stringlengths 1
| translation
translation |
2423 | {
"en": "Swordfish, roasted/baked",
"fr": "Espadon, rôti/cuit au four"
} |
173 | {
"en": "Beef, skirt steak, grilled/fried",
"fr": "Boeuf, hampe, grillée/poêlée"
} |
2324 | {
"en": "Vegetable broth",
"fr": "Bouillon de légumes"
} |
392 | {
"en": "Tripe in the style of Caen",
"fr": "Tripes à la mode de Caen"
} |
2638 | {
"en": "Minced ham",
"fr": "Haché de jambon"
} |
278 | {
"en": "Bread for hamburger or hot dog (bun)",
"fr": "Pain pour hamburger ou hot dog (bun)"
} |
689 | {
"en": "Grand Veneur sauce",
"fr": "Sauce grand veneur"
} |
3523 | {
"en": "Choice of hot drink",
"fr": "Boisson chaude au choix"
} |
3082 | {
"en": "Mineral still water, Dax, bottled, averagely mineralized",
"fr": "Eau minérale non gazeuse,, Dax, embouteillée, moyennement minéralisée"
} |
1500 | {
"en": "Mushroom, morel, raw",
"fr": "Champignon, morille, crue"
} |
3431 | {
"en": "Rye bread, lemon, Breton cider vinegar, shallot",
"fr": "Pain de seigle, citron, vinaigre de cidre breton, échalote"
} |
912 | {
"en": "Lemon zest",
"fr": "Citron, zeste"
} |
2749 | {
"en": "Bite-sized chocolate filled with nuts and/or praline",
"fr": "Bouchée chocolat fourrage fruits à coques et/ou praliné"
} |
2048 | {
"en": "Cantonese rice",
"fr": "Riz cantonais"
} |
3398 | {
"en": "Smoked haddock, honey and mendiants",
"fr": "Haddock fumé, miel et mendiants"
} |
828 | {
"en": "Ewe's whey cheese",
"fr": "Fromage de lactosérum de brebis"
} |
1054 | {
"en": "Coconut, immature almond, fresh",
"fr": "Noix de coco, amande immature, fraîche"
} |
1800 | {
"en": "Lamb, neck, braised or boiled",
"fr": "Agneau, collier, braisé ou bouilli"
} |
448 | {
"en": "Amaranth",
"fr": "Amarante"
} |
1957 | {
"en": "Butter biscuit",
"fr": "Biscuit sec petit beurre"
} |
495 | {
"en": "Raw gluten free dry pasta",
"fr": "Pâtes sèches, sans gluten, crues"
} |
3083 | {
"en": "Mineral sparkling water, Didier, bottled, strongly mineralized",
"fr": "Eau minérale gazeuse, Didier, embouteillée, fortement minéralisée"
} |
995 | {
"en": "Melon",
"fr": "Melon"
} |
736 | {
"en": "Epoisses",
"fr": "époisses"
} |
3338 | {
"en": "THE DRAGON",
"fr": "LE DRAGON"
} |
3261 | {
} |
1083 | {
"en": "Hazelnut, roasted, salted",
"fr": "Noisette grillée, salée"
} |
3068 | {
"en": "Okra, fruit, cooked",
"fr": "Gombo, fruit, cuit"
} |
621 | {
"en": "Fresh aromatic herbs",
"fr": "Herbes aromatiques fraîches"
} |
3202 | {
} |
1126 | {
"en": "Vegetable fat (margarine type), spreadable, 30-40% fat, light, sweet, rich in omega 3",
"fr": "Matière grasse végétale (type margarine), à tartiner, à 30-40% MG, légère, doux, riche en oméga 3"
} |
3041 | {
"en": "Offal, cooked",
"fr": "Abat, cuit"
} |
2670 | {
"en": "Diot (sausage from Savoy), raw",
"fr": "Diot (saucisse de Savoie), cru"
} |
2559 | {
"en": "Burbot, raw",
"fr": "Lotte de rivière, crue"
} |
2171 | {
"en": "Sushi or Maki with seafood",
"fr": "Sushi ou Maki aux produits de la mer"
} |
1235 | {
"en": "Oolong tea, brewed, unsweetened",
"fr": "Thé oolong, infusé, non sucré"
} |
2547 | {
"en": "Trout, farmed, raw",
"fr": "Truite d'élevage, crue"
} |
2091 | {
"en": "Beef, meat balls, cooked",
"fr": "Boeuf, boulettes, cuites"
} |
3477 | {
"en": "Tomato, mozzarella fior di latte, fresh basil",
"fr": "Tomate, mozzarella fior di latte, basilic frais"
} |
2541 | {
"en": "Northern pike, roasted/baked",
"fr": "Brochet, rôti/cuit au four"
} |
2733 | {
"en": "Maple syrup",
"fr": "Sirop d'érable"
} |
339 | {
"en": "Fish rillettes",
"fr": "Rillettes de poisson"
} |
220 | {
"en": "Veal, fillet, raw",
"fr": "Veau, filet, cru"
} |
3434 | {
"en": "Cancale oysters n°3 (12 pieces)",
"fr": "Huîtres de Cancale n°3 (12 pièces)"
} |
1120 | {
"en": "Vegetable fat (margarine type), 60% fat, light, sunflower, sweet",
"fr": "Matière grasse végétale (type margarine) à 60% de MG, allégée, au tournesol, doux"
} |
630 | {
"en": "Cider vinegar",
"fr": "Vinaigre de cidre"
} |
3368 | {
"en": "pesto crusted, marinara, goat cheese polenta, blistered tomato, olive, brown butter breadcrumb",
"fr": "en croûte de pesto, marinara, polenta au fromage de chèvre, tomate confite, olive, chapelure au beurre brun"
} |
1762 | {
"en": "Smoked tofu",
"fr": "Tofu fumé"
} |
578 | {
"en": "Parsley, dried",
"fr": "Persil, séché"
} |
3073 | {
"en": "Mineral sparkling water, Arcens, bottled, medium mineralized",
"fr": "Eau minérale gazeuse, Arcens, embouteillée, moyennement minéralisée"
} |
1804 | {
"en": "Lamb, neck, raw",
"fr": "Agneau, collier, cru"
} |
2399 | {
"en": "Spiny scorpionfish, raw",
"fr": "Rascasse, crue"
} |
1756 | {
"en": "Tomatoe, whole, raw",
"fr": "Tomate, entière, crue"
} |
3101 | {
"en": "Mineral sparkling water, Salvetat, bottled, averagely mineralized",
"fr": "Eau minérale gazeuse, Salvetat, embouteillée, moyennement minéralisée"
} |
2515 | {
"en": "Tuna in sunflower oil, flaked, canned, drained",
"fr": "Thon à l'huile de tournesol, miettes, appertisées, égouttées"
} |
2484 | {
"en": "Common anchovy, marinated",
"fr": "Anchois commun, mariné"
} |
2777 | {
"en": "Milk breakfast cereal bar, with or without chocolate, fortified with vitamins and minerals",
"fr": "Barre céréalière pour petit déjeuner au lait, chocolatée ou non, enrichie en vitamines et minéraux"
} |
2167 | {
"en": "Gougère (small cheese chou-pastry puff)",
"fr": "Gougère (petit chou au fromage)"
} |
2965 | {
"en": "Frozen dessert, puff pastry, to share",
"fr": "Dessert glacé, feuilleté, à partager"
} |
3597 | {
"en": "Sea bream carpaccio, albacore tuna cream, celery stalks.",
"fr": "Carpaccio de daurade, crème de thon blanc, céleris branches."
} |
2496 | {
"en": "Salmon, boiled/cooked in water, farmed",
"fr": "Saumon, bouilli/cuit à l'eau, élevage"
} |
2959 | {
"en": "Custard dessert, canned",
"fr": "Crème dessert, appertisée"
} |
1445 | {
"en": "Radish, red",
"fr": "Radis rouge"
} |
71 | {
"en": "Fruit nectar - orange base",
"fr": "Nectar multifruit - base orange"
} |
2734 | {
"en": "Chocolate ice cream bar",
"fr": "Barre glacée chocolatée"
} |
1101 | {
"en": "Butter oil or concentrated butter",
"fr": "Huile de beurre ou Beurre concentré"
} |
3320 | {
} |
1106 | {
"en": "Butter with 60-62% fat, reduced fat, semi-salted",
"fr": "Beurre à 60-62% MG, à teneur réduite en matière grasse, demi-sel"
} |
2127 | {
"en": "Lasagna or cannelloni with vegetables, prepackaged, cooked",
"fr": "Lasagnes ou cannellonis aux légumes, préemballés, cuits"
} |
3111 | {
"en": "Mineral still water, Vittel, bottled, averagely mineralized",
"fr": "Eau minérale non gazeuse, Vittel, embouteillée, moyennement minéralisée"
} |
272 | {
"en": "Brioche bread",
"fr": "Pain de mie brioché"
} |
1503 | {
"en": "Sorrel, raw",
"fr": "Oseille, crue"
} |
1260 | {
"en": "Rice beverage, plain",
"fr": "Boisson au riz, nature"
} |
1642 | {
"en": "Broccoli, steamed",
"fr": "Brocoli, cuit à la vapeur"
} |
985 | {
"en": "Grapefruit juice (local variety), pure juice",
"fr": "Jus de pamplemousse (variété locale), pur jus"
} |
2438 | {
"en": "Blackspot seabream or blackspot seabream, raw",
"fr": "Dorade rose, ou daurade rose, crue"
} |
3402 | {
"en": "Main Courses",
"fr": "Plats"
} |
1606 | {
"en": "Pan-fried dish of vegetables seasoned without mushrooms, frozen, raw",
"fr": "Poêlée de légumes assaisonnés sans champignon, surgelée, crue"
} |
1181 | {
"en": "Tea, infused, unsweetened",
"fr": "Thé infusé, non sucré"
} |
168 | {
"en": "Beef, sirloin, raw",
"fr": "Boeuf, faux-filet, cru"
} |
3341 | {
"en": "house smoked salmon, avocado, cream cheese, sesame seeds, fresh salmon, sweet soy, scallions",
"fr": "saumon fumé maison, avocat, fromage frais, graines de sésame, saumon frais, soja doux, oignons verts"
} |
1123 | {
"en": "Vegetable fat (margarine type), reduced fat content unknown, sweet",
"fr": "Matière grasse végétale (type margarine), teneur réduite en matière grasse inconnue, doux"
} |
3271 | {
"en": "Ham & Cheese croquette",
"fr": "Croquette jambon-fromage"
} |
574 | {
"en": "Vinegar",
"fr": "Vinaigre"
} |
554 | {
"en": "Mussels in marinara (onions and white wine)",
"fr": "Moules marinières (oignons et vin blanc)"
} |
2264 | {
"en": "Vegetable gratin in white sauce, bechamel type, cooked",
"fr": "Gratin de légumes en sauce blanche type béchamel, cuit"
} |
844 | {
"en": "Pineapple",
"fr": "Ananas"
} |
3633 | {
"en": "Tuna mayo spread on toast with melted cheddar, oven baked, topped with pickled red onions, cornichons and avocado",
"fr": "Toast au thon mayo avec cheddar fondu, cuit au four, garni d'oignons rouges marinés, de cornichons et d'avocat."
} |
1726 | {
"en": "Chayote with green skin, pulp, steamed",
"fr": "Christophine à peau verte, pulpe, cuite à la vapeur"
} |
2499 | {
"en": "Salmon, grilled/pan-fried",
"fr": "Saumon, grillé/poêlé"
} |
1035 | {
"en": "Wild boar, raw",
"fr": "Sanglier, cru"
} |
2797 | {
"en": "Breakfast cereals, plain puffed/popped rice, fortified with vitamins and minerals",
"fr": "Céréales pour petit déjeuner, riz soufflé nature, enrichi en vitamines et minéraux"
} |
2206 | {
"en": "Provencal-style tomato (breaded tomatoes stuffed with garlic and parsley), home-made",
"fr": "Tomate à la provençale (tomates panées farcies à l'ail et au persil), fait maison"
} |
3059 | {
"en": "Plantain banana, raw",
"fr": "Banane plantain, crue"
} |
691 | {
"en": "Kebab sauce",
"fr": "Sauce kebab"
} |
1662 | {
"en": "Parsnip, smothered",
"fr": "Panais, cuit à l'étouffée"
} |
2624 | {
"en": "Cooked ham, superior quality, with rind",
"fr": "Jambon cuit, supérieur, avec couenne"
} |
3093 | {
"en": "Mineral sparkling water, Parot, bottled, averagely mineralized",
"fr": "Eau minérale gazeuse, Parot, embouteillée, moyennement minéralisée"
} |
76 | {
"en": "Fruit juice, pure juice",
"fr": "Jus de fruits, pur jus"
} |
234 | {
"en": "Veal, shank, raw",
"fr": "Veau, jarret, cru"
} |
Subsets and Splits