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en-et | The province's 3.5 million population is 83% Christian, but the demographic is changing as Muslim economic migrants arrive from Indonesia's populous islands of Java, Borneo, Sumatra and Sulawesi. | Provintsi 3,5 miljonit elanikku on 83% kristlased, kuid demograafilised muutused on muutumas, sest moslemite majandusmigrandid saabuvad Indoneesia populaarsetelt saartelt Java, Borneo, Sumatra ja Sulawesi. | 83% provintsi 3,5 miljonist elanikust on kristlased, aga demograafia on muutumas, sest Indoneesia rahvarohketelt Jaava, Kalimantani, Sumatra ja Sulawesi saartelt saabub muslimitest majandusmigrante. | 0.76 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
zh-en | 任何鼓吹“香港独立”的图谋和行为都是徒劳的。 | Any plots and actions that advocate "Hong Kong independence" are in vain. | Any attempts and actions advocating "Hong Kong independence" will be vain. | 1 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
en-ja | She said: "He is a brilliant but complicated person who on top of the pressures of being an artist and a black man, who experienced the painful loss of his mother, and has to deal with the pressure and isolation that is heightened by his bi-polar disorder." | 彼女は言った:"彼はアーティストと彼の母親の痛みを伴う損失を経験した黒人であることの圧力の上に華麗なが、複雑な人であり、彼の両極性障害によって高められている圧力と孤立に対処しなければならない。" | 彼女は「彼は聡明ですが複雑な人で、アーティストであると同時に母親を亡くすという悲しみを経験した黒人男性であり、双極性障害によって高まってしまうプレッシャーや孤独に耐えなければならないのです」と述べた。 | 0.74 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
cs-en | Pod mostem někdo zabil nekonfliktní bezdomovkyni. Policie hledá svědky | Under the bridge someone killed unconflict homeless. Police seek witnesses | A non-violent homeless woman killed under a bridge. The police are looking for witnesses | 0.39 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
en-de | In what would no doubt be "The most dramatic finale of a presidency ever!" | In dem, was ohne Zweifel "das mehr Finale einer Präsidentschaft aller Zeiten" sein würde. | In was zweifelsohne das „dramatischste Finale einer Präsidentschaft aller Zeiten“ sein würde. | 0 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
bn-hi | ইউরোপীয় ইতিহাসের এই সময়কালে, ধনী ও শক্তিশালী হয়ে ওঠা ক্যাথলিক চার্চগুলি তদন্তের আওতায় আসে। | यूरोपीय इतिहास की इस अवधि के दौरान, कैथोलिक चर्चों कि अमीर और शक्तिशाली हो गए है जांच के दायरे में आते हैं । | यूरोपीय इतिहास की इस अवधि के दौरान कैथोलिक चर्च जो समृद्ध और शक्तिशाली हो गया था, जाँच के दायरे में आ गया. | 0.85 | wiki | 2,021 | 1 |
zh-en | “项目建设过程中,我们采用地质调查法、物探法和超前钻探法等方式超前地质预报,对30余处各类型溶洞采取了特殊设计方案。如设计修建了长24米的桥梁,跨越隧道内纵向长度超10米、深度超55米的大型溶洞,避免隧道沉降。”王国军说。 | "During the construction of the project, we used geological survey methods, geophysical methods, and advanced drilling methods to advance geological forecasting, and adopted special design plans for more than 30 caves of various types. For example, a 24-meter-long bridge was designed and built, spanning large caves with a longitudinal length of more than 10 meters and a depth of more than 55 meters in the tunnel to avoid tunnel settlement", Wang Guojun said. | “During construction, we used approaches such as geological surveys, geophysical techniques, and advanced drilling methods to make geological forecasts far in advance and create special design plans for over 30 types of caves. For example, we built a bridge within the tunnel that was 24 meters in length across a karst cave gap that was 10 meters wide and 55 meters deep to avoid tunnel settlement,” he said. | 0.835 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
en-zh | The fear of reprisals means many voters - particularly in rural areas - will stay at home, while others say the voting system favours the powerful, not the poor. | 对报复的恐惧意味着许多选民,特别是农村地区的选民,将留在家里,而其他人则表示,投票制度有利于强者,而不是穷人。 | 由于担心遭到报复,许多选民(尤其是农村地区的选民)将留在家里,而另一些人则表示,投票选举的制度是给有权势的人准备的,不适合穷人。 | 0.76 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
en-ru | It's hard because I remember every word he used to tell me. | Это трудно, потому что я помню каждое слово, которое он мне говорил. | Мне тяжело, потому что я помню каждое слово, которое он мне говорил. | 0.97 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
ru-en | В Санкт-Петербурге сегодня прошел главный парад в честь Дня Военно-морского флота РФ. | The main parade in honor of the Day of the Russian Navy was held in St. Petersburg today. | Today in Saint Petersburg the main parade in honor of the Russian Navy Day was held. | 0.97 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
en-zh | Three weeks later, Jokowi gave an impassioned speech in Jayapura, where he expressed sympathies with the victims' families and vowed to address the historic abuses in Papua. | 三个星期后,乔伊在萨帕拉发表了一个简短的演讲,他在那里向受害者家属表示了慰问,并誓言要解决巴布亚历史上的虐待行为。 | 三个星期后,佐科维在查亚普拉作了一次声情并茂的演讲,对受害者家人表示深切同情,并发誓要解决巴布亚历史遗留的滥用职权问题。 | 0.786667 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
en-ja | They include a roll out of facial recognition technology, forcing technology companies to decrypt information held on their customers' computer systems, forcing technology companies to provide access to their customers' cloud-based information without notification to the owner of the information and extending ASIO's compulsory questioning powers. | 具体的には、顔認証技術の導入、テクノロジー企業に対して顧客のコンピュータシステムに保存されている情報の解読を強制すること、テクノロジー企業に対して顧客のクラウドベースの情報へのアクセスを情報の所有者に通知することなく提供すること、ASIOの強制的な質問権限を拡大することなどが挙げられます。 | それらの法案に含まれるのは、顔面認識技術の記録提出、テクノロジー企業に対する顧客のコンピューターシステムにある情報の解読の強要、テクノロジー企業に対し情報所有者に無断でクラウドベースの情報へのアクセス提供の強要、そしてオーストラリア保安情報機構の強制取り調べ権限の拡大である。 | 0.815 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
cs-en | Policie obvinila manažera CzechTourismu Aleše Pangráce kvůli smlouvám na propagaci | Police have charged CzechTourism manager Alesh Pangrác over promotional contracts | CzechTourism manager Aleš Pangrác accused by the police over promotion contracts | 0.74 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
en-cs | Pit bull dies of snake bites while protecting Florida boys | Pitbul umírá na hadí uštknutí při ochraně floridských chlapců | Pitbul zemřel po hadím uštknutí, když bránil chlapce na Floridě | 0.853333 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
en-zh | Attempted murder charge over Belfast restaurant stabbing | 谋杀未遂指控贝尔法斯特餐厅刺伤 | 贝尔法斯特一家餐厅发生蓄意持刀杀人案件 | 0.61 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
en-ru | "We had planned a number of celebrations to mark the occasion, but unfortunately they have had to be postponed. | «Мы запланировали ряд торжеств по этому случаю, но, к сожалению, их пришлось отложить. | "Мы запланировали ряд праздничных мероприятий, чтобы отметить это событие, но, к сожалению, их пришлось отложить. | 0.9675 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
en-is | The disease has killed nearly 50 people and infected more than 1,400 in Tunisia. | Sjúkdómurinn hefur drepið næstum 50 manns og smitað meira en 1,400 í Túnis. | Sjúkdómurinn hefur leitt nærri 50 manns til dauða í Túnis og fleiri en 1400 hafa sýkst. | 0.87 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
et-en | Hoolimata keerukusest tõdes Avandi, et tegelikult on triatlon jõukohane pea kõigile. | Despite the complexity of the truth about Avandi, in fact, the triathlon is a powerless head for all. | In spite of the difficulty, Avandi said that a triathlon was actually within anyone’s ability. | 0.99 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
en-de | AfD in Gerolstein: Colourful protest with German potato salad | AfD in Gerolstein: Bunter protest mit Kartoffelsalat | AfD in Gerolstein: Bunter Protest bei deutschem Kartoffelsalat | 0.61 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
en-cs | Neymar has signed a five-year deal, so the transfer fee could be shown as a 44.4 million-euro cost in the annual accounts for the next five years. | Neymar podepsal pětiletou smlouvu, takže poplatek za převod může být zobrazen jako 44,4 milionu eur-euro cena v roční účetní závěrce pro příštích pět let. | Neymar podepsal pětiletou smlouvu, takže převod lze rozepsat na 44,4 milionů EUR každoročně po dobu pěti let. | 0.07 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
de-fr | "Es gibt überhaupt keinen Grund für einen sogenannten Aktionsplan der Bundesregierung, es gibt aber die Notwendigkeit im Geschäftsbereich des Bundesfinanzministeriums aufzuräumen und auch künftig für Ordnung zu sorgen", heißt es nach Informationen des Handelsblatts in Regierungskreisen. | "Il n'y a absolument aucune raison pour un soi-disant plan d'action de la part du gouvernement fédéral, mais il est nécessaire de nettoyer le domaine de responsabilité du ministère fédéral des Finances et d'assurer l'ordre à l'avenir", selon les informations. du Handelsblatt dans les cercles gouvernementaux. | « Il n’y a absolument aucune raison justifiant le plan d’action du gouvernement fédéral, mais il est nécessaire d’assainir le domaine d’activité du ministère fédéral des finances et de veiller à l’ordre à l’avenir », selon les informations recueillies par le « Handelsblatt » auprès des milieux gouvernementaux. | 0.8 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
ha-en | Kwararrun sun yi wannan kira ne a taron samun madafa kan samar da kiwon lafiya mai nagarta wa mutane cikin sauki kuma da aka yi a Abuja. | The experts made this call at the Summit on the provision of affordable and affordable health for people in Abuja. | The professionals united to make an organized call for solutions to providing good healthcare accessible to all people, as it is in Abuja. | 0.03 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
ha-en | A cewar Injiniya Imam, "mun fahimci Gwamnan Jihar Neja ya na kokarin rarraba kawunan ƴaƴan jam'iyyar ta hanyar shirya taron masu ruwa da tsaki, wanda ba bisa ka'ida ba, domin duk wani korafin da a ke yi kan shugabannin jam'iyyar, a kan rubuta wa sakatariyar jam'iyya ne ta shiyya, domin su yi bincike". | According to Engineer Imam, “we understand that the Governor of Niger State is trying to apportion the heads of the party through the preparation of the stakeholders meeting, which is illegal, so that any complaint against the party leaders is written to the secretariat of the party in order to investigate”. | Engineer Imam said, "We have come to understand that the Niger governor is trying to disunite party members by organising a meeting for the caucus. This is unconstitutional. All allegations against the party leadership must be written to the zonal party secretary and an investigation initiated". | 0.47 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
en-zh | Seoul says more than 30,000 North Koreans have illegally crossed the border since the end of the Korean War in 1953. | 首尔说, 自1953年朝鲜战争结束以来, 已有3万多名朝鲜人非法越境。 | 韩国表示,自 1953 年朝鲜战争结束以来,已有 30,000 多名朝鲜人非法越过边界来到韩国。 | 0.88 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
ru-en | В ходе учения катерные группы провели стрельбы и отработали изоляцию участка побережья. | During the exercise, the boat groups fired and practiced the isolation of a section of the coast. | In the course of the exercises, the boat groups held shooting exercises and worked on the containment of a coastal area. | 0.96 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
en-cs | Clearly irritated to see one of soccer's biggest players leaving, the Spanish league tried to stymie Neymar's move, claiming that PSG will be breaching FFP. | Zřetelně podrážděný, když uviděl jednoho z největších hráčů fotbalu, španělská liga se pokoušela překonat Neymarův krok a tvrdil, že PSG bude porušovat FFP. | Představitelé španělské ligy, očividně znepokojeni s odchodem jedné z největších hvězd, usilovali o zmaření Neymarova odchodu, argumentujíc, že PSG poruší pravidla FFP. | 0.15 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
uk-en | Росіяни завдавали ракетних ударів по Києву з перших днів повномасштабного вторгнення окупаційних військ РФ в Україну. | The Russians launched missile strikes on Kyiv from the first days of the full-scale invasion of the Russian occupation forces in Ukraine. | The Russians have been firing missiles at Kyiv since the first days of the full-scale invasion into Ukraine by the Russian occupation troops. | 0.895 | other | 2,022 | 1 |
de-en | Deswegen würde ich sie trotzdem gerne zurück schicken | That's why I would still like to send them back | That is why I would like to send it back | 0.82 | conversation | 2,022 | 1 |
cs-en | Blíží se velký návrat českého smolaře. | Big Czech unlucky fellow to come back soon. | The big comeback of the Czech underdog is coming. | 0.75 | news | 2,022 | 1 |
zh-en | 伊藤忠商事维持对2019年3月31日止财年的获利预测在5,000亿日圆。 | Itochu Corporation maintained its profit forecast for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2019 at圆 500 billion. | Itochu maintains its profit prediction of 500 billion yen of the financial year ended 31 March, 2019. | 0.97 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
zh-en | “划转部分国有资本充实社保基金,是改革和完善基本养老保险制度的重要举措,是国有企业发展成果全民共享和基本养老保险制度代际公平的充分体现,是一项立足当前、兼顾长远的政策措施 。 ” | "The transfer of part of State capital to supplement the Social Security Fund is an important step towards reforming and improving the basic old-age insurance system. It is an immediate, long-term policy measure based on universal sharing and intergenerational equity." | "Transferring part of state-owned capital to fortify social security funds is an important step to reforming and improving China's old-age insurance plan. It also proves that China has achieved the intergenerational equity of the basic old-age insurance plan and is sharing the fruit of the development of state-owned enterprises with all people. The measure is based on present realities whilst taking future development into consideration." | 0.73 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
zh-en | 梁云引着记者走进院中的陈列馆,里面展示了他收藏的老物件,老酒壶、三弦子、纺线车等。 | Liang Yun led the reporter into the exhibition hall in the courtyard, which showed his collection of old objects, old wine jugs, three strings, spinning trucks, etc. | Liang Yun leads the reporter into the exhibition hall, which displays his collection of old objects, such as old wine pots, Sanxianzi (stringed instruments), and spindle wheels. | 0.75 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
is-en | Aðfaranótt laugardags bárust tilkynningar um ellefu hávaðasöm samkvæmi og þótti það mikið í dagbók lögreglu. | On the night of Saturday, reports of eleven noisy parties were received and it was widely reported in the police diary. | Eleven loud parties were reported on the night before Saturday, which was considered a lot in the Police Diary. | 0.37 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
ta-en | அமெரிக்காவுக்கு 7 நாட்கள் பிரதமர் நரேந்திர மோடி அரசு முறைப்பயணமாக சென்றுள்ளார். | Prime Minister Narendra Modi is on a seven-day state visit to the United States. | Prime Minister Modi is on a 7 day government trip to the United States. | 0.83 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
ru-en | Множество победителей больших скачек, включая его знаменитую "Великолепную семерку" в Аскоте в 1996 году, но он также он также пережил авиакатастрофу и пробыл в дисквалификации из-за допинга. | Many winners of the big races, including his famous "Magnificent Seven" in Ascot in 1996, but he also survived the plane crash and was disqualified for doping. | Stacks of big-race winners, including his famous 1996 'Magnificent Seven' at Ascot, but he also survived a plane crash and served a drugs ban. | 0.05 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
zh-en | “史丹纳帝国”号油轮的瑞典船主Stena Bulk也表示,这艘船正从阿巴斯港起航。 | Stena Bulk, the Swedish owner of the "Stena Empire" tanker, also said that the ship was sailing from the port of Abbas. | Stena Bulk, the Swedish owner of Stena Impero, also said the tanker was sailing from Bandar Abbas Port. | 0.88 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
ha-en | In banda hadama, me ya hana Mamman Daura yin maganar karba-karba tun a 2019. | Apart from greed, what has stopped Mamman Daura from speaking out since 2019. | If not greed, what stopped Mamma Daura from talking about the quarter system in 2019? | 0.66 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
en-ja | Hailed as a revolutionary breakthrough, grafting tomato plants on to potato roots is, in fact, an old-school botanical curiosity, dating back to at least the 1920s. | トマトの植物をジャガイモの根に接ぎ木することは、革命的な突破口として称賛されているが、実のところ、少なくとも1920年代に遡る、昔ながらの植物学的好奇心である。 | 革新的な発見としてもてはやされた、じゃが芋の根にトマトの苗を接ぎ木したものは実は古くからの植物学的関心事で、少なくとも1920年代まで遡る。 | 0.74 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
zh-en | 截至2018年底,浙江、云南两省试点工作基本完成,分别划转国有资本158亿元、185亿元。 | By the end of 2018, the pilot work in Zhejiang and Yunnan provinces was basically completed, with the transfer of state-owned capital of RMB15.8 billion and RMB18.5 billion, respectively. | The pilot work of replenishment in Zhejiang province and Yunnan province has been basically completed, with 15.8 billion yuan and 18.5 billion yuan, respectively, having been transferred by the end of 2018, according to Liu. | 0.98 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
en-ru | It's no accident that the President of Turkey, as well as a number of Turkish politicians, claim they are willing to change their stance on a whole range of issues related to Syria, differences with Israel have been settled, and active political engagement with Iran is currently underway’, Glazova explained to AiF, suggesting that Erdoğan's next step will be the normalisation of relations with Egypt. | Это не случайно, что президент Турции, а также ряд турецких политиков, утверждая, что они готовы изменить свою позицию по целому ряду вопросов, связанных с Сирией, разногласия с Израилем были урегулированы, и в настоящее время ведется активная политическая деятельность с Ираном ", Глазов пояснила интеграционной структуре AIF, предложив, что ердоğан'с следующим шагом будет нормализация отношений с Египтом. | Не случайно президент Турции, а также ряд турецких политиков заявляют о том, что они готовы изменить свою позицию по целому ряду вопросов по Сирии, урегулированы отношения с Израилем, идет активное политическое взаимодействие с Ираном", - пояснила АиФ.ru Глазова, допускающая, что следующим шагом Эрдогана станет нормализация отношений с Египтом. | 0.71 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
ru-en | В финале выступят 12 лучших спортсменок из двух групп. | The final will feature 12 of the best athletes from the two groups. | The final will see the 12 best sportswomen from two groups compete. | 0.94 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
ru-en | Путин провел выходной на отдыхе в хакасской тайге | Putin spent a day off on vacation in khakass taiga | Putin spend his weekend in Khakassian taiga | 0.75 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
en-is | Kargil Diwas is celebrated every year, marking the day the Indian Army recaptured all the Indian posts in Ladakh's Kargil that had been occupied by Pakistan's army 21 years ago. | Kargil Diwas er haldin á hverju ári, merkingar dag Indverska Hernum recaptured allt í Indian innlegg í Ladakh er Kargil sem hafði verið upptekinn af Pakistan er her 21 ár síðan. | Kargil Diwas er haldið hátíðlegt á hverju ári á þeim degi þegar indverski herinn endurheimti allar indverskar útvarðarstöðvar sem pakistanski herinn hafði hertekið 21 ári fyrr. | 0.73 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
ru-en | Госдеп прокомментировал слова Медведева об отношениях РФ и США | State Department commented on Medvedev's remarks on Russia-USA relations | The State Department has commented on Medvedev’s remarks on Russia-US relations | 0.79 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
ru-en | На разных континентах есть свои народные приметы. | Different continents have their own folk symbols. | Different continents have their own folk sayings. | 0.96 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
kk-en | Ол 1990 жылы туған Өзбекстан Республикасының азаматы болып шықты. | He became a citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 1990. | He found to be a citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan, born in 1990. | 0.9225 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
zh-en | 作为国际秩序的维护者和多边主义的践行者,在联合国这一多边舞台上,中国的行动越来越有力。 | As a defender of the international order and a practitioner of multilateralism, China's actions are becoming more and more powerful on the multilateral stage of the United Nations. | As the defender of the international order and the practitioner of multilateralism, China’s actions are becoming more and more powerful in the multilateral stage of the United Nations. | 1 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
cs-en | Mezi nejhledanější patří podle statistik personální agentury Grafton programátoři, vývojáři, network inženýři a aplikační specialisté. | Among the most searched are Grafton HR agencies, programmers, developers, network engineers, and application specialists. | According to the recruitment agency Grafton, most sought-after are programmers, developers, network engineers and application specialists. | 0.703333 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
en-de | Saying her father, who had worked as a BBC cameraman before being inspired to write the children's book by a small toy bear, would have been sanguine about his work being rejected, she added the 60th anniversary of the books publication was "bittersweet" after his death last year. | Ihr Vater, der als BBC-Kameramann gearbeitet hatte, bevor er von einem kleinen Spielzeugbär dazu inspiriert wurde, das Kinderbuch zu schreiben, wäre zuversichtlich gewesen, dass sein Werk abgelehnt wurde, fügte sie hinzu, dass der 60. Jahrestag der Buchveröffentlichung nach seinem Tod im letzten Jahr „bitter“ sei. | Sie sagte, ihr Vater, der zuvor als BBC-Kameramann gearbeitet hatte, und dann inspiriert wurde, ein Kinderbuch von einem kleinen Spielzeugbären zu schreiben, optimistisch geblieben wäre, wenn seine Arbeit abgelehnt worden wäre. Sie fügte hinzu, dass der 60. Jahrestag der Buchveröffentlichung nach seinem Tod im letzten Jahr „bittersüß“ sei. | 0.66 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
en-zh | An article Saturday by the AP, the largest US news agency, said White House press briefings may be a "broken tradition," as McEnany has made them "a streamlined, full-throated advertisement for a president facing re-election, a venue for attacks on the media and a forum relatively light on information" about what the government is doing. | 美国最大的通讯社美联社(AP)周六的一篇文章称,白宫新闻简报可能是一个"破碎的传统",因为麦克纳尼已经让他们"成为一个面临连任的总统的精简,全喉 | 美国最大的新闻机构美联社周六发表文章称,白宫新闻发布会可能“打破了传统”,因为 McEnany 将新闻发布会变成了“为争取总统连任进行简短高调的宣传和攻击媒体的场所”,而关于政府所作所为的“信息相对匮乏”。 | 0.45 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
en-de | It has not issued any advisement against eating or consuming particular foods, nor named retailers that might be selling contaminated products. | Sie hat weder eine Beratung gegen den Verzehr oder den Verzehr bestimmter Lebensmittel herausgegeben noch Einzelhändler benannt, die kontaminierte Produkte verkaufen könnten. | Es wurde keine Warnung vor dem Verzehr bestimmter Lebensmittel herausgegeben oder Einzelhändler genannt, bei denen möglicherweise kontaminierte Produkte verkauft werden. | 0.88 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
fi-en | Etelä-Karjalan sosiaali- ja terveyspiiri (Eksote) teki tammi - kesäkuussa 3,4 miljoonaa euroa suunniteltua paremman tuloksen. | Southern Karelian social also PCP (Eksote) made oak - in June 3.4 million euros planned better result. | The South Karelia Social and Health Care District (Eksote) made a result that was 3,4 million euros better than planned between January and June. | 0.165 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
en-de | "It was just trying to get into that position, to get on the ball and players like Shaq always play it forward as much as possible, so I just tried to create myself as much time as possible," Sturridge told LiverpoolFC.com. | " es hat nur versucht, in diese Position zu kommen, um auf den Ball zu kommen und Spieler wie shaq spielen es immer so weit wie möglich, also habe ich gerade versucht, mich so viel Zeit wie möglich zu schaffen," sturridge erzählt LiverpoolFC.com. | „Es ging nur darum auf diese Position zu kommen, an den Ball zu kommen, und Spieler wie Shaq spielen immer so oft wie möglich nach vorne, also habe ich versucht, mir so viel Zeit wie möglich zu verschaffen“, sagte Sturridge LiverpoolFC.com. | 0.68 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
fi-en | Lisäksi partiot käsittelivät viisi liikennerikkomusta sakkomenettelyssä, poliisi kertaa. | In addition, the patrols dealt with five traffic offences in a fine procedure, police times. | The patrols also handled five traffic infractions with fine penalties, the police recapitulates. | 0.625 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
zh-en | 赵秀平说,目前企业环保已投资达4个亿,表面上数额巨大,但对企业经营管理理念、社会效益都有很大影响,对企业创新管理也开辟了空间。 | Zhao Xiuping said that the current business environment has invested over four million, on the surface, but the significant amount of business management philosophy, social benefits have a high impact on business innovation management also opened up the space. | According to Zhao Xiuping, up to RMB 400 million has been invested in the current environmental protection. Such investment has a great impact on the enterprise management philosophy and social benefits and also opened up a space for the enterprise innovation management. | 0.14 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
de-en | Der bisherige Rekordtag in diesem Jahr ist der 2. Januar, als die Nordsee-Windparks mehr als sechs Gigawatt Strom erzeugten. | The previous record day this year is January 2, when the North Sea wind farms generated more than six gigawatts of electricity. | The previous record day in this year was January 2nd when the North Sea wind parks generated more than six gigawatt power. | 0.495 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
en-ru | The store that replaced the Verb in the summer of 2014, Soap Cherie, sells soaps in the shape of cupcakes. | В магазине, который заменил глагол летом, мыло Чери 2014, продает мыло в форме кексов. | Магазин "Соуп Шери", который занял место "Верб" летом 2014 года, занимается продажей мыла в форме кексов. | 0.285 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
zh-en | 后来,他管理总统草案和政府员工,克里姆林宫网站(使用俄语)如是说。 | Later, he managed the president's draft and government staff, the Kremlin website (in Russian). | Later he managed presidential protocol and government staff, the Kremlin website says (in Russian). | 0.96 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
ru-en | Республиканцы сената заблокировали утверждение Гарланда, та как президент Барак Обама номинировал его в марте. | Senate Republicans blocked the approval of Garland, the way President Barack Obama nominated him in March. | Senate Republicans have blocked Garland's confirmation since President Barack Obama nominated him in March. | 0.99 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
is-en | Reiðhjólaleitin hans er því ólaunuð vinna sem hann sinnir í frítíma sínum. | Reiðhjólaleitin his is the unpaid work that he performs in his spare time. | His search for bicycles is therefore unpaid work that he undertakes in his spare time. | 0.64 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
zh-en | 自草地贪夜蛾迁飞入侵云南以来,云南省农业科学院选派谌爱东研究员,带领云南省农业科学院农业跨境有害生物协同绿色防控省创新团队,奔赴一线,实地调查,采集样本,并开展技术指导与试验示范。 | Since the spodoptera frugiperda migrated and invaded Yunnan, the Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences selected Chen Aidong researcher to lead the Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences agricultural cross-border pests in collaboration with the green prevention and control provincial innovation team to go to the front line, investigate on the ground, collect samples, and carry out technical guidance and experimental demonstration. | Since the fall armyworm invaded Yunnan, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences appointed the researcher Chen Aidong, who led a team of green prevention and control of transboundary pest from Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, went to the front line to conduct field work, collect samples, and give technical instructions and experimental demonstrations. | 0.485 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
fi-en | Seurustelun alkuaikoina pariskunta eli lähes vuoden etäsuhteessa, mutta myöhemmin Alina pääsi matkustelemaan miehensä mukana maailmalle. | In the early days of dating, the couple lived almost a year in a distant relationship, but later Alina was able to travel with her husband to the world. | In the early days of their dating the couple lived almost a year in a long-distance relationship, but later Alina had a chance to travel abroad with his spouse. | 0.87 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
zh-en | 2020-07-26 14:40:44 来源:央视网 作者:朱延静 责任编辑:朱延静 | 2020-07-26 14:40:44 Source: CCTV Author: Zhu Yanjing Editor: Zhu Yanjing | 2020-07-26 14:40:44 Source:cctv.com Author:Zhu Yanjing Editor: Zhu Yanjing | 0.29 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
cs-en | Dodal, že je možnost se poučit, jak podobné situace - volby v době koronaviru - řešili v Chorvatsku, Polsku či ve Francii. | He added that it is possible to learn from how similar situations - elections during the coronavirus - were dealt with in Croatia, Poland or France. | He added that we had a chance to learn more about how the similar situation - elections during the coronavirus pandemic - had been solved in Croatia, Poland or France. | 0.98 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
en-ru | Chelsea beat Wolverhampton 2-0 after a goal and an assist by Mason Mount and finished in the fourth and final Champions League qualifying place above Leicester, which has been in the top four for most of the season. | "Челси" победил "Вулверхэмптон" со счетом 2:0 после того, как один гол был забит Мэйсоном Маунтом, а второй - с его же подачи, и финишировал на четвертом и финальном месте для попадания в Лигу чемпионов выше "Лестера", который находился в четверке лучших на протяжении почти всего сезона. | Челси победил Вулверхэмптон 2-0 после гола и передачи Мейсона Маунта и оказался на четвертом и финальном месте в Лиге чемпионов впереди Лестера, который был в первой четверке почти весь сезон. | 0.785 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
en-fi | The High Breed: What is conscious hip hop? | Korkea Siitos: Mikä on tietoinen hiphop? | The High Breed: mitä on tiedostava hiphop? | 0.49 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
ja-en | 勇ましい姿が目を引くユニークな干支菓子が続々登場しています。 | Unique Zodiac sweets that catch the eye with their brave figure are appearing one after another. | Many unique, eye-catching Chinese zodiac sweets go on sale at this time of year. | 0.96 | news | 2,022 | 1 |
en-ta | During a fundraising trip last week in California, Trump had threatened to have the federal government step in to "clean up" the homeless problem there and said floated the idea of the EPA going after San Francisco for allowing drainage from homeless encampments into the Pacific ocean. | கலிபோர்னியாவில் கடந்த வாரம் நிதி திரட்டும் பயணத்தின் போது, அங்கு வீடில்லாத பிரச்சனையை "தூய்மைப்படுத்தும்" வகையில் மத்திய அரசு நடவடிக்கை எடுக்கப்படும் என்று டிரம்ப் அச்சுறுத்தியிருந்ததுடன், வீடற்ற சாவடியில் இருந்து பசிபிக் பெருங்கடலில் வடிகால்களை அனுமதித்த சான் பிரான்சிஸ்கோ பின் செல்லும் EPA பற்றிய யோசனையையும் வெளியிட்டார். | கடந்த வாரத்தில் கலிபோர்னியாவில் நிதிதிரட்டும் பயணம் ஒன்றின் போது, அங்கு வீடற்ற பிரச்சினையை “சரி செய்ய” மாகாண அரசாங்கம் தலையிடும் என அச்சுறுத்தியிருந்தார், மேலும் சான்பிரான்சிஸ்கோ வீடற்றவர்களின் முகாமிலிருந்து கழிவுநீரை பசிபிக் சமுத்திரத்திற்குள் விடாமல் ஈபிஏ தடுத்து நிறுத்த வேண்டும் என்று யோசனையை முன்வைத்தார். | 0.68 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
en-cs | Fortunately I don't feel my age, my legs are still fine and touch wood I don't pick up many injuries, so it's about keeping on top of that and come back as strong as I can next year." | Naštěstí nemám pocit, v mém věku, moje nohy jsou stále v pohodě a dotek dřeva nemyslím vyzvednout mnoho zranění, takže jde o to udržet na vrcholu, že, a vrátit tak silný, jak můžu příští rok." | Naštěstí svůj věk nevnímám, nohy jsou stále v pořádku. A musím to zaklepat, ale i zranění se mi vcelku vyhýbají, takže je to jen o tom vydržet na špičce a vrátit se v co nejlepší formě i příští rok.“ | 0.5 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
de-en | Doch wichtiger ist allemal der Werbeeffekt: Für einen Schoggihersteller ist es ein prestigeträchtiger Auftrag. | But more importantly always is the advertising effect: For a Schoggihersteller it is a prestigious order. | However, more important is always the advertising effect: for a chocolate producer, it is a prestigious contract. | 0.34 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
en-fi | Mr Bone dismissed suggestions that public opinion had changed since the 2016 vote: 'The idea that the British people have changed their minds and want to remain is completely untrue.' | Jäsen Bone hylkäsi ehdotukset siitä, että yleinen mielipide oli muuttunut vuoden 2016 äänestyksen jälkeen: "Ajatus siitä, että brittiläiset ovat muuttaneet mieltään ja haluavat jäädä, on täysin virheellinen." | Bone ei välittänyt viitteistä siitä, että julkinen mielipide oli muuttunut sitten vuoden 2016 äänestyksen: "Ajatus siitä, että britit ovat muuttaneet mielensä ja haluavat jäädä, on täysin perusteeton." | 0.34 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
de-en | Im Mittelpunkt in Paris steht der neue 3er. | The focus in Paris is on the new 3S. | In the focus of attention in Paris is the new 3ER. | 0.44 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
ru-en | Пострадали 34 человека, десять из них до сих пор находятся в больницах. | Thirty-four people were injured, ten of whom are still in hospital. | 34 people were injured, ten of whom remain in hospitals. | 0.89 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
ja-en | 原付バイクです(^_^;) | It's a moped (^ _ ^;) | I drive a scooter (^_^;) | 0.68 | conversation | 2,022 | 1 |
tr-en | Louisiana Valisi John Bel Edwards, devlet yetkililerinin sürekli olarak yerel yetkililer ile temasta olduğunu ve durumdan etkilenen mahallelere desteğin yolda olduğunu ifade etti. | Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards expressed that state officials are constantly in contact with local authorities and that the support of the affected neighborhoods is on the way. | Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards said state officials are in constant contact with local officials, and assistance is already on the move to affected parishes. | 0.73 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
de-en | Der Anwalt und frühere New Yorker Bürgermeister scheint sich mit rechten Verschwörungsfantasien infiziert zu haben, die auf Trumps Gegenkandidatin bei der Wahl 2016 fixiert sind: Hillary Clinton habe mit Akteuren in der Ukraine konspiriert, sagten Kritiker damals, um einen Anlass für die Russland-Ermittlungen in den USA zu konstruieren. Dieser Vorwurf war allerdings nie ernst zu nehmen. | The lawyer and former New York Mayor seem to have infected themselves with right-wing conspiracy fantasies fixed on Trumps's opponent in the 2016 election. However, this accusation has never been taken seriously. | The lawyer and former New York mayor seems to be infected with right-wing conspiracy fantasies focused on Trump's opponent during the 2016 elections: Hillary Clinton. She has conspired with agents in the Ukraine, critics said back then to construct an excuse for the Russia investigations in the US. However, this accusation was never meant to be taken seriously. | 0.89 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
ha-en | Rahoton bayanan kudade na kamfanin NNPC na watan Yunin shekarar 2020, ya bayyana cewa, kamfanin ya hada kai da mutanen gari da masu ruwa da tsaki ta yadda za a shawo kan fasa bututun mai a fadin kasar nan. | The NNPC's June 2020 funding report stated that the company has collaborated with local people and stakeholders to overcome pipeline shortages across the country. | The NNPC financial report for June 2020 said is the company is cooperating with both indigenous people and stakeholders to tackle the destruction of pipelines throughout the country. | 0.24 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
en-gu | According to the police report, when a female acquaintance attempted to call police to report the alleged crimes, he took her phone from her. | પોલીસ રિપોર્ટ મુજબ, જ્યારે કોઈ સ્ત્રી પરિચય પોલીસ ની જાણ કરવા માટે પોલીસ પર કરવાનો પ્રયાસ કર્યો, ત્યારે તેણે તેના ફોન પરથી લીધો. | પોલીસ અહેવાલ અનુસાર, જ્યારે એક મહિલા પરિચિતે કથિત ગુનાની જાણ કરવા પોલીસને બોલાવવાનો પ્રયાસ કર્યો, ત્યારે તેણે તેનો ફોન છીનવી લીધો. | 0.28 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
en-de | Respiratory irritation was not reported in Northwest Florida over the past week. | Respiratorische Irritation wurde in Nordwesten Florida in der vergangenen Woche nicht berichtet . | Atemwegsreizungen wurden in der vergangenen Woche aus Nordwest Florida nicht berichtet. | 0.85 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
en-lv | It discredits government as such and repeatedly disappoints the society regarding the government and politicians. | Tas diskreditē valdību kā tādu un atkārtoti sarūgtina sabiedrību attiecībā uz valdību un politiķiem. | Tas diskreditē valsts pārvaldi un kārtējo reizi liek sabiedrībai vilties valdībā un politiķos. | 0.97 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
en-ru | It is hoped the findings will shed new light on the behaviour of the unique flying mammals and help guide future conservation activities. | Есть надежда, что полученные результаты прольют новый свет на поведение уникальных летающих млекопитающих и помогут определить направления будущей природоохранной деятельности. | Есть надежда, что полученные данные прольют свет на поведение уникальных летающих млекопитающих и помогут осуществлять природохранную деятельность. | 0.945 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
en-fi | Neymar signs five-year agreement with PSG | Neymar allekirjoittaa viisivuotisen sopimuksen PSG:n kanssa | Neymar solminut viiden vuoden sopimuksen PSG:n kanssa | 0.98 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
ru-en | Кендалл Дженнер, 20 лет, модель и четвертая дочь клана Кардашян-Дженнер матери-менеджера Крис, появилась на вожделенной сентябрьской обложке американского журнала Vogue. | Kendall Jenner, aged 20, the model and the fourth daughter of Kardashian-Jenner-Jenner mother-manager Chris, appeared on the vocal September cover of the American Vogue magazine. | Kendall Jenner, 20, model and fourth daughter of mother-manager Kris's Kardashian-Jenner clan, is on the cover of US Vogue's coveted September issue. | 0.74 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
de-en | Im Dezember 2014 hatte er bei den Kurzbahnweltmeisterschaften in Doha erstmals Gold geholt und stellte dabei gleichzeitig seinen ersten Weltrekord auf. | In December 2014, he first picked gold at the short-haul world championships in Doha, putting his first world record at the same time. | In December 2014 he got his first gold medal at the Short Course Swimming Championships in Doha, while setting his first world record. | 0.485 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
ru-en | На нем начертан воодушевляющий призыв: "Празднуй с кондомом!" | It has an inspiring call: "Celebrating with a condom!" | It is inscribed with an inspiring appeal: ‘Celebrate with a condom!’ | 0.99 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
de-en | Menschen, die im Todesfall ihre Organe zur Verfügung stellen wollen, können sich dort registrieren lassen. | People who want to make their organs available in the event of death can register there. | Those who want to donate their organs in cases of death, can register themselves. | 0.95 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
de-en | In einer Linkskurve prallte er gegen die Kutsche. | He crashed into the carriage in a left-hand bend. | He smashed into the carriage as the road curved to the left. | 0.76 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
zh-en | 该消息乍一听确实很刺激,也在法律圈炸开了锅。 | The news was really exciting at first, and it blew the pot in the legal circle. | The news was really exciting at first glance, and it also caused a great disturbance in the legal circle. | 0.76 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
zh-en | 马华总会长拿督斯里魏家祥 : “ 交国阵最高理事会讨论 ! ” | The President of the Mahua General Council, Dag Sribi, is available: "The Supreme Council of FLNKS discusses!" | The President of Malaysian Chinese Association Wee Ka Siong said: “We will leave it to the Supreme Court of National Front!” | 0.04 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
en-cs | "Big if true," he tweeted. | „Velká, pokud je to pravda,“ tweetoval. | „Jestli je to pravda, je to síla,“ napsal. | 0.845 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
ha-en | Mayaƙan Boko Haram sun halaka dattijai 75 a Gwoza | Boko Haram mayors destroy 75 senators in Gwoza | Boko Haram fighters have killed 75 elders in Gwoza | 0.28 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
en-zh | Wang Meiyu, 38, was detained in July after he stood outside the Hunan provincial police department holding a sign that called on Xi and Chinese premier Li Keqiang to resign and implement universal suffrage in China. He was later charged with "picking quarrels and provoking trouble," a vague offence often given to dissidents. | 王美瑜, 岁, 在他站在湖南省警察局外, 他拿着一个呼吁习近平和中国总理李克强辞职并在中国实施普选的标志, 于7月被拘留. 他后来被控′′挑衅和挑衅′′, 这是一个模糊的罪行, 通常给持不同政见者. | 38 岁的王美余今年七月曾在湖南省公安厅门外举牌请愿,要求习近平和中国总理李克强下台,并在中国境内实行普选制度。警方随后指控其“涉嫌寻衅滋事”,此项罪名定义含糊,许多持不同政见者曾因此入狱。 | 0.615 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
fi-en | Mendiola ei kuitenkaan usko laitteensa massatuotantoon. | However, Mendi does not believe in mass production. | However, Mendiola does not believe in the mass manufacturing of his vehicle. | 0.5 | news | 2,019 | 1 |
et-en | Polnud mingit ametlikku teadaannet selle kohta, kes rööviti või kuidas see juhtus, seega tuli olla ettevaatlik, kui oli aeg kirjutada seda, mida kõik linnas teavad restoran on nii uimastikauplejate kui ka ametivõimude meelispaik. | There was no official announcement as to who was kidnapped or how this happened, so you had to be careful when it came to writing what everyone in the city knows about the restaurant is a place of attraction both for drug dealers and for the authorities. | There was no official word on who was abducted or how it happened, so caution set in when it came time to write what everyone in the city knows: that the restaurant is a favorite of both drug traffickers and authorities. | 0.86 | news | 2,018 | 1 |
en-ru | ‘Up until now, Turkey had been trying to cooperate with NATO member countries, but the results have been disappointing, and we have started to look for other partners’, the minister said. | «Вплоть до настоящего времени, Турция пробовала объединить с государство-членами НАТО, но результаты disappointing, и мы начинали искать другие партнеры», министр сказал. | "До сих пор Турция пыталась сотрудничать со странами - членами НАТО, однако результаты нас не удовлетворили, и мы стали искать других", - заявил министр. | 0.605 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
en-cs | How would you characterise the interior? | Jak byste interiér charakterizoval? | Jak byste interiér charakterizovali? | 0.97 | news | 2,017 | 1 |
en-cs | JURUPA VALLEY (CBSLA) - A wildland fire broke out on Saturday afternoon in Jurupa Valley, leading to a response of more than 200 firefighters. | JURUPA VALLEY (CBSLA) – V sobotu odpoledne vypukl v údolí Jurupa požár v divočině, který si vyžádal zásah více než 200 hasičů. | JURUPA VALLEY (CBSLA) – V sobotu odpoledne vypukl v neobydlené části Jurupa Valley požár, na jehož uhašení pracuje více než 200 hasičů. | 0.8925 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
en-de | In March, it lost the Kamal Nath-led government in Madhya Pradesh after Jyotiraditya Scindia joined the BJP with 22 of his MLAs. | Im März verlor sie die von Kamal Nath geführte Regierung in Madhya Pradesh, nachdem Jyotiraditya Scindia mit 22 seiner MLAs der BJP beigetreten war. | Im März verlor sie die von Kamal Nath geleitete Regierung in Madhya Pradesh, nachdem Jyotiraditya Scindia sich gemeinsam mit 22 seiner Mitglieder der Legislativversammlung mit der BJP zusammentat. | 0.98 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
en-zh | "For people who use sticky spray, I can see it being a problem because it can get a little slimy and gooey," Duplantis said. | 他说 : “对于那些使用粘性喷雾的人来说 , 我可以看到它是个问题 , 因为它能得到一点粘稠的东西。 ” | “我明白,常用粘性喷雾的人是会遇到一些问题,因为手感会变得又滑又黏糊,”杜普兰蒂斯补充道。 | 0.77 | news | 2,020 | 1 |
ja-en | ただ、道幅は狭く、全区間が片側交互通行で、待ち時間は予測できない。 | However, the road is narrow and all sections are alternating one-way traffic, so the waiting time is unpredictable. | However, the road is narrow and, along the whole section, traffic can only pass on one side at alternate intervals, so waiting times are unpredictable. | 0.45 | news | 2,021 | 1 |
Dataset Summary
Long-context / document-level dataset for Quality Estimation of Machine Translation.
It is an augmented variant of the sentence-level WMT DA Human Evaluation dataset.
In addition to individual sentences, it contains augmentations of 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 sentences, among each language pair lp
and domain
The raw
column represents a weighted average of scores of augmented sentences using character lengths of src
and mt
as weights.
The code used to apply the augmentation can be found here.
This dataset contains all DA human annotations from previous WMT News Translation shared tasks.
It extends the sentence-level dataset RicardoRei/wmt-da-human-evaluation, split into train
and test
Moreover, the raw
column is normalized to be between 0 and 1 using this function.
The data is organised into 8 columns:
- lp: language pair
- src: input text
- mt: translation
- ref: reference translation
- raw: direct assessment
- domain: domain of the input text (e.g. news)
- year: collection year
- sents: number of sentences in the text
You can also find the original data for each year in the results section: https://www.statmt.org/wmt{YEAR}/results.html e.g: for 2020 data: https://www.statmt.org/wmt20/results.html
Python usage:
from datasets import load_dataset
dataset = load_dataset("ymoslem/wmt-da-human-evaluation-long-context")
There is no standard train/test split for this dataset, but you can easily split it according to year, language pair or domain. e.g.:
# split by year
data = dataset.filter(lambda example: example["year"] == 2022)
# split by LP
data = dataset.filter(lambda example: example["lp"] == "en-de")
# split by domain
data = dataset.filter(lambda example: example["domain"] == "news")
Note that most data is from the News domain.
Citation Information
If you use this data please cite the WMT findings from previous years:
- Findings of the 2017 Conference on Machine Translation (WMT17)
- Findings of the 2018 Conference on Machine Translation (WMT18)
- Findings of the 2019 Conference on Machine Translation (WMT19)
- Findings of the 2020 Conference on Machine Translation (WMT20)
- Findings of the 2021 Conference on Machine Translation (WMT21)
- Findings of the 2022 Conference on Machine Translation (WMT22)
- Downloads last month
- 319
Models trained or fine-tuned on ymoslem/wmt-da-human-evaluation-long-context