Paul: coffee break? Jane: and a cigarette? Paul: Yesss! in 5? Jane: see ya :)
Paul and Jane will have a coffee break and a cigarette in 5 minutes.
Alice: I see you girls are getting ready for Black Friday :D Veronica: HAHAHA, yes! Cara: <3 Cara: <file_photo>, I love this dress Alice: It is gorgeous! Veronica: <file_photo> the season is open :) Cara: Haha, I am on my way as well! Alice: And I am still working :( Veronica: Say that you feel bad and need to leave ASAP :D Alice: Yeah, that won't be at all suspicious :D Cara: Zara has -30% on EVERYTHING Veronica: <file_photo> mission accomplished, I am poor but happy Cara: Money can buy happiness after all :P Alice: Hopefully there will be something left by the time I leave work, I also want to buy some of that happiness :)
Veronica and Cara are going shopping on Black Friday sales. Alice is still at work.
Philip: Do you think it's possible to have legal pot in Poland anytime soon? Chris: I doubt it. It's more like 10 years from now. Philip: :( Chris: Yeah I feel you man. Chris: I'm waiting for that moment too. Chris: When you're not scared to have a plant on your own, to grow yourself a recreational MJ to chill out in the evening... Philip: Seems like a dream. Chris: Yup. A dream. Because if cops find such a plant in your house right now, you get a criminal record, and will be charged with drug trafficking. Philip: <file_other> Philip: Have you read about this guy? Chris: Yeah, I've seen the news. He had this giant plantation underground. He even had a secret enterence in the forest. Philip: Shame. I'm curious about this stuff Philip: They confiscate and destroy it. But do they destroy it all? Chris: Hahaha. I thought about it multiple times. Chris: They must take some for themselves. At least a tiny fraction. Philip: We live in a country where it's totally legal to get devastated by alcohol, get drunk and every shop has a variety of vodka on shelves, and you can be put in prison for smoking a joint. Chris: Sad bad true. Chris: <file_other> Chris: But there is always hope. Chris: More and more states in the US legalizes weeed. Latetly Canada made some progress. Chris: And now I hear something about Luxembourg getting ready with it. Philip: Maybe EU has some concept for it. Chris: It would be the first and probably last good decision the EU officials made :) Philip: Hahahah. Philip: You really don't like the EU do you? Chris: I don't like the way it functions. The idea itself was good, but the way it evolves is hideous. Philip: This is the topic for another time though... Philip: Gotta go. Say hello to Jenny. Chris: Sure thing! Bye!
Philip and Chris are waiting for the time when pot is legal in Poland. Chris doesn't like the way the EU functions.
Ron: Omg I've just eaten the biggest bag of gummy bears that's ever been produced Angelina: that does not sound to smart Ron: no Ron: I'm expecting sugar coma any minute now Angelina: haha Angelina: drink some dark tea Angelina: it will counter the sweetness Ron: if I can get up from the sofa Angelina: go Ron!! go Ron!! Ron: and I'm up Ron: How are things? Angelina: well I haven't eaten a kilogram of sugar Angelina: so not bad :D
Ron has eaten a huge bag of gummy bears.
Brandon: Mom, I forgot the keys! Mom: Grrrr...again? Brandon: I was leaving so fast, I didn't want to be late for school. Mom: Well, I'm already on my way to work. Brandon: So what now? Mom: Come by my work after school to pick it up. Brandon: How will I find you? Mom: Just write me when you get to the reception. I'll come down. Brandon: Ok, thanks. Bye. Mom: Bye
Brandon will write to Mom when he gets to the reception.
Jerry: Guys, tomorrow we’re having the last class this year. Wanna go out for a beer after the classes? Jerry: Let me know what u think about it Kate: I have a train to Boston tomorrow at 6 p.m. Do u propose to go out somewhere near the university? Michael: I’m in 😊 Last week we were with Mike and Susie at John’s. We were waiting for our order for half an hour but it was great to be able to meet… Jerry: I was thinking about a pub somewhere in the downtown… Mike: Yes! Let’s meet in a really nice place, not where we’ll have to wait ages for our order! Patricia: Guys, I can’t meet this weekend, sorry ☹ Frank: Me neither, soooory! Jerry: I’m just thinking that if we can’t meet this weekend maybe in two weeks’ time? Patricia: I’m away in two weeks ☹ Kate: I can’t guys, sorry!! I’m in Boston Frank: What would you say if we meet on Wednesday? Mike: Sure, Wednesday is perfect for me! Michael: For me too! Jerry: Ok then, who can meet on Wednesday at 7 p.m.? Kate: Well…I’m away, guys Patricia: Ok, I’m in 😊 Mike: Me, too! Jerry: Me, too Frank: And me! Jerry: Great! Let’s meet at the entrance to our university on Wednesday at 7 p.m. Mike: Ok! Patricia: Sure!
Jerry, Patricia, Mike, Frank and Michael are meeting at the entrance to their university on Wednesday at 7 p.m. to go for a beer. Kate's away, so she can't join them.
Michaela: Did I tell you how I got scammed??? Tiffany: No way!! Michaela: Yeah... my bank account was drained Pauline: Fuck. how much did they take? Michaela: About 10.000.... Tiffany: How did it happen? Michaela: I saw an add on ebay Michaela: Someone was giving away kids toys for free Michaela: They said they didn't need them anymore. Michaela: They only asked me to pay for delivery Michaela: 7 pounds for the DHL Michaela: They sent me a link to the "DHL" website which redirected me to my bank Michaela: Both websites were fake as I later discovered Michaela: They got all my data Michaela: After I paid for "delivery" they made a few transfers from my account Michaela: I was left with 0 pounds Pauline: OMG that's horrible Pauline: Did you call you bank? Michaela: Sure. I made a claim. Michaela: I also went to the police.
Michaela got scammed. Somebody stole about 10.000 from her bank account by sending her a fake DHL link.
Jessica: <file_photo> Jessica: new addition to the family :) Kate: amazing Kate: he's super cute Kate: when did you get it? Jessica: we brought him home today Jessica: he's still a bit scared Kate: I can imagine Kate: how old is he? Jessica: a bit over 2 months Kate: did Josh knew about it? Kate: he never wanted to have a dog Jessica: I can be very persuasive when needed ;) Jessica: besides once he saw him for the first time he was sold Kate: let's wait for some rainy days when he'll have to take him for a walk ;) Jessica: I don't think that will be a problem for him Jessica: I'm more worried about myself ;) Kate: you always wanted your own dog Jessica: of course but I like to sleep as well ;) Kate: who said the dog won't like that ;) Jessica: that's always possible Jessica: you should visit us soon to see him in person Kate: I will Kate: you know that I like dogs as well :)
Jessica and Josh have a new dog. Jessica is worried that she won't be able to sleep. Kate is going to visit Jessica to see the dog.
Jimmy: Hey, guess what? My car's completely kaput! Carrie: What happened? Jimmy: Don't know, either the battery, alternator, engine or a combination of all three Carrie: Where is it now? Jimmy: Yesterday I managed to jump-start it and it was fine, but then Amy took the car and stopped to get something at the store, and then she couldn't get it to start again Carrie: Sucks! Wanna borrow my Mercedes? Jimmy: How are you gonna get it to me? You live so far from the city now Carrie: I don't live that far! It's only like 20 km Jimmy: I'll let you know Carrie: I can drive it into the city, and then you can drive me back home, then you'll have the car :) Jimmy: :) Hmm… I still gotta do something about my car Carrie: Actually, you should buy mine and get rid of yours Jimmy: :-/ Yeah, lately there's always something with it. Anyways, I'll let you know. I may need it, Amy's sister is coming to visit. Carrie: Ok, see ya Jimmy: Bye
Jimmy's car is broken down. Jimmy will either borrow or buy Carrie's car. Jimmy needs the car as Amy's sister is coming to visit.
Terry: Hi Sara! Terry: I'm sorry, but I won't come tomorrow, I'm ill. Sara: Hi! Sara: Sorry to hear that. Sara: Of course, I understand. Sara: Take good care of yourself! Sara: Do you have everything you need? Terry: Yes, I'm okey, I have good neighbours. Just need a few days of rest. Sara: I see. Get well soon! Terry: Thank you & have fun tomorrow! Sara: We will! :D
Terry won't come tomorrow as she is ill. Terry has good neighbors.
Sam: Wanna grab a beer? Andy: Sure, in a n hour? Sam: great Andy: see you
Andy and Sam are going for a beer in an hour.
Franek: whazaaaap😎😎😎 Maciek: whazaaaap! How are you doing, you potato-face brain fart?(^0_0^) Franek: cool! I have 2 weddings, conference, I'm moving to another city soon and looking for a job, so quite intense I'd say Maciek: Nice to hear that~ I'm doing good. Maciek: I have got an envitation for presenting my research next month Maciek: I had a grear time here Maciek: Last time I gave one seminar in my previous university Franek: That sounds cool, it seems like you're having busy life Franek: Do you have some recording of your speech? Franek: I'd like to see that if possible:) Maciek: I will record it in the next presentation.....φ(・∀・*).....φ(・∀・*) Maciek: Not really busy tho Maciek: At least I'm working on my research
Maciek will present his research next month.
Marry: Could anybody take one of the leaflets for me? Kate: I took a few Philip: me too, they're quite cool Marry: thanks!
Kate and Philip took the leaflets for Marry.
Mica: Hey, I really liked your book review. very insightful. Andy: Thanks! It was a challenging book to write about, but fun too. Mica: Im going to post it on the website Tuesday and will let you know once its live. Andy: Thanks! I can't wait to hear what others think. Mica: It should get a lot of hits. Andy: excellent Mica: :)
Mica praises Andy's book review. Mica is going to post the review on the website on Tuesday then let Andy know. They expect it to be popular.
Matt: Hello I didn't have any change to leave you so for next time it be 30zl less. hope that's ok! Hannah: ok no problem I forgot to tell you that I have no change today Matt: Hey! running little behind today, so I will be closer to 10:20-10:30 hope thats ok! Hannah: ok Matt: Hey! I got my school schedule. could we move are Tuesday class to Wednesday? and do Wednesday- Friday? Hannah: ok, so still 3 days from wed to Friday :) Matt: yes! I cal still do 3 if that works for you Hannah: yes, it is great! :)
The conversation is incomprehensible.
Clara: Do you speak Thai by any chance??? George: LOL Peter: Nope Clara: I'm stuck in this shithole I need help Clara: I'm trying with the google translate but it's not great. Clara: I don't understand what they are saying to me... George: What happened?? Clara: My motorcycle broke Peter: Wait I have a Thai friend Peter: I'll try to call him maybe he could translate Clara: That would be awesome! Clara: Thanks Peter Clara: It is so frustrating not being able to communicate...
Clara's motorbike broke in Thailand and she needs someone to help her communicate. Peter will ask his Thai friend.
Amelia: I just turned on the tv hahaha Jackson: ?? Amelia: it can be dangerous on Sunday at 10am Jackson: What is on? Amelia: BRIDEZILLAS Jackson: no. Amelia: yes. Jackson: is that even a thing? Amelia: Yes and it's terrific Jackson: Is it what it sounds like? Amelia: and more Jackson: so brides who..? Amelia: Are more a pain in the ass then me when I'm PMSing times million Jackson: hahhaha Amelia: I can wholeheartedly recommend it Jackson: Wait a sec I'll get my remote Amelia: I feel like making pop corn but it's a bit too early in the morning for pop corn Jackson: I feel like it deserves some vodka Amelia: definitely too early for that Jackson: :D
Amelia and Jackson are going to watch BRIDEZILLAS on the tv.
Sheila: How's Iceland? What on earth are you doing there?:D No cooler places to go to? Billy: I like the cold! It's really not that bad here. The place is amazing. Really beautiful. Sheila: I've only been to Reykjavik but it looked pretty great. Didn't get a chance to hike around tho. Do you? Billy: It's way too much snow right now. I actually stared knitting. Sheila: NO WAY! You started knitting?! Made any sweaters yet? :D Billy: I'm making a scarf. I'm 50km away from Rey and in the middle of nowhere so honestly had nothing better to do one day and though why not? it's not that difficult. Sheila: And if you get good at it, you won't hace to do any christmas shopping! :D just make everyone if your family a scarf! Billy: i'm sure my family from Florida would appreciate scarves lol
Billy is in Iceland 50 km away from Reykjavik. It's too much snow to hike so Billy started knitting. Billy is making a scarf. Sheila has been to Reykjavik.
Ronnie: What brand is your TV George: It's Samsung. Ronnie: Woow! how much did it cost you? George: 430 dollars Ronnie: Cool
George has a Samsung TV that cost him 430 dollars.
Jake: Hey guys, are we meeting today? I am already there :P Meredith: I am on my way, should be there in a few minutes Paula: <file_photo>, which one of these is it? Jake: Neither :) It is the one right outside the underground, it takes 30 seconds to get there once you leave it Paula: Aaa, I know which one. Apparently these maps haven't been updated for quite some time :P
Jake is waiting for Meredith and Paula.
Victor: Where are you guys? Thomas: Looking for a parking space Victor: Shit, good luck XD Thomas: Damn Victor: Let me know when you're out of the car, it's freaking cold outside and I prefer to wait for you at the bar Thomas: Ok Victor: By the way the beer is great here Thomas: Good to know! But we have to go to the theater first Victor: Yep, I know
Thomas is looking for a parking space. Victor is waiting at the bar.
Lawrence: Hi. What's up? U ignored me last time ;) Noel: Hey. How are you ? Lawrence: I'm ok, i came back home from school some time ago. U? Noel: Cool I'm lying on my bed watching a movie Lawrence: Nice. Coming back to what I wrote before U ignored me last time. I wrote so much and I got no reply haha Noel: Because I don't know what to say to you Lawrence: Ok Noel: Yeah. What are you up to ? Lawrence: Just lying on my bed Noel: And? Haha Lawrence: Resting. I'm tired Noel: Oh shame Lawrence: I need to finish my studies and finally do sth with my life Noel: I'm sure you'll find something
Noel has ignored Lawrence's last message. Lawrence came home from school and is resting. Noel is watching a movie.
Poppy: Jack? Mia: hi Poppy: ... ;d Jack: Yeah? Poppy: send me the materials plz Jack: Oh! Sorry, on it!
Jack will send Poppy materials she asked for.
Dora: Sorry Kev, I cant come to the party Dora: my moms ill and I need to look after Lucy:( Kev: Im sorry... But I see Lori: Oh, what a pity, Dora! Dora: :( Lori: Whats up with your mom? Dora: She has a fever, about 39 degrees, and a terrible cough Kev: thats too bad:( Lori: I hope she gets better soon! Give her my regards :* Dora: thanks!
Dora can't come to Kev's party. Her mum's ill and she has to take care of Lucy.
Tom: How are you today? Jenny: I'm fine, already at the office Mia: Me too! Tom: Great, I was afraid it could be difficult after last night
Jenny and Mia are feeling fine after last night.
Mum: remember to take an umbrella, it's raining outside Sarah: ok, mum Mum: good day, sweety Sarah: thanks, you too, mum
Mum reminds Sarah to take an umbrella because it's raining.
Audrey: I saw you guys on the street Henry: We didn't see you Ernest: Why didn't you talk to us? Audrey: I was in the bus
Audrey saw Henry and Ernest from a bus.
Milo: <file_photo> Dean: woooow, Paris Milo: yesssss, so nice, you have to bring Christine with you here sometime Dean: When we win the lottery Milo: Haha, anyway, best from Paris!!
Milo is in Paris. Dean likes Milo's photo. Milo invites Dean and Christine to visit him sometime.
Josie: So how was your first day at the gym? Jim: Oh, it was ok, I thought my muscles would hurt more after it Josie: Hah, well, good for you!
Jim has been to the gym for the first time, but his muscles don't hurt much.
Grace: how long have you known jack? Anderson: not sure... Anderson: maybe 5 years? Grace: what does he do for a living? Anderson: i dont know :-/ Grace: you don't know?!?!?! lol Grace: you've known the man for five years!!!! Anderson: i'm not sure what he does lol Anderson: why do you ask? Grace: because yesterday when we all went out he kept complaining about it Grace: how he didn't like any of his colleagues... Grace: how he had to travel all the time... Grace: stuff like that Anderson: again, i don't know what he does Anderson: i'll ask next time i see him
Anderson has known Jack for about 5 years, but doesn't know what he does for a living. Yesterday Jack complained to Grace about his work. Anderson will ask Jack about it when he sees him next time.
Christina: At what time does the concert start? Leslie: 8 PM Leslie: Still we need to be there earlier. Christina: So when? Leslie: Let's meet at 7 in front of the Dome? Christina: It's a big place, I don't think "in front" will do the trick. Christina: Especially before the concert, there's bound to be lot of people. Leslie: True. Leslie: How about near the statue? Christina: There's two of them near the Dome. Leslie: I'm still talking about the front, so the one with the birds. Christina: Sure, shouldn't be hard to find each other if we stay close to it. Leslie: Great, it's settled then. Leslie: 7 PM, in front of the Dome, near the "birds" statue.
The concert starts at 8 PM. Leslie and Christina will meet at 7 PM in front of the Dome near the statue with the birds.
Denny: <file_photo> Denny: sleep tight my dearest! Wilma: Morning! thanks for the photos! may I forward them to the Hobbs? Wilma: it's 9:40! where are you? Denny: did you forget? I've got an appointment at 10 Wilma: sorry!! I forgot Wilma: are you in the waiting room? Denny: just arrived Denny: I'll call you afterwards Wilma: ok
Denny has an appointment at 10. He'll call Wilma afterwards.
Dakarai: What does that mean on your profile state on your kakaotalk?😏 Dakarai: I can only see some foreign language??😏😏 Czar: It means "I'd like to focus on only nice people, not the morons"🤨🤨🤨 Dakarai: Where did you get it? Czar: A friend of mine from Russia told me. Czar: It feels like it's fit on my status nowawdays....(°レ°)...............
Czar's profile on Kakaotalk shows a text in a foreign language meaning that he would like to focus on nice people only, and not on morons. He got it from a Russian friend. Dakarai did not understand it but would find it useful on his profile too.
Gloria: <file_photo> Gloria: XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Ted: nigga dayum these brows live their own life :O Ted: where did you find this xDDDDDDDDD Gloria: <file_photo> Gloria: me everyday Frank: hahahhahahah i'm out Frank: ey, any homework for tomorrow? Gloria: nope Gloria: but we're having a test with this fancy dude Ted: nigga whaaaaaaaaaat Ted: what test what dude whaaaaaaaat ://////////// Gloria: typology, chapter 1 and 2 Frank: i remember
Ted, Gloria and Frank are having a typology test tomorrow.
Isabella: Why oh why is my complexion so rubbish!?? Poppy: have you considered going on the pill? Isabella: i did but what if i decide to go off the pill? Poppy: yeah, there must be a reason why your skin is bad Mia: have you seen a dermatologist? Isabella: he prescribed me meds that i don’t want to use! Only as a last resort! Mia: big no no to touching your face with dirty hands! Isabella: i know and i use beauty products for acne prone skin Mia: Clean your phone, makeup brushes & sponges, wash pillow case & scarf- see if it helps Poppy: change your diet Isabella: i stay away from fast food and try to eat as healthy as possible Poppy: that’s not enough- dairy, gluten, too much fruit/veggies, sugar, wine can all cause acne Isabella: OMG! So what am i supposed to eat? Whatever! i’ll try anything! Poppy: and drink lots of water! X Mia: do you still smoke? Isabella: no! I quitted last year! Mia: good girl! X Poppy: try supplements Isabella: i try to relax as it can be related to stress Poppy: sure it can be related! Go get some blood tests done!
Isabella's complexion is rubbish. Mia suggests focusing on hygiene and Poppy on a proper diet.
Jon: Hi! I saw you were looking for a Swedish-speaking person. Here I am! What's up? Rory: Hey Jon! Rory: Thanks for your message Rory: Have you got any experience in translation of a web page then placement on translated text in to code? Jon: Nope, I have never dealt with translations of this sort so far. Rory: Well, I guess I can shoot you an email with what i need and you can see if you can manage it Rory: If that's ok. Jon: That sounds like a good idea Jon: There you go: jon.jonsson (at) Rory: And if it's not interesting, I appreciate this as well. Rory: Perfect thanks will send it to you by the end of the day or first thing tomorrow. Jon: Thanks so much! I'll let you know as soon as I chew it over.
Rory is looking for a Swedish-speaking translator for a website. He will email Jon the details tomorrow morning.
Karan: Hey Piyush! How are you? Piyush: Hey, I’m good. What about you? Karan: I am fine. So in which company are you working? Piyush: I am working with Concentrix. Karan: What is your post? Piyush: I am in the security department. Karan: That’s great! Piyush: Not that great. Karan: Why so? Piyush: I am not that happy with this post. Karan: Which is the perfect post for you? Piyush: I like manager post than security. Karan: Why don’t you try in some other company? Piyush: I am planning to do that. Karan: better try it out if youre not happy with your current post Piyush: whwn the time comes i surely will, thanks anyway? Karan: okay then.
Piyush is working at Concentrix in the security department. He's not happy with his post and prefers a manager position. Piyush plans to change his job.
Larry: Tom, I still owe you 20 bucks Tom: Really? I don't remember XD Larry: Yeah, you paid for me at the bar yesterday Tom: Oh, right Larry: When can I give you those 20 bucks? Tom: No hurry, man Larry: But tell me, it's important Tom: A Larry Stern always pays his debts? Larry: Hahahahah, yeah Tom: Ok, I'll be at Joe's later today, around 5 Larry: Ok Tom: But I don't need those 20 bucks, really Larry: No way! Tom: Sigh... ok
Larry and Tom are going to meet today at Joe's, around 5 o'clock. Larry is going to pay 20 dollars back to Tom. He owes them because Tom paid for him at a bar yesterday.
Joseph: Hey baby whats happening? Emma: Nothing just waiting there are so many candidates.. its a panel interview Joseph: Dont worry ... its all going to be ok... just be confident you will get the job Emma: i am so nervous its been 9 years i was home i feel useless now Joseph: Dont be stupid. education and experience do not fade away.. just be confident Emma: Ok honey Joseph: believe in yourself and just remember you can do everything in this world. Emma: Thanks honey for all the moral support it means alot! Joseph: i want you to be confident like before dont be so self conscious. you were the best and you are the best Emma: :) love you for everything.. Joseph: love you too babe.. how much time for your turn Emma: they just called my name ... see ya honey Joseph: See you babe good luck
Emma is having a job interview. She hasn't worked for 9 years.
Gaby: Hey Brittany: hey. Gaby: How's it goin? Brittany: I mean, it's going. Gaby: You know what I mean. Brittany: Well, I'm not sure that I do. Gaby: Gah, Brit, are you still mad at me? Brittany: uhh, yeah, are you kidding me? It's literally been 4 days. Gaby: Yeah, I know, but I thought maybe we could talk about it. Brittany: I don't know what you want me to say. I mean I'm still pretty torn about it. I don't really feel like talking Gaby: You know, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to find out like that. Brittany: Gee, thanks. Doesn't really make it any easier. Gaby: Well I thought maybe if we had talked about it before, it could have been easier. Brittany: you know, honestly, I feel stupid. I should have known. You guys have been doing this to me for a while. So I can't act too surprised. Gaby: Brit, you know that's not true. Why would you think that? Brittany: WHY WOULD I THINK THAT? Seriously, Gaby, don't play dumb. Gaby: I'm not playing dumb. I just honestly mean I'm sorry. I wanted to apologize. Brittany: but I don't want your apology. If you just messaged me to say your stupid sorry, then you said it. Can I help you with anything else Gaby: please don't be like this. we can't do this over facebook. Can we meet to talk? Brittany: No, I really don't want to. Gaby: I really think talking in person would help. Brittany: I don't really have anything else to say. I gotta go now. Bye.
Brittany is mad at Gaby. Gaby wants to meet up and talk about the issue but Brittany doesn't want to.
Charlie: hey, I'm not sure if I'll make it tonight... Thomas: Hey! Why not? What's up? Charlie: i've got a shitload of work to do still... Charlie: I thought I'd be done by now, but yeah... Thomas: Oh come on, how come you're always so busy? Aren't you overworking yourself a bit? Charlie: i don't know man, it's always so difficult to start and then there's suddenly so much work and so little time Thomas: So you're just procrastinating. Charlie: well, heh, I guess, but it's not like i'm watching tv series or playing computer games or anything Charlie: i get up at 10, have my breakfast, drink my tea, my coffee, browse the net a bit, another tea, then it's lunch time... Charlie: and then it's 6pm suddenly and I've neither started my work nor done anything useful in particular Thomas: Are you maybe depressed or something? Charlie: nah I don't think so, maybe it's the gloomy weather or i'm just too tired after the whole week Charlie: either way, I really need to do something about this, i'm just wasting time Thomas: Well, you definitely should. Anyway, are you sure you won't make it? Anne will be very disappointed :/. Charlie: yeah, i'm pretty sure, sorry :(( i'm also disappointed. i'll talk to her later Thomas: OK. Good luck with your work and see you tomorrow! Charlie: thanks! see you!
Charlie won't make it tonight as he has too much work. Thomas reckons Charlie is working too much or he's depressed. Anne will be disappointed. Thomas will talk to her later. Thomas will see Charlie tomorrow.
Graham: i'm getting a new computer and i know you've always liked mine Jasper: i LOVE your computer <3 Jasper: your computer is almost new, though Jasper: why are you getting rid of it?? Graham: i just want a NEWER one lol Jasper: check you out $$$ Jasper: rubbing it in my face that i have an oooooooooold computer Graham: i wanted to know if you wanted my computer Jasper: YES!!!! Jasper: THAT WOULD BE AMAZING!!!!!!!!! Graham: i'll swing by your place to drop it off later today Jasper: THANKS MAN!!!!
Graham is getting a new computer. Jasper will get his old one. Graham will come and drop it off later today.
Calvin: Dude. What’s up? Columbus: Still breathing. Calvin: You want a blind date?☺️☺️☺️ Columbus: Oh, really? When? Where? Is she pretty?😍😍😍😍 Calvin: One by one. Don’t ask me too many questions at once. Columbus: Sorry. XD XD Calvin: She is a friend of my girlfriend’s. I met her last night with my girlfriend. She seemed nice. Columbus: Pretty?Pretty?Pretty?Pretty?💃💃💃 Calvin: Yes she is Columbus: When?When?When?When?When?😍😍😍 Calvin: I will ask her when then. Columbus: Did you show my pictures already to her? What if should she swear at you after seeing me? Calvin: I already did. No worries. Columbus: Okay then. Relieved. Text me later after asking her then. Columbus: Dude, Thanks. You’re my life saver. 😎😎😎😎
Calvin will arrange a blind date for Columbus. She is a friend of Calvin's girfriend. Calvin met her last night when he went out with his girlfriend. She already saw photos of Columbus and agreed to see with him. Calvin will ask her when she wants to meet and will text Columbus later.
Fleur: I am going to get a xmas tree Fleur: wanna come with me? Paul: No sorry Paul: I have stuff to do Paul: I have to pick up my brother Paul: And clean up my house before parents come for xmas Fleur: I see Paul: Thanks tho Paul: I will get a xmas tree tomorrow Fleur: Okay Fleur: Have fun Paul: thanks take care Fleur: :)
Fleur is going to get a Christmas tree. Paul has to pick up his brother and clean up the house before his parents come for Christmas. He will get a Christmas tree tomorrow.
Annie: Miraaaaaaaa where are you Mira: fuck it fuckers fuck fuck fuckin subway Annie: xD Mira: they closed the central station again so I had to run for the bus Mira: now I'm stuck in traffic Annie: the worst Mira: so I think I'l be half an hour late Annie: Ok don't worry I saved you a seat Mira: thanks :* Annie: at the front, right in the middle Mira: ... Annie: next to Sam who picks his nose Mira: haha you evil person Annie: yeah we are at the back like the cool highschool girls that we still are deep inside Mira: <3 Mira: that warms my heart Annie: okay I'm taking notes and waiting Mira: see you in a bit! Annie: :*
Mira is running half an hour late for a class because the central metro station is closed. Annie save her a seat.
Lizzy: Did you get a link from me? Mary: No, what link? Lizzy: I sent you a link to pics from the trip. Mary: Try again.
Mary hasn't received the link to the photos from the trip that Lizzy sent to her. Lizzy will try again.
Alice: Make sure to be on time today, you have been running late the last couple of weeks. Joana: Sorry.. Haven't been feeling very well, think I should go to the doctor. Alice: It's ok if you need some time off. Just get yourself better please. Joana: Thank you, I will.
Alice thinks Joana has been running late the last weeks. Joana hasn't been feeling very well recently and should see a doctor. Alice allows her to have some time off.
Andy: Hi, how is your weekend going? Bart: Good, and yours? Andy: Pretty good, running errands, cleaning, doing laundry. Bart: Did you hear about the new movie in theaters? Andy: no, which one? Bart: "Bohemian Rhapsody" Andy: Is that the one with Freddie Mercury? Bart: Yes, that's the one. Do you want to see it? Andy: Sounds good. When? Bart: Tonight. Andy: Ok, what time? Bart: 7:30 PM. I will pick you up. Andy: Great! I will see you then.
Bart will pick up Andy and they will go see the movie Bohemian Rapsody at 7:30 PM tonight.
Marcus: Hey! is Harry going to footie today: Jason: Not sure - he said he might have to help his mum with something Marcus: Bad luck for him!!! His mum is always wanting him to do something Jason: That's love for you.... Marcus: True bruv... Jason: Are you playing in the match? Marcus: No they said there was too many players....but some of them are rubbish so don't really get why everyone has to take a turn.... Jason: Yeah......they can't even lame Marcus: Ok, bus is here so see ya!!!!
Harry won't play football today, because he has to help his mother. Marcus is not playing in the match, because there is too many players.
Alan: guys, you're Americans, could you tell me how much should I tip in NYC, I'm always confused Peter: I'm British :P Alan: Once sb told me it's about 10% Alan: that it's decent Josephine: No, I'd say at least 15% Melissa: In NYC I always give at least 20% Jay: me too Alan: What? That's a lot! Melissa: I know, but there are good reasons for that Melissa: waiters get paid very badly in NYC Jay: if they get paid at all Melissa: exactly Alan: what? Melissa: it's said that nowadays a lot of business owners don't pay waiters because they assume they would get tips Jay: and of course they don't have health insurance and so on, very often Jay: so conditions of this work are very bad generally Alan: So we basically chip in their salary? Jay: yes, it seems so Melissa: I believe in most of cases it's true
Alan isn't sure if a 10% tip is enough in NY. Josephine usually tips minimum 15%, Jay and Melissa more than 20%. Many NY waiters don't get regular wages or don't have health insurance so they have to rely on tips as only income.
Ford: when should I go and pick you up? Gary: I think that 6.30PM would be just fine Gerard: for me it is also fine Ford: OK! Ford: The bitches don't know what's coming Gary: we wil kill that party Gerard: I guess that another door will fly :) Ford: haha, don't turn your "Andrew" mode on :)))) Gary: <file_gif> XD Gerard: I bet that they will accidentally be pull out from hinges once more ;P
Ford will pick up Gary and Gerard at 6.30 to go to the party.
Henry: Ann, I'm sorry but I'll be late about 20min Ann: I see. But it's raining Henry: I know, that's also why the traffic is so horrible Ann: Would you mind if I waited in the bookstore at the square? Henry: not at all, a great idea! Ann: Perfect, just call me when you're here Henry: I will, see you Ann: See you
Henry will be 20 minutes late for his meeting with Ann. Ann will wait for him at the bookstore.
Tim: How's oreo? Seth: worse :/ Tim: shiiit Seth: mum's thinking about putting him down Tim: srsly? Seth: yeaj but I can't do it Tim: is he in pain? Seth: he can't eat anymore so I'm feeding him with a little spoon Tim: poor oreo Seth: I don't know maybe I should take him to the vet Tim: wel he is over 16 years old Seth: can you imagine? I was only 10 when my parents got him Tim: *well Seth: anyway, how are you? Tim: okay, busy at work Seth: how's Susan? Tim: on a business trip to Vienna Seth: quite a traveler that Susan :) Tim: she's coming back tomorrow Seth: :)
Seth's pet Oreo that he got when he was 10 is feeling worse and they're thinking of putting him down. Tim is busy at work and Susan is on a business trip to Vienna.
Lilly: I've found the PERFECT dress for the homecoming Catherine: do you have any pictures?? Lilly: DUH!!! Catherine: show me show me!!! Lilly: <file_photo> Catherine: this is outstanding baby!!! You look like a movie star <3 <3 Lilly: I know right? do you have yours already? Catherine: <file_photo> Lilly: oh damn you!!! that's even better than mine hahaha ;( Catherine: no it's not lol :D you look like a princess, I will look like a potato as usual Lilly: stop it haha, all the boys will be looking at you anyways ;* Catherine: yeah I know I'm hot, what can I do about it? hahaha
Lilly has bought a dress for the homecoming.
Casper: Yo mate. Casper: Remind me please, because I have a problem to remember this one Casper: When is Sebastian's birthday? Andrew: I think it was 19th Andrew: At least I think it is Andrew: This day is so hard to remember. If it was an even number, at the begining, or at the and of October, it would be a lot easier. Casper: Hahaha. I thought I only had this problem to remember :) Andrew: Ok. I confirm it's 19th Andrew: <file_photo> Andrew: I'm a devoted fan of "search in conversation" option in Messenger. Casper: Nice! Casper: Everyone's got that 1 friend who has Facebook skills as he worked for the FBI! Andrew: Hahahah! To many crime stories mate! Casper: Maybe.
Using the "search in conversation" option in Messenger, Andrew confirms Sebastian's birthday is on the 19th.
Timothy: have you heard about the mass shootings? Kimberly: duh Kimberly: who didn't Homer: you have to be more specific Homer: there are more school shootings than other school events these days Timothy: I'm talking about this California kid Kimberly: incel strikes again Homer: do you think his virginity is important here? Kimberly: well yes because his note mentioned his incel status as something that defines him Timothy: people are batshit insane these days Homer: so you think he did it out of sexual frustration Kimberly: he did it because he's mental that's for sure Timothy: they are blaiming blue balls for everything Homer: this incel culture is new to me Kimberly: oh my sweet summer child Kimberly: <file_other> Kimberly: read and weep Timothy: ignorance is a bliss in this case Kimberly: true, but on the other hand, it won't last long Homer: so you are telling me the number of frustrated, mental virgins is going up? Timothy: YES Kimberly: yep Homer: ....fuck Kimberly: congrats, you're officially an adult now Homer: this article... I can't Timothy: there goes his innocence Timothy: I can almost hear it Homer: I had no idea there are so many psychos like that Kimberly: every woman knew that already because we know how horrifying dating can be Kimberly: it's news only for men, tbh
There was a mass shooting in California.
Adella: Hey!! So, for the longest time I've a crazy idea, that we should compose something together :D (Seeing as we both have Musescore, why not?) Basically, I would compose a few bars of music, then you, then me ect. What do you think? Rod: Great idea Adella: :D Rod: Have you composed something already? Adella: No! :P Wwould you like to start? We have different styles, but I don't mind adjusting to whatever you create. Rod: Okay, I can try :) I'm curious what we'll create. XD Adella: Oh, and I'm insisting on the rule: "I'll compose it when I compose it and send it when I send it". Sounds good? Rod: Sounds great! Obviously we're both so busy and this definitely doesn't take priority :) Rod: I'll probably only manage to get started on the weekend. Adella: That's alright - are you sure you're okay with starting? I don't mind. Rod: No, it's fine :) I want to. Adella: Great! :D See you on the other side ;)
Rod and Adella will compose a song together. They are both busy and Rod will start first at the weekend.
Kate: Marsha, could you pick up the child from the nursery? Marsha: Sure, I can Kate: We'll pay for the taxi of course Tommy: But could you take Uber? it's more reasonable Marsha: I don't know how to use it Tommy: find an app in your store (apple or android) called "uber", register, it's super easy Kate: But does Marsha have a credit card? Marsha: No, I don't Tommy: 21st century and there are people without credit cards?! Kate: Tommy, please Kate: We will pay a regular taxi, don't worry Marsha Marsha: ok!
Marsha will pick up he child from the nursery in a taxi and Kate will pay her back. Marsha doesn't have a credit card so cannot use Uber. Tommy finds it strange.
Hailey: What are we buying for Mark and Jenna? Ava: idk, i have no idea Ava: i googled out "gifts for newlyweds" and the internet recommended me embroidered pillowcases and a custom-label mason jar candle :/ do people rly buy this shit?? Hailey: How about an excursion? Check this out: Hailey: <file_other> Ava: looks great! and it's not that expensive Ava: you know i'm always broke af :p Hailey: :) So you agree? Are we buying this? Ava: yeah, sure, this is a great idea Ava: what would i do without you, Hailey :)
Hailey and Ava will buy an excursion for Mark and Jenna as their wedding present.
Russ: Hey, are you going trick or treatin' tonight? Jody: Yeah, just have to put some finishing touches on my costume. Russ: Cool, what are you going to be? Jody: A witch, naturally. Russ: hehe...fits you Jody: Shut up! LOL Jody: How about you? Russ: I'll surprise you. Jody: Ok, probably someone in uniform, right? Russ: You'll see. Talk to you later. Jody: Bye
Russ and Jody are going trick-or-treating tonight. Jody has to finish her witch costume. Russ is going to surprise Jody with his costume.
Parker: I want to buy a new jacket. Stephanie: What's wrong with the one that you have? Parker: I want diversity LOL Andy: Do you need us? Parker: Actually YES ;-) I could use your opinion. Andy: Go ahead! Parker: So I have those two models... Parker: <file_photo> Parker: <file_photo> Parker: Which do you think is better? Andy: 1, no doubt about it!! Stephanie: I prefer the 2nd Andy: No way, where would you wear that? It's not your style at all...
Parker wants to buy a new jacket and needs his friends' opinion. Andy likes the first model better, while Stephanie would choose the second one.
Camilla: Good morning, Josh! How are you? This is Camilla. I wanted to know if there's any update as far as Airbnb goes? I received an email indicating they wanted to stop it Josh: Good morning. Will sent you an email I wrote to sum things up. Is that okay? Camilla: Of course, thank you! Josh: Just give me a while to get up. I'm in Barbados :) Camilla: Enjoy your vacation! I just got back from Thailand! Josh: Thailand is one of my favs. Where did you go? Camilla: I went to pataya beach, phuket, chang mai and Bangkok. It was awesome :) How's Barbados? Josh: Oh it's great. Very relaxing
Josh is in Barbados. He will send Camilla an email about Airbnb. Camilla just returned from Thailand. They both like it.
Jess: OMG did you see what Keira posted on fb yesterday???? Paige: YEAH! omg she's completely lost it. That girl needs to learn some manners lol Jess: I know! You can't just go around posting such things about your bf's family! has she completely lost her mind? Paige: she's always been a little... "different", I guess now she just doesn't care who knows though! Jess: I mean, if my bf said my mom was an UNGRATEFUL SNOB he wouldn't be my bf for long... Paige: Exactly... and have you even seen her jewelry? looks like somethin I made when I was 5 :D no way I would wear that now! and Sean's mom is so classy, she's not gonna wear a macaroni necklace in public... Jess: Right? she accepted the gift, smile and move on and don't pressure her to wear it in a family portrait lol Paige: well, I guess Sean is gonna be back on the market soon Jess: You think??? I don't think she's gonna let that one sneak away so easily, you know how clingy she gets. and he's a great catch! Paige: ok but two more "handmade" pieces and she's OUT! hahahaha Jess: yeah, but I don't think Sean can bring her home again, not for a while tho Paige: I hear she has an awesome condo her dad got her when she was 19... if only I were so lucky... I don't think she's ever even had a job! Jess: wow, and she has the nerve to call someone a snob. Well, excuse me, your highness, not all of us can make papermarche junk and not worry about rent! just get a job like the rest of us! Paige: :D I couldn't say it better myself. well, maybe Sean is hoping to get dibs on the condo when she finally ends up in rehab... Jess: I don't think Sean is like that. I think he genuinely is into her, who know for what reason. I mean, I guess she isn't TERRIBLE. just spoiled!!! Paige: yeah. promise me you gonna tell me if you ever see me turning into her! Jess: of course, honey, that's what friends are for :)
Keira made some handmade jewelry for her boyfriend's mother. She apparently didn't like it too much. Keira publicly called her an ungrateful snob. Her boyfriend, Sean, is really into her. Jess and Paige don't really understand why.
Elijah: Welcome to all the participants of our sailing course. I will be your instructor. We meet on Monday, 6 p.m. in room 12. Luis: Hello! Do I need to wear a specific type of clothes? I'll be coming straight from work, so I'd like to know beforehand if I need to pack something to change into. Elijah: Hello, Luis. The first lesson will be purely theoretical, so you don't need any special gear. Abel: Will it be okay if I bring my son with me? I've got no one to leave him with. He's six y.o. and he can be quiet when told to behave. Elijah: Of course. Abel: Thank you!
Elijah is an instructor of the sailing course. The meeting with participants is on Monday, 6 p.m. in room 12. Luis and Abel ask him about organisational matters.
Martha: I made a list of gusts for our party Martha: <file_other> Martha: of course, you're welcome to add whoever you want Maria: it's already quite big... Jose: Tom? Martha: he's my ex Jose: but he's carrying the title of the Asshole of The Town! Martha: doesn't make sense to ostracise him anymore Liam: Martha, have you seen him recently? Martha: I did Liam: are you dating him again? Martha: not really Maria: After all what he did to you? Martha: don't exaggerate Maria: you almost ended up in a mental hospital, we had to rescue you in the last moment Martha: this is a list of MY guests, I have the right to invite whoever I want Maria: eh
Martha made a list of guests for the party. She invited her ex, Tom, who treated her badly.
Bran: Has the boss accepted your request? Joe: He's thinking about it. Bran: So you still don't know what to do? Joe: Exactly. Bran: Not good. Joe: Are you going to plead with him again? Bran: If I don't get the answer today, I guess I will have no other choice. Joe: Have you got any strategy? Bran: Have you ever had any strategy when it comes to the boss? Joe: You're right. No approach is good enough. Bran: I just need to wait. Till tomorrow. Then I'll act . Joe: Keep my fingers crossed for you :-) Bran: Thanks, man :-) Joe: I really think that your request is well-grounded. You have every right to ask for some free days. This company is not your whole world. You need a break, take it. Bran: Well, you understand it, a few other people understand it. I need some understanding from the top too. And here is the problem. Joe: That sucks. Bran: As hell. Joe: Anyway, if you get the decision, whatever it is, let me know. Bran: OK. Thanks for the support. Joe: Next time I will need your support and I'm sure you'll be there for me too :-) Bran: As always. Joe: Exactly. Take care! Bran: Cheers!
Bran asked his boss for some free days, but he hasn't got any answer yet. Joe believes Bran's request should be satisfied.
Monica: Hi John, how r u doing? John: Oh, fine thanks, been a little bit busy recently Monica: BTW I talked with Sophie on Monday. John: and? Monica: She wants to meet this weekend. Do u have some time for us? John: Gr8! Sure, where do u wanna go? Monica: I dunno, some ideas? John: there’s a fantastic restaurant in the city centre Monica: do you invite us to dinner? John: Yep! Y not? Monica: Gr8! Where do you wanna meet? John: Let’s meet at Berkeley Square at 7 Monica: Sounds perfect John: Okay! XOXO Monica: XOXO
Monica wants John to invite her and Sophie to dinner in the city centre. They will meet at Berkeley Square at 7.
Agnes Smith: Good evening, I am writing on behalf of JKO. We would like to invite you to our Natural Products Expo. If you’re a retailer, distributor, supplier, investor, health practitioner, or business that’s related to the natural products industry, the Natural Products Expo is something you won’t want to miss. The event will include an exhibit hall with over 3,000 exhibitors, educational sessions, and speakers. Note that this event isn’t open to the general public. Agnes Smith: We invite you to sign up here: Agnes Smith: <file_other> Jude Wallington: Thank you very much for the invitation. What is the cost of participation in the event? Agnes Smith: There is no entrance fee. Jude Wallington: Thank you very much. Agnes Smith: You're welcome.
Agnes Smiths invites Jude Wallington to the Natural Products Expo and asks her to sign up for it. Jude also asks about the price.
Ashley: So you going to Australia? Beau: yes Beau: For summer Ashley: Nice Beau: Any recommendations? Ashley: I liked Sydney a lot Ashley: Urulu was great Beau: Did you fly to Uluru Ashley: I did :) Ashley: From Sydney Beau: To Alice Springs? Ashley: Yes exactly Ashley: Qantas Link flies there Beau: How much did you pay? Beau: RT Ashley: Round trip Ashley: Like 300$ Beau: Not too bad! Ashley: It was a little bit less than that Beau: AUS dollars? Ashley: Canadian dollars! Beau: Wow ok I will look into that
Beau is going to spend summer in Australia. Ashley liked Sydney and Urulu a lot. The round trip with QantasLink airline cost her up to 300 Canadian dollars.
Neva: What time is our train? Octavia: 5.45 in the morning, of course we need to be like at least ten minutes earlier Neva: I won’t make it Octavia: Whaaaaat Neva: I have a party the day before, it’s impossible Octavia: For god’s sake, you can’t stop for one day, can you? Neva: People from work begged me for it, sorry xd Octavia: I don’t care Octavia: You need to be there at that time, dead or alive Neva: I won’t be able to get up Octavia: So what!! I booked the tickets a month ago, I can’t just change it like that!!! Neva: Figure sth out pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee Octavia: Youre fucking stupid, I knew I shouldn’t go with you Neva: But you ARE going with me :D Octavia: If you’re there at 5.45, if not I’ll go alone Neva: It’s rude!!! Octavia: Read your messages and think who’s being rude here cause it’s not me.
Neva's and Octavia's train leaves at 5:45 in the morning and Neva won't be able to get there that early as she has a party the day before. She says she won't make it, which irritates Octavia who will go alone if Neva doesn't show up.
Jim: I won't be coming to work today. Helen: What's wrong? Jim: I'm feeling a bit under the weather... Helen: Do you have a fever? Jim: I don't know, I haven't checked yet. Helen: Then go and check! Jim: Ok, ok Helen: Do you have any muscles aches? Headache? Jim: Only a bit of a headache. Helen: Couple of people at the office has got the flu already. Jim: I'm checking, texting with one hand Helen: And? Jim: I have a slight fever, 37.5. Helen: This is not a slight fever Jim! You should go see a doctor Jim: It's nothing serious, I'll drink some camomile, tea and rest. Helen: I'm not so sure about this. The flu can be serious, you shouldn't treat it lightly
Jim has a temperature of 37,5°C and a slight headache. He is not coming to work today. Several people at the office have the flu.
Kate: OMG, check out this cutie!!! Kate: <file_video> Jenna: Cuteness overload <3 <3 <3 Kate: I know, right?
Kate shares a video of a cutie with Jenna.
Sandy: I have finally started sending out resumes Dottie: good for you!! Sandy: look <file_other> Dottie: what's that? Sandy: I applied here. It sounds like an ad written especially for me Dottie: let me check Sandy: I am nervous, though Dottie: haha it really seems like they are looking for you Sandy: and here <file_other> Dottie: they give you free cafeteria passes Sandy: free food? I'm in Dottie: have you resign from your current work yet? Sandy: I am resigning next week Dottie: walking out of the office like <file_gif>
Sandy is looking for a new job, because she wants to resign from the current one next week.
Michael: Hey did you get my text? 😂 Amy: Oh yea, I did. I don't think I will be back in Guangzhou during that time though...😞 Michael: Haha thats okay Amy: I probably just gonna stay in Van for the entire summer Michael: I hope I will get transit accommodation Amy: You mean, in Vancouver? Michael: No, in Guangzhou Amy: I thought you are stayin there for a while Michael: No, just a long layover in Guangzhou Amy: Oh I see, you should go for sightseeing there Michael: idk Im scared haha. Can't read Chinese Amy: Lol! For how long u there? Michael: One day Amy: Make sure you eat dim sum Michael: Will do! Let me know if anything changes Amy: For sure Michael: I will be in Vancouver in a month for one day if anything Amy: You can text/call me for translation when you're in China lollll I'll answer right away if I'm awake:) Michael: haha thank you!! that is so nice of you! Amy: No problem! I hope to see you soon!
Amy will probably stay in Vancouver for the entire summer. Michael is staying in Guangzhou but will be in Vancouver in a month for one day.
Susan: So how was the weekend? Evelyn: Tiring! Susan: OMG, u were supposed to rest! Evelyn: Well... Evelyn: You know how it's with Ted and the boys. Susan: Yeah, ot's no holiday for you. Susan: You should go away on your own from time to time. Evelyn: I don't like to spend holidays on my own. Evelyn: But I could go with you or with Lora. Susan: It's a good idea :) Susan: I'm planning a short holiday in August. Susan: What do you do then? Evelyn: Nothing special. And I stil have some holiday days left. Susan: I'll ask Lora. Susan: Where would you like to go? Evelyn: Wherever really. Maybe seaside? Susan: Perferct for me. Susan: Okey, I'll talk to Lora and we'll see. Susan: We can always go together.
Susan and Evelyn want to go on holiday together with Lora in August. Susan will talk to Lora.
Yolanda: How can I get to Tom's place? Isa: You can take the subway. Isa: Then you need to walk for about 20 minutes. Helen: Which is the station? Isa: Alonso Penha. Isa: Why don't we meet at the station and walk together? Isa: His house is not that easy to find. Helen: Great idea! Yolanda: Yes! Yolanda: What time should we meet? Isa: The party starts at 9. Isa: Maybe we can meet there at 8:30-8:40? Helen: Ok Yolanda: See you later!
Yolanda, Isa and Helen will walk together to find Tom's house. The party starts at 9. They will meet at 8:30-8:40 at the Alonso Penha station.
Kevin: Happy Birthday buddy. You going to be back this away anytime soon? Simon: Thanks mate, I'm hoping to get over later on in the year but it all depends on work over here. Kevin: Cool! Was going to say if you were here around the 26th you could come to the wedding. Simon: I did see you was getting married soon, I wondered where my invite was lol, Kevin: No way, yo didn’t get it? Simon: Sure, just kidding 😊 Simon: I wish I could have been over there and would have been honoured to have been a part of your big day, Hopefully I'll get over later on in the year and I'll make sure I pop and see you and your new bride. Simon: All the best to you both and take care bud! Kevin: Thank you.
Kevin wishes happy birthday to Simon. Kevin'd like to see Simon at his wedding but Simon's not sure about the exact date of his return. Simon promises to visit Kevin and his wife as soon as he's back.
Fred: hey mate! I have to tell you something! We’re having a baby Mark: shut the front door! Fred: yeah, it’s official. We’ve already told our parents Mark: shit! are you being serious? Fred: soon everyone is gonna know so wanted to tell my best mate first Mark: yeah. So how did you feel like when you found out? Fred: to tell you the truth i felt fear and anxiety Mark: i bet mate i bet Fred: but after a couple of weeks it just became all good and basically i can’t wait for our baby to arrive Mark: really? just took you a couple of weeks?! Fred: yeah, you know this is what we wanted just didn’t realise it’s gonna be so quick Mark: i see. Your whole life is gonna change mate! Fred: i know Mark: it’s a huge commitment! I mean i am not ready for it i’m too selfish Fred: they say it’s all worth it! Besides we’ve got support from our families Mark: you gonna need lots of support Fred: i’m gonna stay positive Mark: yeah, just don’t come to me complaining about your new shitty life! Ha ha! Fred: good to know you’re happy for us! Mark: No offence mate! So when’s the baby due? Fred: in about 5 months Mark: sorry! I’m really happy for you just don’t want to lose my best mate i guess
Fred is going to have a baby and he can't wait for it.
Kitty: I don’t have your account numbers, could you send me them? I want to wire you money Barb: Sure, I’ll leave you a voice message with it Ken: Mine is 2145 8900 0000 0012 0921 21 Kitty: Thanks, that helps a lot
Kitty needs the account numbers of Barb and Ken to wire them money.
Will: So apparently Will: Jessica is sick and she went on a holiday leave Paula: For how long Will: Dunno, I heard 2 weeks Preston: What happened to her? Will: She's probably tired of working Paula: I feel sorry for her Paula: I will send her a text
Jessica is on a 2 weeks leave. According to Will she is overtired with work. Paula will text her.
Nick: Hi what are you doing? Bob: I'm watching tv Bob: Why are you asking? Nick: I was wondering if you want to play football with me? Bob: Actually in a half hour I have a date Nick: A date? With who? Bob: You know Julia? Nick: Are you kidding me? Julia? Bob: No you stupid. Her sister Jenny Nick: I didn't know that Julia has a sister Bob: Yes she has a sister and she is actually really pretty Nick: And where are you having this date? Bob: I'm taking her to the cinema Nick: That's boring, you can't talk there Bob: I know but I picked a horror Nick: So what? Bob: You don't understand nothing... Bob: Horrors are scary, she will be scared and want to hug me Nick: You always know how to get the girls... Bob: Wish me luck Nick: Yeah I hope you will tell me about it later Bob: I have to get ready now, see you later
Bob is going for a date with Julia. They are going to the cinema to watch a horror movie.
Adam: I’m leaving for 3 months Kia: What, what are you talking about!!! o.O Adam: I have a football camp, a very intensive one, I’m going to be excused from school, will make up for it later Kia: It’s a long time… We just started going out, it doesn’t bother you??!!! Adam: It does but I have to be realistic, I have to go. Kia: Football always at the first place… Adam: It is my dream, I want it more than anything else. Kia: And anyone else… Adam: Look if you can’t accept it than maybe we should just end it, this is my life now Kia: Breaking up on the phone, exactly what I expected -_-
Adam breaks up with Kia because he is going to be away for three months to go to a football camp. They just started dating and Kia cannot accept his devotion to football.
Marlene: I am fucked, aren't I? Diane: What do you mean, Marlene. Marlene: Didn't you see what happened yesterday? Diane: Yesterday when? And what happened? Marlene: During the meeting. Diane: I remember the meeting. Diane: But don't recall anything extraordinary. Marlene: You are being nice, I know. Marlene: But you must have noticed how Mike was treating me. Diane: What do you mean? Marlene: You know. When I told him I forgot to prepare the statistics? Diane: Oh, that. Diane: Don't worry about it:=) Marlene: Easy for you to say:( Diane: No, really. Diane: Shit happens, you know. Marlene: I know, but does Mike? Diane: Better than you think. Marlene: What do you mean? Diane: Last month at the management meeting he really laid an egg. Diane: I'm not gonna tell you what he'd done. But you are fine. Trust me:=)
During the meeting yesterday, Mike treated Marlene badly when she told him she forgot to prepare the statistics.
Steve: Hey bro Steve: What time is the exam? Jonathan: Are you on drugs or something😂😂 Jonathan: Tomorrow is a public holiday Steve: Ooh I forgot😂 Steve: But I took tequila on my way home Jonathan: Haha! I knew. Jonathan: But you should have invited me too. Steve: Sorry Bro next time. Jonathan: Cool.
Steve has forgotten that tomorrow is a public holiday. Jonathan suggests Steve's judgement is temporarily impaired. Steve took some tequila on his way home.
Jean: Growing up sucks! I want to turn back the clock to when we were all 10 ;( Shawn: When you were 10, I was 14 :P Jean: Yeah, sorry, I forgot there was an elderly man in our group chat :P Patricia: Remember how we loved to pester you back then? Shawn: Yeah, you loved to see me annoyed. Jean: Not our fault you were so easy to crack :D
Jean wants everyone to be 10 again but when she and Patricia were 10, Shawn was 14. Patricia and Jean used to love pestering Shawn because he easily cracked.
Stanley: Hey :) Do you still need those jars? Stanley: You wrote on our group that you need some... Poppy: Hi! I saw your earlier message. Basically, right not I don't reallu know. I received a couple jars and I haven't used any of them yet... Poppy: I'll lett you know if I need any more. Poppy: Definitely some time this week. And if I don't need them, I'll let you know too. Ok? Stanley: It's fine :)I was just wondering if you read my answer or not :P Stanley: The jars aren't going anywhere, I just figured that I'ld write to let you know that I have some available ones Poppy: Thanks alot! I forgot to answer :( sorry! Stanley: Really, no problem :) Seeing as I've caught you, do you know if we have a meeting this week? Stanley: (Last year the meetings were on the third Thursday of every month... Poppy: I don't know how it'll be this year. Maybe it's not decided yet. Stanley: Aha :) Stanley: Ok, thanks
Poppy will let Stanley know if she needs more jars. Stanley and Poppy don't know if they have a meeting this week.
Oscar: Do you think we should be worried about the possibility of world war 3? Owen: I think the situation on the east of Europe is getting warmer but hey... Owen: They are not telling it on the news but I have a friend from Ukraine and she told me that the east of her county is a total mess Porter: really? Oscar: do you mean from the time of the annexation of the Crimean Peninsula? Owen: yep, she lives there and old me that bullets are flying in the air every day Porter: omg it must be so horrifying Oscar: it is so strange that we don't hear anything about this on the news
After the annexation of Crimean Peninsula, the situation in the east Ukraine is dangerous as Owen's Ukrainian friend reports.
Memphis: have you heard working me by quavo? Gigi: not yet, but i know quavo had a new song, how is it? Memphis: dope, look for it Gigi: i will when i get to the WiFi Memphis: you're not at home Gigi: yeah, i'm in town Memphis: OK then, look for the song Gigi: i will
Gigi wants Memphis to listen to Quavo's new song.
Meghan: Geez! Chris: What? Meghan: Somebody is touchy today... Chris: Really? Meghan: Yeah, just got my head bit off when I asked a simple question. Chris: He's probably just stressed because he has to spend two days with the family. Meghan: True!
Somebody's stressed, probably because he has to spend time with the family.
Joshua: <file_other> Joshua: Any ideas? Joshua: Approve, delete? Evelyn: I'd approve Evelyn: For me it's not an ad Aria: I agree Joshua: Ok Joshua: Approved :)
Joshua wants to either approve or delete a file. Evelyn and Aria reckon it's not an ad so would approve it.
Austin: dude, this is hilarious Austin: <file_video> Charlie: whats that about Austin: did you hear of that guy from India whos suing his parents? Charlie: no, why is this important? Austin: watch it Charlie: woahhhh this guy is crazy Austin: he has a point though Charlie: how can you sue your parents just because they decided to give birth to you. Charlie: i mean i get it, its logical that you didnt agree to be born because you didnt exist so they couldnt ask you Charlie: this is so messed up dude Austin: im just curious if hes gonna win it Charlie: never heard of such a ridicolous case Charlie: props for showing me that hahaa Austin: im always there for you Austin: to show you the craziest sheit of the internet Charlie: do you remember the man that was old and felt as if he was 40? Austin: of course i do Austin: just googled it Austin: it was a dutch guy whos 69, and feels 20 years younger Charlie: loool Charlie: one day i will win the internet too Austin: good luck with that Charlie: cheers!
Austin is sending Charlie funny stories from the internet.
Al: Hi there, long time no See! Rob: Al, my old friend, lovely to hear from you! It must be 25 years since we spoke. Al: Bound to be that long, we are so old! Rob: I've only been back in the UK a couple of months, still settling back in! Al: Yes, it's almost 30 years since we first went to Japan, crackers! Rob: Wow! I still remember the laughs we had back then! Remember Frank and his terrible attempts at Japanese! Al: God, yes! Loved those years, best time ever! How's your wife? Kiro, is it? Rob: Nearly right, Kiko, actually! Al: Oh, sorry. Kids OK? Rob: Yes, Rich is still in Japan, Mai is in Uni here, first year Graphics in Exeter. Al: Working much? Still teaching? Rob: A bit, 3 days a week in central London. Also working 12 hour shifts in Amazon, weekends! It's a bit much to be honest. Al: How about Kiko? Rob: She's fine, doing translation for a big firm in a city. Pretty decent money too. We manage OK, as you know London's a money pit. Al: That's why I got out of it. Anyway, I am travelling into town next Thurs and wondered if you fancied meeting up for dinner. Rob: I'd love that. I finish work about 5ish and Fri is my day off, so even better! Al: I though we could meet outside the V and A museum at 6.30ish, then look for somewhere to eat. Rob: Suits me! I work only a couple of Tube stops from there, actually. I'll message you Weds, bye.
Rob and Al are meeting up for dinner, Thursday night around 6.30ish near V and A museum.
Lake: guess what. Lynn got knocked up. Ethel: whaaat? Lake: she's pregnant! Brylee: you must be kiddin Lake: no she told me! Ouida: hell. who with??? Brylee: if she knows Ethel: fuuuck it aint funny Lake: listen to that. she THINKS it adrian Ethel: she thinks??? Brylee: Adrian??? ff's sake! Ouida: hows she feeling Lake: just try and guess. she outta her mind Ethel: you bet. shite we need t meet Lake: donna. i see her moro and tell you whats up Ouida: ohe yeah geez Adrian???
Lynn got knocked up. She thinks Adrian's the father. She's out of her mind. Lake is meeting her tomorrow.
Dalia: it's my 3rd coffee! Dalia: and it's only 12 Dalia: don't know how I'll make it thru the day :/ Amy: u r crazy! Amy: stop drinking that and get some sleep in the night! Dalia: easy to say, to much to do :( Amy: u'll end up in a hospital!
Dalia drinks too much coffee instead of getting some sleep.
Mark: Guys I want to die. I’ve just taken the tube in the wrong direction Mark: I don’t even want to think of how much delay I’m going to have Mark: Could you get the tickets for me and wait at the entrance? I should still be able to get there just in time Anna: No worries Nestor: Keep us posted and if you happen to be arriving too late, we’ll sort something out Mark: Thanks so much xx
Mark took the wrong subway and he may be late. Anna and Nestor will buy the tickets.
Bruno: there is no milk! Dad: what for do you need milk? Bruno: i wanted to make pancakes Dad: i can go to shop after work Bruno: no thanks, i will go now Dad: buy some butter too Bruno: ok
Bruno needs milk to make pancakes. He will go to the shop now and, at dad's request, buy some butter, too.
Bridget: Some workout today? Kristen: Can’t make it. I have a terrible hangover. Bridget: Hahah! Where were you last night??? Kristen: Better ask where I wasn’t. I went to all the bars in the area then headed for havana club Bridget: With whom Kristen: First I met with Ann then we bumped into her colleagues Bridget: Sounds like somebody had a fun night yesterday Kristen: Yeah.. I met someone Bridget: Show me! Kristen: <file_photo> Bridget: OMG xD Damn, he’s so hot! Kristen: Told u Bridget: I so envy you right now. Did he ask you out? Kristen: We’re texting now, so will see. Bridget: <file_gif> Kristen: Stay tuned, haha
Kristen has hangover today, so she can't join Bridget for workout. Last night Kristen met with Ann and her colleagues, they went to a few bars and the Havana club. She met a handsome guy who is texting her now. She shares his photo with Bridget.
Matthew: I'm picking you up at 5 p.m. Lisa: Ok Mark: Thanks!
Matthew will pick up Lisa and Mark at 5 PM.
Ritie: Got home alright? Call me back pls. Susan: Took longer than usual as streets were impassable at places. Too late to phone. Ritie: OK. Sleep tight. Susan: You too.
Susan got home safely.
Danielle: hey where RU? Juan: I told u I'd be late! Danielle: but it's been almost 45 mins! Danielle: <file_gif> Juan: I'll be there in 15 minutes Juan: <file_gif>
Juan is almost 45 minutes late. He'll be there in 15 minutes.