stringlengths 1
| translation
translation |
251 | {
"en": "Bread",
"fr": "Pain"
} |
1189 | {
"en": "Non-alcoholic soft drink",
"fr": "Boisson rafraîchissante sans alcool"
} |
3594 | {
"en": "Apple tarte Tatin, raw double cream",
"fr": "Tarte Tatin, crème crue."
} |
687 | {
"en": "Burger Sauce",
"fr": "Sauce burger"
} |
2076 | {
"en": "White fish with Parisian-style sauce (mushrooms sauce)",
"fr": "Poisson blanc à la parisienne (sauce aux champignons)"
} |
212 | {
"en": "Veal, rib, grilled/fried",
"fr": "Veau, côte, grillée/poêlée"
} |
994 | {
"en": "Green mango",
"fr": "Mangue verte"
} |
2122 | {
"en": "Stuffed salmon",
"fr": "Saumon farci"
} |
1317 | {
"en": "Greek-style yogurt, with sheep's milk",
"fr": "Yaourt à la grecque, au lait de brebis"
} |
423 | {
"en": "White rice, cooked, unsalted",
"fr": "Riz blanc, cuit, non salé"
} |
3432 | {
"en": "Cancale oysters n°3 (9 pieces)",
"fr": "Huîtres de Cancale n°3 (9 pièces)"
} |
3006 | {
"en": "Liver, young cow, cooked",
"fr": "Foie, génisse, cuit"
} |
160 | {
"en": "Beef, entrecote, lean part, grilled/fried",
"fr": "Boeuf, entrecôte, partie maigre, grillée/poêlée"
} |
607 | {
"en": "Herbs of Provence, dried",
"fr": "Herbes de Provence, séchées"
} |
1709 | {
"en": "Broad bean, without peal, frozen, water boiled",
"fr": "Fève, pelée, surgelée, cuite à l'eau"
} |
1330 | {
"en": "Yoghurt, fermented milk or milk speciality, with chocolate chips, with cream, sweetened",
"fr": "Yaourt, lait fermenté ou spécialité laitière, aux copeaux de chocolat, à la crème, sucré"
} |
1346 | {
"en": "Yogurt or dairy speciality, plain (medium)",
"fr": "Yaourt ou spécialité laitière nature (aliment moyen)"
} |
3070 | {
"en": "Mineral still water, Aix-les-Bains, bottled, lightly mineralized",
"fr": "Eau minérale Aix-les-Bains, embouteillée, non gazeuse, faiblement minéralisée"
} |
1932 | {
"en": "Soft round doughnut, without filling, sprinkled with sugar",
"fr": "Beignet rond moelleux, sans fourrage, saupoudré de sucre"
} |
2352 | {
"en": "Atlantic herring, fried",
"fr": "Hareng, frit"
} |
190 | {
"en": "Beef, sirloin steak, grilled/fried",
"fr": "Boeuf, bavette d'aloyau, grillée/poêlée"
} |
289 | {
"en": "Puffed wholemeal rice cake",
"fr": "Galette de riz soufflé complet"
} |
1967 | {
"en": "Biscuit bar filled with fruits, reduced fat",
"fr": "Barre biscuitée fourrée aux fruits, allégée en matière grasse"
} |
1920 | {
"en": "Blinis",
"fr": "Blini"
} |
3039 | {
"en": "Tripe, beef, raw",
"fr": "Tripes, boeuf, crues"
} |
1353 | {
"en": "Plain white cheese, 0% fat",
"fr": "Fromage blanc nature, 0% MG"
} |
941 | {
"en": "Milky beverage with fruits (without cereals) for baby's snack from 4/6 months",
"fr": "Boisson infantile lactées aux fruits pour le goûter dès 4/6 mois (sans céréales)"
} |
1723 | {
"en": "Crisps of turban squash (phoenix variety), pulp",
"fr": "Chips de giraumon (variété phoenix), pulpe"
} |
520 | {
"en": "Octopus, raw",
"fr": "Poulpe, cru"
} |
1769 | {
"en": "Soy dessert, flavored, sweetened, not fortified",
"fr": "Dessert au soja, aromatisé, sucré, non enrichi"
} |
2210 | {
"en": "Baguette sandwich, various raw vegetables, mayonnaise",
"fr": "Sandwich baguette, crudités diverses, mayonnaise"
} |
954 | {
"en": "Apple puree, type compote with no added sugar",
"fr": "Purée de pommes, type compote sans sucres ajoutés"
} |
159 | {
"en": "Beef, rib eye, raw",
"fr": "Boeuf, basse-côte, crue"
} |
2531 | {
"en": "Tabbouleh or chicken couscous salad, pre-packaged",
"fr": "Taboulé ou Salade de couscous au poulet, préemballé"
} |
2852 | {
"en": "Chicken leg, meat, roasted/baked",
"fr": "Poulet, cuisse, viande, rôti/cuit au four"
} |
749 | {
"en": "Boulette d'Avesnes",
"fr": "Boulette d'Avesnes"
} |
3384 | {
"en": "LOBSTER ROLL ",
} |
1529 | {
"en": "Caesar's mushroom, raw",
"fr": "Champignon, oronge vraie, crue"
} |
3483 | {
"en": "Calzone, fresh cream, pine nuts, cognac",
"fr": "Calzone, crème fraîche, pignons, cognac"
} |
1348 | {
"en": "Yoghurt or dairy speciality with fruit (medium)",
"fr": "Yaourt ou spécialité laitière aux fruits (aliment moyen)"
} |
1555 | {
"en": "Iceberg lettuce, raw",
"fr": "Laitue iceberg, crue"
} |
2094 | {
"en": "Meat in sauce",
"fr": "Viande en sauce"
} |
3632 | {
"en": "A thick stack of fluffy spirulina pancakes, drizzled with maple syrup and served with sliced avocado, banana, raspberries and crispy bacon.",
"fr": "Une épaisse pile de pancakes moelleux à la spiruline, arrosés de sirop d'érable et accompagnés de tranches d'avocat, de banane, de framboises et de bacon croustillant."
} |
320 | {
"en": "Brioche with custard filling (Chinese type)",
"fr": "Brioche fourrée crème pâtissière (type chinois)"
} |
493 | {
"en": "Whole wheat dry pasta, raw",
"fr": "Pâtes sèches, au blé complet, crues"
} |
1042 | {
"en": "Almond (with skin)",
"fr": "Amande (avec peau)"
} |
2448 | {
"en": "Conger, raw",
"fr": "Congre, cru"
} |
3524 | {
"en": "Freshly squeezed orange or grapefruit juice",
"fr": "Jus d'orange ou pamplemousse frais"
} |
2335 | {
"en": "Miso soup",
"fr": "Soupe miso"
} |
3105 | {
"en": "Mineral sparkling water, Ste-Marguerite, bottled, averagely mineralized",
"fr": "Eau minérale gazeuse, Ste-Marguerite, embouteillée, moyennement minéralisée"
} |
2860 | {
"en": "Chicken, wing, meat and skin, raw",
"fr": "Poulet, aile, viande et peau, cru"
} |
904 | {
"en": "Compote, all types of fruit",
"fr": "Compote, tout type de fruits"
} |
396 | {
"en": "Black pudding, sautéed/fried",
"fr": "Boudin noir, sauté/poêlé"
} |
2072 | {
"en": "Lasagna or cannelloni with fish",
"fr": "Lasagnes ou cannellonis au poisson"
} |
2441 | {
"en": "Horse mackerel, raw",
"fr": "Chinchard, cru"
} |
306 | {
"en": "Viennese pastry",
"fr": "Viennoiserie"
} |
3164 | {
"en": "whipped butter, red salt, marinated olives ",
"fr": "beurre fouetté, sel rouge, olives marinées "
} |
2203 | {
"en": "Baguette sandwich, ham, emmental cheese, butter",
"fr": "Sandwich baguette, jambon, emmental, beurre"
} |
2292 | {
"en": "Crepe or buckwheat pancake filled with fish and/or seafood",
"fr": "Crêpe ou Galette de sarrasin fourrée au poisson et / ou fruits de mer"
} |
1888 | {
"en": "Chouquette (choux pastry with pearl sugar)",
"fr": "Chouquette (pâte à choux avec sucre perlé)"
} |
262 | {
"en": "Bread with bran",
"fr": "Pain de mie, au son"
} |
1869 | {
"en": "Shortcrust pastry, pure butter, raw",
"fr": "Pâte brisée, pur beurre, crue"
} |
2819 | {
"en": "Muesli, flakes (Bircher-style), with fruits or dried fruits, fortified with vitamins and minerals",
"fr": "Muesli, floconneux (style Bircher), aux fruits ou fruits secs, enrichi en vitamines et minéraux"
} |
2175 | {
"en": "Pizza with chorizo or salami",
"fr": "Pizza au chorizo ou salami"
} |
30 | {
"en": "Pineapple juice, reconstituted from concentrate",
"fr": "Jus d'ananas, reconstitué à partir de concentré"
} |
1659 | {
"en": "Onion, white or yellow, sautéed/pan-fried, without fat",
"fr": "Oignon blanc ou jaune, sauté/poêlé sans matière grasse"
} |
3297 | {
} |
1399 | {
"en": "Tiramisu, pre-packaged",
"fr": "Tiramisu, préemballé"
} |
719 | {
"en": "Soft round cheese with bloomy rind 5 to 11% fat (Camembert type)",
"fr": "Fromage rond à pâte molle et croûte fleurie 5 à 11% MG type camembert allégé en matière grasse"
} |
2721 | {
"en": "Brown sugar",
"fr": "Sucre roux"
} |
2478 | {
"en": "Anchovy in salt (semi-preserved)",
"fr": "Anchois au sel ( semi-conserve)"
} |
3237 | {
} |
2927 | {
"en": "Salty snacks, made from potato",
"fr": "Biscuit apéritif, à base de pomme de terre"
} |
3378 | {
} |
988 | {
"en": "Juice of dwarf golden apple (local variety), ripe fruit, pure filtered juice",
"fr": "Jus de prune de cythère verte naine (variété hybride), fruit mûr, pur jus filtré"
} |
182 | {
"en": "Beef, steak or steak, raw",
"fr": "Boeuf, steak ou bifteck, cru"
} |
1985 | {
"en": "Snack with fruit filling",
"fr": "Goûter fourré parfum fruits"
} |
2243 | {
"en": "Pork skewer, raw",
"fr": "Brochette de porc, crue"
} |
712 | {
"en": "Baking Soda",
"fr": "Bicarbonate de soude"
} |
1273 | {
"en": "Semi-skimmed milk, UHT, fortified with vitamin D only",
"fr": "Lait demi-écrémé, UHT, enrichi en vitamine D seulement"
} |
557 | {
"en": "Snail, without added fat, cooked",
"fr": "Escargot, sans matière grasse ajoutée, cuit"
} |
3367 | {
} |
1664 | {
"en": "Leek, boiled/cooked in water",
"fr": "Poireau, bouilli/cuit à l'eau"
} |
2691 | {
"en": "Cervelat (from Obernai Alsace)",
"fr": "Cervelas (d'Obernai en Alsace)"
} |
1488 | {
"en": "Escarole, raw",
"fr": "Scarole, crue"
} |
165 | {
"en": "Beef, sirloin, roasted/baked",
"fr": "Boeuf, faux-filet, rôti/cuit au four"
} |
830 | {
"en": "Pélardon (goat cheese)",
"fr": "Pélardon (fromage de chèvre)"
} |
1125 | {
"en": "Vegetable fat (margarine type), spreadable, 30-40% fat, light, semi-salt",
"fr": "Matière grasse végétale (type margarine), à tartiner, à 30-40% MG, légère, demi-sel"
} |
2279 | {
"en": "Greek style mushrooms, canned",
"fr": "Champignons à la grecque, appertisés"
} |
1471 | {
"en": "Green beans, frozen, cooked",
"fr": "Haricot vert, surgelé, cuit"
} |
1990 | {
"en": "Wafer biscuit, with fruits",
"fr": "Gaufrette fourrée, aux fruits"
} |
1823 | {
"en": "Egg white, cooked",
"fr": "Blanc d'oeuf, cuit"
} |
2190 | {
"en": "Beef skewer",
"fr": "Brochette de boeuf"
} |
108 | {
"en": "Dauphine potato, frozen, cooked",
"fr": "Pomme de terre dauphine, surgelée, cuite"
} |
2676 | {
"en": "Sausage, dried",
"fr": "Saucisse sèche"
} |
907 | {
"en": "Apple, dry",
"fr": "Pomme, sèche"
} |
2844 | {
"en": "Frog, leg, raw",
"fr": "Grenouille, cuisse, crue"
} |
3348 | {
"en": "house-cured praline bacon, chopped egg, tomato jam, fines herbes, prosciutto, baby toast crouton, pistachio",
"fr": "bacon praliné maison, œuf haché, confiture de tomates, fines herbes, prosciutto, croûton de pain grillé, pistache"
} |
3152 | {
"en": "Rice starch",
"fr": "Amidon de riz"
} |
3178 | {
} |
Subsets and Splits