
{ "af": "Kursief:", "en": "Italic" }
{ "af": "(b) ’n vereiste dat die verpligtinge vervat in die lisensiebedinge en promededingingsvoorwaardes", "en": "(b) a requirement that the obligations contained in the licence terms and" }
{ "af": "Alles reg, my vriend.", "en": "All right, my friend." }
{ "af": "%s op afval", "en": "%s on waste" }
{ "af": "Gereed vir die geveg!", "en": "Prepare for combat." }
{ "af": "Welkom by Evolution se assistent vir posopstelling. Klik \"Vorentoe\" om te begin.", "en": "Welcome to the Evolution Mail Configuration Assistant. Click \"Continue\" to begin." }
{ "af": "Bonssleutels", "en": "Bounce Keys" }
{ "af": "Oorlogsbuit, Wiesbach Paleis!", "en": "Spoils of war. Wiesbach Palace." }
{ "af": "printer state", "en": "printer state" }
{ "af": "Daar is vyf inkomende boemannen, McGee.", "en": "We got five bogeys inbound, McGee." }
{ "af": "Kry 'n dokter!", "en": "A doctor!" }
{ "af": "Slegs doen ' n rugsteun", "en": "Next HotSync will be restore ." }
{ "af": "Die klere van die onlangs oorledene, mev.", "en": "What dost thou bringeth me? The vestments of the newly departed, milady." }
{ "af": "Kennisgewing vir vol battery", "en": "Full Battery Notification" }
{ "af": "Inverse hoë kontras", "en": "High Contrast Inverse" }
{ "af": "swart nar", "en": "black joker" }
{ "af": "Vertikaal oplyn:", "en": "Set Vertical Alignment" }
{ "af": "Gaan die huidige dokument se spelling na.", "en": "Checks the spelling of the current document." }
{ "af": "Webkamera-toestelstring-aanduier", "en": "Camera device string indicator" }
{ "af": "[LÊER...] [+LYN[:KOLOM]]", "en": "[FILE...] [+LINE[:COLUMN]]" }
{ "af": "na laaste wagwoord verander.", "en": "Time before password expires to & issue an expire warning:" }
{ "af": "Om alles te verloor wat hy het sal nie help nie, hulle sal hom tot in die graf agtervolg", "en": "Losing all he's got won't help. They will pursue him to his grave." }
{ "af": "Voltooiïng Lys Gestoor", "en": "Completion List Saved" }
{ "af": "Het jy baie gewerk?", "en": "Did you work a lot?" }
{ "af": "KAB vCard XXPort inprop moduleComment", "en": "KAB vCard XXPort Plugin" }
{ "af": "Ongedefinieerd voorwerp \" % 1 \" .", "en": "Undefined object \" %1 \" ." }
{ "af": "- Natuurlik.", "en": "Of course." }
{ "af": "LatviaName", "en": "Latvia" }
{ "af": "Moenie jou toordery gebruik om my te hipnotiseer nie!", "en": "Do not use your sorcery to try to hypnotise me!" }
{ "af": "WennerCity name (optional, probably does not need a translation)", "en": "Winnipeg" }
{ "af": "Sagter Speler", "en": "Lower Player" }
{ "af": "Wys inligting oor die huidige lêer", "en": "Show information about the current file" }
{ "af": "Maar ek bedoel, hy het dit tog nie losgekoop, tog? Prima.", "en": "I mean, if he did, then of course I'm glad, but, I mean, he hasn't redeemed himself, has he?" }
{ "af": "mense wees wat help wanneer", "en": "be people who will assist whenever" }
{ "af": "Xterm Kleure", "en": "XTerm Colors" }
{ "af": "Diff Instellings", "en": "Diff Settings" }
{ "af": "Voeg _spasies in plaas van keepkarakters in", "en": "Insert _spaces instead of tabs" }
{ "af": "Hierdie is eksperimenteel kode wat huidiglik benodig 'n spesiaal gelapde weergawe van Gnu Backgammon.", "en": "This is experimental code which currently requires a specially patched version of GNU Backgammon." }
{ "af": "Oudiotoestel", "en": "Video device" }
{ "af": "Mistige roos3color", "en": "NavajoWhite2" }
{ "af": "- Wat wil jy nie hê nie?", "en": "- You don't want what?" }
{ "af": "herverwerk", "en": "View with Opera" }
{ "af": "Eintlik ons ook!", "en": "Us too, as a matter of fact." }
{ "af": "Voorgrond:", "en": "Foreground:" }
{ "af": "Stop terugspeel-sleutel", "en": "Stop playback" }
{ "af": "Handtekeningalgoritme", "en": "Signature Algorithm" }
{ "af": "Suriname", "en": "Suriname" }
{ "af": "Wil u definitief 'n nuwe projek skep en die huidige een verwerp?", "en": "Do you really want to create a new project and discard the current one?" }
{ "af": "Hierdie is ' n redelike tegniese fout in wat ' n benodig toestel vir netwerk kommunikasie ( ' n soket ) kon nie wees geskep .", "en": "This is a fairly technical error in which a required device for network communications ( a socket ) could not be created ." }
{ "af": "Toegang tot oproepgeskiedenis en foonboek van jou Fritz!Box en kennisgewings van inkomende en uitgaande oproepe", "en": "Access call history and phone book of your Fritz!Box and get notifications on incoming and outgoing calls." }
{ "af": "Jy kan tog nie dink dat ek...", "en": "What did you do to deserve it, I wonder?" }
{ "af": "Kyk daardie bokkie.", "en": "Look at the chick there." }
{ "af": "CWWMComment", "en": "CWWM" }
{ "af": "Dis très sympathique, maar nie baie belowend nie", "en": "- Didn't you want him then? - No." }
{ "af": "Die geneste X-bediener (Xnest) is nie beskikbaar nie, of gdm is swak gekonfigureer. Installeer asb. die Xnest-pakket om die geneste aanmeld te kan gebruik.", "en": "The nested X server (Xnest) is not available, or GDM is badly configured. Please install the Xnest package in order to use the nested login." }
{ "af": "Ek sou sê ...", "en": "I'd say..." }
{ "af": "StrandCity in Ontario Canada", "en": "Marathon" }
{ "af": "A", "en": "A" }
{ "af": "Bestemming:", "en": "Destination:" }
{ "af": "Ja, dis hy, dank God", "en": "It's him, thank God." }
{ "af": "Kon nie hulp vertoon nie: %s", "en": "Failed to display help: %s" }
{ "af": "% 1H % 2M", "en": "%1%2 : %3" }
{ "af": "afbeelding", "en": "page" }
{ "af": "%s: BasisX-sessie is leeg, gebruik %s/gdm/X-sessie", "en": "%s: BaseXsession empty; using %s/gdm/Xsession" }
{ "af": "60", "en": "60" }
{ "af": "Nêrens", "en": "Nowhere" }
{ "af": "\"Weet sy ooit dat sy 'n kind is?\"", "en": "\"did she know at least she was a child? \"" }
{ "af": "Swaaiend dromend", "en": "You stir in your sleep" }
{ "af": "Stoor Lêer as ...", "en": "Save File As ..." }
{ "af": "Hierdie lys wys jou gekonfigureerde outoboekmerk tekste. Wanneer 'n dokument oopgemaak is, word elke teks gebruik soos volg: Die teks is verwerp, as' n mime en/ of lêernaam masker gedefnieër is, en geen daarvan die dokument pas. Andersins word elke lyn van die dokument probeer teenoor die patroon, en 'n boekmerk word geplaas op die passende lyne. < ul > Gebruik die knoppies hieronder om jou kolleksie van tekste te bestuur.", "en": "This list shows your configured autobookmark entities. When a document is opened, each entity is used in the following way: The entity is dismissed, if a mime and/ or filename mask is defined, and neither matches the document. Otherwise each line of the document is tried against the pattern, and a bookmark is set on matching lines .< ul > Use the buttons below to manage your collection of entities." }
{ "af": "Die boodskap se datum sal vergelyk word teen 00:00 van die gespesifiseerde datum.", "en": "The message's date will be compared against 12:00am of the date specified." }
{ "af": "Bladskud", "en": "Handshake" }
{ "af": "Aktiveer Outokorreksie", "en": "Disable Autocorrection" }
{ "af": "myl,myle,myl", "en": "mile,miles,mi" }
{ "af": "Rekening reeds in gebruik", "en": "Account in use" }
{ "af": "%s %s ná die begin van die afspraakPlay a sound", "en": "%s %s after the start of the appointment" }
{ "af": "Radium", "en": "Radius:" }
{ "af": "Modulo-deling", "en": "Modulus divide" }
{ "af": "PalauName", "en": "Palau" }
{ "af": "Vergroot die beeld", "en": "Enlarge the image" }
{ "af": "% 1 planes", "en": "%1 planes" }
{ "af": "Datum en Tyd:% 1", "en": "Date and Time: %1" }
{ "af": "Hou op!", "en": "Arbitration, peroration lnnovation, intuition" }
{ "af": "Verander sleutel + links knoppie:", "en": "Modifier key + left button:" }
{ "af": "Verstrek", "en": "Scripting" }
{ "af": "U sertifikate", "en": "Your Certificates" }
{ "af": "as die program onder 'n ontfouter (debugger) loop kan dit' n implesiete - nograb veroorsaak. Gebruik - dograb om dit te oorheers", "en": "running under a debugger can cause an implicit -nograb, use -dograb to override" }
{ "af": "Beeldaansig", "en": "Image View" }
{ "af": "Ligging van beeldlêer", "en": "Location for Image File" }
{ "af": "Hier is al my nommers", "en": "Here are all my numbers." }
{ "af": "ruitedame", "en": "Remove the queen of diamonds." }
{ "af": "ManlikCity in Marshall Islands", "en": "Maloelap" }
{ "af": "en saam vereer ons die Koning van die wyn!", "en": "His Majesty's rule is known throughout the land" }
{ "af": "Verstek skrif tipe:", "en": "Separate paths" }
{ "af": "van Junie", "en": "of June" }
{ "af": "Bordgrootte", "en": "Board Size" }
{ "af": "Kwin4 : Twee speler netwerk speletjie", "en": "KFourInLine : Two player board game" }
{ "af": "Standaardkleur vir nuwe notas", "en": "Default Note Properties" }
{ "af": "Hoe noem jy hom? .", "en": "- How are you called?" }
{ "af": "Ek glo so en ek dink julle is baie tydig, want", "en": "- I believe so. You're in luck." }