- af
- am
- ar
- de
- en
- es
- ha
- hi
- id
- ig
- jv
- mr
- om
- pcm
- pt
- ro
- ru
- rw
- so
- su
- sv
- sw
- ti
- tt
- uk
- vmw
- xh
- yo
- zh
- zu
license: cc-by-4.0
- config_name: afr
- name: id
dtype: string
- name: text
dtype: string
- name: anger
dtype: int64
- name: disgust
dtype: int64
- name: fear
dtype: int64
- name: joy
dtype: int64
- name: sadness
dtype: int64
- name: surprise
dtype: int64
- name: emotions
sequence: string
- name: dev
num_bytes: 20642.721890067503
num_examples: 98
- name: test
num_bytes: 231786.03756078833
num_examples: 1065
download_size: 91103
dataset_size: 252428.75945085584
- config_name: amh
- name: id
dtype: string
- name: text
dtype: string
- name: anger
dtype: int64
- name: disgust
dtype: int64
- name: fear
dtype: int64
- name: joy
dtype: int64
- name: sadness
dtype: int64
- name: surprise
dtype: int64
- name: emotions
sequence: string
- name: dev
num_bytes: 124698.89141755062
num_examples: 592
- name: test
num_bytes: 386092.4231294258
num_examples: 1774
download_size: 364818
dataset_size: 510791.3145469764
- config_name: arq
- name: id
dtype: string
- name: text
dtype: string
- name: anger
dtype: int64
- name: disgust
dtype: int64
- name: fear
dtype: int64
- name: joy
dtype: int64
- name: sadness
dtype: int64
- name: surprise
dtype: int64
- name: emotions
sequence: string
- name: dev
num_bytes: 21064.001928640308
num_examples: 100
- name: test
num_bytes: 196310.80364303387
num_examples: 902
download_size: 92914
dataset_size: 217374.80557167417
- config_name: ary
- name: id
dtype: string
- name: text
dtype: string
- name: anger
dtype: int64
- name: disgust
dtype: int64
- name: fear
dtype: int64
- name: joy
dtype: int64
- name: sadness
dtype: int64
- name: surprise
dtype: int64
- name: emotions
sequence: string
- name: dev
num_bytes: 56240.88514946962
num_examples: 267
- name: test
num_bytes: 176723.2511731081
num_examples: 812
download_size: 107226
dataset_size: 232964.13632257772
- config_name: chn
- name: id
dtype: string
- name: text
dtype: string
- name: anger
dtype: int64
- name: disgust
dtype: int64
- name: fear
dtype: int64
- name: joy
dtype: int64
- name: sadness
dtype: int64
- name: surprise
dtype: int64
- name: emotions
sequence: string
- name: dev
num_bytes: 42128.003857280615
num_examples: 200
- name: test
num_bytes: 575003.4847282656
num_examples: 2642
download_size: 407568
dataset_size: 617131.4885855461
- config_name: deu
- name: id
dtype: string
- name: text
dtype: string
- name: anger
dtype: int64
- name: disgust
dtype: int64
- name: fear
dtype: int64
- name: joy
dtype: int64
- name: sadness
dtype: int64
- name: surprise
dtype: int64
- name: emotions
sequence: string
- name: dev
num_bytes: 42128.003857280615
num_examples: 200
- name: test
num_bytes: 566733.1847965191
num_examples: 2604
download_size: 464416
dataset_size: 608861.1886537997
- config_name: eng
- name: id
dtype: string
- name: text
dtype: string
- name: anger
dtype: int64
- name: disgust
dtype: int64
- name: fear
dtype: int64
- name: joy
dtype: int64
- name: sadness
dtype: int64
- name: surprise
dtype: int64
- name: emotions
sequence: string
- name: dev
num_bytes: 24434.24223722276
num_examples: 116
- name: test
num_bytes: 602208.4187142735
num_examples: 2767
download_size: 199010
dataset_size: 626642.6609514962
- config_name: esp
- name: id
dtype: string
- name: text
dtype: string
- name: anger
dtype: int64
- name: disgust
dtype: int64
- name: fear
dtype: int64
- name: joy
dtype: int64
- name: sadness
dtype: int64
- name: surprise
dtype: int64
- name: emotions
sequence: string
- name: dev
num_bytes: 38757.76354869817
num_examples: 184
- name: test
num_bytes: 368898.90485026874
num_examples: 1695
download_size: 100425
dataset_size: 407656.6683989669
- config_name: hau
- name: id
dtype: string
- name: text
dtype: string
- name: anger
dtype: int64
- name: disgust
dtype: int64
- name: fear
dtype: int64
- name: joy
dtype: int64
- name: sadness
dtype: int64
- name: surprise
dtype: int64
- name: emotions
sequence: string
- name: dev
num_bytes: 74987.8468659595
num_examples: 356
- name: test
num_bytes: 235050.62963910928
num_examples: 1080
download_size: 105063
dataset_size: 310038.4765050688
- config_name: hin
- name: id
dtype: string
- name: text
dtype: string
- name: anger
dtype: int64
- name: disgust
dtype: int64
- name: fear
dtype: int64
- name: joy
dtype: int64
- name: sadness
dtype: int64
- name: surprise
dtype: int64
- name: emotions
sequence: string
- name: dev
num_bytes: 21064.001928640308
num_examples: 100
- name: test
num_bytes: 219815.8666069448
num_examples: 1010
download_size: 120760
dataset_size: 240879.8685355851
- config_name: ibo
- name: id
dtype: string
- name: text
dtype: string
- name: anger
dtype: int64
- name: disgust
dtype: int64
- name: fear
dtype: int64
- name: joy
dtype: int64
- name: sadness
dtype: int64
- name: surprise
dtype: int64
- name: emotions
sequence: string
- name: dev
num_bytes: 100896.56923818708
num_examples: 479
- name: test
num_bytes: 314271.3974063646
num_examples: 1444
download_size: 107006
dataset_size: 415167.9666445517
- config_name: ind
- name: id
dtype: string
- name: text
dtype: string
- name: anger
dtype: int64
- name: disgust
dtype: int64
- name: fear
dtype: int64
- name: joy
dtype: int64
- name: sadness
dtype: int64
- name: surprise
dtype: int64
- name: emotions
sequence: string
- name: dev
num_bytes: 32859.84300867888
num_examples: 156
- name: test
num_bytes: 185211.1905767426
num_examples: 851
download_size: 77237
dataset_size: 218071.03358542148
- config_name: jav
- name: id
dtype: string
- name: text
dtype: string
- name: anger
dtype: int64
- name: disgust
dtype: int64
- name: fear
dtype: int64
- name: joy
dtype: int64
- name: sadness
dtype: int64
- name: surprise
dtype: int64
- name: emotions
sequence: string
- name: dev
num_bytes: 31806.642912246865
num_examples: 151
- name: test
num_bytes: 182164.2379703097
num_examples: 837
download_size: 83583
dataset_size: 213970.88088255658
- config_name: kin
- name: id
dtype: string
- name: text
dtype: string
- name: anger
dtype: int64
- name: disgust
dtype: int64
- name: fear
dtype: int64
- name: joy
dtype: int64
- name: sadness
dtype: int64
- name: surprise
dtype: int64
- name: emotions
sequence: string
- name: dev
num_bytes: 85730.48784956605
num_examples: 407
- name: test
num_bytes: 267914.189894207
num_examples: 1231
download_size: 175603
dataset_size: 353644.67774377303
- config_name: mar
- name: id
dtype: string
- name: text
dtype: string
- name: anger
dtype: int64
- name: disgust
dtype: int64
- name: fear
dtype: int64
- name: joy
dtype: int64
- name: sadness
dtype: int64
- name: surprise
dtype: int64
- name: emotions
sequence: string
- name: dev
num_bytes: 21064.001928640308
num_examples: 100
- name: test
num_bytes: 217639.47188806414
num_examples: 1000
download_size: 118172
dataset_size: 238703.47381670444
- config_name: orm
- name: id
dtype: string
- name: text
dtype: string
- name: anger
dtype: int64
- name: disgust
dtype: int64
- name: fear
dtype: int64
- name: joy
dtype: int64
- name: sadness
dtype: int64
- name: surprise
dtype: int64
- name: emotions
sequence: string
- name: dev
num_bytes: 120907.37107039537
num_examples: 574
- name: test
num_bytes: 374557.53111935843
num_examples: 1721
download_size: 271119
dataset_size: 495464.90218975383
- config_name: afr
- split: dev
path: afr/dev-*
- split: test
path: afr/test-*
- config_name: amh
- split: dev
path: amh/dev-*
- split: test
path: amh/test-*
- config_name: arq
- split: dev
path: arq/dev-*
- split: test
path: arq/test-*
- config_name: ary
- split: dev
path: ary/dev-*
- split: test
path: ary/test-*
- config_name: chn
- split: dev
path: chn/dev-*
- split: test
path: chn/test-*
- config_name: deu
- split: dev
path: deu/dev-*
- split: test
path: deu/test-*
- config_name: eng
- split: dev
path: eng/dev-*
- split: test
path: eng/test-*
- config_name: esp
- split: dev
path: esp/dev-*
- split: test
path: esp/test-*
- config_name: hau
- split: dev
path: hau/dev-*
- split: test
path: hau/test-*
- config_name: hin
- split: dev
path: hin/dev-*
- split: test
path: hin/test-*
- config_name: ibo
- split: dev
path: ibo/dev-*
- split: test
path: ibo/test-*
- config_name: ind
- split: dev
path: ind/dev-*
- split: test
path: ind/test-*
- config_name: jav
- split: dev
path: jav/dev-*
- split: test
path: jav/test-*
- config_name: kin
- split: dev
path: kin/dev-*
- split: test
path: kin/test-*
- config_name: mar
- split: dev
path: mar/dev-*
- split: test
path: mar/test-*
- config_name: orm
- split: dev
path: orm/dev-*
- split: test
path: orm/test-*
SemEval 2025 Task 11 - Track C Dataset
This dataset contains the data for SemEval 2025 Task 11: Bridging the Gap in Text-Based Emotion Detection - Track C, organized as language-specific configurations.
Dataset Description
The dataset is a multi-language, multi-label emotion classification dataset with separate configurations for each language.
- Total languages: 30 standard ISO codes
- Total examples: 57254
- Splits: dev, test (Track C has no train split)
Track Information
Track C has more languages than Track B, but does not include a training set. It only provides dev and test splits for each language.
Language Configurations
Each language is available as a separate configuration with the following statistics:
ISO Code | Original Code(s) | Dev Examples | Test Examples | Total |
af | afr | 98 | 1065 | 1163 |
am | amh | 592 | 1774 | 2366 |
ar | ary, arq | 367 | 1714 | 2081 |
de | deu | 200 | 2604 | 2804 |
en | eng | 116 | 2767 | 2883 |
es | esp | 184 | 1695 | 1879 |
ha | hau | 356 | 1080 | 1436 |
hi | hin | 100 | 1010 | 1110 |
id | ind | 156 | 851 | 1007 |
ig | ibo | 479 | 1444 | 1923 |
jv | jav | 151 | 837 | 988 |
mr | mar | 100 | 1000 | 1100 |
om | orm | 574 | 1721 | 2295 |
pcm | pcm | 620 | 1870 | 2490 |
pt | ptbr, ptmz | 457 | 3002 | 3459 |
ro | ron | 123 | 1119 | 1242 |
ru | rus | 199 | 1000 | 1199 |
rw | kin | 407 | 1231 | 1638 |
so | som | 566 | 1696 | 2262 |
su | sun | 199 | 926 | 1125 |
sv | swe | 200 | 1188 | 1388 |
sw | swa | 551 | 1656 | 2207 |
ti | tir | 614 | 1840 | 2454 |
tt | tat | 200 | 1000 | 1200 |
uk | ukr | 249 | 2234 | 2483 |
vmw | vmw | 258 | 777 | 1035 |
xh | xho | 682 | 1594 | 2276 |
yo | yor | 497 | 1500 | 1997 |
zh | chn | 200 | 2642 | 2842 |
zu | zul | 875 | 2047 | 2922 |
- id: Unique identifier for each example
- text: Text content to classify
- anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, surprise: Presence of emotion
- emotions: List of emotions present in the text
from datasets import load_dataset
# Load all data for a specific language
eng_dataset = load_dataset("YOUR_USERNAME/semeval-2025-task11-track-c", "eng")
# Or load a specific split for a language
eng_dev = load_dataset("YOUR_USERNAME/semeval-2025-task11-track-c", "eng", split="dev")
If you use this dataset, please cite the following papers:
title={{BRIGHTER: BRIdging the Gap in Human-Annotated Textual Emotion Recognition Datasets for 28 Languages}},
author={{Shamsuddeen Hassan Muhammad and Nedjma Ousidhoum and Idris Abdulmumin and Jan Philip Wahle and Terry Ruas and Meriem Beloucif and Christine de Kock and Nirmal Surange and Daniela Teodorescu and Ibrahim Said Ahmad and David Ifeoluwa Adelani and Alham Fikri Aji and Felermino D. M. A. Ali and Ilseyar Alimova and Vladimir Araujo and Nikolay Babakov and Naomi Baes and Ana-Maria Bucur and Andiswa Bukula and Guanqun Cao and Rodrigo Tufiño and Rendi Chevi and Chiamaka Ijeoma Chukwuneke and Alexandra Ciobotaru and Daryna Dementieva and Murja Sani Gadanya and Robert Geislinger and Bela Gipp and Oumaima Hourrane and Oana Ignat and Falalu Ibrahim Lawan and Rooweither Mabuya and Rahmad Mahendra and Vukosi Marivate and Andrew Piper and Alexander Panchenko and Charles Henrique Porto Ferreira and Vitaly Protasov and Samuel Rutunda and Manish Shrivastava and Aura Cristina Udrea and Lilian Diana Awuor Wanzare and Sophie Wu and Florian Valentin Wunderlich and Hanif Muhammad Zhafran and Tianhui Zhang and Yi Zhou and Saif M. Mohammad}},
title={{SemEval-2025 Task 11: Bridging the Gap in Text-Based Emotion Detection}},
author={{Shamsuddeen Hassan Muhammad and Nedjma Ousidhoum and Idris Abdulmumin and Seid Muhie Yimam and Jan Philip Wahle and Terry Ruas and Meriem Beloucif and Christine De Kock and Tadesse Destaw Belay and Ibrahim Said Ahmad and Nirmal Surange and Daniela Teodorescu and David Ifeoluwa Adelani and Alham Fikri Aji and Felermino Ali and Vladimir Araujo and Abinew Ali Ayele and Oana Ignat and Alexander Panchenko and Yi Zhou and Saif M. Mohammad}},
This dataset is licensed under CC-BY 4.0.