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A newer version of the Gradio SDK is available: 5.22.0


Pre-trained models

If you trained some good models, please, share them. You can post config and model weights in this issue.

Vocal models

Model Type Instruments Metrics (SDR) Config Checkpoint
MDX23C vocals / other SDR vocals: 10.17 Config Weights
HTDemucs4 (MVSep finetuned) vocals / other SDR vocals: 8.78 Config Weights
Segm Models (VitLarge23) vocals / other SDR vocals: 9.77 Config Weights
Swin Upernet vocals / other SDR vocals: 7.57 Config Weights
BS Roformer (viperx edition) vocals / other SDR vocals: 10.87 Config Weights
MelBand Roformer (viperx edition) vocals / other SDR vocals: 9.67 Config Weights
MelBand Roformer (KimberleyJensen edition) vocals / other SDR vocals: 10.98 Config Weights

Note: Metrics measured on Multisong Dataset.

Single stem models

Model Type Instruments Metrics (SDR) Config Checkpoint
HTDemucs4 FT Drums drums SDR drums: 11.13 Config Weights
HTDemucs4 FT Bass bass SDR bass: 11.96 Config Weights
HTDemucs4 FT Other other SDR other: 5.85 Config Weights
HTDemucs4 FT Vocals (Official repository) vocals SDR vocals: 8.38 Config Weights
BS Roformer (viperx edition) other SDR other: 6.85 Config Weights
MelBand Roformer (aufr33 and viperx edition) crowd SDR crowd: 5.99 Config Weights
MelBand Roformer (anvuew edition) dereverb --- Config Weights
MelBand Roformer Denoise (by aufr33) denoise --- Config Weights
MelBand Roformer Denoise Aggressive (by aufr33) denoise --- Config Weights
Apollo LQ MP3 restoration (by JusperLee) restored --- Config Weights
MelBand Roformer Aspiration (by SUC-DriverOld) aspiration SDR: 9.85 Config Weights
MDX23C Phantom Centre extraction (by wesleyr36) similarity L1Freq: 72.23 Config Weights
MelBand Roformer Vocals DeReverb/DeEcho (by SUC-DriverOld) dry SDR: 10.01 Config Weights

Note: All HTDemucs4 FT models output 4 stems, but quality is best only on target stem (all other stems are dummy).

Multi-stem models

Model Type Instruments Metrics (SDR) Config Checkpoint
BandIt Plus speech / music / effects DnR test avg: 11.50 (speech: 15.64, music: 9.18 effects: 9.69) Config Weights
HTDemucs4 bass / drums / vocals / other Multisong avg: 9.16 (bass: 11.76, drums: 10.88 vocals: 8.24 other: 5.74) Config Weights
HTDemucs4 (6 stems) bass / drums / vocals / other / piano / guitar Multisong (bass: 11.22, drums: 10.22 vocals: 8.05 other: --- piano: --- guitar: ---) Config Weights
Demucs3 mmi bass / drums / vocals / other Multisong avg: 8.88 (bass: 11.17, drums: 10.70 vocals: 8.22 other: 5.42) Config Weights
DrumSep htdemucs (by inagoy) kick / snare / cymbals / toms --- Config Weights
DrumSep mdx23c (by aufr33 and jarredou) kick / snare / toms / hh / ride / crash --- Config Weights

Multi-stem models (MUSDB18HQ)

  • Models in this list were trained only on MUSDB18HQ dataset (100 songs train data). These weights are useful for fine-tuning.
  • Instruments: bass / drums / vocals / other
Model Type Metrics (SDR) Config Checkpoint
MDX23C MUSDB test avg: 7.15 (bass: 5.77, drums: 7.93 vocals: 9.23 other: 5.68)
Multisong avg: 7.02 (bass: 8.40, drums: 7.73 vocals: 7.36 other: 4.57)
Config Weights
TS BS Mamba2 MUSDB test avg: 6.87 (bass: 5.82, drums: 8.14 vocals: 8.35 other: 5.16)
Multisong avg: 6.66 (bass: 7.87, drums: 7.92 vocals: 7.01 other: 3.85)
Config Weights
SCNet (by starrytong) Multisong avg: 8.87 (bass: 11.07, drums: 10.79 vocals: 8.27 other: 5.34) Config Weights
SCNet Large MUSDB test avg: 9.32 (bass: 8.63, drums: 10.89 vocals: 10.69 other: 7.06)
Multisong avg: 9.19 (bass: 11.15, drums: 11.04 vocals: 8.94 other: 5.62)
Config Weights
SCNet Large (by starrytong) MUSDB test avg: 9.70 (bass: 9.38, drums: 11.15 vocals: 10.94 other: 7.31)
Multisong avg: 9.28 (bass: 11.27, drums: 11.23 vocals: 9.05 other: 5.57)
Config Weights
SCNet XL MUSDB test avg: 9.80 (bass: 9.23, drums: 11.51 vocals: 11.05 other: 7.41)
Multisong avg: 9.72 (bass: 11.87, drums: 11.49 vocals: 9.32 other: 6.19)
Config Weights
BS Roformer MUSDB test avg: 9.65 (bass: 8.48, drums: 11.61 vocals: 11.08 other: 7.44)
Multisong avg: 9.38 (bass: 11.08, drums: 11.29 vocals: 9.19 other: 5.96)
Config Weights

MelRoformer models

Table of Mel Band Roformers with different paramers