7 values
how long to respond to divorce mediation request
[ { "docid": "52e59467a72725a24e0da7cf6b1fffa4", "text": "Answering the Divorce/Dissolution Petition The spouse who has been served with the divorce/dissolution petition is called the respondent or defendant in the divorce/dissolution process. He or she must respond to (answer) the petition within a certain time (usually about three weeks).", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "77706d1da1caf5dfde75527df85a3d42", "text": "- How Long Does the Average Divorce Case Take? Another pressing question among people deciding to divorce: How long will it take? According to the results from our survey, the average time it took to complete a divorce — from filing the petition to getting their settlement or the final court judgment — was about 11 months.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c326c137cd76991bf9c813991a8494f5", "text": "Virginia Divorce Requirements After you file your papers, your spouse has 21 days (if your spouse lives in Virginia), 60 days (if your spouse lives outside of Virginia, but in the United States), or 90 days (if your spouse lives outside the United States) to respond to your request for divorce (known as a Complaint.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ceb20fea2053705c77849451c3322458", "text": "- If the child custody case is ordered to evaluation If the parents did not come to an agreement about all of their custody and visitation issues during mediation, the judge may order a custody evaluation. A custody evaluation generally takes up to 60 days.And, usually, the parents must pay a fee for this service.enerally: 1 The mediator meets with the parents together or individually. 2 The mediator will ask questions to develop an understanding of the family history. 3 In cases of domestic violence, you have the right to meet with the mediator separately and you can bring a support person to your mediation.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6035426331077467dc700a57ceed645e", "text": "What is Divorce Mediation? In mediation, you and your spouse meet with a neutral third party, the mediator, and with their help, you work through the issues you need to resolve so the two of you can end your marriage as amicably and cost effective as possible.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7b39cde9ce291560d9b6c60df1aaa490", "text": "1. Service of subpoena, time Within 30 days after service of the notice and written questions, a party may serve cross questions. Within 15 days after service of cross questions, a party may serve redirect questions. Within 15 days after service of redirect questions, a party may serve recross questions..", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5731ae4707717b2df07cb6751d5540ff", "text": "Small Claims The court may take up to two weeks to process your default request. If the defendant responds during this period a hearing will be set. The Court WILL NOT notify you as to whether the Defendant(s) has made an answer to the Court, so please keep in contact with the Small Claims Department at (503) 846-8888.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1fed271fc37dbc50fdc8b05ee5b69c80", "text": "How Long Does a Divorce Take in Florida ? A divorce can take anywhere between 3 and 24 months depending on whether it is contested or uncontested. The average uncontested divorce takes 3 months. The average contested divorce takes 12 months. The amount of time varies according to the judge, the county, and the will of the parties to speed things up or delay.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5925eb4faa88b6481393b37609b971fc", "text": "- “NY DIVORCE DONE FAST”. We offer one of the fastest divorce processes in New York (if not the fastest) which gets you divorced usually within 30 days or less. Learn how we can help you too get a quick divorce. Call now for a free phone consultation to see if you qualify for our Expedited Service.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bf93affcd824264135c663c595d1b94e", "text": "Contested Process You only have 30 days to file your Response. 1 The days are counted from the date you were served with your spouse’s or partner’s Petition for divorce. 2 If your spouse or partner is willing to give you more than 30 days, make sure you get this in writing and have your spouse/partner sign the “extension.”.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8b5bc8fed715e9e1359c6ab1f9f69198", "text": "- 1 You have 60 days from the day you file your divorce papers to serve your spouse. 2 If you are not able to serve within that time, you can go back to the Family Court Intake Center before the 60 days are up. 3 They will give you a new Summons and you will get an additional 60 days.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8bd73fad787777a82f9e7ced6efebde2", "text": "Agree or disagree to a divorce petition To disagree with the divorce petition fill in the acknowledgment of service form and return it within 8 days. Fill in the part that says you’re defending the divorce. The court will send copies to your husband or wife. After you return the form, you have up to 21 days to say why you are defending the divorce.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cfe9b9313494db69ba9b638267dd277e", "text": "California Divorce Timeline Once the Respondent receives the Petition, he or she has 30 days to file a Response to the facts outlined in the Petition. (In some cases, the Petitioner’s attorney will allow for more than 30 days.) Once a Response is filed by the Respondent, a hearing may be scheduled for the case.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6a642617f93ac49e35159da4d21cb3d3", "text": "What is the deadline for a discovery request in Ohio after answering summons? Once you receive the complaint you have 28 days to respond to each and every allegation - admit, denial or a denial because you do not have enough information to answer. If an allegation in the conmplaint is not denied, then it is admitted for evidentiary purposes.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2f1231b77e26961cc2e8cc9d89c97183", "text": "- You and the other person meet with a mediator. The mediator will facilitate a discussion between you and the other person in an attempt to resolve your dispute. Usually, mediation of a small claims dispute lasts anywhere between 30 minutes and 2 hours. Mediation may be free, or you may have to pay a small fee.Preparing for mediation Preparing for mediation is a lot like preparing to go to a court hearing. It is important to identify and organize the facts that are relevant to your dispute. Mediation is confidential and private, so what you say in mediation cannot be used against you in court later. 2 If you go in front of a judge, the judge has to apply the law to the facts of the case and take into account only those facts that the law considers relevant.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "06f1af5e2ee6f6066c59c7176d237db1", "text": "Divorce Overview In California, the general rule is that once being served with a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage, you have 30 days to file a Response to the Petition. Divorce issues can be very complicated, so you should consider consulting with a Family Law Attorney. Good luck.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6d12c6386204fae469a2675e87e38abd", "text": "How Long After Filing a Divorce Petition Are Papers Served? However, there are a few other steps to complete before your spouse can be served and the process of divorce begins. You must allow time for your attorney to draw up the papers after filing your divorce petition. Give him at least two weeks to complete the papers before you worry about when your spouse will be served. Process. Your spouse must receive the papers to be considered served.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ce2c10008007678eb1f53fc9e537fb96", "text": "Complaint Resolution and State Hearing Program Complaint Resolution Process. The local child support agency is required to respond to every complaint-in writing-within 30 days. If a complaint cannot be resolved within 30 days, the local child support agency may extend the time for resolving a complaint up to a maximum of 30 additional days.ither a custodial party or a noncustodial parent may file a complaint over the handling of a child support case. Complaint forms are available at each local child support agency and on the California Department of Child Support Services website.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4dda34ed28af30c6b6d721e2773cff04", "text": "How to File an Answer to a Divorce Summons When you receive a Summons and Complaint in a divorce action, you typically have 20 days in which to respond. Your response to the Summons is known as an Answer. If you have hired an attorney to represent you, she can prepare and file the Answer with information that you provide her. You can file the Answer on your own if you are not being represented by a lawyer in your divorce.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e4782e81af9e86aaca3c5d458ad6acdb", "text": "Summons Responding to a Summons. In most civil law suits, a person has 21 days in which to answer the complaint or petition. If the person is served outside of Utah, they have 30 days in which to answer. The 21/30 day time frame does not apply in all cases. Eviction and small claims cases, for example, have different time frames. It is very important that you file a written answer to the civil complaint or petition.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c80b2d35f9a0821f6e5678169f6084ec", "text": "What Happens if I Ignore Divorce Summons Papers in New York? Your Right to Respond. After the process server gives you a copy of your spouse’s divorce documents, he will file his own paperwork with the court, confirming the date when he did so. You now have 20 days to respond. If your spouse filed in New York, but you don’t also live there, you have 30 days.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e2c78bd68cf844bc94f5206f4535b066", "text": "Contents This may take a couple of days or a couple of weeks. Once the defendant receives the papers the law allows him time to file a response, called an Answer. Depending on the type of case, this can be as long as 30 days from the time the defendant receives the papers. After the defendant files his Answer, the Magistrate Court will schedule a date and time for a trial and send written notification to each side.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8bedf755e0d706a29e8fe094bef384ea", "text": "- State laws require that you wait 60 days from the date the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage is served upon the Respondent before you can proceed with a divorce. After the 60 days from the date of service passes, the steps necessary in obtaining a divorce will greatly depend on your situation.he first step in your case should be to speak with a lawyer to get legal advice. This will help you determine the best course of action for you. In Arizona, a divorce is called a Dissolution of Marriage.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "30580b4398e0fd463836d3d071688ad2", "text": "- (B) In an unanswered action, a divorce may be granted any time 46 days after service, unless the time for response has been extended by court order. (C) A divorce action served by publication may be granted any time suitable to the judge and attorneys 61 days or more after date of the first publication.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2c35510bb856f142f2d98a2cef02dc59", "text": "Administrative Rules of the Unified Court System & Uniform Rules of the Trial Courts NOTICE TO RESPONDANT: You have ten (10) legal working days, not including the day of service, to file a written response, if you wish to do so. If you do not respond, the court will consider the relief requested and will enter a order without hearing any objection you may have.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2a3340f3f458b31c18d1dbb11d6bfe58", "text": "Occupational Safety and Health Administration After service of the petition, the Respondent must file a response within 20 days if he or she lives in Arizona. If the Respondent lives outside of Arizona, he or she would have 30 days to file a response. If service was completed by publication, the waiting time is 60 days after the 1st day service was published.", "title": "" } ]
invictus poem meaning
[ { "docid": "9a7e11d9b5ff30e932cbf4c20b416d48", "text": "What is the meaning of the poem 'Invictus'? Confidence votes 169. Invictus, meaning unconquerable or undefeated in Latin, is a poem by William Ernest Henley. The poem was written while Henley was in the hospital being treated for tuberculosis of the bone, also known as Pott's disease.n analysis of the poem: Out of the nigh t that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. In the first stanza the poem's speaker prays in the dark to whatever gods may be a prayer of thanks for his unconquerable soul..", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "903164ccd97f625f81501fbaf7ac41ca", "text": "\"An interpretation of the following lines from \"\"Invictus\"\"? \"\"It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll ...\"\"Those 2 lines were followed by the famous \"\"I am the...\" The lines…. It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll .... …must be analyzed in light of the stanzas before it, because this gives these lines context and contributes to the whole of the poem and a better understanding of the first two lines of the final stanza.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cee9f2c8283d4cb93ddffaff5a94f12a", "text": "Ragnarök Völuspá, (Old Norse: “Sibyl’s Prophecy”) poem consisting of about 65 short stanzas on Norse cosmogony, the history of the world of gods, men, and monsters from its beginning until the Ragnarök (“Doom of the Gods”). In spite of its clearly pagan theme, the poem reveals Christian influence in its imagery.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "838ffd8ed6d76b7843de7d27cb12409e", "text": "Invictus From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit From pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed.eyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds, and shall find, me unafraid. It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul. This article is about the poem.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e1bd233e60c6209af0387a755df88083", "text": "Theseus Stephen Dobyns, wrote the poem Theseus within the Labyrinth (1986) which provides a retelling of the myth of Ariadne, Theseus and the Minotaur, in particular the feelings of Ariadne. In issue No. 12 of Fright Night comics, entitled Bull-Whipped, Theseus and the Minotaur are resurrected by the comic's Aunt Claudia Hinnault, who is the reincarnation of Ariadne. Kir Bulychov's 1993 book An Attempt on Theseus' Life (Покушение на Тезея) is about a plot to assassinate a man during a virtual reality tour in which he lives through Theseus' life.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "799d8f6ad67ac393f91dfb006aabe66d", "text": "- in·sid·i·ous. Treacherous; stealthy; denoting a disease that progresses gradually with inapparent symptoms. [L. insidiosus, cunning, fr. insidiae (pl.), an ambush]. /in·sid·i·ous/ (-sid´e-us) coming on stealthily; of gradual and subtle development.erily, with insidious beauty do sea and life gaze upon me round about: Thus Spake Zarathustra: A Book For All And None by Nietzsche, Friedrich View in context. They were designed for winter wear, when treacherous drafts came down chimneys and insidious currents of deadly cold found their way through key-holes.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "561516feaa3aaf0edc98bcf57d747d1d", "text": "- The Meaning. The title “Invictus” is a Latin word which means “undefeated” or “unconquerable”. This is clearly seen in the tone of the poem. The poet, Henley was faced with an ugly situation. He suffered from tuberculosis of the bone right from his early years in life.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "91ab3ecd4806c93ef80491c7a7001103", "text": "- Annuit coeptis (/cœptis ˈaenjuːɪt/ ; ˈænjuːɪt ˈsɛptɨs In: [classical latin]) ˈannuit ˈkoi̯ptis is one of two mottos on the reverse side Of The great seal Of The. united statesarton explained that the motto alluded to the Eye of Providence : Deo favente which alludes to the Eye in the Arms, meant for the Eye of Providence.. For Barton, Deus (God) and The Eye of Providence were the same entity.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8ecade289e00155999fe631dbad0648f", "text": "Incitatus From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Incitatus (Latin pronunciation: [in.ki.ˈtaː.tus]) was the favored horse of Roman emperor Caligula (reigned 37–41 AD). His name is a Latin adjective meaning swift or at full gallop. According to Suetonius, in the Lives of the Twelve Caesars (121 AD), Incitatus had a stable of marble, with an ivory manger, purple blankets, and a collar of precious stones.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3ce52351a3fe78c0640abdca0c5ee616", "text": "What is the meaning of the poem 'Invictus'? An analysis of the poem: Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. In the first stanza the poem's speaker prays in the dark to whatever gods may be a prayer of thanks for his unconquerable soul..", "title": "" }, { "docid": "df37ca492e682ea17ef3347487b47102", "text": "- Confidence votes 169. Invictus, meaning unconquerable or undefeated in Latin, is a poem by William Ernest Henley. The poem was written while Henley was in the hospital being treated for tuberculosis of the bone, also known as Pott's disease.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3659834ab10e95ef59d8d28653bf09e9", "text": "- The phrase veni vidi vici is a quotati … on from Julius Caesar, meaning I came, I saw, I conquered.. It refers to one of his victories as a Roman general.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d44bf07c8162d34ceb7f290451f2efe3", "text": "- The definition of invidious is something that is likely to cause anger, or something that is unjust or unfair. 1 An example of an invidious behavior is behavior that is likely to make others around you mad. 2 An example of invidious actions are discriminatory actions where one person is treated unfairly as compared to others.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4fc738f3597ea47b200d6b56dd34b519", "text": "Conquest of Paradise Evangelos Odysseas Papathanassiou (Greek: Ευάγγελος Οδυσσέας Παπαθανασίου [evˈaɲɟelos oðiˈseas papaθanaˈsiu]; born 29 March 1943) is a Greek composer of electronic, progressive, ambient, jazz, pop rock and orchestral music, under the artist name Vangelis /væŋˈɡɛlɨs/.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "142e834499ee2aa61813dd9a4e823a01", "text": "What is the meaning of the poem 'Invictus'? Invictus, meaning unconquerable or undefeated in Latin, is a poem by William Ernest Henley. The poem was written while Henley was in the hospital being treated for tub … erculosis of the bone, also known as Pott's disease.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "364c12e4a475940c4a3e658758b0943d", "text": "- This helps prepare the reader for the intensely personal message of the final stanza. The poet begins with sea imagery, using a sailing vessel as a metaphor for the nautilus. He refers to it as a “ship of pearl,” suggesting not only its beauty and grandeur but also its value as both a living organism and a teacher.The poet’s use of the term “venturous bark,” in reference to the nautilus, evokes images of the majestic sailing ships of bygone days, eager to explore different worlds.n the second stanza, the poet continues with the ship metaphor, likening the “webs of living gauze,” by which the nautilus moves, to the sails which move the ship. The beauty and grandeur of this little ship, however, has now been destroyed and will no longer “unfurl” its lovely sails to the wind.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "daa34be9f3a9c97048fc82df33883976", "text": "New World Order (conspiracy theory) ANNUIT COEPTIS. Origin and Meaning of the Motto. Above the Eye of Providence on the Great Seal. Annuit coeptis is the Latin motto suggested in 1782 by Charles Thomson, the Founding Father chosen by Continental Congress to come up with the final design for the Great Seal of the United States.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "15fd90afc4b16913d53ed7f327492ea5", "text": "CANTUS FIRMUS cantus firmus - a melody used as the basis for a polyphonic composition. Gregorian chant, plainchant, plainsong - a liturgical chant of the Roman Catholic Church.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "29d8ebf636fc779ce053b16b8f4917fd", "text": "What does William Ernest Henley's poem Invictus mean? Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed. Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms... show more Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e109357b4cff253717263468704ee61e", "text": "- Found on http://www.wordinfo.info/words/index/info/view_unit/2301/2. `Invictus` is a short Victorian poem by the English poet William Ernest Henley (1849–1903). It was written in 1875 and published in 1888 in his first volume of poems, Book of Verses, where it is the fourth poem in the section Life and Death (Echoes).It originally had no title.ound on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invictus_(Iconoclast_III). [Means] Invictus (Means) Unconquered is an album released by country musician David Allan Coe. It was released in 1981 on Columbia. ==Track listing== == Personnel == ==Chart performance== ...", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8c03fa876e529bb601445fc44b45f82a", "text": "servus Etymology [edit]. The greeting evolved by the commoners greeting their lords with the words servus humillimus, Domine spectabilis, meaning your humble servant, my noble Lord. No subservience is implied in its modern use.tymology [edit]. The greeting evolved by the commoners greeting their lords with the words servus humillimus, Domine spectabilis, meaning your humble servant, my noble Lord. No subservience is implied in its modern use.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "985e087e8fa395e75979b09a60bf3984", "text": "- Additional Information. Latin: Example from your definition of unconquerable The meticulous note set down the words to Invictus, a poem about the unconquerable soul of the human spirit in the face of death.SUN, NEWS OF THE WORLD (2001).dditional Information. Latin: Example from your definition of unconquerable The meticulous note set down the words to Invictus, a poem about the unconquerable soul of the human spirit in the face of death. SUN, NEWS OF THE WORLD (2001).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4984f1b93f0dd71597c2384feb4305ac", "text": "- I am absolutely delighted that the United States has taken up that challenge and will host the next Invictus Games in 2016. I have no doubt that the USA will set the bar even higher than London did and put on a great show.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c634fc170930c38dda04d0d83bb61145", "text": "From the 'Lectric Law Library's LexiconAb Initio AB INITIO. Lat. 'from the beginning'. Usually used in reference to contracts, estates, trespasses and deeds to indicate their existence or validity relates back to their creation like an (unlawful) marriage 'ab initio' meaning the marriage was void during its entire alleged existence.from the beginning'. Usually used in reference to contracts, estates, trespasses and deeds to indicate their existence or validity relates back to their creation like an (unlawful) marriage 'ab initio' meaning the marriage was void during its entire alleged existence.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6ca3945834679e3349ac75b3bab553cd", "text": "Motet Notes Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina: Sicut cervus. Sicut cervus is likely the best known of Palestrina's motets. In it is embedded the beauty and dignity for which Palestrina's music is known and judged to be the ideal of Renaissance counterpoint. The motet's polyphonic flow and gentle melodic arches contain a quiet drama.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dc199d8f8cf00dbafb7c1ab39bf73c4e", "text": "What is the meaning of the poem 'Invictus'? In the first stanza the poem's speaker prays in the dark to whatever gods may be a prayer of thanks for his unconquerable soul.. Several things are apparent from the outset: First, the speaker is in some sort of metaphorical darkness, perhaps the darkness of despair.", "title": "" } ]
what is flat iron steak vs flank steak
[ { "docid": "7ec1e7f0e44fed90bed6409b77b2ff7b", "text": "Is flat iron steak the same as flank steak? No it is not the same. When a beef is butchered it is hung on a rail in two pieces or halves. Then each half is cut in half so the carcass is in quarters now. You have a forequarter and a hindquarter. The flank steak comes from the hindquarter and the flat iron steak comes from the forequarter.hen a beef is butchered it is hung on a rail in two pieces or halves. Then each half is cut in half so the carcass is in quarters now. You have a forequarter and a hindquarter. The flank steak comes from the hindquarter and the flat iron steak comes from the forequarter.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "386ae4db206808bb2792d4695b9dbf6c", "text": "What's the Difference Between Flank Steak and Skirt Steak? Flavor and texture: Skirt steak has even more intense beefy flavor than flank steak. It does contain more tough muscles than flank steak, though, so should only be cooked to rare or medium rare for the most tender texture.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d57163dd598c9ed0825882f8b211fc69", "text": "Flat iron steak Flat iron steaks usually have a significant amount of marbling. To make it more marketable, the steak, which has the fascia dividing the infraspinatus within it, has increasingly been cut as two flatter steaks, each corresponding to one muscle, with the tough fascia removed.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8c281a615cacdc45ccdead72f196bf60", "text": "- Grilled, broiled, pan-fried, or slow-cooked. Plus marinades, sauces, gravies, and rubs to amp up the flavor. Tender flat iron steak meets trendy Asian bistro flavor! With a side of Asian vegetable mix, it's an easy delicious dinner. – GMUCHEFWHIT.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "670fae2c4422339d8ab3382bd411392f", "text": "Pan-Grilled Pinwheel Steaks But these pinwheel steaks cook beautifully on a stove-top grill or in a cast iron frying pan. Just remember to preheat the pan. 1 1/4- to 1 1/2-pound skirt steak, trimmed (ask your butcher for a steak that is long and about 5-inches wide and about 1/2-inch thick; if it's thicker you can pound it out; see below)", "title": "" }, { "docid": "684ad78eb242db7c6cf97440a87cf8b1", "text": "- The meat has a lot of tough fibers running through it and is fairly lean. It's a thicker, wider cut of meat than skirt steak. Flavor and texture: Flank steak has tons of intense beefy flavor but can be a little tough. Eat it thinly sliced and cut against the grain for maximum tenderness.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0802d6d35056effb3b7f42b786d680cf", "text": "What's the Difference Between Flank Steak and Skirt Steak? Where it's from: Flank steak is from the bottom abdominal area of the cow, so it contains a lot of hard-working muscles. The meat has a lot of tough fibers running through it and is fairly lean. It's a thicker, wider cut of meat than skirt steak. Flavor and texture: Flank steak has tons of intense beefy flavor but can be a little tough. Eat it thinly sliced and cut against the grain for maximum tenderness.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bc08eb4e3b3e468eec4fcc1d1becd26f", "text": "Grilled Marinated Flank Steak Flank steak is a lean, somewhat tough but flavorful cut of beef that benefits from the tenderizing effects of a marinade. It is best cooked medium rare and thinly sliced at an angle across the grain of the meat.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c42d8690f9120227189ece5a2efac2a0", "text": "Crusty Grilled Flank Steak Recipe 3) Flank steak is usually wedge shaped. One end is a lot thicker than the other. When you cook it hot and fast one side is either overcooked or undercooked. So here's how to outsmart the steak. If your steak is more than 1/4 thicker at one end than the other, cut it in half and start the thick half first.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "447a281b0c5193e66caf75fe652b7176", "text": "Skirt steak Skirt steak. Skirt steak is a cut of beef steak from the plate. It is long, flat, and prized for its flavor rather than tenderness. It is not to be confused with flank steak, a generally similar adjacent cut nearer the animal's rear quarter. 1 Characteristics.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5574b0ec66cd59dda898d766b429ce49", "text": "- Comments: 2. 1 I like to marinate my steak in oil,Montreal steak seasoning ,lil bit of salt n pepper ,mmm delicious…. 2 6 minutes to the perfect flat iron steak!! We’ve used our George Foreman Grill (actually 2 of them) for years to do burgers and quick chicken.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ed6badd55c4c7658cad0ea2d7235b986", "text": "How to Cook Steak Florentine Pinwheels The dish is made with flank steak and spinach. Pounding the flank steak, which is part of the process, tenderizes the meat because the pounding action breaks apart tough, connective tissues. In addition to looking and tasting good, the steak pinwheels also provide nutritional value.ounding the flank steak, which is part of the process, tenderizes the meat because the pounding action breaks apart tough, connective tissues. In addition to looking and tasting good, the steak pinwheels also provide nutritional value.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "56e5c796bc515cec4e0a6a3018b0238f", "text": "Pan-Seared Flat Iron Steak Rub steak evenly with steak seasoning and salt. Cook in hot oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat 4 to 5 minutes on each side or to desired degree of doneness. Let stand 5 minutes. Cut diagonally across the grain into thin strips.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0b72b815ba243aa4dd8543e5ab7f4fe8", "text": "- London broil, jiffy steak) Flank steak, which comes from the lower part of the cow’s abdomen, is great for the grill because its thinness allows it to cook quickly and evenly. These cuts of beef are often used for fajitas, kabobs and London broil. Like short plate, it is a lean meat with a strong, beefy flavor. Also like the short plate cut, it is best to slice this meat against the grain to keep it tender.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fecc0c958c784263853f726d39f62e46", "text": "- The flank steak, also known as Arrachera or Bavette, is a beef steak cut from the abdominal muscles of the cow. A relatively long and flat cut of meat, flank steak is used in a variety of dishes including London broil and fajitas.This is a lean, flat cut that's extremely flavorful.It is significantly tougher than the other beef cuts; therefore, many recipes use moist cooking methods such as ... relatively long and flat cut of meat, flank steak is used in a variety of dishes including London broil and fajitas. This is a lean, flat cut that's extremely flavorful. It is significantly tougher than the other beef cuts; therefore, many recipes use moist cooking methods such as braising.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fc492ad8a37bc3442fb0c5bfaff9d0ab", "text": "Flat Iron Steak Recipes Top blade chuck steak (Flat Iron Steak) is popular in the West but somewhat less available in other parts of the country. You may have to ask the service department for the top blade, although other chuck steaks will be available in the meat case.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2b83d011e43199d788ec15eb954bb52b", "text": "How to Bake a Flat Iron Steak Place the flat iron steak in the marinade and cover the dish with its lid or plastic wrap. Put it into the refrigerator. Soak the beef in pineapple or papaya juice marinades for about an hour. If it's buttermilk marinade, leave it in there two to three hours.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d892221783ae17ad69893a064c4ac33e", "text": "The Food Lab: How to Make Grilled Stuffed Flank Steak Pinwheels A nice flank steak pinwheel is one of the fastest-cooking and most impressive-looking pieces of meat you can throw on the grill; the kind of thing to pull out when you want to impress the neighbors.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "70c64cce4709fdfe09184d4df88f9120", "text": "Titanium VS Ceramic Flat Irons (Which is Better and Why?) If you have delicate hair, a ceramic iron is the one for you! Since titanium heats up so fast, it straightens your hair just as quickly too. Ceramic flat irons are also the better option for both thin and thick hair. If you’re searching for the best flat iron for fine hair best flat iron for fine hair, check out this post!", "title": "" }, { "docid": "68760aff3a1f7ca7b4d2d9369c70e39c", "text": "What's the Difference Between Flank Steak and Skirt Steak? 1 Where it's from: Skirt steak is a thin, long cut of beef from the diaphragm muscles of the cow. It is also lean and contains a lot of tough fibers. Flavor and texture: Skirt steak has even more intense beefy flavor than flank steak.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "de66cb6e46ec451992be04aaeaefe901", "text": "Difference Between London Broil and Flank Steak London Broil vs Flank Steak. For almost every meat dish, the cut of meat utilized in them make a world of difference. Each cut has its own unique taste and texture and therefore, requires their own cooking methods and times. The difference between London Broil and Flank Steak, although closely related, must be emphasised in order to understand the dishes.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "744f0b3fbc33255801411ee8a4701e42", "text": "How to Bake a Flat Iron Steak Take the flat iron steak out of the roasting pan and put in on a plate. Let it rest for five to 10 minutes. This allows the moisture that seeps out of the muscle fibers during cooking to be reabsorbed, making the steak juicier. 1 Store beef below 40 F and don't leave it out at room temperature longer than two hours.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8a06e88d4c86919d83065a0a81d06be4", "text": "- Asking What is the average room temperature for old people is a little rude. Saying old people appears derogatory and disrespectful. Try older people or senior citizens to show a little more tact and diplomacy.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5e9b33e6cc56bcb99ce1990b25b78e36", "text": "- Normally this muscle is cross-cut into top blade steaks. However, these steaks are tough and full of connective tissues (gristle). Instead, Flat Irons are cut from the two layers of the top blade and have all of that connective tissue removed. When sliced thin, on the bias, incredible marbling is apparent.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7f0f05713d3beffea2afee94ccd7fc98", "text": "Is flat iron steak the same as skirt steak? Best Answer: No, they are different cuts of meat, but the flat irons are more tender and incredibly flavorful-they one of my favorite cuts of beef. You can use them similarly to the skirt steak and I think you'll like them.These Wiki articles show you what part of the animal the different cuts come from. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skirt_steak http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flat_iron_s...how more I just moved to a new state, and couldn't find skirt steak at the new grocery store. I asked someone from the meat department if they had skirt steak, and she handed me flat iron steak.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f91defe116b2a2a12d48368df43bff96", "text": "The Steak Breakdown: Your Ultimate Guide to Cuts of Beef What it is: Chuck's a value steak, but that doesn't mean it's not delicious when you get the right slab and have it prepared properly. The chuck eye is like the rib eye's less well-to-do brother. The top blade's what you're getting with a flat-iron steak. Pot roast is all chuck. The rest goes into burgers. You're a hell of a diverse guy, Chuck.", "title": "" } ]
meaning of hectares
[ { "docid": "1127c568a8219545c38eaf947365703a", "text": "- Noun. 1. hectare - (abbreviated `ha') a unit of surface area equal to 100 ares (or 10,000 square meters). area unit, square measure-a system of units used to measure areas. are, ar-a unit of surface area equal to 100 square meters. Translations. [ˈhektɑːʳ] N → hectarea hectárea. f", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "110094adb96017e09aa213ec6bfe3dce", "text": "Hectare From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The hectare (/ˈhɛktɛər/ or /ˈhɛktɑːr/; symbol ha) is an SI accepted metric system unit of area equal to 100 ares (10,000 m2) and primarily used in the measurement of land as a metric replacement for the imperial acre. An acre is about 0.405 hectare and one hectare contains about 2.47 acres. In 1795, when the metric system was introduced, the are was defined as 100 square metres and the hectare (hecto- + are) was thus 100 ares or 1⁄100 km2.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "279125d3d8a20a04734906ecde1f5539", "text": "Commonly used metric system units, symbols, and prefixes 1 hectare is 10 000 square meters, equivalent to the area of a square 100 meters on a side. A football field is about 100 meters long, so imagine a square the length of a football field on each side, and that's 1 hectare. Approximate conversion factors from inch-pound to metric units. hectare is 10 000 square meters, equivalent to the area of a square 100 meters on a side. A football field is about 100 meters long, so imagine a square the length of a football field on each side, and that's 1 hectare. Approximate conversion factors from inch-pound to metric units.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b11055f3622774a69802e4949f7d7bac", "text": "Hectare Written By: Hectare, unit of area in the metric system equal to 100 ares, or 10,000 square metres, and the equivalent of 2.471 acres in the British Imperial System and the United States Customary measure. The term is derived from the Latin area and from hect, an irregular contraction of the Greek word for hundred. Although the are is the primary metric unit of land measurement, in practice the hectare is more commonly used.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a5247f5aca25a835b87aa5ed039dee59", "text": "Square Meters to Hectares Conversion For other area unit conversions, please go to Area Conversion. Square meters to hectares conversion factor is 0.001 (there are 10 000 sq meters in 1 hectare). To find out how many hectares in sq. meters, multiply by the factor or instead, use the converter below. 1 Square Meter = 0.0001 Hectares.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6252ab4042c4158b2d92ef1ccbe42ac3", "text": "Acre to Hectare Conversion (ac² to ha) Arguably, a hectare can be named one of the most commonly used unit of area as it is accepted both by the SI and the Imperial system. A hectare is equal to 10,000 square meters: in other words, it is a piece of area with both length and width of 100 m. It is also 1/100 th of a square km.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f85801e1dac67636073ae84be74948da", "text": "- There are 2.471044 acres in a hectare, making a hectare almost 2.5 times larger than an acre. 1 hectare = 10,000 square metres. (The area of a square with sides one hectometer in length. The term hectare is 100 ares, where an are equals 100 square meters.).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9dc59361862f53685c361739ea5033b1", "text": "- hectare - (abbreviated `ha') a unit of surface area equal to 100 ares (or 10,000 square meters). area unit, square measure-a system of units used to measure areas. are, ar-a unit of surface area equal to 100 square meters.Translations. [ˈhektɑːʳ] N → hectarea hectárea. foun. 1. hectare - (abbreviated `ha') a unit of surface area equal to 100 ares (or 10,000 square meters). area unit, square measure-a system of units used to measure areas. are, ar-a unit of surface area equal to 100 square meters. Translations. [ˈhektɑːʳ] N → hectarea hectárea. f", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7c389e96cdc9884c0f1895a71a078f8c", "text": "- Hectares to Acres. Note: Fractional results are rounded to the nearest 1/64. For a more accurate answer please select 'decimal' from the options above the result. Note: You can increase or decrease the accuracy of this answer by selecting the number of significant figures required from the options above the result. Note: For a pure decimal result please select 'decimal' from the options above the result. Hectares. A unit of area equal to 10,000 square meters.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ac31eb4f697a4b70a99195b59b36c152", "text": "Difference Between Acre and Hectare What is the difference between Hectare and Acre? Acre and hectare are two popular units of area commonly used when it comes to land measurement. They are two different measuring methods that are set apart by many discerning characteristics. • A hectare is 10,000 sq meters whereas an acre is 4840 sq yards. Therefore, an acre is smaller than a hectare. • 1 hectare is 2.471 acres. In an acre, there are 0.404685642 hectares; i.e: an acre is about 40% of a hectare. • An acre is a unit of measurement mostly used in U.S customary and imperial systems. Hectare is a metric unit of area. • Hectare is the legal unit of measure throughout the European Union.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a0f1f12bea8f7b07f709f253e31c2eee", "text": "- The total “footprint” for a designated population’s activities is measured in terms of ‘global hectares.’ A global hectare (acre) is one hectare (2.47 acres) of biologically productive space with an annual productivity equal to the world average.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8158ee4e8d288a91062c275ed6b28b00", "text": "Hectare Hectare: Hectare, unit of area in the metric system equal to 100 ares, or 10,000 square metres, and the equivalent of 2.471 acres in the British Imperial System and the United States Customary measure. The term is derived from the Latin area and from hect, an irregular contraction of the Greek word for", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7543c2a45ccc5714b915f73fa205d903", "text": "- I think the real problem affecting take-up of the (new-fangled) hectare is that most people really have a problem estimating 100m in length. In my experience the guess tends to fall far short of 100m, in the 50-80m range, so their estimate of a hectare would therefore be about 1/3 to 2/3 the area of the real thing.o 1 hectare = 100 ares. 1 are = 100 m². Mâ² “the” are is not used much In, english if at, all probably because of its unusual. Spelling hectare could be used as very few other metric units used today are used with the-hect, prefix although things like, hectometre meaning 100, metres are valid for use in. metric", "title": "" }, { "docid": "89af76fbab342d327f3584989863539b", "text": "- A hectare is a unit of measure for an area, and is used throughout much of the world in much the same way as an acre is used in the United States. There are 2.471044 acres in a hectare, making a hectare almost 2.5 times larger than an acre. 1 hectare = 10,000 square metres.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1198d17fb7a225b5d08300ec92a22a69", "text": "Metric Area Hectare. A hectare (ha) is an area equal to a square that is 100 meters on each side. So a hectare has 100 m × 100 m = 10,000 m 2 (square meters).Hectares are commonly used to measure land. A square kilometer is kilometer × kilometer, which is written km 2. hectare (ha) is an area equal to a square that is 100 meters on each side. So a hectare has 100 m × 100 m = 10,000 m 2 (square meters). Hectares are commonly used to measure land. A square kilometer is kilometer × kilometer, which is written km 2.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "073a854ad54aaf18308b4075224f49eb", "text": "- noun. 1 A unit of land area equal to 4,840 square yards (0.405 hectare): he farms 1,200 acres in East Yorkshire [as modifier]: a 15-acre estate. More example sentences. 1 We want to fence off a quarter of an acre of our land to create a building plot with access from our existing driveway. A unit of land area equal to 4,840 square yards (0.405 hectare): he farms 1,200 acres in East Yorkshire [as modifier]: a 15-acre estate. More example sentences.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "01df39ac3418d6c2a2f2ea44d2d5c01f", "text": "- Most people just know that an acre is a big piece of land, and that 6 acres are more than 5 acres. As a unit of measurement it is hopeless. By contrast, as described in previous comments, 100 m X 100 m = 10 000 square metres (m2) = a hectare (ha), and 100 ha = a square kilometre (km2). Dead easy.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4be0d6f69f5b861967a52e842cf6d0aa", "text": "acre Learner's definition of ACRE. [count] : a measure of land area in the U.S. and Britain that equals 4,840 square yards (about 4,047 square meters) The house sits/is on two acres of land. They own hundreds of acres of farmland.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "029a79f62866127941541e10bf2efcd4", "text": "Hectare From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The hectare (/ˈhɛktɛər/ or /ˈhɛktɑr/ ; symbol ha) is an SI accepted metric system unit of area equal to 100 ares (10,000 m 2) and primarily used in the measurement of land. An acre is about 0.4047 hectare and one hectare contains about 2.47 acres.In 1795, when the metric system was introduced, the are was defined as 100 square metres and the hectare ( hecto- + are) was thus 100 ares or 1⁄100 km 2.he hectare (/ˈhɛktɛər/ or /ˈhɛktɑːr/ ; symbol ha), although not strictly a unit of SI, is the only named unit of area that is accepted for use within the SI.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b40b9fe8935b8e749d2cf531006c80c1", "text": "How much money do I need to start trading? For a good start, be sure to look out for account minimums at the brokerages you investigate This number usually is set for a reason because it is in the brokerage's best interest to keep you trading for as long as possible to ensure that they continue to collect commissions.ommissions. Commissions most likely are the largest cost you will be take on as an active trader. Other expenses, such as software, Internet, and training costs, could be high, too, but often they are dwarfed by the cost of commissions.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c8edeb7eaed7d762e96ca9b63ff796e9", "text": "Square Inches - Square Centimeters Conversion To convert from hectares to acres multiply your x figure by 2.4710538146717. As part of your answer checking process, select the appropriate unit from each 'select' box in the converter tool at the top of the page, enter your figure (x) into the 'value to convert' box and click the 'Convert!' button.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "03e49ec1fabff09040bddf53dc0a5fb4", "text": "- A hectare is a unit of area equal to 10,000 square meters. Usually used to measure land. A square 100 meters on each side has an area of 1 hectare. Symbol: ha. 1 ha = 2.47 Acres approximately.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e4429a536442718c2bdb66ff1caa58dd", "text": "Metric Area A hectare (ha) is an area equal to a square that is 100 meters on each side. So a hectare has 100 m × 100 m = 10,000 m2 (square meters). Hectares are commonly used to measure land. A square kilometer is kilometer × kilometer, which is written km2.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "89b458bf4db718566a9909161f7dc6ba", "text": "Hectares - Acres Conversion You may be wondering how many hectares there are in x acres. To convert from acres to hectares multiply your x figure by 0.40468564224. Alternatively, you may want to know how many acres there are in x hectares. To convert from hectares to acres multiply your x figure by 2.4710538146717. As part of your answer checking process, select the appropriate unit from each 'select' box in the converter tool at the top of the page, enter your figure (x) into the 'value to convert' box and click the 'Convert!' button.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bc4e9225773dba906d79b91407050f4e", "text": "How many square meters are in a hectare? By definition, there are 10,000 square meters in a hectare. A hectare is a unit of measure for an area, and is used throughout much of the world in much the same way as an … acre is used in the United States.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "64d4e31285a0473b516e81aeff70fa9a", "text": "hectare The definition of a hectare is 2.471 acres. An example of a hectare is the size of a piece of property that a homeowner might buy to build their home in a rural area. one hundred ares or 10,000 square meters or 0.01 square kilometer (11,959.9 square yards or 2.471 acres): abbrev. ha.", "title": "" } ]
how to do piecewise function
[ { "docid": "1f1665a085137b876e729b67a1f575d9", "text": "Graph Piecewise Functions A piecewise function is usually defined by more than one formula: a fomula for each interval. Example 1: f( x ) = - x if x <= 2 = x if x > 2 What the above says is that if x is smaller than or equal to 2, the formula for the function is f( x ) = -x and if x is greater than 2, the formula is f( x ) = x.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "39ac085994da30a1e40f62c92e9bbb1e", "text": "- 4 of 4 Show All. 1. Find the Center of a Square or Rectangle in Perspective Step 1. 2. Find the Center of a Square or Rectangle in Perspective. 3. Find the Centre of a Square or Rectangle in Perspective Step 3. 4.ow you have the center of the front and back sides of your rectangle, dividing it neatly in half. If you draw a vertical straight through the center, you'll have the box divided into half vertically as well. 2 of 4 Show All. 1. Find the Center of a Square or Rectangle in Perspective Step 1.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0e5a0d539fb40f333c37e5c30f099e76", "text": "Bitwise operation A bitwise OR takes two bit patterns of equal length and performs the logical inclusive OR operation on each pair of corresponding bits. The result in each position is 0 if both bits are 0, while otherwise the result is 1. For example: The bitwise OR may be used to set the selected bits to 1.For example, it can be used for setting a specific bit (or flag) in a register, where each bit represents an individual Boolean state. bitwise OR takes two bit patterns of equal length and performs the logical inclusive OR operation on each pair of corresponding bits. The result in each position is 0 if both bits are 0, while otherwise the result is 1. For example: The bitwise OR may be used to set the selected bits to 1.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8577b47d253fc9207eb2819eb192fd86", "text": "- This is a lot of work and you would rather just work with one function, a function rule that would link the 2 directly to the 157. Since the g function operates on f(x), we can write the composition as g(f(x)). Let s call the new function h(x) = g(f(x)). You can simplify from the inside out or the outside in. Inside Out: Let s check to see if the above function will link 2 directly to 157. It does. Outside In: You can see that it is the same as the function we derived from the inside out.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1732a0420106eed37e8b94c9e779a5e3", "text": "Piecewise In mathematics, a piecewise-defined function (also called a piecewise function or a hybrid function) is a function which is defined by multiple sub-functions, each sub-function applying to a certain interval of the main function's domain (a sub-domain).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8545d4e62ae4f3808f0e220ba198246c", "text": "- Call it x. Each slice through the array is a two-dimensional matrix. You can see that size(x,1) = 6 and size(x,2) = 6, and indeed size(x,3) = 6. The size function counts the number of cubes along each side. Now consider what happens if we let y be a single slice of the array.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d400cd5f8732aade1b8c0c8807c1b0e8", "text": "Graph transformations of x-cubed functions Plot a basic x-cubed function. To plot a basic x-cubed function: 1 Click the x-cubed tool. 2 Click anywhere inside the graph or press Enter to display the basic function. 3 Use the sliders, text boxes, or checkboxes to change the horizontal and vertical positions of the curve, as explained below.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "50eb322a2f3f13aaa01e919f505c1973", "text": "- Graph a piecewise function and determine its domain and range. 1 Piecewise functions are defined using the common functional notation, where the body of the function is an array of functions and associated subdomains. The absolute value, $\\left | x \\right |$ is a very common piecewise function.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "84dfb3cb5396e51abd47178ee5546197", "text": "Piecewise Functions Piecewise Functions. A Function Can be in Pieces. We can create functions that behave differently based on the input (x) value. A function made up of 3 pieces. Example: when x is less than 2, it gives x2, when x is exactly 2 it gives 6. when x is more than 2 and less than or equal to 6 it gives the line 10-x.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "39f950d0b317fade4ad18931e4d9d620", "text": "Thinking Through A Basic Pong Game in Processing Thinking Through A Basic Pong Game in Processing. The Problem: Create a basic 1970s style Pong game for one player using the Processing programming language. The paddle will be on the right and the ball will bounce off of the three other sides. If the ball passes the paddle while the ball is traveling to the right, game play ends. The paddle will be controlled by the keyboard’s UP and DOWN arrow keys. The purpose of this article is to present my problem solving process as I create Pong.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2c6f60b7c47532a68c5a4e1ce156b84c", "text": "Math in HTML (and CSS) Sometimes it is best to present mathematical expressions in linearized notation. For example, instead of trying to find a way of presenting the square root of 2 in the normal mathematical way, you might write just sqrt(2). For quotients, you’d use notations like (a + b)/(a − b). Instead of exponents you might use notations like a**b or a^b (a to the power b).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cc08c210f2a77bfcb213f99e0e456160", "text": "Operations on Functions Graphs of f (x) , 2f (x) , and f (x). To stretch or shrink the graph in the x direction, divide or multiply the input by a constant. As in translating, when we change the input, the function changes to compensate.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0b6de39ff49f5265e343c51c30593c4b", "text": "- 1 Make an n length fixed array to hold the results. 2 Populate the array with the first n elements of the input. 3 Transform the array into a minheap. 4 Loop over remaining inputs, replacing the top element of the heap if new data element is larger. If needed, sort the final n elements.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ee2ed5c2c3bbd4e160b66afee9631aa6", "text": "- In this case, we can represent this game using the strategic form by laying down all the possible strategies for player 2: -go Right if player 1 goes Up, go Left otherwise; -go Left if player 1 goes Up, go Right otherwise; -go Right no matter what; -go Left no matter what.We can see how this game is described using the extensive form (game tree on the left) and using the strategic form (game matrix on the left). Since this is a sequential game, we must describe all possible outcomes depending on player 2 decisions, as seen in the game matrix.n this case, we can represent this game using the strategic form by laying down all the possible strategies for player 2: -go Right if player 1 goes Up, go Left otherwise; -go Left if player 1 goes Up, go Right otherwise; -go Right no matter what; -go Left no matter what.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1d9605ef8c86dc85a02b2dcdd0ff4aa3", "text": "- There are two fundamental verbs of data tidying: 1 gather() takes multiple columns, and gathers them into key-value pairs: it makes “wide” data longer. 2 spread(). takes two columns (key & value) and spreads in to multiple columns, it makes “long” data wider.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c2ba67c8fed400fcd3ffa871e1817b51", "text": "- In other words, the higher the number in the score, the greater the IQ and intelligence level. These classifications are still more or less valid today, that is, somebody with an IQ of 150, will still be thought of as more intelligent, than someone with an IQ of 110. There are many criticisms of this type of system however, since an IQ test does not measure all aspects of intelligence.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a5cae8601b70df3d79ac4d679c194a1a", "text": "Sorting 1 Bubble sort : Exchange two adjacent elements if they are out of order. Repeat until array is sorted. 2 Insertion sort : Scan successive elements for an out-of-order item, then insert the item in the proper place. Selection sort : Find the smallest element in the array, and put it in the proper place.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1619f9e698b0181e451e28642058a35b", "text": "- Piecewise functions are functions that have more than one part, the most common of which is the absolute value function. Each piece of the function has a well-defined domain, or x-value. To graph a piecewise function, you need only to be sure that you have properly defined the area for each graph and then only place the graph in that area.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "32721e1fef05579fd91d4daeb7b7c622", "text": "- We can create functions that behave differently based on the input (x) value. A function made up of 3 pieces. 1 when x is less than 2, it gives x2, when x is exactly 2 it gives 6.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "42debfb68c18bd66c9002a5ed36a16ce", "text": "Online Help The collect function views a as a general polynomial in x. It collects all the coefficients with the same rational power of x. This includes positive and negative powers, and fractional powers. Note that the resulting expression is not necessarily sorted by powers of x. To sort a polynomial see the sort function. There are four main purposes for using collect. Firstly, to simplify an expression by factoring out all terms of like powers in some indeterminate. Secondly, to expand a polynomial in a variable before applying the coeff function. Thirdly, to write a multivariate polynomial in different forms.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "088ba4842b248fa3c8c583bc14310b29", "text": "Piece work Piece work (or piecework) is any type of employment in which a worker is paid a fixed piece rate for each unit produced or action performed regardless of time.1 1 Context.n calculating an appropriate piece work rate, employers must keep track of average productivity rates for specific activities and set a piece work rate that ensures that all workers are able to earn minimum wage.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8b0ae3d847fa8e87546e373a66691732", "text": "CAUTION! CONSTRUCTION ZONE: A Piece-Rate Compensation System Can Be An Effective Tool For Construction Businesses, But What About Overtime? Under a piece‑rate system, an employer must perform the following calculation for each workweek that the employee works over 40 hours. First, similar to the minimum wage determination discussed above, the employer must determine the employee's effective hourly rate for the workweek based on the number of hours worked.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f0a389fd6abb06d0e2dd2437df5b9683", "text": "- Well, we don't want to leave division of functions out of the loop. It stands to reason that when you want to find the quotient of your functions you divide the functions. Example 4: If and then find (f/g)(x) and (f/g)(1) *Write as a quotient of the 2 functions. *Use the quotient found above to plug 1 in for x.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "26e044ad69f5bf2eabc973491acea617", "text": "- Sort items by function. Go through all of your keep items and decide what their primary function is. Like items should be grouped together so that you can decide how best to store them. They may be able to nest inside each other or otherwise be stored together efficiently.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "43a3cd80a0ac8ef5d325a750cc02fdbb", "text": "Function Grapher and Calculator To plot a function just type it into the function box. Zooming and Re-centering. To zoom, use the zoom slider. To the left zooms in, to the right zooms out. When you let go of the slider it goes back to the middle so you can zoom more. You can click-and-drag to move the graph around. If you just click-and-release (without moving), then the spot you clicked on will be the new center.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6b2f5113cb2d21fda774887271206dc3", "text": "How to Do a Cost Analysis Steps. 1 1. Define your CBA's unit of cost. 2 2. Itemize the tangible costs of the intended project. 3 3. Itemize any and all intangible costs. 4. Itemize the projected 1 benefits. 5. Add up and compare the project's costs and benefits. 6. Calculate a payback time for the 1 venture. 7. Use your CBA to inform your decision about whether to pursue your project.", "title": "" } ]
does melatonin secreted through kidneys
[ { "docid": "29ad5e2de306d22bda04cee17143a02d", "text": "Melatonin Melatonin is rapidly metabolized and taken up by all tissues, and its metabolites are excreted through the kidney. Melatonin supplementation should be avoided during pregnancy or planned mating based on possible hormonal effect.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "f14d40e37289d169a1a4b079790bde2b", "text": "Foods with Natural Melatonin A different brain chemical, though, melatonin, can get from our gut to our brain. Melatonin is a hormone secreted at night by the pineal gland in the center of our brain to help regulate our circadian rhythm.Supplements of the stuff are used to prevent and reduce jet lag, and about 20 years ago MIT got the patent to use melatonin to help people sleep. different brain chemical, though, melatonin, can get from our gut to our brain. Melatonin is a hormone secreted at night by the pineal gland in the center of our brain to help regulate our circadian rhythm.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e946245854c69394ba4ac5a25e89dab8", "text": "Renal prostaglandins. In the rat, however, renal prostaglandins augment pressor stimuli. 2. Basal efflux of renal prostaglandins is positively correlated with blood flow to the inner cortex and medulla. Those stimuli which increase renal medullary blood flow do so primarily by activating prostaglandin synthetase.3. Kinins increase prostaglandin synthesis which action modifies the renal effects of kinins.. Basal efflux of renal prostaglandins is positively correlated with blood flow to the inner cortex and medulla. Those stimuli which increase renal medullary blood flow do so primarily by activating prostaglandin synthetase. 3. Kinins increase prostaglandin synthesis which action modifies the renal effects of kinins.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "544457c279badc9de711ec25bf162175", "text": "- Secretion of hormones. Through the secretion of hormones, the kidneys help regulate other important functions, such as the production of red blood cells and the growth and maintenance of bones. The kidneys produce a hormone called erythropoietin, which stimulates the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0214b9ba28227d0a562035a71fe0f181", "text": "Why pineal gland and mental health are most important in these times Melatonin is released in the dark, during sleep. The pineal gland has been implicated in a number of disorders including cancer, sexual dysfunction, hypertension, epilepsy, Paget’s disease… The pineal gland calcifies with age and melatonin production correspondingly decreases.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "59a89869fb1e2b1f73c759a9737a508a", "text": "Caffeine Melatonin may affect blood pressure. Caution is advised in people taking drugs, herbs, or supplements that affect blood pressure. Melatonin may affect blood sugar levels. Caution is advised in people with diabetes or low blood sugar and those taking drugs, herbs, or supplements that affect blood sugar. Blood sugar levels may need to be monitored by a qualified healthcare professional, including a pharmacist, and medication adjustments may be necessary.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c532769441f9ca2f7a59572acb153e73", "text": "Our Blog Eat The Right Foods. Researchers with Thailand’s Khon Kaen University found that some tropical fruits have significant effects on melatonin production. Those include bananas, pineapple and oranges, just to name a few. These foods support good nutrition, too, making them healthy choices for a balanced diet as well.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d12c82a8cefc6f980b116c2f3ca0f2b9", "text": "Overview Overview. Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland in the brain. It helps regulate other hormones and maintains the body's circadian rhythm. The circadian rhythm is an internal 24-hour clock that plays a critical role in when we fall asleep and when we wake up. When it is dark, your body produces more melatonin. When it is light, the production of melatonin drops.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0ddb8b93e90e2a26d433190bc80a40ad", "text": "The hormone melatonin is secreted from the Melatonin is a hormone secreted from pineal gland and is important for the sleep-wakefulness cycle. High doses of melatonin can induce sleep(80mg) but low doses do not(2-10) but may only increase your propensity for slee.elatonin is a hormone secreted from pineal gland and is important for the sleep-wakefulness cycle. High doses of melatonin can induce sleep(80mg) but low doses do not(2-10) but may only increase your propensity for slee.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1e16df3db0ba917486eb4dfc2cda1431", "text": "Pineal Gland, Functions, Melatonin & Circadian Rhythm Lesson Summary. Let's review. The pineal gland is a tiny endocrine gland found in the brain. It produces and secretes the hormone melatonin, which is a hormone that helps regulate biological rhythms such as sleep and wake cycles.The secretion of melatonin is inhibited by light and triggered by darkness.hile the full function of the pineal gland is still somewhat mysterious, we do know that it secretes the hormone melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone from the pineal gland that helps regulate biological rhythms such as sleep and wake cycles.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cf8cf62bbd8506ef581e11eda6a2ae3f", "text": "Alternative names for melatonin Melatonin is carried by the circulation from the brain to all areas of the body. Tissues expressing proteins called receptors specific for melatonin are able to detect the peak in circulating melatonin at night and this signals to the body that it is night-time.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cf72280fcced3d75658e428775070d18", "text": "Melatonin and Sleep As a result, melatonin levels in the blood rise sharply and you begin to feel less alert. Sleep becomes more inviting. Melatonin levels in the blood stay elevated for about 12 hours - all through the night - before the light of a new day when they fall back to low daytime levels by about 9 am. Daytime levels of melatonin are barely detectable.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "640ca6705a21f7a6f2355d176637350e", "text": "The Pineal Gland and Melatonin The precursor to melatonin is serotonin, a neurotransmitter that itself is derived from the amino acid tryptophan. Within the pineal gland, serotonin is acetylated and then methylated to yield melatonin.Synthesis and secretion of melatonin is dramatically affected by light exposure to the eyes.he pineal gland or epiphysis synthesizes and secretes melatonin, a structurally simple hormone that communicates information about environmental lighting to various parts of the body. Ultimately, melatonin has the ability to entrain biological rhythms and has important effects on reproductive function of many animals.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "468d5b21a12651c66c3de41ce2936d97", "text": "- Melatonin, another hormone, is secreted by the pineal gland (a small gland in the middle of the brain), and it is involved in the sleep-wake cycle. Research on this hormone is ongoing, sometimes in conjunction with other medications for egg-laying problems (and also for feather-picking).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "03410886495709fd379cb6ed8d4943c4", "text": "Increase Height And Grow Taller Using Melatonin (BREAKTHROUGH, Getting Closer) Melatonin and resistance exercise alone have been shown to increase the levels of growth hormone (GH). The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of ingestion of a single dose of melatonin and heavy resistance exercise on serum GH, somatostatin (SST), and other hormones of the GH/insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) axis.*.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2dcb32f06b0b6dba14d282d769e15360", "text": "What Does the Pineal Gland Do? Melatonin secretion is regulated by light, as the pineal gland produces high levels when it is dark and stops producing it when it is light. The pineal gland has long been known as the third eye, due to its location near the center of the brain.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bd4ec95d74509824abbf14639027b64b", "text": "Melatonin Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland that regulates sleep-wake cycles, also called circadian rhythms. As we age, our bodies make less melatonin, and melatonin production is particularly impaired in those with Alzheimer’s and other dementias.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5b73d18baa2abf95bb4fface11f7df04", "text": "Naturopathic Sleep Medicine Today we’ll talk about natural melatonin cycles, how melatonin relates to health, and also how melatonin is taken as a supplement. Your Natural Melatonin Cycle. Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland. It also acts as a neurotransmitter.In dim light conditions melatonin levels will start to rise about 2 hours before your habitual bedtime, and peak about 2 hours afterwards.This increase is partly responsible for tired feelings before bedtime.oday we’ll talk about natural melatonin cycles, how melatonin relates to health, and also how melatonin is taken as a supplement. Your Natural Melatonin Cycle. Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland. It also acts as a neurotransmitter.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b28d05ea344c097bd68a23497d4ec675", "text": "What would be the maximum number of rows in Excel 2016? I have had a look at a few excel 2016 sites and announcements and nobody is talking about more rows for it. On the other hand Power Pivot will be native from 2016 and onwards and that makes the number of rows question obsolete as it can handle massive numbers of cells.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "502daf3ce25630d86152e782719c4a04", "text": "Melatonin Melatonin, also known as N-acetyl-5-methoxy tryptamine,[1] is a hormone that is produced by the pineal gland in animals and regulates sleep and wakefulness.[2] Melatonin is also produced in plants where it functions as a first line of defense against oxidative stress.[3]", "title": "" }, { "docid": "483500bd1ad3754fcbb60981e9db3d25", "text": "The Atlantean Conspiracy Typically, melatonin levels start to rise in the mid-to-late evening, after the sun has set. They stay elevated for most of the night while you’re in the dark. Then, they drop in the early morning as the sun rises, causing you to awaken.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "caf994bc4626e41ec92256039225fa7d", "text": "The Pineal Gland and Melatonin The Pineal Gland and Melatonin. The pineal gland or epiphysis synthesizes and secretes melatonin, a structurally simple hormone that communicates information about environmental lighting to various parts of the body.Ultimately, melatonin has the ability to entrain biological rhythms and has important effects on reproductive function of many animals.he Pineal Gland and Melatonin. The pineal gland or epiphysis synthesizes and secretes melatonin, a structurally simple hormone that communicates information about environmental lighting to various parts of the body.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4d4ab7cf57ddfac5e05b173cb9e07922", "text": "Melatonin Melatonin is one of the hormones produced by the pineal gland in all vertebrates. It is also produced in extrapineal organs, such as the eye, GI tract, bone, skin, lymphocytes, platelets, and thymus.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a602284cd35657219f8743a9339f2a67", "text": "Alternative names for the pineal gland Melatonin secreted by the pineal gland is an important part of the body's circadian timing system and can synchronise daily rhythms (see the articles on jet lag and circadian rhythm sleep disorders).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "87d2f2901605de91088f18dfb1dd8983", "text": "The hormone melatonin is secreted from the Melatonin is a naturally occurring neuro-hormone that is secreted by the pineal gland in the brain. When released from the pineal gland, melatonin causes drowsiness and a decrease in core body temperature. The levels of melatonin rise throughout the evening hours and peak in the middle of the night.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9c313eb9a9847751122b2580768711c5", "text": "Melatonin Test - The Sleep Hormone Melatonin Test - The Sleep Hormone. Melatonin, also popularly known as the hormone of sleep, is primarily secreted by the pineal gland. The hormone is synthesized in the melatonin pineal gland, which is present in the brain. Melatonin is an extremely important hormone which serves as the major modulator of the daily biorhythms of the body.", "title": "" } ]
was social security first meant only for retired workers
[ { "docid": "414ac3bc169f564b96847c78cc2f4660", "text": "- * When Social Security first began, beneficiaries could take their benefits as a lump sum. [64] The earliest reported applicant for a lump sum Social Security benefit was Ernest Ackerman of Cleveland, OH. Mr. Ackerman retired one day after the program began and paid $0.05 in Social Security taxes.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "b4e270ace770932febe35351268fcfdd", "text": "Historical Background and Development of Social Security The decade of the 1960s brought major changes to the Social Security program. Under the Amendments of 1961, the age at which men are first eligible for old-age insurance was lowered to 62, with benefits actuarially reduced (women previously were given this option in 1956).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "01021b6e32dc269956c26da984c3e99d", "text": "Social Security Act In response to the petition, Congress passed the Social Security Act. Social Security Board Poster. The Social Security Act established Old Age and Survivors' Insurance that provided for compulsory savings for wage earners so that benefits may be paid to them on retirement at 65. To finance the scheme, both the employer and employee had to pay a 3% payroll tax.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "75879721e2bbbe7d64430d4835543c0e", "text": "Benefits Planner: Retirement Until 1984, employment by the federal government was covered under the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) and not by Social Security. If you worked for a federal agency during those years, you did not pay Social Security tax on your earnings and those earnings are not shown on your record. In 1984, a second retirement system—the Federal Employees Retirement System, or FERS—was introduced. People who began working for the Federal government in 1984 or later are covered by FERS instead of CSRS. Also, some workers who had been covered by the CSRS program chose to switch to the FERS program when it became available. Work under FERS is covered by Social Security.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9813689dc6412a50fb6fe6433b2814a6", "text": "- In 1935, President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act. This new federal legislature started the collecting of taxes in 1937. Since then, working citizens across the United States began paying into social security in order to have a form of guaranteed income once they reached retirement age. The Social Security Act was initially meant to be a form of basic retirement for working individuals. However, in 1939, an amendment was made to the act that allowed spouses and/or children to begin receiving social security survivor benefits if a parent or spouse was deceased and qualified for social security income.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "730f3833517b8295fc2713e6679e2212", "text": "Social Securityâs real retirement age is 70 Social Security’s full retirement age used to be a meaningful concept. Before 1972, maximum monthly Social Security benefits were paid at 65, and monthly benefits were not increased for claiming later. In 1972, Congress introduced a Delayed Retirement Credit, which increased benefits by 1% of the full retirement age benefit for each year of delay.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "537b52efd146520fea3ffe57b7b48a1e", "text": "- The NRA is the age at which retired workers can begin to receive unreduced Social Security benefits. For 60 years, starting in 1940, the NRA was 65. The monthly benefits payable to workers who elect to. receive benefits before the NRA are reduced to compensate for the resulting longer payout period.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a660bd04d252b2c078524a726925ad5f", "text": "What year did Social Security begin? Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act in August 1935. The first one-time, lump-sum payments were made in January 1937, and regular monthly benefits were first paid in January 1940. Medicare wasn't enacted until July 1965, with the first beneficiaries signing up approximately one year later.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "522ae6434d588ec9e87dca71459d956c", "text": "Are DRCâs For You? You can start Social Security retirement as young as age 62 or wait to a later age. Full retirement age (FRA), sometimes called normal retirement age, is the Social Security Administration term for how old a person must be to receive retirement without age-based reductions. Benefits started prior to FRA are referred to as “early” while those started past FRA are “late”.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3a1b619e2a24ee288d3794a8ecd80305", "text": "Social Security (United States) In the United States, Social Security is primarily the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) federal program. The original Social Security Act (1935) and the current version of the Act, as amended, encompass several social welfare and social insurance programs.Social Security is funded through payroll taxes called Federal Insurance Contributions Act tax (FICA) or Self Employed Contributions Act Tax (SECA).n the United States, Social Security is primarily the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) federal program. The original Social Security Act (1935) and the current version of the Act, as amended, encompass several social welfare and social insurance programs.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "54cbd38fd7536e8828e7e7319eea655b", "text": "- While Social Security is expected to be only one part of a person's retirement income, many minorities rely on it for more of their income. 1 Because African Americans tend to have lower earnings and less pension coverage than White Americans, Social Security is extremely important for African American retirees.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0ce2d648ba132fb0e1562a5e1ef6d6c1", "text": "Social Securityâs real retirement age is 70 Social Security’s retirement age is 70. The simple fact is that monthly benefits are highest at age 70 and are reduced actuarially for each year they are claimed before age 70. This is a relatively new development, which may explain why Social Security’s retirement age is the best-kept secret in town.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "83d9dccd4ba44c85c11b595051a5ca5b", "text": "Social Security History Franklin Roosevelt introduced the Social Security (FICA) program. He promised: 1) That participation in the program would be completely voluntary; 2) That the participants would only have to pay 1% of the first $1,400 of their annual incomes into the program;", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f69ec7ce76c012421d970f76dae717af", "text": "Social Security: Why It Was Created and How It Works In 2015, Social Security turned 80 years old. The original Social Security Act was signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1935. At that time, the U.S. was just beginning to recover from the Great Depression.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ee8cc31f813d9b4a7d2e983d7b747195", "text": "News And now, the history lesson: 1 Franklin Roosevelt, a Democrat, introduced the Social Security (FICA) Program. He promised that participation in the Program would be completely voluntary. 2 Roosevelt promised that the participants would only have to pay 1% of the first $1,400 of their annual incomes into the Program.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "54d32e31caac9ba581fc9f3a580aea73", "text": "History of Social Security in the United States The Social Security Act was enacted August 14, 1935. The Act was drafted during President Franklin D. Roosevelt's first term by the President's Committee on Economic Security, under Frances Perkins, and passed by Congress as part of the New Deal.n 1937, 1938, and 1939, she paid a total of $24.75 into the Social Security System. Her first check was for $22.54. After her second check, Fuller already had received more than she contributed over the three-year period. She lived to be 100, and she collected a total of $22,888.92.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f00a92eeacc411dbbccf2fd791221d02", "text": "- The first four decades of the Social Security program were, in general, ones of expansion. In fact, the program was expanded even before it became truly operational. In 1939, amendments added child, spouse, and survivor benefits to the retirement benefits authorized by the 1935 Act.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3382372f3e45318401e1bab0bf696efd", "text": "DEFINITION of 'Social Security' DEFINITION of 'Social Security'. A United States federal program of social insurance and benefits developed in 1935. The Social Security program's benefits include retirement income, disability income, Medicare and Medicaid, and death and survivorship benefits. Social Security is one of the largest government programs in the world, paying out hundreds of billions of dollars per year. Based on the year someone was born, retirement benefits may begin as early as age 62 and as late as age 67.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "95d0320b9d9a01eae225833a3c766604", "text": "Social Security (United States) In the United States, Social Security is the commonly used term for the federal Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance program. The original Social Security Act was signed into law by President Franklin Roosevelt in 1935, and the current version of the Act, as amended, encompasses several social welfare and social insurance programs. Social Security is funded primarily through payroll taxes called Federal Insurance Contributions Act tax or Self Employed Contributions Act Tax. Tax deposits", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7b014fec266f88c21f2fcdd674639850", "text": "- Full Retirement Age. The FRA is the earliest age at which workers can claim full, unreduced Social Security retired-. worker benefits.1 The FRA is also referred to as the “normal retirement age” in some publications. For most of Social Security’s history, the FRA was 65. Why the age of 65 was chosen for the.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "789730c90b8576eb323fa82f35d6a48c", "text": "Social Security Act (1935) On August 14, 1935, the Social Security Act established a system of old-age benefits for workers, benefits for victims of industrial accidents, unemployment insurance, aid for dependent mothers and children, the blind, and the physically handicapped.he act created a uniquely American solution to the problem of old-age pensions. Unlike many European nations, U.S. social security insurance was supported from contributions in the form of taxes on individuals’ wages and employers’ payrolls rather than directly from Government funds.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "911a150a3bef446fd32c96e1c704b818", "text": "Who uses COBIT 5? What is COBIT 5? COBIT 5 is the only business framework for the governance and management of enterprise IT. It is the product of a global task force and development team from ISACA, a nonprofit, independent association of more than 140,000 governance, security, risk and assurance professionals in 187 countries.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f2fc80fe7a34194c2de3c4620fad5d41", "text": "What is the social security act? In Social Security. ANSWER The federal retirement plan enacted by Congress in 1935. The original purpose (unchanged today) of the Act was to adopt a system that required the current workin…g generation to contribute to the support of older, retired workers.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a323ca1a4302f4d075103d077ac0aff3", "text": "How Social Security Numbers Work During the Social Security program's start-up period between January 1937 and December 1939, the SSA only made one-time, lump-sum payments. According to SSA historians, Ernest Ackerman was the first recipient of Social Security benefits -- 17 cents, paid to him in January 1937. The first person to receive monthly benefits was Ida May Fuller from Vermont, who retired in November 1939 and started collecting benefits in January 1940 at age 65. In the three years that Fuller worked under the program, she contributed a total of $24.75.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "771301236337d9aa235b5a9e3b767ca2", "text": "DEFINITION of 'Social Security' DEFINITION of 'Social Security' A United States federal program of social insurance and benefits developed in 1935. The Social Security program's benefits include retirement income, disability income, Medicare and Medicaid, and death and survivorship benefits. Social Security is one of the largest government programs in the world, paying out hundreds of billions of dollars per year.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1f518aa50b5c5e6e301b3bc2ec6fb7c3", "text": "The Social Security Act In the 1950s, more people were added to Social Security`s beneficiary pool, and the benefit was increased, including the first cost-of-living allowance (COLA) since 1940. In 1956, disability insurance was instituted and augmented over subsequent years.", "title": "" } ]
what is a mooring dolphin
[ { "docid": "5b157bf41827de1119e6adcf55880a87", "text": "Dolphins: Mooring, Breasting & Berthing Dolphins: Mooring, Breasting & Berthing. A dolphin is an isolated marine structure for berthing and mooring of vessels. It is a common practice to combine dolphins with piers which drastically reduces the size of piers. Dolphins are generally divided into two types, namely breasting dolphins and mooring dolphins.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "f25e9355853b2681f5d7900708b86140", "text": "What is a Mooring Buoy? Mooring buoys are a type of buoy, to which, ships can be moored in the deep oceanic areas. A mooring buoy weighs more than the general type of buoys. A buoy is a type of an object that floats in water and is used in the middle of the seas as locators or as warning points for the ships. Buoys are generally bright (fluorescent) in colour. Mooring buoys are a type of buoy, to which, ships can be moored in the deep oceanic areas. A mooring buoy weighs more than the general type of buoys. The mooring buoy is designed in a manner that there is a heavier weight located right in the bottom of the sea.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3bb868b16074ec33c43ac53386b626bf", "text": "Dolphin Fishing on Floridaâs East Coast Dolphin Fishing on Florida’s East Coast. Dolphin (aka Mahi-Mahi) are truly the perfect gamefish. When the schools of Dolphin are found they aggressively attack the baits. When they are hooked they put on an impressive show with spectacular jumps while stripping lots of line from the reel. We catch Dolphin year round with the most active periods being Spring and Fall.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d553d127eb73988103555653676b3fbf", "text": "Moorings Many people ask questions about how to find a residential or non-residential mooring on London's Regent's Canal or in one of the basins alongside it. The rest of this page offers details of the museum's own moorings, some general information and useful links.iving on a boat is not as cheap as some people hope that it might be. In addition to the usual household bills for fuel, taxes, insurance etc.boats require maintenance. There is a shortage of residential moorings in London.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f4c6fbf2c2a46ec88ac5773c215f1b1e", "text": "Setting Your Own Mooring Buoy A typical mooring system consists of a pendant, buoy, riding chain, ground chain, various shackles and swivels, and finally some means of anchoring the whole system to the bottom. [see illustration below]. Illustration by Jan Adkins.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "064ea3625f3196bac7a51b0f7eebb5af", "text": "- Mass strandings of dolphins, whales, and other marine mammals date back to the time of Aristotle, but some environmental activists have suggested that human impacts of pollution, shipping noise and, in some cases, military sonar have led to a rise in such frequency and severity of such events.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "80b19f06c46ab219b913f933ff40dd2b", "text": "Catgut Chromic Sutures Progut is the brand name of catgut sutures manufactured by Dolphin Sutures. Catgut suture a natural absorbable suture and is obtained by longitudinally slitting the intestinal submucosa of sheep and goat, twisting the ribbons and joining them in wet condition giving monofilament finish.atgut suture a natural absorbable suture and is obtained by longitudinally slitting the intestinal submucosa of sheep and goat, twisting the ribbons and joining them in wet condition giving monofilament finish.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "04bd853ad12d83582807238b0a8f75eb", "text": "- DESCRIPTION: EASY TO CLEAN VINYL FLOORING, FISHING PACKAGE, BLACK MOORING COVER, BUILT IN RAIL LOCK SYSTEM FOR MOORING COVER, BOW FISHING POSITIONS WITH FOLD DOWN FISHING CHAIRS, AERATED LIVE WELL WITH PADDED CUSHION, PORT PULL-OUT BOARDING LADDER, CONSOLE WITH DRINK & ROD HOLDERS, L-LOUNGE WITH UNDER SEAT STORAGE, COLOR-KEYED BIMINI TOP!", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5c971ef10fd1ab0b7dd99bc0a257e5a0", "text": "- What does it mean for a boat or ship to swing to anchor? When a boat/ship/vessel wants to remain at the same spot, it either moors or anchors. Mooring involves attaching the boat to a buoy, which is itself attached to the ground, us…ually by a chain.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "157ad2813685161ba528451cfe519199", "text": "- Be prepared to shop around. Moorings are usually priced according to boat length and popularity of the area – supply and demand means that you’ll pay more in the south where land prices are highest, and obviously sites with more sophisticated services command higher fees.ur mooring policies provide for a single boat to be moored at the end of a canal or riverside garden associated with a single residential property. This does not apply on the Kennet & Avon Canal, and on other waterways, there may be constraints depending on the precise location.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0f97acff4f57fdc7612e72488d7e8a6c", "text": "Dolphin Encounters Becomes First in The Bahamas to Achieve Humane Certification for Animal Welfare The Dolphin Encounters Adventure. Your experience begins with a relaxing 20-minute scenic boat ride on one of our double-decker catamarans. The cruise takes you past historic Nassau landmarks, the luxury homes of Paradise Island, beaches and through clear aquamarine waters to magnificent Blue Lagoon Island where you swim with dolphins.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "920a84b8e14161e3b0f8892a3f3187c2", "text": "Anglian waterways: bridges, locks and facilities for boaters At part residential moorings you can live aboard your boat in the same location for 11 months of the year. You need to vacate your mooring for at least one month of the year to comply with planning laws.At full residential moorings you can live aboard your boat all year round.ou will probably pay a little more for these moorings and will need to pay Council Tax. The Environment Agency manages visitor moorings at the marina. Contact the Marina Manager on 01604 604 344 for more information. Other mooring providers are available, including clubs and private marinas.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6abd9e10cd8305dafbe1ea246d63429d", "text": "Blue Moorii Cichlid They are pretty difficult to breed in captivity, so most of these fish are wild caught. Other common names it is known by include Blue Dolphin Cichlid, Malawi Blue Dolphin, Hump-head, Blue Lumphead, Hap moorii, and Humphead Mouthbrooder. They inhabit sandy coastal areas at depths between 10 - 49 feet (3 - 15 m).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6e3683dad939f39ea357fcf9fe521f39", "text": "Catgut Chromic Sutures PROGUT-Catgut Sutures. Progut is the brand name of catgut sutures manufactured by Dolphin Sutures. Catgut suture a natural absorbable suture and is obtained by longitudinally slitting the intestinal submucosa of sheep and goat, twisting the ribbons and joining them in wet condition giving monofilament finish.atgut chromic sutures are absorbed by enzymatic hydrolysis and starts loosing tensile strength from 18-21 days on implantation. Catgut sutures are treated with chromic salt to enhance absorption period and reduce any adverse tissue reaction. Catgut sutures are available in dark brown colour.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bc4940e5e36f3d79c03ec33e7423986b", "text": "- See media help. Greenwich Pier is a pier on the River Thames in the Royal Borough of Greenwich, London. It is operated by London River Services and called at by various river cruise operators, mostly operating public cruise services to and from Central London. It is currently undergoing major refurbishment and a temporary dock is in place. 1 Local attractions.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "268fb80373b12c840ff23a19e118fc36", "text": "Dolphin Cove Description. Dolphin Cove is a marine park which allows visitors to swim with dolphins and other marine life in their natural environment. Have the experience of a lifetime as you get up close and personal with amazing animals.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dd35f78428b87656af10ad6abd717416", "text": "Journey of the Pink Dolphins: An Amazon Quest Journey of the Pink Dolphins: An Amazon Quest. by Sy Montgomery. Journey of the Pink Dolphins: An Amazon Quest 3.84 of 5 stars 3.84 · rating details · 202 ratings · 25 reviews. Scientists call them Inia geoffrensis, an ancient species of toothed whale whose origin dates back about 15 million years.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "52ba808ff43ee10ff4afec923b92c996", "text": "Make Fast But in the boating world, the nautical term for securing your boat to the dock is ensuring the boat is made fast to the structure. Since this is a boating publication, we'll focus on the latter. Securing your pontoon or deck boat in a slip takes docking lines-or mooring lines-to successfully secure it to the dock.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "513f3c14f6cb86334be7d707a597d129", "text": "- Perfect entertainment: Up-close and underwater! Facing the waters of the Pacific Ocean, Dolphin Discovery Los Cabos brings you the best adventure with our Dolphin Swim and Ride. Your program begins with a bottlenose dolphin, swimming in its natural habitat, the cool waters of the Pacific Ocean.acilities: lockers (with deposit), bathrooms, towels (limited), wetsuit, life jacket, showers, beach. This swim with dolphins program includes the belly ride, boogie push, a handshake, hugs, kisses, a dolphin song, and free time. Meals and beverages in Dolphin Discovery Los Cabos facilities.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "50a175751934a7d037b6fed58baf4a2a", "text": "- Approach the mooring buoy slowly with the bow of your boat into the wind and your dingy pulled close on a short line. Have a crew member ready with a boat hook at the bow to direct you and to pick up the mooring pennant. You may find that at idle speed by shifting alternately from forward to neutral you can coast to the buoy, then shift into reverse for a second to stop the boat as the crew member lifts the pennant on board.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b93ac7315bd74ff64196549cdfd46813", "text": "Bottlenose dolphin The Bottlenose dolphins are the dolphin species that is known as flipper in Flipper (1964 TV series). Tião was a well-known solitary female Bottlenose Dolphin that was first spotted in the town of São Sebastião in Brazil around 1994 and frequently allowed humans to interact with her.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "494175ab37d05e837dd06ff5ad78341a", "text": "Living on a boat on a canal or river mooring. Unfortunately residential moorings are in short supply. Residential moorings where you can live on a boat long term certainly exist. The Canal & River Trust and The Environment Agency run some, there are privately owned residential moorings including on some boatyards and marinas.owever you must keep moving or be on a 'residential mooring'. If you want to stay in one area but don't have an official residential mooring it can be a very insecure way of life. You can be told to move regularly.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e159ad25f69f0145839033a45eef4723", "text": "- In this case, you can let out the line to release the tension and then use a bow, stern or spring line to pull the boat closer to the dock. These are Taylor Mooring multi-piece mooring whips and I'm not a big fan of their mooring products. Compare them to the Monarch and there is no comparison. (2) Pull a bow or stern line in a foot or so and board the boat. Then release the mooring lines and let others board from the dock. (3) The last option is a boarding ramp (or gangway). I made one using PT lumber and a bumber that rests on the boats top cap, but don't use it much.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5e889b58164b3e4bf89e7d4c12d348e5", "text": "moor 1. to secure (a ship, boat, dirigible, etc.) in a particular place, as by cables and anchors or by lines. 2. to fix firmly; secure. 3. to moor a ship, small boat, etc. 4. to be made secure by cables or the like. [1485–95; akin to Old English mǣrelsrāp rope for mooring a ship; see marline ]. 1. a member of any of the groups of North African Arabs and Berbers who ruled parts of the Iberian Peninsula from the 8th century to 1492.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a944816770b01c3411f81deb3ac6c2c6", "text": "About Cardiac Arrest A heart attack can cause a cardiac arrest. In cardiac arrest (also called sudden cardiac death or SCD), death results when the heart suddenly stops working properly. This is caused by abnormal, or irregular, heart rhythms (called arrhythmias). The most common arrhythmia in cardiac arrest is ventricular fibrillation.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fb31a2bce0165104578f5b24834fb4ad", "text": "- For other uses, see Dolphin (disambiguation). Dolphins are a widely distributed and diverse group of aquatic mammals. They are an informal grouping within the order Cetacea, excluding whales and porpoises, so to zoologists the grouping is paraphyletic.", "title": "" } ]
what does echocardiogram show
[ { "docid": "ea5bad3966342bd71c039944201404c1", "text": "What is an echocardiogram? An echocardiogram (echo=sound + card=heart + gram=drawing) is an ultrasound test that can evaluate the structures of the heart, as well as the direction of blood flow within it. Technicians specially trained in echocardiography produce the images and videos, often using a special probe or transducer that is placed in various places on the chest wall, to view the heart from different directions.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "4491910ea239cf29853aa6a1ea4a68f8", "text": "Echocardiogram Echocardiography is used to look at the heart of a child or fetus. An echocardiogram is an ultrasound that helps doctors to see the structure and function of the heart and to evaluate blood flow within the heart and blood vessels.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7bc0c95a7c822f58cb37348f86695dea", "text": "Echocardiogram Echocardiogram. Guide. An echocardiogram (also called an echo) is a type of ultrasound test that uses high-pitched sound waves that are sent through a device called a transducer. The device picks up echoes of the sound waves as they bounce off the different parts of your heart. These echoes are turned into moving pictures of your heart that can be seen on a video screen. The different types of echocardiograms are: 1 Transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE). This test is done to: 1 Look for the cause of abnormal heart sounds (murmurs or clicks), an enlarged heart, unexplained chest pain or pressure, shortness of breath, or irregular heartbeats. 2 Check the thickness and movement of the heart wall.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0adccb72e09c37e86285e7db6da73dda", "text": "Echocardiogram Doppler echocardiogram. When sound waves bounce off blood cells moving through your heart and blood vessels, they change pitch. These changes (Doppler signals) can help your doctor measure the speed and direction of the blood flow in your heart.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "857289b7d6c118fe18ad885faddc7373", "text": "Echocardiogram An echocardiogram is a test that uses sound waves to create pictures of the heart. The picture and information it produces is more detailed than a standard x-ray image. An echocardiogram does not expose you to radiation.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4a5ffc22b99bd5cac6df0ea7d9f7b7a0", "text": "Historical Hurricane Tracks - GIS Map Viewer Data for more than 6000 global tropical cyclones are included in the IBTrACS database, spanning the last 150 years. For each storm, position, sustained winds, and minimum central pressure data points are collected.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "add55843dbdc3a94784f47dae382eefb", "text": "Echocardiogram An echocardiogram is an ultrasound scan of the heart. It is sometimes just called an 'echo'. Ultrasound is a very high-frequency sound that you cannot hear but it can be emitted and detected by special machines.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fbcfb7510ebe9457032ec5d77eba6744", "text": "Overview An echocardiogram uses sound waves to produce images of your heart. This commonly used test allows your doctor to see your heart beating and pumping blood. Your doctor can use the images from an echocardiogram to identify heart disease.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f7110ff73a2255dec9def123c74fb6c2", "text": "- A stress echocardiogram tests how well your heart and blood vessels are working, especially under stress. Read on to learn more. A stress echocardiogram tests how well your heart and blood vessels are working, especially under stress.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "30df26727782e44a43fe9950b8a14703", "text": "Overview Your doctor may suggest an echocardiogram if he or she suspects problems with the valves or chambers of your heart or if heart problems are the cause of symptoms such as shortness of breath or chest pain. An echocardiogram can also be used to detect congenital heart defects in unborn babies (fetal echocardiogram). Depending on what information your doctor needs, you may have one of the following kinds of echocardiograms: 1 Transthoracic echocardiogram. 2 Transesophageal echocardiogram. 3 Doppler echocardiogram. 4 Stress echocardiogram.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9bf70a62afab93808f303f8f7dd32884", "text": "- Main Content: Echocardiogram and high blood pressure. An echocardiogram is a scan which gives a detailed view of the structures of your heart, and which can show how well your heart is working. The scan uses a probe that sends out sound waves, which are reflected back by the muscles and tissues in your heart.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "af6e3beb3e3efc8d91599e64cf268d06", "text": "Overview Your doctor may suggest an echocardiogram if he or she suspects problems with the valves or chambers of your heart or if heart problems are the cause of symptoms such as shortness of breath or chest pain. An echocardiogram can also be used to detect congenital heart defects in unborn babies (fetal echocardiogram). Depending on what information your doctor needs, you may have one of the following kinds of echocardiograms: Transthoracic echocardiogram. This is a standard, noninvasive echocardiogram.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1483c5a11bb1c053fc757057d5f6245a", "text": "Echocardiography Echocardiogram, often referred to as a cardiac echo or simply an echo, is a sonogram of the heart. (It is not abbreviated as ECG, an abbreviation for an electrocardiogram .) Echocardiography uses standard two-dimensional, three-dimensional, and Doppler ultrasound to create images of the heart.ot only can an echocardiogram create ultrasound images of heart structures, but it can also produce accurate assessment of the blood flowing through the heart by Doppler echocardiography, using pulsed or continuous wave Doppler ultrasound.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a25b82b10bc3bc23e84c25eb228e3b68", "text": "- Echocardiogram. Guide. An echocardiogram (also called an echo) is a type of ultrasound test that uses high-pitched sound waves that are sent through a device called a transducer. The device picks up echoes of the sound waves as they bounce off the different parts of your heart.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d912e64e2ce4d02cbeb184328c830f6d", "text": "Echocardiogram - Echo An echo uses sound waves to create pictures of your heart’s chambers, valves, walls and the blood vessels (aorta, arteries, veins) attached to your heart. A probe called a transducer is passed over your chest. The probe produces sound waves that bounce off your heart and “echo” back to the probe. These waves are changed into pictures viewed on a video monitor. An echo can’t harm you.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "afdbcabd3d54abbd4cdc1435fa2607cf", "text": "Echocardiogram and high blood pressure Main Content: Echocardiogram and high blood pressure. Echocardiogram and high blood pressure. An echocardiogram is a scan which gives a detailed view of the structures of your heart, and which can show how well your heart is working. The scan uses a probe that sends out sound waves, which are reflected back by the muscles and tissues in your heart.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2ceb9fff6c3bccb459261773087d11c1", "text": "Echocardiograms for Heart Valve Disease This puts stress on the heart and makes it harder for the heart to pump blood. Valve disease is usually first found if your doctor hears a noise called a heart murmur during a routine exam. If you have a heart murmur, your doctor may order an echocardiogram. This will depend on the sounds the doctor hears. An echocardiogram is a simple ultrasound that creates images of your heart. The images can show whether your heart valves are working properly and, if not, how serious the problem is. Mild valve disease usually doesn’t cause problems.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3f550c182b7a8587ea374a0458a79b00", "text": "Echocardiography Not only can an echocardiogram create ultrasound images of heart structures, but it can also produce accurate assessment of the blood flowing through the heart by Doppler echocardiography, using pulsed or continuous wave Doppler ultrasound. This allows assessment of both normal and abnormal blood flow through the heart.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a0e46ce90bc1747e6364c23f07e8f631", "text": "What Does An Echocardiogram Show? What Does An Echocardiogram Show – Heart Valve Function Echocardiograms show structure and function of the 4 valves in the heart. The aortic valve, the mitral valve, the tricuspid valve and the pulmonic valve.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b33b688ee87305581adbe1276b0d69e0", "text": "Echocardiogram What does an echocardiogram show? The echo looks at the structure of your heart and the heart valves, and also gives information on the function and pumping action of your heart. It can be a useful test if you have recently had a heart attack or if you have heart failure.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "08129fe003933f18afdfdeb59bc1d80d", "text": "- Echocardiogram - Echo. 1 The size and shape of your heart, and the size, thickness and movement of your heart’s walls. 2 How your heart moves. 3 The heart’s pumping strength. 4 If the heart valves are working correctly. 5 If blood is leaking backwards through your heart valves (regurgitation). 6 If the heart valves are too narrow (stenosis).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0859cf0bba3b14f7f1a565a261ed6244", "text": "Who needs an echocardiogram? The echocardiogram can evaluate the size, the function of the heart muscle as well as the heart valves. Patients who have a history of heart attacks may have weak heart muscles or an area of the heart muscle that does not contract effectively. An echocardiogram may also demonstrate other reasons outside of the heart that may be causing these symptoms.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "08d5e1f676158e6c2dff4b329cc6dd66", "text": "Echocardiogram A type of echo called Doppler ultrasound shows how well blood flows through your heart's chambers and valves. Echo can detect possible blood clots inside the heart, fluid buildup in the pericardium (the sac around the heart), and problems with the aorta. The aorta is the main artery that carries oxygen-rich blood from your heart to your body. Doctors also use echo to detect heart problems in infants and children.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "54d8d14d3683efb4e276d952bd0fc3ad", "text": "Echocardiogram An echocardiogram (often called an echo) is a graphic outline of the heart 's movement. During this test, high-frequency sound waves, called ultrasound, provide pictures of the heart's valves and chambers. This allows the technician, called a sonographer, to evaluate the pumping action of the heart.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "52e71728b5a0ab89c5e318130c0013de", "text": "- Echocardiogram. Guide. An echocardiogram (also called an echo) is a type of ultrasound test that uses high-pitched sound waves that are sent through a device called a transducer.The device picks up echoes of the sound waves as they bounce off the different parts of your heart.chocardiogram. Guide. An echocardiogram (also called an echo) is a type of ultrasound test that uses high-pitched sound waves that are sent through a device called a transducer.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7ce9a25078b214b65712458ebb7cd5c0", "text": "- An echocardiogram is a test that uses high-frequency. sound waves (ultrasound) to check your heart. The sound. waves bounce (or “echo”) off structures in your heart, and. the echoes are shown as images on a monitor. A stress echocardiogram compares your heart when it is at. rest and when it is working hard.", "title": "" } ]
latin pax
[ { "docid": "83a09bc3f71623d168e621176201ca1d", "text": "- Peace is an English equivalent of the Latin word pax.Specifically and by extension, the word also may mean calm, quiet, serenity or grace. The.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "75d04fe300ee5f5d4c03d4938b9269b7", "text": "- This page lists English translations of notable Latin phrases, such as veni vidi vici and et cetera. Some of the phrases are themselves translations of Greek phrases, as Greek rhetoric and literature reached its peak centuries before the rise of ancient Rome.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fcd9886bc8f0f2cbb4c747c9a4dca484", "text": "Pax Romana Facts Pax Romana refers to the time period of 27 BC to 180 AD when the Roman Empire is considered to have been fairly peaceful. Pax Romana is Latin for 'Roman peace', and because this peace was established by Augustus, this time period is also referred to as Pax Augusta. What makes Pax Romana miraculous is that there had never been a time period of peace that lasted as long as this one did.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "15a7d824d16f01e8f495b7cce3506d31", "text": "- Pax Romana means 'Peace of Rome' or you can say 'Roman Peace'. It refers to the approximately 207 years of peace and prosperity that the Roman empire enjoyed after the est … ablishment of the principate. It was a period of relative peace and cultural achievement in the Roman Empire.ax is the latin term for Peace PAX is also known as pack per person. The term ended up being designation for unit per person.. It now applies to everything such as hotel … rooms, seats on flights and restaurants meals. 66 people found this useful.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e952bc337e976501b16341eec803ae44", "text": "6c. The Pax Romana One of the most famous structures built during the Pax Romana, the Pantheon in Rome, has one of the largest freestanding domes in the world to this day. During the Pax Romana, many of Rome's finest writers (such as Horace, Virgil, Ovid, and Livy) produced literary and poetic masterpieces.he Pax Romana began when Octavian became the leader of the Roman Empire. After the murder of Julius Caesar, a period of civil war erupted in Rome.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "51444e3dc07493ee0944343e7ffb89f6", "text": "quaque Nihil homini tam prospere datum divinitus, quin ei admixtum sit aliquid difficultatis, in amplissima quaque laetitia subest quaedam querimonia, conjugatione quadam mellis et fellis. Haec cum dixisset, procedit extra munitiones quaque pars hostium confertissma est visa irrumpit.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "76d4b0e3cb2f5aaebab308dcf0f2dde1", "text": "Quizlet Lists Definition: Pax Romana is Latin for Roman Peace.. The Pax Romana lasted from about 27 B.C. (with Augustus) until A.D. 180 - the death of Marcus Aurelius. Some date the Pax Romana from A.D. 30 to the reign of Nerva. Others date it as late in the reign of Augustus as the year A.D. 14.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b10e800458db42230ff1ee16d1414466", "text": "- PAX (event) PAX (originally known as Penny Arcade Expo) is a series of gaming festivals held in Seattle, Boston, Melbourne, Philadelphia, and San Antonio. PAX was created by Jerry Holkins and Mike Krahulik, the authors of the Penny Arcade webcomic, because they wanted to attend a show exclusively for gaming.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "83d89cdac154ac881c985be8ef8d3165", "text": "- The last one is an… enclitic, which is a kind of a suffix, added to the end of a pair of nouns. For example, the phrase pax amorque or amor paxque means peace and love and love and peace.. Note that Et ...", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9ba2137797ea4c0c23d594a0e889ca32", "text": "List of Latin phrases (full) word In principio erat Verbum et Verbum erat apud Deum et Deus erat Verbum.‎ In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and God was the Word. Res, non verba. Actions speak louder than words (literally, Actions, not words).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9be37da5b750ce9aefe9ce0fc52697ce", "text": "The Roman Empire Terms. 1 Pax Romana The long period of relative peace and minimal expansion by military force experienced by the Roman Empire in the 1st and 2nd centuries CE. 2 Ara Pacis Augustae The Altar of Augustan Peace, a sacrificial altar that displays imagery of the peace and prosperity Augustus achieved during the Pax Romana.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fb188a55f96bbbd035ce69bf4886e548", "text": "- List of Latin phrases (P) This page lists English translations of notable Latin phrases, such as veni vidi vici and et cetera. Some of the phrases are themselves translations of Greek phrases, as Greek rhetoric and literature reached its peak centuries before the rise of ancient Rome.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "328b6da0c0faf3eaee1563ae64fb0786", "text": "genuitin English la Amoto Iesu, destituitur sibi humana ratio, maximo orbata praesidio et lumine: tum ipsa facile obscuratur notio caussae, quae causa, Deo auctore, genuit communem societatem, quaeque in hoc consistit maxime ut, civili coniunctione adiutrice, consequantur cives naturale bonum, sed prorsus summo illi, quod supra naturam est perfectissimoque et perpetuo bono convenienter.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9fff92d157f315496db691ce6cf7934b", "text": "Pax Romana The Pax Romana, or Roman Peace, is a Latin term referring to the Empire in its glorified prime.From the end of the Republican civil wars, beginning with the accession of Augustus in 27 BC, this era in Roman history lasted until 180 AD and the death of Marcus Aurelius.he Pax Romana, or Roman Peace, is a Latin term referring to the Empire in its glorified prime.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b2e71d8be5b69a5c19d0c0cc44941295", "text": "primipara Para followed by a roman numeral or preceded by a Latin prefix (primi-, secundi-, terti-, quadri-, etc.) designates the number of times a pregnancy has culminated in a single or multiple birth; para I, primipara, a woman who has given birth for the first time; para II, secundipara, a woman who has given birth for the second time to one or more infants.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ae6cc065b6badc64f09b0dfded6110f4", "text": "- Por siglus, a xienti de capital (rica) i as mismas Instituciós (Iglexiia, Escuelas, Xiusticia, funcionarius, etc.) tiñan a fala cumu algo de ignorantis, atrasaus, vulgariai. For centuries, the people from the capital (rich) and the same institutions (Church, Schools, Justice, public servants, etc.) held Fala as something of ignorant people, backward people, vulgarity.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "25566cd4f886d031002696814039b499", "text": "Pax Romana Pax Romana. Definition. The Pax Romana (Roman Peace) was a period of relative peace and stability across the Roman Empire which lasted for over 200 years, beginning with the reign of Augustus (27 BCE - 14 CE).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8afe01cee7945983dc1c8c211c9345d9", "text": "Parens patriae Parens patriae is Latin for parent of the nation (lit., parent of the fatherland). In law, it refers to the public policy power of the state to intervene against an abusive or negligent parent, legal guardian or informal caretaker, and to act as the parent of any child or individual who is in need of protection.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8b81e7102d396b2c2abadedf93ade118", "text": "List of Latin phrases (full) vive ut vivas. live life to the fullest.. (literally) live that you may live. One should live a very full life, without fear of a possible future consequences. The phrase suggests that one should live life to the fullest and without fear of possible consequences.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e985ce4a3903f007f06efe023a4a0c29", "text": "Pax Romana Pax Romana (Latin for Roman Peace ) was the long period of relative peace and minimal expansion by the Roman military force experienced by the Roman Empire after the end of the Final War of the Roman Republic and before the beginning of the Crisis of the Third Century.iven the prominence of the concept of the Pax Romana, historians have coined variants of the term to describe systems of relative peace that have been established, attempted or argued to have existed.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "04f884faaa45675a8706fe2cd6c0d813", "text": "What does Best Available Rate mean when booking a hotel and can anyone get a room at this rate or is it part of some special club? PAX means persons, guests at a hotel. Extra pax 12 euros a day means that extra persons-in excess of a given room rate for a specific number of pax (persons) - are char … ged 12 euros per person per day.AX means persons, guests at a hotel. Extra pax 12 euros a day means that extra persons-in excess of a given room rate for a specific number of pax (persons) - are char … ged 12 euros per person per day.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5415eb1bec0ec1a7ef4bcbfdc053b20d", "text": "Did you know... Orion is the mythological Greek hunter while Pax is Latin for peace. In Latin, Optimus means best; Prime comes from primus, meaning first. The toy for Optimus Prime is Patent number 4,516,948 in the U.S. Patent Office.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "56f623c4fb35bde980428bdcc7851a8b", "text": "GREETING • PAX (noun). The noun PAX has 1 sense: 1. (Roman Catholic Church) a greeting signifying Christian love for those assisting at the Eucharist. Familiarity information: PAX used as a noun is very rare. PAX (noun). The noun PAX has 1 sense: 1. (Roman Catholic Church) a greeting signifying Christian love for those assisting at the Eucharist. Familiarity information: PAX used as a noun is very rare.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "29b8f2c23101b64a81b45a5fc4f4341e", "text": "A Look at Common Latin Phrases Found in English: Modus Operandi, Deus ex Machina, and Curriculum Vitae A Look at Common Latin Phrases Found in English: Modus Operandi, Deus ex Machina, and Curriculum Vitae. Some Latin phrases are so common in English that they come directly into our language without alteration in spelling or meaning.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "849dc4c5e4bff3fe721328c4c23b1f87", "text": "English to Latin Translation? nullam excusationem (accusative) no excuse or sine excusatione (ablative) without excuse BUT excusatio is medieval Latin, and the sentence you mention seems to call for the accusative (for the object of the sentence), while the nominative would be Nulla excusatio.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "24da934ca2a8708f6176fafb8eb9b5ab", "text": "Arnold's Glossary of Anatomy 1 anteflexion: Latin ante = before, and flexere = to bend, hence anterior angulation between the body and cervix of the uterus. 2 anterior: comparative of Latin ante = before, in front. anteversion: Latin ante = before, and versum = turned, hence, the anterior angulation between cervix uteri and the vagina.", "title": "" } ]
what is alchemy
[ { "docid": "376913d50a02a574112a28ac7be5919c", "text": "- Alchemy is a multifaceted subject. It is an early form of chemical technology exploring the nature of substances. It is also a philosophy of the cosmos and of mankind's place in the scheme of things. Alchemy developed an amazing language of emblematic symbolism which it used to explore the world.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "c459703fcf58ffae2625337bd47eb4a1", "text": "alchemy An old book of alchemy. Alchemy is defined as the process of taking something ordinary and turning it into something extraordinary, sometimes in a way that cannot be explained. 1 An example of using alchemy is a person who takes a pile of scrap metal and turns it into beautiful art.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "142e7eafd5c7299367ef2c39d3829eef", "text": "The Alchemyst: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel The Alchemyst: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel. The Alchemyst: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel (often shortened to The Alchemyst) is the first novel in the six book fantasy fiction series The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel. It was written by Irish author Michael Scott and published in May 2007.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3bc05d3bf8ccf49fe592c43b8a26df03", "text": "alchemynoun [ U] uk â / Ëæl.kÉ.mi / usâ / Ëæl.kÉ.mi / Meaning of “alchemy” in the English Dictionary. alchemy in British English. alchemynoun [ U ] She manages, by some extraordinary alchemy, to turn the most ordinary of ingredients into the most delicious of dishes.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e201f42b900fe2446901c31a3a979eca", "text": "alchemist Alchemy and alchemist are in fact older words than chemistry and chemist in English. Alchemists believed that lead could be “perfected” into gold, that diseases could be cured, and that life could be prolonged through transmutation, or a change of some essential element into a superior form.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a702874054ba7fa88856435e0cb9ba6c", "text": "Runescape High Alchemy Calculator This calculator does not factor in the price of Fire Runes! Always wield the Staff of Fire to maximize profits while alching. It takes about three seconds to cast the alchemy spell and you gain 65 experience each time. In one hour, it is possible to alch as much as 1,200 items for a total of 78,000 magic experience.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "06c81d0301a735b1a3bad29e2c005487", "text": "- Shaggy (musician) Orville Richard Burrell CD (born October 22, 1968), known mostly by his stage name Shaggy, is a Jamaican-American[1] reggae fusion singer and deejay. He is best known for his hit singles Oh Carolina, Boombastic, It Wasn't Me and Angel.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0a0339edfbcb3c3388cbd753bc72207b", "text": "Anatomy Anatomy (Greek anatomē, “dissection”) is the branch of biology concerned with the study of the structure of organisms and their parts. Anatomy is a branch of natural science dealing with the structural organization of living things. It is an old science, having its beginnings in prehistoric times.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6d27070ab484fc5e88efff0e0e48de7d", "text": "What is Alchemy? Alchemy is an ancient practice shrouded in mystery and secrecy. Its practitioners mainly sought to turn lead into gold, a quest that has captured the imaginations of people for thousands of years. However, the goals of alchemy went far beyond simply creating some golden nuggets.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3bd0ba560ffc54bd56be8baaf3a4bd2c", "text": "- High Level Alchemy (high alch, hi alch or alching) is a non-combat spell used to convert items into coins at the best price player could get from a specialty store. The amount of coins generated is normally 60% of the speciality shop price or 150% Low Level Alchemy prices.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e3d9e47f6ed9fe96fb44af38404b75e4", "text": "- 1 The Magic of Alchemy Alchemy is a very intriguing word. 2 It is a combination of ancient spiritual science and one of three principles that comprise the Hermetic tradition. 3 It is also a multifacete…. 4 The Power of Alchemy You might have first encountered alchemy in Paolo Coelho's bestselling book, The Alchemist.. 6 Amazing Fish Facts Fish are amazing creatures. 2 Some are poisonous and some are huge, but all of them are fascinating to watch and learn about. 3 Below, you will find some interesting fish facts t…. 4 The Magic of Alchemy Alchemy is a very intriguing word.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "aaa02c58d5b75050dc33250db3f3afbe", "text": "- World of Warcraft Alchemy Guide. Alchemy can create the following items in the game (in most cases): Potions: Potions are consumable items that provide an INSTANT buff (such as restoring x amount of health or mana or applying a short duration buff (15 seconds or so)).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2af7779cdeaf5b4d6a9d8c259fc05e53", "text": "The Alchemyst The Alchemyst: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel. The Alchemyst is a 2007 novel by Irish author Michael Scott, the first part in the six-book series The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel. Scott draws on a wide knowledge of world mythology to stage a battle between the Dark Elders and their hired gun—Dr. John Dee—against the forces of good.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4e3bc1c008d0477eda30270fd62c0a89", "text": "Chemistry The word chemistry comes from the word alchemy, an earlier set of practices that encompassed elements of chemistry, metallurgy, philosophy, astrology, astronomy, mysticism and medicine; it is commonly thought of as the quest to turn lead or another common starting material into gold.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "17823842e6df20a718185ca55e64327b", "text": "alchemist This power to transform things for the better, real or imagined, led to figurative meanings for alchemy and alchemist. Origin and Etymology of alchemist see alchemy", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3e905f57d2d41bb7e4d6be79d70e74d9", "text": "- From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In the history of science, the etymology of the word chemistry is debatable. It is agreed that the word derives from the word alchemy, which is a European one, derived from the Arabic al-kīmīā (الكيمياء).The Arabic term is derived from the Greek χημία or χημεία.However, the ultimate origin of the root word, chem, is uncertain.rom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In the history of science, the etymology of the word chemistry is debatable. It is agreed that the word derives from the word alchemy, which is a European one, derived from the Arabic al-kīmīā (الكيمياء).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2ff52866c5d49a2444080619c5a9fc6e", "text": "magic Definition of magic for Students. 1 1 : the power to control natural forces possessed by certain persons (as wizards and witches) in folk tales and fiction. 2 2 : the art or skill of performing tricks or illusions for entertainment. 3 3 : a power that seems mysterious The team lost its magic.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ba1297b9b522e918b989a35d333728d9", "text": "alchemy noun, plural alchemies for 2. 1. a form of chemistry and speculative philosophy practiced in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance and concerned principally with discovering methods for transmuting baser metals into gold and with finding a universal solvent and an elixir of life.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f1aa018ebd0be2dc9ce4a17b32e18c19", "text": "Alchemy Chemistry, from the ancient Egyptian word khēmia meaning transmutation of earth, is the science of matter at the atomic to molecular scale, dealing primarily with collections of atoms, such as molecules, crystals, and metals.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "efe6e2b04377d6b80eca16d1909eaa90", "text": "- *as stated here a primitive form of chemistry this is the true definition of alchemy. eg: Jim sold me a bag of oregano claiming it was cannabis, Alchemy of the highest order i paid 50 quid for a bag of legal herbs. eg 2) Found some old necklace in my attic, apparently its vintage i flogged it for 500 quid.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c788dc9eeb392e768c924d7ffe30add2", "text": "alchemy Historical Examples. 1 He waged war against astrology, alchemy, witchcraft, and like impostures. 2 Look in your mirror for the alchemy needed there, he bade her. 3 It is not an alchemy in which myself I dabble, he said slowly. 4 The myth is to religion what alchemy is to chemistry or astrology is to astronomy.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "70e8c9ee6689949a317cde559b9c9454", "text": "Chemistry Chemistry is a science which seeks to discover what substances are made and learn how the properties of substances are related to their compositions. There are five traditional areas of study in chemistry. They include organic, inorganic, biochemistry, analytical, and physical.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0809089cd6b226cab2fabe2fdcd4e1f9", "text": "transmutation 1 The conversion of one thing into something else; transformation. ( 2 alchemy) Specifically, the supposed transformation of one element into another, especially of a base metal into gold. ( 3 physics) The actual transformation of one element into another by a nuclear reaction.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a2e1ff8e41e4e6f366adecc96c227ec6", "text": "armed ( or dressed) to the teeth in American Definition of alchemy from the Collins English Dictionary The semicolon ( ; ) The semicolon is used to mark a break between two main clauses when there is a balance or a contrast between the clauses.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a53ba54860a11556f4fbf3951cd42676", "text": "- definitions & notes only words. 1 abstraction the process of formulating general concepts. 2 alchemy a pseudoscientific forerunner of chemistry in medieval times. 3 allure the power to entice or attract through personal charm. ambiguity unclearness by virtue of having more than one 1 meaning. amok wildly; without self-control.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d5f066f238df31b122a909bdb9484621", "text": "- We’ll put the issue of alchemy aside here as my focus is on astrology and there is plenty to explore in astrology. Above all, astrology is the study of relationships between moments of time based on a unique point of view concerning how time works. Astrology’s foundation is the knowledge of this concept of time. That it was understood through the behavior of stars is evidence of Egyptian influence.", "title": "" } ]
what causes bronchospasm
[ { "docid": "3e6aa3a2e462944458281fc46006f8d0", "text": "Bronchospasm Cause Bronchospasm are caused by a number of reasons. Lower respiratory tract conditions such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and emphysema can result in contraction of the airways.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "39299362986cd865169557299580db24", "text": "COPD In-Depth Report Emphysema caused by smoking most often occurs in the upper lobes of the lungs. In chronic bronchitis, smoking triggers inflammation that causes damage in the airways. The processes involved include: 1 Damage to the cilia, the hair-like waving projections that move mucus, bacteria, and foreign particles out of the lungs. 2 Enlargement of the mucus glands in the large airways of the lungs. 3 Overgrowth of smooth muscle cells in the airway.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5f69e823813a89559e149e6fe24bd615", "text": "Bronchospasm Bronchospasm is a respiratory phenomenon that is described as the unusual narrowing or constriction of the airways. This condition is said to imitate asthma, or simply it is a presenting symptom of an asthma attack.A chronic lung disease is also associated with this condition.cute bronchospasm is a sudden airway constriction that is common in asthmatics. Coughing and wheezing are the common presenting symptoms of the respiratory problem.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0919930d6011c460474eac1d30da5233", "text": "- Causes. Wheezing results from a narrowing of the airways and typically indicates some difficulty breathing. The narrowing of the airways can be caused by inflammation from asthma, an infection, an allergic reaction, or by a physical obstruction, such as a tumor or a foreign object that's been inhaled.The most common cause of recurrent wheezing is asthma. Possible causes of wheezing include: 1 Allergies.he narrowing of the airways can be caused by inflammation from asthma, an infection, an allergic reaction, or by a physical obstruction, such as a tumor or a foreign object that's been inhaled. The most common cause of recurrent wheezing is asthma.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5e9a57d614d72703a857ab832391c016", "text": "Bronchospasm Bronchospasm or a bronchial spasm is a sudden constriction of the muscles in the walls of the bronchioles. It is caused by the release (degranulation) of substances from mast cells or basophils under the influence of anaphylatoxins. It causes difficulty in breathing which can be very mild to severe.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "64d333501fb6c05d202caef1579e2982", "text": "What is a Bronchospasm? Bronchospasm is a constriction or spasm of the bronchi. The bronchi refers to the two tubes that branch from the trachea to the lungs.Typically, bronchospasm occurs in people of any age, however, it can be especially ominous in infants.ronchospasm is a constriction or spasm of the bronchi. The bronchi refers to the two tubes that branch from the trachea to the lungs.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8e5224907096c11e613702c6fd2e27d6", "text": "- 1 Acute bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchial tubes. 2 The most common cause of acute bronchitis is a viral or bacterial infection, but other causes may include irritants like tobacco smoke, air pollution, or chemicals.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "54c3720e658dbec8f834cc5a64a211a9", "text": "- Additionally, inhaled medicines, including SPIRIVA, may cause paradoxical bronchospasm. If any of these occurs, treatment with SPIRIVA should be stopped and other treatments considered. IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION for STIOLTO ™ RESPIMAT ® (tiotropium bromide and olodaterol) Inhalation Spray.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "18b971e12b3d8ccdf8dd7cf70d613ee1", "text": "Whooping Cough Symptoms + 12 Natural Treatments BRONCHITIS CAUSES. Most cases of bronchitis are caused by a viral infection of the upper airways, such as the common cold or the flu. Less commonly, a bacterium called Bordetella pertussis, which causes pertussis (whooping cough), is the cause.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c94a2fe55cec23b97324189b343c5245", "text": "Pneumonia 1 Bronchopneumonia causes scattered, patchy infiltrates of inflammation in the air sacs throughout the lungs. 2 It is more diffuse than lobar pneumonia. 3 Lobar pneumonia causes an inflammation of one lobe of a lung and typically involves all the airspaces in a single lobe.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5a034512b53380a34895683a8d2a6098", "text": "- 190 Followers. A. Asthma causes a narrowing of the breathing airways, which interferes with the normal movement of air in and out of the lungs. Asthma involves only the bronchial tubes and does not affect the air sacs or the lung tissue.90 Followers. A. Asthma causes a narrowing of the breathing airways, which interferes with the normal movement of air in and out of the lungs. Asthma involves only the bronchial tubes and does not affect the air sacs or the lung tissue.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "86beff93c1f9f9e32090fae7ae65cc04", "text": "Laryngospasm In some individuals laryngospasm can occur spontaneously or as a result of reflux or impaired swallowing. GERD is a common cause of spontaneous laryngospasm. Treating GERD can lessen the frequency of spasms. The onset of spasms may be caused by a viral infection.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0fa66b52b4a56d5c0c93d5e0d6b5e3e0", "text": "Slideshow: A Visual Guide to Understanding Bronchitis Bronchitis can also be caused by exposure to smoke, chemical irritants, or bacteria. A cough, phlegm, and feeling tired are typical symptoms of bronchitis, but these are also symptoms of other illnesses, so getting the right diagnosis and treatment is important.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1f8cd92ee6a2024e219be50559f919c1", "text": "Common causes of Unresponsiveness This information shows the various causes of Bronchospasm, and how common these diseases or conditions are in the general population. This is not a direct indication as to how commonly these diseases are the actual cause of Bronchospasm, but gives a relative idea as to how frequent these diseases are seen overall. 1 2 diseases that are very common. 2 5 diseases that are common. 3 1 disease that is rare. 4 2 diseases that are very rare.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "486fd94440c1c1cc73e6c9f06843f0c6", "text": "- Wheezing can result from either of two respiratory conditions: reduced airflow resulting from narrowing of the airways or congestion in the lungs. Causes of wheezing include asthma and infection and inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia) or bronchi (bronchitis). Other common causes include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), bronchiectasis (destruction and widening of the airways), cystic fibrosis, and tuberculosis.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bc9d07831dc4fd87c601d2c520c78ed4", "text": "Coronary vasospasm Coronary vasospasm. Coronary vasospasm is a sudden, intense vasoconstriction of an epicardial coronary artery that causes occlusion (stoppage) or near-occlusion of the vessel. It can cause Prinzmetal's angina. It can occur in multiple vessels. Atropine has been used to treat the condition. See also. Angiography; Cardiac CT; Myocardial bridge; References", "title": "" }, { "docid": "32584b8de3f4723c5076f7a13240901b", "text": "- This section discusses 26 medical conditions causing Laryngospasm. A simple discussion of these causes with additional information is below. Some of the possible common medical causes of Laryngospasm may include: 1 Rabies. Tetanus.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5de26c72e042585addd4cc7d17fbe1db", "text": "What is Bronchospasm: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment Other symptoms include: 1 Wheezing, characterized by a whistling sound as the patient breathes. 2 Shortness of breath. 3 Dry cough, because the lining of the lungs are irritated and the mucus plugging the bronchioles cannot be easily expelled. 4 Tightness and pressure in the chest. 5 Shortness of breath.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ee873f4eef814dc219a56c57f43ed5de", "text": "asthma The narrowing is caused by spasm of smooth muscle, edema of the mucosa, and the presence of mucus in the airway resulting from an immunologic reaction that can be induced by allergies, irritants, infection, stress, and other factors in a genetically predisposed individual.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a79dca17837c5393b8239a2bdb382927", "text": "Bronchial Asthma Symptoms, Causes, Treatment and Natural Remedies Bronchial asthma is the common asthma which is an inflammatory disease of airways that causes periodic attacks of coughing, wheezing (whistling sound from chest), breathlessness, and even chest congestion. Due to the inflammation of airways, a person feels difficulty in breathing and chest tightness or chest congestion.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e32f0f288d96be9f8b94b94118d987fd", "text": "Exercise-induced Bronchospasm Symptoms of exercise-induced bronchospasm Symptoms of EIB start after about 5 to 20 minutes of non-stop exercise. The length of time depends on how severe your condition is.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "eddc35a2f9d93ae66ba749ecfa8b879d", "text": "Bronchospasm Bronchospasm is an abnormal contraction of the smooth muscle of the bronchi, resulting in an acute narrowing and obstruction of the respiratory airway.escription. Bronchospasm is a temporary narrowing of the bronchi (airways into the lungs) caused by contraction of the muscles in the lung walls, by inflammation of the lung lining, or by a combination of both. This contraction and relaxation is controlled by the autonomic nervous system.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "be596482f92bb8379cbf94bed9ada818", "text": "- Symptoms of bronchospasm may include intense coughing. People experiencing a bronchospasm may have trouble breathing. A bronchospasm can cause shortness of breath during exercise or other physical exertion. Bronchospasm is a constriction of the bronchi.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7a78445989f4e3166cfabe0b3bacc7c5", "text": "Laryngospasm What Causes Laryngospasm? Laryngospasm may be associated with different triggers, such as asthma, allergies, exercise, irritants (smoke, dust, fumes), stress, anxiety or commonly gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fcf53ff941ce422f88b886e0170f0558", "text": "bronchospasm Contraction of smooth muscle in the walls of the bronchi and bronchioles, causing narrowing of the lumen. Compare: bronchoconstriction. /bron·cho·spasm/ (brong´ko-spazm) bronchial spasm; spasmodic contraction of the smooth muscle of the bronchi, as in asthma.pasm. 1. a sudden involuntary contraction of a muscle or group of muscles. 2. a sudden, transitory constriction of a passage, canal, or orifice; spasms usually occur when the nerves supplying muscles are irritated, and are often accompanied by pain.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b81c728403f06484bddb13461ef9e277", "text": "Bronchial Disorders Other problems include. 1 Bronchiectasis, a condition in which damage to the airways causes them to widen and become flabby and scarred. 2 Exercise-induced bronchospasm, which happens when the airways shrink while you are exercising. 3 Bronchiolitis, an inflammation of the small airways that branch off from the bronchi.", "title": "" } ]
illinois community credit union routing number
[ { "docid": "56a15510292fa4242301b8e403ed6b4c", "text": "- Illinois Community Credit Union's routing number (the leftmost number on the bottom of a check) is 271989714. Sometimes, banks have multiple routing numbers for different branches or uses. Please make sure this is the correct routing number for your branch!", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "b287b22c2f111b43f60ad2cee7134d8f", "text": "BANK OF URBANA ROUTING NUMBER & INFORMATION Bank Of Urbana's routing number (the leftmost number on the bottom of a check) is 81512355. Sometimes, banks have multiple routing numbers for different branches or uses. Please make sure this is the correct routing number for your branch! The main phone number for Bank Of Urbana is 417-345-4242. The assigned Federal Reserve Office for Bank Of Urbana is Fed 081000045. A bank's Routing Transit Number (RTN) is a 9-digit code used to identify your bank on checks, direct deposit, bill pay, and in other transactions.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "481834b6e023b5533eec3c46b784be70", "text": "Routing Number 061191709 Members United Credit Union Routing Number. 061191709 routing number is a 9-digit number designed and assigned to Members United Credit Union by The American Bankers Association (ABA) to identify the financial institution upon which a payment was drawn.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f231fe75a15c16c9bea5e8af055d7709", "text": "- COMMUNITY FIRST BANK OF THE HEARTLAND Routing Number, MOUNT VERNON, IL 62864.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f215b3ddbd98913c37627d441c6e1c6a", "text": "- Being a tax attorney would definitely be one of the most difficult areas of law. Not only do you have to know the law, but you have to know the ins and outs of tax law and filing information.It is almost like being an attorney and an accountant at the same time. Use these steps to learn a little more about tax law and how to become a tax attorney.ut in a lot of study time and excel at everything you do. Get an internship. Find an internship opportunity with a taxation law firm to learn the ropes and make sure you are prepared to enter the world of tax law.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "20d24abb1ac8af4f0c6dd942a117bfac", "text": "- Routing Number: 254074426 Credit Union ID: 272 Your savings federally insured to at least $250,000 and backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c5f6e68f4ad5f70f879d70cf00005cf0", "text": "Routing Number 222380692 Finger Lakes Federal Credit Union Routing Number. 222380692 routing number is a 9-digit number designed and assigned to Finger Lakes Federal Credit Union by The American Bankers Association (ABA) to identify the financial institution upon which a payment was drawn.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5205c78138768f0d1ad3914fa09cb91f", "text": "To Tip or Not to Tip? The Ins & Outs of Tipping Your Town Car or Limo Service Driver Question #1: Should You Tip Your Limo Driver in the First Place? Like most service professionals (e.g. hotel concierges, valet attendants, waiters, etc.), town car and limousine service drivers take a great deal of pride in providing their clients with exactly what they need, when they need it.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "af1498e8d11e0bb4c5042faa19962ef9", "text": "- Details of Fedwire Routing Number # 273074407 assigned to COMMUNITY CHOICE CREDIT UNION. Disclaimer: Please confirm this information with your bank before initiating any transaction. We are not liable for any errors or omissions in our information.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b3263a1d0aeb209359c65d6c167241a2", "text": "- Details of Routing Number # 325182357. Bank : OUR COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION . Address : PO BOX 1670, SHELTON, WA 98584-9905. Telephone : 360-427-3403.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cac23d53d0769807fc2c1910028db50a", "text": "BLUE CHIP FEDERAL CREDIT UNION ROUTING NUMBER & INFORMATION Blue Chip Federal Credit Union ABA Routing Number. 231381161. Blue Chip Federal Credit Union's routing number (the leftmost number on the bottom of a check) is 231381161. Sometimes, banks have multiple routing numbers for different branches or uses.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7e215b7379521eca65af7c4e471e8bc9", "text": "Routing Number 255077008 EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION ROUTING ABA NUMBER. 255077008 routing number is a 9-digit number designed and assigned to Educational Systems Federal Credit Union by The American Bankers Association (ABA) to identify the financial institution upon which a payment was drawn.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "651db243994b771e0060263ed53e2f23", "text": "- 1 Routing Number: 316386434. 2 600 W. LOUISIANA. MIDLAND, TX 79701-4362. 3 Phone Number: (432) 688-8400. 4 ABA 316386434 address lookup. 5 My Community Federal Credit Union routing number in Midland, TX. Browse My Community Federal Credit Union Branch Locations.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "297485c2154a5640d255d0d26c43787b", "text": "- The brake Wench and mountadjusts to any size watercraft and slides inside the lift when notin use, saving even more precious dock space. Carpeted bunkboards and all hardware are included. All you add is your PWC!Jet Rail maximum weight is 650 lbs. (Including gas & oil)Jet Rail XL maximum weight is 950 lbs.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "40e990efeb9c5762901ea8d0b3570ba5", "text": "- Iq Credit Union Routing Number. 323383378 routing number is a 9-digit number designed and assigned to Iq Credit Union by The American Bankers Association (ABA) to identify the financial institution upon which a payment was drawn.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d7c4f57d1ac6b105f82266da59cf903b", "text": "- Indiana Members Credit Union's routing number (the leftmost number on the bottom of a check) is 274086533. Sometimes, banks have multiple routing numbers for different branches or uses.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "272c16b42d92332a9b285e6078d2f8b4", "text": "Routing Number : 325182357 OUR COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION SHELTON-WA: List of OUR COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION routing numbers in SHELTON ( WA ) 325182357", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2ce5b5c1b61142fbac3c92a04de05a16", "text": "Routing Number 253177049 STATE EMPLOYEES CREDIT UNION ROUTING ABA NUMBER. 253177049 routing number is a 9-digit number designed and assigned to State Employees Credit Union by The American Bankers Association (ABA) to identify the financial institution upon which a payment was drawn.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5df9deb5d040a1b26c11e31e8fabedc2", "text": "Delta Community Credit Union Routing Numbers & Wire Transfer The routing number for Delta Community Credit Union is 261071315.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8905b206daa71575fe6960de9ba784ae", "text": "ROUTING NUMBER - 071918383 - ILLINI STATE BANK ILLINI STATE BANK Commonly used abbreviated customer name: Office Code: O - Main Office: Servicing FRB Number: 071000301 Servicing Fed's main office routing number: Record Type Code: 1 The code indicating the ABA number to be used to route or send ACH items to the RFI. 0 = Institution is a Federal Reserve Bank; 1 = Send items to customer routing number", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7aba6488004de7809b37ac8269c37d3e", "text": "- Routing Number. 274974878. Bank. INDUSTRIAL FEDERAL CREDIT UNION. Address. 1115 SAGAMORE PKWY S. City. LAFAYETTE.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e600b934182dda7374292f499297693f", "text": "- Community Financial (11) Credit Union Routing Number. A routing number is a 9 digit code for identifying a financial institution for the purpose of routing of checks (cheques), fund transfers, direct deposits, e-payments, online payments, and other payments to the correct bank branch.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "51851b4c18cb4e0af955b3985160c24b", "text": "- The routing number # 091008299 is assigned to LAKE COMMUNITY BANK. Routing Number: 091008299: Institution Name: LAKE COMMUNITY BANK : Office Type: Main office: Delivery Address: 1964 WAYZATA BLVD, LONG LAKE, MN - 55356 (0636) Telephone: 952-475-5823: Servicing FRB Number: 091000080 Servicing Fed's main office routing number: Record Type Code: 1 The code indicating the ABA number to be used to route or send ACH items to the RFI", "title": "" }, { "docid": "89f7b6c98143a69fe354d81de34436b3", "text": "Routing Number 081512355 Bank Of Urbana Routing Number. 081512355 routing number is a 9-digit number designed and assigned to Bank Of Urbana by The American Bankers Association (ABA) to identify the financial institution upon which a payment was drawn.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b64ecd561fd7d1878355e810ea8b6fab", "text": "Routing Number 274074040 Routing numbers depend on the type of transaction made such as reorder Indiana Members Credit Union checks, receive incoming domestic or international wire transfers, use the number for wire transfers to your Indiana Members Credit Union account, or to set up direct deposits.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f1c45c5c5fa0f41a57cd02216e7d40fa", "text": "- NOVI, MI 48375. Community Alliance Credit Union's routing number (the leftmost number on the bottom of a check) is 272477885. Sometimes, banks have multiple routing numbers for different branches or uses. Please make sure this is the correct routing number for your branch!", "title": "" } ]
what do economists call the lowest point of an economic contraction?
[ { "docid": "68ebca21394efd91d447001b020ad16c", "text": "What are the Phases of the Business Cycle? Contraction: A slowdown in the pace of economic activity defined by low or stagnant growth, high unemployment, and declining prices. It is the period from peak to trough. Trough: The lowest turning point of a business cycle in which a contraction turns into an expansion. This turning point is also called Recovery.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "faaedbf4fd286bab7620cb4042bd5554", "text": "Nouriel Roubini and David Backus This increase in money demand leads to a higher rate of interest r'', labeled point B in both sides of the diagram. Thus higher output is associated with a higher interest rate along the equilibrium curve for the money market, labeled the LM curve.n terms of the IS/LM diagram, we can think of an increase in the saving rate as a leftward shift in the IS curve, which (in the theory) reduces output. The story is that if individuals decide to consume less, this hurts firms, who are trying to sell, and leads them to lay people off.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cef596ac75960aa18b2b8d987848dcc9", "text": "Calculus/Extrema and Points of Inflection At any extremum, the slope of the graph is necessarily 0 (or is undefined, as in the case of − | x | {\\displaystyle -|x|} ), as the graph must stop rising or falling at an extremum, and begin to head in the opposite direction. Because of this, extrema are also commonly called stationary points or turning points.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5b260998eeb20261e5daee206f551fab", "text": "Economics Theinitial stimulation starts a cascade of events, whose total increase in economic activity is a multiple of the originalinvestment. [4] A central conclusion of Keynesian economics is that, in some situations, no strong automatic mechanism movesoutput and employment towards full employment levels.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8e0283ba5cce5fd75adc3ad3e82c1fc7", "text": "What is a 'Peak' What is a 'Peak'. A peak is the highest point between the end of an economic expansion and the start of a contraction in a business cycle. The peak of the cycle refers to the last month before several key economic indicators, such as employment and new housing starts, begin to fall. It is at this point real GDP spending in an economy is at its highest level.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "62dc221efa0e10338f6ade54f79872b4", "text": "- Assistant Controller. The Assistant Controller – Lafayette position reports to the Location Controller and is a strategic business partner to the Location Manager of Lafayette... 7 days ago-save job-email-more... 1 View all ALCOA jobs in Lafayette, IN-Lafayette jobs.he Assistant Controller is responsible for assignments delegated by the Controller which may include, but are not limited to, month-end and year-end closing...", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0a5c15138a15a76c5ffbe2709eebfe92", "text": "What Are the Causes of Economic Decline? Economists measure economic decline by measuring the income for the entire economy, which is called gross domestic product or GDP.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6a396c981e4f758478f937f7436c5598", "text": "- Monthly Temperatures; Records; Astronomical Data; SAFETY . Tsunami; Floods; Beach Hazards; Wildfire; Cold; Tornadoes; Fog; Air Quality; Heat; Hurricanes; Lightning; Safe Boating; Rip Currents; Thunderstorms; Space Weather; Sun (Ultraviolet Radiation) Safety Campaigns; Wind; Drought; Winter Weather; INFORMATION . Owlie's Kids Page; Wireless Emergency Alerts; Weather-Ready Nation; Brochures", "title": "" }, { "docid": "db03365e71b59e44708082b37ae93229", "text": "- Save. The law of diminishing returns states that after a certain point (called the point of diminishing returns), additional input to a system of production will produce less and less output. This law has been around for centuries and has been discussed at length by such eminent economists as Malthus and Marx.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c0416f31162f1bd2cd73447d31bb8243", "text": "- As the econ-omy slows and unemployment increases,the income of the unemployed does not fallto zero, which would have a significant neg-ative effect on the economy. Unemploymentcompensation provides a base level ofincome, and the negative impact on realGDP is lessened.(C)Stock and bond returns.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "01f3a4803c4b0de9bdf32ddf6a6b5968", "text": "Economics Chapter 12 The Business Cycle and Unemployment The lowest point of output during the cycle. There are large unemployment rates, declines in annual income and overproduction, real GDP stops declining and starts expanding, low prices, high unemployment rate, depressed incomes, can become a depression. depression.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1fb54b255f22d693da29c5ce723823fb", "text": "At what point in its motion is the KE f a pendulum bob at a maximum? Atwhat point is its PE at a maximum? W? Velocity is maximum at the middle of the oscillation, i.e when the bob is at the bottom of the swing. PE is mass, multiplied by acceleration due to gravity and height. thus PE is maximum when the velocity is zero at the top of swing , i.e. at the top of the oscillation when the bob is at rest.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b6d7ab6cb4ca75e980a3dda0ca562245", "text": "- The lowest possible temperature is absolute zero. You cannot have a temperature lower than absolute zero. When an absolute zero is reached, all particle motion effectively stops. To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b278d1b3389d325307d219a959e58dc1", "text": "- The equation for freezing point depression is DT f = i × k ×m where “i” is the Van’t Hoff factor, k = 1.86 °C/m and m is the molal concentration of the solution.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "17740548eb8b5d0368484856f9b1d3eb", "text": "What is the Optimal Rate of Inflation? To set the nominal interest rate to zero, it follows that the inflation rate must equal minus the real interest rate. If the latter were around 2 to 3%, Friedman’s arguments suggest that the central bank should seek to deflate at a rate of 2 to 3%.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1ac1c424ecb6089cfd7b282324b09fbf", "text": "Why is 2 percent the Federal Reserve's inflation target? Because it is. On the other hand, a lower inflation rate would be associated with an elevated probability of falling into deflation, which means prices and perhaps wages, on average, are falling--a phenomenon associated with very weak economic conditions.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d09e95fcb600b85b2f8e959bcae22da7", "text": "Contractionary Monetary Policy Contractionary monetary policy is used to reduce inflation. Since Estrovia has inflation rate of 9% as compared with average of 4%, her central bank should implement a contractionary monetary policy to lower the inflation rate, otherwise the economy will heat up and hit a severe recession.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8a86311ad02564bf83fbd577a32a95d0", "text": "Lawn Gnome & Garden Gnomes Lawn gnome, yard gnome, garden gnomes they have a lot of different names, but the only one that matters is the one you give it when it arrives at your home.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "56a58a9b900bb4459c9ce73b64faf194", "text": "How to Distinguish Between Tight & Loose Monetary Policy Tight, or contractionary, monetary policy seeks to slow economic growth to head off inflation. The Federal Reserve might increase reserve requirements, the amount of money banks must hold to cover deposits, and increase the discount rate, the rate charged to banks which borrow money to cover reserve requirements.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bdb54ddcca8671410b2ac4e210b0966f", "text": "- General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money”, proposed a new theory to analyze the economy. Keynes. proposed that low aggregate demand was responsible for the low income and high unemployment that. characterized economic downturn. Keyness, 1936).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ed1b3917b0d2c41d66fc576bec516501", "text": "PragerU That's right. Zero. While Congress discusses a minimum wage hike, economist David Henderson shows that any minimum wage makes it harder for unemployed people (particularly young people) to find work, and forces business owners to cut the hours of lower-skilled employees.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cce2b746cabb73e33d7b85cc7f85f25a", "text": "- By Danny Vinik. At 2pm next Wednesday, the Federal Reserve will likely announce that it is ending its quantitative easing program. That may sound boring, but it’s been the Fed’s most powerful tool over the past few years to help the U.S. economy. Now, the Fed may be stopping it too soon.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4a8616191d2e12ac9edc65264cf1a3b0", "text": "What is the 'Minimum Efficient Scale'? What is the 'Minimum Efficient Scale' The minimum efficient scale is the smallest amount of production a company can achieve while still taking full advantage of economies of scale with regards to supplies and costs. In classical economics, the minimum efficient scale is defined as the lowest production point at which long-run total average costs (LRATC) are minimized. The smallest amount of production a company can achieve while still taking full advantage of economies of scale with regards to supplies and costs. In classical economics, the minimum efficient scale is defined as the lowest production point at which long-run total average costs (LRATC) are minimized.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e082dd8adcab8155af5acaa2533ad281", "text": "- The loaves of bread are now $1.50 instead of $2.00. The price level is forced down and Real GDP remains the same. So to recap, the price level drop reinstates the decrease in demand and brings down the increase in supply.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f519137e0db4914176d7b06cec34df60", "text": "Commodity prices collapse to lowest in 12 years The Bloomberg Commodity index, which tracks the global prices of 22 different commodities such as gold and oil, collapses to lowest level since August 2002. The world's leading index of commodity prices has slumped to its lowest level in more than 12 years as China slows and America hints at tightening monetary policy.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c390ed30fdb4f2795bb7f19c0fb9b382", "text": "Output Prices and the Minimum Wage In a perfectly competitive labor market, the authors find that a 10 percent increase in the minimum wage will result in a 2.5 to 3.5 percent decrease in employment.ost economists believe that an increase in the minimum wage causes higher prices and lower employment. This belief rests partly on empirical evidence, but also on the view that labor markets are competitive; if markets are competitive, then increases in the minimum wage should both raise prices and reduce employment.", "title": "" } ]
what county is newport mi
[ { "docid": "714cbd0a12f4cbcd6c9a3ab41de62d04", "text": "Newport, Michigan Homefacts City Report. Newport is located in Monroe County, MI. The population is NR. There are 3 public schools in Newport with an average Homefacts rating of B-. The total crime rate for Newport is low, and there are 28 registered sex offenders residing in the city. Unemployment in Newport is low and the median home sales price is $0.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "e31455fe7f42065dc7affada8981d463", "text": "LOWELL, KENT COUNTY, WEST CENTRAL, MICHIGAN LAND FOR SALE: 1 - 15 of 75 listings Lowell, Kent County, Michigan Land for Sale. Looking for rural homes and land for sale in Lowell, Kent County, Michigan? LandWatch.com has thousands of rural properties in Lowell, Kent County, Michigan, including hunting & fishing properties, cabins, Land for sale and land auctions. Choose from small acreage lots to massive 500+ acre estates.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9dae2d66852c10aa6d4bc8817c8b5bfc", "text": "Monroe County, Michigan Monroe County is a county located in the U.S. state of Michigan. As of the 2010 census, the population was 152,021. The largest city and county seat is Monroe. The county was established as the second county (after Wayne County) in the Michigan Territory in 1817 and was named for then-President James Monroe. Monroe County comprises the Monroe, MI Micropolitan Statistical Area and is included in the Detroit-Warren-Ann Arbor, MI Combined Statistical Area.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "efee77519e2188b61788874620e67fdd", "text": "- Portland Township, Ionia County, Michigan. Zoning Administrator. Directs or participates in studies regarding development in Township; prepares reports and makes recommendations to the Planning Commission, ZBA and, to the Township Board.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3c5ce860ae1bb0fe189fc3f7fabaee54", "text": "Welcome to Richmond Township Welcome to Richmond Township. Richmond Township is located in south Marquette County in the beautiful Upper Peninsula of Michigan. It also includes the unicorporated areas of Palmer, Suomi Location and Midway Location. It is also the home of Cliffs Natural Resources Empire Mine.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "59542a4a501bd09b3ed287a39b6e5e96", "text": "Newportville (in Bucks County, PA) Populated Place Profile Newportville (in Bucks County, PA) Populated Place Profile. Newportville (GNIS FID: 1182410) is a populated place located within the Township of Bristol, a minor civil division (MCD) of Bucks County. The elevation of Newportville is 43 feet. Newportville appears on the Beverly U.S. Geological Survey Map. Bucks County is in the Eastern Time Zone (UTC -5 hours).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ed62554bfe60c97ce3fa85ffedf9fcfc", "text": "- Homefacts City Report. Bangor is located in Van Buren County, MI. The population is 1,833, making Bangor the 5th largest city in Van Buren County. There are 6 public schools in Bangor with an average Homefacts rating of C-. The total crime rate for Bangor is very low, and there are 33 registered sex offenders residing in the city.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4fec1705a30fd67b8e396bcb6e6b3fa4", "text": "- The City of Newport, in conjunction with Washington County, is offering rebates for residents and business owners to promote water conservation. This program includes rebates for Energy Star clothes washing machines, WaterSense labeled toilets and WaterSense labeled Irrigation Controllers.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "36beada9f2526c8c8d369cfb3a823f6d", "text": "Newport, Wales Newport (/ˈnjuːpɔːrt/; Welsh: Casnewydd; ) is a cathedral and university city and unitary authority area in south east Wales. It is located on the River Usk close to its confluence with the Severn Estuary, approximately 12 miles (19 km) northeast of Cardiff.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f3d26395f0819dac9aab3872b721677e", "text": "Leslie, Michigan Stockbridge is a village in Stockbridge Township, Ingham County in the U.S. state of Michigan, and lies 36.4 miles (58.58 kilometers) from downtown Lansing, Michigan. The population was 1,260 at the 2000 census. The area that is now Stockbridge was originally settled in 1835 by Elijah Smith and Herman Lowe.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a338fe418ff3ea4a373d5157de4ea8a4", "text": "- Warren, MI. Sponsored Topics. Warren is a city in Macomb County in the U.S. state of Michigan. The 2010 census places the city's population at 134,056, making Warren the largest city in Macomb County, the third largest city in Michigan, and Metro Detroit's largest suburb.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fd3c224b3f522abd3e0f4caaeed7ea3b", "text": "Wayne County, Michigan Wayne County is Michigan's first charter county, with a home rule charter setting up its structures within limits set in state law and constitution.he county seat is Detroit, the most populous city in Michigan and 18th-most populous city in the United States. The county was founded in 1796 and organized in 1815. Wayne County is included in the Detroit-Warren-Dearborn, MI Metropolitan Statistical Area.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "98d717b79ff70eeff27576e24c5a6499", "text": "- Latest news from Newport, MN collected exclusively by city-data.com from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations. Forest Lake considers disbanding police dept KARE11 com. The city of Newport made the switch to Washington County more than a year ago.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0cb3d6b5718a04a8e4085284767ebdcf", "text": "- City of Newport, MI Public Records Directory. 1 Mapping of Newport street locations of criminal reported activity from local law enforcement agencies. Published recent deaths, name, date and age.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "16aa3b1a93d8255f4f80843958163e6a", "text": "- Big Trout Island, De Tour Village, MI 49725 (Chippewa County) De Tour Village Market Trends - Asking price index trends, sale price trends, asking rent trends. Demographics - Review demographics in this neighborhood.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "67de01aa5f3cd4f0c099838714f30bca", "text": "Monroe, Michigan Monroe, MI. Sponsored Topics. Monroe is a city in the U.S. state of Michigan. The population was 20,733 at the 2010 census. It is the largest city and county seat of Monroe County. The city is bordered on the south by Monroe Charter Township, but both are politically independent.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7de502ab12591dd68a9a7fcb9f7a1ee5", "text": "6 Safest Cities in Vermont: Safest Places to Live in VT The City of Newport, located in Orleans County, in the northern part of Vermont, is a four seasons resort area, with spectacular views and fantastic outdoor amenities. Newport is a gateway between New England and Canada.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "465eed39ca6015d82839791e2a746ab7", "text": "- Newport is primarily a residential community and its strength is the people who live within the city. Newport is a small river community with residential streets bordered by large trees, which wind their way along the river's edge and the blufflands. Newport's small town persona is retained even though it is within a 15 minute commute to St. Paul and Minneapolis. With a population of 3,582 (2015), Newport continues to encourage growth and development within the community.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5293ade256c44faf87599b3cdde070f4", "text": "- Newport Assessor. Find Newport Michigan assessor, assessment, auditor's, and appraiser's office, revenue commissions, GIS, and tax equalization departments. Assessors provide information on property and land tax assessment, property listings, values, valuations, property search, and records. Newport Assessor.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6382e19a4f3107e772180f0354a7d69f", "text": "- City of. Howell. Livingston County, Michigan. LOCATION. As the county seat, the City of Howell is. centrally located within Livingston County. As. the most populated city in the County, Howell is. known for its rich architectural history and. Romanesque style county courthouse that is on.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ac910d4ad2679a9c2cd7797df961d699", "text": "Howell, Michigan Howell, Michigan's wiki: Howell is a city in the U.S. state of Michigan. As of the 2010 census, the city had a total population of 9,489. It is the county seat of Livingston County[9] and is located mostly within Howell Township, but is politically independent from Howell Townshi Howell is a city in the U.S. state of Michigan. As of the 2010 census, the city had a total population of 9,489. p.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "aee4dc3f03ba1359eec0def233dcc7e5", "text": "Richmond Township, Macomb County, Michigan For other townships with this name in Michigan, see Richmond Township, Michigan (disambiguation). Richmond Township, Michigan. Richmond Township is a civil township of Macomb County, Michigan, United States. At the 2000 census, the township population was 3,416. The 2008 Census Bureau Estimate places the population at 3,784. A portion of the City of Richmond is adjacent to the township, but is administratively autonomous.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4f35e251aa683620d89d678ed83fc8e8", "text": "Anthea Askey PERT AND pretty, sweet and very petite, Anthea Askey was the delightful daughter of one of the country’s all-time favourite funny men, Arthur Askey, who might very well have called himself “sweet and petite” if only in jest.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d5c3f2da6f5b12a1c5ef103f26006581", "text": "- Au Train Township, Michigan. (Redirected from Christmas, Michigan) Au Train Township is a civil township of Alger County in the U.S. state of Michigan. As of the 2010 census, the township population was 1,138.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1e8c33bfd457954d3b444e5322ec8ab1", "text": "Ingham County, Michigan Ingham County is a county located in the U.S. state of Michigan. As of the 2010 census, the population was 280,895. The county seat is Mason. Lansing, the state capital of Michigan, is located within the county, and is the only state capital located in a county that is not also its seat of government. The county is home to Michigan State University, Lansing Community College, and the Class A minor league baseball team Lansing Lugnuts.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1eb8c0f0e3ab38c694b60c21d1892bda", "text": "- There are 64 real estate listings found in Newport, MI. View our Newport real estate area information to learn about the weather, local school districts, demographic data, and general information about Newport, MI. Get in touch with a Newport real estate agent who can help you find the home of your dreams in Newport.", "title": "" } ]
what causes bulldog like folds on the face
[ { "docid": "0611acd61dafacf04ce8e6a83ec06aeb", "text": "Pyoderma - Skin Fold in Dogs Pyoderma is the medical term for a bacterial skin infection. Pyoderma is commonly associated with acute moist dermatitis or hot spots.. Skin fold pyoderma is an inflammatory skin disorder that develops in skin folds, such as facial folds, lip folds, and in the groin or axillae (armpits). It may develop between the mammary glands in females that have had multiple litters of pups.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "165109073d43f3eb00b19cb338080637", "text": "Entropion Entropion is a medical condition in which the eyelid (usually the lower lid) folds inward. It is very uncomfortable, as the eyelashes constantly rub against the cornea and irritate it. Entropion is usually caused by genetic factors. This is different from when an extra fold of skin on the lower eyelid causes lashes to turn in towards the eye (epiblepharon) .", "title": "" }, { "docid": "db831e7c174e52d2fced4979c0617933", "text": "Division of Bacterial Diseases (DBD) If you have an ulcer, you should be tested for H. pylori, and if found to be infected, you should be treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics are the new cure for ulcers; therapy is 1-2 weeks of one or two antibiotics and a medicine that will reduce the acid in the stomach.This treatment is a dramatic medical advance because eliminating H. pylori with antibiotics means that there is a greater than 90% chance that the ulcer can be cured for good.ntibiotics are the new cure for ulcers; therapy is 1-2 weeks of one or two antibiotics and a medicine that will reduce the acid in the stomach. This treatment is a dramatic medical advance because eliminating H. pylori with antibiotics means that there is a greater than 90% chance that the ulcer can be cured for good.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7966f0a8bf06bdf553b334f10fe525bc", "text": "How Did Seal Get His Facial Scars? Find Out! The truth is, the scarring on the father-of-four’s face is the result of a form of lupus known as discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE), which is a chronic skin condition that typically presents itself as sores with inflammation and scarring, most typically on the head and areas above the neck.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d259b90a45fdf0af584128345b601160", "text": "French Bulldog The French Bulldog is a sturdy, compact, stocky little dog, with a large square head that has a rounded forehead. The muzzle is broad and deep with a well-defined stop. The nose is black, but may be lighter in lighter colored dogs. The upper lips hang down over the lower lips.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4e68c242c887e60871154845344be8d1", "text": "Epidermolysis bullosa: What you should know Knowledge center. Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is a rare group of inherited conditions of connective tissue that cause blisters in the skin and mucosal membranes in response to heat, friction, rubbing, scratching or minor injury.EB is caused by a fault (mutation) in the keratin or collagen gene.nowledge center. Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is a rare group of inherited conditions of connective tissue that cause blisters in the skin and mucosal membranes in response to heat, friction, rubbing, scratching or minor injury.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "620d33540646a19c1bd879ee5cd2bacc", "text": "1-800-269-4663My AccountCreate an AccountSign In No more skin-on-skin irritation, itchiness or odor! The Problem. Many people have skin folds or places where skin touches skin. Unfortunately, these ‘pockets’ or ‘skin folds’ are a breeding ground for Intertrigo, (pronounced inter-try-go) a skin rash that thrives in hot, sweaty places where skin rubs against skin.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8110063972b54422ac3b4f87451b1a45", "text": "- Introduction. Epiglottic entrapment is one of the causes of respiratory noise and exercise intolerance in the horse. In this condition, the aryepiglottic fold completely envelops the apex and lateral margins of the epiglottis.The aetiology is unclear although epiglottic hypoplasia or deformity may sometimes be involved.piglottic entrapment is one of the causes of respiratory noise and exercise intolerance in the horse.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0720cd7c415a88be361695c486a23889", "text": "You Asked: Can Smiling A Lot Really Cause Wrinkles? When it comes to your smile, the largest of the lines that form are the “nasolabial folds”—those big parentheses of skin that arc downward from the sides of your nose to the corners of your mouth, explains Dr. Marc Glashofer, a New York-based dermatologist. Those folds appear every time you smile.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "47820670703bb7288ed36f855c3fbdb1", "text": "Dog Skin & Coat Disorders Proteus Syndrome causes large tumors to grow above and below the skin. Asymmetric overgrowth of the body is another characteristic. The name Human Elephant Disease comes from the rough, dark appearance of the skin, like an elephant's.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3bc28b006adce81e1e402a69ea128e05", "text": "Mouth and Lip Issues â Nasolabial Folds, Upper Lip Lines⦠Lines from your nose to your mouth (nasolabial folds) The lines that curve down from the outer edges of the nose to the outer edges of the mouth can sometimes almost look like parentheses around our mouth. In some people, these can get very pronounced as they age.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "609b70cd36207487f9d9404574423d9c", "text": "- Here are the conditions you should be on the lookout if you have a Pocket Beagle: 1 Cherry eye: An eye condition that occurs when the gland in the third eyelid bulges out. The condition can be surgically corrected. 2 Cataracts: An eye condition that causes opacity on the eye lens and can lead to limited vision or blindness.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "db5c6c072fbab21d1b87343a2199d51d", "text": "Acanthosis Nigricans (Dark Thick Skin Folds) Causes and Pictures What is acanthosis nigricans? Acanthosis nigricans is a type of skin condition characterized by thick dark (hyperpigmented) skin which tends to occur on the skin folds – armpits (axillae), neck, and groin. Typically the hyperpigmented skin has a velvety texture and can therefore be clearly differentiated from hyperpigented areas of normal skin.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "eee8b428a68ee503084cfbe673991add", "text": "10075502597% 92% 86% Wrinkles around the mouth are of three types of skin lines 1 –. Smile Lines (nasolabial lines) – These are those lines that run from thebottom of your nose to the corners of your mouth. 2 Marionette lines – If you feel that your face looks sadder or angrier than it used to, it’s likely because of something called marionette lines.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "faf76d303eb5842a382807de87678359", "text": "Dog Facial Swelling â Facial Swelling in Dogs Causes, on One Side, on Nose Bridge, Itchy Dog Facial Swelling – Facial Swelling in Dogs Causes, on One Side, on Nose Bridge, Itchy. Dog facial swelling occurs when parts of the face such as the nose, muzzle, eyes, chin and ears become enlarged. The swelling may appear symmetrical on a specific part or be found on just a single side of the face.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e50a466023de01c071ed63de2ce7382c", "text": "Jowls Our muscles lose their firmness, causing our facial features to sag. Jowls form when our cheeks sag. Our cheekbones disappear, and we now have a flat, wide face with cheek pouches. 3. Reduced Skin Elasticity. The skin loses elasticity with age and sun exposure. Loss of skin elasticity causes skin to sag. Since the lateral and lower cheeks are not tightly attached to the facial bones, the cheek muscles tend to droop along with the sagging skin. Spending a few minutes in the sun causes jowls by damaging the layers of the skin. As skin looses elasticity, jaws begin drooping.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f3cffd516100756c6c3c290810b4e31c", "text": "Erase Lines Around Your Mouth Botox prevents or slows the development of deeper lines. Its active ingredient, botulinum toxin, relaxes small muscles around the mouth that help create frowns, Levine says. Fewer frowns equal fewer frown lines.When You Have Lines in Your 60s and Beyond. You may see results from a face or neck lift to tighten loose skin.rase Lines Around Your Mouth. Deep lines around your mouth (also called nasolabial folds) become more visible as we age. That's because the ligaments around the mouth and chin loosen, allowing fatty tissue in cheeks to sag.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6f14d28b21f9bd8b8a2eb6b83848a3af", "text": "ectropion Outward turning of the eyelid margin. The most common cause is a loss of tonus of the pretarsal orbicularis muscle combined with laxity of the medial and lateral canthal tendons, which occurs in old people and affects only the lower eyelid (involutional ectropion).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9c5b171e3c11dd8dbe42ca9404495011", "text": "Watery Eyes in Dogs Blockage can occur due to trauma, inflammation, medications, and rarely tumors. In certain breeds of cats and dogs, the problem is their anatomy. Breeds with flat faces (brachiocephalic) such as Boxers, Bulldogs, and Pugs, can have epiphora due to their flattened facial anatomy. Symptoms of excessive tearing. Animals with excessive tearing have wet or moist fur below their eyes and may have other findings based on the underlying problem. If the tearing is chronic, animals develop a reddish brown stain below their eyes. The area may also be moist and their skin may become red and irritated. Diagnosis of excessive tearing If you think your pet has excessive tearing, you should take them to your veterinarian.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "11bd388cdf3bc42753ff9801b8d8f24f", "text": "Mange in Dogs (Canine Scabies) Also known as canine scabies, sarcoptic mange is caused by mites that are oval-shaped, light-colored and microscopic. All dogs raised normally by their mothers possess demodectic mange mites (Demodex canis), which are transferred from mother to pup via cuddling during the first few days of life.here are three types of demodectic mange that affect canines. Localized cases occur when these mites proliferate in one or two small, confined areas. This results in isolated scaly bald patches-usually on the dog's face-creating a polka-dot appearance.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "63139701c3efb29b22302712280f1312", "text": "Sagging Jowls The Causes of Sagging Jowls. The number-one cause of sagging jowls is simply natural aging. As you age, your skin loses vital proteins called collagen and elastin, which keep the skin firm and smooth.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "284c42ce7e918a2d35f5a7522769d270", "text": "Deep Horizontal Crease on Upper Lip when Smiling? (photo) This horizontal lip crease is not uncommon and occurs due to contraction of a muscle between the nose and upper lip. There are two main treatments for this problem, one surgical and the other injectable Botox. Botox is simple and for 4 months will inhibit contraction of the muscle which eliminates the crease.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d827ce561842d19b4f0a5387538b9c3c", "text": "- The condition is most commonly found in the groin, axillae, and inframammary folds. It also may affect antecubital fossae; umbilical, perineal, or interdigital areas; neck creases; and folds of the eyelids.1,2 Intertrigo is a common disorder that can affect patients throughout life.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e8d5e42f9a2c1e16d7ff0e4ec5f6aaac", "text": "Secrets of a natural facelift “People think that lines, wrinkles and sagging are caused by lack of elasticity in the skin,” she says. “This is quite wrong. It is in fact the unused muscles which begin to sag, dragging the skin down with them. That is why when we reach our 50s many women develop jowls and a loosening of the skin under the chin.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d20811bc251c43aad711db0cb5d15aa3", "text": "The corners of my mouth are cracking up Cracks or sores in the corner of the mouth, also known as angular cheilitis, angular stomatitis, or perleche, can be rather annoying, like a paper cut — small, and irritating. Angular cheilitis is actually an inflammatory condition, and can cause bleeding and ulceration in addition to the painful cracks or sores.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ec1d94c92d5099f623ac0184fda1950b", "text": "Rash on Lower Belly - Superficial Pyoderma by Allison. (Augusta,Ga). My dog has had a rash for two days on the lower belly, with small blisters and a circular rash. He is male, 11 months old, half lab/half bulldog and is neutered. He is very healthy, has had his shots and has been treated for fleas.The rash is no where else on him.y Allison. (Augusta,Ga). My dog has had a rash for two days on the lower belly, with small blisters and a circular rash. He is male, 11 months old, half lab/half bulldog and is neutered. He is very healthy, has had his shots and has been treated for fleas.", "title": "" } ]
how often should i water my raised vegetable garden
[ { "docid": "21eaf0ba46a3fcf2cd0126f78b53df03", "text": "How often do I need to water my garden? Report Abuse. For raised beds, you might need to water every two days. If you cover the soil with mulch, you might be able to get by watering every three days. When the soil is dry in the first inch, you need to water. A good soaking is better then shallow watering, however.he mulch will help regulate the water content and temperature of the soil. Your new plants will need watered every 2-3 days. Once they've established, water them thoroughly one to two times a week.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "e792bfaa4c3f67b1242940b879f2d52f", "text": "- Posted: June 26, 2013. As a general rule, vegetable crops require 1 - 1.5 acre-inches of water per week. Penn State's Elsa Sanchez and Bill Lamont explain how to determine how long to run your drip irrigation system to meet this need.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "88abb8bec8f0634a0a7c62b454874392", "text": "- Raised beds often improve drain-age, allow soil to warm rapidly in the spring, and reduce problems with soil-borne diseases. In most cases, an annual application of a bal-anced fertilizer (such as 20-20-10), at a rate that supplies about 3 lb of nitrogen (N) per 1,000 square feet, is suffi cient for vegetable crops.Fertilizer labels indicate the percentages of nitrogen (N), phosphate (P), and potash (K) in the material.For example, a fertilizer labeled 20-20-10 contains 20 percent nitrogen, 20 percent phosphate, and 10 percent potash.or long-season crops such as tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants, or for early crops of cabbage, broccoli, caulifl ower, and lettuce, buy plants or start your own transplants. If recommended varieties are not available locally, you can purchase seed from a seed com-pany.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9964e2257e676c5eecbaf9cafca1ad67", "text": "- Households with backyard swimming pools are likely to see a spike up in water use in months when the pools are filled and filtered. 1 Households with lawns or gardens must factor in the amount of water sprinkled on grass, flowers and vegetables. Outdoor watering uses 5 to 10 gallons per minute. So in 10 or 20 minutes, you may use 100 gallons – the amount industry experts estimate is used by an average person each day for all personal water needs!", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c8acb55f80937832771e0ed0aa51ab3a", "text": "- This is a single replacement reaction. The zinc replaces the copper in the sulfate compound. In general, if a reaction occurs between a metal and metal-nonmetal (ionic) compo … und, the two metals will switch..1 person found this useful.his is a single replacement reaction. The zinc replaces the copper in the sulfate compound. In general, if a reaction occurs between a metal and metal-nonmetal (ionic) compo … und, the two metals will switch.. 1 person found this useful.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6c745b33fd9b1e6690ec2951cdb5a1d5", "text": "How Much Water Do Vegetables Need? A good general guideline is an inch of water per week, either by rain or watering; in arid climates, it is double that. In hot weather, vegetables need even more water, up to about ½ inch per week extra for every 10 degrees that the average temperature is above 60 degrees.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f33e11bc48a999bf8d09ac11cf0450d0", "text": "- Smaller trees and shrubs: 2-5 minutes – up to 30 minutes if very dry. Perennials and vines: up to one minute. Grass and ground covers can be watered using a sprinkler and should be watered daily for 30 minutes for the first two or three weeks and thereafter 2 to 3 times weekly.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d58c642cecd25bf5e548e9f7bae4beda", "text": "Liquid Lime Formula (Sugar-Chelated Calcium) Apply early in the morning or after sundown for best results. A fine mist sprayer will work best. Apply monthly or as needed. Row Crops. Apply at 1-2 quarts per acre. Use a minimum of 15 gallons of water. Tree Crops. Apply up to 4 quarts per acre using a minimum of 50 gallons of water.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b4ce3f001591f1809f43cf54b5132ffc", "text": "How Often Should I Water My Lawn? Your lawn needs about 1 inch to 1 ½ inch of water per week. It can be difficult to say accurately how long it will take you as that depends on your sprinkler. Most systems will take about an hour. One creative way to judge is to take an empty container about an inch deep (like a tuna fish can) and leave it in the grass.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e07ad8440d6484190b5c253a7e0558b5", "text": "How to Water Cucumber Plants Water your cucumbers every two or three days with a watering can. These plants have shallow root systems and drink water quickly, so water deeply so that the soil is moist but not soggy.Wait until the top layer of soil is dry before watering again.ucumbers are vitamin-laden, tasty vegetables. If grown properly, your garden will overflow with cucumbers, since they produce throughout the entire growing season. An important part of making sure you have a good cucumber crop is proper watering. Under-watered cucumbers will produce less and smaller fruit.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b956d1b1e0be655698a9774ac0fd3d94", "text": "- Households with lawns or gardens must factor in the amount of water sprinkled on grass, flowers and vegetables. Outdoor watering uses 5 to 10 gallons per minute. So in 10 or 20 minutes, you may use 100 gallons – the amount industry experts estimate is used by an average person each day for all personal water needs!If the climate turns unseasonably dry, expect to use even more water to keep your garden alive and your grass green.ew showerheads, however, reduce the water used in an average shower to just 2 gallons per minute versus 5 or 6 gallons that spurt out of older showerheads. One toilet flush will use 5 to 7 gallons unless it is in a new home where 1.5 gallon commodes are required.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dc6320528b7c339ae2e7b2a9bf626fc1", "text": "Proper Watering of your Lawn Then set the sprinklers in that zone to run for that length of time. You can generally set the sprinkler times in the following way. Rotary sprinklers usually will take about 40 to 50 minutes to adequately water their zone. Fixed spray heads will take generally 15 to 20 minutes to produce 3/4 to 1 inch of water. It's best to water in the morning before dawn. Watering in the morning reduces evaporation caused by the hot sun.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a51a05d8cb1993708df1ab44500d170e", "text": "Best Time To Water Plants â When Should I Water My Vegetable Garden? Watering in the early morning will also make the water available to the plants throughout the day so that the plants will be able to deal better with the heat of the sun. There is a gardening myth that watering in the morning will make the plants susceptible to scorch.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ae60e834b7e7bd42760fbb2f58a05292", "text": "- Water 2 to 3 times weekly for the first year. Do not water when ground is frozen. However, if there is a sustained thaw, even in winter, water once a week. Watering should continue for at least 2 or 3 years to establish plants and during periods of drought. Water in early morning, preferably or late afternoon. Do not water in the middle of the day — too hot — or early evening — plants need to dry off before nightfall to avoid mildew and other complications.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "74d5820c4f706175e51c7cbd0c382658", "text": "How Often Should I Water My Lawn? How Often Should I Water? The frequency with which you water will depend heavily on the season. When temperatures are lower, such as in spring and autumn, there is less water evaporation occurring, so you don’t need to water as often. These times of year, you can usually get away with watering every two weeks or so.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f7f636e0f91506a9461fa240ac9fadfc", "text": "Watering Correctly Saves Time, Money, and Plants While a lawn sprinkler may be a good method for the lawn, it may not be the best way to water a vegetable garden. Pick a watering device that matches the needs of your garden and the time you have available to water. Once a device is selected, know the correct way to use that device, in order to water efficiently.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "81f7a35f5d0a86adda8ff0b8fe45e566", "text": "Chapter 3 GRASSLANDS OF SOUTH AFRICA During the early growing season, increase watering to at least once a week. During warmer parts of the growing season, water newly planted trees deeply (it’s more important to water deeply than frequently), at least twice a week, and even more so when it is hot and dry.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "eca4d3433ebcdde5122eabcdb5db4fdd", "text": "Gardening in the month of August Watering the garden. Watering can be the biggest task this month particularity if the weather gets hot. Vegetable gardens, most flowering plants, and the lawn all need about one inch of water every week to keep them green and looking nice. Be sure to water thoroughly, and deeply each time you water.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "93272bc56a1bc04cf798110a85187e87", "text": "When to Water Too much water can be just as damaging to plants as too little. Water deeply and thoroughly. Lawns and annuals concentrate their roots in the top 6 of soil; for perennials, shrubs and trees, it's the top 12. In heavy soil, it may take hours for water to percolate down 6-12. Use your finger or a shovel to check the progress.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a1ed8af3649f5170575f361935fbca63", "text": "- 1 Watering. 2 Depending on the weather, you should water every 5 to 10 days to a depth of 6 inches. 3 Make sure not to waste water by checking the lawn while your sprinkler system is running.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "07699741f512066541444983bca3c8ad", "text": "How Often Do You Need to Water Potatoes? How you water plants is as important as when you water them. Potatoes have different requirements than some other vegetables. Apply between 1 and 2 inches of water during your weekly watering sessions.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "20856d5feb6f7fa112e3d08a304544ed", "text": "- On average, most lawns need 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week to stay lush and green. That water can come from rainfall or irrigation. How often your lawn needs a drink depends on a host of factors, including things like soil type, sunlight, grass type and regional climate. The list truly goes on and on.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dedd64bcd9c803160d03c3eabd5207b3", "text": "- The Ritz-Carlton, Laguna Niguel; Denver, CO - The Ritz-Carlton, Denver; Fort Lauderdale, FL - The Ritz-Carlton, Fort Lauderdale; Greensboro, GA - The Ritz-Carlton Reynolds, Lake Oconee; Half Moon Bay, CA - The Ritz-Carlton, Half Moon Bay; Kapalua, HI - The Ritz-Carlton, Kapalua; Key Biscayne, FL - The Ritz-Carlton Key Biscayne, Miami; Los Angeles, CA - The Ritz-Carlton, Los Angeles; Marana, AZ -", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7157591cf129e52d82b6515db0a9ac86", "text": "Tall Fescue Maintenance Calendar Watering Either water as needed to prevent drought or allow the lawn to go dormant. About 1 inch of water per application each week is adequate for irrigated lawns. Sandy soils often require more frequent watering, or about 0.5 inch of water every third day.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d2237c48aff4a2d5905f110210b83d51", "text": "How Often Should You Water Strawberry Plants? Watering Strawberries. Strawberry plants require regular watering. When your strawberry plants are growing and producing fruit, they will need an average of 1 to 2 inches of water weekly. New strawberry plants can be given about 1 inch of water each week to establish growth.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "efb6c6805c02b56e79d3f48f04fb5a0b", "text": "- 1 That's why it's healthiest to water plants sparingly, but deeply. Instead of watering just a little bit every day, choose one or two days a week to give the plants a good, deep watering. That means spending a full thirty seconds or more on each area, rather than just spraying the garden down quickly.", "title": "" } ]
is exercise/walking beneficial for the fetus in pregnancy
[ { "docid": "1226f32d40c8b547043a263c8571834f", "text": "Walking for Exercise in Pregnancy When it comes to walking and pregnancy, do it! Probably the best exercise for a pregnant woman is walking, an excellent way to tone muscles, get fresh air, keep your body regular, and help you sleep soundly at night. But remember: never push yourself to the point of exhaustion. Guide for Expectant Parents.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "2e863c0913bb9d303d91bb53c8562e50", "text": "Exercise During Pregnancy Overall and in most cases, exercise is safe during pregnancy. You will usually find it is even recommended. Typically, the first rule of thumb is if you were physically active before you were pregnant, it is likely safe to remain active during pregnancy.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e70de5afa7cac42b61205b26615fe324", "text": "Exercise During Pregnancy Maintaining a regular exercise routine throughout your pregnancy can help you stay healthy and feel your best. Regular exercise during pregnancy can improve your posture and decrease some common discomforts such as backaches and fatigue.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "72ef7c0c754a7dc5e2a4092641227fe1", "text": "How Third-Trimester Exercise Benefits Your Baby Johanna McShan. Exercise duing pregnancy can keep weight gain in check, reduce your risk of gestational diabetes, decrease discomfort, and set you up for an easier labor and delivery. Now, new research shows that breaking a sweat, especially after 29 weeks, has a big benefit for your baby, too.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8ff1fe41afcb2db5f35938ffa169275b", "text": "- 2. Use Jumpers Sparingly. Jumpers are a better option as compared to baby walkers, as they strengthen the baby’s legs and give the baby confidence, while allowing the baby to learn how the body can move forward by moving the legs in a certain position.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d06d1aa6d5aee9d0db0b0ca408a87a50", "text": "Pregnancy: Exercise During Pregnancy If you have never exercised regularly before, you can safely begin an exercise program during pregnancy after consulting with your health care provider. Do not try a new, strenuous activity. Walking and swimming are considered safe to initiate when pregnant. The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology recommends 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise per day on most if not all days of the week, unless you have a medical or obstetric complication.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "88ae6fdd45854e62f9ffb459e425a092", "text": "- 1 Basic standing poses are great during the first trimester such as the warrior poses, crescent lunge, and side angle pose. Standing balancing poses are also safe during the first trimester. Because your blood pressure is low, it is easy to feel dizzy or light headed during this time.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "da436d1fe19806df0c1db6bf119321f1", "text": "Walking and Labor Induction Walking and labor induction go hand in hand for many pregnancies. Walking is one of the commonly recommended methods of self inducing labor naturally and has many advantages.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fa8035bdf517444e1f9b1808c4c13541", "text": "- Just because you are pregnant does not usually mean that you should stop any physical activity. Equally, it does not usually mean that you cannot start physical activity. For most women, it is important to do some regular physical activity during pregnancy as part of living a healthy lifestyle.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1ec9a06b64892039d6a5e970ce9a06a5", "text": "Walking for good health Health benefits of walking. 1 increased cardiovascular and pulmonary (heart and lung) fitness. 2 reduced risk of heart disease and stroke. 3 improved management of conditions such as hypertension (high blood pressure), high cholesterol, joint and muscular pain or stiffness, and diabetes. 4 stronger bones and improved balance.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d5cc1e56f5ff3617a24e0aed29156d44", "text": "- Book your JNU to ANC flights with Expedia and find last-minute Juneau to Anchorage airfare. Expedia offers discount airfare on multiple airline carriers that fly direct and indirect routes between JNU and ANC, with new flight deals and promotions almost daily.rowse the most popular airlines servicing the Anchorage (ANC) airport. Visit their flights pages to learn more about the most popular routes these carriers fly. Expedia, Inc. is not responsible for content on external Web sites.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7e2d467d670fc49712aa28d1018879f6", "text": "Is It Safe To Bend During Pregnancy? While it may sound surprising to you, bending during pregnancy will not hurt your baby in any way. Nature provides a wonderful cushioning system for the growing fetus. The amniotic fluid allows the baby to move his arms, legs, practice breathing movements and flip around in your womb.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bf26d819598a321507ef770d24b64d1a", "text": "What Does It Take To Become An Elite Gymnast? | Gymnastics GL Even if you never mange to reach the elite level, there are still many things that you can do with your gymnastics. You can still compete and learn exciting new skills. You could even reach college-level gymnastics.Follow us at http://getleotards for more articles on artistic gymnastics.ven if you never mange to reach the elite level, there are still many things that you can do with your gymnastics. You can still compete and learn exciting new skills. You could even reach college-level gymnastics.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6d85ea6303e005a0a46c7c9ec91f874a", "text": "- Squatting Exercises During Pregnancy. Squatting exercises during pregnancy can help with labor. Many pregnant women spend a lot of time looking for ways to stay comfortable and fit, and to prepare their bodies for labor. Squatting is an age-old activity that can achieve all three goals.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a5bf05d397df140da0d89b89e098018c", "text": "Exercise During Pregnancy [en Español] In the early stages of pregnancy, some women can continue their prepregnancy exercise routines (including running, aerobics, biking, roller-skating, skiing, weight lifting, or other physically strenuous activities).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e84de9fade1cc8d70a6d8742a97489fe", "text": "Is Walking Good Exercise? Walking is good for children, adults, the elderly and your pets, making it an ideal family activity. Add some hills to your walking routine to intensify your cardiovascular workout and tone your leg muscles.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cb01a8c3b6c559f6cf6146e7dd56ef12", "text": "- The strengthening of these muscles can increase the ease of your labor. During pregnancy, you are likely to feel pain in numerous places as your baby grows inside you. Squats will help to build up your gluteus, your quadriceps and other leg muscles, offering more support to your pelvic region and reducing pain.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6f741b52a4a1db7282a5320d50fffe6f", "text": "Certain exercises are recommended depending on which stage of pregnancy you are in.Pregnant women should definitely exercise, but exercise with prenatal guidelines in mind. If you're pregnant, keeping up with a routine of prenatal exercises will help you deliver a healthy baby. Depending on which trimester you're in, certain exercises are great, but take caution: others will put your baby at risk.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "040981daadc750150f2aba2d34fa99c3", "text": "Exercises to Make a Baby Drop During Pregnancy If you haven't been exercising during your pregnancy, start slowly. Walk for 10 minutes a day, and gradually increase to 20 or 30 minutes. Using a birthing ball in the last weeks of pregnancy will encourage your baby to settle into the pelvis while also relieving pressure and increasing blood flow to the baby.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "14f82f31b8d8ea9cf70c66ca7986e9ed", "text": "- Exercise might be the last thing on your mind after you give birth, but it's worthwhile. In fact, exercise after pregnancy might be one of the best things you can do for yourself. Follow these tips to keep exercise after pregnancy safe.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "df3d1dcf9937a72c16de63a5939395a6", "text": "- Say goodbye to the myth of pregnancy as a “fragile” condition, and say hello. to pregnancy in the 21st century. Groundbreaking scientific research now. shows that women can safely exercise and maintain their levels of fitness. throughout the perinatal period. Regular exercise provides innumerable. maternal benefits before, during and after pregnancy. In addition, consistent. exercise helps to improve your baby’s physical and mental development.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "869a216dbf4feda88c5d26ec515f0fd5", "text": "Exercises to Reduce Edema in Pregnancy As your pregnancy progresses, your body increases its overall fluid volume by 50 percent. This extra fluid, plus hormonal changes and increased weight, mean swollen feet and ankles, especially in the third trimester. Exercise is one strategy to relieve swelling and prevent its return. Video of the Day", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1afd18a9837de8c5c3622555a34a0f12", "text": "Pregnancy week by week Get your health care provider's OK for any exercise during pregnancy — especially if you have a history of preterm labor or certain medical conditions, such as high blood pressure. Also, be careful to pace yourself appropriately.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "964575b4c804a9259025c63a61d9c71f", "text": "- Related Stories. 1 Risk of caesarean reduced by healthy diet and physical activity during pregnancy, study finds. 2 Moderate physical activity linked to healthy glucose metabolism in the brain. 3 Physical activity linked to reduced fatigue, better cognitive function in cancer survivors.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1a118a7c8173a72200d4cf19c07d76ab", "text": "- Following a healthy, safe diet; getting regular exercise as advised by a health care provider; and avoiding exposure to potentially harmful substances such as lead and radiation can help reduce the risk for problems during pregnancy and ensure the infant's health and development.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "93397489a2a61705258e07bd891ec081", "text": "Walking and Labor Induction 1 The physical movement may also help stimulate the muscles and prepare for contractions. 2 The body's perspiring during walking may also signal the pituitary gland to increase hormone production, which may in turn have an effect on the hormone oxytocin, which causes labor to begin.", "title": "" } ]
what county is sound beach ny
[ { "docid": "35eb6cb08d7144830cd1a84898b93741", "text": "Sound Beach, New York Sound Beach, New York. Sound Beach, established in 1929, is a hamlet and census-designated place (CDP) in the north part of the Town of Brookhaven in Suffolk County, New York, United States. The population of the CDP was 7,612 at the 2010 census.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "158845eef949ace422128a89dac8c3eb", "text": "- The Nassau County Federal Shore Protection Project will be constructed along Fernandina Beach in the summer of 2008. The project will widen and restore the sandy beach along 4-miles of shoreline from Fort Clinch State Park to just south of Sadler Road.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "12aa23ea10f61b36aa9a4566a509e917", "text": "- Map and Site Information: Zuma Beach County Park. Photo by NPS-A. Bevilacqua. This wide, sandy beach along the Pacific Coast Highway is a popular destination for surfing, swimming, and observing dolphins and sea lions or the diverse wildlife around the restored wetlands of nearby Zuma Lagoon. The beach has parking, volleyball courts, lifeguard stations, swing sets, and a snack bar.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ea3c5e7b168f4a73c87c541f1f72e60b", "text": "About the Village of Stump Sound, North Topsail Beach Located off of Island Drive in North Topsail Beach, the Village of Stump Sound is conveniently situated between the sound and the ocean, making for the ideal spot to enjoy the best of both worlds. Community amenities include an ocean side clubhouse with a huge in-ground pool, tennis courts, and a boat dock and kayak launch on the sound side.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1aa0c3f40f29cc2511623be049131966", "text": "Welcome to St. Clair Beach Dental Centre! Welcome to St. Clair Beach Dental Centre! As of 2017, our dentists at St. Clair Beach Dental Centre have been proudly serving Windsor and Essex County for 30 years! We are pleased that you have entrusted your dental health to our care.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "62a6eb7e3fc09952e6862bc7f8f4de7f", "text": "- Pompano Beach, Florida. Pompano Beach /ˌpɒmpənoʊ ˈbiːtʃ/ is a city in Broward County, Florida, United States, along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean just to the north of Fort Lauderdale. The nearby Hillsboro Inlet forms part of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "06a50a499a39f01931f2fd065a177a26", "text": "- Overview of Bradley Beach. Bradley Beach is a borough in Monmouth County, N.J. The small seaside community is known for its tourism industry, but has a lot to offer its residents. Ideal for families or beach lovers, Bradley Beach is just about an hour away from New York City, where residents can enjoy world-class city living whenever they choose.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ffc0c628395ee8e789e9674f391d51fc", "text": "- North America > United States of America > Mid-Atlantic > New York (state) > Metro New York > Long Island > Suffolk County (New York) > Brookhaven (town, New York) Brookhaven is a town on Long Island in the state of New York. It includes the villages of Belle Terre, Bellport, Lake Grove, Mastic Beach, Old Field, Patchogue, Poquott, Port Jefferson, and Shoreham. Other prominent communities include Brookhaven hamlet, Centereach, Center Moriches, Coram, Fire Island Pines, Mount Sinai, Shirley, Stony Brook, and Yaphank.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "609376fd46fe78d78174e053dc35a9bb", "text": "- Crescent Beach. Shelter Island, NY. This beach permits swimming with lifeguards that are on duty. Every summer they have a fireworks celebration. Permit is required for parking.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "29f4583f055edc4d1c21ee639bcac961", "text": "Manhattan Beach Manhattan County Beach. Manhattan Beach (the beach) is the main beach of the city of Manhattan Beach in Los Angeles County.... See Beach Details. Surfing and beach volleyball are top draws for one of the most exquisite communities in all of Los Angeles County.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e73ba802187f663d296a19c9cca25b7d", "text": "Cedar Beach (Brookhaven, New York) Sunbathers on the main section of Cedar Beach. Cedar Beach is a public beach on the North Shore of Long Island, located within the Town of Brookhaven in Suffolk County, New York. The beach itself spans 3,450 feet on a peninsula that divides Mount Sinai Harbor from the Long Island Sound.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cc6ac254c07eee3788e1923524136beb", "text": "Hobe Sound Map â Satellite Images of Hobe Sound Welcome to the Hobe Sound google satellite map! This place is situated in Martin County, Florida, United States, its geographical coordinates are 27° 3' 33 North, 80° 8' 12 West and its original name (with diacritics) is Hobe Sound. See Hobe Sound photos and images from satellite below, explore the aerial photographs of Hobe Sound in United States. Hobe Sound hotels map is available on the target page linked above.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8466bd9995a6737ee8a75908d44a3f87", "text": "South County Sanitary South County Sanitary South County Sanitary is a municipal waste hauling company operating within the cities of Avila Beach, Shell Beach, Pismo Beach, Grover Beach, Oceano, Arroyo Grande, and Nipomo. We service trash seven days a week and are only closed one day a year; Christmas!", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ec95ca775b4118d9171e8967092ccc20", "text": "Manhattan Beach, California The Beach Cities Health District, one of 78 California Health Districts, is located in Redondo Beach. Created in 1955, as South Bay Hospital, to provide health and wellness services to the residents of Hermosa Beach, Manhattan Beach, and Redondo Beach. The district took on its current name in 1993.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2c70c976b6b5b2ba83811ad9c8a6dbec", "text": "Services When Sound Publishing purchased the Friday Harbor-based Journal of the San Juan Islands, the Sounder returned to its Orcas Island roots, although it continues to serve the entire county. The Islands' Sounder also publishes islandssounder.com, an online news site devoted to coverage of Orcas Island and the surrounding area.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "65d51cb5b7458d05e7889e427b0750c7", "text": "- Greenwich, CT. Greenwich, famous for its affluence, presents a luxurious world of elegant seaside living, shopping and diverse recreation. A New England gateway, bordering New York's Westchester County, it is a prime location for convenient travel by rail or highway to major metropolitan centers. The village of Old Greenwich was called Sound Beach in the last century, and the main road through the small downtown business section is Sound Beach Avenue.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ca8387c539b10883305d50f4865d4ab6", "text": "- Suffolk County, NY - August 8, 2016 - Lake Ronkonkoma Beach, in the town of Islip, Tanner Park Beach in Copiague, Benjamin Beach in Bayshore and Peconic Dunes County Park...", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e9dd5edbd62c129435769abf7994a342", "text": "Oyster Bay, Nassau County, New York Genealogy 1793-1855 - Gritman, Charles T. Marriage Records, Oyster Bay, Long Island, New York: Register of Marriages Performed by the Rev. Marmaduke Earle, 1793-1855: at Stamford, Connecticut, 1793-1801, at Oyster Bay Long Island, 1802-1855, at New York City, in 1811.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8308e06073ac33b1d72c03dbe8590b2e", "text": "- This assessment may also prove useful if you don’t already have your own school or district instrument to use in gauging the skill level of your incoming second graders. Baseline Assessment, Part 1: page 1 The first page is a set of 20 addition facts and a set of 20 subtraction facts.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4222f820ccf97c7056879db6448c015a", "text": "- Smitho Photo provides photography for Ocean Isle Beach, Sunset Beach, Holden Beach, & Brunswick County. Beach / Weddings / Engagement / Portraits / Children / Newborn / Family / Special Events.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "05e5a89c68304200dd1fc41356b3ead1", "text": "Bayville, New York Bayville, New York. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The Village of Bayville, often referred to as Pine Island, is a village located on Long Island Sound facing Greenwich, Connecticut. The Incorporated Village of Bayville is located within the town of Oyster Bay in Nassau County, New York, United States. The population was 6,669 at the 2010 census.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d4754de55ab2c2d563c162b14b3027ae", "text": "Amazing Ocean & Sound Views, Beautiful New Flooring, Cul-de-Sac, Pool and Tennis This beautiful 2nd row beach house has magnificent views of both the ocean and the sound, which can be viewed from all four decks. It is located in Topsail Island's premier beach development, Village of Stump Sound. In addition to enjoying the ocean, the community offers a swimming pool and tennis. Brand new beautiful flooring installed throughout entire house in June 2017.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bb505475abaf5bc750636e87bf07d4d8", "text": "- Hobe Sound, Martin County, FL Foreclosures. Search for foreclosed homes for sale in Hobe Sound, Martin County, Florida.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e08e3579b95f212326c46e9bef55ba44", "text": "Oyster Bay (hamlet), New York The community is served by the Oyster Bay-East Norwich Central School District. The name Oyster Bay is first recorded by Captain... (more...) Oyster Bay is a hamlet and census-designated place on the North Shore of Long Island in the Town of Oyster Bay in Nassau County, New York. The community is served by the Oyster Bay-East Norwich Central School District. The name Oyster Bay is first recorded by Captain... Oyster Bay is a hamlet and census-designated place on the North Shore of Long Island in the Town of Oyster Bay in Nassau County, New York. The community is served by the Oyster Bay-East Norwich Central School District. The name Oyster Bay is first recorded by Captain... (more...)", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a3c27bf19cacd386b486e1a0eb08ce5d", "text": "- A seaside hideaway nestled on the sands of Shelter Island Sound on the eastern end of Long Island, New York. With only twenty guest rooms, Sunset Beach offers the perfect intimate escape. Join us for a Summer getaway or simply enjoy a delicious meal, glass of rosé, and breathtaking views.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "63eaa5b206ee769cce42326f05be9721", "text": "Hobe Sound, FL Profile: Facts, Map & Data The primary coordinate point for Hobe Sound is located at latitude 27.0732 and longitude -80.1412 in Martin County. The formal boundaries for the Hobe Sound Census Designated Place (see map below) encompass a land area of 7.05 sq. miles and a water area of 0.68 sq. miles.", "title": "" } ]
what is a pulmonologist?
[ { "docid": "e59bb07136e561a353539a917be45608", "text": "What does a pulmonary doctor do Pulmonologist Overview. A pulmonologist, or pulmonary disease specialist, is a physician who possesses specialized knowledge and skill in the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary (lung) conditions and diseases. Pulmonology is classified as an internal medicine subspecialty.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "93d70dbb44be89fee804262a671f12d4", "text": "Overview Dr. Kevin Trice MD. Pulmonary Disease | Hermitage, PA. Dr. Kevin Trice is a pulmonologist in Hermitage, Pennsylvania and is affiliated with Sharon Regional Hospital. He received his medical degree from University of Louisville School of Medicine and has been in practice between 11-20 years. Dr. Trice accepts several types of health insurance, listed below.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a84039c0797a3bc402eca42704beb373", "text": "pathologist Definition of pathologist. : a specialist in pathology; specifically : one who interprets and diagnoses the changes caused by disease in tissues and body fluids.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0c251df28efce496d5900b3c7c829b05", "text": "- A pathologist is a physician who studies body fluids and tissues, helps your primary care doctor make a diagnosis about your health or any medical problems you have, and uses laboratory tests to monitor the health of patients with chronic conditions. pathologist may also recommend what you can do to prevent illness and maintain good health. For example, when your blood is drawn as part of your annual physical, the pathologist supervises testing and performs tests to help assess your health.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4ae781ef7cdccd7742a6cb28837e8a1d", "text": "Your Health Care Team A cardiologist is a doctor with special training and skill in finding, treating and preventing diseases of the heart and blood vessels.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8d0e47055ce65ae43c0b3eba96e932a8", "text": "'Shameless' Surprise: Former Series Regular Returns (Video) [Warning: This story contains spoilers from Sunday's season-four finale of Showtime's Shameless.]. A close member of the Gallagher family has returned. During Sunday's season-four finale of Showtime's Shameless, former series regular Justin Chatwin made a surprising comeback as aka Jimmy (aka Steve).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a488cbce9f40118681ffb47314988e63", "text": "- The average age of pulmonologists was 50 years, compared to between 43-45years for the critical care specialists. Nearly 30 percent of pulmonologists were age 50 or over,compared to between 4 and 10 percent for critical care physicians.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dd72be0c5e1522d5097a623d33bf39da", "text": "- A cardiologist is a physician who is certified to treat problems of the cardiovascular system—the heart, arteries, and veins. Cardiology is classified as an internal medicine subspecialty.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "af60603182be1c1729c33762c416481f", "text": "- What is a pathologist? A pathologist is a physician trained in the medical specialty of pathology. Pathology is the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis of disease and causes of death by means of laboratory examination of body fluids (clinical pathology) cell samples, (cytology) and tissues (anatomic pathology). The autopsy is the procedure utilized to study the dead.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e890392e76262150789d30b958ea521f", "text": "What Is A Hepatologist ? What Is A Gastroenterologist? A hepatologist is the most experienced and qualified type of doctor to treat people with liver disease. Since there is currently no separate board certification examination in the field of hepatology, there is no official definition of a hepatologist.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e49140a33fb346c857db7c39ab432a89", "text": "Pulmonology Pulmonology is known as chest medicine and respiratory medicine in some countries and areas.Pulmonology is considered a branch of internal medicine, and is related to intensive care medicine. Pulmonology often involves managing patients who need life support and mechanical ventilation. common example being the usage of inhalers in the treatment of inflammatory lung conditions such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Oxygen therapy is often necessary in severe respiratory disease (emphysema and pulmonary fibrosis).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dd545b4c97d1d48ad38931d7b652dbcc", "text": "Pulmonology Pulmonology is a medical speciality that deals with diseases involving the respiratory tract. The term is derived from the Latin word pulmō, pulmōnis (lung) and the Greek suffix -λογία, -logia (study of).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ff75af64f0dc012b50b7b1c554e4d46a", "text": "Interventional Pulmonology Interventional pulmonology is a relatively new field in pulmonary medicine. Interventional pulmonology uses endoscopy and other tools to diagnose and treat conditions in the lungs and chest.nterventional pulmonology is a relatively new field in pulmonary medicine. Interventional pulmonology uses endoscopy and other tools to diagnose and treat conditions in the lungs and chest.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "71bfa2e1935e753c09b39a0f0718a784", "text": "Types of Mesothelioma Doctors An oncologist is a medical doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. There are few oncologists who specialize in the treatment of mesothelioma. An oncologist is typically referred to you by a general practitioner. An oncologist often will see you as part of the diagnosis process.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f34c840299109457266b220eda52c051", "text": "Respiratory therapist Respiratory therapists are specialists and educators in cardiology and pulmonology. Respiratory therapists are clinicians trained in advanced airway management; establishing and maintaining the airway during management of trauma, intensive care, and may administer anaesthesia for surgery or conscious sedation.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8ed701ed6336ceea14fc7cf78ec2bbb7", "text": "What is a rheumatologist? A rheumatologist is physician who is qualified by additional training and experience in the diagnosis and treatment of arthritis and other diseases of the joints, muscles and bones. Many rheumatologists conduct research to determine the cause and better treatments for these disabling and sometimes fatal diseases.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "01ddd76d7c46d964c83a394fba52feb5", "text": "How to Become a Pulmonologist A pulmonologist (sometimes referred to as a pulmonary disease specialist) is a physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions and diseases associated with the lungs.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "63e29b307994639dbb259ca076ca5752", "text": "Pulmonary Defined Pulmonologists do not perform lung surgeries, but they may perform lung procedures, such as a bronchoscopy, a procedure that allows a medical professional to visualize the inside of the lungs. If surgery is needed, pulmonary problems are typically addressed by a cardiopulmonary surgeon.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7261db23b726405525898f7533c503ec", "text": "Pulmonology (Redirected from Pulmonary medicine) Pulmonology is a medical speciality that deals with diseases involving the respiratory tract. The term is derived from the Latin word pulmō, pulmōnis (lung) and the Greek -λογία, -logia. Pulmonology is synonymous with pneumology (from the Greek πνεύμων (lung) and -λογία, -logia), respirology and respiratory medicine.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2b3d563d3601a283a0c75468637568b4", "text": "Doctors Who Treat Leukemia Patients What is a Hematologist? A hematologist is a doctor who specializes in treating conditions involving the blood. He or she studies the blood and tissues that form blood, such as the spleen and bone marrow. Hematologists can work in a variety of environments, including hospitals, blood banks, diagnostic laboratories, and private clinics.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c7b4844d017421592f5264bdc84bff0f", "text": "Medical Terminology- Lungs Pulmonology (pul-moh-naw-loh-jee). is a medical specialty that studies the anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system and uses diagnostic test, medical and surgical procedures, and drugs to treat respiratory disease.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2a756d668d283f9644ee05a7824d1fcb", "text": "- After passing the exam, the physician receives board certification in internal medicine. This is a prerequisite to becoming certified in pulmonology. Once board certified in internal medicine, the physician must be trained in the subspecialty of pulmonary medicine in order to receive certification in pulmonology.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3b8ee0140c245cb42b7888ded74ac21e", "text": "- In locations throughout the Philadelphia region our board-certified pulmonologists treat and manage many pulmonary diseases that affect your ability to breathe, including: 1 Asthma. 2 Chronic bronchitis. 3 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) 4 Cystic fibrosis. 5 Emphysema. 6 Lung cancer. 7 Pneumonia. 8 Pulmonary fibrosis.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "550d9ea5dfa8adb419bc4facdd8140b6", "text": "What do you call a doctor that works in the ICU? Pulmonologists (lung doctors) are probably the most common type of doctor, overall, to run ICU's. On the other hand, within the world of surgery, there is an entire subspecialty of Trauma/Surgical Critical Care which also leads to the position of managing an ICU.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a192011882d8771fbb1188aebc6a1b04", "text": "What does a pulmonary doctor do What does a pulmonary doctor do. A pulmonologist, or pulmonary disease specialist, is a physician who possesses specialized knowledge and skill in the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary (lung) conditions and diseases.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "af512c99a33b95d2a2f87a2068deae0b", "text": "Finding the Right COPD Treatment Team A pulmonologist specializes in COPD treatment, but your primary care doctor is equally important. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a long-term disease that causes obstruction of air flowing through your lungs. Although there is no cure for COPD, treatment can be very effective if you have the right COPD treatment team working with you.", "title": "" } ]
what is eucalyptus oil good for
[ { "docid": "127e6f576557fafffdb273658e1a1b7d", "text": "- Eucalyptus oil comes from the dried leaves of the eucalyptus tree. The oil is a colorless liquid with a strong woody and sweet scent. Eucalyptus leaves are steam-distilled to extract the oil. Eucalyptus oil contains 70-85% 1,8-cineole (eucalyptol) - an ingredient in some mouthwash and dental preparations.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9eba4c4bce8389171c69d1e7796670f2", "text": "23 Amazing Benefits Of Eucalyptus Oil For Skin, Hair & Health Eucalyptus oil can be used to treat shingles. As eucalyptus essential oil is an antiviral and anti-inflammatory agent, it can help ease the pain caused by the rash due to its strong analgesic properties. You can either add it to a warm bath or use it in a hot compress on the rash.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "15fadd27ff8b45fc027136cc190b3fad", "text": "How Do Essential Oils Work? Another way that essential oils enter the body is inhalation through the nose or mouth. Common examples include inhaling eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globules, E. radiate, or E. smithii) essential oil when you have a cough or inhaling peppermint (Mentha piperita) essential oil to reduce fatigue or nausea.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d25c74f4437b744e5a189e6d2c5b80cd", "text": "- 1 Keep this repellent away from children. Eucalyptus oil is toxic in high doses (4 mL to 5 mL of eucalyptus oil) for children. While this amount is far more than the amount described in the recipe, it's probably best to avoid the stuff just like the cats will do! Do not spray on cats either or enable ingestion.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "185071ba1fa7c38ed00df63b00f5cbbb", "text": "10+ Home Remedies For Snoring That Help The health benefits of eucalyptus oil are well-known and wide ranging, and its properties include anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, decongestant, deodorant, antiseptic, antibacterial, stimulating, and other medicinal qualities. Eucalyptus essential oil is colorless and has a distinctive taste and odor.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b2935f020fed8106ff338bcba69c6d7a", "text": "15 Wonderful Benefits of Eucalyptus Oil The health benefits of eucalyptus oil include the following: Wounds: Eucalyptus essential oil has antiseptic qualities because of its germicidal quality. Upon exposure to air, ozone is formed which is a well-researched antiseptic. Therefore, eucalyptus oil is used for healing wounds, ulcers, burns, cuts, abrasions and sores.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2e409c6d71308157f899c2fbc530d57c", "text": "The Uses of Eucalyptus are Many- But What Species Do I Use? The most popular Eucalyptus species used are presented below: Eucalyptus globulus – This oil is commonly known as Eucalyptus or Blue Gum Oil. It contains 60-75% 1, 8 cineol. This is the eucalyptus that is known to provides support for a healthy respiratory system and soothe muscles after exercise.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b24970fb2c76508af07e7c1e34e472ad", "text": "The health benefits of eucalyptus Eucalyptus is a fast growing evergreen tree native to Australia. There are over 400 different species of the tree. Eucalyptus Globulus (also known as Blue Gum) is the main source of global eucalyptus oil production. Eucalyptus oil comes from the dried leaves of the eucalyptus tree.The oil is a colorless liquid with a strong woody and sweet scent. Eucalyptus leaves are steam-distilled to extract the oil. Eucalyptus oil contains 70-85% 1,8-cineole (eucalyptol) - an ingredient in some mouthwash and dental preparations.ucalyptus is a fast growing evergreen tree native to Australia. There are over 400 different species of the tree. Eucalyptus Globulus (also known as Blue Gum) is the main source of global eucalyptus oil production. Eucalyptus oil comes from the dried leaves of the eucalyptus tree.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f21e9e4fe1597cf18f73ce269d643cf5", "text": "Eucalyptus Eucalyptus radiata Eucalyptus Eucalyptus radiata. Used to cleanse surfaces and the air, Eucalyptus essential oil can help promote feelings of relaxation and clear breathing.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7fb2a76b23684709b30bd24524caaee9", "text": "The Uses of Eucalyptus are Many- But What Species Do I Use? The most popular Eucalyptus species used are presented below: Eucalyptus globulus – This oil is commonly known as Eucalyptus or Blue Gum Oil. It contains 60-75% 1, 8 cineol. This is the eucalyptus that is known to provides support for a healthy respiratory system and soothe muscles after exercise.ith over 700 species of eucalyptus, as well as chemotypes, common names and different parts of the plant being marketed, it is no wonder that people are so confused! And on top of it, most companies are labeling the oil all under the genus of Eucalyptus. Now that is not only confusing, but misleading !", "title": "" }, { "docid": "36720664717bf285f38fa1cd33ab452b", "text": "Aromatherapy Tips Using Essential Oils with Babies and Children For young children use Eucalyptus Smithi a much safer oil. For colds and coughs.Using essential oils with babies and children. Under the bed place a bowl of boiling water to which you have added 3 drops of Eucalyptus Oil. Use Eucalyptus Smithi which is safer for children.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6f6992b856a841c09b6df0a9ca7faad0", "text": "3 Ways to Use Eucalyptus Oil at Home The most commonly used Eucalyptus oil is the Eucalyptus globulus, or “blue gum”. But there are around 300 different types of the Eucalyptus tree, and essential oil is extracted from several of them. Eucalyptus radiata is similar to Eucalyptus blue gum but is a little gentler on the skin.Lemon Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus citriodora) has a lovely lemony smell, a little like that of Citronella.ut there are around 300 different types of the Eucalyptus tree, and essential oil is extracted from several of them. Eucalyptus radiata is similar to Eucalyptus blue gum but is a little gentler on the skin. Lemon Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus citriodora) has a lovely lemony smell, a little like that of Citronella.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6dbc1a79c678c9bb3a3bb910fd9152d7", "text": "Eucalyptus oil for infection support Using eucalyptus oil as a remedy. Oil of Eucalyptus is often used directly on wounds, cuts, and skin infections, and is generally used diluted with a carrier oil. This oil can also be added to wound wash solutions, antibacterial baths and applied under dressings.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5b0c5fc1b570dc0117a285dd7cbb03df", "text": "Eucalyptus Essential Oil Knowing where to buy eucalyptus oil means knowing who you can trust to provide the quality, pure oils you want. At Bulk Apothecary we are willing to supply a C of A upon request so you will always know you’re getting the best materials possible.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c46719538c7f59422d9579f829eb3001", "text": "- 1 Years of safe use of picaridin in other parts of the world attest to its safety and effectiveness. Oil of lemon eucalyptus is also known as P-menthane diol (PMD). PMD is a plant-based repellent that gives protection time similar to low concentrations of DEET products. It is not recommended for kids under 3 years old.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0a8877a9e7c317a9e51638c132e99c1b", "text": "Safe Use of Health Products Containing Camphor and/or Eucalyptus Oils Health products containing camphor and/or eucalyptus oils (also referred to as aromatic oils) are commonly found as non-prescription cough and cold remedies, used as chest rubs and by steam inhalation to relieve congestion.These oils are also found in some creams and ointments intended to relieve sore muscles.he Issue. Some health products that contain camphor and/or eucalyptus oils can cause serious health problems, including seizures, if they are accidentally swallowed by children.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fcb1d32afdc201415d35a0bb64b3f568", "text": "Outdoors A very popular eucalyptus garden spray for home gardeners which is natural, non-residual and safe to use. You can mix your own spray using the following the easy-to-make formula. - Bosisto’s Eucalyptus Oil 5mL.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e0cc5bf11cc3a0dfbcd423e436c2416c", "text": "Use eucalyptus oil to breathe easier, kill germs, and more Whichever species you have or can find, eucalyptus essential oil has especially powerful germicidal properties. For example, place a two percent mixture in an aroma burner to kill 70 percent of staphylococcus bacteria in a room.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "beb2aeb66f2b8229b1e6fdb07871b5ad", "text": "- The leaves and oil of the eucalyptus plant are used as medicine. Eucalyptus oil is made from the fresh leaves and branch tops of the eucalyptus plant. Eucalyptus leaves contain flavonoids (plant-based antioxidants), volatile oils, and tannins. Researchers think tannins may help reduce inflammation.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "020893403e69d4cf79cad01f86be8b9b", "text": "Sinus Infection Cured with Essential Oils To relieve your sinus infection you could try over the counter medications or go to the doctor for some antibiotics. But, before you do those things why not try an all natural way of clearing up the stuff. Essential oils have been used for this purpose for eons. They are all natural and safe to use. The two most popular ones are Peppermint oil and Eucalyptus oil. These oils can be mixed with lotion or carrier oil and put under the nose and around the sinus area. Two drops of either oil or one of each oil mixed with two teaspoons of carrier oil is all you need.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2f6cfc16b95e9e258e2578c7e6993c98", "text": "Eucalyptus Essential Oil At Bulk Apothecary you can buy eucalyptus oil wholesale direct from the manufacturer. We currently carry a number of different oils, and we offer them all at some of the most affordable prices available. These oils have different uses, scents, and benefits, and you can find what you need right here, including:", "title": "" }, { "docid": "01e6001e15f314968af95a07f8d57d10", "text": "The health benefits of eucalyptus There are over 400 different species of the tree. Eucalyptus Globulus (also known as Blue Gum) is the main source of global eucalyptus oil production. Eucalyptus oil comes from the dried leaves of the eucalyptus tree. The oil is a colorless liquid with a strong woody and sweet scent.Eucalyptus leaves are steam-distilled to extract the oil. Eucalyptus oil contains 70-85% 1,8-cineole (eucalyptol) - an ingredient in some mouthwash and dental preparations.here are over 400 different species of the tree. Eucalyptus Globulus (also known as Blue Gum) is the main source of global eucalyptus oil production. Eucalyptus oil comes from the dried leaves of the eucalyptus tree. The oil is a colorless liquid with a strong woody and sweet scent.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b5624b3bd1df06fa33ace933c3553749", "text": "- Eucalyptus is a tree. The dried leaves and oil are used to make medicine. Though eucalyptus is used medicinally for many purposes, there isn’t enough scientific evidence so far to rate it as effective for any of them. Eucalyptus leaf is used for infections, fever, upset stomach, and to help loosen coughs.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3ae325ef7cc83eb096e8653af0b62848", "text": "The Uses of Eucalyptus are Many- But What Species Do I Use? Eucalyptus polybractea – This oil is commonly known as Blue Mallee Oil. This tree is grown in France, but native to Australia. It contains 85-95% 1, 8 cineol. The chemotype from the French Tree contains cryptone and smells similar to cumin.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bac95245dfbe2eaca37ef2d3ce3d9953", "text": "23 Amazing Benefits Of Eucalyptus Oil For Skin, Hair & Health Eucalyptus essential oil has many bug-repellent qualities. It is a natural pesticide. It is quite common for people to use eucalyptus essential oil as a treatment for lice. Eucalyptus essential oil is good for the hair, it cleanses and moisturizes the scalp and promotes hair growth.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "50798435a0be5f006db3a771abeef099", "text": "The health benefits of eucalyptus Eucalyptus oil vapor acts as a decongestant when it is inhaled and is used to treat bronchitis. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, eucalyptus oil was used in traditional Aboriginal medicines for treating fungal infections and skin wounds.ucalyptus is a fast growing evergreen tree native to Australia. There are over 400 different species of the tree. Eucalyptus Globulus (also known as Blue Gum) is the main source of global eucalyptus oil production. Eucalyptus oil comes from the dried leaves of the eucalyptus tree.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "efd7278338f0d1897da97c798c6ce817", "text": "Aphakia in Adults and Children The prognosis for patients with aphakia is usually good unless there are complications. During childhood, the size of the eye and the refractive error change rapidly. Optical correction in children requires frequent adjustments to ensure that optimal vision is maintained.", "title": "" } ]
what is acromegaly
[ { "docid": "de858003063dc4b2812663df8a79ef78", "text": "Acromegaly Acromegaly is a rare but serious condition caused by too much growth hormone (GH) in the blood. GH is released into the bloodstream by the pituitary gland, located at the base of the brain. The blood carries GH to other parts of the body where it has specific effects.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "59f2ea652fcf1b5754e701f0db504f84", "text": "acromegaly a chronic metabolic condition in adults caused by oversecretion of growth hormones by the pituitary gland. It is characterized by gradual, marked soft tissue enlargement and widening and thickening of skeletal bones in the face, jaw, hands, and feet. Hypertrophy of the vocal cords leads to deepening of the voice.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "94802e12843ef5ede86d533d8f4ccddb", "text": "acromegaly a chronic metabolic condition in adults caused by oversecretion of growth hormones by the pituitary gland. It is characterized by gradual, marked soft tissue enlargement and widening and thickening of skeletal bones in the face, jaw, hands, and feet.Hypertrophy of the vocal cords leads to deepening of the voice. (Marie's disease), a condition caused by hyperfunction of the pituitary gland in adults. Characterized by enlargement of the skeletal extremities, including the feet, hands, mandible, and nose.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "668e2dddb749a736094deab7bc3156ce", "text": "Acromegaly Acromegaly is a rare but serious condition caused by too much growth hormone (GH) in the blood. GH is released into the bloodstream by the pituitary gland, located at the base of the brain. The blood carries GH to other parts of the body where it has specific effects. In children, GH stimulates growth and development.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7c13f91298e23e968c11efe61661d9a5", "text": "Acromegaly Definition and History Acromegaly is a hormonal disorder that results when a pituitary adenoma produces excess growth hormone (GH). It most commonly affects middle-aged adults and can result in serious illness and premature death. Overgrowth of bone and cartilage often leads to arthritis.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e2d7b28c994d6e4621938522f64b568b", "text": "Acromegaly Definition and History The goals of treatment are to reduce GH production to normal levels, to relieve the pressure that the growing pituitary tumor exerts on the surrounding brain areas, to preserve or restore normal pituitary function, and to reverse or ameliorate the symptoms of acromegaly.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7ccfaa8c45bf0e68254d6d9f7be617b3", "text": "Gigantism Gigantism refers to a particular growth defect, a condition which is characterized by an abnormal linear growth of the body, significantly above the normal one due to the over production of the growth hormone in the body. It is also known as the Exomphalos Macroglossia gigantism syndrome.igantism Causes. Gigantism is a birth defect, and it’s most important and nearest cause is the release of growth hormone from the noncancerous tumor of the pituitary gland of the body. . Apart from this, there are certain other causes that lead to this disease.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a4b798c4575b9d513e6035bb84563027", "text": "Children - Achondroplasia Children - Achondroplasia What is achondroplasia? Achondroplasia is a type of rare genetic bone disorder. Achondroplasia is the most common type of these disorders. It causes the strong, flexible tissue called cartilage to not be made into bone as normal. This causes a series of signs, such as short arms and legs and a large head. This condition used to be called dwarfism.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b7e697bdd09f117d81c1924d79039860", "text": "WELCOME!Letâs Stay Connected. Sign-Up to receive breaking rare disease information, news and stories right to your inbox! (We value your privacy. Your email address will not be shared.)SIGN ME UP Causes. Acromegaly is a rare disorder that is caused by excess levels of growth hormone (GH) in the body. In the majority of cases, excess levels of GH are causes by a benign (noncancerous) tumor in the pituitary gland (pituitary adenoma).n rare cases, non-pituitary tumors in the pancreas, lungs or adrenal glands may cause acromegaly. These tumors may directly produce excess growth hormone or they may produce growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH), which stimulates the pituitary gland to release GH.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e69d7a214c7658807b89cf1e2cbf8463", "text": "WELCOME!Letâs Stay Connected. Sign-Up to receive breaking rare disease information, news and stories right to your inbox! (We value your privacy. Your email address will not be shared.)SIGN ME UP Symptoms of acromegaly may include: 1 Large growth in the hands and feet (rings or shoes may no longer fit) 2 Severe acne and thickening skin. 3 Deepening voice. Protrusion of forehead and 1 jaw. Excessive sweating. Fatigue.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "558b03b61909f5754c1ee47e620e39cf", "text": "Acromegaly - Treatment Treatment of Acromegaly. Acromegaly is treated very successfully in most cases. The aims of treatment are to reduce GH and IGF-I production to normal levels in order to reverse or improve the symptoms, and to prevent or minimize damage to the rest of the pituitary gland and surrounding brain tissue by relieving the pressure exerted by the tumor.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0029b0151fbbefdea2af32b0d99a4dee", "text": "Acromegaly When the pituitary gland produces excess growth hormone, this results in excessive growth – called acromegaly. The excessive growth occurs first in the hands and feet, as soft tissue begins to swell. This rare disease affects mostly middle-aged adults. Untreated, the disease can lead to severe illness and death.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ebd8784d5db796c52d1c197f92876110", "text": "Acromegaly When you have acromegaly, your body makes too much growth hormone. This makes parts of your body -- like your hands, feet, and face -- grow too much. It also affects your heart and bones. There are treatments for acromegaly, and every case is different. In most cases, it might be years before you notice symptoms.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d629c3c4541486bda0b47cfd9b11d0d4", "text": "Social mobility Mobility is most often quantitatively measured in terms of change in economic mobility such as changes in income or wealth. Occupation is another measure used in researching mobility, which usually involves both quantitative and qualitative analysis of data. Yet other studies may concentrate on social class. Mobility may be intragenerational, within the same generation, or intergenerational, between one or more generations.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c90f680bd284932b388cc816b4cc6dcd", "text": "Acromegaly 1 Octreotide (Sandostatin) or bromocriptine (Parlodel) may control growth hormone release in some people. 2 Pegvisomant (Somavert) directly blocks the effects of growth hormone, and has been shown to improve symptoms of acromegaly.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "63712c013f194ca2dbdf9167934d33e3", "text": "Gigantism Pituitary Tumor Conditions. Gigantism. Gigantism is a serious condition that is nearly always caused by an adenoma, a tumor of the pituitary gland. Gigantism occurs in patients who had excessive growth hormone in childhood. The pituitary tumor cells secrete too much growth hormone (GH), leading to many changes in the body.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "913ec15c3b6889c5980b1c8d93be7487", "text": "Pituitary Disorders Acromegaly is a rare disease caused by a GH-secreting pituitary adenoma in more than 99% of patients. At diagnosis, about 75% of patients have macroadenomas. The mean age at diagnosis is about 45 years.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1d22a75c33f4ad4cfefda7a255a86e3c", "text": "- Acromegaly is a syndrome that is brought about by the pituitary gland producing too much growth hormone after puberty. In most cases it is the result of a tumor developing within the gland.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5ffca9fa3a70fba41f30c93dcaf2e085", "text": "Mini-Case: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment of Acromegaly in Adults Introduction. Acromegaly is an insidious disease secondary to the chronic hypersecretion of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), the predominant GH-dependent protein and mediator of GH action that is produced by the liver.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "935da33cc4aff0cea446d777c01be1ca", "text": "Medical Dictionary Acromegaly Glossary of Terms. The following are health and medical definitions of terms that appear in the Acromegaly article. Abdomen: The belly, that part of the body that contains all of the structures between the... See the entire definition of Abdomen. Abnormal: Outside the expected norm, or uncharacteristic of a particular patient.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bf417e7bfbabb82cc949552c9df9ce49", "text": "Acromegaly Caused by Secretion of Growth Hormone by a Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Article. Acromegaly is a systemic disorder caused by sustained hypersecretion of growth hormone. The typical features include thickening of the skin, enlargement of the hands, feet, and mandible, and visceromegaly. 1,2 Active disease is indicated by the presence of excessive sweating and soft-tissue swelling.rticle. Acromegaly is a systemic disorder caused by sustained hypersecretion of growth hormone. The typical features include thickening of the skin, enlargement of the hands, feet, and mandible, and visceromegaly. 1,2 Active disease is indicated by the presence of excessive sweating and soft-tissue swelling.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f24124e6620c0f0ed84cbfc3ed8fdb30", "text": "acromegaly A chronic disorder caused by overproduction of human growth hormone usually by the pituitary gland, characterized by enlargement of the bones of the extremities and the skull and often by the development of complications such as diabetes, hypertension, and osteoarthritis.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f82250f0eeaf95bd8097790abd6acc31", "text": "Growth Hormone Disorder (Acromegaly) Acromegaly is most often caused by a benign (non-cancerous) tumor of the pituitary gland that secretes excess growth hormone.In rare cases, acromegaly can be caused by tumors of the pancreas, lungs or adrenal glands.t controls the production of hormones in all endocrine glands. Acromegaly is a condition in which the pituitary gland secretes growth hormone after the normal growth of the skeleton and other organs is complete.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "50b1e32e001c297d34c3da09ce6dbd69", "text": "Achondroplasia Achondroplasia is a form of short-limbed dwarfism. Cartilage is a tough but flexible tissue that makes up much of the skeleton during early development. However, in achondroplasia the problem is not in forming cartilage but in converting it to bone (a process called ossification), particularly in the long bones of the arms and legs.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c6a6c5e1c6f703279d09fe3c0be8971e", "text": "Acromegaly Acromegaly occurs in about 6 of every 100,000 adults. It is caused by abnormal production of growth hormone after the skeleton and other organs finish growing. Excessive production of growth hormone in children causes gigantism rather than acromegaly. The cause of the increased growth hormone release is usually a noncancerous (benign) tumor of the pituitary gland.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "79da110e37dece9849fce5df03052ff9", "text": "WELCOME!Letâs Stay Connected. Sign-Up to receive breaking rare disease information, news and stories right to your inbox! (We value your privacy. Your email address will not be shared.)SIGN ME UP In most cases, acromegaly is caused by the growth of a benign tumor (adenoma), affecting the pituitary gland. Symptoms of acromegaly include abnormal enlargement in bones of the hands, arms, feet, legs, and head.n rare cases, non-pituitary tumors in the pancreas, lungs or adrenal glands may cause acromegaly. These tumors may directly produce excess growth hormone or they may produce growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH), which stimulates the pituitary gland to release GH.", "title": "" } ]
how long do chest colds last
[ { "docid": "cff352bc7024fa31d8afa85fb3aa6cb3", "text": "Cold congestion chest tightness I also had a slight feeling of chest congestion. After about a week I developed a minor cold but the other symptoms went away. Within a week, though, I was waking up with night racing again, anxiety, chest tightness. This lasted about three days. Then it subsided to the knot again.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "2f963ceb22d26906c150f0effbb7c91f", "text": "How long can colds last? Cold symptoms can last up to two weeks, but most people recover after a week to 10 days. If your symptoms persist, call your doctor. You may be suffering from allergies, not a cold.If you have a high fever, severe sinus pain or a cough that produces mucus, you may have a more serious illness. Honor Society of Nursing (STTI) answered. Symptoms usually start two to three days after you've been infected, and colds can last for up to two weeks. The first symptoms of influenza, including fever, chills, headache, and body aches, often begin to go away after about 2 or 4 days.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "63c02e103c5c2de72c806b5fe1a3bd1c", "text": "Top 30 Doctor insights on: How Long Does Fatigue Associated With Common Cold Last Dr. Helaine Levine Dr. Levine. Colds arn't cured: The average common cold last 10 days measures such as increasing fluids getting appropriate rest blowing your nose sucking on candy using a humidifier can help make you more comfortable.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "37d6decbc0472267a79e7d795081a2b1", "text": "Pneumonia recovery weakness It comes on suddenly and lasts a maximum of 5 minutes. When it happens I cannot lift anything. I feel so weak that I have to sit or lie down until it passes. This week it hit me twice. Before these 2 incidents, the last time this happened was a month ago and before that was probably another month (2 times in a week).UH! I have been off the booze for 2 weeks now, yet I am still sick! My Symptoms are: Body Aches, Weakness, some coughing which I can feel discomfort in my upper chest when I cough, some upper chest discomfort even when I'm not coughing, chills at times, night sweats at other times.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e5b230ee9db12343c5d9a235f59a999c", "text": "Your Guide to Baby Colds The average cold can last up to 10 days -- that's a long time of not feeling well for a baby! Here's how to survive and make the little one feel better, too. Keep Them Hydrated.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "27d334d1ba06c98c1330dc97f740681a", "text": "How long does the average cold last? But how long does the common cold last? According to Dr. David Frankel, a family medicine resident with the Family Health Clinic at Advocate BroMenn Medical Center in Normal, Ill., the average cold lasts from three to ten days or up to two weeks. This time period is when someone is most likely to spread illness to others.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e02f2c6287062830408011df8569b832", "text": "Introduction to Psychology âPSY101 WHAT IS PSYCHOLOGY? Common cold. The common cold is infectious about one to two days before your symptoms appear. Symptoms are usually worse during the first two to three days. This is when you're most infectious, although you may still be infectious until your symptoms have gone.In adults and older children, cold symptoms usually last about a week, although a cough may last up to three weeks.Colds tend to last longer in children up to the age of five, typically around 10-14 days. Flu is usually infectious a day before symptoms start and remains infectious for about five to six days.n adults and older children, cold symptoms usually last about a week, although a cough may last up to three weeks. Colds tend to last longer in children up to the age of five, typically around 10-14 days. Flu is usually infectious a day before symptoms start and remains infectious for about five to six days.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "80f0627c3d97f6b52a8c64a22a550b23", "text": "- Although it can be annoying, coughing helps your body heal or protect itself. Coughs can be either acute or chronic. Acute coughs begin suddenly and usually last no more than 2 to 3 weeks. Acute coughs are the kind you most often get with a cold, flu, or acute bronchitis. Chronic coughs last longer than 2 to 3 weeks. Causes of chronic cough include.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "54aa0f2e33390b96f4277d0309a6c6bb", "text": "Common Cold Symptoms: Whatâs Normal, Whatâs Not Also see him if your cough doesn't get better after a few weeks. Your symptoms usually start between 1 and 3 days after you get infected with a cold virus. They typically last for about 3 to 7 days. By then the worst is over, but you may feel stuffed up for a week or more.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f661a9f1a820534af2f425ef88fdd9d3", "text": "How long after infection do symptoms of a cold or flu usually surface? The cold may become more intense for the first three days. After the symptoms present, the person can remain contagious as long as their body is still producing mucus, (nose discharge, chest congestion).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a12a12ce6c09a7c69483116b7954fca8", "text": "Cold HOW LONG DOES A COLD LAST? For adults, a common cold will usually clear up on its own within about 7 to 10 days. If you have a cough, it may take you a little longer to recover. Adults need about 18 days to completely recover from a cough while kids may require a good three weeks.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f4bc359dbbe4f8e8d0fdd4f08957913b", "text": "How long does a cold normally last? In addition, our ability to fight a cold varies from person to person and time to time. So colds can last for anything between a couple of days to well over a week of sore throat, fever, blocked nose and other miserable symptoms.But as a rough guide, colds have usually run the worst of their course within a week, and you should certainly be well on the way to recovery by ten days.n addition, our ability to fight a cold varies from person to person and time to time. So colds can last for anything between a couple of days to well over a week of sore throat, fever, blocked nose and other miserable symptoms.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9340c542a6d8c7e44b52739c8b0c3347", "text": "Childhood Colds Symptoms. Symptoms of a cold include runny and stuffy nose; sore throat; cough; redness of the nose, throat, and eyes; aches and pains; headache; and fever. Most symptoms last for 2 to 4 days, but the runny and stuffy nose can last up to 3 weeks.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cbd40a89d5fb86e9eb7399b07976616b", "text": "How Long Should I Wait After a Cold to Hang Out with People Again? “In general, cold/flu symptoms may last for about a week to ten days,” Margarita Rohr, MD, clinical instructor of internal medicine at NYU Langone Health, tells Health. “And you are most contagious one day prior to the start of symptoms until five to seven days after symptoms start.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1a678d6f52ec5b47ffca8937a0bbdb06", "text": "Common Cold This causes a runny or stuffy nose and sneezing. You may also have a sore throat, cough, headache, fever and muscle aches. Different cold viruses last different lengths of time, but the average time is 2 to 14 days. Treatment There is no cure for the common cold. Antibiotics may be used to treat signs of a secondary infection, but they do not treat the cold virus.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e37133368cc5115170223d6f76bf1642", "text": "How Long Does a Cold Last? Days 5 to 10: In an average healthy adult, the symptoms may completely subside by day five to seven. In some cases, complications, like sinusitis, bronchitis, ear infections and even pneumonia may develop. So, it may take around two to three weeks for some people to recover from common cold.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f4cf2e75d657f44341452c68baa85a53", "text": "- A cold usually comes on slowly, starting with a runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, and a sore throat. The flu often comes on quickly with extreme tiredness, fever, body aches, and a cough. Both usually last for one to two weeks. The symptoms are similar and difficult to tell apart.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f990675dc39ccb0e52a110aa66627581", "text": "- Researchers at the University of Georgia analyzed the results of 19 studies on acute coughs (i.e. acute bronchitis or the common cold) and found quite a discrepancy between when you think symptoms fade (7 to 9 days), and when they actually fade: 17.8 days.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "37629cf7af2a7c20874ee7aca6d278d1", "text": "Acute bronchitis Acute bronchitis. Acute bronchitis, also known as a chest cold, is short-term inflammation of the bronchi (large and medium-sized airways) of the lungs. The most common symptom is a cough. Other symptoms include coughing up mucus, wheezing, shortness of breath, fever, and chest discomfort. The infection may last from a few to ten days. The cough may persist for several weeks afterwards with the total duration of symptoms usually around three weeks. Some have symptoms for up to six weeks.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6bdda66c332e35014eb96613884414d0", "text": "Cold/Flu cough asthma & prednisone A cold is a cold, lasts about 2 weeks, but an associated cough can last for weeks I'm afraid. Your pred shouldn't make your asthma worse - the preventer inhaler is topical steroid, if asthma gets really bad then you would get a higher dose to calm the airways down. 0 Report this reply to EileenH.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8e6bb1796a19e1a31dec54279ee89b51", "text": "- How to Shorten Cold Symptoms. Despite your best efforts, you may still catch a cold. Its symptoms -- sore throat, runny nose, cough, fever -- can last from three days to one week. While you cannot cure a cold with antibiotics, you can use alternative or natural treatments to lessen the severity of its symptoms.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cc296152016833fa7cd438332a7161b8", "text": "Overview It's usually harmless, although it might not feel that way. Many types of viruses can cause a common cold. Children younger than six are at greatest risk of colds, but healthy adults can also expect to have two or three colds annually. Most people recover from a common cold in a week or 10 days. Symptoms might last longer in people who smoke. If symptoms don't improve, see your doctor.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4736d57be813b34d3880eaf1272c9fd5", "text": "- How Long is a Cold Contagious? Colds are most contagious 2 to 4 days after your symptoms first develop. However, the virus can live in your body and spread to others for up to three weeks. That's right, you could spread your cold virus germs even after you feel better. Most cold last for about a week but it's possible to spread the virus long after that.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cad645144d55d6bc50dd846cd474dc61", "text": "How Long is the Common Cold Incubation Period? The common cold incubation period varies greatly from one person to the next. Symptoms can appear in just a few hours or as long as 10 days after exposure. The average incubation period is one to three days.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0197183fa4dfaeb4c1537c5280ffb452", "text": "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Current Cold Virus Going Around 1 doctor agreed: 5-7 days: Colds usually colds last 5-7 days. If you know it is a cold and not the flu, staying at home drinking fluids, resting and using saline nasal spray or tylenol (acetaminophen) (if you are not allergic) for help with fever or aches. If you have the flu or had the flu vaccine, you should check with your doctor because some additional meds may be helpful.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "35b90e4ebc0aab5f5d1cb04466315b95", "text": "How Long Will Your Cold Last? A chest cold originates—well—in your chest, meaning you don’t see as many nasal symptoms like a stuffy nose and clogged sinuses, says study author Mark Ebell, M.D., M.S., professor at the College of Public Health at the University of Georgia.", "title": "" } ]
what is a ddos
[ { "docid": "3a286669edcb6ec8b8cda674b97cf794", "text": "- A distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack is when an attacker, or attackers, attempt to make it impossible for a service to be delivered. This can be achieved by thwarting access to virtually anything: servers, devices, services, networks, applications, and even specific transactions within applications.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "108cd5c7bca4db2129fafc7b48b33b21", "text": "- This white paper contains information in order to help you understand how Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are orchestrated, recognize programs used to facilitate DDoS attacks, apply measures to prevent the attacks, gather forensic information if you suspect an attack, and learn more about host security.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "acab077ca940e4bfca846b9c95694e33", "text": "- DDos stands for distributed denial of service and what that means is that it is an attack from multiple machines, be it from a botnet with hundreds of infected computers or a web based ip stresser with multiple dedicated servers.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "41e18e4e19753ba26c8f2fc403e91a1c", "text": "DDoS mitigation The first things to do in DDoS mitigation is to identify normal conditions for network traffic by defining “traffic patterns”, which is necessary for threat detection and alerting. DDoS mitigation also requires identifying incoming traffic to separate human traffic from human-like bots and hijacked web browsers.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ea1cdccd86dbfdbb0fd8c3335871a9e9", "text": "Botnet / DDoS Attack - Norse Live Footage - Nov 29 [1080p] Check out this video for more info on this channel: http://youtu.be/yUiJwk6qEOw. Not exactly a gaming vid, but it does affect gaming. This is what a worldwide DDoS and Botnet attack looks like.Behold the fireworks of Norse honeypots in the early morning hours of 11/29.This is an edited time-lapse.heck out this video for more info on this channel: http://youtu.be/yUiJwk6qEOw. Not exactly a gaming vid, but it does affect gaming. This is what a worldwide DDoS and Botnet attack looks like.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3c658c5f99c8a6388cb9059f172641c8", "text": "Defending Your Network Against DDoS Attacks DDoS attacks generally require that the attacker control thousands, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of computers – usually owned by normal, unsuspecting consumers all over the world – and create their own network out of these “zombie computers.”.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e01797bc7373f0b9ae40ac25ab467be7", "text": "- DDoSPedia is a glossary that focuses on network and application security terms with many DDoS-related definitions. It provides a central place for hard to find web-scattered definitions on this topic. Botnet A botnet is a collection of compromised computers often referred to as zombies infected with malware that allows an attacker to control them.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "53f5ac45d8d3d89e77b422ac468ca8c3", "text": "DDoS mitigation Best practices for DDoS mitigation include having both anti-DDoS technology and anti-DDoS emergency response services such as Arbor Networks, Incapsula, Akamai, CloudFlare or Radware. DDoS mitigation is also available through cloud-based providers.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b1e2769ff05667395eddd0599a83dc5f", "text": "- There are two types of DDoS attacks: a network-centric attack which overloads a service by using up bandwidth and an application-layer attack which overloads a service or database with application calls. The inundation of packets to the target causes a denial of service. While the media tends to focus on the target of a DDoS attack as the victim, in reality there are many victims in a DDoS attack -- the final target and as well the systems controlled by the intruder.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "770f482e6b560e4ec417d4e400e659e0", "text": "Hacker Lexicon: What Are DoS and DDoS Attacks? There are other types of DoS attacks that use different tactics, but they all have the same effect: preventing legitimate users from accessing a system or site. TL;DR: A DoS, or denial-of-service attack, floods a system, often a web server, with data in order to overwhelm it and prevent users from accessing a website. DDoS refers to a distributed denial-of-service attack that comes from multiple systems distributed in various locations on the internet. Simple DoS attacks, performed from a single machine, are uncommon these days. Instead, they've been supplanted by DDoS attacks, distributed denial-of-service attacks that come from many computers distributed across the internet, sometimes hundreds or thousands of systems at once.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4e82aec705bafe145e1716310864d5c8", "text": "DDoS Attack Definitions - DDoSPedia A teardrop attack is a denial-of-service (DoS) attack that involves sending fragmented packets to a target machine. Since the machine receiving such packets cannot reassemble them due to a bug in TCP/IP fragmentation reassembly, the packets overlap one another, crashing the target network device.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ce7a383a4fcade15635fce4c0a148ac5", "text": "How to change icons and toolbar color in Libre Office 4 This tutorial shows how to change the icons and toolbar color in LibreOffice 4. This tutorial comprehends the LibreOffice for OS X. With some adjustments you can make it work for other platforms too.Links in this tutorial: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libreoffice. http://blog.goranrakic.com/archives/2...Source:his tutorial shows how to change the icons and toolbar color in LibreOffice 4. This tutorial comprehends the LibreOffice for OS X. With some adjustments you can make it work for other platforms too. Links in this tutorial:", "title": "" }, { "docid": "87cecf584e86343ba00eb280282ae0ac", "text": "The DDoS Threat Spectrum The most basic attacks in the DDoS threat spectrum are simple network attacks against the weakest link in the network chain. These attacks, called floods, harness a multitude of clients to send an overwhelming amount of network traffic at the desired target.uch a botnet can create a SYN flood exceeding 4 million packets per second or a sustained conn flood attack exceeding 4 million concurrent connections. To prove their capacity, these medium-sized botnets sometimes can be used for free for 3 minutes in a try-before-you-buy model.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a8bded348be6e36982f2fa69070dc85b", "text": "Domain Name System The Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical distributed naming system for computers, services, or any resource connected to the Internet or a private network.nternet name servers and a communication protocol implement the Domain Name System. A DNS name server is a server that stores the DNS records for a domain name; a DNS name server responds with answers to queries against its database.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "eaa980f17c46b4451ea8615ae620150d", "text": "Dynamic DNS Dynamic DNS (DDNS or DynDNS) is a method of automatically updating a name server in the Domain Name System (DNS), often in Not Real Time, with the active DDNS configuration of its configured hostnames, addresses or other information.he term is used to describe two different concepts. The first is dynamic DNS updating which refers to systems that are used to update traditional DNS records without manual editing. These mechanisms are explained in RFC 2136, and use the TSIG mechanism to provide security.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7adc57935465d5055c6e26e73152ecd1", "text": "What Is a DDoS Attack? Detect and mitigate DDoS threats quickly and effectively. Verisign’s cloud-based monitoring and superior attack mitigation capabilities provide a scalable solution to combat today’s increasingly complex DDoS attacks.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5fa74fac01591e7130630b8adff2578d", "text": "DDoS attack - Distributed Denial of Service DDoS is a type of DOS attack where multiple compromised systems, which are often infected with a Trojan, are used to target a single system causing a Denial of Service (DoS) attack. Denial of Service (DoS) attack is different from a DDoS attack. The DoS attack typically uses one computer and one Internet connection to flood a targeted system or resource.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d42cbf5d54a334f2fc4e75e2d8d03911", "text": "Is DDoS Illegal Or An Act Of Protest? There is no point in distinguishing between distributed attacks and denial of service, as both types of attacks fall under the same laws. A person simply needs to have culpability in the attack or attempt it to be liable for prosecution.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "181c101319fbdb7e3eebe4d7883552cd", "text": "Darkshell DDOS Botnet Evolves With Variants Darkshell is a distributed denial of service (DDoS) botnet targeting Chinese websites. It was found in 2011 and was first analyzed by Arbor Networks.McAfee Labs recently analyzed a few new samples that turned out to be variants of Darkshell, and we found extensive variations in network traffic and control commands.he first 4 bytes describe the type of attack. In the preceding case the value “0x00000400” launches an HTTP GET request with a small-header DDOS attack on the victim, using port number 80. The port value is specified at offset “0x009E,” which is 50 (or 80 in decimal).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "118d16a75b2fa17c7507c6c068bf934b", "text": "DDoS mitigation Manual DDoS mitigation is no longer recommended due to DDoS attackers being able to circumvent DDoS mitigation software that is activated manually. Best practices for DDoS mitigation include having both anti-DDoS technology and anti-DDoS emergency response services such as Arbor Networks, Incapsula, Allot, Akamai, CloudFlare or Radware. DDoS mitigation is also available through cloud-based providers. Methods of attack", "title": "" }, { "docid": "16513b4ea2d3c9dc6f436f5d89d5e244", "text": "5 Notorious DDoS Attacks in 2013 : Big Problem for The Internet of Things Despite both of these points, China is not capable of defending itself from an attack. DOS (Denial of Service) or DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks are the single largest threat to our Internet and the Internet of Things.espite both of these points, China is not capable of defending itself from an attack. DOS (Denial of Service) or DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks are the single largest threat to our Internet and the Internet of Things.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "354ff1014b49ef7bdae389797511fa34", "text": "- Over the past five years, Arbor has tracked the rise of botnet- fueled DDoS attacks -- in this year's Worldwide Infrastructure Security Report, botnets were identified by survey respondents as the primary engine fueling DDoS attacks that threaten the availability of data center and cloud-based infrastructures.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2c3d9230297c863ff2f3cf155335f471", "text": "Security Tip (ST04-015) In a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack, an attacker may use your computer to attack another computer. By taking advantage of security vulnerabilities or weaknesses, an attacker could take control of your computer.he server can only process a certain number of requests at once, so if an attacker overloads the server with requests, it can't process your request. This is a denial of service because you can't access that site. An attacker can use spam email messages to launch a similar attack on your email account.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6f99e88e56ddbff215a7b6a98bb2a516", "text": "FBI Warning! Businesses Are Threatened with DDoS Attacks Unless Extortion Money Is Paid FBI Warning! Businesses Are Threatened with DDoS Attacks Unless Extortion Money Is Paid. If you're running an illegal business that the authorities would like to shut down, you are highly unlikely to call the police or FBI if a cyber attack is affecting your business.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fc31d512f415f245908637959d94ea2f", "text": "What is a distributed denial of service attack? What is a distributed denial of service attack? A DDoS attack against the Internet performance company Dyn caused major online disruptions Friday. Post to Facebook", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d1d6562b02cdf32c706f0a5c50b4d3cf", "text": "ARCHIVED: What is DNS? ARCHIVED: What is DNS? Domain Name System (DNS) is a database system that translates a computer's fully qualified domain name into an IP address. Networked computers use IP addresses to locate and connect to each other, but IP addresses can be difficult for people to remember.", "title": "" } ]
interstate or foreign commerce definition
[ { "docid": "6c60e42fcaa3beb5e3b95cf2ae3b644c", "text": "interstate commerce interstate commerce. Definition. The buying and selling of products and services across state borders. Use interstate commerce in a sentence. “ You should try to keep up with the interstate commerce so that you can do things in the way they should be done.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "e2e1cc6dc97dde2862a96304617f4d7e", "text": "- I - International economics. The study of economic interactions among countries -- including trade, investment, financial transactions, and movement of people -- and the policies and institutions that influence them.he price that a purchaser pays or can expect to pay for an imported good, thus the c.i.f. import price plus tariff plus transport cost to the purchaser's location. This and the export parity price together define a range of the possible equilibrium prices for an equivalent domestically produced good.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ad23222be971f4a27014c98d629af0aa", "text": "What is the 'Foreign Exchange' What is the 'Foreign Exchange'. Foreign exchange is the exchange of one currency for another or the conversion of one currency into another currency. Foreign exchange also refers to the global market where currencies are traded virtually around the clock. The largest trading centers are London, New York, Singapore and Tokyo.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7d5e1eb2ca8d86d0f97d9b3d448dd93c", "text": "- Fair Labor Standards Act Advisor Examples of covered employees who are engaged in interstate commerce include: An employee such as an office or clerical worker who uses a telephone, facsimile machine, the U.S. mail, or a computer e-mail system to communicate with persons in another state.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "698a90c000beb7e36614b93e7d7159f9", "text": "What is interstate cooperation? exists and is an alternate of . Answers.com® is making the world better one answer at a time. Interstate cooperation is the cooperation between two or more states. States use agreements to work together in areas including homeland security and economic development.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ff5d4ae4a3fec4fb0ec361e6cf2437bd", "text": "interstate commerce interstate commerce. Also found in: Dictionary, Wikipedia. interstate commerce. n. commercial trade, business, movement of goods or money, or transportation from one state to another, regulated by the federal government according to powers spelled out in Article I of the Constitution.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "045583999ef2a39646762312cb78667f", "text": "- Any establishment located in a foreign trade zone involved with the manufacture, preparation, propagation, compounding, assembly, or processing of a device intended for commercial distribution in the United States.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8b550843f2ae0f698a70e23953ae8791", "text": "Definitions &Translations interstate(Noun) A freeway that is part of the Interstate Highway System. interstate(Adjective) of, or relating to two or more states. interstate(Adjective) crossing states (usually provincial state, but also e.g. multinational sense). The truck driver drove interstate to unload.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f1b1ff7a7dce611d41ec7aecb874002b", "text": "An Understanding of the Constitution's Foreign Affairs Power Such power is granted, for example, in the Trading with the Enemy Act, and the International Economic Emergency Powers Act, both of which convey exceptional power over interstate and foreign commerce to the President in order to achieve foreign policy objectives.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "321b022d6c74736e75e7c141cd862528", "text": "Foreign affiliates (foreign-controlled enterprises) Foreign affiliates (foreign-controlled enterprises) A foreign affiliate as defined in inward FATS statistics is an enterprise resident in a country which is under the control of an institutional unit not resident in the same country. Control is determined according to the concept of the 'ultimate controlling institutional unit' (UCI).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7f728278dcc5858e938ebe1e703952e3", "text": "Interstate commerce Interstate commerce, in U.S. constitutional law, any commercial transactions or traffic that cross state boundaries or that involve more than one state.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4c41474d0a5e6f682f94bbef5f8dc097", "text": "Difference Between Interstate and Intrastate If one is talking about interstate business, a company that is in one state provides its products and services to a customer in another state or several states. Intrastate Intrastate refers to anything that pertains to a single state and does not require crossing over the boundaries of a single state.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ef95aa2620501f9bcad160cfc9b34e1c", "text": "Internationalbusiness charles w. l. hill International Sale of Goods. Cross-border contracts for the sale of goods are part and parcel of international trade. When a U.S. buyer or seller is involved in an international sale of goods, the court must consider. how the sales contract relates to a particular treaty:  1980 U.N. Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods2.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "14cb130fe427e6d24018647e1d454479", "text": "Interstate or Intrastate driving Intrastate commerce is when you drive a CMV within New York State only and your driving does not meet any of the descriptions above for interstate commerce. Note: If you operate in both Interstate and Intrastate commerce, you must choose Interstate commerce. See medical certification requirements for more information.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "101c172e64341a3996dc2d18ff9ef1bd", "text": "- In interstate commerce transactions, the motor carrier carries the passengers and cargo across different states, whereas in intrastate, the trade, transaction and transportation are operated within a single state.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c99f7afe43aae89199bde7b172589602", "text": "- However, a Foreign-Trade Zone is considered to be outside the commerce of the United States and the U.S. Customs territory. So, when foreign merchandise is brought into a Foreign-Trade Zone, no Customs duty is owed until the merchandise leaves the zone and enters the commerce of the United States.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d58b42059e6c7c087ef1fc2fa1e179bd", "text": "Expressed Powers Law and Legal Definition To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes; To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bd7815c999f788c8e840ab2f852883b0", "text": "What is COMMERCE? Commerce is a term of the largest import. It comprehends intercourse for the purposes of trade in any and all its forms, including the transportation, purchase, sale, and exchange of commodities between the citizens of our country and the citizens or subjects of other countries, and between the citizens of different states.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f18d5edad647eafadcc3eeb2a348e672", "text": "Commerce Clause (Redirected from Interstate commerce) The Commerce Clause describes an enumerated power listed in the United States Constitution (Article I, Section 8, Clause 3). The clause states that the United States Congress shall have power To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes..", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c93b5f95a231bd2ac66f4885bbd385e5", "text": "\"\"\"Impact Of Natural Environment On Business\"\" Essays and Research Papers\" International trade is the exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories, which could involve the activities of the government and individual. In most countries, such trade represents a significant share of gross domestic product (GDP).nternational trade is also a branch of economics, which, together with international finance, forms the larger branch called international economics.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9cd7fb8f14e48486e3a512738b4c70bd", "text": "intracompany trade Definition. Commerce that takes place among two or more entities that exist within one company resulting in an internal accounting of the transaction. Not to be confused with intercompany trade that takes place between two or more internal entities resulting in a legal transfer of prices.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "924f7bc3ed9ae01f45b2fa8a976a3e26", "text": "Chapter 4- Business And The Constitution States may regulate incidental, not direct, aspects of interstate commerce if: -State is furthering a legitimate local interest. -There is no discrimination against Intrastate commerce for Local Commerce. -Costs to interstate commerce do not exceed the benefits to local health, safety and welfare.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1b15799b972dd6d376712d6761ee3e7b", "text": "International Trade Agreements Free trade, usually defined as the absence of tariffs, quotas, or other governmental impediments to international trade, allows each country to specialize in the goods it can produce cheaply and efficiently relative to other countries. Such specialization enables all countries to achieve higher real incomes.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1d063ce9ec8776dc5c6c0eb3585c0e67", "text": "- International trade is the exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories, which could involve the activities of the government and individual. In most countries, such trade represents a significant share of gross domestic product (GDP).hus international trade is mostly restricted to trade in goods and services, and only to a lesser extent to trade in capital, labor or other factors of production.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6f11f02c848461f2813835fccc591b5b", "text": "- DEFINITION of 'Globalization'. The tendency of investment funds and businesses to move beyond domestic and national markets to other markets around the globe, thereby increasing the interconnectedness of different markets.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b2dd19ec9879fcb0ce4428c9be778e2d", "text": "Four Basic International Business Activities Importing and Exporting. Importing or exporting or both is the most fundamental and largest international business activity. It is the easiest way of entering a market with a small outlay of capital. Exporting is making a product at the company's domestic location and selling it in another country.", "title": "" } ]
types of engineering salary
[ { "docid": "ad9ddd7ccd2dc3c59cdfa601378c7117", "text": "- High-Paying Career Paths for Engineers The highest paid common job for engineering majors included in the 2015-2016 PayScale College Salary Report is a Petroleum Engineer. Petroleum Engineers earn a mid-career median salary of $179,000 and 71 percent of petroleum engineers say that their work is highly meaningful.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "15de52d55bd1a0b265d71d9b53371223", "text": "US Department of Labor The median annual wage for engineers in 2015 was $90,060. Petroleum engineers had the highest median wage, $129,990. Agricultural engineers had the lowest median wage, $75,090. For all types of engineers, a bachelor’s degree is the typical education needed to enter the occupation.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9484681bde9403c6a368eae389f42267", "text": "A List of the Different Types of Engineering Degrees Types of Engineering Degrees. Electrical Engineering – Electrical engineers develop, design and test electrical systems. The systems include wiring and lighting in buildings, machines, communication systems, electrical utilities and electrical systems in airplanes and cars. This is the largest field in engineering.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4c59d1f9a1651497226a9de31ddc3fc1", "text": "Engineering Salary Survey: Your Value in Todayâs Economy The survey data revealed that the average salary for an engineer in the U.S. in 2011 was $99,738, slightly lower than the $102,227 figure reported in the 2010 survey. Average income for engineers varies depending on discipline, qualifications, experience, and location.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c78dde73c82ad516d02faf62c6fbd3dc", "text": "FAQs, Chemical Engineering Chemical engineers are at the top of all the engineering disciplines in terms of pay level. Average starting salaries have been published and are in the high 50's to mid 60’s. Some careers like contracting or validation pay higher, while lab work may be a bit less.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f2fc116a3b04fe118b13e82d781af0a9", "text": "What Pays More: Civil, Electrical or Mechanical Engineering? The industry with the highest level of employment for mechanical, electrical and civil engineers is the architectural, engineering and related services industry. This industry paid a mean annual salary of $92,540 to electrical engineers in 2012, according to the BLS.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bcf200cd2f2622caa01949af5fd72522", "text": "- Among the bachelor’s graduates, petroleum engineers are projected to earn starting salaries that average more than $80,000. (See Figure 1.) Chemical engineering, electrical engineering, and systems engineering majors also are expected to receive top average salaries among engineering majors. At the master’s degree level, chemical engineering majors are expected to earn an average of $72,000. (See Figure 2.) Other top earners are projected to be majors in industrial/manufacturing engineering, electrical engineering, and biomedical engineering.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "897835e7ed3b01756f161cc0797a4fe0", "text": "- A highly paid common job for engineering majors according to the PayScale College Salary Report is Petroleum Engineer. Petroleum Engineers earn a mid-career median salary close to $200,000, and a high percentage of petroleum engineers say that their work is highly meaningful.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "57c51388f4edccc18480bb35a0d6f1c7", "text": "What is the average salary after MS in structural engineering in USA? However, civil engineers earn less than other positions on the Best Technology Jobs list, including software developers, who make an average salary of $96,260, and IT managers, who earn $132,570. The highest paid in the civil engineer profession work in the metropolitan areas of Houston, Gary, Indiana, and Waco, Texas.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c694fedf5ea4f634a4f8be69cb93671d", "text": "What Pays More: Civil, Electrical or Mechanical Engineering? This industry paid a mean annual salary of $92,540 to electrical engineers in 2012, according to the BLS. Mechanical engineers earned a mean annual salary of $89,760 and civil engineers earned $86,170. Related Reading: The Disadvantages of Being an Engineering Technician.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f9aa5d30ecb91fecd3e93caf3c7a66d7", "text": "How Much Do Engineers Typically Make? How Much Do Engineers Typically Make? Typical salaries for engineers vary by specialty, such as electrical, mechanical or environmental engineering. In addition, experience plays a role in earnings.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "64d5d23abbfa690b5853d12e7f65b3f9", "text": "Structural Engineer Career Info Economic Future and Financial Outlook. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) expects the field of civil engineering, of which structural engineering is a significant part, to experience average growth to all occupations (8% from 2014-2024). As of May 2015, the median annual salary for civil engineers was $82,220.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "067d1efdcd1d7f95081f595ef77c9369", "text": "Top 10 highest paying college majors 1. Petroleum Engineering : $89,000. All engineering degrees rank well as having high starting salaries, but the highest of all is Petroleum Engineering, with an average starting pay of $89,000 and mid-career salary of $159,900.This is a fairly specialized and difficult subject, with only about 1,000 students a year graduating with this degree.. Petroleum Engineering : $89,000. All engineering degrees rank well as having high starting salaries, but the highest of all is Petroleum Engineering, with an average starting pay of $89,000 and mid-career salary of $159,900.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8b79c35ac87583d28ffd8033f3889ff6", "text": "- Desirable paychecks are doled out to very experienced Graduate Civil Engineers. Surpassing the profession's national median salary of $54K annually, wages for these workers approximate $83K. The average worker who claims fewer than five years of experience earns around $53K.In contrast, however, individuals who report five to 10 years in this occupation see a much larger median of $64K.roject Engineers earn $67K on average per year. When Graduate Civil Engineers are ready for the next step in their careers, they often become Civil Engineers or Structural Engineers.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "937efbf57941d89825bebe290ef047e0", "text": "How Much Do Engineers Typically Make? Typical salaries for engineers vary by specialty, such as electrical, mechanical or environmental engineering. In addition, experience plays a role in earnings. Read on to learn about the salaries that various types of engineers typically earn. Schools offering Computer Engineering degrees can also be found in these popular choices.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ba93a4e64d08ca10e1db2ff1cf7c9bfb", "text": "What is the average salary after MS in structural engineering in USA? Salary Outlook. Civil engineers earned a median salary of $80,770 in 2013, according to the BLS. The highest-paid 10 percent in the profession made $126,190, while the lowest-paid earned $51,810 in 2013.The most highly compensated positions are within the industries of oil and gas extraction, and the highest-paid positions are located in Midland, Texas; Hinesville, Georgia; and Houston.ivil engineers earned a median salary of $80,770 in 2013, according to the BLS.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5da89fa23198db41080162befa66a6f8", "text": "The 9 Highest Paying Jobs of 2014 Job: Oil and Gas Drilling Engineer. Median salary: $84,059. These are the people who design oil wells and come up with ways to extract oil and gas from them. It involves drilling down beneath the surface of the Earth to get the intended resource out from both new and existing wells. A bachelor’s degree is almost always needed for this job, which consists of work in laboratories and going out to drill sites.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d95572933e12e45ba0292123c522f92d", "text": "- Related job categories: IT -- All, Construction and Installation. Browse Engineering jobs by salary range: , $30K-$50K, $50K-$80K, $80K-$100K, or. Search by: Keyword Category. Search. Jobs by Salary Ranges: Click a salary category to find jobs in your target salary range.1 Six Figure Income jobs ($100,000+). 2 High Income jobs ($80,000 - $100,000). 3 Upper Middle Income jobs ($50,000 - $80,000). 4 Middle Income jobs ($30,000 - $50,000). 5 Entry Level Income jobs ($10,000 - $30,000).elated job categories: IT -- All, Construction and Installation. Browse Engineering jobs by salary range: , $30K-$50K, $50K-$80K, $80K-$100K, or. Search by: Keyword Category. Search. Jobs by Salary Ranges: Click a salary category to find jobs in your target salary range.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "744f5e89f48c00ccc813e24fe18f9833", "text": "- Salary Info. Mechatronics engineering is closely related to mechanical and electrical engineering, and mechatronics engineers may be classified as either of those. In 2014, the median salary for mechanical engineers was $83,060 per year, while electrical engineers earned a median annual salary of about $91,410, according to the BLS.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e75ae39775013747aa89a242995bc1da", "text": "Browse Average Salary Ranges for Engineering Jobs Well there are a wide range of jobs in the Engineering category and their pay varies greatly. If you know the pay grade of the job you are searching for you can narrow down this list to only view Engineering jobs that pay less than $30K, $30K-$50K, $50K-$80K, $80K-$100K, or more than $100K.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7a32544440759c68d675383aa26cbbcd", "text": "A List of the Different Types of Engineering Degrees Types of Engineering Degrees. Electrical Engineering – Electrical engineers develop, design and test electrical systems. The systems include wiring and lighting in buildings, machines, communication systems, electrical utilities and electrical systems in airplanes and cars.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3339f3117878e975ce45d200ab8a1cea", "text": "Best Jobs For Engineering Majors by Salary Potential A highly paid common job for engineering majors according to the PayScale College Salary Report is Petroleum Engineer. Petroleum Engineers earn a mid-career median salary close to $200,000, and a high percentage of petroleum engineers say that their work is highly meaningful. Other top-earning jobs for engineering majors with 10 or more years of experience are Vice President, Engineering and Research and Development Director.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5629fb4a58eeb8f5d4c17c8d1d6d8e1b", "text": "Engineering Salaries on the Rise Like every year, though, certain disciplines command a higher salary than others. The engineering jobs that offer the highest compensation are in ocean ($169,000), followed by cost management ($129,500), petroleum ($127,043), safety ($125,000), minerals and metals ($121,000), and fire protection ($116,000). Salary breakdown by region.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0252efb9d2622c47ea95a1dd693f065f", "text": "Engineering Salary Survey: Your Value in Todayâs Economy The 2011 Engineering Income and Salary Survey, conducted by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), shows that despite the gloomy state of the U.S. economy, engineering professionals continue to earn good salaries.ou bet it does. According to the survey, increased education in the engineering field results in higher earnings. Full-time salaried respondents holding doctoral degrees in engineering have a median income of $110,000. Those with an M.S. in engineering earn a median of $92,000.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9919d675049248c152d62bb8f4b9e979", "text": "How Much Do Engineers Typically Make? Chemical engineers made a slightly lower median yearly income of $96,940, while civil engineers earned a median annual income of $82,050. Biomedical engineers earned a median yearly income of $86,950, while electrical engineers made a median salary of $92,260 annually.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f03d95d49b6209c97b340b3dbd5a8de9", "text": "- As of December 2009, according to the US Department of Labor Statistics,A Civil Engineers in the US earn between $48,140 and $115,630 per annum (bottom and top 10% of earnings … respectively). The mean salary for a Civil Engineer is $74,600 per annum.he median annual earning for an electrical engineer is $64,910.(the specific salary of an electrical engineer is determined by their years of experience, the size of their employer, and their level of skill/area of expertise).", "title": "" } ]
pam transport stock price
[ { "docid": "b400d47d494c90563f1fadae3ed3f3db", "text": "Uptrend Call Working As Pam Transport Stock Rises 88.5% (PTSI) SmarTrend identified an Uptrend for Pam Transport (NASDAQ:PTSI) on August 29th, 2017 at $19.09. In approximately 5 months, Pam Transport has returned 88.54% as of today's recent price of $35.99. Pam Transport share prices have moved between a 52-week high of $43.20 and a 52-week low of $14.50 and are now trading 148% above that low price at $35.99 per share. Over the past week, the 200-day moving average (MA) has gone down 2.1% while the 50-day MA has declined 1.9%.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "1bdca654c370f7bf496c8aa85a83f1c0", "text": "- 52 Week High/Low 52 Week High is the highest sales price the stock has achieved during the regular trading hours during the most recent 52 week period. 52 Week Low is the lowest sales price the stock has fallen to during the regular trading hours during the most recent 52 week period. $ 88 / $ 34.99.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c1d6d4daa949478e8a99ecb90ac24a6c", "text": "- $ 82.57. 52 Week High/Low 52 Week High is the highest sales price the stock has achieved during the regular trading hours during the most recent 52 week period. 52 Week Low is the lowest sales price the stock has fallen to during the regular trading hours during the most recent 52 week period. $ 88 / $ 75.735.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0e66736587cbd9dbb3f84930181998fa", "text": "- 52 Week High/Low 52 Week High is the highest sales price the stock has achieved during the regular trading hours during the most recent 52 week period. 52 Week Low is the lowest sales price the stock has fallen to during the regular trading hours during the most recent 52 week period. $ 74.949 / $ 35.26.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8ed25bc33173e76bcbd73eb9644b47c9", "text": "- 52 Week High/Low 52 Week High is the highest sales price the stock has achieved during the regular trading hours during the most recent 52 week period. 52 Week Low is the lowest sales price the stock has fallen to during the regular trading hours during the most recent 52 week period. $ 1,798.75 / $ 1,148.0575.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a785c2a9eb326e6bc942f01f87005556", "text": "Bright Horizons Family Solutions Inc. (BFAM) BFAM Crosses Below Key Moving Average Level. In trading on Tuesday, shares of Bright Horizons Family Solutions, Inc crossed below their 200 day moving average of $64.18, changing hands as low as $63.39 per share. Bright Horizons Family Solutions, Inc shares are currently trading off about 2.7% on the day.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8b321d188f76db0272d3ee1c929a8cc4", "text": "- 1 SOLE Softec Casual Footbeds In stock $ Regular Price: $49.95. Special Price: 44.9 $44.90. 2 Apara Gel Arch Appeal (2) In stock $ 7.99 Price: $7.99. Add to Wishlist. 3 Pedag Viva Orthotic Arch Support Insoles (28) In stock $ Regular Price: $29.99. Special Price: 27.59 $27.59.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d0894a06fc1fc26b2f34ed5b2cbfd52d", "text": "Royal Caribbean Cruises (RCL) Stock Price Target Lifted at Barclays Royal Caribbean Cruises (RCL) Stock Price Target Lifted at Barclays Royal Caribbean Cruises' (RCL) price target was raised to $107 from $98 by analysts at Barclays who maintained their 'overweight' rating on the stock.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "03881e26560bd8a69ad1fa99701424ce", "text": "- $ 27.26. 52 Week High/Low 52 Week High is the highest sales price the stock has achieved during the regular trading hours during the most recent 52 week period. 52 Week Low is the lowest sales price the stock has fallen to during the regular trading hours during the most recent 52 week period. $ 29.87 / $ 9.35.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e9f1812cb11d6e9f5cfede74d40274ee", "text": "- Items in search results. 1 Holden Commodore VY Executive Exec Acclaim Chev Grille & Badge Sedan Ute Wagon $78.61. 2 HOLDEN COMMODORE VY VZ UTE 2002 to 2006 POWER WINDOW KIT $317.52. 3 Holden Commodore VY VZ Ute Nickel CD Player Stereo Unit Single Disc New 92084568 $100.76 List price: Previous Price $111.95.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6453383e7b87a88d293ca4a565bcbcbd", "text": "Delaware County NY Genealogy and History Site Back to table of contents. Dr. Alice P. Green is known for her work as a criminal justice activist in New York State.[1] Alice Green grew up a member of one of the few African American families in the small Adirondack mining town of Witherbee, New York.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0be2746e79dd96996cd7f67d0b7262bb", "text": "Salix Pharmaceuticals (SLXP) Stock Higher Today as Valeant Ups Acquisition Bid Salix Pharmaceuticals (SLXP) Stock Higher Today as Valeant Ups Acquisition Bid. Shares of Salix Pharmaceuticals (SLXP) are up as Valeant Pharmaceuticals increased the offer price to acquire all of the company to $173 from $158 per share in cash. NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Shares of Salix Pharmaceuticals (SLXP) are up 1.94% to $172.68 in morning trading today as Canada's Valeant Pharmaceuticals Int'l.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8b15c138c4499653f091d57575ba6f8d", "text": "7 Of The Highest Stock Prices In History General Motors ($697.00)General Motors (NYSE:GM) now has a stock price under $30, but the history of the iconic automaker is long and storied. According to the New York Times, GM was the largest automaker in the world from 1931 to 2008, when it was passed by Toyota.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "86ffe712c32854574a8f154c9219049c", "text": "- $ 44.29. 52 Week High/Low 52 Week High is the highest sales price the stock has achieved during the regular trading hours during the most recent 52 week period. 52 Week Low is the lowest sales price the stock has fallen to during the regular trading hours during the most recent 52 week period. $ 48.27 / $ 31.49.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "82c8b5875a8917f803be618b6ea7bdc8", "text": "- 52 Week High/Low 52 Week High is the highest sales price the stock has achieved during the regular trading hours during the most recent 52 week period. 52 Week Low is the lowest sales price the stock has fallen to during the regular trading hours during the most recent 52 week period. $ 15.25 / $ 5.81.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3d452221a9fc1c0ce628f34b1582ee0f", "text": "Alibaba (BABA) Stock Price Target Lowered at Pacific Crest Alibaba (BABA) Stock Price Target Lowered at Pacific Crest. NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Pacific Crest lowered its price target for Alibaba (BABA) to $116 from $127 on Friday, reiterating its outperform rating. The analyst firm lowered its 2015 and 2016 EPS estimates for the Chinese online retailer to $2.21 and $2.75 a share from $2.23 and $3.08 a share, respectively.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "485cef6fa9f9baed00aff43cdfecaf6e", "text": "- The potash spot price for China may rise from $305 per ton in 2014 to $340 per ton in 2015. Similarly, the potash spot price for Brazil may rise from $380 per ton to $400 per ton in Q1 2015. Potash Corp. (NYSE:POT) has annual potash capacity of 12.4 million tons.The company plans to increase its capacity by 2.4 million tons in 2015. We expect Potash Corp. to benefit, since Uralkali's capacity is affected. By the end of 2014, Potash Corp. plans to reduce costs by $15 to $20 per ton compared to 2013.Till now, the company has reduced costs by $18 per ton on a cash cost basis.y the end of 2014, Potash Corp. plans to reduce costs by $15 to $20 per ton compared to 2013. Till now, the company has reduced costs by $18 per ton on a cash cost basis.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c60f02f498127df852c681aabc35a41c", "text": "NYSE:UPS - United Parcel Service Stock Price, Price Target & More 16 brokers have issued 1 year target prices for United Parcel Service's stock. Their forecasts range from $77.00 to $125.00. On average, they anticipate United Parcel Service's stock price to reach $112.93 in the next twelve months.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f8cd17935949dd459d76fe66bad3f8bb", "text": "Finding Value of 'Old' AT&T Stock Ameritech, $81.375; Bell Atlantic, $82.125; BellSouth, $36.125; Nynex, $78.25; Pacific Telesis, $68.50; Southwestern Bell, $72.625; U.S. West, $73.875, and AT&T, $21.375. After tripling the BellSouth price, totaling the regionals and dividing by 10, you come up with $56.51.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5c0f1c7b87fb93cfff9846a76a1637b3", "text": "- $ 170.17. 52 Week High/Low 52 Week High is the highest sales price the stock has achieved during the regular trading hours during the most recent 52 week period. 52 Week Low is the lowest sales price the stock has fallen to during the regular trading hours during the most recent 52 week period. $ 178.71 / $ 138.57.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7e3e4ac8368248b3594d4f00a0c89903", "text": "Tesoro Tops Off Refining, Retail Western shareholders can elect to receive 0.4350 shares of Tesoro for each share of Western stock they own, or $37.30 in cash per share of Western stock. The price tag is based on Tesoro’s closing stock price of $85.74 on Nov. 16, 2016.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ad39b1971d5dc6a36a8e0bd5bd6e6c85", "text": "- 52 Week High/Low 52 Week High is the highest sales price the stock has achieved during the regular trading hours during the most recent 52 week period. 52 Week Low is the lowest sales price the stock has fallen to during the regular trading hours during the most recent 52 week period. $ 7.90 / $ 5.14.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c3bbc64b3a0f37082e1ec5934b9ff4ca", "text": "- [email protected] 1/7/2016 2:48:45 AM Thursday, January 07, 2016 Corporate Headquarters Secure Transportation 13111 Meyer Road Whittier, CA 90605 Reservations and Information: Toll Free: 1.800.856.9994 FAX: 562.906.2947 http://www.securetransportation.com/ http://www.securetransportation.com/page/review-secure-transportation Dear Secure Transportation: My extraordinary Molina representative, Jillian Kapono, made reservations for me with you for yesterday, January 6th, aka Little ...", "title": "" }, { "docid": "648770f62dd8397abe273fee0e50d612", "text": "What would $1000 of Apple's stock bought at the release of the Forrest Gump film be worth today? As of this writing (February 26, 2015), the current price of one share of Apple (AAPL) stock is $128.66. Forrest Gump opened in theaters on July 6, 1994. On that date, the price of AAPL's stock was $0.93 per share, adjusted for the following stock splits; 2 for 1 (June 21, 2000), 2 for 1 (February 28, 2005) and 7 for 1 (June 9, 2014).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d713d35b90aa0e562323ff60310b687e", "text": "- New listing BR45182 Port Said Ferdinand de Lesseps egypt. $7.06; or Best Offer +$2.40 shipping", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ce283679ffe4e36e5d3b4d6e6ea437bf", "text": "Rwandan genocide Inventory of around 60 days' supply at the end of June 2015 compares with 61 days at the end of 2014 and 59 days at the end of last year's second quarter. With the increased level of light truck sales, inventories have declined in the past year. Full frame light truck inventory of 72 days' supply at the end of June 2015, although higher than the 63 days at the end of 2014, compares favorably with the 78 days at the end of June 2014.", "title": "" } ]
ludington mi is in what county
[ { "docid": "1596bcfc66ae17bcfd9fd79ed42f424b", "text": "Ludington, Michigan Ludington is a city in the U.S. state of Michigan. As of the 2000 census, the city population was 8,357. It is the county seat of Mason County. Ludington is a harbor town located on Lake Michigan at the mouth of the Pere Marquette River.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "1789efb43e63b7a6e88beb8fc6d7f060", "text": "- Bays De Noc CVB. Welcome to Delta County, the crossroads of Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Travel through the northern hardwoods of Hiawatha National Forest, cast your rod in one of 6,000 acres of inland lakes, home to some of the country's best walleye, bass and salmon fishing. The Escanaba Area isn't all country and no city.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5b928eef0a9e14b339608221b3cd77d5", "text": "Twin Lake, Michigan Sponsored Topics. Twin Lake is an unincorporated community in Muskegon County of the U.S. state of Michigan. It is a census-designated place (CDP) for statistical purposes. Local government services are provided by Dalton Township. As of the 2000 census, the community population was 1,613.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9c32008c1c3f82a7d73a46f4a529eea3", "text": "- Tuscola County, Michigan. In the 1830's, Tuscola County was first settled by New Yorker Ebenezer Davis, his wife and eleven children. Townsend North, also a New Yorker, was a lumberman who received 3,000 acres of Tuscola timberlands for building a bridge across the Cass River in 1835.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "364ad289edf7ae51955e8f3ff7ad86a6", "text": "- With 25,420 people, Iosco County is the 55th most populated county in the state of Michigan out of 83 counties. But watch out, Iosco County, because Gladwin County with 25,411 people and Manistee County with 24,420 people are right behind you.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d0dca0f1020ab7babf528e98c6153dc6", "text": "- Featured Areas in Michigan. Adrian, Devils Lake, Irish Hills, Manitou Beach, Raisin River, Lenawee County, Somerset Center. Alpena, Hubbard Lake, Harrisville, Atlanta, Mio, Fletcher Pond, Long Lake. Ann Arbor, Whitmore Lake, Belleville Lake, Ypsilanti, Chelsea, Howell. Bad Axe, Port Austin, Harbor Beach, Caseville, Upper Thumb, Caro, Sebewaing.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b433156ae68db41897bf406642b39df0", "text": "- Hale Michigan resides in Plainfield Township of Iosco County. Gateway to Northern Michigan, Huron National Forest, Ausable River and over Sixty Lakes.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ef8e6948558bde27149cfbf46dba7836", "text": "- Press Releases. Welcome to St. Clair County, MI. You have arrived at the official website of St. Clair County, Michigan – Where the Blue Meets the Green! St. Clair County is a special place to live, work, and play. It is home to more than 163,000 residents, abundant natural resources, fantastic year-round recreational opportunities, trails, beaches, community festivals, and some of the most productive farming in Michigan.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d7a74ee2d7ec29f3983820dbe55af416", "text": "Novi Township, Michigan Novi Township is a civil township of Oakland County in the U.S. state of Michigan. The population is 150 as of the 2010 census. Of the original 36-square-mile (93 km2) geographic township of Novi, only a small portion of approximately 60 acres (240,000 m²) remains unincorporated.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f84585ac608cdf0c37a4ae8c9e84cabf", "text": "Woodhaven Woodhaven, MI. Online Offers. Woodhaven is a city in Wayne County in the U.S. state of Michigan. As of the 2000 census, the city population was 12,530. It is part of a collection of 18 suburban communities known as Downriver. Woodhaven was initially incorporated as a village in 1961, and was named after Woodhaven, a village in the Borough of Queens, New York City. It was later incorporated as a city on December 7, 1965. Woodhaven remains well known as home to the Ford Stamping Plant.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1d63fac5d47e6f7ce90b48a6ac539ffb", "text": "- Mason County Press. ‪#‎Ludington‬ ‪#‎MasonCountyNews‬ ‪#‎MasonCountyPoliceNews‬ LUDINGTON — Adam Clayton Shook, the person of interest in the early Tuesday morning stabbing of a 26-year-old man has been released following an interview with the Ludington Police Department, according to Ludington Police Chief Mark Barnett.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "389c7d9f7fa1be1bdc394b87c2c7b6e9", "text": "Dexter, MI Dexter, MI. Online Offers. Dexter is a village in Washtenaw County in the U.S. state of Michigan. The majority of the village is in the northwest corner of Scio Township with a small portion (approximately 200 homes) in Webster Township. The population was 4,067 at the 2010 census.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9de2145452a41df93dd7da75c32669f2", "text": "Winter Storm Warning issued for 7 SE Michigan counties Snow totals by the end of Sunday night. Lenawee and Monroe Counties are set to accumulate the most snow: 6 to 9 inches, or even 10 inches in isolated spots. Detroit, the rest of Wayne County and Washtenaw County could get as much as 6 to 8 inches of snow. Communities north of 8 Mile could see up to 6 inches of snowfall. This includes Livingston County and cities such as Birmingham, Novi, Mt. Clemens, Pontiac, Roseville, Southfield, Sterling Heights, Troy and Warren.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fbc1ae053cc1ab37fd84711e5298d2e3", "text": "- Ludington, MI (49431) Today. A mix of clouds and sun. High 31F. Winds SW at 10 to 20 mph.. Tonight. Mainly clear. Low 28F. Winds SW at 10 to 15 mph. Updated: January 18, 2018 @ 7:55 am", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b20bd1be76432f5dd0e6b97974f5c03f", "text": "Lansing, Michigan Lansing /ˈlaensɪŋ/ ˈlænsɪŋ is the capital of The.U. s state Of. Michigan it is located mostly In Ingham, county although portions of the city extend west Into Eaton county and north Into Clinton. county", "title": "" }, { "docid": "de132f65fd1b242e2d30b558889eb344", "text": "Pontiac, Michigan From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Pontiac /ˈpɒnᵗiæk/ is a city in the U.S. state of Michigan, located in Metro Detroit. As of the 2010 census, the city had a total population of 59,515. It is the county seat of Oakland County. and about 12 miles (19 km) north and slightly west of the Detroit city limits.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "732515f7e5dd877445594992eb01a7d4", "text": "- Find Public Records in Houghton County, Michigan. This page lists public record sources in Houghton County, Michigan. Additional resources can be found on our Michigan State Public Records page, on city pages, and on topic pages using the navigation above. Population: 35,568. Area: 1,012 sq. miles.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "060425d02f59bf91e92181ede269e79b", "text": "Pavilion Court Pavilion Court Area Info Pavilion Court is located in Oakland County, the 48375 ZIP Code, and the Novi Community School District attendance zone. Popular Searches", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fd3c224b3f522abd3e0f4caaeed7ea3b", "text": "Wayne County, Michigan Wayne County is Michigan's first charter county, with a home rule charter setting up its structures within limits set in state law and constitution.he county seat is Detroit, the most populous city in Michigan and 18th-most populous city in the United States. The county was founded in 1796 and organized in 1815. Wayne County is included in the Detroit-Warren-Dearborn, MI Metropolitan Statistical Area.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ffeddf749cfabb729e7a05f0fc70f424", "text": "Welcome to Mason County Michigan History! IN 1873 when the village became chartered Ludington offered to donate 5,000.00 to the city should it be named after him. 1873 was a good year for the most part for Ludington, the city bore his name, it was growing in leaps and bounds, and the railroad was almost here and the County seat was moved from Lincoln to Ludington.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "002e67d6ce69249576bc7b27e845ed83", "text": "Woodhaven Woodhaven, MI. Sponsored Topics. Woodhaven is a city in Wayne County in the U.S. state of Michigan. As of the 2000 census, the city population was 12,530. It is part of a collection of 18 suburban communities known as Downriver. Woodhaven was initially incorporated as a village in 1961, and was named after Woodhaven, a village in the Borough of Queens, New York City.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3ca5d69418be67ded64a9b91fe40b129", "text": "- Falmouth, Missaukee County, Michigan: Browse Thousands of Acres of Land for Sale in Falmouth, Missaukee County, Michigan.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "758a4960f68e4ecb264d09f697ffcbde", "text": "Warren Miller Promo Code Warren, MI. Online Offers. Warren is a city in Macomb County in the U.S. state of Michigan. The 2010 census places the city's population at 134,056, making Warren the largest city in Macomb County, the third largest city in Michigan, and Metro Detroit's largest suburb.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f6f6750a910d77c7f78946c969b0eae8", "text": "- Wellston lies in the Southeastern part of Manistee County. Though a small county by population, with just over 24,000 residents, this county boasts many fine things including miles of Lake Michigan shoreline, the Manistee National Forest, plentiful fishing and hunting opportunities, devoted craftsmen, and surprisingly, oil and gas reserves.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b08701e4b42f600409d9702b27ed975a", "text": "Dimondale, Michigan Dimondale is a village in Eaton County in the U.S. state of Michigan. The population was 1,234 at the 2010 census. The village is located within Windsor Charter Township. Dimondale is a suburb of Lansing, which is northeast of the village in Ingham County. The village is often misspelled as Diamondale.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ea3eee1acffa33123dd4113d95f6c188", "text": "Safely Remove Moles and Skin Tags With Apple Cider Vinegar Print Email. http://humansarefree.com/2014/03/safely-remove-moles-and-skin-tags-with.html. Apple cider vinegar works miracles on the unsightly skin lesions like skin tags, moles and warts. You may have a doubt about the results of using this common household product as a natural remedy to remove skin tags. Clean the skin around the blemish with lukewarm water and mild soap. 2 Dry the skin thoroughly. 3 Scratch the tag gently with a toothpick, let it not bleed. 4 Soak a small piece of cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and squeeze out the excess vinegar.", "title": "" } ]
nauseousness causes
[ { "docid": "065deb4ef347cccf06f0f270723748be", "text": "Nausea and vomiting Nausea and vomiting may occur separately or together. Common causes include: Chemotherapy. Gastroparesis (a condition in which the muscles of the stomach wall don't function properly, interfering with digestion) General anesthesia. Intestinal obstruction. Motion sickness: First aid.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5e40a07c768a58296e2049849cc8254e", "text": "Nausea Nausea is a non-specific symptom, which means that it has many possible causes. Some common causes of nausea are motion sickness, dizziness, migraine, fainting, low blood sugar, gastroenteritis (stomach infection) or food poisoning. Nausea is a side effect of many medications including chemotherapy, or morning sickness in early pregnancy.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b503185334f607e5372a4937128a63cd", "text": "Feeling nauseous all the time? Here are 13 causes you should know about! It is not very uncommon to experience nausea and vomiting once in a while due to acidity, motion sickness, infections, etc. But if feeling nauseous all the time or it is too bad and keeping you away from your day-to-day activities, it is time you take it seriously. Read on! Cause # 1: Stress, fear and anxiety.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "bf4c18b37d4b4c675111c29e8a8aefb1", "text": "- Blood Sugar. Low blood sugar can cause nausea in the morning for people who are not pregnant as well. When your blood sugar drops after you digest your food, you may feel nauseous. This often occurs in the morning due to the length of time between dinner and waking up.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cc6da59d8c550da1790d74abda8a6ce2", "text": "Prednisone and edema Nausea can be caused by various diseases of the upper GI tract-such as GERD, inflammation, an ulcer, as well as liver and gallbladder disease. Fatigue can be caused by a myriad of diseases-including anemia, kidney disease, dehydration, thyroid disease, as well as electrolyte abnormalities.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "95d23eae9909da16457789786ab3a9f2", "text": "Vomiting and Nausea Problems with nausea and vomiting are related to the cause. Nausea and vomiting from motion sickness, seasickness, food poisoning, or cancer therapy can result in loss of water and electrolytes, which can lead to dehydration. Vomiting and nausea known as morning sickness may occur during pregnancy.1 Nausea is an unpleasant, queasy feeling in the throat or stomach that may result in vomiting. 2 Vomiting is emptying the stomach as a result of strong gagging and retching that leads to throwing up.he following are common causes of nausea and vomiting: 1 Side effects of anesthesia used for surgery. 2 Stomach problems such as blockage (pyloric obstruction, a condition that causes forceful spitting up in infants). 3 Bleeding into the stomach from different causes. 4 Infection, irritation, or blockage of the intestines.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "25538ae60fd6707b77e9b794b12f40f8", "text": "Diarrhea, Fever and Night sweats Giardiasis is an infection of the small intestine causing diarrhea, gas, bloating, nausea and stomach cramps. Inflammatory bowel disease. Inflammatory bowel disease causes swelling and symptoms such as cramping, chronic diarrhea, and bleeding. Viral gastroenteritis. Gastroenteritis (stomach flu) is a viral condition that causes diarrhea and vomiting. Medication reaction or side-effect Medication side effects include nausea, vomiting, stomach upset, weakness, dizziness, seizures, and more.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5d4fd6a39b3cd2bb83a248c8f6e62c4d", "text": "When you have morning sickness... but you're not pregnant: Doctors explain the OTHER reasons why people wake feeling ill Sleeping itself can also be the cause of morning sickness. People who suffer from sleep apnoea, a condition that can cause you to stop breathing during the night, can wake in the morning feeling unrested and nauseous. ‘People snoring is one of the symptoms,’ Dr Morton said.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "56f0734713dcbd72964385d2e8f7c42b", "text": "What Causes Waves of Nausea? The two most common causes of nausea are morning sickness in pregnancy and viral gastroenteritis (stomach flu). Other causes, which are normally not serious, are vertigo, milk allergies, motion sickness, heartburn, gastritis, and side effects of medications.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "37a2f5e4e69c78abba1c7811262bb7f0", "text": "- Also called rapid gastric emptying, dumping syndrome occurs when food, especially sugar, moves from your stomach into your small bowel too quickly. Most people with dumping syndrome develop signs and symptoms, such as abdominal cramps and diarrhea, 10 to 30 minutes after eating. Other people have symptoms one to three hours after eating, and still others have both early and late symptoms.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d27a2110555a8ec432c892c58fe023de", "text": "Diarrhea and Palpitations (fluttering in chest) Supraventricular tachycardia is fast heart rhythm starting in one of the upper chambers of the heart. Food poisoning can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, and weakness. Atrial fibrillation is a heart condition that causes heart palpitations, confusion, dizziness and more.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "69643744b86f01aac81a7d81c488ef6f", "text": "- Why would someone feel nauseous every time he or she eats? A: Nausea after eating is a very discomforting feeling that can be caused by food poisoning, improper eating, indigestion, acute gastroenteritis, rumination, ... Full Answer > Filed Under:", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7af64172eb10a4d93aa86be8275a8880", "text": "Morning Sickness Nausea and morning sickness in pregnancy, unlike its name suggests, occurs any time of the day or night. It is common, affecting up to 70 percent of pregnant women, and can be more severe in a first pregnancy. During the first 14 weeks, morning sickness is caused by elevated levels of certain hormones. These hormones affect the entire digestive system, causing waves of nausea, vomiting, constipation and gas. Estrogen, in particular, may cause special sensitivity to odors so that mildly offensive smells grow more powerful and even sickening. Nausea and vomiting may also be aggravated by emotional stress and fatigue.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9b1e3211db2a8d58ee855cea74129a28", "text": "Constantly Feeling Nauseous? Some Potential Causes of Chronic Nausea Chemotherapy used on cancer patients or peptic ulcers in the stomach can also be the cause of chronic nausea. Chronic nausea and vomiting may also be caused by hormonal disorders caused by conditions like diabetes or pregnancy or functional disorders.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6da4bd15c5a92a51973ef8c1e93e0f97", "text": "Solar cells Just like the cells in a battery, the cells in a solar panel are designed to generate electricity; but where a battery's cells make electricity from chemicals, a solar panel's cells generate power by capturing sunlight instead.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "731c83d96a923f01545b31a23cbffdd7", "text": "- Certain health conditions can cause symptoms of flatulence, including: 1 indigestion. 2 constipation. 3 irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) – a common digestive condition, which can cause stomach cramps, bloating, diarrhoea and constipation. coeliac disease – an intolerance to a protein called gluten, found in wheat, rye and barley.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "06dbc36a504625ae48f39f1b82dd0ef6", "text": "Constantly Feeling Nauseous? Some Potential Causes of Chronic Nausea Gastritis ranges from an infection by stomach flu or food poisoning, to overeating or a food allergy. Motion sickness or sea sickness, too much alcohol, or allergies to certain alcoholic drinks are all common causes of nausea and/or vomiting. Nausea caused in this way can usually be easily corrected with a simple home remedy, and you can be up and well again in no time.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "55da3f2d471d3093f832ee8577185ac6", "text": "Nausea or vomiting and Thick saliva or mucus Food poisoning can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, and weakness. Heat exhaustion causes intense thirst, heavy sweating, pale, cool, and moist skin, muscle cramps, and more. An intracranial hematoma occurs after a head injury and causes headache, drowsiness, confusion, and more.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5b862b65b97773ca5003bfbf1b4dcc32", "text": "Kevin Conrad Nausea and vomiting may also be caused by other conditions. 1 In patients with advanced cancer, chronic nausea and vomiting may be caused by the following: 2 Brain tumors or pressure on the brain. 3 Tumors of the gastrointestinal tract. 4 High or low levels of certain substances in the blood. 5 Medicines such as opioids.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "017feb7535adc287a81f35be58d68445", "text": "Bloating or fullness, Diarrhea, Foul smelling stools and Frequent bowel movements Bloating or fullness, Nausea or vomiting, Stomach cramps and Upset stomach. WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms bloating or fullness, nausea or vomiting, stomach cramps and upset stomach including Gastroenteritis, Irritable bowel syndrome, and Giardiasis.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d589434167ba5d5e65a1bbe928ed42fb", "text": "- Other causes of nausea include side effects from medications, pain, pregnancy and morning sickness, seasickness, viral infection, alcohol toxicity, and disease of the brain, esophagus, stomach, gallbladder, liver, pancreas, and intestine.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d15b54076078c620da41dd965a4bcf87", "text": "Nausea and Vomiting Causes, Symptoms, Diet, and Treatment Options There are numerous causes of nausea and vomiting. These symptoms may be due to the following: Acute gastritis (direct irritation of the stomach lining) Central causes in which signals from the brain cause nausea and vomiting. Other illnesses not due to stomach problems.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2f0b1ad006547616f63a5aeb06ed4b2a", "text": "Nausea and Vomiting - Adults Many common problems may cause nausea and vomiting: Food allergies. Infections of the stomach or bowels, such as the stomach flu or food poisoning. Leaking of stomach contents (food or liquid) upwards (also called gastroesophageal reflux or GERD)", "title": "" }, { "docid": "483db1e1e79d9b7a2715ff3c1c684198", "text": "- Nausea and vomiting are common symptoms that can be caused by numerous conditions. Nausea and vomiting most often are due to viral gastroenteritis — often mistakenly termed stomach flu — or the morning sickness of early pregnancy.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3b852f5fa1a1111c0783f402dcab3aa5", "text": "- Some of the more common causes of lightheadedness include: dehydration from a viral infection, from nausea and vomiting, or from any other cause. using tobacco, alcohol, or illicit drugs. various prescription drugs. orthostatic hypotension. vasovagal episodes. dysautonomia. allergic reactions.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d3fdd0974f76a4cda2867f28b8a5603b", "text": "- Most people will experience stomach cramps at some point during their lifetime, and they can occur in any age group or population. Common causes of stomach cramps include indigestion, gastroenteritis, menstrual cramps, bladder infection, and excessive flatulence (gas).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "629f3b7455a42955fd31fc0604144404", "text": "What Causes Coma? Low blood sodium, or hyponatremia, occurs when water and sodium are out of balance in your body. A quick drop in sodium levels can cause weakness, headache, nausea, and muscle cramps.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "564d13a23187c9b0e2c5f5ec2084382f", "text": "Feeling nauseous all the time? Here are 13 causes you should know about! Cause # 6: Pregnancy. The most common endocrinologic cause of nausea is pregnancy. Also known as morning sickness, nausea in the morning is very common in early pregnancy. Nausea and, sometimes, vomiting usually begin before most women are 9 weeks pregnant and clear up between 12 to 14 weeks of pregnancy. It can occur at any time of the day or night and some women feel nauseated all day long.", "title": "" } ]
what county is mount washington ky in
[ { "docid": "83aaedc5ca676081bc3547834f9eda96", "text": "- Mount Washington, Bullitt County, Kentucky: Browse Thousands of Acres of Land for Sale in Mount Washington, Bullitt County, Kentucky.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "89aa6de43518ec0dbee280a2ce660733", "text": "Mount Rainier, Maryland Mount Rainier /reɪˈnɪər/ is a city in Prince George's County, Maryland, United States. The population was 8,080 at the 2010 census. Bordering Washington, D.C. , Mount Rainier got its start as a streetcar suburb. (See Streetcars in Washington, D.C. ) According to local tradition, surveyors from the Pacific Northwest named the town, giving the streets names such as Shasta and Cascade .", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c3adc1d40a89b3ab2c3a7ef49aee6c75", "text": "Lab 9 - Titrations The reaction is generally carried out in a flask containing the liquid or dissolved sample. Titrant solution is volumetrically delivered to the reaction flask using a burette. Delivery of the titrant is called a titration. The titration is complete when sufficient titrant has been added to react with all the analyte. This is called the equivalence point. An indicator is often added to the reaction flask to signal when all of the analyte has reacted. The titrant volume where the signal is generated is called the end point.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2ffe4360324404996be3e34bed4b53a3", "text": "- All transactions in Washington County go back to 1799 when the county was formed from Tyrrell County. Various types of documents filed in the office are old land grants, deeds, deeds of trust, maps, leases, agreements and powers of attorney.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d183d956d46d03b157d615d02d473f45", "text": "Washington County, Maryland Washington County is a county located in the western part of the U.S. state of Maryland. As of the 2010 census, the population was 147,430. Its county seat is Hagerstown. Washington County was the first county in the United States to be named for the Revolutionary War general (and later President) George Washington. Washington County is one of three Maryland counties recognized by the Appalachian Regional Commission as being part of Appalachia.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9c93578b8bdd32564ccd464b9052e00f", "text": "- Mt Sterling Montgomery County Airport. 709 Airport Rd Mount Sterling, KY 40353.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "afba43661324a961863aa78c6bfc9ba2", "text": "Adair County, Kentucky Adair County is a county located in the U.S. state of Kentucky. As of the 2010 census, the population was 18,656. Its county seat is Columbia. The county was founded in 1801 and named for John Adair, then Speaker of the House in Kentucky and later Governor of Kentucky (1820 - 1824). Adair County also has one of the few remaining American Chestnut trees in America. Adair County is a prohibition or completely dry county.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2c979f6af359170536071d156b6300b7", "text": "- The Shinnston News & Harrison County Journal. WV DOH News-Road Closure: The WV DOH advises motorists that Wednesday, September 5th, Harrison County Route 14-Little Rock Camp Road will be closed due to a culvert replacement. The hours for this closure are from 8:00am to 5:00pm.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9719c0d8d3cfa40153bfd6a4de638aa6", "text": "Round Hill, Kentucky Round Hill, Kentucky. For the unincorporated community in Edmonson County, Kentucky, see Roundhill, Kentucky. Round Hill is an unincorporated community in Madison County, Kentucky, United States. It lies 10 miles southwest of Richmond on County Road 595. A burial mound attributed by the National Register of Historic Places to the Adena Culture is the central feature of the village.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8d506cb28a6436885b79bd164ac332e6", "text": "- 1 Initial dosing might be a hassle, but then you only have to take it every 12 weeks. People treated with Stelara for psoriatic arthritis felt better and had more physical improvement compared to not using the medicine (placebo).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5531384ba7461d9352c3a9bf1d3d8d79", "text": "- MOUNT WASHINGTON, BULLITT COUNTY, KENTUCKY LAND FOR SALE: 16 - 30 of 57 listings.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "393ee0e18ad3479d0116c3854c842f5c", "text": "- The county was established in 1810 as the 54th county in Kentucky. It is said the county is named for Col. William Grayson, a Virginian statesman and Revolutionary War aide to General George Washington, who once owned over 5000 acres which included the western end of the county. Washington purchased the land from Henry Lee (father of Robert E. Lee) by trading his favorite horse for it. Grayson County is rural, but progressive, making it a great place to live or visit. Our twin lakes, Nolin Lake and Rough River State Resort Park, provide many activities for the area.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9a3577e2389376a76cf7223c313862fc", "text": "Mount Sterling, Kentucky Mount Sterling is named for an ancient burial mound called Little Mountain, and for the town of Stirling in Scotland. It was named by the first developer of the area, Hugh Forbes. The Kentucky Assembly passed an act in 1792 establishing the town as Mt. Sterling, a misspelling which was retained. The area was originally part of the thick wilderness of central Kentucky.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "95eb6a64b6d484896a85a01ee2da8ad0", "text": "WASHINGTON COUNTY Section 107. WASHINGTON COUNTY. Washington County is in the Blackland Prairies region of southeast central Texas. The center of the county is at 30°14' north latitude and 96°24' west longitude. Brenham, the seat of government, is near the county's center and seventy-five air miles east of Austin.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f29c5a3fb7b079e1f252361d20c13785", "text": "Elliott County, Kentucky Elliott County is a county located in the U.S. state of Kentucky. As of the 2010 census, the population was 7,852. Its county seat is Sandy Hook. The county was formed in 1869 from parts of Morgan, Lawrence, and Carter counties, and is named for John Milton Elliott, U.S. Congressman; Confederate Justice of the Kentucky Court of Appeals.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "74f6df6dd7191b05d6d261ac1ca3ace0", "text": "Mason County, Kentucky Mason County, Kentucky. Mason County is a county located in the U.S. state of Kentucky. As of the 2010 census, the population was 17,490. Its county seat is Maysville. The county was created from Bourbon County, Virginia in 1788 and named for George Mason, a Virginia delegate to the U.S. Constitutional Convention, known as the Father of the Bill of Rights.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5df48740ca818a4573d76c62d89a0654", "text": "- Regional Setting. Rappahannock County is in the northern portion of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Washington, the County seat, is about 65 miles southwest of Washington, DC, and 120 miles northwest of Richmond, the State Capitol. The County extends north and south 24 miles and east and west about 21 miles.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0101aef068f91a316fe5ff7f02dd6b77", "text": "Washington County, Virginia Washington County is a county located in the Commonwealth of Virginia. As of the 2010 census, the population was 54,876. Its county seat is Abingdon. Washington County is part of the Kingsport–Bristol–Bristol, TN-VA Metropolitan Statistical Area, which is a component of the Johnson City–Kingsport–Bristol, TN-VA Combined Statistical Area, commonly known as the Tri-Cities region.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "03d81f29784caa012d781035354ab328", "text": "Hempstead County, Arkansas Historic Washington State Park is located in Hempstead County some nine miles northwest of Hope in the historic village of Washington, Arkansas. The state park opened in 1973 as Old Washington Historic State Park, but the Old was dropped from the name in 2006.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b94003821c57abbf78062c8b9a1c70e1", "text": "- need to get the heck out of illinois chicago 11 replies latest news from mount washington ky collected exclusively by city data com from local newspapers tv and radio stations ancestries united states 25 3 % german 17 5 % irish 15 3 % english 11 8 % french 1 6 % scotch irish 1 1 %", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4b6d38b156915c9fd1381b37ebb2c35c", "text": "Mount Perry, Ohio Mount Perry, Ohio. Not to be confused with Mount Perry, Queensland, Australia. Mount Perry is an unincorporated community in northern Madison Township, Perry County, Ohio, United States, northeast of Somerset. State Route 204 runs through the town. It is in the Northern Local School District, home of the Sheridan Generals.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "01568c3bf5a43c68a21af1ce4d0c0afd", "text": "Adair County, Kentucky Adair County was formed on December 11, 1801 from sections of Green County. Columbia was chosen as the county seat the following year. It was named in honor of John Adair, later commander of Kentucky troops in the Battle of New Orleans and the eighth Governor of Kentucky.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a04a2993724d12263ed3e24458191350", "text": "- Washington County Utah is seeking bids for the Construction of a new Public Use Facility located at the Washington County Fairgrounds in Hurricane Utah. The new facility shall consist of a new exhibit hall, offices, and associated uses. The building shall be approx. 28,000 square feet in size.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fbb6293d3c5e91603b10ca09bf77c5bd", "text": "Rocky Mount Rocky Mount is the county seat of Franklin County, Virginia, United States.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6cbbf6c3ec8bb5133b2d18c353796ceb", "text": "- Hotels Close to Mount Washington State Park, New Hampshire. North Conway Grand Hotel. This smoke-free hotel is on 95 acres in the White Mountains of North Conway and adjacent to Settler's Green Outlet Village.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dd4d04df2663e64def305e3c634d7587", "text": "- The 2015 Ornament, Washington Ferry, the ninth in the Historic Rhea County Ornament series, is available for purchase. All proceeds go to the downtown projects of MainStreet Dayton. For more information on each of the ornaments, and how to purchase Click here.", "title": "" } ]
what date and year was the united states created?
[ { "docid": "706c2250354d3dc08f19a1ca1cb93fa1", "text": "What year and date was the united states created? Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Independence for the United States was actually proposed by Richard Henry Leigh on June 7th, 1776. Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, Sherman, and Livingston formed a commitee to form a list of complaints that declared a want for independence from England. It was finished and signed on July 2nd, 1776, which is when Declaration was actually declared. July 4th, 1776, it was made known to the public, and ever since then, people have celebrated Independence on the 4th of July. Even though the colonies are now states at this point, it's hard to call them united. They had internal problems for awhile after the revolution.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "8392c1851b45297dfff6019664b0538c", "text": "U.S. History and Historical Documents U.S. Constitution. The foundation of the American Government, its purpose, form, and structure are in the Constitution of the United States. The Constitutional Convention adopted the Constitution on September 17, 1787. The Bill of Rights is the first 10 amendments to the Constitution.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f1634ad736be35ad8f452b947c4cc4c4", "text": "How long does it take a new fridge to get cold? Rule of thumb is generally 48 hours in the refrigerator. It does not take more than 8 hours to properly marinate, but anything over 48 hours is too long.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4be12d3e4241007f60e26c5038c6b8e0", "text": "LIST of US STATE ABBREVIATIONS LIST of US STATE ABBREVIATIONS. The History of the United States usually begins with the date of 1776, the official declaration of independence! However the territory that is now know as the united states was first occupied by Native Americans followed by European colonists such as Christopher Columbus around 1492. Large settlement originated around the East coast around 1607 by the English.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e7c39ab03e05eab4237a678d294a7826", "text": "Admission of States to Union States and Their Dates of Admission to the Union. ... States and Their Dates of Admission to the Union State Date Admitted to Union 1 Delaware December 7, 1787 2 Pennsylvania December 12, 1787 3 New Jersey December 18, 1787 4 Georgia January 2, 1788 5 Connecticut January 9, 1788 6 ...Admission to the Union.ll states are admitted to the Union on an equal footing. This is not a provision of the Constitution itself, but U.S. Supreme Court rulings have established that Congress cannot discriminate against states when they are admitted.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "48666ed019f37540a20ee62163eb7c55", "text": "U.S. Constitution Today in History - September 17. U.S. Constitution. On September 17, 1787, members of the Constitutional Convention signed the final draft of the Constitution. Two days earlier, when a final vote was called, Edmund Randolph called for another convention to carefully review the Constitution as it stood.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "80f949019ea03d62662d4009c7130ec7", "text": "U.S. state List of U.S. states by date of statehood. This is a list of U.S. states by date of statehood. It has the date when each U.S. state joined the Union. However, Virginia's peoples convention in May-June 1776 prepared the first Constitution for a State Government, plus a Declaration of Rights.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "54cad54696571a6d30e7265ec342611d", "text": "What year was Colorado founded? In Countries, States, and Cities. Colorado became a US state on August 1, 1876 when President Ulysses S. Grant signed a proclamation admitting the state of Colorado to the Union as the 38th state. 7 people found this useful.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fe46346bcfec28ae0093507bd83844d7", "text": "- This Day in History: 07/29/1958 - NASA Created. In a This Day in History video, learn that on July 29, 1958, the United States committed men, money, and technology to winning the space race.. NASA was created after the Russians launched the satellite Sputnik. After eleven years, America pulled out ahead with Apollo 11.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b15578d6211e1b4bfe3039d4eecfe454", "text": "Proof That America Was Founded As A Christian Nation Done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven and of the Independence of the United States of America the Twelfth In Witness whereof We have hereunto subscribed our Names,", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c9a5fb5b66d034a84a89dd5fe21b2d93", "text": "Proof That America Was Founded As A Christian Nation Done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven and of the Independence of the United States of America the Twelfth In witness whereof We have hereunto subscribed our Names, G°.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "572db7cc37f21c36e19aebe61fbbee9c", "text": "Bill of Rights Bill of Rights. On March 4, 1789, America officially adopted the United States Constitution, which established the U.S. as a free nation governed by the people.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c8dbbad254c881e668222edbdaac079e", "text": "History of the United States After the Revolution, the United States the leaders of the states created a constitution in 1787 and a Bill of Rights in 1791. These were based on the idea of social contracts. George Washington became its first president.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c11b508e0e8b739e01de589d662e1b7f", "text": "Minimum car insurance requirements What is no-fault car insurance? If your state has a no-fault auto insurance law, your auto insurance policy must pay medical bills for you and your passengers regardless of who caused the accident. Your no-fault coverage -- which is your personal injury protection (PIP) -- may come with a copayment and/or deductible.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7966453b404313f2d290e8246c57e68f", "text": "Timeline of African-American history February 9, 1861 - The Confederate States of America is formed with Jefferson Davis, a West Point graduate and former U.S. Army officer, as president. March 4, 1861 - Abraham Lincoln is sworn in as 16th President of the United States of America.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3e487870a45f023cbec7dd906e9fc0a9", "text": "New York (state) This is a list of U.S. states by date of statehood. It has the date when each U.S. state joined the Union. However, Virginia's peoples convention in May-June 1776 prepared the first Constitution for a State Government, plus a Declaration of Rights. Other Colonies became States in late 1776 and into 1777, and used Virginia's Declaration of Rights as a pattern for their own Declaration.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1d41aa0f5ed9b5c88b80956b79fadc6f", "text": "Admission of States to Union States and Their Dates of Admission to the Union State Date Admitted to Union 1 Delaware December 7, 1787 2 Pennsylvania December 12, 1787 3 New Jersey December 18, 1787 4 Georgia January 2, 1788 5 Connecticut January 9, 1788 6 ...dmission of States to Union. The state-making process in the United States is regulated by Article IV, Section 3 of the United States Constitution. It allows for the admission of new states by an act of Congress.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d638e28bb563883e206199d837c48200", "text": "Who was the first president born in the United States? George Washington (1732-1799) was the first President of the United States of America under the US Constitution. He was elected in 1787 and again in 1792 and served as P … resident from April 30,1789 until March 4, 1797.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4b8205782182a75dd52aa473676c5421", "text": "United States Department of Defense The history of the defense of the United States started with the Continental Congress in 1775. The creation of the United States Army was enacted on 14 June 1775.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "088d8e3aa2ce6bb0359d9e3cb774bb77", "text": "Tips and Techniques for Queries in Access 2007 The Recordset Builder lets you point to a database, select a table or query/view, select all or some of the fields, and automatically generate code to browse, edit, or add records to it. Choose whether you want it to use ADO or DAO, and whether you reference the current database or an external one.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5bbbea1e58f3f3804a791ddf3223ccf7", "text": "- Making the world better, one answer at a time. The state of West Virginia was officially created on June 20, 1863. The state of West Virginia was officially created on June 20, 1863.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c236028499e4bc8086d2530c91708bd3", "text": "List of U.S. states by date of admission to the Union The following table is a list of all 50 states and their respective dates of statehood. The first 13 became states in July 1776 upon agreeing to the Declaration of Independence, and each joined the first Union of states between 1777 and 1781, upon ratifying the Articles of Confederation, its first constitution.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "01e44b42fb4bf21524f2cd41fda5b601", "text": "AMERICAN HISTORY EXAM REVIEW The United States presidential election of 1788–89 was the first quadrennial presidential election. It was held from Monday, December 15, 1788 to Saturday, January 10, 1789. It was the first presidential election in the United States of America under the new United States Constitution, which was adopted on September 17, 1787, and the only election ever to take place partially in a year that is not a multiple of four.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "26909e110a9fc72a16eed75aa6652667", "text": "Presidents Of The United States (1837-1908) was both the 22nd and the 24th President of the United States. He was born on March 18, 1837, in Caldwell, New Jersey. In 1886, during his first term as president, France gave the United States the Statue of Liberty. In 1888, he lost his bid for re-election to Benjamin Harrison but he won the presidency back in 1892. He served as President from 1885 to 1889, and from 1893 to 1897. He died on June 24, 1908, in Princeton, New Jersey.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fee2dd40d893921d30e0074a93d589fa", "text": "The United States and the Founding of the United Nations, August 1941 - October 1945 The United States and the Founding of the United Nations, August 1941 - October 1945. The impetus to establish the United Nations stemmed in large part from the inability of its predecessor, the League of Nations, to prevent the outbreak of the Second World War.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "17083c6225364f4736640230aa5ec5e4", "text": "Primary Documents in American History The members of the Constitutional Convention signed the United States Constitution on September 17, 1787 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.", "title": "" } ]
how much does a cartier love bracelet cost
[ { "docid": "4bcb930e5332507543c051f7998c1321", "text": "- Kylie's sporting six Cartier Love bracelets, which are worth approximately $7,000 each. Technically, the yellow gold are $6,600 and the white gold are $7,100. All together, that's over $40K on one arm alone!", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "3a66834204e9908aba135e39957ce08d", "text": "How Much Does a Pandora Bracelet Cost â Prices The sterling silver charm, which is accented with a 14K gold design, is available at most retailers who sell the bracelets and cost $80. For each charm sold, $20 of the price is donated to the charity.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dc2395ee043a4a7b825de3a269e73ef3", "text": "What makes Cartier the symbol of love and the brand of lovers? Home / Jewelry / What makes Cartier the symbol of love and the brand of lovers? Posted on February 21, 2016 August 1, 2017 What makes Cartier the symbol of love and the brand of lovers? Cartier is the first brand that comes to mind when we talk about jewelry, diamonds and watches. It is obvious when you think about the hundreds of jewelry models that made the brand iconic.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dd5fe2dabc0a33c75d2d962781e7c736", "text": "Cartier Logo Cartier (Societe Cartier) is a world-renowned French manufacturer of top quality jewelry, fashion accessories, perfumes, and watches. The company was founded in 1847, in Paris. Cartier Logo Meaning and History The Cartier logo is said to have been introduced in the early 1900s, and since then it has undergone but a few", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b4c51acaea0268dd5935bd1628765934", "text": "How much do Patek Philippe watches cost? exists and is an alternate of . Regular Patek Philippe watches cost in the range of $10,000-$30,000. However, Patek Philippe currently sells the most expensive watch in the world, valued at roughly $1,000,000. Patek Philippe has been known to sell watches to royalty. Regular Patek Philippe watches cost in the range of $10,000-$30,000. However, Patek Philippe currently sells the most expensive watch in the world, valued at roughly $1,000,000.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "42ff3f2b387ddb3dc666c3012f0055a9", "text": "- 1 The quality, clasp, size of pearls and similarity of the pearls will affect the price. 2 ThePearlSource.com has a variety of freshwater pearls that retail from $99 to as much as $3,000. 3 Premium pearl necklaces that are deemed to be rare can cost from $500 to $5,000. Look for a radiant luster and glow that comes from the reflecting light from the pearls. 2 A high luster freshwater pearl necklace could cost upwards of $100 to $3,000. 3 The quality, clasp, size of pearls and similarity of the pearls will affect the price.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "099c97f6f908fcbc9fd5f675fc038812", "text": "- This very narrow platinum band with pave set tiny diamonds was sized up a half a size larger to 6.25. It was a simple sizing. It looked a bit grey, so we rhodium plated it as a final step. Its cost, $95.00.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0fa3456d3b152eb235a2aea780fe0ceb", "text": "New here? Welcome to our blog! Raymond Lee Jewelers is one of the worldâs largest sellers of pre-owned authentic Cartier Love bangles â authenticity guaranteed. Really helpful, the only thing I need help with after yours, is how do I work out size. I have seen some at 16 17 and 20 I have large rist and like movement even with a watch. it the size in centimetres. my cartier love bracelet is signed by aldo cipulo and says 1970 inside as well as cartier.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9b8c28aefc1b4df4bce60d2eecd5b4f8", "text": "Search results Ouslier Personalized 925 Sterling Silver Hoop Name Earrings 2.5cm Custom Made with Any Names. by Ouslier. $ 36 45-$ 38 52. 5 out of 5 stars 1. Product Features. Personalize this 925 sterling silver pair of hoop earrings with any names.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "91b7b015eb3fc0ebb49d8d1352c96c72", "text": "Engagement Ring Cost Engagement Ring Cost. How Much Does an Engagement Ring Cost? For an engagement ring, on the low end, expect to pay $125 to $500 for a quarter carat, or smaller, solitaire diamond set in 14-karat gold, or for diamond alternatives such as other gemstones, moissanite or cubic zirconia.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d80381a5bff4de19407ecfdef1b61fcd", "text": "Boutonniere Cost 1 Expensive boutonnieres with fresh flowers like Calla lilies and Gerbera daisies usually cost $16 to $25. 2 Silk flower boutonnieres typically range from $6 to $15. 3 Made of artificial materials, silk boutonnieres do not wilt; however, they may not look as realistic as fresh flowers in person or on film. Silk flower boutonnieres typically range from $6 to $15. 2 Made of artificial materials, silk boutonnieres do not wilt; however, they may not look as realistic as fresh flowers in person or on film.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8b6fe8f518f431616df510be4b96c163", "text": "How much would a pandora bracelet cost? Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Go to http://www.pandora-jewelry.com/ and go to Build your own bracelet on the menu. A REAL Pandora bracelet with 4 letters & 2 basic charms (all silver) should cost you around $200.ating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Go to http://www.pandora-jewelry.com/ and go to Build your own bracelet on the menu. A REAL Pandora bracelet with 4 letters & 2 basic charms (all silver) should cost you around $200.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "19d4d2e670c6c26c30bea1fb90bb3dff", "text": "- Bead-set diamonds surround a striking oval diamond in this unusual platinum design. Priced from $15,200* Subject to availability Subject to availability. Make an Appointment. Speak to a Tiffany Diamond Expert by calling 800 518 5555.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "776eb1a6d6107818f395d698786bd199", "text": "- the cost of a wedding band ranges from less than $ 100 to more than $ 2000 the price usually depends on the material used in a wedding ring low end wedding rings usually cost $ 100 or less these rings are made from sterling silver or narrow gold rings mid range wedding rings cost from $ 150 to $ 500these are usually rings that are made from titanium or 14k or 18k gold upscale wedding rings cost from $ 1500 to $ 2000 these are rings that are made of platinum and diamonddesigner wedding rings belong to this class as well and can run for more than $ 2000he price usually depends on the material used in a wedding ring low end wedding rings usually cost $ 100 or less these rings are made from sterling silver or narrow gold rings mid range wedding rings cost from $ 150 to $ 500", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cc1585445819cae2f810307f1c1e2f76", "text": "- 1 Bracelets that are sterling silver can cost as much as $300 depending on the quality. 2 Pandora bracelets that are made from leather or fabric will cost from $30 to $60. 3 For a bracelet that is made of 14k gold, the cost is usually around $1,100 to $1,800. 4 These are the prices just for the bracelet. For a bracelet that is made of 14k gold, the cost is usually around $1,100 to $1,800. 2 These are the prices just for the bracelet. 3 When you factor in the charms, the costs can easily reach the $300 to $600 mark.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "75968fb9ce480576d8747d2ab739a0df", "text": "How much will your Pandora bracelet have cost you... the charms range from $30 for sterling silver or from $50 for silver with stones or from $120 for silver with a little gold (my choice) and from $200 for gold charms. you can also get glass beads which are around $40 i think.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f52f8a06c1e1ddd3668dfc55a76e0704", "text": "Wedding Gift Costs: How Much Do Canadians Spend? According to new results from RetailMeNot.ca, half of Canadian wedding guests spend $100 or less on a gift per person, with a third spending $51 to $100 each.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "314c18608cc9283927123f15c1e25e3b", "text": "Cartier Diamond Rings Review â Good But Not Great My presence at Cartier is to help him make the best possible purchase from the available choices. A budget of roughly $4,500 – $6,000 (prices in USD) was set for the purchase. The plan was to maximize the diamond’s carat weight () without a strong emphasis on high color and clarity ratings.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ee62e7c752331d950e221fc442221c3d", "text": "- Carcinoid tumor is a rare type of tumor that grows slowly. Malignant tumors are cancers that often continue to grow and may spread to other areas of the body.Benign (noncancerous) tumors tend to grow more slowly and don’t spread.Carcinoid tumors are somewhere between malignant and benign tumors.ypes of carcinoid tumors include: Slow-growing tumors. These tumors are the most common type. They usually remain small, under about an inch wide, and don’t grow quickly or spread to other areas of the body. Faster-growing tumors. These tumors may grow more rapidly, grow larger, and spread.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "38dc3bf932061adb751c7c9c3ca84e63", "text": "Cicret Smart Bracelet Projects Your Phoneâs Display on Your Arm: Remote Armtop Perhapc. It also doesn’t help that Cicret actually launched two different products in one fundraiser: the bracelet and a privacy app (hence the company’s name). You can pledge at least $399 (USD) on Indiegogo to receive a Cicret Bracelet as a reward. The company is shooting for a $600-$700 retail price, but even with the steep discount I think you should wait for an actual demo of the bracelet before you part with your money. – See more at: http://technabob ....", "title": "" }, { "docid": "883001b63b5b3e716c2b259e55f5ee73", "text": "How much does a cartier 'Tank Louis Cartier' watch cost? The price of a Cartier Watch 2301 Cc708177 varies depending on the condition and if it has diamonds. They can be found for around $1750 all the way up to $5.500.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "163269326ec2bfdc23882a5024c1ae94", "text": "- Chainmaille bracelet, bronze bracelet, four winds bracelet, 8th anniversary gift, anniversary gift, birthday gift... $29.00 USD ScrapheartGifts. COMPASS FRIENDSHIP SET, Life Is A Journey Best Traveled With Friends Go Confidently In The Direction Of Your Dreams Though Life May Take Us...", "title": "" }, { "docid": "da7f7704a0071267a745766ff9dca327", "text": "Trinity de Cartier: an enduring symbol of love To give the Trinity collection a youthful twist, Cartier recently reshaped the rings into three interlocking hearts. Strung on a delicate gold chain, this reinvention of a classic is testament to the longevity of one of the most instantly recognisable jewellery designs of all time. Trinity de Cartier necklace and ring.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "37b682a18c9c29b93f8d8d88ec49fa32", "text": "- I found a ring that was absolutely gorgeous and fell in love with it instantly. The guy who owns Rocky Mountain designs and makes all the rings and sells them first out of his store in SLC for a fraction of the cost that big diamond sellers sell the same rings. We got a 1.5 carat ring for less than $3000. I seriously get complimented on it every day, whenever I interact with someone new.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2834339a897bf0a34b541084ff13e024", "text": "- Check out some of the world’s most expensive diamond necklaces. H. Stern’s Venus Necklace – $3.17 million. This 110-carat diamond necklace features a number of cushion, square and pear-cut diamonds set in 18k noble gold. Even the clasp is exquisite, featuring a 14-point diamond star.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "326b551915182d7d69ca5b0a4ab4f1bf", "text": "- 2015 Cartier Love Bracelet Prices. As 2015 the retail price for the yellow gold or pink gold Love bracelets are $6600 and with the 10 diamonds they are $15,400. The white gold version is $7,100, climbing to $15,900 with the 10 diamonds.", "title": "" } ]
weather in alamogordo
[ { "docid": "69b9dad4fec778c877edec8d7f652b89", "text": "Average Weather in Alamogordo New Mexico, United States Over the course of the year, the temperature in Alamogordo typically varies from 30°F to 94°F and is rarely below 20°F or above 101°F. The hot season lasts for 117 days, from May 20 to September 14, with an average daily high temperature above 86°F.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e15c2af7fbcdf04777fbf0eb31a565a6", "text": "Alamogordo, New Mexico Add Favorite 14 Reviews | Review This Place Alamogordo, New Mexico, gets 12 inches of rain per year. The US average is 39. Snowfall is 6 inches. The average US city gets 26 inches of snow per year. The number of days with any measurable precipitation is 31. On average, there are 285 sunny days per year in Alamogordo, New Mexico. The July high is around 93 degrees. The January low is 28. Sperling's comfort index for Alamogordo is a 83 out of 100, where a higher score indicates a more comfortable year-around climate. The US average for the comfort index is 54.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "19170b14a90dbc4dc2c9c02e67e2c466", "text": "- HIGHS IN THE LOWER 80S. SOUTHWEST WINDS 15 TO 20 MPH. GUSTS UP TO 30 MPH IN THE AFTERNOON. CHANCE OF RAIN 50 PERCENT. OVERNIGHT: MOSTLY CLEAR. HIGHS IN THE UPPER 70S. LOWS IN THE LOWER 60S.IGHS IN THE LOWER 80S. SOUTHWEST WINDS 15 TO 20 MPH. GUSTS UP TO 30 MPH IN THE AFTERNOON. CHANCE OF RAIN 50 PERCENT. OVERNIGHT: MOSTLY CLEAR. HIGHS IN THE UPPER 70S. LOWS IN THE LOWER 60S.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "092aca3b3448d6196ada6c58ef622ee2", "text": "- 20%55°46°Mostly cloudy with a high of 56 °F (13.3 °C). Winds variable at 4 to 11 mph (6.4 to 17.7 kph).Night - Windy with a 80% chance of precipitation. Winds variable at 11 to 22 mph (17.7 to 35.4 kph). The overnight low will be 47 °F (8.3 °C).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ae8b6fb8760cf0e3b2d11e16707d54a8", "text": "Santa Fe Weather & Tips Santa Fe Weather. Santa Fe has a very dry, high desert climate with intense sunlight. On average, the city experiences more than 300 sunny days per year. The highest temperatures in July and August are 80-90 °F with only 3-6 days per year with 90+°F highs.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7be13a72db2db597d0af5e95d643c0b4", "text": "Average Weather in Alamogordo New Mexico, United States In Alamogordo, the average percentage of the sky covered by clouds experiences mild seasonal variation over the course of the year. The clearer part of the year in Alamogordo begins around March 17 and lasts for 112 days, ending around July 7.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a203ed320a8cdd82945ce537459e9d49", "text": "- Badlands National Park Weather. The Badlands climate is variable and unpredictable with temperatures ranging from 116 F to -40F. Most of the scant fifteen inches of annual precipitation fall just before and during the warmer months, often in the form of torrential thunderstorms. June is the wettest month while December and January are the driest.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7a25454631d2591e199c9c5a54281424", "text": "Taos Weather and When to Go It is actually a pretty good idea to try to be down out of the mountains by 3 o'clock in the afternoon during the summer. Now, for the good news. Virtually no one in Taos has air conditioning. The combination of low humidity, summer highs generally in the 80's, and cool nights makes air conditioning unnecessary.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ac862476a72bf27b4151b9a9f72f6ca2", "text": "- Winds E at 10 to 15 mph. Evening: Partial cloudiness early, with scattered showers and thunderstorms later during the night. Low 76F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 40%.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "af2e97bb287230118bcd5441ae995ba1", "text": "- As of Saturday afternoon, Denver's weather forecast called for a high temperature today of 50 degrees with a 90-percent chance of rain and winds of 10-15 mph.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5984daceff19f3ecd31020efb53af0c0", "text": "Hand fracture - aftercare The five bones in your hand that connect your wrist to your thumb and fingers are called the metacarpal bones. You have a fracture (break) in one or more of these bones. This is called a hand (or metacarpal) fracture.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2014203d046e97d4a1c97cb2990e7272", "text": "- You are here: United States > New Mexico > Alamogordo. °C | °F. Climate data for Alamogordo, NM - 88310 - 1961-1990 normals - weather. Jan: January, Feb: February, Mar: March, Apr: April, May: May, Jun: June, Jul: July, Aug: August, Sep: September, Oct: October, Nov: November, Dec: December.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "19e17811413a2ec521a3d3356c937e99", "text": "- Las Cruces Weather Forecast. A look at today’s regional weather for Southwestern New Mexico including Las Cruces’ 7-day forecast and today’s weather for Quemado, Glenwood, Silver City, Lordsburg, Deming, Socorro, Truth or Consequences and Alamogordo. Video Forecast.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e74b133d3936fc1afdd79aa1c78a275f", "text": "Alameda, CA Weather Alameda, CA Weather. Alameda, CA climate is mild during summer when temperatures tend to be in the 60's and cool during winter when temperatures tend to be in the 50's.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "433b9161f145f6e8bf77a6e291766b82", "text": "- A steady rain arriving overnight. Low 62F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 80%. A shower or two around the area in the morning, then partly cloudy in the afternoon. High 69F. Winds NNE at 10 to 15 mph.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c6061cc8a53cf372a2b75d8e3a421051", "text": "\"\"\"What is a Good Weather Forecast?\"\" in the eyes of a forecaster\" A definition might include some specific ranges of tolerance for various parameters. For example, a 24 hour maximum temperature forecast that is within two degrees of what occurs might be considered a good forecast. Of the group of forecasters surveyed, only four focused their answer on measures of skill.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "253d938580f36e1cd34e4af70840d9e6", "text": "one shoulder knee length dress Fashion Union Peplum Frill Skirt More Info Product cell. Mini skirt by Fashion Union, Woven fabric, High-rise waist, Peplum frill, Regular fit - true to size, Machine wash, 100% Polyester, Our model wears a UK 8/EU 36/US 4 and is 178cm/5'10 tall. ABOUT FASHION UNION Fashion Union helps you overhaul your party-girl wardrobe with its standout collection.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bc8d361d374e30673513b22f8414d3d4", "text": "- Hourly Forecast Detailed. 0am:The Tabernash, CO forecast for Aug 13 is 59 degrees and Fog. There is 95 percentage chance of rain and 5 mph winds from the West-Northwest. 3am:The Tabernash, CO forecast for Aug 13 is 55 degrees and Fog.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "549a8d0d97b40ba967b5ffa5bf018f01", "text": "- Alamogordo /ˌaeləməˈɡɔrdoʊ/ ˌæləməˈɡɔrdoʊ is the county seat and economic center Of Otero county in-south Central New, Mexico United. states", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1b1adfab55f14154b3eac9683477ed70", "text": "- Variably cloudy with scattered showers in the morning, then partly cloudy with isolated showers in the afternoon. Highs 92 lower elevations ranging to 87 higher elevations. East winds 5 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 30 percent.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c5bceb66158ed7e99e201a147deb5759", "text": "- Friday: A chilly morning as temps plunge into the mid-30s overnight, then a chance of showers and thunderstorms from Noon - Sunset. Thundershowers could have small hail, graupel and brief but heavy rain so heads up! High: 50°. Friday Night: Showers and t/storms die down after sunset before clearing out for another chilly night in the mid-30s. Saturday/Sunday: The Easter Weekend is shaping up nicely for all of those Easter egg hunts!", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d9ca39279b63fac910b2778ffd0ef76a", "text": "- Mount Orab 10 Day Weather. 1 Tuesday:The Mount Orab forecast for Apr 04 is 54 degrees and Patchy rain possible. There is 79 percentage chance of rain and 15 mph winds from the West-Southwest. 2 Wednesday:The Mount Orab forecast for Apr 05 is 58 degrees and Patchy light rain with thunder.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "77c0d0d5833fcf3758e47c7257b3f465", "text": "Average Weather in Boca Raton Florida, United States In Boca Raton, the summers are hot, oppressive, wet, and mostly cloudy and the winters are short, comfortable, humid, windy, and mostly clear. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 61°F to 89°F and is rarely below 46°F or above 92°F.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "37384d39916ac43b3718be6caf81013f", "text": "- Texas Weather > Fort Hood Weather. Fort Hood, TX climate is hot during summer when temperatures tend to be in the 80's and cold during winter when temperatures tend to be in the 40's.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8cae51b7e83b0b5fe93d065cfb2c54db", "text": "- Friday: A chilly morning as temps plunge into the mid-30s overnight, then a chance of showers and thunderstorms from Noon - Sunset. Thundershowers could have small hail, graupel and brief but heavy rain so heads up! High: 50°. Friday Night: Showers and t/storms die down after sunset before clearing out for another chilly night in the mid-30s.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9133e49aa6d66dade0f297886f0cff6e", "text": "Average Weather in Stephenville Texas, United States Average Weather in Stephenville Texas, United States. In Stephenville, the summers are hot and muggy, the winters are cold and windy, and it is partly cloudy year round. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 35°F to 94°F and is rarely below 23°F or above 100°F.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b1bd15e0d4650ecc51baca1723ae9fcd", "text": "- Hourly Forecast Detailed. 0am: The Rio Linda, CA forecast for Feb 15 is 41 degrees and Partly cloudy. There is 83 percentage chance of rain and 4 mph winds from the East. 3am: The Rio Linda, CA forecast for Feb 15 is 37 degrees and Partly cloudy. There is 87 percentage chance of rain and 4 mph winds from the Southeast. 6am: The Rio Linda, CA forecast for Feb 15 is 37 degrees and Clear. There is 82 percentage chance of rain and 7 mph winds from the North-Northwest. 9am: The Rio Linda, CA forecast for Feb 15 is 43 degrees and Sunny.", "title": "" } ]
all measures should be taken to raise the driving age
[ { "docid": "24378f46864240b1f42c4c9dfb4f4b38", "text": "Should the minimum legal driving age be raised to 18? The driving age should be raised up to 18 because teens can be a little careless. Driving at the age of 18 is a more mature age for teens because they can have more responsibility. Teens should not be driving at the age of 16 because they could be texting and driving or drinking and driving with some friends.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "5765168e4c3a498c2a68694aceb2adf3", "text": "Should the minimum legal driving age be raised to 18? Some parents just do not want their children to drive when they are teenagers because parents start to get a little worried. The driving age should be raised up to 18 because teens can be a little careless. Driving at the age of 18 is a more mature age for teens because they can have more responsibility.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f494432e8406a072a9ecd6bda8f4d5a5", "text": "What age do you need to retake your driving test in the UK? It is commonly thought that you need to retake your driving test at the age of 70.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "aa99ca3f2bc3cb05b7eb42cfe565f91a", "text": "Should the U.S. lower its drinking age? A recent study in New Zealand, which lowered its drinking age in 1999 from 20 to 18, found that drivers aged 18 or 19 now face a higher risk of being involved in alcohol-related crashes that cause death or injury. The 21-year-old limit may be less effective at curbing binge drinking on college campuses, however.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "19a82d8b93ac776404f1f04a1672dac5", "text": "Driving in Germany Driving in Germany. 1 the minimum age required to drive is 18 years. 2 it is not necessary to swap your British Driving licence for a German driving licence. For information on the validity of your driving licence in Germany, visit the Federal Ministry of Transport’s website for information in English.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6cb2866cbe3642713063e6af6ce8348d", "text": "Should the minimum legal driving age be raised to 18? Teens cannot wait to be sixteen and driving. Some parents just do not want their children to drive when they are teenagers because parents start to get a little worried. The driving age should be raised up to 18 because teens can be a little careless.Driving at the age of 18 is a more mature age for teens because they can have more responsibility. Teens should not be driving at the age of 16 because they could be texting and driving or drinking and driving with some friends.f we raise the age for driving than there will be less obesity. So far since driving ages haven't gone up there have been a total of additional 32% and now stands at 66% of obesity in the whole United States.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "34b9ea2b2b3068363484288e46a114a5", "text": "Return the Drinking Age to 18, and Enforce It Raising the drinking age to 21 hasn't reduced drinking -- it’s merely driven it underground, to the riskiest of settings. The current law, passed in all 50 states in the 1980s, was intended to diminish the number of traffic deaths caused by young drunk drivers.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6c14c0faac93fe664921493cd0ada6e6", "text": "What age do you need to retake your driving test in the UK? It is commonly thought that you need to retake your driving test at the age of 70. But in actual fact you only need to renew your license at the age of 70 and never need to retake your test. The relevant forms you will need to complete and return are the D46P (for paper licences) or the D46 (for photocard licences).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "da6ccd4f65b83aae301d00c26e3efc70", "text": "Teenagers Teenage drivers have the highest crash risk per mile traveled, compared with drivers in other age groups. Young drivers tend to overestimate their driving abilities and underestimate the dangers on the road. Graduated driver licensing (GDL) laws reduce this risk by making sure teens gradually build up driving experience under lower-risk conditions as they mature and develop skills. That means limiting nighttime driving, restricting teen passengers and making sure teens get lots of supervised practice.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e0f34768b833961c523aa4db96705409", "text": "Majority think drivers over the age of 66 should have to retake their driving test to prove they are safe on the road View. comments. Older drivers should be forced to retake their driving test when they turn 66 - which will be retirement age in 2020 - according to the majority of motorists in a survey by Auto Trader.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1f6c7a59026a35242733dd12ed14a0d7", "text": "Should there be a maximum age restriction for licensed drivers? There should be a maximum age for drivers licenses, because older drivers are more of a risk for accidents. Just like there is a minimum age for driving, there should be a maximum age for drivers licenses, as well. At an advanced age, older drivers are more of a risk on the road.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2634e5ab70a0a6a06725efe54e49ae2c", "text": "What is the age requirement to apply for a license in India? The minimum age to apply for a permanent licence to drive a private motor vehicle is 18 years. A person who is at least 20 years old and possesses a Learner's License can obtain a Licence for driving a commercial vehicle. Also, one has to be conversant with the traffic rules and regulations in all the cases.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b5063e05eea314c5058902f362ea4801", "text": "Driving licence in Russia The legal driving age within the Russian Federation is 18 years (16 for motorcycles and 20 for buses) and to obtain a licence one must be physically fit to drive (including certificates of mental fitness and no record of substance abuse).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "44d13996d00b8aa1ae341e86182d46cf", "text": "Should the U.S. lower its drinking age? A recent study in New Zealand, which lowered its drinking age in 1999 from 20 to 18, found that drivers aged 18 or 19 now face a higher risk of being involved in alcohol-related crashes that cause death or injury. The 21-year-old limit may be less effective at curbing binge drinking on college campuses, however. recent study in New Zealand, which lowered its drinking age in 1999 from 20 to 18, found that drivers aged 18 or 19 now face a higher risk of being involved in alcohol-related crashes that cause death or injury. The 21-year-old limit may be less effective at curbing binge drinking on college campuses, however.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9b28d127118f9b1f8d698573d2b1758f", "text": "- This has nothing to do with raising the legal driving age. First off there is already a restriction that states that a driver under the age of 18 cannot have more than one non-family member under 18 as a passenger in their car. Get your facts straight.e can help lower the accident rates if the driving age is raised to 18 so no more kids can get hurt or killed in a accident on the freeway or by another car crashing into their car if we raise the driving age it will be safer for the young and old drivers.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dc35be76b54fc91cf2226a5c6434d55b", "text": "- Definition. 1 Photosensitivity refers to any increase in the reactivity of the skin to sunlight. 2 The skin is a carefully designed interface between our bodies and the outside world. It is infection-proof when intact, nearly waterproof, and filled with protective mechanisms.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "85836a6f1846aa295d4e85633eb52c59", "text": "- Another reason the driving age should not be raised is that driving teaches teenagers to be responsible. Although they may not be the most responsible of people now, they have to start somewhere. If the driving age were moved up, it would delay the maturation of teens.ne of the main reasons the driving age should not be moved up is because many teenagers need to drive themselves to work. Since 16 is the legal age to get a job, it makes sense that the legal driving age is the same, as many teenagers wouldn’t be able to get a ride from their parents every time they had to go to work.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b45f1bac2516a85fa66e94b9d89c5c4f", "text": "Learner's permit In Norway, the learner may drive as long the learner is over 16 years of age, have passed a basic course in the rules of the road and first aid, and a person 25 or above who has had their driver's license for more than 5 years is present.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ae5cf7293e342176fcf3b47e21df2a0b", "text": "- As people get older, their driving patterns change. Retirement, different schedules, and new activities affect when and where they drive. Most older adults drive safely because they have a lot of experience behind the wheel.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "06e3ba723b86eea037e928dc02e49bee", "text": "What's the minimum age barrier for driving a car UK Legal Driving Age for Motor Vehicles. What's the minimum age barrier for driving a car. Everyone knows that the minimum age for driving a car is 17 years. This is a bit misleading, as by the time you’ve learned to drive, you’ll be a good few months older; rather, 17 is simply the age at which you can begin to learn to drive.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3b5d98060eb5ecae9e9824c0071d8b18", "text": "Lowering the Driving Age: Why We Should. If one state allows a full license at age 16, this law should be carried over to the all other states. Of course teens should be thoroughly tested before receiving a driving license of any kind. A suggestion that would help both the law and teens would be to test teens at age 16, but at a high level of expertise.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b82c9a2c0b195a48aaed8ba63662360c", "text": "- Driving age increase to 18 and curfew for new drivers mooted. Government-commissioned report suggests 12-month 'learner stage' with at least 120 hours' practice to reduce accidents. This article is 3 years old.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a3b193fa9b3e2b61397c815b8b763668", "text": "More lives have been saved in the last two years alone by safety belts and air bags than have been saved in the 22 years since the adoption of Legal Age 21 1 Four factors have combined powerfully (and dramatically more than Legal Age 21) to the decline of driving fatalities associated with alcohol: safer cars, higher awareness by drivers of all ages, greater utilization of a designated driver, and more vigorous law enforcement.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "83b581c9d5b9e583a5541db13d046d8b", "text": "- Lower it to 18, heck lower it to 16 and raise the driving age to 18. by William on Aug 19, 2008 7:38 pm • link • report. If I remember correctly, the problem was with an 18 year old law, a lot of 16 year olds got to drink, and then drive. Not good.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f1073310d6c509eff189eb0e02986028", "text": "- People have this overly assertive position against 16 year old drivers from driving and believe they should take the iniative to raise the legal age to start at 18. Assumptions cannot me made over the general population of teens because of a tiny percentage of other teens who are irresponsible.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "52198b0ee1d5d31840bf171f943ed8df", "text": "- No. If the legal drinking age were lowered, it would pose threats to not only the drinkers themselves, but other people. Young people are notorious for binge drinking and this leads to many dangerous problems. Drunk-driving rates are highest among drinkers 21 to 25 years of age (23%). And this is just legal drinkers.", "title": "" } ]
hysteria medical definition
[ { "docid": "2463beb7ca8db54b812e5f6dadf7aeb2", "text": "hysteria Hysteria is a medical condition or general state of extreme fear and panic. When hysteria sets in, people are out of control. In a medical sense, people who are feeling hysteria may be violent and having trouble perceiving reality. In a more general sense, when someone is hysterical, they're out of control — freaking out. Hysteria is the opposite of calmness.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "657e1d94c1a31f96c0fded40a6c7cae9", "text": "- Hysteria may also be caused due to some situations like death of someone or loss of love. 1 Arteriosclerosis: Meaning, Causes and Symptoms. 2 Arthritis: Meaning, Causes & Symptoms. Appendicitis: Meaning, Causes & Symptoms.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "93a292b551c413e4b0990955a6851d69", "text": "- Examples of HYSTERIA. 1 A few of the children began to scream, and soon they were all caught up in the hysteria. 2 Wartime hysteria led to many unfair accusations of treachery. 3 The spreading of the disease caused mass hysteria in the village.oun hys·te·ria \\his-ˈter-ē-ə, -ˈtir-\\. Tweet. : a state in which your emotions (such as fear) are so strong that you behave in an uncontrolled way. : a situation in which many people behave or react in an extreme or uncontrolled way because of fear, anger, etc.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b41e6e942c87c302d19c15bd54783bf9", "text": "Female Hysteria: 7 Crazy Things People Used To Believe About The Ladiesâ Disease Hysteria was the first mental disorder attributed to women (and only women) -- a catch-all for symptoms including, but by no means limited to: nervousness, hallucinations, emotional outbursts and various urges of the sexual variety (more on that below).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1f55bba2a862ace641fa9983aa301237", "text": "hysteria Noun [edit]. hysteria ‎(usually uncountable, plural hysterias or hysteriae). 1 Hysteriæ behavior exhibiting excessive or uncontrollable, emotion such as fear or. ( 2 panic) Medicine a mental disorder characterized by emotional excitability. etc without an organic. cause", "title": "" }, { "docid": "eb83b03ce05d69fec7fdb1086dbd8fab", "text": "- 1 adj Someone who is hysterical is in a state of uncontrolled excitement, anger, or panic. Police and bodyguards had to protect him as the almost hysterical crowds struggled to approach him... ♦ hysterically adv ADV with v, ADV adj/adv. I don't think we can go round screaming hysterically: `Ban these dogs. Muzzle all dogs.'. 2 adj Someone who is hysterical is in a state of violent and disturbed emotion that is usually a result of shock. I suffered bouts of really hysterical depression. ♦ hysterically adv. I was curled up on the floor in a corner sobbing hysterically.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "55959dec665d98aceba2a498fdae5139", "text": "Hysteria (Muse song) Hysteria (Muse song) Hysteria (also known as Hysteria (I Want It Now) in the United States) is a song by English alternative rock band Muse and is featured on their third studio album, Absolution. It was also released as a single from that album on 1 December 2003 in the United Kingdom, peaking at number 17 in the UK Singles Chart (see 2003 in British music).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b8d759d18d300a3d5b6f343dd7a23b31", "text": "- Insanity, craziness, or madness is a spectrum of behaviors characterized by certain abnormal mental or behavioral patterns.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "50dbc9b616335599309008f4b77de7fd", "text": "hysteria The term is probably an inappropriate one for use in animals. It has common usage for conditions in which animals are assumed to have lost control of their emotions because of their atypical, excessively active behavior, e.g. a sow savaging her piglets at parturition. See also farrowing hysteria. canine hysteria. a disease characterized by fits of frantic running, terminating in convulsions. Reported in dogs fed biscuits made of flour whitened by the agene process. The process is no longer used and the disease has disappeared.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "58d04e14bf523669c28a12138413554f", "text": "stupor [stÅ«â²pÅr] stupor[stū′pŏr] Type:Term. Definitions. 1. A state of impaired consciousness in which the patient shows a marked diminution in reactivity to environmental stimuli and can be aroused only by continual stimulation.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "131dafc87cf3cd959ee9d1c20f872a07", "text": "- (January 2016) False pregnancy, phantom pregnancy, or hysterical pregnancy—officially called pseudocyesis in humans and pseudopregnancy in other mammals—is the appearance of clinical or subclinical signs and symptoms associated with pregnancy when the organism is not actually pregnant.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ad4cb8b63cc0a0221473ebb846bc293c", "text": "- The term hysteria comes from the Greek word hysterika, meaning Uterus. In ancient Greece it was believed that a wandering and discontented Uterus was blamed for that dreaded female ailment of excessive emotion, hysteria. The disease's symptoms were believed to be dictated by where in the body the offending organ roamed. It was not religious belief but a social belief.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d25c4106d47bcc1b0771aeb8874ec00c", "text": "- False pregnancy. False pregnancy, phantom pregnancy, or hysterical pregnancy—officially called pseudocyesis in humans and pseudopregnancy in other mammals—is the appearance of clinical or subclinical signs and symptoms associated with pregnancy when the organism is not actually pregnant.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a1de4926bba6bf681380fbe719b64f64", "text": "- Medical Definition of Dissociation. Dissociation: In psychology and psychiatry, a perceived detachment of the mind from the emotional state or even from the body. Dissociation is characterized by a sense of the world as a dreamlike or unreal place and may be accompanied by poor memory of specific events. Last Editorial Review: 1/25/2017.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "46b2ea8756cc0834f071a151bfadf890", "text": "motor Medical Definition of motor. 1 1: causing or imparting motion. 2 2: of, relating to, or being a motor neuron or a nerve containing motor neurons motor fibers motor cells. 3 3: of, relating to, concerned with, or involving muscular movement motor areas of the brain.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0c57d985e318bf2dd1c835b39c86ce8a", "text": "- Medical Definition of Orgasm. Orgasm: A series of muscle contractions in the genital region that is accompanied by sudden release of endorphins. Orgasm normally accompanies male ejaculation as a result of sexual stimulation, and it also occurs in females as a result of sexual stimulation. Search MedTerms:", "title": "" }, { "docid": "62a79680a8cc0fb9f11590357a003d0c", "text": "- conversion hysteria 300.11; hysteria 300.10. conversion type 300.11; dissociative type 300.15; Ptyalism 527.7. hysterical 300.11; Reaction. conversion (anesthetic) (autonomic) (hyperkinetic) (mixed paralytic) (paresthetic) 300.11; hysterical 300.10. conversion type 300.11; dissociative 300.15; psychoneurotic (see also Neurosis) 300.9. anxiety 300.00; compulsive 300.3", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bb49914e8f5943b963a6db5cfdb9c0d0", "text": "fetish medical Definition of fetish : an object or bodily part whose real or fantasized presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression", "title": "" }, { "docid": "89f2827064ab404af933803a70bc1711", "text": "Glossary Medical Definition of Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia: One of several brain diseases whose symptoms may include loss of personality (flat affect), agitation, catatonia, confusion, psychosis, unusual behavior, and social withdrawal. The illness usually begins in early adulthood.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "de688c656ddd737f600ee5810578dbff", "text": "Glossary Medical Definition of Seizure. Seizure: Uncontrolled electrical activity in the brain, which may produce a physical convulsion, minor physical signs, thought disturbances, or a combination of symptoms.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a06b9d28aff466a5b78f59617d165ced", "text": "- Causes of Hysteria. Hysteria is a mental disorder which arises from intense anxiety. The patient loses control over his or her acts and emotions and it is usually accompanied by sudden seizures of unconsciousness with emotional outbursts. It is often due to repressed conflicts within the person.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "817886023a1240b5fa12626d64f1e9e0", "text": "hysteria 1. Behavior exhibiting excessive or uncontrollable emotion, such as fear or panic. 2. A group of psychiatric symptoms, including heightened emotionality, attention-seeking behavior, and physical symptoms in the absence of organic pathology.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cb9e2f2cbe2c475ac2a42a0a49e9ee02", "text": "- LINK / CITE ADD TO WORD LIST. noun. The definition of homeopathy is an alternative medical treatment that uses small doses of natural substances to stimulate the body's immune system and natural healing ability to fight the illness. How It Works.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "25f4d1e094e60f164f3ef2a66822e10c", "text": "mania mania. 1 wild or violent mental disorder; specif., the manic phase of bipolar affective disorder, characterized generally by abnormal excitability, exaggerated feelings of well-being, flight of ideas, excessive activity, etc.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "17a4e087bf19460d625f91c941740f60", "text": "- [edit on Wikidata] Mania is a state of abnormally elevated arousal, affect, and energy level, or a state of heightened overall activation with enhanced affective expression together with lability of affect..", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c394d05db3db302551b22042dd9d422e", "text": "- From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Not to be confused with Hysteria. Female hysteria was a once-common medical diagnosis (distinct from male hysteria), made exclusively in women, which is today no longer recognized by medical authorities as a medical disorder.ysteria of both genders was widely discussed in the medical literature of the nineteenth century.", "title": "" } ]
how to cope with depression without medicine
[ { "docid": "e398680ed8acfad0c59641b64cdd2bfa", "text": "- Along with therapy and sometimes medication, there's a lot you can do on your own to fight back. Changing your behavior -- your physical activity, lifestyle, and even your way of thinking -- are all natural depression treatments. These tips can help you feel better -- starting right now.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f61aea6d3eb3d9e8d5f7dcd85cc57d51", "text": "How To Deal With Depression Without Medication Talking to a professional is one of the best ways to treat depression without the use of medication. If your depressive symptoms start to seriously interfere with your daily life, your next step should be to contact a counselor or psychologist.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "8ed783f4ae662d10178202d657662024", "text": "- In this article. Font Size. A. A. A. Your treatment plan for depression will depend on the type you have and how severe it is. Some people get psychotherapy. Others also take antidepressants or get other treatments. Exercise can also be part of the plan.If those don't give you enough relief, there are more options.f you have bipolar depression, your doctor may prescribe different types of medicines, such as mood-stabilizing drugs or certain antipsychotic medicines, instead of antidepressants. Everyone is different. It may take some trial and error to find the treatment plan that works best for you.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ca2d6d56107cdafd0e395026f8ee5e69", "text": "- Regular exercise probably helps ease depression in a number of ways, which may include: Releasing feel-good brain chemicals that may ease depression (neurotransmitters, endorphins and endocannabinoids) Reducing immune system chemicals that can worsen depression.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d3cbebdb6e1befb42930e0ab975742d7", "text": "Dangers of Self-Medication Recreational Drugs. Other ways to self-medicate for depression can include the use of drugs and these might be either pharmaceutical or recreational. The use of recreational drugs to treat depression will often mean using ecstasy/MDMA which causes euphoria and thereby can improve mood to a great degree.elf-Medication for Pain. Many people will use analgesics (painkillers) in order to self-medicate for pain and this is considered normal. If you can use a paracetamol in order to help yourself cope with a headache or back ache then this is a good idea and will have relatively few consequences if any.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "60fcbbe7a6bf6cdc341d1d879e9eb718", "text": "Depression: Supporting Someone Who Is Depressed This topic will give you the tools to do so. 1 Depression is a disease. 2 The best thing you can do for someone who is depressed is to help him or her start or continue treatment. 3 Offer support. 4 Don't ignore talk about suicide. 5 Reassure the person that he or she will get better with the right kind of treatment.f you have permission, you can: 1 Help the person set up and get to visits with a doctor or other health professional. 2 Help the person manage medicines. 3 Know the side effects of medicines and contact the doctor if needed.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b04d39c818bdd3dbcc91fe1d1fc39666", "text": "- There are several supplements, herbs, and vitamins as alternatives to depression medication treatment-natural herbal remedy cures Exercise, sports, a proper and healthy diet, relaxation techniques, movement of the body such as dance and yoga, can help fight depression.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2c442dd79545e834ae785ce945a79a90", "text": "- Here are 10 ways you can help someone today with depression. 1 Recognize the symptoms. 2 Convince the depressed person to get treatment or, in the case of a depressed child or adolescent, help the youngster get treatment.t’s often frustrating and can make a person feel helpless to try and help someone who’s depressed or who suffers from depression. Whether it’s clinical depression or the winter blues, a person who’s depressed is often looking for ways to get help, but may not know where or how to start.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "500ee0cd6b1532baee7f370d27a1b26f", "text": "10 Ways to Cope With Depression 1 Lifestyle Factors That Affect Mood When you have depression, you can find ways to take control of your life and manage your treatment even beyond medications. 2 Making some lifestyle changes can boost your mood and help alleviate many of your symptoms, including low self-esteem.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0cb958106e22f643f81f403a5eeaaa15", "text": "10 Ways to Show Love to Someone With Depression HOW TO BETTER COPE. 1 Recognize your own feelings. Also understand that your feelings are a normal reaction to an abnormal situation. 2 Talk about the experience. Talk is healing. 3 Reach out to friends and family for support. Try to connect with others, especially those who may have shared the same stressful experience.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f6e035e6f4283e4f98d94dfb60986700", "text": "- 1921 Taggart Baking Company of Indianapolis was planning to launch its 1.5 pound loaf of bread. 1921 Taggart Vice President Elmer Cline names the new bread Wonder Bread. 1925 Continental Baking Company bought the Taggert Baking Compan. 1930 Wonder begins selling pre-packaged pre-sliced bread. 1941 The war effort needs metal used in slicing blades, so Wonder is only sold by the loaf.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0d18da10537c0f1b42bb638331913e4e", "text": "- In addition, the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department contracts with the Del Mar Thoroughbred Club and the 22nd Agricultural District for law enforcement services at the San Diego County Fair, Del Mar Races, and other events throughout the year.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "105879d18c4785da172d09d2eba70030", "text": "Depression: Helping Someone Get Treatment 1 The best thing you can do for someone who has depression is to help him or her get treatment. 2 Don't ignore talk about suicide. 3 Talk to a doctor, or call 911 or emergency help if needed. 4 Treatment works, and there are many choices in treatment. It's not being lazy, and you can't just get over it.. 2 Depression is very common and is nothing to be embarrassed about. 3 The best thing you can do for someone who has depression is to help him or her get treatment. 4 Don't ignore talk about suicide.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d3a9c9142107f9e48ed904f06ccc8f2f", "text": "Depression: Supporting Someone Who Is Depressed Home support. A person who has depression may feel alone in the world. Your support can help. 1 Listen when the person wants to talk. 2 If you're there to help the person talk things through, it may help the person feel better or continue treatment. 3 Avoid giving advice.his topic will give you the tools to do so. 1 Depression is a disease. 2 The best thing you can do for someone who is depressed is to help him or her start or continue treatment. 3 Offer support. 4 Don't ignore talk about suicide. 5 Reassure the person that he or she will get better with the right kind of treatment.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a2ee139d16aeee206b3c01c180e85fac", "text": "- Save. sue-scheff.com. Depression can become severe and debilitating and may require the use of medication to treat it, but many times you can treat depression without the use of medications. The use of natural remedies, as well as participation in counseling, can help address the many symptoms of depression.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1ee4ad53bbb75558f278c2268dc4e190", "text": "Simponi Depression can be treated. Treatment typically includes medicines, with or without talk therapy. If you are thinking about suicide or are very depressed and cannot function, you may need to be treated in a hospital. After you have been on treatment, if you feel your symptoms are getting worse, talk with your provider.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1a9783cdab940a50464b53ca894fcef3", "text": "- What Are Some of The Ways I Can Relieve Pain Without Taking Medicine? For some people, pain can be relieved without using medicine. They use relaxation, imagery, distraction, and skin stimulation. You may need the help of health professionals to learn to do these for yourself. Friends or family members can help with some of them. The techniques are also useful along with pain medicines.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cee6aaa81dfa68a4e7e414432892c766", "text": "Depression: Recognizing the Physical Signs Sometimes, treating your depression -- with therapy or medicine or both -- will clear up your physical symptoms. Medicines for depression tweak the chemicals your nerve cell networks use communicate, making them work more efficiently.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6078de4b5fc908d6baa1ac8cc14a3aa3", "text": "How to Fight Depression Without Drugs If you prefer to fight depression without drugs, however, there are many simple, effective strategies to try, especially if you’re dealing with a passing case of the blues or a situational depression triggered by life circumstances.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3cc574ccc2ef04ff104321a5638fb793", "text": "- Continue taking antidepressant medicine even when you start to feel better. Although it may be tempting to stop medication as your mood lifts, continue taking it for as long as your doctor recommends. Most doctors advise patients to take antidepressants for six months to a year after they no longer feel depressed. Stopping before that time can cause depression to return.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2f9288986a8cbccc95516fc6de358c01", "text": "Depression - treatment and management Some symptoms of depression, such as fatigue, can be mistaken for a physical illness. Professional help is very important, but there are also things you can do every day to help your recovery. Education, lifestyle changes, social support and psychological therapy are important treatments for depression.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "895a517f47ba3321b9e057f51a896402", "text": "- Talk with your doctor. Drugs are only part of your depression treatment. Talk with your doctor about steps you can take, such as lifestyle changes or changes in your diet, that can help ease your depression and help your medication to work its best.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "73a46cc7251a13c05429b9188572d627", "text": "How Your Depression Medicine Can Affect Your Life “You definitely have to be a little patient for the medicine to work,” says Lisa Brennan, who started taking medication for her depression several years ago. “For me, the change was very subtle at first, and then I realized that I really was feeling better.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ea64f6c05f55a5e5f1305fd17fab5d82", "text": "Protein subunit This receptor has a bound peptide (in the binding pocket) of heterologous origin that also contributes to function. In structural biology, a protein subunit is a single protein molecule that assembles (or coassembles) with other protein molecules to form a protein complex. Some naturally occurring proteins have a relatively small number of subunits and therefore described as oligomeric, for example hemoglobin or DNA polymerase.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3b5930210170036c92abf90436f849c7", "text": "Depression medication may make things worse 1 Low zinc has been linked to depression in women. 2 Men and women with low levels of B vitamins might raise depression risk. 3 A daily dose of fish oil has been shown to help depression. 4 If you’re on medication, exercise has been shown to be as effective as adding a second drug.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "900c81fd869b28989317594a620b509d", "text": "What Medications Help Treat Depression? Depression affects your brain, so drugs that work in your brain may prove beneficial. Common antidepressants may help ease your symptoms, but there are many other options as well. Each drug used to treat depression works by balancing certain chemicals in your brain called neurotransmitters.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "103dba982a97b8dda48cf2d0f4a3263b", "text": "Management of depression Two studies suggest that the combination of psychotherapy and medication is the most effective way to treat depression in adolescents. Both TADS (Treatment of Adolescents with Depression Study) and TORDIA (Treatment of Resistant Depression in Adolescents) showed very similar results.", "title": "" } ]
types of precancerous skin cancer
[ { "docid": "bc43ec332fca6a59be437cef49042e9d", "text": "Loading Next Slideshow The warning signs of skin cancer. Like many cancers, skin cancers – including melanoma, basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma – start as precancerous lesions. These precancerous lesions are changes in skin that are not cancer but could become cancer over time.ike many cancers, skin cancers – including melanoma, basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma – start as precancerous lesions.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "1f517cc935019eaef30823c5c5ff285c", "text": "Squamous cell skin cancer Most squamous cell cancers occur on skin that is regularly exposed to sunlight or other ultraviolet radiation. The earliest form of squamous cell cancer is called Bowen disease (or squamous cell carcinoma in situ). This type does not spread to nearby tissues because it is still in the outermost layer of the skin. Actinic keratosis is a precancerous skin lesion that may become a squamous cell cancer. (A lesion is a problem area of the skin.) Risks of squamous cell cancer include: Having light-colored skin, blue or green eyes, or blond or red hair.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d2a84ecc829c16bb3a05eb09f081c6de", "text": "Skin Cancer (Non-Melanoma): Treatment Options Topical treatments. To treat precancerous skin conditions or a cancerous lesion located only in the top layer of the skin, doctors may prescribe chemotherapy as a cream or lotion. Chemotherapy is the use of drugs to destroy cancer cells, usually by stopping the cancer cells’ ability to grow and divide. These drugs are usually applied to the skin every day for several weeks. They may cause skin inflammation or irritation, which will go away once treatment is finished.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c8229299c51fdaad1d044b101487693d", "text": "Melanoma Skin Cancer Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer-The the most common types are basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. Basal cell carcinoma forms in the thin, upper layer of the skin (epidermis). It is usually found on the sun-exposed areas of the body, such as the neck and head. About 75% of all skin cancers are of this type.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b5e1054346fd63da2645f6e2337911db", "text": "Skin Cancer There are three major types of skin cancers: basal cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), and melanoma. The first two skin cancers are grouped together as non-melanoma skin cancers. Other unusual types of skin cancer include Merkel cell tumors and dermatofibrosarcoma protruberans. Here are the basics on skin cancers: The vast majority of skin cancers are basal cell carcinomas and squamous cells carcinomas. While malignant, these are unlikely to spread to other parts of the body.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a6c374f7d68e0843d2c13a13f2059b87", "text": "Skin Cancer Treatment (PDQ®)âPatient Version There are different types of cancer that start in the skin. The most common types are basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, which are nonmelanoma skin cancers. Nonmelanoma skin cancers rarely spread to other parts of the body. Melanoma is a much rarer type of skin cancer.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3a17d30575112b789e44cc78a9ba9ad8", "text": "Skin Cancer There are three major types of skin cancers: basal cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), and melanoma.The first two skin cancers are grouped together as non-melanoma skin cancers. Other unusual types of skin cancer include Merkel cell tumors and dermatofibrosarcoma protruberans.Here are the basics on skin cancers: 1 The vast majority of skin cancers are basal cell carcinomas and squamous cells carcinomas. 2 While malignant, these are unlikely to spread to other parts of the body.ther unusual types of skin cancer include Merkel cell tumors and dermatofibrosarcoma protruberans. Here are the basics on skin cancers: 1 The vast majority of skin cancers are basal cell carcinomas and squamous cells carcinomas.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "069ecfcc7960bf7c3560a0e3af2cb306", "text": "Skin carcinomas linked to increased risk of other cancers Melanomas are the most dangerous form of skin cancer but only account for fewer than 2% of all skin cancers. There are two main types of non-melanoma skin cancers: basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Both arise from the epidermis, the upper layer of the skin and appear as a flesh-coloured nodule on the skin or a sore that fails to heal. As their names suggest, BCCs come from the basal cells and SCCs from squamous cells.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6f9fb6ac3f24ff60306937dfae7d56bc", "text": "Skin cancer Skin cancers are cancers that arise from the skin. They are due to the development of abnormal cells that have the ability to invade or spread to other parts of the body. There are three main types: basal-cell skin cancer (BCC), squamous-cell skin cancer (SCC) and melanoma.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b6a7f72edd7f391370f5cadfe9e3a1e2", "text": "Skin cancer types Basal cell carcinoma. This is the most common but least dangerous form of skin cancer. It grows slowly, usually on the head, neck and upper torso. It may appear as a lump or dry, scaly area.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1f8acdce7bc37dffc6933cce5e7476c1", "text": "Skin Cancer Skin cancers are of three major types: basal cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), and melanoma. 1 The vast majority of skin cancers are BCCs or SCCs. While malignant, these are unlikely to spread to other parts of the body. 2 A small but significant number of skin cancers are malignant melanomas.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c1e92d5166a3c37ebb7aa6578af2712d", "text": "Skin Cancer Surgery Options in St Petersburg, FL Although, the word “cancer” elicits a great deal of fear and anxiety, all forms of cancer are different. The three main types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. Nonmelanoma skin cancer (basal cell carcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma) are the most common. These lesions are often red, scaly or waxy-looking and can be painful, bleed and increase in size.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f467f468712e6b89f985a0dec03cd6a4", "text": "Basal Cell Carcinoma There are actually three different types; Basal Cell Carcinoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Malignant Melanoma. In this article article I will be discussing these three in greater detail. 1) BASAL CELL CARCINOMA (BCC):- This is the most common form of skin cancer and accounts for 75% of all diagnoses.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2eb66f2fb3db3d51790c60a643c7c9d4", "text": "Types of melanoma Types of melanoma. The most common type of melanoma is cutaneous melanomas, which develop on the skin, particularly in areas exposed to the sun, although they can develop anywhere.In men, the most common site is the chest or back, while in women, the legs are affected most frequently.elanoma types. Every melanoma patient is different. The cancer experts at Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA) have extensive experience in properly staging and diagnosing the disease, and developing a treatment plan that's tailored to your specific type of melanoma.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2d30a7012c3c701ec1cabc90dbfc6d8d", "text": "Types Rarer types of non melanoma skin cancer. There are other less common types of skin cancer. These make up only about 1 out of every 100 (1%) skin cancers diagnosed in the UK. They are: Merkel cell carcinoma; Kaposi’s sarcoma; T cell lymphoma of the skin; These are all treated differently from basal cell and squamous cell skin cancers.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c523ba092bda844c4b98c8029f8d33ef", "text": "Genetics of Skin Cancer (PDQ®)âHealth Professional Version The most common types of skin cancer include basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma, according to WebMD. Rare types of skin cancer include Merkel cell tumors and dermatofibrosarcoma protruberans.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "25ddebbe088a6e0313ea8e3c3c89f482", "text": "Skin Cancer Treatment (PDQ®)âPatient Version The most common types are basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, which are nonmelanoma skin cancers. Nonmelanoma skin cancers rarely spread to other parts of the body.Melanoma is the rarest form of skin cancer. It is more likely to invade nearby tissues and spread to other parts of the body.he most common types are basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, which are nonmelanoma skin cancers. Nonmelanoma skin cancers rarely spread to other parts of the body.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c7ff4b5206125ef71445131843c134ba", "text": "Skin cancer Skin cancer. Skin cancers are cancers that arise from the skin. They are due to the development of abnormal cells that have the ability to invade or spread to other parts of the body. There are three main types of skin cancers: basal-cell skin cancer (BCC), squamous-cell skin cancer (SCC) and melanoma. The first two, along with a number of less common skin cancers, are known as nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC). Basal-cell cancer grows slowly and can damage the tissue around it but is unlikely to spread to distant areas or result in death.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a93075991dcd7bb04a87c164915ef5aa", "text": "Skin Cancer There are three major types of skin cancers: basal cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), and melanoma. The first two skin cancers are grouped together as non-melanoma skin cancers. Other unusual types of skin cancer include Merkel cell tumors and dermatofibrosarcoma protruberans.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bdb3594c5ce38bb485f070a64f58b374", "text": "Precancerous Moles Types of precancerous moles. Actinic keratosis: It is the most common type of precancerous lesions or moles. Actinic keratosis usually affects those parts of the skin that are damaged due to exposure to sun. These moles or lesions are flesh colored or reddish scaly patches on the skin and look somewhat like warts.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "268d1dafe0794f675baced4e651c0300", "text": "Skin cancer Skin cancers are cancers that arise from the skin. They are due to the development of abnormal cells that have the ability to invade or spread to other parts of the body. There are three main types: basal-cell cancer (BCC), squamous-cell cancer (SCC) and melanoma.f nonmelanoma skin cancers, about 80% are basal-cell cancers and 20% squamous-cell cancers. Basal-cell and squamous-cell cancers rarely result in death. In the United States they were the cause of less than 0.1% of all cancer deaths.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e64259e1d065472accc7a8a95c36428c", "text": "- The most common types are basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, which are nonmelanoma skin cancers. Nonmelanoma skin cancers rarely spread to other parts of the body.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "08ae44abe0a46b69521eebf56a8e2719", "text": "Skin cancer There are three main types of skin cancer: basal-cell skin cancer (basal-cell carcinoma) (BCC), squamous-cell skin cancer (squamous-cell carcinoma) (SCC) and malignant melanoma. Basal-cell carcinomas are present on sun-exposed areas of the skin, especially the face. They rarely metastasize and rarely cause death.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4ce4587ffbd086fea9ee5ae4829a6a09", "text": "Skin cancer Introduction. Skin cancer is usually a result of too much sun exposure. Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer. Many types of skin cancer are both preventable and treatable. There are 5 different types of skin cancer: 1 Basal cell carcinoma is the most common form, accounting for 90% of all skin cancers. 2 It starts in the basal cells, at the bottom of the outer skin layer. 3 This skin cancer is caused by long-term exposure to sunlight.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dc2856a064f8ddc76d7e66b78aaa57e2", "text": "3 Types of Skin Cancer Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer, according to the American Academy of Dermatology.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "142658fac3a9d0e9228d4e956223d619", "text": "Types Non melanoma skin cancer is different from melanoma. Melanoma is the type of skin cancer that most often develops from a mole. If you are looking for information on melanoma, go to the separate section on melanoma skin cancer. There are 2 main types of non melanoma skin cancer.", "title": "" } ]
is zolpidem a controlled substance
[ { "docid": "bfe7d93b03a1534e5dfaed45f31e6def", "text": "- Ambien: A Controlled Substance. Ambien® (zolpidem tartrate) is a prescription sleep medication. Like many other sleep medications, it is a controlled substance in the United States. Officially, it is classified as a Schedule IV controlled substance.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "9fd7be7bf9445f043d52cf9d8d07453c", "text": "Actavis' Viberzi Gets FDA Nod for Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Analyst Blog However, the FDA has recommended that Viberzi should be classified as a controlled substance. The agency has submitted its recommendation to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. The updated label will be available once Viberzi receives final scheduling designation.o read this article on Zacks.com click here. Zacks Investment Research. Actavis plc ACT announced that the FDA approved Viberzi (eluxadoline) as a twice-daily, oral treatment for adults suffering from irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea (IBS-D).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1d56e746e6baa6214e1e53f995bcc860", "text": "- Answer: Federal regulations allow for the partial filling of a Schedule II controlled substance when the pharmacist is unable to supply the full quantity called for in a written or emergency oral prescription (21 CFR 1306.13).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e5c557c286107348b8730d06303d3aa4", "text": "Zolpidem benzodiazepine Read More. along with opiates, I was addicted to xanax or any other benzo(valium, librium, temezepam, clonazepam, lorazepam,triazolam etc.) and sleeping pills-ambien(zolpidem), sonata(zaleplon), and lunesta(epizopiclone) for two years as well.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c8bdd17a385efa89450051eee12b4fe5", "text": "- Zolpidem (brand names Ambien, Ambien CR, Intermezzo, Stilnox, Stilnoct, Sublinox, Hypnogen, Lunata, Zonadin, Sanval, Zolsana and Zolfresh) is a prescription medication used for the treatment of insomnia and some brain disorders.olpidem has become a leading date rape drug. Unlike Rohypnol (roofies), which was banned in 1996, zolpidem is available legally by prescription, and unlike gamma-hydroxybutyrate, which is used to treat a rare form of narcolepsy, zolpidem was prescribed 43.8 million times in the U.S. in 2012.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0c43ae82dde70296316097da83c1853c", "text": "- Quote from http://www.benzo.org.uk/ashbristol.htm Not to be outdone, the drug companies rapidly produced a series of drugs that were not chemically benzodiazepines but produced the same effects. These were the Z-drugs zopiclone, zolpidem, zaleplon and now eszopiclone (Lunesta).B that Lunesta is eszopiclone, a cousin of the three Z drugs: zolpidem (Ambien), zopiclone (Zimovane) and zaleplon (Sonata), and it is being marketed as safe for long-term use.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "76513489ace8fc2ef739161318bc948b", "text": "Notices - 2001 Controlled substances include narcotics (pain relievers), stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, and anabolic steroids. A complete list of controlled substances can be found in Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part 1308. Examples of controlled substances are shown below.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "900742168db92d5f94ed0df902cae2e6", "text": "Long-Term Side Effects of Zolpidem Long-Term Side Effects of Zolpidem. Drowsiness is a side effect of using zolpidem over a long term. Zolpidem, brand name Ambien, is a sleep aid which slows down the central nervous system. It acts as a depressant to aid users in falling asleep faster and more soundly.ong-Term Side Effects of Zolpidem. Drowsiness is a side effect of using zolpidem over a long term. Zolpidem, brand name Ambien, is a sleep aid which slows down the central nervous system. It acts as a depressant to aid users in falling asleep faster and more soundly.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "548784fc18d088f4847a3136ae954f51", "text": "Zolpidem Flumazenil, a benzodiazepine receptor antagonist, which is used for benzodiazepine overdose, can also reverse zolpidem's sedative/hypnotic and memory-impairing effects.Zolpidem has slight muscle relaxant and anticonvulsant properties, but has not been approved for use in muscle relaxation or seizure prevention.olpidem, along with the other benzodiazepine-like Z-drugs is a Schedule IV controlled substance in the U.S., according to the Controlled Substances Act, given its potential for abuse and dependence.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "19deefb19e6222b2f47797855b01ba7f", "text": "- The name of your medicine is Zolpidem 5mg or 10mg Tablets (called Zolpidem throughout this leaflet). Zolpidem contains a medicine called zolpidem tartrate. This belongs to a group of medicines called hypnotics. It works by acting on your brain to help you sleep.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e7d224ecc47cbe7786d1382a9f8a61c3", "text": "Is Ambien a narcotic? Is Ambien a narcotic? No, Ambien is not classified as a narcotic in the U.S. According to the Drug Enforcement Agency’s (DEA) classification under the Federal Controlled Substance’s Act (CSA), Ambien is a Class IV substance on par with other prescription medicines.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "75bd7ee1984261b5f1dc1c92d81b6f0e", "text": "Provigil PROVIGIL does not take the place of getting enough sleep. PROVIGIL is a federally controlled substance (C-IV) because it can be abused or lead to dependence. Keep PROVIGIL in a safe place to prevent misuse and abuse. Selling or giving away PROVIGIL may harm others, and is against the law.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fb718aaf17992214772fbb23a0e365f1", "text": "- PROVIGIL is a federally controlled substance (C-IV) because it can be abused or lead to dependence. Keep PROVIGIL in a safe place to prevent misuse and abuse. Selling or giving away PROVIGIL may harm others, and is against the law. *Limitations apply.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ca5b743a1cf0d71a70358bbc20401454", "text": "Benzodiazepines: Schedule IV Controlled Substances Benzodiazepines are included in Schedule IV of the CSA. This would seem to indicate that this class of medications has a relatively low potential for abuse in comparison with many other types of controlled substances. Benzodiazepines do have the potential for physical dependency when used for long periods of time and can be psychologically addictive in some individuals.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a24c596aff7ef71da1c0a904457f2b2b", "text": "Ambien: Is dependence a concern? It's unlikely you'll become dependent on zolpidem (Ambien). Ambien and similar sleep medications are effective and much less likely to be habit-forming than some other drugs sometimes prescribed for sleep problems — for example, benzodiazepines, such as alprazolam (Xanax), lorazepam (Ativan) or temazepam (Restoril).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "67823824dec481fa6d9646c76c856c6f", "text": "Is tramadol a controlled substance? Tramadol is not a federally controlled substance but some states have made it a Schedule IV. Be very careful though, it is addictive and has some strong withdrawal symptoms. Tramadol is a synthetic opioid, which means it has the structure of narcotics like hydrocodone or oxycodone without the strong euphoric effect.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a2c01722d2d9f7de5e6d839dd4a50cfa", "text": "Possession of a Controlled Substance in Indiana Indiana considers not only well-known drugs like marijuana, heroin, and cocaine to be controlled substances, but also the compounds used to manufacture them. Some CDS, like codeine, may be legally possessed with a valid prescription.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "80e5c47a57b3d973525b2cf004f36581", "text": "Is flexeril a narcotic? As for Flexeril (cyclobenzaprine) is is not a controlled substance under US, Canadian, or international law. Some drugs used as muscle relaxants ARE controlled substances like Valium and many US states and countries have listed Soma (carisoprodol) as a controlled substance (or prohibited it).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0bbb007299d7d2cb31cc9e2024215ef0", "text": "Provigil PROVIGIL may help the sleepiness caused by these conditions, but it may not stop all your sleepiness. PROVIGIL does not take the place of getting enough sleep. PROVIGIL is a federally controlled substance (C-IV) because it can be abused or lead to dependence. Keep PROVIGIL in a safe place to prevent misuse and abuse. Selling or giving away PROVIGIL may harm others, and is against the law. *Limitations apply.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "84f808eb53c8ff553324f25ce27e2e83", "text": "Is Xanax Addictive? Over the years, it has come to be recognized as an effective remedy for anxiety, nausea caused by chemotherapy, depression, and other health issues. Xanax belongs to a class of drugs known as benzodiazepines, and it is a Schedule IV controlled substance, meaning it is considered to have a low potential for abuse. That being said, the evidence speaks for itself, as thousands seek treatment every year for dependencies on this drug.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b62eec9fdf8a7a4044fa816927086cde", "text": "Zolpidem Tartrate 10mg Tablets Zolpidem is not recommended for use in children and adolescents below 18 years of age, due to a lack of data to support use in this age group. The available evidence from placebo-controlled clinical trials is presented in section 5.1.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b7c63facaf685b0f1d50441e85485c2c", "text": "- FDA has approved these changes because of the known risk of next-morning impairment with these drugs. [Posted 01/10/2013]. AUDIENCE: Family Practice, Health Professional, Patient. ISSUE: FDA is notifying the public of new information about zolpidem, a widely prescribed insomnia drug.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "678617c966f4fc76f8f10751efe4d2f9", "text": "zolpidem - oral, Ambien Zolpidem is used to treat sleep problems (insomnia) in adults. If you have trouble falling asleep, it helps you fall asleep faster, so you can get a better night's rest. Zolpidem belongs to a class of drugs called sedative-hypnotics.It acts on your brain to produce a calming effect.ow to use Ambien. Read the Medication Guide and, if available, the Patient Information Leaflet provided by your pharmacist before you start taking zolpidem and each time you get a refill. If you have any questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cf1055d1532db73e1dd5dc1ffe3c7e6c", "text": "Benzodiazepines: Schedule IV Controlled Substances Benzodiazepines are included in Schedule IV of the Act. This would seem to indicate that this class of medications has a relatively low potential for abuse in comparison with many other types of controlled substances. But, benzodiazepines do have the potential for physical dependency when used for long periods of time and psychologically addictive in some individuals.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "848af007f7a98221a0e2e234954ea482", "text": "Jermaine Etymology & Historical Origin-Jermaine. Jermaine is an Americanized respelling of the French masculine name Germain which itself comes from an ancient Roman name “Germanus” meaning “brother” in Latin (derived from “germen” meaning “seed, branch, off-spring”).ermaine was hot, hot, hot in the early 1970s and so was his name! Of course what goes up usually comes down, and so did the popularity of Jermaine by the 1980s. At this point, Jermaine was clearly in the shadow of his younger, hyper-talented brother Michael.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "df7f8c9479bd39bddd9daa3c39072ab2", "text": "Is Xanax a narcotic? The main ingredient of Xanax (alprazolam) is in the benzodiazepine class of drugs. Alprazolam is prescribed for the management of anxiety disorder and can cause central nervous system depressant effects.arcotic drugs are used for pain management, have a high abuse potential and are generally classified as a Schedule I, II or III drugs by the Controlled Substances Act. More on Xanax as a narcotic here, with a section at the end for your questions about Xanax.", "title": "" } ]
what is a synonym for gold
[ { "docid": "cb2d6b9df1d2dd9acd5e51a8d294fc1a", "text": "- Gold synonyms. Top gold synonyms (other words for gold) are aurum, golden and gilded.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "c7d398e4045589e9fdecbf1a5dc4661e", "text": "The Color Gold The Color Gold. The color of wealth, success and status. The color gold is the color of success, achievement and triumph. Associated with abundance and prosperity, luxury and quality, prestige and sophistication, value and elegance, the psychology of this color implies affluence, material wealth and extravagance.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b424151c7eeef130eea934ea696d54be", "text": "- Synonyms are words that mean the same, or about the same, as another word. Words having the same meaning as each other are synonyms. Not all synonyms can replace each other for every given context. Most words have specific as well as general meanings. For instance, a synonym for lazy is slothful.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "732b15a1b60f8f41aa1342fa577ba626", "text": "honor Synonyms: honor, homage, reverence, veneration, deference. These nouns denote admiration, respect, or esteem accorded to another as a right or as due. Honor is the most general term: A stamp was issued in honor of her achievements.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e63abdbcb9dcce078049447a46914adf", "text": "- PPDB, the paraphrase database (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate these synonyms: List of paraphrases: return, backwards, rear, again, backward, rearward, behind, ago, returning, two, returned, income, previous, revenue, aft, retour, retrograde, support, top, already, backseat, turn, home, revert, recover.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fab8c4be350ac0569eafe11ffcf70f88", "text": "- In popular culture gold has many connotations but is most generally connected to terms such as good or great, such as in the phrases: has a heart of gold, that's golden!, golden moment, then you're golden! and golden boy. It remains a cultural symbol of wealth and through that, in many societies, success.old's most stable isomer is 198m2 Au with a half-life of 2.27 days. Gold's least stable isomer is 177m2 Au with a half-life of only 7 ns. 184m1 Au has three decay paths: β + decay, isomeric transition, and alpha decay. No other isomer or isotope of gold has three decay paths.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c6ea937d0c81839d679452842c67f51a", "text": "- pouring forth in great amounts a copious rush of words just poured out of the two friends who hadn't seen each other in years Synonyms profuse, galore, gushing, lavish, riotousRelated Words abounding, abundant, ample, bounteous, bountiful, liberal, plenteous, plentiful; extravagant, luxuriant; fat, fecund, fertile; free, munificent, openhanded, ...", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c1d6ca783e6bb98fb870be6a563210cd", "text": "- careful management of material resources her lifelong frugality has enabled her to save enough money to go to college next year Synonyms economy, husbandry, parsimony, penny-pinching, providence, scrimping, skimping, thriftRelated Words conservation, saving; miserliness, niggardliness, stinginess; belt-tightening, retrenchment; discretion, ...", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b92c000fdb3c5c549be59632003bb27c", "text": "Cognitive Illusions Micah White is an activist consultant, the American creator of the Occupy Wall Street meme and former editor of Adbusters magazine. He is recognized internationally as one of North America's most innovative social activists. Micah is writing a book about the future of protest.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2a2f2ffe33501709e2f04f499509e935", "text": "- resources | synonyms: assets, belongings, chattels, domains, effects, empires, estates, farms, fixtures, goods, grounds, holdings, inheritances, kingdoms, lands, legacies, manors, possessions, principals, properties, ranches, real-estate, realms, realties, stocks, territories, titles, wealths, chattel, domain, empire, estate, farm, ground, holding, inheritance, kingdom, land, legacy, manor, possession, principal, property, ranch, realm, realty, stock, territory, title, wealth, capital ...", "title": "" }, { "docid": "da7a883bfd5461851c732d7b76b96ada", "text": "- 1. Synonyms beggared, beggarly, broke, destitute, dirt-poor, down-and-out, famished, hard up, impecunious, impoverished, indigent, necessitous, needful, needy, pauperized, penniless, penurious, poverty-stricken, skint [ chiefly British ] , threadbare.. Synonyms beggared, beggarly, broke, destitute, dirt-poor, down-and-out, famished, hard up, impecunious, impoverished, indigent, necessitous, needful, needy, pauperized, penniless, penurious, poverty-stricken, skint [ chiefly British ] , threadbare.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6dce534fb67dab8deaf4ec22b55876dc", "text": "NOBLE METAL gold, Au, atomic number 79(noun) a soft yellow malleable ductile (trivalent and univalent) metallic element; occurs mainly as nuggets in rocks and alluvial deposits; does not react with most chemicals but is attacked by chlorine and aqua regia.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8ed0e4ff24b5d04315b5795d23d0000a", "text": "Gold Gold is a chemical element with symbol Au (from Latin: aurum) and atomic number 79. In its purest form, it is a bright, slightly reddish yellow, dense, soft, malleable and ductile metal.Chemically, gold is a transition metal and a group 11 element.old's most stable isomer is 198m2 Au with a half-life of 2.27 days. Gold's least stable isomer is 177m2 Au with a half-life of only 7 ns. 184m1 Au has three decay paths: β + decay, isomeric transition, and alpha decay.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "15f4bba99a66b13fad57a346a488ba95", "text": "Gold (color) Gold or golden is a yellowish orange color, that is a bit like the color of the metal gold. The web color gold (shown at right) is sometimes referred to as golden in order to distinguish it from the color metallic gold. The use of gold as a color term in traditional usage is more often applied to the color gold (metallic) (shown below). The first recorded use of golden as a color name in English was in the year 1300 to refer to the element gold and in 1423 to refer to blonde hair.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e848d01ee20da3ef118eecaf36fb7b87", "text": "- 1 a dwelling place of perfect happiness for the soul after death the godly life she has lived will surely lead to infinite bliss after death Synonyms above, heaven, elysian fields, Elysium, empyrean, kingdom come, New Jerusalem, paradise, sky, Zion (also Sion)Related Words Beulah, glory, happy hunting ground, nirvana, promised land, Valhalla; ...", "title": "" }, { "docid": "572e9153803a68fa418224df5e97aaa9", "text": "Otezla Otezla Product Description. You can shop with confidence at Online Pharmacies Canada because we enforce strict policies and procedures to safeguard the privacy and security of your personal information.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6cff53431be17ec15f29bfb6e2059465", "text": "Gold in Antiquity Gold, chemical symbol Au (from the Latin aurum meaning ‘shining dawn’), is a precious metal which has been used since antiquity in the production of jewellery, coinage, sculpture, vessels and as a decoration for buildings, monuments and statues. Gold does not corrode and so it became a symbol of immortality and power in many ancient cultures.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ea21f5a3fdc5a536b3770b6359bca49f", "text": "Gold Gold is a chemical element with symbol Au (from Latin: aurum) and atomic number 79. In its purest form, it is a bright, slightly reddish yellow, dense, soft, malleable and ductile metal. Chemically, gold is a transition metal and a group 11 element. It is one of the least reactive chemical elements, and is solid under standard conditions.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4166c5501254179c50dd6190f3840b83", "text": "Top 10 Most Expensive Metals in the World Gold is a chemical element with the symbol Au and an atomic number of 79. Gold is a dense, soft, shiny, malleable and ductile metal. Pure gold has a bright yellow color and luster traditionally considered attractive, which it maintains without oxidizing in air or water.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0e227d490bc36476ddd2fb3717069714", "text": "- Synonyms for Chocolate: brown (adjective) acorn, auburn, biscuit, brown, brunette, burnt almond, cafe au lait, chestnut,", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3086d9f64c845aa13c7effcdf9c5d93a", "text": "- Synonyms for successful: advantageous, beneficial, better, favorable, gainful, good, helpful, improving, profitable, progressive, prosperous, useful, auspicious, blessed, favored, fortuitous, fortunate, lucky, propitious, big", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a4d49ae090640a5162e4122e02058e77", "text": "- increase | definition: become bigger or greater in amount | synonyms: amass, crescendo, pyramid, widen, broaden, full, shoot up, add to, heighten, apprise, add, spike, irrupt, rise, revalue, apprize, swell, wax, accrue, conglomerate, snowball, gain, compound, accumulate, deepen, cumulate, pullulate, intensify, grow, mount, gather, appreciate, explode, change magnitude, climb, pile up", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bb9a7757106b7f86f0c791eff2abbae3", "text": "- 2. Synonyms blessed (also blest), consecrate, consecrated, hallowed, sacral, sacred, sacrosanct, sanctified. Related Words adored, enshrined, glorified, revered, venerated, worshipped (also worshiped); ceremonial, liturgical, priestly, religious, ritual, sacramental, spiritual; biblical, scriptural.ynonyms blessed (also blest), divine, godlike, godly, heavenly, sacred, supernatural. Related Words eternal, everlasting, immortal; all-powerful, almighty, omnipotent, omniscient, supreme. Near Antonyms human, mortal, natural.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "56434103bb115e7e44c198b3d1d4c0eb", "text": "- IMDb How I Met Your Mother (2005) Episodes cast. trailers and videos full cast and crew trivia official sites memorable quotes. main details combined details full cast and crew company credits episode list episodes cast episode ratings ... by rating ... by votes.lthough he vowed to Robin and Marshall that he would never tell them, Ted finally tells his kids that at one time both Robin and Marshall used to smoke. In 2009, they both felt like they had good reason to do so.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f2466884216c289e1a0b7afb1a4bb70a", "text": "Definitions &Translations Webster Dictionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 Gold(noun) alt. of Goolde. 2 Gold(verb) a metallic element, constituting the most precious metal used as a common commercial medium of exchange. 3 Gold(verb) money; riches; wealth. 4 Gold(verb) a yellow color, like that of the metal; as, a flower tipped with gold.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e6c5dca22b9552b9e4c0a0c345d5d0e8", "text": "Gold Gold is one of the densest of all metals. It is a good conductor of heat and electricity. It is also soft and the most malleable and ductile of the elements; an ounce (28 grams) can be beaten out to 187 square feet (about 17 square metres) in extremely thin sheets called gold leaf.", "title": "" } ]
what are the qualifications to become a private eye
[ { "docid": "832d48859ddb2003cdc99bcc2758507f", "text": "- A: In order to become a private investigator, you will need to get enrolled in the undergraduate program specializing in becoming a PI. The cost of completing the bachelor's degree is varied depending on the type of institute you get enrolled in.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3765f18e0844c9709df4df85d7d29c18", "text": "- A: The minimum academic requirement to become a private investigator in the United States is a high school diploma, GED or equivalent, Although, academic requirements may vary according to the job type.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "6bea217bcbbe86ae96673883c6b445a3", "text": "Be an Optometrist: Education and Career Roadmap In order to apply for acceptance to optometry school, a student must have completed at least three years of undergraduate study at an accredited university. Many prospective optometrists end up earning an undergraduate degree.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b45c1dd403c9c6bf142b82b54fde524b", "text": "Private Pilot Program To qualify as a Private Pilot, students must undergo two examinations—one is a flight test conducted in an aircraft with an examiner, and the other is a written examination conducted by Transport Canada.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "89018de57fa20198d83f073e250f6a80", "text": "Graduate Certificates in Data Science Prospective optometrists need a minimum of three years of college in preparation for professional school. Most complete a bachelor's degree. No specific major is required, though necessary coursework includes chemistry, biology, English, physics, calculus and physiology.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a660ccd224a20e61260380442d90df73", "text": "- There are a number of training paths to becoming a qualified optician; it is generally a requirement of all that you have a minimum of 5 GCSE's in subjects such as English, Maths and Science. 1 Full-time. 2 Part-time. 3 Distance Learning. A Foundation Degree.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bb7f5417a9dd115f171570850b5de473", "text": "Private Investigator Schools and Colleges with Program Information Private Investigator Schools and Colleges with Program Information. Licensed private investigators are not required to earn a degree beyond a high school diploma, but they can benefit from studies in criminal justice, police science or a related area. Read on to get more information about education in these fields. View 10 Popular Schools ».", "title": "" }, { "docid": "27c47659ec4f3f1f96b5051dd1996119", "text": "Private Pilots License (PPL) In order to qualify for the South African Private Pilots Licence, you will need to be at least 17 years of age, a holder of a valid Student Pilots Licence and a holder of a class one or two medical certificate. A practical flight test needs to be conducted by a grade two flying instructor.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "98d5669f8c8b164e9368ee0b22e88efe", "text": "Summary What Dispensing Opticians Do. Dispensing opticians help fit eyeglasses and contact lenses, following prescriptions from ophthalmologists and optometrists. They also help customers decide which eyeglass frames or contact lenses to buy.pticians typically have a high school diploma or equivalent and some form of on-the-job training. Some opticians enter the occupation with an associate’s degree or a certificate from a community college or technical school. Licensure is required in some states.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "839e717582c1fd375857d8b0d2a416d1", "text": "- Optometrists (Bachelor of Optometry) attend 3 to 4 years of tertiary education, where they are trained to examine the eyes to determine the presence of a limited number and type of vision problems and certain problems related to eye movement. Optometrists primarily prescribe eyeglasses and contact lenses.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e50a150fdf935d117dce7d9687b60404", "text": "Ophthalmologist: Employment Info & Requirements Become an Ophthalmologist. Ophthalmologists are a type of physician, and, thus, they are required to earn a medical degree. The process is a lengthy one, with a prospective ophthalmologist having to earn a 4-year bachelor's degree, complete four years of medical school, and 3-8 years of internships and residencies.equired Education. Ophthalmologists are a type of physician, and, thus, they are required to earn a medical degree. The process is a lengthy one, with a prospective ophthalmologist having to earn a 4-year bachelor's degree, complete four years of medical school, and 3-8 years of internships and residencies.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0b2cda23715edce001ac3fabc050c23b", "text": "Private investigator Private investigator. A private investigator (often abbreviated to PI and informally called a private eye), a private detective, or inquiry agent, is a person who can be hired by individuals or groups to undertake investigatory law services. Private detectives/investigators often work for attorneys in civil and criminal cases.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1b33bb201d969ffd8a6ccde84e595081", "text": "- The number of years of study involved to become a Pediatric Optometrist is as listed below . Four years of studies at college level; Four years of study in Doctoral levels; Residential training in the field of Pediatric Optometry . Role of a Pediatric Optometrist", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9f9f940cb5cfadae4234d033f2e1afc5", "text": "- Although not medical doctors, optometrists follow a similar educational course. A bachelor’s degree is not necessarily required, but you will need at least three years of post-secondary education in order to apply for the mandatory four-year doctor of optometry (OD) program.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e4d56928446d77b60b50044a435d929a", "text": "A Career as a Secret Service Agent Here's what you'll need in order to get anyone to even look at your application: Candidates for the position of Secret Service agent must: Be a U.S. Citizen. Be between the ages of 21 and 37 years old. Hold a current, valid driver license. Have 20/60 vision, correctable to 20/20. Have registered with the Selective Service System or have proof of exemption.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "964d545ebe9581b50c988561bbbc704b", "text": "- Steps. 1 1. Get a high school diploma. 2 2. Obtain a bachelor's degree from a four-year institution. 3 3. Take the Optometry Admission Test (OAT). 4 4. Complete a Doctor of Optometry Program. 5. Get licensed.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "be9d669d49ce077ab994fe601529a667", "text": "NCIS Special Agent Job Information Qualifications. To become a NCIS special agent, you must be a United States citizen between the ages of 21 and 37. You must be in good physical condition with normal color vision correctable to 20/20. In addition, you must have a bachelor's degree and a valid driver's license.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b380219b800c66da8ed6a5982de4a2ab", "text": "What training is necessary to become a vision therapist? A Vision Therapist works under the guidance of an Optometrist. They have usually been trained by the Optometrist in recognizing and treating binocular dysfunctions, accomodative disorders and associated problems, as well as visual perceptual deficiencies and visual disabilities secondary to traumatic brain injury.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6b3b5d2aafd2ecc1405fe94f18090cb6", "text": "Ophthalmology To become a general ophthalmologist, the specialty requires four years of postgraduate specialty training after the completion of a medical degree (MD). This requirement includes a three-year residency in ophthalmology (eye surgery) in an approved surgical residency program, following at least a one-year internship.euro-ophthalmology deals with the eye as it relates to neurological disease. It is a complex and intricate subspecialty that requires knowledge of the visual pathways, eye-movement patterns, optic nerve disease, and systemic neurological diseases with visual manifestations [one year fellowship].", "title": "" }, { "docid": "80baed1e42cd52b1132dd4ec939a1cd9", "text": "- Basic Skills and Qualifications for an Ophthalmic Assisting Career: 1 A commitment to helping people. 2 Average skills in health science, math, and computers. 3 Adequate vision and hearing to perform necessary clinical duties. 4 The ability to learn how to operate ophthalmic equipment. 5 The ability to obtain knowledge and skills on the job or through 6 .... V", "title": "" }, { "docid": "65da56ab369be7c70793c1af0e4773df", "text": "Find Virginia Private Investigator Schools Qualifications for PI Licensing in Virginia. To be eligible for a private investigator license, you must be a U.S. citizen or legal resident alien, and be at least 18 years old. You also must have successfully completed a training program at a Virginia private investigator school.ll About Criminal Justice PhD Programs. Explore Virginia private investigator schools. Get the training you need and learn how to become a private investigator.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bf36f9cd8bb896a6595c94722219cef6", "text": "Certified Ophthalmic Assistant: Job Description, Duties and Salary Essential Information. Certified ophthalmic assistants work closely with ophthalmologists, or eye doctors, and are entry-level professionals. No formal education beyond a high school diploma or GED is necessary to work as an opthalmic assistant. Certification is available through a professional organization, often increasing job opportunities and salary potential for ophthalmic assistants.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a061fad2b889ee489afb1abd710794aa", "text": "- You may also search search for a list of Certified Training Schools who are members of PIAVA, on the following webpage: PIAVA - Member Certified Training Schools. 2) The second option to become Registered Private Investigator in Virginia is to request what is know as a Partial Training Exemption from DCJS.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7b268f3fd335d7f753332d88a4a999b6", "text": "Facts about the River Thames & useful information Information about the River Thames. 1 Find which popular events take place along the river each year including numerous regattas, festivals and other water-nased fun. 2 Learn what there is to do by the River Thames with everything from boating and fishing to walking and dining. There are plenty of places to stay on the river, but to really experience the Thames at its finest, there are plenty of options for boating holidays.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5a8f3d5f097a8203e5e3d6f70b41bde0", "text": "- To begin, in Virginia it is important to understand the following terms: Individuals are Registered, Instructors and Compliance Agents are Certified, and Businesses are Licensed.. To become a Registered Private Investigator in Virginia, you must complete a compulsory Entry Level Training Course. 1) The first option is to attend a 60-hour, 02E course of instruction (Private Investigator Course - Entry Level), from a Certified DCJS Private Security Services Training School.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "353cf9a36c025b1faa7ee7aaa4e970e3", "text": "- 1. Knowledge of ocular diseases and systemic diseases affecting the eye. 2. Knowledge of ultrasound and visual field machines. 3. Knowledge of basic eye care and hygienic methods and practices involving the treatment of the. eye. 4. Strong organizational and interpersonal skills including the ability to manager interactions with. difficult people.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2dd5b55ddf1e6f98b9058e79e4108dfc", "text": "- Opticians are not eye doctors and cannot give eye exams. They get a one-or two-year degree, certificate, or diploma. They fill the prescription that your eye doctor gives you. They: 1 Evaluate lens prescriptions. 2 Provide, adjust, and repair glasses, frames, and contact lenses.", "title": "" } ]
what antibiotics treat sinusitis
[ { "docid": "23b2e27df712fd51243c9e8eda29eb4e", "text": "Antibiotics for Sinusitis Why It Is Used. Antibiotics may be needed when symptoms of sinusitis do not respond to home treatment, symptoms are severe, or complications (such as pus forming in sinus cavities) develop. 1 Amoxicillin is often the first choice in treating sinusitis because it is usually effective and has few side effects.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "31218a0dceaf185798ba0af373c37383", "text": "- Longer use causes a rebound effect and can make your symptoms worse. Other drugs to treat sinus infections include pain relievers, or if they don't provide relief, corticosteroids may be prescribed to further decrease the inflammation.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "933067f0b085814920b6f7085047e83c", "text": "Best Antibiotic for Sinus Infections (To learn more about this topic, click Sinus Infection (Sinusitis) Medicines. This article offers a guide to commonly used medications, including information on why antibiotics are not always the best treatment for sinus infections.).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bfa1f6995999d6e1bf0791c5b84a4119", "text": "Pediatric Sinusitis Over-the-counter decongestants and antihistamines are not general effective for viral upper respiratory infections in children, and the role of such medications for treatment of sinusitis is not well defined. Such medications should not be given to children younger than two years old.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "80063a1d9472cbe1a435356e7f8af85a", "text": "Antibiotics for Sinusitis Most sinusitis in the ambulatory setting is due to a viral infection that will resolve on its own. Despite consistent recommendations to the contrary, antibiotics are prescribed in over 80% of outpatient visits for acute sinusitis. Sinusitis accounts for 16 million office visits and $5.8 billion in annual health care.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "049764139723d3a49914d0f362de6ac6", "text": "- 1 The guidelines help doctors distinguish between viral and bacterial infections so they know when to prescribe antibiotics. 2 Amoxicillin-clavulanate should be prescribed for bacterial sinus infections, due to increasing resistance against amoxicillin.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "73ea202a2383564455805530485f5c37", "text": "Diagnosis Your doctor may recommend treatments to help relieve sinusitis symptoms, including: 1 Saline nasal spray, which you spray into your nose several times a day to rinse your nasal passages. 2 Nasal corticosteroids. These nasal sprays help prevent and treat inflammation. 3 Decongestants.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7ddecf1bc1c9ca2f3cb99c25efb5a3c9", "text": "- With proper antibiotic treatment, over 90% of acute bacterial sinusitis cases are cured. Cases of acute bacterial sinusitis which do not respond to an initial course of antibiotics should receive a second course of antibiotic treatment.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f5bf9dae8305cff2f8308ca79c37361e", "text": "Sinusitis Treatment Antibiotics for Sinus Infections. If symptoms don't resolve in seven to 10 days, are severe, or get worse after 10 days, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics. However, most cases of viral sinusitis resolve without treatment, and bacterial infection occurs in only a very small number of cases.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d0b4304485a1f7a0262c277232a14052", "text": "Acute Sinusitis Medication Standard nonantimicrobial treatment options include topical steroids, topical and/or oral decongestants, mucolytics, and intranasal saline spray. Antimicrobial therapy is the mainstay of medical treatment in sinusitis. The choice of antibiotics depends on whether the sinusitis is acute, chronic, or recurrent. Antibiotic efficacy rates are as follows: Levofloxacin, moxifloxacin, and amoxicillin/clavulanate - Greater than 90%.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "452a7d4d68a2f4996edd9da1ba18abfd", "text": "Sinus Infection (Sinusitis) for sinusitis caused by virus infection no antibiotic treatment is required frequently recommended treatments include pain and fever medications such as acetaminophen tylenol decongestants and mucolytics medication that dissolve or breakdown mucous for example guaifenesin", "title": "" }, { "docid": "64e26d4976627616af843d42cd500bf2", "text": "Best Antibiotic for Sinus Infection Only bacterial infections are treated with antibiotics. Depending upon the type of infection and severity of the symptoms, doctors prescribe antibiotics. Various types of antibiotics help kill bacteria and stop further multiplication of the bacteria. They help relieve sinus headache and nasal congestion.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a9ebf2716dbedddd0c920ef1a1d890be", "text": "Antibiotics Use Guide Preferred antibiotics for bacterial sinus infection4: 1 Amoxicillin is considered a first-line therapy for adults and children. 2 Alternative antibiotics include trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim, Septra), doxycycline, Augmentin, cefpodoxime (Vantin), cefdinir (Omnicef).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5fe9ff47655d0e0a50150c096510c393", "text": "Sinus Problems Sinusitis can be treated through courses of antibiotics, decongestants, saline sprays, or in cases of severe chronic sinusitis, oral steroids. When pharmaceuticals fail, surgery may be an alternative. The goal of the surgery is to improve sinus drainage and reduce blockage.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2f11cd3a2fe3ef6da05447591090edde", "text": "Most sinus infections don't require antibiotics, new guidelines say The IDSA guidelines still recommend children receive antibiotic treatment for 10 days to two weeks. Whether a sinus infection is bacterial or viral, decongestants and antihistamines are not helpful and may make symptoms worse, the guidelines say.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ca7a34ddbbd68b5e08890b3121279f6e", "text": "Antibiotics for Ear Infections Doctors often prescribe antibiotics to treat ear infections. Most antibiotics for ear infections fall under four families: penicillins, cephalosporins, sulfonamides, and erythromycins. Amoxicillin is the most common antibiotic used to treat ear infections.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "11d04d3304f4a44370ae776b1d6b872b", "text": "Can you cure a sinus infection without antibiotics? most sinus infections are caused by viruses and antibiotics won't help. drink lots of fluids, try a decongestant like Claritin-D, use a humidifier & Ocean saline spray. take Advil for any pain or swelling. if you don't have relief in 2 weeks, see a doctor.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "587baf1f9c51fd805095d5c16c411046", "text": "Hereâs Why You Shouldnât Take Antibiotics for a Sinus Infection In the end, I left with a prescription for Augmentin, an antibiotic that the CDC recommends as the first-line defense against a bacterial sinus infection. I never filled it. One week later, the green snot was gone.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d69e82aa87104c2bb00a488bbb1851bb", "text": "Hereâs Why You Shouldnât Take Antibiotics for a Sinus Infection Antibiotics only kill bacteria, but a whopping 90 percent of sinus infections are caused by viruses, according to the Infectious Diseases Society of America. What's more, new research over the past year has proven definitively that antibiotics won't change the course of most sinus infections.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a9fe71973009decec391206edb69dc4b", "text": "Sinusitis In-Depth Report Amoxicillin-clavulanate (Augmentin) is a type of penicillin that works against a wide spectrum of bacteria. An extended release form has been approved for treating adults with sinusitis infections that have become resistant to penicillin.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "781e453b5f211067a0c50a10e304adfc", "text": "Zmax Azithromycin is effective for treating sinus infections caused by haemophilus influenzae, moraxella catarrhalis or streptococcus pneumoniae, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dd9afcc74dbee6166853aa8a38ae411b", "text": "- Antibiotics used to treat acute sinusitis caused by a bacterial infection include amoxicillin ... doxycycline (Doryx, Monodox, others) or the combination drug trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim, Septra, others). ... is caused by a fungal infection, which can be treated with antifungal ...", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5d36d1cd95ec95d4a2a46161ae9383e4", "text": "Antibiotics and Sinusitis Amoxicillin is typically prescribed for 7-10 days at a time. While it is critical to finish the entire 10 day course of antibiotics when treating strep throat, there is evidence that shorter courses of treatment may be sufficient for most cases of sinusitis.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fa3f1e6e63e81283b00a9a84fe3b1f07", "text": "How is a sinus infection treated? the five most common bacteria causing sinus infections are streptococcus pneumoniae haemophilus influenzae moraxella catarrhalis staphylococcus aureus and streptococcus pyogenes the antibiotics that are effective treatment for sinus infection must be able to kill these bacterial types", "title": "" }, { "docid": "82803accda18547e69dfd3c770160036", "text": "Sinus Infection 1 Over-the-counter (OTC) expectorants, decongestants, cough suppressants, and pain relievers can help alleviate symptoms. Medications used to treat sinusitis include intranasal or oral steroids. Antibiotics may be prescribed to help prevent complications, relieve symptoms, and reduce the risk of chronic sinusitis.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e59560793e65015d3068572a2a3fda41", "text": "Best Antibiotic for Sinus Infections For a chronic sinus infection, the best antibiotic may be one of (or a combination of) the following: 1 Amoxicillin and clavulanate potassium (Augmentin) 2 Clindamycin. 3 Metronidazole. Moxifloxacin (Avelox®) Sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim (Bactrim, Bactrim DS, Septra, Septra DS, 1 Sulfatrim) Cefdinir (Omnicef) Cefuroxime 1 (Ceftin) Clarithromycin (Biaxin)", "title": "" } ]
monthly cost for hulu
[ { "docid": "8b52472b3c246651971caed94b945d8f", "text": "How much does a monthly subscription to Hulu cost? We have Netflix and I'm thinking about switching. 1 Answer. , I've had a subscription to Hulu for over two years. Hulu starts at $7.99/mo for limited commercials plan and $11.99/mo for commercial free. You can “add-on” Showtime for an additional $8.99/mo.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "0ef00f80aa7fba66fbbf86d2e6bbc2e6", "text": "- When Google starts paying for my hulu, Netflix or Amazon prime, I will change to them. :). Netflix service runs $8.99 per month — which comes out to $107.88 a year — while Amazon Prime is $99 per year. Hulu Plus is $7.99 a month, for the year that equals 95.88.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b9ec4bbd7950dc5318e5590d24230806", "text": "Netflix Raises Price: How It Compares to Hulu, Amazon Prime Netflix Raises Price: How It Compares to Hulu, Amazon Prime. Netflix is raising prices for new users by $1 a month as the company touts original programming you can't find elsewhere. The company, based in Los Gatos, California, is raising the cost of its most popular streaming plan to $9.99 a month, which allows customers to watch media on two screens at the same time.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "225c6da72ab61070c187f6d7ecedfd02", "text": "Amazon Prime vs. Netflix vs. Hulu Plus: What Is The Best Online Streaming Deal? Price: Hulu Plus costs $7.99 per month, which is approximately $96 per year. The service offers a one-week free trial. User Friendly: Hulu Plus is streamlined and very easy for users to navigate. Unlike Netflix, however, Hulu Plus is ad-supported to keep the cost of a subscription down and users might find the commercial interruptions bothersome.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "afadf8b769bc2a78a9221f58abfcfb66", "text": "Hulu Live TV Channels and Review The first plan costs $7.99 per month and includes “limited commercials”. The other option costs subscribers $11.99 per month and provides users with an “ad-free” experience. I’ve put “ad-free” in quotes as there are some shows that air commercials before and after the show. Otherwise, the show streams uninterrupted.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d584b533765a1a634d22619096a93208", "text": "Hulu Plus vs. iTunes vs. Netflix vs. Amazon Instant Video: Which Is Best? The Price. In an effort to make life easier, I have nailed down the subscription-based services’ yearly prices. (Of course, iTunes is excluded from this because of its lack of a subscription membership.) Hulu Plus: $96/yr. Netflix: $96/yr (add’l $96/yr for DVDs, add’l $24 for Blu-ray) Amazon Prime Membership: $79/yr.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "65d32312fff92b3ab066103b7502c717", "text": "What is Hulu and Hulu Plus? How Much is Hulu Plus? Hulu Plus costs $7.99 per month to use. You can try a free week trial before you start paying, but you will have to deactivate your Plus account to avoid making payments. However, you can now pay $11.99 a month for a 100% COMMERCIAL FREE version of Hulu Plus.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4a1467009f357b92a2081444431575e9", "text": "Hulu introduces âno commercialsâ plan that still has some commercials Well, Hulu has responded to these complaints, and launched a “commercial free” tier earlier this morning. Naturally, the new “no commercials” tier comes at a slightly higher rate of $11.99 per month—compared to the regular $7.99 a month subscription, now euphemistically referred to as the “limited commercials” plan.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b84cb7d995efa644742e3398b61ed024", "text": "Hulu to Charge Monthly Fee for Access to Unlimited TV Episodes [RUMOR] The $4.99 monthly fee could certainly appeal to the set of super users who want access to every episode of their favorite shows at all time. Given that it wouldn't disrupt the current five free episode model, this subscription service could be the perfect compromise.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ed93f6676d9fc1c7ebd0307822e94f5a", "text": "How much does Hulu cost per month? If we're making comparisons here, Hulu is better than Netflix. Simply because Hulu has past seasons in seasons that are currently on TV. Netflix limit see you. Plus Hulu is only $7.99 a month, where is Netflix is $9.99 now.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4a4979f3c34cf3ae954a0b3243329c81", "text": "Hulu Plus vs. Netflix With that said, I have recently looked into the differences between Hulu Plus and Netflix, both of which cost $7.99 per month, a HUGE savings from a typical cable bill which costs about $100 per month with internet. $7.99 per month; no contracts.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2f95f7abfad624d666ff11f266fa0f24", "text": "Hulu to Charge Monthly Fee for Access to Unlimited TV Episodes [RUMOR] One plan being considered would allow users to view the five most recent episodes of TV shows free but would require a subscription of $4.99 a month to watch older episodes.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6639ae0977c6c3a1ad34ea278fe2d7f8", "text": "Amazon Prime Versus Netflix Versus Hulu Plus: Which Should You Pay For? Assuming the $2 increase, Netflix will soon cost $119.88 per year. Amazon Prime membership costs $99 per year (or about $8.25 per month), but also includes unlimited, free two-day shipping on many items. You also get access to the company's growing selection of streaming TV shows and movies.Hulu Plus costs $7.99 per month or $95.88 per year.ssuming the $2 increase, Netflix will soon cost $119.88 per year. Amazon Prime membership costs $99 per year (or about $8.25 per month), but also includes unlimited, free two-day shipping on many items. You also get access to the company's growing selection of streaming TV shows and movies.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "afd5eb2e55000235d5bf00bf5986e405", "text": "Hulu In 2015, Hulu began offering content from Showtime for an additional $8.99/month, still cheaper than Showtime's own streaming service. CBS remains the only major network not offered on Hulu despite offering CBS-owned Showtime and CBS co-owned The CW.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3a5bfbf9aa418d275b9663dd2184fd63", "text": "Hulu Is Going Ad-Free, but It Will Cost You Hulu will now have a third plan for subscribers that includes all of its programming with no ads (sorta), costing $11.99 per month. That's four bucks more than the service formerly known as Hulu Plus, which includes full seasons of many shows with limited ads for $7.99 a month. Hulu will still offer a free plan that includes ads and very limited access to shows, but unless you've never watched television before, it's not of very much use.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fb052e2110982b628ec6f93101356f8d", "text": "- Hulu Plus costs $7.99 per month or $95.88 per year. We haven't heard of any upcoming price increases and don't expect to since Hulu can keep prices low by showing advertisements along with its programming.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d7508187181cb9eb8ec76afc7c8797de", "text": "Amazon Prime vs. Netflix vs. Hulu Plus: What Is The Best Online Streaming Deal? Hulu Plus ($7.99 per month). Hulu Plus costs the same as a Netflix instant subscription, but offers both classic movies and television shows as well as the most recent episodes and seasons of your favorite shows.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0c27ec6d3f0cb4ceb7f85fd9e155c843", "text": "- If you sign up on an iOS device (iPads and iPhones) and pay for your Hulu subscription with your iTunes account, there is an additional charge due to transaction costs associated with Apple. The cost of the No Commercials plan when you sign up on an iOS device is $13.99/month.f you created your Hulu subscription on your Apple TV, you will need to complete your account setup before you can log in on Hulu.com or any other supported devices.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "891f62ffee8e6d42cef33eef74a3b6eb", "text": "Amazon Prime Versus Netflix Versus Hulu Plus: Which Should You Pay For? So, it's time for a throwdown: Which streaming service should rule your screen, Netflix, Amazon Instant Video, or Hulu Plus? Let's dive into some of the details: Price: Netflix subscriptions currently cost $7.99 per month, but that price will rise by $1 or $2 for new members later this quarter. Existing members will keep their current price for a generous period of time. Assuming the $2 increase, Netflix will soon cost $119.88 per year.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9d9a432b9534fbc4ec2905580cd4882a", "text": "Hulu with SHOWTIME ® This Changes Everything Hulu with SHOWTIME®. This Changes Everything. Hulu now brings you a new way to get SHOWTIME. Get a free trial of SHOWTIME with a Hulu subscription and see what you've been missing! After your trial, you'll get SHOWTIME for only $8.99/month in addition to your $7.99/month Hulu subscription. Recording live TV to Cloud DVR is not currently available for premium networks.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5461ece5e1c26be77156920b7ab5c3bc", "text": "Hulu Plus vs. Netflix 1 $7.99 per month; no contracts. 2 Has a vast movie library, not as many television programs as compared to Hulu Plus. 3 Click here to see their collection. 4 Can stream using Wii, Xbox, PlayStation 3, computer, Mac, tablets, smart phones, internet enabled blue ray players and televisions, and media devices.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "77d4895f4f6d21fbcfbbb44c3b2ca0f8", "text": "Hulu Unveils Ad-Free Subscription Pricing But the higher price means that an ad-free Hulu will cost more than competitor Netflix's $7.99 a month streaming option, Amazon's $99 a year ($8.25 a month) Prime offering and even Showtime's $10.99 a month app. It's slightly less than the $14.99 a month HBO Now.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d546b56d9ca75988019f63f95fc999a7", "text": "Amazon Prime Versus Netflix Versus Hulu Plus: Which Should You Pay For? Assuming the $2 increase, Netflix will soon cost $119.88 per year. Amazon Prime membership costs $99 per year (or about $8.25 per month), but also includes unlimited, free two-day shipping on many items. You also get access to the company's growing selection of streaming TV shows and movies.Hulu Plus costs $7.99 per month or $95.88 per year.mazon Prime membership costs $99 per year (or about $8.25 per month), but also includes unlimited, free two-day shipping on many items. You also get access to the company's growing selection of streaming TV shows and movies. Hulu Plus costs $7.99 per month or $95.88 per year.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bbf3f55099be55563cf6f1f4ff0cd308", "text": "Hulu without the ads is here, for $4 more per month — hulu (@hulu) September 2, 2015. Hulu's ads have always separated it from online streaming competition like Amazon and Netflix. A new subscription to Netflix can range from $8 to $12 per month, but all come without ads, and include benefits like Ultra HD and surround sound -- which Hulu still doesn't have. At last check, Hulu had over 9 million subscribers, while Netflix is up to 42 million in the US.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "92365260a5f7c24e78df49fc353ebeae", "text": "- Those who would like to pay less for content can still get Hulu for $7.99, but will be subjected to commercials. Those who would like to pay more for content can shell out $11.99 per month and will be able to watch, commercial-free, similar to Netflix.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "78a6df525214c775e27a20ca1eff437a", "text": "Hulu with SHOWTIME ® This Changes Everything Hulu now brings you a new way to get SHOWTIME. New subscribers, get a free trial of SHOWTIME with your Hulu subscription and see what you've been missing! After your trial, you'll get SHOWTIME for only $8.99/month in addition to your $7.99/month Hulu subscription. Subscribe to Hulu and add SHOWTIME as a Premium Add-on through a desktop web browser today.", "title": "" } ]
what county is destin florida
[ { "docid": "c71007028f0598c292bd16f4a3d0b8ac", "text": "Okaloosa County, Florida Okaloosa County, Florida. Okaloosa County is a county located in the northwestern portion of the U.S. state of Florida, extending from the Gulf of Mexico to the Alabama state line. As of the census, 2015 the population was 198,664. Its county seat is Crestview. Okaloosa County is included in the Crestview-Fort Walton Beach-Destin, FL Metropolitan Statistical Area", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "076269b160cfced7a5b42c6e9c3037ac", "text": "- Florida State, County of Okaloosa City of Destin Public Records Information and resources. Below you will find a collection of offline providers for Florida State County of Okaloosa City of Destin Public records, these are both governmental agencies and privately run organizations. You can also try using the free online public records search tool.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5d0f1194e39e42543ef4c0c92f046467", "text": "Manatee County, Florida Manatee County is a county in the U.S. state of Florida. As of the 2010 census, the population was 322,833. Its county seat and largest city is Bradenton. The county was created in 1855. It was named for the Florida manatee (commonly called a sea cow and distantly related to the elephant), which is endangered and Florida's official marine mammal. Manatee County is included in the North Port-Sarasota-Bradenton, FL Metropolitan Statistical Area. Features of Manatee County include access to the Southern part of Tampa Bay, the Sunshine Skyway Bridge, and the Manatee River.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5601f35e244f3284c4f3e76e348ba052", "text": "Seaside, Florida Seaside is an unincorporated master-planned community on the Florida panhandle in Walton County, between Panama City Beach and Destin.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "93c2b2d9aab46ab20848e0cb40e5f6fc", "text": "Desoto County, Florida Sales Tax Rate Click to download sales tax rates. The combined sales tax rate for Desoto County, FL is 7.5%. This is the total of state and county sales tax rates. The Florida state sales tax rate is currently 6%. The Desoto County sales tax rate is 1.5%.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1da455d7cecdd7f9ae4ac242e667986a", "text": "Fort Walton Beach Fort Walton Beach, FL. Online Offers. Fort Walton Beach is a city in southern Okaloosa County, Florida, United States. As of 2005, the population estimate for Fort Walton Beach was 19,992, and as of 2008, the population estimate for Fort Walton Beach is 18,880 recorded by the U.S. Census Bureau. It is a principal city of the Fort Walton Beach–Crestview–Destin Metropolitan Statistical Area. Fort Walton Beach is a year-round fishing and beach resort community.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c2757423a97fcf8358a71d0ff9320a87", "text": "- In the early Florida years Dade County (presently Miami-Dade County) extended north to the south side of the St. Lucie River which now lies within the later formed Martin County which is in the Treasure Coast Region.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4caaae5c365deb6181d0134aebb4331b", "text": "- Current local time in Destin, Okaloosa County, Florida, Central Time Zone - daylight saving time change dates 2017. 1 Local Time in Destin, FL. 2 Offset to GMT/UTC. 3 Daylight saving Time Change Dates 2017. Destin - Geographical 1 Location. Get Free Website Flash Clock for Destin.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6ea2d72cab448d7a204a942b4d61db4a", "text": "All County® Emerald Coast Rental Property Management in Destin, FL All County® Emerald Coast Rental Property Management in Destin, FL. All County® Emerald Coast, located in Destin, Florida, is the area’s demonstrated leader in property management.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2f7e0b86cb483128aeec6b30f8570dd5", "text": "Escambia County, Florida Escambia County is the westernmost county in the U.S. state of Florida. As of the 2010 census, the population was 297,619. Its county seat is Pensacola and the County Administrator is Jack Brown. Escambia County is included in the Pensacola-Ferry Pass-Brent, Florida Metropolitan Statistical Area. The county population has continued to increase as the suburbs of Pensacola and other cities have developed.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "05dcb7eee48b2e33873a1a1b83ad03e1", "text": "Escambia County, Florida Escambia County is the westernmost and oldest county in the U.S. state of Florida. As of the 2010 census, the population was 297,619. Its county seat and largest city is Pensacola. Escambia County is included in the Pensacola-Ferry Pass-Brent, Florida Metropolitan Statistical Area. The county population has continued to increase as the suburbs of Pensacola and other cities have developed.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9e34fcc9eb2f33031ff444affeb22d82", "text": "16th Judicial Circuit of Florida, Monroe County 16th Judicial Circuit of Florida, Monroe County. The mission of the Florida Judicial Branch is to protect rights and liberties, uphold and interpret the law, and provide for the peaceful resolution of disputes. Monroe County was established in 1823 at which time it occupied most of the Southern Florida Peninsula. It has since been reduced to the Florida Keys and portions of Everglades National Park. It was named for President James Monroe. The county seat is in Key West.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4cf11441aeed34ab42b9ec6cb5466199", "text": "- Cities: Fort Walton Beach, FL (29.65%), Wright, FL (1.97%), Cinco Bayou, FL (0.81%), Mary Esther, FL (0.05%) County: Okaloosa County, FL.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f2d5c5b2599b2c3f242bf250c42db2d2", "text": "The Best Family Accommodations in Destin, Florida Destin is a seaside city on Florida's Emerald Coast. It is known for its pure, white sand beaches, its pristine blue ocean and its wealth of family-friendly activities. Visitors to Destin will enjoy its theme parks, restaurants and water activities, including boating, fishing and swimming.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "55438699a96d7c0ecfcc44dcca9c9ba7", "text": "Duval County, Florida Duval County, Florida. Duval County is a county located in the State of Florida. As of the 2010 census, the population was 864,263, with a 2016 estimate at 926,255. Its county seat is Jacksonville, with which the Duval County government has been consolidated since 1968. Duval County was established in 1822, and is named for William Pope Duval, Governor of Florida Territory from 1822 to 1834. Duval County is included in the Jacksonville, FL Metropolitan Statistical Area.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "76ae4fb4e1c4347a3572f4d36f7ab604", "text": "Florida Escambia County, Florida is bordered by Alabama to the north and west, the Gulf of Mexico to the. south, and Santa Rosa County, Florida to the east. The county has two cities, Century in the far north, and Pensacola in the south where most of the population is centered.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "edc19ceca3ce39a26f3f2ab5772bfb6f", "text": "Destin, Florida Visitors play a large part in Destin's economy – the city's population of around 12,000 balloons to 40,000 during the tourist season. Destin's surroundings include other popular tourist destinations. Sandestin, Florida, located to the east in Walton County, is a popular golf and beach resort.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fa9723c4cf2be6ce0ee5f72004a54da6", "text": "going to Destin. which airport? (Tampa, Pensacola: car rental, rentals, limousine) Hope this helps: The Okaloosa County Airport currently serves over 520,000 passengers each year with direct service to Atlanta (Delta / ASA), Dallas (American Eagle), Houston (Continental), St. Louis (American Eagle), Memphis (Northwest) and Tampa (Gulfstream). Destin is served by two airports. Airline service is available through the Fort Walton Beach airport, which is actually located on nearby Eglin Air force Base, a 30-40 minute drive from Destin. This facility is also known as the Okaloosa Regional Airport and the airport identifier is VPS.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c5a052ac09495769f6fb734e14ea2de1", "text": "Crestview It is the county seat of Okaloosa County. With an elevation of 235 feet (72 m) above sea level, it is one of the highest points in the state; it receives 65 inches (1,700 mm) of rainfall annually, the second-most of any city in the state of Florida, next to Fort Walton Beach with 69 inches.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "27e5a175779c0b4a41a1df828a9aa1dc", "text": "- DeSoto County, FL Sales Tax Rate. The current total local sales tax rate in DeSoto County, FL is 7.500%. The December 2016 total local sales tax rate was also 7.500%. Follow @SaleTaxCom. Sale-Tax.com strives to have the most accurate tax percentages available but tax rates are subject to change at any time.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0b5d213559b02c35ce9cdd812708d6f0", "text": "- Destin Location Map. Destin is a city in Okaloosa County, along the Gulf coast of the Florida Panhandle. It sits at the end of a peninsula separating Choctawhatchee Bay from the Gulf of Mexico. Destin is part of the Emerald Coast of Florida, an area famous for its emerald-colored waters and white sand beaches. Use the controls to zoom or re-center this map of Destin, Florida.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d9192a2dc805b6ef03cf31cd2b152345", "text": "- The city of Destin is located in Okaloosa County in northwest Florida at (30.393407, -86.475276). According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 21.2 km² (8.2 mi²).19.5 km² (7.5 mi²) of it is land and 1.7 km² (0.6 mi²) of it (7.95%) is water.he city of Destin is located in Okaloosa County in northwest Florida at (30.393407, -86.475276). According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 21.2 km² (8.2 mi²).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "eb7fd63cb160771988e97e9ef67aae61", "text": "Destin Stunning white beaches, challenging golf and world-famous fishing define the Emerald Coast city of Destin. Snuggled against the Gulf of Mexico in northwest Florida, Destin is rightfully famed for its sugar-white sands and emerald-hued waters. Destin also harbors world-class resorts and rentals – and some of the best shopping and dining anywhere. And something new: The recently opened Northwest Florida Regional Airport makes it easy to reach this Florida Panhandle vacation destination.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "03c8a1d64e273fafbf8e2b692457ad2c", "text": "- Studies have shown that rumination, or the process of going over and over your feelings of sadness, hinders recovery. Distracting yourself from ruminating on your sadness may help you overcome it. Find pleasant things to do. Doing things that you enjoy can help you overcome sadness, even if you don’t initially feel like doing them.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6bae30bf31bb5fcf125bb5f6dd3a67b7", "text": "ALL COUNTY® METRO RENTAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT IN KISSIMMEE, FL At All County® Emerald Coast Property Management in Destin, FL, Our mission is to ensure that every property owner has a competent and honest professional to manage their most valuable asset..", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4c185f8f78018124f936bf322d2c79a3", "text": "Looking for a Destin, Florida Airport? This airport is for private use. If you own a plane, you can make arrangements to fly into this Destin, Florida airport. Northwest Florida Regional Airport. Most people who are looking for a Destin, Florida airport go with the Northwest Florida Regional Airport. This airport is located inside of the Elgin Air Force Base.", "title": "" } ]
what is detasseling
[ { "docid": "fac1d3c1a17797dd291e4d93e70791dc", "text": "You say you've never detasseled? The nuts and bolts of hybrid seed. Detasseling is the process of removing the top part of a corn plant, the tassel, so that the plant cannot pollinate itself. The task of pollination is done by another type of corn grown for that sole purpose.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "bcc0c12f3d15d223d9f1188d945a2a2f", "text": "Pigeonholing Pigeonholing is any process that attempts to classify disparate entities into a small number of categories (usually, mutually exclusive ones). The term usually carries connotations of criticism, implying that the classification scheme referred to inadequately reflects the entities being sorted, or that it is based on stereotypes. [1]", "title": "" }, { "docid": "07d128f49790563bf0dac0ea410666e6", "text": "impasse Define impasse. impasse synonyms, impasse pronunciation, impasse translation, English dictionary definition of impasse. n. 1. A road or passage having no exit; a cul-de-sac. 2. A situation that is so difficult that no progress can be made; a deadlock or a stalemate: reached...", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e714a97ac8827682c84b5fae63b69ea2", "text": "Termination of Proceedings (Including Discontinuance) A Nolle Prosequi stops the case and is an indefinite adjournment not an acquittal. This terminates the proceedings, but it does not operate as a bar or discharge or an acquittal on the merits (so the defendant can be indicted again). The power is not subject to any control by the courts.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d3e7c30ca3381ea96936d31db9658348", "text": "Gelassenheit (releasement) in Meister Eckhart Gelassenheit (releasement) in Meister Eckhart. Gelassenheit mean releasement or letting go.. The term is an old one in German intellectual history, from the theologizing of Meister Eckhart (1260-1327) to the religious thought of Reform Anabaptists and early modern mystics, to its 20th-century revival in the philosophy of Martin Heidegger.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dabb5e676eaa10f65642f2dd9798419a", "text": "Children of the Corn The job is called detasseling; it’s a Midwest-specific chore where the male pollinating organs are removed from specific stalks and left on others at a ratio of 4:1 to allow for cross-pollination, with the intended result being a more vigorous, productive seed.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f2a508e7a8416c289d5ee4e9ea357ac6", "text": "parceling reallotment, reapportionment. apportioning, apportionment, parceling, parcelling, assignation, allocation, allotment - the act of distributing by allotting or apportioning; distribution according to a plan; the apportionment of seats in the House of Representatives is based on the relative population of each state.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "62f0ed2c2bbb89eaacd1045337378796", "text": "Desalting and buffer exchange These methods are based on gel filtration chromatography, also called molecular sieve chromatography, which is a form of size-exclusion chromatography. Desalting and buffer exchange are two of the most common gel filtration chromatography applications, and they can be performed using the same resin. Desalting and buffer exchange both entail recovering the components of a sample in whatever buffer is used to pre-equilibrate the small, porous polymer beads (resin). Desalting occurs when buffer salts and other small molecules are removed from a sample in exchange for water (with the resin being pre-equilibrated in water).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5e4b4e31ddeb44037634df3df23d4cce", "text": "- detribalization \\detribalization\\ n. the act of causing tribal people to abandon their customs and adopt urban ways of living. Syn: detribalisation. [WordNet 1.5]", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e350711617ec99d18cead57a615c8e9e", "text": "- Demultiplexing is the process of separating the multiplexed signal into its individual component signals. NOTE: The major distinction between multiplexing and multiple access is that in multiple access the signals are coming from many different sources and are going to many different destinations.emultiplexing is the process of separating the multiplexed signal into its individual component signals. NOTE: The major distinction between multiplexing and multiple access is that in multiple access the signals are coming from many different sources and are going to many different destinations.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4506ac1530a96094fba248bb4b388928", "text": "About Us Our Philosophy Ailes Detasseling believes and realizes that our workers are the heart of our operation. Because of this, we treat our workers with respect and insist that they respect each other. Experience has shown us that our workers respond and work to their fullest potential in a positive work environment.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "64c2fcf440fcd848286b1aec65208cc8", "text": "sediments The wind erosion process detaches soil particles from the land surface and transports them by wind.It occurs when forces exerted by wind overcome the gravitational and cohesive forces of soil particles on the surface of the ground.mall particles less than 0.1mm in diameter that have been ejected into the air by saltation remain suspended as dust and are carried away from the erosion site by the wind. This mode of wind transport is called suspension.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bc5384c027f29d5d6e7362a5e6a248d3", "text": "Spalling of Brick Spalling is generally a delamination and/or flaking at the surface of a material. Spalling of clay brick is shown in Figure SB-1.Spalling commonly begins when thin layers of the clay brick material have separated from the remainder of the brick. The separation occurs when a thin layer has been fractured from the brick by the repeated expansion of ice within the brick during the freeze-thaw cycle.palling of clay brick is shown in Figure SB-1. Spalling commonly begins when thin layers of the clay brick material have separated from the remainder of the brick. The separation occurs when a thin layer has been fractured from the brick by the repeated expansion of ice within the brick during the freeze-thaw cycle.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "436092b06d89fc616e2534fa3417b93e", "text": "Parental Gatekeeping & Parental Alienation Parental gatekeeping can become very extreme which is known as Parental Alienation (PA). Parental Alienation occurs when a parent alienates one or all children from the other parent. The rejected parent naturally reacts very negatively when the child resists spending time or communicating with them.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "aa18f5e8963aeab423109f156d8067d9", "text": "loosening of association loosening of association. Pronunciation: lus'en-ing a-so'se-a'shun. Definition: A manifestation of a severe thought disorder characterized by the lack of an obvious connection between one thought or phrase and the next, or in response to a question.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "26a076547549b33e9b6f72465bbb9beb", "text": "Declare an Impasse During the Collective Bargaining Process Declare an Impasse During the Collective Bargaining Process Key Points. An impasse is determined when the employer and union reach a point during the collective bargaining process when both parties are reasonable in assuming that further negotiations would be pointless. Once the employer reaches an impasse, it is permitted to implement changes to the terms and conditions of employment that are consistent with the previous proposals to the unions. However, an employer cannot offer greater benefits or ones that differ than those presented during negotiations.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2b728ab8774c4dffc335459e75768566", "text": "Cause of high b6 without suppliments?saydnme Feb 12, 2010 I have abnormally high B6 levels with neuropathy in legs and tingling in arms for one year. I've never taken suppliments of any kind. Taking several psych meds. Neurontin not working, neuropathy is getting worse with great difficulty walking.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2e219f7a89baf7ec3d38cae0a4641489", "text": "- Shitposting is the process of derailing a conversation with, according to KnowYourMeme, “thread jacking, circlejerking and non-commercial spamming.” To go further down the rathole, “thread jacking” is exactly what it sounds like – taking over a thread with your friends – and “circle jerking” is the process of creating earnest yet ridiculous posts ...", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fba6248d6eb9281e3dae2f65f3818d2c", "text": "- Disproportionation is a specific type of redox reaction in which a species is simultaneously reduced and oxidised to form two different products.he oxidation state of oxygen is -1/2 in the superoxide free radical anion, -1 in hydrogen peroxide and 0 in dioxygen. 1 In the Cannizzaro reaction, an aldehyde is converted into an alcohol and a carboxylic acid. 2 In the related Tishchenko reaction, the organic redox reaction product is the corresponding ester.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fd125286f608266ee40f34a512ead837", "text": "Detente Detente. Detente is a term usually associated with the relations between America, Russia and China. The world experienced much detente during the 1970s for a number of reasons: Vietnam – The war in Vietnam shocked people.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0a03dafee5cb1d31d5c1af98b0243679", "text": "What Is a Subluxation? While a dislocation is a complete disunion, or separation, between the two articulating bones of the synovial joint, a subluxation is an incomplete disunion of the two articulating bones. In the case of a subluxation, the two bones that meet up will partially separate from each other and return to their normal position. This process is called spontaneous reduction. The bones continue to touch each other along the articulating surfaces, but not in the same nature as if they were not injured.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d46b78a612d82af10693d58e15c14657", "text": "What is Detasseling? What is Detasseling? The tassel is the top most part of a corn plant --you can see them in the picture to the lower left. As DE-tasselers, we walk down a row of corn and pull the top part of the plant off and drop it to the ground. As you might know, farmers do not save part of their corn each fall to plant in the spring. In the first half of the 20th century that's what they did, but they found that by planting seeds that are a cross between two different types of corn they grew A LOT more corn. Well, we don't pull all of the tops off.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "406bdc9dde448f56d782e6e6a85fe79b", "text": "demurrage 1. : the detention of a ship by the freighter beyond the time allowed for loading, unloading, or sailing.2. : a charge for detaining a ship, freight car, or truck.. : the detention of a ship by the freighter beyond the time allowed for loading, unloading, or sailing.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "315675ba5092919dccac838974a327c1", "text": "Prognosis, treatment of canine mammary tumors Mammary tumors are the most common neoplasm in intact female dogs and account for approximately half of all neoplasms in them. Mammary neoplasms are uncommon in male dogs, accounting for less than 1 percent of these types of tumors. The incidence of mammary tumors is higher in dogs than in any other domesticated animal and is three times the incidence in humans.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8a6afc71615597a1c0e00bda8a14603b", "text": "- Retinal detachment is a disorder of the eye in which the retina peels away from its underlying layer of support tissue.Initial detachment may be localized or broad, but without rapid treatment the entire retina may detach, leading to vision loss and blindness. It is almost always classified as a medical emergency.Permanent damage may occur if the detachment is not repaired within 24–72 hours.The retina is a thin layer of light sensitive tissue on the back wall of the eye. The optical system of the eye focuses light on the retina much like light is focused on the film or sensor in a camera.The retina translates that focused image into neural impulses and sends them to the brain via the optic nerve.he retina is a thin layer of light sensitive tissue on the back wall of the eye. The optical system of the eye focuses light on the retina much like light is focused on the film or sensor in a camera. The retina translates that focused image into neural impulses and sends them to the brain via the optic nerve.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "830b1e1c96038733b7f75135da2c3f83", "text": "Definitions &Translations Detention. Detention is the process when a state, government or citizen lawfully holds a person by removing their freedom of liberty at that time. This can be due to criminal charges being raised against the individual as part of a prosecution or to protect a person or property.", "title": "" } ]
what happens when timing belt brakes
[ { "docid": "650a40ed87f1c4a80346b977527d9aab", "text": "What Happens If the Timing Belt Breaks? When a timing belt breaks, the engine of the car stops working. Often, there is a loud clunking sound right before the timing belt breaks. It is impossible to drive a car with a broken timing belt because the belt regulates the movement of the crankshaft and the camshaft.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6e590a5369222ba475918d2fa7d27337", "text": "What Happens If the Timing Belt Breaks? Often, when a timing belt breaks, the valves are bent or otherwise damaged. When a timing belt is in need of repair, there is usually a constant, high-pitched noise when the car is running. Additionally, it becomes difficult to turn the wheels when the timing belt is worn.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "bc18051ff4767ca81aa232be3740e755", "text": "Retarder (mechanical engineering) Friction-based braking systems are susceptible to brake fade when used extensively for continuous periods, which can be dangerous if braking performance drops below what is required to stop the vehicle – for instance if a truck or bus is descending a long decline.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c180d15eae77b35c80cdc34107287c50", "text": "What would cause a timing belt to jump? Claimed that we had badly installed his belt. Marge amount of burnt rubber under the wheel arches. Drag racing. Not a belt failure, but an engine failure that broke the belt. Kicked his a** out. 8: Non respect of times between belt change. If you never change a belt, the pulleys and rollers suffer as well. This may be an accumulative problem. Now.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "db8450be7b3846fa1e4a1690ca0c6071", "text": "What Does a Knocking Noise Mean When I Apply the Brakes? Worn out tie rod ends can cause the front wheels to shake or wobble and emit a hard knocking sound when brakes are applied, especially while driving at high speeds. This situation is extremely dangerous and the damaged components must immediately be replaced by a qualified mechanic, reports Driverside.com.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "20dec5396f110d0c328f035c99ef0def", "text": "- The Afghan has been called the king of dogs, having a regal appearance. He stands 24 29 inches tall at the shoulders and weighs 45 60 pounds. The dogs height at the shoulders is equivalent to the body length from chest to buttocks. The regal Afghan Hound has beautiful, long flowing hair.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d0010516c8101ae85edb3f569b1842b9", "text": "What happens if your timing belt breaks? Best Answer: Basically the timing belt connects the crankshaft with the two camshafts. This allows the valves to open allowing air into the engine at the right time. If the belt breaks then the crankshaft along with the piston and rod assembly will still move but the valves will be still. This can cause the piston to collide with the valves which can cause damage to the pistons, valves, and the entire head in some cases. There is a chance of nothing getting damage though.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fc8c79a039b730b82b3d6c2cb5bab374", "text": "Here's What Happens When Your Timing Belt Snaps And How To Fix It 5: Loosen Crank Pulley Bolt. The crank pulley is the main pulley at the bottom of the engine. It needs to be removed in order to change the timing belt. However, it's not easy if you only have hand tools, since the torque on this bolt is often pretty extreme.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2bd6cbad5fe6e9b1288ae081aeecfb67", "text": "Jump Timing and the causes Likes Received: 0. Silver Spring, Maryland. Oct 10, 2006 #1. Ok i have a problem my car keeps on jumping timming.The balance Shaft belt is fine ......but the camshaft to crankshaft timming belt even though properly tensioned keep jumping.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "467e6cf45fd3c46c651157d6012f6eed", "text": "- Save. Many cars are equipped with a timing chain rather than a timing belt. While both drive a vehicle's camshaft, timing chains are nearly repair-free with no definitive replacement schedule. If your Dodge Durango yields a deafening rattle at acceleration, chances are it's time to check and replace your timing chain.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "eb67ddf43f86c1ab75ab520965eb447b", "text": "Symptoms of a bad timing belt? This means that if the belt breaks, it will not do damage to your motor. You put a new belt on, start it up and drive away (with a bit of work). Its also a good idea to replace the water pump at the same time (saves labor). The water pump on the 3.0 is timing belt driven. If you have a 3.3L or 3.8L V6, you have a timing chain. These chains last a lot longer than a belt, and over time and heat can still wear some. When you open your hood, you will see Either Chrysler 3 Litre, 3.3, or 3.8 stamped on the top of your motor.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "defa41743e498154f1812421202e7d85", "text": "How Brake Calipers Work Every time the pads in a disc brake system come in contact with the spinning rotor, they wear down a little. Gradually, these brake parts (the pads) become thinner and thinner. To compensate for this, the piston in the caliper emerges from the hollow cylinder where it resides inside the caliper.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d0ecccc3ca9ef95f6ba0e1dfde5f20c6", "text": "Do Cars Have More Than One Belt That Needs Replacing? That makes timing belt replacement more critical, but because it is not visible you can't easily check it. That involves removing the accessory drive belts, the engine cover and other hardware just to get a look at it, and no repair shop is going to do this for nothing (they also have to reassemble everything). That is why you should pay close attention to the manufacturer's recommended replacement schedule.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d0edd61b47e22712b782f8513d009313", "text": "- Brakes overheating. Hi. We have a 2004 kia spectra. After driving for about 20 minutes the front brakes overheat and cause the car to barely drive. It feels like when you're starting to get a flat tire, a lot of shimmying and thumping and you have to floor it to get it move. Won't drive again until cooled down.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "77ee81a1496829cadad292230ac7131e", "text": "What Does It Mean When a Car Vibrates When the Brakes Are Applied? Warping of older brakes usually leads to uneven force distribution around the brake plates when the brakes are applied. This results in vibration of the wheel, which is then transmitted to the rest of the car. The severity of the vibration depends on the severity of the brake pad warping.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9787b8a5a4a59bc3a433ce766db4a721", "text": "Symptoms of a Bad or Failing Timing Belt Symptoms of a Bad or Failing Timing Belt. The timing belt is an internal engine component that rotates the engine’s cam and crankshaft in sync and ensures each cylinder fires at the appropriate time. The timing belt is located under a timing cover and is in the front of the engine.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "98a629fa799d074d816a34f40e49b822", "text": "Your Carâs Serpentine Belt Well, it won’t keep your pants up, but does transport power to your vital automotive components. The serpentine belt is one long, snaking, winding belt that keeps your alternator, power steering pump, air conditioning and — in some cases — your water pump running smoothly and effectively.hat means when your belt breaks, slips and, ultimately, wears out, everything – from the power steering pump to the alternator and air conditioner – stops working. What’s more, the parts it controls can become severely damaged. Broken hoses and belts are bad; a damaged engine is even worse.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "780e7635143e06072c2ff8dd9b6c6e89", "text": "- Every SUBARU owner should know if their SUBARU's engines are interference or non-interference. If the timing belt or timing chain breaks or jumps timing, it can cause bent valves and possibly dinged pistons in the engine, thus resulting in expensive repairs.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fafc9464ce3fd82d46d2f94cd1b9474e", "text": "- A timing belt is a very precise way to time engine parts that require it as evidenced by the successful use by VW for many years to operate diesel fuel injection pumps, the timing of which which is critical to good engine performance and fuel mileage.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6e6b493ac71592033b2cfd731e50e269", "text": "What are symptoms of broken timing belt? Everything ran fine⦠The only way to confirm the timing belt did in fact jump is to pull the timing cover and take a look at the timing marks. The only other way would be with very expensive diagnostic equipment. If the timing belt is broke or has jumped, there is no way to adjust it.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4c7a0af13323e2aba2894e690352bfe3", "text": "- In either case, the friction surfaces of the pads on a disk brake system, or the shoes on a drum brake convert the forward motion of the vehicle into heat. Heat is what causes the friction surfaces (linings) of the pads and shoes to eventually wear out and require replacement.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fca2bf875021312791160227f62ceea8", "text": "- If the steering wheel or car shakes when the brakes are applied, it is almost certain that the problem lies with the rotors. This is an important distinction as steering wheel or car vibration can happen for a number of reasons, but if it only happens when the brakes are applied, this isolates the problem.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "18dd89e80f89475660146296ff4f21c0", "text": "Car or steering wheel shakes when braking Inspection Service Disc brakes on the other hand have a rotor that is connected to the wheel. Brake pads, attached to calipers grab the rotor when the brake pedal is depressed, causing friction, which stops the wheel. Brake pads and shoes will wear down over time and require maintenance and replacement to ensure a safe braking system.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "012ad75193b15bd18c864d51a3c7d0d6", "text": "Seattle Subaru Timing Belt Done Right. The timing belt should be replaced every 50,000 miles. The B230 engine is a non-interference engine, meaning if the timing belt breaks, the valves will not impact the pistons, causing great damage, headaches, and loss of money and/or time.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d4f8ed34f7a212113ef5a217f88caf67", "text": "- When the driver presses the brake pedal, the hydraulic fluid pressure increases to the point that it forces the brake pistons at each wheel to push the brake pad against the drum (or rotor with disc brakes), causing friction, slowing the wheels, and, eventually, halting the vehicle entirely.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5c8dc10b09560d136a7f201aba458f1c", "text": "How Brake Lines Work When the brake pedal is applied, it moves fluid from the master cylinder to the brake calipers, forcing them to clamp down on the brake rotors to slow the car. That fluid is carried through the brake lines, making them a rather critical brake part. If your brake lines don't work, your brakes won't work and you (and your car) will be in a heap of trouble. In this article, we're going to learn how brake lines work.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "90196d58502e41eeb091e0e43dccf310", "text": "How to Change a Timing Belt If your car ran fine and then the motor stopped suddenly with a clunk and won't restart, it is likely your timing belt. The timing on the engine must be set exactly, or the valves and the pistons may collide, resulting in very expensive engine repairs.", "title": "" } ]
describe how scientists can directly measure the movement of tectonic plates
[ { "docid": "1acdb64da3613b60c4e7904e714a218c", "text": "- Hydrothermal Vents. Measurement of tectonic plate movements. The amount of tectonic plate movement is measured using Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites and a network of GPS receivers. This technology allows scientists to measure plate movements as small as a few millimeters per year.click here to plot REAL-TIME data and visualize tectonic plate movement.he amount of tectonic plate movement is measured using Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites and a network of GPS receivers. This technology allows scientists to measure plate movements as small as a few millimeters per year. click here to plot REAL-TIME data and visualize tectonic plate movement.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "aa5335e99afe01197fbd2fc4960c49ad", "text": "Why do tectonic plates move? Why do tectonic plates move? The main driving force of plate tectonics is gravity. If a plate with oceanic lithosphere meets another plate, the dense oceanic lithosphere dives beneath the other plate and sinks into the mantle: this process is called subduction. However, convection is also driving plate tectonics. When you heat up noodles in a pan of water, you create convection cells: noodles move upward in the middle of the pan where temperature is higher, and downward on the edges of the pan where the temperature is lower.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8dcbec982d82a806eff425cee2c77127", "text": "Plate tectonics Definition: What is plate tectonics. The concept that describes and explains how the major features of the Earth form and/or deform. The essential processes of plate tectonics are 1)seafloor spreading and 2) subduction. These two processes operate on basic units called plates. Key surface features such as mountain ranges form in particular tectonic settings when these processes act on plates directly or indirectly. Plates exist as a consequence of the specific conditions of temperature and pressure, and materials found on Earth. Plates move around, and change in size and number over geologic time.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "69d2960951540e81b6d9c2d723bad660", "text": "- All Rights Reserved. Tectonic Plates, fossil correlations in Pangea and notional diagram of plate motions. Plate tectonics is a scientific theory describing how continents move around on the mantle and how sea floor is produced and destroyed.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8f53cdd9bfe4171fae3d6ae5b58b420d", "text": "- Plate Tectonics is a theory developed in the late 1960s, to explain how the outer layers of the Earth move and deform. The theory has caused a revolution in the way we think about the Earth. Since the development of the theory, geologists have had to reexamine almost every aspect of Geology.late Tectonics. By combining the sea floor spreading theory with continental drift and information on global seismicity, the new theory of Plate Tectonics became a coherent theory to explain crustal movements.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "25f1b92840ce4d9ebe7fa299fb065c4f", "text": "- Plate tectonics deals with the movements of earth's plates. The two types of plates are continental plates, which move at 2 cm a year, and ocean/oceanic plates which move at 1 … 0 cm a year. 3 people found this useful. Paul Jones.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0551327989dfdb48881c2de14728651a", "text": "Measuring Plate Motion Another thing GPS can show us is tectonic movements within plates. One assumption behind plate tectonics is that the lithosphere is rigid, and indeed that is still a sound and useful assumption. But parts of the plates are soft in comparison, like the Tibetan Plateau and the western American mountain belts.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9638fe90805e85bb1177c4bb8f06a112", "text": "- It was concluded that hot rock from the mantle was rising up through the lithosphere and pushing the sea floor—and the continents on either side—apart. This finding provided the mechanism to explain the purposeful movement of Earth’s plates and led to the development of the first theory of plate tectonics. Today Cooper is among a new generation of geologists who study what could be called “post” plate tectonics. Taking the field up a notch, she investigates similar processes on other planets and asks why Earth has plate tectonics in the first place.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d2a1b52e66418ba209e1a25b2826e558", "text": "What are two of the processes that move tectonic plates over the surface of the Earth? A. Plate movement and convection currents B. Ridge push and slab pull C. Slab pull and crust conversion D. Connection and convection 2017-05-22T08:58:28-04:00. the processes that move tectonic plates over the surface of the Earth are: B. Ridge push and slab pull Ridge push created a movement that elevate the height of the tectonic plates while the slab pull created a movement that reduce the height of the tectonic plates. Report.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7748cbd7e9adce443ab07c551bbf2419", "text": "The Science of Earthquakes scientist The size of an earthquake depends on the size of the fault and the amount of slip on the fault, but scientists cant measure it with a tape because it is so deep in the ground. So how do they measure an earthquake? They use the seismogram recordings made on the seismographs at the surface of the earth to determine how large the earthquake was. A small wiggly line that does not wiggle a lot means a small earthquake, and a big wiggly line that wiggles a lot means a large earthquake.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8a2ede2a1d915fa6009a27e1f842d64b", "text": "- Plate tectonics is the study of movement of Earth's plates, called tectonic plates, that result in geologic activities.The information below explains the theory of plate tectonics. To understand how plate tectonics work, you need to know the Earth's basic structure.late tectonics is the study of movement of Earth's plates, called tectonic plates, that result in geologic activities.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b06ff81ee5a38c85c0c7f88537433dbd", "text": "- A: Scientists measure plate tectonics using GPS satellites, and they use computer models that simulate the motions of Earth's tectonic plates to try to predict future plate movements. By using GPS satellites in tandem with GPS receivers on the ground, scientists measure the rate of movement of the Earth's crust.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0c9eb0cf69bfe6110cf78cde749407b3", "text": "lithosphere The movement of tectonic plates is made possible by thermal energy (heat) from the mantle part of the lithosphere. Thermal energy makes the rocks of the lithosphere more elastic. Tectonic activity is responsible for some of Earth's most dramatic geologic events: earthquakes, volcanoes, orogeny (mountain-building), and deep ocean trenches can all be formed by tectonic activity in the lithosphere.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d39b15d281f9a6428496d6d40319c923", "text": "Plates on the Move Even though plates move very slowly, their motion, called plate tectonics, has a huge impact on the Earth. Plate tectonics form the oceans, continents, and mountains. It also helps us understand why and where events like earthquakes occur and volcanoes erupt.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f4457c7e1f8cc54f0f034edf13f30480", "text": "Scientists Who Study Rocks Traveling Nitrogen Classroom Activity Kit. 1 Check out our online store - minerals, fossils, books, activities, jewelry, and household items!...more. 2 The main force that shapes our planet's surface over long amounts of time is the movement of Earth's outer layer by the process of plate tectonics.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "82eecaf0e22eab7da9f924309d50797c", "text": "How do plate tectonics float? Movements deep within the Earth, which carry heat from the hot interior to the cooler surface, cause the plates to move very slowly on the surface, about 2 inches per year. There are several different hypotheses to explain exactly how these motions allow plates to move. Interesting things happen at the edges of plates.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a7b289db551f5e5b51fd91d276165c75", "text": "Chapter 5 Plate Tectonics Section 5 Plate Tectonics To calculate the rate of plate motion, divide the distance the plate moves byt the time it takes to move that distance. ex a plate takes 2 million years to move 156km. It has taken the continents about 225 million years since the breakup of Pangaea to move to their present locations. ...", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5fa72430fbc30bf0e7563adc33be13d5", "text": "Causes of Tectonic Plate Movement Tectonic plates move around and can cause earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. First of all, it is important to know that the Earth's crust is broken up into large pieces called tectonic plates. Remember, tectonic plates are giant pieces of the Earth's crust that fit together and move around on the Earth's surface. This movement can be observed and measured using GPS systems, and the edges of the plates can be detected, as their edges can be seen. We also know that these plates move around with respect to one another.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fec15d1a1d879a91913382a324140d26", "text": "PLATE TECTONICS ACTIVITY The lithospheric plates rest on top of the solid, but plastic, lower Mantle or Asthenosphere. Scientists believe that convection currents in the Asthenosphere, due to the Earth s escaping heat, provide the driving force of Plate movement. There are three types of Plate movement Convergence, Divergence, and Transform.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4337e3d8a09eb6f48c9eb7cda6c0a741", "text": "- Plate Tectonics. Plate tectonics is the movement of the Earth's crust through convection currents that occur in the mantle. Divergent plate boundaries occur where hot magma rises to the surface, pushing the plates apart. The mid-ocean ridges form at divergent plate boundaries.t convergent plate boundaries, sedimentary rock from the ocean floor gets pushed down into the mantle. The crust increases in temperature as it dives deeper into the mantle. Eventually, the crust melts and rises to the surface causing a volcanic eruption, creating igneous rocks.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6cf29b49637541362844b8b267847b3c", "text": "- Plate tectonics (from the Late Latin tectonicus, from the Greek: τεκτονικός pertaining to building) is a scientific theory that describes the large-scale motion of Earth 's lithosphere.late tectonics (from the Late Latin tectonicus, from the Greek: τεκτονικός pertaining to building) is a scientific theory that describes the large-scale motion of Earth 's lithosphere.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "086b64fb29695bedaba7ae6012eca35b", "text": "Learning Geology How The Earth Works: The Basic Premise of Plate Tectonics. The Earth’s lithosphere is divided into plates that move relative to. one another and the underlying asthenosphere. As a plate moves, its interior area remains largely intact and. rigid, but rock along the plate’s boundaries undergoes. deformation (cracking, sliding, bending, stretching, and.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c146bbaa23858f47c9f0040254428662", "text": "How do tectonic plates move? Plates at our planet s surface move because of the intense heat in the Earth s core that causes molten rock in the mantle layer to move. It moves in a pattern called a convection cell that forms when ...more.late Tectonics. The main force that shapes our planet s surface over long amounts of time is the movement of Earth's outer layer by the process of plate tectonics. This picture shows how the rigid outer layer of the Earth, called the lithosphere, is made of plates which fit together like a jigsaw puzzle.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8891de7a6b34cd44cf6091174a7304fb", "text": "- Where the plates meet, their relative motion determines the type of boundary: convergent, divergent, or transform. Earthquakes, volcanic activity, mountain-building, and oceanic trench formation occur along these plate boundaries.The lateral relative movement of the plates typically ranges from zero to 100 mm annually.hey are associated with different types of surface phenomena. The different types of plate boundaries are: 1 Transform boundaries (Conservative) occur where two lithospheric plates slide, or perhaps more accurately, grind past each other along transform faults, where plates are neither created nor destroyed.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "431618628fb9f4a57c0770cadb9f0509", "text": "How Do Plates Move? Plates at our planet s surface move because of the intense heat in the Earth s core that causes molten rock in the mantle layer to move. It moves in a pattern called a convection cell that forms when warm material rises, cools, and eventually sink down. As the cooled material sinks down, it is warmed and rises again.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f1eb99594fd6ebee3a4e873b1ab577e7", "text": "The Secret Pulse of Time 3.5 The Mechanism: Discovering How Plates Move. In the past fifty years, researchers developed the Theory of Plate Tectonics by identifying the movement, boundaries and interaction of Earth’s plates. Wegener’s Theory of Continental Drift was the basis for initial research. This new research found evidence of the mechanism for plate movement, described below.", "title": "" } ]
how to set printer to print on two sides
[ { "docid": "ac476c193f1d6d58f92983d942ea5783", "text": "how to display menu bar in google chrome To print on both sides of a sheet of paper, do the following: 1 On the File menu, click Print. 2 In the Print dialog box, in the Printer name list, select the printer that you want to use. 3 Click the Publication and Paper Settings tab. 4 Under 2-sided printing options, click the arrow, and then select the option that you want.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "d22776ed967a9d0bf7ed6c4bf465d187", "text": "Print a worksheet in landscape or portrait orientation Select the worksheet or worksheets for which you want to change the orientation. How to select worksheets. To select. Do this. A single sheet. Click the sheet tab. If you don't see the tab that you want, click the tab scrolling buttons to display the tab, and then click the tab.lick the File tab. Click Print. Keyboard shortcut You can also press Ctrl+P. In the Page Orientation drop-down box, under Settings, click Portrait Orientation or Landscape Orientation. When you are ready to print, click Print.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1f599e5a707bcf4ab39df46860578548", "text": "How to Set up Your Laptop to Print Wirelessly 1 Ensure that the computer sharing the printer is turned on and logged in. 2 Open the Control Panel on the computer connecting to the shared printer. 3 Select Devices and Printers or View devices and printers. Click Add a printer at the top of the window.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "aada654451115ea69024bbc619ca26ab", "text": "Booklet Printing in Word Printing Methods 25 2 Paper orientation for manual duplex printing 2 The printer prints the second page first.If you print 10 pages on 5 sheets of paper, it will print page 2 and then page 1 on the first sheet of paper. It will print page 4 and then page 3 on the second sheet of paper.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6f4cc50a64f41c3ce51ec0bdf6ef7b73", "text": "- Mark a piece of ordinary typing paper with a highlighter or magic marker. Do a test print on this page, so that you'll know which side of the paper your printer prints on. Place your labels in the printer tray. Using the information gained in Step 1, make sure that the labels will be printed on the correct side.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ad5cedebc04fc2ffb2f3b5827f478856", "text": "How How. On the status bar, click the Page Layout button to switch from Normal to Page Layout view. In the Scale to Fit group, in the Width box, select 1 page, and in the Height box, select Automatic.Columns will now appear on one page, but the rows may extend to more than one page. To print your worksheet on just one page, in the Height box, select 1 page instead of Automatic.ow. On the status bar, click the Page Layout button to switch from Normal to Page Layout view. In the Scale to Fit group, in the Width box, select 1 page, and in the Height box, select Automatic.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3a900fc9bf55ece96a160ee027b7bd53", "text": "Kitchenaid dishwasher vent issues From what you're saying, the only thing I can think of is: 1 select the report in question. 2 click 'edit' to open the report designer. 3 click 'Printer Offsets' in the toolbar. Change the printer in the new dialog box.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f70f57c8dcd25540b79904175d9d85de", "text": "Print a worksheet in landscape or portrait orientation Change the page orientation when you are ready to print. Select the worksheet, worksheets, or worksheet data that you want to print. Click the File tab. Click Print. Keyboard shortcut You can also press Ctrl+P.In the Page Orientation drop-down box, under Settings, click Portrait Orientation or Landscape Orientation.When you are ready to print, click Print.lick the File tab. Click Print. Keyboard shortcut You can also press Ctrl+P. In the Page Orientation drop-down box, under Settings, click Portrait Orientation or Landscape Orientation. When you are ready to print, click Print.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "54cb59ec9b8932d9628ee7444de8c3b1", "text": "Duplex Printing To set a particular print for duplex, set the printing preferences for the document to “Print on both sides” before selecting the “Print” button. Duplex printers work by either printing simultaneously on both sides of the paper or by reversing the sheet of paper into a printer after printing on one side.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4a93ce9bee397e5a665a3c55320fe542", "text": "Printer keeps defaulting to photo paper tray on print AND copy!!!!!! I am happy to help you with this issue! 1 Reset the product. 2 Right click on the printer icon and select printing preferences. 3 Select features tab. Select the paper source as tray 1. 4 Change the paper type as plain paper and paper size as letter 8.5 X11. Then click on apply and ok button and try and print.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f218cc9606292a75cddb9c30f9f98f5e", "text": "Q: one page printing as default The default printing options are set in Windows, not in Word. In Windows 8.1, press the Windows key and the X key together to open a menu, and press P to open the Control Panel. Click or tap the Devices and Printers item. In that screen, right-click or tap/hold the icon of your printer and choose Printing Preferences.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5058b97feae8d0300168c0a563cb19a6", "text": "- Select the product, and then click the Properties or Preferences button. 3. Click the Paper/Quality tab. 4. Click the EconoMode check box. Set the sleep delay Set the sleep delay (LCD control panel) NOTE: This section applies to the HP LaserJet Pro 200 color M251n Printer model only.. Select the report you want to print, and then press the OK button to print the report. Print product reports (touchscreen control panel) NOTE: This section applies to the HP LaserJet Pro 200 color M251nw Printer model only. 1.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0725c5c797497d99bc8c38c96c0f096b", "text": "Epson FAQs- Frequently Asked Questions About Epson Printer What to do when the printer is printing colored pages in black and white? It could be that your printer is set on the black only mode by default. Follow the steps below to resolve the issue: Click on the ‘Start/Settings/Printers’. Locate the ‘EPSON STYLUS C62’ icon and right click. Click on ‘Properties’. Click on ‘Main’ tab.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "62fef8abdeee35e9c45548324eea726f", "text": "How to Assemble a tiered cake Hi Kirsty, In order to hide the board between the tiers, you will need to use a board to fits the cake that is sitting on it exactly. So in this case you will need to use an 8 inch round board. I usually recommend up to 2 inches or more wider than the bottom cake tier for the board that the cake will sit on.his will include: - Wooden dowels-you can buy these at cake stores, they are usually only 30 cm long (see pic) or you can also go to Bunnings and get their wooden dowels approx 5-8 mm in diameter, these are like 1 m long. Note-you will need 1 longer central dowel to go through the total height of the cake.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9850e8255804317091074bbe37fb1832", "text": "How do I do double sided printing on a Brother MFC-7820N? Best Answer: Check the links below. Off-the-top, I don't see where your printer automatically prints both sides -- in which case you would have to print one side, flip the printed paper and reinsert, then print the other side. Think about it - my experience has been that printing on both sides sometimes yields a shadow - I have given up on it. I print singly, then Xerox two sided. Brother MFC 7820N. http://www.brother-usa.com/mfc/ModelDeta...", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4c4774445e9cb98d95a752c1012ecadd", "text": "HP Officejet Pro 8610 User Manual Windows. 1 Open your image file in your application. 2 Select Print from the File menu. 3 Make sure your printer is selected. 4 Click the Preferences or Properties button. ( 5 If you see a Setup, Printer, or Options button, click it. 6 Then click Preferences or Properties on the next screen.). Click the button to expand the Print window, if necessary. 2 Click on the print options pop-up menu and select Print Settings. 3 Choose the paper type you're printing on for the Media Type setting. 4 Select Advanced for the Mode setting. 5 Select Best Photo or Photo RPM for the Print Quality setting.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "02b761e5385cab6739e22b86873c1615", "text": "How to Set Up a Network Printer on the MacBook Pro Click the Apple icon and select System Preferences.. Click the Print & Fax icon and click the + button on the left side of the window, under the Printers box. Choose your new printer from the list of options. If your printer does not appear, continue to Section 2.dding a Printer With Wi-Fi Capability. Turn on the printer and use its LCD screen to select your Wi-Fi network, or connect the printer via Ethernet cable to your router. Consult your user manual if you are unsure of this procedure. If using a Wi-Fi connection, enter your network password using the printer's touch keys.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ef12f901cdaae856b1a1431c91261b1b", "text": "How to Configure Windows XP SP2 Network Protection Technologies in an Active Directory Environment 1 Click Start, and then click Control Panel. 2 Double-click Printers and Faxes. 3 Right-click the printer that you want to use, and then click Properties. 4 Click the Advanced tab, and then click Print Processor.5 Click WinPrint in the Print processor box, click RAW in the Default data type box, and then click OK two times. Right-click the printer that you want to use, and then click Properties. 2 Click the Advanced tab, and then click Print Processor. 3 Click WinPrint in the Print processor box, click RAW in the Default data type box, and then click OK two times.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4fc65e0b7aab7719f32e907ae6438950", "text": "Set or clear a print area on a worksheet You can create multiple print areas by holding down CTRL and clicking the areas that you want to print. On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click Print Area, and then click Set Print Area.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ddc4658a7791b782d593fefe47fc9500", "text": "HP Laserjet,Color Laserjet Pro CP5225n User Manual 1 Click Start, and then click Printers and Faxes. 2 Double-click the printer that you are trying to use. 3 The print queue for that printer appears. 4 If any documents appear in the print queue, click Print, click Cancel All Documents, and then click OK. On the Ports tab, look in the Print to the following port area, and then make a note of the port that your printer is connected to. 2 Click Start, click All Programs, point to Accessories, and then click Command Prompt. 3 If your printer is connected to the LPT1 port, type copy con lpt1 at the command prompt.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "16a53c6805022aad722fcc84d949caf7", "text": "Understanding Styles in Microsoft Word In the Page Setup dialog box, you can update the font, heading or other settings. On the Print dialog box, click Print. If you want to specify individual pages or sets of pages to be printed, under Printer, click Print Options, and then on the Print dialog box, under Print range, click the options that you want.lick the File tab. Click Print. Do one of the following: Click Print. Select the styles and options that you want. Under Settings, click the style that you want. A preview is shown in the Preview Pane, unless you are printing multiple items. In this case, you are prompted to click Preview in the Preview Pane.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cd1b6973fc957a88eccaf092cbe21013", "text": "- 1 Connect your printer to your computer using a USB cable. 2 Use a router that is compatible with your all-in-one printer. 3 NOTE: The ACTIONTEC Router is one of a few routers that is not currently compatible with your printer. Add a wireless access point to your network that is compatible with your printer and your ACTIONTEC Router. 2 Do the procedure below to set up a Manual IP Address Connection that will enable printing and possibly enable scanning. 3 NOTE: If scanning is not possible, connect your printer with a USB cable to enable scanning.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "948e0edf273d9e237a5adb70e16f036e", "text": "- Menu File->Set Print Size. If you want to print the image, here you can set up how the image will be printed on the printer. This dialog shows a few parameters about the printer and the current image. On the left side we have a size preview control - which shows how the image will be printed in proportion to the page. The orientation of the Page depends on the Print Setup settings. (Menu File -> Print Setup) Under the Size preview we can see the actual size of the image in inches and cm.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "520d99b38cf7068b9f8d240a11ad8cf7", "text": "Printing Basics Setting a Default Printer. If you want to use the same printer for all your documents, you can set a default printer. In the bottom left corner of your Windows screen, click START » select Printers and Faxes. The Printers and Faxes dialog box appears.Right click the printer you want as your default printer » select Set as Default Printer. A checkmark appears next to the new default printer.n the bottom left corner of your Windows screen, click START » select Printers and Faxes. The Printers and Faxes dialog box appears. Right click the printer you want as your default printer » select Set as Default Printer. A checkmark appears next to the new default printer.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8515c8abc0821a9fbf5dc7c597211bb2", "text": "Printer software can't detect all-in-one printer that is connected to wireless network using ACTIONTEC (QWEST) Router 1 Use a router that is compatible with your all-in-one printer. 2 NOTE: The ACTIONTEC Router is one of a few routers that is not currently compatible with your printer. 3 Add a wireless access point to your network that is compatible with your printer and your ACTIONTEC Router. Add a wireless access point to your network that is compatible with your printer and your ACTIONTEC Router. 2 Do the procedure below to set up a Manual IP Address Connection that will enable printing and possibly enable scanning. 3 NOTE: If scanning is not possible, connect your printer with a USB cable to enable scanning.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "eaad31aef4ecc57459ff7abda673ad18", "text": "Change page size, paper size, or page orientation To print your publication on sheets of paper that match the publication page size, be sure that the page size and the paper size are the same. If you want to print your publication on a different size of paper — for example, to create a bleed or to print multiple pages on one sheet — change only the paper size. On the File menu, click Print Setup. In the Print Setup dialog box, under Paper, select the size of paper that you want from the Size list.", "title": "" } ]
how long does it take for check to come from irs
[ { "docid": "7f107c95f1c6d378094b3aacf1b370e9", "text": "How Long Does It Take to Get My IRS Tax Refund? â Status & Tracking 4. Request Direct Deposit. Once your tax return is accepted and the refund approved, you can choose to have your money directly deposited in your bank account within a week. If you choose to have a paper check sent through the mail from the IRS, this option will add at least another two weeks to the process. 5.File on a Sunday or Monday. If you can control it, try to file on a Sunday or Monday to maximize the likelihood that you will receive your refund before the weekend.f you choose to have a paper check sent through the mail from the IRS, this option will add at least another two weeks to the process. 5. File on a Sunday or Monday. If you can control it, try to file on a Sunday or Monday to maximize the likelihood that you will receive your refund before the weekend.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "0328052a1e4a3cdf75e04de8a4281948", "text": "How Long Does it Take the IRS to Clear an Offset Once They Receive Notice the Debt Is Paid? If you file Form 8379 when you file your taxes, the IRS takes between 11 and 14 weeks to process your tax return and send your part of the refund to you. If you file it after you file your return, the IRS takes about eight weeks to process Form 8379 and provide your refund.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5d4cc22a67368a86c2f93256ecfb9f54", "text": "When Will I Get My Tax Refund? 2017 Tax Year Refund Schedule (2018 Tax Season) How long does it take to get a tax refund? The IRS has a goal of getting tax refunds to tax payers within 21 days. They reach this goal about 90% of the time. In fact, some people receive their federal tax refund in as few as 8 days, and most people receive their refunds in about 10-14 days. In previous years, the IRS created an official IRS tax refund schedule for when they will send out federal tax refunds via direct deposit or by check. They now issue general guidance. The general rule of thumb is that direct deposits will be sent out a few days before paper checks are sent out (the delay for a paper check can actually take up to one week, depending on how many refunds the IRS has to process).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f264c76631880021e0a0ff80a91ba0fc", "text": "How long does it take irs cash a check payment? Best Answer: The IRS processes check payments electronically upon receipt. The amount will be debited against your account about 2 minutes after the payment envelope is opened at the IRS Service Center in most cases.f the funds to cover it won't be available until Friday, don't mail it until Friday. If you need 4 days, hold off for the full 4 days before mailing the payment. A late payment penalty will be less onerous than a bounced check penalty.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "953a11361b850ab72b68787dd59a4aee", "text": "- 1 The IRS states that 9 out of 10 e-filed tax returns with direct deposit will be processed within 21 days of IRS e-file acceptance. 2 Mailed paper returns – Refund processing time is 6 to 8 weeks from the date the IRS receives your tax return.efund Processing Time. 1 E-filed tax returns with direct deposit – E-file with direct deposit is the fastest way to get your tax refund. 2 The IRS states that 9 out of 10 e-filed tax returns with direct deposit will be processed within 21 days of IRS e-file acceptance.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "daa69617c2032af7207b4eca1c17aa80", "text": "How long does it take to get taxes Refund Processing Time. E-filed tax returns with direct deposit – E-file with direct deposit is the fastest way to get your federal tax refund. The IRS states that 9 out of 10 e-filed tax returns with direct deposit will be processed within 21 days of IRS e-file acceptance. Mailed paper returns – Refund processing time is 6 to 8 weeks from the date the IRS receives your tax return.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5703891c4a97b80f3ac0f3f0e97b9059", "text": "How long does it take to get taxes Refund Processing Time. 1 E-filed tax returns with direct deposit – E-file with direct deposit is the fastest way to get your tax refund. 2 The IRS states that 9 out of 10 e-filed tax returns with direct deposit will be processed within 21 days of IRS e-file acceptance. Return Received Notice within 24 – 48 hours after e-file – The IRS Where’s My Refund tool will show “Return Received” status once they begin processing your tax return.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "814e7428d30268808bda2bd3869a32dd", "text": "- Www.SattaRaja.Com is non commercial website we show only news and provide entertainment. If you are not satisfied with this site or its content please do not visit the site again. Dear Player,s Get Two Solid Ank Gali Aur Desawer And Get Huge Profit thanks.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4cd2e5102d5493ce5de2d0781b4f9732", "text": "How Long Does it Take to Get Your Tax Refund Back? Filing a return through the mail is, of course, the slower of the two processes. For those who mail their federal return, the IRS will remit a tax refund within six weeks after they have been received the completed return. If you file electronically, you should receive your tax refund within three weeks.The IRS allows two options for receiving a federal tax refund: paper check sent via the mail, or an electronic funds transfer (also called a direct deposit).The direct deposit method, not surprisingly, is always the quicker option.f you would rather check the refund status by phone, you may call 1-800-829-1954. The IRS asks that you wait 3 days after filing electronically, or 3 weeks after mailing a return before checking for a status update.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5055d6515e6378c5a5b21ebfa34e2968", "text": "- If you sent a complete tax return your refund check will be done within the 6 weeks from the date it was received for processing. If it is an electronically filed return, the checks will be issued within the 3 weeks since the date it was received. Refunds coming from amended returns take 12 weeks to process.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "81bb0a9660c9bd07cffee5ca0d7a5ee9", "text": "Checking Your Tax Return and Tax Refund Status Generally you can get tax refund information 72 hours after the IRS has acknowledged the receipt of your efiled tax return, or three to four weeks after mailing a paper tax return.. IRS Check by Mail: Once your tax return has been received and processed, the IRS will issue you a paper check and send it through the post office. It generally takes about twice as long as direct deposit to receive your refund in the mail. Check in this order: 1. Tax Refund Dates 2. Tax Refund Status 3.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ae9d30e1ec797e9e2aa7ee95005b4ce7", "text": "Tax Refund Schedule for 2017: When Will the IRS Pay Me My Refund? First, it assumes the IRS will take 10 days to issue a refund if you e-file your return. Next, it makes the assumption that paper returns will take four weeks to get to the IRS and get processed. And finally, it sets a 10-day expectation for the amount of time it takes a refund check to get to you by mail. Based on those assumptions, here's an anticipated 2017 tax refund schedule.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7b385ad02343968a9411165a37c06d5a", "text": "- It's that time of year, again. Tye Volunteer Fire Department will once again sponsor their annual HAUNTED HANGAR. This is the 8th year for this annual fundraiser. Each year is bigger, better and scarier than the year before. The Haunted Hangar will be open October 23rd, 24th, 30th and 31st starting at dark and will close once the last victim escapes. It is located at the City of Tye Maintenance Building next to Tye Cemetery. Tickets are $8.00 each.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "28e9f53dc6dd168aef9462a8d937f018", "text": "- Once the IRS finishes tracing your refund, the IRS's next steps depend on whether you requested your refund come to you as a direct deposit or paper check. Direct deposit refunds If your refund was direct deposited, the financial institution will get a letter within six weeks from the Bureau of the Fiscal Service in the Treasury Department, to verify where the deposit went.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "414a551dbec9bb160751ee746632e70f", "text": "How long does it take to get taxes E-filed tax returns with direct deposit – E-file with direct deposit is the fastest way to get your federal tax refund. The IRS states that 9 out of 10 e-filed tax returns with direct deposit will be processed within 21 days of IRS e-file acceptance.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7c3c66c022a083d361bdda530c6691cc", "text": "How long after the IRS approves your refund do you have to wait to recieve it? Then about 8-15 days you receive your refund by direct deposit or about 3 weeks for paper check. usually within 24 hours if you asked for direct deposit to your account. But if you have chosen to have it mailed to you, it will take up to 6 weeks.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "77fe1da1e8d9606972e845d899b84252", "text": "How Long Does It Take to Get My IRS Tax Refund? â Status & Tracking Once your tax return is accepted and the refund approved, you can choose to have your money directly deposited in your bank account within a week. If you choose to have a paper check sent through the mail from the IRS, this option will add at least another two weeks to the process.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9b6b644e263bad7b732452f3d905d1f4", "text": "Get Your Tax Refund Fast 1 - By choosing direct deposit, the IRS expects to issue 9 out of 10 refunds within 21 days, as opposed to 4-6 weeks for a check in the mail. It is possible that yours could require additional review and take longer. Please see www.irs.gov for the most current information.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9334471e7810f34e80f04bb96ed04023", "text": "How long does it take to get a tax refund if you efile? It usually takes 3 to 6 days depending on the day and time you file. for instance, monday before 9am, youll get it between thursday and saturday after 3pm.etween 8-15 days if you select direct deposit into a bank account or about 4 weeks if you choose to receive an IRS check. It will be faster if you select a bank product from … a tax service firm, however these tend to be extremely expensive and you will have to have decent credit to qualify.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4665512c015b72739b042ead8ef60e7f", "text": "- The IRS generally processes e-filed returns within 21 days, but it can take six to eight weeks to process a mailed paper return after the date it is received. You can check on the status of your refund by using the IRS's Where's My Refund? tool.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fccfae1af1d9d7bbed9dcafc12918a46", "text": "FAQ About Money Installment Payments: If you can't pay the full amount you owe on your tax return (or on a notice sent by the IRS), you can use the Installment Agreement Request (Form 9465) to request a monthly installment plan. Generally, you can have up to 60 months to pay. Form 9465 is available during the checkout process.nce your return is accepted, if you chose Direct Deposit, your refund should be deposited into your account in about 2-3 weeks. If you chose to receive a paper check, the IRS needs to print and mail it. In this case your check may take 2-3 weeks longer to arrive.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c7e4e2344deab73c2ff8ac2d670e0547", "text": "How long does it take to get taxes E-filed tax returns with direct deposit – E-file with direct deposit is the fastest way to get your federal tax refund. The IRS states that 9 out of 10 e-filed tax returns with direct deposit will be processed within 21 days of IRS e-file acceptance. Mailed paper returns – Refund processing time is 6 to 8 weeks from the date the IRS receives your tax return.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d1b578b24b6b6a13282ac7bf60cbeb6f", "text": "2016 Tax Refund Schedule: When to Expect Your Refund The IRS will take 10 days to issue a refund on an electronically filed return. The IRS will take four weeks to receive a mailed return and process it into a form in which it can then move on to a similar process for issuing refunds as on e-filed returns. Refund checks will take 10 days to get to you via mail.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e65882a2d64a938e1bacd344242ce206", "text": "The IRS says they mailed your refund check how long should it take to get it then? Paper income tax return mailed to the correct IRS address possibly 6 weeks. If you file a complete accurate tax return, your refund will be issued within six weeks from the …received date. For more information click on the below related link.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "54b73dc2811310c2a9cd3be68dc7231c", "text": "How Long Before I Get My Income Tax Refund? Generally, if you complete an accurate tax return, filed electronically, and requested a EFT (electronic funds transfer) where the refund amount goes directly into your bank account, your refund should be available within three weeks of your return being acknowledged and processed by the IRS.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7c78fa97d79c2fa87464c51002470d18", "text": "How Long Does It Take to Get My IRS Tax Refund? â Status & Tracking If you paper file, it will take three to four weeks for the IRS to process the return and acknowledge your refund. If you e-file, you will get a notice of arrival within 24 hours and confirmation of refund within 72 hours.f you paper file, it will take three to four weeks for the IRS to process the return and acknowledge your refund. If you e-file, you will get a notice of arrival within 24 hours and confirmation of refund within 72 hours.", "title": "" } ]
what are the three types of muscle in the body and what does each one do ?
[ { "docid": "d0fb2b94874e6924a46ad78f078230ff", "text": "- Although you have more than 600 muscles in your body, there are only three types of muscle: smooth, cardiac and skeletal.Each muscle helps to keep you in motion, your heart beating or signal a natural response in your body, such as the ability to keep your eyes focused.lthough you have more than 600 muscles in your body, there are only three types of muscle: smooth, cardiac and skeletal.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "f8612667ff62c1cd62ce88d466fac000", "text": "muscle The three types of muscle: Three types of muscle tissue can be identified histologically: skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle and smooth muscle. The fibres of skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle exhibit cross striations at the light microscope level and they are both referred to as striated muscle.keletal muscle Skeletal muscle constitutes the muscle that is attached to the skeleton and controls motor movements and posture. There are a few instances where this type of muscle is restricted to soft tissues: the tongue, pharynx, diaphragm and upper part of the esophagus.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2224ec863db2a522b86b7c344f808984", "text": "What are three types of muscles in the body and where are they found? There are three types of muscles found in the human body. The muscles found in the body are the visceral, cardiac, and skeletal muscles.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f985e70373739da6fc8abac2e6b966f2", "text": "- Sport and Event Management. The Sport and Event Management major prepares students to plan, manage, and sustain effective, sport and recreation experiences in private, public, and commercial settings.he Sport and Event Management Department hosted a May 7 event to present projects students have worked on throughout the spring 2015 semester.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ce3927b0c40837d3f8878cb2cd33e931", "text": "Learn SiteSKELETONMUSCULARCIRCULATORYRESPIRATORYDIGESTIVELYMPHATICURINARYREPRODUCTIVENERVOUSENDOCRINESkeleton Muscular Circulatory Respiratory Digestive Lymphatic Urinary Reproductive Nervous Endocrine About half of your body’s weight is muscle. Muscle tissue is categorized into three distinct types: skeletal, cardiac, and smooth. Each type of muscle tissue in the human body has a unique structure and a specific role.Skeletal muscle moves bones and other structures. Cardiac muscle contracts the heart to pump blood.The smooth muscle tissue that forms organs like the stomach and bladder changes shape to facilitate bodily functions.ach type of muscle tissue in the human body has a unique structure and a specific role. Skeletal muscle moves bones and other structures. Cardiac muscle contracts the heart to pump blood. The smooth muscle tissue that forms organs like the stomach and bladder changes shape to facilitate bodily functions.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3f3bd781270e0a0f4891f6098eff5b16", "text": "moral Of or concerned with the judgment of right or wrong of human action and character: moral scrutiny; a moral quandary. 2. Teaching or exhibiting goodness or correctness of character and behavior: a moral lesson. 3. Conforming to standards of what is right or just in behavior; virtuous: a moral life.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ddf70db54029a196a613a91a857f2140", "text": "The Three Types of Muscles in Human Body Overview. Although you have more than 600 muscles in your body, there are only three types of muscle: smooth, cardiac and skeletal. Each muscle helps to keep you in motion, your heart beating or signal a natural response in your body, such as the ability to keep your eyes focused.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "83b3ee2e07d1a444dbcfdb2b0947e200", "text": "Ryan Kesler Kesler was born on August 31, 1984, in Livonia, Michigan, to Linda and Mike Kesler. He is the youngest of three children, after brother Todd and sister Jenny. His father, Mike, played college hockey at Colorado College and was a supervisor with the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association for 37 years.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1761b7893f4edff6dcc7dc6903d42fe8", "text": "Human Physiology/Print Version Humans have three different kinds of muscle: 1 Skeletal muscle is attached to bone, mostly in the legs, arms, abdomen, chest, neck, and face. 2 Smooth, or involuntary, muscle is also made of fibers, but this type of muscle looks smooth, not striated. 3 Cardiac muscle is found in the heart.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "977d0d5b4ed870fbc5f0ad2278752c3e", "text": "- There are three types of muscle tissues: skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscles. a. skeletal muscle: multinucleated, striated; attached to bones producing locomotion, general support and posture; producing heat.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b0691d60d89eb1d6946ed6fe20d240c1", "text": "Top 10 Strongest Muscles in The Body Home » More » Lifestyle » Top 10 Strongest Muscles in The Body Top 10 Strongest Muscles in The Body Muscles are the body’s soft fibers that are built mainly by proteins. Muscle tissues is of three types; skeletal, smooth, and cardiac. The skeletal muscles are the ones responsible for body movements done voluntarily. The percentage of skeletal muscles in the body of human male is 40% and females 36%. Smooth muscles are responsible for involuntary movements and are found in bladders, uterus, intestine, the bronchi, vessels, and stomach.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4ada3da847c10c1e0d0578d1c9c757ed", "text": "- Confidence votes 22. The three types of muscles in the body-1)skeletal muscle attached to the skeleton by tendon and its responsible for movement of skeleton and organs.2)Smooth muscle,found in gastrointestinal tract,uterus,blood vessels,urinary bladder.3)Cardiac muscle,found in the heart.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "70dd703b751cfd4f1877328e229f04c1", "text": "- But there are three unique kinds of muscle in any mammal's body: 1 Skeletal muscle is the type of muscle that we can see and feel. 2 When a body builder works out to increase muscle mass, skeletal muscle is what is being exercised. Muscles are the engine that your body uses to propel itself. 2 Although they work differently than a car engine or an electric motor, muscles do the same thing -- they turn energy into motion. 3 It would be impossible for you to do anything without your muscles.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "88d3b77b3c317f1f53e2e8f88e723ce3", "text": "What are the three types of muscles? The three type of muscle fibers are fast-twitch, slow-twitch, and hybrid.he three type of muscle fibers are fast-twitch, slow-twitch, and hybrid.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fe7a685f71e7694cc8ab01348fdbe260", "text": "What are the three types of muscle tissue in the body? The three different types are the skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscles. The cardiac muscles are ONLY found in the heart area, the skeletal is the muscle that moves the bo … nes and the smooth muscle is in most of your main organs.Prachi Tejan.he three different types are the skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscles. The cardiac muscles are ONLY found in the heart area, the skeletal is the muscle that moves the bo … nes and the smooth muscle is in most of your main organs. Prachi Tejan.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "02381b09f96355327f7993b4a9724a6c", "text": "- Three types of muscle. You've got around 650 muscles in your body, and they make up roughly half of your bodyweight. These muscles can be divided into three different groups: skeletal, smooth and cardiac. All of these muscles can stretch and contract, but they perform very different functions. Skeletal muscle. The tissue most commonly thought of as muscle is skeletal muscle. Skeletal muscles cover your skeleton, giving your body its shape.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "14476e42795ca9b035b25bdde44f967d", "text": "muscle Actually, Skeletal muscle in and of itself is a TYPE of muscle. There are three types of muscle. 1.) Skeletal-the muscles that help us move around daily and are under volu … ntary control 2.) Cardiac-the heart muscle basically 3.) Smooth-these muscles are under involuntary nervous control.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8c00dfc478d395689dc23f8ff1c065c5", "text": "Muscular System: Facts, Functions & Diseases Three types of muscles. The muscular system can be broken down into three types of muscles: skeletal, smooth and cardiac, according to the NIH. Skeletal muscles are the only voluntary muscle tissue in the human body and control every action that a person consciously performs.here is no single type of doctor that treats muscular diseases and disorders. Rheumatologists, orthopedists and neurologists may all treat conditions that affect the muscles, according to the American Medical Association.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dff56e5ec5eb2db82de1eaf933c0bc4b", "text": "Learn SiteSKELETONMUSCULARCIRCULATORYRESPIRATORYDIGESTIVELYMPHATICURINARYREPRODUCTIVENERVOUSENDOCRINESkeleton Muscular Circulatory Respiratory Digestive Lymphatic Urinary Reproductive Nervous Endocrine About half of your body’s weight is muscle. In the muscular system, muscle tissue is categorized into three distinct types: skeletal, cardiac, and smooth. Each type of muscle tissue in the human body has a unique structure and a specific role. Skeletal muscle moves bones and other structures. Cardiac muscle contracts the heart to pump blood.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6d642660d99f90004297e42d8f1158f9", "text": "- Although you have more than 600 muscles in your body, there are only three types of muscle: smooth, cardiac and skeletal. Each muscle helps to keep you in motion, your heart beating or signal a natural response in your body, such as the ability to keep your eyes focused.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cf4c9689e4deb142dd40596546ba9e82", "text": "- But the three types of muscle ARE found in the body: Striated (Skeletal), Cardiac (Heart), and Smooth (Flat or sheet muscles that your brain automatically energize. Exampl … e: the muscles that make your food go down your stomach and through the intestines)", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f361cda0d4a3ff39040b3bce5c73f941", "text": "Mitosis/Meiosis The two cells that come from the division of one cell are called daughter cells. odd, but the cells produced by cell division are called daughter cells, even in boys and men.) Each of the daughter cells needs to have a complete set of chromosomes.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dd2a69cd8f01b5ba878efdf14e20941d", "text": "What is the strongest muscle in the human body? There is absolute strength (maximum force), dynamic strength (repeated motions), elastic strength (exert force quickly), and strength endurance (withstand fatigue). There are three types of muscles in the human body: cardiac, smooth and skeletal. Cardiac muscle makes up the wall of the heart and is responsible for the forceful contraction of the heart. Smooth muscles make up the walls of the intestine, the uterus, blood vessels, and internal muscles of the eye.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1c464f35af1c37e83586e4db59b7b507", "text": "Learn SiteSKELETONMUSCULARCIRCULATORYRESPIRATORYDIGESTIVELYMPHATICURINARYREPRODUCTIVENERVOUSENDOCRINESkeleton Muscular Circulatory Respiratory Digestive Lymphatic Urinary Reproductive Nervous Endocrine About half of your body’s weight is muscle. Muscle tissue is categorized into three distinct types: skeletal, cardiac, and smooth. Each type of muscle tissue in the human body has a unique structure and a specific role.Skeletal muscle moves bones and other structures. Cardiac muscle contracts the heart to pump blood.The smooth muscle tissue that forms organs like the stomach and bladder changes shape to facilitate bodily functions. Here are more details about the structure and function of each type of muscle tissue in the human body. 1.ardiac muscle contracts the heart to pump blood. The smooth muscle tissue that forms organs like the stomach and bladder changes shape to facilitate bodily functions. Here are more details about the structure and function of each type of muscle tissue in the human body. 1.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "49fd91827fcf2a1c0c023f7be6040743", "text": "Anatomy & Physiology The muscular system allows us to move. Adults have a certain fixed number of muscle cells, approximately 602. . Through exercise, such as weight lifting, the cells enlarge but the number of cells does not increase. Structure and Function. There are three types of muscle tissue— smooth, skeletal, and cardiac.Each has its own distinctive function, and therefore, its own distinctive structure, but all muscles allow movement of some kind. Skeletal Muscle. Skeletal muscle is called voluntary because you can control this type of muscle.You can voluntarily choose to move them. These muscles attach to bones, move the skeleton, and are found in the arms, legs, neck, or anywhere you can voluntarily move a body part.he muscular system allows us to move. Adults have a certain fixed number of muscle cells, approximately 602. . Through exercise, such as weight lifting, the cells enlarge but the number of cells does not increase. Structure and Function. There are three types of muscle tissue— smooth, skeletal, and cardiac.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d4725d9a9dcc70da2d6d75465ce48a8d", "text": "- It forms all of the skeletal muscles, such as the biceps brachii and gluteus maximus, and is found in the eyes, throat, diaphragm, and anus.... Click to read more below. Muscle tissue, one of the four major tissue types, plays the vital role of providing movement and heat generation to the organs of the body.Within muscle tissue are three distinct groups of tissues: skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, and smooth muscle.lick to read more below. Muscle tissue, one of the four major tissue types, plays the vital role of providing movement and heat generation to the organs of the body. Within muscle tissue are three distinct groups of tissues: skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, and smooth muscle.", "title": "" } ]
what are belt drives used for
[ { "docid": "83f2afe7e96c7d2379e5d123ed534463", "text": "Serpentine belt A drive belt drives the accessories installed on your engine such as the alternator, power steering pump, water pump and the air conditioner compressor. Most modern cars have one or two drive belts. Although it's made of a very durable rubber-based material, the drive belt still wears over time.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "6c030294ca47c9f27ac2aac982b236ca", "text": "Belt sander Belt sanders can have a very aggressive action on wood and are normally used only for the beginning stages of the sanding process, or used to rapidly remove material.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b92fa33fd499bd98a741b9a48040baab", "text": "When a drive belt should be replaced in your car? It is also a good idea to replace an old drive belt when an alternator or any other component driven by the drive belt is replaced, or when you prepare your car for a long road trip. To work properly, a drive belt must be under proper tension.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "08a4740420b77c46a6510739fafd3267", "text": "THE INDUSTRIAL WIKI Talk Page. Belt drives for power transmission are classed as frictional drives. The belt transmits power by friction contact between the belt and the driving and driven sheave. Power transmission belts are available in several types: flat belts, V-belts, synchronous belts, and multi-ribbed belts.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "997f17ab1e2cd14845b12d8067bba0b6", "text": "Serpentine Belt The belt transmits power from the crankshaft or engine to all front end accessory components. Belts are still one of the most efficient ways to transmit power. Drives many components in your engine. Primary function supplies power to the steering system, water pump, air conditioner and alternator. How is it Made? Serpentine belts are made of EPDM, an extremely durable compound used to extend the life of serpentine belts. Why Does it Fail? Belts are standard wear items and should be inspected at roughly 50,000-70,000 miles.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b2d70f9470e678b763f7fca0436248eb", "text": "- DC to a variable frequency AC output. 10. List the applications of variable frequency drive control for motors operating on pumps and fans. • For avoiding throttling with pumps & fans • To meet variable head requirement during cycle of operation • To meet intermittent variations in requirement of flow/head 11.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c364d5d63735e7a77989ecaccb1bdd39", "text": "- The drive belt on a mower what transfers the power from the engine to the gear case and then to drive the wheels. If the drive on your mower doesn't work or stops under a load, the belt could be the problem. Most owners can replace the drive belt without any expensive or special tools.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cb2b8acbbd19d416453b458ce01b71cb", "text": "Adjustable-speed drive DC drives are DC motor speed control systems. Since the speed of a DC motor is directly proportional to armature voltage and inversely proportional to motor flux (which is a function of field current), either armature voltage or field current can be used to control speed.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b45c82b5d9e43687df2883d17b92fa7a", "text": "- There are a few different ways to adjust the drive belt or V-belt tension in a vehicle. The most popular used nowadays is a serpentine belt that connects to and activates ever … y pulley in the engine. These serpentine belts require no tension adjustment as they incorporate an automatic belt tensioner.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "011185bdcab444ff294b276374de2250", "text": "- the most common cause of sore throat is viral infection there are a variety of viruses that cause sore throats rhinovirus measles influenza and other viruses are sources of pharyngitis bacteria can also cause inflammation in the throatsome types of bacterial infection are extremely dangerous such as diphtheria oral thrush can also create an inflammation in the throat symptoms of the sore throat the most common symptoms of sore throats include a red and swollen throathe most common cause of sore throat is viral infection there are a variety of viruses that cause sore throats rhinovirus measles influenza and other viruses are sources of pharyngitis bacteria can also cause inflammation in the throat", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f5c825dd194440e2e9ca46f9fa6be350", "text": "PRESSURE WASHING WITH Brian Belt Drive vs Direct Drive. Working with pressure washers on a daily basis, I come across the belt drive vs direct drive quite a lot. A belt driven pressure washer is definitely higher quality and more reliable than a direct driven pressure washer. The reason they are better is that there is less heat transfer from the engine to the pump resulting in less wear and tear on the pump's seals. Heat is the number-one killer of seals in a pump.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "012a7a1b9693c9109f227aeb090693c8", "text": "Z-drive The Z-drive is so named because of the appearance (in cross section) of the mechanical driveshaft or transmission configuration used to connect the mechanically supplied driving energy to the Z-Drive azimuth thruster device.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ea057332ae822d49b2ae8ff25051c919", "text": "Variable-frequency drive A variable-frequency drive (VFD) (also termed adjustable-frequency drive, variable-speed drive, AC drive, micro drive or inverter drive) is a type of adjustable-speed drive used in electro-mechanical drive systems to control AC motor speed and torque by varying motor input frequency and voltage. variable-frequency drive is a device used in a drive system consisting of the following three main sub-systems: AC motor, main drive controller assembly, and drive/operator interface.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a2b9fb45784f92fb101b0617eb74e912", "text": "Variable-frequency drive A variable-frequency drive (VFD) (also termed adjustable-frequency drive, variable speed drive, AC drive, micro drive or inverter drive) is a type of adjustable-speed drive used in electro-mechanical drive systems to control AC motor speed and torque by varying motor input frequency and voltage.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ebddb9d5ad5bd8f09e21a607d5e89c27", "text": "How to Use It is not unpleasant in fact most people like the feeling. The user has the ability to increase or decrease the intensity of the output. How to Use. The user selects the hand cylinders, foot plates or stick on electrodes. The user goes to the main menu, selects a health condition they want to treat and then presses RUN.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "283c9ca87bb2669ea9f671442e0215de", "text": "- V-belt tension clutch is used for small power tillers. The main functions of clutch in a power tiller are: (i) to transmit engine power to transmission gears and. (ii) to make power transmission gradual and smooth. Transmission gears: Transmission box consists of gears, shafts and bearings.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "63d53581d31da7335dcec5db5ca37062", "text": "CF-25 Chain and Lug Drive- Chain and Lug drive system ensures a square case is formed and eliminates box stalling and slipping seen in side-belt machines . Quick/Easy Changeover- Load-on-the-fly/easy load hopper ensure case loading and changeover are simple and efficient.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "39eb18badc71abb3308af2c8b33e0dc3", "text": "belt pulley Definition of belt pulley. : a pulley designed to drive or be driven by a belt.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e130df665c4e8625522712972157005c", "text": "Adjustable-speed drive Adjustable-speed drive. Line regenerative variable frequency drives, showing capacitors (top cylinders) and inductors attached which filter the regenerated power. Adjustable speed drive (ASD) or variable-speed drive (VSD) describes equipment used to control the speed of machinery. Many industrial processes such as assembly lines must operate at different speeds for different products.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6a72156c06e003e33aaf0cad8b13f324", "text": "Idler-wheel Friction drive. An idler-wheel may be used as part of a friction drive mechanism, as in a phonograph, or as a belt tensioner in a belt drive system. Idler gear. Gears in a machine. The middle, medium-sized gear is an idler gear.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3d697c124ff5ef856ad366fd6637718f", "text": "- Surplus New and Used V-Belt Pulleys and Sheaves available from Margot Stores. V-belt pulleys and sheaves have one or more grooves and are designed to be used with v-belts, ropes or chain in general-purpose transmission applications. Quality Surplus New & Used Industrial Parts and Components", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b929515817d95c2808eb19715548ac44", "text": "The Keys to âVictoryâ in V-belt Maintenance Volumes of V-Belts. There are more than a few belt-driven electric motors in use today: Approximately one-third of the electric motors in the industrial and commercial sectors use belt drives.1 And V-belts are powerful tools. Belt drives provide flexibility in the positioning of the motor relative to the load.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "46c6ef43abe03f6d19834624b6ef299c", "text": "Variable-frequency drive A variable-frequency drive (VFD) (also termed adjustable-frequency drive, variable-speed drive, AC drive, micro drive or inverter drive) is a type of adjustable-speed drive used in electro-mechanical drive systems to control AC motor speed and torque by varying motor input frequency and voltage.n the United States, an estimated 60-65% of electrical energy is used to supply motors, 75% of which are variable-torque fan, pump, and compressor loads. Eighteen percent of the energy used in the 40 million motors in the U.S. could be saved by efficient energy improvement technologies such as VFDs.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8f3434543aa21a9dd79e5d5332eccccb", "text": "Why does Harley Davidson use a belt drive? Answer Wiki. The reason Harley Davidson uses a belt drive is the same any company chooses to use one: It reduces maintenance for their customers. Chain drive takes a lot of customer maintenance, oiling (300–500 miles), cleaning(300–500 miles), check tensioning(3,000–6000 miles).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f15749c9cec0bc31e62ef15ac8f679c8", "text": "How many miles does a serpentine belt last? A serpentine belt is a single belt used to drive the pulleys on the alternator, water pump, air conditioning compressor and power steering pump. It is called a serpentine belt because it snakes through and grips each different pulley so that only one belt is required.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "502ed8fa8763059c52dd34ed10b2f3b4", "text": "THE INDUSTRIAL WIKI Chain drives consist of an endless series of chain links that mesh with toothed sprockets. Chain sprockets are locked to the shafts of the driver and driven machinery. Chain drives represent a form of flexible gearing. The chain acts like an endless gear rack, while the sprockets are similar to pinion gears. Chain drives provide a positive form of power transmission. The links of the chain mesh with the teeth of the sprockets and this action maintains a positive speed ratio between the driver and driven sprockets.", "title": "" } ]
what causes curved fingers
[ { "docid": "d39a9497debd8b931088be5dcc732f08", "text": "Clinodactyly Clinodactyly means that your child has an abnormally bent or curved finger. It is typically caused by abnormal growth and development of the small bones of the finger. It is estimated to affect about 10 percent of the general population to varying degrees. Clinodactyly can be an inherited condition and may present as a part of an associated syndrome. A significant percentage of people with Down syndrome, for example, have clinodactyly. The exact incidence of this condition is unknown, in part because there is no precise definition of what level of curvature is normal and abnormal. It tends to be present more commonly in boys and usually affects the small finger; it is unusual to have it on both hands. Learn more about the symptoms and causes of clinodactyly. The Hand and Orthopedic Upper Extremity Program", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "c75055aa30b5c13f1ec3168f65df45b8", "text": "Curved fingernails Curved fingernails, Red or black spots on fingernails, Upward curving (spooning) of nails. Cold feet, Cracks at corner of mouth, Curved fingernails, Damaged teeth enamel. Curved fingernails, Joint pain, Morning joint stiffness, Pain or discomfort. Anxiety, Bruising or discoloration, Color change, Curved fingernails.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0bd5672142933a61f4fdac6d5bfb8b2a", "text": "Causes Causes. A condition in which the hand is deformed by diseased palmar tissue, Dupuytren’s disease causes the fingers to bend towards the palm. In the early stages, a person with this disease may find a small nodule in the palm, usually found where the ring finger and small finger meet.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f429642d261062b15f2e662e81b3d58c", "text": "Common Causes of Finger Stiffness Important and common causes of this loss in mobility include Dupuytren's contracture, arthritis, locked trigger finger, and various injuries. Fortunately, there are treatments available for these conditions. The following article describes the common causes and treatment options for finger stiffness.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6cef2a3bd8d518450df4cc5930151c12", "text": "- Q: I have strong muscle cramps that curl my fingers into a claw shape. A: What you describe sounds like carpal spasm. Spasms, or cramps, are involuntary muscle contractions. The most common causes of spasms are overused muscles (in the hands that might be due to writing or typing) and dehydration. Other causes of muscle cramping include low levels of calcium and magnesium.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d3104afd669b4689a8cd92677e04a5dd", "text": "Finger Numbness Carpal tunnel syndrome affects the median nerve in the arm, but ulnar nerve entrapment affects the ulnar nerve that runs on the little finger’s side of the arm. This most commonly causes numbness in the pinkie and ring fingers. Less common causes of finger numbness can include: alcohol use disorder; amyloidosis; ganglion cyst; Guillain-Barré syndrome; HIV", "title": "" }, { "docid": "eab1e9e2bbee152c0fc08d1951c5a56b", "text": "- Common causes of finger pain include injury or trauma, such as bending your finger backward (hyperextension) or from repetitive use, such as long periods of keyboarding. More serious conditions, such as diabetes or a neck or spinal cord injury, can also cause pain or a burning sensation in your fingers.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ecbb8689df97b5fc4d40cfb1f1d99f5c", "text": "- Possible Causes. 1 Carpel Tunnel Syndrome – If you have carpel tunnel syndrome, there is a nerve that is nicked in your wrist that passes through your carpel tunnel. 2 This is commonly done to help relieve pressure associated with the median nerve. 3 In doing so, it often leads to twitching of the thumb or index finger.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9c261dfc490fa93489af2bf9614e8a33", "text": "Anatomy Flexor Tendon Injuries. A deep cut on the palm side of your fingers, hand, wrist, or forearm can damage your flexor tendons, which are the tissues that help control movement in your hand. A flexor tendon injury can make it impossible to bend your fingers or thumb.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "413907f52e8653644714af24d34e1465", "text": "What are the Most Common Causes of Swelling Fingers? Some of the most common causes of swelling fingers include arthritis, fluid retention, and pregnancy. In addition, finger edema can be caused by cardiac problems, abnormal kidney function, and allergies.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8f1ba02446b3bcc6eb0a6ae60d677b56", "text": "Common Causes of Finger Stiffness Trigger Finger (Stenosing Tenosynovitis) Trigger finger, or stenosing tenosynovitis, is a common condition and can cause a stiff finger. In a normal finger, there is a 'tunnel' made up of a system of pulleys throughout the finger, which the tendon glides through.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cc682afc8e822cd41959ed20e92f7233", "text": "Finger Injuries and Disorders Tendinitis - irritation of the tendons. Dupuytren's contracture - a hereditary thickening of the tough tissue that lies just below the skin of your palm. It causes the fingers to stiffen and bend. Trigger finger - an irritation of the sheath that surrounds the flexor tendons. It can cause the tendon to catch and release like a trigger.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0dbe7f7c0956b139a698e2a73c8eb082", "text": "- Wrist, Hand, or Finger Contracture. A contracture is the shortening of certain tendons, muscles or other connective tissues causing loss of full extension of the affected joints. A wrist contracture can be caused by scar tissue forming adhesions in and around the joint, which can lead to restricted movement and limited extension of the wrist.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d460b364ab7dacecfec84f45b2426979", "text": "- Medical conditions that affect the nerves, muscles, or bones can also cause finger pain. For example, osteoarthritis causes the breakdown of cartilage, which is a tissue that cushions bones at joints. This breakdown causes bones to rub together and triggers pain and stiffness. In the hands, osteoarthritis can affect the joints at the base of the thumb, in the middle of the finger, and near the nail bed. Other conditions that can cause finger pain include: 1 rheumatoid arthritis. 2 osteoporosis. 3 muscular dystrophy. 4 multiple sclerosis. 5 carpal tunnel syndrome. 6 boils. 7 nodules.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5d4fd84499d1234f2f820a106102b3e1", "text": "Ulnar deviation Ulnar deviation, also known as ulnar drift, is a hand deformity in which the swelling of the metacarpophalangeal joints (the big knuckles at the base of the fingers) causes the fingers to become displaced, tending towards the little finger.or ulnar deviation as a type of hand movement, see Ulnar deviation under Anatomical terms of location.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b3c883093b68fce1103de84a2eece22e", "text": "Top 40 Doctor insights on: Bent Fingers Causes 25-f, frequent blood vessel ruptures turning on a water faucet, swatting a fly on leg, just bent finger sudden burning pain purple under skin, causes? Dr. Geoffrey Tyson Dr. Tyson Many possibilities: The symptoms you describe suggest a significant problem with your blood's clotting mechanisms.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f787bf1f63efee5f230f0334d68c77f3", "text": "Finger, Hand, and Wrist Problems, Noninjury But there are many other causes of finger, hand, or wrist problems. 1 Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by pressure on a nerve (median nerve) in the wrist. 2 The symptoms include tingling, numbness, weakness, or pain of the fingers and hand.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7d10360070b4d6ff4264cfd23dc49bcf", "text": "- Repeated and increasingly prolonged depletion of blood flow to the fingers can cause ulcers in the skin and tissue death (also called necrosis, see Figure 3). The other cause of cold hand or fingers is vaso-occlusion, which happens when one or more of the blood vessels in the hand or wrist become blocked. Raynaud’s Disease and Raynaud’s Phenomenon. There are many specific diseases of blood vessels that can cause vasoconstriction and vaso-occlusion.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "688d3d8c78809ac79b614a2bbe06c407", "text": "- Here are a few reasons for causes of cramps in hands and fingers, Prolonged activities involving the hands and the fingers like typing, playing an instrument or doing needle work are associated with hand or finger cramps.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a79552b52934c28ad0ba1987cecd9793", "text": "- Common causes of finger pain include injury or trauma, such as bending your finger backward (hyperextension) or from repetitive use, such as long periods of keyboarding. More serious conditions, such as diabetes or a neck or spinal cord injury, can also cause pain or a burning sensation in your fingers. Sore joints in the fingers may be caused by arthritis, inflammation, and age-related wear and tear.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d91ea895abb21afed46cfd8041a2cbab", "text": "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Itchy Swollen Finger Get help from a doctor now ›. Xerosis or Reynaud's: The cold weather and low humidity removes the moisture barrier from the skin, causing substances to penetrate and cause irritation. Cold weather also may cause vasospsm in the fingers, reducing blood flow, which may result in the same dysfunction.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cb6540634799c26ded421ffed8e84ee4", "text": "Abnormally curved ends of fingernails 1 Abnormally curved ends of fingernails and Abnormal toenail size (7 causes). 2 Abnormally curved ends of fingernails and Abnormally curved ends of nails (7 causes). 3 Abnormally curved ends of fingernails and Abnormally curved ends of toenails (7 causes). Abnormally curved ends of fingernails and Abnormally curved ends of toenails (7 causes). 2 Abnormally curved ends of fingernails and Abnormal fingernail shape (6 causes). 3 Abnormally curved ends of fingernails and Abnormal fingernail shape in adults (6 causes).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "32425abad3de8665c501feedbc3c00e1", "text": "Ulnar Tunnel Syndrome - Topic Overview Topic Overview. Ulnar tunnel syndrome is caused by pressure on the ulnar nerve at the wrist. This nerve is found on the pinkie-finger side of the wrist. Overuse or repetitive use of your hands or wrist may cause swelling or thickening of the tissues close to the ulnar nerve. Swelling from a ganglion can also affect the ulnar nerve.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "071865a4a4e8aec44bf4fa491792eaa9", "text": "Volkmannâs Ischemic Contracture Volkmann contracture is a deformity of the hand, fingers, and wrist caused by injury to the muscles of the forearm.his usually occurs when there is increased pressure due to swelling, a condition called compartment syndrome. Injury to the arm, including a crush injury or fracture, can lead to swelling that presses on blood vessels and can decrease blood flow to the arm.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "83b31bd9b31255dd1daaefc7b5dfb223", "text": "Curved fingernails, Upward curving (spooning) of nails and Visible deformity WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms curved fingernails, upward curving (spooning) of nails and visible deformity including Dislocated finger, Anemia, iron deficiency, and Osteoarthritis.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d6c8bd17b128dbed16b2e066eb10303c", "text": "Hand Pain: Symptoms & Signs Certain conditions such as diabetes can cause damage to the nerves, resulting in pain, numbness, or tingling of the arms and legs. This phenomenon, known as peripheral neuropathy, can also sometimes cause finger pain. Infection of the skin or other tissues of the finger is a less common cause of finger pain. Carpal tunnel syndrome initially causes numbness and tingling in the hand, but as it progresses, it may cause cramping or burning in the fingers. Medically Reviewed by a Doctor on 2/2/2015.", "title": "" } ]
what does shingles look like when it starts
[ { "docid": "ef67a30944dfdf7208206fe61b8ad943", "text": "Overview Definition. Shingles is a viral infection that causes a painful rash. Although shingles can occur anywhere on your body, it most often appears as a single stripe of blisters that wraps around either the left or the right side of your torso. Shingles is caused by the varicella-zoster virus — the same virus that causes chickenpox. After you've had chickenpox, the virus lies inactive in nerve tissue near your spinal cord and brain. Years later, the virus may reactivate as shingles. While it isn't a life-threatening condition, shingles can be very painful.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "71bfd8ccbb64b48bb1dbb488d4506e00", "text": "Shingles (Herpes Zoster) The painful rash may be in the area of your ear or eye. When shingles occurs on the head or scalp, symptoms can include headaches and weakness of one side of the face, which causes that side of the face to look droopy. The symptoms usually go away eventually, but it may take many months.he painful rash may be in the area of your ear or eye. When shingles occurs on the head or scalp, symptoms can include headaches and weakness of one side of the face, which causes that side of the face to look droopy. The symptoms usually go away eventually, but it may take many months.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5824e59b4b5d50274fb77003ecd9c5f1", "text": "10 Signs & Symptoms of Shingles 10 Signs & Symptoms of Shingles. By: RMshingles on March 29, 2015. Shingles is a very common disease that often affects adults over the ago of 50 years old. Routed by the Varicella-Zoster virus, the illness typically starts in the form of chicken pox as a child, then redevelops as an adult in the form of the shingles virus. How fun, to have the same virus making your sick not once, but twice in your lifetime, right?", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fcb572d4beb947faaa72b0294ba05059", "text": "Shingles Shingles usually affects a specific area on one side of the body and does not cross over the midline of the body (an imaginary line running from between your eyes down past the belly button). The main symptom is a painful rash that develops into itchy blisters that contain particles of the virus. An episode of shingles typically lasts around two to four weeks, although around one in five people go on to develop nerve pain called postherpetic neuralgia in the affected area of skin. Read more about the symptoms of shingles.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "93e64393f35530f4d434ed8737a3c14f", "text": "What Is Shingles and What Causes It? Shingles is a rash with shooting pain. It usually shows up on just one side of your body. If you start to feel tingly and itchy on one side of your torso and then notice a rash, call your doctor. She can examine you and figure out whether you have shingles. Double the Trouble. The virus that gets the blame for both conditions is varicella zoster.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3bfff4cd10d8ff995067b86b9e70af78", "text": "- (neɪm) n. 1. a word or term by which a person or thing is commonly and distinctively known. 2. mere outward appearance or form as opposed to fact (esp in the phrase in name): he was a ruler in name only. 3. a word, title, or phrase descriptive of character, usually abusive or derogatory: to call a person names. 4. reputation, esp, if unspecified, good reputation: he's made quite a name for himself. 5. a. a famous person or thing: a name in the advertising world.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1f8591d84cd4005e5414ed99f9cb56ef", "text": "Shingles Even after the chickenpox infection is over, the virus may live in your nervous system for years before reactivating as shingles. Shingles may also be referred to as herpes zoster. This type of viral infection is characterized by a red skin rash that can cause pain and burning. Shingles usually appears as a stripe of blisters on one side of the body, typically on the torso, neck, or face. Most cases of shingles clear up within two to three weeks.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a3565f3a8203d6738d2736dc85f8b58d", "text": "- The shingles rash appears as painful skin blisters that appear on only one side of the face or body along the distribution of nerves on the skin. Typically, the rash occurs along your chest, back, abdomen, or face, but it may also affect other parts of the body like the limbs, neck, or lower back.he characteristic rash of shingles rash starts as small blisters on a red base. New blisters continue to form for three to five days. The blisters appear along the path of individual nerves in a specific ray-like distribution (called a dermatomal pattern) and appear in a band-like pattern over an area of skin.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2f8e053fc2c2d0036991e2b942c3c50e", "text": "- The shingles rash appears as painful skin blisters that appear on only one side of the face or body along the distribution of nerves on the skin. Typically, the rash occurs along your chest, back, abdomen, or face, but it may also affect other parts of the body like the limbs, neck, or lower back.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4775ca5f60a5a6e9afbdd92ed09786c2", "text": "Senior shingles patients unlikely to have recurrence of painful skin condition When shingles first begins, early signs and symptoms may consist of burning, itching, or stinging of the skin. The skin may feel sensitive, and it may even cause pain as well, which will occur days prior to the presence and development of the rash. Other symptoms of shingles include headache, fever and chills, nausea, body aches, and swollen lymph glands. Shingles rash may begin small and appear similar to that of blisters.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0a2a7e2dc1ae438e300ea1116a631761", "text": "Shingles In a few days, these bumps turn into blisters. You might feel a stinging or burning pain. The rash may wrap around your back and chest, or it may be on one side of your face. The blisters usually crust over and fall off after 7 to 10 days. You may see changes in the color of your skin when the scabs fall off.In bad cases of shingles, these color changes last forever. Even though the rash gets better or goes away in a few weeks, the pain may last longer.In most people, the pain goes away in 1 to 3 months. Shingles can also affect your eyes, causing swollen eyelids, redness and pain. Shingles of the eye can cause scars that affect your vision.It can also lead to glaucoma later in life.n a few days, these bumps turn into blisters. You might feel a stinging or burning pain. The rash may wrap around your back and chest, or it may be on one side of your face. The blisters usually crust over and fall off after 7 to 10 days. You may see changes in the color of your skin when the scabs fall off.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "400903501f0c41726daae6f92fa2ccc3", "text": "- Shingles (herpes zoster) occurs when the dormant chickenpox virus (varicella-zoster) is reactivated in your nerve tissues. Early signs of shingles include tingling and localized pain.Most, but not all, people with shingles develop a blistering rash.Typically, the shingles rash lasts two to four weeks, and most people make a complete recovery. Doctors are often able to quickly diagnose shingles from the appearance of the rash.hingles (herpes zoster) occurs when the dormant chickenpox virus (varicella-zoster) is reactivated in your nerve tissues. Early signs of shingles include tingling and localized pain.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0376da7447c7138c456d5cd554a64d4f", "text": "- Shingles is a painful skin rash, often with blisters. It is also called Herpes Zoster, or just Zoster. A shingles rash usually appears on one side of the face or body and lasts from 2 to 4 weeks. Its main sym... Read the The Shingles Vaccine article 1 ». « Previous.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "27a4f085774a1ece9f64cb948cdf2c7a", "text": "- The shingles rash appears as painful skin blisters that appear on only one side of the face or body along the distribution of nerves on the skin. Typically, the rash occurs along your chest, back, abdomen, or face, but it may also affect other parts of the body like the limbs, neck, or lower back.hingles Symptoms: Before the Rash. The pain of shingles may develop even when there is no rash. The patient may notice several days to a week of burning pain and sensitive skin before the rash appears. In these cases it may be difficult to determine the cause of the often severe pain.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6c6617f7e9e2b6932ca34dfb2351b121", "text": "Shingles Usually, shingles develops only on one side of the body or face and in a small area rather than all over. The most common place for shingles is a band that goes around one side of your waistline. Most people have some of the following shingles symptoms: 1 Burning, tingling, or numbness of the skin. 2 Feeling sick—chills, fever, upset stomach, or headache.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "be48ea8e28b4e0af1faef890cf2af25f", "text": "- Here are the 10 warning signs of shingles: One of the first symptoms of shingles is a sudden tingling feeling or numbness. At first, the feeling will come and go and is usually isolated to under the arms, around the breast plate and even on the face.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "349b53c89eb5a80dccc8da579e9a7996", "text": "Shingles Symptoms of shingles. Shingles symptoms appear in stages. Initial signs of infection are usually burning, stabbing, or tingling pain; skin sensitivity; or itching across a band of skin, generally on one side of the body. Some people have symptoms of a viral infection, like headache, fever, chills, fatigue, or nausea. A couple days to two weeks later, a red rash of round pocks erupts on the skin’s surface where the pain and itching occurred. Soon after, those dots become fluid-filled blisters that ooze.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dfa14af9edd62b5df1091db5a30c9f7b", "text": "Overview The signs and symptoms of shingles usually affect only a small section of one side of your body. Pain is usually the first symptom of shingles. For some, it can be intense. Depending on the location of the pain, it can sometimes be mistaken for a symptom of problems affecting the heart, lungs or kidneys. Some people experience shingles pain without ever developing the rash. Most commonly, the shingles rash develops as a stripe of blisters that wraps around either the left or right side of your torso. Sometimes the shingles rash occurs around one eye or on one side of the neck or face.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "48d7341c8fdf0c3c35fdc15b1d8177ff", "text": "Overview Shingles is a viral infection that causes a painful rash. Although shingles can occur anywhere on your body, it most often appears as a single stripe of blisters that wraps around either the left or the right side of your torso. Shingles is caused by the varicella-zoster virus — the same virus that causes chickenpox.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ae5058a57fe31d7057e3ce77d4a74c77", "text": "- 1/19/2010 9:46 AM. I love Haro, in fact I used to work for them in SoCal. From the inside out I can tell you the bikes are built to a standard second to none in the industry. Some years the spec wasnt up to par but it seems they've overcome those problems in recent years and I think the bikes unmatched.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ffe0b4f172e5ebcb056798fa89ab2c2a", "text": "HERPES ZOSTER RASH, SHINGLES PAIN HERPES ZOSTER RASH, SHINGLES PAIN. Shingles pain starts 4 days before the rash appears. The pain will be in one limb or on one side of the trunk (chest or abdomen.) I have never seen it on two sides at once, but see dermnetnz.org, where you can see good pictures as well.ERPES ZOSTER RASH, SHINGLES PAIN. Shingles pain starts 4 days before the rash appears. The pain will be in one limb or on one side of the trunk (chest or abdomen.) I have never seen it on two sides at once, but see dermnetnz.org, where you can see good pictures as well.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ff6773401e04f543d0bbcb7e1892a23f", "text": "What Does Shingles Look Like? Early symptoms of shingles may include fever and general weakness. You may also feel areas of pain, burning, or a tingling sensation. A few days later, the first signs of rash appear. You may begin to notice pink or red blotchy patches on one side of your body. These patches cluster along nerve pathways.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "26407981f6ddca041eb5b99dee19d614", "text": "What Does Shingles Look Like? Shingles (herpes zoster) occurs when the dormant chickenpox virus (varicella-zoster) is reactivated in your nerve tissues. Early signs of shingles include tingling and localized pain.Most, but not all, people with shingles develop a blistering rash.arly symptoms of shingles may include fever and general weakness. You may also feel areas of pain, burning, or a tingling sensation. A few days later, the first signs of rash appear. You may begin to notice pink or red blotchy patches on one side of your body. These patches cluster along nerve pathways.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4df9e1d6b003f14ea9d63d7fbf1ef5dc", "text": "Shingles Shingles may also be referred to as herpes zoster. This type of viral infection is characterized by a red skin rash that can cause pain and burning. Shingles usually appears as a stripe of blisters on one side of the body, typically on the torso, neck, or face. Most cases of shingles clear up within two to three weeks.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c0226bfb8c3e75d45807cc30eca614b6", "text": "Overview Pain is usually the first symptom of shingles. For some, it can be intense. Depending on the location of the pain, it can sometimes be mistaken for a symptom of problems affecting the heart, lungs or kidneys. Some people experience shingles pain without ever developing the rash.Most commonly, the shingles rash develops as a stripe of blisters that wraps around either the left or right side of your torso. Sometimes the shingles rash occurs around one eye or on one side of the neck or face.hen to see a doctor. Contact your doctor promptly if you suspect shingles, but especially in the following situations: 1 The pain and rash occur near an eye. 2 If left untreated, this infection can lead to permanent eye damage.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "137d9d4292e4cdc2f95279ccae2e93b4", "text": "Shingles Shingles follows a pattern: 1 The first sign is often burning or tingling pain; sometimes, it includes numbness or itching on one side of the body. 2 Somewhere between 1 and 5 days after the tingling or burning feeling on the skin, a red rash will appear. A few days later, the rash will turn into fluid-filled blisters.", "title": "" } ]
what engine is in maybach
[ { "docid": "9d855b2b0e3ce5075a6eda2907562e2e", "text": "Panther Tank Maybach engine test This feature is not available right now. Please try again later. This is the first post-rebuild engine test of a 1400 cubic inch Maybach V-12 that spent 45 years submerged in a Polish river. After further testing this engine will be re-installed in the same Panther tank it was submerged inside of. Engine restoration crew: Jacques Littlefield, Greg Taylor, Bill Nahmens, Keith Boles, Dave Marian and Jason Pietz.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "e8c007b4a0024684af0faf1575de5cef", "text": "- List of Volkswagen Group petrol engines. The spark-ignition petrol engines listed below are currently used by various marques of automobiles and commercial vehicles of the German automotive concern, Volkswagen Group, and also in Volkswagen Industrial Motor applications.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "77eb77aa3c6badff83120317ca5dbd01", "text": "- As can be seen by the list above, the W72 was much more than just a twenty horsepower increase over the standard 6.6 litre engine. While it was installed in the Can Am in 1977 only, the W72 was available in Firebird models for 1977, 1978 and 1979.ow for the engine codes. The minor problem in this area is that the same codes are used for the base 6.6 litre engine and the W72, but if the codes are correct for a W72 and the VIN excerpt matches, chances are that it is the original engine.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dc6b76708fda2c624e7a37cac0782c6a", "text": "Maybach Maybach SW 42, 1939. Maybach Motorenbau (German pronun­cia­tion: [ˈmaɪ.bax]) was a German car manufacturer. The company was founded in 1909 by Wilhelm Maybach and his son, originally a subsidiary of Luftschiffbau Zeppelin GmbH and was itself known as Luftfahrzeug-Motorenbau GmbH until 1912.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3a46ab7bf20afd5fe8b6fdec1b081b98", "text": "- for ford 7.3l powerstroke diesel. · For Ford Trucks, Vans Using the 7.3L Powerstroke Diesel Engine. 17578N NEW MITSUBISHI PLGR STARTER. Ford E-350 Econoline 2000-1995 V8 7.3L 445 CID DIESEL.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7b4200c8b1c62631915fecdf1b9fcf18", "text": "Used Audi Engines GET AN INSTANT, FREE ENGINE PRICE QUOTE TODAY! Take a look at our list and youll see we carry everything from the 100, 200 and 4000, to the Quattro S6, TT and Allroad Audi models. Audi engines range from four to eight cylinders (including five cylinders) and from 1.8 liters to 8 liters, depending on the model.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "051f5d7625f111287175751804c5333d", "text": "- Instructions. Determine which fuel injector your Subaru Outback will need. This depends not only on the make and model, but also the engine size. Models made from 1995 to 1999 can have a 2.2L H4 or 2.5L H4 engine.A 2.5L H4 or 3.0L H6 engine is available on 2000 to 2004 models.emove the air cleaner case with a socket wrench if you are removing the right side fuel injectors. Remove the battery and alternator fuel harness from the left side fuel line cover if you are removing the left side fuel injectors.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "22d557992f33265aaff7fd6ae973918b", "text": "- A grand old car company initial founded by Wilhelm Maybach in 1920 (Maybach himself was one of the founding engineers of Diamler Benz). The original company produced ultira luzury sedans in Germany until it went bankrupt in 1937, at which point it began building airplane engines for the Nazi war machine.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "23905535bfd5941306bb633033330dc3", "text": "- Fast-Follower No More–with its Gasoline Direct Compression Ignition GDCI Engine, Hyundai joins the leaders of the tech race. Some thoughts on why Hyundai's take on the GM/VW HCCI and Mercedes DiesOtto engine concepts may actually work. Some thoughts on why Hyundai's take on the GM/VW HCCI and Mercedes DiesOtto engine concepts may actually work.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "233885169d54a70349d8b18186389dba", "text": "- The Caterpillar 3406B engine's specifications include a 6-cylinder, 14.6-liter, 6.5-stroke diesel engine that pushes 350 horsepower with the help of a turbo. It displaces 893 cubic inches and features a piston bore diameter of 5.400 inches that operates at 1,800 revolutions per minute.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "af73d2da814229f03b66fad94b06402d", "text": "Hot Water Burn Prevention & Consumer Safety Most adults will suffer third-degree burns if exposed to 150 degree water for two seconds. Burns will also occur with a six-second exposure to 140 degree water or with a thirty second exposure to 130 degree water.Even if the temperature is 120 degrees, a five minute exposure could result in third-degree burns.Various procedures for lowering water temperature in the home exist, depending on the method of heating. Here are some suggestions: Electric water heaters.Call your local electric company to adjust the thermostat.ven if the temperature is 120 degrees, a five minute exposure could result in third-degree burns. Various procedures for lowering water temperature in the home exist, depending on the method of heating. Here are some suggestions: Electric water heaters. Call your local electric company to adjust the thermostat.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "593bec45239530ebfa7d5cbcea361408", "text": "- The 1.6 THP engine is a fine unit with strong performance and the DS3's flamboyant design sets it apart from rivals. Citroen pulled out all the stops to make the DS3 stand out and it does.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f824b0689479cc0876e555eaa5146154", "text": "- The heart of Proton Iriz, direct-injected versions of the 1.3 and 1.6 VVT motors (designed to Euro 5 standards, detuned to Euro 4 for Malaysia due to Malaysian lower fuel quality) would certainly go hand-in-hand with its borrowed diesel engine towards meeting the upcoming Euro 6 standards in future.he heart of Proton Iriz, direct-injected versions of the 1.3 and 1.6 VVT motors (designed to Euro 5 standards, detuned to Euro 4 for Malaysia due to Malaysian lower fuel quality) would certainly go hand-in-hand with its borrowed diesel engine towards meeting the upcoming Euro 6 standards in future.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d2cfb675347d252285a5626e39f5153c", "text": "- Product Description. 1. Timing tool set for VAG 1.9,2.0 litre TDI PD DOHC engines fitted to AUDI A4, A6 SKODA OCTAVIAII and VOLKSWAGEN GOLF, GOLF PLUS, JETTA and TOURAN models. 2. Comprehensive tool kit to time the engine and injection pump when replacing the timing belt or performing other front-engine services.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0d05c043156139050b4e6f7c3f245c47", "text": "Ford Wins Best Small Engine 'Oscar' for 5th Year Running, 1 in 5 Ford Vehicles Sold in Europe with 1.0-litre EcoBoost STUTTGART, Germany, June 1, 2016 – Ford’s tiny yet powerful 1.0‑litre EcoBoost engine has been voted best in class at the International Engine of the Year Awards for the fifth year in a row.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "706ebcf5355ad942e2b92dc4b51e8488", "text": "- Only one engine is available for the Toyota Sienna, which is a 3.5-liter V6 that produces 266 horsepower at 6,200 RPM and 245 pound-feet of torque at 4,700 RPM. It’s a dual overhead camshaft, 24-valve engine with Dual VVT-i.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2d98e308d925f3aec8d7892bad28ffb4", "text": "- Toyota came out with the 2012 model (XV50) in September 2011, replacing the XV40 series as the seventh generation of Camry. This model has a 2.5 liter, and 3.5 liter engine option.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "44a06637a0b2375dc3f66769d8d62171", "text": "- A: The Caterpillar 3406B engine's specifications include a 6-cylinder, 14.6-liter, 6.5-stroke diesel engine that pushes 350 horsepower with the help of a turbo. It displaces 893 cubic inches and features a piston bore diameter of 5.400 inches that operates at 1,800 revolutions per minute.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e2201a92ad4dcd498052ccd744ba90c4", "text": "Rebuilt Legacy Engines We here at SSI have the experience to build or rebuild you the best engines possible for your Subaru Legacy. The Legacy and Outback usually have a 2.5l EJ25 engine, but some older models do have the 2.2 liter EJ22. We are experts at rebuilding both the 2.2 and 2.5 Subaru engines.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6f0832e93024f7b2b29341e2bd08d8e1", "text": "- Bosch vs GEMS Engines. Learn the differences between Bosch and GEMS V8 engines found in Land Rover Discovery I, Discovery II and Range Rover models. Jim shows how to determine whether your Land Rover is equipped with an ACE suspension.earn the differences between Bosch and GEMS V8 engines found in Land Rover Discovery I, Discovery II and Range Rover models. Jim shows how to determine whether your Land Rover is equipped with an ACE suspension.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e384375f6603410c2b3998590d92c4ee", "text": "Buying a Used Hummer and What to Look For. Gas vs. Diesel AM General produced H1's with gas engines in 1995 and 1996. All the diesels prior to 1996 are N/A (naturally aspirated) diesels as opposed to turbo diesels which were introduced in 1996. The drive train on all of the 95 and newer trucks is pretty much the same until 1998 when they changed the differential ratio.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6b01484d647edcc963a6d3ca17f47c31", "text": "- Affectionately known as the “Dung Beetle”, this 1966 VW might look like a rusted, old, junk yard carcass but hidden underneath the hood is a heavily modified, turbocharged 2.3L motor that is more than capable of taking on any competition. Dung Beetle’s motor is a 2332cc turbocharged, air cooled flat four. Considering how little weight it has to haul, it’s more than adequate. Having all that power is one thing, controlling it is another and that’s one of the reasons AZN decided to team up with Haltech and give the Dung Beetle an EFI overhaul.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "02a9f85781a17abcbeb53462008aaa4e", "text": "Top 10 most expensive cars in the world What car company has a logo with an M on top of another M? Maybach $385,250 The Maybach 57 and 62 were the first automobile models of the Maybach brand since the brand's revival by DaimlerChrysler.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "69c53baa0a9c2ecf7563e24bb7cc120f", "text": "Life Span of Fruit Fly During this stage, the legless larvae grow six legs and a pair of wings before emerging as adults. Full pupation takes approximately four days. During this time, the faint outline of the transforming fly is visible through the pupa case. Following pupation, adult fruit flies are ready to mate in about two days.ife Cycle Fruit Fly. The fruit fly’s life cycle begins when the female lays her eggs on a piece of fermenting fruit or other decaying, sweet organic material. She can lay up to 500 eggs, making it difficult to control the population.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5ca4430aa8ec0b46b540e4b59fcde367", "text": "VW diesel emissions scandal: what you need to know in 10 questions (updated) That same engine in the Passat TDI was fitted with Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR), also known as urea aftertreatment, starting in 2012. Finally, a new generation of 2.0-liter diesel engine, known as EA288, is fitted to various VW vehicles (the Golf TDI, for instance) starting with the 2015 model year.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "61ede2b15733074c8e7a7dc912ca5852", "text": "- Choosing Your Volkswagen Golf Alltrack. Beneath the Alltrack’s hood, a 1.8-liter, direct-injected, turbocharged four-cylinder engine develops 170 horsepower and 199 pound-feet of torque. A six-speed manual gearbox will be available early in 2017, standard on S and SE models.", "title": "" } ]
root meaning of dict
[ { "docid": "041c72ce1dda57d3979ef8abd23bb34a", "text": "#20 dict âsay The Latin root word dict and its variant dic both mean ‘say.’ Some common English vocabulary words that come from this word root include dict ionary, contra dict, and de dic ate.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "248467bdc6e373fa775345437307e0d1", "text": "- Dictare, frequentative of dicere, to speak). him, her, the man, &c.), ldtok, I see (indefinite); the insertion of the causative, frequentative, diminutive and potential syllables after the root of the verb, e.g. Tractare, to treat, handle, frequentative of trahere, tractus, to draw.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4577dee6dfef7da66fbfbad2c0f99d93", "text": "Definitions &Translations Webster Dictionary(5.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition: Diction(noun) choice of words for the expression of ideas; the construction, disposition, and application of words in discourse, with regard to clearness, accuracy, variety, etc.; mode of expression; language; as, the diction of Chaucer's poems.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2213b71b5268e9930ef9e6365d48bb86", "text": "dis 1 Word Origin and History for dis- Expand. (assimilated as dif- before -f-, to di- before most voiced consonants), word-forming element meaning 1. lack of, not (e.g. dishonest); 2.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "de068e7787bed909e0e4a78521f23d2e", "text": "Exodus 14: Hardening Pharaoh's HeartVerses 3-4 demoralized: The meaning of the passive stem of the Hebrew verb buch is much disputed. The four principal senses in which it is generally taken here are: (1) to be disturbed or demoralized (psychological) (2) to be confused (psychological) (3) to wander in a confused state (psychological and geographical) (4) to be hemmed in (geographical).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6bfd469cb734d2a87e38a18abbfac38c", "text": "- These ROOT-WORDS are DIC & DICT which mean SAY & DECLARE. It is a good ROOT to own and opens the door to many needed words. You will recognize it without difficulty. Notice the change in pronunciation of words 13-17. The c sound is entirely omitted. DICT = DIT.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1c18a2ae24ef46c26f5ab1595d6f814c", "text": "Definitions &Translations Di-. a prefix, signifying twofold, double, twice. Di-. denoting two atoms, radicals, groups, or equivalents, as the case may be. See Bi-, 2. Di-. a prefix denoting through; also, between, apart, asunder, across. Before a vowel dia-becomes di-; as, diactinic; dielectric, etc. Origin: [Gr. di`s-twice; akin to two, L. bis twice. See Two, and cf. Bi-, Dia-.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "500da3401573700995df1624878c6baf", "text": "- Latin and Greek Root Words: Reg and Punct L atin and Greek are the source of many root words in English. Reg comes from the Latin word meaning “rule,” “guide,” or “king.” Punct/punc is from another Latin word meaning “point” or “stab.” When combined with a prefix, suffix, or another root word, these root words become common English words. For example, the suffix -cide means “kill.” Combine regi, a form of reg,", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8559b31fa8968e9035a2dd34488d9225", "text": "- dissect dis·sect (dĭ-sěkt', dī-, dī'sěkt') v. dis·sect·ed, dis·sect·ing, dis·sects. To cut apart or separate tissue, especially for anatomical study. In surgery, to separate different anatomical structures along natural lines by dividing the connective tissue framework.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "aa2f767ca4bd3f8b325fcc38dff13459", "text": "- Definition of BRACT. 1. : a leaf from the axil of which a flower or floral axis arises.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5069b56f2f7a8fcb032cc549b811e50d", "text": "Word Root Of The Day Archive #61 circum → around. Quick Summary. The prefix circum- which means “around” and the Latin root word circ which mean “ring” both are influential in making up English words. For instance, the prefix circum- gave rise to the words circumference and circumstances, whereas the root circ gave rise to circle and circulation.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0ccc3349a1db4c850be181be199132f5", "text": "English for Students This ROOT-WORD is GREG which comes from the Latin grex & gregis meaning HERD, FLOCK & MOB. From that rather sour meaning we have developed the better words, GROUP, TROOF & CROWD. The burning word in the list is No. 15, seGREGation, and it is good to be able to know just why it means what it means. No. 19 is the opposite of No. 18.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ca7e6153d76f7ec42880b424af923e70", "text": "- The suffix is -able, meaning able to be.. Predictable = able to be predicted The prefix is pre-, meaning before. The root is dict, meaning … spoken Predictable = able to be spoken of before (something happens). 1 person found this useful. Answered. In Prefixes Suffixes and Root Words.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "25c0f4965a090effbe31670c34b1b67a", "text": "- exists and is an alternate of . 'Dictate' comes from Latin dictare meaning 'keep on saying'. The Latin verb dictare is related to dicere 'to say, speak'. English 'dictate' is not directly related to any Greek word. 'Dictate' comes from Latin <i>dictare</i> meaning 'keep on saying'. The Latin verb <i>dictare</i> is related to <i>dicere</i> 'to say, speak'. English 'dictate' is not directly related to any Greek word.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "08da7e922c628060612d2fb7979a2079", "text": "Root Words & Prefixes: Quick Reference root Latin eradicate - pull out at the roots; radical - fundamental, looking at things from a drastic point of view; radish - an edible root of the mustard family.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "770f5e388af51d419d4cefdd21b28ce0", "text": "- Middle English and amp; Old French ; from demi, half ; from Classical Latin dimidius, half, back-formation ; from dimidiatus, halved, ultimately ; from dis-, apart + medius, middle.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8cb351c0a2f46966c2d6430f5eda20d3", "text": "- The root word mot means “move.” Let’s really “move” on this mot ivational Latin roots podcast so as to mot or through many English vocabulary words that have mot in them! Humans love to move, and to move fast.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3b2ee35eb32f418e7a5748bdc2a3f434", "text": "distort Word Root of distort. The Latin word torquēre, meaning “to twist,” and its form tortus give us the root tort. Words from the Latin torquēre have something to do with twisting. A retort, or angry reply to another's words, twists those words back at the person. To contort is to twist the body in unusual ways.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b53e6598bf633971913cff127e7a3721", "text": "Definitions &Translations Freebase(5.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition: Diction, pronounced, in its original, primary meaning, refers to the writer's or the speaker's distinctive vocabulary choices and style of expression in a poem or story.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "72732bb72c0e62fd4b0bc2f5d85694f8", "text": "Tear of meniscus The meniscal tear is the most common knee injury. A meniscal tear tends to be more frequent in sports that have rough contact or pivoting sports such as soccer. The meniscal tear is more common in males than females.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "50ae18ee027e7e40649efed0e1fb2ff3", "text": "- The suffix is -able, meaning able to be.. Predictable = able to be predicted The prefix is pre-, meaning before. The root is dict, meaning … spoken Predictable = able to be spoken of before (something happens). 1 person found this useful. 123123. 251 Contributions.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9b81910375d5cec953c70fecde237c2f", "text": "- Affixes: the building blocks of English. Affixes: the building blocks of English. -tomy Also -otomy. Cutting. [Greek -tomia, cutting, from temnein, to cut.] Dichotomy, a contrast between two things represented as being opposed or entirely different, derives from Greek dikho-, in two or apart, hence ‘cutting in two’.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f6512af637070828fda50436e9f9cab3", "text": "- diction. the root is not diction, it is: dict (Latin root to say) add the prefix contra- get the verb: contradict = to speak against add the suffix -ion to make it a n … oun: contradiction.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c89c1239a78494e1a2dfcdc5f306fac6", "text": "Word Root Of The Day Archive The Latin root word clud and its variants clus and clos all mean “shut.” These roots are the word origin of many English vocabulary words, including exclude, exclusive, and closet. When you include someone, you “shut” him in, thus performing the act of inclusion, thereby closing or “shutting” him into your group.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "de66d625c4ee05af4556d89197e727fb", "text": "- I have now de dic ated quite enough time to ‘saying’ things about the root words dict and dic. But go ahead and thumb through your dict ionary and see how many more words it in dic ates have this useful root! 1 dictionary: tells how to ‘say’ words. 2 addict : ‘speaks’ heavily towards something. 3 predict : ‘say’ beforehand.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7a99ecd840f6d605f29a638b540650a9", "text": "- de-, prefix meaning to do the opposite, away, off, to remove entirely, down or from: decapitation, decartation, dedentition.Prefix meaning away from, cessation, without; sometimes has an intensive force.e-, prefix meaning to do the opposite, away, off, to remove entirely, down or from: decapitation, decartation, dedentition.", "title": "" } ]
name of twins that are born join together
[ { "docid": "728384d009e8d27e659fc35935b2efe4", "text": "- Loice and Christine are the second set of conjoined twins to be separated at the Medical Center; Ciera and Tiera were the first. Today, the Bennett girls are 17 years old and live with their grandmother Laura Weeks. They are in 11th grade in the college-bound program at Carver Vocational High School.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c5c40073aea1d0d57cbc7c42eac1a3f9", "text": "'One-in-a-million' conjoined twins born to Atlanta parents: Delighted mom and dad welcome girls who share the same arms, legs and body - and will never be separated 'One-in-a-million' conjoined twins born to Atlanta parents: Delighted mom and dad welcome girls who share the same arms, legs and body-and will never be separated. 1 Asa and Eli Hamby born on Thursday morning in Northside Hospital, Atlanta.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "28557b5da69bc8734142acb6cb90cf2c", "text": "The Curious Life Of Conjoined Twins: How Sharing A Body Changes The Way They Think, Drive, And Date Driving And Dressing. In the case of 25-year old Abigail “Abby” Hensel and Brittany Hensel, each twin fully controls her half of the body — one leg and one arm on either side. They are symmetric conjoined twins with normal proportions. Each twin has her own heart, stomach, spine, lungs, and spinal cord, but share a bladder, large intestine, liver, diaphragm, and reproductive organs. Unlike Tatiana and Krista, their sense of touch is limited to their half of the body.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "239dbdb8fcc4963fc0a70d4add124641", "text": "Lennox Furnace Filters for Your Home Lennox furnace filters work to improve air quality throughout the home, enhancing the health of all occupants. These high-quality filters work to remove pollen, dust, pet dander, and other pollutants that are circulated by the furnace during operation.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "366a350b05955c32dbdd88b2ebef2c88", "text": "- Thoracopagus twins share a heart, which, depending on how closely they are joined, makes it nearly impossible to separate them and save them both. Thoracopagus twins make up about 40 percent of all conjoined cases.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6bdc814baf90a7ccd124da815d011279", "text": "Donnie and Ronnie Galyon Chang and Eng Bunker. Chang and Eng Bunker might be the most famous conjoined twins of all time. The two were born in 1811 in Siam (Thailand) with fused torso, and they soon became a sideshow act P.T. Barnum's circus as the Siamese Twins..", "title": "" }, { "docid": "23b6939d3db57e3fbf9672d26690a61d", "text": "'One-in-a-million' conjoined twins born to Atlanta parents: Delighted mom and dad welcome girls who share the same arms, legs and body - and will never be separated Conjoined twin brothers who share the same the same body and heart have been born today in Atlanta. Asa and Eli Hamby-who can never be separated-were welcomed into the world at 7.32am via a pre-planned C-section to mom Robin and dad Michael and according to a dedicated 'Hamby Twins' Facebook page are healthy and well.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ac1590ee40128b76fc98e2b5ba8c18f1", "text": "Multiple birth Many sets of quadruplets contain a mixture of identical and fraternal siblings, such as three identical and one fraternal, two identical and two fraternal, or two pairs of identicals. One famous set of identical quadruplets was the Genain quadruplets, all of whom developed schizophrenia. Quadruplets are sometimes referred to as quads in Britain.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7a25284dae4d005a68b8106bebacde56", "text": "The mixed race twins with DIFFERENT colour skin and eyes: Amelia and Jasmine become UK's first sisters to be genetically identical but don't look the same Identical twins occur when a single egg is fertilised then splits into two - or, very rarely, three or more - creating identical babies with the same genes, physical features and sex. Skin colour is believed to be determined by up to seven different genes working together.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8be26510d418cc061ea1a107c3f7b856", "text": "Twin Twins are two offspring produced by the same pregnancy. Twins can be either monozygotic (identical), meaning that they develop from one zygote, which splits and forms two embryos, or dizygotic (fraternal), meaning that they develop from two different eggs. In fraternal twins, each twin is fertilized by its own sperm cell. In contrast, a fetus that develops alone in the womb is called a singleton, and the general term for one offspring of a multiple birth is multiple. Non-related look-alikes whose resemblance parallels that of twins are referred to as doppelgangers.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dc1bcdaf2a2e37235ed745358d0add22", "text": "Top 10 Famous Twins In ancient Roman mythology, Romulus and Remus were the twin brothers born to Vestal Virgin Rhea Silvia and Mars, the god of war. As a common practice in Rome at the time, the two boys were abandoned in a remote location as they were unwanted.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "91c3ea0901a3e9994260cb64f1269032", "text": "2 babies born together called twins. what about 3 or more babies born together? It's always better to hold back right from the beginning, rather than doing it a few years down the road. This will give them a little bit of independence from each other, which will be good for them (and you). I personally think it would be harder to have an older or younger sibling in my grade than a twin.?", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9a80d46c7e2492185c0721c527e7c23e", "text": "Using the Vertex Formula Quadratic Functions - Lesson 2 A quadratic function can be graphed using a table of values. The graph creates a parabola. The parabola contains specific points, the vertex, and up to two zeros or x-intercepts. The zeros are the points where the parabola crosses the x-axis. If the coefficient of the squared term is positive, the parabola opens up.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "83591c8c37d1ee562f48bd728d670d4f", "text": "- Identical Twins. 1 Dichorionic/Diamniotic : each twin has his/her own placenta, chorion and amniotic sac. 2 Monochorionic/Diamniotic: twins share placenta and chorionic sac but have their own amniotic sac. 3 Monoamniotic/Monochorionic : twins share placenta, chorionic and amniotic sac.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5deac2d955929a340b273f627ae4b032", "text": "Identical twin sisters give birth on same day at same time Identical twin sisters give birth on same day, at same time. Share Update: Identical twin sisters have given birth on the same day, at the same time, in their respective time zones. Today.com reports Sarah Mariuz and Leah Rodgers delivered their babies at 1:18 a.m. Thursday. Rodgers’ son, Reid Joseph, was born first, on Mountain time in Denver.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ddbda782d195236e8bbabada7e9ebce9", "text": "First conjoined twins (siamese) The 12.5-cm (5-in) band of skin and cartilage that connected the twins could easily be divided surgically today - their livers were fused, but each was fully formed and easily seperable - but was inconceivable at the time. Chang and Eng were not, of course, the first ever instance of conjoined twins.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dcfb4b5502160d9978f82acf9d3b8c91", "text": "conjoined twin conjoined twins in Medicine Expand. conjoined twins pl.n. Identical twins born with their bodies joined at some point and having varying degrees of residual duplication, a result of the incomplete division of the ovum from which the twins developed. Also called diplosomia.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ce401f7742ada01fc32641bc4ed10fa7", "text": "Biography She and Mary-Kate Olsen were born on June 13, 1986 to David and Jarnette Olsen. They are fraternal twins. They have an older brother named Trent and a younger sister named Lizzie. Their parents have since separated and their dad remarried. They have a step-brother Jake and a step-sister Taylor.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2e1c8606ef78945ce41867445368c201", "text": "monozygotic twins monozygotic twins, two offspring born of the same pregnancy and developed from a single fertilized ovum that splits into equal halves during an early cleavage phase in embryonic development, giving rise to separate fetuses.onozygotic twins, two offspring born of the same pregnancy and developed from a single fertilized ovum that splits into equal halves during an early cleavage phase in embryonic development, giving rise to separate fetuses.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c7cce4243ed6b408eccac33a6b0f65f1", "text": "The One Skill That Will Land You A Job In Any Factory, Anywhere Even if you’ve never heard of it, he says, CNC machining is essential to your life. “Any product you pick up and touch, it’s not too many steps away from a machining process,” he says. But unlike the tasks performed by machinists in the past, everything done on a CNC machine requires understanding computer code.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9c57a88579db4098f63a717c945c6914", "text": "How are girl and boy twins born? Fraternal Twins (commonly known as non-identical twins) usually occur when two fertilised eggs are implanted in the uterine wall at the same time that is when the mother releases two eggs and both become fertilized by two different sperms.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a7be81305871a48f859e70c13a77057e", "text": "- Magic Baby Names uses the family trees from Family Echo to learn which names often appear together. For example, John and Mary are common names for a brother and sister. If you enter John into Magic Baby Names, Mary will appear as a suggestion.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b72479551d1025ecabd20b59bf4ba6c2", "text": "- Twins are two offspring produced by the same pregnancy. Twins can be either monozygotic, meaning that they develop from one zygote, which splits and forms two embryos, or dizygotic, meaning that they develop from two different eggs. In fraternal twins, each twin is fertilized by its own sperm cell. In contrast, a fetus that develops alone in the womb is called a singleton, and the general term for one offspring of a multiple birth is multiple. Non-related look-alikes whose resemblance parallels", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e3349a758d66430fa0258ad1108b10cb", "text": "Twin pregnancy: What twins or multiples mean for mom Identical twins might share a placenta, but each baby usually has a separate amniotic sac. Genetically, the two babies are identical. They'll be the same sex and share physical traits and characteristics. Rarely, identical twins fail to completely separate into two individuals.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e0d155b75380b62df1f191061f0e1fb3", "text": "- Fraternal twins form from two separate eggs and sperm. They are also known as dizygotic. The term describes how they form and distinguishes them from identical—or monozygotic—twins. Di means two, and zygotic refers to zygote, the combining of egg and sperm that will develop into an embryo and grow into a baby.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b6be7f22729e45ba5a6acef90ea05282", "text": "Twin Pregnancy Types Twin Pregnancy Types. Identical twins come from a single egg that has been fertilized by one sperm. For unknown reasons, the fertilized egg splits into two embryos during the first stage of development. In the mother's womb (uterus), most identical twins share the same placenta. (They get oxygen and nutrients from the mother and get rid of wastes through the placenta.) But they usually grow within separate amniotic sacs. In rare cases, identical twins share one amniotic sac.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fd2447a57ab08cfa8296534332e8a380", "text": "How to have twins There are two types of twins; identical and non-identical. Identical or monozygotic twins are formed when one egg is fertilized by one sperm which then divides into two separate embryos. Each shares exactly the same genetic components and identical genetic structures. Identical twins also share a placenta.", "title": "" } ]
what causes damage to the fallopian tubes
[ { "docid": "26c6f077ca735b19b400d6a38f0e5e8c", "text": "Causes of Infertility: Fallopian Tube Damage or Blockage Blockage to or damage in the fallopian tube is one of the causes of infertility. Fallopian tubes play an important role in ovulation, as well as conception. Once the female egg is released from the ovary, one of the fallopian tubes (i.e. the fimbriae) picks up the egg and pushes it to pass through the tube.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "5c8310345d5167e3c39ec654e280c5b9", "text": "Overview Infertility in women. Untreated gonorrhea can spread into the uterus and fallopian tubes, causing pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which may result in scarring of the tubes, greater risk of pregnancy complications and infertility. PID is a serious infection that requires immediate treatment. Infertility in men.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4a79feee5fe2f576150941e23963b4bc", "text": "Hydrosalpinx The blocked tubes cause infertility. A fallopian tube filled with blood is a hematosalpinx, and with pus a pyosalpinx. Hydrosalpinx is a composite of the Greek words ὕδωρ (hydōr - water) and σάλπιγξ (sálpinx - trumpet); its plural is hydrosalpinges.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "163f32702e762c308502bdf531a45f46", "text": "- Here are the most common conditions causing blocked fallopian tubes: 1 Endometriosis. 2 Uterine Fibroids. 3 Ectopic pregnancy. 4 Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) 5 Complications after abdominal surgeries. 6 Genital tuberculosis. 7 Removal of the tubal ligation.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9f6eb100e6c52f8d50643f9f2e4e49bc", "text": "Fallopian Tube Testing The doctor listens to the abdomen with a stethoscope to determine if the gas is passing through the fallopian tubes. It is not a reliable test and most doctors do not use it any longer. Blood tests to check for chlamydial antibodies are another way to determine the possible cause of damage to the fallopian tubes.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "81508a79fc15246f95449a3503040432", "text": "Chlamydia and Infertility In women, untreated infection can spread into the fallopian tubes and cause the tubes to become blocked at the very ends. This is known as hydrosalpinx. They can also develop scar tissue around the fallopian tubes that makes it more difficult for the tube to “pick up” the egg at the time of ovulation.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5d88465ad885fe9f710680a0a382354d", "text": "- The groundbreaking game that makes learning to read fun. Covers everything from letters and sounds to reading full sentences. Designed in collaboration with leading academics. Complements all synthetic phonics programmes used in schools. Computer version is 100% free.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4c07abdc3a3249e191737a12880a8be6", "text": "What symptoms are caused by adhesions? Mechanical small bowel obstruction after previous surgery can be the most severe effect of adhesions. In the uterus and in the pelvis, adhesions can cause infertility and other reproductive problems. The adhesions can block the ends of the fallopian tubes causing infertility. Doctors associate signs and symptoms of adhesions with the problems an adhesion causes rather than from an adhesion directly. As a result, people experience many complaints based on where an adhesion forms and what it may disrupt. Typically, adhesions show no symptoms and go undiagnosed. These adhesions cause no problems at that moment , but they can obstruct the intestine in about 2 percent of all patients. These obstructions can occur several years later. Most commonly, adhesions cause pain by pulling nerves, either within an organ tied down by an adhesion or within the adhesion itself.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "39dc06defb79073144e41a90efbab796", "text": "Can a Urine Test Detect Deadly Prostate Cancer? A new study suggests that a simple urine test may one day tell men whether they have prostate cancer that can be ignored or must be aggressively treated. Currently a man must undergo a series of diagnostic tests, including a surgical biopsy, to confirm that he has prostate cancer.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4cfeb4b269b8b8453cdcb151cf5ade74", "text": "What Causes an Inflamed Uterus? Pelvic inflammatory disease is a fallopian tube infection that also affects the uterus, ovaries and cervix. If the condition is not treated, scar tissue can develop and cause damage to the female reproductive organs, says the Mayo Clinic. Uterine fibroids, according to the Mayo Clinic, are benign growths that develop on the uterus, usually during a woman's childbearing years.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "77a14e310005a09f0d6b6285b3e076dd", "text": "Gonorrhea Gonorrhea infections rapidly improve with antibiotic therapy. If an infected woman is untreated, gonorrhea can spread to the fallopian tubes, where it can cause scarring and infertility. Prevention. Since gonorrhea is an STD that can be transmitted during sexual activity, you can prevent infection by: Avoiding sexual activity", "title": "" }, { "docid": "228e662277fe4152fad804d8c346070c", "text": "- 1 However, if your 2 …. Symptoms and Risks of Blocked Fallopian Tubes Blocked fallopian tubes are one of the most common reasons for infertility in women. 3 In fact, about 40% of infertile women suffer from blocked fallopian tubes.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a0860b4aa054a5fbb5473c009e619b2f", "text": "Ectopic Pregnancy When a woman has damaged fallopian tubes, it increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy, also called tubal pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fertilized egg is unable to pass to the uterus, so the embryo grows in the fallopian tube instead.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e59b77184d6675749ded495a46f39ba5", "text": "Fallopian tube Fallopian tube, also called oviduct or uterine tube, either of a pair of long narrow ducts located in the human female abdominal cavity that transport the male sperm cells to the egg, provide a suitable environment for fertilization, and transport the egg from the ovary, where it is produced, to the central channel (lumen) of the uterus.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "90b9e0547979f6ec0af51922a75d0104", "text": "- In most pregnancies, the fertilized egg travels through the fallopian tube to the womb (uterus). If the movement of the egg is blocked or slowed through the tubes, it can lead to an ectopic pregnancy. Things that may cause this problem include: Birth defect in the fallopian tubes.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "06b8fe831ec2628ecfe51d7601d88b8e", "text": "Hydrosalpinx, hydros are caused by tubal blockage Hydrosalpinx is often caused by tubal infection such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). The infection causes the tubes to become inflamed. After healing is finished the tubes are often blocked with residual fluid inside.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c583ab223a77a1205b92af2c9440f7d5", "text": "5 Prefab Subfloor Tiles That Eliminate Subfloor Construction 1 Why: Subfloor in basements is a big deal, since moisture is a concern. 2 These tiles ensure moisture protection and don't require you to figure out proper construction techniques. 3 Where: Your local home improvement store will always stock one of the brands below, but usually not more than that.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d29f5fd460edaa415c1d3429e5640d55", "text": "Inflammation of the Cervix (Cervicitis) Cervicitis caused by gonorrhea or chlamydia can move to the uterine lining and fallopian tubes, causing pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). PID causes additional pelvic pain, discharge, and fever. PID that is untreated can cause fertility problems.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b11d758f4840785ed0acc4ceec03a2ec", "text": "FAQs on Flea & Tick Control Advantage is a once a month topical flea treatment for cats and kittens 8 weeks or older and dogs and puppies 7 weeks or older.This product kills 98-100% of the fleas on cats and dogs within 12 hours. 20.dvantage is a once a month topical flea treatment for cats and kittens 8 weeks or older and dogs and puppies 7 weeks or older.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2620d75603ea522559727f8e5f19a8c9", "text": "Chlamydia in Women: Symptoms, Signs, and Transmission It is important to note that many people (both women and men) who are infected with chlamydia do not have any symptoms and may not be aware that they have the infection. Chlamydia infection can cause permanent damage to the fallopian tubes in a woman and can lead to future infertility and an increase risk of ectopic pregnancy. Chlamydia infection during pregnancy also increases a woman's risk of preterm labor and of having a baby with low birth weight.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4346292bd0665419d7f64fda3b6ae5b9", "text": "Natural Therapies for Blocked Fallopian Tubes The fallopian tubes can sometimes become blocked or even damaged due to certain conditions that a woman may suffer from. In rare cases, the blockage to the fallopian tubes may have been present since birth as a birth defect, but has gone undetected until the woman reached adulthood and tried to conceive.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7088c87eb1c433e8d76b315d3822ac8a", "text": "ARC ® Fertility Articles Among female factors, the most common causes are the peritoneal factor (tubal damage, scar tissue, and/or endometriosis) and problems with ovulation. A distant third factor is cervical mucus abnormalities. Infection, mostly sexually transmitted, causing tubal damage in the female and scarring in the male is a common cause. Environmental factors such as exposure to toxins are emerging as an increasingly important factor of infertility, especially in the male.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "43ce8f4a3c5c8b0499834db6110c3d99", "text": "Ectopic Pregnancy Probably the most dangerous cause for bleeding during the 1st trimester is an ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy occurs when your fertilized egg implants somewhere outside the uterus--usually the fallopian tube--and begins growing. (Ectopic means out of place.) Typically this happens if your fallopian tube is blocked by scar tissue or has an abnormality. Eventually the abnormal pregnancy will grow and could cause the tube to rupture; if this occurs, severe abdominal pain and bleeding will result. Most ectopic pregnancies are diagnosed in time to prevent this, but in the United States the condition still causes about 50 deaths a year.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ba56a7fd59a3a0328e77e089ed36189a", "text": "Natural Therapies for Blocked Fallopian Tubes The fallopian tubes connect to the uterus at the utero-tubal junction where the fallopian tubes open into the uterine cavity. These very thin tubules are lined with cilia, which are fine hair-like cells. From there they extend out and slightly around toward the ovaries on both sides of female body.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3c5bf8ec559b2447b099ac3de09bb586", "text": "Is chlamydia a really bad std? In women, untreated infection can spread into the uterus or fallopian tubes and cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). This happens in about 10 to 15 percent of women with untreated chlamydia. Chlamydia can also cause fallopian tube infection without any symptoms.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "265d77b1c3ffa69b270551d529bd6f2f", "text": "Causes of Infertility: Fallopian Tube Damage or Blockage Causes of Fallopian Tube Damage. Some of the common causes for fallopian tube damage are: Endometriosis - It is a condition when a cellular lining formed within the fallopian tube (instead of being formed in the uterus) breaks and causes chronic inflammation or adhesions to the tubes, thus leading to severe damage.", "title": "" } ]
how young can cats get pregnant
[ { "docid": "dcaba47bd6535e166c204f0ce9afbc42", "text": "What to Expect When Your Cat Is Pregnant A female cat can get pregnant when she’s as young as 4 months old, unless she’s been spayed to prevent that. Queens can keep going into heat every 2 to 3 weeks from the spring through the early fall, making them ready to reproduce more often than not. A cat’s pregnancy lasts about 63-65 days.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "7940b91221868796c8a34888cd4de578", "text": "- Surprise! Although there are always variations, cats can have their first heat as early as 4 months old, and dogs can have their first heat as early as 5 to 6 months old; and if they can come into heat, they can get pregnant! With 50% of litters being accidents, you can see how unwanted litters can add up quickly.urprise! Although there are always variations, cats can have their first heat as early as 4 months old, and dogs can have their first heat as early as 5 to 6 months old; and if they can come into heat, they can get pregnant! With 50% of litters being accidents, you can see how unwanted litters can add up quickly.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5f490dbca44bbdd7c83a933bcecce814", "text": "- Our Lady of Lourdes. For Catholics, Lourdes is the world's most beloved Shrine. Nestled in a valley in the southwestern part of the Hautes-Pyrenees, it is the scene of pilgrims gathering from all over the world. On February 11,1858, the Virgin revealed herself to a poor shepherd girl, Bernadette Soubirous who was born in January 7, 1844.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8e69ca43c5b8823d4bc1e7c25de7bfa6", "text": "- While spaying is traditionally recommended for kitties between 4 and 6 months of age, spaying as young as 8 weeks old is considered safe, according to Cat Channel.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4a5026aa8fc247cccaf03e044f9524e0", "text": "How Long Are Cats in Heat? Cats can get pregnant during their first heat cycle, but this is not advisable as a 6-month old cat is not yet fully grown/mature, and complications for the mother and the kittens are more likely. An intact (not spayed) female cat of reproductive age is called a queen.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b5105a114b82812979fca5092d246a94", "text": "How Early Can My Cat or Dog Get Pregnant? How young can my dog or cat get pregnant? This question is especially important for those who share their lives with cats. Cats can actually become pregnant as young as four months of age, having a litter when they are six months old.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5e9f86c5bab946d92a33de19a0a9e3ca", "text": "Veterinary Advice Online - Sexing Kittens and Cats. Handle newborn kittens (<3 weeks old) for long periods of time. They can become cold away from the nest. Attempt to expose or pull out the penis of prepubescent male cats (cats under 6 months of age). Such animals are not capable of exposing their penis and attempting to do so forcibly can damage the penis.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1e49d95862aab84a833b7d7e3a5a2a46", "text": "Cat's First Litter of Kittens On average, a cat will give birth 62 days after conceiving. Pregnant cats can become restless and begin searching for a safe place to nest within a few days of giving birth. In general, however, you would be able to express some milk from her nipples within a day or two before she goes into labor.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8fced2d157cc3153a37f50972e094921", "text": "Why and when to fix your new kitten (Hint: Before 5 months!) Babies having babies. Cats can become sexually mature as young as 4 months old and if you’re cat, male or female has access to the outdoors during this time, they could be contributing to accidental litters. Fix early for health.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "69d416b8d11770133617c3266b982b6b", "text": "- A cat can breed at about any age starting at 6 months, but on average it is best for a cat to stop breeding at 6-9 years of age. It also depends on the health of the cat.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d281d608affb4e6181f5f7221efc35c5", "text": "Can a New Mother Cat Get Pregnant While Still Nursing Kittens? But female cats mature quickly and can conceive as young as 4 months old, resulting in a litter of kittens not much younger than herself. A cat can get pregnant whenever she goes into heat, or her receptive, fertile cycle. She will become more vocal and affectionate, and attempt to lure any nearby tom to mate with.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c5cd2e8a64afe0a12cb0f41786e83af3", "text": "How long are cats pregnant for? Physically many cats are able to get pregnant as young as only six or seven months old. However, it is better and healthier for pregnancy to occur when they're a little older. Often younger cats are not good mothers; the maternal instinct seems to be better developed when they're one year or older.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "be4564142726665f919754f770e257eb", "text": "- Cats also have an estrous period 1-6 weeks after giving birth, so a female may be nursing one litter while pregnant with another. A cat can give birth to anywhere from 1 to 6 kittens. These kittens can start mating and producing more kittens at the age of around 6 months. A male cat can impregnate countless female.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "954b4d7409b5f2a2aab44b24b3175b74", "text": "Can Kittens That Are 4 Months Old Get Pregnant? Pretty soon that little baby could have babies of her own. Kitties mature young, typically between 4 and 6 months old. As hard as it may be to believe, your 4-month-old little kitten can become pregnant if she has reached puberty by this age. Prevent your furbaby from having unwanted kittens by spaying her early in life.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2d07bc80edbbd108490e63916e1d56b0", "text": "- Although there are always variations, cats can have their first heat as early as 4 months old, and dogs can have their first heat as early as 5 to 6 months old; and if they can come into heat, they can get pregnant! With 50% of litters being accidents, you can see how unwanted litters can add up quickly.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7ecbda1d2e1c9ea951c9356746761bca", "text": "- Gestation. Felines hit puberty and begin mating at about the age of 6 months. A cat's gestation period last approximately 63 days, so if you bred your cat or know when she got out of the house and probably mated you can expect kittens to arrive two months later.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "363afcb77f1ec0733e6b545f3a08cbb9", "text": "How long are cats pregnant until there due? Best Answer: Cats become pregnant very easily. Pregnancy can occur whenever the female is in heat, which takes place several times a year from Spring to Autumn. But with no obvious outward changes taking place in the pregnant cat during the first few weeks, you won’t see any real difference to begin with.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5fbe9e23eb8850a0c3777b47db301403", "text": "- A female cat should be allowed to attain her adult size before breeding. If bred early, she will put her energy into feeding the unborn/newborn kittens instead of finishing her growth. She will be 18-24 months old before she is ready for breeding. A male should be 18 months of age prior to being allowed to breed.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2136234c08fe44f56822574b58be112f", "text": "How old does a cat have to be to get spayed and neutered? Female cats can get pregnant from as young as 4 months old so its important to keep them in until they have been neutered. male cats can get other cats pregnant, catch/pass on awful diseases and will often spray in the house if not neutered, again this can happen from as young as 4 months old.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5a99482f0dc86025f3a13ffa1643d397", "text": "- But when its your cat, it is comforting to know that things are proceeding without hitches and on schedule. Here are some of the things that should happen as your cat goes through a successful pregnancy. Early In The Pregnancy: Gestation or the length of pregnancy of a cat averages 64 days. It is generally between 62 and 67 days or about 9-10 weeks. You might notice subtle indications of pregnancy after the first 3 weeks. The cat’s nipples will begin to swell and their color will change from white to a rosy pink. By the 4th or 5th week, your cat’s belly will begin to swell.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "aaaf7fc0b77e16e646a199fab659e21e", "text": "- Discussion in 'Cat Health' started by afancy, May 9, 2001. I have a 10 week old girl kitten and a 7 month old boy kitten in heat. The boy is going to be neutered the end of the month. I am just concerned about how early a female kitten can get pregnant. ANy info would be appreciated. Thanks a lot. afancy", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c113311c6a0396be0679b446ee218460", "text": "- $28.94. Get an INSTANT estimate of the cost to Install a Fence! Our free calculator uses recent, trusted data to estimate costs for your Fence Installation project. For a basic 25 linear feet project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Install a Fence ranges between $20.44 - $28.94 per linear foot.To estimate costs for your project: 1. Set Project Zip Code Enter the Zip Code for the location where labor is hired and materials purchased.or a basic 25 linear feet project in zip code 47474, the benchmark cost to Install a Fence ranges between $20.44 - $28.94 per linear foot. To estimate costs for your project: 1. Set Project Zip Code Enter the Zip Code for the location where labor is hired and materials purchased.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "26a270a6e2eb04d729274651d003ac67", "text": "How long are cats pregnant until there due? Report Abuse. 1 How Long Are Cats Pregnant. 2 Once infertility has been diagnosed, there are a number of treatment options available depending on the root cause of the problem. 3 Cats stay pregnant about 65 to 70 days before they deliver. Now everyone can cure infertility using this natural remedy http://pregnancyhelps.info.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "aebbd89b6bc47ce260799b7dca23e448", "text": "How long after giving birth, can a Cat get pregnant again? When her kittens are weaned and her milk dries up she can get pregnant again. When the kittens are about 6-8 weeks old you need to get her spayed before letting her out. Don't rehome the kittens till 8-12 weeks old so mom can teach them survival and social skills they'll need to become well adjusted cats.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b13031251ebd8c44de76c211fec1607a", "text": "Do female cats get their period? Cats do not get periods; they come into heat. Kittens usually have their first season around 6-7 months old, but sometimes can be as early as 4 months old.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5b88450867a93c4d6954cd9e3fe96f4f", "text": "- How old does a cat have to be to get pregnant safely? Answer: Female cats can get pregnant by three months old, however it would be a good idea to let your cat develop fully as being pregnant will upset the cat's hor…mones. I would recommend waiting until your cat is nine months to a year old.", "title": "" } ]
what happens during a prenatal care office visit?
[ { "docid": "cb0a929d93ab69efe16cb01a9ed9eb28", "text": "Prenatal care: 1st trimester visits Prenatal care: Other first trimester visits. Subsequent prenatal visits — often scheduled about every four weeks during the first trimester — will probably be shorter than the first. Your health care provider will check your weight and blood pressure, and you'll discuss any concerns. Near the end of the first trimester — by about nine to 12 weeks of pregnancy — you might be able to hear your baby's heartbeat with a small device that bounces sound waves off your baby's heart (Doppler). Remember, your health care provider is there to support you throughout your pregnancy. Your prenatal appointments are an ideal time to discuss any questions or concerns — including things that might be uncomfortable or embarrassing. Also find out how to reach your health care provider between appointments.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "8e2293aaadf692cb82b615eb8b7f8361", "text": "Prenatal care Prenatal care, also known as antenatal care is a type of preventive healthcare, with the goal of providing regular check-ups that allow doctors or midwives to treat and prevent potential health problems throughout the course of the pregnancy while promoting healthy lifestyles that benefit both mother and child.[1][2] During check-ups, pregnant women ...", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1a3d93c82e523297bea5ab3b635c594f", "text": "Nora-BE Prenatal care is the health care you get while you are pregnant. Take care of yourself and your baby by: 1 Getting early prenatal care. 2 If you know you're pregnant, or think you might be, call your doctor to schedule a visit. 3 Getting regular prenatal care.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fb730f1592d64ec00967c25fee866334", "text": "What is a reasonable daily/weekly rate for an entry-level freelance graphic designer in New York City? 5+ years $61,000 to $83,250. Using the above figures and an average of 1787 hours worked per year in the US (Source: OECD - Average annual hours actually worked per worker) that equates to $21 per hour at the lower end of the scale for a entry-level designer and $30 per hour at the top end of the scale. While these figures come from the AIGA/Aquent 2012 salary survey:", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2697cbced367fda62e9ce293a8f533a5", "text": "How Often Do I Need Prenatal Visits? Recommended Schedule for a Healthy Pregnancy. For a healthy pregnancy, your doctor will probably want to see you on the following recommended schedule of prenatal visits: Weeks 4 to 28: 1 prenatal visit a month. Weeks 28 to 36: 1 prenatal visit every 2 weeks. Weeks 36 to 40: 1 prenatal visit every week.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "825b8db7d0cb224e35d52b8f79ab34dd", "text": "A Typical Schedule for Prenatal Visits and Tests Pregnancy For Dummies, 4th Edition. To ensure the health of you and your baby, you’ll need to schedule regular visits to your doctor during your pregnancy. Use this guideline for making your appointments and understanding common procedures for each visit:", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2a186ff4a2ef0e2f415660a5fdf8d32c", "text": "About antenatal visits Antenatal visits-check-ups during your pregnancy. When you are pregnant, it is important for you to have regular check-ups with a midwife or doctor. These check-ups are called antenatal care or antenatal visits. Antenatal means before birth. A midwife specialises in caring for women during pregnancy, birth and after the birth. Contents. 1 About antenatal visits.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "714a1972ba2b1f3e0bcd225724a7ab40", "text": "Prenatal care The study showed the importance of prenatal care and how universal prenatal care would help people of all origins get proper care before pregnancy/birth (Castelló et al., 2012). The WHO recommends that pregnant women should all receive four antenatal visits to spot and treat problems and give immunizations.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "da94ed394e5fcfa5f16e781c0a250b08", "text": "Evaluation of the Obstetric Patient The initial routine prenatal visit should occur between 6 and 8 wk gestation. Follow-up visits should occur at about 4-wk intervals until 28 wk, at 2-wk intervals from 28 to 36 wk, and weekly thereafter until delivery. Prenatal care includes screening for disorders, taking measures to reduce fetal and maternal risks, and counseling.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7f03f1862d74c8b9ac6199ef63d04db3", "text": "First trimester pregnancy: What to expect The answers you provide will help you and your baby receive the best care. If you're uncomfortable discussing your health history in front of your partner, schedule a private consultation. Also expect to learn about first trimester screening for chromosomal abnormalities. After the first visit, you'll probably be asked to schedule checkups every four to six weeks. During these appointments, raise any concerns or fears you might have about pregnancy, childbirth or life with a newborn.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8c121083728472f26c70ae316b1f9b42", "text": "Your First Prenatal Visit During your first visit, you will probably have: 1 Blood tests to check for blood type, Rh factor, anemia, syphilis, rubella, Hepatitis B. 2 Urine tests to give information about levels of sugar and protein or possible infections. 3 A Pap test to check for changes of the cervix that could lead to cancer.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a70e88f6422c1214323e174367aec837", "text": "Pregnancy: The Second Trimester During your second and third trimester prenatal visits, your health care provider or midwife may check the following, depending on your current medical condition and the health of your fetus: 1 Any current symptoms or discomforts. 2 Your weight. 3 Your blood pressure. Urine test.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f39c0e9adf1731e19fe0e03159647ffe", "text": "Carbon Isotopes ( 12 C, 13 C, 14 C) 14C is a radioactive isotope of carbon. It was discovered in 1934 by Grosse as an unknown activity in the mineral endialyte. In the same year, Kurie (Yale) exposed nitrogen to fast neutrons and observed long tracks in a bubble chamber. He had produced 14C. It was in atmospheric CO2 by Libby in 1946.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4c0a8538797994f3ac2844ed056d7c76", "text": "Babyâs First Doctor Visit Below are some general questions to ask at your newborn's pediatrician at his or her first office visit. Print this page, check your concerns, take it with you to your appointment, and give it to a pediatric nurse or to your baby's pediatrician.ost newborn babies are seen in the pediatrician's office within a few days after leaving the hospital. Parents should be sure the baby is properly secured in an infant safety seat (car seat) in the back seat of the car on the way to this appointment, and every time he or she rides in a car.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "96e2b360107a4d54d60c10fa6fbe1e66", "text": "Pregnancy week by week Prenatal care. During the third trimester, your health care provider might ask you to come in for more frequent checkups — perhaps every two weeks beginning at week 28 and every week beginning at week 36. Like previous visits, your health care provider will check your weight and blood pressure and ask about any signs or symptoms you're experiencing.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "32de66fd246236f392fc7f5ed729f9c6", "text": "Adult Well-Care Visits, Screenings, and Immunizations You can take charge of your health by staying current on well-care visits, screenings, and immunizations. Your primary care physician will help you stay on track by sending annual reminders about your upcoming screenings around the time of your birthday. Our goal is to help you live a healthier and happier life through preventive care. During your well-care visit, you and your doctor will discuss how to improve your health and prevent disease. You may receive recommended tests or immunizations during your visit, or you may need to schedule separate appointments. Depending on your health and personal risk factors, your preventive care schedule may differ from the standard recommendations. Talk with your doctor about a schedule that's best for you.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "753282a8f317458aa3718622e8f304cc", "text": "Prenatal care Traditional prenatal care in high income countries generally consists of: 1 monthly visits during the first two trimesters (from week 1–28) 2 fortnightly visits from 28th week to 36th week of pregnancy. 3 weekly visits after 36th week until delivery (delivery at week 38–42) 4 Assessment of parental needs and family dynamic.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "24930f5147b3098a1a982e77725bab44", "text": "Your First Prenatal Visit This is also a good opportunity to bring a list of questions that you and your partner have about your pregnancy, prenatal care and birth options. Your doctor will ask for your medical history, including: 1 Medical and/or psychosocial problems. 2 Blood pressure, height, and weight. 3 Breast and cervical exam. 4 Date of your last menstrual period (an accurate LMP is helpful when determining gestational age and due date).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "af2bba102656e7aa10242083c1f33b39", "text": "When Will I Show, When Will I Go? A typical prenatal care schedule for a low-risk woman with a normally progressing pregnancy is: * Weeks 4 to 28: 1 visit per month (every 4 weeks) * Weeks 28 to 36: 2 visits per month (every 2 to 3 weeks) * Weeks 36 to birth: 1 visit per week. Since it may take a while to find the perfect doctor/midwife for you, ask around for recommendations and make appointments for meet-and-greets with a few.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fbca289f8235ecdf0b11dbff7d46f77a", "text": "About antenatal visits Antenatal visits - check-ups during your pregnancy. When you are pregnant, it is important for you to have regular check-ups with a midwife or doctor. These check-ups are called antenatal care or antenatal visits. Antenatal means before birth. A midwife specialises in caring for women during pregnancy, birth and after the birth. Contents.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ee01a482957378bb3e40962b07393e5f", "text": "Prenatal Care This appointment is one of the longest appointments that you will have during your pregnancy. You will want to be prepared for this visit by knowing your basic health information, as you will be asked to give a detailed health history. You will also have additional testing and blood work done during this visit.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "35f05d9716baccface54399a0c129477", "text": "Prenatal care in your first trimester In your first trimester, you will have a prenatal visit every month. The visits may be quick, but they are still important. It is OK to bring your partner or labor coach with you. During your visits, your doctor or midwife will: 1 Weigh you. 2 Check your blood pressure. 3 Check for fetal heart sounds.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "03f21a236370d158b089866c789a03cc", "text": "1st Trimester: 1st Prenatal Visit In this article. It's the first doctor visit of your pregnancy. Congratulations! During this visit, your doctor will check your overall health and determine your due date. He or she will also look for any risk factors that might affect your health or the health of your baby.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3c455b225abed8aa9be03df94f31712f", "text": "Oxygen Uptake of O2 from the air is the essential purpose of respiration, so oxygen supplementation is used in medicine. Treatment not only increases oxygen levels in the patient's blood, but has the secondary effect of decreasing resistance to blood flow in many types of diseased lungs, easing the work load on the heart.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8e84315551d2a272f9b1ea04490337b3", "text": "Your First Prenatal Doctor's Visit What Happens at My First Medical Visit for Prenatal Care? The first visit is designed to confirm your pregnancy and to determine your general health. In addition, the visit will give your healthcare provider clues to any risk factors that may affect your pregnancy. It will typically be longer than future visits. The purpose of the prenatal visit is to: Determine your due date.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0384a260fdcd9426ed59bd4e9bb8f6ef", "text": "Prenatal care: 1st trimester visits Pregnancy week by week. Prenatal care: Other first trimester visits. Subsequent prenatal visits — often scheduled about every four weeks during the first trimester — will probably be shorter than the first. Your health care provider will check your weight and blood pressure, and you'll discuss any concerns.", "title": "" } ]
how much school do you need to be a LVN
[ { "docid": "a90a829a2762c5dd58a5d1c3f34c50df", "text": "Becoming an LVN in Texas How to become an LVN. To become a licensed vocational nurse in Texas, you must complete a program at an accredited vocational nursing school (passing all nursing courses with at least a C) and then apply for the license by passing “NCLEX-PN” exams from the state.n LVN to RN track offered at Kilgere College takes 72 semester hours completed in 16 months. Students who are already LVN’s start the first nine weeks attending class only once a week, while other students catch up in the program.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "07c63f437559228032e7b4da8f9b1571", "text": "How Long Do You Have to Study to Go From LVN to RN? Time Frames. An LVN who went straight into an associate degree program after graduation might become an RN in as little as three years of full-time school -- one year to complete prerequisites and two years for the RN program itself.rograms also often have prerequisites, such as chemistry, anatomy or physiology, and an LVN would be unable to enter the nursing program until completing these. Other programs have courses called corequisites, which students must complete by a certain point in the RN program.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "595436adf25e0aa7c51d90e6e733e527", "text": "- The license (RN) is identical to these two, however with the advanced degree you are more qualified for management positions. In addition, most LVN programs are 12 months, in which case you can transition for three semesters or an additional year and take the RN exam.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "98523a570c18a2d0515cd6af2b1e160e", "text": "- LPN to RN programs vary in length and cost, but because the LPN already has 1 year of nursing school completed, the length and cost shouldn’t be more than about 1 year for an Associate’s degree. Some schools even offer online courses and many schools have day and evening classes.hether you are already a LPN, currently in school, or just interested in nursing, it is a good idea to consider furthering your education and career by becoming a Registered Nurse. RN is the next logical step up from LPN.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "baacf49672ba1abc6b2d6fc4b4a3541a", "text": "- For those LVN's wanting to become a Registered Nurse (RN). Go from LVN to ADN in 15-18 months. The associate degree in nursing program offered at Galen College of Nursing’s San Antonio, TX Campus is a candidate for accreditation by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, 3343 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 850, Atlanta, Georgia 30326.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7f13b4e4af3413c16e6c30bddd240622", "text": "Becoming an LVN in Texas RN’s may develop the initial nursing care plan and make nursing diagnoses, and can oversee LVN’s. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, RN’s make about $63,750, while LVN’s make about $39,820. An LVN to RN track offered at Kilgere College takes 72 semester hours completed in 16 months.Students who are already LVN’s start the first nine weeks attending class only once a week, while other students catch up in the program.n LVN to RN track offered at Kilgere College takes 72 semester hours completed in 16 months. Students who are already LVN’s start the first nine weeks attending class only once a week, while other students catch up in the program.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a49cb6de92615407f3e142a8c0074469", "text": "How Long Do You Have to Study to Go From LVN to RN? Most programs have prerequisites, and many require or strongly recommend that the LVN complete those prerequisites before she starts. Once she meets all preliminary requirements, the LVN enters the RN program as a third-semester student and completes her education one year later.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a9f1ec71297258905ad08c562a169c2d", "text": "- The Nephrology Nursing Certification Commission now offers a Certified Dialysis LVN (CD-LVN) credential for experienced vocational nurses. Requirements include two years of full-time employment and 15 hours of continuing education in dialysis care. Candidates must also pass an exam.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4cb73ec6695a8456a7739e3325fd9986", "text": "What Does an LVN Do? Training and Licensure. Training programs for licensed vocational nurses can be found at many community colleges and technical schools, and may sometimes be found in high schools and hospitals. LVNs typically complete one year of training, taking courses such as nursing, biology, and pharmacology.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fcccf72eedca4d68a29b4a09e2c1608b", "text": "How Long Does it Take to Get an LPN Degree? Prerequisites. The amount of time it takes to get an LPN certification depends on whether or not you have graduated from high school. To enter into an LPN program, a student must first earn a high school diploma or receive a high school equivalency diploma such as a GED.his test demonstrates proficiency in entry-level nursing skills. How long it takes to complete this process depends on the length of time you need to prepare for the test and pass the exam. A testing fee of $200 is required.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5cd9932da82b169f5044061e1ae9f24d", "text": "- Licensed practical nurses (LPN) have about a year of nursing education, often culminating in a certificate. A minority complete longer programs and walk away with a degree – often an Associate of Applied Science (AAS). Find an LPN or LVN program in your state.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b0fdbd2acd7f8488c0b0bcbb4c152350", "text": "Becoming an LVN in Texas LVN Programs in Texas. Choosing the right school is important if you're looking to become a Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) in the state of Texas. There are almost 100 LVN schools across the state to choose from-made up of community colleges, vocational and technical centers, and private nursing schools.VN's for states outside of the compact area can apply for a Texas license by endorsement as long as their original licensing requirements are equivalent to those in Texas. Other requirements include: 1 Pass the State Board Test Pool Examination (SBTPE) or NCLEX-PN. 2 Currently employed as a LPN/LVN.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4027aed3e5adc3852597cef5a4f9cb76", "text": "How much school is needed before becoming a doctor? In order to become an anesthesiologist, you must attend at least four years of college, four years of medical school and then do a four year residency in anesthesia. So … at least 12 years of school after high school. Barney9. (An RN needs 1 to 2 years after college to become a nurse anesthetist.) It takes 4 years of Undergraduate Study at a University of your choice, 4 years at a Medical School of your choice, and about 2-4 years of Internship.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fdc5aad5fef8a8f13510f8800b3da26d", "text": "LVN Educational Requirements and Career Information Most programs can be found at community colleges, hospitals and vocational schools, and they usually lead to a certificate or diploma. Vocational nursing programs typically have both classroom and clinical components.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "60eba9eb9ab22657ca48fe50fb7ba0f1", "text": "LVN Educational Requirements and Career Information Licensed vocational nurses (LVNs) - also known as licensed practical nurses (LPNs) - work under the supervision of physicians and registered nurses (RNs) and spend much of their time directly caring for patients. Such nurses usually complete a 1-year training program leading to a certificate or a diploma.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ca9180f176eabae756ca0fab697daa99", "text": "What is the meaning the $ special character? UNIX for Beginners Questions & Answers If you're not sure where to post a Unix or Linux question, post it here. All unix and Linux beginners welcome in this forum! What is the meaning the $ special character? Hello... and thank you in advanced for any help anyone can offer me I'm hoping someone can explain what the leading $ is/means (i.e. $PS1, $HOME, etc)....", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c9251b825908419c8bbc954380c2753b", "text": "- After a year of experience, licensed vocational nurses are reporting a median income of between $15.40 and $20.60 an hour or up to $42,800 per year. Those LVNs with at least five years of job experience can earn a median of between $16.84 and $22.24 an hour.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5ebc78c6916ca1dbaaf58992c4a6f65a", "text": "Hereâs What Youâll Study in an LPN/LVN Degree Program Bachelor's Degree Programs. For an LPN/LVN looking to become an RN, you have the option to enroll in an LPN-to-BSN program which is geared specifically for LPNs and take about three years.Schools offering these programs tend to focus on nursing courses where students learn better leadership skills.or an LPN/LVN looking to become an RN, you have the option to enroll in an LPN-to-BSN program which is geared specifically for LPNs and take about three years.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "190199f56a65e689dd668a277bdd54de", "text": "- Education. If you enroll in a full-time licensed practical nurse (LPN) training program, you may be prepared and qualified to take your licensing exam in as little as 9-12 months. These programs are available from many community colleges, vocational schools, and universities, and they may range from 43-78 credit hours.pon completion of a program, students are awarded a certificate in practical nursing and qualify to take state exams and the NCLEX-PN.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ff9b54a538b0c750454285431f2494f3", "text": "What are the duties of an LVN? An LVN Is a Licensed Vocational Nurse Licensed Practical Nurse. The LVN/LPN is a one year certificate program. You can make between $13-$32 per hour depending on what you want to do. It is the quickest way to get into a nursing career.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "87b5d0196141a2e6fde5c834733b2c3f", "text": "LPN Nursing Schools - How to Become a Licensed Practical Nurse Become a Licensed Practical Nurse. You can complete your LPN training in as little as 7 months to 1 year for a hospital certificate, or you can obtain a LPN degree in two years from a community college or trade school.You will also need to pass the N-CLEX-PN certificate examination to become nationally certified.ou can complete your LPN training in as little as 7 months to 1 year for a hospital certificate, or you can obtain a LPN degree in two years from a community college or trade school.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1bcf3fe28917805917d65a3aba8b0cb9", "text": "CNA, LVN, RN, ADN, BSN, what??? CNA certified nurses assistant...usually 2 weeks of classes..3 months training ..test. LVN/LPN licensed vocational/practical nurse .....some pre-reqs varies according to state 11-13 months. RN registered nurse pre-reqs and 2 year nursing school WHICH gives you a ADN associate degree of nursing.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fe33bdbf41d5a57d7e0569a7df151b94", "text": "Experience Stanbridge: Virtual Tour The Vocational Nurse program prepares you to become a Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) with real-world healthcare practices in our advanced training facilities on campus, guidance from experienced and caring educators, and comprehensive NCLEX-PN exam preparation.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e30225cbad7dc70bbb19c2ffd0769bec", "text": "Obtaining an LVN License 1 Eligibility for licensure is based on the basic nursing education that led to your initial licensure. 2 Practice: Endorsement applicants must practice as a nurse, at the level for which they are seeking a license, for at least 960 hours in the last five years.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bb6d3873330afa1822dd313ef8cd87b5", "text": "- Education. If you enroll in a full-time licensed practical nurse (LPN) training program, you may be prepared and qualified to take your licensing exam in as little as 9-12 months. These programs are available from many community colleges, vocational schools, and universities, and they may range from 43-78 credit hours.f you enroll in a full-time licensed practical nurse (LPN) training program, you may be prepared and qualified to take your licensing exam in as little as 9-12 months.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "01045550b87baf3a8a983bf916cffdb1", "text": "How Long Is Nursing School? Licensed practical nurses (LPNs), sometimes known as licensed vocational nurses (LVNs), assist registered nurses and provide basic patient care. Nursing school programs for LPNs are typically one year long and involve classroom work as well as supervised clinical experience.", "title": "" } ]
wd security software
[ { "docid": "fe3bf663fe42f367833cb1c6d299b874", "text": "WD Security WD Security is a Shareware software in the category Miscellaneous developed by Western Digital. It was checked for updates 3,110 times by the users of our client application UpdateStar during the last month. The latest version of WD Security is, released on 05/08/2017. It was initially added to our database on 05/06/2012. The most prevalent version is, which is used by 21 % of all installations.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "093d2d6d617f6d6af4239402488c15e7", "text": "- More info from WD. Store, carry, and protect all your sensitive and important data with the white My Passport Ultra USB 3.0 Secure Portable Hard Drive from WD. With a capacity of 1TB, use it for extra storage or for backing up your videos, photos, and files.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "523cc903fe4fe81aa3903ef4d10521ac", "text": "- To get secure access to your WD My Cloud: 1 Connect your smartphone or tablet to your home network: 2 On your mobile device, tap Settings. 3 Tap Wi-Fi. 4 Select your home network. 5 Enter the network password and tap Connect. 6 Launch the app (either WD My Cloud or WD Photos).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "da9f500cbc74389aaab6f895cf48ae85", "text": "Taxicab number Taxicab number. In mathematics, the nth taxicab number, typically denoted Ta(n) or Taxicab(n), is defined as the smallest number that can be expressed as a sum of two positive cube numbers in n distinct ways. The most famous taxicab number is 1729 = Ta(2) = 13 + 123 = 93 + 103.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6ad2e0fa1c2995b2597ea3657c15636c", "text": "What is dwm.exe? Dwm.exe is a Windows core system file. The program has no visible window. The dwm.exe file is a trustworthy file from Microsoft. It can change the behavior of other programs or manipulate other programs. Therefore the technical security rating is 22% dangerous, however you should also read the user reviews.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "459b9488b50e21e98e5afed27ef1fad6", "text": "9 Best Free USB Encryption Software USB Flash Security. USB Flash Security is a free software to secure your data on USB Flash Drive. You can easily secure files on USB drive by adding password protection and encryption. Once installed you only need to provide the correct password to access your files on the USB drive.ree USB Security. Free USB Security is a free USB disk protection software. It can encrypt all your USB drives, memory cards with password you provide. It installs an executable file on your USB drive and hides all the contents of the USB drives including files and folders.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "85d94c26e1829c78c3f27b0930cd4ae0", "text": "Microsoft Free Security Tools â Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer This article in our series on Microsoft’s free security tools is focused on a tool called the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA). Many years ago before Windows Update was available, servicing software was much more painful than it is today.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9899d02367ba9ed039ddb2a5a3fb34f5", "text": "Introduction to STAAD What is STAAD. STAAD_III for Windows / Windows NT is a comprehensive structural engineering software that addresses all aspects of structural engineering -– model development analysis, design, verification, and visualization. STAAD-III for Windows / Windows NT is based on the principles of concurrent engineering.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a16316e6d9a302469fe33a09cae7dbac", "text": "Wi-Fi Protected Setup Wi-Fi Protected Setup. The WPS push button (center, blue) on a wireless router showing the symbol defined by the Wi-Fi Alliance for this function. This statement works for WPS users. Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS; originally, Wi-Fi Simple Config) is a network security standard to create a secure wireless home network.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "79ab5c1f9d289bdf236f9f608e897b81", "text": "WS-Security Web Services Security (WS-Security, WSS) is an extension to SOAP to apply security to Web services. It is a member of the Web service specifications and was published by OASIS.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5e88ed51788da836e11c8e8f550c3098", "text": "Ad-Aware Security Toolbar Ad-Aware Security Toolbar. Ad-Aware Security Toolbar is a free security software developed by Lavasoft, the makers of Ad-Aware. Built specifically for browsing protection, this security toolbar is a free browser plug-in that gives you safety advice as you browse the web. Modern web browsers boast integrated protection against web-based threats.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e56671910ea4f285aa154277d0449cbf", "text": "- 1 BitDefender Antivirus & Internet Security Sale 2011 BitDefender Total Security 2011 for just $19.95 is the pick of these three great offers.... Quick, Effective And Easy To Use; Kaspersky Antivirus 2012 Is Definitely One To Consider Kaspersky Antivirus 2012 is a great program and I really like it.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7ccbaa1ff1fd3daf127298163e6bc8ce", "text": "- Publisher's Description. From Keeper is the world's #1 most downloaded password manager and secure digital vault for protecting and managing your passwords, private documents and other confidential information.Protecting your personal and professional information has never been so fast and easy.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "601827ad98363ec0892605a75165e5e7", "text": "dwm For other uses, see DWM (disambiguation) . For the window manager used in Microsoft Windows Vista, 7 and 8, see Desktop Window Manager. dwm is a dynamic, minimalist tiling window manager for the X Window System that has influenced the development of several other X window managers, including xmonad and awesome. It is externally similar to wmii, but internally much simpler.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "345b68528d0bd48bfacf7e06673f34d7", "text": "Network-based integrity monitoring keeps website hacks in check Network-based integrity monitoring keeps website hacks in check. Network integrity monitoring software brings the concept of file-based integrity monitoring, required by regulations such as PCI-DSS, to a company's online presence. Password-based authentication: A weak link in cloud ... Bookmaker bets on better management of IT ...", "title": "" }, { "docid": "66ab45ae22e791aae2912d4383d4141a", "text": "Avast Internet Security (2014) review: short on security There was an error emailing this page. Avast is a company perhaps best known for its free antivirus software. But paying for Avast Internet Security 2014 ($40 for one year of protection on one PC) will get you such premium features as a robust firewall, online banking security, and phishing and scam email protection.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "954883cc3bd792916ec5c5e19ee1b14c", "text": "- Publisher's Description. Webroot SecureAnywhere protects you from online threats with the world's most powerful cloud security solution, keeping you safe no matter how or where you connect. It scans faster, uses fewer system resources, and protects you in real-time by instantly identifying and blocking new threats as soon as they appear.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "713997af175f1d1b4909f103b9fedadf", "text": "Western Digital Western Digital also ships WD Smartware with many of its drives for use as backup drives. This software backs up all Documents, Pictures, Movies, Emails, and more on the drive, and continually checks for changes to drive locations.n 2006, Western Digital introduced its My Book line of mass market external hard drives that feature a compact book-like design. On October 7, 2007, Western Digital released several editions of a single 1 TB hard drive, the largest in its My Book line.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "be50bccd90f33bfd906055f5768a9517", "text": "Threat Modeling Made Easy The JW Secure threat modeling process evolved from two resources. The first is Threat Modeling, the book by Swiderski and Snyder. The second is the SDL Threat Modeling Tool from Microsoft. After thoroughly investigating the concepts, we evolved them to work well in simpler projects that target a single point solution. The first step in modeling any system is identification of the data assets that need to be protected.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9645be5f2cc58d4cb07e10bf42ee9ddc", "text": "- Unlike other vendors, Bitdefender has years of experience in perfecting these technologies and the results clearly show this: better detection rates with fewer false positives. 1 Easily track all security events in your organization Reports and alerts help you be on top of any business security event.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3b3f6aa107edd9d43da3199ca051260d", "text": "- The Bottom Line. Windows Defender is a free security solution that protects your Windows computer from adware, spyware, and viruses. The program works with all currently supported versions of Windows. A similar free program is available as a download for Windows 7 called Microsoft Security Essentials.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1b56aabbc033b473726e24de67e35cfa", "text": "- 5. Webroot SecureAnywhere Published: June 2015 1 Frequently Asked Questions What follows is a set of Frequently Asked Questions that will help you understand the benefits of downloading End Point Security software, and provide guidance on using and installing Webroot SecureAnywhere (WSA).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "691eced3a7da2b355cf67dc6956dae0c", "text": "- Investor Relations. CDW (NASDAQ: CDW) is a Fortune 500 company and a leading provider of integrated information technology (IT) solutions in the U.S. and Canada.DW (NASDAQ: CDW) is a Fortune 500 company and a leading provider of integrated information technology (IT) solutions in the U.S. and Canada.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "96fcc599b0e883c953cc684255b22296", "text": "- Microsoft Security Essentials. Microsoft Security Essentials provides real-time protection for your home or small business PC that guards against viruses, spyware, and other malicious software.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cbfd09b9db20650cbdd5b4c4092c60fb", "text": "- Microsoft Security Essentials provides real-time protection for your home PC that guards against viruses, spyware, and other malicious software.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0e9ce76e07d76366e159cb6639638ed8", "text": "Do You Really Need to Pay for Antivirus Software? There are usually two levels of paid-subscription packages. Bitdefender, for example, has a $79.95 package (for three PCs) called Bitdefender Internet Security. But if you opt for the company's $89.95 Bitdefender Total Security (for three PCs) package, you'll also get system performance checks and online backup.he mere fact that you are diligent enough to download and install a free antivirus application means that you're also probably more careful than most people online and may not need the added protection a $50 or $80 program affords.", "title": "" } ]
requirements for aircraft used for flight training
[ { "docid": "0bf89e1a5db42e9d7c94f7e96ebef176", "text": "- (1) An aircraft that is used for flight training shall: (a) meet the aircraft equipment requirements of Subpart 605, in respect of the conditions and rules under which it is to be operated: day or night, VFR or IFR, and VMC or IMC;", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "fa49ba6a18cff0d10010a456058e574b", "text": "T-38 Talon Twin-Jet Trainer Aircraft USAF T-38s are being upgraded with new avionics and modified engines. The T-38 is used primarily by Air Education and Training Command for training. More than 60,000 USAF pilots have trained in the T-38 since it entered service in 1961. The T-38 was the world's first supersonic jet trainer. Pacer Classic is a programme designed to extend the structural life of the T-38 to 2020.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0c05163d2f859cdf1cbca710696f7180", "text": "- training in accordance with a comprehensive training syllabus. While it is important to cover all Specifics the material, a good instructor will have the ability Transition training is intended to teach the pilot what is different about the aircraft or its installed equipment (e.g., avionics).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c2b0fc421c6b1cc2aab27ac73418997f", "text": "- If more than one helicopter type is used during training, then a minimum of 20 hours must be flown in all aircraft. However, training can be conducted in any of the helicopters in our fleet. If more than one helicopter type is used during training, then a minimum of 20 hours must be flown in all aircraft. back to top.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f395693aff40b91906e0550165c1cae8", "text": "- Certification of aircraft by the FAA ensures that commercial and general aviation aircraft meet the highest safety standards, from initial design to retirement. This page outlines the aircraft certification processes, lists important aircraft safety information, and provides guidance on general aviation aircraft.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4e1be45ae90754b4518815409aec99c4", "text": "Pilot certification in the United States Student pilot. A student pilot certificate is obtained through the FAA's Integrated Airman Certification and Rating Application (IACRA) system. The student pilot certificate is only required when exercising solo flight privileges. Student pilots must also possess a medical certificate when conducting flights requiring medical certification.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "456445df7baf0d153f1395b49d167451", "text": "- You can seek flight training through many different schools. There are formal schools like Flight Safety or an informal school like Joe Blow's Flight School. Sometimes a local FBO (Fixed Based Operator) located at a nearby airport can seem much more attractive because of cost.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fdde9a54b597a68a08b265b1bcb94345", "text": "Pilot certification in the United States Cost Estimate for the Accelerated Private Pilot Training Program. Prerequisites: Must be at least 17 years of age, be able to read, write, speak and understand the English language, must hold or apply for a US Student Pilot Certificate, and a US Airman Medical Certificate.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4df238a80054702ed8ec156654a07087", "text": "Diane Ladd Ladd was raised in the Roman Catholic faith of her mother. Ladd was married to actor and one-time co-star Bruce Dern from 1960 to 1969, and had two children, including Diane Elizabeth Dern, who died at seventeen and a half months, and actress Laura Dern.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "79bdb9916df915504dd8f50fc418a54b", "text": "Aircraft pilot Pilots are required to go through many hours of flight training and theoretical study, that differ depending on the country. The first step is acquiring the Private Pilot License (PPL), or Private Pilot Certificate. This takes at least 40 hours of flight time with a Certified Flight Instructor (CFI). In the United States, an LSA (Light Sport Aircraft) license can be obtained in at least 20 hours of flight time.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9d24b35d1276a0a2e76de678168afbcf", "text": "Federal Aviation Regulations (2) The training and endorsement required by paragraph (e)(1) of this section is not required if the person has logged flight time as pilot in command of a complex airplane, or in a flight simulator or flight training device that is representative of a complex airplane prior to August 4, 1997.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "82ff0a3eb5bed09752a2e86712e6a184", "text": "Training Examples of skills that commonly include simulator training during stages of development include piloting aircraft, spacecraft, locomotives, and ships, operating air traffic control airspace/sectors, power plant operations training, advanced military/defense system training, and advanced emergency response training.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fcf07949863bdd305e69ad7436128c62", "text": "Private Pilot Requirements Avian Flight Center. Private Pilot Requirements. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires a minimum of forty flight hours to obtain a private pilot's license. However, in reality the national average flight time as a student pilot is approximately 71 hours. Your actual flight time required, and the resulting cost of training, are dependent on your abilities, frequency of flight lessons, and the weather. Our experience shows that the average student needs about six months and 55 to 65 flight hours to complete training and earn their private pilot certificate.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b6d88b3400ece3563da6c6dfb195e639", "text": "Airline or Commercial Pilot Airline and commercial pilots who are newly hired by airlines or on-demand air services companies undergo on-the-job training in accordance with Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs). This training usually includes 6–8 weeks of ground school.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b993ef323063fa52682c0e3bdb8a1dc5", "text": "How to Export Data From Word to Excel 1. Click File in the Word 2010 document you want to move to Excel. Select Save As from the menu. 2. Click the arrow next to Save as Type and choose Plain Text from the list. Type in a name for your file in the File Name field, then use the explorer window to choose a convenient location for your file.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "001b05d5caee641a40a2e2807c35ed9e", "text": "FAA PILOTS LICENSE REQUIREMENTS (WHAT IS REQUIRED TO LEARN HOW TO FLY FAA REQUIREMENTS FOR A PRIVATE PILOTS LICENSE) FAA's rules for getting a pilot's license (certificate) differ depending on the type of aircraft you fly. You can choose among airplanes, gyroplanes, helicopters, gliders, balloons, or airships. If you are interested in flying ultralight vehicles, you don't need a pilot's license.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "06fcedc60019b994e3685152bba0168d", "text": "Private Pilot Requirements Your actual flight time required, and the resulting cost of training, are dependent on your abilities, frequency of flight lessons, and the weather. Our experience shows that the average student needs about six months and 55 to 65 flight hours to complete training and earn their private pilot certificate. Once you have taken a medical examination and received an FAA medical certificate you are ready to begin your training and preparation for solo flight.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b343ffb5cf46b5ff74fcc641c6a343b0", "text": "- » more... 1 She would take hormones toward the last so that she would produce milk. 2 It was the hormones, my wife scoffed. 3 His touch sent a tremor of fire through her, and she was embarrassed to feel her hormones stir. Her voice, thick with sleep, ratcheted up his hormones another level.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b45c1dd403c9c6bf142b82b54fde524b", "text": "Private Pilot Program To qualify as a Private Pilot, students must undergo two examinations—one is a flight test conducted in an aircraft with an examiner, and the other is a written examination conducted by Transport Canada.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1c8f44846185499e75cc79a412be0a7b", "text": "- The Sport Pilot rule: 1 Allow sport pilots to fly existing aircraft (standard airworthiness certificate) that meet the definition of a light-sport aircraft. Creates a new student sport pilot certificate for operating any aircraft that meet the definition of a light-sport aircraft.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d5be00b1cc96aad99f18b291163f19bc", "text": "A Career As An Airline Pilot Student Pilots: To be eligible for a student pilot certificate, you must be at least 16 years old and able to read, speak, write and understand English, as required for Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 61.83.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c49312458cda6b6436b23ade8472b9bb", "text": "FAA Definitions Examples include: airplane; rotorcraft; glider; and lighter-than-air; and. (2) As used with respect to the certification of aircraft, means a grouping of aircraft based upon intended use or operating limitations. Examples include: transport, normal, utility, acrobatic, limited, restricted, and provisional.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4e047b6c5177a6ff64aacb65ff3afeae", "text": "- However, most pilots require 60–70 hours of flight time to complete training. The minimum age for a private pilot certificate is 16 for balloons and gliders, and 17 for powered flight (airplanes, helicopters, and gyroplanes). Pilots can begin training at any age and can solo balloons and gliders at age 14, powered aircraft at age 16. 1 1 Issuing authorities. 2 Categories and classes.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "26abec4969fc2deae601ebd02c4121d6", "text": "Operations in General Aviation (ii) a helicopter certificated: 1 for a maximum take-off mass exceeding 3 175 kg, or. 2 for a maximum passenger seating configuration of more than nine, or. 3 for operation with a minimum crew of at least two pilots, or.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1dd4629f043d7c7971b0462e51bb1f0b", "text": "Part IV - Personnel Licensing and Training DIVISION III - PERSONNEL AND AIRCRAFT. ( 1 1) A person who acts as a flight instructor shall be the holder of a pilot permit or pilot licence for the category, class and type of aircraft, as appropriate, on which the flight training is conducted.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5245393af504251b4f164272b33627b8", "text": "Federal Aviation Regulations (i) Received and logged ground and flight training from an authorized instructor in a complex airplane, or in a flight simulator or flight training device that is representative of a complex airplane, and has been found proficient in the operation and systems of the airplane; and", "title": "" } ]
what is a capricorn element for this sign
[ { "docid": "e9855372670c591bc7d0556f7fb31ee4", "text": "Star Signs and Their Elements - Astrology - The White Goddess The Element Earth. The earth signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. The earth signs are stable and practical, and they are sometimes thought of as stubborn. They are concerned with the mundane details of the world, and what really exists. They can have trouble with non-tangible ideas, however.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "c90c7dc787330c2c36c1a9088715ee18", "text": "- [ back to top ] THE EARTH ELEMENT IF YOUR NATAL CHART IS EARTH STRONG The Earth signs are Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. Earth is a Yin or Feminine element, which expresses itself as reliability, stability, solidity, stoicism, sensuality, and practicality. You are a practical and efficient, hands-on person.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "908e06a043529a98a68c9f70a58ca3ec", "text": "Capricorn Capricorn - (astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Capricorn. Goat. individual, mortal, person, somebody, someone, soul - a human being; there was too much for one person to do. astrology, star divination - a pseudoscience claiming divination by the positions of the planets and sun and moon.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6723534ae3afb6a519848daa5de4a19b", "text": "Capricornus Capricornus represents a sea-goat, a mythical creature that is half goat, half fish. Its name means horned male goat or goat horn in Latin. Like other zodiac constellations, Capricornus was first charted by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy in the 2nd century.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0a2e78de4179571e7e4a68988705813f", "text": "Capricorn Characteristics Ambitious. The symbol of this sun sign is the mountain goat. If you take a look at it, you will find that the mountain goat climbs the mountain slowly, taking steeper paths, but ultimately reaching the top. Similar are the characteristics of these individuals.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3357431d313849de78d5b7b84ee18bd5", "text": "Capricorn Man Personality and Compatibility Capricorn Sign Background. Capricorn is considered the “10th House of the Zodiac”, which also happens to be the same place where “Social Status” resides. In plain-speak, this means that the ultimate decision to enter a particular line of work or be involved with a given career is largely influenced by Capricorn energy.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "32f41e1e641b47237d2cad86eef06166", "text": "Standard Scientific calculators After performing a sequence of calculations in S-V.P.A.M. Series, when I attempt to store the answer in memory, the value changes to something else altogether.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1eeb7f13d974e3689414809ed34bd3fd", "text": "The Earth Signs: Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo The qualities are Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable. Capricorn is a Cardinal sign, known for its initiatory nature, Taurus is a Fixed sign, and it sinks into the Earth perhaps the deepest, and Virgo is a Mutable sign, characterized by changeability. Earth and Water : Earth signs can help the emotional Water signs find tangible outlets for imaginative gifts.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d365e0bbfa0838ad6ecaefb841a811d6", "text": "Capricorn Astrology December 22 â January 19 Capricorn is the longer of all zodiac signs. The Capricorn is the strong friend, they will always be there to help, they are very sympathetic, caring and helpful to a friend in need. A Capricorn will get someone back on their feet again with a steady plan for success and for all this, they expect nothing in return.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a3ccebd758c91670debd5558d120d332", "text": "Zodiac Signs Capricorn Sun Sign Capricorn, the tenth sign of the zodiac, is all about hard work. Those born under this sign are more than happy to put in a full day at the office, realizing that it will likely take a lot of those days to get to the top.he great strengths of the Capricorn-born are their willingness to work hard and their determination to succeed. Their ambition is boundless, yet they are cautious, responsible and always play fair. That's why their successes are all the more sweet.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "51110cd3023a68b8b96fdf24e28c056d", "text": "Capricorn Sign Meaning Capricorn is also the last of the Cardinal signs, marking the date when the Sun reaches its southernmost point in the sky, the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere, and the first day of winter.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "320f15780b0321352f9480921b28c90b", "text": "Capricorn A person born under the sign of Capricorn will have a tendency to be goal oriented. They seek positions where they can have great control and authority. They don't function well in subordinate positions. If they believe they can succeed in attaining a goal, they will perservere until it is reached.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ee740f20024436d321c1323e3746b913", "text": "Taurus: About This Zodiac Sign The other two earth signs are Virgo and Capricorn. Since Taurus is the first earth sign in the zodiac cycle, it’s like the bedrock that sets the foundation. Many Taurus people are stabilizers, ensuring that there’s security for themselves and others.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e4d8067249a49687e4dacd3361927e8a", "text": "Capricorn Horoscope (December 22 to January 19) Serious Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of tough lessons and wisdom. As a result, many Capricorns are “old souls” who play by the rules and follow tradition. Accustomed to regular butt-kickings from Saturn, you often see life as an uphill battle, with the ultimate reward arriving only through suffering and sacrifice. Ambitious Capricorn is symbolized by a mountain goat climbing up a rocky hill, taking one cautious step at a time.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "231e00c641b81cfccaddfbb2dac9f921", "text": "- Astrology Zodiac Sign Traits Qualities - Astrology Elements - Fire Signs (Aries, Sagittarius, Leo), - Air Signs (Libra, Gemini, Aquarius) - Water Signs (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio) - Earth Signs (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo) - Get Your Free Monthly Horoscopes Enjoy Psychic Astrology Readings at the link. Find this Pin and more on Misc.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "994b997bc35545c61adbb23d49a39c85", "text": "- Why are they called Air signs?: There are four triplicities in astrology, which is a grouping based on the elements. The other triplicities are water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) and earth signs (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo).he Air Element in Astrology: Those with planets in Air signs lead with the head, and those wheels are always turning to analyze and interpret their world. These are the idea people, who breeze in and offer a fresh perspective on the situation at hand.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d0dd7b28e8104237936f744c8ef6e937", "text": "Capricorn Zodiac Sign Facts and Traits Explained The second is the garden goat, with little adventurous spirit or ambition-happy to remain within a small domain, refusing to budge unless it is pushed. Either type of Capricorn, however, is patient and persevering.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "346a872745692fb014bb46fb2a943208", "text": "The measured master planner of the horoscope family, Capricorn energy teaches us the power of structure, delayed gratification and setting goals for the long haul. Keywords for Capricorn: Ambition, Structure, Goals, Long-Term Plans, Prestige, Public Image/Acclaim. Capricorn: The Mountain Goat. Ruled by the driven and persistent Mountain Goat, Capricorn energy is willful and determined, focused on the loftiest goals. Capricorn helps us set our minds on an outcome, and reach the finish line.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8a9b1ba308eeaa84cc2b40b4db1ce402", "text": "Graphical index Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn. In the Tropical zodiac, the Sun transits this area of the zodiac from December 22 to January 20 each year. In Sidereal astrology, the sun currently transits the constellation of Capricorn from January 15 - February 14 (approximately).ore symbols in Zodiac : In both astrology and historical astronomy, the zodiac is a circle of twelve 30° divisions of celestial longitude that are centered upon the ecliptic: the apparent path of the Sun across the celesti… read more ».", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3722505a2fe763a6172b33b7e5ea4d7b", "text": "How compatible are Aries and Capricorn? Planets in these Signs are in Square aspect to one another which is more or less stressful depending on how close the aspect is to 90 degrees. Aries is a Fire Sign, and Capricorn an Earth Sign, so we can see where the main motivation will come from. Aries likes quick wins in the present time whereas Capricorn is looking forward to achieving some long term goal, or Career, and will not appreciate being rushed. So there will be a continual block on Aries' enthusiasm.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c678d6e56ed32e91a356084b10a7f2d9", "text": "- Its name means “the goat” in Latin. Capricornus is one of the 12 zodiac constellations and it is represented by the symbol ♑. It was one of the constellations originally catalogued by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy in the 2nd century.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e918645d13a3c7366535124c4bac1f4f", "text": "- The four elements in astrology and what they mean: fire signs, earth signs, air signs and water signs.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "015d868ce28a0390267c37b9fcbeb79c", "text": "- This page is about the meaning, origin and characteristic of the symbol, emblem, seal, sign, logo or flag: Capricorn.Capricorn is the tenth astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Capricornus.ore symbols in Zodiac : In both astrology and historical astronomy, the zodiac is a circle of twelve 30° divisions of celestial longitude that are centered upon the ecliptic: the apparent path of the Sun across the celesti… read more ».", "title": "" }, { "docid": "90caba9f1ce312554767796f755efcea", "text": "- Certified Astrologer; NCGR Member. The perfect person for a Capricorn is an individual that is responsible, ardent and funny, with an entire other set of personality characteristics thrown in for good measure!apricorn gets a bad rap for being serious and, like fellow earth signs Taurus and Virgo, very responsible. To a certain extent, these characteristics are true; Capricorns are serious and responsible, but this is just the tip of the Capricorn iceberg.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "192ae58ede9b9555354221b3e5ece201", "text": "Capricorn Also called: the Goat or Capricornus the tenth sign of the zodiac, symbol ♑, having a cardinal earth classification and ruled by the planet Saturn. The sun is in this sign between about Dec 22 and Jan 19. b. a person born during the period when the sun is in this sign.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "61b88ad43c6b815bcf9e6ce27815db75", "text": "Libra, Aquarius and Gemini Are the Air Elements Some are spacy if there's a lot of air sign planets, and not a lot of earth for grounding. But when there's a lack of air, it can hard to see things objectively. Look at Too Much Air or Too Less Air in the birth chart. There are four Elements in Astrology. And there are four triplicities in astrology, which is a grouping based on the elements. The other triplicities are water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) and earth signs (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo).", "title": "" } ]
icd code for pth level
[ { "docid": "8adb3eba9037df214dbefec38f5b2f13", "text": "- PTH testing in patients who have undergone thyroidectomy and/or parathyroidectomy (reported with ICD-9 codes V67.09 and V77.99) is only covered for immediate post-operative follow-up. Long term follow-up would be performed by monitoring calcium.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "dc567d49899acfbf6cf36a447db3a37a", "text": "- Arthropathy, unspecified. 1 M12.9 is a billable ICD-10-CM code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes. 2 Reimbursement claims with a date of service on or after October 1, 2015 require the use of ICD-10-CM codes.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "78fe791ba40437a52020154e4df5437b", "text": "Humidity The relative humidity of an air-water mixture is defined as the ratio of the partial pressure of water vapor in the mixture to the equilibrium vapor pressure of water at a given temperature:Relative humidity is normally expressed as a percentage; a higher percentage means that the air-water mixture is more humid.he relative humidity of an air-water mixture is defined as the ratio of the partial pressure of water vapor in the mixture to the equilibrium vapor pressure of water at a given temperature:", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6dcee4944a07cc8f43f9d685ba1e67a1", "text": "- Arthropathy, unspecified. 1 M12.9 is a billable ICD-10-CM code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes. 2 Reimbursement claims with a date of service on or after October 1, 2015 require the use of ICD-10-CM codes.3 This is the American ICD-10-CM version of M12.9. M12.9 is a billable ICD-10-CM code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3e6758670346c6c54e675c545768dbd9", "text": "- Hyposmolality and/or hyponatremia. 1 Short description: Hyposmolality. 2 ICD-9-CM 276.1 is a billable medical code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis on a reimbursement claim, however, 276.1 should only be used for claims with a date of service on or before September 30, 2015. For claims with a date of service on or after October 1, 2015, use an equivalent ICD-10-CM code (or codes).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "61fe58eaec58fafbcc9a14b5f7ab5adc", "text": "- Argentous corneal deposits, right eye 2017 Billable/Specific Code H18.021 is a billable ICD-10 medical codes that provide a detailed representation of a patient's conditions or diagnoses.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "28ed51ef4eace65cafa2f19d5256b8fa", "text": "- Unspecified hydronephrosis. N13.30 is a billable/specific ICD-10-CM code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes. This is the American ICD-10-CM version of N13.30. Other international versions of ICD-10 N13.30 may differ.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a0c58a3aeda875a42571a01cbbd2d6c2", "text": "- 1 ICD-9-CM 785.6 is a billable medical code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis on a reimbursement claim, however, 785.6 should only be used for claims with a date of service on or before September 30, 2015.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b7351ef7c48bc4840d84696e6ed2a7df", "text": "- 2016 2017 Billable/Specific Code. 1 H18.9 is a billable/specific ICD-10-CM code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes. 2 This is the American ICD-10-CM version of H18.9. 3 Reimbursement claims with a date of service on or after October 1, 2015 require the use of ICD-10-CM codes.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "97ba0f99825a4412b33e409049bc8381", "text": "- Dehydration. 1 E86.0 is a billable ICD-10-CM code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes. 2 Reimbursement claims with a date of service on or after October 1, 2015 require the use of ICD-10-CM codes. 3 This is the American ICD-10-CM version of E86.0. Reimbursement claims with a date of service on or after October 1, 2015 require the use of ICD-10-CM codes.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "37973df80f704e3e3fcdc02de61e4327", "text": "- 1 That means dehydration, water damage only without the need of alternation in salt. 2 State of too much lessened system waters or even waters debts. 3 ICD-9-CM 276. 4 51 is often a billable health value which you can use so that you can specify a diagnosis for a payment maintain.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e46e3486554dea8cba71c608c7c1d0eb", "text": "- 1 ICD-9-CM 751.7 is a billable medical code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis on a reimbursement claim, however, 751.7 should only be used for claims with a date of service on or before September 30, 2015.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cee51126805219dc2112539b9ba007a4", "text": "- 1 ICD-9-CM 751.7 is a billable medical code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis on a reimbursement claim, however, 751.7 should only be used for claims with a date of service on or before September 30, 2015. 2 For claims with a date of service on or after October 1, 2015, use an equivalent ICD-10-CM code (or codes).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e00f57b08f70a6b500bdaa1c991b53a2", "text": "- Questionable As Admission Dx. Short description: Benign hypertension. ICD-9-CM 401.1 is a billable medical code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis on a reimbursement claim, however, 401.1 should only be used for claims with a date of service on or before September 30, 2015. For claims with a date of service on or after October 1, 2015, use an equivalent ICD-10-CM code (or codes).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "efe84e055774e1a936989a5e08cd3eb7", "text": "- 2012 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code 780.97. Altered mental status. ICD-9-CM 780.97 is a billable medical code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis on a reimbursement claim, however, 780.97 should only be used for claims with a date of service on or before September 30, 2015. For claims with a date of service on or after October 1, 2015, use an equivalent ICD-10-CM code (or codes).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e0932648bc8728dd7873f669691a216f", "text": "DECUBITUS ULCER ICD 9 CODES DECUBITUS ULCER ICD 9 CODES. ICD-9-CM codes are used in medical billing and coding to describe diseases, injuries, symptoms and conditions (like decubitus ulcers). ICD-9-CM 707.00 is the base billing code for decubitus ulcers (pressure sores). The following medical billing ICD 9 codes are specific to decubitus ulcers and their locations on the patient’s body: 707.00 – decubitus ulcer, unspecified area of the body. 707.01 – decubitus ulcer of the elbow.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ce950339d37cb44497828e58bb761145", "text": "Code This! Results: Pre-PTCA/stent distal LAD — 95%. Post-PTCA/stent — no residual. Pre-PTCA/stent proximal LAD — 90%. Post-PTCA/stent — no residual. Pre-stent RCA — 95%. Post-stent — no residual. Code This! Assign the correct ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM Diagnosis and CPT 2013 Procedure Codes. ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code. 414.01 Coronary atherosclerosis of native coronary artery. Rationale: The pre-and postoperative diagnosis presented in the operative note is coronary artery disease.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "13fc0d9310c48911f8506beca7473380", "text": "- 1 ICD-9-CM 785.6 is a billable medical code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis on a reimbursement claim, however, 785.6 should only be used for claims with a date of service on or before September 30, 2015. 2 For claims with a date of service on or after October 1, 2015, use an equivalent ICD-10-CM code (or codes).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7ed9578901eec0796878b467cced2210", "text": "- ICD 9 Codes 404 for Hypertensive Heart & Chronic Kidney Disease ICD 9 codes 404.00, 404.01, 404.02, 404.03 ,404.10, 404.11, 404.12, 404.13, 404.90, 404.91, 404.92, 404.93. ICD 9 Codes 405 for Secondary Hypertension ICD 9 codes for Secondary hypertension 405.01, 405.09, 405.11, 405.19, 405.91, 405.99. Hypertensive Disease Excludes: complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or the puerperium (642.0-642.9) that involving coronary vessels (410.00-414.9). 1 Malignant.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "10e55214bf80f4dc64a1e0cd4b2965a2", "text": "- Please use this page as a guide for the most commonly used ICD-10 codes that meet medical necessity for ultrasound services, per CMS guidelines. 1 93970 - Upper/Lower Extremity Venous. 2 93930 - Upper Extremity Arterial. 3 93925 - Lower Extremity Arterial. 93922 1 - ABI. 76700 - Abdominal, Complete. 76770 - Renal / Retroperitoneal.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a0e379ebf459bcf8ab9ea36900676a1b", "text": "Nomatophobia Nomatophobia is the fear of names. The origin of the word nam is Latin (meaning name) and phobia is Greek (meaning fear). Nomatophobia is considered to be a specific phobia, which is discussed on the home page. Nomatophobia is also related to Onomatophobia (fear of hearing a certain word or names).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dec6853651e48e98944244864b354b9d", "text": "- 1 ICD-9-CM 727.04 is a billable medical code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis on a reimbursement claim, however, 727.04 should only be used for claims with a date of service on or before September 30, 2015. 2 For claims with a date of service on or after October 1, 2015, use an equivalent ICD-10-CM code (or codes).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2343b1f4be1a45dcf1453cc21698a615", "text": "- Huntington disease-caused by mutations in the HTT gene. The inherited mutation that causes Huntington disease is known as a CAG trinucleotide repeat expansion. This mutation increases the size of the CAG segment in the HTT gene. People with Huntington disease have 36 to more than 120 CAG repeats.he inherited mutation that causes Huntington disease is known as a CAG trinucleotide repeat expansion. This mutation increases the size of the CAG segment in the HTT gene. People with Huntington disease have 36 to more than 120 CAG repeats.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2d52373b011a0d8ee136a1e7605b885e", "text": "ICD-10-CM Code D65Disseminated intravascular coagulation [defibrination syndrome] This means that in all cases where the ICD9 code 286.6 was previously used, D65 is the appropriate modern ICD10 code.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4fd8aeec646ed6a81693d8b6ae53945c", "text": "Reader Question: Catheter Removal The appropriate renal failure ICD-9 code should be linked to the insertion procedure code, and the ICD-9 code for infected peritoneal dialysis catheter (996.68) should be linked to the removal procedure code.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "aeafc1b86fc8fa12c4b130afb97928a7", "text": "- MEDICAID CODING GUIDELINE. Effective: URINALAYSIS. CPT CODES: 81000 Urinalysis, by dip stick or tablet reagent for bilirubin, glucose, hemoglobin, ketones, leukocytes, nitrite, pH, protein, specific. gravity, urobilinogen, any number of these constituents; non-automated, with microscopy. 81001 automated, with microscopy. 81002 non-automated, without microscopy. 81003 automated, without microscopy.", "title": "" } ]
bolero meaning tagalog
[ { "docid": "6a3e6e522f9bd354e14ce9302cadc901", "text": "What does Bolero mean? Bolero is a colloquial Tagalog word which means you’re a flatterer/sweet talker. Usually if someone told you that, it's not like that she is mad at you. It's just an expression said in jest.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "0d8b43d919fec6b292262fb90966d76f", "text": "\"What does \"\"Na lang pala\"\" mean in Tagalog?\" Answers. Best Answer: na lang pala - instead - - its a connecting phrase for something that you think would be a better replacement from your previous idea. it is usually preceded by a noun or a pronoun.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b68488be48489b9fd6cd7b5b18c9b001", "text": "LEARN TAGALOG A foreigner who says that the Philippine national language is “Tagalog” may offend politically conscious Filipinos from other parts of the country where Tagalog is not the first language. Cebuano, Kapampangan, Ilocano and such are NOT mere dialects of Tagalog — they are completely distinct LANGUAGES that are very different from each other.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1dff34a2990f1431f7093810af013e4b", "text": "Can Gerbils Eat Cheese? Can Gerbils Eat Cheese? September 22, 2015. Cheese is a food that is made from the pressed curds of milk. It is firm and elastic or soft and semi-liquid in nature. It is produced in a wide range of flavors, textures, and forms by coagulation of the milk protein casein.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ed9b7b9e5050f75531669ae971f720c9", "text": "Tagalog Tagalog (Filipino) belongs to the Malayo-Polynesian branch of the Austronesian language family. The name of the language is derived from tagá-ílog, from tagá– ‘native’+ ílog ‘river’ It is spoken by 21.5 million people as a first language and as a second language by a great majority of Filipinos. Tagalog is also spoken in Canada, Guam, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and USA. The total number of speakers of Tagalog worldwide is estimated to be 24.2 million . It is the sixth most-spoken language in the U.S. and the lingua franca of Filipinos anywhere in the world.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1d1aee3fbab227fb14a352a42c4b9fea", "text": "Tagalog Tagalog (Filipino) belongs to the Malayo-Polynesian branch of the Austronesian language family. The name of the language is derived from tagá-ílog, from tagá– ‘native’+ ílog ‘river’ It is spoken by 21.5 million people as a first language and as a second language by a great majority of Filipinos. Tagalog is also spoken in Canada, Guam, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and USA. The total number of speakers of Tagalog worldwide is estimated to be 24.2 million (Ethnologue). It is the sixth most-spoken language in the U.S. and the lingua franca of Filipinos anywhere in the world.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4ef0adb596c176431929c5a9f449284a", "text": "Taglish Coño English (Tagalog: Konyo) or Colegiala English (Spanish]]: /koleˈxjala/) is a creole of Taglish/Englog that originated from the younger generations of rich families in Manila. The word coño itself came from the Spanish word coño. It is a form of Philippine English that has mixed Spanish, English, and Tagalog words.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "07514b2845b14570862e92326cff7166", "text": "Definitions &Translations Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 bole(noun) a soft oily clay used as a pigment (especially a reddish brown pigment) 2 trunk, tree trunk, bole(noun) the main stem of a tree; usually covered with bark; the bole is usually the part that is commercially useful for lumber.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d73f9e85e07823cd9dc673a3982666d4", "text": "Silang, Cavite Etymology[edit] The name Silang was derived from the Tagalog word silanganan meaning east, because the town is seated at the eastern portion of Cavite. A legend claims that it was coined from the Tagalog word isinilang or given birth to, referring to the sudden and unusual emergence of the parish church.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7961b571f87e09fd6d0b5d1e5d27ed46", "text": "- a people in the Philippines. The Tagalog live on central and southern Luzon and on Mindoro, Marinduque, and several smaller islands, inhabiting primarily the coast, river valleys, and lake areas (hence their name, literally meaning “living by the water”). They number more than 8 million (1975, estimate).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "53d469df5b39d6928e84f390266eae2d", "text": "- Cholo (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈtʃolo]) is a loosely defined Spanish term that has had various meanings relating to the connotation of people of indigenous heritage, who in many cases have Mexican blood (mestizos), or who have adopted elements of Mexican gang members dress, language or culture.[1] Its use has migrated from the initial negative ...", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7dde9858fad492b20578030d8ad16374", "text": "- The American Style Bolero is a unique dance style combining the patterns of Rumba with the rise and fall technique and character of Waltz and Foxtrot. The music is 4/4 time, and is danced to the slowest rhythms of the Latin ballroom dances (the spectrum runs Bolero, Rumba, Cha Cha, Mambo).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "068577111e37067abd4535c61baaa3ff", "text": "Ambohimanga Explained The name Ambohimanga is a noun-adjective compound in the standard Malagasy language composed of two parts: ambohi, meaning hill, and manga, which can mean sacred, blue, beautiful or good. The earliest known name for the hill was Tsimadilo.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "843c01726cfb5490a5a0f5dc38deba36", "text": "- In the Philippines, cono (Coño: tagalog) konyo refers to a Wealthy anglophone person raised/and or living in a gated, community though the term originally referred to Insular, spaniards regardless of socioeconomic. status", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fd843ff596e22f4eabec179a22fb0cea", "text": "The history of Bolero This is a left turning dance based on a slip pivot (a slip pivot is a rotation of the body on the ball of the supporting foot creating a pivot either forward or backward). Bolero has body rise only (no foot rise).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dfc2a72b52b2b0493bc035f5f7bea9af", "text": "- Tagalog (/təˈɡɑːlɒɡ/; Tagalog pronunciation: ) is an Austronesian language spoken as a first language by a quarter of the population of the Philippines and as a second language by the majority.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d69a809c66021d53e523059f08fbf87f", "text": "bolero bolero. 1. A lively Spanish dance characterized by aerial action. 2. A short jacket, originally from Spain, ending above the waist and worn open.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c081bc2788f028bd465c72e74d8ca61a", "text": "Filipino, Pilipino, Pinoy, Pilipinas, Philippines - What's the Difference? On the other hand, Pilipino, is how the locals from the Philippines refer to themselves, or to their national language. When applied to the language, Pilipino is synonymous with Tagalog, the language widely spoken in Manila, Bulacan, Bataan, and Batangas.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4ce38cc7948bf3b1a612ee85e33329af", "text": "Tagalog Tagalog is a non-tonal language with a relatively small number of phonemes, i.e., sounds that make a difference in word meaning. Vowels. Tagalog has 5 vowel phonemes, i.e., sounds that make a difference in word meaning. An interesting feature of Tagalog verbs, as in other in Malayo-Polynesian languages, is its focus (or trigger) system. 2 This means that the role of the noun marked by the absolutive marker is reflected in the verb. 3 There are several triggers: actor, object, location, beneficiary, instrument, and reason.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "235d5fe5b1de48e9effbf0905420b4e2", "text": "Culera JFON New Member United States - English. Hello, I'm working on translating a declaration, and twice the author says culera. I think it means something not nice, but I'm not sure what. 1. Yo siempre soy bien culera. 2. Es que todos los de mi familia son culeros. Thanks!", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4a982cddf40da5f0984def0e2c11bb6c", "text": "What does Bolero mean? But because of the giggle, the meaning changed: when she said “Bolero!”, it didn’t mean something negative towards you. The giggle is a sign that her response of “Bolero” is just an expression.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "77b7be068f08a317abb4996d15b3e2bb", "text": "- : a Spanish dance characterized by sharp turns, stamping of the feet, and sudden pauses in a position with one arm arched over the head; also: music in 3⁄4 time for a bolero. 2. : a loose waist-length jacket open at the front.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1e25c0b0cb6f7b8663bf70febf2511b7", "text": "Taglish The English verb drive can be changed to the Tagalog word magda-drive meaning will drive (used in place of the Tagalog word magmamaneho). The English noun Internet can also be changed to the Tagalog word nag-Internet meaning have used the Internet. Taglish and Englog also use sentences of mixed English or Tagalog words and phrases.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ca0328b3b3c558efc18a85217e26ae4a", "text": "Jarabe Tapatio Jarabe Tapatio. Jarabe Tapatio, best known as the Mexican Hat Dance, is a traditional Mexican dance. It originates in the town of Guadaljara, Jalisco, Mexico. The jarabe tapatio has become a symbol of Mexico since the ruling of Spain. Back in the 1800s during the revolution, the dance was banned by the authorities for its sexual nature and for its defiance of the Spanish ruling.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e04f4dc4abee088d9e906ce1acd350a9", "text": "Cholo For the ancient Chinese ruler, see Duke Wen of Jin. Cholo (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈtʃolo]) is a loosely defined term that has had various meanings relating to the connotation of people of indigenous heritage, who in many cases have Spanish blood (mestizos), or who have adopted elements of Spanish dress, language or culture.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c5adc416712a44037c1cc34757422c29", "text": "Bole Chudiyan Bole chudiyan, bole kangna The bangles say, the bracelet say Haai main ho gayi teri saajna That I have become yours, beloved Tere bin jiyo naiyo lag da main te margaiya Without you, I could not live, I would die (Le jaa le jaa, dil le jaa le jaa. Take away the heart, take it away.ole chudiyan, bole kangna The bangles say, the bracelet say Haai main ho gayi teri saajna That I have become yours, beloved Tere bin jiyo naiyo lag da main te margaiya Without you, I could not live, I would die (Le jaa le jaa, dil le jaa le jaa. Take away the heart, take it away.", "title": "" } ]
types of hip repair
[ { "docid": "07efe8f1ddb6d846df1f3f1d4c37b8eb", "text": "- Two types of surgery are used. 1 Hip repair (internal fixation). 2 Hip repair involves stabilizing broken bones with surgical screws, nails, rods, or plates. 3 This type of surgery is usually for people who have fractures in which the bones can be properly aligned.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "cc8043c1f4770f9da913940285680e97", "text": "Hip Replacement Surgery Hip replacement surgery is a treatment for pain and disability in the hip. The most common condition that results in the need for hip replacement surgery is osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis causes loss of joint cartilage in the hip.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "47b4eeb91cb0d12bfff20f340fa852e3", "text": "When did walking the dog become such a sore subject? Procedures to restore function. The orthopedic surgeons at CVPH perform surgical procedures using a variety of techniques to best benefit the individual patient and his or her needs. Modern knee and hip replacement surgery has a very high success rate, and offers many patients great improvements in quality of life.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "efcb76c263c04f07514f234148a98cb1", "text": "- 1 Two-incision surgery. 2 In this type of minimally invasive hip replacement, the surgeon makes two small incisions: 3 A 2- to 3-inch incision over the groin for placement of the socket, and. 4 A 1- to 2-inch incision over the buttock for placement of the femoral stem.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "25fee7876e8ccbb503c5d9c8f81aaa83", "text": "Posterior vs. Anterior Total Hip Replacement There are a variety of approaches available to orthopedic surgeons regarding total hip replacement. No matter the approach or type of implant used, when performed by an experienced surgeon, surgical time, hospital stay, speed of recovery, and rates of complications are very low.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "701b6e64ec254fb9c446b04f9ab676d9", "text": "Hip hemiarthroplasty A hip hemiarthroplasty is similar to a hip replacement but only one half of the hip joint is replaced. In a hip hemiarthroplasty the top of the thigh bone (femur) is replaced by a metal implant. The hip joint is a ball and socket joint. The socket is formed by a cup in the pelvis, known as the acetabulum. The ball of the joint is formed by the head of the thigh bone (femur).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fc5283b1303d962f82a7f5006563a6bc", "text": "Hip Fracture Types and Complications A broken hip is a common injury, especially in elderly individuals with thinning bone. In the United States, hip fractures are the most common broken bone that requires hospitalization; about 300,000 Americans are hospitalized for a hip fracture every year. A broken hip and a hip fracture mean the same thing. Hip fractures in the elderly are most often caused by a fall, usually a seemingly insignificant fall. In younger patients with stronger bones, more common causes of a broken hip include high-energy injuries such as car accidents or falls from a height.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bbebe8dc56c84dbb4cb32728b9a0ebdd", "text": "Anterior Total Hip replacement A posterior approach is a very good approach to do a hip replacement surgery. It provides the surgeon with a lot of options. Through a posterior approach, any implant can be used, while the anterior approach requires special implants.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9682fcbd79b6b1d853256fd257c6b376", "text": "Hip replacement surgery basics - An Overview Hip replacement surgery basics - An Overview. Hip replacement surgery is a type of joint replacement surgery procedure. I am sure you might be aware of the term hip arthritis. However, it is not easy to estimate the right time for a hip replacement surgery. The term ‘arthritis’ refers to the inflammation of the joints.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "aa5ec27fe138bddd974619e58fb0b1a7", "text": "Hemiarthroplasty of the Hip A hemiarthroplasty is an operation that is used most commonly to treat a fractured hip. The operation is similar to a total hip replacement, but it involves only half of the hip. (Hemi means half, and arthroplasty means joint replacement.) The hemiarthroplasty replaces only the ball portion of the hip joint, not the socket portion. In a total hip replacement, the socket is also replaced.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5487b4072a02629c16192560d44129a1", "text": "Arthritis and Hip Replacement Surgery Font Size. A. A. A. Hip replacement surgery is a procedure in which a doctor surgically removes a painful hip joint with arthritis and replaces it with an artificial joint often made from metal and plastic components. It usually is done when all other treatment options have failed to provide adequate pain relief.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "af8f140eba7fd5544a0c2fca2cca260e", "text": "Joint Replacement Articles Hip and knee replacements are the most commonly performed joint replacements, but replacement surgery can be performed on other joints, as well, including the ankle, wrist, shoulder, and elbow. Anatomy. A joint is where the ends of two or more bones meet. There are different types of joints within the body. For example, the knee is considered a hinge joint, because of its ability to bend and straighten like a hinged door. The hip and shoulder are ball-and-socket joints, in which the rounded end of one bone fits into a cup-shaped area of another bone.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0221538f3812d2eb97bd319266f7022a", "text": "Hip joint replacement Hip joint replacement is surgery to replace all or part of the hip joint with a man-made joint. The artificial joint is called a prosthesis. Your hip joint is made up of two major parts. One or both parts may be replaced during surgery: The hip socket (a part of the pelvic bone called the acetabulum)", "title": "" }, { "docid": "90435be53d41648b68c233f4fa1731d7", "text": "Types of Hip Replacement and Methods of Fixation Total hip replacement is an operation designed to replace the damaged hip joint. Various prosthetic designs and types of procedures are available to the surgeon. Our surgeons carefully evaluate the patient to: 1) determine if surgery is indicated; 2) determine the most appropriate type of procedure; and 3) develop a plan of treatment.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "74db09fc00e55486ed0377be4e091cd7", "text": "Hip Arthroscopy and Other Treatments for Hip Conditions Hip Arthroscopy and Other Treatments for Hip Conditions. Hip arthroscopy is one of various forms of surgical treatments for hip conditions. To better understand the following discussion of these treatments, it is useful to first get an overview of the anatomy of the hip. The hip joint is the ball-and-socket joint.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4f961f75fe0898fa6ce83744aac4a7ab", "text": "Hip Replacement see also Hip Resurfacing. see also Revision Total Hip Replacement. The hip joint is a ball-and-socket joint made up of the top of the thigh bone or femur (ball) and the acetabulum (socket) in the pelvis.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bf5aa89fc0f79554dab6f55ac12e63fd", "text": "Hip Implants Hip surgery may involve total hip replacement or it may involve hip resurfacing. During total hip replacement surgery, the damaged portions of the hip joint are removed. The ball (femoral head) is removed and replaced with a prosthetic ball made of metal or ceramic, and the socket (acetabulum) is removed and replaced with a prosthetic cup.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bf1b87c9d6a4c7b3bb561938dbfc8415", "text": "Types of Hip & Pelvic Fractures A break in the acetabulum—the socket located on each side of the pelvis—is less common than other types of pelvic or hip fractures. It usually occurs as the result of a car accident or fall from a significant height, with damage to other bones and soft structures in and around the hip and pelvis.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c7db8198b24694c9e65a6b03576a592d", "text": "Parts & Materials On the socket (pelvic) side of a hip replacement or resurfacing, a metal half-shell is fitted inside the patient’s own bony socket. Inside this shell, a locking mechanism fastens the bearing, which can be polyethylene, metal, or ceramic.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4d2c5a6a6ef327e3b312ecc886cd4aec", "text": "Posterior vs. Anterior Total Hip Replacement The average hip replacement lasts 20-30 years or more. There is renewed interest in the news and medical world lately regarding surgical approaches to hip replacement, specifically anterior (through the front of the hip) versus posterior (through the back of the hip) methods. total hip replacement has the ability to relieve pain and restore normal function in patients whose hip joint has been destroyed by trauma or disease. In this type of surgery, the damaged hip socket and ball of the femur are replaced by man made implants.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "291ca16e028fc9d2ecb37db433f8f789", "text": "Hip Implants There may be adverse events after surgery, regardless of the type of hip system implanted including: Hip dislocation, when the ball of the thighbone (femur) slips out of its socket in the hip bone (pelvis) Bone fracture. Joint infection. Local nerve damage with numbness/weakness. Device loosening or breakage.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "28c386f0bd662158ebb775f2894c9eea", "text": "Hip replacement Hip replacement is a surgical procedure in which the hip joint is replaced by a prosthetic implant, that is, a hip prosthesis. Hip replacement surgery can be performed as a total replacement or a hemi replacement. Such joint replacement orthopaedic surgery is generally conducted to relieve arthritis pain or in some hip fractures. A total hip replacement consists of replacing both the acetabulum and the femoral head while hemiarthroplasty generally only replaces the femoral head. Hip replacement", "title": "" }, { "docid": "914e946b1539a77105c286fe036531cd", "text": "Top 30 Doctor insights on: How Long Is The Hospital Stay After A Hip Replacement And How Long Will The Replacement Last In a total hip replacement surgery, doctors replace the diseased or damaged hip with an implant consisting of a stem, ball, liner, and socket. 1 The stem, made of metal, is inserted into the femur (thigh bone) and anchors the implant in place. 2 The ball is attached to the top of the stem.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "37656b5567ffbb80efed7b5de68bb52a", "text": "Hip Impingement Treatment of hip impingement/femoroacetabular impingement begins with conservative, non-surgical methods. Rest, activity modifications, careful use of anti-inflammatory medications, and a course of physical therapy are often successful in alleviating symptoms.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d03ee9e431ce0dbcd664dbc1064f71ea", "text": "Femoroacetabular impingement The three recognized types of femoroacetabular impingement. FAI has been speculated as a cause of premature hip osteoarthritis and is characterized by abnormal contact between the proximal femur and rim of the acetabulum (hip socket).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8407dfb100881cd6cc5846db71bd36bf", "text": "Hip: Vancouver Hip: Vancouver. Various classification systems for periprosthetic fractures of the proximal femur are described in the literature. A comprehensive classification system for periprosthetic femur fractures is the Vancouver Classification for fractures following Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA). According to the Vancouver Classification Type A, Type B1 and Type C periprosthetic fractures with a stable implant, may be treated with ORIF (Open Reduction Internal Fixation)[1].", "title": "" } ]
what do say to someone who has to put a parent in a nursing home
[ { "docid": "089d915a0adf8ae1a29a3e255c7cc968", "text": "\"\"\"I Promised My Parents I'd Never Put Them in a Nursing Home\"\"\" If you put your parents in a nursing home, they still need you, the primary caregiver. They need you as an advocate. They need you to put the personal touches on their rooms and to be visible to the home staff and the other residents. They need you to help them settle in and make friends.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "23c9e68c713a0c0fbe8632f63be31721", "text": "Job Training and Career Qualifications 1 The nursing home can't require a minimum entrance fee if your care is paid for by Medicare or Medicaid. 2 For people seeking admission to the nursing home, the nursing home must tell you (both orally and in writing) and display written information about how to apply for and use Medicare and Medicaid benefits. Share a room with your spouse if you both live in the same nursing home (if you both agree to do so). 2 Be notified by the nursing home before your room or your roommate is changed. 3 They should take your preferences into account.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9d951492c4f72973213e263fd612c993", "text": "- © 2007 Alzheimer’s Association, West Virginia Chapter. Choosing a Nursing Home: What to Look For, What to Ask. When considering moving Mom into a nursing home, you should determine. Mom’s specific needs and your specific family situation as well as what. aspects of care are most important to you. Understand that no one can take care of Mom as well as you. Your.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b6d68e5082cd82f4111cd4be310070b5", "text": "When Elder Care Problems Escalate, You Can Hire an Expert Last week, my colleague Walecia Konrad offered advice on how to find “respite care” — someone to temporarily help you tend to an elderly parent or loved one so you can have some time for your own life. This week, I am writing about what to do when you feel the situation calls for the equivalent of a case worker.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e9cf8ca616b054c1cf51159279bdbdc1", "text": "- The sooner your parent gets help, the sooner all of your lives will get better. DON'T try to solve the problem alone. If you have a parent who drinks too much, you can't make everything all better, no matter what you do. Alcoholism is a disease, and an alcoholic needs help from professional doctors and counselors.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "35c0a89b3d8699c16b1fa07901317d6c", "text": "- The statement must be retained as part of the resident’s care plan. Any facility that offers this option must submit a letter signed by the nursing home administrator of record to the agency notifying it of this practice with a copy of the policies and procedures of the facility.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8f5e22bd424cd1141cd7c27c0d6a1fc0", "text": "Reasons for Putting Elderly Parents in Nursing Homes Overview. An aging parent’s declining health can be difficult to cope with as the roles of parent and child are suddenly reversed. You want to ensure that your elderly parents will be comfortable and well cared for in the future, but the demands of acting as the primary caregiver may be too overwhelming.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0239dc4dabae0795b6b670574c22b44d", "text": "- A Rare Case. Although, in practice, these laws rarely cause children have to pay for their parents’ bills, a 2012 Pennsylvania appeals court ruled that an adult son of a nursing home resident would have to pay his mother’s $93,000 nursing home bill based on the Pennsylvania filial responsibility law.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b4297baedb665f7bdd99a66d1f569b52", "text": "- According to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission’s latest data, the average wedding in Australia costs $36,200 with the bulk of the cost going towards food and alcohol.This infographic breaks down where the money typically goes, along with tips on how you can save a few bucks here and there.ur wedding cost us, personally, about $1000 including the rings. We had our wedding mid winter, on a mild day. We payed $80 for access to the park where we did the ceremony, the celebrant was my aunt. Decorations were done by my wife's mother. The one car was hired by my mum as a wedding present.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "392bd9ce662a152d4171258ea52757ea", "text": "- When setting up the home visit with the parents, I ask the parent to do a simple activity with their child. I ask them to write a list with their child (in their own words) of what they would like to do when I come to their home.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1b895f6ea7c6ae8be624e6dabd79e0dc", "text": "- When a Parent Dies A guide for patients and their families. Facts and feelings Children need help to cope with their grief when a parent dies. The surviving parent is usually the main person who must provide the help a child needs in coming to terms with the death of the other parent.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "38ae7b0cfb8e07e22f8dc6c6a7ef1c50", "text": "- Parents should know best about who is best-suited to become guardian of their children should both parents die. Therefore, both parents should name a guardian for each child in their will. Although a judge may still need to sign off on the appointment, most courts will respect parents' wishes. In support their decision, parents may want to write a letter that explains their reasons for designating the particular guardian.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4c3efe230bc45661b0c4060b000b6b84", "text": "- Tell it how it is If a parent or loved relative is dying of cancer then the children will usually be aware of the illness for some time. In most cases there will be time to talk to the children about illness and death.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d154e0c9ce5b7df4c90ff8f8fbbcbac9", "text": "- Thanks for coming by. Choosing a caregiver for your aging parents is such an important task — and certainly requires considerable thought. During this time, we also want to encourage you to speak with your parents about pre-planning his or her end-of-life services, as well.hanks for coming by. Choosing a caregiver for your aging parents is such an important task — and certainly requires considerable thought. During this time, we also want to encourage you to speak with your parents about pre-planning his or her end-of-life services, as well.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ff9ebc8b198b7355219962af3b208b6c", "text": "How Nursing Homes Can Prevent You From Suing And, unlike other types of arbitration, binding arbitration judgments cannot be appealed in court. Even if a caregiver suspects that something the nursing home did (or didn't do) resulted in their loved one's injury, or death, they won't be able to sue the home for it.Read carefully, then sign.hen it comes to nursing home contracts, Polinsky offers two critical pieces of advice for caregivers: 1 Make sure you aren't personally binding yourself to any financial responsibility. 2 If there's something in the contract that you don't understand, make note of it and ask the nursing home to explain it to you.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "28a6a77fc16c4085b24aca1804255ce1", "text": "Talking to Kids about Foster Care What happens to parents when kids go into foster care? Do the kids get to see their parents? If it is safe, and if a child’s parents are available, a child will get to visit his or her parents. Often the visits are supervised just to make sure that the kids are safe.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f1497abcf044f87347954f2b85ba7f4b", "text": "Am I responsible for a parent's nursing home bill after death, if I was Power of Attorney? Chicago, IL | April 26, 2012 2:41am. I was Power of Attorney for my mother who is now deceased. The nursing home alleges that there is an outstanding balance that was not covered by Medicare or Medicaid am I personally responsible for the debt? I am being harassed by the nursing home attorney/collection agency.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "552a0db43dc2ce29758017d6f0f3c8ea", "text": "Joan Lunden, The New Face for A Place for Mom, Inc. “If you are worried about a parent or loved one living alone, you can trust A Place for Mom to help you. I truly applaud A Place for Mom’s Advisors’ compassionate approach to the elderly and their families and also their skills in matching people to the best facility.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cebb27364019eccb780c8b3d9201bbd3", "text": "What Caregivers Should Know About Nursing Home Care Nursing homes offer the most extensive care a person can get outside a hospital. Nursing homes offer help with custodial care -- like bathing, getting dressed, and eating -- as well as skilled care. Skilled nursing care is given by a registered nurse and includes medical monitoring and treatments.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a0ae162b96353bf4452fe4b16d1a2cbc", "text": "Spencer Hastings When a Parent in the Nursing Home Says I Just Want To Go Home.. I want to go home. Nearly any person caring for an elder with dementia has heard this heartbreaking plea, even if the elder is home.his is when caregivers need to take a deep breath and accept that they will continually hear this plea. Expect it. Absorb it. And plan ahead. Then, start the distraction and redirection routine. 1 1. 2 2. 3 next.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "34b175b1c44248bddadd6ac49fca85f1", "text": "- There likely will be signs about this. Ask a hospital staff member if you do not see the sign or want to know more. Private-Duty Nurse or Aide Some families hire a private-duty nurse or aide to stay with their family member.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6768c63bdf835374cd690438b77cecc2", "text": "Help a Loved One With Dementia Adjust to a Nursing Home If your father continues to struggle with adjusting to the facility beyond 30 days, consider speaking with his social worker so you can work together on developing a plan to help your loved one feel at home. Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Blue Care Network. Mental Health and Nursing Home Residents. Accessed April 25, 2012.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c573451de585497771a23cd38dd8e39c", "text": "- NURSING HOME CARE: is a difficult decision. (nursing homes). aspects of its complaint handling policies and procedures. be found at www.PaAuditor.gov. Choosing to place a loved one in a nursing home is a difficult decision. concerns that necessitate a quick placement. understand the information being presented is of critical importance.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8e2423026c7ba76e302850fd872b1a5e", "text": "What to do when a parent dies It’s just happened. If you’re in the sad position of finding your parent, or someone has notified you without doing anything more, the first thing to do is call your parent’s GP surgery or the hospital and they’ll give you advice on what needs to happen next.et there are numerous practical tasks to be undertaken – some quickly, some over time. Here’s a step-by-step guide to what you need to do when a parent dies, written by Louise Pearce from her own experience and her work as a family solicitor at Morrisons.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e826a8a6bd34ca95df291f7cf6acfed6", "text": "- Not another mother-in-law rant again! Joke aside, it is very embarrassing to have a parent who thinks rest of the folk are sick, but he/she is a naive, vulnerable individual who in reality,unbeknownst to him/her, spends life piling up one mess over the other.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1178e324bc52228bf74d61c884d6d101", "text": "When Elders Can't Any More Adult Children and Their Parents Must Make Tough Decisions. Gretchen Heuring | ElderThink | 01.26.10. When older family members can no longer take care of themselves or each other, and younger family members can't care for them either, it's time to consider long-term nursing home care. There are many different types of facilities available and these are important decisions.", "title": "" } ]
how much cash can you travel with uk
[ { "docid": "9f0c4cfa988440f813101d29ae1c0c2d", "text": "How much cash can I carry when travelling to the US? up vote 19 down vote. There is no limit to the amount of cash you can carry, however if you are carrying more than $10,000 USD (or equivalent in foreign currency) then you must declare it (full details on how to do that at the URL above).However bringing cash is very rarely the best strategy for foreign exchange.hen you are departing from the UK and travelling to a non-EU country, you have to declare if you have €10000 or equivalent at UK customs (around $13000). Then on entry to the USA you will have to declare if you are carrying $10000 or more.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "030c6fbad5d6f923b957f90471d10756", "text": "- For a six month Tourist Visa you can expect to pay $76 in the United States, 92 pounds in the United Kingdom (revised upwards in January 2013), and $95 in Australia.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c4f468d67057c5338209c19979e692ef", "text": "- State Bank Foreign Travel Card is available in Eight Foreign Currencies viz.US Dollars (USD), Pound Sterling (GBP), Euro (EUR), Japanese Yen (YEN), Canadian Dollar (CAD), Australian Dollar (AUD), Saudi Riyal (SAR) and Singapore Dollar(SGD). 1 Smart Payout Card. 2 Xpress Money Card. 3 Achiever Card.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "77e76ca956f54391e61ae4b56aa1a7fe", "text": "Holiday money: should I pay in pounds or local currency at foreign shops? You might also face bank charges for using your debit or credit card in a foreign shop; these will normally apply whether you pay in sterling or the local currency. A 5pc markup would add £50 in avoidable charges to holiday spending of £1,000 – on top of the charges from your card provider.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e604cb09d63917aef74fcdd70ae41649", "text": "- In the major cities like London, Manchester.. are more expensive compared to other places in the United Kingdom. The average hotel costs in London for single room is £50 to £300 per day and for double room £75 to £450 per day. Most students in the UK need about £600 a month to live on.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "80937d9268987fa2420b306039fc6e16", "text": "Cash, Miles, or Points: The Best Way to Pay for Your Flight By that standard, 50,000 points are worth $700, which indicates that paying cash for this ticket is the better option. But calculating the dollar value of your miles is only one consideration. You also have to take into account how easy it is to actually use these 50,000 points.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "38c61aa41e4545504fd08088ca18989f", "text": "How does London compare to New York City when it comes to quality of life? Travel, of course, is a major plus in London. You can you get away for ~$100 to Andalusia, Morocco, Turkey, Berlin, Milan, Rome, etc. Travel is deeply ingrained into the culture and Londoners now legally have five weeks of holiday a year.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ce7ceda10caae79de9849912652d6057", "text": "Overview If you can prove you need to visit the UK regularly over a longer period, you can apply for a visa that lasts 1, 2, 5 or 10 years. You can stay for a maximum of 6 months on each visit. There’s an extra fee to pay, which depends on the length of the visa: 1 1 year - £324. 2 2 years - £324.ou can usually stay in the UK for up to 6 months. You might be able to stay for longer if: 1 you apply (and pay an extra fee) for a long-term visit visa and you can prove you need to visit the UK regularly over a longer period. 2 you’re coming to the UK for private medical treatment-up to 11 months.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6ffd8e2aa774d76f6008103da6171a28", "text": "- Generally it is more expensive to live in London and the south-east of England, and cheaper up north.Britain's currency is based on the pound sterling (£) which is divided into one hundred pence (100p). The coin denominations are 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1 and £2.enerally it is more expensive to live in London and the south-east of England, and cheaper up north.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d980a5fbceebdd3f871029119e46046e", "text": "- If you're traveling on the Go North tour, you will need British Pound Sterling for 1.5 days at the beginning of the tour (dinner and lunch the next day) and British Pound Sterling on the tour's last day for lunch.An estimate of 30 - 40 Britsh Pound Sterling should cover these expenses.f you're traveling on the Go North tour, you will need British Pound Sterling for 1.5 days at the beginning of the tour (dinner and lunch the next day) and British Pound Sterling on the tour's last day for lunch.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5bfae94ce220d6768364ffe715de6ca7", "text": "- UK£3.00 is about US$4.50, at current exchange rates.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bd10d79d7400921d0632467763f825af", "text": "- It is available in seven currencies: British Pounds, Euros, US Dollars, New Zealand Dollars, Canadian Dollars, South African Rand and Australian Dollars. Your Co-operative Travel Cash Passport is not linked to your bank account and comes with 24/7 Global Emergency Assistance. Locking in the value on the day of purchase could help you to avoid exchange rate fluctuations and variances while you're abroad, and clear charges give you the control to manage your budget.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c629353c84c840c5e4e234ddb5163a40", "text": "- Fees for using your debit card abroad. 1 Barclays will charge you a 2.99% Non-Sterling Transaction Fee for using your debit card abroad when making purchases, withdrawing cash or when you're being refunded.2 In addition, every time you withdraw cash, you pay a £1.50 Non-Sterling Cash Fee. You can withdraw up to £300 a day 1 in local currency with your Barclays debit card if you're a Personal customer and have the funds in your account or an agreed overdraft. 2 Premier and Business Banking customers can withdraw up to £750 a day 1.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "42e450d24622750d74e904138727334f", "text": "Is it cheaper to book Dutch train tickets online in advance compared to paying on the day? That's for booking it online. However, I'm not sure what price it'd be if I were to turn up on the day and buy a ticket for the next train going that way. Here in Ireland if you book train tickets online in advance, it's much cheaper than if you arrive in the train station and want to buy a ticket for the next train.(e.g. €20 online vs. €60 last minute in some cases).owever, I'm not sure what price it'd be if I were to turn up on the day and buy a ticket for the next train going that way. Here in Ireland if you book train tickets online in advance, it's much cheaper than if you arrive in the train station and want to buy a ticket for the next train.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "be2b7b74e2a499465db0b55d906dacad", "text": "How to make holiday spending go further: the best foreign currency deals and cards to use abroad What fees to avoid. Cash withdrawal fee: Most credit, debit and prepaid card will charge a fee or a minimum charge, which is typically set at £2.75 for withdrawing money out of a cash machine while on holiday. Some will charge a flat fee regardless of the size of the withdrawal.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9a2259e0d79e6da50d786f133b03b900", "text": "Advice on hold/hand luggage please! Advice on hold/hand luggage please! Just me again, with yet ANOTHER question LOL. This time it is about luggage. There are 4 of us (2 adults 2 children) when we booked the holiday with Thomas Cook we were told it was 15kg per person for hold luggage and 5kg per person for hand luggage.He rep said we could add the 15kg's together and have 2x 30kg suitcases.his time it is about luggage. There are 4 of us (2 adults 2 children) when we booked the holiday with Thomas Cook we were told it was 15kg per person for hold luggage and 5kg per person for hand luggage. He rep said we could add the 15kg's together and have 2x 30kg suitcases.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4c160ed7b86df0d0dd878b3b13759e65", "text": "- Leaving the airport. Apply for a Visitor in Transit visa if you’ll be going through UK border control but leaving the UK within 48 hours. You can also apply for a long-term Visitor in Transit visa if you can prove you need to frequently pass through the UK over a longer period. Direct Airside Transit visa (DATV) - £34. Visitor in Transit visa - £62.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "047130a56d0b594ad3fe27dbf0be9aea", "text": "- The UK's currency is the pound sterling (£ / GBP). Despite being a member of the European Union, the UK has not adopted the euro. There are 100 pence (p) to the pound (£). Notes come in denominations of £5, £10, £20 and £50.Coins come in 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1 and £2.oney Talks: Speak Like a Londoner. You will usually hear British people say pee rather than pence, as in 50p (50 pee). More colloquially, a pound is known as a quid, a five pound note is a fiver and a ten pound note a tenner.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d3c6cdafd89cfa2ef8f8afa9de0556b5", "text": "- For visa purposes, international students undertaking study in London proper will have to budget £1,020 ($1,520) for each month of stay in the country, while those who study in outer London or the rest of the UK will have to show £820 ($1,225) per month in order to prove they can cover the cost of living in the UK.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8a5d6c620a72eb617343d6cfb7a97699", "text": "- We’re confident that you’ll find the best prices on our website. Our website is easy to use and hassle free! The prices shown in our holiday search are live and fully bookable online. We won't add on any extra charges or surprise you with a fee for using your debit card online.You can book today and pay as little as £1 to secure your next holiday and you won’t have to pay your balance off until 12 weeks before you travel.e’re confident that you’ll find the best prices on our website. Our website is easy to use and hassle free! The prices shown in our holiday search are live and fully bookable online. We won't add on any extra charges or surprise you with a fee for using your debit card online.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "53cccb241e6ea3bead216cfcdf449994", "text": "- Apply. &pound 5.00 fee apply on orders below &pound 500. Customers must be M&S Cardholder to benefit from the exclusive exchange rates they offer online. Free of charge if you buy travel money with any of the M&S credit cards or Chargecard.pound 0 fee apply on orders below &pound 300. Free insured home delivery. Orders are subject to a minimum value of £300 and a maximum value of £2,500. A leading purchase online travel money and foreign exchange company with reliable and outstanding customer service.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c725ee5039ec84da9a22cd309354081b", "text": "- Top travel offers. 1 Virgin Atlantic sale on now: Flights from £359 return. 2 British Airways: The world is on sale - book today! 3 Exclusive Holiday Autos promo code: 10% off car hire. 4 Emirates sale offers: Flights from £369 return. 5 Titan Travel sale: up to £400 per person off holidays. 6 Hertz: up to 20% off car hire worldwide.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f0b6bb698d9c60a43ed44fd845fb8e90", "text": "Travellers Travelling with CAN$10,000 or more This applies to all travellers, couriers and if you are carrying money on behalf of someone else. When you arrive in Canada with Can$10,000 or more in your possession, you must report it on the CBSA Declaration Card (if one was provided to you), or in the verbal declaration made to a border services officer.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2de77860efed5af6b882bca730017c9a", "text": "- 1 Travel in and around Europe using either bus or train depends on the length of your trip and the number of places you want to visit. 2 Traveling by bus for three months should cost about $600-$1000.Train prices vary, but you can buy a decent rail pass for $400-$900 for travel in continental Europe, add another $200-$500 for travel throughout U.K. and Ireland). See my Transportation page for more bus and train info. Airline ticket $500-$900.re-Trip Expenses On the Road Expenses Pre-Trip Expenses: The stuff you need before you step even a foot in Europe. Passport and pictures US$145 ($110 for passport, $25 for execution fee for time passport application, $10-15 for pictures). Make sure you do this 3 or more months before you go.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "67d6c91721afd7e2c89f63bafa5b6806", "text": "How much cash are you allowed to carry with you on an airplane trip overseas? As from 15 June 2007 , people travelling directly to or from a country outside the European Union ( EU ) * and carrying 10,000 euros or more ( or the equivalent amount in another currency ) will be required to declare the cash to HM Revenue and Customs ( HMRC ) at the place of their departure from , or arrival in , the United Kingdom. ( “ Cash ” not ...", "title": "" }, { "docid": "de83a744b856774c1fae9875c96beee3", "text": "- : Outside London, plan $100-125 per person per day for daily expenses (see above). A typical budget for a modest but comfortable two-week trip to England is $3,000 per person including airfare, car rental and daily expenses for three weekend days in London and the rest of the time in the countryside. typical budget for a modest but comfortable two-week trip to England is $3,000 per person including airfare, car rental and daily expenses for three weekend days in London and the rest of the time in the countryside.", "title": "" } ]
national cemetery scheduling office st. louis phone number
[ { "docid": "0a2e86e4fcd18571eb7557d1a1a4441f", "text": "Access to Official Military Personnel Files (OMPF) - Veterans and Next-of-Kin If your burial request involves interment at a Department of Veterans Affairs National Cemetery, contact the National Cemetery Scheduling Office at (800) 535-1117 or visit their website http://www.cem.va.gov/cem/burial_benefits/ .f the veteran is not going to be interned at a National Cemetery, the requester may fax the SF-180 or signature page from eVetRecs (including signature of the next of kin and proof of death) to the Customer Service Team at (314) 801-0764.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "b9b4b2c86369316643393c0b85f31014", "text": "Jani-King / Franchise is a Scam Customer Complaints - If you have any complaints or customer service problems with the Gaithersburg office please contact Rhashad Johnson, District Manager, at 410-768-7000 (or 1-800-492-4575 TTY for the Hearing Impaired). Services - Provides a complete range of MVA services.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "eb38e0f7746ffbea46bd1640032a4b5d", "text": "NPRC Veterans Service Officer (VSO) Burial Benefits the national cemetery scheduling office is the point of contact for burials that office will obtain proper documentation from nprc for burials in national cemeteries see http www cem va gov cem burial benefits need asp the above information should be shared with funeral homeslease contact our customer service staff at 314 801 0800 if you have questions or require same day service due to the large number of calls we receive at this number hold times are often long however once you reach a technician they will be happy to assist you with emergency service", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dd071b4ab6e17c5a3b029201a511b7fd", "text": "Get Design Ideas For A Memorial Call 708-544-0916 for assistance or click here for information on Chicago, IL cemetery monument and lawn level marker guidelines. Our services include the cleaning, repair, maintenance and restoration of cemetery gravestones, monuments, memorials, headstones and grave markers.ur services include the cleaning, repair, maintenance and restoration of cemetery gravestones, monuments, memorials, headstones and grave markers.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a7cd07092642308e11e823ba7dbd7bc6", "text": "- There are several locations to get your tickets. The tickets are available for the tour hours between 9 a.m. and 4:45 p.m. All tickets are timed tickets and you need to show up a little earlier than the printed time. Call the Washington Monument reservation number at 1-800-967-2283 to purchase tickets.Advance ticket purchases will require a $1.50 service charge and $.50 shipping and handling fee. This is subject to change, so ask the reservation service what the current price is.The reservation service is open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Eastern Time. Get your tickets at the foot of the Washington Monument. The tickets to tour the Monument are free. The tickets are timed tickets and go quickly on busy travel days.Get your tickets at the 15th Street Kiosk. There are timed tickets available for purchase a few streets away from the Monument on 15th Street.his is subject to change, so ask the reservation service what the current price is. The reservation service is open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Eastern Time. Get your tickets at the foot of the Washington Monument. The tickets to tour the Monument are free. The tickets are timed tickets and go quickly on busy travel days.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "41b21bb0c68f0752b91245db6a5f6592", "text": "How to Report a Death to Social Security Social Security number (SSN) Date and time of death. Surviving relatives. The reports can be made via telephone by calling 800-772-1213. The hours of operation for this SSA function are from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm, Monday through Friday; the number for the speech and hearing impaired is 800-325-0778.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f30a89e523d459d73a0b97dc1c0cc560", "text": "Social Security In The Month Of Death â Is That Payment Due? Prevent the possible loss of benefits by always contacting Social Security when there is a death in the family. You can call the Social Security national toll-free number, 800-772-1213, (7:00am-7:00pm local time), TTY 800-325-0778, same national hours, or your local office.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2d2a846f6e2a1f818b0ca17cb2fff912", "text": "A Genealogist Mourning For Lost Archived Military Records Burned In 1973 St Louis Fire The speaker was Bryan McGraw, Director of the National Archives at St. Louis. When he mentioned the fire of July 1973, there was an audible gasp. Yet, in the professional genealogy services world, there’s always a gasp when the fire at the St. Louis Branch of the National Archives is discussed. Knowing that so many military records have been lost forever. That fire burned over 75 percent of the military records from after 1911 that had been housed on the top floor of that collection. For the genealogy world and especially for those genealogists who might be seeking World War I and World War II records, the fire of July 1973 was a true disaster.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f19ae2fda93b586e1757ff34675b25d7", "text": "VA National Cemetery Burial Eligibility A determination of eligibility is usually made in response to a request for burial in a VA national cemetery. VA Regional Offices will also assist in determining eligibility for burial in a VA national cemetery. The toll-free number for the nearest VA Regional Office is 800-827-1000.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "22a79e4e7158ff160ab6e7cfb44ad2f3", "text": "Louis Burial at Arlington Louis Burial at Arlington. WASHINGTON, April 15— President Reagan has waived eligibility requirements to permit Joe Louis to be buried in Arlington National Cemetery Friday. Louis, who held the world heavyweight boxing championship longer than anyone else, died of a heart attack last Sunday in Las Vegas, Nev., at the age of 66.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4409ba6ea3febb025e93b6bf9d7cf5a9", "text": "- Dr. Colleen E Glisson - Saint Louis MO, Hand Surgery at 845 N New Ballas Ct Suite 200. Phone: (314) 983-4700. View info, ratings, reviews, specialties, education history, and more.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "553da519c739b270308c0b6495a8fc1e", "text": "- Visitors Guide to the St. Louis University Museum of Art 3663 Lindell Blvd. St. Louis, MO 314-977-2666. The Saint Louis University Museum of Art provides a variety of intimate galleries and a setting befitting the University's extensive art collection.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5b246bc5eda03bf2b8a3cd228cc1b48b", "text": "Survivors Benefits Survivors Benefits. You cannot report a death or apply for survivors’ benefits online. If you need to report a death, contact your local Social Security office or call 1-800-772-1213 ( TTY 1-800-325-0778). You can speak to a Social Security representative between 7 AM and 7 PM Monday through Friday. Note: In most cases, the funeral home will report the person’s death to Social Security. If you want them to do that, you will need to give the deceased’s Social Security Number to the funeral director so they can make the report. To find out how to apply for benefits, go to.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "184fd5d721cbda9f1aea8c68f461cdd4", "text": "Apply for Social Security Benefits Survivors Benefits. You cannot report a death or apply for survivors’ benefits online. If you need to report a death, contact your local Social Security office or call 1-800-772-1213 ( TTY 1-800-325-0778). You can speak to a Social Security representative between 7 AM and 7 PM Monday through Friday. Note: In most cases, the funeral home will report the person’s death to Social Security.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0caeebfaa70fedbb9e3e330fb07f7364", "text": "- Choose from the options below, selecting the choice that best describes the subject of your question: 1 Cardinals Executive Offices. 2 Mailing Address: 700 Clark Street. St. Louis, MO 63102. 3 Tickets. General Ticketing Information. (314) 345-9000. Team 1 Store. Team Store Information/Questions.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0715386b19cd0250743902844959ca73", "text": "- For immediate assistance, please call 562-699-0921. Thank you. Rose Hills feels strongly about protecting your privacy. Your name, email address or phone number will not be shared outside the group of people involved with addressing your concerns. For immediate assistance, please call 562-699-0921. We also can be reached by mail at: Rose Hills Memorial Park & Mortuary.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "803979be21e01d9a4489e53c10eba049", "text": "- Anderson Funeral Home of Escanaba & Gladstone 2200 Ludington Street Escanaba, MI 49829-2395 (906) 786-4232 (906) 786-7500 (fax)", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6e041445e532a21724278907ed44cc7f", "text": "Medicare Glossary Copyright ©1994-2017, healthinsurance.org llc, 5353 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 300, St. Louis Park, MN 55416. For quote requests or help in purchasing insurance, call toll-free 1-844-368-4378. or use our quote form. To leave feedback on or stories or editorial coverage, call our comment line at 952-223-1247, or use our contact form.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "129d3917b3bee01526a8f0c4cc83ae9d", "text": "- Home Loans: 1-877-827-3702: Life Insurance: 1-800-669-8477: National Cemetery Scheduling Office: 1-800-535-1117: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255: Pension Management Center: 1-877-294-6380: Presidential Memorial Certificate Program: 1-202-565-4964: Special Health Issues: 1-800-749-8387: Spina Bifida/Children of Women Vietnam Veterans: 1-888-820-1756", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6aa13aabf2273f2e6b38d41de1775ed8", "text": "Social Security Death Notification Procedures Notify the Social Security Administration. Contacting the SSA is relatively simple with their toll-free number: 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778.) Even if a funeral home voluntarily reports a death to the SSA, it is not their responsibility to do so. It should be done by the surviving spouse, an adult child, the executor or family attorney.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4faef860f223df5c9e820ed92e6506fe", "text": "Prices for Gravestones, Headstones, Monuments and Grave Markers If you have a question about buying a gravestone, monument, grave marker or headstone that is not answered by the above or on the FAQ section of our website, please call our office at 708-544-0916. We are open seven days a week from 9AM – 5PM.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b5b40ddcd956a2f6f0433b363b0ccf39", "text": "VA Maryland Health Care System How do I schedule an urgent appointment? If you need to schedule an urgent appointment, please call the Telephone Care Line Monday through Friday (except holidays) from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 1-800-865-2441. If you have a life-threatening emergency, immediately dial 911.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "015a609157dddcb756a42c2a2d68284e", "text": "Pebble Poo Dear TeenHealthFX, I poo like a rabbit, meaning like pebbles. First I thought that it was normal but then I started to worry that I might be some kind of health problem. I also have some difficulties when pooping but only happens once in a while. Rabbit pooping is so often. Note that I don't poop everyday.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f4afd8ab03bf5ddc4c5898d2cd037053", "text": "- Ozark Funeral Homes. Anderson, MO 64831. 417-845-3393. For over ninety years Ozark Funeral Homes, Inc. has faithfully served the citizens of McDonald County and neighboring communities. We invite you to reflect on the core values of our company. For three-quarters of a century, we have offered the finest in funeral service to this community.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "88b5de5d67a2d73f7086fa01724685a5", "text": "Earnings Tax Home Page Phone: 314 622-3291. Fax: 314 622-4847. Email: [email protected]. Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM. The Earnings Tax Department is the largest department in the Collector of Revenue Office and is responsible for collecting all payroll and earnings taxes due to the City of St. Louis. Some of these taxes are due monthly, others quarterly and others annually.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d16e36f886d15845bb23a2fa3b809483", "text": "- DIRECTIONS FROM NEAREST AIRPORT. Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery is located approximately 50 miles south of Chicago in Elwood, Ill. From Chicago O'Hare Airport, take Interstate 294 East to Interstate-55 South, exit #244 Arsenal Road. Turn right (east) and travel approximately eight miles. Turn right at Route 53 (south) and proceed two miles.", "title": "" } ]
should i fast before a liver blood test
[ { "docid": "ec72ce1b88360c3a4abe75a518dabf17", "text": "Do you have to fast before liver function test? Supposed to be a 12 hr fast-except water or juices. The above answer is wrong. Water is the ONLY thing that you can drink to satisfy the fasting criteria...8 hrs should be adequate.Liver function tests do not require fasting since the tests are not affected one way or the other. Juices generally contain sugars that affect other testing (like glucose).upposed to be a 12 hr fast-except water or juices. The above answer is wrong. Water is the ONLY thing that you can drink to satisfy the fasting criteria...8 hrs should be adequate.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "7cb6ca2c48628fbb04dfe9cf68e1fea3", "text": "How Fasting Blood Tests Are Done? 1 A period of 8 to 12 hours of fasting will be necessary before the test; eating or drinking during the fasting period will cause the results to be inaccurate. 2 You will not be able to take any vitamin or mineral supplements within 24 hours of testing.asting blood tests include triglyceride and cholesterol tests, glucose tests, and vitamin level tests which require fasting for up to 12 hours before testing for result accuracy. Blood testing is done to check the blood for abnormalities, including high cholesterol and glucose levels.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c43505ea77ddaba074b6ffdec55adfd9", "text": "Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography (CCTA) You can eat and drink as normal before some blood tests. In other cases, you will be instructed not to eat or drink (other than water) before your test. This is known as a fasting blood test. You may also be told not to drink alcohol or not to smoke before your test.ron blood tests are usually taken in the morning before you eat anything. You should also avoid taking iron pills or tablets for 24 hours before your test. Your body absorbs iron very quickly from food or pills, so this can raise your iron levels and affect the test results.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5c30a9f60139ca9948b4fcd59bda9b4a", "text": "What to know about fasting before your lab test What to know about fasting before your lab test. With certain blood tests, you may be instructed to fast for up to eight hours before your appointment. Fasting before a blood draw means you don’t eat or drink anything except water. Don’t wait until the day of your blood draw to ask if you should fast. That could cause your appointment to be rescheduled.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1e06e15ebd05023e1f27be0d06a671c8", "text": "How Long to Fast Before a Blood Test Tests That Require Fasting. Fasting before a blood test is typically required for fasting glucose, fasting lipid panel, fasting metabolic panel, fasting cholesterol, HDL or triglyceride tests. These tests look for cholesterol and glucose levels in your blood, and any food consumed before the test will provide an inaccurate reading.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "abae44e9b641939185c4c4eef80d66b0", "text": "Amylase: The Anti-Diabetes Digestive Enzyme that Boosts Energy Fasting blood glucose test. Do not eat or drink anything except water for 8 to 10 hours before a fasting blood glucose test. These are used to diagnose diabetes, a condition caused by too much glucose (sugar) in the blood.ron blood test. Iron blood tests are usually taken in the morning before you eat anything. You should also avoid taking iron pills or tablets for 24 hours before your test. Your body absorbs iron very quickly from food or pills, so this can raise your iron levels and affect the test results.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e48cd2c1e796abbed3469458ebba5016", "text": "How Long to Fast Before a Blood Test Your doctor may recommend a certain time period for fasting; however, the standard amount of time is about eight to 12 hours of no food before having blood drawn. Schedule your blood test for early in the morning so you'll only need to fast overnight to meet requirements. Fast for eight hours before a glucose test. The test is typically conducted in the morning while your body is still in a resting place for a more accurate reading. You must fast at least 12 hours before taking a cholesterol blood test to get an accurate reading on triglycerides. The American Heart Association warns against quick cholesterol tests you find in malls and health fairs because fasting is imperative to obtaining an accurate result.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ec26395cd896e6b0e1f78253ba608444", "text": "- Other blood tests require fasting (not eating any food) for 8 to 12 hours before the test. Your doctor will tell you how to prepare for your blood test(s). Blood usually is drawn from a vein in your arm or other part of your body using a needle.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d1a2653bb46034dfe4fd5e5762ad84e0", "text": "Blood Work Basics: What to Know Before Your Draw Many tests do not require fasting, but lipid panels (also known as cholesterol tests), glucose testing, and stool tests are a few that do. If your provider orders blood work during a visit, be sure to ask your provider if you need to fast beforehand. Fasting Requirements. Fasting means that, with the exception of water, you refrain from eating or drinking for a minimum of 8 hours (10 to 12 hours is preferable) prior to the draw.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "abe4e5e610e868485a3a9ec2b08fc417", "text": "Blood Work Basics: What to Know Before Your Draw Many tests do not require fasting, but lipid panels (also known as cholesterol tests), glucose testing, and stool tests are a few that do. If your provider orders blood work during a visit, be sure to ask your provider if you need to fast beforehand. Fasting means that, with the exception of water, you refrain from eating or drinking for a minimum of 8 hours (10 to 12 hours is preferable) prior to the draw. This means no coffee or tea, so save that morning trip to the café for after your draw. Taking your vitamins or medications is OK, though.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "90836a9dc639fd863461265f5269d6b2", "text": "- Test Preparation Needed? Typically, fasting for 9-12 hours (water only) before having your blood drawn is required, but some labs offer non-fasting lipid testing. Follow any instructions you are given and tell the person drawing your blood whether or not you have fasted. For youths without risk factors, testing may be done without fasting.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9ab2198b85b8a815af6b41d75c0912ba", "text": "- Tests, Labs & Imaging. Diagnostic Laboratories. Patient Information: Fasting Blood Tests. If your doctor orders a fasting blood test, you should not have anything to eat or drink for 12 hours before you go to the laboratory to have your blood taken. Some examples of fasting blood tests are fasting glucose, fasting triglycerides, fasting lipids and glucose tolerance.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d1a093ca17a6d9096ccce1d067fea49c", "text": "Computed Tomography (CT) - Chest You can eat and drink as normal before some blood tests. In other cases, you will be instructed not to eat or drink (other than water) before your test. This is known as a fasting blood test. You may also be told not to drink alcohol or not to smoke before your test.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "17e9d5ac4a7fae8d768b0a7d5c2fd172", "text": "Why Can't You Eat or Drink Before Blood Work? Fasting Blood Tests. There are three main tests that require fasting -- glucose, cholesterol and iron. Cholesterol screenings require you to fast for at least 9 to 12 hours prior to blood work, with a 24-hour break from alcohol prior to testing.here are three main tests that require fasting -- glucose, cholesterol and iron. Cholesterol screenings require you to fast for at least 9 to 12 hours prior to blood work, with a 24-hour break from alcohol prior to testing.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e115105d0b49cf0ec57bc90fa3fc1032", "text": "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Can I Have Black Coffee Before A Fasting Blood Test How long do I fast for a fasting blood test - Can you fast too long before a fasting blood test? In a way, yes. If you fast for longer than a day or so, it will alter some blood chemistries. Fasting tests are usually set for an overnight fast, or a 12 hour fast. Prolonged fasting is starvation and it affects the body metabolism.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5b139951954358844fbd8e3b3de34e9b", "text": "Blood Work Basics: What to Know Before Your Draw If your provider orders blood work during a visit, be sure to ask your provider if you need to fast beforehand. Fasting means that, with the exception of water, you refrain from eating or drinking for a minimum of 8 hours (10 to 12 hours is preferable) prior to the draw. This means no coffee or tea, so save that morning trip to the café for after your draw. Taking your vitamins or medications is OK, though.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cecb8838650d550eb88acb4457b38fa6", "text": "Preparing for Your Test Preparing for Your Test. For cholesterol and glucose tests, you must fast for at least 8 hours prior to having your blood drawn, unless your doctor tells you otherwise. Fasting means no eating or drinking for at least 8 hours before the test, except water. After your blood is drawn, you may resume your regular diet. Drink plenty of water before your blood test. This helps keep your blood pressure from dropping.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "69fe0ced99a559beb398836c60982862", "text": "How Long to Fast Before a Blood Test In general, the fasting period for blood test is 8 hours, and the maximum duration does not exceed 12 hours. During the starving time, a candidate can drink water to reduce hunger pangs. Also, according to the main approach for blood test, certain beverages and current medications are allowed during fasting.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "47f35fb20960aefbb4d58f2eaeae9950", "text": "Why Should You Fast Before Blood Tests? Fasting for a certain length of time before a blood test is one way of ensuring that your test results are not contaminated by the food you've eaten. The Mayo Clinic notes that fasting may not be necessary to get an accurate reading on a cholesterol test, but most doctors will still ask that you fast for at least 12 hours before your appointment. For certain other kinds of tests, such as a blood glucose test, fasting is necessary. This test is done to check for diabetes, and it requires that you abstain from any food intake for at least eight hours before the blood is drawn. There are alternatives to this test for diagnosing diabetes, but according to howstuffworks.com, the blood glucose test is easy, fast, and inexpensive. Other types of blood tests do not require that you fast prior to the blood draw.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7f79a0c4024cf17bfbdee8757a7161a3", "text": "- Metabolic profiles often require fasting, according to Adams Memorial Hospital. Other fasting blood tests include glucose testing, the renal function panel, and the lipid profile. When fasting for these tests, patients are not to eat or drink during the 12 hours before the test.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "609339e3b0fa4f4a95a0131deea920b6", "text": "How Long to Fast Before a Blood Test These tests look for cholesterol and glucose levels in your blood, and any food consumed before the test will provide an inaccurate reading. Your doctor may recommend a certain time period for fasting; however, the standard amount of time is about eight to 12 hours of no food before having blood drawn.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e07c8d8d136a48c6fef1a169b79d2d20", "text": "Fasting for Blood Tests You don't need to fast before all blood tests. Your doctor will tell you if you need to. These tests typically require fasting: Fasting blood glucose measures the amount of glucose in your blood to test for diabetes or prediabetes. Typical fasting time: At least 8 hours; Lipid profile is used to check the level of cholesterol and other blood fats.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d1615fd4efe9d2b97af9d84f5f678555", "text": "Everything You Need to Know About Fasting Before a Blood Test How long. The amount of time you need to fast for will vary depending on the test. For most tests, you will be told not to consume anything but water for eight hours leading up to the test. For a few tests, a 12-hour fast may be needed. Tip. Schedule your test as early in the day as possible.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4101228d38ba7bf00973bcced06cfe56", "text": "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Can I Have Black Coffee Before A Fasting Blood Test Top 10 Doctor insights on: Can I Have Black Coffee Before A Fasting Blood Test. 1 Will drinking decaf black coffee before fasting blood test alter the results? Yes: Could depending on the test, if is blood sugar or chol then coffee could make an impact. 2 Three cups of black coffee before my fasting blood test.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7f65db13de905957c2878514a8135a89", "text": "Tests, Labs & Imaging Tests, Labs & Imaging. If your doctor orders a fasting blood test, you should not have anything to eat or drink for 12 hours before you go to the laboratory to have your blood taken. Some examples of fasting blood tests are fasting glucose, fasting triglycerides, fasting lipids and glucose tolerance.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cad650df4347887414ac931493405b40", "text": "How Long Do You Have to Fast Before a Blood Test? The blood tests that require fasting include a fasting glucose test, a fasting lipid panel, a fasting metabolic panel, a fasting cholesterol test, an HDL test or a triglyceride test. Patients who do need to fast may not be able to get their tests completed if they accidentally break their fast, states St. John Providence Health System.", "title": "" } ]
pharmacist salary in oregon
[ { "docid": "b741c2fbbc1563f0241c1671db4cf4f5", "text": "Oregon Pharmacy Technician Salaries â OR Oregon Pharmacy Technician Salaries – OR. Tweet. Throughout the state of Oregon, pharmacy technicians average $33,000 per year in salary. This is higher than the national average of $28,500 as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.he breakdown of average salaries in the major cities in Oregon is below. Ashland, Oregon pharmacy technician salary – $32,000. Eugene, Oregon pharmacy technician salary – $32,000.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c287d7f062ab1080a1d751ee03708685", "text": "- $38,000. Average Pharmacist salaries for job postings in Oregon are 3% lower than average Pharmacist salaries for job postings nationwide.verage Pharmacist salaries for job postings in Oregon are 3% lower than average Pharmacist salaries for job postings nationwide.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "693785e631f8be5e3f12dac480e625ce", "text": "- Pharmacist Salary. Pharmacist average salary is $112,876, median salary is $114,088 with a salary range from $48,318 to $1,522,560. Pharmacist salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. Pharmacist salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "02f61ea365602a6a436eedf99dec3780", "text": "Oregon Substitute Teacher Job Overview Oregon Substitute Teacher Pay. Pay rates for Oregon substitute teachers vary widely, depending on the school district in which the teacher works. For example, the Portland Public School System pays its substitute teachers a half-day rate of $90.38 and a full-day rate of $180.76.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3433f11af407eded82acca8fe6e6e343", "text": "- Salary Outlook. The median annual salary for a pharmacist was $119,280, or $57.35 per hour, in 2013. The best-paid 10 percent made $147,350, while the lowest-paid made $89,000.The best-compensated pharmacists are employed by merchandise stores.verage Pharmacist Pay vs. Other Best Jobs. Pharmacists have one of the highest average salaries of any of our Best Health Care Jobs, earning $116,500 in 2013.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "720c5b66a8f7003cd8ded613f424d6fa", "text": "- The median is based on the 50 th percentile of a set of salary information and is not to be confused with the average salary for all pharmacists. Salary range for middle 50% of pharmacists. 1 $106,520-$138,010. 2 $51.21 – $66.35 per hour.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8c8e7b27bd3700192f802b6343b99aaf", "text": "- Pharmacist working in the US with less than 1 year of experience collects an average salary between $49,660 and $117,962 per annum while a pharmacist practicing for 1 to 5 years of experience receives an average salary from $61,118 -to $127,708 per annum.n BLS, states that are said to be paying the highest salaries for pharmacists are Alaska, Maine, California, Vermont and Delaware where average salaries are $129,170, $128,030, $125,800, $125,520, and $121,830 respectively.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2f22fd14970ecdec0f3eb61100954ff1", "text": "How to write a Chief of Staff job description Chief of Staff responsibilities and duties. The responsibilities and duties section is the most important part of the job description. Here you should outline the functions this position will perform on a regular basis, how the job functions within the organization and who the job reports to.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "50aabb89008a0b9d1bf021fe11070d1b", "text": "- On average, Pharmacists in the United States earn six-figure salaries ($108K) annually, making for a very well-paid profession. Overall cash earnings for Pharmacists stretch from $84K on the lower end to $133K near the top, and the heftiest packages can encompass around $10K from bonuses and $10K from profit sharing.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "de6f72337739b0462a06bc50940ebb0d", "text": "How much does a Pharmacist make in Hawaii? Average Pharmacist Yearly Salary in Hawaii. Pharmacists earn a median salary of $118,920 per year. Salaries typically start from $100,210 and go up to $146,120. Source: U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics. Learn more about the Pharmacist job market for salaries of real jobs in your area.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f9e929ff255fb373cf5bf835dc95ebf2", "text": "- Average Pharmacy Technician salaries for job postings in Portland, OR are 2% lower than average Pharmacy Technician salaries for job postings nationwide.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "31ba60c0fe4b327301c4f60fb0167fb7", "text": "- The Bureau of Labor Statistics states that a median salary for a pharmacist is $120,950 annually, or $58.15 per hour. The median is based on the 50 th percentile of a set of salary information and is not to be confused with the average salary for all pharmacists. Salary range for middle 50% of pharmacists.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3246f10155f9201b53594f2dab7ea6b0", "text": "How Much Do Hospital Pharmacists Make? The 410 pharmacists in that state averaged $125,330 per year. In Maine, 1,290 pharmacists averaged $125,310 annually, and in California, 22,990 workers earned average pay of $122,800 per year. Pharmacists in Vermont also averaged more than $122,000 in annual income.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "972c76ddacc4e74544cb65aa29cf54ec", "text": "- $24,000. Average Certified Medication Aide salaries for job postings in Oregon City, OR are 2% lower than average Certified Medication Aide salaries for job postings nationwide.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e4687fa767abe0dc7d210c8136e01b3d", "text": "- According to the State of California Employment Development Department, entry-level pharmacists in the state earned an average of $124,603 in 2014 and experienced pharmacists had an average salary of $147,963.harmacist Pay by Work Place. According to Glassdoor, a pharmacist job at Kaiser Permanente in Los, Angeles, California, offered an annual salary of $117,561 at the time of publication. Salaries are even higher at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, where a pharmacist can earn a yearly salary of $137,302.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a9c8a9eecb2494d52a9499b0ac195f55", "text": "2016 Pharmacist Salary Guide 2016 Pharmacist Salary Guide. It’s finally time for the 2016 Pharmacy Salary Guide. Before we dive into 2016 data, let’s revisit pharmacy salary information from 2015. In 2015, full-time pharmacists made between $90,000 and $140,000 a year, with the average annual salary coming in between $112,000 and $119,000, depending on the data source. Staff pharmacists at mail-order pharmacies were the lowest paid in 2015, earning an average wage of $56.69 per hour.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "850b6d5419af67fcab194951fb9048d4", "text": "- Average Pharmacist Yearly Salary in Florida. Pharmacists earn a median salary of $118,460 per year. Salaries typically start from $87,290 and go up to $149,440. These numbers may vary depending on several factors, like level of education, amount of experience, industry, company size and location.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a07b8fd6ee95fbeae770316e6c4a4b9e", "text": "- Highest-Paying States. Four states paid pharmacists more than $120,000 per year on average in 2011, according to the BLS. Alaska and Maine had average annual pay of $125,330 and $125,310 respectively. California paid an average of $122,800 per year, and Vermont paid an average of $122,490 annually.exas had 20,000 pharmacists earning an average of $113,570 per year. New York and Florida had more than 17,000 pharmacists each and paid mean annual income of $111,750 and $111,760, respectively. In Pennsylvania, 12,110 pharmacists received average annual salaries of $105,210.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dab4b1d539b84b0cea66c582ce293f3e", "text": "- The Oregon Minimum Wage is currently $9.75 per hour. The Oregon Minimum Wage is greater than the Federal Minimum Wage of $7.25 per hour, so employees in Oregon are entitled to the higher minimum wage of $9.75 per hour.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "de9b4956914f22fb31ba8fcc2e76f7b0", "text": "- 1 By the last quarter of 1997, the average wage stood at $6.65 an hour, or 50 cents higher than in the similar period of 1996. 2 Adjusting for inflation, this represented a one-year wage increase of 5.4 percent. 3 The Oregon minimum wage rose to $6.00 an hour in January 1, 1998.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "05a17696ee2283fc62396e111536f95d", "text": "How much does a Pharmacist make in Mississippi? Average Pharmacist Hourly Wage in Mississippi. Pharmacists earn a median hourly wage of $58.43. Hourly wages typically start from $45.76 and go up to $73.41. Average Pharmacist Yearly Salary in Mississippi. Pharmacists earn a median salary of $121,530 per year. Salaries typically start from $95,170 and go up to $152,690. Learn more about the Pharmacist job market for salaries of real jobs in your area.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dff24b4ac2bc31c7c956aeb3ab6f2803", "text": "Oregon's professors at private and public institutions get lowest increase in average salary in 50 years Average pay for full professors in Oregon public universities this year is: $105,000 at University of Oregon, $96,000 at Oregon State University, $92,000 at Portland State University, $73,000 at Oregon Institute of Technology, $71,000 at Southern Oregon University, and $68,000 at Western Oregon University.iew full sizeBob Bach, The OregonianLike colleges and universities around Oregon, average salaries for professors at Lewis & Clark College have climbed very slowly. Figures are based on data from more than 1,300 institutions for the annual report of the American Association of University Professors.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1c1dd0b65ca70f26384eafcd59f2bf82", "text": "- For Pharmacy Technician at Kroger in Federal Way, WA. The median pay of $29k is: The range of $25k - $37k is: We will not display these numbers on the site, but we will use this to refine our estimates.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9920b00ed6321f0995c2043f369329b5", "text": "Delta Airlines Baggage Fees 2018 Delta Airlines Oversize/Overweight Baggage Fees 2015 ↑ Back to Top Excess/Oversize/Overweight Summary Additional bags will be charged flat rates depending on your specific route, with rates ranging from $125/bag up to $285/bag.Delta has some of the harshest extra bag fees in the industry, so be sure to carefully read and understand the limits for your flight.dditional bags will be charged flat rates depending on your specific route, with rates ranging from $125/bag up to $285/bag. Delta has some of the harshest extra bag fees in the industry, so be sure to carefully read and understand the limits for your flight.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e8771b1df67e906ce595314417b08859", "text": "OHSU The Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) program at Oregon State is a fruitful collaboration with OHSU—the degree is conferred by both universities, and both OSU and OHSU are noted on the diploma.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e3a2e87467ed73c3ba31f13cee494ac1", "text": "Pharmacist Salary in Iowa Iowa Pharmacist Salary Information For more accurate salary details please enter your location above. The average yearly salary for Pharmacist in Iowa is $100,743. If you are just beginning to work a new job as a Pharmacist in Iowa, you could earn a starting pay rate of $82,965 annually. As is true for most jobs and careers, you can expect your hourly pay rate or salary to increase as you gain experience and the longer you are employed with the same employer.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fe8676382640e715b5cb8e849eced522", "text": "Oregon's Economy: Wages Oregon workers earned an annual average of $48,312 in 2015, but the pay workers earn varies widely by industry. The average annual pay in the information industry was $73,565, the most of any broad sector, followed by manufacturing ($65,737) and professional and business services ($64,581).", "title": "" } ]
what causes dropped frames
[ { "docid": "6b474cfa535d0eada1984bb7b0bcf097", "text": "Dropped frames/disconnecting/lag? Read this first! In some rare cases, dropped frames can be caused by an old network adapter driver doing a poor job of handing the high speeds being consumed. It's not a bad idea to just check to see if there are any new drivers for your network adapter, just to be sure.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "46b3520cf6ae11f05c72540a1a0a556b", "text": "Short communicationKetamineâxylazine anesthesia causes hyperopic refractive shift in mice The hyperopic shift in refraction observed in ketamine–xylazine-anesthetized mice theoretically may be caused by either reduction in the axial length of the eye or changes in the refractive indices of the ocular media.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "63c9eff2c03bea1524d3f4e39273c8fc", "text": "Ptosis (eyelid) Acquired ptosis is most commonly caused by aponeurotic ptosis. This can occur as a result of senescence, dehiscence or disinsertion of the levator aponeurosis. Moreover, chronic inflammation or intraocular surgery can lead to the same effect.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b60d2b3db6423f3226ff35b12e816676", "text": "A Guide To Nystagmus Acquired nystagmus can be caused by a disease (multiple sclerosis, brain tumor, diabetic neuropathy), an accident (head injury), or a neurological problem (side effect of a medication). Hyperventilation, a flashing light in front of one eye, nicotine and even vibrations have been known to cause nystagmus in rare cases.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d89332b5a614aa206ebb7359845f2df3", "text": "What is Foot Drop? Prolonged pressure on the nerves in the legs, which happens to some patients confined to a wheelchair or bed, can also cause problems. Foot drop can also be caused by disorders that affect the brain and spine, like multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or Lou Gehrig's disease.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "34464d591e34bef6e6a5a480803cb8a0", "text": "Fixed dilated pupil Suspect herniation due to an intracranial mass lesion as a cause of fixed dilated pupil in an unconscious patient. A fixed dilated pupil in an awake patient is NOT due to herniation. Causes. Pharmacologic blockade is the most common cause of a fixed dilated pupil in an otherwise normal healthy patient. alpha1-agonists: phenylephrine.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4bd3f8df15ad1cec51b59aab7e432ed6", "text": "PENDULAR NYSTAGMUS Horizontal Pendular Nystagmus. Lesions of the central tegmental tract; Spasmus Nutans; Nystagmus of the blind; Most frequently, pendular nystagmus is caused by central lesions involving the central tegmental tract. The concept is that there is a feedback loop controlling eye position or velocity. Lesions add delays, causing instability and nystagmus. Multiple sclerosis is the most common cause of this sort of nystagmus.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "76fcd950e10404617b58c28d56c66345", "text": "- What Causes Strabismus? Many things and/or events can cause a strabismus. They include genetics, inappropriate development of the fusion center of the brain, problems with the controlled center of the brain, injuries to muscles or nerves or other problems involving the muscles or nerves.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0ae03733a87a03de8eb83068fc7d3d29", "text": "Foot drop If the L5 nerve root is involved, the most common cause is a herniated disc. Other causes of foot drop are diabetes (due to generalized peripheral neuropathy), trauma, motor neuron disease (MND), adverse reaction to a drug or alcohol, and multiple sclerosis.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8056145030d93e0b124fed2cc2b8cd15", "text": "Effects of Frameshift Mutations: Definitions and Examples Frameshift Mutations. A frameshift mutation is a mutation caused by an insertion or deletion, which causes a shift in the translational reading frame. Frameshift mutations have a more dramatic effect on the polypeptide than missense or nonsense mutations.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bf857d673e378beeb9cac30927d7447a", "text": "Drop attack The weakness may persist for hours. The term drop attack is used to categorize otherwise unexplained falls from a wide variety of causes and is considered ambiguous medical terminology; drop attacks are currently reported much less often than in the past, possibly as a result of better diagnostic precision.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "56ead008bbbd27cf01b58e762d8191bb", "text": "- +91-22-2386 4652. A drop attack is a sudden fall, with or without unconsciousness, due either to collapse of muscle tone or abnormal muscle contraction in the legs. Many neurological diseases, cardiac diseases, ear diseases, muscle dysfunction conditions like myoclonic syndromes and startle responses can cause drop attacks.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a5e0e7fbea9afc37a174a29e4b8a99b4", "text": "Drop attack Drop attacks stem from diverse mechanisms, including orthopedic causes (for example, leg weakness and knee instability), hemodynamic causes (for example, transient vertebrobasilar insufficiency, a type of interruption of blood flow to the brain), and neurologic causes (such as epileptic seizures or unstable vestibular function), among other reasons ...", "title": "" }, { "docid": "009c6419e03fbb590462af782d0ae183", "text": "- Causes of Foot Drop Video. Foot drop can be caused by stroke, tumor, or Parkinson's disease, but it can also develop from an issue in the spine. There are many conditions which can affect the peroneal nerve that controls the foot's ability to flex properly. 1 Tweet. 2 Print.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fe3dc11f3674fc2301c231cec5dfb312", "text": "Prion Diseases Like sCJD, sFI is caused by a misfolded protein, but also like sCJD, what causes that protein to misfold is unknown. Symptoms include difficulty falling asleep (insomnia), difficulty walking, weight loss and excessive tears in the eye. The symptoms rapidly progress to loss of consciousness and death.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "993ae44aeb1ef4bc7770f8e50036b018", "text": "Adult Strabismus Double Vision: When the eyes become misaligned (also known as crossed eye; lazy eye; wandering eye; strabismus), a patient will typically develop blurred vision, double vision or frontal headaches. This misalignment can occur from many different causes including diseases that affect the muscles, nerves or the brain.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f7a8d883202c0a87d349e4a336311366", "text": "Drop Foot (Foot Drop) and Steppage Gait (Footdrop Gait) Drop Foot/Foot Drop: A Symptom. Drop foot is not a disease but a symptom of an underlying problem. Depending on the cause, drop foot may be temporary or permanent. Often drop foot is caused by injury to the peroneal nerve deep within the lumbar and sacral spine. The peroneal nerve is a division of the sciatic nerve.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e33d895bbad6671e7d9c6e59169c7b03", "text": "Ptosis / Drooping Eyelid: A Guide To Ptosis The causes of droopy eyelid are diverse. One can be born with hereditary droopy eyelids, a condition known as congenital ptosis. Most cases of acquired ptosis develop as we age and the tendon that helps keep the eyelid open stretches and loosens. Droopy eyelids can also be caused by trauma, surgery, or by damage to the muscles that raise the eyelids or to the nerves that control these muscles. Tumors, neurological disorders, systemic diseases, and certain drugs have also been known to cause ptosis. Depending on the cause, ptosis may be classified as:", "title": "" }, { "docid": "96e36c86d1d8a993b6eba8f4af2c9574", "text": "- Ptosis (Eyelid Droop) Ptosis can have several causes. In patients with diabetes the droop may be caused by the paralysis of the nerve that supplies the muscles of the upper eyelid. Separation or stretching of the eyelid muscle where it connects to the eyelid, or an eye injury, can also result in eyelid droop.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a7629f53e088373f186694628568db74", "text": "- cause. Frequently, inspection of the surround will reveal damage done to the framing thru installation or abuse so that the glass is stressed near its breaking point and a subsequent movement, or temperature change forces that glass to yield. 9. Accidental or deliberate vandalism can be another cause of unexplained breakage.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "095ee70d2f0469d5552f764a83e9fe6b", "text": "- A frameshift mutation may cause a change in the codon sequence, specifically the 3-base sequence which is responsible for coding a specific amino acid. A different protein … , a non-functional one, or no protein at all may be the result of this change.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9e9b17cdda113d092cfa3a4e20e63412", "text": "How Gene Mutation Works Insertions and deletions can cause frame shift mutations when base pairs that are not a multiple of three are added to or deleted from the sequence. Since the nucleotide sequences are read in groupings of three, this will cause a shift in the reading frame.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5e6bff225bd4c48683e8710506568d1c", "text": "- Dropped Calls There are several issues that might cause dropped calls.Determine if the problem is being caused by a faulty phone or jack.Maintain your equipment Follow the manufacturer's instructions to maintain your equipment.Use a soft, dry cloth to clean the phone. Water or cleaning fluid may damage the phone.ropped Calls There are several issues that might cause dropped calls.Determine if the problem is being caused by a faulty phone or jack.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b55530b81e2587218c7ae8b94b95fc8c", "text": "- Contact: +91-22-2387 8000. A drop attack is a sudden fall, with or without unconsciousness, due either to collapse of muscle tone or abnormal muscle contraction in the legs. Many neurological diseases, cardiac diseases, ear diseases, muscle dysfunction conditions like myoclonic syndromes and startle responses can cause drop attacks.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d8a406a6adbdb34912f34a49cb62b41a", "text": "Blepharoptosis Ocular nerve controls the eyemuscle movements. Any damage to ocular nerve affects the muscles of the eye. Neurogenic ptosis is common in nerve palsy, problems in 3rd cranial nerve, Horner’s syndrome etc. Other possible causes of nerve damage are high blood pressure, diabetes, infection, injury etc.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c3e4487b9aac3b2fa6b0731b1845a921", "text": "- Ptosis (pronounced “toe-sis”) is the medical term for drooping of the upper eyelid(s). This lowering of the upper eyelid margin may cause a reduction in the field of vision when the eyelid either partially or completely obstructs the pupil.Patients with ptosis often have20difficulty keeping their eyelids open.here are many causes of ptosis including age related weakening of the muscle, congenital weakness, trauma, or sometimes neurologic disease. As we age, the tendon that attaches the levator muscle, the major muscle that lifts the eyelid can stretch and cause the eyelid to fall.", "title": "" } ]
causes of irritated mouth tissue
[ { "docid": "b6bfb11496ee7edd4c710976d8f59b29", "text": "Why Do My Gums Hurt When I Eat? Mouth irritation. The irritation can be caused by: Biting your cheek, tongue, or lip; Wearing braces or another type of dental apparatus, or having a sharp, broken tooth; Chewing tobacco; Burning one's mouth from hot food or drinks; Having gum disease or other type of mouth infection", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "d9dfe6931cb45f499b11a9a7c5b170cb", "text": "- His display of cowardice was pitiful. His father, when upbraiding his surviving sons for their cowardice, speaks in the Iliad (xxiv. He called them cowards, whereas the cowardice was really his own, and he deserted them in their utmost need. The court had indeed acquitted him of personal cowardice or of disaffection, and only condemned him for not having done his utmost.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0ea480f661cf48a342d0f01d83ecb1c0", "text": "\"\"\" Why is the roof of my mouth always sore? \"\"\" The most common causes of a sore mouth would include the following. 1. Drinking lots of hot liquids. Essentially this would just be a burn of the roof of the mouth and it could be fixed by staying away from the really hot liquids or foods. 2. Smoking or chewing tobacco. Tobacco products are very irritating to the mouth!", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8d5f8f7369e36911131c284dec9209ee", "text": "- Epiglottitis is a life-threatening condition characterized by inflamed epiglottis tissue. The epiglottis is made of cartilage and is located at the base of the tongue. It helps prevent food from entering your windpipe. The tissue of the epiglottis can swell and block your airway.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "79fdfdef33fcc1fd055d3588441e3943", "text": "Mouth Problems, Noninjury - Topic Overview 1 This is commonly caused by irritation of the mouth, such as from a rough tooth or poorly fitting denture rubbing against tissue or from smoking or using smokeless (spit) tobacco. Thrush , a common infection of the mouth and tongue caused by the yeast Candida albicans.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2a14b2a904480c46555f819fa7b7f7a1", "text": "Stomatitis Stomatitis, a general term for an inflamed and sore mouth, can disrupt a person's ability to eat, talk, and sleep. Stomatitis can occur anywhere in the mouth, including the inside of the cheeks, gums, tongue, lips, and palate. Types of stomatitis include: Canker sore: A canker sore, also known as an aphthous ulcer, is a single pale or yellow ulcer with a red outer ring or a cluster of such ulcers in the mouth, usually on the cheeks, tongue, or inside the lip.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d61bbbc5071f3bc0c02b58a6e88a13f7", "text": "Mouth Pain (Tongue, Palate, Cheek, Lips) â Causes of Stomatodynia Common Causes of Mouth Pain. Most cases of mouth pain are due to mouth sores (aphthous ulcers), dental pain, trauma or of unknown origin (idiopathic). Mouth pain may occur in conditions that cause a dry mouth, like diabetes, Sjogren’s syndrome and the use of certain of drugs.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7a952d76c42c5908a73cb48030cc3175", "text": "Mouth Sores and Inflammation Mouth sores and inflammation (stomatitis) vary in appearance and size and can affect any part of the mouth, inside and outside. People may have swelling and redness of the lining of the mouth or individual, painful ulcers. An ulcer is a hole that forms in the lining of the mouth when the top layer of cells breaks down.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4e0e52cf4567d8e4c261ffec2f7c845e", "text": "Mouth Inflammation: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatments At first, inflammation helps to heal the body or injured area. However, problems occur when your body is unable to repair itself and return to normal function. 1 An example of acute inflammation is when you burn the roof of your mouth with hot coffee. 2 The roof of your mouth is red, swollen, hot, and painful.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "209dee1c9562c6b80191d2687a7569d7", "text": "stomatitis There are various types of sores that can appear anywhere within the mouth, including the inner cheeks, gums, tongue, lips or palate. Stomatitis: This is inflammation of the mucous lining of any of the structures in the mouth, which may involve the cheeks, gums, tongue, lips and roof or floor of the mouth.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1bb51ad25223fb41ee45b58a4269ccdc", "text": "- Aphthous mouth ulcers. Aphthous mouth ulcers are painful sores that can occur anywhere within the mouth and are common on the underside of the tongue. Many mouth ulcers are caused by damage to the mouth, such as from accidentally biting your tongue or eating something hard and sharp. Ulcers that keep recurring have been linked to things such as stress, anxiety, hormone changes, certain foods and stopping smoking.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fc90f241416a7abf5079b5d1c18c165b", "text": "- Mouth sores may be caused by irritation from: 1 A sharp or broken tooth or poorly fitting dentures. 2 Biting your cheek, tongue, or lip. 3 Burning your mouth from hot food or drinks. 4 Braces. Chewing tobacco.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a8c39ea1025e9d320181c1d875a14435", "text": "Canker Sores Although the exact cause of this type of mouth ulcer is unknown, hereditary factors, stress or tissue injury are the likely causes of canker sores on the gum, tongue or soft palate. Acidic or citrus foods can also trigger a canker sore, as can sharp teeth, braces or ill-fitting dentures.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "15fc6ec83b75dbc3a78d7545d7b34727", "text": "- All Causes of Sore mouth. The full list of all possible causes for Sore mouth described in various sources is as follows: 1 Achrestic anemia-sore mouth. 2 Acute vitamin A toxicity-sore mouth. 3 Anaphylaxis. 4 Aphthous ulcers. 5 Behcet's syndrome. 6 more causes...».", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e8f09a8831ef9fdc1796692642acd29e", "text": "Canker sores: A real pain in the mouth Canker sores are small ulcers that develop in the soft tissues of the mouth. They can appear under the tongue, inside the cheeks or lips and at the base of the gums. Doctors don’t know exactly what causes canker sores, but they do know there are a number of contributing factors. These include: Having a weakened immune system", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ad6918f7a2205ff2acf2d928e8016dfe", "text": "Mouth sores There are different types of mouth sores. They can occur anywhere in the mouth including bottom of the mouth, inner cheeks, gums, lips, and tongue. Mouth sores may be caused by irritation from: 1 A sharp or broken tooth or poorly fitting dentures. Biting your cheek, tongue, or lip.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8ae90c973c549508f0d52ae886451b16", "text": "Canker sores: A real pain in the mouth My husband gets painful canker sores all the time in his mouth. What's the deal? Thanks, Brittany. Canker sores are small ulcers that develop in the soft tissues of the mouth. They can appear under the tongue, inside the cheeks or lips and at the base of the gums. Doctors don’t know exactly what causes canker sores, but they do know there are a number of contributing factors. 1 These include: 2 Having a weakened immune system. 3 Poor nutrition or vitamin deficiencies. 4 Minor injuries to the mouth. 5 Hormones. 6 Even using some toothpastes or mouth washes that contain sodium lauryl sulfate.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5bb388ec0a372111a1e4f6452690093e", "text": "Dry Mouth Cause. Dry mouth can occur when the glands in the mouth that make saliva are not working properly. Some common causes include nervousness, stress, certain medications, aging, cancer therapy (radiation/chemotherapy), and autoimmune disorders like Sjorgren’s syndrome, smoking and methamphetamine use.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d12f533925e044c5ce3865a32b7d2435", "text": "- Allergies are infrequently identified in patients with burning mouth syndrome (BMS) but have been suggested as a cause of Type 3 burning mouth syndrome (intermittent symptoms). However, typically they are associated with signs of mucosal irritation.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "301826e9ad07a5021c4478413c15eef9", "text": "Mouth Disorders Your mouth is one of the most important parts of your body. Any problem that affects your mouth can make it hard to eat, drink or even smile. Some common mouth problems include. Cold sores - painful sores on the lips and around the mouth, caused by a virus. Canker sores - painful sores in the mouth, caused by bacteria or viruses. Thrush - a yeast infection that causes white patches in your mouth. Leukoplakia - white patches of excess cell growth on the cheeks, gums or tongue, common in smokers.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ffa6e5e6fae66f52c871f00d56b8b116", "text": "- 1 Halitosis is caused by sulphur-producing bacteria in the tongue and throat. 2 The major causes include a dry mouth caused by certain foods, smoking, poor oral hygiene and a coated tongue. The treatment of halitosis will depend on the underlying cause.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cf178c75c61c6ef9bece7aca059628c1", "text": "- Canker sores are small painful sores on the inside of the mouth. Causes like spicy foods, vitamin deficiencies, stress, autoimmune disorders, and hormone deficiencies. Home remedies to treat canker sores are provided.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8f34f2316cb4d2a2ad8f812b807d90c5", "text": "Mouth Injury 1 Caused by a pencil or other long object and injury to back of the mouth. Mouth looks infected (fever, spreading redness, increasing pain or swelling after 48 hours) (Note: Any healing wound in the mouth is normally white for several days.)", "title": "" }, { "docid": "099b270321aec921098f3907511ff736", "text": "Mouth Ulcers Canker sores are the most common cause of mouth ulcers. They are 1 - 3 painful, white ulcers of inner cheeks, inner lip or gums (no fever). Causes include injuries from rough food, tooth brushes, biting, or food irritants.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6b3c5c346d3ae0c88caab41044428147", "text": "Mouth sores The cause of canker sores is not clear. Less commonly, mouth sores can be a sign of an illness, tumor, or reaction to a medicine. Drugs that may cause mouth sores include aspirin, beta-blockers, chemotherapy medicines, penicillamine, sulfa drugs, and phenytoin.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "580d6ea07fd1b0256858f474e88663b9", "text": "Mouth Ulcers (Aphthous Stomatitis) These can include skin irritation, eye problems, and joint pains, among other. One of these extra-intestinal conditions is aphthous stomatitis, or ulcers in the mouth. Canker sores, or aphthous ulcers, are the lesions caused by aphthous stomatitis. They may seem like a fairly benign, limited condition, but in the presence of so many other problems that occur with IBD they can be upsetting and painful.", "title": "" } ]
what are nephridia?
[ { "docid": "799a91522fdc731967d3459d5c76c314", "text": "Nephridium These nephridia, which are called protonephridia, are branched tubules of ectodermal origin. They are closed at the internal ends by terminal cells, or solenocytes, and open to the exterior by means of excretory pores, or nephridiopores.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "9e1bd5955e029d60a4f6c044f6542a69", "text": "- Medical Definition of nephrolithiasis. plural. nephrolithiases. \\-ˌsēz\\play. : a condition marked by the presence of renal calculi.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cb0a63f5eeb099f553c0b01d82e6975f", "text": "- Diaphornia citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Liviidae) is a phytophagous insect that transmits 'Candidatus' Liberibacter asiaticus, a Gram-negative [alpha]-protobacterium (Capoor et al. The effect of host plant species on the detoxifying enzymes of the Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Liviidae)", "title": "" }, { "docid": "eb617fb222097201f802e0daef18214e", "text": "Diphtheria Diphtheria is a serious communicable bacterial disease that causes severe inflammation of the nose, throat and windpipe (trachea). It is caused by the bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheriae. The bacteria produce toxins that cause an abnormal membrane to grow in the throat, which can lead to suffocation.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "48f9763c926de3946076e8d43767c684", "text": "- Diabetic nephropathy (or diabetic kidney disease) is a progressive kidney disease caused by damage to the capillaries in the kidneys ' glomeruli.iabetic nephropathy (or diabetic kidney disease) is a progressive kidney disease caused by damage to the capillaries in the kidneys ' glomeruli.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "47450e6043b1fffecd660d3784f93ad8", "text": "Kidneys: Facts, Function & Diseases Each kidney is a system of millions of tiny filters called nephrons. A nephron has two parts. The glomerulus is the first part of the filter. It strains blood cells and large molecules from the toxins and fluid. The fluids and toxins that pass through then go through the tubule.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ac1d5605a5f10d2730227855a6297b6b", "text": "Excretion Nephridia. invertebrate organs which function similar to kidneys, removing metabolic waste from the body. It consists of a ciliated funnel opening into the body cavity which it is then connected to a duct that folds and expands and then opens to the nephrostome.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d777625e9efd2bbac33da67c5dfa74cd", "text": "Overview Nephrotic syndrome is usually caused by damage to the clusters of tiny blood vessels (glomeruli) of your kidneys. The glomeruli filter your blood as it passes through your kidneys, separating things your body needs from those it doesn't.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f553d71b5ab0a490c78a99868f5ac1f8", "text": "Daphnia Daphnia, a genus of small planktonic crustaceans, are 1–5 millimetres (0.04–0.20 in) in length. Daphnia are members of the order Cladocera, and are one of the several small aquatic crustaceans commonly called water fleas because their saltatory [1] swimming style resembles the movements of fleas.he two most readily available species of Daphnia are D. pulex (small and most common) and D. magna (large). They are often associated with a related genus in the order Cladocera: Moina, which is in the Moinidae family instead of Daphniidae and is much smaller than D. pulex (approximately half the maximum length).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "770089d35ae4c19e2cc943f29dde7efa", "text": "Kidney disease Kidney disease, also known as nephropathy or renal disease, is damage to or disease of a kidney. Nephritis is inflammatory kidney disease. Nephrosis is noninflammatory kidney disease. Kidney disease usually causes kidney failure to some degree, with the amount depending on the type of disease.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e6639a652ff615f10734c714949ab32b", "text": "Glomerular Diseases Each glomerulus-and-tubule unit is called a nephron. Each kidney is composed of about 1 million nephrons. In healthy nephrons, the glomerular membrane that separates the blood vessel from the tubule allows waste products and extra water to pass into the tubule while keeping blood cells and protein in the bloodstream.he signs and symptoms of glomerular disease include. 1 proteinuria: large amounts of protein in the urine. 2 hematuria: blood in the urine. 3 reduced glomerular filtration rate: inefficient filtering of wastes from the blood.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "375317606d0250ac7e33fce829e44632", "text": "Raising Daphnia for Tropical Fish Food Daphnia is a highly nutritious, live food that you can easily raise to feed your tropical fish. Daphnia are also know as “water fleas” because of the way they jerk and move while swimming through the water. Daphnia are small, fresh water crustaceans that can be found all over the world in freshwater lakes, streams and ponds. They are an excellent source of fish food due to their high protein content. We feed lots of daphnia to our discus, especially the young fry(1/4 inch to 3 inch size).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9b3395b604f9ddf8370a44c79a0e829e", "text": "Glossary Nephron: Filtering unit of the kidney. Urea: Chemical compound of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen produced as waste by cells that break down protein. Ureter: Tube that carries urine from a kidney to the urinary bladder. Urethra: Duct leading from the urinary bladder to outside the body through which urine is eliminated.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5a1bf6390f86679441f0837d8a60040d", "text": "Naegleria fowleri Naegleria fowleri, colloquially known as the brain-eating amoeba, is a species of the genus Naegleria, belonging to the phylum Percolozoa. It is a free-living, bacteria-eating amoeba that can be pathogenic, causing a fulminant brain infection called naegleriasis, also known as primary amoebic meningoencephalitis. This microorganism is typically found in bodies of warm freshwater, such as ponds, lakes, rivers, and hot springs. It is also found in the soil near warm-water discharges of industria", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4c887c77e8248bb97b1a21e046933ed8", "text": "Glomerulonephritis in Dogs Glomerulonephritis, also known as glomerular nephritis (GN), is a specific type of renal (kidney) disease characterized by inflammation of the glomeruli, which are the tiny structures in the kidneys that act as filters for the blood.lomerulonephritis, also known as glomerular nephritis (GN), is a specific type of renal (kidney) disease characterized by inflammation of the glomeruli, which are the tiny structures in the kidneys that act as filters for the blood.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bdd3fe8d481e5a561ce03f48289d297f", "text": "Chapter 11 - The Urinary System Urinary tract infection. an infection in the kidneys, bladder, or ureters, caused by bacteria, that makes it difficult and painful to urinate, it is more common in females and is usually caused by staphylococci or E. coli bacteria.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8076d789bd6b56819d3140c2a3e9ab01", "text": "- Nephrotic syndrome is a nonspecific kidney disorder characterized by three signs of disease: large proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia and edema. Essentially, loss of protein through the kidneys (proteinuria) leads to low protein levels in the blood (hypoalbuminemia), which causes water to be drawn into soft tissues (edema).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ad0850ff6ee41bb5181ca2953fe51334", "text": "- Corynebacterium (korkôr-u-nē-bak'tēr-ē, um-ku'rin-) u is a genus Of-gram, positive, aerobic-rod shaped. Bacteria they are widely distributed in nature and are mostly. Innocuous some are useful in industrial settings such As. c. glutamicum", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6a94a2db862799fc9e6d9c01a938969b", "text": "- ● Pus-like drainage from the area. Peritonitis — Peritonitis is the term used to describe an infection of the abdominal cavity. People who use peritoneal dialysis are at risk of peritonitis because bacteria can enter the abdomen through or around the peritoneal dialysis catheter. These infections can usually be treated at home and resolve completely.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "09649917fa0820031a2aa1f940d3a6d4", "text": "- Nephrotic Syndrome in Dogs: Clinical Features and Evidence-Based Treatment Considerations Emily S. Klosterman, DVM, and Barrak M. Pressler, DVM, PhD, DACVIM Nephrotic syndrome (NS), defined as the concurrent presence of hypoalbuminemia, proteinuria, hyperlipid- emia, and fluid accumulation in interstitial spaces and/or body cavities, is a rare complication of glomerular", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0fe5ce717a02325aef795568124478b0", "text": "- Nemaline, or rod, myopathies are a group of conditions which fall under the. umbrella of congenital myopathies. They are characterised by rod-like structures in. the muscle cells, and clinical features such as muscle weakness, breathing. problems, and feeding problems. There are six sub-groups which are defined.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2df0f901a4405ba863b5cbda12cbac0e", "text": "- Glomerulonephritis is also known as glomerular nephritis (GN) or glomerular disease. It is a disease of the kidney, characterized by inflammation of the glomeruli. Glomeruli are very small blood vessels in the kidneys that act as tiny little filters-there are about one million glomeruli in each kidney.The disease damages the kidneys' ability to remove waste and excess fluids from the body.t is a disease of the kidney, characterized by inflammation of the glomeruli. Glomeruli are very small blood vessels in the kidneys that act as tiny little filters-there are about one million glomeruli in each kidney. The disease damages the kidneys' ability to remove waste and excess fluids from the body.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "009c47d22c175825be72e95355f89830", "text": "Definition Definition. Naegleria (nay-GLEER-e-uh) infection is a rare and usually fatal brain infection caused by an amoeba commonly found in freshwater lakes, rivers and hot springs.Exposure occurs during swimming or other water sports.efinition. Naegleria (nay-GLEER-e-uh) infection is a rare and usually fatal brain infection caused by an amoeba commonly found in freshwater lakes, rivers and hot springs.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "149a1bb70018e7f85680a2e2f86d4a73", "text": "Nephritis Nephritis is inflammation of the kidneys and may involve the glomeruli, tubules, or interstitial tissue surrounding the glomeruli and tubules.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f840a9c23768021a7102c9661e12bc3d", "text": "- Daphnia, also known as the water flea, is a common microcrustacean inhabiting freshwater ponds and lakes of North America and Europe. Useful for demonstrating many physiological phenomena and easily maintained in culture, Daphnia is an ideal animal for experimentation.aphnia are filter feeders. The setose thoracic legs act as sieves for filtering algae, bacteria, and small particles of debris from the water. Daphnia transfer food to the mouth and grind it with mandibles before it moves through the gut for digestion.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7ea3ff661d41e0d690e6f1e586bcc690", "text": "- Daphnia are filter feeders. The setose thoracic legs act as sieves for filtering algae, bacteria, and small particles of debris from the water. Daphnia transfer food to the mouth and grind it with mandibles before it moves through the gut for digestion.Food retention is from ½ to 3 hr.aphnia are filter feeders. The setose thoracic legs act as sieves for filtering algae, bacteria, and small particles of debris from the water. Daphnia transfer food to the mouth and grind it with mandibles before it moves through the gut for digestion.", "title": "" } ]
what are fsh levels during perimenopause
[ { "docid": "f0202df81c1e953f2809e1bd79145e7a", "text": "FSH Levels in Perimenopause FSH and LH levels in perimenopause are often found to be high in comparison with levels of these hormones in menstruating women. However, they are not as high as in those women who have already reached a menopause.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "723270e72e1f0ac2c176b42201ddfdde", "text": "- A slightly elevated or borderline menopausal FSH level in the MT may not be a reliable indicator of menopause, because of the wide variation of FSH and LH levels in response to increased release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) by the hypothalamus and increased pituitary sensitivity to GnRH.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6d819e5292a9101c6f8fcdf6a6e12de3", "text": "Perimenopausal Bleeding and Bleeding After Menopause During a normal menstrual cycle, the levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone increase and decrease in a regular pattern. Ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle, and menstruation occurs about 2 weeks later.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "197eae5e02b9c9d737aedda1509b02f3", "text": "- The writer is clearly present in the second example, showing the reader how Freud makes the leap from individual to society. In the first case, the writer only tells us what Freud says, not how or why Freud drew his conclusions. Using Analysis. There are many sorts of analysis.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dafe8f58b593f220406208e4426468a2", "text": "Hormone Level Tests Higher FSH levels — levels of about 30 to 40 or above — are usually taken to signal menopause or ovarian failure. You may still even be getting periods with your FSH levels this high, but it still is a sign that your body isn’t producing enough estrogen to maintain regular ovarian function.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1e93b0fce9f435388c5fa8c5134d376f", "text": "- Although it’s rarely needed, your doctor may decide to do a blood test to check your hormone levels. Specifically, they’ll look at the levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and estrogen. During menopause, your FSH levels increase, and estrogen levels decrease.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9ac5acf0b817517e5088d7ff464821cb", "text": "FSH Levels and Menopause FSH Levels and Menopause. FSH or follicle stimulating hormone is a crucial hormone for regulating the reproductive processes of the body. In women older than 45 years, high FSH levels may indicate an impending menopause. Know more about the relation between FSH levels and menopause in this article.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "069f327275faea7bb9affd6814713db4", "text": "Hormone Level Tests Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Blood Level Measurement. This is the key test to determine whether or not you are in menopause. A sample of your blood is taken to measure the levels of FSH — follicle stimulating hormone.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9a345f73d626f89eac21c1dae9106e7d", "text": "Changes in Hormone Levels As the primary “female” hormone, estrogen promotes the growth and health of the female reproductive organs and keeps the vagina moisturized, elastic (stretchy), and well supplied with blood. Estrogen levels generally decline during perimenopause, but they do so in an irregular fashion. As detailed in the table below, the reduced production of estrogen beginning in perimenopause can affect your sexual function directly, such as through vaginal dryness.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c268c119577daf31e9ebc9abc3f0b513", "text": "Vasomotor Symptoms of Menopause: Overview and Risk Factors Vasomotor Symptoms of Menopause: Overview and Risk Factors. At menopause, a woman's ovaries stop producing eggs, her body produces less estrogen and progesterone, and menstrual periods become less frequent, eventually stopping altogether. The mean age of menopause in normal women in the United States is 51. Menopause that occurs beyond age 56 is considered late menopause.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5956f3fcea90e5c382e2b0de5b528113", "text": "What is a Mediterranean diet? You can make your diet more Mediterranean-style by: 1 eating plenty of starchy foods, such as bread and pasta. 2 eating plenty of fruit and vegetables. 3 eating some fish. 4 eating less meat. 5 choosing products made from vegetable and plant oils, such as olive oil.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "faeb0ee7c8adcb69e11551e2ebf15673", "text": "Perimenopausal Bleeding and Bleeding After Menopause What are some of the common changes that occur in the menstrual cycle during perimenopause? During a normal menstrual cycle, the levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone increase and decrease in a regular pattern. Ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle, and menstruation occurs about 2 weeks later. During perimenopause, hormone levels may not follow this regular pattern. As a result, you may have irregular bleeding or spotting. Some months, your period may be longer and heavier.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b0f4e673e9dc31ef166ea5bf48d09e2c", "text": "- This also accounts for the other symptoms of perimenopause, which are very similar to those of menopause itself or hormonal imbalance such as estrogen dominance: 1 Fatigue. 2 Hot flashes. 3 Tender breasts. 4 PMS which is more severe. 5 Mood swings. 6 Urinary urgency and/or leakage. 7 Vaginal dryness. 8 Lower sex drive. 9 Sleep disorders.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a14d023417ff3fe91b2b1c8b37ad76ac", "text": "Menopause and Perimenopause - Exams and Tests 1 A follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) test can be used to confirm whether you have reached menopause. 2 FSH levels increase during perimenopause and are high after menopause. 3 An estrogen test is sometimes done to see how low estrogen has dropped after menopause.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "32ba97ade5d293c69a07308dc8a4461f", "text": "Dr. Tori Hudson, N.D. The average age of a last menstrual period (LMP) is age 51 in the U.S. The FSH will then rise 10-20 times and reach a maximum within 1-3 years after the LMP.The symptoms of decreased hormone levels and perimenopause symptoms are varied, unpredictable and often go unrecognized as a perimenopause symptom.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d19672ce2b09d9724c849edc55f15101", "text": "What to Expect in Perimenopause At midlife, women transition from their reproductive years to the natural end of monthly menstrual cycles. This transition — called perimenopause — usually begins in the 40s and ends by the early 50s, although any age from the late 30s to 60 can be normal.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0302680ab4c6079365af4600a50c5869", "text": "- An LH surge indicates that ovulation has occurred. During menopause, a woman's ovaries cease to function; thus LH levels will rise. Low levels of LH and FSH are seen in secondary ovarian failure and indicate a problem with the pituitary or hypothalamus.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0f3f11c3eaa6f934b62caffbe85d9dcc", "text": "- Perimenopause (PER-ee-MEN-oh-pawz), which is sometimes called the menopausal transition, is the time leading up to a woman's last period. During this time a woman will have changes in her levels of the hormones estrogen (ES-truh-jin) and progesterone (proh-JES-tuh-RONE).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "298b1fd2b8f42b763a951ad2dd9177d0", "text": "- Minimizing the cost of producing some exogenous level of output subject. to the state of technical knowledge and input prices (the production manager™s. problem). Finding the bundle of goods that maximizes an individual™s utility subject. to his or her budget constraint.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b6c54de31e19762fb034d688142d2526", "text": "- When women transition into post menopause, FSH will be extremely high, indicating her ovaries are beginning to shut down. Estradiol, a form of estrogen, decreases in post menopause when the ovaries are no longer producing eggs. This decrease in estradiol is in turn what causes the increase in FSH.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2c4cb8d066bb5198ea70c56b9f15b97c", "text": "FSH Levels and Your Fertility In both men and women, having a balanced level of hormones is essential to proper fertility. FSH, or follicle-stimulating hormone, is a naturally occurring hormone that is made by the pituitary gland in the body. If the FSH levels are either low or high, it is a clear indicator that something is out of balance within the reproductive system and may be causing issues with the couple being able to conceive.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d0a1fa55defc1e53117e5009f33e9c6f", "text": "- There are 2 ways to access such movies on your Apple TV. 1. Send (Stream) your movie from your computer to Apple TV. Any movie that’s playing on your laptop or iMac can be ‘streamed’ to your Apple TV. Once your Apple TV is turned on, a new ‘Airplay’ icon will appear in your menubar.Click on it and select Apple TV.here are 2 ways to access such movies on your Apple TV. 1. Send (Stream) your movie from your computer to Apple TV. Any movie that’s playing on your laptop or iMac can be ‘streamed’ to your Apple TV. Once your Apple TV is turned on, a new ‘Airplay’ icon will appear in your menubar.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "93df768737e7f204e10e1ddee2d35c1d", "text": "Hormone Level Tests Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Blood Level Measurement This is the key test to determine whether or not you are in menopause. A sample of your blood is taken to measure the levels of FSH — follicle stimulating hormone. Because your FSH levels rise when your ovaries stop producing enough estrogen, high FSH levels can signal that your body is entering menopause.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a0e14fc1312c9c7c296c547a65b34f2b", "text": "What to Expect in Perimenopause What to Expect in Perimenopause. At midlife, women transition from their reproductive years to the natural end of monthly menstrual cycles. This transition — called perimenopause — usually begins in the 40s and ends by the early 50s, although any age from the late 30s to 60 can be normal.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "401a44d8c5bec0256b4a4555e1333b9d", "text": "FSH Levels and Menopause In case of menopause, there will not be any drop in the level of FSH, due to the absence of ovulation. Menopause, which marks the end of the menstrual cycle is therefore, characterized by high FSH levels. Menopause is also characterized by a marked reduction in the level of the hormone, estrogen.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e682fa6156b32138acb18b2445ba8e0b", "text": "AMH: The Best Predictor of Current Female Fertility The AMH level is indicative of the size of the pool of follicles that remain. Therefore, in conditions where there are many immature follicles, the AMH level is high. As a woman grows older, and the pool of eggs decreases, the AMH level declines. Therefore, by the time a woman reaches menopause, AMH is undetectable.", "title": "" } ]
what is a yowie
[ { "docid": "e05704dab41b5ebc85e141f169f1f85d", "text": "Thread: whats the difference between a sasquatch/yeti/bigfoot?? Yowie is one of several names given to a hominid reputed to live in the Australian wilderness. The creature has its roots in Aboriginal oral history.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "afa71969c2170735195ef1da0836e2b1", "text": "Budew Budew (Japanese: スボミー Subomii) is a Grass/Poison-Type Baby Pokémon introduced in Generation IV. Budew is a bipedal, rosebud-like Pokémon. Its face is yellow with small, slit-like eyes. It appears to be wearing a green bib, and has triangular, stubby yellow feet. When the two vines that are on top of its head open up, a big spot can be seen on each. One vine has a blue spot, while the other has a red spot.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4f120b417b49ac70e9fe0a205a27a583", "text": "- • YO-YO (noun) The noun YO-YO has 1 sense: 1. a toy consisting of a spool that is reeled up and down on a string by motions of the hand. Familiarity information: YO-YO used as a noun is very rare.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c658974d30f4d94e2406cadaf163cc89", "text": "What is bilateral perinephric stranding? Stranding of perinephric fat is defined as linear areas of soft tissue attenuation in the perinephric space, which can result from any acute process or injury to the kidney. When unilateral perinephric stranding is identified it is most frequently the result of calyceal rupture or perinephric inflammation. Perinephric stranding is probably the manifestation of increased pressure in the collecting system in the early phase of ureteral obstruction. Perinephric stranding is easily identified on Spiral CT and less commonly seen on IVP.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b01969e2f65422b2c9adb957f1631df3", "text": "- noun, plural wyes. 1. the letter Y, or something having a similar shape. 2. Electricity. a three-phase, Y -shaped circuit arrangement. 3. Railroads. a track arrangement with three switches and three legs for reversing the direction of a train.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e43cec7b1027d04910cfc95def717652", "text": "- WWOOF aims to provide volunteers with first-hand experience in organic and ecologically sound growing methods, to help the organic movement; and to let volunteers experience life in a rural setting or a different country.WOOF is a worldwide movement linking volunteers with organic farmers and growers to promote cultural and educational experiences based on trust and non-monetary exchange, thereby helping to building a sustainable global community.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d38aae6d0d8823513eb95a2486a70f55", "text": "Glossary of Instruments Glossary of Instruments Afuche or Afoxe ( ah foo chay or ah foh s hay) is a Brazilian instrument. Originally a gourd or coconut carved with grooves and covered with a net of beads, it is twisted, shaken and tapped with the hands and fingers.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "22b3d410a5a7786f9e1355f88a1a3329", "text": "What Is a Wenis? A wenis is a slang term used to describe the loose skin on the bottom of an elbow. According to Wiktionary, this “elbow definition” has not been made official and is just a slang term.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2bd9de331c869d642c997b75bbf9b51c", "text": "- Report Abuse. Mwa is an onomotopoetic word (a word that sounds like what it is, like choo-choo for a train) that is the sound of a kiss. More specifically, a loud, smack-type of kiss. Mmerobin · 8 years ago. Thumbs up.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e0295e327ca27e17b79e5ad0a0325792", "text": "- This article is about the video game series. For the first game in the series, see Yo-kai Watch (video game). Yo-kai Watch (妖怪ウォッチ, Yōkai Wotchi, trademarked in Japan as Youkai Watch and Yokai Watch, lit. Spirit/Monsters Watch) is a series of role-playing video games and a mixed-media franchise, created and developed by Level-5.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "230c1c9ef2e868e9d49ec55b41bb37a8", "text": "- Bed frame hardware allows you to make small changes to your bed, and these small changes can make a big difference. At The Sleep Shop, we offer replacement bed frame parts and hardware for great prices. A broken wheel or uneven bed frame can make getting a good night's sleep impossible.djustable High Riser Bed Castors give you the added space of a bed riser, and the mobility of a bed on wheels. These adjustable casters give you up to ten inches of storage space under your bed.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "89b807d2c867982220ea5a235ae0da27", "text": "ORAL TRADITION IN AFRICA : POETRY AS A MEANS OF PRESERVING CULTURAL HERITAGE AND ENGENDERING SOCIAL CHANGE AMONG THE YORUBA. Ewi alohun (oral poetry) is that category of poems passed down from mouth to mouth from one generation to another. Culture, traditions, histories and lifestyle of the Yoruba people are passed down through them. Ewi igbalode/apileko (written poetry) however, is composed and written before its rendition.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bce846b49ecd4675bbe459ee8f030f9f", "text": "Industrial Workers of the World Industrial Workers of the World. The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), members of which are commonly termed Wobblies, is an international labor union that was founded in 1905 in Chicago, Illinois in the United States of America.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "99f351363e1ffbd28430274a72b4680c", "text": "- Johne's Disease, (pronounced Yo-nees) is a contagious bacterial disease of the intestinal tract caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium paratuberculosis. There are only two signs of Johne's Disease: diarrhea and rapid weight loss. In goats, diarrhea is less common. The goat will maintain a normal temperature but may appear unthrifty and weak in advanced stages of infection. The only way to confirm a diagnosis of Johne's Disease is through testing. Study and research is being done to determine the link between Johne's Disease in goats and Crohn's Disease in humans - both are characterized by the presence of M. paratuberculosis.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6771834db4c9fc180d45186cdd49de77", "text": "Yowie The Yowie is described to be around 7 to 9 feet tall, with a large red mouth and talon-like claws according to Aborginal legends. It is also noted that the Yowie contained two large fang-like canines which distinguish the Yowie from other Bigfoot species. It usually has brown or reddish fur.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "75f5297abea0d88dd739b67b94e4e544", "text": "Yoda Yoda is a wise and sage-like diminutively-sized green alien Jedi Master and one of the main characters who appeared in the Star Wars universe. He appearing as a supporting character in the second and third original films, as well as one of the major characters in the prequel trilogy. No one knows what his species is.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e3d574aed4dfebf3c5c02c51a04a61b2", "text": "- But the kiwi is not a fruit—that's kiwifruit, which is native to eastern Asia! About the size of a chicken, the kiwi is a small, flightless, and nearly wingless bird found only in New Zealand. Like its larger cousins the cassowary, emu, ostrich, and rhea, the kiwi is classified as a ratite.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fe7a6f3dac5858da73c6eff2286f7e9a", "text": "- Definition of YOKE for Kids. 1. : a wooden bar or frame by which two work animals (as oxen) are harnessed at the heads or necks for drawing a plow or load. 2. : a frame fitted to a person's shoulders to carry a load in two equal parts. 3. : a clamp that holds or connects two parts. 4. plural usually yoke: two animals yoked together.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2804b0a79deed8e74478f11275e46dbf", "text": "DEFINITION of 'Yo-Yo' DEFINITION of 'Yo-Yo'. Slang for a very volatile market. A yo-yo market will have no distinguishing features of either an up or down market, taking on characterstics of both. Security prices in a yo-yo market will swing very high to low over a given period of time, making it difficult for buy and hold investors to profit. Next Up.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a7434be6c83f460af604f3b911a40eb3", "text": "Ugandan English Ugandan English, or Uglish (pronounced you-glish), is the dialect of English spoken in Uganda.As with similar dialects spoken elsewhere, Ugandan English has developed a strong local flavour.he speech patterns of Ugandan languages strongly influence spoken English. Uganda has a large variety of indigenous languages, and someone familiar with Uganda can readily identify the native language of a person speaking English.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "180a43074c6d915da8848edae19ae48e", "text": "Animal Industry Division What is Johne’s disease? Johne’s disease (pronounced “YO – knees”) is an incurable, contagious bacterial infection which primarily affects the intestinal tract of cattle and other ruminants such as sheep, goats, deer, and elk. Typical animals have a normal or increased appetite even as they steadily lose weight.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5d30506d68875f3791e60763139afdec", "text": "Meet the man who claims heâs been almost killed by a yowie â twice He says he was nearly killed by a yowie on two occasions, first in Ormeau in the Gold Coast hinterland and again in Kilkivan near Gympie. “That was a game changer. I can’t go back into the bush by myself. I just got hit with a big dose of reality,” he toldQT.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "41cf0383ce69e5ec908699642fc67b3c", "text": "- The noun YO-YO has 1 sense: 1 1. a toy consisting of a spool that is reeled up and down on a string by motions of the hand. 2 Meaning: 3 A toy consisting of a spool that is reeled up and down on a string by motions of the hand. 4 Classified under: 5 Nouns denoting man-made objects. 6 Hypernyms (yo-yo is a kind of...):", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2ad72f03df052b2598638647e8867a69", "text": "Oy vey Oy vey. Sign at the border of Brooklyn. Oy vey (Yiddish: אױ װײ‎) or oy vey ist mir is a Yiddish phrase expressing dismay or exasperation. Also spelled oy vay, oy veh, or oi vey, and often abbreviated to oy, the expression may be translated as, oh, woe! or woe is me!. Its Hebrew equivalent is oy vavoy (אוי ואבוי, ój waävój).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a8c3de0316183afc3a2287820f9d0611", "text": "World Of The Orange [Source] World of the Orange (often abbreviated to WOTO) is a weekly YouTube comedy show started in 2011 starring Liam Jackson and Brad Smith. In October 2014, Liam left WOTO and Brad continues it on his own.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b92745c51d670241ced681bc222b0c81", "text": "What you get with DISH that you don't with Comcast XFINITY: FREE HD Receiver upgrades (non DVRs): DISH versus AT&T U-verse DISH offers up to three non-DVR, HD receiver upgrades free (more on DVR offers below). The HD free for 24 months promotion with DISH does not require that you order an HD-DVR.", "title": "" } ]