Jordan: bus at 8:45? Fill: yep Jordan: see u
Bus is going to arrive at 8.45.
Joanna: Since you are unable to remember anything I discuss with you in the morning Joanna: I will now enumerate everything we've got going on this weekend Daniel: <3 Joanna: Friday night we are invited to two parties and we either do quick appearances at two or stick to Mike's birthday cause well he's a much closer friend than Jimmy Daniel: noted Joanna: Then on Saturday night we go grocery shopping, we also need cleaning products cause the apartment is a mess and we have noting to clean it with Daniel: right right Joanna: then we have late lunch with your parents Daniel: is it this Saturday? Joanna: yes it is Daniel: could have sworn it was the next Joanna: no. Daniel: okay continue Joanna: Then we go hoe and clean up Daniel: and in the evening we go to the theatre! Joanna: niiiiiice you remembered Daniel: see? Joanna: What are we doing on Sunday? Daniel: staying in bed and maing sweet sweet love? Joanna: you're a moron
Joanna and Daniel are invited to two parties on Friday night. On Saturday night they will go grocery shopping, and then they have late lunch with Daniel's parents. On the same day, they also need to clean and in the evening they are going to the theatre.
Lucy: Hi Patty. Is dad with you? Patty: No. He never is on Thursdays. Lucy: Can't reach him on the phone. Patty: Tried landline? Lucy: No. I thought he'd had it disconnected long ago. Patty: Of course not. The same number for the last hundred years. Lucy: OK. But his mobile isn't answering! Patty: Good Lord!!! Lucy!! SO WHAT? Lucy: Just worried! He felt off color last night. Patty: Most likely drunk too much. As usual. Lucy: Don't be so flippant about him pls. He is my dad and I am worried. Patty: So why don't you just move your ass and drive over to him? Lucy: Because I bloody hell can't. Patty: And you want me to drop everything and go to Brighton?! Lucy: Didn't say that. Patty: But meant it. Lucy: No, I did not. I think I can cope without you. Patty: Very well indeed. Lucy: Just give me his landline number. Patty: 761 761535 Lucy: Ta. Patty: As far as I know he's having his palls in every Thursday morning. They are rehearsing or something. Lucy: WHY didn't you me that at once? Patty: You didn't ask. Lucy: You are really a pain the ass Patricia. Patty: Thank you. And tell your precious dad about it. Lucy: Be sure I will.
Lucy is looking for her dad, she is worried. Patty suggests he probably has been drinking last night, and had his friends over.
June: And the party? Chris: As said, insane! June: Tell me more :) Chris: Y weren't u there? June: Sick :( Chris: Sry to hear that. Well, it started with some light drinking. June: Yeah, right. U and light drinking. Chris: Fine! We drank and drank until we got stoned! June: More like it! Chris: Than Jake decided it's a good idea to jump off the roof into the pool. June: Sick! Chris: I know! But he did it! And everyone was like - that's fun! June: Don't tell me someone else did it? Chris: Well, some guys attempted it, but one fell to the floor and 2 actually made it. June: Yikes! Did u call an ambulance? Chris: Nah. Someone drove the poor bastard to the hospital. June: But they must've been drunk! Chris: Maybe.
The party was insane. June couldn't attend because he was sick. At the party they drank a lot and got stoned. Some people jumped off the roof into the pool. One person fell to the floor instead and was driven to a hospital.
Ali: Mr Bongo went back to Morocco John: what? really? Jean: Yes, this is getting quite ridiculous Cecilia: and so little information Ali: of course, he's just miserably clinging on power Jean: honestly I prefer him that a military junta Ali: he managed to survive one coup Cecilia: hahah, have you seen the memes making fun of the failed coup? Ali: no! Cecilia: <file_other> Ali: hahaha Jean: yes, it's very funny how they mock up their own versions of the coup Ali: Jean, I prefer anything than Bongo family Ali: but they seem a never ending story for this country
Mr Bongo went back to Morocco. He survived a coup, as Ali reports. Cecilia sent a meme about the failed coup.
Jane: Hey gang! Any book suggestions for our next meeting? Amanda: I suggest "Snow" by Orhan Pamuk Linda: Sounds good to me. Jane: Any other suggestions? Candy: Anna Karenina Amanda: I'd prefer something I haven't read yet. Candy: OK. Let's read "Snow".
Jane, Amanda, Linda and Candy are planning to read "Snow" by Orhan Pamuk for their next meeting.
Faith: finally... Ellen: what? Faith: Zara released new collection Ellen: Can you share a link with me? Faith: <file_other> Ellen: Oh boy, I like those shoes. Faith: I love that red jacket Ellen: shopping next week?
Zara released new collection. Ellen likes those shoes and Faith loves that red jacket, so they might go shopping next week.
Sidney: Hey, Honey, could u get me something while ur at the store? Randall: Sure, Baby. What do u need? Sidney: I need a loofa, a make-up brush and a bottle of nail polish. Randall: Okay. Any particular colour? Sidney: I think pink will be gr8.
Randall is at the store. He will buy a loofa, a make-up brush and pink nail polish for Sidney.
Leonardo: U wanna do something ? Maya: Like what? Leonardo: Tell me Maya: I wanna meet you Leonardo: What's your hotel name? Maya: Hotel brown. So are we meeting today or no? Leonardo: I'm coming Maya: Ok nice, I will get ready Leonardo: Ok Maya: What time will u be here? Leonardo: I'm leaving now Maya: Ok. Where are you? Leonardo: Give me the hotel address Maya: Viale pola 29
Leonardo will meet Maya today at Hotel Brown.
Chloe: are you going to today's xmas party?? Kate: I don't know yet Florence: YEEEEES!! Of course :) And you? Chloe: Probably yes ;) Florence: Great, Mike will be there too Chloe: *.* Florence: Good news? Chloe: The best!!! Chloe: <file_gif> Kate: Well, if Mike comes, I will probably also try to make it xDD Florence: Good call :) Florence: Let me know Florence: When you're sure :) Kate: Ok
Florence will attend the Christmas party. When Chloe and Kate learn that Mike will come, they decide to come too.
Greta: Will you go to school today: Ray: Yea Greta: Oke
Ray will go to school today.
David: What's the code again? XD Ryan: 1234 Ryan: :D Ryan: how can you forget that? :D David: Haha I don't know XD
The code is 1234.
Veronica: Look at this! Veronica: <file_photo> Martha: Oh dear ... This looks delicious! Veronica: And it tastes like this as well! Martha: I believe you, I know you're a great cook ... When are you coming back home? Veronica: I'll be there in a month Martha: Really?! We haven't seen each other in ages! Veronica: I know ... I miss home and my dog ... Martha: Well, nothing to complain about, I've heard about your trip to Paris! Veronica: Yes! I can't wait! So Paris in a week, then I fly home directly Martha: Amazing ;) Now I'm jealous because of your deliciously looking dinner AND your trip! Veronica: Don't worry, I'll cook something when I'm back Martha: Great, can't wait!! <3
Veronica has cooked a delicious dinner. She goes to Paris in a week and she'll be back home in a month. Then she'll meet with Martha.
Sam: How was the interview? Sam: It was today right? Brian: Yea, I don't thnik it went well :( Sam: Why? Brian: The guy who interviewed me asked me some totally strange questions and I had no idea what the asnwer should be... Sam: Maybe it was just some kind of personal test. Brian: Maybe… but I am not sure if I want to work with such crazy people.
Brian's interview didn't go well but he wouldn't like to work there anyway.
Randall: <file_photo> This one? Sidney: Yes! Finally! Randall: How does it differ from the other ones? Sidney: They're all different colours. All pinkish but different. And this one is pink-pink. Randall: If u say so. Sidney: Are u coming home now? Randall: Yes. Randall: The cashier is sneering at me. Sidney: Smile back at him. Randall: Is he ironic? Sidney: No, just nice. Randall: Okay. TTYS. Going home.
Randall is coming home now.
Greg: Hi, I'm gonna be late. Can you wait for me outside the station? Brina: Upstairs? Greg: Yes. Brina: Okey. I'll be waiting in front of the coffee shop. Greg: Be there in 10 minutes. Brina: OK.
Greg will be 10 minutes late and Brina will wait for him in front of the coffee shop.
Olivia: What do you think about this new girl that works in the club? Patty: What's her name? Patty: Jessica? Jennifer? Pauline: It's Jennifer. I think she's nice. Olivia: Do you think her boobs are real? Patty: No way!! Patty: I saw her dancing today Patty: She's all fake to me. Patty: Fake boobs, fake lashes, fake hair Pauline: Like you never used extensions Pauline: And fake lashes are standard in our profession Pauline: The boobs thought look fake to me Patty: I'm sure they are
There is a new girl working in the club. Her name is Jennifer. Olivia, Patty and Pauline think she has breast implants.
Kenneth: Can you inform me next time when you want to use my computer? Linda: Who used your computer? Mike: Wasn't me Kenneth: The access is blocked Kenneth: Wrong password was inserted multiple times Mike: I'm sorry dude Mike: But I have nothing to do with that Kenneth: Only you two have access to the office Linda: Why would we use your computer? Linda: We have ours.
Kenneth suspects that somebody has used his computer because a wrong password was inserted multiple times and the access is blocked.
Marika: There were a lot of ambulances on the street on the way home Orna: I saw them as well why were they there? Marika: As I heard from the news, huge accident happened Orna: Like how huge?? Marika: One bus driver got so pissed at a driver blocking in front of his bus Marika: So he fought with this driver on the street Orna: But why so many ambulances, not police cars? Marika: Cause the driver didn't move his car and the bus driver was so pissed that he pushed that car Marika: And then 9 cars as well ahead of that car Orna: WTF! Marika: A lot of people got injured Orna: What a bastard! He couldn't control himself? Marika: He keeps insisting he wanted to pushed only the first car and suddenly brake didn't work after he did that Orna: But again, wtf really his job is taking care of the passengers, not driving like a devil from the hell Marika: That's what I mean Orna: He is a killer Marika: Yes he is!!!! Marika: I wish him the heaviest sentence! Orna: I totally agree. Orna: Drivers like him should be in jail and reflect himself for all his life
The bus driver injured many people by pushing other cars.
Joe: so bored, what are you up to? Chad: just watching some tv, you? Joe: literally doing nothing Chad: you should watch the new season of sherlock, it's really good Joe: nah, i'm sick of tv, i feel like reading a book Chad: you're such a nerd, lol Joe: lol, that's me! do you have any recommendations? Chad: dude, i don't read, the last book i read was probably in grade school Joe: you're useless Chad: lol, i've heard there's this great book about a kid and a dog Joe: what?? you're nor making any sense, lol Chad: Let me google it, one sec Joe: i'll be waiting Chad: found it! it's called the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime by this guy mark haddon Joe: I've heard of it!!! I'm going to the bookstore to get it right now. Chad: let me know if you like it Joe: i will, thanks for the recommendation
Joe is going to the bookstore to get The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon. Chad doesn't read but has heard it's great.
Karen: Hey guys, I’m sooo hapy that you got engaged! Matthew: thx Karen, we’re super excited, too! Sarah: I can’t wait to see you on our wedding day! Sarah: <photo> Sarah: Guess when the photo was taken? Karen: OMG! In the high school!
Matthew and Sarah got engaged. Karen sends them a picture from high school.
Ty: Why didn't you tell me you were back in town?? I only found out from Steve. Man. Clark: I haven't told anyone yet, I just happened to run into Steve, that's why he knows. Clark: Life's been so crazy I haven't got round to it and I wanted to meet up with you guys properly once I'm free. Ty: I'd hope so! We haven't seen you for months now, we've gotta catch up. Beer next week? Clark: I think I'll be free even sooner than that! I'll let you know this weekend.
Ty found out from Steve Clark's back in town. Clark only told Steve, because he ran into him. Ty wants to meet for a beer next week, Clark may be free even sooner.
David: We have to buy this 100x71 alu frame David: For this poster you got from my sister Lizzy: Yeah. Have you decided where will we hang it? David: I think over the stairs will be perfect. David: Ok. I'll stop by the supermarket. Maybe I'll find nice frame there. Lizzy: Kk.
David and Lizzy need to buy a frame for the poster Lizzy got from David's sister.
Tim: Are you at the station already? Helen: Yes, our train is leaving from platform 3. Andrew: Hurry up! Helen: In 5 minutes Tim: I should make it Helen: Are you far? Tim: Just around the corner
Tim, Helen and Andrew have a train in 5 minutes Tim is almost there.
Bob: It's high time I bought new speakers and amplifier George: What's up with old ones? Bob: Sound got flat Bob: I have problem with setting the volume and equalizer George: Maybe repair the old ones? Bob: Nah. I have to find something that will be also good looking :/
Bob wants to buy new speakers and an amplifier as sound got flat. He doesn't want to repair them as he wants something that will be also good looking.
Chen: Hallo, wie geht's? Philip: Omg, do you speak German now? Chen: I'm attending a course, learning the basics right now John: Ok Chen: The funny thing is it's easier for me than Italian. I don't know if it has to do with having Chinese as my first language, but my frend Tao also finds German easier, so... maybe? John: Damn, I'd never be able to learn German :/ Italian is the way :D
Chen started learning German. It's easier for him than Italian.
Marcy: We're travelling to Georgia next month and I was thinking about entering Abkhazia Jenny: Do you know anything about it? Galina: I don't really think it's possible Galina: it seems that one can enter Abkhazia only from Russia Tom: oh no! Galina: I'm not even sure if it's safe for someone with the Georgian visa in the passport Galina: but google it Jenny: we will, thanks!
According to Galina there is only one way to enter Abkhazia - from Russian side. She doesn't think it is safe with Georgian visa. She advises doing more research on the internet.
George: Hey, tomek! George: How is it going? Tomek: Hi George! Long time no see! It's going great, I'm back home, going to the gym, eating a lot and enjoying life of a jobless bum ^^. How are you? George: I'm glad to hear that. You deserve a little break from everything that's on the other side (of the world) George: You're coming to Ania's we'd, right? George: wedding* Tomek: Sure thing! Are you :d? George: It would be weird if I won't George: Yep, of course :D Tomek: Haha! Awesome! Tomek: I was hoping we could meet there:D George: Aaam, I want ask you about the tradition of the whole thing George: I don't want to be caught of guard Tomek: Sure thing, as whatever you want George: For example, what do you guys give to married couple? George: Random gifts, money... George: A slap on their butt?? George: :D:D:D Tomek: So it goes like that: we go to the church for ceremony. After that young couple is receiving gifts from guests, it's in front of the church. Nowadays usually money, typically about ~300 PLN per couple, but if you're short on cash you don't have to give anything, no pressure here. Then you wish them quick divorce and you step back so other guests can make it rain as well ;) George: So money is right choice George: Hahhah Tomek: But you're coming all the way here, I'm sure your presence will be the best gift for them George: Yeah, nah George: It wouldn't be a nice thing to do George: Besides I don't think it's so far George: It takes an hour and 45 minutes to get there Tomek: Are you coming with someone? George: I'm coming solo George: Not because I'm cheap
George is coming to Ania's wedding from abroad. He doesn't know what to give to the newlyweds and he is quite unaware of Polish wedding traditions. Tomek explains him the usual turn of events: the holy mass, the gifts and the wishes.
Simon: What's the dumbest proverb you can think of? Alan: I don't know. Laughter is the best medicine? Simon: Yeah, that's a good one. It's not exactly going to do much against bubonic plage is it? Alan: Not really. Doctor, I have these swellings under my armpit! That's alright I'll tell you a joke. Simon: Any more? Alan: A stitch in time saves nine. I don't understand how you can stitch time in the first place, and why it should save nine instead of seven or eleven, for example. Simon: That was the original title of the Outlander novel, you know? Alan: What "A Stitch in Time saves Nine?" Simon: No, just "A stitch in time". That was what Diana Gabaldon called it. Later on they changed the further issues of Book one to Outlander and called it the Outlander series and the TV shows were always just called Outlander. Alan: About the best historical drama ever made, in my opinion. Really insightful about the eighteenth century. You can almosot feel as if you have lived in it. Simon: I agree. The only better series I know is Breaking Bad, but that's a completely different genre. Alan: Both BB and Outlander are hard to cast when it comes to genre. I would say they transcend genre. But you are right, they are very different. Simon: which do you like better? Alan: I would still say that BB is the single best TV series ever made, and that by a wide margin. However, once you have seen it from beginning to end and you know what is coming, you don't want to watch it again. Simon: Right. Whereas you can watch all the Outlander series several times just for the historical insight and the atmosphere as well as the artistic beauty of the scenes and cinematography. Alan: Yes and Catriona Balfe Simon: Indeed. There's nobody on Breaking Bad who quite equals her, is there? Alan: I quite liked Marie Schrader and Jessie's girlfriend who chokes on her own vomit, but Skyler is not exactly my type: Simon: No. And anyway none of them can hold a candle to Catriona. Alan: She's a gorgeous woman and a fantastic actress. Simon: She and Sam really bring the books to life.
Alan and Simon are fans of Breaking Bad and Outlander although they are different genres. The Outlander novel Dana Gabaldon used to be called "A stitch in time". Cationa Baife is an Outlander character. They think she is better than Marie Schrader, Skylar and Jessie's girlfriend from Breaking Bad.
Buba: You wish, you were there last night. Lala: I wish? Where was it? Buba: You're kidding me, right? Lala: Not at all. Where were you last night? Buba: So you don't know? Lala: I don't. Cross my heart. Buba: Maybe it's for the better, then. Never mind, honey.
Buba will not tell Lala where she was last night.
Wesley: Let me know which part I should study for the exam. Douglas: The examination covers pages 28 through 70. Wesley: Is there anything I should know about extra? Douglas: I have no idea.
Douglas informs Wesley he should cover pages 28 to 70 for the exam.
Abigail: you want to grab a beer? i had a rough week, i need to talk to someone George: yeah, sure George: what happened?? Abigail: i had a fight with my mom and now we're not talking Abigail: it came to the point that she said that i couldn't come for christmas this year George: i'm so sorry George: i don't know why you argued, but i think she overreacted George: forbidding you from coming home for christmas is just a lot Abigail: you know that she doesn't like josh, she thinks he's not good enough for me Abigail: so she was furious when i told her we had got engaged Abigail: i'm not going to dump him just because of her George: of course, you're not George: you poor thing, i think you need a big hug George: do you want me to drop by right now? Abigail: that would be great :) thanks, George George: ;) don't worry, in the worst-case scenario you'll spend christmas with my family
Abigail argued with her mother. She is furious, because Abigail and Josh got engaged. George will drop by and spend time with Abigail.
Bill: Hi, did you get my email? Martha: Let me check Martha: Yes, here it is Bill: Please let me know today if all the details are ok Martha: No prob :) Bill: Ok, thanks
Martha will let Bill know if the details are correct.
Fiona: So we're meeting for an apéro at my place at 5 pm as agreed? And then go to Mangold's for a meal. There is that nice walk from the pub back to my place - for a digestif. Paula: It's such a lovely day! Can't we have a walk before the meal? Paula: We can be at your's at 4 then. Fiona: Isn't it healthier to have a walk afterwards? Paula: But it's so important for Peter to be still able to enjoy sunsets! It makes him so happy! Fiona: The sunset is at 5 pm, so maybe at 4:30? Paula: OK. And then we can go straight to Mangold's, right? Fiona: If you say so. Paula: Anyway an apéritif and wine with the meal would be too much for Peter. He can't drink too much alcohol. Fiona: It's ok Paula. No need to explain. We'll do it the way you want it. We can also meet at the parking lot opposite the school, where the footpath starts. Paula: That a splendid idea! Then we don't even have to drive down to your place and it's also so close to Mangold's that it'll be also easy after the meal. Fiona: Yes. So 4:30 parking lot. Paula: Brill! So happy to see you again and spend time together. So much to talk about!
Fiona, Paula and Peter will meet at 4:30 at the parking lot opposite the school. They'll go on a walk and look at the sunset. Next, they'll go to Mangold's for a meal.
John: We're going to the party after all Tom: Wendy as well? John: yes Katy: I'm very happy!
John and Wendy are going to the party.
Lilah: Teacher is asking me to visit his home Pedro: Yeah His wife is sick he needs someone to help him Lilah: Would you like to come along? Pedro: Can you pick me up from my house? Lilah: Would be there right after 10 mins Pedro: will be waiting Lilah: K
Lilah will Pick up Pedro from his house in 10 minutes and they'll go to the teacher who needs help as his wife is sick.
Aleena: i will make some french fries Wendy: fantastic, i will be home earlier Aleena: good to know, i have to prepare them earlier
Aleena will make some French fries for Wendy.
James: I will be later tomorrow I'm picking sues car up from the garage and taking it home for her Lucy: ok no problem will you still want tea James: probably not sue will cook I expect Lucy: ok text me if you do x James: will do
James tells Lucy that he will be later tomorrow. He needs to take Sue's car home.
Gabriel: hey how's life Gabriel: will you guys come to Poland any time soon? Arthur: yeah we wanna meet Mindy: we're fine, thanks, you? Harry: I guess we will fly home for Christmas Arthur: we're pretty well! Gabriel: we can talk on Skype if you wanna have a chat? hehe Arthur: sure, what about 4 pm on Saturday? Gabriel: fine with us!
Harry will fly to Poland for Christmas. Gabriel and Arthur will talk on Skype at 4 PM on Saturday.
Jill: we should really start booking something for new years eve Henry: lol it's June, really? Jill: don't you remember what happened last year? It is always like this Henry: maybe you are right Jill: yeah I am, we always postpone this and promise each other we will do it later and then we wake up in november and nothing is available anymore Henry: i guess so, were you thinking of going abroad this year? Jill: nope, i would like to do it on a low budget, good old mountains will be great Henry: did you already talk to everyone involved? Jill: not yet but I am sure everyone will be on board, maybe except Tom Henry: why? Jill: he will probably want to go somewhere with Caroline and spend it alone ;) Henry: ah ye, hahaha, we rarely see him anymore ;) Jill: <file_gif> Henry: exactly! :P
It was always too late to book something good for New Year's Eve, so this year Jill starts looking in June. She plans something low budget, like mountains. She is sure everyone would join, except Tom, who will probably spend this time with Caroline.
Robert: Hi, Bertrand. Bertrand: Hi, Robert. How are you feeling? Robert: Not to bad, considering. Bertrand: So you'll survive. Good. Robert: One hell of a party last night, right? Bertrand: You bet! Robert: Seems to me, the fun really started, when they opened the third keg of beer. Bertrand: You bet, it did. Robert: That's what I thought. Bertrand: Well, you should know best. Robert: I should? Bertrand: Come on. The stuff you came up with. I never knew this side of you. Robert: So it was fun? Bertrand: It sure was. But I wouldn't be talking to Jane for some time. You know, what girls are like. Robert: All right. Just tell me. Anyone else I should avoid? Bertrand: Frankly, if I were you I'd go on a long trip somewhere.
Robert and Bertrand were at a party last night. There was a lot of beer. Robert drunk a lot and was behaving strangely, insulting some girls.
Dave: Larry, where are you? Lisa: We're waiting! All seated and all! Larry: On our way Patrick: We've been waiting for an hour! Hurry up, I'm starving Larry: you're an hour early then Patrick: You said 6 and it's 5.48 exactly... Denise: We're parking right now, are Larry and Jackie already there?? Lisa: not yet. on their way, apparently Larry: 5 min Patrick: so another hour then... Dave: Patrick <file_gif> Larry: Get some drinks guys, last two light and we're there Lisa: we're having margaritas! ready for a merry night Larry: walking in. be ready
Larry is getting late for the meeting.
Ethan: Congratulations. I just heard that you had a baby boy Lilly: Thank you so much you congratulated me :) Ethan: Whats his name? Lilly: We havent decided yet. Its been only 2 days since he has come Ethan: You can name him Ethan Lilly: Shutup. His father will decide the name Ethan: BOL :)
Ethan congratulates Lilly on her baby boy. The baby's name is not yet decided.
Emma: miss you :( Charles: i miss you too, babe :( Charles: how is your dad? does he feel better? Emma: he's ok, but you know, he had a major operation, it will take him a few weeks to recover Charles: are you going to stay with your parents for this whole time? Emma: no, of course i'm not, i can't skip too many classes Emma: but i just want to help them as much as i can Charles: sure, i get it ;) hope to see you soon :* Emma: :) love you, Charlie :* Charles: love you too :*
Emma went to her parents to help while her father is recovering from a surgery. However, she can't stay there for too long due to her classes.
Phil: You going to the theater today? Mat: Yeah, Peter said he got tickets for the three of us. Phil: Can you pick me up on your way there? Mat: Sure can. Be ready at 6:30!
Mat, Phil and Peter are going to the theater. Peter bought the tickets. Mat will pick up Phil at 6:30.
Andy: Hi, Stella. Stella: Hi, Andy. We'll see you tonight, right? Andy: Sure. What time should I come over? Stella: Around 7 pm I think. Andy: What do bring to drink? Stella: Don't worry about that. We've got enough:) Andy: No. I'll bring a bottle of red wine, all right? Stella: If you insist. Sure:)
Stella will visit Andy around 7 PM. She will bring a bottle of red wine with her.
Cate: Good morning Trevor: Good morning, Miss. What can I do for you? Cate: I want to visit your shop and look at some of your cloth for a suit. Trevor: Certainly, Miss. Any particular colour? Cate: Yes, I want a dark brown. Trevor: It is for lounge suit? Cate: An ordinary lounge suit, like the one i was wearing the first time we met. Trevor: Ooh i remember. Cate: But this time round, i want a heavier material. Trevor: okay but it is a little more expensive but it is worth extra money. Cate: What is the price? Trevor: Rs. 65 a yard-double width. Cate: How much should I require for a suit? Trevor: Four yards will be ample. That should be Rs. 260 for the suit length. Cate: And what do you charge for making? Trevor: Rs. 100, and Rs. 35 for lining, buttons, etc. Cate: I see; Rs. 395 altogether. I think I will take it. Trevor: Very good, sir, I will take you measurements tomorrow once you come. Also you can try the suit on Monday. It should be ready by then. Cate: Let me see. I am afraid Monday will be awkward. Shall we say Tuesday? Trevor: Very good, sir. It will be ready for you on Tuesday. Are there any further inquiries you would like to make? Cate: I think it is all good. Thank you. and see you tomorrow Trevor: Good Bye. Cate: Bye
Cate is looking for dark brown cloth for a suit. Trevor will take his measurements tomorrow once he comes to the shop. The suit will be ready on Tuesday.
Theodor: Honey, I guess I will go home late today. Amilie: ..Why?.. Theodor: I have night duty today 😭😭 Amilie: You do it again? you have night duty several times a month. Amilie: How about talking with your supervisor? Amilie: I mean, it’s fine if they just let you know in advance. Amilie: But very rare! Mostly they just let you know before you get ready to go home. Theodor: Well.. Amilie: Talk to your supervisor today, or I will call him and talk with him about this for sure! Theodor: Okay. Don’t get angry darling. 😓😓😓
Theodor has a night duty and he will go home late today. Amilie is angry, because Theodor has night duty several times a month and most of the time his supervisor do not tell him about it in advance.
Jason: Hey gorgeous Polly: Hey there Jason: Wanna try something new today? Polly: Any specifics? Jason: <file_gif> Jason: I’m thinking role play Jason: You in? Polly: Now you’re talkin! Polly: <file_other> Wanna be my sexy police officer? Jason: hahaha actually I thought you could be my dirty nurse Polly: <file_photo> like this one? Jason: Wow Polly: Challenge accepted!
Jason and Polly want to do some role play during their sexy time today. Polly will be Jason's dirty nurse.
Mona: Hi :) Suzie: Hi dear :) How do you feel? Mona: Thank you, I feel better. Mona: It still hurts me but every day is getting better. Suzie: My poor baby: * Suzie: Can I visit you? Mona: I will ask my doctor, but I think it will be ok. Suzie: Do you need anything? Suzie: Can I bring you something? Mona: Maybe some book… It's boring here… Suzie: Any wishes? Mona: Maybe some crime story. Mona: Do u have "Fires in the dark"? Suzie: No. But I'll ask James. Mona: It will be great. Suzie: I'll try to find sth interesting for u. Mona: Thx! :* Suzie: I'll be about 6, ok? Mona: See u!
Mona feels better. Mona wants Suzie to bring her a crime story. Suzie doesn't know if she has "Fires in the dark" but she will ask James. Suzie will try to find something interesting for Mona to read.
Jack: Wanna play some game tonight? Zack: Yup. I have time tonight. Jack: Cool. Jack: I haven't been online for a month now. Jack: Shame that mature life gets you so fast Zack: Yup. Mature life at 25 Zack: It's surprising we're not married and don't have kids by this time :D Jack: Hahah. Please don't even say it. Jack: I can't afford a kid right now. Zack: Hahaha.
Jack invites Zack to play some game tonight.
Kaz: I've just put a load of washing on and the washing machine is leaking all over the laundry! Grrr! Peter: Is the leak coming from the washing machine or the tap? Kaz: The tap I think. Peter: Try to see if it needs tightening that might help. If that doesn't work then it is time to call a plumber. Kaz: I've tried that already. Guess I better call a plumber. It's like one thing after another lately. Grrrr!
Kaz's washing machine leaks all over the laundry. Peter suggests that the tap might need tightening but Kaz claims it doesn't work and the help of a plumber will be needed.
Lou: please buy pizza for dinner Dad: which one? Lou: funghi Dad: ok
Dad will buy Lou funghi pizza for dinner.
Fred: You going today? Mark: Where? Fred: To church? Mark: No. Fred: OK.
Mark isn't going to church today.
Jazz: Cinema anyone? Kerry: when are we thinking? with or without kids? Sarah: Yes Jazz: no kids! ladies night Sarah: has to be a week night though, we are busy over the next 6 weekends or so... Jazz: weeknights are fine Sarah: drinks too? Jazz: Not sure that's a good idea on weeknights... Kerry: evenings are difficult for us though, paul can put the baby to bed but I need to feed her still... Jazz: oh yeah, forgot about that Kerry: are you interested in going during the day on day? with kids? Jazz: yes, sure! when are you thinking? Kerry: Maybe Saturday morning? Sarah: have I been booted out of this one? Kerry: no you are in the adult party! Jazz: that sounds so wrong!!! Kerry: Ha I just realised that!! Sarah: different type of film altogether! 🤣 Kerry: definitely no kids... Jazz: right Sarah, Monday night Bohemian Rapsody? on at 7.40 at Avonmeads Showcase Jazz: Kerry, Mary Poppins on Saturday 10.30am? Odeon? Sarah: perfect, see you there! Kerry: I'll double check with Paul but should be fine! Look at you going to the cinema all the time!! Jazz: you can call me lady Popcorn!! Sarah: 🤣🤣
Jazz is going to see Bohemian Rapsody with Sarah on Monday night, 7.40 in Avonmeads Showcase. She is also going to watch Mary Poppins with Kerry on Saturday morning, 10.30 in Odeon.
Adam: Hey Charlie, gotta question for you. Charlie: Hey man, what's up? Adam: I'm having an issue. I just dropped Godwin who was on my bench and picked up Baron who plays tonight.Now it won't let me use Baron this week. Do you know why? Charlie: Ya. Yahoo won't let you do that. Adam: I have done it in the past. Charlie: I can change it for ya. Adam: Cool thanks. When did that change? Charlie: It's been a while, probably like five years ago. I've been doing it manually since then because it's a bullshit rule. Adam: Good to know. I appreciate it man! Charlie: No worries. Essentially they won't let you make any changes after Sunday night for this week. We've always had people wait until Monday though. Adam: Thanks for all the info! Charlie: Sure. You should be good to go now. Adam: Great. Thanks again Charlie: Ya, always ask with stuff like that
Adam has a problem with using Baron, because Yahoo introduced a new rule five years ago. He asks Charlie for help. Charlie helps Adam.
Courtney: is tomorrow ok for this beer? Courtney: or whatever? ;) Lauren: tomorrow not really Lauren: I mean John has some plans Lauren: so I have to stay at home Lauren: how about next week? Lauren: or maybe you’d like to come to my place Lauren: he’ll be out anyway so we can talk ;) Courtney: what time do you put the kids to bed? Courtney: I don’t want to interrupt Lauren: around 8pm I guess Lauren: they should be in beds by then Courtney: ok, I’ll let u know
Courtney and Lauren will maybe meet for a beer tomorrow as Lauren has to stay at home because John has some plans. Her kids should be in beds by 8 pm.
Hanna: Plans for Friday evening? Kate: Not yet. Hanna: Movie? Kate: Drink? Hanna: Drink sounds good. Kate: :) Hanna: :) Kate: Heard about a new place in the city centre. Wanna try it out? Hanna: Sure. What is it? Kate: <file_other> Hanna: Looks all right. I like the garden space. Kate: Me too. What time? Hanna: Around 8:00? Kate: Perfect! Hanna: Is Pete coming as well? Kate: He'll be still out of town. Hanna: Girls night then. Great! Kate: Maybe let's ask Mary to join us? She's been looking sad lately. Hanna: I think she's working Friday evening, but yeah, let's ask her :) Kate: I'll write to her.
Hanna and Kate go for drinks Friday evening around 8.00. They will try out a new place in the city centre. They will ask Mary if she joins.
Andrew: Are you at the square? Carol: I am, by the monument Andrew: Can't see you really Carol: LOL, I can see you though!
Carol is at the square. Andrew can't see him. Carol can see Andrew.
Leon: honey I left work early Leon: I thought I could fetch Millie from school and make some dinner? Hallie: oh that would be heaven! Leon: <file_gif> Leon: what time does Millie finish? Hallie: today its' 4 p.m. Leon: okie dokie Leon: I'll buy some chicken thighs and potatoes for dinner then Hallie: <file_gif> Hallie: see you in the evening! Leon: <file_gif>
Leon finished his work earlier. He will pick up Millie from school at 4 p.m. and make chicken thighs and potatoes for dinner.
Kayla: Your album will be ready... in a couple of days Lily: hahaha please dont! Lily: its better not to print anything Lily: what happened in Bath stays in Bath Kayla: you would change your mind in 20 years Lily: when im divorced? ;)
Lily's album is going to be ready in a few days. She does not want to have the photos from Bath printed.
James: hows the weather by the way its blumin freezing right now Mia: It's snowing on my side :D How are the dogs? 🙂 James: lucky well im missing the ends of one of my shoe laces, but generally theyre great absolute nut cases but its fun Mia: When you start gushing about them, the you'll know that they're truly part of the family :P James: your elcome to come see them any time, and now its time to go for a walk and freeze Mia: (whilst singing "Walking in a Winter Wonderland") James: Hahaha!! <file_photo>
James's dogs are well. Mia is allowed to see them any time.
Ellen: Are you available for a meeting this Thursday at 6pm? John: Let me check my diary and I'll let you know in an hour or so. Ellen: OK! John: I've checked and 6pm on Thursday should be fine. Ellen: Great! I'll email the agenda to you this evening. John: Thank you. John: Ellen, I checked my inbox this morning and I can't find the agenda. Ellen: I definitely emailed it last night. John: No worries. I'll check again. John: Can't find it. What email address did you send it from? Ellen: The usual one [email protected] John: Doh! I just found it. It was in my spam folder. Silly me! :-) Ellen: Yeah it happens. Glad you got it! Ellen: BTW do you have all the quotes ready for the meeting? John: Yes, of course. Got them all done last week. Ellen: Awesome! John: No problems. Glad to be of help. Ellen: See you on Thursday. Let me know if there's anything you need in the meantime. John: I think I'll be right but if there's anything I'll sure let you know.
John and Ellen will have a meeting on Thursday at 6 pm. Ellen sent John the agenda for the meeting. Ellen has all the necessary quotes.
Ben: Hey Mon do you remember the code? Monica: u mean the alarm code? Ben: yep Monica: hmm i'm not sure Ben: on Tuesday there will be sb to help you but in Wed you'll be on your own Monica: hmm Aaron: yeah I'll be there Aaron: i can write it down so you'll have it on Wednesday Aaron: just in case :D Monica: great, tx Ben: ok Ben: just make sure you don't enter the room without disengaging it ;D Monica: yeah i'll try to. unlike last time xD Aaron: XD Aaron: <file_gif>
Somebody will come help Ben on Tuesday. Aaron will write down the alarm code for Ben.
Henry: What was the name of the bottled water you order once for 2 weeks? Simon: Pierrot Henry: Is it ok? Simon: Yeah. It's ok. Simon: I've got far less plastic in my home. It really reduces the problem of PET bottles. Henry: Ecological thinking :D Simon: It's healthier than water in plastic bottles. Henry: Of course it is. Btw. You heard that scientists said that almost everyone absorbs plastic in their organism? Simon: Yeah. Sad story but I try my best to avoid plastic in my house. Henry: Good for you, but I think it's still impossible. Simon: I hope it will change soon. I don't want to leave future generations eating plastic molecules. Henry: Me too man.
Simon buys water bottled in glass called Pierrot. He tries to reduce plastic in his house.
Harry: On my way, mate, should be there on time! Joseph: Cool! I'll wait outside nearer the time. Harry: OK, see ya! Joseph: 😁
Harry is on his way to meet with Joseph. Joseph will wait outside.
Ethan: hey put the radio on! Ethan: channel 2 Megan: why? Ethan: just do it! There's the interview on allergies I had 2 weeks ago Megan: okie dokie, calm down :P Megan: you already behave like a celebrity :P
Megan will turn radio Channel 2 on to listen to Ethan's interview on allergies.
Anna: Are you busy on the 21st of December? George: No plans so far Anna: Good! I'm organizing a Christmas party! George: Already? It's still November ... Anna: I know, but I want people to save the date! George: Oh I get it, smart! ;) Anna: You know me ;) So, will you join us? George: Sure! Do you need help? Anna: At this point no but I need some helpers in the kitchen before the party! George: I'm not the best cook but I will gladly help! Anna: Great! George: No problem at all, anything else? Anna: Hmm ... let me think ... What about the guest list? Any requests? George: Will Sofia come? Anna: I don't know ;) I can invite her and you will see for yourself! George: Ahhh you know me so well, it would be great, finally a neutral place to talk with her! Anna: Ok then, I'm adding Sofia to the guest list! Now I think I should help you with deciding what to wear, right? ;) George: lol!! Sure, make fun of me! Anna: Oh come on! I will gladly help my helper ;)
Anna is organizing a Christmas party on 21st of December and wants George to come. George will come and help with the cooking. Anna invites Sofia as well, to George's delight.
Sylvia: They just started discussing climate change... Jane: oh this is bad Sylvia: you tell me, I'm actually here - WITH THEM Greg: Calm them down, change the subject Mike: Abort abort! My dad's just an inch apart from becoming a flat-earther, it'll be carnage if they keep going Sylvia: Too late, he said he doesn't believe in climate change Jane: part of me is happy i'm not there but the other part kind of wishes i was there? Jane: isn't it the stockholm syndrome? Greg: hahahaha, no Jane, it's not Jane: i'm pretty sure it is Sylvia: uhm, guys? help please? what should I do? Mike: start talking about your kids Jane: no! No kids! They're just going to whine why I still don't have any Sylvia: whining about your life? I'm fine with that Jane: Thanks Sylvia: you all should have been here anyway, I don't get why I'm the only suffering Greg: not fair, it's my shift today Mike: and I'm kind of abroad? Sylvia: yeah, next year it's me who's going to be out Jane: maybe they' won't organise the reunion? Sylvia: Good luck with that! Greg: If this is any consolation we can meet up for a drink afterwards Sylvia: OMG, yes please. I'm a designated river for Aunt Maggie, but when this is over I'd love a drink
They are discussing climate change. Sylvia has kids. Jane does not have kids. Sylvia is a designated driver for Aunt Maggie. Greg and Sylvia will meet for a drink.
Jeremy: <file_link> Crystal: <3 Jeremy: we’re signing up tonight! Crystal: yeah we just need to talk to sb from the group Crystal: so we don’t end up on our own Jeremy: oh fuck it;D Crystal: u know I’d prefer to have sb to talk to at the table Crystal: apart from u, of course ;* Crystal: oh and then I can wear the new dress! pefect :D Jeremy: u can wear it to the classes as soon as you finish it :D Crystal: I’m still wondering whether to sew it or not Jeremy: u considering buying it? Crystal: not quite. I was rather thinking I would just wear the old one :D Jeremy: well sewing doesn’t cost u anything, guess it’s worth a try Crystal: the fabric is 100 Jeremy: ooh I thought you had some in your stash Crystal: no, remember this photo i showed u? Crystal: <file_link> Crystal: red on black Crystal: <file_link> Crystal: that’s blue on black Crystal: they also have black on black Jeremy: blue is nice Jeremy: but red and black are also ok Crystal: u think blue? Crystal: I thought maybe red… thought i should go wild ;D Crystal: but then i’ll need to look perfect, u know, everybody staring Jeremy: u always look perfect ;* Crystal: oooh <3 :* Jeremy: take red then ;D
Crystal and Jeremy are signing up tonight. Crystal will wear the new dress.
Jake: Glad to hear that. Mike: So am I. Jake: Thanks again for the money. I'll really pay you back. Mike: I don't doubt that. Jake: I hope so. Just feel bad that I have to borrow money. Mike: No need. And stop thanking me, 'cause I'll start feeling weird about it.
Jake promises to pay Mike back.
Kate: I've just found our old pics! Anna: show me Kate: <file_photo> Anna: OMG we look absolutely crazy! Anna: What we we were wearing? Kate: Embarrassing! Kate: :D :D :D
Kate found old photos of her and Anna. Anna finds them crazy and Kate embarassing.
Kate: <file_photo> John: Wow! Kate: I thought you'd like it! John: Like it? I love it! Kate: Really? John: You look absolutely gorgeous in that pic. Kate: <file_photo> John: mmmmm.... Kate: <file_photo> John: You're making me really horny woman! Kate: <file_photo> John: I'm at work. FFS what am I supposed to do with the boner now? ;-P Kate: LOL
Kate has sent John her photo. He thiks she looks gorgeous in it.
Alexis: Could you tell me what you decided during the meeting? Jeff: They decided, I didn't vote. Alexis: avoiding responsibility? Jeff: I had no chance to change their attitude. Alexis: So what was the decision? Jeff: To fire the whole department. Alexis: what monsters! I just can't believe this Jeff: What are you going to do? Alexis: It just won't happen, the union will destroy them Jeff: sounds like a declaration of war Alexis: The council declared it, not us.
Jeff didn't vote during the meeting. They won't fire the whole department according to Alexis.
Linda: I came back to the gym yesterday Pedro: 👏 👏 👏 👏 Susanne: Great! Linda: I haven't exercised in 7 months Linda: I don't even know how it happened Linda: Travelling, stress at work, no time for anything Linda: I'm all sore but it feels so good to be back Susanne: 7 months without exercising it's really a long time Pedro: Yeah. Did you gain weight? Linda: I lost weight... Linda: It must have been the stress... Pedro: How often are you planning to go to the gym? Linda: 3-4 times a week, like I used to
Yesterday Linda started working out again after a 7-month break. She lost weight.
Caden: are you still in the supermarket? Muhammad: yes why Caden: can you buy me a bunch of grapes? i'll pay you back Muhammad: sure, do you want anything else? Caden: no, thanks! :>
Muhammad will buy Caden a bunch of grapes at the supermarket.
Ken: so is it a boy or girl? Lisa: we're having a girl! Ken: :) I'm so happy Ken: I'll call you when I land
Lisa is having a girl. Ken will call her when he lands.
Sami : Hi Bro. Afhaam : Hey wassup? Sami : Nothing bro, have you watched new netflix season of Narcos? Afhaam : No bro what is in that Sami : It is awesome based on the cartel of cocaine. Afhaam : Sounds interesting i must have to watch Sami : Maybe you can join us we are watching it right now with cousins Afhaam : Bro gimme 5 minutes i am heading to your home.
Sami and cousins are watching "Narcos" on Netflix in his home. Afhaam will join them in 5 minutes.
Casper: Damn boyyy. You got big. Scott: Yeah, I've been working out a lot. Casper: How long have you been lifting weights? Scott: For a year and a half. Casper: Yeah. Last time I saw you, it was like 2 years ago. Scott: Has it been that long? Time really goes by quickly. Casper: How often do you go to the gym? Scott: I usually go every other day for about 3 hours. Casper: That's a lot. Scott: Yeah, I used to work out for an hour a day 4 times a week but I wasn't getting the results I wanted. Casper: I don't think I have the discipline for that. Scott: I talked with a friend who is a bodybuilder. He gave some tips and helped me make a meal and training plan. The rest was up to me :p If you want I can start you off and show you some exercices you can incorporate in your daily life. Then you can start hitting the gym 💪 Casper: Wow that would be awesome, it's going to be hard tough.. Scott: Just think of it as a hobby. Then it's actually fun!
Scott has been working out for a year and a half. Casper and Scott saw each other last time 2 years ago. Scott goes to the gym every other day for 3 hours. Scott offers Casper to help him with starting his training.
Kasia: <file_photo> Do you like the make up? Lily: it's way to much Mel: I agree, Katya, it's not Russia or Poland :P Kasia: lol, you're mean
Lily and Mel think Kasia put too much makeup.
Holly: <file_photo> Jason: Oh no what happened to you? Holly: Fell down, Im okay tho Jason: It looks serious! Jason: Anyone helping you? Jason: Should I come pick u up? Holly: Im okay Holly: Dont worry Jason: Where are you? Holly: In Sasanki, near that bus station Jason: Are you taking the bus? Holly: Yes Holly: But im fine tho Jason: Can you walk? Holly: I can still walk perfectly Holly: Don't worry, the bus is here Jason: Okay Jason: If anything then call Holly: No worries mate Holly: Thanks 😊
Holly fell down and hurt herself, but can manage on her own. She is in Sasanki taking the bus from the station.
Mom: How are you doing sweetie? Kim: Hey Mom, I'm ok Mom: Are you all settled in your new place? Kim: Pretty much, April is coming over in a sec. to help me organize things. Mom: Ok. It's only been 2 days and I miss you already. Kim: I know, I miss you too, but I can always get on a flight and be there in just a few hours. Mom: Save your money for now, Christmas is coming :) Kim: I know. But I was looking into bus routes and the prices aren't so bad. A return is just $140. Mom: That's pretty good! We'll see as we get closer to Christmas. Do you have your schedule from school yet? Kim: I'm supposed to get it tomorrow. Hopefully, it won't be too taxing. I mean, I'm here to learn, but it's gonna take me a while to adapt to everything, you know? Mom: Of course, every new situation seems daunting at first, but you'll manage. Kim: I know, I'm a smart cookie :) Mom: Yes, you are, you always were. Kim: Hold on, April is here. Mom: Ok Kim: I'll call you tomorrow through WhatsUp, ok? Mom: Ok. Say hi to April for me Kim: I will Mom: Bye, don't stay up too late. You don't wanna be late for your first class. Kim: Ok :) Bye
Kim will get her schedule from school tomorrow and she hopes it won't be exhausting. She will visit Mom at Christmas time. April came to help Kim organize things in her new place.
Amalia: Is anybody in the city centre tonight? Amanda: I will rather stay home, it's too cold Joan: it's terrible outside, I won't go out today anymore for sure Tony: hahaha, Amanda, I guess it's an answer to your question Amalia: hahaha, right Amalia: what about you Tony? Tony: I'm already on my way home. Let's meet some other day Amalia: ok
Amalia wants to go out in the city centre tonight but it's too cold for Amanda and Joan. Tony can't come as he is already on his way home.
Eva: Hi! :) What are you doing? Barbara: Hey :) Currently I'm binge-watching "Say Yes To The Dress". Wanna drop by? Eva: I can't, there's no lift in your block. Barbara: So...? Eva: I've broken my leg, remember? Barbara: <facepalm> Barbara: Sorry, I totally forgot about it. Barbara: So maybe I could drop in on you? Eva: Well, that's exactly what was on my mind. :) Barbara: Great, I'll be in half an hour. :> Eva: Are we watching "Say Yes..." or something else? I could download something while you're on your way. Barbara: How about "RuPaul's Drag Race"? Eva: What's that? Barbara: Oh, come on, you had to hear about it! It's a competition for drag queens hosted by RuPaul. Barbara: It's!!! Eva: Hmm, sounds good, but, I don't know, I think I'm in the mood for "Dr. Phil". Barbara: Ugh, we always watch "Dr. Phil". :p Barbara: He's such a bore, he always uses the same phrases and tells the same jokes. :p Eva: You are watching "Say Yes To The Dress"!! It's the most repetitive programme that has ever been created! Eva: Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! :p Barbara: Ok, ok. :d Barbara: But what are we watching? Eva: "Something borrowed, something new"? Barbara: YASSSS! :D
Eva's broken her leg. Barbara will be at Eva's place in thirty minutes. They will be watching "Something borrowed, something new".
Jonathan: Hey look Jonathan: what I just bought Jonathan: <file_picture> Anna: OMG, it's beautiful! Anna: can't wait until we decorate it :D
Jonathan and Anna will decorate something Jonathan just bought.
Fran: where are my red high heels? Mom: in your car Fran: thx :*
Fran's red heels are in her car.
Fred: Hey Fred: Did you take any of my books? Angie: Hey Angie: Yeah I have your statistics book. Fred: Okay. Please remember to carry it with you at school. Fred: That is if you are through with what you were doing with it. Angie: Definitely I will Fred: Cool
Angie took Fred's statistics book. She will bring it to school.
Christina: <file_photo> Eva: is that an engagement ring?! :O Christina: YES IT IS!!!! MIKE PROPOSED TO ME!!! Eva: ohhh my god!!! i am so happy for you :**** congratulations!!!! Christina: thanks!! i am so happy right now
Mike proposed to Christina. Eva congratulates her.
Rose: just left would be reaching there in 30 minutes... Tom: ok all is ready just waiting for you Rose: coool i am so excited .. cant wait to inaugrate our new cafe Tom: same here just be quick Rose: sure!
Tom will see Rose in 30 minutes to inaugurate their new cafe.
Noe: hey girl, is everything good with you? Laila: hii! Yes I am great! What about you? Noe: good good! So how is your new job? Apartment? Life! Tell me EVERYTHING! 👀 Laila: oh I freaking love it here in Amsterdam! It is less stressful than Paris, but you still have a lot of career opportunities with all the big brands being based here... Noe: that sounds great, are you satisfied with your new job? Laila: humm … I am still discovering all its aspects, and getting to know my boss better (hope she doesn’t turn out a bitch like the last one) 😂… but so far so good with the colleagues. Laila: and we have people from all over the world! Noe: hahah you cracked me up! She was a real bitch though! Thank God I left at the same time as you, otherwise I would have gone crazy. Laila: tell me me about it! 😷 Noe: and how is yoru roommate? do you get along? Laila: yes, perfectly! I am so lucky this time thank God. She is German, I also get to practice it with her 😊 Laila: when are you coming to visit though? Noe: soon! soon! I am just waiting for my contact to be signed, then I can make travel plans. Laila: ok, let me know ❤️
Laila loves Amsterdam as it is less stressful than Paris. She is still learning about her new job and getting to know her boss. She hopes she will be better than the previous one, who was "a real bitch" in Noe's opinion. Laila also likes her German roommate. Noe will visit her soon.
Anton: Good evening. Thank you for the lift tomorrow. Where could we meet? Lynn: good evening Anton. We could meet at the train station tomorrow around 4pm. I've got a blue Clio. Anton: Good evening. Yes it's perfect. See you tomorrow at the station. Anton: Hello Lynn, i'm waiting in a small pub near the station, I'm in advance. Tell me when you arrive. Lynn: I'm here. i'm parked on the left hand side near a white jeep. Anton: You've got a Clio? DZ783PKY? Lynn: Yes it's my car. Anton: ok i see you. Lynn: fine, see you too
Lynn will give Anton a lift. He has a blue Clio. They will meet at the train station around 4 pm tomorrow.
Addison: Look how cute these stickers are: <file_photo> Miles: I hope you didn't buy them? Miles: Did you? Addison: Sorry, babe, they are too cute, I coudn't resist myself. Miles: We talked about this! You know that Jojo is going to stick them to the walls, on the furniture and so on... Addison: Oh, come on, I'll remove them, if she will. Don't be mad. Addison: Jojo is gonna love them! <3 Miles: Ok, never mind, it doesn't matter what I think, does it? Addison: Babe...!
Miles is mad at Addison because she bought stickers for Jojo. He's afraid Jojo will mess the house with them.
Alfonso: Hi there Marga: 👋👋👋 Claire: Hey Alfonso: Are we meeting tomorrow? Claire: Yeah, sorry I didn't say anything, I'm drowning in work. But I'm totally up for it Marga: Same here, sorry Alf 👽 Alfonso: No worries, earthlings. Shall we meet for breakfast first, as we were saying? Marga: Yeah, totally. There is this bar which serves churros just next to La Latina metro station, we could meet there Alfonso: Sounds good to me Marga: <file_other> Claire: Perfect. I think I've never been Marga: Well, you haven't missed anything. The bar is as disgusting and dirty as any other bar in Madrid Claire: Looking forward to the experience. They are one of the things I most miss of Madrid 💔 Alfonso: Well then, we'll have to take you somewhere else then if it happens to be too clean Marga: I can bring some take-away coffee and Claire can have it in a waste container Claire: How kind! The other thing I most missed were my beloved friends Marga: I'm sorry, your friends have melted because of global warming ⛄💦 Claire: RIP Alfonso: 🔥 Marga: So what time are we meeting? 😇 Alfonso: 9:00? Or would that be too early? I know it might be difficult to get up so early on a Sunday, but it really makes sense to be there early... Claire: Yeah, I mean, I know I'll be late and half asleep but let's try Marga: I agree... it has to be done Alfonso: Ok then, it's Sunday at 9. I've just checked and the bar is called La Tienda de la Cerveza. Funny name... Marga: Sounds good Claire: Sounds like it's going to be dirty enough. See you there Alfonso: 👋 Marga: Claire, please be there less than an hour late Claire: 👹 Alfonso: 😂
Alfonso, Marga and Clair are meeting up for breakfast tomorrow, at 9:00. They are meeting in La Tienda de la Cerveza bar next to La Latina metro station. Marga compares this bar to disgusting and dirty bars in Madrid. Claire is looking forward to see her friends.
Mari: check out my new dress Mari: <file_photo> Eileen: wow, that's pretty! Eileen: it really suits you! Mari: <file_photo> Eileen: wait a second Eileen: it has pockets??? Mari: yes!! Eileen: oh my god where did you find this! Mari: <file_other> Eileen: thank you sooooo much! maybe I'll find something for myself too
Mari has bought a new dress with pockets. Eileen wants to find something for herself, too.
Andy: i missed my bus Andy: will be late Lucy: ok
Andy missed his bus and will be late.
Clara: Happy valentines day bby!🌹❤️ Fred: Happy valentines day, see you tonight honey❤️ Clara: Are we going out? Fred: It's a surprise ❤️ Clara: 😍😍
Clara and Fred will see each other tonight.
Georg: Hello there! Tim: Guten Abend, Herr Fischer! Georg: Guten Abend. So you're coming to Frankfurt tomorrow, right? Tim: Yes, Jamie, Hal and I. See you tomorrow! Georg: Great! Enjoy your flight
Tim, Jamie and Hal are flying to Frankfurt tomorrow.
Xenia: Final call for pierogi orders!! Leila: I've already ordered Mercedes: I'll get 2 kg please Xenia: Which ones? Mercedes: Same as last time, with mushrooms Xenia: Ok Xenia: Anyone else? Peter: Thanks, this time I'll pass.
Xenia collects orders for pierogi. Mercedes wants 2 kg of pierogi with mushrooms. Peter will pass this time.
Rick: Hey, guess who's keys I found under my car seat. Rick: Seriously, tell me cause I don't know, they can belong to either one of you :P Hank: Not mine, but might be Casey's? Casey: No mine either. So last but not least... Luke: They're mine!!! Luke: Omg, thank God, you have them. I was worried, I was going to have to change the locks. Rick: You can pick them up whenever - I'm home for the next few days. Luke: Ok, thank you very much. I'll pm you about the details
Rick found Luke's keys under his car seat. Rick is at home for the next few days. Luke is going to message Rick about when he will pick them up.
Christy: Have you ever seen the movie Avatar? Fanny: Yes, I saw it at the cinema when I was younger Christy: You have watched it just once? Fanny: Actually, I did watch many times before, it seems to be the number one selection on the tv during the Christmas season Christy: Oh really? In Poland, the movie that is ALWAYS on TV during the Christmas is 'Home Alone'. I have watched it like 20 times so far i guess lol Fanny: Ahah I guess that's number two in portugal as well, but is nice though, because when you see it, you just know its "christmas time" Christy: So true! However, what do you like the most about Avatar? Fanny: I really like the story and everything, but the characters and the work they did was very impressive Christy: Definitely! To be honest, I used to hate fantasy movies until I watched Avatar Fanny: Oh really, what made you change your mind, i mean, what's your favorite scene in the movie? Christy: Hmm I guess I don't have any favourite scene. It's rather about creativity in the movie. I remember I was amazed with the appearance of those blue creatures and the idea that someone, after using some technology, can 'wake up' as someone else. Common! Let's go to the cinema today! What do you think so? Fanny: Very accurate, indeed I love it too !! That sounds great! I havent been to the cinema in ages ahah Christy: Great then! Get ready, I will pick you up in 1 h!
Christy has watched Home Alone 20 times. Fanny and Christy enjoyed the movie Avatar. Christy will pick Fanny up in 1 h to go to the cinema.