dropped one of them at the sight of Sharon, nude and sweaty on his couch. Sharon abruptly tried to put her clothes on but Matt walked across the living room to her. He grabbed her hand as she was trying to button up her skirt. Sharon looked at Matt quizzically. "Babe, how long have you been standing in the doorway?" Sharon asked. "Long enough." Matt replied. He grabbed her hand and guided it to the bulging hard-on that was poking through his slacks; Sharon hesitated, and then smiled. _Just a quick 750 word story for the project._ Hope you enjoy it. Nobody under 18. It's a fictional story. Enjoy. * She was incredibly beautiful. I thought there is just no way in hell... she must be a vice cop. I watched her hips sway with each step, her big braless tits swaying as well. She was stacked and black as coal. Her heels, stilettos really, were at least six inches. She knocked on my truck door, and opened it. I knew I should have locked it. "Hey Honey, you lonesome? You want some company?" "No I'm good." "Come on Honey, a big trucker like you must want a little fun, huh? I'm Sharon" I noticed she was trying to climb in to the truck, but the CFM pumps were giving her trouble. "No that's ok, I'm just waiting to deliver here. There's only two more trucks in front of me, so I'll be done in less than an hour. Thanks anyway." She had managed to get into the passenger seat of my truck. She was persistent. "Oh, come on! I know how horny you truck drivers get. Stuck in the truck for days on end, not getting home to mama. Let me help you with that." "You gonna get me a vacation?" "No Honey. But for just the price of three C notes, you can do ANYTHING you want to with me. I'll let you have my big fat ass, I'll even let you spank me. You can suck my big fat titties, and I'll suck your dick like there's no tomorrow, and you can fuck me as many times as you like. It's called Around the World." "That's great, but I don't have three Ben Franklins. A bit too much for me." I could see the disappointment on her face, but she was determined to make the sale. "How about I suck you and fuck you until you're happy. It will only set you back a couple of hundred. What dy'a say?" "Sorry Sharia, I ah, don't have two hundred either." "What about straight fuckin? That's only one hundred bucks." "Sheri, you realize there's a half dozen guys on the corner watching us right?" "They will just have to wait Their damned turn! How about a blow job for fifty bucks. Take a look at my cocksucker lips. You know I'm good don't you?" "I'm sorry Shelley, I don't have fifty bucks either. Caught me on a bad day." "I take Visa and MasterCard!" "Oh yeah, 'Honey what's this fifty dollar charge for a blowjob?' That's gonna work real good." "Well, what the hell, how about twenty bucks for a hand job?" "Shelby, you're very attractive. With such a persistent sales pitch, you should be selling real estate. But for the last time, no thank you. Please get out of my truck." "Well, my last and final offer, for five bucks, I'll let you smell my pussy. How's that?" I took a whiff. Damn. "I guess I owe you this then." I handed her a five dollar bill. "You are under arrest, you have the right to remain silent. You have the right to an attorney--" "I'm not under arrest, but in about ten seconds you will be. For prostitution" I said. "I'm a cop!" She said "I'm an undercover detective, and you are fucking up a drug bust. You are gonna be a meter maid if you screw this up. Now shut up and listen. You are going to bob your head up and down. Make it look good. If I'm late on the transaction..." I gave her a withering look. She put her head over my lap and her hand on my groin, by accident I'm sure. "Holy shit, your dick is hard!" "Quiet, we're on an open channel!" came a noise from the dash. "Please, tell me you are armed!" I looked at her. "Service revolver in my purse, and a back up." "Where are you hiding the back up? No don't tell me, I'm sure I don't want to know." "I'm sorry sir if I messed up your bust." "You haven't yet. Do not shoot the guy in the blue shirt. He's one of us. Ok?" "Ok. When is this going down?" "Any time now. As soon as they open the case, we go. Hey, after work, you wanna go around the world? I still can't afford three hundred dollars. But I can buy a couple of beers maybe." "If you make mine a red wine, and maybe a burger and some fries--" "You drive a hard bargain. A very hard bargain indeed." |
_Talia Stillwater's POV_ _Fort Worth, Texas_ I adjusted the deep purple dress I was wearing, pulling the deep neckline down a little farther as I stared at the cards on the table. The private game had been going on for six hours, and it was now almost two in the morning. My five-thousand-dollar buy-in to the twenty-person game meant that my stack of chips was nearly seventy-five thousand dollars by now. "Last hand, by rule we close at two," the dealer said. "I'm not done yet," Donnie said. He was a typical Dallas oil brat, playing with his Daddy's money in an attempt to prove he was worth something. He was a good player; he knew the odds and his face betrayed nothing, ever. We had been at different tables, knocking others out, until forty minutes ago when we were both put together at the last table. Now we were the only two left. I had the Ace of Clubs and Five of Diamonds in my hole cards, and the bet was up to twenty thousand. The common cards were the Ace of Hearts, Five of Spades and the river was the Two of Clubs. I was listening carefully to his heartbeat as the last card was flipped, it skipped a beat. He'd never betray it with his expression, but he couldn't control his heart. When he had a good turn, it would speed up a little. Werewolf hearing had its uses, I thought, and so did a she-wolf's body. I ran a finger from my chin down my neck as he fingered his chips. I was blonde, but I was no bombshell; I trained hard, my bodyfat was very low and my muscles were well defined. It meant I didn't have a huge rack, but what I had was displayed well by the dress I chose. In poker, you take any advantage you can get. "Raise you ten thousand," I said as my hand moved to the table. I moved a stack of chips to the center. I didn't need to clean him out, it was better for me to let him think he had a chance so I could wrangle an invitation to another game. If he got out now, he would walk away with a little more than twice his buy-in. It would not be a bad night for him. He tapped the table with the chips. "You're bluffing," he said. "It will cost you all but two thousand, four hundred dollars to find out," I replied. "I know you don't want to walk away from the table, but that's the smart play right now. You don't have the balls to bluff me, Donnie." I picked up my drink, Two Gingers whiskey on the rocks, and took a sip. He watched me like a predator as my tongue circled the ice cube before pushing it back into the glass. "Call." He pushed the chips to the center, then flipped over his cards. Ace of Hearts, Three of Clubs. "You should have walked away." I flipped over my cards, two pair would have beaten anything unless he had a pocket pair in one of the common cards. I pulled the chips in as he got up, cursing himself as the small crowd exploded into cheers. About half of the players had stuck around, drinking and socializing until last call. "Cash me out, Charlie." "Of course, Miss King." In my card-playing persona, I was Ashley King, a twenty-one-year-old college student from Stanford. My real name, Talia Stillwater, age twenty, was a secret as well guarded as my werewolf. I had paid a lot of money to build up my new identity, keeping me off the radar of the government and the Werewolf Council. I followed him to the bar, where he handed me the backpack I had given him on arrival. I put a couple of hundred-dollar bills in his hand. "I've got a bad feeling," I said. "Get these guys out of here and when I come out, sneak me out the back." "No problem at all, Miss King." He counted out the cash, withholding the 10% fee for running the game, and handed me the almost $88,000 in cash and an envelope. I counted it out, then sealed it in the envelope and put it in my bag. "I'll have Security keep an eye on the door." "Thank you," I said. I walked across the room, accepting congratulations from the departing players until I reached the ladies room. I opened the door and locked it behind me. I unzipped the dress and stepped out of it, folding it and leaving it on the sink. I used the bathroom, then pulled on skinny jeans, an Imagine Dragons concert shirt which hung loose below my belt, and calf-high boots. I made sure my throwing knives were secured in the sides of my boots, and my Smith and Wesson M&P Shield sat secure in its inside the waistband, cross-draw holster to the right of my belt buckle. The eight bullets it carried were hollowpoints modified with pure silver in the center, designed to be effective against human or werewolf targets. It just wasn't safe being a lone werewolf, especially as a young female. I listened through the door as Charlie pushed the last players out the door. A few moments later, there was a knock. "Ready for you, Miss King." I unlocked the door, my left hand staying near my belt buckle. High-stakes games like this were illegal, and could attract characters who weren't good losers, or just smelled an opportunity. Winning the money was important, keeping it was more important. Charlie stood there, his bouncer by his side. "I'll take you as far as the back entrance, and Carl here can escort you to your vehicle if you wish." "Thank you, Charlie. It's been a pleasure." We went through the kitchen to the freight elevator, taking it to the ground floor. From there, he checked the cameras to make sure no one was waiting before he opened the back door. "You have my number, you'll message me with the next game?" "Of course, Miss King. You brought a little class to tonight's game." He opened the door and I let Carl go first; when he turned back to me, I walked out and the door closed behind me. "I'm parked a block over, on Waverly by the pawn shop," I said. I never parked my ride next to the game, preferring to keep my mode of transportation out of sight. If I was really paranoid, I'd park a half-mile away and take an Uber to the game. I followed just behind him, letting my senses out in the quiet of the August night. The scents of the city were all around, but nothing was threatening. When I got to my baby, a metallic-purple Harley-Davidson Softail Deluxe with matching hard cargo bags, I relaxed. The 1200-cc engine was plenty powerful, and the low ride made it easier for me to control with my five-foot-six, one hundred and twenty-pound frame. It had a full fairing and windshield, making it comfortable for the long rides I had between towns. "Thanks, Carl," I said as I passed him a hundred. I took out the keys and unlocked the driver's side compartment, removing my leather jacket and pushing my backpack down in its place. Firing it up, I drove off into the night. I drove through the crappy part of town towards the hotel I was staying at. I could afford better, but nicer hotels copied driver's licenses and needed credit card deposits. The fleabags I was crashing at would look the other way for cash. I made my way to the room on the third floor, latching it behind me and wedging a chair against the handle just in case. I tossed my bag on the bed, taking the money out and putting it in my inside jacket pocket. I grabbed the bottle of whiskey I'd bought the previous night and opened the door to the small deck overlooking what used to be a nice pool, and now was an algae-infested eyesore. Leaning against the railing, I took a swig as I tried to relax from the excitement of the game. "Take it, bitch," I heard from the next floor up. "I paid extra so I could do whatever I wanted to you, and I want you to scream for me as I take your ass." Jesus. What an asshole! It wouldn't be the first time I'd been placed near a hotel room being used for prostitution. "I'll be good for you, you're such a big and strong man," the woman's voice said, and I froze. "Fuck my ass harder, Daddy." I recognized that voice. It couldn't be. Not after almost four years of my sister being missing, the search futile, the Packs no help in finding her. Running back inside, I knocked the chair aside and moved the bar and the chain before flinging the door open. Going to the stairwell, I went up to the fourth floor and stalked towards the room. I could smell her; it WAS her, it was different but still the same, like her wolfy-ness was gone, the scent she had before her first shift. I was going to fucking kill them all. "Hey, Miss, this is a private floor," a guy said as I moved past a room. He was a big guy, maybe six foot and over three hundred pounds. I could hear and smell the sex in the other rooms, and realization hit me like a brick. They had turned this whole floor into a prostitution racket, and this guy was the gatekeeper. A fat woman behind him was counting cash, she was probably the Madam. I thought quickly. "STEVE! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU, I'M GONNA CUT YOUR BALLS OFF," I said as I moved past him. "You can't be on this floor, Miss." "My fucking boyfriend is in here, I saw him come in! Now leave me alone, if he's with another woman he's fucking dead." I pulled loose of his arm, running down the hall with him trying to keep up. "STOP," he yelled as I got to the door above mine. He pulled out a gun and pointed it at me. "I told you, you aren't allowed up here, now turn around and get out of here before I put that tight ass of yours to work here too." I turned and started walking back his way. "FINE. But all his shit is going to be in the yard when he comes home." I let the claws on my right hand start to come out, keeping them out of sight. He moved to the side to let me by, and as he turned the pistol pointed away from me. I spun and grabbed his neck, letting my claws puncture deep before ripping his throat out. He dropped the gun, his hand reaching for mine. He was already dead, but his mind didn't realize it yet. Blood sprayed everywhere, the bright red painting the wall that I held him against. I followed him to the ground as his eyes glazed over and his knees gave out and he died. I sometimes had to go places I didn't want to leave prints, so I was ready for this. I wiped his blood off on his shirt, then pulled a pair of latex gloves out of a pocket in my jacket. Taking his pistol, I walked back to the room and kicked the door open. "HEY WHO THE FUCK" Bang. His brains splattered against the wall on the other side of the bed. I didn't care who he was, I wasn't going to let him take another breath. He toppled off the bed, leaving a screaming naked woman behind. "Tania, get dressed, we're getting out of here," I said as I walked over to check he was dead. "Talia?" She looked at me like I was a ghost. "Hi, sis," I said as I hugged her. "Clothes, now, we've gotta bounce here. Someone is going to report the gunshot." She got to her feet and pulled the minidress over her head, then put on a pair of silver hooker heels. "How?" "Later," I said. She wasn't walking well, so I put my left arm around her and led her out of the room. The fat woman was leaning over the dead guy, trying to wake him up. I shot her between the eyes as she looked my way. We moved past them in the hall, Tania was crying and holding her face to my shoulder. One of the doors opened and a man wearing boxers and a Marlboro hat looked out, and I shot him too. When we got to the doorway, I made sure no one else was looking, then tossed the gun down the hallway and peeled off my gloves. "We've got to get back to my room," I said. "No, we have to get out of here now!" I opened the door on my floor. "Trust me, the cops will be here any second and leaving now will just attract attention." I opened the door to my room and pulled her inside, locking it behind us. "Take a shower, NOW," I said as I pushed her to the bathroom. I took the gloves and flushed them down the toilet, then pulled off my clothes and left them in a pile on the floor. While she got in the shower, I scrubbed the blood off my arms and face, then my leather jacket. I took her clothes with mine, putting them in a garbage bag in my backpack. I left her a pair of nylon shorts and a T-shirt on the counter, then joined her in the shower. I could hear the cops upstairs, the banging doors and screaming girls and the protests of the johns who were being arrested, but mostly I heard my sister's agony. She was a mess, sitting in the tub and holding her arms tight to her body as the sobs escaped. I pulled her to her feet and hugged her tightly. "You came," she said. "I'd given up." "I never gave up on you," I said. We held each other as the rusty water sprayed down on us. Ch. 2 Tania was a mess. I shuddered with rage as I helped clean her in the shower. Bruises, scars, needle tracks, she had it all. She'd been whipped before, and I couldn't feel or smell her wolf and I couldn't link her. It was no wonder I had felt the bond break, they killed her wolf. I finished washing her, then quickly finished my shower before toweling us both dry. I pulled the shirt and shorts over her thin body, she was eighteen years old and at least twenty pounds underweight. She could barely stay awake as I finished with her, so I tucked her into bed. She was deep asleep by the time I had her covered up. I had just put on underwear and a shirt from my backpack when there was a knock on the door. "POLICE," the voice said. "Just a minute," I said, trying to sound sleepy. I put the shorts I had grabbed back in the backpack and set it on the floor by the bed. I padded over the filthy carpet to the door and opened it as far as the chain would allow. A uniformed officer was standing there, and I could hear others knocking on doors farther down. "What do you want, officer?" "May I come in?" "Why?" "There was a shooting upstairs, and we're canvassing guests to see if you can help us find the killer." There was no point in saying no, so I moved the door closed and moved back the chain. "Just keep it down, my sister is still asleep, she got a little drunk last night." I tugged the shirt down to cover my ass as I moved aside. He nodded, leaving the door open slightly. "Were you here between the hours of two-thirty and three this morning?" "We got back here about one thirty. My sister didn't feel good, she threw up twice and by the time I got her cleaned up and in bed it was maybe two? I don't know. I took a long shower and went to bed." "Did you hear anything? Gunshots? Yelling?" I shook my head no. "People are yelling all the time in this place, I just turn up my music a little more." He looked past me to where my sister's hair spilled over the pillow. "She was asleep by two?" "Yeah. She wouldn't wake up if a bomb went off in the room." He nodded and handed me a card. "This hotel is an active crime scene, it's being shut down. If you see the Community Service Officer downstairs in the lobby, she'll give you a voucher for another hotel. You need to leave now, Ma'am." "We're being kicked out?" "Yes Ma'am. I'm sorry about the inconvenience but there were multiple murders in the building that are being investigated. If you remember anything that can help us out, give us a call." "I will. Thank you." I closed the door behind him and let out a deep breath. We had to get out of here, and with the hotel closing, it was the right time to go. I needed help and my nomadic existence wouldn't work for me now that I had my sister back. I needed a place to stay, somewhere I could get her the help she needed. I went to my backpack and grabbed a phone, dialing the one person I knew I could count on. "Jarrod, it's Talia. I found my sister, and I need your help." "That's bloody good news," the low and cultured voice said. "I'm sure we can come to a mutually beneficial agreement again. What do you need?" "She's been abused, badly, and may be addicted to drugs they gave her. She's going to need support for detox, counseling, everything." "How bad is she?" "Barely functioning. I found her in a cheap motel being pimped out by a scumbag, Luna only knows how long they've been doing this to her. Her wolf is gone, Jarrod, they must have killed it." "Bloody hell. Where are you?" "Fort Worth, but I'll be moving soon. Cops are crawling everywhere, and I can't withstand any scrutiny." "You can come to the Coven. I'll take care of everything, Talia, and I'll make sure she's cared for." It was like a weight off my shoulders. Jarrod was a man of his word, over a thousand years old and raised in a time when your word was bond. If he said he would care for her, she would be. "I know you will, Jarrod. I owe you for this, and I always make things right." "You're one of the few wolves who does, that's why I like working with you. Those Pack mutts have no honor in their dealings with my kind. You, on the other hand, have always delivered what you bargained." Vampires and werewolves have had a shaky peace over the past century, and both sides would push the envelope of acceptable behavior. Peace didn't mean the absence of conflict, it was just driven underground and not talked about. Three times she had killed werewolves to settle accounts for Jarrod without the Vampire Master having his fingerprints on it, and three times the Vampires had saved her. I was intimately aware of the failings of the Alphas and the Werewolf Council. They had forced me to become a Lone Wolf, always at the edges of society, always one stupid move away from a painful death at their hands. Working with the Coven had sealed my fate, that was unforgivable in their eyes. The last I had heard, the bounty for the Alpha Killer was over two million dollars dead, four million alive. Werewolves would pay a lot extra for the show of torturing me to death. "Whatever she needs, she gets. I've got money now." He laughed. "Child, your money is the last of the things I would need from you. Sunrise is in an hour, and I have a few things to prepare before then. Are you planning to stay as well?" "For a while at least. I need to know what happened to her and who is responsible, then I'll need to leave for a while." The thought of their blood in my teeth made my wolf come forward, she was unforgiving when it came to her family. "I'm on my motorcycle. We will be there sometime in the afternoon. I don't know how well Tania will travel, and I need to maintain a wide berth from the Packs in the area." "Take all the time you need to avoid them, you're useless to me dead. My familiars will be expecting you, and your room will be ready." "Thank you, Jarrod." "Good night, Talia. I'll see you at sunset." He hung up and I put the phone by the bed while I packed, which took all of two minutes. I traveled light, and the clothes that weren't soaked in blood we were wearing. I pulled on my spare jeans and a fleece pullover, then socks and boots. Waking a reluctant Tania, I put her in socks, cargo shorts and pulled a second T-shirt over her sleep one before giving her the jacket. I was a werewolf, I'd be warmer than she would, and I had jeans on. We'd stop as soon as we could to get something better. "Where are we going," Tania asked, still a little groggy. "To stay with some people that I know in New Orleans," I said. "Where are we now?" "Fort Worth." She didn't register any reaction to it, but it was clear she had no understanding of where she was. "Do you understand?" "Yes," she said as she stood up. "They would transport us in cargo vans, we were never told where we were. You'd be collected from one hotel room and sleep on the way to the next one." I put her in my running shoes and looked her over, it would have to do for now. "We're going to leave on my motorcycle." Her eyes got big. "I don't want you to look at anyone or say anything, just stay at my side and follow my lead, all right?" "Yes," she said weakly. I grabbed the backpack, which had the bag of bloody clothes in it, and we walked out of the room into the hallway. We turned for the stairwell, walking away from the officer who was talking to someone near the elevator. We went down the stairs, keeping our heads down, and instead of heading to the lobby we exited the side door. My motorcycle was parked in the back of the lot, and I quickly put the backpack into it. "Climb on behind me, put your arms around me and your feet on the pegs," I said. She climbed on, her thin arms wrapping around my waist and her head resting on my shoulder. "Am I really free, Talia?" "Yes, sis. You're free and every one of those bastards who did this to you will pay with their lives." I fired up the Harley and pulled out of the lot; it was four-thirty in the morning, and we still had an hour or so of darkness left. I headed for the freeway, knowing there was a 24-hour Wal-Mart at the exit. By the time the sun rose, we had gotten clothes appropriate for the road, and we were sitting in a booth at a pancake place. I ate my normal amount, which was a lot, while Tania struggled to finish two pancakes and a piece of bacon. "Tania, I hate to ask you, but I need to know." She nodded, afraid to look at me. "What happened the day you ran off?" "I didn't run," she said. "I was given away by Beta Todd. He held something over my mouth, I blacked out, and when I woke up, I was locked in a room with a collar and chain." Beta Todd, my father's trusted Beta male, the one who I looked to like a second father. The one who took over the Pack when my parents died. The one I'd take pleasure in killing, slowly. _Special Agent Randall Meechum's POV_ I rolled over in bed, my hand searching for the cellphone that had ruined my night. Picking it up, I caught the time on the charging station and radio; three thirty-two. It was the duty officer at the FBI Dallas field office. "Meechum," I said groggily. "Wake up, Randall, time to work." "What's going on." "Fort Worth police are investigating a quadruple-homicide at the Kirk Street Budget Inn," he said. "Two of the dead are subjects of your investigation into human trafficking, and they've got a dozen women, some as young as thirteen, who were being pimped out by them." "Fuck. Give me the address." "I'll text it to you. Martinez wants a full-court press on this, she wants the ring taken down before they can disappear again." Rosalie Martinez was the Senior-Agent-In-Charge of the human trafficking group at the Dallas field office, and his direct supervisor. "Get out there as soon as you can." "I'm moving." I got up and turned on the light, illuminating the bare shoulders and neck of the woman I'd picked up at the bar last night. Like most humans, she was fun, but I couldn't let my wolf loose with her. Not that my wolf was interested, he was waiting for his mate and never came out when I was banging my one-night-stands. I reached over and shook her shoulder. "Wake up, I've got to get to work and you need to leave," I said. "FBI stuff." "I just want to SLEEP," she whined as I pulled the covers off her. I smacked her ass lightly. "Get dressed," I said. "Leave your number on the pad by door if you want to hook up again." She groaned and rolled out of bed, grabbing her panties and her dress as she went to the bathroom in my apartment on the 22nd floor of the Dallas condominium complex. I had showered with her last night, mainly to get the heavy perfume she used off before we slept together. I walked to my dresser, pulled out some clothes and was putting my rubber-soled dress shoes on by the time she came out. "I had fun last night, and I'm sorry about this," I said as I tucked my.40-caliber Glock 22 into my holster, and strapped my backup, a.40-caliber Glock 27 into an ankle holster. I made sure my black dress pants hung properly, then grabbed my suit jacket. "It's all right, I should have known sleeping with a Federal Agent wouldn't end up well," she said as she picked up her purse. "You're a great fuck, though, so I'm leaving my number." "Do you need cab money?" "No, I'll call an Uber. Thanks for the fun, Randall." I kissed her, running my hand down her back before patting her ass and sending her on the way. I used the bathroom, grabbed a Mountain Dew and a bag of chocolate mini-donuts, and was out the door. A few minutes later I was driving my Jeep Cherokee out of the underground parking garage and through the city streets. The text message had the address and the phone led the way while I ate my Breakfast of Champions. My Mom would hold her hand over her heart and beg me to settle down with a nice she-wolf if she knew how I was taking care of myself, but my werewolf metabolism could handle it. Being a city wolf wasn't anything like how I grew up. My parents were Alphas of the prosperous Sulphur River Pack, north of Dallas near the Oklahoma border. Our Pack ran a cattle ranch on almost ten thousand acres of land, plus we owned mineral rights to the oil below. I was the eighth of ten children and the fifth son, so I was well down the list of Alpha heirs. When I showed an interest in law enforcement after finishing law school, my father encouraged me to apply to the FBI. I'd been an agent for six years now, starting out in Minneapolis before transferring to the Dallas office and the Human Trafficking Division. I picked Human Trafficking for two reasons; the practice disgusted me, and it gave me insight and access into how identities could be created or transferred. The FBI had a whole division dedicated to witness protection relocations, and if you just needed an identity it was even easier. Packs needed this because werewolves lived longer than humans and a person who was eighty years old and looked to be thirty raised suspicions. A few of the freelance forgers I'd come across had been "privatized" by our Pack, working with and training our Pack members in their techniques. We now supplied identity services to werewolves across the country. It was a valuable and profitable line of work for us. I exited the freeway, soon rolling up to a piece of shit hotel in a bad part of town. It didn't shock me a prostitution operation was using a whole floor of this dump. I showed my badge to the cop at the entrance and pulled into the lot. As soon as I got out of the car, I scented her. My wolf rushed forward, looking for his mate, and I followed the scent trail inside. Ch. 3 _Special Agent Randall Meechum's POV_ The scent trail led me to an entrance on the west end of the building, which was propped open. I had my FBI credentials on my belt, and I checked in with the locals and got a quick overview of what had happened. As I went in, the scent got much stronger. I pushed my wolf back as I went up the stairwell. I stopped at the third floor and took a deep breath; it was stronger on this floor, but I could follow it up to the fourth as well. I had to find her. Opening the door to the third floor, I followed it down five doors on the right. The room was slightly opened, but empty. Her smell, and that of a human female, was strong. I closed the door behind me, drinking in her scent. I put on gloves and started looking for clues. The room was clean, or at least as clean as could be expected for a shithole like this. The bed had been used, and I pulled and bagged some long blonde hairs from the two. I used dusting power to look for prints in the best places, the door handles and the bathroom faucets. I took pictures of the best prints, then wiped them off. I'd run them later if I couldn't find out who it was otherwise. After ten minutes, I hadn't found anything I could use. I got a text message, Agent Martinez was meeting with the local homicide detectives and wondering where the hell I was. I walked out of the room, pulling the latex gloves off and putting them in my jacket pocket. Upstairs, the place was a hotbed of crime scene technicians and cops. "Over here, Meechum," I heard. I walked into a room where the big shots were. "Are we advising or running this, boss," I asked as I saw my Rosalie talking to the Chief of Police. "Advising and assisting," she said. "The homicide is theirs, but we will be helping with the interrogations of the prostitutes and the money trail." "Four of the women we found on this floor have told us they were being held in sexual slavery," a detective said. "Four more aren't talking, and five are missing. The only one who wasn't seen after the shooting, her name was Star, not that it means anything." "Any surveillance tapes?" "Hell no, the computer hard drive crashed a few days ago and they haven't gotten it fixed yet," he said with an eye roll. "We're working the front desk people, there's no way a prostitution ring rolls in without help from the hotel. The other four girls who are missing took off to avoid the cops, we're looking for them. We've got descriptions from the other girls but no real names." It was true, most of the girls were given a first name, if even that. Whether recruited, abducted or sold, the girls who fell under the control of Dirk Carlson and his wife Peggy lost all control over their lives. They moved girls from town to town, using Craigslist and social media to reach their clientele. They were tough to track, because they would set up at sundown and be gone by morning. "Meechum, you assist Homicide on the deaths. Kent and I will run with the interviews of the girls." "On it, boss," I said. The lead homicide detective, Carl Anders, pulled me out of the room. "Let me walk you through the room and get your impressions," he said. He pointed into the open room across the hall. "This is where Dirk and Peggy set up operations." I looked in, the cash box was still on the bed, nothing looked out of place. "Not a robbery," I said. "Nope, there was over five grand in the box." We walked down the hall a little. There was a chalk outline of a gun. "Colt 1911, fired three times. Prints on the gun and the casings match Dirk. First victim here." The first body was a man dressed in boxer shorts, lying halfway into the hall. The bullet had passed through the Marlboro logo on his ballcap and his brains were splattered on the doorframe behind him. There were no powder burns on his forehead, so the shooter had to be at least three feet away. There was a stick poking into the doorframe, showing the path of the bullet. It was pointed at the center of the hallway, and down at about a ten-degree angle. Looking behind him, the bed was messed up and it smelled like stale beer and sex. "One of the Johns, maybe heard something and poked his head out?" "Yeah, he was a real upstanding citizen with a penchant for underage pussy. The girl found in the room was thirteen." "Clean shot, better than he deserved," I said. "Shooter is in the hall..." I moved until I was facing the victim, right hand up, moving along the line of the shot. I was six-foot-four, and if I raised the gun to sight it, I was shooting at a very shallow angle. I moved to the center of the hall and bent my knees until the gun lined up with the stick. "This can't be right, unless the shooter is under five feet tall," I said. Moving closer and to the right, my knees straightened slightly. Knowing it was at least a three-foot shop, I found myself on the right side of the hallway, at a height of five-two to five-seven. "Shooter is short and may have had someone to their left." "Interesting. All right, moving on to the lucky couple." We walked a few more doors down, and the smell of blood was overpowering. Dirk was slumped against the wall, his throat torn open, and Peggy was sprawled across his legs. I moved around them carefully; Peggy had been hit between the eye, the back of her head blown across the wall. The stick was just above the baseboard. "She was over him when she was hit," I said. When the back of the head is hit, all motor function ceases and the victim drops like a sack of potatoes. I did the same exercise with firing heights. "It makes sense for them to be on the right side of the hallway, and that confirms a height of about five-six. I think anyone over six foot can be excluded, there just isn't enough room to fire at that angle." "What do you think killed him?" I put on gloves and leaned over to get a good look. As soon as I got close, I could smell her scent on him, and I froze. My mate search had just gotten a lot more interesting and dangerous. My mate was a killer and a hell of a shot, with blonde hair and going about five foot six. There was no way I was going to let on to them they were looking for a she-wolf. I looked closely at the wound, knowing from experience in the Packs what it was. She had shifted her hand, grabbing him with her claws and slicing through his neck like soft cheese. "Looks like multiple sharp points, like one of those bear claw things that you see kung fu guys with? What a mess." His throat had been laid open, and blood was everywhere. "Where is the last victim?" "A few more doors down." I could have led him there just by following her scent, and the scent of the human female she was with. It was another prostitution room, reeking of sex and sweat. The victim was nude, lying on his back on the far side of the bed. The bullet had struck him in the left temple and exited the back of his head. "Nice fucking shooting," I said. "Three for three on head shots with someone else's gun?" "Yeah, our killer is good." "A pro," I said. "I don't care how close you are, that's amazing shooting." I looked at him again. "So, we have our two ringleaders dead in brutal fashion, and two dead johns. The one in the hall looked out in the hall when he shouldn't have, but this guy was banging a chick when someone kicks the door in." "Yeah, and it's not easy to kick open one of these doors," he said. I looked at the frame, it had been splintered. A werewolf could do it in one kick, taking out the multiple latches would be more difficult for a human. "What do we know about this guy?" "Local guy, deacon in his church, suburban home and blue-collar job. No priors." I smelled the bed and pillow and the human's scent was strong in it. Whoever she was, my mate had come here to get her out, then had taken her down to her room. She was either stupid or smart, and I wasn't betting on stupid. "So, based on what I've seen, we should be looking for a professional killer who is about five-foot-six and came to get this woman. She's the one who is missing, right?" He nodded. "How did you know?" "Because the killer ignored the girls in the other rooms and came right to this one. If the dead guy wasn't the target, the woman was." "Fuck." "Yeah. They took the wrong person, because hiring someone with that skill level isn't cheap. Whoever she is, her parents are rich or connected, and I'm betting on connected." "Come on, we need to talk to my boss." I followed behind him, trying to figure out what to do next. I needed to talk to my father; there were things I knew about the shooter that only he could know about. I spent another three hours on-scene, working with Detective Anders as the bodies were moved and the scene was processed. I talked to the officers who had done the canvassing and got a description of the women in the room on the third floor. "She was a hott |
ie," he told me. "About this high," he held his hand at my shoulder height, "Looked like a gymnast or dancer, even in the middle of the night she had a perkiness to her. Blonde hair past the shoulders. Her sister I didn't get a good look at, but she was blonde too." I had an idea and pulled out my phone. Going to the messages from my father, I scrolled up until I got to the picture that had been sent out with the reward from the Council. It was a surveillance photograph taken on Alpha Kenyon's land before he was killed. I made it full screen. "Was this her?" He looked at it and his eyes got wide. "Yeah, definitely her. Such an innocent face, you just don't forget a girl who looks like that." "Thanks." I walked outside, I really needed to talk to my Dad, and I needed to do this in person. My mate was the Alpha Killer, and the Council wanted her dead. Ch. 4 _Four Years Ago, Tomah Pack, Wisconsin_ _Tania's POV_ I surfaced in the lake, shaking my hair as I took a breath. "Nice one, Tania," my best friend Claire said. "I can't believe you did a double backflip!" I smiled as I swam over to her and the other kids in the shallower water, tossing the rope swing back towards the shore. Pat caught it, handing it up until it was on top of the cliff again. The big oak tree's limb overhung the lake far enough for us to get a good thirty feet out on the swing, and you could get a long hang time if you timed it right. I stepped out of the water, looking down at my body as I got out. I was getting curves now, my birthday had been two months ago, and I was going through a growth spurt. I was almost as tall as Talia was. My sister was sixteen, and I was pretty sure I'd be taller than her when I was done. Curvier, too, if the early returns were true. I moved over to the towel I'd set out, drying my long blonde hair while I watched. There were twenty or so of us at the lake on this hot August day. " _Talia, I need you to come up to the road, your parents are on the phone,"_ Beta Todd sent to me. I looked in that direction, the road was a good half- mile west of where we were. " _Give me a few minutes to pack up,"_ I said. " _Just shift and run up here,"_ he said. I looked around, everyone was busy swimming or eating down at the beach. I shifted into my straw-blonde and white wolf and took off up the hill. A couple minutes later, I had jumped into the open passenger door of Todd's Suburban. "Here you go," Todd said as I shifted in the seat and closed the door. I grabbed the phone and put it to my ear, right as I felt something poke me in the neck. It burned like fire as the wolfsbane hit my bloodstream, and I dropped the phone as I stared at him in shock. I tried to call for help, but the link was blocked. I looked over at him, he was grinning as he saw the recognition come over me. I had been betrayed by a man I looked at as an uncle. "What have you DONE," I cried. I felt rage well up in me, but the drugs left nowhere for it to go as I slumped back into the seat. "Goodnight, Tania," he said. I fought the blackness for a few moments before I lost that battle too. _Beta Todd's POV_ I didn't have much time, so as soon as she was out, I started driving. Turning off the main road, I followed a logging trail to the edge of the territory. Another vehicle was waiting, and I pulled up alongside them. I got out and went around, opening the door and taking the young Alpha heiress in my arms. "Hold up your end of the bargain," I said with a low growl. "Don't worry about us," the man said. "My men will be in place and ready when your Alphas return." "Good." I put her in the back seat and closed the door, and they drove off. I drove right back to the Pack House, parking and going back to my office. It would be a while before her absence from the beach would be noticed, I hoped, and I was right. It was two hours before I got the panicked link. " _Beta, it's Claire. We can't find Tania."_ _"What do you mean you can't find her?"_ _"We haven't seen her for a while, she must have wandered off. We can't reach her on the link, can you try?"_ _"Of course."_ Betas and Alphas had the ability to 'break in' to wolves who were blocking out communications, it was a necessity in case of emergencies. I waited a good twenty seconds before talking again. " _I've got nothing. Organize everyone, start a search from where you last saw her, I'm on my way."_ I ran out to my Suburban, broadcasting to the whole Pack on the way. " _Tania Stillwater is missing and is not responding to my calls, last seen at the beach by the rope swing. All warriors to the perimeter, patrol and report. All other available Pack members are to respond immediately to the beach for search detail."_ I drove quickly towards the beach, getting there as a few younger Pack members in wolf form were sniffing around on the road and the ditch. Pat shifted when he saw me. "Beta, her scent led here but it disappeared." I pulled my clothes off, shifting to my wolf and trotting over. It was important for me, since anyone who picked up my scent would now expect it. " _Tania entered a vehicle on the access road above the beach. Warriors, close the roads leading out and report any activity."_ _"Beta, the only activity at the main entrance was the return of a van with the food order from town, nothing outbound."_ _"Search every road and trail,"_ I ordered. " _Any leads or scents are to be reported immediately."_ I stayed in my wolf form, running down the road with a few of the younger members following. I turned off the main road to the logging trail, holding my nose down to the tracks. I left the juveniles behind as my wolf tore through the woods, knowing I had to get there first. It was the only way the others would scent me and not suspect me. I got to the boundary line of the Pack, where a chain ran across the trail, and stopped. By the time the others arrived, I had already circled the site several times. " _She was here,"_ I said as I sniffed at the ground. Crossing under the chain, I left Pack lands and entered State Forest. The road here was open, and ATV's and mountain bike trails criss-crossed the area. " _Get the trackers up here,"_ I said. " _Warriors, the Alpha daughter has been taken. I want all women and children back at the Pack House, Group C warriors set protection. Group B warriors, I want constant patrols of the perimeter until further notice. Gamma Jones, bring a squad with to follow the trackers, they'll need to be in vehicles since they are going off Pack lands."_ The Pack was well-trained, and my orders were carried out quickly. I didn't have to worry, Tania was long gone. Every action I took was being judged by my Pack, and now was the time to prove I was capable of being the Alpha. The three trackers were in wolf form, and when the warriors arrived, one jumped up into each SUV. They would stay in that form, guiding the warriors as they followed the trail. I ran back to the Pack House, trotting past the guards who removed the reinforcing bars and opened the front doors for me. Going up to my office, I pulled clothes out the closet and sat at my desk. It was time to put the second part of my plan into effect. I took out my cellphone and called my Alpha. "Todd, I'm a little busy," Thomas said. "It can't be helped, we have an emergency here. Tania has disappeared, we followed the trail off territory. Someone took her away." I heard a scream, probably Luna Tasha. "We have to leave NOW," I heard him say. "Talia's out on the lake with her cousins," the Luna said. "Her grandparents can bring her later, we have to go," he said. Coming back to the phone, he started talking again. "What has been done?" I filled him in on what had been done; while I was talking, I could hear them getting into a car and the tires squealed a little. "I was about to call the surrounding Alphas and ask for help," I finished with. "We'll call them, you focus on the search," he said. "We'll be back in two hours, maybe less." "Yes sir. We're doing everything we can to get her back," I said softly. "I know you WHAT THE" and then was the screeching of tires and the crunch of metal before the line went dead. Forty minutes later, I got the call from Alpha Clark Grissom of the LaCrosse Pack, our Luna's older brother. "Todd, it's bad," he said. "The car carrying your Alphas went off the road and down a steep embankment," he said gravely. "The Alpha and Luna were killed." "Oh no," I said, pretending to be in shock. "We have Talia here, she's with her grandparents and my mate. The human authorities are involved, so we'll have to wait for the bodies to be released to us before we can hold services." "I understand." I paused for a minute, a grin coming over my face. The men had done their job perfectly, and we were both happy. They had a young female werewolf, and I had a clear path to the Alpha position. "What do I tell the Pack? We're still in an uproar over the disappearance of Tania." "I think you should gather them and tell them," he said. "You're going to have to be strong for the Pack, Todd. Hold things together and keep up the search for Tania. I'm calling the Council, I'm sure they'll get involved, but the Pack knows and trusts you. I'll make sure they understand that." "I'll make sure the Pack stays together," I said. "Let Talia know we're all here for her." "I will." He hung up the phone, and I tossed mine back on my desk. Now all I had to do was convince the Council that I should be the new Alpha instead of some second or third son of an Alpha from elsewhere. The best way to ensure that would be to mate Talia, and that is what I would tell the Council was the best solution. After all, keeping the Stillwater pack in her bloodline would make everyone happy. It made my dick hard just thinking about it. _Tania's POV_ When I came to, I was on a concrete floor and I was cold and naked. Opening my eyes, I didn't see much. There was a stairway, and a little light coming from under the door. My wolf vision was just enough to make out a few details; it was a basement, poured concrete floor and block walls. Boxes and utilities could be seen in the back, but the area around me was open. There was a support column a few feet away, with a thick chain padlocked around it. The other end was padlocked to a leather and metal collar fixed around my neck. I moved it, but it was not coming off. At least it wasn't silver, that would burn badly. I grabbed the chain and pulled, it wasn't coming loose. All it did was make noise as it rattled around the thick metal post. I took a deep sniff; the smells of the unfamiliar Pack wolves were stale. I couldn't hear any sounds in the house. I tried sending to my Pack but got nothing; I was probably too far away, since this house wasn't on our land. I yelled for help, but no one responded. Looking around, there was a drain in the floor a few feet away, and a small plastic bucket filled part-way with kitty litter. A hose ran over from a laundry sink, at the end was a spray nozzle. I pointed it at the drain and squeezed, it was pressurized. I let it run for a little, rinsing off my arms and my body before it got too cold. I was thirsty, so I drank deeply. Whoever left me here was treating me like a cat, litter box and all. I got to know the limits of my new home as time lost its meaning. The collar was brutally effective at keeping me from anything, and my stomach was rumbling with hunger. There were noe windows, and the light through the door didn't vary. I heard a noise, someone was upstairs. I could hear heavy footsteps across the floor, then the sound of a deadbolt. The door opened, and I covered my eyes, standing and moving as far away as the chain would allow me. "LET ME GO," I said. He just laughed and raised his hand. Pain shot through me as the collar sent a shock through my neck, locking up my muscles so I couldn't even scream. I fell to the ground, twitching until it was over. "You don't look at me, you don't talk to me, you have no status anymore. You will do as you are told, immediately, or you will be punished severely." All I could do was cry as he walked up and yanked on the chain, pulling me until I lay gasping at his feet. Ch. 5 _Tania's POV_ He went to the refrigerator in the corner of the basement and opened the door. He removed a small vial; opening a drawer, he pulled out a syringe and filled it before putting it back in the refrigerator. I sat leaning back against the post, frozen with fear. "Your arm," he said. Trembling, I held it out, and he injected me with whatever that was. It was cold, and I waited for the sedative, but nothing changed. He tossed the syringe into a bin, then went back to the fridge. He pulled out a bottle of orange juice and tossed it to me, then left without a word. As hungry as I was, I practically inhaled the juice. He went back upstairs, and I could hear him in the kitchen. Some time later, the door opened and my mouth started to drool with the scent. He was carrying a paper plate; on it was a large steak, corn and a baked potato. "Eat, you'll need your strength," he said. He left it just inside the range I could reach, and I moved for it when he started going up the stairs again. I'd never had to suffer, I'd never been denied anything in my life, and I'd never appreciated a meal as much as I did this one. I tore into the steak, ripping pieces away with my teeth and swallowing them. "Slow down or you'll throw it back up, and you'll still have to eat it," he warned from the doorway. I swallowed, then paused to eat some corn before going back to the steak. I still ate faster than I normally would, since there were no friends to talk to and I didn't know when he would be back. He came back later, bringing more food, and my life fell into a routine over the next week. He'd give me a shot, followed by a big meal, then another later on. The wolfsbane worked its way out of my system, and I was able to shift again. I was disappointed when the collar remained tight, preventing me from getting free, but at least I was able to sleep and be warm in wolf form. The first time he came down the stairs and I was in my fur, he hit me with a shock. "You are to be in human form at all times when I am in this room," he said. "Don't do it again." I shifted quickly, twitching as the electric shock dissipated. He gave me the shot, then went back upstairs. I was waiting for the food to come down when I started to feel hot. I moved my hands over my arms, it was like my skin was on fire. I started to sweat, and I felt myself become aroused. Very aroused. He opened the door again, looking down at me as I touched myself, trying to ease the need I was feeling. "You're in heat, right on time," he said. He had a small mattress in his hands and tossed it into the circle. He pulled me over with the chain, pointing down at the mattress I quickly laid down on my stomach. I groaned as he put a knee into the middle of my back, and I fought back the urge to fight him. He pulled out a pair of handcuffs and put it over one wrist, then pulled my hands up and locked them on the other side of the pole. I lay there helpless as he went to the refrigerator and drew another shot. This one went into my thigh, and it burned. Wolfsbane. "I can't have you shifting and hurting yourself now, can I?" I shook my head no. "The shot will help a little with your heat, I understand it is your first one. Do you know what happens in a heat?" I nodded, my parents had talked to my sister and I about it. Heat lasted a day or two and was designed to attract a male and bring forth pups. It didn't happen until after you were marked, but I hadn't been marked, I was still a virgin. My eyes got wide and I shook my head no. "You're not marked, because I will not mark another while my Luna lives. However, the drugs simulate the marking enough to kick off your cycle, and that is all I need." He moved behind me, pulling me up to my knees and kneeling between my legs, forcing them aside. I kept shaking my head, my eyes begging him not to do it while my body begged him to go ahead. When the heat finally broke, he uncuffed me and left me with the mattress and a thin blanket. "You won't be able to shift for a few more days, and I have to make sure my heir is healthy." Two weeks later, a test confirmed I was pregnant. He made sure I had plenty of food and allowed me to have books as an enticement to behave. He never touched me that way again, and in the spring, I bore him a son. He was immediately taken away. I never got a chance to touch him, and I broke down as he carried him up the stairs. A week later, another man came into the basement, and my life took a drastic turn for the worse. _Talia Stillwater's POV_ _One Week after Tania's Disappearance_ I leaned into my grandmother's side as my parents were laid to rest in the Pack cemetery. They were placed in the same hole, their bodies wrapped in white cloth, his right hand clasped forever to her left. Unlike humans, we didn't use caskets and we didn't defile their bodies by trying to preserve them. Instead, they were wrapped and refrigerated until the service could occur. I looked around through teary eyes, my Grandfather holding my other hand as we stood by the grave. My aunt and uncle, the Alphas of the Lacrosse Pack, were to our left. My sister and I were the last of my mother's line, and since she had disappeared there had been no clues, no calls, no nothing. It was like she had vanished into thin air. My family had kept me in LaCrosse until this morning, afraid that whoever took Talia might harm me as well. I was not allowed to go anywhere without a guard, and the adults didn't like me out of their sight. The abduction had everyone on edge. The oldest member of our Pack, a woman named Madelia, led the service and said the prayers committing their souls to the Moon. The service was only a few minutes long, and before I knew it, I was being led to the edge. We buried our loved ones with mementos of their lives; I held a drawing of our family I had made when I was six. It was little more than a stick figure, but it was the first art project I had brought home from school. Mom had left it on the refrigerator for over a decade. I let it fall into the grave along with my tears. "I miss you so much, Mom and Dad. I love you." Since Tania was missing the service, I brought Wolfy, the toy wolf she had loved so much as a little girl. When she outgrew it and wanted to toss it, Mom had grabbed it and put it in her room. "Help me find my sister, Luna," I said as I dropped it in and looked up to the full moon above. "She loved them so much, and she didn't get to say goodbye." My grandparents dropped in their mementos, then we moved next to the Elder at the head of the grave. The guests started to file by, some dropping flowers, others something more personal. Many looked up to the moon, and many tears were shed. After leaving the grave, they would shake my hand or hug me and the rest of the family before moving off to the side. The last to come by were the Alphas; two dozen had come to pay their respects to my parents, plus the American Werewolf Council. I didn't like the way they looked at me. It was traditional for the Alpha to start filling in the graves with the family. I stepped forward to take the shovel out of the dirt pile next to the grave, my grandparents and my Aunt and Uncle with me. I was surprised to see Beta Todd grab a shovel, but no one else seemed to mind. I took a scoop and tossed it down on my parents. The others followed and we made quick work of the pile. By the time we were done, I was ready to run under the stars. Pulling off my dress and kicking off my shoes, I shifted into my light tan wolf, with one white ear and a white tip to my tail. The others shifted with me, and we trotted towards the group which was also shifting in preparation for the run. I took a deep breath, ready to give the Alpha howl to start the hunt, when Beta Todd let out a booming howl of grief. My howl joined his, followed by the Alphas. The next howl I started, and this time everyone joined in. I took off on a run, leading the mourners into the well-worn trail through the woods. " _What was THAT, Beta? I AM ALPHA."_ _"Not now, Talia. The Council and the Alphas are all watching us carefully, we cannot appear to be fractured or dysfunctional in any way."_ He was running on my right side, the Alpha position, and I didn't like it a bit. " _Grandfather, the Beta should not be up here with me."_ He just chuffed, they were right behind me. " _Tradition is the senior male and female wolves lead the run, he's supposed to be up there."_ _"On my LEFT,"_ I said with annoyance. The run was a short one, circling the small lake and returning to the Pack House. I didn't wait for anyone, I ran up to my room and dressed in my black dress and heels. Retuning back to the main hall, my Grandfather pulled me aside. "The Council is in the conference room, they want to talk to you." Finally. If they thought I was going to step aside, or give up my Alpha birthright to this Pack, they were sadly mistaken. I had talked about it with my family, they knew what I wanted and pledged to support me. "Time to claim the Pack," I said. "The Pack comes first, always," he said. "Remember that." He led me to the door; it was MY Pack, I wasn't going to knock on my own room. I opened the door, causing conversation to stop. The three members of the Council looked up from the papers they were reviewing, their annoyance clear on their faces. "Thank you for coming to Tomah, gentlemen," I said as I moved to the head of the table and sat to face them. "Your parents were fine Alphas and personal friends," Council Chair Andreas said. "They will be missed." "Thank you," I said. "I will do everything in my power to carry on their legacy as Alpha of the Tomah Pack. I appreciate your support and I look forward to working with you as I settle into my new role." "That's one of the reasons we are here today," Councilman George said. "You aren't able to be the Alpha here," Councilman Ricardo finished. My anger flared, and I started to stand up. "I have the bloodline and the hereditary right. IT IS MINE." Chairman Andreas just laughed at me. "I admire your determination, we all do, but you simply aren't ready and aren't up to the job. You are sixteen years old and female. Name the highest ranking adult male in your Pack you have defeated in a spar." I sat there, fuming. "I thought so. Given time and training, you can grow into the Luna job in a few years, but you are not an Alpha." "Your family cannot help. Your sister is missing, your aunt is already Luna of another Pack, and your grandparents are too old to take over a Pack again. We are here to determine what the best course forward is, not for you, but for the Tomah Pack and our kind. What you want, and what you think you deserve, isn't that high on the list for us," Ricardo said. "It is never good to have the Alpha position in question, and worse to have an Alpha who cannot control the Pack or defend his position atop it. Putting you in place as Alpha would be suicide, you'd be challenged and defeated within days, then that Alpha would face challenges. Packs have fallen apart, to the point that we had to absorb the entire Pack into another to bring stability again. You don't want that, do you Talia?" The Chairman was staring at me, his dominance rolling over me like a wave. My wolf was strong, but it pushed me back in my chair. "Of course not, Chairman Andreas." "Good. We have several options, but none are optimal due to your age. Since it is two more years until you can be mated, it isn't as easy as just finding a male by your side. We also can't have another teenager, we need someone who can step into the Alpha position immediately," George said. "Someone who the Pack will respect, and will deter challenges," Ricardo continued. Chairman Andreas sat back and smiled. "We have spoken to the senior members of your Pack and to your family, and we are all in agreement on the path forward. It is not ideal; you will have to give up your Fated mate and be marked by the man who will be Alpha of the Pack and make you his Luna when you reach maturity." My heart went into my stomach; I'd always dreamed of my Fated mate, and the last thing I wanted was to give him up. "Just who is this man you've decided to pair me with," I said softly. "Beta Todd Aldridge has agreed to take you as his Mate and to take over the Alpha position permanently," Chairman Andreas said. "The Pack is familiar with him, and he's already performing well in the absence of your parents. The change will be seamless, and he's strong enough to deter others from challenging for the position," he said. "And if I don't agree?" My stomach was threatening to lose the dinner I'd barely eaten. Beta Todd was like an uncle to me; I'd never looked at him as a potential mate, and the thought of being intimate with him skeeved me out. "Then we give the position to Todd after he chooses a female to mate with, or we find a mated pair of Alpha blood who are not the direct heirs to their own Pack and ask them to take over permanently. You would be moved to the LaCrosse Pack under the guardianship of your Uncle." "What about my right to lead the Pack?" Ricardo leaned forward. "The only way you lead this Pack is by agreeing to mate Beta Todd," he said. "It's not the worst outcome; you are still Luna, your bloodline remains in this Pack, and Todd is a strong wolf and will be a good mate to you." I just shook my head no, I couldn't believe it. "I don't..." "We don't need an answer immediately," the Chairman said. "At the end of the three-day mourning period, the new Alphas will be announced. You just need to tell us your choice." |
_This story is (very) loosely related to the lyrics to the song by Toto of the same name. Enjoy!_ The old man stood on the foothills of Kilimanjaro, looking out across the Serengeti. He could smell it in the air, the yellow. The _aka_. He saw it as a haze to the north. And he knew that it was time. *** "And I am saying to you, Old Man, that this is superstitious nonsense. It is like the tales your women tell around the water hole. Laughable except to children." The old man shook his head, slowly. "Listen to you speak! 'Superstitious nonsense'. 'Your women'. You have been away too long, that the camps of'reason' would rob you of your sight." "Perhaps not long enough." Mtumbe sighed. "You will travel a hundred miles of near-starvation, losing tens of lives, because of your fear of the yellow. Why not stay here, with no loss of life or limb, and taste of the fruit as it comes to ripening? Think of the children, at least, man!" The old man hummed for a moment. "I said something like that to your mother when she sent you to the missionary town with the jesusman. I wish she were here today to see what she has wrought." "She would be, curse you, if you hadn't dragged her away from the fires of her home on your terrified scamper away from the yellow!" And there were tears of anger in Mtumbe's eyes to match the mask of frustration he wore. The old man took this without flinching. "Perhaps. But I have led the souls of these people since your father was just a secret conjured in your grandsire's breast. And I know that keeping them away from the yellow is worth the cost of some lives. Even the life of your mother." Mtumbe walked away, then, too incensed to speak, and the old man watched him go. *** "Your life is your own, since you renounce the tribe. But you have no right to take these. To kill these." The old man gestured to the group of young men and women who stood apart from the rest. Mtumbe was unsmiling, but there was triumph in his eyes. "Old Man, they stay here of their own will. They do not fear the yellow. They are with me." "You will _not_." The reply was sharp, commanding, but the age shone through, to be mistaken as weakness. "I will." Now the young man was smiling, unabashedly. "What will you do? Stay and drive us off? Or drag us away with you? There's nothing that you can do, even a hundred strong as you are. We stay." The old man scanned the faces of the young people-- so young! There was fear there, but resolve, too. He was proud of their spirit, though they should die of it. He had been doing this for enough years that tears would not well, but the ache he felt at seeing his flock suborned and needlessly dying was almost too much to bear. It was then that he felt the first pangs of his own mortality, in a way he had not even when the viper's venom had flowed dark in his leg. He would not live five years more, he reckoned, absently. He must accelerate Jaalah's training. Especially now that Pok was staying with this betrayer of souls, this Mtumbe, this traitor to his creed. "Pok," he implored of the short man, "think of what it is that you do. When you die (I do not say 'if') you will carry down the river with you all of the knowledge I have bestowed upon you. Wasted, wasted... Come with us, boy. Hurry!" Pok looked as if he might waver, but glanced aside at Bethut, next to him, and he gripped her hand fiercely. "Bethut will stay, and I will stay. And we will show you that there is nothing to fear." "Then you are a fool, like that one." The old man rose, and grabbed his walking stick and his bag. "Well, we go. May the ancestors watch you and ward you, and may the yellow come not to this place." He laughed, bitterly, a spectre of his youthful self, and walked away from the fire pit. He turned back one more time. "You should have stayed with the jesusmen, 'Tumbe. Now you will die, and take these poor deluded ones with you. Farewell!" And slowly, turning away, the rest of the tribe followed him, out into the world, away from this danger. *** "Pollen!" Mtumbe said, a laugh in his throat. "The seeds of flowers as yet unborn! The yellow is pollen!" Three days before, a light, almost smoky golden hue had begun to permeate the air. That was when Fibad and Droussh and Sif had fled, following on the heels of the rest of the tribe, the color too much for them. The color had intensified, bringing with it mild sneezing at first, and a smell which reminded him of the orchids in the missionary greenhouse. Five of the six who remained with him were no longer having problems with the irritation in their lungs. Cham had a worse reaction, and was reduced to coughing fits in one of the huts, but Mtumbe had given the boy some of the antihistamine tablets he'd brought with him, in what he called his "medicine bag". Cham would be all right. Now, the small village was covered in a light layer of bright yellow dust, and Mtumbe laughed until he choked on the winds which carried it in. Zefra came to him, now. She was wearing the dress he had brought. She was clumsy in it, unaccustomed to its shape and feel, but the fact that she wore it _for him_ made it beautiful. He stroked her back through the thin material, and looked very frankly into her eyes. She looked back, the same in every way. He took her before the hut door even closed. Took her like an animal, on the ground, cool dirt on her knees, gripped by her hands. He thrust into her harshly, and she screamed his name as she pushed back. *** Mtumbe thought it was odd that Pok and Bethut had not returned, yet; they had gone to the stream a day ago, and were not yet back. Perhaps they, too, had fled. The old man had filled Pok's head with irrationality for many years, he acknowledged, perhaps more than could be washed away with common sense and the love of a good woman. The wild dogs cried out in the night, plaintively, and he wondered if they'd fed on the young couple. Cham was not doing well. His coughing had returned, and the drugs were gone. The youth lay in his hut, mumbling nonsense syllables, in between gagging and retching. "She is coming," he had screamed once, and it had sent chills down his spine in a way that had used to happen when the jesusmen talked of The Devil. Something akin, there. Bah! The jesusmen were just as superstitious and irrational a lot as they claimed his fellow tribesmen were. Mtumbe was above all that. He had read much more of the white man's books than just his Bible. His instincts told him to gather all the remaining tribesmen to him, in his hut, but he defied them and instead sent Ota to look for Pok and his young bride. Zefra was here, now, gleaming with perspiration, and lightly coated in the yellow. She looked like a goddess. This time, they didn't even wait to get back to the hut. *** Cham was dead, and it made him sad. Mtumbe felt guilt for not letting him go with the rest of the tribe-- or might have if he hadn't convinced himself that the weakness in those lungs would have killed him anyway had he journeyed with the old man. Cham was burned in the fire pit, and his remains disposed in the nearby boneyard. His burial was unceremonious, with only Zefra present. Ota was still gone, and Pok and Bethut had not returned. He wept at the loss of life, but that did not stop him from gripping Zefra's shoulders from behind and wrapping her legs around his waist until she cried out. When they were through, when she crawled away, wiggling her behind at him in temptation, he finished the burial, but the eulogy would not come. That was when he first heard the drums. *** Hallucination, he told himself, for hallucination it must be. The drums were close, and getting closer every night, and for the sake of all gods, fake and real, Zefra could not hear them-- only whispers, like conversation, she claimed. She came to him, now in the day as well as at night, and she took him inside her. Over and over and over again, until he ached and seemed unable to perform for her again. But relentless she was, her skin golden in the sun, and shining in the starlight. He loved her, and would please her as long as she wanted him. And every breath of the heady yellow air made him sink deeper into her thrall. He was frightened of this man, this thing, he had become. But as she arched over him, her arms like wings, her eyes filled with a yellow spirit, he sank into her for the... eighth? ninth? twelfth time tonight? *** The Goddess spoke to him of his folly. In days of old, She came in Her season, fertile, to take from the men what they would give Her. More, all that they _could_ give Her. And She would take them for days, weeks, from their wives, the hunting neglected, the fires dying, the women left in the drudgery that came of survival without their men. Weeks, and then She would leave, as quickly as She had come, leaving the men ill, weak, and sometimes dead. Too, the girl She'd chosen as Vessel would be stoned to death, or in kinder times merely circumcised. But in the days of Mtumbe's grandsire's grandsire's grandsires, the wise men of the tribes had fled the Golden One, the Yellow One, and run far and wide to avoid Her snares. Leaving the Goddess unhappy, filled with a longing which pierced Her to the core. A longing which She had not fully sated in two centuries. Now, She'd tasted of Ota, and Pok, and even poor Cham, but Mtumbe was the strongest, was the one whose lusts She would feed on. To make up for the long drought, She would devour the entire river of his life. And Mtumbe, god-of-the-jesusmen help him, looked up at Her and smiled in rapture as She took him again and again and again. The Goddess spoke to him of his folly. *** The rains came to the land, scrubbing the air of the detritus of summer's bloom. The yellow dust was carried into the streams, the rivers, and it would color the waters for weeks. But in the end, it would disappear, not to return for fives or tens of years. The old man saw this from his vantage near the top of Kilimanjaro. His knees ached from the climb, but he sank to them and blessed the rains. It was time to lead his people back. *** The corpses they found near the village had been devoured by predators, but jewelry and clothing identified them as Ota and Bethut, locked in an embrace in their death pose. Many wept when, a day later, they found Pok-- Jaalah most of all. They were brethren, though they were not kin. Cham, they knew, was dead, as his bracelets adorned his burial site. Zefra they did not find, nor would they. But Mtumbe, rationalist, they discovered barricaded into the largest hut, in the pile of leaves which served as his bed. His form emaciated, starved to death, but still positioned in a way that suggested both striving and supplication. His face was mostly intact, the insects having miraculously ignored it. It was drawn in a look of awe, and of fear, and of the terrible inability to stop. His eyes wide. The old man closed those eyes, singing a song of peace and slumber. He forgave his grandson. What else was there to do? Now, before the rest of the tribe came, before they could see him, he shook his head and wept. My dearest, Today I have left our happy home that we worked so hard for, for so many years to make as we wanted. Those walls could tell stories of our life, love and sorrow we shared together. Do you recall the first time we met when we were only fifteen years old at the pep rally. Yeah those were fun times at fifteen, at sixteen you stole the first kiss off of my lips behind the bleachers at the football game. I can still feel your lips on mine today honey. I promised not to get blue and start crying, it looks like that’s one promise I won’t be able to keep today. I am sorry I didn’t want this day, our wedding day fifty years ago to be sad. That was the happiest day of my life when you became my wife. We were eighteen and had the world at our finger tips. Do you remember when we made love Helena? Oh you were so beautiful in that white gown standing under the moon light on that balcony, I came out in my pajamas and two glasses of wine. We drank that wine giggling like school kids sneaking into the parent’s bar. I remember how nervous you were that night when I made you mine and we became totally one in our wedding bed. You looked so scared when I began to enter you, you cried just a little and begged me not to stop. I know it was almost a year before you felt those fire works, the night Benny was conceived was the first time you experienced your first climax. I am ok my sweet angel, my bones just ache from growing old and tired but tonight we will relive that blessed night from fifty years ago just like we have every anniversary since only difference is we are apart so I will write it for you so you can read it when I leave at the end of our visit my sweet Helena. Helena was eighteen years old when Jarred took her as his wife, an angel he saw walking down the aisle to become his wife. Both young people they danced around the floor for the first dance as man and wife, tears began to sting his eyes looking at his young bride. That night they were taken to the most elegant Hotel around town and that is where he picked her up and carried her over the threshold spinning around with her in his arms as they laughed and laughed. She went to the bathroom to change into her wedding night gown, while he nervously fumbled into his for they both were virgins on that blessed night. They sipped on wine and then he brought her into the room in his arms placing her softly on the bed, she looked so fragile and small on the large bed and he felt a stirring in his loins. He removed their clothing so they may gaze upon the others body, her eyes drifted to his throbbing erection that yearned for this sweet body. He slowly lowered himself down on top of his new bride and their kisses ignited a red-hot passion in both of their bodies. His fingers traced her face, around her jaw line down her neck until he found her small tender mounds. He tenderly caressed her small breast, placing soft kisses on them while his erection throbbed against her thigh. Her arms wrapped tightly around his neck. He then had his hand follow her stomach to her soft patch of hair between her thighs placing his finger in her sweet, hot juices and they could not contain themselves any more and he entered into her virgin pussy, She cried out from the pain and he felt her virgin blood seep onto his cock from her pussy that he just marked as his forever more. He began pumping her harder with his hard erection, his breathing became intense as did the hardness in his erection that drove deeply into her. The desire and love he felt for her were more then he could stand and he exploded deep inside of her warm moist pussy. Well my dear that is how we bonded our love together that night. I feel the coldness of this headstone that represents my precious love. I am placing this letter under the soil that covers you like a blanket and then I will lie down on your grave as I take my last breath for I am ready to come home to you my dear. Love Always and forever Jarred |
_This is my first erotic story, so constructive criticism is appreciated! Just leave a comment if you see anything that I should work on!_ ***** Nadia Varesh, newly fired McDonalds employee, entered her apartment at 11:00 pm with a sigh. Things had gone drastically downhill for the Pakistani immigrant in the last few weeks. First, her grades had started to slip as a student of Cultural Studies at NYU, then her credit card bills had caught up with her. Nadia had taken three jobs in retail and fast food since, but found that she wasn't cut out for that kind of work- she had just been fired for dropping an entire basket of French fries on the kitchen floor. Nadia removed her shoes and poured herself a glass of wine before sinking down on her sofa. She found herself missing her last boyfriend, who she knew would have been there to comfort her. Nadia was bisexual, but had always had a preference for boys. And they had a preference for her, too: At 23, Nadia had been called a bombshell- long, silky black hair, tanned and unblemished skin, and full lips (dick-sucking lips, an ex had once called them) that many women would have killed for. Her body, too, was an object of envy. Her breasts were of average size, c-cups, but perky and full, with dark, fat nipples. Her posterior was almost perfectly rounded, and well-toned, like the rest of her form, by cardio and yoga. But all of this she often hid under sweatpants and oversized tee-shirts. Nadia had always been shyer and bookish, her intelligence carrying her out of Pakistan and into New York City, where she gathered a handful of friends around her and became reclusive, usually only going outside for her job and trips to the nearest bookstore. Nadia set down her wineglass, the thoughts of her ex causing a stirring between her legs. Slowly, she eased manicured fingers into her jeans and under her panties, stroking a growing wetness that had gathered there. Nadia moaned quietly as she pumped first one, then two, then three fingers inside herself, her hand rubbing over her erect clit every time she thrusted. As she pleasured herself, she found a familiar thought entered her mind, a fantasy of the woman in the apartment next door. The object of Nadia's fantasy was Billie Andrews, a 21-year old college graduate and a perfect example of the privilege that Nadia, raised in a filthy ghetto apartment, abhorred. Billie had cruised through life with the help of her rich daddy and her American-ideal looks. Fair skin, flowing blonde hair, d-cup tits that guys fainted over, Billie had it all, and the bitch acted like nobody could have deserved it more. She had always looked down on Nadia, but whether it was due to prejudice or the simple fact that Nadia did not behave in the same loud promiscuous fashion as her was anyone's guess. The fantasy itself would have shocked anyone who had seen it play out in the shy, introverted woman's head. In it, Nadia finally showed the blonde bimbo exactly who was the better of the two of them. Nadia was a powerful mistress in leather and high heels, and Billie was her slave, bound and gagged. The things Nadia did to her in this dream were unspeakable. She fucked Billie with a strap-on dildo and then made the bitch suck it dry, she slid a massive butt plug up Billie's rear, she sat on the bimbo's face and rubbed her slit all over it until she came hard on the blonde's haughty features. Nadia was pulled back into reality by an earth-shaking orgasm, as she screamed so loud that her neighbors might have heard her. She looked down and noticed that her jeans were soaked, a spreading wet spot across the front. Stripping out of her clothes, Nadia made her way to her bedroom, sliding into bed with a deep sigh. She was just getting comfortable when the phone rang. "Hello?" Nadia said, rather groggily. "Hey neighbor! It's me, Billie, from across the hall?" said a voice that was simultaneously bubbly and superior. Nadia's breath caught in her throat. She and Billie didn't talk much, but it was no secret that the two hated each other. "Yes?" she asked curtly. "Sooo, I'm going to have a party tomorrow with some friends from back home, and my place is a wreck! But unfortunately, the Mexican lady who cleans has come down with a case of mono, and I need someone to tidy up the place!" "And?" Nadia could already guess what Billie wanted. "I thought you could do it! It's just for tomorrow morning, and I'll totally pay you!" "Forget it. I'm not interested." "Are you sure? I'll pay you two grand for the morning." Billie added, a note of victory in her voice. She knew that Nadia had fallen on hard times and needed rent money. "Oh. Fine then. I'll come over at 9:00." Nadia grumbled, taking the deal without even thinking. She needed the cash, badly. "Thanks so much! I'll have your uniform ready!" Billie crowed, hanging up the phone. Uniform? Nadia hadn't a clue what the white bitch was talking about, but she was exhausted now and couldn't care less about that strange addition. She drifted to sleep in seconds. *** At nine o'clock the next morning, Nadia crossed the hall to Billie's apartment. It was more spacious than hers and as decadent as she expected, outfitted in modern style with pastel colors and rounded furniture. As to be expected, the place was covered in discarded magazines and textbooks, takeout boxes and dirty dishes. Billie came out from the bedroom, dressed it an outfit that would have made Nadia drool internally, if her hate weren't so strong. Billie wore a short black skirt that only went halfway down her thigh, a pair of leather knee-high boots, and a white blouse that seemed to be a size too small, probably by design. "Great! Your uniform's just in the bedroom!" Nadia followed Billie into the bedroom, and saw a costume-shop maid outfit on the bed, the sort that desperate girls wear to Halloween parties. "Are you kidding?" asked Nadia. "Never! Remember, it's two thousand dollars, I want my money's worth!" Billie giggled. "I can help you into it, if you need!" "Fine. Whatever, I'll put it on. But I want that cash in my pocket by noon." Nadia stripped down to her underwear, not noticing that Billie was stealthily ogling her as she did. After she was in her skivvies, she found that the uniform was as bad as she feared. The lacy blouse was tight, creating way more cleavage than she was used too, the skirt was negligible, and the stockings were downright whorish. The headband with the bow marked a final insult to the bookish student. Billie admired her creation with pride. The white stockings looked ravishing beside Nadia's light brown skin. "This is humiliating, Billie." growled Nadia. "I think you look great! Billie leaned in close enough for Nadia to smell her perfume and lightly touched the Pakistani girl's cheek. "Great! I'm going out for a bit, I'll be back to pay you at noon!" Billie gave Nadia's bottom an unexpected slap and hurried out of the apartment, leaving Nadia to look indignant and begin cleaning the mess of an apartment. After about two and a half hours of dusting and sorting, Nadia stumbled across a closet of her wildest dreams. Billie's collection of sex toys was breathtaking. Vibrators, dildos, and plugs of all sizes and sorts adorned the bedroom closet. Nadia noticed a set of leather floggers and ball gags, too, as well as other bondage equipment. She wondered if this meant that her fantasy with Billie wasn't so impossible after all. Having cleaned most of the apartment, Nadia thought she had some time. Thoughts of Billie subjugated, tamed, and at her mercy danced in her head as she slid her panties off, selected a modest dildo, and slipped it beneath her maid's skirt and into her damp vagina. *** The remaining half hour before Billie got back passed in a blink. Nadia was kneeling in the closet still, pumping a dildo in and out of her insatiable gash, when the door slammed. Nadia quickly replaced the dildo and dashed out of the closet and into the living room. Billie was surveying the apartment. Nadia had not completely finished. The coffee table was still unsorted and covered in books and magazines. Billie looked pissed. "Really, Nadia?" She asked, the entitled daddy's girl shining through. "I'm sorry! I was... I was working, I just must have missed it?" Billie surveyed Nadia's flushed face and guessed in seconds what had happened. "I understand. Just let me check out the bedroom, ok?" "Sure! I'll just tidy up the table!" Billie walked into the bedroom and Nadia hurriedly cleaned the table. She was almost done when she heard Billie say "Nadia!" from the next room. Nadia rushed into the bedroom to find that she had left the closet door open. The dildo she had used had been clearly put back incorrectly, and was still gleaming with juices. Worst of all, her discarded panties sat on the floor like a monument to her guilt. "What the fuck is this, Nadia?" asked Billie. There was no point denying it, not even to this bitch. "I'm sorry, I got distracted. I'll clean everything up!" Nadia hurried toward the closet. "Don't you fucking move!" yelled Billie. Nadia instinctively froze. Billie looked over the scene. This poor Paki bitch, who always acted so superior and important, had clearly just been fucking herself in Billie's apartment, with Billie's dildo. She could even see a trail of wetness coming down the bitch's thighs. Billie strode over to Nadia, every step making the Pakistani girl shake. "Seriously, I'm sorry, I'll-" Nadia hadn't gotten the words out of her mouth when Billie reached her. One of the blonde's hands pinned her neck to the wall, but the other one shot down to Nadia's wet slit, checking it for arousal. Nadia was thoroughly shocked. She tried to push Billie off her, but couldn't. "What is this shit? I go out shopping and expect that my maid will clean my place, but instead, when I come back, I find out that she's been stealing my dildos and fucking herself in my closet?" "No Billie, that's-" Nadia was cut short when Billie's probing fingers found her still-gaping hole. "That's what? That's exactly what happened, you little slut! You masturbated with my toy, and I bet you were going to steal it, too! You hypocritical little cunt, I bet you were thinking about me, weren't you?" asked Billie, rubbing Nadia's clit with her thumb. "Slut", she had called Nadia. Nadis had heard insults before, but never anything like that. She was the opposite of slutty. Wasn't she? "I... I..." Nadia couldn't muster the strength to lie. "You what, bitch? Answer me!" "Yes. I was." "I fucking thought so." crowed Billie, thrusting a finger into Nadia. The older girl moaned. Billie grabbed Nadia by the hair and shoved her onto the bed. As Nadia started to push herself back up, Billie snatched the soiled dildo out of the closet and dashed back to pin the Pakistani to the bed. Forced against the sheets by the white girl's forearm, thoughts raced through Nadia's head. Was this her fantasy come true? Billie had touched her, probed her, made bolts of pleasure race through her. But in her dreams, she was the one in charge, and here it was clearly Billie. Billie, not Nadia, was the one wielding the dildo, and disturbingly, Nadia's body didn't want to fight back. Nadia was torn out of her thoughts when the dildo penetrated her lower lips. She let out a shocked gasp as it filled her up and Billie grabbed her roughly by the hair. "Is this what you want, bitch? You want to be fucked?" Before Nadia could answer, Billie was pumping the plastic cock in and out of her victim's pussy, sending Nadia's mind into throes of pleasure. Nadia let out a yelp as Billie reamed her, in and out, in and out. "Is it? Answer me!" Billie slapped Nadia on the ass, hard. The slap was unexpected, and had Nadia's mind not been busy, she probably would have yelled indignantly. "I... I..." Nadia couldn't find an answer. Was the blonde girl right? Was this what she wanted? She had always thought of herself as dominant, but being pinned down and violated made her feel... surprisingly good. Billie let go of the dildo, leaving Nadia's slippery hole to desperately grasp at it as it slid out onto the bed. Suddenly empty, Nadia felt some clarity return to her mind, just in time for Billie to roughly wrench her head around by the hair. "Is it?" She growled. Nadia had made up her mind. She didn't want this. It should be her, on top, domming this girl she had dreamed about. "N...no." she managed, before Billie spat in her face and shoved her back down. "I don't believe you, whore." Billie hissed, giving Nadia's rear another hard smack. "Your mouth says one thing, but your cunt says another." Billie slipped a finger into Nadia and brought it around for the Pakistani to see. True to her word, it was dripping. Nadia's mouth dropped open, shocked that she was getting off on this, and Billie took the opportunity to jam the finger in. Before Nadia could recoil, she was tasting her own juices. It was tangy and sweet, bringing back memories of high-school encounters with her best friend Anna. Suddenly realizing that she was sucking on Billie's finger, Nadia recoiled, jerking her head away. In retaliation, she felt Billie's foot press into her head, pinning it to the sheets. "That was a bad move, whore. Never reject something I give you!" Billie pulled Nadia's butt cheeks apart for better access to her vagina, and then slipped three fingers into it. Nadia moaned despite herself as Billie finger-fucked her. "I can see that this is what you crave. Girls like you, who hide their bodies under pajamas and read all day, all you want is to be fucked. You act all high and mighty, but inside you make the perfect sluts. The perfect submissives." At the word "sluts", Nadia moaned and trembled, an orgasm making its way through her. Billie grinned So, the bitch was submissive after all. She would make a great slave. As Billie screwed the Pakistani girl, she found herself admiring the pussy she was violating. Ripe and juicy, just as she'd thought, and such a pretty shade of pink inside. Even the carpet of black curls around it was pretty. Billie was looking forward to what came next. Billie suddenly got off of Nadia, laying down on the bed a few feet away. She spread her legs to reveal that she wasn't wearing any underwear. As Nadia lay recovering, she couldn't help but stare as the beautiful pink vagina. Completely bald, the lips swollen and slightly open, it was a sight that sparked another tingle between Nadia's legs. "Crawl to me, slut. You know you want it." Nadia didn't move. "I gave you an order. Don't tell me you're having second thoughts now that I've let you cum." Billie sighed, using a hand to spread her pussy wider. Nadia's thoughts raced. Her body wanted this, so badly. Billie's slit looked so beautifully appetizing, and deep down, she knew she wanted to taste it. But was this a path she wanted to go down? Billie had called her a slut, a submissive, and that wasn't what Nadia was. She wanted to be a mistress, to give commands instead of take them. "Come here, slut. Now." Billie's authoritarian voice reached a deep part of Nadia's brain, and she found herself crawling to that pink slit. Billie gently placed a hand on her head and brought Nadia's lips to her nethers. This was going to be fun for the white girl. Nadia's tongue darted out, tasting Billie from hole to clit. It was as tangy and sweet as her own taste, and even more addictive. Nadia lapped up Billie's juices, devouring the sweet nectar. Billie moaned in satisfaction. Damn, this bitch could eat cunt. Nadia hadn't licked anyone out since high school, when she had shared moments in the locker rooms with Anna. But now, her face buried in this rich girl's pussy, instinct took over and she ate as if she was born to do it. She teased and nibbled at Billie's clit, she ran her tongue through the folds of her labia, she used her tongue as a tiny cock, and penetrated her new lover's hole. Billie's first orgasm washed over her in minutes, and she covered Nadia's face in hot cum, rubbing her new pussy-licker's nose all around her cunt. For hours it seemed, Nadia ate Billie, savoring the taste, the smell, the beauty of it. Billie reveled in the girl's submission. For a year, she had lusted after the Pakistani girl, knowing the slut she really was, but not until now had she acted on it. And as Nadia submissively sucked and licked her cunt, Billie knew she had found a slut that she would enjoy for a very long time. There was just something that had to be done first. Billie abruptly shoved Nadia away, and the dark-skinned girl sprawled on the bed, exhausted, with her mascara running down her cheeks and her face slick with juices. "Good job, slut. You earned your orgasm." Billie walked to the closet and selected a fat dildo, tossing it to Nadia. "Play with that, I'll be back." With that, she strode into the bathroom. Nadia wasted no time in ramming the wide dildo into her hungry hole. It was as large as Mark, her last lover, had been, filling her up completely. It never occurred to Nadia how low she had fallen in the last few hours, from a bookish NYU student to a wanton slut, fucking herself on command. Her submissive side had been awakened by Billie in its entirety. Nadia was nearing orgasm when Billie returned with shaving cream, a razor, and a towel. "Lay on your back." she ordered, and Nadia complied. "What are you-" Nadia began to ask, but Billie held up her hand for silence. "I don't want you talking right now, slut. In fact-" she said, grabbing a ball gag from the closet. "I don't want you talking at all." Nadia started to protest but Billie forced her mouth open and shoved the ball inside, tightening it behind her head. Nadia's jaw was forced wide by the rubber, and she felt a reservoir of drool building. "If you take that off, there'll be consequences. I'll make your tight little ass pay the price." Nadia thought of her virginal backside and didn't touch the gag. Billie spread the shaving cream across Nadia's hairy crotch. Nadia looked on in fear as the razor danced, shaving her pussy bald and running dangerously close to her sensitive clit. "You understand" said Billie "that true sluts can't have hair down here. It gets in the way, and a good slut is to always be shaved. I want you shaved at all times, understood?" Nadia found herself nodding, surprising Billie as much as herself. Billie flipped her over and lathered the cream in her asscrack, again ridding the region of hair. "Good girl." The embarrassment of being shaved filled Nadia's mind. She stared down at her bare slit, bald for the first time in her life. What was wrong with her? Why had she let this girl humiliate her like that? After cleaning her new slut with a towel, Billie left the room, returning with two glasses of wine. One she handed to Nadia, removing the gag. "Billie, I-" She began, but Billie cut her off with a deep, long kiss. Their tongues danced, and Billie savored the pussy flavor still on Nadia's lips. "Hush. You're mine now, Nadia. My little girl. But I'll take good care of you." Nadia had a hundred protests, a hundred complaints, a hundred insults, but all she did was weakly stutter "I... thank you." She drained half the wineglass in one gulp. Billie smiled. "Good girl. I'm having some friends over in an hour. You'll stay and meet them, right?" Nadia's eyes widened. She couldn't be seen with Billie! That one realization seemed to tear down the whole charade. What was she doing, submitting to this rich bitch? "No, I'm leaving." She said, firmly, before she had a chance to change her mind. Nadia stood up and began to put her clothes back on. Billie looked annoyed. "You can't leave! I already told them there would be entertainment, and they'll love you!" Entertainment? What was that supposed to mean? Nadia started to pull her pants on when she felt lightheaded. Had Billie drugged her wine? Nadia didn't have time to ask what "entertainment" meant before she collapsed on the floor. It wasn't long after 5 on this sunny Friday night that everyone was out of the office. You and I were chatting on MSN messenger and even with everyone gone we were having too much fun to stop. I propose you to stay a little while longer so I can finish some work and we can go have a drink later. As time goes by the conversation goes from casual and funny to a bit sexy. I ask you about the color of your hot shorts, and you reply that you're not wearing any. Jokingly, I respond: "Ya, right, I'm not wearing any underwear either." And you say: "Really? I'm gonna have to see it to believe it." We make the typical laughing comments and then the typical moment of silence comes around. "So what can we do with this whole office to ourselves?" I ask. You say: "Well I'm still waiting for proof that you're not wearing any underwear." And I reply: "and I'm still waiting to see if you're half as good at foreplay as you claim to be." I know you're a tease but you definitely know how to make a guy linger because for over a minute you don't respond. Next thing I know you're sliding the headphones off my head and you're standing behind me. "We'll just have to find out, won't we?" Before I can even realize what's going on, you slide on top of me on my chair and plant your lips on mine. I've never thought of you that way but my body responds instinctively and I kiss you back even more passionately. It isn't long before our tongues meet and our hands start running up and down each other's body. I just don't know how far this is gonna go but I'm willing to find out. We give the room a quick glance to make sure there's no one around and your shirt goes flying, revealing your baby blue bra. In a single-hand swing, we move my computer tower and keyboard out of the way and I sit you on the edge of my desk, my lips never leaving yours. After a few minutes of heavy petting, the initial curiosity leaves place to a hot sexy mood and my hands discover your barbel as yours unbuckle my pants. It isn't long after you slide your hand down my pants that you find my throbbing tool, hard with my desire for you. As you amplify my lust for you with your hands, I slowly slide your bra off each arm to reveal your soft breasts. Things are getting out of hand, your head spins with desire, this is so sudden, yet so kinky considering the location! I kiss your neck and tickle your ears with my tongue. You do the same and it drives me wild. I look at my pants down on the floor and suddenly I find myself overdressed. I look at you, and reading my mind you unbutton your pants. I move in between your legs, place my hands under your bum, and slowly start pulling your pants down. Predictably or not, you really aren't wearing any underwear and this leaves us in a very hot skin to skin situation. I crave to discover your body and you haven't let go mine. Our tongues are still fighting and now are hands are on each other's most intimate parts. I slowly tease your thighs with the tip of my fingers and it's making you shiver. Your eyes close and you lay back, inviting me to push my exploration further. My fingers meet your lips the same time my mouth meets yours again, and you moan in pleasure. I slowly move my fingers around and the rhythm at which you are beating my cock loses it's tempo. I know then just how much I want you; and the look in your eyes says you want me too. You look down, and slowly guide the tip of my dick into your pussy. I want to show you just how much of a tease I can be too and I only insert the tip, sliding it in and out ever so slowly. My hands are still playing with your nipples and you move your torso up for a kiss. My cock finally goes all the way inside of you and you let out a loud moan. Our bodies are already sweaty but we couldn't careless right now, it's me and you giving in to our wildest desire. My thumb reaches down to help my cock and my lips start teasing your nipples. I've never felt so hot. Your hands are squeezing my ass, pushing me deeper inside you with each thrust and I can tell that you're about to explode. "OH my god, what the hell is going on here?" We are both freaked out when we hear this voice. We were so into it that we didn't realize someone had came in. Scarlett was standing 10 feet away. "Please don't interrupt yourself for me" she adds, "but next time..." She walks over right behind me. "Please at least have the decency to take her socks off." And she starts laughing as she takes off your socks. We don't know what to do. Still inside of you, very shy that we've been caught, we look like we've seen a ghost. Scarlett laughs. "Here, let me help you" she says before she removes her shirt over her head and starts kissing your nipples. It takes both of us a second to get use to the idea, but who are we kidding. She's so hot that even a gay man would. Now with Scarlett's mouth on your body, my thumb playing with your clit and my rock hard tool inside of you, you're free to kick back and truly enjoy yourself in the best way you ever will. We increase our tempo and your breathing gets louder and heavier. Scarlett kisses you and I go nuts. You place your hand behind her head pulling her closer and her hand replaces mine at the entrance of your - by now - very wet cunt. It doesn't take long before we're both back into the heavy breathing and close to orgasm. I begin thrusting faster and harder. I can feel your muscles contracting around my cock and it's driving me wild. Scarlett is covering your body with her lips and hands. I've never been this excited and you've never had this much attention given to your body. In a series of loud moans and sighs, you begin to cum. The contractions of your pussy takes me above the edge and I start cumming too. My hot scum makes you feel hotter than before and you kiss Scarlett wildly. After a few more moments of thrusting, you collapse on the desk, and it isn't long before I collapse over your sweat- covered body as well, kissing you softly. Scarlett laughs. "Who's next?" she asks as she pull her pants down with the biggest smile on her face. _To Be Continued..._ There I am, lying on the sofa with my best 9" gelatine dildo, lubed-up and ready, wearing my little black lace g-string panties with a cute red bow on the tiny triangle, my lovely body-shaping black 38B bra with red bow to match the panties, with pretty side-embroidery, and the 15 denier black holdup stockings which had arrived the day before I expected them that showed off my slim shapely legs so well. The stockings are an online purchase from a new store I'd found, looking for something new to make the most of my day off! I am thrilled to be feeling the texture of them, while lying on my wide bedsize sofa, almost cumming as I draw them slowly up my legs, feeling them caressing my thighs as they hold my stiff boi clit between them. I look down at my sexy shoes, my favourite strappy latin dance numbers, dark red, matching my dark-red painted toenails peeking through the red toe-strap, and go weak at the knees seeing how sexy my feet are looking. I've just finished the sensuous dance steps in them that when watched in the mirror gets my boi clit in the mood and ready for action. Relaxed now on the sofa..my clitty is hard, erect, my stockinged ankles caressing my ears as I hold my legs up from the knees to get a best angle for deep penetration of my lubed boi pussy with the nine-inch knobbed dildo, nicely warmed up to body temp by a quick moment in hot water. ..everything ready, with that spectacular feeling as my motor revvs up anxious for the slow deep penetration to start.. then..bing bong, the doorbell. I am expecting no delivery that day, so nothing to sign for, which I would always do anyway whether dressed up or not, by reaching my arm round the partly open door.. It looks like I'd have to not answer..or answer in full undress and reach around the door. I can feel my groin shudder with the delayed lust as I try to decide in an instant whether to open the door as I am, hot, lubed and ready for shafting, or leave it unanswered and continue my existing intention to cum hard all over my new black stockings. The bold side gets the better of me. At the door I have the sense to look through the peephole..yep, it is a delivery, and the deliveryman is a man, a real man, older but gorgeous! I'm not young and I love the company of older lovers, the way they make every moment count. He is broad-shouldered, in a white t-shirt showing strong muscular arms, holding a package..I can't see a logo of a courier, but reckon he is standing too close to the door for me to see it. I open the door a little, and peer round the slight gap. My clit is so hard, thrusting out over the top of the black lace panties with the elastic tops of my holdup stockings feeling so good, tight and glistening on my thighs..my bra jutting out nicely, the straps off the shoulder. I check the wall mirror and like what I see..I'm looking good. ..it's maybe that thin black and red shoulder strap tanatalisingly off my well-shaped shoulder that I realise he can see through the gap. I open the door a little wider so he can see more of the swell of the bra..my cute fingernails around the edge of the door. I am melting with excitement. "Hello?" "Delivery..a package for you," comes the reply, a strong voice, slightly accented, difficult to tell from where..somewhere from out of town maybe..a pause..then, "I will bring it in." Before I can reply the door is pushed towards me, and I have to take a step back. The face is rugged, the eyes are deep and dark, with a look that says there is to be no stopping him from getting what he wants..and by the look of him, what he wants is me, all of me. As he steps in, he immediately drops the package on the floor and reaches out for me..his hand is around my throat before I know it while his other hand is working on his trouser belt. "I'm not going to hurt you, not yet," says that strong voice, "so long as you do what I say..I haven't got long, so let's make sure this doesn't take long. On your knees." My legs have gone weak, I can hardly speak, less so when I see the size of what he is holding in his free hand..I can feel myself swooning, not because of the hand at my throat, or the idea that hurt might be to come, but at the thought of his intention with that awesome cock in his hand. "What do you want," I gasp.. "You", comes the reply as he moves his hand to my shoulder, forcing downwards, until my legs give way and I sink to my knees. He grabs my hair and pulls my head towards him, forcing my mouth open with the forward thrust of his cock. He pushes the shaft all the way in, pulling my face up tight into his abundant black pubic hair, until I can feel his cockknob deep deep down my throat. I can't move as he keeps a firm grip on my head. I begin to feel the familiar urge to be fucked and can tell that he too is ready, by the taste of his precum already leaking into my throat. Feeling me starting to gag he pulls his cock out, but keeps my hair in his hand, and still on my knees he drags me over to the sofa and throws me face down on it, kicking my feet apart. He moves two fingers into my excited little sissy pussy, already wet ready for what I had been expecting to be doing by now, and grunts.. "Ah, all lubed up ready for me." Propped up on my elbows looking over my shoulder, I'm definitely ready, throbbing, ready for him - I smile at him, letting him see my tongue, loving the delicious expectation as he pulls my pretty panties down. "Well, then, so much hurry, so get on and fuck me." He moves fast. The stiff cock pushes past the sopping entrance to my wide-open hole and I gasp as the hot meat slides in, feeling like it's in all the way up and into my throat. "Ahhh.." I wail, "oh yes..fucck me, fuck me hard." That did it for him..with his hand pushing my head down into the sofa, his other hand scoops up my hips..his first few hard thrusts drive his cock so deep into me I can feel thick dark pubic hair up against my buttocks..one..two.. three.. thrusts, and then, the pause, a moment of ecstasy as I can feel him about to erupt in me. I can feel the burst of hot, thick jism into my pussy as he lies on top of me, jerking, a handful of my hair in his hand, his weight pinning me down, his hot cock buried deep in inside me. He must have thought that I was fainting..I can feel the rough stubble of his chin on my neck as he wraps his arms around my chest to hold me up, his hands pushing through the cups of my pretty bra as he holds and squeezes my titties. He pulls out and then plunges his cum-covered cock again deep into my sopping wet pussy in what feels as if it's a final long, deep thrust. I do then almost faint from the pleasure of it, the muscular arms around me, the thrill of being impaled by the cock of this masterfully strong man..as my cock starts to jerk he reaches for it with his right hand and finishes me off, squeezing the shaft as my cum spatters everywhere while I howl and howl. The way he is paused inside me, twitching, I can tell it's real good for him as well..but, for him it's over..he turns me round, leans his head towards mine and kisses me hard, his tongue probing so deep I almost faint again. He steps back and pulls up his trousers..smiling at me, he blows me a kiss, heading to the door, and as he leaves, turns round to give me a devastating smile, saying, "I may be in the area delivering next week, not sure when, stay hot for me in case," then, pointing at the package, walks out and closes the door behind him. "What's your name?" I call out, but he's gone. I lie back on the sofa and look down at myself, and the wreckage, and reach for the dildo, abandoned on the floor. Still lubed and warm, it slips in deep into my well-wetted still hot hole, and within moments, as the warmth builds inside me I jerk off and cum again, adding more spunk to the wreckage as it pours down my leg onto my new stockings, now torn and slipped below the knees, giving me the look of the well-fucked gorgeous slut that I know I am.. When will the unexpected delivery happen again? I know I'll be waiting every day expecting the doorbell to be announcing another delivery like today's..maybe if I open the package I'll find out more about what may be happening next. ......................... |
_[This story follows closely an account I heard as a young man in 1969, from a technical school in northern England, and which has fired my imagination ever since.]_ * It was a new school for David and he'd been there only for two terms when the year came to an end. He was 18 years old and had attended four schools in the previous five years because his father was in the military. Wherever father was posted, David was moved there and his education suffered as a result. But some aspects of it were enhanced, as we'll see. His next move should be to university or technical college, but he was unsure of the outcome of his last examinations. The end of school-year loomed and he felt none of the excitement of his fellow students. Of course, David made few friends, if any, in the true sense of the word. But he was a good athlete and acquired a quick following of both boys and girls who admired his prowess and his physique. "You going to the end-of-year Ball?" asked Roy, one of his classmates. "Dunno. When is it?" he replied. "Next week -- Friday. You might like it but I'm not going. All that dressing up and teachers. You know? But some of us have a special thing lined up when it's finished. Wanna come with us? Just a few of us and some girls. Should be good. Yeah?" "OK," he agreed and then forgot the conversation amid the other end-of-term arrangements everyone had to make. The following Thursday, Roy caught up with him at the school gate and asked, "Tomorrow night -- after the Ball? Yeah?" "Oh, yeah. Where is it?" "Meet you at the school car park gate. Then we'll go on from there. About 11 pm. OK? Easy clothes; yeah? I'll be in shorts." David realized he knew nothing about this party. "What'll we be doing? What sort of party?" Roy laughed. "Doing? We'll be doing girls, of course. See you then." And he dashed off. David was taken aback. Although he'd had a few girl friends, for short times at his various schools over the past year or so, he had very little experience of sex. His first attempt had been farcical, and ended with the girl's older sister walking in on them and making a big fuss. The only other time had lasted two minutes and he's emptied his sperms in her pubic hair; even before he's managed to get inside. She hadn't been pleased and let him know it for certain. Now he was lining himself up for a public sex event, and he felt that he knew nothing and was bound to fail again. Still, testosterone is a powerful hormone and his curiosity exceeded his apprehension; as it should in a fit young man. And so, the following evening, he lied to his parents that he was going to the end-of-year Ball. He left the house at 8 o'clock and wandered round the city for three hours. He had a coffee; he looked in the shop windows; he got totally bored. But eventually, he ended up at the school car park and met Roy and another boy, who drove an aged Volkswagen van. David climbed in the back, along with four others; all strangers. He was quiet; partly deliberately and partly out of apprehension over his anticipated poor public performance later in the evening. After 15 minutes, they arrived at a strange building on the outskirts of the city. He had no idea where he was. Roy was there already and came straight to David. Roy was dressed in football shorts and a rugby shirt, with sleeves, and white trainers. David gave a quick glance at himself: grey track suit bottom, dark blue sweat shirt, and black trainers. "Not too bad," he thought. It was a warm summer evening and he wondered if he was going to be too hot with all these clothes on. "Hi. You ready? I think you're gonna like this. It's great. The girls are here." "OK," replied David, not knowing what other response to make. He felt quite out of place and uncertain about the whole thing, "Where do we go?" "Come in here and do what I do," said Roy and he chuckled to himself but loud enough for David to hear and wonder what it meant. And so he followed Roy, first though a door into a changing room with lockers, where 12 or 15 others were taking their trousers off and hanging them up. Except Roy of course, since he was in shorts already. Everyone else kept on their shorts or briefs, and their shoes; or sandals in some cases. There was a quiet mumbling sound from the group of young men, a sort-of muffled excitement. And David realized that many of them were already erect inside their underwear. He wasn't and he knew why. Just too nervous. From the changing room, they all trouped through another door into a dark room that smelled to David like an automobile workshop; but there was insufficient light to see the far edges of the space. Roy came to him. "Look. It's gonna be like this. We're gonna lie in those two channels. They're clean and there's lots of towels and stuff to lie on. Then the girls come in and straddle the channels, like, walking over us. OK? Down one channel and up the other; and then round again. We can touch 'em anywhere we can reach with one hand; OK? You know -- anywhere? These girls are ready for, like, anything. Right?" "Right. Okaaaay," replied David uncertainly. "One o' the girls will get an orgasm. One of 'em always does. One or other of 'em. You know?" "Oh, yeah. OK?" For the first time, David felt a stirring in his shorts, as his erection started to build at the prospect of so much sexuality and such freedom to make contact with young women. He assumed they'd be young. Surely no mature or older woman would take part in this. "After one of 'em does, you just watch and join in with whatever you want," Roy continued, "and I mean, like, whatever. These girls are ready for anything, like I said. OK? Come on. Where d'you wanna lie?" "Dunno. Where's good?" asked David, wondering if there was a priority place for newcomers, or if older boys had their favorite places. Roy pointed to a place about half way along the second channel. David did a quick calculation and realized that each channel was about 20 inches wide, a foot deep, and 25 yards long; and they were maybe 6 feet apart. About as long as a swimming pool, taken both together. And the girls were going to straddle the channels all that way? With legs wide open? And he could reach up to them? His erection reinforced a little more. He took his place and lay down on a collection of towels and something that felt like curtain fabric. Then the already-dim lighting was turned down even further and David sensed that something was about to happen. From his position, lying 18 inches below the floor, David pulled himself up and glanced over at the start of the first channel. He could see two girls starting to straddle the channel; and what girls! The front one was dressed only in a long bra that had suspenders attached at her waist and held up stockings very tightly against her pubic area. And she was in high heels although he couldn't see so close to the ground. He could tell by the way she was walking, and her thighs were stretching as she spread her legs. The other girl he could see at his first glance was dressed in just a shiny black bra and thigh-length heeled boots. She was waiting behind the first girl and was practicing spreading her legs. She was bending her knees and crouching as much as her boots would allow. Then the first girl started her wide-leg walk along the channel and David saw an arm reach up between her legs. She didn't stop or even slow down but made her unhurried way forward. Placing one foot forward and then switching her weight onto the other leg over 2 feet away, before swinging that leg forward; and then repeating the exercise. David could not really see, but he could guess, that the arm and its hand had reached up and fondled her labia, her clitoris, maybe penetrated her. He couldn't see but his imagination was working at double speed. Before he rested down back in his channel position, he saw the second girl start her walk, because she was a shorter girl, her legs seemed even further apart. Also, he got a final glimpse of the queue of girls moving forward; he could see 8 or 10 girls and wondered to himself how many there would be altogether. Lying there, waiting for the first girl to come along, David was pleased to feel his erection tight inside his briefs. No, not pleased; he was delighted, excited and proud to be so big and stiff. He felt ready for whatever was to come. He reached down and released himself a little from the restriction of his briefs, so that his swollen bulb protruded above the waist band. Before he was ready, the first girl came waddling towards him. He saw the arm and hand of the previous boy reaching up and stroking her pubic hair but failing to make any headway into her labia and definitely not inside her. Quickly, even without thought, he determined to do "better" and reached up as she struggled to walk across him, pushing against the floor either side of the channel with her high-heeled shoes. She was moving slowly but still more quickly than he expected. He reached up his right hand before she reached him and laid it on her pubic mound. His intention was to press his middle finger into her labia and so find the opening. The plan didn't work: she'd moved forward in one strangled stride so that his finger was left brushing against her buttock instead. David thought to himself, "This is not so easy as I thought. Next time, I'll move quickly." At the thought, his erection throbbed with anticipation. She was coming to him; the girl in the high boots. Only two seconds later, she was over him and he looked up to see the boot tops and the outline of her mound, and the curve of her thighs. His hand was ready. He didn't smooth his hand to her pubic area; he just pressed upwards with his fist and his middle finger pointing into her. This time he managed to feel the crack of her labia, the warmth and moisture of her vaginal opening. And he got a sense of yielding flesh before she moved out of his reach and was gone. Before the next girl arrived at his position, he lifted his hand to his nostrils and smelled the sex of the girl who'd just passed. His erection was now painful and he reached down with his left hand to push his briefs further down, no longer restricting his stiffness. Here she came. With the experience of his two previous attempts, he moved quickly to press his middle finger into her lips and into her vagina, even before she was standing over him. He wiggled his finger a little and noticed her wetness. He saw also that she was dressed in an old-style open girdle with suspenders and stockings. Her breasts were just in view and he could see the firm control of a pointed bra. He wiggled his finger inside her, again, before she moved on. She was very wet and he felt her juices running down the back of his hand and onto his wrist. Now David was into his rhythm for touching, feeling and probing the next girl. Even as she came within reach, he plunged two fingers into her vagina and was immediately surprised that they entered with so little resistance. She was running wet and hot, and she staggered as he felt the ridged smoothness of her tunnel. And then she was gone, leaving him ravenous for sexual relief. With his left hand, he reached down and clutched his testicles together alongside his swollen shaft. He was on the point of ejaculation but didn't want to come at that moment. Then he heard a noise behind him, emanating from the last girl he'd touched. The next girl didn't come along as he expected, and he realised that people were sitting and standing up. David raised himself on one elbow to see what was happening. Roy came alongside him and nudged him, "Now. She's come. We can have her now." By the time David had lifted himself out of the channel and walked the three or four steps to the next position, where the girl must have had her orgasm, she was no longer visible. Boys were all over her body and all he could see of her were her feet sticking out from between various male legs, and her hands holding onto two penises. Her head, her breasts, torso, stomach, and her pubic area were all covered by male bodies. She was sandwiched between two particular boys, lying on her back against one of them and looking up into the face of the other. David realised that she was being filled up by penises in her vagina and anus. Even as he watched, another penis appeared and entered her mouth. She was totally covered and occupied by male flesh. David thought there were eight men working on her. His own erection was now gigantic and painful; a sensation new to him. For some minutes, but it seemed very quick to David, the mass of human bodies jerked and undulated, causing her to buck and stretch. Then men began to come and ejaculate on her, into her, across her. He could see her legs and arms going stiff, as if in a sort of rigour fit. She must have felt all the seminal fluid pouring into her body, and across her skin and clothing even as she lay there practically hidden by men. One by one, the men lifted themselves off her and she lay on a towel, on the floor, with her eyes half-closed from exhaustion. She was sweating and dripping white fluids from her body; wherever there was an orifice. And also little rivers of sperm ran across her bra, the girdle, her stockings and her face. The stockings had not survived: they were laddered shreds, now streaked with sweat and sperm; and David thought he could detect piss and shit as well. He was so far away from her, maybe 10 feet, and thought he was too late to enjoy her body. But Roy came to him and said, "Well; do you want a go on her? Before she goes out of the game? She'll do anything you want." David looked and thought he wouldn't be able to see it through; not with everyone watching him "performing solo," so to speak. "Hmm. No. I'll wait 'til another time. OK?" "Yeah. Great. It's up to you. Let's get down again." They went back to their positions in the channel and the procession of girls resumed. David wondered if any of the boys and dropped out now, as well as the "done" girl. He didn't have much time to wonder as the first girl came to him. Obviously, the girls carried on in their turn from where they left off. He reached up and made all the movements he'd learned from previous girls. This time he got two fingers between her labia and his middle finger into her vagina. She was as wet as the previous one he recalled from ten minutes earlier. And then she moved on, waddling forward dressed in only her bra and thigh-high hold-up stockings. David took a quick glance at the next girl and was roused immediately by her appearance. She was covered in a tight corset from her breasts to her groin, and stockings attached by many suspenders; he couldn't count how many but there were more than four or six. She was walking in heels and struggling to make progress walking because of the restriction of her corset. She got to his hand and dripped her wetness on his legs even before she reached his hand. He pressed upwards and could feel the hard edge of the corset over her pubic area, next to the smooth but slightly hair wet mound. He pressed his fingers along her crack and felt her engorged clitoris: bigger than he'd ever heard about. This girl had a clitoris like a short penis. He didn't look because he was concentrating on her opening but he could tell that she was hot and wet, and very close to orgasm. As she moved across him, he heard her make a sound in her throat. Something between, "Oooh" and "Arrrrgh". He opened his eyes fully and stared up at her receding bottom, even as his hand felt along her crack and into her anal region. He could feel her puckered anus as she slowed down and he continued to press. Suddenly, she stopped and placed her hands on her thighs. She tried to bring her legs together as the orgasm overtook her, but was in danger of falling with the tension in her muscles. David jumped up from his position and took hold of her from behind, partly to steady to her but also because he knew that his opportunity had come. The girl slumped forward onto her knees, still with David holding her thighs in his palms. She leaned further forward and rested on her elbows. Taking one hand from a hip, he pushed the front of his briefs down and behind his testicles; releasing his erection at last. Leaning forward against her, with the same hand he guided himself into her lips and then felt her body yielding before him. Suddenly, against his expectation or experience, he was inside her and moving rhythmically. He felt his own orgasm building within the warm wet clamour of her vagina. And when it came, it was quick and big and made him tingle from his penis-end to his feet, and to his hands on her hips. He made an involuntary grunt, as he emptied himself into her. As soon as he was done, before he withdrew, others were gathering around them and there were hands all over the girl. She was practically lifted off him, and off her knees, and carried a short distance away. On her back, on a thick towel, she was laid on top of a big rather overweight boy who entered her anus. Another took her in her dripping vagina and a third pumped into her open mouth. For a second time, he saw a girl totally occupied by men and almost invisible from sight by the press of other around her; feeling and touching her breasts, her hands, her buttocks as they quivered under the pounding from the boys. One by one, the boys came into her and she was left a sopping, exhausted, twisted doll; dripping from all openings. She was led away by two other girls, presumably to be cleaned up and revived somewhat. David resumed his place in the channel and the procession of girls continued, now with one fewer. And so the evening went on. He enjoyed feeling at so many girls and looking at their outfits. Some plain and girly, others titillating, and yet others grossly raunchy and overtly erotic. His own particular liking was for stockings and suspenders, and something tight over their waists. There were a few of these and he was well pleased with the procession. After maybe 40 minutes, David found himself gaining erection again as he looked up into the pubic area of a black girl dressed in white stockings attached to a shiny tight satin waspie. He thrust his hand into her as far as he could in the few seconds available to him; almost three fingers bunched into a cone. And then she was gone -- but only for a moment. At the next boy she gave out her own orgasm scream and began to fall from her straddled walk. That boy got her in a straight missionary position and came very soon; too soon perhaps for his liking; but she was filled and then available. In his excited state, David almost ran to her and got a position near her head as she was being taken from behind in a kneeling position. With no preparation and no concern for anyone else, David's testosterone took over and he entered her mouth. She opened her lips and her teeth and let him thrust as far as the back of her throat. She bucked slightly as he touched her uvula and then the roof of her throat. He made the effort not to push any further, but to concentrate his efforts on her lips and the roof of her mouth between her teeth. Once more, he came quickly; this time with only a little fluid from his depleted vesicles. As he finished in her, he was pulled away; to be replaced by another boy who resumed the assault on her mouth and throat. David watched and cradled his flagging penis in both hands, as the girl was mounted by no fewer than eight boys in one position or another. At the finish, she was another sopping, exhausted, twisted doll; dripping from all openings. David resumed his position and enjoyed the sights and sensations for the rest of the evening, until all the girls had completed their walks and been duly filled and manhandled. The final girl was short, very shapely, clearly aroused but not yet orgasmic. She was dressed in the most erotic outfit David could imagine. A black all-in-one with a zipper all the way up the front; eight black suspenders to shiny black stockings; and high heeled court shoes. She was the classic underwear fashion plate of the period. When she had finished one complete straddle of the two channels, she was sent round again -- and was keen to do so. Her excitement was clear to see as her own juices ran in little rivulets down her thighs and onto her stockings. This must have been her fourteenth or fifteenth walk. At the end of her second solitary pass, she also succumbed to orgasm and was properly filled, tossed around, handled and left exhausted. David saw such a display of sexual athletics that was new and exhausting even to watch. He longed for his erection to return but all he had was the limpness of post-orgasmic relaxation. This girl was laid front down, facing the boy underneath her who fixed himself deeply inside her. Then another knelt across her thighs and slowly but deliberately took his place in her rectum. As he did so, she arched her back and lifted her head; only to be fed a stiff penis into her mouth. Two other boys took her ankles and spread her widely so that everyone could see the double penetration between her legs. Finally, in an act David had never even conceived possible, a fourth boy straddled her back and moved down until he was lined up with the penis in her anus. Together, both boys lined up carefully and took her together, stretching her anal muscles until she squirmed and mumbled past the erection in her throat. Many years later, David heard of the double-vagina-double-anal, the famed probably apocryphal DVDA, and wondered if such as thing was possible. From the moment he saw that girl, with her four occupants, he guessed it would be possible but is still awaiting the reality of his imagination. Two others positioned themselves on either side of her head and began to masturbate, and David knew that they would spray her with their sperms when their time came. In fact, they had more in mind and he watched almost in a trance as they each reached their climax and leaned towards her head, one almost immediately after the other. They positioned their bulging penis heads into her ears and shot their loads of sperm into her head. As they pulled away, David watched as her ears emptied slowly down her inclined head and face. And so she was occupied by six of them at once and stretched out as if she were an anatomy specimen in a biology class. She bounced around on their bodies like a doll until they finished themselves inside her and she was left weak and quiet on a big duvet covered in towels. She leaked sperms and seminal juices from every opening in her body.. Miraculously, the stockings survived. The corselette was stained and wringing wet with her own perspiration and that of numerous men; not to mention long white spirals of semen all over her body and face. David watched the total occupation and usage of this final girl, but could not summon another erection, much less an ejaculation. The evening finished shortly afterwards and the boys returned to the changing room. There was much talking, shouting and laughing. Most of them had tales of their "favourite fucks" and clearly there were comparative ratings in the minds of those who had attended earlier such events. David made his way home. It was about 1.30 am and the following week was to see his 19th birthday. "Never had a pre-birthday present like that before," he thought to himself. He looked forward to the party with his family and immediate friends. He looked forward also to the next of these straddling parties. Next time, he would get more action; he was determined. |
He leans over my ear and whispers: 'Are you going to obey me, or am I going to have to hurt you?' His blue eyes glimmer in the twilit room. I am gagged and roped. I know I'm sitting down, but I can't move her arms or legs. 'Do you want me to untie you?' He asks. I nod instantly. 'Then you will not try to run, because, for one, you would get nowhere, and second, I will punish you.' I slightly nod again. He suddenly removes the tape that was gagging me, but doesn't untie my limbs. I look at him pleadingly, whispering, begging, 'please, please let me go.' 'No.' He answers coldly. 'What do you want with me?' 'I want to fuck you.' That catches me off guard. I start to panic right now, wriggling around the ropes, not wanting to face what's about to happen. 'Stop that, you'll only hurt yourself.' 'Please!!' I scream. 'I'll give you anything! Money, is that what you want?' 'Don't play dumb,' he continues coldly. 'I already said I wanted to fuck you.' I hang my head low, defeated. Afraid. 'Also, I should just let you know by now that screaming won't help you. We're underground, no one will be able to hear you.' I start to tremble uncontrollably, my mind whirling. I was going to get raped, and there was no way to escape. 'Do you know who I am?' He asks. 'No...' 'Good.' 'Does he know me?' I think. He picks up scissors from a table and approaches me. He then passes one thumb over my cheek to dry my tears. He proceeds to look intently into my eyes and starts cutting my shirt, from the bottom, to my neck. My bra is black lace, which he saves no time cutting too. Suddenly my breasts are bare; in front of this man I don't know. I instinctively try to cover my chest with my hands, so I pull on the ropes, but it is impossible to budge. He smiles at my attempt. My breasts aren't big, but round and firm. He starts touching one, and my face turns in revulsion. First softly, with the palm of this hand; then the grasp gets stronger and I shudder. His fingers close around a nipple and I wince as he presses it, unmercifully. Again and again, till it is hard and pointy. He does the same with her other breast. 'Do you like that?' I was terrified to answer, but something made me just a tiny bit brave. 'No.' He pinches harder. 'What's that?' 'Yes,' I mutter through the discomfort. He picks up a collar and put it tight around my neck. He smiles again as he takes a step back and looks at me. I blush in embarrassment, and turn my gaze to the floor. He searches for something in a drawer and returns with what I think resembles clothes line clamps. He reaches for my left nipple and I wince in anticipation, as he squeezes the nipple with his fingers and places the clamp on it while I am able to muffle a scream of pain. When he clamps the other nipple, I start breathing heavily, trying to sustain the agonizing torture. 'I will warn you again,' he said coldly, 'not to try to escape. I will hurt your pretty little face. Understand?' I manage to nod in agreement, and he turns around to untie my feet. I stand up, even though my legs are a bit numb. 'No, no,' he says then, 'kneel.' How much more humiliation can I sustain? 'No!' I yell, defiantly. I didn't see it coming, the hard slap on my face. It stings like hell and tears fall from my eyes again. I had never been struck before. He grabs my long hair at the base of my neck, holding my head back and pushes me to my knees. 'Don't ever make me tell you anything twice again.' I obey him and he touches my chin, lifting my head and making me look at his huge blue eyes. 'Unzip me.' I kneel and do as he says. He then takes out his huge cock, and I start trembling again, terribly close to weeping. 'Suck my cock.' He demands. I look up at him pleadingly. He looks deep into my eyes. 'What's your name?' 'Tess.' I mutter. 'Tess,' he says slowly, 'you already know what happens if I have to tell you to do something twice. Don't you?' My hands bound behind my back have me confused and off balance and I struggle to maneuver his erection over my lips. Once it is fully in my mouth, so warm and hard, I start moving my head back and forth, slowly. 'Is that all you can do?' He sneers. I look up, the head of his shaft still in my mouth. It's helpless. I have never done this before. He grunts and pushes it all the way to the back of my mouth, making me gag. The huge cock fills my mouth, stretching my lips wide as he holds my head firm. With each thrust he hits the back of my throat, making me gag and convulse from head to toe. A sick feeling takes over me as I feel the bile rises up. But I tell myself to keep it down, it's already too demeaning. I make ridiculous noises each time his shaft hits the back of my throat and my eyes get watery again. He picks up speed and I close my eyes with a deep frown, trying my hardest not to retch. 'Open your eyes,' he commands, without slowing the movements of his hips. I open them, but it's tough to see through the tears that were already spilling out. He slows for a moment and, hopeful, I imagine he is close to finishing, but he holds my head tightly and shoves his entire cock inside my throat. I feel the head passing through the back of my throat and lodging deep inside of me. I convulse and gag and try to shake my head free but he is too strong. I struggle for breath, but he is not letting me go. It seemed like an eternity, but finally he takes his cock out of my throat in one quick motion and I fall back, gasping for air. He doesn't spare me one minute to recover, as I feel his hands on my hair, pulling me back to my knees. I pant and my chest heaves, but he is still not done. He again pushes his cock into my mouth; he pulls it back slowly and then and pushes it in fast, all the way deep down my throat. He repeats that about a dozen times. He finally pulls it out. Is it done? 'Open wide.' I do so. He positions his cock in front of my open mouth and jerks off for about ten seconds. The first thick shot hit my nose; then I feel one go inside my mouth, the taste is terrible, spreading on my tongue. He holds his cock in his right hand and uses it like a paintbrush to smear his cum onto my face. I can feel it in my forehead, eyes, cheeks, mouth... dripping down on my bare breasts. 'Clean yourself up.' He says when he's done. I look around for a towel or a cloth, but there's nothing. 'What are you looking for?' He asks, with a chuckle, 'drink all of it.' I stare in terror. 'Go on. Use your fingers, guide it all into your mouth. And swallow it.' I do as he says and gag with each gulp. When I'm done, I feel like I'm about to puke. And I convulse, and my stomach turns, but nothing comes out. 'Didn't you like it?' He asks coldly. I knew better this time. 'I did.' 'Great, there's more later.' He takes off his shirt. His muscles gleam in the dim light. 'Stand up,' he says while taking off his pants. He comes closer, turns me around and unties my hands. Only to tie them back, this time in front of me. 'Down.' I kneel. 'No,' he smiles triumphantly. 'On all fours.' My heart drops. How much humiliation is too much? But I didn't want to feel his heavy hand slapping my face again. I got down, staring at his feet, my hands and knees on the dirty floor of what started to like a dungeon. He stoops to the floor to take hold of the leash and starts walking. I felt a tug at my neck and remember I am wearing the collar. I feel humiliated, walking around the room on all fours being led by a leash, like a dog. I have to walk very slowly because my hands are tied, and he clamps on my breasts make it difficult to crawl, the side of my arms keep hitting the clamps, sending me new waves of pain with every step. We arrive in front of a bed. He reaches for the nipple clamps and takes them out slowly. The pain is even bigger when the clamp leaves my nipples, and I almost scream. He grabs me by my neck, chocking me, and shoves me onto the mattress on my belly. 'Bottoms up!' I had learned not to disobey him. With my cheek on the mattress, my butt is in the air, completely exposed and helpless. I see him propping himself on the bed, kneeling in front of my vulnerable ass. He raises one hand and lands it with extreme force on my ass. I flinch. 'Don't you dare move!' He alternates ass cheeks, never softening the blow. My butt is feeling red hot and I start sobbing again. 'No! Please, please, stop!' I scream. But it was no use. When he finishes I am without a breath, and my legs are so tired I can barely sustain my weight anymore. 'You don't have a boyfriend, do you, Tess?' He wants to know, while a tear trickle down the side of my nose and he massages the welts on my ass. I shake my head barely. 'But have you ever been fucked?' I averted my eyes. His smile gets wider. 'Oh. So I'm about to fuck a virgin.' He touches my sex and I start to flinch away from him, but he grabs my leg with his other arm. 'But look,' he says, 'you're already all wet. You like this, don't you, Tess?' I refuse to look at him. 'I think you are a slut at heart, don't you agree? Aren't you going to answer me, slut?' 'I don't know what you want me to say.' 'Have you ever played with your pussy, though?' I blush deeply and I don't need to answer this time, because he already knows the answer. Suddenly his finger slips into my pussy. And I shiver, trying to get away. 'Stay fucking still, slut!' His finger fucks me for a while, then he takes it off and he walks to where my head is lying on the bed. 'Taste it,' he commands. I open my mouth and his fingers touch my tongue. 'Clean it, slut.' I lick and suck it clean, trying not to breathe, so the taste is less horrible. 'Good doggie,' he mocks. He props me up, sitting me down to face him, with extreme ease. Why does he look at me like that? So seriously? He leans down and touches the skin above my breast with his lips. He plants soft kisses on the sore nipples, with a tenderness that I can't seem to understand. It starts feeling good, and I let go a little bit. Next thing I know he is looking at me with a sly smile on his face. He saw me. He noticed I was enjoying that. I blush. He reaches for the scissors again and this time unties my hands. 'Stand up,' he instructs sharply. 'Go over to that desk. Bend over it. I want your ass in the air, so stand on your toes and lay your cheek on the desk; I want to see your face. Hold on to the edge of the desk. Yes, that's it.' He takes a step or two back and objectively surveys the scene. He walks over, leans his body over mine for a moment and when he straightens up, with his left hand gripping the desk for extra support, he slaps my ass hard with his right. I think to myself, yes, I can handle this, it stings, but it's not so very bad. Don't start crying again, you can take this! I am so very wrong. After a couple more blows I hear something rattling. I turn my head around toward him and see he's holding a think brown leather belt. All the while he watches my face intently; I try desperately not to look at him, but the sight of the belt got me panicking again. I take my hands off the edge of the desk. I don't know what to do, but I'm certain my already sore ass won't be able to bear a belt. 'Don't you dare move, I am far from being done. You will stay still, you hear me?' His tone always calm and devoid of emotion. It frightens me enough to overcome my weakness and I grip the edge harder, forcing myself to remain erect as he desires. 'Count it out loud.' The first strike of the belt shocks me even if I already expected it. It feels so much more raw and brutal then his hand had on my already tender ass. 'O-one,' I manage to let out. When I get to five I just can't control my body anymore, which trembles relentlessly, and my chest racks with sobbing. 'Six,' I whisper with conspicuous hurt on my voice, in between sobs. The seventh one lands with a little bit less brutality. And I still sob while I wait, terrified, for the eighth. But it is taking too long. My crying gradually simmers down and after a few more seconds I apprehensively turn my head to look at where he's standing. He is still there, holding the belt in his right hand. I stare at him a little more and when I realize he's not going to strike me again I sink to my knees. I've never felt weaker. My chin is tucked into my chest and my hands cover my face as I sob as silently as I can. His hand seizes my hair, so tightly that I realize he must have wrapped it around his fist, and he pulls me up and tosses me back on the desk. 'I'm still not done,' he says, hoarsely. I'm too tired to even beg. I feel something touching my pussy, trying to intrude. And all at once I am aware again. He's going to fuck me now. I freeze at the touch of the head of his cock on my pussy. He grabs my ass cheeks and pushes. One single shove that penetrates me whole. I scream as it feels like my pussy is being torn apart. He begins ramming at it, mercilessly, and I muffle screams and sobs. He takes his cock out. 'Do you want my cock in your ass?' 'Oh, please, no!' I beg. 'Haven't you had enough?' 'No,' he answers dryly. I feel something cold and slick on my butthole and I realize he's rubbing lube on it. Seconds later he places the tip of his cock there and pushes. I see stars at the pain; nerve endings scream and as he continues to push harder and harder; he whispers in my ear, 'If you resist my cock it will only be worse for you.' My knuckles have turned white from grasping the desk so tightly. I resign myself to it, so that I can quickly get it done with, despite the fear and the pain. I finally feel the head of his cock break past my anus and the pain changes into something else, emanating through my whole body. With his head totally inside me, he pushes the rest of his cock in further and further until I feel his balls against my ass and know he is fully inside me. He moves the hair from my neck and kisses me there. I have no time to register how stunned I am at this unexpected tenderness because as soon as his lips leave my neck, he proceeds to fuck my ass vigorously. I can't catch my breath; I am so shocked at the pain of his erection impaling me over and over again. He is all the way inside of me, his balls banging against my shaved pussy. He reaches down and picks up his belt, still warm from beating me earlier, and wraps it around my neck. I wheeze as it cuts into my windpipe. He takes the end of the belt and pulls it tight against my throat and begins fucking me again, pulling his cock nearly out of my ass and then slamming it back in, with my back arched as he pulls on the belt secured tightly around my neck. Finally he pulls out of me and I feel the tug of his hands on my hair, positioning me at his feet, kneeling me in front of his cock. 'This time you won't spill a drop,' he warns me. He puts his engorged cock inside my mouth and instantly shoves it inside my throat. When it is there I feel it shake, ready to explode. He doesn't let his cock budge inside of me, and he knows I can't breathe. My chest convulses as the gag reflexes inevitably come, and then I feel hot thick salty cum filling my throat, gushing through its walls. Some of it suddenly fills my mouth, but most just keeps flooding down my throat, making me gag and choke. For one second I thought he was going to remove his cock, but he starts drilling my mouth, pumping and pumping its goo into me, which starts dribbling out of my mouth and nose. When he's done, I crumble to the floor, coughing and gasping for air. He grabs me by the arm and throws me on the bed. This time he doesn't tell me what position to take, he forces my body where and how he wants it. I am on all fours on the bed, my face pushed into a pillow, and my ass high, totally naked. 'I'm thirsty,' he says, 'I'm going to get a drink. I'll trust you not to move, not because I trust you, but because you know how much you'll regret it if you do. Tell me you'll be a good slut. I want you to say it.' The hoarse sound of my voice startles me as I reply, 'I'll be a good slut.' When he returns I'm still lying in the bed on the same position, even though my neck was very uncomfortable. 'Good slut,' he says. 'Sit up straight.' When I'm sitting down he comes over and sits next to me on the bed. I am so scared of him, and yet, a part inside of me wants him to want me. A part of me wants more. He softly roots his hand on the side of my neck, just above my jaw line, looks deep into my eyes and kisses me. A tender, but passionate kiss, that lasts a while. When he's done, he looks at me and smiles. 'Same time next week, Tess?' I don't even hesitate to find my answer, and I can't believe I'm saying it. 'Yes.' I have been crossdressing on and off for almost my entire life but it's always been limited to a night or so because I always had to engage that "other" life soon after. I finally decided it was time to spend a long 3 day weekend being Melissa. I'm 32 years old and every year my desire to be a real woman grows stronger. So I rented an AirBnB in Connecticut and purchased basically an entirely new wardrobe for this occasion. I figured aside from hopefully getting together with some guys, I would essentially treat the rest of the weekend as a photo shoot. And when I say I bought a new wardrobe, I mean everything! From basics like new bras and thongs, to a bunch of dresses, tops, bathing suits, and even a wedding dress because I always wanted to be a bride. I really went all out. The first thing I did was put all 3 suitcases worth of clothes away in the drawers and closets. Because I'm still very much "in the closet" one thing I've never been able to do is leave my women's clothes out like it's okay. I always put everything back into the suitcases I keep it in when I'm done so no one knows. However, this weekend, I was truly a woman with her clothes out and organized like it should be. Bras in the top draw, panties, thongs and pantyhose in the 2nd drawer, bathing suits in the 3rd drawer, dresses and tops in the closet, bottoms in the cabinet and my make-up and beauty products out on the vanity like they should be. Once I put everything away, it was time to put my make-up on and transform into the real me. I had already waxed, shaved and done everything before I arrived so this was the last step before getting dressed. It took me about an hour to do my make-up but when I was done I looked real good. Mascara on my eyes, glossy lipstick making my lips look very sexy, a little bronzer, put on my brown wig with some blond highlights and I was HER! Instead of starting my photo shoot the first night, I decided to take a bath in the big soaking tub. I had bought some cute new bathing suits and really wanted to feel the sensation of being a woman in the water. I smoked a joint, put on some Ariana Grande and just relaxed in the tub wearing my bikini. It felt so amazing, so overdue, so natural. I then took my big 10 inch dildo and stuck it on the side of the tub. I had seen online girls do this and it always seems like a turn on, so I figured why not give it a try? I slowly straddled this big long cock, having to take it out a few times while my back pussy slowly got more and more open. Finally it slid allllll the way in and I got that magic feeling again. If you're in the same situation as me you know what feeling I'm talking about. The feeling that THIS is how it's supposed to be, how it was always supposed to be. I rode it for a few minutes, recording myself the entire time which is what I planned on doing the whole weekend. After all, this weekend was not just about the experience for me but also documenting it so I could relive it again and again. When I finally came I suddenly became so exhausted I decided to call it a night. I changed into some lingerie and laid down. It's always hard to fall asleep when I'm Melissa because the rush is just so strong that it's hard to relax. So I smoked some more weed and eventually I passed out and next thing I knew it was morning. It was so liberating to wake up the way I always thought I should, feeling lingerie hugging my breasts, the long hair covering my eyes, it was just divine. Once I woke up I began to prepare for my first photo shoot of the weekend and was also setting something up for that night with a guy I had been talking to online. I spent about an hour or so doing my make-up again, and once again I looked so good. I must've changed into 2 dozen outfits during my photo shoot, one after the other, seeing myself in all different styles and colors. My breasts, which I've been fortunate to have naturally, were jumping out of many of my dresses and tops just as I dreamed they would be. There was a balcony outside of the master bedroom and I did most of my pictures there. It was such a thrill to feel the outside air on me while I was dressed, I had definitely never done that before because I was so afraid of being caught, so naturally I've also stayed inside. But now? I had a this big house with no one really around to see me and took full advantage of it. But I got to thinking... What else can I do? So I threw on this camoflauge- colored dress that was cute but not too dressy, the perfect dress for a day out, and I got in my car and decided to drive around town. I had never driven a car before as Melissa or even had anyone look at me as Melissa (aside from the one time I had sex with a man a handful of years earlier - that story is on here too). I had confidence, men online all fawn over me and how I look as Melissa so I felt good about myself, especially because they only saw my face really while I was driving. If I had to walk around, I don't think I'd be as confident. I was blasting some Britney and some other girly stuff I always felt kinda guilty liking while I drove around. Every car I passed I kept thinking 'omg they think I'm a woman!' It was so exhilarating. I kept looking down to see my ample breasts pushed up creating this sexy cleavage, feeling my thong rubbing against my back pussy while I continued to do a million other things. THIS was being a woman... not just laying down and feeling the sensation, but going about my day, almost forgetting about my bra, my thong, my hair, my make-up... It was just part of me and I had other things to do, like a drive a car lol. When I finally got back home it was time to begin changing for my date that night. I touched up my make-up again and switched into a sexy black corset with a black push-up bra underneath and black garter stockings. I looked good and I felt even better. While I was waiting for my date to show up I did another quick little photo shoot to document how good I looked. Finally it was 8:10pm and my date arrived. He was in his 50's, white, maybe 5'9" or so, his name was Fred. I saw him pull into my driveway so I came downstairs and let him in. Immediately I realized he was suuuuuuper nervous, even more than me. It was strange because the first time I had been with a man I was the one who was crazy nervous and thankfully he was the one who made me relax and he really took care of me. But tonight? I was the one who was going to have to take control, I knew that immediately. As he came in the house I gave him a little kiss on the lips which he was definitely not ready for lol. I then took his hand and led him upstairs. I wasn't trying to sit and talk (that's definitely one area I'm not confident in - my voice - so I didn't want to say anything more than I had to). As I we entered the bedroom he said to me, "Just so you know I have some E.D. issues". I was confused and thought 'why did you show up and talk all this game about how you were going to fuck me if you knew you couldn't get it up?' Disappointing to say the least. However, I decided to make this into a challenge. I'm going to get him hard! That was my mission. I told him to lay back on the bed, which he did, as I crawled toward him to put his little flaccid cock in my mouth. It was probably about 3 inches and not that thick but I still didn't mind. I love cock, all shapes and sizes, at least when it comes to sucking. Fucking? Well that'll come later... I gave him a video camera to record my from his perspective because I wanted to see how it looked to have me blowing him. As I leaned over to wrap my lips around his cock, I glanced down and saw how large my breasts appeared to be. They were so big that the long necklace I was wearing literally disappeared into my cleavage. Dressed as a women? Check. Big breasts and cleavage? Check. Having a cock to suck? Check. This was what I have been living for, I thought to myself. His cock was uncircumcised, the first uncircumcised cock I had ever seen up close. I slowly peeled back the extra skin and placed my lips around his limp noodle. Little by little I started sucking it harder and harder until I didn't even need to use my hand to keep in place. I could hear him moaning as I swallowed his cock over and over again. As I used one my hands to pull my hair away from my face I noticed my cleavage was exposed again and it continued to turn me on more and more. I must've sucked his cock for about 10 minutes and while he got a little erect, it never really got "hard hard". I then crawled on top of him and began straddling his cock. I wanted to feel his bare cock against me, even if the lycra from my thong didn't allow it to press right against my back pussy. When he was able to remove his eyes from my breasts which were right in his face, he asked me, "Is it in?" I smiled and told him I'm not putting him inside of me without a condom. He chuckled and felt silly, acknowledging the obvious. I then hopped off of him and proceeded to bend over doggy style with my big ass in the air. I didn't think he'd be able to fuck me, mainly because he couldn't get rock hard but also his cock wasn't that big even if he was hard. He tried but as I felt him thrusting into my ass, I knew this wasn't going to work. Luckily, I had that 10 inch dildo so I told him to use that on me. He grabbed it and shoved it right inside of me, faster than I would've liked to be honest. I made him take it out and slowly ease it inside of my back pussy. After about a minute I was good to go. He was really putting it all the way in, taking it all the way out, over and over and over again. As he was fucking me I kept looking down to see my tits jiggling, thinking to myself yet again how fucking right this felt. He fucked me for about 5 minutes before I asked him something I had been curious about. Do you want me to fuck you? I've always been a bottom when dressed, it's just the most natural for me. But I also was curious how it would feel to stick my cock inside a man. He said yes so we changed positions. He got into a doggy style position now and I stood at the edge of the bed, still wearing my lingerie in full Melissa-mode. I put a condom on and had some trouble getting my cock into him. Finally I felt it slip past his hole and BOOM, I was inside. Because I myself am only 5 inches, I don't particularly enjoy thrusting since my cock often comes out when I do, but I tried. After about 10 second of fucking him I knew I kinda liked it. There was something sexy about bending over that hairy ass and listening to him moan. Maybe I didn't dislike being a top? Maybe I just was being a top with the wrong gender? Maybe I'm just gay? All of these thoughts kept running through my head. The thing that felt the strangest was being dressed as Melissa while topping. That was weird. I enjoy feeling delicate when dressed but this was far from delicate. I was the man, yet was also the woman. Needless to say, I had conflicting emotions. After about 5 minutes of fucking him, I told him to suck my tits. I needed to transition back to Melissa and I remember how much I loved having my tits sucked the first time I had sex as a woman. In fact, it was one of the best parts of the experience for me. I climbed on the bed and sat up on my knees while he stood at the side of the bed. I pulled both of my tits out of my corset, exposing my rock hard nipples. As soon as he put his mouth on my breast that feeling came right back to me. 'OMG!' I thought to myself. It felt amazing. His tongue massaging my nipples, the noise of his saliva sucking them harder and harder. I began to moan while stroking the back of his hair as he kept going. I was back, Melissa was back. I was a woman feeding my man my tits, just as I should have been doing my entire life. That's what I kept thinking to myself. Eventually I pulled my cock out and started stroking it as he continued sucking. After about a minute of stroking I came. And like that, it was over. He got dressed, I walked him back downstairs and he went home. I spent the rest of the night chatting online, cyber-sexing with a few guys I met in a chat. I couldn't get enough of the rush and didn't want it to end. Eventually I changed into my sleeping lingerie and called it a night. That ended up being the only guy I slept with over the weekend. I was hoping to have another one the next night but it fell through unfortunately, so I just did another photo shoot the next day. During the end of my photo shoot I decided to take a walk in the woods behind my house and really walk around as Melissa. It was maybe even more thrilling than driving around the day before. Once again I didn't notice all of the things I usually did when dressing, like my bra, my thong, etc... As it felt the day before, it was just a part of me. A part of me that felt more right than anything I've ever experienced. This weekend was one of the most special of my life. I WAS Melissa, and not just for a few hours. I slept as her, I went to the bathroom as her, I bathed and showered as her, I drove as her, I walked outside as her, and I had sex as her. I WAS HER. Now the question continues to be... How can I ever go back to not being her? |
I got a new journal today. It came to me from a friend. She is a beautiful, buxom redhead. I have such a crush on her. Anyway- I am getting away from myself. With each new journal I get, I decide to do something new with it. I have a journal that is specifically for planning out my poetry. I go through several of these and replace it with small spiral bound notebooks throughout the year and many of my poems never make it out of the notebook. I have another that is devoted to my thoughts on world events as they happen and what I feel, what the opinion of the country might be at the time, and the like. I have another journal where I write about things that really seriously bother me so I can figure them out before I hurt someone. Sometimes you don't know what's REALLY bothering you until you sit down and write it all out and everything that comes to mind. A type of freeform writing that just flows from the pen to the page that doesn't make sense until you come to the end. Spiral reasoning. Much like this paragraph is becoming. In all my writing, there is something that I have never done. Wanna know what it is? Come in closer. It's a secret. I have never actually written exactly what turns me on and why. For all of my stories and poetry I have written I have never ONCE written about my very particular kinks. I've written about BDSM. I've written about things that I would do with another person if it weren't illegal or impractical. And I do it all under artistic license. Anyone can make something up. It's quite another story to sit down and tell someone very up front and frankly about something that really honestly turns you on. Believe me. I've tried. So as I think of them, I will be writing down my kinks one by one. The entries will probably be short because this is just a form of journal to document my personal kinks, fetishes, and things that make me purr. Maybe it will be a particular person. Perhaps it will be a particular sex act or position. I might even give a glimpse into what might be completely non-erotic, but still gets me wet. I am going to give details and exact things. I might even be writing it as it is happening. This is new territory for me. Every good writer knows that they should write down some ideas and things to get them going. As I was writing this, even, it sparked an idea. I remembered how much I love long hair. Men with long hair are just plain sexy. I also remembered how much I love a good debate. As long as it doesn't go into the avenues of screaming grudge match. Although the makeup sex could be fun. Hands. I love the way men's hands look as they move. I really love it when guys go down on me, although I wouldn't ask for it. I guess that means I would have to tell why, right? Men in glasses are sexy. Very sexy. And so varied in appearance. And so are Geeks. Then again some geeks wear glasses. Wonder if this would put in the Nerd category, too? Goths! Goth boys and girls are both sexy as hell. I remember one delicious little fuckpuppet a friend of mine showed me... Or the girl with the wings... And speaking of Goths, I have a crush on a guy from a show I go to see occasionally. I could write about him and what I would do to him. Or maybe I could write about how much I love toys... Or how frustrated I am when I have to wait for my toys to be delivered. Speaking of which, the damned things SHOULD have been delivered to me TODAY. I could write about some of my rather amusing sexcapades. Embarrassment can be fun sometimes. Vampires get my engine running. Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice does it to me even reading it, but the movie is great, too. I love the sexual tension that runs through the whole damned movie. Just writing all of this down where other people can find it is exciting. Maybe I will have to devote an entry to just how seductive it can be to put your fantasies out of your head and into written form. I love using strap-ons. Maybe I could write about that? Hm... Or the first time I got to use a strap on and how it felt. So many ideas! They just kind of spill out as I'm writing. Damn. I'm impressed! Since this is just an introduction, though, I can't give it ALL away. I'm a minx like that. (Yea, so I plan on letting a certain buxom redhead read this one day. She has a penchant for erotic stories anyway.) Damn. So many ideas. But so horny now, too. Decisions, decisions... I guess I will go masturbate, then sit down and write out an entry or two. God I love new journals! Every one of them is a new adventure! ~*~*~*~*~*~ You know something? It's funny that I am in the same situation today as I was when I wrote this. I am waiting on new toys to be delivered. Damned UPS. And just reading this and typing it up made me horny. I guess it is true that you can learn from the past. That time of year again, the works christmas party. Lianne had sworn off them for a few years. The last job she'd had, she'd been at for a long time, and she'd had enough drunken works shindigs to last her forever. Now though, she was older, wiser and altogether more sensible. Although a hell of a lot more of a lightweight, it seemed. She'd been in what she still considered her "new" job for about 18 months now. New job, new area, new life. It was all going pretty well; she liked her colleagues, loved her boyfriend (boyfriend seems like the wrong word when you're out of your twenties, doesn't it?), loved the area. It was a fairly small office, and informal most of the time. Occasionally they'd get a visit from the big cheeses, and then everyone was on their best behaviour, but on the whole it was a friendly, relaxed team of people. Sometimes she disagreed with the way certain people operated but that's work, isn't it? It's never perfect. One of her workmates had booked them a meal in town, and they'd all headed out afterwards to indulge in drinks. The last time Lianne had been out with this lot, things had been messy - as one of the few staff that commuted, she'd booked a room at a central hotel, but despite the temptation to go hard at it again this year she didn't want to suffer the same jibes as last time round. She'd had a few too many and had lost patience with the hipster-style jazz club they'd wound up in, grousing that there wasn't anything to dance to. Nope, not doing that again. A couple of quality G&T's would suffice, a good natter with a couple of her workmates and a bitch about the bosses, and she'd be happy. No need for baubles as earrings, or elf hats with ears attached, or fur trimmed miniskirts. By midnight she was feeling pretty good. Okay, so she'd exceed her "couple of G&T's" limit. Exceeded? Hmm, trashed it. But one of the girls knew this funky little cocktail bar, and she'd had to try one of *those*.. oh and *that* one... Ahhh, sod it. She didn't get out much these days, living in the sticks. The barman mixing their cocktails had been easy on the eye, and flirty too, dropping her the odd wink, but she hadn't done anything awful - although the rumblings about a kebab, or karaoke, sounded appealing. She couldn't tell which option sounded better, and then realised that when either a kebab or a karaoke session with your workmates was becoming a good option, it was probably time to call it a night. Hugs all round then, and "see you Mondays". She only had a five minute walk - well, hobble, in these stupid heels - back to the hotel. It wasn't yet midnight and Lianne congratulated herself on being the sensible one in the group - not like last year! Oh no, no weekend-long hangover for her. She was buzzing a bit from expensive cocktails, but it made the walk bearable. She'd be ever so good - glass of water before bed, remove the eye makeup, drag a brush through her hair, get up at a sensible time and have a shower, coffee, decent breakfast... Yep, well behaved now. She was too old for all that partying-til-the-sunrise schtick. Anyway no-one wanted to party with an as- good-as-married, fairly un-girly woman like her. They'd be chasing after the younger, hotter bits of skirt from the office. She deliberately ignored her internal monologue's mutterings of "frump.. lightweight..booooooring", in favour of the more positive aspects of an early night. She wandered through the dim lobby and hit the call button for the lift. City centre hotels built upwards, and she was on the fourth floor out of five. A few people milled around the lobby, lingering after late drinks, hoping for a last nightcap, or prolonging the inevitable. Lost in her own thoughts, Lianne didn't notice when a group of men clocked her. She didn't see them smile small smiles. She didn't notice when one of the men detached himself from the group and moved slowly towards the lifts. He followed her into the brightly lit small space and hit the button for the fifth floor, his hand brushing over hers as she reached for the number four. Lianne glanced up, taken unawares; she'd not even seen him get into the lift behind her. He smiled at her surprised expression and blatantly looked her up and down. His gaze lingered over her cleavage and he actually licked his lips. The alcohol must have removed some polite inhibition, and Lianne actually sputtered a laugh. The man looked sheepish. She decided that if it was okay for him to check her over, she may as well do precisely the same thing and see how he liked it. Jeans, worn and washed soft. A dark coat, over who-knew-what; he seemed solidly built but it was hard to know. It was okay for guys - eye up a bird in a tight dress and you could see if she was thin, fat, toned, voluptuous - but a man in tight clothes? Generally if they were that proud of themselves she'd not be interested anyway. She'd never liked vain men. She resumed her assessment. He must have been early forties, slight flickers of grey through his dark hair, just enough that it looked like a trick of the light. His eyes were dark, too, with an intensity she associated with.. oh now what did it make her think of... the cocktails fuzzed her brain but she thought perhaps of birds of prey. Clever. Ruthless. She laughed to herself. Waaaay too much gin. The lift made a soft ping and the doors opened. Lianne cast one wistful look at the cocksure bloke in the lift and wandered into the corridor. She kicked off her shoes and luxuriated in the relief, then began to pad back to her room. She keyed the lock and let herself in, opening the door with a shoulder whilst juggling shoes, bag, keycard and doorhandle. When she didn't hear it click shut behind her, she didn't panic - it must have snagged somehow. She tossed her belongings onto the floor and turned to close the door properly. She'd pivoted unsteadily, only halfway, when a hand slapped over her mouth and a strong arm pulled her backwards. Lianne's eyes flew wide and she screamed, frantically scrabbling her stockinged heels over the carpet, instinctively fighting for balance. Her assailant pulled her backwards, towards the door, and kicked it closed behind himself. He hung onto her and held her as still as he could, putting his mouth close to her ear. "Shhhh. Don't scream. Not gonna hurt you." She wriggled and flailed. He wasn't removing his hand from her mouth. Suddenly she felt the world go sideways. He'd dropped backwards, onto one knee, dragging her down with him. He'd rolled somehow so that he was lying on his back, her body tight against his, and before she could think to kick, his legs wrapped around hers. She could move even less now. "I told you... Calm down. You can't get past me, I'm stronger than you. I won't hurt you. Now STOP." As she recognised how pointless her struggles were, she gave in. She'd only get tired out. Her chest heaved. "I'll tell you again, no screaming. I'm not here to harm you. I'm going to take my hand away, okay?" His voice was steady, smooth, controlled. He did what he'd promised and slowly removed his hand from her mouth, relaxing his hold on the rest of her. Lianne stumbled forwards, dragging herself towards the bed, crawling for it and hauling herself upwards. She plonked herself down, looking at him, staring stupidly. Lift guy. What the hell? He stood. Looked at her, breathing hard, eye makeup running from tears, hair dishevelled. He couldn't help but smile again. She just watched him, warily, her mouth hung open in shock. She knew she should be screaming blue murder, running for the door, but she was rooted to the spot. He unzipped his jacket and hung it neatly. He stepped closer to her. "I'm going to have you," he said quietly. Her eyes grew rounder. She couldn't understand, herself, why she wasn't fighting. She was just sitting, all scared... She tried to muster some courage. "You can't do this. I'll shout. You can't..." That was her first real mistake. He silenced her protests with his mouth, shoving her back onto the bed, pushing her into the mattress. His tongue forced between her lips and she could only screech at him. One hand was on her chest - fuck, he was strong. The other hand raked up her thigh, grabbed her knickers, and pulled. He literally tore them off her. He sat up, quickly, a knee over her legs, and the hand with her knickers in was now on her belly. His other hand covered her face, pinching her nostrils closed. She shook her head and flailed again, but as soon as she opened her mouth to breathe, he stuffed her knickers in. "There. Now you can't scream. Any noise you make, well... town centre hotel, friday night, we're just another office party couple having some fun, aren't we?" Lianne was livid. She was seething with frustration - he was just too big, too strong, for her to fight. But she wasn't going to make it easy for him. If he wanted it, he'd have to be damned determined. He wasn't going to win this one completely. She forced her body to at least pretend to relax. He felt her muscles slacken. He climbed off her, and moved to sit in the tub chair in the corner of the room. Still between her and the door, but he'd shown her now that he could force her down anyway. "Stand up then, and strip," he ordered. She fiddled for the back zip of her dress. Tugged it down, and stepped out of it. "Come on... not much left anyway. Bra now," She dropped it to one side and stood, her knickers in her mouth, quite naked. Her eyes gleamed furious defiance at him. "Turn round, hands on the bed, and bend over." Lianne did as she was bid. She pressed her face into the cool linen, soothing the tears on her face, not looking back at him. She was exposed to him, her bottom up in the air, her private parts on show. She burned with humiliation. "Oh, my... that's nice. Good arse you've got there. Not too small, round enough to jiggle. I can see your cunt between your thighs, you know. It's a nice view." She heard him shifting in the chair, but she didn't look over her shoulder. She jumped when she felt his hands on her hips, and his breath on her bottom. He took a big breath in. "You smell good, too. Your cunt smells nice. Clean, hungry. And you look good close up, too. That little arsehole is begging for attention. And what do we have here?" Hungry? What did he mean? She started again as she felt one finger run the length of her slit, ever so gently, not even parting her pussy. He idly flicked at the larger inner lips and then she felt him pulling them apart, his thumbs spreading her open. "I thought so! Hungry indeed. Your cunt's getting wet for me. Did you know that?" She didn't move, didn't answer. Her mouth was stuffed, and she was reeling. She'd almost groaned aloud at the feeling of being spread open. Opened up by a stranger. Second mistake. She squealed into the knickers in her mouth as his hand cracked across her bottom. "That's for not answering when I ask you a question. Now, try again. Did you know your cunt is wet?" She shook her head, ashamed, still burying her face in the sheets. "Mmmmm..." he inhaled her scent again. "I think I'll have to make sure you know who's in charge. Stay there, don't move, and I might be a bit nicer to you." She did as she was told. That was the right thing to do, wasn't it... Do as he wanted, then he might not hurt her. She kept her face buried in the sheets - better that than let him see her crying. But perhaps that's what he wanted? Maybe he got off on seeing her fear, her weakness. Lianne's thighs started to ache from being bent over the bed, but she didn't dare to move. She drew a few shaky breaths as she listened to him bumping about the room, hearing the sound of furniture being dragged over the bland beige carpet. She heard him rattling bottles in the bathroom. She heard him swipe aside all of her makeup on the counter, beside the hotel TV. Keep breathing, she told herself. Play nice. Be good. "I think I'm ready," he said, and there was a smile in his voice. A note of amusement. She couldn't shout her gobby response with a mouthful of knickers; she didn't want to piss him off if he was feeling pleased with himself. What the hell was she doing, anyway? Why not stand up straight and run for it? But then.. naked in a hotel corridor, at gone midnight, and a stranger in her room. Who would believe her? They'd think she'd brought him back there. Silly drunken girlie, got a bad case of the regrets. No, she wasn't going to run from him. She was braver than that. Better than that. Lianne lifted her head and looked around at him. "First," he murmured, his voice low, "I'm going to show you who's in charge here. Reinforce the message a bit. After that, I'm going to take what I want. You think you're so well behaved, don't you, dancing the evening away in your party dress, flirt a bit, head back here all alone? I know you're not like that, not really. I think we should always be honest. Don't you?" "Um... Yes?" she replied, hoping it was the right answer. "Good girl. Now come here," he gestured. She saw that he had moved the low coffee table in the room, dragged it to a new place in front of the full length mirror. She looked over at him, confused. "Lie flat on the table," he said. "On your front. Spread your legs." As she lay down, he made her pause and lift her hips. He slipped a couple of cushions underneath her. As she lay back down, her breasts pushed into the cold table. She steadied herself with her hands on the floor. Her toes gripped into the carpet. He knelt in front of her and proceeded to lash her arms to the legs of the table. She looked up, lifting her tear-stained face to him. "Please... I won't tell anyone. I don't know who you are," she pleaded. He took her chin in his hand. Thumbed away tears, an oddly familar, tender gesture. "Just be honest," he said softly. Then he left, moving behind her to fasten each ankle to the table legs in the same way. She was exposed, again. Her arse was raised up, her legs splayed. Her most private areas were there for him to see. She was helpless. She dropped her head, resigned to whatever he might do next. "Now then," he said. "I want honesty from you. Each time I think you're not being truthful, I'm going to spank your arse. So if you want to get this over with quickly, don't lie. And don't you scream, or the knickers are going back in. Which would be a shame, because I want to hear you answer me. It's so much more fun to hear you say it, rather than just nod or shake your head. Do you understand?" "Yes," she muttered. She wasn't looking forward to this. She'd been spanked once before, by an ex, and though she was ashamed to say it, she'd loved the experience. It had hurt, true, but the sheer novelty of it, and the naughtiness, had made her insatiable. But this man was an unknown quantity. He must have picked up on the tone in her voice. "Has anyone done this to you before? Spanked you?" That was her business! "No!" SMACK. She yelped. "Warned you, didn't I. Tell the truth. And no screaming!" She sighed. "Okay, okay. Once before." He moved his large hand in circles on her rump, soothing the burn. "Good girl," he smiled. "Did you like it?" She didn't answer. She didn't want him to think that was her thing. That she got off on stuff like this. It might encourage him. SMACK, again. She breathed in sharply, hissing through her teeth against the sting. "Too slow!" he sing-songed at her. "I bet you did, though. I bet it made you feel slutty." It had, that was the problem. When she still didn't speak, he landed another couple of sharp slaps on her arse, and she heard him chuckle. He was clearly enjoying the way her flesh jumped, the way she was taking each smack stoically. Then he did something that surprised her. She felt his hands on the backs of her thighs, sliding upwards. He pulled at her flesh, spreading her apart, exposing her. He held her like that for a long moment. "I'm looking at your pussy," he said quietly. His thumbs pulled the lips of her cunt apart. She felt hot breath against the sensitive skin. Then she stiffened as he breathed in, noisily - and suddenly licked her. "You smell so good," he murmured. "I wanted a taste. And you're wet." He grabbed a handful of each buttock, spreading those too. "I want to look at your holes," he said. "I'm going to fuck every one of them tonight, and you'll beg me to stop... But I won't stop until you find yourself begging for more." She shuddered. He was exposing her most intimate places. "No point being shy, you know. By morning you'll have done things with me that will make this seem like nothing." He stroked her pussy, just with the tip of his finger, then pushed it roughly inside. She whimpered. SMACK. Another slap landing on one arse cheek. She jumped, twitching as his finger moved inside her. "I'd like to put you over my knee," he said in a thoughtful tone. "Smack your arse til it's pink. Watch you get so wet it soaks through your knickers. This will have to do for now." He was alternating spanks with thrusts of his finger. She wriggled her hips - not trying to escape from the blows, but trying to gain some extra movement on his hand. Her arse was hot, and his finger inside her was teasing her like mad. She knew she'd been found out - he must have known, when he bent to smell her arousal, that she was getting some twisted kind of pleasure from the spanking. She had no idea how he'd known. "Do you fantasise?" came a question. She shook her head. She didn't want him to know any more than he obviously already did. SMACK. "Of course you do. Everyone does. Unless you're lying to get spanked even more?" She shook her head again, quickly. "I believe you. See, it's easier when people are straight with one another." As if she had any option, all four limbs tied to the legs of the table, arse in the air, exposed to the attentions of a total stranger. He carried on, spanking her bottom and legs, and occasionally sliding a finger into her pussy. She tried hard to stay quiet but her arse really was burning now. "What do you daydream about, then? Being fucked hard?" She nodded, and was rewarded with another spank. "Answer, don't just nod at me. And everyone dreams about that. Do you think about... Oh, let's see... Being tied up?" "Yes," she replied meekly. "Sometimes." "What about being well-fucked in every hole? Used and ravaged?" "Mmm," she whimpered, and was spanked yet again. "I think you probably daydream about even more than that. You're a dirty girl, deep down - a dirty little slut putting on respectable face. Which is fine with the people you work with. Most of them, anyway - you'd be surprised what they think about you..." She had no idea what that was supposed to mean. What the hell did her work colleagues know about her sex life? She didn't discuss that sort of thing with anyone! Well... There was that one guy, Jay, that she'd been IM-ing. They joked about how the rest of the office had sticks up their arses, or how the management were useless. Jay was just like her; definitely taken, but still up for a chat and a flirt because it livened the day up. They'd swapped a bit of saucy innuendo, yeah, but she didn't think he'd ever really want to take it further. It wasn't like that. Another hard spank, right where her arse cheeks parted, landed stingingly. It snapped her right back to the here and now - that one really hurt, he'd caught the tops of her thigh along with her exposed pussy lips. |
I found Hubby's text after showering the next morning. "Come by the house, Wifey has a surprise!" I responded as I finished getting ready to check out. "Be there ASAP." Who could resist an invitation like that? Another opportunity to be around Wifey, or even be with her again? "Don't get ahead of yourself Blake," I thought as I followed the directions Hubby provided. Hubby greeted me at the door. "Hey Blake, nice to see you. C'mon in." After settling in chairs near the pool Hubby said, "Sorry Blake, I've got some bad news. Wifey had to run out and will be gone for a while." The disappointment obviously showed on my face. "But hey, hang out for a bit, drink a beer, relax before you hit the road. Maybe she'll show up." "Well, OK. Maybe for a little while." After handing me a cold Corona we sat by the pool, shot the shit, and started getting to know each other. He was pretty well versed on many subjects and seemed pretty normal. Suddenly, the gate to the pool opened and in strolled Kate, Hubby and Wifey's sex obsessed neighbor. She looked stunning in a brightly colored, multi-patterned sun dress. The halter top of the garment cupped her big breasts and a circular silver pendent hung from her neck. "Hi Hubby," She walked slowly towards us. Hubby stood and embraced her. Her white platform pumps with straps around the ankle accented her lithe, tanned legs. Kissing Hubby on the cheek she turned her attention to me. She sashayed slowly towards me and I stood to greet this voluptuous beauty. "You must be Blake. Wifey said you were handsome but my goodness, you're pretty hot! "You look ravishing Kate! I never dreamed I'd meet you while I was here." "Looks like you might get to do more than just meet me." Her blue eyes and pink accented lips shined as she smiled at me. Turning back to Hubby she included him as she stated, "I'm in the mood to try something new and you two are invited." "Kate you naughty thing, what do you have in mind?" Hubby's interest obviously piqued. "Let me get changed and you'll find out." "She's beautiful!" I couldn't help myself. "That she is," returned Hubby. "And, she's a total nympho when it comes to sex. Whatever Kate's got in mind is sure to be good!" Within minutes the sliding door opened and Kate stepped outside. She was a vision of beauty with unbridled sex appeal. Her now visible breasts were barely adorned with a pink micro-bikini top that managed to just cover her nipples, and around her shapely hips was a sheer pink, wrap-around skirt displaying white Lilies. As she walked slowly towards us the tiny 'V' of the bikini bottom appeared in the skirt's full length slit, the pink strings of the bikini tied in big loop knots at her hips above the skirt. Her white pumps clicked lightly on the concrete as she approached. "C'mon boys, join me in the cabana." Her hips swayed sexily as she proceeded to the covered couch. Standing before the enclosure with her tanned back to us, she untied and dropped the wrap-around faux skirt, revealing the pink string from the bikini bottom, exiting the top of her shapely ass cheeks and joining the thin string around her waist. Moving to either side Hubby and I touched Kate lightly, running our fingertips up and down her heart shaped ass, her inner thighs, her flat tummy, and over her luscious tits. Drawing her to him, Hubby embraced his neighbor and kissed her deeply. Continuing to massage her ass cheeks I waited as my cock pushed angrily against my jeans. Turning to me, Kate's demeanor invited me to embrace and kiss her as well. I couldn't believe my luck. I'd just spent hours the night before with the most beautiful, sensuous woman on the planet, and now an almost perfect clone was in my arms, our tongues clashing in anticipation of sex to come. Hubby continued caressing Kate until we parted. "So Kate, what exactly do you have in mind?" Stepping back she responded, "You boys like what you see?' "Ummm," was all I could muster. "Kate, you know what you do to me," said Hubby. "Well, I've been letting Hubby play with my ass more and more, recently. I think I'm ready for some anal sex!" Hubby and I looked at each other with Cheshire cat grins. "And, after listening to Wifey go on about Blake fucking her, well, not only do I want Hubby to take my anal virginity, I want you two to double penetrate me. I want to have unbridled, unbelievable, slutty sex with you guys. I want to be fucked like there's no tomorrow." "I'm in," said Hubby. All I could do was swallow and nod. Kate struck a pose. "You boys like my bikini?" "What's not to like?" I was finally able to speak. Her semi-erect nipples poked at her tiny top and a small tuft of blonde pubic hair appeared sexily above the minimal 'V' of her bikini bottom. Turning slowly she gave us both a wonderful glimpse of side boob and the string rising between her ass cheeks. Turning full circle Kate sat on the edge of the lounge. Reaching beneath the settee she retrieved a satin bag. "Hubby, would you help me for a sec?" Handing him a silver necklace he attached it behind her head. Sitting up straight we could see the word 'SLUT' spelled out in fake jewels around her neck like a choker. "Wow, you look totally hot!" I responded to her show. "Just a reminder boys cause I'm really in the mood. Now come here and get those cocks out!" Without hesitation we both dropped our jeans and stood before her. Kate reached up and grabbing both of our members she slowly ran her hands up and down our shafts. Her touch was light and I could feel myself growing harder with her continued fondling. Leaning forward she first put Hubby in her mouth, then me. She continued this alternating approach licking and sucking and fellating the two of us. She worked her tongue expertly around each head and beneath the glans of our cocks drawing us deeper into her sexual hold over us. She looked us each in the eye as she fellated and deep throated us. Somehow she continued stroking the shaft of the other cock while licking our cocks and balls, raising our temperatures as she gratified our anticipation. "Oh my god Kate," I blurted as I held her head gently and added a sight hip thrust into her pink painted lips. "Ummm, you boys are hard as rocks, and big! Hubby, I need you to fuck me!" "Yeah," was all he could say in response. Kate lay back on the divan and Hubby knelt between her spread legs moving her little pink 'V' aside. He pushed his enlarged head past her vaginal lips and was suddenly buried to the hilt inside Kate's deep, wet pussy. Shutting her blue, heavily made up eyes, and opening her lips, a sigh and slight groan escaped her mouth. "Yes Hubby, oh, that's so good!" I couldn't help but stare, mesmerized by the sexual action before me. Hubby's cock invaded then retreated from Kate's beautiful, pink snatch as she moved against him for better penetration. Finally she opened her eyes and looked at me. "Come here Blake. I want you in my mouth while Hubby keeps fucking me. And, don't worry, there's plenty of pussy for both of you, amongst other things." Her smile spoke volumes as I continued to take it all in. Kate's chin length, blonde hair enveloped her face as she continually moved against Hubby's motion. The choker necklace spoke volumes as to her intent and desire. Kneeling on one knee I kissed Kate's painted lips then nibbled first one, then the other hardened nipple through the fabric of her pink mini top. Kate's hand found my manhood, encircled it with her fingers, and jerked my cock gently. I moved up so Kate could engulf my manhood with her lovely lips and mouth. Hubby pulled his cock from Kate's cunt. "Your turn," he grunted as he moved to the side. Plunging my mouth to her sopping wet pussy I licked the length of her slit, slurping and kissing her pink snatch. "Mmmm. I like that Blake." Then, I was between her legs holding them up so that her white heels were above my shoulders. Plunging my engorged cock into that swollen, beckoning pussy, I pumped Kate with vigor. She felt unbelievably soft and pliant around my slowly penetrating prick. I watched attentively as she deep throated Hubby and I pushed myself to the hilt. She slid her mouth up and down Hubby's shaft and I matched my thrusts to her rhythm. Kate pushed against me and the feeling running through me and out through my dick was amazing. Kate wrapped her fingers around Hubby's base and flicked her clitoris with the other hand. "Oh Kate, you are amazing!' "Just keep fucking me Blake I'm almost ready for both of you." Following a few more minutes of frenzied fucking, we all parted. "Blake, I have a history with Hubby, I mean he is my neighbor and all, so I'm going to let him have my ass first." Rising to her knees she prepared for rear entry. "You come over here and fuck my mouth while he takes my ass. After that it's anyone's guess. Just know, I'm expecting big things from both of you." Kneeling on the ground, Hubby licked Kate's pussy, then her ass. Lubing her butthole and his index finger he eased it in to her bottom. Kate responded with a smile and cooed to Hubby, "Yeah, get me ready for your big cock. I want your cock in my ass! Putting my cock to her lips she responded by kissing its head, flicking me with her tongue, then engulfing my hardness in her moist mouth. Hubby poured lube in his hand and prepared his big head for penetrating her beautifully rounded ass. I untied her bikini bottom and let it fall from her body. Easing himself into her bottom Kate stopped fellating me and let the anal penetration overcome her. "Take it slow Hubby," was all she said. After minutes of slow accommodation, Kate's ass began to slide up and down Hubby's enlarged cock. "Oh god, fuck me Hubby, fuck my dirty little slut ass." He responded by meeting her thrusts gently at first but increasing the rhythm and depth as Kate really got into it. "Oh god that's so good. Hubby's really fucking my ass and it feels...Oh." He started pounding her butt and I slid back into Kate's mouth. "What do you think Kate, is our slut ready for both of our cocks?" A sly grin was plastered on Hubby's face. "Bring it on boys," she whispered hoarsely. "Blake, you get on the bottom and fuck me. Hubby, you stay where you are." Arranging ourselves as directed my cock was buried in her pulsating pussy as Hub eased back into her butt. Kate's eyes were closed but the look of satisfaction on her face as we began slowly fucking her holes was heavenly. "Oh my! Oh, that's good. That feels amazing!" Kate relished the intensity of two big cocks sliding in and out of her. I gazed at Kate's face as I reached up with both hands and fondled her large, ripe breasts. The necklace said it all as we fucked Kate's holes with renewed vigor. "Why did I wait this long? This is amazing you guys..." "You're a dirty little slut aren't you Kate?" Hubby egged her on. "You going to go home and tell your husband about this?" "I don't know, just keep fucking me!" I was ready for more. "Hey Hubby, let's turn her over and I'll take her ass for a while." Re-arranging ourselves Kate waited while I positioned myself. Lowering herself slowly onto my pointed manhood, her beautiful ass slid down my length. Moving up and down Kate slowly and determinedly took me to additional depths of pleasure. "Oh Blake, you feel exceptional back there. C'mon Hubby, fuck my pussy, fuck me hard!" Hubby lined himself up as I helped hold Kate in position for his big cock. We were soon fucking Kate in unison, then separately, in unison, separately. I held her luscious tits and tweaked her nipples as we continued thrusting deeply into her holes. The bikini top was on either side of her bare tits. Hubby spoke to her, "Kate, you're such a fuck slut, just like your necklace says." "I am Hubby, I'm a dirty little slut. I'm your slut boys...just don't stop." She writhed with pleasure as little moans escaped her mouth. Her body shook slightly with ecstasy as we kept up the pace, her response indicating her level of arousal. Hubby kissed her then exclaimed, "Kate, you've got almost 20 inches of cock in you." "And it feels unbelievable Hubby." The three of us were grinding together. "As good and nasty as a dripping double creampie sounds, I want you guys to cum in my mouth and on my face. Finish me like the total slut I am." "You ready Blake?" Hubby asked as he pounded Kate. "Anytime!" Kate's ass felt unreal and had me hovering close to the brink. Hubby pulled out of her soaked pussy then Kate climbed off of me and knelt by the chaise lounge. Standing, I positioned myself next to Hubby. Kate grabbed our cocks and pulled us to her mouth. She engulfed both of us in her masterful mouth, licking our cocks as her tongue darted side to side. Then we were both jacking off, willing ourselves to shoot a load in her mouth and on her lovely face. "Ahhh," Hubby came first, exploding onto her face, hair, and finally in Kate's mouth. She turned her attention to me as I finished yanking my cock to an explosive state. I shot my load in her mouth then across her blue eyed, cum covered face. The amount of jizz on her was substantial and somehow made her appear even sexier than before. Our cum co-mingled, slowly dripping down her face and chin. Some of it landed on her succulent boobs. Scraping a majority of the semen into her mouth, Kate made a show of the load before expertly swallowing it. After rubbing the remaining cum into her beautiful breasts and nipples she reached up with her hands and we helped her to her feet. "Kate, you are..." she held her hand up to quiet me. "I know Blake, I'm a dirty little fuck slut aren't I?" "Well, you said it, not me." "It's Ok, I know what I am, and what I like. And, I like you two!" "You going to clean up Kate, or are you going home to your husband with our loads coating your face?" Hubby inquired. "He likes hearing, and in this case, seeing the results of my adventures." "You are a dirty girl Kate..." "Yes I am Hubby, as you, and now Blake, know. By the way, Blake, be a dear and unhook this necklace. I'll leave it for one of Wifey's next get-togethers." Unhooking the choker I watched Kate sashay across the patio, her micro bottom in hand, the top still tied around her beautiful back, to retrieve her sundress. "Pretty fucking hot, isn't she Blake?" "Indeed she is Hubby, indeed she is!" I just wasn't getting a good nights rest, so I decided to say "screw-it"- and I got up to see what the day had planned for me... I made myself a pot of coffee, I did my morning stretches/work-outs, I read my email/txt msgs & I still- didn't feel proper... Saturday mornings have always been a difficult situation for me. I love my life way too much to just- "sleep-in". I know that I'm a little different from most people. I'm different, I'm strange & I'm eccentric? I had decided to wax my truck. The morning sun was just making her way upon the horizon, as I was pulling my truck into my garage. My neighbor had walked over to say, "hello". I asked him if he would like to stick around for a while & when he said "yes"- I offered him some coffee, and a chair. He is an engineer. A scientist of some kind. He is kind of "nerdy", but we get along very well. We have lived next door to each other for many years now & we have never had any issues- whatsoever. He is an excellent neighbor. He is really smart though. He is not just a typical smart person. He is a brilliant/smart person. Those types of smart people- that are above your typical "average"- smart... I'm talking about the individuals that create the equipment that's necessary to analyze fusion & molecular structure breakdown- smart. The type of individual that builds super computers- smart. He doesn't have to deal with any low-caliber- reverse engineering, because he is the type of individual that designs the future in technology... Yes- he is that individual, that person, that guy among many others- that helps our society to advance & yes, he is that kind of- smart. I'm smiling as I write this- because I'd like to declare him as- smart/smart... ***** Is that silly to say? ***** He is also- funny as hell, (my opinion). He is literally the funniest person that I have ever known. Not just his jokes- but his stories, his explanations, his descriptions, and his perceptions of everyday life- in general. He explains life as simplistic as it truly is. The sun comes up & the sun goes down- but he is so calm, cool & collected as he rambles on- that it's truly funny. I noticed that he was looking at my joint cigarettes- that I had next to my ashtray, (on my workbench). We are finally legal to smoke here in my state- so I have absolutely no apprehensions to conceal my habit. I asked him if he'd like to partake. He doesn't indulge too often- but I always try to make my guests feel comfortable. That's just basic hospitality- if you were to ask me... ***** Let's ask our readers. ***** He looked @ my array of marijuana cigarettes and I could literally "see" the gears rotating in his brilliant mind. This guy is a special human being. He is a good guy & I feel proud to know him. ****** He is Unique ***** Should I take a puff? Should I take a hit? What is my agenda for today? Do I have anything floating? What is my next planned procedure? Should I leave? Should I stay? Should I partake? *** I only assumed his thoughts*** As he reached for the joint- I could see the change in him immediately. I tried to focus on my waxing, but his ability to thoughtfully analyze a situation- has always allured me. I continued waxing my truck- as he lit a joint. He coughed for a minute or so. I let him enjoy some peace of mind. As he decided to take another hit from the joint, my "house guest" was coming into the garage. He freaked out. He went into an absolute panic. As he exhaled, he tried to hide the joint and he tried to blow the smoke into his shirt. He started coughing so bad, that his eyes were watering. I told him to relax & to take a drink. When I finally got the chance to introduced the both of them, he suddenly became shy. She then took a seat- right down onto his lap. She grabbed the joint & asked him for a light. She took a couple hits & chatted w/us for a while, before leaving to go do some "serious" shopping. ****** Her words- not mine ****** Even though I was "high" from the joint- I could see his "stoner-boner" inside of his shorts. I didn't say anything about it- though. I just told him that I occasionally massage her. This woman is a legit "BOMBSHELL". She is into crossfitness & endurance racing. She is still just an amateur- but her body always needs proper alignment & manipulation. It's alot of work for me. *** Did I mention- bombshell? *** He kept asking about her & I kept noticing that his "wet spot" was only getting larger. She is an exhibitionist, an extrovert, a flasher & a nudest- that absolutely loves attention. I asked him if he'd like to watch my next session w/her & his eyes popped-out of his head. He said, "no way, that's too embarrassing for me". I told him that she would enjoy it- probably more than him. I told him that I had installed a 2-way mirror & once again- I could see the gears turning in that brilliant mind of his. This time though- he actually raised his eyebrows as he considered my option. Some time had passed & she finally called me- so, I finally called him. He knocked on my door w/in 5mins. He was smiling from ear to ear. Just like a little kid. I said, "She's not going to be here for another 2hrs?" He then explained to me that he was extremely nervous- and that he'd like to familiarize himself with the environment. I smiled & ask him to come in. I gave him some coffee & we chatted as I showed him around. We usually only hangout in my garage, because basically- it's a fully loaded workshop. Complete w/an office, restroom & a small break area. Aside from my kitchen, I think that he's only been in my backyard? So this was his 1st tour of my domain. I will see y'all in chapter #2. Alice arrived home to her apartment after a long night at the hospital. It was now morning of her birthday and she couldn't wait to get into a hot shower. More importantly though she was waiting to hear if her boyfriend left her a message. They've been dating for a few months now, and his job as a truck driver kept him on the road a lot. Something Alice wasn't too fond of, especially on her birthday. As soon as she got in the door she glanced at the machine. And the light was flashing. The smiled to herself as she walked down the hall and undressed on her way to the bathroom. By the time she was there her panties & C-cupped bra, along with the rest of her cloths were in a trial behind her. She then stepped into the shower, and as the hot water started hitting the back of her neck she began to fantasize about her boyfriend. As she envisioned his cock entering her she felt her pussy begin to tingle. She imagined Jon's cock sliding in and out of her tight cunt. It didn't take long for her to slide her fingers into her pussy and begin pumping, she began moaning while she imagined his cock pumping faster and faster within a few minutes she came. Not long after she walked out of the shower with smile on her face. She sat down in front of the PC and played her messages, but what she found startled her. The voice on the machine was not Jon's at all. "I know who you are. I've kidnapped your boyfriend. If you ever want to see him alive again you'll meet me at this address in one hour. Come alone." The voice was deep and monotone. She knew she hadn't heard it before. The address belonged to a small coffee shop two towns away. Nervously she got dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a T-shirt, with her shoulder length red hair tied back and walked out the door to her car. 45 minutes later she arrived in the coffee shop and sat down at a table near one of the windows. Within five minutes a man wearing a ball cap and a pair of shades with a full beard walked up to her table holding a box of donuts. "Can I help you?" "Come with me, Alice." This man's voice was different from that on the machine. Alice could feel her nervousness growing as she got up and followed him to an old Camaro when they were both in the car she turned to her driver. "What is it you want?" "You'll find out. Help yourself to a donut." Alice takes a plain donut out of the box and eats it. Next thing she knows someone is splashing water on her face. She's now fully awake and notices she's blindfolded and secured to a chair. She heard two muffled voices in the background. She had no idea how long she had been there, or even where she was, but the one thing that came clear to her was that she was in deep trouble. She assumed that she been drugged by the donut. She then heard foot steps coming towards her. "Hello Alice." It was the man on the answering machine. "Who are you? What do u want from me? Where's Jon?" A hard slap went across her face that brought tears to her eyes. "When we want you to know something, we will tell you." The man began to trace Alice's lips with his finger. "You want Jon back?" She nodded her head while sobbing. "Then you will have to work for it." With that she heard a fly unzipping, seconds later she felt the head of this mans cock pressing tightly against her mouth. She knew what he wanted. Slowly the cock entered her mouth inch by inch, it was smaller then her boyfriends. "Now don't even think of biting me bitch or you'll never see him again." He snarled. She wanted to get this over with fast, so she began sucking as hard as she could, she should feel his cock grow hard in here mouth, she was moving her mouth up and down the shaft until she could feel him tense up, seconds later he shot a thick wad of cum down her throat, she didn't want to admit it, but she could feel that her panties were already soaking wet. She was barely recovering from the first one when she felt another cock pressing against her mouth, without hesitation she took it in, this one was much larger then the first, she assumed that it belonged to the man she rode with, this guy was thrusting in and out of her mouth, fucking it just like it was another hole on her body, he began thrusting faster and faster, then slowed down and demanded she sucked him off, something she did eagerly, she wrapped her tongue around the head of his cock and sucked as hard as she can until she could feel him tense up, seconds later her mouth was flooded with cum, she had hardly guzzled it all when a third, slightly familiar cock was forced into her mouth. She began to wonder how many more guys she would have to "take on" before she got to see Jon. She started sucking this cock hard and fast, it wasn't too big or too small, just a nice fit in her mouth. It didn't take long for him to thrust hard into her mouth and shoot his load down her throat. This guy then pulled out. Alice was left to sit there for a few minutes, she could hear muffled voices talking something over, though she wasn't quite sure what, moments later she was being untied and pulled to her feet. "It's it over?! Do I get to see Jon now?!" A hard slap came across her cheek. "It's over when we say it's over!!" She could feel that she was being walked across the room, she was then laid down stomach first on a bed, her hands were spread apart and tied to the bed posts so she now looked like a human Y, someone then unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them off, she was really scared now, a pillow was then placed under her pelvis so her ass was sticking up in the air. She could feel a hand go down the back of her panties and rip them off, her legs where then spread and tied to the bed posts, now she was like a human X. The mattress moved a little when someone got on the bed. Alice was very scared and a little turned on, she had always dreamed of being raped, but she couldn't escape the thought of where Jon was. She then felt a hand slap hard against her ass! "You got a nice little ass on you Alice, that Jon is a lucky guy." It was the man from the coffee shop. He began rubbing the tip of his cock up and down her pussy lips. "Hmm, your nice and wet huh bitch? You must like this!" With that he trust himself hard into Alice, much as she tried she couldn't stifle a moan. He pulled out to the tip and thrust in again harder, he did this several times before letting out a slight moan and filling her pussy full of his cum, she moaned while cumming as well, he then patted her ass, licked the back of her neck and got off the bed. She felt someone else get on the bed, and then felt another cock slide inside her, she assumed this was the guy from the tape. He began pounding hard and fast in her, the whole bed was moving, she was moaning loud now, it didn't take for them to both cum. Finally the third man got on the bed and began pressing the tip of his cock against her asshole. "Please no!" She begged, she couldn't count all the times Jon had wanted to fuck her up the ass but she had refused. She didn't like the idea, now this guy was gonna rape her virgin asshole. He pressed hard until she could feel his cock sliding in, she began screaming in pain and crying as he forced his medium sized cock into her. He began pounding her ass harder and harder while moving faster and faster. She began to slowly adjust to the pain. But still screaming loud, the man from the answering machine went around and shoved his cock into her mouth. The man from behind then came in her ass, he then pulled out. The man in front also pulled out. Alice could feel herself being untied. She felt her blindfold being pulled off and was shocked to see Jon standing at the foot of her bed with a smile on his face. "Jon! What the hell is going on?!?!" "Well, you always told me that you fantasized about being raped. Happy birthday babe." As it turned out the man on the answering machine was Jon's new driving partner, and the other guy was friend of his. They let her get dressed and her an Jon got in the car, her ass still aching. Hmm, perhaps she may re-think the anal sex thing. And if this was for her birthday she couldn't help but wonder what he had planed for their anniversary and Christmas... The End??? I think Elton John said it best: "Sorry seems to be the hardest word." A couple of months ago I posted a story on here called Dear Journal. I never should have done so. What I posted was an actual transcript from my MSN messenger between myself and someone I dearly love. I posted that story because I was angry at him and it was the only transcript I had not erased. I honestly gave no thought to him when I posted it. I wish now that I had done so. So, what do I do to repair what I did? I'm not sure anything can be done. I can apologize for the rest of my life, and God knows I am sorry for having hurt him because, deep down, I do still love him. He didn't deserve this... he did not deserve any of the pain I ever dealt him over the 6 years we have known each other. I truly am sorry. If I could go back and change it all, I would gladly do so in a heartbeat. Everything he said today about me when he confronted me was both true and deserved. I don't blame anyone or antyhing but myself... and at the moment I truly despise myself. So, with all of this said, I am asking The Powers That Be to please remove the Dear Journal story and to post this one instead. To the one I hurt: Nothing I"m doing now makes anything I did right, but I hope, in time, it will show you that I accept what I have done wrong and I want nothing more than for you to believe me when I say I never meant to hurt you or betray your trust. I truly am sorry. Sincerely, ~L~ |
In my profession, your code name is your life. It defines you, shapes you, and teaches you. I was given my code name at the tender age of 16, and until I die, I will have this name. My government sanctioned name on my birth certificate is merely an alias now. My profession, escort. Code name: Relentless. Partners: Wildman and Ravenous. These are the other two who usually accompany me, and vice versa, when I am called to duty for an orgy or a gang bang. Being Relentless is a life I grew accustomed to because I had no other skill set. While on the job, I've learned much from these rich and powerful women. I give earth shattering sex and they provide finance and wisdom. I have my usual list of clientele. All are big women, but of various definitions and colors. I have a judge, a lawyer, a professor, a CEO, a doctor, an artist, a chef, and a writer. My retainer is three thousand dollars a date, and that's before sex. I know what you are thinking, I'm either the sorriest escort or I'm priced too high. Well, to be honest, the price of a true escort is based upon clientele whom which you "associate" with. Some ventures are higher than others. I will tell you about this one job that made my price skyrocket. Wildman and Ravenous were called away on business to a swingers' party. Lucky bastards, you get top dollar for shit like that, retainer and added bonuses per guest. Anyway, I was to team up with two other workers whom which they too knew nothing about each other. I'm telling you, they treat us like animals, or kids. They even put us in a room together to see how we would get along. We stand in a black room, which is a meeting place for clients who want to remain anonymous as possible, staring each other down. One finally decided to speak up. "My name is Remorseless. Not in the mood for weakness." He says harshly. "Merciless and pitiless. Must be a real hit with your clients." I said. "My clients tend to be the ones who like to punish themselves for being whatever it is they are at the time. I had to fuck one client to almost complete regression simply because she felt she had disobeyed her daddy one time or another back when she was 10 or something. Batshit crazy I tells you." We all chuckle at that. "Well, since we roll calling, Ruthless." The other steps up. "Without pity or compassion; cruel." Let me guess, vengeance-type clients." I interrupt. "Something like that. I've done cuckolding, not really my thing. Guess you can say it started in high school. A teacher of mine decided he wanted a student to be an example. He literally failed me on purpose. So not only did I fuck his daughter, his mother, his wife, and sister; I recorded each one and sent each video one at a time on his payday. Showed my face and everything." He boasts with pride. "Well, should've known who he was fucking with." Remorseless stated. "And you?" Ruthless directed to me. Remorseless asked. "Relentless. Unyieldingly, severe, strict, harsh." I define myself. "Have a war or horror story?" Remorseless asks. "Ever read the book, 'Dark Alien'?" I answer. "Heard of it from one of my clients who talked about it. Said there's a part where this guy practically takes out a group of women simply by fucking them to exhaustion." Ruthless said. "That's you?" Remorseless asks with disbelief. "I inspired it, so-to-speak. She invited three women to a party who apparently had 'insatiable appetites'. So, I handled business, as usual. Three hours in, they were screaming for mercy. I didn't stop for anything. One busts, I had another to replace within three seconds. By the end, they limped away. I was told they didn't have sex for quite some time. PTS I believe. Go figure." I said with barely a care. Another hearty laugh from all of us. I will say we live up to our names without fail. After our meet-your-co-workers-meeting we received orders about a job. It will be us against one. Even though we are practically considered quite the maniacal group, we all do not sit well with the job. Apparently, whoever dropped the loot for this to happen, really wants it to happen. Him, her, or they had the prey lined up for us within a week. We were to prepare ourselves during that time. We are similar in our prep work. More cardio than anything else, weightlifting is done in high reps, and no heavy foods but filling meals. The day before, we fasted; a way to make us more ravenous toward the victim. We gather outside the meeting place. It is a hotel complex, pretty luxurious even. We wear black suits and shades, freshly shaven and groomed, and to be smelling of musk, pheromones, and sweetness. To this day, I don't know how we pulled that combination off. We walked in and immediately people stared at us. Then again, three decently tall, well-dressed Black men walk through a lobby together; there's bound to be heads turning and triple takes. "I'll talk to the lady at the front desk. Excuse me ma'am, I would like to know which room this person is in." I greet. The elderly woman cannot say a word because she hadn't been so up close to a Black man probably all her life, especially one that towers over her and doesn't show signs of emotion but is very courteous and mannerly. "Excuse me, ma'am?" I ask again to the stunned receptionist. "Oh, I'm sorry sir, forgive me. I lost myself for a minute there. Please repeat your request." She states getting her wits back. "Of course. I would like to know the room this person is residing. I was told to give you a password as well." I said gentlemanly. I show her the information. "Oh, yes, I was given specific orders. Password please." She requested. "The rage of Man shall incur the wrath of God and light the fury of the Devil." The elderly lady became lost again in the deep vibration of my voice. "That is correct. Please, here is the information and room-key. Enjoy your stay." She said courteously. "Thank you, ma'am." I accept. I walk back to the other two. "Here's the key, and the room is on the top floor. Let's get down to business." I direct. We enter the elevator. Remorseless and Ruthless stand on the sides of me. Remorseless looks up with a smile on his face like a child ready to destroy a toy. Ruthless's expression is predatory while looking down. I have no real expression I suppose. I look straight ahead with my hands in my pockets. The thought that occurs to me is- three, dark-skinned brothas in black suits and the only thing setting us apart is our hairstyles, somewhat our height, and dick sizes. How did I know that information? You remember that room I said we met in. There's a PA system linked to it. They announced our information out in the open when we were done "bonding". Our employers have weird tastes sometimes. Anyway, we all are dark-skinned. Oh, I forgot to mention; I'm from Deep South Texas, Ruthless is originally from Jamaica, and Remorseless is from London. They tend to use their accents to help with their performance. We finally arrive at the correct floor. We walk out like we going to do an assassination or something. Then again, the way the financial backers were talking, that is exactly what it seems to be. It's why, in a way, this job does not sit well with me. The others didn't like it as well. Ruthless and Remorseless may be assholes at times, but they give only when consented. Which is why I respect them. We arrive at the room. I remembered the walk down the hall was long, only our footfalls could be heard. We enter, and the target is still fully dressed. She turns to see us and immediately is bombarded with confusion, anxiety, fear, excitement, and lust. I think she is leaning more towards fear. "Who are you?" She asks defensively. "We are the 'gift', or 'curse'. You choose." Ruthless says neutrally. She gulps on Ruthless's words. She can't be no more than 22, weighing a solid 250 plus, and her height is somewhat proportionate. She, at best with heels, raises herself to our chests. Our builds weren't over flowing with muscles, but our presence is overwhelming. Just one of us can make a room quiet, and she, all by her lonesome to handle three monsters. "We are here to fulfill the agreement. Says here you lost a bet and must pay up to this debt." I said. "Writing checks that fat ass, figuratively and literally, can't deposit and withdrawal eh?" Remorseless adds. "The penalty will be administered with extreme haste and prejudice. Do you understand these terms, Ms. Stone?" I announce. "I do but let me explain." She tries to defend herself. "You can explain, as we take the debt from your pitiless, lust engorged body. Now, come here!" Ruthless demands. She walks over to us timidly. Her dress makes her quite fetching. It is loose, but classy. It shows her soon to be naked curves appropriately. We make a circle around her. She struggles looking for a way out, but either direction she escapes to she will be pulled back into the second circle of hell. Remorseless executes a good slap to her ass. She turns to regard him, and then Ruthless grabs her hair. "Turning your back on me? Not good." He licks a line from her neck to her ear and then shoves her back to the center. She must feel my presence because I only reach for her shoulder and she swat my hand away. "That's fear creeping in with the adrenaline. I suggest you calm yourself." I instruct as an order. She attempts, she really does, but you try to be calm with three Black men hovering over you, staring you down like weak prey ready to be devoured in the most humiliating terms. She begins removing her dress. Ruthless snorts and Remorseless snarls. I watch in silence, trying to understand the situation. She has silky, peanut butter skin; small lips, a cute nose, medium ears, her larger than normal forehead does not omit her beauty rather it enhances it, especially the braids she wears this night. The backers must have had her dolled up for this. Lamb for the sacrifice. Her midsection is in more shape than expected. She bends over to take off her dress; hesitant, because she is fearing another wallop. Ruthless's hands wants to do so badly. She stands back up only wearing her black satin bra and matching thong. "So, who should I start with?" She asks with reluctant anticipation "Who? Little girl, you are going to be triple-penetrated for a good two hours. We have the information on you remember?" Remorseless bad-mouths. "What?" She asks. We whip out our dicks on that. "Suck us first. Have to warm you up or it'll be pointless." Ruthless mandates. She grabs mine first and then Remorseless's. She takes Ruthless slowly. He is the longer of us three. He clutches her head with both his hands and pumps hard strokes into her mouth. Tears and spit splatter onto his pants. Her effort is up to snuff. After about fifty of them bad boys, she falls to the floor with her head down and palms keeping her raised trying to catch her breath. I lift her head by her braided ponytail and shove my dick in. I choose a decent speed and only change the rotation of my hips. She coughs and whimpers due to the overwhelming tonsil torture. She receives one hundred rotations from me before I stop. Remorseless immediately impels his harpoon into her jaw-trap and keeps it in. Snot and drool shoot from her openings. Remorseless pulls back just enough to hear her gasp and crams it back in. Each of his intrusions' time lasting up to ten seconds. His final press he leaves in longer than 10 and forces to 30. She falls to the floor completely on her right-side coughing and gagging. She is in such a pitiful state. We don't care. I walk over to the larger area. I look around to locate hidden cameras. Deals such as these tend to be recorded for posterity, or proof. I hate shit like that and if I can avoid it, I will. "Searching for something?" Ruthless asks. "I hate being spied on. Where are the cameras?" I ask our victim. The young woman can't keep her breath still. "Point if you can't speak." I bluntly sate. She points to the areas around the pictures and wall art. I acquire all the cameras. I toss them into the bathroom toilet. "Now I feel better. So, gentlemen, do y'all have a preference?" I ask with glee. "Yeah, I do: fuck her brains out then put her back together like Frankenstein's monster, then fuck her brains out again." Ms. Stone tries to get up after that and perhaps leave. Ruthless blocks the door. "Nope." "Since she is so energetic right now, put her through the nine levels of hell I say. The first level, limbo, which means you get bent and constricted into positions that will break you. I don't think I need to explain the rest because they get worse and worse." Remorseless illustrates. Ms. Stone reaches for her dress and covered herself. "Sounds like good ideas. I was thinking we all get turns and then unleash in all-three holes at once. Something like a hentai. I especially like the drunken facial expressions they have when they get dick crazed." I say inspired. Ms. Stone does not like the sound of any of our ideas that's for sure. "May I please tell you what's really going on here?" She attempts to change the subject. "I don't necessarily care, due to the fact your frightened ass is turning me on." Ruthless chides. "You know what, let's hear her out. But Ms. Stone, I bore easy. So, I hope your beginning is very gripping." I said with an ominous tone. "It was an office bet. I've been working there for over three years. I never participated until this year." Ms. Stone began. "Bored now; get on the bed, the floor; doesn't matter. Your ass is grass." Remorseless said. "The bet was to see who can have sex in the riskiest place!" She shouts quickly. "I'm listening." I said. "I did it at a funeral, during the service, and my opponent did it inside a nunnery, during prayer." She snitches desperately. "All kinds of hell for you two. I don't even think I want to do the job now." Ruthless says with disgust. "Seriously?" I ask surprised. "HA! I'm about to destroy a disrespectful heathen! That's practically on par with this one client who used to be a female minister!" Remorseless says happily. "I can't imagine either of you winning. That's a tie in my book. How did they determine the winner?" Ruthless wonders. "That's the thing, the votes were completely one sided." Ms. Stone answers. "Damn princess, you were scammed. You were straight up setup." Ruthless mocks with a joyous grin. "Why did you even get into the bet? I'm pretty sure that you weren't forced." I said. "In a way, everyone has to participate when you have worked there over a year. I just wanted my turn over with. I heard the bet changes often." Ms. Stone explains. "What do you two thinks?" I asked my companions. "Honest opinion, incriminating evidence. Especially since they wanted this recorded. Makes sense when we never met our financiers." Ruthless deduces. Ms. Stone hopes her story would get them out of the mood. The one whom seemed calmer and level headed, though cold, appears to be the leader and is more disgusted with her predicament. "So, you not going through with the contract?" She asks. "Oh, I will, I just like knowing what I'm getting into Ms. Stone." I correct. "Yes?" "Get on the bed." I decree. "What?" She asks helplessly confused. "Remorseless." Remorseless snatches her by the neck and pulls her to the bed. She tries to get him to release. "Ruthless, spank her as hard as you can." WHACK! WHAM! SMACK! "FUCK! SHIT! DAMMIT!" Ms. Stone screams loudly. "And that gentlemen, means she will enjoy what's coming." I say with confidence. The two stare at Relentless puzzled. "Any other woman would at least say stop, or something along those lines. We have here a masochist. A pretty good actress too." I analyze. Ms. Stone's expression changes slightly after my remark, if you call a devious, curling smile slight. "Yep, this bitch is a screw loose too. Let's get this done and send her to a happier place." Ruthless says bored. "You muthafuckas ain't got the damn balls to get me off. Those throat-fucks, if you call those tickles throat-fucks, was even half your A-game, you won't satisfy me!" She assassinates. "You fail to understand something. We don't care if you get satisfied or not. Our job is only to live and fuck to our namesakes." Remorseless reports. They place her sideways on her left. Ruthless goes for her pussy, Relentless in her ass hole, and Remorseless in her mouth. After five minutes her screams of ecstasy became a thing of the past. Her breath was harshly caught, her pussy had become so sensitive it's tingling to the point of paralysis, and her anus on fire. They switch positions every few minutes in perfect concert. The difference in technique application always catches her off guard. They spank her only for good measure, squeeze her melons with vice-gripping power, and played with her clit just to torture her in believing she will feel pleasure again. They sweat all over her, while she pisses, vomits, and squirts. Snot shoots and drizzles out her nose, yet they continue. Ruthless finally comes in her anus. She feels her sphincter coated with his slime. His dick pulses so hard she believes he could rip her apart. Remorseless takes his out and showers her face. She practically drowns in his spunk. Eyes, ears, nose, and mouth - it all runs into any hole or opening it can seep into. Relentless through all this did not stop his assault. Even when Remorseless shot all over her face. And she gurgled through semen trying to catch her breath. "IM CUMMMING! AAAAAARRRRRGGGGHHH!" I yell. Ms. Stone can barely muffle a scream. The release is the largest and thickest she ever had fill her mouth. She would normally enjoy the texture of cum but this time, it is an overdose of proportions too. Her eyes bulge and her cheeks puff to their limit. She finally coughs out loud and semen flys straight into the air coming right back onto her face. The bed is a complete artistic mess, with Ms. Stone as its center piece. The gentlemen zip up their fly's and put their shirts and jackets back on. They look a bit disheveled, but three straight hours of destroying a masochistic nut does that. They strut into the elevator and walk through the lobby. Again, people watch and stare as the black men walk with an air of purpose guiding them. They shake hands for a job well-done. We haven't been on the same job since. We fucked the masochist right and properly, out of her, and I heard she went back to the funeral home and found the person's grave to apologize. She told me her co-worker's information. Hey, it was a nunnery; there must be a limit, boundaries, whatever you want to call it. Don't make me rehabilitate you. |
_Note: this is a continuation of the "Accidental" series. This story stands on its own, but the promiscuity and permissiveness of the characters, especially the wife, is better understood in the total arc of the stories._ ***** I woke lying on my back to a rustling in the bed. A little bleary, I forced my eyes open and turned my head to see my wife's empty pillow and a mound under the covers heading toward the foot of the bed. Her hand snaked up the inside of my thigh into the opening of my boxers. She knows waking up to fellatio is absolutely my favorite sexual encounter, so a few times a year she'll surprise me this way. I'm a heavy sleeper, so a lot of the time I wake up already engulfed by her hot wet mouth. Once I was having an erotic dream about my wife and one of her best friends. In the dream I was fucking her friend doggystyle while she ate out my wife, and just as I orgasmed in the dream I woke up ejaculating in my wife's groaning mouth. I actually felt cheater's guilt for a week or so after that. This time I woke up in time to get to experience the whole thing. Her hand found and cradled my balls inside my shorts, then she traced a finger around my shaft, through my pubic hair, down to my perineum. She lingered there as I grew hard, massaging my prostate as my erection began to strain at the fabric of my boxers. She curled her fingers under the elastic of the waistband and pulled down. I raised my hips to let her slide the shorts under my hips and down my legs. She crawled slowly back up between my legs, driving my anticipation higher. She stopped to kiss one thigh, then the other. I'm used to feeling her long hair grazing my legs but today it seemed that she'd put it up to keep it out of her way. She finally got back to my now aching hardon and pulled lightly with her fingertips to hold it ninety degrees from my body. I felt her tongue flick out to lick my balls, then she tortured me by slowly licking up my shaft to the head. She stopped when she reached the head and I could feel her hot breath as she opened her mouth over my straining cock. I reflexively thrust my hips to enter her waiting mouth but she pulled back and I could see the lump under the covers rise. I heard a faint splurting sound and felt a warmth dripping down my cock. A couple of seconds later she did it again, then started working her saliva up and down my shaft with her hand. This was new! She was good at using her hands during a blowjob but she'd never actually spit on my cock porn-star style before. She must have been reading Cosmo again. She started jerking me off, excruciatingly slowly at first. She spit on my head a couple more times until my cock was slick and sloppy. I could feel her spit running down my balls and she started stroking me faster. I couldn't say exactly when she started using her mouth. I was enjoying the handjob, getting close to coming just from her stroking alone, when I realized that she'd made a seamless transition to enveloping my head in her wet lips. As she continued to stroke me her mouth took more and more of the duty, until her hand was gripping the base of my cock and her head was bobbing up and down the length of my wet shaft. This was a completely new technique for her and I said a silent prayer of thanks that she was so interested in keeping things fresh for us in the bedroom. I could feel my thighs tingling and my balls drawing up in preparation. She pushed me past the point of no return by cradling my balls lightly and driving me all the way to her throat, her nose bumping against my pubic bone. She pulled back as my cock grew and began to pulse in her mouth, and her hand reached out from under the sheet to run her long red nails through my chest hair. Nails! I was teetering on the edge of an orgasm too late to draw back, but it hit me like a slap: my wife doesn't have nails! She keeps hers trimmed short because she can't stand them ticking on the keyboard when she types. I threw back the sheet and saw short blonde hair, not my wife's long dark curly locks. Mildly horrified but too far along to care I collapsed back into the pillow and came, long and hard, thrusting up again and again. Whoever it was released my cock and sat up. I raised up again in the bed and saw that it was my wife's best friend Jennifer in a tank top and shorts, with a curious closed-mouth grin on her face, pulling in her lips in a mix of wryness and embarrassment. She winked at me and hopped off the bed, not saying a word. She trotted over to the bedroom door and I saw my wife leaning against the door frame in her t-shirt and panties. She pulled her hand out of the top of her panties as Jennifer neared, and the surprises for me weren't over just yet. They embraced lightly and Jennifer snowballed my jizz into my wife's mouth in a long, deep, open mouthed kiss. As they were swapping my semen back and forth my wife's hand dropped and cupped Jennifer's ass lightly. I wondered vaguely if she considered sex with a woman to be cheating on me, and also whether I would care what the answer was. They finally broke the kiss and my wife swallowed. "Thanks, Jen," she said. "Talk to you later on." "My pleasure, love," Jennifer said. She looked back over toward me and bit her lower lip. "My pleasure..." "Get out!" My wife joked, and playfully shoved Jennifer out the door. She jumped up on the bed on her knees, full breasts bouncing under the loose t-shirt. "So... surprise!" She said. "What the hell?" I asked, a little indignant. "Not knowing who you're fucking is your fantasy, not mine." "Don't even try to tell me you didn't enjoy that. Or that you haven't fantasized about her tight little ass." "That doesn't matter," I said, feeling defensive and angry at once. "I would never cheat on you. I would never do something like that." "I know that, which is exactly why I set this up," she said. "We've been having so much fun with Steve, but I know the other kind of threesome is something you fantasize about too. I also knew you'd never agree to it. You'd think it's a trap, or that I'd say it was okay but resent you after." "You don't?" I asked. "Even a little? I just blew my load in your best friend's mouth. And I gotta say: it was amazing." "I'm sure it was," she said. "Jenn's skills were widely known in our college days. And no, I don't resent you. I came twice watching your face while she was doing you." "Okay, I guess," I said, thoughtful. "One more question." "Okay?" She said. "What do you want from me?" There's no way I could have guessed. \-- We'd been playing with Steve for a few months. First I'd brought him into our bed to fulfill my wife's stranger fantasy, then I'd discovered I didn't mind having another cock around either. I'm not a homophobe but I'd never considered that I could be bisexual. I'm still not certain that I am, at least not in the sense that you read about. I don't really find Steve attractive, and I'm not really interested in anything one-on-one with him or any other guy. Show me his cock when it's all slick with my wife's juices, though, and I'm all over it. She'd been enjoying the services of two men as well. What started on a whim was turning into something more comfortable, more regular. I really enjoyed watching them screw, and I guess he enjoyed it too. He'd even helped her suck my dick once - something I hadn't expected from him. Our semi-weekly threesomes were starting to feel normal, and I guess that's where my wife's new request came from. "I want an orgy. A foursome. With Steve and Jenn," she said. My mind reeled for a few seconds. She was absolutely right when she'd said I must have fantasized about her best friend: the pert, athletic, blonde Jennifer. In some ways Jenn was her opposite. Where my wife was voluptuous and stacked, Jenn was slender and toned. She had cropped blonde hair and a deep tan. She had firm high breasts and a tight ass. When she picked my wife up for yoga in her sports bra and Lululemons... well, suffice to say that my wife knew me better than I cared to admit when she called me out about fantasizing about her best friend. "Is this about you being bi?" I asked. "Because I don't think I care if you fool around with Jennifer." "It's not about that," she said. "At least, not just about that." "Admit it! You miss licking pussy!" I poked her playfully. "And you'd miss sucking dick if Steve wasn't around," she retorted. "Touche, slut," I said. I was rewarded with a punch in the shoulder. "Seriously," she said, "doesn't it sound like fun? Anybody's mouth on anybody's whatever... dicks in whatever... pussies grinding on whatever... three-on-one... pair up gay or pair up straight. You're getting hard again!" "Well, yeah. Your panties are soaked." "I think I have my answer." "I think you knew the answer when I came in Jennifer's mouth." "Touche, slut," she said. "You call Steve. I'll call Jenn." \-- We set it up for the next weekend. I didn't exactly have to twist Steve's arm to get him to agree. Steve arrived early and we spent some time drooling over pics my wife had kept of Jenn from her college Spring Break outings. After a few beers and some seriously suggestive repartee we heard Jenn ring the front door. "Hey doll!" My wife exclaimed, hugging Jennifer at the door. Jenn was in her signature yoga pants with a loose top. When she raised her arms to hug my wife's neck I spent a moment admiring her taught abs when her shirt rode up. This was going to be a good night. "Hey..." Jenn started. She was clearly nervous. She clasped her hands in front of her, pulling her shirt back down. "Okay, don't worry about anything," my wife continued. "This is Steve. He's a good guy. Let's just hang out and have some drinks. Nothing else has to happen." "I'm sorry!" Jenn exclaimed. "Hi. You must be Steve." "Good to meet you," Steve said as he stood up from the sofa. He reached across the coffee table to shake hands. "I'm really sorry," Jenn said again. "I'll loosen up. I promise!" "Don't even worry about it," Steve said. "One thing these two have taught me: if it doesn't feel right, it won't feel right." "Let's just chill and have some shots," I offered. I pulled out four shot glasses and a bottle of Herradura from the cabinet by the sofa. "Yes!" Jenn said, a little too loudly. "SHOTS!" \-- Three rounds later Jenn was obviously feeling more comfortable with the situation. She'd maneuvered herself into Steve's lap and was chatting with my wife while she rumpled his hair with one hand. "Hey!" Jenn said, completely interrupting my wife's story about one of their college escapades. "You've been with both of them, and I'VE been with both of them, but you and I haven't even kissed," she said to Steve. Steve looked a little taken aback, but recovered the moment by grabbing her roughly by the hair and pulling her into a deep open-mouthed kiss. When he finally broke away, Jenn left her eyes closed and sighed. "Okay, I can see why... Well, thanks." She opened her eyes and looked at my wife. "He's pretty good." "I know," she said. "More tequila!" Jenn exclaimed. I lined up the shots. \-- Twenty minutes and two more shots, and Jenn and my wife were dancing in front of me and Steve. They'd moved the coffee table out of the way and were grinding on each other in front of the couch. Steve was definitely enjoying the show. His cock was plainly visible through his khaki trousers. Jenn was rubbing her crotch on my wife's thigh when she broke off and looked at Steve with a serious eye. "Show me yours and I'll show you mine," she cooed. Steve wasted no time. He unzipped and fished his hard cock out of his trousers. Jenn turned away from us, bent over, and peeled her yoga pants down over her firm ass, taking her panties along the way. She brought them down to her ankles and then spread her legs slightly, bending all the way down until her face was between her feet. She was very limber. Her shaved pussy opened up in front of us, dripping with her juices. Steve took his cock in his left hand and started stroking slowly. Jenn kicked her pants and panties off and stood back up. She looked longingly at Steve's cock. "Hey you," my wife said, pulling my attention from Jenn's dripping pussy. I looked up to see that she'd raised her short skirt to show that she was pantiless too. Her short cropped pubic hair was matted and moist from grinding on Jenn. "Let us see you too, stud," she said. I stood up, dropped my shorts, and poured more shots. \-- Steve and I were stroking our cocks, watching Jenn and my wife make out in front of us. We'd had a couple more shots and Jenn had taken both of us into her talented mouth. I watched my wife's face as Jenn enveloped me in her mouth and all I could see was wanton lust. Whatever remaining fears I had about crossing some line were dispelled. My wife reached between Jenn's legs and stroked her pussy as they groped and tongued each other in front of us. They were both dripping wet and I could plainly see Jenn's tight nipples poking through her loose top. My wife had long since lost her blouse and her full tits were mashed against Jenn's smaller but perkier chest. I glanced over at Steve. His eyes met mine. I looked down at his cock, his hand stroking it slowly, He grinned wryly, then went back to leering at my wife and her best friend. Suddenly Jennifer pulled away from my wife. She put her hands on my wife's shoulders and held her away at arm's length. She got a vacant look and belched loudly. "Oh fuck," she said. "I drank way too much." "Are you okay?" I asked. My hardon was fading fast. She looked like she was about to puke in my living room. "I'm okay," she said. "I think... I think I'd better just go." She groped around for her pants. "Come on, sweetie," my wife said, taking her by the arm. "I'll call you an Uber." "I'm so sorry!" Jenn said, looking toward me and Steve on the couch. "Hey, no worries," Steve said. "Just feel better," I said. My wife escorted her from the living room. "I guess we did have quite a few," Steve said, tucking his still-hard cock back into his trousers. "I feel okay," I said. "I hope she gets home okay." Secretly I was hoping my wife was not as drunk as Jenn was. I was still very horny and not at all too drunk to fuck. \-- Steve and I turned on a Netflix movie for a while. After twenty minutes of Bruce Willis I noticed Steve was nodding off. I got up and went toward the back of the house where our bedroom was. I'd expected - hoped - that my wife would come back to entertain us after she got Jenn a ride, but my hope was dwindling. The bedroom was pitch black. I could barely see from the light from the TV. I felt my way into the room and stopped by the door to let my eyes adjust. After a couple of minutes I could make out the bed, and could see my wife's shape lying face-down on the mattress, the covers all disheveled. One leg was halfway off the bed and her ass was completely exposed. She hadn't bothered to put her panties back on; I could only hope that she'd gotten Jenn properly dressed for the Uber driver. Her torso was not very visible in the dim light, but it seemed like she was totally nude. I could hear her deep, regular breathing. I guess she'd had a little too much as well. Alcohol softens some guys, but it's always made me completely horny. I still had the memory of Jenn's soft mouth on my cock, and even Steve was bagging out on me tonight - not that we'd ever done anything strictly one-on-one, but I was horny enough to try it tonight. My wife's ass was calling to me, though. Surely I could rouse her enough to remember how much she'd wanted to get laid tonight. I quietly stripped naked, then crept up to the bed, feeling my way since I still couldn't see much of anything. My rock-hard cock led the way. I slowly crawled onto the bed and heard a soft groan. The head of my cock grazed her ass cheeks. Precum dripped, virtually flowed from my aching head. I positioned myself and slowly, gently slid the head of my swollen cock up and down her spread slit. She made a long sigh and pulled her arms up to cradle her head. "I need you," I said. "I'll be fast." She sighed again as I continued to rub my cock against her open pussy, lubricating the point of entry. I wasn't feeling very gentlemanly at all at the moment, but still I waited for some kind of sign. I wanted her to let me know that I was welcome to use her, to satisfy myself with her supple body. As the head of my cock opened her slit slightly, she made another soft moan. Then she spread her legs a little wider and raised her ass higher to meet me. That was all the invitation I needed. With one long, slow thrust I entered her completely. She grunted, then raised her ass even higher. Something about the angle was off. It felt like she was positioned differently than usual when we do it prone like this. I was a little too drunk and way too horny to care much. I began an easy slow rhythm. I bottomed out and ground her pussy into the mattress each stroke, and she raised back up slightly as I withdrew, maintaining the contact. After a dozen or so thrusts she stopped raising her ass as high. Then she eventually stopped raising it back to meet me at all and was completely limp. I realized she'd passed out. Contrary to it killing my hardon, it was actually incredibly erotic. I realized there was something in me then that I hadn't known about, a dark side that not many people would care to acknowledge. I turned me on - incredibly so, in fact - to fuck my unconscious wife. I didn't process all of that right then, of course. She was obviously willing, and she was my wife after all. No way was I stopping in some sort of misplaced chivalrous gesture. Plus it was hotter than I could have imagined. I thought about rolling her over to see if that would wake her up enough to finish, but it was too erotic to fuck her there face-down, totally out. A few more thrusts and a long grunt and I unloaded my balls into her sleeping pussy. I pulled out as I was finishing and gave her one long spurt on her ass cheeks, just to remind her of the evening when she woke up. \-- I covered her up - ass and all - and pulled a pair of sweatpants on. I softly closed the bedroom door and went back toward the den, Netflix, and I was certain a now-snoozing Steve. I thought I'd sleep in the recliner tonight. Something about my wife waking up with jizz on her ass in a bed by herself, wondering what had happened to her... Well I'm a little ashamed at how alluring that image was to me. As I approached the door to the den I heard Steve's rolling laughter. He must have found some standup comedy to keep him awake, I thought. Then I heard a higher, lilting chuckle and recognized it even before I rounded the corner to see my wife, sitting beside Steve on the couch, laughing at some unknown shared joke. "Oh hey!" She called to me. "I see you got more comfortable. I need to do that." "I... Uh... Yeah," I stammered. "I guess you saw," she started. "Jenn was way too drunk to go anywhere. She nearly passed out while I was pulling up Uber. I told her she could crash in our... Hey, are you okay? You're white as a sheet!" "Oh, yeah. I'm okay." I thought but didn't add: Except I just fucked your best friend while she was passed out on our bed. Other than that... "Maybe you should eat some crackers or something," she said. "Jenn was wasted. I went out to her car to get her bag for her. I'll take it in to her so she'll have it, then maybe the three of us can play?" She winked at Steve then hopped up from the couch with a small duffel. On the way past me she squeezed my completely flaccid penis and balls. "If you feel like it, that is," she said, with an air of genuine concern. She left the room to deliver Jenn's bag. I collapsed in the recliner across from Steve. "Hey, man, are you okay?" Steve asked. "You look like you could puke." "Shit," was all I could get out. "Shit. Shit." Steve was just starting to get really curious when my wife strode back into the den and stood in the doorway.. "Hey!" She called. Steve turned toward her, surprised. I slowly turned in the recliner. She planted her hands on her hips. "Our room smells like cum," she said flatly. "What do you know about that?" I knew my mouth was hanging open, but I couldn't seem to make any sound. She held my gaze for what seemed like an eternity. Finally a twinkle in her eye gave her away. "Now you have to watch me fuck Steve," she humphed with mock indignation. As I sat in the recliner and watched Steve take my wife through six positions and at least three orgasms, I thought: She just thinks I fucked Jenn. She has no idea how bad it really was. But then she was lying on her back on the couch, and Steve was holding her knees apart and very close to climax himself. Just as he started to cum my wife closed her eyes and let her arms and legs fall apart to either side. As Steve filled her with jizz her head lolled to the side toward me. Then she opened her eyes and winked at me. Steve collapsed on the couch and she sat up to lick her juices and his cum from his cock and balls. I realized I was hard again, my sweatpants tenting. My wife raised up and looked intently at my stiff bulge. "She was totally drunk," she said. "I'm sure she's still out cold." My eyes were like saucers. My mouth - if I'd ever thought to close it - was hanging open again. "This time, though," she continued, "I'm coming with you." |
Per your instructions to do so in a recent phone conversation, I have stopped masturbating. My sexual tension levels are at an all time high, but after a very long 30 days, I will see you, in person, in one hour!!! Unfortunately, our reunion will be in a public place, but I'm hoping that I can convince you that we need privacy and that you will sense my urgency and take pity on my state of horniness since YOU CAUSED IT. As I finish my preparations (hair, makeup, modest skirt, sheer blouse with a deep V neckline with lacy, sheer bra underneath), I am thinking about how much I have missed you and totally overwhelmed by how horny you can make me with just a few words, much less your actual physical presence. I take one final look at myself, and slide my hands to cup my 40DDD breasts, my nipples immediately harden, my hands continue down my hips, smoothing my skirt. I CANNOT wait to see you and I hope your first look at me is worth the wait. I slip sandals on my feet, apply a final coat of deep red lipstick to my lips and rush out the door to stop the honking of the taxi's horn. As I'm riding in the taxi towards you, I close my eyes and think about the last time we were together and how turned on I was by giving you a body massage, reaching my hand down between your legs to wrap my fingers around your hardening cock. I felt a tingle between my legs at that memory and my legs spread of their own volition while my right hand crept higher up my thigh. I was so tempted to at least touch myself once and had to bite my lip in frustration. "Fuck!, I just need to get to Charlie!" I hiss between my lips as I force my legs back together and attempt to distract myself by watching the scenery whiz by. I'm about 5 minutes from the place you directed me to go to. All of sudden I'm nervous, my hands cold, my stomach doing flip flops as I think of seeing you again after what has seemed like an endless time apart. I wonder if you have been missing me the same way. The taxi pulls up... and I lick my lips and take a deep breath before opening the door and stepping out. I smooth the skirt down my thighs and adjust my blouse and begin walking on suddenly very wooden legs towards the entrance. You had told me you would be waiting inside and I look around the parking lot and spot your bike. I shake my head, not understanding why you keep on making me go into these places by myself, then I reach the door and taking one more quick breath pull open the door. I scan the interior, looking for you. I panic a little and then finally spot you over by the juke box, putting your dollars in and lining up a string of some good bluesy music. The entire room disappears as I make myself to you. I walk up behind you, and it's all I can do to not grab you and squeeze you tightly. Instead, I touch your hip lightly with one hand and lean my face into the right side of your head and whisper, "Hi, Charlie." You grin, but don't turn around and respond, "Hello, Jennifer... it's about time you got here." I smile and ask where you are sitting and you point to one corner, I turn and see an empty table with a beer on it, walk over to it and sit down in the chair across from your beer. You finish making your musical selections and walk towards the table, pausing to exchange a few words with a few people along the way. On the inside, I'm impatient as hell and can already feel my pussy warming up and wonder what the hell is taking you so long!! On the exterior, however, I'm sitting there, looking extremely cool and detached. You walk up and put your hand on my shoulder and squeeze slightly as you pass me to get to your chair. You sit down and I finally see your face. Ahhhh, definitely a sight for weary and highly frustrated eyes! You grin, as do I, and we both begin talking at once. You ask me what I'd like to drink and give the order to the waitress. To anyone who happens to look our way, they would never guess that as my eyes are feasting upon you, my pussy is growing ever warmer and is now very, very wet. I do not want to be in this public place, I would prefer we were somewhere with you ALONE but I think I know why you refused to come to my hotel room. We are chatting about this and that, catching up on how kids and other family members are. I ask about your neck, your doctor visits, etc. Right in the middle of the idle chatter, you look at me, and say, "Do you have any idea how hard my cock is for you right now, Jennifer?" My mouth suddenly goes dry and I am at a loss for words. I take a sip of the beer you ordered for me and excuse myself, telling you that I need to go to the restroom. I stand up and walk towards the restroom, go inside and close and lock the door. I didn't really have to go; just that if I didn't get away from you at that moment in time I think I would have gone crazy. My instinct is to be sitting so close to you, one of my legs crossed over your lap, my hands touching what I can of you, kissing you. I am ACHING to kiss you, but I know that I need to get control of myself. I wash my hands, press a wet paper towel to my face and look at myself in the mirror and say, "Jen, you can do this!" and turn around to unlock the door. I stop and have one of my wild hair ideas and quickly raise my skirt and take off my panties, very sheer, lacy red panties, and wad them up in my hand smoothing my skirt back down. I open the door and walk back towards the table. I sit back down, this time in one of the chairs adjacent to yours and put my hand, the one holding my panties, on your thigh. "It's really good to see you, Charlie," I say and lean forward to kiss your cheek at the same time I release the panties so that they are lying on your thigh. I sit back in my chair, my eyes twinkling and take another drink of my beer. You know with that look in my eyes that I'm up to something and you sit back in your chair to try and figure out what. You hands move to rest on your legs and I giggle as I see your eyes widen in surprise as your left hand feels a texture beneath it so different from the denim it should have felt. You look down in your lap to see my panties lying there. You look back up at me to see the wickedly, innocent smile I have on my face. You ask me, "What's this?" I reply, "Oh, I was just feeling a little uptight; my panties were binding me so I took them off." I take another slow sip of my beer, my eyes never leaving your face – it's almost like I can see the wheels turning in your head. I can't tell what your hands are doing under the table but your fingers have found the crotch of my panties and they are fingering it. You bring your fingers to your mouth and suck them, "Hmm, yes, I do believe these are yours." as you put your hand back down on your leg. A moment later, you bring your hand back up above the table and bring your fingers to rest on my lips. Our first real touch of the evening is your pussy juice dampened fingers against my lips. I open my mouth slightly and my tongue flicks out to lick my own wetness off your fingertips. You groan and remove your fingers, taking the panties and shoving them into the pocket of your jacket. A really good slow, bluesy song starts – the bass notes causing a throbbing in my chest. I instinctively begin to move to the music and you look at me and say, "Do you want to dance with me, Jennifer?" I nod my head and you take my hand and get up out of your chair; you pull me to my feet and we move to the cramped dance floor area. You put your hands at my waist and pull me close to you as my hands reach up to wrap around your neck. My hips and body are already moving in time to the music and you adjust yours to mine. Your body touching mine is like sending 1,000 shocks through my body; the heat between our bodies is incredible! I place my head against your chest and breath in your scent and know that I have to have you, that I need to feel your naked skin on mine. Your hands have moved down to my ass, pulling me even closer. Mmmmm, I can feel your hard cock up against my belly and begin swaying back and forth, rubbing myself against you. Your head bends down and you are cussing to yourself, then you bite that muscle between my neck and shoulder HARD then lick it. I moan and press myself closer to you. If I can't push my tongue down your throat NOW, I'm going to scream!! Your mouth moves up my neck, kissing and lick and biting, nibbling on my earlobe and then kissing my cheek. I whisper against your face, "Please, Charlie, I need to kiss you!" You suddenly take my hand and we exit the dance floor moving towards the back of the bar; there is a separate room there used for private parties, etc. You try the doorknob, it is unlocked and you open the door pulling me inside and close the door. The room is pitch black and we immediately are clutching at each other, kissing, licking, sucking, biting whatever skin we can find as our hands are shoving clothes and unbuttoning buttons as fast as we can. You open my blouse and tug it out of my skirt, your other hand reaching to the hem of the skirt and pulling it up. I moan against your lips as I feel your hand on my naked skin... I have waited SO LONG to feel that again!!!! The palms of your hands are so hot it's like they are branding my skin as you move over one thigh towards my pussy. Your other hand is busy squeezing and twisting my breast, my nipple is so hard it's stabbing your hand. My hands are clutching at your back, my mouth hot on yours as our tongues plunge back and forth. I pull away from your mouth whispering against your lips, "I need to taste you, baby!" as I slowly drop to my knees in front of you. You groan and lean back against the wall while my hands fumble at your belt buckle and zipper. "You want to taste Daddy's cock, little girl?" you ask, using our pet names for each other, through gritted teeth. "Oh yes, Daddy, your nasty little whore has missed Daddy's cock!" I reply as I get your zipper down. My left hand reaches into your pants and my fingers stroke the hot, hardness I find as I struggle to free your cock from your boxers. Finally!! Your cock pops out of your fly and my fingers automatically wrap around the shaft. I lick my lips and look up at you and smile. You are staring down at my lips and the head of your cock, so close together yet not touching, your pre-cum glazing the tip of your cock. Mmmmmmmmmmmm, I can't help myself, I must have a taste. My tongue reaches out and flicks the end of your cock; you gasp as your hands reach for my head. "Do you want me to suck your cock, Daddy?" I ask. You groan out a long "Yesssssssssssssssssss!!!" as your hands pull my head towards your cock and my mouth opens allowing the head of your cock to slide into my mouth. "Oh wow, that feels sooo good!!" I'm thinking in my head as I can feel the heat, the hardness and every bump and ridge of your cock as it slides past my lips. I moan against your cock as you keep pressing my face closer and closer, your hips jutting out until my nose is resting against the fabric of your boxers. The head of your cock is pressing against the back of my throat!! Your hands continue to press my face up against your body, your hips start rocking against me resulting in a very slight fucking movement of your cock in my mouth; my mouth stretching with every stroke. You are cussing me with every movement of your hips, my hands are moving up and down your thighs. I need more of your skin, baby and I strain against your hands. You don't care; you need to cum in my throat. I continue to strain, trying to push myself away from you – that resistance makes you want to fuck my face harder. You grasp my head and literally start stroking your cock with my head, my mouth protesting against your cock. Finally, you take one very long stroke that allows your cock to pop out of my mouth. I am gasping for breath but manage to say, "Please, Daddy, fuck your whore's sopping pussy!!" Your eyes are glazed over, your cock seems to be pulsing from it's need to cum. You pull me up and turn me around, pulling my skirt the rest of the way up over my ass. I rest my hands on the table that was behind me and, on very shaky legs push my ass out towards you. I look over my shoulder at you, "Come on, Daddy, fuck me!" You take the few steps that separate us, pushing your jeans and boxers down off your hips as you go and put your hands on my hips. One of your hands reaches down and your fingers stroke along the lips of my pussy, feeling how drenched and swollen my pussy is. "How long has it been since you've touched yourself, Jennifer?" you ask. My entire body is trembling and jerking from the touch of your fingers on my very sensitive and long neglected pussy. I hiss, "Baby, it's been way too long since you've touched me!" Your other hand raises off my hip and comes down with a resounding WHACK on my ass. "That's not what I asked you, silly wench! How long has it been since you have pleasured yourself? Answer the question!" you demand as you spank my ass again, harder this time. I cry out and moan at the same time. I'm going crazy with the need to feel any part of you on, in, or around my pussy. I moan, "Not since you told me to stop, Daddy, I've been a good girl." You smack my ass again and then very quickly take the other hand and smack the flat of it against my pussy. "Shit, Daddy!" I hiss at the stinging, hot sensation. You bend over so that your stomach is against my back and whisper close to my ear, "Answer me, Jennifer, or I will not fuck you." Your hand begins to play with the lips of my pussy again, pulling them, twisting them, causing them to strain where they connect over my clit. I groan and move my hips, trying to grind my ass against you. I need to feel that cock of yours in me!! "Charlie, please... I can't even think straight, baby!" I moan and you smack the outside of my ass again. "Not til you tell me, Jennifer," you respond. I almost sob in frustration as I blurt out, "It's been 30 fucking days, Charlie!!!" You take your cock and stroke it up and down against the lips of my pussy, my hips strain back against you, my back arching in my attempts to get your cock in my pussy. "Is that why your pussy is so wet, Jennifer, or are you a hot, nasty, little slut that gets wet for anyone?" you manage to growl out as you continue to rub the head of your cock against my slit. My juices are smearing wherever the head of your cock goes, you stroke your cock against my asshole too. I reply, "No, Daddy.. my pussy only gets wet for you!" Suddenly you stop moving, nothing but your stomach is touching me, pressed down on my back, holding me in place. "PLEASE, Daddy.. push your hot cock into my needy pussy!" I moan as my hands reach behind me, trying to find your hips to pull you towards me. All I can hear is your breathing, raspy, gasping as you try to control me and yourself. You stand up using one hand to keep me pressed down on the table. "Tell me how this feels, my little whore," and then suddenly, you grab my hips and push your cock into my dripping, hot pussy in one deep, powerful stroke, as far as it would go! The force of your stroke knocks the breath out of me. I'm moaning unintelligibly as you grind your cock into me even deeper. "OH YES, Daddy, that is what I needed!!" I cry out as my hips push back against you and then they start moving, fucking your cock. You brace your legs and stand in one place and let my hips do all the work, my pussy moving around your cock. You are looking down, watching your glistening cock disappear and reappear between my ass cheeks. You see my asshole and suck on your finger then push it in my ass; I moan and start moving even more wildly. "Damn it, Daddy... you feel so good!!" I scream as your hips start moving now, bucking up to meet my pussy. We are both groaning and moaning, cussing, saying the nastiest things to each other. You add another finger to the one already in my ass and demand, "Play with your clit for me, Jennifer." I shake my head but my hand moves between my legs anyway and my fingers begin to circle my clit, pinching it. You growl something and pull out of me, "Turn around and push your ass on that table." I'm dazed and confused and my pussy is very empty but, I do as you say. I rock back on my arms, with my ass on the edge of the table; you grab my hips and push your cock back into my pussy and order me to play with myself again. I reach down and start massaging my clit, my eyes watching everything that is going on where we are joined. You rip at my shirt and bra, growling, "Get your tits out of that, I need to suck on them!" I don't react fast enough so you take matters into your own hands and pull the cups of my bra off my tits. My breasts are there for you to feast upon and you latch onto them, mauling them, biting them, twisting and sucking and pulling the nipples. You mash them together up towards my face and tell me to suck my own nipples. Your hips are moving even faster as I open my mouth to receive my nipples from your hands. I'm sucking them and look up at you, my fingers furiously stroking my clit. Your cock in my pussy, your strong strokes in and out are too much for me as I begin to cum. My pussy is clenching around your cock, my juices squirting around you, I'm screaming against my nipples; your hands are squeezing my tits so hard as you use them as a "handle" to fuck me even harder. The strokes of your hips are shoving my ass across the table; you are groaning continuously. You look at me and ask, "Are you Daddy's whore?" "Did Daddy make you cum?" as you continue to fuck me even harder. The strokes getting shorter, shoving even deeper; we are both grunting. "Daddy's gonna cu-u-u-u-um!!!" you yell and with one final, mighty shove, I can feel your cock swell and then the heat of your cum as it releases against my cervix. You collapse on top of me, we are both breathing hard, our hearts thudding out of control in our chests. "I missed you, Charlie," I smile against your ear. "I can tell, baby, I can tell," you mumble as you push yourself up and off of me. You help me up and we straighten our clothes as I start giggling and look at you. We lost all conscious thought of where we are and now we have to gather ourselves together and try to figure out how we are going to look like nothing has happened when we don't even know how long we have been back here. You look at me and grin and give me a hug. "You ready?" you ask. "Always!" I reply and open the door... |
Note: Ahoovah is the Hebrew word for beloved. * Chaya shifted again on the pew wishing that the Rabbi would hurry up. Normally she had no problem sitting through Shabbat service, but tonight she felt restless and edgy, as if something was about to happen, and she found it hard to sit through the meandering thought train of his reflection on the Torah portion. She lifted her eyes heavenward and begged; _please can we make it through the rest of this sermon without another awful pun?_ She knew it wasn't likely. The Rabbi was an encyclopedia of bad puns and he never failed to drag out as many as he could get away with into the service. She groaned as he launched into another bad joke that the congregation had heard about twenty times in the last year. Chaya liked the Rabbi, when she'd moved to the city, she'd found that most of the synagogues were far more stuffy than the one she was used to, and he'd made her feel welcome at schul despite her bright pink hair and tendency to forget to change out of jeans into a skirt for services. He was a nice, well-meaning guy, if somewhat of a schmuck. She grinned as the Rabbi's youngest son snuck up onto the bima for his, surely staged by someone in the crowd, come on and wind it up dad routine and the service progressed. "Tonight, I want to welcome the newest member of our congregation, a fine upstanding member of our community and the newest edition to Channel 9's news team, Adam Kohn." Slightly embarrassed by the singling out, Adam half stood and gave a sheepish wave at the crowd of worshippers staring towards him. He felt a pair of eyes boring into him more than the others and turned to see an attractive girl, well woman he guessed since she looked about his age if he was right, with bright pink hair staring at him open mouthed. He wasn't sure what that meant, but he hoped it was good as despite the most un-adult selection of hair colour, she was quite pretty and somehow the pink seemed to suit her. Noticing that he'd caught her staring she quickly averted her gaze and he used her inattention to take in her body. She had a small heart shaped mouth, the sort that hadn't really gotten it's due since the days of Clara Bow, that sat above a strong angular chin; dark rectangular glasses; a small frame that was slender but quite curvy he could tell from the outline of her breasts in her grey blouse; and muscular, shapely legs that extended from her knee length black skirt with the feminine sheer overlay. He decided that he definitely approved of her staring at him, and he would be more than happy to oblige her if she wanted to stare at any more of him. Chaya's jaw dropped open in shock as the Rabbi called the name of their new member and the man stood embarrassed and waved. "It can't be," she whispered aloud causing the woman next to her to look over. Chaya smiled at her quickly. _There's no way, I mean what are the odds? There is no way that that is the same Adam Kohn_, she thought to herself, but as she stared at him she knew it was. When he turned and caught her staring and looked back into her eyes, she was certain and quickly turned away. Somehow, for some bizarre twist of what had to be bad luck, Adam Kohn, her high school nemesis, had not only managed to move to the same city as she lived, some 1300 miles from the place they grew up, but was now the newest member of her synagogue. She groaned inwardly as she saw the embarrassing months of well-meaning yentas and even worse the always well-meaning, ever clueless Rabbi Benjamin trying to marry the two of them off to each other. _That is if he's single_. She thought, _well, no, he must be single, he's here alone, and Rabbi B didn't mention a family or wife. Damn it why am I even wondering if he's married, it's not like I'm interested_. She snuck a glance back at him, he's certainly changed for the better, she thought, taking in the new broadness of his shoulders, where his skinny frame had been filled in by adult muscle and the much smoother contours of his face where they had finally grown in around his prominent nose. The deep laugh lines remained around his mouth, giving the impression that he was always about to break into a grin remained as she'd remembered them and his thick black hair sat in short curls on his head in the way that had always made her want to run her hand through them to smooth them despite her dislike of the boy she had known. "Ah, Chaya, come over here," Rabbi Benjamin motioned to Chaya, who was munching on a plate of carrots and celery in the Oneg hall. She never seemed to find time to eat on Fridays and so it had become a bad habit to eat a dinner of veggie platters and cheese at the Oneg after services, though right now it made her feel like a pig to have so much food on her plate while most people only had a few cookies and maybe a piece of cheese. Reluctantly she walked over to where the Rabbi was standing with Adam. "Adam, I'd like you to meet Chaya, she's also one of our newest members of Temple, she's an excellent writer." He said and immediately was gone, leaving his matchmaking to flourish. "Really, what do you write?" Adam asked turning his attention to the flustered Chaya. "Film reviews mostly, and a few screenplays that haven't been purchased." "Oh, I don't suppose I've read anything of yours then." He said, immediately kicking himself for the stupidity of the statement. _Real smooth Adam_, he told himself, _way to charm her_. Chaya stared at him; did he actually not recognize her? Or was he just being dismissive. "Oh, I rather think you've read a lot of it," she said with a little more of an edge than she meant. "Really? Do you write a national column? Ebert's new partner?" "You really don't recognize me?" she asked. "Should I? I'm sorry that was rude. No, I don't think I know you." Chaya laughed, it was a deep throaty laugh and Adam was immediately attracted to it. "Ok, I give, where do I know you from?" "Oh, no, I'm not telling if you don't know." "Oh come on, give me a hint at least." "Nope. Not a chance." She said suddenly mischievous now that she felt certain he didn't remember her and walked away to sit at a table and eat. Adam racked his brain, there was something slightly familiar about her nagging at him, now that she mentioned that they were previously acquainted, but he had no clue where or when that could have been. He followed her to the table and sat across from her. "Come on, you can't just tell a person that you know each other previously and not let them in on who you are." "You should remember your acquaintances then." She said, raising an eyebrow. "Oh all right, you can have 20 questions, yes or no questions and I will answer them truthfully, and if you guess who I am correctly I'll let you know, but that's as much as you get." Chaya felt fairly confident he wouldn't be able to figure out who she was in only 20 questions if he didn't know by now where he knew her from or who she was, especially since she didn't even go by the same name now, she'd always gone by her initials EB, short for the hated Evelyn Brianna, while now she preferred to go by her Hebrew name Chaya. She kind of liked having the upper hand on Adam, she always had. They'd been in a good number of the same honours classes throughout high school, but their abject dislike of each other hadn't blossomed until their senior year when they both worked on the school newspaper. He was rude and pompous and frequently made her friend Emma cry because he was a chauvinist who thought that girls couldn't write sports stories. She'd always been picked on growing up and had developed a wickedly smart mouth and the feeling that she had to defend her friends against the verbal attacks of others, and so she spent the majority of the year attacking Adam with stinging and witty barbs whenever he opened his mouth. She smiled even now, remembering her coup de tas, in the school variety show where during an improv skit in the student matinee she'd done a scathing impression of him even invoking his name lest anyone not know exactly who she was parodying. It had been wildly popular and his inability to respond to any of her barbs with anything other than, "bitch" had increased tenfold after the incident. Unlike Chaya, Adam couldn't bring up any memories of specific events or people from high school. It just seemed like a waste of time to him. It wasn't like high school was some rollicking great time to him; it was primarily an exercise in getting into a good university so that he could be a success when he was older. Hell, he couldn't remember a single girl that he'd fantasized about in high school. No, he thought immediately, that was wrong, there was one girl, EB. Fucking EB Johnson, she'd gone by damn initials like a boy. In fact, to everyone else in the school, she might as well have been a boy, if it weren't for the decidedly un-boyish set of tits she hid under baggy shirts and jeans. EB hung out with mostly guys, played sports, swore constantly, never gave any indication that she was interested in anyone male or female sexually and was quick witted and even quicker mouthed. It was her mouth that had propelled her into the position of being a vague memory of angry lust in Adam's all but high school free memory bank ten years after graduation. Their senior year Adam was the sports editor for their school paper and EB an entertainment editor so they were forced to work in the cramped journalism lab on a daily basis. Adam had been something of a smug jerk in high school, hiding his social insecurities behind an ego and sense of superiority in the things he was good in. Unfortunately for him, EB hid hers behind an incredibly tart tongue and Adam made the mistake of saying something or other to his assistant editor, Emma, which made her cry. Emma was friends with EB and Emma's over-sensitive tears had signed some kind of war declaration against him in EB's view of things. After that, almost every comment or word he said in the paper post-mortems or class had been an open opportunity for her to lob sarcastic barbs in his direction, she'd even gone so far as to mock him by name in front of the entire school. Worse yet for him was that despite the fact that he thought he was a pretty quick-witted guy, in her presence he seemed completely unable to muster up any comeback other than, "bitch" to respond to her. In all honesty his lack of witty retorts more than likely had less to do with a lack of quick thinking on his part and more to do with the fact that every time her smart mouth insulted him he had an almost uncontrollable urge to slam the door to the workroom, shove her up against it and shut her mouth by filling it with his tongue. From September until May almost every night his masturbatory fantasy involved her naked body writhing beneath his, her insults changed into lust driven cries of his name as he conquered her. His cock jumped in his pants even now when he thought about those fantasies. They always began in an ordinary everyday situation with her only at the point where he normally was so angry he just opened and closed his mouth like a fish and stormed out of the room, he would take control.... Adam stood at the counter in the narrow Herald workroom, waxing the last of the stories for the front page layout of the sports section. It was late and everyone else had finished work on their sections and gone home for the night, or so he thought. Out in the hallway he heard a female voice swearing, "No, I can't, I have to do the fucking entertainment layouts now. Jack fucking knows I have both practice and rehearsal this month, I don't know why he can't assign the damn pages to Jr staff or something, fuck." Adam rolled his eyes knowing that the voice and the predominance of the word fuck could only belong to one person, EB Johnson, the nemesis of his 18 year-old life. EB stormed into the workroom, and tossed her book bag next to the row of Macs. Adam stared as she pulled her sweatshirt over her head in the hot room. The motion caused her over-sized t shirt to rise up with the sweatshirt revealing the smooth pale skin of her abdomen as it pinched in from her wide hips to a narrow waist and over the bones of her ribs before she noticed and yanked it down. Tossing the shirt on top of her bag, she noticed Adam's stare and snapped, "What the fuck are you looking at?" He wished he could think of something cutting to answer her, but the unexpected glance of her skin had distracted him and he turned back to his layout work. They worked in uncomfortable silence for a short time as EB deftly busted out her pages. He could admire her for that, her layouts were always well-proofed and smooth, but then she wrote most of the content herself because the other members of her staff were mainly taking the class for an easy grade and didn't bother to do more than the shortest most half assed articles, and EB was almost as much of a perfectionist as he was. EB looked at one of his finished pages and snorted. "What?' He'd asked, knowing a barrage of taunts was headed his way. "You're actually writing your column about that?" "Yes, as a matter of fact I am." "Jumping right in with the scared little boys I see." "It has nothing to do with being scared; women just don't belong on men's teams" "Whatever, men like you are just afraid that if they let women compete they'll get embarrassed when they get their asses handed to them." "Men like me?" "Backwards Neanderthals afraid of women because they're insecure in their masculinity-" "You're a bitch." "You keep saying that, what's the matter can't read well enough to consult a thesaurus to get a new insult?" "If women like you weren't so afraid of femininity they have to transform yourself into little boys maybe you'd get dates and stop trying to run men out of everything to prove something." "Oh, right, because all women need is a date with a man to make them complete. They can't aspire to be something more than some arm candy." Adam leapt for the one taunt he knew would infuriate her, "I forgot, you're all such dykes-" That did it; EB lost her composure and slapped Adam across the face. It was not a soft slap either. She stared at the spot on his cheek where angry red ghosts of her fingers were rising from his pale skin and stubble. She was so transfixed by it and her anger that she didn't notice the way his eyes gleamed in anger and passion or the movement of his hand until he grabbed her wrist and shoulder and propelled her back into the door of the workroom slamming it closed. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" she snapped as he stepped into her, her eyes glittering in anger back into his. "Shut up," he snarled before he lowered his head into hers and did it himself with his lips. EB had been about to snap at him as his lips closed in on hers. At the contact her brown eyes opened wide and her free arm rose to his shoulder to push him off her, but suddenly she didn't seem to have the strength to move him. Adam began to move his lips hungrily over hers, nibbling at her lower lip and running his tongue teasingly along it, surprised by the electricity that arced from her lips into his nerve receptors. His free hand dropped to the hem of her shirt and slipped up under it running along the skin of her waist and ribcage to find her left breast in its bra cup. She opened her mouth slightly in shock as his warm firm fingers slid into her bra and pulled her large breast free from its cup and began to stroke the soft sensitive skin. He took advantage of the moment to slide his tongue into her mouth. He smiled as she moaned slightly when he pinched her nipple, feeling it harden immediately as he rolled the nub between his fingers, and deepened their kiss. EB couldn't figure out what was going on, all she knew was that all of a sudden she was in Adam's arms and he was kissing her, not just kissing her, but kissing her as though he meant to devour her and his hands on her body were making her weak in the knees. She fought to keep her body stiff and unresponsive under him, vowing that she would not kiss him back and give him the satisfaction of getting her to forget her dislike for him. She fought with his hands as he began pulling her t shirt up over her head, but this was his fantasy and the probability that in real life she would merely have slugged him hard in the face was not going to daunt him now. Shirt discarded, he took in the tantalizing planes of her body that always lay hidden under her loose clothing. The narrow shoulders, pale, translucent skin and small waist making her large breasts look even more surprisingly large, one nestled in the cup of her plain bra, the other loose as he had left it, the large pinkish brown nipple still hard an pointing out at him. EB knew she should make her break now as he stared at her, his body not pinning her to the door quite so much. She should slug him and run, but she was transfixed by the gleam of desire in his dark eyes and she was too inexperienced with the heady mixture of anger and lust. Adam was surprised that she didn't bolt then and acting quickly, before she came to her senses, closed back in on her, once again barraging her soft lips with hungry kisses and running his hands over her arms and sides. He could feel slight tremors race along her body and some of the rigidity of her stance slip as his tongue teased hers trying to coax her to return the kiss, her eyes squeezed closed as she battled with herself to keep from responding. Adam groaned grazing her lower lip with his teeth as his mouth left hers, only to seek out the soft skin of her jaw. He traced along it to her earlobe, where he nibbled causing a shudder to course through her and he smiled. "You don't have to be so stubborn, I can tell you want me," he whispered hotly into her ear. "Fuck you," EB spat at him, her voice huskier with desire than she would have liked. "Mmm, that could be arranged ahoovah." "Do you even know what that means?" she tried as almost a last ditch effort to distract his libido. Adam merely raised his eyebrow and moved down from her ear leaving a trail of kisses and soft bites down the column of her throat as he made his way towards her breasts. EB's mind raced around his choice of a Hebrew word what was going on here? What did he mean by using it? It was then that Adam reached her breast and even her mind shut down. He heard the sharp intake of air as his tongue flicked across her erect nipple and as he sucked it into his hot, wet mouth he felt the slackening in her body that signified her giving in to her desire. She moaned and her hands came up to his head and buried in his black curls as he teased her heavy breast with his mouth and teeth, his hands reaching around her back to unhook her bra freeing her other breast to his assault. EB, lost in the haze of sensations Adam's mouth was introducing her to, began tugging at Adam's shirt pulling it over his head and freeing the warm expanse of skin on his back that she suddenly long to feel. She mewled slightly as he pulled away from her breasts and began to kiss her again in earnest, the sensation of his bare chest against hers sending lightning bolts from her nipples straight to her quickly moistening sex. Adam moaned, his cock straining even more fully against his pants as EB hungrily kissed him back, her tongue mating with his, her fingers curling into his back as she pulled him closer. He slid his hands between their bodies, undoing the button and zipper on the front of her jeans, and reaching down into her panties past the tickle of her pubic hair and to the wet heat of her pussy. He was surprised at how wet he found her already and he stroked her moist folds and slid a finger into her tight pussy as she gasped into his mouth. When his thumb found her sensitive clit her knees nearly buckled and he smiled wickedly as he began circling the engorged flesh while sliding her slowly down the door to the ground. "Oh, g-d, Adam," she moaned as he removed her jeans and panties and brought his face level with her crotch. "What are you doing—oh" words melted into a gibberish of moans and whimpers as his tongue circled and lapped at her clit, two of his fingers pushing into the tight depths of her virgin pussy. Her hips rose up to meet his thrusts, pushing his fingers deeper inside her and grinding her clit into his face as she panted, unable to catch her breath, the flame of her arousal igniting the short fuse of her impending climax. "Oh—g-d, oh" He replaced his stroking tongue with a finger long enough to look up and growl, "say it ahoovah" at her, his voice hungry and commanding, then his face dropping back between her thighs and his tongue returning to his ministrations with renewed vigor. EB let loose a guttural scream as the first wave of her orgasm crashed into her. 'Oh, g-d, Oh Adam, yes Adam, Adam" his name became a mantra as the orgasm even better than any she had ever given herself continues to rush through her and she stared up with pleasure clouded eyes into the burning desire in his. She pulled him up to her, her mouth closing in on his, hungrily devouring him, the taste of her own juices still fresh on his tongue, her hands yanking at the zipper of his pants, pushing at the fabric as though it couldn't possibly get out of the way fast enough. His hard cock sprang free of the material as she shoved it down. It was his turn to gasp as her hand closed around his cock, taking in the softness of the skin stretched over the rock-hardness of it. He fumbled to remove his pants the rest of the way as her fingers stroked and explored his shaft and head, her eyes taking note of the way his body reacted to each movement she made. Free of his pants his mouth returned to hers and he kissed her deeply as she guided his cock toward her dripping cunt. He slid the shaft along her moist folds lubricating it in her juices and positioned the head at the opening, then staring deep into her hungry eyes, his eyes gleaming black with desire, he slowly pushed the head of his cock into her tight pussy. She gasped into his mouth as she felt his cock slowly begin to fill her. When he felt the resistance of her virginity he withdrew slightly and then quickly pushed through the barrier. He remained still as she cried out sharply at the puncture of her maidenhead, letting her body accustom to his size filling her and then as her breathing deepened again beginning to move forward again. As the jab of pain subsided and he began stroking into her more deeply EB began to move under him, meeting his thrusts. The sounds of her moaning into his ear made him pick up pace until he thrust fast and hard into her, her second orgasm building in her as his cock pounded her full pussy. Adam could feel his orgasm building up in his balls, his cock swelling inside her. EB's cunt convulsed around him as her second orgasm descended on her, clenching and sucking at his cock. Her throaty moans of his name in his ear proved the final straw and he thrust fully into her as his cock spasmed and shot his semen deep into her and he cried out. Spent, he collapsed onto her and they lay limp and satisfied in each others arms.... Suddenly Adam blinked and stared into the sparkling eyes of the woman across from him. _No_, he thought, _it can't be_. He knew it was, the wicked mirth in her eyes gave it away, the very eyes that had haunted his fantasies all those years ago and been the bane of his senior year, it was EB. She was barely recognizable under the black framed glasses and the pink hair. Her face thinner and prettier than he'd remembered, her body seemed every bit as nice as he'd always imagined it in the clothes that now fit her even though they weren't as revealing as some women wore, but her eyes were unmistakably as EB as they'd been in high school. He debated with himself whether he should call her on it, or let her think that he still had no idea who she was, wondering which would give him the upper hand in what could only be some sort of fate- driven luck that had put him face to face with his old nemesis. This is a brief story and 2 letters I sent to a lady I met on line who loves to flash men in adult stores. I kind of figured she was putting me on when we first started to chat but she had me IM a few other men who she had flashed and they told me what they did to get her to do it and what she showed. It sounded too good to be true but the talks were hot so why not. Well we chatted for quite awhile and I occasionally sent her some MPG’s and AVI’s of things she linked and she send me some pictures of her. She is posting her story here about flashing and I know a few other men are also posting stories about seeing her flash. Hope you enjoy them as much as we enjoyed watching Liz. If you ever get to chat with her, be open and honest and act like an adult. If you want it to go further and you want to be flashed get to know her real good. Ask questions of her and send her an occasional e-mail. Find out what she likes and good luck. She is an older woman but well worth it. Then one day she actually asked me if I was free on a certain Friday evening and she would be out flashing. We set the date and I went hoping this was not all a put on. Well it sure wasn’t and it was a very exciting experience. I have gotten to view her twice now and here are the two e-mails I sent her about them after. Liz likes to have the men she flashed send her a letter about what they saw that night and how they liked it. Crazy but for what I got in return it’s worth it. Somehow I knew it was you when you stepped out of the blazer. I notice your sexy legs right away, with those sexy black stockings. I watched as you walked in the front door, and then I went in that back and looked for you. I saw you and Jerry walking around by the sexy underwear and looking at the leather bars and panties. I walked around nervous, not wanting to be too close. As I followed you I watched with great anticipation of what was about to happen. Then you went to the back corner of the store and started to bend over to look at the movies. Then I saw what I was waiting for, your hot, sexy, smooth ass bare as can be staring me right in the face. I did not get to see your pussy but got a great shot of both your ass cheeks. INSTANT hard on! You bent down again to put the video jacket away and I got to see that sweet hot pussy. I was in a bit of shock, I was actually looking at a bare pussy in a public place and a lot of this was arranged just for me. I followed you some more the very next time I got a great look at your sweet pussy. I could not believe that I was actually seeing your sweet pussy right before my eyes. I thought the guy next to me was going to have a stroke. Every time you bent over I saw parts of you hot ass and pussy. I wanted to jerk off all over your ass as you were bent over. Watching you show your hot ass and pussy are many of the reason for many of my hot jerk off sessions now. Thinking of your long sexy legs and hot smooth ass, saying eat me!! Damn it was a hot experience looking at your sweet bare cunt in a public store. I was not real good at following you around as this was my first time and I did not know what to do exactly. But I did as best I could and I did get to see your bare ass and pussy a few times. I know you said never to approach you but we could say something to your husband and I tried. I tried to say something to jerry but you moved out of the place so fast when you were done I never got the chance. But next time I will tell him what a hot sexy woman he has. Now every time we chat on line I remember that evening and get all worked up again. I till have trouble believing this all happened. A Slutty Lady (I know you call your self that) actually set it up with me to see her show me her bare ass and pussy in an adult store. Second letter: Friday night I went to the video store waiting for you I walked around in anticipation of your coming. Then there you were. Pretty print top and a short sexy black skirt and the thigh high stockings. I wandered around waiting for the first shot of your sweet pussy and then you bent over to look at a movie and there it was beautiful, bare and smiling at me, got a good shot of your hot ass as well. I walked around a bit more following but not to closely, and a guy nodded to me (I found out later it was Chris the guy I chat with on line about you). I followed you around more and watched you bend over and show us your ass and pussy was great. You seemed to be doing it a bit more then before or I was more comfortable and followed better. I noticed a white haired guy watching me and Chris follow you around I know he knew what was going on and started to follow us. The second shot of your pussy was really good as I was a bit closer and I noticed the white haired guy kneeling down and actually looked up your skirt he got a GOOD view of your pussy. I followed you around more watching you, your sexy ass in that skirt and your HOT legs in those stockings MMM-MMM. As you walked to the toys section the counter person was getting curious. He came out from behind the counter and I am not sure if he got to see anything but he sure tried. I noticed about four of us watching you, all trying to get a look under your skirt. Chris and I watched and got one more good shot of your pussy and ass before you left. The white haired guy got a last shot as well as did some other guy that was watching as well. Chris and I talked in the parking lot after about how awesome it was that you flash us. We talked about how hot your ass and your pussy are. Love your legs too so sexy in those stockings. All in all I saw two really good shots of your pussy and your ass, The white haired guy saw two shots and my last shot of you was more of your ass than your pussy but HOT just the same. The counter guy may have seen your ass but not your pussy. Chris and I talked at length about how hot it is to see you flash, and are thankful you let us see you. The first shot of your pussy was the best. I could see all of it, just smiling at me, the lips and everything. You had quite the captive audience that night and it was awesome. John |
First, my name is Vinny I was 19 and still living at home with my parents when this took place. I was dating this sexy Asian girl on and off for like 2 years in High School, her name was Ashley. One Saturday night, we went to a party. Her friend Jackie drove us in her to the party. Her friend ended up getting wasted and I had to drive her car and us all home. So I figured instead of having to drive across town after drinking to drop her off, We all would just go back to my parent’s house for the night. I was a several sport athlete so very fit and a pretty handsome guy. Ashley was 18 at the time and she was pretty. She was about 5’4, brown hair brown eyes. She ran a lot and was in pretty good shape. She had a decent sized chest. I’d say big B’s or little C’s. Her friend Jackie was a blonde haired girl 18 a little thicker but not fat and a little taller than Ash. She had a bigger chest too. I wanted her bad. She was very sexy. We get back to my parents house and head on inside. I lived in a tri level house. You would come in the front door and you can either go up or down. The downstairs was where my bedroom and hang out area was. My parent’s room was up stairs and on the opposite side of the house from me. So I had quite a bit of privacy down there smoked lots of pot down there. We headed down and her friend went right to the bathroom. She had to pee the whole way home. Ashley and I went upstairs and grabbed some late night munchies, a bottle of whiskey, and some shot glasses. We came back down and took a shot each. I loaded the pipe with some weed I had gotten at the party. Jackie came in from the bathroom closed the door to the basement. I immediately noticed she had changed in to a white t-shirt and red gym shorts. They were so short that you could nearly see her cheeks hanging out the bottom of them. I also realized she wasn’t wearing a bra. I could see her nipples right through her tight white tee. They were half dollar sized and kind of hard. I could only wonder what she was wearing under those shorts if anything at all. She sat on the couch across from us. Ash poured us all another shot. I couldn’t help but keep glancing at her chest. I noticed my cock start to stir and a bulge formed in my pants. I tore my eyes away from her chest. I waited for my bulge to go down before asking if they wanted to go in my room to smoke the weed I had loaded earlier. The girls nodded and I led the way into my bedroom. We sat in a circle on my bed with our legs crossed Indian style. As Jackie shifted her legs underneath her, I caught a quick glimpse of her beautiful pink snatch. She wasn’t wearing anything underneath. I looked up at her face right into her eyes. She caught me looking and she smirked at me. Luckily, Ashley didn’t notice either of these events. We finished smoking and the girls went back out to the living room area. I changed into some loose basketball shorts incase I had a bulge, I could easily adjust myself. I came out of the room and sat down on the couch next to Ash. Jackie had moved to sit next to ash while I was changing. There were three shots poured. We all took one and downed it. Ash got up to change as Jackie and I were both comfy. Ash disappeared into my room to change closing the door behind her. Jackie turned to me with that same look she had when she caught me and whispered, “Did you catch a good glimpse?” I nodded. Her grin got a little bigger. She looked down at my pants and saw a big bulge in my shorts. Her grin got larger and she turned her body towards me. She pulled her shirt up and flashed me her gorgeous chest. She pulled her shit back down quickly. She grabbed the bit of her shorts covering up her pussy and pulled it to the side. I got a grand view of her beautiful snatch. She started to toy with it. She rubbed up and down her lips and on her clit. She slid a finger inside her and pulled it out. It was so shiny and wet. She stuck her hand up to my lips and parted them with her finger letting me taste her. She pulled her finger out and let go of her shorts and turned back to normal and grabbed the bottle to pour us all a shot. Ash came out of the bedroom in an outfit just like Jackie. She turned on some music and then sat down in between Jackie and myself. I realized I had a huge bulge in my shorts and tried to hide it. I tucked it up in my shorts. We grabbed the shots Jackie poured and took them. After we set down the shot glasses, Jackie turned to Ash grabbed her and pulled her in for a kiss. Ash didn’t put up a fight at all. Instead she kissed her right back. They were making out with each other right in front of me. I reached around and grabbed Ashley’s tits outside her t shirt. Jackie reached down and pulled Ashley’s shirt right over her head. I grabbed Ashley’s hand and started to lead her to the bedroom and she grabbed Jackie’s hand. Jackie asked me if she could watch. “Yes,” I said. We all went to the bedroom. I pulled off Ashley’s shorts. She wasn’t wearing any panties either. She pulled my shorts and boxer’s down and exposed my cock. I saw Jackie’s face light up. Ashley pushed me on to the bed. I scooted back a little and lied down so my head was on the pillows. Ashley started stroking me and then put me in her mouth, licking the head as she sucked on my member. I looked over at Jackie she was rubbing herself under her shorts. I motioned for her to come over. She came up next to Ashley and pulled her head up and kissed her. They came down together and both started sucking on my cock at the same time both licking and taking turns taking it in their mouths. Then Ashley came up and straddled my face. I started to lick her sweet tight pussy. Jackie continued to suck me off. I couldn’t take much of this. I had a face full of Ash’s pussy. I could only muffle I’m cumming. I bucked my hips a little forcing my dick deeper in her throat and came. She gagged a little and some cum dribbled out of her mouth down her chin. Ashley licked it off. I flipped Ash over on the bed so she was on her back and pulled her down to the bottom of the bed. Jackie was sitting next to her. I pulled Jackie’s top off her head exposing her beautiful big tits. Ashley grabbed her shorts and started to pull them down. I grabbed Jackie’s hand and pulled her up, so that she could slide her shorts all the way off her ass and down her legs. Jackie’s sexy naked body got me hard again. I told them to make out again now that they were both naked. Jackie straddled Ash and started to kiss her. Ash fell back on the bed and Jackie went with her. I saw both pussies right in front of me. I bent down and started licking Jackie’s tasty snatch. While I licked her, I reached down and started rubbing Ashley’s clit. I ate Jackie’s pussy like I had never eaten a pussy before. She started shaking. Ashley must have felt this because she rolled over on top of her. I continued to eat Jackie’s pussy but Ashley had mounted Jackie’s mouth. I could hear Jackie’s muffled moan and then her juices gush out of her. I tried to lap it all up. I stood up and leaned over and kissed Ashley. I picked Ashley up and set her down on the bed next to Jackie. And I slid my cock into her soaking wet pussy. Jackie was catching her breath a little. She lifted her head and looked at us. She came down in between my legs and tongued my balls while I slid in and out of her friend. I pulled my cock out of Ash and stuck it in Jackie’s mouth. Jackie gagged on my cock causing me to pop out of her mouth. I told her to get on top of Ashley and kiss her. So she did. I slid my cock back into Ash. I pulled it out and rubbed the entry of Jackie’s pussy with my cock slowly sliding into her. She was so hot and tight and wet. I could barely go in as wet as she was. I felt my cock hit a wall inside her. I realized Jackie was a virgin. I pulled back and pushed back in slowly getting her used to my girth. Ashley slid back up the bed and Jackie started to lick her pussy. I felt like Jackie was ready. She stopped eating Ash’s beautiful snatch and turned and mouthed take me. I want you to take it. Then she started to eat Ashley’s snatch again. I pulled out till my head was all that was left in her and shoved it all the way deep inside her. I broke her wall and heard her muffle scream into Ashley’s pussy. I set there for a minute not moving my cock at all. I slowly pulled out and pushed back in. I got her nice and used to my 8 inch cock all the way inside her. I started to fuck her harder and faster but, I couldn’t take much more of her tight little twat. I turned her over so I could cum on her stomach. I was reaching my shooting point and started to pull out when she wrapped her legs around me and pulled me back into her she moaned I am cumming and I told her I was going to cum I started to pull out again. She wouldn’t let me just pulled me in tighter. I couldn’t hold it and I came deep inside her snatch. I pulled her to the edge of the bed so her ass was hanging off the bed. I told Ashley to come down here and get on her knees. She did as I said. I pulled out of her and cum started to run out of her. Ashley knew what I wanted. She lapped up all the cum oozing out of her friends tight twat. I went up to Jackie’s mouth and shoved my cock deep down her throat. She gagged again. I popped out of her mouth. I told her to suck me clean. She did. I got up and walked behind Ashley and pushed her up on top of Jackie and with a mouth full of my cum she hadn’t swallowed yet they started making out. This got me hard again. I pulled Ashley down to the bottom of the bed so she could eat Jackie’s pussy some more. I stuck my hard cock inside of her. I fucked her pussy real good thinking about the whole situation. I started to fuck her harder and faster. I was staring at Jackie while I fucked Ashley. She looked at me staring into my eyes. I came deep inside my girlfriend. She collapsed on to the bed. Jackie treated Ashley to the same clean up she had. She slurped every last drop up. Ashley climbed up into bed and so did Jackie I climbed in between them. I faced towards Jackie. Ashley snuggled up to me spooning me.I spooned Jackie. I smiled as I closed my eyes and fell asleep. |
My name is Sue and I am 25. I am a bisexual. I love women and men. My preference is more towards married couples. I am a blonde with thick pink lips that both men and women love. My breasts are fairly small fitting snuggly into a 32b cup. I love to flaunt my cleavage everywhere I go. I have had sex with women in unbelievable places like. Elevators, storage rooms, and labs when I was in school. My butt is small but sexy which prompts me to wear tight fitting skirts and pants. Getting into my story, this happened on a wet night when I was waiting for a taxi. I flagged down a taxi and rushed towards it, my umbrella pulling me back. As I reached the door a soft body crashed into me. I turned and looked into the brunette who was taller than me reaching for the door of the taxi. I was annoyed and she sensed it. "Oh, I am so sorry. I didn't see you," she apologized. Her voice was so Gentle and sweet that I instantly forgot my anger. "Oh, that's ok. Are you in a hurry?" I asked. "Yeah, I need to get back home soon. I am expecting someone at 8," she said. "Where do you need to go?" I asked. She mentioned an apartment building very close to my place. "I can drop you off, since its on my way home," I said. She almost hugged me in relief. I let her get in and by the time I got into the cab I was drenched. My t-shirt stuck to my skin leaving nothing much to anyone's imagination and I felt that my nipples would burst at the rate they were responding to the wet bra. I turned to her. She was in a coat and I could see a deep neck t-shirt under her coat that showed off her cleavage. This sight got my heart racing. I looked up at her face to see her eyes coolly studying my face. I blushed and turned away. "I am Ellen," she said trying to get my attention. I turned to her and introduced myself. She was in her early 30's or so I guessed. Her short skirt showed of her creamy thighs. Her face was pretty but it was not a stunner. She didn't need a stunning face with that body! Her neck was long and she wore a perfume that sent my heart rate further up. "You are wet," she said, her eyes straying to my chest and then to my excited nipples. She blushed as she sensed that I noticed her glances. We were even now. I shivered a little. "Hey, come closer. You are cold." She took her coat and put it around me bringing my nose dangerously close to her ample cleavage. She had big breasts that I guessed to be at least a D cup. They jiggled straining against her t-shirt reminding me of Ines Cudna, a porn star that I admired. She put her arm around me and pulled me closer. I felt her breasts against me. I had to try hard not to touch them. They were gorgeous. I started getting warmer and I could feel her heat against me. I found her closeness very comforting and felt her hands straying towards my breasts. My heart started pumping faster as I felt her fingers get closer and closer disguised by the movements of the taxi. The road was not smooth and that gave her an excuse to move closer. At last, I felt her hand encircle my wet t-shirt and bra, right over the nipple. At first she lay her hand without any movement. I took the chance and pushed against her hand. There was no response. I pushed harder, rubbing them against her palm. Still there was no response. I looked at her face and I realized that this gorgeous creature was teasing me. On impulse, I just brought my lips closer to her cheek and kissed it gently with my lips. I let my let my lips linger and then feeling bolder started to lick the soft cheek. To my surprise, she didn't respond. I suddenly felt worried that I made a mistake. I didn't want to give up. I placed my hand over her and made her hand squeeze my breast and with my other hand I pulled her face to me and kissed her on the lips. "Please baby, touch my body," I pleaded. For a few seconds, nothing happened, and then, with agonizing slowness, I felt her hand respond. I felt it squeeze my breast. I have been in this kind of situation before, but somehow, the taxi, the time of the day and the fact that she was an complete stranger made this sexier. I was getting wetter by the minute. I squirmed against the seat trying to rub my pussy against the seat. I started to push my hand to my pussy, but she stopped me. She started to kiss my neck and nuzzled her nose against my neck. This sent shivers down my spine. She started to suck on the skin of my neck. I moaned feeling her saliva dribble down my neck. "Kiss my mouth Ellen," I moaned. I felt her lips on mine. I sucked on them feeling the soft flesh. I pushed my tongue into her mouth. Knowing that the cabbie could see us made me feel excited. We kissed like long lost lovers. I was trying hard to rub my pussy against the seat. But it was not pleasurable enough and it was frustrating. She sensed it and what she did next was innovative. "Can you raise your butt off the seat?" she whispered in my ear. I pushed myself forward lifting off some of the load off the seat. "And lift your skirt baby," she whispered in her soft sexy voice. I lifted the back of my skirt until my panty was exposed to the seat. She put her hand underneath and asked me to sit on her hand. She positioned her hand so that her knuckle was raised giving me a hard knob to rub my pussy against. I sat on it moving my hips and pussy. There was no indication from the cab driver of having seen us. I found it difficult not to moan while I rubbed against Ellen's knuckle. I grabbed one of her huge breasts and started to rub it over her t-shirt. I couldn't cover it with my hand. Her nipples were hard under the material. I wanted to see her breasts but the taxi was not the right place. In the state I was in, I almost failed to realize that the cab had stopped at her apartment. I got off Ellen's hand and straightened myself quickly. Ellen got off and looked at me. "Aren't we going to finish off what we started?" she asked, her eyes shining. I nodded and paid of the taxi driver. I was surprised to find that it was a lady driver. Her dark hair was almost hidden under a cap and she wore dark glasses. She looked in the direction of my breasts and I gave her an eyeful. She smiled and refused the fare. "No thanks maam. It's on the house. I enjoyed the ride as much as you did," she smiled and I could see that her blouse was open. In the dim light of the cab I thought I saw a nipple poking out. Somehow, the thought of her having watched us made me even hornier. I got into the front seat of the cab. I bent to her breasts and started to suck the nipple that was poking out. My other hand searched for her crotch. She resisted initially but finally let me suck her nipple. I realized that her pants were pulled down and my hand found her wet panties. I started to rub her panty while I sucked on her breast. She started to moan and she pressed her pussy against my hand. Meanwhile I heard Ellen saying something. I stopped for a moment and she looked at us, her face red with excitement. "Why don't you join us both in our apartment?" she asked the cab driver. The young lady was too far gone to refuse. We hurriedly parked the taxi in the basement and rushed upstairs. The security guard gave us a knowing look as he watched our bobbing tits as we raced like Charlie's angels to the lift. In the elevator, I studied the young cabbie. She seemed quite young to be driving a cab and later found out later that she was 19 and driving her dad's cab without the knowledge of the cab company. She could have been mistaken for a guy with her short hair that was concealed further under a cap. Well that was only if no one saw the rest of her body! Her face was angular and when she smiled, she was adorable. She had lovely breasts that were much bigger than mine and her hips were wide and I realized that she may have South American or Indian genes judging by her hair and wide full hips. Her butt seemed muscular under the tight fitting pants. Ellen literally licked her lips, surveying the two of us. The young girl looked at the two of us. She seemed a little nervous. "I have never done this before, but you guys made me so wet. I couldn't help touching myself," she said. "Don't worry dear, we will teach you everything," said Ellen smoothly. I grinned as I realized that Ellen was a professional at this. She put her mouth close to my ear and said something that made my pussy twitch. "Let's give this young girl the orgasm of her life!" Betty, the cabbie, looked at us looking more nervous as the lift finally reached our floor. I smiled at her reassuringly. I held her hand as we stood outside Ellen's door. We entered the plush apartment and Ellen switched the lights on. She went to the center of the room and then lifted her skirt slowly exposing her creamy thighs. I just rushed to her, kneeling down by her legs and looking at her thighs in awe. She pulled my head to her thighs and I started to lick her left thigh. I still held Betty's hand. I felt her kneel down by me. Ellen pulled her to her other thigh. We both started to lick her thighs. They were smooth as silk and I started to suck the skin and we followed the hem of the skirt that kept rising. I wanted to get back at her for the teasing that she did in the cab and I took my time going up. Betty unbuttoned her shirt giving us both a fantastic view of her lovely deep cleavage. Finally, her pussy was exposed. I started to run my tongue along the groove between the top of her thigh and her lower tummy. Betty followed my actions. We teased her like this for a minute or two. Ellen kept pleading us to lick her pussy but we didn't. I started to lick her smooth mons sucking and biting the puffy flesh there. Then suddenly I buried my face in her hairless pussy. Ellen ground her panty less, hairless pussy to my face. I kept sucking it hard tasting her wet pussy. I felt a tongue in my ear and I realized the Betty was getting more involved in the act. I pulled her closer to Ellen's pussy and pushed her head towards it. She started sucking it tentatively and Ellen pulled her towards the hot red lips harder. The young girl's face was buried in the older woman's pussy. Ellen pulled me by my hair to her ass. I enjoy a bit of rough play as long as there is no pain involved and I followed her hand to her ass. She parted her cheeks for me exposing her brown hole. I love tonguing a woman's ass. I started to lick it, tracing my tongue over her rim. Ellen moaned, pushing her ass at me and then pushing her pussy towards Betty alternatively. I made my tongue stiff and started to tongue her in time to her rhythm. Very soon, my tongue was buried in her ass. I rubbed her thighs while pulling her towards me while my tongue fucked her ass. After a while, I moved down lower to her pussy and started to lick the bottom of her pussy. Betty noticed me and we started kissing each other between Ellen's legs. Ellen rubbed her pussy against our heads while I sucked the young girls tongue tasting Ellen's pussy in Betty's mouth. Then I wanted to taste this young girl's pussy. So I pulled her up and started to unbutton the rest of her blouse exposing her large breasts. Her bra was bright green and lacy. Her cleavage could have taken two cocks in it. I started to lick between her cleavage, my tongue fucking it. I squeezed the two cups with my hands making her moan. I then moved my tongue to the cup, licking and making it wet. Her nipples were hard. Then I felt Ellen lick Betty's other breast. I heard Betty moan and she ran her fingers through my hair massaging my head. I licked the cup so much that it was soaking with my saliva. I continued to tease her nipple over the bra cup. Her nipples were larger than average and before long I pulled the cup down to expose them. They were dark and hard and I held one between my teeth and pulled on it gently. Betty jumped. Then I sucked the whole nipple and as much of the breast as I could into my mouth. Ellen started to kiss the girl as I sucked on Betty's tit. "Oh... mommy suck my nipple mommy...oh mommy...it feels so good mommy..," Betty moaned in between Ellen's kissing. This made me suck her harder. I was not much older than Betty, but being called "mommy" made me feel sexy. I sucked harder. Betty moved me to her other breast and took off her bra in the process. Her breasts were big and I wanted to be smothered by them. Having had sex with so many women made me come to the following conclusion. Women who have smaller breasts like larger breasts and Women with larger breasts like ladies with smaller breasts. I personally liked any type of breast as long as there was a hot lady attached to it! I squeezed Betty's nipple between my lips. I felt Ellen pull Betty's pants down. She proceeded to undress herself and I took a moment to gaze at Ellen's body. It was sexy and her breasts competed with Betty's and I found it hard to decide on which was better. I took the cue to take off my clothes too and they found my small breasts sexy. The young girl wore a sexy pair of panties that seemed to be the type commonly worn by girls in their early teens that somehow makes them look hotter and innocent at the same time. Betty's panties had red hearts all over it and I watched as Ellen started to lick the seam of the panties. I moved up from Betty's breast to her neck. Kissing her neck gave me the nicest feeling. I rubbed my breasts against hers while I kissed her neck. Her neck was long and I could fit my face nicely between her shoulder and neck. My nipples slid over her wet breast. I moved up to her ear and I felt goose bumps appear on Betty's skin. Then I started to lick her ear tasting her earlobes. I sucked on them and moved into her ear, my tongue probing her ear. My finger found her mouth and pushed it in like a little cock. She started to suck my finger so hard that I wished I were a guy. She seemed to be quite an expert at cock sucking judging by the way she handled my finger. I moved slowly towards her mouth starting by sucking the corner of her mouth. I probed it with my tongue and we were kissing hard like two long lost lovers. I like to kiss girls because they don't have an irritating stubble like guys and their bodies are much softer than guys. I kissed Betty hard while I felt her hands on my breasts. My breasts were small enough for her to cup with her hands and her hands felt warm and nice on my breasts. I sucked on her lower lip, tasting its sweetness. It was so soft. I then tasted both lips at the same time while holding them closed. Then I felt her tongue snake out of her mouth again. I started to suck it. I felt Betty move and I saw Ellen licking the girl's panties. I stopped my thought of wanting to join Ellen. I wanted to taste the pussy and ass. Betty seemed so virginal but sexy at the same time. We kissed each other and I held her face close to me. I pushed my hand down, snaking into her sexy panties. I realized to my delight that she was completely shaved. I cupped her mound under the panties as I felt Ellen's tongue struggling to push past my fingers. I teased her for a while and slipped out bringing my wet fingers up for a taste. I let Betty taste her pussy juice and shared it with her. Then Betty pushed me down, her message unmistakable. I pushed Ellen away, taking Betty's panty covered pussy all to myself. I sucked hungrily on the thin material; tasting Betty's juice intermingled with Ellen's saliva. I tried to bite her mound over the panty making her jump. I pushed the material aside and gazed at the loveliest pussy I have ever seen. It was completely hairless. I started to lick the smooth skin. I kept pushing her back, teasing her when she tried to push her pussy against my face. Her impatience made me hornier. She pushed down her panty and I helped her bare her lovely pussy. I made her sit on the edge of the center table and made her lie down on it. I started licking her thighs and slowed moved to the insides of her thighs. Her thighs were smooth and smelled divine. She must have had a bath before she got into the cab. I moved closer and closer to the lovely pussy. I moved closer and closer and finally stuck out my tongue and the tip of my tongue touched her lips. Betty's jumped and before long I was giving CPR to her pussy. I couldn't get enough of her pussy. I lifted her legs onto my shoulders and moved slowly towards her anus. My tongue passed her perineum and she shivered as my tongue explored her rim. I kept licking her anus and I felt her rim clench at the pleasure. I pushed my tongue gingerly at the opening, probing and teasing. She pushed herself against my tongue, wanting more. In the mean time, Ellen was literally on Betty's mouth and making her lick her pussy and ass. Ellen turned and looked back at me and I asked her whether she would like to taste Betty's pussy and ass. She nodded, her face getting excited. We switched places. I positioned my hairy pussy over Betty's lovely face. She accepted it with delight, her tongue snaking out of her mouth searching for my clit. I pressed my pussy against her face and pulled her face against my pussy hard almost smothering her. That drove her crazy. She almost bit my pussy in her excitement. I felt her finger probe my anus. She was rough and I loved it. She wet her finger in my pussy and then pushed it hard into my ass. I crushed her face more. I turned around so that I was facing Ellen who was tonguing Betty's ass. She had a finger in Betty's pussy. I leaned over so that we were virtually in a 69 position and started to share Betty's pussy with Ellen. She moved down to her ass and started to fuck it with her tongue while I licked Betty's clit. Betty moaned into my pussy while I sucked her clit. The vibration of her moaning made me hot. We made Betty lie down on the floor on top of Ellen. They started a fantastic 69 while I started to feast on Betty's ass. I sucked and fucked her ass with my tongue while I fingered her pussy. Ellen tapped on my arm and pointed at something on the couch. I went towards it and realized that it was a strap on. The cock on it was around 7 inches. I wore the strap on and positioned it at the lips of Betty's pussy. Ellen helped me enter her. I started gently not wanting to hurt her. Betty moaned feeling the rubber cock enter her pussy. Ellen kept licking her pussy as she watched me fuck Betty. "Fuck my ass, Sue," said Betty. I pulled out of her pussy which was dripping with her cum and positioned the strap on at the opening of her anus. I pushed slowly and I felt her ass open. I took my time letting her relax and get used to the size. The cock was not thick and that made it easier and before long I was in. I started moving slowly and Betty urged me on. She was going crazy judging by her moans and shouts. I moved faster and faster breaking into sweat in the fairly cool apartment. I felt the strap on rub against my pussy and that felt good. Our continuous attention on Betty made her cum really hard. She screamed so loud that I was sure that the whole building knew what was going on. I finally pulled out of her ass and Ellen sucked the rubber cock hungrily. Betty joined Ellen and they licked the rubber cock. Then we pushed Ellen onto the floor and I entered her hard. She held on to me and I fucked her hard. I felt Betty rubbing my butt as I fucked Ellen, my breasts rubbing against her tits and we were both sweating hard. I started to kiss her hard while I fucked her and I felt more like a guy than a girl and finally I was able to make her cum. She bit my neck as I felt her body shudder repeatedly under my onslaught. We lay there for a minute and I lifted myself off her body. I turned around to see Betty in another strap on. She was smiling at me. I looked at Ellen and was delighted to see a mischievous smile on her face. I knew what she was about to do. I just nodded to her and unbuckled my strap on. I knelt as they approached me and sucked both cocks. I was going to be fucked both ways by to busty women! I was so excited that the mere thought of double penetration almost made me cum. Finally, Ellen lay down on her back, holding her cock. I lowered myself on it and felt it slid into my pussy. I moved against her cock and felt it slide in and out of my pussy. I bent over and started kiss Ellen hard as we got into a rhythm. I felt Betty lick my butt. I stopped to let her lubricate my anus with her saliva. She pulled it apart and spat into my ass hole. She then pushed her rubber cock into my butt slowly. I cannot explain the thrill of two cocks in me. The two cocks filled me up and it felt so good. I felt her breasts rub against my back as she started to move along with Ellen. I couldn't believe this was happening to me. I moaned and screamed at them to fuck me hard and the intensity of being sandwiched by two soft bodies didn't prolong my orgasm. I had a fantastic orgasm or was it about 3 in rapid succession? I wasn't sure. But the orgasm left me drained. We fooled about for a while longer and Ellen's suggested that she would love to have a shower and wanted Betty to join her. I was happy to let them go so that I could recharge my batteries. There I was lying naked on the couch, sweaty and satisfied. I must have dozed off for a little while and I felt a hand on my shoulder shaking me. I opened my eyes and to my shock, I was staring into the face of an older woman who resembled Ellen. She had a soft smile on her face and I felt so ashamed of my nakedness but I could not move. "Hi, I am Ellen's aunt," she said, sitting down next to me as if finding a naked girl on her niece's couch was a common occurrence. I grabbed a pillow and covered as much of my nakedness as possible. She was older than Ellen must have been in her late 30's. It was hard to judge her age because her body seemed fit and slim. Her breasts were not as big as Ellen's but was bigger than mine. Her neck was long as Ellen's and her blonde hair was longer. "So, Ellen has been busy, I see," she said turning to me, her eyes moving down to my breasts. They rested there for awhile and moved lower. Her eyes were appraising me and when she brought her attention back to my face, it showed a certain amount of satisfaction and her cheeks were slightly redder, but I could not be sure. "Ellen is in the shower, with another girl," I blurted out. She raised her eyebrows but said nothing. I slowly took away the pillow and got up. I moved in front of her and stood there. Her eyes were level with my tummy and I put my hand under her chin and lifted her face up. She didn't resist. "Do you like my body madam?" I asked. She blinked, saying nothing. I pushed my tummy closer to her face. She closed her eyes. She told me that her name was Tracy. "Open your eyes madam," I said, raising my voice slightly. She opened them. I took one of her hands and it was shaking. I put it on my tummy. "Do you know that your niece and a young girl double fucked me tonight?" I asked her. Her body shivered. She didn't say anything. I pushed my tummy closer and pulled her head closer. Her lips touched my lower tummy. She started to kiss it gently, her lips quivering. I was surprised at my actions. I pushed my hand down and started to rub her breasts over her dress. She kissed my tummy harder. I was starting to get wet by the sight of this woman who was a little younger than my mom kissing my tummy. She whispered something. I couldn't hear her. I asked her to repeat and I was surprised at her request. "Can I lick your pussy?" she asked, pleading. I climbed on the couch and pushed back her head roughly by pulling her hair back and then brought my pussy dangerously close to her mouth. She stuck out her tongue but I was out of its reach. I purposely held her head back teasing her. My pussy was absolutely dripping. I pushed my pussy hard against her face and she started to lick me hard, moaning like a dog. I reached down and mauled her breast as she licked me. I didn't know how I was going to explain this to Ellen but I didn't care. I humped against her face. "Oh my god!! What are you doing? That's my aunt!!" I heard Ellen scream. I turned around without letting go of her aunt's face. She struggled to get away but I held her tight. "Come and join us," I said. Ellen stood transfixed, but Betty got the message. She came and knelt by the older woman's legs and started to part them. Tracy struggled at first but my pussy did the convincing. Her legs parted and Betty lifted her skirt, exposing a pair of creamy thighs. She went for the kill and her mouth was fixed on Tracy's pussy over her black lace panties. I turned to see Ellen blushing as she found it hard not to take her eyes off what we were doing. I called her. "Do you want your niece to suck your breasts, Tracy?" I asked her. Tracy moaned in agreement. That was all Ellen needed. She rushed to her aunt and started to rip her dress off exposing her mature breasts. Ellen squatted on the couch and reached for her aunt's breasts. She started to suck them hard after taking off the bra. I felt Tracy's tongue move faster. Her hand moved to Ellen's pussy. Tracy moaned as her aunts fingers expertly found her pussy and started to finger fuck her. Ellen sucked harder and Betty's tongue made Tracy moan. I looked down at Ellen. "Why don't you suck your aunt's pussy?" I asked her. She nodded and pushed Betty off. She knelt by her aunt's pussy and started to suck her. Betty crept under Ellen and started suck Ellen's pussy. The sight made me cum and I screamed and held onto the couch as my orgasm hit me like a tidal wave. Soon after Tracy came and to my delight she squirted all over us. I had a women squirt on me and it's a wonderful experience. I bent over to lick some of the fluid off Ellen's face. Tracy was not finished. She asked Ellen and me to double fuck her. We ended up fucking Ellen's aunt until she screamed at us to stop. This time Tracy took the young girl and me for a shower. I never thought that showering with two women could be that enjoyable. We left Tracy and Ellen to discuss their new found attraction to each other and Betty dropped me home. |
"Don't have any more whisky Arthur, please, you don't want to get drunk again." Helen Kray spoke quietly to her husband, not wanting to attract attention. "Oh shut up woman!" came the alcohol slurred reply,"I can handle my drink you know, listen, the Wilkinson's invited us to this party and who am I to refuse their hospitality." Helen had been married to Arthur for close to 30 years now, she knew how difficult Arthur became under the influence of alcohol and did not discuss the matter further; the party was almost finished and she did not want to cause an ugly scene. "I feel bloody knackered woman," said Arthur, tottering from one foot to the other, "Let's say our good byes and get off home, I'm fed up with these idiots here anyway." Helen helped steady Arthur to try to hide just how inebriated he was, as they said their farewells and headed for the front door, at least the people at the party would think he was sober even if he was not. "Right, you get in the passenger seat Helen, I'm driving." Hiccuped Arthur, he could hardly get the key in the ignition. "No, come on Arthur, don't be silly, you are in no condition to drive, give me the keys I'll take us home" "I've bloody warned you woman, I'm not drunk. I'm quite capable of driving my own car to my own home, now shut your mouth and get in that bloody seat!" Helen could see the other guests starting to leave and she did not want a blazing row in front of them and so complied to her overbearing husbands drunken wish. Arthur started the car, stalled it, then set off to a rather jerky journey home. Along the motorway Arthur pressed his foot down hard on the accelerator, the 'cats eyes' in the road shot past alarmingly fast. Helen's hands were clenched tightly in her lap, the knuckles turning white with fear. She hated it when Arthur was drunk, especially when he drove while in that condition. It was impossible to argue or reason with him, he was such a domineering character. Helen screamed, Arthur had hardly noticed the lorry in front of them, he slammed on the breaks hard, too late! The small car smashed right into the back of the lorry, both he and Helen were catapulted forward against the windscreen, Helen's head struck first, taking the full impact of the crash. Arthur remained unconscious for just a few seconds, he shook his head to try to help clear his foggy mind. He felt his face, there was a cut above his eye, his left hand felt broken, the fingers were stiff and painful. He pulled Helen back into the car, her head was resting on the bonnet. He tilted her back into her seat then nearly vomited; her head had almost been severed, the hard edge of the bonnet had sliced through her windpipe, right down to her spine, she must have died instantly. He looked up, he could see the driver of the lorry stumble from his cab and stagger towards them. He quickly crawled over his wife and dragged her into the driver's seat, pain shot through his broken fingers as he took her weight, it must be done he thought, if the police found out he had been driving in his condition he could go to prison for a very long time. He felt sick and guilty about this cowardly act but self protection over ruled all notions of decency. "Are you all right mate? What happened?" the ashen faced driver pushed his head through the space where the windscreen had been. "My wife fainted while she was driving." lied Arthur, "there was noting I could do." "Okay mate, keep calm, how is she, is she breathing?" "No." said Arthur, the reality of the situation striking home properly for the first time, "she's dead." A mist formed in front of his eyes and he fell unconscious for the second time that night. ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ It was a simple funeral but Arthur had invited most of their friends and relatives. Helen was to be cremated, the accident had left her body in such an ugly state it seemed the appropriate thing to do. Arthur was to keep her ashes in an urn. In a few weeks time he was going on holiday to France, where they had spent their honeymoon together. Before leaving he was going to sprinkle her ashes off the cliffs at Dover; a rather touching gesture, anyway, it would get rid of them, he did not relish the idea of having the ashes in the house as feelings of guilt still gnawed at his mind. "A terrible thing eh?" said Arthur's brother Ron, "She was a fine woman Arthur, it must be a terrible loss." "Yes it is," replied Arthur, "If only I had been driving then it would have been me dead, I keep thinking, over and over, it should have been me who died!" his lies flowed like water. "Don't be silly Arthur, it was an accident, it wasn't your fault, Helen fainted, you can't blame yourself for that." "No, but I still can't help but feel guilty Ron." Arthur had repeated these lies so often he was almost starting to believe them himself. "Well, life goes on brother." said Ron, helping himself to another sausage roll and glass of sherry. Deep inside, Arthur did feel guilt about his wife's death, as he should, being fully responsible but the feelings were not as deep or sincere as they should be. Arthur had always been a selfish man, always putting himself first and though he would admit it to no one, he was glad it was Helen and not he, who had died. He knew it was wrong to think this, but he felt it just the same. "It should have been me! It should have been me!" he repeatedly told his friends and family, not meaning a single word. The funeral had finished and everyone vanished like spirits into the night. Arthur set off for home in his car, whistling a jolly tune. On the back seat of the car lay Helen's remains, they may well just have been cigarette butts in an ashtray, Arthur had forgotten them already. "Well, she's dead now," thought Arthur, "no point in crying over spilt milk, I've still got a life to lead." The car entered the drive to his house, he was just about to close the car door when he remembered the ashes. He took them inside, they looked out of place on his mantle piece but they would only be there for a while. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ A few weeks passed, it was now the middle of summer, in a few days time Arthur was to set off for France, he was looking forward to it greatly. He needed a new pair of sunglasses, the shop on the corner sold them, he picked up his wallet and set off to buy some. "Hello Mr Kray, how are you feeling? You look much better now." Mrs Brent, the shopkeeper smiled as Arthur entered the store. "Oh I'm bearing up Mrs Brent, thank you, but I still have these feelings of guilt, even now I think it should have been me that died and not Helen, she was such a lovely person, she deserved to live, not I." this lie had become second nature to Arthur by now. "Don't you be so silly Mr Kray, it was nothing to do with you, it was a terrible twist of fate that your wife fainted when she did, you can't blame yourself at all." He smiled and shook his head. Arthur bought the sunglasses, said farewell and set off for home, he had a holiday to look forward to. He stepped through his front door, the smell of cooking that usually greeted him had gone, along with Helen; he missed it. Since Helen had died the house seemed larger, almost empty. If he missed anything about her it was her presence in the kitchen. He had loved her in a selfish, overbearing way, he did genuinely miss her but he thought that life without her was better than no life at all. This, he decided justified his appalling actions at the scene of the crash. It was getting dark, he felt like retiring early tonight but first he would help himself to a large brandy or two; even though this slow poison had been the main reason for his wife's death, he still indulged and still to excess. He settled in an armchair and downed the contents of the glass with one swallow. The room seemed unnaturally quiet, so quiet he could hear his own breathing, he held his breath, yet the breathing continued. His first thoughts were of burglars, he picked up a poker from the fire place and walked towards the window, the breathing had come from that direction. He could hear it clearly now, it was outside the window, close to the ground. It was a snuffling, husky wheeze, not human at all. He pulled back the curtain then laughed out loud, it was a hedgehog, a tiny, spikey hedgehog. He looked closer, to his disgust the tiny animal was devouring a slug. He pulled the curtains shut, not a pleasant sight, he thought. He laughed at himself again, burglars indeed! He helped himself to another brandy, then retired to his bedroom. Just as he kicked the shoes from his feet he heard a noise, it was coming from the living room. It was a strange noise, like someone tapping a knife on a plate but louder and duller in sound. He pushed open the living room door and switched on the light, the room looked strange, there seemed to be a light haze all about the place almost as if several people had been smoking cigarettes in there but that was impossible, he was totally alone. Again he heard the metallic tapping noise, it was coming from the direction of the fire place. He looked towards the mantle piece. At first he thought his eyes were playing tricks. It was Helen's urn, it was moving up and down on the marble shelf, as if some invisible hand were raising and lowering it. The movement of the urn became more and more violent, it leapt high into the air and smashed hard against the floor, the lid flew off and Helen's ashes were strewn across the ground. Arthur was transfixed, I must be over doing the booze he thought but what happened next was too horrific for even alcohol induced hallucinations. A cold, shivering sensation crept up his spine as he watched the ashes move and undulate on the floor, they seemed to be moulding themselves into some bizarre shape. A heavy smell filled the air, it was Helen's perfume, it was everywhere. He looked again towards the ashes, he was horror struck, they had taken on the shape of a woman, a hideously, grey and twisted form of a female, a grotesque mockery of a woman. This disgusting creature hobbled and stumbled towards him, it's horrific clawed hands raised before it. Arthur could not move, all he could do was stare with unbelieving eyes as the monstrosity moved ever closer. The thing was almost upon him, he felt like vomiting, he could smell it, it an appalling mixture of Helen's perfume and burnt ash. The hideous, misshapen, horror leapt upon him, it's unholy form enveloping him, it's grotesque face, pressed close to his. He opened his mouth to scream, as he did so, this thing rammed it's hands into his face, the thick, heavy ash filled his eyes, ears, nose and mouth. He felt the stinking, filth force it's way down his windpipe, into his lungs, into his stomach, into his whole body, the obscene, grey dust forced it's way into every orifice. He could not see, he could not scream, he could not breathe! He was suffocating! This disgusting grey, filth had permeated every part of his being, smothering him. As the last seconds of life deserted him, he could hear a voice, it seemed to come from within him, it was Helen's voice, "You were right Arthur," said the voice, "it should have been you!" It was Adam's 3rd week at his new college and had just turned 18. He was studying biology and mathematics. He found it hard to settle in after all he started the courses later than everyone else so he had a lot of work to catch up on. The fact that he enjoyed all of this clearly made him stand out as a stereotypical nerd. Adam did prefer to work hard than socialise which didn't help. He didn't care how he looked, always seemed to ware black clothes that combined with his glasses,long greasy black hair and a slim build singled him out for a lot of name calling but little did he know his luck was about to change. It was time for Adam to head off to is Maths lesson his favourite subject not just because he excelled more than any other student but also the sight of his lecturer. Mrs Anna Clarke she was his perfect woman in terms of the way she looked as well as her personality. She was sweet, caring, responsible but at the same time strict fully able to control any situation. She had the full respect of all her students. She always looked out for Adam it was the only time at college he seemed to be on equal terms with everyone and this was all thanks to Anna. He would always offer to stay behind to complete more work but the real reason was to have a good long look at Mrs Clarke. He would just sit and stare like a leopard stalking its prey. She was 28 years old, married, about 5'8 with bright sparkling blue eyes the sort you just fall in love. As well as that she had the most contagious smile. Mrs Clarke had light glowing brown hair about shoulder length. A small frame but well toned from what Adam could tell, her legs where long, toned and smooth. She always seemed to wear tanned stockings she loved the feel and look of them. Her legs looked strong in a way that looked as though they could just about do anything. With all the tight skirts at knee length she wore it was easy for Adam to see her ass which was amazing. It came complete with curves, chunky and when she walked she knew how to work it. That ass was full of movement. She took off her blazer as the room temperature began to rise. He could make out that her tits where about size 34 C and her nipples became so easy to see through her blouse and bra. It was the heat that made them rock hard just like Adams cock the sight of all this was enough for him to become fully erect. As the weeks of staying behind to complete extra work past there was clear sexual tension which had been building up and it was only a matter of time before it climaxed. Mrs Clarke was well aware that Adam was only interested in her and not the work she had set for him. She was strangely turned on like never before after all someone as gorgeous as her always has men drooling over her. But unlike the other men she really had a soft spot for him and it was Mrs Clarke who was to make the first move. It was Friday and to no surprise Adam choose to stay behind and it wasn't for the work but for his daily dose of cock tease. Mrs Clarke smiled and said " I guess its more work for you Adam?" They both looked at each other and laughed. But they both knew it wasn't the work he wanted. Adam started his work doing his best to take his time. He knew the longer he took to finish it the more he could admire Mrs Clarke. Both of them now began to share glances with each other she had never done anything like this before and Adam knew it more than anyone. Adam was sitting at the closest desk to Mrs Clarke's and the sexual tension was about to reach boiling point. Mrs Clarke stood up and walked over to the front of her desk and sat down on it. Crossing her legs in a seductive manner but at the same time not giving Adam a peak of anything except her amazing legs. "Its been a long hard week and my feet are killing me." She stated in a demanding tone. Adam replied, "Yeah, I bet you have when someone has worked as hard as you its only natural, besides its almost the weekend you can soon relax and put your feet up", All time he could not take his eyes off her legs and Mrs Clarke knew it. She confidently asked, "Almost the weekend yes but still seems far away, are you any good with your hands?" He quickly answered, "Yes indeed I am why do you ask?" "I was wondering if you would like to give my feet a massage?" Adam nodded he could not believe his luck. She uncrossed her legs and rose her left leg and placed it on his desk, her desk was under half a meter from his so this was easily done. She was wearing some navy blue high heels. "Its okay take it off." She sweetly told him. Adam with out any further hesitation removed her heel to reveal her well toned and well shaped size six foot. He began to massage her foot, feeling the softness of her foot combined with the silky feel of her stockings began to make Adam hard. He was about to lose all control she was loving the feeling of Adam massaging her. At this point she was beginning to breathe heavily unaware how strong Adam's hands were until now. "Your soooooo good with your hands Adam." He looked up and smiled. As he focused his eyes back down he could see up her skirt and there he saw her blue lace thong. Adam was close to her, he began to smell what can only be described as a beautiful womanly fragrance. All the time it was making him even harder. He couldn't take any more he felt like he was about to explode. Adam decided it was time to man up and take control of the situation. He stood up and moved in front of Anna he placed his hands on her knees slowly moving them up to the tops of her legs. Loving the soft and silky feeling under his hands. Now revealing her stockings plus her thong. Anna's skirt was around her waist. They where locked in constant eye contact as she then moved in locking her lips with his. He was now tasting her as they exchanged saliva, the kissing was passionate and intimate. She then moved her hands down to unzip his monster that was awaiting her. She could feel the throbbing beast beneath his jeans. It was like it jumped out at her as she unzipped his jeans. "Wow I have never seen anything like it." She stated with excitement in her voice. Adam couldn't wait any more he through her down on her desk and placed her legs over his shoulders. Anna also helped by holding her lace blue thong to the side allowing him unrestricted access to her dripping wet pussy. Without hesitation drove his fully erect 8 inch member into her once faithful cunt. She felt her pussy walls part like never before. She was looking up at the ceiling squealing like a rodent. Adam didn't hold back as he began to slam her driving his cock in and out. He was fucking her with such speed and power all that could be heard were Anna's moans and skin on skin contact. He removed her blouse and exposed her tits still covered by her bra but that didn't stop him from giving them a good hard squeeze. He then placed both hands on her thighs to help him pull and smash himself even further into her tight pussy which gripped his cock with such tightness. He continued to pound her hard. "Ohhh Adam you make me feel so good!" she moaned. He was fucking her so hard the paper work that was on the desk began to fall off because the force. As well as that her other heel which she did not take off became loose with each thrust until it dropped off. Laying on her back with both feet pointing towards the ceiling Anna had lost all control moaning every time his cock entered. Her tits where bouncing all over this was the most amazing fucking she had have had. She could now see the expression on Adam's face, he was ready to shoot his load with each thrust he was getting closer. Still griping her thighs continuing to ram into her and with her pussy been so wet his cock could slide in and out with less effort. Adam could now feel that is cock was about to blow he was close. Anna knew this to but was loving it so much and did not want it to end. She was surprised that he was almost done even her husband could fuck her longer. But Adam doesn't get that much pussy and her pussy was super tight this could explain why he was soon going to fill her. She did not want it to end but at the same time she didn't want his nerdy love juice in her pussy. So she decided to take every last drop like a good slut that she is. Then with his final thrust he unleashed his red hot cum which covered her dripping wet pussy walls. Adam then quickly pulled out and began to tidy up before leaving, he didn't really know what to say. He was embarrassed that he was finished so soon. Anna sat up on the desk with her thong now soaked with cum which was dripping from her once faithful pussy. A cheeky smile emerged across her face thinking of what she had done. Its the first time she had cheated on her husband and she loved it even though it didn't last for long. Anna didn't have time to tell Adam how good he was. He just upped and left but she knew that she wanted a real good go on his cock again. She never really thought she had just cheated to her it seemed natural to fuck him she didn't want a cock like that to go to waste............................... To be continued. |
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