Wow that’s really amazing cc @nouamanetazi @lvwerra
We’ll take a look very soon!
thanks a lot!
nice job! im afraid some figures dont render properly, do you have an idea how to fix them?
Nevermind I think it just took longer to load first time
some figures dont render properly :/ , can we maybe keep them in their original state if they're hard to fix?
hi @nouamanetazi ! thanks for pointing this out. the problem occurs since these figures have transparent backgrounds, and black text won't show clearly on a dark bg.
to fix this I took your advice and just added white bg to the affected .svg, .png and .gif files. that way they look like their original state.
let me know what you think! here's the space link, I can create a new PR if this looks good: https://huggingface.co/spaces/serhany/ultrascale-playbook-dark-mode
hi again! @nouamanetazi
the original space was updated (.pdf version added) so I updated mine too. also better aligned the dark mode toggle, no longer moves the navbar to the side.
see the final version here: https://huggingface.co/spaces/serhany/ultrascale-playbook-dark-updated
(created another space because the sync space function on hf was returning a 404 error)
hi @nouamanetazi ! was wondering if you had a chance to look into this version :)