Maria: John, where did you keep my books? John: I have kept them inside the book shelf. Maria: I cant find them there. John: Its on the topmost shelf. Maria: I see just your files and papers. John: Can you lift those files? Your books are lying below them. Maria: Let me check. John: Did you find them? Maria: Oh ya, yes, I got them. Thanks sweetie. John: Most welcome.
Maria can't find her books. John says they're on the topmost shelf, below John's files and papers. Maria finds her books.
Sara: Hi dear, I'm going shopping and was wondering what I should make for dinner. Ana: Hm, good question. Sara: Is Daniel allergic to anything? Ana: Allergic no, but lactose intolerant. Sara: That definitely doesn't make it easier. Ana: If it's a problem, don't worry about it. He can take his medication and should be fine. Sara: No, no, no, I'll figure something out :) Ana: But really, Sara, Daniel's absolutely fine, don't go out of your way just for us. Sara: Nonsense. I was thinking about making many varied dishes than just one. What cuisine do you like? Ana: I'm not a picky eater and Daniel's quite adventurous, so we're easy, except for Daniel's intolerance. Sara: Ok, fusion it is then :) Ana: Do you need me to bring anything? Sara: Hm, maybe something sweet, if you don't mind? Ana: No problem at all! Sara: Perfect, I'm awful at baking, so I'd appreciate your help with that.
Sara is looking for dinner ideas that would take Daniel's lactose intolerance into consideration. Ana will bring dessert at her request.
Jack: Hey bro Jack: Hows it going? Just reached university Hugo: Very well Hugo: Everything's fine here. U already taken the exam? Jack: No way. We should get started in some 10 min. Hugo: Alrighty. Im sending a video. Hugo: Take a look at it as you can. Hugo: <file_video> Jack: Lol I remember about this one! Jack: I knew the lines almost by heart Hugo: True. "The bank went bankrupt because of ya!" Lol Jack: In my case, its rather me who went bankrupt because of the bank. Jack: They stole all my money. Hugo: Same here. Jack: Yeah... u mean your empty account, dont ya? Hugo: Course... You bastard. Jack: What have you prepared for lunch? Hugo: Food. Jack: Im impressed... why dont u try and join masterchef? Hugo: Too good for such things bro. All the others wouldnt stand a chance.
Jack's examination should start in about 10 minutes. He remembers very well the video Hugo has sent him. It is about the bank that stole Jack's money.
Josh: Woo! I got a job! Josh: At least until the end of the year! Peter: At the place you were an intern? Josh: Still am. Josh: Interning until 17th of May, working properly afterwards. Peter: Nice! Peter: Do you think it can last longer then "until the end of the year"? Josh: It may. Josh: It depends on many, many things. Peter: Well as long as there is a chance. Josh: I've been unemployed for over a year. Josh: I'll dance through fire even to get a six month job :D Peter: Just don't tell them that. Peter: They might use the idea for the initiation process :P Josh: :D Josh: I'm just happy that I don't have to fill out job applications anymore. Josh: At least until next year :D Peter: It's like Professor Farnsworth used to say Peter: good news everyone - and then chaos happens ;) Josh: I'm slightly mortified. Josh: I'll need to start filling reports and actually doing something during the day... Josh: Also slightly longer days, I think. Peter: And after 2 months of that you'll be like - oh god why do I have to stay here ;) Josh: Dunno. I suppose getting paid helps with that problem ;) Peter: It's the only thing that keeps you there :P Josh: That and free coffee!
Josh got a job contract, lasting until the end of the year. It's the company which had employed him earlier as an intern.
Matt: Are you still up for lunch today? Beatrice: Hmm, maybe ;) Matt: What do you mean? You know, if you don’t want to go, it’s fine, some other time ;p Beatrice: No, it’s ok! I was just… teasing you, sort of xd Matt: Eh, I really want to meet you! Beatrice: And you will! But it depends where do you want to go, my schedule is pretty tight. Matt: I found some places near your workplace. The point is, do you have any special… demands xd Beatrice: Like what?? O.o Matt: No meat, lactose intolerant, vegetarian, vegan, allergies itd. Beatrice: Haha, none of that Xd I mean I’m a bit allergic to peanuts. Aaand I can’t eat fish. Matt: Very well, so either Lavender Café or Salad Story. Beatrice: I’ll go for café, I’ll just need a cookie and a coffee after all that ;p Matt: After all what? Beatrice: I have a meeting with a client. He’s pretty…harsh Matt: How can anyone be harsh to you! Beatrice: Just like that apparently o.o Matt: Well I hope you'll be fine.
Matt and Beatrice are going to grab lunch today. They are meeting in Lavender Café near her workplace.
Ewan: hey, Isabel, my car just broke down. im going to be a bit late for the party. Isabel: Im so sorry Ewan. Do you need anyone to pick you up? Ewan: no, i think i can manage with a cab. im not too far away. Isabel: ok, good. you havent missed too much in any case. most of the others havent arrived yet Ewan: ok. good to know Isabel: where are you exactly anyway/ Ewan: Grange road Isabel: i hope youre managing to stay out of this rain. Ewan: yes, im standing under a bus stop shelter. will have to leave it to hail a cab. Isabel: i know of a good cab service if youd prefer just to call someone. Ewan: oh, ok. sure why not. Isabel: just a sec Ewan: take your time Isabel: its called city cabs and their number is 131 228 1211 Ewan: wonderful. thank you so much Isabela Isabel: happy to help! Ewan: someones on their way now. Isabel: terrific! Ewan: see you in a bit Isabel: see you!
Ewan tells Isabel he will be late for the party, because his car broke down. She gives him a number to a cab service she likes. Ewan is glad and will be there soon.
Lorna: Hi Rob, how are you? Roger: Same as I was earlier, pissed off with work! Lorna: Right, saw you being ushered into Sharon's lair! Everything Ok! Roger: Not really, she's been on my back since that event in Basingstoke. Had another warning today about my "persistent lateness." Lorna: Sorry to hear that, but you have been a bit late into the office recently. Roger: Yeah, suppose so. I always underestimate the amout of time it'll take. The kids have been holy terrors too since Kim left. Lorna: Have you told Sharon about all this? Roger: Course! But she says it's my duty to be here on time everyday, whatever the circumstances. Lorna: Could someone else take the kids some days? Roger: No, not really, my sister lives in Scotland near Mum and Dad. Can't be expected to drive down from Stirling every morning! Lorna: Rog, you've got to sort something out, you know what Sharon can be like! Roger: Do I ever! I suppose I could get a child minder to sort the school runs, it would be a Godsend to get a good one! Lorna: Actually, I can help you there, my cousin Chris is a child minder and she lives pretty near you. On Oak tree lane, in fact! Roger: Wow, Lorna! That would help SO much! Lorna: Tell you what, I'll ring her tonight and give her your mobile number, if that's OK. Roger: Thanks Lorna, you're a lifesaver!
Roger cannot cope with the kids after Kim left him. Roger will hire a child minder to avoid being late to work. Lorna will call her cousin Chris to ask if she can work for Roger.
Angie: Hey did you finish our group work? Ashley: Yeah I did but it needs some fine editing Ashley: Can you do it? Angie: Yeah. Just email me the soft copy. Angie: ASAP!
Ashley finished their group work. Angie will do the editing. Ashley will send Angie the soft copy.
Becky: I'm thinking about signing to a cooking class Heather: why? you rarely cook at home Becky: because I'm not very good at it Becky: but maybe if I get better, I'll start do it more often Heather: that smells like Sean complaining to you about it Becky: surprisingly enough that's not the case Heather: then I really don't understand why Becky: what? that I want to do something nice to my fiancee? Heather: no, that part I can understand Heather: I'm just surprised about the cooking Becky: I just want to try it Becky: doesn't mean that I will keep doing it if I don't like Heather: of course Heather: after all it's your choice Becky: want to come with me? :P Heather: I guess you know the answer already ;) Becky: come on, it can be fun Becky: it will only be a demonstration Becky: we don't need to sing for it right away Heather: when is it? Becky: 7PM on Thursday Heather: alright, I'll go but just this one time Becky: really? Becky: that's great! Becky: I don't know why but I was pretty nervous to go there by myself Becky: thanks! Heather: no problem, that's what friends are for Heather: but you still owe me one for this ;) Becky: sure, we can go try something of your choice next time!
Heather will go to a cooking class with Becky on Thursday at 7 pm.
Alina: guys, are you going to be on time, I'm a bit late with preparations Mary: don't worry, I won't get there before 8 Patrick: me neither, take your time Alina: I'm so relieve, sorry, I wanted to bake a cake but it didn't go as planned Patrick: hahaha, the lemon cake? Alina: yes :( Patrick: I told you I don't know anybody who would manage to follow the receipt and get a proper lemon cake. Alina: something is wrong with the receipt maybe Patrick: yup
Baking the lemon cake for the meeting didn't go as Alina planned it.
Adar: do you like the new Radiohead album? Ananya: i like it. not my favorite though. Adar: yeah, same here.
Adar and Ananya like Radiohead's new album, but it's not their favourite.
Rachel: Baby, I can get off work earlier today. Maybe you could, too, and we could visit my parents. Matt: Yeah, sure, today should be okay Rachel: Great! Just for an hour, but you know how my mum reacts when we don't visit for longer than a month :P Matt: It's actually good timing, because I wanted to give your dad my old computer Rachel: Right, that's great, he's gonna love it Matt: It's perfect for solitaire :D Rachel: Haha, true Matt: What do you want for dinner tonight? Rachel: I feel like Italian Matt: Rob told me about this new great place and it's not that far away from your parents Rachel: Casa Italia? Matt: Yes!! How did you know? Rachel: I've heard about it from three other people, it must be really good Matt: Decided then. Rachel: Better make a reservation Matt: I'll call them Rachel: Good. Oh my god, I just checked the menu Matt: Drooling? Rachel: so much :D Matt: Okay, honey, gotta get back to work. See you at 4! Rachel: Bye, sweetie, love you!
Rachel and Matt want to get off work earlier today and visit Rachel's parents. Matt is planning to give Rachel's dad his old computer. Rachel feels like Italian food. They'll eat in Casa Italia, they've heard it's good. Matt will make a reservation. Rachel checked their menu. They'll meet at 4.
Vic: What RPGs have u played? Natty: Not many. I played Mines of Mars. Vic: Never heard of that one. Natty: Oh, u basically run around a mine and dig stuff out. Sometimes u have to fight monsters, but that's rare. Vic: So, something like Prince of Persia? Natty: Basically.
Natty used to play a RPG called Mines of Mars. It is similar to Prince of Persia.
Nicole: tonight was perfect! thank you guys again!! :* Kate: no problem :) you are always welcome at out place Jackson: yeah, you should come more often! Nicole: after tonight i definitely will :* thank you so much again! Jackson: thanks for the delicious salad! Kate: see you next tam Nicky :**
Nicole went to Kate and Jackson's place tonight and brought a salad. They all had a good time.
Edward: <file_other> Edward: have you seen it? Gracie: wow, that's really cheap! Gracie: we should but it! Edward: do you think it is a good idea? Gracie: come on, it's pretty expensive on a regular basis Gracie: so I think this is a great chance for us! Gracie: <fil_gif> Edward: you might be right… Gracie: I am right!
Edward has found a bargain. They decide to buy with Gracie.
Eric: This year Christmas Eve is at our home. Eric: It will be a kind of inauguration of this house in context of family gatherings Patty: Hurray. Patty: It's great. Patty: You'll feel mature and responsible host of family gathering Patty: You have grown up little brother Patty: I'm proud of you! Eric: Thx sis Eric: A lot of cooking to do, but I will do my best Eric: Will you prepare dumplings? You are the best at making dumplings :D Patty: With pleasure. Patty: You can ask father to prepare fish. He is the only one in our family who can do that so that fish taste good. Eric: I've already asked him. Eric: We also will have to borrow some plates from you. Eric: We have not enough. Patty: And chairs right? Eric: I'll get them from our parents. Eric: You know uncle Armand will come right? Patty: Yeah, I spoke to him yesterday. Patty: But he still didn't know if Hannah would come with him Eric: I will be prepared for both options. Patty: Can't wait :D Eric: Me too sis.
Eric is hosting Christmas Eve at his home. Patty will prepare dumplings. Eric will get plates and chairs from their parents. Patty and Eric's father will cook fish. Patty can't wait.
Zack: are you sure the exam is next week? Theo: pretty sure, why? Zack: I don't know Zack: I was under the impression that our professor is on leave until the end of the month Theo: maybe someone else will do it Theo: I don't think they need him for a written exam Zack: you might be right Zack: but that means that we don't have much time left to study for it Theo: don't worry Theo: from what I heard it's not that difficult Zack: who told you that? Theo: my sister's friend took it last year Theo: and she claims it was one of the easiest one Zack: maybe for her Zack: I'm still not confident about it Theo: we'll see Theo: there's no point in speculating Theo: or worrying in advance
Zack and Theo are taking the exam next week.
Barbara: I'm at the Coop. Do you want something? Thomas: We're running out of salt. Barbara: Ok. Anything else? Thomas: Can you buy tomatoes? I want to cook dinner soon. Barbara: Ok Thomas: Are coming home soon? Barbara: Yes. In 30 minutes. Thomas: Great!
Barbara is at the Coop. Barbara will buy salt and tomatoes at Thomas' request. Barbara will be home in 30 minutes.
Charlie: hey bro are you home? Adam: no i am not why? Charlie: i forgot the keyssss and i wanna go home noww Adam: oh . you can come and get the keys i am sam's place.. its near by or should i come give u keys? Charlie: i will just come and get it thanks.. Adam: no prob bro
Charlie forgot his keys. Adam is at sam's place. Charlie will go to sam's place to get keys from Adam.
Ann: Have u took dog for a walk? Tom: OMG! I totally forget about it :( Ann: :( Tom: Don't worry. I'll call to Mike.
Tom's forgotten to take the dog for a walk but he'll call Mike.
Siddhi: Hi Greg Siddhi: Happy New year!!! Greg: Hey Siddhi Greg: Thanks, Happy New Year! Greg: hope you're well Siddhi: yes i m good and happy for you Siddhi: take care! :) Greg: You too! Greg: Take care :)
Siddhi wishes Greg happy new year and he wishes her the same. They're both fine.
Steve: Hey guys, can you call me as soon as you head "home"? I'm soooo tired I must take a nap but I wouldn't like you to be locked out Simon: Yeah sure Anna: I will, no worries. Difficult to say what time we'll be back for now Steve: No problem, just call me so that I can wake up and open the door for you Anna: I will. Thanks so much! Steve: No worries! Thanks for your understanding 💚
Steve is going to take a nap. Simon and Anna will give him a wake up call when they're going home, so that he can open the door for them.
Rafael: How was Jordan? Ismael: Great great Ismael: Saw my whole family Rafael: Warm? Ismael: Warm! very!
Ismael went to see his family in Jordan. It was hot.
Emma: Hi mom, Charlie has lice again. I'll go crazy with that Kindergarden of his. Holly: Oh boy, one of the kids brought some again? Emma: as usual. I will go crazy again. Washing all the duvets, pillows, jackets, hats, scarfs... Holly: and again in tje winter - why don't they get them in the summer, when all they wear are bathing suits? Emma: school is out in the summer, that's why... Holly: true. you poor thing. Emma: yeah, and he can't go back until wer're done. Can you babysit? Holly: for a day or two, can't get off the whole week... Emma: that would be great, I'll take two, you take two and Jack will work from home on friday if we're not done by then. Holly: could work. you poor thing. Emma: I've read that you should also wash the couches, and car seats... Holly: that's a bit extreme, don't you think? Emma: don't know. Would make sense though. have you seen what he does on those couches? all those flips and stuff? Holly: he does rumble around a lot... Emma: how do you wash a car seat? with a brush, or maybe i should use a steamer? Where do you get a steamer? Holly: ask Jack, he knows such things.I could ask your Dad, maybe one of his friends has one and could lend it to you?? Emma: that would be great! Holly: have you bought the shampoo? Those combs should be left over from the last time... Emma: I've got everything I need, just not the power to wallow through all his closet... Holly: I'll come over tonight to help you Emma: and do whay, stare at the washer? or dryer? Holly: don't get sarcastic with me. I'll do the couches, better? Emma: actually, yes, that would be great. Holly: I'll come over after work, dad will come to, we'll order pizza or should I bring leftover meatloaf from yesterday? Emma: meatloaf! always. Holly: good, I'll come
Emma's son, Charlie, has lice again. Emma, Holly, and Jack are going to take care of him over the week. Emma needs to wash all Charlie's belongings, couches and car seats. Emma has everything she needs, except a steamer. Holly and her husband will help Emma tonight. They will also bring meatloaf.
Nick: I honestly miss the old times Nick: when we were still going to the games Nick: so many good memories Max: you're not the only one Max: those were some good times indeed Nick: do you remember the first title? Max: how could I forget? Nick: those celebrations were epic Max: whole city was on fire Max: one of the players almost fell down from the bus roof :D Nick: this season they're slowly coming back on track Nick: so maybe the next title is not that far away Max: I didn't expect them to play this well so quickly Max: they're still very inexperienced Nick: doesn't seem to bother them at all :) Max: I just hope they won't end up selling all the promising players Nick: true, just give them 2 or 3 years of playing together Nick: and the results will come Max: we really need to go back and see a game again Nick: a bit hard with me living in another country and you in another city Nick: but not impossible Max: we will make it happen! Nick: agreed Nick: but we should plan for it ahead Max: that's not a problem
Nick and Max miss the old days when they were going to the games together. They want to do it again, even if they're living in different places now.
Caroline: You looked so fine in the pink Gucci pants at the gala tonight Justina: thanks sis, you also looked amazing Caroline: Love you Justina: love you too
Caroline and Justina went to a gala tonight and both looked amazing.
Cristian: hey who was that guy Jane: what guy Cristian: what guy? seriously? Jane: seriously, what guy?? Cristian: the one you left from college with Jane: oh.. hes a good friend Cristian: how come ive never seen him or heard about him Jane: i dont know Cristian: thats not an answer Jane: whats your problem :/ Cristian: my problem is you going out with random guys Jane: hes not a random guy Cristian: hes not someone from your immediate circle Jane: get to the point Cristian: my point is .. i dont want you to get in trouble Jane: i wont, its not your problem -_-
Cristian saw Jane leave the college with a man. Jane claims the man is a good friend, but Cristian doubts it.
Martin: did u see that goal? Martin: amazing Martin: Piatek is awesome Arthur: yup Arthur: man, everyone's gonna watch Serie A now Martin: dude totally Martin: he's so great, two goals in a debut Martin: CRAZY Arthur: finally we have a proper striker Arthur: apart from Lewandowski of course Arthur: he's a real deal Martin: maybe he will help Milan get into the CL Arthur: yeah Arthur: and few months ago he was playing in the Polish league lol Martin: HYPE :D Martin: but seriously, he deserves all the applauds coming his way Arthur: agree
Piatek stroke two goals in a debut, as Martin reports.
Wendy: I told you not to eat my yoghurts! Lark: Sorry, I'll buy you some later Wendy: Sure... You always say it Wendy: I'm fed up with it
Lark once again ate Wendy's yoghurt and she is fed up with it.
Gunther: I'm at the conference hall now. Have you arrived? Antonio: Yeah I just parked.. Antonio: Traffic is mental.. Antonio: Are you in the main hall? Antonio: Is Tracy with you? Gunther: Yes we are in the main hall Antonio: Ok I'm on my way
Gunther and Tracy are waiting in the main hall.
Rafal: Hello, I've attached the reviewed version of you e-mail Alex: Was it acceptable? Rafal: Yes, good job, both of you! John: <thumb up>
Rafal sends Alex and John the revieved version of their e-mail. It was accepted.
Rick: Running late Rick: traffic Ana: shit me too Rick: fuck Ana: I know right! lol
Rick and Ana are getting late because of traffic.
Breanna: Guys, let's plan our amazing winter vacation Charles: yes! Breanna: so first, where should we go? Jade: 1. sun 2. sea Charles: 3. something exotic Breanna: 4. something safe (no Dominican Rep, Haiti, Morocco etc) Breanna: so what could it be? Jade: Madagascar would be amazing, but not so safe Breanna: exactly, other options? Charles: Bali? or too banal Breanna: 🤮 banal as fuck! Charles: but everything "warm and safe with water" is banal! Breanna: but Bali is the archetype of summer banality Jade: what about the Maldives? Charles: no, too expensive Jade: Mauritius? Charles: that sounds good! Jade: so let's do it Breanna: ok, let's research on Mauritius and talk tomorrow if it's a place for us Breanna: but it seems it is!
Breanna, Charles and Jade plan to go to Mauritius.
Rebecca: did you all get home safe?? Rose: yeah i am already in bed Fiona: i came back like 20 minutes ago Fiona: just grabbing a bite and off to bed too Rebecca: okay :) i am glad, thanks again for the meeting today! Rose: thank you too! good night!
Rebecca, Rose and Fiona met today. Rose and Fiona got home safely.
Lexie: Hi! Nancy: Hey, Lexie :* Lexie: Have you got Mary's invitation on you? Nancy: Yeah, why? I forgot mine and I wanna check sth Lexie: <file_photo> Nancy: Thanks Lexie: no problem
Nancy is sending over Mary's invitation to Lexie as she needs to check something.
Amanda: Are you going to Philadelphia this weekend? Joan: I will drive there Saturday morning Linda: I'm staying home Amanda: Could I go with you? Joan: sure! that would be nice Amanda: what time are you planning to leave? Amanda: I have to bring Charlie to his grandmother first Joan: so about 10AM? Amanda: sounds perfect Joan: but let me know how it's going, I'm not in hurry so I can wait Amanda: thanks:) Amanda: I'll try to be at your place by 9.45 Amanda: would be good to arrive in the city before lunch Joan: don't worry, it's 1,5h max Amanda: ok
Joan is driving to Philadelphia on Saturday morning. Amanda will join her at 9:45 AM after bringing Charlie to his grandmother. The journey will take up to 90 minutes.
McKayla: How do you find your mattress? You guys got a Tempur one, didn't you? Braden: Yeah McKayla: I've been thinking about getting one but it's so expensive I thought I'd ask McKayla: You never know if these reviews online aren't written by employees... Braden: True Braden: Well, I like it, I think there's a huge difference compared with my previous one. I feel muuuch more rested. Braden: And when you consider that you spend a good part of your life in bed... it doesn't hurt as much, haha McKayla: Yeah, it's an investment Braden: There are some similar ones from other manufacturers, I guess they might be decent substitutes if you don't want to spend as much? Braden: We decided to splurge but I think a similar one might be just as good. McKayla: I'll do some research then. Thanks a lot!
Braden is happy with his Tempur mattress and advises McKayla to do some research on its cheaper substitutes.
Victor: Do you think I can find batteries in the shop at the corner? Luke: I think so, they have a lot of stuff Victor: I don't have much time, I hope they'll have them. Thx! Luke: You're welcome my friend ;)
Victor needs batteries. Luke suggests checking the shop at the corner.
Marzena: Hi guys, I'll be in London on February! Jeff: How amazing Tony: are you coming back for good? Marzena: no, it's not even that easy now Marzena: with Brexit... Tony: oh, c'mon. It may not even happen Marzena: I'll stay a week, I hope to meet you there Tony: of course!
Marzena is coming to London for a week in February. She's going to meet Jeff and Tony there.
Robyn: hi bro Joshua: hi Robyn: what's up? Joshua: Playing Robyn: wanna have a pint later? Joshua: After 10, I want to finish a quest. Robyn: I'll just come over Joshua: Wanna joint a mission? Robyn: Why not? Joshua: Just don't fuck it up like the last time! Robyn: I was drunk! Joshua: Whatever, you fucked up everything Robyn: Now I'll be good, promise Joshua: hope so Robyn: sure! Joshua: so come over whenever you're free
Robyn will join Joshua's mission whenever he's free. Robyn and Joshua are going to drink beer after 10.
Ivanka: Hello, can you please bring in the file I called about? I've been waiting an hour. Ted: Yes, sorry. I just now found it. Ivanka: Shouldn't be that difficult. Ted: I'll explain in person. Ivanka: Okay.
Ivanka wants Ted to bring her a file. Ted had problems to find it.
Tyler: alright lads who's going to be there on sunday? Marley: me Camden: im in Robert: i cant come soz Tyler: what do you mean cant Tyler: whos gonna score all the goals then Robert: not me :) count me in next week Tyler: crap Jordan: yea i'll be there coach Jordan: unlike Robert, the cunt who cant Marley: <file_gif> Tyler: alright let's turn it down a notch Tyler: Jack? Jordan? Rory? Rory: i'll be there but jordan told me he wasnt sure he could Tyler: perfect Tyler: we're far too few at the moment and we've got an important game to play Tyler: so you better find a way to make your pals show up Tyler: or we're dealing with a walk over
Tyler, Marley and Camden are coming on Sunday. Robert can come next week. Rory will be there. Tyler wants Rory to make sure his pals show up.
Ulrich: how do you bake with no eggs? Olaf: O_o Hans: u mean vegan cakes? that's awful Ulrich: I thought you would know as vegans Olaf: I'm not vegan, I'm vegetarian ;p Olaf: I had no idea you can bake with no eggs Hans: are you going vegan? Ulrich: no, I just want to bake something for Sasha's bday Hans: how nice og you Hans: as long as it's edible ;p Olaf: I found this online Olaf: <file_other> here's a web page with vegan cakes Hans: do you even bake, dude? Ulrich: I don't Olaf: those recipes look complicated Hans: so you don't bake and you're not vegan and you want to bake sth for your picky vegan gf? Olaf: lol Hans: looks like you're suicidal man ;DDDD Olaf: don't sabotage your relationship Ulrich: I thought it would be simple Hans: god it's so common for men to think they could learn sth easily just because they don't appreciate female skills Olaf: buuuuuurn Ulrich: so you're saying it's hard Hans: don't screw up her bday, bake a beta cake first Hans: we'll tell you how bad it it Hans: if it's ok then bake for her Olaf: <file_gif> Ulrich: maybe it will be better if I buy her something nice
Ulrich wants to bake a vegan cake for his girlfriend's birthday, but he doesn't know how to. Hans' advice is to make a trial cake first.
Kate: Are we going to the seminar? Ralph: You know that it's going to be... Kate: full of people? Ralph: BOOOOORING!!! Kate: Hahaha. The professor is quite famous, why should it be boring? Ralph: Because it's for lawyers! Booooring people, boring topic, even the place is boring. Kate: So what do you want to do? Ralph: Some booze at the bar? Kate: But they open at 7pm. Ralph: Yes, for boring lawyers. Chris is already there, ready to serve us whiskey. Kate: Now I'm really not feeling like going to the lecture. Ralph: Perfect! In 30 min at the bar!
Kate wants to go to the seminar, but Ralph convinces her it is going to be very boring. Kate and Ralph are going for drinks instead. They are meeting in 30 minutes at the bar.
Olivia: Hi Margaret, are you at home? Margaret: Still shopping but will be there in half an hour or so. Why? Olivia: I bought this pressure cleaner on amazon and it's just arrived. I read the manual and re-read it and can make heads or tails of it. Could you help? Olivia: I mean, could we look at it together and possibly make it work? Margaret: What's a pressure cleaner?? Olivia: A contraption like a broom that heats up water and below comes hot vapor with detergent and with this you clean floors or tiles. Margaret: Never heard about such a thing. But OK, I'll come over to your place and we'll have a look. Olivia: Thanks a lot. I feel so stupid! Margaret: Maybe there'll be 2 stupid us:)) See you later! Olivia: Just come over any time!
Margaret will come over to Olivia's so that they can figure out the pressure cleaner's manual together.
Olivia: When your husband’s cooking.. Xxx Leo: looks yummy! Olivia: Thai red curry! So delicious! Anna: my favourite food! Greg: now i’m hungry! Kelly: looks 10/10! Noah: Wow! that looks amazing! Greg: can i drop by? Olivia: not this time! Haha! ;)
Olivia's husband cooked delicious Thai red curry. Her friends compliment on a photo.
Quinton: loads of cops out 2day? Pamela: any idea why? Dayton: Fri, long weekend, 2+2 Quinton: seems theyre tech check random cars Forrest: you mean lights Quinton: yeah, also i saw a couple of guys open boots and stuff Manny: wow, that sounds weird Rodney: i guess i read last week they plan some preventive action or whatever Pamela: sounds weird Dayton: you have a new car Pam no need to worry right Pamela: always stressful. hate being stopped Rodney: still, better check what you have in your boot Manny: better have sth in your boot than in your butt hahaha Pamela: lol. anyways, good luck guys Dayton: good luck Pam
There is a lot of police patrols checking cars on the long weekend. Pamela has a new car.
Janet: So - Canon or Nikon? My camera broke and I'm in a desperate need of a new one Gina: Team Nikon here. I had a Canon once, but after buy a Nikon I'd never use Canon again Janet: Ok, why's that? I liked it myself Gina: It was all right, but I think with Nikon you get better colours, more vivid, and better focus Charles: Hm, I'd say Canon all the way. You get more options to adjust your settings and in the end you get better results. You do get different photos from those two brands, but I prefer photos taken with a Canon, they're softer, in my opinion Daniel: What were you using before? Janet: Pentax and Canon, but a long long time ago Daniel: I think you should compare photos taken by each camera and then decide, Nikon and Canon are really similar, they're both really good brands Janet: Thanks everyone! Daniel: <file_other> here you have a link to some articles with comparisons
Janet's camera is broken. She's undecided whether to buy Canon or Nikon. She used Pentax and Canon before. Gina uses Nikon. Charles advises her to buy Canon. Daniel sent a link to the comparisons between cameras.
Ben: How is your girlfriend, Tom? Tom: We're not together anymore Peter: I'm sorry mate Peter: What happened? Tom: She said some things to me Tom: Really hurt me Tom: I don't think I will ever forget that Peter: That's tough man Peter: Wanna have a drink with us? Peter: If you need to talk about it... Tom: Maybe Tom: I'm really suffering Ben: When did you break up? Tom: End of December... Ben: Not even two weeks ago Tom: It still hurts Tom: I cannot stop thinking about her Tom: About what she said Peter: I'm really sorry
Tom and his girlfriend broke up at the end of December. She told him things that hurt him a lot. Peter invites him for a drink.
Trish: Hello! 876 is ready for an early check in. returning pass thx :) Casey: Thank u, Trish! Trish: YW Casey: All good? Trish: oh yes lol. 453 is turnt over too Casey: Thank u!!! Trish: What review did the one guest who stays in town often give? Casey: He hasn't yet! Trish: rating? Casey: Not yet. But the one from a couple days ago said the place was spotless and smelled clean. Trish: Yay! Casey: You did an awesome job! :) still waiting for the guy stays often to leave his review but I'll let you know :) Trish: Nice! Yes keep me updated! Thx! Casey: Will do
Trish prepared room 876 for an early check in. 453 is turnt over. Some guests left good reviews of the place.
Phil: what should I bring today? Susan: a bottle of wine and some chips maybe Phil: I can make a salad if you want, greek one Susan: that would be perfect! Phil: no problem :)
Phil will bring a Greek Salad today.
Alex: Hi, I just wanted to tell you that I've made you a termin by the dentist Olaf: Oh cool I wasn't there for a while Olaf: when is it? Alex: On Thursday at 5 o'clock Olaf: Oh no I wanted to meet with Ellie then. I'll call her if she can make it later Alex: You have to move that meeting cause the dentist is full and you won't get a termin in the next month Olaf: Okay I get it, it's important Alex: Good, I'm gonna pick you up at 4 and we go buy you some shoes. Is that okay? Olaf: Yeah that's good
Olaf has a dentist's appointment on Thursday at 5 so he needs to cancel his plans with Ellie. Alex will pick Olaf up at 4 to buy him some shoe first.
Mia: Hey, do you remember this saying? Mia: "Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving" Isabel: Hey, umm I may have heard it b4. Isabel: But I don't know where. Mia: Oh come on, Emma has a T-shirt with that quote. Mia: She's totally obsessed with it. It's Albert Einstein. Isabel: Oh you're right, that's where I know it from. Isabel: So what's your point? LOL Mia: My point is that I found the best b-day present 4 Emma. Mia: A mug with the picture of a bike and the quote written on it! Isabel: No way, that's too cool! Mia: Here's a pic: <file_photo> Isabel: That's perfect. Emma is going 2 be ecstatic when she sees this! :)
Emma has a T-shirt with Einstein's quote "Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving". Mia found a mug with the same quote and a bicycle drawing on it as a gift for Emma's birthday.
Amanda: Hi. Remember to take the lunch box! It's in the fridge. Bran: Mom, can't I buy lunch at school? Amanda: Take the lunch box. End of discussion.
Amanda tells Bran to take the lunch box from the fridge, even though Bran would rather buy his lunch at school.
Patrick: Hey dude, whats up? Andy: I'm watching the game Patrick: Wanna grab a beer later? Andy: Sure!
Andy and Patrick will have a beer later.
Amanda: Hi! Do you know actually the meaning of your names? Jeff: I think everybody knows, right? Amanda: i've just discovered what my name means, I've never thought about it before Jeff: and? Amanda: "worthy of love" more or less Jeff: quite cool Amanda: I've just understand what my grandfather referred to when he was saying "my lovable Amanda" Jeff: how cute! Jeff: my name is actually diminutive from Jefferson which means "peaceful pledge" Jeff: at least the internet says so Steven: a bit strange, so common though Jeff: and Steven? Steven: actually "crown" hahaha Steven: it's a Greek name Amanda: I like the name Steven very much Camile: mine name means "born free" and "noble" Camile: but apparently in Arabic it means "the perfect one" Camile: hahah Rose: a very nice name indeed Camile: thanks, but quite unusual in the English speaking countries Camile: it's a French name
Amanda's name means "worthy of love." Jeff's name means "peaceful pledge." Steven's name means "crown." It's a Greek name. Camile's name means "born free," "noble" and "the perfect one." It's a French name.
Mike: I need a bike for the weekend. Martin: What happened to yours? Mike: Nothing. I need one more for my cousin. Jesus: You can take mine. I won't need it. Mike: Thanks Jesus.
Mike needs an additional bike for his cousin for the weekend. Jesus will give him his own bike.
Julie: Can you give me some ideas for Christmas movies, please? Ramsay: Well, there's Home Alone. Julie: Oh, right! Ramsay: The Lethal Weapon films all had Christmas in them! Julie: Not exactly what I mean, but... Ramsay: How about National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation? That's my favorite! Julie: Good one! Ramsay: Nightmare Before Christmas? Or is that Halloween? Julie: It's both, I think! Ramsay: True. There are some newer ones, with Tim Allen as Santa. What are they called? Julie: Oh, the Santa Clause films, right, I think there are three or four? Ramsay: Yes, I forget how many. Julie: This is a good start. More than we need probably. Any others? Ramsay: Well, all the old Rankin Bass stop motion ones like Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and The Year Without a Santa Claus. Julie: Those are great for the kids, right? Ramsay: I kind of like them myself! Nostalgia and all that! Julie: LOL! Ramsay: I'm sure there are newer ones, I just don't know them. Julie: I think so too. Christmas with the Kranks, I think, was the chick from the Halloween films? Ramsay: Now you're getting too modern for me! Julie: Okay, thanks for the advice! Ramsay: Enjoy!
Julie asks for Christmas movies recommendation. Ramsay recommends a few titles, like Home Alone, the Santa Clause films, Rudolph, etc.
Alice: what was this shortcut for fast closing programs you told me about? Mike: it was ALT + F4 Alice: ahh thanks again! and for copying? Mike: <file_other> Alice: thanks!!! Mike: just use this cheat sheet that I sent - it's really helpful :)
Alice needs shortcuts for closing programs and copying. Mike sends a cheat sheet.
Alex: Should I do some shopping before I get home? Sally: Would you? Thanks, babs. You're the sweetest :-) Alex: What do we need? :-) Sally: Well, since we were away, I'd say everything. Alex: Bread, butter, ham, cheese, pasta, pesto, some potatoes and steaks, cottage cheese, milk Sally: carrots, hummus, orange juice, vodka Alex: some beer, lipton tea, tomatoes, a cucumber or two Sally: and gummy bears pls!
Alex will do the shopping before he gets home.
Karl: I'm so slammed with work man, I forgot to reply Tony: Forget about it, same with me Jason: Jeez, guys, what the heck is going on there Karl: Same old, everything supposed to be done yesterday Jason: damn it, you gotta slow down man, we're not 20 year olds anymore Karl: I know, running on fumes now, But I have some holidays booked to cool down at the end of the year Tony: That's good, very good, I might do the same Jason: Well I din't think I'll be able but I have to Tony: Yeah, that's the good attitude
Karl and Tony are very busy at work. Karl has holidays booked at the end of the year. Tony might go as well. Jason has to do the same.
Gage: did you have good time with my friend? <3 Gage: am i a good matchmaker? Gage: are you seeing him again??? Amber: i'm sorry to disappoint but i don't think so Amber: we have absolutely nothing in common :-( Gage: what are you talking about?! Gage: you're perfect for each other!!! Gage: that's why i set the date up Amber: then you suck as a matchmaker lol Amber: thanks for the effort anyway!!!
Gage set the date up for Amber and his friend, but Amber won't see him again as they have nothing in common.
Kevin: Hi, how are you doing? Michael: Hi, so so. Kevin: What happened? Michael: We almost broke up with Dave. Kevin: I can't believe that. Why? Michael: Hard to say. We've had some problems for a while as you know and last week I just asked him if we should split. Kevin: What did he answer? Michael: He replied: "we should", but the next day he told me he didn't intend to say that. Kevin: it's a mess. Michael: it is... Kevin: I hope you both will fix it somehow. Michael: me too.
Michael almost broke up with Dave. Kevin hopes they will fix their relationship.
Molly: My dear Rose, are you feeling better? Is Bill capable of running the house on his own? Are you currently having guests in? Rose: Hello dear Molly, I think I'm slightly better but have to stay in bed. Rose: Bill manages to greet guests and little else unless I specifically ask him to do something. Molly: It doesn't sound too good. Is he still weak after the biopsy? Rose: Half the time he has consumed too much alcohol to be of any use. Molly: Do you have guests regularly? Rose: We are booked every weekend and an odd night during the week. Molly: How do you manage all that? Rose: I've a daily domestic helper on weekdays. I don't know what I would do without her. Molly: Is she black? Molly: I don't like it about Bill. He is slowly killing himself. Rose: Yes she is. Of course he is and he doesn't care. Molly: Truly horrible. I feel very sorry for you Rose. And for Bill. Rose: Well... thank you. Molly: I wish you plenty of strength.And now get well soon! Rose: Thank you!
Rose is feeling a little better but she is still bedridden. Bill was weak because he had a biopsy. He is frequently inebriated and his health is in decline. Rose and Bill entertain guests each weekend and sometimes also during the week. They have a domestic helper, who is useful.
Amelia: OSCAR!!! I don't know what to do in life... Oscar: what do you mean... Amelia: I dont know ... i mean all i do is smoke weed and sleep.. Nothing else Oscar: well thats great if you are fed up with this routine.. it was doing more harm than good.. Amelia: yeah i know.. i want to do something exciting... something real... something meaningful.. Oscar: I remember that you were good in football in your football to get your mind off weed. and once you have changed your routine.. I have something for you that can give you meaning in things... Amelia: Tell me that first.. Please.. Oscar: First you need to let go of your old habits. Amelia: OH GOD!!! Sure!!
Amelia only sleeps and smokes weed, but she wants to do something exciting and meaningful. She might come back to playing football, and when she breaks the bad habit, Oscar will give her an interesting proposition.
Barbara: Hi my friend, thank you for the pics. Your garden looks a dream! Mona: Hi Babs! Thanks. Are you well? Barbara: Yeah... Just working my way thru the backlog of 3 weeks worth of correspondence. BORING Mona: But no bad news or something? Barbara: No, just admin. And it's raining buckets! Better your end, I presume? Mona: Not so bad here. Lower 20s, partly cloudy. We'll be going to visit Mocaa later today. Barbara: I'm having a blonde moment! What is Mocca? Mona: This new museum in Cape Town. Museum of Contemporary African Art. Barbara: But of course. Stupid me! Mona: LOL. I should know such things. You are an arty crafty beast! Barbara: Rather nasty pasty. Mona: ROFL Barbara: I think I have to get back to my work now. Mona: Sure. I don't want to keep you. Barbara: No prob. Be good! Mona: XXXX
Barbara is reading 3 weeks' worth of administrative correspondence. It's raining heavily where Barbara is. It's warm and partly cloudy where Mona is. Mona is visiting Museum of Contemporary African Art later today. Barbara has to get back to work.
Emil: Where do we upload our part? Iga: I have created a cloud document Iga: I will link it here Iga: <file_other> Emil: Great, I have uploaded my part Paul: Me too Paul: I love the transition from country climate into investment climate haha Emil: Hahaha, I didn't even notice that :D Iga: We should organise those slides anyway, when everyone uploads their part :p Paul: But I demand this transition remain unchanged! :D
Iga has created a cloud document. Emil and Paul will upload their parts there. The slides are not yet organized.
Nash: <file_other> Raymond: that song is THE BOMB Nash: i know, feeling the vibes already? :D Raymond: we gonna hit the dance floor hard today Nash: oh yeah, ladies beware!! Raymond: hahahaha EXACTLY
Nash and Raymond are going to a party today.
Adam: Have you seen Gloria today? Joan: Nope! Why? Adam: She is wearing a really cheesy dress XD Joan: Oh come on, she's so pretty she could wear a bag… Adam: I guess Rowland has the same opinion! The way he looks at her :D Joan: <file_gif>
Gloria is wearing a cheesy dress today. Rowland fancies Gloria no matter what she wears.
Rudolph : My father got me new car Steve : No Wayyyyy Rudolph : <file_photo> Steve : It is cool i am coming to see that. Rudolph : See ya there.
Steve is coming over to see the car Rudolph received from his dad.
Roy: Denise, I'm almost late for the flight and I cannot find my blue shirt! Denise: Did you forget that we left it at the dry cleaner last Friday? It was horribly stained! Roy: Shit, I remember now, but which shirt should I take instead then? Denise: Take the grey one, it looks really nice on you! Have a safe flight! Roy: Thanks, kisses :*
Roy can't find his blue shirt as it's at the dry cleaner's. Upon Denise's advice, he'll take the grey one with him.
Olga: guess what.. Anna: what? Olga: guess who've written.. Anna: Antonio? Olga: no.. :( Anna: aunt Rosie? Olga: YES! :D Anna: wow! Olga: she's coming in a week! <3 Anna: got bored of Austria? :P Olga: finally! Anna: she's coming back home? Olga: and getting married ;)
Anna's aunt Rosie wrote to her that she's coming back home from Austria in a week and that she's getting married.
Tommy: I went to the Strand Bookstore Jane: great! Tommy: but I really don't know what to buy her Jane: but the have everything there Tommy: exactly Tommy: I think this is the problem Tommy: the hell of choice Jane: haha, just buy anything that could be of her interest Tommy: but a novel or rather an album Tommy: I also saw among comic books Jane: a comic book would be surely surprising for her, but maybe a good choice Tommy: but they are millions of them here Jane: I would by something on a certain topic, not a series Tommy: I've seen a feminist comic book about abortion Jane: that could work beautifully Tommy: <file_photo> Jane: seems really nice Jane: I'd love to read it myself hahaha Tommy: it's 30$ Jane: a very good price Tommy: ok! thanks for helping me with it Jane: xoxox
Tommy is in the Strand Bookstore. He will buy a comic book about abortion for her which costs 30$.
Kimberly: i'm freaking out :‑O Kimberly: i can't find the ear rings i borrowed from katelin Kimberly: i've looked EVERYWHERE!!! Kimberly: she's gonna lose it!!! you've seen how she gets when she's upset :-/ Kimberly: and these are NICE and EXPENSIVE ear rings Peter: calm down... when was the list time you wore them? Kimberly: yesterday at my brother's graduation Peter: did you take them off at all? Kimberly: i don't think so, i can't remember Kimberly: had a bit too much to drink last night lol XD Kimberly: hold on a bit, getting a call Peter: ok Kimberly: i'm back, that was my mum, she has the ear rings Kimberly: apparently i asked her to take care of them because i wanted to go crazy on the dance floor Peter: that's what happens when you drink too much lol
Kimberly is afraid she lost Katelin's earrings. She wore them last yesterday at her brother's graduation party. She doesn't remember taking them off. It turns out that Kimberly's mom has the earrings. Kimberly gave them to her before going to dance.
Jana: So I think I will go see him Chris: I am pretty sure He's happy to see you Jana: Idk haha Jana: Its been a while Chris: I know Chris: I am surprised after all these years Chris: He decided to text you Jana: We were best friend in junior high Chris: I know Chris: Times flies Chris: What time you have to go there? Jana: Like tonight idk when exactly Chris: Well have fun xd Jana: Thank you
After all these years Jana is going to see him tonight.
Sarah: Looking for chairs that match the new table I bought. Sarah: Jack said you might have a source? Alex: Yes, Nei Interiors on 5th. What are you looking for exactly? Sarah: The table I bought is blonde wood, sleek but retro. So I guess something that plays from that. Alex: Chrome would look nice if you didn't want to matchy-matchy everything. Sarah: I'm open to suggestions. Alex: Otherwise maybe something black? Sarah: That could work. I do a lot of black accents and gray. Alex: Sounds very contemporary. Sarah: It is but eclectic too. I don't like clutter or gingerbread stuff. Alex: I think I get you. Let me see what I can find. Sarah: The usual fee, of course? Alex: Yes, just a finder's fee really. Sarah: Great. Alex: My commission is from the shop, so... Sarah: I see. Alex: I'll have to thank Jack for recommending me. Sarah: He speaks highly of you and loves his apartment. Alex: Good to hear! Sarah: I'm expecting big things! No pressure! Alex: LOL! We'll get you some excellent chairs, just what you want!
Alex will pick chairs that match new table for Sarah. She will buy finder's fee and he will get a commission from the shop Nei Interiors. As the table is bonde wood, chrome or black would work well with it.
Kris: Ted keeps sending me pictures and videos of cats Liv: That's so cute! Kris: I know but I'd like to make some conversation with him as well Liv: Ooops XD
Ted keeps sending Kris pictures and videos of cats.
Jill: Hi, maybe you'd like to come to us to Sweden? We're off June 6th-9th. Jill: Maybe the snow has melted by the time! :) Leo: Jill, how very nice of you! That'd be so lovely! Leo: But my future seems so uncertain... Leo: I quit my job at the end of March, haven't found anything new yet. Leo: Then I'm off to Spain in mid-May without even knowing if my potential employer will agree on that. Leo: They'd better do as I've bought the tickets! Jill: That sounds so like a busy plan! Leo: On top of that I'm graduating my studies in mid-June, so I'm definitely a busy man at the time. Jill: Just be frank with me, you simply don't want to come to us at all! ;) Leo: Haha, of course I do want to pay you a visit eventually! Just the circumstances are so so. Jill: Everyone wants to come to Eskilstuna, the center of the universe! Leo: Exactly! How's life in general? Jill: Not much is happening actually... Boring job, boring life. Leo: And how's Martin? Jill: Well, he's still my husband, I guess I'm a very good wife for him ;) Leo: I bet you are! Say hi to him! Jill: Will do! Leo: Got to go back to work but it was to cool you reach out to me! Jill: Take care! Leo: And you!
Jill invites Leo to visit her and her husband in Eskilstuna, Sweden in June. Leo is unsure as he will have to find a new job after he quits by the end of March. He will also be travelling to Spain mid-May, and graduating mid-June.
Tom: Just landed :) Chris: Great! Chris: On which airport have you just landed? Chris: I mean what's the name of it? Tom: Krakow Chris: Ok, thanks Tom: No problem Tom: I think your teacher is collecting us Chris: Cool then Tom: I can be very shy when I first meet people Tom: so please don't be afraid to make conversation and get me to talk Tom: I should be fine after a few minutes Chris: Ye sure no problem Chris: I will take that Chris: Are you tired after the flight? Chris: I mean that I don't know if you want to to sth tonight or prefer just to go straight to bed? Tom: No, I'm not tired. Tom: I think it will be tomorrow when the journey hits me. Chris: Yee, maybe Chris: Do you know how far from the hotel are you now? Tom: Beata said we're just passin "the teletubbies" houses Tom: if you know where it is Chris: I don't know what these are XD But we are on the way to the hotel Tom: See you there!
Chris is on the way from the Krakow airport to the hotel.
Donald: Are you playing poker tonight? It's at Dave's house Steve: Yeah I was planning to. Do we need to bring whiskey? Donald: I've got some, no worries. Steve: Ok see you
Donald and Steve are playing poker at Dave's house tonight.
Thomas: Sarah! It's already Tuesday! I'm so afraid of this exam on Friday :( Sarah: No worries Tom! We studied a lot, nothing will surprise us! Thomas: You're so positive because Mr Fincher likes you! Sarah: Why do you say so? He doesn't like me more than you :D Thomas: That's why I'm stressed! I don't want to look bad in the end… Sarah: Just stop moaning, it'll be fine Thomas: But I'm so oddly stressed, I can't explain it Sarah: I can ensure you that this will pass soon XD
Thomas is stressed out about their exam on Friday. Sarah is positive as they studied a lot.
Julie: Baby led weaning? Any ideas what, when and how? Help!!! Nancy: start with giving him food once a day and build up to three times a day Beth: give him veggies first- pumpkin, carrot, potato Beth: then add fruits- apple, pear and banana are the best to start with Nancy: avoid highly allergic foods but if possible give him what you eat Julie: so stressed out! How much do i give? Beth: as much as he wants but he won’t eat much 1-2 spoons at first you’ll be surprised Julie: that doesn’t seem like a lot! Beth: he has to get used to it! Julie: right, ok Nancy: use a tiny bowl and a soft spoon Beth: and remember his main source will still be milk Nancy: so don’t worry if he doesn’t eat much Julie: how do i know if he’s allergic? Beth: you introduce foods separately so you’ll see Julie: what do i look out for Nancy: rush, vomiting, red skin around lips and.. you know stinky nappies Julie: oh dear! Beth: don’t worry you both will be fine Julie: Thanks for your support!
Julie wants to start baby led weaning.
Alex: We gotta commit to some subject for our referrals next week. Any idea? Mindy: I am opting for inequalities Greg: inequalities and what? Mindy: everyone finds himself one and finds some articles, up to date, like from last 30 days Greg: no way, to little scope of time, how about last 3 months Alex: Agreed with inequalities, and 3 months, 1 is to short
Alex, Mindy and Greg will focus on inequality for their referrals next week and they will work on articles from the last 3 months.
Tom: Hey honey Hannah: Hi baby? how come at this hour... Tom: Babe i have a meeting in 2 hours, i will be coming in an hour please take out my clothes and keep it ready. Hannah: yes sure, tell me what you want me to take out. Tom: that white Tommy's shirt, black pant and coat. Hannah: ok anything else? Tom: cant think of anything, actually you know i am rushing please think yourself and take out Hannah: cufflins? Tom: yes please Hannah: tie Tom: oh damn offcourse Hannah: hmmm,,, is it a new deal? Tom: yes just pray i get it you know i am working very hard. Hannah: i know you will get it, your honest and your trying hard God will help you. Tom: thanks, sorry about that actually he gave time after long time so i didnt want to miss opportunity. Hannah: oh no darling, anything for you Tom: love you babes you are my lucky charm Hannah: love you too and dont worry this would work out for you Tom: thanks babe Hannah: no worries, i am keeping a cup of coffee ready for you along with hot brownies Tom: you know you are the best!!!!!! Hannah: i know that :smile:
Tom has an important business meeting in two hours. He asks Hannah to prepare some clothes for him. Coffee and brownies are going to wait for him as well.
Kate: Are you planning your holidays this year? Roxanna: Not yet, there's still a lot of time till summer Roxanna: I'm hunting for bargains :) Kate: Last minute offers are sometimes the best Roxanna: Agree :)
Roxanna doesn't make any plans for the summer. She waits for some last minute offers.
Frank: what will be for dinner? Claire: nothing special Frank: can you try to do something good? Claire: my dinners are always good Frank: i meant something better than frozen pizza Claire: if you dont like my pizza you can cook Frank: pizza sounds great
Claire frequently serves frozen pizza for dinner.
Lauren: anyone for skiing tomorrow? Ann-Li: super i'd love to. Who's coming? Lauren: right now , i'm on my own Ann-Li: tomorrow i can't!!! Lauren: why not? Ann-Li: i'm waiting for the plumber in the morning.. Lauren: too bad... for me of course Lauren: and i think that there isn't enough snow.. really too bad Ann-Li: next time lol!
Ann-Li has a plumber coming tomorrow morning.
Maria: Excuse me, can you please help me cross the road? Steven: Sure, please hold my hand. Maria: Its too noisy and confusing, isn’t it? Steven: Yes, and here you are on the other side of the road. Maria: Thanks, my child. Steven: You are most welcome.
Maria needs Steven's help with crossing the road.
Mark: Are you going to vote tommorrow for mid-term elections ? Monika: Sure I will. And you ? Mark: I'm not sure. For me all politicians are liars and I don't thing my vote won't change anything. Monika: Of course it will. If everybody does like you, we soon will have new catastrophes like we had last time Mark: You're talking about last presidential election ? Monika: Exactly. If people like you had voted then, results would have been different Mark: Do you think my vote can change anything ? Maybe you're kidding Monika: Yours maybe not, but if we add thousends of people like you, yes Mark: But I still don't know who I should vote for. Monika: Look at their programs and choose the best, or the least worst :) Mark: And if my candidate was not as good as I thought ? Monika: Next time you will know, and at least you will avoid that the worst candidate passes Mark: OK, you convinced me, I am going to vote
Monika is going to vote tomorrow but Mark has some doubts. Monika convinced Mark to vote.
Penny: please let me know when you're at home Don: ok, I'm about to leave the hotel now Penny: I have to see my sis now but I'll be back before you arrive Don: ok Penny: drive safe :* Don: seeya at home
Don's leaving the hotel and heading home. Penny will be back from her sister's before he arrives.
Wayne: do we need milk? Fiona: no I got some in the morning Fiona: get some wine Wayne: wine? Fiona: your parents are coming over 2morrow
Wayne and Fiona don't need milk. Fiona wants some wine.
Cletus: Please pick up the phone. Cletus: You know who I am. If you keep not answering the phone, you also know what I am going to do. Geston: Till 2pm I cannot answer the phone. Geston: Sir, you know I cannot pay off the principal and interest at once. Cletus: Who asked you to pay all of them back? Cletus: Your repayment day for the interest is of 25th every month. Geston: Give me more time. Cletus: Stop it. Cut the crap!! Cletus: Send the interested first!! Till the midnight!
Geston must pay off the principal and interest to Cletus. Cletus wants to receive the money for the interest until midnight, as Geston's repayment day for the interest is of 25th every month.
Willow: what was the homework guys? Cindy: no idea Yolanda: can't remember, let me check Willow: ok ill wait Yolanda: essay on ethical fashion, deadline: December, 1st Willow: thanks :)
Willow's, Cindy's and Yolanda's homework is an essay on ethical fashion with deadline on December, 1st.
Loren: hate him so much Iren: know what u mean, he's such a moron Loren: <file_gif>
Loren hates him.
Donovan: Howdy. Stacy: How are you? Donovan: Peachy. U? Stacy: Fine, thanks. Good game last night! Donovan: They are on fyah!
Stacy and Donovan are fine. There was a game last night.
Beth: Did you see what Lisa was wearing??? Renee: YES!!!! GAG!!! Beth: I know! Renee: I mean, if you had that gut, would you dare? Beth: I don’t and I don’t! LOL! Renee: LOL! Beth: Does she not have a mirror? Renee: No way she has a mirror! LOL! Beth: I know crop tops are in but gawd! Renee: LOL! Beth: Maybe she borrowed it from her mom! Renee: LMAO!!! Beth: That’s even worse! LOL! Renee: See? Could be worse! LOL! Beth: Mom top! Renee: Muffin top! LOL! Beth: LMAFO!!!!
Beth and Renee are laughing at Lisa's crop top.
Mia: I just saw you in Cinema Hall Aiden: I am with my friends. Came to watch Avengers Mia: Can you bring me Starbucks after interval Aiden: Sure
Mia spotted Aiden at the cinema, where he was seeing Avengers. Aiden agreed to bring Mia coffee later.
Shawn: hey guys Shawn: pizza or kebab? Misty: pizza Dan: pizzaaaaa!!! Dan: <file_gif> Alex: <file_gif> Olivia: oh yeaaaaah Olivia: <file_gif> Shawn: hahaha Shawn: pizza it is xD Misty: takeaway? Dan: i was about to ask that :D Misty: :D Shawn: i was thinking yeah takeaway Shawn: u want to make it? Misty: we could Misty: not a big fan of takeaway pizza:D Alex: yeah neither am i Olivia: same here Shawn: ok Misty: ok i'll buy the ingredients Dan: ok Alex: ok Olivia: ok see you Shawn: ok bye
Shawn, Misty, Dan, Alex and Olivia will make a pizza. Misty will buy the ingredients. Alex and Olivia do not like takeaway pizza.
Tom: Hey, you forgot your scarf yesterday Tom: So you have an excuse to drop by :D Jim: Haha. Sure. I'll handle myself without a scarf until tomorrow. Jim: I'll visit you "to get my scarf" after work if you know what I mean :D Tom: Hahaha. Sure. See you then.
Jim has forgot his scarf yesterday. He'll visit Tom tomorrow after work to get it.
Joaquin: What's your problem really? Joaquin: You could’ve talked about that tomorrow. Felicity: Don’t misinterpret your own way. Felicity: Cause I wanted to buy the new dress for New year's eve party Joaquin: Then what happened to the money I gave to you last time? Joaquin: Where has it been leaking and now you ask for money again? Felicity: I don't wanna see you again Felicity: So just send the money Felicity: Send text that you sent the money and delete my number. Got it? Joaquin: You dirty whore! fuck off!!! Felicity: YOU ASSHOLE! Felicity: If you’re not ready for the girls do not even try meeting any! Felicity: Or visit red-light district. Joaquin: The whore like you should be in the mental hospital. FUCK OFF!!!!111
Felicity wanted money from Joaquin to buy herself a new dress but he doesn't want to give her any more.