stringlengths 3
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Videjais_LV | @realKrivenchy Usually, casual folk wake up in the morning, go to the toilet, eat breakfast, watch TV, read the media, work, rest, get sick, die, get married, pick their nose, and scratch their bottom. The guards of the fatherland see it all as a battle. | 1,257,954,183,774,441,500 | neu | @realKrivenchy Usually, casual folk get up in the mornings, go to the toilet, eat breakfast, watch TV, read the media, work, rest, get sick, die, get married, scratch their noses, scratch their bottom. The homeland guards see it all as a struggle. | @realKrivenchy Parasti, ikdienišķi ļautiņi no rītiem ceļās, iet uz tualeti, ēd brokastis, skatās TV, lasa medijus, strādā, atpūšās, slimo, mirst, precās, urbina degunu, kasa dibenu. Tēvijas sargi to visu uzskata par cīņu. |
Linda_Be_Linda | @HienaNeija @KatrinaKukuma It looks like an onion disagreement can arise here :D | 1,257,952,305,917,329,400 | neg | @HienaNeija @KatrinaKukuma It looks like there can be an onion fight :D | @HienaNeija @KatrinaKukuma Izskatās, ka te var rasties sīpolu kašķis :D |
my_rita | expectation: good morning dear, I made you coffee and pancaked reality: WHERE ARE MY PANTS???? | 1,257,952,597,115,375,600 | neg | expectation: Good morning darling, I made you coffee and pancakes reality: WHERE ARE MY PANTS???? | ekspektacija: labrīt mīļā, es Tev uztaisīju kafiju un pankūkas realitāte: KUR IR MANAS BIKSES???? |
Bertaane | @KatrinaKukuma Chopping onions - top 5 odious jobs in the kitchen | 1,257,947,799,813,001,200 | neg | @KatrinaKukuma Cutting onions - top 5 odious jobs in the kitchen | @KatrinaKukuma Sīpolu griešana - top 5 riebīgākie darbi virtuvē |
HienaNeija | @KatrinaKukuma More finely! MUCH more finely :D So that you can't bite on a piece while eating :D | 1,257,935,025,955,377,200 | pos | @KatrinaKukuma More finely! MORE finely :D So that you can't bite on a piece while eating :D | @KatrinaKukuma Smalkāk! DAUDZ smalkāk :D Lai ēdot nevar uzkosties gabaliņš :D |
NUKO_lv | If you don't like the taste of eggplants, courgettes or zucchini, you've probably cooked them wrong. | 1,257,916,026,097,934,300 | neu | If you don't like eggplants, zucchini or cukini, you've probably cooked them wrong. | Ja jums negaršo baklažāni, kabači vai cukīni, jūs droši vien esat tos nepareizi pagatavojuši. |
apollo_lv | “We'll eat from one bowl and lick each other's glasses...” | 1,257,912,766,293,303,300 | neu | “We'll eat from one bowl and lick each other's glasses...” | Mēs ēdīsim no vienas bļodas un laizīsim viens otra glāzes..." |
LarisaDimore | @nenormamma I'm already sickened when I wash water bottles - it's being muffled even through a straw. I don't even want to talk about food being thrown in a cup eating at all... I take my breath and pour out the cup into the toilet with my eyes closed | 1,257,900,613,301,649,400 | neg | @nenormamma I'm already sickened when I wash water bottles - they're being stained even through a straw. I don't even want to talk about the fact that food is thrown in a cup while eating.. I hold my breath and pour the contents of the cup into the pot with my eyes closed. | @nenormamma Man jau šķebina, kad mazgāju ūdens pudeles - tur tiek piešmuguļots pat caur salmiņu. Par to, ka ēdot krūzītē tiek samests ēdiens vispār negribu runāt.. ieturu elpu un ar aizvērtām acīm krūzītes saturu izleju podā |
DefrostedO | @LieneBrizga It depends on the person. When I made it, seven people ate. | 1,257,895,674,164,764,700 | neu | @LieneBrizga It depends. When I made it, seven people ate. | @LieneBrizga Kā kuram. Man septiņi cilvēki ēda tad, kad es uztaisīju. |
VilksTavsBiedrs | @JankaPipars You didn't understand what I was talking about? About not eating with a fork... :) All your sarcasm, which you devote to Russia, unfortunately to the same extent can be devoted to Latvia, in which “there was no” Covid, no one died, but it was revealed that the whole funeral office was sick. Let's rather start with pulling your own log out of the eye... :) | 1,258,328,254,949,318,700 | neg | @JankaPipars Didn't you understand what I was talking about? About you not eating with a fork... :) All your sarcasm, which you devote to Russia, unfortunately to the same extent can be devoted to Latvia, where “there was no” Covid, no one died, but it was revealed that the whole funeral office was sick. Let's better start with pulling your log out of the eye... :) | @JankaPipars Nesaprati par ko es? Par to, ka tu neēd ar dakšiņu... :) Viss tavs sarkasms, kuru tu velti rašai, diemžēl tādā pat mērā veltāms Latvijai, kurā "nebija" Covid, neviens nemira, tikai atklājās, ka slims viss apbedīšanas kantoris. Sāksim labāk ar sava baļķīša izvilkšanu no acs... :) |
SantaPavila | @debes_manna Judging by the leaves, what can be seen in the pictures are some kind of cabbage family rhizomes - radishes or turnips, not parsnips, but the pleasure of working in the garden is not lessened by it in no way. :) | 1,258,323,765,689,188,400 | pos | @debes_manna Judging from the leaves, visible in the picture are some type of root crops from the cabbage family - radish or turnip, not a parsnips, but the pleasure of working in the garden does not diminish it. :) | @debes_manna Spriežot pēc lapām, bildē redzamie ir kaut kādi kāpostu dzimtas sakņaugi - redīsi vai rāceņi, nevis pastinaki, bet prieku par darbošanos dārzā tas nekādi nemazina. :) |
d_spirits | @bibaiba Yes, we appreciated this. Also the raspberry and blackcurrant one, which really tastes "like berries" :) But I do not understand those new squares without a stick. How do you eat them?? | 1,258,316,013,499,756,500 | neg | @bibaiba Yeah, we appreciated this. Also raspberry and blackcurrant that really tastes “berrily” :) But I don't understand those new squares without a stick. How do you eat them?? | @bibaiba Jā, šo novērtējām. Arī aveņu un upeņu, kas tiešām garšo "ogaini" :) Bet tos jaunos kvadrātiņus bez kociņa nesaprotu. Kā tos jāēd?? |
sretlav | Potatoes mind is too short to realize that there will be no awards here. | 1,258,312,391,772,852,200 | neg | The potato have too short of a mind to realise there will be no awards here. | Kartupeļiem prātiņš par īsu, lai saprastu, ka šeit balvas nebūs. |
amisterErnestO | @OBLIVIONkrex @pArt07 @normundsbergs Riga & Council? But RS ate all the money. | 1,258,308,793,827,569,700 | neg | @OBLIVIONkrex @pArt07 @normundsbergs Riga & Council? RS ate all the money. | @OBLIVIONkrex @pArt07 @normundsbergs Rīga & Dome? RS tak apēda visu naudu. |
normis | @MatissJekabsons @Dana_Par I'm not comfortable sleeping in it, age :( can't turn around and sleep on my stomach comfortably. chilling at lunchtime is ok, that's why it's always with me | 1,258,310,543,934,476,300 | neg | @MatissJekabsons @Dana_Par I'm not comfortable sleeping in it, age :( can't turn around and sleep comfortably on the stomach. can chill out at lunch though, that’s why it’s always along | @MatissJekabsons @Dana_Par man viņā nav ērti gulēt, vecums :( nevar grozīties un uz vedera gulet tā ērti. pačilot pusdienās gan, tapec vienmēr līdzi |
_skabarga | @bibaiba Pols also has a normal size ice cream in a waffle cup :) | 1,258,307,485,955,494,000 | pos | @bibaiba Pols also has a normal size ice cream in a waffle cup :) | @bibaiba Polam ir arī normāla izmēra saldējums vafeles glāzītē :) |
LetteRuuta | @pragsmacktics I used to eat more, but often got nausea, however it might also come from not chewing properly. | 1,258,304,121,070,850,000 | neg | @pragsmacktics I used to eat more, but often had nausea, however it might also come from not chewing properly. | @pragsmacktics Es kādreiz ēdu vairāk, bet bieži palika slikta dūša, tomer tas varbūt arī no nesakošanas. |
AmiSkywalker | Where is the booze? Flowers are planted in wine boxes afterwards at home. :D | 1,258,299,745,061,294,000 | neu | Where is the booze? Flowers are planted in wine boxes afterwards at home. :D | Kur tad šmiga? Vīna kastēs pēcāk pie mājām puķes stāda. :D |
dziedava | @HienaNeija To whom a table, to whom the entire lunch ;). | 1,258,623,996,179,951,600 | pos | @HienaNeija Who gets a table, who the actual lunch ;). | @HienaNeija Kam galdiņš, kam pašas pusdienas ;). |
freidavs | BIG FACTS! | 1,259,071,849,788,592,000 | neu | BIG FACTS! | LIELI FAKTI! |
KrojeS | To overeat like this !!! | 1,259,070,489,974,182,000 | neg | Such overeating!!! | Nu šitā pārēsties !!! |
Reinis_Me | @uldisz @CSDD_LV Mhm, and the ice cream also doesn't taste LIKE THAT anymore... :D But overall congratulations and let it roll well, and stop safely! :) | 1,259,060,254,463,201,300 | pos | @uldisz @CSDD_LV Mhm, and I also don’t like ice cream SO MUCH anymore... :D But in general congratulations and let it roll well and stop safe! :) | @uldisz @CSDD_LV Mhm, un arī saldējums vairs TĀ negaršo... :D Bet vispār apsveicu un lai labi ripo un droši stājas! :) |
AinarsZabers | Today for lunch pikes from Baltezers! | 1,259,049,817,625,497,600 | neu | For lunch today, Baltezer's pikes! | Šodien pusdienās Baltezera līdaciņas! |
elinaluu | @MillennialMom17 Since the food to be fed looks the same in the jar as it does in the diapers, I can't eat it myself. | 1,259,049,724,096,794,600 | neg | @MillennialMom17 Since the food to be fed looks the same in a jar and a Pampers, I can't eat it myself. | @MillennialMom17 Tā kā barojamā pārtika izskatās vieādi gan burkā, gan pamperā, tad pati apēst nevaru. |
skatsnokoka | @Joahims1 @f_arnis @hmm_pff You are wrong. We don't have a country in common, unless you have come here as a tourist, idiot | 1,259,043,481,638,576,000 | neg | @Joahims1 @f_arnis @hmm_pff Your’re mistaken. We don't have a country in common, only if you have come here as a tourist, idiot | @Joahims1 @f_arnis @hmm_pff Tu maldies. Mums nav kopīga valsts, ja nu vienīgi tu te esi atbraucis ka tūrists, pajolīt |
LA_lv | PHOTO. Surprise your family with foodie Signe Meirāne's unusually delicious bean – tomato stew recipe | 1,259,034,403,042,398,200 | neu | PHOTO. Surprise the family with gourmet Signe Meirāne's unusually delicious bean – tomato stew recipe | FOTO. Pārsteidz ģimeni ar gardēdes Signes Meirānes neparasti gardo pupiņu – tomātu sautējuma recepti |
Kechupinsh | @MammaTvito Jerky sleep all night | 1,259,026,614,878,441,500 | neg | @MammaTvito Jerky sleep all night | @MammaTvito Saraustīts miegs visu nakti |
Videjais_LV | The Abrene Cultural Marxism Institute study, funded by Soros, aimed at clarifying the average Latvian's understanding of the most important fundamental rights and freedoms has concluded. The first place is taken by the freedom and the right to eat another Latvian. | 1,259,021,491,775,189,000 | neg | The study of Abrene Culturemarksism institute, funded by Soros, aimed at clarifying the average Latvian's understanding of the most important fundamental rights and freedoms has ended. The first place is taken by the freedom and the right to eat another Latvian. | Noslēdzies Sorosa finansētais Abrenes Kultūrmarksisma institūta pētījums, kura mērķis bija noskaidrot latvieša vidējā izpratni par pašām svarīgākajām pamattiesībām un brīvībām. Pirmo vietu ieņem brīvība un tiesības ēst otru latvieti. |
dzeina | @elinakursite More delicious | 1,259,020,114,583,859,200 | pos | @elinakursite Tastier | @elinakursite Garšīgāk |
cybercannibal | @VilhelmsM You've spent a decent amount of time to taste all the variations. Respect | 1,259,018,343,253,770,200 | pos | @VilhelmsM I’ve spent quite some time to taste all the variations. Respect | @VilhelmsM Krietnu laiki esi patērējis lai pagaršotu visus variantus. Respect |
receptes_eu | Vanilla ice cream #receptes | 1,259,013,598,082,408,400 | neu | Vanilla ice cream #receptes | Vaniļas saldējums #receptes |
miksanci | @AldisGobzems “Let them eat if they like it!” Danilāns contemplates how healthy it is to eat the contents of ones own nose. | 1,259,012,995,998,519,300 | pos | @AldisGobzems “Let them eat if they like it!” Danilāns wonders how healthy it is to eat the contents of your own nose. | @AldisGobzems "Lai ēd, ja garšo!" Danilāns spriež, cik veselīgi ir ēst sava deguna saturu. |
ievastrazdinja | The rights fighter-journalist is now Latvia's largest Kangars and liar, musicians who bring tens of thousands in festivals - no one needs anymore and the minister throws up the middle finger in a great digital disco. Am I seeing nightmares or are you all collectively eat some drugs? | 1,259,002,453,242,118,100 | neg | The rights fighter-journalist is now Latvia's largest Kangars and liar, musicians who bring tens of thousands to festivals - no one needs anymore and the minister throws out the middle finger in a large digital disco. Am I seeing nightmares or are all of you collectively eating some type of drugs? | Taisnības cīnītājs-žurnālists tagad ir Latvijas lielākais kangars un melis, mūziķus, kuri festivālos pulcē desmitiem tūkstošu - nevienam vairs nevajag un ministre lielā digitālā disenē izmet visiem vidējo pirkstiņu. Es murgoju vai jūs visi kolektīvi ēdat kaut kādas narkotikas? |
KaktussLogaa | @MartinsAbolins Cracks already exist. When I read that in an idle allowance, some good “creative” receives as much as I get in my salary (working in the medical field in these circumstances-with a limited number of PPE, under stress, and WITHOUT any premium), I am getting sick. Meanwhile, they are baking cakes and watching sunsets at home. Fair? | 1,258,992,337,704,927,200 | neg | @MartinsAbolins The cracks already exist. When I read that in the idle allowance, some good “creative” receives as much as my salary (working in medicine in these circumstances-with a limited number of PPE, under stress and WITHOUT any premiums), I get sick. Meanwhile, they are baking cakes and watch the sunsets in their homes. Fair? | @MartinsAbolins Plaisas jau ir. Kad es lasu, ka dīkstāves pabalstā dažs labs “radošais” saņem tikpat, cik es algā (strādājot medicīnā šajos apstākļos-ar ierobežotu IAL skaitu, stresā un BEZ piemaksām), man paliek šķērmi ap dūšu. Tikmēr šamējie mājās cep kūkas un vēro saulrietus. Taisnīgi? |
VitaPriedite | @IevaSniedze Chinese eat them, don't they? What about them?? | 1,258,875,103,229,739,000 | neg | @IevaSniedze Chinese eat them, right? What about them?? | @IevaSniedze Tās ēd ķīnieši, vai ne? Kas ar viņiem ir?? |
VilhelmsM | @KaivaAnna Coffee – Innocent/MiiT, and actually I also prefer Caffeine. | 1,258,873,908,217,950,200 | pos | @KaivaAnna Coffee – Innocent/MiiT, and actually Caffeine is also dear to my heart. | @KaivaAnna Kafija – Innocent/MiiT, un īstenībā arī Caffeine man iet pie sirds. |
rushee88 | @LadyyWollff @guntiskalnins @GMeluskans a McDonalds burger is also not a "rea" product. I've eaten one fine veg burger in Sweden, which didn't taste like meat at all, and in my work café in Sweden also a few which were very ok. Same with falafels. Non-vegetarians also like to experiment with something new. | 1,259,527,734,088,392,700 | pos | @LadyyWollff @guntiskalnins @GMeluskans A McDonalds burger is also not a 'real' product. I've eaten one nice veg burger in Sweden, which doesn't taste like meat at all, and also a few in the work café in Sweden which were very ok. Same with falafel. Even non-vegetarians like to experiment with something new. | @LadyyWollff @guntiskalnins @GMeluskans McDonalds burgers jau ar nav ''īsts'' produkts. Es esmu Zviedrijā ēdis vienu feinu veģ. burgeru, kas galīgi pēc gaļas negaršoja, un darba kafejnīcā Zviedrijā ar dažus, kuri bija ļoti ok. Tas pats ar falafeli. Arī ne-veģetāriešiem patīk paeksperimenēt ar ko jaunu. |
kinkinthenorth | @baletomaanija I can't roll my tongue. It has plagued me all my childhood. I also fall into panic if I have to peel potatoes with a knife, thank God for the vegetable pealer. | 1,259,527,096,998,727,700 | neg | @baletomaanija I can't roll my tongue in a cornet. It has plagued me all my childhood. I am also panicking if I have to peel potatoes with a knife, thank God for the vegetable pealer. | @baletomaanija Nemāku sarullēt mēli tūtiņā. Tas mani visu bērnību ir nomocījis. Vēl es krītu panikā, ja jāmizo kartupeļi ar nazi, paldies dievam par dārzeņu mizotāju. |
rushee88 | @Rihards_St @GMeluskans It's a problem with the belief that all vegetarians are the same, although there are hardcore vegetarians who don't eat it, there are also ones who haven't fully refused meat or who have a desire for something that resembles meat, and then there are the posers + carnivores who sometimes try it | 1,259,527,161,305,804,800 | neg | @Rihards_St @GMeluskans It's a problem with the belief that all vegetarians are the same, although there are hardcore vegetarians who don't eat it, there are ones who haven't fully refused meat or who have a desire for something that resembles meat and then there are the posers + meat eaters who sometimes try this out | @Rihards_St @GMeluskans Tā ir problēma ar uzskatu, ka visi veģetārieši ir vienādi, lai gan ir gan hardcore veģetārieši, kuri tādu neēd, ir tie, kuri lidz galam nav no gaļas atteikušies vai kam ir kāda vēlme pēc kaut kā, kas gaļu atgādina un tad ir vēl pozeri + gaļēdāji, kuri dažreiz šito nomēģina |
acnp_a | @ms_logina Those pastries in Rimi plastic | 1,259,519,087,245,512,700 | neu | @ms_logina Those buns in Rimi plastic | @ms_logina Tās bulciņas iekš Rimi plastmasā |
LiigaM | A Japanese experiment to visualize how viruses are spreading - fluorescent paint is applied to one person's hands. 10 people ate together. After checking 30 minutes later - everyone got the paint, 3 of them on the face. | 1,259,519,507,728,601,000 | neu | Japanese experiment to visualize how viruses are spreading - fluorescent staining applied to one person's hands. 10 people ate together. After checking in 30 minutes - everyone got color, 3 of them on the face. | Japāņu eksperiments, lai vizualizētu, kā izplatās vīrusi - vienai personai uz rokām uzsmērēta fluorescējoša krāsa. 10 personas ēda kopā. Pēc 30 minūtēm pārbaudot - visiem tikusi krāsa, 3 no viņiem uz sejas. |
LetteRuuta | @GMeluskans Non-vegan view -it's rather done by the producers. Vegetable scone, vegetable pate, falafel, soy/soy shashlik | 1,259,520,831,685,787,600 | neu | @GMeluskans Nonvegan view -it's rather done by the producers. Vegetable scone, vegetable pate, falafel, soy/soyshlik | @GMeluskans Nevegānes skats -to drīzāk dara ražotāji. Dārzeņu plācenis, augu pastēte, falafels, soja/sojšļiks |
Malvne2 | @elviYEETa "Do you like spaghetti?" | 1,259,505,411,738,210,300 | neu | @elviYEETa “Do you like spaghetti?” | @elviYEETa "Vai tev garšo spagetti?" |
h_side | @Ilja_Polakovs @ultragreat1 You tell me to read... mention Spain yourself, why did they not go to free it, but while demolishing Europe went to the "sacred land" So not sacred for Europeans :) The Crusades were the same salvation for Europe as saving a neighbor and on the way raping his daughter, slaughtering his son eating his dog | 1,259,514,006,580,220,000 | neg | @Ilja_Polakovs @ultragreat1 You recommend reading it to me... you mention Spain yourself, why didn't they go to free it, but demolishing Europe were going to the “holy land” When it was holy not just for the Europeans :) The crusades were the same kind of rescuing Europe as saving a neighbor while along the way raping his daughter, slaughtering his son eaten dog | @Ilja_Polakovs @ultragreat1 Man iesaki palasīt... pats piemini Spāniju, kādēļ to nedevās atbrīvot, bet Eiropu demolējot gāja uz "svēto zemi" Tik ne jau eiropiešiem tā svēta :) Krusta kari bija tāda pati Eiropas glābšana, kā ejot glābt kaimiņu pa ceļam izvarotu viņa meitu, nokautu dēlu apēstu suni |
meta_sniedze | @akmanstors @Vinnta1 Let's hope for the best. My grandma at least promised not to rush with the planting of tomatoes in the greenhouse and will listen to her Bricītis tonight. | 1,259,494,805,740,101,600 | pos | @akmanstors @Vinnta1 Let's hope for the best. My nan at least promised not to rush with the planting of tomatoes in the greenhouse and listen to her Bricītis tonight. | @akmanstors @Vinnta1 Cerēsim uz labāko. Mana oma vismaz solīja nesteigties ar tomātu stādīšanu siltumnīcā un šovakar klausīsies savu Bricīti. |
pudelis_raksta | With the old apple on the river shore, on the other side of the road with two horses. A slight rain started at about noon. Later it rained more, so I didn't get to plow from noon to afternoon. In the afternoon it cleared up, and then I could plow again. | 1,259,480,790,548,787,200 | neu | With the old apple on the river shore, he had two horses on the other side. A little rain rained at about noon. It rained more later, so I didn't get to plow from noon until the afternoon. After the afternoon it cleared up, and then I could plow again. | Ar veco abuliņu uz upes krasta viņā pus ceļa ar divi zirgi. Par pusdienu sāka mazs lietutiņš līt. Vēlāk sāka līt lielāks, tā ka nedabūju no pusdienas līdz launaga laikam art. Pēc launaga noskaidrojās, tad varēju atkal art. |
fufuks | @Ruksane @SkujaVilnis @KasparsFunts Someone is snacking on eggs and bringing them from the nest/s. The culprit can be identified by the prints on the eggs. It may be a crow, a magpie, can also be a dog. A mink and a marsh harrier usually eats on the spot. | 1,259,467,997,040,828,400 | neu | @Ruksane @SkujaVilnis @KasparsFunts someone snacking with eggs and stretching from nest/s. From the prints on the eggs, the culprit can be identified. It may be a crow, a magpie, can also be a dog. A mink and a marsh harrier usually eats on the spot. | @Ruksane @SkujaVilnis @KasparsFunts kāds našķējas ar olām un stiepj no ligzdas/ām. Pēc nospiedumiem uz olām var noteikt vaininieku. Var būt vārna, žagata, var būt arī suncītis. Ūdele un niedru lija parasti ēd uz vietas. |
shevanjen | Top. 1. Not returning 2. Jump 3. The saddest parade on our street 4. Colder 5. Hand-size spring 6. Four shores 7. Sister Night 8. Something must be there 9. Tin drums 10. Lantern 11. What are you still thinking 12. Seagulls on rooftops 13. Chocolate ice cream 14. Parallels 15. Wind | 1,259,461,422,834,241,500 | neu | Top. 1. No return 2. Jump 3. The saddest parade on our street 4. Colder 5. Hand-size spring 6. Four shores 7. Sister night 8. There has to be something there 9. Tin drums 10. Lantern 11. What are you still thinking 12. Seagulls on the roofs 13. Chocolate ice cream 14. Parallels 15. Wind | Топ. 1. Neatgriešanas 2. Lec 3. Visskumjākā parāde uz mūsu ielas 4. Colder 5. Plaukstas lieluma pavasaris 6. Četri krasti 7. Māsa nakts 8. Tur kaut kam ir jābūt 9. Tin drums 10. Lantern 11. Ko tu vēl domā 12. Чайки на крышах 13. Šokolādes saldējums 14. Paralēles 15. Ветер |
Ilze35119733 | When moving to live in the countryside, what has been the biggest negative surprise you weren't prepared for. For me the appetite and courage for wild animals. | 1,259,452,459,992,453,000 | neg | When moving to live in the countryside, what has been the biggest negative surprise you weren't prepared for. My appetite and courage for wild animals. | Pārceļoties dzīvot uz laukiem, kas ir bijis tas lielākais negatīvais pārsteigums, kam nebijāt gatavi. Man meža zvēru apetīte un drosme. |
krizdabz | I hadn't been to Ēlande until now. Now we ordered a festive dinner from there. Not cheap, but generally enjoyed it. | 1,259,430,655,328,428,000 | pos | I hadn't been to Eland until now. Now we ordered a holiday dinner from there. Not cheap, but generally enjoyed it. | Līdz šim nebiju bijis Ēlandē. Tagad pasūtījām svētku pusdienas no turienes. Nav lēti, bet kopumā ļoti patika. |
Ilja_Polakovs | @ultragreat1 @h_side Well, read something about the crusades! Also look at the history of Spanin (including about the reconquista), the origins of the Madrid name... Those were arguments not so much about what name to call God, but about culture, laws, banal things like meat eating, etc. | 1,259,428,006,050,873,300 | neg | @ultragreat1 @h_side Well, read something about the crusades! Also look at the Spanish history (including the origins of the reconquista), the origins of the Madrid name... These were arguments not so much about what name to call God, but about culture, laws, such banal things like meat eating, etc. | @ultragreat1 @h_side Nu, palasi kaut ko par krusta kariem! Papēti arī Spānijas vēsturi (tostarp par reconquista), Madrides nosaukuma izcelsmi... Tie bija strīdi ne tik daudz par to, kādā vārdā saukt Dievu, bet par kultūru, likumiem, tādām banālām lietām kā gaļas ēšanu utt. |
ofija_ | @spigana She eats anything I cook. If you don't count too spicy foods, there hasn't been anything that she wouldn't say she wouldn't have called tasty. #TheQueenOfCooking | 1,259,419,029,418,246,100 | pos | @spigana She eats anything that I make. If you don't count too spicy foods, there hasn't been anything she wouldn't say that is tasty. #TheQueenOfCooking | @spigana Viņa ēd jebko, ko es taisu. Ja neskaita pārāk asus ēdienus, nav bijis pilnīgi nekā, par ko viņa nepateiktu, ka ir garšīgi. #TheQueenOfCooking |
malta_oto | @_skabarga I like it boiled the most. I'm actually a little envious | 1,259,424,274,827,395,000 | pos | @_skabarga I, however, mostly like it boiled. I've got a bit of envy in general | @_skabarga Man atkal vislabāk garšo vārīts. Man vispār drusku skauž |
goblinscrytoo_ | @ArtursBridaks I've had double happiness with everyone else until now for not hearing that sauce in the sentence | 1,259,412,106,484,605,000 | pos | @ArtursBridaks I've had a double happiness with everyone else for not hearing that sauce in the sentence | @ArtursBridaks man līdz šim bija dubultprieks ar visiem citiem par to, ka nedzirdu to mērci teikumā |
norru26 | @TInzenieris @LVceli It would be cool to see your vision. I don't know how to deal with a crossing with Zemeņu Street, because there's a big narrowing there, and there's a great need for a pedestrian/bike path. | 1,259,737,689,227,747,300 | pos | @TInzenieris @LVceli It would be cool to see your vision. I don't know how to deal with a crossing at strawberry street, because there's a big narrowing there, and there's a great need for a pedestrian/bike lane. | @TInzenieris @LVceli Būtu forši redzēt tavu vīziju. Es gan nezinu kā varētu risināt krustojumu ar zemeņu ielu, jo tur ir baigais sašaurinājums un baigi prasās gājēju/veloceliņu. |
Ircis_ | @Naktene @DvinuMamma You don't eat fish and any animal products - milk, eggs? | 1,259,733,469,325,910,000 | neu | @Naktene @DvinuMamma You don't eat fish and any animal products - milk, eggs? | @Naktene @DvinuMamma Tu neēd zivis un jebkādus dzīvnieku produktus - pienu, olas? |
charliestree | I'm making breakfast. I see a woman out the window start talking to the janitor. I thought it was nice to have a chat, probably about life! Community!Friendship! After a while I open the window, I understand that "conversation" is accusations to the janitor Ok. Somehow like that in my childhood the illusions that the world was nice were broken | 1,259,732,921,994,350,600 | neg | I'm making breakfast.I see a woman behind the window and starting to talk to the janitor.I thought it was nice to have a chat,probably about life. Community!Friendship! After a while I open the window,I understand that the'conversation'is a accusations to the janitor Ok.Somehow like that in my childhood the illusions that the world was lovely were broken | Taisu brokastis.Redzu kā aiz loga kāda sieviete piestāj un sāk runāt ar sētnieku.Domāju,cik jauki,ka papļāpā,droši vien par dzīvi! Kopiena!Draudzība! Pēc brīža atveru logu,saprotu,ka"saruna"ir pārmetumi sētniekam Ok.Kaut kā līdzīgi man bērnībā sabruka ilūzijas,ka pasaule ir jauka |
atheist_from_lv | @ofija_ @Naktene Meat can also be consumed by everyone. It's not a nut allergy, so it's just imaginings. Meat is on the table, well, don't eat. | 1,259,730,981,340,184,600 | neg | @ofija_ @Naktene Meat can also be eaten by everyone. It's not a nut allergy, so it's just a fantasy. Meat on the table, well, don't eat. | @ofija_ @Naktene gaļu arī var ēst visi. Tā nav riektu alerģija, tā, kā tās ir tikai iedomas. Uz galda gaļa, nu, neēd. |
Balodiite2 | @liana_langa Stems don't bother, but fresh leaves can be cut into salads - very healthy! | 1,259,729,018,091,384,800 | pos | @liana_langa Stems don't interfere, but leaves fresh can be cut to salads - very healthy! | @liana_langa Kāti netraucē, bet lapiņas svaigas var piegriezt salātiem - ļoti veselīgi! |
Kristin90492064 | Breakfast | 1,259,728,118,966,677,500 | neu | Breakfast | Brokastis |
KaarlisKK | @Driafre @ArvisKolmanis @ZPupola It's more simple. Eating a small moderately reasonable amount of bird meat a month is much easier than following a correct diet as a vegan/vegetarian. Less chance to fuck up. Another thing is that most people eat fat too large (even unhealthy) quantities of meat. | 1,259,725,682,176,860,200 | neu | @Driafre @ArvisKolmanis @ZPupola It's more simple. Eating a small moderately reasonable amount of bird meat per month is much easier than following a correct diet as a vegan/vegetarian. Less chance to fuck up. Another thing is that most people eat way too much (even unhealthy) quantities of meat. | @Driafre @ArvisKolmanis @ZPupola Tā ir vienkaršāk. Ēst nelielu mēreni saprātīgu daudzumu putnu gaļas mēnesī ir daudz vieglāk, nekā sekot pareizai diētai kā vegānam/veģetārietim. Less chance to fuck up. Cita lieta, ka lielākā daļa cilvēku ēd daudz par daudz (pat neveselīgus) daudzumus gaļas. |
UnaBergmane | @ZPupola It's actually interesting that while eating meat myself, I've never met that mythical, aggressive vegan, but a chorus of meat eaters crying at least on soc. nets on every step. | 1,259,724,014,144,163,800 | neu | @ZPupola It's interesting in general that while eating meat myself, I've never met that mythical, aggressive vegan, but a chorus of meat eaters crying at least on soc. nets is on every step. | @ZPupola Tas vispār ir intresanti, ka, lai gan pati ēdu gaļu, nekad neesmu satikusi to mītisko, agresīvo vegānu, bet gaļas ēdāju raudu koris vismaz soc. tīklos ik uz soļa. |
realgasha | @GunitaBa From Uzvara Park to Jaunmārupe Park about 15+15 km. There's a pretty beach to eat ice cream. Almost like in Jurmala :) | 1,259,719,560,795,762,700 | pos | @GunitaBa From Uzvara park to Jaunmārupe park about 15+15km. There's a quite pretty beach there, where you can eat ice cream. Almost like in Jurmala :) | @GunitaBa No Uzvaras parka līdz Jaunmārupes parkam aptuveni 15+15km. Tur diezgan smuka pludmale, kur ēst saldējumu. Gandrīz kā Jūrmalā :) |
sanchopans82 | I am a Latvian, I will be a Latvian, I will always stay a Latvian. When I go to rest at the beach, I'll only eat in "Kūriņš". | 1,259,720,143,921,459,200 | pos | I am a Latvian, I'll be a Latvian, I'll always stay in a Latvian. When I go to rest by the sea, I'll eat only in the “Kūriņš”. | Latviets esmu,latviets būšu,latviets mūžam palikšu. Braucot atpūsties pie jūras, “Kūrińā” vien ēdīšu |
eriks74516644 | @Kaspars712 @Eraksti @AmiSkywalker Eat my ass. | 1,259,702,707,809,640,400 | neg | @Kaspars712 @Eraksti @AmiSkywalker Eat my ass. | @Kaspars712 @Eraksti @AmiSkywalker Izēd manu dirsu. |
GunitaBa | @bizenajs @garamgajejs by the way, he was the first who tasted those Carnilove chips and admitted them to being tasty. | 1,259,703,519,172,530,200 | pos | @bizenajs @garamgajejs among others, he was the first to taste those Carnilove chips and admit then to being tasty. | @bizenajs @garamgajejs cita starpā, viņš bija pirmais, kas tos Carnilove čipšus pagaršoja un atzina, ka esot garšīgi. |
supervalters | It is 5:15, I'm drinking wine, eating cake and playing sudoku. | 1,259,668,582,482,489,300 | neu | Is 5:15, I’m drinking wine, eating cake and playing sudoku. | Ir 5:15, dzeru vīnu, ēdu kūku un spēlēju sudoku. |
IvoZeps | in the shop close to home I saw a very large pack of crisps for a euro sixty-five and bought it without thinking long. I come home, open and a big surprise - instead of sour cream and onion flavor it is dill. and needless to say that dill chips are one of my most unloved ones. | 1,259,618,906,769,182,700 | neg | in the nearby shop I saw a very large pack of crisps about one euro sixty-five and bought without thinking for long. I came home, opened it and was surprised - in place of sour cream and onion flavor it was dill. and needless to say that dill chips are some of my most unloved ones. | piemājas veikalā ieraudzīju ļoti lielu čipsu paku par eiro sešdesmit pieci un ilgi nedomājot nopirku. atnāku mājās, atveru un pārsteigums liels - krējuma un sīpolu garšas vietā diļļu. un lieki teikt, ka diļļu čipsi ir vieni no maniem nemīļākajiem. |
LaurisBisenieks | @IvarsNeiders @J_Radins It is actually accurate. therefore the carnivore has to be certain about the origin of the meat to compare the effects of the omnivore and vegetarian. | 1,260,079,473,275,408,400 | neu | @IvarsNeiders @J_Radins It's already accurate. so the carnivore has to be sure about the origin of the meat to compare the effects of the omnivore and vegetarian. | @IvarsNeiders @J_Radins tas jau ir precīzi. tādejādi gaļēdājam ir jābūt pārliecinātam par gaļas izcelsmi, lai salīdzinātu visēdēja un veģetārieša ietekmi. |
katbrandall | I have vegan children sausages at home, I don't know what's going on at all | 1,260,069,581,051,265,000 | neu | I have vegan kid sausages at home, I don't know what's going on at all now | man mājās ir vegānie bērnu cīsiņi, tagad vispār nezinu kas notiek |
katbrandall | @DW_Immurs @ZPupola @ms_logina There are vegans who do it for the freedom of the mind and body, and they have a problem with the volume of Sodium in fake meat, which on the one hand is right, too much is not good, and one should look at how much is there. There are also those who think that vegans can't find meat to be tasty. That's a bit more stupid. | 1,260,069,435,882,209,300 | neg | @DW_Immurs @ZPupola @ms_logina There are vegans who do this for mind and body freedom and they have a problem with the volume of fake meat Sodium, which on the one hand is right, too much is not good and one must check how much is there. There are also those who think that vegans can’t like meat. It's a bit more stupid. | @DW_Immurs @ZPupola @ms_logina Ir vegāni, kas to dara prata un ķermeņa brīvībai un viņiem problema ar fake gaļas Sodium apjomu, kas no vienas puses ir pareizi, par daudz nav labi un jāskatās cik iekšā. Ir gan arī tādi, kam liekas, ka vegāniem gala nedrīkst garšot. Tas gan drusku stulbāk. |
saltups | @E_Stendzenieks If you like food and hate work, then you're healthy! | 1,259,985,507,691,507,700 | neu | @E_Stendzenieks If food tastes good and you hate work, then you're healthy! | @E_Stendzenieks Ja ēdiens smeķē un darbs riebjas, tad Tu i vesels! |
Kechupinsh | @biezpienmaize Mine absolutely needs the same as I eat. I'm trying to mostly eat what I can give to him. If not, the secretly. Otherwise he yells and cries. | 1,259,976,435,869,069,300 | neu | @biezpienmaize Mine definitely needs what I eat. I'm trying to eat what I can give him. If not, then in silence. Otherwise he yells and cries. | @biezpienmaize Manam obligāti vajag to, ko es ēdu. Maksimāli cenšos ēst to ko varu dot viņam. Ja nē tad, pa kluso. Savādāk bļauj un raud. |
9Vilnis | @tvitermaniaks @durvjupele @barbora_lv The wife ordered 4 “pcs” of pears. Brought 4 kg - four boxes. Now we are forcibly eating pears. You can't let them rot. | 1,262,296,831,700,205,600 | neu | @tvitermaniaks @durvjupele @barbora_lv The wife ordered 4 “pcs” pears. Brought 4 kg - four boxes. Now we are eating pears forcibly. You can't let them rot. | @tvitermaniaks @durvjupele @barbora_lv Sieva pasūtīja 4 "gab." bumbierus. Atveda 4 kg - četras kastītes. Tagad ēdam bumbierus piespiedu kārtā. Nevar tak ļaut sapūt. |
kursorslv | U.S. sales of artificial meat hit record | 1,262,296,194,086,244,400 | neu | U.S. sales of artificial meat hit records | Mākslīgās gaļas pārdošanas apjomi ASV sasnieguši rekordus |
anetekiseleva | @debes_manna Thank you, Iveta! Today, such primitive activities as cooking, cleaning the bathroom, and writing up a shopping list helped me get myself together. The good old trick of regaining control over at least some areas of life, right? | 1,262,025,253,989,101,600 | pos | @debes_manna Thank you, Iveta! Today, such primitive activities like cooking, cleaning the bathroom, and drawing up a shopping list helped me get myself together. The old good trick of regaining control at least over some areas of life, right? | @debes_manna Paldies, Iveta! Šodien palīdzēja savākties tādas primitīvas darbības kā ēst gatavošana, vannasistabas tīrīšana un iepirkumu saraksta sastādīšana. Vecais labais triks ar kontroles atgūšanu vismaz pār kaut kādām dzīves jomām, right? |
f_arnis | @VentsAKrauklis A gypsy complaining to a neighbor: Kids have become spoiled, refusing to eat egg soup ( eats boiled eggs by himself, gives the liquid to children):) | 1,262,020,342,400,286,700 | neg | @VentsAKrauklis A gypsy complaining to a neighbor: kids have become very picky, not eating egg soup (eats boiled eggs himself, gives the liquid to the kids):) | @VentsAKrauklis Čigāns sūdzās kaimiņam: bērni baigi izlepuši, olu zupu neēd ( izvārītās olas pats apēd, šķidrumu dod bērniem):) |
vikuciiic | I stuffed myself with meatballs, im happy | 1,262,012,556,023,140,400 | pos | I ate a lot of meatballs, I’m happy | es pieēdos kotletes, im happy |
snowytvarj | @maljorka I do it sometimes and I very much like plain vegetables with salt. | 1,259,760,113,797,259,300 | pos | @maljorka I do it like that sometimes and I very much like the taste of simply vegetables with salt. | @maljorka es tā reizēm daru un man ļoti garšo vienkārši dārzeņi ar sāli. |
koshi_peleeks | Yesterday I found greetings from both children in the mailbox (Thank you also @latvijas_pasts!) and when going to sleep the boy spontaneously peppered me with countless kisses (it never happens), now I am enjoying breakfast in bed while the little ones are making cake with dad in the kitchen. Pure happiness. ♥️ | 1,259,374,561,260,339,200 | pos | Yesterday I found greetings from both children in my mailbox (Thank you also @latvijas_pasts!) and when going to sleep the boy spontaneously smothered me with countless kisses (it never happens), now I’m enjoying breakfast in bed while the little ones are baking a cake with Daddy in the kitchen. Pure happiness. ♥️ | Vakar atradu pastkastē apsveikumus no abiem bērniņiem (Paldies arī @latvijas_pasts!) un gulētejot puisītis spontāni nobēra ar neskaitāmām bučiņām (tas nekad nenotiek), tagad baudu brokastis gultā, kamēr mazie kopā ar tēti virtuvē cep kūku. Tīra laime. ♥️ |
meta_sniedze | The morning started magically for 3 reasons. The first - the fantastic warmth that the sun gives us.☀️ The other - the every morning jog, which causes every cell in the body to wake up. | 1,259,373,360,234,082,300 | pos | The morning started magically due to 3 reasons. The first - the fantastic warmth given to us by the sun. ☀️ Second - the every morning jog that makes every cell in the body wake up. | Rīts iesācies burvīgi 3 iemeslu dēļ. Pirmais - fantastiskais siltums, ko mums dod saule.☀️ Otrs - ikrīta krosiņš, kas liek pamosties ikvienai šūniņai ķermenī. |
depresivakuce | crisps #seif 02:02 | 1,259,257,493,257,097,200 | neu | chips #seif 02:02 | čipsi #seif 02:02 |
dyonceeee | I want chocolate ice cream | 1,259,251,889,851,555,800 | neu | I want chocolate ice cream | gribu šokolādes saldējumu |
HuntingTheLiars | @frakcija @lastguru_net That they do not support. It's not beneficial for them that people eat healthy and live long. Too much pension to pay. | 1,260,420,711,241,449,500 | neg | @frakcija @lastguru_net That's what they don't support. It's not beneficial for them that people eat healthy and live long. Too much pension to pay. | @frakcija @lastguru_net To gan viņi neatbalsta. Viņiem nav izdevīgi, ka cilvēki ēd veselīgi un dzīvo ilgi. Pārāk daudz pensijas jāmaksā. |
Naktene | @DvinuMamma On-the-spot cooked herring ice cream is served on freshly beat and flame-heated egg white. I must say, it was Estonians. There at the moment the so-called Nordic fusion is in fashion. | 1,259,607,139,460,567,000 | neu | @DvinuMamma On the spot cooked herring ice cream is served on a freshly scrambled and flame-heated egg white. It must be said, it was Estonians. Currently the so-called Nordic fusion is popular there. | @DvinuMamma Uz vietas gatavots siļķu saldējums pasniegts uz svaigi kulta un liesmā uzkarsēta olas baltuma. Jāsaka gan, tie bija igauņi. Tur šobrd t.s. nordic fusion gaumē. |
atheist_from_lv | @Naktene My dog gets fresh meat only from the hunt and then, artiodactyl or neighboring lamb. I don't believe raw meat on the market... | 1,259,604,061,151,809,500 | neg | @Naktene my dog gets fresh meat only from hunting and then, even-toed ungulates, or neighboring lamb. I don't believe the raw meat in the market... | @Naktene mans suns svaigu gaļu dabū tikai no medījuma un tad, pārnadžu, vai kaimiņu jēra. Tirgū jēlai gaļai neticu... |
Naktene | @atheist_from_lv I've never cooked meat dishes in my life. If I tried to cook, it would probably be, first of all, vomited all over, second, unenjoyable. If friends want meat or alcohol, they bring it to me themselves. I do not impose anything on anyone. | 1,259,602,348,164,472,800 | neg | @atheist_from_lv I've never cooked meat dishes in my life. If I tried to cook, it would probably be, first of all, vomited, second, unenjoyable. If friends want meat or alcohol, they bring it to me themselves. I do not impose anything on anyone. | @atheist_from_lv Es nekad mūžā neesmu gatavojusi gaļas ēdienus. Ja mēģinātu pagatavot, tas droši cien būtu, pirmkārt, apvemts, otrkārt, nebaudāms. Ja draugi vēlas gaļu vai alkoholu, tie paši pie manis to atved. Nevienam neko neuzspiežu. |
Naktene | @atheist_from_lv Because it would be unkind to guests? Omnivores usually eat carrots and peas, but vegetarians don't eat chicken hearts. In other words, it would not matter for some, but for others a blow of the hammer on their necks. Therefore, perhaps you should not, if you respect the ones you invite over. | 1,259,600,696,107,819,000 | neg | @atheist_from_lv Because it would be unkind to guests? Omnivores usually eat carrots and peas, but vegetarians don't eat chicken hearts. In other words, it would be irrelevant for some, but for others like a blow of the hammer to their necks. Therefore, perhaps you should not, if you respect the ones you invite as guests. | @atheist_from_lv Tāpēc, ka tas būtu nelaipni pret ciemiņiem? Visēdāji parasti ēd arī burkānus un zirnīšus, bet veģetārieši vistu sirdis ne. Respektīvi, vieniem tas būtu vienalga, citiem āmura belziens pa kaklu. Tādēļ varbūt nevajag, ja respektē tos, ko aicini ciemos. |
EsEsmuTuEsmuEs | @GMeluskans Well good morning :D people choose not to eat meat for ethical reasons. Even if they like the taste | 1,259,595,831,046,475,800 | pos | @GMeluskans Well good morning :D people choose not to eat meat for ethical reasons. Regarding taste - it’s good | @GMeluskans Nu labrīt :D cilvēki izvēlas neēst gaļu ētisku apsvērumu dēļ. Garšot jau garšo |
atheist_from_lv | the next time vegans visit me, I'll prepare a carrot-pea stew, but chicken hearts instead of carrots, stomachs instead of peas. Well all is chill, if you can substitute meat in a cutlet with a soy, why not the other way around? | 1,259,593,549,559,054,300 | neg | next time when vegans come to visit, I'll serve a carrot-pea stew, but instead of carrots, chicken hearts, and stomachs instead of peas. Well then everything is chill, if you can substitute meat in a cutlet with a soy, why on the other way around?! | nākamreiz, kad būs ciemā vegāni, pasniegšu burkānu-zirnīšu sautējumu, bet burkānu vietā vistu sirdis, zirnīšu vietā māgas. Nu viss čill, ja var kotketē gaļu aizstāt ar doju, kāpēc no otrādi?! |
annabindere | @ArvisKolmanis @GMeluskans Btw, I don't hate that people eat meat — I understand, they're used to it —, but, for example, tofu lets you expand the horizon. In the end, in Asian cuisine, especially Japanese, it appears quite a lot. | 1,259,593,372,005,798,000 | pos | @ArvisKolmanis @GMeluskans Btw, I don't hate that people eat meat — I understand, they’re used to it — but, for example, tofu lets you expand the horizon. In the end, in the Asian dishes, especially Japanese, it appears quite a lot. | @ArvisKolmanis @GMeluskans Btw, man nebesī, ka cilvēki ēd gaļu — es saprotu, pie tā ir pierasts —, bet, piem., tofu ļauj paplašināt apvāršņus. Galu galā Āzijas virtuvē, it īpaši japāņu, tas figurē gana daudz. |
ahmdhm | @reallygayTM2 for breakfast ganja + Gin and tonic. for dinner cottage cheese with radishes and cucumber | 1,256,011,338,469,556,200 | neu | @reallygayTM2 for breakfast ganja+jintonic. for dinner cottage cheese with radishes and cucumber | @reallygayTM2 brokastīs ganja+džintoniks. vakariņās biezpiens ar redīsiem un gurķi |
editeu | @gerda_c If you don't count tea picking, then selling beer and snacks in big concerts (Elton John, Depeche Mode, etc.). The unused barrels remained for us. We poured in the empty bottles of lemonade from the trash .. It was a good time :D | 1,255,981,583,091,339,300 | pos | @gerda_c If you don't count picking tea, then selling draft beer and snacks in big concerts (Elton John, Depeche Mode etc.). The unused barrels remained for us. We poured it in empty bottles of lemonade from trash cans .. It was a good time :D | @gerda_c Ja neskaita tējas lasīšanu, tad izlejamā alus un uzkodu pārdošana lielajos koncertos (Elton John, Depeche Mode u.tml.). Neizlietās mucas palika mums. Salējām tukšajās limonādes pudelēs no miskastes .. Bija labs laiks :D |
ms_logina | @gerda_c But my first favorite job was in the summer when I was 15 and I was selling ice cream at Vecāķi Beach. That was the life. I was selling it right at the station, people were there only when the trains came, in the remaining time I was reading books (circa one per day), and eating a lot of ice cream. | 1,255,969,381,231,853,600 | pos | @gerda_c But my first favorite job was in the summer when I was 15 and I was selling ice cream at Vecāķi beach. That was the life. I was selling it right at the station, people were around only when the trains came, during the rest of the time I was reading books (circa one a day), and eating a lot of ice cream. | @gerda_c Bet mans pirmais mīļākais darbs bija vasarā, kad man bija 15 un es tirgoju saldējumu Vecāķu pludmalē. Tā tik bija dzīve. Tirgoju tieši pie stacijas, cilvēki bija tikai tad, kad nāca vilcieni, pārējā laikā lasīju grāmatas (apm. vienu dienā), un ēdu daudz saldējuma. |
paleogleja | @depresivakuce I think of other people as pieces of cake when I say, “i'd like a piece of that cake” lmao | 1,256,839,843,189,055,500 | pos | @depresivakuce I think of other people as pieces of cake when I say, “i'd like a piece of that cake” lmao | @depresivakuce es gan par citiem cilvēkiem domāju kā par kūkas gabaliem, kad saku: "i'd like a piece of that cake" lmao |
DzeneDace | @Eriks_the_Great @Ingridaa_S @ArvisKolmanis @VRudzitis Then don't bother. The measure of your values is bloody pieces of meat with which you are showing off publicly? I, for example, don't care about them. | 1,256,810,178,831,421,400 | neg | @Eriks_the_Great @Ingridaa_S @ArvisKolmanis @VRudzitis Then don’t. Is the measure of your values bloody pieces of meat which you show off publicly? I, for example, don't care about them. | @Eriks_the_Great @Ingridaa_S @ArvisKolmanis @VRudzitis Tad nelien. Tavu vērtību mērs ir asiņaini gaļas gabali ar kuriem Tu plāties publiski? Mani, piemēram tie neinteresē. |
mariiEbooks | What does cardboard taste like. And all that is in the wrong century. | 1,256,765,770,933,121,000 | neu | How cardboard tastes. And all that is in the wrong century. | Kā garšo kartons. And all that is in the wrong century. |
mafija420 | I like orange juice, but I'll never drink it by itself | 1,256,702,064,429,858,800 | pos | I like orange juice, but I'll never drink it on it’s own | man garšo apelsīnu sula, bet es nekad to nedzeršu vienu pašu |
jointdivision | @bobijsvelns I like elvis or festivalburgers | 1,257,373,828,709,302,300 | pos | @bobijsvelns I like elvis or festivalburgers | @bobijsvelns Man garšo elvis vai festivalburgers |
sankuperis | I ate a McDonald's in honor of Latvia's independence | 1,257,371,255,004,635,100 | pos | I ate McDonald’s in honor of the independence of Latvia | Apēdu makdonaldu par godu Latvijas neatkarībai |
Subsets and Splits