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Aaron Newt
+Anima Wiki
Aaron Newt is an Astarian researcher, and mentor to Fly Greena Aight. He found Blanca beneath the Astarian National Research Facility and began experiments into completing her. Aaron appears as an aging felid +Anima, with sharp fangs and claws. He keeps most of his body covered and requires medicine to speak. Aaron discovered Blanca abandoned beneath the Astarian National Research Facility. He believed her to be the work of countless researchers before him, and decided to finish what they starte
+Anima Wiki
Alan is a performer in the Alalran Troupe. Alan juggles as part of an act alongside his brother Dylan. They next day they find Cooro and Nana hiding in their tent and let them stay. As he and his siblings leave Fantale, they meet Cyranova along the road and let him join their troupe.
+Anima Wiki
Amurui is a mad bear Anima. The Amurui Anima like other Anima gives the owner an animal ability, however unlike others it induces an uncontrollable state of rage. It has been shown to transfer a part of itself into +Anima, thereby putting them into a state of madness also. The Kim-un-kur considered Amurui roaming Moss Mountain to be a problem so they assembled a hunting party to eliminate it. Among the group were Riiya, Upas and Senri. During the hunt, Senri wandered off and was attacked by Amur
+Anima Wiki
Arthur is a high-ranking officer in the Astarian army, he is the fiancé of Penelope Giesrieg. After being informed that his teddy bear, Lopie, has been stolen, he joins the guards in searching for the thief. After an encounter and learning that the thief is his fiancée Penelope, he dismisses the guards and chases her and Senri alone. After catching them Arthur tries to protect Penelope from Senri, believing him to have kidnapped her, but calms down after Penelope defends Senri. Arthur removes an
+Anima Wiki
Mr. Baam is a manager at Maggie Coliseum. Magdala leaves Cooro and Husky with Mr. Baam so that he can organize their fights and pay them their winnings.
+Anima Wiki
The unnamed Bison +Anima who visited a hotspring to heal his wounds. He is a large muscular man. Only appearing in Anima form, his upper body is covered in fur, and he has horns protruding from the sides of his head. He visited a hot spring in the town of Bubbly to aid in the healing of an injury. Having sustained the injury in Anima form, and knowing that wounds heal quicker in the form they were caused, he decided to sneak into the hotspring at night so to not cause alarm; he was seen however
+Anima Wiki
Blanca is the "angelic" +Anima discovered beneath Astar by Aaron Newt.[1] She is a living doll created by past Astarian researchers. Blanca appears as a young slender girl wearing a plain white dress. She has white wings and her hair is made of feathers, which often has her mistaken for an angel. Several Anima implants have left her with markings covering her body although these are hidden with makeup; the location and existence of any markings associated with her angelic features, which she wou
+Anima Wiki
Bruno is a gang boss in the non-canon chapter Dancing on the Purple Rocks. He is competing against Frey to become the next head boss of all the gangs in town. Frey is a tall man with shoulder-length fair-colored hair. He wears an overcoat with short sleeves over a black top. He wears gloves and wields a whip. Like the members of his gang, he wears a blue bandana around his forehead to show his affiliation. Bruno recruits Husky and Senri into his gang to strengthen his numbers before searching fo
+Anima Wiki
Cooro is a crow +Anima and the main character of the series. Cooro has blackish-brown eyes and black hair that comes down his back in a short braided rattail with a small crimson ribbon tied on. To protect his eyes from strong winds he wears a set of yellow leather aviator goggles. He adorns with two colourful decorative feathers dyed in in yellow blue and red. On his arms, he wears a pair of crimson fingerless shoulder length gloves with a matching sleeveless undershirt. On top, he has highcoll
+Anima Wiki
Crystala is the sister of the King of Sailand, and a slave trader with her own caravan who tries to give her slaves a fulfilling life while keeping within the bounds of the law. When she was young, Crystala renounced her claim to the throne to avoid complications and allow her brother to become king. While Myrrha was still living at the royal palace, Crystala would teach him to fight with a staff. Crystala bought Senri at a slave market for 490 Gillah when he was a small child. She had trouble w
+Anima Wiki
Cyranova is a swan +Anima who pretended to be an angel. Cyranova was born into a merchant's family, however his parents died a year ago so his uncle took over the shop. His uncle worked him hard and deprived him of food. By the lake near Fantale, Cyranova became a +Anima and was almost immediately seen by a young girl who believed him to be an angel. He played along and the townspeople came to believe that Cyranova was in fact an angel. A troupe of travelling performers came to town and started
+Anima Wiki
Daisy is a coyote +Anima and one of Crystala's slaves. Daisy is a girl with long blond hair and blue eyes. She wears a baggy top and shorts with floral patterned headband and wristbands. Like all other slaves in Sailand she wears a collar bearing the symbol of her master; in her case it is Crystala's. In her Anima form, Daisy gains coyote ears, a tail, fangs and claws. Daisy is normally very cheerful, however is quick to become aggressive when someone she cares about is attacked. Daisy watches C
+Anima Wiki
Danny was Cooro's opponent in his fight at Maggie Coliseum. Danny enters the arena and is annoyed by the crowd's adoration of his opponent, and is unnerved by Cooro's friendliness. When the fight starts and Cooro flies up, he questions the judge over the rules. Cooro is disqualified and Danny wins.
+Anima Wiki
Delly is the leader of the Orphan Girls Gang in the town of Octopus. Delly is a teenage girl with dark chin-length hair. She wears a top with a breastplate over a vest, with a belt, frayed-hem short shorts, fingerless gloves and knee-high socks. She has a helmet with luminous mushrooms. She also wears matching padded forearm and knee-high protective gear. Delly is responsible and protective of her gang. She has a strong dislike of +Anima due to feeling envious of their powers. Delly found Cooro
+Anima Wiki
Dick was Husky's opponent in his fight at Maggie Coliseum. When facing a child, Husky, at the coliseum, Dick was concerned about hurting him, however only because it would make him look like a bully. Dick confidently taunted Husky during their fight. Dick enters the arena and is unnerved to find that his opponent is a child. Not wanting to look like a bad guy in front of a crowd, he decides to go easy on Husky. When the fight starts he finds himself unable to even land a hit and is quickly defea
+Anima Wiki
Dylan is a performer in the Alalran Troupe. Dylan performs as part of an act alongside his brother Alan. The next day they find Cooro and Nana hiding in their tent and let them stay. As he and his siblings leave Fantale, they meet Cyranova along the road and let him join their troupe.
+Anima Wiki
Lady Dylana is a queen of Sailand, and Keane's mother. Described by Nana as a "pretty red-haired lady" [1], Dylana is a tall, elegant woman. Dylana is devious, willing to resort to murder to make her son the new crown prince. She is a bully who constantly criticized Marein, although stopped when Myrrha supposedly died. Some years ago, Dylana attempted to drown the crown prince Myrrha, and believed herself to have succeeded. Keane approaches Dylana to inform her of Myrrha's return. She quickly de
+Anima Wiki
Ed is a slave trader and old acquaintance of Crystala. Ed first met Crystala when she purchased Senri at a slave market. He felt the need to give her advice since she bought him without trying to haggle. Like other smaller slave traders, he chose to travel with Crystala since she had a large caravan of her own. He watched as she tried help Senri, and travelled to Astaria with them where Senri supposedly died. Sometime afterwards they went their separate ways. Ed chances upon Crystala in Market T
+Anima Wiki
Emma owns an apple orchard with her husband Tim. Emma struggles to cope with the loss of her son, Sept. She represses the memory of learning of his death. As a result, she is very affectionate towards other children, hoping to fill the void. After Cooro falls out of an apple tree in her orchard, and he falls unconscious, Emma invites the +Anima group into her home until Cooro recovers. During their stay, Emma starts to see her own son in Cooro, and dotes on him. When the +Anima leave, seeing Coo
+Anima Wiki
Erica is a member of the Orphan Girls Gang in Octopus. Erica is a girl with light-colored hair in pigtails. She wears a overalls and a helmet with luminous mushrooms. Erica went with Delly to search for Sammy, and then helped Delly guide Husky to Nana Alba.
Fly Greena Aight
+Anima Wiki
Fly Greena Aight is the head researcher at the Astarian National Research Facility Building 8. When he was young, Fly would visit Aaron Newt to borrow books and help him with his research. When he grew older, Fly officially became Aaron's research assistant. Over the years they would implant Anima into Blanca. After Aaron botched an Anima implantation experiment on himself, Fly took over as head researcher. At some point Cooro was brought to the research facility. Fly befriended him and got Coor
+Anima Wiki
Franny is a young girl with deteriorating eyesight. When Rem brought Cooro back to their house, Franny brought him food and showed him a sculpted map of the area. The following day she played with Cooro in the snow but hurt her head on a rock. That night she heard Cooro's wingbeats outside her window and was excited to meet what she thought was an angel. The next morning, Rem showed her his finished angel statue. Franny's brother. The two live alone together.
+Anima Wiki
Frey is a gang boss in the non-canon chapter Dancing on the Purple Rocks. He is competing against Bruno to become the next head boss of all the gangs in town. Frey is a tall well-built man with a square jaw and short fair-colored hair. He wears a fur-lined spotted vest and bracers, and black boots. Like the members of his gang, he wears a red bandana around his neck to show his affiliation. Hearing a commotion, Frey heads outside to see Cooro fighting with members of Bruno's Gang. Impressed, he
+Anima Wiki
Gates is a travelling merchant with an interest in +Anima in the non-canon chapter Shining in the Darkness. Gates is a short man, with short fair-colored hair. He wear loose-fitting hooded coveralls with a cloak and a hat. As Gates is heading towards the mountain town Antsmine, he is ambushed by three bandits who are actually Husky, Senri and Nana Alba in disguise. Cooro swoops in to save him. Thankful, Gates rewards him with 20 Gillah. After arriving safely to the town, Gates does business with
Gil Beena
+Anima Wiki
Gil Beena is the son of Lady Beena. Gil finds an unusual egg and leaves it in the care of Milt while he goes to get some Astarian researchers. When he returns he finds to Beehive Manor, he finds his mother, Milt, and a giant bee all unconscious.
+Anima Wiki
Harden is the Astarian blacksmith who forged the Guardian Hearts swords. Twenty years ago, Harden was burning with patriotism so he poured his heart into creating the Guardian Hearts for the Astarian military. He wanted to see the swords in action so went to battlefield himself. However, while there he witnessed them being used to hunt a +Anima, Margaret, and Harden's reaction was to protect her. Igneous Giesrieg approaches Harden to request he make more swords like the Guardian Hearts. Later, H
+Anima Wiki
Lord Hercius is the royal court painter in Stella, and is greatly favored by the King of Sailand. He teaches art to the king and the women in the king's harem. [1] Lord Hercius is known to be particularly kind to his slaves, even giving them feather beds to sleep on. [1] Lord Hercius purchases Husky as a slave, believing him to be a girl named Sapphire and wanting a mermaid to model for his next painting. He is walking about the palace with the King of Sailand, when Kazana abducts the king. Lord
+Anima Wiki
Mr. Hill is a shopkeeper, and the one who commissioned the angel statue from Rem. Mr. Hill made an agreement with the local feudal lord so that he would be able to sell food and everyday supplies, and in exchange he would provide the lord with an angel statue. Mr. Hill commissioned this statue from Rem. With it weeks overdue he questioned Rem but showed compassion, knowing that Rem needed the money for medicine.
+Anima Wiki
Sheriff Hopps is the sheriff of Antsmine and an alligator +Anima in the non-canon chapter Shining in the Darkness. Sheriff Hopps is a tall man with long black hair. He wears a black cowboy hat with a campaign cord, a buckskin jacket with his sheriff's badge pinned on, a neckerchief, and two belts holding up his pants. In his Anima form, his upper body transforms into that of an alligator. As Cooro and friends re-enter Antsmine, Sheriff Hopps recognizes them as having been thrown out of the inn t
+Anima Wiki
Husky is a male fish +Anima and one of the main characters of the series. He was born with the name Myrrha [2], but gained the nickname "Husky" due to his gravely voice, which he now uses as his name. Husky is a feminine-looking boy, and is often mistaken for a girl. He has short silver hair and blue eyes. Husky always wears sapphire earrings which are his most prized possessions. He also usually wears a blue sleeveless jacket and shorts over a black t-shirt and pants. These are accessorized wit
Igneous Giesrieg
+Anima Wiki
Igneous Giesrieg is a commander in the Astarian army. He bears a strong hatred of Kim-un-kur, and a dislike of +Anima. At a young age, Igneous idolized his grandfather. After hearing of his death at the Battle of Moss Mountain, Igneous develops a strong hatred of the Kim-un-kur, but also +Anima who he associates them with. Growing up, his best friend was Fly Greena Aight, who gave him the nickname "Iggy". They would explore Astar together and when he was ten, they met a pigeon +Anima; Igneous co
+Anima Wiki
Jesso is a hawk +Anima that entered the 1st Yellow Valley Race. He attacked the other participants to get ahead, but was outmaneuvered by Lyra. Jesso is arrogant about his own abilities so much that he would brag to all of the other Yellow Valley Race participants before the race started. He is also willing to harm others to get what he wants, and is seemingly uncaring if those people die since he attacks other the participants' wings when high above the ground. Jesso is a well-built man with fa
+Anima Wiki
Jimmy was one of the bandits who attacked Crystala's caravan. During the time that Senri travelled with Crystala's caravan, Jimmy along with some other bandits attacked the caravan. Senri lost control of his Anima and injured Jimmy. Another bandit dragged him away, but he later died from his injury.
+Anima Wiki
Kazana is a strong-minded Hawk +Anima who leads the activist group Wish in fighting for civil rights and freedom for +Anima in Sailand. Kazana is a well-built man with long messy hair. He wears a black vest with knee-length shorts and a scarf. In his Anima form he grows large wings on his back, his legs become covered in feathers and his feet turn into talons. Kazana has a strong sense of moral justice. He hates how he and his fellow +Anima are treated within Sailand and takes it upon himself to
+Anima Wiki
Keane is a prince of Sailand, and became crown prince after Myrrha supposedly died. Keane along with some other princes used to bully Myrrha. When Myrrha supposedly killed himself, Keane believed himself to be responsible and struggled with the guilt. Keane wanders to the bathroom in the middle of the night and sees Husky who he recognizes as his half-brother Myrrha, but believing Myrrha to be dead he is terrified having seen a ghost. Husky enters Keane's room and asks for his help in seeing his
+Anima Wiki
Kevin is a boy from Polly Port who is supposedly descended from a mermaid. Kevin in obsessed with the stories of his great-grandfather marrying a mermaid, to the point that he is willing to go out to sea alone despite not being able to swim. He was quick to fall in love, believing himself to have been saved by a mermaid, despite knowing nothing about his savior. Kevin almost drowns at the Blue Cove, but is saved by Husky who is using his Anima. Ken mistakes Husky for a mermaid, and likens the si
King of Sailand
+Anima Wiki
The King of Sailand is Husky's father and the reigning monarch of Sailand. He is shown to be a superstitious person, believing that if his twin were to die then so would he. The King of Sailand eats a meal with Lord Hercius in the palace courtyard, and they discuss Hercius's recent purchase and loss of a mermaid +Anima. While walking through the palace grounds, the king is abducted by Kazana. Cooro and Nana interfere which causes the king to fall into a pond. Husky and Senri help the king back o
Lady Beena
+Anima Wiki
Lady Beena is the ruler of Beena Village. Lady Beena is a slender woman who dresses in honeycomb and striped patterns representing the bees that her village depends on. She is a caring mother, but also quickly jumps to conclusions, as shown by her caring for what she believed was her son turned into a monster, despite having no evidence that it was in fact her son. Lady Beena checks on the commotion being caused by her house staff, and is shown a giant bee lying in her son, Gil's bed. She has th
+Anima Wiki
Lyra is a girl who grew up at the church in Kilter with Cooro, and was artificially given a swallow Anima by Fly Greena Aight. Lyra grew up at the church in Kilter and would often play games with Cooro and the other children there. Some time after Cooro had left to the Astarian National Research Facility, Fly Greena Aight offered to take her there and implant an Anima into her; she took him up on this offer. Lyra goes to Yellow Valley to participate in the 1st Yellow Valley Race. She encounters
+Anima Wiki
Magdala is the daughter of Dame Maggie and next in line to become ruler of Maggie Vil. She is a spoiled child who takes advantage of the power her family holds, forcing other children to be subservient to her under the guise of being friends. Magdala will typically target poor children, offering them clothing, food, and shelter. If they ever choose to leave her, she will threaten them and have them imprisoned and tortured. Magdala is a young girl who wears expensive clothes and makeup. She is se
+Anima Wiki
Dame Maggie is the ruler of Maggie Vil. Maggie is a tall middle-aged woman who wears an elegant dress and a cloak. After watching Husky and Cooro fight in the coliseum, and believing them to have been entered by Magdala, Maggie warns her daughter about abusing her power. She allows some Astarian reasearchers refuge in her coliseum on the condition that they are supervised. When Pinion is kidnapped by Senri, she relinquishes command of the coliseum fighters to the researchers so that they can ret
Marca Brighton
+Anima Wiki
Marca Brighton is a research assistant at the Astarian National Research Facility who has an interest in +Anima. She travels Astaria looking for +Anima, and encounters Cooro and friends on multiple occasions. Marca loves ot learn about +Anima, and will talk about them with anyone who expresses an interest. It was reading Aaron Newt's research into +Anima that inspired her to work at the Astarian National Research Facility under Fly Greena Aight. [1] She sometimes worries about her own demeanor a
+Anima Wiki
Lady Marein is the twenty-second queen of Sailand. Marein is a beautiful, slender woman with silver hair, blue eyes [1], and a gravely voice. [2] Marein can be unexpressive and cold. She has a reputation for playing "odd games". [3] Marein lived in a northern country before marrying the King of Sailand and moving to Stella. [2] Some years later, she grieved the death of her only child, Myrrha. Marein finds herself unable to sleep the night before a meeting with Lord Hercius. Two days later, in t
+Anima Wiki
Margaret is a seamtress who used to be a +Anima. While being hunted by Astarian soldiers, Margaret was rescued by Harden. She decided to live with him, and soon lost her Anima. Margaret overhears Cooro and Nana struggling to find work, and she offers them a job. They head back to Margaret's home to find the Senri fighting the Astarian military outside. After Harden stops the fighting, Margaret heads inside with the children. Margaret cooks dinner and informs Harden of her hiring of the children.
+Anima Wiki
Margot is a traveller that Cooro and friends met on their way south. Margot has travelled to many places, across both Astaria and Sailand. On one of her travels, she met Senri when he was a child with Crystala's caravan. While crossing a mountain path with Rose, her donkey takes a wrong step and falls from the path. Cooro and friends help her pull it back up. Margot then offers to pay them to carry her things to the village to the north since her donkey had injured its leg; Husky accepts despite
+Anima Wiki
Milt is the servant of Gil Beena. Milt is entrusted with an egg by Gil who leaves to find some Astarian researchers. When the egg hatches into a bee and Lady Beena assumes it is her son turned monstrous +Anima, Milt keeps his distance. He stumbles into Husky, Nana and Senri in the forest surrounding Beehive Manor, and runs away. The +Anima chase him, but Milt is able to escape using his knowledge of the landscape. He walks into them again inside Beehive Manor; Husky is suspicious and aggressive
+Anima Wiki
Miranda is a performer in the Alalran Troupe. Miranda invites Cooro to watch the Alalran Troupe's play where she plays an angel. Later, when Cooro is fleeing the townspeople, she and her brothers allow him and Nana to hide out in their tent. She practices her performance in a field, and talks to Nana about the angel. When she leaves Fantale she encounters Cyranova along the road and allows him to join the troupe.
Mother Superior
+Anima Wiki
Mother Superior is the leader of the church in Kilter where Cooro was raised. Raine takes Cooro and his friends to see Mother Superior at the church. She greets Cooro and is happy to see him returned safely, and lets them all stay the night. The next day she dismisses Nana's claims of seeing a ghost at the church, and warns the children not to touch the altar.
Nana Alba
+Anima Wiki
Nana Alba is a young female bat +Anima and one of the main characters. She can be obnoxiously inquisitive into other's pasts but always has her friends' best interests at heart, and despite meeting her fellow +Anima under hostile circumstances she is quickly accepted as one of the group. Nana is a young girl with green eyes and long wheat-colored hair. Throughout the series she wears many outfits; typically dresses with some kind of floral pattern or accessory, but she will wear anything that sh
+Anima Wiki
Lord Nuoref is an Astarian nobleman who becomes suspicious of Fly Greena Aight's research into +Anima. Nuoref discusses with some others about recent recruitment of +Anima by Fly's department, and are concerned that he is trying to make a power grab. Nuoref visits the King of Astaria to voice these concerns but is largely disregarded. He later accompanies the king to the Astarian National Research Facility to see Fly who introduces them to Blanca. Nuoref refutes the possibility of Blanca being a
Penelope Giesrieg
+Anima Wiki
Penelope "Penny" Giesrieg is the daughter of the family which governs the town of Sandra. Penelope steals her fiancé Arthur's teddy bear, Lopie. While running away, Senri notices the teddy bear which she is carrying on her head, and then sees that she is being chased by guards. He saves her, but is mistaken for kidnapping her by the guards and Arthur. Senri asks her once they are safe who the bear's father is, and Penelope says Lopie doesn't have one. She also looks at the beads in his hair and
+Anima Wiki
The unnamed Pigeon +Anima who Fly Greena Aight and Igneous Giesrieg met when they were children exploring the streets of Astar. She grew up in a house on the outskirts of Astar, living with her mother, uncle and grandmother. To ease her mother's burden, she left for an apprenticeship in Astar. The other children there were cruel to her; she put up with it for a while but out of desperation she jumped from a tower and in doing so gained her Anima. Fly and Igneous came across her when they wandere
+Anima Wiki
Pinion is a young boy with an eidetic memory and the artistic ability to draw everything he sees. Pinion is quiet and easily scared. Pinion is taken to Maggie Vil by some Astarian researchers to exploit his ability and draw blueprints of the city. After an encounter with Rose, the researchers take Pinion to the coliseum where they are better protected, however, Pinion wanders off. Senri finds Pinion and keeps him away from the researchers, who chase them to the arena with the help of some colise
+Anima Wiki
Quincy is the king of Astaria. Fly Greena Aight questions Quincy over his decision to send Igneous Giesrieg on a diplomatic mission to Moss Mountain. Later, Lord Nuoref expresses his concerns to Quincy over Fly placing +Anima into the Astarian military. Quincy reminds him of the precautions they are taking. He soon after accompanies Lord Nuoref to the Astarian National Research Facility where they are shocked to see Blanca and learn that Fly is a +Anima.
+Anima Wiki
Raine is a woman who grew up at the church in Kilter with Cooro. Raine was the oldest child living at the church in Kilter when Cooro stayed there. She left to attend vocational school and later returned to Kilter to work at the church. When Cooro returns to Kilter with his friends, Raine is leading some children through a field. She instantly recognizes Cooro and takes him to the church to meet Mother Superior. During the night when Nana is chasing Blanca's Anima, Raine finds Nana and then esco
+Anima Wiki
Rapid is a squirrel +Anima and one of Crystala's slaves. When Daisy gives Cooro and Nana a tour of the caravan, Rapid and Shera jump down from a tall structure; Daisy introduces them. Rapid notices Cooro's Anima markings, and starts discussing with Shera about how lucky Cooro and Nana are to have their specific Animas. They compliment Nana and inform her she could get a good job, then they head back up the structure. Rapid is very close with Shera. They work together as acrobats, and share a sim
+Anima Wiki
Rem is a sculptor who struggled to find inspiration for his angel statue. After finding Cooro buried in the snow, Rem took Cooro back to his home and let Cooro stay the night. The following day he was pressured by Mr. Hill into finishing his angel statue, which the local feudal lord had expected finished weeks ago. That night he followed Cooro outside and saw his wings, this gave him the inspiration he needed to finish the statue which he showed to Franny in the morning. Rem's sister. The two li
+Anima Wiki
Riiya was a bear +Anima of the Tooa Tribe, and father of Senri. Riiya took Senri with him and some other Kim-un-kur to hunt down Amurui. Senri wandered off and was attacked by Amurui, so Riiya tried to take him to safety while Upas fought off Amurui. Upas was overpowered and injured, so Riiya turned back and killed Amurui using +Anima Metamorphosis, a power he had never displayed before. A piece of Amurui's Anima had infected him, so Riiya passed on his own Anima to Senri before becoming complet
+Anima Wiki
Rim is a member of the Orphan Girls Gang in Octopus. Rim is a teenage girl with light shoulder-length hair. She wears a vest with pants and suspenders, gloves and a helmet with luminous mushrooms and a cross design. Rim went with Delly to search for Sammy, and then helped Delly guide Husky to Nana Alba.
+Anima Wiki
The Ringmaster was in charge of the circus where Cooro first met Husky. He manipulated the two into working for him, knowing their abilities would draw in a crowd. The Ringmaster is manipulative; he uses whatever means he can to control people. including withholding one of Husky's most prized possessions. A man brought Husky to the Ringmaster, hoping to sell him. The Ringmaster refused at first, but changed his mind when he saw that Husky is a +Anima. As part of this transaction he took possessi
+Anima Wiki
An unnamed rodent +Anima and frequent visitor to the Hall of Flowers. Only appearing in his Anima form, he is a very short old man; shorter than Nana. He has large incisors, a tail, sharp claw-like nails and large ears. He wears worn out pants and a cloak. He enters the Hall of Flowers to get out of the night's wind. In there he meets Cooro, Husky and Nana, and explains to them the history of the Hall of Flowers. He then shows them his favorite portrait, one of Lady Marein, and sees the resembla
+Anima Wiki
Rose is a sixteen year old cat +Anima, and a peddler of accessories. Rose has short hair, and often wears a rose corsage in her hair. Her Anima markings are on both shoulders. [1] Rose is confident in herself, so much that she is willing to go travelling alone despite being young and a +Anima. Rose is sweet and energetic. Rose meets Cooro and friends when she is crossing a mountain pass with Margot. They help her to get Margot's donkey back up to the path. Rose takes an interest in Senri after l
+Anima Wiki
Sammy is a member of the Orphan Girls Gang in Octopus. Sammy is a young girl with messy light-colored hair. She wears a red dress [1] and baggy shorts. She has a hat with luminous mushrooms. Sammy pickpockets Senri's book and tries to escape him in the Octopus tunnel system. She believes she got away, so sits down to read the book but can't. Senri catches up and scares her into a nest of green leeches, which he then saves her from. Sammy gives Senri his book back. Delly arrives and takes them ba
+Anima Wiki
Senri the oldest and quietest member of the main characters. He is a Kim-un-kur, and a bear +Anima who can transform his right arm into a bear's paw. He suffers from short-term memory loss, and carries around a book with pressed flowers inside to help him with his memory. Senri has gray hair accessorized with turquoise[2] blue[3] beads, which are a mark of his tribe.[2][3] He also has gray eyes, of which he covers his left with a black leather sash, functioning as an eyepatch. He wears a brown t
+Anima Wiki
Sept is a boy who ran away to join the circus. Sept's favorite food was his mother's apple pie, made using the apples from their orchard. A year ago, Sept ran away to join the circus. Six months later, the leader of the circus sent his parents a letter informing them of his death, describing it as him being taken by a black angel.
+Anima Wiki
Shadow is a boy who builds a glider to fly medicine up a mountain. Shadow used to herd goats with his family atop the mountain. A year ago the only path up the mountain collapsed during a storm. At the same time some of their goats fell ill and died; they couldn't get medicine up the mountain because of the collapsed path. Shadow later went down the mountain to find another means of transporting medicine. Shadow tests his unmanned glider, and heads to the crash site to find it had hit Cooro. He
+Anima Wiki
Shera is a squirrel +Anima and one of Crystala's slaves. When Daisy gives Cooro and Nana a tour of the caravan, Shera and Rapid jump down from a tall structure; Daisy introduces them. Shera discusses with Rapid about how lucky Cooro and Nana are to have their specific Animas. They compliment Nana and inform her she could get a good job, then they head back up the structure. Shera is very close with Rapid. They work together as acrobats, and share a similar mindset. Shera is on very good terms wi
Si Mukar
+Anima Wiki
Si Mukar is the chief of the Shuros Tribe. After Senri faints, Mukar has him brought to a nearby military base. They bring along Cooro, Husky and Nana, as well as Igneous Giesrieg and his soldiers despite Mukar having been refusing to talk to the Astarian military. In response to Igneous's insistence, Mukar has Igneous undergo a trial to prove himself. He approves Upas's request to have Senri simultaneously undergo a trial. When Cooro, Husky and Nana go to spectate the trial he follows them, and
+Anima Wiki
Sinon is a Goose +Anima who used to fights in the coliseum in Maggie Vil. Sinon is very thin and has pale eyes. His light colored hair is tied back in a ponytail. In his Anima form, Sinon's arms become white wings. He is the only person seen in the series whose wings are not located on their back. His Anima markings are similar to Cooro's: a spiral with four feather-like shapes around it. They are located on the backs of his hands. The gang meets him in Maggie Vil while participating in the batt
+Anima Wiki
Tim owns an apple orchard with his wife Emma. Tim has accepted his son's death, but is bewildered with dealing with his wife's coping mechanism. He remains silent and allows Emma to live in a fantasy where their son is still alive. Tim returns home to find his wife hosting Cooro and friends. When the +Anima leave, Tim goes with his wife to search for Cooro. They see Cooro's black wings, and Emma starts to panic; Tim has to remind her of their son's death in which they were told he was taken by a
Tom & Elga
+Anima Wiki
Tom & Elga are mountain lions owned by Magdala. When Sinon is attempting to flee Magdala, he runs into the coliseum arena, and Magdala unleashes Tom and Elga on him. They attack Sinon, and although Magdala is confident that they are only playing and will stop when she tells them to, they cause Sinon to fear for his own life enough to become a +Anima.
+Anima Wiki
Upas is a bear +Anima of the lost Tooa Tribe, and was a friend of Senri's father Riiya. When Senri was young, Upas was on good terms with him and would teach him life lessons. Upas went with Riiya, Senri and some other Kim-un-kur to hunt Amurui. When Senri was injured, Upas tried to fight off Amurui while Riiya took Senri to safety, but Upas couldn't hold his own and was injured. He was saved by Riiya, and then witnessed Riiya go mad and attack Senri who killed him in defense. Upas uses his bear
+Anima Wiki
Vino was Crystala's attendant. Vino worked as Crystala's attendant during the time that Senri travelled with the caravan. After Senri lost control of his Anima when fighting some bandits, Vino discussed a course of action with Crystala.
+Anima Wiki
Prince Yuriel is the heir to throne of Astaria. Lord Nuoref expresses his concern that Fly Greena Aight may be trying to usurp the crown, taking advantage of the situation where the king's only living son, Yuriel, is very young.
Ama no Hahagiri
Hitogatana Wiki
Ame no Hahagiri (天羽々斬, Ame no Habakiri) is an Automaton girl created by Sakon Ujiyama. Research on Automatons had been outlawed due to the risk of becoming uncontrollable, but because Hahagiri had not been given any armaments whatsoever, she is deemed to not be of any danger. This is due Ujiyama, who lost his family, making his goal the manufacture of an Automaton as close to human as possible. The well-mannered Hahagiri, who shows a fresh reaction to everything, is doted on as a younger sister
Hitogatana Wiki
Dōjigiri (童子切, Boy Cutter) is one of the Tenka Goken. Hyper Acceleration: Dōjigiri possesses an incredible speed, quick enough to vanish right in front of Tsurumaru's eyes and reappear behind his back without the latter even noticing Dōjigiri had left his position.
Hitogatana Wiki
Gokotai (五虎退, Five Retreating Tigers) is a katana. Named after a tantô forged by Awataguchi Yoshimitsu. Owned by a Japanese envoy to the Ming Dynasty, in the Muromachi period, he was suddenly attacked by five tigers. In a state of somewhat legitimate panic, he drew his tantô and started to wave it around like a maniac. The tigers soon started to panic too and went away, as if the blade's magical powers warded them off. Latter, the tantô was given to Meiji-Tennô, and appraised by an Hon'ami polis
Hitogatana Wiki
Iwatōshi (岩融, Boulder Melter) is a katana. He was operated by a figure named Tomomitsu. It was named after the famous sword owned by legendary warrior monk Musashi-bô Benkei, retainer of Minamoto Kurô Yoshitsune. Enhanced Speed: Togusa stated Iwatōshi was "pretty quick for his size". Daggers: Iwatōshi makes use of 99 small blades hidden within his body to attack. They are attached to wires, which he can control to attack his opponent.[1] Armament: Only Iwatōshi's final armament was shown before
Jūzō Tsukiyama
Hitogatana Wiki
Jūzō Tsukiyama (月山重蔵, Tsukiyama Jūzō) is the leader and "swordsmith" of the Eighth Squad of the Anti Katana Crime Division. Juzo is a middle aged man with an eye patch covering his right eye. Under the eye patch is a robotic eye he can use to link wirelessly to a drone with a front camera and syntheic bug wings. He can see whatever the drone's camera sees.[1] During the Automaton Incident, Juzo was visiting his wife and son. In the chaos that followed, a shard of glass cut his right eye resultin
Kaede Minamoto
Hitogatana Wiki
Kaede Minamoto is the leader of the Fourth Squad of the Anti Katana Crime Division. She is a kenshi, operating the katana Shishiō (獅子王, Lion King).
Kaori Yamashiro
Hitogatana Wiki
Kaori Yamashiro is the leader of the Fifth Squad of the Anti Katana Crime Division.
Hitogatana Wiki
Kiku-Ichi-Monji (菊一文字, Chrysanthemum-One) is the katana of Shirō Shikoku.
Hitogatana Wiki
Kogarasumaru (小烏丸, Little Crow) is the Katana operated by Kenshi Shinobu Hiyama of the Anti Katana Crime Division.
Koryū Kagemitsu
Hitogatana Wiki
Koryū Kagemitsu (小龍景光, Little Dragon Kagemitsu) is a katana. When Koryū Kagemitsu was completed, the apprentice swordsmith who made it killed his own master and disappeared, keeping the katana for himself.[1] Obsessed with his own power, he began committing crime merely for his own pleasure.[2]
Kōtarō Todoroki
Hitogatana Wiki
Kōtarō Todoroki is the leader of the Third Squad of the Anti Katana Crime Division.
Makoto Inuzuka
Hitogatana Wiki
Makoto Inuzuka
Hitogatana Wiki
Onimaru (鬼丸; Demon Circle) is one of the Tenka Goken. Used by Hakobera the Artisan. Most of it's body seems composed of straps, wich can be gathered to create multiple forms of objects.
Seri Yachiyo
Hitogatana Wiki
Seri Yachiyo (八千代芹, Yachiyo Seri) is the kenshi of the Eighth Squad of the Anti Katana Crime Division. She is an artisan, operating the katana Tsurumaru. Her first appearance is in the first chapter, she wears a tank top with somewhat baggy pants. She has short brown hair and black eyes. Yachiyo is a cheerful girl who enjoys drinking alcohol (mostly sake) but hates tomatoes.[1] As a young girl, Yachiyo was sold by her parents to the Artisan project.[2] Main article: Tsurumaru
Shirō Shikoku
Hitogatana Wiki
Shirō Shikoku is the leader of the Sixth Squad of the Anti Katana Crime Division. He is a kenshi, operating the katana Kiku-Ichi-Monji (菊一文字, Chrysanthemum-One).
Hitogatana Wiki
Suzuna (,) is one of the surviving members of the Artisan Project and the twin sister of Suzushiro Despite the fact that she has been deemed emotionless, Suzuna often displays apathetic reactions and has adopted a curt attitude towards people because she is not good at expressing her emotions. Her personality developed this way after her simulation battle with Shinobu, where the latter held back against Suzuna. Suzuna, who didn't know Shinobu saw her as a friend, felt betrayed and became furious
Hitogatana Wiki
Suzushiro (蘿蔔, Suzushiro) is an Artisan and the twin brother of Suzuna.
Hitogatana Wiki
Togusa no Kandakara (十種の神寶, Tokusa no Kandakara) is one of the main characters of the series. His inscription as a half-Katana is Yatsuka no Tsurugi (八握の剣, Eight Grip Sword) but he detests that name, instead going by the nickname his squad members gave him. He is the only Katana-human hybrid seen in the series. Togusa appears as an average height, slim teenager. He is humanoid, in contrast to most Katana (due to the fact he is half-human as well). He has short, spiky white hair with bangs fallin
Hitogatana Wiki
Tsurumaru (鶴丸, Crane Circle) is the katana operated by Seri Yachiyo Main Armament: Sub-Armaments: Final Armament Juzumaru is the name of an ancient Tachi, full-name Tsurumaru-Kuninaga. It is said to be a very beautiful blade, praised by the Honami family. Currently owned by the Imperial Family, since the time of Emperor Meiji.
Tsutomu Samon
Hitogatana Wiki
Tsutomu Samon is the leader of the Seventh Squad of the Anti Katana Crime Division.
Hitogatana Wiki
Ōtenta (大典太, Great Law Plump) is one of the Tenka Goken. It seems to have the same ability of sword creation as Togusa. Actual Historical Ōtenta Mitsuyo was created by swordsmith Miike Mitsuyo and is famous for it's magnificent Sugata. A legend says Oda Nobunaga tested the bravery of some of his retainers by going onto an haunted place. Maeda Toshiie wielded it when it was his turn, a gift of Hideyoshi to protect his friend against those supernatural phenomenons. And indeed, the evil spirits did
This is an in-progress list of characters in the Project .hack and .hack Conglomerate Universe. AI Harald Aura Balmung BlackRose Cubia Culhwch Dorin Edajima Elk Gardenia Helba Jinn Kite Lios Marlo Mia Mistral Moonstone Morganna Mode Gone Natsume Nuke Usagimaru Orca Phase 1: Skeith Phase 2: Innis Phase 3: Magus Phase 4: Fidchell Phase 5: Gorre Phase 6: Macha Phase 7: Tarvos Phase 8: Corbenik Piros Plaird Rachel Sanjuro Sconk Sheraton Spiritas Tartarga Terajima Ryoko Thea Wiseman Minor PCs Aina Al
Aura (G.U.)
"You must go...little children of Morganna..." — Aura — Aura (アウラ, Aura) is the spirit of the The World and was created by Harald Hoerwick to be the Ultimate AI. Aura is the ultimate AI, created by Harald Hoerwick. For Harald, Aura's existence was that of the daughter that he never would have had with Emma Wielant. Aura assumes her mature state when she appears at the end of .hack G.U.//Redemption. Her hair is shimmering, having no definite color. It is wavy, and only goes down past her shoulder
"Would you say that Haseo-san goes for energetic girls?" — Peaco — Peaco (ピコ) is a character in .hack//4koma. She is controlled by the same player behind Atoli. Peaco wears a black kunoichi-style outfit and a black headband. Her hairstyle is similar to Atoli, only slightly longer all around. Peaco is endlessly energetic. She is said to have adopted a strange way of talking (the Tokyopop translation uses some val-speak). However, since her ultimate goal is to get closer to Haseo, she is murderous
Shino (志乃, Shino) is a female Harvest Cleric with the same character model as Atoli. She was the co-leader of the Twilight Brigade guild, which she ran along with Ovan. Shino is a somewhat scantily dressed pink-haired Harvest Cleric. She wears a white corset, white stockings, and a white hat. She also wears a short gray cape on her back. Though usually weaponless, she pulls out a staff when danger approaches. A teardrop-shaped tattoo is located below her left eye. She later changed her appearanc
Shino (G.U.)
Shino (志乃, Shino) is a female Harvest Cleric with the same character model as Atoli. She was the co-leader of the Twilight Brigade guild, which she ran along with Ovan. Shino is a somewhat scantily dressed pink-haired Harvest Cleric. She wears a white corset, white stockings, and a white hat. She also wears a short gray cape on her back. Though usually weaponless, she pulls out a staff when danger approaches. A teardrop-shaped tattoo is located below her left eye. She later changed her appearanc
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

Anime Manga Characters Dataset

This dataset is a metafile containing information about 247,034 anime and manga characters sourced from 2,372 fandom wiki sites. Each entry represents a character along with its associated metadata. The dataset has been deduplicated based on the url field to avoid redundancy, although a single character may still have multiple associated URLs.

Potential Applications

  • Multimodal Data Creation: Use the URLs to download the respective wiki pages and images, and construct multimodal datasets (e.g., interleaved image-text datasets for machine learning tasks).
  • Document Retrieval: Leverage the dataset to retrieve relevant documents or create search and retrieval models.
  • Image Captioning: Pair images of characters with textual metadata for image captioning tasks.
  • Text-to-Image Generation: Generate detailed images of characters based on descriptive metadata.
  • Data Analysis: Perform data analysis on anime and manga characters.

Dataset Construction

The reference list of anime and manga is sourced from the Animanga Fandom Wiki.

The dataset includes the following meta fields:

  • title: The name of the character, corresponding to the title of the fandom wiki page.
  • site_name: The title of the anime or manga, representing the source site name of the fandom wiki.
  • url: The URL of the character's wiki page.
  • description: A brief summary of the character's wiki page (truncated, not the full content).
  • image: The URL of a representative image associated with the character.

The pseudo code for getting metadata from each fandom wiki html:

def get_metadata(html):
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml')
    metadata = {"title": "", "site_name": "", "url": "", "description": "", "image": ""}
    if meta := soup.find("meta", {"property": "og:site_name"}):
        metadata["site_name"] = meta["content"]
    if meta := soup.find("meta", {"property": "og:title"}):
        metadata["title"] = meta["content"]
    if meta := soup.find("meta", {"property": "og:url"}):
        metadata["url"] = meta["content"]
    if meta := soup.find("meta", {"property": "og:description"}):
        metadata["description"] = meta["content"]
    if meta := soup.find("meta", {"property": "og:image"}):
        metadata["image"] = meta["content"]
    return metadata

The dataset has been deduplicated based on the url field to avoid redundancy.


This dataset owes its existence to the passionate contributions of anime and manga fans worldwide who curate and maintain the fandom wikis.

Downloads last month

Data Sourcing report


No elements in this dataset have been identified as either opted-out, or opted-in, by their creator.