🌎AI math olympiad winner NuminaMath is here! 🤗Announcing New Hugging Face and Keras NLP integration ✨UI overhaul to HF tokens! 🧊 Embed our dataset viewer on any webpage!
🚀 Phi 3 🦅 Falcon VLM 🤗 sentence-transformers v3.0 is here! Train and finetune embedding models with multi-GPU training, bf16 support, loss logging, callbacks and more! 🥳 Gradio launch event 6/6! We're launching 1.0 versions of two new libraries, Python + JS client libraries to programmatically query Gradio apps, and several new features making it easier to use Gradio apps in production! ✨ Tools now available in HuggingChat! Use any AI apps built by the community! 🔥 🧊 ML for 3D Course Unit 3 is here! Covering Gaussian splatting, how it fits in the generative 3D pipeline, and hands-on code to build your own demo!
Reading minds is cool & useful but could be utilized for many things other than thought interrogation 👀
Current Co pilots are Boring! & have much untapped potential & also people don't seem to want autonomous agents replacing them although it is inevitable for some cases
I believe if humans want to become an interplanetary species that can utilize our accumulative research we need to extend our brain with technology in order to be smarter. Imagine a Co-pilot for your head, Adding extra ‘RAM’ to the brain, or even Processing external data within the brain.
Ok people are afraid of implanting computer chips within their brains, what if someone hacks it ? , the invasive possibilities are crazy!
How can we ensure Safety & Interpretability in brain computer interfaces 1. External Non Invasive Brain Computer interfaces [ think similar to https://neurosity.co/crown (overpriced IMO & Hardware is closed source proprietary, who knows what they’re doing 👁️) ] 2. Full Reproducible Open-Source Stack Brain computer interface down to the hardware, operating system, and application level. 3. Maybe you can't, there may always be a risk of danger, though not as consequential with 1 & 2