1 value
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
What human was killed by commodus?
select distinct ?sbj where { ?sbj wdt:/killed by/ wd:/Commodus/ . ?sbj wdt:/instance of/ wd:/human/ }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
What business is the organization of the American Broadcasting Company in?
select distinct ?sbj where { ?sbj wdt:/parent organization/ wd:/American Broadcasting Company/ . ?sbj wdt:/instance of/ wd:/business/ }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
What is made from mutton that has the vernacular name of Domestic Sheep?
SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:/lamb meat/ wdt:/natural product of taxon/ ?answer . ?answer wdt:/taxon common name/ ?x FILTER(contains(?x,'Domestic Sheep'))}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
What is {colour} of {team} of {Maurice Wellock} ?
SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:/Maurice Wellock/ wdt:/member of sports team/ ?X . ?X wdt:/color/ ?answer}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
Which architecture firm of the California Academy of Sciences includes a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts?
SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:/California Academy of Sciences/ wdt:/architect/ ?answer . ?answer wdt:/member of/ wd:/European Academy of Sciences and Arts/}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
What country for May was named after Magtymguly Pyragy?
SELECT ?value WHERE { wd:/May/ p:/named after/ ?s . ?s ps:/named after/ wd:/Magtymguly Pyragy/ . ?s pq:/country/ ?value}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
William Wordsworth was the citizen of which country in the year 1801?
SELECT ?obj WHERE { wd:/William Wordsworth/ p:/country of citizenship/ ?s . ?s ps:/country of citizenship/ ?obj . ?s pq:/end time/ ?x filter(contains(YEAR(?x),'1801')) }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
What was China previous dynasty before Yuan ?
select distinct ?sbj where { ?sbj wdt:/replaced by/ wd:/Yuan dynasty/ . ?sbj wdt:/instance of/ wd:/historical Chinese state/ }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
What ethnic group do the Indigenous people of the United States belong to
select distinct ?sbj where { ?sbj wdt:/ethnic group/ wd:/Native Americans in the United States/ . ?sbj wdt:/instance of/ wd:/human/ }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
Who are the spouses of the characters from Batman: Haunted Knight?
SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:/Batman: Haunted Knight/ wdt:/characters/ ?X . ?X wdt:/unmarried partner/ ?answer}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
What is in the administrative unit of Imo State, specifically the one who's capital city is Lagos?
SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:/Imo State/ wdt:/located in the administrative territorial entity/ ?answer . ?answer wdt:/capital/ wd:/Lagos/}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
Which animal produces cashmere?
select distinct ?obj where { wd:/Cashmere/ wdt:/natural product of taxon/ ?obj . ?obj wdt:/instance of/ wd:/organisms known by a particular common name/ }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
How is chocolate pronounced in German?
SELECT ?obj WHERE { wd:/chocolate/ p:/pronunciation audio/ ?s . ?s ps:/pronunciation audio/ ?obj . ?s pq:/language of work or name/ wd:/German/ }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
What employer did Gilles Deleuze work at until 1964?
SELECT ?obj WHERE { wd:/Gilles Deleuze/ p:/employer/ ?s . ?s ps:/employer/ ?obj . ?s pq:/end time/ ?x filter(contains(YEAR(?x),'1964')) }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
What is the name of David Fosters record label?
select distinct ?obj where { wd:/David Foster/ wdt:/record label/ ?obj . ?obj wdt:/instance of/ wd:/record company/ }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
Which principle that contains the word ätialprinzip in their name
SELECT DISTINCT ?sbj ?sbj_label WHERE { ?sbj wdt:/instance of/ wd:/principle/ . ?sbj rdfs:label ?sbj_label . FILTER(CONTAINS(lcase(?sbj_label), 'ätialprinzip')) . FILTER (lang(?sbj_label) = 'en') } LIMIT 25
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
Is the isospin quantum number of the B meson greater than 0.4?
ASK WHERE { wd:/B meson/ wdt:/isospin quantum number/ ?obj filter(?obj > 0.4) }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
When was the Battle of the Bulge?
select distinct ?obj where { wd:/Battle of the Bulge/ wdt:/time period/ ?obj . ?obj wdt:/instance of/ wd:/world war/ }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
Thessaloniki is next to which Roman city?
select distinct ?sbj where { ?sbj wdt:/twinned administrative body/ wd:/Thessaloniki/ . ?sbj wdt:/instance of/ wd:/Roman city/ }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
How many {material are used} for {fiber} ?
SELECT (COUNT(?sub) AS ?value ) { ?sub wdt:/made from material/ wd:/fiber/ }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
Give me the name of determination method for stroke has genetic association as ALDH2 ?
SELECT ?value WHERE { wd:/stroke/ p:/genetic association/ ?s . ?s ps:/genetic association/ wd:/ALDH2/ . ?s pq:/determination method/ ?value}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
In Exodus, a mountain serves as a narrative location--where is it?
select distinct ?obj where { wd:/Exodus/ wdt:/narrative location/ ?obj . ?obj wdt:/instance of/ wd:/mountain/ }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
Who is {students} of {painters} {Elisabeth Vilhelmine Juel} ?
SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:/Elisabeth Vilhelmine Juel/ wdt:/creator/ ?X . ?X wdt:/student/ ?answer}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
What is the original Robin Hood about?
select distinct ?sbj where { ?sbj wdt:/characters/ wd:/Robin Hood/ . ?sbj wdt:/instance of/ wd:/traditional story/ }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
What { time point } has { population } as { 3.12311e+06 } for { Sohag Governorate }?
SELECT ?value WHERE { wd:/Sohag Governorate/ p:/population/ ?s . ?s ps:/population/ ?x filter(contains(?x,'3.12311e+06')) . ?s pq:/point in time/ ?value}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
What is the cosmic microwave background experiment with the lowest maximum wavelength of sensitivity whose operator is National Science Foundation ?
select ?ent where { ?ent wdt:/instance of/ wd:/cosmic microwave background experiment/ . ?ent wdt:/maximum wavelength of sensitivity/ ?obj . ?ent wdt:/operator/ wd:/National Science Foundation/} ORDER BY ASC(?obj)LIMIT 5
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
Who is the titleholder of award received of Linkin Park?
SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:/Linkin Park/ wdt:/nominated for/ ?X . ?X wdt:/winner/ ?answer}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
"Is the human population in Peace of Westphalia 163168.0?
SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:/Peace of Westphalia/ wdt:/location/ ?answer . ?answer wdt:/population/ ?x FILTER(contains(?x,'163168.0'))}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
Who designed the Metropolitan Railway A Class?
SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:/Metropolitan Railway A Class/ wdt:/designed by/ ?X . ?X wdt:/notable work/ ?answer}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
"Which is {taxon parent} of {Fungi imperfecti}, that has {to be distinguished from} is {plant} ?"
SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:/Fungi imperfecti/ wdt:/parent taxon/ ?answer . ?answer wdt:/different from/ wd:/plant/}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
What people are assocated with Al-Andalus and start with the letter A?
SELECT DISTINCT ?sbj ?sbj_label WHERE { ?sbj wdt:/instance of/ wd:/geographic location/ . ?sbj wdt:/category of associated people/ wd:/Category:People from al-Andalus/ . ?sbj rdfs:label ?sbj_label . FILTER(STRSTARTS(lcase(?sbj_label), 'a')) . FILTER (lang(?sbj_label) = 'en') } LIMIT 25
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
Which is the antonym of the location of the moustache?
SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:/moustache/ wdt:/location/ ?X . ?X wdt:/opposite of/ ?answer}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
When did Austria have an unemployment rate of 5.0?
SELECT ?value WHERE { wd:/Austria/ p:/unemployment rate/ ?s . ?s ps:/unemployment rate/ ?x filter(contains(?x,'5.0')) . ?s pq:/point in time/ ?value}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
When was Estelle Parsons nominated for a Tony Award for Best Actress in a Play?
SELECT ?value WHERE { wd:/Estelle Parsons/ p:/nominated for/ ?s . ?s ps:/nominated for/ wd:/Tony Award for Best Actress in a Play/ . ?s pq:/point in time/ ?value}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
Where in Europe did Thomas Nashe die?
SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:/Thomas Nashe/ wdt:/place of death/ ?answer . ?answer wdt:/continent/ wd:/Europe/}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
How many Targets are by banks?
SELECT (COUNT(?sub) AS ?value ) { ?sub wdt:/target/ wd:/bank/ }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
When did Wuppertal have a population of 345,425?
SELECT ?value WHERE { wd:/Wuppertal/ p:/population/ ?s . ?s ps:/population/ ?x filter(contains(?x,'345425.0')) . ?s pq:/point in time/ ?value}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
Which is the ice giant that has Sun as parent astronomical body and contains the word uranus in it's name?
SELECT DISTINCT ?sbj ?sbj_label WHERE { ?sbj wdt:/instance of/ wd:/ice giant/ . ?sbj wdt:/parent astronomical body/ wd:/Sun/ . ?sbj rdfs:label ?sbj_label . FILTER(CONTAINS(lcase(?sbj_label), 'uranus')) . FILTER (lang(?sbj_label) = 'en') } LIMIT 25
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
The Laotian Civil War was fought by what diplomatic parties?
SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:/Laotian Civil War/ wdt:/participant/ ?X . ?X wdt:/diplomatic relation/ ?answer}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
What type of Pentium M microprocessor has the smallest number of processor cores?
select ?ent where { ?ent wdt:/instance of/ wd:/microprocessor/ . ?ent wdt:/number of processor cores/ ?obj . ?ent wdt:/follows/ wd:/Pentium M/. } ORDER BY ASC(?obj)LIMIT 5
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
"Where is {deathplace} of {Amelia Earhart}, which has {tributary} is {Ayampe River} ?"
SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:/Amelia Earhart/ wdt:/place of death/ ?answer . ?answer wdt:/tributary/ wd:/Ayampe River/}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
What award did Count Basie receive in 2001?
SELECT ?obj WHERE { wd:/Count Basie/ p:/award received/ ?s . ?s ps:/award received/ ?obj . ?s pq:/point in time/ ?x filter(contains(YEAR(?x),'2001')) }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
Which American citizen has spent the least amount of time in space?
select ?ent where { ?ent wdt:/instance of/ wd:/human/ . ?ent wdt:/time in space/ ?obj . ?ent wdt:/country of citizenship/ wd:/United States of America/} ORDER BY ASC(?obj)LIMIT 5
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
When did Herbert A. Simon receive the John von Neumann Theory Prize?
SELECT ?value WHERE { wd:/Herbert Simon/ p:/award received/ ?s . ?s ps:/award received/ wd:/John von Neumann Theory Prize/ . ?s pq:/point in time/ ?value}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
What is the trademark of Barcelona, and where is their headquarters located?
select distinct ?sbj where { ?sbj wdt:/headquarters location/ wd:/Barcelona/ . ?sbj wdt:/instance of/ wd:/trademark/ }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
How many flag bearers does Mijain Lopez have?
SELECT (COUNT(?sub) AS ?value ) { ?sub wdt:/flag bearer/ wd:/Mijaín López/ }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
Name the flavored tea named after Charles Grey that contains the word "earl" in its name
SELECT DISTINCT ?sbj ?sbj_label WHERE { ?sbj wdt:/instance of/ wd:/flavored tea/ . ?sbj wdt:/named after/ wd:/Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Grey/ . ?sbj rdfs:label ?sbj_label . FILTER(CONTAINS(lcase(?sbj_label), 'earl')) . FILTER (lang(?sbj_label) = 'en') } LIMIT 25
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
What did executive director Suzanne Greco create?
SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:/Suzanne Greco/ wdt:/chief executive officer/ ?X . ?X wdt:/product or material produced/ ?answer}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
who is the birth house for place of birth of Ronald Reagan?
select distinct ?obj where { wd:/Ronald Reagan/ wdt:/place of birth/ ?obj . ?obj wdt:/instance of/ wd:/birth house/ }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
Is the lower flammable limit of kerosene greater than 0.56?
ASK WHERE { wd:/kerosene/ wdt:/lower flammable limit/ ?obj filter(?obj > 0.56) }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
Which constellation includes the star NGC 6723 ?
SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:/NGC 6723/ wdt:/parent astronomical body/ ?X . ?X wdt:/constellation/ ?answer}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
How many people or cargo transported to coal?
SELECT (COUNT(?sub) AS ?value ) { ?sub wdt:/type of passengers/cargo/ wd:/coal/ }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
When did La Paz have a population of 654,713?
SELECT ?value WHERE { wd:/La Paz/ p:/population/ ?s . ?s ps:/population/ ?x filter(contains(?x,'654713.0')) . ?s pq:/point in time/ ?value}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:/Call of the Wild/ wdt:/followed by/ ?X . ?X wdt:/performer/ ?answer}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
What digital humanities project is part of Brown University?
select distinct ?obj where { wd:/Brown University/ wdt:/has subsidiary/ ?obj . ?obj wdt:/instance of/ wd:/digital humanities project/ }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
Which is {county seat of} {workplace} of {Hans Bellmer} ?
SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:/Hans Bellmer/ wdt:/work location/ ?X . ?X wdt:/capital of/ ?answer}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
Who gave the {ideology} of {party} of {Elisenda Alamany} ?
SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:/Elisenda Alamany/ wdt:/member of political party/ ?X . ?X wdt:/political ideology/ ?answer}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
Was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart born in Salzburg?
ASK WHERE { wd:/Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart/ wdt:/place of birth/ wd:/Salzburg/ }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
What sovereign state does Rodrigo Duterte preside over?
select distinct ?sbj where { ?sbj wdt:/head of government/ wd:/Rodrigo Duterte/ . ?sbj wdt:/instance of/ wd:/sovereign state/ }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
What award Katie Ledecky received for Simone Biles?
SELECT ?obj WHERE { wd:/Katie Ledecky/ p:/award received/ ?s . ?s ps:/award received/ ?obj . ?s pq:/follows/ wd:/Simone Biles/ }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
When did the relationship between Alfonso VI of Leon and Castile and Zaida come to an end?
SELECT ?value WHERE { wd:/Alfonso VI of León and Castile/ p:/spouse/ ?s . ?s ps:/spouse/ wd:/Zaida of Seville/ . ?s pq:/end time/ ?value}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
What are the taxon rank and the temporal range end of Tyrannosaurus?
SELECT ?ans_1 ?ans_2 WHERE { wd:/Tyrannosaurus/ wdt:/taxon rank/ ?ans_1 . wd:/Tyrannosaurus/ wdt:/temporal range end/ ?ans_2 }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
Tell me Public policy whose name has the words racial in it.
SELECT DISTINCT ?sbj ?sbj_label WHERE { ?sbj wdt:/instance of/ wd:/public policy/ . ?sbj rdfs:label ?sbj_label . FILTER(CONTAINS(lcase(?sbj_label), 'racial')) . FILTER (lang(?sbj_label) = 'en') } LIMIT 25
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
What is the disease with the shortest incubation period in humans that was originally described in the Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia?
select ?ent where { ?ent wdt:/instance of/ wd:/disease/ . ?ent wdt:/maximal incubation period in humans/ ?obj . ?ent wdt:/described by source/ wd:/Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia/} ORDER BY ASC(?obj)LIMIT 5
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
What is grave at film script byThe General ?
SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:/The General/ wdt:/screenwriter/ ?X . ?X wdt:/place of burial/ ?answer}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
When did Pearl S. Buck receive an award in the National Women's Hall of Fame?
SELECT ?value WHERE { wd:/Pearl S. Buck/ p:/award received/ ?s . ?s ps:/award received/ wd:/National Women's Hall of Fame/ . ?s pq:/point in time/ ?value}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
Did {Henry_Ford} {receive} {Order of the German Eagle award } and {Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize} ?
ASK WHERE { wd:/Henry Ford/ wdt:/award received/ wd:/Order of the German Eagle/ . wd:/Henry Ford/ wdt:/award received/ wd:/Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize/ }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
How many people live on Earth?
SELECT (COUNT(?sub) AS ?value ) { ?sub wdt:/habitat/ wd:/Earth/ }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
What is the currency rate for the {Republic of Tatarstan} ?
SELECT (COUNT(?obj) AS ?value ) { wd:/Republic of Tatarstan/ wdt:/currency/ ?obj }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
How many Doctor Who spin-offs are there?
SELECT (COUNT(?obj) AS ?value ) { wd:/Doctor Who/ wdt:/series spin-off/ ?obj }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
What heptalogy starts with the letter "s"?
SELECT DISTINCT ?sbj ?sbj_label WHERE { ?sbj wdt:/instance of/ wd:/heptalogy/ . ?sbj rdfs:label ?sbj_label . FILTER(STRSTARTS(lcase(?sbj_label), 's')) . FILTER (lang(?sbj_label) = 'en') } LIMIT 25
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
Does Antonio Luna go by the first name Antony?
SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:/Antonio Luna/ wdt:/given name/ ?answer . ?answer wdt:/said to be the same as/ wd:/Antony/}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
In what position did Arthur Henderson replace Austen Chamberlain?
SELECT ?obj WHERE { wd:/Arthur Henderson/ p:/position held/ ?s . ?s ps:/position held/ ?obj . ?s pq:/replaces/ wd:/Austen Chamberlain/ }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
What proportion of Toyota's overall business is represented by the subsidiary Toyota Motor Manufacturing Texas?
SELECT ?value WHERE { wd:/Toyota/ p:/has subsidiary/ ?s . ?s ps:/has subsidiary/ wd:/Toyota Motor Manufacturing Texas/ . ?s pq:/proportion/ ?value}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
What is the longitude and latitude of the atomic bombing that happened in Nagasaki?
SELECT ?obj WHERE { wd:/atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki/ p:/coordinate location/ ?s . ?s ps:/coordinate location/ ?obj . ?s pq:/location/ wd:/Nagasaki/ }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
Is the maximum gradient of Chiemsee-Bahn equal to 2.5?
ASK WHERE { wd:/Chiemsee-Bahn/ wdt:/maximum gradient/ ?obj filter(?obj = 2.5) }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
What is Adam Weishaupt's first name?
SELECT ?value WHERE { wd:/Adam Weishaupt/ p:/given name/ ?s . ?s ps:/given name/ wd:/Adam/ . ?s pq:/series ordinal/ ?value}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
Which is the consumer price index inflation rate of the county seat of Yamoussoukro?
SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:/Yamoussoukro/ wdt:/capital of/ ?X . ?X wdt:/inflation rate/ ?answer}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
What is the first name of William Wilkerson, that is the same as Will?
SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:/William Wilkerson/ wdt:/given name/ ?answer . ?answer wdt:/said to be the same as/ wd:/Will/}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
Which is the General council of the legislative body of Paris?
select distinct ?obj where { wd:/Paris/ wdt:/legislative body/ ?obj . ?obj wdt:/instance of/ wd:/General council/ }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
What is the name of the neutrino quantum particle?
select distinct ?sbj where { ?sbj wdt:/antiparticle/ wd:/neutrino/ . ?sbj wdt:/instance of/ wd:/type of quantum particle/ }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
What is diplomatic relation citizen of Dizzee Rascal ?
SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:/Dizzee Rascal/ wdt:/country of citizenship/ ?X . ?X wdt:/diplomatic relation/ ?answer}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
Name the Duplex stainless steel that is used in the food industry and has the most amount of Young's modulus?
select ?ent where { ?ent wdt:/instance of/ wd:// . ?ent wdt:/tensile modulus of elasticity/ ?obj . ?ent wdt:/has use/ wd:/Food industries/ } ORDER BY DESC(?obj)LIMIT 5
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
What are the physical law which start with the letter s
SELECT DISTINCT ?sbj ?sbj_label WHERE { ?sbj wdt:/instance of/ wd:/physical law/ . ?sbj rdfs:label ?sbj_label . FILTER(STRSTARTS(lcase(?sbj_label), 's')) . FILTER (lang(?sbj_label) = 'en') } LIMIT 25
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
What is the address of Robertt Louis Stevenson's birthplace in Edinburgh?
SELECT ?value WHERE { wd:/Robert Louis Stevenson/ p:/place of birth/ ?s . ?s ps:/place of birth/ wd:/Edinburgh/ . ?s pq:// ?value}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
What's the population of Anglesey in 2011?
SELECT ?obj WHERE { wd:/Anglesey/ p:/population/ ?s . ?s ps:/population/ ?obj . ?s pq:/point in time/ ?x filter(contains(YEAR(?x),'2011')) }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
Who was the horse of Napoleon?
select distinct ?obj where { wd:/Napoleon/ wdt:/mount/ ?obj . ?obj wdt:/instance of/ wd:/military horse/ }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
Is it true that the retirement age in Germany equals to 65.25?
ASK WHERE { wd:/Germany/ wdt:/retirement age/ ?obj filter(?obj = 65.25) }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
Who was Clark Gable's father?
select distinct ?sbj where { ?sbj wdt:/father/ wd:/Clark Gable/ . ?sbj wdt:/instance of/ wd:/human/ }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
what were the economic branch of shareholder of google public area?
SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:/Google Public Alerts/ wdt:/owned by/ ?X . ?X wdt:/industry/ ?answer}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
Who else participated in Deep Blue with top dog Cray Blitz?
SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:/Deep Blue/ wdt:/participant in/ ?answer . ?answer wdt:/winner/ wd:/Cray Blitz/}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
What is the time zone located in the territorial entity of Vinson Massif?
SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:/Vinson Massif/ wdt:/located in the administrative territorial entity/ ?X . ?X wdt:/located in time zone/ ?answer}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
When did Lublin cease to be a Kingdom of Poland?
SELECT ?value WHERE { wd:/Lublin/ p:/country/ ?s . ?s ps:/country/ wd:/Kingdom of Poland/ . ?s pq:/end time/ ?value}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
Who is Ferdinand II of Aragon's son-in-law?
SELECT ?obj WHERE { wd:/Ferdinand II of Aragon/ p:/relative/ ?s . ?s ps:/relative/ ?obj . ?s pq:/kinship to subject/ wd:/son-in-law/ }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
What statement is subject of Louisiana that shares border with Texas?
SELECT ?value WHERE { wd:/Louisiana/ p:/shares border with/ ?s . ?s ps:/shares border with/ wd:/Texas/ . ?s pq:/statement is subject of/ ?value}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:/watt hour/ wdt:/measured physical quantity/ ?X . ?X wdt:/measurement scale/ ?answer}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
Was Lola Flores the oldest child of Rosario Flores?
SELECT ?value WHERE { wd:/Lola Flores/ p:/child/ ?s . ?s ps:/child/ wd:/Rosario Flores/ . ?s pq:/series ordinal/ ?value}
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
What branch of science starts with the letter "v"?
SELECT DISTINCT ?sbj ?sbj_label WHERE { ?sbj wdt:/instance of/ wd:/branch of science/ . ?sbj rdfs:label ?sbj_label . FILTER(STRSTARTS(lcase(?sbj_label), 'v')) . FILTER (lang(?sbj_label) = 'en') } LIMIT 25
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
Is it true that the borrowing rate of Barclaycard Visa equals to 16.99?
ASK WHERE { wd:/Barclaycard Visa/ wdt:/borrowing rate/ ?obj filter(?obj = 16.99) }
Generate a SPARQL query that returns the answer of the following question.
Who is Adad's aunt?
SELECT ?answer WHERE { wd:/Hadad/ wdt:/father/ ?X . ?X wdt:/sibling/ ?answer}