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---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | 859.12 | 873.78 | even in the towns and cities ladies wore wooden slippers especially when walking or working in the garden klomps also set the fashion for soft warm socks and stockings made from sheep's wool | 14.66 | 10218 | 10173 |
| | 266.79 | 279.49 | though most of them went barefooted the forests had to be cut down men were so busy with the axe that in a few years the woodland was gone | 12.7 | 10218 | 10173 |
| | 887.8 | 905.14 | the klomp winkels or shops of the shoe carpenters were seen in every village when rich beyond his daydreams van eyck had another joyful night vision the next day he wore a smiling countenance | 17.34 | 10218 | 10173 |
| | 905.14 | 915.75 | everybody who met him on the street saluted him and asked in a neighborly way good morning mr cheerful how do you sail today | 10.61 | 10218 | 10173 |
| | 293.19 | 311.36 | now there was a good man a carpenter and very skilful with his tools who so loved the oak that he gave himself and his children after him the name of eyck which is pronounced ike and is dutch for oak | 18.17 | 10218 | 10173 |
| | 220.49 | 238.26 | yea i shall haunt until the dusk of time the heavy eyelids filled with fleeting dreams i wait for one who comes with sword to slay the king i wronged who searches for me now and yet he shall not slay me | 17.77 | 10326 | 10194 |
| | 238.26 | 256.39 | i shall stand with lifted head and look within his eyes baring my breast to him and to the sun he shall not have the power to stain with blood that whiteness for the thirsty sword shall fall and he shall cry and catch me in his arms | 18.13 | 10326 | 10194 |
| | 19.83 | 32.32 | beneath the silken silence the crystal branches slept and dreaming through the dew-fall the cold white blossoms wept | 12.49 | 10326 | 10194 |
| | 19.95 | 32.7 | the cries of trojan women as they flee the quivering moan of pale andromache now lifted loud with pain and now brought low | 12.75 | 10326 | 10194 |
| | 32.7 | 44.27 | it is the soul of sorrow that we know as in a shell the soul of all the sea so sometimes in the compass of a song | 11.57 | 10326 | 10194 |
| | 44.27 | 56.12 | unknown to him who sings through lips that live the voiceless dead of long-forgotten lands proclaim to us their heaviness and wrong | 11.85 | 10326 | 10194 |
| | 16.93 | 29.91 | this is the funeral pyre and troy is dead that sparkled so the day i saw it first and darkened slowly after i am she who loves all beauty | 12.98 | 10326 | 10194 |
| | 55.38 | 66.18 | olympus let the other women die they shall be quiet when the day is done and have no care to-morrow yet for me there is no rest | 10.8 | 10326 | 10194 |
| | 29.91 | 40.8 | yet i wither it why have the high gods made me wreck their wrath forever since my maidenhood to sow sorrow and blood about me | 10.89 | 10326 | 10194 |
| | 40.8 | 55.38 | lo they keep their bitter care above me even now it was the gods who led me to this lair that tho the burning winds should make me weak they should not snatch the life from out my lips | 14.58 | 10326 | 10194 |
| | 125.4 | 140.03 | still the wan fields elysian any love to lift their breasts with the longing any lips to thirst against the quiver of a kiss lo i shall live to conquer greece again | 14.63 | 10326 | 10194 |
| | 78.34 | 97.6 | to you the beauty and to you the bale for never woman born of man and maid had wrought such havoc on the earth as i or troubled heaven with a sea of flame that climbed to touch the silent whirling stars and blotted out their brightness ere the dawn | 19.26 | 10326 | 10194 |
| | 97.6 | 115.23 | have i not made the world to weep enough give death to me yet life is more than death how could i leave the sound of singing winds the strong sweet scent that breathes from off the sea or shut my eyes forever to the spring | 17.63 | 10326 | 10194 |
| | 115.23 | 125.4 | i will not give the grave my hands to hold my shining hair to light oblivion have those who wander through the ways of death | 10.17 | 10326 | 10194 |
| | 66.18 | 78.34 | the gods are not so kind to her made half immortal like themselves it is to you i owe the cruel gift leda my mother and the swan my sire | 12.16 | 10326 | 10194 |
| | 174.68 | 189.16 | till light turn darkness and till time shall sleep men's lives shall waste with longing after me for i shall be the sum of their desire the whole of beauty never seen again | 14.48 | 10326 | 10194 |
| | 189.16 | 204.62 | and they shall stretch their arms and starting wake with helen on their lips and in their eyes the vision of me always i shall be limned on the darkness like a shaft of light that glimmers and is gone | 15.46 | 10326 | 10194 |
| | 157.37 | 174.68 | i have no anger now the dreams are done yet since the greeks and trojans would not see aught but my body's fairness till the end in all the islands set in all the seas and all the lands that lie beneath the sun | 17.31 | 10326 | 10194 |
| | 140.03 | 157.37 | to make the people love who hate me now my dreams are over i have ceased to cry against the fate that made men love my mouth and left their spirits all too deaf to hear the little songs that echoed through my soul | 17.34 | 10326 | 10194 |
| | 204.62 | 220.49 | they shall behold each one his dream that fashions me anew with hair like lakes that glint beneath the stars dark as sweet midnight or with hair aglow like burnished gold that still retains the fire | 15.87 | 10326 | 10194 |
| | 361 | 376.27 | castell shook his head impatiently ask the question man if you will but never take the answer if it is against you wait rather and ask it again and went on peter without noticing his grey eyes lighting with a sudden fire | 15.27 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 527.87 | 538.78 | among these were a man and a lady the latter attended by a handsome young woman who were all three sufficiently striking in appearance to attract some notice in the throng | 10.91 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 388.34 | 406.08 | there was a ring of earnestness in the speaker's voice that caused de ayala who knew something of his private reputation to look at him curiously a true fanatic and therefore to us a useful man he thought to himself though one who knows how to make the best of two worlds as well as most of them | 17.74 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 959.96 | 976.5 | could touch her hand at morn and evening could watch the light shine in her beauteous eyes and sometimes as she bent over him feel her breath upon his hair and now his purgatory was at an end and of a sudden the gates of joy were open | 16.54 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 170.61 | 180.88 | castell's eyes twinkled the answer amused him at least you have an upright heart he said for what other man in such a case would argue against himself | 10.27 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 320.13 | 331.86 | but she was certainly frightened when the fellow caught hold of her and then she called for me loud enough what is that what woman in london would not call for such a one as peter brome in her trouble | 11.73 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 1,187 | 1,197.37 | also it is lent and a fast day and by ill fortune although none of us ate of it there was meat on the table for as you know he added hurriedly | 10.37 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 976.5 | 988.39 | but what if margaret should prove the angel with the flaming sword who forbade him entrance to his paradise he trembled at the thought well if so so it must be | 11.89 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 427.33 | 444.09 | and then-then that brute and her eyes filled with tears of shame and anger caught hold of me and peter threw him down and afterwards when he attacked him with a sword peter killed him with his staff and-all the rest happened | 16.76 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 1,158.16 | 1,175.5 | look to the women comrades behind there now you murderers if you would see english sword-play come on or if you are afraid let us go in peace yes come on you foreign cowards shouted the mob who did not love these turbulent and privileged guards | 17.34 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 331.86 | 349.77 | well you must ask her and that soon if you can find the words take a lesson from that spanish don and scrape and bow and flatter and tell stories of the war and turn verses to her eyes and hair oh peter are you a fool that i at my age should have to teach you how to court a woman | 17.91 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 948.29 | 959.96 | indeed that's why he had come here at all who otherwise would have been far away hewing a road to fame and fortune or digging out a grave with his broadsword for here at least he could be near to margaret | 11.67 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 1,036.91 | 1,049.35 | none other of your well born and ancient family were left so when sir peter against my counsel staking his all upon that usurping rogue richard who had promised to advance him | 12.44 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 1,197.37 | 1,212.04 | i am not strict in such matters who give little weight to forms and ceremonies well he observed it and touched fish only although he drank enough of the sweet wine doubtless a report of that meat will go to spain by the next courier | 14.67 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 372.08 | 388.34 | let the earth be evil as it must but let the church be like heaven above it pure unstained the vault of prayer the house of mercy and of righteous judgment wherein walks no sinner such as i and again he crossed himself | 16.26 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 555.51 | 571.59 | he was not strictly speaking a handsome man being somewhat too high of forehead and prominent of feature moreover one of his clean-shaven cheeks the right was marred by the long red scar of a sword-cut which stretched from the temple to the strong chin | 16.08 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 349.77 | 361 | mayhap sir at least i can do none of these things and poesy wearies me to read much more to write but i can ask a question and take an answer | 11.23 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 967.93 | 987.58 | next instant they laughed again and to the ruffian andrew it seemed as though suddenly he had fallen into the power of a whirlwind at least margaret was wrenched away from him while he spun around and round to fall violently upon his face that's peter exclaimed one of the soldiers in spanish yes answered another | 19.65 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 25.38 | 39.51 | peter turned to those men who had stood by him and thanked them very heartily then he said to margaret come cousin that is over for this time and you have had your wish and seen his grace now the sooner you are safe at home the better i shall be pleased | 14.13 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 790.93 | 802.98 | the money is safe most of it my wealth they shall never get and now i will make my daughter safe also as with peter she must be i would i had not put it off so long | 12.05 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 1,377.55 | 1,389.63 | i never thanked you for all you did you brave peter though i thanked you enough in my heart do you know that when you stood there with that sword in the middle of those englishmen you looked quite noble | 12.08 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 57.53 | 67.6 | señor d'aguilar i thank you and so does my cousin peter brome whose life perhaps you saved don't you peter oh and so will my father | 10.07 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 619.27 | 632.72 | so peter told him in few words yet omitting nothing i find no blame in you said the merchant when he had done nor do i see how you could have acted otherwise than you did it is margaret who i blame | 13.45 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 538.78 | 555.51 | the man a person of about thirty years of age dressed in a merchant's robe of cloth and wearing a knife in his girdle seemed over six feet in height while his companion in her flowing fur trimmed cloak was for a woman also of unusual stature | 16.73 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 581.42 | 597.17 | my daughter is never likely to see it broke in castell i do not purpose that she should visit spain ah then you do not purpose but who knows god and his saints alone and again he crossed himself then fell to describing the beauties of granada | 15.75 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 987.58 | 997.95 | and a patron saint worth having while a third pulled the recumbent andrew to his feet the man looked like a devil his cap had gone and his fiery red hair was smeared with mud | 10.37 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 1,358.15 | 1,377.55 | she stared peter was not in the habit of making her presents of flowers no wonder he had looked strange then i will help you to tie them do you know why i'm up so early it is for your sake i behaved badly to you last night for i was cross because you wanted to thwart me about seeing the king | 19.4 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 1,133.4 | 1,147.14 | his cloak thrown over his left arm and his sword his right hand nor i said another peter brome and i have fought together before nor i shouted a third for we were born in the same essex hundred | 13.74 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 933.63 | 948.29 | doing the bidding and taking the rough words of chapmen and of lordly customers filling in bills of exchange and cheapening bargains all without a sign or murmur though oftentimes he felt as though his gorge would burst with loathing of the life | 14.66 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 1,231.6 | 1,245.45 | i am no coward but i think there is much more to be feared peter the arm of the pope is long and the arm of the crafty ferdinand is longer and both of them grope for the throats and moneybags of heretics | 13.85 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 1,049.35 | 1,068 | and meanwhile took his money was killed at bosworth leaving you landless penniless and out of favour i offered you a home and you being a wise man put off your mail and put on woollen and became a merchant's partner though your share of profit was but small | 18.65 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 1,115.5 | 1,133.4 | englishmen he cried in ringing tones but without shifting his head or glance will you see me murdered by these spanish dogs there was a moment's pause and then a voice behind cried by god not i and a brawny kentish man at arms ranged up beside him | 17.9 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 608.82 | 619.27 | at length the meal came to an end and when the serving-men had cleared away the dishes and they were alone castell said now kinsman peter tell me your story | 10.45 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 180.88 | 194.99 | also you are of good blood and not ill to look on or so some maids might think whilst as for wealth what said the wise king of my people that ofttimes riches make themselves wings and fly away | 14.11 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 597.17 | 608.82 | he was a fine and ready talker and his voice was very pleasant so margaret listened attentively enough watching his face and forgetting to eat while her father and peter watched them both | 11.65 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 1,147.14 | 1,158.16 | and so it went on until there were as many stout englishmen at his side as there were spaniards and scotchmen before him that will do said peter we want no more than man to man | 11.02 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 444.09 | 462.32 | it was beautifully done said d'aguilar in his soft voice and foreign accent i saw it all and made sure that you were dead the parry i understood but the way you got your smashing blow in before he could thrust again ah that well well said castell | 18.23 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 1,212.04 | 1,231.6 | and if it does what matter we are in england and englishmen will not suffer their spanish laws and ways perhaps the sr d'aguilar learned as much as that tonight outside the banqueting hall there is something to be feared from this brawl at home but while we were safe in london no more from spain | 19.56 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 513.62 | 527.87 | on the open space opposite to the banqueting hall in front of which were gathered squires and grooms with horses stood and walked many citizens of london who their day's work done came to see the king pass by in state | 14.25 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 774.66 | 790.93 | almost i feel as though the rope were tightening about my throat at last it came upon me while that accursed spaniard crossed himself at my table well so be it i will hide the truth while i can but if they catch me i'll not deny it | 16.27 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 571.59 | 585.03 | his face however was open and manly if rather stern and the grey eyes were steady and frank it was not the face of a merchant but rather that of one of good degree accustomed to camps and war | 13.44 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 1,237.25 | 1,254.54 | we know you marquis said the leader in a cowed voice sheath your swords comrades after all it is no affair of ours the men obeyed somewhat unwillingly but at this moment arrived the ambassador de ayala very angry for he had heard of the death of his servant demanding | 17.29 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 1,217.91 | 1,237.25 | do you want to see every spaniard in london torn to pieces as for that drunken brute and he touched the corpse of andrew with his foot he brought his death upon himself moreover he was not a spaniard there is no blood quarrel come obey me or must i tell you who i am | 19.34 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 30.12 | 44.32 | there had been a great show in london for that day his grace opened the newly convened parliament and announced to his faithful people who received the news with much cheering since war was ever popular at first his intention of invading france | 14.2 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 999.21 | 1,013.74 | peter could lie abed no longer but rose and dressed himself although the dawn was not fully come by his open window he said his prayers thanking god for mercies past and praying that he would bless him in his great enterprise | 14.53 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 67.6 | 78.94 | yes answered peter somewhat sulkily i thank him very much though as for my life i trusted to my own arm and to those of my friends here good night sir | 11.34 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 407.57 | 420.39 | peter it is in my mind to have done with all this trading and to withdraw me to spend my old age where none will take any notice of me down at that hall of yours in dedham if you will give me lodging | 12.82 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 376.27 | 393.22 | if need be i can break that fine spaniard's bones as though he were a twig ah said castell perhaps you will be called upon to make your words good before all is done for my part i think his bones will take some breaking well ask in your own way | 16.95 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 632.72 | 648.13 | for i only gave her leave to walk with you and betty by the river and bade her beware of crowds yes father the fault is mine and for it i pray your pardon said margaret so meekly that her father could not find the heart to scold her as he'd meant to do | 15.41 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 1,175.5 | 1,189.37 | by now the spanish blood was up and the old race-hatred awoke in broken english the sergeant of the guard shouted out some filthy insult about margaret and called upon his followers to cut the throats of the london swine | 13.87 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 1,264.11 | 1,284.08 | peter understood for his long arms moved uneasily and his grey eyes flashed i will go to bed he said i wish to think nay lad answered castell fill your glass and stay awhile i've words to say to you and there is no time like the present who knows what may happen tomorrow | 19.97 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 597.6 | 608.96 | of the lady's figure little could be seen because of the long cloak that hid it but the face which appeared within its hood when she turned and the dying sunlight filled her eyes was lovely indeed | 11.36 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 1,045.3 | 1,064.78 | so he descended the broad oak stairs and unbolting a door entered this garden which though not too well kept was large for london covering an acre of ground perhaps surrounded by a high wall and having walks and at the end of it a group of ancient elms beneath which was a seat hidden from the house | 19.48 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 1,025.58 | 1,045.3 | but here in london there was no country wherever he went he would meet men moreover he remembered that it might be best that just now he should not wander through the streets unguarded lest he should find spaniards watching to take him unawares well there was the garden he would go thither and walk a while | 19.72 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 1,200.99 | 1,217.91 | for that moment a tall señor who'd been standing in the shadow and watching all that passed walked between the opposing lines as he went striking up the swords with his arm have done said d'aguilar quietly for it was he speaking in spanish you fools | 16.92 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 1,013.74 | 1,025.58 | presently the sun rose and there came a great longing on him to be alone in the countryside who was country born and hated towns with only the sky and the birds and the trees for company | 11.84 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 627.59 | 643.4 | but the wonder of it what distinguished her above everything else from other beautiful women of her time was to be found in her eyes for these were not blue or grey as might be expected from her general colouring but large black and lustrous | 15.81 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 393.22 | 407.57 | only ask and let me hear the answer before tomorrow night now it grows late and i have still something to say i'm in danger here my wealth is noised abroad and many covet it some in high places i think | 14.35 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 667.8 | 682.99 | now margaret grew frightened for the thought that harm might come to peter cut her heart the colour left her cheek and once again her eyes swam with tears oh say not so she exclaimed peter will you not fly at once | 15.19 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 608.96 | 627.59 | for from her birth to her death-day margaret castell fair margaret as she was called had this gift to a degree that is rarely granted to woman rounded and flower-like was that face most delicately tinted also with rich and curving lips and a broad snow-white brow | 18.63 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 1,189.37 | 1,200.99 | swords shone red in the red sunset light men shifted their feet and bent forward and in another instant a great and bloody fray would have begun but it did not begin | 11.62 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 97.01 | 107.57 | and were i not with you may waylay you now seeing from his face that peter was still bent upon declining this escort margaret interposed quickly | 10.56 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 1,245.45 | 1,264.11 | well sir we are not heretics no perhaps not heretics but we are rich and the father of one of us was a jew and there is something else in this house which even a true son of the holy church might desire and he looked at the door through which margaret had passed to her chamber | 18.66 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 420.39 | 438.16 | indeed for a year or more ever since you spoke to me on the subject of margaret i have been calling in my moneys from spain and england and placing them out at safe interest in small sums or buying jewels with them or lending them to other merchants who i trust who will not rob me or mine | 17.77 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 648.13 | 667.8 | you should ask peter's pardon he muttered seeing that he's likely to be laid by the heels in a dungeon over this business yes and put on his trial for causing a man's death remember he was in the service of de ayala with whom our liege wishes to stand well and de ayala it seems is very angry | 19.67 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 17.9 | 30.12 | fair margaret by h rider haggard chapter one how peter met the spaniard it was a spring afternoon in the sixth year of the reign of king henry the seventh of england | 12.22 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 78.94 | 97.01 | i fear senor said answered d'aguilar with a smile that we cannot part just yet you forget i have become bond for you and must therefore accompany you to where you live that i may certify the place also perhaps it is safest for these countrymen of mine are revengeful | 18.07 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 122.58 | 134.12 | thus they walked in the twilight across the fields and through the narrow streets beyond that lay between westminster and holborn in front tripped margaret beside her stately cavalier | 11.54 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 696.36 | 707.46 | and clasping her slender hands looked pleadingly into his face and asked señor you who are so powerful and the friend of great people will you not help us | 11.1 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 988.39 | 999.21 | he was not the man to force her fancy or call her father to his aid he would do his best to win her and if he failed why then he would bless her and let her go | 10.82 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 585.03 | 597.6 | for the rest his figure was well-built and active and his voice when he spoke which was seldom clear and distinct to loudness but cultivated and pleasant again not the voice of a merchant | 12.57 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 107.57 | 122.58 | yes that is wisest also my father would wish it señor i will show you the way and accompanied by d'aguilar who gallantly offered her his arm she stepped forward briskly leaving peter to follow with her cousin betty | 15.01 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 438.16 | 457.84 | peter you have worked well for me but you are no chapman it is not in your blood therefore since there is enough for all of us and more i shall pass this business and its goodwill over to others to be managed in their name but on shares and if it please god we will keep next yule at dedham | 19.68 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 1,268.66 | 1,279.07 | fighting there would have been also notwithstanding all that d'aguilar could do to prevent it but of a sudden the noise began to die away | 10.41 | 9679 | 10228 |
| | 99.48 | 113.26 | then having paused a while to receive petitions from poor folks which he handed to one of his officers to be read amidst renewed shouting he passed on to the great feast that was made ready in his palace of westminster | 13.78 | 9679 | 10228 |
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