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Microsoft Why do I pay for WORD when it functions so poorly on my SamsungUS Chromebook | 0 |
CSGO matchmaking is so full of closet hacking its a truly awful game | 0 |
Hi EAHelp Ive had Madeleine McCann in my cellar for the past 13 years and the little sneaky thing just escaped whilst I was loading up some fifa points she took my card and Im having to use my paypal account but it isnt working can you help me resolve it please | 0 |
Thank you EAMaddenNFL
New TE Austin Hooper in the ORANGE BROWN
Browns AustinHooper18
pictwittercomGRg4xzFKOn | 1 |
Rocket League Sea of Thieves or Rainbow Six Siege I love playing all three on stream but which is the best stream twitch RocketLeague SeaOfThieves RainbowSixSiege follow | 1 |
my ass still kneedeep in Assassins Creed Odyssey with no way out anytime soon lmao | 1 |
FIX IT JESUS Please FIX IT What In the world is going on here PlayStation AskPlayStation Playstationsup Treyarch CallofDuty negative 345 silver wolf error code pictwittercomziRyhrf59Q | 0 |
The professional dota 2 scene is fucking exploding and I completely welcome it
Get the garbage out | 1 |
Itching to assassinate
TCCGif AssassinsCreedBlackFlag AssassinsCreed TheCapturedCollective pictwittercomvv8MOGtCjw | 1 |
FredTJoseph hey fred Comcast cut the cable and now Verizon stays calling me to shut that too pictwittercomCPWSrmueDg | 0 |
NBA2K game sucks down by 2 with 38 seconds left and my team intentionally fouls | 0 |
Congrats to the NVIDIA NeMo team for the 100 release candidate
Really excited to see NeMo embracing Hydra as the way to take control over the configuration madness that is machine learning | 1 |
yeah and its fun | 1 |
fuck my life | 0 |
happy birthday red dead redemption that shit changed my life what a crazy experience | 1 |
What does that say about Microsoft hardware software security The Man gets hacked | 0 |
The new CallofDuty for ps5 is
Oh God | 0 |
Finally played Rainbow Six Siege for the first time I have to admit I prefer it over pulling my hair out in CSGO any day | 0 |
Yo Verizon just added a 120 fee to my account under COVID19 protection without my permission and I am forced to pay it Check your bills carefully | 0 |
Borderlands how do I submit a complaint Your CEO isnt paying his staff their bonuses | 0 |
Watching NVIDIA position itself as not just a leading hardware manufacturer but also providing meaningful software to consumers is a remarkable thing of beauty What an incredibly lead company with clear focus and goals Well done nvidia | 1 |
I dont see how this looks like as Xbox controller but yall will say anything Anyway this is fire | 1 |
Johnson Johnson knowingly sold baby powder containing asbestos for decades and are now tasked with producing COVID19 vaccine along with corporate criminals Glaxosmithkline who received the 2nd largest fine in corporate history for their various crimes Trust them | 0 |
The things I would do for a nvidia 3090 unspeakable | 1 |
Fortnite is running like ass fps drops everywhere wtf | 0 |
Just finished Assassins Creed Odyssey through Shadow_Official Shadow_NA from the beginning to the end Thanks for the amazing gaming experience on your service | 1 |
Our eldest has spent so long playing this new Call of Duty game Im not convinced he even knows what day it is let alone how long lockdown has lasted Id normally object but I think Id rather deal with that than him being frustrated about being stuck at home | 1 |
Not gonna lie that Black Ops cold war trailer was probably the best COD teaser I have ever seen | 1 |
Never popped the ice block Hearthstone pictwittercomBCsZlhJHPF | 0 |
You mean the same Johnson Johnson that suppressed reports of asbestos contamination in their talc products for decades Wonder how many died And Birx says Randomized controlled studies show NO evidence of improved outcome with HCQ LIAR
youtube77TMszubRU4 | 0 |
Im addicted to call of duty mobile | 0 |
So yesterday I decided to go back to Overwatch and I forgot just how much I loved playing it Now all I want to do is play it and do nothing else I mean the event is on atm gotta get me that Pharah skin as I have Anas already | 1 |
PUBG_Support Hiya So whenll u be fixing your fn console game Been asking a lot and have been very satisfied with your lack of responses Just wondering if lagouts are a part of the game like red zones and Im just not aware or if you just cant | 0 |
More FIFA Leslie Steiger must be joking See the horrible thing here ifttt2Y1TBtO | 0 |
Thank you
For wanting me to stay home and play some of FIFA
EASPORTSFIFA EAHelp pictwittercom7Vw03AfLay | 1 |
BeverlyCitizen Ronald Bellanti is a resident of Beverly MA and works for Ground Control an organization he founded as a drunk driving prevention campaign He took to Facebook to express deplorably racist and violent views Please help expose him pict | 1 |
Some milestones and anniversaries here at the Chicopee Home Depot Congratulations Ed to 29 years with the company and gaining another gold milestone Tim to 14 years with the company and Mark for gaining another silver milestone Time does fly by when youre having fun pictwittercomDilaa5CUFX | 1 |
I like the killstreaks | 1 |
This card is magnificent
nba2kmyteam sfcrabs pinkdiamond sprewell NBA2K spree myteam cards Grinding NBA2K20 pictwittercom2IqsF9zQw0 | 1 |
Is there anything not wrong with this game why cant i claim the credits PlayCODMobile such a joke CallofDutyMobile CODm CoDMobile CallofDuty | 0 |
They took my phone number from me Thanks verizon I was rey pay the bill yall couldnt jus give me more time tf | 0 |
Big shout to icklenellierose for reminding me how great Assassins Creed Black Flag is and how I never finished it
Stuck at home with a broken car whilst my PS4 and Switch are at my girlfriends with Doom and ACNH my PS3 and Gamecube are all I have
Gonna finish this pictwittercomMrQDAjiYVG | 1 |
I love Rainbow6Game so much | 1 |
nba2k is a fucking joke | 0 |
RoboDanjal any chance I could get a list of the maps for the new PUBG TDM I cant seem to find a good list anywhere | 0 |
EAMaddenNFL hi I am am trying to do the golden ticket challenges and it is not working for me and 10 of my friends so will u be post pointing it or | 0 |
This is how much I enjoy ghostreconbreakpoint and division2 I love the lore of both titles gaming gamebooks instagramcompB9feINlnn1U | 1 |
In 1982 Johnson Johnsons Extra Strength Tylenol was recalled because seven people had died after taking it haitian music | 0 |
God when | 0 |
satyanadella Microsoft thanks for celebrating Diversity We need positive energy these days | 1 |
Thats the best one wtf | 1 |
oooooh shit i think my motherboard is already compatible | 1 |
To all the people who want to play VALORANT and are saying they are gonna pursue it professionally
go play 100 hours of CSGO if you still like the game then I think it would be a good game for you if you are bored out of your mind I would not recommend pursuing it | 1 |
this is the absolute FUNNIEST interaction Ive ever seen on League of Legends pictwittercomNsWyuMdVrX | 1 |
Oh shit I got 1 day to finish this fuk | 0 |
I miss when Hearthstone was simpler | 0 |
Leaked memo excoriates Facebooks slapdash and haphazard response to global political manipulation dlvritRgbzJD | 0 |
This looks kinda clean | 1 |
BlizzardCS so when i try to buy overwatch with a credit or debit all it does is load and then it says something went wrong Select another payment method or try again later Help I have been trying for a hour now | 0 |
verizon Can you waive some data overage charges Been tough for folks out here | 0 |
No one buy battlefield 3 on steam It doesnt have an app it literally runs through a google search Do not recommend it its a waste of money SteamSummerSale SteamSummerSale2020 | 0 |
Indigo Urgent Care looks to Microsoft Teams and Microsofts Power Platform to help deliver quality care and worldclass patient experience lnkdineAzWmuB | 1 |
GhostRecon GhostRecon_UK Your PvP server doesnt work Nobody can connect And pls delete the scope for drones Theyre useless und block syringes
Bugpoint Brokenpoint pictwittercomQkTNee6DVZ | 0 |
Great job guys Peter_shirley and withyounotsmwhr | 1 |
feels good to get a Victory in ApexLegends with your high school buddies we are all in our late 20s now VictorpMeraz4 NOLDRAY FreaksAndGeeks deserved a second season | 1 |
Interesting for real this is really awesome looking | 1 |
Even tae playing pubg I wont ever installing it hahahaha I dislike that game so much | 0 |
Why would you fuck your way to the bottom exactly | 0 |
Hey verizonfios verizon VerizonSupport Why is my internet speed 360Mbps down327Mbps up when I pay for 1Gig symmetric services
verizonfios fiosfail speedtest fiosfam
Test is performed over a wired connection with CAT8 SFTP 40GB cables
speedtestnetresultc7cf7b | 0 |
Seeing Amazon Prime marketing Borat by getting him in TikToks vlogs YouTube videos is amazing
Worlds changing if you still doubt the power of an online audience its time to quit | 1 |
Happy to be back doing what I love | 1 |
What the fuck is wrong with u guys
DOTA2 | 0 |
Well thats not helping to reassure me my data is safe with google | 0 |
You know how you buy consoles for specific games I dead ass bought this card so that I can get the absolute best experience from CyberpunkGame I want to absolutely immerse myself in this game NVIDIAGeForce ray tracing all of that I want it all pictwittercomneA45IHUvo | 1 |
The recent Warzone and Modern Warfare patch has leaked tons of Black Ops Cold War details including singleplayer campaign description editions and potential release date
CallofDuty BlackOpsColdWar ModernWarfare Warzone bitly3j6HYci | 0 |
Sorta amusing how nba2k has such selfcentered community managers that have built up such limited goodwill that when they released a demo identical to 2k20 everyone was vocal about it being trash NBA2K21
| 0 |
Im getting a lot out of Red Dead Redemption 2 right now the game enables me to do a lot of dumb things and generally be an idiot
feelsgoodman | 1 |
Oh dear god my computer is gonna get fried from all this | 0 |
HOLYYYYY Definitely streaming it this weekendbe on the look out | 1 |
This PlayStation5 pre order is an absolute
Hopefully Xbox goes smoother next week and Ill get two | 1 |
Nothing like getting two leavers in the game that would have promoted you I love league of legends | 1 |
the chopper shot is stunning | 1 |
Completed Fustercluck this weekend rounding off year one of Borderlands3 I decided to go back in response and play the original Borderlands again as I had the 4K GOTY version on my PC already The shooting feels awful Im going to try some suggested ini changes tomorrow | 1 |
Doing anything in extreme will cause consequencesbanning pubg is not the solution UnBanPubg | 1 |
1000 wasted | 0 |
PlayApex can you guys please fix the disconnect reconnect issue it really sucks getting penalized in ranked for a disconnect and dying you need invincibility or something were you can get killed cuz its really bullshit | 0 |
Exciting news Verizon Ericsson and Qualcomm are first in the world to achieve 5G peak speed of 506 Gbps TeamEricsson tericsn2HHzpaI | 1 |
Wow NBA2K yall gotta do something about this | 0 |
WTF | 0 |
what a joke TomClancysRainbowSixSiege XboxShare pictwittercomflxOM0xVub | 0 |
Today I found out that Windows Cortana actually sounds like Jen Taylor in America but nowhere else What the fuck microsoft | 0 |
Yo NBA2K fuck your fake ass garbage ass game | 0 |
Watching You Kalloori Perfect Situation Mystic River Tampa Prescott Dak Johnson Marcus Lego Harry Potter Years 57 Mille Lacs Leonard Kawhi Ivan Rakitic Chilton Dan Glazer Jeff Carter Julio Garcia Algemarin L Borderlands 2 Ill Always Love You
loveokstorebestonlinesh | 1 |
Hella excited for tonight as always
Ill be participating under AceOfPyrites leadership and Im looking forward to a terrific evening of RainbowSixSiege
If youre looking for some Siege to watch swing by and say hello from 1900 BST
twitchtvrainbowsix_uk | 1 |
Good fucking day today happy to be back more GTA RP tmr | 1 |
Youre doing gods work | 1 |
Playing through the Witcher 3 again and the Novigrads quests and the atmosphere make me even more excited for the CyberpunkGame Cant wait to get to the Night City | 1 |
FortniteGame Making the storm water was the most retarded thing anyone could come up with Smfh its like yall wanna ruin ur own game | 0 |