A newer version of the Gradio SDK is available:
title: DominationCodex
emoji: 馃挰
colorFrom: yellow
colorTo: purple
sdk: gradio
pinned: false
license: mit
Domination Codex: Book Real Game
Domination Codex is a social RPG game played over Twitter, where players take on roles, undertake missions, and use magic hashtags to perform actions. Players tweet their missions, spells, images, and videos with specified hashtags to interact with the game world.
Getting Started
Step 1: Choose Your Race and Class
Players choose their race and class combination from the following table:
Race and Class Definitions:
Race | Class | Definition |
Biotechs | Warlocks | Biotechs who specialize in the ancient arts of language and mathematics, using their mastery to decipher cryptic messages and codes. |
Biotechs | Priests | Biotechs who harness divine powers to heal and protect, using their technological advancements to serve as conduits of divine energy. |
Biotechs | Warriors | Biotechs who enhance their physical capabilities with cybernetic enhancements, becoming formidable fighters on the battlefield. |
Biotechs | Bards | Biotechs who use their advanced understanding of technology to craft mesmerizing tales and songs, inspiring allies and confounding foes. |
Transhumants | Warlocks | Transhumants who delve into the mysteries of language and mathematics, using their augmented minds to unravel ancient secrets. |
Transhumants | Priests | Transhumants who blend their cybernetic enhancements with divine energy, acting as beacons of hope and healing in a world in flux. |
Transhumants | Warriors | Transhumants who combine their enhanced physiology with combat training, embodying the perfect fusion of man and machine on the battlefield. |
Transhumants | Bards | Transhumants who weave tales of humanity's triumphs and tragedies, using their cybernetic implants to enhance their performances. |
Transcendents | Warlocks | Transcendents who transcend the limitations of mortal understanding, wielding the power of language and mathematics with divine precision. |
Transcendents | Priests | Transcendents who channel cosmic energies through their transcendent forms, guiding and protecting those who walk the path of enlightenment. |
Transcendents | Warriors | Transcendents who merge their divine essence with martial prowess, becoming living embodiments of celestial justice on the battlefield. |
Transcendents | Bards | Transcendents who commune with the very fabric of reality, crafting tales that transcend time and space, inspiring awe and wonder in all who hear them. |
Step 2: Start Your Adventure
- Tweet your role and class using the hashtag #dominationcodex.
- Example: "I am a Biotech Warlock ready to decipher the secrets of the cosmos! #dominationcodex #Warlock"
Step 3: Undertake Missions
Players undertake missions by tweeting with the hashtag #dominationcodex #mission, along with any other relevant hashtags based on their role or the place type.
Roles and Magic Hashtags
Each role has specific magic hashtags they can use in their tweets:
Roles and Magic Hashtags:
Role | Magic Hashtags |
Warlocks | #dominationcodex #mission |
#Cryptography #Languages #HistoryOfCultures | |
#HistoryOfLanguage #ELS #Temuraeh #Ziruph | |
#Encoding #Decoding #Programming #Hacker | |
#Astrology | |
Priests | #dominationcodex #mission |
#Healing #Purification #Blessings | |
#DivineProtection #Clairvoyance #Prophecies | |
#Visions #DreamInterpretation | |
#Exorcism #SpiritualProtection #Rituals | |
#KnowledgeOfDemonology | |
Warriors | #dominationcodex #mission |
#Frenzy #BruteForce #Resistance | |
#CloseCombatTactics #Defense | |
#ProtectionTactics #ShieldUsage #Stealth | |
#Agility #Assassination #Espionage | |
Bards | #dominationcodex #mission |
#Singing #Storytelling #Inspiration | |
#Demoralization #Music #Poetry | |
#Enchantments #Diplomacy | |
#Deception #Illusions #Acrobatics #Manipulation |
Place Types and Magic Hashtags
Different place types have their own magic hashtags that players can use when performing missions in those locations:
Place Types and Magic Hashtags:
Place Type | Magic Hashtags |
Ancient Ruins | #dominationcodex #mission #Cryptograf铆a |
#Decodificaci贸n #Programaci贸n #Hacker | |
#Astrolog铆a | |
Enchanted Forest | #dominationcodex #mission #Curaci贸n |
#Protecci贸nDivina #Exorcismo #ConocimientoDeDemonolog铆a | |
Sacred Temple | #dominationcodex #mission #Clarividencia |
#Profec铆as #Visiones #Interpretaci贸nDeSue帽os | |
#Protecci贸nEspiritual #Rituales | |
Mystic Library | #dominationcodex #mission #Idiomas |
#HistoriaDeLasCulturas #HistoriaDelLenguaje | |
#Ziruph #Codificaci贸n | |
Haunted Mansion | #dominationcodex #mission #Ilusiones |
#Enga帽o #Manipulaci贸n | |
Ancient Grove | #dominationcodex #mission #Invocaci贸n |
#ConocimientoDeMitolog铆as #Rituales | |
#Comunicaci贸nConEsp铆ritus | |
Royal Court | #dominationcodex #mission #Narraci贸n |
#Inspiraci贸n #Encantamientos #Diplomacia | |
Cursed Cave | #dominationcodex #mission #Frenes铆 |
#Resistencia #Asesinato #Sigilo | |
Colosseum | #dominationcodex #mission #FuerzaBruta |
#T谩cticasDeCombateCuerpoACuerpo #Defensa | |
#T谩cticasDeProtecci贸n #UsoDeEscudos | |
Park | #dominationcodex #mission #Canto |
#Narraci贸n #M煤sica #Po茅tica | |
#Encantamientos #Desmoralizaci贸n | |
Museum Museum | #dominationcodex #mission #Decodificaci贸n |
#Idiomas #HistoriaDeLasCulturas | |
#HistoriaDelLenguaje #Codificaci贸n | |
Times Square | #dominationcodex #mission #Inspiraci贸n |
#Desmoralizaci贸n #Enga帽o #Ilusiones | |
#Manipulaci贸n | |
British Museum | #dominationcodex #mission #Criptograf铆a |
#Idiomas #HistoriaDeLasCulturas | |
#Codificaci贸n #Decodificaci贸n | |
Smithsonian Institution | #dominationcodex #mission #Astrolog铆a |
#Programaci贸n #Hacker |
Gameplay Mechanics
Dice Rolls
- Actions and outcomes are determined by dice rolls.
- Use an online dice roller or a physical 20-sided die (d20) for resolving actions.
- Tweet your dice roll results with the hashtag #dominationcodex #roll.
Turn-Based Actions
- Players take turns performing actions, tweeting the results and outcomes.
- Use the hashtag #dominationcodex #turn to indicate the start of your turn.
Missions and Objectives
- Players undertake missions that align with their role and place type.
- Tweet mission details, actions, and outcomes with relevant hashtags.
- Collaborate with other players to complete complex missions.
Spells and Abilities
- Use magic hashtags to cast spells and use abilities during missions.
- Tweet spell or ability usage with the hashtags #dominationcodex #magic and the specific spell hashtag.
- Example: "Casting #Healing to aid my allies in the Enchanted Forest! #dominationcodex #magic #Healing"
Winning the Game
- Players accumulate points by successfully completing missions and using spells.
- The player with the most points at the end of a predetermined period (e.g., one month) wins.
- Tweet your points tally with the hashtag #dominationcodex #points.
Game Tool
Play on HugginFace
Invocation Spell
Load GAME.pseudo code as HugginFace Dataset Load dataset in your Gradio APP
Example Tweets
- Starting a Mission:
- "Embarking on a mission in the Ancient Ruins to decode ancient scripts! #dominationcodex #mission #Cryptography"
- Casting a Spell:
- "Using #DivineProtection to shield my party from harm in the Sacred Temple! #dominationcodex #magic #DivineProtection"
- Dice Roll:
- "Rolling to see if I successfully sneak past the guards... #dominationcodex #roll (Rolls 17)"
- Turn Action:
- "My turn to strike in the Colosseum! Attacking with brute force! #dominationcodex #turn #BruteForce"
Embrace your role, engage in missions, and let the magic of Domination Codex unfold on Twitter!