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HuggingPartyParis's activity

posted an update 30 days ago
posted an update about 1 month ago
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Explain like i'm 5 the last take from @thomwolf on X about Dario's essay on DeepSeek:

—› Open-source AI is like a big cookbook that everyone can read and improve. Instead of a few chefs keeping their recipes secret, anyone can cook, test, and invent new things.

If only one company controls AI, everything stops if they have a problem—like when the internet goes down. With open-source, many people can help, making sure it keeps running smoothly.

AI isn’t just a race between two countries; it’s a team effort around the world. By sharing, we move faster and create safer technology for everyone.

posted an update about 2 months ago
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🆕 Hugging Face notification page is getting better! You can now sort your notifications by repositories, posts, papers, and articles. Let us know what you think 💬
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posted an update 3 months ago
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🆕 It should now be easier to identify discussions or pull requests where repository owners are participating on HF, let us know it that helps 💬🤗
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posted an update 3 months ago
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✨ If you're using HF access tokens, we just released an overview of the permissions for fine-grained tokens by hovering over the badge on token settings page (org and user)

It will show the highest permission you've set for each entity 👀
posted an update 3 months ago
posted an update 4 months ago
posted an update 6 months ago
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Visionary Walter Murch (editor for Francis Ford Coppola), in 1999:

“ So let's suppose a technical apotheosis some time in the middle of the 21st century, when it somehow becomes possible for one person to make an entire feature film, with virtual actors. Would this be a good thing?

If the history of oil painting is any guide, the broadest answer would be yes, with the obvious caution to keep a wary eye on the destabilizing effect of following too intently a hermetically personal vision. One need only look at the unraveling of painting or classical music in the 20th century to see the risks.

Let's go even further, and force the issue to its ultimate conclusion by supposing the diabolical invention of a black box that could directly convert a single person's thoughts into a viewable cinematic reality. You would attach a series of electrodes to various points on your skull and simply think the film into existence.

And since we are time-traveling, let us present this hypothetical invention as a Faustian bargain to the future filmmakers of the 21st century. If this box were offered by some mysterious cloaked figure in exchange for your eternal soul, would you take it?

The kind of filmmakers who would accept, even leap, at the offer are driven by the desire to see their own vision on screen in as pure a form as possible. They accept present levels of collaboration as the evil necessary to achieve this vision. Alfred Hitchcock, I imagine, would be one of them, judging from his description of the creative process: "The film is already made in my head before we start shooting."”

Read "A Digital Cinema of the Mind? Could Be" by Walter Murch:

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posted an update 7 months ago
posted an update 8 months ago
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Cool things this week from @huggingface !

🌎AI math olympiad winner NuminaMath is here!
🤗Announcing New Hugging Face and Keras NLP integration
✨UI overhaul to HF tokens!
🧊 Embed our dataset viewer on any webpage!

Check out the full list on our discord! 👇
posted an update 10 months ago
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By popular demand, HF activity tracker v1.0 is here! 📊 let's build it together!🤗

Lots of things to improve, feel free to open PRs in the community tab!

good PR ideas:
- track more types of actions that include date+time
- bigger plot
- track discord activity too 🤯
- link github? ⚡
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posted an update 10 months ago
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Weekly highlights for the HF ecosystem!

🚀 Phi 3
🦅 Falcon VLM
🤗 sentence-transformers v3.0 is here! Train and finetune embedding models with multi-GPU training, bf16 support, loss logging, callbacks and more!
🥳 Gradio launch event 6/6! We're launching 1.0 versions of two new libraries, Python + JS client libraries to programmatically query Gradio apps, and several new features making it easier to use Gradio apps in production!
✨ Tools now available in HuggingChat! Use any AI apps built by the community! 🔥
🧊 ML for 3D Course Unit 3 is here! Covering Gaussian splatting, how it fits in the generative 3D pipeline, and hands-on code to build your own demo!

See the full list here! !
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posted an update 10 months ago
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cooking up something....anyone interested in a daily activity tracker for HF?
posted an update 10 months ago
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Quel impact de l’IA sur les filières du cinéma, de l’audiovisuel et du jeu vidéo?
Etude prospective à destination des professionnels
— CNC & BearingPoint | 09/04/2024

Si l’Intelligence Artificielle (IA) est utilisée de longue date dans les secteurs du cinéma, de l’audiovisuel et du jeu vidéo, les nouvelles applications de l’IA générative bousculent notre vision de ce dont est capable une machine et possèdent un potentiel de transformation inédit. Elles impressionnent par la qualité de leurs productions et suscitent par conséquent de nombreux débats, entre attentes et appréhensions.

Le CNC a donc décider de lancer un nouvel Observatoire de l’IA Afin de mieux comprendre les usages de l’IA et ses impacts réels sur la filière de l’image. Dans le cadre de cet Observatoire, le CNC a souhaité dresser un premier état des lieux à travers la cartographie des usages actuels ou potentiels de l’IA à chaque étape du processus de création et de diffusion d’une œuvre, en identifiant les opportunités et risques associés, notamment en termes de métiers et d’emploi. Cette étude CNC / Bearing Point en a présenté les principaux enseignements le 6 mars, lors de la journée CNC « Créer, produire, diffuser à l’heure de l’intelligence artificielle ».

Le CNC publie la version augmentée de la cartographie des usages de l’IA dans les filières du cinéma, de l’audiovisuel et du jeu vidéo.

Lien vers la cartographie complète:
posted an update 10 months ago
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I've just published the first part of a series on open problems in decentralized AI infrastructure .

This one focuses on verifiable computations, would love some feedback from the HF community!
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posted an update 10 months ago