# Initalize a pipeline | |
from kokoro import KPipeline | |
# from IPython.display import display, Audio | |
# import soundfile as sf | |
import os | |
from huggingface_hub import list_repo_files | |
import uuid | |
import re | |
import gradio as gr | |
#translate langauge | |
from deep_translator import GoogleTranslator | |
def bulk_translate(text, target_language, chunk_size=500): | |
language_map_local = { | |
"American English": "en", | |
"British English": "en", | |
"Hindi": "hi", | |
"Spanish": "es", | |
"French": "fr", | |
"Italian": "it", | |
"Brazilian Portuguese": "pt", | |
"Japanese": "ja", | |
"Mandarin Chinese": "zh-CN" | |
} | |
# lang_code = GoogleTranslator().get_supported_languages(as_dict=True).get(target_language.lower()) | |
lang_code=language_map_local[target_language] | |
sentences = re.split(r'(?<=[.!?])\s+', text) # Split text into sentences | |
chunks = [] | |
current_chunk = "" | |
for sentence in sentences: | |
if len(current_chunk) + len(sentence) <= chunk_size: | |
current_chunk += " " + sentence | |
else: | |
chunks.append(current_chunk.strip()) | |
current_chunk = sentence | |
if current_chunk: | |
chunks.append(current_chunk.strip()) | |
translated_chunks = [GoogleTranslator(target=lang_code).translate(chunk) for chunk in chunks] | |
result=" ".join(translated_chunks) | |
return result.strip() | |
# Language mapping dictionary | |
language_map = { | |
"American English": "a", | |
"British English": "b", | |
"Hindi": "h", | |
"Spanish": "e", | |
"French": "f", | |
"Italian": "i", | |
"Brazilian Portuguese": "p", | |
"Japanese": "j", | |
"Mandarin Chinese": "z" | |
} | |
def update_pipeline(Language): | |
""" Updates the pipeline only if the language has changed. """ | |
global pipeline, last_used_language | |
# Get language code, default to 'a' if not found | |
new_lang = language_map.get(Language, "a") | |
# Only update if the language is different | |
if new_lang != last_used_language: | |
pipeline = KPipeline(lang_code=new_lang) | |
last_used_language = new_lang | |
try: | |
pipeline = KPipeline(lang_code=new_lang) | |
last_used_language = new_lang # Update last used language | |
except Exception as e: | |
gr.Warning(f"Make sure the input text is in {Language}",duration=10) | |
gr.Warning(f"Fallback to English Language",duration=5) | |
pipeline = KPipeline(lang_code="a") # Fallback to English | |
last_used_language = "a" | |
def get_voice_names(repo_id): | |
"""Fetches and returns a list of voice names (without extensions) from the given Hugging Face repository.""" | |
return [os.path.splitext(file.replace("voices/", ""))[0] for file in list_repo_files(repo_id) if file.startswith("voices/")] | |
def create_audio_dir(): | |
"""Creates the 'kokoro_audio' directory in the root folder if it doesn't exist.""" | |
root_dir = os.getcwd() # Use current working directory instead of __file__ | |
audio_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, "kokoro_audio") | |
if not os.path.exists(audio_dir): | |
os.makedirs(audio_dir) | |
print(f"Created directory: {audio_dir}") | |
else: | |
print(f"Directory already exists: {audio_dir}") | |
return audio_dir | |
import re | |
def clean_text(text): | |
# Define replacement rules | |
replacements = { | |
"–": " ", # Replace en-dash with space | |
"-": " ", # Replace hyphen with space | |
"**": " ", # Replace double asterisks with space | |
"*": " ", # Replace single asterisk with space | |
"#": " ", # Replace hash with space | |
} | |
# Apply replacements | |
for old, new in replacements.items(): | |
text = text.replace(old, new) | |
# Remove emojis using regex (covering wide range of Unicode characters) | |
emoji_pattern = re.compile( | |
r'[\U0001F600-\U0001F64F]|' # Emoticons | |
r'[\U0001F300-\U0001F5FF]|' # Miscellaneous symbols and pictographs | |
r'[\U0001F680-\U0001F6FF]|' # Transport and map symbols | |
r'[\U0001F700-\U0001F77F]|' # Alchemical symbols | |
r'[\U0001F780-\U0001F7FF]|' # Geometric shapes extended | |
r'[\U0001F800-\U0001F8FF]|' # Supplemental arrows-C | |
r'[\U0001F900-\U0001F9FF]|' # Supplemental symbols and pictographs | |
r'[\U0001FA00-\U0001FA6F]|' # Chess symbols | |
r'[\U0001FA70-\U0001FAFF]|' # Symbols and pictographs extended-A | |
r'[\U00002702-\U000027B0]|' # Dingbats | |
r'[\U0001F1E0-\U0001F1FF]' # Flags (iOS) | |
r'', flags=re.UNICODE) | |
text = emoji_pattern.sub(r'', text) | |
# Remove multiple spaces and extra line breaks | |
text = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', text).strip() | |
return text | |
def tts_file_name(text,language): | |
global temp_folder | |
# Remove all non-alphabetic characters and convert to lowercase | |
text = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z\s]', '', text) # Retain only alphabets and spaces | |
text = text.lower().strip() # Convert to lowercase and strip leading/trailing spaces | |
text = text.replace(" ", "_") # Replace spaces with underscores | |
language=language.replace(" ", "_").strip() | |
# Truncate or handle empty text | |
truncated_text = text[:20] if len(text) > 20 else text if len(text) > 0 else language | |
# Generate a random string for uniqueness | |
random_string = uuid.uuid4().hex[:8].upper() | |
# Construct the file name | |
file_name = f"{temp_folder}/{truncated_text}_{random_string}.wav" | |
return file_name | |
# import soundfile as sf | |
import numpy as np | |
import wave | |
from pydub import AudioSegment | |
from pydub.silence import split_on_silence | |
def remove_silence_function(file_path,minimum_silence=50): | |
# Extract file name and format from the provided path | |
output_path = file_path.replace(".wav", "_no_silence.wav") | |
audio_format = "wav" | |
# Reading and splitting the audio file into chunks | |
sound = AudioSegment.from_file(file_path, format=audio_format) | |
audio_chunks = split_on_silence(sound, | |
min_silence_len=100, | |
silence_thresh=-45, | |
keep_silence=minimum_silence) | |
# Putting the file back together | |
combined = AudioSegment.empty() | |
for chunk in audio_chunks: | |
combined += chunk | |
combined.export(output_path, format=audio_format) | |
return output_path | |
def generate_and_save_audio(text, Language="American English",voice="af_bella", speed=1,remove_silence=False,keep_silence_up_to=0.05): | |
text=clean_text(text) | |
update_pipeline(Language) | |
generator = pipeline(text, voice=voice, speed=speed, split_pattern=r'\n+') | |
save_path=tts_file_name(text,Language) | |
# Open the WAV file for writing | |
timestamps={} | |
with, 'wb') as wav_file: | |
# Set the WAV file parameters | |
wav_file.setnchannels(1) # Mono audio | |
wav_file.setsampwidth(2) # 2 bytes per sample (16-bit audio) | |
wav_file.setframerate(24000) # Sample rate | |
for i, result in enumerate(generator): | |
gs = result.graphemes # str | |
# print(f"\n{i}: {gs}") | |
ps = result.phonemes # str | |
# audio = | |
audio = | |
tokens = result.tokens # List[en.MToken] | |
timestamps[i]={"text":gs,"words":[]} | |
if Language in ["American English", "British English"]: | |
for t in tokens: | |
# print(t.text, repr(t.whitespace), t.start_ts, t.end_ts) | |
timestamps[i]["words"].append({"word":t.text,"start":t.start_ts,"end":t.end_ts}) | |
audio_np = audio.numpy() # Convert Tensor to NumPy array | |
audio_int16 = (audio_np * 32767).astype(np.int16) # Scale to 16-bit range | |
audio_bytes = audio_int16.tobytes() # Convert to bytes | |
# Write the audio chunk to the WAV file | |
wav_file.writeframes(audio_bytes) | |
if remove_silence: | |
keep_silence = int(keep_silence_up_to * 1000) | |
new_wave_file=remove_silence_function(save_path,minimum_silence=keep_silence) | |
return new_wave_file,timestamps | |
return save_path,timestamps | |
def adjust_timestamps(timestamp_dict): | |
adjusted_timestamps = [] | |
last_end_time = 0 # Tracks the last word's end time | |
for segment_id in sorted(timestamp_dict.keys()): | |
segment = timestamp_dict[segment_id] | |
words = segment["words"] | |
for word_entry in words: | |
# Skip word entries with start or end time as None or 0 | |
if word_entry["start"] in [None, 0] and word_entry["end"] in [None, 0]: | |
continue | |
# Fill in None values with the last valid timestamp or use 0 as default | |
word_start = word_entry["start"] if word_entry["start"] is not None else last_end_time | |
word_end = word_entry["end"] if word_entry["end"] is not None else word_start # Use word_start if end is None | |
new_start = word_start + last_end_time | |
new_end = word_end + last_end_time | |
adjusted_timestamps.append({ | |
"word": word_entry["word"], | |
"start": round(new_start, 3), | |
"end": round(new_end, 3) | |
}) | |
# Update last_end_time to the last word's end time in this segment | |
if words: | |
last_end_time = adjusted_timestamps[-1]["end"] | |
return adjusted_timestamps | |
import string | |
def write_word_srt(word_level_timestamps, output_file="", skip_punctuation=True): | |
with open(output_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: | |
index = 1 # Track subtitle numbering separately | |
for entry in word_level_timestamps: | |
word = entry["word"] | |
# Skip punctuation if enabled | |
if skip_punctuation and all(char in string.punctuation for char in word): | |
continue | |
start_time = entry["start"] | |
end_time = entry["end"] | |
# Convert seconds to SRT time format (HH:MM:SS,mmm) | |
def format_srt_time(seconds): | |
hours = int(seconds // 3600) | |
minutes = int((seconds % 3600) // 60) | |
sec = int(seconds % 60) | |
millisec = int((seconds % 1) * 1000) | |
return f"{hours:02}:{minutes:02}:{sec:02},{millisec:03}" | |
start_srt = format_srt_time(start_time) | |
end_srt = format_srt_time(end_time) | |
# Write entry to SRT file | |
f.write(f"{index}\n{start_srt} --> {end_srt}\n{word}\n\n") | |
index += 1 # Increment subtitle number | |
import string | |
def write_sentence_srt(word_level_timestamps, output_file="", max_words=8, min_pause=0.1): | |
subtitles = [] # Stores subtitle blocks | |
subtitle_words = [] # Temporary list for words in the current subtitle | |
start_time = None # Tracks start time of current subtitle | |
remove_punctuation = ['"',"—"] # Add punctuations to remove if needed | |
for i, entry in enumerate(word_level_timestamps): | |
word = entry["word"] | |
word_start = entry["start"] | |
word_end = entry["end"] | |
# Skip selected punctuation from remove_punctuation list | |
if word in remove_punctuation: | |
continue | |
# Attach punctuation to the previous word | |
if word in string.punctuation: | |
if subtitle_words: | |
subtitle_words[-1] = (subtitle_words[-1][0] + word, subtitle_words[-1][1]) | |
continue | |
# Start a new subtitle block if needed | |
if start_time is None: | |
start_time = word_start | |
# Calculate pause duration if this is not the first word | |
if subtitle_words: | |
last_word_end = subtitle_words[-1][1] | |
pause_duration = word_start - last_word_end | |
else: | |
pause_duration = 0 | |
# **NEW FIX:** If pause is too long, create a new subtitle but ensure continuity | |
if (word.endswith(('.', '!', '?')) and len(subtitle_words) >= 5) or len(subtitle_words) >= max_words or pause_duration > min_pause: | |
end_time = subtitle_words[-1][1] # Use last word's end time | |
subtitle_text = " ".join(w[0] for w in subtitle_words) | |
subtitles.append((start_time, end_time, subtitle_text)) | |
# Reset for the next subtitle, but **ensure continuity** | |
subtitle_words = [(word, word_end)] # **Carry the current word to avoid delay** | |
start_time = word_start # **Start at the current word, not None** | |
continue # Avoid adding the word twice | |
# Add the current word to the subtitle | |
subtitle_words.append((word, word_end)) | |
# Ensure last subtitle is added if anything remains | |
if subtitle_words: | |
end_time = subtitle_words[-1][1] | |
subtitle_text = " ".join(w[0] for w in subtitle_words) | |
subtitles.append((start_time, end_time, subtitle_text)) | |
# Function to format SRT timestamps | |
def format_srt_time(seconds): | |
hours = int(seconds // 3600) | |
minutes = int((seconds % 3600) // 60) | |
sec = int(seconds % 60) | |
millisec = int((seconds % 1) * 1000) | |
return f"{hours:02}:{minutes:02}:{sec:02},{millisec:03}" | |
# Write subtitles to SRT file | |
with open(output_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: | |
for i, (start, end, text) in enumerate(subtitles, start=1): | |
f.write(f"{i}\n{format_srt_time(start)} --> {format_srt_time(end)}\n{text}\n\n") | |
# print(f"SRT file '{output_file}' created successfully!") | |
import json | |
import re | |
def fix_punctuation(text): | |
# Remove spaces before punctuation marks (., ?, !, ,) | |
text = re.sub(r'\s([.,?!])', r'\1', text) | |
# Handle quotation marks: remove spaces before and after them | |
text = text.replace('" ', '"') | |
text = text.replace(' "', '"') | |
text = text.replace('" ', '"') | |
# Track quotation marks to add space after closing quotes | |
track = 0 | |
result = [] | |
for index, char in enumerate(text): | |
if char == '"': | |
track += 1 | |
result.append(char) | |
# If it's a closing quote (even number of quotes), add a space after it | |
if track % 2 == 0: | |
result.append(' ') | |
else: | |
result.append(char) | |
text=''.join(result) | |
return text.strip() | |
def make_json(word_timestamps, json_file_name): | |
data = {} | |
temp = [] | |
inside_quote = False # Track if we are inside a quoted sentence | |
start_time = word_timestamps[0]['start'] # Initialize with the first word's start time | |
end_time = word_timestamps[0]['end'] # Initialize with the first word's end time | |
words_in_sentence = [] | |
sentence_id = 0 # Initialize sentence ID | |
# Process each word in word_timestamps | |
for i, word_data in enumerate(word_timestamps): | |
word = word_data['word'] | |
word_start = word_data['start'] | |
word_end = word_data['end'] | |
# Collect word info for JSON | |
words_in_sentence.append({'word': word, 'start': word_start, 'end': word_end}) | |
# Update the end_time for the sentence based on the current word | |
end_time = word_end | |
# Properly handle opening and closing quotation marks | |
if word == '"': | |
if inside_quote: | |
temp[-1] += '"' # Attach closing quote to the last word | |
else: | |
temp.append('"') # Keep opening quote as a separate entry | |
inside_quote = not inside_quote # Toggle inside_quote state | |
else: | |
temp.append(word) | |
# Check if this is a sentence-ending punctuation | |
if word.endswith(('.', '?', '!')) and not inside_quote: | |
# Ensure the next word is NOT a dialogue tag before finalizing the sentence | |
if i + 1 < len(word_timestamps): | |
next_word = word_timestamps[i + 1]['word'] | |
if next_word[0].islower(): # Likely a dialogue tag like "he said" | |
continue # Do not break the sentence yet | |
# Store the full sentence for JSON and reset word collection for next sentence | |
sentence = " ".join(temp) | |
sentence = fix_punctuation(sentence) # Fix punctuation in the sentence | |
data[sentence_id] = { | |
'text': sentence, | |
'duration': end_time - start_time, | |
'start': start_time, | |
'end': end_time, | |
'words': words_in_sentence | |
} | |
# Reset for the next sentence | |
temp = [] | |
words_in_sentence = [] | |
start_time = word_data['start'] # Update the start time for the next sentence | |
sentence_id += 1 # Increment sentence ID | |
# Handle any remaining words if necessary | |
if temp: | |
sentence = " ".join(temp) | |
sentence = fix_punctuation(sentence) # Fix punctuation in the sentence | |
data[sentence_id] = { | |
'text': sentence, | |
'duration': end_time - start_time, | |
'start': start_time, | |
'end': end_time, | |
'words': words_in_sentence | |
} | |
# Write data to JSON file | |
with open(json_file_name, 'w') as json_file: | |
json.dump(data, json_file, indent=4) | |
return json_file_name | |
import os | |
def modify_filename(save_path: str, prefix: str = ""): | |
directory, filename = os.path.split(save_path) | |
name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) | |
new_filename = f"{prefix}{name}{ext}" | |
return os.path.join(directory, new_filename) | |
import shutil | |
def save_current_data(): | |
if os.path.exists("./last"): | |
shutil.rmtree("./last") | |
os.makedirs("./last",exist_ok=True) | |
def KOKORO_TTS_API(text, Language="American English",voice="af_bella", speed=1,translate_text=False,remove_silence=False,keep_silence_up_to=0.05): | |
if translate_text: | |
text=bulk_translate(text, Language, chunk_size=500) | |
save_path,timestamps=generate_and_save_audio(text=text, Language=Language,voice=voice, speed=speed,remove_silence=remove_silence,keep_silence_up_to=keep_silence_up_to) | |
if remove_silence==False: | |
if Language in ["American English", "British English"]: | |
word_level_timestamps=adjust_timestamps(timestamps) | |
word_level_srt = modify_filename(save_path.replace(".wav", ".srt"), prefix="word_level_") | |
normal_srt = modify_filename(save_path.replace(".wav", ".srt"), prefix="sentence_") | |
json_file = modify_filename(save_path.replace(".wav", ".json"), prefix="duration_") | |
write_word_srt(word_level_timestamps, output_file=word_level_srt, skip_punctuation=True) | |
write_sentence_srt(word_level_timestamps, output_file=normal_srt, min_pause=0.01) | |
make_json(word_level_timestamps, json_file) | |
save_current_data() | |
shutil.copy(save_path, "./last/") | |
shutil.copy(word_level_srt, "./last/") | |
shutil.copy(normal_srt, "./last/") | |
shutil.copy(json_file, "./last/") | |
return save_path,save_path,word_level_srt,normal_srt,json_file | |
return save_path,save_path,None,None,None | |
def ui(): | |
def toggle_autoplay(autoplay): | |
return gr.Audio(interactive=False, label='Output Audio', autoplay=autoplay) | |
# Define examples in the format you mentioned | |
dummy_examples = [ | |
["Hey, y'all, let’s grab some coffee and catch up!", "American English", "af_bella"], | |
["I'd like a large coffee, please.", "British English", "bf_isabella"], | |
["नमस्ते, कैसे हो?", "Hindi", "hf_alpha"], | |
["Hola, ¿cómo estás?", "Spanish", "ef_dora"], | |
["Bonjour, comment ça va?", "French", "ff_siwis"], | |
["Ciao, come stai?", "Italian", "if_sara"], | |
["Olá, como você está?", "Brazilian Portuguese", "pf_dora"], | |
["こんにちは、お元気ですか?", "Japanese", "jf_nezumi"], | |
["你好,你怎么样?", "Mandarin Chinese", "zf_xiaoni"] | |
] | |
with gr.Blocks() as demo: | |
# gr.Markdown("<center><h1 style='font-size: 40px;'>KOKORO TTS</h1></center>") # Larger title with CSS | |
gr.Markdown("[Install on Your Local System](") | |
lang_list = ['American English', 'British English', 'Hindi', 'Spanish', 'French', 'Italian', 'Brazilian Portuguese', 'Japanese', 'Mandarin Chinese'] | |
voice_names = get_voice_names("hexgrad/Kokoro-82M") | |
with gr.Row(): | |
with gr.Column(): | |
text = gr.Textbox(label='📝 Enter Text', lines=3) | |
with gr.Row(): | |
language_name = gr.Dropdown(lang_list, label="🌍 Select Language", value=lang_list[0]) | |
with gr.Row(): | |
voice_name = gr.Dropdown(voice_names, label="🎙️ Choose VoicePack", value='af_heart')#voice_names[0]) | |
with gr.Row(): | |
generate_btn = gr.Button('🚀 Generate', variant='primary') | |
with gr.Accordion('🎛️ Audio Settings', open=False): | |
speed = gr.Slider(minimum=0.25, maximum=2, value=1, step=0.1, label='⚡️Speed', info='Adjust the speaking speed') | |
translate_text = gr.Checkbox(value=False, label='🌐 Translate Text to Selected Language') | |
remove_silence = gr.Checkbox(value=False, label='✂️ Remove Silence From TTS') | |
with gr.Column(): | |
audio = gr.Audio(interactive=False, label='🔊 Output Audio', autoplay=True) | |
audio_file = gr.File(label='📥 Download Audio') | |
# word_level_srt_file = gr.File(label='Download Word-Level SRT') | |
# srt_file = gr.File(label='Download Sentence-Level SRT') | |
# sentence_duration_file = gr.File(label='Download Sentence Duration JSON') | |
with gr.Accordion('🎬 Autoplay, Subtitle, Timestamp', open=False): | |
autoplay = gr.Checkbox(value=True, label='▶️ Autoplay') | |
autoplay.change(toggle_autoplay, inputs=[autoplay], outputs=[audio]) | |
word_level_srt_file = gr.File(label='📝 Download Word-Level SRT') | |
srt_file = gr.File(label='📜 Download Sentence-Level SRT') | |
sentence_duration_file = gr.File(label='⏳ Download Sentence Timestamp JSON') | |
text.submit(KOKORO_TTS_API, inputs=[text, language_name, voice_name, speed,translate_text, remove_silence], outputs=[audio, audio_file,word_level_srt_file,srt_file,sentence_duration_file]) | |, inputs=[text, language_name, voice_name, speed,translate_text, remove_silence], outputs=[audio, audio_file,word_level_srt_file,srt_file,sentence_duration_file]) | |
# Add examples to the interface | |
gr.Examples(examples=dummy_examples, inputs=[text, language_name, voice_name]) | |
return demo | |
def tutorial(): | |
# Markdown explanation for language code | |
explanation = """ | |
## Language Code Explanation: | |
Example: `'af_bella'` | |
- **'a'** stands for **American English**. | |
- **'f_'** stands for **Female** (If it were 'm_', it would mean Male). | |
- **'bella'** refers to the specific voice. | |
The first character in the voice code stands for the language: | |
- **"a"**: American English | |
- **"b"**: British English | |
- **"h"**: Hindi | |
- **"e"**: Spanish | |
- **"f"**: French | |
- **"i"**: Italian | |
- **"p"**: Brazilian Portuguese | |
- **"j"**: Japanese | |
- **"z"**: Mandarin Chinese | |
The second character stands for gender: | |
- **"f_"**: Female | |
- **"m_"**: Male | |
""" | |
with gr.Blocks() as demo2: | |
gr.Markdown("[Install on Your Local System](") | |
gr.Markdown(explanation) # Display the explanation | |
return demo2 | |
import click | |
def main(debug, share): | |
demo1 = ui() | |
demo2 = tutorial() | |
demo = gr.TabbedInterface([demo1, demo2],["Multilingual TTS","VoicePack Explanation"],title="Kokoro TTS")#,theme='JohnSmith9982/small_and_pretty') | |
demo.queue().launch(debug=debug, share=share) | |
# demo.queue().launch(debug=debug, share=share,server_port=9000) | |
#Run on local network | |
# laptop_ip="" | |
# port=8080 | |
# demo.queue().launch(debug=debug, share=share,server_name=laptop_ip,server_port=port) | |
# Initialize default pipeline | |
last_used_language = "a" | |
pipeline = KPipeline(lang_code=last_used_language) | |
temp_folder = create_audio_dir() | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
main() | |